#joshua dun images
warmglowofsurvival · 1 year
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Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for MTV
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malfoys-demigod · 5 years
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Imagine Tyler trying to make Josh ask you out.
What if Tyler saw the way Josh would look at you. He found it cute, and would tease him whenever you were nearby. Then, later on Tyler would encourage him to ask you out already!
Sometimes Tyler would say, “Dude, c’mon you have to ask her already!” Or would nudge him whenever you would say hi to them.
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tialaises · 4 years
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Alexa play We Got The Beat
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tylercliquetrash · 7 years
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charmingjoseph · 7 years
always;brendon x reader
hi this took forever i’m so sorry
i hope y’all enjoy
you actually got out of work early for once, and planned to surprise your boyfriend with your arrival. when you walked through the door, immediately you noticed something was off. a smack came from your guys’ room, which caught your attention. so, of course, your curiously brought you to the door, a trail of clothing down the hallway. your breath hitched as you slowly opened the door, to see your boyfriend. with another guy. in your bed.
“am i not enough for you?” your loud and obviously restrained voice rang through the small room, making the brunette almost fall off of it. “baby! no! it’s- it’s not what it looks like.” he quickly tried to make up an excuse, but of course you were having absolutely none of his nonsense.
“bullshit!” you yelled, and the other man, a blonde guy with pretty green eyes that looked just so innocent and unknowing got off of the bed, grabbing his clothing and putting it on, giving brendon time to about three quarters of the way before he bolted out of the room and through the front door, the crisp noise of the wood filling the house as neither of you knew what to say or how to say it.
“y/n, pl-” brendon began, but you cut him off before he could get any farther than that.
“don’t say a fucking word.” you snarled, easily standing over him. “i can’t believe i trusted you! what a stupid decision that was. of course you’d do something like this. i guess all of those rumors were true.” of course you regretted that immediately.
brendon was rumored as the major player, the bed hopper in your area. you started off as a one night stand with him, then friends with benefits, and then you both realized your hearts wanted each other. brendon told you he'd leave everything behind, for you. you trusted him immediately, knowing he wouldn't.
then-- then he did.
he broke everything.
he ruined it all.
and now, you walked out of the door, leaving the brunette behind. you wouldn't come back to that apartment, that made you cry whenever you so much as thought of the events that happened on that night. how brendon broke your heart, how he thought you were so ‘replaceable.’
pathetic, you were. to believe in him.
after that, you were purely shocked to see brendon on the cover of a magazine. it had been about three years, and there he was. his hair was different, but his eyes still held excitement and his smile still held love as he grinned on the cover of it.
the brunette had been in a band for a very long time now, even way before the two of you got together. he always told you he'd make it big.
though you hated him, you always believed in him. you always bought and listened to his music after that day, curious as to how he's grown and what he's done. his voice was as smooth as honey.
as you looked around your living room, you thought about everything you two had. all of the memories that you could never get back, no matter how hard you clutch onto them. it hurt. everything hurt. you felt numb, dead with emotion as tears streaked down your face. a sob wracked through your body as you typed in concerts in your area, then ‘panic! at the disco.’
‘death of a bachelor tour, madison square garden.’ it was a week from now, and there was barely any tickets left. the only ones were in the front row, as they were too expensive. not too expensive for you, though. you clicked the ‘buy’ button, and the order went through.
you had to see him again. no matter what. needed to see his face, just to know what you're missing.
you walked in the cold streets of new york city, trying not to get spoken to by anyone. people tried to hit on you, which you quickly declined. your feet went quicker as you heard screaming, but in a group. it was gleeful, and obviously by a girl.
then you saw him.
brendon, rushing down the street, his head down, sunglasses on even though it was dark by now. you tried to yell out to him. he looked up quickly, taking a moment to recognize you, as your looks had changed as did his. your heart stopped, and so did you. you thought you'd be prepared, you thought you'd know what to do, but you stood there, staring like you didn't know what else to do, because you didn't know what else to do.
he froze too.
“y-y/n…” brendon muttered, taking his glasses off to reveal the brown eyes that made your heart go faster than it ever had been. “b-b-” you began, but the other was quickly taken away by management, yelling at him about how soon the show was starting.
your best friend, cole, had come with you, as you knew you couldn't do this alone. it scared you too much. of course, the little shit was walking at turtle speed, so he just arrived when brendon left, complaining about how it was cold and dark. he saw the look on your face, his eyebrows furrowing.
“y/n, are you alright?” he asked, concerned for you. “b- b- br-” you started.
“brother, briber, bring? speak to me, y/n!” he shook your shoulders. “brendon.” you mumbled, and his face dropped. “oh god, you saw him? like-- face to face?” he asked, and you nodded feverishly. “oh god…” you could tell cole didn't know quite what to say, seeing the way he looked down and shuffled his feet.
“yeah, i know. he was… everything i thought he'd be.” you mumbled, sniffling. you didn't like to cry, but stress always made you break down.
“it'll be okay. come on, the concert is starting soon.” cole grabbed your wrist, ensuring you wouldn't get lost. though you were taller than brendon, cole was much taller than you, along with most of the crowd. the two of you ventured into the entrance, having to fight your way but you two ended up making it in the end, and finding your seats. front row. the clear view of the stage excited but scared.
the concert started, everyone screaming as loud as they possibly could, and you stood there, in shock. even cole was cheering, jumping up and down excitedly, while you waited. a drumroll went, and then sharply ceased, before the one and only came out.
he threw his arms up in the air, and everyone cheered. he seemed so confident, like that was where he belonged. which is was.
you ended up getting into the concert after hearing his voice. it was smooth, just like you remembered it when he used to play with your hair and sing to you. then it happened.
he saw you, in the crowd, and stopped. stopped singing, stopped moving. the crowd didn't know whether to clap, cheer, be concerned? everyone stood there, in silence, along with you and brendon.
“alright alright alright. i want to invite someone up onto the stage, someone i haven't seen in a… a little while now for-- top secret reasons. their name is y/n.” he said, and you looked to cole in panic, you helped you up onto the stage, backing away.
you stood there, in complete shock, your brain not able to comprehend what the hell was going on. was this real life? you couldn't tell.
“i want to dedicate this song, to you.” brendon said, and the crowd absolutely screeched. you looked out to the audience, your eyes blinded by the lights. you looked to cole, who gave you a thumbs up.
he began to sing, that damn song. the song he'd sing to you to calm you down, the song he'd sing you when you both were exhausted. it was practically your lullaby.
tears brinked in your eyes as everything seemed to move in slow motion, your heart pounding as he continued to sing. after the song, he delivered a small speech, off of the top of his head.
“y/n is someone that deserves an apology from me, though it's a little late. i'm sorry, y/n. i'm happy you're here. it's good to see you agai--” brendon could barely finish his sentence before you tackled him in a hug.
and just like that, your life was aligned, as the person you'd longed for had changed everything about his life around and come back into it.
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Ty Dye
Tyler Joseph Imagine
Summary: The reader decides to dye her hair to surprise Tyler. When Tyler wakes up from his “nap,” he finds a surprise bigger than he expected.
(A/N): Hope this isn’t too terrible but it probably is. Sorry (not really) about the title being a pun…
Warnings: None.
Tyler x reader (boyfriend x girlfriend)
Josh x reader (best friends)
Word Count: 3,470 (yikes)
When your best friend Josh suggested you dye your hair, you instantly refused. You’ve had your natural hair color since birth and you weren’t changing that anytime soon. Well, that’s that you believed. It was only a day later when you and Josh were driving to the store to pick up Tyler when you actually considered it.
“C'mon, (Y/N) you’d look great with red hair,” Josh nagged, looking towards you and away from the busy road.
“Dun, keep your eyes on the dang road!” you yelled from the passenger’s seat.
Josh scoffed and focused on driving again. A few moments later you noticed him trying to hide a smirk.
“What now?” you pestered.
“If you dye your hair, maybe we could also get Tyler to try it… I mean of course you don’t have to, not like you want to see your boyfriend with firey red hair too, hmm?” Josh looked very smug saying this.
You actually considered what Josh was suggesting. Tyler would look good with vibrant hair, you could imagine it. You’d love to run your fingers through his soft crimson curls. The problem here was the fact that Tyler would refuse to dye his mocha hair every time the topic came up. You wanted to dye your hair even if Tyler wouldn’t, but you still had doubts.
“What if I don’t like it?” you asked Josh.
“Well, maybe we could only dye the ends? That way you can just get your hair cut after a couple of days if you don’t like it,” he pointed out.
“Will my hair end up getting damaged?”
You saw Josh raise his eyebrows.
“Trust me, I’m pretty positive I know which brands are the best. My hair has always been colored ever since you’ve met me anyways.”
Josh pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store.
“Red right?” he asked.
You nodded.
“I’ll go pick up Tyler and then get the stuff we need. Oh and maybe we should keep this a secret from him, I’d love to see his reaction to the both of you with dyed hair,” Josh stepped out of the car before you had the chance to ask how it would be possible to discretely dye Tyler’s hair.
Your thought was interrupted by the car door behind the passenger’s seat being opened. The first thought that came to your mind was Lovely, I’m being abducted but a friendly face greeted you instead. Tyler gave you a small smile.
“Hey Ty,” you returned his smile.
“I passed Josh while walking to the car. He briefly said he had to pick up some stuff too which is shocking since the dude usually pesters me to do that,” Tyler thought out loud.
“Oh, mhm.”
An awkward moment of silence passed between the two of you. You were bad at keeping secrets and whatever Josh had in mind for a plan would probably end up getting to Tyler somehow. Everything and anything happening to you was usually immediately said to Tyler. You felt guilty not being able to tell him about your hair. Even though it was just hair you didn’t want to keep anything from him.
Your uncomfortable situation was saved by Josh unlocking the car that was already unlocked. You were surprised at how quick he was in and out of the store.
“You know, you should lock the car once you leave it. Someone could’ve stolen the car or me,” you scoffed.
Josh made sure to hide the hair products underneath the seat before taking note of what you said.
“Let’s be honest here, if anything was about to happen you, Tyler would smell it- or sense it? Whatever. But he would know from miles away,” he laughed.
“That’s highly possible,” said Tyler.
“But is it plausible?” you asked both of them.
15 minutes later you arrived home back at yours and Tyler’s apartment building. Josh lived in the same complex, a useful factor when Tyler had music ideas or if the three of you just wanted to hang out.
“So what’s in the bag,” Tyler gestured to the flimsy plastic bag Josh was carrying.
Josh froze for a couple seconds, probably trying to decide whether or not to lie to Tyler.
“Hair dye,” he said blankly.
You were surprised when Tyler didn’t question him any further, but it wasn’t unusual for Josh to be buying hair color. After all, his hair hadn’t been its natural color for many years. The three of you made your way towards the front doors and inside the building. You were walking up the second flight of stairs when you stopped.
“Aw, darn, wait I forgot my phone in Josh’s car,” you lied. You felt guilty again for trying to be distant from Tyler.
Josh saw you checking your phone just a couple moments earlier so he took the hint.
“Alright, Tyler why don’t you go up to you guys’ place and do whatever. The car is locked so I’ll go with (Y/N) real quick,” he played along.
“You sure?” Tyler asked.
“Tyler, the car is literally two seconds away, I’ll be fine,” you reassured him.
You patted his back softly and spun around, heading back down the stairs with Josh while Tyler continued ascending. In a couple minutes you were through the lobby and out the front doors.
“So what do you really need?” Josh asked.
“First of all what’s in the bag the bag and how are we going to dye Tyler’s hair secretly?” you crossed your arms.
“I bought four boxes of the hair dye because you’ve got a heck ton of hair and just in case anything goes wrong. Plus we’ve got Tyler’s too. Better be safe than sorry. Oh, and I also got some sleeping medicine because that’ll come in handy later when we dye Tyler’s hair,” Josh said this as if it was no big deal.
You raised your eyebrows at Josh as he showed you the sleeping medicine. It was one of the strongest brands. Soon his plan clicked together.
“We’re going to drug my boyfriend and dye his hair while he sleeps,” you stated.
Josh only grinned and pulled you by your arm back into the building.
“Better hurry up before he gets suspicious, right?”
Tyler was sitting on your living room couch playing video games when you entered the apartment, which didn’t surprise you.
“Hi guys,” he said in a monotone voice without looking away from the TV.
You removed your shoes and walked over to sit next to Tyler on the couch. Josh passed you on his way to the bathroom with the hair dye. He quickly placed a finger to his lips to hint at you to stay quiet.
You leaned your head on Tyler’s shoulder.
“So what do you want to do for the rest of the day, Ty?”
“Dunno, maybe Josh needs help dying his hair or something later. But we can do whatever you want now.” Tyler yawned while pausing his game and placing the controller down.
You were unsure of what to sugguest, but you wanted to be sweet to Tyler considering his hair was going to be dyed without his permission.
“No, it’s alright. Let’s do whatever you want to do Ty,” you pecked a kiss on his cheek.
“Whatever I want to do?”
“On second thought, never mind,” you hit Tyler’s shoulder playfully.
“Oh heck, I’m still here you know. I can hear you two!” Josh yelled from the bathroom.
“How about Josh and I make some lunch? It’s getting late. You stay here, Tyler. Finish your game or something,” you raised your voice while saying “Josh and I” so Josh would get your hint once again.
Sure enough, Josh made his way out of the bathroom and met you in your kitchen. Thankfully, your kitchen had a wall separating it from the living room so Tyler wouldn’t be able to hear your conversation with Josh.
“Now what’s the plan? Keep in mind this is all your idea though,” you laughed softly.
“Well we need Tyler to consume the sleeping medicine so I was thinking we could put it in his drink or something,” Josh removed the medicine from its plastic bag.
You took it from him and unscrewed the lid. To your surprise, the solution was clear and wouldn’t affect the color of whatever Tyler wanted to drink.
“I like your brain, Dun.”
Josh nodded and stepped out of the kitchen momentarily.
“Tyler, what do you want to drink?” he asked.
“Apple juice is fine,” you heard your boyfriend mumble. You chuckled at Tyler’s choice, he acted like such a child at times.
Josh returned to the kitchen.
“So the medicine is grape flavored which is a slight issue. Good he didn’t choose water though yikes- anyways we might have to give him the medicine in two rounds so he doesn’t taste the grape,” he pulled the apple juice out of the refrigerator.
“Tyler’s pretty oblivious to multiple things so he most likely won’t notice the medicine. He’s too focused on his game anyways. You go do that while I make us lunch.”
You two shuffled around the kitchen, you prepared the meal while Josh mixed the medicine into two glasses of juice. Suddenly, you were worried that what you were doing wasn’t safe. Could you mix sleeping medicine into a drink and consume it without somehow being harmed?“
“Josh, is this safe?” you whispered to your friend while fixing up the last sandwich.
“Of course,” he grinned, “I did it to my siblings all the time.”
Josh carried a glass of drugged apple juice to Tyler while you brought a sandwich to him. You weren’t surprised when Tyler was still playing his video game. He saw you two approach and paused it. You and Josh set his food on the coffee table in front of him.
“Oh wow thanks guys. You’re being pleasant today, Josh, that’s a shocker,” Tyler said while picking up his glass.
Josh smiled nervously. You sat down next to Tyler, but held your breath as he took a sip of juice. Both you and Josh were silent.
Tyler continued drinking but looked between you two with a confused expression. You and Josh exchanged a hopeless glance, surely Tyler knew something was up.
He set his glass down.
You finally exhaled and saw Josh do the same. You smiled at Tyler.
“Just eat your food, buddy,” you ruffled your boyfriend’s hair before making your way to the kitchen again. Josh joined you shortly.
You two waited for Tyler to finish his lunch before eating yours. Tyler got up to get more juice but Josh sat him down again, sheepishly passing another drugged glass to him.
You joined Tyler once again while he was finishing his second glass.
“Hey babe,” he slurred
“You tired?” you hopefully asked.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” Tyler mumbled and wrapped his arms around you. He slowly began to lean against you.
“Uh- I can tell I suppose. Why don’t you get some sleep, Ty?”
“This is weird, I’m never tired during the afternoon. Why am I sleepy (Y/N)?”
While remaining quiet, you craned your neck to get a look at Tyler’s face. His eyelids we’re drooping quickly.
“Because you drank a heck load of sleeping medicine sweetie.”
“What? I wouldn’t- how di-” Tyler started but didn’t finish. His body started leaned fully onto yours until you were lying next to Tyler on the couch, his arms still wrapped tightly around yours.
“Josh!” you whisper shouted.
He jogged into the room and frowned but then grinned at your current situation.
“Just move, he’s not going to hear or feel a single thing.”
Sure enough you removed Tyler’s arms from around your waist and stood up. Tyler remained asleep.
“He’s going to kill us when he finds out what we’re about to do to his hair,” you shook your head.
“Better get on with it then,” Josh stated.
It was a strange process– preparing to dye a knocked out person’s hair. Josh wanted to drag Tyler to the bathroom but you argued that he would wake up. Eventually, you two decided to just line part of the couch with plastic bags in a feeble attempt to protect it. Again, Tyler didn’t wake up or even fidget. “Josh… what if… he’s dead,” anxiety filled you.
Josh placed the bags in his hands down slowly and made his way over to Tyler’s sleeping form. He placed two fingers on Tyler’s neck, feeling for his pulse, then looked at you with wide eyes, his mouth parted slightly.
“JOSH!” you dropped everything you were carrying and darted to Tyler.
“There’s a pulse,” he beamed at you.
You smacked Josh’s leg.
“Why am I even friends with you… just dye his fricking hair, Dun.”
Coloring Tyler’s hair looked enjoyable but unusual at the same time, considering that he was fully knocked out. You watched Josh work dye into Tyler’s hair in awe. You wanted to help, but didn’t want to screw up his hair even more than it already would be. Within about 10 minutes, Tyler’s fluffy hair was now damp and fully covered in the red solution. The process of planning and getting Tyler to fall asleep took five times as long as the dyeing.
“This is so evil,” Josh muttered and stood up.
“Like I said, your idea. Not mine. Plus you’re the one who did all the work,” you giggled.
“Yeah, whatever. Anyways it’s time to color yours,” he smirked.
You sighed and shuffled to your bathroom. Josh followed you with a chair from the dining and a couple dark towels. He placed a towel around your neck as you sat down in front of the mirror.
“Just know if you end up screwing up my hair or staining anything in this bathroom- including me and my clothes- I will slather dye on your face,” you warned him.
“I’ll try my best not to, I don’t want to look related to a tomato anytime soon,” Josh chuckled.
Before you knew it, Josh announced he was done dyeing the ends of your hair. You looked at your reflection in the mirror.
“Oh,” you said.
“It’s not going to look red until you wash it out. Wait an hour through,” Josh instructed.
“Yeah, I’m not that dumb Josh. Anyways, we have to wash out Tyler’s hair now don’t we?” 
Josh knocked over a tube of hair color, which was luckily still sealed, and turned towards you. His face began to turn pink.
“I might have forgotten about that part,” Josh groaned, “we need to get Tyler into the bathtub then.”
You and Josh found yourselves in another awkward situation. The living room was located on one side of your apartment while the bathroom was on the other side. Both of you frowned at Tyler’s sleeping form once again.
“He’s not going to wake up, right?” you questioned Josh without looking at him.
“He’s been sleeping for two hours so I don’t really know, I don’t think he will” he mumbled back.
You made your way over to Tyler’s legs while Josh stood by his head. Josh lifted Tyler and shifted him up by pulling him from under his arms then setting him down again. His head and neck lolled off the couch’s arm rest. You burst out laughing at Tyler’s posture while Josh just smiled and shushed you.
“Quiet, he could wake up you know!” he scolded.
You stifled your giggles and grabbed Tyler’s ankles in an attempt to help Josh carry Tyler to the bathroom.
“Lift him on three- one, two, three,” Josh instructed.
You and Josh awkwardly carried Tyler to the bathroom. During the trek, Tyler’s still damp and dyed hair somehow ended up smearing on Josh’s shirt. Josh cursed at Tyler’s limp figure as the dye soaked into his light colored shirt.
Tyler was placed in the bathtub gently on his back. He remained asleep.
“I still think he’s dead,” you scowled.
“If he’s not dead already, he will be soon because we’ll probably drown him on accident,” Josh pointed out.
Reaching into the tub, you bent Tyler’s legs up a little more and pulled him towards the end of the tub as much as you could so he wouldn’t be directly under the stream of water. You let go and both of his legs fell to the side, making his waist twist in an uncomfortable looking way.
“Oh gosh Tyler I’m so sorry,” you reached over to try and fix him again but Josh stopped you.
“Leave him be. Let’s just wash the dang dye out and get this over with.”
Josh slowly turned the knob so there was a slow stream of water. He guided it with his hand towards Tyler’s hair. A trail of tinted red water lead from his hair to the drain. You suddenly realized the two of you didn’t use your brains to its full potential. When you splash water on your face, you feel refreshed and more awake.
You were about to stop Josh when of course, he accidentally splashed water on Tyler’s face. Tyler groaned.
Josh swore and you froze, both of you had your eyes glued to Tyler’s face. The running water suddenly seemed like the loudest noise in the universe as you waited for Tyler to react. Josh shut it off in a hurry.
To your absolute horror, Tyler’s eyelashes slowly fluttered open. His tired eyes made contact with yours and you stared back. This lasted about 20 seconds before Josh abruptly broke the silence.
“Whoops would you look at that! I think it’s time for me to go for a bit, I’m not dying today,” he frantically stood up, hands still dripping with water, and ran out the bathroom door. It slammed close.
You continued to watched Tyler grimly. He shifted around taking in his surroundings.
“(Y/N) why am I wet?” Tyler croaked.
“So, well-”
“Oh my God I’m dying. I’m dying aren’t I?” your boyfriend said as he reached to fix his soaked hair and brought his hand back down. Tyler examined his now red hand in horror and disgust.
“Why am I in the tub? Did I pass out? My head is bleeding. (Y/N)! You have blood on your hair, who did this to you?” Tyler continued to helplessly panic.
A small laugh came from Josh on the other side of the closed door.
“Tyler, baby your head is not bleeding and neither is mine,” you smiled down at Tyler who was still looking at you in shock.
He remained quiet while you turned on the water and finished rinsing out his almost fully washed hair. You washed out yours the best you could as well. To your surprise, he didn’t protest or question you.
“What happened to me?” Tyler timidly asked.
“We dyed your hair buddy!” Josh yelled from the other side of the door.
Tyler bolted up, mouth hanging open. His hands flew to the top of his head.
Before Tyler could get out, you threw a large towel over his face and pushed him back into the still wet tub.
“What did you two do to me?” his words were being muffled by the towel as you dried off his hair.
“Look Ty, I know you’ll be mad but it’ll look great,” you lifted the towel off of Tyler’s face and his concerned brown eyes examined you.
“So uh- Josh and I put sleeping medicine in the apple juice you wanted to drink and then when you were pretty much knocked out we dyed your hair and my ends red but this was all Josh’s idea so you should consult him about this situation,” you spoke very fast.
You leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Tyler’s cold lips before pulling him out of the bath tub. He wobbled a bit but let you pull him over in front of the mirror. Tyler’s hair was still slightly damp but now a deep crimson color. The ends of your hair matched his perfectly. You beamed at your boyfriend who was still soaked with water.
Tyler mirrored (oh that pun) the smile on your face before saying, “now we look extra.”
You frowned and hit Tyler lightly, pulling away from his embrace.
“Hey, I don’t think I deserved that. I was just drugged by my best friend and my girlfriend only to wake up in a tub filled with water and my hair an entirely different color,” Tyler pouted.
“You look great though, really. I’m surprised you’re not upset. But now we can do anything you want- just like I promised earlier,” you wrapped your arms around Tyler’s torso.
“Oh, anything?” Tyler smirked and pressed a kiss on the top of your head.
You pushed Tyler away from you.
“Shut up, Joseph.”
(A/N) I apologize for this being very overdue and awfully written.
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hedgerowdevil · 4 years
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Mood board for my eBook, THE SILENT QUARTER, available now to download.
Here is an exclusive except:
The rattling roar of the engine cut through the eerie quiet as the Dodge Challenger tore across a landscape that kept repeating itself: Joshua trees and cottonwood trees, scrub and dun-colored rocks. Drab, coarse sand for miles. An old gas station, abandoned and left to decay in the heat seemed to materialize out of the shimmering haze. It seemed a good enough place to stop the car and stretch their legs, relieve bladders. Erin wondered how long the building had stood empty. Decades, probably. Abandoned before she was even born. On the building, a sign promising FRESH JERKY somehow remained virtually untouched by the ravages of sun, sand and vandalism that had done for the rest of the place. The windows had been boarded up, and the wooden canopy that stretched out from the building was disintegrating. An old and broken Pepsi vending machine leaned against the wall. A rattlesnake lay coiled in a slanted corner in the cabinet's shadow, testing the air with its tongue. As Nathan went around the back to urinate against the wall, Erin stepped through the open doorway into the still, baking heat of the gas station. Going from the searing sunlight into the darkness rendered her blind, so she remained in place as the outline of the interior slowly revealed itself. The air was thick and sharply pungent; it smelt as if animals had recently made the place a den. Flying bugs buzzed about in the dark. The slats of light that stabbed in through the doorway and gaps in the rotten wood covering the windows illuminated sections of the far wall. Erin could see it was covered in graffiti and strange markings. Curious, she went for a closer look. Cautiously, she made her way over to the wall. As she inspected images of running creatures that were daubed there, she heard something; a snuffling noise from some shadow-dark corner. Something was in the building with her. She could sense it moving somewhere in the dark, its eyes fixed on her. Erin dashed back toward the bright space of the doorway and made it outside into the intense sunlight. She looked back - nothing else emerged and the blackness beyond the door frame was impenetrable. She edged back to the doorway and tentatively peered in. Something clasped down on Erin's shoulder. She jumped and turned to see Nathan. "You done? What have you found?" "There's something in there," she told him, trying not to let a quaver in her voice betray her nerves. "Like what?" Nathan stepped into the doorway and looked about. "Can't see a thing in there. Fucking reeks, though." "Watch out, I think there might be an animal in there." Nathan peered into the gloom. It was too dark to see in so he went over to the window and began pulling at the wooden boards. They crumbled and snapped easily and soon the large space where the window once was stood open. Erin and Nathan looked inside. Motes of dust swirled madly in the air. The only object in the room was an upturned armchair, its upholstery torn apart. Along the far wall, Erin could make out the graffiti more clearly. It covered the wall from top to bottom. Unreadable glyphs made up most of it, but, above the images of the dark, running beasts and stick figures, and written out in clean block capitals, were the words SHADOW QUARTER. "Kids get fucking everywhere, don't they?" Nathan said. "I think it's pretty cool," Erin chuckled. She pulled out her phone and took a snap of the drawings. She admired the use of red and black and yellow. She noticed zig-zag pattern teepees and hook-beaked birds, possibly vultures; and a pack of wolves running among the Joshua trees, black paws outstretched, triangular eyes glowering. She wondered who could have passed by this way and made this. And when.
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misfvit-imagines · 8 years
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gifs are not mine
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Give Your Heart a Break
Part Five: Everything and More
Summary: Life comes full circle for you and Josh. Pairing: Josh x Reader Word Count: 2035 Warnings: None? A/N: This is the last part of this mini-series! I hope you’ve all enjoyed it. Looking forward to starting the new Josh series on Tuesday! Check out that series announcement here.
Series Masterlist
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The wedding was perfect. Your immediate family and Josh’s immediate family were in attendance to the simple ceremony at City Hall. Tyler served as Josh’s witness, and Julie served as yours. Afterwards, all of you went out to dinner at a nice, but not fancy, restaurant. The best part was, Julie was able to stave off the state taking custody of Charlie again until after the wedding. 
“It’s not to late to be in a nice hotel for our wedding night,” Josh offered on the way home. 
You shook your head. “We don’t know how much time we have with Charlie. Even just a car ride alone is enough for right now. We’ll have another wedding night.”
Josh smiled; the two of you had decided to do this now and have a big ceremony later, even if nothing was set in stone for the later date. “I kind of liked this, to be honest. Low key, close family and friends. Charlie.”
“Me too,” you smiled, squeezing his hand. 
Back at the house, Julie pulled her car in behind yours just a few minutes after you and Josh arrived home. Charlie, tired from a day of excitement, was asleep in his seat. 
“C’mon, buddy,” Josh said, lifting the little guy carefully from the backseat. “Let’s get you to bed.”
Charlie hardly moved, except to wrap himself around Josh. His cheeks were ruddy from sleep, but bright enough for you to feel his face as Josh walked by and into the house. 
“He’s okay,” your new husband assured. “Just warm from sleeping.”
You nodded, watching them as they went into the house. You finally had the family you had always wanted, with a love you searched a long time to have. 
“So,” you said, turning to Julie, “how long until this all gets taken away from me?”
Julie sighed. “Couple of days. You’ll have him for the weekend, and I’ll be here on Monday to pick him up. They wanted someone else to do that, but I fought to be the one — thought the familiarity might make things easier.”
You nodded again, tearing up at the idea of even one day without your son. Julie reached out to squeeze your hands. She bent down a little to catch your eye, forcing you to look at her. 
“It’s your wedding day, Y/N. Don’t worry about any of the rest of it today. Go enjoy the rest of the night with your son and your husband. You have the weekend, and starting Monday, we are going to fight to the death to keep Charlie in your custody. Okay?”
For the third time now, you could only nod. What were you supposed to say? You were elated, your heart was swelling with happiness … but right on the tail of that happiness, your world was growing very dark. 
Not long after Charlie was taken back by the state, Josh whisked you away to an island resort. The warm, fresh air helped your spirits, but it didn’t stop the almost constant images of Charlie as he waved goodbye to you when Julie carried him to her car that Monday morning. She had reported back to you later that leaving him with his new foster parents had been a complete disaster, but there was no way to prepare him for that. It was bound to go bad in any scenario. 
You sat on the beach with your husband, listening to the waves and trying to immerse yourself in the calm offered by the resort’s private beach. You had reached that zen state a few times since coming here, but you needed the peaceful feeling to be more continual. 
Josh playfully sprinkled sand over your legs, pulling you from your reverie. You smiled and brushed the sand away before reaching out to poke his side. You actually managed full-on laughter when he giggled like the Pillsbury dough boy. 
“Still thinking about him?”
“When am I not thinking about him,” you mumbled. You laid on your side to face Josh, propping yourself up on one elbow. “I’m sorry I’ve been a crummy vacation date. I’m trying — I know Julie is fighting hard for us, and we’ve done everything we can do. And then some, maybe. But he was ours, and now it’s this weird in between. Anyway, my point is, I’m trying. I promise.”
“I know you’re trying, Y/N,” Josh assured. He leaned forward to kiss you, his sunglasses sliding forward on his sunscreen covered nose. Josh pushed them back up to his eyes and inhaled the sea breeze. “I want to go back, but I also don’t want to go back.”
“Me too,” you said, returning to your back and nodding earnestly. 
The two of you made small talk for a while. Your eyes were drifting shut, your body relaxed and warm from the sun. You were vaguely aware of Josh standing up and dusting his shorts off, but until you were actually being lifted in the air and over his shoulder, you had no idea what his intentions were going to be. 
“Joshua William Dun!” you shouted, “Put me down!”
Through resounding laughter, Josh refused to surrender. He didn’t let you down until he had carried you waist-deep into the ocean; he dropped you into the water almost before you had time to hold your breath. You twirled around under a wave for a few seconds before coming back up for air. Loose strands of hair were matted to your face with water, and you were grateful that your lungs were able to refill with fresh, ocean air. 
Once you had composed yourself, you saw Josh laughed a few feet away. You scrunched your face up at him and swore vengeance. For the next hour that the two of you splashed around and tackled each other and swam through the waves, you had a good portion of the peace you had been missing. 
Back at home, life fell into a routine. Josh was gone here and there, but he was home when he could be. You traveled with him when you could get away from work. The both of you worked hard to make life as simple and normal as possible while you waited for word from Julie that a decision had been reached in Charlie’s adoption appeal. From your work with the community services center, you knew that, unless there was something threatening Charlie’s well-being, these cases could take a while to get through. 
Home only a few hours from a recent trip to LA, Josh locked himself in the office. You could hear his muffled voice whenever you passed by the closed door as you went about completing your chores for the day. When he finally came out from the office almost an hour after he had gone in, you questioned what he had been doing in there. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Josh assured, kissing your forehead. “Business stuff. What do you want to do for supper?”
The quick change of subject made you even more suspicious, but you tried to let it go. Josh had never held anything back from you, so if he was doing that now, there had to be a good reason. 
A week after Josh’s weird office hideaway, everything came to light. At Josh’s urging, you had taken the week off from work to spend time with him before touring started — even if that wasn’t for a few more months. Some time off never hurt, you decided, so you took the week off, took your time getting up and around, and enjoyed just being home with Josh. 
Around lunchtime, the doorbell rang. You set down the cup of tea in your hand and opened the door, frowning a little at the autumn breeze blowing in the house — but only until you realized Julie was standing on your front porch, holding Charlie on her hip. 
“Mama!” Charlie exclaimed, reaching out for you. 
“My boy!” you returned, taking him and holding him to you so tight, Charlie squirmed to be let loose. You kissed his face and snuggled against his baby-soft curls. 
Julie smiled at the reunion. “C’mon, let’s go inside.”
You carried Charlie inside; he stayed clinging to you until he saw Josh, at which point, he reached out for his favorite drummer. Josh grinned and took Charlie from your arms. 
“Are my cars still here?” Charlie asked. 
“They are! How about you and I can go play with them while Mama and Julie talk?”
Charlie nodded, leaning his head against Josh’s shoulder in much the same fashion as he had when the three of you came home after the wedding. Josh motioned for you to go with Julie; you wondered why he didn’t seem all that surprised that Charlie was back home. Did he really have that much more faith in the situation than you did?
After warming up your tea and making a cup for Julie, the two of you sat at the kitchen table to discuss. 
“Charlie’s been getting by with his foster family. They really were wonderful, Y/N, but I don’t think he warmed up to them like he did with you. Anyway,” she paused to sip her tea, momentarily leaving you in suspense, “a couple of days ago, Charlie’s biological mother came to us and said that she is retracting the appeal. Apparently she came into some money and — well, she didn’t come outright and say it, but that’s what the entire thing was about after she found out you were dating Josh.”
You narrowed your eyes and shook your head. “I should have known.”
“Does that change anything?”
“What would it change?”
Julie smiled. “Just checking. I didn’t think it would make you regret marrying Josh or anything, but I wanted to be sure.”
“Are you kidding me?” you asked, brows raised in supply. “That’s the best decision I have ever made. I don’t — honestly, Julie, I don’t know if I would have wanted to wait long, even if all of this hadn’t come up. He’s … there are no words. Josh is everything I’ve been looking for, but he’s more than that, too.”
“I’m happy for you, Y/N.” Julie reached over to squeeze your hand. “Enjoy your family. Can’t wait to see how it grows.”
She set her tea mug in the sink, winked at you, then let herself out. With a heart full of happiness and some suspicions nagging at the back of your mind, you made way to Charlie’s room. He and Josh were on the floor, playing with Charlie’s toy cars. You cleared your throat; Josh looked your way. He got up from the floor and came over to kiss you. 
“Long lost uncle, huh?” Josh said. 
You raised your brow. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, Charlie’s mom — got that inheritance from her long lost uncle and got what she wanted, so we got what we wanted.”
Again, you narrowed your eyes. “Even if you were eavesdropping, Josh, Julie didn’t say anything about how Charlie’s mom came into that money. But that’s an oddly specific assumption. I’m going to guess my suspicions are true then — you paid her off, didn’t you?”
Josh sighed. “You were so heartbroken, babe, and I missed Charlie like I never thought I could miss anyone. There’s an NDA, my lawyer has this thing airtight. No one’s gonna find out.”
For what you hoped would be the last time for a long time, tears spilled over and down your cheeks. “Josh …”
“Don’t be mad,” he pleaded. “I know you and Julie specifically told me not to do that —”
You interrupted his apology by throwing your arms around his neck. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me a family.”
“Y/N,” Josh whispered. “You and Charlie are the only family I ever want. Well, unless, you know, something happens and more babies come.”
You laughed through your tears, and Josh winked at you. “We’re gonna have a great life, aren’t we?”
“Yeah, I think we are,” Josh smiled. 
“Me too! Hug me too!” 
You and Josh both held an arm out to the little, curly-haired boy. The little boy who had brought you together and made you a family. 
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warmglowofsurvival · 1 year
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malfoys-demigod · 5 years
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This is Josh’s reaction when you surprise him by flying in, to watch him on tour.
Like Tyler could open the door of their dressing room and say, “Hey dude, guess who’s here!” And you come in the room with a big smile.
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All I Need~ Part 2
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Pairings: Josh Dun x Pregnant!Reader
Overview: You move to Columbus, Ohio to live with your brother after your ex-boyfriend becomes abusive after telling him of a surprise pregnancy. You become involved in the church and unknowingly befriend the Dun family. After finally meeting Josh, there’s a connection between the two of you that lands you in some complicated situations.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
Y/N = Your Name
Y/B/N = Your Brother’s Name
Part 1
You’d been living in Columbus for four weeks now and were finally settled in completely. You’d gotten a job working at a comic book shop of all places, were taking two classes at the community college just to continue your schooling, had gotten involved in the church more than you ever thought you would, and finally had your first ultrasound.
You sat on the edge of a hospital bed, leaning back on your hands to give your growing belly room to stretch a slightly. Your brother sat in the chair next to you while a nurse asked you questions, “How old are you?” She asked.
“23,” You responded.
“Are you on any medication?”
“This is your first visit with Dr. Leslie, correct? When were you last seen by an OB/GYN?”
You had a feeling you’d be judged for the answer, “About four months ago. Not since I’ve been pregnant. I found out I was pregnant in the urgent care and left that town before I could see a specialist.”
She wrote everything down, “So no ultrasounds have been done or any other extensive testing?” You shook your head in response. The nurse wrote down the last few notes before looking up, “Alright, Dr. Leslie will be in in just a moment.”
About three minutes later, a middle aged woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun walked into the room, shaking your hand, “Hi, I’m Dr. Leslie and I’m your new OB/GYN. I see here you have a little something on the way.” Her bubbly nature made her seem younger than she was but it gave a good vibe to the room. As she prepared some things, bringing over a little sonogram machine on wheels, she kept talking, “So is this dad?” She motioned to Y/B/N and you laughed at the increasingly common misconception.
“No, that’s my brother. Dad isn’t in the picture.” You confessed.
Dr. Leslie smiled, “It ends up being for the best sometimes. But no information on the father’s family medical history?” She questioned. You shook your head. “Well that’s alright. Okey dokey! We’re gonna get started, if you could please lift your shirt up just to expose your belly. Brother, you can stand over here if you would like to see as well.” Y/B/N stood by your side as the doctor squeezed blue gel onto your exposed belly, making you shiver.
“We’re just gonna run this over your belly until we can see something.” She placed the small device on your stomach and the screen lit up, indistinguishable black and white marks appearing. “You said you’re at 8 weeks, correct?” You nodded, mesmerized by the image and trying to make anything out of it. Dr. Leslie’s face looked concentrated until she finally smiled, pointing at a white bean shaped object in a black spot on the screen, “There they are!”
Your heart swelled with joy looking at the picture. That was your baby. That was your child. She flicked a little switch and you could hear something that resembled a heart beat. Y/B/N stared intensely at the screen, holding your shoulder proudly. “The heartbeat sounds a little strange…” the doctor said, concern in her voice, “It could just be technical problems, developmental issues that will fix itself, or something more serious. We won’t know until we run more tests but as for right now, just take your vitamins and don’t worry too much until I tell you there’s something to worry about. But looking at the fetus otherwise, they seem healthy. We won’t be able to tell the gender until about 18 weeks, though. Do you want the pictures?”
You and Y/B/N left the clinic, pictures in hand of your baby-to-be. “Alrighty, to the Dun barbeque we go!” He said, opening the door for you.
Your heart stopped, “Wait what?”
He gave you a strange look, “What do you mean ‘what?’ You knew we were going to Bill and Laura Lee’s barbeque after your ultrasound for weeks.”
“No, did you say ‘Dun barbeque?’” You asked in momentary terror.
Y/B/N laughed a little, “Yeah.”
“You mean as in Joshua William Dun of twenty one pilots?” He gave you a stupid smile that confirmed what you were thinking, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?! I’ve known Josh Dun’s parents for a month and I had no idea! What the hell!” You ran your hands over your face, stressing out over the new revelation.
Your brother laughed, “They like to keep it kind of quiet. Everyone in the church grew up with Josh so it’s not a big deal to them but when new people come, they don’t like to make a big deal out it. It’s just easier that way. But yes, you are friends with Josh Dun’s mother and you are going to their home for a barbeque that he may be at.”
“Was the twenty one pilots shirt I was wearing the other day not a good sign for you to tell me any of this?! Have you ever met them?!” You hissed as he pulled out of the parking lot.
He put a hand up in defense, “It was exactly why I didn’t! I didn’t want you to freak out like this. And no, I’ve never met Josh or Tyler. I’ve heard about them but I never became close friends with Mr. and Mrs. Dun. You did this on your own, kiddo.”
You couldn’t believe it. You were going to the childhood home of one of your favorite musicians. Why you didn’t put this all together was beyond you. Columbus, Ohio. Bill and Laura Lee, the loving Christian couple. You weren’t a crazy I’m going to stalk them fan but still. Pregnancy brain, maybe? Yeah, that’s the story you would stick with.
You looked in the mirror, looking at yourself and realizing you looked like a wreck, “Can we stop by the house so I can change?” You asked referring to the wet spots on your loose band shirt for your favorite band (other than twenty one pilots) from where the gel wasn’t completely wiped off.
“No! It started half an hour ago as it is! You look fine!” He told you, turning up the radio to signal that the discussion was over. You rolled your eyes, trying to dry up the spots on your shirt.
Soon the car pulled along the curb and you stepped out, adjusting the flannel that was wrapped around your hips before grabbing an apple pie from the back seat that you guys brought. “I hate you.” You muttered angrily at Y/B/N as you walked directly into the backyard through the wide open gate.
“Y/N! Y/B/N!” Laura Lee said, running up to hug you guys.
You smiled awkwardly, finding the new revelation of who her son was all you could think about. It made your whole friendship seem like a lie. Of course it isn’t, you told yourself. “We brought a pie,” You told her, handing it to her.
“Awe thank you darling. You didn’t have to do that. Well anyways, this is the family! You know Jordan, Ashley, and Abigail so they’ll show you around. Drinks are in the ice chest on the back patio,” Something caught her attention and she waved frantically in your direction, “Ooh! Josh! Come here!” She glanced back at you as a familiar man walked towards your group, “This is my son Josh. Josh, this is Y/N. She just moved to Columbus recently.”
The world stopped for a moment. Josh Dun stood in front of you in all his glory. Faded neon pink hair stuck out of a snapback just like it did in pictures you’d seen online. His smile brightened the world around him. The ink on his skin was mesmerizing.
In the real world, though, time kept moving and thankfully you were composed enough to be civilized around him, “Hi! It’s nice to meet you.” You greeted, extending a hand.
“Nice to meet you too.” He shook your hand and it seemed to light up as his skin touched yours, “Where did you move from?”
“(where you would like to live/ currently live). I’m definitely glad to be living here though.” You chuckled a little bit.
He smirked. Oh goodness, that smirk, “That’s awesome. Welcome to Ohio.” You smiled back at him, trying to not be embarrassingly captivated by him. He’s just a person. A normal person, you told yourself. That was until you noticed that neither of you had said anything for a while and you were still looking at each other.
Laura Lee must have noticed the prolonged silence because she gasped and her eyes lit up out of nowhere, “How did the ultrasound go? Pictures?” She was nearly squealing with excitement.
A grin plastered on your face as you reached into your back pocket and handed her the stack of sonogram pictures. You pointed at the small white spot that was your baby, “He or she is right there.”
She put her hand over her mouth as she looked at the picture, “Oh my word, look at that!” She leaned over, showing Josh, “Look at that!” Josh’s eyes lit up with an adorable sparkle.
“You’re pregnant?” He asked with a smile.
Your hands found their spot on your slightly swollen belly, “Yep. About 2 months.”
“No way! That’s awesome. Congratulations!” His eyes flicked between you and your brother and you were scared that he also assumed that your brother was the baby’s dad.
You smiled warmly, “Thank you!”
Laura Lee held up the pictures up, “I’m gonna go show these off!” Before you could object, she ran, showing everyone she could the pictures.
The three of you couldn’t help but laugh a little bit, “Well while she’s doing that, I’m gonna go grab a drink. Does anybody want anything?” You offered.
“No, I’m alright. Thank you though.” Josh said politely.
“I’m good, thanks.” You brother told you. You turned and walked over to the ice chest, grabbing a soda. Somewhere along your journey across the backyard, you were also ushered into line to get some food. One can and a plate full of fruit and cookies later, you finally were allowed to grab a seat at one of the plastic fold out tables.
Y/B/N was talking to some of the Dun family that he did know, looking happily at the group around him. You sat alone but didn’t necessarily mind ot. Everyone around you had this vibe that made it impossible to feel lonely. You picked at your fruit, telling yourself to eat that first no matter how much you craved the various cookies in front of you. Being by yourself did allow your mind to wander and you found yourself unintentionally eavesdropping on people’s conversations. You weren’t sure who but a little girl’s voice yelled from somewhere, “STOP IT! The butterflies don’t want to smell your toes!” You almost choked on your mango out of laughter and you sat there silently choking into your napkin while laughing.
“You alright there?” A familiar voice asked. You looked up to see a smiling Josh sliding into the chair across from you.
You shot him a strained smile. Clearing your throat one final time, “Yeah, I’m okay.” You took a deep breath, “I’m okay.” You repeated, “Sorry, I just overheard something funny.”
“Nothing is funny enough to die over so please try to stay alive.” He teased.
“I’ll try.” You giggled.
He grabbed a chip off his plate, “Was anybody sitting here? I forgot to ask.”
“Oh no! You’re fine there.” You reassured him, “Did I really look that lonely?” You joked.
He shrugged sarcastically, “Pretty lonely, but I figured I might be able to fix that.” You both chuckled a little, “My mom’s talked a lot about you. Thanks for helping her so much at church, by the way.”
You ate another strawberry, “Of course! It’s great to have something to do. And your parents are such great people it’s really not any trouble at all. They’ve been so kind to me.”
“And that’s your brother over there, right?” He asked, nodding to Y/B/N.
You nodded, “Yeah. I moved in with him a month ago. He lives near the university.”
“That’s awesome.” He smiled, taking a bite of his burger.
Suddenly, you started feeling guilty. You felt like you were lying to him for some reason, “I just feel like I need to tell you, I, uh, know who you are. Oh gosh that sounded weird. I mean I… I like your music.” You stuttered over your words, trying to recover from the initial weird comment, “Sorry, I just didn’t want to get half through a conversation and be like, ‘Oh yeah, I’m a big fan.’” You tried to laugh away the awkwardness.
Thankfully, Josh was laughing too, “Don’t worry about it. And speaking of being weird, I hope this isn’t too out of line or anything, but why are you living with your brother with… uh sorry. Nevermind.” He looked away, realizing how personal his question was.
Even though he didn’t finish the question, you had a feeling what he was asking, “It’s fine. He’s not in the picture.” You told Josh, referring to your baby’s father.
“Do you mind if I ask why?” He asked, looking cautiously for your reaction.
You laughed slightly, “He was just a pig. Long story. I don’t want to bore you with the problems of my life.”
He leaned forward slightly, “I have time and an open ear if you’re willing to tell.” His eyes were so kind and he looked like he genuinely wanted to know.
You cocked an eyebrow and sighed, “Alrighty, if you insist.” You giggled before getting slightly more serious, “His name’s Marcus. We had a mutual friend who wanted him to meet our friend group since Marcus had just come back from spending ten months in Brazil. We hit it off and dated for a year or so. A little over a month ago I found out I was pregnant. When I told him, he got super pissed and told me to ‘get rid of it.’” You put air quotations around the last four words and Josh’s eyes got wide, “I refused and he stormed out and disappeared for a week. Heck, I even said he didn’t have to be around if he didn’t want to, I just wasn’t getting an abortion. When he came back he kept apologizing and said he wanted to make it up to me.
Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I believed him but he seemed sincere so I gave him a chance. He said he wanted to apologize for everything and even wanted to start pricechecking baby things. We drove over to the mall and looked around for a bit. The elevator was out of order so we started walking down one of those stairwells that are all concrete, like in parking lots. After I walked in, he shut the door and tried to shove me down the stairs.”
“Oh my gosh…” Josh looked horrified but couldn’t figure out what to say.
You scoffed, “Yeah, I know. Thankfully, I knew something was up when he made sure the door was shut all the way before walking in. I was able to grab onto the railing enough to not really fall when he pushed me.”
“What did you do?” Josh asked, disbelief carved into his face.
You laughed a little, “Once he realized I didn’t fall, I punched him in the face as hard as I could, called him some less than appropriate names, and left him on the ground. I stayed the night at a friends house and was on a plane here the next day.”
Josh just looked at you in horror. After a moment of shocked silence, he stuttered, “Wow. I am so sorry. That’s just… Wow.”
You raised your eyebrows as you sipped your soda, “Yeah, tell me about it,” You chuckled a little bit. It really was all you could do. “But now I’m here. Way better future for me and the little one. So many amazing, loving people like your parents have stepped up to help me out.”
“They’re pretty cool I guess.” His face lit up with laughter.
You tried to think of something to ask him, “So is there anything I just have to do while I’m in Columbus? Anything super awesome that I can’t miss?”
Josh leaned back for a moment in thought, crossing his arms over his grey t-shirt, “You’re already at the coolest place in this whole city. I mean the Dun barbeques are kind of legendary. We have a trampoline and everything so I don’t know why you would want to go anywhere else.” You shrugged in agreement, “But for a serious answer… hm… It depends on what you like. There’s a cool garden and German Town. Downtown has some pretty cool places too if you just like to walk around.”
“That all sounds really cool actually.” You told him, trying to figure out which one you would try first in your head.
“Oh! And if you go to downtown there’s this restaurant.” Suddenly he stopped talking, looking lost, “Oh my gosh, what is it called?” He asked himself, a laugh escaping his lips. “You know what? I’m going to remember this at two in the morning when it doesn’t matter.”
You hadn’t realized how much your face hurt from smiling until right now, “Just make sure you don’t forget it so you can tell me whenever I see you again. Or at least you can tell your mom to tell me.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, “I was wondering if I could actually get your number, that way I can wake you up in the middle of the night when I remember.”
“Hmm,” You mock pondered, “Sure.” You took his phone and put all your information in it before handing it back to him. Your heart was nearly bursting out of your chest. Did he really ask for your number?
Josh leaned back, stretching when a small blonde girl ran up to him, “Uncle Josh! Can you bounce us really high on the trampoline?” She asked, holding onto his arm and jumping up and down excitedly.
He smiled down at her, glancing at his arm that was nearly vibrating from her energy, “Does your mommy know how many cookies you’ve eaten?”
A mischievous little smile appeared on her face, “Nooo….” She sang.
“Do you even know how many cookies you’ve eaten?” Josh raised an eyebrow at her.
She didn’t even answer. She just laughed like what he said was the funniest thing she’d ever heard. Then she rolled her eyes and used all her tiny weight to pull on his arm, “Come on!!!” She whined.
“Okay! Okay!” He smiled, his eyes lighting up, “I’ll be there in just a second.” She ran off, yelling to all the kids that he was coming. He sighed, looking back at you, “Well sorry to leave you but maintaining favorite uncle status has its responsibilities.” He stood up, chasing various children on his way to the trampoline. You watched as he stood surrounded by several kids sitting around him. He began jumping and soon children were rolling and jumping all over the place. He leaned over to help one up and before anyone knew it he was being dogpiled.
“Stop making googoo eyes.” Your brother’s voice teased you from behind. He sat in the same seat Josh was just in a second ago.
“I wasn’t!” You yourself, putting your hands up.
“Um, yeah you were. But I think he was looking at you too.” He wiggled his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up!” You hid your blushing face behind your hand. You glanced back over to Josh who was being chased in circles by a horde of young children. Okay… maybe you were making googoo eyes.
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crosssroads-deanmon · 8 years
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I made something beautiful
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harryferguson · 6 years
MUSIC VIDEO RESEARCH (1) twenty one pilots: Levitate
What style is it?
The style of this music video is narrative as it tells a story in the way of music videos as this is last of 3 music videos from the trench album so far (my blood doesn’t relate) and the two before share a story of the main character (Tyler) who is trying to escape a spooky looking character (Nico) in a red robe and his face is hard to see with the white see through silk over his face. (director - Andrew Donoho)
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You can see the video is a narrative music video as the above image is the video from “Nico and the niners” Which is released a few weeks before the below image (from “Levitate”) which carries on from the tunnel they had just exited.
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The next image sets the scene and once again moves along the narrative as there is no singing at this part
What genre is it?
Twenty one pilots have always come under the alternative genre but it goes into other sub categories such as alternative hip hop and indie pop and rock pop usually depending on the song. The alternative genre has a lot of characteristics that relate to being different and the genre is very broad and there is lots of different types of alternative and you usually wont see much of the same things if you are listening to that genre. This music video definitely fits into the alternative category because it is edgy and different and its not easy to know what is going on unless you did some research into the album and what it means.
Who is the artist/band?
The band is twenty one pilots and consists of two main members (Tyler Joseph and Joshua Dun) Tyler takes up the role of singer/main songwriter but takes up different instruments in some of the songs such as the piano and guitar which he plays when they are live. Josh however is the drummer for almost every song and plays on stage with Tyler and drums along to the beat of each song and also subtly sings in some of the songs. The two of them have grown a great relationship and have even said things like ‘i never get sick of him’. Twenty one pilots have released 4 main albums which are “twenty one pilots” (2009) “vessel” (2013) “blurryface” (2015) “trench” (2018). These albums have always been succesful but they really grew to stardom when they were signed by “Fueled By Ramen” and released blurryface which has songs like “stressed out” and “ride” which together reached way over a billion streams on spotify. They also performed songs for films such as Suicide Squad (heathens) which also helped in their success. Twenty one pilots have always had a dedicated fanbase and with the new album “trench” being released early October of 2018 it was long awaited and welcomed nicely after the hiatus of twenty one pilots and they have created a new era (trench era) which contains many unsolved mysteries of what it all means and how it links back to Tyler’s mind and his life with our few clues being things like the banditos and nico and the niners etc. 
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vvdbvvotv · 7 years
Aisle Nine
Josh Dun Imagine
(Y/F/N) = Your friend’s name
Pairing: Josh Dun x reader
Request: none
Warnings: nothing really, just fluffy stuff
Word Count: 1,310
It was 4:53 pm and you were eager to get off your work shift in a couple hours. You worked at your local grocery store as a shelf and produce stocker. Out of all the jobs you could’ve applied for, of course it had to be the most tiring one. You were 18 and just out of high school and you felt as if working at McDonalds for 12 hours everyday would be a better job than this.
The only thing that kept you from drenching the whole store on gasoline and then proceeding to set it on fire was that your closest friend, (Y/F/N) worked alongside you. You two decided to get a job for the summer and of all the places it had to be a grocery store.
The store itself wasn’t the thing you hated, it was the fact that everything you had to do was annoying. Your position in the store required you to lift, position, and clean up pretty much everything. During the first few days of your job, you didn’t really mind it. Unfortunately, over time you realized how unfit you were for this job- you were out of breath frequently and your feet hurt 99% of the time. Oh and also- people shopping agitated you the most.
If you were trying to unbox items to put on shelves there was someone in the way. People drop stuff all the time, they leave items places where they shouldn’t be (you found a bottle of bleach hidden underneath a pile of watermelon one time), and worst of all, they talked to you. About half of the day consisted of some random dude or lady asking you where this one specific thing was. Sure, as if you had the whole store memorized front to back. You could barely remember what you had for breakfast.
Thankfully, your shift ended soon and you couldn’t wait to go home and get some well deserved rest. (Y/F/N) envied you, as her shift ended an hour after yours. The work schedule was confusing and random, no one really understood it.
You pulled a cart filled with boxes of items out of the storage area of the store. Of course, you forgot what was in them so you asked (Y/F/N) where they were to be placed. She was usually more attentive than you.
“Hey, do you know where these go?” you asked her, nodding your head towards the boxes.
She glanced at them quickly.
“Aisle nine. Hurry up with those though because our manager said we have to restock in the produce section again,” she replied with a scowl.
You sighed while pulling the cart of boxes behind you towards aisle nine. Once you made it, annoyance ran through you as you noticed you had to restock the very middle of the row. You couldn’t bring the cart in with you since there were multiple people going in and out of the aisle every now and then.
“Well this is stupid,” you mumbled, “now I’m going to end up breaking my back trying to carry all of this stuff.”
You started to piled up three boxes in your arms to carry, not really caring that you couldn’t actually see over them. People would move out of the way. Or so you thought.
You suddenly regretted your decision as you slammed into an immobile object. The force from walking too fast managed to push you backwards. The weight of the boxes was too much for you and you lost your balance and tipped over. Cursing, you fell on your back and heard one of the boxes split open as it fell beside you. You helplessly sat up and tried to see what you ran into.
Panic washed over you as you realized you rammed into another human, and his appearance immediately drove you to feel intimidated. The guy was wearing a dark grey snapback hat backwards over his highlighter yellow hair. There was a piercing visible on his nose and on each ear. A bright and colorful tattoo sleeve ran down his right arm and various tattoos were on his left arm. He was also a good height and appeared to be in shape.
Your panic was washed away by relief as you saw he wasn’t enraged by your clumsiness. His brows were furrowed together and his dark brown, earth colored eyes studied you in a concerned yet soft way.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you coming. Here let me give you a hand,” he said quickly while offering his hand to you.
You continued starring at him, then accepted his help and he pulled you to your feet. Shivers went up your spine as he grabbed your hand.
“No, that was my fault. Wasn’t looking, sorry about that,” you uttered while rubbing your neck nervously.
There was an awkward pause between you two before the guy spoke again.
“I suppose I’ll help you out with those,” he gestured toward the spilled items, “I’m Josh by the way.”
“Thanks Josh, but you don’t have to help me out here. I’m sure you’re in a hurry or something,” you said grateful for his offer.
Josh shook his head, bending down to clean up the mess. “It’s alright, I’m in no hurry,” he said smiling.
You nodded and turned around to grab some stuff off the ground when you heard Josh quietly say to himself,
“Not in a hurry anymore that is.”
The two of you cleaned up the products as quickly as you could. Every now and then your hands would brush against each other on accident and you could feel yourself blushing madly. Sometimes out of the corner of your eye you could see Josh smirking too. You two didnt talk much, but in the small comments Josh had, you noticed how nice of a guy he really was. He was the type of person who seemed easygoing and friendly - quite the opposite of his appearance. Once you placed everything on the shelves you turned to Josh again.
“I’ve got more stuff to do, thanks again for your help. Oh and sorry for running into you again,” you smiled at Josh.
“Yeah, hopefully I’ll see you around later or sometime,” he admitted.
You nodded and walked away from Josh, feeling his eyes watching your back as you moved away from him. For some reason, you felt sadness as you went to grab more boxes (only two this time, you learned from your mistake). Unsurprisinly, Josh wasn’t there anymore when you returned which made you even more upset. However, you noticed a piece of paper in the middle of the aisle, where you two had been standing before. You recklessly placed the boxes down to pick up the piece of paper. Inside of the folded up note, there was hastily scribbled writing.
Maybe we could hang out sometime for dinner? Call me :) -J
After that was a series of numbers which was most likely Josh’s phone number. A wide smile grew on your face as you abandoned your job of fixing the shelves. You were eager to find (Y/F/N) and tell her what had happened.
Running down the aisle, you replayed what happened just a few minutes before when suddenly you heard a familiar voice.
“Judging by your smile, I take that as a yes?” It was Josh.
You spun around and saw Josh leaning against some shelves in aisle nine. He mirrored the expression on your face and smiled too.
“Judging by the way you appear to have been waiting for me in a creepy, stalker like way, I say no,” you said.
Josh’s facial expression changed immediately as if he thought you were serious.
“Wait-” he began abruptly.
“Josh!” you exclaimed, “I’m only kidding, of course I will go to dinner with you.”
This was a pretty disappointing imagine. I apologize, it was lame! I suppose I can attempt to make it up by writing the third and final part of “I’ll Make You Believe” instead. ;)
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idontgiveafox-blog1 · 7 years
Tyler and Josh bickering about who cares about you the most and giving you presents in order for you to choose one of them
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