#journey to the centre of the ear
peri-helia · 2 years
Brendan Fraser really does in love and fucking cute about it to perfection
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onsomenewsht · 4 months
Aching legs that often told us it’s all worth it
About when you just win everything and you just want a hug
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》 Barcelona Femini x Reader, Leah Williamson x Reader
》 word count: +2k
》 cras amet qui nunquam amavit; quique amavit cras amet [latin verse]: let the one love tomorrow who has never loved, and let the one who has loved love tomorrow
It’d be hypocritical to say you have never imagined this moment, that you have never dreamt of this exact moment. It’d be hypocritical to say that you have never, in the comfort of your bathroom, lifted a bottle of shampoo picturing this very trophy.
But no dream nor bottle of shampoo can remotely come close to how you feel when the referee blows the whistle three times, proclaiming your club the winner of the Champions League.
The legs, which just until a moment ago were close to giving up under the weight of an intense and stressful 90 minutes of running back and forth, suddenly sprint towards the centre of the pitch to join the Blaugrana bubble.
Screams and celebrations in more languages than you can recognise can’t bother you as you know well enough you’re all saying the same thing, you’re all sharing and expressing the same joy.
“Non ci credo!” [I don’t believe this!], Giulia jumps on your back without a care – the excitement to win such a big competition at such a young age fills you with pride.
What a bright future these kids have in front of them.
“Credici, it’s the first of many”
You’re optimistic tonight, it’s the first Champions League for you too after all.
You carry her around the pitch for five good minutes, hugging and cheering with every single teammate you meet in your path. The Italian girl gets dragged away not long after to join the kids’ groups.
You don’t mind it too much, you feel too old to keep up with their endless energy anyway.
For the first time since the end of the game you find yourself looking around, looking for a blonde woman – probably hidden behind a ridiculous hat.
It’s Keira who manages to catch your attention, screaming in that incomprehensible accent of hers right in your ears and dragging you towards the podium.
The trophy ceremony flies in a blur of cheers and confetti, despite your best attempts to savour every single minute of this incredible and historic win.
When, between pictures and out-of-key chants, a moment of apparent calm arrives, and you take advantage of it to look in the stands for your family.
At least the journey was not in vain this time.
The wrinkles around your mom’s mouth are a clear sign she’s been smiling for hours, the watery eyes of your father are the clearest expression of pride you will get from him. You hug them both for as long as they allow you, still reserving your biggest hug for your brother.
No sign of her yet.
“Here I was, thinking I couldn’t be more proud of you”.
You can’t hold back your tears.
After all, he’s your biggest and longest supporter, cheering for you since you used to play with boys double your age and size.
“Shut up and let me hug Andrea”, you say, reaching for your excited nephew.
The attention the toddler gives you is long enough to admire your medal and to kick a couple of times towards the goal when you let him onto the pitch. As soon as he spots Claudia, recently declared his favourite player ever, he sprints in her direction to steal her from Patri. You let him be, there’s Irene with the group of barely-grown-ups.
You don’t hold back a laugh as you see María run out of nowhere, her flag secured in one hand and a contagious smile on her face. You can’t wait to see her play again.
Then the sudden realisation you’re alone hits you hard. You’re alone, not too far away from the middle of the pitch. As much alone someone can be in the middle of a Champions League final celebration, but alone nonetheless.
Around you, teammates and friends and families are gathered in different bubbles, jumping and cheering without much of a care. The stands are filled with Blaugrana colours, singing loud and proud.
For the first time today, you let yourself get carried away by the supporters’ passion, admiring every single corner of the stadium as the privileged spectator of your own story.
You just witnessed a moment in football’s history.
You’d cry if not for the fitted body that crushes into you unexpectedly, bringing you back to the green grass without much effort.
“La poeta!”
“La reina!”
You share with Alexia a hug way more intense and sentimental than what you’re used to. You let emotion overcome you one more time as the captain holds you firmly, large hands caressing your back and keeping you present.
Her eyes are as shining as her all self, this victory means so much more than the obvious for most of you.
“You had to come in and score just like that, celebrate just like that”
“¿Qué puedo decir?” [What can I say?], the blonde shrugs her shoulders, but after years of friendship you can tell when the fine line between being humble and being aware of your own greatness blurs.
Alexia holds your face between her hands, the smirk painted on her lips shifts slightly to a more serious smile.
“Te lo mereces, lo sabes?” [You know you deserve this, right?]
“We all do”
“No, no, you deserve this”, she says firmly, addressing the elephant in the room dressed as the loan that last year broke your confidence.
You were there in Turin, it looked like a twist of fate to be away from Barcelona when they lifted the most beautiful trophy in Europe’s football.
This victory means more to you than what you’re willing to admit, even to yourself.
That’s one of the reasons why you’re still looking for her in the crowd.
“Enough with this mushy stuff, where’s my favourite Putellas?”
“Lo juro, si no dejas de hablar así de mi hermana–” [I swear, if you keep talking like this of my sister–]
“Oh, I was talking about your mom, but now that we’re on it–”
The punch she throws on your arm is light, but the message is clear. You and Alba have too much fun provoking Alexia, who is way overprotective of the both of you to realise that the jokes are only aimed at annoying her.
Feeling called upon, the two women join you with huge smiles on their faces. Eli welcomes you with a motherly hug, somehow sensing the tension on your shoulders.
“¿Qué es esa mala cara?” [Why the long face?]
“She can’t find her girlfriend��
“¡Alba, callate!”
Alexia raises an eyebrow at her sister’s quip, not happy to be let out about this.
She doesn’t know about the situationship you find yourself in. It’s not like you don’t trust the blonde, you do. But you’re aware of the protective tendencies and, on top of everything, you’re a bit scared of the lecture about the importance of being honest with your feelings and all that shit.
She’s too emotionally mature now.
Luckily, Olga comes running to meet you, distracting the captain from any inquisitive question without much effort.
“You’re disgusting”, you say to Alexia, now used to her open smile and carefree attitude whenever her girlfriend is close enough to light up her usually stoic face.
“I wasn’t talking about Olga, I like Olga”, you state, dropping an arm around Alba’s shoulder who immediately joins the joke, “Yeah, lovesick Alexia is scary”
Eli has to intervene, still laughing at her daughter’s expense.
“They’re just jealous”
Olga’s right, you can hide it from everyone but yourself. You’re definitely a little envious of the cute relationship and happiness that seem to follow your friend like a glowing shadow.
You want a love like that too.
Your gaze starts wandering around the pitch once again, hoping to find the person who’s hunting your dreams and nightmares.
You know she’s here, you overheard Keira talking about her before the game.
She’s just not here for you.
Quickly excusing yourself from the Putellas’ family, muttering something about looking for your nephew to relieve anyone who found themselves babysitting, you bid your goodbye.
Before you can get away Alexia hugs you one last time, letting you know you’re not escaping her questions.
You find Andrea easily, entertained as he runs around followed shortly by another child – Mapi.
“Oh, wow, it’s like looking at your future!”, you teasingly nod at Ingrid, who’s way too entranced by the scene.
The Norwegian just grins, holding you as she kisses your forehead, always amused about the height difference. Her silence is loud enough.
Another jolt of jealousy strikes your body, immediately subsided by the reassuring presence of the defender and the loving gaze reserved for the enthusiastic Spanish woman nearby.
You couldn’t hate them even if you wanted to, they’re too beautiful together and you’re too happy for them.
When your nephew finally notices you, he seems to remember you actually are his favourite person. He outruns María, literally jumping between your arms – risking falling on his face just once by tripping over the flag that one of your teammates must have tied around his neck like a cape.
“¡Visca Barça!”
“Your father supports Milan”
“Ser del Barça es el millor que hi ha!”, he states in an impressive Catalan.
“Who taught you that?”
The kid points at Aitana and Jana, both sporting a smug grin all over their faces as they greet you from close by. The latter is lucky you’re feeling merciful enough to not embarrass her in front of her girlfriend.
You can just shake your head and laugh about the situation.
“You can give Keira Spanish lessons”, you say to Andrea as you position him comfortably on your shoulders.
You try to be subtle as you observe all the people on the pitch. If anyone asks, you are simply looking for your brother in the crowd of Blaugrana to return the child to its rightful owner.
Even if your brother is not a gorgeous footballer you can’t get out of your mind.
Of course you find him in a conversation with Keira.
“Tell me more about this high school suspension”, you hear the English midfielder ask.
“Tell her absolutely nothing!”
The chat goes on for a few more minutes, you’re a little ashamed to admit that you’re not listening to a single word as you still look around.
It’s your nephew who brings you back to reality, pulling you by the collar of your medal. You quickly bid your goodbyes to both of them, making sure you can meet again before they have to go back home and you have to be dragged into all the post-final engagements.
“You’re hopeless”
“You’re both unbelievable”
“Where is your girlfriend? You’re bearable when Laura is around”
“She’s somewhere with your girlfriend”
At her obvious taunt, your gaze still flies in all the directions your neck humanely allows.
You really are hopeless.
Keira’s laugh is the final nail in the coffin, the only one amused about the situation.
She’s also the one who introduced you to the person you thought would just be a fun night out over a year ago, the person who turned out to be comforting and a constant thought.
The person who makes you realise midair you’re falling in love.
No strings attached though.
“Go to her!”
“She’s not here for me”
“Don’t drag me in, you useless stubborn–”
The blonde has a point, you can’t deny that the mutual friendship is the perfect excuse to find each other in the same places at the same time. The perfect opportunity to see each other again as much as possible without questioning the blurred line between an armless fuck and growing feelings.
Nights of fun soon turned into morning talks in the warmth of a hotel bed, then whole days spent exploring each other’s lives.
If only one of you dares to admit wanting more.
“Ohi, champ!”
As you hear her voice you never turn around so fast in your life, almost injuring yourself from the force with which you move. You don’t even hear Keira bust out laughing at your side.
What a stupid smile you have on your face, just staring at each other a few steps away.
You’re sweaty and tired from the match and the celebrations, pretty sure your hair is a mess and your legs are on the verge of giving up. Yet she thinks she has never seen you more beautiful.
“Oh, for fuck’ sake, just kiss or whatever”, Keira grabs you both by an arm when neither of you makes any sign of moving, impatiently pushing you closer to the other and leaving, muttering something you’re not sure you want to know.
“Don’t run too far, you still have an interview in Catalan to do”
You don’t hear your friend’s response, you don’t even see her finger up in the air. When Leah laughs every other sound and person fades into the background.
“Can’t wait for that to happen”
“You and any other culés”
A few more moments pass before the blonde adds, “I think congratulations are in order”, pointing to the medal you wear around your neck – suddenly heavier.
“Thank you”, you whisper, lowering your gaze and nervously turning the object over in your hands.
You don’t need to see her, always hyper aware of her presence around you. You feel her approaching and enveloping you in a warm embrace, the hug you’ve been waiting for all day.
You have to admit to yourself it’s the best you’ve received today.
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ervotica · 5 months
Oh! I've got one! Liam with a super cuddly reader, who's quiet and doesn't speak often, but at random times, she decides she needs a hug and they just cuddle, even if there are other people around.
pairing; liam mairi x fem!reader
warnings; none, just fluff. established relationship, fem!reader.
a/n; apologies this took so long to get out, my dear anon. i’ve been slacking on creative juices recently, and i’m not overly happy with this, but it’s better than nothing (and i adore liam. he’s my no.1 fictional bf <3)
You're late to breakfast this morning. You'd procrastinated the journey to the cafeteria, weighed down by a fatigue that filled your limbs with treacle and siphoned your motivation to move at all. Your bed had practically begged you to stay put, at least for another half an hour, and you’d obliged, heavy eyes falling closed for another few minutes of dreamless sleep.
There are some perks to second year, you decide. Free weekends are awesome.
When you finally trudge your way through the heavy doors, Liam's there to greet you with a grin that has dimples cratering at the centre of his cheeks and crows feet crinkling at his eyes. It's almost enough to dissipate the abounding lethargy that clings to your every muscle, mouth pulled down into a pouting frown that Liam desperately wants to kiss away. He refrains, only for the fact that you’re so shy you’d simply melt on the spot if he kissed you the way he wants to.
“Good morning, my sleepy girl. How are you?”
You forgo words, instead opting for nudging forward into his arms and squishing your cheek against the slope of his shoulder.
“Ah,” he murmurs, smearing a kiss to the very top of your head. “It’s like that, is it?”
“Mm,” you hum noncommittally, dead weight against his chest. His laugh rumbles through you, arms coming up and over your shoulders to settle you into the crease of his armpit; the tension from your body dissipates and you nearly vocalize your urge to drag him back to bed with you.
“Saved you some breakfast,” he says, one broad hand delving into his pocket and coming back armed with a chocolate crossiant— your favourite.
“Pocket pastries!” you giggle. “Every woman’s dream.”
“See, I know you so well,” he laughs right back. “Come and sit. There’s more where this came from.” He accentuates the statement with a cheeky wink and a kiss to the shell of your ear, delighting in the way you flush white-hot beneath him.
You snort, tipping your head up to press a kiss to his jaw. One, then two. He keeps an arm hooked securely over your shoulders when you move towards the table.
“I love you,” you say, muffled around a bite full of pastry. He kisses the crumbs from your lips happily.
“I love you, my girl. Want some more food?”
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ln4bub · 10 months
Charles marking you as his.
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This request has been in my head rent free for like 3 days but I needed to make it unique, hope you enjoy &lt;3
You were gorgeous, Charles knew it, and frustratingly, so did everybody else on the grid. Charles loved having you by his side for races, but he couldn't stand to see how everyone eyed you like a piece of meat. Your long legs were tanned with your recent time in Monaco over the summer, your long hair pinned out of your face. Your eyes sparkled with joy as you laughed at something Pierre had told you, and Charles' blood boiled. Your hand coming up to touch Pierre's bicep briefly as you giggled. That was the last straw, Charles saw red. He marched over to the two of you, grabbing you by the hand and pulling you away from Pierre without a word.
"Charles, what are you doing?" You squealed, your legs barely keeping up with his large strides. He doesn't say a word, continuing to haul you through the Ferrari garage, a stormy look clouding his features. He slams the door to his drivers' room shut, staring you down like a hunter who's caught his prey. You swallow thickly, contemplating your choices.
"Do you like pissing me off Cherie?" Charles asks, narrowing his eyes at you. "What are you talking about?" You mutter quietly, intimidated under his stare. He laughs, a deep rumble in his chest. "Are you stupid?" He asks, incredulous. "I'm talking about the way you shamelessly let Pierre flirt with you like that, you're mine."
He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, your eyes fluttering shut with the touch. "Mine to touch," He places a kiss below your ear on your pulse point. "Mine to kiss," He continues the journey of his lips, feeling the way your pulse jumps with each touch. "Mine to use," Charles whispers, his hand resting on the centre of your chest, fingers wrapping around the golden pendant that sits above your breasts. "You wear my number, mon amour, not his." He tugs you closer using the necklace, "And I'm going to let everyone know."
Your eyebrows furrow at his words, feeling a pulse develop between your legs at his dominance. "Do you want that? Do you want everyone to know who you belong to?" Charles whispers against your lips, sticky with red lip-gloss. "Please." You whimper, puckering your lips against Charles', leaving a mark of your own. Charles pushes you down onto the couch of his room, hiking up your skirt and removing your underwear. You moan out as his deft fingers swirl around your clit, missing the one place you need him most. You groan, bucking your hips into his touch as he slides a finger inside you.
"So tight, gonna bury myself inside you." He groans, curling his finger before adding a second. You moan out his name, arching your back as his other hand forces your hips down. His thumb begins to stimulate your clit and he just watches you squirm, writhing in pleasure. Your eyes screwed shut, mouth parted with pretty little moans of his name. He can feel the way your walls begin to grip his fingers as your moans increase in pitch. Charles removes his hand, smirking at the way you whine at the loss. "If you cum it will be on my cock, you know this Cherie." He tells you, pulling himself out of those sinful white cargos that had you down on your knees for him that morning.
He buries himself inside you slowly, feeling the pulse of your walls with each inch. You moan his name, begging for him to do something once he's seated to the hilt inside you. Your back arches with the first thrust, his cock hitting places that no-one else has been able to. His large hand comes to rest on your chest, forcing you back down as he pounds into you. The sounds of his thighs slapping against yours fills the room along with both of your moans and groans. You begin to feel a small pinch on your chest, the stinging sensation bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
"That's it, my girl loves a little pain doesn't she?" Charles coos, watching the way his cock slips in and out of you so easily. "Want you to cum for me, can you do that?" He asks, pushing harder against your chest.
"Yes, god please, make me cum Charles, wanna cum." You ramble, uncaring of the volume. He laughs at your desperation, the sound shooting to your core. One swipe of his thumb against your clit timed perfectly with a hit to your g-spot sends you tumbling over the edge, a loud moan tearing from your throat as you soak Charles. "There we go, so good." Charles groans in your ear, collapsing over you as his own orgasm follows yours. You whimper in sensitivity at the feeling of his cum filling you up, whining even louder as he gently pulls out. His cum spills out of you, staining your thighs as he pulls your underwear back up. "Can't let it go to waste honey." Charles explains, placing a gentle kiss to your hair.
It's only when he removes his hand from your chest that you remember the stinging from earlier, looking down to see a deep mark in-between your breasts in the shape of a '16'.
He had branded you, marking you as his, and you wore the mark proudly for the rest of the day.
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springtyme · 8 months
18+ (mdni!) the simon playlist
Simon’s intensity is both a blessing and a curse; it draws you in like a moth to a flame, irresistible and relentless. His passion radiates from his very core, touching every aspect of your relationship, and that most definitely includes your sex life. 
There is a certain enchantment to being with someone whose desires and love burn so brightly. Simon’s unyielding intensity fills the room, overwhelming your senses, making you feel like the centre of his world. His touch is electric, igniting a fire within you that cannot be easily extinguished. 
However, there are days where darkness engulfs Simon, shrouding his heart in pain and anguish. On those days you catch glimpses of the haunting shadows that dance in his eyes, an echo of the inner turmoil he battles with. Simon’s past is a constant companion that lingers in the background of your shared existence. He has come a long way, though. You have helped him heal in ways he never thought possible and he isn’t sure that you’ll even ever understand just how much you have done for him. You offer him a safe haven, a sanctuary where he can express his emotions without judgement.
In your embrace, Simon finds solace from the demons that haunt him. Your love and understanding create a refuge where he can confront his past and find strength to continue his journey towards healing. You become his pillar of support, offering unwavering patience and compassion.
Through his moments of darkness, you hold his hand, reminding him that he doesn’t have to face his struggles alone. You offer a listening ear, allowing him to vent his frustrations, fears, and regrets. In your presence, he discovers the power of vulnerability and realises that it is okay to release the pain he has carried for far too long.
Your love-making becomes a sanctuary of its own - a space where Simon can lose himself in the physical connection and momentarily escape the weight of his past. With every touch, caress, and kiss, the intensity between you intensifies, creating a momentary respite from his inner battles. You provide not only physical pleasure but also emotional intimacy, a safe space for him to open up and explore the depths of his desires and fantasies.
Your relationship becomes a catalyst for Simon’s growth and transformation. In your unwavering support, he discovers the strength to face his past head-on and embrace his vulnerabilities. With you by his side, Simon begins to rewrite his own narrative, shedding the pain and darkness that once consumed him. With you he can be Simon, and only Simon, there is no Ghost around you. 
Together, you create new memories that overshadow the haunting shadows of his past. Your love becomes a beacon of light, guiding him towards a brighter future. With every passing day, Simon’s intensity evolves, no longer a curse but a liberating force that fuels his passion for life and deepens his love for you.
As you continue to navigate the complexities of your relationship, you cherish the intimate moments when Simon’s intensity becomes a canvas for shared vulnerability and profound love. You remain dedicated to supporting him, knowing that your presence has the power to heal and provide him with the strength to overcome any darkness that may threaten to consume him.
Together, you and Simon have built a foundation of trust, understanding, and unconditional love. And as you face each new day, you are grateful for the opportunity to be the one who helps him realise the tremendous impact his intensity has on both himself and your shared world.
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bluefunkybeats · 1 month
gn!reader, SFW, mention of drunk reader but can be read as drunk sleep deprivation (no alcohol mention)
chauffeur!yuuta who tries as much as possible to have a professional front, to be all courteous etiquette and chivalrous assistance; as expected of a luxury service. yet still yuuta’s iridescent bambi eyes and way of unreserved darling restless altruism enchants you.
chauffeur!yuuta who wears the most adorable and eye ogling white uniform (resemblant more to a pilot’s attire than a chauffeur, but he’s the most beautiful thing nonetheless). after the first few weeks working for you, he asks whether he should ditch the little black chauffeur hat or not (he worries it’s a bit overkill but the choice is yours anyway <3).
chauffeur!yuuta who always steadies out the car to open the door for you, one hand holding the car handle and the other open palm extended towards your entrance, gesturing you inside. he never knows whether to stand tall and straight or slightly bent over to meet you at your height. he tries anyway, for you.
chauffeur!yuuta who walks you to your destination (whether that be your front entrance or any other place, especially at night) although he’s sort of really only supposed to open the door for you, help you out, and wave you off; but the loyal dog inside him just won’t let him.
chauffeur!yuuta who when stopped at a red light, looks at the car mirror, looks at you, with a delighted grin and affectionate eyes, whether you’re perched up with full posture and already looking at him, or lolled drowsily and sleeping.
chauffeur!yuuta who constantly checks up on you via the car mirror to confirm you’re happy and content. if not, he asks “can I do something for you?”, making eye contact through the mirror with a sweet smile and docile eyes. if you’re thirsty, he’ll get you your choice of drink from the beverage fridge hidden in the centre console. if you’re hungry, he’ll ask you “what is it that I can you?” then make a stop at your place of choice. if you’re sad, he’ll ask if you’d like him to park the car and yuuta will take you on a stroll with open ears and his undivided attention (in the early days during these walks, he would hold his little hat in front of him with both hands like a true gentleman).
chauffeur!yuuta who realises soon enough, sleeplessly staring at the ceiling from his bed after a day of no reservations to pick you up, that it’s not enough. that by not asserting himself beyond a chauffeur to you as a means to not offend you, his patron, he actually does an injustice to you: the most addictive angel he ever met. well, as if his sweet face and endearing jumpy fussiness about you could ever offend you.
chauffeur!yuuta who involuntary incites your rambles with his receptive eyes and open-book facial expressions. but you’re just the same, giving old yuuta the heart eyes and being on the edge of your seat when the man starts opening up. and soon enough, it seems that you’ve both unraveled each other, become too fond of each other, exchanging soft giggles and the crinkles of eyes. when it’s you two, the ostentatiously costly and luxurious the little old car sure becomes chatty and filled with inoffensive banter, the dopey and syrupy chemistry leaving you both with misty eyes.
chauffeur!yuuta who remembers vividly the last time he picked you up from a night out. cue to drunk you from the backseat, saying you’ll marry him! “when we’re married yuuta…” and an entire rant, flirting with him, throughout the whole journey taking you home. he just stayed quiet with a blushed face and lips drawn in, eyes not meeting yours in the mirror (yet occasionally diverging that way). but he’ll smile after a while and make that long sacred mirror eye-contact with you again; “when we’re married y/n…” please don’t distract the driver!!!
chauffeur!yuuta who absolutely refuses (in the most possible calm, cooed, gentle, quiet screaming “i’m sorry but you can’t!”) to let you sit at the front with him. and quite rightfully so: you’re his patron! the cars ahead will distract you from a having a good lounge! please just luxuriate in your backseat ride! you’ll just stare at him with heart eyes if you sit at the front… he’ll be so flustered he might crash the whole damn car. he’ll be fired and won’t be able to drive you anymore!!!
chauffeur!yuuta who involuntary makes you contemplate for 5 minutes straight before his arrival time (which is actually 10 minutes before the set arrival time since he’s always at least 5 minutes early) on whether you’ll sit directly behind him or in the next seat over. the latter gives you a good view of his divinely entrancing side profile, yet…
chauffeur!yuuta who obliges with a happy sigh as he slides his hand behind his seat as the driver for you to grasp to. now left to your own devices, you’re just counting his knuckles with the taps of your finger (as if you haven’t counted them countless times already) whilst your other hand keeps hold. then you go in with your final blow: a firm but delicate hold with the tappy hand whilst you retire the other; a dazed smile and misty eye contact reciprocated in the mirror, as you give him occasional squeezes on the supple palm. thankfully, he’s cruising a straight unbusy road so your antics won’t require his brain to work double-time.
chauffeur-and-boyfriend!yuuta who kisses the sweet spot at the back of your fingers of your held out hand as he helps you out of car with his own. you and your lover’s hands continue intertwined as he walks you to your front door ♡
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lwwife · 8 months
Hii, saw ur post out requests! Can you write about Leah and her gf having morning sex and Leah is veryyyy needy and cums really fast bcs she’s still half asleep lol
My needy sleepy girl
“Please baby, I need you”
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Smut: Leah!Oral!Receiving, fluff
Word count: 820
Y/n’s pov:
I wake up to my girlfriend pushing up against me from behind, her hand slowly trailing up my baggy shirt I wore to bed. Her fingertips glide across my stomach, then come up to grab at my chest. “I need you” she whispers in my ear as she glides her fingers over my hardened nipples, her voice raspy and tired.
“Mmmh” I respond, somewhat intrigued, somewhat asleep.
Her hands continue their journey as she goes to slide her hands into my pyjama shorts, “please” she whispers again, softly biting on my ear this time. I quickly turn over, placing her underneath me, interlocking our hands and pinning hers next to her head. She tries to lift her body up. I force her to stay down with my hands, “what do you want baby?” I question her, “off” she whispers, “use your words baby girl, come on” I reply, “off! Take my top off!” I raise an eyebrow at her, “please” she whispers, almost inaudible. I lean forward to her ear, “good girl”. She whines and squirms, needier than I’ve seen her in a long time. “Babyyyyy” she whines again, “shhh baby, all in good time” I reply, whilst I kiss down her neck.
I release her hands to take her top off, she instantly reaches for the bottom of mine and almost rips it off, I cock an eyebrow at her, she goes shy under my gaze and drops her head, “sorry” she mumbles. I chuckle and run my hands down her chest and her nipples harden under my touch, she throws her head back and sighs. I lean forward and stop just before our lips touch, “I love you so much” I whisper against her soft lips, “I love you more baby” she smiles, and at that we both lean forward and meet in a slow sensual kiss, our lips melt together perfectly. Leah opens her mouth which I take as an opening to put my tongue in, she responds by doing the same and our tongues swirl around each other as if they were made to do so.
My hands cup and knead at her breasts, “Mmmh” she hums, I pinch her nipples in between my fingers then begin to run my hands slowly down her stomach, her toned defined abs flex at the cold touch of my hands, as I reach her pyjama pants I dip the tip of my fingers under the waistband then stop, “please baby, I need you” she whines in between kisses, I smile against her lips and slide the rest of my hand under. I gently run my fingers over her underwear and instantly feel the wet patch. I pull back from her lips, and she chases my head and whines, I look down at my hand then back at her, raising an eyebrow, “someone’s needy huh?”, “baby! Stop teasing, just fuck me” she whines again. “What do you say Leah?” My face turns serious, “please”she whimpers. “That’s what I thought”, at that I quickly rip her black slightly laced underwear off, and move down her body until my eyes are met with her dripping wet centre. “Oh fuck, you’re dripping Leah”, “tell me about it! Now do something about it, please y/n!” She throws her head back. I once again smile at her neediness and lean forward.
I lick a long strip along her, and her legs begin to shake, I lean back and look up at her, she looks down dumbfounded “why did you stop? I was so close” She asked angrily, “Leah I hadn’t even started?” “Just keep going, please”, I grant her wishes and dive in again, her hand instantly finds the top of my head pushing my tongue deeper into her, she runs her hands through my hair, then grips it tightly, I take my tongue out and start circling her clit with my tongue. “Oh fuck y/n” “yes please fuck” “oh baby just there keep going” “yes yes yes” “fuck, fuck oh FUCK” after sucking on her clit softly Leah’s thighs grasp my head tightly and a loud moan sounds from her. I clean her up and she whines at the contact. I move back up her body to find Leah with an arm over her eyes, looking exhausted, I kiss her softly, and she hums at the taste, “taste good doesn’t baby?” I ask her, she continue to hum and kiss me. “You didn’t even last a minute” I tease her, “shut up” she rolls her eyes and kisses me again.
I leave one last peck on her lips and roll off her to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, I return two minutes later to find Leah dead asleep sprawled out on the bed. I giggle to myself and slide back into bed and cuddle into her. “My needy sleepy girl” I whisper and leave a kiss on her forehead.
A/n: AHHHH, okay I’ve never written smut before, this is the second story I’ve ever written so once again I hope it’s okay, feel free to leave feedback and or more requests! Hope you enjoy😊
Also would you guys like my fics to be longer/shorter? What does everyone think?
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nori-the-cat · 6 months
What does dating the RIIZE members feel like?
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With everything going on in the riizevile, I thought I should post something light-hearted and cute. Although there are many of these kinds of posts circulating, I'd like to add my own twist on this by adding tarot.
Remember: I don't know them personally. These are just interpretations based on tarot cards. The true nature of dating each member would depend on their true individual personalities.
☆ Shotaro (The Magician) The magician card was strong in this one. A relationship with him could feel exciting and full of surprises. He might be full of surprises and constantly have something interesting up his sleeve. He brings playful energy to the relationship, keeping things fresh and interesting.
He might be the type to surprise his partner (you) on their birthday or during anniversaries. The giggly and happy-go-lucky Shotaro you see on screen might be the Shotaro behind the screen. I think he is secretly attentive, so, surprising his partner is something he likes to do. He might get something you've been talking about or wanting to get, and then, BAM! comes your birthday and he got it for you as a surprise. My assumption is that he likes to see them smile and he appreciates a good "Aw, thank you, babe".
☆ Eunseok (The Page of Wands, The World, and The Empress) Eunseok is a "little" hard to read. He is clear as day but is also full of surprises. You will not know what is going on in his brain. He is unexpectedly full of surprises. I admit he is a bit of a wild card.
In some ways, he is a little similar to Shotaro. Dating Eunseok could be exciting and full of life. He might be impulsive and bring a fun, light-hearted vibe to the relationship. I say could because he gives off a serious vibe to me, but he can still poke fun at his partner (you), throw playful/sarcastic remarks, and banter with him is fun.
He might be the boyfriend who unexpectedly brings/invites you to a board game cafe, cat cafe, dog cafe, park, or late-night food adventure. Your reaction would be something like this, "Huh? Now?" and he would nonchalantly say "Yeah, now" with a shrug.
He could be the type to make you become the centre of his world once he’s down for you. Similar to Sungchan, Eunseok is also someone who values personal growth. But he focuses on inner work. So for him a relationship is about a journey of self-discovery and shared growth. Filled with surprises and tricks up his sleeve, Eunseok is a weird yet romantic guy.
Another thing about Eunseok is that he might be a nurturing and supportive person. He is a softie at heart. Behind that mischief of his, he can provide emotional warmth and stability to his partner (you) making you feel cherished and cared for.
☆ Sungchan (Strength, The Star, and The Wheel of Fortune) With Sungchan, you might find a relationship built on stability. He could be the kind of partner who provides constant encouragement and is always dependable. He is the guy who would drop everything when you need help. I think Sungchan is reliable and Sohee thinks so too.
I know I said this is a tarot reading, but Sungchan is such a Virgo. He also has his Venus in Leo. Being needed and then complimented will make him smile from ear to ear.
Dating him will make you feel like you're bettering yourself. So you might need to be on your toes! He will help you become a better person while still showing you support and becoming a shoulder to lean on. Definitely the type of guy who wants to see his partner (you) succeed.
Do you want to lose weight and become healthier? He will make you go to the gym with him. Do you want to become a better person? He will buy books about self-development for you. Do you want to have new hobbies? He will try it out with you.
Sungchan is like your life coach (not in a bad way). Additionally, I also think this is because he is continuously bettering himself, so he expects a partner who is more or less just like him. He is someone who is a little spontaneous but with a plan.
☆ Wonbin (The Hierophant and The Wheel of Fortune) His was unexpected. I thought he would be into the non-stereotypical relationship dynamic. The type to does not mind if the girl leads, but he does mind. He turns out to be quite traditional and grounded.
In a relationship, Wonbin is a bit unpredictable. Definitely not like Shotaro, Eunseok, or Sungchan. These three are spontaneous and full of surprises for different reasons. But Wonbin isn’t like them. He is unpredictable in a way that makes the relationship fun, interesting, and exciting for him. Being with him might make someone feel they’re in a constant change.
I think he might also prefer to be the provider or the one who wears the pants in the relationship. Might I say, the decision maker too. He is also loyal and respectful. But, he expects you to do the same. If you don't do the same, it would make him have second thoughts about his partner (you). Hence, for him creating a sense of security and stability in a partnership is important.
Yeah, this is why I think he’s unpredictable. You just need to follow his lead. Just imagine the actual wheel of fortune, whatever you land on is what you get. That’s how it is with Wonbin.
☆ Seunghan (The High Priestess, The Emperor, and Strength) Being with Seunghan could feel like it’s your anniversary everyday. He might be the kind of guy who listens really well and cares a lot about having a strong emotional bond with his partner (you). He would make you feel super special by showing you his unwavering focus and attention.
If any of you guys watch his fan sign video call videos, he is exactly like that. He engages and communicates with his fans. He might be the type to actually do that to his partner (you).
I, personally, think there is no hiding for Seunghan. He is straightforward with his feelings, emotions, and love for his partner (you). Have you seen how he dotes on Sohee? He is pretty much like that with his partner (you). He wants his partner (you) to feel loved.
I also think this stems from his desire to keep a peaceful relationship or a harmonious dynamic. He has Libra placements in his Sun and Venus. For him, listening to his partner and catering to them is his way of keeping the relationship peaceful. So, do not worry if you argue with him. He will prioritise making you happy.
☆ Sohee (The Sun and Temperance) Dating Sohee could feel like sunshine and laughter! He might be the kind of guy who brings happiness and fun to the relationship, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. For reference, I did a tarot reading on him as your boyfriend.
Anyway, he is someone who doesn't take things too seriously (in a good way). He is pretty much optimistic about life.
As your partner, he might secretly admit he is proud to have you as his significant other. He would also show his love warmly by playfully throwing jokes at you just to see you smile.
For Sohee, a relationship is a mutual bond between two people. Unlike Seunghan whose main focus is his partner’s happiness. Sohee thinks a relationship is when two people are happy together.
A little similar to Seunghan, he also craves harmony in a relationship, but his focus is on balancing the dynamic between the love. He might prioritise finding a balance between his partner’s (you) needs and his, fostering a relationship built on compromises and understanding.
Lucky for you! His smile is contagious, so fighting/arguing with him will make you admit defeat because of how sweet his smile can be.
More or less, this relationship will be built on humour, balance, and friendship.
I'd say Sohee is a mixture of Shotaro, Eunseok, Sungchan and Seunghan. Though he likes surprises like Shotaro and Eunseok, because he will make things fun. But is also pretty serious like Sungchan. He also have similar thoughts on relationships like Seunghan does.
To Sohee, a relationship might be based on two things and that is communication and trust. Hence, for the relationship to be positive, he expects two-way communication and trust. He thinks it takes two to tango.
Imagine this, the sun shines its light on everything and that is Sohee. A relationship with Sohee will be filled with warmth, joy, and laughter. He is sweet, considerate, and playful. (SIGH. He is my bias. I want to date him too.)
☆ Anton (The Moon, The Knight of Wands, and The Emperor) Shy and reserved Anton. He is just like how he portrays himself on screen.
My reaction while doing his reading? "Aw! How cute!" Another friends-to-lovers trope. He is a little bit like Sohee.
However, going out with Anton could be like a puzzle! At first, he might seem a little shy, but as you get to know him, you could discover a whole new side to him – deep and interesting. It could keep things exciting!
A disclaimer, it might take years to figure him out. I think it's best to get to know him as a friend rather than going for a confession. That might intimidate him.
Anton is someone worth getting to know. He might not be an open book at first, but the effort of getting to know him could be rewarding. Hence, I do think it's better to be his friend first. He might have interesting hobbies, thoughts, or experiences that he doesn't reveal right away.
As you engage in conversation and share experiences, he'll likely become more comfortable opening up. You'll constantly be learning new things about him, which can prevent things from getting stale. He's like that big bag of his that he carries everywhere, filled with surprises.
Once you get to know him, being with Anton feels like having a reliable and dependable partner. He might be someone who takes charge and provides a sense of security in the relationship.
He is passionate and energetic. He is a little similar to Eunseok. He might be spontaneous and adventurous, keeping the relationship dynamic and full of surprises. So, expect a planned yet unplanned dates.
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elfven-blog · 9 months
Secrets of the Manor
Summary: You try to spend a night in an abandoned Manor during a storm. Ghost!Leon x F!Reader CW: MDNI, 18+ only, p in v, dubcon, manipulation, fingers, orgasm denial (reader doesn't finish at all), creampie. Word count: 2.4K
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As the thunder rumbled around you and the rain soaked through the coat you had wrapped around you, your mind couldn’t help but play tricks on you. Making your way through a storm with inadequate equipment was hard enough but the feeling of eyes burning into your back had haunted you since you’d left the forest, and set on this cobblestone path. 
Your eyes widened as you came upon a large manor, biting your lip as you considered entering or not, remembering the words of your grandmother about avoiding anything that seemed to good to be true while on this journey, but as the rain seemed to get heavier and your skin felt like ice you couldn't ignore the idea of a warm…or at least dry place to stay.
The heavy door creaked as you opened it, and you struggled to heave it closed again. Once shut it left you in a dark hallway that smelled of mildew, you could feel the wood beneath your feet as you moved towards what looked like a sitting room. A crack of lightning caused the room to glow as you jumped out of your skin at the thunder that followed. You were able to light some candles in the room, the dust rising as you moved which resulted in you coughing while trying to give the room some light.
You carried one of them in your hands, moving with it to the big fireplace but once there you realised the wood in the centre had all rotted. There goes your hope for some warmth. As you look around the rest of the room, hoping for something you can use as fuel for a fire, the state of the room catches your attention. Torn apart curtains, chunks taken out of the upholstery on the sofa and random clutter scattered around in ways that made no sense. Perhaps the manor had been ransacked a long time ago, the bookshelf held no books but the floor certainly did. The candle holders were long since empty and the rug had been shredded until only small parts of it were left.
The wind whistled through the manor causing you to pull what little clothing you had to cover yourself tighter, you needed to find that warmth and find it soon. You left the room going along the corridor and it felt like the shadows were getting longer, even though you were now in some form of shelter it didnt mean that you were any less relaxed. The shadows seemed to take more shapes than just getting longer, from the corner of your eye you could swear you saw a man but when you whipped around to look there was only an empty corner.
Creak after creak echoed through the manor as you made your way up the crumbing stairs, you had tried to hold onto the bannister but it had leant and snapped so instead you stayed as close to the wall as possible. Your eyes kept watch on the steps to make sure you avoided the holes and anything else that could possibly lead to injuries, once you’d finally made it to the landing you decided to go for the closest door.
And you jumped again as the wind whistled past your ear, it almost sounded like someone speaking but you shook your head and opened the door. It took a moment, the door knob wouldn’t turn and when it did the door stuck so you had to ram it with your shoulder until you nearly fell into the room as it swung open. 
Inside the room was a large bed, curtains almost hanging off and the dust was disturbed as you walked, leaving a trail of the clouds that had you coughing as it invaded your nose and mouth. Once it had settled again your eyes wandered the ornate room, and finally the realisation of how this now destitute manor was once a grandiose home for someone as you saw the detail in the woodwork around the room and the random decorations that seemed to serve no purpose.
There was hesitation in your steps now as you saw the bed, it had been so long since you’d been able to sleep in a bed that guard you had up immediately dissolved. You gently sat on the bed as if worried it would collapse but your hands spread against the blanket, surprised that it was still intact and there seemed to be no dust as you touched it. Not that you would complain. 
As you discarded the soaked clothes you were wearing, the noise of something falling reverberated from somewhere in the manor. Part of you hoped it was just rats, and you didn’t want to pass up the opportunity of sleeping in a real bed so instead you moved the heavy wooden dresser in front of the door. Hoping it would hold enough that you’d be able to hide or escape if someone else did find the manor.
After that was sorted you continued taking the outer layer of your clothes off, leaving you in the underwear you had, as you peeled back the cover with an apprehensive look part of you was glad that it seemed to be clean and you climbed into the bed. It didn’t take long for the exhaustion to hit you as your eyes quickly slipped shut, taking you into a deep slumber.
You don’t know what time it is when you wake up, the feeling of hands travelling up your torso as you blink away slowly. It isn’t until something pinches your nipple that you bolt upright and fling the cover off you, only to be met with nothing. Your hands try to wipe off whatever it was causing the feeling but there is still nothing.
The room feels heavy as your head swings around trying to see if anyone is there, but the dresser is still in front of the door. It hasn’t moved an inch. Your heart starts to calm, before your body tenses up and your eyes move to stare at the bed…what if? No! Surely not! 
You leant over the edge of the bed, lifting the cover that had fallen over the side and looked under the bed. Only to find nothing, causing you to blink slowly before you lay back on the bed. Head sinking into the pillow with a furrowed brow while you were trying to figure out what was happening. It must have been a dream. A very realistic dream. With a nod as if deciding this must be the answer, your eyes slipped closed again.
The next time you awoke it was to the sound of something wet. It took you a little longer this time, a yawn leaving your mouth, you were laying on your stomach and when you tried to turn over something stopped you. A weight settled on your back causing you to struggle, a deep voice resonating through the room “Shh shh now pretty girl, just stay right there f’me” it was then you realised your legs had been forced apart, and the wet sound was coming from between them.
What felt like fingers were spreading your pussy, and the bed rocked slightly as that sound came again “Fuck, not seen such a cute cunt in so long” your head turned so you could see behind you, brow furrowed when you saw nothing but you definitely felt as something hard and cold rubbed against your hole before dragging down to your clit. “So wet and all I had to do was play with those pretty tits for a bit”.
There was a slight shimmer between your legs, moonlight streaming from the window glinting off whatever was between your legs. And you could see the outline of a man, his head leant forward as he watched the way your hole seemed to clench around nothing and his arm moved. The source of the bed rocking and the wet sound, he groaned as he felt your slick cover his cock, “So fucking warm too” and his cockhead bumped at your clit again which caused a moan to leave your mouth. Your hand managing to slap against your lips to stop “No no, none of that. Move your hand” 
You didn’t move your hand, not wanting whatever this man was to hear those noises from you but part of your mind wanted to give in, especially as the tip of his cock stretched your hole and your hips moved back to try and take more of him. This caused a deep chuckle to leave the apparition as his hands moved to your hips and held you down “Sorry sweetheart, but if you don’t do as your told you dont get rewarded” as if to make a point he moved his hips until you were left empty and you whined at the feeling.
Until he pushed into you again, stretching you out that little bit and never more as his hips moved in small thrusts. It felt so good and so wrong at the same time, the cold of his dick only pressing into your warm hole shallowly. But you refused to move your hand, like some last stance, even if he could feel the way your thighs squirmed on the bed or how your other hand clenched at the sheets. Or how your cunt was trying to suck him deeper in as it clenched around the head of his cock. “C’mon, don't you wanna be a good girl?”
And those words broke you. You did want to be a good girl. The hand covering your mouth slipped down to grip at the sheets as your hips bucked back and the ghoul seemed to dig its nails deeper into you as his own hips started rabbiting against you. With the way you were positioned his balls slapped at your clit and the sudden change in pace had your body rocking the bed. “See ain't so bad, is it? Just gotta lay there and take it” and you gave him what he wanted as moans slipped from your mouth in a whiny pitch.
You felt something cold and wet lean over your back, locks of shimmery blonde hair falling into your line of sight and your eyes wandered as far as they could. Trying to concentrate on how this man…this ghost looked like, but the feeling of his cock dragging along your pulsing walls made it extremely difficult. Apart from the blonde hair, he had a strong jaw and his arms were clearly made from years of work, you wondered how he’d died.
“Fuck, feels so good. Needed this, ain't had good pussy in so long” his words had your ears turning red, and you felt a hand creep under your body to touch your nipples. Your eyes widened at the familiar feeling, the same one as when you’d first woken up. Your nipples hardened from the cool touch, and he rolled the pebbled bud between his fingers in a way that had you arching into his hand as much as it could. In a weird way you could feel the sheets below his hand but his fingers still worked at your nipple.
His fast strokes turned into deep, slow ones as he rolled his hips against your ass and you pressed your hips up against him trying to signal that you wanted his original pace but he tutted in your ear. His tongue dipped against the outer shell “I’d say I’m sorry but this aint for you, just gonna use this little pussy” his cock twitched inside your cunt, and you whined at his words unable to speak when all these sensations were happening. He seemed to press himself closer to you, his thrusts almost felt non existent with how slow he went, tediously drawing his cock in and out.
“So fucking warm” it felt like an eternity of this, the tip of his head bumping at your cervix every now and then until one of his hands moved to your legs and pushed it up at the knee, the new angle had you almost drooling. Your mind was clouded, and somewhere far away you felt the cold lift from your back, a whimper leaving you but then it was like he’d had a new sense of energy as he started fucking into you at a brutal pace. 
The feet of the bed scraped against the floor, and the headboard hit the wall echoing throughout the manor. Your eyes rolled back at the feeling, saliva drooling messily down your chin as his hand yanked your head back with your hair, a slight pain searing through the scalp but the feeling of his twitching cock filling you up distracted you from that pain. “That’s it, just fucking take it” 
A few moments later and your thighs were shaking from the feeling, until he suddenly slowed. And you gasped at the sensation of something cold filling you up, what were normally hot sticky ropes was almost freezing as he grunted above you, emptying his balls into your hole. Holding you close so you couldn't move, until his cock stopped twitching and there was nothing left to give.
You lifted your hips, expecting his hand to dip below to circle your clit but nothing. Suddenly you were warm again, and there was no other weight on the bed, no hands holding you down. Hands pushing against the sheets so that you could move to sit on the bed properly, your head turning around as you realised he was gone. You ached from the use, and he had left. A frown took over your mouth and for a moment you thought you’d imagined the entire thing until you looked between your legs and saw a shimmering white cum leaking from your hole, your hand touched it and you gasped at how cold it was.
You quickly changed, and managed to move the dresser from the door, deciding you didn’t want to spend another second in that forsaken manor. You didn’t care that it was still dark, and raining. You just had to get out of there. Your mind tried to rationalise what had happened, you denied with every part of you that you had enjoyed what had happened. And if you had taken a moment to look back, you would have seen the figure of the blonde man in the window staring as you made your escape.
It wasn’t for months that you’d find out who it was that had used you in such a way. You were rolling your eyes as you listened to some of the people gossiping “Such a shame though, that manor. You know, the Lord and Lady left after their son Leon had died. Those poor Kennedy’s, the Lady went mad. Saying she could see her son wandering the halls.”
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oromanticism · 7 months
A Family Day at the Beach
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Nanami Kento x fem! Reader
Tags: Pure sweet almost sickly fluff, Domestic, pregnancy, SFW, Alternative Universe, I was watching a bunch of Nara Smith videos and needed an outlet before I ended up getting married and having a real-life baby
w/c: 2,083
Based on this moodboard I made
For reference son is around 5 years old, older daughter is around 3, baby is almost 1 and the fetus is a fetus.
Dividers by @soulari
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Nanami walked leisurely across the shore line of Kuantan watching his son and daughter in pure amusement as they poked and prodded at a displeased crab.
He had warned them earlier to leave the animal alone, that its claws would pinch their little fingers however, they insisted that the crab come back to live in their sand castle and that it had simply lost its way home. He couldn’t argue with that.
So for the better part of half an hour he had joined his kids in the slow journey guiding “Mr. Grabs” back home. And finally after a lifetime of traversing the sand dunes, the sand castle was in view.
“Almost there Mr. Grabs” his daughters sweet voice offered words of encouragement gently tapping the crabs hard exterior with a twig in the hope to jolst in further ahead. His son however, has grown restless over this whole ordeal.
“UGHHHH Can this thing be any slower” his son puffed, squeezing at his blonde tendrils in frustration. Nanami let out a breathy laugh recounting that at least all the lessons he had taught them both on patience had an effect on one of the children.
In that moment of positive recollection, he glanced upwards towards the sky soaking in the warmth from the rays above.
Big Mistake.
His knee-length clone identified this slight second of distraction from the adult present which gave him enough time to make his move. Nanami should have expected this, kids are like predators, waiting for a moment of weakness from their prey (their parents) before striking and doing something stupid. Alas just as quickly as his happy memories started to play, it ended with the shrill shriek of his daughter.
“Put him down” she screamed as she watched her brother pick up Mr Grabs and run in the direction of the sand castle. Before Nanami could open his mouth she had taken off after her brother, swinging her plastic toy shovel in the air. Standing there in the cloud of sand dust left by his children Nanami mused the idea of yelling at both of them to stop knowing they would both immediately listen but something tickled in the back of his head reminding him that this would be a great parenting lesson to have up his sleeve so he resigned to watching this small bout of madness play out already knowing how it would end.
His son looked back at his sisters expression taunting her with a toothy grin “I’m just faster than you-“
“Three, two, one…” like magic Nanami counted in his head and as soon as the clock struck midnight his son’s face began to contort. First confusion, then pain, then….
Every beachgoer in the near vicinity, grimaced at the ear splitting scream let out by the little boy as he began to flay his arm attempting to unattach a very pissed off crab from his appendage. Pushing the smug parent grin to the back of his mind Nanami approached the panicked child and removed the crustacean from his body, tossing it to the side and watching as it hurriedly scuttled away.
“Errrrr, Kento!” Your voice slashed through the moment “When I said watch the kids, watching them get bitten by crabs was not what I had in mind!” You grumbled, awkwardly manoeuvring yourself upwards, your round pregnant belly throwing off your centre of gravity causing you to stumble slightly in your ascent. Beside you your youngest child babbled happily in the sand, unaware of the distress her older siblings were in.
Nanami grinned sheepishly “It’s alright dear no one got hurt” he held the blushing boys arm as proof of his claim “Lie back done and get some rest” he cooed sweetly. Although your eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses he could feel the daggers aimed in his direction before you sighed and laid back down in the sun chair, picking back up the mother magazine you were reading.
He knelt down wordlessly and analysed the boy's wound, the finger was pinched pink but otherwise no skin was broken and no damage was caused other than to his ego. Smiling sweetly at his son, his lecture to the sniffling child on patience and respecting animals had begun in the most serious tone he could muster with that heavenly ‘Told you so’ feeling swimming in the back of his mind. His son stared at the ground, he hated being scolded by Nanami despite the fact his father never raised his voice or berated him his tone always carried a serious level of discipline and respect that could make a bird feel bad for singing. Nanami didn't like scolding either but he knew it was important to ensure his children stayed on the right path and represented him and his wife's hard work well. The boy nodded wordlessly once Nanami had reached his concluding message and reached out to hug his father's open arms buring his face into the older man's chest.
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This was your fourth child with Nanami yet you were still a bundle of nerves preparing for their arrival. Being so close in age with your youngest (completely unplanned on your part, SOMEONE can’t keep their hands and other body parts to themselves) you worried about dividing your attention equally between the under twos and also how much sleep you would be able to get with breastfeeding two mouths.
You had read countless advice columns and mommy blogs warning about the dangers of having kids too close in age, critiquing mothers with large families on their ability to love and provide attention to all their children equally, and seen countless posts warning about the dangers of just about everything you currently did raising your young family. Doubt began to fill your head and despite having three little ones you felt like a new mother learning to do the correct things all over again.
Nanami did his best to ease your anxiety with foot rubs and affirming words reminding you that you both were a team and that he was ready to take on the sleepless nights again, even suggesting hiring a full time nanny to live in the house during the first few months to make the newborn stage easier. You declined his offer, despite home-care being cheaper in Malaysia it would still eat into a large chuck on his savings that could be allocated better elsewhere. Plus you had just watched a video of kids saying that they liked their nanny more than their moms which only added to your growing anxiety.
Nanami had noticed your behaviour change, especially after you began to second guess whether or not you'd vaccinate the baby and seriously discussed giving birth at home in the tub with no nurse or midwife. He shot down these ideas immediately, insisting that he would not be putting you or his children through that extra stress based on conspiracy theories and fear-mongering. He had started to worry about how all the 'online garbage' was affecting your sanity and mental health during your third trimester and insisted on having a no-technology day at the beach to ease your worries.
After another great parenting lesson was concluded Nanami made his way towards his moody wife. Your grouchiness never bothered him, in fact, it was one of his favourite parts of pregnancy. Seeing you become tender and over-emotional and knowing exactly how to squeeze a smile out of you in those moments was his greatest pleasure and partially why you both had formed a little league football team worth of children in such a short amount of time.
“There are my sweet girls” he approached the cheery baby on the ground first, casually removing the fist full of sand that was making its way to her open mouth and peppering kisses across her chubby cheeks causing her to bubble over in laughter. Music to his ears.
“And my favourite girl” he grinned placing the baby on his hip and crouching beside you on the chair. You glanced away from your magazine and scoffed at the slight on your husband’s over-exaggerated kissy face he was making at you.
“No kisses for me?” He asked playfully cocking his head to the side. You rolled your eyes and placed a single chaste kiss on his lips but before you could pull yourself away, you felt a large hand on the back of your neck , keeping you in place as he deepened the kiss. You mumbled incoherently into his mouth for a second before giving in to the affection placing a soft hand on the side of his face. After what felt like an eternity, this kiss was interrupted by a small disapproving smack from the baby on his side who began claw at both of your faces clearly distressed by this public display of affection.
Giggles enveloped the both of you whilst affectionately watching the baby crawl back to the pile of toys in the sand once placed on the ground.
“Still reading that magazine love? Nanami asked glancing at the the object in question “Honestly, we’ve done this three times already I don’t know what other advice you could possibly need or how much more equipment we could fit in the nursery” he grunted as he stood up from the sand balancing at the edge of your sun-bed.
Rolling your eyes you folded up the magazine placing it out of sight “There’s always some thing new to learn with these things, like the new Montessori school opening nearby and there’s these baby bottles that are shaped like real nipples to help with latching, and a bassinet that rocks the baby for you! It’s called the SNOO it’s about eight thousand Ringgits but we can buy it second hand” Nanami playfully groaned at your rambling shifting his body until he laying between your thighs leaving small kisses where he could reach.
“Are you even listening to me Kento? I said it says here that plastic nappies are actually bad for babies skin and that plastic bottles can cause eczema” He hummed absentmindedly in response resulting in a pout from you and a flick to the forehead.
Brushing off your annoyance he pointed his finger in the direction of your two oldest children who were engrossed in a very intense game of tag “Look over there love”
You winced slightly at the blow your daughter had delivered to her brother back once she caught up with him suppressing your giggle as he face-planted into the floor before getting up and taking after his assailant at full speed.
“And over here” he again pointed to the baby playing “Can I eat that?” in the sand beside them.
“You raised all of these kids just fine without all that nonsense, we’re going to be just fine” he kissed your thighs again caressing small circles into you while his eyes remained half-lidded.
You huffed again staring down at your caring husband allowing yourself to relax at his touch. Maybe he was right, all your babies were happy and healthy and you kept them alive for this long and anonmom2567 couldn't be THAT much better at parenting than you afterall.
"You're probably right Ken" you sighed again closing your eyes and relaxing back into the sunbed, he smiled lazily into your thighs content that his plan had worked and that he could reduce some of his wife’s troubles. The sound of gentle waves and chatter lulled you both into comfortable silence appreciating the wonderful weather, coastal air, and beautiful sky.
Of course as a parent silence meant trouble was afoot.
After a few minutes of this blissful silence you turnt to find your baby was not at her pile of blocks. You immediantly shot up and began to scan the area horrified to see your baby a considerable distance away (how'd she even crawl that fast???) at another families beach set up eating a popsicle from a cooing older lady.
"Aren't you just the most precious little angel" she fawned over your littlest one who was already scanning what they would eat next.
Not only that your oldest son had decided that the most adequet punishment for the slap he had recieved earlier was digging his younger sister neck deep in the sand.
Nanami followed your eyes to the scenes before him and let out a loud laugh, getting up to dig out the now-crying child while you retrieved your baby escape artist.
You were going to be just fine.
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A/N: My second public fic omgggg hope you enjoyed. I was binge watching a bunch of Nara Smiths content and decided that I need to write my own young family AU before I messed around and married a mormon
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luveline · 1 year
thought of a cute eddie and roan request!! since it’s almost summer time they go to the pool or beach?? roans having a blast
thank you!! dad!eddie takes you and his baby for a trip to the beach (lake)!! this is when they haven't been together as long and roan is younger!! dad eddie x fem!reader ♥︎ 3k
Eddie's daughter is nearly five years old, about 3ft 5in, and weighs less than fifty pounds. She has slightly chubby cheeks, a huge smile, and she has never been this excited in her life. 
"I swear I've taken her on vacation before," Eddie says, his eyes moving between the road, the side of your face, and Roan's joyous expression in the rear view mirror almost frantically. 
You push your sunglasses up your nose. "I believe you. I've seen the photos, Edward." 
He snorts. "You know that's not my name." 
"But it makes derision much funnier to call you something formal."
"You usually go with Munson." 
"I'm feeling festive today, it's such a good day." 
Roan agrees from the back with a small shout. 
You turn in your seat before Eddie can, eyes creased with affection when you see her again. Roan is in her best summer dress with her hair braided back out of her face, ending before her ears so her curls can take centre stage. She's got her delicate blue cardigan on, and a sandwich in her hands. You've been trying to break the long drive into smaller bits for her with snacks and songs, and it's worked thus far. 
"Do you want another sandwich, baby?" you ask, clicking open the the tupperware in your lap. "We've only got PB and J left, Eds. Can I give her that? I don't wanna ruin her dress." 
"If she wants it," he says, shrugging. His expression is cut short as he turns the wheel sharply to the side. "Woah! Sorry, ladies, I almost missed the turn. What a loser."
You tear Roan's sandwich into a smaller one and hand it back through the seats. "Try not to get it on your dress, princess, it's so pretty," you plead. 
"I won't," she says. As soon as you hand her the sandwich she drops it on her skirts. She's just old enough to understand what's happened, and giggles like she thinks she's about to be told off. 
You've seen Eddie do it enough times. Roan drops a crust or spills a drink and Eddie pretends to be cross, eyebrows drawn together in an unconvincing glare. "Roan," he always says, and if he can reach he chucks her under the chin with his knuckle, "how dare you. You know accidents aren't allowed." 
It warms your heart that her reaction to a potential chastisement is laughter. 
Roan has firmly passed baby stage: she doesn't look like a big baby, she looks like a very small child, with deceptively long arms and legs. She waves one leg toward you and says in her high-pitched, sometimes illegible voice, "My shoe's coming off." 
Her shoe isn't coming off, but the buckle around her ankle has come undone. 
"Oh no," you dote, leaning through the two front seats of Eddie's car to help. "What happened? You're too happy, babe, all your dancing must've wiggled the buckle free."
"I'm too happy," she agrees, "we're going to the beach now." 
"We're nearly there," Eddie says. 
Indiana Beach is an amusement park on Lake Shafer ninety miles away from Indianapolis, which is a good eighty miles from Hawkins. If you were to draw this journey on a map, it would look like the hands of a clock at three thirty, or a 'Y' without one of its eyes. With Eddie's cautious driving but not much traffic, it had taken you guys nearly three hours from the time you set off from his trailer at seven in the morning to now. It's an aching amount of time to confine a child, and Roan hasn't slept a wink, so her happy attitude is miraculous and perhaps precarious. 
Which is to say, you smother her in love and hope it will keep her from becoming too agitated. You and Eddie have already discussed the possibilities of her behaviour — if she started a screaming crying tantrum as she sometimes does, Eddie would pull over and you'd climb in the back. If your company didn't help, he'd pull over again and you'd take a break wherever you were. If she still didn't improve, you'd think about going home. The point of the trip is for Roan to have fun.
You can see the Galaxi from a mile away, a huge curling roller coaster on the Indiana Beach pier. Eddie starts grinning, really smiling, the kind you don't get to see very often. He smiled like that when he asked you to be his girlfriend outside of the Hawk movie theatre, and he smiled worse when you told him you loved him for the first time, your hand pressed against his chest and your face hiding in the crook of his neck. 
"Ro!" he says loudly, turning onto a side street in search of the parking lot, "look, baby! Can you see the lake? The beach? It's so sunny, oh my goodness." 
His hand reaches across for you. He squeezes your leg roughly, and it aches in the best way, fingertips digging into the soft inside of your thigh. You can't help laughing, pleasantly startled by his obvious joy. 
Roan starts talking and you're sorry but you're not an expert in her warbling yet, not when she's speaking a mile a minute. You catch "beach," and "sunshine," and "daddy!" but that's about it. 
He drives into a ticket parking lot a fifteen minute walk from the pier and finds a space with ease. You quickly undo your belt and get out, stretching your arms behind your back and leaning forward to roll your neck out. You're sore from all the back and forth, attention split between Eddie and Roan for the last three hours. 
Eddie gets out on the other side, and he should get Roan's stroller first, but it was never going to happen. He opens Roan's door and the excited stream of chatter increases between the both of them. You come around the back of the car and watch him pull her out of her car seat, fussing over her skirts and her hair and her tiny shoes. He makes one of those heaving dad groans when he picks her up, one arm skewed under her butt and the other behind her back. It's more hug than carry. 
"Hey, baby," he says, "how's that? Is it nice to be out of the car?" His hand moves to her legs. "Should we do some walking and stretching?" 
He rubs her legs. 
"Daddy, it's sunny, it's like– like with Uncle Wayne, when'd he says that the sunshine is out to play," she says, her hands moving from her chest and into the air above her head like a burst. "It's not messing around!" 
You laugh, your heart melted to a wet goo. Eddie gives you an eyeful, as if to say, Yeah, I made her, that's my kid, and I know she's the cutest thing on God's green earth, thank you very much for noticing. 
"It's not," he agrees, putting her down on the ground. You stand a little ways away, knowing she won't run into traffic but worried anyhow. 
Eddie holds one of her hands and Roan puts the other one back in the air, stretching up big and tall. Eddie strokes a hair behind her ear, and his thumb lingers affectionately on her cheek. 
"Will you wear your hat?" he asks. 
"Do you have a hat?" 
"Uh, no, daddy doesn't have one," he says. 
"But I do!" you butt in.
They turn to look at you. You open the trunk, digging through your packed bags to find the sunhat you'd brought with you. You pop it on your head and turn to smile at them. "See? So you wear yours and we'll be matching." 
Roan doesn't hesitate to crowd your legs. You grab her hat from her 'baby' bag and place it carefully on her head. It hides her beautiful hairdo, but it'll keep her safe from the heat. She looks you in the face and grins. 
"Beautiful," you compliment. 
Eddie doesn't look quite as summer ready as you both. His hair is down, shiny clean but unlikely to stay that way considering the heat. He's wearing blue denim rather than black, something he'd spoken of with horror but more than pulls off, and a black Motorhead t-shirt. There's one chain around his neck that he never takes off, but besides that he's sans jewellery. 
"Roan," he says, "we're gonna walk to the pier to stretch our legs, but you have to hold hands. And you can sit down in the stroller when they're tired again." She nods hurriedly at the idea that she'll be free for a while. "Okay. Alright." 
Eddie gets her stroller out and unfolds it, putting her baby bag in the seat. You rake your fingers through the ends of Roan's hair while you wait, the sun warming the back of your neck already. 
Eddie locks the car, and the three of you start toward the pier. Roan holds your hand and Eddie pushes the stroller out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk that leads to the pier. 
The smell of salt tickles your nose. Roan's hand flutters in yours like a hummingbird, excited gasps breaching her lips when you pass an ice cream stand bragging rainbow cotton candy bigger than her head, kaleidoscope gelato, Popsicles in cherry red, raspberry blue and lime green. Her eyes widen at the sight of huge diamond kites, yellow rubber dinghies, surfboards and wetsuits dripping water down sandy ankles. 
You know Eddie's been saving. He confessed, when you'd brought up your concern one night, that he wants her to have everything. 
What's going on? you'd asked, frowning at his bedraggled face after another late shift. You knew Wayne had been picking Roan up from daycare to let him keep working, and it just hadn't been like Eddie to do that. You can tell me anything.
You'd been expecting, regrettably, money troubles. The Munson's aren't rich but they've never been hurting for money since you met, and all these extra hours has you assuming the worst. 
Eddie rubbed a tired eye. I just want her to have everything. I don't want to say no. Not even once. When we go on vacation, I want her to point at things and I want her to know how it feels to be able to have them without a fight. 
Admirable, a tinsy bit silly. Of course he wants that, isn't that what everyone wants for their children? Admirable, because he wanted it and he worked for it, and he saved up enough to bring Roan here and spoil her within an inch of her life. Silly, because Roan doesn't ask for much. She does ask for stuff, of course, but she's not gonna beg him for a two hundred dollar professional kite, or state of the art arm floaties. But just because you think it's a little silly doesn't mean you aren't incredibly in love with him, impressed by and proud of his efforts. 
He wants to get Roan everything. And so they start with shaved ice. 
It's the second stand you see, just off of the pier with a long, long line. Eddie scoops her up off of the floor so she can see the different flavour combinations, and it's no surprise when she chooses all the pinks and red. Strawberry, cherry, and pink lemonade. The cone is bigger than her hands and costs a ridiculous seven dollars. 
The small smile on Eddie's lips when he can crack out a crisp twenty dollar bill and hand it over makes you smile, too. It's satisfying. All that hard work was worth it for this moment. 
And the moment after. Eddie takes the snow cone and Roan audibly sighs. 
"Oh, my gosh," she says. 
You laugh. Eddie looks at you from over his shoulder and beams. 
Roan wants to do everything, as Eddie predicted. She plays arcade games she's too short for, hoisted up on his knee or in your arms, face screwed in concentration every time, and though the controls escape her she loves hitting the big red button and watching the claw come down. 
But she also wants stuff money can't buy. She wants Eddie to hug her when the clown walks past because he's big and bright and a little scary. She wants kisses when they stand at the side of the pier to look at the lake, blue and clear as an ocean, and drops some of her own against Eddie's sweaty cheek when she's been loved up. She wants you both to swing her by the hand when you're walking down the ramp to the beach, which is difficult but not impossible with the stroller in Eddie's other hand. 
She wants to get ice cream, and a slurpee despite her half eaten snow cone. She wants soft pretzels and churros and a hotdog with extra onions. She wants a surfboard, and you dissuade Eddie from getting her one of the proper ones in favour of a floatie. 
She wants you to put the finishing touches on her crumbly sand castles, and to cuddle in your lap when Eddie makes her drink from a cold bottle of water. When you've been sat in the sun so long that your brain is jellified and you have more sand in your shoes than sock, she springs up from her stomach where she'd been kicking her little feet drawing smiley faces in the sand and demands you take her down to the waterfront. You leave your towels on and the stroller further up the bank and pray for the best, and Eddie peels out of his t-shirt and rolls up his pants a couple of feet from the water. Eddie pulls her sandy dress off to reveal the swimming costume she'd been wearing underneath, a bright yellow costume with a skirt, not too tight to hurt, and bends down at the waist to talk to her as they wait for the water to rush in. You encourage armbands over her elbows. 
"It's gonna be cold, Ro, so we have to run in! Are you ready?" 
"I'm super ready!" she says, squeezing his hand and squaring her shoulders. 
You secure her bands and take her other hand into your right hand, your shoes in your left, bracing yourself for the shock. 
You run in full pelt and screaming with joy. Roan's voice turns into a stream of "oh my god oh my gosh daddy pick me up'd it's too cold oh my gosh," as the water covers your calves and her waist. Eddie immediately leans down to pick her up, out of choices and surprised by her loud aversion. Water stains him from knee to navel. 
"It's not that bad, babe," he says, though he meets your gaze over her head and mock glares at your shaking head. It's freezing. "We just have to get used to it. Ready?" 
He doesn't let her get ready. He doesn't let you get ready. He grabs your wrist and pulls you with him, fighting the cold as the gentle lake tide laps at your waists. 
"Eddie, our pants!" you protest. You'd brought spare clothes in case of any accidents. This is decidedly not an accident. 
"Please, sweetheart, just come in," he says. 
He should legally be prevented from saying please and sweetheart in the same sentence. You submerge yourself to the waist as he wanted and stand there in the water, the taste of river water heavy on your lips now, splashes of cold wetting higher up your chest. It's close to intolerable, the only saving grace the heavy heat of the sunshine above you.
"How's that, Roanie?" he asks.
He's clearly having a blast. His eyes are brighter than the sun dappling that kisses the waves. 
"It feels squishy," you say, adjusting your footing in the sandy bottom of the lake. 
"This is so FUN!" Roan shouts, letting go of Eddie's neck to put her hands in the water. She splashes the surface and soaks Eddie's t-shirt to the neck in the process. 
You almost fall over trying to find his waist in the blue. You wrap and arm around Roan and Eddie wraps and arm around you, the three of you much too deep in the lake and with no plans of turning around just yet. 
"This is so fun," he says, kissing her cheek, kissing yours. "We should do this every year." 
You smile at his chest. 
You hadn't realised, yet, that he wanted you every year. Roan babbles her agreements, talking about her snow cone and the sunshine and her floatie. She stops suddenly. 
Eddie rubs her shoulder, water shining across her pale skin. "What, babe?" 
"Daddy, where's my floatie?" 
You head back up the beach to find it. Her stroller and your towels have been left alone, but the floatie must've been too tempting. 
Eddie, without complaint, goes to buy another. 
more Eddie and Roan ♡
please reblog if you enjoyed, it means so much!
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kquil · 1 year
SUM. : after sirius escapes azkaban he is determined to get to hogwarts but as exhaustion kicks in, he is rescued and freed, experiencing a little piece of heaven through you and your daughter...
G. : post azkaban sirius ; single mother reader au ; fluff ; sirius needs some love ; padfoot gets cuddles and kisses ; your daughter is adorable
LENGTH : 1.9k
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Sirius needed a break but he knew he needed to keep going, twelve years of being unjustly locked away in the worse prison that ever existed had helped him build up a lifetime’s worth of vengeance but the adrenaline of escaping Azkaban in his animagus form was gradually dissipating and the tremor in his limbs was becoming all too present to be ignored any longer.   
Finally succumbing to his exhaustion, Sirius fell against an aged fountain decorating the centre of a small village not too far from Hogwarts just as small droplets of rain pelted down lightly before picking up to a shower. Sirius quickly looked around before dashing forth to take shelter under the window sill of a local bakery. It wasn’t adequate but it’ll do. He’ll rest tonight and continue his journey to Hogwarts again in the morning. 
If he closes his eyes, he can pretend that the rain isn’t there for a moment and finally succumb to some sleep. The time is hard to tell from the clouds that covered most of the sky but if he had to guess, it was turning into the late afternoon so if he managed to sleep a few hours, he could still make it to Hogwarts on time. It’s been a long journey and was made longer by the people that disregarded and mistreated his animagus form, taking him for a stray. It wasn’t as bad as the treatment he received in Azkaban but the unwanted stares, abusive words and occasional kick to his side reminded him that despite escaping the prison, he was still not a free man - that was his worst torment. 
Just as Sirius begins to sink into sleep, he suddenly hears an adorable, childish voice call out, “Puppy!” opening his eyes, his head and ears perk towards a cute little girl in a pair of yellow wellies and a matching yellow raincoat running up to him with a smile. Her head was hooded but the small strands of baby hairs on her forehead clung to her face from the rain and a toothy, chubby-cheeked grin was on her face. She grins at him happily, making his head tilt in confusion - what an odd creature, cute, innocent and without an ounce of hatred in her little body, she’s a breath of fresh air. Once she had made it a few steps away from him, she waved a small hand in greeting. 
Sirius finds her adorable and nods back calmly, rising up to a sitting position, the aches of his earlier exhaustion suddenly dissipating from his bones. His response makes her burst into a fit of giggles.
“Hi puppy!” she greets more formally but also with even more excitement than her earlier acknowledgement of him. She steps forward and outstretches a hand to pet him, she’s clearly excited but her pets were gentle and welcome. It’s been a long time since Sirius had been greeted with such kindness and affection, he quite enjoys the treatment. Looking like a stray didn’t help his predicament at all as he was largely dismissed by many people but this little girl in front of him was pure light, he hopes she grows up with the same light that never dwindles but only brightens. He hopes Harry is like her, “Cute puppy! Good puppy!” She praises highly, continuing her pets as Sirius continues to enjoy the affection, touch-starved and always an attention seeker, he was given a little piece of heaven in that moment.
“Ellie!” you call out in relief spotting her in front of a large black dog and quickly making your way over, your umbrella gripped tightly in your hand. Whilst there was an original spike of fear in your heart at seeing the imposing creature, when you saw how calm and gentle he was being with her, your shoulders relaxed and a softness eased into your expression, “Honey, don’t go running off like that, okay? It’s dangerous and you made me really worried,”  
Sirius had a lot of questions. Were you her older sister? Her babysitter? You were gorgeous. He attributes the thought to not having seen anything beautiful in so long, even when running through the streets to Hogwarts a majority of women and men dismissed him which only soured their image in his eyes.   
“Sorry mummy,” there was his answer. You were the little girl's mother. It was a shocking revelation but it didn’t take away from your beauty, “but look at the puppy!” the little girl - Ellie - squeals happily and Sirius cracks a smile, her merriment was contagious. Was that the result of a truly loving mother, he wonders. 
You smile lovingly at your daughter, her love for animals a characteristic you both shared, “he’s quite the handsome fella, isn’t he?” with his fur in the way, Sirius blushed freely from your compliment. A mangy mutt like him? From a stunning woman like you? 
“He’s my friend now!” Ellie smiles and giggles when Sirius noses her cheek affectionately. It’s been too long since he was last considered a friend and to be the friend of this sweet girl was an honour. She’s an adorable girl that makes his heart sing from the vast extent of her wholesomeness. She is definitely the product of love in its purest form. How lucky your husband must be to have such a beautiful wife and daughter, there was a slight pang of jealousy in Sirius’s heart, however. If the war never happened and he never went to Azkaban would he have had a family like this too?
“That’s wonderful news honey but we need to return home quickly before you catch a cold,” you pointed out, the worry furrowing your brows. 
“I want Puppy to come too…” Ellie whines looking down at her wellies and biting her lip as she clutches adorably at the hem of her raincoat. It was a cute display but Sirius highly doubts you would allow that to happen…
“You think so?” you hum in contemplation, shocking Sirius when you didn’t outright protest the idea; not everyone is open to taking in strays. What is this sudden luck and kindness he’s happened across?
“Please mummy, please!” Ellie pleads with her biggest puppy eyes and a wobbly bottom lip. 
“He does seem like a good boy…” you ponder aloud as Sirius’s heart races with hope, “alright, he can come home with us,”
“Yay! Puppy! Come home with us!” Sirius is pulled into a hug around the neck from Ellie’s little arms and savours the short moment happily. This type of warmth is more pleasant than from any crackling fire; he wants to appreciate the feeling as much as possible. 
With Ellie at his side and you on his other, the two of you lead him to your home. For tonight, Sirius will be greedy and selfish. He can allow himself this much after twelve years of torture. It’s been far too long since he last had a warm and welcoming place to stay.  
Once home, you already knew you had a lot on your plate, especially with your new guest. Your first order of business was getting you and Ellie dry but a simple spell could fix that. Your new furry friend needed a more thorough washing, however. In your occupied state, you missed the shocked, wide-eyed stare Sirius gave your wand but he quickly blinked his shock away when you led him to the bath. Thankfully, Ellie was up for washing her new friend clean. It took a little longer as you wanted to give him a thorough wash but that was anticipated, at least the activity helped you work up an appetite. 
Rid of his annoying fleas as well as all the mud and dirt his fur had accumulated, Sirius guiltlessly followed Ellie around your cosy home while you made a start on dinner. It was comforting to know that you were a witch too but as Ellie gave him the grand tour of each room, especially hers, Sirius came to notice the absence of a very important male figure in the home. Dinner was soon served however, and Sirius hadn’t had the chance to ponder on the issue too long.
“Mummy’s cooking is the best, right Puppy?” Ellie announced mid bite, her cheeks swelled up like a greedy chipmunk as she looked down at Sirius, who barked in return. There was no dog food in the house so you just gave him sausages, mash and vegetables too. It was heavenly finally being able to have a nice warm meal.  
Dinner was over sooner than Sirius expected, he had quite the appetite so he finished his food quickly. Noticing this, Ellie saved him one of her sausages and fed it to him herself. 
“You’re such a sweet girl, Ellie,” you praised your daughter for her kindness as Sirius licked her face in thanks. She really was a sweet girl. 
Soon enough, Sirius found himself curled up under a warm blanket with Ellie who insisted on cuddling him by the fireplace. While Ellie petted and kissed his head under the blanket they shared together, you sat on the couch embroidering a handkerchief whilst telling a whimsical story about fairies, trolls and an adventurous knight, smiling as Ellie’s yawns and sleepy mutterings increased by the minute. Sirius noticed it too and anticipated she would be falling asleep soon, confessing that he was also on the way to a peaceful night’s rest. 
As your story came to an end, Ellie knew you were soon going to lead her to bed and tried to prolong the night as best as she could with a distraction, “Mummy, give Puppy kisses too,” 
You knew exactly what your daughter's ulterior motives were but complied with her request anyway, “Alright dear,” you set aside your embroidery and came to kneel down beside the two. Sirius’ heart was beating rapidly in his chest and he halted his breathing as he watched you lean in and pepper him with kiss after kiss after kiss, just like your daughter. Heavenly. Sirius was so happy he didn’t protest returning to your home because he had never felt so at peace. For a blissful moment, he wasn’t Sirius the falsely accused murderer of his best friend, he was just Puppy. The new identity was freeing and Sirius wished he could live like this forever. 
Cuddling and kissing him made Sirius blush furiously under his fur as he practically melted into your lap loving the attention and affection. 
“Maybe we should keep him,” you voiced, smiling fondly as Sirius picked his head up from your lap, “we need a man around the house,” Sirius felt both equal amounts of happiness and sadness all at once. As much as he has grown to love you both in the short time you’ve spent together, he knows he can’t stay longer than tonight; Harry is waiting for him and Peter needs to be exposed for his evil deeds. Sirius is only allowing himself tonight to be selfish and that was it. He can’t risk endangering the two of you either; he needs to leave as soon as possible. 
“Yes yes yes! Puppy stays!” Ellie cheers, her sleepiness evident in that her hurrahs were much more demure than they were earlier that day. 
“We’ll have to name him though, we can’t call him puppy forever, dear,”
Ellie ponders to herself with the cutest expression, “Black!- No! Noir! That means black in french mummy,” she finalises. 
“I see I see, that seems like a fitting name for our handsome friend,” you affectionately stroke Sirius’s head as he chuckles to himself, how ironic this whole situation was. 
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A/N: im a sucker for domestic, single parent au's and i just want to comfort my comfort characters so here you go!
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moondirti · 2 years
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gif by @a7estrellas
pairing: Joel Miller x f!Reader word count: 2k summary: the gaps in a grim reality warnings: mentions of morning spice and unprotected p-in-v, canon typical violence, mentions of gore, death and general unpleasantness, but it's mostly fluff notes: i had to air myself of the thirst before i could focus on a better developed fic for him. so sorry y'all, this lacks my usual substance. also, i did very minimal revision on this so sorry for any mistakes
Golden light broaches over the horizon; a deluge through dusty faux wood blinds, dawn spilling onto patchwork sheets. You feel it more so than you see – while your eyes remain closed, content, your skin bathes in the cresting warmth. Your hand smooths along the hairy forearm that wraps around your waist. His breath tickles your ear.  
Things feel okay.
You know that they are not. 
But the recognition flutters like a mote in your cotton-stuffed mind, lazy on its journey to your wavering consciousness. Half of it is ornery – an almost bloody battle against the grim reality that threatens to seep up into rotting floorboards. The other, softer bit, sings in poetic eulogies you’ve long forgotten, the romantics printed upon yellowed pages. You think you remember what they feel like, those books, rough and comforting underneath your wandering touch. You think you remember–
(Or, the sensation is mirrored onto the gruff man beside you.) 
Either way, mornings tend to follow the same rhythm.
This; suspended animation on the verge of wakefulness. The rheum lining your lashes, and the punch of yesterday’s scotch whisky, dry on your tongue. Your head pounds like it does when you bleed out; festering, oozing like mud-soaked fungi. You sink into the knowledge that, despite it, you’re okay. 
Him; steady, solid brawn slotted into your back. A beating heart – one you care for like your own – and muscles that tighten and curl around your frame. Sinew, tissue you’re familiar with on levels of lesions and starving attempts at survival, but are slowly growing to rediscover now. Here. The rough pads of his fingertips graze the waistband of your jeans. Instinctively, perhaps. Your mouth twitches with tired amusement.
Beyond; just outside the door, on the other side of the window–
You centre in again on the beat of a bluebird’s wing. The gentle drumming that means nothing. Oblivious, quiet bliss.
(But the bustle of the world has already started edging along the tune. Bleary FEDRA announcements grow louder by the minute. It had been raining, the water perhaps cleaner than it had been pre-outbreak, though it certainly does not look that way. Crud stains glass panes. It’s the first thing you notice as your eyes peel open.)
“Had a dream about you.” 
His voice. Hoarse, kindling logs on a bonfire; the rough whisper slices through the tranquillity. Your hips jolt, rearing into the source’s groyne. 
“Don’ tell me I scared you.” Joel huffs. “Assumed you were tougher than that.” 
“I thought you were asleep.” You sniff, your retort missing the venom you wish for it, moulding to form an affectionate hum as you twist your head to face him. His nose presses into your neck before you get the chance. 
“I was.” The confession is muffled, vibrating along the column of your throat. When you don’t respond, he takes to nipping the sensitive skin there, pinching your sweet spot between his lips until you squirm in place. His tree-trunk arms keep you from going anywhere, resolute – smelted tungsten. 
(Those same ones, fit between your legs yesterday. Thick digits pistoning into the velvet walls of your cunt, feeding the hot coals that crackle in your core. You could have risen enough to melt him.
Fuck– you can’t– Oh my god, Joel– 
Jus’ hold on and take it. That’s it… Atta’ girl.
You’d cum in some random alleyway, splayed open on dirty brick.)
“Mmm.” Biting your cheek at the feverish memory, you turn to mocking him. “Don’t tell me I scared you awake.” 
“You?” As if to punctuate, he kneads the flesh of your hip. His grip verges on bruising as he does, seeking capillaries and bursting them, imposing himself upon more gruesome marks. Your gut lurches with brimming desire. “You make me feel a lotta things, darlin’. Fear ain’t one of them.” 
“Oh, that’s priceless.” To steady yourself, you grasp his wrist, right above his watch, nudging the strap with your pinky. His bemusement rolls off him in lapping waves. “Had a good dream for once, then?” 
He doesn’t grace you with an acknowledgement. Instead, his hands trail down to your hips, anchoring you down. Before you process it, your mouth cracks open to deliver another piercing jab. 
Joel then grinds into the plush of your ass. 
And it promptly snaps shut. 
You lose your breath just as quick, the air pitching in a thin gasp, clawing desperately as though it’d been forcibly uprooted from your lungs. It hurts; it hurts because he’s hard, carved from rock, and it manages to batter the tenderest part of you. 
Jesus, he’s still clothed, and yet–
“Better than good.” He husks. 
You take a moment to digest it. Everything races faster than you can keep up with in this sleep-logged state; his beard – abrasive on your shoulder, chafing you there. Your underwear – drenched and still seeking more, aiding the slide of your thighs as you try to give it just that. You drink the timbre in his tone, that southern twinge that smoulders along the edge of every syllable. You blink with the slow roll of his hard-on, the length of it driving in between your cheeks. 
It is against your will that bleak truths start to filter in too, trickling in through the slipshod cracks. They’ve grown teeth that are harder to shake, latched onto your shoulder, their putrid slobber priming the area for poison. 
Your job, the virus, the grey world that taints everything in its colour. 
Your nails press into the flesh of Joel’s wrist. 
(No, don’t go. Please don’t leave me, not like this.
You’re used to loss. Doesn’t mean it hurts any less.)
You swim through the grief for your dawn’s promise, navigating through the molasses turned tar, then leverage your grip to flip and straddle his legs. The dizzying capsize knocks you off kilter, dousing you in a welcome numbness.
(The burden oscillates, like a rock skipping water.) 
“Hi,” You simper once you’ve regained your wits.
“Hm.” He squints. His brows furrow, forehead wrinkling with the motion. Already, he senses what you’re about to lay on him.
“Donovan’s expecting his shipment by tonight. We need to head out sometime in the next hour for it to reach him by then.” 
And while he might’ve expected it, his chin tips up with a drawn out inhale, the thumbs that rub your waist faltering. You’re glad his eyes are shut, if only for the fact that he doesn’t witness the frown that weighs your cheeks. 
“Never a moment’s peace.” It’s spoken with a lilting tease. The stone that lodges in your throat nods contrary to the levity, though. You know that he’s right. 
“No,” You agree, tracing the seams of his pants. There’s still the glaring evidence to your circumstance, thick and strained against the tightening denim. Verity aches like an open sore, borderline septic within the gummy recesses of your brain. You hope this’ll douse it, if only for a short while, in lemon disinfectant. “But I had to ground you for what’s to come.” 
(You say lemon. It could be anything; spearmint, 100% alcohol. Anything but the ever present tang of putrefaction and bile.)
He opens his mouth to protest.
Your gaze flickers to his own, lidded one, and carries upward to take in the tousled bed-head he has yet to smooth out. “We can be quick.” You gripe, popping open the button that keeps the rest of him from you. “We will be quick.”
“You said it yourself,” He begins, but he doesn’t try to stop you. If anything, his fingers regain their charge, fondling closer to your core, rubbing like a well-oiled machine. “Within the next hour.” 
“Tell me about your dream.” You interrupt, folding over to pepper small pecks across his jaw. The joint clicks in minute irritation as his palms spread over your ass. 
“Nothin’ to say that isn’t well on its way to happenin’ already.”
“That so?” You purr, licking down patchy hair until you can latch onto his jugular. Your canines graze the curve of it, skimming the aged leather of his skin. He hasn’t told you much of his life before the outbreak, but you can imagine he’d worked in the sun often. He’s weathered in that way, bronzed and not quite as elastic as someone significantly younger. 
“But you sure do seem to be takin’ your damn time with it.” 
You pull away just then, admiring the mottled blemish that pricks in shades of eggplant purple and maroon. It’s more rushed than you would have preferred; your conviction warbles, flimsy between these walls, and you have to restrain yourself from diving back down to try again. 
“Impatient old man.” You mutter, rucking your pants to your ankles as he does much the same. He doesn’t reply.
(You would think he doesn’t hear you. You know better than to suppose he misses anything.)
Instead, he cups his balls and pulls his cock from behind his briefs. He doesn’t give you the time to tug off your panties as he does; with one fell swoop, he jerks the soaked fabric to the side, his mushroomed head catching the seam of your cunt.
And there’s no symphony to it; no swelling orchestra that laments with plucking strings. It doesn’t feel like sex as it was, before – that avenue for abundant desire, something to be had on seven hundred thread egyptian cotton sheets. No; poetics can’t be prescribed to the way Joel pushes into you, semi-dry, desperate, like a voracious animal. It’s fast, and brutal, and painful in that delicious way where the burn is embraced.
He feels bigger when he’s in you – not that he doesn’t look the part. But you’re only able to process half of it when he’s caged between your fingers – another truth dampened. Self-preservation, maybe. A dam to redirect the hesitance one might feel looking at the thickset mass. The throbbing veins that branch up the side. The pearlescent precum that beads and slips down a purpling width. He’s huge, alive, and there’s no ignoring it when he pounds up into you like this. 
Suppose it’s flaying pleasure, or the filth he utters over anything else. That string of obscene groans, grunted for only you to hear, his balls slapping your ass and his juices smearing milky white on sweltering walls. You suck him in deeper, deeper, urgent to gorge on this feast before you’re robbed of it. You fuck to the cadence of a ticking clock, manufacturing your own hypnagogia in this perennial moment where he swells up inside of you. And you don’t let him pull out once he’s fully situated, vacuumed in a squelching uptake. You push forward – buttressed on your haunches, your clit mashed against the wild crop of hair on his groyne – then swivel back again, his head marring your cervix. 
(It’s not often you’re on top; he’s too snappy, too anguished to relinquish his grip on your hair and the sight of you pinned to a wall. But with the way his neck stretches, the tendons long and tense, running down to the bulk of his arms – you think he likes it.)
It goes that way, follows that same beat, for the next few minutes, until Joel hugs your chest to his. It doesn’t better the angle, there’s no logical – pleasurable – aspect to it. It’s all sweat and musk, the brine of body odour as you conjoin and soil yourself further with one another’s sins, grime. He pulls you closer for purchase, for warning – Wish I could cum this deep in you, darlin’. You’d love that, wouldn’ ya?, husked over the shell of your ear. 
Or, it’s something deeper that is too volatile to acknowledge in this life. 
There’s nothing to pinpoint about it. You try not to find deeper meaning in anything anymore. 
Though your nerves flare, liquifying your guts into a viscous substance that sloshes around and sullies the duvet more than it already is. Your muscles tense, screwing into tight knots, your fingers twitching through the chest hair underneath you. You look for a stretch of flesh to bite, to kiss, when you unravel at the seams. 
And that tells you all you need to know.  
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He pulls out to splatter his spend onto your stomach.
“That was my only shirt.” You whine.
“Jus’ wipe it off.”
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permanent taglist: @yeyinde @saintbedelia @tusk89 @cactuswaterscactusfields @lexloon @nqberries @kkinky @ravenhood2792 @s-u-t @glassgulls @eternallyvenus @thoticious @brownstalebread @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @joy-the-reader @aerangi
join the taglist! now with a specific tlou option :)
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transalphabf · 8 months
Corruption (2000 follower special)
You are an Angel, pure, light, and always bright. It's hard for anything to take you by surprise, for you know All that is The Will of your God.
Which was why the Demon sat across from you at the coffee shop was so... Unusual.
"Um, it is a special pleasure to make your acquantaince, Mr Demonos sir, but why have you decided to sit with me today? Do you perhaps wish for me to Save you?" You asked with a bright, if uncertain smile.
The demon smiled back at you with an inhumanly toothy smile, sharp teeth glinting in the light for a moment before seemingly becoming more human again for a moment.
"Well, angel, I've been watching you for a little while now and I wanted to finally talk to you." He explained.
You blinked, confused now.
"Watching me? Why? I shan't be corrupted by you! You won't make me Fall or tempt me to the path of dismay!" You insisted, brows furrowing.
He seemed to roll his eyes for a long moment, sclera flashing black for a brief moment as the rain rolled against the window with an especially strong gust of wind.
"I have been possessed by you, from the moment I first saw you. I can See your Halo, your wings, your very Aura, and you have transfixed me!" He hissed, almost accusatory if not for the adoring undertone.
You didn't really know what to make of that, but it stirred something deep inside of you. You hadn't come across a Demon that could See your Holy aura, he was unusual in that sense.
You could See his Unholy aura too, the long, black, curved horns that ran along his head, stopping in points just below his ears. His long, pointed ears, and the long whiplike tail that swished to and fro on the floor. To the humans around you, they just saw two men, one blond, the other dark haired, one clean shaven and pretty, the other with a beard and a little scrappy looking.
"I... Am not sure what to make of that, sir. I certainly did not mean to have some affect to you." You apologised, heat rising to your cheeks.
"Come with me to my home so I may See you in your raw glory." He asked, averting his eyes, a similar heat rising in his own cheeks, bashful about your Might. You smiled, and nodded, offering him your hand, which he took in his own warm one.
It was a quick enough journey to his home, which was opulent to almost the point of gaudiness, evidence of his avarice and pride - sins you hoped to teach him to repent of once he saw your Holiness.
You stood in the centre of his living room, and he sat on the chesterfield couch, dark oxblood red leather as he sprawled and looked up at you. You allowed your eyes to close, and your mortal shell dropped, your Holy aura shining through, modern clothing dropping to the angelic robes you were comfortable with, your dappled white and silver wings catching on the light that emanated from your creamy halo.
He fell to his knees before you, staring up adoringly. You smiled at him, and held a hand out to him.
He took it, and then pulled you forward, causing you to stumble closer to him.
And then his head was under your robes, his hands gripping your thighs as he licked over your cunt.
You gasped, the heat of a tongue over your previously untouched genitalia was searing itself to your very core.
He growled quietly, and threw you down onto his couch, his own mortal shell dropping away as his leathery batlike wings spread above you, his long tail coiling around your thigh, the tip rubbing at your clit, causing you to cry out before his lips fell onto yours, his Unholy hands defiling your virginal body.
You couldn't bring yourself to dislike it.
He was everywhere, kissing and biting at your skin, shredding your robes with his clawed hands, and then smoothed his hands over your chest, admiring the smooth skin he found, before he took hold of your thighs, dragging your hips up to his face as he began to feast on your sweet cunt, long tongue pressing deep into you, touching at something that made your toes curl and your hips rocking into his face as he greedily ate you out, his tail dipping down and pressing into your ass, toying with you. You cried out, experiencing your first ever orgasm, light filling the room as you came. He moaned for a long moment, and the horns on his head seemed to become less blackened.
He then pushed your legs up to your chest and his long, inhuman cock pulsed against your cunt and up to your abdomen, promising to fill you so deeply that you didn't know what would happen.
He pressed into you, the feeling so strange, so new, so holy that you couldn't help but moan out as inch after long, agonising inch filled you, heat in your core that you'd never felt before seemed to drag out forever - until he was so deep inside of you that your stomach bulged somewhat.
And then he was moving, one fistful of feathers holding you and your wings in place, the other holding your legs against your chest, his tail toying with your clit, his demonic cock defiling your most sacred cunt.
And it felt so good, each thrust grinding up against everything you never knew you wanted grinding on. You came and came, and he kept fucking you, the pulse of his cock making you go wild - and then his cock changed shape between strokes. Where it had been mostly human shaped, it turned into a ridged tentacle, and each thrust had it pulsing and changing thickness, dragging against your hole and then seemingly giving you reprieve before changing again into being insanely thick, stretching you out.
You screamed as you came, and his batlike wings stopped being so dark and horned, becoming smoother and more supple.
Finally, his cock settled on another shape, with a bulb at the bottom that seemed to inflate and grow as he got closer to his own orgasm - his knot.
And when he knotted you, you could feel his hot demonic cum pour into your sacred, holy womb. He was defiling the most special place with his unworthy cum, but all you could think of was how good he looked being cleansed by your holy aura - and how his defilement of you had brought you from being the holiest of the angels to being more. His cum seemed to pump for minutes into you, distending your womb a little so you already looked pregnant - pregnancy wasn't something you were certain angels could experience, but if you could, he would ensure you did.
And that had you cumming again, around his enormous cock.
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noisycroissant · 11 months
Meus Amor (Part 2)
Read part 1 here
SoftDom! Ascended Astarion x Reader
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"The Master has sent a note, my lady," the servant girl says holding out a folded piece of parchment, "He informs that he will be joining you an hour after dusk."
You wait for her to leave before you open the note. As you open it, your heartbeat goes up a notch as you take in the two words written in Astarion's slanting handwriting:
Meus amor
It had been a week since you'd agreed to wear the circlet he'd made for you; and you hadn't seen him since. He'd been away, travelling to find some rare tome, one of those journeys you don't make together.
But he's back.
An hour after dusk...
You hear him enter the chamber, the heavy door closing with a loud thud.
"My darling, you would not believe the kind of journey I've had. I honestly believe I can no longer slum it on the road like we used to all those years back," he says, his voice getting closer and closer to your canopied bed.
He draws the canopy's curtains open and the soft candlelight illuminates you.
Bare and kneeling in the centre of the bed with only the circlet on, firelight glinting off the locket.
You look up through your lashes, body growing warm as you feel Astarion's eyes take you in. A beat passes, then two, you were ready to combust from embarrassment when Astarion says in a low voice, "You're always so perfect for me, my love."
You smile, still too bashful to look him properly in the eyes. "Were you hiding? I never thought you'd hide from little old me," he feigns dramatically.
"I was just too..."
"Too what?"
"...shy," you admit, finally looking him in the eyes. Your heart beats harder as you see the unbridled lust and hunger in his eyes.
Astarion lifts your face upto his, his lips a breath away from yours, "I swear you will drive me to lunacy, and I'll thank you for it." He gently licks the seam of your lips, coaxing you to open up. His kiss is hungry and depraved, you feel the longing in his heart and the restraint he's using to hold himself back.
"Turn around for me, love."
You do as told and face away from him. He moves your hair over to one shoulder and gently kisses up and over your shoulder, moving to your neck, before gently tugging the lobe of your ear.
You feel your skin tingle. "Do you have any idea what I can sense right now?" Astarion whispers to you, "Your heart is rocketing to the sky, I can smell your blood heating with desire, and I can almost taste the sweetness you have hidden between your legs."
You gasp at the words, desire tightening the coil in your belly. He moves to cup your breasts and toys with your nipples, pinching and rolling them to the point of sweet pain. As you loll your head back to his chest, he moves and kisses you again. All tongue and teeth, you hear him groan as you move your ass slowly over his erection.
His hand leaves and snakes it way down between your thighs, finding you embarrassingly drenched. He simply slides his fingers between your folds and plays with your clit. You moan and toss your head back, but he holds you tightly to his body while he continues to rub circles faster and faster at your clit.
The sounds of your wetness and the soft clinking of the locket fill the chamber.
"Give in to me, my love," Astarion says, pressing kisses into your hair, "Give in, sweet girl."
Your pleasure crests over and you go stiff in his arms as you cum around his fingers. He holds you till you get your breath back and slowly moves you onto your back.
"Look at you. Such a vision. My vision," he says taking in your wild hair, flushed cheeks, and soft pants.
"Astarion, please ... I need you. I've missed you so," you plead.
"Where do you need me, my amor? Tell me. I need to hear you say it."
You spread your legs and gently part yourself, slick sticking to the lips, "Here. Inside me. Please Astarion, I need you so badly."
Like a man possessed, Astarion wordlessly moves to push his cock into you. Both of you groan in ecstasy as he stretches you out, pushing himself to the hilt.
His eyes never leave yours the entire time.
He lifts one of your legs onto his shoulder, opening you up, and starts moving deep inside you.
You are lost to the pleasure. You can feel his cock deep inside you, stretching and filling you up.
"You're always so good to me, my precious. My good girl," he tells you as he pumps into you, "The sweetest thing I've ever had. I'm never ever letting you go."
He pulls out abruptly and your pussy gapes at the loss. Quickly moving you onto your chest, he enters you again, groaning at the way you take him.
"Missed you so fucking much. Must have been mad to leave behind such a good girl," he mutters to himself as he thrusts into you.
"Astarion, please ...please let me cum..please I need to cum so bad," you cry out, tears welling up in your eyes.
His body covers yours as he moves your head to access your neck. He gives a warning lick to your jugular before his fangs sink into your soft flesh.
Ambrosia. Food of the gods.
No god would ever get to taste what is his.
Primal need takes over as he continues to pound into you while your sweet blood fills his mouth. You cum with a cry, black gathering at the edges of your vision, pussy tightening around his cock.
You hear the locket jingle as it hits against the circlet, a lone metronome in the dim light.
"I'm going to cum, sweetheart. Going to cum so deep inside you," he says, your blood dripping out the corners of his mouth.
You feel him throb inside you as his cum flows into you. His tongue lazily lapping at the stray drops of blood on your neck.
You're so ...tired. Sated. Your bones feel liquid and your heart beats slow and steady.
You hazily see Astarion laying you back against the plush pillows and cleaning you up with warm wash cloths. You feel him pull you to his chest, kissing your hair, whispering how much he loves you.
"I love you too, Astarion, so so much," you mumble as sleep pulls you down finally.
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lvnleah · 3 months
Sick Days | Leah Williamson x Lia Wälti
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Summary: Leah gets sick and tries to be stubborn.
Based on this request :)
Word count: 2.1k
thank you once again to @alotofpockets for helping once again!
If you have any request that you want to see of Leah and Lia the do send them my way! it can be a blurb or a long fic like this :)
After a couple days of resting on the couch and watching movies, Sage was back to feeling like her normal self. Leah and Lia definitely noticed once their little girl was back to her happy self, she was back to her chatty self and was able to talk their ear off for hours.
“You feeling okay, love?” Lia asked Leah as she packed Sage’s things into her little backpack.
Today was their first day back at training after three days off looking after Sage. Luckily, neither of them had picked anything up and were able to return to training. They were finally able to return to their normal routines.
Leah nodded, “Yeah, just a touch of a headache. I’m sure it’s nothing, I’m going to take some painkillers.”
Lia raised her eyebrows, “Are you okay to go to training?” She questioned, “Have you got the flu or what Sage had?”
“I’m fine,” Leah insisted, placing a kiss on Lia’s temple, “It’s just a stress headache, I’ll take some painkillers and I’ll be okay.”
“Mummy, I’m done!” Sage called out to Lia from the kitchen island.
“All done?” Lia checked, noticing a few leftover pieces of fruit on Sage’s plate. Sage nodded her head. “Okay then! Let's get ready, me and Mumma need to get to training!”
Lia placed a gentle kiss on Leah’s cheek before taking Sage’s hand into her own and guiding her to the bedroom. Leah grabbed some breakfast which was a few slices of toast. A few minutes later, Lia reappeared with Sage who was now dressed and had her hair done.
“Oh wow, look at you bubs!” Leah smiled, placing the plate of toast as Sage ran over to her.
Sage jumped up and down in front of Leah, “I’m dressed like you and Mummy! I can match you!”
Sage was dressed in a mini arsenal training kit, her own number 3 placed on the front, with her hair in two little pigtails. Red bows were placed in her hair, she insisted on red for Arsenal like the little gooner she was.
Sage spun around in circles, Leah letting out a little chuckle as she picked her up, “You’ll fit right in at training, bubba!”
Lia laughed at her girls, her heart bursting with how much love she felt for them. “Ready to go, lovies?”
The journey to the training centre wasn’t long, Lia drove whilst Sage chatted both her and Leah’s ears off about how excited she was to see everyone and show them her training kit. When they arrived, Sage was eager to jump out the car and had to be reminded that she needed to wait for either her Mumma or Mummy to get her out.
Sage’s tiny legs skipped ahead in front of Leah and Lia, she patiently waited for them to open the door to the training centre before slipping in. She said all of her hellos to everyone she passed, every now and then getting a high five from someone.
Leah and Lia were already in their training kits, meaning they could head straight to the gym. Today was a rare day that Leah was in the gym with the other girls because she was still in rehab with her ACL.
“Vivi!” Sage screeched, running towards the Dutch who’d just gotten off the treadmill. “Vivi, I missed you!”
“Mijn meisje!” Viv gasped, matching the three year olds enthusiasm, “Oh I missed you too.”
She scooped up Sage into her arms, her little arms clung around Viv’s neck. Beth smiled, setting down the dumbbell before walking over to her girlfriend.
“Erm, what about me!” Beth joked, tickling Sage’s stomach, “I thought I was your favourite, tiny?!”
Sage shrugged, “You’re okay, Beffy,” she smiled cheekily, before resting her head on Viv’s chest, “but I love Vivi more!”
Beth gasped, acting upset, “Wow, Sage!”
“Do you guys like my training kit?!” Sage said, lifting her head from Viv’s chest, “Look how cool it is!”
Viv set Sage down, letting the toddler do a little twirl, “Look at you matching us, mijn meisje!”
“I match my Mumma’s!” Sage beamed, twirling around, “And you and Beth!”
There was no denying that Beth and Viv were Sage’s favourites, they always had been ever since she was a tiny baby along with Lia. Whenever Sage was a tiny baby, Viv and Beth were the only other ones who were able to settle her apart from Leah and Lia.
While Beth and Viv took their break, Sage chatted their ears off about anything and everything. Leah and Lia started their own workouts.
Leah was already at the squat rack, Lia beside her as she prepared to spot her. Today, something was different. Lia noticed it immediately. Leah's face contorted with effort as she squatted, but the barbell barely budged.
Lia's protective instincts kicked in. "Love," she whispered, "are you okay?"
Leah's breath hitched. "I don't know," she admitted. "I've never felt this weak."
Lia glanced at Sage, who was mimicking their movements with a tiny foam dumbbell. "Maybe it's just a bad day." Lia said softly, “Why don’t you do a lower weight?”
Leah nodded and settled for a lower weight despite feeling weak and disappointed in herself. As time passed, Leah’s headache returned. The gym’s lights seemed harsh, and nausea churned in her stomach.
She took a quick break and sat on the floor beside Sage who was quietly doing some colouring that Viv had found her.
“Leah,” Lia said softly, “you look very pale. Are you feeling okay, love?”
Leah managed a weak smile. “Just a little off,” she murmured, trying to be stubborn. But the truth was, she felt far worse than she let on.
Lia knelt down in front of the blonde and placed the palm of her hand against her forehead. Heat radiated off Leah’s forehead, making Lia’s eyes widen.
“Love, you’re boiling!” Lia said, “We need to go home, you need to rest. You’re clearly ill.”
Leah shook her head as she took a sip of water, “I’m fine!” She protested, “I just need to take some paracetamol and I’ll be okay.”
Viv joined the pair, “Leah, you don’t look fine. I think Lia’s right, you need to go home and rest.”
Despite Leah’s protest and stubbornness, Lia grabbed one of their team medics. It didn’t take long for them to decide to send Leah home along with Lia to help look after her.
As Lia packed up their bits, Viv came over with Beth. “Lia?” Viv said, getting a hum from the brunette, “Me and Beth can take Sage if you want. We’re done with training and we can take her back to ours for a bit.”
“Are you sure?” Lia questioned, getting a nod from both Viv and Beth.
Lia hesitated for a moment, glancing between Viv and Beth. She appreciated their offer to take care of Sage, but she also felt torn. Leah needed her, and she didn't want to leave her side.
Finally, Lia nodded. "Thank you," she said to Viv. "I appreciate it. If you need anything, don’t be afraid to phone us. Everything’s in her bag."
Beth grinned. "Of course! We'll keep her entertained. You focus on Leah."
Viv walked over to where Sage was, holding out her hand. "Mijn meisje," she said gently. "Would you like to spend the evening with me and Beffy?."
Sage looked up at Lia, her big eyes wide. "Mummy?" she asked, uncertain.
Lia smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from Sage's face. "You’re going to spend some time with Vivi and Beffy, sweetheart," she reassured her. "Mummy needs to take care of Mumma for a bit but you’ll be back before bed time!."
Sage took Beth's hand and the two of them headed over into the changing rooms. Viv took Sage’s backpack, Lia giving a quick rundown on what was in it.
After saying goodbye to Viv, Lia turned back to Leah. She held her hands out and helped her stand up.
"Come on you," she said softly. "Let's get you home."
Leah leaned on Lia, her steps unsteady. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "I ruined training."
Lia shook her head. "No, you didn't," she said firmly. "Your health comes first."
As they left the gym, Lia couldn't shake the worry gnawing at her. Leah's fever was concerning, and Lia vowed to take care of her, no matter what it took.
On the way home, Lia quickly stopped at the grocery store to pick up some medicine and a few groceries to keep them tied over for a few days. By the time they’d reach their apartment, Leah had fallen asleep in the car.
“Love,” Lia whispered, brushing Leah’s blonde hair away from her face, “we’re home, we need to head inside.”
Leah groaned, reaching up and rubbing her eyes. She did the same pout that Sage did whenever she was woken up early from a nap, Lia laughed at their similar features.
Lia rounded the front of the car and quickly opened Leah’s door before helping her out. They took the lift up to their floor, Leah’s head resting on her girlfriend's shoulder as they waited for the door to open.
Lia's heart ached as she watched Leah shuffle into their cosy apartment, her face pale and eyes heavy with exhaustion.
"Come on, love," Lia said softly, guiding Leah toward the couch. "You need to rest."
Leah shook her head stubbornly. "I can't. There's so much to do."
Lia sighed, her concern deepening. "Leah. You’re sick. You won't be any good to anyone if you collapse from exhaustion."
Leah sank onto the couch. "I hate being weak," she murmured. "I hate feeling like I'm a burden."
Lia sat down beside her and pulled her into her side. "You're not a burden," she said firmly. "Let me take care of you."
Leah's eyes softened, and she leaned into Lia's touch. "I love you," she whispered.
Lia's heart swelled. "I love you too," she replied, brushing her lips against Leah's forehead.
They sat there for a while, wrapped in each other's warmth. Lia pulled a soft blanket over them, cocooning them both.
Leah's breathing evened out, and Lia watched her fight her urge to sleep. She pressed her lips to Leah's forehead once more. "Rest, my love," she whispered.
While Leah napped, cuddled into Lia, Lia scrolled on social media before checking in with Beth and Viv. Viv sent her a photo of Sage, spaghetti spread all around her face as she sat next to Myle on the couch. A laugh escaped Lia before she set her phone down and fell asleep herself.
A few hours later, Lia found herself preparing for Sage to come back home. Leah was still asleep on the couch and it was now almost nine o’clock at night, way past Sage’s bedtime.
A knock sounded at the door and Lia was quick to open it. She opened the door and Sage instantly crashed into her legs, Beth and Viv stood close behind her.
“Mummy!” Sage’s eyes widened with excitement. “I missed you!”
Lia scooped her up, “I missed you too!” She smiled as Sage nuzzled against Lia’s cheek, “Did you have fun with Vivi and Beffy?”
Sage nodded. “We made spaghetti! And I got sauce all over my face.” She giggled, “I fed a tiny bit to Myle!”
“You didn’t!” Lia gasped jokingly before turning to Beth and Viv, “Thank you for having her, I hope she wasn’t too much trouble.”
Beth smiled, “She was an angel, as per usual,”
“If you need anything don’t be afraid to phone us,” Viv reminded Lia, “We don’t mind having Sage or bringing stuff over.”
Lia and Sage said their goodbyes to Viv and Beth before heading into the living room.
“Sage,” Lia said, grabbing the toddler's attention, “Mumma’s feeling a bit sicky, remember like you were?”
Sage nodded, “Sicky’s not nice!”
“Yeah it’s not,” Lia smiled, “so we need to be really quiet for Mumma okay? She might be sleeping.”
“Hey,” Leah murmured, her voice raspy from sleep as Lia and Sage tiptoed into the living room.
“Hi Mumma!” Sage smiled, climbing up onto the couch beside Leah, “You sicky?”
Leah nodded, “Just a little bit bubs, did you have fun with Vivi and Beffy?”
“Yeah!” She nodded, “We made pasta and I got spaghetti all over me and then I fed Myle!”
Leah gasped, matching Sage’s excitement, “Wow! That sounds amazing, bubs.”
Lia settled onto the couch on the other side of Leah, her heart swelled with love for this little family they were building. Sage wriggled closer to Leah, she leaned against Leah, her little fingers tracing patterns on the blanket.
Lia’s fingers entwined with Leah’s. Sage’s breathing grew steady and Lia pressed a kiss to Leah’s temple as they both began to fall asleep.
“Sleep, my love,” she whispered. “I’m here, Sage will be okay.”
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