#juliet blackwell
cateyedfox36 · 8 months
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A French man after Senshi's heart.
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louhastings · 10 months
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devonellington · 1 year
Wed. Aug. 2, 2023: Shake It Off
image courtesy of Jack Geoghegan via pexels.com Wednesday, August 2, 2023 Last Day of the Full Moon Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, Chiron Retrograde Sunny and cool We have two full moons this month! Makes August quite special, don’t you think? Today’s Process Muse is about reading and re-reading. You can READ it here. We have TWO serial episodes going live today, from two different…
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lifeisstrangearchive · 4 months
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Girls Dorm Slates
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theonlyvalerie · 6 months
Blackwell Academy, a Life is Strange community server!
Hello everyone! I’d like to welcome you all to join the wonderful community of Blackwell Academy! A Life is Strange Discord server made for all Life is Strange fans :)
We’re a new and active community with a focus on fostering a safe and comfortable space for all members of the community. Post artwork, talk about the games, your favorite ships, your headcanons or fan theories — you name it!
We’d love for you to join and help our community grow. We even like to host events such as movie watchalongs, game nights, and more.
We’re also very open to any and all suggestions to help improve your experience with us. We’d love for the server to be as welcoming and enjoyable as possible.
Come join us!
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2kverrr · 2 months
KATE MARSH - Detention
LIFE IS STRANGE || Kate Marsh x Reader
No work ever was ever completed in Mr Stephenson's history class, it was just the right amount of assholes, elites, stoners and loners to create the least productive educational environment. It could be easily mistaken for a zoo, the commotion and clear predator and prey system and the rowdy ape-like behaviour demonstrated by the likes of Zach and Logan.
You're currently on the topic of the U2 Crisis, well you were a couple of weeks ago so you're not too sure if you'd moved on. The topic throughout the students today was the 'Stella going to prison' rumour, which you knew was complete bullshit but it was fun to listen in on.
You and Logan had been throwing a ball back and forth since the beginning of the lesson, from the front seats that face inwards all the way over to the back, where you sat. Next to Kate Marsh, your girlfriend of almost 10 months, nobody knew but the two of you and you both liked it that way.
"Stella's a free woman," Taylor yells as the dark-haired girl walks in and quickly takes her seat, "What were you in for?" The blond questions slyly, Victoria and Courtney peering over each shoulder.
"I've been ill." She responds briefly which immediately erupts yelps and screeches from the girls in a childish manner. Victoria unleashes her wrath on the poor girl, picking and poking at everything she says and does.
You glanced at Kate, her face a mask of uncomfortable interest as she listened to the escalating barrage of questions thrown at Stella. You recognise her discomfort, feeling sorry for both of the girls. 
So on a whim, you receive the ball, thrown over from Logan and quickly scan the room.
"Oi Vic!" You shout across the room through the muffled conversation before lobbing the ball straight at her head. You prayed your aim was good or else it'd be a lifetime of embarrassment, which in the end paid off. 
The ball, a well-worn tennis ball, whizzed through the air, a silent missile aimed at Victoria's unsuspecting head. A collective gasp rippled through the classroom as it met its target with a satisfying thud. Victoria, momentarily stunned, blinked in disbelief before her face contorted into a mask of fury, her piercing eyes locking onto yours.
But before she could make you pay hell, another thud was heard across the room, a bit further this time, with a more croaky welp. 
The rest of the class, including Victoria, seemed to hold their breath, waiting for the inevitable explosion. But you, encouraged by the sudden silence, held both of their gazes, your heart pounding in your chest, with a shocked open-moth smile plastered on your face.
A small giggle interrupts the devastating silence, and to everybody's surprise, it was Kate Marsh's.
Victoria felt as though the girl had punched her ego in the gut, "Kate Marsh!" She hisses, bitter and cruel.
"Who did this?" The short man yelled, his fists balled and face red, "Kate, this is your doing?"
She shook her head vigorously, her voice a small whisper, "I didn't... I didn't do anything." Her denial rang hollow despite her honesty, especially with the knowing look she cast in your direction. Victoria, her face radiating fury, swung around, her gaze sweeping across the room, landing on Logan, who was now carefully chewing on his pen, a mischievous glint in his eye. He, too, denied any involvement, albeit with less conviction, his face betraying any hint of amusement.
You decided before you get in trouble, you may as well make it somewhat amusing, "Victoria did it!" 
The tall girl's head snapped around quicker than I could finish saying her name, "No I didn't this is bullshit! She did it." 
"I second that," Courtney adds, desperate to get Victoria on her good side.
You show a faux concern, "Are you sure you didn't knock yourself a bit hard, Vic?" With a tilt of your head, patting your head.
"It was you!" She insists.
The rest of the class clearly want in on the drama and all begin blaming each other,  a whirlwind of denials and accusations swirling like a dust devil in the confined space. You watched with feigned innocence, enjoying the chaos you'd ignited. Logan, with his signature smirk, was the first to break, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he pointed a finger at Courtney, "It was you, Courtney! I saw you throw the ball!"
Courtney, caught off guard, sputtered, "What? No! I was just looking at my phone!" Her denial was weak, her flustered demeanour betraying her.
"Actually, I take it back. It was actually Juliet." You laugh, holding your stomach, while an enraged Victoria yells at you, unbothered whether you're actually listening. A stunned Juliet's head pricked up at the sound of her name.
"What? How am I involved in this-"
As the teacher, still fuming, struggled to regain control of the classroom, a wave of whispers broke out, speculating about the identity of the culprit. "ENOUGH!" The short man screamed, you were sure for a second you could see steam piping out of his ears.
He strikes a pointing finger in your direction, "You! Kate! Hour after school with me!"
Immediately a pang of guilt hits you like a clapper to morning bells, you slowly turn your head to a clearly distressed Kate, attempting an apologetic tight smile. Her eyes, wide and apprehensive, darted nervously between the irate teacher and the rest of the class, desperately seeking solace in the familiar faces that now seemed to hold a hint of judgment.
"I am so sor-" You slowly begin to whisper before being cut off.
"Get out of my sight!" Stephenson roared, his face flushed, veins pulsing on his forehead.
Kate was known throughout Blackwell for her spotless behaviour and high GPA, and she had told you before how important it was not only to her parents but also to herself, so you'd fucked up big time.
At this point you were halfway down the corridor, Kate tightly holding her books to her chest as you attempted to keep up with her swift pace, trying your hardest to apologise and comfort the girl. But she ignored you and carried on her walk to the dorms, you shortly following behind.
"Kate! It's fine, you know, I know, we all know I'm to blame, I can go tell him if you want." You try but she still doesn't even look your way. Now she'd slammed her door on you. You exhale deeply and rub your hand over your temples with closed eyes.
You: I know you probably don't want to hear from me, but I am really sorry. Like mega sorry.
You: Working on something at the moment, hope I can make it up to you.
You: Love you
You put down your phone and lay flat on your bed, workshopping anything that'd either get Kate out of detention or at least make her forget about it.
You could blackmail Stephenson, though you probably wouldn't get away with it.
You could tell Kate that it was cancelled. She wouldn't believe it mad at you or not.
Your time had run out and your free period was over, Kate's too. You knocked on her door again, but this time you didn't wait for a response. "Kate, it's me," you said. "I know you're mad, and I get it, but I just wanted to ask if you wanted to walk with me?." 
There was a brief pause before Kate responded and opened her door with shy eyes, "Okay," she said.
It was a slow walk and a silent one at that. Unusually uncomfy. And there he was, Stephenson, short and wide, sporting his small glasses with crossed arms.
"Sir, may I go to the toilet please?" A small voice questioned from your side, and with a nod of the teacher's head, Kate had left, leaving you one-to-one with the man and with a bit of time.
This was your chance. Trying to sound casual, you cleared your throat and said, "Mr. Stephenson, about earlier... I know I'm not the easiest student, but the incident earlier was completely my fault. Victoria was picking at Stella, Kate's friend - I didn't like it."
You watched Stephenson carefully, waiting for his reaction. He was a tough nut to crack, especially after the lesson prior, his expression impassive, but you sensed a flicker of something behind his eyes. "I understand you're trying to maintain order," you continued, "but on Kate's behalf, detention seems a bit harsh. Could we maybe… discuss other options? I can help out anywhere." You knew it was a long shot, but you had to try.
The short man sighed, adjusting his glasses, "Fine."
You could've done cartwheels of happiness on the spot but maintained your joy, "Grea-"
"I expect you for an hour after school this week, you'll be sorting out the History department cupboard," It didn't sound too bad when he said it, but after thinking for a moment, you realise that it must've been at least 12 years since somebody had dared to step into that pit.
As your girlfriend was approaching, Mr Stephenson dismissed you, "I'll let you off tonight, now go."
Kate's face was painted with confusion as you walked her way, "What're you doing?"
You take her hand with a smile, "No detention for you, thanks to yours dearly. Want to go out for tea?" You ask hopefully.
You saw a flicker of understanding dawn in her eyes, and a light blush crept up her cheeks. "You mean, because you...?" she began, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Because I pleaded your case?" You finished for her, a mischievous glint in your eye. "He was pretty grumpy, but I managed to convince him you were completely innocent." You chuckled, watching her reaction with amusement.
"You really did that for me?" She asked, her voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and gratitude.
"Of course," you replied, squeezing her hand. "You're worth it." The relief on her face was palpable, as was the gratitude in her eyes.
"Maybe not worth what I've got to do now, but-"
"Tea sounds perfect, my love." She agrees as you walk out of an empty Blackwell, leaning in and planting a soft kiss on your cheek.
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solacedeer · 2 years
just completed Edgar’s route and can say without a single doubt in my mind that that was by far the absolute worst fictional Trial I have seen in my entire life. Phenomenal, the writing in Ikemen Revolution has never missed not once
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cosybookclub · 4 months
Witchcraft Mysteries
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Lily Ivory is not your average witch. Her spell-casting powers tend to draw mischievous spirits while keeping normal humans at a distance. But now her vintage clothing store could give her a chance to make friends in San Francisco…
Lily hopes for a normal life when she opens Aunt Cora's Closet. With her magical knack for vintage fashion - she can sense vibrations of the past from clothing and jewelry - her store becomes a big hit.
But when a client is murdered and children start disappearing from the Bay Area, Lily may be the only one who can unravel the crime. She tries to keep her identity a secret while investigating, but it's not easy - especially under the spells of sexy "mythbuster" Max Carmichael and powerful witch Aidan Rhodes. Will Lily's witchy ways be forced out of the closet?
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[Max is walking across the Blackwell Campus when she suddenly finds herself surrounded by Victoria, Taylor and Courtney. Victoria is scowling with a mixture of annoyance and envy.]
Victoria: You. With me. Now.
[Taylor and Courtney grab Max's arms before she can protest. The next moment, Max finds herself getting frog-marched into Victoria's dorm room, where she inexplicably finds Chloe, Rachel, Kate, Alyssa, Brooke, Dana, Juliet and Steph all gathered. All seven girls sport various looks of amusement and confusion at their current situation.]
Max: [Pulling herself free.] Okay, what is this all about?
Victoria: You mean it's not obvious? I want you to tell me exactly how the fuck you managed to pull every girl of note in Arcadia Bay after only three months at Blackwell!
[Max has no answer. In fact, she doesn't seem too sure herself.]
Chloe: [Grins.] Well, me and her are childhood friends who've been crushing on each other pretty much since we first met.
Rachel: [Shrugs.] As it turns out, Chloe's only available as part of a package deal with Max. [Winks at Max before licking her lips.] Not that I'm complaining, of course.
Kate: [Nervous.] She's been nothing but nice to me in all the time I've known her.
Alyssa: I'd have at least six serious concussions if it wasn't for her constantly looking out for me.
Brooke: Eh, Warren turned out to be an ass, and I wanted to be able to say that I Korrasamied.
Dana: She's sweet, nice, cute, and surprisingly good in bed.
Juliet: Same. [Narrows her eyes at Victoria.] Oh and by the way, you're welcome to Zak if you're really that desperate.
Steph: [Shrugs.] After Dana joined, we decided we needed someone who could bring some semblance of order to…whatever this is. I'm a lesbian who manages theatre shit and tabletop games; they figured I was a natural fit for the position.
[A silent pause occupies the room.]
Victoria: ...This isn't fair.
[Victoria turns around and storms out. Taylor and Courtney look at each other, before looking at Max.]
Taylor: So...can we join?
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sourrind · 14 days
Mercy Manifested - [Ch. 01] Prologue
Life is Strange - Victoria Chase/Kate Marsh
Victoria Chase had been staring at the graffiti for the past five minutes. It was a common sight now, something to be plastered on any surface that could be scratched or marked. She had never figured out how it started or whether the “VC” had stood for the Vortex Club or for her, but she had come to learn that the two had become synonymous over the past few months.
Her hand reached up and a set of well-manicured fingers rubbed at her brow. The buzz of the fluorescent lights continued to echo off the tiles of the girl’s restroom right into her eardrums. This was the last stall that had not been marked yet with the slogan, but now it seemed like no one could use any restroom or vending machine without being reminded how much “VC SUCKS,” least of all her.
The door opened and the sound of two chattering girls entered. Victoria raised her feet and pressed them against the sides of the stall. She didn’t want anyone to know she was there. The last time she had gotten cornered had turned out to be a less than pleasant experience. Without the Vortex Club to back her up, it had become obvious that the former Queen of Blackwell was all bark and no bite.
“God, can you believe Mrs. Hoida? ‘Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein is not the monster. Wisdom is knowing that he is.’ What kinda crap is that?”
‘Great, another dumb blonde at Blackwell.’
“Yeah, it’s like, of course he’s the monster, he’s like made of dead people and junk.”
‘Scratch that, two dumb blondes.’
Victoria buried her face into her hands and let out a silent sigh. She had dealt with her fair share of idiots and morons – both in the art world and at school – but it never got any easier.
“Do you know who you’re going to the party with?”
“Not yet. I really wanna go with Zach, but fuckin’ Juliet scares the shit out of me.”
Victoria’s eye twitched at the mention of Zach and Juliet. She remembered leading Zach on like a sick puppy to mess with the would-be journalist. She didn’t really know why she had done it, but she had enjoyed it. It was funny to her how much power she used to wield and be able to exercise.
It was good.
While it lasted.
“Zach…didn’t he used to go out with Victoria?”
The other girl groaned. “Maybe I shouldn’t go with him then. Who knows what kinda shit he caught from her.”
“Oh em gee, have you seen her recently? She looks like someone runs over her dog every morning or something.”
A laugh. “I mean, that’s what she deserves, right? School’s been so much fucking nicer ever since that lame girl almost ate it off the roof.” A smack of the lips. The snap of a make-up palette closing. “Perfect. Just one more thing.”
VIctoria’s breath hitched. Had the girls figured her out? She braced herself steady against the stall doors, but the worst of it never came. Instead, shoes shuffled from one side of the bathroom to the other, only to end in one very self-satisfied sigh.
The first girl laughed. “You’re such a bitch.”
And the other girl basked in it. “And don’t you forget it.”
The two morons laughed at their own arrogance before exiting the room. Victoria didn’t allow herself to breathe until she heard the slam of the bathroom door closing. Even then, she waited before allowing her feet to fall to the floor before exiting the stall.
The mirror directly in front of her was clean, but ones to the left had the letters “V” and “C” on them. The three on the right spelled out “SUX.”
She didn’t even know who those girls were.
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sweetsummercourier · 5 months
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Attack on Titan OCs - Chibis
I was originally gonna post their refs first, but I was in a chibi mood, so without further ado, allow me to introduce Saoirse Blackwell (left) and Ghislaine Lazarus (right)! Decided to draw them in their casual attire :)
I plan on completing their refs and some introductory pieces (with some writing too) for them but I'll supply a little overview!
Saoirse Blackwell: prior to the Wall's collapse, she had spent a few years of her childhood in the Underground before escaping and smuggling herself through the walls until she ended up in an orphanage in the Shiganshina district, later being adopted by a family living within Maria's interior until the arrival of the Colossal and Armored Titans. When she came of age, she joined the cadets to try and help the family that raised her — after all, it meant one less mouth for them to feed. Additionally, she only has one eye. Her left eye is completely gone, removed due to an infection she developed during her early years.
As to her birth family and how she ended up in the Underground (as it is not the location of her birth), that's a story for another day...
Ghislaine "Ghilly" Lazarus: born in Liberio, Ghislaine was born to an Eldian man and Marleyan woman. She was conceived through an act of violence and was abandoned by her mother immediately after birth, wrapped in the torn up skirt her mother wore that night that her father remembered. Granted, growing up she was always told it was some sort of Romeo and Juliet-esque affair and not some violent drunken act in a dark alleyway.
Despite having failed to inherit a Titan as a warrior candidate, Ghislaine was noticed for incredible intelligence, possessing the traits of both an excellent strategist and tactician. Due to her intellect and wits, she was tasked to join Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie... which she would later call "glorified babysitting."
I really wanna gush and talk about these two so please feel free to send me asks, leave a comment, or shoot me a DM! I'd love to engage with others and chat!
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
Post-Save Arcadia Bay headcanons
Since we never got anything detailing what happens after Max saved Arcadia Bay, not a mention in LIS 2 or a single comic on what could've happened because Square Enix refuses to give us post content for EVERY ending in LIS. Here is my personal headcanon and what a hypothetical Post-Save The Bay universe could look like.
There is a long period of grieving after the funeral. And nightmares of Jefferson.
The Blue Butterfly is a constant presence in Max's dreams
This would be the story of Max trying to move on, going through grief, Warren, Kate and the rest of Max’s friends helping Max through this sad period of her life.
Warren comes to sleep with Max to help soothe her nightmares. Sometimes her friends have sleepovers so they don't leave Max alone.
Max goes to the psychologist. She takes pictures but almost all of them are Chloe related. At the same time with her friends. There, Max learns to value her friends EVEN more and vows not to abandon them like she did with Chloe.
Max learns to listen and get to know herself more. And to be as brave as Chloe was
Much like the raven was for BTS. Max will dream of Chloe, trying to convince Max she has to let go of her guilt and move on with her life but know that she will always be in Max’s heart and also for her.
Warren would be a positive presence for Max, always there for her and a good influence during her grieving period. They’d watch movies together in their dorm rooms and just hangout. Warren’s presence soothes Max’s broken heart and this is why Max slowly falls in love with him.
Kate, Warren, Dana, Alyssa, Stella, Juliet, Daniel and even Victoria would be there for Max
With Kate, Kate is Max’s angel. Like Warren, Kate lifts Max up after the loss of Chloe. Kate would play her violin for Max, take Max to her Church groups and Kate would allow Alice to love Max up and tea dates just to brighten Max’s days up.
Max and Victoria would make peace and Victoria would help her through her grief, which would result in Max and Victoria finally becoming friends. Victoria, Taylor and Courtney would take Max out for shopping, dress Max up and Victoria would help reignite Max’s love for photography and would not let Jefferson ruin her passion. Max and Victoria together would take some killer shots. Victoria would tell Max “when you are a famous photographer, you can put your pictures in my gallery” and it was a deal, Max would focus on becoming a photographer and Victoria would become heir to the Chase Space. Max and Victoria embrace in a hug.
Max would confront Nathan in a mental institution. Upon being visited by Max, Nathan would break down in tears and tell her he did not mean to kill Chloe, hurt Kate or hurt Rachel. He didn’t want to hurt anyone and profusely apologize, but he knows he has to live with what he’s done and Max takes it upon herself to forgive Nathan and hug him. This results in a monthly visit where Max and Victoria would visit Nathan, think of this like the fanfic The Sense Of Me for Max and Nathan’s friendship.
We could also get a dream of Chloe telling Max that she loves Joyce and that she forgives her and misses her and Max would tell Joyce this and Joyce would break down in tears.
As enough time to process the grief and begin healing, Max and Warren go Ape and Max thanks Warren for being there for her during her mourning and Max tells her how much she appreciates Warren and confesses that she loves him and kisses Warren. Also Max and Warren would go on a double date with Brooke and Daniel
Time passes and Max would graduate from Blackwell with a promising career in photography on the horizon. But also an interest in photojournalism sparks Max's interest
It could close on Max, Warren, Kate, Nathan(would be after his release and after he visits Chloe’s grave and breaks down and says he’s sorry, would also make peace with Kate, Joyce and David), Victoria, Dana, Juliet, Stella, Brooke, Daniel, Alyssa, Steph, Mikey, Frank, Joyce and David at the Lighthouse. Chloe’s spirit looking on her family and Max proudly, and Chloe’s spirit finally moves on.
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ad0rati0ns · 9 days
i'm feeling like i'm in a bit of a writing slump, so if anyone would like to dm about plots or threads, lmk <3 i have a lot of muses to work with, haha sometimes i don't know what to do with them.
i don't mind angst, at all, but i will not write taboo things. i also prefer to fade-to-black in smut senarios, so if you're looking for a smut-heavy thread, i'm sorry!
i'm gonna try and work on some of the threads i have. All of my muses are like period, historical, or fantasy! Here are my muses that I currently write with, if you want to check them out:
Women <3
Athena Cunningham (Maia Mitchell fc). Plays noblewomen, princesses, etc. Good for regency or later. She's reckless and a little naive.
Henrietta Owens (Alisha Boe). Plays servants, village girls, princesses, handmaidens, noblewomen, low-key anything. Good for both medieval and regency plots! She's passionate and well-rounded.
Juliet Fairchild (Kristine Froseth). Plays any period role. She's expressive, usually wealthy, and kinda spoiled. She means well, though.
Sara Sarrarel (Poppy Drayton). Plays princesses, village girls, any medieval/fantasy role tbh. I have her as more of a medieval character. She's stubborn and annoying <3
Reyna Rusnak (Millie Brady). She plays commoners, usually in a fantasy setting. She's better for darker themes just based on vibes alone. Works well in medieval settings. Her personality is pretty verse-dependent. I have her as being loyal, scrappy, and a little mysterious
Fiona Campbell (Sophie Skelton). She plays commoners, sex-workers, down-on-her luck characters. She could also probably be a noblewoman. She's my newest character so I'm still figuring her out. I think she's kinda jaded for some reason.
Men <3
Buck Birch (Tom Blyth). He is only in Western verse threads. He's usually an outlaw, but he could work as a common man, too. He's my most verse-specific character. He's charming, sly, and dangerous.
Shi Bolin. (Dylan Wang). He is good for bodyguards/knights/protectors. He could also be a weird, angsy prince. He's not the most friendly but he'll protect your character.
Remy Longfellow (Adrain Enscoe). He's good for regency/bridgerton things. He's your basic soft boy who's a little dumb <3
Alistair Brown (Thomas Brodie-Sangster). I usually play him as a tavern-owner. He can also be in Bridgerton type threads. He's hard-working, sarcastic, and a good man.
Benjamin Isakson (Jack Wolfe). He is usually only put in vampire threads tbh. He is good for fantasy/supernatural threads. He's naive, bookish, and he likes to study the supernatural. He is my personal baby.
James Parker (Harry Gilby). Usually more medieval threads. He's good as bodyguards or a loyal soilder. He wants to prove himself to his superior. He's just a young man that has to face a lot of darkness, I feel.
Alaric Blackwell (Freddy Carter). He works well in supernatural/fantasy threads. He can play a vampire hunter. He's a con-man and cannot be trusted.
I'd like to bring a Sean Teale muse somewhere, but I'm not sure about him yet.
Anyway, thanks!
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leoxblackwell · 3 months
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( LUCIEN LAVISCOUNT, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ) BENVOLIO ‘LEO’ BLACKWELL the THIRTY-THREE year old is said to remind people of A GARAGE FILLED WITH LUXURY CARS THAT ARE NEVER DRIVEN & PAYING FOR EVERYTHING WITH A BLACK CARD . they are known to be FLIRTATIOUS and MANIPULATIVE which makes sense when you think about how they are a Blackwell. { DANI, 28, GMT, SHER/HER. }
Full Name: Benvolio Phineas Blackwell
Nickname: Leo
Age: 33
DOB: November 14th 1991
Parents: Terrence Blackwell & Deanna Thompson
Siblings: here
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: brown
Tattoos: here
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Benvolio's mother was a lover of Shakespeare so when it came to naming him there was no chance that he was getting a name that people would consider 'Normal.' He was named after one of the characters from Romeo & Juliet.
Although he was born from a love affair there was not a day that went by that Leo had to live without his father. Terrence knew that Deanna was pregnant early on and it never crossed his mind that he wouldn't have Benvolio in his life. He attended all her appointments though he kept it a secret from Vivian. It was only the day he was born that the affair came to light.
He never went for nothing and was introduced to the family immediately. Terrence paid for everything in his life, Deanna was taken care of too and was even moved into a home close by to Terrence. He wanted nothing but the best for the two of them and the moment he could walk and talk he was put into the finest of daycares, schools and was surrounded by the best of the best at all times. Terrence insisted on a nanny but Deanna was adamant she did not need one and she would care for her child.
Leo had a very good and close relationship with his mother. He is definitely a mummy's boy and does not care, he will admit to that all day every day without shame. She was hands on and extremely caring and as Leo has gotten older he has made sure to care for her the same way too. He spoils her whenever he can, takes her on holidays and trips, buys her gifts and whatever she wants she gets no questions asked.
In school he was definitely a class clown and even into his adulthood he continues with the exact same personality. He enjoys making people laugh, he is definitely an asshole too and just lives life on his terms. He is a party animal, has been told he is a fuck boy one too many times but hey ho.
Benvolio has presented to his father many times with ideas for businesses but has yet to have anything approved and granted money for.
Leo got somebody pregnant after a drunken one-night stand, he was not ready to be a dad but knew how his own dad felt about abandoning children due to his upbringing. Instead, he stole money from him and paid them to get an abortion. (wc)
He was on one of the seasons of Too Hot to Handle.
Is absolutely terrified of heights.
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lifeisstrangearchive · 4 months
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Girls Dorms Slates: Kate Dead
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whatsjulietslastname · 3 months
What do you think about Brooke Scott?
honestly i think that like a lot of blackwell students (Juliet, Courtney, even Victoria), she’s pretty unlikable until she becomes kind of likable. she’s not very noticeable at the beginning of the game except when you interact with her and she’s being bitter to you over a boy (and tbh, her one sided beef with Max is kinda funny), and she only becomes way nicer when you save Kate/try to save Kate at the end of episode 2 (again, like a few other secondary characters). i think this comes more from a place of guilt from not having done anything herself more than from her jealousy because it’s not like she goes out of her way to be friends with Max either (unlike Dana or Justin, for exemple) until she seems to have moved on from Warren and goes on that date with Daniel, and the last time she interacts with Max at the Vortex Club party, they both seem to genuinely appreciate each other and that’s when I personally start to like her a lot more. i don’t think she’s necessarily a bad person, i actually think she’s an accurate representation of how people (especially teenagers) can react to getting romantically disappointed. so yeah, she’s snappy and somewhat rude to Max over something neither of them can control (a boy’s affection) and this is a bad new for feminism, but she’s mainly a teen who’s bitter that her crush doesn’t like her back and will get over it in like two weeks. i think if Max and Brooke talked more AFTER Brooke moved on from Warren they could actually be friends, or at least in good terms with one another.
anyway, thanks for the ask!
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