#julykings prompts
julykings · 2 years
this week’s little personal art assignment is going to be to watch a movie you’ve never seen before and create something inspired by it !
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rustinged · 2 years
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everything everywhere all at once (2022) - doing @julykings prompt of the week w germ! watching a movie you’ve never seen before and create something inspired by it
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arckhaic · 5 years
june01 / prompt list by @julykings  pride. 
per           son. made in between the  (sun)light upon the grass ; we     don’t meet each other / shoulder bare
body bare / bear this for me, thisbody. per
son. of the wet / of the howling. a crave in my body ( carry me away from thisthisthis ) is shaped like carve          .         i am far away from
the sun / i am not )light( the way we meant it. person / of  this body 
             have we met? is the same / light              in your mouth as it is mine?   say no. 
and in the same way we were made . smear red in the dirt / i want your light to let me go . 
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1. pomegranate i’m trying to cure my heart with fruit again. pomegranates are scarlet enough to carry life force within them. the thing is, i can’t stop thinking about where they take you. they keep you in winter, and it’s winter i’m trying to escape. 
2. waterlogged i slip under the ice and my body becomes a waterlogged coat, dragging me down. it refuses to sleep and let me heal. i might as well be made of lead. 
3. amorphous the words have always served me well, but when i put them together i find amorphous images. i am used to writing clarity. or at least the kind of ambiguity that has sense to it. the words feel heavy.
4. creatures in the mist i stare into the mists, hoping the void will take shape. it doesn’t fail me. the creatures in the mist take shape at my call. their forms are uncertain, but they at least offer some direction. they beckon me and i follow.
5. up from the earth i am led to a magic valley, a place between winter and spring, where snow falls lightly on pomegranate trees. the sun turns the lead in my body back into dewdrops and sends me dancing. the words crystallize easy as frost. the mist departs as i twirl and twirl and sing. 
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thymelines · 6 years
from from russia with love is keep your gays away from our country. from russia with love is they’re trying to turn our children gay so let’s ban rainbow flags till people don’t know one staring them in the face. from russia with love it’s all a western ideology, it’s their corrupt morals, their vulgar movies & their gene modification technology, their sickness, their twisted ways. from russia with love is we love you only if you’re normal. natural (a russian word). straight. dare say you’re gay and you’re wrong, it’s a disease, we should get you to a hospital, you know, for the brain, get some therapy, or better yet, pray. the church is strong and we are happy we are proud of our country we torture and kill peole who we suspect might be that way. from russia with love is from russia with love is from russia with love is you have no place here, and you cannot stay.
“ah, it’s not that bad,” my friends from russia with love tell me, “come on. I mean, look at you. you’re still here and you’re okay.”
inspired by @julykings prompts #5
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prettypenko · 6 years
had this in a folder for a while, it is based off a prompt from @julykings
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synbeam · 6 years
Take me to the heart shaped lake on the outskirts of town, where suburbs turn into waves of hills
Baby, it's the middle of the night and nobody will see us jump in with our clothes on
Dive in, don't think about how cold the water is or if the fish will bite you or if I'll disappear under water a few seconds too long
Just think about the summer of last year with your mouth full of cotton, kissing my bruised knuckles and strawberry-stained lips
Think about how we washed ourselves clean going swimming in the dead of night when the water was so dark it might as well have been night sky
Think so hard you stop thinking
Just become.
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criticalcriminal · 6 years
Some people are like smelting flames, like their entire lives are the single, prized sword of the great King of Ghosts.
Pigs go feral within months outside of farms. Souls are like that too; some are not given a loving home and they turn evil because of it.
Every July in Northern California is akin to living on Mercury and citizens get nervous when what grows our crops burns off our skins.
Maybe if I live around this steal melting heat, I can learn a thing or two about forgiveness, even if I’m not American made metal
And neither is this ever exploding mountain that I hereditarily share this lifetime with. Yes, I really get it now, please be kind to me.
- chey r. brabo
for @julykings july prompts
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julykings · 5 years
prompts for may 🌻
lily of the valley 
yard sale
long drive home
living room
blue moon
your favorite song 
skinny dip
awful bite
blue jeans
sea air
urban legend
angel wings
the last movie you watched 
herbs & spices
vivid memory
barn burner
high noon
i remember…
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saintalice · 7 years
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"we won't get out alive", for @julykings prompts
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i want to see beautiful things
i want to see potential
when there's none
softness in violent death
a castle placed gently
over a pond of ruins
the bells of a church
and a quieter choir
over the sounds of inner thunder
a field of maze where all that was
is no longer
the openness and invitation of
a solid pink door
instead of the solidity of its lines
room for a new blooming awakening
instead of sinking in absence
drinking meaning and beauty like
i'm a stranger to oxygen but i'm suffocating
and if this fine art can ever be mastered
maybe looking in the liquid hardness of a mirror
won't be so damn hard anymore
(inspired by @julykings prompts)
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i. farm road we’re driving down a farm road and all i can think about is the end of the world. there aren’t many signs about it in this neck of the woods, but there was an eroded billboard that said “te rive” two miles back. it brought my mind to postapocalyptic naming, to lost people finding meaning in fragments.
ii. stab wound the problem with stab wounds is that your instinct is to take the knife out. it’s the same with love. if you walk too far away from it, the sadness will start spilling from you and leave you with nothing. it might sting, but you have to hold it close until someone saves you. 
iii. satellite satellites look steadier than stars. they move, but they don’t flicker. one will last billions of years and take everything with it when it burns out, and for some reason, that’s the one that flickers. i’m still not sure which one to wish on.
iv. horns they used to sell narwhal horns as unicorn horns. is it a lie if everyone is in on it? if i am not expecting it to heal me and i am not expecting it to grant my wishes, if i’m just expecting to claim a symbol and to make someone jealous, i haven’t been lied to. have i?
v. chopping wood  i’m trying to get the bonfire ready. trying to create some light and some warmth. if you can wish on flying embers like they are stars, does it matter what the satellites are up to? does it matter if you’re lying about everything being alright, as blood and love stain your sleeves? has the world ended if you are still standing? 
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thymelines · 7 years
hi. hi, I’m learning how to write. I’m learning me and all the things that make me and all the things that don’t. don’t tell me it’s impossible to know those things - if I didn’t know this what would be the point. possible things should perhaps come before the impossible, but what if it’s just the other way round, what if you took all the possible things, stripped them to the bones only to find impossible ones underneath. wouldn’t it be obvious, then, wouldn’t it be obvious where to begin. and what if what if thinking of possible things, keeping them busy in our minds is our way to hide. . hi, I’m learning how to write.
. . . @julykings prompt: bones
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paintstained · 7 years
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for @julykings week one prompt, 1. poolside conversation  
blue-green with your feet in the water
i kept mine out, it’s night and the water at night still scares me
(there’s nothing in the water, you swear it, i still don’t put my feet in)
light looks so weird in water, doesn’t it
you remember when we pretended we were mermaids?
                                                                                       we’re not kids anymore
it doesn’t feel like that long ago
we did so many crazy things as kids, if you think about it
we could never tell what was really important
not now, not as kids (definitely not when we were alone)
floating face down, holding our breaths, not even thinking how morbid that was
we were kids pretending to be dead pretending to die
you’d hold your breath just to see how long you could last
walked off the roof blind, figuring there’s no way you would miss the pool, right?
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synbeam · 6 years
How can you say things that make me melt -- baby, sweetheart, darlin', honey --
Am I the same person I was the first time time we kissed?
Give me an eden
You were everything I hoped for in a paradise
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criticalcriminal · 7 years
what if’s and fairytales
what if i was free, really free, and i wasn’t afraid of being alone, and i wasn’t afraid of being ugly.
if i could get in my car with half a tank of gas and drive in 1 direction forever.
i’d go out in the night, nothing could touch me, i could carry on conversations and look everyone in their eyes.
i’d hike through parks, nature’s eyes would be upon me, the pines might become my only company.
the most dangerous thing in the woods would be the wind; i’d walk from one end of the forest to the other and not worry about how bad i smelt.
i’d navigate my life without touching a map and everything would be alright. everyone would love me. i’d find someone to marry me.
maybe my hair would go gray and i’d only do the things i really wanted and when i decided i was done with this life, everyone would hug me, kiss me, say goodbye.
and when i toppled off a cliff - in the patagonian jungle, in who knows where - it would be the world that lost me, not the other way around.
- chey 
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