#jungkook whump
taetaemilktea · 2 months
I’m watching the first episode of “Are You Sure?” and the content is just crazy. Jungkook’s sore throat, the sniffles, the coughs, Jimin’s stomach bug, his fever, Jungkook bringing him medicine?? All in the first episode?? They’re down bad and I feel so much for them 😭
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crystalsnow95z · 9 months
Could you write a Namjoon one where he gets injured during an award performance, but he still tries to continue, which only makes it worse
So I ended up almost completely changing it after having it finished because i hated the original one I wrote so I'm sorry if there's any errors from my removing and adding scenes. I'm afraid if I try to edit it I'll just end up repeating the process.. I'm not loving any of my work lately..
Namjoon watched the show from the waiting room, opening and closing his fists with a deep breath. They were going to perform next and the thought terrified him. It's been three years since they performed at an award show in America, and the whispers of their consant losses weighed heavy in Namjoon's chest.
"You nervous Joon-ah?" Jin asks, rubbing their leader's shoulders. "You need to relax.. you're so tense. You got this..” he gives him a quick hug from behind, feeling Namjoon's heart racing in his chest.
"I know.. I know.. I'm trying.." Namjoon takes another deep breath, trying to slow his heart hammering away in his chest, placing his palm over it. "I'm sorry, Hyung..'
"Dont apologize. You're fine. What's got you so worried? Itdoesn'tt matter if we win or not. Just being able to perform in front of Army is rewarding enough." Jin tries to quell Namjoon's worries.
"Its nothing really, Hyung. My nerves are always worse at events like award shows and my throat isn't in the best condition today on top of it. I don't want to mess up..” he didn't want to mention all the whispers he was hearing in case Jin didn't pick up on him. Hyung is already nervous, he's been pacing ever since he finished getting ready.
Jin felt sympathy for the younger member. In America he was always the one handling everything. The seven would be doing three songs and an encore if they won. "You'll do good Namjoon, you always do and even if you mess up it's no big deal. Someone in the group will probably end up saying something stupid anyway.”
"Thanks hyung." Namjoon smiles, thinking back at all the random things the boys have said on award shows in the past."I hope you're wrong..I don't need to stumble upon any more cringey videos on the socials when this is over.. Army never lets anything go.”
“No promises.” Jin smiles back at him, thankful to see him smile even for a moment. He hadn't seen him smile all day.
"Namjoon-sii, three minutes until you go on." Staff tells him. "Is everything set?”
The temporary distraction was over, Namjoon calling the boys together, his stomach knotting once more. "Does everyone have their mic packs in order?”
Everyone confirms that everything was okay, quickly checking his own. He looked everyone over, being sure everyone was perfect."Ah, Hoba..” he clears his throat to speak when his voice cracks. “ah..Your pants.” Namjoon blushes lightly at the sound.
Hoseok looks down, quickly pulling the zipper. "Thanks Joon.” he chuckles in embarrassment. Everyone looks down at their own zippers, being sure theirs is in the proper position.
Yoongi gets Namjoon a water bottle, handing it to him. “Your voice isn't fully returned yet...” he states with a frown.
“I know, but it's fine. I've performed when it was worse and it's not like it's a full concert.” Namjoon takes a drink, trying to soothe his dry throat. “Thanks hyung..”
Jimin retightens his laces, taking a deep breath. He straightens up and double checks if everyone's ready while Namjoon sips water."Everyone's ready hyung.”
"1, 2, 3...bang..bang..bangtan!" Everyone puts their hands together, chanting before leaving the room to go on stage. Namjoon usually gave words of encouragement to his members, but he didn't feel confident himself.
"We got this, win or lose we'll give them a performance they won't forget." Hoseok speaks for Namjoon, giving his team a bright smile.
They could hear the crowd cheering above, when Jimin appears from the fog Namjoon's shoulders tightening once more. Hoseok pats Namjoon's back giving him a reassuring smile. “You can do this.”
Namjoon nods, adjusting his ear piece one more time when he hears the signal. The background dancers would be on stage, members quickly mixing in to join them for their part in black swan. Namjoon tried to stay calm when his part comes, but when he was lifted he was too tense, landing awkwardly on his ankle.
Namjoon sucks his breath in through his teeth when he feels the pain shoot up his leg. Fu*k..no, no.. it'll pass.. I couldn't have hurt myself in the first minute of the song.. I'll just walk it off.. it's fine..
He lies to himself, moving through the choreography ignoring the constant pain everytime he used his left leg.
Jin notices the pain in Namjoon's eyes when they pass each other, but he couldn't check on him. The performance had to go on, he couldn't do anything but watch Namjoon disappear from sight.
It's only getting worse. .
Namjoon tries his best not to limp, putting as much pressure as he could physically handle, biting back a moan when a searing pain shoots up his leg when he has no other choice.
Namjoon isn't moving right.. somethings wrong..
Hoseok watches Namjoon from the corner of his eye, noticing his uneven steps as he moves to the center to sing his part.
“If this can no longer resonate. No longer make my heart vibrate. Then like this may be how. I die my first death. [But what if that moment's right now?
Right now.]”
He tried to move confidently, but he couldn't stop himself from sharply inhaling when he stepped on his injured foot, anxiety spiking when he heard the sound get caught by his mic.
Namjoon didn't have the time to feel guilty about his mistake, he had to move so Taehyung could move to the center. He stumbles slightly when he turns out of the way, being heavy handed when he puts his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, using him to help relieve some of the pressure from his ankle, balancing on one foot.
Why is Namjoon-hyung holding so tightly? Is he upset about his voice still? It sounded like he was in pain..
Taehyung wanted to look at Namjoon to check on him, but he had to keep his eyes on the camera and as soon as it zoomed away from him he watched his leader move to the next position,stumbling a bit as he spins.
Namjoon clenched his teeth as be regains his balance, getting back into formation with the other members. He pushes through the choreography, struggling to make it back to his feet when he drops to the floor, whimpering softly, feeling tears fill his eyes.
I'm messing everything up..
The only thing that gave him the strength to get back up was the sound of the crowd cheering him on. He pushed through fake love, his leg tingling with pain with every step, moving to the position for the next song.
He did his best to hide it, but any time he got close enough to one of his members, he felt a hand touch his shoulder or brush against his hair. They were trying to signal for him to stop, but he was so focused on performing that he didn't notice them trying to get his attention. 
Okay, okay..fake love to idol.. how am I going to do Idol? There's no way I can jump like this..and if I don't it'll mess everyone up..
Namjoon was deep in thought, trying to plan his way around his foot injury, trying to keep his mind distracted from the pain.
By the time they all get into position for the last song, he had balance on one foot whenever he coule, unable to put any pressure on it without a sharp pain. Hoseok wrapped his arm around Namjoon, Jungkook doing the same on the other side.
"What are you doing?" Namjoon asks, eyes wide in surprise. The music had stopped, the crowd murmuring in confusion and concern that they stopped “Not in front of the crowd..” Namjoon pleads, feeling both embarrassment and guilt wash over him. "I can-"
“You're shaking Namjoon, you can't go on.. you need to sit." Hoseok interrupted him, the two leading him to edge of the stage. "what's wrong? Is it your knee?”
“It's my foot or my ankle... it hurts every time I move it..” Namjoon admits, knowing there's no point in lying.
“You landed badly during the beginning..” Jin states, clenching his jaw with worry. “You should've stopped after black swan..”
"I'll be fine for one more song.. I made it this far.." Namjoon tries to argue. "I just need to wrap it really quick and we can do-"
"Absolutely not." Yoongi tells him flatly."We have no time to argue. You can't dance on that leg."
"I can still sing.." Namjoon wanted to argue that he could last another few minutes, but he didn't want to disrespect his older brothers in front of the crowd.
"Alright, but no moving.." Jin could see the frustration in Namjoon's eyes and the desperation to keep going.
Staff get him a chair, Hoseok and Jin helping him up. "After this you're seeing medical.." Jin tells him, getting into position with the others, motioning for the music to start.
Namjoon's voice shook when he started singing idol, quickly recovering. I can't let my emotions get the best of me, I need to smile, so Army doesn't worry.. so my brothers don't feel the need to leave because of me..
“Take him to get checked out..” Jin orders as soon as the song ends,Jungkook and Hoseok nodding, taking him to the medical staff. Namjoon leans heavily on Jungkook, trying to not make any sound when he has to put pressure on his foot.
“You should've stopped the moment you knew something was wrong Namjoon-ah. You're a professional, you should know better. You could seriously hurt yourself that way..” Hoseok scolds him, but there was no anger in his words, only concern.
“I know, I know, i got caught up in the performance..the sound of the crowd cheering.. I just.. didn't want to ruin it.. I'm stupid..” Namjoon replies with frustration and guilt, making him feel sick to his stomach. 
“You aren't stupid hyung.. you just wanted to make army happy.” Jungkook's comforts Namjoon. 
“Army won't be happy if we get hurt..” Namjoon says looking down at his foot. "And on top of it, i made so many mistakes.. i couldn't even finish three songs.." The frustration swelled within him, threatening to make tears swell in his eyes.
Jungkook and Hoseok help him sit, Jungkook dropping to his knees to untie Namjoon's boot, trying to stretch the laces as far out as possible to remove it without hurting his hyung.
Namjoon clenched his teeth together when Jungkook tries to gently remove the shoe t from his foot, not wanting to make a sound. I wish we did it barefooted..
“I'm sorry Hyung..” Jungkook apologizes when he hears Namjoon suck in his breath through his teeth. “I'm almost done. Sorry!” Jungkook bows when he gets his sock off him hearing a low moan come from his injured leader,moving to the side for the woman to properly examine him.
Namjoon grabs onto Hoseok's hand when the staff member grabs onto his foot, groaning. “Ahh…it hurts, that hurts..”
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." She apologized.
Hoseok gives his hand a squeeze, rubbing Namjoon’s back. “Namjoon-ah..” his eyes dilate with worry, rubbing his thumb across Namjoon’s knuckles. “Bear it for a little bit so she can check if it's broken..”
Namjoon nods, biting the inside of his cheek. “Okay.. I'm okay.. sorry..go on.."
She gently moves it, testing to see how much he could move it, Namjoon’s eyes screwing shut with pain, softly groaning.
He already knew that they would tell him he wouldn't be able to do another song today but the rest of their schedule for the month flashed through his mind, tears stinging his eyes. 
“Hyung does it hurt that much?” Jungkook asks when he noticed Namjoon covering his face with shaky breath.
“No, no it's not that.. I'm just frustrated..we have so much we still need to do..” Namjoon's voice cracks when he tries to hold back the tears that filled his eyes, quickly looking up blinking them away.
“Hey, hey don't worry about that. We'll figure this out.”  Hoseok promises. "Don't think about the future right now okay?"
With the exam proving it wasn't broken, Namjoon was given permission to stay until the end of the award show, but was given strict instructions to not put any pressure on it, the woman putting a splint on it.
The MC read off the card, The members all getting up. Jin quickly wraps an arm around Namjoon when be notices him awkwardly balancing on one foot. “You're going to a hospital after this..” Jin uses his serious voice. “I'll carry you..”
Namjoon nods, ears turning red as Jungkook helps him onto Jin's back, Jungkook walking behind in case he falls. I can't believe I agreed to be carried..This is so embarrassing..but I want to show Army I'll be okay.. If I didn't return on stage with the others they'll expect the worst..
A staff member puts a stool on the stage, Jin putting Namjoon down gently, Jungkook keeping his hand on Namjoon’s back to be sure he doesn't fall backward.
Shame washed over Namjoon when he saw the hurt expressions of his fandom, whispering about his injury. He couldn't bring himself to look at them, keeping his eyes staring at his hands.
Namjoon was so used to all the members huddling behind him during award shows, he closed his eyes to try to calm himself before taking his mic, jumping when he hears Jin's scream.
“ARRRRRMMMIIIE” Jin greets happily, getting the crowd to cheer again. “[Thank you so much.. without you..this wouldn't be possible! Its an honor to be here with all of you..]”
That's from the speech I was practicing..or what he can remember of it.. he's trying to do it for me..
Namjoon only feels worse when he looks at Jin to listen to him talk, seeing how nervous he is. Jin kept his voice steady, but Namjoon could see Jin shaking, the mic trembling in his hands.
He wasn't prepared to do this.. he wasn't going to speak today..
Namjoon reaches to tap Jungkook, unable to reach Jin from where he sits, motioning the youngest to take the mic for him.
Jungkook nods, going over to Jin to tap his shoulder, whispering by his ear. “Namjoonie-hyung wants to speak still..”
Jin nods. “[I love you!]” He ends his speech with a warm ending before giving the mic to Jungkook.
“[Arrrmy! This wouldn't be possible without all of you! Thank you!]” Jungkook speaks into the mic with gratitude before giving it to Namjoon. 
“[Army I was so excited when I came here, I'm so sorry I won't be able to give you my all..I was careless and got injured during our performance earlier.]” Namjoon felt his heart sinking when he hears army cheering for him. 
Staff motioned that time was running out, so Namjoon quickly finished his speech, the members getting their mics ready,the music playing.
Namjoon turns on his mic pack, taking a deep breath to try to keep his emotions at bay. I can't feel sorry for myself.. I still want to thank them for supporting us today..
Taehyung doesn't get into position with the others, choosing to sing his verse while hugging Namjoon from behind, poking Namjoon's cheek to try to get a smile out of him.
Namjoon didn't feel like smiling, but it was hard not to after Taehyung moved in front of him, overdoing the dance moves to try to make him laugh, making him smile despite how miserable he felt.
“Stop it, you're so weird.. go join the others. I'm fine.” Namjoon pushes him away, wanting him to worry about the performance, not him.
Taehyung follows his command, getting into formation avoiding the spot Namjoon was supposed to be standing as if he was standing there with them.
Looking at the empty space where he should be only made Namjoon’s heart ache more. I want to be with the others.. I don't belong sitting here..
Namjoon couldn't look towards the others when his part came, opting to choose a camera to focus his gaze on. He could feel the stinging of tears trying to form, but he held them in until his part was finished, the camera panning away from him to move to the others.
Just wait until we get off the stage..
Namjoon took a deep breath, pushing his emotions down deep into the pit of his stomach when he hears the voices of his members getting closer to him. There's just one more minute in the song..
Namjoon keeps his eyes closed, trying to keep his tears at bay. The song ends with the crowd cheering louder than he ever heard all night,opening his eyes to see why, jumping when he sees the members closing in on him, putting him in the center of a group hug. 
“You have no reason to cry Namjoon-ah. It's okay.. you did your best today.. you don't need to feel bad about anything.” Jin whispers to him.
“I'm sorry Hyung. I can't help it.. I'm just so frustrated with myself..” Namjoon let Jungkook pull him onto his back, burying his face in the maknae’s back.
“It's okay Hyung. We'll get you back on your feet as soon as possible.” Jungkook promises, holding Namjoons legs still so they don't sway when he walks down the steps.
The members line up behind Jungkook following behind like ducklings. They would usually stay a little longer, but their top priority was to get Namjoon to an emergency room as soon as possible.
"Kim Namjoon Kim Namjoon!" The crowd had been cheering for him since the song ended.
I don't deserve your praise.. I've been nothing but a burden today..
Namjoon picks up his head, forcing a smile, giving them a finger heart despite how miserable he felt.
The security staff quickly fell into place to protect the boys on the way out, escorting them to their vehicles. Jungkook gently places Namjoon in the car.
The others climb in, Jin going next to Namjoon and hugging him close. “Namjoon-Ah does it hurt too much?” He asks softly, wiping the tears from Namjoon’s cheeks.
“It's..it's not that..it's just.. we were going to sh..shoot a music video while we were in the America.. because of me.. we..we won't be able to..” Namjoon sniffles, trying to keep his voice steady.
“Hey, hey, don't worry about that Namjoon-ah, you getting better is our top priority..we can always reschedule or choose a new location. We'll figure something out.” Jin rubs the back of Namjoon's neck, trying to massage the tension away. 
Namjoon shakes his head. “It's not..it's not okay.. I should've been more careful..I should've stopped as..as soon as..”
“Shh..Namjoon.” Jin puts a finger by his lips, silencing Namjoon. “What's done is done. Regretting it won't do any good. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and move forward.”
Namjoon nods, leaning into Jin, his breath coming in shaky and weak, coughing. “I'm sor..sorry everyone..”
Jin hugs Namjoon to his chest, kissing the top of his head. “My poor Joon-ah..let Hyung handle things, you just rest.” He's been stressing for the past two months about the new album we've been working on, pulling all nighters to work on music.. this was just his breaking point.. my poor baby..
Namjoon nods, squeezing Jin closely. He stayed quiet the rest of the way to the hospital, letting Jin gently stroke his back as he let out all the emotions he was trying so hard to keep at bay.
“The doctor said it's only a tiny tear, and as long as you rest it, you'll make a full recovery in 8 weeks.. it's okay, Namjoon-ah..” Hoseok tries to comfort Namjoon, gently adding a cold compress to his foot to try to help reduce the swelling. 
“But I can't dance Hoba.. I can't dance and our new album is due to come out this quarter..” Namjoon says softly, wincing when the numbing chill hits him. 
“I know, I know, but you'll still be able to sing with us..and who knows? You might heal faster than the doctor predicted..” Hoseok tried to stay positive, trying to cheer up his fellow 94er. He hadn't left Namjoon's hotel room since they left the hospital, being sure to fulfill every single need Namjoon needed to help keep him off his injured leg.
“Maybe..” Namjoon sighs, hearing a knock on the door. “Huh? Who is it?’ He goes to answer without thinking, groaning when he moves his bad leg.
“Namjoon-ah no. I'll get it. You stay put. I told you, no moving unless it's to use the bathroom.”Hoseok scolds him, going to the door and peeking through the hole, opening it when he sees his members standing in the hallway.
“What's everyone doing here? I thought you'd be in bed.." Namjoon knew he would be asleep if it weren't for the headache his crying caused, still feeling jet lagged from their long flight.
“We thought we could all eat together in Namjoonie hyung's room.” Jimin explains, holding up a bag of food. "Are you hungry, Hyung? We haven't eaten since this morning.."
“We all ordered from a different place so we can have a good variety of food.” Jungkook says with a smile. “Do you think Namjoonie hyung will be okay with it? We can always go to Jinnie-hyungs room.”
"Yeah, I'd love to eat with everyone.." Namjoon answers despite the fact he had no appetite. I just want to be with everyone, but I was embarrassed to ask Hoseok to stay..
The boys set up their food on the coffee table, Namjoon feeling the love of his teammates when he realizes that they got his favorite foods.
"Thanks everyone..I love you guys.." Namjoon smiles a real smile for the first time since black swan. "I promise I'll be careful next time.."
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soft-for-yoongi · 2 years
Shower Sickness (sick JK)
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Sick person: Jungkook
Caretakers: Taehyung, Yoongi
Tw: emeto, vom*****, nausea, dizziness, fainting
(Jungkook feels sick and faints in the shower, Taehyung and Yoongi come to the rescue)
Word count: 710
It's short but I hope you enjoy!!!!
"Oh, fuck—" Jungkook really thought a shower would wash away his pains and the quelling nausea that has been bothering him all day. Apparently not. He feels so light headed and he thinks the tiles beneath his feet are getting closer and closer. Jungkook hears ringing in his ears and a pounding ache in his head before—
Well shit. Taehyung walks up to the bathroom door, "Jungkook-ah? You alright? Did you drop the shampoo bottle again?" Taehyung says with a light-hearted laugh. That is until he hears a miserable moan from behind the door. Yoongi walks down the hallway just in time, "everything okay, Tae-yah?" The rapper says, noticing Taehyung's wide eyes.
"I don't know hyung—Jungkookie?? I'm coming in." Taehyung thanks the lord that the maknae forgot to lock the door and he enters easily. Yoongi isn't far behind, and as soon as they get in they see a pale Jungkook on the floor of the shower. "Oh my god—Kookie—" Taehyung shuts off the water and moves the hair stuck to Jungkook's forehead.
Yoongi slowly helps the youngest sit up. Taehyung is shaken to the core and honestly, so is Yoongi. "What happened, kiddo?" Yoongi brushes the maknae's cheek and Taehyung grabs a towel to give the poor boy. "Hyungs—I feel dizzy-" Jungkook whimpers, tears building up in his eyes. His head hurts and all his muscles ache, his stomach is churning and it prompts him to turn his head away from Taehyung and his own lap.
Jungkook throws up clear liquid, coughing and trying to aim for the drain. The sudden act shocks Yoongi and Taehyung. "Oh baby, deep breaths." Taehyung uses the towel to wipe the edge of Jungkook's mouth and lips that are as pale the rest of his face.
Yoongi presses a hand to Jungkook's forehead, "he's got a fever, it seems mild but that's probably why he passed out." Yoongi is doing that worry-frown as he takes Jungkook's hand in his. "M'sorry f-for scarin' you.." Jungkook slurs out, eyes closed as he tries to centre himself so the room stops spinning.
"Hey, we'll talk about that later, are you still feeling dizzy?" Yoongi asks, not liking the way Jungkook's eyes are glazed and unfocused. "So dizzy, think I need to throw up again.." Jungkook replies, a quivering hand coming to cover his mouth. "Okay Kookie, lets get you over the toilet," Taehyung helps his dongsaeng crawl the few meters to the porcelain and Yoongi lifts up the seat, open and ready.
"My head hurts, hyungs.." Jungkook whines, voice echoing with his face buried in the toilet. "Poor Kookie, we'll give you medicine when you're feeling better." Taehyung comforts, working circles into Jungkook's bare back and Yoongi keeps a hand to Jungkook's forehead, keeping him steady so he doesn't plummet into the water.
Jungkook heaves productively and grips the sides of the toilet. Jungkook feels the nausea nag at the back of his throat and he swallows down the building saliva. The sick feeling tenfolds and Jungkook spews up more liquid.
Jungkook hates the heaviness in his head, swirling and making him feel like he's on a merry-go-round. Jungkook tries breathing deeply and the nausea lessens some. Yoongi is massaging the nape of his neck but he heaves again.
"I don' feel good, Suga-h-hyung, Taehyungie-hyung.." Jungkook moans, goosebumps crawling on his arms as his body prepares to throw up again. A string of spit dangles from Jungkook's mouth and within 4 seconds a rush of yellowish bile comes out. "I'm so sorry, Kookie..." Taehyung coos, looking at Yoongi worriedly.
Jungkook coughs and swallows, moving his head away and sitting back on his feet beneath him. Jungkook moans, "that was horrible.." he murmurs, burping hollowly. "It was, are you feeling better?" Yoongi asks, rubbing at Jungkook's spine.
"Sort of. Can I lie down? I don't think I can be upright anymore.." Jungkook closes his eyes, forehead coming to rest on Taehyung's shoulder. "Sure bunny, let's take Yoongi's bed since it's the biggest." Taehyung smirks and Yoongi doesn't say anything so both the youngest are equally excited to have some cuddle time with the rapper.
"Come on then." Yoongi sighs, fighting back a smile.
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yooniestummy · 2 years
💭 imagining the boys comforting sick jungkook by binge watching marvel movies with him but he’s a little too emotional…
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Day 4: Bukkake | Making Up for Lost Time
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Genre: Smut
Word Count: 757
Pairing: OT7!(all members) x Fem!Reader
A/N: Less graphic, plot if you squint? whump maybe? It's cute how much they love their princess, second PPOV 🎃 Stay up to date, check out the master list! 🎃
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Your boyfriends were all in one room, finally. After five long years of being without all of them at once, you had learned to cope. Sex toys, threesomes, even orgies were no fun anymore without them. The only orgies you preferred were ones with them.
“Yoongi, what the fuck?” Jin glared at the man as he moaned while getting a little excited with you. You couldn’t blame the man, his hands were on your tits and once he started he couldn’t stop.
“S-sorry bro,” Yoongi inhaled your scent. “I just couldn’t help myself.”
“We oughta treat her right first. Don’t grab her suddenly. Here, we should at least lie down first.” Jin said, lifting you out of his arms. You held him tightly.
“Jinnie! I can walk by myself.” You pouted as Jin pressed a quick kiss against your lips before lifting you up to the bedroom.
The others followed, Taehyung and Jungkook muttering something about the eiffel tower in korean as you were put down in the bed, able to look at all of your boyfriends in their naked glory.
“It’s been so long. Everyone, gather around.” Namjoon called them to your side. You both shared a smile, as you knew what was coming.
It was customary for them to stroke themselves off and cum on you at least once when they were all together. It was a way they bonded or rekindled the fires of their brotherhood, as Jimin put it once. You thought it was bullshit at first before realizing they were totally serious when they taught you about different things they did as a group.
Including dating you. The sex was a close second, but you just wanted to make each other feel good at the end of the day.
“God…you’re so sexy Y/N.” Taehyung moaned, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine.
“Suck my cock, Y/N,” Yoongi impatiently smacked his dick on your cheek, just as you looked up and slowly took it into your mouth. “Good girl.” He added. You moaned, closing your eyes as you loved how sexy he sounded when he praised you. Yoongi was the last to get back to town after his tour with Halsey and you were looking forward to seeing him the most as you hadn’t gotten to see him one-on-one yet, but you did get to see the others in their own time. You enjoyed having this time to bond with them in your own way as their shared partner. They were your boys and you were their girl.
“Your boobs are bigger too,” Jungkook squeezed one of your mounds, causing you to squeal from the sudden action. “Hot.” 
“Stop being so horny, Jungkook,” Jimin scolded. “But you have a point. Did you gain weight, Y/N?” He started stroking his girthy, veiny length a bit more aggressively. You heard the sloshing sounds from them all, but Jimin’s was more noticeable now as he was trying to get you even wetter. “Looks like it all went to your tits.” His elongated crescent eyes glowed with desire.
“Or maybe her thighs…” Hoseok smirked, squeezing your left thigh while stroking his cock in tandem, and you could feel it pressing against your body too. “God, she’s so mommy.” He said with a sigh. His heart shaped smile made your heart melt. His current look was also very different from the last time you saw him. He’d gotten more masculine, somehow. You loved the rugged aesthetic he had going on now, including the way he rubbed his cock over you in addition to touching himself. This was new.
“I like her face.” Jungkook said with a smile.
“Me too.” Jin joined in.
“Me three.” Namjoon said, all of them smirking as their dicks were right above you.
“I’m…I’m gonna cum…” Yoongi moaned as you continued feasting on the cock he gave you before the men seemed to sync up at once.
“Not before me…!” Taehyung groaned.
“Fuck…” Jimin groaned as he squeezed your tits now, slowly swiping his cock over one of your nipples. White juice painted your tits as he came first, followed by fountains of jizz from your other partners.
Yoongi came over and inside your mouth, Jin, Namjoon, and Jungkook on your chest, followed by Jimin as he prolonged his orgasm, Taehyung jerking himself on your stomach, Hoseok on your pussy and inner thighs. It really felt good, especially as Hoseok took the liberty of rubbing your clit with his cock. Just the tip, but luckily it was enough to make you come too.
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cuddlepilefics · 2 months
In hot water
Fandom: BTS
Sickie: Jungkook
Caregiver: Yoongi
Prompts: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
No one’s POV.:
Jungkook had expected it to be a slow day, which he planned to spend by taking Bam to the park and maybe meet up for ice cream with some of his friends. Before he even got a chance to head out though, a headache set in shortly after breakfast and he figured he’d be fine after having a cup of coffee. Bam grew a little impatient with him when he settled on the couch, sipping his coffee. “I know, we’re gonna play soon, Bammie”, Jungkook chuckled, scratching the dog behind the ears. Though the bitter taste of coffee put his mind on high alert, physically, the energy seemed to leave his body and setting the empty cup down on the coffee table, he stretched out on the couch. He wasn’t going to sleep, Jungkook told himself. He’d just rest his eyes a little till the headache improved.
When Jungkook woke up, he was drenched in sweat. Had the air-conditioning shut off while he had been asleep? It had unbearably stuffy inside his apartment and he sluggishly sat up, groaning when his entire body ached. He really shouldn’t have slept on the couch. Bam looked at him expectantly, impatient to finally go to the park. Soothingly petting the dog, Jungkook apologized and got to his feet. He dizzily staggered to his room to change his clothes, throwing his sweaty outfit into the wash before fetching himself a drink. The headache still persisted but the dizziness was probably due to overheating and dehydration, so he should be okay to go out after having some water. He had to. He had promised Bam that they’d go and it had been a while since he had last taken his beloved pup to the park.
Between grabbing a hat and sunglasses to shield himself from the relentless sun and packing water for both of them, Jungkook had almost forgotten to bring a ball but excited as he was, Bam had already been chewing on it for a bit and eagerly carried it to the front door where he waited for the singer to connect his leash. Though he didn’t feel like going out in the slightest, too sweaty to bear the heat and too tired to be moving about, Jungkook felt it was all worth it when he looked at his happy companion. Bam had missed playing fetch at the park, Jungkook having been too busy lately for anything other than their early morning jog and the walk during his lunch break. The energetic pup eagerly charged ahead, already knowing the way. Gripping the leash tighter, Jungkook winced when it yanked on his sore arm.
Though Jungkook had originally planned to grab some ice cream, he had close to no appetite and instead got himself some iced coffee to make the heat more bearable and maybe ease his worsening headache. Today wouldn’t be an energetic playdate, that much was certain but he still smiled in adoration when he could finally let Bam off his leash and the pup shot across the park barking happily. Jungkook found some shade and weakly plopped down in the grass, sipping his iced coffee. It took a few minutes for Bam to return, circling him before dropping the ball into his lap. With a small smile, Jungkook threw the ball across the park and followed it with his eyes, wincing when he accidentally glanced towards the sun. No matter how miserable he felt, his heart felt warm with love as he watched Bam play.
Eventually, Bam stopped running though, sticking closer to Jungkook. The singer’s headache had steadily gotten worse and he couldn’t even think straight anymore, slowly regretting leaving his air-conditioned apartment. All strength had left him and he had no idea how he should make it back there. Bam seemed to be sensing his declining condition too, sitting in front of him with his head tilted in worry. “’m sorry, Bam”, Jungkook breathed, “Thought I’d be more fun but I’m not such great company today.” Realizing that he wouldn’t make it back to his placw on his own, Jungkook considered calling someone before remembering that Yoongi lived close by. He should be able to make it to his hyung’s place and the elder would surely not mind him napping on his couch for a little till he felt well enough to go home.
Despite having walked the route so many times before, the distance seemed impossibly far today and Jungkook doubted, he’d make it. Bam stayed close to him, obviously worried, barking at him whenever he stopped. They could only hope that Yoongi would be home but Jungkook didn’t find the energy to call ahead, instead focusing on pushing himself on.
To say the rapper was surprised when he opened the door to his panting dongsaeng would be an understatement, yet he quickly ushered the younger in, worriedly frowning: “What’s wrong, Kookie? What happened to you?” Bracing himself against the wall, Jungkook tried to get his glossy eyes to focus on his hyung and muttered: “We were at the park but my head’s killing me and it was so far to get back to my apartment. Could I lay down on your couch for a bit? Your place was just so much closer an-“ – “Hey, it’s okay. I’m glad you came here, no need to justify”, Yoongi shushed, guiding him to the couch, “Do you think it could be heat exhaustion? It surely is hot out and if you’ve been playing with Bam….” Weakly shaking his head, the singer admitted: “Already been that way before we left for the park. Had some coffee and even took an unintended nap but I had promised Bam we’d go and he was so happy. Only sat in the shade and threw his ball. I don’t feel good, hyung.”
Jungkook shakily collapsed onto the couch, while Yoongi felt his heart sink. Something was not right here. “Let me get you some water”, the rapper hummed, ruffling his dongsaeng’s sweaty hair. For a moment, his fingers grazed Jungkook’s forehead and he froze in shot. Properly feeling the younger’s temperature, Yoongi announced: “Nope, I’m grabbing the thermometer first. You’re burning up.” Jungkook only sighed. That surely would explain why he was feeling so dizzy and why every inch of his body throbbed. Stretching out, he closed his eyes and draped his arm over them.
When Yoongi returned, Jungkook seemed to have fallen asleep. It hurt the rapper’s heart having to wake him but he was too concerned to just let the younger sleep it off. Gently shaking his dongsaeng, Yoongi hummed: “Can you wake up for me, Kookie? I gotta take your temperature.” It took a few attempts till Jungkook stirred at all, which was confusing because the older had barely been gone a minute, so he couldn’t be in such deep sleep yet. “Look at me, Kook”, Yoongi pressed, tugging in the singer’s arm, “Yeah, that’s it. Keep your eyes open.”
Jungkook’s eyes were completely out of focus he seemed to stare blankly through the older while he took his temperature. Yoongi’s curse didn’t even register in his mind before he was pulled to his feet. With his knees buckling, Jungkook clung to his hyung and chest heaving as he tried to breathe through the vertigo. “I’m sorry but we have to get that number down somehow”, Yoongi apologized as he dragged the singer to the bathroom.
Getting Jungkook into the tub was a true challenge and Yoongi’s arms burned from the strain when he eased him down. The rapper picked up the shower head and set the water temperature low before holding it to his dongsaeng’s legs. Jungook groaned while Yoongi rinsed him down with cool water, slowly filling the tub. Grabbing a washcloth, the older soaked it with cold water and placed it on the singer’s forehead, which earned him a relieved sigh. “Talk to me”, Yoongi frowned as he continued to wash the younger down, “How are you feeling?” Squeezing his eyes shut, Jungkook tried to focus and mumbled: “Dizzy. Gosh, my head….” – “Can I trust you to stay conscious? I wanna get you some water”, the rapper worried, cupping Jungkook’s cheeks to make him look at him.
Though the younger had nodded, Yoongi did not fully trust him to stay conscious, so he hurried to not leave the other on his own for too long. To his relief, Jungkook managed to sit up by himself, despite his muscles protesting the movement. “Small sips”, Yoongi reminded, moving the washcloth from his dongsaeng’s forehead to the back of his neck. Handing the glass back, Jungkook rubbed his face and breathed: “Thanks.” There was a moment of silence before he broke into tears. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t know what to do and I was scared an-“ – “Ssh, it’s okay, Kook. Breathe, yeah?”, Yoongi shushed, picking up the washcloth to wipe the other’s tears with some cold water, “I bet you were terrified. I can’t imagine how you even managed to go out like this. Relax, hm? You’re with hyung now, everything will be okay. We can figure things out together.”
Jungkook continued to soak in his cool bath for a while and Yoongi kept rechecking his temperature. When the older was satisfied that they were out of the danger zone, he picked out a set of light clothes for his dongsaeng to borrow before helping him out of the tub. It took all of Jungkook’s energy to get himself dressed but the thought of Yoongi’s comfortable couch was enough motivation to push him on. Bam was glad to have him back, not leaving his side again once he had returned from the bathroom.
“You look about ready to sleep”, Yoongi chuckled watching Jungkook pet Bam, “How about I get you a small bowl of rice, so you can take some fever reducers? You can sleep afterwards and we’ll see how you feel then. If your fever doesn’t stay down, I’ll take you to the hospital, if it does, I’d like you to stay with me for a bit, so I can keep an eye on you.” – “Gotta go back to my place later”, the younger sighed, “Bam will need his food but yeah, rice and meds sound helpful, sleep sounds even better.” Nodding, Yoongi smiled: “That’s what we’ll do then. I can take you back to your place and stay with you there. Just don’t want you to be alone, wouldn’t want you to be in hot water again.”
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joseopher · 5 months
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
🍇 How many fandoms have you written in?
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
🍉 What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
🍐 What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
🥭 What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
🍏 What is the easiest type?
🍋 What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
🍇 What made you choose your username?
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
My older lesbian friend was like "go on tumblr, it'll be great" and then coerced me into writing angsty whump for sander sides. i have been addicted ever since.
🍇 How many fandoms have you written in?
Tumblr media
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Don't ask me to do math.
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Tumblr media
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Got weirder.
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
The horrors catch me sometimes and possess me to put men in little skirts and cover them in blood
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
🍉 What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
Detailed analysis, rare but great.
🍐 What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
the stuff i don't post on ao3 is between me and GOD
🥭 What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Happy ones.
🍏 What is the easiest type?
🍋 What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Rewriting my novacaine hero/villain au so it's actually postable
🍇 What made you choose your username?
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Master List of Prompt Fills
Title: untitled | Author: @sicjimin | Sickie: Seokjin | Caretaker: Namjoon
Prompt: Seokjin has the flu. He feels like he’s going to throw up so he camps out in the bathroom. He’s in there for several hours, nervous to leave because of how ill and nauseous he feels. His entire body aches from the illness and from sitting on the bathroom floor so he finally lets Namjoon convince him to go back to bed. The second he gets into bed is when his stomach finally decides it’s time to bring everything up.
Title: untitled | Author: @sneakykpopblog | Sickie: Seokjin | Caretaker: Namjoon
Prompt: Seokjin has the flu. He feels like he’s going to throw up so he camps out in the bathroom. He’s in there for several hours, nervous to leave because of how ill and nauseous he feels. His entire body aches from the illness and from sitting on the bathroom floor so he finally lets Namjoon convince him to go back to bed. The second he gets into bed is when his stomach finally decides it’s time to bring everything up.
Title: Shoulder To Lean On | Author: @borahaehae | Sickie: Seokjin | Caretaker: Namjoon
Prompt: Seokjin is so exhausted he can barely stay awake. He’s counting down the hours until he can get into his bed and sleep for three days straight. He tries to keep himself awake until he can do that, but keeps falling asleep sitting up or in strange positions. Namjoon sticks by his side so he’ll at least have a shoulder to rest his head on.
Title: untitled | Author: @crystalsnow95z | Sickie: Jimin | Caretakers: Taehyung, Seokjin
Prompt: The day after Jimin bruises his ribs, he comes down with a cold.
Title: Untitled | Author: @crystalsnow95z | Sickies: Seokjin, Hoseok | Caretaker: OT7
Prompt: Seokjin comes down with a mild cold, but then one of the other members notice he’s starting to take a lot of pain relievers after a few days. It turns out he has developed an ear infection.
Title: Untitled | Author: @setsuuestsu | Sickie: Hoseok | Caretaker: Jimin
Prompt: Cuddling a sick Jimin seemed like it would be fine—his immune system was strong, after all. (Of course Hoseok catches Jimin’s illness)
Title: Warn A Guy | Author: @bultaoreunheyyy | Sickie: Taehyung (kind of? allergies?) and slightly injured Hoseok
Prompt: Hoseok gets startled by Taehyung’s loud sneezing, so Taehyung tries his best to warn him before he sneezes.
Title: Snow | Author: @bultaoreunheyyy | Sickie: Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook
Prompt: Yoongi sneezes when he gets cold
Title: Ocean | Author: @bultaoreunheyyy | Sickie: Yoongi
Prompt: Yoongi sneezes when he gets cold
Title: Chills | Author: @bultaoreunheyyy | Sickie: Yoongi | Caretaker: Jimin
Prompt: Yoongi sneezes when he gets cold
Title: Untitled | Author: @crystalsnow95z | Sickie: Jimin | Caretaker: Taehyung, Jungkook
Prompt: Jimin loves cats. He’ll volunteer at animal shelters, visit cat cafés, pet any stay kitten he sees walking by. Jimin is also very, very allergic to cats.
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sneezyminniejo · 1 year
BTS Master List
Street Kebabs Aren't Always a Good Idea emeto
Here Comes the Sun ACHOO snz
I'm Not Sick, Just Cold emeto
Oblivious Rapper snz
A Mino Case of the Sniffles snz
Blanket Cocoon general
Ignored by Hyung snz
Turtles and Walruses
I'm Not Going Blind snz
Just Sneeze if you Need to snz
Turtle and Walruses
I'm Not Sick snz
First Date Disaster part 1 2 3 snz
Sensitive Nose Part 1 2 snz
You Don't Always Outgrow Things snz
Are You Going to Sneeze? part 1 2
Fevers and Debates general
It Started with a Pun snz
Clelebrations and Sneezes snz
Tea and Cuddles general
Concerned Hyung and Coughing general
Sneezing on Your Day Off snz
New Found Allergy snz
Prank Gone Wrong snz
Live Stream Sneezes snz
Bad Day whump
H-yung, I Th-ink I'm Gonna... emeto
Tubby Custard emeto
Bothersome Candles and Caretaking snz
Greenhouse of Misery snz
Relaxation Interrupted snz
Hands are Stupid whump
Street Kebabs Aren't Always a Good Idea emeto
Mistranslations and Embarrassment snz
Disastrous Photoshoot snz
Maknae with a Cold snz
Faking Sick, but in Reverse? emeto snz
Happy Birthday to Uh Oh emeto
There's no Reason to be Embarrassed general
Barely a Fever snz
Wrong Side of the Bed whump
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cakejerry · 11 months
Im mad askf now, bc that's literally it, like, I cracked my annoyance with ao3 jikookers... It was never about jm being feminized and objectified, it was about him being feminized and objectified for the sake of JUNGKOOK looking better..... Im so sick, im actually gonna throw up now.... Its always pathetic little sexy lamp whump mimi being SAVED by big bad hot sexy EVERYTHING jk, thirsting over him, wanting jk to RAIL him, IM RIPPING MY HAIR OUT IT SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!!!!!!!! Jk wanting to rail JIMIN!!!!! First of all jk does NOTTTT deserve yalls thirst like that, second of all jm DEFINITELY doesn't deserve to be a proxy for all you horny females....... "Jikook writers are a bunch of y/ns that want to fantasize about jungkook fucking them" FACTOID ACTUALLY STATISTICAL ERROR! cakejerry, who is a jimin-obsessed FREAK and imagines 10000 fanfics every DAY using jungkook as a VESSEL for dispensing upon jimin all the love and softness and kindness jimin deserves, is an outlier adn should not have been counted. JK MY LOVELY LITTLE BLANK SLATE EMPTY SHELL OF A MAN JKIE, TIME FOR YOUR DAILY SIMPING OVER JIMIN SESSION!.... Sigh im mad askf now literally the only jk pov fics that are like this are DEAD DOVE where he literally rapes him, can asexuals freaking LIVE???? Can we freaking LIVE????????????
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crystalsnow95z · 11 months
Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I decided to write a second story based on the season.
It's a whump this time. It's haunted a house because i simply adore them.
Tw: panic attack, fainting and the usual warnings for gore.
"Please, please tell me that's not where we are going!" Hoseok's eyes dilated when he saw the three story building in front of them, his voice coming out in a squeak. He had a feeling the Run BTS episode was going to be spooky because it was only days away from Halloween, and he was right..
"Oh wow! It's huge! Namjoonie hyung what does is it say? Asl..?" Jungkook points to the letters on the front.
"[Asylum..?]" Namjoon reads the word in English looks it up on his phone, then translates it to korean. "The place is called Alysa asylum."
The car pulls up to the building next to the other staff car with the other members. Yoongi was holding onto Jin's hand, looking up at the massive building. "It's huge.."
Taehyung was on his phone, seeing what he could discover about the massive building in front of them. "It says it used to be a real one, but when it got shut down it got turned into a haunted house a few years ago.."
"A real one?" Hoseok swallows nervously, trying to not look up at the giant brick building in front of him.
"Hello everyone! Welcome to Alysa asylum!" A teenager greets them, but the boys didn't recognize him as one of their staff members. "My name is David and I'm one of the staff here. It's an honor to have you here."
"1,2,3.." Namjoon counts, and the members do their greeting, bowing to David.
"I was really surprised when my boss said we were going to be opening an hour early because we had special guests coming.. I've been listening to you guys since I was 13 years old.."
"Thank you for supporting us." Jungkook smiles.
"It really means a lot." Jimin bows.
"I'm honored to meet you too." Taehyung adds in, bowing with Jimin.
"Ah..Let's get right to business.." David blushes, feeling embarrassed. "We're a little short on time. This haunted house usually takes 30 minutes on average to get all the way through. You get 4 flags to put on your body, but the location must be within reason. The actors will try to remove them from you while you make your way through the house. If you have at least one of your flags left by the end of the house, you'll get a refund usually.. but for this game each flag you have when you return will be a free ticket for a fan."
"What happens if you lose all your flags?" Hoseok asks in a small voice. "Do they steal you away?" His eyes dilated in fear at the thought of being dragged out of the building away from his members.
"Oh, nothing like that. Don't worry. You'll still be able to continue through it with the others, and they'll most likely lose interest in trying to scare you. They are just interested in removing the flags. Usually, once you lose all your flags, you protect people who still have some." David explained to the group.
Hoseok let go of the breath he wasn't even aware he was holding, jumping with a small sound when he felt something touch him.
"Hyung it was just me. I'm sorry." Jungkook quickly pulls away from Hoseok with a frown. He wanted to comfort him by putting his arm around him, but it had the opposite effect.
"Jaykay, I'm sorry. It's okay." Hoseok hugs him from behind. "It's not your fault I'm jumpy. I just don't like scary things."
"I'm scared too. It's okay to be scared." Yoongi admits, reaching for his hand. "We'll all stay together. It'll be fine."
Hoseok takes it,feeling the cold sweat forming in the palm of Yoongi's hand. "Yeah, it'll be fine." He echos, taking a deep breath. "Let's go before I change my mind.."
Taehyung helps Jungkook put a flag close to the nape of his neck, his longer hair making only a couple inches poke through. "There. That's the last flag. Everyone else has theirs, right?"
"Yeah, I'm all set." Jimin says, looking at the other members. "Namjoon-ah you're missing a flag.."
"Huh?" He looks around, finding it on the floor, bending to pick it up."Ah, here it is. It must've been the one I tried getting on my back."
"I'll get it for you." Jimin says taking it from him and putting it on the center of his back, making sure it stays on by adding another piece of tape. "Is that good?"
"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks Jiminah." Namjoon says checking on everyone. "Alright, they said we can go in whenever we are ready.."
Yoongi reaches for Hoseok's hand. "You sure you can do this?"
"Yeah, yeah, I can do this. It's for army.." Hoseok says with determination, taking a deep breath to push down his fears that tightened in his belly. "Just don't let go. Okay?"
"I won't." Yoongi swears, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Then I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Hoseok swallowed hard, watching Namjoon open the door. "Let's do this.."
The first room had a flashing strobe light, making it hard to make out what was in the room. Jin grabs onto Namjoons arm, looking around the room nervously.
"I don't see anything except fake spiders and fake blood.." Jin states, but he spoke to soon.
A woman with blonde hair wrapped in fake cobwebs that blended in with all the fake webs covering the room starts screaming as soon as they get close to her. "[HELP! HELP THEYRE GOING TO EAT ME!]" She says in a shrill voice speaking in English, a large robotic spider moving towards her.
Hoseok,Jin and Jimin all scream at the sudden new voice. Yoongi's eyes widen, clutching Hoseok's hand to his chest, the scream caught in his throat.
Jin puts his hand over his heart, frozen in place as she continues to scream for help. Jungkook pulls on his hand to get him moving again.
"Come on Jinnie-hyung, it's okay.." Jungkook jumped at the sudden sound, but it didn't scare him like the other members
Jimin clings to Taehyung's arm. "That scared me.. I thought my heart was gonna jump out of my chest." He takes a breath to try to calm his breathing.
"It's okay..I got you." Taehyung gave his hand a squeeze. "It's not real.."
Hoseok leaves first,pulling on Yoongi to try to escape, Jin following with Jungkook in tow, quickly avoiding the woman trying to grab at the flags.
"[So sorry. Gotta go.]" Taehyung leaves pulling Jimin with him, holding tightly so his clammy hand doesn't slip away. Jimin quickly grabs Namjoon’s hand to be sure he doesn't get left behind.
J-hope was disoriented in the next room, his heart throbbing in his chest already. The room was filled with fog, making him unable to know what he was into. "I don't want to be in front.." His voice comes out three octaves higher than usual, pushing Jungkook in front.
Namjoon rushes to Hoseok, standing close to him. "Hey.. hey its okay.. it's just actors. Take a deep breath.."
Hoseok takes a deep breath, but the moment he starts to feel a little better, he hears the sound of a chain saw, a masked man running towards them. He buries his face in Jungkook's shoulder, a high-pitched whine coming from him. He wanted to run, but his legs were frozen in place, knees locking in place, making his head spin.
Something is coming.. move...please move...
A small hoard of zombies enter from the rooms o on either side of the corridor, targeting the members going after the flags that glowed under the black light.
"[Run! Run don't let them get you!]" The man with the chainsaw calls out, cutting down one of the zombies, the fake saw touching it made the fake blood packets on the zombie burst, the fake blood dripping down as the zombie falls.
Jin takes off running, screaming as fright takes over, trying to escape the situation, his heart racing painfully in his chest. He keeps a firm grip on Namjoon’s hand, forcing him to flee with him.
"Hyung please, you're gonna make me fall!" Namjoon stumbles over his own feet. "Wait for the others!" He looked back to see if the others were following, only Taehyung running to catch up, quickly grabbing Namjoon's hand. "The zombies are blocking the others from following.."
"No, don't touch him!" Jungkook protects Hoseok from a female zombie who tries touching him, after the flag on his side,pushing the timid rapper away from her, in-between Yoongi and Jimin.
With the target moving, she targets Jungkook instead, pretending to bite his shoulder as she reaches for the flag on his chest. Jungkook quickly steps back to avoid her, tripping over Jimin’s foot, tumbling into him.
"Woah, I got you."Jimin puts his hands firmly on his shoulders, jumping when he hears Jungkook let out a small whimper. "What's wrong?"
"My foot bent weirdly, but I'm okay.. we have to get to the stairs.. we lost half the team.." Jungkook pulls Jimin and Hoseok ,ignoring the pain in his ankle.
Hoseok keeps his hand firmly clamped around Yoongi's wrist,pulling the older rapper with him. His breath came out in quick gasps, feeling light-headed as the mankae pulled him through to the next floor, leading them into a maze.
The sound of Jin's screaming somewhere in the maze only made Hoseok's blood run cold, terrified of what could be hidden within the walls, his stomach churning with anxiety. The rooms inside had different gruesome scenes but none of the actors left past the doorway, but he didn’t trust them, trying to look in every direction at once.The moment i turn away from them they'll chase me..
"Are you okay, Hoba? You're trembling.." Yoongi slowly wraps his arm around Hoseok, hugging him from behind. "It's okay.. Hyungie is with you. Let's just get out of this together."
Hoseok could feel Yoongi's heart pounding against his back. Yoongi is scared, too.. I'm slowing us down.. I need to pull myself together.. because I froze up, we got separated from the others..
"I'm..I'm sorry..it's my fault.." Hoseok's voice quivered, unshed tears shining on his lashes. His stomach twisted with both fear and remorse.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll catch up with the others. It's not your fault you're scared. I'm scared, too. I couldn't get my legs to move to follow Seokjinie-hyung, Taehyungie, or Namjoon-ah, either. It's no big deal." Yoongi admits, trying to stay strong for the younger members.
Even though Jimin made no complaints about being scared, he could see the quick rise and fall of his chest as he took deep breaths to try to calm his nerves and Jungkook's eyes were darting around the rooms, trying to follow the built in maze walls to find the way out without finding a dead end.
"Ah Sh*t!" Jimin suddenly screams when a hand with Freddy Kruger's claw pops out from the painting of him grabbing a flag from his chest. Jimin covered where the hand touched, feeling his heart hammering against his palm, eyes dilated.
The sound of Jimin's screaming frightened Hoseok back to moving, eyes widening when he saw that they were surrounded by paintings and any of them could have a person hidden behind them.
The sound of several people laughing like they were insane made Hoseok start sprinting, trying to escape the sensory overload,swearing the whole way. The sweat made his hand slip away from Yoongi's, but when he saw a pale hand reaching for him from a painting, making him scream, going in a full-on run.
"Hyung, please, I can't keep up.." Jungkook winces, a soft moan escaping his lips when he steps hard on his injured ankle, unable to quickly turn corners, using thr wall to help support his weight, pushing on it while they ran. "It hurts.. I can't run hyung.." he tries to pull away from him, but Hoseok quickly grabs his wrist when he feels Jungkook pull away.
Hoseok didn't hear Jungkook's pleads over the sound of laughing, his nerves completely shot. All he was focused on was escaping the sound, squealing every single time a hand popped out of a painting.
"Don't pull Jungkook like that!"Yoongi calls to him,screaming when he feels something grab onto his elbow, removing the flag connected to it. "Hoba! Jungkook-ah! Don't leave us behind!" His voice comes out as a whine, grabbing Jimin's hand and pulling him to catch up.
Hoseok doesn't stop until he finds his way out, letting out wheezing coughs as he tries to catch his breath. He tries to lean against Jungkook but he loses his balance, Yoongi running to put his hand on the center of Jungkook's back to keep him from falling.
"Agh!" Jungkook lets a yelp of surprise, relaxing when he sees it was just Yoongi. "Aiish, you scared me.."
"Sorry.. Are you okay? You were limping.. did you get hurt?" Yoongi took the opportunity between rooms to look over the maknae, bending down to look at his ankle.
"Oh,it's fine, really. I think I bruised the bone when Hobi-hyung tripped over me." Jungkook forced himself to put pressure on it, giving him a forced smile as the pain shot up his ankle. "I can continue. Let's go find the others." Jungkook opens the door, going up the stairs.
"Here, lean on me.. don't put any more pressure on it.." Jimin wrapped Jungkook's arm around him, supporting his injured side as they made their way up the steps.
Hoseok's stomach wormed with guilt, nausea washing over him, grabbing onto Yoongi's hand. "I'm sorry Jaykay.. I didn't mean to hurt you.."
"It's not your fault. I was the one who tripped over you. Are you okay, Hyung? You're still shaking.." Jungkook tried switching the attention away from him to Hobi.
"You do look pale.. is this too much for you? You could take-" Yoongi's voice is cut off by the sound of the other group screaming.
"We have to get to them!" Jungkook says, ignoring his pain to rush to the others. It was hard to scare Namjoon and he's never heard him sound so scared. He had to be sure the others were okay, even if it was just a haunted house. What if they really got hurt in this old place? What if the floor gave in?
"Jungkook-Ah be careful! Your ankle!" Jimin yells, following after him. "I know you're worried, I am too, but you have to be careful!"
"W-what made them..them..all scream lik..like that?" Hoseok whispered the words, his voice trembling. The only thing that kept him moving forward was that Yoongi followed the younger members, and he couldn't imagine being alone in this place.
Hoseok clung to Yoongi's arm, his breath coming out in short whimpers. His vision was blurred, feeling his head swirling, struggling to keep on his feet. I feel so dizzy..but I don't want to be left behind..
"Yoongi..Yoon.i..I.." Hoseok tried to tell Yoongi how he felt,but he couldn't get the words out, gasping for breath. "I d.d..nt..w..ll.."
"Hoba,Hoba, you gotta breathe.. I can't understand what you're saying. Take deep breaths, okay?" Yoongi stops trying to keep up with the younger members, focusing on Hoseok. With the staircase only lit with black lights he couldn't tell if it was the lights or the fear that made Hobi's skin look ghostly white.
Hoseok tries to take a deep breath, but the echo of someone screaming somewhere in the building makes him tense up. "Was..was th..th.."
"Sh..Hoseok-ah! Look at me. Focus on me." Yoongi tilted Hoseok's chin to force him to look into his eyes, thankful for the dim lighting that hid bashful blushing. "Don't worry about whatever is going on there. You're going to pass out if you don't breathe.."
Hoseok takes a few deep,shaky breaths, clutching Yoongi's hands as if his life depended on it. He leans on Yoongi, keeping his eyes closed as he waits for the dizziness to pass.
Yoongi rubs his thumbs across Hoseok's knuckles, feeling his hands trembling underneath his fingertips. I have to get him out of here. This place is too much for him to handle..
"Hyung is everything okay?" Jungkook's voice from the top of the steps startles them both. The two younger members have just been waiting for them to follow before opening the door to the next floor.
"I don't think Hoba can continue.." Yoongi says looking at the rapper with concern, then back to Jungkook who was putting all his weight on one side.
"And Jungkook I don't think you should continue on that ankle.." Jimin adds in, seeing Jungkook balanced on one foot.
"No I'm fine, I can finish through. There's only one more floor. Please hyung? I want to see what scared the others.." Jungkooks eyes sparkled with curiosity. If they were hurt they would've shut down the attraction.
"There's..There's just one more floor..one more.. I can..I'm fine.. I'm fine.." Hoseok stifles a cough, his voice feeling hoarse from screaming. "It's fine we can keep going."
"Are you sure?" Jimin asks, looking between the two with worry. "Do you want me to carry you Jungkook-ah?"
"I don't think you can carry me for that long." Jungkook teases. "No I'm fine. Just no running."
Hoseok took another deep breath, opening the door to the next floor, being welcomed to a nearly pitch black room,the only source of light being the glow in the dark costumes of the actors coming out of the rooms and a glowing at the end of the hall he couldn’t make out at a distance
Glowing skeletons, ghosts, witch doctors, and clowns run towards them. Hoseok saw the flags on their bodies glow in the dark as well, knowing as long as they saw those they'd chase them until they made it to the exit or until no one had any flags left.
Hoseok took off running as soon as he saw them coming towards him, screaming until he couldn't anymore. He ran blindly through the dark, Yoongi following behind him.
Yoongi felt someone grab him, screaming in surprise at the sudden grab of a glowing skeleton, them ripping off the blue flag from his stomach.
"Hobi-hyung look out!" Jimin calls out when he sees someone get close to Hoseok
Hoseok felt his heart skip a beat looking behind him in a silent scream trying to call for his brothers. A woman in a glowing white dress grabbed him, by the shoulder, ripping off one of the flags from his body.
"[Woah are you okay?]" The woman felt Hoseok falling under her grip. "[Did you slip?]"
Hoseok doesn't reply, his heart working overtime, the terror making his breath come out in quick gasps,hyperventilating. His legs turned to jello as vertigo took over, falling forward into the woman.
"[Everyone stop!]" The woman yells,trying to gently lower Hoseok to the floor safely but unable to handle his weight."[Someone's fainted! Get the lights!]"
Hoseok felt someone stroking his hair, his eyes fluttering open to see who was touching him. He finds Yoongi's worried eyes staring back down at him. "Hoba.." he sighs in relief when he sees Hoseok staring back at him.
"Wh.. what happened?" Hoseok whispers hoarsely.
"You really scared me, Hoba.. all I could understand is that they said for everyone to stop and when I looked to see why you were on the ground." Yoongi hugged Hoseok to his chest. "Are you hurt anywhere? That woman said she lowered you down as gently as she could, but you still hit the floor.."
"I got a bit of a headache, and my throat hurts,but i'm okay." Hoseok reassures them with a hoarse whisper.
"Oh, thank goodness.. when I heard them scrambling around the room to turn on the lights and saw you laying in Yoongi-hyung's lap, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest." Jimin sighs in relief.
"You should still get looked over just in case.. I feel awful that I wasn't there to help.." Jin admits, looking down at his hands.
"Ah.. what about Jungkook-ah?" Hoseok asks, looking for the mankae, noticing the wrap around his ankle. "Is it fractured?"
"I'm okay. I just twisted my ankle a bit.. I'll be out of practice for a few weeks, but it'll heal up fully." Jungkook wiggles his foot a bit. "It doesn't hurt unless I walk on it or bend it too far."
"That's good.. I'm so sorry, Jungkook-ah.." Hoseok gets to his feet, going over to Jungkook to hug him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.."
"It's not your fault. I'm the one who tripped over you." Jungkook squeezes him tightly. "I know you only wanted to continue through because of me. I'm sorry for being so stubborn.."
"That poor woman feels so bad about what happened.." Namjoon joins in the conversation. "She really scared me too earlier."
"Aiigo.. I probably scared her just as much as she scared me. I should apologize.. is she what made you scream?"
"No. There's two doors at the end of the hallway! One leads to a trap door. We fell down to the bottom floor where there's this landing mat. I thought the floor actually broke." Namjoon explains in a pout,making Hoseok giggle.
"It was terrifying! I thought I was gonna die.." Taehyung whines, squeezing Jimin's hand.
"That sounds amazing." Jungkook says eyes rounded with excitement. "I want to try again."
"You're insane." Jimin states, his stomach dropping at the thought of the floor giving in out of no where."That place was terrifying.."
"Remind me never to go there ever again.." Hoseok shudders at the thought.
"Don't worry, Taehyungie, joon-ah and Jungkookie can go, we can go find something else to do." Yoongi reassures him. "You don't have to ever go there again."
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soft-for-yoongi · 2 years
This is the clip I was talking about in my recent post!!! 🥺 how cute is it—Jimin the sweetest angel 🫶
Credits to the instagram user who posted this! I've looked everywhere on YouTube to find the clip at the start but couldn't!! Lmk if anyone finds it!!
(2018 love yourself tour in London)
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purrbangtann · 2 years
Salt and Vinegar.
Tumblr media
Yandere!Photographer!Jk x Victim!oc
A whump type story, I still can’t grasp the trope correctly but whatever lol.
Warnings: Angst, mention of ED, Jk is cuckoo, reader gets fed glass, non-con touching (not sexual), reader gets punished, some blood, crying.
Disclaimer: I do not believe nor claim that any of the BTS members engage in such activities! This is pure imagination, for entertainment purposes only. I do not advocate for such behavior nor do I tolerate it!!!
3..2..1! 🏁
Jk messily swatched the red lipstick all around her lips, Aiday looked at him.
He put it on with such precision and dedication to put it everywhere except for her lips.
“I don’t think that’s where it goes.” She said as he traced it along her cheek.
Jungkook looked up, “Sure it does.” He reassured.
He pulled away the designer lipstick from her face and smiled.
“So beautiful.” He commented.
Aiday looked away from him.
Jungkook frowned, “What’s wrong?” He asked.
Aiday shrugged, “You only call it beautiful because it covers my face.” She muttered.
Jungkook pulled away and glared at her, if looks could kill Aiday would’ve been dead already.
“Don’t you ever say that again.”
Aiday pursed her lips and kept her gaze down as his voice vibrated through her skull, “Sorry.” She apologized.
He hummed in response, his mood turned dark. “If I knew you’d say such stupid things I would’ve cut your tongue out already.” He whispered to himself.
——- Evening, dinner time, same day.
“….you haven’t ate for a while.” Jungkook said.
Aiday stood up, “hm.” She hummed.
She didn’t say too much, but the expression on her face said, I wonder who’s fault that is.
The plate had creamy peas and mashed potatoes on it, soft foods.
She lost her appetite for two whole days, if she were to eat hard foods I’d go right back out.
Jungkook stood on the other side of the table, waiting for her to sit down.
Aiday slowly walked towards the chair he had pulled out for her in advance.
“Thank you.” She quietly thanked.
Jungkook waved his hand in dismissal as he sat down.
She sat down and picked up the plastic child fork, she could feel her spit pool under her tongue at the smell.
Not hesitating anymore she scooped and took a bite of the potatoes.
She chewed, but something was wrong.
Terribly wrong.
The crunch that resonated in her skull was accompanied by a certain stinging all over pharynx. (Inside the mouth, part of throat)
It didn’t make sense until she tasted a metallic liquid pooling in her mouth.
What did he put in her food?
Aiday quickly spat out her food, a pained expression following quick after.
“It hurts.” She commented as blood drooled down her chin.
Jungkook pursed his lips and leant back, “I bet it does.” He calmly replied.
The glass shards were suddenly distinctive from the rest of the food on her plate, shining like expensive jewelry.
The hemoptysic blood spilled all over her white shirt, despite Aiday not having swallowed any of the food.
Jungkook observed it with slight dissatisfaction, must all his punishments be so abstract? But this punishment wasn’t for him to enjoy, No not at all,
it was for Aiday to hurt.
A lot.
“….My tongue is swollen.” Aiday said
Aiday pursed her lips in pain.
Jungkook stood up from his seat and walked to the other side of the table, he cupped her face with a firm hand. Forcing her lips into a pout.
“Open.” He ordered.
Aiday stuck out her red tongue with great difficulty.
“Aigo…that must hurt.” He whispered.
Jungkook was saying words of such care, meanwhile his eyes were cold and empty, and his expression was shallow.
Aiday’s eyes widened as she saw him pull out a small salt cellar which he obviously was planning on dumping the contents of in her mouth so the cuts would sting even more.
She was getting better at predicting him.
She gripped onto his wrist out of reflex, “Nuh unh.” She refused.
Jungkook’s left eyebrow rose in irritability, “Let go of my wrist.” He softly said.
Aiday gulped but didn’t show any will of her loosening her grip.
“Come on, you know I can do way worse…Right?” He whispered.
Aiday didn’t move a single inch again, this time there was no telling if it was catatonic or not.
Jungkook is way stronger than Aiday.
Then why doesn’t he just break free from her grip? Easy.
Predator studying his prey.
“Do you see this finger? If I move it, the cellar will open and dump all its contents on you…and that’ll hurt a lot, I’m just going to put a little bit if you let go, Aiday.”
Aiday glanced at the salt cellar in his hand, he was right and there was only one logical thing to do, right?
Jungkook followed her gaze and nodded.
She let go.
“Finally.” Jungkook said in relief.
He tipped the cellar open, but what came out wasn’t salt.
It was vinegar.
As the liquid got dumped down her throat, Aiday’s head jerked away out of reflex.
Jungkook let go of her face and stood back, intensely studying the girl yelling and crying out of pain. (And not forgetting to take few sickening pictures of her ofc).
She scratched her throat and cheek profusely in frustration.
She sobbed and choked, the sole movement of her vocal cords hurt way more than it was supposed to.
He sighed, “Come on now..” he said as he walked towards her.
Aidan’s vision was blurred as she was curled up into a fetus position on the floor, until Jungkook easily picked her up and pressed her against himself.
“Now now…” he comforted.
Aiday gripped onto his black shirt while unwillingly sobbing against his chest.
Aiday panted and stopped crying, Jungkook loosened his suffocating grip on her and crouched down, letting them be on the same level.
“That’ll learn you to talk for useful purposes only. Right?” He asked.
Aiday nodded, she could see Jungkook’s eyes darken at the lack of words, he hated it.
“…Yes.” Aiday squeaked out.
A smile appeared on his face,
“That’ll be the last time today, hm? I’ll let you rest baby.” He cooed while gently wiping her tears away.
It was disgusting how he just switched up after torturing her like that, and his loving eyes were enough to turn a stomach around.
He picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the room for the first time in months.
“It’ll burn for a while, so you’ll remember it better.” He hummed.
The rest of the house was pretty dark, all windows had bars on the outside and the doors that she could see were shut with wood, metal, you name it.
Aiday was way too tired to move, she unwillingly let Jungkook carry her wherever.
They entered another bedroom and he layed Aiday down on the large bed.
It was without doubt not Jungkook’s room though, unless he had time to change rooms in the little time he spent without Aiday.
All that crying really exhausted her.
The barely awake girl turned her head, meeting the scene of Jungkook carefully tucking her in.
Jungkook looked up, and there it was.
That soft look he always hid.
His doe eyes were focused on Aiday,
It wasn’t that sharp look that calculated and analyzed every single movement she had.
But the one you’d read about in romance books, fairytales and fables.
After a few seconds that felt like eternity he looked away and stood up.
“Aiday.” He called.
Aiday didn’t turn around or even bothered to move.
“I know I drained you today…I just can’t tolerate for what’s mine to be insulted.” He explained.
Aiday pursed her lips as she felt the bed shift from the additional weight the male put on it.
He placed his fingers on the top of Aiday’s head, he pressed them a bit deep and moved them around her head.
At first it hurt a bit but Aiday soon found it to be comforting, she was getting less conscious by the minute.
“You’ll understand..even if you don’t want to admit it at times…I’m doing this for your best.” He softly said.
The words he spoke entered Aiday’s head but at the moment she couldn’t make out the words yet, all her attention went to the special treatment her scalp was getting.
“I want you to see yourself the way I see you Aiday, then you’d understand…a beauty like you can’t go to waste because of others. Neither because of itself.” He explained.
“Right?” He asked.
Aiday hummed, her eyes were heavy.
If Aiday was perfectly conscious she would have shifted in discomfort at the sound of those words he had just said, but luck wasn’t on her side as she got put in a trance, a trance she’d have a hard time escaping.
This is so going to become a saga😭
Basically when Aiday said that Jungkook only called her beautiful when her face was covered with something, he took it to a offense since she was basically saying that he didn’t find her beautiful.
So he made her mouth bleed for saying such things.🤩 it’s the PurrBangtan version of getting your mouth washed out with soap because you said a swear word.
The rest that is unclear, can be answered in the comments!
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whumpberry-cookie · 3 years
Caretaker spent so much time with Whumpee that their symptoms aren't surprising anymore. Also Whumpee wants to be treated normally. So sometimes it even becomes a comedic relief.
(Cw: implied eating disorder, fear of abandonment, guilt, fear of people)
Pt 2 - getting anxious at random moments
They meet a new person and Whumpee has only few people to trust and feel comfortable around. Never liked strangers, never will.
The stranger extends their hand in greeting towards Whumpee, but Caretaker steps in to help and shakes stranger's hand himself.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Caretaker and..." Whumpee slowly hides behind his back, trembling. "...and this is my best friend. The legend says they were a Chihuahua in their past life"
Maybe after some kind of nightmare, or just after sitting in silence for too long:
Whumpee: "Please. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm hard to be around but... I'll try to be better. Please. Just don't leave"
Caretaker: ......... *looks around sugestivelly*
Caretaker: "We're in the middle of the ocean, honey. Where exactly are you expecting me to leave?"
Back in the past, when Whumpee was kept hostage, he weaned himself from eating at the table/using furniture. So when he got back to having normal meals with his team, he was getting nervous and emotional, thinking he doesn't deserve to eat / will be punished.
So Caretaker watches Whumpee discreetly while eating dinner. Whumpee's getting anxious and close to crying while staring at his plate and food on it. Caretaker decides to mess with him a little to loosen up the atmosphere.
"Oh gosh... The noodles, right Whumpee? That's so tragic" - he cries out theatrically.
Whumpee flinches, surprised and confused. And all the team buds at once follow and start to cry-mocking him.
So they all are screaming and fake-crying with that chaotic dorks energy, while Whumpee just sits there, trying to process what's happening.
The door to dining room opens.
Leader: "Was someone screaming here?"
They all in one second go serious and quiet, like nothing happened.
"No. No one. Why?"
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voicesonthemoon · 2 years
The sickening sound echoes through the room. He brings his hand to his mouth and bites down hard enough to draw blood as a scream rips its way through Jimin's throat. His whole body feels as though he has been electrocuted and in within seconds his rigid body goes lax and gravity takes over. But before he can crash into the ground a pair of arms circle around his waist and pull him to a strong chest as the said person kneels on the ground beside him.
Pain, pain, pain!
Fuzzy is all he can feel as tears roll down his eyes. His vision waxes and wanes before a soft yet stern sound reaches his ears.
"Jimin breath!!"
Suddenly as if his lungs just remembered how to breath. He gasps audibly and lets frsh air flood his capillaries while tears burn through his eyes. He feels a rough calloused hand rest on his cheek while a thumb rakes over his cheekbones.
"Hey Hey Hey look at me don't panic now. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Along with me now here." He takes the elder's small and places it on his chest as he starts breathing in an exaggerated motion but the pain was too much for the shorter to focus on anything but it. "Hey hey! Come on! Look at me" he cups the elders cheek and the warmth in contrast to Jimin's cold and clammy skin shocks him into looking at the younger.
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yooniestummy · 3 years
soft thought: jungkook cuddling one of the members when they’re not feeling well and letting them trace his tattoos
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