#junky (original artist)
laurentlemonke · 28 days
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espritmetropol · 2 years
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vaugarde · 2 years
just realized through lychee’s description it seems like their wife is bertha since shes the only female elite 4 in sinnoh... no its just another oc sorry sjklfjdsklfjdslkfdsfdsf
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dopeheadjunkiepos · 5 months
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daily-voca-recs · 8 months
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 6 months
In my previous post i talked about how I have a lotta scrapped MV ideas, well may as well dump some designs i've made based on songs over the years because like I probably wouldn't post these otherwize
also heres a few nice picture of miku from one of em to make you click on this post because its gunna be a long one and all these are hidden below a read more
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for the record don't expect me to do anything with any of these, also these are from old to new some of these date back to early 2022 and it shows
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This one i posted a storyboard for actually its An Aliens I Love You by Utsu-P.
I gave young Rin a sakura motif with her dress because of miku and rin meeting under a sakura tree, teen miku has a pink ribbion and hairclip to continue this. both rins bow and mikus outfit get darker outfits overtime to sybolize the song getting darker. I also gave adult rin the future rin hair. Miku's "alien" form is more or less how its described in the song tho i was lazy and didn't draw the 4 arms in the refs.
also Lily is Rins mom in this yup there she is indeed.
I actually have a lot of assets finished including the ones above i may show em off one day who knows.
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This one is Stained Nocturne by Toa i actually did finish this one
the grey one is when they talk about being colorless
i gave them both very cute and elegent outfits i think it matches the vibe of the song. The starry outfits are the real highlight. if you wonder how I drew em over and over i just copy pasted the stars on their dresses.
they also are very blue because yknow nocturne. I forgot if i dumped the assets for this MV or not maybe next rant post.
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This one is Corona by Utsu-P no idea why i did it its probably not even in my top 20 Utsu-P songs i just had some brainworms that wore off. I finished like a minute of it I guess.
I really like rin's outfit. "goth metal astronaut" is such a weirdly specific concept but she absolutley nailed it. 10/10 desin
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This one is Garando by Picon. I gave her a like idk what to call it paperboy outfit like the one you see in the MV a few times. her eyes are yellow like bullets because I had this one S teir visual idea. I have some assets for this one i may show off one day.
i also considered doin the sekai ver i really like garando if u cant tell lol
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This one is Happy Haloween by Junky another one i finished
Rins is just from the OG mv the rest are themed around the characters
Minori is a dark angel because tenshi no clover is themed around... a normal angel
haruka has candy and a penguin mask because thats her thing
airi is a vampire cuz she has fangs
shizuku is a witch because of her cast a spell on you outfit
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This one is NEXT NEST by Satsuki Ga Tenkomori. The cubes are from the original MV image thing. I gave her a super cybernetic look to match the song vibe. I also gave her a plaid skirt to match miku's concept desin because this song is like sorta miku becoming sentient or smth idk been a while since i read the lyrics.
another S teir design. also zamn this ref goes hard lol.
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This one is Bluff Liar by EZFG. VY1 doesn't really have a desin so I went with this based on the semi official one (we dont speak of her new official one also i drew this long before that regardless lol) I have a shitty animatic thats 80% stick figures for this. never posted it tho.
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tbh i put the file to this ref on an external hard drive cuz this whole video killed my storage because i actually finished it so i yeeted all th assets off my computer as soon as i was finished so i just dowloaded the little thing of assets from this post
not much goin on its kinda just normal ol luka lol
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This is Black Hole Artist by utsu-P. its not in project sekai and never will be but it reminded me of Ena so I had this idea. not much to say, I have a few assets for this but nothing really finished.
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Another VY1 EZFG song, IDK what my plan was for drawing this over and over. also pretty asthetic ref lol. not much to say i don't draw very cyberish designs so its fun
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this is just concept art. this is Roless Weapon by Neru and Inubakumori. yeah those two colabed you wouldnt know cuz this song has no MV. IDK what my plan for this was tbh but like when else would i show this off.
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From here on its just concepts lol. this is Atari Front Program by Utsu-P... god how many Utsu songs is this lol
S teir desin i love miniskirt plus pants combo idk its just a vibe.
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this drawing sucks lol. this is Live by Mizuno Atsu. Long haired kafu is cute I have better drawings of this in my sketchbook somewhere I think. I might revisit this it would be very simple and cute.
also weirdly my fav part of this aside from her hair is her shoes.
anyway Kafu needs more outfits for songs tbh theres like 3 kafu songs where she has a unique outfit
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actually i lied about only having doodles, this is Where Shall We Go by Mellowclle
already made a post bout this
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this is my most recent. I sketched this after finishing this art of this song. It is Memento Mori by Buriru
I love this song the creator said its supposed to sound like a mecha anime opening so i went with that vibe. teto looks great, miku doesn't. Teto doesn't really have a counterpart so I assigned miku as her girlfriend lol.
sadly I cannot draw robots so idk what my plan was tho i have a cool visual for the end in my head.
anyway thats everything I could find. does anyone give a crap? probably not but hey character design is fun and i love messing around.
anyway fun trivia more songs i have video ideas for i won't make: Poster Girls Prank - Utsu-P (but with MMJ project sekai)
Stella - Jin
Paranoia - Mezame-P
and probably more i'm forgetting lmfao
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spiritshaydra · 1 year
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Okay yeah gonna say screw it and just post the fullbody I finished back in November because her ref is taking too long and I wanna share my cringe ass nae nae hellspawn 😭
THIS IS REQUIEM (Or just “Em”)
And she’s a Megasound fanspawn,, bear with me, I’ve never made an oc like this before so I’ve been extremely nervous to show the creature off. 💀(especially since this is the fancharacter type I avoided making at all costs when in high school despite it leading to some very interesting character development.) Eventually I just said screw it, I’m proud of the design and character work I’ve been developing since August, I’m going to show her off.
I don’t really take her all too seriously as I originally made her to shitpost because I thought it’d be funny. And like my main TFP OC Quantum, she eventually grew past that and became something more. (While still keeping her silly at the same time)
I have. A LOT. Of development for this single celled organism that prolly won’t fit in one post, so on here I’m just going to do a sort of character bio thing (based on the format of Quantum’s Toyhouse bio) to introduce her. (Maybe I’ll do a Q&A sort of thing if anyone’s actually interested in that?)
Name: Requiem (Em for short)
Name Origin: This is what happens when you put a poetry/mythology nerd and a music nerd in a room together and have them name something. You get a name with origins in both music and literature (A music or literary composition that acts as a form of remembrance for the souls of the dead.) annnnnnd a reference to a mythological figure (the name of Megatronus/The Fallen’s weapon, the Requiem Blaster. Gee sure wonder who’s idea that was.) Unfortunately, the goblin who was given that name has a grand total of two brain cells and has as much class as a hagfish.
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Cybertronian
Height:  12ft approximate (for design depicted above)/ 30ft (adult; not pictured)
Alt-Mode: (Base) Cybertronian heavy bomber/ (Earth) Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack
Home Planet: Earth
Faction: Decepticon
Pre-War Occupation: Did not exist before the war.
Personality: Requiem is loud, stubborn, rude, mischievous, a little naive, and all around a feral mess. Absolutely no filter. Textbook example of “curiosity killed the cat”. The champion of the age-old schoolyard discussion of “my dad can beat up your dad.” For… obvious reasons.
She’s easily bored and easily distracted, and thinks it’s entertaining to mess with other bots in the form of stupid pranks and barrages of questions.
Has a bit of a potty mouth and gets creative with her insults.
A fembo (but a lil mean) was told to use her head in a fight, but ended up head butting the opponent and subsequently knocking them out as a result.
As a result of (EXTREME) helicopter parenting combined with adrenaline junkie behavior, Requiem has the tendency to be an escape artist and to purposely seek out potentially dangerous situations such as but not limited to: Diving into a hurricane (to see what would happen), storm chasing (the bigger the better! Also to see what would happen), playing Icarus and getting struck by lightning on the Flight Deck of the warship (STRIKE ME DOWN ZEUS), sneaking out of the Nemesis and simultaneously smuggling all sorts of creepy crawlies and other organic critters back on board (has to be shaken out just to be sure.), being a little too interested in volcanic activity, sneaking weapons out of the armory and attempting to join the fight, and sneaking away from the ship to “explore”. Em wrangling is a very tiring objective.
If Rumble and Frenzy were alive, they would’ve definitely gotten along. (And would’ve been an unstoppable force of chaos oh gOD.)
She likes the pastel magical horse show about friendship, LOVES stickers, and her absolute favorite color is the most obnoxious eye bleeding shade of pink imaginable. (She was denied changing her PRIMARY paint job color to it for obvious reasons. Honey, that is a LOOK and not exactly a good one.)  She likes to pretend to be a gladiator. She likes to give people really stupid and bad nicknames for the hell of it. A favorite being combining the first few letters of a name or descriptor with “uncle”. She thinks it’s hilarious. A little too interested in arson and explosives. Her music taste can be described as “2012 Warrior cats amv” and “noise”. Really likes slasher films for some reason.
She exhibits several behaviors that could only be described as those of a cryptid. (…or cat.) These range from being able to sneak up on others and move without making a sound, staring unblinkingly and expressionlessly at things and other bots, climbing up and perching on top of things, noise mimicry, recharging facedown in a deathlike manner, and the worst thing being how she used to skitter across the walls and ceilings of the Nemesis as a sparkling. There were a handful of instances where she got into the vents of the ship and it was a nightmare trying to coax her back out. Oh yeah. There was a biting problem.
Requiem either hates or actively dislikes things ranging from water, being told to stay still, the thunder part of thunderstorms, the medbay, and being quarantined.
Her social ability leaves much to be desired, as she was raised in total isolation from her own age group, so she lacks most social skills as a result. Because of this, she often comes across as “weird” and as a bully, even if unintentional. Due to her isolated upbringing, she is a very lonely individual despite not exactly acting the part. Being routinely quarantined does not help that feeling of loneliness in the slightest. Em wants nothing more than a friend, or at least an acquaintance to spend time with. It’s just that, given who her parents are, that makes things impossible.
She has a very unhealthy view on death, as it isn’t exactly rare onboard the Nemesis. Surprisingly, she was actively kept away and shielded from most of the fighting as a child- however, in wartime there’s only so much one could be protected from even as the child of the highest ranking individuals of the faction.
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naradivision · 8 months
Hypmic OC Halloween Party 2023 🎃 ~Part II
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Disclaimer: Please note that these are not the actual titles to the songs, I just made them up of course. All these songs obviously belong to their respective artists.
And the OCs mentioned belong to their respective creators as well!
*see more notes from the part 1*
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Meet the Halloween Shuffle Teams!
Team R-rated B-Boy
Ren “Vox” Nakashima
Rintaro “Ignis” Himuro
Raiden “Tesla” Otoha
Ryuko “Mista Z.B.” Umemoto
#7 Parade of Horror ☠️
Real title: Bad Monster Original by UraShimaSakataSen Fun fact: This Shima is that same SHIMA who voiced Zen Gaho from paralive...
Team Heroic Youngsta
Joey “Joker” Kurusu
Saji “Street Dog” Buranka
Ryūnosuke “Fist N Fury” Sekiguchi
Haruto “Pheonix” Hirabayashi
#8 Justice In Action! 🚨
Real title: PANDA HERO Covered by mafumafu x nqrse x luz x soraru | Original by HACHI ft. GUMI Fun fact: HACHI the Vocaloid-P is later known as Kenshi Yonezu
Team SolaLune Fairies
Lola “Aphrodite” Takahashi
Evelyn “SPIRIT” Rose
Moriko “Carnopus” Himawari
Miku “Hex 13” Shirazuki
#9 Who’s the Fairest? 👑
Real title: ECLIPSE Original by Raon x DAZBEE Yeah, sorry again for not making the number of voice casts matched... They just look gorgeous together XD
Team Pop★Teen Sensation
Kanade “Spooky” Alarie
Criss “Paradox” Hiromi
Kirara “Cupid” Suzuki
Ririko “2cute!” Akihara
Makina “Screen Shot” Setsukura
#10 Supa☆Supa☆Halloween
Real title: Happy Halloween Covered by MORE MORE JUMP! ft. Kagamine Rin | Original by Junky ft. Kagamine Rin
[At the moment after the girls have already returned to the backstage, suddenly, the thick and hazy mist from nowhere then emerged into the stage from all directions, fogging over the entire scene as if it was curtain in the theater]
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the wonderful night of October the 31st,
...At long last, we’re going to reach the finale.
[Starting off with the sound of bells resonating in distants, the prelude music began playing before the hazy mist became dissolved —revealing the obscure figures of people standing there in the midst of stage]
Team Curtain Call
Queen card
Kunio “Arsene” Kurome
Iwao “TRIXT4R” Masuda
Sanyu “MC Rogue” Inouye
Naoki “Stage Queen” Hamasaki
Mitsuru “Odette” Tenjo
Saigo “Tsukumogami” Fuyugami
Nishio “24/7” Tokishou
#11 To the Final Act 🪄
Real title: Finale Original by XYZ 2019 (luz, senra, mafumafu, soraru, nqrse, meychan, araki, un:c)
Wait— Wait,
Even if this night is going to end soon, how should we forget something really really important…?
Yeah, we haven’t even got our treats yet!
If you want them, then why don’t we go get some?
C’mon, stand up & sing along~~
Team Bakemono:)
Asahi “SWEET-T” Tomoharu
Kohaku “KANDATA-KUN” Meguno
Taria “Misfit” Chinen
Honoka “Maniakin” Ajisai
Ayaka “Marionette” Kagawa
After Story: Are Ghosts Real?
Real title: 異世界混合大舞踏会 (I Wanna Be Your Ghost) Covered by StarLightPolaris (You Kisaragi, Relu, Coe, Kuni, Kottaro)  | Original by Gen Hoshino Unfortunately, you can only find subtitles in the original video
In this night where ghosts will emerge,
But they’re not all that bad
Ghost are real, you know? 
But they’re not as scary as the living!
They’re always watching from the sidelines, so don’t you forget,
Farewell mortals, and take care :P
🎃 Live Reports & Behind the scenes Pt.2
According to the interview from some audiences after the reveal of 6th’s and 7th’s cast, they thought it’s funny that team Bad Boy felt oddly cool to them, while on the other hand, team Hero were also cool but with even more chaotic vibes than the previous one —Everyone did wonder in unison that what went through the organizer’s head when they decided to put them together. Well, Raiden and Saji were the only exceptions since both of them were naturally pretty dedicated to their team titles.
Raiden got a bit carried away as he started laughing like some maniac by the end of his show. And in consequence of that, his temporary teammates were just… letting him be before all left the scene like nothing happened.
Since the beginning of the 9th show, the ladies of team “SolaLune Fairies” were seen solemnly walking out of the backstage with a dark long veil covering most part of their face and their outfits. Each of them were also noted to hold a bouquet with different flowers. Lola were red tulips, Evelyn were blue roses, Moriko were sunflowers, and Miku were moon orchids. But once the first beat of the song dropped out, they suddenly changed their moods and threw their veils away ...showing off their party dresses which were delicately designed just for each of them (ultimate kudos were given to those from the costume team). Thus, the true catwalk showdown began! 
After all the teasing to throw their bouquets to the audience like in the wedding, it was still unknown who those ladies decide to give their bouquets to at the end. Maybe it was their lover/ bestie or etc. Who knows anyway? But as the show title hinted, they might probably give it to their fairest…
Before the 10th show starts, the camera caught Kanade having a high-five with Lola in the same fashion as those two boys from the first half. 
Despite not being much active around these days, Hana Izanami (@snowmantita) was spotted coming here in secret to cheer for her friends.
The 11th show was obviously one of the best highlights of this event, given 6 of them were actually the famed performers to begin with! In addition, Queen card was the one who planned most details of the performance herself. Besides, some of them were really going all-out to the point where they attempted to compete with each other even. No wonder this show received very loud applause as a result, just like their team’s name implied.
There was one funny moment getting leaked out from the backstage. It was the photo of two gentlemen who literally had no idea why they were put in the same line with other talented showmen in the 11th show. Saigo seemed to be deep in thought about how much the staff have spent on props and special effects, while Nishio… He was caught flirting with other participants —Well, let’s hope that he wasn’t flirting with the wrong person there.
Despite the chill and anti-climax vibe that was very contrast to the intense impression from the previous show, the final show performed by team Bakemono was unexpectedly the children’s most favorite! Why was that? The secret of success not only lied in the lyrics of the song, but also its cute and catchy choreography. Moreover, they had also brought in the massive number of candies to throw into the crowd.
And due to some interviews with the parents, they told that this show truly deserved to be the closing show as it was in fact spoke the moral of this spooky event… 
Before the show started, it was a record of five of them chatting with each other. And although it was all according to the script, Asahi confessed that they had retaken it so many rounds he actually lost count of.
And just as the name of their team indicated, they were all wearing the yokāi costumes! For example, Asahi was the Oni, Kohaku was attempting to look like Kasa-obake (even if it came out rather funny), Taria was Karasu tengu, Honoka had animal ears so maybe she was bakeneko or kitsune, and Ayaka wore triangle headband with a kimono to represent the yurēi ghost.
From what live reports said, despite being the performers of the show, both Asahi & Kohaku were noted to really enjoy their time the most —These two spiritual(?) twins loved throwing candies like they’re playing with snow, while Honoka and Ayaka might seem a bit stiff due to their not so great experiences with people. However, Taria was the one making them warm up and enjoy the moment just like other children did —Who else would understand the kids best if not someone with a children’s heart?
Live reports by
Snowflake Sentinel News, Yoichi Shujo
Verne Publishing-house, Nellie Yukimura 
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Amazing OCs mentioned above are from:
@kobedivision @katsushika-division @chiyoda-division2 @suginami-division @kanazawa-division @megurodivision @naha-division @nagasakidivision @saitama-division @okinawa-division @gion-division @minato-division03 @kyoto-division @akihabaradivision @urayasu-division @nakanodivision @akihabara-division03 @kumamoto-division @sapporo-division @fukuokadivision1 @naha-division @nerima-division @naradivision @echizen-division @ota-division @gion-division @sagadivision @tokyo-division (@snowmantita) @hamamatsu-divison
P.S. Apologizing if I missed out some divisions or have made anyone sound OOC —I'm trying lmao.
...Happy Halloween & hoping y’all enjoy it :)
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
My Thoughts on Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1 (aka the Cass portion)
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An hour past noon. Enough time for some thoughts on one story, Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1. Some thoughts to keep us warm until Spirit World #1 arrives...
The thing that always interests me with Alyssa Wong when they tackle Cassandra Cain is they take the character and use stuff Cass has faced and then spin something new.
Cass has only encountered magic a handful of times. Only once in her entire series (ironically near the tail end with Lazara).
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In truth, Cass has encountered magic outside her own comic more (Young Justice, the Zee arc in Tec Knights, and just recently the big battle in “Dark Crisis” where she literally was dodging attacks from Spectre) and--
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JL: Elite with her and Coldcast being in the "world of shadows" and they encountered some Lovecraftian creatures.
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Literally, outside the main universe, Cass encountering mystic stuff seems more common. We have Cass getting Shazam powers in DCeased, her fighting vampires (and teaming up with Frankenstein briefly) in DC vs. Vampires--
-- and another place in an animated adaptation of a comic she was never in originally (Batman: the Doom that Came to Gotham).
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So all of this is a nice treat to see Wong take the character outside their "comfort" area and into something that's an open area for the character to explore, magic.
We get the perfect gateway character for that with Cass in the newly introduced character Xanthe.
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Though I have to admit this brief little tease Wong gives introducing Cass maybe hints at what she's been up to during the Batman vs. Robin mini prior. Not jobbing, but making the city safe while everyone else was occupied.
Which kind of makes sense truthfully for someone of Cass's skillset. Nezha couldn't incapacitate or maybe twist her like everyone else. So the next best thing is to keep her so busy that she doesn't have any time to do anything else.
At least what I'm going with by reading this.
The thing that fascinates me early on in Cass and Xanthe's team-up is how Cass calls the vampires one thing and Xanthe calls them and I love the editor's note here because I'm utterly clueless with it comes to Chinese mythology (save a few things).
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I also love that Wong showing their knowledge of Cass knowing what to do due to being such a movie junkie (and I liked that this was brought up. The nod made me smirk cause it's been A WHILE since someone referenced Cass's old habits).
I also just love that this isn't the end of the story and that Xanthe, Cass, and John Constantine (a character Cass has barely any meetings of in canon, but had one out of it in DCeased).
There was SOOOO much of this story and the art by Haining gives us a nice expressive Cass. Again, I don't mind the white eyes when an artist makes them so expressive and Haining gives Cass some nice reactions throughout this tale.
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Not to mention some nice fluidity in her move set too. Literally, the only negative I can say is how quickly the story ended and make me hunger for more. Thankfully we only have two more months before we get just that in Spirit World #1.
The premise in that, Xanthe/John in a quest to save Cass. I'm game for. Though I do hope we just see a character like Cass see the Spirt World thru her eyes. Cause body language and also for new readers this be a nice treat.
Plus the chance to see Cass actually struggle not have it be ooc? To learn something new? Yeah, I'm game for that.
The side bonus to all of this is we get a full-on tale by Alyssa Wong. No one part (ala Batman: Urban Legends #8) and a short (but amazing story in DC: Doomed & the Damned #1).  Just a full-on story Wong has with Cass and I'm all for that.
Though I am hopeful that maybe Batgirls can deal with this issue's fallout? I'm game for Babs/Steph to have an issue or more with them wondering where Cass is at? Or maybe Cass show up and have an editor's note (read Spirit World #1).
Just to give that nice bridge to both comics that Cass is in. Besides it gives us that moment with Steph to see her own thoughts when Cass is out of the picture (will she read Cass's letter?).
Not to mention see Babs' thoughts on handling what occurred with Steph in #15 and now Cass going on a crazy Spirit Adventure with others.
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If you can't tell I really REALLY dug this story and can't wait for May for more of this.  It truly is a nice surprise to not only get a bonus mini that has Cass in it but is written by Alyssa Wong?
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litteratured · 4 months
John Giorno Interview: Inside William S. Burroughs' Bunker
Step inside ‘The Bunker’ in New York, the windowless former apartment of the legendary writer William S. Burroughs, and let yourself be guided around – from Burroughs’ typewriter to his shooting target – by its the current resident, the iconic poet John Giorno (b.1936 - d.2019). William S. Burroughs lived several places throughout his life. Between 1975-82 the drug addict and writer –famous not least for his automatic writing in books like ‘Naked Lunch’– lived in 222 Bowery, one of New York’s first YMCAs in the 1880s. Performance poet John Giorno has lived at the address since the early 1960s and was delighted to host his friend and colleague, who lived in the basement for seven years and dubbed the windowless space ‘The Bunker’. “ He was a brilliant transcendent writer, but he was more brilliant here,” Giorno recalls and explains how Burroughs was high from nine in the morning, and then would have vodkas and joints at five o’clock in the afternoon. Giorno himself would join him, albeit a bit later in the day: “Doing that for those endless years and years, that was a lesson – not sure what the lesson is though.” Having downed several more bottles of vodka and smoked more joints, Burroughs and his guests would shoot at the target poster, which still has its original bullet holes. John Giorno has been using ‘The Bunker’ as a guest room for visiting friends and today everything has been restored and kept like it was when Burroughs lived there: the target poster, the typewriter, the gun magazines and the desk all set for someone to sit down and write. We also get to see the ‘Orgone box’ – a box invented by psychoanalyst William Reich, who believed that orgones are vibratory atmospheric atoms of the life-principle, which can be concentrated as a creative substratum. “And if you sat in there you would collect orgone energy of the universal power,” Giorno adds. Burroughs “always believed there could be chaos and catastrophe, so every house should have a vessel to be able to save enough water to live for four days. So that’s why that was there,” says Giorno about the big water tank on the floor. Giorno also shows us Burroughs’ lamp, which is made from a – still functioning – rifle from the Civil War, as well as his BB gun: “It's a generational thing of his, coming of age as a young person in the 1920s and 30s, living in the country in St. Louis, and also outside, and being alone and being frail. I don't think his family were shooters, somehow it entered his life, all of those things.” John Giorno (b.1936 - d.2019) is an American poet and one of the most influential figures in contemporary performance poetry with his intensely rhythmic and philosophical poetry. He has published a wide range of poetic works such as the collection ‘You Got to Burn to Shine’, spoken words with William S. Burroughs and Laurie Anderson. In 1962, Giorno was the subject of Andy Warhol’s 6-hour movie ‘Sleep’. Giorno has also created Giorno Poetry Systems, which has published more than 40 spoken LP’s with acclaimed artists such as Allen Ginsberg and Patti Smith. William S. Burroughs (b. William Seward Burroughs II in 1914 – d. 1997) was an American writer and artist. He was a primary figure of the Beat Generation and a major influence in popular culture and literature, he wrote eighteen novels and novellas, six collections of short stories and four collections of essays, found success with his confessional first novel ‘Junkie’ (1953) but is best known for his highly controversial third novel ‘Naked Lunch’ (1959).  Along with artist, writer and poet Brion Gysin, Burroughs re-invented the literary cut-up technique in works such as ‘The Nova Trilogy’ (1961-1964). Much of Burroughs’ work is semi-autobiographical, primarily drawn from his experiences as a heroin addict. In 1951, he accidentally killed his wife Joan Vollmer with a pistol during a drunken ‘William Tell’ game and was consequently convicted of manslaughter. Through the years, Burroughs also created and exhibited thousands of paintings and other visual artworks, including his celebrated ‘Gunshot Paintings’. He did not, however, exhibit his artwork until 1987, and for last 10 years of his life, he presented his paintings and drawings at museums and galleries worldwide. He died at his home in Kansas after suffering a heart attack in 1997. John Giorno was interviewed by Christian Lund in New York City in October 2017.  Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2018
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1350x2000 -- Spotlight on"STAR WARS: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace" 25th Anniversary poster design by Matt Ferguson, returning to theaters on May 3, 2024 to commemorate the film's latest milestone.
OVERVIEW: "Every saga has a beginning, including that of poster artist Matt Ferguson and his relationship with "STAR WARS: The Phantom Menace." It started with the original theatrical release in 1999, which followed a huge buildup — it was the first "STAR WARS" film since 1983’s "Return of the Jedi" — and level of anticipation seen by few movies. For 15-year-old Ferguson, living in Sheffield in the UK, the hype was real.
PART 1: “I was actually doing work experience at the time in an office through school, and I remember just being so excited about the new "STAR WARS" movie,” he tells StarWars.com. “I went out and bought this Darth Maul action figure on a lunch break and everybody else was just so excited for it. And then we got to go see it. And I can remember I just loved it.”
PART 2: Fast forward 25 years later, and Ferguson — still based in Sheffield — has been tapped to create the official poster to mark the film’s quarter-centennial milestone. It follows his anniversary art made for "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi," and will be seen in theaters around the world as "The Phantom Menace" returns to cinemas starting May 3.
PART 3: The poster is a beautiful image, featuring Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and a regal Queen Padmé Amidala, with Darth Maul’s piercing eyes looming over everything. Earth tones drive the painting, from the twin suns to Jedi robes, in a significant change from his earlier "STAR WARS" work. For Ferguson, the idea of what the poster would be came surprisingly easily.
PART IV: “The key thing is to go on the memory of the film. These are anniversary posters, so it's kind of like, what's my personal memory of the film when it was coming out — almost like, before it came out.” And one specific element plays a big part in Ferguson’s memory.
PART V/END: “The color comes into it a lot for me,” he says. “So there's reds and golds, and I remember a lot of the marketing at the time and a lot of the stuff in toy shops, because I always liked action figures and things, was that kind of color. So that was the thing that I keyed on for this one. I wanted that rich, warm color.""
-- STARWARS.COM, "Matt Ferguson on His Stunning Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Poster," by Dan Brooks, published February 12, 2024
Source: www.starwars.com/news/matt-ferguson-the-phantom-menace-25th-anniversary.
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flugame-mp3 · 9 months
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no longer post limited :D
theo/ant, he/ze/they/whatever, in my 20s
pronouns.cc / cohost
free palestine
tags + blinkies + more under the cut :)
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blinkie/stamp IDs in alt! ^^
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this is my main blog but it ends up mostly fall out boy and supernatural! known decaydance/bandom freak and stump club vice president, also enjoys things like spn, doctor who, ttrpgs (including adjacent stuff like just roll with it), the legend of zelda, and long walks on the beach
beware: i use suicide jokes and reclaimed slurs. ask me to trigger tag stuff with "cw thing" and i will
no dni i will just block you. however: terfs/radfems kys. zionists are not welcome here. i also do not like wincest and waycest shippers. i will not tolerate uncritical and racist bandom stuff, namely people who are weird and racist about pete wentz + his writing--not every fob song is about mikey way. and also post-hiatus fob/MANIA haters i hope you get better soon :/
previous urls include will0wpark, vengolorbraad, and raytorologist
mutuals pls ask for my discord! also feel free to dm me ab anything, im not the best about keeping up conversations but i enjoy talking to y'all :)
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i have many tags that i use inconsistently. however here is a little metaphorical charcuterie board of stuff i use a lot (there is something wrong with me. the disorders)
PERSONAL/BLOG STUFF theo.txt - my original posts n whatnot fave - stuff i really enjoy for various reasons asks - exactly what it says on the tin cool art - pretty much any art i reblog important - useful, uplifting, life advice, etc. nsft - pretty much anything i wouldnt want my manager seeing if they glanced over my shoulder at work queer stuff - similar vein to my trans tag but wider umbrella trans tag - catchall tag for trans stuff art history stuff - catchall tag for things relating to art history (my field of study!! its me and dutch post-impressionist painter vincent van gogh against the world) me and queue setting in a honeymoon - queue tag. if u want that for some reason
FALL OUT BOY STUFF fob - fababoi tag :3 pstump - my beautiful wife patrice tag pwentz - pete tag joe trohman - its so trohver (joe tag) andy hurley - andy tag p2 - exactly what it says on the tin. i got tired of typing out "half doomed and semi sweet" every time maniaposting - loveposting about the hit 7th studio album from american rock band fall out boy yayy !! ioh - im making an ioh tag but she's not done yet soul punk - ask me about debut solo studio album "soul punk" by american musician and national treasure patrick stump
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE STUFF mcr - my chem tag ray toro - ray tag :) gerard way - gerard tag mikey way - michael romance real...? (mikey tag) frank iero - frank tag bullets - ibymbmlymblymblymyl tag :3 danger days - tangentially related to mcr, mostly killjoys fanart
i will generally tag other bands/artists that i like (e.g. thursday/geoff rickly, ricky montgomery, mitski)
SUPERNATURAL STUFF spn - supernatural tag yay (castiel save me. CAS. save me boyfailure angel of thursday) sammy - my love my light my psychic mentally ill nerd antichrist girlfriend (sam tag) dean - eldest daughter (terminal diagnosis) + cant express my heartfelt feelings if my arteries are clogged due to HAMBURGER (dean tag) cas - silly queercoded autistic angel captivates me mind body and soul. more at 10:00. "but he murdered half of heaven" what do you want me to do about that. and he looked good doing it! (castiel tag) the brothers winchester - crying over Tragic Siblings (salmondean sam + dean tag) tfw - one ex-blood-junkie, one drop-out with six bucks to his name, and mr. comatose (sam + dean + cas/team free will tag) destiel - i can't stop thinking about those tragic little gay men /ref (dean x cas tag. why are they like that.) i do other spn tagging too, like sastiel, but mostly character names (like bobby or crowley), and also jackles/misha <3 (and jarpad mostly for filtering purposes. he gets on my damn nerves. it's complicated) have fun!
MISC FANDOMS STUFF dw - doctor who tag (a lot of 9/10/15 and donna. and rose) loz - legend of zelda tag (specific games are also tagged) jrwi - just roll with it tag (bitb, riptide, fated, etc. are also tagged) bg3 - baldur's gate 3 posting (lots of karlach and astarion. and gale. astarion fans be normal challenge) ttrpg - d&d/pf2e/coc/vtm posting (i have separate tags for some of my characters and campaigns as well please please please please please talk to me about tabletop stuff it is my entire life outside of tumblr aughhhhhhhhh)
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and the award for world's longest pinned post goes to...
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aeonophagic · 3 months
Italo-American Southerner
“Terrone”, mildly translated as “Southerner”, is a word used in a derogatory manner towards Southern Italians. It was originally used to refer to the inhabits of the region “Terra di Lavoro”, in modern day Campania. The word is widely used in North Italy—Northern Italians make no effort to distinguish “South” and “Center”: as some Northern Italians say, “anything below the Po is terronia”.
Song is Terr1 by Kid Yugi, featuring Geolier, a Neapolitan artist who recently faced discrimination from spectators of the local music festival Sanremo due to his nationality (Naples is often, if not always, seen in a bad light) alongside criticism for inflated votes. His part in this song is entirely in Neapolitan dialect.
Gyeah, I've done more damage than I thought
I have friends in jail in France, like the Count of Monte Cristo
I was at a crossroads: either risk it or risk it
In Massafra only climbs and junkies like in San Francisco
Yo, southerner, southerner, southerner
I'm having lunch at my momma's, dinner at a good place
Southerner, southerner, southerner, southerner
I've got friends with long beards that everyone dreads
Southerner, southerner, southerner, southerner
I shake hands with everyone, from the laborer to the alderman
Southerner, southerner, southerner, southerner (Ah)
Becoming the best has become an obsession (Yeah), ah
It's as cold as Vienna down here, [No Translation]
Women in the South are demanding, women in the North are expensive
[No Translation]
Phew, what's that all about? [No Translation]
'O clown, I don't need nothing, I might make you a ghost
[No Translation]
Spend all this money already, I’ve already killed him and I didn’t even notice
I don't come before or after
I'm hooked on all sides
I like the video, where you have red cars
[No Translation]
Naples is my friend, Naples is life
Ta-ta-ta, inside the car’s windows
I've got a cauldron of salaries to give, so I've got to move, move, move
Poor them that run all year round
I don't let them pass me by, but I catch them by the neck
I'm shooting right along, if you notice, it's a shooting gallery
Enough, what I was trying to prove I think I've done it already
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randomvarious · 3 months
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Today's compilation:
Atlantic Rhythm & Blues 1947-1974 - Japanese Edition 2012 R&B / Doo Wop / Soul / Rock & Roll / Funk / Jazz / Blues / Pop
Alright, well, I had originally planned for this post to dovetail quite nicely with the end of Black History Month, but when you get a virus, it has a way of setting things back a bit. But then again, Black History should obviously be celebrated in every month, so either way, without further ado, here's a massive end to my foray into the history of Atlantic Records: a deeply comprehensive recounting of its first 27 years in the record business called Atlantic Rhythm & Blues: 1947-1974.
Now, maybe because of how this label is currently constituted, you think of Atlantic as being among the amorphous blob of major record labels whose fingers are seemingly in the pies of every popular genre, and the quality of the output is barely distinguishable from its other competitors. Like, who cares who's on Atlantic these days, right? A major label is a major label is a major label. They all basically feel indistinguishable from one another at this point, don't they?
But here's what you may not know about Atlantic in particular. For about two decades, until they started signing rock bands like Led Zeppelin, they were almost exclusively dedicated to nothing but secular, black-made music. And that's originally how they ended up making a name for themselves, as an independent label for black musicians that actually had a reputation for usually compensating their artists fairly.
So in 1985, the first iteration of Atlantic Rhythm & Blues 1947-1974 hit the shelves. It consisted of a whopping *186 songs*, chronologically spread across 14 separate records or 7 cassettes. And then in '91, it was reissued on CD in an 8-disc set, with an extra 17 songs mixed within.
But this edition that I have for you all today is a much, much rarer one that was issued exclusively in Japan in 2012. And what it consists of is the same eight discs from the 1991 reissue, plus two more, which have songs on it that were handpicked by Japan's own super selector, Keishi Suzuki, who ends up supplying 52 more songs—a lot of them rarities—bringing the total amount of tracks within the release to a grand total of *255*! 😯
Now, obviously, that is a whole lot of music, and I'm not gonna write an ungodly amount of paragraphs to cover it all, but regarding the first discs in this box set, what I'll say is this: these are must-listens for any old school r&b/soul/doo wop novice or junkie out there. These CDs do a wonderful job of allowing you to take a bird's eye view of this label that managed to develop itself into an indefatigable powerhouse for popular black music. From its earliest days of jazzy and jump-bluesy instrumentals, to its deeper endeavors into soul, you can trace this label's contours and get a feel for just how eminent its entire existence has been upon the history of popular music writ large. From its first star Ruth Brown—who helped earn the label its clever, Yankee Stadium-inspired nickname of 'The House That Ruth Built'—to Ray Charles, to The Drifters, to Otis Redding, to Wilson Pickett, and to the Queen of Soul herself, Aretha Franklin; it's all in those first 8 discs.
But those final two Keishi Suzuki-curated CDs are the ones I'm here to write about especially today, because a whole bunch of these total obscurities are, really, absolutely phenomenal.
Like, maybe you're familiar with 60s soul-man Don Covay, who had a solid number of Billboard Hot 100 and R&B chart hits in his career, and also penned Aretha Franklin's own mega hit, "Chain of Fools." But did you know that Covay actually started out under the name of 'Pretty Boy' and performed with a raucous Little Richard-esque rock & roll flair? Suzuki provides "Bip Bop Bip" here, an energetic tune with scratchy, throaty shouts, mashing hi-hats, and an electrifying saxophone solo. And it was actually produced by Little Richard himself!
Then there's Lawrence & The Arabians (what a fucking name, man), a short-lived all-white group, who in 1967 released the outstanding "I'll Try Harder," a fully uptempo and poppy piece of horn-heavy blue-eyed soul that sounds partially cut from some type of Motown cloth. Delightful gem right there.
And lastly, we have Peggy Scott, a pretty well-known southern soul and R&B entity in her own right who managed to make the American top 40 thrice in the late 60s. But after she stopped charting, Scott ended up releasing just one single on Atlantic—through their Atco sublabel—and in 1972, on that single's B-side, she showed that she could still more than hack it with the fantastic "One Night Is All I Need," on which her voice is striking all throughout, but is especially so whenever she goes for that gravelly passion 😌.
And these final two discs in this set have more underappreciated stunners on them too, but we're done here. This is such an excellent release that I shelled out a pretty pretty penny for, and I'm ultimately glad I did, because while the easier-to-find editions of this thing are cheaper and deeply satisfying themselves, nothing beats the thrill of being exposed to underheard gems that not very many other people know about. And in that regard, Keishi Suzuki knocked his task way out of the park.
A magnificent album, both for its extensive chronologizing of one of the most important labels in the history of popular music, as well as its extra 50+ songs that get some much needed light shone upon them too.
Ruth Brown - "So Long" Joe Morris - "Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere" Ruth Brown - "Tear Drops From My Eyes" Joe Turner - "The Chill Is On" Joe Turner - "Sweet Sixteen" Willis Jackson - "Gator's Groove"
Ruth Brown - "Mama He Treats Your Daughter Mean" Ruth Brown - "Wild Wild Young Men" Ray Charles - "Mess Around" Joe Turner - "Honey Hush" LaVern Baker - "Soul On Fire" Professor Longhair - "Tipitina" The Drifters - 'White Christmas" The Drifters - "Whatcha Gonna Do" Joe Turner - "Shake, Rattle and Roll" Tommy Ridgley - "Jam Up" Al Hibbler - "After the Lights Go Down Low" Ray Charles - "I Got a Woman" Ray Charles - "Greenbacks"
Ray Charles - "A Fool for You" Ray Charles - "This Little Girl of Mine" The Robins - "Smokey Joe's Cafe" The Drifters - "Ruby Baby" The Cookies - "In Paradise" Ray Charles - "Drown In My Own Tears" The Coasters - "Down In Mexico" Ray Charles - "Lonely Avenue" Clyde McPhatter - "Without Love" Chuck Willis - "C.C. Rider"
Chuck Willis - "Hang Up My Rock and Roll Shoes" The Coasters - "Yakety Yak" Ray Charles - "Night Time Is the Right Time" The Coasters - "Charlie Brown" Ray Charles - "What'd I Say" The Drifters - "There Goes My Baby" Ray Charles - "Let the Good Times Roll" The Coasters - "Poison Ivy" Ben E. King - "Stand by Me" LaVern Baker - "Saved"
The Mar-Keys - "Last Night" The Falcons - "I Found a Love" Ben E. King - "Don't Play That Song (You Lied)" Booker T. & The MG's - "Green Onions" Doris Troy - "Just One Look" Esther Phillips - "Release Me" The Drifters - "Under the Boardwalk"
Otis Redding - "I've Been Loving You Too Long" Wilson Pickett - "In the Midnight Hour" Otis Redding - "Respect" Percy Sledge - "When a Man Loves a Woman" Wilson Pickett - "634-5789" Sam & Dave - "Hold On, I'm Coming" The Capitols - "Cool Jerk" Wilson Pickett - "Land of 1000 Dances" Eddie Floyd - "Knock On Wood" Otis Redding - "Try a Little Tenderness" Wilson Pickett - "Mustang Sally" Sam & Dave - "When Something Is Wrong With My Baby" Arthur Conley - "Sweet Soul Music" Aretha Franklin - "I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You" Aretha Franklin - "Do Right Woman, Do Right Man" Otis & Carla - "Tramp" Wilson Pickett - "Funky Broadway" Booker T. & The MG's - "Hip-Hug-Her" Sam & Dave - "Soul Man"
Aretha Franklin - "Respect" Aretha Franklin - "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman" The Bar-Kays - "Soul Finger" Aretha Franklin - "Baby, I Love You" Aretha Franklin - "Chain of Fools" Wilson Pickett - "I'm in Love" King Curtis - "Memphis Soul Stew" Aretha Franklin - "(Sweet Sweet Baby) Since You've Been Gone" Otis Redding - "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" Archie Bell & The Drells - "Tighten Up" Clarence Carter - "Slip Away" Aretha Franklin - "Think" Clarence Carter - "Too Weak to Fight" Donny Hathaway - "The Ghetto" Tyrone Davis - "Turn Back the Hands of Time" Les McCann & Eddie Harris - "Compared to What" Aretha Franklin - "Call Me"
Aretha Franklin - "Don't Play That Song (You Lied)" King Floyd - "Groove Me" Clarence Carter - "Patches" Wilson Pickett - "Don't Knock My Love" The Beginning of the End - "Funky Nassau (Parts 1 & 2)" Persuaders - "Thin Line Between Love and Hate" Aretha Franklin - "Rock Steady" Aretha Franklin - "Day Dreaming" Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway - "You've Got a Friend" Betty Wright - "Clean Up Woman" The Spinners - "Could It Be I'm Falling in Love" Roberta Flack - "Killing Me Softly With His Song" Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway - "Where Is the Love" The Spinners - "I'll Be Around" Roberta Flack - "Feel Like Makin' Love" The Spinners - "One of a Kind (Love Affair)" Blue Magic - "Sideshow" The Spinners - "Mighty Love"
apparently you can have too many hyperlinks in a post...will include the rest in a reblog...
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audio-luddite · 1 month
Oldie but Goodie
Err I guess all of my stuff is old.
Right now I have the Cowboy Junkies Trinity Session LP spinning. Actually it is a two disk gourmet issue but only 33.333...
I have not run through this front to back for ages. I usually do that horrible audiophile habit of jumping to specific tracks. Not today. Forced rest after a thing that took a lot out of me. So lay back and let her spin.
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This is originally an early digital recording listed as an R-Dat in 1987. Famously with a single Calrec Ambisonic Microphone. First released on CD (Got it) and it earned praise from artists and audio geeks. The LP is very good. I do not care for the purists who get all weird about analog dogma. It sounds really good. It ticks all the audio boxes.
And the music is excellent. Bluesy country simple honest cut back to the basics. No fancy studio or studio effects. It was recorded in a church space with natural reverb. No equalization , no compression, nada. What the microphone heard is what you get.
Lead singer is Margo Timmins. Occasionally one of her brothers sings backup. There are many little things on each track for a detail geek to tease out. There is the quite count-in on "Sweet Jane". The air conditioner on the first track. I am at Sweet Jane right now and the high hats are right there clean and sharp.
Oh now one of my favourite bits the foot tapping on "postcard blues". Deep bass but no drum. The guitar joins in for a bit. Then.....there is that harmonica! Ringing all around the big church it is. Played into one of those old microphones. Old School!
Even though the recording was through one mike the band set up their gear just like in a club with Amps and PA. So this is what you hear. Just another gig. History making though.
And I am hearing a lot of little things not noticed before. Yes those cool ARC textures, but even some other things. I hear a quiet comment by one of the band and a previously lost few guitar chords.
You get great sound on the CD, but my LP front end is much better.
This was good.
It is why I have this system. Give a good recording the playback it deserves.
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I grew up in a family that loved the Beatles. While I picked up on songs and facts by osmosis and from being a pop culture junkie, it wasn’t like I was totally ignorant. I would much rather listen to punk, new wave, or Prince and Madonna. When my cousins and I were together I zoned out or went and talked with the adults when the conversation turned to the Beatles. I knew my Aunt loved them and Paul was her favorite. It’s not that hated them, it’s just that my interests lie elsewhere.
Cut to 20 years later I was slowly falling in love with my work bestie. He loved music just as much as me, by then my tastes had expanded but still didn’t include the Beatles. When we worked together we talked about music or his stupid girlfriend our entire shift, however much time had together. We dissected the music tapes the company sent us that we were forced to listened to on a tortuous loop. It’s funny how a song can go from yuck to oh I love this when you hear it 100 times a week. Of course, the reverse can happen, too. He played bass and was always talking about songs in terms of the rhythm of the bass. Neither of us loved country music but we did love the old country artists. Dolly and Johnny Cash were, are our favorites. I had been falling in love with the Dixie Chicks and selected a few I thought he’d like and one or two I knew he wouldn’t, just to push a bit. He admitted he liked most of what I told him to listen to and then made some comment about the Beatles. He started on a tangent that was very reminiscent of my cousins but when I was younger. It honestly made me like him more. I had to come clean though and told him I didn’t know much and I had never really listen to them.
This led to a crash course in the Beatles through his eyes. He told me which albums to start with, when to listen to the whole album, which songs he liked the best and sometimes just single versions of songs. He added personal anecdotes as well as facts he knew about the recordings. I listen to everything with an open mind, just as he had for me with the Dixie Chicks. I told him I thought my favorite Beatle was John. By the time we finished I had changed my mind and he smiled and said he thought I might. When class was over, I told him Paul and George were my favorites, equally and that while I really liked many songs, my two favorites were Helter Skelter and Blackbird. He made me a mixtape of his favorite Beatles songs that also included Helter Skelter and Blackbird. I wish I had that tape right now to listen to as I type this.
Yesterday I listen to Cowboy Carter for the first time while working. I knew Bey covered Blackbird. I wasn’t prepared for the it to stop me, mid typing and listen with my hands in my head. I wasn’t prepared to feel so emotional, near tears. It was a mix of her interpretation which gave reverence to the original while making it wholly her own, as only Beyonce can. It’s a really beautiful cover. I didn’t expect to be flooded with memories and emotions from learning about the Beatles with my work bestie that I loved with my whole heart. I never told him. I don’t regret that. Our friendship was one of the best most important ones of my life. I learned a lot from it and he gave me so much music that I love to this day.
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