#just a sweetheart plain and simple
daydreamingqueen1 · 8 months
Pairing: boyfriend! Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: fluff, like a swear word, a bit suggestive, no y/n.
Summary: Spencer seeing you for the first time in a push-up bra.
Word count: 670.
"Spence, did you grab the present? I don't want Penelope to kill me, you know," you yell from your room, finishing getting ready for Penelope's over the top birthday party.
You are checking yourself in the mirror, you have chosen to keep it simple, wanting to look pretty but letting the birthday girl go for the more neck-turning outfits.
You had, however, bought a new push-up bra to use with your usual little black dress since most of your other bras were not... let's just say not in the apogee of their life. It is a plain thing really, black with thin straps and a bit of lace that shows a little over the the neck of the dress. It is nice and it wasn't too expensive, making your breasts pop up, and giving you an overall more flattering look. You didn't think the difference with a regular bra was that noticeable until—
"Yes, I already put it in the car so we don't– Babe."
You turn your gaze from your reflection to catch Spencer standing dumbfounded at the door with his mouth hanging open, his sentence cut in half.
His eyes are definitely not in your face.
A slight smile curls in your face, "What?"
"I–" your boyfriend stammers, unable to stop ogling at your cleavage, his voice dropping to an airy whisper, "They look huge..."
"Spencer!" you chastise him lightly, a slight blush creeping up your cheeks.
"What? It's true!" Spencer retorts back, taking a step closer to you, his eyes briefly flying to your face before returning down, "They– they look..." he makes a gesture with his hands resembling two blown out balloons.
You walk up to him and slap his shoulder, though a chuckle escapes your lips, "Stop! Don't look at me like that!"
"They're practically staring back at me!"
"It's just a new push-up bra," you huff, your arms crossing over your torso defensively but it has the opposite desired effect since it makes your cleavage even more pronounced, his eyes widening comically like one of those cartoon characters.
Spencer's nods, looking almost entranced, "Well, I really like it,"
You make a pout, "Is it too much? Should I change?"
"No, no, no, definitely not," his eyebrows almost shoot up to his hairline, "You look awesome, sweetheart, I just wasn't prepared, you almost gave me a heart attack, I mean, wow– just..." his hand reaches out to touch your breasts on instinct.
You slap him again, his hand this time, "Spencer!"
"Sorry, sorry, they're good, they look good, shit– sorry," He shakes his head as if trying to clear his thoughts, "You look good, babe."
You purse your lips, "That's it, I'm changing,"
"No, babe, really, I'll stop now I promise." He gives you an apologetic smile, his eyes on your face now.
A small smile threatens to appear on your face but you swallow it down. It is kind of cute that he seems so mesmerized by you, well, even if it is because of your tits. Something about having Spencer stuttering over his words like a teenager at the sight of them gives you a bit of a confidence rush.
You sigh, "Okay, but you'll behave, alright?"
"Yes, sweetheart, I'll behave," he pulls you into a hug, knowing damn well you can't resist it. You lean into his chest, inhaling the lovely scent of his freshly applied cologne.
He pulls back after a few moments and grins down at you, "Should we go then?"
"Yes, Spencer, let's go," you flash him a smile before exiting your bedroom with him trailing right behind you.
"Just to be fair, I like the back of the dress just as much."
Your hands fly back to cover your ass, "Spencer!"
He chuckles walking up next to you and depositing a sweet kiss on the top of your head before opening the door for you, "We're definitely leaving Penelope's party early."
Oh, well, your genius boyfriend can be an idiot sometimes. You'd be lying if you said you didn't like it.
well that's it, just a short drabble that came to me because of a tiktok lol
I'm kind of new to tumblr but i'd like to start writing prompts like this so if you have an idea you'd like me to write feel free to reach out!
reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
hope ya liked it, byebye
My masterlist
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silkval · 6 months
♠】 find out what goes on behind the scenes with the darling of your choice!
send an ask with the name of your darling and the question numbers you would like answered, and you will get your request!☆
》 content desc/warnings
absolutely feral blade, like kneeling at ur feet n panting kinda feral, reserved-ish blade, reader does not hesitate to knock down blades ego (and he finds it hot), a little fluffy, but also mentions of corpses lol, …and fucking around said corpses, honestly not a lot of smut just suggestive, both reader and blades anatomy is not specified so go wild
★fujoshis, wlm and minors please fuck off- you will be blocked★
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Ⅱ 》 what is the strangest place they've had sex with you?
not exactly a place in particular, but- yknow, in front of a few… not-very-alive looking bodies. what? he couldn't help himself- how could he, when you just looked so damn good after a fight? chest rising and falling with each heavy breath, that sharp gleam in your eyes and a vicious snarl curled at your features… it took less than a beat before he was dropped on his knees in front of you, panting like a dog in heat and practically drooling as much as the surrounding corpses bled… safe to say that was certainly one of the most ‘messy’ lovemaking session you two indulged in.
Ⅲ 》 do they wear lingerie or anything special for you?
honestly, the guy is a little reserved- at least when he first met you. always stayed modest when training; wearing a plain compression shirt when training compared to some of his other colleagues who went shirtless, preferring to change within his own quarters than in the changing barracks, so its safe to say it took him a while to muster up the courage to start wearing more revealing casual wear around you. it started with the occasional silk blouse with a few buttons loose- flustered and nervous about his little attempt of showing off to you yet you'd never guess from his blank stare, aside from the faintest tint of red on his cheeks. but now? oh, he will not hesitate to show off- now, half the damn time you see him he’ll be shirtless; comfortable as ever in your presence, he absolutely bathes in your attention now with no shame.
Ⅳ 》 what is the one kink they have they will never admit they have?
…teasing. oh, does it get to him. since he's always in such a position of power (except with you, of course), he's used to never getting any backtalk or any kind of retaliation- so when he first heard your idle challenge of his skills, sly drawl in question of his abilities or a smug grin with a dare of him to prove himself- he went weak. you had expected a haughty retaliation or at least a roll of his eyes- but certainly not… this. your darling had esssentially just turned into a mess; pupils blown wide, lips holding a slight quiver and silent as ever- before hastily snapping out a jumbled reply as he averted his gaze although it was painfully obvious how affected he was by just a simple tease.
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...did not expect that many asks 4 blade but I am so not complaining. he is such a loser and I luv writing for him
also tysm @sh1-n0bu!! i was so surprised to see ur username pop up in my inbox cuz I've looked up to your writings sososo much and oml you are such a sweetheart tysm💙💙
(also trying something out- just posting as usual instead of replying to an ask as the reach on my last post was. shiiit)
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whipped-for-kpop-fics · 2 months
Let our lips lock, baby - K.MG
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💋Who; Kim Mingyu (Seventeen) x female reader 💋What; Friends to lovers smut. Fluff. They are in LOVE okay. Birthday boy Gyu <3 💋Wordcount; 9.8k 💋Warnings; Profanity. Pet names from them both(baby/sweetheart). A single solitary thigh spank. Oral(female receiving). Gyu gets a little posessive over reader for a second but it's more amusing than anything. I don't think there's actually anything specific that needs to be mentioned? But do let me know. They're on very equal grounds throughout this entire story and I love that for them <3
Minors do NOT interact. I WILL block any account that interacts without an age indicator in the bio.
Summary; The intention is to sneak into Mingyu's apartment(get let in by Wonwoo) and set up banners and balloons ready for when he wakes. And then you'll cook him a meal like he's been asking for and give him his birthday gift. You don't really have a plan for what happens after that, you assume you'll just hang out, you really don't expect a confession and to wind up in his bed.
Ao3 Link -2024 Masterlist-
A/N- The biggest juiciest thank you ever goes to @sluttywoozi for being so supportive as I wrote this! If it wasn't for you, sweetheart, this would just be soft hours, not sorny hours 💖💖💖 And just the svthub members in general for being actual sweethearts like wtf pls save some sweet for the rest of the world okay <3
ps. scroll to the very bottom to see a very serious birthday edit I made of Mingyu instead of writing this :))
Honestly, it's a little worrying just how easy it is to sneak around the apartment without detection. You had known that Mingyu is a heavy sleeper for quite a while now but it still concerns you that you literally managed to enter his room, tidy the little mess and set up decorations all while he slept obliviously in his bed with his mouth wide open in a sign of good sleep. Still, it makes everything all that much easier.
"Ohmygod, hyung!" The thrilled gasp edged with a just-awake roughness, alerts you to the fact that Mingyu has finally woken and spotted the decorations in his room. A few seconds later, he is stumbling through the apartment in search of his flatmate but instead finds you in the kitchen. "Oh, you're not hyung." He mutters dumbly, eyes wide. Yours are too but mostly because he is in rather skimpy little boxers and nothing else.
"I'm not," You confirm, staring without blinking at the extensive beautiful skin exposed to your eyes. Not that you have never seen Mingyu topless before, or even in shorts, but this is something else entirely that you have only dreamed of until now.
And then Mingyu realises what he is wearing, or more specifically what he isn't wearing and squeaks before rushing off with an embarrassed blush burning up his neck and cheeks.
When Mingyu returns ten minutes later, he is freshly showered and fully dressed, much to your disappointment. But at least he isn't just in sweatpants and a hoodie like you had expected; he's pulled on his nice jeans and a crisp plain black t-shirt that clings to his torso and is perhaps more devastating than seeing him bare. At least when he was bare it was less like being teased with something just out of sight. Either way, he is out of reach in every way.
The outfit choice makes you tilt your head a little in puzzlement. "You put on your date outfit." You comment, knowing that the jeans and t-shirt combo is a very common choice for Mingyu when he's going on a casual date with someone.
"You look nice, I thought I should too," Is his simple response as he shrugs and walks over to put his arms around your waist from behind and finally greet you as you usually greet one another; with a hug that is perhaps a little too lingering for the nothing-more-than-friends status you both claim to have. Which is true, nothing has ever happened between you two that passes platonic; it's just the fact that you want it to and if your mutual friends can be trusted, so does Mingyu.
"You said you like this dress," You inform, turning back to the food that you are working on. "And regularly complain that I never make an effort when I hang out with you. Seeing as it's a special occasion, I figured I should grant your wish, birthday boy." You tease and feel him grin happily against your neck where he is still tucked down into like he favours. It always amazes you how such a giant man will shrink down for extended periods just to give affection to those he cares about. "Go sit at the table, this'll be ready soon. Your breakfast, my lunch." You muse, pointing out that it is already almost 1 pm, but you had honestly expected as much. Mingyu is notorious amongst your friends for sleeping into the afternoon on days when he doesn't have to get up. And he always takes his birthday off to allow that luxury.
"Ah, you finally agreed to cook for me." He coos and squeezes you happily before letting his arms unwind, hands sliding over your waist in a way that has you suppressing a shiver. Either he doesn't notice your little shaky inhale or simply chooses to ignore it as he relocates over to the dining table.
"I asked what you wanted for your birthday, you said you wanted me to cook for you." You remind, glancing over as he gasps and picks up the little ribbon-wrapped box on the tabletop while he sits down.
"Is this for me too?" He looks over at you with big eyes full of innocent excitement. He's so fucking cute that it is honestly a giant problem for your ability to keep a level heartbeat.
"Mm, of course, do you see another Mingyu here?" You raise an eyebrow, and then he notices the tag with his name on and giggles embarassedly. "Happy birthday, Gyu."
"Thank you," He breathes out, looking at you fondly for a few long seconds and then turns down to the box. "Can I open it now?"
"Whenever you want, it's yours." You confirm, turning off the heat to dish up the food onto two plates.
"Ah, after food." He decides, putting down the box to jump up with every intention of helping you; though you tut disapprovingly causing him to lower back to his seat like a scolded puppy.
"It's your birthday, let me dote on you."
"You dote on me anyway." He pouts slightly as you carry the plates over to put on the already cutely laid table, down to a little vase with fresh flowers in it. Mingyu has obviously noticed them and knows they're from you, Wonwoo wouldn't buy flowers for their apartment after all, but Mingyu does not have the mental capacity to point them out. It's too much for his poor smitten heart to handle after waking up to birthday balloons and banners, and then seeing you looking so beautiful cooking in his kitchen domestically. If he's forced to voice anything in regard to the appearance of his favourite flowers, he is pretty sure he'll do something stupid like confess his undying love for you and ask you to never leave.
"Yes, and you do it too, but today is about you, birthday boy." You retort and make a move to sit down. Mingyu is on his feet before your ass even touches the chair, just so that he can tuck you in like he always does. You let him have this one and just roll your eyes at his inability to not take care of you, even on a day entirely about him.
Soon Mingyu is making happy sounds in his seat on your adjacent left as he thoroughly enjoys every mouthful of food. As much as Mingyu is a foodie and savours his food in general, he still tends to practically inhale whatever is in front of him when he hasn't eaten in a while, but he is genuinely taking his time to absorb every flavour and texture of this meal. It makes your heart flutter to see the genuine appreciation he has for what you cooked for him.
It occurs to you as you take a photo of him enjoying his food to send to the group chat, that the scene very much looks like a date. Your friends all know what Mingyu tends to wear for dates and if they know your own outfit of the day- which Wonwoo at least does- then they will also know that it's one of your own date looks. You stare at your screen for a second then lock the device as you decide against sending them anything despite having agreed to send update pictures. You had already sent photos of the decorations in Mingyu's room though so that will be enough, right? You know that it most certainly is not enough where your nosey friends are concerned. Still, ignorance is bliss.
For the first time perhaps ever, you finish eating before Mingyu so just sit back and watch him contently. He knows that you're watching him and keeps grinning closed-lipped at you, not at all bothered by your attention. He isn't a hypocrite, he has watched you eat his own cooking in such a way many times before and will continue to do so. Mingyu knows exactly how wonderful it feels to witness anybody enjoying your own cooking, especially those you care about. And Mingyu knows that you care about him an awful lot, he is just kind of in denial that the care had long ago stretched way past platonic territory.
As soon as Mingyu puts his cutlery down on his empty plate, you jump up to take the dishes away making him whine. "I was about to do that!" He complains, pouting at you, his left hand wrapped around his glass of water that he barely managed to touch before you dart away with the dirty dishes and distract him from his drink.
"No, you weren't, birthday boy." You sing-song, rinsing off the dishes already to put in the dishwasher ready for later in the day when it will be full enough to warrant being turned on.
"Are you really going to do everything for me today?"
"Yep, whatever you want, I'm at your disposal, Gyu."
"Whatever I want?" He mumbles, more to himself than you, which is good because you don't hear his voice over the gentle clatter of dishes being placed into the dishwasher. All he can think about is getting the one thing he has wanted almost since the very day he first laid his eyes on you. Your lips. Your hands. Your body. You in your entirety. You by his side always so that he doesn't have to face the ache of watching you walk away ever again. But he can't ask for that, not even on his birthday.
After washing your hands, you return to your place at the table and lean onto your elbows on the tabletop. You don't notice the way the position accentuates your cleavage but Mingyu certainly does. It takes everything in him to not look down at your chest. "Are you going to open your gift now?" You prompt, nodding towards the little box.
"Oh, yeah!" He perks up and reaches out for it. "Though you really didn't have to get me anything, you already cooked for me and that's the best gift I've ever received."
"Don't be ridiculous, Gyu, it was just a meal. Not even a particularly exciting one either, you regularly cook much more extravagant meals for me." You pout a little, feeling guilty about the meal you made for him. You had spent weeks trying to come up with something special to cook for him; you had even made a secret groupchat with some of your friend group who you thought would be helpful and not just ignore the chat, to send recipes and ask opinions. It had actually been Seokmin in the end who had not quite snapped but got fed up with your consistent worries over the planned meal and told you that Mingyu wouldn't give a single fuck what you cooked, he just cared that you cooked it. Seeing Seokmin speak up like that made you finally listen to the reason the entire chat had been trying to talk into you, so you stopped looking for something fancy and just cooked something you are confident in already.
"It's not about that," Mingyu speaks, looking at you earnestly. "It's about the act itself; cooking something for me no matter what it is, shows you care. That's what I care about, not the meal itself. Though it was delicious and I really hope you cook it for me again." His smile turns cheeky by the end making you let out a soft laugh.
"Mm, just say when." You agree, smiling when his whole face lights up. You playfully scrunch your nose at him. He returns it without hesitation.
A moment passes between you, not a new moment but one you have both felt many times; a moment with something meaningful floating in the air between you. But as per usual, neither of you are brave enough to reach out and capture it.
At the same time, you both look down at the box still in his hands to redirect your attention to something that doesn't feel quite so big in your chests. Carefully, Mingyu pulls on the ribbon to untie the bow that you had spent a good half an hour trying to perfect that morning so that he can then pluck the lid free. After moving aside the tissue paper Mingyu's eyes land on the jewellery within. His expression melts along with his posture. With a cautious hand, he reaches out to touch one of the silver chains.
"I hope they're what you wanted; you were very vague when you said matching bracelets. I don't know who you intend to wear them with, but I hope you both like them. And that the design isn't entirely opposite to your intention." You worry a little at the end, your own gaze settling on the little double hearts on each somewhat dainty chain. Jeonghan had given you a look as if you were crazy when you had shown them to him last week; he insisted that Mingyu would break the chain within the first day of wearing it. But you know they are much more resilient than they look after extensive testing on them both. You are confident that even Mingyu's accident-prone self won't destroy the chains, yet even if he does, you'll just buy him more. Any many as he wants. So long as he's happy, you'll buy him anything his heart desires. "I just know you like love heart designs and everything else didn't really suit you in my mind."
"They're beautiful." He breathes out then scoots closer to you and holds his left arm out over the table top. "Put it on me, please?"
"Sure," You agree even if you're confused about why he isn't waiting until he gives the matching one to whoever his intended recipient is. Still, you pluck one of the bracelets from its secure seat in the box to wind it around his wrist and clasp it in place. Your fingers trace over the chain and his skin for a second before you start to pull back. But Mingyu quickly, though gently, grasps your right hand to tug it closer to him. "Gyu," You murmur with widened eyes when he pulls the remaining chain from the box. "Gyu, I didn't buy it with this intention." You explain rapidly, worried that he thinks that you expect him to give the other to you purely because you had purchased the matching pair.
"I asked for it with this intention." He admits eyes focused on the chain he ties around your wrist. "Why do you think I asked you to get me matching bracelets if not to share with you?"
"I don't know. I've bought you stuff to match with the guys before."
"Mm, true," He agrees and looks up at you though his fingers remain on your wrist tenderly. "But I wanted these for us; something I can wear every day and have a reminder of you, so I can look down and feel better because I'll be thinking of you."
"Gyu…" You breathe out. His words hold a lot more weight than anything the pair of you dare to utter to one another; like he has finally reached out and caught onto that thing between you and now he is offering you the chance to reach back out. But you don't know what to say, how to reach out without risking the weight of his words not being what you hope.
He stares at you for a moment, lip between his teeth as he chews on it a little with nerves filling his chest. He's already said it, there isn't any going back now. So he decides that if he can't go back, he should keep going forward and take that leap that he truly hopes with everything in him will end in your open arms. "You said whatever I want, right?" He recalls. It takes you a second to understand what exactly he means but then you nod. "Well, I have something that I've wanted for a really long time, something only you can give me. But I don't want you to give it to me just because I asked and it's my birthday. Okay?"
"Uh, okay?" You reply, confused yet very hopeful that whatever his request is, it will be enough that if you reach out, your hand will find his own doing the same. "What is it?"
"Will you kiss me?" Your eyebrows lift in surprise as your heart races in your chest. "And not…not just because kissing is nice and you haven't kissed anyone in a while so you're happy to kiss for that reason." You don't even care that he has bluntly mentioned your lack of any kind of action in the past months. "But because you want to kiss me and not because I'm one of your closest friends or just for a sexual thing but because you like me and want me the way that I want you."
Your voice is barely a whisper when you respond. "And how do you want me?"
"By my side from now until forever as mine, and me as yours entirely."
"Really?" Your voice is choked and there are tears in your eyes from his sincere words.
Mingyu's own eyes look as if they are gathering tears too. Though his aren't wet just because of the rapidly growing cloud of something between you with his hands deep inside as he tries to direct it to your own touch. He's fucking petrified that he is ruining everything between you yet he hadn't been able to stop talking and let his truth flow free. He will never forgive himself if his honesty pushes you away; he'd rather have you as nothing more than a friend than not at all, so long as you're still such a big part of his life.
"Yeah, I-I'm kind of really in love with you," He admits with a weak chuckle. He tries to lighten the mood with a smile but it's much too shaky to do the job.
Luckily though, you don't notice, you're already darting forward to lean over the table and kiss him utterly overwhelmed by his confession and the swell of your heart to have the mentality to voice anything in response. You hope your lips against his will suffice until you have your full faculties back.
For a handful of seconds, Mingyu remains frozen solid in his seat, eyes wide on your own closed ones closer to his face than you have ever been before. He had hoped you'd react positively, but he hadn't dared to expect it. The hope itself had seemed like a dream. So it takes him a few seconds to fully register that you have just fucking kissed him despite all he said. You two have such a solid mutual respect for one another that he knows that you will never play with his emotions in any way. It's that mental reminder that has him jerking back to reality. His hands fly up to cup your face as his eyes close and he finally kisses you back with a soft groan.
Considering that the kiss had been rather one-sided for its start, it isn't a sweet kiss by any means. It's passionate from the first second that his lips press back against yours; both of you are full of so much emotion for one another for so long that it's being released all at once.
You hadn't intended to get carried away in the way Mingyu's tongue caresses your own or how he regularly lets out little low sounds from the back of his throat to show how pleased he is by the way that your mouths move with this same pure need for one another, but you do.
Only when you find yourself on his lap, table edge pressing into your lower back and his erection grinding up between your spread legs, do you actually recall that you hadn't meant to do more than just kiss the man until you gain your mental clarity back. Not that you do gain your mental clarity back but you've both pulled apart to desperately refill your lungs even without stopping your hips moving against each other.
"Gyu," You manage, holding his face firmly and looking into his heavy gaze. He licks his lips but doesn't respond verbally. He's at least staring at you intently enough that you know he will hear you even over the lust thick in his veins. "I'm in love with you too."
All at once, Mingyu falls still and blinks at you in dumb surprise. He hadn't expected you to say as much; even if you do feel the same way, he thought your return confession would come later. You know, after he's fucked you until you can't walk without thinking of his cock every single step. "You are?" He asks, not because he thinks you'd lie, but just because his blood is not circulating around his brain enough for him to have the ability to decipher if it's just a horny hallucination fuelled by his own love for you.
"Yeah, have been for a while."
"Oh." Another few empty blinks at you before he beams and wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace. "I love you so so so so so much, sweetheart. You'll be mine, right?" He leans back to look at you with big eyes full of love and a hint of pleading.
"Yeah, yeah, of course." You agree, beaming right back at him with your arms around his neck. "For as long as you want me."
"How does forever sound?" Mingyu offers with a cheeky smile.
You take a moment to just admire him, admire the man who owns your entire heart and soul. "I'm not sure it's long enough." You will happily dedicate an eternity to loving Kim Mingyu but even then, you aren't sure that it's long enough in comparison to the devotion he deserves.
"But it's a start."
"It's a start." You agree with a single nod. He smiles adoringly at you then lifts one hand from around you to cup your cheek tenderly and leads you into a kiss. This one isn't like the other, there's no lust in this, even if it still burns in your very blood and clearly in his too based on the bulge still pressing against you. All the kiss contains is pure unfiltered love, and you hope to have many more like it in your future together. And you're positive that it is going to be a long and happy future.
The longer the kiss goes on, the more the lust trickles back in. Soon enough, you're grinding against each other looking for friction and to feel one another closer.
"Baby," Mingyu pants out, gripping your hips tight to force you to a stop. You pout at him confused and rather offended. "There's something else I want. For my birthday."
"If it's to fuck me, you have my very enthusiastic consent." You reply immediately and try to move back in to reunite your lips but he holds you still making you whine. "Gyu,"
"No, it's not. Well, I mean I do want to fuck you, a lot but that's not what's on my mind right now." You pointedly look down at the borderline obscene bulge in his jeans then back up at him. He giggles a little, kind of shy and very out of place but so fucking cute that you can't help but smile in return.
"Okay, what do you want, birthday boy?" You coo, brushing your fingers through his hair.
"To eat you out." You raise an eyebrow at him. You thought he'd ask for a blow job if anything, not for him to go down on you. Not that you're against that at all. "Can I?"
"Mm, sure, baby, whatever you want." You agree. He grins then abruptly hoists you up onto the table making you yelp in alarm at being manhandled out of the blue. Once again, not that you're against that at all.
"I've wanted to get my mouth on you for so long," He admits breathlessly as he watches his hands smooth up your spread thighs in front of him. "Thought about how you'd taste, dreamed about it." He slowly pushes the skirt of your dress up and up and up until it's bunched at the crease between your thighs and hips.
You watch him stare at the seat of your panties for a moment, his fingers pressing into your thighs and mouth open. "For someone who's wanted this for so long, you're taking your time getting to it, baby." You tease, tapping his chin causing him to snap his mouth shut embarrassedly while flicking his eyes up to you.
"Shut up, I'm overwhelmed," He mumbles, tilting his head towards your hand so that you cup his cheek. Your thumb brushes over his lips so he presses a kiss to it without thought.
"Overwhelmed in a good way?"
"The best way," Mingyu confirms, nodding in your hold. "I just found out that you love me and now I get to touch and taste you. It's a lot, I'm not sure I've even absorbed that you love me yet."
"Will it help if I say it again?" You tease, leaning down towards his face. He straightens as you lower as if drawn to you without him even needing to consciously move his body. You have only just come together but already, it's so natural to you both.
"Only one way to find out."
Instead of saying the words, you press your lips to his. You kiss him softly, slowly in a way that makes his breath hitch and his fingers tremble a little against your skin. With just a hint of sweetness. "I love you, Mingyu, more than I can put into words."
"I can't either." He agrees and brushes his nose against yours softly before pressing a flutter of a kiss to your cheek, and then another a little lower. "I'm not good with words," Another kiss below the last. "I never have been," He continues to speak in between creating a trail of his lips over your jaw and down onto your neck, trying his utmost to carve a path of his love into your skin in hopes of it reaching your very centre and finding a home there. "And I'll spend my whole fucking life trying to find them for you." His lips are at your collarbones by now with little flashes of his tongue to taste every inch of you he can. It sends your stomach both fluttering and burning. "But for now, let me try and show you instead." He pulls his mouth from you to stand up and hover over you with both of his hands finding your face to direct your gaze up into his own.
You nod a little in agreement. "Show me, Gyu." You encourage on a whisper before his lips are back on yours, tongue sliding into your mouth as he encourages you to lay back against the tabletop without once breaking the kiss.
And then in true Mingyu fashion, once you are flat against the wood and he reaches up to prop himself up over you, he knocks over the vase of flowers.
He shrieks and flails to try and catch them but the vase topples over, spilling water out over the wood and thanks to his failed correction, in your direction. You just stare dumbly at him. It all happened so fast. One second you're making out with your boyfriend and the next, you're soaked and not in the ideal area. Luckily, it actually isn't an awful lot of water but having it over half of your face and chest really is not enjoyable in any way.
"Ohmygod, I am so sorry, baby," Mingyu rushes out when he looks at you instead of the mess of stems and petals over the table amongst the water. "I didn't mean to get you wet!" You raise an eyebrow with a suggestive grin. Instantly, his worry goes and he laughs. "This is the wrong kind of wet." He muses and plonks the vase down so that he can wrap his arms around you and pull you upright against his chest. "Will you be upset if I ignore the flowers you bought me to take you to bed and make you wet in the other way?" He wiggles his eyebrows.
"I think I'd be more upset if you focused on the flowers."
"Good." Mingyu lowers just enough to get your thighs up around his waist and his hands under them securely before lifting. "Always wanted to pick you up." He admits off-handedly as he traipses through the apartment.
"Because…you let Seungcheol do it that time but no one else." He pouts and you giggle, absently playing with the hair at his nape where your fingers lay comfortably. "Don't laugh at me." He whines. The slap of his palm against the underside of your thigh isn't hard and doesn't hurt at all but the point gets through. Even if it is entirely contradictory behaviour to his sulking.
"Yes sir," You reply, a tease but your voice is serious. The only sign of the playful response is in the way your eyes sparkle on him. He gives you an unimpressed look but quickly breaks and smiles. Though seconds later, the smile turns into a smirk and he tosses you onto his bed.
"You look good in my bed." He grins, eyes darkening as they roam you from where he stands at the side of the bed with his hands on his hips.
"Look better with you on top of me, come on." You settle with your head on the soft pillows and spread your legs invitingly while pulling your skirt up higher. Mingyu is between your thighs in seconds, chest flat to the mattress and face alarmingly close for the speed at which he moves. For a second, you really think that he's going to collide with you; although you have wanted Mingyu's mouth on for a long time, that would certainly not be how you fantasised. "Ohmygod, I thought you were going to faceplant my vagina for a second." You admit in a relieved exhale. He snorts a laugh then shuffles a little closer so that he can press a kiss at the crease of your inner right thigh over the edge of your panties.
There aren't any further words exchanged between you, just a moment of heated eye contact before Mingyu adjusts his position and pulls the seat of your panties to expose you to him. He takes a few seconds to burn this image of you all slick and bare for him in his mind; something for him to look back on when he misses you.
Because he knows he will. He missed you before he even had you and now? Good luck ever going a day without him whining for you in some way.
You let him look even if it makes you blush and squirm a little, half shy, half aroused at the intensity of his burning gaze locked between your spread thighs. He isn't even holding your legs open, just resting his left hand on your inner thigh without any pressure while his right keeps your panties aside. If he was anyone else, your thighs would've closed already but this is Mingyu, the man you hope to spend a lifetime with, so you figure you shouldn't be shy with him. He'll see it all eventually anyway.
Just before you can change your mind and try to encourage him either verbally or by reaching out and pulling him in, he leans down and licks a broad stripe over you, pulling your wetness onto his tongue and making you inhale sharply at the sudden wet touch. He groans deeply and his eyes almost roll back as he sucks the flavour off of you from his own tongue to swallow down. And then he's back, diving right down with his left hand moving to use his thumb to hold you open and give him easier access to lap at the arousal trickling from your hole.
He doesn't really give you any chance to think, just grip the sheets below you with your mouth open and eyes shut while he devours you with more enthusiasm than you could've ever expected. If you didn't think it before, you certainly do now; Kim Mingyu is the personification of your wettest dreams. The way his tongue travels over your folds hungrily, lips joining to suck and kiss wherever his heart desires, is so fucking sinful in the best of ways. You think he may very well suck your soul out of your clit at this rate and you'll thank him for it.
"Gyu," You finally manage to make a sound beside the whimpers and moans he skillfully pulls from your throat in a way nobody could, not even yourself and you truly thought you knew your body through and through by this point. But boy were you wrong. And for the first time, you're very fucking happy to be proven incorrect.
And apparently, calling his name out of the blue is not a smart move because he immediately leans up to look at you with wide eyes of concern. "Yeah, baby? You okay?"
"Don't fucking stop!" You wail in complaint, reaching out to knot your fingers into his hair and force him back down. Though he's more than willing to get his mouth back on your dripping pussy and lowers easily under your hands with a pleased groan. "Don't stop," You repeat on an exhale, watching him devour you as if it's his sole reason for existing. You wish you could watch him for longer but your neck quickly starts to hurt from the awkward angle so you flop back down and let your eyes close again.
Mingyu glances up at you for a second then also closes his own eyes with a self-satisfied smirk. He has imagined this so many times before; how you'd taste on his tongue, how you'd feel against his lips, but nothing he imagined can hold a candle to the haven he's discovered between your thighs. He knows he could happily spend all day with his head between your thighs and his tongue buried in your pussy. He wonders if you'd let him. Not right now, he thinks that would be too much for your first day together but in the future. Tomorrow? Yeah, he'll ask to do it tomorrow, you can both call in sick to work as far as he's concerned.
Honestly, Mingyu is too lost in his own actions to register the way your legs are pulling in either side of his head and your moans changing in pitch and frequency. He only notices when suddenly he has a thigh pressed to either side of his head and you're pressing down against him with a call of his name. His eyes fly open to watch you arch off of the bed as your orgasm shocks through your body. He doesn't mean to groan lowly where his lips are wrapped around your clit but he does and the vibration is too much when you're barely through your climax so you scramble to push his head away. "Sorry, sorry," He pants out, crawling up the bed to hover over you while you slump down, eyes closed and chest heaving. He lowers onto his elbows on either side of you to kiss your neck softly while he waits for you to catch your breath back. He isn't expecting anything more than this and would be happy if you wanted to just leave it here for today, but he's sure as shit hoping you'll let him put his cock in you even for a moment. At this point, he's sure it won't take more than just a moment or two for him to cum anyway, his dick is throbbing in his boxers, pressing against his jeans in a way that he's only now realising is actually a little painful.
The second your breath is back, you tug him up to lock your lips together. His are a little damp and sticky still but you find you don't mind tasting yourself when it's on Mingyu's tongue.
You don't wait long at all before reaching down for the hem of his t-shirt to pull it up. He leans back to give you a questioning look, more to make sure you're certain than anything else. You continue to pull it up so he maneuvers to allow you to remove it from his body.
"You're insane, you know?" You murmur out awed as you take in his defined torso. For the first time, you can touch him to your heart's content so you run your palms over his newly exposed skin, memorising the warmth, the dips and ridges of him.
"What?" He laughs confusedly, looking between your bodies and taking in how your hands look against him, how your skin tone compliments his own perfectly. Like you were made to complement each other. For each other. As he looks up at you and observes the reverence on your beautiful features, he thinks perhaps you were. It's that thought that has him lowering back to your lips again before you can even answer his question. He has the sudden urge to love you in every way he possibly can; not that he never does, but right now it's less of the usual consistent buzz and more like a heated thrumming right under the surface of his skin.
You let out a little surprised 'mmh' against his lips yet don't hesitate to kiss him back. Your hands first lift to hold his face but then they move back down, over his pecs and abs all the way to the waistband of his jeans where you tuck your fingers underneath in a silent request. He groans a little and presses against your hand in wordless consent so you quickly open the button and pull down the zipper so that you can snake a hand underneath and palm at him over his boxers.
Mingyu immediately pulls out of the kiss with a hiss and a low curse. "Baby, I'll cum if you touch me." He warns, locking pleading eyes on you. You can't quite tell what he's pleading for though. Not when his words say one thing and his hips rolling against your palm tells you another.
"Isn't that kind of the point?" You muse, lifting a teasing eyebrow.
"I don't want to," He pouts. Without hesitation, you pull your hands away and hold them to yourself. "No, I didn't mean to stop." He whines.
"What the fuck, Mingyu?" You complain, pinching his nipple making him yelp and squirm away a little but only for a second as he returns right back. Always drawn to you and unable to hide it anymore, he doesn't want to hide it anymore. Wants the world to know if at all possible.
"I mean I don't want to cum like that." He explains, soothing your displeasure with a few sweet kisses to your forehead and temple. "I really want to be inside you."
"Oh," Your expression swiftly shifts into understanding and then delight. "I really want you inside me too, Gyu."
"Yeah?" It's kind of comical the way his eyes light up in pure excitement. More like he has been offered his favourite food, not to fuck you. Well, considering the enthusiasm with which he ate you out earlier though, you may very well be his new favourite thing to eat.
"Yeah, so get naked." You confirm with a giggle that only grows when he scrambles off of the bed to shed his clothes. He stumbles multiple times in his haste and honestly, you're too fucking endeared and in love with this giant clumsy idiot to do anything but sit and watch him with a stupid grin on your face.
He only notices that you have not done anything but sit upright when he turns to climb back on the bed entirely naked and spots you watching him. "You're not naked." He comments, a fresh pout pursing his lips.
"I got distracted watching the man I'm in love with," You explain smoothly. Mingyu's cheek flushes as he smiles at your words, his heart swelling with his own love in his chest. He's not sure he'll ever get used to hearing you admit to your love for him. He doesn't think he wants to get used to it.
He climbs up onto the bed further and reaches out to the hem of your skirt. You get up onto your knees in front of him and lift your arms. He presses a soft kiss to your forehead before removing the dress from your body to toss it to the floor carelessly. Later he will worry about the creases in it from being on the floor, but right now he can't think about anything but you.
"You're so beautiful." He exhales heavily as he roams his gaze over your bra and panty-clad body. You're glad you wore one of your nice matching sets today, you think he deserves to see your nice lingerie for your first time together at least.
"So're you." You reach around your back to unlatch your bra. Mingyu's eyes widen in interest for a second then he moves in and pulls the straps from your shoulders so that he can also discard that piece of clothing, leaving you in your damp, slightly stretched-out panties. "How do you want me?" You ask as you hook your thumbs in the waistband, but Mingyu bats your hands away gently so that he can have the honour of stripping you naked.
"On your back." He murmurs as he works the material down your thighs.
"Don't want me to ride you?" You offer, his eyes snap up to you and he goes very quiet and still for a few seconds as the mental image of you bouncing on his cock assaults his mind. And then he's shaking it away with a physical shake of his head and nudging you down to your earlier position so that he can remove the last item keeping you from being as bare as him.
"Not right now, I'll cum too fast." He admits, settling between your thighs on his knees and just looking at you with his hands on your inner thighs just above your knees. "Might cum too fast anyway." He confesses in a mumble making you choke out a laugh at his abrupt confession. "Will you break up with me if I cum as soon as I feel your pussy on my cock?" He asks, looking genuinely worried at the thought and like he seriously wants an answer.
So you take a breath so that you don't laugh again and shake your head a little. "No, Gyu, I won't break up with you if that happens."
"I promise." You assure, squeezing his hands a little. His left moves up to grab yours in return and lace your fingers together on your thigh.
"Okay," He relaxes as he accepts your words as truth then looks down to focus on his right hand as it moves from your thigh and to between your legs. "I should've stretched you earlier when I had my mouth on you." He realises, prodding at your entrance with his lips slightly protruding in concentration and a little regret at his lack of forethought destroying his plans of sliding into your pussy any second.
"Do you want me to do it?" You offer. Two of his fingers slide into you in answer making your breath catch but then you laugh a little at his reaction.
"No, nobody touches this pussy except me." He argues firmly, already working to move his fingers within you, in and out while scissoring them with his only goal to stretch you enough to comfortably fit his thick cock inside.
"I-I can't even t-touch my own body now?" You ask, amused but his fingers in you feel too good for you to actually put any emotion into your voice. You vaguely hope he doesn't take it the wrong way and does understand that you're trying to joke with him, but mostly you don't care how he takes it so long as he keeps stretching you out in that way. It's a rushed job, you know that, you can tell that he obviously only wants one thing right now and this isn't for giving you any pleasure, but it still is. Maybe it's the way he's being a little rough about it without actually being rough, he's giving you the chance to adjust to his fingers but he's already adding a third and jabbing them into you sooner than you would yourself.
"Not like this," Mingyu answers, eyes still on his task between your thighs, though now he's seeing the way you're leaking even more and he's sort of clicking back into the fact that he should consciously be making this good for you. Though the slick sounds mixed with your laboured breathing and intermittent soft moans tell him that he doesn't really need to try to make this good for you. But next time, next time he'll make you cum until the sheets are soaked down to the mattress before he puts his cock in you. "Are you on birth control?" The question feels entirely out of the blue so you can't be blamed for not answering and just blinking at him for a second. He slows his hand to a stop and lifts his head when you don't answer. "I really want to cum in you." He explains.
"Oh, uh, no. I kept forgetting to take it." You answer and feel genuinely bad when his expression falls. He looks kind of heartbroken. "I plan to get something else soon though, so in the future you can."
"Okay," He smiles agreeably then removes his fingers from you to reach over to his bedside table, open it and rummage inside to find a condom.
"You'd have more luck if you let go of my hand." You muse watching him struggle to open the foil packet with one hand, the corner of it carefully held between his front teeth.
"No," He refuses around closed teeth. There's a victorious sound from him when the foil rips open. He spits out the ripped piece of the packet to the side and you watch the corner flutter away knowing he will be annoyed at himself for littering his floor later. "Uhm," His lost mutter draws your attention back to him. He's kneeling there, the tip of the condom pinched between his fingers as he stares between it and his erection. Clearly, he did not think this through.
You huff a soft almost silent laugh before you sit up and move his hand to his dick so that he can hold the condom and allow you to roll it down his length. He bites his lip and tries to not let your touch get to him.
"Teamwork," Mingyu giggles when you lean back and look up at him. "We make a good team, right, baby?"
"Mm, the best," You confirm, tugging him down by the back of his neck to connect your lips. Mingyu's free hand brushes appreciately over your arm before he starts to lean forward, urging you back slowly until you're against the mattress and he's over you with his right arm holding him up, his left hand still locked with yours but now it's by your side.
You can feel his erection against you, the latex sliding against your thigh until you lift your legs to nudge him over a little by his hips. He presses down, gliding his cock over your folds and catching on your clit. He can't really get the position right like this though, not to slide into you. Mingyu lifts your connected hands up to the pillow beside your head so that he can move his weight over to his left elbow and get his right hand between your bodies. He grasps his erection loosely, just enough of a grip to line himself up with your dripping hole.
"Ready?" He breathes out after leaning up enough to look down into your eyes. You nod without hesitation so he pushes in. He's only an inch into you and he's already convinced that your pussy is the greatest pussy that has ever or shall ever exist.
As Mingyu gradually feeds his thick length into you, you have the honour of watching his face contort beautifully in pained pleasure. He's trembling and his gaze is unfocused even as he stares back down at you with his mouth dropped open wide without a single sound coming out. You're not even sure he's breathing, and honestly, you're not sure you are either.
The stretch of his cock against your walls is utterly mind-numbing. You've had your fair share of sexual partners in the past and plenty of sex toys to keep yourself happy otherwise, but nothing, absolutely nothing has ever felt the way Mingyu feels tucked up snug inside of you. You're not sure if it's because his cock is just that good, big in all the right ways without being too big, or if it's just that you're in so fucking deep with this man that anything he does feels ridiculously good. You're leaning towards the latter, though you are pretty certain that he has the most perfect cock to have ever graced this earth, if not the universe.
When Mingyu's hips finally press up against you signalling that he is fully sheathed within you, you're half certain that you can feel him in your stomach and absently press down with your left hand just to test that theory. You can't feel him, but you can imagine it all the same and wrap your arm back around his neck loosely.
"You okay?" You whisper when he remains that way, eyes still unfocused on your face and both hands on either side of your head where his right is gripping the pillow with everything in him.
"No," He chokes out, finally blinking alert. "Feel so good," He slurs. "Don't wanna cum yet, wanna stay in you forever."
"You don't have to pull out right away." You soothe your hand over the back of his neck, fingers digging into the muscles a little in an attempt to calm your overwhelmed boyfriend. "And I don't have any plans today so we can spend as long as you want in bed and you can fuck me again later when you're ready."
"Really?" He perks up a little. "N-no plans?"
"No, baby, I wanted to be available for whatever you want to do today. Granted, I thought it might be a drive or trip somewhere, not sex."
"Would you rather the trip?" He teases with a little smirk as he slowly pulls his hips back, dragging his cock along your walls that try to keep him in place. His smirk wavers.
"No. Fuck me." You reply knowing he really can't hold out anymore. You really don't want him to either. He nods and thrusts back into you.
You expect him to move fast and frantic, to chase the pleasure he has been dancing along the precipice of for a while now. Yet Mingyu fucks you slowly, rolling his hips deep into you and then all the way out until his tip is barely in you before sliding back in. He fucks you like he's got something to prove. It reminds you of his earlier words, that he wants to show you what he doesn't yet have the words to say.
"I love you," You blurt, suddenly overcome with the urge to say it.
Mingyu stills for a second then surges down to kiss you passionately, spilling his response into your mouth wordlessly as his hips return to work. Now though, he barely pulls out before fucking back into you. It's more of a grind than anything, his body pressed close enough that his pubic bone is applying pressure to your clit in a way that is shattering you from your mind to your lower stomach.
Very quickly, the pleasure is too much for either of you to make your lips work further so Mingyu leans up, propping himself up on his right elbow on the pillow, his fingers threading into your hair to hold you as his body continues to make your body burn brighter with every passing second. His forehead presses to yours for a few seconds before he lifts his head and looks to his left. You look over too, wondering what could draw his attention right now when he's fucking you like no one ever has before.
At first, you don't understand at all, all you can see in his line of sight is your hands. Which is nice, sure, the sight of your fingers locked together as he shows you how much he loves you with his cock buried deep within you and grinding against more sensitive spots than you ever knew you had before, though you don't understand his laser focus. But then you find the matching silver chains on your wrists, the hearts almost pressed together with the angle you were holding each other and you understand.
Those bracelets were always supposed to be a sign of love for him, even if you didn't know it. He had asked you to pick out bracelets for you to wear together so that he could always have a piece of you with him and you a piece of him. You had exchanged hearts, metaphorically and quite literally now with the physical representations tied securely around your wrists.
Something about that very thought sends you tumbling into an intense orgasm without you realising it's going to happen until the blinding pleasure is washing over you. Your hands both grip Mingyu, one in his hand and the other around his back and drawing red lines into his shoulder blade. You're not even aware of it, of how you call his name and clamp down around his cock as you gush over it, promptly sending him spiralling into his own mind-numbing orgasm.
It's minutes before either of you return back to earth.
You're back first, blinking away the tears that you hadn't realised had formed until now. Mingyu is pressing up against your chest with his head on your shoulder and the only movement of his body is his back as his breathing starts to even out. It hits you that you missed his orgasm; you had always wanted to know what he looks like during such intense pleasure, but you missed it thanks to your own. You frown a little though a quick glance at your still connected hands reminds you that you are his and he is yours, therefore, this will not be your only chance to see his handsome features contort with pleasure.
"I love you but I also love breathing." You point out after a few minutes of tracing patterns on his back with your left hand. At first, his weight on you hadn't been too much but it seems that your gentle trails on his sweat-sticky skin have made him relax a little too much and let his muscle-thick frame lay heavier on you.
"Mmm, can we still cuddle?" He requests, making no attempt to get up though he does do his best to lean more onto his right elbow again even without lifting up from your shoulder.
"Of course." Though he still doesn't get off of you. "Are you going to move, Gyu?"
"But then I won't be in you," You can hear the pout in his slightly muffled voice, even if you can't see it. "You're all warm, s'nice."
"So you'd rather cockwarm than let me breathe easily?"
He hesitates then giggles when you tug on his ear with an offended gasp. "I'm joking, I'm joking!" He leans up entirely onto his elbow, freeing your torso from him. "I will always pick your health."
"I should hope so." He scrunches his nose at you playfully. You return it without hesitation.
Although he hadn't wanted to get up initially, Mingyu goes to the effort once off of you to go all the way to the bathroom, once he has disposed of the soiled condom, where he fetches a warm damp cloth and a dry towel to clean you up first, then himself. You expect him to return to your side but he saunters off again, allowing you to once again marvel at his exposed ass as he walks away, and returns with a couple of water bottles and an armful of snacks.
The water makes sense, you think, but the mass of snack packets is a little questioning so you raise an eyebrow at him while you shuffle to sit up against the headboard and accept one of the bottles. "What?" He innocently replies, putting the other bottle down on the side table to free his hand and allow him to set up the various snacks there too. "You said we can spend as long as I want in bed, I just want to be prepared, sweetheart."
And well, you can't really argue with that, nor his cheeky endearing smile so you just laugh softly and hand over the open bottle to let him swallow down some of the cool liquid himself before he climbs up onto the bed and wraps his arms around your body to hold you in the way you had both wanted for so long.
Later, when you both have your energy back and Mingyu is no longer constantly on the verge of cumming too soon, he presses you back down against his bed all over again so that he can see every expression on your face as he takes you apart piece by piece just to see how you work at your very core. He learns all of your curves and edges so attentively and allows you to learn his in return.
By the time you're once again laid side by side much later, tucked up in each other's arms tired yet sated, you're certain that somewhere along the way, your pieces got mixed up and Mingyu found himself a permanent home in your chest. He had taken a piece of you for his own and given you a matching piece of him in return.
You can't see it, but it feels an awful lot like his heart. Silently, with nothing more than a soft kiss on his shoulder, you vow to him that you will spend your life protecting it with everything in you. And you're confident that he will do the same with yours as his lips press to your head in return.
A/N- don't forget to reblog if you enjoyed the story; it involved multiple moments where I almost quit so the show of support would mean a lot and motivate me to write more! & let me know what you think, that'd be grand too pls. I literally haven't written smut in years tho so be gentle on me I am babie <3
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Happy birthday to the biggest babyboy 💋💖
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wonysugar · 4 months
angel | jang wonyoung
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synopsis : she was convinced everything you did was to seduce her.
pairing : wonyoung x 6thmember!femreader
genre : smut
tags : noncon, degradation, manipulation, gaslighting, objectification, wonyoung is genuinely a creep, blood mentioned, scratching, physical and verbal abuse, choking, slight mentions of tribbing, fingering, slight nipple play, just plain suffering tbh, death threats, ‘good girl’, ‘slut’
!! warnings : this is like. PURE noncon so please please please read with caution and please for the love of god read the tags before continuing :(( !!
word count : 2.1k
a/n : okay i know i made the poll yesterday and all but look i had ideas and here they are I HOPE YOU LIKE IT this was so interesting to write cause this is SOOOO OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE AND LIKE?? idk it was a nice experience i hope you like itfkendn
also you know the drill THIS IS NOT OKAY NOR IS IT HEALTHY DON’T DO THIS IRL BITCHES CONSENT IS KEY YALL😭🙏🙏do not give tea to someone who doesn’t want tea CAUSE THEY DON’T WANT ITT IT’S SIMPLE
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god, finally.
you sat on the corner of your mattress, still carefully drying your wet dripping hair with the fluffy towel that belonged to you. after a shower like that? you felt refreshed, you felt good and oh did you feel so ready to just pass out on your bed at that moment. that was until you remembered that you couldn’t; since you had to wait for wonyoung, your dorm mate, to come back from the mall with yujin— or, wherever the hell they were at this hour. her dumbass forgot to bring the keys with her, so you’d have to stay awake to be able to open the door for her.
grabbing your phone, you checked the time. it read 12:37 am, which then lead you to text her, very politely yelling at her through SMS to hurry the fuck home before turning it off again and plugging in the charger. 
what a hassle, you thought, groaning. you were fucking exhausted and were practically dying to get some amount of rest, especially after such a long day of non-ending schedules.
mentally sucking it up and shrugging it off, you put the towel aside and laid down on your back, grabbing your phone yet again as an attempt to cure the ongrowing boredom and impatience inside you; maybe instagram reels would make the time go by faster.
indeed, before you knew it, you were startled by a quiet knock at the door. feeling immediate relief, you quickly got up and rushed to open it, already thinking about the amazing night of sleep you were gonna get afterwards.
“any second later and i would’ve left you outside, wonyoung.” you complained as soon as you turned the knob, immediately greeted by her face. you particularly noticed her expression switch to one of slight guilt as she giggled nervously.
you also observed how she stared at you, as per usual.
“sorry, angel.” she apologized, looking up and down at your entire body, seemingly distraught by the sight of your naked thighs, before walking in and continuing. “we just got so caught up in conversation that we ended up just walking around for hours, i hope i didn’t keep you waiting for too long, though.” she scratched the back of her neck, still staring at you, this time more so focused on your chest.
here’s the thing, you loved wonyoung. she was one of your closest friends, that was undeniable. but for some reason, sometimes whenever you’d talk to her.. she’d have a certain look. the same look that she’d give you whenever you’re wearing a somewhat revealing outfit, or doing quite literally anything, for that matter. it always made you feel uneasy, it made your skin crawl. you’d never tell her, though; she was a sweetheart, and you knew that her last intention would be to ever make you uncomfortable. 
right now was one of those moments, though, and her staring was getting overwhelming.
more overwhelming than usual.
subtly trying to brush it off, you responded, “it’s— it’s fine. just, please bring the keys next time?” 
she simply nodded before apologizing again, clearly aware of her mistake and swearing to never commit it again. that gave you the permission you needed to finally get ready for bed. whilst you were doing that, she was changing into her comfier clothes and also getting ready to sleep as she  threw occasional warm smiles at you. 
until she squinted at you.
“man, you look pretty tired, y/n. did you sleep early yesterday?” she asked with a worried tone, afraid that you maybe weren’t getting enough sleep. 
you waved your hand around, “yeah, i did. today just wore me the fuck out really, but oh well.” you cut the conversation short, heading straight towards your bed. “goodnight wonyoung—“ but before you could do so, you felt her hand grab your wrist.
“wait but— don’t you wanna cuddle like we usually do?” she asked, her mouth formed into a small pout.
and there went that stare. again.
“wony i’m sorry, i’m really tired and—“
“come on, please. i missed you.” she insisted, her grip on your wrist getting tighter as she kept her unsettling gaze on yours. 
your tired brain didn’t seem to register that, however, since you didn't even think about saying no.
i mean, she seemed pretty insistent on cuddling that night, so who were you to even say no? either way, you were gonna fall asleep immediately, so did it really matter if she was cuddling you or not?
you groaned dramatically, then signaled for her to lay on the other side of the bed. her eyes immediately lighting up, she rushed to jump on that side of the bed.
it didn’t take long at all for you guys to finally be settled in bed and you particularly thrived in finally feeling the warmth of your weighted blanket against your cold skin. she, on the other hand, just seemed to be happy to be there with you, considering the grip she had on you was quite strong for like, literally no reason. 
after telling each other goodnight, you expected to doze off immediately, but you couldn’t. you felt bizarre, you didn’t feel like yourself at that moment. every single ounce of exhaustion left your body and it was like insomnia just kicked in for no reason whatsoever.
frustrated, you tried to sleep. that’s when you heard her breathing heavily… very heavily. her inhales and exhales were loud and violent and you felt them on your neck, since she was especially close to it. you would’ve shrugged it off, 
if you didn’t feel her hands moving a lot more than usual.
you felt her shift before hearing her hum, indicating you to keep going.
“you feeling okay?? you’re.. you’re breathing quite heavily.” was what you asked, somewhat concerned. “plus, you’re like, grabbing me—“ 
“sorry.” she responded immediately, “you just— you smell good, is all. i saw your hair was wet, you took a shower, right? you used the body lotion i gave you, right?” 
you nodded reluctantly, somewhat weirded out by her behavior tonight, to which she hummed again.
“i knew you’d like it, it’s so soft and sweet,” she leaned in closer to your neck, sniffing it closer, “just like you, angel.” 
what the fuck was actually wrong with her that night??
getting even more weirded out with each second that passed, you were about to let out a hesitant ‘thanks’ but got cut off by the sensation of her slowly sliding her hand up your pajama shirt as she kept sniffing you.
woah woah woah???
“wonyoung— what the fuck—“ 
“you smell so fucking good baby. fuck— so good. you used that body lotion just so i would notice, hm? i know you did.” she whispered into your ear, smelling your hair in the process as her other hand went down to your crotch.
triggering your fight or flight, you tried pushing her off of you slightly, but she simply wouldn’t budge. 
wonyoung had always been taller than you by a long shot.
your own breathing getting heavier, you were starting to get progressively worried. why was she keeping you in place, why was she smelling you like this?? why the fuck was she acting weird??? 
“wonyoung get off of me—“ 
“god your smell.” 
she just kept mumbling that same sentence as she sniffed you all over, gently putting her hand on your neck to keep you secure, making you squirm under her whilst you’re trying to break free from her tight grasp.
in a state of panic, “you’re scaring me wony stop it please—“ 
“stop moving or i swear to god i’ll fucking kill you.” was all she said back, it was dark, but not dark enough to where you couldn’t see her staring at you with that look again. you were shaking by this point, but you obeyed. you stopped moving, in fear of what she was actually going to do to you.
“look at you, being a fucking slut and putting on the body lotion i gave you, always wearing these outfits around me, and you seriously expect me not to do this shit? god, you probably sounded so good washing up too—” she rubbed your inners thighs with her free hand before adding on, 
“what do you want me to do when your ass is out in front of me all the time, y/n? i tried to be nice and do it only when you’re sleeping, but answering the door at midnight in booty shorts and tshirt this tight? baby, you’re asking me to fuck you.” her hand still reaching down to your thighs and squeezing them, hard enough for her acrylic nails to dig in slightly as you winced in pain.
you tried speaking up, but words wouldn’t come out. 
you could only stare at her, tears quickly welling up your eyes. 
“oh angel, don’t cry..” she pouted, quickly taking that same hand she used to hurt you and wiping your tears with it. you could only flinch “i’m so sorry baby, i— i just can’t help it. you look so good and smell so good and—“ she slid her hand up your shirt and quickly went under your bra, playing with the nipple for a few moments almost immediately as she breathed in more of your pheromones before exhaling sharply yet again. “fuck y/n your tits—“ 
“—i’ll be quick, okay? i promise it’ll be fine, i’ll be sooo quick.”
wonyoung very quickly slid her hand back down your crotch as she forcefully kissed you, tightening her grip on your neck whenever you weren’t giving her enough tongue. “come on baby, work for it, i know you want this.” 
you didn’t. you didn’t want it.
her fingers slipping under your shorts and onto your panties, she rubbed circles around your wet clit through the fabric of them, closing her eyes in euphoria when she heard your choked up moan.
“shit.. look at you, being all wet for me. i knew you’ve always wanted me to do this to you. hm? come on, say it.” 
“l-let go off me—“ 
her nails dug into your neck once more, making you whimper. “shut. the fuck. up.” she whispered, “i guess bitches like you shouldn’t be allowed to speak up, huh. that’s fine, we’ll have you be a stupid puppy instead, okay? you can do that, right?” 
you only cried out in front of her, clit still being stimulated from her long and cold fingers. her disturbing gaze piercing through yours, her pretty face exhibiting the ugliest thoughts she had about you. 
“i said, nod, bitch.”
and so, you nodded. eagerly, at that. of course you did, with the amount of strength this girl was putting on her grip, you needed to obey her every word.
even if you had abundant tears rolling down your face.
“you’re so pretty like this.” she breathed out, before kissing you then pulling back away, “you’re getting me so fucking wet y/n.” 
then, she gradually reaches into your underwear and puts her hands on your naked cunt, rubbing the slit and feeling how wet it is. in response to that, she laughed. 
she laughed in your face.
but before you could even process anything, however, she already had two of her fingers buried deep inside your pussy, already curling in all of the right places.
and that’s when you remembered the fact that she had acrylic nails on. 
“w-wonyoung— take them out take them out it h-hurts wonyoung it hurts p-please—“
“i don’t give a shit. you’re gonna be a good fucking girl and take it. you know what’ll happen if you don’t, don’t you?”
she pumped and curled her fingers in and out, watching you as your facial expressions changed with each movement she made, smiling and mocking you.
and that went for what felt like hours. 
until she decided she had enough of you crying and begging for her to stop. she believed that it was, in her words, ‘her turn to feel good’ now.
so she took off her own clothes and rubbed her dripping pussy onto your own, her hand digging into your neck if you moved in a way she didn’t like. 
her words rang in your head, things like “y-you’re so fucking selfish y/n, it’s usually so much better, whenever you’re sound a-asleep peacefully— oh my god.”
it didn’t take long for her to cum, since seeing you sob so prettily made her so unbelievably aroused. and when she did, she just went back to cuddling you. as if you weren’t bleeding from your nose, thighs and neck. as if you weren’t in pain, she just went back to cuddling you.
and you just had to silently cry in her arms. those were the only ones you could do that in at that moment.
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scribbledghost · 8 months
Some Simon "Ghost" Riley Headcanons
Because I have so many thoughts about this man. Please feel free to ask me to elaborate on any of this bc I can and I will if given the chance.
Love language is 1000% Acts of Service. A close second is Quality Time.
That doesn't mean he neglects the other areas, though.
I know he seems rough and stoic, but in my mind that's mostly a battlefield personality. He's like that in the field because he has to be - there's little room for nonsense during an op.
No, in my mind, he's... different when he's at home. A good kind of different.
He's still quiet, but it's a softer quiet. Not the quiet of a sniper training a scope, but the quiet of an early morning in the arms of the one you love.
That being said, he rises early. Not necessarily because he wants to - he'd probably sleep until noon every day if he could - but because his body is hard-wired to a military wakeup time.
Doesn't mean he gets out of bed when he wakes up, though.
And if he's in bed, you can bet he's either A) cuddling you, or B) complaining that he's not getting to cuddle you.
A guilty pleasure he has is waking up before you and just... studying you. He doesn't keep any kind of photograph or evidence of you on his person when he's away (too dangerous), so he takes advantage of any time he has with you to memorize your features.
Likes Hozier. No I will not elaborate.
Okay yes I will: His favorites are "NFWMB", "As It Was", and "Sedated". ("Work Song" is, in his mind, "your" song.)
Can play guitar. He very, very rarely does, but he can still strum out something slow when the mood strikes him right.
Can't particularly sing, though. So if he feels the need to, he'll just hum along.
He has several pet names on rotation and rarely calls you by your full name. His favorites are "love", "darling", "sweetheart", and "pet".
Though, there is one that you quickly noticed is reserved for very quiet, solitary moments: "lovey". He doesn't say it often, but that just makes it all the sweeter when he does.
Still usually has a mask on in public, but it's plain black as opposed to skull-printed. He likes the safety of the mask, but doesn't want to take the slim chance of anyone recognizing him as Ghost. Especially when he's out and about with you.
It takes him a long-ass time to actually say the words "I love you". But if you know anything about him at all, you know that he says it in his own way pretty early on.
Asking if you've eaten. Making sure you get home alright. Grabbing your favorite takeout. Mysteriously leaving one of his jackets or something else of his at your place every single time he's there (it gives him an excuse to come back later).
Not to mention the simple phrase "I trust you". To Simon Riley, that may as well be a damn marriage proposal. And he says it to you on the third date without even thinking.
When he's yours, he's yours. Down bad. Whipped. However you wanna put it. But if you've managed to weasel your way past his emotional walls and baggage, he's committed.
The rest of the 141 make fun of him for it when they find out (especially Soap), but Simon could not give less of a fuck.
In that same vein, there is nothing this man would not do to keep you protected. He would rip the world off it's fucking hinges, rattle the heavens, whatever he needed to do. As long as it meant you were safe.
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gaysindistress · 4 months
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gif credits to @sebastianstannibal
Here's part two to the fake dating drabble I wrote for @bucks-and-noble's Valentrope fest
warnings: smut and lowkey violence but not to f!reader. plain and simple this is porn. please do not read if you're a minor.
bucky's masterlist | main masterlist
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“I’m apologizing right now for what you’re about to walk into.”
Bucky clears his throat and readjusts in the driver’s seat as we slowly drive down the long driveway lined with manicured hedges. 
“What are you talking about?” 
The wedding that I dragged him to is for a friend that Bucky isn’t particularly fond of, something I neglected to mention but I knew he wouldn’t agree if I told him. Honestly I’m surprised that he hasn’t caught on yet with how many signs we’ve passed on the way to the venue. He’s been rather distracted stealing glances at me. 
“Aw fuck,” he curses when he finally does see the biggest sign yet. “This is Maisie’s wedding, isn’t it?”
Cocking my head at him, I bat my lashes and pout my lips, “Forgive me?”
He inhales sharply. Against his better judgment, glances at my glossy lips and then to my chest. The sweetheart neckline as well as the bias cut of my navy dress is exactly why I chose to wear it. Bucky’s always had a wandering eye when it comes to ‘an angel in the flesh’ as he puts it but right now it’s down right sinful. He’s eyeing me like the Devil lurks beneath his matching navy Armani suit and he’s ready to devour me whole. 
“You owe me after this,” he finally says with a dramatic sigh. 
The ceremony went exactly how I imagined it would ourlPampas grass, dried sage, and red flora that I’ve never seen before covers every inch of the aisle as well as every other surface. Burnt orange cheesecloths drape from the trees, the six different wood arches, and run across all of the tables. The signs that Maisie definitely had her bridal party help her make are everywhere and written on them are sayings that Bucky can’t stop making jokes about. 
“Babe, I can’t make this up. That sign says ‘This way to buffet, booze, and bad dance moves.’ What ring of hell is this?”
“Oh my god, Bucky, you need to shut up. These are the type of people to say ‘bless your heart’ and pray for god to smite you in your sleep,” I whisper to him. I loop my arm around his and he’s quick to put his hand over the top of mine on his bicep. 
“If it gets me away from this place, then I’d welcome it.”
I roll my eyes at him and keep us moving towards the open field where the reception is at. 
“Y/N? Is that you?” 
I tense beside my fake boyfriend and hesitantly look over my shoulder to see the one person I did not expect to see here; my ex boyfriend Marc. 
“If that’s who I think that is,” Bucky grumbles and curses under his breath when he sees who it is. “I’m going to kill Maisie. Why would she invite that cunt?”
“Bucky, behave.” I mumble to him and turn to greet this cunt, “Marc, hi how are you?”
The first thing he does is look me up and down, eyes lingering on my chest just as I expected. Bucky’s arm slips from mine and finds its way around my waist where he tugs me into his side and squeezes my hip. Marc smirks at his actions as he finally makes eye contact with me. 
“I’m good. I see your dog finally worked up the courage...”
Bucky cuts him by clearing his throat, “You’d do well to remember that this ‘dog’ isn’t with a bite.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Have the evening you deserve,” I tell him before I drag Bucky away and towards whatever shit bar they have. 
The dog on my arm has other plans and pulls me off to the side where there’s just a tree with even more cheesecloth swinging in the wind. He glances around to make sure no one is around before letting his hardened demeanor fall away and to reveal the adorable face he makes when he’s stressed. It’s not healthy to think that someone in a vulnerable state is ‘adorable’ but I can’t help it when his brows furrows together, his jaw tenses, and he looks at me with all the concern in the world. 
“Doll I need you to be honest with me right now; how many more people like that am I going to run into at this thing?” 
That concern has morphed into something darker and it has me straightening my back, squaring my shoulders, and my thighs clenching. 
“Well I didn’t know that he…” I trail off as Bucky draws closer. His blue eyes are piercing into the fabric of my soul the closer he gets to me and I find myself backing up to get away. Rough bark scratches at my back and my hair gets tangled into it as I crane my head up to look at the mob boss. 
“I’m going to have to stop you there. Who else could be here?” 
Chest heaving and breathing short, I shake my head at him. “I don’t know. I didn't see anyone else.”
A hand finds its way to my jaw and the other plants itself against the tree next to my head. He tilts my chin up and ghosts his lips over mine while calling me a good girl. My eyes flutter shut at the name and his low voice. 
“Tell me your rules again.” He pulls away from me and watches me with hooded eyes as I glare at him. 
“No kissing, minimal touching, and no violence,” I spit out at him. 
“I think,” he starts, letting his eyes flicker to my parted lips as his thumb rubs under them, “we should revise them a bit.”
“What do you propose they be then?”
“No violence is changed to only when necessary,” his thumb presses into my bottom lip. “Minimal touching becomes whatever I see fit,” it pulls my lip down slightly. “And no kissing goes away altogether,” it slips into my mouth and I greedily wrap my lips around it, sucking at it while he lets out a shuddered breath. 
I let it go with a pop and a thin line of spit breaks after his thumb comes to rest on my chin. 
“What do you say, doll?”
Pushing away from the tree, I grip the lapels of his jacket and pull him flush against my chest. I push up onto my toes and flick his earlobe with my tongue before whispering, “this is all fake. You don’t get to change the rules because you don’t like them. They stay exactly as they are.”
The look of determination set on his face is immensely satisfying especially. I’ve seen how his past girls have completely submitted to him, allowing him to control every aspect of their relationship because that’s how he likes it. Bucky is a man that needs to feel powerful and stable at all times and that extends to even the smallest things. Many of our nights out have been ruined for some reason or another. Most of the time I don’t even know why, just that I’m being shuffled out the back door with a circle of heavily armed men around me while Bucky deals with the mistake. 
“I know you’re not a gambler, my sweet y/n but I’d like to make a bet with you.”
I quirk a brow, “what kind of bet?”
“If you haven’t broken your rules by the end of the night, I’ll take you to Greece. If you break or even bend them, you have to go on a date with me.”
My hands stop brushing down his lapels and I stare blankly at him. “Greece and Italy. For three weeks.”
“Whatever you want, doll but,” he warns me with a finger raised between us and points it at me, “you can’t break your rules even a little bit.” 
I snap at him, pretending to bite his finger and he yanks it back with a smile. “You have a bet but keep your finger to yourself.” 
Bucky nods with a smile still wide on his stunning face. He backs up, giving me space to make myself presentable again before taking us back to the reception. It’s already turned into an event of debauchery and sin with guests taking shots, hitting pens, and forming a grinding circle on the dance floor. 
Maisie finds me within moments and screams as she races over to me. 
“Y/n babe! Oh my god! You’re here!” She shrieks and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. She has two shots in her hand and they nearly spill on my back but somehow the drink girl prevents that from happening. 
Bucky chuckles before leaving us to go find drinks. Maisie shoots him a dirty glare before it turns into a drink smile and she’s vibrating with glee. 
I arch a brow at her, “what was that for?”
She blinks at me. “What was what?”
“That look you gave him.”
“Ohhhhh,” she sighs and shoves a shot into my hand, “that. You know I don’t like him and now you guys are dating and ugh. He’s always such an ass and controlling and moody and I don’t understand what you see in him. He’s a dick and I just..”
“Okay okay, I get it. You don’t like him,” I roll my eyes at her, “but you said the same thing about Marc and he’s here.”
“No, there's a difference. Jake and him are friends. Also are you really arguing with me at my wedding? That’s really fucking rude,” Maisie tries to sound stern but giggles slip out between her words and her smile breaks her expression. “Come on! Come have fun with me. I wanna dance and drink and have fun! Take your shot, you pussy!” 
I playfully growl at her before we both throw back the tequila shots. Before I can say something smart back, she has an iron grip on my wrist and is dragging me to the dance floor. The music pounds so loud that I feel it in my chest, worming its way around my body and getting me high off the adrenaline. Unable to feel the difference between my heartbeat and the bass, I allow it to overcome me as Maisie starts to bounce and sway in front of me. It’s as if the deep vibrations of the music are controlling and contorting our bodies in whatever way it sees fit. My eardrums feel like they might burst but the tequila is hitting faster than I thought it would and my only concern is dancing. 
I find myself so completely entranced with the music, the drinking, and Maisie’s chaotic dancing that I don’t notice the big hands that find my waist. They pull me backwards causing my back to hit a solid body and the smell of familiar expensive cologne washes over me. Maisie grins as her new husband does the same to her and she turns her head so they can kiss like sloppily teenagers. The hands at my waist start to guide my hips into a lazy grind against theirs. Maisie’s overwhelming perfume masks the differences in the one behind me so much that I don’t even notice that it’s not the same as the one Bucky wears. Where I should be smelling Tom Ford’s Tobacco Vanille, Blue de Chanel is in its place. 
My eyes flutter closed and my head drops back against the chest behind me. There’s a rumbling at my back from the chuckle that this man lets out. One of his hands leaves my waist and trails up until it’s resting on my neck. Cradling my jaw, he softly kisses under my ear before whispering, “you finally escaped your dog?”
I hear Maisie say my name and she draws my focus from the man behind me to her. She’s offering her hand out to me as she rubs her nose. There’s a thin white line across the top of her hand and her thumb.
“Maisie, is that coke?” I hiss at her and try to pull away from my dance partner. He doesn’t let me and I whip around to see that it’s Marc. The cologne makes sense now and I rip his hands off of me, “Jesus Christ get away from me!”
“Oh my god, calm down. You’re so dramatic sometimes,” Maisie whines before snorting the line she’d offered me. 
Marc’s heated stare starts to get under my skin and a shutter races through me before I can stop it. My eyes frantically scan the crowd, searching for the oceanic ones that I see in my dreams every night. 
They find me in moments. 
A mix of emotions floods me as we lock eyes; first a wave of relief quickly followed by fear. Even from this distance I can see the tension in his shoulders, the muscle feathering in his jaw, the scowl set on his face, and the dead look in his eyes that he only gets when murder is on his mind. 
Marc yanks me back into him and the countless memories of arguments and bitter looks rush back to me. When we dated he knew exactly how to piss me off, how to push every button I had and get under my skin. He would challenge me any chance he got, making me feel small and insignificant. He would say the cruelest things to invade my mind and destroy my self esteem. 
“Stop fucking around, Marc.” Bucky sighs with a deep set scowl as he comes to stand before us. “Let go of her and I’ll think about letting you keep your hands.”
Marc’s grip tightens around my bicep as he scoffs, “oh I’m so scared. The big bad wolf is threatening me, whatever ever am I going to do? Fuck off Barnes.”
The crowd around us is none the wiser to the chaos that is about to erupt and quite frankly I don’t even think I know what’s about to happen. Maisie’s husband pulls her away when she tries to step between the three of us and keeps her against him. Bucky dips his head and rubs at his eyes as he lets out another annoyed sigh. He mumbles ‘alright’ as her his breath before flipping back his suit jacket, reading behind himself, and producing his favored Glock 19. It’s aimed directly at the invisible red mark between Marc’s eyes and my ex immediately drops me in favor of throwing his hands up in the air. 
“Now step back,” Bucky utters as he slowly stalks towards us. I side step as best as I can to get out of the way.  Marc does as he’s told and of course Bucky needs to pour salt in the wound. “The next time I see you I won’t give you a warning.”
Neither man moves until Bucky pretends to lunge forward and Marc stumbles backwards to get away. He turns his attention to Maisie while he tucks his gun away and extends a hand out to me. 
“And you,” he starts with a sharp nod to her, “you do something like that again and I’ll wire your husband’s balls to a railroad track, do you understand me?”
“Bucky,” I whisper to him with a light pull on his hand but he doesn’t budge. 
“Do you understand me?” He repeats and Maisie nods frantically while her husband looks pale and like he might throw up. 
“Bucky,” I try again and he glances at me before squeezing my hand and leading me away. 
“Excuse me!” I try again and come to a complete halt once the wedding is behind us. My hand slips from his and so does my sense of safety. Bucky’s eyes widened for a moment at my tone before going back to their usual dead expression. 
He sets off in a near jog to the car, leaving me behind. “You fucking prick,” I curse before running to catch up with him. I grab his arm and force him to stop. “What the fuck was that back there?”
I apparently didn’t realize how close we were because when he turns around, we’re chest to chest. His nose is flared from how hard he’s breathing and his eyes are piercing as he stares down at me. 
“No one,” he whispers as he leans into me, “gets to treat you like that.”
“I know but no violence was one of my rules and you…”
He cuts me off, “Doll, I’m not the man you seem to think I am. Who I am around you, how I act around you is not the same man everyone else sees. I wash the blood off of my hands before I visit you because I don’t want my girl to be tainted by the shit I do. I change suits so that you don’t smell the stench of guns and filth that permeates my business meetings. I keep men assigned to you around the clock so that no one gets close to you without me knowing. The man I am with you, y/n, is someone that no one else gets to see and that's the way I want to be. I don’t you to know the Bucky that my men know and that’s why I let you drag me here as your fake boyfriend and agree to your silly fucking rules. I respected the fact that you didn’t want to change them and I was fully prepared to bite my tongue but then Marc put his hands on you. That was unacceptable and I should’ve shot him right then and there but I didn’t because you would’ve never forgiven me. I can live without a lot but you aren’t someone I’m willing to give up.”
My eyes flicker to his lips, betraying my need to maintain control over my emotions and the situation. My hands drift up his arm and stop on his chest. His heart thumps steadily against my hand despite his confession and the night in general. 
“I’m not willing to give you up either,” I cooed and pulled him down into a passionate kiss before he could stop me. He grunts in surprise before kissing me back with equal fire and cradling my face in his hands. 
He pulls back and rests his forehead against mine, “You owe me a date.”
“Fuck off,” I mumble back and dive back into a searing kiss. His hands find my waist and pin me against him, causing his hard bulge to press into my abdomen. I can feel myself start to grow wet as he head dips down to press kisses along the curve of my neck. I inhale sharply, craning my neck further to the side to allow him more access. His lips latch onto my pulse point as my fingers lace into his hair, tugging at the short styled strands. 
A particularly sharp tug causes him to groan against my skin and he pulls away to meet my lustful gaze.
“Backseat now,” he orders while taking a step back. It doesn't register what he means at first but another step away and reality sets in. I take my heels off, keeping our eyes locked as I slip off my birthday present from him last year. 
“Doll,” he says slowly, “I said…”
“I heard what you said,” I throw over my shoulder as I strut past him and towards his car. 
The second I open the car door his hands are gripping my waist to hoist me inside as he climbs in behind me. Bucky moves me to sit on his lap and he silences any chance of me arguing with a hungry kiss. His hands burn as they knead and grope at the silk of my dress, desperately searching for a handful of me as he licks at my lips to let his tongue in. His lips are soft, a beautiful surprise as his calloused hands as they slide against my own, no doubt smearing my lipstick all over. 
Finally fed up with the silky fabric of my dress, his hands find their way under where he grabs a handful of my ass. The feeling of his warm hand against the slivers of skin that peak through my lace underwear causes us both to moan. The sound has me unbuttoning his jacket and shoving it off his shoulders before moving to his shirt. One of his hands stays on my ass, beginning to knead it as the other attempts to find the zipper at my back. 
“Shit Doll,” he moans out as my cold hands get his shirt undone and explore the expanse of his chest. He bucks up into me and I break the kiss to dive my head down to his neck to place open-mouthed kisses there. Breathless moans and sighs fall from his lips as our hips move in sync. 
The strong hand that is on my ass has migrated from groping the supple fat to playing with the waistband on my panties. He lifts his hips to sit lower in the seat and spreads his legs, prying mine apart in the process. Those thick digits slip down until they find the wet heat he’s caused. His palm cups me entirely and I whimper against his neck at the feeling. 
“Fuck, don’t tell me you’re this wet because i threatened that cunt?” 
All I can do is gasp when he pushes aside my panties and runs his middle finger through my folds. It slips between my folds and I curse his name. My back arches in as he runs another finger through them and spreads the wetness around my clit. 
“Yes, oh my god, yes,” I pant out. If it wasn’t for his fingers pushing into me, I would’ve been horrified at the desperate desire that’s ripping wanton moans from my swollen lips. 
The feeling of his thick fingers scissoring as his thumb finds my clit causes me to moan into his mouth. The familiar tightening in my stomach is building until it crashes over me while gasps and quiet chants of his name mark the beginning of the end. I clench around his fingers as my eyes flutter shut and I allow myself to fall into the blinding white light that’s consuming me. He removes his hands from my core to grip my hips again. 
I lean in for a deep kiss as my hips start to rock against his clothed cock, grinding my sensitive clit over him with a gasp. One of my hands finds his belt and quickly unbuckles it before diving in his pants to find his cock.  Bucky lets out a shuddering sigh at the feeling of my hand gripping him and giving him a few tugs, spreading his precum around the tip.
“Careful Doll,” he warns against my lips as I rub his tip against my clit, “You don’t want to tease me.”
“And what are you going to do if I decide…” he interrupts by maneuvering me by the waist and slamming me down onto his cock. My hands fly to his chest to steady myself from the sudden movement and we both let out sinful moans. He moves us at a fast and bruising pace, hitting every spot I didn’t know existed. Nothing compares to the way he feels, not my own fingers, a toy, or any past lover. I can’t help the way that I frantically grind down against him. I can feel the car begin to shake from the force of our bodies searching for our mutual releases. My legs feel like they are on fire from keeping myself upright over Bucky but it doesn’t matter. His strong grip does the work for me. 
The smell of pure sex is thick in the air while mixing with the filthy wet sounds of hips meeting each other and two people finding endless pleasure in each other. My orgasm is fast approaching once again and so is his when he starts let out broken moans and curses. “F-fuck…” he groans, “I can feel it, doll. Come for me. Let go with me.” 
"Yes please," I pant back. "Don't stop, please."
He squeezes his eyes tight as he thrusts up a few more harsh times before he becomes sloppy and moves a hand to rub at my swollen clit. The sudden touch sends a jolt through me and I cry out over and over again as my orgasm washes over me. Bucky pants out my name as he too releases and wraps his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. As we both start to come down from our highs, he places light kisses against my forehead and hair. 
Soft and quiet praises are muttered into my skin, “Did so good for me, doll. So proud of you. Absolutely perfect.”
Maybe dragging him to this wedding was a good idea.
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hiiii can you do whiskey w/ steve rogers that involves spanking/light bdsm? reader wants to try something new in the bedroom and steve's a little more hesitant at first but he gets into it
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warnings - smut. cursing.
you know I had to use another nomad gif... it's the long hair with the beard... it gets me going man. I kind of went a little rogue with this request, but it just happened. apologies.
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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He's dreamed of women like you.
Strong, independent, resilient.
Women that take what they want, when they want it - regardless of the repercussions.
But he never could have anticipated your intuition. Your instincts.
You can read him like a book. Plain and simple. And no one can do that.
Steve prides himself on being stoic. Brave. The face of freedom. But it's like you look at him with x ray vision.
"Don't you ever get tired of it?" you ask one night.
Steve's sat on the edge of the bed, watching you get undressed. It's been a long night, full of fake smiles and ballgowns and polite handshakes. Weariness has settled in his bones.
"Tired of what?"
"The Golden Boy thing."
He scoffs.
"It's not a 'thing'."
You scoff.
"Come on, Steven. Don't forget I can see right through you."
"Oh yeah? Then what do you see, honey?"
You stalk over to him, settling down in his lap. Your favourite place.
"I can see the darkness, you know."
His brow quirks. Curiosity.
"Sometimes, I watch the America's Sweetheart facade slip ever so slightly. And I see what's underneath."
"And what would that be?"
A kiss to his jaw. Below his ear. A nip at his throat.
"You're a caged animal."
His grip on your hips tightens. Bingo.
"There's something in here, Steve," you point to his chest. "Something dark. Something raw. Something feral."
His breath hitches. His lungs constrict.
"I wanna see it," you whisper. "Whatever's underneath. I wanna see it."
He chuckles, low and menacing.
"Oh, honey. I don't think you know what you've just done."
You're on all fours in the blink of an eye. Strong fingers twist into the waistband of your underwear and pull, the sound of ripping lace making you gasp.
A smack to your ass makes you jolt, but not with fear. Anticipation. You want to see how far he'll go before he stops himself. You want to see his restraint snap.
"If you need me to stop," he whispers into your ear, "tell me. Or use the word Brooklyn."
He spanks you again before flipping you over with inhuman strength. He undoes his tie and runs the silk material through his fingers. You can see the cogs turning. He just needs a little push.
You raise your wrists and place them against the headboard, giving him a look that says I dare you.
Steve ties you up, standing back to admire his handiwork. He could get used to this view.
He reminds himself that you asked for this.
And he's never been one to deny you anything.
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number1mingyustan · 1 year
Apartment 222 ☾
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neighbor!jeonghan x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing, cursing, fingering (f.), protected sex (missionary), explict smut, y/n is such a sweetheart bless her soul
Summary: Rule number 1: don't show up drunk at your hot neighbor's apartment if it’s 2am
Word Count: 4k
“What the fuck?” You sigh out of frustration. It’s 2am and you are very drunk trying to get into the front door of your apartment. The uber dropped you off and now that you’re home safely, you can’t actually get into your living space.
You’re fiddling with the doorknob, twisting and turning and pushing the door in. But for some reason, your key doesn’t fit in the door.
Your feet hurt from the heels you’ve been wearing all night and it’s making you more frustrated.
Why the hell is your key broken?
Suddenly, the front door opens, completely startling you. A very tired man is on the other side, wiping his eyes and clearly pissed off. Your drunk brain has still not processed what's happening, but all you know is that he's really hot and standing in your apartment?
Are you dreaming right now?
“What the fuck?” he groans.
This is not your apartment. This is not your apartment at all and you are such an idiot. You look up at the number on the door, 222-A. Oh fuck, you live in 222-B.
You gasp. “Holy shit I’m so sorry! I thought this was my apartment and I was trying to figure out why my key wouldn’t fit and, I’m so so sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
He’s silent, staring at you dumbfounded and somewhat in disbelief. He’s looking you up and down, based on your attire it’s obvious you’ve been out clubbing. He can tell you’re drunk, but sincere.
He sighs. “Yeah whatever.”
There’s a moment of silence. He leans against the door frame, arms crossed. “Do you know where you live?”
“Oh! Yes I do, I’m in 222-B,” you say much louder than intended. “That makes us neighbors!”
He blinks at you. “Uh huh.”
There’s another moment of silence. He’s waiting for you to leave him alone so he can go back to bed but you’re too drunk to pick up on social cues. He is so beyond uninterested and the alcohol is completely clouding your judgement.
Of course you didn’t know this, but despite his cold demeanor he was actually kind of intrigued by you. Granted, you were a very drunk girl who woke him up at 2am. However, you were a very pretty drunk girl that woke him up at 2am. Not to mention the little dress you were wearing looked absolutely stunning on you.
It was simple, yet sexy. All black long sleeve off the shoulder that hugged your body perfectly. He caught himself staring a bit too much through tired eyes.
Your makeup was faded from the night you had, but the smudged eyeliner actually seemed to suit you more. You had a very effortless beauty to you, he liked that.
“I’m sorry for the misunderstanding again,” you apologize once more before stumbling to your actual apartment.
His door is already closed by the time you unlock yours. You feel so bad for waking him up this late. You’ve only been living here a month and you’ve already pissed off your insanely hot neighbor.
It’s been two weeks since your drunk encounter with the hot neighbor and you think you’ve found the perfect way to make it up to him.
You don’t seem to be the only person confusing your apartments because when you went to retrieve your mail this morning, there was an envelope in your mailbox addressed to a Yoon Jeonghan at 222-A.
You take your mail and his before heading up the elevator to your apartment. You make a pit stop, knocking on the door of 222-A.
You wait patiently and sure enough your hot neighbor opens the door again. He’s wearing a plain white tee and some sweatpants and half his hair is styled up into a ponytail.
“It’s you again,” he leans against the door frame.
“Hi, yeah. Your mail was in my mailbox and I figured I’d bring it to you since it got mixed up,” you tell him.
“You could’ve just put it into my mailbox, but thanks,” he replies, taking the envelope out your hand.
“I know, I just felt bad about the other night and I guess I felt a little inclined to do some sort of kind gesture,” you say.
“You’re new here right?” he asks suddenly.
You nod. “Yeah, I just moved in about a month ago. I’m still not fully unpacked yet.”
“Figures,” he mumbles.
He clears his throat. “Thanks for the mail and uh, I’ll see you around.”
He doesn’t even give you time to respond before the door is closed. You’re standing at his door for another 30 seconds dumbfounded and in disbelief.
At least he said thank you?
“Dude your neighbor’s hot,” Joshua comments as he exists the elevator, making his way toward his friend's apartment.
Jeonghan follows his friend's eyes, seeing you struggling to fit a large box through your door. He’s in no place to disagree with his friend, anyone could see that you were beautiful.
“Yeah, kind of annoying though,” he shrugs, pulling out his keys.
“Have you talked to her?” Joshua asks.
“Yeah, I don’t know her name or anything, she just moved in like a month ago. She woke me up in the middle of the night a few weeks ago because she thought she lived in my apartment.”
Joshua smiles. "That's adorable."
"No it's not," Jeonghan frowns. "I was trying to sleep and she was pissing me off."
"Yeah but she's hot," Joshua comments. "Besides, you haven't been with anyone in forever, maybe this is your chance."
Jeonghan's jaw clenches. "Don't even think about it. Joshua I swear if you–"
Joshua smirks before disappearing from his friend's side and heading toward you.
“Do you need help?”
You pause what you’re doing, looking up at the handsome stranger in front of you. You can see the hot neighbor, Jeonghan, standing behind him.
“Oh! Yeah, thank you,” you smile. “The last of my furniture finally arrived but they couldn’t have someone come and install it for me.”
The handsome stranger nods before helping you move the large box into your apartment.
“I’m Joshua by the way,” he introduces himself.
“Y/n,” you say, giving the box one last push that wedges it between the door frame. “Do you live here too?”
“Practically,” he smiles. “Jeonghan is my best friend so I spend a lot of time here. So I hope to be seeing more of you around here.”
You smile back at him. “Maybe you will.”
You’ve successfully moved the box into your apartment with Joshua’s help. You talked a bit while he helped you, getting to know him. He's a total sweetheart.
“Do you need help setting it up too?” he asks.
“Uh, only if you want to.” you shrug. “I don’t want you to have to go out of your way for me.”
“It’s not a problem,” the boy smiles.
He peaks his head out the open doorway. “Jeonghan! Come here!”
The other boy walks over and stands in front of the open doorway. “What?”
“Help us out will you?” Joshua smirks. “It’s not very neighborly for you to lurk in the hallway while Y/n struggles with her bed.”
Jeonghan rolls his eyes. “Didn’t think she’d be struggling if she had you helping her.”
Jeonghan pushes past his friend wordlessly and begins opening the oversized box. Joshua lets out a scoff before closing your front door and joining in on the help.
Joshua and Jeonghan have been bickering for the last two hours about how to set up your bed frame. They've managed to build somewhat of a structure, but it's hard to say whether or not they've done so correctly.Unfortunately, the instructions were in German.
"Google translate said it means left," Joshua instructs.
"I don't give a fuck about what google translate says," Jeonghan rolls his eyes.
Jeonghan continues against Joshua's will, and moments later the entire structure falls to the ground with a thud.
"See!" Joshua scoffs.
"Screw this," Jeonghan rises to his feet. "It's getting late, I'm going back to my apartment. Joshua, you can go home."
"Jeonghan, you can't just break someone's bed and then storm out," Joshua points out.
Both of the boys shift their gaze to you slowly. You're standing in the middle of your bedroom awkwardly. "Uh.."
Jeonghan rolls his eyes again before reaching into his wallet in his back pocket. He pulls out a bill and extends his hand toward you. "Here's 50 bucks,"
Joshua is quick to swat his friend's hand away. "You asshole!
"I didn't do anything!" Jeonghan exclaims.
You clear your throat. "I'm gonna call the company and see if they can come in tomorrow and set up the bed... properly. Can you guys just clean this up for me?"
You excuse yourself, making the phone call from the living room. You can still hear the boys bickering and scrambling.
After finishing up your phone call, you make your way back to your bedroom. The two boys look to you. "They said someone is going to come by in between 12 and 4 tomorrow. Thanks for the help though."
"But where are you going to sleep tonight?" Joshua asks.
You shrug. "The air mattress in the living room like I have been the past month."
"No, you've been sleeping on that busted ass air mattress for a month already. Just spend a night at Jeonghan's until the professionals come back tomorrow." Joshua suggests.
"Excuse me?" Jeonghan scoffs. "Have you actually lost your mind?"
"Jeonghan don't be rude, she's your neighbor," Joshua points out.
"Just because she's my neighbor that doesn't mean she needs to be sleeping in my apartment."
"Yeah well it's your fault the bed isn't set up, so the least you can do is offer her a place to sleep for one night." Joshua explains.
"Oh yeah, you really don't have to–"
"Nonsense," Joshua cuts you off and begins pushing you toward the front door. He grabs your phone and keys for you and continues pushing you out the room. "Jeonghan's a good guy and great company, it's the least he can do."
Jeonghan groans before trailing behind as the three of you head toward 222-A. When you arrive, Joshua leaves as quickly as he enters, leaving just you and Jeonghan.
It's painfully and awkwardly silent between the two of you. The only noise filling the room is the sound of rain from outside.
Jeonghan finally breaks the silence after what feels like an eternity. "Okay, I'll take the couch and you can sleep in my bed. Bedroom is right there to the left. Bathroom is connected to my room, it's the door on the right so you can take a shower." he states plainly.
"Thank you."
Without another word, he makes his way to the couch and plops down, turning on the television for himself. You stand there for a moment, blinking and dumbfounded before venturing into his bedroom.
His room is nice. Everything is kept neat and organized, much like the rest of his apartment. What really caught your attention however, was the large trophy cabinet pressed against the wall and filled with different lego sets.
Holy shit.
You stood in front of the cabinet, admiring the different lego sets. There were castles, spaceships, helicopters, bridges, trees, ships, and more.
Your attention soon shifted to the lego sets on his dresser. There were four of them, all built into cars. You couldn't begin to imagine how expensive and time consuming this must have been. The cars by far, were the most impressive things in the room.
Who knew your cold neighbor was a lego nerd?
Your eyes are trained on the cars, fingers running along the hard plastic as you admire his work.
"Don't touch those," a voice says from behind you, completely startling you.
You retreat your hands quickly, backing away from the dresser. "Sorry," you apologize sheepishly.
He doesn't acknowledge your apology. "I thought you'd be in the shower, so I was going to come in here and get some clothes for you to wear."
He begins looking through his neatly organized drawers.
"Oh, I can just get stuff from my apartment, it's no bother," you offer.
"It's fine," he says, pulling out a t-shirt. "Just don't stain my clothes or anything."
He leaves one of his shirts and a pair of shorts on the bed for you and exits the room. You shower and dress yourself in his clothes before venturing into the livingroom. He's still seated on the couch, he looks back at you before quickly shifting his attention back to the tv.
"Um," you scratch the back of your neck. "I'm done so... thank you."
"Mhm," he doesn't shift his eyes from the tv.
"I think we got off on the wrong foot," you start.
"You think?" he brushes past you.
You sigh. "Sorry... I know me being here is inconveniencing for you, I'll just go back to my place and wash your clothes so you can have them back tomorrow. Thank you though."
You begin making your way toward the door.
"Wait," he sighs. "I'm sorry for being so mean to you." he pauses the tv.
You stop in your tracks.
"You can stay... I'm just a bit tired. I don't mind having you stay here all that much."
Relief washes over you.
"Thank you," you say before venturing back into his bedroom for the night.
It's funny how history repeats itself. For the second time in just a few weeks, you've woken Jeonghan up in middle of the night. Although this time was very different from the first.
He knocked out on the couch about a while ago, but indistinct mumbling whimpering and what sounded like crying brought him out of his slumber.
"Y/n?" he calls.
It's raining harder outside now. Shocks of lightning flash, illuminating the living room, often followed by loud crashes of thunder. He rises from the couch and makes his way toward the bedroom.
He calls your name again.
You don't respond. He watches the way the blanket jumps as the thunder crashes again. His face softens when he realizes, you're terrified.
"Y/n?" he takes cautious steps toward the bed.
"Jeonghan?" you question in just above a whisper. You pull the covers off your face, looking up at him with glassy eyes.
"I'm sorry," you sob. "I'm so sorry–fuck this is pathetic. I'm sorry."
He sits atop of the covers on to corner of the bed next to you. "Don't worry about it, you're fine. I get it–"
The thunder crashes again, causing your whole body to react. He feels awful.
"Do you... do you want me to sleep here with you tonight?" he asks hesitantly. "Would that make you feel better?"
"But you hate me," you mumble.
"I don't–I don't hate you," he sighs. " I told you already that I was sorry, please believe me. Honestly, I think I acted so coldly toward you because I've been kind of interested in you since you first showed up at my door and I have a bit of a defense mechanism when it comes to stuff like this."
"Are you serious? Because all my friends have been hearing on the phone is me talking about my hot neighbor for the past few weeks," you mumble into the pillow.
He smiles to himself at the thought. "Yes, I'm serious."
Wordlessly, you slide down the bed covers next to you, inviting him in. He accepts your invitation, slipping beneath the soft sheets next to you.
"Is this okay?" he whispers.
You nod. "Yeah."
His face is so close. You're mere inches apart, the slightest movement in the right direction and your nose would brush against his.
Your heart is beating so fast, yet you somehow still feel at ease. You feel comfort with him, all feelings of fear wiped from your mind. His soft orbs stare into yours, occasionally drifting down to your lips and back into your eyes.
He's silently asking for permission to kiss you. He really really wants to. Is this even the right time for that?
Fuck it.
Holy shit–
Your eyes are closed before you know it.
You're not entirely sure of what to do with yourself, so instinctively you reach out, allowing your body to act before your mind. You stop fighting the urge that is kissing Yoon Jeonghan and allow an arm to wrap around his neck and the other entangling into his hair.
His hair is so soft.
He smiles against your lips, breaking away for only a moment. "I didn't ask before I did that," he whispers. "I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"Anything but," you say against his lips.
It's all the permission he needs before leaning back in. Your lips are already tingling, burning with heat and excitement from the previous contact. This time, he's relentless, mouth meeting yours with hunger and desperation.
It was as if a fire broke out inside of both of you.
Your breathing changed, growing more shallow as warmth spread across your body. He was pressed so close against you, causing something to flutter in the pit of your stomach.
You were on cloud 9.
Never had you been kissed like that, and never had someone given you that feelings but fuck, it felt so good.
You began tugging lightly at his shirt, signaling that you wanted it off. He got your message quickly, momentarily breaking the heated kiss to slip the fabric off his body.
He tosses is somewhere onto the ground, he'll find it tomorrow morning. It was the least of his concerns right now. The pretty girl in his bed had all his attention.
Soon, other articles of clothing were stripped from both of your bodies, discarded onto the floor without a care. It didn't take long before your naked bodies were pressed against one another, lips still pressed against one another.
His delicate fingers trace along your skin gently. He pushes your body down lightly, pinning you flat onto the bed as he pulls away from the kiss. He climbs on top of you, hovering over your nude figure.
He looks at you with adoration in his eyes. It's dark in the room, but the moonlight shines from his window, illuminating the room just enough that he can see your beautiful body and face.
He begins leaving a trail of kisses down your body. Your jaw, neck, breasts, stomach. He mumbles about how pretty you are with each kiss he leaves on your skin.
You tug at his hair with a whine when he presses a kiss against your lower stomach. "Jeonghan, just touch me... please."
He's happy to oblige.
He brings his head back up, burying in the crook of your neck as his fingers move between your thighs. You let out a soft moan at the initial contact.
He continues to work his fingers on you, focusing on your clit and smiling to himself as you start to soak his fingers. It doesn't take long for you to get wet enough for him to slip a finger in.
"Shit," you breathe out.
He continues pumping his finger before slipping in another. You're panting and moaning softly beneath him as he works his fingers on you. He curls them ever so slightly, creating the perfect angle that has you craving more.
You're pushing your hips into his fingers, fucking yourself on his slim digits. His thumb continues to rub circles on your clit as you completely soak his fingers.
It gets easier for him to pleasure you as he thrusts his fingers into your cunt. You sound so pretty too, whimpering his name as he coaxes you toward your orgasm.
You can feel the pleasure building up in the pit of your stomach as you grow closer to your high. You're pushing your hips into his fingers messily, growing less and less coordinated as you desperately try to get yourself off.
It only takes another curl of his fingers before you're sent over the edge. Relief washes over you as you entire a state of euphoria. You can feel his hard cock twitch as its pressed against your inner thigh. He whispers sweet words against your collarbone as he talks you down from your high.
You nod in response, hands immediately reaching for his hard cock. "Need more... want you inside."
He curses to himself.
"You sure?"
"Yes," you plead. "Want you to feel good too... please fuck me."
He's quick to act, reaching into his nightstand drawer to grab a condom. He rips it open with his teeth and slides it on with ease before lining himself up with your entrance. He drags the tip of his cock along your cunt, teasing you just enough to whine about how you needed more from him.
And he was going to deliver.
Now that he prepped you, you took his length in easily. He slid in, building up to an intense thrusting speed in no time. You were so wet, the sounds of his cock fucking into you echoed throughout the bedroom.
"Fuck," he groans. "Was made for this fucking cunt... you take me so well."
Your head sinks into the pillow as you allow the pleasure to take over your body. The headboard creates a thud with each thrust, pushing against the wall as he fucks you. He fills you up so nicely, thrusting and hitting all your sweet spots.
Your bodies grow sticky and sweaty as he fucks you. "Feels so good," you moan.
Each drag of his cock into your cunt pushes your thoughts around in your brain. All the fear has been fucked out of you and you can hardly think properly. The only thing you know for sure right now is that he feels absolutely incredible inside of you.
You've never had sex like this before. So intimate... yet rough and full of passion. It was rare for your past partners to get you to climax, but you can already feel your second one approaching.
"You gonna give me another one already, pretty girl?" he asks.
All you can do is nod.
Your cunt is clenching around him, walls fluttering as you near your second orgasm of the night. He knows he won't last much longer either, not with the way you're gripping him.
"Oh fuck," you moan.
A few more thrusts are you're done for, allowing your second orgasm to fill you with inexplicable pleasure. You're somehow gripping him tighter when you cum, sending him into his own orgasm.
He fills the condom, pumping his cum into the rubber as your cunt milks him dry. You're both panting heavily as you come down from your highs.
He pulls out of you, discarding of the used rubber before snuggling up against you beneath the sheets. His arms are wrapped around your frame and his fingers entangle themselves into your hair.
"Are you okay?" he asks, running his fingers through your hair.
"Yeah," you respond, snuggling closer into his chest.
"You were so good," he praises, lips brushing against your ear. "So so good."
"I wanted you to feel good," you admit with a yawn.
"You're perfect," he compliments. "You feeling sleepy?"
You nod. "A little."
"Okay," he continues running his fingers through your hair. "Get some rest okay? I'll hold you and make you breakfast in the morning. Sound good?"
You .let out another yawn. "Yeah... thank you neighbor."
You're out like a light in less than five minutes. Jeonghan finds himself smiling as you rest in his arms. He feels better with you in his bed, it helps him sleep better.
Before he knows it, he's drifting off. The storm outside has died down, and he knows when the sun comes up, you'll still be in his arms and he couldn't be happier.
He'll have to thank Joshua later.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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zvdvdlvr · 1 month
Food for thought: secret relationship with Aaron. Not that you're trying to keep it a secret but neither of you were ready to tell the team and now it's almost a game waiting to see who figures it out. Either way even if your relationship was in the open I don't think hotch would engage in any romantic conversation or pda of any kind in the office or in the field BUT I raise you this the man is a not so secret nerd, he's well read, and certainly a romantic at heart...passing notes. Love notes scribbled on scrap paper tucked away at your desk to find. Little notes left in the books he lends you "this part reminded me of you" or even texts through the day just to say "I love you" plain and simple I could go on about this forever 🤭
Aaron took note of your favorite authors, songs, poets, and artists. Just a a casual pick-me-up (or rather Aaron hoped it helped lighten your mood), Aaron would use a designated hot pink sticky note to scribble out a little phrase from a poem you had been mentioning consistently. Then when you were off to lunch or just out, Aaron would tuck it neatly onto the bookmarked page of a book or file you were working on.
And you better believe he’d circle phrases (lightly) in pencil and write little notes in the margins of your shared books. If Aaron’s feeling particularly joking during the day, he’ll send you the link to Shakespeare’s sonnet 130 and say ‘Reminds me of you lol’. It makes you laugh every time.
And his texts during the day are so tooth achingly cute im in pain thinking about it/j. 😣😣 Aaron tends to stay away from his phone or most technology on a case, but you were involved- possibly too involved- on a case. Aaron watched your face light up as you read the message: ‘I love you, sweetheart.’
Can’t forget when you’re asleep at night and Aaron’s away for some fucking reason. He doesn’t get too detailed (he doesn’t need too!) but he’ll send you those: ‘You’re sleeping right now, so I wantes to let you know how much I’m in love with you’ texts, sleepily going on about everything about you.
And imagine making a shares playlist between you and Aaron :,). Or not even a shared playlist- you could just send Aaron a song during a boring day of paperwork. He’ll listen to it and think of you, looking at the lyrics and writing the song down for future reference just in case.
Another thing Aaron does is doodle. I know how ridiculous and absurd it sounds, but just little stick figures and a heart or a tiny recreation of a scene from a book you’d recently read. He doesn’t have time most days to actually give them to you, so he just tears them off and tuck the hot pink sticky notes and paper scraps of doodles into your desk and around your home to find for later :)
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nxathyx · 10 months
Pet names I think bungo stray dogs characters would use for their s/o
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Armed Detective Agency
Atsushi Nakajima
°I feel like he'd usually just call you by your name or a nickname
°like if your name is Natalie or Nathaniel definitely would call you Nat or Nath (this is just an example)
°also something simple like "Angel"
°he says you're like a guardian angel and keep him stable
Dazai Osamu
°probably belladona or shorter versions of that like Bella or Dona
°would definitely call you cringe pet names just to laugh about it with you like "hey pookie bear😍😍" (I hate myself)
°maybe an occasional darl or baby
°I feel like he'd call you doll as well (he stole it from Chuuya)
°pretty girl/boy I don't know why
°I don't know I feel like he uses pet names as satire and prefers using your actual name or your nickname
Kunikida Doppo
°this man does not use pet names, like I can't imagine him saying anything
°maybe dear, I don't know what else though
Ranpo Edogawa
°I also don't think he's into pet names
°I don't know like he'd be too lazy to make something up for you
°also just sticks to your name/nickname/Diminutive
°the same as Atsushi except he'd also use "Nathy" (just a random name example)
Tanizaki Junichirou
° "hey kitten😻😻, get on bed wars you're making Daddy angy👿👿
°also uses your name the most probably
°an occasional "lovely"
Yosano Akiko
°probably "love" or a simple "hun"
°either that or your name/nickname
°probably randomly comes up and is like "hey gorgeous/handsome"
Edgar Allan Poe
(putting him here cause I don't know over half of the guild and won't write for them he's also basically an agency member at this point)
°probably darling, dear, sweetheart
°idk he just gives of the vibe
°but I think he'd also prefer just your regular name
Port Mafia
Chuuya Nakahara
°I don't know why but he'd use Spanish nicknames, like mi amor, mi vida, cariño, mi cielo, mi corazón
°maybe princess/prince
°pretty boy/pretty girl (especially if you're trans and have really bad dysphoria)
°also really like using your name, just plain and simple
°my love
°maybe dove
°definetly called you a bitch before
Akutagawa Ryuunoske
°he thinks it's cringe
°once he called you dear and amor (he learnt it from Chuuya)
°just sticks to your full name
Tachihara Michizo
°he gives me "babe" or "bae" vibes and I don't like it 😭
°definetly a "sweetheart" guy
°probably princess/prince as well
Gin Akutagawa
°probably "sweetie"
°other than that I doubt they'd use anything
Higuchi Ichigo
°your name
Koyou Ozaki
Decay of Angels
Fyodor Dostoyevski
°my only one
°he uses those very rarely though and prefers to use your name
Nikolai Gogol
°he calls you something silly
°"hey my gorgeous tampon wrapper"
°like huh😧😧
°uses dove as well
°my free space in bingo 😻😻
°I don't fucking know Bro😭😭
°he probably called you his discord kitten once as a joke In front of Fyodor and Sigma (they're scarred now)
°also the same as ranpo just your name/nickname/Diminutive (prefers nicknames and diminutives)
°my love
°just your full name as well
°definetly called you a saint before
Bram Stoker
°I don't think he'd use nicknames
°I don't know Bro is a vampire
°my little vamp vamp🤭🤭
Hunting Dogs
Tetchou Suehiro
°he'd definitely call you hubby/wifey
Jouno Saigiku
°(how romantic)
°I think he'd rather just use your name honestly aquífy
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dreaminginpencil · 9 months
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(Got obsessed with this idea, so this was a twt thread.)
Eddie makes true crime videos. Steve is the shocking headline of boy-next-door convicted of multiple murders that rocked a small town. 
Steve maintains his innocence and now Eddie is going to get the chance to interview the man himself. He doesn’t expect to believe Steve.
Hawkins is rife with missing persons and strange deaths. Kids that vanished on their way home, young people that slipped through the cracks. 
But three young women were murdered, and all signs pointed unwaveringly to Steve. It feels too neat, too simple, but if Eddie has any hope of proving Steve innocent, he has to prove beyond doubt that the court was wrong. 
There are people on his side - Nancy, Hop - people who never could accept the ruling, people who knew Steve a long time before all this.It’s a high profile case though, and that makes headlines over again as they dig up old hurts to figure out the truth. It’s messy hard work, slow.
Eddie doesn’t expect to fall for Steve while they work to overturn his conviction, that part just kind of… happens?
They arrest Tommy Hagan, the kind of delusional not-quite-ex that makes an awful kind of sense when the pieces fall into place and Eddie sees the full picture. 
And the first time Eddie feels Steve throw warm arms around him under blue skies, a free man, his heart skips a beat. Steve is not the man Eddie went looking for, the unhinged golden boy of one of his stories, instead he’s kind, warm, devoted, everything Eddie could ask. 
Eddie can’t wait to share their lives, to figure out rebuilding a life for Steve in the rubble of the one he almost lost.
Aaaand if you like your ending sweet and not unhinged, read no further ✨ If you wanna get messy? Read on.
They’re two states away, driving on an open highway, when Steve turns to look at Eddie and smiles. “Thing is… I was a sucker for the curls, or a pretty smile, you know? I got carried away, baby. Those girls, and Billy, it just… happened.”
Eddie’s blood runs cold.
Serial killers usually have a type, Eddie knows this. Something uniting them. Eddie thinks of the trio he was originally convicted for. Of Heather. Of Chrissy. Of Barb. Or one of Hawkins’ missing and presumed dead, Billy. Curls or a pretty smile.
Eddie wonders if there’s more.
Steve smiles, that gorgeous warm smile that gives Eddie butterflies, eyes returning to the road. Eddie wonders how he never noticed the way Steve wears the expression like tiger does its stripes, hiding in plain sight. 
The handsome ones got away with the worst things.
Steve is still talking, white teeth and all American good looks in the drivers seat. “It’ll be our little secret, Eds.” Steve’s hand settles on his thigh. “I’d never hurt you, I promise sweetheart. Cross my heart.” 
Eddie knows he has made a monumental and terrible mistake.
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 5 months
Cut the Shit-Delusion, Sweetheart | Cillian Murphy x fem!reader
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summary: A young actress confesses her feelings to Cillian Murphy, this is how he responds.
warning: This is a much different story than I usually write but I think it's one that we all need in moments of pain and loneliness; to allow ourselves to feel sad and disappointment and hurt. We use people like Cillian to comfort ourselves and give ourselves reasons to be happy and sometimes we need moments to be sad. I was inspired by Fleabag (of course) and an AI edit I saw of Cillian where he turns someone down and its really sweet even though it breaks my heart lol. Age-diff, 1 noncon kiss, talk of infidelity.
word count: 1791+k
Blue Light- Mazzy Star 🎶
Don't interact if you're a Yvonne-hater, please and thanks <3
She hesitated before she knocked on the side-door of Cillian’s trailer. This desperate feeling overwhelmed her and she knew that she couldn’t sleep unless she went to him and confessed how she felt. She’d been plagued by dreams of them together, these beautiful, perfect dreams that poisoned her sleep like melatonin. She loved him and whether or not he felt the same way, she needed to tell him. She exhaled shakily as she dropped her arm back to her side. She was wearing her normal clothes, out of costume finally after a long day of shooting. She lost her sense of security behind the battlements of her gowns and numerous frilly things. She couldn’t hide her feelings behind her character anymore. 
The door opened and Cillian leaned against the doorframe in a casual greeting. 
“Don’t tell me we have a late night call time tonight, I’m fucking exhausted.” He smiled with his lopsided grin, his wide lips framing his teeth.
“No, but there is some business I need to attend to. May I come in?” She returned his smile and mirrored his posture. 
“Sure, come on.” He stepped aside and raised his arm in a welcoming gesture for her to pass through the door. She nodded in silent thanks and stood awkwardly in his trailer which was simple and quaint. Except for the unmade bed, the trailer was neat and orderly. 
“Oh fuck I’m sorry, were you asleep when I knocked?” She blushed and squeezed her palms together in an anxious gesture. 
“Nah, I was just reading the script for a movie my agent wants me to do next.” 
“Oh,” she nodded and turned her attention to the rack of costumes his character wore, “is it any good?” 
“It's definitely interesting but I don’t think it’s t’e right film for me.” He sighed and sat on the edge of his bed. Cillian was wearing a plain t-shirt and pajama pants, and seeing the innocent-intimate side of his life made her want so desperately to kiss him. She sat on the small couch he had in the trailer and tried to smile. 
“That’s too bad. Is it anything I’d like?” She joked and he nodded seriously. 
“Actually, yeh. I’ll send it over once I’m through. I’ve been re-reading it.” He moved his hands through the air as he spoke, so unlike his characters. She almost laughed and he smiled. 
“So, what can I do for you? You said you had some business to attend to. Sounds serious. Should I be worried?” He raised his eyebrow and crossed his legs, his hands cupped around the edge of the mattress. She tried to speak and immediately failed. Frustrated and embarrassed tears filled her eyes and she hid them by looking up at the ceiling. Cillian furrowed his brow, concerned. 
“What’s wrong?” He leaned forward on the bed and she shook her head, laughing lightly at herself. 
“I feel so incredibly stupid now for coming here.” She looked away and the bed squeaked softly as Cillian stood and joined her on the couch. She scooted over to give him some room and picked at the skin on her hands. 
“You can always come to me. Whatever it is.” He said softly and the air around them stilled with anticipation.
“Oh don’t say that, Cillian. You’re so kind…” she started to cry and tried to hide her face. 
“Fuck, I hate tears, please don’t cry! Did somet’ing happen?” He raised his hands helplessly, holding them over her without being sure what to do with them. She nodded her head slowly and hiccuped pitifully. 
“You’ll have to forgive me for my comforting abilities. I’ve never been good on t’at front and I have boys so I’m better at comforting members of the male species.” He shrugged and smiled, trying to lighten the mood. She laughed despite herself and wiped her eyes. She stood and paced the front of the trailer, knowing that it was now or never. 
“Cillian, this is such a horrible way to end your nice evening but I can’t continue on set without getting this off my chest. I hope you’ll forgive me.” She dared herself to look at him and he met her eyes, holding her eye-contact with mature resolve. 
“Of course.” He nodded softly, wrinkling his forehead, now more concerned with what his costar was going to tell him. He was naive. He assumed she was going to tell him that she couldn’t work with him anymore or that something had happened in their scenes that had made her uncomfortable. He shifted uneasily on the couch, watching her. She tried to speak a few times but exhaled and shook her head. Cillian stood and met her where she was standing. He was a good few feet taller than her and so much older, but having him there beside her made the feelings she wanted to tell him about so much stronger. 
“Cillian, this isn’t easy to say,” she looked down at her hands and then up into his clear blue eyes. “I have feelings for you, more than our professional relationship can offer. Working with you on set all this time has… it’s made my feelings so much harder to ignore, Cillian.” 
He froze and remembered to breathe, drawing in a startled breath. 
“T’at wasn’t what I was expecting you to say.” He ran his hand over his mouth and looked away, his blue eyes moving through his hidden thoughts. 
“I know you probably don’t feel the same but I just… it’s driving me mad, Cillian. It’s becoming a form of method acting that isn’t fun anymore.” She tried to laugh lightly but grimaced and put the backs of her hands against her burning cheeks. 
“Yeh…” he nodded and sighed, his eyes wide. 
She groaned and returned to the couch, sitting on her sweaty hands. 
“I can go, Cillian. I can leave if you don’t want me here anymore.” She whispered, tears pooling in her eyes. 
“No, no. We need to talk t’rough this.” He said calmly, slowly, and covered his mouth with his freckled hand. 
“Oh God, I’ve gone and fucked everything up. I’m sorry Cillian. I knew you didn’t feel the same but I still let myself go to you.” She leaned back against the couch and pulled her hands through her hair and pulled the skin back from her face. 
“Stop it. Don’t say t'at.” Cillian snapped not unkindly but sternly and took a deep breath. “See, we need to talk about t’is so we can still work together, eh?” He ran a hand through his own dark hair and looked at her for a moment, thinking. 
“How, Cillian? If you knew how I felt about you… it’s maddening. I can’t sleep, Cillian. You’re all I think about as pathetic as it sounds,” she took a deep breath, “I love you. And now you’ll hate me.” She continued and moved her hands, clasped together between her knees.
Cillian sighed and moved abruptly to her side on the couch, opening his body towards her. 
“Don’t talk for me, eh? Look, I understand. It’s hard to not develop certain er… feelings when we do what we do, right?” He cocked his head to the side and licked his lips awkwardly.
“I know I’m childish, Cillian, but I can’t help it. I’m suffering without you… without more from you, more than we can do on set.” She whined and rubbed her shoulders as if she were cold. “Can you indulge me? Do you feel even a little of what I do?” She whispered, looking deeply into his eyes. He said nothing for a second before running his hands up and down his face, exhaling loudly into his palms. He put his hands down and leaned towards her on his elbows. 
“I’m married, sweetheart. Yvonne is my wife and I love her.” He whispered softly, his hands splitting the space between them. 
“But I love you.” She whispered back and leaned in to kiss him. He allowed her to kiss him once and when she pulled away, dejected, he took her chin gently. 
“Cut the shit-delusion, sweetheart. You’re young… far too young for me. You may t’ink you love me but you don’t know me.”
He took her face in his hands and smiled sadly as tears rolled down her pink cheeks. 
“I know you’ll find someone who truly loves you. You’re a beautiful young woman who has her entire life ahead of her. I’m flattered t'at you feel t’at way about me but we can’t, I can’t. If the roles were reversed and we were married and Yvonne approached me, wouldn’t you want me to stop t’ings before t’ey went too far?” He supported her head as she dropped it slightly to the side. She felt empty of words and so he continued. 
“You’re a darling girl but you know we can’t do t’is.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb and wiped away her tears. “You need a boy your age who knows how to love you in the way you need to be loved. I only know how to love my wife… and she’s the only one who knows how to love me.”
“I could have loved you in whatever way you needed.” She whispered weakly and he smiled softly. “I know, sweetheart,” he soothed her like a father, “but you wouldn’t have been happy wit' me. You’re out of my league and you would have gotten bored of me.” He joked lightly and she allowed a pained smile to form on her lips. 
“I’m sorry, Cillian. I feel like such a fool.” She closed her eyes and he hugged her close. 
“Nah, you’re still a kid. You’re many t’ings but foolish is not one of ’em.” He squeezed her tightly and kissed her head affectionately. “You’re a good kid and a great actress. We’ll be fine, the two of us, eh?” He pulled away and she wiped her eyes dry. 
“I’ll try.”  
She kissed him briefly on the cheek and rose to her feet. She walked to the door and looked back at the actor with a small smile, the door open in front of her.
“Goodnight, Cillian.” 
He nodded from the couch. 
Cillian stood and shoved his hands into the pockets of his pajama pants, shrugging his shoulders up to his ears. 
“You weren’t the only one.... That is, you weren’t the only one who felt…” he broke off and cleared his throat, “but it's better t’is way, yeh?.... It’ll pass, love. It’ll pass.” 
He met her eyes one last time and she nodded sadly yet full of a completeness found in their mutual understanding. 
“Goodnight, Cillian.” She said again and closed the door behind her and left the trailer, walking with her back to the wind. Cillian collapsed back on the couch and looked at his watch, wondering if Yvonne was awake. She always answered his calls. She put up with everything, God bless her. She was everything and more than he deserved. He rang her up and she answered after the second ring, her voice ringed with sleepiness.
"Heya, love." He whispered with a smile, "No, everyt'ing's fine. I just wanted to call you. I miss you, girl. Yeah, yeah. Put them on."
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
do you have any pornstar dbf!bucky thots👀
The Video
I've had this thought in my head all damn day and I just needed to write it. I'll link this piece on both my Dad's Best Friend!Bucky master list and the Pornstar!Bucky master list because I don't want to choose.
Consider this the piece I wrote to celebrate my birthday today 💗 here’s to 23 with you lovely folks! 🥂
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Pairing: Pornstar! Dad's Best Friend!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 3K
Summary: You find out what your father’s best friend does for work.
Warnings: Age gap (reader is in her mid 20’s, Bucky is in his late 40’s), vaginal fingering, masturbation, unprotected sex, creampie, size kink, praise kink, mentions of rough pornography, dirty talk, pet names, degradation
Minors, do not interact
Avoiding Bucky had never been your plan, purely because it would’ve been a fucking stupid one.  Realistically, it wouldn’t have been easy to avoid someone who probably spent more time at your house than they did their own.  When he wasn’t at ‘work’, your father’s friend seemed to spend his time at your house, mowing the lawn or polishing your mom’s car or watching some pointless sports game with your dad.
You’d never really questioned what Bucky got up to for work.  You imagined growing up that he must’ve practiced a trade since he was always the one your father called to fix the kitchen sink when it sprung a leak or tinker with the garage door when it became difficult to pull down.
Now that you were fully clued in however, it all made painful sense why Bucky had been so evasive when you had come right out and asked him what he did for work the year before you graduated from college.
“What do you think I do, sweetheart?”  He had asked with a smirk tugging at the corners of his soft, pink lips.
“I have no idea, Buck!  You seem to have as much free time as you like, I just don’t understand how you pay the bills.”  You had mused, sitting in your own garage on a work bench, swinging your legs in front of you, secretly hoping that Bucky would notice just how cute and tiny those shorts you were wearing are.  Unfortunately for you, he didn’t look up from under the bonnet of your dad’s jeep.
“I guess you could say I’m self-employed, angel.  I pick and choose the jobs I want.  I have plenty of offers.”  He tried to keep it as non-descript as possible, dodging the question rather than lying about it.
“I bet you do, you seem good with your hands.”  He could tell by the genuine innocence in your voice that you truly had no idea.  You weren’t leading him to answer one way or another.
He huffed out a laugh as he grabbed the rag beside him, wiping the oil from his hands, muddying the white cloth with the dark residue.  “Oh sweetheart, you have no idea.”
It all made perfect sense now though, scrolling through picture after picture on your phone.  Every drag of your fingertip brought a fresh wave of video thumbnails, each somehow more obscene than the last.  The titles certainly weren’t much better.  
Pictures of beautiful young women flooded your screen.  Some had their makeup thoroughly ruined, mascara tracked down their cheeks and a fucked-out look in their eyes.  Some were on their knees, their hair grabbed into a rough ponytail while they rested the tip of a cock on their tongue.  Some were bent over, evidently ‘trapped’ under their bed with their ass in the air. 
Curiosity got the better of you, after ignoring a warning from your brain that this might be an invasion of Bucky’s privacy.  It was all posted on the internet after all, it’s not like he could keep it a secret forever.  
One video caught your eye, titled ‘James Barnes fucks tight brunette, HUGE cumshot’.  The crude objectification made you wince a little but the short snippet of video that the thumbnail provided you with seemed a little bit gentler than the rest.
Skipping the first few minutes helped you feel like you weren’t too invested.  This was research.  Plain and simple nosiness.  You had no intention of watching this for any purpose other than to see whether Bucky Barnes had perfected his craft or not.
“Shit, that’s it.  So fuckin’ pretty like this.”  The voice from your phone was familiar but so much lower than you’d ever heard it before; so deep, you could only have described it as a growl.
The girl whimpered, almost pathetically.  You couldn’t blame her.  Bucky wasn’t small by any stretch of the imagination and judging by the reaction of the woman he was buried inside, he managed to hit all the spots he needed to.
You’d heard fake moans before.  Hell, you’d made plenty of them yourself.  Enough to know that the woman you were watching wasn’t orchestrating hers for the benefit of the camera.  No, those were real.  Right down to the trembling thighs either side of Bucky’s narrow hips.
“You have no idea how perfect you feel.  Tight and wet and warm.  You take me so fuckin’ well.”  You watched as he slid inside her, painfully slowly.  Admittedly, her body did take him well, letting him sink in until he had nothing left to give.  This poor woman was already looking somewhat blissed out, begging him to fuck her but that’s when you skipped forward to about a minute before the end.  That same woman was now clawing at his muscular back, whimpering and sobbing delightfully while Bucky pounded into her.  He wasn’t holding back in the slightest, letting the same filth tumble from his lips.
“Oh baby, you sound like you can’t take any more.  Are you done?”  He was so condescending, it made your gut tighten with lust, a dull throb settling between your legs but the woman only shook her head.
“Good girl.  God, ’m so close.  You’ll never get enough, will you?  Just a needy fucking slut for me.  Gonna have you all cock obsessed.  Bet you’ll think of me every time you touch that pretty pussy of yours from now on.  You’ll be begging to see me again.”  Bucky sounded wrecked, finishing his sentence with a drawn out, low groan.  Within a couple of seconds, he had pulled out, splashing his seed all over the woman’s tummy, pearlescent spend rolling down her sides and onto the sheets while some pooled on her heaving chest.
Over the next few days, you tried desperately to get what you had seen out of your head.  You tried hard, you really did.  Perhaps it didn’t help that late at night, you found yourself going back to watch more.  Perhaps it also didn’t help that you found your hand drifting under your panties as you watched, taking care of that familiar throb that seemed to turn into an ache when you watched for too long without touching yourself.
Dodging Bucky was simple enough but you knew you couldn’t keep it up forever.  Hiding in your room couldn’t become a hobby just because you found out your father’s best friend, the older man you had been so innocently crushing on, was a porn star.
The first time you bumped into him though, it was game over.  He could tell just from the way you looked at him that something was up, or rather, the way you couldn’t look at him.
“Everything okay, sweetheart?”  He asked, watching you make yourself look busy in the cereal cupboard late one afternoon after he had walked into your kitchen.  You saw him coming and very obviously tried find any excuse that meant you wouldn’t have to talk to him.
“I’m fine, looking for cereal.”  You replied, your head almost buried in the cupboard.
“Well, I hope you find it.  If you can’t see it from there, you’ve got a problem.  I bet your nose is practically touching the box, you’re so deep in there.”  He sounded too damn amused and it only made you more embarrassed.  This really was the last thing you needed.  “Why are you avoiding me, honey?”
There it was.  You were called out.
“I’m not!”  You tried to sound sincere but you weren’t awfully successful; you knew even as you were saying the words that it wasn’t going to fly.
“Mhm, and the fact you saw me coming has nothing to do with how you’re buried shoulder deep in the cereal cupboard?  Don’t think I’m stupid.  I know you’re avoiding me.”  In hindsight, you maybe could’ve handled that a little bit better but now here you were, pulling yourself back out and forcing some painfully awkward eye contact.
“I’ve seen the videos.”  You mumbled, looking away and making yourself busy with your nails.
“Okay.”  He dragged the word out a little, slowing it down and only adding to it’s gravity.  “And?  You’re an adult.  You know what porn is.  Things don’t need to be weird but if you’re uncomfortable having me around, I can leave you alone.”
“No, you don’t have to, I don’t have a problem with it.  It’s all just very… Rough?”  You weren’t really sure this was a conversation you wanted to be having, shame burning in the pit of your stomach because clearly you’d just admitted to watching more than a video or two.
He paused for a second, nodding his head, the couple of light grey hairs at the crown of his head glinting in the light.  “You’re right, sweetheart.  It's a little rough at times.  That’s not my preference, that’s the script I’m given.”
That made sense and somehow settled you just a little.  “So you just stick to the script?”  You quiz, holding eye contact with him again for a few seconds before it got too intense.
“For the most part.  It doesn’t tell me what to say, that’s all up to me.  It just gives me direction.  It’s a running order of the scenes we’ve agreed to shoot.  Most of those videos certainly aren’t a representation of how I would want to fuck if I got the choice.”  His lips were curled in a soft smile, watching you lap this all up.
“A-and how would you want to fuck if you got to choose?”  You couldn’t quite believe you’d said it but apparently you did because the question hung in the air longer than you might have wanted it to.
“Well sweetheart, that depends.  I’d treat a pretty little thing like you a bit differently.  I’d have to be slow with you.  Really ease you into it.  I bet I’d have to spend a lot of time working you up to take me.  I think I’d start by giving you my tongue until I can slip a finger into you.  Then a second finger.  Maybe a third if I think you can manage it.”  He could see the effect this was having on you.  You’d wanted to imagine it while you’d watched his videos but you couldn’t bring yourself to fall into the fantasy.  Now he was dragging you into it.
“Then I’d put you on your hands and knees.  I’d tell you to rub yourself while I press inside you, so slow you’ll be begging me to give you all of me.  And when you’re at that point, ruined and desperate for more, I’ll fuck you nice and slow.  I’ll have you just as addicted as those other girls but with a kinder pleasure.  I’d tell you how beautiful you are and how badly I’ve wanted to kiss every inch of your skin I can.  I’d tell you how gorgeous you look when you cum and how it’s better than I ever imagined.”
God, this was something close to a dream come true.  “I-I’d like that.  That sounds… Nice.”  Words were really failing you, hoping this was a genuine offer and not just some hypothetical situation that would never play out.
“It does sound nice.”  Bucky huffed out a laugh.  “It sounds real fucking nice.  I shouldn’t want my best friend’s daughter cumming around me.  I know I shouldn’t.  I know I think about it far too often but nothing gets me off the way you do.”
Your breath caught in your throat, an embarrassing arousal throbbing its way around your body, settling in the pit of your stomach.  Heat blossomed in your chest, hoping beyond hope that this wasn’t some sick joke.  
“I want that.  But I don’t want you to be too gentle.  I want you to fuck me the way you want to fuck.  Not what you think I need.”  Your confidence almost caught him off guard and he didn’t expect to find it as sexy as he did.
“God, you’re a tease.”  He muttered under his breath, crossing the short space between you both to crash your lips against his.  You could feel the heat of his body against yours, the difference in size almost making you shudder because you’d never felt this small against a partner.
His lips were soft, his hands wandering seemingly everywhere at once and it was so much to take in.  Fuck, it was perfect.  Intense and hungry but not overwhelming.
“Bed, Buck.”  You pant between fervent kisses before he’s grabbed you by the back of the thighs, helping you wrap your legs around his waist so he could carry you to your room. 
You both had your clothes stripped off in a frenzy, not giving much thought to anything other than the way your lips slotted together.  Your bottom lip felt perfectly at home between his teeth, the slight pain of his bite only making you moan.
“You’re such a good girl.”  He whispers, tugging your panties off and groaning when he realises how slick they are already.  “Fuck, I should’ve known how bad you’d need this.  It’s always the ones you least expect.”
His breath feels so hot on your neck, littering the skin with kisses and gentle nibbles, panting tiny groans against you while his fingers slide over your core.
You’re wet and messy, aching with a need you didn’t know you were capable of.  “Oh sweetheart, I could slip right into you.  You’re soaking wet for me.  God, you’re a dream.”
“Buck, please.  I want your tongue later.  P-please just fuck me first.”  You could hardly manage a conhesive thought with the way his fingertips played with your body ever so gently, alternating between rubbing little circles on your clit and teasing your hole with the tips of two fingers, pressing them in just to the first knuckle.
“This is wrong, sweetheart.  So fucking wrong.  I shouldn’t get this fuckin’ excited hearing you beg for my dick but it’s all I’ve wanted for months.”  His voice is just as low as you heard in those videos, dripping with arousal.
“The only thing ‘wrong’ here is the fact you’re not inside me yet.”  You giggle quietly, rolling over and presenting your ass to him, exactly how he had described earlier.  
Whatever self-control he had was gone.  Long gone.  The sight of you offering your slick, hot core was more than enough to ruin him but the way you watched him over your shoulder with an excited smile almost had him trembling with need.
“This is wrong.”  He whispered, lining the tip of his dick up with your entrance, grunting at the feeling of the wet heat.
“So wrong.”  You repeated quietly.  “S-so fucking wrong.  We shouldn’t be doing this.”  You were breathless already, pressing yourself back until his tip had just slipped inside you.  “We shouldn’t need this as badly as we do.”
Bucky’s groan was beautiful, watching as you shifted yourself back to allow the rest of his length to slide slowly into you.
“You know damn well what you’re doing to me.”  He sighed, looking away from the sight of his thick length gliding home.  “Play with yourself.  I won’t last long this time sweetheart but trust me, I’ve got all night with you.”  
You’d never seen him this wrecked so early on in any of his videos so you did as you were told, letting two fingers circle your clit the way you often did when you watched him slide into those other women.  
You heard him take a deep breath, pulling back out as far as possible without slipping out before pressing back in again, dragging a soft groan from both of you.  This was everything you’d both longed for and more.
His huge hands squeezed the cheeks of your ass, admiring the how soft and plush it felt under his touch, dragging himself back out only to press back in, earning another groan.
You could’ve taken this forever, enjoying the way his tip nudged that delicate spot inside you while your fingers worked exactly how you like them to.  This was bliss in its truest form.  This was the passion you had craved, the gentle touches and soft praises but accompanied by an all-consuming pleasure.
“Faster Bucky, please.”  You whined and hell, you looked like a goddess, fallen forward onto the bed, so consumed by sensations that you wanted to have no control over and he could recognise that so clearly.
“Tell me you need me.”  He panted, speeding up his thrusts, letting each one land beautifully before forcing himself momentarily from the heat of your body once more.
“Oh God, I need you.  I need you, Bucky.  I need you to fuck me faster.  Fuck me harder.  It feels so good.  I’m gonna cum for you, I just need more.”  You couldn’t help but sob, drowning in the litany of groans and curses falling from the older man lips.
Your fingers worked faster, in time with the thrusts you were receiving until it all come crumbling down around you.  The knot in your tummy tightened unbearably, your heart pounding as the sensation took over entirely.  It was a perfect release, your body clenching and tightening rhythmically while you sobbed the ecstasy into the pillow under your head.
“Oh good girl, that’s it.  Cum nice ‘n hard.  O-oh God.”  You vaguely registered Bucky coaching you through your orgasm before reaching his own but unlike any of his videos, he didn’t pull out.  He stayed buried inside you, pressed as deep as he could go.  You felt the weight of his seed inside you, the position allowing it to drip deeper, pooling at your cervix and the thought alone made you shudder.
“My God, that was…. Wow.”  He laughed, kissing down your spine before pulling out and flopping onto the bed beside you.  
“Yeah… Wow.”  You giggled, kissing his cheek and curling up against him, not really worried that you were both a little sweaty.  
“I meant it though.  I’ll be gentle with you later.  I’ll take my time with you.  I just needed that.”  He kissed your forehead, running a hand down your back and damn, he certainly wouldn’t hear you complaining.
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daichiduskdrop · 4 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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• Chapter 38
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: more angsty than usual, mentions of self worth, abandonment
Words: 3557
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashionstyle-blog @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragonsflare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae @plexcaffeinate @strawblueberrys @massivelyfullenthusiast @iimichie
I might have forgotten someone, please let me know and I'll add you, the list is open :)
So sorry for such a long break I took. I can't make any promises about updates until my finals, but I hope all is well with you. Please let me know if I'll forget any details in the chapters upcoming ;-;
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„I wasn't sure which you'd prefer cub, so ...I got many.” The man of usual confidence spoke subtly, scratching his arm as he observed your wide eyes at the array before you. 
The large plushy bed had different packages of all colours and styles laid on it; there had to be at least 20 different pieces to choose from—colourful, bold, minimalistic, and more simple cuts—all available. 
You knew Jin was thoughtful and truly a caring man, an alpha of the right mind, and seeing all the different options he allowed you to have, just for the sake of your comfort, hit you deeper than you would expect. 
You cried so much that day; you were exhausted from doing it over and over, and even as you wished you could just stop with these bothersome happenings, you couldn't help the small tears that brimmed your eyes as you looked at the nervous man. 
The shiny eyes you gave him worried him immediately. Did you not like what he chose? Has he chosen too little or too much? Were you overwhelmed? 
„Cub, baby, no, no, don't cry, I-” 
As he reached for you, his arms grasping at your shoulders, you looked away, quickly wiping at your eyes as you sat at the side of the bed, the alpha doing so too right away. 
„I'm sorry, Jin.” You oh so quietly whispered as you watched your hands on your lap, the alpha's hand coming to cover yours, his thumb rubbing over the soft skin. 
He gulped away the slight shock of you using just his plain name instead of the honorific you seemed to prefer, though he would be a liar saying he didn't like it either.
„...What for? You don't need to apologise; you never did a thing wrong, you know that, right?” The worried gaze of the older man, as he softly spoke, searched yours, but to no avail. 
"I'm sorry, it's so complicated with me.” 
„What? Sweetheart you-” 
„No, I mean it, Jin, I'm sorry that.. that I cry so much and I require all of these things you would never have to worry about before hand, that I'm so sensitive and closed of, that I bother you too much... I'm just sorry, okay?” 
The drop that happened this afternoon took a toll on you; all could recognise, but the eldest didn't expect this—he didn't expect that you would start to apologise. 
Apologise for the things they never would mind about you—all that could only strengthen your bond and help it solidify. Let them care for you. Did you not understand how much they needed you? You should depend on them; let them, for once in their lives, truly freely indulge in the option to care for someone else, fill their needs, and stop holding back. 
„Y/N, don't ever say sorry for something that isn't to apologise for, okay?” His voice was soft, his palm squeezing yours gently. But you didn't answer, only a small shrug leaving you. 
„...You know, when I was younger, before we debuted, it was so difficult to be an alpha, I mean. We would train all the time, have no time to create relationships, and hardly had time for our family packs, yet our relationship wasn't as strong as it is today, as you can imagine... It was a mess, a true mess.”
The low timber of his voice washed over you as you allowed yourself to listen to his calm voice. He wasn't fretting over you, staying serious and communicative instead of letting the sometimes overwhelming mindset of his second gender take over, much like they usually would when it came to you. 
„Jungkookie was just a boy back then; he still went to his school, but I think it took the toll on him the greatest—me and the olders like Yoongi and even Minnie and Tae all already started to grow more self-sufficient; we all stopped being so dependent on our family packs, making the transition smoother, but gosh, ...Kook-ah was just too young.”
You recognised the regret in his voice, the way his voice lightly shook as he looked at the ceiling, blinking rapidly—he too was about to cry, you could tell. Yet as you were about to reach your hand from his and console him like he has done so many times for you, Jin looked over, a small yet smiley, watery frown on his face. 
„No peaches, let me finish telling you about this; it's so important for you to know,” and you could only nod slightly, this time your fingers tightening upon his „about how much you help, I think you don't even realise.”
„He barely presented when we started as trainees, and we were all alphas, BigHit mostly highers alphas and betas only, especially for idols, so Jungkook hardly ever got to care for someone, anything really, and I regret ever letting him do it to himself, god, you don't understand how much I do.”
As one of the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen shed their first tear, the elder too was quick to wipe them away, mimicking just what you had done a while earlier. 
„We could never fill that role for him; I could do so much for him—act as an older brother, be there for him during his graduation ceremony, and whatnot—but he was just so desperate to have a soul to care for... that, that we could never give to him.
And we needed one like that too, but no matter who BigHit would hire, gosh, it was just so uncomfortable, you can't even imagine. But that was the most we could ever get, unless we would have someone sign NDA's and other bullshit you just don't bring up on the first date, you know?”
The alpha sighed, reviving the old memories he had buried so long ago. 
„Sometimes we would unintentionally just start coddling Kook too; he was the youngest, and it just happened on its own, but then later, as we got older, he would snap at us, all valid though looking back at it now... 
I just... Y/N I just want you to know that we had never ever, and I promise you, I've met many, gotten around to such a precious gem like you are. Whatever we do with you just feels right, and you must understand, please, that you are far more precious to us than you'd ever think you are. And I'm so sorry we don't let you know enough.”
Jin looked your way, his eyes once again searching yours, now with much more vigour and need. He needed you to know just how well you filled that deep hollow carved in their chest throughout the years of disappointment and sadness. 
„I'm serious, Y/N. I would never lie to you about this. How could I? I know people didn't treat you the way they should; I know you are hurting deep inside; and I know one conversation like this just won't smooth the hurt away, and I'm so, so, very sorry it's that way. I'm sorry they hurt you, my precious cub, and I promise I'll never let you hurt alone again. Just let us be there for you, truly.”
This time, his voice was firm, his eyes holding yours until they blurred with tears. You felt sorry for them, for Jungkookie being so lonely, and you felt sorry for them, for you believed they deserved so much better than you could ever be there to offer. 
And so you could only reach out for him, your hands clasping to his shoulders as the alpha lifted you over to his lap, letting both his and your tears cascade, soft sniffles and sobs filling the room.
The eldest held you like you were just the finest, most perfect work of art he was blessed to lay eyes upon. With care and the upmost love the man could offer, you deserved it all.
He let his chin rest upon the top of your head, and as you hid in the crook of his neck, your nose resting close to the scent gland offering a mean to calm you, you noticed a sad undertone you didn't recognise that well there, too close for your comfort. 
Jin was upset; he was upset at how little you thought of yourself, how complicated your life has been, and how terribly the people meant to cherish you would treat you. He was so upset and just wished to take all the hurt you so delicately stored in your heart away and just heal you in his arms. 
„...I just am s-so scared of getting attached... and losing you, oppa.” Your gentle voice against his ears, the reality of all the issues, drops, and tears shared with you and the pack downing on him. 
You didn't want to let yourself be comforted deep inside, letting their words heal just the surface of the problems while the calm waves above hid the true storm below. 
Gosh, he should have realised, Jin cursed himself as he held you just closer. 
„Oh, Y/N, we would never leave you, sweetheart, never... Have you not seen how much we grew to you over time? We need you so much, Y/N, you can't even imagine.”
The man known for his confidence once again seemed to have lost his words, though his actions spoke louder as he just held you closer, letting the tears fall as his soft tears turned into loud sobs, holding you to his chest.
You let your legs wrap around his slim waist, the alpha answering by squeezing you even more, as if you were to disappear, to hurt when he wouldn't be there to offer his hold. 
Not many times were offered for you to learn to comfort and console someone, but with them, it felt different, open, and never uncomfortable to do actions you'd never even think you'd ever even try with anyone else. 
And so, you allowed your second gender tendencies to guide you, your own cheek flush against his neek and jaw as you rubbed your scent over the scent gland, sending distressed waves through the room.
Just as you were in the middle of the scenting, hopefully helping the alpha calm down, a soft knock sounded on the doors, followed by a deep voice you grew to recognise easily. 
„Hyung? Kitten, is everything okay?” 
To be truthful, the man sensed something wrong all too long ago, and so as he, Jungkook and Hoseok were preparing the little snacks like popcorn and drinks to have during the movie night, he felt his heart strings twitch. 
But all seemed well around the kitchen and so in the living room, as Jimin and Taehyung argued about whether they should watch the first movie with Japanese dabing or Korean dabing with Japanese subtitles. 
He couldn't see Namjoon, a soft frown settling upon his smooth complexion. Though he heard the close doors shut, he could smell the pack alpha approaching, just with a package in his arms, the two younger alphas gasping upon seeing him. 
And so, that only left you and Jin, and after a while of the slight distress going through the bond, Yoongi grew worried the others would pick upon it too. 
 Not that he didn't want them to not know whatever was going on, but if it regarded you, he noticed how the large group could be just too much sometimes, and so he abandoned the softly popping popcorn, letting Hobi take over as he went to investigate. 
As he came closer to Jin's bedroom, only then could he recognise the alpha's upset scent, shocking the younger. He realised he had only seen the eldest cry a handful of times and heard the soft sobs coming behind the room—no, that wasn't the sweet omega they grew to pamper over time; that was his hyung, an alpha who holds back his tears until the very last strength he holds, until he crumbles.
And for once in a long time, the usually calm and composed man grew unsure of his next steps. Should he let him be, or should he come in, one or another? But the moment he heard your sniffles, he decided to knock. 
After his voice, it was quiet for a bit, and when he got no response, Yoongi gently cracked the doors open, a sudden heavy, distressed, and sad scent clouding his senses. 
The man's eyes widened, yet he didn't peer into the room, choosing to face it sideways, as if to give you privacy. He wasn't there to giggle at your sadness; he wasn't there to oogle at you and tease you both later. No, he was there to help. 
„Hey,... Hey, is everything okay? Should I go grab someone?” The slight unsureness of his voice made it easy to decipher that he did not know how to approach the situation. His hyung was an alpha after all; it would only do more damage if he started comforting him, and neither did Yoongi necessarily want to do so. 
„N-No, it's okay, you can come in.” You had never heard Jin stutter, and the soft and defeated voice he held squeezed your heart. 
The doors shut soon after, and it took a few seconds for the younger to compose himself, seeing the dishevelled older alpha and how softly you were scenting him. Even in the darkened mood, Yoongi saw the light; you looked comfortable, comforting the older. Another step towards the hopefully near future. 
„...What happened?” He asked softly, coming closer with shuffling steps, his loose sweats, and a hoodie matching the sluggish movement of his. 
The man too sat down next to you both; instead of hugging the elder, he chose to let his fingers gently comb through your hair and instead put soft eyes over the pair. Only then did you stop the profound scenting; your glossy eyes, too glossy for the alpha's liking, took hold of his worried gaze. 
„...It's okay...me and oppa talked about some stuff.;” It was you who spoke up as Jin's soft sniffles quieted down, his hold lightly loosening as he sat up better. 
The teary soft smile he gave you was heartbreaking, but you understood well what his eyes said: „We would never abandon you, never in a million years.” 
And you felt comforted. You trusted the man with all you had; the littlest amount of trust you could offer was all theirs.
„I'm sorry, Yoongi-ah, I didn't mean to cry like this.” The bitter chuckle that left the elder had the other alpha in slight shock, his cat-like eyes widening. 
„Hyung, I don't..." yet his sentence didn't follow, the man choosing to stay quiet, his palm falling upon the elder's arm in a small squeeze, possibly to comfort, acknowledge, or both.
Yoongi would lie if he said he didn't feel like crying at least once because of the hurt you stored in your fragile heart. He had never felt that way, which confused him slightly. He would have never cried because someone took their problems out on the one he grew to care for. Sure, he would have been angry, but not in the same way as with you.
„...Let's talk downstairs, okay? That way, you don't have to repeat anything uncomfortable.” Jin's lightly raspy voice sounded, and the softest peck imaginable landing just at your temple. A last squeeze was shared between you two as you slowly climbed out of bed. The other alpha was quick to take hold of your left hand as the eldest held your right. 
And as you came closer to the living room, full of soft and sweet ruckus, the first to notice the reddened cheeks on Jin was the youngest, the doe eyes widening as he gasped a soft „Hyung!” abandoning the chip packet and approaching quickly. 
Your eyes also shined too much for his liking, but before he could voice any distress, the second-eldest shushed him already. 
„Let's all talk together, Koo.” Yoongi's voice was firm, shutting any questions about to spill as the others worried glances fell upon both Jin and you. 
It didn't take long before you all took a seat upon the couches; all could be dispersed yet sticking together, your seat between the olders. Hobi was quick to offer you both a tissue or two, his distressed eyes set watching closely, as if to seek a way he could allow himself to help once. 
None of the others were any better, just wishing to hold you close and never have to worry about anything wrong coming your way ever again. God, they'd do anything if it meant you'd be safe and sound. 
"...Me and Jin oppa had a talk, and I...” Your soft voice, starting confident, seemed to grow colder and more shaky with each passing word, dying out too soon for their liking. 
But with the men's fingers holding yours closer if possible, you continued, describing just how sorry you were for all the worry you put them through whenever they would take you out and how difficult you were, voicing your worries and distress. 
"...I'm so scared, so scared of how much I rely on you, and I'm just so worried you'll be gone soon, and I just don't want to be alone again.” You didn't dare look up for the entire time of your rant, thought before you knew it, just before you an alpha fell to his knees.
Jungkook, his bright eyes shining with tears as he too softly cried, much like many of the others. 
„Y/N, baby..” The gaze of pure heartbreak he gave you had you looking away, his hands holding your cheeks to make you look back at him again, tears welling up in both his and your eyes, hands trembling with emotion. The pack members exchanged pained glances, realising the depth of your fear of being alone.
"I know... I know you all care for me. And that's what scares me the most—the thought of losing this, losing all of you. I don't think I could live again." 
The youngest too broke into sobs just as the elder had before, his arms taking you from the pair as he gently pulled you to his lap, his nose hidden in the very crook of your neck, his body tense with sorrow. 
He could never forgive himself for not being there for you when you needed them the most. 
The entire pack mourned with sorrows, and even after the others calmed down over time, the pack alpha, the quickest to recover from having to constantly blink his tears away, would envelop you both in his embrace, the softest shushes leaving his lips as he promised on his life that he would never leave you. 
„...alpha would never lie to you, my sweetest love; you know that, right? I'll always be here, for all you need.” 
And soon after, Namjoon pulled both of you back onto the couch, letting the youngest latch onto you, the omega he grew to desire and need over the time shared, as the packalpha rubbed the small of your back, a touch of comfort. 
You didn't cry; just a few sniffles left you ever so often, yet you shook like a feather in the wind realising how open you were about yourself after such a long time. 
Years it took you to be vulnerable with someone other than your throughts, and years it took for you to find someone in your life who didn't take advantage of you even then.
And so, as it dawned on you just how purehearted the pack was, you allowed yourself to truly relax and be truly assailable yet with no fear, a luxury you never realised was foreign. 
When Jimin leaned over to softly ask you if you still wanted to watch the movie, you nodded, sending the man a reassuring smile. The alpha smiled back, gently wiping away any tears astray on your cheeks as he held out a blanket for you to cuddle under, a soft thank you leaving you, letting the older tuck you under. Jungkook was quick to shuffle under the warmth too. 
Not long after did all the alphas rest into comforting places, though to be truthful, all in the end unconsciously formed around you, your soft body closely held in the very centre, like the most precious gem, just as Jin described earlier, laid in the deepest of the dragon's lair. 
When the first Harry Potter movie started playing, the Japanese subtitles turned on, even if you didn't need them, for you was a thought that mattered; the alphas took you into consideration, and you appreciated it more than you'd allow yourself to think you'd do. 
Hobi would lean over, whispering soft, teasing comments about how each character was a bit too silly to begin with, telling you about your house, a true Hufflepuff he claimed, and joking around softly with the new words created in the universe. And deep down you knew he was trying to cheer you up.
You grew to like the story of the movie, not even realising how much time has passed, tiredness coming over you when your eyes fluttered shut, the last memory of the night of Jungkook's arms gently wrapped around your waist, his chest warming up your back as he whispered into your ear with a soft timber: 
„Sleep tight, bunny. I love you so much.” Sealing his promise with a soft kiss to the top of your head. 
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alexsoenomel · 5 months
Random Dean Winchester Headcanons:
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Dean not letting you drive Baby. Too protective over his car. You would beg him but he would always say no. He let you once though – on your birthday – but ended up regretting when you almost crashed into a tree. 
He loved drinking coffee with you in the morning in silence. It was your morning ritual. Coffee and then everything else. 
Loved discussing music with you, especially during road trips. He would even let you pick the next song, just because he thought your taste was awesome. 
Being overprotective and possessive. If someone hurts you – they're dead. If someone flirts with you – they get a polite fuck off. If they continue? They get a punch in the face. 
He loved the way you would look at him whenever he would wear a suit. You loved pulling his tie and giving him a sweet little kiss before work, telling him how handsome he looked. 
He loved sleeping next to you. He loved the smell of your hair and how it lightly tickled his face. He also loved being the small spoon every once in a while – he felt safe next to you. He would still put his gun under his pillow though; old habits die hard. 
Dean loved when you would play with his hair, especially before bed since sleep deprivation was his best friend. 
Random dates. He loved taking you out on random free days. Dinners, drinks, star gazing, night drives – he loved spending time with you. 
He wasn’t much of a reader, but he loved when you would read him your favorite books. Sometimes he would read it to you, the sound of his voice was like a lullaby for you on bad days when you couldn’t sleep. You would use him as a pillow as he would read to you until your light snores filled the room. 
Arguing. You would argue mostly while working. You were both stubborn and impulsive so poor Sam always had to be the voice of reason. He wanted to keep you safe and you wanted to hunt.
Jealousy. You would get jealous. Dean was a good looking man and other women would try to get his attention and of course it never worked. He would just ignore them, but that still didn’t ease your jealousy. You would grow silent, anger written on your face and he would of course tease you, making the situation worse – for him.
“Be careful, she’s going to come and steal your man,” He told you once, after a waitress left her number on a napkin. 
“Be careful,” you started as you kicked him in the shin under the table, “next time I’m kicking you where you like my face the most.” He groaned in pain and Sam almost choked on his coffee. 
Bickering. Because he was a little shit and you were his little shit. Two sides of the same coin, actually. 
Kisses, lots and lots of kisses. He loved kissing every inch of you, taking his sweet time, slow, sensual and tortuous. You would whimper under him every single time. 
Holding hands. First time he held your hand was while driving home after a ghost almost took you out. He lectured you after Sam successfully burnt its bones, told you how reckless and stupid you were for jumping in front of him. Then he realized you almost died – the thought scared the living shit out of him.
He was a switch, plain and simple. Sometimes he loved calling you his dirty little slut, making you scream his name over and over, but other times he just wanted to admire your body as you would ride him. He loved when you were in control. 
Praise kink. That man loved being praised. “You feel so good, baby,” was his favorite. 
He would smile whenever you would call him handsome.
You were his sunshine, darling and sweetheart.  He would call you by your name only when he was pissed.
He loved you more than anything, but at the same time he thought he didn’t deserve you. 
You told him I love you first, drunk on whiskey after a successful hunt. Sam was sick that day, so it was only you and him. He didn’t say anything at first, instead he kissed you and took you home. He made love to you that night and between kisses the words slipped. “I love you too, sweetheart.” 
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shotgunbunny · 1 year
cherry wine
Bunny gets chosen
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WC:3k+ GIF by lilacevans
Bunny gets chosen
part 1
[dark! cult leader!Ari Levinson x airhead!Reader]
[warnings: will have dubcon/noncon, cult aspects, 6'6 Ari, Older man and younger woman, reader is over 18!, will have murder, violence etc. air head reader!, busty reader, basically bimbo reader!]
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When you returned home from the eventual day, you were giddy with excitement. You clutched the dress in your hands as you opened the door. You could help but felt a burst of nervousness over tonight. You might have a husband or you might be left with a broken heart over not being the great ones lover.
As you took your shoes off and were about to head upstairs, you were stopped by your parents calling you into the room. You stepped into the room, and saw your parents sitting in their respected chairs. You could tell something was wrong with how the air in the room felt gloomy.
"Sweetheart, you do know what happens if you get chosen don't you?"
"Ofcourse I do dad! I'll be one of the most respected women in this town!"
"It's not just that sweetheart, you need to realise that there's no going back. You can stay at home and not be part of it. Once you're chosen, you can't ever go back. You'll belong to him."
"I know, it's fine. I might not even be chosen so don't worry!"
With that you left the room and bounced up the stairs excitedly. Missing the concerned looks that your parents gave each other. They feared Ari. They knew he had done bad things and the second he didn't get what he wanted then he would crush the town.
There was a story that floated around about how Ari wanted to partner up with one of the local businesses. Yet they denied, and it led to the owners demise. Everyone knew it was Ari's doing yet, they could not prove it. They were terrified of you denying Ari. Who would die then? They needed you to realise but your mind was so clouded by simple things that it simply ignored all the bad things.
In your room you began getting ready. You did your hair and makeup, ensuring that you looked pretty. While a quick check over in your mirror you smiled, and were happy with the results. You knew it was going to be a goodnight you could feel it in your bones.
You turned and began to pull your comfiest and prettiest underwear set on that had the cutest bow on! You wore your thick white tights, and then placed your dress on. You were in awe of how it looked on you. Truly, you looked like an angel. You felt glamorous and beautiful, almost like a movie star. You couldn't help but giggle. With a quick look outside, you saw how dark it was and decided to put a pair of fluffy socks on your tights to keep your feet extra warm. And with that you pulled a cute cardigan out, this one was plain white and would ensure warmth.
And the you pulled out your black Mary Jane's that had a bit of a platform heel. You looked amazing. You grabbed your little bunny bag and placed a lipgloss, your phone and your purse in it. And with a sharp in take of breath to boost you confidence you began you walk downstairs. Slow and shy, you approached the living room where your parents lingered. You made a small coughing noise which drew their attention.
They turned to look as gasped. You were going to be chosen tonight, no doubt about it. They heard how Ari had bought you the dress you longed for, and now you were wearing it to the choosing. You were practically gift-wrapped for Ari. Yes you did indeed look beautiful but the feeling of grief lingered in their bones. They were going to loose you tonight, either by death or Ari keeping you.
Ari was a very private and possessive man. Everything he wanted he owned and he never let anyone touch what was his let alone see it. They knew if you went with him they'd barely see you, due to Ari having a sense of ownership.
"You look amazing Sweetheart."
"You look like an angel, truly."
You broke out into a smile over those words. Your confidence lifting more. You walked towards them and hugged them both saying a sweet goodbye before heading out the door, this time missing you mother letting out a small cry and your father letting a tear out. You were officially gone. They could only pray that their saviour would take it easy on you and lead to this towns destiny of greatness.
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Although it was dark out, you felt at peace. The surroundings were covered in sun making it feel like you were walking amongst a cloud town. It was truly beautiful. You looked behind you and smiled and your footsteps were shown in the snow. It was truly a beautiful scene.
Especially to Ari. He was driving down slowly waiting for you, patiently waiting to pounce before he makes you his. He admired you in the snow. You looked angelic. He could almost get hard at how innocent you look. But he had to wait for your wedding day, then he could devour you and make your pretty pussy his forever.
As you were walking down you became aware of the headlights the shined on you followed by the car that pulled up next to you. It was a huge black SUV, it still shined giving off the feeling it was new. You felt your heart drop in fear, the expensive car intimidated you and filled your brain with horrifying thoughts of being kidnapped. All of those however were wiped clean from your mind the second Ari stepped out of the car and confidently walked to you.
You flashed him a relieved smile, to which he returned a full happy smile, easing your fears to the point you forgot they existed.
"Hey bunny, would you like a lift?"
"I wouldn't want to impose Ari, it's enough that you got me the dress!"
"Don't be silly bunny, I can't allow you to walk in the cold, especially looking as stunning as you do now."
You blushed and smiled, you saw him offering his hand to walk you to the passenger side. You looked back up into his eyes and saw kindness gleaming in the blue of them. You carefully slipped your small hand into his large one. His hand was so calloused and strong. His grip was firm yet so gentle with you. He truly was a gentleman. He opened the SUV door for you and you climbed in. Ari watched you get in, quickly taking in the sight of your ass in that dress. God he was already getting so hard at how well that dress hugged your body. When he was certain you were comfy and strapped in he headed to his side of the car and began to strap in.
And then he began a slow drive to the mansion where the choosing was being held. Yet he saw no point to it. He found his bride, and she was currently sat in his passenger seat swinging her legs happily. God he adored you.
"You look utterly breathtaking you know?"
"You think so?"
"Definitely, I'm so glad you pointed that dress out, you look perfect in it."
"You didn't have to buy it you know?"
"Oh I did bunny. You look like my little bride in it already."
"Ari! You can't say that! You have to meet everyone and choose fairly."
"Bunny, I don't need to meet anyone else. I know for a fact you're the only one. Plus the Gods told me you were to be mine."
"You really think I'm pretty?"
"Absolutely bunny, but you'll be prettier with my ring on your finger and my children in your belly."
After his confident words you blushed. How could he say something so brazen with a smile adorning his face. The way he talked about choosing you and the way the future would go seemed so romantic that you didn't see how insane it was. Where you thought it was a flirty joke, he was dead serious. He was determined to have you as his.
Throughout the drive playing flirting filled the silence leading to Ari resting his large hand on your thigh the whole drive. Yet it didn't bother you, it just helped relax you as you blindly opened up to Ari. Telling him every small detail about your life giving him more leverage, yet he decided to return it by opening up too. Due to the fact you were so enamoured bonding with Ari, you hardly noticed him pulling up to the mansion.
When you noticed you breathe was taken away. It was beautiful. It was like a temple. There were Greek podiums holding the roof up from outside. Candles lingered everywhere. It was truly a temple. It didn't surprise you that a choosing would happen here. It was so beautiful, like it was crafted by God so that it could be brought to heaven where angels could sleep. Ari chuckled at your dumbstruck face.
"So I take it you like my holiday house."
You froze up in shock. You had no idea that people could have that much money. Yet Ari did, and somehow proclaimed this structural beauty a simple holiday house.
"Yes bunny, my house is much prettier. I can't wait to see your reaction to it. It will be so cute."
Before you could even argue with him about it, he exited his car and strolled to your side and opened your door. He bent a little, almost as if bowing to you while offering help out of the car. As you put your dainty hand in his large one, he pulled it up to his lips and left a whisper of a kiss to decorate your knuckles. You felt your cheeks heat. And then got out the car. When he made sure you were on the ground carefully he closed your door. All while still holding your hand.
"I like having you close to me bunny."
"Very much so, which is why you should remain by my side all night. Or else I fear I'll die without your touch and displease the Gods we serve."
You looked him in the eyes and saw how serious he was. You couldn't displease the Gods. No one had ever done it without falling into the hands of death and you most definitely did not want to feel deaths embrace yet. So you squeezed your saviours hand tightly before moving closer so Ari's arm was between the valley of your breasts. Shielding you almost, yet you took no notice and continue looking around in complete awe.
However Ari did notice and couldn't help how hard he felt. You pushing your breasts into his strong bicep looking for protection from the Gods which his family had made up to run this small town was so innocent. Yet so sexual. You were blind to how your breasts were pressed against him though he wouldn't say anything. He'd rather saviour this moment for as along as possible.
"You're such a good girl bunny, if anyone looks at you in a way you don't like, tell me. Especially if it's a man. You are one of the women I am to choose from, I will not have any men attempt to look at you nor have your precious attention stray away from me for some boy. Understood?"
"Understood Ari."
His cock swelled over how you submitted to him. You were so good not having room for a single other man in your life except him. And he was going to keep it that way. With that set in stone, he felt his heart race. He was giddy with excitement. You were going to be his little bride tonight. With your hand in his, he felt confident and strong. He was ready even if you weren't. With that you both began to walk up the steps to Ari's holiday mansion.
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When you were inside, warmth swept over you and held you close. So you decided to take your cardigan only for Ari to stop you, and instead take it off for you, all the while he leaned forward and sniffed you hair while you were clueless. God you smelled so good, he felt himself get harder over the smell alone. When he hung your cardigan next to his large jacket, you took in his outfit.
He dressed casual yet it still seemed like so much. He had dark pants on that hugged his thighs and his bulge which you quickly flicked past, embarrassed that you looked at someone so sacred in such a naughty way. You saw he had a blue top on that hugged his torsion perfectly too highlighting his muscles. And to complete the look he had a flannel on too that hugged his bicep so well it looked like it could tear any second and for some reason it excited you.
Ari returned back to you and held your hand again. Smirking, aware that you checked him out. He knew he was an incredibly handsome man, and the fact that you were attracted to him, boosted his ego so much more. God you were perfect for him, everything little thing about you made him obsessed. From your adorable socks over your tights, to the shy look that passed across your face when you saw his bulge. God he couldn't wait to see what you'd look like when you were face to face with his bare cock. He'd absolutely ruin you.
Fear surrounded you as you took in how many other girls there were. All of them dresses up so beautifully. All of them here for Ari. Self doubt suddenly pierced your heart and you started to let go of Ari's hand, feeling like a dumb kid that one of the adults had pity one. When suddenly Ari held your hand tighter and pulled you closer to him. You looked up at him and he stared down at you almost like his eyes never left your person. You were in awe at how dedicated he looked to you. Almost like his world revolved around you for just a few seconds before you snapped out of your trance and went back to exploring the mansion with your eyes.
With you being so distracted Ari took charge and swept you away into the main room. Never once letting go of you. You saw he was about to walk on stage so you let go of his hand, causing him to look at you temporarily with a dark look before he registered the anxiety resting in your before he grabbed your hands and peppered you knuckles in kisses.
"You stay here for now, okay bunny? You'll be fine I promise baby."
And with those comforting words he took a step onto the stage and stood behind a microphone before calling for attention for all the women that had come tonight. From the very command of his words, the women came flooding in. Immediately drowning your form amongst the sea of ladies, each desperate to hear Ari's verdict of who would receive his love.
"Thank you all for coming, its truly lovely to see such an outcome. Yet my fate was sealed this morning from the second I saw this one girl. The Gods spoke to me, they whispered how this woman was my soulmate and how she would lead to sunshine burning bright in this town. The Gods promised me that the second this woman became my wife, everything will be perfect. The Gods truly hold everything in their hands including love. And I'm thankful that they chose this woman to be my love."
After that pause the crowd stayed silent as they could all see Ari's eyes trail over them all until they stopped on you. Holding you direct into his gaze and reassuring you that he spoke every word for you. He raised his arm and called you onto stage. You walked by everyone nervously, seeing how many smiled at you. You couldn't tell if they were really happy or just masking their disappointment, but before you could figure that out you reached the stage where Ari held your hand so tenderly.
He lowered down onto his knee and fished a black velvet box from his back pocket before he opened it before presenting you with a ring. Not any ring though, the one that was passed down the family for years. Many thought it was a myth and yet here it shimmered before you. You felt tears brim in your eyes and a brief echo of your parents warning rang in your ears before you looked deeply into Ari's eyes and saw only the destiny he promised for you.
It was all happening so fast yet you couldn't question anything or else you would anger the Gods. You had to choose before he asked the question and you stood in silence. It was true with Ari you would live comfortably and the way he was looking at you made you feel like he would also ensure you lived your life loved. Yet on the other hand he might not be who he says.
Ari took a breath and watched as you calculated your answer before he broke you out of your loop of decided and gently asked in his low voice,
"Bunny, my sweet little bunny, will you do me the greatest honour and marry me?"
You spoke without thinking and yet the pure happiness that shrouded Ari's face was worth it. Infact the entire room combusted into cheers and gleeful smiles.
Ari couldn't contain himself and swept you up into his arms before he smashed his lips against yours. His arm was wrapped around your waist holding you up to his height while his other hand held the back of your head pushing you together. When you both pulled away you stared into each others eyes. Enjoying this moment, before he leaned his forehead against yours. Almost as if trying to connect you two together through your minds.
"Gonna be my little wife bunny. Gonna be all mine!"
And with those words, he peppered your face with kisses smiling.
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