#just a tad bit of homophobia
cherrryxx · 7 months
Hey, I hope you're okay. I would like yo request sole headcanons of Zoro and/or Sanji in a relationship with a male Reader. I hope it doesn't cause any inconvenience!
Absolutely!! I love requests so it was definitely not an inconvenience ❤️
Warnings: teeth rotting fluff, mild cursing, Zoro is a tad jealous, sexuality hcs, male reader, teensy bit of angst (internalized homophobia), mentions of smoking
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-Listen to me when I say that this man is 1000% MLM, gay, a homo
-Open about it in the way he doesn’t care who knows, or what people say
-Hasn’t been in many relationships because he considers them a lifetime commitment, he takes it very seriously in believes in both expressing love/emotions, while growing with one another
-At first he kind of treated it a bit like a job, but not in a negative way, he just wasn’t sure how to express emotions
-He would try to talk to you, but felt awkward if he didn’t know how to respond (mostly because what he had to say was how to fix it, and if you didn’t do it he knew he would get frustrated with you)
-After some time expressing emotion became a lot easier, he became a lot more comfortable with talking about things
-Love language is definitely quality time, acts of service, and physical touch
-He likes to take naps together with you, either using your chest as his pillow or vise-versa
-Anyone who would ever want to say something bad about your relationship is too scared to actually say anything
-Has some odd/different ways of showing affection
-sometimes he might give you food off his plate, or randomly lay his arm over your shoulder
-He also loves it when you train with him
-you don’t even have to do any actual training, you could just help him out by sitting on his back while he does pushups (at first he would just claim it’s because he needed a better workout, but over time it became an odd bonding activity)
-Wasn’t really sure how dates “worked” at first, but after figuring it out (asking Sanji) he would take you on dates at least once or twice a month
-His dates at first would be things he thought you would enjoy (aka crazy training exercises), but once he was able to figure out the things you liked he would bring you to those instead
-Would probably pretend to not like certain things (like romantic dinners/Watching a movie together), but would internally enjoy them so, so much.
-Would try to cook for you sometimes. Heavy emphasis on try (he wasn’t allowed in the kitchen for weeks)
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-This poor cook is definitely a Bisexual in denial
-Probably has some internalized homophobia due to his upbringing :( (but he would never let you know or take it out on you EVER, he would take that shit to the grave before ever considering that)
-Once he was able to work through that, he was much more comfortable with his sexuality.
-He would be a little unsure about how to express love with another man at first, but quickly warmed up
-He would cook food for you whenever you even hinted at being hungry, and would treat the dishes he made you with more care than even the girls’ plates
-Sanji would treat you more with the kindness he shows girls, rather than the way he would talk to Luffy, Zoro, or any other male crewmate
-He would be absolutely enamored by you, just looking at you would make his day better
-His love language is pretty much every love language to exist
-Constantly works with acts of service with how much he cooks for you, and would buy clothes or anything you wanted (gift giving)
-Always tells you how much he loves and appreciates you, all the time, and he loves it even more if it happens to make you flustered
-He would also try to share his cigarettes with you, but if you didn’t smoke, or had any issue with smelling it, he would either stop smoking entirely or make sure he smoked when he wasn’t around you
-Sanji loves to be near or around you as much as possible, if he’s cooking he wouldn’t even mind you asking to help, even if you accidentally messed something up
-Dates with this man are the most romantic shit ever
-Roses, candle lit dinner, expensive gifts, cuddles afterwards
-He truly thinks of every little detail when you two go on dates
-He’ll even restrain from kicking peoples’ asses when they annoy him to avoid ruining the mood
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HAPPY 1K!!!! That's SO exciting and well deserved!!
Might I humbly request a ficlet with...
Z. "You'll do anything for attention, won't you?"
and ⭐Celebrity AU
Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy! 🍓
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I'm celebrating 1k followers, requests are open
Just how much I'll do
Rated: M
Words: 989
Tags: Celebrity AU, modern AU, rockstar Eddie, nepo baby Steve, fake dating, sexual tension, finger sucking, enemies to lovers
“Ah, there they are,” Eddie says. “Took them long enough.” 
Steve stops chatting with the waitress to follow his gaze. Something is glinting beyond their window, in the tiny space between two cars on the other side of the dark street. A camera. The waitress hurriedly puts down their dessert and scurries off. Steve watches her go with a disappointed frown. Using the moment of distraction, Eddie reaches out across the table and tangles their fingers together. 
The frown melts into a bitchy scowl and Steve flinches like Eddie’s hand is something gross. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Eddie laughs, loud and unashamed in the hushed quiet of the restaurant.
“Aw, sweetheart,” he coos. He flips their entwined hands so they’re facing the window, running his thumb over Steve’s knuckles in a slow, deliberate motion. His smile is wide and teasing as he leans over the table and into Steve’s space. “I must admit I’m a tad bit insulted. I make an effort to look nice for you, take you to the fanciest restaurant in town, and you’ve got nothing better to do than flirt with the waitress all night? Why, Stevie, do you even still love me?” 
“Quit it, Munson,” Steve snaps, trying to yank his hand away, but Eddie holds firm. A few quizzical heads turn in their direction and he’s quick to stop struggling. When he speaks again, his voice is a low hiss. “You know as well as me that this is all a publicity stunt. Don’t forget about the deal.” 
“Sure,” Eddie drawls, snatching a chocolate-coated strawberry from his plate and popping it into his mouth. The chocolate bursts between his teeth and tangy, juicy sweetness explodes all over his taste buds, making him hum in pleasure. The place may be way out of his comfort zone, markedly different from his usual dark and edgy night clubs, but at least the food is excellent. “We go on a few dates together, let our friends out there take their little photos, write their little news stories. After a few months, we break it off amicably - no hard feelings, you’ll always be special to me, yadda yadda. My label gets off my ass about my ‘out of control’ lifestyle, your old man gets to beat those completely unfounded allegations of homophobia just in time for the big election. Look how supportive he is of his queer son, after all. A true champ, a beacon of tolerance and open-mindedness, a shining example for all of us.” 
Steve, who has just taken a sip of his wine, snorts so hard, Eddie’s surprised it doesn’t come shooting out of his nose. He has a nice laugh - pretty like the rest of him, but there’s a bitter little twist to his mouth that never seems to quite disappear. Eddie catches himself wondering what his smile would look like without it. 
“Please,” Steve sneers, putting his glass back down with a bit too much force. A few drops of wine splash over the rim, staining the table cloth red. “My dad’s a bigoted old asshole and we both know it.” 
The hand that’s still tangled with Eddie’s tightens, almost painfully. A small part of Eddie imagines the things Senator Harrington must call his darling son behind closed doors. 
“Makes me wonder, though,” is what he says, “why you agreed to play along in this little farce? Why help him out if he’s such a douchebag?” 
For a second, something pokes through the facade of bored indifference on Steve’s face, something open and vulnerable and honest. Eddie wants to grab a hold of it and pull it all the way to the surface, lay it bare and never let it go again. But it’s gone as quick as it came, slipping through his fingers like mist. 
“Whatever,” Steve mutters, and the bitter curl returns to his lips. “Not like you’d get it.” 
He's right, Eddie thinks. He probably wouldn't. He hasn't seen his own sperm donor in twenty years. He doesn’t know what it's like, growing up in the shadow of an overbearing father, constantly forced to uphold your family's image, to live up to expectations. 
But something in the way Steve says it, all haughty and derisive, like Eddie isn't even worth an explanation, makes something ugly stir low in his belly. 
“Oh, I think I get it,” he says, plucking another strawberry from his plate. Steve watches with a furrowed brow how he lets it dangle between them, waving it idly about as he speaks. “I think it must be hard, constantly begging for daddy's love and acceptance, but only ever being fed the scraps. Always so eager, always so willing, but never quite good enough, you poor boy. You'll do anything for attention, won't you?” 
Steve's eyes go wide, perfect lips parting around a punched-out little sound. Eddie grins triumphantly, lifting the strawberry to his mouth. 
But he never makes it there. 
Steve surges forward, fingers closing around Eddie’s wrist. Eddie watches, heartbeat pounding in his skull, how Steve sucks the fruit into his warm, wet mouth. How pink lips slip over his fingers, all the way down to the first knuckle. Chocolate cracks and a thin rivulet of red juice trickles down Eddie's thumb. Steve darts out his tongue and catches it, never once breaking eye contact. 
“Holy shit,” someone whispers. It takes Eddie a moment to recognize his own voice. He knows it's impossible through the glass and the distance, but he swears he can hear how the camera shutter on the other side of the street goes crazy. 
Steve releases his fingers with a slick sound, tongue licking over plush lips to gather the last traces of strawberry and chocolate and Eddie still clinging to them. When he speaks, his voice is hoarse, breath cool against Eddie’s wet skin. 
“Let's get outta here … and I'll show you just how much I'll do.” 
And then they went home and had hate sex. The end.
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callmelola111 · 10 months
maniac ♡ e.w. oneshot
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✄ - - - -   inspo track   - - - -   maniac
synopsis: lies are spewed and truths are revealed when a precarious friend group joins together once more on the 1 year anniversary of their estranged friends disappearance.
      | 𓆣 | pairing & wc: ellie williams x reader. wc: 4.4k
      | ❀ | cw: 18+ themes (MDNI), modern au, reader is referred to with she/her pronouns but other than that all descriptors are gender neutral, heavy violence blood and gore, oc deaths, drug use, homophobia (use of the word "dyke" once. i'm a lesbian so don't y'all try to cancel me), heavy language, mentions of reader having anxiety and panic attacks, lots of tension and fighting, ⭑ SMUT ⭑ ... thigh riding (r on e), dom!ellie, sub!reader, fingering (r receiving), pet names (baby, angel, etc.)
a/n: hi lovelies!! long time no see... i know this is a little different from my usual stuff but i honestly really love how it turned out. i spent a good chunk of time planning this out and then even longer writing it so i really hope y'all love it! i want this to be a fresh and exciting read for everyone. if you do end up enjoying the fic, any kind of note is greatly appreciated! ur fave tumblr writers thrive off all y'alls support! anyways, love love love you guys!!! ♡~ lola
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To everyone else, it was a summer like any other. But when it came to you and your friends there was something missing this time– someone missing. This absence felt extra heavy as tomorrow would be the 1 year anniversary of August’s disappearance, and the annual camping trip was right on time with it. It had been tradition for as long as you could remember, but its memory was now tainted and left something that used to be so sure, completely up in the air…
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
The five of you squeezed into the small 4 person booth at your favorite local diner; Tj’s Eats. In one seat sat Lottie and Reid. The girl’s loose, dark curls gathered at the boy's shoulders as she snuggled into him, still clearly in the honeymoon stage of their relationship. On the other side of the white marbled table sat Xavier and Ellie, with you perched on her lap, of course, as she insisted to everyone that it was “necessity” and “there really, really was no more room”. In all actuality, all it took was an extra chair to fit the five, but she was your girlfriend, and even after years of dating you still couldn’t get enough of each other. 
“Can someone just say what we’re all thinking, please! I can’t with this tension,” Lottie complained, finally snapping out of the cuddle fest with her red-headed boyfriend.
“What are we all thinking Lottie, huh? Since you know everything,” Xavier retaliated, guising his irritation with a poorly crafted remark. 
“Don’t be fucking mean,” she said, kicking him under the table.
“Yeah seriously chill out,” Reid echoed. 
“God, enough with this shit, you guys are driving me insane!” Ellie butted in. You, however, paid no mind to this type of bullshit, as fights like this had become a frequent occurrence in your group of friends ever since that godforsaken night. So you continued to down your chocolate shake and drown out the bickering with a light hum. That is, until you were rudely interrupted by Xavier’s insulting words.
“You’re being real fucking quiet over there, Y/n. Do you really have nothing to say? You can’t just tune us out forever. We’re your fucking friends.”
You felt your hands balled into tight fists, “Fine. You want me to say something? I’ll say something–my brother is still missing and if you’re even thinking of going on that stupid fucking trip this year, you can count me out.”
“Not going on that trip isn’t gonna magically bring him back. August is gone and we can’t stop living our lives because of it,” he retorted, going just a tad bit too far. This was the last straw and quickly sent you up and out of your warm place in Ellie’s lap. She grasped at your wrist trying to pull you back into this mess of a friend group, but to no avail. 
“Now look what you’ve fucking done!” Ellie yelled at your defense as you disappeared into the bathroom.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
Now face-to-face with your tear-stained cheeks in the mirror, your head fell down between your shoulders, slowly letting the pent up emotions roll off your back. Ever since you lost August, life had become 10 times harder. As much as your younger self would’ve hated to admit it, he was your rock–your annoying brother–but still, your rock. This confession made you feel even worse though, because deep down, there was a part of you that blamed yourself for how things happened. Maybe if you would’ve stopped fighting, or told the truth to the police, or took it easier on the booze and coke that night, August would still be here. There was nothing you could do now though. This was your reality and you had to accept it. 
With that you reached into the pocket of Ellie’s varsity jacket that engulfed your figure, hoping to find a tissue to blot away your tears and smeared mascara. Instead, you were met with a small polaroid. You flipped it over to reveal a bewildering picture of Xavier and August from the last night he was seen. Their arms were swung around each other’s necks, both flashing toothy smiles at the camera and you could recall being the one to take this photo. The one thing you didn’t remember is the black sharpie captioning the bottom of the image. It read “don’t believe his lies”. Your head began to race with countless questions and zero answers. The biggest one being, what the fuck was Xavier lying about?
The wet bathroom countertop dug into the palms of your hands as you took a second to decide the best course of action, but all you could come up with was shutting the fuck up and pretending it never happened. You weren’t ready to relive last year all over again. Not yet–not ever. So you paraded back into the dining room, eyes still damp and hands still shaking. Ellie felt your energy immediately and knew it was time to go.
She glanced at you for confirmation and then turned to address the group, “I think it’s time for me and Y/N to head out. Sorry guys.” Xavier shot a look of discontent and Ellie mouthed something along the lines of “I’m sorry, I’ll talk to her I promise”, which seemed to slightly ease the tension he was previously carrying in his shoulders. She then slid out from the booth, slipped her left hand into the pocket of your denim shorts, and ushered you outside to her red convertible.
The drive back was silent but as Ellie’s hand gently stroked the flesh of your thighs and the other steered you knew there was no way she could have anything to do with that polaroid. But you had to find out who did. Just as you were nearing your house though, Ellie’s gentle touch quickly shifted to a handsier approach and it was clear she had other plans for the night. 
“Els?” is all you had to say before she quickly pulled over and jumped to the backseat, pulling you along with her. She positioned herself in the middle seat opening up her legs in a dominating stance resembling a manspread. You eagerly climbed atop her lap, placing soft kisses up her veiny neck and extending them to her defining jawline. This was just what you needed to release the tension that had racked up from tonight's events. The moon was hitting your face just right and Ellie felt so lucky to have you in that moment.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful” she murmured, slightly breathless from the overwhelming touch of your lips. You smiled against the crook of her neck and dove into the girl's mouth for a deep and passionate kiss. She returned the exchange with even more fire, graciously slipping her tongue into your entrance. With each second things got messier and your hips got looser, slowly grinding into Ellie’s denim clad thighs. She couldn’t help but chuckle just a little at your desperation, to which you buried your head back into her shoulder, encasing her in your arms for better traction. Ellie’s hands swiftly found the curves of your hips and rocked them back forth to aid you in your journey towards climax. That is until your anxiety got the best of you at the sound of rustling coming from outside the car.
“What does it not feel good?” she questioned.
“No, no– It’s just… I swear I just heard something coming from behind the car.”
“I mean… we are parked by the woods. It’s probably just some animal or the wind.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes babe, I’m sure.” she assured you with a firm squeeze to your thigh and you let your worries go. This time Ellie was on top, laying you down across the seats to hover over you alluringly. Your lips found hers once again as she slipped a hand down your shorts and past your panties to meet the slick that had been piling up the whole drive. You let out a strangled moan into Ellie’s mouth as her rough digits met the throbbing bud of nerves. She took that as a sign to speed up the pace and slip in a curved finger to hit that perfect spot. You jerked in pleasure, eyes closed, almost reaching your climax from just those few movements. Ellie felt as your walls tightened around her and knew you were close.
“Look at me baby. I wanna see your eye’s when you cum all over my fingers.” she cooed. You obeyed and parted your lids open to reveal a disturbing image followed by a frightened scream escaping your puffy lips. Ellie jumped back at the clearly non-orgasmic exclamation, letting out a string of concerned “what? What??”’s. All you could do is point your shaky hand towards the message written in the condensation of the back windshield. 
“I know about last summer…” Ellie read out, voice as shaky as your extremities. Both of your fight or flight responses were triggered; you choosing flight and her of course choosing fight. The door to the cherry red car flung open and Ellie climbed over and out of her seat to trail the perimeter. You cowered down, eye’s filled with tears as Ellie recklessly yelled out to whoever wrote the message.
“Hello? Anybody out there?”, she kicked at the rocks in frustration, “Seriously who the fuck are you? This isnt fucking funny!”
“Ellie, will you please just get back in the car? They’re gone!” you pleaded. She eventually returned from her fit and came to console you. You were a mess and you were scared. 
“Hey, hey, it’s probably some prank. Let’s just take a breath, babe. In and out. Nice and slow.” she coached and you followed.
“But- what if it’s not though… what if this isn’t the first time something like this has happened…”
“Wha-what do you mean?” she asked.
You pulled out the polaroid and handed it to Ellie, “I- I found this in your jacket.”
“Y/n I swear I didn't put that there. I have no idea where it came from. Please, please believe me.”
“I do, I do. But that means someone else put it there, and they probably wrote that message too.”
Her head fell into her hands as she let out a sigh, “Fuck. We’re so fucked.”
“So what do we do?” 
“We go on that camping trip and keep our mouths shut till we know more.” 
“Seriously? What is camping gonna help? I already said I’m not going!” you yelled.
“Like hell you are! You’re insane if you think staying in the same town with the psycho freak who's borderline blackmailing us is gonna solve shit! If we’re in the woods they can’t get to us.” Ellie argued, face turning red with insistence.
“Fuck. I guess you’re kinda right. I’ll go.”
“Thank you.”
“Will you sleep over tonight though? I’m scared Els. I don’t even wanna think about being alone after tonight.”
She gave you a kiss on the forehead, “Of course I’ll stay the night. We’re in this together, okay?”
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - - 
The next morning Reid came barreling over in his beat up white van. He haphazardly whipped into the driveway of your two story home that looked straight out of suburbia. Ellie stood at the top of the concrete hill holding your pink duffle and her navy blue one on the dip of her shoulder. Xavier swung open the sliding door and the both of you climbed in as you were practically slapped in the face with the smell of old bong water and way too many Little Trees air fresheners that somehow made the smell worse.
“Fuckk Reid, you’ve gotta get rid of this kidnapper van.” Ellie remarked, holding her nose and pretending to gag a couple times.
“Fuck off Ellie, you should be thanking me for driving you bums around.”
She just rolled her eyes, “Righttt… Right…” 
The van quickly took to the road again, heading straight for the forest where it all happened just 1 year ago.
“It’s too quiet in here. Can we please put on some music?” Lottie asked about 30 minutes into the drive. 
“Yeah sure. I have a few tapes in the console right there if you wanna put one in.” Reid gestured to the compartment on the passenger side and Lottie reached in, pulling out the first tape she could find. It was in a small plastic case with no writing or cover to indicate what it was, but it sparked an intrigue, so she popped it into the car's sound system anyways. To Lottie and everyone else’s surprise, music didn’t start playing. All that came through the speakers was a muffled recording of two voices arguing. 
“Shut the fuck up August you’re just jealous!”
“You’re gonna regret this Reid.”
“Are you threatening me right now?”
“You’re the one who-”
Before the tape could finish Reid ripped it out of the player, slamming it into the dashboard and destroying the possible evidence.
“How the fuck did you get this Lottie?! Where’d you find this, seriously?” he screamed as his frantic girlfriend tried to explain.
“It was just in the console I swear!”
“Don’t fucking lie to me! I’ve never seen that tape, let alone put it in my car!”
Tears welled in her eyes, “I’m not lying Reid!”
The bickering continued as you, Ellie, and Xavier sat in the back, jaws dropped in utter shock. You felt yourself shutting down at this new found information. Did Reid have something to do with August disappearing? What were they even fighting about? Suddenly breathing felt impossible and the world went silent as panic set it. You only snapped back to Earth when you heard the sound of Ellie screaming.
“FUCK REID LOOK OUT!” It was too late though and the thud of a full size deer flipping over the hood is what finally shut everyone up. 
“Oh my god…” you shuddered at the smear of thick crimson blood across the dirty windshield. It didn’t matter if it was an animal, Reid had just taken a life and you were basically an accomplice. Your heart broke and the pit of your stomach swirled with sickness thinking of the likely decapitated body splattered just behind the van. Ellie wrapped you in her arms, as if to shield you from the horror of not only the poor deer, but the realization that any one of your friends could be the reason your brother was missing. 
Xavier finally broke the jarring lull in speech, “I- I think we should take a pit stop.”
“Yeah…” Ellie agreed.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - -
A few miles down the road was a small gas station where Reid pulled over for everyone to recollect themselves. Lottie scrubbed mindlessly at the deer carnage with the murky gas station water and squeegee she found beside the gas pump. Xavier paced in the parking lot like he was off one but it was the pure anxiety and adrenaline that had him tweaking so much. Reid on the other hand was still stuck at the wheel, slouching in the driver's seat, and not making a single move since he put the van into park. Even his deep green eyes remained motionless, they seemed to be locked onto absolutely nothing, just staring into the void. Everyone was a fucking mess. The only people who seemed to be somewhat on this planet still were you and Ellie.
“I think I might gouge my eye’s out if I don’t eat some Swedish Fish and drink a Yerb as soon as possible.” you professed, walking inside the little convenience store with a ring of a bell.
“I think I need a fucking cigarette.” Ellie said in a joking tone, but candidly, these past few days had her seriously considering picking the old habit back up.
“I think everybody does. I’m tired of shit like this happening and then everyone shoving it under the rug cause we’re all still ashamed about last year. I mean, I know I am, but we have to talk about it eventually.”
“You’re right, but even if we did, what is there to say? We were all so fucked up the whole night’s just a blurry mess. Like, did you see Reid's face when that tape came on? It looked like he was hearing the conversation for the first time just like the rest of us.”
“This sucks Ellie” you groaned as you opened up the glass door to retrieve your drink. Ellie approached from behind, slithering her hands from your sides to your naval and giving you a squeeze. 
She planted a soft kiss to the top of your head, “This does suck, but I love you and we’re gonna be alright. You gonna be okay for the rest of the drive?” She flipped you around to face her and you gave an assuring nod in response. Ellie always knew just what to say to ease that panicky feeling that was constantly bubbling up in your chest. The girl then took your hand and led you to the counter where a gruff looking cashier checked you out. He slowly scanned each item at an agonizing pace; Hot fries, Swedish Fish, a Yerba Mate, Chex Mix, and a Fanta Orange. 
“Total is $13.78” he mumbled as Ellie swiped her card and you gathered up the snacks. The clerk's eyes seemed to get meaner and meaner each second you waited for your receipt– until he finally cracked. “You know you’re going to hell for what you did.” 
Ellie backed away, “Excuse me?” Had he overheard something? Did he know about August? Who the fuck was this guy?
“I don’t need any dykes shoving their sins all in my face in my own damn store!” he grunted. Oh, he’s just homophobic. Right. That was y’alls que to get back on the road and out of the middle of nowhere immediately.
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - -
After an excruciatingly mute hour stuck in the “kidnapper van” you finally arrived at the forest where you’d be spending the night. The silence looked to have eased some of the tension though as conversation grew a little more lax around the campfire. 
“Yo Lottie do you have the bud? We should roll up.” Xavier suggested. You nodded fervently in agreement, a joint was exactly what you needed. Lottie seemed to have made up with Reid as she was hanging all over him not hearing a word Xavier said.
With a few calls of her name she finally looked up, “Huh?”
“The weed Lottie.” Ellie said.
“Yeah it’s in a little pouch in my tent if someone wants to grab it.” Xavier got up from his spot on a mossy log and ventured into the purple tent hitched by a tree. In just 30 seconds flat he came storming back out, face completely red and a beaded bracelet dangling from his right fist. 
“What the fuck is this Lottie!? How do you have this?” 
She pulled back from her steamy kiss with Reid to answer, “Oh my god what Xavier? You’re being sooo goddamn annoying today.”
“Could you maybe stop grinding on your boyfriend for 5 fucking seconds and look at what I found in your bag?!” he yelled back. After a closer look the small beads began to look eerily familiar. This wasn’t just any bracelet, this was August’s bracelet. The one he had on the last night he was seen, and all of the sudden Lottie’s loud mouth seemed to shut right up.
“I- I- Xavier believe me I didn’t put that there.”
His voice broke with pain and fury, “Oh really?? Then who did ‘Miss innocent’?”
“I don’t fucking know but it wasn’t me!”
“Fuck you!” he screamed, dashing off into the dark woods. Everyone tried to yell at him to come back but it was no use. He was too angry to listen to anyone but himself.
That being said, hypervigilant Reid stood up to follow, “I’m gonna go find him guys. He shouldn’t be out there alone. Not after…” His voice trailed off but everyone knew exactly what he was alluding to.
“I really didn’t put that there you know” Lottie said.
You and Ellie shared a glance, “We know.”
A puzzled look spread across her face, “what do you mean you know?”
“We think someone’s orchestrating all this,” Ellie said.
“Like blackmail?”
You nodded, “exactly like blackmail. It’s happened to me and Ellie too. Once with a lost polaroid photo and another time with a message written on her car.” You then pulled out the photo to show to Lottie.
She read it aloud, “Don’t believe his lies? Like… Xavier?” Ellie twiddled with her fingers, looking down at the dirt before saying what you and Lottie were both thinking.
“I mean, I don’t want to point fingers because this is a fucked up situation, but how have we all been framed except him?”
Lottie smoothed back the sweaty bangs stuck to her temples, “Fuckkkk. He probably had the bracelet from the start too, he seemed sooo damn eager to go dig through my shit.” 
“So, what do we do?” you asked.
Xavier suddenly appeared out of thin air, “What do we do about what?” Lottie practically jumped out of her spot.
“Fuck Xavier you scared me. Wait… Wh- where’s Reid?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he left to look for you.”
“I never saw him.”
Lottie began to scream and call for her missing boyfriend and without a second thought went straight for the forest like an idiot.
“Lottie fuck come back!” Ellie yelled out. It wasn’t long before she was running right back to you though. A blood curdling scream dampening any sounds of nature and sending a parade of chills up everyone’s backs.
“IT’S REID Y/N! IT’S REID! HE- HE- HE’S DEAD!” Lottie collapsed into your arms dry heaving from the overwhelming amount of tears, pain, and betrayal. “IT WAS YOU! IT WAS FUCKING YOU XAVIER!” You and Ellie worked to hold her back as he denied every claim.
“Lottie you’re acting fucking crazy! I didn’t do shit!”
“Even if you didn’t, you're not helping! But to me, it looks like you have guilty written all over you!” Ellie spat back.
“Fuck you guys! This isn’t fucking funny! I didn’t do it! Please, is this some kind of-” His words were cut short along with his head by the swing of a large machete right through his neck, sending a spray of fresh blood into the air and across your face. It took a solid 15 seconds before any of you could even let out a scream, but when you did, it was pure terror.  
“RUN! JUST RUN!” you yelled. Ellie grabbed your wrist in one hand and Lottie’s in the other, sprinting away with little discretion. A hooded figure trailed close behind, dirt and rocks flying into the air upon each kick of their sneakers. Air caught in your lungs with no release, all you could do was put one foot in front of the other which was a struggle in itself.
Lottie got brave though and took one single look behind her following immediate regret. A rock caught her pink converse just right, throwing her across the dirty ground and setting her feet back from the rest. And as this hooded figure caught up, the moon casting its light through the trees and across his face, it all began to make sense.
Lottie struggled backwards through the dirt with a scream, “IT’S AUGUST! IT’S FUCKING AUGUST!” Ellie halted in an attempt to pull the fallen girl back up and running but she was frozen in disbelief, in horror, in complete and utter fear. There was no choice but to leave her there and as the both of you turned to run, all you needed to hear was her earth shattering shriek to know exactly what happened.
Tears streamed down your face, “Els, Ellie I- I can’t.”
“Yes you can. Just keep running baby please.” And you did for another couple feet until fate had other plans. A hunting trap violently swept you up into a tree, encasing you in a thick net. 
“ELLIE HELP!” you screamed. She pulled and pulled at the rope creating lacerations across her palms and fingers but to no avail. 
“Do you trust me Y/n?” 
Through tears and strings of snot you shook your head, “Yes Ellie, I trust you.” Your girlfriend then took off, leaving you dangling in the air with no protection. It was just you and August now. And with a single swipe of his weapon you tumbled to the ground, twisting your ankle at the fall.
He gave a sinister smile, “hello sister.” You scrambled in the opposite direction, hands grasping at the soil below but never getting far with your limp foot. 
“August please. You don’t have to do this. It’s me! It’s Y/n!”
“STOP IT! You’re not gonna change my mind about this. I’ve waited long enough!” Your heart beats from your chest. What the fuck were you going to do to survive this?
“We’re fucking family August! I’m your sister. You’re my little brother!”
“‘Family’, ‘little brother’,” he mocked, “you haven’t changed a bit.”
“Wha- what do you mean?”
“I’m not living in your shadow anymore Y/n. I’m done being the sidekick to you and all of your stupid friends!”
“They’re your friends too!”
He began inching closer and closer, “No they fucking aren’t! Friends don’t do what you guys did to me. Lying to the police, seriously? Acting like you had no idea what happened? I disappeared and none of you even gave a fuck till the cops started asking questions!”
“That’s not true August,” you broke down into tears once more, “I missed you every fucking day!”
“Clearly not enough.” He slowly lifted his arms, gripping the bloody machete with both hands. There was no escaping at this point. You just clenched your eye’s shut and braced for the end. 
“NOOO!” The sound of a gunshot rang through your ears and instead of the feeling of cold metal slicing through you, you were met with the warm embrace of your girlfriend. You broke.
“Ellie. Oh my god Ellie.”
“I’m right here baby. Never leaving. I promise.” She just held you and held you, rocking back and forth till your breaths got less shaky.
“A cabin. I found an empty cabin with a shotgun hanging right on the wall.”
“God, I love you.” Ellie smoothed back your hair and gave you a kiss.
“I love you too, angel.” 
✄ - - - -   ♡   - - - -
After that night things were never the same. It was just you and Ellie now. But together you would heal. Somehow, despite all the pain and loss, there was a glimmer of hope. Deep down you both knew things would be okay. And they were.
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✄ - - - -   masterlist   - - - -   ♡
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@endureher @gold-dustwomxn @alexpritch @4rt3m1ss @robinismywifee @sophlovesbooks @97cityy
(taglist is for all callmelola111 works, if you'd like to be removed just kindly lmk)
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one-squash-one-end · 3 months
An unhinged recap of Ronan's homosexuality
Hi! This once again belongs to my big Raven Cycle analysis, click here for the masterpost.
Again, there's not much room for speculation here, but i had to write it for completionist purposes. I apologize for certain metaphores used, for the most part when I was writing this I was going through it (brain was fried).
Here u go (also spoilers for Greywaren)
d) Ronan Lynch
Next to Adam, Ronan is the only other canonically queer person in the Gangsey. A flaming homosexual with a car fetish (because there was something unbelievably sexy about cars at night). Ronan is the original Be Gay, Do Crime. (Adam is the Be Crime, Do Gay to that.)
You get the gist; he is seriously involved with one guy but used to have some bits of self discovery (not only on the topic of his sexuality) with another, which ended because that guy kidnapped his brother because despite being gay, Ronan unbelievably was not into him. I’m sorry, I really do not want to dissect the entirety of Pynch in here, that would go way too far and I bet there are so many people who could do and have done this better than I ever could, so I’ll stick to elaborating some more on how we find out that he is gay, considering I think he doesn’t say the word until Call Down The Hawk.
In the first book, Ronan does not get a pov, maybe because Maggie needed some more time to figure out how to make a character subtly and thirst over another character in a secret and homosexual way. Still we get some small hints, based on conversations with other characters, or just his behavior in general.
Gansey: “From now on I need all of us to be straight with one another” Ronan: “I’m always straight” Adam: “oh man that’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told” This, of course, is legendary. Ronan is gay, he jokes about it, Adam knows it. I genuinely cannot tell whether Ronan had come out to his friends, whether he just did it through jokes like this etc. If the latter is the case, I honestly doubt that Gansey would have known, as oblivious as he is.
We also have the case study of Declan and his Ashleys. Ronan seems to despise the heterosexual standards that his brother portrays, but it is not clear whether that’s because of heterosexuality, or because of Declan, because let’s be honest, in book one, Ronan would hate, absolutely hate, anyone Declan dates out of principle, because Declan’s just a bitch, or a manwhore, as Gansey would say.
Then it gradually all becomes very much obvious in The Dream Thieves. We got the parallels with religion, his nightmares (his night horrors/self-hate maybe being because of internalized homophobia?) and of course the secrets. The secrets you keep from yourself, the very obvious metaphor. Plus Kavinsky literally calls him the f-slur. You will very easily pick up on that if you’re not as oblivious as I was when I first read the book (I was in my Declan Lynch era with a tummy-ache ok?), but it is explicitly resolved in the epilogue. There is no more room left for ambiguity, thank you Maggie for ending the queer speculation yourself, within the book.
Then there’s gender, of course there’s gender. Gender is like Tad Carruthers, just always materializing out of nowhere, especially when you just want to stay away from it because it’s fake and a massive bitch.
Ronan definitely identifies as male, but if you look at this a certain way he is somehow trans or defies the entire concept of gender either way, considering he is a supernatural being, spirit, entity, that was just socialized as a boy. Ronan is like Cabeswater, or Lindenmere, which both don’t have a gender, obviously, they are forests. The Greywaren is often referred to as an “it”, which makes sense when people don’t know the Greywaren is human, but something about the entire thing smells very trans rights to me. Also that eldritch horror, not quite human at all,  jumble of dark matter thing in Greywaren was just so gender of him.
Ronan would wear a crop top, there’s no doubt to me.
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
Only When You’re High - Trouble Series Part 2
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word count: 2586
Warnings: almost smut, cocaine use, weed use, alcohol consumption, partying, typical 90’s homophobia, self-homophobia, angst, jealously, possessiveness, fights, sad R,
Series here:
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“What did I tell you, Y/M/N? She is not to be around that girl anymore, I won’t allow it!” You were sat on the couch, head in your hands as you looked down at the floor. Your parents were furious when not seeing you at home. And after reading the letter, your father was even angrier.
“I can’t defend you on this one, Y/N. Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Your sniffles were loud, deafening in the nearly quiet room. You couldn’t look them in the eye, the disappointment on their face was too much to handle.
“I’m sorry.” Was all you could muster out before they sent you to your room, anger present in their mood.
You walked with defeated shoulders hanging low, your arm barely holding onto the railing at your side. When you entered your room, you laid down with a plop. Tears streamed down your eyes as the regret settled in. Your diary sat on your nightstand, it had always been a sort of escape when you needed it. When you wrote your problems down it was like you could understand them better, it was like you could finally accept it for how it is.
You were ten minutes into writing, your hand slowly starting to cramp up as you aggressively moved the pen across the paper. You were so deep in thought that you didn’t even hear something hitting against your window until there was a slightly louder bang. You jumped, running to your window to see what or who it was. When you opened your blinds, you saw Nat sitting there on the half roof outside of your room. You were on the second floor, your parents being right downstairs most likely still arguing over you.
You opened the window and ushered Nat inside, seeing the way she shivered from the cold.
“Nat! You need to wear a jacket!” You rushed to grab a blanket and direct her to sit on your bed. She shooed you off but let you cover her in the soft fabric, smiling at the careful manner you handled her. You sat next to her, looking anywhere but in her direction while her eyes didn’t leave your fragile-looking body.
“What did they do?” Came her small voice in a hushed tone, clearly trying not to show how much it hurt to see you like this.
“I’m grounded for two weeks. Luckily, they didn’t smell any smoke on me, though.” She nodded in understanding, taking your hand in hers. The feelings returned. How could your stomach flood with butterflies just from a simple touch?
“Well, I’m going to a party tonight at Steve’s house. You wanna go?” Did she not hear what you just said?
“Nat, I’m grounded. I can’t go out.”
“So what? I get grounded all the time, as long as your parents don’t catch you, you’ll be fine. Now, you coming or not?” She held out her hand for you to take, watching your hesitant face with hope. Fuck it. Why not? Your parents can’t keep you cooped up here forever, you were an adult, you could do what you wanted.
“Okay, I’ll go.” She smiled in victory, pulling you through the window as if she was an expert on your house already.
“Okay, be careful now.” She helped you down, closing the exit just a tad bit so you could still get back in after. Your body was riddled with fear of being caught, but you knew that with Nat by your side, everything would be okay.
Only ten minutes later and you both arrived at the house, Nat’s car being parked in front as she opened the door for you. You took her hand once more and followed her inside, loud music blasting your ears.
“What? Too loud for you?” Nat chuckled, dragging you onto the couch in the room next to you. Your thigh landed on top of hers, your eyes landing on her own when she held it close to her body. It was like she wanted everyone to see you both, even though they couldn’t. If they saw you like this, who knows what could’ve happened? It could get out to the school, your friends, and worst of all; your parents. You couldn’t even imagine what would happen if they caught you at a party with the girl they hated, practically sitting on top of her.
“Nat, are you sure this is safe? I mean, there’s a lot of people we don’t know and-”
“Shh, sweetheart,” She shushed you with a finger to your lips. “I’ve got it under control. Don’t you trust me?”
“W-well, of course, I trust you! I just- I don’t know if this is completely safe.” She shooed away your worries as her friends walked closer to you both, her attention nearing in on them. She didn’t let go of you, it was like she wasn’t afraid of people seeing you in such an intimate way. But, maybe it was normal. Maybe all of her friends did this with her. That thought only hurt you more, you wanted to be the only one she was close with and held so tightly.
“Nat! You made it!” They all shared a handshake and spared you only a quick glance before sitting down on the chairs around you both. You felt cornered, there were too many people, you wanted to leave.
“Nat, I think I’m gonna step outside for a minute.” She didn’t seem to have heard you as you walked off, accidentally hitting people on the way. The moment you stepped outside the cold breeze hit your face. It all was too overwhelming, the loud noise, the drinks, the smoke, it was all too much. You looked around and found a stool where a beautiful black-haired girl sat. You didn’t care to ask if you could sit next to her, you just needed a break.
“Hey- wow, are you alright?” She yelled out. Even with the close proximity, it was hard to hear a word she said.
“Yeah, yeah, I am. Uh, I’m sorry, did I take your seat?”
“No, there’s enough room for you.” She placed her hand on your back reassuringly, sending a soft smile that you quickly got lost in. Wait, no. What were you thinking? You just met this girl and you were already over the moon? But you couldn’t help the way her warm hand on your cold skin made goosebumps erupt over your skin. And the way her hair fell perfectly in front of her face to show off her dimples made you want to kiss her then and there. What was getting into you?
“I’m Kate. Kate Bishop.” She held out her other hand for you to shake, which you did. It was clear that she was waiting for a response back, but you could barely even focus on anything but her breathtaking face.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/LN. It’s nice to meet you, Kate.”
“You have a beautiful name, what’s it mean?” What it means? No one had ever asked something like that. But, you liked it. You enjoyed the way it seemed to have actually been meaningful, it felt as though she actually wanted to get to know you.
“I have absolutely no clue if I’m being honest with you, Miss Bishop.” She chuckled at the name you gave her and took a sip of her beer. She didn’t seem to be over the drinking age, but if anything, no one here was. You both chatted for what felt like seconds but in reality, was nearly an hour. Things just flowed easily with her, you felt like you could actually speak to her even if you only just met her.
While you and Kate were getting to know one another, Nat was stumbling all over looking for you. She didn’t know why she cared about your well-being or if you were safe, but she did. Her vision was blurred as she tripped over herself, the drugs and alcohol running through her system weren’t helping. Shit, she couldn’t find you anywhere. Where the fuck did you go?
The moment her body made its way into the doorway, she heard your contagious giggles. She hated knowing they weren’t coming from her.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing out here?” Her words barely even made sense, they were all jumbled up and slurred. You jumped out of the girl’s hold when seeing her, instantly getting your apologies ready.
“Let's go.” She gripped your arm tightly, her firm hold scaring you. Kate stood up after you, giving the woman a glare before reaching out to you. Nat stopped her.
“Back off of her, Nat.” You didn’t know how Kate knew her name but she did. They must not of taking a liking to one another, you could sense the tension from a mile away.
“Why don’t you mind your own business and go back with your little friends, I’ll take Y/N off your hands for now, got it?” It wasn’t so much a question as it was an order. Kate didn’t seem like the toughest girl, but she didn’t back down and she didn’t fear the taller redhead.
“Look, Nat, how about you just back off and nothing happens, okay? Y/N here doesn’t need to get hurt and neither do you.” You hated to say it, but her confidence turned you on. It awoke something in you, something you only ever felt for Nat.
“Oh really? You think you’d beat my ass?”
“With the way you can’t even hold yourself up, yeah, I think I would.” You could tell that if you didn’t stop this now that it wasn’t going to end well for any of you. You moved out of Nat’s grip, standing in between the pair and pushing them away from one another. Kate backed off as you hoped, but Nat didn’t.
“Nat, let’s just go home, alright? No one needs to get hurt.” She glanced at you, then back at her, and back at you before making up her mind. With a huff, she removed your arm from her chest and dragged you with her, giving the middle finger to Kate before leaving. The car was parked in a secluded area near the front, close enough where you could walk back in under a minute but far enough where no one could see you. Nat took this to her advantage.
You had her arm slung over your neck as her vision continued to blur even more the farther you went into the dark night. When you reached the car door to sit her inside, she slammed you against the vehicle. You had shock written all over your face as she took you by surprise.
“What the fuck did you think you were doing back there?” Her heavy breath was on your lips, you could practically taste the alcohol.
“What were you doing back there? Weed? Shots? You promised me we would be safe-”
“And I kept my promise, you didn’t get hurt, and neither did I-”
“Yeah, well you almost fucking did!” You fired back, the anger bubbling inside of you matching your harsh tone. She was clearly taken back as were you.
“Don’t get all feisty with me now, love.” You gulped, trying your best to look anywhere but her gaze. She didn’t let that slide. Her fingertips grasped your chin as she did many times before, knowing the effect it had on you.
“Listen to me, Y/N.” She said, “You’re mine. You belong to me. Not that Kate bitch, not that boy next door, and certainly not that jock I’ve been seeing you hang around.” You could sense the anger in her locked jaw and strained eyes that were bloodshot red.
“I don’t want you near that bitch ever again, you got that?” You nodded in agreement, your eyes being locked on her slightly chapped lips. She didn’t miss it.
“What? You wanna kiss me?” She chuckled, her hand still being left on your chin as the other went to hold your waist. She brought you closer to her body, feeling the heat radiant against you.
“Nat, we shouldn’t.” This was wrong, beyond wrong.
“Shh, no one needs to know, baby. I won’t tell anyone if you promise not to tell a single soul about what I’m about to do, okay?”
“Yes, Nat. Just- please kiss me already.” Her lips felt like heaven, like a sip of water in a desert. You couldn’t care if anyone could see, if anything, you wanted them to. It felt too good to let go, and when she did, you immediately wanted her back on you.
“Shh, I promise to kiss you better soon. But, for now, we can’t have anyone see us. Get in the back, I need you.” You listened to what she said, even if you had no clue what she meant.
“Fuck, you looked so good tonight, I just couldn’t help myself.” You didn’t know if it was the drugs talking or her but either way, you loved it.
“Nat, I want you. I want you so bad.” Her mouth was back onto yours, this time it wasn’t as passionate, it was forceful and full of lust. Her hands rested on your inner thigh, her fingertips moving closer and closer to your core. Before it could go any further, a group of loud jocks walked by, startling you two. You pulled back, the both of you trying your best to hide yourselves so they wouldn’t see you. Luckily, they were too focused on their drinks to see you both. You let out a heavy sigh, the fear of being caught finally being weighted off your shoulders.
“Fuck, is it bad that I wouldn’t care if they saw?”
“No, listen to me. I want you, Y/N, I want you to be mine. I know it’s wrong but I just can’t help the feeling I get when I’m around you. You make me feel so fucking good inside, I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like my weed, I can never get enough of you, even if it will damage me in the end.” You wished she meant it, you really did. But you knew how she got when she was high or drunk, and this was it. You knew she’d regret it in the morning, just like she always did. You were tired of breaking your own heart with someone who couldn’t even love you.
With one last sigh, you let her arms go, watching as they fell to her sides in defeat.
“I know, Nat, you told me these exact same words two weeks ago. Why don’t we get you home, I’ll check up on you again tomorrow. Sound good?” She smiled at you, giving one last kiss to your addicting mouth before plopping down onto the seat.
“Mm, have I ever told you how pretty you are?” Only when you’re drunk, you wanted to say. Only when she was baked out of her mind was when she wanted you. Why couldn’t she love you? The real you? Not the one that she saw when her vision was ruined and her nose was burning from the cocaine she had snorted back inside. You wanted the real her and the real love, but you were sick of begging for her to change when you knew she wouldn’t. What did you get yourself into?
Taglist: @kksalexa @natsxwife @pancakefan7529
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sunnydayroleplay · 7 months
What is your headcanon on what Joseph Cullman was like before he was trying be a better person? Was he doing illegal activities or something bad? What was his day to day like as the old Joseph Cullman? What was the old Joseph Cullman like as a person and wat made Joseph want to be a better person?
Before I continue this head-cannon, yes I am back loves! And for good this time. It's been awhile, I've been super duper busy, but that's not gonna stop me from now on. I'll be posting on the weekends and the occasional Friday! (Or whenever I feel like it during the week) Thanks for the continuous support despite all that!! Now with that said...
Contents Inside: Joseph Cullman, Mentions of Drug/Substance Abuse, Alcohol, Child Abuse, and other sensitive topics.
18- DNI, this is a NSFW post and so is the game it is based off of. This is an 18+ community. It is for your own safety, and you interacting not only jeopardizes that, it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games.
From what we can interpret in the video tapes of his interview, we learn that he was a "rebellious" child in his high-school years. Getting a tattoo, a few for that matter that are rather obviously large. It'd be surprising if his parents didn't notice a thing.
But before we can ask why that is, we have the question of:
Why is Joseph so rebellious and reckless in the first place?
Any good ol' fashioned Southern American family would teach their children some common manners, right? Or despite the undertones of possible racism and homophobia that were very common and still undergoing a "wipe-out" in a time where that would occur, children were still taught to treat their own kind how they'd want to be treated.
Now, I have talked a tad bit about Joseph's childhood and backstory before, which can be found here. (I also already sorta answered half your questions, but I wanted more detail in this post.)
To sum it up, I suspected that Joseph wasn't always this "bad child" that he always seems to hint at. He had good loving parents, a good school life, and plenty of good influences on his young, curious nature. He was nurtured but protected against the world that young children don't need to know about yet. But like an unfortunate amount of marriages, they all lead to disaster. Financial struggles appear. Maybe some ongoing infidelity, addiction. The marriage just got rocky, and the moment the curtains were closed, it was just one argument to the next.
"His parents couldn't afford to have a kid anymore. So they started neglecting him. Putting him up for adoption was a no-go. What would their parents think. Or all their peers the next time they got a job and suddenly everything went alright? They'd be right back to where they once were."
The moment Josephs parents began to neglect and ignore him, Joseph was oh so young, but old enough to comprehend that this is a life or death situation for him. He learned this via abuse. Whether it was his mother belittling and destroying anything that made Joseph chuckle remotely, or his father coming home from work drunk and letting off some steam on him.
"With the constant shitty home life, his school life was affected enormously. His grades went down, and he just got around with the wrong people. He was like any "out of place" child. All he truly wanted was attention and some sort of leverage to lean against. Someone to just listen because he's used to being ignored."
(Read the post, because I now realize I don't know how to summarize)
With that "summarized", we now know what his childhood was most likely. Take this with a grain of salt.
In the "Bad Yogurt" Ending, Jack says “You’ve changed. You’re clean now. You can be whatever you wanna be.” Leading me to believe that Joseph followed after his fathers footsteps. Alcohol and addiction to drugs. In the interview where we learned about how Joseph got his tattoos, which was in his high school years. Because of this I've come up with another headcanon/scenario.
Because Joseph was forced to grow up too fast, and practically raise himself, he's a smart kid. He doesn't believe he is, but he's truly a smart and talented kid. Though papers and his grades say otherwise, Joseph could turn everything around in a minute or two if he chose too. However, due to the gravitational decline on his mental health and home life, he started to underage drink, and get his hands on any drug that was available for him.
One day, Joseph and his 'crew' got invited to a house party. It's late, there's drinks, lights, music, and everything is fired up. After long joyous hours and a couple twenty shots, Joseph is fuuuucked up. Passed out on the couch. You wanna know what people do when they're young and drunk? They do irreversible stupid shit. Joseph got his lovely arm statements by either being so passed out that his friends decided that this would be a perfect canvas to paint on, or he was "consciously" agreeing to this work of art we see on his character sprites.
With a soft opening to the wounds of his childhood and teenage years, how was adulthood like? I doubt it wouldn't be easy, or that he could get away with more things as easier. I feel like Joseph chose to be a better person compared to his old self because of the fact that life would be even more shittier as it continued and that despite saying he wishes he would die, he's just as afraid of death as his 10 year old self. So, if he wanted to live a better life for himself and regain his sensitivity of self again, he had to fix himself up.
To answer your question of "Was he doing illegal activities or something bad?" Your answer is yes, and here's a list.
-As said before, alcoholism starting at age 16.
-Drugs, and at some point did attack people because he couldn't get said fix.
-Would sell himself for money.
-Robbed local stores just to have something in his system for the week minimum.
Joseph knew he had to better himself, and comparing all of this to the interview tapes-- If you didn't know a thing about him beforehand, you would've thought he was a perfect guy.
But we all know that no one is perfect, ain't that right?
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alice-after-dark · 20 days
regarding your canon v. fanon post, I have one that may be a *bit* of a stretch/a controversial take (ooo~), but: there’s this general perception of Vox in particular being this big ball of toxic masculinity who cringes at the slightest idea of being perceived “feminine” and the like, which I just...don’t see? Like, this guy? The man who immediately engaged in a romantic dance with his partner in the finale with no qualms in the privacy of their tower (Velvette filming them disregarded)?
I’m assuming it’s because he canonically died in the 50s, but even then, Vox is all about *image* and being in the public’s favour as opposed to whatever strict gender roles he was forced to live in on Earth — he seems the type to wear a dress on air if it guarantees more eyes on him. And even then, with all the time he’d spent in Hell from then on, you’d think whatever shame he’d likely intially had regarding his vices had long been since knocked out of him as he adapted to Hell’s hedonistic environment.
Idk, it’s weird to me how it’s almost always Vox I see portrayed like this; like, Angel Dust was a mafioso from the 1940s — an environment rife with homophobia and sexism — and likely had internalized at least some of those ideals upon arriving in Hell, regardless of how progressive he may have been for his time, but I almost never see that brought up when discussing his character in the present timeline; same with Niffty and her sexism, which has been all but scrubbed away from her character since the pilot. Honestly, if any character best represents toxic masculinity in this series (outside of our beloved Dickmaster, ofc) then I’d say it’s Valentino, given his occupation and general treatment of his subordinates, but that’s just me—
(sorry if this is a bit rambly/incoherent; my pain meds are kicking in, so i’m a *tad* loopy, lol)
"(sorry if this is a bit rambly/incoherent; my pain meds are kicking in, so i’m a *tad* loopy, lol)"
All good, friend, all good lol
I get what you're saying and yeah it does make sense. Like, if he existed in the 50s with the personality he has now, he would absolutely be labeled as a flaming homosexual. I can see him still having these issues and ideals maybe when he first drops into Hell, but overall, yeah I do think that they would have mostly left him by the time that the series takes place. He's definitely masculine-presenting, but that doesn't inherently mean toxic masculinity.
Now, that being said, toxic masculinity still exists today and so I can see him still engaging in it, but it wouldn't have anything to do with him being from the 50s and it would really only be in regard to certain aspects. Like, I do believe that the concept of looking weak in front of people would infuriate him, but that can be just as attributed to Hell's power structure as it can be to toxic masculinity.
You make a fabulous point about the other characters too. Like, I have definitely never seen Angel Dust portrayed that way and definitely not Niffty (even though yeah she kinds was misogynistic in the pilot). I absolutely agree that Adam and Valentino are way better examples of toxic masculinity than Vox.
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wannab-urs · 4 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fanfiction Recs | Vol 34
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Howdy folks!
Welcome to the Spreadsheet Digest, my weekly(ish) fic rec post. This is everything I read in the last two weeks. I was on a bit of a Din kick, but fear not, there are other boys here too.
All info provided by the author unless it was blank, in which case I filled it in.
Fic Recs Below!
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lost, found
Dieter one shot by @sp00kymulderr
When Dieter is hurt by the words of someone else, he turns to his art to help him. What he really needs is you.
homophobia, unsupportive family, bad family relationships, drug use, alcohol use, implied poly relationship, sex mentions, angst angst angst. There is an ezra in this, whether he is our ezra or not is up to you. writer projecting their emotions on to their favourite character.
Well it's love, make it hurt
Din series by @corazondebeskar-reads
After The Mandalorian begrudgingly teamed up with you for a big-ticket bounty, you find you work surprisingly well together, and you propose a short-term partnership. Weeks become months, and your hunting partnership becomes muddled as you explore a new dynamic onboard the Razor Crest.
BDSM, d/s dynamics, dom/sub dynamics, s/m dynamics, sadism, masochism, bondage, bounty hunting, canon-typical violence, descriptions of injury, p in v unprotected sex, oral sex (m&f receiving), anal, toys, impact play, spanking, use of "sir," no y/n, all chapter titles are taking back sunday lyrics, explicit consent, aftercare, big meat Mando, soft dom din, din djarin removes the helmet but does not reveal his face
you've been a bad girl
Din one shot by @beskarandblasters
You’ve been a bad girl and Din decides to punish you by keeping you on a collar and leash
canon divergent (long live the Razor Crest), dom/sub, degradation, pet names (good girl, cyar’ika), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, praising, no use of y/n
sorgan girls are easy
Din one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
Din gets off to a pretty girl he met in the past
male masturbation, PIV (past), infidelity (past), hair pulling (past)
Rescue Me
Din series by @charnelhouse
Mando rescues a girl and develops a life-ruining crush.
Innocence kink. Age Gap. Smut. Screwing someone to get the other out of their head trope. Loss of Virginity (a tad bit of blood). Fluids. Dirty talk. Angst. Smut. semi-public sex. language. ptsd. fluff.
sweaty hands, reluctant hearts
Din one shot by 221bshrlocked (AO3)
He never thought the day would come when he’d hear you saying you wanted to leave (him). Yes there was an understanding between the two of you that you were hired to help him care for the Child and to somehow keep the Razor Crest alive and working. And he knew it made sense for you to find work elsewhere now that the Razor Crest was destroyed and the Child was with his own kind. But he just assumed you weren’t going to leave considering it’s been a couple of months since he’d given the kid to the Jedi and you never brought it up. It hurt hearing you say those words, especially when he realized he wasn’t meant to hear them and that you were confiding in Cobb Vanth of all people. Turns out, all Mando needed was to see the Marshal eye-fucking you as you fixed the new ship and overshared your thoughts for him to snap and finally make a move. Hopefully he can change your mind…
angst, smut, jealous mando, the helmet comes off, rough sex, penetrative sex, oral sex, breeding kink, slight exhibitionism, sweaty sex, overstimulation, squirting, dirty talk, sweet talk, mando’a, shy/fluffy mando, touch starved, post season 2 - no grogu, some non con elements due to overstimulation, but everyone is consenting.
i wonder if you stopped his world like you stopped mine
Frankie one shot by @chronically-ghosted
watching the woman he loves be with someone else is killing him, but for your sake, he manages. But when Benny's birthday loosens him up, he can't help but bear his soul over a phone call. Too bad you don't pick up and he's forced to leave the evidence in a voicemail.
pining, light angst, idiots in love, country music as a catalyst, romance, tw alcohol, tw drinking, hangovers, ultimately very fluffy
Joel one shot by @whatsnewalycat
Joel is essentially your step dad and he catches you sneaking out instead of manning the radio like you're supposed to... so he punishes you.
DDDNE, literally just a fucked up stepdad/mom's bf fantasy, could read "mom" as tess but I don't name her or assign physical features to her or reader, post-outbreak, reader is def over 18 but not by much so yeah age gap, NON-CONSENSUAL, power imbalance, unethical d/s dynamic, slapping, spanking, punishment, orgasm delay/denial, humiliation, degradation, face fucking, anal sex, little to no aftercare
the warmth of your gaze, the lingering of your touch
Joel one shot by @beskarandblasters
After an evening out with Joel you come home to go to bed together, leading to some other activities before the night ends.
reader is disabled and uses a wheelchair, no outbreak AU, Joel can lift reader, fingering, oral sex, praising, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names (darlin’, pretty girl, baby, angel), fluff, no use of y/n
Tim Rockford series by @secretelephanttattoo
It's been 20 years since you left LAPD and stopped answering his calls. What happens when you partner up again after all this time?
Idiots who won't admit their feelings. Or if we're being polite: friends to ex-friends to work partners to lovers. Miscommunication. Slow burn romance with eventual explicit smut. The holsters come with their own warning. the dressDave Yorkseries@janaispunkYou’re having an affair with Dave York. When he takes you on a week-long vacation, you realize that you have deeper feelings for him than you should. explicit smut (18+ only, mdni), angst, infidelity, fluff, somewhat questionable relationship dynamics, dom/sub dynamics, dom!dave, sub!reader, able-bodied reader, dave pulls her hair, no use of y/n, idiots in love, more specific warnings at the start of each chapter
the dress
Dave York series by @janaispunk
You’re having an affair with Dave York. When he takes you on a week-long vacation, you realize that you have deeper feelings for him than you should.
explicit smut (18+ only, mdni), angst, infidelity, fluff, somewhat questionable relationship dynamics, dom/sub dynamics, dom!dave, sub!reader, able-bodied reader, dave pulls her hair, no use of y/n, idiots in love, more specific warnings at the start of each chapter
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My Recent Fics
Trust - Din Djarin x gn!reader - season 2 finale drabble (prompt fill)
Ravage - Ezra x f!Reader - saltburn AU, vampire scene
Only Good Girls - Dave x f!reader - D/s, punishment, mirror sex
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Happy Reading!
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levincioooo · 4 months
Midnight Ride (William x Henry Fanfic)
Warning: sex, teasing, shaming, subjects of homophobia, and slut shaming. You’ve been warned.
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Henry was leaned up against the brick wall of the outside of Fredbear’s, breathing in the sweet, savory scent of William’s cigar. Each second felt like an hour as Henry’s impatient wife beckoned him to hurry on up with each ring of the wired phone from inside.
He didn’t find the sound to be of annoyance, he actually enjoyed it. He loved knowing she cared, but William certainly thought otherwise as each beckoning ring of the phone from inside came about.
“Why won’t you just pick it up?”, William wondered out loud, his cold silver eyes fixating on Henry’s.
“Because I’m out here with you. She’ll give up at some point.” Henry thoughtfully replied.
“Some point?” William groaned.
Henry chuckled. He knew it irritated William, but he didn’t mind as he got up from the wall, walking over to William and slightly caressing his thumb into the base of his shoulder. William let out a bit of a moan to the loosening tension, but his eyes stayed on the engine of his car, seemingly trying to figure out what had happened to it.
“It won’t start if you keep on bitching.”, Henry told him, holding back a snicker. “Like your mother used to say, “nothing works if you fool with it in a bad mood.””
“My mother was a incompetent whore.”, William sneered.
“William!”, Henry yelled out, disappointed in how he spoke of his mother. He adored her, she was like cherry pie: sweet in every way. That was true to him at least.
William glimpsed up at Henry, a tad bit of a snarky look met his face. “She was, just because you met a bloody sweet old lady back in the days of high school doesn’t mean she wasn’t going around in bars sleeping with older men.”
“That doesn’t make her a whore, William. She just had issues. Hell, if we are throwing that term around I would call you one.”, Henry told him as his brows furrowed, fidgeting with the hair in front of his face as he swallowed down a slight chuckle at his own words. The audacity of calling William that was enough to make him cackle.
William’s eyes snapped up at him, as did as his back, slamming into his chest. Henry flinched at that, taking a few steps back. William turned around, smirking.
“What makes you say that, Henry?”, he asked him.
“The way you speak to people. You can be so flirty sometimes, charming even. Don’t you find that to be a lot like how you describe a whore, William?”
“Well, yes.”, he responded thickly.
Henry giggled. “Then why fight that, Will’?”
“Because unlike her I don’t go and try to shag every man in sight.”
Henry frowned, rolling his eyes. “Women, William. You get dolly eyed with your wife, but you’ll go off and treat another like an angel from heaven itself.”
“If anything you do the same. I see how you give all those people that dashing awkward smile. It’s so big I’d be surprised if it doesn’t hurt from how much you do it.”, William replied, coming closer to Henry, bringing his hand up and poking him with his pointer finger as he cheekily mimicked his gleeful little expression.
Henry giggled. “And you’re any better? Every time I look at you—god, your smiling ear to ear. It’s so clear it’s fake too!”
William bit back a laugh. “And you’re any better? I remember when that one lady came in complaining—bloody hell, you almost lost it!”
“I had to make sure she didn’t make us lose half of our customers with her screaming…”, Henry snarled.
“Don’t get all pissed, I was just poking at you, Emily. I thought it was adorable.”, William accidentally let slip. His eyes widened a tad, practically instantaneously as he realized what he had let fly out. Every bone in his body stiffened in that momentum, unsure of what to say to save himself. He couldn’t do a thing, it was useless. Henry had already taken it in, especially by the look he gave him.
“Adorable?”, Henry repeated, seemingly needing to generally understand the context behind it. “You think I’m adorable Will’?”, he questioned, a smile building up over his lips.
William’s face felt like a flame, and he bit into his lip. “Shut your trap, Emily.”, William quickly said as he turned his attention back to the engine, bending over and working on it once more. “It’s late anyways. I probably smoked too much, so sod off my arse.” William reasoned as he opened up his cigarette box with a simple flick and took out yet another stick, lighting it with his lighter before popping it into his mouth.
Henry’s nose wrinkled at the smell, but he didn’t bother to complain about it. It was a smell he enamored beneath all of its crudeness. It smelled like William, and it brought back many past memories between them. He could never give up such a thing, even if it was sometimes unpleasant. “If you say so.”, Henry sarcastically said as he rolled his eyes and peaked over William’s shoulder to check on what he was fiddling with.
William frowned, but as he felt weight on his shoulder, that frown changed into a smirk. He enjoyed the feeling of Henry next to him. He could never explain why, but he practically worshiped the feeling as well as him. Who wouldn’t? He thought. It was quite a normality in his eyes.
And Henry didn’t know about that. Which he found to be an understandably good thing. He knew if Henry did, he could be shut out, possibly even called a faggot! He didn’t like the idea, nor did he want to be absent from what he had. Henry was his everything, and he was in every spot before his own wife. He hated it too. He hated it more than anything in this world, but love and jealousy overruled his thoughts when it came to anything over Henry.
*He just couldn’t get enough of him.*
“You know, Alora may be calling as well, I mean, damn Will’... It's close to 12” Henry worriedly warned William, wishing for him not to get into another fight with her due to staying so late with Henry and leaving her with the kids all day long. As unfair as it was, Henry found it to be a common thing. He had acknowledged at this point how much of a workaholic William was, and it concerned him, but he chose better than to confront him about it. He knew William would defend himself to the end, even if his wife was the one telling him about it.
William took out the cigarette from his mouth, and he threw it down, then smashed it into the ground with the heel of his foot. His silver eyes, as dull as they repeatedly had been, held some kind of sparkle of *joy*. “Let her keep calling. Let’s get us a drink. I want her to know she can keep on calling all she wants, but she can sod off how long I stay with my goddamn co-worker. Bloody hell she gets on my nerves”, he told him, mischievous malice sparkling over his charming face and he crossed his arms, his hands twitching for something to hold onto.
Henry took his head off his shoulder, a bit of an unsure look crept up his face. “Then you better be the one to reason with Pauline.”, he said to his, creasing a brow as he gave out a little chuckle.
“Eh, Whateva’.”William brushed off as he took out yet another cigar. “Want one?”, he asked him.
Henry hesitated. “Sure.”, he would finally say, grabbing the cigarette and popping it into his mouth.
He held his face close to William’s, holding his hand up as William came close and lit it. The two both stared at each other in the eyes, something sparked up, and the both of them looked away awkwardly.
“Thank you.”, Henry replied to him before getting into his own car and patting the passenger seat.,”you’re never gonna get that to work, so just come on in. Lock your car.” He told him as he took out the cigarette, exhaling the smoke.
William obliged, locking his car before coming over and sitting right up next to Henry. He looked over at him and grinned, his chipped tooth clear in his cheeky little smile. It made Henry chuckle.
“Your smile is pretty sweet Will’.”Henry complimented as he shoved the keys into its slot and turned them with a click. He took the car out of park and began to drive. His soft brown eyes didn’t focus back on William, manifesting his own picture of his reaction to the comment.
“Thank you Henry.”, William politely replied, tucking a strand of his mullet behind his ear as he stared through the front-view Mirror, gazing at all the cars they whizzed past. “Triple TJ’s?”, William requested.
“Triple TJ’s it is.”, Henry responded with a laugh as he rolled down the windows, throwing out his cigarette as he took a rough turn, settling his hand instinctively over William’s thigh and gripping it **tight**. He didn’t even *notice* it. Even *after* the turn.
It made William *blush*, and the muscles surrounding his firm grip tensed. Henry was strong, but his hands? Oh, his hands were big enough to take the man’s entire waist in hand. This was almost too much for William, and his legs twitched as he forced his stare out the window beside him, attempting to look at all the pretty LED lights passing them by.
Once they arrived, Henry took notice of where his hand was, and quickly took it away, leaving William to flinch at the sudden coldness surrounding the place he had it originally gripping. “**Sorry**—“Henry started.
“Henry, it’s fine. I know you're used to your *wife* in this car!”, William falsely laughed. He hated mentioning that wretched woman. He loathed her very existence, but Henry had no reason to know about *that*.
“Hah, yeah.”, Henry murmured as he got out of the car, waiting for William to do the same as he adjusted his tie. He felt hot and bothered. He couldn’t understand why he did it. It was his best friend! Why did he feel this way towards some simple mistake *he* made? He thought to himself.
William groaned as he got out of his side of the car, looking around the parking lot for anyone else. “Looks like we are going to be served pretty quick, eh?”, he joked, seeing the small amount of cars surrounding theirs.
Henry forced out a laugh. “Seems so! Now, let’s head inside.” He said as he began to walk up to the doors particularly fast, leaving William behind in the dust.
William gave an inquisitive look towards him before following him and trashing his cigar. Before he could even ask him what his deal was, the server greeted them. “Hello, welcome to TJ’s! How many are we expecting?”, she asked in a sweet voice, obviously hiding her tiredness from how late it was.
Henry smiled. “Just two.”
“Alright! You can both find yourselves whatever place you’d like to sit, the waitress will be over there in a moment.”, she responded to his reply, beaming back over to him. Henry’s smile was contagious, and it was ever so obvious to William who held back a bit of laughter at this.
Henry nodded over at the lady and grabbed William’s hand, dragging him over to the bar, William’s hand trembled against Henry’s. His face felt like mush. He wasn’t used to his hands being touched, and the sensitivity from the past spring lock scars was enough to make him bite into his bottom lip. He drilled his nails into the seat to distract himself. Then Henry let go, his face reddening as he too realized how long he had held William’s hand.
Then the bartender swung his way over to them. “What’ll it be tonight, gentlemen?”, he charmingly questioned as he cocked his head to the side.
“Tequila for me, please.”, Henry said.
“Vodka.”, William conjoined.
“I’ll be right with you both with that.”, the bartender told them as he moved off over to the glass bottles, pouring their drinks with precision and focus. Then he slid them both over.
William practically downed his before covering his mouth and swallowing down his reaction to the burn in his throat. “Bloody hell…”, he muttered.
“Christ, Will—“, Henry began before taking a sip of his tequila, his brows creasing at the pain. “Keep drinking like that and you’ll be too drunk to even get back home.”
“Mm, maybe that’s my plan.”, William suggested as his eyes flickered over to Henry, half-lidded. His tone had taken a turn, it was deep and melodic.
Henry practically blushed at that, lowering his head into his chest before laughing nervously. William watched this and grinned. He was well-aware what effects his voice had on people, especially the people in hurricane; the same people who weren’t used to the sound of a British accent. Even Henry, who was used to his accent, couldn't get over the foreignness. William took advantage of that especially as he got up, and heard karaoke being played in the back of the bar.
“Come on, Emily! Why don’t we go and join them in some karaoke? Your voice has always been certainly angelic…”, William offered flirtatiously.
Henry’s face got as red as the inside of a cherry pie, he shook his head, holding his hands up. “Will’, i'd rather not—“
“Come on…”, William pressured before grabbing Henry’s hand after it settled the money that they owed and dragged him on over to the stand, handing him a microphone.
“William!”, Henry yelped, earning himself an unpleasant screech from the microphone before sighing. “You tricky bitch.”Henry cursed under his breath as William drunkly cackled.
Then “Wake Me Up Before You Go” began to play, and Henry tapped his foot to the beat. “Oh god, Will don’t even get me started—“
William shook his hips and got in front of Henry, putting his face close to his as he began to sing. “Jitterbug! Jitterbug! Jitterbug!”
Henry came along with it, “You put the boom-boom into my heart!” He chuckled out as he started to sing.
“Oooh-ooh!”, William echoed.
Then they began to sing together in harmony.
“You send my soul sky-high
When your lovin' starts
Jitterbug into my brain (yeah-yeah)
Goes a bang-bang-bang
'Til my feet do the same!”
William brushed himself up against Henry’s front, turning his head back over to him as they both smiled wide at each other.
“But something's bugging me
Something ain't right
My best friend told me
What you did last night
You left me sleeping in my bed
I was dreaming
But I should've been with you instead…”
Henry buckled his hips into William as William thrusted back, rubbing his ass against his crotch. Then he turned around abruptly.
“Wake me up before you go-go
Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo
Wake me up before you go-go
I don't wanna miss it when you hit that high
Wake me up before you go-go
'Cause I'm not planning on going solo
Wake me up before you go-go, ah
Take me dancing tonight
I wanna hit that high, yeah, yeah!”
“You drive me nuts Will’, you know that?”
“Of course I do Henry, but you love it”, he whispered into his ear, hiding his face against his as he laid an innocent peck against the side of Henry’s face.
Henry practically froze, but their song went on and on, and neither of them wanted to stop.
“You take the grey skies outta my way (ooh-ooh)
You make the sun shine brighter than Doris Day
You turned a bright spark into a flame (yeah-yeah)
My beats per minute never been the same…”
William gave Henry a needy look.
“'Cause you're my lady
I'm your fool
It makes me crazy when you act so cruel
Come on, baby
Let's not fight
We'll go dancing
Everything will be alright!”
Henry’s eyes interlocked with William’s, and a flustered look met his face. He couldn’t help himself but to imagine that man beneath him. William was perfect in every way in his eyes. Better than Pauline, better than anyone else was his own partner. The man so close yet so far from him.
“Wake me up before you go-go
Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo
Wake me up before you go-go
I don't wanna miss it when you hit that high
Wake me up before you go-go
'Cause I'm not planning on going solo
Wake me up before you go-go, ah
Take me dancing tonight
I wanna hit that high, yeah, yeah, yeah, baby!”
William grabbed Henry’s hand, pulling their bodies close to each other with a mischievous beam as they shared their microphones.
William grabbed Henry by his waist, slipping his hand down to his ass secretly and Henry held his waist. It made William bite his lip. His hands were so big, and so dreamy. He wished they were tougher against him.
“Cuddle up, baby
Move in tight
We'll go dancing tomorrow night
It's cold out there
But it's warm in bed
They can dance
We'll stay home instead!”
William’s hand squeezed as he leaned his head into Henry’s neck, hiding himself as he laid sweet and heated kisses against the skin of his neck.
“Wake me up before you go-go
Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo
Wake me up before you go-go
I don't wanna miss it when you hit that high
Wake me up before you go-go
'Cause I'm not planning on going solo
Wake me up before you go-go, ah
Take me dancing tonight
Wake me up before you go-go
Don't you dare to leave me hanging on like a yo-yo!”
Henry held back a whine, and instead grabbed William’s hand, twirling him to the end of their song.
“Take me dancing
A boom-boom-boom-boom, oh!
A boom-boom-boom-boom (yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Take me dancing tonight) ooh-aah
Yeah, yeah!”
The sound of clapping erupted in the room from all sides of the bar and they both giggled to themselves. Little did everyone know they were in for the time of their lives tonight.
Henry was the one this time to haul William out of the place, and out into the car. He shoved William into the passenger side, and hopped himself into the front seat. “Your wife home, Will?”
William was startled, but he drunkenly laughed. “Definitely at her mother’s with the kids by now, complaining about me.”
“Good.” Henry responded. “She’s good for nothing anyways.”
William looked surprised but he laughed by the end of it. He knew deep down for a while now that they both shared the same hate for each other’s marriages. He pushed up his glasses that stood crooked up on the bridge of his nose, laughing at Henry’s eagerness as he pulled out swiftly of their parking space.
They were clearly both in so much need in the heat of the moment they couldn’t help themselves but to touch up on each other during the ride. William’s shirt was teasingly unbuttoned by Henry at a red light. Henry’s thighs were covered by William’s hand at another. William’s neck was littered with kisses at the third. It wasn’t much longer until they gave up, parking at a secluded area.
William and Henry got out of the car, and Henry shoved William into the back, shutting the door behind himself before getting on top of him. “I have been seeing the way you look at me, Will’. I never could figure out why you looked at me the way women would look at me.”, he told him as he laid rough kisses against his neck, practically choking him as William’s back arched beneath him. “And, now it’s all so obvious… you’ve wanted me all this time. Just like this, haven’t you?”, he seductively questioned before sucking on the sensitive side of his neck, the exact place where William felt his entire body heat up, the feeling was like heaven. God had given him a gift he knew he didn’t deserve.
William’s hand traveled to Henry’s shirt, unbuttoning it before forcing Henry to throw it off as he began to suck on Henry’s nipples, biting down on the man and earning himself a pleasurable look from Henry. His eyes rolled up and whimpers escaped him. Henry’s hands risked being thrown off even more as he slid them down to William’s waist where they held him perfectly. They were like each other’s missing puzzle pieces, and Henry became well-aware of that especially as he sunk his nails into William’s body.
“Masochistic fuck…”, Henry whined out as William chuckled.
Then Henry forced William down on the ground. “Turn around," he told him. William obliged.
Henry undid his own and William’s belt, sliding each other’s pants down and watched as pre-cum slid down the tip of his cock, and how it dripped from William’s own dick. It was enough to get him to grin to know his smell was going to be all over his car, and he didn’t even mind. He stroked his cock to the point he almost cried from the sensitiveness. William’s own moans couldn’t sustain either. He wanted him bad, and the vibration was enough to make it all worse.
“L-let me prep myself first,” William insisted as he turned around and leaned up against the car door.
“How about I do it, sweetheart.”, Henry offered, to which William gave a look. A look that begged him to do so with every bone inside his body.
Henry scooted close to William, and he spread his thighs. William bit down hard on his lip, and Henry noticed. Henry kissed him to stop him from harming himself. This kiss became heated quite quickly, leading to Henry sliding his tongue into William’s mouth and sucking hard. It was enough to make him seem like a cannibal from how hungry he was for him.
Then he parted from him, sticking two fingers into William’s mouth. “Suck for me, dear.”
William nodded, looking up at Henry’s with a mix of submissiveness and determination as he sucked on the two fingers, coating them with his own spit for lube. Then Henry took them out with a wet “plop”. William’s eyes flickered Henry’s hand, especially as it lowered down to his tight little hole. Henry inserted one of them, curling it almost imminently, which made William cry out in pain, grabbing onto Henry’s side.
“Are you alright?”, Henry asked softly, shushing his painful cries as he began to briskly thrust the finger in and out to the beat of their hearts.
“Im—mmm…—I’m fine—keep—ah!—going.”William instructed him as his eyes threatened to roll into the back of his head. His brows creased to the pain, but yet, it felt so, so good, he never wanted it to stop. It was like the world around him had paused and he was in the spotlight.
He squirmed as Henry put it yet another finger into him, this time using a quick scissoring motion, one that made him shiver as he shoved up and down William’s ass hole. The wet squelches of skin flooded the car, and so did William’s loud voice. A voice that Henry loved to hear utter his name.
“Henry… Henry…”, he whined as his hips buckled into his hand.
“Good boy…”, Henry told him. “You’re being such a good boy for me, William.”, he repeated as he slid his fingers out, leaving William feeling empty without something else inside of him.
Then he felt Henry’s tip slide in, and then his entire cock. He tried to maintain his composure until he bursted out with cries and almost began to sob himself. “Fuck! Fuck!—you’re so big!”, he moaned out quickly as Henry’s thrusts sped up.
Henry took no care for the pain William felt, he wanted to give him what he deserved, a punishment that he needed to endure for relentlessly pleasuring him in public. For how he rubbed his ass up against his clothes crotch. For how he kissed his neck without any hesitation or reason within his head. He deserved every bit of his cock inside of him.
William’s hands met his own cock, stroking it swiftly as Henry’s thrusts sped up as well. Henry’s hand met William’s hair, tugging it to make him look up at him as they both knew how close they were to finishing.
“Fuck—you’re so goddamn tight!”, Henry cried as he kept going, penetrating him.
William muffled his moans with his hand, shutting his eyes as he was finally meeting his own orgasm. “Henry!—henry—FUCK—IM COMING—“, he screamed as he finally came all over Henry’s chest.
And Henry followed along not too long after, watching as cum spilled out of William's asshole once he pulled out. “Fuck”, he murmured as he collapsed over William.
The two met eyes, and kissed. They knew this night may never happen again, and may be forgotten as well. They knew if this got out, they would never hear the end of it, but as long as they were side by side, it was all going to be alright.
Available on Wattpad & AO3
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v1smokewife · 5 months
who is this person - chapter eleven - final chapter
On a quest to find love on a dating website, Sanji falls head over heels for a woman with an interest in...alternative relationships that sends him down a rabbit hole of completing tasks for a seemingly sadistic mistress. But what happens when she turns out to be more than what she seems?
Zoro pretends to be a female on the internet to talk to Sanji and bad things happen.
Darkfic with themes of internalised homophobia, bad bdsm practices and lying about your identity to strangers on the internet. Please read with caution. This is NOT how BSDM should be practiced. Always practice Sane, Safe and Consensual practicesboarders on being considered dead dove do not eat material
read on ao3
authors note;
WE ARE FINALLY FINISHED. oh my goodness!! i can't believe I'm finally done!! this means so much to me. first of all, thank you for all the lovely comments and kudos. i'm so bad for not replying to them but i really do appreciate every single comment and kudo i get. thank you for the love <3 there's plenty of stories planned for 2024. once I finish i need a doctor, i will probably start releasing the sequel as i will be starting to write it now <3
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Time was what Sanji got in return. He hadn't seen Zoro for a few months and Zoro kept to their conversations. Even when Luffy came over to the restaurant, Zoro was never in tow as he normally was. At first, Sanji never paid more mind to it. Obviously, Sanji had told him that he needed time and that he did. He needed time to get over what had happened to him and process things a bit more than he had previously. After a while, Sanji felt like things were sort of returning to normal. He was back working at the restaurant and things had gotten a tad better. Himself and Nami were still best friends, and he quickly forgave her for what had happened. It was forgive and forget. Things were back to normal, almost. 
He never saw Zoro and come to think of it, no one else did. When Luffy would come to the Baratie, he would often lament about how Zoro has no time for him anymore and how he misses him. When Sanji said he needed time, he really did need that time, but it was a little weird for Zoro to just completely distance himself from everyone. What a pain that was. Although, Sanji didn’t know why he felt bad about that because after all it was him that suffered the most through the whole thing.  
It was something that still kept him up at night and he probably would be traumatised for the rest of his life but… 
He had time to think about what Zoro said and now he needed to talk to him again. Sanji was finishing work. He had been given the evening off. Zeff, in his own way had become a little bit more gracious with the working hours and letting Sanji work better hours and not always closing up for him. Although Zeff never said it, it seemed as if he must have felt bad for what happened. 
Something just felt amiss. Sanji wanted to talk to Zoro again. 
Sanji’s decision was to try and reach out again. Space and time gave him the opportunity to think about things but there was a sense of unfinished business because their last conversation gave him so much more questions rather than answers.  He wasn’t sure how to approach this He could call or text…it was awful, but he still had his number from when they used to text each other during the Zoey days, and he never got rid of his number. However, phoning and texting had got them into this mess so he needed to have a much more direct conversation that would be a lot more meaningful.  
After much thoughts, Sanji decided that he would try and approach the gym that Zoro tended to frequent. It was a place that Sanji knew from Nami that Zoro liked to go when he needed some time to think. As Sanji was walking towards the gym, his mind was starting to feel like a whirlwind. Although he knew that he was the one that suffered the most in this, Sanji couldn’t help but wonder how Zoro had been. How would he react to Sanji just turning up to his gym out of the blue. There was a mixture of apprehension and curiosity in his stomach that was almost making him feel sick.  
Once he arrived at the gym, Sanji took a moment to stop at the entrance. He took a deep breath before stepping inside. The sound of training filled the air as he stepped inside the gym. Ahead of him, right past the empty reception, Sanji could see Zoro training with a wooden sword in an empty hall.  
The thud of his feet on the mat, the clank of the wooden sword against the training dummy and the controlled breaths. Zoro seemed to be in his element here. Sanji stood at the hallway leaning against the frame and watching him. Every turn and every muscle that moved. It was…. hypnotising. He didn’t realise that he was staring until Zoro noticed a presence in the room. He paused and turned. His expression changed from concentration to…surprise and Sanji realised that he was staring at Zoro working out. Holy shit. Why? 
“You?” Zoro said with a mix of uncertainty and…confusion. 
Sanji didn’t really know what to say but he cleared his throat and stepped in the room, “I…just wanted to see what you’ve been up to recently. You’ve disappeared entirely,” God this felt so awkward. Sanji needed a smoke, and he needed one bad.  
“You said you wanted time. I’ve been giving you that,” Zoro said as he placed the wooden sword on the ground. 
“Hm. First time you’ve ever listened to me in the history of ever,” Sanji said as he stepped forward a bit more. Sanji was a little uncertain about what was going on. He was unsure of how to approach this.  
Zoro raised an eyebrow at Sanji’s comments with a hint of defensive humour, “Well I figured that it was important. You said so yourself. You wanted space. I respected that and gave you space. You aren’t giving me shit for giving you space, are you?” 
There was a minute between them with such a mix of emotions. Curiosity, tension was all the emotions that were going on right now. It was clear that they both had a lot on their mind. Thoughts and questions simmering below the surface.  
Sanji shifted his weight. God, he absolutely NEEDED a cigarette. He looked around the gym before setting his gaze back onto Zoro, “Yeah. You are right. I’m not going to give you shit for that. I did need time,” 
Zoro nodded, he was willing to engage in conversation. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about it to. If you…don’t mind waiting for me to finish up here, we can talk outside…or go somewhere else,” 
Sanji nodded, “My apartment is not far away. We can go there…It’s quiet,” 
Zoro and Sanji agreed that would be right for them to go there. Sanji went to go and wait outside of the gym where he got his much needed cigarette. He stepped out of the gym and the fresh air was a much needed welcome. He lit up his cigarette and took a drag of it. His mind was racing with what he wanted to say to Zoro. The questions he wanted to ask him.  
After a few moments, Zoro appeared from the gym, having quickly changed out of his gear. They walked in pretty much silence back to Sanji’s apartment. It was starting to get late and as they appeared, Sanji could see that the Baratie was starting to quiet down for the evening. However, Sanji directed Zoro upstairs into his apartment. He never really invited much people upstairs. In fact, he can’t even remember the last time Nami came over.  
He offered Zoro a seat and a drink. Zoro, as per expected, wanted alcohol. Sanji indulged him with a beer while Sanji poured himself a glass of wine. He sat on the sofa with Zoro on the furthest side. 
Sanji decided that he didn’t want to sit in silence he decided he would take the lead and he would talk. 
“Zoro…I’ve been thinking about what we spoke about last time,” Sanji decided that since it was his own apartment, he would have another cigarette as he lit it up and took a drag, “I’m not gonna lie. I’ve had time to think about things and well, what you did really messed me up. But…we both got involved in something really…complicated. 
Zoro, who was swirling his beer around as he listened intently about what Sanji had to say but he didn’t interject. He knew what Sanji was talking about. When Zoro admitted having feelings. So, Sanji continued talking as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“I guess what I’m trying to get at is…I want to understand. Not just about what happened. I don’t think I’ll ever truly understand but what about us? Where do we stand?” 
Zoro set his beer down and he turned his head to look at Sanji. The question…it was direct and to the point. It was now cutting to the heart of their tangled history. The future was so uncertain, “I’ve been trying to figure that out myself. This is…complicated,” 
Sanji exhaled a cloud of smoke, and his expression was contemplative, “This…we’ve always been complicated, Zoro. Fights, arguments, a rivalry and now…this. Whatever this has been. He gestured between them, a vague gesture of their encompassing existence between them. 
Zoro leaned back slightly, “It’s…complicated but…I meant what I said…” He didn’t need to elaborate or repeat what he said. Sanji and them both knew what he said. He admitted feelings and Sanji… felt incredibly conflicted right now. 
Sanji’s eyes flickered with a mix of different emotions. Surprise, uncertainty and perhaps…something new. Something softer. Maybe it was the wine or maybe it was the time that he was allowed to have but he thought about it more, “Work through this mess…” He took another drag of his cigarette and took the time to consider Zoro’s words, “I…don’t think I can just forget about what happened. 
“I’m not asking you to forget about anything,” Zoro said, and Sanji could swear he was closer to him than before, “All I’m wondering is that…do you think we could have an existence where we tolerate each other more than we do?” 
“Tolerate?” Sanji deflected with humour, “I don’t think I could ever want to not fight with you, moss man,” 
Zoro cracked a smile at that use of his usual descriptor. Their usual banter beginning to resurface yet again, “I don’t expect anything less. I was just thinking that there is also room for other things other than tolerating each other and fighting,” 
Sanji took a moment, looking at his glass of wine before meeting Zoro’s gaze again, “The whole thing with Zoey…it was a mess…but it has also changed my perspective on things. I see you differently,”  
That admission hung in the air. It was a new and delicate thread in the complex fabric of their brand new relationship. A direction that neither of them thought that this would go in.  
When Sanji moves to look at Zoro, he was caught off guard when Zoro took a hold of the collar of his shirt and leaned forward to…well, kiss him. 
And holy shit did that catch Sanji off guard. The kiss was so sudden and unexpected. A bold and what seemed like a really desperate move by Zoro. Like he couldn’t just help himself.  
Sanji was taken aback. He was surprised. He was confused but he felt something. Something that he had never felt before. Of course, he had kissed plenty of women, but he had never had ever kissed a man. 
Kissing a man. That’s something he never thought he’d ever do and yet he was here, and Zoro kissed him.  
Huh. Why wasn’t he pulling away? 
As Zoro pulled back. There was a sense of questioning in his eyes. An intensity that Sanji wasn’t expecting as Zoro tried to gauge Sanji’s reaction to see if he had crossed a line, but Sanji just sat there for a moment, processing what had just happened. The kiss had been brief but…it made Sanji think. 
“…That wasn’t too forward, was it?” Zoro’s head tilted a little to gauge his reaction. 
There was a rush of emotions and the unexpected turn of events. The pads of his fingers touched his own lips in response. The intensity of Zoro’s gaze was met by Sanji’s own, and it was…confused.  
“It…no…not too forward,” Sanji rubbed the back of his neck. The tone of his voice was thick with realisation, “This…it just caught me off guard…that’s all,” 
There was a moment of silence where they both sat with the significance of Zoro’s kiss. It was a bold step. A physical manifestation of all the complex emotions. 
Sanji leaned back, his mind racing. Zoro watched him. 
“Was it bad?” Zoro asked and Sanji looked at him. 
“What? No? It wasn’t…It’s just really complicated,” Sanji felt flustered by Zoro kissing him and didn’t want to show it, but he was…terrible at that. Zoro watched him and then... 
“Ooooh….it was really good, and you don’t want to admit it,” There it was. Ther usual banter was back again, and Zoro was teasing him about something. 
Sanji shot him a look. A look of annoyance and a very reluctant smile playing on his lips, “Shut up, mosshead. Don’t get cocky. You kissed me once,” 
“But you’re blushing now…you enjoyed it… you liked being kissed,” 
“I swear if you don’t shut up I will- “  
Sanji didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was the fact that Zoro was annoying him by being cocky or if it was the affect the kiss had on him, but it was his turn now. Sanji grabbed the collar of Zoro’s shirt this time and pulled him into a kiss of his own. This time, it was a little more aggressive and more…passionate than before which shocked both of them entirely. The sudden reversal of roles, with Sanji being the forward one added a brand new intensity to what was going on. This kiss was charged with emotion.  
That feeling…Sanji felt that feeling when he spoke to Zoey. When Zoey would make him do things and take videos and pictures... it was that feeling he felt kissing Zoro. It was the same arousal.  Sanji didn’t want to pull away because of it but he needed to pull away to breath but only inches away from Zoro’s lips. 
Zoro looked at Sanji with surprise but once that settled, a small smirk appeared on his face as he whispered against his lips, “Hmmm…didn’t know you had it in you, cook,” His usual teasing taking on a new tone. One that was equally aroused and very dominant. 
Sanji, caught in all of that, whispered back, “Don’t underestimate me, moss head. I’m full of surprises,”  
Zoro could only chuckle but not for long because they were back kissing. It was like a powder keg had gone off and now there was nothing that could stop them. It was so confusing. Sanji should hate him. Sanji should hate Zoro for the things he had done. He shouldn’t be doing this. Yet, he’s here and he can’t stop. He just can’t stop. 
Zoro’s hand moved to the back of his neck and pulled him closer. His tongue was shoved into his mouth and mapped out every inch of the blonde’s mouth. Sanji should push Zoro off of him, but he partially started this. He was already not wanting this to end. He didn’t want this to stop. It felt really strange, but he didn’t want this to stop ever. He’d kissed plenty of women and a lot of them got him aroused, and often left him aroused. However, the way that Zoro held the back of his neck to hold him there and the dominance battle he had already lost.  
His feelings were so all over the place right now, but he couldn’t deny, even if he tried to ignore it, the tightness in his pants.  
He hadn’t wanted it to end. Not in the slightest. But Zoro pulled away and Sanji didn’t want that. He moved as Zoro pulled back and was almost on his lap.  
What had Zoro done to him? No really, what had he done to him? Because he couldn’t believe that he was behaving like this now when Zoro had done such a fucked up think to him not that long ago. Zoro and Sanji were now kissing quite passionately on Sanji’s couch, and he never expected that to happen. 
Sanji looked at Zoro and Zoro looked at him. They didn’t say anything to each other, but Zoro turned to the side and then went to stand up. 
“Where are you going?” Sanji asked. A hint of annoyance and a hint of confusion. Zoro was just getting up and leaving him as he was turned on from their kissing.  
“Wouldn’t you rather do this in your room? I mean, I’m happy to do it on the couch but...” 
Hold on hold on. What does he mean by do this? So, it was a reality. They were going to have sex and Sanji was feeling… 
"Who said I wanted to have sex with you?" Sanji sneered at him. The thought that this was going to happen. Was it too fast? Sanji wasn't too sure. Maybe it was but, in his mind, he found himself leaning towards the idea. He didn't know if it was the right thing to do but it was the thing, he felt himself leaning towards wanting to do.  
"It's not what you say. It's how you react to me..." There was a little bit of smugness from Zoro's side which was annoying and weirdly attractive. Damn him. Damn him. Zoro looked back at him and tilted his head. 
"Well, are you coming then, cook?" 
Sanji had no choice. He got up and pushed past him but only so he could show him where his bedroom his. Sanji, who always prided himself on his charm and ease around women was in completely new and unfamiliar territory. This was different, more intense and more confusion. However, in his bedroom, Zoro moving in close to him and feeling his strong hands taking a sudden hold of his hips, there was a growing desire he couldn't ignore right now. 
Zoro moved his head against Sanji's. As equally as lost in this as Sanji was right now. He was about to kiss Sanji again before Sanji whispered to him. 
"This doesn't change the past," Sanji said, a moment of vulnerability that could be heard in his voice.  
"I know..." 
And that was that. Sanji moved so his lips to smash his lips against Zoro's lips. Later on, he would consider this but for now, he would fall into this moment and fall into it. When he came to Zoro, he never considered that he would never be in this space kissing Zoro. As they kissed, Zoro took a few step forwards and tried to guide Sanji going backwards so they can go over to the bedroom. Sanji followed in the way that Zoro tried to guide him until he felt the back of his knees hit his bed. When they did, he almost fell back but he grabbed Zoro's shoulder and pulled him onto the bed with him. Zoro was guided to land on top of him.  
This was actually kind of scary. Sanji felt a bubble of anxiety at the idea that Zoro was going to...Zoro was going to fuck him and the idea of that should have made his toes curl and while he thought that Zoro was still his rival and he wanted to beat him at being the best kisser, but the idea of Zoro was going to fuck him was... 
Zoro's knee pushed against his thigh and invertedly, his cock was rubbed against, and Sanji suddenly realised how aroused he was as he was incredibly fucking hard. A moan left his mouth, and it was incredibly embarrassing. He could feel his face heating up as they feverishly kissed. Sanji felt Zoro's hands that were on his hips trailing up his waist and... oh goodness. This was already too good, and Sanji didn't want to show that, but he just couldn't.  
Zoro tugged at Sanji's shirt so Sanji leaned up so he could quickly remove his shirt. Zoro followed suit by doing the same. Sanji never thought that he would ever gawk at a man but...damn. 
Zoro was built like a herculean hero.  A muscled hero and Sanji couldn't take his eyes. He wanted to reach forward and feel ever depth and muscle but before he could even think about it. Zoro's head went to the crook of his neck to take in that addicting scent and bit him. His hands were on his waist. His hands went to touch him everywhere. His hips, chest, shoulders and then further down.  
"You're so perfect..." 
Sanji's breath was caught. Perfect.  
This changes nothing. Absolutely nothing.  
Caught on a stray thought, Sanji was brought to life when Zoro's hands hooked at the waist band of his pants. Sanji went to lift his hips up so Zoro could pull them off. Sanji kicked them off before throwing them somewhere in the room on the floor. He tried not to think about the past. The current moment was free of all that had happened so surely, he would be able to move on from it.  Right. 
But he just couldn't deny himself anymore. 
"You look so good like this Curly," 
Sanji began to wonder if he looked just as good as the photos that Sanji given him. Although, he didn't want to think about that because it would likely ruin the moment for him, and he didn't want to think about what Zoro did to him. As they both stripped off the rest of their clothes, Sanji and Zoro were naked in front of each other for the first time and Sanji couldn't take his mind off of the beautiful body in front of him.  
Zoro moved his hands onto Sanji's kneed with the intention of slowly parting his legs. it should have felt really embarrassing for him to be seen like this under Zoro's lustful gaze, but it just didn't feel that way. It felt incredibly right in this moment. Zoro looked up at Sanji's face and studied his face intensely. Face flushed and his eyes dipped down to Sanji's cock and untouched hole that Zoro knew had never been breached by another man and there was a swell of pride at the thought that he would be the one to do it. 
"You...Do you still have lube?" 
Sanji turned his head to the side and reached his hand out to point to the drawer next to the bed. 
"Bottom shelf," 
To which Zoro went into the shelf and grabbed the lube. He coated his fingers in the lube before easing Sanji's legs open. Sanji was mostly complacent. 
"How are you feeling?" Zoro asked, looking up with him 
"Just get on with it," 
Right. Sanji is feeling fine then. He made sure that Sanji's legs were spread nice and wide for him before pushing the pad of his finger against the blonde's hole and eased it, slowly. 
The moans were just as good as they were in the videos. 
"That's it baby..." Zoro whispered, easing his finger in, "Good..." 
After a few minutes, he inserted a second finger. He thrusted his fingers shallowly. Sanji's hips buckled into his hand every time that sweet spot inside of him. Zoro had found it already. Wonderful. This was deeper than Sanji had ever managed to get with his own fingers. His eyes were shut and if it wasn't for Zoro's arm, he would have shut his legs too. Zoro inserted a third and then daringly, Sanji then inserted a fourth. That ended up getting small hiss out of them who buckled his hips. Despite what he was doing, Zoro made sure to watch his face while he thrusted his fingers into that spot.  
As much as Sanji didn't want to act too lewdly like he had in those videos, he couldn't help but moan and groan every time Zoro's fingers brushed against that thought. If he had told himself a year ago that Zoro was going to fuck him, and it was going to feel really good, then Sanji would have thrown himself in the ocean. 
Oh. That's funny. Times change then. 
Zoro could only help but hope Sanji is just as tight around his cock. Just as he always wanted. 
"You look good like this," Zoro breathed out as he brushed his fingers against the spot, "Stretched around my fingers like this...will I fuck you?" 
"J-Just....Just get on with it Please ,"  
Likely embarrassed that Zoro had made him feel really good. Zoro grinned before pulling his fingers out and grabbing the lube again. He covered his cock in lube before making sure there was plenty on Sanji's hole. Zoro moved so he could get in between Sanji's legs. He moved his hand to grab a hold of his cock only so he could guide it into Sanji's awaiting hole. He couldn't think of a place he'd rather be, and Sanji couldn't think of a place he would rather be. 
This was real bliss. 
"Fuck...you feel good," 
Sanji gripped the bed as Zoro moved in inch by inch. He took a hold of Sanji's hips so he could bury himself into his ass. Sanji couldn't help but close his eyes and groan. It wasn't overly painful; he'd gotten used to it the number of times he'd done it to himself. Even after, Sanji still filled himself when he was masturbating because it just made things 100x better. 
Zoro pulled his hips back and then back in. He wanted Sanji to feel and get used to every inch of his cock before it was pulled back out and then back in again. His thrusts were set as a steady pace. His lips were on Sanji's. His lips were drawing out breaths and then lapping up the flavours of the blonde underneath in. Sanji swore this didn't change anything and that he would go back to resenting and hating him afterwards, but this felt... 
Well, all is fair in love and in war, isn't it? 
Zoro's hips began to quicken in pace, but it didn't get overly fast. His hands held onto Sanji's hips tight in a way that would probably cause bruises from the way that the pads sunk into the pale skin underneath them. If anything, it would be a hidden reminder of what they had done. 
Sanji was getting closer to the edge, and it felt much more intense than when he had done it himself. The way his legs shook and the way he clenched around Zoro's cock. Zoro knew he'd be able to watch Sanji cum soon like in those videos and that would be absolutely divine. Zoro dipped his head into Sanji's neck and began to kiss him a few times before biting into the crook of his neck which made Sanji gasp. Suddenly, a hand was wrapped around his cock and Sanji groaned, thrusting his hips into Zoro's hand. 
"Come for me...I need to watch you..." 
Zoro didn't need to say anymore. Sanji's hips moved forward, and he arched his back against the bed as Zoro began to milk his cock. His hole gripped around Zoro's cock as Sanji let out a pathetic whine as he came into Zoro's hand. It was too much for Zoro too who came with a pant and painted Sanji's insides with stipes of cum. He continued to fuck him until they were both over their orgasm and then Zoro just stopped and panted next to Sanji once he had pulled out. 
All Sanji could do was look at the celling. All he could think about was the post-orgasmic bliss...or not really. 
At the end of it all, it changed nothing between them and as Sanji lay there in all the glory of the morning, that thought occurred into his head. Maybe Zoro didn't see it. Maybe this was a distraction to stop him from thinking about what happened between them or maybe it was something else entirely. Whatever it was, Sanji looked up at the celling of his bedroom while he puffed and panted. He turned his head towards the window and memories of what happened a few months ago flooded his brain and there was a pang of hurt in his chest. He didn't forgive Zoro. He couldn't forgive Zoro and he never would.  
This changed nothing. 
"I love you," 
Sanji was caught off guard, but he wasn't surprised to hear him confess such things. After all, that was what all this was about. A game that had become more serious as the days went on.  
Sanji couldn't say it back. It wasn't true. Even in the intense moment where he maybe had the smallest smidge of feelings, he couldn't say that he loved Zoro. No. Not after all that happened. He didn't think it would be possible for him to love Zoro. He didn't say anything and when Sanji didn't say anything, Zoro didn't press it any further. In fact, he didn't say anything. He just got dressed and left without saying another word. There was a small acknowledgement of each other's existence here and there but otherwise they didn't exchange much words. Once Zoro was gone, Sanji moved onto his side and faced away from the window. He didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to acknowledge any of this anymore. 
It was a mistake. He thought it might change things, but it didn't, and he was a fool for thinking it might change something.  
Sanji never really closed for Zeff much anymore. Zeff must have taken some resemblance of pity on him but for a change, Sanji asked if he could do the honours. Zeff was a little suspicious of Sanji's reasoning, but he framed it as being a thank you for all the good things he had done for him. It was...partially that, but Luffy has been complaining recently about not being able to raid the fridges so he promised that if he could get rid of Zeff for the night, Luffy could come by the restaurant. Apart from it was never just Luffy was it? It was Nami and... well, Zoro. Zoro had started coming by with the others too once again just like he used to before all of...this. 
At first, it made Sanji feel a little apprehensive about it considering that he really didn't know what to expect but it ended up being like normal. As if nothing ever changed. Maybe nothing ever did change. Everything that he'd went through with Zoro, and it was as if nothing ever happened.  
Sanji was in the back office getting ready to close when he heard Luffy's booming voice and him banging on the window. No matter how many times he had told him not to do that, Luffy still did it anyway. Despite how it used to annoy him, now it just made him smile. He finished what he was doing and got up to let them in. 
Sanji made his way over to the door. He had to admit it, but he missed this so much. This whole thing brought him a sense of familiarity and comfort. Luffy's boisterous presence and Nami's knowing smile were part of a routine he unknowingly loved and missed when things happened not that long ago. 
As he opened the door to let them in, Luffy burst through the door and immediately ran to the kitchen, "Sanji! I'm starving! What's for dinner?!?" Luffy's enthusiasm was infectious. Sanji couldn't help but smile as the chaos it brought with it.  
Nami followed in the door, "You know, you didn't have to do this. You deserve your evenings off," 
Sanji returned the smile, "It's no trouble. I missed having you all here," 
His gaze shifted to Zoro who was always the last to enter. As always, he carried a nonchalantness about him but... 
"What the hell you looking at, curly?" 
Ah yes. Things were back to true form. 
"Whatever the hell you are, moss head," Sanji went to do his usual, block Zoro from getting in but Zoro was too quick for him and got in no problem.  
"Like hell you are. I'll beat your ass," 
Quiet. But then their eyes met briefly and there was a quiet acknowledgement of each other. A silent telepathic communication that didn't need words to say how they felt about each other.  
The evening unfolded with ease. Luffy raided the kitchen, Nami chatted with Sanji about the latest happenings and Zoro sat at the bar with a beer and watched the usual scene. The atmosphere was lively and warm, and it was filled with laughter. Sanji cooked his friends a meal, something he sometimes did if he could hide from Zeff that he had been using the restaurant's resources. As the evening developed, Sanji and Zoro were back to their usual. Occasional barbs that looked like they had returned to their own ways. 
As Sanji served up the meal, Luffy grew excited, and his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Nami continued to chat with Sanji as they caught up on recent events. Zoro was content to watch the scene unfold as he sipped his beer and occasionally joined in on the conversation. Oh, and of course, to banter with Sanji. There was a renewed sense of camaraderie among the group, and it truly felt like a family sometimes. 
As the night began to wound down, Luffy and Nami prepared to leave. Sanji was quite tired and was looking forward to resting for the night, but he couldn't help the great deal of love her felt when he looked at his friends around the room. The warmth of the evening continues to linger. As those two left, Zoro lingered a tad looking back at Sanji but not saying much before he left.  
Sanji was cleaning up the restaurant making sure that they didn't leave a trace that they had been when he felt his phone buzz. He reached into his pocket as he leaned against the table. 
Zoro. Finally, he changed the name on his phone to Zoro. 
Z: So, will I wait for you upstairs?  
Sanji couldn't help the small smile that came onto his face. Things didn't change. This didn't change the past. 
However, that didn't mean that things could blossom. 
S: Sounds good.  
S: See you soon, Mosshead.  
21 notes · View notes
jacesbeloved · 2 years
a mirror into the past; dragon and wood
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summary: you were always fascinated at the young targaryen even when you were still little. as time passed by, your heights and face weren't the only thing that grew, your fondness of each other eventually grew as well.
pairings: helaena targaryen x female dragonrider!reader
warning: subtle themes of homophobia
notes: hi loves!! pls lmk how this fic is (feedbacks comments / asks) since it’ll be my first time writing for helaena and i rlly enjoyed writing it and i hope u enjoy reading it just as much ! <3
Discrete chuckles and rushing steps against the stone floor filled the halls of the Red Keep, two hands held onto each other while her hands dragged you happily towards various corridors. Your hand holding the small box that had her bugs—even though you're a tad bit squeamish about them.
The two of you ran so swiftly past the handmaidens that your faces were a blur; only if it weren't for the bright platinum hair that adorned Helaena's head.
It wasn't always like this, running in the corridors as you sneaked away from your family in the dragonpit. Being a part of the dragonriders in Westeros, you should've been in the dragonpit. You should have been with your family, anticipating the return of Prince Aemond as he took Vhagar out to fly, but here you were.
Running with the only daughter of Queen Alicent.
When the two of you turned around the corner, you bumped into a firm chest that you did not see coming. An overbearing scent suddenly invades your nose as you fall back.
"Brother," you hear Helaena's voice tremble, and you immediately stand straight when you hear the word. It didn't matter which brother, you just bumped into a prince. It is known that Helaena's brothers weren't cruel enough to kill anyone that bumped into them, but they weren't exactly sweethearts either.
You had hoped that you wouldn't bump into Aemond since it would mean that he could rat you out to your family, to his family, and to the other dragonriders for sneaking out of duty. But, fate wasn't on your side when you recognized his hum.
"I see. Not appearing in the dragonpit to... entertain my sister? Neglecting your duties," Aemond says lowly, eyeing you. Helaena glanced at you nervously. You had your head down in a pitiful nod, praying to the gods that Aemond would not tell this to your family, most importantly, his. He analyzes the two of you, his eye snapping to the way your hands are still intertwined.
"I asked for her." Helaena defended, her hand retreating back, which made you furrow your eyebrows while leaning down. Aemond raised an eyebrow because of it and also because he swore this was one of the only times he heard his sister talk without encrypted prophecies. In amusement, he scoffs and smirks at his sister.
He chuckles at the both of you before shaking his head affirmatively, both of you and Helaena looking at each other in confusion. "No need for defenses, dear sister. Carry on, the both of you. Hopefully cautious enough to not get caught."
He turned his head to glance at his sister, then at you, before humming. You nodded swiftly at what he said. You catch the subtle rise of one side of his lip before he stomps away. The familiar smell of dragon remains in your nose.
Both you and Helaena looked at each other, finally able to breath after the tense situation. Thankfully, it seemed that her brother had been lenient today, not making you both suffer further consequences.
She nodded at you, not uttering a word, as you saw the way her face looked at you with worry. She thought that you'd head back to the dragonpit, leaving her, but you grabbed her hand in yours and continued running to the godswood.
When you did, she smiled and quickly followed your step. When you both arrived, it was empty. The princess landed on the ground of the godswood with a loud thump, your heart almost dropping because of the loudness of the hit. She smiled at you as she patted the ground beside her.
You return her small box of insect collections when you sit beside her. Internally grimacing when she opens it and you are once more greeted with the various insects crawling around, you feel your skin tingle at the sight.
"This is the new one, the one you bought." She mutters, leaning her head on your shoulder while letting one of the insects crawl up her hand. You watch intently as she watches the insect move around her palm. You were the one to bring the insect to her, so it didn't scare you as much as others. It was a random insect you picked up and kidnapped on your way back to the Red Keep after doing your duty at the dragonpit.
She studies the foreign insect, whispering information that she's gathering just now, and you just watch her. You didn't even know why you were watching her, not even what she was doing, but just literally, her. You watched with so much focus that you noticed the way she hardly used her eyes to express her emotions, her voice always in a monotone.
That's how she always was. Studying the insects while watching them without a care in the world. This was your entertainment. Seeing her occasionally break out in a dorky smile with her recent findings on your gift insect for her.
She talks to you every now and then, asking trivial questions while you agree and nod carelessly. The way her words were so eloquent and specific made you swoon. This was how you two spent time with each other. You bring her insects from the cave in the dragonpit, and her wanting to sneak you out from your duties to analyze the insects with you.
Your attention was snapped when she jolts and loudly closes the box. You hadn't noticed yourself falling a tad sleepy while leaning on the wood as you watched her. You thought she was just tired, but when she shoots up to stand, your eyes grow wide.
"Mother," she says lowly. The green dress of Alicent comes into view as you turn to look up at her.
Alicent looks at you in subtle disgust, memories from her childhood resurfacing as she takes Helaena by the wrist. The princess flinches at this. Alicent notices her flinch, making her hold soften slightly.
"Your grace." You bowed courteously.
"Y/N, you seem to be with my daughter again." She brings it up while watching you closely. Eyeing the light clothing that you wore as a dragonrider. Her head turns to her daughter, and she is met with her uneasy eyes.
The queen gulps ever so subtly, nodding at you. "Well, I hope you wouldn't mind me borrowing my daughter for a bit. You may go back to your place, to the dragonpit, where you should be... performing your duties and not neglecting it."
Helaena looks at you with worry, not liking the tone of her mother. You hear her try to reason with you, and you try to defend yourself, but Alicent has already left. Dragging the young princess with her.
"Have I not told you to stay away from Y/N?" The queen hisses, entering her daughter's chambers and locking the door behind her.
She glares angrily at Helaena, this being the third time she has caught her daughter disobeying her command and remaining with you. Helaena had her lips pursed. She refused to answer. Her eyes merely looked at her mother in a way that Alicent could not truly pinpoint.
The younger woman mutters something under her breath, too low for Alicent to hear. She watched as Helaena left her there and went near the window, sitting down quietly, blocking her mother from her mind.
Their relationship isn't the worst, but it's leaning towards it.
Alicent sighs heavily, "Helaena." She walks to her daughter, sitting by her side. All Alicent wanted was to keep Helaena on a nice path, not on the path she once took before.
"I know you are fond of Y/N, there is no crime in that,"
"If it is not a crime, why forbid me from seeing her?" The younger scoots farther from her mother, staring uneasily.
The queen holds her hand gently, looking at Helaena's eyes. "Because both of you are a 'her', Helaena." She purses her lips. "A mirror into the past; dragons and wood," Helaena whispers to her mother.
"Helaena, you have to listen to me. Both of you are beautiful young maidens. To be betrothed to strong and dignified princes and knights. You, even, are already betrothed, but you still go with that... dragonrider." Alicent holds her shoulders, "I'm doing this for you, dear daughter."
They look at each other in silence.
"Am I wrong, mother?"
You went back to the Red Keep as quickly as possible after you had finished your duty in the dragonpit. Getting only into mild trouble after your sibling had covered for you, stating that you had been feeling unwell.
Though your father had not been nice to you about failing to inform them of your absence, it was bearable. You had hoped for the same for Helaena.
Given that it is already dark and the handmaidens are retreating back to their chambers, and you excusing yourself to rest now, you had went to a different route.
Creating a distraction to get rid of the guards in front of Helaena's room, doing one of the many distractions that work for them, you had almost gotten in. That was until someone pulled you away from the door.
"Unless you want to be greeted by the face of the Lord Hand, and by extension, locked up. I suggest you think again about entering my sister's chambers."
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fand0mh03 · 1 year
Dating different AHS girl headcannons
Hey loves! I thought I would do something different, so here this is! Let me know if you have any requests for any characters and I will try to write them (if I know them lol)
Violet Harmon:
walking home from school together and sharing ear pods
coming over to help her with chores, homework, ghost problems, or simply because she wanted to see you
your wardrobe = her wardrobe, and vice versa 
she would totally have a tumblr blog and would blog about your relationship 
reading together 
smoking together at the beach late at night 
sneaking out and fucking around
Tate hates you lmao
he despises everything about you
jealous ass hoe
After death:
Violet defending you against Tate and other ghosts- she’d rather have them hate her forever than them ever say a negative word to you
she is polite, so she would knock on your door before entering- though after a while she’d just come in
your room and belongings = her room and belongings
protecting each other against Tate 
she’d wait for you after school to help you with homework, cuddle with you after a long day, or just parallel play in each others company 
reading separate books together, with your head resting on her chest
you two spend time out of the house on halloween
Lana Winters:
you read everything she writes
every little thing
you’re her number one fan, and she is yours
helping her through trauma and nightmares from the asylum 
getting up early with her, and drinking coffee while reading the latest newspaper article she wrote
because of homophobia and the time, you two often spend time together in private places, but sometimes you go out to dinner, claiming you two were “just friends”
just friends my ass
she would switch between the big spoon or little spoon
Zoey Benson:
you two started off being best friends 
you showed her around the academy and didn’t judge her for being new
you understand each other 
you two started growing feelings about a month into knowing each other
you were listening to music at 3 am (due to not being able to sleep). candles were lit and you two were chatting away and learning more about each other. for some unknown reason, you both felt that night changed your relationship in the best way possible
reading together constantly
you two have like your own little book club almost
you’ll lay on her while she reads in bed, while you listen to her heart beat. Or are on your phone 
Maddison Montgomery:
she is your number one supporter 
she hypes you up constantly
“don’t he self conscious, you look better than anyone else in this room” of course she means other than herself
she loves you as much as she loves herself
taking pictures of you constantly 
takes you on surprise dates, or tells you to wear your nicest outfit
she would totally go into your room at 3 am when you’re trying to sleep just to cuddle with you
she will ignore your protests and situate herself beside you and underneath your blankets
her telling you all of the gossip going around town
she’s your best friend, and you hers
Cordelia Goode:
she is so protective over you
a tad bit overprotective 
teaches you magic and how to control your powers
you live with her in the academy 
all the girls love you
except Misty 
Misty doesn’t really like you
Cordelia working in bed with you beside her reading a book
you two are the covens mothers
“Maddison don’t touch Zoe”
“Queenie stop stabbing Maddison”
them going to you for advice 
Cordelia leaning on you and you being the only person she’s able to be herself and talk to
Winter Anderson:
today is the day guys
I’m finally writing for winter 
she tries to keep you out of the cult
you two have matching jewelry such as rings and necklaces 
you also borrow each others jewelry and clothes all the time
she’s so clingy to you- it’s adorable 
watching tv together and making fun of people
people watching and making up back stories for them
watching murder documentaries together under fluffy blankets and drinking hot chocolate 
Taissa Farmiga:
you’re her number one fan
she mentions in interviews and will go on and on about you
everyone thinks you are adorable and makes ship edits of you two
whenever you get bored you read fanfiction about her and laugh 
you made a fan page for her 
she finds out it’s you and laughs so loudly and scrolls on it for hours on end
but you don’t know this of course
she wants to see how long you’re going to keep doing the fan page for
her posting pictures of you two on her social media
going on hikes together
Sarah Paulson:
you randomly screaming her lines from her roles to her, scaring the shit out of her
you constantly scaring her and her playfully getting angry at you
there is quite an age difference between the two of you
everyone simps of you and her together
you’re the otp
everyone loves you two
you two are the couple of Hollywood 
you coming onto talk shows with her
Billie Lourd:
her bringing you flowers 
sharing clothing 
going shopping together and hyping each other up
you have multiple shirts with her face on it 
you binge watching American horror story together and you memorizing her lines
you also beg her to say her lines as she’s saying them on screen
she loves how cute you are
you’re so supportive of her, whenever she’s doing something like on the red carpet or comic con, you’re the loudest one cheering 
she’s also supportive of you and won’t miss anything that you go to, whether it be like games or acting gigs, she’s always there
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the-doomed-witch · 2 years
She was Sunshine, I was Midnight Rain
✦ wanda maximoff x fem!reader | college AU ✦
Tumblr media
Summary : Wherever you go, the anxiety follows. The only way you feel safe is when you’re alone with Wanda, but she loves partying a little too much. (Read warnings)
Word Count : 3.4k
Author’s Note : hi! my first fic on here. i’m kinda nervous 😬 any opinions / reblogs / etc are welcome 🖤 my gif btw!
Warnings : 18+ MINORS DNI. anxiety attacks, smut, dom!wanda, fingering, face riding, slight teasing, homophobia, angst + fluff if you squint. Also Wanda comforting reader <3.
— ✦ —
You held your hand up, placing it in front of Wanda’s. Her hands were a tad bit bigger than yours, but mostly they were warm. “Detka, your hands are so cold, I’m a little concerned.” she said, as she intertwined her fingers with yours.
“Um yeah Wands, it’s probably because of Professor Fury’s class, I’m kinda scared of his constantly unpredictable and upgraded techniques.” You try your best to chuckle it off but the brunette wouldn’t let go of your hand. Instead, she took both of them in hers and kept them in her lap. “Tell me what’s wrong.” she asks, with a firm stare towards you.
You don’t know what reply could count as adequate, so you just lie. “It’s nothing, in all likelihood it could be the air conditioner, I don’t know Wanda.” She knows you’re lying. You know that too. Thus, she takes a deep breath and places her hands on your cheeks. It feels so safe all alone with her, you close your eyes and wait for her to lean in.
She comes forward, bringing your lips together. Her left hand goes from your cheek to your jaw, the right one on your nape. She pulls you even closer, and moves her hand from your jaw to your waist, allowing you space to place your hands on her comfortably. So you do. She kisses you as passionately as always, like she couldn’t dare to live without you. And you would let her in, so enthusiastically, it seemed magical for a moment right there. You were living in magic as of then.
Both of you break the proximity of your lips to catch up. It’s so enchanting, and so gleeful, you start laughing with tears in your eyes. Wanda is flabbergasted for a second, but she knows her way of loving you too well to judge it, so she joins you. You tumble down on the bed with the pain in your stomach due to laughing, and pull down your girlfriend with you.
“We need to get ready for your favourite class Y/N.” she warns you jokingly. Of course the first class was Professor Fury’s. College was a few blocks away, and you barely had 20 minutes to prepare yourself mentally.
— ✦ —
As soon as both of you set foot on the campus, you knew what was next. Steve Rogers and his infamous homophobia. “Look at those girlies go! Will they kiss each other? Sounds terrifying to me!” he derided loudly from where he was standing along with the other jocks. It isn’t easy for you to not pay attention to his shit behaviour, but Wanda knows how to shut him up. So she grabs your hand, walks towards Steve, and says, “Hey Rogers, you might wanna see this!” Without further ado, she grabs your chin and kisses you intensely right there. It didn’t make sense; you were enjoying it, while your anxiety was eating up pieces of you.
When both of you let go, Steve commented yet again, “Ew, how do you even do that?”
“No one is stopping you from kissing guys Rogers, if that’s what you mean.” Wanda snapped right back at him, enough for the crowd to listen. The whole campus, including the security guard, started laughing at Steve. His face was burning with shame.
“Where did you get all those guts from Maximoff?” Natasha asked, as soon as you were in the corridor. People had probably found the gossip for the day, and it made you anxious to be the crux of it.
“Just a little bit of how much I love Y/N.” You simply blushed, too stressed out to form a reply. Wanda understood you immediately and tried to excuse the both of you, but Nat called both of you again, for a reminder. “You both are coming to Stark’s party tonight right? Don’t tell me you aren’t, or I’m gonna throw tantrums around.” There it was, what you’ve been avoiding all morning.
“Of course we are coming, Nat. On all voluntary levels, we want to see you get drunk and run off with Maria again!”
“Shut UP!”
Giggling at Nat’s red face, you and Wanda walk away. You just wanted to get this done with.
— ✦ —
The rest of the day at college was the same, and a little weird. People were looking at you, and Steve Rogers didn’t annoy you at all. Smooth as silk, the classes ended by the afternoon.
Wanda dropped you off at the bookstore where you worked, and went back home for a little refreshment. She told you, “I’ll be back in half an hour Y/N, back me up till then.” It was the easiest task ever, you loved annoying your boss anyways.
The day was as simple as ever, there was nothing new to worry about except the Stark party. It physically hurts your stomach to even think of being surrounded by the number of people there. And Wanda would probably talk to all of them. It was frightening.
By the evening, you came up with a hundred different excuses to not go to the party, but none of them were going to convince Wanda. She knew you too well. There seemed to be literally no escape.
— ✦ —
“Malyshk, are you ready? It’s been almost an hour. Do you need my help?”
“I’m coming just-” and all that Wanda heard was a zipper being zipped up, followed by a shriek. She came running inside the room and started chuckling. Between bursts of laughter, she managed to say, “Caught your side boob in the zipper again, didn’t you? Let me help you out.”
You raise your left arm up so she can pull the zip down. When she did, you had a little bruise on your side. Without thinking twice, Wanda kisses it softly. Being under the pain of the bruise all the while, you didn’t notice how gorgeous Wanda actually looked in her wine coloured dress, her brunette hair all curled setting down on her shoulders. Her dress barely reached her knees, so you could see the tattoo on her outer thigh.
With a wide smirk, Wanda gives you a little bite and if you hadn’t controlled yourself, you would’ve moaned out loud enough to let your neighbours listen. She laid you down on the bed and put her hand inside your dress to massage the breast. She did it like an expert, you felt too aroused considering it hadn’t even been a minute.
“Darling, please…” was all that you could say with tightly closed eyes.
She zipped your dress back up again, and grabbed you by the waist. She looks at you and asks you innocently, “Yes detka?”
It wasn’t fair of her to tease you this way. So you continued with her game, even though you needed her so badly. “We are going to be late for the party. Again.”
— ✦ —
It isn’t your first Stark party, but even looking around seems like a scary thought to you. You’ve been here thrice in the past two weeks. But there are so many people around, it is probably half of the town. Wanda holds your chilled hand and walks inside beside you, with an air of confidence while you barely manage to crack a smile.
“Y/N! Wanda! You’re here, finally! Look at you, so gorgeous.” Natasha escapes from a larger chunk of a crowd when she notices you. With her comes Maria Hill. You could call them girlfriends, but they keep on saying it’s nothing official. The entire college knows otherwise.
You let Wanda do all the talking, signaling her to reply by tightening your grip on her hand. “Hey Nat. Hello Maria. And please, y’all look stunning. How long have you guys been here for?”
“We came here immediately after leaving college.”
“What?! So you’re telling me you’ve been partying for almost half the day already?”
“Uh, pretty much yeah. There was a before-party party.”
“What the fuck does that even mean?” You let out a little laugh, looking at Wanda’s shocked and confused expression.
Nat takes notice of you and says, “Look at this beauty! You’ve been all quiet Y/N. Is everything alright?” Your hand which was held by Wanda started trembling. You felt so not ready to be at yet another party with people you don’t know, or even talk to anyone. “Yea-yeah Nat, everything is alright.”
Maria suddenly recalls something she had been meaning to tell, and pats Wanda’s shoulder lightly. “Wanda! Do you know that Rogers isn’t showing up here tonight? Tony told me that Rogers had errands to run. Me and Nat just couldn’t stop laughing. You just silenced his homophobic ass.”
When you’re done talking with a few more people, Wanda takes you to a corner of the room and asks, “Lyubov, you’re getting extremely anxious again. Do you need something?” You don’t know what to say, your hands are shivering and you’re holding on to Wanda for dear life. “Wands, it’s okay. I just want to get this done with. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure Y/N?”
“Yes, love.”
She gives you a quick kiss on the corner of your lips and places a reassuring hand on your back. You give her a smile, and she walks around the room fulfilling formalities. You find yourself a comfortable spot on the couch to stress about.
On your phone, you seem to find nothing interesting. All social media is filled with pictures of the party you’re at. No fanfictions to read. You cannot listen to music because the one that’s being played is too loud. So you decide to have a look around in the Settings because it was the only possible option to make you seem busy.
— ✦ —
Almost two hours passed, and you had already figured out that Wanda might be dancing around somewhere on the dance floor. She was quite the party person, there was no denying in that. And you definitely didn’t enjoy parties. Against your will, you decide to get up and search for Wanda.
On the few metres’ long walk to the dance floor, about thirteen different people asked you to join them for a drink, or a dance. Some of them were too crazy to even ask, they just tugged at your arm. However, you managed to reach your girlfriend.
“Y/N! You’re here! Come on in, we love this song don’t we?” She calls you. You don’t even recognise the song, there are too many people. The lights are so dim, colours fluctuating so bright, music too loud. You could easily fall down crying in this moment, so you walk away to look for Tony.
After deep breathing for several minutes, you find the host. He’s passing sarcastic comments around with Peter Parker, it was kind of foreseen anyways. “Hey Tony,” you greet him, “You’ve hosted a wonderful party once more.”
“Why, thank you Y/N. Did you have something?”
“No I haven’t yet, I just need a quiet place to relax myself, I’ve been kinda tired from all the… partying.” you lied.
“Alright I’m gonna lead you to a quieter space.”
In the room, you filled yourself a glass of water and sat down. You needed Wanda but she was too busy having fun. You didn’t want to spoil her mood, especially when college research tires her out every day. You can’t go home leaving Wanda right here.
It feels like being a red brick in a group of pebbles. So easily falling apart, but so hard to break through.
— ✦ —
[ Wanda’s POV ]
I don’t seem to remember anything. A couple of minutes ago, Y/N was standing in front of me, now I cannot find her. Did she go back to our apartment, because I left her alone? No, I don’t remember anything! The car keys are with me, how did she even go? Oh my God, I hope she didn’t walk all the way back. I only wish she could get mad at me for once, why does she like punishing herself this way?
Maybe she informed Natasha before leaving, I could ask her.
“Hey Nat, have you seen Y/N?” I asked her.
“I don’t know, I last saw her with Stark about an hour ago. She is missing?”
“Uh no no, she told me she would be back in a while so yeah. Nothing serious.” I made it up so the party didn’t get bummed out. Y/N wouldn’t like all the attention diverted towards her for the second time today.
Alright so, Stark. He might be with Pepper, because I saw Peter leave for the night. I just hope he’s not with Jarvis. Anyone but Jarvis.
Luckily enough, Tony was with Pepper. So I approached them and asked, “Hey Tony, any chance you might have seen Y/N?” To my surprise, he told me how she had approached him for an undisturbed place. He guided me to the room where Y/N would be, and I thanked him.
Turning the door handle gently, I went inside. The room was kind of, like, super huge. On taking a glance around, I saw Y/N sitting on the bed, a blanket wrapped around her. Her mascara was ruined. Oh my God.
— ✦ —
[ Narrator's POV ]
Wanda was too astounded by the look on your face to say anything.
The moment was too sensitive, too broken for either of you to say something. She felt like a burden on you, you felt like a burden on her.
She tried to say something, “Y/N… you- I’m so sorry-”
“Hey, Wands, it’s alright. Come here. I missed you.” You open the blanket for her to join you. She takes off her boots and climbs on the bed, wrapping you up in her embrace.
“Talk to me, detka.”
“There’s nothing to talk about honey. I guess I'm just not the type of person you could have fun with.”
“Shush! You’re the person I would spend forever with. What do you mean?”
“I’m sorry Wanda, I know you love parties. I know you love being around people and loud music and party lights and drinks. I know you love dancing around and I know you love doing all of that all throughout the night. I am so sorry I am ruining your party, I know you get stressed out because of college and need to feel a little fresh. I’m sorry I cannot be like that. You can feel free to leave me all you want.”
“Hey, not a single word about me leaving you. Or you leaving me. You don’t have to be sorry for being who you are, malyshk. Yes, I love parties but not at the cost of you. I’d rather not have a party for years than make you cry all alone every time I go to one.”
“Oh my goodness, no! I feel like I’m being so toxic about this. I don’t want you to cut off everyone else for me, or stop having fun because of me. Gosh, I can’t-”
She softly places a finger on your mouth, motioning for you to pause your overthinking. “You are not being toxic, it’s okay to feel this way. Anyone in your shoes would feel uncomfortable and insecure, I understand you completely. Don’t apologise, dear. I love you so much Y/N/N.”
You smile wide at her, and reply, “I love you too Wands. So so much.” Thanks to an occasional idea that you got, you shift your position to sit in front of her, straddling her lap. Holding her face between both your hands, you bring your lips together. The kiss wasn’t heated, but it wasn’t soft either. Just the perfect bit of each. You push her against the headboard and intensify yourself by seeking access. She permits you, and your tongues meet. She tastes a bit like alcohol, but mostly her own sweetness, and you’re so here for it. Her hand goes for your lower back, and the other in your hair.
When a small distance is created between the two of you, she pushes you down on the bed so she could be on your top. Once both of you had caught up on your breaths, she kissed you again and again all over your face, making you shut your eyes and grin. With each kiss that she planted, she muttered a little “I love you” and it fluttered the butterflies in your stomach. It was kind of difficult, but you began grinding against Wanda, but she stopped her kisses and held you in place. “Baby, let’s not mess up Stark’s bed. I’m gonna take you home, can you be a little patient for me?” Reluctantly, you nod. She was right.
Both of you get up, and rearrange your clothes. She helps you adjust your makeup, and does her own too. Ten minutes later, you’re both in the car, the only thought of Wanda touching you at home keeping you from going crazy.
— ✦ —
As soon as you enter the house, Wanda holds your waist and whispers in your ear, “My pretty baby,” then kisses your cheek, “Such a pretty baby. I love you.” You are practically breathless. You know she’s teasing you by showering love in all the different ways except the one you desperately need right now.
“This lavender dress, it’s too beautiful. What a shame the zip hurt my baby. Should I tear it?”
“No…” you whisper.
“Well then, if you say no, then it’s a no. We only have one way left, and it’s the zip.”
You know she’s being annoying on purpose. And it’s getting on your nerves. She takes her time to lower the zip, so carefully that the exact moment you step inside the bedroom, the zip reaches the bottommost point. She takes off your dress and puts it aside. “Relax yourself, lyubov.” You sit on the edge of the bed waiting for her. She got rid of her own dress and walked towards you. Placing a finger on your chin, she lifts your head up and asks you, “Pretty baby, what do you want?”
You had enough. So you decided to play her game yet again. “I want what you want to give me.”
“And what do I want to give you?”
“Three fingers.” Her eyes widen at your sudden bold response. Your own did too. “Alright, if that’s what you want.”
You rest your head on the pillow and pull her by the neck, “Fuck me, Wanda.”
“I’d be a fool not to.” was all that she said before taking off the rest of your clothes. Gently, she pushes two fingers inside your heat. “You’re drenching, and all for me detka.” Pushing a third digit in, she repeats, “All for me.”
It felt too much. You hadn’t thought it through but you were thankful you didn’t, because she started hitting all the spots that elicited raw screams out of you. She knew how to make you feel good like the back of her hand. Echoes of Wanda’s name filled the apartment, you could barely control your volume. And Wanda was enjoying all of it.
Her free hand reaches your chest, softly encouraging your moans. “Y/N, you look so fucking beautiful.” You were getting all worked up, so she started focusing on stimulating your clit.
Not so long after, you try warning her between pants and moans, “Wanda, I-”
“Yes, my pretty baby, make a mess for me, look at me when you do.”
You manage to stare at her when you come. She rides you through it, and looks into your eyes fondly. Once you calm down from your high, she takes out her fingers and cleans them up with her tongue. The sight itself is magnificent, but she adds a whole different effect by humming. It makes you want to fuck her all night long. You smile at her, as Wanda moves away strands of hair from your face.
“I love it when you call me that” you tell her.
“Call you what? Pretty baby?”
“No. Your pretty baby.”
She blushes, and kisses you hard. “Yes, you’re my pretty baby. You’ve been such a good pretty baby.”
“Does that mean I deserve a treat?” You say, and stick your tongue out. Wanda’s face goes insanely red, she’s too flushed to even say something. “Don’t talk to me like that.”
“If you want me to shut up, you need to sit on my face.”
“Okay but don’t talk to me like that.”
“I will, because I’m gonna get a treat.”
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 12 days
Ffs I cannot believe this rhetoric. No, it is in fact not "homophobic" to dislike daddy kink.
It's fucking dishonest to pretend that daddy kink is the most vanilla of all kinks which ever have kinked. Daddy kink is a pony that is packed with a hefty amount of incest and even pedophilia vibes, it is not for everyone, no matter what your sexual orientation is.
I am literally bisexual and no, I do not like daddy kink. I am into all sorts of wild stuff, which I'd rather not list here btw, but simply the age play that kinda naturally comes along with daddy kink means that I would literally rather watch or read about actual incest ships (siblings or other people just a tad closer to being peers, you know) rather than venture into the roleplay that is basically about sex between a parent and a child, however disguised it is.
"Homophobia" my ass.
Some people do not share your kinks and will continue to ship the different pairs. Deal with it. Trying to yell homophobia at people who are also shipping two men is just ridiculous.
'Ooooh but internalized homophobia then!!!'
No. I do not have to enjoy this kink. That has nothing to do with sexual orientation whatsoever. I would not like this kink one bit more if it was a straight couple or two women, or what ever combination you can think of.
It's not about the gender or sexual orientation, the issue is the kink. I don't find parental vibes hot and if that makes me 'repressed' then so be it.
Parental vibes and dominance play aren't the same thing btw. Just saying. (Since apparently I cannot actually hack do-not-overshare)
This whole "disliking-daddy-kink-is-homophobia" argument is really verging towards trying to shame people for not sharing your kinks which is not any more cool than kink shaming.
Which this post may sound like, kink shaming. I get it if you feel angry at me for talking about this kink using such a negative tone. I know the things I list as reasons for not liking this kink probably feel like reaching to many.
But that is where my mind goes every time I think of this kink and no amount of reasoning can change this ADHD brain from making leaps.
And people are trying to insert words into our mouths here so just this once, yes. I will explain why daddy kink creeps me out. Because I do not take accusations of homophobia lightly, especially ones that are like this - people trying to gaslight people against each other for not being excited about the same kinks.
And what pisses me off is queer people like me being shit-talked and shamed like we're oh-so-messed up and repressed and prejudiced and bad for not liking one fucking kink.
Sorry not sorry.
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about me ✩₊˚.⋆⁺₊✧
my name is aurora - i also go by north or rockrose. i use she/fae/they pronouns (with no particular preference) and i am demibisexual!
i'm an artist with synesthesia, though i probably won't be uploading much of my art. i'm here to post more about my interests.
i am norse pagan and wiccan, and i am also an elf otherkin. i am obsessed with nature and wildlife ༓・˚⁺‧͙
my main hyperfixations include the witcher, the amazing devil, medieval fantasy (such as dungeons & dragons), and norse culture; other interests include medieval fashion, the legend of zelda, astronomy/astrology, witchcraft, baldur's gate 3, folk music, the dragon prince, and more!
very strongly opinionated about music. aside from the amazing devil, i like AURORA, hozier, the crane wives, fish in a birdcage, the oh hellos, sonya belousova, joseph trapanese, and more. ttm about music or anything, really ꨄ
please don't vent to me without asking, it can be overwhelming if i am not warned
i am socially awkward at times and i am not good with small talk; i love making new friends and talking to people but conversations can be a challenge at times! i promise i'm friendly and would love to get to know you, it just takes me a bit to warm up
i make nsfw jokes at times but will not be posting anything explicit
i have a hard time understanding tone, so i may ask for specification, and tone tags are appreciated when i could interpret your message as rude or sarcastic by mistake!
i block random accounts quite a bit and it may seem out of nowhere, but i always have reason - it is often when certain blogs contain content that i find triggering and just don't want to see
if you intend to spread any kind of hate (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, zionism, ableism, anti-furry, anti-otherkin, etc)
radqueers, paraphiles, terfs, proshippers
people who shove their religions down others' throats or if you have come to "convert" me
if you're going to insult my interests/make fun of me for them
(basically you're welcome here as long as you aren't an asshole!)
my original posts (because i get tired of not being able to find my posts, doesn't include too many reblogs)
paganism, spirituality, etc: freyja devotional list, searching for pagan blogs, please respect beliefs rant, deity presence, not a cult (rant), pagan festival, bisexual pride flag offering, pagan offerings summarized, walks as an urban pagan
the amazing devil: chords phonetics ramble, yapping about the perfection of the calling, slightly wide joey batey, farewell wanderlust > therapy, lost his fair privileges, gushing about tad songs that changed me, ruin is relatable sadly, thatw lyric thoughts, (im)patiently waiting for album, towsatgmg violin, that unwanted animal lyrics, dsftsa - ruin shuffle, secret worlds in the woods, joey batey lyrics towsatgmg, tad with chromesthesia, those dsftsa lyrics, album soon???
the witcher: tetra's dance ritual (nightmare of the wolf), keira metz quest rant, joey batey & anxiety reaction, song masterlist, unhinged joey, strange bisexual man, suppress your emotions, stop whitewashing yennefer, leshen, hit me baby one more time, intrusive thoughts texting meme, angel tango radskier art idea, witcher purist dudebros, the wolf and the swallow, jaskier background yelling, lambert and jaskier shitpost
other video game stuff: i hate ultrahand
music: rule #35 - microphone release reaction
otherkin: answering questions (that-otoishi-kin)
neurodivergent: chromesthesia yap #1, farewell wanderlust & the knight who was taught to save dragons with chromesthesia, tad albums & the old witch sleep and the good man grace with chromesthesia, fair with chromesthesia
asks: mutual apprecation #1 (dancinginmyoldsatindress), dsftsa and inkpot gods with chromesthesia, fair with chromesthesia
gay shit: aspecs with libido, my aspec sexuality
random: joey rooney and artie smalls are gay, quotes from my friends but make it inspirational, white privilege, family friendly fantasy recs needed
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Need something to read?
✨ Here's some fics I've loved recently! Be very mindful of the tags for these few fics and show these lovely authors some much deserved love! ✨
Drape me in your warmth (M): TW: References to suicide, torture, nightmares and canon typical violence. This is a very sweet, soft fic about two boys becoming friends at a time where they both really need a friend. It's very sweet, it's a tad bit dark but a fast read and full of fluff!
Nobody except for you (T): sweet 8th year fic with nightmare induced bonding and growing to care for one another in the sweetest way possible. It's a newer fic and it's so good I was giggling and sighing out loud while reading!!
Little deaths and how to avoid them (or Draco Malfoy's guide to stop dying and start living instead) (T): TW: references to suicidal tendencies, internalized homophobia, depression, anxiety and coming to terms with asexuality in a unhealthy way (it eventually gets better) I really enjoyed this story start to end, the characterization was very different from the usual interpretation and I truly enjoyed that! I loved the asexual representation (as being in that sort of spectrum myself it was lovely to see the rep in a positive light)! The boys were sweet and caring and the love they shared was the icing on this beautiful cake! Come for the romance but you'll end up staying for the lovely art within.
Somebody to love (T): TW: acceptance of death, dying, and the complications that come with actively hiding the fact that you're dying. This fic. Right here. Was GOLD. Perfect amount of angst, draco dying from a curse, families growing closer and realizing that love can save you from the darkest parts of yourself.
Warmest part of the winter (T): a BEFORE eighth year fic where the boys live at Hogwarts. It's very cute and fluffy and just about two boys getting to know each other! I enjoyed it very much and I hope you all will too!!!
Spins madly on (T): TW: Depression, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, and talk of death, torture and murder. This fic made me late to work. I was to caught up in a chapter that I actively lost track of time and forgot work existed. This fic is so good and features the duo back for 8th year and watches as draco comes to terms with all that he's done. It's really good and I enjoyed it a whole bunch!
Ultraviolet Disguise (G): A super cute fic of the boys during their eighth year! Draco and Harry attempt a truce while trying to fix the room of requirement, sweet and tender fluff ensues! It's very cute and an easy read for those who want something soft and sweet!
✨ Remember to drop a comment and leave a kudos for the authors if you enjoyed their fic!!! ✨
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