#just because someone said something about something because let’s face it none of our opinions are our own
drunk-poets-society · 2 years
Kinda blows my mind sometimes when people don’t understand that there really is no wrong way to analyse media.
Everyone looks at things differently, and any personal interpretations are heavily influenced by the self, and one’s own life experiences that have shaped them.
No two people deal with problems the same way. Although a basic understanding of what the author was trying to convey is important, in media of an ambiguous nature it is up for interpretation because such is the nature of ambiguity.
Of course, reading comprehension and background knowledge is very important in literary analyses, which is why media analyses are grouped into distinct sections, that is; a completely neutral perspective, in which one draws the analysis around the stencils of societal values, which may not always be morally correct, but is completely detached from humanity, I.e., existing solely as a concept which is to be applied, much like concepts of mathematics.
And then there’s the reader’s own interpretation which is heavily biased and influenced by personal experiences. Whence one draws parallels with one’s life, and other forms of media consumed, concepts of personal favour, etc.
in this section of literary analysis, there is no wrong interpretation as it draws from personal interests. This is also, the kind of analysis we see most on the internet, or just discussing media with people in real life. It’s tainted heavily with personal biases, which are sometimes believed to be factual by people, sometimes almost to the point of genuine hatred of others that do not agree with them.
Thus we see the phenomena of name-calling and other things. The belief that one’s personal interpretation is the only correct one, and the rest of them are all wrong.
Sometimes the inability to acknowledge the fact that everyone is different, and will thus have different interpretations of media, leads to immense psychological distress, which can simply be avoided by not engaging in debates in an uncivil manner.
That’s why I don’t try to change people’s minds about my favourite pieces of media, my interpretation is my own, and though it might overlap and share many of its points with others, they relate to me in a different way. The nature of humanity is such that each experience is so alarmingly universal yet so painfully unique.
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iluvmattsbeard · 5 months
kiss me (m.s)
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master list
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: none!
preview: you were the odd one out from the group. nobody really paid attention to you and you were aware you weren't a sight for sore eyes. never anybody's choice. little did you know someone saw something in you.
a/n: this imagine is sort of based off 'she's all that', not entirely, but that's where I got inspo to write this! listen to the song for the full effect lmao. enjoy!
"alright people! prom is coming up! make sure to purchase your tickets in the auditorium if you're planning to come! tickets at its lowest price!" you hear over the inner come. you didn't even bat an eye at the announcement. you never understood the fascination in prom. the fancy dresses, the excitement of being prom queen, and etc. it was not your scene.
your thoughts were interrupted by someone shaking you. "y/n! are you excited? our last prom!" Nick says excitedly still shaking you. you look at him with a still face. "totally." you respond sarcastically. you watch him frown as he responds, "oh come on y/n. why are you being sarcastic?" you sigh, "you know this isn't my type of thing." you respond. "you got that right." Chris blurts out. you weren't even fazed by it. Nick shoots him a sharp glare, "don't be rude."
"no he's right Nick, I am not someone who should be at prom." you say. all Nick does is roll his eyes, "everyone is welcomed at prom. can you at least think about it?" he says with a small pout.
you let out a small laugh, "maybe. now stop bugging me about it." all he does is nod and smile. the bell rings initiating that lunch is now over.
Matt's POV
i was sat at the dinner table, right next to Chris, as we ate our food in silence. our parents were out doing something so we ended up getting raising cane's. Nick and Chris started bickering when Chris asked him for some fries. "you can't have any since you were being rude earlier." Nick sternly says, pulling his fries closer to him. "dude she said it herself she doesn't belong at prom." Chris replies trying to reach for his fries. “how can you act like that? y/n has feelings you know.” i said as both of them look at me. “you care why?” Chris asks with an eyebrow raised. “because Nick doesn’t owe you any fries.” i reply. Nick looks at Chris with a face as he goes “ha ha”. I had to agree with Nick on this one. Chris’ reply to what y/n said earlier was uncalled for. she didn't need his opinion.
i don't get how she doesn't think she belongs at the event. I always overheard her conversations with Nick and Madi. she always thought of herself as the odd one out. I never thought that. so what if she didn't look like every other girl? to me, I thought she was beautiful in her own unique way. i'd be teased if anybody found out I thought that. but it was nothing but the truth. I couldn't tell her that. I knew she was just too focused with school to even care what I had to say anyways.
End of Matt's POV
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
it was a Friday evening. you were at Nick's house sitting on his bed, right next to Madi, who was painting her toe nails. "have you given any thought about prom?" Nick says as he's holding his suit and tie against his body in front of the mirror. you let out a groan, "no nick. what is so exciting about it?" you respond. Madi and Nick look at each other then back at you, "maybe because this is the last time you'll have the opportunity to dress up and kill it on the dance floor." Nick says doing a little dance. you shake your head letting out a small laugh. "yeah I don't know about that one." you say, “i think prom is just an excuse for a guy to get into a girl’s pants.” you continue. “if you hang with the right people, like me and Madi, you will avoid that.” Nick says.
you see Madi stand up with her toes pointed up. you and Nick laugh at the scene. "what? I don't want to ruin the paint!" she says with a giggle. you see her reach down to her bag as she pulls out three tickets. "don't tell me the third one is for me." you say, shaking your head slowly.
all Madi does is smile waving it in front of her, looking at Nick, then the both of them looking at you, "you know it is!" they say in sync. you cover your face with your hands shaking your head. you felt defeated. Nick sits right next to you speaking, "it will be fun trust me! you have to take advantage of every moment." "I don't know how to dance, I don't do makeup, and I have nothing to wear." you exclaim.
"don't worry y/n. I got you I promise!" Madi says with the biggest smile on her face. you let out a sigh. what did you get yourself into? Nick gets up doing another little dance, "y/n is going to prom! y/n is going to prom!" he says in a sing song voice as Madi joins along.
Matt's POV
as I was walking down the hall, I over hear Nick and Madi practically singing over and over again. I got closer to Nick's bedroom door as I hear them say, "y/n is going to prom!" I laugh quietly at the chants. they actually convinced her. i'm glad they did. now i wont be the only one not enjoying the experience since Chris is dragging me along. maybe y/n and I will bond over the dreadful experience.
my thought was interrupted by the door opening. my eyes land on y/n. "oh hi Matt." she says with a soft smile. I couldn't help but smile back. I analyzed her face. she had prominent freckles I had never seen before. maybe because I haven't really paid attention. I laugh softly to myself noticing how big her glasses were against her face. they were slightly slipping a bit from the bridge of her nose.
"what's so funny?" she says, raising an eyebrow. I kept a smile, pushing her glasses back up delicately, “nothing.” i say as I turn around to walk away.
as I laid down in bed, closing my eyes, all that popped into my head was her face. the freckles, the soft smile, and the glasses. how could she not realize I notice her? she always talked about how she could never be a first choice. but to me? in a crowd of people I would look at her first. even though I just pointed out that she had freckles, i've never seen, I knew little things she did. like when she laughs she covers her face, when she drinks a beverage she sticks out her pinky finger, and when she's stuck on something she scratches her head a little from frustration. I open my eyes staring at the dark ceiling, smiling at the thought of her. I let out a small sigh. if only she knew.
End of Matt's POV
it was the day before prom. after school, you, Nick, and Madi end up at a little boutique looking for the perfect dress for you. you looked around feeling hopeless. everything looked too much for your liking. "how about this one?" Madi says holding up a pink sparkly long dress with off the shoulder sleeves. you shake your head indicating a 'no'. pink was not your ideal color. you felt like it was too bold.
Nick then walks over with a handful of dresses. "oh my goodness." you spoke, "Nick that is a lot." all he does is smile shaking his head, "come on! try these on!" he says. you hesitate for a bit as you grab the dresses from his hands, walking into the dressing room.
after a few dresses, you were still feeling hopeless. "this isn't working guys." Madi and Nick look at you wearing a green dress with a scrunch on their faces. "yeah no definitely not that one." Nick says. you sit down looking around. your eyes catch a beautiful simple white dress. you get up and walk over to it. "I mean hey. simple is timeless." Madi says smiling. "try it on!" she continues. you nod your head as you walk back into the dressing room. you slip into the dress looking in the mirror. you look up and down at yourself with a smile. Madi was right. simple is timeless. you walk out the dressing room as Nick and Madi cover their mouths in sync. "you are definitely wearing that dress!" Madi squeals in excitement. "definitely! you look beautiful in it y/n." Nick says pretending to sniffle, which caused all three of you to laugh.
Y/n's POV
today was the day. the day I've been dreading. prom night. I stand in front of the white dress I picked out slowly running my hand down it. I let out a small breath as I shake off my nerves. "alright lets do this." I say looking at Madi and Nick who were behind me.
Madi was already done getting ready, so was Nick. Madi was in this beautiful purple corset dress and Nick was wearing a suit with his tie matching the shade of purple of Madi's dress. she sits me down quickly, taking off my glasses, and putting my hair up to get it out of my face. “trust me. you will look like a work of art.” she says smiling at me. me and Nick just laugh. she starts doing my makeup. i've never done my makeup before. I told her I wanted it as simple as possible. which she did.
she hands me a hand held mirror as I look into it. my eyes widen at myself. "Madi... you actually made me look... pretty." I say quietly. she giggles, "more like gorgeous!" she says. Nick then pretends to sniffle, "oh my goodness. our baby girl is growing up so fast." he says. me and Madi laugh at his choice of words. "thank you so much Madi." I stand up hugging her. "don't thank me! it’s literally just your face that’s perfection." she says grabbing my dress, "now, put it on!" she says with a smile clapping her hands excitedly.
i laugh at her actions and grab the dress. I go into the bathroom to change.
End of Y/n's POV
you finally were ready for the night you never expected to attend. you look at yourself one final time in the mirror smiling. "here we go." you whisper to yourself before picking up your heels.
downstairs, Matt and Chris were struggling to do their ties. Nick gets downstairs and sees them. "i'll help with that." he says walking up to the boys. "thank you." Matt and Chris say in unison. "are we all ready to go?" Chris says looking around. Madi steps down the stairs clearing her throat. "where's y/n?" Chris says.
"she will be down in a second. but first! I would like to say, this is my favorite masterpiece yet!" Madi exclaims smiling. "okay well get her down here." Chris says with an eyebrow raised. Madi looks up the stairs and yells out, "oh y/n! get your cute butt down here!" everyone laughs as Madi steps down completely from the stair case. steps now can be heard going down slowly. Chris stares with his jaw dropped. Matt looks up as he freezes in his place with his mouth agape.
Matt's POV
as I looked up at the stairs and see her, all I could do was stay still taking in a gulp. she was beautiful. she lets a small smile appear on her face. i couldn't take my eyes off of her.
End of Matt's POV
as you step down slowly, you stumble a bit at the end of the stairs as Madi quickly holds on to your hand. "still learning to walk in these." you let out a nervous laugh. Chris repeats his question, "how?!" Nick rolls his eyes, "don't ask stupid questions."
everyone, except you and Matt, step outside preparing to leave. you had your glasses in your hand, placing them down on the counter. Matt rubs the back of his neck slightly, "uh hey." you hear him say. "hi Matt.” you say turning around looking at him up and down, “you look really good." you say smiling. "thank you. you look- uh-good too." he stutters out a bit. you let out a small laugh as you thank him. "lets go!" Nick shouts.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
you all walk inside as you look around at everyone. there was loud music blasting and you see couples dancing up against each other. you cringe at the sight. Chris walks off meeting his buddies. Madi and Nick grab your hands pulling you onto the dance floor. you shake your head quickly as they both laugh. "let's dance the night away!" Madi screams out. you kind of just stood there not knowing what to do. but you swayed a little to the music. Nick was going all out making you laugh. "okay Nick! work it!" Madi shouts smiling.
“wait wait wait!” Nick stops in his place a little breathless. “let’s go get our photos taken before we look like a mess from all of this dancing.” he says. you and Madi nod walking with Nick towards the photographer waiting in line. you were still feeling anxious about what could happen tonight. you didn’t want to make a complete fool out of yourself.
you catch a glimpse at the photographer. it was your math teacher, ms. rose. as you guys were next you couldn’t help but notice her face. “y/n? is that you?” ms. rose says smiling. you nod smiling back, “hello ms. rose.” “i’m glad you made it!” she says looking around. “did you bring a date?” she asks excitedly. you shake your head quickly, “absolutely not.” all she does is laugh and prepares to take a picture. “alright pose!” she exclaims. i was in the middle of Madi and Nick, all of us smiling for the camera. “beautiful!” ms. rose says as she snaps the picture.
Matt grabs a drink looking around. his eyes locks on you taking a sip from his drink. he watches as you smile for the picture. he smiles admiringly. he couldn’t help but stare at you.
as time passes by you decided to step off the dance floor. you were feeling a bit overwhelmed. especially because you couldn't shake off the thought of how stupid you look trying to dance. you grab a water as you step outside. as you're walking around for a bit you notice Matt sitting in the outside courtyard. you decided to go keep him company. you sit next to him as he looks at you. "what's on your mind?" you say looking up at the moonlit sky. "not much. what are you doing out here?" he asks still looking at you. "I was feeling overwhelmed. which I feel bad because I know Madi and Nick have been waiting for this night and I just left." you respond. “well how about you? you can't just think about what they want." Matt says trying to read your face. "well, I didn't want to come in the first place." you laugh softly, "I feel stupid on the dance floor." you finish speaking. “you weren’t bad.” he says, “but it did look a little forced.” he says causing you both to laugh.
still looking at the sky, Matt suddenly stands up, stepping in front of you, holding his hand out. you look up at him taken a back. "what are you doing?" you ask softly. "I want to make this experience memorable for you." he says with his heart beating fast. you gulp as you take his hand gently. you stand up holding his hand as he pulls you into a slow dance position. your arms wrapped around his neck, while his hands rest on your hips. "i-i don't know how to do this." you say nervously, avoiding eye contact. "don't worry. just follow my steps." he says reassuringly with a smile. you nod as you look at your guys' feet. you accidentally step on him. "oh- i'm sorry." you say biting your lip softly.
"maybe you should look up at me. it'll distract you from your feet." he whispers. you do as he says. you look up up at him already looking down at you. you look into his eyes having your throat swallow. your heart was pounding. "hi" he whispers. you felt the nerves go away from the sound of his voice. "hey" you whisper back. it was quiet for a bit as you both sway from the faded music coming from the gym. you notice him analyze your face as you do the same at him. you never really looked at Matt in the way you were feeling in this very moment. your chests nearly touching, his hands caressing your hips softly, and the eye contact. it was making your stomach flutter.
"you know how you said you don't feel like you belong here?" he whispers. you nod waiting for what he has to say next. "well i'm glad you're here." he says not breaking eye contact. the light from the moon shines on his face.
"really?" you whisper. "yes really y/n." he pulls away a bit, "I'm always happy when you're around. even if you don't notice." he says. you couldn't hide your smile. this whole time you felt like nobody's choice. when this whole time the person who wanted you the most was right in front of you. "can I kiss you?" he says softly.
"kiss me." you whisper back. he grabs you by your face gently, pulling you into a soft deep kiss. you felt yourself melt under his touch making you both lean back, having him dip you slightly, still attached by the lips. you couldn't believe this was happening.
when you both finally pull away, you both look at each other breathless, shortly laughing after. "let's head back inside?" you ask smiling. "one second" he answers putting his hand in his pocket, taking out your glasses. you look at them with confusion. he steps closer to you placing them on your face gently, taking a step back smiling. "perfect." he says. you laugh at his actions and grab his hand walking back inside to the loud music with your mind now replaying the perfect moment that just had happened outside.
you and Matt head over to the dance floor once the song “Kiss Me” starts playing hand in hand as you repeat what happened outside. “what a perfect song.” Matt says with a soft laugh. “well you have no choice but to listen to the song.” you say as the song says ‘so kiss me’. he smiles pulling you in closer kissing you with his soft lips.
“i thought you didn’t have a date?” you hear a familiar voice shout out. you both pull away as you look at your math teacher noticing a smile on her face with her arms crossed. “now she does!” Matt shouts back happily.
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a/n: this took me a while to write but somehow seems so short lmao. I loved writing this! I hope you enjoyed reading. likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated! follow for more imagines!
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fruitjoos · 15 days
don’t you think you deserve it?
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art donaldson x reader, patrick zweig x reader
summary: art’s playing snake between you and patrick. it’s obvious there’s a reason, so a confession is made.
warnings none
You and Patrick were in the middle of a slightly tense argument, one that had started as a lighthearted disagreement but quickly escalated. He had brought up a conversation he’d had with “a friend,” which quickly soured the mood. Patrick was feeling insecure, convinced that he wasn’t good enough for you, and no matter how hard you tried to reassure him, your words felt like they were bouncing off a wall. It wasn’t you he was listening to, it was this friend of his.
Frustrated, you asked who this so called friend was. Patrick hesitated before finally admitting it was Art. The revelation hit hard. You tried to explain that Art didn’t know what he was talking about, that Patrick needed to stop letting other people’s opinions poison his mind. But instead of understanding, it seemed like Patrick was defending Art, making excuses for why he’d take Art’s word over yours.
That was when you snapped. "If you're so willing to believe everything Art says over what I’m telling you, then maybe you two should be in a relationship instead."
The tension in the air lingered long after the argument died down, so later that evening, you set out to find Art. Unsurprisingly, you found him in the dining hall sitting with Tashi. You barely acknowledged her as you asked if you could talk to him alone. Tashi hesitated, giving Art a wary look, but eventually stood up and left the two of you alone.
Without warning, you smacked Art upside the head, fury bubbling over. “Where the hell do you get off telling Patrick he’s not good enough for me?”
Art, unfazed, rubbed the back of his head and sighed. "That’s not what I said. I told him you deserve better, and if he didn’t think he was that, that has nothing to do with me."
But his explanation did little to calm you, the damage already done.
Art’s casual tone only fueled your anger. You stepped closer, your voice trembling with emotion. "Do you realize what you've done? Patrick’s spiraling because of you. He’s questioning everything between us, and now he thinks I’m settling for him. All because of your careless words."
Art's face hardened, his usual laid-back demeanor shifting to something more serious. "I wasn’t trying to hurt him. Or you. But if he’s doubting himself that much, isn’t that something you should both face?"
"That’s not your call to make!" you shouted, fists clenched at your sides. "You don’t get to decide what’s good for our relationship. You don’t get to plant seeds of doubt in his head just because you think you know what's best for me."
Art's eyes flashed, his calm exterior cracking just a little. "I only said what everyone’s been thinking. You deserve someone who’s not afraid to be everything you need."
Your heart twisted painfully at his words, the weight of them settling in your chest like lead. You took a shaky breath, trying to hold back the storm of emotions threatening to break loose. "Why do you care so much?" The question slipped out before you could stop it, more vulnerable than you intended.
Art froze, his jaw tightening as he looked away for a moment, like he was weighing his response. Then, almost too quietly, he muttered, "Because I’ve seen him doubt himself for too long. And I’ve seen how you deserve someone who doesn’t need convincing to believe they’re enough for you."
His words hung heavy in the air between you, but there was something in his voice that made you pause. It wasn’t just about Patrick anymore, and the realization hit you like a punch to the gut.
"This is about you?" you whispered, scoffing. The accusation barely audible, but it made Art flinch like you’d struck him again.
He didn’t answer at first, his gaze fixed somewhere over your shoulder, avoiding yours. But the silence was answer enough. Your heart thudded painfully in your chest, the weight of the truth crashing over you. Art hadn’t just been talking as Patrick’s best friend. Somewhere along the way, this had become personal for him too.
"Art," you breathed, your voice shaking now for entirely different reasons. "You don’t—"
"I don’t what?" he cut in sharply, his eyes finally meeting yours with raw fustration. "I don’t get to care about you? I don’t get to worry that maybe, just maybe, you’re with someone who’ll never see himself as worthy of you? God, do you know how hard it is to watch that every day and say nothing?"
You stared at him, stunned into silence, as the full weight of his words hit you. This wasn’t just a friendship anymore, not for him. And maybe, you’d been ignoring it for longer than you wanted to admit.
Tears stung at the corners of your eyes, but you forced them back, refusing to let them fall. "You don’t get to make this about you, Art. You don’t get to mess with Patrick’s head just because you—"
"Just because I love you?" he interrupted, the confession ripping out of him like it had been tearing him apart for far too long. The words hung between you, heavy and inescapable. There was no taking them back now.
You felt like everything crashed down in a blur of confusion, anger, and heartache. You had come here to defend your relationship with Patrick, to confront the person who had planted doubt in his mind, but now, now you didn’t even know what you were fighting for anymore.
"You’re selfish," you whispered, the hurt and betrayal clawing at your throat. "Patrick’s your best friend, and you’re doing this to him. To me."
Art looked at you with a hollow expression, the vulnerability he’d let slip quickly fading into something colder, more guarded. "Maybe I am," he admitted, his voice low. "But at least I’m honest about how I feel. Can you say the same?"
Your breath caught in your throat, his words cutting deeper than you wanted to admit. Because the truth was, you weren’t sure anymore. Not about Patrick, not about Art, and definitely not about the complicated mess of emotions swirling within you.
Without another word, you turned and walked away, leaving Art standing there in the background, his confession ringing in your ears. “Don’t talk about me with Patrick anymore.”
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romancefranaticstay · 6 months
☆.。.:* Neighbor ☆.。.:*
Neighbor!Jeongin x fem!reader
Category: fluff ❤
Warnings: ♥ None ♥ (but... maybe a little smut towards the end)
Note: A short story about some neighbor fluff, very romantic (in mine opinion), i hope you enjoy!
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You were wearing headphone's, jumping around with your music.
"I bring, I bring all the Drama-ma-ma-ma (hey, hey) I bring drama-ma-ma-ma (hey, hey) With my girls in the back"
You singed, making some little dance move's.
'나로 시작되는 drama (all that)'
You were heading towards your house when you saw a moving van. That's weird, you didn't move, did you? You snuck a little closer and saw a new family moving into the house next door.
You saw two people standing there, they were probably a couple. They looked quite old, maybe they had children. Oh! That would be so nice, to finally have friends in your neighborhood.
You went inside and grabbed a snack from the fridge. You didn't have much to do before school tomorrow, so you could finally get some rest and enjoy these beautiful spring days.
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Eventually you started to get bored in your room. You went downstairs to your garden. Your garden was so beautiful, because all the sunlight always shone in your garden.
Beautiful, but a few clouds in the sky. The trees glistened in the sunlight, everything looked more beautiful than usual. Suddenly you heard a voice.
'안녕하세요, Hey.'
You looked around to see where the voice came from. You looked to your right and saw a boy leaning against the gate of your garden. He had black hair that fell slightly over his eyes.
"Do you live here?"
'No, I'm just sitting in their garden, sorry, I'm being sarcastic again. Yes, I live here.'
"So you're my new neighbor?"
'Ahh, so you are our new neighbors, welcome to the neighborhood by the way. It's very quiet here, so you're going to love it here.'
"I'm sure I'll like it here." he said under his breath.
"So, what are you doing?"
"I was actually listening to music."
'Can I listen in?'
"Of course, come."
He carefully opened the gate and approached you. When he came closer, you could observe his face better. He was actually very beautiful. He calmly took the headphones from your head and placed them near his ears.
"I know this song!"
'Really? What's it called then?'
'Let me think...
I'm a 퀸카 I'm a 퀸카 I'm a, I'm a, I'm a 퀸카 I'm a 퀸카 "
he started to sing. You laughed, he could actually sing very nicely.
"So you know it."
'Of course I know. Can I show you some songs?'
"Sure, go ahead."
He grabbed your phone and started typing something on Spotify. You recognized the lyrics immediately.
“Ahh, BTS run.
손 뻗어봤자 금세 깨버릴 꿈 (꿈, 꿈) 미칠 듯 달려도 또 제자리일 뿐 (뿐, 뿐)
그냥 날 태워줘, 그래, 더 밀쳐 내줘 이건 사랑에 미친 멍청이의 뜀박질 ..."
You both started laughing.
"Actually, I should be helping my parents, so... I'll see you later?"
'Yep, ofcourse.'
He waved and went out of sight. Finally someone to be friends with, or so you thought...
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Every day you learned something new about him. He had a big brother and a little brother. He likes his personal space and he has some different tastes in music. His favorite colors are also Coral and Teal. He also has a lot of passion for music.
He told something about his friends, it doesn't mean that he has moved that he has to change schools. You've already heard of someone named Seungmin and Changbin. They sound very funny. He is the youngest of his group of friends.
You sat with him in his room, you lay on his bed.
"You know, I'd love to build a time machine and go back to the '90s."
'How so?' Jeongin asked.
"I just want to see how everything works there."
'Do you like the 90s concept?'
'Yes of course! The hair, the clothing style, the stuff, wow.'
'Yes, that's possible.'
'Which era do you find most interesting?'
'I don't really know, maybe just this time, because we live in the moment now. We live now and not in the past. We will never be able to live in the past, so why compare this time to the others?"
“Wow, very poetic Jeongin.”
'Am I wrong?'
"No, in a strange way it all makes a lot of sense."
"Let's change the subject."
"Okay sure, what do you want to talk about?"
'Maybe about love? Do you believe in soulmates?'
'Me? I don't know, sometimes I feel like there's one person for everyone. But sometimes I think that certain people just fit together because of certain interests. And you?'
'I don't know, I think so. I want to live with the idea that there is someone for me, who suits me exactly. Okay, maybe not exactly, but still.' 'Yes..'
"You know, this might sound really weird, but maybe I can try out my flirting techniques on you?"
"Sure, but don't think it'll work."
"Okay bet."
He came next to you on the bed. He grabbed your hand with one hand and caressed your cheeks with the other.
"Do you think that'll work?"
"Shh, I wasn't ready yet."
He breathed deeply and started looking into your eyes.
“You always look like an angel Y/N.”
'Am I an angel? More like a devil.'
He rolled his eyes and turned back to you. He looked from your eyes to your lips and vice versa. He touched your lips with his thumb, your heart skipped a beat.
“These lips Y/N, these lips, the most beautiful thing.”
You couldn't say anything anymore, what could you say? Your hands slid to his hands. Even though he was so confident, his hands were a bit sweaty.
His face moved closer to yours and... he kissed your cheek softly.
'And? Good flirting techniques?' he says as you still hold his hands.
You cleared your throat.
'Yes, quite good, yes, I have heard better.'
'Are you sure?'
'Sure.' you avoided eye contact.
He turned your face so you were looking at him.
'A bad liar.'
Suddenly he pinned you down on the bed.
'And now?'
'Hmmm, it could be better.'
His eyes fell on your neck, he grinned. His mouth came closer to your neck, so close that you felt his warm breath on your so sensitive skin. His tongue made small circles on your neck, leaving small bites.
'And now?'
'It's better already.'
"I can always make it better."
His face came closer to yours, so close that you were about to kiss, but he only kissed your forehead.
Your puppy dog ​​eyes looked up at him. You wanted more... but not in a bad way. He wanted to leave again, but you didn't just let him go. You grabbed his face and pressed your lips together.
His eyes went wide, but he didn't back down. When your lips parted again, he just stared at you in surprise.
"How about that?" you said with a very big grin on your face.
You got up and went to his door.
“This was fun, I'll see you tomorrow. Same hour.”
You wanted to open the door but he stopped you.
"Do you think you'll leave now?"
He kissed you again and pushed you against the door a little. You felt his hands over your body, it couldn't be more romantic.
You looked down and saw that the bulge in his pants was big. He saw what you were looking at.
"Are you going to help me with this?"
'With pleasure.'
You said, leaving small kisses on his face.
─── ❤ ── დ ── ❤ ───── ❤ ── დ ── ❤ ────── ❤ ── დ ── ❤
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arandomdai · 8 months
Persephone Lost Herself To Marriage
⚠️ Warning: I'm just saying my opinions (and theories) like everyone else. So put your tin foil hats on, it's going to be a LONG read. Enjoy!!!⚠️
• The Realization
This was/is a cry for help. She's finally admitted something that we (some of us) already noticed. The fact that she's so worried about her blue corpse of a man's feelings, while in denial about killing hundreds if not thousands of mortals in seconds...is nasty work. Like okay you don't know yourself, good we are getting somewhere. But are you willing to change your ways like finally admitting that your Mom was right, Minthe was right (about you and your man), Zeus was right (where he says they didn't know each other long), finally realize your selfish and a murderer, etc. Like I wanna see the change, not this boohoo act. And speaking of Demeter, she is a little bit at fault for why Persephone acts like this. If she would've told her about being a FG, teach her how to defend herself, help her control her powers or help make her own decisions, none of this wouldn't happen. Now Persephone (this her own fault here)is trapped with guilt, a blu gru, and a whole population of shades coming in. Once this is over, I pray to God that she wakes up, and leave that man, live in the mortal realm, and hopefully come to terms/works on herself to know who she is because her being a Queen is not one of them.
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•Hades Is Her Downfall
This man never loved her. He wanted to sleep with her knowing he had a girlfriend (Minthe at the time) and when she was only 19 years old !!!(smdh 🤢😒), somehow he shows up in her nightmare saying, "I Know That I Can Smell Your Ambitions As They Rot At Your Feet.", he didn't let Persephone tell him what happened, lies about everything, disrespects Demeter, never gave Thanatos a real apology, never actually going to therapy, etc, need I say more? This man genuinely hates powerful women. He sabotaged Demeter's right to rule the mortal realm, gets angry when women stand up for themselves, preys on the vulnerable and young, dangles money over them, had an affair with Hera behind his brothers back, etc, and Persephone still thinks he's husband material... chile. Like how come she doesn't see those horrible qualities and notice that he brings out the worst in her? Real men don't treat women like this. To be fair, that first genocide she caused was all her fault, like yes they were playing in her face, but she didn't need to start killing people. But you know what she did, she was willing to help the shades get into the Underworld (and he was mad about that 😒). Now we're on to our second genocide, and this man was the cause of this as well (mostly her fault but still). The fact he said "I can't stop her from trying." Like yes you can Blunocchio 🙄. I'm so tired of him, and his evil ways. Persephone really needs to understand that man was never in her corner, and if he was, he would've left her alone from the very beginning. The lesson is don't EVER let a man be your downfall and try to make you feel powerless. If he can't take how powerful you are, he was never the one and he's an insecure a**hole.
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• There Was Always Someone
Hydros tried to warn Gaia
People thought Rhea was stupid for loving Kronos
Probably someone close to the Missing Goddess tried to warn her
Demeter warned Persephone
Do we see the pattern? Constantly losing yourself in love with abusive men, getting your powers drained because they wanted to prove that they were worth loving, and trying to prove the haters wrong (looking at you author)? Well, yes. Persephone had her twenties to look forward to (school, TOGEM, and starting her future), but made a man child the #1 priority. Had her thirties (self reflection, getting her shit together, realize she can do bad by herself.), but still managed to keep him in the #1 priority slot, instead of her and her own mother. Like does she not get that her mom is her real best friend? These fertility goddesses (excluding Metis 🤢) wish that they would've listened to those people/or families, and saw from their point of view that their men weren't no good, and go from there. Like did Persephone ever think about what Zeus told her ( his back story about what happened to Rhea), nope. Just ignored it because she never listens, and loves finding out the hard way 🙄😒. If the author wanted a real ('cause let's be honest, it's not) feminist retelling, she could've had Persephone look at the fertility goddesses differently, Seeing there struggles, learn that Demeter just didn't want to see her get hurt, and walk away from him (but in a perfect world I guess 🫤). Remember y'all there is always someone in your corner that is looking out for you and/or showing they love you.
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• Persephone's Fate
Until she starts listening to the right people, know how to think for herself, and realize that man ain't crap, she's doomed. Years from now, she's going to be trapped in a marriage full of regrets and shattered dreams, sparkling and useless if you will. Hades will continue to use and abuse her. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he started cheating on her like he cheated on Minthe. Also, wouldn't be shocked if she becomes the next Hera, after all she was just her stand in. Hades would take most of her powers, someone defeats him, and puts him in prison somewhere, she starts seeing him, and no one else can. Would that be something? I mean he was in her dreams telling her that her ambitions will rot. Also people wouldn't want to come around her, and she gotta live with that for the rest of her life. Demeter, lasion, and her son living life to the fullest, so who can she call? She is stuck in a tragic cautionary tale of a fertility goddess. Someone that wanted to prove the haters wrong, wanted to be worthy of loving, and a victim of a man's abuse and manipulations.
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angelic-sturniolos111 · 10 months
The Right Words 🧸
Chris begins to question his opinions on commitment and relationships after being close friends with you for months. Chris’s feelings for you have grown stronger, but he can’t quite articulate his affection for you. Instead of using his words he makes a romantic gesture to show you how he feels.
chris sturniolo x fem! reader
warnings: none, just chris being super shy and fluffy
author’s note: kinda inspired by stuff he’s said ab relationships and how “too much love” kinda scares/intimidates him
not proofread lmao
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Chris’s POV:
Matt had invited Y/N to come hang at our house while we record our podcast episode for the week. It wasn’t unusual for Y/N to always be around, she was our friend, but I hadn’t opened up to my brothers about how I truly feel about her.
She moved to LA a few months back and we all met her at some influencer party, and she hit it off with us immediately. First, it started with the four of us going out to record content, going bowling, thrifting, things like that. Eventually, we all grew closer with her and she started hanging out at our house a lot more, and often sleeping over. The first time she had slept over was after Nick and Matt had already gone to bed, and since she didn’t want to wake them she slept in my room with me. After that night I guess my room became the unofficial-Y/N-sleepover room because she has always spelt in my room every time since.
I immediately found Y/N attractive when we met— she’s a very pretty girl. I’ve always had closer girl friends in my circle, and even if I think any of them are pretty, my feelings never go beyond that— it’s always platonic. I know part of that is because they just weren’t the right girl for me, but another part of me knows it’s because I don’t let myself sit in those feelings. I’m scared of commitment, relationships, things of that sort. Sure I’ve hooked up with a few girls in my day, but I’ve never had any serious romantic feelings for anyone.
Until Y/N.
That first night she slept in my room we stayed up for hours talking about everything from our favorite hockey teams to deeper emotional stuff. That became our routine when she would sleepover… always the last ones awake, and always having long in-depth conversations with one another. What started off as friendly, platonic feelings for her quickly changed after many nights spent late night talking.
As much as I loved our late night talks I honestly wanted more. I wanted early morning talks, afternoon talks, and to just be with her every second of every day. I wanted to hold her, spoil her, kiss her, and call her mine. I thought I would never feel this way about anyone before, but she makes me feel things I’ve never felt— she’s everything to me.
I recently came to the conclusion that keeping these feelings buried was starting to drive me insane, and I had to open up to someone about it.
Matt and I were currently getting in his car on the way to pick up Y/N. Before Matt put the car in drive, I spoke up;
“Hey, can I talk to you about something that’s been on my mind a lot lately? I just really need someone to talk to about it.” I say sheepishly. Matt’s eyes leave his phone to meet mine, and he instantly put his phone down giving me his full attention.
“Yeah bro of course. You can tell me anything. What’s up?” He says concerned because usually this is the other way around. Matt opening up to me about his issues. It was rare that I ever had anything on my end to discuss.
“Well it’s just,” I pause, hesitating if I should even continue. Matt puts a hand on my shoulder comforting me enough to move on.
“I have serious, and I mean serious feelings for Y/N.”
I’m not sure what I was expecting in response, but it wasn’t this…
He started laughing. LAUGHING. In my fucking face.
“Okay why are you laughing? Is something funny about any of this?” I say now a little pissed off that he wasn’t taking this seriously.
“Oh man, no no I’m sorry I’m not trying to be rude. It’s just… SO obvious.” He says and continues to laugh.
“WHAT?! IS IT REALLY?” I yell. Oh god, I hope Y/N doesn’t know and I’m not making a complete ass out of myself.
“Yes! Nick and I talk about it all the time. You may not realize it but you NEVER stop talking about her. “Y/N said this funny thing last night,” “Y/N really likes this movie,” “You know one time Y/N” Y/N Y/N Y/N. I swear every god damn sentence you utter her name leaves your mouth.” Matt mocks, but before I can interject he continues;
“Jesus not to mention the way you stare her down whenever she’s in the room. Nick and I are always laughing about it— like when he’s editing our videos and we can see that you looking at her constantly whenever she steps behind the camera? Or when we went to the beach that one time!? You saw Y/N in a bikini for the first time, and we saw you grab the towel to cover your lap because—”
“Okay OKAY! Alright, I get it! I’m not as good as hiding my feelings for her as I thought…” I cut him off before he can continue to blabber about it any more. Matt comes down from his laughing fit.
“Hey, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be mean. My point is is that we’ve never seen you like this with anyone before, and it’s really sweet.” Matt rests his hand on my arm reassuringly. “Well, we told her we were on our way to pick her up. If you want to I can text Nick and we can come up with some sort of excuse to leave so you guys can have some alone time together and maybe you’ll be able to talk with her about it?” He suggests.
“Yeah… it’s the talking that I’m scared of.” I look down and play with my hands in my lap. “That’s the problem. Like you said, I’ve never been like this with anyone before, and I don’t know how to put my feelings into words. If you haven’t noticed I’m not necessarily the most romantic person ever.” I say with a sigh.
Matt looks around the car seeing if anything might give him an idea. He sees the gummy worms in the center console from the last time we filmed a car video and picks them up to show me.
“Okay, candy? What about candy?” He says as if he just made some sort of scientific breakthrough.
“Kid, what the fuck are you talking about? Candy?” I laugh, completely confused.
“Yeah! We can swing by the store and you can get her her favorite candies and snacks, and you guys can watch a cute movie together or something? If you can’t tell her how you feel maybe you can show her through your actions.”
I thought about it for a second, and it honestly wasn’t a bad idea. I knew her favorite candy, snacks, movies, all that stuff. I know she loves comfy blankets for movie time. She also complains about not having a stuffed animal for her to cuddle when she sleeps over, and she usually steals one of Matt’s. All these thoughts came flooding into my head at once, and suddenly I had the best idea.
“Okay, I got it!. We’re going to need to stop at the store before we get her. You and Nick distract her when we get back to our place, and then find some excuse to leave. I have the perfect plan.” I say excitedly.
An enormous smile grows on Matt’s face. He clicks his seatbelt, and before he can back the car out of the driveway we see Nick striding out the door to the car. Matt rolls his window down.
“What the fuck are you two still doing in the driveway? I thought you were getting Y/N?” Nick says.
“Bro get in the car you’re coming with us we’ve gotta update you on Chris’s love affair!” Matt says jokingly making me laugh. Nick just rolls his eyes, and climbs in the backseat.
Y/N’s POV:
Chris had given me a call earlier to tell me that their manager, Laura, needed Nick and Matt for something at her house tonight so it would just be the two of us. She had apparently given them a call on their way out to pick me up so they were running late. Honestly, I was a little nervous that Chris and I would have the house to ourselves. I was always comfortable being alone with him in his room, and I’ve always hoping he’d take one of these nights to make a move. In my head I tried to convince myself he hasn’t made a move yet because his brothers were always home— worried they’d barge in and interrupt or something. I’ve had a HUGE crush on Chris, and I wasn’t super hopeful that he felt the same way because he’s never been a relationship type of guy. Plus, he always has girl friends, and I’m worried I probably just fall under the friend category in his eyes.
Finally, I see headlights shine through my front window and look to see Matt’s car in the driveway. I grab my purse and head out the door and open the car door to climb in the backseat. I was surprised to be met with Chris in the backseat, and Nick in the front with Matt.
“Fancy seeing you in the back. You’re never back here.” I say getting in my seat and clicking the seatbelt.
“Umm yeah, I— um.” Chris starts before Nick cuts him off.
“He was taking too long in the store so I hopped in the front.” I see Chris raise his eyebrows slightly at Nick, giving him a weird look.
“I didn’t know you guys went out. What were you getting?” I ask.
“Um just toiletries and stuff. Needed some, uh, shampoo.” Chris says shrugging his shoulders and breaking out eye contact. He seemed tense, but I brushed it off.
We pull into the driveway and I get out of the car making my way over to the trunk. The three boys get out and stand awkwardly behind the car with me.
“Did you want help bringing the stuff in?” I say and there was silence as the boys just awkwardly stared at each other, and then at me. “…From the store?” I continue.
“Oh no Chris’s got it. Matt and I wanna show you the updates we made to the podcast studio, come on!” Nick says grabbing my arm and leading me up the driveway to their front door leaving Chris behind to get stuff out of the trunk.
Matt, Nick, and I go inside and they immediately go upstairs to their studio, and I stop to hesitate at the bottom of the stairs.
“Should we wait for Chris?” I say. Matt turns around to look at me, and then shoots a glance to Nick.
“No he’s slow as fuck. Come on!” Nick yells. I laugh and make my way upstairs.
Matt and Nick start showing me decor and stuff around the studio. It honestly wasn’t anything that I haven’t already seen before, but I kept my mouth shut because it seemed very important for them to show me again. As they blabber on I see Chris run swiftly past the door, carrying a bunch of shopping bags, and going into his bedroom slamming the door. I became even more suspicious to his weird behavior.
Matt and Nick went on to me about the podcast episodes they were planning to film, but I was barely even listening since my thoughts were elsewhere. I’m snapped out of my daydreaming when Chris comes in and stands in the doorway.
“Okaaaay! You guys have to go to Laura’s, yeah?” Chris asks his brothers.
“Yes! Yes we do. Matt let’s get going!” Nick says to Matt and they eagerly start walking out of the room. Matt turns back and gives me a smile, “Have fun!” He says. Matt then gives Chris a pat on the shoulder before him and Nick make their way downstairs and out the door.
Why the hell were they all acting so weird?
I take a step towards Chris as he remains blocking the doorway.
“So, what do you wanna do?” I question, and a smirk creeps up on his face.
“I actually have a special movie night planned for us.” He says with that sweet smile of his I love so much.
“What makes it special?” I ask. He grabs my hand, making my breath hitch in my throat slightly at our touch. He leads me to his bedroom. Was this it? Was he making his move? I didn’t necessarily think he’d be so bold as to bed me right away, but I also wasn’t complaining. I thought to myself before he proves me wrong. He opens his bedroom door and leads me inside, and I smile big once I see what he’s done.
His bed is full of pillows from both his room and the spare bedroom, and they’re covered in a huge blanket. There’s another sherpa blanket on the bed with a cute teddy bear on my side where I usually sleep. On his nightstand is a bowl of popcorn, and bags of my favorite candies. He had turned his ceiling lights off and had fairy lights draped over his headboard illuminating the room. Also lighting the room was his TV which had one of my favorite Disney movies cued up ready to watch.
Chris steps back as I walk around the room taking it all on.
“Chris! This is so sweet!” I gawk as I jump into his bed and wrap myself in the softest blanket and he follows suit. We lay in his bed together in silence for a moment before he grabs the teddy bear and handing it to me with a smile. I take the bear from his hands and wrap it tight in my arms.
Chris’s POV:
“Chris, what’s all this for?” Y/N asks looking at me with her beautiful eyes.
I knew that she’d ask why I went all out. I had ran a couple scenarios of her possible questions in my head, and embarrassingly enough I may or may not have practiced what I was going to say with Nick in the car earlier…
“Well, it’s for you.” Duh? Chris I think that’s kinda obvious you dumb fuck. I don’t think any amount of practicing could’ve prepared me to face the prettiest, sweetest girl I’ve ever met in my life. I could feel my heart beating faster with each passing moment. She smiles, her eyes softening, and she scootches closer to me.
“You did all this for me? Why?” She asks sweetly. I knew she’d love the surprise, but also knew she’d be confused.
I really tried my best to prepare for this talk, but I was still so nervous. I didn’t know what to say.
I take a deep inhale before starting the conversation.
“I— I did this for you because I wanted to. Well I mean obviously I wanted to or else I wouldn’t have done this. What I mean is I want to show you what I think of you. Or, I mean, how I feel… and I— ugh.” I sigh and burry my face in my hands now completely embarrassed from my nervous rambling. “I don’t know how to use my words.” I mumble into my hands.
I feel a soft, gentle hand on mine pulling it slowly from my face, and I’m met with Y/N as her eyes lock on mine. When my hands are back down in my lap she reaches her hand up to gently cup my cheek, not breaking eye contact. Her eyes flicker from mine down to my lips, and back up to mine before speaking;
“Then don’t use your words…”
I bring my hand up to lay on top of hers cupping my cheek, and I lean in to her touch. I bring my other hand gently to the nape of her neck and pull her closer. Her face is mere inches away from mine. Our eyes breaking contact and moving to our lips. She slowly closes her eyes, and I pull her in fully and plant my lips on hers.
Her lips were soft. Sweet, even. They molded perfectly with mine as we kiss. The kiss is gentle and eager at the same time. I’ve only ever dreamed of this moment, and I can’t believe it’s finally happening.
We pull away from our kiss, our foreheads still touching. I open my eyes first to look at her, and when she opens hers a sweet smile creeps on her lips making me laugh softly.
“Hi.” I say in a whisper.
“Hi Chris.”
“I really like you, Y/N.”
“I really like you too.”
She pulls me in, this time with more force, and plants a passionate kiss on my lips.
We continue to kiss for a moment before I pull back.
“Will you be my girl?” I ask.
She smiles, nodding her head feverishly before bringing her lips back to mine and throwing her hands around my neck.
I’m in heaven.
I honestly didn’t know how to end this and I’m kinda cringing but oh well.
Happy Thanksgiving y’all! 🦃
— Kay 🖤
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Edge Of Ever After | 2
Part 1 2 3
Sandor runs his fingers down my spine and sighs, "everything I ever touch goes to shit." He grabs my hip and pulls me close. I turn to him and nestle my face into his chest. He traps me in his arms, "but you... you turn my shit into gold."
Sandor Clegane x Reader | 6k+ | cw: fem!reader, wife!reader, POV shifts!, mentions/depictions of pregnancy/miscarriage/mensuration/the likes, enemies to lovers, remnants of forced marriage, slow burn, angst, emotional unavailability, emotional vulnerability, The Hound being abrasive, miscommunication, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: about time i posted the next part here on tumblr this is originally posted on ao3
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I gag as I watch maester Yannick swirl around a flask of my urine by the window. He holds it by the light and I have to look away as he inspects it.
"I wouldn't hold my breath, maester," I mutter as the man heads towards his desk.
"Of course not. You're doing it for me," he says as he places the sample down and scribbles on parchment, "now. Any cravings, besides the obvious strawberry pie one."
I suck in a deep breath before sighing, "no. None at all."
Maester Yannick turns to me and squints, "any physical symptoms? Mood swings? Sore breasts?"
I lightly clear my throat and shake my head, "none."
He turns back to his journal and writes something. He takes a moment before asking, "when was the last time you coupled?"
I wipe my face and buzz my lips, "...10 days?"
He chuckles, "well that explains it."
"E-... Explains what?"
"Why he's so much of a hound lately," he closes his journal with a thud, "nasty temper that one-- but what do you expect from a man who drinks wine like water?"
I lick my lips and pick at my nails.
"Pah, don't worry," he waves me off, "you married a grump. He was grumpier before," he raises a brow, "and I didn't have to be there to know it."
Maester Yannick walks over to me, grabs my shoulders and nods, "now. My learned self deduces you are probably in the early stages of childbearing." He raises a finger, "that being said, you have had issues with your moon cycle before."
The old man releases me, only to push me towards the door. I look at him in panic as he seems not to want to continue what he was going to say.
"My dear," he opens the door, "my advice is to simply wait."
"Wait?!" I pull away from him to face him, "what does that mean?"
"It means just go about your day. Don't think about this because we cannot be certain of a consensus. Go to the festival in the town. Bring your dogs. Bring your husband," he motions to the open door, "make merry. It's good for your health, and for whatever life you could possibly - if the gods will it - be carrying."
Maester Yannick effectively kicks me out of his office after that. 
He was horrible with that news, and rather vague. I don't know if I should cry, be angry, or be sad. Or happy? Should I be happy? Well... I don't know what I am.
I find myself recounting everything our maester told me as I walk down the hallway. When I make my way to the living area, I am greeted by 3 cold snouts of 3 pups that were getting too big to be called that in my opinion.
I smile at them and head towards the settee. I sit down and grab the ball I left there, throwing the thing into the hall, watching the dog siblings clamour after it. I continue to do this and only stop whenever there's someone passing by.
At some point, in my absentmindedness, I throw the ball too hard and it hits the end of the hall, bouncing off into the other. I watch the dogs chase after it and sequentially have to chase after them.
Seeings as the pups were great retrievers, I was expecting them to meet me halfway in the hall as I followed. When they don't, I call out to them with concern.
"Go on," a gruff voice says, "your mam's calling you lot."
I reach the end of the hall and see Sandor shooing away the three beasts by the door to his office. I smile at him as he growls to intimidate them; the dogs only bark back and wag their tails.
"Let the poor man go," I say as I walk over.
Sandor looks up at me. I chuckle as I watch his annoyed expression soften.
He purses his lips and steps forward, "they don't listen to me."
"They do," I cross my arms, "they just want to play.'
"Then they clearly don't listen to me," he corrects.
I shrug, "they do."
He rolls his eyes and places a hand on his hips, "did you want to go to the festival? The townsfolk have been fucking yapping to me about it. They want to see you."
I tighten my arms around me as I think about what Yannick said again.
Sandor's eyes dart down, landing on my chest. His nose twitches and he clears his throat as he looks away.
"I want to go but I..." I hesitate.
It catches Sandor's attention and makes him look back at me.
"I have something to tell you."
His brows furrow, "what is it?"
Lilac begins to bark loudly. It makes both of us turn to her and shush her out of instinct. She barks some more just to drive her point then shakes her floppy ears.
Sandor, finally having enough, picks up Lilac, and she immediately stops barking. He makes a face at the dog as she lolls her tongue out, clearly happy to be finally be carried.
I giggle and pet her head, "such a pampered princess."
The Hound side eyes her.
It's not long until Rose and Sage are barking up their protests. The Hound has no choice but to carry three pups in his arms.
I chuckle as I watch Sage make a fuss, like always. He liked having his front paws on Sandor's shoulder, and so he fussed until he got what he wanted. Sandor cradled the two girls in his arms.
"You were saying?" mutters my husband, pretending to be more annoyed than he actually was. 
I frown, "they don't like it when I carry them."
"You can't carry them," he adjusts his hold, "not all at once."
I huff and pet Rose on the head. She leans into my touch.
I look at Sandor, "hmm?"
"You have something to tell me," he repeats.
I weigh the options in my head. I decide on what to say and stop petting Rose in lieu of petting Lilac. I suck in a breath, "I want to buy a melon."
He knits his brows, "what?"
I stroke Sage on the back and he turns around only to look away a second later, "I want to buy a melon. At the festival."
"That's it?"
I nod and lie, "that's it."
He half shrugs, "then we'll get a melon. Why'd you say it like you meant to say you don't want to go with me?"
"I do!"
"You don't want to go-"
He presses his lips together. He is unable to hold back his chuckle but then wipes off his grin, and shrugs, "so? What's the problem?"
"It's just..." I think of an excuse to cover up my lie, "I feel bad that you carried that pumpkin all the way here from the market."
Sandor raises his brows. He looks disgusted. His lips twitch, "I carried a cow once, you know that?"
I blink at his words and debate its truth.
"Look," he rocks the pups in his hands, "three fucking wee cows right now."
I break into a laugh.
He looks like he's about to set the pups down but he stops himself when he sees how they look like they're about to doze off. He sighs, "we're not bringing these mutts."
He grumbles all the way to their dog bed where he gently puts them down.
I babble about why I wanted a melon to Sandor all the way to the festival to continue making my agitation over what I really wanted to tell him subside. We decided to walk because I said I wanted to pick flowers on the way, even though the truth was... I wanted the travel to the festival to be longer.
The festival was a harvest event where the folks celebrated their crops. They held some contests for their livestock and their plants, and they also did pantomime and jigs. At least that's what I could remember from the little memory I had of it as a child.
"Oh, look!" I point to a flower, "that looks beautiful."
Sandor sighs as I rush towards a large flower. He shakes his head and places his hands on his hips as he follows after me, "love, at this point, we're not going to get to the festival. You keep heading the other way."
I pluck the flower and bring it into the small bouquet I had in my hand. I looked at my arrangement and decided it was too... yellow for it.
I shake my head and walk towards Sandor, "too yellow." 
He looks down as I hand it to him. He raises his brows, "what do you want me to do?" He takes the flower and makes a face, "paint it?"
"Mmmmmm.... maybe you can-"
A scream of terror cuts me off.
My heart drops and immediately, Sandor pulls me behind him. He places his hand on his scabbard, glad to never leave the house without steel.
There is a rustle by the foliage.
He says over his shoulder, "step back."
I do so without question.
It doesn't take long until there's a running sound getting closer. Quickly, a woman, ragged and panting, emerges from behind the trees.
Sandor is on his guard.
She was being pursued by a woodland monster. I was mortified to see it and was ready to run back home.
Sandor chuckles when he sees how tiny it was. He screams to taunt the beast and draws it away from me and the woman. Sure enough, the thing begins to head towards him and, in truth, I'm a bit concerned by how easily he killed it and how... happy he looked to do so.
Sandor sheathes his sword without wiping it off and head towards me. He looks at me with concern, "are you alright?"
I stare at him, wondering about the damage killing so many monsters was doing to him.
Sandor looks to the ground and picks something up. He takes my hand and I look down to see him placing the flowers I picked back into my hold. I hadn't even realized I dropped them. It was at this moment I was snapped back into reality. There was a woman being chased just a few seconds ago.
I turn and see the said person, clutching her chest as she caught her breath. I walk towards her, "are you hurt?"
Sandor makes sure to keep me behind him as we approach her.
She gasps for air twice before turning to me to shake her head, "no..." she pants, "but I am thirsty."
I turn to Sandor, who looks at me for a few seconds then her. He tilts his head, "why were you in the woods?"
"Sandor," I scold for not immediately offering to give her water.
"I was trying to forage food," she sighs, "I thought it was safe enough to do that now. Clearly I was wrong "
I nudge Sandor on the rib. He sighs, "you want some water?"
She nods quickly.
He looks at me and I smile at him. I turn to the woman, "my husband and I would be glad to give you some." 
She sighs in relief, "thank you."
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Sandor did not once take his eyes off the woman, not even when I nudged him with my elbow for glaring.
Lorena was her name. I sat next to her on our bench in our front yard, watching as she finished an entire ewer of water.
She sets her cup down on the space between us with a sigh. I smile at her when she turns to me. She wipes her lips on her sleeve, "thank you kindly, lady."
"You're welcome."
"Alright, you had your drink," Sandor says, "time to go."
I make a face as Sandor comes to Lorena's side, "Sandor."
Lorena stands up, "may I say one thing before I go, Lady Clegane."
My forehead wrinkles. I stand as well, "of course. And pay no mind to my husband. You may stay to catch your breath if you'd like."
The Hound scoffs, "then she'll ask for a meal, and a place to stay."
I nearly roll my eyes but decide to cover my annoyance with a smile.
Lorena gives me a solemn expression, "may I speak freely?"
For a second, I wonder why she had to preface with this, but I disregard the thought and nod, "of course."
"You have a monster with you, large and viscous."
My expression drops.  I part my lips, "... I beg your pardon?"
Lorena turns to Sandor. I am flabbergasted by her offensive insinuation 
My eyes dart between the two. My husband seems wholely unfazed by the horrendous accusation, which makes it all the more unbearable for me. I do not get the opportunity to speak however.
"Your endeavor to purge the forest is futile, so long as she lives like this," Lorena tells Sandor.
I chuckle dryly, "I BEG your pardon?!"
She turns to me and knits her brows. She looks worried and shakes her head, "you must get cleansed by a spellcaster who has the same or more power than the one who cursed your family, Lady Clegane."
I freeze at her words. My brows knit. I blink rapidly, stunned by what she was saying now.
Sandor narrows his eyes, "what curse?"
Lorena turns back to Sandor, as if in disbelief of his question. Regardless, she clarifies, "the curse of the forest, of Brown Wood; the curse of her clan."
I gulp at her words. I slap a hand to my mouth, suddenly queasy. A bitter taste grows as the woman continues.
"I grew up in Essos. My mother was a soothsayer. She could read your future from a look of your palm. I inherited but a fraction of her gift, which is why I cannot help you myself."
"Essos?" Sandor scoffs, "let me guess, you're from Volantis?"
Lorena nods, "I am."
The Hound cackles, throwing his head back as he did.
I feel bile rise up my throat.
Lorena looks disgruntled as Sandor calms and shakes his head. "All right, wench," he grabs her arm, "get out of he--"
I run towards a nearby bush and begin to retch. Sandor immediately releases Lorena and dashes to my side.
Lorena looks at me and mutters something foreign under her breath. 
I vomit a good amount before straightening up, weakly leaning into Sandor as he pulls me into his chest. My head is pounding. I hear him repeat my name as he wipes my lips with his sleeve.
"Your monster is fighting back now that it's been recognized," Lorena says with pity.
Sandor enraged, "fuck off! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"
She is taken aback, "but I-"
Lorena flinches and slowly walks back before ultimately running away.
"N-no-" I turn to her, "wa-it!"
Sandor pulls me back, circling around to block me. He clutches my cheeks, lowering himself to examine my face, "are you alright?"
I shake my head in an attempt to push him away. I, in fact, push him, but he doesn't budge, "you scared her off, Sandor! She had more to say-"
"I'd have severed her tongue for it," he quips, placing his hands on my shoulder, pushing me back, "we're going inside."
"But-" but I can only walk in the direction he's dragging me.
Sandor causes as scene when we get inside. He sits me down and starts shouting, "SOMEONE GET FUCKING WATER FOR THE DAMNED LADY OF THE HOUSE, YOU LAZY SHITS."
"Sandor," I whimper, wiping my face as I watch him pace around, demanding attention.
He walks towards me, kneeling by the chair I was sat on. Right on cue, the patter of paws fill the air and three barking pups come running over. Two of them nip at Sandor's clothing, eager for his attention. One of them, Lilac, barks at me, loudly requesting to be picked up.
I huff and chuckle at the creatures, shushing them while picking up Lilac, "don't upset your father more than he already is."
Sandor's heart skips when he hears that. Aye, it was not the first time he's heard it but it doesn't make it any less exciting for him. He looks over his shoulder and eyes the pups, "shut it."
Rose howls and sticks out her tongue.
"Stupid bitch," he grumbles.
I frown, "Sandor."
He clears his throat.
A servant comes with an ewer and a cup. I'm about to say thank you, but Sandor barks out to call Maester Yannick, and so the poor thing scurries off to do just that.
"That's enough," I scowl at him, "I'm fine."
Sandor's face sours, "you fucking vomited-- fine my arse."
"You heard her," I sigh and cuddle with Lilac, "it's the curse reacting to-"
"You're not cursed," Sandor quips.
My eyes water.
A beat passes.
I watch Sandor's expression harden. At the same time, Sage begins his attempt to climb up the chair. Sandor moves his leg around when Rose begins to nip at ends of his trousers.
With a raised brow and an eye roll, Sandor picks both Sage and Rose, handing them over to me.
The reunited siblings begin to silently play with each other on my lap. Their legs kick my arms and chest but I could not care less.
"That cunt bitch was hired by Littlefinger to fuck with you," Sandor stands and peers down at me, "don't you see? She's conveniently from Volantis and can see monster remnants-- HA-- even I can do a better job than that."
I begin to feel my stomach sour again, my face scrunching in return. 
Sandor is flooded with concern. At the same time, the puppies begin to jump off me. He hisses, "gods," bending down to prevent the pups from injuring themselves.
The siblings chase each other around the room and sequentially find a toy to play with.
I take a deep breath, which thankfully helps to calm my stomach. I sigh, "I don't think so."
He looks at me.
"I think she sincerely wants to help."
He deflates his lungs. He calls my name again, "you're not-"
"You're forgetting I was there," I mutter, feeling my throat constrict, "someone came here to Brown Wood that day and unleashed this."
His brows knit tightly when I grab his hand. He kneels again when I tug him, bringing his palm to my side
"A monster didn't scar me, Sandor, a man did."
I feel him tighten his grip on my left hip.
My emotions best me.
Sandor doesn't move an inch as I cry into my hands. Something horrendous eats away at him. His hand tenses, but he decides - fuck it - and pulls me towards him. He rubs my waist as I wipe my cheeks.
I bring my arms around his shoulders, calming myself down with the warmth of him. He sighs where I sob. He whispers, "I'm here, sweet wife. No one else will lay a finger on you."
My chest tightens at his words.
Then it dawns on me... I was meant to die that night. The monsters were for my family, and I survived. I'm the reason why this pestilence plagues Brown Wood.
I pull away from Sandor when I realize this.
He recoils with shock.
I stand and run outside, passing maester Yannick, as I make my way to a bush to vomit again.
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I lie in bed feeling horrible after having so many people fuss over me. Sandor wound up snarling at the servants waiting outside my door, scaring them off to give me some privacy.
Maester Yannick pats my hand after he finishes examining me, "you're going to be fine. If I'm being blunt, you had quite a dramatic reaction."
I sink into the cushions as I watch the old man gather his things, readying to leave, "of course, some bodies are more naturally dramatic than others," he turns to Sandor, ho was standing by the door, "take your husband for example. He's not got a bone in his body made with dramatics."
I look at Sandor; his face is indignant and his crossed arms make him appear more tense.
"Of course, that can also be worrying," Yannick says as he walks towards him. He pats his shoulder, "our body's reactions are telling of its conditions, and yours it telling you it needs rest."
The Hound eyes him as he exits the room. Maester Yannick shoos the people who've come back to snoop on the situation.
Sandor promptly locks the door. I lean into my pillow and watch him walk over to me.
I feel my throat tighten as he sits down on the other side of the bed. My eyes water a bit as he looks me over. He mumbles incredibly softly, "are you alright, pretty squirrel?"
I clench my jaw and sink into the sheets, "no."
He sighs. He sounds uneasy, "should I get you anything?"
Before I can respond, Sandor snaps.
"Fuck that old cunt. Dramatic or not, you spewed out everything you ate in the bushes. You need something."
I feel my vision blur. I rapidly shake my head and blink away the tears, "I'm tired, s'all."
"You need to eat something."
I reach out to him, "hold me instead?"
Sandor freezes. He proceeds to remove his shoes and gets under the sheets. He lies back and pulls me into him.
I nestle my face into his chest.
He gives out a deep sigh. He slowly speaks my name.
I lift my face and catch the worry on his.
He eyes me and presses his lip together, "you... you don't think this could be..."
I watch him as his gaze wanders, as if looking for the words to say. His hand rubs down my back. He turns to me again, "... you know..."
I knit my brows, "because I was upset about the curse?"
"Mmm-- no-" he sniffles, "because you're... carrying..."
I look at him with confusion but then it slips into realization. I perk and sit up slightly. I shake my head and offer a smile, "ah. Well... it's not improbable."
He looks at me in expectation.
I turn to his shirt, eyeing the fabric with artificial interest. I absentmindedly feel the fabric with my finger, "maester Yannick has his suspensions but he told me not to worry about it."
He shifts to towards me. He rubs my shoulders, but I still do not look up at him. He asks, "are you worried about it?"
"I'm cursed, husband," I mutter. Tears drip onto his top, "of course I'm worried. It's no wonder I cannot keep a child."
His brows tighten. He calls out my name.
I refuse to look at him. A dam of tears threaten to burst if I do.
Sandor runs his fingers down my spine and sighs, "everything I ever touch goes to shit." He grabs my hip and pulls me close.
I turn to him and nestle my face into his chest.
He traps me in his arms, "but you... you turn my shit into gold."
I hold back my tears but the sobs come out anyway. I grip onto his collar for dear life. He tightens his hold on me. We remain like this until I've wet his shirt and forced myself to calm down. He holds me all throughout, the sound of his breathing lulls me.
"There were 5 of them," I mumble against him.
Sandor doesn't say a word.
"They killed every one of our servants, then my father... my poor younger brother and sister," I lick my lips, tasting the salt of my tears, "I only survived because I was not inside that day; my older brothers snuck me out to watch them ride."
I laugh at the memory of them fighting over my approval.
Sandor's heart clenches at the sound.
"Those five men were covered in blood when they found us. They told us what they did to Brown Wood, the curse they set, the lives they took to do it. They told us what they were going to do to my brothers... to me. My eldest brother managed to maim one of them before he was beaten into the ground. My other brother gave his life to put me on his horse," I push myself up and look at him, "one managed to dig his knife into me before the steed bolted away."
Sandor watches as I take his hand. I bite my lip to keep myself from sobbing.
He straightens up and wipes my face with his free palm. He rubs down to my shoulder, "your brother wanted you to live. They all would have wanted you to live a happy life."
I laugh through my sob, "they would not want Brown Wood to be cursed, none of them would."
"But it's not your fault," he speaks tenderly, "you had nothing to do with it."
"They chased after me," I muttered, "the monsters."
A line forms between his brows.
"They chased me and my brother's horse into the woods, and all I did was scream and beg the poor creature to keep running as I clung onto its neck. I lead those monsters into the forest. Those vile creatures are hurting the people here because I was meant to fall with my br-"
"Enough," he grabs my shoulders.
I make a pained sound, "don't you see?!"
He is taken aback when I fight him away, but he does not release me.
"I've cursed you too! You think I've given you gold, when I truth you've been thrown here to die!"
Sandor cups my face.
"I was never meant to have you," I grab his wrists, trying to yank him away, "I was not meant to have anyone."
I eventually give up trying to free myself from his touch. It's not like I actually wanted to be in the first place.
He swallows a thick lump in his throat. "Aye," he furrows his brows, "you were never meant to have me. I was sworn to a bastard king, destined to die for him with nothing else to live for.
"The day King's Landing was attacked from Blackwater Bay, I saw my life flash before my eyes. I saw my end in the flames," he squeezes my arms, "and I saw you... my poor lady wife, my meek and naïve little bride. I knew what they'd do to you, to you, your wench, and your lame dog if I died that night."
My heart hurts, and clenches, and twists at his soft voice. I notice the glint in his eyes, the water waiting to spill.
"You say you're my curse," he takes my hands and rubs my knuckles. He looks at me and tightens his grip. He shakes his head, knitting his brows deeply together, "you are my purpose."
My lips quiver. My breathing grows heavy.
"I will not have you harmed, by blade, by claw or curse," he leans forward and scoops me on to his lap. He seals me into a tight embrace, "let me handle this."
I suck in a breath.
"Let me keep you safe."
I sigh slowly and nod my head. I snuggle my face into his neck and mutter softly, "I trust you."
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I wake up to an empty bed. I knit my brows at it and look out the window. It seems like I was early in the morning. I scratch my eyes. Or, wait... was it still night?
Gods, I am disoriented.
I reach out to Sandor's side, hand slapping on the vacant cushion, and sigh. 
I notice some candles in the room were lit. Maybe he woke up for a wee.
I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep.
I feel sick to my stomach.
I groan.
I peel my heavy eyes open, thinking this was going to be impossible if Sandor doesn't come back soon.
I watch the sky through the window. Long moments later, I hear the door open.
I turn to see Sandor walking in. I sit up when I notice him holding a tray.
He stops in his tracks, "... you're not supposed to be awake yet..."
"You left," I retort.
"I made sure not to make a sound."
"What is that?"
Sandor turns to his tray and walks over, "something to eat when you wake." He heads towards me and places the object down on the bedside table, "it's meant to be cool by the time you did."
I knit my brows as he sits on the edge of the bed. I glance at the bowl of porridge, feeling my heart warm and pinch at his concern. I reach out to him and he sandwiches my hand in both of his, "how are you feeling?"
"Tired," I mutter.
"You haven't eaten anything since you emptied your guts."
"I'm not hungry, husband."
"Because you've let your hunger pass," he says sternly, a line forming between his brows.
I press my lips tightly and pull my hand out of his grip. I slowly reach out to his cheek, "may I?"
Sandor hesitates but responds by pressing my palm on his scarred face. He is rigid against my touch. It seems like he won't let up. I release him from his misery by moving my touch to his chest. He immediately relaxes. I mutter, "I'll eat in a little while."
Sandor touches the hand on his chest, "you probably woke up because you're hungry."
I chuckle softly and shake my head, "I woke because you weren't there."
He grunts.
"It's cold," I add.
"I know what can warm you up."
My stomach flips when he leans forward. But then, he reaches out for a spoon and says, "porridge."
I watch as he brings a spoonful of porridge to his lips to blow at it. When he thinks it's cool enough, he brings it towards me.
I have to bite my lips to hold back my laugh but eventually bring myself to eat, for his sake. I lick my lips after and he looks at me expectantly. I smile, "it's delicious. Thank you."
Sandor shakes his head, "it's not delicious. You're just hungry."
He goes for another scoop.
I watch as he blows the spoonful, "did you make it?"
"Nay, the castle ghost did," he brings the spoon to my lips.
I give him a look.
"... I did."
I eat the porridge.
Sandor goes for another scoop but I stop him by grabbing his arm.
We stare at each other for a moment. I shift on the mattress and get on my knees. I push myself up, becoming slightly taller than him as I did. I crawl over.
He watches me, eyes raking up and down my form. 
He stiffens when I bring my leg on his lap and take a seat there. I rest my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around him, "I told you, I'm not hungry."
"I'm not a little girl that need be spoon-fed." 
I hear him put the spoon down. He places his hands on my hips.
"You don't have to treat me this way."
"Foolish wife," he sigh, "you took care of me once."
He rubs my back.
I slowly pull away and look at him.
He rubs my sides, "more than once. Much more."
My lips part. My brows knit.
"I'm hardened. I have no instinct for tenderness, only instinct to survive," he lowers his head, "you will not survive if you don't eat."
I sigh, expression melting, "oh, puppy. One missed meal will not kill me."
He scowls.
I bite my lip and cling on to the fabric of his top, "I swear to you, I will eat in a little while."
He sighs heavily through his nostrils.
I pout, "can we just go back to sleep for now?"
Sandor takes his time to respond.
"Please, puppy-"
He flinches.
"I'm still so sleepy."
He sighs dramatically, "fine. As you wish, little girl."
I purse my lips, "I'm not a little girl."
"The don't be bratty," he quips, " or I will have you over my knee."
My eyes widen as he pushes me off. He stands and blows out the candles.
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I grunt and whine when I wake. My heart was racing, as I've had a terrible nightmare. I was in the corner of a room, the scar on my hip was a wound bleeding out, and I was waiting for whatever was outside to finally come get me.
It eventually entered to do just that, slowly peeling the wooden door open with a horrible creek. A massive, molten creature scratched down the door and steps forward. My heart was in my mouth as it looked at me.
And then it lurched, and I was awake.
I was awake with a heavy weight on top of my chest. I throw whatever it was away from me, only realizing after that it was Sandor's arm.
I sit up with a gasp, and I wait for him to curse at me for rattling him. He doesn't. He doesn't curse. He doesn't wake up.
I sigh with guilt. I fix his arm, rubbing it to make up for what I did. He snores and my eyes crinkle at it.
Oh, to sleep like a hound.
I look at the window and see the sun glistening upon the outside. I turn to my the porridge Sandor had left on the table and smile. I decide to get up and head to the bathroom before eating it.
I freshen up and relieve myself. My face falls when I find red in my skirts. For a moment, I deny it. I stare and touch it, disgusted by the very real wetness that meets my fingers. I sigh and, suddenly feel tears flood my eyes. Disappointment and sadness clogs my chest. 
By the time, I change my garments and check the bed for any stains, finding none, I was a sobbing mess.
I sit beside Sandor, heaving as I look at his sleeping form. I take the bowl of porridge and eat it. It was barely warm at this point. I leave not a drop.
I could not keep myself inside the bedroom, because all there was for me here was to cry, and I didn't want to wake my husband.
I take my tray of empty porridge and head to the kitchen. Many of the servants were already awake and working at this point, and each of the ones who greeted me had their smiles faltering at sight of my face.
I rub my tear stained cheeks.
I think I want strawberry pie.
It was pathetic that I wasn't distracted by work, that the tears kept coming as I measured, and mixed, and poured, and picked ingredients to make my favorite dessert. Not the smell nor the taste of this labour, which was meant be done with love, took away from this hopelessness in my belly, the hollowness of it all.
And as concerned as Lucy, as Yannick, as Margaret, as Arron, as Polly, as anyone who saw me was, I told them only that I needed to make this pie, and that they leave me be.
I finished two by the time Sandor woke up.
I look up at him from across the room; he had called out my name. He looked small... and scared from there. I look back down at my bowl and continue to mix the strawberries for the third pie I'm making.
I feel him walk towards me. I feel him come to my side. I do not anticipate whatever he means to do. I grab my pie tin and pour the contents in.
Sandor watches. He watches me place the top layer of dough on my pie and fashion its crust.
He calls my name again. I ignore him in lieu of completing my task.
Just as I finished, Sandor takes the pie and moves it away. He grunts, "enough fucking pie."
Finally, I look up at him. He looks so... fiercely concerned, so distressed and worried. It makes me feel sick.
"What's wrong?" he whispers.
The question... spurs me. What's wrong?
"I don't fucking know," I hiss, through tears.
Everything is wrong.
Sandor is visibly shocked by my response. This may well be the first time he's ever seen me act and speak like this.
"Do not speak to me. I don't want to speak with you," I snap and walk off. My chest hurts as I do so. My legs take me outside to the gardens, in front of Daisy's grave.
I am wrong.
It seems at this point, I no longer have any tears to cry. I sob, but no tears come out. My emotions crumple me down on the soil. I sit there in dismay. The fabric on my knees are stained brown.
I hear paws pattering. Feet are running towards me. Warm fur rubs against me. There are no barks, only wet noses and low whines.
I am irritated at first, but then Sage forces his way into my lap, and suddenly, it's all gone.
I curl my legs together. The daisies on Daisy's grave were plenty now. I find myself talking to her about the three puppies in my arms. I tell her how much she would have loved them. I tell her how sorry I am for bringing her to a place where she wasn't safe.
Lilac spots something behind me and begins to bark. Judging by the wag of her tail, I knew exactly what she saw.
I turn over my shoulder and see Sandor, nervous and hesitant.
I release the puppies from my arms and two trot over to Sandor; Rose stays by my side.
"Shall I leave?" Sandor asks.
I stare at him for a moment, feeling to scared to tell him no, to ask him of anything at this moment, so I just shake my head.
He walks over to me. The pups follow and run back into my lap. Sandor sits on the ground beside me.
We sit there in silence. I feel my husband look at me, examine me, unsure of his next more. He decides to simply pet the pups and be there. I am grateful for it.
"I'm sorry," I eventually mutter, "I was horrid."
"... honestly," he mutters, "it made me think this was probably what I'm like with you."
I look at the daisies in front of me. I look at the gravestone for my dog. I look at my husband, who was stroking Rose's dark fur. I tell him, "you're not like this."
His brow darts up, "aye," he frowns, " 'm far worse."
I shake my head, "... the world has been cruel to you, my love."
Sandor's brows knit tightly, "aye, and to you." His hand moves to mine. My breathing strains when he squeezes it, "I kill people that piss me off... you bake pies."
He looks at the daisies, "I don't know what's upset you, but," he looks back at me, "if you want to bake some more... I can help."
I give him a soft smile. I shake my head and mumble, "enough fucking pies."
He sigh, "I'm sorry I-"
"It's alright. I'm tired."
He sighs again.
"... I suppose it's a good time as any to tell you..."
I drop my head on his shoulder in defeat, "I'm not with child."
I feel him look down at me.
".. there was blood on my skirt when I woke," I look up at him and press my lips into a line, "I think it's just how... it'll always be... no matter what we do... what I do..."
Sandor's brows furrow. He turns and reaches for my face. When he swipes his thumb on my cheek, my eyes water.
I chew my lip and dryly chuckle, lips quivering as I did so, "do you still want me?"
His expression tightens. He shakes it head, as if he was just struck, and tightens his hold on me, "I've never wanted anything so badly."
"... Sandor... I'm curs-"
"Then I pray I'll be fucking cursed forever."
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munson-blurbs · 3 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 9: The Hideout
Word Count: 715/Rating: T/Pairing: none/CW: hurt/some comfort, canon compliant, drinking, grief, mention of Eddie's death/Tags: Wayne Munson, Eddie Munson, Jeff, Grant, Gareth, The Hideout
Divider credit to @silkholland
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“Can I get something for ya, Mr. Munson?”
Wayne didn’t even notice the bartender approach him and lean his elbows on the counter. He shook his head before remembering that if he didn’t order something, they’d probably give him the boot. 
“Whatever’s on tap.”
The bartender nodded and left to fill a cloudy glass with a beer that was bound to be half-foam. 
Wayne took in his surroundings while he waited. The Hideout looked exactly how he remembered it, despite the promised renovations after the earthquake hit. The countertop was still sticky with a mysterious residue, the air still smelled like old frying oil, and the sound emanating from the speakers was more garbled crackling than music. 
There was an obvious difference; acknowledging it made Wayne sick to his stomach. It was a reality he had to face every moment of every day.
His eyes instinctively landed on the makeshift stage buried in the corner of the bar. Every Tuesday night, just like tonight, his nephew and his bandmates would ascend the single step and put on a show for the drunkards barely hanging onto consciousness. Despite their less-than-enthused audience, Corroded Coffin performed like it was a sold-out world tour.
Wayne couldn’t make it to every show, but he’d take a night off every few months and make sure to swing by and catch the boys in action. The very first time he saw Corroded Coffin play at The Hideout, he was astounded by the sheer happiness on Eddie’s face. In Wayne’s opinion, it was even more incredible than the sight of his ringed fingers flying over the frets. That smile never faltered, even if the crowd jeered.
The bartender slid the glass in front of Wayne, meeting his gaze. “We miss him around here,” he says quietly. “He was a good kid.”
Tears misted over Wayne’s eyes, and he blinked them away before any could trickle down his stubble-coated cheeks. “No, he wasn’t. He was a pain in your ass.” He huffed out as much of a laugh as he could muster.
“Yeah, but he was a pain in my ass with a good heart.”
Wayne nodded. He sipped his beer silently, letting the liquid fizz out on his tongue before swallowing. He wasn’t sure why he’d stopped by; it felt like a special sort of torture. Everything about The Hideout reminded him of Eddie. Eddie, who should have been there tonight, warming up and tuning the guitar he cherished like it was his child. Getting ready to play ear-splitting music for the residents of a town who never appreciated him.
“Mr. Munson?”
Wayne looked up, expecting to see the bartender, but the voice came from someone beside him. Jeff was giving him a small smile, concern evident in his eyes. Gareth and Grant stood behind Jeff and wore equally worried expressions.
“Boys.” Wayne gave a quick bob of his head. “You playing tonight?”
Gareth shook his head, his curls bouncing. “Nah. We haven’t played since…” He trailed off, but Wayne could fill in the blanks.
Since the earthquake.
Since the bar reopened.
Since Eddie died.
“We still come here every Tuesday and have a drink in his honor,” Grant said. “It’s…weird without him, but it feels like what he would want us to do. Stick together and all that.”
“Yeah.” It was all Wayne managed. 
Jeff bit the inside of his cheek. He glances at the two other young men, who nod in the silent agreement that only comes from long-standing friendship. “Can we sit with you?”
“Oh.” Wayne blinked in surprise. “You sure you wanna hang out with a sad-sack old man like me?”
In response, the boys pulled their stools closer.
“Eddie…” Gareth started, “Eddie loved when you came to our shows. It meant a lot to him, especially because we don’t exactly play music you like.”
Wayne chuckled. “Yeah, well, I’m more of a Johnny Cash kinda guy.” He took a large gulp of his beer. “But I wish I could hear Ed play one more time.”
“Us, too.” Grant sucked his teeth. “Do you…do you wanna talk about him?”
Wayne’s answer felt like an exhale, a release of the pain and anguish he’d been keeping inside since the Henderson boy delivered the news of Eddie’s fate.
“Yeah. I do.”
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mywitchyblog · 4 days
Can someone please explain to me who the hell is so upset with me that they’ve resorted to going into other shifters' ask boxes as an anonymous user and started bullying them in my name? It honestly baffles me that someone would stoop so low. If you have an issue with me or something I’ve said, be direct. I’m not one to hide behind anonymity or drag innocent people into something they have nothing to do with. If I had a problem with you, trust me, I’d say it to your face. I don’t need to hide in the shadows.
Now, there are only two possibilities for what’s going on here, and neither of them reflect well on the person responsible:
The first possibility is that this person is intentionally creating drama by sending themselves an anonymous ask. Maybe they’re looking for attention or trying to stir up conflict where there is none. It's sad, honestly, if that’s what’s happening because it just shows how far some people are willing to go to manufacture chaos.
The second possibility is that I’ve managed to piss someone off to the point where they’re now impersonating me, using my name to spread hate and start fights in spaces where I’m not even involved. If this is the case, I can’t say I’m surprised that someone would go this route rather than confront me directly, but it’s still frustrating. I don’t hide from criticism, and I won’t shy away from addressing issues head-on. But to use my identity in such a toxic way? That’s crossing a line.
To the person this happened to (I found out about this through a mutual, and I want you to know that I’m aware), I am truly sorry. I hate that this situation has dragged you into something you didn’t ask for, and I genuinely wish it hadn’t happened. But let me be absolutely clear: it wasn’t me. I did not send those messages, and I would never engage in that kind of behavior. It’s not how I handle things, and it’s certainly not how I treat others.
You are fully entitled to your own opinion, just like I’m entitled to mine. I’ve never denied that right to anyone, and I wouldn’t start now. We don’t have to agree on everything, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to attack you for your perspective or allow someone else to use my name to do so. That’s not how this works.
And just to set the record straight for the final time: I am not a pedophile, nor do I endorse, encourage, or support anything related to that disgusting behavior. It’s beyond insulting that I even have to keep repeating this, but here we are. In fact, I went out of my way to age myself up by a few years or to completely discard the DRs that felt problematic or uncomfortable. I’ve always been mindful of the spaces I navigate, especially when it comes to shifting, and I’ve made conscious decisions about what I’m comfortable with.
If you’re unhappy or confused about something I’ve said or done, talk to me like a human being. Bring it to me, and let’s figure it out. Don’t jump to conclusions or, worse, involve other people who aren’t even a part of the conversation. It’s cowardly and completely unnecessary. This whole thing could’ve been avoided with a little bit of maturity and honest communication.
At the end of the day, it’s honestly pathetic to bully other people just because they happen to have a different opinion than yours. Why are you so bothered by someone else’s perspective that you’d go out of your way to hurt them or cause unnecessary drama? We’re all individuals here, and our experiences with shifting, our journeys, and our beliefs are going to vary. No two people will see everything the same way, and that’s okay. It’s actually something to be embraced. What’s not okay is tearing each other down because of those differences. That only reflects poorly on you and shows how little respect you have for other people’s paths.
So, let’s try a little harder to be civil and respectful. You don’t have to agree with me, and I don’t have to agree with you, but at the very least, we can treat each other with decency.
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lawbin-archive · 8 months
The chemistry between Law & Robin
Yes, I'm talking about Lawbin's chemistry today.
Before you reading it, I have nothing against other ships. Law and Robin have chemistry with others as well. And I'm not comparing lawbin with any of them.
If you comment something like "[other ship] better" "I hate them" "even [a character] has more chemistry than them" "this ship is boring" etc., these kind of unreasonable, without proofs and rude comments. it's just proving that you are an immature and narrow-minded person that can't read or accept other opinion. Please respect each other and our personal space. I do welcome any other opinion with polite and civilized attitude.
If you are wondering why I need to set up a warning every time, it's because there are tons of annoying people in the internet.
I know I talked about their chemistry on twitter already, but I want to rant more about it lol so let's dive in.
Before everything, let's define chemistry. The definition of chemistry is "a quality that exists when two people understand and are attracted to each other" - from Cambridge dictionary So first of all, do Law and Robin understand each other?
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In my opinion, yes and the first evidence is Robin can tell Law told the navy about green bit just by his face. and Law can also understand the danger of CP0. You might say they were just being investigative, observable and knowledgable. But that's the qualities you need to understand each other. In any relationship, you need to be communicative, have the same knowledge and observing each other emotions to understand each other.
Well, that's just the surface of understanding. Other than that, Law and Robin also have the same understanding on how hard is to learn the history (including void century and will of D). It's important to both of them because that's what Robin and Law dream of. Personally, I would say it's really difficult to find a person who has the same dream as you, understand how hard it is to archive and can archive with you. Especially, with all the Ohara's scholars eliminated and Robin searching poneglyph by herself for so long, she almost gave up and finally there is someone who has the same dream as her and can accompany her. I would say this is a very strong foundation of understanding and connections.
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You might say, but she's already searching poneglyph with straw hats. But none of them really cares the history. Of course, it's important that the straw hats are supporting her and having her back. But only Law can fully understand her dream and know how hard it is. That's the special bonding they have.
Now that we know they have the same understanding on ponelgyph, isn't the underground Wano scenes more meaningful? Robin was searching poneglyph all by herself and now Law can accompany with her. All what Law did before defeating Doflamingo is to get revenge for Corazon, and now he finally found something he wants to do and he is interested with. And he's not achieving the goal by himself*.
*Note: Yes the straw hats helped him to defeat Doflamingo, but no one - I don't think even Robin knows the real reason. He has been taking all the responsibility and stress by himself. You can tell when he said he want to die with Luffy. That's how much burden he had. He didn't even want to involve the Heart pirates to begin with. To me, he's truly free and looking for what he's really interested after defeating Doflamingo.
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side notes: Robin discovered ruins of Shandora by herself on the left panel, Robin and Law discovered ruins of underground Wano on the right panel. They both discovered in a square shaped tunnel, coincidence? On top of that, they have similar background and experience*. Why is this important? Because it makes them so easy to understand each other. They don't need to put themselves in each other's shoes to know how the person's feel. They have been through what each other been through. They already felt what each other felt. They can build connection instantly just by sharing their background. *I will make another post to talk about their similarities - it's kinda crazy to me how similar they are lol, but if you're interested what similarities they have, please read this.
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Well Oda hasn't shown they know about each other experience yet, but Law already knew Robin can read poneglyph, with Law's personality and always updated with news, isn't hard for him to figure it out that she's the sole survivor of Ohara which is the same for him. Another thing is Law trusts Robin enough to tell her his real name. You might think is not a big deal, but Law is a distrusting person and it's a family secret, I don't think he would tell a potential future enemy his full name with so little of trust. [he was kinda threatened when he told Baby 5 & Buffalo, he only told Sengoku and Doflamingo he is a D*] Robin is the only member of straw hats that know his full name. *You might asked but Sengoku might be an enemy too, first he's retired, second he's the father figure for Corazon, that alone can let Law trust him enough to tell him the D and third he thinks he might know something about it. And for Doflamingo, I think he just wants to provoke him.
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So they did build trust and bonding before he told her real name. It might be she saved him, it might be the alliance, it might also be they talked about their experience. Just one of my assumptions. Robin also told him she's also interested in the same thing. And here you go - they build an understanding and connection with their goals and dream.
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Besides, they both have a similar dark humor. It's important to understand each other joke, right?
So they know each other have similar goals, similar background and similar personality. Isn't it really easy for them to understand each other and build bonding?
So, are they attracted with each other?
I would say maybe. Let's define what's attracted means. "If someone is attracted to someone else, he or she likes the other person or is interested in that person." - Cambridge dictionary Let's look at Law → Robin first, because I think that's a more obvious one. We talked about Law told Robin his real name which is something that drawn them closer. So that's one of the evidence. Another scene is when Law finds Robin in flower capital. Yes I'm brining it up again, because their conversation is so interesting.
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Law said "You weren't with the others...so obviously I was suspicious." I found Law very cute here, because when did he get suspicious before? LOL From my memories, you can correct me if I'm wrong, Law never get suspicious to any straw hats for the entire alliance, and now he's getting "suspicious"? On top of that, straw hats were separated, Nami was having fun with Otama, Jimbei was having dinner by himself. There are tons of people in flower capital, he only notice Robin is missing and he's only "suspicious" about Robin.* He also searched the whole flower capital and the palace just to find her. I think that's a proof that he cares about her and her whereabouts. *You might say he followed her because of the poneglyph, I already explain it before so I'm not gonna repeat myself again. Please just refer to this post.
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Also, when Robin crawled up on the tunnel. Law using his ability to switch places between him and something else. In the anime, it was Robin's sweat, but in the manga it's Robin's hair accessories. (the pop effect on Robin's head) Of course, it's really polite of him to not crawl behind Robin haha But how long did he look at Robin until she reached to the window and searching for something that he can switched place with.(I don't think he can shambles randomly at this point lol) That's also one of the reasons I think he's attracted to her - always paid attention to her and create proximity with her.
Let's talk about Robin → Law, I think Robin also shown she's interested to Law. As I mentioned above, she already told him she's also interested the meaning of D. I think talking about what you're interested is also a sign of you're interested to the person and willing to engage with them with the same hobby. Besides, Robin teased Law twice. The first one is in Dressrosa when she said "You have a sly look on your face." And the second time is the scene above when she said "I'm surprised you sniffed us out."* *Note that the original japanese text didn't indicate the subject in this sentence, but from their conversation, it's implied that Law only suspicious about Robin. I don't think he had interacted with Sukiyaki before lol
If I remember correctly, Robin rarely teasing other people except when she's interested. The only time I remember she teased someone is when she asked Luffy to let her join the crew which when she's interested in Luffy (non-romantically).* *again, I might be wrong, maybe there are other times. Other than that, I found it really cute when she said "No fair...". Robin rarely shown her childish (in a cute way), jealousy side of her. [I think when she said "No fair" means Law used his ability, kind of like jealous of his ability or he's cheating because she crawled all the way up] And it's interesting that she shown this playful side of her in front of him twice in this scene.
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On top of that, Robin risked her body to save Law during Dressrosa. She was worrying about Law too. I think if it's someone you don't care, you won't worry or save them. If I really need to pull out another example, she didn't bother to help Bartolomeo when he was falling. But on the other side, she did care about Rebecca and saved her as well. (to provide different views) Also, Robin did worry about Law when she's under green bit and she was worrying about he's losing his arm.
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I think it's pretty rare for Robin to worry about other guys outside of straw hats. And that might be a proof that she cared about Law and might attracted to him.
One piece rarely shown mutual romantic relationship, so it's surprised me that it's kinda hinting they are interested to each other especially the scenes in Wano. Although it's not obvious and not everyone sees it in that way, I think their relationship is cute regardless.
I actually found this post is really hard to write especially when you need to explain something that's a feeling and not something logical.
At the end, I think having chemistry or are they attracted to each other are really subjective to every one. Even though I pulled out definition, I think everyone has its own definition on chemistry. In my opinion, I think chemistry can appear in friendship, family or romantically. So if you only see their chemistry as platonic friends or comrade, I think that's totally reasonable. I'm not writing this to let everyone agrees with me. I just want to provide my perspective of their interactions. And personally, I like connections in emotionally & mentally more than physical intimacy, hence, why I like them.
It's really long post again, thank you for reading it. Again, I appreciate any opinion if you comment politely! :)
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hotdilfs11 · 8 months
☆゜・。。Do You Love Me? 。。・゜☆
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✩pairings: Newt x reader, Gally x reader, Minho x reader(friendship)
✩ summary- Y/n is the only girl in the glade and she's gotten close to the boys there to the point of having feelings. She loves Gally and Newt very much but who would she chose? And who would she hurt? Y/n is spiraling and scared about losing two of her closest friends.
warnings: none
The Glade. It’s home, peaceful, and full of life, love, and adventure. I’m the only girl in the glade as of now. I came out of the little crate thingy about a month ago, and I’ve made many friends since then. Even though we're all trapped here, I’ve never felt this at home before. It’s a warm and comforting feeling that I’ll never forget. The people that made it feel like home are the people I trust with my fucking life, my ride-or-die, and my day-to-day. Minho, Newt, and Gally
 Minho. I run with him, and yes, I said it; I’m a runner. It seems crazy, but the first day I got here, I wanted to be a runner, and I begged Minho to make me a runner, and he did. Now we're closer than ever. He's like a big brother to me; he protects me, and we fight sometimes, but we get along well. Anyway, I ran the maze with him. We trust each other, trust each other's opinions, and trust each other's judgment. We’re best friends, and I love him so much.
Gally. He’s very protective of me. You can say he’s overprotective at times. I get pushed around, someone argues with me, or someone messes with me. Gally is always there to back me up. On the first day of my being in the Glade, Gally challenged me in the wrestling sand circle. He told me the rules, and we fought. I didn’t win; I fought like hell too. I tricked him once he busted his ass, but in the end, I won everyone’s respect. I earned Gally's respect. Now we fight and tease each other. I love him too; he’s my other best friend.
Finally Newt. He’s such a sweetheart. I can admit I had some trouble fitting in here. I’ve started fights and finished them. I was angry at the world for sending me here, and the only one who told me it was okay was Newt. That's why I love him so much. When I was in the box, he was the first one to jump down and say “It’s a girl” in a heavy British accent. He was the first one to give me a tour. He cared for me, comforted me, fed me; he just took care of me. I hung out with him every day, having deep, long conversations almost every day and sharing everything we could remember about each other. I feel at home with him. I feel warmth and comfort. He always has my back, even when I’m in the wrong.
“LETS GO, Y/N” Minho shouted as sweat poured down his face. His scream bounced off the rusty concrete walls as we sprinted through the maze. Our shoes slammed hard on the ground as we reached the end of the maze, but I couldn’t run anymore. My legs and arms were on fire, with sweat dripping down my face. I licked my lips, tasting the sweet saltiness of my sweat still running and fighting through the pain I’m enduring. We make a sharp turn, seeing the Glade dead ahead of us, but my legs feel like they’re about to go out. I couldn’t breathe anymore. My clothes were sticking to my clothes as the scorching sun punched my face. It felt like my head was going to explode. But I didn’t give up, though I fought like hell to get out of the maze. As everything came to a blur, I fell to the ground, feeling the soft green grass hug my face. The smell made me relax as I sunk into it, making every ounce of my problems fly out the window. 
"Minho, go on without me... I gotta, I gotta lay down for a second,” I say as I try to catch my breath.
Running around me Minho yells, "Okay, I’ll bring you some water!”
“Uh huh,” I murmured, covering my face with my left arm and blocking the sun from my eyes. I sat there for about ten minutes until I felt a strong presence creep towards me. A large shadow stood over me, and it took me a while to say something because of how sore my muscles were.
The Glade. It’s home, peaceful, and full of life, love, and adventure. I’m the only girl in the glade as of now. I came out of the little crate thingy about a month ago, and I’ve made many friends since then. Even though we're all trapped here, I’ve never felt this at home before. It’s a warm and comforting feeling that I’ll never forget. The people that made it feel like home are the people I trust with my fucking life, my ride-or-die, and my day-to-day. Minho, Newt, and Gally
 Minho. I ran with him, and yes, I said it; I’m a runner. It seems crazy, but the first day I got here, I wanted to be a runner, and I begged Minho to make me a runner, and he did. Now we're closer than ever. He's like a big brother to me; he protects me, and we fight sometimes, but we get along well. Anyway, I ran the maze with him. We trust each other, trust each other's opinions, and trust each other's judgment. We’re best friends, and I love him so much.
Gally. He’s very protective of me. You can say he’s overprotective at times. I get pushed around, someone argues with me, or someone messes with me. Gally is always there to back me up. On the first day of my being in the Glade, Gally challenged me in the wrestling sand circle. He told me the rules, and we fought. I didn’t win; I fought like hell too. I tricked him once he busted his ass, but in the end, I won everyone’s respect. I earned Gally's respect. Now we fight and tease each other. I love him too; he’s my other best friend.
Finally Newt. He’s such a sweetheart. I can admit I had some trouble fitting in here. I’ve started fights and finished them. I was angry at the world for sending me here, and the only one who told me it was okay was Newt. That's why I love him so much. When I was in the box, he was the first one to jump down and say “It’s a girl” in a heavy British accent. He was the first one to give me a tour. He cared for me, comforted me, fed me; he just took care of me. I hung out with him every day, having deep, long conversations almost every day and sharing everything we could remember about each other. I feel at home with him. I feel warmth and comfort. He always has my back, even when I’m in the wrong.
“LETS GO, Y/N” Minho shouted as sweat poured down his face. His scream bounced off the rusty concrete walls as we sprinted through the maze. Our shoes slammed hard on the ground as we reached the end of the maze, but I couldn’t run anymore. My legs and arms were on fire, with sweat dripping down my face. I licked my lips, tasting the sweet saltiness of my sweat still running and fighting through the pain I’m enduring. We make a sharp turn, seeing the Glade dead ahead of us, but my legs feel like they’re about to go out. I couldn’t breathe anymore. My clothes were sticking to my clothes as the scorching sun punched my face. It felt like my head was going to explode. But I didn’t give up, though I fought like hell to get out of the maze. As everything came to a blur, I fell to the ground, feeling the soft green grass hug my face. The smell made me relax as I sunk into it, making every ounce of my problems fly out the window. 
"Minho, go on without me... I gotta, I gotta lay down for a second,” I say as I try to catch my breath.
Running around me Minho yells, "Okay, I’ll bring you some water!”
“Uh huh,” I murmured, covering my face with my left arm and blocking the sun from my eyes. I sat there for about ten minutes until I felt a strong presence creep towards me. A large shadow stood over me, and it took me a while to say something because of how sore my muscles were.
“What the hell are you doing on the floor? ''Gally said with a cute smirk on his face. "Uh, huh,” I mumbled, waving him off.
I groaned,"Yes, Gally, what?”
“What are you doing on the floor?” He says it in a concerning tone.
I look up at him with my elbows propping me up. “I’m tired, man,” I sigh. “Give me a piggyback ride, would you?"I need to lay down.” I say it lazily, covering my face with my hand to get a better look at him.
He rolls his eyes with another cute smirk on his face. It kind of gave me butterflies. "Ok, fine, come on." He squats down, waiting for me to jump on his back. I lift myself up off the soft grass,jumping on his muscular and hard back. I felt his warmth radiate off his body and off mine as I wrapped my tender arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Gally's arms flexed when his strong arms started to find their place around my legs, and the strength of his rough hands supported me on his back. I rested my head on his shoulders, taking in his harsh evergreen scent, which sent a chill through my whole body.
"Aww, you're such a sweetheart, Gally.” I tease him, smiling through my words. Gally scoffed, “Shut up,” with a soft chuckle leaving his mouth. I know he was being sarcastic, but I saw a smile appear on his face as a red hue started to slowly form on his face, giving me butterflies in my stomach. I leaned closer into him, smelling his husky, earthy scent as he continued to walk me closer to my destination. I never wanted to get off of him. I felt so close and in touch with him.
"Where are you going again?” he questioned 
“Umm…you can take me to Minho," I whispered softly in his ear, trying to relax into him. I inched into the crook of his neck, savoring the amazing scent bouncing off his skin. As I’m relaxing on Gally's back, I hear footsteps approaching me from behind.
 "Hey, love," someone said to me in a hefty and attractive British accent. I turn around to see Newt running up beside me, and Gally looks handsome as ever with his dirty blond hair and his lavish smile. With butterflies swarming in my stomach, I turn my neck around to look at him. "Hey, Newt,” I smile. I started to appreciate his soft, chiseled facial features as I gazed into his deep brown eyes.
"Where are you going? and why are you on Gally's back?”
"I was in the maze today and got tired, and I'm just trying to find Minho on my new ride here.” I patted Gally's back as I softly chuckled at him.
 "Shut up.” Gally glared at me.
 Newt chuckled. "Well, when you’re done, love, maybe we can go hang out if you want.” Newt asked anxiously, waiting for an answer.
Resting my head on Gally's back, I look into his eyes once again, and being coy, I say, "Maybe,” with a soft smile forming on my face. He grins lavishly, breaking eye contact. “Well, I’ll see you then, y/n/n.” He runs the other way, and I watch him go. Gally took a deep breath and sighed. "Oh, look, there's Minho," he said in a nonchalant tone".
I waved my arm at him, trying to catch his attention. “Minho!” I yelled. He didn’t see me, so I jumped off Gally's back. My boots hit the ground hard, and my legs were still sore, but I was okay to walk. “Minho!” I yell one more time as I and Gally are walking towards him.
"Yeah, I was supposed to bring you whatever happened. He says he is walking towards me with his arms in the air.
I put my hand on my forehead, shielding my eyes from the radiant sunlight. "Uh, well, Gally here gave me a piggyback ride, so you didn’t have to run back."
"Hey Gally!" Minho yelled, walking towards us. Gally made a slight wave at Minho with a friendly smile.
Minho picked up the water he got and came up to me, handing it to me. “I didn’t mind running back over there." Minho gets cut off by this relentless, loud buzzing sound pierced through the air. It sounded like a loud hum of a thousand bees that nerved all of us but also scared us. It was another greenie. The machines grinded together, creating a loud pitch that fanned through the air, refusing to be ignored. We all turned our heads sharply, guiding our attention to the sound. We looked at each other with concern, making sure we heard it right. However, it wasn't the end of the loud, suffocating sound. As another buzz started to dash through the air, we all started sprinting to the elevator like a machine. I was still sore and hurting, but we all had to see what they brought up. My heart was beating out of my chest, and sweat beads started to farm on my forehead as everyone in the glade sprinted towards the crate.
 Out of breath, Minho and I stopped at the door's opening. Gally was hovering over the two futuristic metal doors. Newt came behind me, trying to push through the crowd of boys. As he was passing me, he put his soft, warm hand on the small of my back, sending a chill throughout my body. Anyway, Newt stood beside Gally as they investigated the door opening. The doors open, showing a boy. He’s about sixteen and scared; he looks like every average boy in the glade. Gally jumps in the crate with force, furiously saying, "Day one, greenie," taking him by the shirt and getting him out of the crate. It’s like this with every kid that comes here. They get scared; they don’t know who they are; they try to run, blah blah blah. It’s a cycle at this point, but it’s pretty amusing. I don’t know if that’s messed up, but if you haven’t noticed, there’s not that much entertainment in the glade.
໒( ” •̀ ᗜ •́ ” )७ sorry if I have some mispelling and stuff I didn't look over it yet ๑ ︵︵ ๑
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AITA for venting?
Long post, sorry for that. One of my (25M) best friends (22F) is someone I met online a few years ago in college. She's a great person, really well-spoken and funny and supportive, but she's also highly opinionated just like me. Sometimes, when we disagree, we get into heated arguments.
As a kid I used to have bad anger issues, but (after a lot of therapy) I'm now trying to deal with them in a better way. One of those ways is that when I get upset during arguments like this, rather than saying something I know I don't really mean and I'll regret later, I'll instead excuse myself from the chat and go talk to another unrelated friend. Sometimes I'll vent to them about our argument, but mostly not.
Last Friday, me and my best friend went on a trip to meet in person for the first time. During the trip, there was a moment when I let them use my phone to talk to our other friends while I went to grab something from the hotel room. When I came back, my best friend was a little quiet (unusual for her.)
I asked what was wrong and she told me that she saw where I was venting to a different friend after an argument before the trip. I'll admit, I was being a dick during the conversation and said some petty shit I shouldn't have, especially since that other friend isn't a fan of my best friend. It was childish and needlessly mean so I did apologize for that much right away.
My main issue was that chat was 1. a good couple of weeks before the trip and waaaay back in the DMs so she had to search for it 2. from a friend we both know she doesn't like (and wasn't on the server we were talking in, so I don't know why she was even in my DMs) and 3. I never repeated what I said there to her nor did I let it affect how I act towards her. Every other mention since that point (even in that DM) was positive.
She says that none of that matters because I shouldn't be venting about her at all to other people and that I come across as a two-faced friend. That really stung, so I asked if we could shelve the conversation until we got back to the room (we were eating dinner) since I didn't want to cause a scene by getting visibly upset in public. She agreed for the moment, but once we did get back we argued some more.
Again, I know I was being a bit of an ass and I do genuinely feel bad about that. My friend might get on my nerves, but I shouldn't be insulting just because. That being said, I don't think that venting when I'm frustrated to an uninvolved third party is quite on the same level as being two-faced or a bad friend and I really don't appreciate her going through my private messages when I trusted her with my phone to seemingly just find conversations to judge me for.
AITA? Or does everyone kinda suck here?
What are these acronyms?
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ritcchamadayo · 1 year
Please, Part 3 of Punk Jade, you're giving me more of a reason to simp for this man-
I will honestly GLADLY turn into a Jade-fic blog i am so far gone when it comes to this man... Sorry for the wait guys! Uni had me in a chokehold (again) but LETS GET BACK TO SIMPING
A Look Into The Past (Pt. 3)
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Jade Leech x Reader ;
On a rare day off, Jade found himself pondering Professor Crewel's fashion tips when it came to styling his piercings but couldn't decide for himself. Who else to ask for opinions other than you?
(we're back again folks!! again thank you so much for the love on this fic!! I'll be considering posting this on Ao3 as a full series after this one XD THANK YOU!!!)
Reader is a Sophomore in this fic, just like the twins!
Read Part 1 Here! Read Part 2 Here!
"U-Um, so that's what you called me out for?" "Yes, exactly."
When Jade had contacted you saying that there was a "disaster", you certainly didn't expect the disaster to be the eel-mer's own wardrobe. You were surprised at the amount of clothes he had, but a few of them are quite... distasteful, to say the least.
When Jade wore his ear piercings to school the other time, he was stopped by none other but Professor Crewel and was given an earful about how to dress and act when wearing such flashy accessories. Granted, they were at school so it can't be helped, but Crewel made sure to make Jade remember his fashion tips for days off like today.
"Did Floyd get you this?" You hold up a purple shirt with a drawing of an eel, and big blocky text saying "Mentally Eel". You grimaced at how tacky the shirt was. "Ah, yes he did. Floyd has the habit of collecting anything eel-related in the surface world, you see."
You had to stifle a laugh at the thought. "Ah, that's where he got those eel keychains."
You rummaged through Jade's wardrobe (with permission, of course) and pulled out most of his clothes, gently putting them down and organizing them by type. There were a few normal button-up shirts, a pair of pajamas, Jade's hiking clothes and equipment, and let's not forget the winter clothes he wore on his trip to Harveston. (You wonder why he wore shorts AND leggings with his hiking wear, but you're not gonna question it.)
"What did Crewel say about them anyway? And uh, why me out of all people? I'm pretty sure someone like Vil or Cater could give you much better insight?" You ask. Jade tilts his head, pondering for a second. "Why, I suppose it's because you were the first person to pop up in my mind. I couldn't hope to bother our seniors, after all. Besides, your sense of fashion is quite good."
Bullshit reasoning. Or so you say, but you feel your ears heat up from the thought of Jade thinking of you. "Oh. I-I see." Jade wasn't lying when he said you had a good sense of fashion though, your choice of outfits on days off were always endearing to him. You were wearing a blouse paired with black overalls today, which looked both comfortable and fashionable at the same time.
"What did Crewel say?" "Hm... He said that a relaxed, mature look would suit for a lesser amount of accessories, to put it simply. Either that, or something simpler to accentuate the accessories if we were to wear more amounts."
Perhaps it's time for a little fashion show, then?
You quickly look around and pull out a few pieces of clothing- A pair of white pants and bright blue and yellow short sleeved shirt, giving off a bit of a tropical vibe. Jade took the clothes gratefully, putting them on the bed for him to change into.
"Oh? Are you perhaps going to watch me change, or~?" "I-I'M NOT! I'M LOOKING AWAY!!!" Your face shone red, quickly turning around to look at the door instead. Jade chuckled quietly, unbuttoning his shirt and taking them off. You can clearly hear the sound of him unzipping his pants as well, making you wipe your sweat off your forehead. (there's the urge to peek, but you better not.)
"Alright, I've finished changing. What do you think?"
You nervously turn around, and closely examined Jade in your chosen clothes. "It looks pretty good! I think a bit of a messier look would look nice with lots of accessories on your ears, like if you unbuttoned a few from the top of your shirt."
Jade complies, messing up his hair slightly and unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his collarbone, and you feel yourself regretting your words.
"I quite agree. The colors of the shirt pop with the addition of the white pants, and the silvers of the metal can be clearly seen."
"A-Ah, yeah!" (remember to look respectfully, dear) "Can you lean down for a sec?" Jade kneels down to your level sitting on the floor, and you take out a few of his accessories from the little wooden box he kept neatly inside his wardrobe. You picked up a few unused piercings and tried mixing and matching them on his ears, laughing when Jade comments your fussing over his ears tickles quite a bit.
"But it's not really your style, honestly... A flashy look like this kinda fits Floyd more." You comment, but deep down you think it wasn't a bad change of pace to see Jade in something other than buttoned-up shirts and suits. Turning back to the clothes pile, you pick out another set of clothes- this time, it was a comfy white turtleneck with black dress pants. You also found a brown trench coat in the depths of his wardrobe, which Jade said his parents' acquaintances gifted him for his birthday and he didn't know how to style it.
You looked back to the door once again as he changes out of the clothes, putting the new set on quickly and gracefully. "Oh, this definitely feels much more my style."
You turned around to see for yourself, and your eyes shone excitedly seeing him in the new getup. "Oh! Definitely!!" You cheered, giggling while at it. "You surprisingly suit the more mature-but-comfortable look, Jade." The eel-mer chuckles, sitting back down on the floor. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. What about the accessory choices, then?"
"Hmm... Crewel said that less is better in this getup, so just a little..." Picking up a few ring shaped ones, you carefully put a few piercings on Jade's ears- a simple look, consisting of the double helix on top of his ears and a couple of silver studs along his lobes.
"There! Well it isn't exactly a little either, but..."
Jade looked at the mirror in his room, a satisfied smile on his face. A smile that is neither shady, plotting, or emotionless- a genuinely happy smile. "My my, I was correct in assuming you had good taste in fashion. I'm rather confident in this look, actually. It's comfortable enough for me to move in, and yet still maintaining the fashionable aura from the coat."
You had a grin on your face, proud of your handiwork. "All thanks to you being a good model! And for having a variety of clothes I can choose from, haha."
You had quickly put the rest of his clothes back into his wardrobe after making a few other suggestions, and dusted yourself off as you stood up. "I should probably get going now, I wouldn't want to invade for too long." You say, stretching your arms and getting ready to get back to your dorm. You open the door, stepping out from his neat room.
"Ah, before that." Jade called out, following you outside. He quickly (and rather smoothly) took your hand in his, closing and locking up his room. "Since we're already in decent clothes, what do you say I take you on a small trip around Sage's Island? Perhaps we can stop by and grab some food. My treat of course, after you've oh-so graciously helped me."
Your cheeks heat up, and you feel your gaze lowering to stare at the floor instead of the man in front of you.
"...Is this your way of asking me out?" "Perhaps. Do you accept?"
You couldn't bring yourself to decline his offer. (Your empty stomach also couldn't.)
"S-sure then. I'd love to, Jade."
"Splendid. It's a date, then."
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mrsjavierp · 9 months
Where you belong?
Chapter 5 - Die For You
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 2.4k
So, I'm using narcos universe, but screwing up the timeline because we need plots and things for our couple. Nevertheless, just a warning for the accuracy of the series. Btw, I'd love to know about you're thinking about it so far! Your opinion is really important! Tks <3
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
After an investigation we did together with the CIA and the Mili Group, we finally had proof about La Catedral. 
Steve, Javier and I were discussing the possibilities and what Noonan would authorize. At the end, I knew what to do first: talk to Gaviria.
We were running against time and Escobar again...
"Yes, ambassador. I know it's risky... But I know we can screw that MF and try to bring Escobar to the US. I'll talk to Gaviria, let me handle it." 
Noonan sighed, I finally won.
"Don't disappoint me, Y/LN. You've done a hell of a job in NYC and have been doing it in Colombia. We trust you. You've got a backup plan?"
"Yes. Already on it, even with plan A working. We're not stopping until we get the motherfucker."
"Good luck, keep me posted."
I called Steve and Peña to my office. 
"I'm heading to Bogota. I need to talk to Gaviria in person about it all."
"I'm going with you, jefe." - Javier said.
"No need to. As a matter of fact, I need you both here... We need to be ready to all that'll happen to La Catedral. My gut is feeling really bad."
They both knew what it meant: bad things for sure. My gut were never wrong, unfortunately. Sometimes early, but never wrong.
When I tried to reach, none of them were available.
Something is off... I reached even for Connie and she lied to my face. I'm gonna chop someone's head off.
When I arrived back at the office, my head was spinning: 
An informant confirmed Moncada’s and Galeano's deaths a few days ago, meaning that Escobar was losing his senses.  Was that the La Catedral effect? What will be his next move? The Colombian media were, by the way, publicizing it badly. Noonan would fuck me and the rest of the DEA, probably, if she didn't got fired before that. I knew how the US thought about it. And, the cherry on top: Javier and Steve missing.
I was really fucking overwhelmed. 
A couple of hours later, while I was tracing possible steps for Escobar, trying to think like him, Steve showed up at my office. 
"Murphy, what the fuck? Where the fuck were you?"
At the same time, Javier barged in: "Y/LN, I've gotta talk to you, it's urgent! I think Steve..."
"Hey, man."
"Peña, close this fucking door now!" - I yelled, furious.
I turned on the TV.
"Watch it: it's a fucking disaster. The Colombian army is outside La Catedral, Sandoval just entered... Brace yourselves."
They looked at each other, in silence.
"Here's what I think and what I'm doing: I'm suspending both of you, for a week. Stay low. I know you both tipped the media. Major Wysession told me about what you asked him, Peña... Don't you ever do that again. When I arrived here, I told all of the DEA to be straight with me and I'd be straight with you... Don't go to Wysession or Noonan or anyone. Come to me. I'll handle it. And Murphy, let me guess, Cali? Co-operation proposal?"
Steve swallowed hard.
Javier turned his face away from me.
I poured a glass of whiskey for myself.
"You better hope that Noonan doesn't get me fired."
"Y/LN, yes. Cartel de Cali kidnapped me. They didn't like that we helped kill a few of them, but apparently there was someone innocent among them..."
His words faded away as the TV announced about Escobar's escape.
Narrator's POV
Escobar ran off again. 
Noonan got... A nice retirement.
You maintained your position, since Crosby knew and liked how you worked, but didn't stop you from hearing a bunch of shit.
You send Peña and Murphy to check La Catedral, but nothing worked.
"Here's the deal, niños. We're moving to CNP headquarters. Pinzón is such an ass, but I'm working on it. He hates our kind, but who doesn't in Colombia? He threw the tip line on my lap and I'm giving it to you."
"Telephone Operator? Really? Fuck me..." - Murphy complained.
Javier was... Distant. Weird in your eyes. You pretend not to care.
Something is off... - you thought.
Weeks passed since he last touched you, in that pool. A few casual happy hours, catching glimpses. Smirks. 
When you touched yourself, even without your vibrator, his image was right there: crystal clear in your mind.
You were almost giving up drinking your beloved whiskey and dear cigars... To be healthy? 
Fuck, no.
The whiskey's flavor and the cigar's scent remind you of his breath. You wanted to keep him far, but it was becoming unbearable.
"Be patient, you two. I'm not allowed to say much for now. At least pretend to do something. I'm working on our budget and relations with both governments."
After a few screw ups from the agents, as they captured Bush and became a joke, the days were appearing longer and harder. You were practically going insane to prove Crosby, the soon to be new ambassador, that your new, big and, overall, expensive plan was going to work.
You only needed a little luck...
Until it happened: the tip line handed to you three La Quica, one of Escobar's sicarios.
"Pinzón, I'll be a car and two men. Don't make me push further. We're just checking, we're not going to alarm'em." - you told him.
He sighed, made a joke about the fake calls... But said yes. 
As you all prepared to go, Murphy received a call from Connie and she told she was leaving Colombia.
"No, Con, please... Just listen!" - Steve was desperate.
"Murphy, go to the airport. You're not going with us. Go talk to your family, now!" - you spoked at him and he ran off.
"Let's go, boys. We all want La Quica." - I said.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"I swear, I don't know this one!" - Javier defended himself.
"I already told you, we don't care, Peña. But is this new? It's gotta be, as you don't know it..." - I joked, my heart was a little broken. 
The other cops laughed, as Peña rolled his eyes.
I didn't want to admit that his fame towards prostitutes and brothels made me jealous and a little resentful. 
He'd never know about how I felt nor my... Preference for a certain sextoy baptized after him.
"Stop by the payphone, back here." - I hid my gun and put on a cap, to match my jeans, sneakers and plain shirt. I could pass without no one noticing. - "Vamonos." (Let's go)
Me, Javier and one of the cops got out of the car, one by one.
But someone spotted us and told La Quica.
Out of the sudden, we're running around and, at the market, behaving as a predator hunting a prey. 
That place was so hot, so crowded... I couldn't see anything... Until he glanced before my eyes.
"Gotcha, pendejo." - I ran as fast as my legs could and a bit more. 
A fucking cross-fire started out of the blue and I had to hold a little.
Fuck! - I cursed alone.
I needed to think fast: we're just four and didn't know who to shoot.
Fuck it! I'm going after him! - I decided.
"Someone cover for me!" - I yelled and ran off again. I didn't have an answer before going.
Narrator's POV:
"Fuck! Where is she?" - Peña yelled.
When the shots stopped, they saw how the Colombians were frightened. They just wanted peace, not gringos and narcos shooting around.
"Where the fuck is my jefe?" - Javier asked again, screaming, to the other cops, seeing red, looking for you. The veins on his neck were bulging.
The backup arrived shortly with Pinzón.
"My men are looking for her, she went after one of the big fish. Some nerve the girl got, gotta say." - Pinzón mocked.
The other cops held Javier, asking for him to calm down.
Javier'd burn all the fuck down, until he finds you.
"Let me go. Not in the mood." - he said to the poor guy.
"Peña, look! It's her!" - He pointed out to you, a little bit hurt, your pink shirt torn and dirty.
Smiling like a kid on Christmas morning, you came out of nowhere, a little hurt, a few bruises starting to appear, your blouse dirty and torn up... But still looking pleased: a victorious agent.
Coming closer to Peña and Pinzón, you start:
"¡Mis amigos, mira que cosita más bonita tengo acá! I'd like to formally introduce you to this pendejo... Not La Quica this time, but we've got Luiz Rodriguez." (My friends, look what a beautiful thing I've got!)
"In my car I have a bag with 50 grand. If you give me one hour, I can make it ten times bigger." - he offered.
You burst out laughing at him.
"Oh, mi regalito..." (my little gift) - You had started, as one of Pinzón's men put on some handcuffs and you fondled his cheek. - "You're going to Disneyland. Don't worry, we're gonna take so much care of you, mi tesoro." (My treasure)
Javier knew you're mocking that sicario, but he still felt something awful on his chest, 'cause you're supposed to call him those sweet names, not that thug.
Arriving at the building, you and Javier went to the locker room, to change before going home. 
"Y/N, you scared the shit out of me. Luiz did all of these injuries? Or has anyone helped him? I swear, if there's someone else, I'll..." - he started, looking worried at you.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"No, Peña." - I interrupted him, as I searched for clothes in my locker. - "You're not doing anything. I can take care of myself."
Javier punched his locker hard as fuck.
"I thought I lost you! Don't ever do that again!" - he yelled.
I laughed, in a sarcastic tone, observing him. He seemed actually worried. 
"You know what, Peña? I don't care!" - I lifted my blouse, showing my huge scar on my ribs. - "Can you see it?" - his face shifted from pissed to desolated, as my eyes watered. He looked at another place. - "No! Don't turn! Take a nice long look at it! - My tone was so harsh. His eyes were so sad. - I always take care of myself! I've been alone in this world for as long as I remember, Peña. It's not my first fight on the field, it's not gonna be the last!"
His face was devastated... He felt sorry for me?
"Are you sorry for me, Peña? Oh, grow up! Why do you even care if I die or live? I know you hate me! And you know what? I fucking hate your guts as well!" - I screamed.
He remained silent. Why?
I started to change to a black shirt. I needed to leave.
I walked to the door, but when I noticed, he was behind me, holding it, not letting me leave.
"Y/N, cariño, I know you can take care of yourself, you've been doing that for a while now..." - he whispered in my ear. - "I heard you, by the way... Yes, I heard while you took care of yourself almost every night."
I swallowed hard, thinking:
Oh fuck, he heard me... Oh no...
"However, you called out my name, didn’t  you?" - he continued.
I leaned on the door pressing my back against it, turning to face him as Javier got on his knees and looked at my with those puppy brown eyes and said:
"Let me make your fantasy come true, cariño... Let me be your good boy, your obedient soldier."
His hands started to take off my boots and socks, one by one.
After that, he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly, so slowly, put it down to my feet, throwing it somewhere...
There I was, only in underwear and a shirt, my skin felt hot. 
His eyes never left mine.
I took off my shirt and bra and, lastly, his hands took off my red panties, at a slow pace, as if he was trying not to scare me off.
There I was, naked in front of Javier. 
He seemed to be thinking on what to do first, until he said:
"Tell me what you want, cariño. Let me be your good boy."
I just nodded positively.
"Words, please. Use your big beautiful mouth, cariño."
"Y-y-yes, Javi... Put your lips on me, show me how good you are..." - my voice barely came out.
He smiled, picked up one of my legs over his shoulder exposing me. His lips met my folds, oh so soft, so delicate... My hand grabbed his hair, pulling closer. 
He explored me, without any rush, as if he wanted to last as long as possible... Teasing my hole, opening me up with the tip of his tongue, fucking me. My clit throbbed, as my pussy clenched around his tongue.
I bit my lips, trying to stay quiet, my eyes closed. I couldn't look down, I was almost ashamed.
"Mmm..." - I sobbed, pulling his hair harder.
He slipped two fingers in me, and taking his mouth off me, said:
"Look at me, cariño, open your beautiful eyes while I make you feel good. Am I doing, at least, a nice job?" - he smirks, knowing he was. I opened my eyes, looking down, probably blushing. No one ever made me look as I was being eaten out. - "A little reassurance won't kill you."
"Y-y-yeah, Peña..." - I managed to say.
Oh, fuck.
His thumb met my clit, putting a gentle pressure as his middle and index fingers touched my g-spot.
"You can do better than that, cariño..." - he grinned, asking for more. - "You wet half of my face, Hermosa, you can call me Javi again."
"¡Hijo de puta!" - I cursed. - "Make me come on your lips, for God's sake... Be my good boy, Peña." - I asked.
He smiled and got back to suck my clitoris, making me shake under his touch. 
I came so hard, dripping all over Javier, calling out his name.
He took off one finger, slowing his pace. A very satisfied "hum" came out of him.
"You taste like heaven... You were such a good girl for me, cariño... But I'm greedy, you know? I want more from you and your sweet little pussy." - he smiled. - "I wanna see you beggin'... I'm not stopping now."
I was still burning from my first orgasm. 
Javier Jesus Peña was trying to kill me, for sure.
My hand traveled from his hair to his cheek, caressing him. 
"Javi... I'm only gonna say this once: do what you want with me. Do what you want to my body. I'm yours for tonight."
His finger left me, leaving me empty. 
Oh, fuck.
He stood up, looking deep in my eyes.
"My place or yours?" - he questioned. 
"Yours." - I responded, barely breathing.
He picked up my clothes, helped me get dressed and we went to his place.
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dweamofsweep · 10 months
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Final few drawings from this sketchbook now that I’m recycling it! Kind of sad because this particular notebook was one I used as a little kid, it has some suuuper old and embarrassingly bad (but funny) drawings in it.
Also just going to put this here; I know something kind of blew up here over the weekend in this corner of Tumblr. Dr. Tezuka has been dead for several decades now, so we will never know exactly what “ending” he thought about for Tenma and Astro further than how they got separated and never really permanently reunited throughout his numerous re-writes and loose canon tendencies. That’s up to us to parse and make meaning of and potentially imagine beyond for ourselves as audience members of the series, which many fans have done over the years (And even any other official work done after Tezuka’s passing, like AB2003 and ATB, Pluto etc are basically the same thing). I believe we are allowed to disagree with the evaluations of media that others come up with, whether just in our heads or posted publicly! However, it is not our job to budge every last person’s opinion on the internet. We may “see” each other on a somewhat regular basis because, let’s face it, this fandom is pretty small, but at the end of the day none of us know everything that informs the meaning being made by the others — and we are not obligated to disclose such personal information for any reason, in real life or online. To give you an example and offer up something about myself, Astro as a character resonates with me in large part because he stands on the border between one group and another; although he is certainly a robot, he lives his life as a human would most of the time, creating a split between himself and other robots while still not being accepted fully into human society. It gives him a unique opportunity to bridge the two together, but as a result he can never be entirely one or the other. The reason why I find that fascinating is because I am a second-gen immigrant Asian-American, and it forms some parallels with the way I feel in my own life, having been raised more American than Asian. Also, my parents are culturally Chinese-Indonesian, but ethnically appear Chinese (as do I). I will never be fully accepted into native Chinese, Indonesian, or Chinese-Indonesian communities because I act too much like an “American” despite my appearance. I will also never be fully accepted into the American community I live in because I still cling onto some of my heritage, and of course also because of my appearance. But maybe due to my experience in both worlds, the chances have increased that I could foster greater empathy, interest, or understanding between them, and Astro gives me hope for that.
However— I wouldn’t expect anyone here to know that (or even remember after reading it — it’s fine, you can purge the info from your brain LOL) even if it does affect my readings of certain scenarios and stories. If someone were to post something that doesn’t acknowledge or reflect the perspective I have, I can feel any type of way about it, but I have to remind myself I don’t know where they’re coming from and to try not to take it too personally, since they don’t know where I’m coming from either. Maybe someone has had the exact opposite experience from me, maybe they just haven’t been in any comparable situation to begin with, they could also be a lot younger or older, or from another part of the world — on the internet you really just don’t know, and a person doesn’t really have to tell you if they don’t want to. Personally, once I’ve said my piece, I’ve said it. If someone disagrees with me over the same point repeatedly, and I considered their viewpoint but decided to retain mine, I don’t continue to engage them, because I know it gets unproductive sooner or later (neither side changes their mind or learns anything new, if anything we both just become more stubborn about our own arguments because we have to keep making the same one over and over). I do think about Tezuka’s and other artists’ work very seriously, as an artist myself and an aspiring professional, and I believe that’s a valid angle to come from. Yet I often just draw things on a whim despite the aforementioned, and as embarrassing as it is to admit, most of my drawings have very little meaning. I just post on here hoping it might make someone else a bit happier to see it; I suspect that many others in the community do the same. (Obviously if I misrepresent something severely in my own work, which I hope I will not but you never know, I want someone to tell me about it, but I didn’t think this was the case in the particular situation happening now.)
and… I will freely admit to sharing outlandish internet takes both as a kid and as an adult, then changing my mind and looking back on it, as well as my behavior in general, later with regret 😭 it will happen again, I’m sure… perhaps this is one and I should have kept my mouth shut, but I hope this at least gave some of my perspective. If you want to probe any further into my thoughts or ask for clarification you can!
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thenasoneshots · 5 months
Lee Oneshot - "Get Away From My Sister!"
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: ig fluff?
Timing: Modern AU
Reader's Relations: John’s Sister (who is also best friends with the Schuylers)
Warnings: None? (John being a very protective older brother)
Other notes: This includes Elams shipping (because I ship it. Don’t judge me)
“So…. have you got a date to prom yet, (Y/n)?”
I shook my head, trying to ignore my face turning red, “I already told you several times, Peggy; No. I don’t, and I don’t think anyone will ask me. No one is going to when John’s staring over my shoulder at the guy.” I lied, knowing that none of my friends, and especially John, would disapprove of who I’d said I was going with… The truth was that I’d been dating Charles Lee for the past few months behind my brother’s back, knowing that the two of them didn’t get along, well that was an understatement, John hated Charles after he’d said something rude to Mr Washington’s face, but in my opinion, he was just a little bean who needed love. Before any of the three sisters could reply, my phone pinged. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked to see a message from John, causing me to roll my eyes, ‘You got a date yet?’
I just scoffed and looked up to where John and his friends were sitting at a table on the other side of the lunch hall, seeing him smiling at me. I rolled my eyes again and returned to my phone, ‘Yes. At least I’m doing better than you. Tell Alex now, or I’ll do it for you.’
I could see the colour draining from his face as I stood up on the table (It was attached to the floor, the reader is perfectly safe up on it), “HEY ALEX!”
At that point, I now have everyone’s eyes on me and I smirked, “JOHN’S GOT A MASSIVE CRUSH ON YOU!” I jumped off the table after taking a quick look at both boys’ bright red faces, and grabbed my phone, dashing out of the lunch hall, knowing I was going to get an earful when we got home. I ran down the hall, wanting to get to my next class, knowing the teacher would let me sit in the classroom, as long as I was quiet, which I normally was. However, I bumped into someone, “Hey, watch where- Hi, (Y/n).”
“Hi, Charles,” I replied, pecking his lips before pulling him along with me to our English classroom and knocking on the door. Once I was allowed entry, I opened the door and pulled Charles in with me.
“Hello, (Y/n). I take it you want to spend the rest of your lunch in here?”
I nodded, “Yeah. I hope that’s okay. I just don’t want to face my brother right now.”
“Fair enough. I won’t impose and ask why, as long as you two are quiet.”
I nodded and sat down in my normal seat, pulling Charles next to me, “Sorry for randomly dragging you off, I just didn’t want John to find us. I may or may not have done something stupid in the lunch hall… I jumped up on the table and shouted to everyone in there that John had a crush on Alex. I’m just sick of him pining after the gremlin, just get on with it and confess already… Oh shit, I probably made Eliza uncomfortable too. I mean, she’s dating Alex, how’s she goin to feel? I’m such a shit sister…” I muttered quietly enough so that our teacher couldn’t hear me swearing.
“You’re not, (Y/n). Hamilton should know the truth. Then he can decide what to do, better than you having to put up with your brother sulking for the rest of his life because he couldn’t get the courage to confess.”
“You’re right, Charles.”
MEANWHILE - JOHN’S POV (Just after you ran out)
I sat there, my face bright red as I tried to avoid eye contact with Alex. Knowing he wouldn’t want to be friends with me anymore…
“Look, Alex, I’m sorry. (Y/n) doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I promise you I don’t have any romantic interest in you. Sorry if what she said made you uncomfortable. I-”
“John, don’t lie to me. I’ve known for ages. I was just waiting for you to say something yourself.”
“WHAT?! I-I… I should go,” I muttered the last statement, standing up and going to walk out of the lunch hall, until I felt a hand grab my wrist, “Where are you going?”
“Away from you, Alexander, please let me go,” I muttered, trying not to show my friends I was crying, and pulled my arm from his grasp and ran out, not caring about the stares I was getting.
“John? There you are.”
“Just leave me alone. I deserve it.”
That’s when I saw a familiar blue dress enter my small field of vision, and I froze up, “ELIZA! Shit, I’m so sorry! Please don’t hate me. I know you and Alex are dating, that’s why I kept it to myself. Honestly, I’m trying to get over it. I-” She shut me up with a kiss and I froze, incredibly confused, “D-did you- Just… I-What?!”
“Alex and I have been talking, John, and well, Alex admitted he’s bisexual, and that he’s in love with you too, and the truth is, I am too.”
Eliza just giggled, sitting down on th bench next to me, “It’s true, John. Now, I think you should go and find your sister and thank her before she starts avoiding you because she thinks you hate her.
--------------------------------- YOUR POV
“You look amazing, (Y/n). Makes me not want to share you.”
“Thanks for the compliment, Charles. Don’t worry, I’m only yours.”
That made his face turn red and he turned his attention to the drink in his hand, bringing it up to his mouth in an attempt to cover the blush, causing me to giggle, “You’re adorable, Charles.”
He smiled at me and placed a hand on my cheek, leaning down and pecking me on the lips.
“John… mon ami, you might want to look at this…”
“What is it, Laf? I’m trying to fin-What the Hell is he doing to her?!” I replied, interrupting myself the minute I saw Lee making (Y/n) laugh. He placed a hand on her cheek and leaned down, kissing her, making my blood boil, “What the HELL is he doing, and why isn’t she stopping him?! Laf, hold me back before I fuck his face up!”
“Mon ami, stop. You cannot control the power of love.”
“Well… mon ami, don’t hate me for being the one to tell you this, but they’ve been dating for the past six months.”
“Why didn’t she tell me?!”
“Probably cause of your reaction, John,” Alex piped in, wrapping his arms around my neck from behind and kissing my cheek, “(Y/n) looks up to you like you’re a god. She puts her relationship with you above everything else, she wouldn’t want you to never talk to her again because of who her boyfriend is.”
“How are you always right, Alex?”
“I do not know, John. But you might want to let her know before she runs off and secretly gets married to him or something.”
I sighed and nodded, knowing Alex was right and walked over calmly to where (Y/n) was standing with Lee.
“Oh shit, Charles, you might want to run…” I muttered, seeing John walking over out of the corner of my eye.
“I’ve already seen, (Y/n). No point in trying to run, Lee,” John spoke, causing both me and Charles to gulp and for him to remove his arm from my waist. John continued, “I know we do not get on very well, Lee, however, I was informed that you two have been dating for the past six months and (Y/n), you are my sister, I’d always put your happiness over a petty argument. So for your sake, I will try to get along with Lee.”
I smiled widely and hugged him, “So… you’re not mad about the whole lunch hall situation yesterday?”
“Oh…” was all John said, his face turning bright red, “Well... Thanks to your shtick yesterday, I now have a wonderful boyfriend and girlfriend. Thank you, (Y/n).”
“What are little sisters for? I wouldn’t have done what I did if I knew the two of them didn’t like you back,” I replied, hugging him, Now go and have fun with your partners!”
John nodded and walked back over to where Alex and Eliza were, Laf being off dancing with Angelica, and Peggy with Hercules, leaving me with Charles. Not that I was complaining, “I love you.”
“I love you too, (Y/n). Glad your brother didn’t murder me.”
I just giggled and kissed him, “So am I, Charlie, so am I.”
------------------------------END OF ONESHOT
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