#just being introduced to their existence helped me go 'oh some people are different than me in X way but theyre still people'
abra-ka-dammit · 2 years
a video of a comedian with tourette's crossed my dash a couple days ago and i keep thinking about it because i realized id never actually.... experienced someone with tourettes? like it was a Concept in my mind that i knew existed and was out there but i'd never encountered it, and finally seeing it happen with a real life person was... idk, kinda jarring? because watching him i was like. yeah... if i didnt know what was going on id be pretty freaked out by that thing he keeps doing. and since my main touchpoint of tourette's knowledge was a south park episode largely mocking it, i only had a vague idea of what a real person with tourette's was like. obvs i knew it was more than randomly screamed obscenities but written descriptions of tics really dont do the actual acts justice when seen live, so it really was like. being slapped in the face with A New Thing I Don't Understand--which of course depending on the person can either lead to fear-based hate or acceptance of the new thing. i like to try to be the latter person.
and in my life, honestly just plain exposure has almost always been what makes me emotionally connect with "minority" groups, especially of the medical variety. its easy not to empathize with groups you don't belong to if you never actually have to see or hear them. it's easy to hate, then, too. without exposure to them, "people with tourette's" can just be a theoretical group of people you don't need to care about, because hey they must not number enough to matter because you don't think you've ever met one. hell, maybe they're not even real! but being introduced to real people who are Real Dementia Patients, Real Autistics, Real Tourette's Havers, etc.... seeing their human faces, hearing their human voices, seeing their movements and behaviors, learning about who and what they are and their experiences as that minority from their own lips; it helps you see them as human, and their status a human one.
theres not really an ending thought here. just having that wild experience of seeing something atypical "in real life" and coming to terms between my instinctual "what the fuck" and my logical "he has a disorder" to meet at "that's a person with a life experience I will never have or truly understand but i have no reason to discriminate against them for it, because they're really just another person"
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supercorpkid · 6 months
The Secret Life Of Lena Luthor
Supergirl. Lena Luthor x Reader!
Word Count: 2785.
Lena Luthor has a secret. Probably many of them, but there’s only one that bugs you so much.
Who are those friends of her? Why are they so tight that you feel like they are in some sort of cult? Why does it look like she would die for them? And how come they are always more important than you?
You see, the last one's been bothering you for a while now.
Some time last year.
The world is saved. Again. For the third time this month. And while Lena sits to celebrate with her friends/ teammates she is content. A kind of feeling she hasn’t experienced much before, but that’s been constant ever since the big fight. Ever since Lex is gone gone.
She looks at J’onn and M’gann reminiscing about something from their planet. Looks at Alex and Kelly swooning over something cute she is sure Esmé just did. Nia looks at Brainy as if he is the most interesting being and all of existence. All of them have somebody. Well, she looks at Kara alone. But Kara is never truly alone. She has Supergirl. All these people around her and the people she met in different universes.
But Lena? Outside of this room she barely has anyone. Sam, Ruby, Jess. She scrambles to find more names.
So Lena looks around, more certain than she’s ever been before. She needs someone. Someone outside this group of friends, so she can get back some sort of normality she most certainly lost since she discovered her witchy ancestry and joined the super friends for real.
And then Lena finds you. 
You run through the door of the Lena Luthor Foundation, and since she wants to be more hands on with everything, Lena is right there to see it.
“Do you, um, take strays?”
“Strays, ma’am?” The receptionist asks, raising one perfect eyebrow at you. “You mean like, cats?”
“What? No! I mean me.” You smile widely. “I mean, do you take walk-ins? Like, can I just walk in and find myself a station and start working?”
“Oh. Ah.” She looks around for help. Unsure of what to tell you. And because Lena herself is around, she jumps in to help.
“Hi.” Lena shows you her hand. “Lena Luthor. How can I help you,” she looks at both of your hands. No ring. “Miss?”
“Y/N.” You introduce yourself, shaking her hand. 
“You want to work on something?”
“Well, you see, I have this idea. It’s really bugging me and keeping me awake at night.” You point at your own face. “I’m sure you can tell. But I don’t have everything I need to work on it. It says online it’s what this foundation is for.”
“Well, we don’t work on everything. Our resources are vast but still limited. There’s a board. If you want to present your idea.” Lena suggests and you shake your head agreeing, then just like that you’re running out of there as fast as you came in. She looks back at the receptionist with a smile. “Strange little cat, that one.”
You don’t give her time to move on from you at all, when you run back in. A prototype in hand, and several loose papers on the other. 
“Ok, I’m ready.” You smile at her and she furrows her brows.
“Oh, I didn’t mean right now.”
“Please, ma’am. I need to sleep.” And to demonstrate, only one of your eyes blink. She seems to take pity on you.
“Well then, come in. Let’s see what I can do for you. And please, call me Lena.” 
And what she can do for you, is help you with every little thing you need help with. And what you can do for her, is help her see there’s more to life than work and a few friends.
Present days.
“You’re running off.” You mumble. Eyes still shut, voice thick with sleep. 
“Emergency. Sorry, my love.” You hear shuffling so you know she is getting ready to run off to her super secret, super important duties.
“What is it this time?” You finally open your eyes and watch her putting her clothes back on. “Kara got stuck on a tree and you have to go get her down?”
“Oh no, my pretty stray cat. I only climb trees to save your pretty butt.” She jokes, coming closer to kiss your lips. 
“Lena.” You beg when she moves away from you. “Please stay. Please wake up with me. Please let me make you eggs and a strong coffee.”
“That would be lovely.” You open your mouth to repeat, stay. But she knows it’s coming, so she speaks before you. “Can’t today. Rain check?”
You press your lips together, annoyed at her way to deal with this. But she doesn’t notice, because she’s already running out the door one shoe on, the other one still in hand.
“Have a great day, Lena.” 
You don’t want to be jealous of Kara. You’re not even the jealous type. But this whole ‘my friends call and I run out the door’ is not working anymore. Not that it ever did. But recently this has been bugging you extra hard.
And when things bug you this much, you can’t simply forget that easily. You can't even sleep on it.
"Heeey," Lena grabs the bags from your hands, giving you a quick kiss on your way inside. "glad you came, I felt bad leaving you this morning."
"Yeah." You place the rest of the bags on top of the counter. "Maybe we should talk about that."
"Definitely. But after a nice dinner, maybe?" She gives you a little smile, and you're quick to accept. 
The talk doesn't come right after dinner, when Lena climbs on your lap and you two start a heavy make out session, you decide it is better to wait a little. 
"Shit. Fuck." Lena says out of breath, parting your lips. You look down at your hands still on her waist.
"What? Already?" 
"No, not that." Lena laughs, and you notice something vibrating in her pants. 
"Oh," You raise your eyebrows playfully. "Someone's packing."
Lena takes her phone out of her pocket, and you roll your eyes at it. She reads the name, and starts apologizing right away. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She gets up looking at the phone.
"Are you serious?" You ask, but she is already answering her phone after mouthing one more 'sorry'.
"Kara, I'm in the middle of something really important. This better be a 10 or higher." She paces around the room and you watch her from your place on the couch. "Shit, ok. Ask Supergirl to come pick me up. Yeah, ok. See you soon."
Lena looks at you with pleading eyes, and you look up trying to hold the tears and the anger inside you. "Darling, I'm really sorry, but it's an –"
"Emergency." You complete her sentence and her face drops, looking at you.
"I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry. I know I did the exact same thing this morning…"
"This morning? Lena! You've been running off every time Kara called you ever since I've met you! I don't get it. What's up with all these emergencies? Why is Kara always more important than us?"
Supergirl's feet touch on the balcony and you hear a light tap on the balcony door. She looks embarrassed, like she heard more than she wanted to. She waves lightly and points to the city with her head, so Lena knows it's time to go.
"I promise I'll tell you everything, but I really have to go now."
“If you leave right now, you won’t find me here when you get back.”
“No, please Y/N. Please wait. I’ll tell you everything when I get home, I promise. Please stay, eat dessert, and make yourself at home. I promise I’ll be back soon.”
So you wait. An hour. Two hours. Three hours later and you’ve seen enough of television, eaten enough of her food and got tired of wasting everyone's time. It is clear Lena doesn't take you seriously and that you'll never be her first priority. So you leave.
It's only in the morning when you grab your phone to notice the missing calls and texts from your… girlfriend? Ex? You haven't decided yet. But if you're being honest things aren't looking too hot for her.
Lena has helped you many times before. You have no problem admitting you are where you are right now because of her. If your invention hadn't played out, you wouldn't have found a new job and you wouldn't be working on something you are very passionate about. 
But she means more than that to you. With Lena you can talk about anything. You can be your quirky self without any judgements. In fact, you always thought she seemed to appreciate it. Now, you're not so sure.
She's always hiding something. Always running off. One phone call and she is gone. No time to even tell you what she is running towards. You feel like you're dating someone who has a secret life. And you can't help but think you're the secret part. 
You're still finding energy to answer her latest text, when you hear the doorbell. You force yourself out of bed, and open the door to see Lena right on the other side.
You furrow your brows, "What are you wearing?"
Lena stares down at her outfit, a large hoodie and sweatpants. "I was fairly uncomfortable in my jeans and so Kara let me borrow something." She looks at the hem of the pants. "She is a lot taller."
"Glad you came to my house wearing some other girl's clothes." You make space for her, because you know she is not leaving and you don't want to have this conversation out in the open.
"It's Kara's." She justifies.
"Yeah, and who's Kara, exactly? Is she just your best friend? Is she your lover? Your dealer? Your boss? Why are you always running out the door when she calls?"
"Those are fair questions. Well, not the dealer and lover part. But I guess I should explain why I always go when she calls.”
You look at your coffee machine. It's too early for this conversation. For the truths you'll inevitably have to listen.
"Coffee?" You ask her, but it's mostly because you need it so badly.
"I'd die for a cup." 
You set up the coffee machine while Lena makes her way to the other side of the counter, sitting on one of the high stools to look at you. 
"I'm sorry I didn't come back home sooner." Lena starts, and you sigh.
"I stood there like a ghost and I don't even know why."
"I don't want to run off every time, it's just – Sometimes I'm the only one who can help so they call me." You stand there waiting for more, for an explanation. "I told Kara to only call me for real emergencies from now on."
"You know, you said a bunch of stuff, but you still haven't told me what kind of emergencies they need you for." 
You're not stupid, it's not like you haven't put two and two together. Supergirl shows up to pick up Lena right after Kara calls for an emergency? Yeah, like they have Supergirl on their speed dial so she can offer Lift services when one of them needs it. It's obvious Lena is a part of a group that helps National City or whatever. It was actually kind of obvious because every time she ran off for an 'emergency', you only had to turn on the news to see something crazy happening in town.
"I'm a part of the Superfriends." She bites her lower lip when you don't show any real reaction. "It's supposed to be a secret."
"Lena, Supergirl showed up at your house yesterday to give you a ride. It wasn't a well-kept secret, anyways."
"Wait, so. You knew?" Lena's voice comes out so shocked it's in a high pitch you have never heard before.
"Had my suspicions, sure." The conversation is briefly put to a stop while you pour coffee for both of you, but even before you have your first sip, Lena speaks.
"I don't understand why you are mad at me then. If you knew all along what I was doing, how could you be mad? How could you think Kara is something other than my friend?"
"Well, first of all, I had my suspicions, but not convictions because you never told me anything so I could've been completely off. And second of all, I didn't know all along. I had to go slowly piecing it together by myself because you wouldn't come out and be honest with me. And third, and most importantly, how can I not be mad when you left me high and dry at your place last night and ran off with Kara again?" 
"Nia was hurt! I had to go help out. How could I not have run out?"
"That's not what I'm saying. You don't get it, do you?" She doesn't. She looks at you so damn lost you know for sure she doesn't get it at all. "I'm not telling you shouldn't go help your friends. I'm asking you to just tell me about it. Don't tell me that you have to go because you have an emergency. Tell me Nia is hurt and I will tell you to go help her, I'll offer you my help. I not only won't be upset about you leaving, but I'll admire you even more."
You round the counter, looking at her with doe-eyes. 
"I'm tired of this double-life. It's like you're two different people. I – I don't know what to tell you, I just feel like I'm dating a CIA agent who's been lying to me about who she is. And it sucks."
Lena blinks. "I know." Because she didn't even realize what she was doing in the first place, but now that you have laid all on the table for her, it makes more sense than ever. She felt the same thing before and she can't believe she's been doing the same thing. "God, I know how you feel. And I'm sorry I kept you in the dark. You have every reason to be upset. Please forgive me. I promise I will be completely honest from now on."
"That's all I'm asking."
"Well," Lena looks at your coffee mug to see you didn't have much of it. "Why don't you drink some more? I feel like you'd have to be pretty awake for what I have to say next."
"Oh…kay?" You gulp on your coffee and look at her wide-eyed.
"Well, it's complicated. But, more than a year ago, before we met, I set out to find more things about my mother." Lena says and you agree with your head, because she has told you before all of her story and the fact that she lost her mom when she was younger. "It turns out that my mother was a witch."
She takes a deep breath. "And so am I." 
"You're a what, now?"
"You wanted the whole truth." Lena smiles sheepish and you furrow your brows hard at your new discovery. Yep, you didn't see this one coming. Honestly, if she had told you Kara was Supergirl, you would've been a lot less surprised.
"I did, didn't I?" It's a lot to process, but you take one good look at Lena and you know it took everything in her to tell you this, and so, even though you don't truly understand what it means and what she does exactly, you know she needs support right now. "So my girlfriend is a witch and a genius and she is part of the Superfriends, and helps out with saving the world and stuff?"
"I guess you could put it like that." She says, tentatively.
"You're awesome, Lena. I'm happy you told me everything. It helps me understand you a lot better, and it only makes me love you more."
Lena's eyebrows raise and she can't help her surprised face, "You love me?"
"Yeah, I do. I love you."
"I love you too, my little stray cat."
You feel your worries melt away in the kiss and you're happy Lena trusts you enough to tell you about this other part of her life. It also feels good to know her secret and where she runs off to everytime. Plus, how did you get so lucky? She's hot, she's smart, she's a goddamn goddess and she also saves the world? She is more than you could ever dream, and you’re so glad she is yours.
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emi-writings · 2 months
DSMP Fanfics and Women: Passive, Fridged or Worse
I have read a lot of DSMP fanfics in the years I’ve been in the fandom. I’ve read popular fics, unpopular fics, fics that have since been deleted, and everything in between. And unfortunately, there has been a trend I’ve notice in this fandom.
This fandom really doesn’t like it’s female characters.
Now, not every single fic in the fandom fails its female characters, but the ones that don’t tend to be the exception, not the rule.
And no, this isn’t going to be a long post demanding people write fics only focusing on the women of the DSMP. Side characters and supporting casts make up important roles in stories as well, and so this discussion will apply to every single fic in the fandom, because the issues aren’t just the women not being the main characters, but how writers treat them in their fics.
Also, I am gonna be using the terms male and female characters a lot. I know a few characters don’t fit this binary, and I don’t want to exclude them, but I don’t want to over-complicate this post, especially given how different these characters are treated. Ranboo is a character that has no concept of gender, but the fandom mostly treats them pretty well, with exceptions of course – though that can be explained by most of the fandom simply treating Ranboo as a male character. Whereas Eret… oh, some of the things I’ve read could be it’s own post. We’re just gonna keep it simple for now.
Let’s start with the one point that infuriates me the most: fridging.
For those of you who don’t know, fridging is a term that refers to the trope of a female character dying in order to further the a male character’s story, usually via providing them with motivation. This is bad because it basically turns the female character into nothing more than an object. Fridging has been criticised for many, many years now, ridiculed as much as the equally appalling bury your gays trope.
And damn, have I read way too many fics where women are fridged.
Obviously, you can kill off female characters, that’s not the issue. But when you have a character die, and it’s only done for the sake of either getting your male characters to do something, or to give them something to whine about, it’s not a pleasant reading experience.
Of course, it could be worse. In one fic I read where a female character was fridged right near the beginning of the story, two other female characters are introduced and later die. There was a male character these two women had helped out in the very short glimpses of screen time. When they die, you’d expect that male character – who was just saved by one of them, by the way – would mourn them, right? What actually happened is that male character mourned a different male character. A character that he literally doesn’t know and never spoke to. His thoughts are literally how if they had met they might have been friends. Not a single thought is given to the two women who died – again, one of them just saved him before dying.
Even in their deaths, female characters aren’t treated like individuals. They’re objectified by their deaths. They’re either not worth mourning or caring about. Or, they’re only worth attention because of how their death furthers the male characters development.
Now, let’s talk about passive characters, active characters and character agency.
Character agency is a character’s ability to affect or progress the story. Active characters have agency and actively affect the story. Passive characters have no agency, and are affected by the story.
The DSMP is mostly filled with active characters, due to the nature of how the story is played out. But for the sake of an example, let’s bring out Tommy. A time where Tommy was being an active character was when he gave up the discs for L’manburg’s freedom and right to exist. This affected the plot greatly, as without that there wouldn’t have been a L’manburg. A time where Tommy was a passive character was the exile arc. Tommy was kidnapped by Dream, and forced to live out his exile where Dream placed him. This wasn’t Tommy making a decision, this was Tommy being affected by the plot which was being shaped by those around him. Tommy had no agency in these moments.
I’ve noticed that despite the female characters canonically having a lot of agency and being very active characters, female characters are often turned into passive characters. They don’t drive or contribute to the plot in any way, the plot just happens to them.
Now, you might be under the assumption that it’s simply just because the women are rarely the main characters. After all, it’s impossible for side characters and supporting cast members to be active characters, right?
WRONG! It’s not that hard to give characters agency. If a character is included in a scene, they should have a reason to be there. They should have a purpose, a motivation, a goal. They should be making choices. Yet way too often female characters are, at best, just going along with what the male characters say or do. At worst, they’re just basically cameo appearances, a way for the writer to pat themselves on the back for being so diverse without actually putting in effort.
There is also the fact that when writers are picking out their cast, they make some… interesting choices. Female characters rarely get the chance to actively being involved in what the male characters are doing.
Why are SBI fics so… determined to only have male characters in the family? SBI has no basis in canon, and the characters themselves have meaningful relationships with female ones. Kristin is literally Philza’s wife and canonically Wilbur’s mother. Niki has a lot of history and lore with all SBI members, all mostly beginning positive at the beginning.
You’d think that since SBI fans love family dynamics, they’d be down with including more members, right? After all, more characters means you can really explore new and interesting dynamics. After all, if you’re focusing on a family dynamic, it’s better to have a decent sized cast to work with, and five or six allows for more dynamics to form. But when SBI fans want to throw in two characters into the mix, the go with Tubbo and Ranboo. Which is especially confusing given how many fics keep the Beeduo marriage, giving an unintentional incesty angle.
But why does it have to be the male characters? In SBI, why not Niki and Kristin? That adds in a Mother and a Daughter/Sister character, which can add in new relationship interactions. That could be interesting, and actually add in some new twists to a part of the fandom with over 20K fics on Ao3.
It’s not just in family dynamics. In AUs, roles in stories that could be fulfilled by anyone are typically given to male characters. These roles might be needed for the story, but they don’t rely on any dynamics, duos or anything, just simply picking any character who isn’t already part of the plot. And, it would be easy to give a female character a role like this and allow them to progress the plot. But it’s always a male character.
A common defense I’ve seen SBI writers specifically use is that they don’t include Kristin because they want to write a story where Phil/Wilbur/Techno/A combination of all three/etc aren’t being great family members, and Kristin just wouldn’t allow that. It was just too hard and didn’t work. I used to think this was true, until I sat down and wrote my own fic where Wilbur and Phil don’t have a healthy relationship… and Kristin is there… fitting seamlessly into the plot, while not supporting Phil’s actions entirely.
It really wasn’t hard at all, and the only assumption I can come to is that these other writers… don’t really want to try.
There are no real magic solutions to these problems. Fanfics are free, the writers don’t owe anyone a perfect piece of fiction.
But I don’t think it’s too much to ask that the writers behind these fics stop and reflect on why they’re making the choices they do. To sit down and consider if their reasoning behind decisions… are actually excuses to hide behind.
Writers can do whatever they want, but as someone who reads fics even more than I write them, I’m getting tired and bored of this. Is it really too much to ask for where a female character just… can exist? And contribute to the plot?
These are ramblings from someone who is tired, and it’s probably not put together the best, but hopefully this can at least be a starting point for getting at least a part of the fandom to really think about their approach to fanfics and specifically female characters in them.
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tgmsunmontue · 4 months
Saga of Solitude 5/?
Nepo!Baby Bradley and his life at USNA and afterwards. DADT fully in force. IceMav AU. (Begun prior to 'It's not who you know' - the non-angsty version).
PROLOGUE (He remembers)
HANGSTER FIRST MEETING (Lonely Nights - set 2009)
Updating ~weekly (longer chapters).
ONE (2000) TWO (2001) THREE (2002) FOUR (2003)
              He spends three weeks in a submarine and it helps cement his decision to attend flight school, if they accept his application. There is of course the natural competition between everyone, it’s simply how they function, each striving to be better, make those around them better, but also support them and drag them through it if they have to. His third year at USNA wraps up and he’s facing his summer break. The entire year has gone well, no terrorist attacks, although there is definite heightened security since.
              The routine is easy now, he’s an upperclassman, has Natasha and then a smaller circle of people he considers friends, if nothing close to what he has with Natasha. He’s aware that a significant chunk of upperclassmen think that he and Natasha are together, and the one time he checks in with her about whether she’s okay with that she’d just shrugged and said it had stopped the guys expecting her to pay any of them attention. No one asks, and they never correct anyone. When they head out to have leave together no one bats an eye. When they mention having spent some of the previous summer together it’s the same.
              He finds out why Natasha doesn’t talk to her family. Teenage pregnancy. She’d refused to get married to the guy, someone she won’t even tall Bradley the name of, and the shame of either the pregnancy, or their daughter not obeying them, they’d kicked her out. Her application with USNA had already been accepted, her place guaranteed and Bradley doesn’t need to ask to realize what her decision must have been. He briefly feels awful about introducing Tamsin and Petra to her, but she seems to take great joy in chatting to them on the phone and drawing and sending them pictures, so he lets that guilt melt away.
              They’ve both been asked to return to USNA and assist as upperclassmen for Plebe Summer, something he feels immense pride in, glad to have made a good enough impression that he’s being held up as a role model to the new recruits. Of course it makes their leave almost non-existent and they decide to spend it together, which he knows will only fuel rumors that they’re a couple. They go to San Francisco for five days at the start of their leave, and he finally gets to meet Natasha’s sole family member that has anything to do with her, and the way his eyes travel up Bradley’s body leave him blushing furiously. That he’s hot doesn’t help at all.
              “Oh, it is nice to meet you,” Christopher says, shaking his hand and Bradley looks to Natasha with a raised eyebrow and she’s just shaking her head.
              “Nice to meet you too. Bradley.”
              “Mmm. I have heard a lot about you. She didn’t ever mention just how delightful you looked.”
              “Because to me, he isn’t very delightful to look at. There are nicer views.”
              “Hey!” Bradley objects, out of principle more than anything, and Natasha is already cackling and pushing past Christopher with her bags but Christopher is looking at him seriously, completely different to the over-the-top flirtation of a moment ago.
              “Oh my god. You’re…” Christopher makes a limp-wrist gesture which sends Bradley’s eyebrows up in surprise.
              “Uh. Don’t ask don’t tell…” he says, throat tight, wondering where the fuck Natasha has gone.
              “Oh honey, I am not part of your weird cultish military shit. And I wasn’t asking, I was confirming. Holy shit. No wonder Tadpole likes you so much.”
              “Shut up!” Natasha calls out and Bradley grins.
              “I’ll tell you the story later,” Christopher says, voice low and conspiratory and Bradley nods, hitching his bag over his shoulder. Christopher jerks his head toward where Natasha can be heard grumbling. “Sorry, only got the one guest room. She’s already claimed the bed probably, so you’re on an air mattress.”
              “That’s fine, not the worst place I’ve slept by far.”
              “You’re my guest, I’d like to hope not. I’ll let you guys get settled then we can head out and find some food.”
              He leaves Bradley at the door and Natasha is smirking at him.
              “You couldn’t have told me?” he asks, voice barely above a whisper.
              “Sorry, his sexuality isn’t exactly something I drop into casual conversation. We’re at USNA remember. Repression is being ingrained into us.”
              “Okay, would you hate me if I asked him out?”
              “No. But his boyfriend might.”
              “Oh. Yeah. Okay.”
              “They can take you clubbing. I’m sure you’ll find ways of enjoying yourself here.”
              She’s right, and she’s smug about it. During the days they do touristy things and just spend time relaxing, occasionally working out. In the evenings Christopher and his boyfriend Patrick take them dancing or clubbing. Natasha comes along once, but then tells them she doesn’t want to sit around getting hit on by anyone so instead either goes to the movies or stays at Christopher’s apartment.
              He’s spent previous weeks on leave in New York, having sex with strangers, but this is a completely different experience. One he’s not going to forget in a hurry. For a start he has never had so much sex in such a short period of time, and it’s good sex, the guys that Christopher sends his way clearly more experienced and keen to give him good experiences or teach him how to give better blow jobs. It’s like each of the guys has undergone a screening process, and when one slips that he’s an ex of Patrick’s he realizes that maybe they have been. He can’t bring himself to care, not when he’ benefitting and enjoying it all.
…           …           …
              They get to Ice’s house and there’s a welcome home party and he can’t believe how big Tamsin and Petra have grown. It’s a vastly different experience to their brief time in San Fransisco but he’s glad they have two weeks and Natasha seems to take her role as surrogate big sister seriously, the four of them watching movies, or lying around with slices of cucumber over their eyes. Sarah snaps a picture of them like that, gets it printed and gives copies to both him and Natasha, along with a pile of other photos she’s taken while they’ve been staying.
              Of course, his birthday comes and he’s twenty-one. Maverick hands over an envelope and a key and he looks at it blankly.
              “What’s this?”
              “The deed to the house. It’s to go to you on your twenty-first birthday.”
              “But… what am I going to do with a house?”
              “Live in it?”
              “But… I’ll be deployed or away…”
              “Bradley, it’s the house your parents bought. What you do with it is up to you. I’d like to still live there of course…”
              “Of course! I mean, if you’re not moving in with Ice, then of course you can stay there. It’s just… nothing has to change right? It’s just a piece of paper?”
              “It’s just a piece of paper. And we’ll help navigate any legal stuff. And we won’t be moving in together any time soon,” Ice states, voice soft, but his expression is sad and Bradley wishes things were different.
…           …           …
              Tom wants to wrap himself around Maverick and never let him go. The amount he’s been away on deployment makes every moment they have together even more precious, and he’s starting to second guess his own rules, even if they’ve kept them both safe. He has two kids and an ex-wife which is a damned good cover, even if his best friend comes and stays frequently. He isn’t telling anyone that doesn’t already know, and no one is asking him, even if they have their suspicions.
              He hates the fact that Pete is now effectively homeless, not that Bradley would ever kick him out of the house, but Tom wants him to have somewhere that is his, and maybe not his alone, but something that would just light Pete up from the inside. The way flying does. He pauses mid-thought and thinks back to a couple of years ago, the Beechcraft and the airstrip, Mav taking Bradley up in the air. Huh. Not a plane, not yet, but there were hangars out there. And a hangar beside an airstrip is probably somewhere Pete would consider living if he thought it was a legitimate option. Not that he himself would want to live beside an airstrip, but this isn’t about him.
              He makes a few calls. Then a few more calls. He’s got to consider leases, and taxes and whether it might just make more sense to rent. He doesn’t want to rent though, wants to make some sort of large gesture and present it as a fait accompli that gives Maverick no wiggle-room to turn it down. He feels pretty confident it wouldn’t be turned away regardless, unless Mav was feeling particularly difficult on the day. Then he gets a call, someone had heard he was looking, and it’s an old Navy hangar, located at the very same airstrip and it feels serendipitous and he agrees to come out and have a look.
…           …           …
              Of course, with how much mentoring he’s doing with the Plebes come the questions, and he remembers his conversation with Ice, a couple of years ago now. When they ask him questions about his parents he simply pulls a face and shakes his head, ignores his own peers, fellow Firsts, who he can see from the corner of his eye who were shaking their heads at the Plebes, trying to stop them from simply asking.
              “My dad was a naval aviator who died in a Top Gun training incident in eighty-six and my mom died of cancer in ninety-four. I was raised by my step-father after that. Any other awkward questions you want answers to?”
              It’s probably why they never ask him or Natasha anything, and another First slaps the Plebe on the back, mutters I tried to warn you off asking but he doesn’t feel upset about it at all. It’s not at all a lie, even if his step-father would be here in a heartbeat if Bradley needed him to be. He knows that both Ice and Mav intend to attend his graduation in formal roles, and while they might night get to acknowledge their roles with each other in such a formal setting he doesn’t care. They want to be there and they’re planning to be there, special leave already requested and granted long ago, considering they’ll be in uniform.
              He and Natasha both work hard, both at their studies and also on their physical fitness. Their applications for flight school were submitted months ago, he really wants to go with her, can’t imagine not going without her. They’re both consistently in the top two or five percent, which he knows bodes well for them. Knows that their involvement with extra curriculars and being friendly with pretty much everyone has them well liked and respected. He just has to be patient and wait.
…           …           …
              They both look at the envelopes, slapping them on empty palms. They look identical, but unlike his USNA acceptance letter, this is a single piece of paper and it could be flight school acceptance, or a decline.
              “On the count of three?” Natasha asks and Bradley admires her courage.
              “Yeah. Three.”
              They rip them open.
…           …           …
              “I knew it!” Maverick screams, his joy palpable through the phone for their Saturday afternoon call. “Ice! Ice! He got in! Hold on, let me put you on speaker…”
              “Of course he did… well done Bradley. Congratulations.”
              He blows out a long breath, because he’s glad they have seemingly unshakeable confidence in his abilities. God, he never wants to disappoint them.
              “Thanks. Natasha got in as well.”
              “She’s a very capable young woman. Proud of you both. Please pass that on to her.”
              “Yeah, thanks. I will.”
              “Yeah, we’re both very proud. You can go back to work now. I’m going to go outside and talk to my godson…”
              He hears Ice mutter something in the background, not clear enough to make out, but then Mav is telling him off for rolling his eyes and he can just imagine what he said, the gentle laughter between them and he can’t help but smile.
              “So. did Ice tell you he bought me a hangar?”
              “He did what?” Bradley asks, because such a move seems like something Mav would make, rather than Ice.
              “He bought me a hangar. Said that I was obviously always welcome wherever he was, but that he knew I needed my own place and that I now had a space for the plane I’ve been eyeing up.”
              “You’ve been eying up a plane? Wait. A hangar. For you to live in? What about the house? You aren’t moving out are you?”
              “No. Of course not. But I’m going to be there as often as you are, probably less considering Ice has become a lot more, uh, relaxed about his stupid sleepover rules. The hangar isn’t currently habitable anyway. But there’s this P-51 Mustang I’ve been looking at. It’s beautiful.”
              “He proposed to you with an aircraft hangar. Oh my god, that’s so… romantic and practical of him.”
              “He didn’t propose.”
              “Mav. If a guy bought me an aircraft hangar what would you think about the guy?”
              “That he was crazy in love with you, and utterly committed… oh shit. I’ll call you back.”
              He is not surprised when he doesn’t get called back.
…           …           …
              He hadn’t expected it.
              They hadn’t warned him.
              The emotions of the day, coupled with the fact that they’d asked every single member of the 1986 Top Gun class there, along with a few other friends of both his parents. He clearly has the biggest cheering section and he feels like a mess inside, although outwardly he’s all smiles and calm togetherness. Four years of training helps with that at least. Ice and Mav are both up on the stage, part of the VIP section, along with several others who are still serving, and he recognizes them from his birthday a couple of years ago.
              “Did you know they were all going to be here?” Natasha asks, and he shakes his head, throat working against the tightness of his collar.
              There are photos, Ice agreeing to so many photos with newly minted graduates and Bradley lets them all go, fights his way through the crowds to find Mav. He and Ice can stage photos later, there will always be times when they’re in uniform. Just the fact that they’re here is more than enough and he’s so happy that he has had them supporting him every step of the way.
              “Captain Mitchell.”
              “Midshipman Bradshaw. Congratulations. Your father would be very proud. I flew with him you know?”
              Bradley blinks.
              Blinks again.
              Hopes his internal dialogue somehow is being telepathically beamed into Mav’s head.
              You are such a dick. Hopefully his expression does enough to convey his exasperation.
              “Really? I didn’t know that sir.”
              Mav gives him a shit-eating grin and Bradley wishes Ice were there to hit him around the head. Not that he would, not in this setting, but damn he sees why he’s always so tempted.
              “I’m going to have a photo with all the graduates who are going to be heading off to Corpus Christi for flight school. I think they want us over there.”
              It’s chaos. Positive and energetic happiness with everyone feeling the sense that they’re about to begin their careers, that they’ve made it through what is meant to be the hardest part, even if Bradley secretly thinks flight school might be even more challenging, it’s only for eighteen months. He manages to get photos with Maverick, Natasha and Ice and nearly every available combination. Then there are photos with the 1986 class, and he ignores the fact that several of the other men seem to shed a tear.
              Then it’s dispersing, the crowd thinning and families are gathering, taking more photos and he can see Sarah pushing through, the hands of Tamsin and Petra clasped and he grins, starts heading toward them, already thinking that Tamsin has grown a couple of inches, can see both his sisters pulling Sarah toward them before she decides to let them go.
              “Natasha! Natasha!” Petra screams, and she’s running across the quad, hair streaming behind her with gold and navy ribbons mixed in, running past him and Natasha is grinning broadly, bending down to swoop Petra up in a hug. Bradley stands back up from where he’d been just about to scoop her up himself before she’d breezed past him.
              “Wow,” he says to Sarah as she comes to a stop to stand beside him.
              “Hurts doesn’t it?” Sarah says, not really asking and Bradley nods, murmuring a quiet yeah under his breath. He doesn’t begrudge Natasha the joy and love of his sisters, love isn’t in finite supply, it’s just a little hurtful to not even warrant a hello. He has to remind himself that Petra is only seven.
              “I love you Bradley,” Tamsin says, arms coming around his waist to give him a hug, as if she can tell how he’s feeling and he hugs her back.
              “Love you too Tam.”
              “You’re dressed up all fancy like Daddy and Papa.”
              “Yeah. You look pretty fancy in your dress too. Is that new?”
              “Yep. Mom bought is especially for today!”
              “We can look fancy together.”
              “Congratulations Bradley, we’re all very proud of you.”
              “Are you proud of me? I go to school too,” Tamsin says, and Sarah looks heavenward and Bradley wonders if she’s been fielding questions like this for a while.
              “I’m proud of you, going to school can be really hard work somedays,” Bradley says.            
              “Daddy!” Tamsin says, and then Ice is there, pressing his cheek against Sarah’s in greeting and nodding at Bradley again.
              “Bradley! Up!” Petra demands, appearing at his side and Natasha is grinning.
              “Hello to you too Miss Petra, happy to be of service.”
              There are a few people doing a double take as they see who he is standing with, who he is clearly family with, but he cares less now. He’s finished here, no one can claim he played any favoritism card. He knows flight school will be different, wants to be in the air as soon as possible.
              He can’t wait.
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ackerfics · 1 year
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i carry your heart with me (i carry it with my heart): gojo satoru
— i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
gojo satoru x reader
notes: first time writing for jjk and it's for our pretty boy !! based on that one b-99 scene between jake and amy
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being on the same year level with gojo satoru means having to put up with the spontaneity of his man-child tendencies. while it is true that he is the pinnacle of the entirety of the jujutsu society from his first wail to the world --- a god amongst mortals; tipping the equilibrium with his very existence, there are moments embroidered in between his rambunctious nature that makes him almost human. key word being almost. such as betting on the most random missions to prove a point like regular teenagers.
"am i going to regret this bet, suguru?" you ask the person yaga assigned to be your pair in capturing the rest of the 2nd-grade curses loitering around the area, with the possibility of a 1st-grade intermingling with them, which puts the entire chase into a total of nine curses. you two are in one of the more desolated areas of tokyo, having split up from the usual group of four your school boasted since the start of first year.
before starting the circle of exorcism your group is about to unleash on these curses, satoru used this opportunity to dangle a proposition between you two, a tradition before embarking on a mission.
it goes this way this time: if he exorcised more curses than you, you're going to do anything he wants (nothing sexual, but judging from the grin on his face, you nearly shivered). he emphasized his words with those black sunglasses of his reflecting your astounded face. you instantly felt the world cave, because your life is on the line. why would you ever date such a person who has no regard to safety and is always known to be obnoxious to the point that you wished you were never a jujutsu sorcerer in the first place? however, if you win this round (which you never won since the first time you two started this whole charade), he's going to be a bit more honest with you. for other people, your condition is as simple as letting impulsivity carry on their choices; but for satoru, it's a moment of weakness. you were left stunned when you saw the tiniest budge of hesitation flicker on his face, almost as if he knew what you meant in your conditions, but just as quickly as you saw it, it vanished. so, he wears false confidence like a second skin and accepts the bet with a handshake, partnering up with shoko instead of suguru. he said something along the lines that you need all the help you can get and that because he's so good, he's going to give suguru to you to at least even out the two parties. what an asshole. he doesn't even give you a chance to utter a rebuttal because he vanished in thin air with shoko waving and pumping her fist at you.
"well," suguru draws out the word.
you throw him a look. "oh, come on, i know that tone --- i'm going to lose my monthly allowance, right? i know he's going to ask me to buy anything sweet he can find on our next mission."
suguru hums with that smile of his, never dimming, never fading, and always warm to the touch. he takes out one hand from his pocket and pats you on the crown of your head. "i'm with you on this one."
you look up at him. "what?"
"i want to see satoru stop all this dancing around he's been doing with you. i mean, the rest of us are even confused if he really does hold feelings for you or not. i think it will do him some good for once in his life."
you look down on the gravel, your hair doing its job covering your features.
ever since you introduced yourself to the other first years in the tokyo branch of jujutsu high, satoru has always sparked this inexplicable interest surrounding you. you like to think it's because of your upbringing, being from one of the more noble jujutsu families who bears the technique of forming contracts with curses, very much like how suguru goes about his technique. the difference between you and suguru lies in the fact that most of the curses your family has made a contract with are special grade, embodiments of the japanese folklore rather than the regular blobs and flies; and that everything is consensual between the sorcerer and the curse. so, stepping inside the room housing three other teenagers like yourself, the flare of your cursed energy captures their attention, one of which possessing the legendary six eyes, having sparkled like no other the moment he placed them on your figure. this rather random fascination of you he had since day one morphed into something that of courting, as yaga once called it (quite so done with it actually), since the boy started calling all the most absurd adjectives and phrases and attached them to your name. beautiful, pretty, heavenly, utterly graceful, stealer of my heart, owner of my attention ... darling, honey, kikufuku, mochi ... anything exhausting really. everything was so abrupt and out-of-the-blue that you had no time dwelling on when this all started.
you now want it to stop.
it doesn't do well because it's blurring all the lines you've drawn between you and your classmates. you don't even have the time to think about the number of times a passerby remarks how wonderful of a couple you two look (any elderly people really) and gojo would boast that yes, my girlfriend is so beautiful and i am lucky enough to have her, ma'am; we started dating last year; it was love at first sight --- you just want to punch him.
then comes the unexpected, lingering touches he brushes against your skin; a pinky finger intertwined with yours, his hand lightly hovering at the small of your back, his knuckles caressing your face and remarking how you look nice for the day, an invading hand tucking a stray bundle of hair behind your ear, nearing his face so that you can whisper something to his ear without any difficulty, and anything that sets your heart ablaze. not to mention he looks at you with something indescribable; eyes reflecting you and only you and sunglasses sliding from the bridge of his nose. it's all softness, no rough edges like how he is with suguru or shoko, and he treats you as such. he once mentioned you are his haven, the only person he doesn't mind turning his infinity off for and the only person to touch him without having the need to let him know.
"i think it won't be good for him if he tells you how he really feel," suguru's voice takes you away from contemplation. "at most, you would benefit from it as well." you turn to him and he wraps an arm around you for good measure. "i want my friends to find solace in our bleak part of the world. and hey, if you two do get together, i will be so proud!"
"yeah, right."
"i would!"
your two groups are tied.
the last curse is right at the end of the intersecting alleyway and what sets your blood pumping is the figure of gojo running from the opposite entrance, shoko cheering for him at the back. great, he managed to convince shoko that his conditions are worth supporting. you grit your teeth and you push forward with more speed that you ever did in a physical activity. god, you're definitely going to feel the repercussions of pushing yourself too hard after this.
feeling the taut connection of your contracted curse, you summon her, "amanozako, go."
the image of a beastly woman slithered from within you, hungry to satisfy her cravings of lesser curses. you watch with narrowed eyes as gojo laughs, teleporting himself closer to the last curse you four have on the list.
then, the most bizarre thing happens.
you somehow reach the curse first than him, leading to your contracted curse to swallow the target in one swoop. she disappears from view and you can only see him --- standing there with a huge grin on his face, the sky of his eyes shining brighter than a beacon.
you blink, breath shuddering from all the running. "w-why--?"
gojo shrugs. "you have it first."
"but you're faster."
he glances behind shoko, who knowingly nods her head. his eyes flicker back at you. "i like you."
all air seems to escape you. everything is silent and all you can hear is the thudding rhythm of your heartbeat. you're pretty sure you look like an imbecile with your mouth open in shock but with the way gojo stares at you from over his sunglasses, one will think he's staring at the most pulchritudinous being he has ever laid his eyes on --- the first blossoming of spring in april. because even with the others lingering in the background, gojo has his six eyes focused on you. you can't even manage to utter a word when he repeats those three goddamn words that will haunt your daydreams.
"i like you, [name]. i'm willing to lose against you if that's what it takes to say my feelings. figured this is the better route compared to the cowardly one i wanted."
"thank me, you idiot!"
"ignore her," gojo casually says after hearing shoko's words, his steps taking him closer to you with his hands snug inside the pockets of his slacks. once he stops in front of you, he takes one of his hands from his pants and brushes the back of his knuckles over your cheek. butterflies seem to bloom on the areas where he leaves behind his wordless declarations. "so, what do you say, sweetheart? wanna give this a shot?"
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itsclydebitches · 9 months
Cinder is a lot more sexualized then the male parts of Salem's inner circle
Like tyrian is shirtless sometimes but that does not feel as...drawn attention to, as say, the lingering shots of Cinder's butt or thighs. Or her wearing short shorts and high boots you know what I mean?
I do, anon. RWBY got a lot of attention back in the day for its anti-upskirt technology, but that doesn't give it a free pass for all the other ways you might (and it does) sexualize the cast. I've never been inclined to give RWBY too much shit in this regard because it is pulling from media with a LONG history of such designs and cinematography - it feels unfair of me to act like RWBY is uniquely responsible for such problems when I'm simultaneously willing to overlook, say, the 90's "gag" of Yusuke flipping up Keiko's skirt - but there's nevertheless a voice in the back of my mind constantly asking things like, "Why are so many of the girls fighting in heels?" and "Why are they dressed like they're going to the club and not the literal TUNDRA??" I'd kill for the whole cast, but the girls in particular, to get a re-design that focuses on fashionably compelling practicality, rather than sexy fanservice. (Though Ice Kingdom did a good job overall, particularly for Ruby.) Sure, RWBY didn't give us panty-shots, but one of the first characters we're introduced to is literally designed like a dominatrix.
If we're talking about outfits though... I'd say Emerald gets hit the worst out of Salem's minions. Yeah, Cinder is definitely sexualized in a more general sense as the tall, white (that's not a coincidence), long-legged beauty who sensually conjures fire as she prowls towards the heroes, camera focused on her hips swaying. But Emerald?
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She suffers from the same problem Yang has. AKA, if your woman isn't classically beautiful (like Wiess and to a different extent Blake), or cute / child-like (Ruby, Penny), but is instead going for a sporty, comparatively masculine-esque vibe... then they've got to show a LOT of skin. RWBY makes it sexy by just denying them clothes. You're entering dangerous battles on the daily? You want to protect yourself? Too bad. The audience needs a midriff and cleavage and your whole arms to stare at. Shorten the skin-tight pants so we can see some leg too. Oh, Yang has to have long pants because she's heading into the coldest Kingdom in Remnant? Never mind that, cut a strip out to show her thigh.
"But Clyde, the girls don't need to wear armor because of aura--" then why the hell does Jaune bother wearing that heavy-ass suit? Is it weight training? Does he just think it makes him look cool? ...or does it exist in case his aura breaks and he's allowed to wear more protective gear because there are different gender expectations attached to his design? The aura argument is just a modern rehashing of the Supergirl sun argument: using made up lore to "justify" getting your women characters into skimpy outfits, despite the men rarely being held to the same standards.
Tyrian is actually an interesting exception here and if I were less tired I'd think through this argument more, but something something as the "crazy" character he's allowed more leeway in breaking those expectations. Also the open shirt shows off his scars, which likewise help sell how dangerous he is. With the exception of characters like Cinder and Nora - whose injuries are Important Character Moments the audience gets to see play out - scars are surprisingly uncommon in Remanent. Or, again, they're severely downplayed so as not to interfere with that classic beauty design (like Weiss', or even Yang who gets a perfect cut when losing her arm). So when you see a character with giant scars spanning the length of his chest, an open shirt drawing deliberate attention to them... that makes you go, "Oh shit. What's he been through to scar like that in a world where most people make it out of fights with no permanent damage?"
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primeofprimes115 · 1 year
Make Me Feel Good - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Warnings: Fluff 🥰 and Smut 💕 (Pretty Heavy Smut, which includes anal and oral sex)
"Y/N... You Make Me Feel Good about myself"
"You too... Golden Curls"
Credit goes to suestormicons for the Rebirth Supergirl edits
'Orange words are inner thoughts of the characters'
Within the home of a nerdy, geeky girl and a boy out of time, the Kryptonian and the Space Human Cowboy, The Maiden of Might and the Un-Killable One, the Girl of Steel and the Man with the Fastest Draw in the Universe, these two people were known to the World as Supergirl and the Gunslinger, their names being Kara Zor-El and Y/N Venj, Kara going under the identity Kara Danvers to blend into Humanity as a Human, Y/N undergoing a little name change, with his last name of course... L/N. She was happy with him staying, staying with her as the two passionately kiss like their hearts desire it.
"Make me yours baby, I'm all yours" The Girl of Steel whispered sexually into his ear, continuing their make out session afterwards, his hands dragging all around her suit, feeling the soft texture of her uniform, her skirt, her skin and his favourite thing about her suit? The cape.
He thinks it makes her look adorable, a hot blondie in a red cape, donning an S on her uniform and cape? Was he the only one who found it adorable and hot? Especially since her breasts make it an excuse to look at the House of El glyph on her tight and flexible uniform and he loves it when she wraps him around with her cape, feeling protected as their bodies contact each other.
She loves the way he moves, the way he talks, his attitude especially, just some cool ass space cowboy with paracausal powers.
"Oh this is a better idea than we originally planned, oh Rao, fuck!" she moans as Y/N goes for her neck, pinning her to the wall despite leaving a dent due to the collision, as his hand reaches under her thigh and lifts it up, knee high up to his waist as he continues to work on her neck, kissing and nibbling which was making her squirm like the last time they did this, his other hand caresses her glyph, massaging her breasts as she lets out more soft moans.
The two had just came back not long ago, planning to watch a movie and have a takeaway for dinner but... It was clear that both parties wanted something more than those two things.
She thought he would be going back to his Earth, his own timeline, but he had other thoughts, not leaving the girl he cherished since he was introduced to her firstly in the city she protected as her heroic identity.
Y/N came from a more different future than the main timeline, his timeline's future didn't have what he's within now, there was no Superman, no Justice League, there was nothing like that.
Instead... There was a growing conflict between two entities, Light and Dark, that was it...
He grew up to a mentor that was the fastest draw within the Solar System, they called him Cade, he was like a Father Figure to him since he was an Orphan, his parents tragically died during an all out invasion from an alien race, but Earth was defended by what were called... The Risen.
The Risen were those gifted with extraordinary powers, gifted from the Light itself, able to bend cosmic nature and other uses of elemental power to use it as a weapon.
How did you gain this power? Well... It was a time of telling.
Fires burning, Earth was scorching, suns were fading almost, Darkness was winning, until a New Light shined bright upon you, being chosen as the Earth's saviour.
You pushed back the growing Darkness, all the way to the end... Until you were brought into a different world upon vanquishing the evil that lurked.
Here... You were in a timeline if it were the same as yours, Superman existed, there was a Justice League and there were many heroes... You felt like a stranger to this world, which you were... Until you met...
* "So... You're saying that there's someone here, my age, in this city that can help me get used to this Earth?" A curious Y/N asked as he was being carried by the Man of Steel himself.
"My cousin can show you the ropes around here, I know she'll love to have a new friend with her day to day life, especially with both her jobs as Supergirl and Kara Danvers, we'll be meeting her at the DEO upon the agreement" the man said proudly as Y/N's eyes widened at this.
"She? You HAVE a cousin who has the exact same powers you have and It's a SHE?!! Why am I getting told this now??" he sounded a little distraught... And a little nervous, who knows what she's gonna be like? 'I hope she ain't too crazy or otherwise, we're gonna have problems'
"I thought you already knew? Oh well, don't worry, I know Kara won't hurt a fly... I think"
"Yeah, you think?" He said brashly, rolling his eyes as Clark chuckled.
"You'll be fine with her, I know that for sure, if you're not sure of staying here in National City for a bit, then you can come back to the Hall of Justice, the decision is up to you" The Man of Tomorrow gave him the option that still stood for Y/N, he mostly thought about it before coming to a conclusion.
"We'll see when I meet her, I wanna see what's she's like first" he sighed a little.
It wasn't long till they got to National City, upon the view, it did remind him a lot of a city he used to live in back in his timeline before it was destroyed, ravished by the Darkness that had arrived to Earth during that time.
"Well we're here" Clark landed at the DEO, putting down Y/N as he swiped any cloud dust off of his outfit, before pulling down his hood, looking at his surroundings.
"Okay... This looks, alright, not as good as the Tower but... it's alright, still doesn't mean I'm staying here though"
"We'll soon see about that" Clark replied.
"I'm just saying Supes, no offense, if your cousin is anything crazy or something? I swear I am definitely going back to..." he stopped in his tracks upon eying... Her
She wore a bright blue tunic made of Kryptonian fabrics showing off the red custom S glyph surrounded with a diamond shaped shield with a yellow background to make it stand out; proudly wearing it like her cousin, a red cape attached to her tunic which also donned the S diamond shielded glyph coloured all yellow, a red skirt with a gold laced belt above it, red high-knee boots, and she had golden blonde flowing hair with blue eyes gorgeous as the oceans.
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He laid eyes upon Supergirl.
Clark had told him she was the same age as him, both being 18 years old, it was Kara's birthday not long ago.
She took notice of the arrival of both parties and goes to hug her cousin, exchanging words with each other in the meanwhile...
You were in your little daydream.
When she looked at you, all you saw was love hearts flowing around her 'Wow she's... She's beautiful and h-h-hot' she flicks her golden locks as she smiled at you gracefully, winking and smirking as she approached you, blowing a kiss toward you not long after as you stared at her... Though that was only in your head...
"Uh, Kal? Is he alright?" Supergirl asked her cousin, looking at the boy with concern on her face as her leans down to her.
"Yeah, he's just nervous" he whispers to his cousin before shaking Y/N, making him jump a little.
"Oh uh, I'm here, what's going on?" he asked with an eyebrow cocked up before looking back at Supergirl, tensing up a little.
"Kara, remember the boy I told you about? The one you agreed to help get him comfortable with on our Earth? This is him" Clark asked his cousin as she got a little excited, now knowing this is the boy she's now standing in front of.
"Wait, this is him? The boy who's from another timeline?! Y/N is it?" she immediately reached her hand out to him, offering to shake his hand as he looked at it and her a few times.
"Uh... Y-yeah, Y/N's name, ugh no, name's Y/N, I uh... Hi" he nervously chuckled but shook her hand nonetheless, surprisingly surviving the hand shake, no bones were broken.
"It's so good to meet you Y/N, you can call me Kara, but... Supergirl is the name known to all!" she posed like a superhero, resulting in him blushing a little as she did look cute doing so.
"I know you'll be showing him around, which is why I've gotten him a secret identity to go with yours, he'll tell you the rest of the details, if he's made up his mind of staying here for the time being with you" Clark looked at him as Y/N's thoughts ran rapidly through his head, in front of him was a pure, beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes, wearing a red cape, surely nothing would go wrong?
"Uh... I do change my head, I-I m-mean mind, I'm actually staying, you seem... hot-I mean cool, yeah, cool" he began rubbing his arm nervously as the Girl of Steel stared at him with a blank expression, before her cheeks turned a rosy red, blushing from his brief word vomit.
"Well... I'll just leave you both to it then, I can't stay, gotta back to Metropolis for Lois needs help with something important" Clark began to back up a little.
"Oh, yeah, no worries, I can take it from here, it's good to see you Cuz, hope to see you again soon" Kara faced him as he was about to leave.
"You will, I'll be checking in with you about him soon, oh one more thing, he'll be staying at yours!" he reminded to tell her as Y/N looked wide eyed at this.
"Already got that covered! Bye Cuz!! ~" she waved as he left, leaving her alone with Y/N within the DEO, she looked at him and placed her hand on her arm - "So ~" she started off - "you like donuts? I know a place"
"You kidding? Who doesn't like donuts?!"
* For the better... Supergirl had lots of fun with you being around her, starting off as just friends, yous telling each other about who they are, what their lives were like behind the gun and cape, beyond your superhero life.
When she struggled at high school due to still trying to get used to Earth technology, she least expected you to turn up at her school within the same class she took,
Meeting the Director (Director Cameron Chase) of the DEO was... Interesting to say at least, it's not like one of her Agents misunderstood you for the enemy, wasn't the first time you were misunderstood and fired upon by other Government Agencies.
You showed her why your the fastest draw of the galaxy not long after, issuing a classic Mexican Standoff with some B-grade Villain, she was rather... Impressed that you were fast, almost as fast as her though she challenged you to a game of skeet not long after.
"Well, let's see who's faster?" she smirked, hands on her hips as she gave him a teasing smile.
"You're on Goldie Locks!" he readied his hand cannon, smirking with her.
Over the course, Superman would check in on your progress, Kara filling him in with all the details, he could tell there was something else going on, especially with how Kara felt around you, you both were just friends from the looks of it but as he looked closer, he could tell Kara had some sort of feelings toward him, how he knew this?
Through Barbara Gordon.
They had to drop by Gotham for a little investigation, you were there also, talking away with Barbara about gadgets and other things.
"Kara, mind if we have a chat?" Clark asked her cousin as she stood with Robin and Batman at the computer.
"Sure Cuz, guessing it's about Y/N huh?" she happily accepted as the two cousins walked off to talk privately, waving at Barbara and Y/N as she walked out with her cousin.
"I've noticed your very comfortable with Y/N around, how's things going between you and him behind the cape?" he asked her as she brightly smiled upon being asked.
"Are you kidding? He's amazing! He's like a Super-Friend to me, someone to talk to on a daily basis, he's met my foster parents and they love him! He's also great at art and all that stuff too! I know it's been two weeks since you last checked in but he's slowly getting used to his new surroundings, I think he likes it here" Kara gushed about him, she felt really happy around him and Clark could tell but... He wanted to tell her something that could break her heart.
"Good, it's good to hear he's adapting but I also brought you aside because... We've managed to get into contact with his Earth and it looks like he'll be able to go back soon as it is, we're all working on a way to send him back to his home" Clark told him as this made Kara's facial expression turn from happy and cheerful, to gutted and saddened.
"Oh... Well... Th-That's g-good" she looked down at the floor beneath her as her cousin looked at her with a sorrowful expression, knowing how she feels toward him by looking at her face, he could tell she was in love.
"Kara ~" he placed his hand on her shoulder, making her look back up at him - "I know how you feel around him, you kept looking back at him and... I heard you talking about him with Barbara" this made her blush red immediately, she began stuttering, but couldn't believe he was listening into her "girl talk" with Barbara.
"Kal that was a private convo! You weren't supposed to listen!! ~" she hissed quietly before sighing - "But, knowing he's going back soon, I-I don't know if I can" she looked down again, her face filled with a deepened sadness.
"Then tell him how you feel before it happens ~" he suggested - "I know I was like this with Lois, butterflies in the stomach, feelings gushing about, looking at her when she wouldn't look back, I've seen it in your face, tell him how you feel Kara, before he goes back to his Earth" he comforts her as she looks back up with a slight smile.
"I know but... I'm just... Scared to tell him, and now that he's going back to his Earth, what's the point? This just... ~" Kara huffed before thinking of something - "What if he can... Stay here? On our Earth?" Kara wondered, asking her cousin this as he didn't know what to tell her.
"I don't know what to tell you but... It's up to him if he wants to stay, but knowing how much he misses his home, he'll want to go back, but hey... At least he'll remember the good memories he spent here, and I think that's worth while, but you should tell him how you feel Kara, because I think he likes you too, I've seen it in his face also" Clark smiled, comforting his cousin once more.
"You really think so? That he likes me?" she asked him.
"From what I've seen? Yes, I think he does, but don't leave it too late, we don't know how long till we eventually find a way to his Earth since his Earth's coordinates are... Out of place" he tried finding the right word.
"Thanks Cuz" she hugged him, Clark accepted it no long after
Though things were a little awkward with Kara after her conversation with Clark, especially living with you as her roommate for now, there were moments where she almost gave in to kiss you right then and there as the same went for you, both conditionally having feelings without saying anything, but this would start to begin something very...
Supergirl swoops on down, joining up with the rest of the heroes from the JLA upon the aftermath of dealing with a huge situation that Y/N played a big part in.
Supergirl looks toward Y/N who is currently fiddling around with his gun, reloading a cylinder canister of rounds within it before holstering it, locking the gun into place with a retracted sound.
She always thought it was cool when it did that, as she wondered what type of technology his Earth has.
Thoughts ran through her head as she approached him, now that the situation had been dealt with and everyone regrouped together, Kara wanted to return to National City for the night.
She really wanted to tell him how she felt, she's only left it for a few days, trying to build up confidence.
Upon agreeing to go home with her, the two said their goodbyes and left, Kara carrying him in her arms, bridal style.
She was very quiet, lost in her thoughts 'Should I tell him how I feel? How will he react? Does he really have feelings for me? Or am I just imagining this?' she couldn't stop thinking to herself, let alone, she was nervous to say anything.
"You're awfully quiet?" he asked the Maiden of Might, pointing it out as Kara looked at him for a brief moment.
"Yeah, pretty tired that's all" she lied, putting on a smile.
"Really? The Girl of Steel? Who is literally a ray of sunshine and rainbows, never runs out of energy... Is tired? ~" he laughed - "Kara... I can tell something is wrong by looking in your face... You have something going on behind that smile of yours" he smirked as Kara huffed a smile before stopping herself from flying, staying stationary in the air.
She takes a deep breath and looks at him - "A few days ago when we were in Gotham, at the Batcave, Kal told me that the League has found a way to contact your Earth and establish communications, within the next two weeks... You'll be going back"
"Wait? Really? Huh? I wasn't told that? Guess -"
"I was supposed to tell you because I... Wanted to be the one to tell you" Kara quickly interrupts, her frown saddening as she looks away.
Y/N took notice of this and then... He smirked - "No? You're actually sad about me leaving? Aww Kara, I'm touched" his heart melted as she looked back at him, beginning to blush.
'C'mon Kara, just say it, SAY IT! Tell him you like him! Tell Him before it's too late!!' Kara argued with her own thoughts, staring into his eyes as he cocked an eyebrow.
"Um... You stopped flying Kara and you're blushing... Is there something else you want to say?" he pointed out her stationary levitating state, holding him in her arms to keep him safe on the flight home, Kara's blush deepened as she began to chuckle nervously and saddened her frown.
"It's just that... *sigh* Y/N, for the past month and a half after Kal introduced us... To know that you'll be back within two weeks... I ~" she couldn't keep eye contact as she chuckles down a lump in her throat, Y/N looking concerned - "I... I've had thoughts constantly run through my head... Thoughts about you and... How happy you make me and... Now that you'll be gone soon, I don't know how to tell you this but... I... Have feelings.. For you" she blushed a rosy red upon finishing, looking away sheepishly as her cape flapped behind her in the gentle wind.
Y/N's eyes went wide as he kept his gaze on Kara, admitting she had feelings for him, but after all this time, he also had feelings for her, and it all started when he first met her, love at first sight.
He smiled and chuckled softly - "Kara" he called her name, gaining her attention as she sheepishly blushed upon looking at him, gazing into his eyes, he found it cute the way she was right now.
"I know, I know what you're gonna say, you don't need to *smack* MMMFLGHHH!" she was cut-off... With a pair of lips on hers 'He's kissing me!! Oh... mmphh, his lips'
She melted into the sudden kiss with a smile rising on her face, her stomach filled with butterflies as her heart pounds in her chest, the smacking of their lips together fills her with joy as she enjoys the taste of his lips.
He pulls back after a long minute and chuckles with Kara - "Strawberries" he tasted the sweet Chapstick on Kara's lips, complimenting it as she blushes and smiles brightly.
"You-You kissed me, does that mean?" she looked at him with hopeful eyes 'Obviously he does Kara, he freaking kissed you!!'
"Haha, Kara... I liked you since the day my eyes fell on you, when I thought you were... Beautiful *begins to blush* and hot... I actually thought you blew me a kiss which in reality you didn't but... It was love at first *smack* -" he was now interrupted with Kara's pair of lips on his, kissing him back even harder, slightly making out a little as she moaned softly into his mouth, his arms outstretched around the crook of her neck.
"Mwah! *giggle* I guess we're even now ~" she giggles afterwards, smiling with a cute expression - "Though I know you're going in two weeks, I just... Want to make this last, before then" Kara gave him the sweetest smile she's ever given, melting Y/N's heart as he pulled her in for a quickie.
"Muah! *chuckle* Exactly what I thought too, and we will... What we doing when we're back?" he asked as she then smirked, thinking of something... Breath-taking.
It's something the two will remember for the rest of their lives.
As the two weeks pass by, the two enjoying their relationship while it lasts, it being sweet, cuddly, soft-core and heart-warming, Kara was like the spoon to you, she was this cute ball of fluff who has a side to her to never piss off, especially when it came to another girl flirting with you, whether they were a hero or not.
When the time came for him to go back, Kara was a little upset, she admitted to having fun with you while it lasted.
As she along with other fellow Heroes who helped make contact with Y/N's Earth, his Commander and another fellow Risen were the ones to confront him finally, exchanging words as the time was now.
He agreed to go back with them but he wouldn't go until he shared one "last" kiss with Supergirl, smiling at her as a few tears ran down her face.
Upon nearing the portal with his own allies, he stopped for a moment, looked back at everyone before his eyes fell on Kara...
And you gave her a wink.
"Actually... I've changed my mind" he called out, the Commander and the other Risen solider looked back at him with a questioned face.
The others behind looked a little shocked to say at least, Supergirl being the most shocked as her heart began to beat faster.
"What? What did you just say? After all of that trouble to get you back, you've changed your mind?" the Risen soldier's tone got annoyed, before sighing.
"Let him speak his words, I need to hear this" the Commander stepped in, his hand preventing Eli from ripping Y/N a new one.
"Commander, I know this may sound, displeasing but... I've now just realised that if I leave... I'll be leaving something important to me behind ~" he turns round, smiling toward the girl he loves - "I'll be leaving the girl I've came to love behind ~" he extends his hand out to her - "Come here Golden Curls" the Maiden of Might begins to burst out of joy, giggling happily as she floats over to take his hand.
Her giggles stop as she pulls herself in for a quick kiss, landing on the ground as she embraced him by wrapping one arm around him and her other hand on his chest as the two smiled adoringly at each other, all that sadness in Kara disappeared completely with a click of a button, being drained out with her rays of sunny goodness and cheerfulness as she always is when she's happy.
"Her name is Kara Zor-El, some of her friends know her as Kara Danvers, but everyone knows her as the Maiden of Might, the Girl of Steel; Supergirl, but to me? She's my Goldie Locks, Golden Curls and... My Angel of the Sky ~" he couldn't take his eyes off of her as his smile grew bigger along with hers, blushing hard not long after - "I can't imagine my life without her, and neither can she... So ~" he looks at the Commander - "I'm staying, for her... And for the allies and friends I made here" he looks at the heroes behind him with a smile, all standing proud and smiling as he gave his change of heart to his Commander.
All the Commander does is let out a sigh... Before smiling, looking upon Y/N to speak his words - "Cade would be proud of the person you've become, I wished he was here to witness this, he made a wise choice taking you in, he knew your father and your mother, he was as devastated when he heard the news of their deaths, leaving you alone *long thought before sighing* just know that I am proud of you also, you've become something greater than just a Risen, you've become a Guardian to our people, and the people of this Earth, I bid you the best of farewells, Godspeed Y/N, you will need it along with you all and thank you" he sent his regards nodding his head before disappearing through the portal, Eli said nothing, smirking, baring him farewells also before leaving.
Upon now staying here, he was given quite the heart-warming ovation, Flash even hinting on letting Y/N join the League which the Space Cowboy declined, but would only join if Supergirl were to join.
It wasn't long till you wanted to go back to National City, wanting to be cuddled with Kara's cape and be drowned in kisses with her.
"So? Wanna kiss and cuddle on the couch? Have your cape as the blanket?" he asked as she was flying with him in her arms, above the clouds as they both admiringly give each other looks of affection.
"Sure, wanna get a takeaway and watch TV? A movie perhaps?" she asked giving him a peck on the lips as the city came into view, a beautiful view with the dusky sky around them.
"I'd love that" he smiled but as he looked into Kara's eyes, he saw something else... Heart eyes, her eyes filled with lust, craving for one thing.
'Actually? Y'know what? I really wanna fuck him so bad, he's got me in the mood for it' she thought to herself, biting her lip, thinking of dirty thoughts as she did want to try a few different things when it came to it.
"Or... I have another idea of what we could do" she smirks, her sex drive kicking in as he knew exactly what she was thinking.
"Mmmffpp! Mmmm-mhh!" the sounds of smacking lips and moans coming from Kara as soon as you both arrived, you played hard to get before Kara used her super-speed to catch you, taking your hand cannon and placing it on the living room table before you began removing the top half of your outfit, showing off your hot body to Kara's eyes as she giggled seductively, her eyes craved for you as she wrapped her cape around the two of you, continuing to make out.
Both trying to dominate each other with the kissing, the smacking of their lips intensifying as tongues danced in each other's mouths, you kicking off your boots.
"Y/N... You Make Me Feel Good about myself" she whispers with lust in his ear, turning him on more as her hands slipped down his back, slowly and softly feeling his skin on her hands as she purred.
She let out a gasp as his hands squeezed her breasts, her grinning hard afterwards with a giggle - "You too... Golden Curls" he smirked as she giggled more, pulling him into a deep kiss, their lips began dancing as she began leading him to the kitchen, where things began to get a little heated.
"Make me yours baby, I'm all yours" The Girl of Steel whispered sexually into his ear, continuing their make out session afterwards, his hands dragging across all around her suit, feeling the soft fabric of her uniform, her skirt, her skin and his favourite thing about her suit? The cape, especially when she has it draped over her shoulders.
He thinks it makes her look adorable, sexy and powerful, a hot blondie in a red cape that drapes over her shoulders, donning an S on her uniform and cape? Was he the only one who found it cute and hot and powerful? Especially since her breasts made it an excuse to look at the House of El glyph on her tight and flexible uniform and he loves it when she wraps him around with her cape, feeling protected as their bodies contact each other once more
She loves the way he moves, the way he talks, his attitude especially, it turns her on just thinking about him, he's just some cool ass human space cowboy with paracausal powers that she fell in love with and doesn't regret it at all, it made her purr when he would use his yellow sun energy to increase her adrenaline and strengthen her powers more, a power boost, he was practically a moving solar battery for her.
"Oh this is a better idea than we originally planned, oh Rao, fuck!" she moans as Y/N goes for her neck, pinning her to the wall, leaving a dent on the wall due to the collision of the Kryptonian, as his hand reaches under her thigh and lifts it up, knee high up to his waist as he continues to work on her neck, kissing and nibbling which was making her squirm like the last time they did this, his other hand caresses her glyph, massaging her breasts as she lets out more soft moans.
She was bulletproof, her skin was impenetrable but when it came to his touch? He was her Kryptonite and she knew since that night she thought dirty about him, quietly pleasing herself when he least expected.
"Rao, you're the only acception of Kryptonite to me, oh. My Y/N" her hand reaches the back of his head, running her hand through his hair as she moaned out softly, rolling her eyes back as she begins to laugh with pleasure, her body was on fire with his lips on her neck, his hand rubbing her breasts through her suit, turning her on to the extreme.
She then smirks before using her strength to dominate him, pinning him against the wall now as she pulled herself onto him - "hahaha, getting dominant now aren't you Goldie?" he chuckles, flirting with her as her grin grows profusely, connecting her lips with a smack, moaning as they continue to make out, her hands slip down into his pants as she begins to play with the bump that was growing, using some of her super-speed to make him groan with satisfaction. She used her x-ray vision also to see how big it was growing, which it was a little bigger than last time, growing to around... 5.5 to 6.2 inches.
With her hand still on his chest, she uses the hand in his pants to pull off the mechanical holster with gentle care, placing it on the table behind her.
Her smirking grew big as she pulled down his trousers, allowing him to kick his trousers off as his boxers were pulled down next, allowing breathing space for his member to pop out, gasping as it bounced up and down, her giggling before taking a long lick up the shaft, teasing him as she licked the tip, getting on her knees to begin sucking on it - "Oh Hot Stuff, I'm gonna enjoy this snack" she giggles more before taking it to the mouth, beginning the blowjob.
She pushes her blonde hair to the side of her face as she bobs her head forward, lustfully looking up to his eyes as she did it.
Her partner begins to groan as his hands moved to the back of her head, pushing himself and her forward as she begins to gag profusely with pleasure
She pulls away from his member and giggles, licking her lips before going back to it with sucking his cock.
"Oh fuck Kara, oh that's..." you moan as she bobs her head a little faster, licking the tip of his cock like she would with ice cream, which in fact turned him on that one time when the both did go for ice cream, prompting in her giving him a quick blowjob in the sky that time afterwards.
There was something about Kara giving him a blowjob while in costume, just seeing her as Supergirl made the blowjob way better, the bright blue uniform with the red cape that drapes over her shoulders, red skirt, gold belt and red boots, it made her pretty sexy and undeniably stunning.
Kara giggled through the hell of the blowjob she was giving him, before she stopped, beginning to use her hand to start giving him a blowjob, even using some of her super-speed into the mix, getting faster, and faster, and faster, becoming a blur at this point.
she mentioned she was way faster than her cousin when it came to super-speed which rivals the Flash's top speed overall... But Y/N didn't think she meant it in this way too... She really showed him how fast she can go with this action, her hand literally becoming a vibrator at full power, beyond full power the way she was jerking him off.
She slowed down as she began to taste some of his pre-cum leaking out of his tip, taking a long lick around it to clean it up a little.
"You wanna fuck my mouth?" Kara asked in a suggestive manner, he was took aback by her suggestive question, it was an suggestion he couldn't refuse as he smirked, caressing Kara's face with his hand.
Kara practically grabs his cock and aims it toward her mouth, facing forward as he grasped Kara's head with both hands and inserted his member into her mouth as her lips engulfed, beginning to thrust into her mouth as she began to gag.
You moved your hips faster like a jackhammer, quickly thrusting into her mouth, touching the tonsil at the back of her throat as she gagged in pleasure, drooling not long after as you kept thrusting with even more speed as the time to orgasm was rising.
"Mngh-ph!" Y/N groaned, releasing his seed after one last thrust in Kara's mouth, her saliva dripping from her mouth as he slowly pulled his member out.
"Whow ~" Kara spoke, mouth full of juices before slurping it all down with a big gulp - "That tasted so fucking good ~" she dirty words slip out, licking her lips, giving it one more lick as she smirked - "But now... I think -"
As soon as she stood back up, Y/N immediately picked her up as she yelped before placing her on the dining table.
"Oh? *cute giggling* wow Y/N" she giggled as he chuckled, proceeding to kiss each other as his hand moves up from her leg to under her skirt, where he began to rub the part where her tunic covered her lady-parts, beginning to tease her as they kissed affectionately.
"Mmmm Rao Y/N, by great Kryptonnn! ~" she moaned through the smacking of lips, your hand teasing her special area as you sneakily pulled at the tunic, making the covered area exposed as his one finger went inside, causing her to gasp out of pleasure - "Ohhhh fuck yeah!" she moaned loudly, rocking her head back as her pupils cross-eyed upon another finger entering her cherry.
You lift up Kara's skirt as you begin to lean down a little to where your face was right in her clitoris.
"Make Me Feel Good" she worded out with a moan as he smirks, his tongue began working on her clitoris as his fingers done a wagging motion inside her pussy.
The Girl of Steel began rubbing herself, her hands driving up her breasts before she began playing and massaging them, squeezing them as her finger traced the House of El glyph.
"And they call you the 'Girl of Steel' huh? ~" Y/N chuckled as he kept his two fingers moving in her, performing 'come here' motion - "Clearly your pussy isn't made of steel" he flirted with a seductive intent, both giggling at the little call-back to her nickname.
"Only when I'm around you I'm not made of steel" she flirted back with a laugh that soon turns into a pleasured soft moan upon him using his tongue next to please her, and hopefully make her orgasm.
But Kara's thoughts ran through her head as she was having the time of her life, having her cherry get eaten out by her partner 'I really want his dick in me... In my ass, his cock his lubricated and I'm close to orgasm already, oh Rao I'm about to cum' - "Oh Rao Y/N! I really want, AHHHH!" she screamed out as she uncontrollably orgasmed, squirting out her juices which splashed in his face, though he found it a little unpleasant, he began to laugh softly.
"Well that was fast, a little quick warning next time hun?" he chuckled as Kara's face lit up.
"Ohhh I'm so sorry! I got a little too excited thinking of your cock in my ass" she said with embarrassment.
"Wait. What? ~" his face now lit up red 'she wants WHAT in her ass?' - "You want to do anal instead? I thought you'd want your pussy smashed? You sure about this?" he asked her with concern, knowing the risks of anal sex and this being her first time wanting anal.
"Yeah... I've always wanted to try it and since your cock is still lubricated enough and I have lube in the bathroom, I don't wanna miss my chances" she smirks, getting off the table, kissing him on the lips as she floated a little off the ground, beginning to heat up the kiss.
Her arms wrapped around him as she took him up with her, flying to the bedroom where she dropped him onto it, floating back down on the ground.
"Hang on, let me uh... Clean my face a little" he rushed off to clean the remains of Kara's... Juices off of his face using water.
"I honestly didn't think I'd orgasm that fast!" Kara shouted from the other room.
"Yeah, it's incredible... Besides ~" he came back... With a bottle of lube - "You're probably gonna be squirting pretty big for this, don't ask how I know that" he walks back to Kara who pulled him into a deep kiss.
She pulls back after a long minute, seductively smirks as she slowly removes her cape, letting it fall off of her tunic, her boots next, then teasingly asks him to take off her skirt which he had no idea how to.
"Let me show you" she whispers into his ear, smirking as she leans back up, guiding his hands to remove her skirt slowly, giving him a little show.
She could've worked at the strip-club if she wanted, she knew exactly how to dance like one, giving him a little show.
All of that was left was her uniform as she took it off slowly, teasing her partner before showing off her completely, beautiful, breath-taking naked body for you to witness, her perfectly shaped and archetypical sized breasts, her hardened nipples, the slim, astonishingly shaped body, she was a literal Goddess.
He couldn't help but approach her and began sucking on her breast, she gasped at this sudden move as she began to moan softly, his tongue licking her nipple and sucking on her boob.
She purrs for him to keep going, she loved the way he sucked on her boob as she played with her other one, letting out soft moans as he kept going, even biting her boob a little to make her yelp with pleasure as her hand went down to his cock, giving him a little handjob as he kept sucking on her breast, before moving onto the other one as she moaned tenderly, her speed increasing on the handjob the more he sucked... But she didn't want him to blow his load... Not yet, that was for the main course, she stopped upon feeling his cock twitch in her hand.
"I keep forgetting how breath-taking you look without clothes on, my my you're a literal angel... A Goddess" he purred pulling back, opting Kara to giggle as she got on the bed on all-fours, swaying her ass toward the wall as she looked at him.
"My hole isn't waiting Tiger" she purred after you with a soft laugh, before your hand clasped the sides of her thighs and then the other hand went on the other side, getting in position behind her as your thighs contacted her ass cheeks, your cock over the crack of her ass, arousing her further when she felt it.
Using some lube, he rubs it on Kara's hole, she smiled with pleasure as she felt his finger near her hole, biting her bottom lip.
"Oh Y/N, this is definitely gonna be good! Your cock in my ass, I've always wanted to try this" she opens her mouth with satisfaction, feeling the lube around her hole as he closed the cap of the bottle, putting some lube on his member just in case if it wasn't lubricated enough.
"You ready?" he cooed, Kara looked back at him with a smirk.
"Oh yeah I am ready... Make Me Feel Good Y/N, I'm all yours" she spoke suggestively, her thoughts driving her hornier by the minute.
*Gasp!* Kara's mouth opened wide, hissing as her eyes popped out of her sockets, she felt her partner's cock slowly enter her backside - "Oh. My. By. Great Krypton!!" she gasped with another hiss, feeling it fully insert, groans escaped Y/N's mouth as the Kryptonian moaned and laughed with a flush of excitement coursing through her body.
"Oh. Fuck" Y/N groaned as he began thrusting slowly, getting a really good grip of her thighs, slowly thrusting in and out, in and out.
Kara begins to play with her clit, rubbing it thoroughly as she moaned her heart out.
"Oh Rao! My ass is... Stretching!!" she felt her asshole stretching the more his cock went deeper, beginning to easily slip it in and out, she hissed more as this began to concern Y/N.
"You want me to stop?" he groaned slightly, but a lot concerned for her safety of doing this.
"NO, keep going!! It feels so. FUCKING. Good!!!" she moaned at the top of her lungs, the room somehow began to shake upon her shouting, knowing her super-sonic scream power kicked off a little there.
But he liked that... She was clearly enjoying herself, moaning in pleasure, demanding he go faster, her ass being pretty tight as expected, if she wanted to scream and make everything shake in its wake, he wasn't going to stop her from doing it, he found it hot.
The walls of her ass stretched a little more as he went much deeper, she felt she was going to orgasm with her moans increasing loudly, she kept rubbing her clitoris before - "AHHHHH! OH YESSS UGH!!" her tongue hanged out of her mouth, her eyes rolled back as she squirted on the bed sheets below her, squirting lots of her juices each thrust he did to her.
"OH GOD I CAN'T STOP SQUIRTING!!" she screamed out with pleasure, tears brimming from her eyes due to the pleasure she was feeling, his cock inside her ass, her squirting over and over again, she has never felt this good before, who thought anal sex was also her Kryptonite too?
"KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING!! HAHAHAHAHA!" she craved for him to keep going, not wanting him to stop anytime soon, laughing with a crazy side to her he's never seen before, he didn't think she'd enjoy this too much, panting like a dog afterwards, tongue hanging out, cross-eyed as she moans louder, the entire room began to shake, even the bed with her continuous moans and screams, begging for him to go all deep inside her.
His flesh slaps with her flesh, slapping noises from the way he was thrusting into her as she kept moaning with his groans overlapping each other, the bed was moving a little, banging against the wall.
"OH FUCK, FUCK FUCK! FUUUCK!!" Kara screamed out, squirting on the bed sheets again, her body was on fire, speaking Kryptonese not long after, cursing a few words.
He cock slipped in and out, in and out, in and out, easier to begin thrusting with more speed before a sensation filled her thoughts of riding on his dick, she couldn't help it.
As he began to slow down a little, she quickly flips him over as his cock slips out of her gaping hole, some of his pre-cum discharging out of her ass as she climbs on top of him.
"What the?" he asked with surprise, it was all of a sudden.
"Sorry! Couldn't help myself Hot Stuff ~" she smirked, panting still as she guided his cock back into her ass with no need for more lube, slamming down onto him as it went deep inside her - "Oh. Fuuuuck!" she moaned out, beginning to ride his dick in her ass, rubbing her clit while doing so.
Her hands drive up to his chest, using it for support as she shakes her backside up and down as her athletic ass cheeks jiggle, her eyes fixated on his as her mouth hangs open in ecstasy, enjoying the feeling of riding his cock.
She leans herself down onto his body, her perfectly archetypical breasts press against his chest, drawing her face closer to his before planting her soft, tender lips on his, making out with him as she rides his cock.
To her surprise, he begins to thrust up in her too, in lapse with her slamming down on him as she moans through making out, taking breaths in-between to moan her heart out with pleasure, overlapping his little groans once more.
She looks at him lovingly, knowing her body is on fire with the pleasure he's giving her, she needed this, she thought the last time they had sex was great? But this? This was way better, trying oral sex then this? Anal? The bed began to creak with the amount of pressure she was putting on with slamming down on him.
Did she care if the bed would break? No... All she cared about, was wanting him to finish inside her ass, at first it sounded unpleasant to think about but it grew her desires to want it to happen, she wanted to feel his juices inside her ass, perhaps gaping it out.
"OH FUCK YOU'RE COCK IS RUINING MY ASS!! AND I LOVE IT!!!" she screamed upon pulling herself back up, hissing and opening her mouth to stick out her tongue, rocking her head back.
He saw a glimpse of her eyes turning red with heat vision, for a moment, he thought she was about to lose control of her powers but it seemed she had it under control.
She looked back down at him, pupils still red with heat vision as she grinned, laughing with a fiery desire, with lustful eyes, she was all his as much as he was all hers.
"You like that don't you Supergirl? You like your ass getting fucked don't you?" you talked dirty, feeling the climax approaching soon.
"OH FUCK YES I DO!! I'M YOUR SLUT, YOU'RE SUPERSLUT!!" she growled in pleasure with a huge grin, laughing and moaning loudly as she began to squirt once more.
Her juices splattered onto his chest as the climax began to approach nearer by the minute, her satisfactory moans increasing louder as she kept bouncing, feeling his cock twitch inside her.
"K-Kara!" he hissed, feeling his cock twitching inside her as she looked at him, not keeping her eyes off of him as she began to giggle, slamming down one more time with a long moan, while he groans with ecstasy, releasing his seed up into her ass, her eyes bulged as she felt it shoot up in her before pulling herself into him to make out as the orgasm passes.
Both heavily panted as time progressed, their pants synced together before kissing each other again, making out passionately.
His cock went limp, falling out of her ass as her hole began to gape, squirting some of his overflooded juices out as her hole made a noise.
Her hand tenderly massaging her ass cheek as the juices dripped out of her onto the bed where she laid beside her boyfriend, both still panting as they look up at the ceiling together.
'Oh my god... That was amazing!' Kara thought to herself, satisfied with what they did - "Wow... That really made me feel... Like I was on fire, I want to feel like that again" Kara spoke out of breath, still panting alongside him.
"Y-Yeah *chuckle* that was fun, we're definitely doing that again" her boyfriend chuckles after a few seconds, they both look at each other before giggling, kissing afterwards.
"I say we get cleaned up, get some food and snuggle on the couch" Kara suggested after pulling back for air, smiling like a goofball.
"Don't forget the cape" he reminded her, giggling at his response before kissing him.
Kara began typing on her laptop, working on some project as a portal opened in the middle of the room, revealing Y/N walking out from it.
"Honey I'm home" he called out, driving her attention from the laptop to him with a smile.
"How'd it go?" Kara got off of her seat, approaching her boyfriend as he pulls down his hood with the mask retracting into his outfit.
"Could've gone better but overall... The best part? Coming home to you" he flirted, making her blush as she floats up to his level, planting a kiss on his lips.
Distant meows of Streaky was heard in the other room, running around the corner to greet his other owner.
"Hiya Streaks, hello, missed you too buds" he knelt down petting the cat as it trilled upon being touched, purring not long after to walk away.
He gets back up and pulls Kara toward him, leaning in to plant his lips on hers.
"Mwah! God I missed your lips" he mumbled to her, making her giggle sheepishly.
"And I missed your touch" she said back, pecking his cheek, smiling brightly at him.
He chuckles with her as he began to think back to the first time he met Kara, oh how things changed.
He thought back to that one moment where he could've gone back to his timeline, but he decided not to because of her, he didn't want to leave her behind, nor leave the fact he'll have to live without her.
"Kara, know that I love you so much and I cherish every moment we have together, because you... Make Me Feel Good about myself, about... Us ~" he takes her hands in his, holding them in each hand - "I'm just so lucky to wake up beside you every morning when I can since... Well, National City needs Supergirl sometimes or when she's not there, this guy is" he smiles brightly at her, staring into her blue diamonds, knowing there's love behind them, an untamed flame of love.
"That's so sweet Y/N *giggle* I love you so much too Hot Stuff" she smirked, pulling herself in to kiss him passionately.
His hands run down her back as the two begin to slowly make out a little, her hands reach up his chest, pulling back as the two connect foreheads together as they both look at each other and smile.
"So? You're not busy right now are you?" he hinted at something as she took notice of his little hint.
All she did was smirk, thinking the project can wait as she took off her glasses after pulling back, the brown hair slowly turned back into her traditional golden blonde hair due to the advanced tech of the glasses, out came Supergirl as she guided him to the bedroom.
To make up for...
Lost time.
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rosellerivers19 · 4 months
Ever After High characters Brooke Page and her brother
A few years ago I reread almost all of the Ever after high books and being disappointed since EAH was discontinued decided to write my own version of the Next book (At that time I didn’t know it was called a fanfic since I was writing only for myself on paper)
I ultimately lost that paper and my other notebooks with Very Cringey writing ideas. I’m hoping I can find them eventually but oh well 🤷‍♀️
So back the point I remembered Brooke Page the daughter of the Narrators who often helped Maddy out especially in the last book I read in the EAH series.
This got me thinking of the Narrators where do they come from, Do they have a physical form? Do they live in a separate universe? How many different types are there?
well if my memory serves me right there is a society of Narrators who live outside of EAH partly and Maddie was given a special Narrator privilege or something.
I believe Narrators do have physical forms as we can see with Brooke being plastered subtly everywhere in the series.
I think the Narrators share a universe with EAH and maybe MH as well but live like outside the pages they can only tell the story as it is because if they do change it, it would go against the Narrator’s code another reason why Brooke not her parents ever actually show up in the series because they aren’t supposed to and have way more power when they’re physical bodies aren’t present in the EAH world.
This also explains why Wonderland people could hear the narrators because Wonderland and the Narrator’s sub Universe has a thin line like how it does with EAH as well.
I loved Maddie both in the series and books but especially in the books. I wanted Maddie to be kind of the main character in this book since it would be about the narrators and Maddie and the other wonderlandians can actually hear and interact with the narrators.
In the book I wanted to introduce a new character Nate the Narrator the younger brother of Brooke Page and son of the Narrators we interact with in the show.
Nate for whatever reason breaks the Narrator code and actually goes to EAH. I don’t remember the exact reason I just really wanted him to interact with Maddie.
Nate quickly attracts the attention of some of the students and the headmaster who questions him about his destiny. Nate doesn’t lie about the Narrators and in the EAH universe Narrators aren’t widely known they’re almost a myth but some people do know they might exist. Nate wanted to come to EAH because like his sister he doesn’t like the immense regulations of the Narrator society.
He knows Maddie from his sister mainly and Parents and introduces himself Maddie is very curious and jolly with him. He likes her carefree and silly attitude because where he’s from people are usually very strict and rule regulating other than him and his sister.
Maddie and Nate become quick friends and I kinda wanted to make Nate Maddie’s love interest.
But as the story progresses we find out that the Beast from wonderland from the last book (I forgot it’s name) returns stronger EAH has to fight it again but it has a power up or something especially vengeful against Maddie so she and Nate as well as Brooke work together using the Narrator powers to help defeat the Beast with the help of the other EAH characters as a side plot.
Probably gonna add more later but for now take a look at my design for Brooke Page so far
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rainofbrasspetal · 2 months
Grappler Baki: The Stitchy Review
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Started Grappler Baki June 17 2024.
Finished Grappler Baki July 6 2024.
Stitchy's Score: 9/10
I, like many others, have seen those infamous clips and "WTF is Baki even about" memes. I finally decided to take a look at the source for myself. WTF is Baki? Well, it's peak, I'm afraid.
I was once a hater of Itagaki Sensei's artstyle, I thought Baki was so ugly. "How can people stand to look at it?" I would ask myself. I am extremely happy to report, however, that I now have no choice but to stan my king and Baki's art. I think Baki has fantastic and engaging art. Baki's girlfriend, his landlady, his mother, ect, they all look like regular people. Only the guys that fight and have dedicated themselves to being "the strongest" have these horrificly muscular bodies. It makes a lot of sense to me and makes everything else pretty easy to swallow.
Each character is also pretty destinct which is also fantastic. I happened to really fall in love with the cast. I brought up my character designer friend in my Mashle review, but I was discussing Baki with her earlier today. She correctly noted that hight difference is also really important and Baki has it in spades. Yujiro Hanma is like the strongest dude ever to exist and there are actually a few characters taller than or almost as tall as he is. Baki himself is also pretty short, which is great. It makes everyone stand out more and helps the silhouette of the characters. Baki also looks like he really is a 17 year old boy! Another plus in a world where I am supposed to believe that Kiyomaro Takamine (Zatch/Gash Bell) is a middle schooler! He also has a great personality, a fun protagonist that almost seems out of place in such a violent story.
Grappler Baki is the most "normal" of the series, from what I can tell. All the big memes aren't going to be found here, unfortunately. That being said, this manga is still absolute nonsense. There's biting and ripping and breaking and just incredibly unbelievable violence. Baki characters feel like cockroaches! Baki himself takes a ridiculous amount of damage and just is fine at the end of the day sometimes. It really reminds me of the old brutal Mortal Kombat 9 x-ray moves, like Sub-Zero freezing your stomach and crushing it, before just continuing the fight like that didn't happen to you. The fights are so brutal and engaging to watch. Even when the side characters were going to fight, I often found myself excited to see how it went. It's just a good old time.
If you've never read or watched Baki, I don't want to give too much away from the plot (MAKE SURE YOU DO SOME RESEARCH! It really took me a minute to figure out what order best to consume the story as a whole. There's like 5 or 6 Baki mangas and two of them have the same name). I will say that I was really locked in the whole time, though! UNFORTUNATELY, this also has the bit where it loses that perfect 10/10 score. I will tell you that Grappler Baki has maybe four important female characters and unfortunately they are pretty lacking. They really don't get to do too much, Baki's girlfriend especially doesn't do much.
Most of our story revolves around a tournament, which is also a big plus. What arcs does everyone love? Naruto's Chunin Exams, Yu Yu Hakusho's Dark Tournament and, Dragon Ball's Tenka'ichi Budōkai, Yu-Gi-Oh's Battle City! The people love tournament arcs! We yearn for the tournament! Even Oda stuck one in One Piece during Dressrosa! A main plot that revolves around a tournament, what more could we ask of Grappler Baki?
Another thing I believe Grappler Baki handles well is what I'm going to call, "The Vegeta Problem." I call it The Vegeta Problem because he is always the first character I'll think of in the context. I define it as: introducing a character that is supposed to be so strong and intimidating but usually gets whipped before the main character gets to take his turn and beat the bad guy. Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu. Since Baki's villain is Yujiro Hanma, and he's said to be untouchable and just a ridiculously impossible standard, it never feels like someone is weak when they lose to him. Even people who lose often put up decent fights. Baki is very good at making fights really edge of your seat, which is refreshing!
In conclusion, Grappler Baki is a fantastic read. It has everything someone would want from a manga mainly about fighting. A ridiculous ride that grabs you and makes you really want to see where the twists and turns take the story!
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 14
A chill but speedy Friday with my pixels.
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CW: Moderate sim spice. Content Warning Guide
For ease of reading if the toddlers are trying to say real words I'll put the English in brackets. Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Bambino/s (Italian) Male child/children Caro (Italian) Dear
The family are sitting down to pasta when Rilian notices Devin’s hair is different…
Rilian: Mama hair? How?
Devin: Caro, it’s called being the watchers favourite. Don’t even need a salon
Alfred: What watcher
Luna: Your Mama and Zio think there is someone watching over us in our life, helping us out and keeping us safe. I don’t but you get to believe whatever you want. Many other sims think the watcher exists
Devin: The watcher loves us bambinos, you can tell
Rilian: How
Alfred: *sings song of watcher adoration*
Devin: Little things. We’re very lucky, always dressed nicely…
Joey: We’re generally happier than the average sim and have nicer names to. There are other things but you’re too young to understand loading screens yet
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Luna: It’s a big concept
Rilian: We big
Devin: Well you don’t have to decide if you believe in the watcher or not tonight. And no matter what Mama and Mummy will still love you
Dinner finishes and the toddlers get sorted for bed. Joey knows what he thinks, no nephews of his will grow up not believing in the watcher. Mod dangers lurk everywhere, the boys must be prepared! And stepping back from the paranoid sim…
Devin practices some of the scripts she’s been sent before bed to see how she feels about the characters. There are some interesting ones, she’ll have to get Luna to read them when she has time.
Luna: They’re asleep, shall we turn in
Devin: I hope you didn’t mind me talking about the watcher
Luna: They had to be introduced to the idea sometime. Now come to bed
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In the morning Devin tries once again to bring Luna around to the idea of a watcher.
Devin: So how do you think my hair changed
Luna: Plenty of people have sudden hair changes, just look at your sisters
Devin: And you don’t think your brothers look more polished recently?
Luna: I suppose they have tidied themselves up a bit
Devin: Lu the watcher let me impregnate you, how can you not believe in them
Luna: I’m trying it’s just… if there is a watcher why won’t they give me answers about my mum
Devin: Oh... I can get that view. But Lu the watcher works on her own timeframe, I’m sure one day we’ll find out
Luna: Well when we do, then I’ll believe. Deal?
Devin: Deal!!! The watcher is going to help me with this I know it
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Following a breakfast where Alfred scoffed and Rilian barely made a dent Devin shepherds the twins to the bathroom. Luna and Joey head to their jobs while Devin makes sure each twin gets squeaky clean. Afterwards the trio move to the master bedroom where Devin works on her acting skill. She reaches level 10! Alfred also maxes his communication skill!
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Following a quick trip to Tartosa to give Calista and Aaron some family photos the twins spend their afternoon working on their motor skill while Devin gets her workout in. Look at her doing those laps without even shaking her sunglasses off! Swim done she watches the bambinos while knitting a gift for everyone’s favourite rooster, Mr Cluckton himself!
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With Cassandra’s eldest having school responsibilities now the regular Friday best friends lunch play date has shifted to dinner time. Devin gives Cassandra her gift for Cluckton and the Nishidake family and Chopra family descend on the picnic basket for some fish pie and bagels. Unfortunately most are sad due to a mod but hey, at least the gang is together!
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Following the picnic Joey gets a notification that he’s matched with another sim who is down for no strings fun. Inviting her in he has to admit to himself that she’s not his normal type (his panel said he found her unattractive, excuse me sir) but woohoo is woohoo and he’s always happy to get some. She expresses interest in his jacuzzi tub so taking her by the hand he shows her.
Joey: The water is good, come on in
Starting to remove her dress Luisa hesitates for a second
Luisa: I should probably tell you… just so you’re not crazy shocked… umm… I probably don’t have the pixel parts you’re expecting
Joey: You see yourself as a woman right? Your profile said
Luisa: Yes…
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Joey: Then that’s how I see you. The water in here is good no matter what you do or don’t have under that dress
Luisa exhales in relief and strips off to climb in beside him.
Luisa: Sorry for being weird I’ve just had some… bad reactions
Joey: Clearly jerks. I have to tell you though, this is new to me. Tell me what you want me doing or not doing. I want this to be as good for you as I can see it being for me. I don’t want you being uncomfortable
Luisa: I have a feeling I won’t be. Something is telling me I clicked on the right profile
Joey: It’s my eyes isn’t it? The perfect kind of chocolate to drown in
Luisa laughs and leans down to close the gap between them with a kiss.
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Nightmare alert! Poor Rilian has been chased by a monster into a lake of fire. Waking up sad he goes to try find his parents. In their room Luna is working on her next lecture and Devin is practicing her guitar. They both stop when the crying toddler walks in and bundles him up with kisses. Luna carries him to bed and Devin settles him down while Luna tucks in Alfred, making sure he stays asleep. Devin only has to read a few pages before Rilian returns to dreamland, hopefully with less fire.
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Pulling the door of the nursery shut the pair are alone in their room where Luna dips Devin into a passionate kiss.
Luna: You are such a wonderful woman
Devin: I’m inspired by my wife *kisses* I know I wanted to wait for a third kid but maybe that was just me being a coward. I shouldn’t assume you’ll get postpartum depression again
Luna: And I shouldn’t assume I won’t be affected again. Perhaps we just need another solution like a surrogate or a science baby
Devin: Do you know how much I love you
Luna: I imagine it’s almost as much as I love you
Undressing each other the pair head to bed.
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Luna admits that if she can’t find out if her mother had postpartum depression, it’s wise to avoid her getting pregnant again. And of course Devin has her career to think of, a career where she needs to be in shape. But a baby… they both want another baby. They’ll have to look into the options but they have faith a solution is out there for them. One they can find together.
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That’s it for now for the Villareals, see you later Del Sol Valley!
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Previous ... Next (Nishidake)
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imagionationstation · 2 years
Okay, so…
As I was in the mist of ✨emotions✨, my explanation skills were barely sub-par, and I gave a lot of people misconceptions to my thoughts on the episode “A China Town Ghoststory”.
So let’s try and fix that.
The episode itself is okay as a fill-in ep that doesn’t have anything to do with the season plot-wise, though it’s existence didn’t really seem necessary, other than an early acknowledgment that ‘impossible spiritual powers do exist so be ready’, which set me up to accept explanations on the unexplained and impossible, like Vision Quest and Leo’s Healing Hands.
Spiritual insanity simply exists. There’s no more to it than that.
And I appreciate that they introduced it without a clichè, “by the way they suddenly have magic as a big plot-point even tho it hasn’t existed at all until now! Why? Oh, I dunno, it’s in their blood or something I guess.”
We got a casual introduction by a villain that only ever comes up once more in all five seasons. Respect. 3/4 out of five stars.
The one aspect that always boils my blood when it comes to this episode, however, is the fight scene between Donnie and his brothers. The first time I saw this episode, I did not understand how they went from trying to kill Donnie, to- Oh, look, let’s go get some pizza! (As my new-to-turtles mind interpreted it).
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I was extremely confused, and continued to be confused for the next few watches. Then, at one point while doing research, I saw the scene from Donnie’s eyes, and not from the eyes of a viewer. And I was even more mortified by what I saw.
The way this scene plays out really feels like (note: I’m saying ‘feels like’ and not ‘definitely is’) the brothers were choosing pizza over Donnie. The episode was kinda insulting, the way they go through this whole insane battle, throw him out of a tornado, and then just… Go bicker over pizza? Really?
It makes sense when you lay it all out. The brothers are acting as brainwashed guard-dogs. Donnie is a danger to what they’re guarding. The only way for Ho Chan to keep control is for the brothers to not recognize who it is they’re hurting. The spell makes them see him as a danger, and they don’t fully comprehend that they’re about to end a brother’s life while serving an evil sorcerer.
There’s nothing dangerous or threatening about pizza. It’s something they love, and something they’ve been known to bicker about. If the brothers are in there subconsciously fighting back, it would make sense that they would give into the urge to go after the pizza pies and stop serving their ‘master’. Use the brainwashed aggression to fight over pizzas, or assault the brother who wants to help the captives that you’re guarding. Easy choice.
No matter how you look at it (whether they have some control or they have zero control), it would make sense that they’d go after the pizzas.
This must be horrific to witness from Donnie’s POV. Super-powered brothers all banning together to fight you to the death, and every instinct in your being is like “well, I can’t kill them!”- so you’re forced on defense the entire time. One wrong move and you’re dead, and it’ll be at their hands- and it doesn’t really look like they’re fighting back. They’re hurting and chucking and attacking you, seemingly willing to kill you without a second thought, and it’s like they don’t even care-
And for this big brain boy and his canon insecurities, Donnie is going to be overthinking this one moment way more than he should be for a long time.
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The way that he still hasn’t picked himself off the ground when Casey reaches his side, and then has to lift him up to snap him out of a shocked stupor- well, that says something to me.
I feel like this episode could have and should have played out differently, but I know many people wouldn’t agree.
To summarize:
My rewrite of this scene is here
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papermonkeyism · 6 months
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Me age 13: "omg, this is the best book ever I love it so much!"
Me age 20: "ugh, this is the worst book I've ever read, I hate it."
Me age 36: "this is a DnD campaign."
So I made it through the second book of the Icewind Dale trilogy, Streams of Silver, in my nostalgia trip.
And yeah. It's a game of DnD.
Specifically, it's a bunch of Tolkien fan boys having fun playing a fantasy fighting game and being awesome, and, yeah, it does its job.
It's still lacking in things I like in stories, but I can see where this is coming from. I prefer characters with more emotional depth and them having more natural feeling interactions, and deeper world building. But this is a game for people who like feeling awesome in a traditionally heroic way, and experience similar stuff as with their favourite books.
The characters are more archetype-ish/stereotypey, because they're written as player characters instead of complex people. There are A LOT of bad guys and evil creatures that the heroes have to fight, because DnD is a game built around a fighting mechanism, and campaigns are built with Random Encounters so the players can engage with the mechanics of the game they're playing. So this area has orcs in it, that will fight you. This bit here has human barbarian tribes that will fight you (and have some Unfortunate Implications about "noble savages" and their belief system being built aroud this monster creature from another plane of existence and other fun eighties tropes, but it's not like they get mentioned again after the encounter.) You failed a persuation roll to let this one town's guards let you pass because your elf hails from an evil elf race even if he himself is a good individual, and him having black skin marks him as dangerous to people (no wonder many modern depictions of drow have them more purple or gray than flat out black), so you are forced to take a detour through this swamp area that's full of trolls that will all attack you. And there's a giant snake that will attack you. And so forth.
And the Tolkien really shows! You could probably make a drinking game out of spotting all the Tolkien references, just the amount of times the word "mithril" gets thrown around could be one on its own.
So one of the main characters is a dwarf king of a lost underground dwarf kingdom, the Mithril Halls, who's ancient home got taken over by a shadow dragon which drove them to exile, and the Main Quest is to go find it and take it back (Hobbit). (None of his other clan mates from the Icewind Dale seem to remember or care enough to join their king in his search, but that's not the point, because you only got four players and they all picked different races. It's a game, your supposed to build it for them to play, that's the whole point.) Once they get to the place, there's a kinda "Mines of Moria" feeling scene of them wondering how to open the door, though the solution to it is more DnD feeling than that of Lord of the Rings. Though, speaking of Moria, remember how awesome the Gandalf vs Balrog scene was? Good news! We liked it too, so much so that we did the whole "beloved hero falls to a 'certain death' in the depths of the mine while fighting a bad guy/evil being" thing TWICE! Oh, and did your players like Galadriel? You have a nice GM who gives you a magical queen NPC (who's name even rhymes with her), who comes to the heroes' aid by giving advice and helpful items, except even better, because what if she also had a crush on your favourite character?
Sprinkle in a group of evil rivals, with a nemesis for the favourite character ("narrative foil" kinda feels like an understatement, though, as Entreri gets introduced as a dark mirror for Drizzt with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer), couple evil wizards, a fun and quirky family of good wizards for a fun interlude for your players, and few other fun and magical encounters, some cool loot, and a classic damsel in distress (though I do give credit for Catti-Brie actually having a role in this book. I hated the way she got kidnapped and damselled when I read the book last time, but on a re-read now, I do see her being clever and using her situation to sabotage her kidnappers, even if teenage me was very disappionted in how she didn't pick up a sword and do the awesome battle stuff herself).
(Okay, so this is just me theorizing, and I don't really have any factual basis for this, but I kinda get the feeling like Wulfgar was originally planned as the "young hero protagonist" of these books, but Drizzt ended up a lot more interesting of a character, and the stories just gravitated to focus on him instead as the author's fave. Not that a similar thing would have ever happened to me or anything, haha...)
Like. This book still isn't my thing, really. I very much prefer deeper and more rounded character writing and more thought out worldbuilding, but I must admit, realizing that this book was basically a game of Dungeons and Dragons kinda made the whole experience so much more enjoyable. Even if I spent the entire time reading thinking about the players of the characters instead of the characters themselves as people, but still.
You made the story out of reshuffled Tolkien tropes but edgier, put in some whimsy nonsense that makes no logical sense, and had tons and tons of really flat enemies that kept spawning and aggroing your party like video game mooks. Aww, sounds like a fun campaign, your players must have had great time!
... I should probably re-read Lord of the Rings one of these days.
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insomniac-jay · 6 months
Spotlights, Dark Knights
Fancy events weren't Terry's thing so it took Marietta a lot of convincing to get him to come with her.
"How do guys wear these things?" Terry grunted, tugging at the collar of the dress shirt. Even his Batman costume was more comfortable than this. It was his first, and likely last, time ever wearing a suit.
Marietta unbuttoned the shirt a bit as well as fanning him just in case he was hot. "You've never worn a suit before? What do you think you'll have to wear at a job interview? Or any formal event?"
"I can manage. Besides, I'm only going for you."
Marietta smiled. Even though he wasn't particularly fond of high society and celebrities, Terry still went out of his way to support her whenever he could. Of course she wanted it to be within his boundaries, but appreciated when he stepped out of them just a little bit.
Hooking her arm into his, the pair walked into the building. Every eye in the room went on them.
Terry gulped. He wasn't used to being in large groups or the center of attention out of costume. Feeling Marietta gently squeeze his hand gave him a small boost of confidence.
"Feeling nervous?" Marietta whispered.
"Not a fan of big crowds." Terry followed her through the sea of guests holding her hand the entire time. She made small talk with some of them, Terry just waving in the back.
Her hand is so warm and soft, he thought to himself once they got to a good spot. Most times he touched it was when it was gloved. Maybe he'd need to find excuses to hold Marietta's hand more.
Marietta smiled at him as she motioned to a tray of complementary burgers. "Hungry?"
"Yeah. Talking to rich people works up an appetite." Terry took a few and stuffed them in his mouth. "How do you do this?"
"Well, I-"
The teens turned to see Poppy, Marietta's mother, making her way to them. Her presence commanded attention, even being dressed from head to toe in designer. "There you are! Oh, you even brought a friend!"
"Mom, this is Terry. Terry, this is my mom," Marietta introduced them.
"It's nice to meet you, Terry. Welcome to my party." Poppy gave him her signature gap tooth smile that made her look ageless. "I hope you have a good time."
"Me too, ma'am." Terry nodded.
Once alone, Marietta and Terry began to talk. Mostly about her investigations into the shady business of her label. Terry often worried for her since she was just one person going up against a powerful company; the night she almost fell to her death being further evidence.
"I can help you if you want." Terry said.
"Terry, I'm fine. I learned my lesson from the night we met." Marietta reassured him. Much as she loved him, she needed Terry to stay out of this. She could afford to lose what she had now despite not wanting to, he couldn't.
"You gotta trust me, Terry. Same way I trust you."
Terry frowned though Marietta was right. This was her mission and her mission alone. It'd be rude to diminish her skills or how far she'd come. All he could do was come to her aid and be her peace in the darkest hour.
"Alright, but just know I will come save you when you fall again."
She smiled again. I bet you will, Terrbear.
After raising a small toast and indulging in the food, the couple headed to the dancefloor. Terry was thankful for the lessons Marietta gave him on slow dancing since he was more used to clubs. The warmth of her body consumed him along with her perfume.
Having her close to him especially when they were dancing was enjoyable.
No matter how many times she practiced with him, her body always turned to water when he held her this close. Marietta was no stranger to slow dancing in the slightest; but when her partner was Terry, it was different.
They looked into each other's eyes, gliding towards a window as their dance prolonged. Everything around them ceased, only they existed.
The slowing time and loss of reality brought both back to the moment they almost kissed. Terry brushing his hand along her waist, Marietta keeping even tighter hold of his hand, foreheads pressed together--the mood was perfect. Neither wanted nothing more than to have that again, hoping it would result in an actual kiss.
Beep! Beep!
Unfortunately that would have to wait.
Terry cursed himself and the crime alert. Being a hero really was a full time job. He was gonna get that kiss eventually.
"I gotta go, Mari."
"Go. I won't hold nothing against you. Though I doubt you'll get a welcome from the feds," Marietta joked while leading him to a back door. "What is it they call you?"
"A peacock," Terry answered while changing into his costume. "Least I'm about my shit."
"That you are." Marietta planted a kiss on his cheek. "Be brave, Terrbear."
Terry gave her a kiss on the cheek of his own before heading off. Not exactly the one he wanted, but he was satisfied for now.
@punkeropercyjackson @mayameanderings
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not-poignant · 1 year
For the ask game, 4., 9., and .38
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Ohhhh, I don't know! Maybe the good old classic gay realisation 'oh' lol.
Anam Cara did for a little while as well, because Game Theory. As did sweetness.
Also when writing dubcon, the word 'force' goes a long long way. :D
It's not any fancy words really. Like, I love words word like petrichor etc. and pavonate and brontide, but I have to be careful how often I use those.
I'll probably think of a thousand other words later x.x
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
I sort of do and I sort of don't. I'm like... not especially passionate about it, and I'm skeptical about most people's experiences, but I've also had some experiences, and I think it's possible that some kind of energetic residue could be left behind by the dead.
As a kid I was introduced to a belief system where we have multiple souls instead of a single soul (which is actually quite common in many strains of animism), and in that belief system, a ghost is just one of those souls, where 90% of the person's soul/s have departed, and about 10% is left behind. I've been taught exorcism and cleansings of homes and done them, but I'm very 'eh' about it these days!
This is a weird response. It's like, yes, I have learned skills to deal with ghosts and spirits. Yes, I have used those skills for myself and been paid by other people to use them. No, I don't really think most of ghost-hunting is legit. No, I don't even know if they're real, or if the ritual of cleansing and exorcism is what helps more than it proving the existence of the departed. I'm on several fences, lol, I sort of hop on them and off them.
I guess you could say I'm open-minded but also fairly scientifically-minded at the same time, and I'm pragmatic. Like, I was a professional tarot reader for a long time. Are the tarot really connecting to people magically? Or am I just using a psychological tool to tap into their consciousness to help them consider things that have been floating in the background but just need some focus? Probably the latter. And that's okay. :)
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
You know, I used to think a lot of my writing process was really weird!!!
I didn't know anyone else doing it my way. I literally have never met another person who runs a Patreon that's like... moderately successful, releasing original stories chapter by chapter on AO3 of all places, where it's literally against the TOS to mention any kind of paid site like Patreon or Ko-Fi. And for a long time I felt like a fucking idiot for doing it my way, and probably the nice version of that is 'really weird' lol.
I was like, mocked by a few other writers, and the ones who didn't mock me mostly didn't get it, and it was only very few authors who kind of thought what I was doing was a good idea. And by 'very few' I mean 'authors who were already my friends and they're just supportive people by default.'
But then over time, I realised actually it was a great way to do things. AO3 is where all the best people are! I get to still write fanfiction! It's an amazing site and I don't ever have to worry about my works being censored! I can break all the novel-writing conventions and people will still turn up for a 780k story about a guy growing into a better version of a guy! And it also means that the people who find my Patreon generally wanted to find out more about me and my writing, which is great!
These days, I don't know if there's much about my process that is really weird, but I do think parts of my process are different, and they are:
I don't have a daily wordcount, I have a monthly wordcount, and I only count the words of finished chapters. Any unfinished or half-finished chapter doesn't ever count. I also log that monthly wordcount in my Discord status for accountability.
I have to increase the size of the font to 140% in Word when editing. I cannot edit a font in the same size that I write it, and it's made me a much better editor before my chapters flow to Silvia.
I do a lot of editing in my head. That is to say - I have usually played through and 'stress tested' around 2-10 ideas in my head per chapter before I actually sit down and write. I didn't realise that until recently, but that's a fairly crucial part of my writing process and not just 'daydreaming.' I say I don't plan most of my stories and I don't, but you'd better believe I have mentally stress-tested many micro and macro-scenes per chapter before I sit down to write it. That's not weird though.
I don't think actually I have anything that weird now that I think about it. The weirdest thing for me is that I don't really get writer's block anymore. I've kind of come through to the other side of that. Now, if I get writer's block, nearly 100% of the time it's just burnout, or something is broken in the story and I know that and fix it quickly. That's the Really Weird thing. It's a little lonely, because it means I no longer relate to the majority of writing memes lol.
I don't think cats say much about us at all. I think they say a lot to us, and then mostly just do their own thing :D
From the Weird Writing Questions meme!
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purplezombietumbler · 11 months
I want to write a fanfic, but I am super not confident that anyone else would read it. If you look at this and are interested, let me know, and i might be motivated to write it. lmao:
Miraculous Ladybug but somewhat re-written but with Emo!Marinette as Marinette’s twin sister I named Vivienne. (because Bridgette was too cliché lol) She’s is supportive of Marinette and knows Marinette is Ladybug from the jump so she can help cover for Marinette when her sister is late. I don't really have an overarching plot, it's basically one shots strung together. I have a few specific chapter ideas in no particular oder:
Day in life of Vivienne. She gets bullied by Chloé, hangs out with Nathaniel to get art tips, gets music lessons from Luka, going to the skate park with Alix, hangs out with Alya, gose to a movie, ect. Revealing she had a secret girlfriend named Jaclyn who gose to a different school. It's probably going to be the first chapter to introduce this oc-not-really-oc
Vivienne getting into a fight with Chloé for saying something particularly vile about Marinette.
Vivienne gets Akumatized into Attention Grabber when she can't get Marinette’s attention on their shared birthday. When she's de-evilize, she gives a speech that's for Marinette and Ladybug about how she wants to be involved more in Marinette's "activities." Marinette tells her she'll let Viv be more involved.
Vivienne trying to be friends with Lila and getting a Bad Vibe™ from her and deciding to keep her distance.
There's confusion with the Ladybug Miraculous, so Vivienne gets to be "Betty Bug" for a day ala Scarabella/Reflekdoll. When Cat Noir flirts with her, she, without thinking, says "oh I don't swing that way, Kitty Cat." Cat Noir, being the Epic Chad™ that he is says,"My apologies, now let's kick some ass" (Yes there will be swears) after the fight they both detransform on a roof and a conversation like this happens:
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"If it's your identity, I can't know."
"What!? No no no! It's not that"
"Phew, than, what could you what to tell me?"
"Well it's just, I've never told anyone..."
"Anyone what?"
"That I swing..."
"Oh. Oh! I well, I'm glad I was the first!"
"It's just... I have a sister and I love her and I want to tell her but I'm scared of her reaction. Like she's supportive of our other queer friends but what if she's- * starts rambling like Marinette *"
"Woah woah woah, stop. Listen, I don't know you or your sister, but if she's as clawesome as you, she'd love and support you no matter what."
"Thanks Cat, you're really cool, even without the costume :)"
"Thanks. I'm glad I could help"
Vivienne gose home and comes out to Marinette.
Vivienne confides in Marinette that Jaclyn isn't treating her right, and Marinette pressures her to break up. Vivienne insists that everything's fine but gets Akumatized to No Heart when Viv finds out Jaclyn has been cheating. No Heart makes people lose all love for everything and everyone. When she's de-evilized, she sings a break-up song (probably a already existing song because I'm not smart) as a way to channel that energy in a healthier way.
Lila finds out about Jaclyn and "accidentally" outs Viv in front of the school and her parents. Hawkmoth tries to Akumatize her as "Outer" abilities to out those biggest secrets (I am aware it's the same as Truth but shhhhhhh this is TOTALLY DIFFERENT) Vivienne, with Marinette, her parents, and friends help is able to resist being Akumatized.
Vivienne has a crush on Zoé when she's introduced and struggles to tell Marinette because she doesn't want to make it weird for Marinette and her friend group. She eventually tells Marinette, and Marinette is supportive. Later, when Zoé tells Marinette she has a crush on her, Marinette turns her down gently and not so subtly tells Zoé about Vivienne's crush on the blonde.
I'm sure there's more ideas put there, but I can't think of any others rn.
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
This is very late but better late than never. 🤣
Anyways, this is for @tmnt-tychou prompt on her Valentine's Day event: OTP.
I've made the week 2 before this one since the second week took less time. So, if you don't like spoilers of any kind then I recommend not reading this.
In which TMNT Universe does your pairing exist?
My pairing exist in Bayverse. This takes place in 2022, present time. It's been over six years since the Kraang attack in the 2016 movie. A lot has happened during those six years, but all of that has been explained in the first book (Burning Mutation) and second book (Party Mutation).
Introduce us to your OTP!
I was having difficulty choosing my OTP because I am making a series and I love them all, but decided to do Donnie and Aurora. Let me introduce you to Aurora, even though you've probably heard of her before. ^^
Aurora is a 24 year old woman who was born and raised in London, but flew to New York for college in Biology and Engineering. Yes, she could easily go to college in London but she wants to start fresh. Plus, she loves to go to New York City.
Aurora is working for TCRI, but doesn't like the way they run things. Her IQ almost reaching Donnie's booksmarts and she isn't dumb whatsoever, but there is a difference between common sense and booksmarts. Shy, reserved, and prefers to stay in the shadows. Think of it as the one emo kid that stays in the back of the class, then roasts everyone when they mess with them.
Except she isn't emo.
She's a classy woman that drinks coffee in the morning and drinks wine when she gets home. She's chubby with glasses, thick curly red hair, and loves oversized clothing. Loves the turtlenecks. Mikey calls her "Velma" because of it.
Aurora can be pretty stubborn and it's hard to persuade her into thinking something different. Science? Yes. Romance? Oh, no! She ain't having it! But her reasoning came from her home background and watching other people's relationships going down the drain. She saw romance a "waste of time" and "energy spender."
Why have romance in real life when you have yourself?
Her college friend, April, was talking to Aurora about her type of men. Aurora rolled her eyes, knowing what her friend was trying to do. "I appreciate your help, April, but I'm not interested in some bafoon that only cares about sex than her woman's feelings and thoughts. And don't get me started on men have no respect for women whatsoever! I am telling you, my dearest friend. There is no such thing as love and romance. All of it is children's fairytale."
Ouch, am I right?
Donnie heard the whole conversation and he winced at the vemom of her words. It's obvious that she has been through somethings that caused her to have such views. So, that's when he was determined to figure it out.
While they were working together, Donnie mentioned about her views on romance. Aurora sighed as she organized some paperwork into files, always a clean freak. "Why do you want to know so badly? It's not like you are interested in me."
Donnie was flabbergasted. He found a woman that is just as smart, beautiful, and over all bad***. And she wants to know why he was interested in her? When there was silence, Aurora told him her backstory. She was raised in a toxic home. Her mother was a sweetheart, the sweetest woman you will ever meet. Then her father was a drunkard who will manipulate and harm her mother in every way. They argued all the time when she was child, it's a never ending thing. When they finally divorced and her mother took Aurora with her, her mother said, "Never fall in love, sweetheart. You will be tormented beyond belief and get your heart broken. Men are just cruel."
Being a child, she believed her mother's words. As she grew older, she saw that her mother was right. She saw relationships fall and heard so many negatives that she decided to never fall in love with a man. Yes, attraction was there but she saw men in their true colors before she could do anything.
Donnie felt so bad for the woman. She never dated anyone because of other people's experiences. She's a huge observer. Then, that's when he decides an offer.
How did they meet?
She has met Donnie not once but twice! He doesn't know who she is until she told him what happened during the fight in the second book.
Donnie was wanting more information about TCRI because they're connected from Tabitha (Raph's girl) and Serenity (Mikey's girl). April mentioned she has a friend who used to go to college with her, then offered to get some answers. Donnie agreed and April met up with Aurora on a girl's day.
Aurora figured out that she was being recorded and was wondering why. April told her about Tabitha and Serenity, then Aurora gave her some answers but some of them were kept secret. April asked Aurora if she wants to team up with her and friends on taking down TCRI, knowing Aurora's views on the company. The British woman agreed and, with permission from Splinter, April took her to the lair.
That's when Donnie saw Aurora for the "first time."
How is the relationship now? (This is continuing with the first question)
The relationship has ups and downs like normal relationships. At first, it wasn't really a relationship. Donnie offered to be her "boyfriend" and prove to her that there are good men out in the world. If she gave him a chance and fall in love, then they will date officially. If not and stuck to her beliefs, then he won't mention any relationship stuff ever again.
He was risking his own feelings into this, and made a huge gamble. He doesn't know if she will ever return his feelings. She knew of them because he confessed to her during the whole conversation. All he saw was a good woman that was having emotional trauma and he wants to prove himself that he wasn't like other men.
That's when he showed her what a true man was like. Months have passed and the more Donnie gave her affection, the more she craved.
When Donnie kissed her knuckles, she blushes.
When Donnie complements her clothes, she smiles.
Donnie gave her gifts, she cried happy tears because she didn't know that men can give their woman gifts (her father never gave her mother gifts).
And that's when she realized, Aurora fell in love with Donatello. Hard. She craved so much of him and felt so guilty for the way she treated him. She apologized profusely while she cried and Donnie held her through it all.
They were meant to be.
What is each other's love language?
Aurora, at first, was quality time. She could be in the same room with Donnie and she will be content. Now, she wants physical touch. Just a graze of his fingers on her hand or waist could make her yearn for more. Cuddles is her favorite thing. When Donnie was busy, she would get in his lap and he would kiss her forehead and play with her hair.
Donnie makes gifts for her. Anything that reminds him of Aurora, he makes it. Either be a rose necklace or anything that will be useful for her. But he enjoys the physical touch. The poor man is just as touched starved like Aurora.
They both enjoyed each other's company and physical touchs.
Do they get married? Have any kids?
Yes, they do get married! It's after the fourth book (Dream Mutation) where I write scenarios that follow after the war and they live in harmony.
They do end up having kids but, consider the gene difference, they don't just pop babies like humans can.
What is your favorite thing about this pairing? (Gush out!)
What I love about this pairing is that there's struggle during the whole bonding phase. Aurora was reluctant on telling Donnie anything, especially her past. She said harsh words, even at his brothers because Mikey was teasing her in a joking way when she first entered the lair.
Mikey said, "What's up, girl! Love how we have another girl in the group!" He was just happy that he was making another friend. You know how Mikey is. Plus, he has a girlfriend. He's just happy that Serenity is having another female friend.
Aurora gave him the stink eye. "You look like the cheating type. Flirting with other women isn't right, you know."
Yeah, she's very judgmental and she lost some points with the family in the beginning. But she saw her actions were wrong and apologized for it. Mikey forgave her (bless his soul) and gave her the biggest hug she has ever received.
I want to write something that people can relate to. My writing has always been more on the realistic side and seeing that Aurora has been through things that we have been through makes me feel happy, in a way.
There isn't any "love at first site" type of thing. There's bonding and getting to know each other. Donnie has patience and willing to do anything for Aurora even though that there is a possibility he will get hurt. But he told himself it will be worth it because she is worth it!
Aurora has been through so much, then Donnie proving that there is such thing as love and good men in the world. She found out that her mother is wrong and love was standing right in front of her. He has sacrificed so much and she felt guilty that she didn't have anything in return.
Donnie told her that he already got what he wanted and that's her. The flaws and scars are with the package of having something worth it. She promised that she will always be there for him through everything. Even when he has no coffee and goes on a rampage, she still loves him anyways.
I hope you love this pairing just as much as I do! 💜
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