#just briefly mentioned tho
starastarship · 1 year
Well I am done with my characters. Yay! So lemme introduce you to my characters
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Let's get to my Aninatronic Eclipse! She was actually created before Canon Eclipse came out and I don't like changing names like at all, so there is now a canon explanation in my AU! Sina did not read the whole manual before working on the DA/ told Eclipse to go to the daycare for the time being. When she read it, it was already too late so she just says that Eclipses name is actually solar eclipse and the latter is what she goes by most of the time.
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Well on that note let's get to Sina, the tired maintance girl! She is in her early twentys (1 to 2 years younger than Alex) but looks more like she has worked her entire career there. Currently she is the only maintance person in the building but Alex is already hiring for her at least another person (even if Sina is against it). She doesn't talk much about herself less about her past. All she says is she had it rough at times. She goes by She/ He/ They but isn't trans.
Also here is her Spotify playlist she listens too during work!
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And here is the last one Alexia, short Alex. She is the one in charge for the pizzaplex and most of it's business like finances and stuff! She is Sina's best friend even if both keep it professional in the work place, especially information of other people. Alex pulled a few strings and made a kind of deal with Fazbear entertainment (a few of the perks of being rich) but she doesn't do it much for the money, more for a personal reason!
Info to my AU down below
Let's see what I have so far:
-this plays a few years after security breach and maybe ruin but I still have to figure certain things out on that front.
-this wasn't suppose to be an Y/N story but I liked it too much so it's now one. (I might have to make a sheet for them too)
-Y/N is the maintance trainee of Sina. However they feel like their mentor is a bit hostile towards them. The reassurance that Sina doesn't hate them, is hard to believe often times.
-Y/N works with Sina on all Animatronics, but Eclipse. While Y/N wants to help there too, Sina refuses saying it's her responsibility alone.
-When Y/N first met Eclipse, Eclipse seemed nervous for a moment before going back to her happy self, juggling her balls happy to give the new staff member a little show
-I dunno how but Freddy is back somehow at the Pizzaplex. I still have to figure it out. Maybe Vanessa is back too.
-(this is more a personal note but there might come a character from a friend into the AU but I have to ask first)
-Y/N, while being a trainee, might find out more than they first thought! (Contemplating on making a entire story now)
-the AU still needs alot of work..... And a name ^^"
More to come with Y/N and maybe some doodles!
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turtleblogatlast · 9 months
I’ve gone on and on about how Leo wants to be who Splinter finds is the ideal person (which just so happens to be Splinter’s ideal version of himself) but I have yet to really touch upon how Donnie is the one who most directly parallels Splinter himself to an honestly shocking degree, Raph’s taking from Splinter’s teachings and parenting has resulted in an unhealthy mixup in the different dynamics of a family versus a team, and Mikey is the one who is simultaneously the most focused on family and the most intrinsically himself which both leads to his better grasp of mystics and honestly what just might be the healthiest dynamic with Splinter.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#it’s late so I’m just speaking from the top of my head haha#anyway yeah#the Donnie Splinter parallels are crazyyy tho#I always see ppl say Leo is just like splinter but no Leo WANTS to be like splinter but he’s more a Karai#meanwhile Donnie exhibits many of Splinter’s traits and behaviors#basically Leo has taken on many perceived Lou Jitsu attributes#including his stance his most flaunted skills and his overall demeanor#while honestly being more of a quiet and determined soul at his core that is most like Karai - with the same hope and love for family#we see the more Karai aspects of Leo throughout the series but most blatantly with Future Leo’s portrayal and how Casey Jr talks about him#Donnie though - rather than Lou Jitsu he has many Hamato Yoshi attributes#it’s funny too because Donnie ALSO parallels Draxum in many ways#(you know who else does albeit to a much lighter extent? Mikey)#make no mistake I super wanna get into Raph having a hard time separating team and family and just sorta jumbling them together#but that mindset can be unhealthy!#SHOULD I GET INTO HOW RAPH ALSO PARALLELS HAMATO SHO IN SOME WAYS AS WELL AS ATSUKO#not to mention his direct parallels to OROKU SAKI HIMSELF#and Mikey - I actuallly have a touched briefly upon how his individuality and sense of self has led to his greater control of mystics#but I do think it’s interesting that he has arguably a more healthy relationship with splinter than the others as well?#idk it’s late#and I may be talking about nonsense BUT#I gotta stop here bc I’m very sleepy but I’ll probably be back in these tags rambling more later lol#would just like to add that splinter loves them all very much he is just a flawed and depressed man with a lot of untapped trauma#which unfortunately ends up affecting his boys to different degrees
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rainofthetwilight · 1 year
honestly, when i first saw sora's backstory, i didnt react much, but now im noticing everything and its just really sad to think about
see this little kid who was full of hope? see this girl, that was just an innocent kid full of life, having that one role model that every kid had in some point of their lives?
this girl was then stripped away from everything she loved the moment she realized the truth, that this "role model" of hers was abusing poor innocent creatures, that their people have been brainwashed by this so-called emperess she actually used to follow, having your own parents shun you and take away everything you had and isolate you just because you knew the truth, and said truth wasnt just something bad, no, it was a fucking nightmare to think about, imagine taking that all in at 10
if the merge never happend, she would've been stuck in that sucker of a realm her whole life. she wouldve never been able to continue her childhood, her love for tech, nothing just absolutely nothing. she wouldve been locked away and alone forever, she wouldnt even have her own family by her side
the fact she didnt even hesitate to leave when the merge happend is heartbreaking, she was so fucking young, and was treated so poorly by everyone. imagine staying like that for probably months. she even named herself after that freaking dragon to respect her.
and as someone who actually experienced what sora had to endure when i was a kid, being shunned by my family for nearly a year during that time, i just have to point out that:
ana and sora are two completely different charcters.
when ana left, she became sora. a completely new person that was an ending with a new beginning, seeds that became remenants.
I know alot of people will disagree with me and say that lloyd had a tougher backstory, or maybe harumi, etc, but every charcter experienced something the other wouldnt handle, making no tragedy rougher than the other
i have nothing else to say but..damn
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yuridovewing · 10 months
it actually is so bullshit that mothwing is so defined by her relationship to hawkfrost and how they grew up together and he ended up mistreating her, and that the erins just couldn’t care less about her relationship with her half siblings. hawkfrost is allowed to have some contrived half baked thing with brambleclaw but mothwing has zero family left and i guess they all just pretend shes this totally unrelated girl or something
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Mon I hope you know this will forever be in my brain, all my thoughts, are going to be consumed by them.
Do you think inthe everyone lives au they'd want more kids or are they completely happy with their little surprise miracle? And in that vain, do you think Tim would yeet his uterus/ get his tubes tide after Birdie is born or like, again, maybe perhaps... holding out for the possibility of another....
(Don't mind me, I'm just a fiend with baby fever and the love of projecting onto my favorite guys)
Oh dude even in the 'canon' of Sorry, It's Locked Tim does end up with another kid.
The second kid is more planned than Birdie but still not entirely planned (as in, he and Brian have been talking about it and have been a bit less careful about using protection, but it still happens a lot sooner than they expected it to lol). They name this kid Jesse and it's a little boy, so Birdie gets a little brother.
In the 'everyone lives' AU I think I'd keep this. Around the time when Birdie is sorta 12-13 ish, after Brian comes back into their lives and eventually starts dating Lark and Tim, he and Tim have a kid as well, and again, that kid is Jesse.
Also Jesse is like, obsessed with his big sister when he's a baby. Like, he only wants to be held by her, he stares at her constantly, y'know? He just really loves his big sister.
Birdie is a bug autistic, she fucking loves insects of all kinds. Every type of insect, there isn't a single one she dislikes. However, Tim really doesn't like bugs much (blame that on waking up in the forest, lying on the floor covered in insects and insect bites) but he tries for Birdie. Like, she wants to raise caterpillars? Sure, they can do that... Except that Birdie releases the butterflies in his room one day and he almost has a panic attack so now he's gotta explain to 3-4 year old Birdie that she really "really can't do that because papa is very scared of bugs, even the pretty ones". Birdie gets it and is allowed to raise caterpillars again, but she does ask if that means she can't dress up as insects for Halloween anymore, if Tim is even scared of the pretty ones.
Obviously, Tim says she is the prettiest bug and only bug he likes. She is very happy and proceeds to dress as a shield bug for the next Halloween. Tim is just very confused by her choice 💀
Confused but supportive dad lol
I think I also forgot to mention some of how Birdie is in 'canon' S,IL while it's just her and Tim. Because even though Tim hides MH from her, he can't really hide the PTSD kinda stuff it left him with. He can't hide the nightmares that wake him up, he can't hide how scared he is when he forgets things, stuff like that. He and Birdie have this kinda routine where if he wakes her up with his nightmare she goes and sleeps in his bed with him. So she'll wake up because he's yelled or something in his dream and she'll go into his room (wake him up if he isn't already awake) and they'll cuddle until they both fall back asleep.
A lot of Tim's nightmares pot MH are about losing people, they're about losing Jay and about losing Brian, they're about killing Alex and lying to Jessica about what really happened and then never seeing her again, stuff like that. But they're also about losing Birdie. They're about sort of "what if" scenarios where he lost her before he even knew he was pregnant, where the fight with Alex at the end caused him to miscarry. They're about losing her to some horrible accident now that he actually has her to look after. They're about the Operator coming back and hurting her. They're about the Operator coming back and Tim doing to Birdie what his mum did to him, sending her away to a mental hospital and rarely coming to visit.
The ones about Birdie are the worst for him, the others he kinda knows how to deal with, he dealt with them during MH and also, they did happen. He did lose those people. In a way that makes it less scary, because it's just reliving the events in a way and he can kinda handle that. But the dreams about losing Birdie? They fuck him up. Some days even sending her off to school after a really bad nightmare about losing her feels like too much and can send him into panic attacks all day.
On days like that he and Birdie have an agreement with the school that Birdie can phone home at break and lunch, and if Tim really needs to he can phone and ask for her outside of break and lunch. He tries not to need that one, he doesn't wanna drag her out of class in front of everyone, he doesn't want the other kids to make fun of her for it, because kids can be mean like that. Birdie doesn't really care what the other kids think. She doesn't even realise that getting called out of class like that could be something to be embarrassed by. All she cares about is "my papa is sad and scared and I can make him feel better by talking to him about bugs" because on those phonecalls she literally just talks about bugs she's seen that day and Tim's just happy to listen and remember that she's alive and safe and strangely obsessed with bugs.
ALSO kinda on the same lines as this, even tho Birdie loves Brian as a teacher, she's kinda suspicious of him when he and Tim get together. Like, not massively, but the first time Brian sees Tim have a nightmare when he stays the night, he ends up getting kicked out of Tim's room by Birdie because she doesn't trust him to know how to help. She kinda gets one of those little kid power trips about being the only one who knows how to look after her papa when he has a nightmare, like, she feels all special because just being there or talking to him makes him feel better, y'know lol?
She gets all high and mighty with Brian and he tries to focus on how funny he finds it rather than panicking about whether Tim is okay.
When Birdie doesn't come out of Tim's room again Brian cracks the door to look in and absolutely melts because Birdie and Tim are sound asleep all cuddled up together. Brian sleeps on the sofa that night and ends up all manners of fucked up because it is NOT a comfy sofa to sleep on and his back is already fucked 💀
Many many spasms were had all the next day. That poor man was not having a good time. Birdie feels sorry for him and tells him that next time he can go and sleep in her bed instead.
He appreciates the offer 💀
It doesn't take much convincing from Tim for Birdie to let Brian stay after the first few times he has a nightmare while Brian is staying over, rather than her causing a whole palava kicking Brian out (cos that's not as simple as just, Brian gets up and walks out of the room, he has to transfer into his wheelchair and make sure he grabs his morning meds in case Birdie won't let him back into the room in the morning when he needs them, and make sure he brings his service dog with him cos she sleeps on the bed with him and Tim, y'know? A little less simple than "get up and walk out". Also his neck is also kinda fucked up from the fall so he has a specific pillow that he always uses, which if he doesn't he always finds his neck all kinda of fucked up in the morning, so he's gotta grab that too lol)
Anyway, eventually Brian just becomes part of their whole nightmare routine and Birdie realises that teaming up with him to look after Tim works way better than doing it on her own. So she and Brian cuddle Tim from both sides and he gets extra reminded that they're both still there. Also Brian's service dog is probably trained to help with PTSD, cos no way Brian isn't also a little fucked in the head after MH, so she can task and do deep pressure for Tim. She's a bit confused at first cos usually she does it for Brian, but she gets it very quickly. Birdie is delighted that a dog can be taught to cuddle on command.
Oh shit you asked about tubes tied and stuff as well lmao. Sorry I got so distracted.
I think after they have Jesse, Tim gets a hysterectomy and all that. He doesn't wanna go through pregnancy and birth a third time, so they get that done so he doesn't have to worry about it. He jokes that if Brian or Lark wants another kid they'll have to figure out which one of them is gonna carry it.
He'd be happy to have another kid, all three of them have pretty good jobs now (Lark's the big moneymaker for the family with Tim close behind, Brian's still a teacher because he adores kids) so they could support a third kid financially, but if they want another kid, they're gonna have to adopt or go through a surrogacy thing rather than Tim carrying it like with Birdie and Jesse.
Oh yeah also the kids names:
Birdie is "Birdie Amelia Wright"
Jesse is "Jesse Alexander Thomas"
Yes, I know it's dumb but I love it. Jesse for Jessica. Alexander for Alex. Amelia for Amy. Tim names his kids so that people who were lost to MH are still kept alive in a little way (yeah yeah Jessica is still alive, but Tim has no way of getting in touch with her so nyeh). In the 'everyone lives' AU that kinda doesn't work as well so Jesse's middle name would probably be different in that, cos Alex is still alive lol. But yeah.
@pianofirepirate helped me come up with the Kids full names :]
I've ranted to them about this shit so much recently lol.
SPEAKING OF RANTING TO THEM here's another thing we came up with:
In the 'canon' of S,IL Birdie does eventually find out about MH. Probably about when she's 15-17 I think? One of her friends tells her about it, like, mentions that her dad's look like two of the guys from this old YouTube horror series and shows her a couple things that people managed to save before Tim deleted the MH channel and all that, cos even in universe I like to think MH got relatively popular, with people thinking it was a fictional horror series. It starts a WHOLE conversation at home with Tim and Brian where they have to explain that yeah all that stuff happened to them, no they really don't remember a lot of it (especially Brian), yes people think it's fictional but it's not, etc etc etc.
Tim and Brian are upset that some 'random' kid at school showed MH to Birdie, but over all it's not a world ending thing. What it does do though, is open the floodgates on jokes about stuff that happened in MH. E.g. "can't believe you pushed me off a building" jokes. Brian uses that one so often and Tim just sighs dramatically and comes back with "First of all, you fell! And also YOU'D BEEN STEALING MY MEDS FOR YEARS AND I DIDNT KNOW WHO YOU WERE BEHIND THAT STUPID MASK!" And Birdie just sits back and watches in glee. She finds it hilarious.
Though the first time Brian accused Tim of pushing him she did go "you pushed him off a building!?!?" Like, completely taken aback and they had to explain the whole thing to her and they probably showed her the video so she could see what actually happened.
Honestly I think that maybe once Birdie is like, 18 they end up putting all the videos back up. Maybe they only privated them rather than deleting them idk. But yeah I think after a while they'd just silently put the videos back up and all the lost media people rejoiced, and there's just the unspoken thing that Birdie can watch the videos if she wants to.
She doesn't.
Like, she watches a little bit of it here and there. But she never actually sits down and watches everything, she just doesn't feel like it's something she needs to do. She watches enough to know who the people being talked about by her dads are (Amy, Jessica etc etc etc) and she watches a couple entries with Jay in them over and over and over again. But generally, she just doesn't want to watch the whole thing, y'know. She doesn't watch all of MH and she hasn't seen a single TTA video.
Wait that reminds me now again (sorry, I keep fucking doing this)
That whole thing with Tim sometimes needing to phone Birdie's school and just, like, make sure she's still alive. That doesn't fully go away when Birdie gets older and goes off to college/university. Tim's always been a bit of a helicopter parent and though he gets better at it, he and Birdie do make time to phone each other pretty much every night. Mostly it's just Birdie talking about her day and what she's been up to, and Tim listening. Occasionally he'll chip in with bits about his day, but mostly he's happy to listen to her talking about her studies. (She's gonna be a bug scientist. I can't remember what they're called. But she's gonna be a big scientist, specifically working in conservation of insects).
If Birdie misses a phone call one evening Tim will definitely start to panic a bit, but he makes sure he only sends her one or two texts to check in before he forces himself to put his phone down and go spend time with Brian and/or Jesse :]
Cos while Birdie's uni age, Jesse is only like, idk 10 at most? So Tim still has a lot to do, y'know? Jesse keeps him and Brian occupied and while he's looking after/spending time with Jesse, Tim manages to take his mind off worrying about Birdie pretty well.
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brainicusrotticus · 6 months
vace’s first appointment with doc!sol
sol: i understand i’m going to ask a lot of questions you’ve answered in the past. i’d appreciate your pa—
vace: what, our helios files too complex for a stratos brat?
sol: …your only medical officer spaghettified in the wormhole. his augment was perfect memory. and distinctly not perfect foresight.
vace: hmpf.
sol: now answer the fucking questions or i’ll lock you in a medbed with lum until dust.
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musclesandhammering · 9 months
People Loki canonically had A Thing™️ with (according to me):
-Sif (the series composer lowkey confirmed they had a night together before the hair cutting incident)
-Fandral (we all saw what we saw in T1)
-Theo Bell (I consider LWML to be partially canon & Loki having a thing with a human guy who he left on earth & was probably dead by the time he came back… definitely vibes w Loki’s attitude toward mortal lifespans in the movies.)
-The Grandmaster (no way he got out of gladiatorial slave duty just by telling jokes, plus the winky scene like come on now)
-the flight attendant from 1x1 (they were feeling each other so hard. & he told her he’d see her again)
-Lorelei (best one on the list tbh. She escaped using his secret pathways. She’s an enchantress that’s not his multiversal twin & is actually rly interesting. It’s all there.)
-Amora (also from LWML. Yes she’s probably Lorelei’s sister. No idgaf. Sleeping with an ex situationship’s sister isn’t exactly smth I’d put past him)
-Sigurd (he doesn’t exist in the mcu but the chemistry in AoA was so strong it’s transcended mediums. He’s Loki’s ex in the mcu, they just haven’t mentioned him yet shhhh)
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colloquialcolors · 2 months
in similar vein to reading watership down and being pleasantly surprised by how hopeful it was i have now finished reading haunting of hill house and have been kind of pleasantly surprised by how. sapphic. it was. i mean its a horror story and has left me with the correct sense of sort of quiet unease and like. im going to need to think about it for a while and like. damn. but it also was QUITE queer in ways i was not expecting going in. so thats fun! (said while thinking about houses and walls and unreliable narrators and dissolving sense of self)
#i shouldnt be surprised i saw this mentioned briefly but. i still am.#like the horrors are happening and are going to happen and thats what im here for but hey! gays. wow. crazy stuff#or maybe its just because i speed read half of verity and the amount of plot inextricably tied to the main character(s) being deeply in lov#w/ attracted to the leading man just makes this seem. refreshing. in comparison#like the gayness absolutely takes a backseat to the uhHhHhhhhH descent into madness and eleanor being consumed by(? merging into? returning#to? etc etc) the house. but. its also IN the backseat yk. like the obsession and the nature of the relationship with theo is an inextricabl#part of the story and its progression even if you choose not to read it as queer.#even if you dont percieve it as SAPPHIC per se its certainly. well. you know. its SOMETHING and IMPORTANT which is what i rlly fuck with#anyway. eleanor gets taken by the house and the walls and its all done using the maze in her mind or w/e. idk how to phrase any of my#thoughts abt this just yet but. fascinating. /fascinating/#sysreading#i guess#haunting of hill house#also theres a show? i knew bly manor was the . gay one but maybe? i should watch....? 🧐 horror show tho...#eleanor is so. flawed and so trapped in her own head and so much at the mercy of her own thinking. and it's hard to say how much of that is#the house influencing her vs the house simply using what is already there and amplifying#eleanor trapped- not just by the house but by her own thinking
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teadocs · 7 months
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emote practice
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aroaessidhe · 7 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray
fun YA adventure
follows a girl who’s seen as cursed because of her recently hanged notorious pirate queen mother, and runs away to the navy where nobody will recognise her
and her half-sister who’s desperate to find her before she’s arrested for using a fake name, to bring her home to their dying father & save the family business
both get on the bad side of some pirates and have to brave storms to find each other
aroace MC, sister relationships
arc from netgalley, out april 9
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sysig · 2 years
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Some more Just Desserts pets, and thinking about Candy Mers again (Patreon)
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Also ft. the pigeon study I did, what a cute bird!
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Been thinking about the JD pets a lot lately actually I'd really like to make a size chart sometime#But honestly a lot of it was motivated by thinking of a pet to give Cherry Shortcake - a merengue pigeon!#I know I love birds and really enjoy drawing birds but I honestly wasn't expecting to have so much fun and be as pleased as I am haha#What a cute! Love that ♪#She doesn't have a name or an ADS chart yet but she does have the appearance upgrade so she's won at least a couple battles lol#She's a plain no-bean vanilla merengue but Cherry Shortcake opted to make her matching so she's got a cherry ''filling'' on her chest#To mimic bleeding-heart pigeons! It's very cute and highly symbolic lol#She is cute ♪#Then a pet idea I had months ago but never got around to because I lost the inspiration source! D:#I swear I saw a YouTube thumbnail at one point of a very chubby rain frog that looked like a mochi lol but I can't find it ;; I've looked!#But it's still an adorable idea so mochi frog hehe#And then the Candy Mer stuff ♪ I legit forgot I'd called them Candy Mers and not just mercandies at one point lol#Both of the links are related because it's more worldbuilding - the second one is kind of more relevant? But it all is so#I mentioned very briefly about mercandy death at one point but never elaborated because it made me sad haha#Still true but I thought about it a bit more! About the ''natural springs'' part - once a body of water is fully saturated with sugar -#The sugar-breakdown of a mercandy's body changes from a complete breakdown to a partial breakdown - little pieces slough off and float up#Once they fill with air they turn into gummy aquatic life or - ''jelly fish'' hehehehe ♪ Which is how natural fish occur!#Depending on how big a mercandy is before she dies her body may turn into a whole school! The shape and texture is random tho haha
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ethanyoutube · 4 months
🔥 Give me ur hottest takes on TnB as a piece of media 🔥
they tried to make kotetsu nd barnaby 2 with subaru and thomas and ended up making some of the most insufferable characters to have to deal with throughout the entire second season.
additionally i wish barnaby wasn't changed in s2 in the way he was because he looks too soft and he barely has a nose. i think it kinda sucks.
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mariocki · 1 year
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Alfred Burke creeps around uncredited, as mysterious chauffeur Heinrich, in 1963 thriller The Man Who Finally Died
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baeshijima · 6 months
you probably missed it but there were haitham & wrio white day arts and was reposted by genshin. this was posted by the paimontothemoon account. https://x.com/paimon2themoon/status/1768109798719881561?s=46 and https://x.com/paimon2themoon/status/1768117348517429510?s=46
oh no i did see them !! but they werent official arts that came from the genshin team themselves, but were fanarts reposted by them (probably commissioned, but still not official offical iykwim)
for those who want to see the arts in question: haitham ; wrio
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kxllerblond · 1 year
reading book? too much effort. sitting down and writing replies?? can't focus.
youtube rabbit hole of in-depth Barbie history and architectural design of dream houses and playsets? i got all da focus in da world baybeee!
#barbie has always been an Interest especially in adult years since i more or less refrained from being#a hardcore barbie enjoyer because ykno not to gender talk on a tues but i rejected just about everything typically femme because i did not#want to be seen as femme or fully femme from a young age#so even if i really liked barbies i distanced myself from them pretty fast :'(#so now i think im compensating by like. instead of buying them for myself because i dont really want to collect. i just like lmao#obsessively info dive and watch commercial compilations and shit kdjfgdg#anyway did you know barbie has two younger siblings besides her main three that were actually her youngest ones#tutti and todd and they havent been seen since the late 90s? like theyre recognized in terms of history but in terms of#barbie lore and canon theyve been completely retconned out cuz theyve never shown up in sets or movies or anything#did you also know they were made of a bendable soft plastic as opposed to hard and the wires were prone to poking through and stabbing kids#and that the plastic stored like shit and if you put them (soft plastic) on your other dolls (hard) they would literally#melt into each other?? :)#barbie also has lots of cousins just got mentioned briefly and then annihilated from technical canon lol#oooh and then there's also Blaine who is an ex bf of barbie that was made specifically to date her briefly during a sort of campaign#barbie broke up with ken and got with blaine but ofc she got back with ken and after that blaine was never seen nor mentioned again. he deA#anyway happy tuesday im gonna eat my soup and try and break out of this info consuming trance so i can wrITE#oHOH and last silly trivia being barbie has lots of canon relatives that havent been retconned or anything BUT they've also never been made#into dolls. off the top of my head i think some of these include like uhhh her mom and dad and some aunts and shit#tho i think these are either just mentioned in passing or from the barbie movies or some in books
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moonygryffin · 8 months
I’m finally to editing my favorite character in my book~ My little dipshit~ My piece of trash~ My rich tit victorian boy who believes he’s the greatest thing to happen to his country~ Egotistical little man who subconsciously craves his parents attention~ Best boy~
He’s unnamed, appears for roughly a single page, gets shot, and is never seen again
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