#just chaotic good instead of lawful good
wellthebardsdead · 7 months
How Falûne’s story would have gone if Raphael saved him from father Keldran-
Falûne: *a tiny cambion toddler, screaming in fear and confusion as he tries to wake his mother as she lays in a pool of her own blood, the corrupt priests of Selûne surrounding him, father keldrans hand reaching out to grab him*
Keldran: Come here you filthy hellspawn-
Falûne: *looks up, not at him, but at the red cambion swooping up behind him* h-huh?
*a few minutes later*
Raphael: *standing over Keldran as the priest lay bloodied and dying by Falûnes mother, smiling and holding out his hands to his nephew* come here, you’re safe now, uncle Raphael’s here.
Falûne: *cries and toddles into his arms, gripping onto his doublet as he lifts him into a hug* mama sleeping??
Raphael: *looks down at his sisters body. The young woman oblivious to her fiendish heritage, devoted herself to Selûne… only to be discovered as a devil by the corrupt priesthood and killed upon them finding out about her son, her little Lûne* Yes nephew… Your mothers just sleeping. *turns and steps on Keldran as he carries him to the door*
Keldran: *hisses in pain and grabs the cambions boot* Y-you fiend, hand over th-the boy-
Raphael: *glares down at him* My sister, loved you. She had no clue of her heritage. Her family, of me… *looks at Falûne as the toddler nuzzles into him* And you killed her, right in front of your own son… *glares back down at him* And I fear that will only be the start of your cruelty… he’ll be far safer in my hands than he’ll ever be in your claws. *kicks the high elf in the face before carrying his nephew to safety*
*20 years later*
Astarion: and just why should we trust a devil?
Falûne: *a handsome young devil and prince of the hells following nearly murdering his grandfather and threatening to take his throne along with his power, dressed finely and pristine despite the crash and hair just as neat behind his four horns* Simple. Because I. Want. Revenge. Those cultists swooped into my chambers, stole MY crown, kidnapped me and put this THING into my head. And I want to sink my claws into them before they turn into mind flayers, I want to drag their souls to the hells and torment them until they resemble shredded paper! *composes himself* and I know you want revenge too yes? A cure? Let me join you, and I’ll gladly help in any way I can. Starting by- *snaps his fingers making Karlachs engine disappear and a heart appear in her chest*
Karlach: *gasps and coughs clutching her chest for a moment as the flames fizzle out and she’s left with a healthy heartbeat* wh-what?
Falûne: and to make sure there’s no more hounds at our feet- *snaps his fingers again making two contracts appear, Wylls, and the deed of sale of Karlachs soul by Gortash. Both of them suddenly being ripped down the middle by unseen hands before burning up into flames* I might only be at half my power, but if they have any pro-
Karlach: *suddenly lifts him up into a tight hug* Thank you. Thank you so much…
Wyll: I’m… I’m free.
Falûne: … *tears up* w-will you be my friends if I help you more?
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homunculus-argument · 3 months
I enjoy my friends while I do understand why my boyfriend isn't fond of spending time with them. He insists that his family isn't unusually timid, cautious, risk-averse or sheltered, I am just personally chaotic and that is why I am abnormally calm with being put into unfamiliar situations and trying new and unfamiliar things. The comfort zone is there for a reason and normal people don't just leave it for shits and giggles without a very good cause.
And then my friend calls me out of the blue with zero warning like "hey we are driving towards your current location as we speak, we'll be there in 30 minutes you wanna hang out?" because they were already driving somewhere else and halfway through changed their mind about going there and decided to come here instead.
And it's only once they show up I figure out that "we" wasn't a handful of folk from the friend group but just two of them and their mom, whom I hadn't anticipated seeing. The first argument between the three erupts before I get into the car, over who misheard whom about the rearrangement of the stuff in the car so I will fit. And then driving to the town while casually breaking like 5 laws at once, while the siblings' mom reassures me that they would never do that in a situation where it would actually endanger or inconvenience anybody.
And I'm like yeah no I get it, laws are for people who don't have manners. And she lightens up like aw, what a nice way to put it! While her daughter is road rage yelling at some other driver who has no respect for manners nor the law. I am hunched in the back seat like a gargoyle because it was the only way to fit in.
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circeyoru · 5 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 9 = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 1.5 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9 (here) — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13
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In a snap, you and Velvette were the only ones in a pitch black space. Even though it appeared to be nothing but darkness, Velvette could still see your figure before her, serenely floating in the space while she was disgracefully trying to balance herself from the lack of gravity
You watched with a gentle expression while Velvette desperately tried to steady herself quickly before she embarrasses herself even further. Especially not after her confident declaration of independence from the Vees. After a while of watching her frail around in the air, you snapped your fingers and gave her a platform to stand on
Finally, you welcomed her to a pocket world of your own. A world where only you can enter and bring others in and out, only with your permission. A world that is similar to what humans would prefer to as ‘limbo’. It’s a place where you let souls roam till they lost their minds, a world where anyone was at your mercy
Though you only brought Velvette here as a means of ensuring privacy since Cannibal Town was more open in their affairs and didn’t mean letting others know details through some gossip here and there. Then it was a matter of time before the whole story or truth was pieced out
As much as you liked the citizens of Cannibal Town, you’re not above distrusting them as they were the nosy bunch. Yet you know that they weren’t the same stalking type like Vox is with his technology
This place was created more as a counter to that Garden of plenty. Trees, fruits, animals, clean streams, and even more. Truly a place of plenty that anyone would love to stay in. Compared to your little dark dimension, it was obvious where one would prefer if given the choice to stay. Instead of calling it a counter to the Garden, you were more incline to call it an opposite
But there really was nothing to do here instead of floating around and conjuring whatever as long as it was you doing it. Another souls can’t do a thing in this place. Even if you put Zestial in here, he can do his fancy magic or Alastor can’t summon his tendrils and minions
Why’d you think you hold an iron fist over the strongest beings in Hell? You can instantly put them in their place by stripping them of all their power and possession. Put them in a place where they are nothing to you
Hell is a place where power and authority meant stability. Unlike Earth, there aren’t laws written on paper where everyone must follow else there’d be punishment. Unlike Heaven, it wasn’t made up with beings of purity and goodness. No. Hell was a place where the worse of the worse resides, where monsters and demons of one’s nightmare lives and strives
Hell is a lawless and chaotic domain that you rule and oversee. It was never your intention to show yourself nor make yourself know to the beings of Hell. But when Trick (Noir at the time) were praised and worshipped by their Angels and other Heavenly beings, you wanted something similar to that
No, not in the same way. Oh clouds, never in that way. You wanted obedience and loyalty, you wanted to be the thing they feared. You didn’t like how they believe they were the ones in power. So one by one, you defeated the ruling powers and reminded them they were nothing. That was how the 7 Rings of Hell came to be, divide and conquer
While Heaven has that one place, you created levels for Hell. A Ring for each Sin. And what better Ring for you to primarily stay in but Pride? 
When the first ‘Sinner’ arrived, you looked through the soul’s memory. There had never been a reason for you to visit Earth, nor did Noir arrange the frequent chats like nowadays, so you never expected for a soul to arrive in Hell or death for that matter
Seeing the pridefulness in their evil deeds, you wonder just a moment if more souls would be Sinners and sent to Hell later. If so, should they be judged by you and placed into different Rings? Then came the idea of you staying behind the scenes, as the puppeteer of the ruling figures sounded appealing
The moment Lucifer and Lilith arrived, you gave them their titles as the King and Queen of Hell. But never the title of ‘Emperor’ or ‘Empress’, no, they were merely the king and queen on the chess board. The player was you and opposite to you was none other than Trick
More and more Sinners came to Hell and then a whole world of them came. So you restricted them to the Pride Ring since they were Lucifer and Lilith’s handy work. They should be looking over their subjects. Sinners were indeed prideful, they were unable to comprehend a higher power such as yourself even existing. Well, some weren’t even aware they were only existing in one of the seven Rings
You found Lucifer and Lilith’s attention to Sinners’ being lacking. What with their whole family drama, you took things into your own hand. You created a group, your very own collection. You dubbed them ‘Elites’
Individuals with power and authority in a specific domain or area, even element. They were your hand picked, they were the ones with potential to advance to a higher level. The first level was their title as an ‘Overlord’, the next was your acknowledgement and support, then a unique title of recognition, and the rest is as natural as breathing. Obedience, servitude, and loyalty
“Velvette,” You called out to her as she straightened up on her platform, your softer smile widened a bit. “Do you see yourself as an Overlord?”
The doll demon’s shoulders raised a bit as she bit her lower lip, her hands balling into fists too. It took a few seconds before she spoke, very unlike what she would usually do in the past. “I once did. But now that I look back, I don’t think I’m one.”
“You are correct.” You didn’t even sugarcoat the truth, nor did you hide that widening smile of yours. The fact that your eyes were still closed might there was no malice behind your words, merely that you were playful with the truth. Like you were dangling a carrot for a rabbit. You raised your palm and a necklace with a familiar eye design pendant appeared hovering, “Are you aware of what this it?”
“The thing you used to contact Overlords?” Velvette seen it before, Vox was always in a frenzy when that lit up and a voice came through. He was also overly pushy with keeping it, claiming that he was the only one that can keep track of it. So she never saw or touch it herself outside of when Vox would buy it to their penthouse.
You chuckled, “Ah, The Vees, weren’t you all acting as a team? How is it that you lack knowledge of this? Is Vox the brains? Does he keep all the information from you and Valentino?” You reviled in the contemplating look on the doll’s face before continuing. “It has been explained, this is a symbol of your status as an Overlord. You are to keep it on you at all times so that I can keep an eye on you, also to lend you protection should you require it.”
Velvette’s eyes widened, “Vox never… He said… He said only he should…”
You hummed, expecting such a result already. “I know. That’s why…” Your head tilted as your eyes peeked open a bit, a chill was sent down Velvette’s entire body when she made eye contact, yet she can’t look away. That look in your eyes, it was enchanting and magnetic. “When you said you can’t stand it, you want to separate your association with Vox and Valentino…” You suddenly appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye, making her fall back. “Well, then I had to give you a chance.”
“A chance?” Velvette repeated in disbelief. 
You looked down at her, your eyes now closed but you small smile stayed. “Yes. Making you start from rock bottom, you’re not at the bottom when you’ve built yourself quite the reputation, right? So why not offer you a chance to change instead?” You snapped your fingers and holograms of plain cards appeared all around the two of you. “You have various skills and talents, I won’t deny that. But you lack a solid base and worthy allies to lean on, it shows you see, how little you know of my expectations yet try to adhere to them.”
Velvette figured you meant when she was counting down for the Vees to bow in union when greeting you back then at the meeting. 
A card flew to you and you held it between two fingers, “No longer will you be a demon of social media. You will be reborn under my support and guidance of more knowledgable associates.” The card in your fingers burned to nothing and Velvette felt herself lightened like a weight was removed from your shoulders. You gestured to the cards floating around, “Review what you have and what you wish to have. Assess yourself. Assemble your new title.”
“Yes,” Velvette fell to her kneel on the platform, bowing her head for a moment before look directly into your eyelids, where your eyes would make contact with hers if they were opened. “I will not disappoint you again, My Sovereign.”
When you brought Velvette back to the room, Rosie was already giddy as she immediately dragged Velvette off to change clothes. Something about changing style to show a new transformation or a new ‘Velvette’ that has been reborned. Well, Velvette didn’t even disagree or fight Rosie in that and went along with it
You were positive they’d be having a little chat lady to lady and soul to soul while Rosie dresses her up just like the doll she is. So you just sat down and sipped from your cup that Rosie didn’t neglect. You leaned back into the chair while you hummed a satisfied tune to no one, things were turning out great
Originally, you thought it’d take longer for something to happen with the Vees, but for this situation to happen and so fast… It just proves that they weren’t as bonded as they promoted
Naturally, the Vees were using each other to gain power and authority. While it was a good plan, since it was similiar to how you Collection works. It lacked solidity. With Velvette being the one to leave so willingly, it meant that she was less connected to them as a team player
They all had their uses to each other, Vox providing the technological platform, Valentino providing the content, and Velvette deciding what was presented. In this sense, they were solid. But what of their bonding and connection? To be this disorganized and this arrogant, there was bound to be clashes
You saw that when your collection first met each other. There was no order and no connectivity, that was what makes the team weak and unworthy in your eyes. Though there was always the matter in their titles
Unlike your other Overlord souls, theirs were more of a self-proclaimed titles and never approved by the likes of you. Similar to what you did with Velvette moments ago, each Overlord had their ‘makeover’ and rebirth after recognizing that their original selves were lacking
More importantly, it served as a way for you to build a multifunctional collection. While you’ll admit Overlords were nowhere as strong as the Hellborn royalty or nobles, you do see their potential, they were the only ones that can get stronger with more souls collected. In a way, you see some similarities they have with you. That was why your elite was comprised of these souls you nurture and care for
Your thoughts moved back to the present when Rosie caught your attention and gestured to the doorway where Velvette emerged. Though less revealing, she was wearing something more commanding yet modest. You hummed with a smile, complimenting her new look. Velvette bastfully thanked you but credited Rosie for the work
Now Velvette was getting somewhere. You see that she wasn’t just saying that she’ll change to keep her place in your collection, but truly wanted to change for herself as well. A slow progress that you’ll no doubt patiently watch over and tend to, something that you won’t do alone
Velvette kneeled down and asked a humble request from you. She wanted your approval so that she can make amends with Carmilla. Well, she has much to learn, this wasn’t something she needed permission for, in fact, she could just do it herself. Yet you eyed Rosie and say that smile that made you understand this was Rosie’s suggestion
You’ll humor the two. With a snap of your finger, Carmilla suddenly found herself in the same room was the three of you. Eventhough she was confused, first thing she did was bowed and greeted you. After receiving your greetings back, she questioned what was going on, eying Velvette
♪ I should have shown some respect. ♪ Velvette stepped forward and bowed her head with a guilty expression, ♪Checked my behaviour. It wasn’t right of me to act so brazen. ♪ 
Carmilla raised her eyebrow, then quickly caught on to the shift in Velvette’s position and smirked, ♪ Ha. That’s rare. Not very like the wild lady I know from before. ♪ She pointed a finger at Velvette, ♪ Maybe I missed it, but since when does Velvette the Doll Demon act all submissive and dull? Hm? There’s nothing wrong with your attitude, there’s no need for a new one. It was all your actions and associations at fault. Now that you’re not the backbone of the Vees, ♪ She took Velvette by the hand and guided her to bow before you while you smiled with a head title. ♪ Know that we all serve one Liege! ♪ 
♪ The past is the past! ♪ Rosie joined in and chimed, side hugging the smaller demon. ♪ We support each other as Our Liege’s Elite Souls. ♪ 
♪ Hehe. ♪ Velvette smiled along, ♪ I guess I should have learned to be respectful sooner. ♪ 
Carmilla maintained her smirk, but now it was more taunting and playful, maybe a hint of pridefulness in it as well. ♪ You were once among the inane and uninformed. But not anymore now that you have found your place and strive to change! ♪ 
Velvette gave the two taller demons a grateful and relieved look, ♪ I hope I didn’t strive too much of a nerve. Cause when I acted that way, I never stopped to think that I’d regret it. And why was I so blind before? That’s what I thought I was supposed to act, now I’m mad that I did that. But there’s no way I can change the past, now I see what I should be doing. Can I have your support? ♪
Carmilla and Rosie finished together, ♪ Of course, you need but ask! ♪
Clapping came from you as you gave them all proud smiles, “Now that’s my Elite Collection.”
Joy, pride, and warmth spread through the three female Overlords’ bodies. Rosie couldn’t hold it in and grabbed everyone into a hug, even pulling you into it. While Rosie was all clam and collected about it, you can’t help but notice Carmilla and Velvette acting all flustered.
The door suddenly slammed open and revealed Alastor, his eyes blinked and his body froze like a deer in headlights. Everyone stared at the opposite side in silence before you offered, “Want to join in?”
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Note: That ends Velvette's section. Moving on to new minor plotlines~~ All a build-up, promise!! How's this one? (ps. Alastor's in the next one, the * special moment * between you two)
Circe Y. 
Taglist: (those that don't specify to being in all the works' taglist will automatically be assumed to be in whichever series they comment on)
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @fluffy-koalala @snowy-violet @plutobots @ray-rook @thealienartist @serenity-songbird @galaxydreamer468 @raynerrold @wen01203@hikari-michiko @colecreo @myromanempiree @xsamkuro @yourdoorisunlocked @clavelina @jono723 @cursedcattalastor @an-idyllic-novelist @flamiohotman2024 @rea-grace @myromanempiree @veroneverleft @lousypotatoes @crazysuityouth @jellyedkazoo @wat4r @kiraisastay @thealienartist @chefysawesomeideas @wtvbabes @patronizingbitch @koshi-kazu @craftyperfectiontragedy @scr4luv @chrollobb @mysterypotatoink @callmefe @dokukg69 @ratchetprime211 @freejayde @prettyprincess-ily @cgmajor
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potatomountain · 8 months
CIY- 2
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Chapter Two
📍pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective reader
📍word count: 3.1k
📍network: @pirateeznet
📍Warnings: (TBD)
📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 and @daesukiii
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Bringing your old things from your last desk to this one was easier said than done all because you forgot the hour trek from your apartment to the office. While you had been packing up your apartment the last two weeks, your things from your old unit were still in the box by your front door so you had just grabbed it on your way out. 
The subway train had been packed, but at least there was no rain on your way this time, just a bit cloudy. The front door to the office was locked so you struggled opening the door with the key but managed, finding it a bit dark. You were assured there was no alarm system you had to worry about, but the camera in the corner of the office still had you a bit hesitant- despite being told it was for show.
Nevertheless you shrugged it off, setting your box of things on the desk and then searching for the light. There was some streaming down from the hall, not much, so you didn't want to bother with whomever was there. Instead you shimmied off your bag and then suit jacket, adjusting the gun on your harness. You hadn't worn it yesterday since you didn't think it was important, but today it gave you a sense of comfort.
Truce or not you didn't expect things to be easy, even if they said the work would be.
You started off the day with unboxing your things: setting up your desk organizers, the cute pieces you used to bring some joy, but mostly pictures. One of getting your detective badge, one with you and your father who was a former detective himself, and one with-
Staring down at the photograph, your chest was tight; it was the first Christmas party with your last unit, all nine of you in chaotic Christmas cheer. Your eyes lingered on Chan a moment longer before you set the photograph back in the box. He wasn't your Captain anymore, your superior nor your friend; not after he recommended you get transferred.
Eventually you could stand to look at the picture again, it wasn't just Chan in it after all: it was your whole unit, who you adored. It was just raw right now, that's what you told yourself. You did set up the picture of you and Hyunjin at Disney, as well as one with you and Minho with the cat you had gotten him as a graduation gift from the academy.
The rest of your items were just office supplies you liked to use for organization and more. Easy enough setup that you were staring at the items unsure what to do now. You still needed a chair, having ordered one yesterday to be here some time today. Seonghwa had said he'd supply the phone, but there was none in sight. You didn't think he would go back on his word so soon, so wrote off it's absence for now.
Luckily you had brought your laptop, and while you no longer had access to your old unit, you should have some here. 
That was much more limited than you thought, cursing under your breath as you attempted to access files- even the files of the detectives here were classified, which raised some questions. You were a part of this unit, you should be able to see who you are working with. 
In theory that was the case, but you had to resort to a good ol’ Google search of the names you knew.
Vice-Captain of the crime syndicate unit, Detective Park Seonghwa- all that came up was his name and a lot of articles about his parents who ran Park Pharmaceuticals. So a rich kid who went into law enforcement as opposed to business like the rest of his family? Interesting.
Detective Song Mingi- a few articles of a brief mention of him as a first responder, all in successful chases. So he was a good driver? Erratic maybe. You couldn’t find anything else on him, not from Google at least, unless the dating profile for tinder that came up was his but you hoped not.
Detective Jeong Yunho- an article of a Jeong Yunho receiving an award for saving a kids’ life, but there was much more on his parents. In particular his father, a former detective who was shot and killed in a standoff with a well known, and still running, crime syndicate family. Well, he made sense.
Next was Kang Yeosang, however nothing popped up in the search engine. You tried again, adding keywords to help the search and yet still nothing. No police articles. No name on graduation lists. You started a deeper search, attempting to look at any mention of this unit in general but once more you came up empty handed. He was a ghost, and the unit itself was one to the public eye.
Definitely fishy. Even with their work, there should be some mention of this unit somewhere. You could remember media outlets covering the older unit before- so why was this one practically nonexistent?
You were getting frustrated with the lack of results, instead moving on to the final detective whose name you could remember: Choi Jongho. As soon as you put the name into the search engine however, your laptop was forced shut, a figure looming over you and holding it closed.
Looking up at the perpetrator with a glare, you bit out. “Excuse you? What do you think you are doing?”
Yeosang's cold stare met yours unwaveringly. “I should be asking you that. Why are you searching for us online?”
Letting out a huff, you turned to him as you stood up straighter. “Why can't I find anything about you online?” 
His jaw tightened, annoyed you ignored his question and instead asked one he wasn't too happy about. “Because I prefer it that way. Again- why are you searching our names?”
It wasn't easy to erase someone completely from the internet, not in this day and age, but he managed to do that. Pair that with his sudden presence it left you even more suspicious. Again something fishy seemed to be going on.
“Why do I have basic level access to the police database? I can't access anything about this unit or your work and I can't do my job if I don't have access. So how else am I going to gather information?”
Yeosang met your defiant glare with his own cold stare. Neither of you said anything, his eyes seeming to search yours for any weakness but you weren't relenting. He pulled his hand off your laptop, stare unwavering even as the door opened. 
You didn't have to look to know it was your chair, the delivery man announcing a package in your name and asking for a signature. You reluctantly turned, grabbing the small tablet and signing for the package.
As you did, Yeosang leaned in, his breath on your neck. “There is nothing for you to know so stop digging. This is my only warning.” He pulled away, some distance put between you both by the time you looked back up at him. 
“Now you have me thinking you're hiding something.”
He stiffened, head tilting to the side as the look in his eyes somehow turned even colder. “Seonghwa might have called a truce, but keep in mind we don’t want you here. We don’t trust you, and we’ve spent years getting as far as we have with our work. Don’t risk fucking it up.”
“Or what?” You weren’t intimidated at all by the challenge in his deep voice; instead you rose to it, lifting your chin defiantly and stepping closer. “What the fuck are you going to do Pretty boy?” 
He rolled his bottom jaw, tongue flicking out to touch above his lip, drawing your attention to a small stud there. You hadn’t noticed it before, but he had two small clear studs- cyber bites if you were recalling it correctly- one dead center beneath his nose and a labret as well. Funny, you didn’t expect him to be the type to have a piercing at all, let alone one like this. It just had you even more apprehensive of this unit.
The look he gave you only intensified the feeling in your gut that something was wrong. “You don’t want to find out, meddlesome bitch.”
Before you could retort, he turned and left down the hall. It took everything in you not to follow and demand he follow through with those words, your hands balled into fists at your side; instead you huffed out in frustration, trudging over to the box of your chair. “They’re the biggest fucking jerks I’ve met on the force.” 
You found yourself missing your old unit at that realization. Sure not all of them had been friendly at first, but it was nothing like this. No threats had been made, nowhere near as many barriers put into place to keep you out, and their coldness had been more out of social awkwardness than a severe distrust for you. You had taken your morning routine’s for granted, the late night calls and their sometimes overbearing gestures.
Tears pricked the back of your eyes as you angrily opened the box, ripping it a few times in the process. You didn’t regret the actions you had taken that necessarily had you transferred- only the feelings that got torn to shreds when you were told of your transfer and their lack of fight to keep you on the unit. It made you question your place in their lives, and left you vulnerable and betrayed.
Maybe it was a good thing this unit was so adamant about keeping you at a distance and so open about their dislike of your presence.
All of this went through your head as you set up the chair, working through your emotions and your anger finally dissipating for now. The one month suspension to keep from contacting your previous unit was beginning to be a blessing, the distance giving you room to breathe as you knew their constant presence or interactions would just work you up like this. You couldn’t really focus on anything else the last two weeks, but now you were back at work, you had something to focus on. 
Even if they weren’t going to give you work, warning you not to dig- you were going to. You had the decency not to dig into them right after the warning however, that just wasn’t smart, but you could dig into something else: their work.
Sure you didn’t have access to their files, but as you sat down in your newly assembled chair and opened your laptop, you knew there was plenty more to look at online. Gang activity wasn’t as sealed off as this unit was, you could start there. You could contact some of your reporter contacts and get information that way, and basic access to the police database was enough to see files of felons and gang related crimes.
No need to focus on your past unit, or how it left you feeling. No need to focus on this unit and their attempts to block you out- just focus on work. 
Taking a deep breath and filled with newfound determination, you went to work.
— — — — — — — — — 
Your old unit handled cases of runaways and cases committed by minors but you were just now realizing how many of those cases could be tied back to gang activity. Of course, the more severe the crime or case you usually were left off of; in hindsight you could now see why Chan did things that way. The number of young teens who clearly were being pulled into gangs was too large for comfort and it greatly unsettled you. 
You could hardly be quiet when discovering a young child had run away due to a very abusive home and you had no choice but to send the child back to that home and file a report with children services. The hell you raised at that command had caused your first suspension and since then you had been more than a little mouthy to the higher ups and to Chan. If Chan had put you on cases that involved gang activity you knew you would have raised hell continuously as those cases would’ve been sent here.
You were rethinking your decision to come here now, aware that if you managed to stay in this unit you would question their every decision and probably break more than a few rules. You couldn’t afford another transfer, as the next time you did cause problems it would be the loss of your job. 
All of this ran through your mind as you had gone out for your late lunch break, sipping on your usual cafe drink on the way back. The break had been much needed as your emotions had been getting out of hand looking at the files, but you got the gist of the organized crime of the city.
There were six gangs, three of them mafia and three new gangs aspiring to take the old down. They were organized enough, but also reckless and bold as well. Most of the underage crimes belonged to those two of those three new groups: The Blue Goblins and the Green Vipers. Each family had a color they coordinated themselves with and you had a good idea of their geographical layout based on this now. 
The third newest gang was the Black Pirates, appearing about four years ago and quickly monopolizing control over the docks and trade out of the city that way. You couldn’t find anything on them, barely any members incarcerated, just a few dead ones and witness accounts from other gangs.
‘If you want to move product through the south, you have to get their permission’ was mentioned in several files. Their water based operations were fitting of their name, but you thought it odd how little there was. For the older gangs it made sense, they had so much money and time to perfect their operations- a young gang like this with so little arrests or screw ups?
Sighing you stepped back into the building, rubbing the inside corners of your eyes in frustration. You nearly dropped your drink when you saw someone hunched at your desk, fidgeting with something. Your first thought was your laptop, having left it open since you didn’t expect any of them to come out nor did you expect to be gone long.
Apprehensively you approached the desk, walking around to see your laptop still on but now there was a phone next to it. “I was wondering when it would be brought out.”
Yunho looked up through the bit of hair that was in his fair, his expression relaxed as he stood up which didn’t help your nerves at all; you didn’t trust anything but their clear distrust of you. “Just in time.”
He stepped back towards the hall, large hands stuffed into his pockets as he watched you slip into your desk chair, eyeing him warily. “Seonghwa said line 3 connects to his desk, he’ll contact you with work when he figures out something for you to do.” You nodded slowly at his explanation, setting your lunch and drink down. “Line 4 is Yeosang, and 2 is Captain’s desk when he gets back.”
You nodded again, waiting for him to leave… yet he just stood there. Clearing your throat you tilted your head with brows raised. “What else do you have to say?”
He hummed, lips pulling up into a bit of a smirk. “Just wanted to comment on your notes. They're pretty detailed for such a short time. I was curious though, with all this information what do you plan to do with it?”
You opened your mouth to respond, only to pause and turn to your notes. Everything was still there and yet you felt as if his question had a much deeper meaning. “What do you mean ‘do with it’?”
“Exactly that. Having the information is one thing, but what are you going to do? How would you do this job with that information?” He didn't seem to be condescending you but you were still wary.
So you thought it over, looking at the notes one more time. “Old mafia would be harder to shut down, especially if they have ties to law officials or higher. But they're cleaner and less harmful in the short-term.” You started off. “They would take a lot of planning and no mistakes to tear apart.” You looked over at him, somehow relaxing when he seemed to nod with approval. It sparked you to sit up straighter, a bit more enthused.  “The newer gangs are the problem. Too reckless, too much blood, so they would need priority.  They're also more likely to make a mistake, get too cocky.”
“Uh-huh, how would you do that?” He encouraged, leaning against the wall.
You opened your mouth to reply with the first thing that came to mind, only to stop. Technically it wasn't entirely legal, so you had to wrack your brain for the proper way. “Stake outs, gather more information, know who to watch, and figure out a way to catch them in the afternoon of the crime with enough evidence. Get enough, you can pit members against each other in confessions to lessen their sentence…” 
Yunho seemed disappointed, shaking his head. “And would you do that all by yourself? With the resources you had now?”
“No I-” You frowned, narrowing your eyes on him. “You ARE being condescending!” 
He grinned wider, standing up straight. “Not really, I was just curious. That is the way things work, as a unit. Keep doing what you're doing, think about that question. When you have a better answer- let me know, wise little girl.” He hummed, pulling out his hand to wave at you before turning and heading down the hall.
You flicked him off when his back was turned, calling him several curse words under your breath as you turned towards the laptop. “My other answer was fabricate evidence to aggravate the two gangs not only against each other but a larger family. They'd have their heads so far up their asses they'd piss off a big boy and get themselves destroyed in no time.” But that was neither legal nor safe really. 
It was also those ideas that resulted in more than one fight with Chan. Things had to be done legally or they weren't right- you couldn't take the law into your own hands no matter how frustrating it was.
Sometimes, sometimes you wished you could.
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absolutebl · 7 months
What to watch after Pit Babe? Thai BL Actor Guide
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So you loved Pit Babe and you wanna see your favorite BL boy in his old series? But should you?
Here's a guide...
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Babe AKA Pavel - 2 Moons 2
Pavel is one of my favorite actors in BL (he's this blog's icon for a reason) and actually 2 Moons 2 is pretty good, primarily because of his character, Forth. Who has an actual character evolution and growth arc... in a BL!
Don't be fooled 2 Moons 2 is a reboot and extension of 2 Moons, not a spin off. So you don't have to have watched the first iteration, in fact I recommend against it.
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Anygay, the main couple of 2M2 is naff, but Forth is great and Pavel is great as that character. He has good chemistry with his pairing, and as a BL fan it's not a bad idea to know your 2 Moon's roots. 2 Moons is one of the most popular Y-novels ever written, one of the most popular shows of it's time, and the perpetuator of many Thai BL tropes.
Pavel's second BL, Coffee Melody, is not worth watching.
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If Babe was your favorite character, and Babe & Charlie a pairing you enjoy, I would suggest Big Dragon as your next BL. Same vibes, high heat, chaotic. Another possibility is the slightly lower heat but stil unhinged Laws of Attraction.
You also might like some stuff out of Taiwan. They tend to have the angst + high heat + sappy softness that characterized Charlie + Babe.
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Way AKA Nut - Oxygen
Nut is way different in his previous rolls, as the lead in both Oxygen, and Something in My Room. Same gorgeous voice and soulful eyes and Nut tends to play sensitive torn characters but the similarities end there.
In Oxygen, his acting is stiff. In fact, Oxygen as a whole is pretty stiff. I like it very much and it is a big comfort watch for me because of it's smooth peaceful softness, but it's flawed, slow and awkward. I did an episode by episode thing for that show (my first watch along).
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In his second BL, Something in My Room, Nut demonstrates improved acting and chemistry, but I don't recommend it. It's a touch of horror, built on the "my ghost boyfriend" trope, and it's quite sad.
So try Oxygen but if what you're after is more BL with a Way-like main character then I would recommend Moonlight Chicken or The Eclipse chewy BL with sensitive boys and some grey morality.
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Jeff AKA Pon - Starhunter Talent
Pon was with Starhunter before this and so has appearances in several of their BLs. He's demonstrated great natural acting talent, charisma, and good chemistry with all his pairs but because he often appeared in chaotic ensemble pieces has been easily forgotten (including by me). Starhunter chronically underused him but also utterly miss-applied him.
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Gen Y 2 is actually a master class in flawed casting. They put Pon into a triangle, where he plays a fated mate pining uke against a very stiff lead pair - but they expected us not to want him to be end game. Big mistake. Watch this mess if you just want to see how a good actor can eat up all the air of a bad pair, winning hearts and influencing fans.
Otherwise the Gen Y series is a bloated mess, and I can't recommend them. I trashed watched so you don't have too. While Pon demonstrates skills against a backdrop of ranging tallent, oddball story, and chaotic outcomes I wouldn't have bothered if not for the dumpster fire.
Pon's first BL is The Moment, and he's good in it, but it's a terrible show. Boring and plotless.
He's fantastic in Make A Wish but only a side part (despite what is said in MDL) and his arc is VERY sad. Still it's a GREAT under appreciated BL, I recommend it as the one to watch if you have to see Pon in something else. It's nothing like Pit Babe though.
Yeah our pathway for Pon ends here, so lets look, instead, at
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Alan & Jeff - Bed Friend
This was Sailub's first BL role, and I speak for all of us when I say... more please.
So instead of a watching a pathway for him, I'm gonna give you a few BL suggestions based on the assumption that this side couple was your favorite from this series (as it was mine).
What we had with this pairing was
older sensitive sweetheart sunshine seme + tortured dark scared tsundere uke.
FUN dynamic! Here are some options where this style took center stage:
Bed Friend
Between Us
Love By Chance (AePete only)
Tokyo in April is
I Became the Main Role of a BL
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Pete & Kenta - Word of Honor
Ah you like your boys troubled with money, questionable morals, and the slight inclination to pick at their fingernails with a knife?
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Neither Garfield nor Ping have done other BLs but here are my picks for BLs that feature this kind of character and dynamic, and we are leaving Thailand for these (since it's darker territory than Thailand usually handles... well).
HIStory 3: Trapped 
Long Time No See 
Irresistible Love
Word of Honor
Where Your Eyes Linger
Other familiar faces
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North played by Michael was our big comedy insert for this show.
But all his roles prior to this were very serious. Till the World Ends and Call It What You Want are practically depressing, even his role in Oxygen is pretty dark. He actually has been in BL a very long time, he was one of Noh's friends in Love Sick at just 18. Frankly, that'd waht you should watch if you are gonna watch any of his back catelogue, but it's NOTHING like Pit Babe or his role in it, still it's the beginning of Thai BL and Noh is a little sunshine of chaos, and it's great so...
Where was I?
If you really want a comedic himbo lead character there are are quite a few out there, and it's a crazy playing field because Japan is in it to win it.
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Leaving aside high school stuff, here are some options:
Cherry Magic (Japan)
Ossan’s Love 
Mr Unlucky Can Only Kiss
Love Tractor
Bad Buddy
Love Stage!!
My Day
History 4: Close to You
Benz who played Kim has also done BL before, En of Love: This Is Love Story, but it is not good and not worth watching.
While I want the queer Falling Into Your Smile or Love O2O or Appledog more than anything, that doesn't exist. We have yet to have a true gaymer BL. (I mean come on, nerdy queer is practically a stereotype at this point, where is it?)
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All of which is to say if Kim was your favorite... I don't know. Our Dating Sim maybe Semantic Error?
Pop has lead out a BL, it's a very slow, very queer, very unwatched piece called La Cuisine.
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@heretherebedork and I loved it, but it's hard to imagine anyone else enjoying it. You have to be a hard BL stan to tolerate the pace and pulp quality of that one. He's a completely different character but if you really like the actor try him in La Cuisine, I think he was better cast for that than Pit Babe.
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I just enjoyed the show in general, what's next?
In general, if you really enjoyed Pit Babe itself as a series (and it's multiple couples and chaotic noise and erratic concept) you're in the KinnPorsche camp of Thai BL. I actually made a "watch next" pathways and rating guide for that show, which might work for you.
Specifically I would say Manner of Death. It's a little more focused in character and plot but still a wild ride. And MaxTul are the Kings for a reason.
You might also try Not Me, Never Let Me Go, and 3 Will Be Free although all of these, coming from GMMTV, are lower heat levels than Pit Babe.
Finally, seriously, try The Sign. I know it was airing "in competition" but there is room in your heart for both shows. I promise. They have the same wild sexy energy, and are loads of fun.
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ballad-of-the-lamb · 7 months
I've been bingeing your art in this blog for, like, the last hour. Sooo much good stuff!
Can we hear more about notable members of the Cult? Cheese Parm's s/o and such
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cult info below cut b/c i'm gonna be typing a lot;
Everyone listed here are basically the main runners/cast when it comes to plot relevance in the story in itself. there are plenty of cast & characters that aren't- but they wont pop up for anything other than background characters perhaps staring on in horror at god antics or one another's antics.
we'll start from the top;
GALLOWS [ girlyed cheese ]
the most recent member of the cult to be saved specifically by the lamb themself from sacrifice within Darkwood.
a lot of cult conflict will begin with the uninitiated, the unknowing. and the influence of the twin gods will be seen on her in real time as the story progresses.
she is generally a very generic playful-but-tricky fox character, but there's a lot she hides; much like the rest of the cult members. her past is not happily talked about, or seldom is.
she was a native to Darkwood. She is chaotic because of it.
she was meant to be burned at the stake.
EKPYROSIS [ asbestos ]
This word derives from a Greek word for a great fire. It represents a belief held by some scholars of Stoicism, that says that the universe has no beginning or end, and instead is destroyed and remade in a great conflagration in a cyclic manner. Just as life & death ever are.
Her name stands out among the rest of the cult because it was the name that the Lamb bestowed upon her upon being given the title of disciple. Just as Narinder took Baal & Aym to learn from him, the Lamb took her.
Her previous name is not known to anyone mind the Lamb themself, Narinder, and cheese parm.
She is more inclined to using and being influenced by the eldritch artifacts & relics the Lamb or Narinder tend to return with.
She leaves an uneasy and terrible 'uncanny valley' feeling tenfold within her vicinity, which makes her hard to be around. It is not just being outright creepy- but it's a lot more akin to literally feeling reality dip and bow around you into something not quite right.
She does not move like a normal person. The way she walks, runs, jumps- it's all too impossible to replicate without someone shattering every bone in their body.
When she speaks, her voice is delayed from her mouth. And it doesn't always line up perfectly.
most notably; cheese parm hates her. for good reason.
OTHERA [ bong water ]
An average cult member on the surface. They are a caretaker, they are matronly, they work as the local therapist. Generally just likes taking care of people.
When the Lamb, Disciples, & Narinder aren't around to listen to confessionals in the booth they are typically who does.
It's an unspoken rule to not make them angry or let them get to '1' when they start counting down from 5.
He is typically known for the reason morale is good. A good shoulder to rely on.
He is the third oldest member of the cult, resurrected multiple times over to serve his purpose, next to cheese parm & his sister. they are also the only one that asbestos seems to actively fear besides cheese parm.
EUNOMIA [ they/theminem ]
Eunomia was a minor goddess of law and legislation, whose name means "Good Laws", and is specifically a goddess of order according to good governance.
The second disciple. Known for learning the use of the Lamb's personally created curses specifically, though does know the ones Narinder passed on. They do not deem themselves worthy enough to use those.
Generally a very angry & spiteful person for a multitude of reasons. It mostly comes down to 'bearer of the curse' and the curse being knowledge.
They are the only one really permitted to 'backtalk' due to how much they actually do know their place.
they are very heavily disciplined under the rule of self-flagellation, and know the tenants and rites better than anyone else in the cult. even the head ritualist.
as said on paper. cheese parm's s/o. the significantly scarier one. they have not had a reason to be scary in a good couple hundred years! don't make them start now.
has 2 adopted kids w/ cheese parm they raise.
PANKRATIAST [ cheese parm ]
The Pankration is a sport of unarmed combat that featured in the ancient Olympic Games in Greece. This specific association fits as he's specifically an unarmed fighter first and foremost.
While not a disciple, is considered one generally in 'importance' to the higher ups of the cult. While he is no more important than Gallows, Othera, Minced Meat, or any other average member- he has the veteran's respect.
Was given a name by the Lamb, and since he does not speak, it's not like he can correct anyone otherwise.
well. doesn't talk. only ever communicates in vague grunts and noises that voice displeasure or a neutral 'ok'
Generally considered stoic, he does not feel strongly about most things.
The village executioner. The head missionary. Bartender. Does all the jobs no one else wants to do, and even others when no one else does it.
Smells of gore & wet dog constantly.
Knows. Remembers. Knows why death is broken, knows how it broke, will not tell Lamb or Narinder. He is a Witness.
Knows all the weaponry the Lamb uses & can use it just as effectively on a physical level.
The first of the flock. Will be there even when there is no more flock to have. As it will ever be, pinkie promised back in the Silk Cradle back where he was first found.
ILONA [ taco bell qsdea ]
a specialist in alchemy, cooking, & plants. Tends to the farms, gardens, & warding stones.
The first of the cult members Narinder warmed up to directly after descension. They brought him food every day, they gave him supplies, and other than the Lamb- they were the first to not be terrified of him.
They are very blind and often need a guide when they are not allowed to use their clicks and noises to find the way.
They are immune to Gallows' tricks and run off of the 'fae logic' of most things.
Their name means 'joy'. A name they decided on after speaking to Narinder for a time.
The first cult members recruited directly after Narinder's descension.
Immune to the horrors Somehow. There is something hiding behind those big ol eyes
Can fly. They have wings attached to their arms, and for it, require special clothes.
will be involved a lot in narinder plots
MINCED MEAT [ childbirth gambino ]
head cook but kind of as a threat. the lamb put them there for a reason. they are pretty mid.
constantly paranoid and in a state of fear or unease. Does not sleep because of it, and instead compulsively cooks almost all day and night.
most random screeches or noises in the cult come from this little guy
absolutely scared shitless of the Lamb.
The first Dissenter since the Lamb's ascension. They were made an example of. Now they will never. They have seen god's wrath, and would rather die.
narinder likes to bully this thing by hissing at him in the night
attached to beansnesed'd bsbisebies hip when in the chapel or out and about.
the prime example of 'the lamb is not a good person.'
ALOPE [ deep dish pizza ]
cheese parm's little sister. and borderline clone. she copies everything he's done up until adulthood when she started to become her own person. though it's been hundreds, if not thousands of years, she's still trying to figure out who she is.
made a pinkie promise to the lamb, just like cheese parm, to always be there. and she has!
ripped as fuck. like, more than cheese parm. huge. absolute beast thing.
the lamb prevented a fated death in her, the first time he ever did so, and for it her title is technically 'Saint Alope' within the cult for being the act of a miracle.
like her brother, never speaks vocally, never shows her face. gets across feelings through vague grunts. uses sign language where cheese parm does not.
the fastest in the cult. rivals narinder in base speed without using necklaces or unnatural abilities.
uses two ritual dirks or daggers at any given point, throwing knives, things of that sort. protects the village next to cheese parm, and you'll never hear her coming. totally, absolutely silent.
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Opinions on D&D alignment by D&D alignment
Lawful Good: I use alignment not as a restriction, but an ideal- it indicates their values and beliefs. My character might not always hold to their alignment 100% of the time- who does?- but there's still good roleplaying opportunities in knowing the kind of person they strive to be, and we should keep it around for that.
Neutral Good: Alignment is a useful starting point for character building. Knowing a character is "lawful good" gives a clear image of your character ( like knowing they're a warlock or dwarf does) but you should work to give them an identity beyond that. As long as you remember that, its fine.
Chaotic Good: Alignment removes moral ambiguity and makes the campaign weaker for it- a lot of interesting discussions become laughable when you can just use an Evilometer to determine who's objectively in the right. We should remove it and instead allow players to judge scenarios for themselves
Lawful Neutral: I'm sorry, but as as a Chaotic character I cannot take a reward from the king! It goes against Who I Am As A Person! No, instead I throw the gold to the floor in a fit of a rage and storm out. Sorry, that's my alignment.
True Neutral: What's an alignment? While you're at it, what's an AC, HP, advantage and D&D?
Lawful Evil: Sorry guys, but if you look at page 122, Neutral Evil is defined as "those who do whatever they can get away with, without compassion or qualms". As such, I would argue that I am well within the spirit of the game to stab all the other PCs in their sleep and run off with their loot. Guess you guys just aren't as dedicated roleplayers as me.
Neutral Evil: Um, actually, I'm lawful good so Brian's Smite Evil shouldn't have done anything to me? Yeah, if you can just amend that, thanks. Anyway, I make another attack roll to beat Brian to death with an orphan.
Chaotic Evil: Oh, I'm not really a roleplayer. The only alignment I care about is my rolls aligning with 20s and if they don't my fist is going to be aligning with your goddamn face.
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a-roguish-gambit · 3 months
What if the x men played DND
This is what I think their characters would be
Beast: is the forever dm
Cyclops: the most lawful good high elf paladin to ever lawful good high elf paladin
Jean grey: starts with a standard lawful good high elf wizard but min maxes into an entirely different character about three times until she is once again at lawful good elf wizard. But now it's a different flavor of elf!
Morph: chaotic neutral plasmoid fighter
Wolverine: just homebrews himself into the game, with a custom barbarian subclass of "escaped living weapon". No one realizes what he did until he mentions that his hidden wrist blades come in sets of three and by that point they are three sessions in.
Jubilee: neutral good half elf druid/sorcerer, with a dramatic heroic backstory, stunning good looks, and she knows everyone just like in her fairy tale ep
Gambit: a purple lawful evil to chaotic good tiefling rogue/warlock who's patron makes him steal treasures as offerings in exchange for blessings of luck and powers to charm others
Rogue: girl found out you can seduce in the game and is playing a chaotic good damphir bard so she can seduce as many as she wants in the game she and gambit tag team to seduce all the monsters.
Nightcrawler: everyone thought he would play a lawful good tiefling paladin but instead he's playing a chaotic neutral tabaxi cleric/monk that is also a pirate
Storm: started out playing a min-maxxed to hell Asimarr druid but got tired of it quickly and is now playing Snarf, the chaotic neutral kobold ranger/wizard and is having a blast. Especially with fireball.
Xavier is not allowed to play because he keeps cheating by reading beast's mind to meta game and magneto was kicked out for being a problem player and kinda murder hoboing a village of humans that were harassing a goblin.
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anxious-lee · 5 months
|| Ramshackle Tickle Headcanons ||
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A/N: just watched the pilot last night and read the comic this morning, I'm ready 💪. I can tell these three are gonna be my new beloved found family. as far as I can tell, there isn't a whole lot of fan content of this on tumblr so I'm really scared this is gonna find its way to the normies 😢
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- chaotic ler
- usually the first one to initiate a tickle fight
- fights to WIN (and have fun with her friends)
- the roughest tickler of them all; squeezes, scribbles, and pokes anywhere and everywhere she can reach. she will the loudest laughter she can out of you
- skipp is her easiest lee; he'll start a chase and everything for the game of it, but he doesn't fight too hard once he gets caught
- stone, however, is the hardest lee, but we'll get to that later; despite how difficult he is to corner, she likes the challenge; besides, somebody's got to make sure that sad twig boi smiles
- once she finds your worst spot, she's not leaving
- teases with evil laughter and playful mockery; "no mortal can escape the clutches of the TICKLE MONSTER MWAHAHAHA!" "You wanna get away? You wanna get away?? Well you're not gettin' away~"
- when tickled, she SCREAMS and CACKLES but will NOT beg
- doesn't mind being tickled, doesn't love it; it's all in good fun
- ^ you wouldn't know that based on how hard she fights her ler; kicking, clawing, flailing, you name it; she does not like to lose
- in fact, she'd rather have her face turn purple than call it quits; the ler just has to know when to stop on their own because she's sure as hell not going to tell them
- most ticklish spot is her armpits
- do not try to outrun her because she is so damn persistent. she will catch you; tackles and pins you down before she tickles you
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- lawful lee
- has the goofiest little giggles in the world; a real "teehee" lad
- can't and won't hold back his laughter
- by far the happiest to be a lee
- actively likes tickling and WILL admit it
- most ticklish spot is his sides
- he can tickle if he thinks one of his friends needs it but he mainly prefers to be the lee
- doesn't wiggle that much; all the energy that would go into squirming goes into giggling instead
- cups his pink cheeks and gives tiny feet kicks 🥰
- will squeal if you tickle his neck
- a lot of teases don't work on him because they rely on being embarrassed, and he's not embarrassed about tickling
- the teases that DO work are baby talk, since it adds to the silly feeling
- pokes tickle him the most
- his giggly laughter is laced with mangled outcries; "HEHEHEHE WAITHEHEHE STO- HEHE NOT THERE HEHEHE"
- if skipp gets in stone's personal space one too many times, stone'll wreck him (he knows skipp is doing it on purpose)
- isn't that invested with winning or losing a tickle fight; he's just happy to be there
- tries to get stone to loosen up about tickling (explanation later)
- gets ganged up on by the other two the most
- falls for those old tickle tricks, not because he wants to get tickled, but because he is just so obliviously trusting
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- the one we've all been waiting for
- I'm gonna let yall know right now this ones going to be the longest (SUE ME OKAY?!)
- neutral lee-leaning switch
- will swear up and down on his life that he's not ticklish (it's a lie!) until the other two little gremlins finally decide to prove him wrong
- he's very embarrassed about being ticklish; skipp doesn't understand why and tries to get him more comfortable with it, which causes stone to turtle-up and shut down the conversation; vinnie takes a less gentle approach and just tells him to "loosen up, dude!"; it seems like a childish thing to him, like something he should have grown out of
- despite how embarrassed he is about his weakness, he's not actually embarrassed about saying the word; he can say "tickle" all day long, he just can't admit he's ticklish
- he repeats the same three words everytime someone asks: "I'm not ticklish"
- if he thinks for even a second he's about to get tickled, he sprints like his life depends on it; this means the first ten times his friends have tried to tickle him, they failed, no matter how stealthy they were.
- finally, on try eleven, they managed to overtake him; he wouldn't laugh for the first two whole minutes; vinnie was straddling his waist while skipp kept him from kicking and bucking her off; eventually, he did crack; it only took a random squeeze at his death spot for him to slip up: his thighs; vinnie caught on right away and went to town, and then poor stone couldn't keep himself together; if he laughed any harder, he swore he'd crumble to pieces; his arms waved around, too jellied up to put any real force behind them; his eyes were still squeezed shut, but his smile was brighter than the motherfucking sun; it even put skipp's to shame; he looked uncharacteristically like a little baby, laughing and shrieking
- vinnie and skipp's eyes practically filled with stars; neither of them had ever seen this side of stone before; but that was about to change
- he can't claim he's not ticklish anymore, but he'll still go to any lengths to avoid talking about it
- stone didn't know he had a death spot until that moment, nothing ever came into contact with his thighs so he had no way to know
- his laugh is very high-pitched, differing from his usual deep rumble; pure belly laughter with a side of hiccups (no not hiccup laughs, ACTUAL hiccups. it's the cutest thing I swear)
- within thirty seconds of laughing, he's lost all ability to save face; cries out a lot of "please"s if vinnie goes hard enough
- the tops of his cheeks will go red while he's being tickled; not full tomato, but just enough to shatter his pride
- he's the most adorable lee 💓💓💓
- he's got the reflexes of a cat
- doesn't like being teased, then he gets a little too embarrassed
- the only comments that ARE acceptable are ones of curiosity; like if skipp goes "hmmm I wonder if this spot is ticklish?" or vinnie says "dang bro I didn't know you could laugh that hard"
- if he's comfortable with anyone tickling him, it's skipp; he knows he can trust him to not laugh at him
- as much as he'll deny it, he doesn't hate tickling as much as he wishes; in fact, it might even be a little bit fun <3
- as a ler, he's pretty skilled
- where vinnie is a very rough and sloppy ler, stone is very careful and methodical
- starts with light traces to amp up the tension, then goes in for the kill
- tickles skipp the most, because there's a significantly smaller chance of skipp fighting back
- he tickles his friends in an older brother sort of way; mostly its when they're bugging him
- teases with "ya learnt your lesson yet?" "that doesn't sound like someone who wants me to stop tickling" "you were practically asking for it, being a pain in the arse and everything"
- specifically teases skipp because he knows he likes it; "having fun, down there? i can see that smile, mister, you ain't fooling me"
- most of the time though he'll just watch the other two tickle fight and watch boredly
I'll save the rest of my thoughts for potential fics
Hope you enjoy!
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tommysversion · 1 year
Pre Game ( DBF / BFD Joel Miller x Reader )
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Summary: Joel is your dad’s best friend, and your friend’s dad to boot. Wanting him is a bad idea, but it’s not like he feels the same… right?
CWs: age gap / references to cheating / semi protected sex / threats of spanking / language / dirty talk
Tag List: @joelsgirl @pr0ximamidnight @dreamingofdaddydin @funnygirlthatgab @schizoel @bearsbeetsbeskar @loquaciousferret @pedritosdarling @chaotic-mystery
(I’m sure I’ve missed someone I’m sorry 😂)
Notes: finally, that DBF fic.
Buy Me A Coffee?
You’re really starting to feel bad about how much you’re paying attention to him. Maybe it wouldn’t be so guilt inducing if it was a new thing, something you could brush off as fleeting interest, but the fact of the matter is you’ve had your eye on him for literally the better part of two years now.
You’ve always noticed him; how can you not? He’s your dad’s best friend. They work together, then every other week he’s at your house to watch the game. Before, you were aware of him.
But ever since you moved back home after your college relationship went bust? You can’t take your eyes off him. What’s worse is you’re relatively close friends with his own daughter, Sarah.
You’re a couple years older than her, but close enough in age that you get along well. Well enough that you’d hang out together, text each other over the years, trust each other with secrets and girls nights and the bullshit that comes with being a young woman in this day and age. Wanting her dad just feels like a betrayal, but you can’t help it.
Besides, it’s not like he wants you back. Right?
Your dad won’t be home for several hours yet; he got called out to an urgent maintenance job, something about a blown circuit board causing a whole block to have spotty power. Considering there’s some important game on today, it’s not ideal.
You guess he must be too busy to have had time to message Joel to let him know, or more likely, forgot. Not that it matters - there have been a couple times when he’s shown up early.
It’s almost embarrassing that you know the sound of Joel’s truck as it pulls up outside the house. Even more embarrassing the way your heart starts racing as you get up off the couch to let him in. You open the door just as he goes to knock on it, leaving him standing there with his hand half raised, lazy half smile on his face.
“Chief not in?” His nickname for your dad has always amused you, the sarcastic banter born from the year your dad was his boss. It was weird for them to go from equals, two blue collar single dads, to your dad bossing him round.
That worksite didn’t last too long, and they were back to their regular buddy shenanigans before long.
“Nah, some emergency power restoration. He should be back before the game starts.”
You step to the side to let him in; no point leaving him outside, or him driving across town to get home only to come back.
Joel smirks.
“Should’ve done what I did.” He pulls his phone from the pocket of his jeans, where the do not disturb sign is showing on his lock screen.
“He works too hard.” You agree, heading back through the living room, trusting Joel to close the front door behind him.
You’ve been alone with him before, just a few times, but not since you moved back home. He looks a little different. Older. He’s got silver streaks mingled in with dark curls, a little softer round the middle. But it doesn’t take away from his looks. If anything, it enhances them.
“Always has. Now what about you, huh? Last I heard you were finishing your fancy degree, had shit all planned out.”
You shrug. Your dad had never gone to college; had busted his ass your entire life so that you could. You’d enjoyed your studies, had had some good friendships and relationships there.
Then your college boyfriend with his stupid law degree had cheated on you with the secretary his new firm had hired. You hadn’t been remotely interested in trying to ‘fix things’, instead throwing your mostly unpacked shit into boxes and hauling ass back home.
You had your degrees, you could find work at home. Never mind your wounded pride and inability to trust men your age ever again.
“Sometimes stuff doesn’t go according to plan.” You say finally. “I’m getting a drink. Want anything?”
Joel doesn’t answer you, just follows you into the kitchen. You’re barely aware he’s there until you feel the heat of his body behind yours as he leans over you into the open refrigerator, snags a beer while you’re still deciding.
A jolt of electricity runs through your body at the slight contact, immediately followed by guilt. Never mind that he’s your dad’s best friend, he’s your own friend’s dad.
How could you ever face Sarah if you acted on your want for him?
You grab a premixed vodka drink, pop the cap off and toss it into the bowl on the bench, taking a sip.
The drinks aren’t your choice; your dad buys them on occasion, because as he likes to remind you, there’s no such thing as a ‘girly drink’. It’s funny, but being raised that way gave you the confidence not to give a shit about ordering a beer in a bar, the same way you’ll never be apologetic about drinking a pastel pink vodka premix that tastes like guava and sugar.
Turning, you find Joel leaning against the other bench. Watching you.
“Make yourself at home.”
It comes out far more sarcastic than you intended; immediately, you feel bad. It’s not his fault you’re trying to cope with a raging crush on him. Not his fault that he’s stupidly handsome even in jeans and a button down shirt.
Honestly you doubt he even knows how attractive he is. Somehow that makes it worse.
“Got a mouth on you today, don’t you?” Joel says almost breezily, clearly unbothered by your attitude. “You always this bratty, or is that something you learned at college?”
You can feel your cheeks heating at the implication.
“No college boy could teach me that.”
The words are out before you can stop them. Your slight blush becomes full fledged heat when you realise what you’ve said, how easily you flirt with him.
“Guess not.” Joel takes a long sip of his beer, watches you for a second, as though trying to assess something in his head.
“Guarantee no boy is gonna give you what you deserve, anyway.”
Even though you’ve just taken a drink, your mouth becomes impossibly dry.
“What I deserve?” You put the bottle down before you drop the damn thing.
Joel’s expression doesn’t change as he drains his beer, sets the empty bottle on the bench behind him.
“See, if you were mine, I’d put you over my knee and slap your ass raw for being such a brat.” He says it so damn casually, like he’s talking about the weather.
You open your mouth to speak, then close it again. Then open it.
“What’s stopping you?”
Now, his expression does change. A smirk crossing his features. You half expect him to say something about his age, about your dad being his buddy, or about you being his daughter’s friend.
It’s none of the above.
“You’d enjoy it too much.” He crosses the small space between you, thumb tracing the outline of your mouth. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you looking.”
Your lips part, sucking the tip of his thumb into your mouth, eyes wide and staring into his own dark gaze. Something flickers there, maybe what remains of his willpower being snuffed out.
He lets you suck on his thumb for a moment before he pulls it out of your mouth, fingers closing on your chin and forcing you to look at him.
Your tongue darts out and licks your lower lip, unable to take your eyes off him, off the blatant lust in his gaze. You’re almost afraid that if you look away, it’ll break the spell, that he’ll come to his senses, or that you will.
You don’t want to.
“Eager little thing, aren’t you?” He sounds so amused, but not in an unkind way.
“I bet the thought of me bending you over and spanking you has you soaked.”
For a moment, you consider denying it. The small part of you that’s still sensible says you should. But you can’t. You just can’t.
“Why don’t you find out?” You suggest, wishing you were wearing something a bit more attractive than shorts and a shirt. At least your underwear matches.
For a moment you think he might refuse; are afraid he will refuse. That fear passes the moment his free hand slides down into your shorts, thumb brushing against your clit almost lazily.
You have to fight not to lean into his touch. Fight and fail miserably as that big, rough hand cups you, fingers caressing across sensitive skin.
“Knew it.”
Joel has no right to be this damn smug, and yet he is anyway, beyond amused at how wet you are, just from his words.
You half glare at him, mostly because you’re irritated by how right he is, but also because it frustrates you just how much you need him.
“Don’t start being a brat again…” he warns you. “Keep being good for me and I’ll reward you…”
You can’t help but melt just a little at those words, wondering what he could possibly mean. Well. You have a few ideas, but still, you think his ideas are probably going to be better.
He just stares at you, makes eye contact as he slides two thick fingers inside you, silently answering your question and challenge.
Your knees almost buckle, but you force yourself to keep standing, reaching behind you to hold onto the bench top to steady yourself.
You’ve spent a considerable amount of time thinking about this; about his fingers inside you. About more than just his fingers. But hell if this isn’t a good start. If this is all you get, you’ll be satisfied. Needy and wishing for more, yes, but you wouldn’t push it.
Luckily for you, he’s just as needy, pushing those fingers deep into you, curling them, watching the way your eyes drop closed. Like he hasn’t thought about this a great deal, when in reality it’s all he thinks about.
“See? Told you if you were good for me, it’d pay off…”
You smirk at him, wanting to be a smartass and tell him he never said that, but you need him too much to risk it. He’s trained you well, without even trying.
“If I’m even better, will you give me more?”
Your eyes drop to the visible bulge in his jeans, leaving absolutely no room to question what you mean. The sound he makes is somewhere between a growl and a groan, understanding what you want and more than willing to give it to you.
“‘M not gonna fuck you in the kitchen, baby.”
The amount of restraint it takes for him to say that is clear in his expression. Honestly, he’d love nothing more than to yank those tiny shorts down, hoist you up onto the bench and fuck you senseless, but the kitchen isn’t the right place.
He has enough restraint to want to do this properly, enough respect for you to be hesitant, even though it’s difficult.
Quite frankly you wouldn’t have cared if he’d bent you over the closest surface, but it’s the little want to be a gentleman that gets you. Even if he does still have his fingers buried knuckle deep inside you.
“What about if I ask nicely?” You look at him through half closed eyes, expression innocent.
“Still not gonna happen in the kitchen.”
You smirk; that’s fair enough. Luckily there are far more available rooms you can utilise, and you both know it. Still, it’s with a definite sense of reluctance that he removes his fingers from you, brings them to his mouth and sucks them clean, leaving you once again weak in the knees.
He loves the way his name sounds in your mouth, knows it’ll sound even better when you’re screaming it.
“Cmon, baby, gonna show me somewhere we can go that’s a bit more private?”
You try not to look too eager as you grab his hand, drag him out of the kitchen down the hallway to the guest room that’s now yours. Your old room upstairs was boxed up years ago, and your dad has since turned it into a gaming room for his war game miniatures and old books.
Easier for you to take the guest room, make it your own space. That and it would have felt weird, taking Joel into your childhood room.
Kicking the door shut behind you, you turn, expecting… you’re not sure what, but Joel pushes you up against the door almost right away, leaning down to you, his body hot against yours.
You have plenty of time before you have to worry about being interrupted, but still, there’s a sense of urgency in the way you pull him down to you, crush your mouth to his.
In the moment you don’t care that it’s wrong, that he’s so much older than you. All that matters is him, and getting him as close to you as possible, because god knows you’ve waited long enough for this.
He moves his arms away from you just long enough to yank your shorts down, pull your shirt over your head, toss them both aside carelessly. You let him before you push him back, until the back of his legs hit your bed.
Joel lets you, lets you push him back and straddle his lap, leaning down to kiss him as you shed your lace bra, leaving you bare to his gaze as you grind yourself against the significant bulge in his jeans.
“Fuck, baby, you gonna take charge all the time?”
It’s clear from his tone that he doesn’t care, not in the damn slightest, as your hands find his belt, work the zip of his jeans down.
You don’t answer him, just kiss him again, hard and desperate as your hand wraps around his cock, frees him from his pants and strokes him eagerly.
The sound he makes is goddamn sinful as you drag your soaked core along his length, coating him with your wetness. You want to take your time, but you know your dad could be back any minute, and you’re too needy and desperate to take your time.
Luckily, he seems to feel the same way.
“You gonna ride this cock, baby? Gonna take it like a good girl?”
That’s absolutely your intention; you lift yourself up, position yourself over the tip of him, then slide down onto his length, every inch of him sinking into you slowly.
His hands settle on your hips, guiding you down, keeping you there for a moment, fingers tightening on your waist.
“Fuck, you feel so good…” he breathes it out slowly, watches you toss your hair over your shoulder, smirk down at him as you start to move, drawing another delicious groan from his lips.
You don’t answer, focus entirely on riding him, lifting yourself up and dropping back down, one hand rubbing at your clit as you move.
“Such a pretty girl, so fuckin’ good for me…”
You whimper, and maybe that’s what finally snaps him, because his hands tighten on your waist and he starts to move, no longer letting you do all the work, hips snapping up against yours, hard and fast, precisely how you’ve always imagined he would fuck you.
“Dirty little thing aren’t you? All this time you’ve been wanting me…” he almost growls it, breath hitched as he ruts up into you, pupils blown wide with lust as he watches you.
You’re so close you can feel it, every nerve in your body alight as you tighten around him.
“Go on, sweetheart. Cum on my cock, I know you want to. Can feel this tight little pussy, so needy for me…”
It’s his filthy words, the feeling of him inside you, your hand on your clit, the combination of all of it, that sends you over, has you shaking on top of him, held up by his big strong hands as you find your release.
He can see the scar on your arm where your implant was put in, sees you looking and the way you bite your lip, and that’s enough for him, bucking up into you until he can’t hold out any longer, cursing and moaning as he fills you, you grinding down against him the entire damn time.
“Fuck…” he groans it as you lean down to kiss his cheek.
“Worth the wait.” You tease as you climb off of him with shaking legs, pick up your clothes and start re dressing yourself.
“Absolutely.” He zips up his jeans, sits up lazily, watches you pull those ridiculously tiny shorts back on.
You grin, feeling his eyes on you.
“Come on. Let’s go have another drink and pretend to be completely innocent before my dad gets back.”
Joel groans. You’re going to be the absolute death of him.
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crystaltoa · 11 months
Interesting to think about what each Vahki stun staff power implies about what the perceived social problems with each Metru were.
Bordakh (Ga-Metru)- Staffs of loyalty. Perhaps it was thought that Ga-Matoran, being typically quite sociable and forming very close friendships, might prioritize loyaty to their friends over the greater good of the city, and would not report a friend that they knew was engaged in suspicious or criminal behaviour.
Rorzakh (Onu-Metru)- Staffs of Presence. Perhaps Onu-Matoran were thought of as overly secretive, hiding away underground out of sight.
Nuurahk (Ta-Metru)- Staffs of Command. Ta-Matoran are known for their hotheadedness and tendency to be outspoken, these staffs were likely introduced to divert them away from whatever the were unproductively occupied with and back to whatever they were meant to be doing. Alternatively, they may have been developed with one very specific Ta-Metru resident, known for his "unscheduled vacations", in mind...
Zadahk (Po-Metru) Staffs of Suggestion. Like Ta-Matoran, Po-Matoran are famous for being stubborn, the Suggestion staffs being used to make them easier for their superiors to handle. (A key difference from the above is that the Nuurahk give commands to the Matoran directly, whereas Zadahk makes them obey other Matoran. Interesting...)
Vorzahk (Le-Metru) Staffs of Erasing. This one is really bizarre, since turning someone into a shambling but mostly harmless zombie does not seem conducive to maintaining peace, order and productivity, especially in an area already as chaotic as Le-Metru. One possible interpretation is that Le-Matoran were considered such troublemakers that it was thought that temporarily frying their higher brain functions when they put a foot out of line would result in less disruptions than allowing them to do whatever it was they were thinking of doing. The other possibility is that it was largely a deterrent, not intended to be used often, but the threat of such a punishment being enough to maintain order. If it's the latter, the fact that "shamblers" were supposedly a common sight in Le-Metru means that this plan failed spectacularly. Either the Vahki were overusing the staffs for minor transgressions, or a number of Le-Matoran were utterly unfazed by the threat of getting their heads scrambled. Maybe some of them even did it recreationally.
Keerakh (Ko-Metru) Staffs of Confusion. It is noted that the effect is considered more merciful than the Erasing staff by the Ko-Matoran. That's interesting in light of the fact that the idea for the Kralhi, their predecessor, reportedly came from Ko-Metru. So the idea of law enforcement robots in general was put forward by Ko-Matoran, and they may have had some input into the design of the Vahki and the choice of Stun staffs for each Metru. The choice of Presence power in Onu-metru is particularly telling, since if anyone thought the Onu-Matoran should be spied on, it would be the Ko-Matoran. Kind of understandable given the tendency for new mining tunnels to "accidentally" destabilize Knowledge towers. Interestingly, you would think Ko-Matoran would be among the most orderly groups and therefore least likely to get in trouble with the law, but dazed, confused Ko-Matoran wandering around after being zapped by Vahki suggests they have the exact same problem as Le-Metru. Either the Vahki are over-applying their power instead of taking more reasonable actions to get Matoran back to work... or Ko-Metru just has a LOT of stun-junkies...
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cyber-skeletons · 5 months
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Okay so here are my silly doodles for Earthspark: Shattered Glass
Musings below the cut
I love Earthspark in large part because of its narrative against black/white thinking and the idea that defining "good vs. evil" is easy. And in canon Earthspark even the worst Decepticons are portrayed as just kinda sillygoofy????? So I don't imagine the Autobots would be tooooo bad. Especially with Optronix defecting to the Decepticons because he just. Got bored with torturing and slaughtering his way across the galaxy and was like "You know what would be hilarious. What would just be really fucking funny. If I swapped sides, LMAO."
Anyway I thought about drawing a parole anklet on Optronix up there but I figured instead they would install a remote detonation device inside his spark chamber a la Suicide Squad in exchange for allowing him to keep the Matrix of Leadership in his chest. Optronix came up with the idea. He said it was his Act of Profference to Megatron and Megatron is just like "?????"
Speaking of Megatron he has deep entrenched eye bags because Optronix is his conjunx partner and because his handler is Agent Jon Schloder, who inherits his canon timeline sister's genocidal hatred of Cybertronians in this AU. Also he's busy managing all of the Decepticons and being a diplomat to Earth. He's still besties with Dot though, who in this AU is a cop because she prioritizes duty and the law and her work ahead of her family.
Also Optronix is besties with Karen Croft because Karen was really into True Crime shows as a youth and thinks him being a repentant serial killer is cool as heck, she owns all of his merchandise.
Breakdown is the teacher of the Terrans in this AU and he carries a deep sadness within him because he yearns to help his best friend Bumblebee recover from millions of years of enslavement under Optronix but Bumblebee is off being insane in the wilderness or something. Breakdown looks for him in his freetime.
The Terrans themselves are relatively unchanged, though perhaps a touch more anarchic/chaotic.
And now I'm out of time andweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the cat is attacking the keyboard so let me know if I should keep musing???
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
Do you have any thoughts on KatakurixSanji? Aus?
I feel it would have made WCI a lot more chaotic! Especially if Big Mom saw Katakuri fall for Sanji and actually decided to let Katakuri keep Sanji for himself instead of going ahead and killing Sanji with the Vinsmokes!
( I'm not sure how Pudding would fit in with this. Maybe she wasn't engaged to Sanji. Instead, it was Katakuri?)
Oh gosh. Not really? Do I think Sanji after having his bi awakening because of Ace look at Katakuri and realize a few more things about himself? Yes, he learns a lot about himself over this whole thing. Sanji already knows what it's like to be a prisoner and have no one and he knows Katakuri feels the same, even if the man has Brulee. They probably do like each other a lot and Sanji is trying to convince him to come with them. I think Katakuri and Otama would get along really well in Wano.
Also can you imagine Sanji and them rolling up and Sanji introducing everyone to his husband Charlotte Katakuri and what that would do to everyone? Even Nami is confused where as Robin nods when she looks at Katakuri because she understands it. Sanji doesn't like men, he likes this man. This man didn't fawn over him like the G-5 Marines and isn't out of touch like Law or demanding like Luffy or antagonistic like Zoro. This man is also big enough and strong enough to manhandle the cook into taking time for himself, something the others have been unsuccessful with.
Also King and Katakuri would be a fucking good fight I think. Especially if Katakuri is going in to rescue his blonde husband and after the raid Otama and him talking about their mochi fruits and just vibing does something to my heart.
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kikker-oma · 8 months
Looks at his feet ALL THE TIME while walking, he doesn’t wanna step on a minish. Speaking of which, aside from Legend, is the only one fluent in more than one language because he knows the picori language
His hair looks brushed? Nah, it’s not. He tried brushing it and it always gets tangled, but the knots are just so fine it doesn’t even look like it’s tangled, so he only brushes the top layer of his hair.
Keeps the peace. One of the only reasons that the chain isn’t at each others throats. Part of the reason is that he doesn’t know what half of these debates is about, but is very good at making each side seem like he agrees with them, even though he’s confused.
Memorizes facts about everybody’s Hyrule to be prepared. Is VERY keen on being prepared. Even though he may come off as chaotic, he always has a plan for whatever will go wrong. Very much belives in murphey’s law.
ANGSTY GUY. Seems talkative but NEVER talks about what he truly thinks just talks because he feels the need to show people that he exists and is strong.
Claims that he hates children. Yet he will hug any baby he sees. Absolutely adores children if we are being honest. He even got Sky to teach him embroidery so he can embroid little blankets for babies 🥹
Hopeless romantic. He will wax poetry about Sun for 25 hours seven days a week if you let him. He shares literally everything he’s interested in with her.
He sometimes (this is so OOC but idc) sends post cards of him and Fi to LD-301S Scrapper to make him jealous. He absolutely hates that tiny robot.
Cryptic. Will spill traumatizing memories of his past but will make them so cryptic that nobody will understand WHAT he’s saying.
(I think we can all agree) a father at heart. He knows eventually he will have to bid his goodbyes to the other 8 members of the chain but REALLLLY doesn’t wanna.
Will eat table scraps
Is either REALLY good at getting women or REALLY bad, depends on where and when. Even though he is he regrets everyone because he’s still sad about Midna.
Family therapist. He knows everybodies problems and never shares them to anybody else, he’s always there for everyone.
Even if he flirts with women, he never wants to date anyone. He’s still kinda… traumatized about Cia. He is more of a “take you out on a nice date but remains just friends” guy. He knows it may come off as toxic but he has best intentions.
He actually got his scarf enchanted by a great fairy. It as a defense boost and attack up. There is a reason he wears it, gotta be fashionable and practical.
LOADED, like 999,999 rupees. Because of this, for each era he goes to, he buys a yard of fabric for his home era. He will find use for it… some day.
As much as he and Flora are… alright together. He is still salty about her. He knows that she was struggling with finding her own destiny, but he still doesn’t like how he was treated.
Do NOT challenge him to any card game. At all. He will win he will take all your rupees and there is nothing you can do to stop him. And by the rare case that you DO beat him, he will pull the “young innocent baby boy” card which makes you want him to win and end up revoking your winner status.
A mischievous boy. Will poke people with his wind waker and finds it hilarious ever. Single. Time. The amount of times Wars literally had to hide it from him as he kept using the “control” power (idk what to call it) is uncountable. People would think that he taught Aryll all of this, but nope. Aryll was the one that taught him all those tricks. It runs in the family.
Ooohhhh these headcannons are so fun!!!
Fours little fairy knots in his hair is oddly adorable
Hyrule being the peacemaker instead of sky is really refreshing and I feel like more on oar for his character tbh!
Legend embroidering baby blankets has my heart MELLTIIINGGG😭❤️
Sky being a gremlin to Scrapper is also VERY true to his character. Sky is the best little piece of crap 🤣🤣
Time being SO cryptic hahaha and why shouldn't he be? It's so much more fun that way LOL.
Me feeding Twi all my scraps
Poor wars, Cia really is disgusting😠
Wild being rich🤣YES HAHA and they would be so shocked too lolol
Wind will BANKRUPT wild in a game of cards haha that would be a night to remember lol
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warsamongthestars · 6 months
One of the most interesting things about TCWs Rex's character arc struggles is that, he's constantly put into contrasts.
Rex, as we know him, stands to be the main representation of a Clone Trooper. He's the first major named CT Character, that isn't Commander Cody, who doesn't have any ties to the films (Unlike Commander Cody), and thus can act and be written with far more freedom to explore.
[ You can't write Commander Cody too much by the end of the day, because one, years of expectations weigh, and two, he still has to shoot Kenobi at the end of everything. ]
Rex has two major conflicts in his arc, that represent the three defining points of clone troopers:
Loyalty to their Brothers
Loyalty to the System
Loyalty to themselves
Let's have some examples.
Our first major touch up with this, is the exact Opposite of all three: Sergeant Slick.
He is not loyal to his brothers (And gets a lot of them killed, whilst blaming the Jedi), he is not loyal to the system (He's a traitor), and he's not loyal to himself (He will make a lot of claims... which are unsubstantiated, because he gets a lot of people killed for purposes of greed and perceived slights).
This one is your easy Villain. Its easy to see, via Slick, that Loyalty to Brothers, Systems and Self is very simple.
But TCWs takes it a step further into complication.
Cut Lawquane, a deserter, is not loyal to the system (because it certainly isn't loyal to him), is loyal to himself, but is neutral when comes to brotherly loyalty.
( I say neutral, because he was willing to slay Rex if it meant staying free and his family safe. He did stop, because he's true to himself, and the self he wants to be isn't someone who kills people... Its just that sometimes, what is wanted, and what it is needed, isn't always the same thing. )
This is the first major bang up to Rex's Character Arc, because now we have a decent enough brother who is absolutely Not Loyal To the System that Rex is. And eventually, Rex lets him go, showing that while Rex is Lawful Good--he leans more towards good, whilst still retaining lawful plausibility.
This step slapped Rex, but it was a surprise he could easily, just simply, file away and not think about too hard. Deserting is going to happen when you're in an army of millions, and if they're off to be farmers instead of soldiers, well that's okay and a very nice thought.
The real kicker was Umbara.
One could argue that the Lola Sayu Mission should've hit Rex, but instead of Rex, it hit Fives the hardest (And with good reason). It's probably why there was an implication of a fallout between Lola Sayu and Umbara ("Just like Old times, Rex.")
And Fives becomes a contrasting challenge:
Loyal to Self
Loyal To Brothers
Neutral to Disloyal to System
Fives would bend the system until it breaks if it meant saving his brothers and more. He's the Chaotic Good to Rex's Lawful Good.
Rex is painfully upright and loyal to the system, so when one of his best and closest brothers decides "fuck this", it shakes him up.
Especially when Rex is finally confronted with how rotten the System gets: by General Pong Krell.
To contrast the contrast, on other side of Rex is Dogma, who is Fives' opposite. The Lawful Neutral.
Loyal to the System above all Else.
Neutral to Disloyal to Brothers.
( It does not help that Anakin Skywalker only recognizes Lawful as being Obedient rather than "adherence and or comfort to a code or set of rules" and thus draws more parallels between Rex and Dogma, than Rex and Fives. )
The Umbara Arc throws Rex through the whole loop, with all its conflicts. Especially the challenges it would make to Rex's whole character and showing him how far things can go.
Until finally, Rex finding what lines to draw in the dirt when it comes to "Loyalty to the End".
... But not enough to save anyone.
Then comes the Conspiracy arc, and while we don't know Rex's side, we do have implication of the aftermath.
The coverup of Fives' death (Because it would've had to been), by brother no less (Another big thing), and with the chip arc, which Rex did look into--would've put Rex up against someone he could not and would not possibly be capable of working through or against: Anakin Skywalker.
( Obviously for narrative purposes, Skywalker can't be stopped less TCWs became an AU instead )
Rex finds that his closest and brightest was labeled traitor and terrorist for his attack on the chancellor, via the very same bulletin points that Rex's character lives by, and it would immediately put him up against Skywalker.
The reason being, is that Skywalker is close to the Chancellor, and likely told Rex to drop any investigation.
And through speculation based on aftermath episodes... and What we know by this point...
I bet that Rex did not want to lump Anakin with Krell as a "System Problem". Because Rex worked with Anakin, and Rex's character falls in line with Anakin, and to consider Anakin to be part of the problem would go against Rex's character--thus, it is "unthinkable" and much easier to simply... Believe that Anakin has the best intentions.
( Even if that came at the cost of Fives. )
( Even though it would come at the cost of the 501st in the future--Rex only did enough that it would save his Life, and Ahsoka's, but nobody else's. He pays dearly for that comfort in Anakin at the cost of Fives, and the cost of Everyone. )
Moving to S7... and the Bad Batch.
Rex comes up against his absolute Opposite once more--in Sergeant Hunter, and the various Bad Batchers.
We've hit full circle.
Hunter commands a small squad that he pretty much lets do whatever, whilst Rex hangs on commands and commanding. Hunter is Evasive, Rex is Honest; Hunter gets stressed by Command, Rex does not.
Hunter is endlessly snarky, whilst Rex is straightforward. Hunter loses his faith midway through Mission, and Rex does not. Hunter's appearance is against all regulations, whilst Rex is clean shaven.
Hunter wasn't made for command, he just wasn't the stronger personality in the Batch to cause problems, whilst Rex is trained and made to command.
The one thing they do have in common, is loyalty to brothers, and the difference is--Rex doesn't hang on to anyone in lieu of the bigger picture, but Hunter does, existing in the smaller pictures.
( That's the TCWs implication-- If I went into the TBBshow, Hunter would not be coming out nearly as good. )
With the other batchers, Rex comes up against each one being individually against an aspect of his character.
Tech is disloyal to the system, he's as far from any sort of clone soldier you can get, and he's not even dressed for it. Tech comes in as a research first.
Wrecker is disloyal to self, bolstering about his skills and making light of the situation before it crashes on him. His disloyalty isn't a case of selling out--its a case of simply not considering himself in any measure. He puts others above him.
Crosshair is disloyal to brothers. He makes it a point to start shit in the middle of a mission, question authority, making disparaging remarks, and attacking a sense of self. The difference here is that, instead of accumulating falsehoods (like Slick), or physically attacking--he attacks the comforting falsehoods that a clone trooper would take on out of loyalty to brothers, system and self. If you're a brother, why don't you act it. If you cared so much for this one guy, why did you leave him behind. If you were that good in your little system, why did the specialists get called in. ( Crosshair is also a dick, but one can understand why he does things. )
Each Bad Batcher serves as a challenge to Rex's character. They are as far from Lawful as possible--but they are Good.
And then there was Echo.
But Echo doesn't serve as a challenge to Rex's character. If anything, Echo might serve as the "reward" for Rex's character arc. He saved at least one Brother, and one of his closest.
Unfortunately, Rex's full character arc wasn't ever really fully realized, because he is, fundamentally, a satellite character for other characters to bounce off of, even if those characters are other Clone Troopers.
( hell, Rex serves to contrast Cody, and neither of those too really had full Arcs )
Its why Fives took more attention in Umbara than Rex. Its why Ahsoka gets off scott free at the end of the day but Rex doesn't.
Its why when certain points of Jedi pop up, particularly that even our main character Jedi aren't really all that Lawful Good and do fuck up and waste a lot of brothers' lives for it, that Rex does not intervene.
Because, his character was never given that development to step in and tell someone to "Hey, stop, you are going to get people Killed."
A full Arc would've allowed that, and he wasn't afforded one.
A post TCWs Arc for Rex to get that Development, to fully understand all he went through and implement it into a new character arc, was implied with Rebel's Rex... but is currently unfulfilled.
( Don't be shocked that I don't consider TBBshow to count. )
But there ya go, a nice sum Analysis on Rex.
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daddy-dins-girl · 1 year
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Pedro Boys “Bring some Coke to the party”
Dieter: You never even asked him to, he just brought it. Frankie: Brought it, got busted for it. Oberyn: he also brought an entire case of expensive wine and some poppers, none of which you asked for. But he’s nothing if not a thoughtful guest. Max Phillips: knew exactly what you meant, brought cocaine anyway. Tovar: thought that IS what you meant. Max Lord: when deciding which to bring, thought to himself “your party is good, but it could be better” ;) Dave York, Javi P: They hate these things. Consider yourself lucky they showed up at all. Ezra: Pepsi was on sale. Joel: "what's the difference?" Jack: reminds you that it all tastes the same when mixed with enough bourbon. Javi G, Marcus P, Marcus M: Not only did they bring coca-cola, but they brought the expensive kind in glass bottles because they knew you’d appreciate it and they want your party to be perfect for you. They also brought ice, because they're considerate. Din Djarin: *doesnt know what Coke is… brings Pog Soup instead so his son doesn't end up eating your cat to be polite.*
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