#tcws tbb arc
warsamongthestars · 6 months
One of the most interesting things about TCWs Rex's character arc struggles is that, he's constantly put into contrasts.
Rex, as we know him, stands to be the main representation of a Clone Trooper. He's the first major named CT Character, that isn't Commander Cody, who doesn't have any ties to the films (Unlike Commander Cody), and thus can act and be written with far more freedom to explore.
[ You can't write Commander Cody too much by the end of the day, because one, years of expectations weigh, and two, he still has to shoot Kenobi at the end of everything. ]
Rex has two major conflicts in his arc, that represent the three defining points of clone troopers:
Loyalty to their Brothers
Loyalty to the System
Loyalty to themselves
Let's have some examples.
Our first major touch up with this, is the exact Opposite of all three: Sergeant Slick.
He is not loyal to his brothers (And gets a lot of them killed, whilst blaming the Jedi), he is not loyal to the system (He's a traitor), and he's not loyal to himself (He will make a lot of claims... which are unsubstantiated, because he gets a lot of people killed for purposes of greed and perceived slights).
This one is your easy Villain. Its easy to see, via Slick, that Loyalty to Brothers, Systems and Self is very simple.
But TCWs takes it a step further into complication.
Cut Lawquane, a deserter, is not loyal to the system (because it certainly isn't loyal to him), is loyal to himself, but is neutral when comes to brotherly loyalty.
( I say neutral, because he was willing to slay Rex if it meant staying free and his family safe. He did stop, because he's true to himself, and the self he wants to be isn't someone who kills people... Its just that sometimes, what is wanted, and what it is needed, isn't always the same thing. )
This is the first major bang up to Rex's Character Arc, because now we have a decent enough brother who is absolutely Not Loyal To the System that Rex is. And eventually, Rex lets him go, showing that while Rex is Lawful Good--he leans more towards good, whilst still retaining lawful plausibility.
This step slapped Rex, but it was a surprise he could easily, just simply, file away and not think about too hard. Deserting is going to happen when you're in an army of millions, and if they're off to be farmers instead of soldiers, well that's okay and a very nice thought.
The real kicker was Umbara.
One could argue that the Lola Sayu Mission should've hit Rex, but instead of Rex, it hit Fives the hardest (And with good reason). It's probably why there was an implication of a fallout between Lola Sayu and Umbara ("Just like Old times, Rex.")
And Fives becomes a contrasting challenge:
Loyal to Self
Loyal To Brothers
Neutral to Disloyal to System
Fives would bend the system until it breaks if it meant saving his brothers and more. He's the Chaotic Good to Rex's Lawful Good.
Rex is painfully upright and loyal to the system, so when one of his best and closest brothers decides "fuck this", it shakes him up.
Especially when Rex is finally confronted with how rotten the System gets: by General Pong Krell.
To contrast the contrast, on other side of Rex is Dogma, who is Fives' opposite. The Lawful Neutral.
Loyal to the System above all Else.
Neutral to Disloyal to Brothers.
( It does not help that Anakin Skywalker only recognizes Lawful as being Obedient rather than "adherence and or comfort to a code or set of rules" and thus draws more parallels between Rex and Dogma, than Rex and Fives. )
The Umbara Arc throws Rex through the whole loop, with all its conflicts. Especially the challenges it would make to Rex's whole character and showing him how far things can go.
Until finally, Rex finding what lines to draw in the dirt when it comes to "Loyalty to the End".
... But not enough to save anyone.
Then comes the Conspiracy arc, and while we don't know Rex's side, we do have implication of the aftermath.
The coverup of Fives' death (Because it would've had to been), by brother no less (Another big thing), and with the chip arc, which Rex did look into--would've put Rex up against someone he could not and would not possibly be capable of working through or against: Anakin Skywalker.
( Obviously for narrative purposes, Skywalker can't be stopped less TCWs became an AU instead )
Rex finds that his closest and brightest was labeled traitor and terrorist for his attack on the chancellor, via the very same bulletin points that Rex's character lives by, and it would immediately put him up against Skywalker.
The reason being, is that Skywalker is close to the Chancellor, and likely told Rex to drop any investigation.
And through speculation based on aftermath episodes... and What we know by this point...
I bet that Rex did not want to lump Anakin with Krell as a "System Problem". Because Rex worked with Anakin, and Rex's character falls in line with Anakin, and to consider Anakin to be part of the problem would go against Rex's character--thus, it is "unthinkable" and much easier to simply... Believe that Anakin has the best intentions.
( Even if that came at the cost of Fives. )
( Even though it would come at the cost of the 501st in the future--Rex only did enough that it would save his Life, and Ahsoka's, but nobody else's. He pays dearly for that comfort in Anakin at the cost of Fives, and the cost of Everyone. )
Moving to S7... and the Bad Batch.
Rex comes up against his absolute Opposite once more--in Sergeant Hunter, and the various Bad Batchers.
We've hit full circle.
Hunter commands a small squad that he pretty much lets do whatever, whilst Rex hangs on commands and commanding. Hunter is Evasive, Rex is Honest; Hunter gets stressed by Command, Rex does not.
Hunter is endlessly snarky, whilst Rex is straightforward. Hunter loses his faith midway through Mission, and Rex does not. Hunter's appearance is against all regulations, whilst Rex is clean shaven.
Hunter wasn't made for command, he just wasn't the stronger personality in the Batch to cause problems, whilst Rex is trained and made to command.
The one thing they do have in common, is loyalty to brothers, and the difference is--Rex doesn't hang on to anyone in lieu of the bigger picture, but Hunter does, existing in the smaller pictures.
( That's the TCWs implication-- If I went into the TBBshow, Hunter would not be coming out nearly as good. )
With the other batchers, Rex comes up against each one being individually against an aspect of his character.
Tech is disloyal to the system, he's as far from any sort of clone soldier you can get, and he's not even dressed for it. Tech comes in as a research first.
Wrecker is disloyal to self, bolstering about his skills and making light of the situation before it crashes on him. His disloyalty isn't a case of selling out--its a case of simply not considering himself in any measure. He puts others above him.
Crosshair is disloyal to brothers. He makes it a point to start shit in the middle of a mission, question authority, making disparaging remarks, and attacking a sense of self. The difference here is that, instead of accumulating falsehoods (like Slick), or physically attacking--he attacks the comforting falsehoods that a clone trooper would take on out of loyalty to brothers, system and self. If you're a brother, why don't you act it. If you cared so much for this one guy, why did you leave him behind. If you were that good in your little system, why did the specialists get called in. ( Crosshair is also a dick, but one can understand why he does things. )
Each Bad Batcher serves as a challenge to Rex's character. They are as far from Lawful as possible--but they are Good.
And then there was Echo.
But Echo doesn't serve as a challenge to Rex's character. If anything, Echo might serve as the "reward" for Rex's character arc. He saved at least one Brother, and one of his closest.
Unfortunately, Rex's full character arc wasn't ever really fully realized, because he is, fundamentally, a satellite character for other characters to bounce off of, even if those characters are other Clone Troopers.
( hell, Rex serves to contrast Cody, and neither of those too really had full Arcs )
Its why Fives took more attention in Umbara than Rex. Its why Ahsoka gets off scott free at the end of the day but Rex doesn't.
Its why when certain points of Jedi pop up, particularly that even our main character Jedi aren't really all that Lawful Good and do fuck up and waste a lot of brothers' lives for it, that Rex does not intervene.
Because, his character was never given that development to step in and tell someone to "Hey, stop, you are going to get people Killed."
A full Arc would've allowed that, and he wasn't afforded one.
A post TCWs Arc for Rex to get that Development, to fully understand all he went through and implement it into a new character arc, was implied with Rebel's Rex... but is currently unfulfilled.
( Don't be shocked that I don't consider TBBshow to count. )
But there ya go, a nice sum Analysis on Rex.
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adh-d2 · 5 months
One of my favorite pieces of canon continuity is that clones cannot lie for shit
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phantasm-echo · 5 months
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What do you mean bad batch is over they’re all right… here……. Ueueueuueueueueu *devolves into sobbing I love them so much*
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b4adb4tcher · 6 months
Listen Echo canonically loves pointing out the obvious and also dad jokes so all I can think is someone going
“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
and him going
“Actually, its ARC Trooper Obvious”
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starqueensthings · 5 months
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cloned-eyes · 2 months
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pls tap for better quality if tumblr eats it, i beg u
AU in which Echo regains back conciousness while still being the algorithm.
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meowmeowneon-arts · 1 month
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Clone problem.
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gamelpar · 5 months
peak arc trooper performance
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secretly-a-trekkie · 27 days
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me when yellow lighting
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hira492 · 8 months
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sam4lmk · 4 months
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Twins still stay together
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phantasm-echo · 4 months
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Cat dad captain Rex cat dad captain Rex—
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coldbrewarts · 4 months
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Trooper wallpapers for your enjoyment 🧡💙🩵
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m00ntunaart · 4 months
Echo waking up from having his cyborg ass plugged into a computer for months:
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alitherandom · 5 months
I'm not even going to caption this.
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Yeah that's it that's the post
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kitcat22 · 2 months
The 212th enjoy making the other battalions jealous of how much better their wifi is ( it pays to have a Commander with an antenna ) by posting videos of themselves in downtime, enjoying tv shows in high quality.
This works on everyone except the 501st because they have their very own version of Grey’s Anatomy going on in Torrent Company’s medbay with original story lines and endless drama .
Bored troopers often end up lurking around the medics, who are so preoccupied with themselves they hardly notice. No tv show could ever live up to this clusterfuck of chaos hidden under feigned professionalism.
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