#just for old times sake
Just in case it's unclear, FUCK the Spirit for doing that. I was so looking forward to having a season where I didn't feel conflicted to be a Spirit fan because they dropped Parsons, but NO they had to go and do this, clearly we need other Mark out too.
I feel so bad for Sanchez, and I truly hope that she balls out on the Courage becuase FUCK the Spirit.
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haeva · 10 months
I don’t want to go to work tomorrow. I want to sleep in and catch the nearest flight to the Netherlands.
Facing this mountain of a book to edit and rewrite, these symptoms the doctors can’t figure out, trying to stay strong with my dad being sick, and now a creep hanging out at the mall catcalling me and my coworker.
I’m probably writing this as a coping mechanism so I can go to bed without such thoughts plaguing my mind. I think one of these days I’m going to break down.
These trials come, but they always seem to go. Even things I thought, and felt, could last forever, faded away. I’ll get through this. It’s just a latest rainy season I suppose.
Few things have remained the last year and a half. Friendships, bonds with family members, my mother’s love. The joy I have with my little dog Watson. My writing. The way the sun shines into my window onto the bookshelf in the evening. My favorite stories that are always amazing every time I reread them. Comfort movies I put on while studying. You. Our bond, tethered by pen pal messages and anonymous love letters, co-bloggers and writers. You’re out there, probably in school listening to some boring professor (trust me love, I’m sure you outshine them all), or in your apartment making earl grey tea. I think it’s breakfast time there, right?
I miss you. I just want to feel your embrace and my worries melt away into nothing. Some days more than others. Tonight is one of those.
I hear the coyotes now, howling and singing their songs in the distance beyond the hills. (Far beyond, don’t worry, they don’t come near houses) I hear crickets as well, and the tick of my clock which I’m pretty sure needs new batteries. It feels so still. Peaceful.
Show up in my dreams, pretty please?
(as a matter of habit, I almost clicked “ask anonymously”)
Oh how I've missed these poetic diary entries. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he gets better and if he can't then I hope he finds peace.
I can't say I know exactly what you're going through, no one in my family has ever been sick. But I do know the feeling of wanting to pack up and leave, even if it's just for a little while.
I think about it when I feel like I have no one left in this place who cares for me. I think about it when I'm barely passing my classes and everyone else seems so much smarter than me. I think about it when I realise how my life didn't go the way I planned. I screwed up and it makes me want to cry.
In those moments I imagine what places I would go. The US comes up a lot, New York, Los Angeles, there's so many cities to visit. But whichever one I imagine, I always picture you there.
I have seen myself running into you at the mall. Or us meeting at some airport. I have even pictured you in Amsterdam and even though it's not where I live, I'm there that day. But if you saw me, really saw me, would you still like me? Or would I be better off remaining a fantasy in your head? I can be perfect that way, while the reality is flawed.
Tell me, did I show up in your dreams after all? Because you have shown up in mine.
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declanscunt · 1 year
listening to tis the damn season and thinking about adamandronan and i’m not physically throwing up but it sure feels like it
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moss-c0uch · 11 months
the urge to make fnaf designs again is thereeee its there so bad
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
just had an absolutely sickening conversation with a 20 year old I work with wherein I had to impress upon her that her and her friends need to be extremely cautious going to the gay clubs right now with increasing attacks happening. make sure any very young, very newly adult queer people in your life know that we're a family and community and part of that is being willing to fight for your siblings lives if they're under attack. even if it's a person you despise, you stick up for your family and they will stick up for you. we are all we have. the cops refuse to help, and so do most people outside the community. we cannot survive without each other
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itskeisy · 11 months
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parents are parenting
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aetherean-alchemist · 14 days
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I've wanted to make this "Soldier, Poet, King" themed art for the Late Night Trio since February, but I haven't really had the motivation to finish it. I figured this would be a good time to complete this art now though.
Thank you, Gracias, Obrigado, and Merci Pomme, Dapper and Richarlyson for providing so much light and sunshine to so many people's late nights- including mine <33
To Lumi, Shade, Ricardao, and all the admins and actors- thank you for all the love and passion you've continuously poured into your characters every single day. Wherever you are, wherever you end up going, I wish you the best of luck on your next journeys. Thank you for the love and the memories <3333
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pain-in-the-butler · 9 months
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A compilation of art for my Dadbastian fanfic Coattails that I commissioned from the incredibly talented @tomoyoo! They went above and beyond with the details... Each picture feels as cozy and warm as a storybook, right? I'm so delighted with how they turned out!! Thank you for making each one so beautiful! 🥹🥹🥹
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starapture · 1 year
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rollforjackass · 11 months
look we all know that aziraphale is mr. fiddlesticks-not-fuck and dearie-me-good-gracious, but my favorite thing about him is that there is also, at all times, a fuck-shit little bastard inside of him just begging to be let loose. he's petty, he's passive aggressive, and the Second he decides that playing by heaven's rules isn't going to help anybody, it's all "i know who you are, you idiot!" and "you STUPID man" and "FUCK"
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seizethegay420 · 1 year
Do you think Superman sometimes eats stuff he shouldn't to freak people out
Like, he'll be in a Justice League meeting, and he'll just start casually eating a chair
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pastelocalypse · 8 months
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Kloktober day #1: fave character or otp
It’s both tbh
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I think I've already said this once before but I really wish there was a feature in Wizard101 where important events, lore, and dialogue in the game were documented somewhere so we can view them whenever we want. like unless we video record the events while it happens, take pictures, or just go through the whole entire fucking plot with another wizard character there's no way to ever revisit those moments and that SUCKS??????? like wizard101 has some of the best lore ive ever seen and I don't wanna have to level up my wizard all the way to level 100 just to see that iconic grandfather spider scene or grind through azteca just to find that one epic fourth wall breaking moment 💀 i want to revisit all the incredible and funny and weird shit we've all gone through Immediately. Like damn remodel the library so that it actually keeps records and dated films of the things we've gone through so it can actually be useful instead of it being Just A Building (rants about this for so long that even Jesus smacks His lips)
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refinedstorage · 1 year
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I could not help myself
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aithusarosekiller · 3 months
Sirius will show his appreciation for his brother by occasionally leaving his favourite chocolate bar on his desk/pillow and just not mentioning it
Reg will do the same by choosing to sit in Sirius' room and listen to him talk. They also don't mention it
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ubepan · 2 months
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he's trying his best , captain ...
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