#just generally being a menace
sporeclan · 8 months
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SporeClan's first babies!!!! I love them so much
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rexscanonwife · 1 month
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Ok FINE maybe I'll listen to Epic the Musical
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mishapen-dear · 10 months
HUGE probs to cc!forever btw i thought he added the furniture thing as a joke option to like- legitimately get under q!bad's skin to give cc!bad an excuse to give his cubito more problems. but no apparently his chat were just instigators and made that suggestion to him 😭
i'm so impressed by how he got blindsided by a Full Lore Mode angry q!bad and kept his cool, and worked to communicate, and admitted when qbad had a good idea about the voting (qbad could NEVER), and went and got Cellbit when he realized the language barrier was too much. absolute king shit over there. like here he is trying to legit make the server better on a meta level and gets blindsided by q!bad's lore problems and he rolled with it so so well. he's doing legit such a good job for the server
and this is like- me being a bad fan, and i know it was an accident, but im very grateful to him for how that shook out. every time bad starts to get a little lore moment or something dramatic for his storyline, it fizzles out or gets overtaken by something else. cc!bad has been doing a great job with his storytelling/roleplaying and building up a narrative of feeling unappreciated/like a helping object instead of a person (and i could GUSH about the parallels between qbad and qforever and how they recognized those feelings in each other) but!! the point is that cc!forever did it. even accidentally. he created a catalyst event that could finally get my favourite little cubito off of his rocker (FINALLY), and bad is a good person to get off of his rocker. this is going to be a gorgeous little storyline that i am going to enjoy so so much. forever wanted to do good for the server and the story and by god he has done it
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tea-cat-arts · 6 months
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So anyways, I had a thought
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blindmagdalena · 6 months
Hey. what do you think homelander does?
obviously he had his work, his filming, his product placements and ads, his photo ops, his charity appearances and otherwise for Vought. I’m talking about outside of work. At 7:42 pm on a random Wednesday in November, what’s he up to? What does he do in his spare time? Does he have any hobbies?
i don’t think he does actually!! I think he may honest to god just wait around for the next role. For anyone to make him useful again.
Homelander is what Vought trained him into being, and that is tragic when he self destructs, but it is arguably even more so if and when he honestly has no idea what to do with himself without them. Like an abandoned toy, he can only do what he’s told. He’s only as good as the person commanding him decides he is.
i do love the tragedy of Homelander sitting inert in his penthouse unsure of what to do with himself in the quiet of a freedom that isn't quite freedom, especially when he was still young and fresh out of the lab.
however—and i've addressed this before—Homelander is a nerd. he has a lot of obscure trivia rattling around in his brain, and i think it's very likely, if not outright canon, that he's actually quite well read. especially regarding history.
it definitely started with his education from Vought, but imo history is something he took an independent interest in. i joke a lot about his penthouse being ugly and looking like the Smithsonian, but it makes total sense to me that it's the kind of thing he would take comfort in. he probably dreamed of visiting museums when he was still living in the lab.
he's also FULL of pop culture references (albeit dated ones) so we know he likely watches/watched a fair amount of tv, especially the news.
while i do agree that Homelander behaves more like a tool or a weapon than a person, he's also determined to be a useful tool. he initiates schemes in s1, he wants input on his image and within the company, he has goals and ideals. he's fighting desperately against the perception that he's no more than a "pretty face" who's just saying his lines ("Woop woop!") even in the early episodes of the first season.
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"i'm teaching a monkey yao a forbidden method of immortality!!!" girl... what were YOU doing knowing a forbidden method of immortality
[ID: A three page comic done in white and shades of purple. Characters are uncolored, but have shading.
First panel has Patriarch Puti and Sun Wukong walking in an enclosed back garden, with Sun Wukong looking up at Patriarch Puti seriously as his sifu speaks. Patriarch Puti says, "These techniques, although effective, are dangerous. They are teachings outside of known doctrine. What you have done is stolen the creative powers of Heaven and Earth, intruded on the dark machinations of the moon and sun."
Second panel has Sun Wukong considering this somberly. He says, "Sifu... That's..." He processes for a moment, and says "Wait-"
In the third panel, Sun Wukong looks up at Patriarch Puti with a knowing mischievous grin, while Patriarch Puti looks very tired, as if he already knows what SWK is about to say. Sun Wukong asks, "If they're so unknown and forbidden, how do you know them then?"
Fourth panel has Patriarch Puti simply stating, "Wukong, as the next generation, your responsibility is to learn from the mistakes of your elders." Sun Wukong responds, "ha okay." In the background, with the caption "Several hundred years ago," there is a flashback of a young Patriarch Puti running away as a strike of lightning barely misses his feet.
End ID]
#journey to the west#jttw#xiyouji#sun wukong#monkey king#patriarch puti#puti shifu#had two concepts for patriarch puti in my head and was not sure which one im gonna go with#one ver is where he was just as reckless and a menace as swk in his youth but he either mellowed out as he grew older#or somethingTM happened to make him realize his actions have consequences#and thus he has a soft spot for swk because he sees a bit of himself in swk#second version is where he's always been serious and mellow but now that he's this old he kinda regrets not acting out more#and thus he respects swk's boldness and wishes to somewhat nurture that boldness#🤔 but now i think im going with an in-between ver#being a puti shifu who was very skilled and bold and gifted in his youth but all his rebelliousness was spent on more self-serving things#rather than fighting any injustices in the system like swk#nd now that he's older he regrets that and he's a teacher now wanting to pass his skills onto new generations to do some good now#<- btw re: the wording of swk 'fighting injustice in the system'-#-i am a swk apologist <3 yaoguai rights <3 but i also dont wanna give off the impression that i think he was 100% entirely in the right-#-villain swk rights <3#but yeah i think while he was at puti's school (constantly reminded he's not a human or immortal) he was moreso of the mind:#'fucking sucks that yaoguai are mistrusted and not treated the same'#and that remains his core motivating factor but as he grows more power and leaves puti's side he kinda kinda loses sight of that a bit ykno#as he gets more megalomaniac yaoguai warlord#anyways yea#swk was still right tho <3 <- correct
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poisoned-pearls · 8 months
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Went back and dug up my fankid art (along with my headcanon interpretations of azul and Jamil)
Nami Ashengrotto, the current housewarden of octavinelle. She is terrible.
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caitlynmeow · 8 months
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When the girls were younger they were truly a handful and Alcina was used to the noise and chaos. But when going out in different settings, she noticed a pattern: when Daniela and Cassandra are together it turns very chaotic very quickly because Cassandra is an enabler and encourages Daniela to get into all kinds of mischief.
Pairing Daniela and Bela is a more peaceful solution. Bela is naturally calm, unlike Cassandra. She doesn’t egg Daniela on, and the two of them can remain quiet for a long time. Also, when in a new social setting like a big gathering, Daniela does feel a little shy. In those situations, she seeks out Bela and sticks by her side, remaining with her until she is comfortable enough to do things on her own.
Even in their house, Daniela would seek Cassandra to play with for hours to no entd. But when it comes to more quiet activities, like reading, she’d usually find Bela and ask her to read some books for her.
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moeblob · 1 year
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Felix: Maybe you should stop talking in dramatic monologues if you didn’t want someone to cut you off. Hubert: ...
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tosahobi-if · 3 months
i love your story!
for reasons that are secret, i'd like to know:
who is the most toxic, red flag RO?
honestly? the mc HAHAHA (/j)
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nulltune · 7 months
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old edits _(:3」∠)_ but i like imagining hakuno in different hairstyles HNGGHH 😩😩❤️💗💓💞 would she ever style her hair tho? sadly no </3 she thinks she's too plain for that + doesn't care about her appearance outside of just enough to look neat and presentable (we do see her hair in low twintails if she needs em tied up tho! tis a very cute look 🫶)
bUT LIKE- if someone wants to play with her hair or style her up then 👀 hakuno vc i don't mind. (<- girl who tends to go along with what others' want because she has no desires of her own tbh-) (METHINKS IT HAS DA POTENTIAL TO BE SO WHOLESOME THOOO and her hair's long and silky yknow ✨️ it'd b nice 2 touch ! 😌✨️) or alternatively- let hakuno do your muse's hair! ✨️ (she brushed nero's hair in last encore and it was such a soft moment it must've been so nice 🥺❤️)
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psi-hate · 10 months
I want to draw tsukasa massively touch-starved but so incredibly adamant she isn't until she gets wrapped up in one of Sanae's info-dumps in which results in the Miko tracing along Tsukasa's tail absent-mindedly to stim and Tsukasa finally admits she maybe sorta has a problem
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sugarcarnation · 1 month
skk plus kouyou trio has taken over my brain
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tennessoui · 2 years
OMG UR RECENT ROLE REVERSAL AU IS SOOOOOO GOOOD can imagine anakin feeling an inexplicable jealousy when obiwan and the senator are such good friends
(in reference to this post)
see, baby obi-wan (19) is very prideful, so even though he was visited by force ghost qui-gon jinn, he's not going to just. forgive anakin and move on and beg him to teach him (like he spent the whole ride from stewjon to coruscant doing when he was a real baby (9)). he invites anakin back into the senate chambers for short talks, which he is often late to because the senator of stewjon is demanding his time for this or that reason, you understand, right, master skywalker?
and all anakin understands is that this twink is going to drive him absolutely insane because being next to him feels like standing next to a fire but then being left feels like freezing to death which is probably very bad for one's mental health. but then anakin turns down one of obi-wan's invitations last minute and instead accepts an invite to have tea with the chancellor and obi-wan catches them leaving the chancellor's office and anakin is like 'oh i'm sorry aide kenobi, i had more pressing matters to attend to' which is like a nuclear blast to obi-wan's self confidence coming from THIS jedi who already decided that ONCE so obi-wan is like 'fine. my apologies. i won't ask again.'
and then he DOESN'T, even though anakin is wearing a hole in his quarters waiting for him to. he doesn't and he doesn't and he doesn't until anakin storms into the senate building (again), pulls him aside (again), puts him against the wall (this is new), and demands to know if he would like to be trained or not, all jokes aside.
to which obi-wan (breathlessly) replies "i already know how to wield a saber and meditate and commune with the Force, what do you think you can teach me that four different masters and my senator boss cannot"
and then they have to kiss
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balsa-margarita · 2 years
A PSA for new Azula fans
If you're seeing this, you're either following me or someone I'm mutuals with. You might be following me because of ATLA fandom stuff, and particularly because of Azula, and you might be new to Tumblr - and if you are, I want to warn you about something. (If you aren't following me for ATLA fandom reasons, just... skip this post unless you want to read about the drama I'm trying to warn people about.)
You will likely encounter some people who insist - repeatedly - on coming onto your posts and being annoying (especially if you post in the main Azula tag.) Sokkastyles, Avatar-Fandom-Police, etc, all of us who've been around a while have run into them and their complete unwillingness to leave well enough alone. It might make you want to leave the platform or the fandom, and personally I think that's their goal, because these people are proven assholes.
There is a simple solution to this!
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Tumblr has a block button. When these people decide to play at being door-to-door proselytizers or try shaming you for disagreeing with their opinion, block 'em! They will never bother you again. They will likely think that they "won" somehow because you left, but this is not the case. Assholes always tell themselves that... ever heard of Ben Shapiro? These people have the same attitude in a lot of ways.
This kind of stuff has been happening a lot recently, because while those of us who have been around for a while have blocked annoyances like the people mentioned above, new people (possibly like you) have not. So a lot of drama has been sparked over the past two days because an unsuspecting person posted something these piranha cosplayers didn't like in the Azula tag and got jumped on. This can be very scary at times, because as I mentioned these people simply don't stop replying to your replies and trying to drag you into the mud with them.
So - if this happens to you, block! It really is that simple, and it will make your life a lot easier.
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
Here’s the thing about Daniel Jackson and the way he presents himself to other people: first, at some point in his life, he figured out that if you use the right tone of voice and blink innocently enough you can say anything and still get people to think of you as harmless. Second, at some point in his tenure at the SGC, he stopped caring whether or not people thought he was harmless.
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