#just he likes it when he knows it isn't going to rain as much tbh
menlove · 3 months
any introductory beatles (just mclennon tbh) fics? 🤲
LORD OKAYYYYY i'll try not to go too crazy and just stick to my alltime faves.....
first of all anything @forthlin (milaway on ao3) has written literally ever. i am going to eat them one day. they are the yin to my yang and also the best writer this fandom has ever seeeeen. um. anyway! like i said, all their fics. but i'd Particularly rec your lucky break which is an au where john is a 30 something rockstar and paul is an up and coming musician in the 70s. and well! what can i say about this fic except it's sooo in character, hot, and also the reason i started talking to the best person on this earth so whatever
also completelyyyyy selfish but hey i only wrote half so i'm counting it but we also have an ongoing series: i want you, i need you, i love you where they're writing john's povs and i'm writing paul's! it's just basically our take on their timeline & relationship, but the third installment's going to be a fix-it
now onto me not being gay or selfish here's some of my favorites that i think are Must Reads.
Boy, You've Been A Naughty Girl
explicit. 49k. John makes Paul a bet. Paul takes him up on it. Crossdressing shenanigans and angst ensue, and ~feelings come out in the wash. 1961. rec notes: okay look. this one is just a classic. it's great. esp love it bc it's right up my alley with its "paul isn't an oblivious moron" takes. also.... hot.
I Still Miss Someone/I Know That I Miss You but I Don't Know Where I Stand
explicit. 64k. It's 1976 and Paul keeps showing up on John's doorstep with a guitar. Eventually John turns him away and Paul goes off to sulk in his hotel room the night before his flight from New York. Based on real events. rec notes: aaaaugh this one haunts me there's one scene i think of literally every time "i still miss someone" by johnny cash comes on, which is one of my fave songs. it's not a fix-it, but it's so so so good for the Vibes of their 70s relationship :(
Like Love, The Archers Are Blind
explicit. 22k. He wants to push Stuart out of the way, not even with a violent yank of his collar like he sometimes imagines. Just to melt into his place like butter sliding in a pan. Have it be an effortless breath of fresh air when John looks up at him and sees it all reflected back in his eyes. It’s you. rec notes: this one is just... soft. and so good for a snapshot of the hamburg vibe.
i was a younger man then (now) (post hoc)
mature. 27k. John’s twelve when a bloke appears from a flaming pie and says, “From this day forward you are Beatles with an ‘a.’” The bloke is Paul. Or: paul and john meet at all ages and eras and john is the time-traveler’s wife the way only john lennon can be rec notes: literally my favorite mclennon fic everrrrrr ever ever. other than your lucky break. this is everything. this is it. like it nails their dynamic even though it's a magical au. it explores their relationship sooooo fucking well. i think about it like weekly.
John My Beloved
explicit. 33k. They've always loved each other, in their own way… rec notes: OTHER FAVORITE EVER it broke my heart it changed my fucking lifeeeee it changed my world. major character death warning but fuck man. i think about this literally constantly. this fic haunts me. i think it changed me. i had to stare at a wall for like 30 minutes after finishing it. i got choked up.
two of us (burning matches)
explicit. 6k. It won't stop raining. Paul doesn't know what his feelings are doing. John's practising his right swing. Somewhere along the way, they fuse together. rec notes: this one is just cuuuute and perfect for the Early Days Vibes.
Grow Old With Me
explicit. 8k. fix-it. Paul breaks his arm, and John panics. rec notes: SOOOO FUCKING SWEET. this is what they deserved and i like to live here in my mind when the reality of what actually happened gets to be too much.
mature. 11k. canon-divergent au. In 1961, John Lennon and Paul McCartney left abruptly on a trip to Spain, via France. In 1967, they finally come home to face the consequences. rec notes: the style of this one is INSANE. it's so unique and i love it sososososo much. also the plot? is super unique???? basically it's an au where they never came home from paris and it's.... so fucking good. i love the way it looks at their dynamic like fuck. it's just perfect.
Way Up Top
explicit. 12k. Falling out of the sky, together. | Snapshots of the Beatles in Greece, July 1967 rec notes: LOVE this one for its portrayal of all non-mclennon parties. it fleshes everyone out, especially jane and cyn, in ways a lot of fics just skip. just sooo well written and melancholic in a great way i think.
When You Are Young They Assume You Know Nothing
mature. 26k. But Paul knows John. There’s something about Paris, though... rec notes: THE paris fic to me. this is soooo good and so fucking soft and it just. augh. it killed me.
a brief interruption, a slight malfunction
explicit. 12k. During the rooftop concert, John remembers why he used to find Paul so irresistible after a show. One more time won't hurt, right? rec notes: perfect breakup era fic. my rec notes on ao3 were "this was devastating :)" so. god. this fucked me up.
aaand honorary mentions to the two non-mclennon fics i've read but !
Knocking at Your Door
george/paul. explicit. 6k. It's easy enough, this time, to lean in and touch their lips together. A firm press of his mouth to Paul's; first at the corner, then right on the centre of his yielding, expressive lower lip. Paul and George: a few meetings over thirty-six years. rec notes: the opening sentence to this made me sick to my stomach and then the rest of the fic destroyed me permanently
Where The Sailors Go
ringo/paul. explicit. 5k. A drunken German mistakes Paul, alone in Hamburg's red light district, for a rentboy. Ringo, the Hurricanes' terrifyingly adult drummer, intervenes. Things happen, but Paul can't stop thinking about John. rec notes: PRINGOOOOO. with background mclennon. this was so real to me. also in the same universe as this fic is (It's Just) Another Day which is a transfem paul mclennon fic that rooocked my world. it's still a wip but holy fuck. made me rearrange the way i see paul tbh.
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secriden · 1 month
i've been thinking and thinking about the significance of the sunflowers parapai sends sky after their first face-to-face meeting post-one night stand and it suddenly hit me why it made such an impact on sky.
prior to this point, sky's attracted to prapai, no question about it. the physical attraction is there pretty much as soon as they lay eyes on each other. even at their one night stand, regardless of the reasons why (tbh my read was that sky wanted it in the moment to feel like he had a way to wrest control over (a) his own body and (b) the situation), sky at least physically seemed to enjoy himself. but its the lack of emotional connection, after the endorphin rush is over, that makes him feel like crap, makes him second-guess his worth and leave feeling used and hallow (and boy oh boy does peat manage to show that so well - he's so so good at wounded).
but then prapai comes back 3 months later, teasing and playful and flirty and still so attractive. sky recognises his own attraction (his self-talky bits are cute but they break my heart), but the one night stand was good enough physically for him to know he doesn't want just that. he doesn't just want to just feel physically good. and he's stuck in the thought that he can never have anything more.
when prapai tells him he's going to pursue him in sky's dorm lobby, he's startled but not shaken. he goes up to his room, essentially tells himself to get out of fantasy land, peeks out the window - but he still fundamentally doesn't engage with the idea that there could be anything real between them.
but the sunflowers and "remember that this wind's watching over the sky". it's protection; its safety.
sky's visibly shaken (peat, oh peat, the vulnerability you managed to convey) and i think this is probably the first time prapai actually manages to get a little bit past the wall sky's already put up between them. and prapai's such a flirty idiot i 100% think he didn't have a clue what he was saying, really. he just thought he was being clever with the unusual flower choice and playing with their names, but in a way that's what makes prapai so perfect for sky.
he's... well, guileless. he's almost accidentally exactly what sky needs to even consider falling in love after everything that happened to him. there's something very clumsy about the charm prapai has and i suspect it's because he's never really had to work to charm anyone before - his looks, money, and status do most of the heavy lifting for him. the fact that he isn't an absolute jerk is pretty much enough for most to be pulled into his orbit. but this works so well for sky because i think someone more suave and actually adapt at wordplay/flirting would have made him run for the hills, because it would have come across as manipulation given his trauma. but prapai is so bad at it (prapai: 'if you don't try it, how do you know?' sky: you absolute fucking idiot did you forget how we met?) that it actually sounds genuine. it makes it safe.
fuck, safety. i feel like it's something everyone wants on some level, but when you've gone through something like that... something where you're betrayed on such a fundamental level by someone you trust, safety becomes the core of what you need. i can deal with hunger, with pain, with loneliness, with being overworked, with being called names or scolded by others - as long as i can maintain that safety. and for sky, that safety always came when he was in his own hands. the only one he could trust with his safety was himself (even as a child, he had no one; alone in Bangkok with a mother who left and a father who cared but was too far away). its why sky isolates; why he'll help his classmates but never ask for help; why he takes the bullying som dishes out without a word.
then prapai comes in and takes care of him when he's sick. his safety is outside of his hands - terrifying. but... also such a relief. i cannot stress how much this was exactly what sky needed. if rain had taken care of him, he would've kicked rain out the second he became conscious. rain doesn't have the backbone/will/character to force the issue. but what prapai did was prioritise sky's safety (health) and for the first time in years, it didn't have to be in his own hands...
(prapai then goes on to makes a lot of other accidentally good choices - comes to Last Cheer and gives him medicine, a place to rest his head, and a quiet space so he can do what he wants (stay to the end, not worry his friends). care, offered at sky's terms. even the bits where prapai's a visibly horny idiot, nearly edging past sky's boundaries but not is counterintuitively perfect because sky sees that prapai's going against what he wants to make sure sky's expressed boundaries are honoured and sees how it costs him something - but, also, i think that speaks more to (a) prapai's growth as a character now that he has a focus that goes beyond the instant gratification of physical release and (b) mame knows her characters and prapai is built to be perfect for sky. honestly most of the skill in writing prapai was the change was gradual enough to be believable in the context of this world. but i digress.)
i just... really adore what prapai did for sky here. like, utter relief that comes from having someone take care of you when you've had to take care of yourself for so long. like a heavy burden suddenly rolling off. and the sunflowers are cheesy but they're the first real hint that this is what's going to make prapai succeed with sky. its not (just) that he's attractive and persistent - that wouldn't have been enough ultimately. (for eg. had phayu pursued sky, he would've also been attractive and persistent but boy would sky have run for the hills with that kind of pursuit. phayu's hot but the manipulation in how he got rain... sometimes i'm baffled by this fandom's take on phayu vs prapai because it's always prapai that everyone calls shady/problematic when he's actually very transparent and honest with his intensions with sky vs the mind games phayu played with rain. i don't have an issue with it because of how rain's character's written - he needed a phayu to get past his internal hang ups - but still, baffling.)
but its how he continually offered to take on the burden of care from sky. so sky could finally actually address the other things he needed. sky didn't have the (physical OR emotional) bandwidth to even consider a relationship until prapai because no one was taking those things off his plate (feeding him, making sure he rests, making sure he took care of himself. like - even when prapai just reminds sky to take care of himself, that's taking some of that mental load off sky having to remember for himself).
honestly this is why when in the scene when sky opens the door to prapai when he's half asleep and then lets prapai feed him, and lets him put him to bed, undress and dress him (all things that would have triggered sky to hell before) - I actually believe it. i believe that sky feels safe around prapai because he's done nothing but actively, persistently offer that to sky over and over again by this point.
anyway, yes, i just really love the sunflower scene for how it gives us that first real glimpse as to why prapai really was perfect for sky.
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starberry-cupcake · 5 months
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I'm back! Thank you kindly for your patience, we're done with Act III! It was probably a terrible idea to wait because this is so long, I'm so sorry.
previously, in harrowhark! a vagrant the ninth:
this happened
also a couple previews that will show up in this but are in the tag
currently, chapters 24-31 (END OF ACT III!!!):
harrow wakes up after sleeping a sensible amount of hours in yandere twin's room
yandere twin, who's into chomping cavaliers, complains about having had some harrow soup
they have a sort of tender moment, I guess
they have a complicated dynamic
harrow falls asleep again
she's in the bed and yandere twin is sleeping on the floor
and harrow is woken by the sound of self inflicted pain and torture
harrow gets tired of this and decides to just rip yandere twin's arm off
@lady-harrowhark reminded me that I called this (!!!) in this recap
I had absolutely 100000% forgot I said that but congrats past me!!!
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so, there's this scene in which harrow rips yandere twin's arm off and puts a new bone-y one in there, remade with her own parts
like this
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some people have told me in the replies that it's a sessual sort of scene, and I get that, I suppose it was the vibe it was going for
total respect to that
but I'm gonna be honest here
it felt like I was witnessing a birth and harrow was the midwife
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so harrow lets yandere twin know that she's been improving her necro powers via studying and practicing to try to make up for her being "lyctor lite"
harrow and alleged gideon aka ortus are the only people here that seem to be getting any work done tbh
so now, with the new arm, inner chad can use the sword again
and yandere twin is happy because she's now a proper lyctor and has senior chad aka augustine's approval
harrow is proud of herself for doing nice necro things like chopping and reconstructing arms
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as a thanks, yandere twin agrees to help harrow to kill alleged gideon the first aka ortus
nobody asked you, but ok
I actually have no qualms with alleged gideon aka ortus
because he's at least direct and honest about it
everyone here has an agenda, at least this guy's like directly trying to physically kill harrow
at this point, I respect the direct approach
augustine and emperor reverend professor john can go fu—
we're back at gideon-less canaan house
canaan house isn't safe in any universe, all the trails lead to death
everyone who's alive or accounted for is having a sleepover
there's a bunch of people unaccounted for, actually
the kiddos from the fourth are allegedly hidden elsewhere
who knows, at this point
I don't trust anyone
there's a fog and rain and water rising still
which reminds me of the movie identity, in which they all were trapped in that motel because it wasn't actually a motel and they weren't actually alive per-se
magnus and abby say that protozoa should have decked mayonnaise uncle
which is one of the reasons why the gideon universe is superior
aside from the presence of gideon and camilla
I miss them so much I'm gonna start biting cavaliers
anyway, where in the hell is duracell bunny nephew???
he wasn't with mayonnaise uncle when he yeeted himself
his soul, which got detached from his body in the gideon universe, is still flying like a balloon across universes and dimensions, I guess
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abby didn't expect regina george twin to die, apparently, and says "if she's gone, then perhaps that means..." but doesn't elaborate
nobody ever elaborates
abby also makes harrowbean read another one of the "harrow texts"
I can't keep adding them all together in recaps because this will end up being super long but here goes the new one
"I will remember the first time you kissed me —you apologized— you said, I am sorry, destroy me as I am, but I want to kiss you before I am killed, and I said to you why, and you said, because I have only once met someone so utterly willing to burn for what they believed in, and I loved him on sight, and the first time I died I asked of him what I now ask of you. I kissed you and later I would kiss him too before I understood what you were, and all three of us lived to regret it—but when I am in heaven I will remember your mouth, and when you roast down in hell I think you will remember mine"
so yeah, we've got a triangular situation, I suppose
I need to put all of them together to continue to draw connections
my though was that this could be ice cube barbie aka annabel lee, because of the long-lost sun, but I'm unsure still
I don't think the timing fits the other side of the 3d model that's the gideon's mom and rebel leader situation
inconclusive still
abby suggests harrowbean she might be haunted
which might also fit with ice cube barbie??? maybe??? idk
harrow says she doesn't remember shit about chad
get perpetually owned, chad
mercygirl asks harrow things about her necro process for the arm reconstructing and the last thing she asks is "what is the name of the saint of duty?" to which harrow says "ortus the first" and mercygirl goes
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me and my "alleged gideon" theory are very happy about this
the hill I will die on
mercygirl continues to use onomatopoeias to express herself
I do not want to think about what that would imply in a later situation I don't want to dig into
"you read unholy omens in the way people say good morning" that's what these recaps are, thank you very much harrow
that's our tagline over here, that's our brand
"how you loathed any sentence beginning with augustine says" SAME, BESTIE
he can go fu— ANYWAY
harrow and yandere twin are having sleepovers so that harrow isn't murdered in her sleep
apparently the nudes are cyrus and his cavalier and yandere twin likes that energy
they gifted them to others as souvenirs too
it's like if you had a university classmate who sent nudes to the groupchat every birthday
yandere twin says augustine the asshole has agreed to help kill alleged gideon aka ortus the first
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I don't trust any of these lyctors if they're willing to kill each other this easily
how do I know they've got my back in combat if they don't have each other's backs—
yandere twin reminisces about not having been apart from regina george twin much in their lives and hoping she's sleeping well wherever she is
I also don't know where she is
yandere twin tells harrow that she was more farsighted than her
which I'm sure she was, but she doesn't seem to remember shit about it, and the letters remain unopened
harrow thinks it's kinda gross that the cyrus lyctor murdered his cavalier to become a lyctor and then took all of their nudes to the emperor's bolthole
none of these lyctors are operating from a place of common sense, harrow
"you were lucky that the memory of your own cavalier did not hurt you—except sometimes in the form of a sick headache in your temples, or in words stuck on repeat in your head"
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so, augustine's plan involves dinner
harrow, hearing that, is like this
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they look for clothes in the cavalier's things
yandere twin says "valancy trinit was my height, weighed more than both of us put together, and —judging by her portraits— had a body that did not quit"
I sure hope she's a thick girl, because I've had enough disappointment with the gideon cover not letting her have the arms she deserves
I hope valancy trinit looks kinda like this
ANYWAY, here's the makeover vibes, as previously shared
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apparently chad could embroider, which I have to admit is a good quality
hate giving him any props, but I must be fair
harrow painted the less cute skull in her repertoire and we respect that
they went to augustine's room and he's still an asshat
I don't like how he treats yandere twin tbh
I feel like yandere twin has a thing with validation because of how her life has been and he uses that
augustine justifies his betrayal to his fellow lyctor saying that he "caused more pain over these last scant forty years than I dare to admit"
mercygirl is also here for the party, all dressed up
I am so embarrassed I didn't pick it up on the fly and it took me the whole chapter to put it together
augustine tells her "dios apate, minor"
at the time, I didn't remember what it meant, and when I finished reading the thing, I was like "oh, it's exactly like the deception of zeus"
I forgot that's what it was called
I mean, I got the "dios" part, obviously, but forgot the "apate"
my ancient greek professor is going to come back into my life to shoot me at my doorstep
to be fair to myself, it was a long while ago that I took ancient greek
god, I'm so embarrassed
palmolive, I'm so sorry, I promise I figured it out eventually
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mercygirl punches augustine in the face, which is great
he insists on it being "minor", which idk where the line is there and I'm not gonna ask
idk which things are or aren't...involved in a minor form of zeus's deception
mercygirl says she's not wearing the right dress, I don't think it matters, it worked just fine
everyone gets drunk except for alleged gideon aka ortus and harrow, because they're the only people in this group project who are doing the work
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augustine and mercygirl start fighting about something their cavaliers did back in the day
they start toasting for cavaliers and talking about how "hot pyrrha was"
there is no respect for the dead in the emperor's bolthole
there's about to be something else in the emperor's bolthole in a minute though
I was excited about them drinking, though, because that's when people start spilling some truths
the lost commander of BOE is a "she", her name is/was Commander Wake, she almost killed alleged gideon aka ortus
I'm still spinning with the gideon's mom theory
and the background telenovela I've got going on
BOE found a Herald, killed it and turned it into weapons against these clowns
good for them, tbh, kill these drunk irresponsible bastards
emperor reverend professor doctor john thinks it's narcissistic of him to toast to himself
I want to murder him in cold blood
I hate this man so viscerally I want to rip him apart with my hands
the twist in this book is that I'm gonna reach to his murder and it's gonna be me
it's like bastian reading the neverending story but it's me killing this man
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his full name is john gaius but I had been spoiled of his name by people not tagging their posts
he also does a "your mama" joke because he's my villain origin story
"part of your brain temporarily calcified into atheism" I'M GLAD, HARROW
so, they start to make out, all three of them
I finally caught up about zeus's deception and all about here
emperor awful is sandwiched between mercygirl on a table and augustine behind him and they forget there are children in the room
well, not children, but same difference, they're a million years old
harrow and yandere twin get the hell out of that display
yandere twin wants to kiss harrowbean before she leaves to kill alleged gideon aka ortus, but harrow doesn't let her
harrow says "my affections lie buried in the Locked Tomb" to which yandere twin responds "Somebody might even exhume them for you"
when harrow mentioned not wanting to be touched while sleeping beside yandere twin, I remembered the pool hug and all that, that was a nice time
people were being killed left and right but it was a nice time
harrow has a whole plan and has it all figured out, it's a really good plan, it works very nicely, but alleged gideon aka ortus isn't where they told her he was
sometimes, life works that way
the man you plan to kill isn't in the training room and all
she goes to look for him in not!dulcinea's crypt or whatever
and she sees this
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and the spear
she follows the children's hospital trail of blood to the incinerator
alleged gideon aka ortus is inside the fire thingy and not!dulcinea is operating the controls
I wonder who could have predicted that this woman could still be an issue even after death
me, it was me
anyway, no time for I-told-you-so's because harrowbean decides to help him out of there
I'm very happy because I need him alive
he knows things and he's less bad than everyone else around here
because he's upfront about the killing
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he tells her some things while he's kind of out of it
like to use blood wards instead of bone ones
that it will make her safe from "us"
"I know you're there. Kill me all you like. I would know you in the blindness of my eyes" he says and, among other things "Just tell me—back then—why you brought along the ba—"
I'm still on my gideon agenda, sorry if it's embarrassing to read
of course emperor dickhead stops him before he can finish it
alleged gideon aka ortus says he doesn't remember shit afterwards and harrow sees her own mental state reflected in his
they can't find not!dulcinea, apparently
she's probably operating heavy machinery elsewhere
harrow is putting up her blood wards when she hears augustine and mercygirl argue about the whole zeus situation
the incinerator alarm apparently interrupted their plan of letting this happen
whether or not they had a hand on the not!dulcinea thing idk
mercygirl says she didn't move her
we end this act with ice cube barbie maybe annabel lee saying "The water is risen. So is the sun. We will endure."
obligatory yearning for camilla moment
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That is the end of Act III and of my commentary because this was way too long and I need to make less chapters at a time istg
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Do you have any headcanons as far as Philza and BBHs' relationship? I've enjoyed thinking about that because I think it's one of the few relationships on Philza's side that's actually a bit more complicated? But also Philza saying that BBH wouldn't lie is the funniest thing ever.
Or if no headcanons about Philza and BBH specifically what about Philza, Bad, and Cellbit as a trio in charge of the order because I really loved that
OOOH this is gonna be an interesting challenge because I don't watch a lot of Bad :0!
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Obligatory they're both thousands of years old mention. There's some things they can talk about and relate on that no one else on the island can. MAYBE Foolish, but Foolish tends to just focus on the present and vibe. Phil and Bad though, in the right conditions, they could and will have deep conversations about the past and their experiences.
On that note holy fucking shit these two would be terrifying teamed up together. If the Feds ever do something harmful or permanent to the eggs, god help them when these two decide they're armed enough and hatch a plan. They'll rain hell on the entire island and then some. And every other parent will be more than willing to join them. Do Not Piss Off The Immortal Murder Dads.
Phil could tell clearly that Bad is part demon. Finding out he was part reaper was a surprise. Honestly with how much of a lil trickster Bad is, Phil is surprised he isn't part Fae or something.
Phil takes one look at how Bad goes "no idea what you're talking about, nothing happened :D" about stuff like him Literally Dying and is like [uncanny Mr Incredible] "at least I'm not that bad." Phil just (very poorly) hides things and says he's fine. He doesn't straight up deny anything happened (and couldn't convincingly act like nothing is wrong the way Bad can if he tried)
Missa is a reaper. Bad is a reaper. Phil wants to see them talk about reaper things together. Or see them both in action. He himself can also carry small conversations about it since he's learned so much through osmosis :D
Actually that's kinda why Phil feared Bad so much during Purgatory. That was him in action. And he never wants to be on an opposing side of it again.
He doesn't resent Bad for Purgatory btw he just jokes like it sometimes. Same as with Tubbo (or anyone else for that matter), he blames the Watcher for trying to destroy their friendships.
Has straight up looked Bad in the eyes like "are you aware you are raising the most terrifying egg. Are you." He genuinely thinks if Dapper wanted to, he could kill Phil in his sleep. Every time he sees Dapper, he's learned something new and insane.
Tbh Phil sometimes envies how full of whimsy Bad is. He's seen infinitely more horrors than Phil for sure, yet he always ironically seems like a little ball of sunshine despite being a literal shadow lookin demon. What The Fuck is this man's secret to staying so silly.
Phil is endlessly fascinated by the extent to which Bad can come up with more and new protections for the eggs. He thinks of stuff not even remotely on Phil's radar. See, Phil's a safety expert as a survivalist, but most of his skills involve using what's around you and your wits, because survival is largely about relying only on yourself because you rarely have any other choice. Bad on the other hand will not hesitate to seek out new tech, other people, or tinker and experiment until he discovers new ways to use anything and everything he can get his hands on. Phil admires how intuitive he is.
Also Bad is really good at making bases and Phil enjoys seeing how balanced the aesthetics and practical parts are. Bad can make something look cozy and lavish as hell while also putting like a billion farms and gadgets into it.
I wonder how a conversation about possession would go. :) Surely Bad has some insight on it as a demon?
Something about how the two of them have arguably the most horrific egg death nightmares. I don't know where to go with this but goddamn would Crows and Ghosties be feasting.
Actually wait shut up, I just realized something kinda cute. In the same way Phil can talk to birds (particularly crows ofc), Bad can talk to the dead/undead (particularly ghosts). Imagine the sillies that could come out of that. It's said that animals can see the dead, what if Phil's murder conspires with the ghosts that follow Bad around ;D
The moment Phil would use his wings if they were healed, Bad would clock that he's the Angel of Death. I'm not sure he saw Phil flying during Purgatory, but if he did, he knows. And that would lead to many interesting conversations. :)
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ask-frater-imperator · 3 months
// now that I'm able to post spoilers, here's my thoughts on rite here rite now a few hours after I saw it.
First: a little context.
I went with my mother, my ghestie and my best friend who knew nothing about ghost besides the ranting she heard from me weekly.
They will probably be seeing this- so I'm not going to expose their accounts or anything.
With that, here were my thoughts:
The post credit scene and mummy dust is just
Implanted into my head now
Mummy dust bc me and my friends went batshit crazy hearing and watching it
I'm like "oh yeah they better do kiss the go-goat I need to see that live." THEN THE INTRO STARTS
I had my ghestie friend and another of my friend that had no idea of any of the ghost lore
I really hope they make a DVD version or something bc i would sell my soul for it
I'm kinda disappointed they didn't use the boxer fit for anything much..
We all saw copia get on the hot air balloon and is like WAIT WAIT FUCK. NO. NO. and then he wakes up
Seeing his mother die
Also if the new guy isn't terzo I
I may just die
When the post credit ended everyone in the theater was like please wait, no-
honestly so funny and ppl were so nice
I don't like I've ever met a rude ghost fan tbh AND I DONT PLAN ON IT!!!
And my thoughts after reading it again:
I honestly don't mind if the new papa isn't terzo, Yes, his album is my favorite with many good songs, but if the theory isn't right then oh well
There is a confirmed DVD and digital release. Just no idea when I will be getting the DVD, and I will be passing it down for generations to see/j
Me, my ghestie and my clueless friend were all holding hands for at least 3/4th of the movie, the reason I will remember mummy dust the most is because me and my ghesite went feral.. and my other friend was, well, clueless. TOBIAS LET MARY GOORE THE FUCK OUT. FINALLY!!!
The shirt I wore was literally copia being crucified with a crown of thorns, I WAS EXPECTING HIM TO DIE. but, I am very glad he didn't, I'm honestly stoked because now he does have the power he wanted, and I can totally rp that..
(The shirt I wore)
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When mummy dust was done, we were all simping for copia.. (pls dont judge us. We are just little guys../j)
I had to hold back a scream when the mummy dust solo started, I love the ghoulettes..
I was so sad when copia was like: "no, no, no encore." Bc I really wanted to hear kiss the go-goat (it was one of my favorites when I first got into ghost)
Then I said over to my friends something like: "Yeah, i need them to do an encore.. NEED to hear, kiss the go-goat live, or I will sob." And of course, THE INTRO TO KISS THE GO-GOAT STARTED. Me and my friends and I just lit up with joy, trying not to cry from what I had just said and what happened.
I remember Square Hammer and the midair splits. The whole theater gasped at the same time. At that point, I was in tears for the 273673rd time. I saw copia do the pose he was meant to, and cried even more.
He went to the hot-air balloon, and everyone was silent. We all saw him wake up, and then sister on the floor.
I remember my friend (clueless one) commenting about copias dramatic crying over sisters' bodies. "Oh yeah, that guy knows how to act!" Joking in a good way, I laughed through my tears.
I don't remember when, but when Copia talked about taint tickling, she audibly, but quietly gasped and whispered something as I just nodded.
It felt like you were there in the audience, like you were right there in the pit. I'm so glad that this movie is making so much in box offices. It was like an unholy experience I will never forget.
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thateldribitch · 9 months
Just Be Mine
Yandere Azul/Reader
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Word Count: 1240
General Warnings/Content: Possessive behavior, kidnapping, murder, gore, (y'know, yandere stuff). Light wounds; reader is referred to as 'wife' but gender really isn't specified (and I'd find it even funnier if he just called his partner his wife regardless of their gender tbh.)
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Lightning cracks above the salt-soaked cliffs.  Don’t stop. Run. Drag your hands up rocks, drag your body out of the water, keep going, going, going. Drag yourself up the sand. Tonight’s storm consumes all light. Except, electricity briefly flashes. Except, twin fireflies glow in a glimpse of the waves. Don’t glance back. Don’t. 
You’re not safe on land. 
The lights in the distance provide no safe haven. You need to get away from the sea, have to, need to. But you can’t go towards the town either. The haunting cries from the water summon lanterns from even the darkest homes. Dogs bark. A hunting party—and your rabbiting heart knows their target. Fuck, you did see their eyes in the water; they must’ve been stalking after you and you didn’t. Fucking. Notice. And they let you run.
They always let you run.
And yet you still scrabble towards the woods, heaving for breath, sobbing for it. Hounds bay. They’ve caught your scent. No, no, no—it’s so fast, too fast. Damn it! Your bare feet slide through the mud. You bash your rock-scraped palms into the beach-grass. Hands pounce upon you, dragging you up. Voices. You can’t tell what they’re saying, don’t need to know. You just… know that they’re dragging your kicking body back to the black waves.
Back to him.
“Oh, my love….” Azul sighs, pushing his glasses up as he shakes his head at you. His body gently bobs in the waves. His black tendrils pull him up and onto the familiar rock, where the townsfolk have been ordered to take you after your escape attempts. Affectionate disappointment lights up his cold blue eyes. He looks warmer when he’s with you… but the men digging their hands into your struggling arms shake in fear before him. Your wince drags Azul’s gaze across you, searching for injury.
Bleeding hands, from the rocks. Bleeding knees, from numerous falls. You’re all but limp with exhaustion, but still putting up as much of a fight as you can. It’s cute, to him. What is decidedly not so adorable… are your captors handling you roughly. Not that they have much choice, but you’re his. And no one gets to just hurt you.
The moment you’re within reach, he snatches you into his many arms. His nose buries into your neck, nuzzling softly. Suckers pop off your skin, tasting your wounds, checking you for more… even as you squirm. But you wince a bit more as he brushes over your arms. And… that’s all it takes. He doesn’t even have to signal his displeasure. Firefly eyes burst out of the dark—two sets, Jade, Floyd, and then… screams. The horrific crunch-squish of Floyd tearing out a man’s windpipe with his teeth. The man chokes for his last, bloody breath. And Jade… drags his kicking, screaming kill beneath the waves. To savor.
“I do believe I’ve made myself clear,” Azul snaps a tendril out, squeezing the lone survivor’s neck until he’s red in the face. “You are not to harm my wife. Do kindly remind the village of that?” With a gracious smile, he drops the man at his feet. Your captor scrambles away, kicking sand on the corpse of his companion in his hasty flight. Will the rain wash away the gritty-red sand clinging to his skin?
A knuckle drags across your cheek, startling you out of your thoughts. A soft warning, before you’re dragged back into the cold, dark depths. The salt stings in your throat, but the enchantments lovingly woven into your skin glow… and your lungs adapt. Breathless gasps bubble out, as you pant from your haggard flight. “...So quiet, Darling….” Azul murmurs, dragging his lips across your rain-chilled pulse. A shiver wracks your body. It’s only been a few minutes of him gently dragging you through the water, but he doesn’t like the silence. Stubbornly, you glance off to the side. “...Come now. You know I’d never take your voice…. You may speak.”
How gracious of him to let you….
“I hate you.” Much as you want to snap, you’re too tired to. The adrenaline drains away. There’s no escaping Azul once he has you in his clutches. And the damn mer is warm. He must be using magic to do so, but it’s so horrifically soothing. Your body instinctively melts into his gentle ministrations. A bubbling breath grumbles out of your lips. 
“Darling, you know you could make this so much easier on yourself,” Azul murmurs against your neck. A million little suckers pop like gentle kisses off of your skin, as you’re pressed into his chest. “Just be mine….” It gets colder, as you get deeper. Inky darkness envelops you. Azul’s bright blue eyes glow softly; in the distance, two golden lights swirl around each other like ribbons. You put up one, last token struggle before you’re dragged into his grotto.
Enchanted lights surround you in a soft glow. He nudges you into his dark little nook, then just… holds you. So gently, so tightly. There’s no escape, as his plush body molds over yours. His soft limbs bustle around the familiar space, tugging items off shelves while he busies himself with running his fingers through your hair. He picks up your palm as a tendril sweeps into view with a roll of bandages. Soft lips trace your grit-pocked skin; a gentle tongue scrapes the gravelly bits away. “...You know I’ll take good care of you.”
“And keep me in a cave my whole life,” you snip, shivering at the overwhelming amount of contact. There’s the sting of his tongue on your wrist, the pressure of his body against yours, the tendrils swiping softly over your knees as they bandage and clean them…. Your legs twitch as some of his tentacles tenderly massage at your aching muscles. A tiny whimper slips out of you as he lovingly rubs away some of the pains, before just contently settling against your skin. He never… pushes. Oh, he wants. You see the way he settles so eagerly against your freshly bandaged body, pressing himself into every inch of you like he can’t get enough of it. Like he has to be able to touch every part of you to ever have enough contact with his ‘beloved.’ 
“Goodness, you need more exposure therapy….” He only sighs in response, dramatically nuzzling into your chest. His soft hair tickles against your chin, drifting softly in the current. “I’m your husband, my dear…. I’m not going to hurt you.” 
It’s true. He never has. He lets you run off, but always brings you back. He lets you leave the cave. He brings you gifts, food, takes you any place you like—except for back home. People have probably given up looking for you at this point. And the people in Azul’s town aren’t stupid enough to risk telling any passing strangers about the octo-mer’s captive wife. You’re trapped in a gilded cage…. Quietly, you whisper, “...I hate you,” into his hair. Your eyes flutter. You’re so… tired.
“...There we are,” Azul purrs, so soft that you barely make out his words. His fingers card through your hair. His limbs gently adjust the pillows and blankets piled around you. Much to your chagrin, you slowly start to sink into a hazy sleep. But just before you fully lose consciousness— “Don’t run away from me anymore….” His voice creaks out in the softest, saddest plea… right above your aching heart….
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Aaaaaa I've had this on the back burner for a bit. I really like horror and imagery like this, so it was super fun! But this is the first real piece I've written in months, so I was a bit nervous to post it. I also really used to worry about word counts, but reading a lot of stories on here that were shorter, but no less impactful, made me feel so much better.
If you guys like it, I might write more for it? I have some loose ideas of including the tweels.
Also I know I have sentence fragments---sometimes they're an aesthetic choice tbh.
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
GEKKO (MATEO) x reader
requested by @oyasumimosura!
request summary: after gekko's mission, he comes back to see his girlfriend with a baby. funny thing is, he doesn't know where it came from. so he decided the next big thing. it must be yours.
note: this was kinda hard to write tbh, but i tried my best to make it somehow work! had to make mateo clueless as hell lmao. this is gonna be really short cause this isn't really my type of fic to write, but i hope you enjoy!
not proofread
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you were patiently waiting for mateo to come back from his mission, passing the time by scrolling mindlessly on your phone. 
the two of you had planned a date to your favorite italian restaurant, and he promised that he’d back in- you checked the time- thirty minutes. mateo wasn’t one to break promises, but he does lose track of time sometimes.
but you knew if he was late, he'd never do it on purpose, and he'd make up for it with a bouquet of flowers.
you knew this because he had done it once, awkwardly presenting it to you once you had opened the door. he was soaking wet from the rain and breathing heavily from how fast he was riding his skateboard. his mission took a bit longer than expected.
you weren't mad before that, and you obviously told him that he didn't need to do all of that just for being late five minutes. you knew that he still wouldn't take your statement and continue going above and beyond whenever he felt like you deserved it. which was all the time.
a vibration shook you out of your thoughts and you realized that a smile had been growing on your face. checking your phone that you had discarded right next to you, you saw that your aunt was calling you.
"hey auntie," you picked up.
"hey sweetie! i just wanted to ask if you could take care of my son while i go have a business meeting. no one else is free, and it's okay if you aren't either, but i need to drop him off somewhere." she asked. "i'll pay you, and it should only take me a few hours to get through it."
you knew that when your aunt paid you, she paid a lot. enough to get mateo a new skateboard after he wrecked his other one in the rain, the bearings rusting.
you thought about it. you could always bring him on the date too, knowing that he was well-behaved enough for his age. he didn't cry as much as he used to.
"alright, i'll take him." you agreed. she quickly and dramatically thanked you and hung up.
around ten minutes later, twenty minutes before mateo was supposed to get home, a sharp knock at the door alerted you.
opening it to reveal your aunt and her carrying a little carrier, you sighed. "what time do you think you'll be back?"
it was currently six pm, and you were expecting to go to the italian restaurant at seven.
"i'll be back around eleven, maybe sooner if i'm lucky and my bitch of a boss doesn't tell me to do some extra work," she scowled. handing you the carrier, she waved bye and drove off.
"hey there little man," you locked eyes with the baby, who was currently drooling all over his clothes. "guess you're going to be a third wheel."
he blinked his big blue eyes at you, not a single thought in his head.
after a few minutes of taking the baby out, setting up a little area of blankets and pillows for him to attempt crawling around.
you heard a click at the door and then a loud voice, "i'm back hermosa! and right on time," you heard him pause right behind you.
"so, cariño, meet bryan."
mateo immediately went up to him and cooed. "what's up bryan?"
you smiled, mateo slowly picking up the baby up.
"he's so cute. you're cute, y'know that?" he told you and bryan.
you nodded. "he is really cute. but what are we gonna do for our date?"
"we'll bring him!" he exclaimed cheerily, holding him up high.
you raised an eyebrow but agreed. besides, it was a family italian restaurant rather than some fancy one.
mateo carefully put bryan back in his carrier and picked it up. "you ready to go on a date with mama y papa?"
mama y papa? you turned pink.
he made airplane noises all the way to your car, swerving the baby around.
you trailed behind, grabbing a baby bottle and making your way over after locking the door.
"wait, chica," mateo stopped you before you could open the passenger door. "allow me."
he energetically swung the door open, bowing. you let out a little giggle.
"thank you, hermoso."
he gave you a salute and went over to the driver's side.
"you ready little homie?" he asked bryan. there was no noise except for the wet sounds of him chewing on his pacifier.
"i'll take that as a yes," mateo started the car and you began the peaceful ride to the restaurant.
once you got there, you looked in the back to see bryan fast asleep, pacifier on his lap and drool dripping out his mouth.
"what are we gonna do," you whispered.
he thought for a moment, and then he spoke. "i'll order takeout and we can just watch something at your place? i swear i'll make it up to you."
"you don't have to make it up to me, mateo. that's a good idea," you smiled.
he always loved seeing you smile. he gave you a quick kiss on the lips and went inside the restaurant, already knowing what you wanted.
a few long minutes went by, and he was back.
"he's still not awake?" he questioned as you took the takeout bag, trying not to rustle it too much.
"he'll probably wake up as soon as we get back," you shrugged. you didn't know how kids worked, and this was the youngest kid you've ever had to babysit. maybe you should learn, for future reference.
before you knew it, you finally arrived at your house. you didn't realize that you had dozed off until you felt a force gently nudge you awake.
"c'mon chica. it's time to eat," mateo grinned as he helped you out the car and back inside.
the baby had, in fact, woken up, sucking on his pacifier.
"what're you gonna eat, chiquito?" mateo once again cooed at the baby, who of course didn't respond.
you pulled out a bottle of milk that your aunt left, as bryan wasn't quite old enough for liquid food.
"you wanna help him out?" you held the bottle out to mateo, knowing that he'd jump at the chance. which he in fact did, quite literally jumping at the bottle and snatching it from you.
"here comes the airplane," he blabbed as he began to swerve the bottle around just like he'd done to bryan a while ago.
bryan held out his stubby little hands, and mateo showed him mercy and gave him the bottle, bryan immediately suckling on it.
watching this made you feel happy, and knowing that not only was mateo good at handling kids, he loved him unlocked something in you. you were definitely going to talk to him about this later.
as the two of you got ready to eat, the both of you perked up at the sound of a knock.
"who's that?" mateo raised an eyebrow.
"must be my aunt," you sighed as you got up from where you had gotten comfortable on the couch and brought bryan along with you to the door.
"aunt?" mateo was dumbfounded.
did you forget to tell him that this was your cousin? you couldn't remember, and decided that you were going to figure it out later.
your aunt waved to mateo when she saw him. "thank you for taking care of my little bryan!" she exclaimed. "i'll give you some money as well."
he seemed intrigued when she said money, but you quickly said goodbye, wanting to finally eat after a long day. thankfully, bryan was asleep most of the time, and you noticed that your aunt managed to come an hour earlier than she said she would.
"teo, why do you look all pouty?" you grinned, knowing he already got attached to bryan.
"i thought he was ours."
"OURS??" you exclaimed. "that wouldn't even make sense!"
"yeah, i get that. but y'know, you could've adopted him... or you could've had one of those pregnancies where you don't even know you have a baby until it just comes out..." he started fiddling with his fork.
you burst out in laughter. "sometimes, i really don't get what goes through your mind."
he kept pouting, letting out a little hmph as he began to eat his flatbread.
"hey, we can always have our own kid." you winked.
the fork fell out of his hand.
"well, we better make it quick, huh?" he inched closer to you as you registered what you had said and what he's about to do.
"ugh, cariño, at least let me finish my pasta," you playfully shoo-ed him away to no avail.
you definitely didn't get to eat your pasta while it was warm.
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i kept getting distracted playing val while writing this LMAO
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namelessclient · 3 months
so the king comic - last two panels specifically, when marker starts telling the story.
is there a reason those gods resemble bfdi characters? are those characters actually gods, or just some representation or common belief?
but I have more questions for the next:
why is that monster pencil? and stage four of the dusk is an umbra. infected people are penumbras. is there by any chance a reason behind them being called PENumbras and pencil being shown as a monster in that panel? a sort of "patient 0" of the dusk?
plus, why would marker know this tale? because his sister was the first person infected? was it just a tale passed through people, and he doesn't have any idea why he knows it?
that would also help why it was called the dusk- as the monsters were in caves underground?
sorry I got too theorising there, feel free not to elaborate on any of this if the answers are too spoiler-y
love this au so much eats your art
Whoa, this is a long one (my favorites!)
1. They're a combination of those two things. The gods (I also call them Deities) are real. However, as higher beings, their actions, motives and existence itself are incomprehensible for the objects: they don't know why a deity would do "bad" or "good", or even why interact with them in first place. Soon the creatures would create their own beliefs and myths to explain their nature, representing them with symbols and giving them their "themes", like "god of the rain", "god of death" and that stuff
In a nutshell: gods are real but they're incomprehensible beings, so objects created symbols and meanings of them to give sense to their nature
(I know it's a bit messy idea to understand, but stick with me)
2. That's not our Pencil, it's just doe one of the same kind as her, Pen and Marker (rats + writing utensils) (I still don't have a name for the Species-)
3. Nope. The thing that's going to be told in THE KING isn't the Dusk, it's just a different thing, a tale from where Marker and his siblings are from, their local folklore. Marker just knows and likes a lot of these stories and legends told to him throughout his life. Maybe he's very aware of what he's telling, maybe not, who knows
tbh I absolutely loved this observations, they make sense in someway lol, but wait for part 2 and the others, these may answer other questions (or make more?)
enjoy the art! (pls don't get rabies)
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rindragon-from-twewy · 4 months
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Uh oh! Someone left me alone with my thoughts again! I don't see many people talking too deeply about pre-game stuff beyond "Number One was a terrible person" so I'm here to throw my own poorly explained hot take in to the ring-
I'm not really built for theory crafting and tend to miss or forget obvious details so consider this... an AU proposal more then anything. (Tbh I mostly just wanted to draw smol Yuma lmao-)
Spoiler warning ofc and enjoy this horrifically long and poorly explained ramble-
So... I don't really know much about the general fandom age headcannons on characters. I won't be going in to specifics right now about what I think all the character ages are cuz this isn't about that but for context, I pin Yuma around 15-16, on the early 18 side if you really wanna push it. Mainly cuz... it'd be kinda weird for Kurumi (a school student) to be one of his main love interests otherwise- For the sake of argument, I'll say 18.
So anyways-
Makoto's like... what? 3 or 4 years old? Forgive me for not re-watching chapter 5 just to get my timeline correct here but that's roughly right. Meaning that Number One would've been about 13 or 14 when he agreed to participate in the experiments at most. And sure, he's the smartest person in the world but anyone can be susceptible to lies or manipulations, especially someone that young.
But then of course we don't know how long Yuma had the Number One title for. Surely it would've had to have been at least a little while- I doubt the unified government would go after the blood of the newly appointed "smartest detective in the world" the second he got in to office. So who's to say exactly how much this literal child had been manipulated beforehand?
I'm imagining a sort of... Nagisa plus Kirigiri scenario (the danganronpa characters lol-) where they'd been set on a very specific academic path nearly their whole lives. Sure, Yuma probably had been born a genius and his strong moral code was most likely all his own but... no matter what way you spin it, there must have been some negligence to allow someone so young to become so cut off from the rest of society. It could've been intentional, it could've been accidental. Either way, why is someone like Yuma, who is obviously younger then most of his peers, who could easily pass as a trainee detective simply because of how smol he is, make it all the way to the top on his sheer intelligence alone?
This rambling's getting incoherent, sorry, it's late and I'm tired-
Makoto's pretty manipulative, sure, but he only got to the CEO position cuz of all the blackmail he had- Man had zero control over the city to the point he had to let outsiders get smuggled in just to help him fix it. Makoto (and by extension Number One) is book smart. Not street smart. They can build the rain machine, they can run multiple government conspiracies, etc etc. But if Number One was a kid at the time, it would've been pretty difficult for them to manipulate, mansplain, malewife his way in to office imo. A kid can't manipulate a dozens of adults in to being the leader of the whole WDO, no matter how naturally gifted they are. I mean it's no secret that the unified government and by extension the WDO are just as shady as Amaterasu so why wouldn't they take advantage of a young and impressionable kid when the opportunity arises?
We don't really know how Number One truly felt about anything. We know how Makoto views it, we know what Yuma thinks about it but we don't know if Number One really understood what the repercussions of the experiments could've been.
So let me just... break down what I'd interpret a vague timeline of events to be (in this hypothetical... Uh... AU I guess?)
- Yuma gets in to the WDO somehow. Very young, very impressionable. He may be really good at solving crimes but like any kid, he doesn't know anything that he isn't taught about. Being surrounded by mysteries and crimes, all while constantly being praised by adults as being "just soooo smart!" Is probably what taught him that he didn't need other people and so never learnt (or potentially was never even allowed to) make friends.
- Growing up surrounded by a combination of Yes-Men and people who let the obvious child labour/ exploitation slide because "This little genius is such a special case, we gotta let it slide this once!" Made it so he reached to the level of Number One far faster then anyone would expect. And that then came along with abandoning his old name and identity, isolating himself completely for his own protection. (I like to think he may not even remember his original name because he was so young at the time (for extra angst ^vO))
- And so a completely isolated pre-teen, who's entire life up until this point has entirely consisted of gory murder scenes and tragic crimes he was personally responsible for solving, was approached by the unified government. Who knows exactly how much detail they went in to with explaining their plan? Maybe they said that it probably wouldn't even work out, given all the past failures. Maybe they came begging for his help, like many people seeking justice would have done before them. Maybe they simply told him it was for the sake of peace? Maybe he was in his angsty emo phase and thought having a clone would be cool, who really knows? A pre-teen is a pree-teen, they all do dumb things- either way, he agreed.
- And so things played out like they said in the game, Makoto was created, escaped, saved the citizens of Kanai Ward via isolating them. He keeps them fed the only way he knows how - through the WDO; the only organisation he's ever been able to rely on (and thanks to his authority level, of course). Yuma starts getting suspicious while also simultaneously maturing enough to realise just how wrong everything about his life is, gets his new identity, makes the contract with Shinigami and heads off to start fixing his problems.
Additional Thoughts:
It's like that thing in the original beauty and the beast movie where everyone suddenly realised that the witch probably cursed a 9 year old for not letting a creepy stranger in to his home-
Maybe that's why he stuck with the name Yuma after everything. Cuz he didn't remember his original name to fall back on. He could've been Number One for as long as he could remember for all we know!
Maybe he was so busy trying to run the whole WDO that he didn't even pay much mind to the experiments? Could've just agreed to shut them up without knowing what he was getting in to. Makoto really drove it in to the mud how horrible of a person Number One was but how can we be sure that's an objective fact and not completely opinion driven?
I'm like actually really curious what other's perspectives on this could be. Again, I don't know much about the rain code fandom's age headcannons but it's pretty obvious to me at least that Yuma's on the younger end of the cast- (And by extension, Makoto too-)
Maybe I'll fact check myself when I have the time- either way, it's an interesting AU idea at the very least. I'll probably delete the writing portion of this post if it turns out I'm horrendously wrong-
Its probably gunna turn out that Yuma's in his mid 30s or 40s and suffers from baby face syndrome or something cringe fail like that lmfao-
So. Yeah. That's all just a theory (minus most of the fact checking) A GAME THEORY- Thanks for reading! :D
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Could I request headcanons of the overblot boys with a feminine-looking and short female s/o who enjoys unladylike activities such as playing in the rain, parkour, weightlifting, jumping in muddy puddles?
I hope my request isn't too specific.
Hi, thank you for the ask! Your ask isn't too specific so no worries!
Overblot boys with a feminine but unladylike s/o
I don't think he would mind as long as you don't hurt yourself. He grew up strict, so he might've scolded you at first but he soon realizes he likes watching you being so carefree
He wants to be like that tbh, especially since he grew up so uptight. Feel free to invite him for runs around the rain, it might help him de-stress
Thinks doing parkour is super cool but would never attempt it himself. He warns you not to break any bones, though he knows you'll be okay (he just cares too much haha)
I feel like you two can learn from each other. You might have moments where you need to learn which fork to use at a fancy restaurant and Riddle might want to know how to deadlift without hurting himself
Likes that you are uptight, honestly it makes him super happy since he can't stand it (he grew up around a lot of people like that)
You two can go to the gym together! He's known to be lazy but he does work out on occasion. It's kinda nice to de-stress this way
He'll be interested in trying to do parkour. I feel like he's attempted it before but it never really took off, so feel free to teach him!
He's not going to run in muddy puddles though. He loves listening to the rain when he's trying to take a nap but he's not the type to run in it
Kind of a neat freak, it'll be hard to convince him to jump in muddy puddles but he has no issue walking around in the rain without an umbrella. Might warn you that you could catch a cold though
He honestly needs to train his stamina a bit. Sure he's extremely strong in terms of lifting weights, but he can't run very far. If you happen to be a jogger, you should invite him to take runs together!
He likes that you don't care about what other people think of you. He grew up having to put so much attention into making sure he was perfect, so it's refreshing to see someone quite the opposite
Will he do parkour? No, but the tweels might join you and convince him (pressure him) into attempting some tricks
He's known to be super flexible (can dance well) so I wouldn't be surprised if you two did parkour together and almost got in trouble once (only once though)
He will ask you not to run in the rain in case you get sick. He likes seeing you happy but he doesn't want to see you sit in bed for a few days with a fever. He'll take care of you if you do end up catching a cold though
Kalim will also enjoy your company a lot, honestly Jamil might feel like he's taking care of two Kalims from time to time haha
Also pretty chill about your interests. I don't see him being very picky about what you do and don't do as long as you don't get hurt!
The complete opposite of a lot of the characters above. He hates running through mud, getting dirty, etc etc. He'll want you to try something else but he won't stop you from doing what you enjoy
Similar to Riddle I feel like you two should learn from each other. Vil might help you learn new skills in sewing for example while you can teach him a few parkour tricks
If he catches you running in the mud, he might ask you not to step into his room :/
Overall though I feel like he won't worry too much about you other than making sure you aren't getting sick. He does want you to be happy but sometimes the mud that gets on your clothes makes him feel sick
Would love to spend time with you doing all of your activities but he's such a homebody it's hard to pull him outside :/
Wants to go to the gym with you since he's usually terrified to go by himself (too many stares from people). You might feel like one of those chads at the gym to him haha
He likes to watch you being happy and you can let him be like a kid again whenever you invite him to run around in the rain. He won't do it often, but when he does he genuinely has a good time
Ortho might like your company a lot too, I can see you three hanging out outside and then going back in to watch movies.
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koka-mi · 17 days
🌦 , 🎶 and 😈 for the ask game >_< !
TYSM FOR THE ASK RAVENNNN!!! <333 (link to og ask game!)
🌦favorite weather
Hmmm... I like sunny weather! :3 I don't like when it's super hot, though, bcz very humid and hot weather makes me faint BUT when it's nice and warm plus sunny it's super nice!!
Ik a lot of ppl like rainy weather and I think it's fine too! It's relaxing sometimes but I'm terrified of thunder so I'm anxious most of the time when it rains bcz it's just like..........what if thunder hits and then lightning hits and then I cry😭BUT RAIN WITHOUT THUNDER IS FINEEE
🎶favorite artist
omg you can't do this to me I like too many artists :'D making me pick one artist is like making me pick a single favorite food xD (I still don't know how someone can just have like.one favorite food. There's so many different foods you eat for different reasons at different times how is there just that One I don't get it BUT this isn't about food SO) OKOK UHHH I'LL LIST A FEW OF MY FAVORITES!! I'll try not to make the list too long hehe
My favorite bands/groups are definitely The Fray, Hedley, 765PRO ALLSTARS, Poppin' Party, and Aqours :3
My favorite solo artists are Mitski, MARINA, cavetown, chloe moriondo, Alex G, and Clairo!!
And as a bonus, my fav VOCALOID producers are Tohma Nitohbe, toya, JevanniP, OneRoom, FuwariP, Kikuo, MARETU, JesusP(WONDERFUL★OPPORTUNITY), and CircusP ^^ (I'm def missing some but HSDBWHSJ I LIKE A LOT)
😈favorite meow meow
OKAY I'M NGL I HAD NO IDEA WHAT A MEOW MEOW WAS AND I HAD TO ASK MY SISTER uhmm!!! Going off how of how she describes it I gueeeeesss Valant Gramarye xD his character is pretty tragic tbh though so💔I can forgive him for what he's done. Valant they could never make me hate you (also I love his design so much!!)
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On the topic of Sebastian being completely enthralled about everything Ciel is, I personally love it so much more knowing manga context, because O!Ciel was the 'spare'. He was not supposed to carry the family nane and, frankly, people didn't think he'd be capable of it due to his poor health anyway (Remember Frances and Vincent's conversation in the flashback chapters? It's obvious O!Ciel was quite saddened by what he heard).
By all means, in a twisted way, Sebastian might just be the first person to regard O!Ciel as someone deeply capable, a shiny singularity that doesn't live in anyone's shadow. The adults around him were - tho not unrightfully - seeing his fragility first and foremost while his brother, despite seeing him as worthy, didn't wish for him to leave and forge his own path. R!Ciel's reaction came from childishness sure, but that isn't to say that it didn't feed into the idea that O!Ciel was 'his backup'.
Going off from this, Sebastian is also the one thing in his life and is irrevocably his. Again, twisted, but all O!Ciel built has been under another's name. The manor, the company, the engagement etc. None of them truly his, but his brother's. And the other servants? They are loyal, however ultimately their own people. Sebastian? In an entirely different spot. He'll be there until the end after all.
This is an aspect of their relationship that tugs at my heartstrings so much. It's so toxic and depressing yet strangely soft and tender somewhat at least to me.
Sorry, I just really wanted to pour my thoughts and I appreciate your posts. So here I am!
anon, i’m in love with you
i literally think about this all the time like. that conversation frances and vincent had? imo vincent just flippantly saying "i guess ill just have to give the estate back to the queen lmao" could be taken 2 ways which is: at face value OR (what i think is more likely) vincent just saying what he knows will piss frances off to get her to stop talking. tbh vincent seems like a good dad imo and like he doesnt super underestimate o!ciel (he seemed absolutely fine with the idea of o!ciel going off to london by himself and opening a toy store in the future), but he DOES know that o!ciel is frail and sickly, and it makes me wonder how seriously he considered the idea that o!ciel might inherent the title of the queen's watchdog.
honestly, i feel in some respects, r!ciel treats o!ciel more carefully than their parents. he very much has an attitude of "my baby brother NEEDS me, he cannot survive without me!!" (gasps and shock, to learn it is actually the other way around /s)
all this to say, whether you lean more towards my interpretation or yours, or a fun mix, or whatever, it is undeniable that all of o!ciel's relationships were 'tainted' (for lack of a better term) by his illness and the way it made others view him and treat him.
sebastian, who takes one look at o!ciel, and goes "lmao what a fucked up lil dude. time for little a snacky". sebastian, who then sits down to forge a contract with said little dude only to realize Oh Okay So This Child Is Clever. And o!ciel being sickly does kind of come up when they're making the contract, but sebastian focuses more on the actual logistics of that and o!ciel says 'nvm we'll deal w it when it comes up' (which is hilarious imo. he really said a sudden chill can put me on my deathbed but thats a problem for future me).
and then it turns out o!ciel is hella sheltered. but also a huge bitch.
and at this point, all i can assume is sebastian is so bewildered by this experience that the fact that o!ciel is frail and sickly and fragile is like. just another thing about this kid. o!ciel has never made sebastian's life easy and it would be stupid to think he would start now, sebastian thinks as his young master suffers from yet another cold just bc it rained yesterday. "i never knew you had asthma" says sebastian, who has read every medical journal to date on chest colds. "you never asked," says the bane of sebastian's existence.
and the thing is you can say "sebastian is only worried about o!ciel bc if o!ciel dies, he loses his meal" which is true and accurate and tbh if i was sebastian and i had put up w that much, i wouldn't want to lose my meal to a mere cough.
then you see the way sebastian is so fascinated and intrigued and bewitched by o!ciel. i think to sebastian the fact that o!ciel is frail and sickly is just another contradiction in the sea of contradictions that makes o!ciel so fascinating. and i think sebastian is the only one who really sees all those contradictions, he's the only one who sees everything that makes up o!ciel. and he loves what he finds.
(not to mention the fact that sebastian is the only person o!ciel allows to see his every aspect. or, well, some he tries to hide, but only because he thinks sebastian will try to use something against him. either way, sebastian is still the only person who he lets see the most of him. because sebastian is the only person who knows who he really is, who he doesnt have to put up a front for. he doesn't have to pretend to be his brother, he doesn't have to worry about being the spare.)
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butter-scotch-milk · 2 months
I know you r offline but is it possible that you can make a stone x reader in which the reader is a runaway from a rich family and they trip and hurt their leg and stone comes to help them and they end up falling in love???
Finally getting back to doing these! I didn't answer for the longest time bc I got like- no motivation for a while. And now I'm pumping these in the middle of the night 😁👍
Stone x Runaway! Rich! Reader
Requested by: Anon
Tw: None
Cw: Minimal to none!
Before dating!
Damn. What luck. You runaway from parents from unknown reason (could be whatever 😁👍) AND you trip and fall?! Cue the rain and the heavy angst.
And what better way to to make things better is to have a scrap help you with your sprained leg. Damn- was that trip really THAT hard? What did you do?
And to make things so much better for you; is for the scrap to be a boy from a pretty boy band- Ugh, lucky 😫/j
I actually think that he acts like he doesn't want you there. 'Another mouth to feed, WHO'S INJURED BTW." -Stone 2024
Jk, Vinnie would say that tbh but this isn't about he! >:{
He would actually actually feed you by hand. Even though you can eat yourself. You two tend to fight about everything! And Vinnie's teasing doesn't help either. >:(
Your his top priority- I mean their top priority! I mean, how else are you going to survive out on the streets alone fresh out of the womb-
Your relationship is... Kinda like enimes to lovers kinda trope. But damn didn't you take forever to finally love him while he fell in love within the first month or so.
When you finally come around and fall in love with him, he's kinda excited. Why? Course you told him this when you both were drunk af.-
Not very into pda, even when drunk. This man has his boundaries even you have to follow, wether your dating him or not.
ROOFTOP DATES!! He absolutely tries to make these dates worth it. Even if it's just sitting on the roof at one am to look at the stars
Cuddles are rare but worth it. Even if he is just nothing but a sack of bones
That's all! A bit longer than normal and holy hell it's 12:00 am for me 😁
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rainbowangel110 · 6 months
My little sister watches Toh saga
We uh... got through episodes 8-11 so a bit to cover!
Episode 8
Starting off the episode with Hooty. She was already invested.
"I'll never find a way into Amity's heart!" cue Rock face from here
So uh as much as she loves Hooty she still was weird out by him... swallowing King
"What is Hooty eating???" Cuz King was covered in some stuff.
Oh shit this is puberty talk I thought in a panic
Anyways!!! Bug dance was funny. She was re repeating DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER for a while.
Voice powers had her hyped actually, she was all "What is that?? HE HAS POWERS NOW???" Cute
Onto Eda!!
"I want those cookies." I am not letting you get roofied by a baked good, kid >:(
Oh she was not ready for Owlbeast to attack Dell lemme tell ya.
We got the Archivists part of the Owl Beasts memories and I popped off
She really loved the segment where Eda talked to the Owl Beast.
"I want a plush of it."
"THAT'S SO PRETTY!!!!" in reference to the ending of the dream sequence
Onto the Lumity segment (y'all were waiting weren't you)
"Stop blushing so much oh my gosh." "They do that a lot trust me."
She was all "ohh nooo" at the reveal of the Tunnel of Love and I was dying inside.
"Amity calm down oh my gosh!" I am in tears rn
she was sooooo hyped at the part where King used his powers again
Little tiny gasp at the Lumity part immediately after
the part where Luz was dancing around asking Amity out she was YELLING
Hooty receives a letter from someone
"KING'S DAD!?!?" no
Episode 9
She has been obsessed with what Belos looks like under the mask ever since we first saw him
"Oh man sure hope Little Rascal doesn't get caught...." "Why?" "... Remember how Belos eat-" "NO I DON'T WANT TO-" (Doing just fine here-)
"That's what he looks like?? ... ew what's the green for??"
I am freaking out right now kid, don't ask me
I paused so much because wow implications when you know the full story are REAL
"What did you think of that conversation (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)" "... Creepy." GIRL SAME
"Is that-" "Dragon Ball Z? Yes" (knows through memes okay?)
"Oh what happened to her??" "She's sick :("
we will now skip over a bunch of stuff nothing too exciting happened here tbh
I am pausing so much during this episode and it's annoying her (YOU WILL UNDERSTAND I PROMISE!!!)
"Lotta projection going on here." "... what?"
Had to explain some stuff about the convo between Hunter and Amity over the Tamagotchi (give her a moment)
"Oh. That's not good." "It really isn't."
Don't mind me just sobbing inside at every Hunter/Flapjack interaction.
Was so so so worried for Owlbert there.
"It's in the key?!?" Yeah uh so here we are :)))))
She was so entranced with the animation and so was I (with internal screaming though)
"Mushroom Luz."
Was awwing over Flapjack and Hunter at the end (don't mind me just... gonna go over here and AUGHHHHH)
Episode 10
"Who is that?? How is she in the mirror"
"Weird door."
In between is really interesting actually
"IT'S!!! HER!! THE SLUG!!"
Again I found her watching this show at S3E1 at the intro part (all she remembers was Hunter and Vee thank god) so she popped off here.
"She's cute. I like her."
*pause* "Okay so you see that?" *points at Gravesfield logo* "Remember that." "okay..."
"Oh and those two." *points at the the Wittebanes* "Okay I will sheesh 🙄" /lh
She will not
"The basilisks remember? "OH YEAH-"
Not much from her until the rain sequence.
"HOW IS SHE HOLDING HER??" girl don't sweat it, cry with me instead :)
"I feel bad for Camila.' SAME
Episode 11
Honestly not much happened here with her so uhhh....
Biggest take away for her though
"CAT COVEN PERSON!!!" (coven scout)
"King read her diary-"
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mcytshippystuff · 1 year
(/rp, not irl!) OKAY SO! What i think about q!Phil, q!Missa, and q!Forever's relationships in the QSMP;
In my head, q!Philza and q!Missa started out as just co-parents when they were assigned each other to take care of Chayanne. Then they became more like, platonic husbands but I wouldn't say queerplatonic? Like, they felt getting married was just easier but didn't really have the relationship or level of commitment/care a Queerplatonic or romantic relationship would have. Then they started caring for each other, spending time together and having fun, and entered a weird in-between state of tbh they could go either way ya know?
Then Missa started catching feelings. He didn't mean to, honest! But just, the way Phil would worry and cared for him and their son, the time they spent together, how could he not fall for the Death touched Angel? But he wasn't ever sure how to broach it, sometimes he felt as if Phil felt the same but other times it was obvious Phil didn't so it was just a mess, and he wasn't willing to ruin what they had.
(More about Phil's feelings and Forever's part in all this under the cut, its long sorry not sorry lol)
Meanwhile Phil is both Oblivious and very in denial about any feelings, or people trying to point out there may be feelings at all. I'm unsure if id stick q!Phil on the Ace Spectrum or romance just isn't a priority (or if he's just resistant to the idea of it for whatever reason), but either way he cant fathom the idea that people have actual feelings for him, nor that he might have them himself, so he doesn't really look too deep on his feelings and often brushes them away if he's presented with the idea that it may be real.
So what if being with Missa feels like they were the only people in the world? If the way Missa takes care of their son gives Phil light fuzzy feelings in his chest? If having to say goodbye for who knows how long felt like a hole was punched in his chest, and when he came back Phil suddenly felt like the weight of the world was lifted? He cares about his friend, his platonic husband, that's it! Its def not anything romantic pssh that would be ridiculous...
Meanwhile q!Forever, oh poor Forever.
Admittedly in the beginning it was mostly a joke. The resemblance to Brunim, while at first glance, may be strong but to Forever they didn't look alike at all once you got close, in all the small ways that mattered most really. It was funny to tease and poke and get attached to the lookalike but then oh, oh how it stopped being a joke. (Forever refuses to think about there's a good reason why him and Brunim are apart, for both their own sakes)
And maybe, just maybe, for a while it was becuase how much Forever missed Brunim that he got attached to q!Phil, that he started to feel feelings for the man, but if you look close you can see those feelings started to become real, he honestly and genuinely started to fall for Philza. No more mirror images to chase, no, now Phil felt like standing in the heavy rain, every drop stinging but it was so so cleansing, healing, refreshing. Every time Forever got him to laugh felt like a personal victory he'd ride the high of for days, and every sharp, hurtful word was taken with a forced laugh or fake smile and it would linger and haunt his mind.
Forever tried, he really did, but it felt like nothing he could say or do would convince Phil of his real feelings, often slipping up or saying the wrong things and it was Forever's own damn fault, nobody to blame but himself. And maybe he didn't handle this all the best, maybe got to obsessive or said things that went to far but to be honest Forever didn't really know love any other way and was trying to unlearn the worst parts of himself the best he could. It didn't help Forever is really prone to self-destructive behavior when things are going good. And he tried to leave it be, he promises he tried to give up, to let go but the blond Angel had rooted himself, utterly and entirely into Forever's heart and he couldn't bring himself to cut his love for Phil out.
And q!Phil? Well, it was complicated becuase he did genuinely like the man. Forever was funny and for the most part the "crush", if he could call it that, was amusing at best and just annoying at worst times, and even if Forever was annoying or often went too far, Phil knew there was a good man there. He saw it when Forever gave it a rest and they'd have conversations that would last forever. He saw it when Forever would make him laugh until he couldn't breathe or when Forever took care of the eggs as fiercely as Philza did and when the man cried becuase he was so upset at even the idea of loosing any of the kids, and every lose hurt personally. And though he didn't often think to hard on it, sometimes when the other blond would smile or laugh, Phil felt like he was being shone on by the sun, warm, bright, burning, piercing, overwhelming. The quiet moments when Forever would drop all pretenses and masks and just let himself be, in happy, soft, or sad moments made Phi's chest sing.
But Philza couldn't ignore how the fact he was just a stand in hurt in ways Phil wasn't able to explain and to be honest didn't understand why it bothered him so much, it was never a big deal until it suddenly was. Every time Forever assumed something about him or didn't bother to figure out just was another stab in the heart and Phil just got so angry at the fact that Forever tried to say otherwise, but ultimately his affection wasn't real, and he didn't like being played with. Sure he didn't think Forever was doing it maliciously but he just wanted Forever to just stop! Stop how it hurt, how confused it made Phil. He just wanted it to stop being so confusing, to stop questioning these feelings buried deep within his chest. Plus even if wasn't so complicated, some part of him recognizes he also cares deeply about Missa and since they're married, even if its just platonically, its a commitment Phil is committed too so it feels like a betrayal.
Someone tell this man about the wonders of Polyamory!
Meanwhile Forever and Missa are mostly cautious but also a bit hostile towards each other at first, becuase that's competition in their eyes, a threat of their loves, but in the end they chill becuase they realize its neither of their choices and also the other isnt... bad per say. Maybe they even have a understanding becuase they recognize they both love and care for Phil. Maybe they even come to like and even care about the other in the future, who knows.
So, tldr;
Phil has feelings for both Missa and Forever, some more complicated then others, but he both refuses to admit it to even himself or even fathom he could like someone, let alone two people, and his view on Forever still only liking him becuase of his ex made it a lot more complicated becuase he feels hurt. But he has two hands, that's important to remember!
Missa is very in love with Philza but is both too hesitant to say anything, lest he ruin their relationship they have now, and becuase he's been away so much. He really didn't like Forever, both becuase of the "he just likes me becuase I look like his ex" becuase it clearly hurt phil, but he chilled a bit when he realized Forever wasn't a bad person, just complicated and did really love and care for Phil as well, and being hostile towards each other just made Phil more upset. Now they're cool, if not a bit sure about each other, and maybe even come to like or care for each other too later but who knows.
Forever originally liked Philza becuase he looked like Brunim as a joke, and maybe even some of his infatuation started becuase of it too, but he really did come to see Philza as his own person and come to care and even fall in love with Phil for real. However Forever recognizes he's messed up a lot and often still does, but he's trying so hard to both be better and give Philza space but he cant stop loving Phil no matter how hard he tries. Same as above for him and Missa, its complicated but Forever has chilled and is trying hard to work on his jealousy issues. He thinks Missa isnt that bad and might even come to like or care for each other too later but who knows.
Later on, once they all work out their issues and Phil both stops being a oblivious fuck and realizes that Forever really does honestly and truly love him for him, they end up in a polyamory. Its Philza dating them both but maybe end game has Missa and Forever dating too idk lol.
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candyskiez · 11 months
Favorite The Owl House episode?
tbh, haven't rewatched the show in a long long time so might need to rewatch to be sure. for a while, it was eda's requiem. it means a lot to me and genuinely made me realize shit about myself. as dumb as it sounds it's what made me realize "...oh. if I died, that'd...probably fuck up the people around me." so it has a massively special place in my heart. and also the depth it gives eda! made me reevaluate shit about how I view parents and also just. god. the importance of found family and how important it is to acknowledge that it's just as important as blood family. found family is so often treated as secondary and seeing it portrayed as just as important is so fucking good and god! middle aged characters with depth! middle aged WOMEN with depth! some of the most accurate depression rep I've seen. she feels so real and raw and god, it's really nice to see a middle aged character who gave up learning to get back up again and stop feeling like they missed the best of their life and wasted it, and aaorudhdjd. god. I love eda. the music is beautiful and the duet is haunting, raeda fascinates me, and bard magic will ALWAYS be my favorite magic in toh.
I feel like the grey decaying thing works excellently as a metaphor for depression. it's what made me start going "is this a metaphor for mental illness?" because it FEELS like it. the voice acting is top tier and its so fucking good. it's just,,, man. a middle aged woman having an episode all to herself?? baby mes mind would've been BLOWN. her hatred of the curse wouldn't have hit nearly as hard without this episode, I think. the loneliness and feeling like it makes her Less is shown so well in this episode. it's just,,, man. as someone who's struggled with depression all my life, it resonates. she doesn't even CONSIDER king would still love her. raine saved her fucking life there and I'm still fucked up about it. it handles depression very well and its just. Man. that duet is one of the most memorable scenes in the show. darius abomination form is badass, raine's powers are so cool, the bats have my ENTIRE heart, the fucking MUSIC. brads music bangs. I love his soundtracks and this episode is just. always iconic to me.
that being said, I'm not entirely sure if it's my favorite episode right now? my brain flip flops on these things. right now I think it might be eclipse lake because it's just. SUCH a good episode. it's so gorgeous. the fight choreography, the animation, the lore, but most of all the EMOTION.
it has such excellent abuse rep. showing not only the complicated emotional reality of living with your abuser, of being dependent on your abuser, but also the fact that having an abusive relationship influences how you view ALL relationships. I love that amitys trauma isn't sidelined! what originally comes off as amity being a little TOO excited about having a girlfriend and also dana flipping off disney is shown to be amity being fucking terrified of losing this. she's so desperate to prove herself and since they're foils we gain knowledge as to what odalia and amitys relationship might've been like through hunter and gain insight into how hunter might view other relationships going forward through amity and it's LOVELY.
it also drives me insane that people use this episode as proof amity would hate hunter when. nah. nah, absolutely not. also I love how it shows how fucking KIND amity actually is. this boy's threatened and backstabbed her multiple times and is showing he's willing to do ANYTHING to win, and she still feels so much fucking sympathy for him. because she gets it. he's like her. she would've done this in his shoes. she offers him kindness and shows no sign of holding a grudge??? NONE???? this woman is fucking forgiving. she would have every right to hate his guts and she doesn't. idk what y'all mean when you say she's a jerk shes fucking KIND.
also hunters breakdown is painful to watch. I don't know what I can say about it that hasn't already been said. it's so raw and resonant, it feels like watching a real kid, it has such a realistic depiction of abused kids, what else can I say?
I also love the addressing of the cycle of abuse. hunter isn't a pure innocent baby here. he's manipulative and mean and cutthroat. hes a dick! I love him having anger issues because that's how abused kids often are! and I love amity backsliding! I love amity going tunnel vision! I love how realistic and painful the whole episode is!
they're just kids, man. you can tell the crew wanted this to be realistic and they succeeded.
I don't know which I like more. they're both just so GOOD.
(ask me things!)
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