#just imagine they're in a hospital room with a BIG window
airanke · 4 months
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A scene from a fic I have not posted anywhere.
[Do not tag with any form of ship names, thank you.]
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promptful · 1 year
Best Friends to Lovers Things:
big boi.
WARNINGS: Mentioned death.
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Seeing them in a different way after a long time apart. 
Lingering looks.
Bed sharing, but only platonically. (Regretfully). 
Inside jokes. 
Late night [texts] 
Smiles that hurt. 
Always being each other’s +1 to any event. 
Forced proximity, that wouldn’t be such a problem if things weren’t changing between the two of you. 
Home cooked meals, made special by the other. 
Walking each other home from work. 
Falling asleep on the couch, intertwined. 
Fake-dating; either because you have to, (friends, family, a wedding, job) or because you two made an agreement when you were younger to get married. 
Having to vet the other’s SOs. 
Soft touches. A brush on the shoulder, across the waist, through the hair. 
Everyone knowing that, oh, it’s those two. 
People asking where’s the other if only one is present. 
Minted keys to each other’s apartment. 
^ (Bonus if it’s the only copy). 
Sleepovers because you're sick and they don’t want to leave.
Their parents always asking how you’re doing, and yours asking about them. 
Bets on your relationship. 
That kind of laughter that ends up like squeaking because you can’t hold it in anymore. 
Confessing your love in the worst ways. (In the middle of an argument, while in danger, in a drunken stupor, simply because you’re tired.) 
Using them as a seat, because that’s what you’re used to. 
Slow dancing. Totally platonic. 
Prom with one another. 
Spending sad anniversaries on the couch with buckets of chocolate, their arms curled around your shoulders. 
They only trust you with their problems. 
And you only have them to cry on. 
“Goodnight” and “Goodmorning” texts. 
“Did you get home safe?” texts. 
“If anything ever happens to you, call me.” 
Self-sacrificing behavior because neither of you can live without the other. 
Chiding the other while patching them up, inches away from their lips. 
When they throw themselves into danger, you’re there to pull them out. 
“Can’t sleep, come over?” 
Movie marathons. 
Hiding each other whenever you’re not supposed to be in their room, giggling.
“I can’t imagine being with anyone but you.” 
Petty jealousy. 
“Where are you?” 
Always sitting by each other in [school]. 
Fixing each other’s clothing; ESPECIALLY tying their ties, fingers brushing against their sternum. 
“I’ve wanted this forever.” 
Them being the only person who notices the small changes you make to either your appearance or house. 
Emergency contacts. 
Sleep-deprived nights because the other’s in the hospital. 
Platonic love proclamations, until they're not. 
An accidental kiss to the cheek that leaves both of you stunned. 
“I can’t keep going without telling you how I feel.” 
That awkward phase after you start dating where everything is new and you really don’t want to mess it up. 
“It’s just me.” 
The whole exaggeration about their dating. (E;g, we’ve been dating since I’ve known them.) 
“I didn’t know you loved me.” “I didn’t know you loved me.” 
Semi-protective behavior. 
Knuckle kisses that get progressively longer. 
Dreams shared in the darkness.
Working together—which means no productivity, basically. 
Playful arguments. 
Being able to resolve actual arguments because they both value the friendship too much.
“Take the bed.” “Not without you.” 
Stargazing, your head on their shoulder. 
Being there when things go bad with each other’s families. 
The “do you want to talk?” with pinched eyebrows. 
Knowing the exact shade of each other’s eyes from memory. 
Coffee trips in the middle of the day. 
Dropped off lunches. 
Random midnight snack runs. 
Nighttime road trips. 
A shared music taste and a bass that rocks the car, windows down. 
“Don’t replace me… please. I can’t lose you, too.” 
Straight-faced covering for them, even while they sneak out the backdoor behind you. 
Mutual shenanigans despite the consequences of said shenanigans. 
“Hey, what if we—” “No.” 
That first kiss that’s a tentative touch, then turns into a fervorous kiss, hands on shoulders, jaws, cheeks, squeezing their sides. 
Wanting to take their relationship slow. 
Each milestone meaning more than the last. 
Soft singing to put one another to sleep—perhaps a song that they’ve sang since childhood. 
Being ready to drop everything to go help them no matter what. 
Smiling when thinking about them [and being called out on it]. 
Objects that you have to get for them.
Board Game competition. 
Zipping up their dress, or tying their tie and fixing their cufflinks. 
Secret languages. 
“What are we?” “What do you want us to be?” 
Standing in front of them on the [train]. 
Memories that you can’t forget. 
Growing old with one another. 
Kids who they can’t decide which looks like who. 
The most outlandish anniversaries you can think of. 
“Happy That Time We Almost Died For the Second Time!” 
Communicating through simple expressions. 
And finally, the ability to trust utmost in one another. 
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captain039 · 14 days
Wasteland Heat (Redone)
Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) x Vault!Fem!reader 
Warnings: Violence, blood, gore, AOB dynamics, heat, oral F receiving, smut, swearing, fallout stuff, implied cousin incest, virgin reader, drug usage, needles, plus size reader, sexual assault
Our man ghoul will show up in part 2 xD 
Going off the show each episode sort of thing with more
Part 1
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A ring on your pip boy disturbs your rest, you frown, glance at it and see the words 'Congratulations, you have been accepted for the marriage trade!' it makes you shoot up out of the white hospital bed and glance to the doctor looking at something on the terminal. 
"Sir?" You call and he lifts his head with an overly fake smile. 
"How can I help?" He asks. 
"Ah, my pip boy says I've been accepted for the marriage trade?" You say through the glass window and he frowns just before the overseer walks through. 
"Ah, you're awake my dear!" He says happily and you spot Lucy behind him with a smile on her face also. She holds up her pip boy showing the same message as yours and you frown showing yours also. 
"Overseer?" You question and he looks to your pip boy with a smile. 
"Both my lovely girls are getting married," He says happily and you freeze. 
"Married?" You stutter out glancing at Lucy worried. 
Your mother is the one who helps you get ready on the day of the trade. The overseer your stepfather hasn't answered any of your questions regarding why you're suddenly allowed out of the hospital area and getting married the same day. It's overwhelming going to other parts of the vault, following behind your mum as she shows you where she stays. She has a dress hung up, just below the knee, made with old curtains it looks like. You gulp a bit at it and follow her beckoning to the vanity desk. You stay quiet as she does your makeup, and hair and helps you get into the dress before giving you a big hug. You didn't hug back it had been too long since she deserved any of your affection. She would always fuss over you during the experiments, or 'doctor appointments' as she called them before leaving you in that hospital room to rest. She never hugged you after those, never comforted your crying during your teen years. You meet up with Lucy who frowns at you instantly knowing that something is wrong. She's been your sister growing up, she was the one who comforted you after those appointments or would spend time with you playing games and watching TV. She holds your hand as you walk down to the vault door that connects the two vaults, everyone from vault 33 behind you both. Norm is teasing Lucy about her future husband's looks while she huffs at him. You're too busy wondering what everything looks like and where you are in the vault, you think you took two rights and one left to get here, just in case you needed to run. Everyone smells so dull and mutated down here, nothing like what you half imagined. You were taught about the natural biology of Alpha, Beta and omegas, and the genetically made ones, but you didn't think it'd be a big difference, not that you've ever met another natural born. You reach the door and stop glancing at Chet who says there has been a malfunction, you frown seeing Lucy go over and whisper softly to him before squeezing his shoulder. The door opens with loud alarms that make you wince and look to the ground so the flashing lights affect you less. The door clunks open and a group walks through, your whole group tenses at their scents, they're all natural borns, you were warned about this.
"Welcome," Your stepfather says forcing his smile.
"I'm Overseer Hank Maclan" He greets. 
"Overseer Maldaver" the woman at the front nods her greet. 
"We're sorry about the recent passing of the old overseer and your crops, but as agreed we bring you seed for your new crops" your stepfather says behind you. 
"Thank you, it was a tragic passing, but with these terms, we bring you two breeders" She says as two men step out of the darkened hallway and into your vault. You stand frigid as the blond stands in front of you smirk on his face scent too overpowering and wrong.
"What are your names?" Lucy puts on a smile. 
"Monty" The man standing in front of her says the same weird smirk and gross smell. 
"Ethan," The blond says and you nod words unable to form. 
"I'm Lucy this is Y/n" Lucy introduces you instead and you thank her silently trying to avoid those overly dull blue eyes staring at you like you're a drug he is addicted to.
The ceremony went smoothly minus your kiss on the cheek instead of the lips act. The 32 vaulters acted a little strange but understandable from their lack of food for this long. You sit and enjoy your meal sitting next to Lucy as she tries to make conversation with her husband. You avoid all eye contact and dread when your stepfather says it is time to dance. You had never been in this part of the vault before, this was all new to you as you danced with your stepfather, then your husband. As the projectors set the sun low and night arrived you dreaded it. The touch he gave made you cringe and you tried your hardest to be a happy new wife. 
"Show me our new home?" Ethan whispers and you nod and swallow silently before guiding him to your designated vault home. 
"This is it" You say trying to act as if this wasn't all new and how different your life had truly been. You look around as the door hisses shut and arms snake around your waist making you tense. 
"So jumpy" He whispers into your neck and you cringe. You want to break free from his hold but have to hold up the act. 
"Can I freshen up?" You whisper trying to sound interested. 
"Course you can" He chuckles darkly and lets go as you all but run to the bathroom. You close the door and lock it with a loud breath, you struggle to breathe as you switch the shower on and grip the sink. You pull out the pins in your hair, the feeling of it up too tight around your skull. You want to rip this stupid homemade curtain dress off but don't want to be left with no clothes on. You leave the shower on to act like you're in while you slide down onto the cold bathroom floor rest your head in your hands and try to take some breaths. 
"Don't be too long omega i can't wait to have a taste" Ethan chuckles on the other side of the door and it makes you want to throw up. You turn the shower off curse the dress and slip it off too before wrapping yourself in a towel and dabbing on some perfume. You hesitate by the door before opening it with a smile as he turns around, suit already half off, arms tied around the waist. You stop in your tracks at the show of muscle and panic a little as he smirks and comes closer. He holds your arms leaning into your neck and inhaling before he pulls back with a frown. 
"Why did you put perfume on?" He narrows his eyes at you angrily and you tense and gulp. 
"I'm sorry, I can wash it off," You say pointing back to the bathroom but he just growls annoyed.
"Forget it, I will enjoy this while I can" He snaps and roughly drags you to the bed. 
"We have our whole lives ahead of us!" You say panicked as he forces his mouth onto your jaw and neck, and kisses roughly. You freeze then, mind blank as he forces the towel to fall to the floor and sees you in your underwear. He gropes your covered breasts before your instinct kicks in and you clench a fist and punch his jaw. He's unprepared for it and you scramble back grabbing a kitchen knife and holding it towards him. He holds his jaw and smirks at you before speaking. 
"I like it when they fight" He mutters going to storm forward as alarms blare. You frown distracted and the knife is knocked from your hands, you cry a little before dodging his grab and dart for the bathroom. You lock yourself in quickly and jolt when he bashes loudly on the door, yelling for you to unlock it. You go into the nearest corner and curl in on yourself, hugging your knees as you try to block out the banging, alarms and gunshots. 
A loud gunshot goes off as does a thump before a knock comes. 
"Sweetheart?" You hear your stepfather and quickly stand ignoring your current attire. You open the door, tears down your face as you hug him tightly. 
"You're alright" He sighs in relief arms going around you tightly. 
"Let's get you some clothes" He says and heads over to grab a jumpsuit for you before handing it to you. You slip it on and zip it up, wiping your eyes even though more tears just come out. 
"Stick close ok?" He says and you nod holding his free hand and following him out of the vault room. It's a massacre, you head to the crops and see Lucy there, you call to her and she runs over and hugs you tightly before your pip boy alerts you of a gate opening and an intruder. You follow your stepfather through the vault before you see who is left from Vault 33 on their knees, beaten with the so called Vault 32 around them. 
"I think I know who you are" Your stepfather mutters to the woman Maldaver. 
"Everyone knows who I am," She says.
"I'm gonna give you a choice Hank, them or them" She points her gun to you and Lucy and the the rest of vault 33 on their knees. A gun cocks behind you, aimed at Lucy and another cocks and one is aimed at you. 
"Life's full of little choices" She says and your stepfather grabs you and Lucy by the arms and drags you into a nearby closet. 
"No, no Dad!" Lucy says as he locks the door on you both. Lucy bangs against the door but it's no use as the woman shoots your father in the back with tranqs and two men drag him away. 
"Best do what you always do, Run," Maldaver says to the remaining Vault people and disappears down the vault gate. A beeping gets louder and the rest of your vault runs and disappears from view before an explosion goes off. You and Lucy jolt back as the flames hit the door but don't come in. You stare replaying what just happened in your head, the rush of it all as you grip Lucy's hand.
It feels like a long wait before you're finally let out by Steph. She hugs Lucy who hugs her back before she looks at you uncertainly but hugs you anyway. It's nice, the hug she gives before she leads you too back to everyone in the vault who has gathered in the crop field. You see Norm and sigh in relief as Lucy hugs him, you give him a small smile before sitting down by him. 
"What has happened is a tragedy" Betty speaks up and you glance at everyone. You only know these people by name though, except Norm and Lucy and Doctor Anderson sitting on the left, the rest are practically strangers despite you all living together. 
"But we are strong" Betty continues. 
"And we will get through this" She finishes. 
It's strange being out of the hospital room and around the Vault, you mainly stick with Lucy on cleaning duties, trying not to gag at the amount of blood that can come from one human. The Vault cleans up quickly and people are returning to regular life, except you. You stay in Lucy's room, well her past husband and her's room. There is a large double bed big enough for the both of you and you've made it your small sanctuary. 
"I need to find him" She says one night in the darkness and you roll over to face her. 
"If not someone else than me," She says rolling to face you. 
"Lucy" you mutter unsure of what to say.
"What can I do?" You ask quietly. 
"You can come with me" She says her voice determined but quiet like someone may hear.
"I just got out of the hospital area," You say. 
"We can explore the world, find Dad and bring him home! I'll bring it up at the assembly tomorrow" She tries to talk it up but you shake your head with a sigh. 
"I'm not built for up there" You mutter. You don't want her to go on her own though and who knows what they will do to you if she's gone. You weren't going back into that hospital area, never again.
"I'll go," You say after some silence and sense her smile. 
The assembly suggestion goes down instantly so it's to you, Lucy, Chet, Steph and Norm to get out of this place. With the fight for Overseer place you and Lucy can make preparations in quiet and undisturbed. It takes two days to get ready, two days of pure anxiety just to see the Vault door entrance. 
"I'm going with you," Chet says suddenly as he holds the Vault key in a shakey hand as alarms begin to ring.
"You can't" Lucy says and his lower lip trembles. 
"Who else will protect you!" He whispers yells and she sighs. You see her grab a tranq from her pocket and press it to Chet's hand. 
"Sorry Chet" She mutters as the door slowly opens with creaks and loud groans. 
"Don't do it!" You hear behind you making you glance at the two members of the council. You and Lucy are already across the bridge though and the sun blaring on your faces.
"Come back here right now young ladies!" The older one says. You feel Lucy grab your hand and look at her, she gives a small nod which you return and you both step out into the blaring sun and sandy terrain. The alarms stop as the door seals shut again and it's just your harsh pounding heart and breaths. It's a little difficult to breathe but you get used to the warmth and the sound of sand under your boot as you follow Lucy silently. You go past rubble and some skeletons before you see what Lucy was going to, the ocean. The rasps of waves on sand filling your ears, the sun shining down on your face. 
"Okey Doky" Lucy says.
Next part ->
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blessyourhondahurley · 8 months
Suptober day 6 - Part 3: Night and Morning Again
The conclusion of Restless.
The reception, the wedding night, forever after, amen...
Suptober prompt: Full Spread
(Read on AO3)
And then there is celebration.
Supper is a full spread – slow-roasted meats with every sinful side imaginable, and a pie buffet so massive they have to put two long tables together end-to-end to hold it all. There's beer, and wine, and three kinds of punch.
There's music, a playlist Dean had sweated over for weeks, and dancing, Laughter, and hugging, and endless kisses from his steadfast groom. There's silliness, and gentle drunkenness, and happy tears, and more joy than a body should physically be able to hold. It's a beautiful, dizzying, amazing whirlwind.
Then it's the end of the party. They're kissing under starlight, Baby gleaming beside them (tastefully tarted up with crepe paper, shaving cream, and washable paint). Their tipsy guests, everyone they've ever held dear in their lives, whoop and blow kisses at them as they drive off .
They don't have a big expensive trip planned for their honeymoon, just a quiet week at a bed & breakfast in Smith Center, only a ten-minute drive away. It's lovely, though – a elegant Victorian mansion in a quiet neighborhood. Their room is sumptuously decorated, with thick floral carpet, a massive four-poster bed, and a claw foot tub big enough to fit them both at once if they use their imaginations a little.
Despite the dirty promises Dean's been whispering in his husband's ear all evening, they're both exhausted from the day. They barely manage to kiss each other goodnight before sleep drags them under.
In the morning, a songbird trills outside their window while they make love for the first time as married men.
(This is the B&B I sent them to. It's for sale, if you wanna get into the hospitality biz!)
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jackhues · 7 months
i kinda imagine dilf aus getting with a girl later on who also has a kid, i feel like family is so important to him that it just makes sense.
what is mama like when p goes through a really clingy faze with aus??
okay actually, i love this sm!! i'm gonna do this under the cut: tw* mentions of pregnancy and birth
unlike mama, aus' new girl didn't have anyone during the pregnancy. her and her babydaddy weren't in contact, her parents kicked her out, and she was living in her friend's room. she was a teenager (16yo), and while her friend's parents were nice, they didn't know she was living with them and wouldn't allow her if they knew. she used to sneak in her friend's window with the help of her friend and stay in her room to sleep and basically whenever she wasn't working. she dropped out of school and began working whatever minimum wage jobs she could find to save up money. when her water broke, she walked all the way to the hospital bcz her friend was at school. she texted her later, but basically no one was there with her while she was giving birth. originally, she wanted to give the baby up for adoption and ask her parents to take her back in. but then, when the baby didn't cry immediately, she started freaking out -- literally felt her heart stop. and then he cried, and she was so relieved, she started crying too. she then decided that she wouldn't give her son up. she continued working (found a few good jobs that let you work from home/bring your kid), and took online classes to finish high school and basically worked her ass off to keep her son and keep him safe. she began renting some shitty apartment, but it was a start, and slowly, she was able to move them to a nicer area and even enroll her son in a nearby public school.
since they both have kids of their own, and they're both close with them, it makes them a little comfortable talking to the other. like aus accepts her son, and she accepts peanut, which is everything they could've asked for!
when p goes through a clingy faze, mama lets it happen. bcz she did the same with jack and quinn and even luke, and the phases come and go. it's not a big thing, and aus loves spending time with peanut. however, peanut doesn't see aus' new girl as a bad person, she acc rlly likes her, so peanut isn't mean or anything to her either.
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inkyquince · 2 years
This was a commission for @pinkmalus, who wanted an omegaverse au! Omega! Kylar pining for a fem! Beta!Reader, who just thinks they're friends. Thank you so much, Alto! Letter and a text based version under the cut!
content warning. Gross. Real... Gross. Dubious Kylar shenanigans including theft, cumming in weird place, object insertion, and implied attempt of drugging reader with hormone replacement pills. Big ole stalker vibes, nasty lil dude.
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Found you!
I think my last letter got lost ☹ I shouldn’t have stuck it under your window, it could have flown away without you ever seeing it. Silly me. This time I’m going to stick it under your pillow, like the tooth fairy!
Can’t wait to be in your room again. Your sheets smell so nice, like you. I was making sure to absolutely cover it in my scent, but then I remembered its harder for you to pick up my scent. All that work and my love won’t even be able to breath me in, the same way I breathed you in. Beta scents are lighter, but I could smell your delicate bits, your precious place, you pretty precious place, on the stuff you left on the floor. I may get some of your other panties while I’m over there later, your old ones smell more of my slick now than of you.
I wish I could drown in your scent. It’s so nice, so warm, it makes me start dripping.
Life’s played such a cruel joke on us. I know in my heart, we were meant to be together, and we can! We can! But I looked it up, you won’t really be able to knock me up ☹ Nothing I want more than you to use me to your heart content, use me to as a fucktoy, and breed me. I thought I could have you carry our pups, but apparently my cum isn’t enough either. I’ll save up, I will, and maybe we can both carry our pups, through one of those procedures at the hospital. Though, I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if anyone saw you like that, y’know? Legs all spread and showing it.
But I can’t handle it, its getting harder. The first time I thought about you like that, I nearly kicked off my heat, but I couldn’t stop playing with myself. You’re so pretty and so nice to me and I ruined my sheets with my slick.
I hope you aren’t too mad, but I had to take some other things, other than your panties, from your room, just to help me when I think of you. Please don’t be mad. I don’t think you’ll be… I hope you’ll be excited. Excited and maybe it kicks some hidden part of you into realising you’re an alpha. That’s mean, right? I love you, I wouldn’t change anything about you, I don’t want to upset you. I just can’t think straight when all I want is to be of use to you, your little breeding hole. With a baby, you wouldn’t be able to leave, not that you would. It’s important.
Anyway, don’t be angry. I’ll return all I took, I promise. I just want you to be as wet as I am, when you read this. I want you so excited that your panties are ruined, and I can properly taste you on them for next time.
I took your toothbrush. It’s a pretty colour by the way, goes nicely with my one! I couldn’t help it, I’m sorry, but I just had to, had to. I was just going to look at it, I promise, put it next to my one to help imagine when we share a toothbrush holder, but I… I couldn’t stop myself. I loved sucking on it, I could still taste some of your toothpaste, I licked it until even my mouth smell minty. I now use it, instead of my old one, just so when I put it back, you can taste me too. Also… I’m embarrassed but I gotta tell you. I needed some part of you inside me, so I stuck it inside of my slit. Just the handle! Not the brush part, that’s gross. No, I rubbed my cum on the brush part, for you.
I also took your panties, I hope you had enough for the rest of the week. Or not. My cock’s all hard now, I started thinking about you walking around without any underwear. I could have seen your pussy in English, if I checked under your skirt. I should stop, I’m so wet and hard and horny but I’m not gonna, I’m gonna make sure this letter is covered in my scent… Maybe you’ll use the toothbrush on yourself too. With my cum.
I’m all aching down there but I won’t stop.
I sucked on your panties, cleaned them good and proper.
I also took your period stuff, out of the bin. You won’t mind, would you? Means you don’t have to worry about them, and I can treasure them all I want. I think your caretaker was coming up the stairs, so I only got to take one more thing, your socks. I have to wash them before giving them back, sorry, they’re a bit too stiff for your cute feet right now.
Left a bottle of vitamins too. Just in case you want them. Hopefully it won’t make you too uncomfortable, I know the alpha hormone stuff is apparently brutal on the system, but maybe you would be able to breed me if they work. Can’t stop thinking about it.
You using my useless cock till I cry, humping it till I can’t stop cumming, filling you up, before it’s my turn. I bought toys from that one shop. Haven’t used them yet, I wanted to get your perfume and more of your panties before I fuck myself with them. Got a stroker, real tight, it was so warm and snug around my finger when I tried it out. I… I pretended to finger you, and I came all by myself. Also got one of those big rubber penis things. With a huge knot. I’m going to fuck myself open tonight with it, while I think of you. Pretend you’re breeding me until I cry.
It's the only thing I can think about lately. Why, oh why, can’t you ruin me during my heat? Work that tongue into me, your fingers, let me in you and hump and hump and hump till we both cum, then you can use me until I’m filled with seed, your seed. I’d get to play with your chest, mouth those pretty nipples until they’re all swollen and soft and you would cum into me more and we’d be so sweaty and unable to let go of each other, we’d be one in every way that matters.
One day, I promise, when you give me that sweet smile, and ask me how I am, it will be when we’re both heat drunk, and you’re fucking into me and ruining me and I’m ruining you and I’ll leave love bites on your tits, and you’d bite my mating gland and I’ll bite yours and we’re just cumming and cumming and cumming.
This is unbearable.
I might stick around after putting this letter under your pillow. Wanna see you play with yourself when you read it.
And when you get to this line, you’ll find out I’m under your bed, or in your closet, and you’d part your legs and say “Kylar, ruin me, Kylar, love me, Kylar let me use you,” and I’ll jump out. Don’t even have to say that. Just look at me, and I’m there.
Not gonna cum. Saving that for tonight, for us. Can’t wait.
Your omega, your only,
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talesofesther · 1 year
Do you have any tips for writing strong characterization and descriptions?
Oh boy, that is one of those questions that I break my brain to answer lol.
Okay so, as with everything that I answer regarding writing, this is what works best for me personally, other people might have different views or it might not work for you.
But ultimately, I use my imagination.
With characterizations, I obviously try to know as much as I can about the character I'm writing for, and especially I like to see them going through extremes (sad, angry scenes and such) it gives me a better idea of what they're like when vulnerable. And when I'm writing, I usually play the scene I wanna write in my head first; I imagine the character going through that scenario and see if it would fit their personality or not. I also pay attention to their mannerisms in the show/movie and try to apply that in my writing. Take Wednesday for example, whenever she's in a vulnerable place she usually blinks, sets her jaw straight and has trouble talking.
With describing a place or scenario, I take a minute to visualize said place in my head and take the main things that call my attention, the main aspects that form that place.
Let's think about a hospital room for example; if it's a sunny day outside, there will probably be rays of sun coming through the window; hospitals usually have a distinct smell to them, try to describe that; try to visualize in your head how you want the room setting to be, is it a room with multiple beds, or a single room, are there other people there or just one, things like that; what also helps a lot with making the story more immersive, is dedicate a bit of time to write about something happening around the main character, it gives the reader a feeling that the world around them is alive (like if there are other people in the room, try to write just a little bit about what's happening to them.)
Here's a quick example of what I mean: Hospital hallways had a knack for looking and feeling like the perfect setting for a horror movie, especially on nights like these, where said hallways were mostly empty. It was a good thing, for a hospital not to be crowded, but with the cold air, the white walls and tiles, the lonely chairs beside the snack machine, and the only company in sight being the receptionist; your skin was constantly crawling with goosebumps.
Your sneakers were scratching against the recently mopped floor, the pungent smell of disinfectant made you scrunch your nose. It was a bit of a sight, your jeans and red flannel under the white doctor's coat your mother insisted you wore. That's probably why you hardly told people about it.
I'm not saying it's an easy thing to do, describing a place like this took a me a while to get used to, but if you focus on these main points, I'm sure you'll get the gist of it very quickly. Describing an outside area is not much different, you can say how the sky looks, what trees are around, if their leaves are moving with the wind and with that you can already say if it's a cold or warm day. Things like that.
Also let's not forget that over describing is also a thing, if you describe something or a place to it's minimal details, it gets too tiring to read, so just be careful with that.
Describing a person is not much different than that, just think about what they look like/what you want them to look like and try to put it into words. How does their hair look? Are they wearing a type of clothing you want to describe? Is the weather around them affecting them in some way, making them shiver, sweat? Also think about the main aspects of that person that stand out to you and try to describe them. Emotions are also super useful when describing someone, if they're happy you can say they're glowing, cheeks molding around big smiles and eyes crinkling because of it; if they're sad their eyes get puffy and red rimmed, the lip quivers and such.
I really hope I could help, you can hit me up anytime for writing advice and I'll try to do my best. <3
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senseiofbullshit · 2 years
You know how at the hospital they make dads do skin to skin contact with their newborns after the moms? Imagine Josuke doing that with Bean and all the nurses are like peaking through the window to get a good look at that fine specimen of a man LMAO
I can only imagine your attending nurse announcing really loudly "it's time for you to do skin to skin, dad" when talking to Josuke and you're wondering why they're speaking so loudly. They exit the room closing the door behind them. You're exhausted from giving life to your big headed Josuke clone, but nonetheless, you enjoy the view as he casually removes his shirt. He smirks playfully when he catches you looking at him as he makes his way over to the cradle and gentle grabs Bean and holds him against his chest. Once Josuke settles back into his seat, Bean immediately calms against him. You take a mental picture. Josuke is smiling softly as he gently holds his son to his chest. He uses his thumb to softly rub the infant's back. They both look so happy, like they're exactly where they're supposed to be. This is your family now. There's three of you. It makes you smile with pride. Josuke is about to speak up and say something before a loud bang and loud whispers are heard from the hallway. When you both look at the window of your hospital room door, you see the faces of about five or six nurses pale and scatter like roaches. Ah. The announcement of skin to skin was the bat signal for all the nearby nurses. You should be upset. You should be, but you can't help but laugh once you make eye contact with Josuke. He laughs right along with you, shaking his head.
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azazeler · 11 months
My hero academia x male reader
Said " I am the best"
Thought ' follow me '
Ch. 1 (Part one)
My Dream
It is a good day for the L/N family where only kid y/n will be getting their quirk and they're on the way to the quirk doctor for the diagnosis of their son. Misaki l/n said " Are you excited to learn about your quirk sweetie" y/n "mom please stop calling me that "
Sen l/n " do you think you will have a combination of are quirks or a strong version of are quirk or just you our special quirk. Y/n " I hope it is a stronger version of your dad, your quirk is so awesome" Sen " My quirk is not that cool or strong, it 's just the ability to control my shadow. Your mom's quirk is more cool." Misaki " dear , you flatter me but just allow me to harden things."
Sen "we are here" y/n looked out the window to see the big hospital he got out of the car and walked into the hospital y/n was jumping in excitement for the day they sat down and waited for their names to be called by the doctor.
Doctor " The L/n" they got up and enter the room and y/n sit down the doctor said " I have good news your son has a quirk and it very powerful" " that great news what is it" Doctor" it a quirk that allows the user to control and create darkness" Sen " So it a combination of are quirks" doctor" but the quirk is hard to control without a weapon"
Misaki" why? " Doctor" let me explain it in a sample way imagine a pond that your son energy source and put up the water without a tool is it not ineffective to do that" Sen " yes " doctor " but it more efficient to use a tool to hold the water" " I get it a weapon will allow him to channel his power more efficiently and can increase the power of the attack."
Y/n ' I can finally have my Dream come true to become the strongest hero ' Doctor "y'all can leave I have more patients " The L/n family leave the doctor in a good mood. In the way back home Y/n think about his Dream of being a hero not y/n don't want to be a hero for the fame and wealth but for the smiles
He love it when people are slimming it makes him happy not for a weird reason no he just loves it when others are happy and that will never change he was to busy to notice that they had gotten back home his dad voice nod him out of his daydreaming Sen " It's to enter our house" he looked to see both of his parents out of the car and waiting for him with speed he leaves the car and close the door and ran into there house a 3 story home.
He enter his room in and try to use his quirk to make a ball of darkness it was very hard to create but it lose shape shortly after a minute he was confused he still has power left so why did that happen then he remembered what the doctor said and being a smart kid he put up his toy sword and try channel his power in it and it work better and it feels easier than last time so he realized that he needs a weapon to be stronger.
And he decided to go to sleep for the night. The next day in class he show them his quirk expecting people to think it awesome, but the opposite happen 1 kid " this quirk is very evil " 2 kid " the quirk is villainess" 3 kid " a quirk related to darkness is a villain quirk " this broken little y/n heart, but izuku says " stopped that your bullying him " pause " I believe he can become a great hero and his quirk is cool " this return the happiness in the almost crying y/n and spark a friendship between y/n and izuku.
The children then realize that what they say was very mean and his quirk is not villainess because if what they say was true then everybody is a villain. They all apologized to y/n for their comments. And y/n forgive them and look at deku and thought ' he help me I guess I owe him one for the help he give me ' the day goes in and it time for recess and he saw Bakugo bullying a kid he was about to help the kid, but before he can someone jump in front of the kid it was izuku he was shock that izuku did that he is quirkless from what I hear.
Y/n listening to the conversation izuku say " le…leave him alone " Bakugo " what you to do about it izuku that to good for you I we call you deku " and he cracked some explosion in his hand the other kid ran when Bakugo was distracted by izuku and Bakugo was about to attack deku but run in and use his quirk to blocked explosion and there was a cracked in shield of darkness.
Y/n say " what was that why you did that trying to attack your classmate " Bakugo " o it's you " " why are you here " y/n " Bakugo you can't be like this it will ruin your life " this stopped Bakugo he grind his teeth and left them alone deku ask " why? " Y/n " why what " deku ask again " why are you helping me I'm just a quirkless loser " and y/n respond " do I need a reason to help another person " and they play together to get rid of recess and y/n was put up by his parents.
The days go on and y/n improve their friendship and deku and y/n become best friends. They played together and graduated kindergarten and y/n stopping Bakugo Superior complex from growing.
Next part tomorrow.
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beerecordings · 2 years
Marvin's Brothers
I'm bringing him home, but I've got to take him right to the hospital. Needed to get him out of Germany, but he's not well.
What's wrong with him? Can I talk to him?
No, he's not up for it.
What's wrong with him?
Meet me at St. Margaret's. We'll get in around three in the morning.
I want to see him, send me a picture at least. You're scaring me.
Seen at 11:46 PM.
Marvin's hands quail as he checks his phone again, scrolling back through the message like a secret code might appear to tell him what's wrong. He switches tabs to an old picture of Henrik grinning, one he's had pulled up in the background since Jackie texted him back for the first time in months.
I got into a mess, I got into a big fucking mess and I couldn't get back to my phone for the longest time. But I found him, Marvin. He's alive.
Alive but not well. Marvin bites down hard on the nail of his thumb, feeling it bend between his teeth.
“I'm, um. Maybe a little worried about Schneep,” says Chase, adding a breathy laugh to the sounds of the late-night stragglers and rumbling cars moving around them. Marvin's gaze flinches over to him to find Chase flipping his cap repeatedly in his hands, his grin twisted up frenetically.
Fuck's sake, if Chase thinks that's a surprise admission, then maybe Marvin's actually hiding the gut-spinning anxiety shooting pains all the way up his back better than he thought he was. He considers Chase pretty emotionally intelligent, but if he hasn't noticed that Marvin's about to start breathing fire all over the pavement outside St. Margaret's like a bloated wyrm, they're probably both so stuck in their own heads you couldn't get them out with pliers and a bonesaw.
Dammit, he wishes JJ were here. He could really use his reckless son-of-a-bitch younger brother to help deal with his reckless son-of-a-bitch older brother, but it's out of the question. Jackie still doesn't know. Marvin couldn't even begin to imagine how to text him the news, and soon he'll have to tell him, to his face, that his precious baby brother –
Okay, okay, okay. Son-of-a-bitch indeed. One thing at a time, Marvin, holy shit.
“You know Henrik,” he manages finally, slinging an arm around Chase's shoulder. “Tough as jerky. He'll be okay.”
“Anti's had him for nine months,” Chase whimpers back. It's almost his I-just-got-off-the-phone-with-Stacy-and-she-wants-me-to-drug-test whine, but a little less self-pitying. “He could have done anything to him.” “'Anything' is not worth thinking about, amata. He'll be here soon and then we'll know for sure.”
And then we can stop imagining Anti putting nails through his gums, won't that be nice?
If he pukes right here outside the hospital, do you think someone would come check on him, or would the nurses just blink at him from the windows?
His phone buzzes and he scrabbles at it.
Jackie: They checked us in, room 312
“How the hell did he get past us?” cries Chase, jumping off the bench so suddenly his phone falls out of his pocket and he has to go ducking after it. “Goddammit, goddammit.”
Marvin pushes past him and into the hospital, approaching the receptionist's desk like he just might flip it. He can feel his own heat, knows he looks like he's running a fever, knows he could have frost in one hand and flame in the other in a second if he wanted to, Marvin, you have to keep it the fuck together.
“Hi,” he breathes, eyes flashing. “I'm here to see my brother in 312.”
He gets a visitor form and then Chase takes it from him with a tentative look. Marvin's head swims.
“You're hot to the touch, Marvel,” Chase whispers.
“I'm under control, I'm fine.”
“Are you angry at Jackie?”
“Angry at Anti, then, I get it,” mumbles Chase.
And Marvin doesn't have the heart to tell him that he's not angry at all, just scared.
The elevator buzzes like a fly. Marvin closes his eyes. His phone grumbles again.
JJ: Any update?
Marvin pockets his phone without answering and steps out of the elevator behind Chase. Room 310. Holy hell. He's right here, just two doors away.
And Jackie's right there outside of it, blank-faced, standing up beside the door and staring at the wall.
“Jackie!” screams Chase, and he launches himself at him. Jackie jolts up from some haze inside his head and turns, eyes fixing on Chase, and then his arms lock around him too, and Jackie picks Chase fully off the floor, breathing out a sigh as loud as a cry as he presses their heads together and squeezes him.
Marvin finds he has no reaction to it at all. He moves past Jackie without touching him and presses open the door to room 312.
“Hey, I said to wait outside for a moment,” reprimands the nurse by the bed. “You...”
She cuts herself off and Marvin knows she's realized he's not Jackie. It doesn't matter.
“Henrik.” The word comes out of him unauthorized. Didn't mean to say it.
“You must be the other brother,” says the nurse finally. “I'm done, just try not to disturb him.”
He waits for her to leave, and she does, giving him a look he can't care to decipher. He steps towards the bed.
“Henrik,” he repeats, like he expects him to reply. But that's stupid. Henrik's so... so far away. He feels it like a physical distance. Like he could reach out and keep walking forever, and he still wouldn't ever touch him. Never ever ever. “Henrik, come here, it's me.”
He's unconscious on the hospital bed.
“If you get up, we'll go home,” Marvin says. “Henrik.”
“Marvin. Hey.” Hands grab his shoulders, hold him steady. “They medicated him. Let him sleep.”
Marvin turns and sees Jackie looking at him. His brother has a mottled bruise all down the side of his face, and he's so wan he could probably pass out on command. He looks older, too. So much older. Marvin reaches out and touches him, just with the pads of his fingers, just brushing across his cheek, and then his bedraggled beard.
“You did bring him home,” he whispers.
Jackie bites down on his mouth. “I'm sorry it took me so long. I'm sorry I stopped answering, I just... phones weren't safe.”
“Uh-huh,” Marvin manages wisely.
Chase is pushing past both of them, curling over Henrik to touch him. “My brother, my brother,” he half-sobs. “What happened? He's so cut up, did Anti – Jackie, please, he – ”
Jackie leaves him to tend to Chase, and Marvin sinks into a chair by the door. He doesn't think he can get any closer. Didn't he tell these fuckers to stop getting sent to the hospital? If Henrik were awake and reaching out for a hug, he would say that out loud, and it would make Henrik smile. Didn't I tell you, you little fucker? You're only allowed inside hospitals if you're working in them.
And he'd give him a kiss on the side of his head that meant mein schatz, thank God you're here. I cried so much for you.
But Henrik's not awake.
“Found him locked in a bedroom,” he can hear Jackie explaining, in this soft tone he seems to have been practicing, unnatural for somebody who's meant to be so loud, like a lion that starts singing arias. “Blood on the floors, but just sitting in a blanket with his glasses broken on his nose, eating cashews and painkillers. It was when we were getting away that his leg...”
Marvin closes his eyes.
“How'd you get on a flight with his leg like this?” Chase asks.
“We took trains. And a boat.”
“What?” Marvin demands, eyes snapping back open. “Are you kidding? He's been this hurt and you didn't fly him out here?”
“I had to get him out of Germany,” Jackie shoots back. “He wasn't getting on a plane with that leg, and they're too easily traceable anyway. On trains you can steal other people's tickets or slip onboard, if you're careful. Anti thinks we're still hiding out in Munich, and the longer he's looking there, the better.” “He would have been better off in Germany going right to a hospital. You should have called me out there. I would have hidden you like I hid Sean. I can weave those spells in an hour.”
“No way. We were in enough danger without bringing you in too. He would have grabbed you the second you were in the country.”
“They've got him on fucking oxygen and you took days to get him medical help?”
“Guys, are you kidding me? Don't fight,” snaps Chase.
Marvin stares at Jackie. Jackie stares back. His posture's so tight, so worn. Marvin feels his own shoulders sink a little. His big brother. His Jackie.
“You missed each other,” says Chase softly. “Give each other a hug.” It says a lot about the kind of brother he's been since they lost Henrik that Jackie just reaches out like he might pat Marvin on the shoulder or something equally repressed, but he's past caring. He's not that person anymore. Jackie's missed so much, and Marvin... where does he even start?
His eyes are burning. He can't believe he's lecturing Jackie about medical decisions when he was the one who... the one who was here while JJ...
“Marvin?” asks Jackie, bewildered to see him starting to cry.
“Jackie,” groans Marvin, and he steps towards him and falls into his arms, sobbing.
For a long moment, Jackie just wraps around him, like a tree growing around a corpse.
And then:
“Something's happened,” Jackie whispers. “What's happened?”
“JJ wanted to be there when we told you,” Chase says.
And well, if Jackie had any color left in his face, it's gone in that moment.
A stir from somewhere behind him raises Marvin from his brother's shoulder, and Chase sits up too, immediately attentive. “Schneep?” he whispers, reaching out to touch his hand.
Henrik yanks his hand back, blinking. He stares around at all of them with dazed, round eyes.
“Henrik.” Marvin ducks towards him, hands outstretched. “You're here, you're here. It's – it's me, love. You're safe here. Jackie brought you home.”
Henrik just stares at him, reaching up to touch his own head. Chase reaches forward again, but again, Henrik rears back.
“Schneep, are you with us?” asks Chase softly.
And he just... looks.
He just looks.
Marvin smiles frailly at him. “Henrik,” he says again.
Henrik's gaze falls away. He looks around the hospital room. He doesn't say anything. His mouth is slightly parted, his eyes glassy.
No... guarded. That's the word Marvin's looking for. His eyes are guarded, flashing in all directions. Chase tries to come towards him one more time, and Henrik holds his hand out in warning, as though pushing him back telekinetically, his lip pulling back into a snarl, soundless. He shakes his head slowly, once, twice, thrice. A rhythm. He keeps shaking his head, back and forth, back and forth, slow. Like there's music in his head, and nothing outside it.
Marvin and Chase both turn to Jackie together. Chase grips Marvin's hand for a second, and it's clammy against his own.
Jackie won't look back at them. His shoulders are shaking. His hands are clenched into fists.
“He hasn't been himself,” he whispers, something dark and heady as a riptide beneath his voice. “Chase, stay with him. Marvin, take me to James. Now.”
Marvin tries to sit him down when he starts screaming, but he can't make him stop.
“My baby!” Jackie howls, reaching for him, trying to grab at him, but JJ just backs away, because he's trying to sign, and Jackie doesn't know that. Jackie doesn't speak BSL. “Who did that to you, who did this? Not this, not you too!”
“Jackie, Jackie,” Marvin cries. “He's trying to talk to you! The hole in his throat – it's medical, okay, he's okay – ”
“Cut my brother open,” Jackie screams. “Someone cut my brother open. How could you let this happen? Jameson! Jameson! No, talk to me!”
JJ's been keeping it together so well. Been so calm, so determined. But Jackie starts screaming his name and Marvin sees his eyes well up, his face scrunch, his lip tremble.
“I love you, I love you,” he's signing, over and over again. “Please listen to me. It's okay. I'm okay with it.”
“Please say something,” Jackie shrieks, grabbing his shoulders, and then his face, and then his hands, face red as a salt-heavy Indian sea. “Please tell me this isn't true.”
Marvin tries to shove his way between them. “He's trying to talk,” he insists, and he's got to be calm, he knows he's got to be calm, but he can't, because Henrik's far away even in the hospital, and JJ's trying so hard, and Jackie can't take it, and it's all Marvin's fault, all your fault, you know exactly how you treated him, how you hated him, how you prayed he would be gone and Henrik would be here instead. All your fucking fault.
“You were supposed to be safe here, Marvin was supposed to keep you safe,” sobs Jackie. “Not this, not this! Say something! Jameson! Jameson!”
“He's trying!” Marvin screams back. “Jackie, you're scaring him!”
Jameson starts sinking to his knees, eyes squeezing shut in despair. Jackie lurches to grab him, scooping him off the floor and dragging him against his chest, crying and screaming into his shoulder.
“Talk to me! Talk to me! Say something, please, Jameson! Jameson! Jameson!”
Marvin sinks to the floor against the couch, covering his face with his hands, and his magic pours out of him in a flood of water, beginning to rain from the ceiling above them, soaking their living room. Jackie dry-heaves, begging between gasps of air, begging for Sean's forgiveness, for this to stop, for this not to have happened, he's sorry, he's sorry.
"Marvin was supposed to keep you safe," weeps Jackie. "Please say something, please, Jamie, I love you."
JJ sobs too, but it doesn't make much noise. Just breathy bids for air, and his tears hitting the floor alongside the rain.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 27- Toys
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Drumroll please....featuring Craig and Iris Foster! From my Magic and Miracles FFXV AU wher Iris is the former Iris Amicitia. and now married to her literal big hunk of a man, Craig. Who is like 6'6 and 400lbs of POWER. (He is both a strong man competitor and he's the other half of Foster and Foster Construction, a construction business he co-owns with his dad, Craig Foster Senior. Craig's uncle who is his dad's younger brother- and his wife- own Fosters Designs Incorporated where they design custom homes among other things where Selena works as a house designer/interior decorator. And Craig and Iris are building their dream house. Craig doing so, quite literally with his own two hands with lots of help from freinds and family.
Fun Fact. Craig is the only man alive that makes Gladio feel small. But they're cool and good brothers in law and Iris REALLY has a thing for the big strong but sweet and gentle type. Which Craig is the epitome of that. Also, look at that RING that is Sylva giving him a sweetheart deal because if her parents hadn't been in the hospital business, they would have been in the jewlery business. And would have been just as well known as the Winstons.
A billion and one thanks to @starsandskies for her Kinktober prompts. This is short and sweet. But only two more left and it's not December yet! Yay! Even though it is the middle of November. It still counts.
Kinktober Day 27- Toys
“So what new toys did you get me?” Iris asked as she giddily looked through the box that Craig had ordered, expecting to see a new piece of exercise equipment but to her surprise and delight, it wasn’t that kind of toy. 
It was vibrator that you wore in your underwear. The pure salaciously and practically evil giggle she made was both adorable yet, strangely, exciting for her husband Craig. 
“So when did you want to try it out?” Craig asked. 
“Right now!” She said. 
“It has to charge first.” Craig pointed to the fact that it was rechargeable. 
“Dang it.” Iris grumped before she impatiently unboxed it and plugged it in and whined when the light blinked red. 
“Come on, I need help with the house anyway. We can play with it when we get back.” Craig insisted as he urged his wife out of their condo and back to the house he was building for her. The basement was already dug, the foundations were poured, the framework was in place. It was getting it’s roof and the rest of the plumbing and electrical work was already in too as the windows were now being installed. And frankly Craig thought it was pretty awesome that not only did he get the materials for this house at cost, he actually got paid to build his own house. Granted along with all the houses he was still in the process of building for his other friends and family. But he took extra pride in this one as he had made sure that Iris would be perfectly happy with it and it would be a big enough house to fit him and his extra large size.
So Iris wasn’t disappointed for long as she helped make sure all the windows were installed correctly as she could still only imagine how great it was going to look once it was all done. Because the next step was drywall then floors, then paint then finishing work and then finally moving in with all the furniture, most of which was sitting in storage because they had gotten some amazing furniture on clearance. 
Then Craig got a call on his phone as he was in another room making sure the windows were installed correctly in there too before he came looking for his wife.
“Hey Hun? Pash and Gladio want to know if we want to go out to dinner. Mom just flew back from her trip with the boys and everyone else is meeting them at the steakhouse by the airport.” Craig informed her as he had the phone held to his chest. 
“Yes, of course, that sounds great.” She beamed. 
“I might need a shower first though.” She realized as she used her shirt to wipe off the sweat from her forehead. 
“Yup, we’ll be there.” Craig agreed as he and Iris got back into his truck and quickly drove home to get cleaned up and dressed as Iris put on just a bit of makeup too while Craig noticed that the toy was now fully charged and pocketed it as he downloaded the app and paired it with his own phone while she was in the bathroom. 
“Ready Babe?” Iris asked as she exited the bathroom, looking stunning as always since she had forgone the pixie cut and really let her hair grow out the older she got.
“Yup.” He smiled as he made sure the dogs were out in the yard before they got back in the truck. 
Once they got to the restaurant, Craig stood so that Iris and the other ladies could sit and wait for their large party to be seated before Regis came in carrying Alexis while Noct had Jaxon in his carseat from the car while Ignis had the diaper bag as a backpack on his back before Iris happily picked Jaxon up out of his carseat, and happily kissed his chubby cheeks and began talking some beautiful Spanish to him that he always seemed to like to hear as Craig simply smiled proudly to see Iris do so. She was going to be one hell of a good mom. When she was ready to be of course. 
So far they were with the couples who were waiting until thier houses were done before they started to expand their families, but others didn't seem to want to wait. Gladio and Pashmina had already had a little boy and a new baby girl and Pashmina was probably going to be pregnant with baby number three pretty soon. Luche and Ada had London and Ada was pregnant again, this time with a little girl as they were still figuring out baby names. And now with Noctis and Ignis adopting two children. Thier friend and family circle was still growing. And Luna and Nyx and Crowe and Libertus were back for a visit. With Crowe bringing Raven with her as Tredd was holding her and Raven just adored Tredd and did not want anyone but Tredd to hold her, which made Tredd happy and proud to see little Raven getting so big.
But Iris didn’t get to hold Jaxon for long before he wanted his grandmother to hold him as Sylva laughed as she took him from Iris and held him and cooed to him and rocked him before he could get a chance to even get fussy. Iris happily handed him over before she came and stood next to Craig who was still looking over a menu as he talked with the other guys before she felt something in his pocket between her hip and his leg. 
“What’s that?” Iris asked as she moved her hip around to feel a little better. 
“Your new toy. It was charged when we got home. Didn’t know if you’d…” Craig began to murmur to her quietly before she slyly pulled it out of his pocket and transferred it to her own purse. 
“Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom.” She excused herself with a very giddy smile as she quickly went to the bathroom before she eagerly took it out and giggled evilly before she realized she didn’t have any lube and he hadn’t gotten the remote. 
“Aw,” Iris complained as she realized what was missing. 
“Everything ok?” Luna asked when she was in the next stall over. 
“No. Craig got me a new toy but forgot the remote.” Iris answered. 
“Can I see it?” She asked as she stuck her hand uder the stall wall divider in the bathroom before Iris handed it over. 
“Oh this doesn’t need one. It has an app. Nyx and I got one of these too. Here.” She handed it back before she passed one of her little bottles of lube.
“I don’t think I’ll need that.” Iris offered. 
“Trust me dinner is going to take at least an hour, you’ll need it. Just trust me on this.” Luna insisted.
“Ok fine.” Iris grabbed the little bottle and lubed up before she used toilet paper to wipe off her hands and to hand it back so lube wouldn’t get on outside of the bottle. 
“Ok, is it on?” Luna asked. 
“And now put it in.” Luna instructed. 
“Good, kegal that baby to keep it in as you stand and pull up your underwear if you’re wearing any and your jeans.” Luna coached before Iris did before she flushed and then left the stall to wash her hands. 
“Ok, now, let’s download the app.” Luna said before Iris got a text from Craig. 
‘Is it in?’ 
‘Yeah’ Iris texted back before Craig grinned rather deviously and turned it on. 
“Holy fucking shit!” Iris splurted as she grabbed ahold of the counter as the first jolt of pleasure came from within. 
“Ah, I see Craig has the app already on his phone.” Luna giggled herself. 
“Yeah, fuck, how does Stella do this with a straight face?” Iris asked right as Stella herself walked in. 
“Woah, you ok?” Stella asked Iris. 
“First time using a toy in public, Craig has the app.” Luna informed her. 
“Oh! Nice, which one?” She asked before Luna whispered the answer as Iris slowly tried to regain her composure. 
“Nice!” Stella laughed. 
“How do you do this all the time with a straight face?” Iris asked as she clenched her hands to the counter as she was breathing heavy. 
“Well first of all, don’t go full tilt the whole way, have him turn it down and then build up from there.” Stella coached. 
“Ok, ok.” Iris said as she texted Craig to turn the intensity down if he wanted her to come out of the bathroom at all before she breathed in relief when he turned it down to it’s lowest setting. 
“Oh, ok, that’s much better.” Iris blew out a breath of relief. 
“And that thing stays charged for a couple of hours. Please tell me you have lube.” Stella began. 
“Yeah, I gave her some.” Luna said. 
“Well, since you’re gonna have some fun, I am too.” Stella said before she purposefully got in her purse and got her matching one on and in before she texted Tredd that she was ‘free to play’ before Tredd smiled brightly and got into his own app and turned it on to Stella’s favorite programed sequence. 
“Oh yeah, that’s it.” Stella sighed happily before she came out and washed her hands too. 
Stella, Luna and Iris returned to the group just as they were getting seated as Iris sat next to Craig and gave him a meaningful look as she sat down and just as she was starting to get used to it, he turned it up. They barely got their drink orders in as Iris was happy to use the menu as a shield and couldn’t even figure out what she wanted to eat because she was pretty sure she was going to bite her lip in half to keep herself from squirming or grinding right there in the seat and thankfully by the time the waitress was ready to get her order, Iris was able to at least order for herself. 
By the time the appetizers came, Iris was eager to stuff food in her mouth to keep her from speaking or making any other noises as she felt her breathing pattern through her nose betrayed her but thankfully, Stella was laughing and telling jokes and carrying on and keeping all the attention on her so Iris wouldn’t feel that much more exposed or observed too closely. 
When the salad came, she was in the home stretch and when Craig went to grab for his phone, she immediately grabbed it out of his hands to keep him from changing it anymore and grabbed his arm so tight she nearly drew blood from her fingernails digging into the flesh of his forearm before he moved his arm down under the table and simply held her hand as she squeezed it as tight as she could before she pretended to look through her purse for some tylenol or something because of the almost pained expression she wore.
Then her drink was refilled and she only grinded a little in her seat as she finally rode out the orgasm before she got into his phone and turned it off before she made too much of a scene and blew out a breath of relief as her cheeks flushed but the tension in her lower back finally eased.
She gave Craig a look that said if he turned this blessed thing on again, she was going to stab him with her steak knife. Which got him to snort a laugh but nod that he was going to leave it alone until she was ready to "play" again.
She gave him the phone back as he bit his lips to keep his grin from spreading too far on his face and nodded in understanding before she looked over at Luna who gave her a questioning look before Iris gave her a subtle nod and the sublte thumbs up that she had cum before Luna gave her a thumbs up and nod of solidarity as Stella simply beamed proudly.
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developerwith1 · 2 months
Dior's Crystal Glass Pink: A Touch of Sophistication for Your Home
Adding a touch of sophistication to your home decor can sometimes be as simple as introducing a hint of color and elegance through your choice of accessories. Imagine the subtle infusion of pink light at sunset streaming through a window—this is the essence of Dior's Crystal Glass Pink collection, particularly the exquisite Dior Baccarat cups. These are not just items for your cabinet; they're a statement of style and sophistication.
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Unveiling Dior Baccarat's Pink Glass
What exactly is it about Dior Baccarat cups that can transform an entire room’s atmosphere? It's their unique color and light-refracting capabilities that bring a fresh dynamic to any space, much like the first flush of a blooming rose in a serene garden.
Design and Artistry of Dior Baccarat Cups
The design of the Dior Baccarat cups is nothing short of poetic. Each piece is crafted with the precision and passion akin to that of a master sculptor chiseling a block of marble to reveal the form hidden within.
The Role of Color in Home Aesthetics
Color is not just an aspect of an object but an intrinsic attribute that affects mood and style. The soft pink of the Dior collection offers a gentle yet powerful presence in any room, balancing other elements seamlessly.
Integrating Dior Pieces into Home Decor
Introducing these pieces into your home isn’t about making space for them; it’s about creating interactions where the glassware complements and elevates the surrounding decor.
Occasions Made Special with Dior Baccarat
Whether a casual brunch or an elegant dinner, any meal can be transformed into a celebration when Dior Baccarat is part of the setting. Their presence on the table says, "This moment is important."
Maintaining the Beauty of Crystal Glass
Taking care of crystal glass involves more than just careful handling; it’s about preserving its clarity and sparkle through proper cleaning and storage practices.
Where to Place Your Dior Glassware
Choosing the right spot to display your Dior Baccarat cups can be as crucial as the decor itself. They should be placed where they can catch light and be easily seen, yet away from high-traffic areas to avoid accidents.
Pairing with Other Elements of Decor
Combining these pink crystal glasses with elements like mirrored trays or complementary colors can amplify the elegance they bring to your home.
The Psychological Impact of Pink
Pink has a universally soothing effect, making it an ideal choice for environments where calm and tranquility are desired. It’s perfect for areas of relaxation and hospitality.
A Guide to Collecting Dior Crystal Glassware
Collecting Dior Baccarat is not just about aesthetics but also about investment. Knowing which pieces to choose can add not only beauty but value to your collection.
Testimonials: Real Experiences Shared
Hear from those who have incorporated Dior Baccarat into their homes and how these pieces have changed their space and their moments spent at home.
Purchasing Tips for Dior Baccarat
Where and how to buy these exquisite pieces? Here are some insider tips on acquiring Dior Baccarat cups, ensuring you get authentic and high-quality items.
Future Trends in Luxury Home Accessories
What future trends can we anticipate in luxury home decor? Insights into what will be the next big things in high-end home accessories can help you stay ahead.
Incorporating Dior Baccarat cups into your home decor is about making a statement with sophistication and subtle beauty. Each cup not only enhances the visual appeal of your space but also elevates the experience of every moment spent around it. Isn't it time your home reflected the same sophistication and style that you do? With Dior's Crystal Glass Pink, sophistication is not just seen; it is experienced
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gharpedia2023 · 7 months
Interactive Flat Panel Displays: A Simple Guide
Hey there! Today, we're going to talk about something cool and useful Interactive Flat Panel Displays Imagine a big screen that's like a super-sized tablet or TV, and you can touch it to do all sorts of fun stuff. That's what an IFPD is!
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What's an Interactive Flat Panel Display?
Think of it as a giant touchscreen TV, but smarter. It's not just for watching your favorite shows. It's a super screen that listens to your touch and does things on it. So, if you want to draw, move stuff around, or just tap on things, it's your buddy for all of that.
How Does It Work?
Inside this big screen, there's some clever tech that's always watching for your touch. It's like magic, really! When you touch it, the screen knows and does what you want. Just like your phone or tablet, but way bigger.
Why Are IFPDs Awesome?
They're Fun: IFPDs make learning and showing stuff so much more fun. It's like playing while you learn or work.
Super Clear: The pictures and words on the screen are super clear. Even if you're in a big room, you can see everything perfectly.
Useful Everywhere: You can use them in schools, offices, hospitals, or even just for fun at home. They're like a one-size-fits-all solution.
Teamwork: You can use them with your friends or colleagues. Everyone can touch the screen at the same time, and that's awesome for teamwork.
Earth-Friendly: Remember those marker pens and erasers? IFPDs don't need them. So, they're good for our planet.
What Makes IFPDs Special?
IFPDs have some cool stuff in them:
Touch Powers: They're super good at feeling your touch.
Picture Perfect: The pictures and words are really, really clear.
Magic Touch: You can use your fingers or a special pen. It's like magic!
No Wires: You can connect them to your computer or phone without any wires.
Built-in Apps: They come with fun apps for drawing, writing, and more.
Many Friends: Lots of people can use it at the same time.
Super Tough: They're strong and can handle lots of touches.
Where Can You Find IFPDs?
You can find these awesome screens in many places:
Schools: They're in classrooms to make learning fun.
Meetings: In big offices, they help with important meetings.
Training: Training centers use them for interactive lessons.
Hospitals: Doctors and nurses use them to show medical stuff.
Museums: In museums, they make learning about history super cool.
Malls: Sometimes, you'll find them in malls to show maps and info.
How to Take Care of Your IFPD?
Keeping your IFPD happy is easy:
Keep it Clean: Wipe the screen with a soft cloth. It's like giving it a bath!
Make it Work Right: Sometimes, you need to tell it to work right. It's like when you need a little nap.
Updates: Let it update its brain (software) so it stays smart.
Turn It Off: When you're not using it, turn it off to save energy.
FAQs (Friendly Answers for Questions)
Is this like a big tablet?
Yep, it's kinda like a tablet, but really big and extra fun!
Can I use it with my computer?
Totally! You can connect it to your computer or phone.
Do I need a special pen to touch it?
You can use your fingers or a special pen, it's your choice.
How do I clean it?
Use a soft cloth and give it a gentle wipe.
Can I use it outside?
It's best to use it indoors, where it's comfy.
Are there fun games on it?
Some IFPDs have games, but they're meant for learning and working.
How long does it last?
It can last many years if you take good care of it.
Does it work with Mac and Windows?
Yep, it's friends with both Mac and Windows.
Does it make sounds like a TV?
Some IFPDs have built-in speakers for sounds.
Can I use it for video calls?
Sure thing! It's great for video calls if you connect it to the right thing.
That's the scoop on Interactive Flat Panel Displays! They're big, they're fun, and they're here to make learning, working, and playing even better. So, give it a try and have a blast with your giant, magical touch screen!
How Do I Get One?
Getting your hands on an IFPD is not as hard as it might seem. You can buy one from a store that sells electronics, or your school or office might get one for you to use. It's like getting a big, interactive gift!
Can Kids Use It?
Absolutely! IFPDs are perfect for kids. They make learning fun and interactive. It's like a big, smart friend that helps you with your lessons.
Can You Draw on It?
Oh, yes! Drawing is one of the coolest things you can do on an IFPD. It's like having a big canvas, and you're the artist. You can create all sorts of amazing artwork.
Is It Easy to Move Around?
IFPDs are big, so they're not as easy to move as your tablet. But some of them come with stands or wheels, so you can adjust the height or move them around when needed.
Is It Safe for My Eyes?
Using an IFPD is safe for your eyes. Just remember to take breaks when you've been looking at the screen for a while. Give your eyes a little rest.
Can I Use It for Homework?
Absolutely! You can use it for homework, research, and presentations. It's like having a super homework helper.
Can You Watch Movies on It?
Sure, you can watch movies and videos on it. The big screen and clear display make it a great choice for a movie night with friends or family.
Do I Need to Be a Tech Whiz to Use It?
Not at all! IFPDs are made to be easy to use. You'll quickly get the hang of it, just like when you first used a smartphone or tablet.
How Do I Share My Work with Others?
It's easy. You can connect your IFPD to a computer, and whatever you do on the screen can be shown to everyone on a bigger screen. It's like magic!
Can I Use It for Online Classes?
Yes, online classes become more interactive and fun when you use an IFPD. You can see and interact with your teacher's lessons on the big screen.
Can It Help with Learning Disabilities?
Yes, IFPDs are great for all kinds of learners, including those with special needs. They offer different ways to interact and learn, making it inclusive and supportive.
Do I Need Special Training to Use It?
Most likely, you won't need special training. IFPDs are user-friendly, and you can start using one after a quick introduction.
Can I Use It as a Whiteboard?
Definitely! You can use it just like a whiteboard, but it's much cooler because you can save what you write or draw.
Can I Use It for Business Presentations?
Absolutely! It's a great tool for business meetings and presentations. You can impress your colleagues and clients with your interactive presentations.
Can I Play Music on It?
Sure, you can play music, and it'll sound great if your IFPD has built-in speakers. It's like a jukebox on a giant screen!
Can I Connect My Phone to It?
Yes, you can connect your phone to it, share photos, or even use your phone as a remote control for the IFPD.
How Much Does It Cost?
The cost can vary, but there are options for different budgets. It's like buying a big, smart gadget, so shop around and find the one that fits your needs.
Can I Use It for Virtual Tours?
Yes, you can use it to explore virtual tours and travel to exciting places from the comfort of your home or school.
Is It Good for Work Presentations?
Absolutely! IFPDs are excellent for work presentations. They make your presentations interactive and engaging, leaving a lasting impression.
Can I Write Notes on It?
Yes, you can write notes, ideas, and reminders on your IFPD. It's like having a digital notepad.
Is It Good for Brainstorming?
It's fantastic for brainstorming! You and your team can collaborate, jot down ideas, and move them around on the screen.
Can It Replace My Old Whiteboard?
Definitely! IFPDs are a modern replacement for traditional whiteboards, and they have many more features to offer.
Can I Use It for Cooking or Recipes?
Sure, you can use it for cooking or finding recipes. It's like having a digital cookbook right on your kitchen counter.
How Big Should I Get?
The size depends on where you'll use it. For a classroom, a medium-sized one should be fine. For bigger rooms, go for a larger screen.
What If I Break the Screen?
Accidents happen. If you break the screen, it can be expensive to fix, so be extra careful.
How Long Do They Last?
IFPDs can last for many years, but it depends on how much you use them and how well you take care of them. Think of it like a long-lasting gadget buddy!
Interactive Flat Panel Displays are like having a big, smart friend that makes learning, working, and having fun better. They're easy to use, and they're here to make your digital adventures more exciting. So, don't be shy; give it a try, and have a blast with your giant, magical touch screen!
0 notes
dreamiesdotcom · 3 years
february spring | h.rj
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genre: hanahaki!au, angst, fluff
trigger warning: character death
summary: You wonder what he'll do when he realizes you no longer cough petals, but flowers in full bloom — that inside you is a full blown spring, within a body that exists in winter.
word count: 2.7k
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The thing about flowers is that they suck.
Today again you wake up coughing petals and blood, feeling like wanting to burn the world and then your damned feelings — but no, you think, you'd rather not have life at all if you're not in love with him. You'd choose him again and again if asked.
That's the stupid thing about it. You're so willing to hurt and to be hurt for love that made flowers grow inside you.
Your mom is crying at the foot of your bed, praying for it all to be gone; the petals, the blood, the disease you have to fight because you fell for the wrong person. Your dad turned around to face the wall, tears in his eyes. He wants you to be better. He needs you to be better, and he needs to be strong so you could fight.
It's useless, anyway.
"This could end in three ways," you remember your doctor saying. "Either he loves you back, you take the surgery, or you die."
And you know what that means? That no amount of strength, of happiness, will keep you alive. It's impossible for him to love you back. You're dying. There's flowers growing inside you and you're dying — dying in the most beautiful way; dying of love.
Of stupid love, but you disregard that.
"Mom," you call. "I don't want the surgery."
"You want to die?" She asks with a laugh, "You want to die for a boy who doesn't even know of your love?"
"Y/N," your dad calls, a warning.
"Please don't make me go through it," you close your eyes. "I don't want to forget him. I don't want to forget love."
Because it's all I have, you wanted to say. Love is the one thing worth having, and you can't imagine yourself after the surgery; you'll get your emotions removed alongside the flowers in both your lungs and heart. You can't imagine that.
It's not even about him anymore. It's—
"Mom, please," you beg, "I don't... I don't want to live in a world where I wouldn't be able to live and love. I don't want to live not loving you and dad."
Because what is a human without love, emotions? An empty vessel. A withering rose. Something to stare at emptily as slowly, they begin to die.
Tears well in your mother's eyes, shaking her head, repeating the same words again and again — "I hate him, I hate him, I hate him" — but you made up your mind. You're dying, but before that you're gonna live —
you're gonna live, and this time not for him anymore; for yourself. For yourself too.
Even though life with this disease is limited to this hospital, the window and the rooftop, it is life still — this sickness made you cherish all the little things you'll lose when your body loses warmth. On some days you play with the kids, young hearts running around not really understanding their situations.
You put a smile on your face after everytime you throw up — you hide away somewhere no one would see, you hide yourself. You want to live. If you want to live, there's no need to be pitied.
At night, before you need to go to your room, you go to the rooftop and meet with a friend; Huang Renjun, same case. His heart longs for the stars, the moon, and a boy who is and will always be happier with someone else.
Tonight again, you stargaze.
"Imagine what we'll be if we weren't like this," he wonders out loud, "You'd still be annoying."
You kick his foot lightly, making him laugh, "See? You're sick and annoying. If you weren't sick, you'd be even more annoying!"
You turn to face him, and a fond smile is on his face, "You'd be beautiful still, even more without the tiredness in your eyes."
"And you'd still be handsome, Renjun," you find yourself saying, "You'd still love books and poetry, and stars..."
"But your smile wouldn't be so sad," he continues, pointing to Sirius, tracing the entire constellation as if the stars are right before his fingertips. "Your smile would be open and honest, not just something to comfort me."
You smile wistfully. He rolls around to pin you down, his hands on your wrists, a smile of his own on his face. It's something silly, kind of cheeky — typical Renjun.
"You're my only friend, Y/N," he confesses. "And I hate him. I hate the boy who made you sick."
Tears start to fall from his eyes, leaving him shaking. His arms still pin you to the ground, his tears falling on your face. He sobs. He sobs and sobs and my god, he still looks beautiful — Sirius rests on the space where his neck and shoulders meet. Galaxies are in his eyes.
He looked beautiful, so beautiful that you didn't have the heart to tell him that it's him. There's no other boy but him.
I wonder when he'll notice...
February cold engulfs you in its hold, making you shiver. Renjun walks beside you. It's a silent trip to the rooftop, snow falling in beautiful flakes. He takes notice in your silence.
I wonder when he'll ask if I love him...
"Are you okay?" Renjun asks, shoulder brushing against yours.
You smile at him, "I'm fine. I'm just a little cold."
Time is running out...
"Renjun," you call out his name, "Do you think you could ever fall in love with me?"
He looks at you as if you said something absurd. He laughed, he laughed until he coughed blood and petals — you stop in panic, rubbing his back.
"I think the cold is doing us no good," you say. "Let's head inside."
Was it really that impossible for you to fall in love with me?
"No, no, I'm fine." He wipes the blood off his lips, "See?"
Scary as it seems, the petals have become usual visitors for patient with Hanahaki. It doesn't even bother Renjun anymore at this point.
He'll have the surgery and get better — just a little more, he said, let me feel this love for a little more, because after the surgery I know I never will love again.
The petals don't shake him anymore. There's a cure, after all. A cure you keep denying yourself.
"Alright, let's go."
You resume walking, looking straight ahead. The sun is setting as a white sunset.
You wonder what he'll do when he realizes you no longer cough petals, but flowers in full bloom — that inside you is a full blown spring, within a body that exists in winter.
"Happy Birthday to you~ happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday..."
You look at Renjun's room, meeting gazes with Lee Jeno. You smile and look away.
Renjun has told you the story of three best friends.
Jaemin and Jeno are his regular visitors. Whenever they come, there's a spark in Renjun's eyes — the glint of sadness, the look of yearning for love like theirs. You know. You pass by his door everytime.
You know, too, that he's still in love with Na Jaemin.
Whenever they come by, they bring him flowers — you laugh, because Renjun has enough of those blooming inside him. They bring him food to eat, bring him gifts, but there's no love for him in that space. Jaemin and Jeno's love are solely for each other, and Renjun wants that selfishness too; he wants Jaemin's love all to himself. It's what planted those seeds.
Whenever they come, Renjun wallows in envy and self pity and sadness, sadness because it breaks his heart that seeing them both so happy hurts him. Whenever they come, you battle yourself to not yell at them and make them leave and tell them they're not of any help, not helping him feel better — Renjun's life is just as limited as yours. He has counted seconds and all they do is make him realize what a fool he was to fall for someone he'll never have.
Whenever they leave, they leave a hole in his heart — it only grows bigger and bigger with every visit, with every goodbye. Renjun must be a fool.
But he'll have it, the surgery. He wants to live that much, that even though it will be impossible for him to feel love, he'll still search for happiness.
And that's how you know it.
You're dying.
In silence, you break down and whisper your greetings: Happy birthday, Renjun.
Renjun sits across you, holding the flowers Na Jaemin has given him. He plucks them once — he loves me. The sun is hidden away by the clouds, and his gaze that once were on you flutters across the room, back to where Jaemin stands. He plucks another petal — he loves me not.
Jaemin looks back to your direction, and waves. You're sure it made Renjun's heart flutter.
"You're the infamous Y/N," Jaemin grins. "I hope we can be good friends."
"Before I die, that is," you joke, earning a smack from Renjun. The stem of the flower hits the back of your head.
He loves me.
"Jaemin, where's Jeno?" Renjun asks, curious. There's no sight of honey haired boy and it's a strange sight, but you know deep inside he is pleased.
He loves me not.
"He's busy today."
"As he is every day?"
"C'mon, Renjun," Jaemin laughs. "It's not like he never gives me time."
Renjun shakes his head anyway. He releases a big sigh, calming himself down — deep inside he knows he can love Jaemin better. A pained look flashes in your eyes.
Renjun taps your thigh in concern.
He loves me.
"I need to go, 'jun," Jaemin says, taking his belongings with him. He runs straight to the door, but before that he turns around and waves.
When Jaemin leaves the room, Renjun looks like he just fell in love. Again.
A bitter smile draws on your face.
He loves me not.
The day of Renjun's surgery came quicker than expected. The explanation was simple; he can never feel love again, but he will survive. He will be alive and that's what matters.
It's a sad thought, living without love. But Renjun would rather not love than not live at all.
"It's tomorrow," he said. "You should take care."
You don't meet his gaze.
"I'm tired, Renjun," you whisper, clutching his shirt to pull him impossibly closer.
A smile draws on his face, a beautiful sight to look at.
He asks, "Tired of what?"
And you've been tired of a lot of things. You tried not being so, but you can't help but fail miserably — lately everything's just been too much. Most of them, though; thoughts like this, like the truth that spills from your mouth.
"Of the flowers growing inside me," you say wistfully, "I'm tired of it and I hate it. I hate it so much."
"And I'm tired of you too, of you looking at me with those eyes," you turn to face Renjun who sits with his head hung low. You let a chuckle escape your lips, "Those eyes that look at me as if you could love me had you not met Jaemin."
Renjun couldn't say a word.
You feel yourself withering away as more flowers bloom inside you.
Renjun left right after he recovered from the surgery, the nurses said. You stay in your bed all those time, not bidding him goodbye at all. You throw up more flowers than usual, more blood.
All the promises you made about living life before you die is gone. All you can think about is how difficult it is to breathe, how hard it is to live.
"Mom," you call, hoping for ease, "I want to give up."
But she smiles with tears in her eyes, she smiles. You see, she had the most beautiful smile in the world. Her eyes are brimming with unshed tears and her lips stretched in a pitiful expression, "No, darling," she begs. "Stay awake. Stay awake for me."
You smile back.
"It hurts to breathe."
"It will be okay," at least she prays. "It's gonna be okay. Go through with the surgery."
You shake your head, declining still. Time is running out. Your father hugs you tight, the first time in years, a kiss pressed on your temple. Your mother holds your hand.
I don't want to, you repeat again and again.
Your father holds your hand — "We'll do what you want."
And there's a protest at the tip of your mother's tongue, but it melts away at the sight of tears falling from your eyes.
"Okay, sweetie," she says. "We'll do what you want."
Your doctor comes in a hurry minutes after. He's panting, a red flush on his face — he seems mad. "How long has it been?"
"You didn't tell us you were coughing out whole flowers."
Your mother's cries start to get louder. Full flowers meant the last stage: the closest to death. At this point it's a game between life and death and the dangers in between. You smile.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, "But I'm not going through the surgery, doctor."
They look at you with eyes of pity, saddened that it has come to this. Your doctor nods. Your mother shakes in your father's hold. You laugh, "Why are you all crying?"
"Stupid child," your mother says. "Stupid Y/N."
You laugh harder, tears falling from your eyes. "I love you, mom," you say. "Can you hold my hand tighter? I'm scared."
From outside your door, Renjun clamps his hand over his mouth; he feels like throwing up. He originally planned to say one last goodbye, but instead, he gets this... this. Whatever the hell this mess is.
You're dying, all because you're in love with him.
All because he couldn't love you back.
The time comes quicker than expected.
You look at your body, watching from your soul — this must be what it is like to be have your soul wandering. You breathe in sharply, breathe out. You look at all the tubes connected to your body.
You go through the wall, moving to hug your parents. Your mother must've felt you, for her sobs grew louder and she called your name.
Suddenly, someone storms in.
"Doctor, it seems like you have an emergency patient," the nurse intervenes.
"Who's the patient?"
"Huang Renjun."
Your feel your heart drop — who knew you could still feel such things? But Renjun, didn't he...
"Renjun? Didn't he have a successful surgery?"
"Yes," the nurse looks down in shame, "But it seems there's remains of flowers in his lungs. He's now coughing out flowers in full-bloom."
The doctor rushes out of the room, saying excuses to your parents. You watch your own body breathe its last breath.
The nurse looks down, "Y/L/N Y/N, time of death, 10:48 a.m."
You wander around the hospital, going to where your feet take you. You soon find yourself in the emergency room, watching Renjun almost pass out from coughing flowers.
"Renjun," you call — the ghost of you, your soul. The one Renjun sees.
He looks in panic, knowing why he's seeing you; he's ready to die. What he's not ready for is to see you as a soul, dead and eternally young.
He blinks once, twice, hoping you don't disappear. It's not all truthful words, but he says it — "I love you."
Outside the room, Renjun's parents wonder to themselves — who is he talking to? What is he mumbling? His parents can't help but cry, worried at every flutter of his eyes.
"They say... when people are almost dying, their closest family visit them to take them to paradise." Jaemin says with a bitter smile, "I heard... Y/N passed. He might be seeing her."
A slap sounds in the room.
"My son is not dying!" Renjun's mother says. Jaemin nods, tears falling from his eyes.
"Are you scared?" you ask, head tilted, hands brushing strands of his hair away from his face.
"Yes," Renjun confesses.
"I'll hold your hand."
"Until it's over?"
You smile, "You're one of my greatest friend, after all."
Renjun never expected to die. Then, at the same time, he never expected the tiny sliver of love he feels for you — love for a friend, for a dear one. Renjun found a real best friend within you.
So, he holds your hands and comes with you.
"Doctor? Doctor, what's happening— my son!" His mother calls as he watches his eyelids close, "Renjun... My little boy..."
One last smile, one last cough of his favorite flower — Renjun is at peace. He closes his eyes and remains his age forever.
"Huang Renjun, time of death, 10:52 a.m."
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
Alone at the Edge of a Universe - Komaeda x Reader
Summary: You were in an accident before everything went to hell. You don't remeber how it all started. Now you live in a small apartment with a strange man who seems to be trying his best to look after you, but doesnt know how to take care of himself.
AKA: oh my god they were roommates.....Despair Edition TM
Word count: 7169 Contains: fem reader, no pronouns usage, explict sexual content, unsafe sex, very mild blood/injury, panic attacks, despair era Read on AO3 ミ☆ Please send me a DM or an ask if you’d like me to write something for you!
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There’s an explosion outside your window, and something huge tumbles to the ground. Everything in the apartment is shaking, Knick-knacks wobble and fall off the mantle, smashing on the floor, the bed frame shakes and lurches underneath you. Your fingers are digging tight into the quilt, trying to find purchase somewhere in the quake.
It is not your first collapsing building, and you fear it will not be your last. The world outside the apartment is dangerous and frightening, layers upon layers of horror folded together into the culmination of true despair. You don’t remember how it happened. It was some time ago (weeks? Months? Years?) that you woke up in a hospital, weak and emancipated, barely able to walk. You had been in some sort of accident, whatever happened to the world, started while you were still comatose and all the doctors were long gone when you finally came to. The fact that your life support was even still running was a stroke of luck.
There’s another thundering outside, but this one doesn’t make the house shake. Another building? You can't be sure, it was too far away to be of any danger to you so there is no reason to think about it. Instead you pull yourself up from the bed, bringing one foot down on the floor and being absolutely sure that there won't be any aftershocks before standing up properly. There are little broken pieces of glass and china all over the wooden floorboards, you cross the room on your tip-toes, careful to avoid any of the more dangerous looking shards. It is as you feared, your favorite knick-knack had also broken. You drop into a crouch, trying your best to gather the shattered pieces of what had once been a small glass jar full of little keepsakes.
Your housemate (if you could call him that) frequently brings back little presents from his adventures out into the fractured city. But this had been your favorite, a blue jar with a cork stopper, full of buttons, beads, marbles. Any pretty trinkets he could find for you. The shattering of this particular gift hurts something terrible, because you know it took him a very long time to collect it all. You manage to find a sturdier jar that survived the quake (it was once holding three stems of lavender, long since dead) and scoop as many of the shards and trinkets that you can inside. It isn't as pretty, but it will do for now.
He’s been gone for a week now, and you are hoping he will be back today.  
When he first brought you to the apartment, you couldn't even stand. Confused and scared about what had happened to the world during your coma, and having trouble remembering what your life was like before either. The apartment was a mess when he first found it, but there was a bed and clean sheets in a closet, so it was fine. He sat with you for hours, barely moving, just watching as you slipped in and out of consciousness, as the world finally came into focus. At first you were afraid of him, of his dishevelled appearance, trembling limbs and wide watery eyes. He never made any move to touch you, he sat there and would answer questions if you asked them, but otherwise just watched.
Once you were able to move on your own, he started heading outside for longer stretches of time. He used to just leave for a few hours each week to bring you back enough food until his next trip, but now he is often gone for days at a time. You wonder how long it will be before you can go outside with him. He is strange, but given the state of the world outside, you can’t imagine anyone else is faring much better.
You manage to salvage a decent amount of the broken trinkets and either pour them into a vacant jar or the trash and are in the middle of sweeping away any remaining shards when you hear a shaky knock on the door. He has a key, but he always knocks anyway. You let the broom drop to the ground and dash over to the door to let him in.
“Hey…” you say, pulling the door open. His red striped sweater has more holes in it than it did last you saw him, his hair curled and messy, more grey than white. His disheveled appearance means little, you are thrilled to see him, “Welcome home.”
His eyes are desperate as he looks you over, crossing the threshold of the apartment and closing the door behind him, “The quake...are you okay?”
“I stayed in bed the whole time, I’m fine.” You attempt to take his rucksack from him, to help him carry it to the kitchen. He pulls it away from you and carries it on his own, “A bunch of the gifts you brought me fell off the mantle, though. I should have been keeping them somewhere safer, I’m sorry.”
He wheezes, giggling under his breath as he starts pulling food out from the rucksack and onto the bench, “Don’t waste such sweet apologies on me. I can find more gifts if you want them.”
With you standing in the sitting room, and him unloading groceries in the kitchen. In a different time, this may have been domestic. Your heart warms at the thought, “No, it’s okay. I don’t want to cause you any more trouble.”
“Trouble?” He doubles over with laughter, the sound is scratchy in his throat, “You could never cause me any trouble.”
He doesn’t look like he belongs in the nice clean apartment. He stands in the middle of the room, all shaking limbs and wheezy breaths, clutching his own arms like it’s the only thing still keeping him together, but you can tell he is trying, he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable around him.
“Are you okay?” You ask, “you were outside when it happened”
He giggles breathlessly, gnawing on the cuff of his sleeve, “you are worried about me?” His knees shake like they're about to give out and he buzzes with manic energy, “Aha! the extent of your hope, it’s incomparable!”
You suddenly notice a line of blood running down from his forehead, curling down past his eyebrow and over his cheekbone. You rush over to him and take his face in your hands. His skin is pallid and sickly, his lips chapped and bleeding. You push his mess of dirty hair away from his forehead and gasp, “you’re really hurt, why didn't you tell me?”
He doesn’t say anything, he’s just staring at you with wet unblinking eyes as a wide smile tugs at his lips. Shuddering under the soft grip of your hands. The gash on his forehead is shallow, but blood is gushing out of it quite quickly and you aren’t really sure what to do. As you look closer at the wound, his eyes flutter shut and you feel him leaning into your palm. Your heart thunders in your chest, he’s cute under all the dirt and grime.
He cares for you a great deal, you aren't sure why. He won't even tell you his name.
“I’ll wash it out for you. Okay?” You say, taking one of his hands in yours and tugging him towards the bathroom. The one gentle tug on his hand is enough that he almost topples over, but he rights himself quickly. His hand is quivering in yours.
“Oh! You don't need to do that!” he protests, but continues obediently following after you, “I’ve dealt with much worse, aha! Don't bother dirtying your hands to fix something that will only break again.”
You grab him by the shoulders and lower him down onto the toilet seat. His big eyes peer up at you from behind the mass of hair now tumbling down over his face, he watches you with a pointed devotion that might make you uncomfortable if you weren't already used to it. He brings his sleeve up to his mouth to chew on it again, you take his hand in yours and lower it before he gets the chance, “I’ll be gentle. Don’t worry.”
His nails dig into the meat of his thighs and he is shivering again. You can feel his legs bouncing as you lean forward to take a better look at the gash on his forehead, he whines when he feels your fingers brush his hair away from his face. You sigh at him, “You know this will get infected if you don't clean it, don't you?”
He whimpers, practically rattling as his tremors get worse, “How kind of you to notice! But I have more important matters to attend to of course.” another bout of laughter boils through him, shaking his bony shoulders,“like you, for instance!”
You drop to a crouch so you can meet his eyes, resting one hand on his shoulder and holding his hair back with the other, “You can't look after me if you’re dead.”
“Oh I won't die.” He breathes, the depths of his eyes shining with a shocking lucidity, “Not yet.”
He really believes that. You can see it on his face, “Either way. I’m going to clean it. Sit tight.”
Sitting tight is not possible. To his credit, he doesn't move on purpose, but he is still shaking intensely as he waits for you. His protruding knees knocking as his legs bounce up and down. You purse your lips and wet a cloth in the sink, the water is a little brown, but all of the water is a little brown so there isn't much you can do about it.
“Okay.” You say, turning back to him and lifting the cloth to his forehead, “Let me know if it stings too much, alright?”
He nods, smiling up at you pleasantly as you bring the cloth down on the gash. There is a lot of blood, the coppery smell is overwhelming but you try your best to seem like it isn't affecting you. If there is any pain, it doesn't seem to be bothering him, his eyes are closed again and he is leaning gently into your touch. Your heart warms for him, and the hand you are using to hold his hair out of his face starts gently scratching his scalp. You hear him gasp, but he makes no move to stop you. His hair is soft, you can feel the grit of dirt and smoke caught up in it, but under that...he is so soft. The blood running down his face is well clean by now, but you don't stop. The washcloth falls from your hand with a splat and his eyes snap open. One of your hands is buried in his hair, combing the mess through your gentle fingers, the other traces the sharp line of his jaw, all the way up to and then down his cheekbone.
“What are you doing?” He asks, you are dimly aware that his shaking has stopped. At least for now.
Your pointer finger runs up the bridge of his nose and over his right eyebrow, now you are the one shaking, “I...don’t know.”
“You’re touching me.” He breathes
Your voice is barely a whisper when you reply, “I am.” you let your hand drop, “I’m sorry. I don't know why i did that.”
He reaches out and takes your hand in his, pressing it firmly to his cheek. His eyes are wild, “You can do whatever you want to me! I don't mind!”
His suggestion raises an unwarranted heat to your cheeks. You gently tug your hand from his grasp, “There’s some vodka in the cupboard. Give me a moment to disinfect you.”
You pick the cloth up off the ground and leave it on the side of the sink as you walk over to the kitchen. All of the food he brought back with him is still strewn about on the countertop, abandoned when you realised how badly hurt he was. You worry about him. Constantly. He was the one who found you half crawling, half stumbling through the desolate remains of the city mere hours after you woke up in the crumbling shell of the hospital. Since then he has been so careful of you, making sure you are well fed, bringing you gifts or clothes, anything he can find out there. He clearly doesn't extend the same olive branch to himself. You stand up on your toes to grab the alcohol from the top shelf, it was already here when he first found the apartment. Half empty. You hope whoever lived here before you had enjoyed it.
“This is going to hurt.” You warn as you step back into the bathroom. He nods loosely and you wring the cloth out as best you can before dousing it in the vodka, “Are you ready?”
“Pain or pleasure,” he starts, looking up at you with a loopy smile, “anything I feel by your hand is exhilarating.”
Oh. You liked that . It made something in the pit of your stomach twist.
You clear your throat and crouch down in front of him, pushing his hair out of the way. His eyes are half lidded, and you can tell he is uncomfortably lucid. He intimidates you a little like this, there is a sharp intellect behind his big green eyes that feels like he is dissecting you with his stare alone. Even though he has stilled quite a bit, his hands are still jittering at his sides. You gently press the alcohol soaked rag to the gash in his forehead, he hisses through his smiling teeth, but the sound teeters dangerously close to being a moan. You swallow, continuing your ministrations.
“Did you get hurt anywhere else?” You ask, purposely focussing on cleaning his wound so you don't have to meet his eyes.
“No.” He says. It doesn't sound like he’s lying.
“Okay.” You reply, “I trust you, but you can't hide these things from me. I have a duty to keep you safe, too.”
A shudder runs through him at your words and his eyes flutter shut. Like he is savoring it, “You are too generous, truly.” his voice is so breathy, and your positioning makes it sound like he is whispering in your ear. You bite your lip.
“It is not generosity.” You laugh a little, your fingers tangling in his hair again, “It’s selfishness. You are all I have and I don't want to lose you.”
He is shaking again, his long fingers grasping at nothing. Like he desperately wants to hold you but knows he can't . His arms wrap around himself instead, fingers digging into the fabric of his jacket as he rocks back and forth, “Aha! A regular Pylades you are, looking after trash like me!”
You have long since abandoned any pretense. Not even pretending to be tending to his wound anymore, your fingers brush through his hair unhindered, “Pylades?” you ask, twisting a lock of pale hair around your index finger. Surprised with how much classic literature he’s managed to remember through all this tragedy, this is not the first time he has quoted one such piece to you.
“From Euripides!” he’s grinning now, lips curled almost painfully wide, “You need me to jog your memory, hm?” He asks, leaning forward. He is very close to you now, and your hand freezes in his hair, “Orestes says ‘it’s rotten work’ and Pylades replies-”  
Oh. You do know this one.
“Not to me.” You breathe, heart thumping in your chest and mouth going dry. Your hand slides down from his hair to cup his cheek, you can feel his pulsepoint racing like a hummingbird under your thumb. He is so close now, you can see flecks of gold in his eyes. You can count his eyelashes. You are shaking, “Not if it’s you.”
For a moment, you think you are going to kiss him. For a moment, you want to kiss him. Instead you let your hand drop from his cheek and stand back up, “It’s um...it’s as clean as im going to get it. Might need stitches, but i dont have the means or the skill to do that for you.”
He brings his arms up in a shrug, “No matter. So long as you’re satisfied.”
“This isn't about my satisfaction.” You say, crossing your arms, “You need to take better care of yourself out there. Look, maybe next time i should come with you and-”
He shoots upright, suddenly towering above you, all quivering limbs and sweaty palms, “Nonononono. You have to-” he sucks in a wheezy breath and shakes his head, “-you have to stay in here. For you to be tainted by the world outside, the despair it would-” a breathy laugh escapes his lips, growing and growing in volume, his hands tanging his hair pulling strands out at the roots, “-It would be glorious .” He growls, shaking and panting as he starts hitting himself in the head with his fist and a crescendo of, “nononononononono” is erupting from the cavern of his mouth.
It is frightening, but you are used to it. He gets in these fits sometimes, but has never attempted to hurt you, it’s more like he’s fighting himself. You wrap both your hands around his wrist, holding his arm still so he can’t use it to hit himself anymore before slowly bringing it back down to his side. He is still shaking with a mania that seeps out through every pore, but at least he isn't hurting himself. His mouth runs a mile a minute, arguing with both himself and people you have never met. He talks to them a lot, these other people, you don't want to ask him about them.
“Hey.” you whisper, “I’m here. It’s okay.”
His big eyes turn to you, but he doesn't calm. He is still muttering and shaking, but this is okay. You start slowly rubbing your hands up and down the length of his forearms, “You’re doing fine, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere.”
He whines and brings one of his sleeves up to his mouth to gnaw on it. You don't stop him, when he gets like this it’s one of his less destructive habits. It's preferable to scratching. You keep rubbing his free arm, your other hand curled around his hip. His eyes are slowly growing less wild, drool is dripping down his chin, “Alright. We’re going to move to the couch. Nice and slow.”
You loop his arm over your shoulders and tuck your other hand into his back pocket, slowly walking him over to the couch. This is the main reason you haven't left the apartment, the door unlocks from the inside so if you really wanted to, you could leave at any time. You’re scared though, both of what is waiting out in the city, and of what will happen to him if he comes back one day to find you gone. He is finally starting to calm when you lower him down onto the couch, still chewing absently on his sleeve, but his breathing has slowed a little. A soft smile tugs at your lips, and you tuck some of his hair behind his ear.
“Why do you worry about me so much?” You ask, more to yourself than to him. Stroking his cheekbone with the pad of your thumb, “I am no one to you.”
He is tired now after his episode, his arm is slow and shaky as he reaches out to you, resting his hand in the dip of your waist. The warmth of his skin seeps in through your shirt, your heart climbs up into your throat when he squeezes , “You are hope. You are everything to me.” his eyes are half lidded, and his smile is soft, “The corruption, the despair it...haahaa...it tainted us all, but you-” he takes a deep, shuddering breath, “-you slept right through it. You’re still hopeful...still perfect…”
“And if I hadn't. What would I be to you then?”
“Dead, most likely.” He sighs and it rattles through his chest, “Is there even a point to talking about what might have been? In my experience it has never helped any.”
He’s right. You hate the idea of a reality where you never meet him. This realisation makes your stomach turn. Familiarity breeds comfort, but when what is familiar is a man who is (under dirt and grime and sweat)  incredibly beautiful, you find that it breeds something else as well. You give the hand on your waist a pat, and he lets you go.
“The sun is setting.” You say, trying to distract yourself from how much you want his hand against you again, “I’m going to light some candles before it gets dark.”
“Oh! Before you do.” He manages to pull himself up from the couch and stumbles over to his rucksack, bending over and rummaging through it some, “I hm...i found something for you.”
You stand in the middle of the room, the last dregs of daylight are casting an orange light over his shaking form. He comes back over to you, holding out his offering, for a moment you're not even sure what it is.
“Oh my god…” You whisper, turning it over in your hands. It’s a polaroid camera, a little banged up but it looks like it will still work, “thank you.” you smile up at him, heart melting to nothing in your chest, “thank you so much.”
He laughs a little, shaking as he passes another two objects over to you, “I only found two film cartridges, but i can look for more!”
“No! This is perfect, I'm amazed you even managed to find two.”
“My luck may not be worth much.” He says with a sad smile, “but if i’m able to bring you some happiness with it, then i'm glad!”
“Here, just...give me a second.” Your hands are shaking as you fumble with the first cartridge, popping open the back of the camera and clicking it in. Before he has a chance to protest (because you know he will) you lift the camera up to your eye and snap a photo. For a moment he is dazzled by the flash, but then immediately starts wheezing.
“Wha....What?” His knees are wobbling again, his eyes are wide and unblinking.
The photo slides out of the camera and you grab it between your index finger and thumb, giving it a light shake, “I took a photo of you.”
“Why would you do that?” He’s laughing, but it sounds more confused than it does manic, “You only have two cartridges of film and you would waste a photo on garbage like me?”
“I don't think it was a waste.” The photo has just about finished developing, the light from the flash doesnt do his already pale skin any favors, but you smile all the same, “Sometimes you’re gone for a long time, and if i can't come with you then...i dunno, it’ll be nice to have.”
“You...miss me?”
You see no reason to lie, “I miss you.”
He is just staring at you now, eyes slowly examining every inch of your face. Your heart is racing. He takes a slow, shaky step towards you, practically vibrating with nervous energy.
“I shouldn't.” He says, even as his trembling hand rests on your hip, the pads of his fingers slipping up under your shirt to stroke your skin, “I’m disgusting for even thinking about all that I want to do with you.” His grip on your hip grows tighter, and you feel a warmth in your stomach, “If you knew...eheh...if you could see what i was thinking right now.” his breathing has quickened, and the hand on your hip is trembling. So are your legs, “you’d kick me out of this apartment like the...the...haahhaa...the perverted trash that i am.”
Any thoughts within you about resisting or denying him have long dissipated. You do not even hesitate as you loop an arm behind his head, digging your fingers into the back of his hair, “I wouldn't.”
He doesn't say anything, he’s just looking at you and trembling. A whiny moan escaping his lips.
“The things you want to do to me…” You start, fingers slipping under his striped sweater, just enough to feel his skin, “Show me.”
His hand joins its brother on your hips, and he tugs you towards him. Your lips colliding in a desperate kiss, all tangled tongues and nipping teeth. You moan into his open mouth, your fingers tangling even tighter in the mess of hair on the back of his head, he groans when you tug a little harder, slipping one of his hands up the front of your shirt and palming you over your bra. You cling to each other like two lost sailors adrift in the sea, attempting to find purchase in a world long gone. Your kisses open mouthed, wet and sloppy, desperate and needy. He is moaning and shaking, his long fingers tightly squeezing your breast as his other arm wraps around your waist and somehow tugs you even closer. He is so thin, pressed up against him like this you can feel his bones shifting under his skin. You bite his neck so hard you taste copper on your tongue and a moan explodes from his lips.
“Yes... yes! ” He stammers, drooling and shaking. His mouth pulled in such a wide smile that his lips tear and bleed, “hurt me...hng-hahAHA... destroy me !”
Your hands become frantic, grabbing his jacket and tugging it down his arms. His sweatshirt soon follows, ripped up over his head with a tenacity you didn't even know you had. You want to feel his skin, to suck, to bite, to bury your nails in it. Desperation is building inside you, almost ready to overflow. His skin is salty with sweat when you run your tongue over the length of his collarbone, fingers on your left hand running over each jutting rib as you slip your hand down to grasp his hip. The bone is sharp under the soft skin of your palm. Despite all his sweating and panting, his flesh is still cold under your hand, you want to warm him up. You tug your own shirt up over your head, chucking it behind you and unclasping your bra.
A wheezing laugh escapes him, he pushes his hair away from his face but it immediately falls back down again, “You...you’re…” his breath hitches, his pointer finger traces the underside of breast, shaky and cold, “you’re so soft...so warm .” he moans, licking his lips, “my goddess...would you permit me to pleasure you with my mouth?” he purrs. His eyes are swirling with arousal, his hand creeping up to massage your breast in his palm. It feels so good, he feels so good. He looks at you with this endless devotion, like you are something precious to be protected and loved .
“My guardian angel.” you whisper, tucking a wisp of hair behind his ear, “Whatever you want to do to me. Do it.”
His ghostly green eyes are blown wide, and he is wheezing again, “You just...what did you just call me?”
“I would have died out there on my own. You know that right?” You say, leaning in close enough that the tips of your breasts brush against his bare chest and cupping his cheek in your palm, “You saved my life. You are my guardian angel.”
“You are too kind to me, truly.” He whispers, his cold hands moving to your shoulders as he guides you backwards, “I am little more than garbage after all.” the back of your knees hit the couch and you collapse onto it, “Just a bug under the heel of an ultimate’s shoe...but you...hm…” he drops to his knees in front of you, his grin is all sharp teeth and drool. Some people might have been afraid of him, you thought he was the hottest fucking thing you’ve ever seen, “you deserve to be worshipped .” he breathes against your skin, leaning in and wrapping his lips around one of your nipples. His mouth is warm and wet, you throw your head back in a wail, digging your fingers into the mess of hair on his head.
His hand slides up the side of your ribcage, thumb rubbing small practiced circles around your other nipple. A needy moan escapes your lips, and your legs drop open almost instinctively. He scrambles forward to nestle himself between them, the sharp angles of his torso dig into the soft flesh of your thighs and his free arm wraps around your waist to tug to two of you even closer together. A strangled cry rips through you as the bare skin of his chest presses firmly against your sex, hips bucking against him almost involentarily, overcome with a desire to just feel him . He laughs against your breast, sinking his teeth into your flesh as his tongue continues lathing across your pert nipple.
“Mm...you’re so soft…” He whispers, resting his cheek on the plump skin of your breast, “your skin is so smooth…” His other hand is still toying with your nipple, rolling it in between the calloused pads of his thumb and forefinger, “haaAAH...I’m so lucky. You permitting scum like me to pleasure you? Your kindness is...hm, how could I put it?” his tongue darts out to give your nipple a lick, you shiver, “It is inexorable ”
“Wrong again.”, You laugh breathily, carting your fingers through his unruly hair, “This is no kindness. This is desire, unflinching. I want you so badly, selfishly .”
A raspy giggle escapes him, shaking his shoulders as he pulls his arms from you to wrap them around himself instead, “Someone like you getting so riled up over someone like me...eheh…” His hands are shaking when he brings them back down to your waist, gripping the elastic waistband of your sweatpants, “The ideas I have - the things I want to do with my fingers,” he starts pulling your pants down. You lift yourself up a little to help him pull them over your hips, warmth blooming in your cheeks, he moans at the mere sight of your panties, “f-fuck…” he whines, all drool and sweat, “i want to finger you until i die . Oh... oh god… ” he’s kneeling lower down now, you can feel him shaking between your thighs, “you smell so good...i want to eat you until there's nothing left. Like you’re my last meal…” his hands come up and grip your thighs tight, he leans in closer to your center and you can barely hold in a moan when you feel his nose bump against the wet spot on your panties. You don't hold in the moan when you feel his tongue. You aren't sure you could if you tried, it tears out of you, the one swipe of his tongue over your soaked panties is like a bolt of lightning to your cunt.
He continues like this for a while, moaning and shaking as he drags his tongue up and down your panties. Occassionally suckling your clit through the fabric. His bony fingers dig so tight in the soft flesh of your thighs that you swear you’ll have bruises tomorrow morning. After one particularly brutal suck, all you can do is sob, pulling his hair so tight that his lips are torn away from your centre.
“Something wrong?” He asks, playing innocent, but the look in his eye is cool and intelligent.
You heave a shaky breath, staring down at him, “Take them off. Please! ”
You swear you see his hips twitch at your demand. Eyes glazing over and tongue lolling out of his mouth as he hooks his fingers through the legs of your panties and tugs them down, leaving them to dangle off your left ankle. A whimper escapes you at the feeling of his breath against your wetness, his hands are hovering above you, shaking in the air like he isn't sure what to do with them. He wants to touch everything, he just can't decide where to start.
In the end, his left hand comes to rest at your hip, while his right middle and ring fingers push their way inside you. Your head lolls backward and your mouth drops open with a long moan at the feeling. His fingers are longer than yours are. A lot longer.
“I can feel you... twitching around me.” he makes a strangled noise, half a laugh, half a moan and pistons his fingers slowly in and out of you. The sound it makes is obscene , but it seems to only encourage him further. He leans in, and wraps his lips around your clit, sucking gently and occasionally flicking it with his tongue. Your hips buck reflexively, trying to get closer to his mouth.
“Ahh - ah! You taste so sweet...” he whispers against you, his breath cold on your burning flesh, “I - mmph...i feel like adam biting the apple...or persephone swallowing the pomegranate seeds...haah…” he removes his fingers, and his tongue slips inside you, swirling around before he returns his attention to your clit, “But which do you think it will be, hm? Will i be forced to leave you, or will i be bound to you for all eternity?” his eyes meet yours, boiling with passion and desire. He looks godlike between your thighs, grinning up at you with sharp teeth and the sheen of your own slick all over his chin. All you can do is shake and moan, quivering for want of him, “Care to try your luck answering the million dollar question, my goddess?”
“Never leave me…” you say, chest heaving. You reach down and cup his face in your hand, “I will never ask you to leave me.”
“Never?” he asks, his smile growing manic and his nails digging into your thighs. You hiss at the pain, “A dangerous promise.” His tongue enters you again and he moans sinfully against your skin, slowly thrusting the wet muscle in and out of you. His hands slip down under you and he lifts you up by you ass, pulling your sex even closer to his face. You whimper and moan and grind against him. Fingers tangled in the mess of his hair as he tongue fucks you into oblivion.
He’s whining and groaning, devouring you like a man starved, and when you feel the couch lurch, you realise he is also desperately grinding his cock into the front of it. You tug on his hair again, weaker than last time as the wobbly feeling of pleasure has overtaken you. He slowly draws back from your sex, licking his lips and staring up at you with his intimidating eyes, “Mm?”
A shaky breath rattles through your lungs and you lean forward to kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips, “I want you inside of me. Would that be okay?”
“I was already inside you.” He says, smirking and sticking out his tongue as a reminder.
“You know what i mean.” Your eyes flit down to the tent in his jeans, making what you really want even more obvious than it already is.
“You spoil me.” He breathes, pressing a wet kiss to your jawline, “You couldn’t possibly know how desperately I want to sink myself inside you...but I- haaahh ...I am not worthy of such an intimate act.” His fingers reach out, and slowly begin circling your clit, you choke on a moan, “I am more than happy to pleasure you like this...no need to worry about my satisfaction.”
“But I want to see you come undone.” You hiss as his index finger circles you entrance, “I want you on top of me, inside of me. I-“ his finger pushes inside and your breath catches, “-I want you to fuck me. Please .”
A giggle bursts from his lips that quickly grows into a cackle. His shoulders shaking with its intensity, a line of drool dripping down his chin, he throws his arms wide and shoots you a manic grin. All teeth and gums, “If that is what you truly desire, then it would be pointless to deny you any further!” He clambors up from the floor, stumbling a little as he struggles to remove his jeans, “After all, I want you as well.” He purrs, his jeans and boxers dropping to the floor, “More than that…” he breathes, lowering you by your shoulders until you are lying back on the couch and nestling himself in between your open legs. Your heart is racing, he is hovering over you now. His lips barely a breath from yours, and the head of his cock brushing against your sex. He groans, “My goddess, I hunger for you.”
He hisses a breath in through his teeth as he starts pushing himself into you. Hips shaking as he resists the urge to shove himself in with one long stroke, his eyes roll back into his head and he moans. The feeling of him slowly entering you, combined with watching the strangled ecstasy on his face, it’s the most aroused you’ve ever been. You can feel yourself clenching around him, your own hips quivering as he finally bottoms out inside of you with a raspy groan, “So wet…” he hisses, “You feel so good around me…” he slips one of his hands down between the both of you, rubbing gentle circles around you clit. You keen loudly at the feeling and his hips stutter into yours, “Y-you like that, huh? I felt you tighten around me…”
You nod loosely, struggling to speak through your moans, “Please...move…”
He visibly shudders at your request, slowly inching his hips backward, and then forward again at full force. A moan that shifts to laugh halfway through escapes his lips, and he finally sets his rhythm. His hips snap against yours with a desperate fervor, he whines and mewls above you, his hair bouncing delicately with the movement. Eyes half lidded and drool slowly dripping down his chin. You look up at him in absolute awe, he looks and sounds like an angel . Covered in grime, twisted and tangled, but an angel all the same. His fingers return to your clit and you moan again, digging your nails into the skin of his back, tracing the protruding vertebrae with your fingertips.
A particularly deep thrust causes a choked sob to break forth from his lips, his head lolls forward and he nuzzles into the join between your shoulder and neck, “You’re perfect .” he breathes, hips still pumping, “I’m throbbing...can you feel it? Can you feel what you are doing to me?”
You can . You can feel the warmth of his cock pulsing inside of you. His arms are trembling and his breath is a rapid staccato, he’s trying to maintain his composure, “You feel so good, sweetheart.” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair. He breath hitches when you call him sweetheart .
“You are so kind to me…” He wheezes, his breath warm against the column of your throat. You shiver, a strangled moan escaping you as his dexterous fingers circle your clit even faster. Your thighs tighten around his narrow waist, hips grinding against the meat of his palm and deeper onto his cock. All you can do is shake and moan, the muscles in your stomach tight and only growing tighter. He looks at your face, visibly euphoric, “are you close?”
You nod and he drags his tongue up the shell of your ear, “Jeez...I can’t believe trash like me is going to make you cum.” His eyes are wide when they meet yours, lips pulled tight in a grin, “You’re going to cum for me!” His hips move against yours at a frantic pace, his hands groping any part of you he can reach, a laugh in his chest building to a crescendo as he hits deeper and deeper inside of you, “You’re going to cum around me and I’m going to feel it...I-haaaaHAAAAA-“ he can’t speak any more, he’s laughing and moaning and fucking into you with an unbridled desperation.
“You need to...cum...Ah~ I want you to cum too…” you swallow, words catching in your throat when his fingers start working your clit again, “Cum inside me, angel. Please .”
“In-Inside?” He stutters, breath heaving and teeth clenched as he grows closer and closer to climax, “You would permit me to soil your insides with my filthy seed?”
“I don’t just permit you. I’m begging you! ” Your hips are canting up to meet his, wanting to feel him as deep inside you as possible. Drawing yourself tantalisingly close to orgasm, “I want to see you, to feel you. Come undone for me, please.”
His breath hitches, and his eyes grow dark. His fingers begin circling your clit at a brutal pace, his mouth collides with yours in a desperate kiss, all tongue and clicking teeth. You moan loudly into his open mouth, legs twitching underneath his frantic ministrations. His fingers on your clit, his cock pumping in and out of you, his tongue tangled with yours. The heat in the pit of your stomach is boiling, your breath is coming in gasps. It feels so good.
“You’re mine.” He whispers against your lips, and you swear you hear a sob catching in his throat, “accept me, please. Cum for me, my love.”
With those words, he kisses you firmly, thrusting deep and slow inside of you, and the coil in your stomach finally snaps as you cum with a strangled moan. Dragging your nails down his spine and curling your toes, warmth settles through your entire body and it feels like a perfect finality. He whines against your lips, grinding and writhing as you walls clench around him, then his eyes flutter closed and his mouth drops open in the most beautiful moan you’ve ever heard, and he cums .
His face softens in that moment, and for just a second, he looks normal. Like someone you might pass on the street or sit next to in class. You see him , and your heart turns to butter. You love him. Slowly, the speed of his thrusts peter out and he heaves a breath, eyes half lidded, giving you satisfied (albeit sleepy) smile. You return it, brushing your fingers down his cheekbone.
“Thank you.” He whispers, eyes moist with what will soon be tears.
You curl your hand around the back of his head and tug his forehead down to your lips. His skin tastes like sweat, “No. Thank you .”
He leaves the next morning. Unlike all the other times before, he never comes back.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Random acts of kindness | Haikyuu!! Headcanons 』
The everyday acts of kindness our boys do and think nothing of, but are actually incredibly sweet.
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Kuroo Tetsurou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime, Sugawara Koushi, Bokuto Koutarou, Azumane Asahi, Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kozume Kenma, Miya Astumu, Miya Osamu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haiba Lev
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), no warnings, fluff, lots of characters I didn't realise how many I'd done until I came to type up the list 😳, a lot of cats and dogs, cuteness, headcanons
A/N: I've had an exhausting and busy week, and just felt like writing some comforting fluff. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! ♡
And please consider voting in this poll (ends this Sunday 18/10/20) to help me celebrate reaching 100 followers! Thank you to everyone who's already voted! ♡
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☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
Helps lost people find their way and regularly gives directions
We're talking off-duty, here Daichi puts the 'hot' in 'Hot Fuzz' 🥵
Hahaha, fuck 🙃
He's very approachable and warm, and gives excellent directions
He'll also walk them there if they don't understand or don't feel confident, even if it disrupts his day 🥺
And he's really good at helping lost kids and calming them down he feels so proud when he gets them back to their parents, safe and sound 🤗
☆ Kuroo Testurou ☆
Helps elderly people with their shopping bags and getting across roads
It goes against his nature to stand by and let an old person struggle, and even if they're not struggling, he always offers his services anyway
He has a soft spot for old people, 'kay? 🥺
He makes a point of getting the traffic to stop so it's safe, and letting them hold his arm as they slowly make their way across the street
They often tell him that he's 'a very sweet and handsome young man,' and 'nothing like the other young people you meet these days' and he blushes
☆ Ushijima Wakatoshi ☆
Gets things from the top shelves for people that they can't reach at the supermarket
It's a pretty normal thing to do, right? So he's chill about it
Except he will 100% walk down the entire length of the isle just to help if he sees you stuggling it's super cute 😩😍
But he won't smile or make idle conversation, or anything. He'll just nod courteously
It can be a little ominous, with his looming height and serious face, but most people take the gesture well 😊
☆ Iwaizumi Hajime ☆
Pays for the shopping of the person in front of him when their card gets declined or they don't have the right cash
He manages to offer in a way that isn't offensive or patronising he's honestly a life saver 🥺
He's very humble and casual about it
It's what he hopes someone would do for him, if he were in that awkward situation
And you never know what struggles people are facing, so his philosophy is to always be kind what goes around, comes around, my dudes 😌✌
☆ Sugawara Koushi ☆
Leaves snacks and a cute thank you note on the porch for the mailman
Or mailwoman! Or mailperson!
He hopes that the little gesture will brighten their tough day of work so precious, I can't 🥺🥰
There's usually a good selection, too no skimping here, no sirree 😌
If he's home, he'll give them a cheery wave through the window as well
Especially in this COVID-19 environment. Suga would really appreciate the services they're providing
☆ Bokuto Koutarou ☆
Spends time every week playing with the cats and dogs at the local shelters
This man is hoenstly a blessing, I physically can't 🤧
He loves seeing their little faces light up when he walks in, scruffling their ears and playing fetch, etc. and just generally showing them that they're still loved 🥺😭
And he helps take the dogs for walks too, so they get their exercise, and brushes them down, and rubs their tummies–
He wants to adopt, but he's not settled enough, so he knows he can't 😭 but it's his goal
One day 😖
☆ Azumane Asahi ☆
Always holds doors open for other people
We're not just talking the occasional, feebly held door
Asahi will ALWAYS hold a door open for anyone else
Men, women, children, old people, people with prams, whole families– literally everyone
He is TALL and STRONG, and he will be USEFUL
He will hold it open even if you're really far away, like the giant dork that he is 😂😂 you cannot escape
☆ Oikawa Tooru ☆
Often pays for the next customer's coffee in advance
Sure, it makes him feel good about himself. But, I mean, why not? What's so wrong with that?
Oikawa calls it SAOK-ing people (pronounced 'soaking') meaning: Secret Acts of Kindness Iwa-chan has told him to change the name, but he won't 🙄
Oikawa would love the touching joy of a stranger paying for his coffee in advance, so he gets a warm, tingly feeling when he thinks about it happening to someone else because if him he's literally beaming for the rest of the day 🥰
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☆ Akaashi Keiji ☆
Buys food and drinks for homeless people when he passes them
He sometimes stops to have a chat with them, too 😔🤧
He's the least condescending person you could meet if you're in trouble he's so genuine, I can't
Except for maybe Iwa-chan and Daichi. They're also very down-to-earth
He'll also give them all his food vouchers that he's been collecting in his wallet to help spread their costs
Akaashi finds it hard to watch other people struggling and suffering, and so always makes the time for it when he can afford to
☆ Nishinoya Yuu ☆
Helps make up the numbers for the kids playing games in the park
Be it soccer, dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, tag, or something else entirely, Noya loves to see the kids running around in the park, playing games and enjoying themselves
So he's only too happy to join in when they need more players he'll sometimes recruit Tanaka to help as well
Yuu fits right in with them, both in height and mentality 😂😭😂😭
He may or may not get them to call him 'senpai' 🙄😂
☆ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ☆
Helps fix people's cars on the road
Tanaka's one of those people that knows how to change a flat, and so can't drive past someone having car trouble without stopping and helping
He's also a pretty good handy-man in general, and is always willing to help out his friends and neighbours with their jobs that need doing
Like plumbing problems, putting up shelves, building furniture, etc. He's good with his hands!
Kiyoko: 👁👄👁
And he'll never charge a penny! He's all too happy to do it out of friendship and the kindness of his heart 😇
☆ Kozume Kenma ☆
Hosts gaming charity livestreams for various causes on a regualr basis
All the donations go directly to the charity of choice for the stream, not through him, so everyone knows it's legit 😇
He also donates gaming consoles etc. to charities and organisations that help kids who are in hospital
He's a huge advocate for charities and organisations that focus on helping people through gaming, like AbleGamers and St Jude PLAY LIVE, and regularly donates to them
Honestly, Kenma is an angel 🥺 👉👈
☆ Miya Atsumu ☆
Gives up his seat on public transport for old/pregnant/disabled etc. people
Look, Tsumu can be a little selfish and grouchy at times, but he's not a complete asshole 👉👈
There's a line, and hogging seats on public transport when someone else clearly needs it more than him is, indeed, the line 😌
He'll do it without a second thought or a fuss, and with a smile on his face but will be low-key proud of himself, ngl
He will also get offended if someone else doesn't give up their seat when they should, and may confront them about it 😳 like, what makes you so special that you can't do that simple courtesy that even he does??
☆ Miya Osamu ☆
Donates food to charities and shelters
Both store-bought food and from his own shop
Literally gets so depressed at the thought of people not getting to eat 🥺
This man LOVES FOOD. And people are out there not able to?!
He also has a scheme set up where homeless and stuggling people can come into his shop for some free onigiri
This man 🥺🤧 can I please marry him already?!
☆ Sakusa Kiyoomi ☆
Donates sanitary supplies like soap, toothpaste, antibacterial gel, pads, tampons, etc. to shelters on a regualr basis
Literally cannot abide the idea that people are forced to live without these basic necessities, simply because they can't afford them
It's almost for his own peace of mind rather than theirs? 😅😂 almost. He does actually care on their behalf, too
But he doesn't like to make a big deal out of it, and so donates anonymously
His donations are literally a godsend to those people, though 🥺😭
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☆ Hinata Shouyou ☆
Reads books to kids at the library when he's there with Natsu
And he's really good at it! He reads very animatedly, and really gets the kids engaged with the stories you can just imagine it
The kids all love him and bring him their favourite books to read!
And the parents all watch and compliment him on how good he is with kids
And this goofball just blushes and grins like a doof 😚 so freaking sweet
☆ Kageyama Tobio ☆
Always carries a spare umbrella with him to give to someone
He hates getting caught in the rain himself, so he keeps a spare just in case this precious baby 🥺
He's had to use it quite a few times, sometimes giving it to people he doesn't even know, so he ends up not getting it back and has to buy a new spare
But it makes him smile, if a bit awkwardly, to know that he's helped someone out, even just a little Tobio!! 😭🤧🥺
☆ Tsukishima Kei ☆
Steps into the road to allow room for people with pushchairs and prams
I know it might not seem like much, but this is Tsukki, guys 🙄
*Narrator voice* this is one small step for man, one giant leap for Tsukishima!
And this just goes to show that he's not as tough of a cookie as he looks
He doesn't like the idea of parents etc. and young children having to walk in the road he gets worried for them...🤭
And he does it consciously, which is important
☆ Yamaguchi Tadashi ☆
Spends time each week looking for the animals on the 'lost' and 'missing' posters around town
He hates to think of them out there, cold, alone, frightened–
It makes him feel nauseous just thinking about it 😣
My poor, precious baby!! He's too pure for this world!! 😭
It's not often, but sometimes he actually manages to find one and bring it back to its owner safely, which is a huge boost for his mood and confidence
He feels so valued and appreciated, and just happy that the little guy is SAFE 😇🤧
☆ Haiba Lev ☆
Helps strangers get their cats out of trees and other high places
What else is a tall, handsome, goofball-of-a stranger to do? 😌
Legit, he doesn't think twice. Tall people should use their height to help people, shouldn't they?
Sure, it doesn't always go to plan, and his arms sometimes end up looking like well-used scratching poles, but he's just glad to help 😇
It's good to see the cats safe and with their owners
If you enjoyed, please consider voting in this poll (ends this Sunday 18/10/20) to help me celebrate reaching 100 followers! Thank you to everyone who's already voted!
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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