#just kidding i mean i do but it was because its expensive and i already have like 2 purses
godteri-takk · 1 year
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Daisy Duck would have this
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mawofthemagnetar · 5 months
Father's Day
“So, hold on a minute,” Iskall held his hands up, “back up, because I must have missed that. You’re a FATHER?”
“Well, yeah?” Jevin shrugged, scrolling through his comm, “What’s so hard about that to believe?”
Iskall, by way of a reply, simply gestured at Jevin’s person from his head to his slimy feet.
“So? Okay, yeah, I guess it- is a little hard to fathom. I do, uh, have a certain- aura of coolness around me. But yeah, no, I’m a dad. And a damn good one, too. I mean, a slime-dad, which is a little different than a regular dad. But for a slime-dad, I’m top-shelf. Of course.”
“Uh-huh. And how does a slime-dad differ from a regular dad?” Iskall folded his arms.
“I don’t gotta, uh, chase after my kids as much as you guys do. They’re pretty much ready to go once they hit full-size. I do my bit by checking up on them periodically. Anyway, point is, I gotta go. My kids are throwing a father’s day bash, and I can’t be late.”
Iskall rubbed his temples.
“Okay, couple questions. One, father’s day was three months ago. Two, is there a Missus Jevin you’ve got stashed away somewhere? Or a Mister Jevin? Or-“
“…Why would another person be involved?” Jevin asked, tilting his head with a squish of slime, “Like, literally, why? Who needs help to become a parent?”
“…Uh…you know what? No. You want to learn about the parrots and the bats, go talk to Keralis.”
“Sure, whatever. Anyway, to answer your second question, it’s ‘cause if you try to do father’s day on the actual, like, day, renting a big enough hall is stupid expensive and it’s all just kind of dumb. And a hassle. So we host it whenever.”
Jevin glanced up from his comm.
“Wanna come? Meet my kids, I mean.”
Iskall rubbed his forehead.
“Sure, why not. Hit me with it.”
They tapped their comms together, and Jevin clacked his jaw together- the slime equivalent of a smile.
“Okay, so uh…All my kids know you guys as their aunts and uncles. So if they start calling you “auntie Iskall-“
“-Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m used to it.” Iskall nodded, “Should I wear something special?” 
Jevin waved a hand. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it. You’re fine as you are. Anyway, let’s go. Not good to keep my kids waiting!” 
And Jevin tapped a few options on his comm and vanished. 
<iJevin has left the game.> 
Iskall shrugged, tapped over to his server list, and selected the option for the Hub, with the teleport coordinates visible in the centre. 
He tapped it, and vanished. 
<Iskall85 has left the game.>
When Iskall opened his eyes again, he was standing outside a colossal building, looking like some kind of conference centre. It was made of smooth quartz, with a fake parking lot full of fake vehicles that had clearly taken some builder a long time to put together. 
Jevin was standing there, tapping his sneaker impatiently, the blue slime slosh-slosh-sloshing against the ground. 
“Alright, c’mon, let’s get moving.” Jevin huffed, “We’re already a couple minutes late, and my kids worked really hard to put this on.” 
“I’m coming, I’m coming…” Iskall muttered, brushing off his pants and following Jevin towards the doors.
Iskall was assuming that Jevin’s family would have set up a few tables in a corner. He was a slime; and the way Jevin was talking, Iskall had assumed a big family. Maybe ten kids? That would be a pretty big family. 
Then Jevin and Iskall stepped into the conference hall. 
Several thousand slimes bellowed all at once, a wall of sound so deafening that Iskall could feel his bionic eye nearly shake out of its housing. 
He blinked his one eye, darting it around the room in shock. There were hundreds of small tables around which sat an unfathomable number of slimes in all colours of the rainbow. The room was a riot of wild fashion choices, and a deafening rumble of clattering bones and squelching bodies.
“I- I-” Iskall stammered, as he reached up and tightened the nut holding his robotic eye onto his skull’s mounting post.  
“HEY EVERYONE!” Jevin shouted back, “THANK YOU!” 
“Is that Uncle Iskall?” a deep voice said eagerly, “It’s so nice to meet you!” 
“You have…THOUSANDS…of children. Not ten. Not twenty. Not even a hundred. THOUSANDS.” Iskall stammered. 
“Yeah. I’m, uh, the father of all slime hybrids. It’s not a big deal, to be honest. Some other slime would’ve absorbed a skeleton and decided to think about itself if I hadn’t.” Jevin shrugged. 
“All. Of them. ALL OF THEM.” Iskall clutched his head in his hands.
“Yeah? It’s not that difficult. You just, like, shed some slime on a large enough pile of biomass, it’ll grow into a kid. How is this so confusing for you? That’s probably where humans come from.” Jevin shrugged. 
He rubbed his slimy hands together with a hideous squelch, and started traveling through the room, eagerly greeting each and every one of his kids. 
Iskall staggered over to the snack table, piled high with compost, cinderblocks, and beer. He popped a bottle, and started chugging it.
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lunajay33 · 29 days
Not the Only One
Summary: Reader comes from an abusive family and is insecure about it showing up everywhere with bruises, but one night she comes across Daryl who is more like you than you know
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Content Warning: Abusive parents
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Growing up in a small town in Georgia can have its benefits, close friend group, late night walks, fun memories, but not for some, not for me I get the other side of a small town, the rough crowd and the judgmental stares from the well of kids who’s parents gave them everything they wanted
I never thought there was a problem with the way I lived as a kid but the older I got and realized that not everyone lives with abusive, negligent parents it was world shaking for me and I felt like a complete loser and I still do, I don’t have much some simple clothes and some drugstore perfume and makeup but that’s about it, others girls in my class had expensive name brand everything and judge those like me who didn’t
My dads drunk and takes his problems out on me, my moms a coward and won’t stand up for me so here I am walking around school with a cut down my eyebrow with a nasty bruise forming around
“What happened y/n old man beat on you again” Jessie says laughing as she walks by with her little click, I look back into my locker getting my books for science class sighing not ready for the day ahead full of more comments like that
I walk into Mr.jensons class taking my seat at the back, some people whispering as I walk through the class
“Okay class we have a new student transfering to our class from a different course, obvious people like me more than miss.smith’s music class” he says obnoxiously as the student enters our class
Daryl Dixon he lived a few houses down from me but we didn’t interact much, sometimes I’d see him take out the trash or see him sitting on the doc on the lake behind our houses, it was rumoured that his dad beat on him too but it’s not like we were gonna be friends because we’re abused that crazy…..right?
“You can go sit at the back next to y/n” Mr.Jenson points out to me
He sits down and I can smell his calming aroma, woodsy with a hint of cigarette
“Hi” I smiled meakly
“Hey, ya live on my street don’t ya” he asks slouching down in the chair
“Yeah, I’ve seen you around” so he’s seen me too
“Alright class listen up” the class went on like usual until the bell rang signalling the end of the day, I gathered up all my stuff shoving them in my bag and leaving the class, walking through the hallways heading for the exit when someone runs up next to me
“Hey, ya walking home?” Daryl asks looking down at me
“Oh yeah, I usually like to sit at the doc when I get back, don’t like to stay in the house much”
“Why not?” He asks as he continues to walk beside me back to our street
“I think you know, everyone talks about it” I say motioning to my bruised eyebrow
“They don’t understand, ain’t yer fault”
“It’s just……embarrassing” I say rubbing my arm as a nervous habit
“Yer old man?”
“Yeah, you?” He nods in agreement looking down
“Pretty shitty, wish I could just get out of here or just start fresh here” he hums making my heart warm, finally someone understands how I feel
We got to our street stopping infront of my house
“So ummm I’ll be down at the doc later if you wanna meet me there just to talk or whatever” I say
“Yeah I’ll see ya there” he says heading off to his house a few doors down
I walked into my house hoping nothing happens today, seeing my dad sat on his chair with a beer in his hand watching the tv
I try to walk past him to my room when he grabs my wrist
“Did you pick up the cigarettes from the store like I asked?” His voice is already angry, I completely forgot
“I……I forgot, I’m sorry” I whine as he tightens his grip
“Why can’t you ever listen, you know what this means”
“No please I’m sorry I’ll go get them now”
“It’s too late”
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Sitting on the doc was suppose to be a wind down form the day an escape from hell that is suppose to be a house, instead I’m sat here feeling like I went solar against concrete, my lip is busted severely, by cheek stings, bruises and whips against my back, the hoodie I’m wearing was irritating against my sore flesh
I’d do anything just to go back in time and run away with my sister but I was scared and young and now I’m miserable and constantly afraid
“Hey sorry I’m late” I heard from next to me, too deep in thought to have heard him approach
I kept my head down looking at the water
“It’s fine” I mumble
“Ya okay?” That one simple question broke the damn in me as tears spilled down my cheeks, I turn to him just wanting reassurance or comfort
“I forgot to get a pack of cigarettes on the way home” my voice quivers as he stares at my red cheek and bust lip
“How am I even suppose to cover this up”
“I could go kill him” he huffs anger rising in his features
“Everything hurts” I wince when he places his hand on my back, he pulled back quickly
“Do ya need help?”
“I don’t know how bad they are”
He moves behind me lifting my sweater up to my shoulders, revealing the old and new scars that littered my back with occasionally fresh bruises
“Oh baby girl I’m so sorry” he says under his breath but there was something there in his words that made it feel like he understood this type of beating
“Are they bad?”
“Don’t think ya need stitches but I don’t want ya going back there” he says bringing my sweater back down moving beside me again
“But where am I suppose to go?”
“Old man’s gone for a week, ya can stay at my place”
“Are you sure I don’t want to burden you”
“Ain’t a burden, yer staying with me, come on”
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His house was more or less just like mine but there is no surprise there, our fathers are basically the same, he brings me to his room and it’s pretty normal, some hunting stuff plain brown walls
“Thanks for this” I say sitting on the edge of his bed
“ ‘course, ya need anything?”
“Do you have any painkillers?” He went in his drawer and popped one in my hand, taking it hoping it will ease this discomfort
He jumped on the bed sitting next to me as a comfortable silence surrounds us
“I got em too”
“Scars, don’t like to show em, don’t like to be reminded”
“I’m sorry Daryl, one day we’ll be happy, one day we’ll get out of this mess”
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Taglist: @l0kilaufeys0n7 @stoner420things69 @pinchofthetwd @thestonedwriter @daryldixmedown @deansapplepie @ghostboneswrites2 @superbowlisgay @daryls-wife @pinkratts @daryl-dixons-left-hand @mrrumplebottom @twistedprincess-92 @addi1978 @wongcena @darylspersonalwhore @starrqi @heidiland05 @livlaughlove03
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katebishopsbow · 1 year
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pairing: neymar jr x reader (18+)
summary: while babysitting davi, you went up to neymar’s room to get something for the two of you to play with. it turns out that the room wasn’t empty, and you ended up catching neymar doing something unholy.
tags: explicit sexual content (minors dni), voyeurism, jerking off, choking, praise kink, sir kink, age gap, dirty talking, finger sucking, dom!neymar, babysitter!reader, no mentions of y/n
word count: 2.8k
(gif is not mine)
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
An excited squeal was heard before the front door flew open, revealing an ecstatic Davi sprinting toward you to greet you with a crushing hug. “You’re finally here!” he giggled with his face burrowed in your shirt, and you patted the back of his head comfortingly as you told him with a smile, “It’s great to see you too, buddy!”
Upon entering the house, Davi began bombarding you with everything that had happened in his life for the past few weeks, from the science fair he won with his exploding slime experiment, the pretty girl who confessed to him at school, the new video game he received from his mom, to the luxurious fishing trip his dad had taken him over the weekend. 
Being the babysitter of Neymar’s kid had its benefits - one of which was the high-paying salary. It paid relatively well compared to the other babysitting jobs you were offered, in fact, it paid so well that this single part-time job was enough to support all your daily expenses and cover part of your tuition fee. And while you initially accepted the job because of the money, you eventually decided to stay because of Davi.
And also because of Neymar - but that’s beside the point.
“Then Dad belly-flopped into the lake! It was awesome!” Davi’s smile is infectious, his genuine excitement about all the little things in life would always fill you with a sense of serene happiness, and sometimes it felt like he was more of a friend than a kid you babysat for. “Well, your dad’s always been awesome,” you chuckled quietly while switching on the TV, surfing through the channels until Davi’s favorite program was on.
Though the boy was quick to interject. “I don’t want to watch TV today… Let's play football together!” he suggested, his voice laced with so much glee and excitement that you didn’t have the heart to say no to him, even though you had absolutely zero agility and were terrible at football. “Alright, I’ll get the football for us…” you pretended to sound unimpressed, but soon broke out into a wide smile when Davi jumped up from his seat with a victorious chant.
“There’s a football in my dad’s bedroom, he said I could play with it if I want.” You contemplated for a while, unsure if it was a good idea to enter Neymar’s bedroom. While he should have been at practice at this hour, meaning that his room was probably empty, the thought of entering his room just seemed like a violation of his privacy.
But before you could ask Davi if he could get the football himself, he had already sprinted off toward the backyard, leaving you all alone in the living room as he yelled out eagerly, “I’ll wait for you outside!” Not wanting to rain on the kid’s parade, you let out a defeated sigh and got up from the couch.
 “I’ll just go in and out. I’ll not touch anything or look at anything inside,” you mumbled under your breath as you made your way up the stairs, trying to convince yourself that this was no big deal. You were only going into Neymar’s room to get the football for Davi - a fully justified reason. And just like Steve Harrington once said, “I’m stealthy, like a ninja.” You’ll go inside, grab the football, and leave - nobody would even notice you were there.
It was all going to be fine.
Walking down the hallway until you reached the room at the very end, you twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open.
It was not going to be fine.
Nothing could have prepared you for what you saw in that room. Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach when your eyes landed on Neymar, sitting shirtless on his bed with his trousers unzipped, hands wrapped around his length as he pumped himself at a steady pace. The way his face contorted in pleasure, eyebrows furrowed together like he was nearing his release, and then the next second his eyes flew open and he was looking at you in utter shock.
Everything was happening so fast that your brain literally short-circuited, like your entire body had shut down and rebooted itself. Every muscle within you screamed at you to flee the room, to get the heck out after walking in on such an intimate moment of his - but almost as if your legs had stopped working, you couldn’t bring yourself to move an inch.
All you could do was stare at him, eyes wide and mouth hung open like a deer caught in headlights. Neymar’s hand came to a halt, his facial expression just as dumbstruck as yours, and you had to force yourself not to glance down at the fingers still wrapping around his hardened length.
You blinked once, twice, and finally were able to collect yourself the best that you could manage. “Sir, I’m so sorry for coming inside your room unannounced. I was just here to get something, and I— I didn’t know that you were going to be in here— normally you’d be at practice so…” you began to ramble, strings of words spilling out of your mouth as you frantically tried to apologize.
“I’m just really really sorry, sir,” you apologized one last time, shoulders slumped and head hanging low from the unbelievable amount of embarrassment you were feeling, and also because you wanted to avoid looking at him and his exposed body. Squeezing your eyes shut, you waited for Neymar to say something, anything. 
You expected him to scream at you to get out, to lash out at you for entering his room without knocking, to kick you out of the house for violating his privacy like this. But when he stayed silent, not uttering a single word or exploding in anger like you expected him to, confusion began to gnaw at your mind and the silence became unsettling.
Your name suddenly fell from his lips in a hushed whisper, his voice raspy and laced with a strange, unexplainable tone. The call of your name made you glance up, and what was once a look of surprise and puzzlement on his face was now replaced with one of desire - his lips pulled up in a slanted grin, half-lidded eyes gazing into you like he had something sinister in mind, and you could feel your insides stirring when his hands began stroking up and down again.
“Lock the door and come over here,” Neymar whispered in a hushed voice, and while his words were soft and gentle, underneath them all was hiding a sense of authority, so firm and unmoving that you couldn’t help but comply. His piercing gaze never once left you as you turned to shut the door, clicked the lock shut, and slowly walked over to his bed. “Sit.” One word was enough to make you listen, taking a seat on the corner of his bed as if your body was on autopilot.
The rational side of you would’ve made you leave the room ages ago, but somehow you couldn’t bring yourself to leave, not when he’s looking at you with unbridled hunger. All you could do was follow his orders and do exactly what he said, like a girl possessed, hypnotized by all that he had, blinded by the need to find out what would happen if you stayed.
Feeling the tension in the air, you swallowed nervously as you desperately tried to figure out what exactly was happening, eyes flickering between his face and the slow pumping of his hand. “Fuck…” he hissed out through gritted teeth, his piercing green eyes now distant and cloudy with lust. “Now watch.”
Every passing second made it harder for you to breathe, to sit still when Neymar’s pleasuring himself right in front of you, and it was damn near impossible to comprehend the fact that he had asked you to stay and watch. Tightening his fingers around his length, he squeezed his throbbing cock as he thumbed his slit in teasing strokes, gathering the precum that had spilled out.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve thought of bending you over and fucking you inside this house,” he exhaled a shaky breath, smirking at the way your breath hitched as the sinful confession fell from his lips. “I’m a sick piece of shit, right? For thinking of my son’s babysitter this way,” he chuckled, but the way his voice sounded didn’t seem like he was at all guilty. 
Words didn’t need to be said for the two of you to know that this was wrong. From the fact that he was jerking off in front of you, the unholy thoughts that he always had whenever you come over, to how you were enjoying all of this no matter how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise. 
Neymar was years older than you. He was in his thirties and you were still in college. He was a world-class football player and you were an ordinary college student still trying to navigate life. Most importantly, he was a father, and you were his son’s babysitter. Your relationship never should have exceeded that, but it did, with him splayed out in his bed, admitting all the filthy thoughts he had of you while you watched him. 
This was wrong - all of this - but neither of you wanted this to stop.
“But you like this shit, don’t you?” he asked you with a knowing glint in his eyes, and the smirk on his lips only seemed to grow wider. You couldn’t find the words to answer him, any sort of coherent thoughts had longed become muddled up inside your head. Though you didn’t have to, because he already knew your answer from the way your breathing picked up and your thighs clenched together. 
“I bet…” he choked out as his head tipped backward, letting out a deep groan while speeding up his hand. “I bet you’d let me fuck you if I asked.” A little gasp escaped your lips, bright eyes flickering with a lustful gleam he had only imagined in the darkest hours of the night. You stayed quiet, nibbling on your lips to prevent the whine lodged in your throat from coming, and that’s all it took for Neymar to know that your answer was a definite yes.
“You’ll let me come inside like a good fucking girl too, won’t you?” The thought alone was enough to make you whimper, clenching your thighs together needily as arousal pooled at the pit of your stomach. Your eyes fluttered closed, allowing the sinful images to plague your mind - god, how you wished those thoughts were reality instead.
You wondered how his lips would taste like, what his reaction would be if he could feel how soaked you were right now, if he would feel as good as you imagined it to be when he finally slid himself inside you, and how he would look when he finally reached his release, emptying himself deep inside you until you milked him of his very last drop. There was nothing you wouldn’t give for all of this to come true, for him to just touch you where you needed.
Fingers suddenly clasped around your throat, pulling you out of your erotic trance and dragging you back to reality - even though the reality you were in seemed more like a fever dream. “Use your words. Yes or no?” he demanded, and he couldn’t help but admire how good you looked with his hands around you - so good for him, so sweet and breedable.
“Yes, sir,” you answer with a soft whimper, head nodding urgently at his previous question while you relish the firm grip on your neck. “Good girl,” he praised you with a smile before releasing his hold on you. There was a warmth that lingered on your skin even after he had let go, and a part of you wished he had kept his hands there longer, that he had squeezed tighter.
“I bet you’d feel so good wrapped around me… and you’ll let me do whatever I want to you…” He continued to pump himself, cock twitching at the sight of you before him - rosy cheeks and glassy eyes, so worked up and so desperate for him to just touch you. “Please…” you huffed out a pathetic plea, hands gripping tightly on the sheets below you, praying that he would do something to ease the aching need between your thighs.
He smiled - not a friendly one, but the same damned teasing grin he always had on - and had the audacity to coo at you as if he thought you were the cutest thing on earth. “Be patient, baby…” You tried to be patient, you really did, but your patience was running low and you were genuinely going to cry if he didn’t touch you soon. 
A few more rough tugs on his cock and he knew he was nearing his orgasm. “Fuck… gonna come…” he grunted out, rocking his hips up unrhythmically to meet his fist as the bed started to shake. All that could be heard inside his bedroom was the wet squelching of him jerking his cock, the quick and shallow breaths of you both, and the broken moans that rumbled in his throat with each frenzied stroke.
“Sir, please.” That simple sentence was enough to shatter him into a million pieces. A pleasured groan pushed past his teeth as his hips thrust up one last time, body seizing up as jolts of electricity coursed through him in waves of pure ecstasy. You weren’t even touching him, but all he could feel was you - everything else faded into darkness.
White ropes of come spilled from his cock, getting all over his skin and dirtying the white sheets below him. His mouth fell agape, throwing his head back as your name fell from his lips like a mantra, calling you again and again until he completely emptied himself into his fist.
You watched as he fell apart in front of you, refusing to take your eyes off him even for just a second while he drowned in the endless sea of pleasure. “Fuck… that felt so good,” he spoke in a soft murmur, stroking his cock lazily as he collected some of the come splattered on him with his fingers.
Leaning closer to you, he lifted his hand to your lips and pushed his fingers inside your mouth, groaning with satisfaction at the sinful sight - your lips wrapped around him, so good for him, so eager to please. “There you go, my good little girl…” You moaned at the praising nickname he had for you, twirling your tongue around him and enjoying the taste of him.
A strange silence fell upon both of you after he pulled out his fingers, neither of you was saying anything and all you could hear was your own heartbeat drumming in your ears and the ragged breath of Neymar. You could feel his stare on you, dragging his gaze down to your lips, and you wondered if he was going to kiss you.
He leaned in, so close to you that you could almost feel his hot breath fanning against your lips. You squeezed your eyes shut instinctively, but instead, he tilted his head and placed a chaste kiss on your left cheek. 
“I’m off to practice now,” he whispered into your ear, voice low and raspy, and proceeded to get up from his bed. You looked at him with utter confusion, the gears in your head still turning as you struggled to process what exactly had just happened. Was he seriously going to leave? Right now? What about you? 
The ache between your legs only seemed to grow, and the frustration building in your chest was beginning to grow as well, really quickly. “But… Sir…” you tried to think of something, but had no idea what you were even supposed to say in a situation like this.
The smirk evident on his face meant that he knew exactly what he was doing, and was well aware of how mean he was being to you, but he was doing it nonetheless. “Keep being a good girl for me, and maybe next time I’ll give you a little reward.” Sending you a wink, he pulled on his jersey and exited the room.
This motherfucker.
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donascozylivingroom · 3 months
I was scrolling through tiktok and i found a post by someone who told me if i am comfortable in my life i shouldn't be, because i am not working on my next level. i got annoyed and skipped, two videos later: "if u want to be more comfortable..." ... skip!
i'm tired of society convincing us where we are is not ok. i either must want to be more or less comfortable, never accept my life and improve upon the life i have right now with as tiny steps as i feel i can right now.
guess what - I AM COMFORTABLE! And I love it.
I used to be a master at hustling, doing everything i can to get my million dollars and NYC Penthouse. Manifesting didn t work for me until i learned to robotically affirm and persist, and since then i am getting everything i want. And yeah I still have resistance to 2 of my only big desires, everything else i'm getting affirming 1-3 times because i assume i only need to affirm once and i get it, i repeated that for a while and ever since manifestation has been so easy.
And yeah just because i didn t get my 2 main desires yet, I AM COMFORTABLE. I understand that those things I want so much are part of my soul lessons and why my soul came here. God/Source/myself before this life decided to make some things harder than others, and that's okay.
My whole life i was either uncomfortable because i didn t get something external, or worried - why am I so comfortable?
I learned to never do anything that is not easy because my plan for this life is to FLOW, but still i was fed by the media that i am not perfect as i am, or where i am. It's not true.
Wherever you are, it's your starting place, your zero point. And if you are experiencing it, you are probably meant to be there. I mean look around u in the present moment, not to your mind. Are you okay? You're meant to be here, boo.
How can you make your life more beautiful where you are? How can you be more grateful for what is around you? What you already have.
There s no rush, you don't have to get there tomorrow. I know when you are young it seems like you have to do everything very fast, and the speed of manifestation on this planet has improved since i was a kid, everything seems to be more light and fast, BUT...
There will probably be a few more years until the speed of manifestation will be instant, especially for every single thing.
You are part of a collective, a collective consciousness, and everyone must be on board until they push the START button from above 🤭😁
We are literally on this mission together, it's not just about you, it is about the ascension of Earth and its citizens.
Don't stress! Make it your job to relax whatever happens and you will see small improvement after small improvement which will lead to an easy, chilled life that is financially supported by the Universe enough that u have time to do your affirmations, your journaling, your shadow work, etc. Make it a habit to not stress, because stress is always misaligned since it doesn t feel good.
My life currently: affirming, journaling and pinteresting most of the day while in bed...earlier i did groceries and got a lot of things i love to eat and would be considered expensive where i live. Spent 120 euro today and i am in europe. I don't work. I only manifest haha. I'm yet to be at the financial level i want (one of my two desires i'm working on) but i still live a comfortable life, a life that energetically i wish i will have once i have lots and lots of money, because the vibes are amazing. I'd rather have this warm house and bed, friendships and good vibes than a view from the last floor in NYC from my bed, while ridden with anxiety and loneliness.
Ya know.. Everything will be ok, if you struggle to affirm meditate and try your affirmations just once to check how it feels with eyes closed within your inner being..and then check more affirmations one at a time... and ask yourself, your inner being: what do i really need? what do i really want? and when you are clear, then start repeating and manifesting.
good luck!
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matan4il · 6 days
what do you, as an Israeli, think of Standing Together? asking entirely in good faith because I see things supporting them a lot, but it's always from American Jews and (no offense to us), I don't totally trust that we're informed enough to know what we're talking about and what their perspective and usefulness truly is in the way that someone who actually lives there would. so many orgs are untrustworthy or covertly antisemitic and it made me curious for your perspective. thank you for everything. <3
Hi Nonnie!
Sorry it took me a moment to reply, but I hope my answer can still help you!
As an idea, Standing Together is a movement that I should have been all for. They are pro-coexistence, and so am I. There's no doubt in my mind that Jews aren't going anywhere, and neither are Arabs, and we are all better off working together for a good future for all. Supposedly, that's ST's message, so they absolutely should be an organization that I would be all for.
BUT from everything I've experienced, the narrative that they adopted is way more one-sided than their official stance, they're closer to being anti-Israel than balanced, which makes them problematic for me. Especially when you look at the individual actions and statements of many of this movement's leaders, it's evident that coexistence to them comes at the expense of historical facts, as well as certain Jewish rights. Obviously, the leaders' personal positions influence the movement's stance and actions.
For example, in this interview from Nov 2023, a Jewish leader of the movement falsely calls Israel's 2014 operation in Gaza against Hamas, "a war against Gaza and its people" (brief summary: Hamas kidnapped and murdered three Jewish teenagers in Judea and Samaria, Israel launched Operation Brother's Keeper during which it arrested some of Hamas' terrorists in that area looking for intel on where those 3 kids were and what happened to them, Hamas fired rockets from Gaza at Israel to get its terrorists released and used terror tunnels, including ones that crossed the border from Gaza into Israel, to kill and kidnap our people. That's what Israel ended up fighting against in Operation Protective Edge), while an Arab leader of ST defines their way as one which rejects "maintaining violent military control over millions of people," but says nothing against the terrorism that's used against millions of Israelis and Jews.
In terms of the recent war, since Oct 7 they have come out calling for a ceasefire now very early on in the war (I can't remember when they started it, but I know by Dec 7, 2023 they'd already put out a vid calling to stop the war, when really the ground operation only started about a month earlier, before it could possibly achieve anything), meaning this call was undermining Israel's right (and duty!) to defend its citizens, and asking us to surrender our goals of returning all the hostages and destroying Hamas' rule (only the latter can prevent Hamas from fulfilling its promise to carry out more massacres of the type that started this war, and has claimed so many lives on both sides). Another thing you can see in that vid is ST participating in spreading the false narrative that Israel is intentionally starving the Gazans (you can see the same thing in this poster, which says in Hebrew, "Thou shalt not starve." It's a poster for humanitarian aid they were supposedly bringing into Gaza, as if the IDF would ever let anyone bring anything they want unchecked into a war zone, or as if the amount of aid a few Israeli cars could bring is more than the hundreds of trucks Israel has been allowing in, checked. ST's just posturing and spreading an anti-Israel libel). Helping to spread a libel against one side is NOT being pro-coexistence. Imagine if they were spreading a libel that all Gazans are Hamas terrorists, and took part in the massacre! I think it's clear that, even if it's not simple to tell them apart, there are people in Gaza who are complicit, and people who are uninvolved and innocent. So if ST were spreading such a libel against Gazans, I'd oppose them. I am not going to do less when ST is spreading a libel against my own people.
I hope one day they correct course, but I can't currently support them. Give me REAL solidarity between Jews and Arabs, which sees and recognizes the humanity of both, not a repeat of the de-humanization of Jews, and a surrender of Jewish rights to an anti-Jewish narrative. That's not real peace, it's not real coexistence, it's a return to the way that we Jews have had to live for centuries in exile: always dependent on the good will (or lack of it) of the majority under whose will we lived, forced to bend ourselves, our rights, our dignity, too often even our very lives, to our subjugators, in the hope (and without any guarantees) that they will show us some kindness.
Many of the movement's leaders have not only expressed themselves in a way that reflects an acceptance of the anti-Israeli narrative, and took one-sided positions I can't agree with, they also acted in ways that have left me feeling quite unsafe.
For example, one of ST's founders, Yeela Raanan, joined and supported the violent Palestinian riots on Israel's border with Gaza, organized by Hamas, meant to breach the border fence, which started in 2018. Today we know these riots were a part of Hamas' preparations for the Oct 7, 2023 massacre, as they were getting the IDF used to them coming closer and closer to the fence. TBH, those of us listening to the statements of Hamas' leaders, we didn't need to wait for the border to be breached in order to know that it would be a bloodbath if they succeed. Sinwar's promise that they will reap out the hearts of Israelis with spoons from our chests was enough. Also, the repeated use during these riots of flags and kites with swastikas was pretty telling. So yeah, I can't trust anyone who supported that.
The movement is also financially supported in part by funds, such as the New Israel Fund, which finances a lot of good causes, but also many anti-Israel ones, and the German fund Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, which supports the antisemitic BDS movement (it's antisemitic first of all because one of its stated goals is to put an end to Israel as a Jewish state, another reason is their use of antisemitic tropes in characterizing the Jewish state).
The ironic thing is that, despite how imbalanced against Israel ST is, it was still the so-called pro-Palestinians who actually started a campaign to boycott the organization. Not because of anything specific ST said or did. It was simply for being an Israeli organization, showing the diversity of Israeli society, which is apparently bad 'coz it "normalizes" Israel's existence. That shows you the anti-Israel nature of this opposition, that no amount of willingness to cooperate with the de-humanization of Jews and erasure of our rights will ever be enough for people whose real motivation is antisemitism, that wishes to see an end to the Jewish state.
I hope this helps, Nonnie! Once more, my apologies for how long it's taken me to reply. Be well!
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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mitsuristoleme · 5 months
I just saw your requests are open so I might as well jump in BECAUSE SKDNDNSN ok buttttt what about sukuna + his tummy having a mind of its own BEFORE you were their wife, like, you know nothing about this man but everytime you come in sigh you hear the most direct cat calling you've come across only to see a man with an expression of "God kill me now" so you don't know what's happening but it makes you really curious so you just... Provoke him? Like, use revealing clothing, put on an expensive perfume, etc. AAAH I Just love that hc of his stomach mouth having a mind of its own istg aaaa
a/n: ok so im gonna write this in a modern au because lets be real heian era Sukuna did NOT care about dating/courting
formatted into a bullet point headcannon post because im having way too much fun with this and nothing is connected in a cohesive form (pls forgive me for that but my brain is going ham with this concept)
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cw: gn!reader, cursing, sexual content, bestie!gojo, Sukuna’s tummy mouth is a menace but wbk
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imagine you’re a teacher at jujutsu high and a special grade sorcerer (because i enjoy feeling strong and this is a little self indulgent) (yall can choose if you want to be gojo’s classmate or nanami’s it doesn’t really impact anything)
Sukuna gets reincarnated without a vessel (dont ask me how it just happens ok) and to everyone’s surprise, he volunteers to be an instructor at jujutsu high
he says its to “make these pathetic kids somewhat decent sorcerers so they dont ruin the name of jujutsu”
for whatever reason, the higher ups assign him a spot among the teachers at the school
imagine your shock when this 1000 year old 7 foot tall motherfucker shows in the middle of your class to introduce himself as the new teacher
you’d heard about his whole situation but you didn’t expect him to show up in the middle of a lesson
you attempt to shoo him away but he doesn’t even move (i mean what did you expect really?) and you’re forced to end class early
weirdly enough he keeps a hand clamped over his stomach the entire exchange?? you chalk it down to a stomach ache or something (that night you do wonder if curses, or er, the king of curses, even get physical pains)
ok so before i get into the whole thing lemme just-
in my head, the tummy mouth has the humour of a middle school boy and the self control of the dog from ‘absolutely anything’
so yk. its a mess.
you see him the next day in the staff room
hes wearing a starched white shirt (it accommodates all his four arms and you question how he got one made in a single day) and a pair of fitted slacks, looking WAY too good for a curse
you realise you’ve been staring through the glass window if the staff room and finally enter
only to be greeted by a LOUD wolf whistle followed by a “OOOOH HEY HOT THANG” in the deepest, raspiest, most demonic ass voice you’ve ever heard
sukuna looks like he wants to kill himself.
he gets up and leaves the room immediately
you hear the a faint “NO GO BACK AND FLIRT WITH THEM YOU WIMP ASS HOE” in the same demonic voice as he stalks away
and you’re standing there
wondering what the actual fuck just happened
did you just experience harassment in your workplace?? but his mouth never even moved???
Gojo enters the staff room right after Sukuna vanishes and you IMMEDIATELY fill him in on whatever happened in hopes that he would have any explanation
hes confused, curious and amused all the same time
this doesnt mean hes of any help though
no, the piece if shit just laughs at you and goes off to terrorise the first years take class
before leaving he very unhelpfully reminds you that you have to share classes with Sukuna today
you enter the classroom a couple minutes before the students (you literally have 4 students and one of them is a panda god knows what the point of 2 teachers for such a small class is) and find Sukuna already in the room, leaning back on the chair, his legs resting on the table, eyes closed
once again
looking WAY too fine
just as you internally celebrate that nothing weird happened THE SAME OLD DEMONIC VOICE booms a “DAMN BABY YOU LOOK FINE, CMON LEMME TAKE YA HOME”
“wha- I- Eh??? I’m sorry what the fuhck?!?” you sputter, eyes wide
Sukuna has leaped up from his chair, a mixture of embarrassment and murderous rage on his face
he hisses a “shut the fuck up” in the vague direction of his abdomen before turning to you and apologising
“i am so sorry,” he says sheepishly “i owe you an explanation at the very least after two incidents”
and once again. you’re standing there. shook.
Sukuna turns to you again with an expression that clearly says ‘Gods please strike me down right now’ and asks if you know about him having multiple body parts
you’ve heard of the legends and stories: four eyes, four arms and mouths he can will to appear wherever he wants, so you nod
“Well it just so happens that the mouth on my stomach is sentient, and extremely vulgar. Although i’m sure you noticed the latter.”
his voice is a wonderful contrast to that of his tummy mouth
deep, melodic and smooth
he just got even more attractive.
you realise you haven’t given him a response and nod dumbly muttering out a quick “uh-huh”
thankfully the students enter at that moment saving you from any awkwardness
what you have recently come to identify as Sukuna’s tummy mouth stays blissfully quiet throughout the class and shockingly enough the silence on the belly front continues throughout the day as you discuss lesson plans with your ridiculously hot coworker
that night as you’re getting ready for bed, you remember the exchange between Sukuna and his appendage (specifically the part about Sukuna thinking you’re hot) and a mischievous idea forms in your brain (hey gojo satoru’s influence was bound to kick in at some point)
the next day you leave the top few buttons of your work shirt undone and put on some of the pheromone perfume you got as a gag gift in an (what you presume to be potentially successful) effort to rile Sukuna up (lets be real you think hes pretty damn hot too)
clap yourself on the back for that one bestie because the second you enter the staff room, Sukuna’s eyes nearly bulge out of his skull and the tummy mouth starts BARKING
and drooling apparently (how do you know? well maybe because the front of sukuna’s pristine white dress shirt is now sopping wet)
the sound of a coffee cup shattering interrupts whatever was gonna come after that
you’re met with Nanami’s incredibly unimpressed gaze
without saying anything he leaves the room, muttering, “its too early for whatever the fuck this is”
that happened.
yall get together eventually
gojo tells you “i knew you wanted to fuck him”
before you can come up with any sort of response, your boyfriend’s stomach pipes in with a “OH HE DEFINITELY WANTED TO FUCK THEM”
this is your life now.
good luck.
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a/n: HI IM HERE TOO THIS TIME!! i left the ‘getting together part kinda up to interpretation because im shit at writing the ‘getting together’ arcs but we’re gonna pretend like it was because i want you to be able to go wild with whatever you want
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dividers by @/vanillekiss
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farklelucas · 1 year
okay so. now that ive taken some time to breathe, compose myself, and gather my thoughts, lemme lay out why the teen wolf movie was a hot holy mess (besides, you know, the obvious) as a teen wolf enthusiast and expert.
a lot of the characters were really little more than set dressing. to be specific, i think liam could have been replaced by a mailbox with a hat and the movie would have been the same (and this is coming from a major liam fan). the same can be said for mason, malia, melissa, peter, and honestly even the sheriff (which i hate bc god he was such a core of the show). i think parrish was only useful in one specific instance and even that isn't enough to warrant him being in the film. the characters i loved felt like cardboard cutouts and that wasnt fair to me, to the characters, or to the actors. i would have rather they not been there at all tbh. like just leave liam out of this if youre gonna do him like that fr
a lot of the plot points felt... disjointed and weird. saraid said it felt like three different movies in one and i have to agree. derek and eli felt like its own thing, then scott and allison, and then everything else (whatever the hell parrish and malia had going on, the lydia and jackson buddy cop comedy, liam in... japan with a ramen shop i think? and some random girlfriend that happened to be a kitsune) kind of fell to the wayside in between.
this movie was truly so flat without kira. it was hard to make a nogitsune movie without stiles, but it was almost impossible to make without her. hikari unfortunately ended up just feeling like a woman they randomly shoved into all the plot points kira was supposed to be in. because she didnt have a character besides liams girlfriend (and because liam was barely a character himself), she just couldn't compare and so kiras lack of presence was really felt. she left a huge hole in the narrative. they didnt even mention her and you knew what was missing. if you had cut khylin and dylan sprayberrys checks entirely, im sure they would have had enough to pay her as much as the rest of her white coworkers :) but that's just my opinion xxx
this was supposed to be for fans of the original series, but really just felt like jeff davis's weird rare pair fanfiction. instead of focusing on the dynamics that already existed - melissa and the sheriff, malia and peter, scott and liam, derek and. anyone really - he ended up delving into all these new dynamics with only two hours to develop them. malia and parrish (which. i really had to mentally run through the show to see if those two had interacted before and i dont think they have), liam and hikari, and derek and eli. all of which had a shot at being interesting but because there were so many different plots going on, it all just felt. awkward and confusing.
that being said, im gonna move onto derek and eli generally. i like eli! i do. i thought he was funny, i thought the actor was super charming (although the timeline made no sense because if he was born fifteen years ago And allison died fifteen years ago he would be braedens and. hate to say it folks. thats not braedens baby. make him mixed jeff davis you fucking coward). really, i liked him. ... but not at the expense of dereks character. the derek i knew was an asshole. he was mean, he was sarcastic, he was a bastard (honorifically). its not to say that people cant change, but... the derek i saw in the movie was a complete 180 from the derek we last saw in the series. honestly, the derek i saw in the series probably wouldn't have made a good parent - we saw how he was with erica, isaac, and boyd. even with scott. derek was kind of a dick. i dont even think he would have wanted kids - i think he would raise them out of duty, and i think he would if a partner wanted him to. but i dont think kids were ever in his life plan. and i think that could have been super interesting to see with him and eli. i think making him a parent could have been really interesting and it just. crumbled.
i know i mentioned the timeline in that last bit but. the timeline. it hurts my head. when was eli born. what year is it. how long has it been since scott has been in beacon hills. im so confused.
lets talk about adrian harris. shall we. i have made a list of people who i think would have been a better villain reveal are you ready: allison, peter, theo, chris argent, kate argent (resurrected), matt daehler (resurrected), victoria argent (resurrected), kira herself, danny mahealani, rafe mccall, isaac's shit dad, coach, greenberg, me with a baseball bat filled with rusty nails, jeff davis in a wig. the list goes on. you could not have picked a more random and less memorable character to reveal as your villain. i almost felt like i was being mocked. "haha! you didnt expect it to be this guy? the chemistry teacher who also died fifteen years ago? who had almost nothing to do with the plot until season 3? stupid! idiot!" i have never been so mad in my life
speaking of villain. did they forget what a nogitsune is. it needs a host. its not some guy they can stab to death. its a concept, a feeling, a parasite. its a manifestation of mental illness. but no sorry excuse me i must be wrong bc now its also a werewolf??????? im sorry. am i the crazy one. give me void allison! give me allison as the host and shes being taken over and she has those bags under her eyes and that creepy void stare and grin! give me crystal reed emmy noms! while we're on the subject, heres some more questions about the nogitsune include: why was it in a jar? why was it with LIAM of all people (who didnt even know what that was)? why did its powers completely change? HOW was it a werewolf????????? i cant stop thinking about it.
i said it once and ill say it again: jackson fucking carried this movie. he was giving all season one jackson, he was bringing comic relief, he was even bringing up ethan when no one else would! king! he carried. but he shouldn't have had to. dont get me wrong, i think crystal reed ate and left no crumbs. this was allisons movie and it should have been. but when the other two standout characters imo were jackson (who arguably did nothing) and coach (who did even less)... you simply didnt use your characters well. i think i would put deaton up there and even chris, but... scott and lydia? this should have been their movie. but scott spent nearly the whole movie ignoring his friends, and lydia was reduced to 'woman whose plot was about a man,' again. it was horrible. lydia outgrew that song and dance by season two. and scott? hasnt been to beacon hills in twelve years? hasnt seen his mom or his friends? not the scott mccall i know.
this is not about shipping discourse this post will never be about shipping discourse so i say this as a completely objective party. that being said. st/dia was so strangely shoved in there at the end. how did harris even know about lydia leaving stiles. how did he know about her dream. how did it add to the plot. like yes the nogitsune feeds of chaos and strife but i think lydia was getting enough of that watching her friends get murdered. it felt like a weird way to explain why dob wasnt there and it simply didnt work. i would have rather they not said anything about stiles at all.
anyway, this is skipping over a lot of other little things that i thought were really bad (sexualizing malia who literally had the mentality of an eight year old for most of her life AGAIN, why was mason a fucking cop, peters lack of interaction with the hale family which is what made him interesting in the first place, the absolute insanity of allison coming back to life and just being absolutely okay even though shes been dead for fifteen years, died at the hands of her friend, and almost everyone she knew including stiles, isaac, and kira are all just gone now), but boy oh boy. for a while it was funny bad. like "oh this is bad but i can still enjoy this for what it is" bad. but those last ten minutes. what is actually absolutely wrong with jeff davis. there are very few times ive felt this betrayed by tv shows i held this close to my heart, but im there. im heartbroken. i wont go on about it here, bc honestly, it would need its own post considering how much i have to say. but if the rest of the movie was bad? that was shit was traumatizing.
anyway. so sorry this post is this long, and so sorry i couldnt come back with a positive review. this show died long ago; i think we should have just let it rest - nobody asked for a reunion, and now i can see that was with good reason. so the next time jeff davis opens up an email with a header titled 'sequel idea' and he ccs tyler posey, i think we should all just agree to ler arden cho beat him to death in a dennys parking lot instead.
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luvrbug · 1 year
Hi! This one may be a bit sensitive so its alright if its not your cup of tea to write but! May I request
Killer or Law with an s/o who (due to their period) experiences extreme stomach pains and passes out from it. Sorry if its a bit extreme, it happens to me a lot 😅
(Maybe Killer is better on second thought Law might just medicate his S/O all day lol)
AS A PERSON WITH A UTERUS THAT LIKES TO KILL ME MONTHLY I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND !!! I did just , general period headcanons ! i hope thats okay! and i included kata because i feel hed just be. so good at it you know ??
Killer is not entirely clueless on what happens every month... but he's far from the most experienced. But he's an incredibly fast learner when it comes to comforting you during hell week <3.
You will not be lifting a finger! Kid pirate member or not, killer is absolutely refusing to let you work while you're in this much pain. Kid keeps.. suspiciously silent.. about how little work you're doing.
His hands... HIS HANDS !!! They're warm, steady, and large enough to cover your entire abdomen and gently rub to soothe away the pains.
Killer absolutely is encouraging your period cravings. Pasta? He was feeling pretty hungry himself. Something sweet? His hand slipped, and he ... accidentally ... made a four layer cake!
Killer may not know everything, but he absolutely wants to make this time of month as easy as possible for you. He's just a big softie.
He's a DOCTOR ! he obviously knows all of this, obviously. He's a doctor. Okay, Law really... isn't the best with the reproductive cycles. He's a SURGEON who studied a bit of practical medicine to take up the doctor role in his crew best.
Just because he hasn't learned anything YET doesn't mean he won't learn ever. Obviously, he knows you experience pain, bleeding, irritability, hormone imbalances, etc. But how can he help you feel better without expressing.... emotional vulnerability (eugh).
In the beginning of your relationship law just... leaves painkillers on the nightstand. Stashes chocolate in a certain spot of the kitchen he "accidentally" reveals to you. Changes the sheets while you go to clean yourself up. He's so painfully awkward with every cute, sweet thing he does. Its so endearing.
Later on in the relationship, Law begins to.. loosen up a bit more. He's still a blushing awkward tsundere mess as he does all these sweet things for you, but he's much more physically affectionate and ready to relax with you. Period week? Nah. Vacation week.
THE GOAT AT TAKING CARE OF A PARTNER ON THEIR PERIOD! He's got all those little sisters, and you expect him to be INEXPERIENCED????? No way. This man has made multi-million beri runs in the middle of the night to totto-mart just for tampons, pads, and chocolate. Just give him your order, babe.
But seriously, katakuri knows all the remedies! Even some you wouldn't think about. Heating pad? Done. Massage? Already got it set up. Cuddles and sweets? Impromptu meridena time.
Being a sweet commander has its perks, one of those being a massive, warm bathtub and whatever ridiculously expensive bath product you could possibly want. Katakuri WILL be pampering you.
Killer encourages cravings, but Katakuri goes all out. The kitchen staff shiver in fear when he puts in one of your meal requests. Full buffets, platters, all delivered to you in bed.
Katakuri takes full advantage of the "Excuse-me-my-spouse-is-in-pain" excuse to just. cuddle and spend time with you. He's such a softie <3.
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iamnmbr3 · 11 days
Hi again :)
Two questions actually:
First why didn't Lucius buy Draco another broom? I know JKR meant for Harry to have the bestest broom ever but I wonder why Draco never got a broom upgrade? His parents can afford it and I dont see why Lucius would deny his son a faster broom. Especially after he became prefect.
Second, why exactly is Harry so obsessed with Draco early on? Its obvious why Draco goes after Harry given he is famous and all. But why the other way around? Before Draco ever really did anything to hurt him, he was putting Draco on the same level as his abusive cousin, which makes no sense, and getting all angry at Draco getting care packages. What's his problem? Why pay this rich kid so much attention??
Hello! :D Once again, thank you for your patience. This was a cool ask so I wanted to do it justice.
On your first point, I think a couple of factors are at play, but basically Lucius was probably feeling a bit fed up at that point and also he quickly had other things on his mind due to Voldemort's return. What do I mean by that? Well, in second year he already seems annoyed with Draco for coming second to Hermione in school and is kind of Done TM with hearing Draco talk about or complain about Harry (to be fair Draco did seemingly spend the whole summer doing this). Then he goes out and gets Draco on the Quidditch team and buys the entire team really good brooms. And Draco STILL loses to Harry (though only just). And presumably still comes second to Hermione in school. I think Lucius might've been less than pleased with this.
Plus, Draco's more of a talker than a doer. Yeah he complains about Hermione but he doesn't actually do anything to her because of his aversion to violence. If Lucius and his Death Eater buddies had got ahold of her at the Quidditch Cup they wouldn't have insulted her. They would have hurt her. And they would have enjoyed it. Draco would not have the stomach for that, and Lucius might already be beginning to suspect that. Not to mention, Lucius actually doesn't approve of Draco's open rivalry with Harry. He feels that it is smarter to at least pretend (at this stage) to like Harry since openly seeming anything other than grateful for Voldemort's fall is unwise politically. Draco of course is incapable of leaving Harry alone since if he can't be in Harry's life as his friend he's determined to be in his life as his Nemesis TM. Lucius probably views this as shortsighted and is likely annoyed by it.
Furthermore, the Firebolt is REALLY expensive. Even Harry, with all his wealth, decides it would be unwise to buy it. I mean, it's not really something you would usually use for a school team. It's what professionals at the Quidditch Cup use. So after buying a whole team's worth of brooms and being a bit displeased with Draco, Lucius may not be in the mood to get him something so fancy. Still, Lucius might have bought it for Draco eventually but let's remember the timing. Harry gets the broom midway through third year. Lucius doesn't feel inclined to rush out that minute and buy Draco a new broom (again).
And then fourth year rolls around. The Triwizard Tournament means there's no Quidditch so there's no point. Plus Lucius is probably distracted by the fact that his Dark Mark is getting clearer every day and oh no what if Voldemort isn't actually dead? What if he comes back? What if he's mad at all the people who didn't stay faithful to him...?
And then Voldemort DOES come back. And Lucius has...so many problems. First he has to tell Voldemort that he kinda sorta might've lost his diary. Whoopsie. And that...does not go well. then he's busy trying to stay alive and un-tortured and trying to regain Voldemort's favor during fifth year. And then he gets caught at the Department of Mysteries and arrested. Probably broom buying is the last thing on his mind.
(First, as an aside, I don't know that Draco's interest in Harry is purely based on his fame. I mean, he tries to befriend and impress Harry in Madam Malkin's before he even knows who he is.) But anyway, both of them seem to be mutually drawn to each other even though their relationship is an acrimonious one almost from the beginning. Yes, Harry almost immediately takes a dislike to Draco. But he's also very aware of him. And that...never stops.
I'm not sure I would say that Harry exactly puts Draco on the same level as Dudley, but he is immediately reminded of Dudley due to Draco's boasting. Draco speaks in a way that makes Harry think he is spoiled and privileged...like Dudley. Draco also declares he'll bully his father into getting him a broom. This is a boast because he's trying to show off to impress Harry.
Lucius and Narcissa are not Vernon and Petunia. They do a lot for Draco but they would never allow him to push them around the way Dudley does his parents. Harry doesn't know this however, and takes Draco at his word which makes him draw a parallel to Dudley in his mind. Draco's bullying and bigoted behavior also further turns Harry against him. He's never afraid of Draco though in the way he is of Dudley, so the dynamic is different.
But yeah. Harry is...really hyper aware of Draco. Not because he's scared of him. But just because he can't seem to look away. They orbit and play off each other right from day one. Harry immediately recognizes Draco when he meets him again on the train (and Draco also remembers Harry right away). He watches Draco's sorting and where he goes to sit. He dreams of Draco his very first night.
I'm not sure Harry even knows why this is. There's just something about Draco that he's drawn to, even when they aren't friends, even when they are bitter rivals. They can never forget each other or look away from each other. Harry isn't like this with other people he dislikes. He's not like this about Zacharias Smith or Crabbe or Goyle or Michael Corner or Cormac McLaggen or even Snape or Voldemort.
There's something different with Draco. Something more. To me, that something is drarry.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months
ASGZ throwing a party for Cloud.....does it go smoothly?
• The SOLDIER boyos decide to throw Cloud a birthday party after he tells them he never had one as a kid, both because he was poor and because he never had any friends.
• Angeal is in charge of the cake and the food. He decides to go all out and order a 10-tier birthday cake from the best confectionery in Midgar!
• He'll be busy with the food prep so he leaves the decorations and party prep to Sephiroth and Zack.
• He starts to regret that decision once Sephiroth and Zack start talking about fireworks and renting live chocobos....but they're out the door before he can reconsider.
Genesis: And what will I be doing?
Angeal: You will be doing fuck all, which is your specialty.
Genesis: Your insinuating that I'm incompetent.
Angeal: No. I'm saying it to your face. You're incompetent.
• After enough begging and groveling from Genesis, Angeal concedes and gives him the plain and simple task of handing out invitations.
• Genesis is all smug and victorious until he sees the invite list. It only consists of a few select SOLDIERs Cloud knows besides the four of them.
• This won't do! If Genesis Rhapsodos has a hand in organizing a party, he will make sure that it's a party.
• Cut to the day of Cloud's party. They're pulling the oldest trick in the book, pretending they forgot Cloud's birthday and then luring him up to his own party.
• Angeal, who's already stressed, marches into the event area. He opens the door and runs face first into a chocobo.
Angeal: HO! WHAT THE–!?
• Sephiroth and Zack are coordinating the setup of a petting zoo. Sephiroth is trying to wrangle the Chocobos back into their enclosure while Zack has a live alligator on a leash.
Zack: Isn't this cool!? Cloud once told us he's never been to a zoo!
Sephiroth: So we're bringing the zoo to him.
Zack: He's gonna love it!
• Angeal watches the alligator thwack Zack with its tail ("ow!") before his attention shifts to giraffe being corraled into an enclosure by Kunsel.
Angeal: Or! He's gonna think he's having a fever dream!
Sephiroth: How rude.
Angeal: Guys, what made you think this was a good idea?
Zack: Oh-ho! And what makes you think that this is the only thing we have planned?
• There's a loud whoosh and then a giant bouncy castle inflates in the background. The shock of seeing the bouncy castle is overshadowed by the way three Soldiers rush to fill it with foam.
Angeal: Oh someone's going to break their legs on that.
• And then all hell breaks loose. The doors open and people start pouring in—And I mean pouring.
They quickly fill up the room as obnoxiously loud music blasts from the speakers above. The boys have to stick close together to not lose each other in the sea of party-goers.
• Genesis parades in wearing sunglasses and carrying an expensive bottle of liquor.
• Genesis skips by.
Angeal: GENESIS!
• They run after him and grab him by the shoulders.
Genesis: Hey~
Sephiroth: Oh no. Keep it away from me.
Sephiroth: Wait, why are we screaming? We have enhanced hearing. We can hear each other perfectly fine.
Sephiroth: And where is Cloud?
Genesis: Oh no.
• Meanwhile Cloud sits on his bunk in the barracks watching the party livestream on social media.
Cloud: Sons of bitches.
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radiojamming · 4 months
My ass fell down the Sherlock Holmes tree A G A I N and I am currently hitting every branch on the way down so literally anything you know about sending telegrams is useful information to me. Do they need stamps. How long do they take. Do I have to say Stop after every sentence or is that just a comprehension convention. IS IT A MORSE CODE THING
Telegrams did not need stamps. They were usually sent from one telegram office to another and were distributed outward by dedicated telegram couriers from that company. Most of the time, this system was faster than the mail.
Which is to say--THEY ARE SPEED. At telegraphy's height in the early 20th century, you could easily send a message across an entire country in a day. Telegram messages would get relayed up and down lines from office to office, sometimes passing through places like railroad stations, before arriving at the office closest to the recipient. Transatlantic messages shot across undersea cables in record time! It was bonkers! It's probably Samuel Morse's first message in his code (he didn't invent the telegraph, but the code's important) was: "WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT"
So the STOP thing is funky. There's a myth that people used it because telegraph companies provided the word for free in place of paying for punctuation, but that's probably not true. What is true is that the STOP really started showing up in telegrams during World War I. In this case, the STOP separated sentences clearly so messages wouldn't get misinterpreted and potentially cause things like horrible war disasters if someone read something incorrectly. Supposedly, the public caught onto using STOP and continued using it long after it was no longer necessary. It became a style of convention! It was en vogue!
(An aside is that one of the alternatives to STOP was using the numeral 30 in place of a period. This practice, as far as I'm aware, comes from newspapers using 30 to signal to the typesetter that they were at the end of a column. You can still find clippings of old newspapers that use this method! And sometimes you find telegrams using the same system!)
You, as the sender, would also pay by letter. This is why telegrams sound to us like these choppy, informal messages that are very easy to make fun of. If I remember correctly, the average length of an American telegram was about 11-12 letters. Very few people had the means to send long, flowery telegrams to each other or observe strict grammar rules. It was a whole lot easier to send the word NO than to say "I cannot come to your party, Geraldine, for I have a strong disdain for you as a person". It's also fun to look at some telegrams to see an early form of our text messaging acronyms. Some of them are so short that they're nonsensical to us.
So why send a telegram that says NO, anyway? Why not send a letter or, better yet, call the person? Because at the peak of telegraphy, both of those latter things are expensive and not always reliable. A rural farmer might not have the funds to make a long distance call, or straight-up doesn't have a telephone line! And what if their letter gets lost in the mail? What if the message is urgent? This is partially why a critical announcement of something like thee Armistice herself is delivered via telegram rather than someone calling and saying, "Yippee! The war's over!" Say it in tiny words and say it faster!
To date (and what I love to say to the kids I teach at the museum), sending a telegram is faster than sending a text message. If I sent the word NO through a telegraph line, it's already at its next stop the second I send it. If you texted the same word, you'd have to open the message prompt, type out the letters, send it, encode it, bounce it from a tower to a satellite and back down to another tower, have it go to the recipient's phone, decode it, and wait for them to open the prompt to read it. My NO is already there. :) (Now, I grant, it's going to take longer to get it on paper and sent through a courier to someone else, but if I work at a place like a railroad station and I'm sending a message to another station, then it's faster!)
Depending on the year you're looking for, there are a few different ways to send the telegram itself. There are telegraphic typewriters! Punch cards! Punch ribbons! Some guy wearing headphones and using a pencil! Someone else standing on a post and wildly waving flags around! A thing called a wigwag! Endless options!
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Camp/Underworld Quotes #6
Koiyan, making exotic wines and meads: Be the wine experimenter they said. It'll be fun they said.
Cory, helping them bottle the wines: Wtf is a star fruit?
Koiyan, done with their pale white ass not knowing 90% of the exotic fruits they know: Questions later, bottling now.
Dionysus, seeing Koiyan make wines with ease: ...Are you sure you're not my child?
Koiyan, making rice wine on the roof: It's just the Vietnamese in me.
Other kids, getting wasted easily, looking at Koiyan: How come you're not a Dionysus kid and not drunk at this point?
Koiyan, been drinking since she was 2 years old: Experience
Other kids: How?
Koiyan: Vietnam has no legal drinking age. Kids start drinking usually at 10-12 there. My mortal step-father did.
Cory: Why rice wine?
Koiyan, taste testing the rice wine: It's what my area of Vietnam is known for.
Koiyan: When I die I want Cory to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.
Zagreus: I'm gonna get my pilot's license. I've already got a driver's license and a cosmetology license, that's two of the big five licenses.
Koiyan: The big five licenses?
Zagreus: Driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and… license to kill! I can't wait to get that one.
Zagreus, helping Thanatos dispose the bodies Koiyan made: You stole my Adamant Rail for this.
Koiyan: The alters wanted violence and Ares told us to help with the war.
Zagreus: What state do you live in?
Thanatos: Constant anxiety.
Cory: Denial.
Koiyan: Perfection.
Cyrilla, pointing to all of the camp: NEW YORK! WE'RE ALL IN NEW YORK LONG ISLAND.
Koiyan: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this?
Cory: You sound like the start of a Batman villain.
Koiyan, now being flocked by crows: More like the crazy bird lady from Home Alone 2
Koiyan: I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
Nico: All I drank was Redbull!
Koiyan: How many?
Nico: Eighteen.
Koiyan: I'm getting Will-
Cyrilla: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk before capture the flag?
Koiyan: *sighing* Zagreus.
Zagreus, now hanging around camp and is now a camp counselor: Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die.
Cory: *wiping away a tear* So inspirational.
Cyrilla: *is hugging Koiyan*
Thanatos: Hey! It's my turn to hug Koiyan!
Thanatos: *grabs Koiyan*
Zagreus: *kicking down the door* What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot!
Cyrilla: No, It's still my turn!
Koiyan: *suffocating* Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly!
Thanatos: But we need the moral support!
Cyrilla: And you're small! Which is cute!
Zagreus: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning.
Koiyan: *close to tears* Well- I, I guess.
Koiyan, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
Zagreus, knowing its her cycle: Want chocolate?
Koiyan, about to cry: Yes please.
Koiyan: *Plays Slender: The Eight Pages*
Koiyan, the only Asian in the group: *Jumps back* OH SHIT, IT'S A WHITE GUY!!!
Cyrilla: Do you mean me?
Koiyan: Not this time
Koiyan, to Cory: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Cory: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Koiyan: You just told me you're pregnant.
Thanatos: Congratulations Cory, you're glowing!
Cyrilla: Who's the unlucky guy?
Koiyan: Estoy rodeado de idiotas (I am surrounded by idiots)
Cory: Where's Zagreus?
Koiyan: Don't worry, I'll find them.
Koiyan, shouting: Thanatos sucks!
Zagreus, distantly: Thanatos is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Koiyan: Found them.
Thanatos, tearing up: Babe...
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 1 year
sorry for another rewuest but would u please do avengers! cast x teen reader who has adhd and has trouble staying on task while filming and the directors being mad or something please❤️
No need to apologize &lt;3
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"Y/N, not again," Said one of the directors while sighing. "Sorry," you said, already feeling the embarrassment creeping from the back of your neck. "It's the last time I promised," The scene you were filming was taking too long to film and you lost your attention to the scene twenty minutes ago. It wasn't the first time you zoned out and its starting to annoy the staff.
"Y/N please don't mess this one up," You nodded and fixed your shirt awkwardly and looked at Scarlett and she gave you a small smile to comfort you. All you had to do is listen to Scarlett and wait until your line starts. Before the scene even started you zoned out, and when you do, you can't get back from that state. When Scarlett started and her lines and she reached a point where you were supposed to start your lines, but when she looked at you you were clearly zoned out and she flinched, already knowing what is going to happen.
"Y/N, seriously?! I can't deal with you anymore!!" You flinched, you never heard that director scream ever, and that made you get scared. "We keep telling you to focus but you don't listen!!" He screamed. "Hey! it's a kid your yelling to, keep it together!" rdj exclaimed back. "And it's not like it's her issue anyways! we know you have not been paying her enough!" Scarlett screamed.
The directors didn't pay you all your money because apparently you weren't doing enough for their standards. Your adhd meds are expensive and you can't pay for it because you don't receive that much. You told Scarlett that a few weeks back when she found you crying in one of the empty rooms.
"If you started paying her what she deserve then there might be a chance that she wouldn't struggle as much!!" rdj said. By that point you were already crying and couldn't stand there even a little bit longer so you ran towards the bathroom to one of the stalls and hid there. After a few minutes you heard a knock. "Y/N, it's Lizzie and Scarlet, come out we need to talk to you," Lizzie said. You didn't respond, you felt so humiliated from what the director said and didn't feel like coming out.
"It's okay Y/N, we just need to talk to you," Scarlett said. You sighed. You knew that they wouldn't give up at all and would probably wait for you until you came out so you decided to go out anyways. When you walked out you couldn't bring yourself to look at them, you were so embarrassed. "Y/N, we convinced the director to pay you more, he wouldn't cut your pay anymore," Lizzie said. You looked up at them surprised, whenever you tried to convince him to give you your full payment he just refused, so they must have gaslighted him.
"Now if he ever decided to cut your payment you tell us, okay?" Scarlett said. "Okay," You nodded and they smiled softly at you. Ever since that day, that director was not mean to you, not even once, and you have Scarlet and Lizzie to thank for that.
I feel like this one is kind of bad but idk
My requests are open
edit: omg I miss spelled scarlett's name lmaoo
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etaindelaserna · 3 months
So I found this around, can I ask for Draco/ Hermione or Kakashi/ Sakura?
♥ Send a ship and I'll give you who:
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
- Gets jealous the most
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
- Takes care of on sick days
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
- Gives unprompted massages
- Drives/rides shotgun
- Brings the other lunch at work
- Has the better parental relationship
- Tries to start role-playing in bed
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
- Still cries watching Titanic
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
- Makes the other eat breakfast
- Remembers anniversaries
- Brings up having kids
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Thanks for choosing two of my all-time-even-when-I‘m-as-old-as-solar-systems-ships✨Let‘s see…
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- Gives nose/forehead kisses:
Nose? Definitely Hermione and it drives Draco mad, because it’s such a silly gesture and he doesn’t really understand it because WHY THE BLOODY NOSE of all places but secretly he loves it. Forehead? Draco. He almost overuses it. It’s a no-nonsense gesture, a “I’m a hopeless romantic deal with it” declaration, a “You’re safe with me” assurance and a “I adore you more than I have words for” love letter.
- gets jealous the most:
Draco although he doesn’t show it. But there are signs. Hermione can tell. The eyebrow twitch, the love bombing once they’re alone, the overcompensation with grand speeches and display of luxury but the most telling one of all: Draco is making an utter fool of himself—no matter how calm and collected he looks doing it.
- picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive:
Draco. He acts as if he’s annoyed by it but he’s satisfied that she calls him to pick her up, that she feels safe with him. Also: drunk Hermione is very funny and cute and entertaining and he teases her about it when she’s sober again.
- takes care of on sick days:
Draco. By the time Hermione listed her symptoms he has already owled for potions and healers and plans to buy enough groceries for at least a month just in case. Hermione doesn’t want him to make a big fuss about it but he basically declares it a national emergency and makes sure she really recovers. Meaning: she is not allowed to read or research while sick.
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day:
Hermione. Because what’s the point of going to the beach if you don’t go into the water but of course Draco argues, that it’s called “beach day” and not “swim” or “ocean day”.
- gives unprompted massages:
Hermione. It’s her way of easing things up between them. A physical way for her to express she is there with him, that she listens.
- drives/rides shotgun
Hermione. Jump in. We don’t have time for questions.
- brings the other lunch at work:
Draco. Proper nutrition isn’t one of Hermione‘s top priorities. She skips meals on a daily basis because she is too focused on her work. Also: it gives Draco an excuse to stop by and steal some smooches.
- has the better parental relationship:
- tries to start role-playing in bed:
Draco. He read in a muggle magazine, made the quiz that determined whether that’s something he could be interested in and tried it the first chance he got. Needless to say it ended in them almost dying of laughter.
- embarrassingly drunk dancer:
Hermione. And she forces Draco to join in.
- still cries watching Titanic:
Draco. Being the hopeless romantic in the relationship, it’s right down his aisle. Although he slightly sympathises with the rich and therefore get’s smacked by Hermione.
- firmly believes in couples costume:
Draco. It’s one of the few benefits of being a couple and he is fully committed to see it to its full potential.
- breaks the expensive gift rule dusting Christmas:
- makes the other eat breakfast:
Draco. Hermione is not allowed to leave the house until she’s had breakfast. Just coffee doesn’t count.
- remembers anniversaries:
Both. Although Hermione remembers a lot of personal and small ones like the first time he smiled at her.
- brings up having kids:
Draco. Every chance he gets. There’s no point in postponing because they love each other, they are settled and he wants a minimum of two. A boy and a girl. Three if he’s lucky and Hermione plays along.
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- Gives nose/forehead kisses:
Kakashi. For appearing so aloof all the time he does use kisses and touches as his main love language and once Sakura got used to it, she realised how much she actually needed this kind of affection from a partner.
- gets jealous the most:
Sakura. Kakashi is a beautiful, respected man and Sakura was used to being treated indifferently and always being the second fiddle. Noticing other women glancing after him makes her want to explode.
- picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive:
Kakashi. Sakura is a clingy and honest drunk. So it’s quite amusing but for the most part he doesn’t trust anyone else with picking her up.
- takes care of on sick days:
Sakura. There is no debate. Kakashi isn’t allowed to leave the house and is fed chicken broth and at least 3 litres of tea. And he is not allowed to complain.
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day:
Sakura. Kakashi isn’t a fan of the cold water but can’t say no when Sakura wears that large sun hat and green swimming suit and has that huge smile on her face when she starts a splashing war.
- gives unprompted massages:
Kakashi. After a long day in the hospital or on a mission her shoulders and neck are so tense and although she never complains or asks, he can see that she is uncomfortable. He can’t stand it. Within a few minutes she falls asleep.
- drives/rides shotgun:
- brings the other lunch at work:
Kakashi. Although Sakura knows how important a nutritious meal is, she is too exhausted to meal prep. It gives Kakashi a sense of fulfilment knowing he can do this little thing for her.
- has the better parental relationship:
Sakura. But Kakashi was basically adopted into the family by day one.
- tries to start role-playing in bed:
Sakura. She convinces herself it must be something Kakashi likes because he has more experience and because of the Icha Icha books and she doesn’t want to be “bad in bed”. So she tries it and Kakashi humours her but makes it clear he is not into it, especially if Sakura doesn’t enjoy it.
- embarrassingly drunk dancer:
Sakura. Kakashi can’t decide if it’s cute or funny or oddly attractive but Sakura has moves he has never seen before.
- still cries watching Titanic:
- firmly believes in couples costume:
Kakashi. It surprises Sakura just how committed he is. She has to admit it’s actually quite fun.
- breaks the expensive gift rule dusting Christmas:
Sakura. Her gifts are a combination of expensive and thoughtful. She has a vision in mind.
- makes the other eat breakfast:
Sakura. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. End of story.
- remembers anniversaries:
Kakashi. He makes sure to remind Sakura what’s so special about each anniversary: the way she looked, how she smiled, something she said. Those moments are precious to him.
- brings up having kids:
Sakura. She never thought about it before but with Kakashi it just makes sense.
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strangerthingsn · 4 months
Part 8
summary: You live in your car or a hotel, you sell your body to men for money, but got accidentally pregnant by the only one Alan Munson(Eddies dad). He was in jail before, for the same thing he did to you. But lucky he has a son who cares and helps you out.
warings: 18+ (all parts), fluff, kissing, kind of making out
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“Happy birth day” you kiss Eddies cheek while he’s barely awake. You already made a whole breakfast for him and you put it down on his nightstand.
“thank you darling” Eddie smiles with his eyes still closed.
“I got a present too” you grab the heavy present you got for him.
“you didn’t have to baby” Eddie smiles while sitting up if he finally opened his eyes. He also notices Elias laying next to him. “Hey little guy” he kisses his head.
“It’s heavy and don’t drop it” you give the massive packed box to Eddie.
“okay” Eddie takes it laying it on his lap. “I don’t think I ever got a bigger present then this” He smiles.
“unpack it” you smile gently watching him.
“Yess” Eddie nods while he start unpacking the box.
“It’s a present for your birthday and valentines in one. Because it’s valentines tomorrow and it was expensive”
“Oehh” Eddie smiles when he finesses unwrapping it. He just had to open the box. “Okay”
“Three… two… one, open it!” You smile. Eddie opens it and looks at the guitar you just gave him. he looks with big eyes and he closes the box again.
“No. No. I can’t take this”
“yes you can Eds” you kiss his cheek. “Happy birthday my love”
“I love you so much.” He grabs you by your waist and he lays down on the bed pulling you with him so you fall on him.
“do you like it?”
“I wanted this model” Eddie nods kissing your cheek while you’re looking up at him.
“I know, Gareth helped me choosing” you smile.
“you and gareth get along very well huh?”
“he’s nice, like all your friends” you nod.
“Mary is nice too”
“she’s a amazing friend.” You agree.
“let’s eat” he smiles while grabbing the plate laying it on your back. You nuzzle your face into his belly and you chuckle. Eddie starts eating his breakfast and looks a little around in his room. “Where can I even hang my guitar?”
You till your head looking around in Eddie room. “Next to your other” you smile. “Breakfast good?”
“its amazing, baby. Best birthday”
“I can’t wait until Valentines Day tomorrow so I can take care of you even more”
“I still need to buy you something”
“You don’t have to” you look up at Eddie.
“I do but I’m still thinking…” he puts a strawberry in his mouth. “I have something in mind..”
“what is it?”
“I mean-… would you like a new bra and panties?” Eddie blushes a bit.
“I’d love that Eds” you get up still looking at Eddie. “Those sizes are pretty complicated tho… I’ll write them down”
“I figured out, thanks princess” when Eddie finishes his plate he puts it back down on the nightstand. After you found a pen and paper you write your bra and pantie size down.
“I have to say lingerie is expensive tho… I’m happy with everything even if it’s a kiss” you give the paper to Eddie.
“you’ll get your kiss too” He winks taking it and putting it in his pocket. You both look at the door when you notice it opening.
“hey kid, happy birthday” Wayne smiles leaning in the door frame watching Eddie, you and grandson.
“Thank you Wayne” Eddie smiles gently.
“Eddie you gotta unpack the presents.”
“yes he does” you nod getting up.
“Coming” Eddie gets up and grabs Elias before following you and Wayne to the living room.
—2 hours later—
Wayne gave Eddie a new band shirt, rings and guitar picks for his birthday. After he unpacked everything you all got ready for the day, you looked a little prettier then normally just for Eddie. Your plan for the day was just driving around Hawkins stopping at some places with Eddie but you had one thing that was in the way… little Elias.
“I can call Gareth” you smile walking over to the phone.
“No! Not him, he’s a kid himself” Eddie stops you.
“then he can play with him” you chuckle.“Maybe Mary?”
“yes i do trust Mary with him” He nods.
“okay let me call her” you grab the phone calling to Mary her house. It rang a couple times before you hear her voice.
“Hello Mary hire”
“Hello Mary I was wondering if you wanted to be my valentine?” You joke.
“I think we both know we already have our valentines” she immediately knew it was you.
“okay okay, anyways.. you’d like to babysit a little dork?”
“On my way”
“no we can bring him to yours” you giggle.
“you sure?”
“yes Mary, I’m sure, I’ll pack a lil bag and I will see you innnnn…. Uhhh.. 30 minutes.”
“Take your time sweetheart, I see you!”
“see you, bye!” You hang up. “She is-“ you wanted to tell Eddie she was okay with it but he was already gone. “Eddie?” You walk into his room.
“Yes my love?” He smiles up packing a little bag with Elias his clothes.
“no thanks my task” you reach out for the bag but Eddie takes your hands in his.
“no let me do it, you go feed him” he kisses your hand gently. You hear is little snores on the other side of the room.
“okay fine” you smiles kissing Eddies cheek. “It’s your birthday” you say walking over to his crib.
“Even with my birthday I’m still a dad”
“A really good one” you smile seeing him asleep. You find it funny that Eddie is not his actual dad but he does look like him at some point.
“I know” Eddie smiles. “I’m in the kitchen if you’re looking for me” he likes to give you some privacy and time alone with Elias sometimes.
“yes baby” you nod while picking the little guy up really gently. He immediately opens his eyes and he frowned. “sorry sleepyhead, you gotta drink before we go” you take him to Eddies bed and you sit down against the head board. You gently lay him down next to you but apparently he didn’t really liked that idea and starts crying.
“Sssshh, it’s okay… just taking my shirt and bra off” so you do. “Give me a minute” when your bra and shirt where off you pick him up and he already starts drinking.
“he needs a new pacifier?” Eddie asks form the kitchen.
“uhhh,” you look around if you could see the old. It was probably still in his crib. “I think it’s in his crib”
“okay, I’m packing only a bottle then”
“thanks” you look down at Elias again going with your fingers gently over his head. He is just chilling and looking around while drinking. It took him 10 minutes before he was done with drinking, you put everything on again and you walk over to Eddie with Elias.
“can we go?” He takes Elias from you.
“Mhm” you nod heading to the frond door to open it, when you do Eddie first walks out and you walk out behind them.
“bye kiddos have a nice day!” Wayne shouts.
“Thanks! Have fun at work” you wave and shut the door behind you. While Eddie was busy in the backseat you get in the van.
“You sure you got everything?” Eddie asks when he puts Elias his bag in the backseat.
“I’m sure” you nod looking at little Elias in the back in his car seat.
“okay” Eddie kisses his cheek before he closes the door and hops in the frond seat.
“let’s go then” he starts the van and drives to Mary her house.
—10 minutes later—
“so the bottle is in the bag he will probably be hungry in 2 hours, you know how to make him a bottle?” You ask.
“yes i do, i have a little niece” she smiles.
“It’s gonna be okay, we got it y/n” Luke says.
“Thank you guys” you smile giving Elias a little kiss.
“have fun you two!” Mary waves.
“Good luck with Elias, bye bye!” You wave back and you walk back to Eddies van.
“Okay where you wanna go?” He ask when you sit.
“Let’s start with the mall?”
“good idea” he nods and takes your hand while driving off.
“I love you so much” you kiss his hand.
“love you so much more” he kisses yours too with his eyes still on the road.
“Your gonna start a discussion with saying that” you shake your head.
“You’re right” Eddie chuckles. While you are driving to the mall you put some music on, the ones you both like. You watch Eddie with his face concentrated on the road, now Elias isn’t in the car anymore he drives a lot harder.
“I think I might gonna buy your valentines present there so maybe you can’t go with me in a shop” he looks at you for a second.
“Same for you, I have to buy you something”
“babe, you bought me a fucking guitar, you realize that?”that comment made you chuckle.
“still, even if it’s just a single rose”you shrug your shoulders.
“To be honest when I first saw you I thought you’d be a selfish little slut with a huge ego” he explains with a little grin.
“am I not?” You joke.
“you’re the opposite of that my love, you’re loyal, very cute, cool, nice, helpful and so much more. You’re the best that ever happened to me” he looks at you for a second again. You open your mouth so say something but just nothing came out. It was silent for a minute.
“Nobody ever said that, I thought I was unloveable…” you shrug.
“Honestly, I thought the same, thought I’d just gonna end up alone.” He rubs his thumb over your hand.
“You should know your very gorgeous and your personality is also” you smile looking at him.
“Thank you” he looks back at you for a second you two had eye contact.
“Enough, eyes on the road Eddie” you chuckle.
“yeah totally” he chuckles with his eyes back on the road. It didn’t take long before you guys arrived. When Eddie parks the car you kiss his cheek and you get out after. “Ey come back” he shouts before you shut the door. You shake your head no and wait outside for him.
Eddie chuckles and gets out, closing the door then running to your side and he picks you up. he kisses your face what makes you giggle. “Eddieeee”
“your fault i could have given you a gentle kiss in the van” he kisses your cheek and puts you down.
“sorry sir” you smile taking his hand.
“You’re good little one” he says as you walk and pull him behind you.
“Little? What’s that supposed to mean” you smile looking at him.
“well you’re not that tall..” he shrugs.
“apparently your attacked to it?” You smile.
“absolutely” Eddie nods. When you walk into the mall Eddie has his eyes already on a shop full of lingerie.
“are you looking at those women on the posters?” You joke.
“Was just imagining you in that” He confessed.
“sure Eddie” you roll your eyes.
“give me a second” Eddie says while walking in. The ‘give me a second’ assume you as a ‘wait outside’ so that’s what you do. You sit down on a little chair and you wait there for Eddie.
A while later Eddie walks out with a bag, you look curios, you absolutely did wanna know what he got you in there.
“need to wait until tomorrow” he takes your hand and helps you up.
“yeah sadly, do i have to wear it tomorrow too?”
“Will you pop one?” You smirk.
“probably” he nods while you continue walking.
“oeeeh, im curios” you smile exited. Eddie smiles and kisses your cheek resting his hand on your hip.
“what shop babe?” He looks around.
“you’d like to go to hot topic?” You pout at the shop.
“yep” he nods.
—3 hours later—
You guys already visited so many shops and ate something, but now you were so tired, and the two of you are walking towards the exit of the mall.
“You wanna go home baby?” He looks at you.
“We also park the car at lovers lake and just lay in the backseat?” “I’d love that actually” Eddie nods and opens the car. You hop it and you sigh when you finally sit, your body is exhausted.
“Awhh” Eddie lays his hand on your tight. “I swear this is still form the pregnancy or something”
“I think so” you shrug your shoulders.
“I feel bad for you” he starts the car and drives to lovers lake it was not so far from hire.
“I might be tired quickly but I got a beautiful son in return” you look out of the window.
“a gorgeous son” Eddie nods in agreement.
“did you hope for a boy or girl actually?”
“well, a boy. To be really honest.” Eddie confessed.
“Lucky you” you chuckle.
“And you?”
“really didn’t mind” you smile gently.
“you love every kid you see, wherever you see a kid you smile or wave at them” Eddie laughs.
“you can’t blame me for it, they are adorable Eddie!” You laugh too.
“I don’t really like kids, but Elias is such a cutie”
“Why you like him so much actually?” You ask.
“no idea” he shrugs his shoulders. “But I just love him so much, I think he also likes me”
“he loves you Eddie, believe me.” You smile.
“you think so?” he brights up.
“I can see it, think he might likes you a little more then me” you chuckle. “Now I have to share you”
“you do” he nods. Eddie parks the van at a cool spot by lovers lake, you both get out opening the door and you chill on the backseat. You eventually fall asleep on Eddie.
—the next day—
You had dinner at Mary her house yesterday, as dessert the cake you and Mary made for him. It was really much fun and you noticed Eddie liked it.
“good morning baby” Eddie sees your awake when he walks in with a plate breakfast.
“morning” you smile looking at him.
“happy Valentines Day” he kisses your forehead and puts the plate on your lap.
“thank you darling. Happy valentines” you smile giving him a rose.
“Awh thanks you too” He grabs a bag. “I’m gonna get a bath ready for you, after you can put your new set on”
“alright, love youu” you start eating looking around for Elias.
“oh, he’s with Wayne” he smiles.
“oki” you nod while he walks out. The breakfast was actually really good, he made pancakes and put strawberries and chocolate on it and to make it even prettier there were heart sprinkles on it. You love this man.
“Eddie?” You yell.
“Yes?” He yells back.
“Breakfast is good!”
“Made it with my love!” You hear him chuckle in the bathroom.
“I taste it” you giggle.
“it’s ready, you done eating?” Eddie smiles.
“all done!” You nod getting up. You wrap your arms around Eddie and he does the same picking you up.
“hey pretty” he kisses you. But you pull away.
“Morning breath”
“I only taste chocolate” Eddie kisses you again this time you do it back. He slowly slips his tongue through your lips and you two started kissing with tongue. You continue for a moment before Eddie pulls away. “The bath will be cold soon”
“true” You nod jumping out of his arms on the ground. Eddie leads you to the bathroom and he made the bath water with a bathbomb pink. There where roses in it and candles on the side.
“Eddie you really didn’t need to do this” you heart is melting.
“Yes I did” he hugs you from behind, you notice the two glasses with red whine standing there two.
“I can’t drink alcohol” you shrug.
“I wrote a little bit red wine doesn’t matter” he says talking your shirt off.
“You joining me?”
“If you want to?”
“ofcourse babe” you nod taking your short and panties of at once.
“okay” Eddie didn’t have to be told twice, he takes his shirt and boxers while you get in. “Good temperature?”
“perfect” you nod while watching him get in.
“can’t wait to see you wear the lingerie”
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I feel like it’s a little short but I hope you all enjoyed <3 happy valentines!❤️🩷
@bethexo07 @kellyxo1 @daisyridleyss @ilovetaquitosmmmm
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