#just lost another father figure but is still sparking hope for not just her hometown but for her whole nation and has also kept up with
loki-loving-lesbian · 11 months
Navia is the most gorgeous playable character and one of the best written characters who also fully represents her element, along with its strengths and weaknesses and I don’t CARE about the meta I NEED HER HOME
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littlemeowyoons · 5 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Fluff(lots of them), Single Dad! AU, College! AU, Introvert! Yoongi, Tutor! Y/n
Word Count:3.4k
Synopsis: Yoongi found a basket left in front of his dorm room one day, and turns out it was his daughter, left alone crying. Puzzled and scared was an understatement. When his 4 semesters roommate Jimin left for his hometown, he was left with the last straw of help, turning to his physics tutor a.k.a friend-that-I-only-know-name-but-have-no-interest-in-knowing-more; you.
Series: Masterlist l Part 1 I Part 2
                                   Part 3: What’s this warmth?
                                               °•. ✿ .•°
It’s hard to believe but you found yourself intercept with Yoongi’s life more and more now. As soon as you realize how deep you got in this mess, you already spent your free time in Yoongi’s dorm, spending time teaching Inara shapes and colours rather than spend some good twenty minutes at your favourite coffee shop on the other side of the town. You don’t mind it, that’s what surprises you the most.
You don’t mind teaching Yoongi physics concepts and basics while his daughter cling onto your thigh, tugging your shirt so that you’ll pay her some attention. You don’t mind knowing that there’s a few pairs of your shirts and pants in Yoongi’s closet, you hardly bother! At one point it scares you how normal this feel like. You feel something shift in you when you look at Inara and Yoongi now, but you can’t figure out what. You blink back to reality when you feel like you had been spacing out for too long. You found yourself staring at the blinking cursor on your laptop, an unwritten essay in front of you.
You sigh and massage the spot on your forehead hoping to release some tension. You know this chemistry essay actually contributes a lot of points in your final results, but the pressure of finishing it in time gives you the thought of ditching some random things in it. A small tug on the hem of your shirt makes you look down, and suddenly, nothing matters anymore.
Inara looks up to you with her round shining eyes, a drool escaped the corner of her mouth. You chuckled as you reach out to tuck a stray strand of her baby hair from her face, which is sticky as it had mixed with her saliva. Her fingers are in her mouth, an early sign of hunger you noted. But she had been trying to eat her own hand for like 10 minutes now. Where is Yoongi?
You glance upward to the kitchen, finding the back view of Yoongi struggling. You sigh, resisting the urge to get up and lend a hand. You had helped him a lot already, it was time he learn to take care of Inara on his own. You just hope it went well. You glance down to Inara when she huff.
“I know, he’s taking forever right? Tell your father to hurry up.”
As then, Inara raised her voice, but it came out incoherent as ever. It’s good that she’s learning to talk but at times, bless your eardrums, or anyone within the 10 meter radius because this kid just loves to raise her voice.
“Ah Y/n, she’s upset!”
You heard Yoongi’s alarmed voice before your eyes catch his head peeked out from the kitchen.
“Oh shit sherlock, you figured all by yourself. How brilliant!”
“Y/n,”, he warned, “ not the time for your shit. Just…entertain her for a moment.”
When Yoongi disappeared again, Inara raised her voice higher, a frown etched on her tiny face.
‘Too late’, you thought. You know she’s gonna throw a fit soon, and distracting her now would only upset her. You saved your unfinished essay and close your laptop, you were thinking of writing at least two paragraphs today, so that you won’t be too far behind the due date. Guess you can throw that thought away now, there’s no way you could even make any progress with the crying kid by your side.
Inara crawl away to her toys, all while crying and leaving a saliva trail on the floor. You sigh, at least she’ll be occupied on her own. You pull down your spectacles and leave it on your laptop, finally decided that you just have to intervene with all this act of feeding one single kid. Yoongi soon came in running, bottle of milk in hand. You scoffed, he looks like he just came back from war, or maybe he did, in his own way?
You walk up to him, “let me feed her, a whining baby is a lot harder to fed.”
But once the bottle is in your hand, your eyes widen.
“What the- Yoongi! Are you out of your mind?!”
You yanked his hand toward you and turn the bottle in hand upside down, a few drops of it fall down onto Yoongi’s arm.
“Ouch ouch, that’s hot!”
“Even you admit it’s hot, how do you ever think she’s gonna take this? It’ll burn her throat, no scratch that the milk will melt her tongue before anything else.”
You hurried into the kitchen, filled a bowl with tap water and ice then continue to submerge the bottle in hop to turn the boiling hot milk to lukewarm before the crying in the living room gets louder. You’ve told Yoongi that you didn’t mind about the constant crying, but what you do mind is the knock on your door after it. The other residence had been complaining about it a few times now, you were afraid Yoongi will be kicked out sooner than later. Yoongi, with that calm as fuck  face told you not to worry about them as he’ll handle it, and he sure keep his words when every time someone came knocking on the door, Yoongi said he’ll have a few ‘calm and peaceful talk’ with them. You’re secretly convinced that Yoongi beat the shit out of them, because well he once got a reputation for always getting into fights during freshman year, but once you confronted him when he’s about to throw a fist at a guy yanking your bag in the library, you swear you never heard any news whatsoever about another fight, not even gossip. You were scared you’ll be the next victim, but mostly proud you’re able to change something about someone. It feels good.
On the other hand, Yoongi eyed your figure with much adoration, he didn’t say it out loud but he really really really am grateful for everything that you had done. Who knows what’ll happen to his daughter if you’re not here, he can’t bring himself to say it out loud, but he sure will accidentally kill her daughter without meaning to. You had been a sturdy backbone to him in this mess, he’s scared that one day he opens his eyes and you decided that you’re done with all this shit he’s in, but up to this day you’re still here, beating the shit out of him first before lending a hand. He’s not someone who can display his affection out to public, words are really not his best weapon in hand. He’s afraid that you’ll feel like he used you because he didn’t said thank you out loud. He wanted to, though.
You came back into the living room, pick up Inara and try to feed her. But she had gone hungry for a while, it’s hard to make her open up her mouth and accept the milk.
“Come on sweetie, waiting’s over.”
By the third time you gently push in the bottle’s nipple into her mouth, only then she quiets down, and the world is peaceful as it can be again. Her small fingers curled into a fist, enjoying the bliss of finally being fed.
“I’m sorry your father is a grade ‘A’ kind of fool, but I swear he’s a genius when it’s come to his music.”
“I heard that”
“I wanna you to hear it anyway so what’s your point?”
You take a sit on the sofa and proceed to feed Inara, while Yoongi picked up her toys that litter on the floor, putting it into her basket. He realized one of her block went missing so he went on a little hunt finding it. He bend down to check under the sofa, not there. He craned his neck to check the kitchen floor, not there either.
“Yoongi, what are you searching for?”
“Inara’s block, you know the one with banana picture on it, with the letter C and D.”
“Try checking the dinner table.”
Yoongi walk in silent, eyes widen slightly when he finally spotted the said block, right under one of the chair. He went to fetch it, and his eyes frozen on your laptop.
“You found it?”
You didn’t get a response, “Yoongi?”
“Ah yeah, I found it. Hey, what’s you’re working on your laptop?”
“Chemistry essay, I guess I’ll be staying up late tonight, I’m waaaay behind due dates.”, you sigh.
“Essay? I thought you finished it the first week after we got the task.”
It caught you off guard how Yoongi know about it, you wanted to ask how did he know, but thinking that maybe he heard it from someone around campus. It was no shock you’re not someone who likes to procrastinate a lot, and yes you did finish your essay, but it wasn’t yours, not anymore at least.
“I umm, the file got lost.”
“What, really?”
“Yeah, I left my laptop on all night and umm it shut down. The file got lost.”, you advert your gaze to Inara who’s still drinking her milk quietly, not wanting to make any eye contact with Yoongi.
“That…doesn’t sound like you.”
“I was too tired that night.”
“And you didn’t save a backup?”
“Are…you lying?”
Your eyes snapped open, how can Yoongi see through you so easily? If anyone else asks the same question, they stop right after they were told that you lost the file, no further question. But again this is Yoongi, nothing about him is ordinary. You were really taken back how much he can tell when you’re not genuine about yourself, how? Should you be afraid when you’re in front of Yoongi you’re this vulnerable?
The small push on your hand makes you look to Inara again, properly this time. She had finished her milk and was smiling widely to you.
“All full, spark?”
Yoongi scoffed, crossing his arm, “What do you take my daughter as, a puppy?”
“Then I better call the genius world record or something because this will be the cutest puppy ever known to mankind. Right sweet melon? Right? Who’s the cutest? You are, my pumpkin pie, cutest ever!”
“Okay now I prefer Spark rather than you throwing in random nickname for her.”
“I told you, spark is the best, because you know why?”, You picked Inara up so that your eyes stare right into hers, “Inara means light, and light comes from spark! You’re gonna grow up to be the most beautiful girl ever!”
Yoongi wanted to argue, because the most beautiful girl would be the one holding her daughter now, on the sofa, hair let down freely in the most ethereal way Yoongi could ever think of, but yet he keeps his mouth shut.
                              ☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚:⠀ ⋆.:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾
It’s not like you never met Jimin, you did before. Yoongi introduced you to his friends, which happen to be Namjoon’s friends too. You met them once when Namjoon, your closest friend in your alpha study group, introduce you. But you weren’t someone who remember name so quickly, face yeah you can recognize but name umm, that’s gonna take a while.  You were grateful enough Yoongi introduce you all over again, you’re able to grasp their names by then. But that was all interaction you ever had, you don’t hang around them so much. So it is an understatement that you were shocked Jimin greeted you first. You’re surprised he know you.
“Ah you don’t recognize me huh? I’m Pa-“
“Park Jimin, sophomore best looking dance major. Hard to not know you when you’re in every gossip there ever exist on campus ground.”
“Yeah I guess that can’t be helped huh. I’m a party people after all. You’re…heading to the boys' dormitories?”
“Yoongi’s place.”
“Ah so I assume you know about his daughter?”
“Inara”, you corrected him, “Yes, been taking care of her for a while now.”
“Wow, you even know her name. I don’t get any other info than it’s a she. Hyung didn’t share much with the group, I think I get to know more than just gender considering I’ll be the best ever uncle in uncle history.”, he pouted. Cute, you thought.
“Uncle history?”
“As in the uncle there ever is, I’ll be the best.”
You can’t help yourself, it was a reflect when you let out a small chuckle, finding the boy in front of you really living up to his name.”
“Well, aren’t you charming? You’ll be the most handsome uncle there is.”
“Woah there, not most handsome, Seokjin hyung will kill me if he knows I got that title. More like the second handsome then? Seokjin hyung is a red rose, I’m just a sunflower. I can’t imagine someone choosing a sunflower over roses.”
“It is possible when the sunflower shines bright on its own.”
Jimin smiled down at you, funny that even when you’re in front one of the campus most good looking guy, your mind still thought of Yoongi. How Jimin’s smile didn’t give you the same warmth Yoongi did, is it something to be worried of? Jimin hold out his hand to you, which you take in with your own in a firm handshake.
“Let me introduce myself properly. Park Jimin, the one and only roommate of Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you.”
“Y/L/N Y/N, the one and only unofficial babysitter of the daughter of Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you too.”
“Since we’re heading the same way, let me give you a ride. As a thank you for making sure Min Yoongi still function properly as a human while I’m away.”
“He did that a lot?”
“What, drinking only black coffee and survive on nothing in his system while working on his music? Yeah, that’s the ordinary life of Min Yoongi.”
You frown, you thought the burden of having to take care of a young kid affects him to live normally as a human being but no, Jimin told you it’s just the normal cycle of a Min Yoongi. It worries you, he’ll suffer from malnutrition at this rate.
“Oh but no worries, you changed his habit. Believe it or not, I found him at the newly opened café a few blocks away from the campus and get this, having lunch! I never thought I would live to see Min Yoongi have lunch”, Jimin dramatically put his hand on his heart, looking up to the sky.
“He…didnot have lunch before?”
“Never an early one, always late in the evening or he’ll have early dinner instead, after some serious music threatening of course.”
That’s weird, in your presence, Min Yoongi never miss his meal, if there’s such thing as persuading, he’s the one that persuades you to eat properly. Jimin must’ve been talking about the wrong guy.
                              ☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚:⠀ ⋆.:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾
The knock on the door pulls Yoongi out from his trance of despair. He put away the broken shards in hand into the bin before turning to her daughter who had been smiling at her all along.
“No Inara, in this household we don’t throw mugs.”
The kid offer one of her blocks to Yoongi, to which Yoongi take it, “What am I gonna do with you huh little one?”
The knock came again and Yoongi put down the block, “Stay here, dad gonna open the door okay?”
After getting an incoherent chorus of answer from his daughter, he walks to the door, ready to invite Y/n in, but as soon his eyes landed on the person behind the door, he quickly closes it. The person outside pushes open the door, trying to hold Yoongi from closing it
“You’re dead to me”
“Aww come on, let me in.”
“I got my own share to see her.”
“Yoongi”, another soft familiar voice calls out his name and soon Yoongi opened the door as wide as it can get, a smile etched on his face.
“Oh you’re here.”
“Sorry I’m late, I met Jimin on the way here.”
Yoongi glance to the person beside you, eyes scanning him from top to bottom, “I figured. Come in, Inara had been throwing mugs again.”
You stepped in pass Yoongi right into the living room to meet a lonely kid playing on her own. She need more toys, you thought. Yoongi, on the other hand, had been struggling to close back the door.
“Hyung come one! I’m your roommate.”
“Was, as in past tense. You really think you could just leave me alone in the dorm and come back just like that?”
“I was at Taehyung’s! He need some company after his first time moving out from his parents. Anyway, not that you’re ever alone though.”
Yoongi stopped trying to close the door and look straight into Jimin’s eyes, his 1 cm difference in height gives him advantage, somehow. “10 minutes max.”
“You got 10 minutes before I’ll kick you out again.”
“That’s not fair, I wanna play with Inara”
“Do it in 10 minutes”
He sighs before stepping inside, letting Yoongi closed the door as he walked into the living room. His frown earlier slowly turn into a wide grin upon seeing a small figure munching on kitten squeaky toy in front of the sofa. The kid stop munching when she realizes Jimin’s presence.
“Hello there”, Jimin whispered.
Inara hands out the kitten squeaky toy to Jimin, the snout wet from saliva but even then Jimin take it without second thought. “Thank you, I’m Jimin, your sunflower uncle”, he keeps his voice considerable low, like speaking out loud could scare the kid away. Inara looks at her, her mouth forms into a pout as her small hand touches Jimin’s cheek.
“Hyung, I’m gonna cry”
“Outside, not here. I’ve seen you cry and it’s nowhere comfortable.”
“How can you keep this treasure away from us, she’s such an angel.”
Jimin’s remark earned a loud scoff from both you and Yoongi. “Stay around long enough, I’m sure you’ll rephrase your words. Here Yoongi.”
You offered a mug of coffee to Yoongi, to which he took with a smile on his lips. Jimin watched the whole scene in awe, standing up to take the mug you offered to him then proceed to join Yoongi on the sofa. You sit down in front of Inara with your bag in hand and pull out a green box from it.
“Look Inara”, you shake the box and watch Inara’s eyes grow wider, her attention is definitely on you now. She throw the block in her hand away and unintentionally hit Jimin’s shin.
Yoongi laughed over, his hand holding his stomach, his laugh sounds maniac to some, even to Jimin at the moment. Jimin leapt over his hyung to head locked him, to which Yoongi tried to escaped helplessly.
Ignoring the commotion behind you opened the box and pull out a cracker before handing it to Inara.” I don’t know what flavour you like, I just brought the strawberry one because well…your father like strawberry stuff, I just thought the gene got passed down.”
Inara took a bite of it before looking up at you, eyes wide and she started to talk, well more like attempt to because it all come out incoherent anyway.
“This is Strawberry flavoured. Straw-bey-ry”, you pronounced it one by one so she understand.
Inara proceed to speak unclearly, basically attacking you with her own words that only she understands. It’s cute if she’s not so aggressively swing her cracker that some of the crumbs fall down.
“You don’t like it? How about pumpkin one?”
She let out a small cry of despair.
“Okay okay not pumpkin, banana?”
Inara suddenly fall quiet, eyes sparkling, mouth open so wide that another drop of saliva fall down.
“Banana then, you really have a thing for banana huh?”
You just watched Inara quietly munching on the rice cracker. Once in awhile she offered it to you so you took a small bite of it, grimacing at the mixed taste of strawberry and saliva. Unknown to you, Yoongi and Jimin had stop their small fight to look at you, well, mostly Yoongi did anyway. Jimin look between you and Yoongi, back to you then to Yoongi again. Slowly, a knowing smile appeared.
He leaned in and whispered, “You should just date her hyung.”
“What”, Yoongi bashfully look straight to Jimin and headlock him. “Stop saying nonsense��
Yoongi didn’t have anything against you, he was sure of it. The warmth that spreads in his chest is nothing, he didn’t turn on the ac, that’s why he was sweating. Yeah, that’s why.
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ghostburs-blue · 4 years
Lost and Found
Summary: Aiden’s family is a disappointment (are we surprised),, bday time! + tony’s basically a dad now
Warnings: major fluff, fatherfigure!tony, angst if you squint
Part Eight
For the next week, Tony made the executive decision to keep Peter and Aiden home from school, much to Aiden’s disappointment. (“I can’t believe how much homework I’m going to have to make up!”).
Training became a big part of Aiden’s day, usually Bucky or Nat for 2+ hours a day. Aiden also started pitching in to make dinner for everybody, much to the group’s excitement. They constantly complained about Steve’s inability to make anything more than pasta, and the rest didn’t even know how to cook. So, Aiden filled in the gap as chef and made dinner for them every night if she wasn’t too tired.
Pepper quickly became a mother figure to Aiden, and Wanda and Nat were like (extremely) overprotective sisters, who could also kill someone. Tony and Steve became Aiden’s father figures, while Bucky was more like a cool uncle who she would go to when anything happened. Sam was the annoying brother who she still loved (barely). Vision acted as a grandpa almost, stopping random squabbles and acting wise all the time. Scott and Hope were always acting like another set of parent figures; Scott was silly but could always cheer Aiden up and Hope would always give her logical advice. Rocket tried to teach Aiden how to pickpocket, much to Steve’s dismay, and Gamora, Mantis, and Drax all loved Aiden. Quill would always mess with her in a loving way, and they were always laughing together. Thor was yet another close friend, and they were constantly talking about one thing or the other when they were together.
Then, there was Peter (Parker). After that one fateful night, Aiden and Peter were practically attached at the hip. It became a common occurrence for Aiden to go to sleep alone and then wake up with Peter next to her. Aiden had F.R.I.D.A.Y. notify her if Peter ever had a nightmare in his room at night, so she could go over and comfort him.
Slowly but surely, the Avengers became her family. Aiden could almost begin to forget Tom and her parents and brother back home. However, Aiden and Peter couldn’t hide out at the tower forever; they had to go back to school.
Monday morning rolled around, and Aiden woke up in her own bed. She had gone back home the night before so that she would be prepared to go back to school. It felt strange being back in her bed; she was so used to the one in her room at the tower.
Checking the time, Aiden realized she only had an hour before she had to leave for school. Rushing around her room, she threw on a forest green sweater with boyfriend jeans and black Doc Martens. She left her hair down and grabbed a granola bar on the way out the door, hurrying to get to the subway station on time.
Aiden breathed a sigh of relief as she reached school on time and walked in, heading to her locker. On the way there, she heard somebody call her name, and she turned around, confused. It didn’t sound like Peter or Ned, Peter’s best friend. Her jaw practically dropped open when she saw Flash Thompson running towards her.
Subconsciously, she started to back up, but stopped when he called out, “WAIT!” and reached a hand out towards her. Aiden opened her mouth to talk, but was cut off by Flash.
“Hey, Aiden! I was just wondering if you were okay?” He asked, panting.
At this, she grows even more confused. “What are you talking about?” She questioned.
“You weren’t at school for most of last week, and it was your first week at school, so I was wondering if you were good?” He rambled nervously.
Aiden grinned and pulled him into a hug, startling Flash. “I’m great! Sorry, I just got really sick. I guess my body’s not used to all this New York pollution.” She waved her hand dismissively. Flash smiled, then pulled her into another hug. Then, he pulled away, and ran to catch up with the rest of his group who were waiting for him.
Aiden smiled a little, then turned around and continued to her locker. 
At lunch, she sat with Peter, Ned, and a girl named MJ. MJ kept to herself, sticking to reading her books and throwing in a few sarcastic comments every now and then.
Aiden decided to make it her mission to become friends with MJ and have a conversation with her. She would talk to MJ a lot, and ask her for help when Peter and Ned were being stupid.
Every day after school, Happy Hogan would come to pick up Peter and Ned, and they would go to the Avengers Tower. Aiden would train for an hour or two with Bucky, then would sit with Bruce and Tony in the workshop or lab and do her homework with Peter. The two adults would help them out, and she always made it a priority to talk to everyone everyday before she left to go home for the night.
Rather quickly, Aiden and MJ became quite close, and considered themselves best friends. Aiden and Flash talked, and Flash opened up about how his family life at home wasn’t great, to which Aiden shared her story with her family. They hugged it out, and now Flash was like a brother to her. She even convinced him to stop calling Peter Penis Parker. The bullying was still a work in progress.
Speaking of Peter, their relationship was continually progressing. The best part of Aiden’s day was when she could see Peter; it was safe to say that he thought the same way. Everyone could see the sparks between them; even Flash had asked Aiden about it (multiple times).
Sam had sworn to Aiden if Peter ever breaks her heart, he’ll break Peter. Everyone else had said something along those lines to her as well, Flash and MJ included. The only people who were oblivious to Aiden’s change in attitude were her parents; they never really paid attention to her and neither did her brother. She felt like a stranger in her own home and she hated every second of it.
The weeks leading up to Aiden’s birthday, she didn’t mention anything to anybody. When Tom was still on good terms with their family, they would wake the birthday person up with a celebratory breakfast of their choosing with a little candle on the top. That stopped after he left, however.
That morning, Aiden woke up on her own, before her alarm. She decided to make her own birthday breakfast, complete with a candle. She prepared some waffles, then topped them with fresh fruit and whipped cream.
Adding a little candle at the top, Aiden lit it and made a wish. She blew it out, alone in the kitchen, and whispered to herself, “Happy birthday”. It was then that she noticed a little note on the countertop, taped down.
Padding over to read it, she recognized her mother’s handwriting.
It read, Aiden, your father, brother, and I have gone on a little vacation. We left early this morning for a red-eye flight. We didn’t bother to bring you because you have to get your grades up anyway, you don’t deserve to go on this trip. We should be back in a week. There’s enough frozen meals in the freezer to last you that long. We’ve also left you a few hundred dollars. We’re going to our old city to meet up with some people.
At this, Aiden gasped, and tears started to blur her vision. She had practically been begging to go back to their home and visit all of her friends, yet they went without her. She continued to read the note.
P.S. happy birthday
She sucked in a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She headed to her room and got ready for the day, deciding to be a little extra because it was her birthday. She pulled on a plaid yellow mini dress, and some Tommy Hilfiger sneakers.
I’m not going to let my family ruin my birthday, Aiden thought. Just as she was about to do her makeup and hair, she heard a knock at the door.
Walking over, she swung it open to find all the Avengers (minus Tony) standing at her door. She gasped and brought her hands up to her mouth. They started to sing happy birthday to her, and as they finished, Peter stepped forward.
Aiden rushed over to him and pulled him into a tight squeeze, brought to tears for the second time today. Then, she frowned, pulling away.
“How did you guys know it was my birthday? I didn’t tell anyone,” She commented.
Nat and Steve shrugged, then chorused, “Tony,” at the same time. Aiden smiled. Her attention was brought over to Peter when he handed her a small gift bag; she took it and smiled.
“Really, guys, you didn’t have to. I didn’t tell anyone for a reason,” Aiden stated, crossing her arms.
Sam chuckled and shook his head. “Of course we had to! You’re part of the family, Aiden! Speaking of family, where is your family?” He leaned to the side to see an empty apartment.
Aiden sighed and shook her head. “They left for a trip to my hometown early this morning… I didn’t even get to see them. They left a note on the kitchen counter. I’ve wanted to go back and visit for the longest time, and they decided to go without me on my birthday. So, yeah, that’s where they are.” She finished. Everyone was silent for a moment, before Peter rushed towards her and wrapped her in a hug. She buried her head into his shoulder, before lifting her head and wiping her eyes with one free hand.
Then, before she could second guess herself, she leaned in and closed her eyes, kissing him.
Peter was stunned for a second, then came to his senses and kissed back. Aiden smiled into it, and it felt like everything melted away. Her arms came up and her fingers tangled themselves in his hair, pulling him closer. She forgot all of her pain in that second, and only her and Peter existed in their little world. Then, someone coughed, and they broke apart, breathing heavily.
“Took you guys long enough!” Sam said, and everyone laughed and clapped. Peter grinned and pulled her in for another kiss. Aiden happily obliged, and by the time they stopped, she was out of breath, grinning like crazy.
The Avengers waited in her living room while she finished getting ready. They had surprised her by saying they were all taking her to school instead of having to take the train, and Aiden couldn’t have been more excited.
Walking into the kitchen to grab water, she found Bucky and Sam raiding her fridge. She laughed as Bucky popped his head out, a plum in his mouth. a/n - I’m sorry I HAD TO GIVE HIM A DAMN PLUM.
“Hey, you’re finally ready!” He exclaimed, poking Sam in the side. Sam turned and gave her a lopsided smile, and before long, they were all leaving the building.
Getting into the car, Scott, who was driving, passed the aux to Aiden to play her choice of music. Aiden being Aiden, she blasted some old hits of the 2000s, and soon everyone was jamming out in the car, singing their hearts out. Everyone except for Bucky and Steve, who had absolutely no clue as to what was going on and looked mortified.
They pulled up to Midtown fairly quickly, and already, people were staring. Since Tony couldn’t be there, he had insisted on giving them all a limo and made everyone wear their superhero suits, as if it wasn’t embarrassing enough to have them scream happy birthday as she exited the car.
The entire group got out of the car, and everyone stood and stared in shock as the Avengers sang a horrible rendition of happy birthday while Aiden simply stood there, stunned.
Then, Hope pulled something out of the trunk; it was a huge poster of her face with all of their signatures and a giant “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” text written across it.
They all pulled her into a massive group hug, and as Aiden was trying to pull away, she heard her name being called.
Turning, she saw MJ, Flash, and Ned sprinting towards her, all of them holding a bag or a gift box in their hands. 
Aiden ran to meet them halfway and pulled Flash into a hug first. Then she punched him. Hard.
“And how did you guys know?!” She exclaimed. MJ pointed at someone behind Aiden.
“Him,” she said simply. Turning, Aiden saw Peter standing there shyly. She ran at him and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.
“This is the best birthday ever!” She murmured in his ear, then, in front of everyone, gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.
Everyone cheered, and Flash gave him a If you hurt her I will murder you look. Aiden was too distracted to notice that Steve had walked up next to her; he pulled her into a tight side hug and handed her his present. One by one, the rest of the group came up and handed her presents. By the time they were done, her arms were full and, honestly, Aiden couldn’t be happier that her family wasn’t here on her birthday.
With that, the bell rang for school, and the Avengers all waved goodbye as Aiden walked up the stairs and into the building, surrounded by the people she loved. 
The rest of the day was amazing; Peter was constantly at her side, proudly showing her off, while Flash glared at any boy who even dared to look at her (including Peter). MJ was buzzing with excitement, which was quite unusual for her, and Ned talked everyone’s ear off. 
At lunch, Flash pulled Peter off to the side to “have a little chit chat,” in his words. When they came back, Flash was grinning from ear to ear and Peter looked like he had just seen a ghost. When Aiden saw this, she kicked Flash in the shin.
“What did you do to him?” She whispered furiously.
He just smiled at her and shook his head. Aiden opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when her phone started ringing. Pulling it out, she saw that the caller ID said “Tony Stark”.
Smiling, she picked up and put it on speaker phone, saying, “Hi Tony! By the way, you’re on speaker phone so please don’t embarrass me.” Her table fell silent as everyone’s eyes widened.
“Uh, I think it’s a little late for that,” he said, the voice a little muffled.
Aiden frowned, and started to say, “What do you mea-,” when she was cut off by the sound of the cafeteria door opening and everyone falling silent. Turning around, she saw the one and only Tony Stark flying towards her in his Iron Man suit. Stopping right in front of her table, the front half of his suit dissolved and he stepped out, leaving the suit to hover behind him.
Tony smiled and held out his arms as Aiden rushed towards him. He bent down a little to squeeze her, causing her to laugh and look up at him. He grinned down at her, then climbed up onto her table, looking around at everyone.
“As I’m sure all of you know, I’m Tony Stark. And this here,” he points at Aiden, “is quite literally someone who I consider to be my daughter. So, you all be nice to her and wish her a happy birthday, or else. Have a good day!” With that, he stepped down from the table. When the cafeteria stayed quiet, he frowned. “Continue on with your conversations, come on!” Slowly, the volume rose to its normal rate and people started talking to each other again. Tony leaned down to whisper in Aiden’s ear, “Your present will be at the tower after school.” He leaned down and hugged her, kissing the top of her head. Walking away, he stopped and turned as if remembering something.
Pointing to their small group, Tony said, “All of you are invited to the Avengers Tower today after school with Aiden and Peter. Don’t be late!” With that, he climbed back into his suit and flew out the doors.
Turning back to her friends, Aiden looked at how all of them were processing. Flash looked like a fish out of water, mouth opening and closing with no sound coming out and eyes wide. MJ just grinned stupidly, and Aiden could already see the gears turning in her head of what inventions she was going to look at. Ned just sat there with his mouth hanging open, lunch long forgotten. As for Peter, he wrapped Aiden in an embrace and nuzzled into her neck, kissing it softly.
Aiden laughed and squirmed as he started to tickle her sides, trying to push him away. MJ snickered at them, and even Flash managed a grin.
For the rest of the day, Aiden kept getting birthday wishes from the most random people in her classes, even teachers. By the end of her last class, all she wanted was to go and be with her family. They might not be related, but the Avengers and her friends meant everything to her.
She practically ran out of her last period to find MJ, Peter, Ned, and Flash standing there, waiting. She smiled sheepishly. “Sorry for being late guys!” She said, and they all just shook their heads, laughing.
Aiden looked up to see Happy pulling up in front of the school, and she pointed to the car. “Come on guys, let’s go!” She exclaimed, and they all walked over to where Happy was waiting.
30 minutes later, they pulled up to the Avengers compound. Happy pulled out his pass; for security measures, you needed a pass to let yourself and/or a group of people into the building. Peter had one but Aiden didn’t. Flash practically fell out of the car when he opened the door, he was so shocked. MJ looked like she was preparing for a debate with the way she was concentrating, and Ned was too busy freaking out to pay attention to anything else.
Walking into the building, Peter and Aiden immediately noticed Nat and Pepper standing in the lobby, waiting for them. They made a beeline to where they were standing, the other three trailing behind. Nat and Pepper immediately wrapped Aiden in a hug, then said hi to the others.
“Hey guys, I’m Natasha!” She waved at them and Aiden gave her a look.
“Nat, I think they know who you are,” she said, rolling her eyes. Nat laughed and shook her head. “Anyways, this is Flash, MJ, and Ned!” Aiden pointed to each of them, and Pepper and Nat nodded at them.
Pepper started to walk them to the elevator, giving them a tour of the tower. Aiden grinned at how fascinated everyone was; MJ was asking questions at the speed of light, and poor Pepper couldn’t seem to keep up. Then, they reached the common floor, where everyone was waiting to see the group.
Once they stepped out of the elevator, everyone rose to greet them. Peter and Aiden introduced their friends, and everyone got acquainted.
Tony clapped his hands together, getting everyone’s attention. “This is cute and all, but I really need to show Aiden her birthday present. Follow me!” He set off towards the elevator, and everyone climbed in. Tony pressed the button to a level that Aiden had never been to before; it was right above Wanda’s floor.
The doors opened, and there was a huge happy birthday banner spread across the fireplace mantle of the living room. Looking around, Aiden realized it was a residential floor, which meant it belonged to someone.
The puzzle pieces started fitting together in her mind and she whirled around to stare at Tony.
“You didn’t!” She gasped.
He grinned. “Oh, but I did!” She rushed into his arms and gripped him tightly. He smiled and hugged her back. Peter just stared at them, confused.
“What happened?” He asked. Aiden broke away from the hug and grinned at him
“Petey… this is mine. This is my floor!” She exclaimed. He broke into a huge smile, then picked her up and spun her around. Bringing her to the ground, he peppered her face with kisses, making her laugh.
Tony broke them apart, and he led them to the master bedroom.  Opening the door, he showed everyone Aiden’s room; it was amazing. There was a punching bag and treadmill on one side of a massive king sized bed. She had a large desk to do homework, and an advanced looking computer sitting on top of it. The room was painted a light baby blue, which she loved. But best of all, there was a small key card sitting on top of the bed.
Walking over to it, Aiden picked it up and realized it was her very own pass to the compound. For the third time that day, she was moved to tears.
“Thank you so much!” She choked out, and they all moved in for a group hug. 
Later that night, she had finally gotten around to opening all her presents. Peter had gotten her a small silver promise ring, along with a thin chain necklace that Aiden loved. Sam and Bucky had teamed up together and had gotten her new boxing gloves. Steve had gotten her a little Captain America shield plush toy, along with a small bracelet. Hope, Natasha, and Wanda had pitched in and got her a few weapons to learn to train with. Nat also gave her a ring that, when pressed, would turn into a metal glove that covered her hand, similar to Tony’s suit. It would have a repulsor as well. Bruce had gotten her a science book, while Rocket and Gamora had given her a small pocket knife. Peter (Quill) had gotten Aiden an old fashioned Walkman, along with some tracks to play on it. Drax and Mantis gave her a t-shirt that read “Kick names, take ass” (much to Aiden’s confusion), and Thor had given her a charm bracelet that had a little hammer on it. When pressed, it would send out a distress call to the Avengers, letting them know that she needed help. 
Clint got Aiden her first bow and a few arrows to go with it, and of course Rhodey, Tony, and Pepper had teamed up for her own floor and pass. 
It was safe to say that this was Aiden’s favorite birthday, and she couldn’t care less that her biological family wasn’t there. 
a/n - first of all i would like to give a huge thank you to Sara, ILY!! Your advice and encouragement is incredible and always motivates me,, love you girlie!! Second, all of you are free to give me constructive criticism and advice! I won’t know how to improve without it <33. Third ,, i had to do a lil fluffy scene and i felt like this was perfect, and shows how Tony would be a dad yK okay bye hope you’re liking the story fellas
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bookaddict24-7 · 6 years
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Happy Sunday everyone!
One of the big things I’m noticing as my ARC collection gets smaller and smaller is how much harder it is to let go of these books. Before the challenge truly got going, I went through the shelves and unhauled the ARCs that I immediately knew I wasn’t even going to attempt to read. Now, I’m in the deep with books I have held on to with the wild hopes of reading them one day. 
This complication makes it harder for me because of my attachment to these books, but it also makes it a little more interesting because it forces me to question why I kept them in the first place/why I never picked them up before if I was so adamant that I would read them one day. 
“Why,” I ask myself looking at those shelves, “why do I want to read them one day and not today?” Why did I not set goals for myself to read these books sooner rather than letting them collect dust and accumulate to an overwhelming level? This is something I’m still trying to figure out while on this long journey.
Well, let’s look at the books for this week!
A gentle reminder: Just because I’ve unhauled the books in this post and in future posts, it doesn’t mean that they’re books not worth reading. They’re just not right for me. This is more of an incentive for me to free up space and give these books better homes than my basement.
Also, there might be some spoilers. If you’re interested in reading these books, tread with care.
Read my original post and how I’m going about this challenge here.
Have any of you practiced this challenge this past week?
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A Semi-Definitive List of Worst Nightmares by Krystal Sutherland
Decision: Unhauled
I received this book about two summers or so ago. I started reading it then because it was a book I had requested and though I made a bit of progress into the story, I was never truly hooked. It sat on my then TBR shelf in my room for months, if not over a year, until I moved all of my ARCs downstairs. I was contemplating re-reading the first chapter, but then I asked myself why when I had already tried and failed to read it the first time around. Sometimes it’s okay to just let go of that book that haunts you.
“Ever since Esther Solar’s grandfather met Death, her entire family has been doomed to suffer one great fear in their lifetime—a fear that will eventually lead each and every one of them to their graves. Take Esther’s father, for instance: He’s an agoraphobe who hasn’t left the basement in six years. Then there’s her twin brother, Eugene, whose fear of the dark goes far beyond the things that go bump in the night. And her mother, Rosemary, is absolutely terrified of bad luck.
As for Esther, she’s managed to escape the curse…so far. She doesn’t yet have a great fear because she avoids pretty much everything. Elevators, small spaces, crowds—anything that might trigger a phobia is off-limits and is meticulously recorded in her semi-definitive list of worst nightmares. 
Esther thinks she has it all figured out, until she’s reunited with an old elementary school classmate—and first crush—Jonah Smallwood. The encounter leaves her stranded at a bus stop and swindled out of her phone, all her cash, a Fruit Roll-Up she’d been saving, and her list—not to mention her dignity. But the theft is also the beginning of an unexpected friendship between the two, one that sends the pair on a journey of self-discovery as they try to break the curse that’s consumed Esther’s family. Together they face their greatest fears, one debilitating phobia at a time, only to discover the one fear they hadn’t counted on: love.”
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Mark of the Thief by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Decision: Currently Reading
My first thought when I pulled this out of my TBR jar was “Oh no,” because I knew I kept this one for a reason. Much like my intro to this post, I admit that this is one of those books I should have read a while ago. This is a “one of these days” books. The moment I started reading the first chapter, I knew I wanted to read this. One chapter turned into two, and before I knew it, I was on chapter five. 
“When Nic, a slave in the mines outside of Rome, is forced to enter a sealed cavern containing the lost treasures of Julius Caesar, he finds much more than gold and gemstones: He discovers an ancient bulla, an amulet that belonged to the great Caesar and is filled with a magic once reserved for the Gods -- magic some Romans would kill for.
Now, with the deadly power of the bulla pulsing through his veins, Nic is determined to become free. But instead, he finds himself at the center of a ruthless conspiracy to overthrow the emperor and spark the Praetor War, a battle to destroy Rome from within. Traitors and spies lurk at every turn, each more desperate than the next to use Nic's newfound powers for their own dark purposes.
In a quest to stop the rebellion, save Rome, and secure his own freedom, Nic must harness the magic within himself and defeat the empire's most powerful and savage leaders.”
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Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L. Davis
Decision: Currently Reading
I received this book last summer and I was a big fan of the cover and the story because I love the whole idea of starting over in a new city/town with a long-lost relative. My two main excuses for not picking this up since the summer are that I’ve been in my weird reading funk, AND I will admit that this book got lost in the shelves behind other books--a massive downfall to having a large book collection and limited space. Anyway, because this is a topic I’m interested in, I did enjoy the first chapter and have decided to keep going. 
“For sixteen-year-old Tiffany Sly, life hasn’t been safe or normal for a while. Losing her mom to cancer has her a little bit traumatized and now she has to leave her hometown of Chicago to live with the biological dad she’s never known.
Anthony Stone is a rich man with four other daughters—and rules for every second of the day. Tiffany tries to make the best of things, but she doesn’t fit into her new luxurious, but super-strict, home—or get along with her standoffish sister London. The only thing that makes her new life even remotely bearable is the strange boy across the street. Marcus McKinney has had his own experiences with death, and the unexpected friendship that blossoms between them is the only thing that makes her feel grounded.
But Tiffany has a secret. Another man claims he’s Tiffany’s real dad—and she only has seven days before he shows up to demand a paternity test and the truth comes out. With her life about to fall apart all over again, Tiffany finds herself discovering unexpected truths about her father, her mother and herself, and realizing that maybe family is in the bonds you make—and that life means sometimes taking risks.”
Have you read any of these three books? What were your experiences with them?
I’ll be back next week with another three picks!
Happy reading!
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ofvivicnnes-blog · 6 years
                 hi everyone ! my name’s 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖒 and i’m really happy and excited to be here ! i was in a group a v long time ago that had the points system before, so it’s really cool to be a part of a group that has a similar concept ( so shout out to the admins ) ! anyways, i’m 21+ and my pronouns are she/her, but they/them is okay as well. i’ve had kehlani’s mixtape on repeat pretty much since it came out, i have an affinity for writing intros at 2am while simultaneously working on editing themes, i’d let yeji choke me with her ponytails, and jackson wang owns my ass ! this is my very first time i’ll be playing kang seulgi after seeing exactly one (1) image of her on pinterest, and i hope i can do her justice with my mess of a child, vivienne ! 
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“who are you & what is one thing that people would know you for ?” 
‘ i don’t know who i am -- i’m a lot of things. on the surface, i’m a daughter. i’m a former idol and a girl who’s still chasing her dreams. i’m vivienne, always, but i haven’t discovered who i am underneath all of that yet. one thing people know me for is my personal life. it’s not all that pretty. ’
“if there is one thing you could change about your career, what would it be ?”
‘ hm, i don’t know if there’s anything i would change, but i wish there were some moments i could have done a bit differently. my career as been great, but it’s nowhere near perfect and it never will be. ’
“what are you willing to do to be in the top ten ?”
‘ anything, but within reason. truth be told, i’m not afraid of anything that might get thrown my way, but i’m not saying i would throw someone under the bus ... not yet, anyways ! ’
name  :  vivienne ba-rom park.
nickname(s)  :  viv, vivi, & v.
age  :  twenty-four ( 24 ).
birthday  :  february 8th, 1995.
zodiac  :  aquarius.
moral alignment  :  chaotic neutral.
gender  :  cisfemale.
pronouns  :  she/her.
height  :  5′6″ ( five foot six inches ).
hometown  :  santa clarita, california.
nationality  :  korean-american.
ethnicity  :  korean.
occupation  : former k-idol, solo artist & dancer.
label(s)  :  the intangible concept, the lost soul & the sybarite.
aesthetics  :  glittery eyeshadow, roses on silk sheets, stained wine glasses, wire rimmed glasses, bare feet in the mornings, messy ponytails, ignored alarms, clear boots, shoes with red soles, messy bedrooms, diamonds, gold jewelry, oversized sweaters, strawberry chapstick under red lipstick, sexual tension, golden sunset, hickeys, long eyelashes & flushed cheeks, fuzzy socks, bright lights on a stage, disco balls, concerts, screaming until you lose your voice, love confessions, holding hands, sharp eyeliner, face masks, ripped denim jackets, fluffy clouds, drinking with friends, red wine, ignoring texts & making eye contact with someone you like.
          vivienne park was born on a cold ( california cold, that is ) february morning to na-young & nam-il park in santa clarita, california. vivienne was a happy baby that brought her parents joy, as they only had intentions to have one child and give them the world. if only the young couple knew that their daughter would grow up to be something like a thorn in their side, expensive perfume, 
          middle school was the time when the couple noticed a chance in their daughter. she wanted to be dropped off a block away from her school, she had a terrible habit of defying her school’s uniform dress code & mostly kept to herself, never inviting friends over for typical things like sleepovers. after watching from afar, vivienne’s parents questioned their daughter as to why she was acting this way. turns out, she didn’t like that her parents drove an older car in comparison to the other kids, whose parents drove newer & fancier cars. she thought the school’s uniform was stupid & it was hard for her to make friends with the other girls because she didn’t have the latest clothing trends or the latest gadgets.
          to put it simply, vivienne believed that she was supposed to have more & that she was ENTITLED to having more, but her parents weren’t able to provide that. her father was an elementary school teacher & her mom was a nurse, so the family lived comfortably, but nowhere near as lavishly as her classmates. vivienne wanted the pricey handbags & shoes, the beautiful blown-out hair & essentially whatever she wanted, so there were a lot of over the top arguments between vivienne & her parents whenever they said, ‘ no, vivienne. you cannot have a handbag that costs a semester’s worth of tuition. ’ 
          despite her slightly selfish & materialistic ways, vivienne was very interested in music at this time. she spent a lot of her time singing in her church’s choir & she was in the theater club at her school, so her life completely changed when she was introduced to k-pop by one of her friends in seventh grade. she immersed herself into the genre & became the girl who spent her time learning the choreography to her favorite songs. by the time high school rolled around, vivienne set her sights on becoming an idol & while her parents thought her dream was a little far-fetched, they eventually allowed vivienne to leave santa clarita for seoul in order to audition for one of the companies. 
          she lived with her aunt for a few weeks before she successfully auditioned ( at the age of fifteen ) & moved into the dorms with fellow trainees. vivienne thought she was doing well, but during her time as a trainee was the first time she felt constant rejection due to always being overlooked when it came to debuting. so, she trained hard for two years & debuted with her group NIGHTMARE x PARADISE in 2012 ! vivienne was the lead vocalist & rapper of the trio, went by ‘vivi’ & they debuted with their ep twinkle. NxP found success with their group & their debut was very well received. they remained together until early 2016, after vivienne was the last to debut as a solo artist with her ep i just wanna dance.
          after NxP’s breakup, vivienne’s bandmates found success in their new ventures, while vivienne slightly spiraled. she was now 21 & after spending the last four years with her bandmates, so she wasn’t really sure of what to do next. vivienne took a hiatus from music ( minus one song she released with far east movement titled don’t speak ) & she then found herself in a relationship with an idol from another company ( think jennie & kai with the way their ‘relationship’ was exposed ). hmm, if i’m being honest i’d love to have that as a wanted connection ( if it fits with your muse ! ) they tried keeping it on the down low since her boyfriend wasn’t supposed to be dating, but a few sneaky fans of his group snapped pictures of them leaving a hotel, so that sparked off a lot of controversy.
          vivienne’s boyfriend had been training to be an idol for a very long time & she didn’t want to be blamed for ‘ruining’ their career, so she decided to end the relationship after four months of dating secretly. one thing that continued to happen was the hate she received on her socials for dating the previously mentioned idol. vivienne liked to believe that she was a girl that didn’t allow anything to get to her, but the constant berating & harassment caused her to delete her accounts and move back to california, where she decided to debut as a solo artist. within a few weeks, vivienne found herself in yet another scandal when she was caught leaving a club with some prominent figure in los angeles, which caused her to fall under the scrutiny of the media & the public once again.
          she was dubbed as something of a sleaze, so she decided to start living up to that title. she returned to social media, but fans of vivienne during her NxP days were a little confused at her new personality ( which is all truly a well constructed act ). the scandal brought her some attention, so she released remember me, the theme song of the disney film coco in 2017. she released her first song as a solo artist, over my skin, in 2018 & signed to columbia records. currently, vivienne’s working on more music & other ventures, but doesn’t really know when she’s going to be releasing anything. vivienne currently lives in a super cute dtla apartment & she finally stopped being a punk towards her parents, so their relationship is better than ever !
          as for her personality, vivienne is very much the girl who puts on a facade. that’s not entirely weird when on stage because different eras usually means a different ‘personality’, but to the public she kind of carries herself as the girl who doesn’t care & she’s like a sexual deviant aka sexually liberated, but in reality she’s the polar opposite. to the public, she’s the girl who’ll be plastered on supermarket tabloids because she got a little too drunk at an album release party or she got papped with some other guy. in reality, she cares ( probably too much ) about what other people think of her, she hates when she feels like people are talking about her when she’s only a few feet away & she truly wants to be liked for who she is & not for what she can do. while her debut as a solo artist has been well received, she does sometimes get overwhelmed with the feeling that she’ll never reach that level of stardom again. tl;dr: she’s actually really nice & really wants to do well in her chosen career, especially now as a solo artist but she’s more than likely going about it the wrong way.
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onestop-shot · 6 years
You, Me, Us
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member: JAEMIN x RENJUN x reader
genre: FLUFF
word count: 2,318
a/n: so here is the most awaited fluff of the month! I hope you all enjoyed as much I did writing it!my uwu’s for these. AND I DID A LITTLE TWIST ON THIS ONESHOT LIKE LEGIT A TWIST AND MY UWU CAN’T HANDLE IT. So to the anon who requested this, I hope you don’t mind the twist and I really hope you’ll love this 💚
to quote from ‘Dear DREAM by NCT DREAM’ - “I’ll be your home.”
a twist of Neverland and pixie dust~
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“I told you! It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me!” You yelled at your father. He blamed you for wrecking his paperwork in his office. But that wasn’t you, surely it wasn’t you. Before that happened, you were in your room listening to music, tapping your toes as you did your homework for tomorrow. “You do not lie to me, young missy. I am through with you! Go to your room!” he yelled back.
“Gladly!” You stomped your feet and ran up the stairs, slamming the door behind you as you enter your room. “They blame me for everything my little sister do. Why is it always me? It doesn’t mean I’m older I’m the one to blame. That just seems unfair.” You drag your feet across the room and stumbled on your bed. You lie there looking up at your ceiling where the star glowies you stuck on before glowed at the your dimly lit room. “I want to runaway. I want to be happy for once.” you mumbled, as you were slowly drifting to sleep.
You eyes opened, you immediately sat up and looked around your room. 
You heard it again, this time from your open window. You got up and slowly but carefully walked towards the window, a little hanger on your hand which you grabbed from you closet. “Wh-Who’s there?” 
A deep sweet chuckle answered you. 
And that woke you up. That chuckle was no stranger, you knew who owned that voice very well. A smile suddenly plastered on your face, and your heart begins to race.
“Hi!” a figure suddenly peeks from above your window.
“Ah!” you jumped, falling to your bottom. You groaned in annoyance. 
“Sorry, [Y/N]!” The figure tall peachy haired boy helped you up. 
You look at him and sighed, “Hi, Jaemin.”
He smiled his brightest at you and chuckled once again, taking your hand and pulled you to your window. “Wait,” you said. “I-I don’t think I should tonight, Jaemin. I don’t feel so well, everything has been chaotic and--”
“And this is why we’re here. Remember?” He softly places his right hand behind your back and his left arm under your knees, he lifts you up and does the most amazing thing you still get amazed till now. Fly. 
You both flew up in the sky, the stars more real than what you have in your room. “Where’s Renjun?” you ask. He looks at you and up again, you followed his gaze and saw the Jolly Roger. “H-How did..did h-he...” 
You two finally go to the Jolly Roger. Jaemin gently puts you down on the deck. “I can’t believe I’m riding the Jolly Roger, THE Jolly Roger.” you said, admiring in awe. 
“Ahoy, there!” Another familiar voice called out. 
You turn around and see Renjun standing behind the ship’s wheel. You smiled at him brightly and ran up to the quarterdeck. When you reached him, you hugged him tightly. “I didn’t know you miss me that much, [Y/N].” he hugs you back.
“So, Captain [Y/N], where to?” Jaemin gleefully shouts as he hangs from the ropes of the sail. You pull away from Renjun and stood tall, “TO NEVERLAND WE GO!” you shout, pointing up in the sky.
“You heard her, Renjun, to Neverland we go!” Jaemin said.
“Here we go, Neverland!” Renjun joins along.
The Jolly Roger begins to move, slowly sailing towards the blue night sky. 
You suddenly felt a hand intertwine with yours. You look to your side and see Jaemin grinning widely, his eyes gleaming at the sky above you three. You then look at Renjun and took his hand, intertwining with yours.
The clouds were now on ones reach, and just behind those clouds, is another world you would never want to leave. Some people thought you were crazy, but you never really bothered to care. If this was all just a dream, you’re glad to have it. To have two soulmates who has been there for you since you could remember.
You approach the biggest cloud you’ve ever seen, lightning sparks around it, you hear thunder rumbling inside.
“Hold on tight.” Jaemin whispers to you. “We wouldn’t want to lose you again.” 
You held on to their hands tightly. And you approach the cloud, half of the Jolly Roger swallowed up. Spritz of water touch your skin, and wind blowing wildly through your hair. 
As the cloud swallows the whole ship, you open your eyes and the rest of the world disappeared. 
You entered a realm of fantasy, a realm where worries are away.
The Jolly Roger lands on the ocean just below you, and sailed to the nearest shore. 
The three of you walked down the board ladder off from the ship. The sand touches your bare feet, and it feels warm, warmer than your sheets back at home. You breathed in the air and it smells like the ocean. There was nothing unpleasant in the place. 
“I’m still curious though,” you start. “How did you steal the Jolly Roger from Captain Hook?” 
Renjun nudges Jaemin. He clears his throat as he place an arm around your shoulder, “We actually borrowed it from him.” he said. 
“Borrowed? Na Jaemin, borrows?” you mock him with arms folded on your chest
“Absolutely! Tell her, Renjun!” he looks at Renjun with a wink.
“I saw that Jaemin.” you hit his rib, earning a groan from him and backing away.
You looked around and begin to run. You ran so fast that Jaemin and Renjun flew behind you, following your every step. You ran into the woods, passed through the Crocodile Crack having the two make sure you wouldn’t get snapped from the crocodiles. 
You finally the hide-out, and you ran and ran. “Ah!” you screamed as you almost fell into a ditch.
“Gotcha!” Renjun caught your waist just before you landed in the booby trap the lost boys set up for the mean pirates. He flies you across the trap and set you down, checking you out to see if you’re okay.
“Thanks, Renjun.” you sighed, wiping off the sweat on your forehead. 
“Here,” Renjun grabs a vine from the tree beside and turned your around, your back facing him. He gently takes a bunch of your hair and tied the vine around it with a knot. “In that way, you can see signs properly.” He says, pointing at the side that said ‘bOobY trAp aHeaD’.
You thanked him, giving him a peck on the cheek. Renjun turned bright pink.
“Okay, enough with this mushy mushy. Can we go now? I’m hungry and I’m pretty sure Tink has already prepared breakfast.” Jaemin said as he floats above you two. 
“Of course, but I’m tired.” you muttered, smiling at Jaemin.
He lets out a sigh and quickly swooped you off the floor, “Last one’s a rotten egg!” 
Renjun snapped awake from your little peck and immediately chased after you two towards the hideout.
Renjun won of course, he got to the opening of the cave just before you two. Your weight made Jaemin slow but he was fine with it.
You suddenly smelled something good, something mouth-watering. And just before you can speak, you got rammed by a group of boys and felt ticklish around your neck.
“[Y/N]! [Y/N]! We miss you!” the lost boy shout. There was Tootles, Nibs, Slightly, Curly and the Twins. And Tinkerbell, too!
“I’m happy to see you all too!” you laugh as they hug you around and realized you were all on floor. 
“Okay, settle down now boys. Captain [Y/N], is hungry and tired.” Renjun starts as he takes away the twins from you. Jaemin doing the same with Tootles and Nibs. Slightly and Curly let go of you, taking Tink with them too.
The twins got away from Renjuns hold and took both your hands as they lead you to one of the rooms. Tree wood surrounds the room, a little fire burning on one corner. “Eat this, Captain [Y/N]! It’s our favorite! Tink made it!” the twins say in chorus. You look at the bowl, and it looks similar to your bowl of cereal at home except this one has acorns, nuts and leaves of some sort. You see Renjun walk past you and grinned, he knows you might find it difficult to eat and he’s challenging you to eat it so the twins wouldn’t feel bad, and Tinkerbell too.
The rest of the day was spent with games, usual hunting, swim with the mermaids in mermaid lagoon and a rough tide through the Skull Rock.
And you noticed that the night has fallen in Neverland. 
The two older boys brought the lost boys back in the hideout and tucked them in. The Lost boys wanted you to sing them a song, and you did until snores filled the bedroom of vines as a hammock and bundle of leaves as beds. You slowly walk away from the room and said goodbye to Tinkerbell.
You left the cave and found yourself sad. More of getting that heartbreaking moment.
“It’s that time again.” you mumble as Renjun stood beside you.
Jaemin went ahead to the shore where you left the ship, busy preparing the Jolly Roger for another trip back to your hometown. 
“It is.” he answers coldly.
You let out a deep sigh, he asks for your hand and you took it. He then hugs you tightly. But you didn’t lift from the ground. He just hugged you. “You ready?” he asks after a minute of staying like that. “No.” You replied.
But he didn’t listen, they usually don’t. You felt the absence of the ground on your feet and feel the air once again. His arms are tightly wrapped around your waist, letting you get a glimpse of the Neverland underneath you once more. 
You see the Jolly Roger, and see Jaemin pulling up the sails. 
Renjun flew you down till you’re on the quarterdeck, in front of the ships’ wheel. 
“Time to go home, Captain [Y/N].” Jaemin beamed that promising smile of his, but something about it was telling you it was promising at all.
You place both your hands on the wheel, inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Back to reality we go.” You say. 
The Jolly Roger lifts itself from the shore, creaking as it slowly flies to the same cloud you came out from earlier. 
You let go of the wheel and turned to find Jaemin staring at the cloud. You walk to him and hugged him tightly. It took him awhile before he returns the hug. Squeezing you tightly as if he never wanted to let you go.
You felt the spritz of water once again, the thunder claps and flashing of lightning. 
And suddenly, everything went quiet. 
Everything felt different.
You lift your head up from his chest and look around you. The Jolly Roger is parked just on top of your rooftop, and you see from the distance that the sun is about to rise.
Jaemin and Renjun didn’t say anything, but they held your hand a flew you back to your room. 
“It’s goodbye again.” You said as they sat on the window pane, watching you pout. 
To be honest, they feel sad too. They didn’t want you to leave Neverland. They wanted you there forever, because you always smile. You were you. But this is your home, and this is where you belong. And that breaks them.
“It is.” Jaemin nods.
“But don’t worry,” Renjun nudges Jaemin, “it’s not like we won’t see you ever again.”
“Y-Yeah, thats true.” Jaemin agrees.
You nod, assuring them with a smile.
“[Y/N]? Are you awake?” you heard you father call as he knocks on your door. 
You heart began to race. You look back at the window and see them no more, and you almost cried, you didn’t get to say goodbye. Your shoulders slumped, your head down. The knock returned and you walk to open your door, before you could open the door, you felt a light kiss on your cheek. 
It happened all too fast, as you turn there was nobody. But you held your cheek, blushing as you knew it was either one of them. 
You opened the door finally and your father walked in, sighing. 
“I wanted to talk to you,” he held your shoulder, “I know I got mad at you last night but that was because those paperwork were very important to me. And I know it wasn’t your fault, and I just blamed it on you.” He pulls you and hugs you tightly, “I’m sorry.” 
You smiled and returned the hug, “It’s okay, Dad.” 
He then pulls away and fixes his work suit, “Hold on, you seem hot. Are you catching a fever?” 
You shake your head. 
“D-Did you left the window open throughout the night? I told you not to or you’ll catch a cold missy.” he says. “You’re staying home, you seem like you’re going to be sick. Rest for the whole of the morning, I’ll let your mother know.” he said and kisses your forehead before he leaves your room.
You smiled and walked towards your dresser to get a new pair of clothes, afterall, the adventure you had back in Neverland was a very bumpy one. 
You chuckled, and something caught the corner of your eye. 
On top of your dresser, was an acorn. That was never there before. 
You reached for it and it drew out a long vine. 
“An acorn necklace?” You giggle, realizing to whom it came from. You then wore it around your neck and went to your bed.
Lying down, you held on to the necklace, and you realized another thing, there was something carved to it. 
It said, ‘I’ll be your home’
And you smiled, knowing that if you ever get lost, you’ll always find a home, and thats with them.
In Neverland.
a/n: OKAY SO I HOPE THIS MADE SENSE. I put my heart and soul to this, and honestly got a little teary. Let me know lovelys! 
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queerbenji · 7 years
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Below is a lovingly compiled list of books about girls who love girls that have happy or hopeful endings! The list currently has 106 entries and spans multiple genres. It’s alphabetized by author, and links go to the books’ Goodreads pages. Recommendations are welcome! 
Sparks: The Epic, Completely True Blue, (Almost) Holy Quest of Debbie by S.J. Adams
A wonderfully refreshing, quirky, and genuinely funny tale of coming-out to your best friend–and long-time secret love.  Three chases, three declarations of love, two heartbreaks, a break-in, and one unforgettable quest.
Taijiku by Elizabeth Andre
Angela’s juvenile detention sentence on an alien underwater ship doesn’t seem very exciting until she encounters the fearsome Taijiku or meeting her crew mate Stella, leaving Angela unable to say which is the greater challenge: giant sea monsters or falling in love.
Poppy Jenkins by Clare Ashton
Poppy is the heart of Wells, a beautiful village in mid-Wales.  She has a doting family, an errant dog and a little sister with a nose for mischief, but as the only gay girl in the village, the chance of romance is rarer than a barking sheep. That is, until her ex-BFF roars back into her life…
The Music Box by Elaine Atwell
Berlin, 1942. Caroline Reed is a newly minted American spy, eager to prove herself on her first mission: to recover vital information from behind enemy lines. But she’s not the only one. Iris and Caroline come to trust each other, or perhaps it’s something more. But what does love matter when the fate of the world is at stake?
Valhalla by Ari Bach
In the year 2330 in Northern Scotland, war is obsolete and only brilliant minds are valued, Violet emerges into adulthood with more brawn than brains, branded from childhood as a useless barbarian. With the help of a group of outcasts just like her, Violet is about to learn the world needs her exactly as she is.  
Bluebell Hall by Kayla Bashe
Headstrong, impetuous Tansy Trilby can barely sit still, let alone read–but what she lacks in academic achievement, she makes up for in magical talent, and so she is accepted to be a boarder at Bluebell Hall. Tansy’s adventures lead her to discover: is love truly the greatest magic of all?
Screaming Down Splitsville by Kayla Bashe
In an alternate 1950s, two groups of people with magical powers fight for dominance. Flip thinks her healing powers are useless, while Emma has magic but is unable to speak. The two band together to escape a torturous lab.  As the women seek to evade their pursuers, their friendship rekindles, and they are forced to confront both enemies and insecurities.
Kaleidoscope Song by Fox Benwell
Fifteen year old Neo loves music. it punctuates her life in South Africa. A life in radio is all she’s ever wanted. When Umzi Radio broadcasts live in a nearby bar Neo can’t resist. She sneaks out to see them, and she falls in love, with music, and the night, but also with a girl: Tale has a voice like coffee poured into a bright steel mug, and she commands the stage.
Dissention by Stacey Berg
For 400 years, the remnants of humanity have struggled for survival in the last inhabited city. Echo Hunter 367 is exactly what the Church created her to be: loyal, obedient, lethal. But when Echo’s mission leads her to Lia, a rebel leader who has a secret of her own, Echo must choose between the woman she loves and the purpose she was born to fulfill.
Drum Roll, Please by Lisa Jenn Bigelow
Drum Roll, Please is a contemporary middle grade novel about a drummer named Melly, whose parents announce they’re getting a divorce the day before she leaves for rock camp. She has a life-changing summer at camp as she navigates confusing feelings, changing friendships, and her first crush on a girl, and learns to find her own beat.
Starting From Here by Lisa Jenn Bigelow
Colby’s heart has been broken too many times. Her mother has been dead for almost two years, her truck driver father is always away, her almost girlfriend just dumped her, and now she’s failing chemistry. But when a stray dog lands literally at her feet, bleeding and broken on a busy road, it knocks a chink in the walls she’s built around her heart.
How to Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake
All Grace wants is her own life.  Emotionally trapped by her unreliable mother, Maggie, and the tiny cape on which she lives, she focuses on her best friend, her upcoming audition for a top music school in New York, and surviving Maggie’s latest boyfriend. When Grace meets Eva, who has her own share of ghosts to outrun, both girls must figure out how to love and how to move on.
The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow
Greta is a duchess and crown princess—and a hostage to peace. This is how the game is played: if you want to rule, you must give one of your children as a hostage. Go to war and your hostage dies. As nations tip closer to war, Greta becomes a target in a new kind of game that will end up killing every hostage—unless she can find a way to break all the rules.
The Swan Riders by Erin Bow
Sequel to The Scorpion Rules.
The Diviners by Libba Bray
Evie has been exiled from her boring old hometown and shipped off to her Uncle Will on the bustling streets of 1926 New York City. Evie worries he’ll discover her darkest secret: a supernatural power that has only brought her trouble so far. But when the police find a murdered girl branded with a cryptic symbol, Evie realizes her gift could help catch a serial killer.
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
When a plane crash strands thirteen teen beauty contestants on a mysterious island, they struggle to survive, to get along with one another, to combat the island’s other diabolical occupants, and to learn their dance numbers in case they are rescued in time for the competition. Their story is told from many points of view, multiples of which are LGBT women.
First Position by Melissa Brayden
Anastasia Mikhelson is the rising star of the New York City Ballet. She’s sacrificed creature comforts, a social life, as well as her own physical well-being for perfection in dance. Even her reputation as The Ice Queen doesn’t faze her. Though Ana’s at the peak of her career, competition from a new and noteworthy dancer puts all she’s worked for in jeopardy.
How Sweet It Is by Melissa Brayden
After losing the love of her life four years prior in a plane crash, Molly thinks she’s ready to navigate the dicey dating waters once again. However, you can’t always pick who your heart latches on to. When Jordan, the beautiful younger sister of her lost love, returns to town, Molly finds her interest piqued in a manner she wasn’t prepared for.
Waiting in the Wings by Melissa Brayden
Jenna has spent her whole life training for the stage. At graduation, she’s stunned when a chance audition lands her a prime supporting role in the hottest Broadway touring production in the country. The one thing she didn’t prepare for, however, was her new costar Adrienne. Is Jenna ready to sacrifice what she’s worked so hard for in exchange for a shot at love?
 Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by Jaye Robin Brown
Joanna has been out and proud for years, but when her popular radio evangelist father remarries and decides to move all three of them to the more conservative Rome, Georgia, he asks Jo to do the impossible: to lie low for the rest of her senior year. Jo reluctantly agrees, but things get infinitely more complicated when she meets Mary.
Style by Chelsea M. Cameron
Kyle Blake likes plans. So far, they’re pretty simple: Finish her senior year of high school, head off to a good college, find a cute boyfriend, graduate, get a good job, get married, the whole heterosexual shebang. Nothing is going to stand in the way of that plan. Not even Stella Lewis.
Echo After Echo by Amy Rose Capetta
Debuting on the New York stage, Zara is unprepared—for Eli, the girl who makes the world glow; for Leopold, the director who wants perfection; and for death in the theater.  In heart-achingly beautiful prose, Capetta has spun a mystery and a love story into an impossible, inevitable whole —and cast light on two girls, finding each other on a stage set for tragedy. 
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
Somewhere within our crowded sky, a crew of wormhole builders hops from planet to planet, on their way to the job of a lifetime. To the galaxy at large, humanity is a minor species, and one patched-up construction vessel is a mere speck on the starchart.  But all voyages leave their mark, and even the most ordinary of people have stories worth telling.
Fat Angie by E.E. Charlton-Trujillo
Angie is broken—by her can’t-be-bothered mother, by her high-school tormenters, and by being the only one who thinks her varsity-athlete-turned-war-hero sister is still alive. She’s just trying to make it through each day. That is, until the arrival of KC Romance This darkly comic anti-romantic romance is a work of entertaining and meaningful fiction.
Debris Dreams by David Colby
Drusilla lives in the Hub, a space station used by the Chinese-American Alliance as a base to exploit Luna’s resources. When a terrorist group destroys the space elevator, space’s highway to Earth, suddenly Dru’s parents are dead and she is cut off from her girlfriend Sarah on Earth. Can Dru survive lunar terrorist attacks and find her way home to Sarah?
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst
Betrothed since childhood to the prince of Mynaria, Princess Dennaleia has always known what her future holds. But Denna has a secret. She possesses an Affinity for fire—a dangerous gift for the future queen of a kingdom where magic is forbidden. Now, Denna must learn the ways of her new home while trying to hide her growing magic.
Clancy of the Undertow by Christopher Currie
In a dead-end town like Barwen a girl has only got to be a little different to feel like a freak. And Clancy, a typical sixteen-year-old misfit with a moderately dysfunctional family, a genuine interest in Nature Club and a major crush on the local hot girl, is packing a capital F.
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova
Alex is a bruja, the most powerful witch in a generation…and she hates magic. At her Deathday celebration, Alex performs a spell to rid herself of her power, but it backfires. Her whole family vanishes into thin air. The only way to get her family back is to travel to Los Lagos, a land in-between, as dark as Limbo and as strange as Wonderland.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
When Cameron Post’s parents die suddenly in a car crash, her shocking first thought is relief. Relief they’ll never know that, hours earlier, she had been kissing a girl. This book is a stunning and unforgettable literary debut about discovering who you are and finding the courage to live life according to your own rules.
The Caphenon by Fletcher DeLancey
On a summer night like any other, an emergency call sounds in the quarters of Andira Tal: not only is there other intelligent life in the universe, but it’s landing on the planet right now. Tal leads the first responding team and ends up rescuing aliens who have a frightening story to tell. They protected Alsea from a terrible fate—but the reprieve is only temporary.
The Dark Wife by Sarah Diemer
Persephone has everything a daughter of Zeus could want–except for freedom. When Persephone meets the enigmatic Hades, goddess of the underworld, she experiences something new: choice. Hades offers Persephone sanctuary in her land of the dead. But Persephone finds more than freedom in the underworld. She finds love, and herself.    
Twixt by Sarah Diemer
The people of Abeo City have forgotten their pasts, and they can trade locks of their hair to sinister women for an addictive drug. Nox will give you back a single memory–for a price. But when Lottie takes Nox, her memories remain a mystery, and the monsters who fill the sky at night refuse to snatch her. Soon, a dark truth begins to surface…
Big Big Sky by Kristyn Dunnion
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Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis
Amara is never alone. Not when she’s protecting the cursed princess she unwillingly serves. Not when she’s punished, ordered around, or neglected. She can’t be alone, because a boy from another world experiences all that alongside her, looking through her eyes. They’ll have to work together to survive–and discover the truth about their connection.
Wildthorn by Jane Eagland
Louisa longs to break free from her respectable life as a Victorian doctor’s daughter. But then Louisa is sent to Wildthorn Hall, labeled a lunatic and even deprived of her real name. As she unravels the betrayals behind her incarceration, she realizes there are many kinds of prison. She must be honest with herself and others in order to be free. And love may be the key.
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That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston
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Ask the Passengers by A.S. King
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Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
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You Know Me Well by Nina Lacour and David Levithan
Mark and Kate have sat next to each other for an entire year, but their paths have never crossed. That is, until Kate spots Mark miles away from home, out in the city for a wild, unexpected night. Kate is lost, having just run away from finally meeting the girl she’s been in love with from afar. Mark, meanwhile, is in love with his best friend Ryan, who may or may not feel the same way.
And Playing the Role of Herself by K.E. Lane
Actress Caidence Harris is living her dreams after landing a leading role in a hot new police drama shot on location in glitzy LA. Her sometimes-costar Robyn Ward is magnetic, glamorous, and devastatingly beautiful, the quintessential A-List celebrity. Soon Caid sees that all is not as it appears, but can she take a chance and risk her heart when the outcome is so uncertain?
An Unstill Life by Kate Larkindale
Livvie feels like she’s losing everything: her two best friends have abandoned her for their boyfriends, her mother continues to ignore her, while her sister, Jules, is sick again and getting worse by the day. Her only escape is in the art room, where she discovers not only a refuge from her life, but also a kindred soul in Bianca, the school “freak”.
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee
Welcome to Andover, where superpowers are common, but internships are complicated. Despite her heroic lineage, Jess is resigned to a life without superpowers when she stumbles upon the perfect internship—only it turns out to be for the town’s most heinous supervillain. On the upside, she gets to work with her secret crush, Abby, who Jess thinks may have a secret of her own.  
A&B by J.C. Lillis
Barrie dreams of a career in music. When her rival Ava ropes her into a secret collaboration, it sparks feelings neither girl expected.  Can love and ambition live side by side? Is happiness an art-killer? They’ll figure it out with the help of a blue guitar named Fernando, a keyboard named Rosalinda, and a few new friends who feel like home.
Ash by Malinda Lo
In this enchanting retelling of Cinderella, Ash must make a choice between fairy tale dreams and true love. Entrancing, empowering, and romantic, Ash is about the connection between life and love, and solitude and death, where transformation can come from even the deepest grief.
Huntress by Malinda Lo
Kaede and Taisin, two seventeen-year-old girls, are picked to go on a dangerous and unheard-of journey to Tanlili, the city of the Fairy Queen. The exciting adventure prequel to Malinda Lo’s highly acclaimed novel Ash is overflowing with lush Chinese influences and details inspired by the I Ching, and is filled with action and romance.
Complementary and Acute by Ella Lyons
Annabell is captain of the Number Ninjas, her senior year schedule is perfect, and her best friend Jacqueline is going to be right by her side for all of it. But on the first day back, Jac throws a wrench in Anabelle’s tidy plans. Not only has she rearranged her classes and dropped Number Ninjas, she’s joined the Girls who Like Girls Program, leaving Anabelle’s entire world in upheaval.
10 Things I Can See From Here by Carrie Mac
This is the poignant and uplifting story of Maeve, who is dealing with anxiety while falling in love with a girl who is not afraid of anything. Will she be able to navigate through all the chaos to be there for the people she loves?
Colorblind by Siera Maley
Harper has a secret, and it’s not that she likes girls. She has a gift: she can see how old other people will be when they pass away. Nothing she does changes this number, which becomes especially clear when her mother dies in a car crash. Then she falls for Chloe, whose number is 16, who’ll be dead by the end of summer. An uplifting book reminiscent of The Fault in Our Stars.
Dating Sarah Cooper by Siera Maley
When a misunderstanding leads to best friends Katie and Sarah being mistaken for a couple and Sarah uses the situation to her advantage, Katie finds herself on a roller coaster ride of ambiguous sexuality and confusing feelings. How far will Sarah go to keep up the charade, and why does kissing her make Katie feel more alive than kissing her ex-boyfriend ever did?
Taking Flight by Siera Maley
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With a steady boyfriend, the position of Student Council President, and a chance to go to an Ivy League college, high school life is just fine for Holland. At least it seems to be. But when Cece Goddard comes to school, everything changes. Cece and Holland have undeniable feelings for each other, but how will others react to their developing relationship?
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In Savannah Espinoza’s small New Mexico hometown, kids either flee after graduation or they’re trapped there forever. Vanni never planned to get stuck—but that was before her father was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease. Then she meets Leigh, who’s utterly unique. But caring about another person threatens to bring to the surface the questions she’s held under for so long.
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Noteworthy by Riley Redgate
Jordan’s low voice gets her shut out of the school musical, but a spot has opened up in the elite a cappella octet. Worshipped…revered…all male. Jordan dresses as a guy and  wins the audition. With her secret growing heavier every day, Jordan confronts what it means to be a girl (and a guy) in a male-dominated society, and—most importantly—what it means to be herself.
The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed
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Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera
Juliet just came out to her family and isn’t sure if her mom will ever speak to her again. But Juliet has a plan, sort of, one that’s going to help her figure out this whole “Puerto Rican lesbian” thing. She’s interning with the author of her favorite book: Harlowe Brisbane, the ultimate authority on feminism, women’s bodies, and other gay-sounding stuff. 
Cherry by Lindsey Rosin
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Megan doesn’t speak. She hasn’t spoken in months. Pushing away the people she cares about is just a small price to pay. Because there are things locked inside Megan’s head - things that she cannot, must not, let out. Then Jasmine starts at school: bubbly, beautiful, talkative Jasmine. And for reasons Megan can’t quite understand, life starts to look a bit brighter.
Sword of the Guardian by Merry Shannon
The shocking assassination of her brother causes Princess Shasta’s father to appoint Shasta’s new savior as the Princess’s bodyguard. But what Shasta doesn’t know is that her new guardian has a very well-kept secret: he is actually a she. The two grow closer than anyone, especially her father, could have predicted. Will the truth change their relationship forever?
The Light of the World by Ellen Simpson
After her grandmother’s death, Eva finds diaries detailing the magical life of a girl in the Roaring Twenties. She cannot reconcile the young girl in these diaries with the miserable old woman she loved. Eva starts to investigate the puzzle  with the help of a local historian and his assistant Olivia, they find a forgotten labyrinth under the city. But they’re not the only ones down there…  
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For Cassandra Leung, bossing around sea monsters is just the family business. But when the pirate queen Santa Elena swoops in on Cas’s first solo mission and snatches her from the bloodstained decks, Cas’s dream of being a full-time trainer seems dead in the water. Cas has fought pirates her entire life. But can she survive living among them?
The Edge of the Abyss by Emily Skrutskie
Sequel to The Abyss Surrounds Us.
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Forgive Me If I’ve Told You This Before by Karelia Stetz-Waters
Shy, intellectual, and living in rural Oregon, Triinu just doesn’t fit in. She tries to hide behind her dyed hair and black wardrobe, but it’s hard to ignore the bullying, and it’s even harder to ignore the allure of other girls. As Triinu tumbles headlong into first love and teenage independence, she realizes that the differences that make her a target are also what can set her free.
Prom and Other Hazards by Jamie Sullivan
Frankly, prom is a ridiculous concept, and Sam wants nothing to do with it. Except for the tiny fact that she’s been in love with her best friend Tash since they were ten years old, and Tash dreams of a perfect, romantic prom. Sam had given up hope, until she spotted The Suit in a shop window. Surely the perfect suit is all she needs to finally admit to Tash how she feels.
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
In 1959 Virginia, the lives of two girls on opposite sides of the battle for civil rights will be changed forever. Forced to work together on a school project, Sarah and Linda must confront harsh truths about race, power and how they really feel about one another. This book is about finding truth amid the lies, and finding your voice even when others are determined to silence it.
Our Own Private Universe by Robin Talley
Fifteen-year-old Aki has a theory. And it’s mostly about sex. No, it isn’t that kind of theory. Aki already knows she’s bisexual. So far, Aki has dated only guys, and her best friend is the only person who knows she likes girls, too.  Actually, Aki’s theory is that she’s got only one shot at living an interesting life—and that means it’s time for her to actually do something. Or at least try.
The Summer I Wasn’t Me by Jessica Verdi
Lexi has a secret. She never meant for her mom to find out. And now she’s afraid that what’s left of her family is going to fall apart for good.  Lexi knows she can fix everything. She can change. She can learn to like boys. New Horizons summer camp has promised to transform her life, and all she wants is to start over. But sometimes love has its own path.
Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld
Darcy Patel is afraid to believe all the hype. But it’s really happening - her teen novel is getting published. Instead of heading to college, she’s living in New York City, where she’s welcomed into the dazzling world of YA publishing. Told in alternating chapters is Darcy’s novel, the thrilling story of Lizzie, who wills her way into the afterworld to survive a deadly terrorist attack.
Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde
When BFFs Charlie, Taylor and Jamie go to SupaCon, they know it’s going to be a blast. What they don’t expect is for it to change their lives forever.  When Alyssa Huntington arrives as a surprise guest, it seems Charlie has a chance to confront her long-time crush . And in the magic of SupaCon, Taylor starts to rethink playing it safe when it comes to her secret crush on Jamie.
27 Hours by Tristina Wright
Rumor fears two things: hellhounds too strong for him to kill, and failure. Jude has two dreams: for humans to stop killing monsters, and for his strange abilities to vanish. But in no reality should a boy raised to love monsters fall for a boy raised to kill them. Nyx keeps two secrets: the moon speaks to her, and she’s in love with Dahlia, her best friend. This is the story of one 27-hour night.
Dirty London by Kelley York
All London wanted out of her senior year of high school was anonymity.  Then she discovers that Wade, one of the most popular guys in school, is gay like her, and their new-found closeness has half the student body convinced they’re hooking up. Rumors start flying, and London is pretty sure she’s developing a crush on the one girl who sees through it all.
The Gravity Between Us by Kristen Zimmer
At just 19, Kendall is Hollywood’s hottest young starlet—but behind the glamour is a girl who longs for normal. Payton is Kendall’s best friend, and the one person who reminds her of who she really is. But Payton has a secret that could make everything ten times worse. Because to her, Kendall is more than a best friend—she is the only girl that she has ever loved. 
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imperox · 7 years
Kas actually is having a huge overhaul ( again ). I’ve been working on concepts for him and his family and others for a few months now and figured it was time to get all of my thoughts thrown onto here !! He’s a demigod with his powers suppressed currently :0c Still the same attitude though!! So no worries 8);; everything is sorted out.
Below the cut is his new backstory. Which is not only long as fuck but also has ABUSE MENTIONS TW & RAPE MENTIONS TW. So if any of that bothers you, feel free to send an ask and I can sum other stuff up for you!!
           Born of the Terran human Nikola Veselá & Aurel -- King of Imperox & the God of Control in a pantheon that branches past the Earth’s boundaries, Kašpar Veselý was the product of a night that was nothing but rage from the God. Nikola released her first son into the streets of her hometown in hopes that he could escape whatever sickened fate that Aurel had planned for the boy. With such a decision, the God-King of Barbs wasn’t about to lose control over anything again and took advantage of the woman to bring about a child he could manipulate from the get-go. His ‘kindness’ not being pushed aside, he had a son whom would follow in his footsteps. One raised into royalty in Imperox as he and his mother were dragged into the realm to keep better track of. 
          The ‘Prince of Thorns’ was the title that the Half - Leshy & Half - Human boy grew to hear slung around more than his own name. The demigod’s spark was suppressed from that point forward through means that only the Imperoxian ruler knew of. Keeping Kas as a centerpiece as to display the stranglehold he could have over any one person who dared defy him, Kas’ demigod status was kept under lock & key and his powers suppressed without effort from Aurel. 
          Taught humility & manners from not only his father, but from the people around him ( those of Aurel’s court, concubines, & other servants of the God-King ), Kašpar soon found silent, near - emotionless solace in the concubines of his father who acted as sisters & second mothers. His own mother wasn’t as often seen, as she had been separated upon realizing Kas’ interest in the women seen far below Aurel’s council in rank.
          Despite the outwards appearance of a strong and stoic prince that was displayed to the public, Kašpar was often abused in silence by his father. Should he speak out of turn or act kinder to those considered ‘below’ him as royalty, hands were laid upon him. Despite being a prince, the lack of growth or development was found in starving the half - human should he disobey orders or leave the castle without escorts -- leading to a scrawny physique. 
          The only friend he was allowed to outwardly have that wasn’t part of the council was the offspring of two of his father’s council members -- Mori Kagami. A kitsune who had tails grow as the two spent time together, they were trained in etiquette & languages; treasuring their time together over nearly 50 years. After so long, the Prince’s joy allowed his spark to grow from beneath the grip that Aurel had it, and without question from Kagami’s parents, she was dismissed to become a concubine -- losing her name and being known as nothing but ‘Vixen’ to those around her. Her real name wouldn’t be uttered again for quite some time later. 
          Over the next 200 years in meticulous planning led by several of the women whom Kas had grown accustomed to confining to in Aurel’s harem, they eventually came up with a scheme to free Kas as well as his friend Vixen out onto Earth -- a sacred ground where the gods & goddesses of the pantheon could do little more than search for him. 
          Taking a portal to Earth that had been kept since just after Aurel’s ascension -- he was placed in a run down building in the back alleys of the Czech Republic alongside Kagami, who led the way out with him and earned her freedom. Her name regained through breaking the seal of control that Aurel had upon her, the two became runaways.
          After quite some time together, a relationship blossomed. With Kagami’s guidance, the two had their first romantic endeavors with one another while they ran. The longer they stuck together, however, the easier they were to spot. 
          In a night of attempted passion from the kitsune’s end, the touch led to panic from the leshy and he rose a hand to her. While no blow was struck, the two knew their relationship had to end and they went their separate ways the morning after. Broken and lost, the two shifted along the borders of Earth -- using their own supernatural powers to manipulate humans into thinking they were legal, allowing for transport as best as they could. With the charming potential of Kagami’s powers, she finally made it back to Japan to live in a place where she blended in much better.
                    Kašpar wasn’t so lucky. 
          Stuck in Europe and centered around the homeland of his mother, he did his best to blend into crowds -- doing odd jobs until he earned enough money to hire a smuggler to get him across the ocean and into America where he knew he could avoid the people of his mother and father.
          Pinching pennies other than when he needs to eat, Kašpar eventually saved up enough money and found a man who linked him to a smuggler. The information broker, Oliver, praised this man as ‘one of the best in his business on this side of the Atlantic’ and within the month, he and a few others who needed to be smuggled overseas met up with their link. 
          Skipping the formality of names, the alias of the smuggler went by a simple ‘James’ and with little but the clothes on his back and a backpack he could carry with ease, Kas was on his way to America in hopes of a fresh start.
          Told that someone would meet him once he was mainland and they’d get him wherever he wanted to go in America, Kas accepted the offer only to find that his escort had gone missing. Waiting around for the day without hide nor hair of his guide, the Czech found himself talking to the smuggler who called America a newfound home. Going by the actual name of Miloš now that the job was done and over with, the two talked for some time before the moon curser agreed to take Kas back to California and get a new start there.
          Now looking into places to live while he works as an apprentice tailor underneath a woman named Eris and is being taught hand to hand combat by another woman going by Rayan, his life is sewing itself together as he finds a new place in a community he’s built for himself halfway across earth from his father and past life. 
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loganvalkyrie · 6 years
A Post-Dance Phone Call
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While the new year was beginning to take full force, Logan found himself in a whirlwind of trouble. With the sudden move back to Crecent City, this Valkyrie found himself walking on eggshells. His wife was not the least bit happy about the move despite the intention of Logan helping his younger sister. Logan found himself packing alone for the family to stay motivated and return to his home town. While Dinah regularly expressed disinterest in returning to the city, Logan had to force them on the back burner to not cave in. What Logan would never admit was how much he needed his home, and how much the young man was struggling internally with all the recent events.  His daughter's kidnapping a year back was enough to put Logan on edge about Crescent City. Finding his own family, his youngest brother was behind the kidnapping hit Logan like a dagger through the heart. He should be able to trust his city, his family, and now he wanted nothing but to run. All while he thought he kept her protected, she feared exposing the truth of injuries to him. That was when he knew something had to change. The safety of his only daughter was the sole thought on his mind, and he would follow her to college if it meant protecting her. Addy and Dinah thrived in their new home in Missoula. Addy excelled in her classes, adjusting well to college life. Despite living in the dorms, they still saw their only daughter regularly. Dinah too flourished in the new setting. For the first time in years she had a grasp once more on her magical abilities. It put her in a cherry mood, which Logan longed for since her accident when they were kids. To someone looking in, life became perfect for Logan. Yet there were many internal struggles he hid, even from his wife.  In Crescent City, Logan did not care for pack politics. The duel between his half-sister and cousin meant little to him. What finally got Logan’s attention fixated on his hometown was the death of his father. Originally the news made a slight sting in his heart, but the feelings passed for a few hours without concern. Logan and Landon were the thorn in his father’s side, the regret of Ryder’s past. Yet Logan was always a bit closer to his father than his twin was, and regularly received some perks for trying to keep in contact with his biological father. There were no summer homes to borrow to take the girls on a quick vacation, no financial help around holidays to truly spoil Addy. Deep down, Logan hoped he would one day win his approval. While Dean Weston was Logan’s true father figure, it hurt to lose both fathers. After he heard about his step-mother passed shortly after losing Ryder, Logan worried for his younger sister’s well-being. He knew she had a rough life to begin with, and now lost both parents at the same time. Knowing the Valkyrie coping habits would surely pass down to Rylie, Logan made a point to regularly check in with her over the phone. He planned a weekend trip to spend time with her, which was only delayed by the attack against his own mother. Logan rushed to the Weston household and did what he could to help his other sister and mother. After learning about Nikolas leaving his wife, Mira walking out with Landon’s kids, the murder of his sister-in-law, Rylie’s rise in power, and Lucas’s return to Crescent City, he needed to return home. >Despite the protests from both Dinah and Addy, Logan packed up his family and moved back to Crescent City. While he intended to help Rylie adjust to becoming alpha, Logan needed to be close to his family in general. I felt the responsibility to protect his mother and sister, especially when his other Weston brothers failed to do so. Serving on the security team gave Logan some sort of assurance the city was safe for his family, especially if he was the one looking over it. If repairing the security’s hold on the city was not stressful enough, he quickly discovered his fiancee regularly used dark magic and was also pregnant with their second child. Between all of the chaos, Logan was finding it hard to stay afloat.  After spending a few nights with Landon, Logan found himself turning to wolfsbane more frequently. While Dinah was out of the house or studying her dark magic, Logan took the opportunity to cope in his own poor ways even if his family, both living and spirits, warn him otherwise. Despite the regular drug use, Logan never found himself in trouble. That is, until the masquerade.
It was about three weeks since the masquerade. Three weeks since he dressed up and took his girls out to some town dance. It was an innocent night; a little ballroom dancing and call it quits early in the night. Kaylie was staying sober and Landon was trying to win Mira over, so there was no reason for Logan to need an excuse to act out. Yet he slipped a little in his drink, intending to lighten himself up and clear his mind. After all, this was the party of the family’s greatest enemy. One little sprinkle in his cheap vodka became two, then six, then he is spending alone time with his best friend.
...Or did he?
Logan replayed the night repeatedly in his head. It felt like a dream, a distant fantasy he felt when he was a kid. He was there with his wife and daughter; he didn’t spend more than an hour apart from them. Yet he could vividly remember sneaking away with Isobel that night and returned to the party before Dinah became suspicious. At the very least, he was sure Dinah had no idea. The weeks after the masquerade carried on like normal. Addy returned to school to finish off the semester. Dinah settled into their new home and was preparing for the new baby. Logan tried to play it off like nothing happened, but he knew he was becoming unintentionally distant with Dinah. He kept away from his friends, couldn’t remember the last time he called Kaylie or Landon. The one person he intended to avoid was Isobel, even though he knew it was not fair to her. He simply couldn’t work up the courage to talk to her before this point.  It was a lazy Saturday morning. Dinah was out visiting her father, and Logan had the house to himself. He sat on the couch, staring at his cell phone sitting on the table before him. He told himself since Dinah made her plans that he would call Isobel. The memory of the night sparked his mind throughout the day, dreams were becoming more vivid and clear. It was driving him insane, more than the current stress on his shoulders could. He already tried dialing twice, his hands freezing before hitting the call button. He had nothing to fear; no one was home and would not be for a few more hours. Logan did not want to confront the problem; he never did. He checked his phone for the time; 10:32. He knew Isobel would be busy, probably at work. At least that’s what he told himself as he finally hit the call button. As the phone began to ring, he immediately regretted this call. He could hang up now while he still had the chance. But at this point there was no hiding the call from her phone, so he forced himself to stay on the line. If he hung up now, he would be avoiding her calls for another month.  Suddenly the voicemail picked up, and Logan signed in relief. At least he did not have to talk to her just yet. Leaving a message was easier, or at least at first it seemed that way. “Hey Iz--” Logan found his voice getting caught in his throat. Why was it so hard to say her name? There was no one around to hear what he had to say, nor would it be suspicious for him to call his best friend. Logan coughed and cleared his throat before continuing. “Sorry. Hey, Isobel...” And like that, all he had rehearsed for hours slipped his mind. He was silent for a moment, trying to reorganize his thoughts. But when that didn’t work, he had to start spitting something out. Better that than to leave her a five minute silent voicemail. “Look, uhh... We need to talk. In person somewhere. I mean, if you want to.” Logan was mentally kicking himself. This was one of his best friends, no one new or different. He knew Isobel wouldn’t judge him, or at least, he was hoping she wouldn’t after all that happened between them. “I hope you’re not mad at me. I wouldn’t blame you if you were. I hope you’re not. I miss you, and... well... Call me back?” Logan was silent for a few seconds before hanging up the phone. He dropped it back on the table and laid back on the couch. He finally did it, but he did not feel better about the situation. Now all he could do was wait; wait for Dinah to come home, wait to go back to his normal life, and wait for Isobel to call. 
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