#just vibes for this no plot idk
adachicuto · 1 year
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a/n: had to scrap what i originally planned on posting, at least for now, and wrote this instead. dad bang chan. it took forever for me to get to the point, if there is one, so sorry for that lol
warning(s): sickness (allergies - sinus) and food mentions
pairing: bang chan x gender-neutral reader
rating: fluff
word count: 2,168
   After what felt like forever, Chris finally finished up some work that needed to be done. Gently, he massaged his temples as he shut down his computer before exiting his home studio. Before heading to the bathroom for a shower, he looked around the house for anything that needed to be done. The last thing he wanted was for you to stress about the condition of your home.
Freshly showered, he made his way to his son’s bedroom for one last bedtime kiss. When he entered the room, the only things that could be heard were Mateo’s snores and the soft clicking of his rotating shadow lamp. The walls of the room were covered with an assortment of animals in various colors and a wave of nostalgia washed over Chris.
  As he tiptoed further into the room, Mateo moved in his sleep and that made Chris hold his breath. Even after a full day of school, Mateo had too much energy which made putting him to bed a bit frustrating for both of you.
  So, he ushered you towards your bedroom and suggested that you take a relaxing bath or shower and that he would take care of everything. You reluctantly agreed but there was no way that you would let him do everything. He only laughed at your stubbornness before he leaned over to kiss your forehead.
  Then Chris walked over to Mateo, who was busy working on a small dinosaur puzzle, and sat down across from him. Once the puzzle was complete, Chris asked Mateo if he was ready for bath time to which Mateo replied with a ‘no’. With years of parenting stray kids under his belt, he kept a calm expression on his face as he thought of what to do next. Luckily, all he had to do was mention sweets and the sound of tiny feet against the hardwood floors was all that could be heard.
  “Then we’re going to clean up all of our toys, yeah?” 
  “I will! Promise.” Mateo shouted over his shoulder.
  Chris couldn’t help but laugh at how Mateo said ‘promise’ since his two front teeth had fallen out recently. With a shake of his head and a grin on his face, Chris quickly picked a pair of pajamas before he made his way down the hall.
  It took about ten minutes for Mateo to decide on what body wash he wanted to use, even though they all smelled similar. When he finally decided on a bright blue one, Chris turned on the water.
  After a few soap mohawks and funny stories, Mateo was all cleaned up and ready for bed. Chris had just tossed his dirty clothes into a hamper when the child tugged on his shirt.
  “Can I have a cookie now?”
  Chris placed his thumb and forefinger under his chin, pretending to think. “Did you pick up all of your toys?”
  Mateo shook his head.
  “It’s okay.” Chris leaned down to kiss the top of his head, “Come on, I’ll help you.”
  The two boys made their way to Mateo’s bedroom to clean up and you soon joined them. Once the room was clean, Chris gave Mateo a cookie as promised, and he later brushed his teeth with both of you. Then all three of you went back into his room and you sat on his green race car bed while Chris sat on the floor, a small book in hand.
  After two bedtime stories, Mateo crawled into your lap. You smiled down at him and moved a curl out of his face before kissing his forehead. Chris moved closer to the two of you and you all sat in silence. When it seemed like Mateo was finally dozing off, you moved slightly to lay him down which only woke him up. You looked at Chris and both of you laughed quietly.
    Chris kneeled on the side of Mateo’s bed and carefully leaned over to kiss the top of the child’s head. He moved some of his hair from his face and frowned when he felt warmth. Chris gently placed the back of his hand against Mateo’s forehead and his eyebrows knitted together.
  Carefully, he peeled the blankets and checked if the child was sweating but there was nothing. He decided that it would be best to check his temperature and take some of the blankets off.
  Chris reluctantly stood and went to exit the room but not before he turned around to check on him once more.
  When he climbed into bed with you minutes later, you turned to face him. “Everything okay?”
  “I think so. It just seems like Mateo’s running a temp.” He dipped his head to kiss your cheek, his way of trying to reassure you. “But I think he’s okay. He wasn’t sweating and his temperature was normal.”
  You nodded and promised to check his temperature in the morning, far too tired to try and get out of bed. Within minutes, you were out again. Chris moved closer to you so that your head could rest against his chest and hoped that Mateo would be fine in the morning.   
  The next few days were rough for all three of you, Mateo especially. When you checked his temperature, he had a low-grade fever and within a day, sneezing and congestion. You and Chris cleared your schedules to take him to the doctor where he was diagnosed with a sinus infection.
  It hurt both of you to see him in the slightest bit of pain. Everything was more challenging, especially when he was cranky at times. Even though the two of you were slightly frustrated, you both remained calm and tried your best to soothe him.
  There were many moments when Chris was just as exhausted as you, but he still managed to go above and beyond in helping with Mateo. Of course, this wasn’t anything new, but it made you realize just how lucky you were to have him as your husband.
  And even though caring for a sick kid was a task, it was a nice change of pace. There were times when you both questioned if the time you spent with Mateo was enough. With your twelve-hour shifts and the long hours Chris spent producing music and traveling with the group, it made sense to question it.
  Your text tone brought you back to the present.
  You glanced down at the bowl of hot soup on the counter you then dug your phone out of your sweatpants pocket. Once you unlocked it, you were met with a few messages in the group chat. All of the members sent well wishes to Mateo as well as reminders for you and Chris to take care of yourselves and each one matched their personalities which made you chuckle. Quickly, you typed a thank you response before you put your phone back in your pocket and grabbed the bowl.
  As you padded to the living room, the floor cold against your bare feet, you could hear Mateo’s favorite animated movie playing. Even though he was sick, Mateo didn’t pass up the opportunity to point out and explain what was going on to Chris.
  “Oh, so that’s her big sister.” Chris looked at the screen and then turned to Mateo, who seemed pleased that his dad was paying attention.
  You could only smile as you moved closer to them. They were both so into the movie that they barely noticed when you sat down next to them which made Chris smile sheepishly at you. He looked at the bowl in your hands and got Mateo’s attention. It took a minute but when he looked at what was in the bowl, he turned so that his head rested on Chris’s shoulder.
  “Hey, what’s wrong?”
  Mateo pointed at the bowl and faced the opposite direction.
  “Don’t wanna eat vegetables.”
  Both of you had to hold in your laughter.
  “Aw, it’s okay,” you started, “they’ll help you feel better.”
 “And help you get big and strong.” Chris quickly added.
  The little boy groaned and tightened his grasp on his dad’s shirt. You reached over to gently rub Mateo’s back and he slowly faced you, a pout on his lips. Chris kissed the side of his head and went on to animatedly explain how he got so strong from eating all his vegetables.
  Just as you were about to bring the bowl back to the kitchen, Mateo let go of Chris and climbed into your lap, and gestured for the soup. Both of you took turns feeding him and each time he’d eat a spoonful, you each made funny faces. When the bowl was mostly empty, you both made sure to clap and cheer for him.
  “When can I get muscles like Uncle Changbin?”
  Neither of you could hold in your giggles. Chris rubbed the top of Mateo’s head, his curls messier than before, and explained that it may take some time. Mateo nodded, somewhat pleased by Chris’s answer, and turned his focus back to the movie. Now and then, Mateo excitedly pointed at something on the screen and asked you about it before he and Chris dozed off.
  As the movie continued, a deep orange and yellow glow seeped into the curtains and filtered into your living room. Just as you were about to stand up, Mateo shifted in your lap and froze for a second. You sighed, shook your head, and thought about similar moments when he was a baby. Carefully, you moved Mateo onto the couch and placed a light blanket over him.
  Movement to your right made you look up and you noticed that Chris was sleepily staring at you.
  You nodded, “Was just gonna get us something to eat.”
  “I’ll help.”
  There was barely a chance to protest because he leaned over, careful not to disturb Mateo, and kissed you. Then his hand clasped yours and he helped you up. The two of you walked into the kitchen and Chris gestured to the bar stools.
  You playfully rolled your eyes and looked out the window above the sink. The sun was quickly sinking below the horizon, and you could faintly make out a few stars speckled across the sky. While Chris reheated your leftovers, you filled two glasses of water because there was no way either of you had the time or energy to cook.
  The two of you were able to eat in comfortable silence. Just as the last of the dishes were cleaned, Mateo entered the kitchen with tears in his eyes and cried right after. When he was cranky like that, it was best to act quickly.
  It was a team effort to bathe him but luckily, he calmed down to eat. His symptoms were much better than before, and he was able to sleep during the night without a coughing fit. You had just given Mateo one last goodnight kiss when you met Chris in the dim hallway.
  “I ordered this,” he held up a bag that had your favorite bakery’s logo on it and took you by the hand.
  You were too excited to say anything as you hurried to the kitchen. Chris grabbed the spoons while you took out a pint of ice cream and got two bowls.
  “Thank you.” You turned to face him.
  There was a slight darkness under his eyes, and you felt a pang in your chest. He always tried his best, which you appreciated, but he’d doubt himself.
  “It’s no problem,” he leaned forward and kissed your forehead, “I gave Mateo the last cookie a few days ago and knew you’d want something sweet.”
  With a smile on your face, you dropped your spoon into the bowl and cupped his cheeks.
  “Not just for the sweets but everything,” you kissed his nose, “it’s just that I don’t think you know how much you are appreciated.”
  Chris surged forward and kissed you. Even after all this time, he was still able to make it feel like you were kissing him for the first time. When he pulled away, your face felt warm and his cheeks were tinged pink.
  The rest of the night went on as normal. After going through your nighttime routine, you exited your en suite and were surprised to see Chris waiting for you. When you asked him about getting any work done, he told you that it could wait.
  Once most of the lights were off, save for your bedside lamp, you climbed into bed.
  “Do you think he’s going to be okay tomorrow?”
  Chris pulled his lips inwards as he thought for a moment. “Well, he did pick all of the M&M’s out of the trail mix. So, I think he’s starting to feel better.”
  At that, you chuckled.
  He pressed a kiss to your cheek and told you to get some rest. With a nod, you pulled Chris closer to rest your head on his chest. Once your minds were at ease, the two of you drifted off to sleep.
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collgeruledzebra · 3 months
the thing about trying to recommend fiction podcasts to someone who isn't familiar with them is that not only are so so many genres represented but also the level of production can fall anywhere from "basically an audiobook" to "major motion picture minus the pictures"
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We all know the semi-canonical ‘all the Robins know to hide/duck inside of Batman’s cape, even as adults’ thing.
We also know that Danny ‘is LITERALLY a ghost’ Fenton sucks at remembering his own intangibility while ALSO forgetting to look ahead of him.
All I’m saying is, Danny Fenton (or Phantom, if you’d really like) would absolutely SLAM into Batman on accident while running on roof tops and Bruce ‘Brooding Instinct’ Wayne doesn’t even think twice about letting the kid hide and scanning around for danger before there’s a record scratch of ‘wait who tf is this?’ kicks in.
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ihavesomejays · 12 days
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text transcription:
Many springs ago, I perceived a sea of flowers upon a lake. I thought to myself that those fleeting colors held indescribable beauty.
The next time I perceived those colors was many years later, when the medic’s tent had blinded me to all but red. The radiance of that shining star was lost on my eyes.
Now, my eyes no longer perceive the subtleties in the colors around me.
But I am content.
For I can now see the most brilliant colors in my universe.
anyways yeah why did they fucking do that to jiaoqiu bro
the planning for this experimentalish comic is under keep reading
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keirientez · 8 months
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Pokemon trainer AU, Reborn is the champion meanwhile Tsuna is his apprentice. Tsuna’s design belongs to my friend @Cloud_Knee (Twt or X)
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spacedace · 9 months
Fuck whatever DC is doing with the al Ghul's characterizations and story lines, I've decided that from now on the al Ghul's are gonna be DC's version of the Addams Family instead.
Now I don't mean just give the various al Ghul's the exact personalities of the various Addams and call it a day. That's boring, that erases all the interesting parts of the al Ghuls, that's just using "find & replace" and not actually adding anything. I mean give them the vibes of the Addams Family.
Keep the al Ghul's as the al Ghul's with all their scheming and machinations and world domination attempts but give them all the unhinged energy, the casually insane view of the world, the deranged levels of love and devotion for family. Make them that group where objectively they are batshit insane but also you cannot argue with the fact that they are indisputably the most stable and functional family in the entire universe.
They're creepy, they're kooky, they're mysterious and spooky. Ra's many opulent homes and impenetrable fortresses are a museum and the al Ghul's really are a screa-um whenever people come to see-um (or when they lay waste upon their enemies in a surprise attack that has been planned for months and is just the first domino in a series that will ultimately lead to achieving a far greater goal).
They all love each other and want each other to be happy, they express this primarily with stabbing and murder attempts (its fine, death is a thing that happens to other people).
And forget the League of Assassins being a cult. Just make the whole vast globe spanning organization a collection of cousins/aunts/uncles/dear old friends ect. No one (not even the al Ghuls, if they cared to keep track of such things) is sure who is actually related to them and who just got absorbed into the ever expanding family tree based on their vibes being right.
(Is Sensei Ra's father you ask? Well he's certainly someone's father - probably.
Anyway have you heard about Cousin Cheshire? Despicable poisoner of a young woman, capable of the most horrific things imaginable - yes she is the sweetest dear. Like I was saying though, she just had a baby!
Everyone in the family is just so excited to throw a baby shower to celebrate! Ubu has really gone all out with the spike traps, he does so love getting to welcome a new addition to the family.
Talia of course has cultivated a brand new strain of the most toxic plants imaginable to make a brand new kind of necrotizing poison. You know, as a nice little romantic gift for Cousin Cheshire and that young man of hers. It really is so important to make sure you take time for you and your partner to go on dates and have a few pitched battles to the death on dark rooftops in the pounding rain when you have children.
Now there is some to-do about it all of course, you know how family get together can be. Everyone is arguing over who should get to give little Lian her first weapon and what it should be. Nyssa is pushing for grenades but Ra's is insisting on a sword - he's traditional like that you know - but Dusan has the vote so far on throwing knives. You know the kind that have the little divots along the edges of the blades them to make it easier to get the poison you dip them in to stick.)
I'm just saying that the al Ghuls should be a delightful cross between the Bond Villains they were originally conceived as and the lovingly unhinged Addams Family. It just feels correct in my heart.
(Again keep the interesting aspects of the characters and the nuances of who each of them are like their drive to save the world through destroying humanity and their strong environmentalist leanings and their constantly playing 5D chess and everything, but like, take away the racism and the cartoonishly evil for no reason bullshit and give them some fun feral energy to go along with it).
#batman#ra's al ghul#al ghul family#talia al ghul#nyssa raatko#cheshire dc#sensei dc#no more racism and fucked up dark family dynamics#the al ghuls aggressively adore each other#violence and schemes is their love language#in the full au version of all of this i'd like to imagine how canon plot points change with the al ghuls having these vibes#Just imagine Damian still trying to kill Tim when he first ends up in Bruce's care#but instead of it being a ploy to get rid of a threat its because he's just so excited to meet one of his big brothers#and attempted murder is just how you tell someone in your family that you love them#Tim just SO CONFUSED because Damian is talking so animatedly about how happy he is to get to have some brotherly bonding with Tim#while ACTIVELY trying to run him through with a sword#idk how things change with Cass exactly but i feel like they would in this#like either David Cain isn't an absolute monster or the al ghuls catch wind of what he's doing & are like#This is NOT how al ghuls treat family! what is this shameful behavior! She can't even insult you while you fight!#fighting and violence is a perfectly healthy way to express your love but only if there's actually LOVE involved!#The Heretic & other Damian clones still get made but only because Talia just misses her son so much that she makes more of him#Nyssa has just been bopping around the world for a few centuries & pops up every now and then to have a death match with her baby sister#i just have a lot of strong feelings about the al ghuls deserving better and combined that with the vibes of my favorite unhinged family#Dick still hates Talia but Talia takes all his insults as her darling step son telling her how much he loves her#which only drives Dick even crazier#Tim rocks up to the League of Assassins during his whole trying to prove Bruce is alive thing already seen as an al ghul#Oh yeah that's Cousin Timothy he's one of Talia's kids - never met a truer al ghul in your life#You see how he blew up all those bases? Ra's cried he was so proud#Ra's spoils his grandkids absolutely rotten which is giving Bruce SO MANY gray hairs
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faaun · 28 days
the way that diff languages sound r so fascinating they're all different and all so vivid
#russian is like the surface of a feather like it's light but not exactly “soft” but still very delicate#german is . cute ? i think it's adorable . it has a lot of momentum it makes u wanna talk fast and talk a lot#like it's squishy . sleek surface w a soft inside#thai is like song . it's like interprative dance or maybe a trust-fall . everything follows from the previous thing#it feels like a little fairy flying up and letting itself fall and flying up again and so on (for fun). its so beautiful but also playful#mandarin chinese is like . idk why but it gives me the same vibe the concept of Observation does . like to read and to see and absorb#and then to translate that into smth else . like . imagine a poet people watching or an artist preparing a canvas w practiced hands. thats#the vibe. soft and elegant and musical but like...in a way that feels lived-in. arabic feels wise ? like music or poetry u read#and feel nothing about then years later u stumble on and it applies to everything in ur life. that kind of vibe. like it knows more than u#and itll make sure ur heart and soul grows as big as its lexicon . polish is like snowflakes falling . it has the feeling of complexity and#elegance but it's also so so light and slippery and...maybe not elusive but the feeling of losing a dance partner in a waltz ? like fun and#light but also an underlying elegance and somberness still . turkish is like the feeling when u get a text from ur crush#and your heart tightens and you cant tell if it's really painful or really amazing . it feels like unrequited love . or a caress#or making out with someone when you know its the last time you'll see them. its beautiful in a yearning longing way#korean is like joking around w ur friends and you've stayed up until like almost 5 AM and youre so delirious that everything is funny#and ur speaking kind of lightly and openly and everything you say holds a lot of weight and doesnt matter at all. you laugh at everything#and youre practically talking in inside jokes and watching the sunrise together . one of them hits u on the shoulder lovingly. ur by a fire#yoruba feels like the metatheory of the matatheory . abstraction until it circles back to intuition or maybe#it feels like plotting the route of a comet or maybe like the soft warm whirr of statistics. trying to verbalise beauty somehow#when you know the best thing you can show it is by telling everyone just look!! look at the sky just look!#anyway yh i think i could do this for every language ever tbh
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moeblob · 2 months
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OC again gomen ... (her name is Yuma)
#my characters#she was (shocking to no one) a side character in a plot from forever ago and while i fleshed out her bg a LOT#she never got her own actual story ? the plot she was in had a lot of characters so her and her best friend myo were like... cameos#in other character arcs rip to she having her own#basically she had light powers and had a kind of whispy clear happy look (top)#and then the big bad guy corrupted her and she got dark powers#so myo and her start to think she is sick and then big bad shows up and tells myo that if he wants to help yuma - hed help#so he manipulates the two into working for the bad guys who id like to point out! think they're the good guys#so yuma keeps having cloudy and foggy memories and nightmares and she doesnt understand whats going on with her#and she tells myo who hasnt clued in yet and he tells her shes fine and shes too nice to do what she feels guilty for#and then after its all kinda said and done and the big bad dies the corruption disappears bc he was the one causing it#and at that point myo knows the horrible things hes kind of helped yuma do and the actual things yuma has done#and he goes to rem who a lot of people avoid since rem has mind reading and memory manipulation powers#and he asks if rem can help yuma forget everything bad#and rem - who is the unfortunate right hand of the big bad who feels so much guilt for everything he has done -#asks him if its what yuma wants cause it isnt his place to change it without her consent as well#bc rem was actually the one that yuma interacted with most outside of myo#but as far as actual plots and arcs rem was more important ? common? idk ? as a focus#so despite yuma having a lot of established background and drama she never had her own ... thing#but as the dark corruption gets to her she loses the clear stream vibes and is like an oozing oil spill#and it kinda festers into her becoming like an eldritch monster type being from the grief and guilt her conscious has#while polluted by darkness sooooo#she just kinda becomes a monster in the background of the plot its fine she gets better#and that was storytime in the tags bye
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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making of a feathered thing
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puhpandas · 6 days
I know this sounds mean but like, does anyone else feel like new fnaf releases dont have the fnaf vibe?? like security breach was so different from what came before it but it still had major fnaf vibes. but like at least ruin didnt really??? idk
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leojfitz · 7 days
Simon is chilling in the pool on the roof of the hostel he's staying at in Sevilla, a beer in one hand, eyes closed, enjoying the quiet before he has to leave to explore the city some more. He has been traveling through Spain for a couple of weeks now and he's exhausted, so he's taking it slow for the day.
"And this is the rooftop, as you can see, with the pool that's open until 10 pm," the guy who works at reception is explaining to some new guest. Simon opens one eye to take a look.
"Nice," the guy is saying, looking directly into Simon's eyes. Oh. He has flirted and slept with a few men along the way, but the way this guy is looking at him is different. More intense, for sure. The type of look that might make Simon wreck his plans about going to Portugal and stay behind a few days more.
"Your bed will be ready in about an hour, do you want to wait here?" The receptionist asks the guy.
"Yes," he answers, still looking directly at Simon. The receptionist leaves them alone then, and Simon doesn't move, waits to see the guy's next move. "Hi," he simply says, taking his back pack off his shoulders and sitting on the empty deckchair next to the pool.
"Hi," he says back. "I'm Simon," he says.
"Wilhelm," he introduces himself, and already the way he says makes Simon laugh because of course. Of course the one guy he immediately felt a connection with had to be swedish. "What's so funny?"
"You're swedish right?" he asks, switching languages. Wilhelm smiles then.
"Nice to meet you, Simon," Wilhelm says, switching languages as well. "How long are you staying here?"
He says two more days. He doesn't know yet that he will stay there for two more, choosing to stay in Sevilla with Wilhelm. And that they will choose each other for a lot longer than that, after they're back to Sweden.
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valewritessss · 2 months
If I’m being completely honest… and please don’t hate me for this I thought this a long time ago and I don’t know if I still do but… I stopped reading Kotlc when it became too much about angsty/sad Keefe and not enough everyone else
Edit: this is not an anti keefe post. I love keefe.
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[continued from here] [first post for October 18th]
Akihiko pulls a long, slow breath in and out through his nose. He feels both relaxed and energized, loose-limbed and pleasantly charged the way he does after a good warm up. His eyes have even drifted closed at some point.
So that’s what a second awakening is like, huh? He wouldn’t have guessed it would be so…comfortable. The brand new presence in the back of his head is unmistakably different from Polydeuces, but just as effortlessly familiar. Had it been the same way for Amada?
He opens his eyes to find Shinji staring at nothing in particular, his mouth slack with surprise. As Akihiko watches, his gaze refocuses but loses none of its astonishment as it snaps to meet Akihiko’s own.
“...Aki, what the hell was that?” 
For a moment, Akihiko isn’t certain what he’s talking about. The only thing he can think of is… “Wait,” he replies. “You saw it too?” Were second awakenings actually visible to everyone? Or maybe just to Persona users? And outside of the Dark Hour, too–
“I–” Shinji clutches loosely at the front of his hospital gown with his free hand. He drops his gaze again, his brow furrowed in concentration, eyes darting back and forth like he’s trying to examine the inside of his own heart. “Castor, he…”
Oh. Everything suddenly clicks into place. It hadn’t been Akihiko’s awakening Shinji had seen.
“Yeah.” Akihiko is taken by surprise when the word comes out as a breathless laugh. “Me too. Polydeuces isn’t there anymore. It’s Cincinnatus now.”
Shinji’s mouth twitches upwards and he snorts softly. Akihiko suffers a moment of intense confusion before he realizes: mister-history-buff probably recognizes the name. He wonders what it says about him that Shinji finds funny; he’ll have to remember to look it up when he gets the chance.
The amusement slides from Shinji’s expression, replaced with befuddled concentration. His fingers curl and uncurl in the fabric over his chest. His other hand– the one still clasped solidly with Akihiko’s– flexes too. It doesn’t seem like he even realizes he’s doing it.
“Hey,” Akihiko murmurs, concerned. He’d been so caught up in how easy his own re-awakening had been that he’d just assumed it had gone the same for Shinji, and he probably shouldn’t have. After all, Shinji’s first awakening to Castor hadn’t exactly been…a peaceful event. He leans in a little closer and gives Shinji’s hand a brief squeeze. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothin’s wrong, that just felt–” Shinji’s jaw works silently for a moment. “So damn weird. It’s not– It isn’t bad, but it’s–”
“It’s a lot.”
“Yeah, no shit.” Shinji runs a hand through his hair, a nervous habit he’s never been able to break even after he started wearing a hat nearly twenty-four-seven (his other hand still hasn’t let go of Akihiko’s, and the realization hits like a bolt of giddy adrenaline). “I ain’t a fan of not knowin’ why it happened either.” 
“It happened to Amada too,” Akihiko says. “When he told us about it, Mitsuru said that it was something there had been theories about for a while, but that they’d never actually seen happen before. The idea is that if a person changes enough, their Persona can change too. She called it a ‘second awakening’.”
“Huh…” Shinji laughs. Just once, and the sound is thin and utterly exhausted. “I guess they recognized the promise we made too,” he says, slanting a tired, crooked smile at Akihiko.
It’s hard to breathe suddenly, like the tide of warm gratitude and affection that floods his chest is taking up all the space usually reserved for his lungs. He swallows past the knot in his throat.
“Yeah, I– I-I think they did.” Akihiko’s voice rushes out in a thick, emotional whisper.
His grip on Shinji’s hand tightens and the movement tugs Akihiko another centimeter forward. It strikes him now, for the first time, that he’s been leaning in like this for a while now. 
It strikes him, as well, just how little distance there is between him and Shinji’s smiling mouth– near enough to feel the warmth radiating from his skin. 
It would take so little effort to close that gap entirely, wouldn’t it?
The thought makes his jaw ache and his breath skip in his chest.
…What thought would that be, exactly? 
What the hell is he thinking? 
What the hell is he doing–?!
He can’t just–
He can’t.
He’s still leaning in closer to Shinji as though drawn by gravity, but he wrenches his attention away from the stupid, catastrophic impulse that had almost overcome him.
Instead Akihiko presses his forehead to Shinji’s and closes his eyes.
It’s an old, familiar gesture between them, and the wave of comfort it brings is so intense that it even overpowers (most of) his mortification, leaving him feeling very close to serene. 
Shinji sighs, long and relaxed, just as soothed by the gesture as Akihiko is. Mercifully, he says nothing about what Akihiko had nearly done.
He’ll think about that narrowly averted disaster later.
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kingkestrel · 4 months
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Bondi Beach Life Guard AU
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
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Guys. Imagine with me.
Dr Coomer.
Okay, now give him flowers. In any way. Bouquet, floral print, flower crown, ect. Just picture him with flowers.
Now put him in a garden somewhere.
Yeah :)
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