#just watched the last ep of the first season where they're all at the wedding and the two of them are in tuxes
grinchwrapsupreme · 2 years
the reason darryl and whijo work so well together is because they’re both so earnest and sincere but they do it in such different ways like with darryl it feels like it’s a natural trait whereas for whijo it feels like it’s completely intentional, born out of kindness
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 month
Hello lovely fandom and happy Wednesday. Wanted to get this review out sooner than the last. Since I was delayed and late last week. With good reason I know but Wed was my original goal. So wanna stick to it for this next one.
Ahhh the 100th ep. Had we had full seasons in 1-3 would’ve been last year. But that is neither here nor there HA. Also it's our ILY ep ❤️ This is a PACKED ep for them. So did my best per usual for gif space. They had wall to wall moments which is amazing but daunting for reviews ha The gif puzzle was a hard one but I got it worked out. Do love a challenge. Anyways let us begin.
6x02 The Hammer
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Our couple starts up still icy and tense af. I relate to Tim so much in this first scene. Shocker I know. I’m very much the kind to be like. 'It sucked, I noted it sucked, I was upset and now we’re moving on.' I hate beating a dead horse if I feel the subject has been talked to death. Now that isn't this situation but it is the jist of the scene for Tim at least. Lucy asking if they can talk Tim says yes BUT there’s nothing to talk about. Now, where I am like Tim in wanting the expedience of a situation to be over, I'm not in how he handled the end of the scene above. Just avoiding it completely. I have grown quite a bit due to therapy thankfully.
So this is where he and I differ in this tiff. What he's doing used to be my M.O. Where as now I still want it over quickly but I now I follow it up with how I recognize how I can be better. If I’m in the wrong that is. I ask what I can do moving forward so doesn’t happen again? Asking what I could do next time to make sure they don't feel that way in the future? Or if I’m the wronged party explaining what I need so this doesn’t happen next time. As we know our boy is pre-therapy Tim atm so he does none of those things….Communication as we know not their strong suit.
Lucy wants to talk it out more in detail. Seeing their fight as another bigger fight to come. She isn’t wrong at all. First time I've agreed with her in this prolonged fight. It totally is a pending issue. Lucy tells him just wanting to move on isn’t healthy. Definitely isn't. And he is riled up from the insinuation. Tim just wants to shove it into a box until that issue comes to light again. Which again isn’t the healthiest approach to what she is aiming at. The reality is right or not Lucy hurt him deeply. He clearly isn’t over that and it’s reflected in their convo above. The start to the ep is a fraught one for them.
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Lucy meets up with Angela to go over 'The Hammer.' Which she is more than happy to help her out with. What she doesn’t know is she’s about to step in the middle of a lover's quarrel. Which is going to make her even happier tbh. LOL This is one of those 'Angela is the fandom moments.' Where she’s just sitting back and enjoying the show. Her face while she watches the chaos unfold is everything. Look at her above. She is gleeful she lucked into this fight.
Their bickering has reached astronomical married levels. It’s written all over Angela’s face as she watches them argue. With their pot shots, passive aggressive comments, and the fact they’re fighting like she’s not even there anymore. Lastly just the all around husband and wife banter they're displaying for her. The 100th ep delivered in so many ways. This scene is one of them. Our on screen shipper is having the time of her life with this. Not hiding her delight in the least.
She signed on for help then got popcorn and a show to go with it. They don’t even notice her presence till she interjects ‘Let what go?’. They’re so wrapped up in their fight they had forgotten she was there. Angela wouldn’t be Angela without shooting off a snarky reply as they take off. 'Maybe I'll go too. Grab some popcorn on the way for the show.' So bummed couldn't get this one in gif wise. But I’m dying of laughter when Tim says she isn’t funny. Her firing back to 'She’s hysterical. Ask Wesley' LMAO
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They arrive at the Hammer's apt and Tim is trying to give Lucy the rundown. Attempting and failing to be clipped and professional with her. But this is Lucy so that was never gonna happen. lol He mentions his real name is Billy Bob Bennett. Lucy touches his arm like she does so naturally and laughs. Asking if that’s really his name? That no wonder he goes by his nickname. Trying to lighten the vibe. Sadly her touch does nothing to soften his annoyance. Tim is still in grumpy mode and didn’t find this funny in the least.
Asking if he can just finish his good news/bad news? Lucy apologizes and say knock yourself out…Not wanting to fight any further on the subject. Tim continues on saying he has a felony warrant. So they could kick down his door if they wanted right now. Which is the good news. Lucy mentions he bought the ring legally though… Which is the bad news. So he has no reason to give them the ring. That he won’t be any more inclined to give it to them when they arrest him.
It’s here we watch Tim hesitate and it’s hilarious. Lucy is watching him with amused eyes wondering why. Has the look of a man who's seen things. haha Tim explains he loves to fight but more importantly he loves to fight cops more than anything. Hence the nickname. It’s the gentle way he pushes her toward his front door after his 'Ladies first.' line LOL I was laughing so hard. She’s smiling even mad she loves this goober of a man. Who says chivalry is dead eh?
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When the Hammer opens the door he looks agro af. I love them being in-sync with putting their hands up. Even in a fight they are simpatico in the field. Lucy explains the situation with the ring while hubby nods along. This scene is gold. Hammer mentions the ring was legally bought. This is where she offers him the deal. That if he just gives them the ring they’ll give him a head start. Give him 20 minutes to grab the future misses and go to ground. They won’t start the hunt and call back up till then.
Of course living up to his reputation that’s not enough to get him to bite. He rather fight it out. Want's a fair fight. One on one. They win they get the ring and he gets arrested. Hammer wins he keeps the ring and they arrest him. I remember getting a flash back of the Pilot in this moment. Tim telling her she’s gonna have to fight him lmao Just like last ep the massive different between now and then is he’s in love with Lucy.
She tells him one will care what he looks like tomorrow LOL That she has to be beautiful and in a dress. I mean she isn’t wrong. But also I very much care about what he looks like at that wedding haha Lucy gives him all the heart eyes when he concedes and says ‘Let’s go.’ Even though she can handle herself no way he'd actually make her take this bullet mad or not. Do love her saying 'You got this.' before the fight begins. Ever the supportive wifey.
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First off I cannot believe there isn’t a gif set of this fight. (Not that I could fit it in ha but still)There's one of Lucy’s reactions to the fight. But not of the fight itself. Which is a travesty because it’s sexy af on Tim’s part. The song running through the scene is perfection per usual. Second watching this fight makes me cringe at first. Not cause I don’t think it’s amazing. I love it. As stated earlier it's sexy af and impressive. What makes me cringe is having the back issues I have now and Tim having them as well. Hurts to watch for that reason. Hammer wipes floor with him at first. Idk how he isn’t tore up from the floor up after this lol
Lastly I do adore Lucy’s reactions to this. Worried wife mode has been activated. Mad as she is it pains her to not step in. She wants to at first and Tim stops her. Gesturing his hand to not intervene. Couldn’t fit that part in but I adored it. Hammer wanted a fair fight, and being the honorable man he is, Tim will uphold that. He knows Lucy can hold her only with the best of 'em. But Hammer would’ve been pissed had she jumped in to help him. Still I know it was killing her to watch him get tossed around like he did. Tim was NOT winning at first.
Now back to why this fight is sexy. It’s the way Tim holds his own. He gets tossed around like a rag-doll at first. Then learns how the Hammer moves and adapts. If you don’t think him launching himself off that bed and power kicking into his chest isn’t incredibly sexy, we can’t be friends. LOL It's insanely attractive how he took his ass down after that move. Holy hell. Look at those biceps in action. Bulging and sinfully delicious *fans self* I need some ice water. He could put me in a hold like that anytime....Lucy looks so relieved when he gets the ring and Hammer is passed out cold. Her reactions through out were primo though.
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Next comes the best part of the scene. Tim staggers over and grabs the ring. Panting and completely out of breath. Damn near ready to pass out. Now this portion of him being on one knee as he hands her the ring. *screams into a pillow* This is foreshadowing at it's finest folks. Alexi wouldn’t have put this in there if he wasn’t gonna cash in on it one day. I truly believe that. The looks they share as well are so damn loaded. Look at the shared looks as he holds up the ring. Oh my lord.
Especially Lucy’s as she accepts the ring and looks down at him. Feeling all the feels we were in the moment. I remember A.H. saying there would be a moment that would launch a thousand gifs. He wasn’t wrong. This was an iconic moment in an episode full of them for our ship. Lucy is riddled with emotion and can barely choke out ‘Good job.’ You know she wants to marry this man. Stubborn streak and all. In that brief moment when he’s staring up at her that hits her. Stuns her a little too honestly. Melissa does a wonderful job conveying all that.
I remember seeing a great set for this. Had him kneeling on one knee from 5x17 when they're in sally port. Then 6x02. The caption read ‘Third time is the charm.’ In my heart of hearts I believe that. Next time he’s on one knee it’s going to be to ask Lucy Chen to marry him. To be his wife. What a beautiful day that’ll be. *dreamy sigh* That being said this moment was meant to be foreshadowing no doubt in my mind. The way the shot was framed and everything screamed that. It is funny to cap it off with Tim passing the hell out after it all haha Along with Lucy’s ‘Oh.’ as he collapses. It's hilarious. Poor Tim.
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We move onto the unconventional bachelor/bachelorette parties. Because yes even though our ship is the best part of this ep, there is still a wedding to be had LOL I loved how this was written and shot. How it bounces back and forth between both parties. And how it’s about Chenford for most part not John/Bailey. Cause let’s be real. Ain’t no one watching this ep for their actual wedding. Also loved how this had that amazing rom-com vibe all over it. Made me very happy and I was here for it.
This portion shows us what we already know. They both got issues and aren’t confronting them. Celina’s comments crack me up. She’s new to shipping Chenford but is a shipper none the less. Basically being like you guys are what I’m striving for in my love life. So please work it out haha Tim noting they’re great when she’s not accusing him of made up transgressions. I mean he’s got you there Lucy....
Once again I’m on Tim’s side with this back and forth dialogue. Yes he was deeply traumatized by what happened with Isabel. But she is projecting onto him in this instance. Because she isn’t ready for all that comes with UC/detective. Chastity has a solid reply to Lucy about UC. A mic drop one really. We all know she is actually dreading what might happen now that she has him. Chastity trying to get Lucy to confront she's scared. Breaking News. She doesn't...She throws it back on Tim instead unfortunately.
Said this before just because you are good at something doesn’t mean it’s your destiny. Having to leave him for possible months at a time is shaking her. Also with how dangerous it is. That it increases the fact she could not come home to him. The detective exam makes UC a legit reality. One I don’t think Lucy really thought about because it was a distant future. Now that it’s closer she’s hitting the panic button HARD. Not only that but projecting onto Tim with this fight they’re still in. She’s in massive denial and it’s all over her in this scene.
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Lucy breaks off from the party. She is meeting Tim at the station but she’s not sure why. I love how cute Tim is just waiting for her. So pleased with himself for this solution. Looking mighty yummy in his black shirt all wired up. Telling Lucy she can ask him whatever she wants. Just like the last ep he’s desperate to proof he’s on her side. That he’s truly rooting for her. Lucy gets excited asking if she can ask him anything? Tim is confused and says the point was to ask him about detective/UC….
I adore how Lucy instantly throws him off. How she crowds him and flusters him in the process. Saying they should be 'Thorough' as she scoots closer to him. Madam you aren't here to turn him on haha The way she approaches him says otherwise. Look at that man’s reaction. He’s so distracted he almost forgets why he’s wired up. Even after being together awhile she still takes his breath away. Look at the way he inhales sharply when she gets closer. Encroaching on his space.
Makes my shipper heart so damn happy. He’s a little turned on by her descent on him. How she pulls up nice and close. Not only that but scoots in and brackets his leg with her thighs. She knows what she's doing and is very aware that man loves her thighs. Tim is shook in the best way ahha I bet his heart rate spiked on that machine LMAO The way he looks her up and down. Floored by this woman in front of him. Hell of a way to start this scene.
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Lucy wants a baseline so she starts with the bug question. Honestly it’s the best way to diffuse the tension before it gets real. Such a cute married moment this portion. Asking if he really releases the bugs she traps for him? Idk what’s cuter. Tim indulging her by taking them out to “Set them free.” Or Lucy asking him to do so while low key knowing he wasn’t LOL Marriage thy name is Chenford. His sigh before he admits he doesn't is so funny. That 'No' is hysterial.
His bemused face while she see's his answer is true is precious. The hilarious way he’s like yeah. I didn’t cause they’re bugs lol This is Grumpy X Sunshine personified for them with this part. I loved getting this look into them outside of work. When they’re just at her place being them. Clearly it's something that's been going on for a long time and I’m dying. Tim pretending to do so cause he loves her.
But he’s still him and isn’t gonna save a bugs life lmao Cause well. Tim. The fact he’s been killing them and lying to spare her feelings. That’s love ya’ll. Deep down she knew haha But needed to get the proof while he was wired up. Amazing. Damnit I love these two sfm. This episode is a treasure trove of goodies. Also just more proof how pure Lucy is. Wouldn’t hurt a fly literally. Pure sunshine this one.
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Lucy gets a little more serious. Asks Tim if he loves her? Now it’s subtle and our ship is so good at the subtle goodness. I adore the slight shake of his head first. The way he looks at Lucy before he answers. Like how is this even a question? He feels every part of his being, every action he does, how he's opened up for her screams how much he loves her.
Like of course I love you, Lucy Chen. His heart eyes are off the charts adorable. I love the way he meets her half way. Needing to be closer to her when he says this. Does that deep breath first. Leans in with the biggest in love smile and tells her 'Yes. I love you.' *swoon* I could hear him say that all day.
You know his deep breath before he replies reminds me of 5x08 when he took a leap of faith. Took a deep breath and went for it. The sweet smile when he says he loves her. *squee* Nothing makes more sense to him than being in love with this woman in front of him. It’s written all over his confession and beautiful face. He couldn’t be more in love with her if he tried. Lucy’s knowing smirk is everything below.
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I do remember there being a debate if this was first time he said that to her or not. I mean I’m not sure still tbh. Months later and I'm not 100% either way tbh. I mean how she looks at him when she asks him makes it seem like it is. Almost like she's holding her breath waiting for the answer. But then her reaction above is a knowing smile of someone who already knows. Like she's heard it from him before. And is using hearing it to ground herself in this moment.
Needing to hear that reassurance that he loves her. Because the next question is the biggie. But I could totally see this being the first time as well. It's one thing I'm not confident on which is very rare for me with them. Anyways no matter what camp you fall in this scene is fantastic. We got a love struck Tim Bradford telling Lucy he loves her. Nothing better than that you ask me. Not only that but with the biggest in-love grin we could ask for. So either way the scene is a massive win for us. I also can’t hear Tim say he loves her enough. Wanna hear it on a loop.
Makes me squee and simultaneously want to pass out from the glee. Unfortunately the lie detector detects its first lie in him being ok with her going UC. Even Tim is shocked by it. He truly thought he was going to pass that question with flying colors. Lucy isn’t shocked but Tim is. Why? Because the man as I’ve stated before would die rather than not support her. He is floored it's a lie. It does cause some good self reflection from him later at the wedding as we will see.
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They sadly arrive to the wedding separately. Tim showing up looking like an absolute snack though. I love this vertical shot. Giving us a glorious look at him dressed to the nines. Tall drink of water I would like a sip of. Hot damn. Chicken or steak? Neither. I’ll take Tim Bradford wearing the hell out of that suit please and thank you. Also we know that man didn’t pick that suit out. Has Lucy written all over it with how they match. I can only imagine them going shopping for it and Tim protesting the entire time haha
Tim is actively seeking his person out as his eyes scan the crowd. Even mad he needs eyes on her. They lock eyes across the courtyard. Lucy looks excited to see him. She takes in how good he looks then remembers she’s mad at him. Doesn’t maintain it long after that sadly. Angsty goodness right there ooof. I’m here for it.
The wedding happens after but I don't really care about that TBH. The looks continue in the afterparty. Tim drinks at the bar and watch's his girl have fun on the dance floor. Lucy’s gaze a little softer this time around as she looks back at him. *sigh* Does crack me up Celina asks Aaron if they'll be ok as she watches them long for each other haha Girl is seriously worried about them. I love it.
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tim being the one to bridge the gap. He's reaching out to her and is ready to talk this out. He doesn't even acknowledge Luna when he walks up. Only has eyes for his girl. Sorry Luna LOL He can’t be away from her any longer. Tim extending his hand asking her to dance wordlessly. That silent communication of their's in full force. My heart.
I adore how Luna is looking at them when Lucy gets up. Lucy looks back and gets her nod of approval. Like go make up with your man honey. Love Lucy’s smile knowing how Tim coming to her is a huge deal. My god how this man has grown. Makes me happy to no end. The music once again *chef kiss* This song is glorious in it's perfection for this scene. I'll never hear this song the same way again that's for sure. It'll bring me right back to this moment.
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From here on out it is all hands hands hands. I saw someone make a tag of *pterodactyl screeching* for this scene. Made me cackle. If that isn’t the fandom in this moment. Eric and Melissa are so good at the little things that make us lose our damn minds. The way he softly takes her hand in his. How she can’t keep hers off him from minute they hit the dance floor. I don’t blame her my hands would be all over him too. I love how they get lost in one another instantly. Looks at those smiles above.
These two couldn't be happier to be near each other. Their time apart has really made that craving to be close increase ten-fold. Despite the lie detector scene they’ve been apart physically since 6x01 if not longer than that. Probably pre-6x01 but post 6 weeks in his office. Haven’t really been affectionate since then either. They’re being drawn back in like a moth to the flame when they're reunited. Like they're coming up for air for the first time in forever. Been trapped in this fight for far too long.
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They get so lost in being together again they almost forget they’re still in a fight. I love this so much. The one above has me swooning the most. Look at them. The way she runs her hand down his chest. The smile on his face is everything. Just so happy to have her in his arms again. How Lucy is looking at Tim. phew lord. That is a loaded look. Mixture of sheer happiness and wanting to take him to nearest closest tbh. Seems like such an intimate gaze she's throwing his way.
He's reciprocating with his own fiery intensity. *fans self* Forgetting they are indeed in public. I love how they sway in perfect tandem together. Gah if you wanted to know what utter perfection and chemistry looked like. Go no further than this gif. Look at these stunning humans just exuding their attraction for one other. Beautiful thing to behold. Saying so much with just their incredible physical chemistry. Sweet lord we are so lucky to have Eric and Melissa helming this ship.
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Tim is the one to break the silence. Finally admitting after episodes of sheer frustration last year, he isn’t ok with her being UC. That he’s more conflicted than he realized. He truly thought he was ok enough about it. Enough that he could pass a lie detector test. He wouldn’t have done it if he thought it would’ve proved him wrong. In his heart of hearts he thought he was ok adjacent lol
His suppressed feelings for months coming out in his answer. Lucy is very kind in her reply to him. Letting him know it’s understandable. That it was so horrible how could be possibly be over that? I love her fingers climbing up and down his lapel the entire time. Gripping it when she needs it. Almost as if touching him constantly is going to ground her in this moment. Which I think it is. Being near him always been a comfort to her.
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I couldn’t be prouder of him if I tried in this portion. Tim growth moments are my fav moments. To not only tell her 'Hey you were right.' but to admit to being wrong. Tim Bradford just admitted to being wrong. Man must be in love baha Tim being even more amazing in growth won’t take the out she's given him.
Stating it’s not fair to her. That he needs to deal with it. He takes it even one step further. Telling her that her dream shouldn’t have anything to do with his issues. What a man. How Lucy doesn’t pull him into the nearest closet/room for make up sex right then and there idk haha Has more will power than I would.
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Lucy is touched by his honesty and owning his part in this UC fight. It’s written all over her face when she says ‘Thank you.’ The ‘hands hands hands’ continues and I’m all but squealing. Look at her fingers at back of his neck/head and all over his hair. Her other hand coming up to stroke his bicep too. I’m dying here of cloud 9 happiness.
The way she strokes the back of his head while she’s comforting him. I cannot you guys. It’s so soft and cute. I’m dead. Here lies Caitlin- Cause Chenford was off the charts cute and she imploded. Happily take that death all damn day. The way she tells him they’re gonna get through this. My heart. She truly would’ve gone through ANYTHING for him. Thought they truly could recover from any conflict. Weather any storm as long as they're together.
Look at Tim and the way he's smiling down at her in that second gif. He believes it too because she does. Ugh. Makes what happens in 6x06 hurt all that more. But let’s not think about that too much. I wanna live here for awhile and avoid that until I literally can’t and we’ve reached 6x06 lol I can't get over her fingers in his hair you guys. The way she is sweetly caressing his neck and arm. Some fanfic goodness IRL. My damn heart. I'm not crying you are.
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If this scene wasn't amazing enough we reach Lucy's ILY and it's GLORIOUS. The way she searches his face and makes sure he can see it. That it’s splayed all over her face how much she loves him. Her heart eyes on full blast for him. She once again is caressing the back of his neck as she says it too. Then we get the sweet kiss to follow it *heart clutch* I’m weeping at how beautiful this scene is. The writers really did us justice with this moment. Eric and Melissa knocked it out of the park and then some. Always elevating the material given to them in so many ways.
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Her hand on his face as they continue to sway in tandem. Her thumb running down his jawline tenderly. The way he’s looking down at Lucy gets me in the feels hard. Like he can’t believe this beautiful woman loves him warts and all. He’s in complete awe of her in this moment. So happy this incredible woman has chosen to love him. The vulnerability he is displaying here is a sight to see. Truly proof of how she obliterated his wall and then some.
The sweet smile he gives her at the end. *squee* He’s ecstatic she loves him despite their issues. Despite his issues. Constantly blown away by the woman in his arms. Lucy returning his expression in kind. Looking up at him like he's the best thing that's ever happened to her. Because well he is. Her loving smile while looking up at him. I'm dying. It's why the man is puddle right now.
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Wouldn’t be Tim if he didn’t follow up with a goobery joke though. Because she brings that side out in him like no other. Let us also enjoy how Lucy still can’t keep her hands off his lapel btw. Or him in general really. I can’t stop focusing on the hands and how they’re all over each other. His crack about the lie detector is pretty damn cute. A great way to finally end the tension between them.
It’s the way Lucy laughs and slaps that same hand, with her DOD ring on his chest, that gets me. She loves this ridiculous goober of a man so much. Their physical chemistry is unreal. Never seen any other like it. Tim is beaming down at her. So happy to have made her laugh the way he did. Her laughter is music to his ears. Mine too. If you weren’t grinning ear to ear after that joke you’re dead inside LOL This part is so sweet I’m diabetic.
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Aaron sadly ruins the moment with his drunk ass. We immediately see soft, funny, and light Tim disappear instantly. Fierce protector Tim emerges as he pulls Lucy close to him. Never letting his hand leave her waist as he scolds Aaron. Pulling her closer and closer as he does. And uses his other arm to keep Aaron away from Lucy. I love it so much. Once again it’s the little things our captains do so damn well. We eat it up like candy haha
Celina takes off after a call solo. Idk why she would after everything happened with Aaron in 5x22. But Nolan is her T.O. So… Thought we made it a review without a Nolan pot shot didn’t you? Well I snuck one in. #noregrets
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Anyways we watch our couple emerge from an unseen area. Smiles for days on Lucy's face. Which we all took as they had make up sex and we’re seeing the afterglow of that heh. It’s where all our minds went and I love it. D is writing a fic based on that. Idk when but I cannot wait for that. *cough* please write it next bestie.*cough*. They all go into cop mode like the BAMFS they all are about Celina. Except Aaron he’s sidelined by Tim for being hammered. Poor sweet Aaron is a struggle bus.
They save Celina and our ship looks amazing as they do it of course. Didn't have room for that great shot of them. Gives me all the feels Lucy showing up to the scene with Tim in his truck. That little things theme continues. Also Tim in his tie and badge showing? Yum. Gimme. To quote ZZ Top ‘ Cause every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man.’ Mmm. And that concludes the ep Chenford wise.
Phew that was a doozy to write. Their content heavy ones always are I hope did it justice had fun writing it. They beyond delivered with this 100th ep. It’s memorable for so many reasons and we got loads of moments from it. Something did wanna touch on that I didn’t love during their dance. I didn’t love the blame squarely being on just Tim for their fight. Lucy had a hand in it too. Tim deserved an apology too. Other than that its perfect. Now I’m wondering if they’re gonna touch on her mental health stuff more in S7. Because there was a lot of build up to it in this entire season. I’m hoping they do cause they put her through damn ringer this season. Gotta have a pay off or some sort like Tim’s did.
Thank you forever and always to those who read, comment, like and reblog these reviews. They do my heart real good when you do. You are the reason I do them. So thank you. Shall see you all in 6x03 :)
Side notes- non Chenford
The cold open LOL It’s fantastic. Cop cutie is so funny I love it. Nolan’s reaction is hilarious. Just walks away ahaha while Celina jams out.
Harper telling Lucy to ‘run.’ at the bachelorette party had me rolling. Mekia has great dead pan comedic timing. I adore her for it.
I love Nyla looking out for Celina with Aaron. She’s such a good mentor. Telling her Being Aaron's only support is a slow poison. It's true I've been there.
They all looked amazing for this wedding. We have the most beautiful cast. End to end.
The music at the wedding primo. John Mayer, Young MC and Alicia keys. Solid af. Good job James haha
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3416 · 10 months
1634 primer pt. 2 (2023-present)
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hey again... since the 1634 primer (2015-2023) was a success, i figured i'd start a newer part two to keep that one from getting too long and unruly, so this will be a continuation starting the summer of 2023! with auston's extension signing him through the 27-28 season and with the contract talks for mitch (and hopefully inevitable extension, knock on wood) coming at the end of the 23-24 season.... i feel that there is a ton of content to come, so let's do it x2:
mitch marner got married on july 29th 2023... auston came to his wedding in canada after skipping other teammates weddings the same summer... here's auston being spotted watching mitch and steph during their first dance (his face...).... auston being in the official wedding video (gifs)... tarps off with mitch yelling in his face.... mitch making sure that auston's in one of the pics he posted in his photodump on ig <3 despite not posting many guests... here's a pic with them, michael bunting, naz kadri, and tyson barrie
last year we got auston calling mitch 'mitchelly' and 'his guy' in our leafs thanksgiving video, but this year we got them all randomly assigning thanksgiving dishes to random teammates (video)... and auston chose to give mitch the apple crumble "because it's actually his favorite" (gifs)
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for media day, mitch got roped into a stupid game where you try to roll a coin into a fork... when he sees auston in the bg, he tries to wrangle him into it too... auston's noises of dissent like he's used to mitch trying to boss him around, i rest my case (leafs blueprint ep later showed auston smiling while mitch begged so... i was correct)
in the 2023 bardown callout video, auston turns into a giggly happy mess when mitch comes in the room mid-answer (gifs)... mitch also picked auston as the most likely to rip dress pants bc he's got "big legs" (gifs)... followed by a look that can only be interpreted as him fighting his own demons
auston, mitch, willy, and mo all did this goofy video where auston and mitch pretended to be sobeys workers and were given instructions behind the scenes... mitch sees auston in the outfit and his first thought is immediately "dude you look good as a sobeys worker" (gifs)... and then proceeds to make auston do pushups for fun (gifs). they were also given costumes with matching pb&j hats... and there's THIS picture i still need them to answer for.
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all of them also went and did a little crossover with the blue jays... where mitch and auston were still a duo on the baseball field (vid here) (pic)
first glimpse of them playing hockey to start training and of course... they're hovering around each other from the first moment
this little preseason moment where mitch keeps his hand on auston's back for a bit... just to touch him
in the opening game of the 23-24 season, auston matthews scored his 300th career goal (followed by his 301st and 302nd for his 8th career hat trick) with an assist by mitch (who collects the puck for him too), which marks 100 goals he's assisted on for auston if this graphic is to be believed. auston went on to score 2 more hat tricks within his first 8 games, many of his goals being assisted by mitch.
another warmup video where they pass in sync too... and the maple leafs official account calling their warmup a TRADITION
the commentators still never shut up about them.. there have been 4892342 moments where they comment on mitch and auston being able to find each other or being partners out there or having chemistry... here are just some of those audio moments: 'with marner by his side, they'll find each other', 'trying to get that fourth goal for his partner', 'his partner mitch marner'
a leafs blueprint episode revealing they sit next to each other in team meetings.... and auston looks at mitch like he's the sun, but WHAT'S NEW
here's jesse from the steve dangle podcast talking about how mitch and auston are more in sync than normal center-winger combos and how matthew knies fits with them.
auston being so happy about mitch shootout goal the first time AND the second time
a game against nashville where auston was ready to go after a man who crosschecked mitch and where they held hands even though they didn't score themselves (pic) (gifs)
random pics of mitch and auston being attached at the hip during breaks here here here here
auston and mitch... have changed their pregame handshake to something that looks like... they both? kiss their gloves? before highfiving????... see for yourself ... pic by pic of a different day too
some cellies :') here and here and many more to come, im sure
bench moments so far: x x x x
they also still constantly walk into places on the road together as evidenced by this tag i've started and here's a pic from their global series trip where they're getting off the plane together
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here's the first part of the primer in case you missed it and here is the @1634archive, where i've got a bunch of pics dewatermarked of them for you to peruse. it'll be updated as the season goes. for misc moments and gifs of 1634 that aren't substantial enough to get bullet points here, you can check out my tags #1634 and #egifs where it'll probably mostly be mitch and auston stuff. if there are any broken links or anything, don't be afraid to shoot me an ask so i can try to fix it!! enjoy!!
updated: 11/14/23
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jaggedwolf · 7 months
Kate x Lucy
when I started shipping it if I did: pilot episode kiss, ngl, where it establishes that they must already be on-and-off hooking up in between sniping at each other about classified information. Lucy just shows up at her apartment!
my thoughts: when I watched this show I was genuinely bewildered by how this CBS procedural NCIS spin-off....just has a whole-ass lesbian romcom happening in its first season? The S1 finale literally ends on them getting together via a grand gesture with the rest of the team cheering.
anyway, they're so fun! they hit a lot of dynamics I like - Lucy loves loudly and openly while Whistler is brittle and contained, they have tension with a history, the height difference is cute, and man, maybe for a different ship all the drama in 1B would've been too much, but for these two I loved it, and not just because Whistler made the best kicked puppy faces while pining hopelessly
my random headcanons on when they each realize they're gay is that Lucy realizes in middle school and Whistler realizes in college, not too long before Noah's death. Don't think anything in canon contradicts that
What makes me happy about them: they're so ridiculously fond of each other. The consistent hearteyes they aim at each other while engaging in tropey shenanigans and still being individually competent agents makes me very happy. When it comes to the relationship angst, I like that for them it's never closeted/sexuality angst but their very different personalities, the usual fwb-to-lovers difficulties, Whistler's big mistake, and working together. They've been no less delightful as an established relationship in S2 and S3 - I love how much the show loves them, they literally got a ficcy-as-hell undercover-as-couple subplot last episode with all the usual gimmicks
Oh, I also did not anticipate how much physical fighting this procedural would have, and as someone who always wants my faves to get wrecked, I have been very well-served. Lucy almost dying while undercover right after Kate crushes her heart! Whistler getting injured while they're broken up and Lucy yelling at her for it! Such good food. (Show, you can keep beating up Whistler every season, I will never complain.)
What makes me sad about them: Their families, and the resulting loneliness. Lucy talks about her sister and brothers like a youngest kid who used to be close to them but isn't any more, last ep she commented that she knew from a very young age that her parents would never throw her a big wedding like her brothers', the way she gets set off by "financially responsible" as a rationale + her family's money has implications there. Kate's confession of how she shut herself off from the world after Noah's death.
But I like that they know about these things for each other (the way Whistler goes "Right. Right." at Lucy's comment tells us they've talked about this before), and the way they're navigating around and disarming each other's landmines here
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I understand that this is the danger of stepping back into another blonde/brunette live-action f/f ship but I cannot deal with those epithets. Or "taller woman"/"shorter woman" either, all of it always makes the PoV character sound like she has a complex about hair or height. It is okay to use the characters' names, I promise.
things I look for in fanfic: .....I've become such a hipster about characterizations for these two. Lucy is the one who broods and contemplates her feelings, Kate is the one who acts without thinking and gets surprised by her own reactions. Whistler is the one with better work-life balance and hobbies, who moved from DC to Hawai'i and stayed there despite the former being way better for a fed career, who goes surfing every Saturday morning without bothering to be contactable by work, and Lucy is the one who describes her life as consisting solely of "work, gym, and [Whistler]" and sometimes does paperwork on the weekends.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Gosh, I really have no other Lucy ships. For Whistler, I could 100% ship Whistler/Tennant if it was like, after the kids are grown. Why do they stand so close to each other in that 1x14 coffee conversation and say each other's full titles, or have Whistler demonstrate career-threatening levels of loyalty to Tennant, if not to make me contemplate this ship? I hope Sam Hanna's presence doesn't mean we don't get any Tennant-Whistler stuff this season.
My happily ever after for them: Just keep on being badass agents together and stay in Hawaii long-term. Don't really see them having kids, but I can totally see Lucy convincing Whistler of having a cat. ...Maybe get a shorter bed, does Lucy really have to climb that high every night XD.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: lmao I was going to make a comment about Lucy jetpacking because of course she does, but the bed comment reminded me that that they have 10 billion pillows on their bed. One weekend morning Lucy is going to sleepily think she's spooning Kate and find out she's actually hugging those pillows, having been abandoned for the Dreaded Ocean.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: does sparring really count as non-sexual for them it might really be meals at home? They both cook, they enjoy a quiet night in after their truly hectic cases, and they can put on GBBO or one of Whistler's preferred history documentaries afterwards.
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Rogue thoughts and reactions--->
not taking many notes this time cause i wanted to Savour this one tbh and what a blast so far
rogue and doctor so far is like. rtd striking gold potentially here (i kno he didnt write this one i mean more like. in the long run. i could see fans going crazy over this Type of ship and spending sweet $$$$ on it lol).
ruby looking at this "scene" like it's a tv show………. live…….. honey u best believe in ghost stories hyper post-modern genre tv show seasons cause u are in one
cushy… wordsmiths-ing count…
"ruby: you know how i forget about a man?" with a woman? (shot)
the parallel of these guys "dishonoring" these ppl while the doc and ruby do kind of the same all the time sdkflj
mmm second time i see a triangle logo (it was there last ep on the door to the MEP area that lindsey and rickey ran into. camera held on suspiciously long on it…) (triangles…. three…. susan TRIAD???)
doctor this says you're single and available. oh another word. "very" available.
"wow" boner dialogue
mention of gallifrey.... "i might take you one day" oh man. oh man………..
"random barren dimension" yes this is not an equivalent to a silent confinement analogue at all don't think about it too hard guys
"i lost everyone"
they're leaning on……………. oh yaz just broke a coffee mug somewhere
maybe the real enemy was fandom all along
ok im enjoying The Concept a lot, as expected…….. but gotta say rogue does feel a bit two dimensional so far :/ (maybe even a bit cliche?) i feel jack in his first ep had more depth at first for example (bounty hunter but also lost his memory. doing amoral things but being swayed by the doctor at the end. etc). but there's time THERE'S TIME. DONT LE TME DOWN EPISODE PLEA SE. there's always a twist-
you people and your bridgetons. in my time this would all be a big ass downtown abbey reference
sad thing is this is def one episode i wont be able to watch with my homophobic parents at all oof lmao
this dialogue.... kinda thoschei acadamy years coded ngl
"tell me what your heart wants or i shall turn my back on your forever" defining 15 character dialogue……….
(commitment phobe doctor moment. my girl hastn changed at ALL) (btw intrigued by rogue's "i lost them" bc it could mean a lot right. it's the most delibarely ambiguous of pronouns dklfjsd like it could be a nonbinary character but could also be a couple characters? or maybe im reading it wrong sdlkjf)
play our games on a magnificent scale…………… games motif……….
"i thought i was interesting- but you??" exactly!!! doctor who>>>>>>>> bridgerton/all other tv shows. case made.
god i feel so stupid. i dint catch that twist at all TOT
wedding season finale. chuldur's know where it's at.
oh finally there's the scene from the trailers!!!!!!!!!
"how long do they live for?" oh he's gonna says A Thing "thats a long time to suffer" I WASN'T WRONG /GOES FERAL ( i knew the family of blood coding was leading somewhere…)
the doctor beatiing these cosplayers with his "i object" tv tropyness……….. the meta of it……… theory gang we're gonna make it yet i swear
ok yes this is sad poor ruby but like. but literally last month 14 killed/sacrificed donna w/o sm hesitation so sdklfjdsklfjsdklfj (yes im still like. HEY THAT WAS A SIGNIFICANT THING THAT HAPPENED. WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT IT.)
oh is rogue a chuldur as well? he feels too invested in the trolley problem of it all sdlkfj
im gonna say it.... i thought that resolution was kinda........ as the kids say..... weak sauce sfkdj
like oh nooo he got teleported oh noooo. like he's gonna be fine slkdfjsd didn't really hit that hard :/ should have had a proper death sacrifice thing.
"im sorry....." "....AAAANYWAY , it is what it is!!!! " my man is so broken holy shit. holy shit.
it's ok to be sad. !!!!! TOT
sdlkjf ya'll i really wanted this to harder but idk i didnt feel the depth or sensibility this called for was there tbh. but it was a blast!!! but … it missed a bit of that x factor thing. like some kind of universality to the romance w/ the rogue. i feel he was too sketched-in.... i was also a bit disappointed that ruby's friend was not her friend bc it meant her whole thing this ep of connecting to that woman was for nothing (and up until that point it was feeling very Important specially after the marti thing) (and speaking of, the chuldur's were kinda very sketched-in / surface-level as villains as well) … yeah. idk. kinda disappointing ngl (diodati > this i think). pretty fucking gay tho so that was nice.
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
watching Leverage: ep 8
Pre-game show:
ok so i think i've got it figured out on who i'd be besties with from this show this is of course unrelated to the previous episode. also, let me know which of the crew i'd be besties with! i only know these guys for 7 episodes and y'all have all the 5 seasons, so 1st impressions and after some development?
nathan wouldn't trust me (obvi as i am young and inexperienced with heisting but i am a good strategist! so that should count for something) but eventually, he'd adopt me as one of his heist children
sophie would adopt me on the spot i just know it
alec and i would be besties. maybe i would feel a little intimidated by his hacking skills at first, but he'd be very welcoming and i would laugh at his jokes so yeah
i would be way too intimidated to be near eliot alone just because i feel like he has that aura of "don't talk to me"
unfortunately i don't think parker and i would start off well because i tend to be too polite and not say what i mean and she's a very blunt person
but anyway
it is really weird how they've listed the episodes because the last one being ep7 is super confusing for the continuity. if you watched the horse job before the wedding job like me, it makes no sense for alec to not know who eliot's "girl" was. however, if the wedding job was set before the horse job THAT MAKES SENSE!
also it makes so much more sense that an ep3 nathan would be a little perturbed by heisting the mob and feel a little bitter about marriages because we're just getting to know him!!! it makes no sense for him to be bitter like that at ep7. not after the fucking bank shot job where we see him so soft for sophie???? ugh
this episode, we are watching *checks notes* The Mile High Job, spoilers for the episode will be followed under the cut (obvi 😗)
My Mile High Reaction (not sponsored by grape fanta)
oh dear, this ep is gonna be heavy
they blamed a child's death on her pre-existing conditions???? conditions unrelated to the side effects their fertilizers gives???? oh boy, i am getting pissed and they aren't even real but oh man i wanna hit something
oh they hiding evidence??? that would be important to the case??? corporation sir that's illegale. no that's literally illegal. anything you hold that's important to the case the other side needs to have as well. that's literally *breathes* i will...persevere :)
sophie: not speaking english the security guards: speaking english trying to understand her
to be fair! i am also that dumb
oh so both of them are just gonna hop away from the desk, okay then, keep it together my god lmao
ok i know they're trying to steal the information that the prosecuting team needs (the couple is prosecuting right? i'm assuming bc they have the burden of proof) but i'm worried bc there's a "doctrine of the poisoned apple" that basically means that any info gathered illegally cannot be used in court no matter how integral it is
i am curious to see if they bring up this little doctrine or ignore it (i'd be find with either tbh)
what happened with alec???? why does nathan not want them speaking about him???
shit this is a continuity thing huh
baby, did you...did you put a whole ass hot pocket in the microwave with no plate??? not even a paper towel??? and you grabbed it??? with your bare hands, dear lord
get a paper towel. sir, i'm embarrassed
*sighs* this was originally episode 4 wasn't it? alec and the crew not being as smooth, alec missing that they had a mission that day and fumbling to help them,
ok so i'm a little annoyed about how the episodes are listed and how janky they are continuity -wise
oh no the crew is about to be caught and this could have been avoided if the guy at the chair was more present in meeting! she says with a straight face. how ever will they get out of this one
yes, mister corporate evil man sir, please tell us everything about how you plan to tank the court case on a phone call where you're not even trying to keep quiet
i love you parker. how did she evade getting caught and exit the room before nathan and eliot? no one knows! but we all fucking love her for it!
"ok i got two for first class" nathan, sweetheart, he didn't even hesitate "ok sophie and i'll take those" yeah, yeah, ok sir, okay
eliot....eliot, my dude, where, how???? WHEN? air marshal???? WHOMST???? WHO ARE YOU? WHAT THE FU
omfg alec i love your customer service voice. perfection lmao
awwww she loves fidget so much (that's an adorable name btw the kitty's so cute i wanna nuzzle!)
lmao eliot that flip was so extra, you just needed to stumble my dude
"cuffs are his, wips mind" bro you should be so glad i wasn't drinking right bc i would have choked fr
ELIOT DEARY YOU SOUND LIKE A TEENAGER WHO GOT DRAGGED ALONG THIS TRIP "idiot," he says like sophie's his step mom and he's so embarrassed that he has now learned more info about his dad's sex life than he needed to
alec <3 i love him so much
parker i love you but you almost got punched (not your fault, you didn't know the lady was touchy about the promotion comment)
oooooooh nathan you in deep shit
oh man my brother would hate parker as a flight attendant
the pilot does not sound that clear on the intercom, leverage! really you hear more static than the pilot and it's way too loud and everyone just nods like they understood
mood eliot
madam, if parker said there's a system, then there's a system! do not mess with it!!! ma'am it ain't that hard to wait. if you really feel queasy, the bathroom is right behind you
yeah ok he could speak spanish to me all day. he sounds like a man who's so happy about his job! alec, you making me fall for your persona
lmao for a second i though the guard was going to look at the camera
"hey is there room in [the elevator that alec is making sure to take up every bit of space]" alec: idk bro you tell me
i know i say this so much but....alec i love you
"i bet you think we all look alike" I CAN'T BREATHE HELP I CAN'T I LOVE HIM
wait what are the playing on the plane? there's a movie playing. it looks western. eliot what are you watching????
yes eliot, let's just rummage through all the carry on bags. that's not suspicious
i mean.....parker's got a point. dying on a plane is pretty low. more people die in car crashes, but people feel more confident driving than flying
can't tell if that help the lady or not, but parker's delivery was hilarious either way
hands off sir that's a married woman! a fake married woman but still!
oop trouble in paradise
alec <3333333 my tall WoW geek, he's found his people
back the FUCK up nathan 🔪 leave him alone!
his little smile when he said "the meeting's starting!"
oh that better be fake alec!
oh thank goodness
lmao of course the accountant is the one who wanted ginger ale
nathan, sweetie, sweetheart, deary, pumpkin, gumdrop......you are so bad at pretending to be mad at sophie you whipped son of a bitch
so sorry but i was distracted (by eliot's voice) for a little bit but we good now
aww parker got her ginger ale to soothe her anxiety (didn't help but it's the thought that counts)
poor steve (derogatory)
i love cheryl. i'd die for her
oh shit he got a knife!
you're gonna leave the knife in there??? with the unconscious hitman??? what if he wakes up what then?
oof you're gonna go that route? after 9/11??? ok then
good, good eliot got the knife
honestly i feel bad for that flight attendant. this must be one her worst days on the job
oh they got a countdown!
oh dear they cutting close on time
just curious: was there a content warning that was placed just before this episode aired? i know this show came out in 2008 but 9/11 was still fresh in people's minds. so to air an episode where a plane gets hijacked to crash, i feel like there was a warning placed for viewer discretion.
ohhhhh stressedstressedstressedstressedstressedstressedstress
ok but is alec still in the boss's office? or is he back a HQ? how had no one found him? oh dear wait
ok nvm we got comedy all good
fuck off steve
aww we got soft sophie/nathan
haha she still won. love her
General thoughts
ok i have no clue why the episodes are mixed up like that because this episode feels like an ep4. it's just after the wedding job and the team isn't as solid yet. tbh this could even work before the wedding job but i wanna say no bc nathan was too up his ass in that one.
alec, my boy, you shined beautifully in this. i don't care if he wasn't the best team player! this was his episode and i loved it. i love that we got to see him geek out about video games and even about coding stuff that only he understands. i like how he is such a great people person! alec just met cheryl and yet he knows exactly how to work with her and make her believe he has worked at this place since forever. and maybe i'm hoping that he found her on WoW and they became internet besties
anyway, good episode, i enjoyed it. i laughed, almost cried, got stressed toward the end but all turned out well!
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negrowhat · 2 years
so i just finished watching between us and kinnporsche, and was kinda corious about news and what the actors are gonna do next. like i was really sad that between us is over, but then i saw some people say, that there is gonna be a special ep in march, about them getting married...do you know if thats true? Also i heard that bounprem is gonna have a new bl together (is there out what its about,and when its going to happen?) and that they are gonna be in different (movies/shows) like prem something thriller like and idk about bouns tho.(do you know?).im really curious about this, and im exited for them!
And i thought for sure that kinnporsche is gonna have a season 2. Like its such a popular show, and the show kinda ended on a cliffhanger, so i thought for sure there is gonna be a annoucent about it. but the show aired 6 months ago, and there are still no news :( i just heard about the actors having new bls together. (Im not totally familar with the names yet) . like the actors from every main couple is gonna have a series together. vegaspete, kinnporsche, and kimchay (where im corious about, how this will look, since im not sure if they are going to have much romantic scenes, like a kiss scene, because of the age, they didnt have on in kinnporsche) like is there out, about what this shows are about? and when they will come out? Im really exited to watch this shows, even thought i would have preffered a season 2 of kinnporsche. Do you think there is still gonna be one in the future? (im sorry for this long ask, but im not really in the fandom, and i think you probably know this things....anyway i love youre blog!)
Hello Anon! Thanks for dropping by! I do have answers for you but it might not be the answers you want. I'll put a "keep reading" because this will be a long post.
As far as the Between Us Special Ep goes, it hasn't been officially announced by Studio Wabi Sabi if there is going to be one or not. The reason everyone is anticipating a special wedding ep is because there is evidence of an upcoming wedding in the final ep and also a few of the actors had posted similar content on their social media. We're assuming March 2nd because that is the date we saw for their actual wedding.
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There hasn't been any announcement for a s2 of Between Us either, though it is totally possible considering the source material is still ongoing and there is already some chapters written about after Win graduates. I'd say keep hope alive but I don't know if that is actually going to happen or not. It took us a very, very long time to get Between Us.
As of right now, there has not been any announcements on any new BounPrem (the actors who play WinTeam) series. Boun (the actor who plays Win) is going to be in a zombie series though. Hopefully Studio Wabi Sabi will post a 2023 project video so we can know what to expect this year. There are some Between Us Special Episodes on YouTube from last summer. There's 6 eps, they're really short but oh so cute and features them as an already established couples.
BounPrem do have a few other series they've been in together and if you'd like I can make a list or give you some recs! Just let me know. The actors the played DeanPharm (OhmFluke) also have a few series out together as well. The actor that plays Manaow (Sammy Coates) has an extensive credit list too.
As far as the KinnPorsche cast, a lot of things have happened since the main couples' new projects were announced. I'm not going to get too heavy into it but I will give you a short update.
First the KP cast is still doing their KinnPorsche World Tour and I don't know how long that will go on for, I think their next stop is Hong Kong.
JeffBarcode, the actors that played KimChay will be getting a Korean based series called WuJu Bakery. Jeff's character will be some sort of alien and Barcode will be a bakery owner but that's really all the information that was given though there is a very tiny trailer.
MileApo, the actors that played KinnPorsche, are going to be in a movie together and it will be call Man Suang. We did get a trailer for that a few months back. It's gonna be a period piece so expect lots of pretty costumes. Tong who played Tankhun and Bas who played Arm will be in it too.
BibleBuild (VegasPete) WERE supposed to be in a series together called 4 Minutes. Idk what the actual plot of the series was supposed to be but I know it's supposed to be written by a famous writer. I don't know if the series will still be happening because Build is no longer working for Be On Cloud because he was accused of some really messed up stuff by one of the KP writers. (I won't get into this one because I am NOT part of the majority that believes Build is innocent)
If it is still going to be happening then they will either recast Build or wait for the verdict on his pending case. Idk how long BOC willing to wait because Build no longer works for them and I hope they don't make Bible wait for this mess to end because it's not his fault.
As far as a s2 for KinnPorsche....I doubt we're getting one. The writers for the novel were really disgusting to actors....like really, really disgusting to the actors...so they have been fired from Be On Cloud. Also they were going to ruin everyone's characters in their new novel anyway. It was just awful and I'm glad they got booted because the just did some horrendous stuff to the actors.
And now that one of them has accused Build, they will both be going to court. I think at this point, if we would be expecting a KinnPorsche s2 it would be written by all new writers and would either not feature Pete OR they would recast him. I personally think with all this mess that we don't need a s2 and to just let it be. Things have been ruined Behind the Scenes.
I'd be happy to suggest a few other series that have been circulating or if there is a certain type of plot you're looking for in a series or character dynamics. It really just depends on how interested you are in the world of BLs or if you're just interested in the casts for Between Us and KinnPorsche. LET ME KNOW! AND I HOPE THIS HELPS!
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purpleplaid17 · 7 months
Jess Watches // Wed 21 Feb // Day 149 & Thu 22 Feb // Day 150 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Constellation (with friend B) 1x01 The Wounded Angel & 1x02 Live and Let Die
A disaster on board the International Space Station becomes a fight for survival.
Seriously what is Apple's budget for TV though? No wonder the subscription has increased because this was another movie-level production. Also, loved that multiple languages were spoken and not all English when it wouldn't make sense to. (Me side-eyeing TNL)
Jo races to find a way back to Earth before her life support runs out. Henry is concerned about his experiment.
[ Politely shakes your dismembered hand: And how do you do, good sir? ] Theory: The multiverse is real and that CAL thingamy caused two different timelines to bleed together. Jo was definitely divorcing her husband and seeing that other guy the last time she was home.
Moving (with friend L) Ep 11 Romanticist (mid-season break)
Jihee gradually opens up to Juwon.
Juwon and Jihee were very cute and the multiple fight scenes were epic but these past 2 eps should've been condensed to 1 imo. Or just had the gangsters in less. This storyline hasn't flowed like the others. And where are the present-day kids? I think they could've shuffled the episode order so the storylines overlap instead of in blocks. It's been like watching 3 different shows. I hope everything comes together because I loved the first 9 episodes. Fingers crossed.
Severance (rw with mum) 1x01 Good News About Hell
Mark is promoted to lead a team who've had their memories surgically divided between their work and personal lives.
My mum's thoughts as a first-time viewer was "They're all a bit odd, aren't they." She has no idea just how much that's true lol. Helly not being able to exit past the stairwell because Helena keeps turning back around. It's all makes more sense on a rewatch! I'm excited to find little discoveries throughout. And did we ever find out what happened to Carol (who Dylan replaced) icr?
Resident Alien 3x02 The Upper Hand
D'arcy inserts herself into Harry's mission, while Kate grows more uncomfortable in her own home.
I did not get Asta's references when conning Joseph. I've never watched Mork and Mindy. She did amazing to stay on task though because he is a very beautiful square-faced hybrid man. And I am delighted that D'arcy is involved in the shenanigans too.
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
GeminiFourth April RoundUp
...I have accidentally really, really gotten into them um. What's the point of making a timeline when I'm seeing it all on Twitter anyway? Nothing, it's just a time sink but somehow I need to do it. I think the need for this settled when I saw this thread of GeminiFourth Events Schedule
April 1
Gemini and Phuwn switch profile pictures and display names for April Fools
April 2
OurSkyyxMSP Q2
April 3
LAYS LIVE GEMINI FOURTH #เลย์กินให้สุดวันหยุดยาวXGF [Stop guessing Our Skyy || P’Fourth and nhoo || Gemini wig at the GMMTV outing + P'Tha]
#OnceUponATimeXTayEP8: Alligator hunter and baby alligator
Feu: I watched ReactionsbyJavi's MSP reactions as an excuse to kind of rewatch
April 4
#UVDefenderXGeminiFourth [Our Skyy MSP Gemini's Einstein Tinn and TiwTinn fun spoiler || P’Gemini and Ning Fourth || Fourth's Wadee kha~ two (FAVE T.T) || Gemini surprising Fourth with his face close up]
Fourth's many outfit changes in 1 day (3 diff shirts)
Gemini telling Fourth to bite his lip during both yesterday's and today's lives
Feu: finished watching MSP Reactions & watched the first 2 hours of MSP Prom Night Day 2 (up to Come Closer)
I think it's fun that yesterday we got them playing around a bit with P'Fourth and today it was P'Gemini, I like getting the full spectrum of the same age and each being older for a few moments dynamics haha
April 6
OurSkyyxMSP Q3
#BonchonBornCheeseXGFM with MC Mark [They're insisting Our Skyy isn't body-switching || Gemini getting bullied to do the little script he was trying to get the others to do - Markly vibes || lovely Gemini devouring the chicken] - lol kpop-style controversy where people made a semi-big deal out of Fourth was annoyed with Gemini touching his clothes with possibly dirty hands
April 7
OurSkyyxMSP Q4 - there's a photo with Q11 but idk if that's real or a joke or what
April 8
OurSkyyxMSP Q5 - last Q? Also SPOILER there are photos of them in university clothes and some of Pat/Pran's clothes make an appearance. I feel like we know too much about these special episodes but also know nothing
look at my lovely Fourth looking angelic in the white shirt and necklace + the cute noises and peekabooing the camera and :D smile T.T [src]
April 9
Mook IG Live I think most of the MSP kids, they were mostly playing soccer except Ford who Mook was mostly chatting with
Feu: watched another hour of MSP Prom Night (up to Stand by Lor)
April 10
Our Skyy 2 trailer - starts Apr 19 on Wed/Thurs. Despite Gemini and co's insistence that it's not body switching, it is indeed body switching haha
April 11
#PraewQnA12Boys [Eng Sub] Praew interview with 6 pairs [Fourth pushing Gemini -> Gemini saying "I'm your Phi na!" Also Fourth says "we're just entertaining the fans. They like it when we hit each other like this" i do like it when idols/actors talk about playing up the dynamic for fans || KhaoFirst talking about Fourth + Fourth talking about them too]
Feu: refound some tweets about the casting process. Gemini talks about casting time 2 years before release about doing improvised scenes with different partners and almost being Gun || Fourth talking about P'Aof asking him who he'd like to be paired with and he said Gemini
Feu: FourthGemini x JoongDunk on PondPhuwin's Season Finale กับแก๊งเพื่อนสุดป่วน ! | LittleBIGworld - watched ReactionsWithJavi video for it cuz I felt like watching a 40 min ep by itself might be boring and it'd be more fun if it felt like I was watching with somebody else lol
Apri 12
#SiamParagonSummer2023xGF A music festival [a bunch of stuff but this video of Gemini's "today is songkran~" is so cute || them appearing on the big screen behind them - I loveee the way Gemini waves like this sometimes]
April 15
Fourth and Phuwin went to a water fight for Songkran. lots of people were there, not just celebrities. ik this is a GeminiFourth post but I'm a PhuwinFourth enjoyer as well [tiktok of the night]
April 17
#MISTINE抖音超品xGeminiFourth [Gemini gege - Fourth didi || Fourth keeps calling Gemini baobei (+ Gemini calling Fourth naughty and two hashtag about it) || Fourth played dead and hit his head on the table]
Feu: I watched ReactionsWithJavi's video of FourthGemini's OffGun Fun Night episode and it was really fun! Got to learn tmi though like Fourth's shower habits and Gemini sleeping naked (I literally need to try this too but I live with 3 other people and cannot)
April 18
Feu: [ENG SUB] GeminiFourth Reaction My School President Ep 4 with MentKorn [Fourth was so cute and shy in this haha]
Feu: รับสายผมหน่อย EP12 with MoreMent [It's just a week after the previous video but Fourth seems more comfortable and confident || Fourth's tendency to play dead helps him get out of situations a lot lol || Fourth keeps getting nervous and then touching the back of Gemini's neck continuously lol || pls they bleeped out who Prom asked Winny is hanging out with but I wanna know aklsdfj Gemini trying to trick him with a fake rumor but a real rumour came out?? also I skimmed the convo cuz it was too awkward for me but them having to bleep Prom swearing in every other sentence is so funny too || they're fucking killing me frrrr Fourth calling Winny to ask about Prim and saying "how is she?" is killing me so bad || plss Winny getting violated left and right for no reason like mans being like "I don't really talk to girls" in his call with Fourth and him being like "Who do you talk to? Boys?" likeeeeeee and then Gemini dying from laughter in the back?! leave my guy alone lmfao T.T omg wait he also had to bleep something out and then like "This one's special you know?" but then being like "I was joking I was joking" || this round has exhausted me and if I had celeb friends, I would simply forever be paranoid that I'm actually on somebody's show and a conversation was actually staged (bro the thing with Book calling Mike to be like I think I liked Force? yeah nope) || loll this is where the "Ai'Fourth, ai'saat, I moved there in 7th grade" came from || poor Mook lmfao || aksldfj Tay organizing the whole outing with Gemini but then as soon as he realizes, he's like "Oi! Nope, this is a show. Bye!" || also so many of these people have like songs and tunes for the dial. i have no clue if people here do that too bc i rarely call people but i don't think so] Ah, this was so fun
April 19
Gemini live [Dunk's makeup || Dunk kissing Gemini cheek || "thanks mom but keep your kidney and pee" || hit someone's motorbike || 1 minute summary]
MSP Gang live [Gemini twerking || Gemini almost crawling under Aun's legs || fourth introducing himself to jiejie || summary https://www.tiktok.com/@ppkr.rei/video/7224359975211011334]
April 20
#LacostexNetfilx_GeminiFourth [hair down bangs Fourth || Gemini gets 3-in-1 in claw machine || ]
At the GMMTV Outing, on day 1 Gemini, P'Film, and Boom had to carry Fourth to bed lol. there's apparently video evidence but it's not being shared lol
April 21
(Eng Sub) Q&A Praew Magazine #PraewQnAGeminiFourth - them talking about being hit on vs flirting killed me so bad... Gemini "euh~" saying he's usually hit on and Fourth's clear lie that he's not as sought after lol dead dead dead
Fourth got into Chula - Gemini's ig story - LLBel qualifications to get in
Gemini is in Youtube video with his friends [guessing song game]
At the GMMTV Outing, on day 2 Ford and Captain took Fourth to bed + 7/11
April 22
#eastvillexgeminifourth [different photo poses with fans - Gemini slay || fourth introducing himself to jiejie pt 2 (he's been obsessed since the april 17 live || fan says she'll lick floor if fourth puts his hair down and he plays with her || their adorable hug]
April 23
#HatyaiSummerxGeminiFourth [Gemini dancing to by FLI:P one two || Gemini likes seniors and Fourth likes juniors - Fourth says "What's up nong?" to Gem || Fourth speaking in southern dialect on twitter - mentions phi sao (older sister)]
April 24
Feu: “เจมีไนน์-โฟร์ท” แข่งกันต่อเพลงรุ่นพี่ GMMTV! - They guessed GMMTV Songs and were cute about it
Apr 25
LazBEAUTY สวยครบ ช้อป ล้น ช้อยส์ EP. 3 Beauty Items #LazBEAUTYEP3 Gemini, Fourth, and Mook go wakeboarding [cute darling Gemini and babygirl Gemini (FAVE T.T) || Fourth riding || Gemini + Mook riding || Gemini ready to catch Fourth if he falls + size difference || P'Si + cute Gem]
#OMOMeetAndReleasexGF video
Feu: finished Prom Night || Faves: Saliva, Stand by Lor, Bad Boy stick out the most (mostly because of how good or fun or attractive Fourth was during them) but a lot of them were very fun and good
Apr 26
#LOEWExGeminiFourth [cute darling Gemini || Gemini :O at Fourth's pants not being zipped]
มองนานๆ challenge Gemini Instagram
April 27
solo schedule Gemini: #EsanCoffeeFairxGemini [selling weird, not handsome || can't be markfourth + asks about fourthgemini (? tbh there's some confusion whether he was saying ford or fourth)]
April 28 - busy day
2-minute interview: Fourth to Gemini
LOL X GEMINI FOURTH #LOLFanFest2023 [pretend screaming || vocals geminifourth, visual pond, cute phuwin || joylada includes geminifourth but fourth didn't see the line gc lol + the twitter thread they all did || gemini says fourth says 'aaa' after a sentence + compilation]
Gemini insisting he has "belly kha" (FAVE T.T)
Feu: January Praew Magazine interview (Eng Sub) เจมีไนน์ & โฟร์ท คุยมันส์ เต็มคาราเบล!
April 29
#เยาวชนต้นแบบxเจมีไนน์โฟร์ท Award Show - they won ‘Youth Favourite Actors Award’[ GeminiFourth ship ZeeNunew + fourth cute facial expression || Gemini giggle sooo cute vid_one || lots of photos of them]
here is Gemini walking in the middle of the street (common in Thailand)
Apr 30
Gemini (+Ford and Prom) went to Jeff's concert who Gemini loves [running to concert || take a photo || Gemini photo IG comment section]
#RabendaMagazine [video - I like the part where Gemini has his arms around Fourth's neck T.T he looks so babygirl]
Videos Watched This Month:
Prom Night Day 2 (Bootleg on Bilibili)
Praew short interview with all 8 pairs
Season Finale กับแก๊งเพื่อนสุดป่วน ! | LittleBIGworld
OffGun Fun Night Special episode
[ENG SUB] GeminiFourth Reaction My School President with MentKorn
รับสายผมหน่อย EP12 with MoreMent
(Eng Sub) Q&A Praew Magazine
“เจมีไนน์-โฟร์ท” แข่งกันต่อเพลงรุ่นพี่ GMMTV
(Eng Sub) January Praew Magazine เจมีไนน์ & โฟร์ท คุยมันส์ เต็มคาราเบล!
Videos to Watch:
I don't wanna list them atp, just go through Watch Later and the hashtag threads
Other hashtag threads:
GeminiFourth Events Schedule
February Hashtag highlights
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swordshapedleaves · 3 days
Once again it's time for my seasonal anime opinions no one asked for!
Putting it under the cut because it's long as fuck
New Anime I'm Excited About
Uzumaki It's Uzumaki!
365 Days to the Wedding Introvert coworkers fake an engagement to avoid a work transfer. I fucking love fake dating.
Dandadan An anime guy on youtube already sold me on this one by talking up the manga but the trailers look incredible. I'm too stupid to know what's going on and I don't even care because it looks amazing. Science SARU also made Devilman: Crybaby and Heike Monogatari so this should be a treat to watch.
Demon Lord 2099 This looks sick as fuck, very Shadowrun.
Ao no Miburo I am way more excited for this one than it probably deserves but I love historical dramas. This one is about the Shinsengumi before they were the Shinsengumi. I don't honestly believe Maho Film can pull it off but I really want them to.
New Anime I Plan to Check Out
Lockdown Zone: Lv. X: This could be a good horror show but the teaser trailer is leaving a LOT to the imagination though so it's hard to tell if this is gonna be good.
Negative Positive Angler This anime has cute girls AND boys doing a cute thing, the animation looks really good, and the trailer had good vibes. Might be a tear-jerker since protag-kun has a terminal diagnosis.
How I Attended an All-Guy's Mixer I think this is BL but it's not clear. I will watch in the hopes that the guys kiss.
Chi.: Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite Grounded historic anime set in Poland isn't a thing I think I've ever seen before. The animation looks serviceable at best but I'm still hopeful Madhouse will give us another gem.
Ranma ½ (2024) I really wanted to like the original Ranma 1/2 anime but I gave up 28 episodes into its 161 episode run out of exhaustion. Every time it seemed like the main relationship might develop a bit, they backslid to the status quo by the next episode. If this is a less faithful adaptation of the manga and it streamlines the story, I might actually enjoy it. It's being made by MAPPA so at least we know it's going to look incredible.
Yakuza Fiancé Isn't an arranged Yakuza marriage the foundation of one of the greatest anime rom coms of all time? I can't remember the name but I didn't like it. I'm not into gangster stuff, but Studio Deen has made some of my favorite romances and the animation has a really fun bold style.
Nina the Starry Bride I read a bit of the manga and enjoyed it so I'm definitely checking this one out. Signal.MD also made MMO Junkie and The Fire Hunter.
New Anime I'm on the Fence About
I’ll Become a Villainess Who Goes Down in History It doesn't look like a good villainess show but that's never stopped me before! I haven't watched anything by Maho Film before but their winter anime Doctor Elise was supposed to be good. I have high hopes for the other anime they're putting out this season but I'll check this one out as well.
Kinoko Inu Is a story about healing from grief with the help of a fakemon. It says it's heartwarming but the trailer had some sort of last second sting where the guy's house was on fire??? The only other thing I've seen by C-Station is the first couple eps of Yuru Camp, which was too sleepy for my tastes.
Kabushikigaisha Magi-Lumière The premise, that magical girl is just a job you can have and there are start up magical girl companies, is quite charming but the animation is mid and the adult protagonist sidesteps a lot of the emotional core of the genre.
Mechanical Arms Complicated sci fi set up for what looks like a typical shonen battle anime, but I like that it appears our soft boy protag-kun has a girl for a lancer without any romantic tension. This is either a rerelease or a remake of the anime that was released on Vimeo by TriF Studio in 2018? I think?
The Do-Over Damsel Conquers The Dragon Emperor It's giving "we have seventh time loop at home" if the protagonist went for the evil emperor first thing as soon as she looped and he was actually super silly and chill.
Dragon Ball Daima I love that the synopsis is just "New Dragonball series." Fuck you. Its Dragonball. What else do you need to know? Based on the trailer, it looks like the adults get turned into children somehow and then sent to the demon realm. I'm not really a dragonball guy but this looks pretty charming!
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Ok I just got to finally watch the finale of YJ. My opinions are strong enough that im actually posting, for the first time in forever:
I highly doubt they're getting a next season. This one sucked. Unless they were already confirmed for one that I just haven't heard about... bye bye young justice.
Also, they totally forgot Kara existed, didn't they? I guess you don't have to write her arc if you just include her for half a second at the end of the last season. Just like what they did with randomly having Vi use they/them pronouns and then not... ever having anyone use the right pronouns.
And could they have done anything to make it more of a cop out? "Oh yeah, the collapsing boomtube dropped me off at the one place where I could get a ride home! And luckily metron was so nice he gave me a ride 🥳". "We aren't dead, we were all just pretending 🤩" "oh no! Bioship is hurt- hi baby bioship!" like can anyone think of ANYTHING they could have done to make ANYTHING in this episode more of a cop-out??
Also my official opinion on Jason is that like Kara and Damian, Tim, and anyone else in the batfamily they just forgot he existed. Which is a bummer, because it means they took the Dick out of Dick's arc.
And Wally's VA just kept going on and on about how Wally was coming back. This ep means that he's just an asshole, trying to cling to a tiny bit of fame from one role that ended years ago. That's really sad lmao.
But there were good parts too! Icicle Jr being at the wedding was gold, I really liked Jon Kent as the ring bearer, and Marvin having not found out until the wedding happened that his friends were heroes? Wonderful. But those felt like a bow on top of a steaming pile of nothing. Honestly, it was a good run but I'm over it, I think. At least fanfic writers have some idea of what a good plot might be.
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alltimewhat · 2 years
I just finished ST4 Volume 1 and uhm. I'm so sorry but that was literally so smart I'm 🤯. Idek where to start. The way that they so subtly created a through line without us even NOTICING. However when he was talking about hating the way the world works and how he had to kill people to break the world pattern there was this tiny part of me that was like maybe he could've just been some version of straightnt and it would have broken like 2/3 of it? The youngifying technology they used for Little El was a little funky like you could slightly tell but it got the job done good enough. It was so smart how they flipped the What Did You Do line completely around from the first to last episode. Also hate how El gets taken advantage of literally every time tho. Anyways. The way that they flipped the thing with Nancy around was very cool because the way that I literally didn't even think of that still having an a/effect on Nancy. Also also I thought it might feel weird that they're kinda redoing the whole Steve and Nancy thing but it feels kinda natural. Like how if things had been solid with Jonathan, I could totally see Nancy shutting it down and completely ignoring but because it isn't, she's kinda 👀. And the way that they had Eddie tell Steve that Eddie came because he didn't want to be the one that stayed but Nancy did NOT HESITATE. Also glad Steve didn't out Robin when he accidentally could have. Also kinda hate how Dustin has been treating Steve this season tho like that's one of your #1 teammates yknow? Kinda wish we got to see more of the Mike and Will gang in the last episode like we could have had like just a small 5 minute segment of them trying to come up with a plan of what to do when they got there. OH AND when they were digging the hole for Agent Guy and Will just looooked at Mike??? I'm 😥. And then the double conversation they had about Mike being afraid to tell El how he feels because she might not feel the same and that conversation is coming from WILL??? Oh and I like how Murray and Joyce figured out how to flip their situation and find a way in to save Hopper and Im also kinda glad his friend(?) didn't die but also kinda have mixed feelings about it. Oh and I know its a nitpicky thing but they literally say the gd word sooo many times this season. Kinda wish they'd just let them say fuck honestly. Sorry this is literally an entire novel. All in all very good, very much anticipating the last 2 episodes :)
YAAAH its reallt crazy how much follows through from ep one to ep seven and im interested to see how things wrap up in the last two episodes. i kinda also feel like they couldve ended it at ep7 anf it wouldve stood alone as a cliffhanger or something LOL. i was really surprised at how fun it was to watch bc i thought it was going to be just kind of confusing and bad after s3 fhdhsghdajs. also i agree abt the dustin/steve thing they made dustin like actually just straight up mean to him and its not fun to watch at all. i kind of wish wed gotten more of henry/one because hes really cool and i like the set up that he specifically chooses people who did something ‘wrong’ to go after and how those things relate to each character. its really interesting overall!!!
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