#just. Augh. there is only so much paineds & heat can do
themichaelvan · 2 years
lying face down on my bed heat pack on my back up all the way listening to you can't fight the homestuck on loop max volume please . my back hurts so bad. i think im gonna have a horrible dream tonight
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wurst-vacation · 2 years
If you’re still taking requests, can I get uhhh…Billy x Stu oneshot where Billy’s trans (ftm) and he’s dealing with dysphoria while also on his period? Signed, a transmasc on their period.
This is such a terrific idea, thank you for sending it! This will 100% be a first to write, but I’ll absolutely try my best :) ( Also I do apologize, I am not sure on how to write disphoria, so I tried my best <3 )
Also stay strong period cramps are srsly the worst ..
Billy laid sprawled out on his best friend, but also very much boyfriend’s couch. One side of his ear pressed up against the couch cushions, laid on his side lazily, and careless. A decorative pillow was grabbed and tightly hugged against his chest. The table that sat in front of him, was already arrayed with various amounts of Tylenol packages, Ibuprofen, anything that Stu could throw out of his cabinet, even if the male needed it or not. It was a bit ridiculous, but he appreciated the gestures Stu would go through. Billy didn’t even have the energy to be Irritated at him, it really made him feel just that much better.
Only hours earlier had Stu found out the other was getting their once a month mishap, he immediately put it in his hands to treat Billy like an absolute king. It was all worth it, he adored him after all. Even the smallest gestures, Stu would begin to help him with. Need a glass of water? Stu was already out of the room, on his way to get it. Your back hurts? Stu would already be massaging it. He didn’t fully know the struggle of it all, of course, but he never went out of his way to pry that question out of Billy. He was sure he was moody enough.
The brunette rolled back around to stare up at the ceiling, wincing at the surges of pain that were going to be momentarily residing inside of him. It didn’t matter how many times he had endured his, it was horrible every time. Scowling, Billy held the pillow tighter. Part of him wished he wouldn’t have to have this at all. “Billy—!” Stu would suddenly chime, appearing from the hallway, and leaning up against the doorway that separated the kitchen from the living room. A bright smile was lit on his face, as usual. He had items piled up in his arms, to the point where he was definitely gonna drop it. Stumbling over, he dumped the contents onto the empty spot on the couch.
Billy slowly sat up, a light groan escaping his lips.
“..What is all this—? Stu, seriously, you don’t need to get me all this.” He murmured, staring down at the pile, noticing a heating pad, a couple of vhs, a blanket, and some snacks that only one would eat when they truly didn’t care. God knows how much sugar was in it. Stu positioned his elbows on the arm of the couch, farthest away from Billy. “Stuff I got for you, duh. “ He bluntly responded, picking up one of the VHS, and shaking it around like a treat in front of a dog. “I.. Know a little bit about this, don’t doubt me here.” He added with a curl forming on his thin lips, hesitant at that second , as if the reaction Billy made was enough for him to doubt the generosity he went out of his way to do. He couldn’t resist that look, could he? He really didn’t deserve Stu, he was seriously the best he could ask for. Billy, throughout another ached cramp, gave him a small smile. He sat up a little more to where he could properly look at him, his back pressed up against the rough sofa cushions.
He looked at the VHS tape Stu held. ‘The Exorcist’ , his favorite. He then looked back down at the ‘care package’ of items that Stu had dumped down in front of him.
Stu really cared about him. A sudden rush of emotion filled him again in a swing.
“Augh, I’m sorry man. “ Billy rubbed one of his hands over his face, letting in a harsh breath. “I’m not mad, really.” He paused, looking back up at him, letting go of the pillow he was using to suppress his cramps. “I really appreciate it.” He murmured, immediately averting his gaze. He felt as if he could cry. It wasn’t long till Stu joined to sit besides him.
“I get it.” Stu replied in a hush, before wrapping an arm around his partner, and gently pulling Billy in for an embrace, taking into consideration his aching abdomen.
“..Do you?” Billy muttered, glancing up at him again, weakly resting a hand on his shoulder. Yeah, the Tylenol wasn’t really helping, but Stu being there was more ales what Billy needed much more than pain relief. “Of course I do. I helped Tatum out with it like— all the time.” The other giggled, shrugging his shoulders a bit. He wanted to assure Billy that it really wasn’t that big of a deal. Overreactions weren’t an overstatement though, Stu understood the whole hormonal thing and all that. To the best of his ability at least.
Billy nodded his head slowly, tensing up for a moment to adjust the collar of his shirt. “I guess your right. I’m sorry.” He murmured in response, still looking away. He focused on a small area of the wall to distract himself. Looking at Stu would only make him more emotional.
Stu sighed, pulling him back in again. This caused Billy to press his head up against the other male’s chest, soothing into the noise of his heartbeat. Another shaky breath exasperated out of him, closing his eyes for a moment as he waited for a response.
“Don’t stress it! Just relax, I’m here to attend to anything you want, okay?” He assured, cocking his head to the side, looking down at the Male. The boy he would do anything for. Oh, how he adored him so much.
Billy sniffed, slowly looking back up again. He met Stu’s relaxed, beaming gaze, and it couldn’t help but make him feel at ease again. All his irritation, stress, everything washed away once more.
He didn’t even have to say okay, that reaction was enough for Stu to know, and understand. No words needed to be spoken between them.
They held that embrace for a while. It was all they needed after all. After a moment, Billy lifted his head enough to where he could speak into Stu’s ear.
Clearing his throat awkwardly, he quietly asked.
“..Can we watch ‘The Exorcist’ or not?”
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funtimebunnyblog · 3 years
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This goes out to a great artist and an absolute sweetheart! 🥰❤ Please, please go out and support them because they are so, so sweet ❤ Please enjoy!
The Pillarmen with an s/o who can crack their joints...
(Under the cut for length...)
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• To put it lightly; Kars hates it.
• The very sound of your bones cracking and joints creaking disturbs him in ways he didn't think he could be disturbed.
• And this is coming from a man who had done some disturbing things in his day.
• He's aware that you can't really help it the majority of the time it happens but the sound still bothers him.
• It was one thing when he or one of the others of his immortal kindred did it but the idea of your fragile little Human bones popping like firecrackers is enough to make him feel queasy.
• *crack!* "Augh!" Kars' lips twisted, his face could probably curdle milk, as his eyes fell onto your form across the room. Your gaze caught his, your head having snapped up at his loud groan.
• "Do you have to do that?" He sighed, nose crinkling. Your head tilted, fighting back a grin, feigning ignorance. "Do what?"
• "This?" You repeated your previous action *Crrrraaack!* only to be treated with the sight of Kars, the greatest and most powerful of his kind, grow pale and shudder.
• "Yes, that." Came the growl. "Don't do that!"
• To think you, a mere little Human, could bring the most powerful creature on Earth fleeing from the room with his hands clamped over his ears by just cracking each and every one of your knuckles.
• Please don't tease him too much.
• Otherwise he might just find a way to put a stop to the sound completely by tweeking a specialized mask to fit you...
• From the moment it first happened around him, Esidisi could only blink at such a sound.
• And it was coming from you.
• That didn't sound like a good sound coming from a fragile little Humans body.
• It was good on your part that you didn't make a sound of pain when cracking yourself then and there otherwise he would've scooped you right up into his arms and run straight to the Hospital with you.
• When he questions you about what you're doing and why, he actually finds that interesting.
• And maybe a little entertaining.
• Be warned, from that moment on if you crack your joints near him, he'll try to make it a competition and crack his LOUDER.
• Don't be alarmed; if he breaks his fingers trying to show off they'll be fine in a few minutes (no matter how much he's crying).
• Other than that, when you've grown sore and your bones and joints start sounding more like firecrackers than usual, he's very attentive to your needs.
• *POP!* "Oooooh," you moaned, sighing. Esidisi chuckled, continuing to pour pleasant heat straight out of his hands and into on your back. "That was a big one," he hummed, kneeling his wonderful warm fingers into your spine.
• "Any better?" He asked. "Mmm-hmmmm...." you managed to reply, deliriously blissful with relief, only making him chuckle again.
• Your crackling joints gives you a most excellent excuse for him to stay home and cuddle you.
• The first time it happened Wamuu thought something was very wrong.
• As far as he knew, Humans weren't supposed to make such grating, crackling sounds.
• Not unless they were being beaten to a bloody pulp by him in an arena in his experience at least.
• Thus, with that knowledge, he thought you were hiding a grave injury and suddenly you found yourself being practically pounced upon by the 300lb Warrior.
• The only powerful force you were hit with as far as you were concerned was his barrage of questions.
• When you sit him down and explain to him that this is normal (at least for you) and it sort of helps you to crack your joints; he is very, VERY disturbed.
• How on Earth was that OK for you to do??? It puzzled him to no end.
• From that moment on, the more you do it, the more he positively squirms at the sound. He can't help it as he just associates it with you being hurt in some way.
• *CRRRRACK!* Ahhhhh, much better.... Your blissful relief was short-lived as you turned your gaze to rest on Wamuu, only to find him now on the farthest end of the couch, arms around himself in a tight hug.
• Your head tilted, "Wamuu are... you ok?" You questioned, to which he only laughed weakly, "N-Never better, my sweet..."
• At some point he might even offer to give you massages for your back and joints in hopes that that will at least do SOMETHING to make the crackling stop and make you feel even just a little bit better.
• That would give him more relief than you all in all.
• As far as Santana knew about your kind, he was aware you did indeed have bones but he most definitely wasn't aware that they made noise.
• Most especially at your own will.
• The only time he really heard such uncomfortable and loud crackling and creaking was when he was using his natural abilities to fold himself flat.
• The first time he happened to witness you cracking your back around him, he was immediately under the impression that was what you were attempting to do.
• His hair stood on end as he watched you pushing against your back to give yourself some relief, *creeeeeeak! POP! Snap!*, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.
• Perhaps he had been judging your kind too quickly all this time, maybe you Primitives held abilities like his that he wasn't aware of.
• "You... are doing it... wrong." The Pillarman's broken voice warbled out, catching your attention as he came closer, watching you with errant eyes.
• You could only blink, "What?" He only shook his head as the man still didn't have a great grasp on your language at all.
• The red-head clasped his hands together, stippling his fingers, and held his arms out before his body for you to see. "Like this." He said.
• That was the only warning you got before suddenly finding yourself with a front row seat to his absolutely horrific "proper demonstration".
• After that incident (not to mention after doing some much needed explaining to Santana) you thought twice about willingly cracking your joints around him.
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POV: You Got Wayyy Too High
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Warnings: Drug use (weed lol)
Aizawa Shouta/ Eraserhead
“Hey, what are you doing?” asked Aizawa as he plopped his bag at the door. You were trying to smoke weed from a pipe, but instead of lighting the actual herb, you were trying to heat it up from the bottom of the pipe.
You’d never smoked weed, but wanted to try it and bought the supplies from a local smoke shop, as well as buying some good stuff from your friend.
Unfortunetly, you also didn’t bother to look up how to actually use a pipe, instead just relying on knowledge you gained from drug documentaries.
This meant that you only knew how people heated up heroin with a flame under the spoon, which meant that surely you could do the same with weed.
“No, no, no, no. Stop that,” he ordered. You were his age, but nonetheless still buckled under his stern tone.
“Look, do you need me to show you how to do it?” he asked, gently taking the glass pipe from your hand. You nodded.
“Watch carefully,” he ordered, as he properly lit up the herb as he inhaled the smoke. He then passed it to you, watching you carefully to make sure you were doing it right. Soon, you got the hang of it.
Even sooner, though, you were a coughing mess.
“Calm it down, there. Don’t take huge puffs. You’re not impressing anyone here, y/n,” he scolded, taking another puff. He did it effortlessly, as if he’d done it for years. (He has.)
You wanted to impress him, though, even though he seemed to not care what you did. You just wanted to prove to him that you were ~cool~.
Well, this ended up in you looking very... uncool.
While Aizawa was chilling with a pretty decent high, you were laid across the bed, starfish style, blasting music in your ears. You were honestly vibing though, so Aizawa didn’t mess with you. For now.
The next day, he definitely teased you a little bit about how totally out of it you were, and how you listened to the same song on loop for 3 hours.
“How did you know that?” You asked, cocking a brow.
“Uh, because your headphones weren’t plugged in?”
Yagi Toshinori/ All Might
He was smoking when you came home, and though he tried to hide it, you smelled it. He acted as if he was just caught as a 17 year old in his mom’s house.
“Uh, no, it’s nothing! I...I don’t do anything like that!” He insisted.
“Toshi, come on. I can smell it,” you smiled. He covered his face.
“Please, please, keep this between you and I...I only do it because it helps with the pain and-”
You cut him off, “ I dont care why you do it, just lemme have some already!” 
Of course, you were just teasing him, and he knew that, but he couldn’t help but ask, “...You smoke?”
You shook your head playfully.
“If you’ll let me, I’d like to try some, though!” 
He passed it to you, and you took a way-too-long drag. Instantly, you were doubled over, coughing and hacking your lungs out. 
He patted your back firmly.
“Since this is your first time, you’re gonna cough a little. Just try to take smaller puffs and take deep breaths. There you go.”
Once you recovered, and Yagi got his turn, he handed the joint back to you. It continued to be passed back and forth between you two until it was finally no longer than a centimeter. 
For a moment, you both just chilled out on the couch together, just vibing. That was until Toshinori noticed your goofy, dreamy facial expression. He chuckled to himself, but that was all you needed to become hysterical, laughing so hard that you couldn’t breathe. Seeing you laugh so much of course made Toshi a mess as well, which only added to your decent into utter madness.
Eventually, though, you both calmed down, and Toshi excused himself so that he could go take a quick bath. He often did this whenever he smoked, so that the warm water could aid even more in soothing his aching muscles and creaky bones.
So you were left alone. Totally unattended. At first, everything was totally fine.
However, as you started to actually feel the effects of the herb, you began to panic.
Is this normal? Does everyone else feel like this when they smoke? Oh God, this isn’t right...oh fuck, I’m gonna be the first dumbass to OD on THC...fuck...
Thoughts whizzed past your brain, every single one making sure you knew how totally fucked you were.
Tears streamed silently down your cheeks as you counted your pulse with two fingers on your wrist, but you coulnd’t find a pulse.
oh fuck...i’m probably going to pass out any minute now...it’s all over...
Images of your final goodbyes to everyone you loved flashed just behind your eyes.
“How’re you holding up, pumpkin?” asked Toshi, coming back from the bath, in a robe and his golden hair still damp.
You looked at him, your eyes red and puffy.
“Toshi...I’m...I’m dying...I love you, okay?” you murmured. He would have laughed, all except he saw the genuine fear in your eyes. 
He sat down next to you, surrounding you with all of his lanky limbs. 
“You’re not dying, honey. What you’re feeling right now is totally normal, I promise. Take some nice, deep breaths for me. Come on. There you go. Good.”
He cradled you there for a good while, until he felt your tense muscles finally slacken, and your breathing evened out.
Toshi made a mental note to never let you smoke that much ever again, guilt pinching at his sides.
Fatgum/Taishiro Toyomitsu
You had taken an edible cookie from your friend. She told you it was just a small bit in there, just enough for you to feel something.
You decided to be modest, eating just half of the cookie. You didn’t notice any effects, and out of sheer boredom you decided to go ahead and eat the rest of it. No harm in that, right?
Well, an hour later, it kicked in. You were expecting to feel something interesting, but you definately weren’t expecting anything like this at all. 
Everything seemed so far away. Even your breathing sounded like it was coming down a long corridor and echoing to your ears. You could feel your soul swimming in your body. 
Fatgum, who you lived with, luckily finished his hero duties early, and walked into the house joyfully as usual.  He called out your name. You didn’t reply.
His large footsteps could be heard, but you were too busy thinking about how weird breathing sounds to notice. 
Fatgum soon found you collapsed on the bathroom floor, face pressed against the cool tile.
Immediately, he propped you up against the wall, looking into your eyes with great concern.
“What did you take? Y/n, look at me. What did you take?” 
You lazily looked at him, your face completely serious. As serious as it could be, anyway.
“...i...it was...edible...” you mumbled out. As soon as he understood, he was laughing hysterically.
“s..stop...s not funny...” you grumbled, punching him in the gut. 
“Alright, alright... let’s get you into bed. You’ll feel much better once you wake up,” he smiled, picking you up and bringing you into the bedroom. 
You quickly were comforted by the warm, heavy comforter. Fatgum took a moment to look at you in your groggy state, trying his best to hold back a laugh. It was so painfully obvious that you’d never done anything like this in your life. His only regret was not being around to witness your ascent into cloud 9.
Soon, though, you had drifted into dreamland.
Hizashi Yamada
You locked yourself in your bathroom, sneakily lighting up the joint you bought off of your friend. Your boyfriend was in his room, playing Fortnite or some shit, and frankly, you were embarrassed to smoke in front of him. You knew that he’d definately find something to roast you about, and he was relentless.
A couple minutes after you lit up, though, the door was basically busted down.
“HEY, HEY! You better be planning on sharing some of that!” yelled Hizashi, his hand already out and waiting. He still had his headset on, but you saw with relief that his mic was turned off. You passed it to him.
“Augh! Where the hell didja get this weak shit, y/n? Nah, this ain’t gonna cut it,” he complained, putting it out. 
“Hey! I got that from my friend, dude! What the hell?” you frowned. Before you could be too mad at the waste, though, Hizashi pulled out a small wooden box from under his bed. Opening it, he revealed his stash of entirely too much pot.
You covered your mouth, stifiling a laugh. How the fuck could you have not smelled it? 
Within five minutes, he’d rolled up a blunt, and was passing it to you, already lit. 
It was gone after a little over half an hour, and you could already feel the effects. Your eyes were dry, your stomach craving junk food, and your brain craving chill vibes.
He returned to his game, unbothered but his volume definately toned down about 5 notches. He was a lot more chill than you’d ever seen him act, ever.
You found your way into the kitchen.
Once his game was over, he met you in there. You were in front of the fridge, pulling out thing after thing. By the time he’d gotten to you, you had eaten half a jar of pickles, three pieces of cake (with your bare hands), drank a bunch of soda, and you were headed for the chips that were sitting idly on the top of the fridge.
“oh, God...what the fuck are ya up to, dude?” he groaned. He did not want to deal with this mess.
You grinned at him.  “I dunno, maan... look dude could you just get me these up here? please bro...” you giggled. He sighed dramatically, taking them.
However, instead of handing them over to you, with your dirty little fingers, he ate them.
“stoppp, bro, please lemme get some!” you pouted. He acted as if he couldn’t hear you, leaving the kitchen. You followed after him, kicking him in the shins. 
Still, he didn’t seem to notice.
“Hizashi, come on, maaannnn!” 
He laid himself on the bed, covering himself with blankets. He pulled out his phone, calling you.  “Y/n, I miss you so much, man. Come chill out!” he spoke into the phone, trying his best not to break the act. You were absolutely furious at this point, punching at him.
“I’m right here, you doughnut!!” you groaned.  Dramatically sighing, Hizashi frowned, “I really wish y/n was here to sesh with me...” all while still eating the chips. You jumped on top of him. 
Finally, you caught him off gaurd, grabbed the chips, and locked yourself back up in the bathroom. 
This time, though, he just left you be. 
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storyknitter · 3 years
Fictober ‘21, Day 1
Prompt number: 1. "I need you."
Fandom: Star Wars: the Old Republic
Rating: PG
Warnings/Tags: angsty post-traitor arc angst
25ATC, Odessen. Immediately post-Nathema and a day or two after The Chat
“I think that covers everything, Commander,” Admiral Aygo said before gesturing to Hylo. “Was there anything else?”
Sanna. Theron’s voice, crackling and warped, whispered in the back of her mind. How was he doing that? Their bond was still broken and— I need you.
Panic surged as phantom pain seared through her torso, surprise ripping a gasp from her lips. It felt distanced, muffled somehow, but—
“I...” she hesitated, feeling everyone’s concerned gaze on her. Another spike of pain and her mind was made up: “Excuse me, I need to go. My apologies.”
“Probably some hand-wavey Force nonsense. I know my reporting isn’t as dull as Doctor Hutt’s,” Hylo muttered as she strode away.
Moments later, Vassanna slipped into her quarters.
“Theron?” Her voice echoed in the empty living room, one small lamp casting dim light around the sofa. She moved quickly to the bedroom and—there. He lay motionless on the bed, his breathing slow and shallow, eyes squeezed shut and hands clenched into fists.
“Theron? What’s wrong?” She made her way to the side of the bed, her concern muddied by more emotions than she would let herself name.
“You’re here... thank the stars, I can’t—” He broke off with a hiss, followed by another slow breath. “I need to take my pain meds but moving— augh. Ow,” Theron finished with a whimper and stilled.
“Oh! Of course,” she said, jolting into action as though stuck by a pin at that whimper. “Give me just a moment.”
“Not going anywhere, San,” he mumbled as she grabbed a mug and filled it with water from the ‘fresher sink. The bottle of pain medication was hard to miss: it sat at the far edge of the nightstand, just out of arm’s reach.
Sitting gingerly on the edge of the bed, she offered her hand without thinking. “Here, let me help you sit up.”
His hand slipped into hers and she froze: it was as though nothing had changed, and yet... and yet everything had changed. 
Sanna dragged a deep breath into her lungs, setting aside and compartmentalizing whatever strange mix of emotions was playing havoc with her breathing, and gently pulled Theron to sitting. Silence fell again as she shook the correct dosage out into her palm and administered the medicine as clinically and detached as possible, but his warm breath on her hands dredged up so many memories.
Her favorite one swirled to the surface: his lips soft on her palm as he glanced up, eyes twinkling with mirth, a smirk tugging on the corner of his mouth.
Oh stars, she couldn't do this, it was too much. Too much. How could he?
Theron's pained groan as he fell back to the bed snapped her out of those memories, thank the Force.
“How long until those kick in?” she asked hesitantly.
“Fifteen, twenty minutes, give or take.”
“Can I give you a pain stim to tide you over until then? Or will the medicines interact poorly?”
“Yeah,” he gasped. “In the drawer.”
Let him suffer, a harsh, bitter thought snarled in the back of her mind. After what he did to you, he deserves all this pain and more.
Vitiate was long gone, thank the stars; this voice was her own. It came from a place of despair, lashing out to keep from hurting again, and while she understood it, that didn’t mean she liked it.
Closing her eyes, Vassanna brought her focus back to the here and now, doing her best to quiet the caustic voice. Before she could argue with herself further, she found the appropriate stim in the drawer and gently jabbed Theron with it, watching as he visibly relaxed a few short moments later.
Let him suffer. Let him suffer. Let him suffer. Let him—
“Sanna? You okay?” Theron’s question dragged her back to her—no, their—room. 
“I’m fine, thank you.”
The small furrow between his brows spoke volumes: he didn’t believe her for a second but debated whether he wanted to argue the point.
Apparently, he decided it was worth pushing his already tenuous luck.
“Look, I know you didn’t have to help me just now,” he said, “and to be honest, I was surprised you did—pleasantly so. Thank you.” His mouth opened and closed as he searched for the words he wanted. Was he just spinning another story for her?
“I know you’re angry at me,” he continued, “and I certainly deserve that. I’m sorry for putting you in this position: making you help me when you probably should just let me suffer.”
What? How could he know that she’d—
“No, I can’t read your mind.” Theron gave her a sad smile. “I can read your face, though. Without that Jedi mask of yours,” he gestured in a circle towards her head, “you’re an open book. To me, at least.”
Silence fell heavy between them. What could she say to that? She had thought they’d known each other so well, only to learn the hard way that he could lie to her until he was blue in the face and she would never know it.
Stars, she was an idiot. Heat pricked at the corner of her eyes and she blinked it away.
“I’m sorry,” Theron whispered, breaking the quiet.
Taking a deep breath, she swallowed the lump forming in her throat: she had no time for tears. “Are you feeling better now?” 
“Yeah, thanks... are you staying?”
Sanna shook her head. “I was in a meeting.” And probably owed Hylo an apology for walking out mid-report.
“Oh,” he said. “Right, of course.” He plastered a smile on his face, but couldn’t completely hide his crestfallen expression. “Don’t let me keep you, Commander.”
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
For the Romping and the Roaring- Part 2
My submission for Day 2 of @serpentfever's Inhuman Event!
Link to read on ffn.net (Recommended if you are on mobile or haven't read the first part yet)
The hair on the back of her neck raised, sensing the hit a moment before it came, but by then it was too late to dodge, even with her quick reflexes.
Kai’s hand shoved into her chest, and she hit the ground hard. She gasped, more from shock than pain, and then her brother was darting past her, out the door.
She gazed after him, dazed. She had experienced her fair share of fights with her brother, but he had never hit her before. It hadn’t hurt bad- she knew the raw strength he could pack, and that he had been holding back immensely, but it still- it still made her heart race.
“Nya!” Jay yelped, running over to her. “Are you alright?”
“I-I’m fine,” she breathed, her voice shaking hard. She swallowed, trying to force out the tremor.
This hadn’t changed anything. She wasn’t afraid of her brother. Just a bit shocked, that was all. He hadn’t meant to do it, he had just lashed out out of frustration.
He would never hurt her on purpose.
He would never.
(Full chapter under the cut)
Prompts Used: Injury
Word Count: 6,730 (wooo this one hopefully won't crash my browser)
Rating: T
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Dehumanization
“Lloyd, come away from the door. It’s too cold outside.”
Lloyd looked back reluctantly at Nya’s call. Kai peered at him from over the large grocery bag he was carrying.
“She’s right, bud. The last thing we need is for someone to get sick. Medicine is pricey,” he added, frowning at the lightness of his wallet.
Zane carried in another bag beside him and pulled the door shut. Nya walked over to him, ruffling Lloyd’s hair as she passed. “How are we doing on cash?”
“We still got enough for a little while. But not a ton. I guess I underestimated all the stuff we would need.” He frowned, glancing around at their makeshift home, shivering as a chill tickled through the air. “We should’ve gotten more blankets. With winter coming, it’s going to be tough having no heat.”
“We should take turns sleeping with Lloyd. He’s like a little living furnace.”
Kai smirked. “Well, at least that’s one person we shouldn’t have to worry about. I thought he might be more vulnerable because of how small he is, but those dragon and oni genes really seem to be doing something for him.”
“Speaking of which,” Nya sighed, “he nearly set Cole on fire today.”
Kai winced. “Did we lose anything?”
“Just a blanket and part of a shirt.”
Kai shook his head, turning towards the boy. “Lloyd, what did I say about using fire breath indoors?”
Lloyd hardly seemed to hear, gekkering softly as he climbed up a support beam, flapping his wings a few times to propel him up to the rafters. Red eyes glowed eerily down at them, and Kai sighed.
“He’s only getting more restless the longer we’re in here,” Nya growled. “You don’t know what a pain he is when you’re gone.”
Kai crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s been two weeks. We can’t keep him in here forever.”
“We can’t stay here forever,” Cole grunted, looking up from the book he was reading. “We’re already running low on funds. We’re going to have to get jobs, somehow. And we can’t live in an abandoned warehouse for the rest of our lives- already, we’re struggling with the winter coming. Jay’s already got a cold. Sooner or later, one of us is going to freeze to death.”
Kai drummed his fingers along his thigh, turning his gaze to where the lab hybrid was snuggled on the floor in a pile of blankets, near the center of the building, where it was warmest. “How’s he doing?”
“He’s gonna be fine, it’s just a common cold. We’re just letting him sleep it off. But winter’s only just beginning. It’s only going to get worse from here on out.”
“Cole’s right,” Zane said. “We have to try something else.”
“We’re just a bunch of kids,” Nya snapped, her voice tight. “We have no idea what we’re doing.”
“Perhaps it’s time… we start looking for help.”
Three wary gazes shifted to Zane.
Kai narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean by that? Everybody hates our skins. Who would help us?”
“We don’t know that for sure. Borg told us that the world had it out for us… but he also pretended to care about us when he was really just using us.”
“Are you suggesting we go to the police?!” Nya growled. “Do you want to die?”
“Borg lied about a lot of things. What if he was lying about this, too?”
“And what if he wasn’t?” Kai retorted. “That’s a huge risk, Zane. One we can’t afford to take.”
“It was only a suggestion.”
“I get where you’re coming from, Zane,” Cole sighed, “but they’re right. That’s a big risk, and if we’re chased out, we have nowhere to go this time.”
“So what do we-”
They were interrupted by a shrill shriek, and whipped around to see Jay jerking up into a sitting position, Lloyd half-slumped over his chest. “What are you doing here?”
“Lloyd, leave Jay alone, he’s resting,” Kai chastised, rushing over to scoop him off of Jay. Lloyd squirmed in his grip, and Kai sighed. “What is wrong with you today?”
“He’s got too much energy for this cramped little place,” Nya told him. “He’s gonna end up hurting someone if we don’t do something about it.”
“Take him outside,” Jay sniffed, “before he burns the whole place down. And besides, he’s the only one of us you guys haven’t let wander since we got here. How is this different from what Borg did to him his whole life?”
“We’re protecting him from Borg,” Kai growled sharply. “If it was up to Borg, he’d be dead right now. I think we’re doing a much better job.”
“I’m not saying we aren’t,” Jay corrected quickly, waving his hands. “But I thought we wanted to give him the freedom he never had.”
“It’s not that simple, Jay,” Nya sighed. “Lloyd’s wanted- we all are, but he’s got the most at risk. If he’s spotted by anyone from Borg- it’s dangerous, is what I’m trying to say.”
“Of course it is. But so is hiding in an abandoned building for the rest of our lives. So is having nothing but a quickly-dwindling stash of money to our name. So is sleeping in a cold building with no heat through the winter. So is keeping a frustrated, fire-breathing brat inside a flammable area for two weeks.”
Lloyd shot a plume of fire at his face, and Jay shrieked, ducking. “See? I told you!” “Nah, he’s just mad at you for calling him a brat,” Nya snickered.
Kai gritted his teeth, pushing Lloyd’s face to the side until he stopped. “Jay does have a point, though. Maybe it’s worth trying to take him out.”
“But Borg-”
“We’ll be really careful,” Kai told her. “I’ll make sure he’s ready, and on his best behavior. You plan out where we’re going to go.”
Cole frowned. “How many of us are going to be going?”
“Two, plus Lloyd, would be ideal. Any more would draw too much attention.”
“Three of us could still be risky,” Cole warned. “Everyone at Borg looking for us will know what we look like. Disguises can only go so far.”
“I don’t want to just send one person out with Lloyd, though. If things go south, we’re going to need to stall for a little bit until we can get away.”
Cole crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not sure how much I like the odds of two of you against a whole legion of Borg associates.”
“We don’t know for sure there’ll be that many,” Zane reminded. “And it will take a while to call backup.”
“And besides,” Kai added, “I’m not planning on getting noticed. It’s just a precaution if we do.”
Everyone stared expectantly at Cole, who remained silent. Lloyd struggled in his arms, and Kai let him go. The boy bounded over to the badger hybrid, and gripped his leg, looking up pleadingly. Cole looked down at him, his forehead creasing. Closing his eyes, he let out a long sigh.
“Alright, Kai, but I really hope you know what you’re doing.”
Kai, in fact, did not know what he was doing.
The plan was so simple in his head- teach Lloyd to blend in by having him get used to disguises and showing him the proper behaviors. They had done a very similar thing every time they had taken Lloyd out on one of their outings, back when they had still been living at Borg Tower. How hard could it be, really?
As it turned out, very hard.
Nya had not been lying about his exuberance. He seemed determined to make every little thing difficult.
“Lloyd, just put on this hat! You’ve done it before, quit being stubborn now!”
Lloyd jerked away from the hat like it was some sort of disease, hissing and batting at it. When Kai tried to pull it over his head, the boy grabbed it in his teeth and started pulling.
“No, no, don’t rip it! Augh, why can’t you just do as you’re told!”
“How’s the training going?” Nya laughed.
Kai turned to glare at her, releasing the hat. “Fine, thank you.”
“Really? Because it looks like your pupil just got away…”
Kai jerked his head back. Lloyd had dragged the hat, by his teeth, across the room, and was now slipping himself under the slab of wood that they had used as a foundation for a bed, which was much too low to the floor for Kai to even dream of fitting under.
He scowled, walking over to where Lloyd had wedged himself into, and stuck his arm underneath it, praying that he didn’t lose any fingers.
Luckily, Lloyd didn’t seem to be in a biting mood, but Kai could feel him cringing back from his touch.
“Come on, Lloyd, just come out of there already-”
He stopped as he realized Nya was giggling. Shooting her a glare, he growled, “What’s so funny?”
“You think you’re gonna have him ready to go by the end of the week?”
“You see if I don’t. You’re gonna be sorry you ever doubted me.”
“Uh-huh. If that’s what you need to tell yourself, I suppose.”
“Brr,” Jay huffed, as he and Nya pushed the door shut. “The wind’s really picking up out there.”
“Hopefully it’s just a cold streak,” she agreed. “I don’t want it to be too cold if we’re bringing Lloyd out in a couple days.”
“You guys still on for that?”
“I think so. Kai says he’s making progress with him. I guess we’ll have to see.”
“Hey Nya, Jay,” Cole nodded at them. “You feeling better, bro?”
“Oh, a lot better. Good as new! I think it was just a little cold. I can go back to helping out, now.”
Zane sighed. “We were fortunate, this time. Let’s hope it stays that way.”
“Lloyd,” Nya called, pulling a package of gummy bears out of one of the shopping bags. “We got a surprise for you!”
She cast her gaze to the rafters, expecting him to come leaping down, but was surprised when she saw him wriggle out from where he was dozing beside Kai, instead.
She handed him the bag. “Don’t eat them all at once, okay? We’re a little tight on money right now, so you won’t be getting any more for a while.”
The smile he shot her was small, with no teeth, as he took the bag. “Thanks, Nya.”
She frowned at him. The last time she had brought him candy, he had basically been jumping off the walls with excitement, his tail swishing and ears twitching. Now, he was barely even smiling, and stood abruptly still.
Tugging at the seal, his brow furrowed as it didn’t open. When he didn’t immediately tear it open with his fangs, and instead handed it to her so she could open it for him, she knew something was definitely off.
“What’s wrong, Lloyd? Are you feeling alright? Aren’t you happy with it?”
“No, I want it!” he yelped, grabbing for the bag.
She frowned at him, snatching it away. “Why are you acting so weird?”
Lloyd’s ears drooped, his hands dropping to his side. “Kai told me to act like the humans so I could go outside. Did I do bad?”
Nya felt her heart squeeze. “Oh, no, honey, you didn’t do anything wrong. I… I’m just not used to seeing you like this.”
He looked up at her, red eyes hopeful. “I did it right? I acted good?”
Nya took a slow breath. “Yeah, I mean… Lloyd, what exactly did Kai tell you to do?”
Lloyd shrugged. “He said if I smile too much, people can see my fangs.” Peeling back his lips, he pointed to the sharp teeth, as if Nya needed a demonstration. “Seeh?”
“Yes, Lloyd, I see. But why do you need to hide your fangs in here?”
“Kai said I’m prat-practicing,” Lloyd told her matter-of-factly, looking immensely pleased with himself for pronouncing the long word. “So I can be good when we go outside!”
Nya’s stomach felt hard. “What other kinds of things did he tell you to do, Lloyd?”
“He teached me how to not wiggle my ears so much.” He pointed to his ears, making a point of holding them still. “And we talked a lot. He’s showing me to walk on my feet better too, which is kinda wobbly though, and not as fast as using my hands, too. But Kai said I’m doing better than I was! Hey, Nya,” he added, pointing at her face, “you’re doing that thing Kai told me not to do. I can see your fangs!”
Nya unclenched her teeth, working her jaw. “Thanks, bubs. I’m gonna go talk to Kai now, okay? You have some of your gummies.”
Turning to where her brother was slouched against the wall, paging through a magazine, she stormed over to him. He glanced up at her nonchalantly, and Nya felt a surge of frustration in her chest at how calm he was.
“What’s wrong?”
“Why have you been teaching that stuff to Lloyd, Kai? Why is he acting so… weird?”
“You mean normal? It’s great, isn’t it? I gotta admit, it felt like an impossible task at the beginning of the week, but he’s reformed pretty quickly. I think he’s almost ready to go out!”
“It’s not great,” she growled. “You’ve completely changed who he is! There’s a difference between teaching him to stay low and to completely reforming him into human society!”
Kai eyed her testily. “I don’t see what the big deal is. What else were you expecting me to do?”
“I wanted you to hide him, not change his behavior! This isn’t him, Kai!”
“Relax, Nya, it’s just some minor modifications. He’s still our mischievous little brother!” “Really? Because he seemed much less feral to me.”
“Well, yeah! We can’t have him acting out in the middle of the city! I, for one, think this is an improvement. He hasn’t set anything on fire in days.”
“We’re not humans, Kai! We’re different than them, and that’s okay! He has to know that. He has to know what we are! We can’t just try to change him just because it’s what the world wants.”
“I don’t see anything wrong with being like the humans. They’ve gotten off alright, haven’t they? Meanwhile, we’ve spent our whole lives being cheated and used.”
“Just because something’s hard doesn’t mean we should just give up! I can’t believe you, don’t you care about your identity at all?” “I care about surviving. I’m trying to keep us safe! What’s a few little changes if it benefits us in the long run?”
“It might start as just some small changes, Kai, but eventually it’s going to snowball into something bigger.” She felt her voice catch in her throat. “I don’t want to teach him to hide who he is. I want him to be proud. He hasn’t done anything wrong! We left Borg to get away from that, didn’t we? So that we could start our own paths and be who we wanted to be?”
“You wanted to be homeless and poor?”
“What? You’re upset with me for telling the truth? We ran away from Borg so we could live. It was out of necessity, not even a choice, really.”
“Borg was our captor. He lied to us our whole lives, made us believe he was the only one who cared when he couldn’t be bothered with us at all. If you’re seriously defending him right now-”
“I’m not defending him, of course I’m not!” Kai jumped to his feet, growling. “What kind of psychopath do you think I am? He tried to kill my baby brother! If you think I would be on his side after that-”
“But don’t you see, it’s more than just that! He was hurting all of us, for years. He was a bad person even before he decided to get rid of Lloyd. Now’s our chance to finally be free of all that. Now’s our chance to be ourselves, to-”
“To get captured again, according to you.”
“How could you say that? I want to protect everyone as much as you do, but I also think you are posing a threat to us by imposing on us the same rules Borg did-”
“How dare you compare me to him!” Kai roared. Nya flinched, and she felt the others turn their gazes on them. “I am nothing like that wretch, nothing, I want nothing more than to protect my family from him! I am doing what I must to keep us safe from him, to keep us as far away as possible. I am trying to avoid suspicion, and I don’t care about your sentimental values. I care about surviving!”
If it was anyone else, they would’ve backed down. Kai didn’t break out his roar at just any time, especially not on those he cared about. When he did, you knew he was seriously pissed. No one in their right minds would mess with him when he was mad.
But Nya was his sister, and her temper was just as hot. Although she might not have the strength of a lion behind her, or the fierceness of his roar, she wasn’t going to let her brother scare her.
“You are not protecting us, you are only restricting us, and the sooner you find out that you are just treating us like he did-”
The hair on the back of her neck raised, sensing the hit a moment before it came, but by then it was too late to dodge, even with her quick reflexes.
Kai’s hand shoved into her chest, and she hit the ground hard. She gasped, more from shock than pain, and then her brother was darting past her, out the door.
She gazed after him, dazed. She had experienced her fair share of fights with her brother, but he had never hit her before. It hadn’t hurt bad- she knew the raw strength he could pack, and that he had been holding back immensely, but it still- it still made her heart race.
“Nya!” Jay yelped, running over to her. “Are you alright?”
“I-I’m fine,” she breathed, her voice shaking hard. She swallowed, trying to force out the tremor.
This hadn’t changed anything. She wasn’t afraid of her brother. Just a bit shocked, that was all. He hadn’t meant to do it, he had just lashed out out of frustration. And, although she still believed she was in the right, she had provoked him a bit, if she was being honest.
He would never hurt her on purpose.
He… he would never do that.
He would never.
She blinked, realizing Jay was extending a hand to her. She took it, and let Jay pull her to her feet.
“Are you sure you’re okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“No!” she hissed fiercely, and Jay flinched. Gentler, she added, “I’m fine. Kai would never do that.”
Jay didn’t meet her gaze, only gripped her hand tighter.
“Where did he go?” she asked the others, after her breathing had returned to a somewhat normal state.
“Straight out the door,” Zane replied. “No one saw which way he went.”
Nya glanced around the room, stopping when she realized Kai wasn’t the only one missing. “Where’s Lloyd?”
Zane pointed quietly under one of their makeshift beds. A pair of red eyes glowed from underneath.
Nya crouched down, reaching her hand in. “We didn’t mean to scare you, Lloyd. Come on out, it’s alright now.”
Lloyd burrowed deeper under the bed. Nya sighed, giving up. She knew he would only come out when he was ready.
“Should I go after Kai?” Cole asked, frowning.
Zane shook his head. “I think it’s best to give him some space to blow off some steam.”
“I just hope he’s careful. If he’s too full of anger to pay attention to what he’s doing…”Jay’s tail drooped. “The last thing we need is for anyone to get spotted now.”
“We’re pretty far out here,” Cole assured him. “If we were closer to the city, I’d be worried, but Kai’d have to get pretty far to get anywhere within the distance I think the Borg employees would be searching.”
“I hope you’re right,” Nya sighed. “One day, his temper is going to get him- or one of us- into a situation he can’t get out of.”
The next couple days were incredibly tense. Kai came back a few hours later, not speaking to anyone and going straight to bed. He and Nya hardly spoke to each other, and when they did, their interactions were short and argumentative. The others were careful to stay out of it, not picking any sides. Kai had a feeling that they were pretty uncomfortable around him, though.
He hadn’t meant to hit Nya. She was his sister. Even though she was being stupid and sentimental, he still loved her and never would want to hurt her. But it wasn’t like he had seriously wounded her, either. It had just been a little scuffle. He knew that Nya knew that, and that she was only mad about the argument. The others, however… they were overreacting. He didn’t understand, after all their years together, how they could seriously think he would harm one of them.
That’s what the point of all of this was, wasn’t it? To protect them? Why couldn’t anyone else see that?
He was sick of all this. Sick of all the fighting, sick of struggling and hiding all the time. He just wished they could be normal.
Although Nya wanted anything but that, it seemed.
He understood what she was saying, in a sense- they were different. But was it really so bad to want to change who you were if it meant a life of peace and safety?
Kai just didn’t know anymore. He was tired of being the one who had to decide. He missed when they were younger, and Borg had made all the decisions for them.
Not that he wanted Borg to be in charge of them anymore- but the sentiment still stood.
But life had a way of being against them.
Wishes weren’t going to fix anything.
When the scheduled day for Lloyd’s venture into the town rolled around, the circumstances hadn’t improved much. They had originally planned for him and Nya to accompany Lloyd- a decision he was regretting now, with the tension still between them. He almost considered asking one of the others to take his place, but decided against it. He wanted to be there with Lloyd- he had been the one who had spent all the time training him, after all. And he didn’t dare ask Nya to change her mind about going- she would probably argue just for the sake of it, and it wasn’t worth the confrontation right now. Things were already bad enough as it was.
As they wrapped Lloyd up in his winter gear, he complied much more easily than usual, and three of them set out quietly.
“Where are we gonna go?” Kai asked Nya as they approached the bus stop.
“I was thinking we could go downtown, more towards where the little shops are. The people there are pretty nice, and it’s usually bustling, so it’ll be easy to blend in with the crowds.”
“How many stops down is that,” he frowned, fingering through the bills in his wallet.
Nya watched him anxiously. “Not too far. We can walk, if that’s better.”
“It’s fine.”
“Are you-” “I told you, it’s fine!” Nya jerked her gaze away sharply. “Excuse me for trying to be considerate, then.”
“Oh, don’t be like that. It’s too cold to walk.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I can’t tell if you’re trying to be caring or not.”
Kai growled. “Me neither.”
Lloyd squirmed by their feet, and Nya sighed. “Can we not do this, now?” She pointed down the street, to where the bus was rolling up. “The bus is here, anyway.”
Kai told the bus driver where they wanted to go, slipping him the proper payment, and the three of them piled on, taking a spot near the back, even though the bus was mostly empty. Kai knew, from his previous trips, that it would get more crowded the closer they got to town, and sitting in the back meant not many people would be looking at them.
Lloyd stared out the window for most of the ride, his wide eyes taking in the landscape rolling past. Kai watched too, and as the bus drove them deeper into the city, he saw the shining buildings, with trees and patches of greenery dispersed in between them. With winter arriving, most of the trees were skeletal, but some still had a spattering of leaves, coming in bright golds, soft reds, and blazing oranges. It wasn’t something Kai got to see often in his lifetime, in person, at least. The changing of the fall leaves was a very finicky and brief time of the year in Ninjago City, and he had been lucky if one of his outside visits fell during this time.
Deeper into the city, the buildings thickened, rows of homes filing in orderly lines. Blues, olives, tans, grays, whites- each one had its own unique charm, but they all felt like they belonged.
One house in particular caught his eye, though- one that stood out from all the rest. Its walls were a bright red, and the lawn was wildly overgrown. Too many chairs were crammed onto the small porch, paint chipping on the door. It was an eyesore compared to the rest of the neighborhood.
Being too unique was problematic, he supposed.
By now, they were getting into the thick of the city. Beautiful buildings soared above them, colorful graffiti decorated walls and bridges. Most noticeable of all, however, were the people. A father with his daughter sitting on his shoulders, an elderly couple each holding a hand of their grandson as they swung him between them. A young couple walking down the street, chatting, with their hands casually intertwined, a group of teenage boys, laughing and racing each other down the street on their skateboards.
Everyone had one thing in common- they looked happy, content, at peace.
Kai hoped they appreciated what they had.
For the first time since they had boarded the bus, he glanced over at Nya. She was staring out the window too, but her gaze wasn’t directed at the scenery beyond, like his, but instead at Lloyd’s reflection in the glass.
The bus screeched to a halt, arriving at their stop, and the three of them hopped out, thanking the driver.
Walking down the street, they found themselves in a charming little section of town, the shops modest but plentiful. Nya was right, there was plenty of activity to help hide them. All the footsteps and voices around him swamped Kai’s ears, and he shook his head, trying to press them flatter against his head. This was only a milder section of the city, he was going to have to get used to all the sounds of the urban environment if they were going to adapt to this place.
Kai wondered how Lloyd would be affected by the environment- the young boy had proven himself to have a strong sense of hearing as well, and had never been a fan of being swarmed.
But either Lloyd’s hat was muffling his senses, or he was simply too enamored by the shops to care. With every shop they went in- from t-shirts, to souvenirs, antiques, jewelry, fabrics, and a bakery, Lloyd always seemed to find some little shiny trinket or another. They couldn’t buy him much, but Lloyd seemed perfectly content with just looking, already moving onto the next object of interest within a minute or two, anyway.
They did actually make a purchase at the confectionary, though, letting Lloyd pick out a piece of candy. He had gone with a rainbow lollipop, a purchase Kai was pleased with, because it would actually last him a while, giving him and Nya time to pick up a few more essentials before heading back to the warehouse.
Emphasis on few.
“We don’t really need the new jacket, I know we have a needle and thread I can use to patch it up on my own.”
“Yeah, well what about all those protein bars, do you really need all those?” Kai asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
“They’re a good source of nutrients!” “Yeah, and they’re expensive. There’s gotta be a generic brand one you can get for cheaper.”
“These are the only ones I can get Lloyd to eat.”
“Well, he’s going to have to learn to adapt to our budget-”
“Buy them with this!” Lloyd purred, slipping a stack of bills into his hand.
Kai and Nya froze, slowly turning to look at him.
“Lloyd,” he asked slowly, “where did you get this?”
“I found it.”
No duh, Kai bit back. “Found it where?”
“Someone left it. At the store.”
“Lloyd!” Nya cried, sounding close to hysterics. “You can’t just take people’s money! You can’t take any of people’s things without permission. That’s stealing!” “They left it there,” Lloyd grumbled, kicking his foot. “I thought they were done with it. They should be more careful with their things. I’m careful with my things.”
Kai snorted a laugh, and Nya stared at him incredulously. “You can’t seriously think this is funny? He stole!”
“Oh, come on, Nya, he didn’t do it on purpose.”
“It’s still a crime.”
“He’s four!” “Doesn’t mean you should encourage him.”
“I wasn’t. In case you’re forgetting, he was the one who took it, not me.”
“But you don’t care.”
“I never said that!” “I’m your sister, I can tell.”
“Alright, alright, so maybe I wouldn’t mind a little extra cash. So what? We need it. Probably more than whoever was foolish enough to lose this.” “Kai! I can’t believe you!” “What? It’s not like we even know where to take it! Lloyd,” he turned to the boy, his voice sharp. “Where did you find the money? Which store?”
Lloyd was looking significantly less cheerful now, his eyes wary as he took a step back from them. “I dunno. Can’t remember.”
“See?” Kai snapped at Nya. “We couldn’t return it if we wanted to!” “So you’re just going to pocket it?”
“Where else would you have me take it? Like I told you, we need it more than the rich, privileged people around here.” Blood was roaring in Kai’s ears now, his breath coming in heavy pants. Why was there so much noise buzzing in his ears? There were people, so many people, and all that noise, mixing with his frustration, was making his heart slam against his chest in a dizzying rage.
“Just because they have more than us doesn’t make it right.”
“It makes it understandable.”
“I can’t believe we’re back to this again!”
“Back to what?”
“You’re trying to change Lloyd’s behavior again! I told you it would escalate- in only a few days, you’ve gone from having him hide his goofball side, to make him think stealing is okay, just because we’re in a rough patch!”
“You think I want to do this? I know it’s wrong! But sometimes an opportunity presents itself, and you gotta do what you gotta do.”
“We can’t just throw our values and everything about ourselves out the window just because things are difficult right now, Kai.”
“We haven’t really been given much choice, have we? In another week or two, we’ll have gone completely bankrupt, then what are we gonna do, huh?”
Nya paused for a moment, her breath hitching. “We’ll… we’ll figure something out. But this isn’t the answer.”
“Oh yeah? Let me know when you find one.” Turning away from her, he slipped the cash into his pocket. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He was starting to feel lightheaded, now. He needed to end this.
“Kai, please, the last thing we need is another charge on our backs.”
“Going back to the shop to return this- even if we knew which shop to go to- would only put more suspicion on our backs. If we keep it, no one will probably ever even notice it’s missing.”
“But they could have security footage-” Nya stopped dead, the color draining from her cheeks.
“Where’s Lloyd?”
Lloyd was running.
Ducking and weaving between the people roaming the streets, he tried his best to avoid running into them, but once or twice, his hand brushed against them, and he flinched away, hating the way the unfamiliar touch felt on his skin.
There were too many people here. He hated this feeling, being crowded around on all sides, like he couldn’t breathe. He just wanted to get out of here.
That was pretty impossible, though, when he had no idea where he was.
He shouldn’t have run off. Kai and Nya were going to be furious.
But… he just hadn’t been able to take it anymore.
He had been so happy when he had first brought them the money. He had thought he was helping, and that now they would be able to get more stuff and stop looking so worried all the time. But it had only made them start fighting again. Their raised voices had rung loud in his ears, too loud, and their smoldering gazes had scared him. That hadn’t been Kai and Nya- the big siblings he knew and loved. That had been something different, something Lloyd didn’t like one bit.
He hated it, every time they fought- every time the ugly side of them came out. But this time had been so much worse, because this time it was his fault, it had been him who messed things up by taking something he wasn’t supposed to.
He had just wanted to make them proud.
But maybe they would be better off without him.
He just wanted things to be the way they used to be, back when no one had fought or yelled at each other, when everyone had been happy, hanging out in their fun little room, giving him badger rides and letting him pick whatever movie he wanted.
But that had also been the time when he had spent his nights locked up alone, when strange people in long coats and scary masks would poke and prod him, and he wanted nothing more but to see his family again, but Dr. Borg wouldn’t let him.
But that was the way things had always been, hadn’t they? There was no perfect world.
At least not for monsters, like Lloyd.
Lloyd stumbled, his head reeling. All these thoughts were a little too much to take in.
Glancing around, he spotted an alleyway leading off of the streets. The perfect opportunity to get away from all the noises and people and clear his head.
Nearly crying in relief, he slipped into the comfort of the darkness.
“He was just here!” “Oh no, he must’ve run off again! You know how upset he gets when we fight!”
“Shit,” Kai muttered, his bubbling anger quickly giving way to panic. “He must’ve gone to look for somewhere to hide.”
“Dammit, he could be anywhere by now,” Nya whimpered, pressing her fingers to her temples. “This is all our fault!”
His frustration with her dying, Kai put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, we’ll find him. He can’t have gotten far, I should be able to pick up his scent.”
Nya glanced around, surveying their surroundings. “Just try to be subtle about it. There are a lot of people here.”
It was harder to track Lloyd’s scent without getting down to the ground, and the many other crisscrossing scents in the area added to the complexity, but, luckily for them, Lloyd’s oni and dragon blood made for a distinctive tang that Kai was able to pick up on after only a minute, despite all the distractions.
They followed the trail for a few minutes, Nya hovering behind him anxiously as he went. After a while, Kai was starting to get worried he had somehow made a mistake, when they reached a busy market street.
Shaking his head, he pushed his way into the throng.
Immediately, he was overwhelmed with at least a dozen more scents, and he lost Lloyd’s for a moment. Desperately trying to pick it up again, Kai felt like he was floundering, all the scents and sounds making him stumble.
Nya grabbed his shoulder, steadying him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m… fine, it’s just… there’s a lot of people here.” He put a hand on his head. “It’s a lot.”
“Can you still smell Lloyd?”
“I don’t know.”
Nya turned to a shopping bag she was holding, rummaging through it until she found what she was looking for and pulled it out. Popping the cap, she handed him the bottle of water. “Here. This might help.”
Downing a few sips of the cold, fresh, liquid, Kai felt his heart rate slow slightly, the fog in his brain dissipating a bit. “Thanks, Nya.”
Turning back to his surroundings, he searched for Lloyd’s scent again. This time, he caught it rather quickly, and the two of them hurried down the street a little ways, until it led to a dark alleyway.
Kai slowed his pace, his steps wary. “Lloyd? Are you here?”
There was silence, for a moment, then a soft whimper replied him. Kai froze. “Lloyd?”
Nya pushed in front of him, and Kai caught sight of his sister’s pupils dilating to her night vision.
“See anything?”
Nya didn’t respond, and Kai blinked rapidly, urging his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. When he could finally see better, he looked over at her. Nya was standing frozen, her face white, as she stared down the alley.
Kai followed her gaze, and promptly felt his stomach lurch.
Although he couldn’t see nearly as well as Nya in the dark setting, it was well enough to identify the figure curled up in the back of the alley as Lloyd, pale and quivering as he grimaced at his leg, stretched out at an ugly looking angle, all twisted and bloody.
“Lloyd!” Nya screamed, running towards him as Kai gagged, trying hard not to puke at the scene. He tried to shake action back into his limbs, beginning to follow Nya where she was crouched over at Lloyd’s side, crying softly-
Kai froze, scenting the air. The overwhelming reek of blood and pain filled his nose, and he was still left muddled from the chaos of the busy market a moment ago, but…
Over all of that, he swore he could smell something else, something that seemed important.
“Nya, do you… do you smell that?”
“What?” Nya choked, wiping at her eyes. “Kai, he’s… it’s bad, come help me!” Kai was about to abandon the mysterious scent, when all of a sudden, it clicked.
Cold dread trickled down his spine. “Nya, look out, it’s-”
His words were cut off as something slammed against him, sending him to the ground, winded. Nets were thrown over him, and he felt strong yanks on his arms and legs as sharp rope dug into his wrists and ankles.
Blinding panic crashed through him as the full implication of what was happening hit him. No, no no, he couldn’t get captured, he couldn’t be brought back there, Lloyd couldn’t be brought back there, they would-
Kai threw back his head and roared as loudly as he could, hoping that someone, anyone would hear and come save him-
Sharp metal clashed against his jaw, sending spikes of agony through him as something was wrestled around his head. He tried to cry out again, but realized that he couldn’t move his mouth anymore, the metal device jamming it shut.
He could hear Nya’s screams from somewhere behind him, which abruptly cut off as she met his same fate. Muzzles, he realized with horror, the image of Lloyd, chained in that little room on that day they had first escaped flashing through his head.
Borg had found them. And now they were going to pay.
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bnhavibes · 4 years
ummmm.... so 👉🏽👈🏽 i’m sorry for being MIA.....
but...... take this as an apology, yeah?
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Kirishima, Eijirou x fem!Reader 🍋 18+ NSFW
It wasn’t too often that you went to the gym with your boyfriend. Partially because you despised the campus rec center in its entirety, but mostly because of the gruesome nature that Eijirou exuded whenever he tried to impress you.
Just knowing that you were watching him while he worked out made him feel nervous, like he had to put on a show for you to see just how manly he was. Sometimes, however, the two of you would go your separate ways; you’d head off to the outdoor pool for a full body workout consisting of an lazily paced laps and leisurely laying out in the sun for a tan, and he’d go do his usual routine.
Today was one of these days.
Your loving boyfriend, however, was in some type of broody mood and you couldn’t understand why he hadn’t tried to speak to you other than to get you off your phone on the walk to the gym.
*Typically*, he’d pull you in for a sweet kiss before giving you that adorable toothy grin and a “Later, babe! Don’t miss me too much.” before splitting apart.
*Typically* the two of you would discuss what workouts you would be doing and if he would be working with or without you before you would even enter the gym.
Today was definitely atypical.
He hadn’t spoke to you save for the small talk about your own days at school... And then you started scrolling through instagram, and he didn’t even try to make conversation.
At first, you figured he was just tired and dragging himself to the gym despite not wanting to go. But then you’d look over at him in a side glance, and his expression would be blank— distant, like he wasn’t interested in whatever it was you were going to talk about.
It was late in the afternoon, and thanks to the hero course getting out so late, you got to avoid the rush of crowds at the RC.
When you usually came, there was a bustling atmosphere of all student types hanging in and around the building like it was some sort of stomping grounds. No matter who was gathered around of the two of you when you entered, someone would always make an audible reaction to the your shared parting kiss.
You pouted when he grumbled a soft “See you in a bit” at you, and walked off to the male changing rooms before you could grab him and ask what was wrong, or where your kids was. Luckily there wasn’t anybody around to see that. Despite your gut telling you that he was upset about something, you went about your routine(opting for the lazy route today since your man’s attitude left a sour taste in your mouth)
You tried to push his blank expression out of your head when you jumped into the water, letting your body fall to a soft float in the deep end; eyes open and thoughts racing to figure out just what was wrong with him. Was it something you said? It couldn’t be, you tend to praise him for just about anything whenever you spoke to him. Maybe the way you dressed for the day threw him off? No, he wasn’t controlling or toxic like that.
Whatever it was, it was pissing you off now. And you didn’t even spend time to tan with how worried you were about it; instead, you chose to leave the pool early and head to the changing rooms.
After getting a rinse off, and changing into some loose shorts and a tank top, you wandered aimlessly into the gym in search of the spikey red haired boy.
He was where he usually was, of course, the back of the gym where the deadlifters would meander about, taking turns picking up weights and watching each other’s forms in the mirror, but today it was just him.
Just him and his angry, scrunched up face watching himself as he lifted his way too heavy bar loaded with a few too many weights. You’d never seen him lift this amount before, and it worried you to the point that you almost used your Quirk to teleport yourself over by him in an instant before he injured himself.
But he didn’t. He lifted the bar like it was nothing to him. The rock solid hero in training was making the most of his Quirk, his rugged skin and rippling muscles were a sign that he was working on pushing the limits of it— and it was paying off tenfold.
Despite how angry he looked, and the literal puddle of sweat he was creating, you couldn’t stop yourself from hiding behind a machine and watching him in the distance. Something about the way he was so easily lifting a good 500kgs or more made your thighs clench together.
More and more people started leaving the free weight area until the room was emptied out entirely; the two of you the only ones who stayed behind. Still, you didn’t want to intrude on his workout, and just as you were going to leave from your perfectly hidden perverted lookout, he began to clean up.
Immediately, you noticed he had overexerted himself. From the stiffness of his body while attempting to put the weights away, to the crinkle in his nose every time he’d move a limb to wipe his sweat off.
And like any good girlfriend, you instantly teleported to his side— unintentionally scaring the life out of him in the process.
“A-AUGH! Wh-What the hell, (name)?! You couldn’t walk up to me like a normal person?” His face, though flushed from the heat, had gone pale for a second there.
“I’m sorry, my love!” You exclaimed, “I didn’t mean to scare you, I came to ask if you needed any help. You looked like you were going to snap with that last attempt.”
Still he gave you a small shrug, biting down on his lip to hide the pain he was in just from the small movement.
“Ngh, wouldn’t you rather look through instagram? I think I can handle wiping the sweat off myself on my own, I’m manly enough!” He huffed as he spoke, avoiding your gaze as he *very slowly* attempted to pick up the towel off the ground, his knees collapsing as his body trembled.
“Eiji!” You yelped, getting on your knees with him, a carefully place hand on his shoulder to keep him upright. “Just sit back, okay? There’s not too much left anyways, I got you.”
He huffed again, pouting slightly as you sat back onto your legs. You’d made it clear you knew he was upset with you by opting to stay silent as you ran the towel across his forehead and spiraled to the nape of his neck to collect any free drips of sweat off his perfectly chiseled body.
The air was still between you as he sat limp on the floor, but you were still happy to help. There was much more to clean than usual, but the towel that he had brought with him seemed to be doing it’s job as you brought it down along the length of his arm, holding his wrists gently with one hand so that the other could maneuver around him. You couldn’t help the heat building between your legs, however. Your face beginning to flush as he released sore groans as you gently squeezed his limbs. He watched you intently, an eyebrow slightly raised as you chewed into your lower lip while working on his thighs. He couldn’t help himself from getting a little turned on with the position you and your soft hands were in; between his thighs on your knees, with one hand on his knee to hold yourself up as you crept the towel up his torso, his tank top collecting in bunches and moving up out of the way as you did your job.
Now he was blushing, the anxiety of someone walking in on your ass bent over in the reflection of the mirror and atop his lap giving him the chills.... But he couldn’t stop you as you pressed your chest against his half-soft crotch, eyes half lidded and leering into his with that sweet feigned innocence in your gaze.
“B-Baby? What are you doing?” His chest heaved as you slipped your fingers up past the towel and crawled into a straddle on his lap.
“Cleaning you up just did something to me, Eiji~” You purred, snaking your arms around his head and pressing your lips to his cheek whilst scooting your crotch along his in attempt to get him closer to you. “I can’t help myself when you look so yummy after a workout.”
He could cry at the crudeness of your comment, the blood draining from his face and racing to the pumping erection in his shorts. “We can’t— Not here, they’re gonna see— oof!”
In an instant, you were teleported to the changing rooms. he was seated on a benched wall adjacent to the lockers, and you were already pawing at his top to remove it.
“Babe?” He breathlessly protested, “I don’t think it’s a good— oh~.... fuck.” His eyes fluttered shut as you suckled onto the weak spot behind his ear, hips swirling along his lap in a needy hump, and he could hear faint sticky sounds as your body became a self lubricating mess for him. He groaned softly, too sore to push you off, too turned on to stop you from doing what you were to him. He licked his lips as you removed your own top, hardened nipples in full view since you weren’t wearing a bra.
“Baby, you were so mad at me earlier,” You whined, cupping your breasts with his hands under yours, massaging yourself as you kept your hips moving. “I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t even focus on working out and when I saw you pushing yourself so hard it made me so proud to have such a manly boyfriend.”
Oh you were good at this, he could feel the saliva collecting in his mouth as he watched you writhe about in his lap. His heartbeating so hard against his chest and your wet crotch that whatever it was that made him mad was nothing but an anomaly.
“Oh, princess, I can’t stay mad at you when you look at me like that.” He moaned, leaning back against the wall to feel you grind against his entire length, giving you access to do as you please to him.
You batted your lashes down at him, still holding a hand against his own, but caressing the frame of his face with another. “You sure, Red Daddy Riot?”
He almost came right there. His flushed cheeks returned at the name he fell victim to.
“Yes, of course, princess. But you could always make it up to me, couldn’t you?”
A cruel smile spread along your cheeks, stopping your hips and hopping off his lap, earning a low whine in protest. “Tck, Tck. Be patient now.”
“So mean.” He panted, his hands moving to his waistline, pulling his shorts down just enough for his dick to escape as you turned away from him.
You decided to give him a show as you removed your bottoms, bending over slightly as you tantalizingly pulled the shorts off. He threw his head back, hitting the wall with a soft thump! as he began pumping his cock to relieve the pressure of being teased.
“Like what you see, Daddy?” Sultry in your voice, you gave yourself a playful smack to the cheek, wiggling your legs out of the shorts and playing with the lining of your panties; the thin fabric wrapping around your fingers before you tugged them down, bending over completely with them; dripping pussy in full view with the way your legs were spread.
“(name). here. now.” He growled as he ceased his moving hand, a frustrated pout on his lips.
“Yes, Red Daddy Riot.” You complied, stalking over to him with that same feigned innocence as earlier as you crawled up onto his lap.
His dick was fluctuating between Hardening and a regular erection, a sign that he was so overwhelmed with hormones that he couldn’t control his Quirk. Precum practically seeped out of the beet red tip, and you licked your lips as you watched your cunt swallow him up inch by pulsating inch.
The two of you groaned as your pelvises met. He was panting with impatience as he let you adjust to his size, squeezing your hips and ass like it was his last grip of restraint.
“Please move, princess. You’ve done enough working me up like this. I won’t be responsible for what happens if you continue on.” He was stern, but his eyes were pleading, he had been holding back the entire time you were wiping him down. It was hotter than you intended, the way you were so focused on helping him. He was watching you the entire time, despite you thinking he was still mad at you.
You beamed a smile down at him as you pressed your arms against the wall behind his head. “Anything for you, my love.”
You began slow, grinding your hips along his length the same as before, mouth opened in an “o” as you peered down at him, his furrowed brows and sweaty forehead a tell that not only was he enjoying this, but he needed more.
“Fuck,” He moaned breathlessly, pressing a hand at the bottom of your back to keep you buried to the hilt. “Your pussy feels so good, baby, you make me wanna stay buried this deep inside you forever.”
You moaned, pulling his chest to yours, bringing your legs up onto the bench to feel him even deeper, your legs quivering at the delicious pumping inside your walls. “God, Eijirou, when did you start being so lewd?”
“I can’t help it when you feel this good, (name). You’re milking my cock like a good little girl; look at you! All supple and pressed against me like this.” His words only fueling your lust, making you dig your hips deeper against his lap. He groaned as you slid along his legs, keeping one palm on your back and the other at the nape of your neck.
“Fuck, Daddy, you feel so good~” You choked out, needily thrusting on his cock as you let out whiney grunt, working yourself harshly against him. “Your cock is scraping my insides so well~”
“You’re the lewd one now, princess. That sure is a filthy mouth you got there,” He moaned, eyes squeezing shut as he began closing his fist around your neck, his thumb burying itself into your throat. Squishy, wet slaps filled the locker room. He could hear every time your cunt sucked him in and every time your hips snapped along his own.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck~!” You cried, picking your pace up as you chased your orgasm. “I’m cumming, Daddy, nngh~! I’m cumming on your cock, a-ammhphh~” Your moans silenced by the tongue in your mouth, he sat forward as he squeezed your body inhumanly close to his, thrusting upwards to meet your own. Your orgasm hit you instantly, a guttural moan echoing in the still air as he sloppily laid kisses and licks around your jawline, arms squeezing you in place as he fucked himself into you harder.
“You like that, babe?” He growled in your ear, “You like when I fuck you back like this, huh? Is this what you wanted from me? God listen to your pussy, you squirted all over my cock didn’t you?” His voice was gruff, speaking between his teeth as he continued mercilessly thrusting into you.
You were moaning so much you couldn’t speak, the walls of your pussy clenching around him so hard you felt the second orgasm already building up. “Yes, yes, yes! Fuck, right there~ Ba-a-b—b—-uhhh~” Your head fell back as he relentlessly shook your body around, tongue lolling to the side while he abused your nether regions.
He slapped your ass cheek, causing you body to spasm roughly as he continued his ruthless fucking. “Don’t forget, it’s Daddy.” He scolded for your slip up, cock Hardening inside you; the rigged feeling made you scream, tearing up as you came a second time, smothering his lap in your essence.
“Mmm,” He hummed, “A second one already. You greedy girl. At least let me catch up before you lap over me.”
Your thighs clenched around his torso, keeping him in place while he bottomed out into you, spewing his load all over your spongey insides. “Daddy! P-Please, keep going! I— nnnnnFUCK!” you cried, slamming down on his lap harder, your hand finding its way to the folds of your cunt, shakily searching for your clit.
“You want more?” He groaned, “Fuck, princess, you’re so greedy today. But don’t worry, Red Daddy Riot’s got plenty of cum for that needy pussy of yours.”
Bringing your head up by your hair, he held you up by his face whilst cumming a second time, watching you as your eyes rolled backward and furiously rubbing your clit.
Your third orgasm didn’t even faze him, the way your walls were spasming, you were probably continuously cumming at this point. Still, the look on your face fueled him enough to grit through his sore muscles and flip you onto the bench, pressing your legs against the wooden furniture by your ankles, and fucking you into oblivion as his own orgasm spilled out of his cock.
A slew of curses and your name left his lips, his hips sputtering while he finally released his Hardening from his dick. He began to bite down on the underside of your thigh, shark-like teeth causing your legs to shake harder. You yelped from the pain, but his unwavering movements subdued you into more bliss, your brain in a fuzzy state of mind you couldn’t tell what felt good or bad anymore. He didn’t draw blood, but there were prominent purple bite marks along your lower legs, his last orgasm already leaking out as he gave you tiresome, slowed humps.
He toppled onto your chest, arms hanging over the sides of the bench as he lay his head in your neck.
“I tap out.” He said breathlessly. “I don’t think I can move anymore.”
You had forgotten all about his workout earlier, and despite your quivering body, you reached for your bags and clothes beneath you, placing them on his back before focusing all the remainder of your energy into one final teleportation. You might’ve overexerted yourself as well in the process, but it was better than the two of you crawling your way to the dorms.
Unfortunately, you didn’t make it to the bed, instead, the two of you plopped onto the floor of your bedroom.
“Now neither of us can move.” He complained.
“It could be worse.” You said, a hint of embarrassment in your voice. “I could’ve miscalculated and landed in the living room.”
“Please don’t tell me you did.” He said, eyes still shut.
“Can you run?” You said, a hint of play poking through your voice. “I’m kidding.”
“Geez, you sure are a riot, (name). And that’s coming from me.” He lazily pressed a kiss against your neck. “I love you, princess.”
“I love you too, Red Daddy Riot.” You giggled.
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levyfiles · 4 years
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Last week the @skepticbeliever-bookclub prompted us to post a selection of our favourite shyan fics so there’d be a nice little way to highlight all the hidden gems of favourites we might already recognise and love while sharing a few we might never have found otherwise. Last December I posted a little list of some of my favourites so I figured I’d dust off that list with a few new additions of particular favourites I treasure. 
Be All My Sins Remembered by spoopyy
Summary:  In every lifetime, they find each other.
Review: This fic manages to take you on a long journey through what feels like a series of AUs and they all weave in and out of the wealth of their relationship with some vivid descriptions of the historical settings their journey takes them through. As someone who grew up reading Anne Rice’s epics through historical events, this fic is right up my alley. A vampire Shane passing through the wave of human society’s climb searching for a reincarnated Ryan again and again, trying to hold on to him and keep him through great tragedies and timeframes that just don’t let them be together. This was one of the first fics I read when I was only a lurker and to be quite honest, I need to give this one a nice re-read, maybe for the book club which would be loads of fun. Either way, 10/10. Would be Hurt in the heart again.
Perfect Fit by @beaniegara
Summary:  There’s a legend that says anyone able to take all of statue Shane’s cock will summon the god to the mortal realm. Given the statue’s excessive size, no one has ever succeeded to prove or disprove the story. Until Ryan that is.
Review: Listen. You wanna talk actual fandom legends. This fic is one of them and it pulls out all the stops on being delicious and evocative. Also features one of my favourite incarnations of size queen bergara. Good stuff and you’re really rooting for Ryan in this lol.
a prize for rotten judgement  by sarcasticfishes
Summary: “You’d drive each other crazy. You sit together at your office all day, and then you’d be commuting home together, eating dinner together, watching TV together, going to bed — well, not together, but you get it, right?”
It doesn’t sound so awful to Shane. There are worse people he could be spending all his hours with than Ryan Bergara.
Review: The moment I happened to glance at the notes of this and saw that Fie’s secondary title for this would have been Ryan and Shane move to the Suburbs, I about lost it with excitement. Primarily because the show this references is one of my favourite comedies and that is one of my all-time favourite episodes. Let me tell you though, even if the reference is lost on you, this story is so much gold rolled into a heart-gripping tale of two best friends who spend every waking moment together taking the plunge to share a home and they were roommates oh my god they were roommates. Shane is pining and you’ll pine right along with him as you’ll yell and holler for him to stop being so damn real and full of doubt. It really is worth every gasp of pain and all the more for the execution but the delivery will leave you in delight. Certainly had me yelling at the author. This fic is gonna be one of my timeless favourites; I knew it the moment I began.
Everything’s Weird and We’re Always in Danger by beethechange
Summary: Ryan perches on the edge of the bed, an indistinct shape that Shane can only just make out in the dark, so he turns the lamp back on. He wants to see Ryan’s face, wants to know that he is alright. Ryan’s cheeks are damp, his hands fisted in the hideous flowered duvet.
“It won’t go away,” Ryan says miserably. “I’ve been like this since we got here, basically, and it won’t fucking—”
“Ah,” Shane says. “Well, you know, sometimes fear…adrenaline…they can affect people. Physically.” He waves his hands indistinctly crotchward. “It’s a, a scientifically known phenomenon.” Shane feels a little better staying in the realm of scientifically known phenomena.
Review: Word of advice. You see a fic is authored by beethechange, run don’t walk because you’re absolutely always going to be treated to the best of banter, the best of prose, chemistry, organic execution and feels right up the bottom end of your heart. This fic, this changed everything I thought I knew I wanted out of a bed-sharing fic. It’s got a little bit of two treats here. You got a sex-pollen-esque situation mixed with bed-sharing and holy fucking damn that is more than you think you deserve, but read this because you do deserve the best of the best. The build up, the dialogue, the surprisingly hilarity of it, the hotness woah, and The Aftermath. When you think you know what you’re in for, you’re wrong and you’re most pleasantly surprised. Get this fic in your life and honestly? while you’re at it, you could do a clean sweep of every fic in her list of works and while my less than adequate reading time management may still be short on some of her most well-recommended pieces, I have an adamant faith that Bee doesn’t disappoint. Go get y’all juice.
Maelstrom by thewindupbird
Summary:  Here’s the thing about driving halfway across the country to see someone. You can’t really deny, after that, that you’re pretty much head over heels for them.
Review: Listen. One morning on a day off, I just laid in bed and read this– all 40k+ words– while lying there clutching my pillows, hurting and loving every moment of it. The descriptions of Americana, the slow steady metronome rhythm of Ryan’s feelings as frightened and helpless as they feel when you’re relating deeply to them juxtaposed with the deep-seated struggle of understanding what it is to be with someone you love so much but your mental health is burning quiet holes in your ability to express it in a way that can be understand. Ryan’s fierce determination, breaking through the silence of their non communication is really Everything to me in this fic. i think I really left my heart in the scene in Shane’s parents kitchen. That finished me. Read this fic and understand the deep relief you get when you’ve finished a fight with someone you fiercely care about and they understand you and you understand them and it’s OK; it’s gonna be all right. Augh.
5 times Shane had to overrule Ryan’s “No Homo” + 1 time he didn’t have to by ghoulboyboos
Summary: There was only one thing that would truly drive him up the wall with Ryan, much more than any debate about ghosts ever could: Ryan’s consistent twitches of “no homo” when any sort of physical contract between them happened.
Review: I have such a soft special spot in my heart for this fic particularly because Lud manages to examine a trope I tend to avoid in such a sweet and honest way I couldn’t not love this fic. The story takes a painstaking and very real look at the “no homo” issue as it weaved through the journey that was early days Ryan and Shane. Shane’s reaction to in this and how he communicates with Ryan has such a very heartfelt and once again, real quality to it. I get in my feelings all over again about how far they’ve come and what it meant for Ryan to have Shane there. Lud really nails this piece and it’s a classic in my eyes.
A Burial on Box Hill by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: The Celtics believed that the yew flower symbolized both immortality and death. Meanwhile, for centuries, the buxus flower was seen as a symbol for safe passage into the afterlife.
Or,Shane and Ryan were never the same after investigating the Black Forest of Germany alone.
Review: Let me just quote my bookmark comment here. Usually I flee from tragedy like a cat spotting a cucumber but the brevity and the prose dragged me in and now I’m a functioning mess. Bless this fic. Oh my god it’s short and reads like one of those quick horror stories you’ll read to your friends just as the scary stories are transitioning from the urban legends to the ones that feel real. Big warning for main character death but still read it if you appreciate a good story told.
Body Farming by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Failed suppressants and a surprise heat: the worst of cliches, and here Ryan stands, living the trope on location with the alpha he’s hopelessly in love with. Even worse, they’re spending the night in the famous Bell Witch Cave, completely alone and with no way to contact the outside world.
Ryan knows he can survive and keep his preheat a secret, as long as Shane will stop being so protective and concerned. After all, it’s not like Shane wants to bond with him.
Review: Now judging from the reactions of many people I’ve spoken to, big heavy ABO kink is not popular here but guys, GUYS. This one. Let this one in I promise it is not what you think it is. The dynamic is organic and the worst side of the trope is subverted in all the best ways and lord help us, the smut is hot, like swelteringly smoking. It’ll stay with you.
Believer by cellard00rs
Summary:  Some demons and otherworldly creatures love climbing up the power ladder. Shane is not one of these. He likes where he is (thank you very much) and has no interest in moving up. All he wants is to give his friend Ryan a nice birthday gift. So, naturally, everything goes to hell.
Review: This fic is another fandom legend. When I think demon!Shane. It’s this and one other one that always pops right into my mind. This was my first exposure to the bureaucracy meets the supernatural!Shane trope and I was sold from the get-go. The Shane in this fic is everything I imagine a demon!Shane is and his ginger care for Ryan, the concept of their bond and how even though Shane is a demon and responsible for keeping the supernatural a firm secret from Ryan and the rest of the world, his skepticism is relayed through his status as a demon. I want to talk more about it but I think so much of the enjoyment comes from the surprises as the plot unfurls.
hey boy, take a look at me by weakspots
Summary: Ryan is 27, for Christ’s sake, and he’s not exactly hideous, so there’s really no reason to spend his money on a dude — a dude — whose face he’ll never see but whose livestreams he’s been jerking off to for roughly 4 months now. He should be going out and partying and fucking random chicks. Or a guy, whatever, just to get it out of his system and confirm to himself that he really is 100% straight.
Because he is. This is morbid curiosity, if anything.
Review: I’ve been a long-time fan of this universe and it was a universe I didn’t know I needed until this author gave it to us. We or rather me, a desperate audience, just devoured this with every update. Not only is it hot, but it has the delicious intrigue of secret identity, anonymous stuff and a LOT of blush-worthy prose therein. This version of Shane makes me thrive but the titillating nature of straight-identifying!Ryan being bowled over by the turn of events that leads him to his world tilting into the gravity of a camboy just--you Have to read this one!
Heartbeat by quackers
Summary:  So the guy Ryan sits next to at work is a vampire. That’s no big deal, right?
Review: I could talk your literal ear off about this fic. Vampires, man. I love the trope; you don’t know me as a person if you don’t know this at least. And this fic kept me fed all damn year. It was a readable garden. If there is one thing I can guarantee about quackers’ work, it’s that their world-building is a festival of detail. The realms and alternate universes they work with while still managing to keep Shane and Ryan’s voices so familiar and real is a talent not attributed to your everyday author. This fic propelled me into wanting to write more and more because quackers makes stories so much fun! Reading their work is, to me, not unlike the feeling I got when I was younger and finding series that speak to my need to escape this crummy existence, made me want to believe in fun spicy things like a vampire that lived through centuries, cynical but still searching, navigating a world where people are still people, adjusting to differences and prejudices, finding comfort in a guy that understands that and more. I’ve talked about this fic in more than a few different posts so I’d just be reiterating a lot of things I loved about the more historical aspects of Shane’s journey, the way Ryan is so firmly curious and inventive in ways to connect with Shane. Look, even if vampires aren’t your thing, I can promise that if you visit quackers list of work, you will find something for your supernatural-lovin’ palate that speaks to a gentler side of your own curiosity about monsters and the jocks that love them. lol.
I’ll Crawl Home by carrieonfighting
Summary:  “Shane was almost unnerved by how quickly he’d settled into this body, this name, this life - his friendship with Ryan was the most time he’d spent with any human before, and yet the man fascinated him.”
Review: This is the second fic I think of when someone says the words ‘demon!Shane’ to me because ohhhh my word, this fic is a masterpiece. I really am hard-pressed to find anything better than the feeling I get when I think of demon!Shane headcanons interwoven with the irl Buzzfeed reality and the idea of the Ryan as we know him being protected and watched and loved so deeply by a demon that found him so long ago and wanted nothing but to protect him. I feel an almost vicious glee reliving that moment when Ryan and Shane are on goatman’s bridge and man, I just really love canonical fic mixed with a slight twist. The writing in this makes it work so well with lines that still haunt my heart and soul like “Ryan liked popcorn. So did the demon. Genuinely, not just out of a desire to please the human – he liked the way it crunched between his vessel’s teeth. There were some aspects of taking a corporeal form that were… nice; laughing, coffee, feeling warm. Ryan made him laugh.” FUCK! The beautiful agony of it, watching the demon fall in love with Ryan through the eyes of his vessel. Just stark with pain and unspoken, well-written angst and pain with a perfect ending, I wouldn’t change for anything. I love this for us as a fandom and will always love that author crafted this piece and shared it with us. (Also every time I hear Work Song by Hozier, I think of this fic again and sigh).
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Baby Madness
Killer x reader, Kid Pirates, Pregnant!reader
Warning: Cursing and confused Kid
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: This started as a silly drabble oml
Killer wrapped himself around you, even with the swell of stomach his long arms circled all the way around. These moments were rare, sitting quietly in bed and just basking in each other’s presence and warmth. A slight twinge of pain shot through making you flinch and Killer quickly jerked his head up.
“You okay?” he asked. Being so close to your due date he’d been even jumpier than usual. Every twitch you gave had him dashing to your side ready to go.
“It’s fine, I’ve still got another week,” you said, rubbing his arms affectionately. “I’ve read that false alarm contractions are pretty common as you get closer.”
You could feel Killer’s whole body loosen as he settled against the pillow, setting his chin back onto your shoulder. He still looked a bit nervous as he said, “If you say so, but if you feel anything else you tell me immediately okay?”
You turn and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, “I promise Noodle. Besides, we’ll be at the next island in a day or two. We’ll find the doctor there and everything will be fine.”
             He nodded against your shoulder, arms tightening just enough to give a slight pressure without squeezing the baby, “Okay, everything will be fine,” he repeats, almost more to himself than to you. He’d been very precise with the navigator that when your labor started, you’d all be settled on an island with a doctor and not giving birth on the ship. The Victoria Punk was a majestic boat that had survived several battles but it was certainly not the hygienic, safe environment in which to bring a newborn infant.
“It’ll be fine,” he murmured again.
“You have the stopwatch with you right?” Killer asked as he readjusted the helmet on his head. It’s morning now and he knows there’s plenty of duties he needs to get done, more so if he wants to get ahead of schedule enough to dedicate all his time to you at the next island.
“Yep, really Killer I’m telling you fake contractions are very normal,” you said. Killer had been tenacious in his studies as soon as he found out you were pregnant, bringing back piles of books and reading them through with you, sometimes making notes and underlining important topics in the pages. It was really very sweet but it had also quickly become overbearing. You knew he was just worried though, if anything you’d swear he was the one having a baby, not you.
“Okay but if you feel it again, time it, and if it’s five to seven minutes-“
“I’ll come and find you immediately,” you finish for him. “Killer don’t worry so much, we’ve got it all planned out.” You reached up to place a peck against his mask, his hands going to your stomach subconsciously. “Go be first mate, get stuff done. Me and the little munchkin will be here resting up.”
Killer sighed as his shoulders slumped in defeat, “Yes babe.” He’s worried true, but right now his heart feels full, the woman he loves carrying his child, things he thought he’d never have in his life and he’s thankful for them every day.
             You were settled in comfortably, reading one of the dozens of baby books that littered the nightstand. There had been a couple more ‘contractions’ and it was a little odd to be having this many so early. Checking all the chapters on early labor hadn’t made you feel much better, but your pregnancy had always been on calendar. You were practically a text book example, hitting each new checkpoint exactly when the books had said, so labor would still be a week away at least.
             The rumble that came from your belly pulled you from your thoughts, it had been a few hours already since Killer started working. Maneuvering awkwardly to your feet, you padded from the cabin down the hallway toward the kitchen. When you had reached your door, a sharp pain split through your abdomen. That definitely wasn’t hunger, were fake contractions supposed to be that strong? You shoved the worries aside, chalking it up to the hungry baby inside you.
Heat and Kid were doing dishes in the kitchen, well, Heat mostly as Kid halfheartedly dried them. You were considering what to get for a snack before another contraction hit, this one strong enough to stop you in your tracks.
Oh, something was definitely wrong.
You clutched the side of the door frame as another splitting pain shot through your abdomen. Heat turned to look in concern, your groan drawing his attention. Sweat was beading on your brow and before you can catch your breath a sudden pressure dropped onto your lower back. Warmth spread and the sound of splashing reached your ears as your eyes widened in horror.
“Oh fuck…” Heat murmured.
Kid turned now too, only to make a face of disgust seeing the water spilling from your body, “Oh my god, did you just piss all over the floor? That’s fucking disgusting!”
You take a steadying breath before spitting back, “My water just broke you asshat!”
“Oh,” is all he manages, face dawning into comprehension as Heat rushed to your side. He throws down a dish towel on the spill and helps you into a chair.
“I’ll get Killer” he says as he rushes out.
Kid looked completely at a loss now, dishes abandoned as a very pregnant woman was still slightly dripping on the chair, and visibly trembling in pain.
“Uh- “he started, “Um, what should I- do you need anything like-“
“Kid” you cut him off mercifully, “just come here and hold my hand.”
“Yup,” he practically jumped to your side, careful to avoid the now damp towel on the floor and grabbed your hand with his human one.
“Just this?” he asked.
“Yes, just that.”
You settled down slightly, starting into the breathing techniques you and Killer had practiced countless times. In and out, in and out, long slow breaths. Kid fidgeted next to you, unsure how to help, and found himself talking again in an attempt to lighten the tense atmosphere.
“So uh, how long do I need to do this? You just like,” he made a vague motion with his metal hand, “pop it out right?”
“Yeah huh?”
“Just, just shut the fuck up and let me breathe.”
Kid was saved from snapping back by Killer who nearly slammed into the doorframe to catch himself. He’s panting hard, even through the mask, with Heat right on his tail.
“Is it happening!?” he demands.
Kid turned to his friend, more than happy to pass off this responsibility, “I think so? I mean one second she’s fine, the next sh-shit ow!” the audible crack of finger bones breaking startles him as you squeeze his hand through a particularly intense contraction. Kid’s cursing nearly drowned out your own pained moan before he slammed the metal hand against the table.
“Fuck let go! I’ve only got one good hand left!” he screamed. As the pain passed you release his hand, which he yanks to himself, shooting a glare at you. Killer replaced him in a second, shoving Kid to the side much to his annoyance.
“How long between contractions?” he asked, voice frantic but obviously excited.
A few more calming breaths, you hadn’t really timed yourself this time but it seemed like the was a decent gap, “Not sure…I think, eight minutes? Maybe?”
He’s already whipped out his own stopwatch, “Okay, just let me know and I’ll time it, how are you feeling? Is it bad yet?”
You can’t help but chuckle in relief, Killer really was prepared for anything, “It’s bearable, we’ve still got some time-“
“Are we going to ignore that you crushed all my fingers just now?” Kid demanded.
Killer’s mask whipped around, ready to reprimand him, but you place a hand to his shoulder, wordlessly backing him down. You turned to Kid and locked eyes with him.
“Listen to me very carefully,” you said, and Kid flinched at the seriousness of your voice.
“I don’t think you understand what is happening right now,” you said, “What I’m about to do is essentially the equivalent of shitting a watermelon and even before that happens, even before I shit a goddamn watermelon Kid, I get to sit here and feel my insides rip themselves open slowly for at least six hours. And it’s just six hours if I’m lucky. So do you really wanna bitch about your bruised fingers right now? Right now?”
Kid opened his mouth but couldn’t find anything to say before closing it again with a stupefied look on his face. After about a minute of absorbing this horrifying knowledge he just nods his head.
“Okay, fair.”
With Kid metaphorically on board, Killer returned his attention to you.
“So it’s really happening now?” he asked.
“Her water broke,” Heat added.
“Are you seriou-NNfgh!” Killer flinched as you squeezed his hand, another contraction, but he starts the stopwatch, keeping a diligent eye on the timeface despite the pain shooting up his arm. Behind him Kid snorted, seeing Killer now on the receiving end of your iron grip.
“How long till we reach the island?” Killer choked out.
“We’ve still got at least nine or ten hours, we weren’t expecting to hit port until tonight,” Heat said.
The tension in your grip fades as the contraction passes and Killer slumps.
“No, no that’s not gonna work,” you said, “we need to get there sooner.”
“Well, I mean- “Heat stumbled, “let me check with the navigator.”
He leaves, and Killer takes your hand in both of his now, stroking gently, “Babe, maybe we should get a space here ready too, just in case?”
His voice was gentle and coaxing, but he’s unsurprised when you reject the idea, “Absolutely not. I love you but we will not have our baby in the same place where Kid left a rotting body for three days just to prove a point to Heat.” You pointed to the very clear outline stained permanently into the floorboards.
“Oh yeah,” Kid snickered, “I won that fucking bet too.”
Killer sighed, scratching at the head of his helmet in frustration, “Okay well, shit, okay,” He rises and starts to pace, “I guess we just have to wait? Can you make it that long?”
“Yeah, It’ll be fine, we’ll be there before you even know i-augh!” the pain cuts you off as Killer clicked the stopwatch.
“Ten and a half minutes,” he said, “Gives us some time but it’s not a lot.” You nodded, attempting to get to your feet before plopping back into the chair, sending both Kid and Killer with hands out to catch you if necessary.
You waved them off, “Kid, go grab some of those baby books, they might have information how to slow this down.”
He grumbles but rises, striding from the room.
You call to him, “They’re in the top nightstand drawer!”
“Yeah, yeah I know,” he calls back.
You sat for a while, Killer stroking your back and holding your hand as you continued into the breathing techniques. The time between contractions, while still at least ten minutes apart according to Killer, felt far too short before a fresh wave of pain rolled over you.
You weren’t sure how long the two of you stayed before Heat returned, looking slightly relieved and holding something behind his back.
“Well?” Killer asked.
“The wind’s in our favor so we dropped every sail we have, as long as it stays that way, we can probably make it there an hour or two earlier than expected.”
Killer groaned, but you squeezed his hand in encouragement.
“It helps but it’s still a ways away,” he said.
“We don’t have a choice,” you said, “I can make it until then.”
“By the way,” Heat shifted awkwardly, pulling out what was behind his back, “wasn’t sure when to give this but a couple of us wanted to make a baby blanket.”
It was thickly stitched with patches of various color and design, but it was soft, and you tear up, “This is so sweet! Where do you guys find the fabric?”
He scratched at his head, “Some civilians of the last island ‘donated’ them to us.”
“Well, from their clothes. That they were wearing.”
Killer inspected a corner of a patch, “Is that blood?”
“Yeah don’t worry, that’ll wash out.”
You held the blanket to your chest, “It’s perfect, thank you Heat.”
Heat flushed, mumbling something inaudible, clearly not used to the attention. Killer turned to him.
“Hey did you see Kid?”
Heat straightened back up, “No I thought he was here with you two?”
Killer scratched at his helmet, “The hell, he was just supposed to grab the books.” He turned to you, “just wait here, I’m going to see what he’s doing.”
             He managed to find Kid, sitting cross legged on the floor with his nose buried in a book. All of the baby books were scattered around him, lying half open or tossed haphazardly. Kid’s head snapped up, hearing Killer enter, and his face looked absolutely haunted.
             “Dude, have you read this shit?” Kid asked.
             “Yes, several times. Kid what are you doing? You were supposed to bring the books back.”
             Kid placed the book down, eyes still wide and he looks as though he’s aged ten years, “I mean, holy shit?” he said, “I-… I’ve seen some pretty nasty stuff but that is just-it’s…” He shuddered, unable to voice the trauma of what he’d just read.
             Killer sighed, nudging Kid with his foot as he gathered up an armful of books, “Just come on already.”
             “I mean what the fuck? People do that? Why can’t they just, I don’t know, lay an egg or some shit?”
             “You know that’s literally how you were born.”
             “Still,” Kid said, “it’s fucking gross.”
             They returned to the kitchen where you and Heat were engrossed in conversation over the blanket. He was pointing to a square of blue cloth.
“That one actually came from some rich dude at the last port, so it’s probably good material.”
“What about this one?” you gestured to a pink square with an elegant pattern.
“Oh yeah, that guy was a dick.”
             Kid wordlessly rushed forward, clasping your shoulders in his hands and staring down at you now with the sympathy of a fellow soldier holding a dying friend.
             “You’ll be okay, we’ll get that thing out of you,” his voice was more serious than you’d heard it before.
             “I- Thanks?”
             Kid nodded in resolution, giving your shoulders a soft squeeze before he let go. Killer had dumped the books on the table and was flipping through them.
             “Shit,” Killer said, “there’s a lot of ways to speed up labor but not to slow it down,” he gave the last book an agitated slam shut.
             Kid looked around the kitchen, visibly searching for ideas, “How about we get her drunk?”
             Two smacks, one from Heat one from Killer, followed immediately upside Kid’s head. He cursed loudly and rubbed at the sore spot.
             “Fine! Fuck! I’m just trying to help here! What about food?”
             Killer smacked upside his head again, more on instinct than anything, before he paused, “…Actually that’s not a bad idea.”
             “Fuck you!” Kid screamed.
             You groaned, food sounded like the least appealing thing as your stomach swirled and you said as much.
             “I think at this point,” Heat said, “we just have to stay distracted long enough to get to shore…”
             With the sun still high in the sky, the idea of waiting that long was impossible, but Heat was right, there wasn’t another option.
             By the time the sky was just beginning to darken, those hours had felt like the longest in your life. Contractions were now four minutes apart and Killer had become increasingly frantic with no sight of the island in sight.
             They had managed to kill an hour with Kid reading through his hit list, featuring occasional explanations on why a particular person was going to die exceptionally slowly, until Killer had decided discussing murder methods probably wasn’t great for you or the baby.
             As your contractions grew in pain and shortened in rest time, the kitchen was echoing loud groans of pain every few minutes. Kid kept a wide berth from you, protecting the few human fingers he had left, as Killer took the brunt of your crushing grip. During a particularly rough minute, Killer, needing some way to alleviate his own pain, gripped Kid’s shoulder, effectively creating a train of pain. Wire had appeared in the doorway, alerted by the screaming of you and Kid, but seeing what was actually happening, turned around and left before he could be pulled in.
             After what felt like a lifetime the merciful cry of “Land!” was heard, and you could’ve cried with relief.
The Victoria Punk nearly crashed into port in its haste as the dead of night was broken abruptly by lanterns lighting and men shouting from the ship. The town was clearly prosperous, you could see it in the pristine white walled houses that lined the cobblestone walkways. A place like this would normally be a prime target to loot and burn, but there were more pressing matters at hand.
Kid leaped from deck to shore before the gangplank had been pulled, followed by Killer carrying you bridal style.
“Watch the ship! We’ll be back!” Kid called to whomever was within earshot on board.
As the two men sprinted down the street, spurred on by your increasing groans of discomfort, both come to the realization that neither knows where the other is going. The houses are nearly identical and mostly likely residential, with tall trees and manicured gardens blocking sight of the roads ahead. Kid swerved to the nearest house, banging against the front door hard enough to splinter it, “Wake up! Where’s the doctor? We got a delivery!”
When the door looked ready to crack in two, its opened by a very disgruntled and sleepy middle-aged man, who took one look before screaming.
“Eu-Eu-Eutass Kid!”
The door slammed shut, followed by several clicks of locks.
Kid turned with a satisfied smirk, “Look at that,” he jerked a thumb at the door, chest puffed in pride, “I’ve got some reputation here.”
“Kid!” you and Killer demanded in unison.
“Right, yup, shitting a watermelon.”
At the next house, Killer pulled back Kid before he approached the door, “Let me this time.” He set you gingerly to the ground, making sure you were steady on your feet before knocking more politely. After a minute or two, a bedraggled looking young man opened the door. His eyes shot open as he processed the men and woman before him and motions to shut the door, but Killer is quicker, planting a foot in the entrance to hold it open.
“Listen,” he grabbed the man by his silk robe before he can run, “my girl is about to have my baby, we just need to know where the doctor in this town is.”
“Y-You can’t t-tell me what to do, pirates!” he’d admit, this guy had some guts, but Killer was in no mood. He was about to unleash a scythe to help make him talk before your voice caught his ears.
“Look here buddy!” clearly you were in no mood either, “I am crowning as we speak, so either you tell us where to find a doctor, or I hike up my dress, squat down, and have the baby right here on your goddamn lawn!”
If it were even possible, the man’s eyes widened more, a hand to his mouth in horror. Lights from neighboring houses were beginning to flicker on to see what the commotion was.
“O-Oh- “the man muttered, “Oh no- no no no! Do not do that!”
“I’m gonna do it so help me!” you screamed.
“She’ll do it,” Killer reiterated.
“Where’s your fucking doctor!?” Kid bellowed from the sidewalk.
A loud groan of agony ripped from you, and seeing you reach down to gather up your skirt, the man finally snapped to action.
“Okay! Okay, just, don’t do that!” he grabbed your hands away from your clothes, but released them immediately seeing the deadly glare Kid had sent. Hands raised in submission, he continued, “the doctor’s not far, just go down the road here and-“
A large solid metal hand clasped his shoulder and cuts him off. The grip is anything but friendly as Kid’s lips stretched into a manic grin.
“Oh no, you’re gonna take us there buddy.”
Even in the lamplight, the man’s skin has dropped three shades paler, “I-I…”
Once Killer stands behind him, trapped between these two wanted pirates, he knows he doesn’t have a choice.
             When they reached the doctor’s house, said physician, a wrinkled little old man of at least sixty, saw the pained look on your face and the straining swell of stomach and immediately pulled you in without question. With a strength surprising to his age, the doctor had pushed back Kid and Killer, keeping them in the adjacent room while he phoned to a nurse and got you settled. Your unlucky escort had managed to slip away in the chaos, most likely returning to the safety of his home.
             Kid and Killer now sat awkwardly in the small quaint waiting room, the nurse having already arrived and sounds of increasing discomfort echoing from through the door. Killer had his helmed head in his hands, knee bouncing erratically as Kid tried to find something to say to help his friend. Another cry ripped from the doctor’s room, making them both flinch. Kid fiddled with the metallic end of this prosthetic fingers as a thought dawned on him for the first time.
             “Killer…you’re gonna be a dad.”
             Killer barely muffled the snort that left him as he picked his head up, “Did you just now realize that?”
             “No! I just- “he struggled around for the right words, “…it’s all gonna be different now, won’t it?”
             Kid’s eyes returned back to his hands; brow furrowed. The silence between them stretched, broken only by the carnal noises that came muffled through the other room. Killer looked toward his closest friend, head still bowed in thought, and agreed in his head. It would be different now, as soon as he walked through that door and met this new child that would become the center of his life, things never would be the same. Even their day to day sailing that seemed so simple would change. And he realized now that Kid was thinking the same thing.
             He grunted in response.
             “It’ll be different but, in a good way.” Killer said, “just think of it like…getting a new crew member.”
             Kid barked in laughter, “A useless crewmember.” Killer shot him a look, “Sorry,” Kid continued, “you know what I mean.”
             Killer sighed and rested his head against the wall behind him.
             “At least they won’t be alone,” Kid said.
             Killer turned to him, though Kid kept his face down, but he knew what he meant. He remembered how hard it had been growing up alone and on his own, and how things had gotten just a bit easier after meeting Kid. Remembered how hard it was even with the two of them, just to get by and put food in their stomachs, to not get mugged or killed, and even if something happened there would be no one to mourn that loss except the other. But this child, they wouldn’t have to know that suffering, the pain of trying to sleep in the freezing night while your body cried out for food and warmth. They would never be alone or abandoned like them. Kid met his stare now; his eyes were deep in some long-forgotten memory.
             “No,” Killer said, “they won’t. Never.”
             Kid nodded, a silent promise.
             The moment broke when the door cracked open, the doctor’s wrinkled face peeking through, “Which of you is the father again?”
             Killer sprang to his feet.
             “Come with me, you’ve got someone to meet,” the doctor said and returned into the room.
             Killer moved forward but sent one look back at his friend before he walked through the door. Anyone else wouldn’t see the slightest tremor in his arms, but Kid wasn’t anyone.
             “Go on,” he gave Killer a lop-sided grin, “go meet your new brat and be gross with Y/N.”
             Even through the mask, Killer’s grin could be felt, “Thanks.”
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mrs-takami-keigo · 4 years
King of the clouds
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Chapter 5 
Main Pairing: Hawks/Quinn(OC)
Story Rating: Explicit! 18+
Genre: Romance/Action/ Smut
Words: 7.3K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Notes: To the people that do read this, thank you so much! This story is my baby and I plan on seeing her through to the end. Everytime I see a like for this I get a little emotional, beacuse I do put a lot of thought and heart into this story. But I would also love to hear from you! Please don’t be afraid to comment or anything, I love reading people reactions to this. 
“Okay so the objective is Phoenix is going to be the villain and it’s up to you, Bakugo, to subdue her before back up comes. Once you put the handcuffs on her you win. You have twenty minutes.” I heard Aizawa explain over the earpiece.
“Tch just start the clock already.” Even without the device, I could hear Bakugou’s loud voice resonating. ‘Why does this kid have such a big mouth?’
“Your twenty minutes start now.”
The sound of an airhorn rang through the training grounds, signaling the start of our match. I was given a head start so I could hide. Figuring my best option was to start off on higher grounds, I stood atop a medium-sized office building. Even though I wasn't in his line of sight I could see him. Watching as he started down the main street of the training ground, looking around, trying to pinpoint my location, Bakugou’s guard was up, ready for anything. I’m sure he’s waiting for me to make the first move.
“Come on you old hag I know you're here!”
‘OLD HAG?!’ I could feel my eye twitch and my blood began to boil. This kid sure does have a lot of nerve to talk to someone like that, but it’s one of the reasons I looked forward to meeting him. His attitude, skill, and demeanor reminded me of my own at times. I went to the edge of the building, slamming a combat booted foot on the ledge, my hands on my hips as I yelled down to him.
“Anybody tell you it’s rude to disrespect your elders?!”
“Shut up!” I saw him lift an arm up and a giant explosion generating from his palm. Glass windows shattered as the blast made its way up to me. Using my wings I shot up into the sky, trying to avoid the blast. Covering my face with my arms I felt the heat from the blast run through me, the air around the blast whipping around me, my curls flying everywhere. The sheer force of the explosion was impressive for a kid his age, if I weren’t able to use my wings to fly away, I for sure would have been finished.
“That’s it?! I thought you had an explosive quirk, not a firecracker! Honestly, you must be great during festivals.” The look of annoyance washed over his face as I spoke. “You know that’s what Imma call you from now on. You're just like a firecracker, all you are is nothing but noise!“ I let out a belly laugh as I wrapped my arms around my stomach. I knew I was pissing him off but that's what I wanted.
Straightening up I wiped the tears from my eyes, stopping my laughter. Bakugou’s teeth were bared in annoyance, his gloved hands balled into fists. “Come on firecracker you wanna play with the big dogs right?! Then let's play!”
Lifting my arms towards the sky I channeled all my energy into my palms, that same feeling when I formed my wings ignited through my body. Soon two large fireballs formed in each of my hands. Taking a deep breath I threw both fireballs directly at the teen. Due to their size and how fast they were going, it would take precise movements and fast reaction time to dodge them, but from what I’ve seen previously and from Shouto’s letter I knew he could dodge them with ease.
Just as I had anticipated he shot off his own blast towards the ground to propel himself into the air barely dodging the two balls of fire as they made an impact with the ground.
“Should have guessed an old hag like you didn’t have any juice left!” Changing his direction he used his explosions to make his way to the roof trying to chase me and fight me head-on, but I’m faster.
“No juice you say.” Horror was written on his face when he heard my voice from behind him. My fire wings let me reach insane speeds, the last time I checked I clocked it at a hundred and eighty miles per hour. Using fire to help me, I flipped over myself, bringing my right leg down landing a hard dropkick on his shoulder, sending him straight back down to the street. I made sure not to use my full strength afraid I would cause too much harm to his body.
When Bakugou landed, he was face down groaning in pain. Lowering myself back on the ground, I watched as Bakugou rolled to his side, gripping the shoulder I kicked him on with his hand, coughing as he tried to catch his breath.
“What your problem is, is that you underestimate everyone around you.” He had stopped his coughing, glaring at me. “Now, Katsuki Bakugou stand up, and let’s fight for real.”
“You’re gonna regret sayin’ that old woman.” Bakugou stood up, shaking off my last attack. I could sense that his attitude had changed, he now saw me as an opponent.
Using his power like before he launched himself forward at a faster speed, throwing me off for a second. Smirking I flew up into the sky ready to miss his attack only to be stopped. I felt his hand wrap around my ankle. Glancing down at him, a satisfied smirk played on his face.
“Tryna fly away already?” Before I could comprehend what was happening I felt my body be spun around.
Bakugou was using his other hand to set off small explosions resulting in him spinning around like a tornado and taking me along with him. He reached a speed that made everything look like one big blur before letting go of my ankle, I had no time to react with how fast I was traveling through the air.
“AUGH!” The air flew out of my lungs as my back came in contact with the brick, the impact was so strong that I left a small crack in it. Catching myself before I fell to the ground, I saw Bakugou get ready for another attack.
“That was impressive kid but you won't get another shot like that again.”
“Try and stop me.” Bakugou went to move again but stopped in mid-motion. “What the-” Soon he was flung up into the sky, coming back down at neck-breaking speed, slamming into the earth. A chuckle escaped my lips as he struggled to stand up or move in general, cursing as each attempt turned out to be useless.
“I’m well skilled in close combat but I excel at long range. Not only because of my fire but because of my other power.” As I spoke I stalked closer to the young boy, the sound of broken glass and gravel crushing under my boots. Whenever I used this quirk my hair would float behind me, as if I was underwater and my eyes would change from hazel to grey. My right hand was extended out pushing him further into the ground. “My telekinetic powers allow me to do things like this without even touching another person.”
Still holding him down I squatted next to him, balancing myself on the balls of my feet. “Now that you have a taste of both my powers let’s continue yeah?”
“Times up!” We both heard Aizawa say over our earpiece. The training grounds were in shambles, building missing walls, windows blown out. Parts of the street were torn up, it looked as if a war had passed through here. It was partially true, seeing as how after I had un-pinned Bakugou we both went all out. There were times where I was sure he had me but it was always because of a silly mistake on his part that I would escape.
Which led us to this moment, I had him trapped in a cage I made out of metal pipes when I sent him flying across the training grounds with a punch and firepower mixed in it.
“NO! Let me go again! I can beat this old hag!” He had his hands wrapped around the metal pipes, trying to shake them loose.
“So I’m back to being called old hag huh? And here I thought we were getting along.” I reached through the bars ruffling up his hair. “I’m actually thoroughly impressed with you firecracker in all seriousness.” He stopped his manic behavior, a reserved look on his face.
“I’m looking forward to what you do in the future. You’re special, firecracker, that’s without a doubt.” I flicked my wrist, moving the cage off of him. “When it’s time for your next work-study, be sure to contact me.”
“Tch! Whatever old hag.” I couldn’t help but smile, he may have said that but the small blush on his cheeks and the satisfied smile he wore didn’t go unnoticed.
“Okay, kiddo’s, who’s next?”
Stretching my arms above my head, I cracked my back and neck as I sat in the nurse's office. Recover girl had helped ease the pain in my back from when Bakugou slammed me into the building and my sore muscles. She told me if he had tossed me any harder my back would have been broken and that I’m lucky all I had was the giant bruise on my back. Going twenty rounds in combat with those kids wreaked havoc on my body. Some were easy to defeat and some proved to be quite the challenge.  
“That was too much Quinn.” Shouto handed me a glass of water as he took a seat in the empty chair next to the bed I was on.
“Oh please, that was nothing compared to the villains I’ve fought before. And you were holding back, don’t think I didn’t notice Shouto.”
“I was worried, it's only been a few days since you’ve gone back to work after the incident.” Shouto clenched his fist as his expression turned dark. “Since that bastard put you in the hospital.”
It wasn’t until that moment I registered that I haven’t really seen or spoken to him since that day. Fuyumi told me that Shouto was at the hospital that day, and saw exactly what Phoenix Rising does to my body. That image of me hooked up to machines, clinging on to life must have fucked him up.
“Shouto, look at me.” He still had his fist clenched tight, I was afraid that he would draw blood if he held them any tighter. “Come on half-pint look at me.” Facing him I leaned down a little so I could try to catch his eye. Once he heard the nickname I used to call him, his eyes met mine. Those once bright eyes of his now held years of pain, abuse, and burden in them.
“I thought you were gonna die, I-I can’t lose you.” His voice was shaky from trying to hold back his tears as he spoke.
“I’m not going anywhere, half-pint. I would never let scumbags like Dabi be the end of me, I promise you that.” I took his hands in my own. “Do you know why I came to Japan?” Shouto just shook his head, too afraid to speak. “I came to protect you, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Auntie Rei. I failed in protecting Auntie and Touya, I’m not going to make that mistake again.”
“Quinn…” I got off the bed to stand in front of him, making him stand up with me.
“So don’t worry about losing me okay?” Giving him a reassuring smile I squeezed the hand that was in mine. “Come on you gotta change out of your costume and go do your homework and I gotta go home, there is a nice hot bath screaming my name right now.”
Once I got home I stripped off my costume, noticing that it had some rips in it, I made a mental note to go and try to get that fixed. Grabbing my hair towel and robe I made my way to the bathroom.
Besides having roof access, this apartment had an amazing bathroom. White tiles lined the floor and walls but the sink, cabinet, toilet, and bathtub were a solid black. There was also a separate stand up shower in one corner, while next to it was a clawfoot tub that was so big it could fit two people comfortably.
Turning on the water and stepping into the shower, I washed the day’s sweat and grime off my body, relishing in the feeling of the hot water running down my body and through my soft curls. Once everything was washed off, I filled up the tub with hot water adding in some of my favorite eucalyptus and spearmint bubble bath soap.
Sinking in my body in the hot water, I slid my aching body down the back of the bathtub leaning my head back to rest over the edge.
“Ah now, this is the life.” Closing my eyes I could feel my muscles relax under the water. Between the relaxing smell of my soap and the soft 90’s slow jams playing in the background, I felt myself let my mind wander.
“You’re so beautiful not only cause of your looks, it's that heart you have.”
I could still feel his lips pressed against my palm. How his golden eyes shined under that moonlight. It was only for a moment but the usual playful glint in his eyes had disappeared when he spoke about how that was the only place he was actually at peace. That sadness made me want to reach out and hug him, make sure that the sadness left.
“No! Snap out of it Quinn!” I sunk lower into my tub, the water coming up just past my lips. Bringing my knees up to my chest, I hugged them. The best thing I could do for both of us is just be friends and that’s it. There was no way I could get my feelings involved, not with Hawks.
I stayed in the tub for another ten minutes, the water started to cool down and my fingers turned pruney, telling me it was time to get out. Standing up I could feel a dull ache in my back.
“Maybe I should put a patch on this.” I put on my purple fuzzy robe and wrap my hair in the pink microfiber towel as I walked through the bathroom door that led straight into my room. Going through my draws I found a clean pair of panties, and my favorite red satin shorts and camisole pajama set.
Shedding off the robe and grabbing a soft white towel, I swiped it across my damp skin. Feeling like I was dry, I slid the undergarment up my legs followed by my satin shorts and top. Going up to my white and gold-lined vanity, I grabbed my favorite body lotion that smells of vanilla and coconut.
After applying lotion I went through the rest of my night routine. Doing my skincare, massaging oils into my curls to keep them hydrated, and putting on my diffuser with peppermint oil in it, hoping the essential oil will soothe my aching body and my thoughts about a certain red-winged man.
Just as I stepped into the bathroom to grab an icy-hot patch, the sound of something faintly knocking on the door that connected to the roof caught my attention. My guard went up instantly, no one knew I was there besides my family, Mirko, and Hawks. Putting my slippers on, I tiptoed to the staircase that led to the door. The pounding became more frantic as I crept closer.
I could feel my heart begin to race with each step I took. It would have been one thing if I lived in a house, but I live in a highrise apartment building and there were over thirty floors of people that lived here. If something went wrong I would have to worry about them before backup could arrive and fend off whatever or whoever this is.
Igniting my right hand with flames, I kicked the door open, ready for a fight.
“OH MY GOD!” I stopped my flames immediately and ran to catch Hawks as he swayed to the side, catching him as he started to fall to the ground.
“Hey, fire….bird…” Hawks could barely get my nickname out of his mouth before he coughed, blood landing on my slippers. I could see he was holding on to the last little bit of consciousness he had, his wings were almost non-existing save for the few small feathers that were left.
‘How the hell did he fly here?!’ I slung his arm around my shoulder, my right arm wrapped around his waist, trying to hold him up. After about five steps Hawks lost all consciousness and became dead weight, making it hard for me to carry him.
“Hawks what happened to you?!” I used my telekinesis to help me bring him down the stairs and into my living room. Laying him down on the couch. I ran into the kitchen grabbing a small dish towel, running it under cold water, then running into the bathroom grabbing the first aid kit under the sink.
Running back to the couch I was able to finally take in his appearance. His usual beige colored and fur-lined coat was covered in blood, it looked old seeing as how it was all crusted. His pants were dirty and covered in tears, those brown leather gloves were gone as were his yellow visor and headphones. Not wasting any more time, I kneeled down, opening up the first aid kit.
“Okay, dove lets get you out of this coat.” Placing my arms around his torso I lifted him up, using my body to hold him. Hawks head fell on my shoulder, his chin hair tickling my neck. Bunching the coat in my hands I slid the heavy material off his shoulders, and since he had such small wings at the moment this was easy to do.
I threw the coat to the side, planning on washing it later, I held back onto him as I lowered him on the couch. Getting hold of the wet towel, I brushed his soft dirty blond hair out of his face. I couldn’t help but wince when I realized how badly he was beaten up.
“Oh Hawks, who did this to you?” I could already see a black and blue under his left eye, his lip was split open, dried blood around the wound. I started with the blood around his lip, trying to see exactly how bad it was.
“Fuck that hurts.” My eyes shot to his golden ones, well one, his other one was so messed up he couldn’t open it fully. “Whe-where am I?”
His eye was searching the room, trying to make sense of where he was, but drawing blanks. The panic in his face was becoming more evident. Gently touching his cheek I made him lock eyes with me.
“Hey, look it’s me, Quinn. You are safe, Hawks you’re safe, okay.” His widened eye started to relax as my words hit him and my face came into focus. His body visibly relaxing as I kept my hand on his cheek.
“Quinn? How did I get here?” He tried to sit up but winced in pain, falling back down on the couch.
“That’s what I would like to know, but later let's try to patch you up okay?” I continued to clean his face of the blood, putting ointments where he had open cuts. Pushing myself up off the ground I reached down to help him stand up.
“What are you doing?” Hawks was confused but still stood up in front of me.
“I have to check under your shirt for any other wounds.” Without another word I tucked my fingers in the hem of his shirt, my fingers brushing against his skin, pushing it up. He tried to stop my hands as they began to lift his shirt.
“Oh stop it, like I haven't seen a man's chest before, now let me do what I need to do.” I inspected his torso and didn't see any cuts or scrapes, just mild bruising. Pulling the shirt down I helped him lay back down.
“Mind telling me how and who fucked you up like this?” I was cleaning up the mess I made while in my frantic mode.
“A couple of low-grade criminals is all. One of them had a time warp quirk and one was a power quirk, not a great matchup for someone like me.” By the tone in his voice, I knew he was upset and embarrassed, he probably didn’t want me to see him like this.
“Why didn’t you call for backup? Shit, you should have called me silly.” I looked back down at him, a soft smile forming on my lips as I tilted my head to the right, my hair flowing over my shoulder. “You may be a man that's too fast, but I’m the woman who can keep up.” I bent down to grab the towel that was on the floor, only to feel Hawks palm on my cheek. Using his other arm he propped himself up, bringing his face closer to mine.
“The only woman that can keep up with me, I like the sound of that.” His voice came out as a gentle growl. I couldn’t look away from his golden eyes, there was something behind them, something that left my stomach in knots. It was as if I was under a spell that no matter what I couldn’t break. He kept leaning closer to me, his warm breath fanning over my slightly parted lips. Hawks’ hand that was on my cheek moved so it could cup my jaw. Soon I felt my eyes begin to close as he did, our lips just about to graze each other.
Suddenly the sound of the Imperial March from Star Wars echoed through the room, breaking the spell between us. I pulled back, eyes wide open. My cheeks hot from a blush that crept up. I looked at Hawks just as he flopped back on the couch, his arm covering his eyes as a deep sigh came out of him.
The song kept blaring trying to get my attention. I already knew who it was, my mother. Jogging into my room I picked up the small purple phone off my bed sliding the arrow on the screen to accept the call.
“Hey, mom!” I was still trying to calm down my racing heart.
“Quinn! Honey are you okay? You didn’t call me once you got home from work. I called your Uncle and he said he hadn't heard from you since yesterday!” I could hear the sheer panic in her voice, knowing that she hadn’t slept all night.
“I’m fine mom, just went to Shouto’s school to help out, then came home and took a shower. I was going to call you, I swear.” I may be in my late twenties but my mother still treated me like a baby at times. I couldn’t blame her though, I am her only child and well it’s been rough.
“Well, you could have just texted me.” Even though I couldn’t see her, I could see the pout on her face.
“I’m sorry mom. Wait what time is it there? It’s nine at night here.”
“Well my dear daughter it’s 8 am here and I have not slept because I thought my beautiful child was missing or hurt somewhere!” Shaking my head I knew that, that was coming, guilt trip. Classic Emiko.
“Oh my god mom, don’t start that.” I chuckled, stepping out of my room to check on Hawks. He still had his arm over his eyes, but his mouth was moving like he was talking to himself.
“I wouldn’t have to if you would just call your mother.” I sighed as I went back into my room. I put her on speaker as I went around the room looking for my hair tie. “Oh Quinnie, I wanted to ask if you're doing anything next month on the twentith?”
“No, not that I can't think of why?” Taking my hair in both hands I put it up in a messy bun, black and burgundy curls sticking up out of the bun. I continued to try and fix it when she dropped a bombshell.
“Well, I’ll be coming to visit for six months!” I halted my movements, staring at the phone wide-eyed.
“Wha-” I was going to say more only to hear a crash in my living room.
“Fuck!” I heard Hawks shout soon after the crash.
“What was that?!” My mom’s voice went back to worry as I grabbed the phone from my desk and turned it off the speaker.
“Hey mom I gotta go, I’ll call you back later!” Without even hearing her response I hung up the phone, tossing it back on my bed as I ran out of the room.
There in the middle of the living room floor was Hawks, face down on the ground, his fist gently pounding on the floor, muttering a string of cuss words.
“What the hell Hawks, are you all right?!” I ran to his side, trying to grab his hand to stop the pounding. Once the pounding stopped, I ran my hands through his soft blonde hair. I was trying to coax him into turning his head to look at me.
“Come on dove tell me what’s wrong.”  I continued to rub his head for the next five minutes and nothing happened.
“Hawks…” I gently grabbed his face, turning it towards me. The second my eyes landed on his face I couldn’t help but smile. He had fallen asleep from me petting his head. He looked so serene while he slept. I’ve seen his face countless times, more so in my head but still, I’ve never seen him look like this.
“Alright, you big bird let’s go on the couch.” I used my powers again to move him over to the couch. I figured the most comfortable position for him would be on his stomach, seeing as how even though he had barely any wings it would be uncomfortable on his back. I picked up his head to slide a small pillow under it and covered him with my blanket. I squatted down, running my hand through his silky hair once again.
“Goodnight Hawks.” I stared at him a little longer than I should have. I stood up ready to go call my mother again when I heard him mumble.
“Quinn...please….” I looked at him, my brows furrowed in confusion.
‘Is he dreaming of me?’ I returned down to my squat like before.
“Don’t...don’t go..” His face started to contort into a sad expression, a single tear falling from his eye.
I don’t know what possessed me to do it but I wiped his tear with my finger and leaned closer to him.
“I’m right here Keigo.” I gently pressed my lips against his temple. His soft hair brushing against my nose, tickling it. Pulling away I saw a slight smile form on his lips, his expression went back to the beautiful serene one.
He finally settled down after another minute or so, now snoring his life away. I had moved to my room, after putting his jacket in the wash and just sat in the middle of my bed, hugging a plushie of Mirko, as I thought back to the almost kiss.
‘What the hell was that?!’ His golden eyes replayed in my head, and how low his voice was when he said ‘The only woman that can keep up with me. I like the sound of that.’ I could feel my cheeks burn as I blushed.
“What the hell are you blushing for Quinn!? It’s just Hawks, a wild card, a guy that's five years younger than you. He's an arrogant, big-mouthed, rude, smart assed, man. It’s not like you lik-” I covered my mouth before the last words came out of my mouth.
Shaking my head I knew I had to get my mind off of the guy, so I texted Mirko to see if she wanted to go for a workout in the morning. Knowing that a good workout would set my head straight.
The next morning I woke up, my pajama’s all ruffled, black, and burgundy curls all over the place. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed onto the cold wooden floors. With my eyes, half-closed I slid my feet all around in search of my Winnie the pooh slippers. Once I had them on my feet I stood up, stretching my arms above my head, and that dull ache came shooting from my back again.
“Fucking feral child.” I cussed as I remembered exactly why my back hurt. Walking through the bedroom door I made my way to the kitchen, ready to make my coffee and breakfast before my workout with my good friend Rumi.
I glanced at the couch as I passed it to check on Hawks, who had one leg and arm hanging off the furniture while his other arm was slung over the back of it, and drooling. He was drooling on my nice pillow.
“God Hawks, you really can be an animal at times.” I turned my face up in disgust. ‘How could I possibly think about kissing him last night, look at him.’
I turned on my Keurig to heat up, making my way to the fridge. Grabbing a couple of eggs, onions, scallions, and cheese, I decided on making a nice healthy omelet and maybe some fruit on the side.
“Where am I?!” Hawks shot up from the couch screaming, nearly making me drop my plate.
“Holy shit Hawks! You scared the hell outta me, you damn bird brain!” If there was one thing I hated, it was jump scares of any kind.
“Quinn? How did I get here?” He slowly stood from the couch, looking around the apartment. I know I saw him last night but for some reason, he looked different to me as if he was more attractive. We were about the same height but he looked taller. The was his black and gold muscle shirt clung to him like saran wrap, showing off every definition of his chest and arm muscle. His hair messier more so than usual, lips puffy from sleep.
‘Stop it, Quinn!’ I shook my head as I placed my plate on the kitchen island.
“You flew here after a bad run-in with some low-grade villains.” I walked up to him, putting the back of my hand against his head. “Well, at least you don’t have a fever. You took quite the beating dove.” I pulled my hand from his forehead, going down I took his chin in between my thumb and pointer finger.
“The ointment I put on your lips seemed to start working and your eye isn’t as swollen as before.” As I examined his face I could see the slight blush forming on his cheeks.
“Sorry to have bothered you, firebird.” His voice was soft as if he was in trouble for something.
“You weren’t a bother Hawks, just next time please call me if you need backup. I’d hate to see my friends injured like that.” I had to remind myself he was my friend, and that’s it.
I saw him nod his head, his eyes roamed over my body, before coming back up to my eyes. “Nice jammies you got there princess.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
It wasn’t till that moment I remembered what I was wearing. “Shut up you ass! It’s my house and I can be as comfortable as I want, I could walk around naked if I wanted to.”
“Now that’s when I should come here!” I pressed a finger to the bruised area on his cheek causing him to wince. “Oh yeah!?”
Hawks grabbed me by my waist, his fingers started to move fast, tickling me. I tried to move out of his grasp but he was stronger, even though he was beaten up.
“Hawks stop!” I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically, tears falling from my eye. “Come on stop!!” No matter what he did not stop. I moved slightly back, the back of my knees hitting the coffee table. I was about to fall over when Hawks wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my body flush against his.
“Hey Quinn, you ready for the work...out..? My, my what have I hopped in on?” We both looked at the door to see Mirko standing there, her spare key and carrot keychain hanging from her hands.
I pushed Hawks away from me, fixing my top that had ridden up. “Nothing, just some guy pretending to be hurt so he could take advantage of my kindness.”
Mirko pretended to gasp, her hand coming up to her chest. “Hawks how could you?!”
“Ha-ha-ha, you’re both hysterical.” He had pulled out his phone from his pocket. It looked like he was texting someone.
“I’m gonna go change real quick.” I walked back into my room, leaving the bunny and the bird alone.
It only took me ten minutes to change into my workout clothes, which consisted of a hot pink sports bra, black biker shorts, and a pair of running shoes. My hair was pulled up in a high ponytail and my hands wrapped like boxers, knowing full well that I and Mirko were going to do hand to hand combat.
Making sure my hands were wrapped properly I sauntered back into the living room.
“Really!?” I heard Mirko yell, as she laughed in Hawks’ face. His face had turned red as she continued to laugh.
“Shut up Rumi!” Hawks hissed between his teeth once he noticed my presence in the room.
“What did I miss?” I looked between the two. Mirko was trying to collect herself from laughing so much and Hawks looked panicked, his eyes wide as he kept glancing at me and at Mirko.
“Hawks said-” With a quick movement, Hawks jumped over the couch to get to Mirko as he covered her mouth with his hand.
He had one of those fake smiles plastered on his lips. “I said nothing!” He looked back at Mirko, his face turned serious as he whispered in her large bunny-like ears.
“Okay…” I walked past them going to the kitchen, I still had my suspicions about the two. “I’m just gonna eat my breakfast and then we can head out.” I reached down into the fridge to get a water bottle when I felt someone touch the bruise on my back.
“That’s a nasty bruise you got there, Q.” I had flinched a little from her touch.
“Yeah I went to U.A. yesterday to help class 1-A train and that kid Bakugou threw me into the side of the building. It hurt like a bitch but I’ll be alright.”
“That was the one who won the sports festival right?” Hawks was next to touch the mark, but his touch sent chills down my spine. His soft touch against my bare skin felt like icicles against my warm skin.
“Yeah.” I didn’t mean to sound cold when I said it, but I couldn't help it. Moving away from his touch I closed the fridge.
I took a swig of the water, glancing at his face, he looked puzzled but before he could say anything his phone went off.
“Hello?” I turned around walking away from the two of us. Mirko took this opportunity to talk to me.
“I thought you had fire quirk, not an ice one, cause that was cold.” She stood next to me with her arms crossed, her foot tapping against the floor.
“I’ll talk to you about it later, it’s a lot.”
“I’m gonna head out ladies, my ride's here.” Hawks made his way to the front door. I didn't want to be like this towards him but right now he was messing with my head, and I needed space.
“I’ll have my uncle’s sidekick bring your coat back when it’s cleaned.” Not even sparing him a glance, I went to my forgotten food. I could feel Mirko’s stern stare on me.
Hawks just nodded as he sent a wave over to Mirko before shutting my door.
“Do you mind telling me what the fuck is going on with you?” Mirko is the type of person to not hold back on anything.
“First we can just go workout, I got a lot of stress to release.”
“Fine but the minute I beat your ass in combat, you gotta talk Hunny-bun.”
All I could do was smile at her. “Who says you're gonna win?”
Throwing myself on the floor of the boxing ring, my chest was rapidly falling up and down as I tried to catch my breath. Mirko was a monster when it came to combat, she never held back, not even for a second.
“You’ve gotten better, but nowhere near beating me.” She flopped down next to me, chugging her water, then passing it to me.
“That's because you're insane!” I heard her low chuckle as I dowsed my face with the water. “Seriously Mirko, like what the hell? Are you even real?”
“Whatever, don’t think I forgot about this morning now spill!” She gave me a swift punch in my arm.
So I told her, I told her everything. From the lighthouse moment to the moment she walked in on our tickle fight. Tucking my arms behind my head I just laid on the floor, looking at the ceiling.
“I don’t know, what do you think? Am I crazy?”
“Nah I don’t think you're crazy.” She was still sitting next to me, her arm was across my stomach, making her lean over my body. I’ve only known her for a short amount of time, but she was the first hero to be genuine with me. Besides Hawks that is, but he was a different case.
“What should I do? I want us to stay friends and just friends, but the sexual tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife.” Her long hair was tickling my exposed stomach. Reaching down I played with it between my fingers. “I just have to get my mind off of him.”
“I know a perfect way.” She leaned down, her face coming closer to mine. “You need to be fucked, that way all that pent up sexual tension could be transferred to someone else.”
“Oh yeah and by who?” I laughed at just the thought of it.
Mirko had a devilish grin on her face, that scared me a little.
“Mirko, this better work.” I looked at my friend as she walked in front of me. I had to admit she looked hot. She had on a pantsuit, but instead of a shirt, she wore nothing under her blazer. A long gold chain with the initial M hung from the end of it and she had on black stiletto heels. We walked past a group of men who couldn’t help but stare at us as we passed, mouths to the ground.
“Oh trust me, with you looking that sexy, it’s gonna work.” She wrapped her arm around mine as she pulled me to the front entrance. I did have to admit I did feel sexy in my dress. It was a baby blue, satin bodycon spaghetti strap mini dress, that came up mid-thigh. The way it hugged my curves was perfect, and it was low enough to show off my cleavage but not enough that I had to worry about my boobs popping out when I danced. The sound of my clear open toe heels could be heard, stepping in rhythm with Mirko’s.
“Hey, big red.” Mirko stopped at the entrance of the club she decided to take me to. A man that had to have been at least seven foot tall, stood at the door.
“I feel like it’s been a while Mirko. How have you been?”
“Same old, same old! Just taking my new friend from the states out on the town. Phoenix, this is Big Red, Big Red, meet Phoenix.”
“Nice to meet you.” I went to give him a handshake but he just scooped me up in one arm, lifting me into the air. “Oh, we're a hugger I see!” I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yeah, I should have warned you.” Big red put me back down on the ground. “Is our table ready, I called Daichi earlier.”
“Yeah! Come on in ladies.” Big Red opened the door for us. As soon as he did the bass from the music vibrated through my body, the lights on the ceiling moved in time with the music, people singing and dancing along with the DJ. It was amazing.
“I see Daichi!” Mirko shouted over the music, pulling my hand as she led me through the crowd.
“It’s about time you go here Mirko!” When she finally stopped I could see a fairly tall guy, he had long black hair, tied up in a messy bun. His features were that of a god, his gaze would have anybody stopping in their tracks. His dark sharp eyes would pull you in, while his charming smile had you blushing like a schoolgirl with a crush. He wore a simple black and white flower-patterned button-down with his sleeves rolled up and black jeans. Even with something so simple he looked so hot.
“Sorry, my friend took a while to get ready. Phoenix, this is Daichi, one of my best friends and owner of the club. This is Phoenix, she’s a pro from the states.” Mirko took a seat in the black leather horseshoe booth, pouring herself a glass of vodka.
“Nice to meet you Daichi.” I stuck my hand out for a handshake. His large hand grasped it gently.
“To meet a beautiful woman such as yourself, the pleasure is all mine.”
I smirked at him as I took a seat next to Mirko. “Your right Mirko this may work.”
The night passed on and the drinks kept flowing and I got closer and closer to Daichi. I learned that he was a year older than me, quirkless, and no relations to heroes besides being friends with Mirko. He was the opposite of Hawks and that's what I need.
“So Phoenix does a woman with your stature dance with a quirkless man?” He stood up, his hand out for me to take it.
“If the man is you, I’ll make an exception.” I handed my purse to Mirko as she flirted with someone she met at the bar.
Daichi guided me to the dance floor, just as a song with a slow sensual beat blared through the speakers. Once we got to the dance floor, Daichi turned me around, his hands were on my hips. My body started to sway with the beat against his, my butt was grinding against his pelvis.
With each seductive roll, his body met mine, with my back pressed against his chest, I could feel the alcohol run through me. I let it take over my body, not caring about anything. I just wanted to feel the man behind me as he slowly ground himself against me.
There were no words exchanged between us as we continued our sinful dance, or as we made our way to my apartment. Even as he pinned me against the wall, his lips hot on my neck, leaving a trail of kisses down to my chest. His cock, hard and pressed against my leg or when he moaned my name all night while I let him fuck me. I was doing this for myself, I needed to get that image of Hawks’ smiling face out of my head. And if that meant I had to find a surrogate for my desires for him so be it.
‘This is just how it has to be Hawks.’
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Okay how about this one? Do you remember that one time in Volume 1 where Blek verbally destroyed Cardin, well how about Cardin getting back at her by deliberately hurting her partner during a sparring match during combat class. Of course when it's done Yang thinks nothing really of it but Blake is pissed and worried. (And left wondering why it shook her core so much that someone hurt Yang)
*snort* Cardin probably would do something like this. He came real close to hitting Jaune when his Aura was in the red, something that I would imagine is frowned upon in a competitive setting.
Anyway, I write a lot of Yang “dear sweet brothers, Blake’s looking at me, what do I do?!” Xiao Long so enjoy some Blake “slightly confused and mildly panicked” Belladonna 😁
Blake leaned forward in her seat and smirked. Cardin really thought that he stood a chance against Yang?
Heh. Good luck.
“Do try to remember our conversations about standing down when your opponent’s aura has dropped into the red, Mr. Winchester.” GoodWitch calmly explained, eyes narrowed at the boy.
“Yes, Professor.”
Dear Gods, even when talking to their professors; he was insufferably smug.
“I’ll try not to hurt that pretty face of yours, Xiao Long”
“I’d say the same but I can see that the damage has already been done, Cardin.”
Blake snorted and bit back a giggle, feeling her cheeks heat up as Yang turned and gave her a subtle wink.
“Get ready… and fight.”
Cardin charge towards Yang who nearly spun out of the way and waved cheekily at him. Cardin let out a furious growl and charged again, swinging his weapon and desperately trying to get the upper hand. Blake watched with fascination. Her partner had such a intriguing fighting style, she was able to observe her opponents and adjust how she fought accordingly. It was extremely impressive.
“Augh!” Yang suddenly snarled and covered her eyes as something shiny hit them, making her accidentally drop her guard.
Blake watched on in horror as her partner was sent to the ground, a brutal strike to her shoulder from Cardin sending her sprawling. Blake didn’t miss the smug look that Cardin gave her. It was a little too satisfied for her liking.
Blake went into a state of shock. Her heart was racing and her chest ached. Her eyes stung and a sense of fear gripped her.
Yang was fine. She was okay. It was going to be okay.
Later that night, after her teammates had gone to bed, Blake snuck down to the infirmary to check on on Yang. Luckily, the nurse was asleep in her quarters.
“Woah!” Yang was not. Instead, she was sitting up in bed and going through some notes. “Blake?! What are you doing here?” She whispered softly, her lilac gaze trained on Blake as she sat down on the bed in front of her.
“I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to make sure that you were okay.” Blake said quietly, her ears flicking under her bow. “You took quite the hit.”
“You’re sweet.” Yang cooed softly, smiling gently at her. “But I’m okay, really. One of Cardin’s buddy’s apparently shined a laser pointer or something at my face to mess with me and Cardin took advantage of it. GoodWitch suspects it was premeditated but she can’t figure out a motive.”
“It’s my fault.” Blake muttered, looking down at the bed with a frown, fist curling around the blanket. “He didn’t like me teaching him a lesson in class so he took it out on my partner.”
“That is something that that ass would do.” Yang sighed softly, her fingers grazing the bandage on her arm before she gently placed her hand over Blake’s and squeezed softy, waiting for Blake to meet her gaze. “But that doesn’t mean that it’s your fault. Cardin chose to get payback. He chose to come after me. This is on him, not you.”
“Yeah but-“
“Ah-ah.” Yang scolded with a warm and gentle smile, reaching up to tap Blake’s nose. “None of that. Cardin’s a jerk. He’s cruel and vindictive. He and his buddy are the only ones to blame here. You’re innocent in this. Okay?”
“I-“ Blake swallowed thickly, eyes darting down to Yang’s injured right arm, guilt and worry twisting her heart. But when she looked up into Yang’s face and saw only understanding and compassion, she felt her heart melt a little, spreading an unfamiliar warmth through her chest. “Okay.”
“Good.” Yang murmured, moving to hold Blake’s hand and run her thumb across her knuckles reassuringly. Blake was mildly alarmed at how natural it felt. “Now… as flattered as I am that you broke curfew just to come and see little old me, you should probably get back to bed before the warden comes and checks on me.”
“Oh shut up.” Blake flushed, smiling despite herself. “There is absolutely no reason to be flattered. I’m just being a good partner.”
“Admit it, Belladonna. You like me.” Yang teased gently, biting her lip as her expression became more contemplative. She sighed softly before leaning over and placing a soft kiss on Blake’s cheek, smiling against her skin when Blake gave out an involuntary squeak of surprise. “But seriously, Blake. Thank you. I’m really glad that I ended up with you as my partner.”
It was only as Blake was getting into her bed that her brain processed Yang words and she let out an embarrassed whine and covered her face with her pillow as her face heated up.
First she discovers that the idea of Yang being hurt sent a painful spike of fear through her, hurting more than she expected. And now, she’s flustered because of a simple kiss in the cheek among friends and a compliment.
What was happening?
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eeveevie · 5 years
“Don’t EVER do that again” for Brynjolf x Fiona if you’re taking ficlet prompts :D
A nightmare, a break-in and an abundance of emotions. Fiona says “I love you” for the first time. 
(congratulations anon, you win the prize for “prompt that got crab to write fiona’s confession on love”. it did not start that way, but here we are !)
Brynjolf x Fiona 💗🗡
1851 words (under a cut for length) | Ao3
“I’ll be certain to give Brynjolf your regards.”
Mercer’s wicked, self-satisfied grin was all too clear, even through the haze of the poison racing through her veins. He crouched over her paralyzed body and peered down at her with that golden longsword drawn, brimming with magical energy. He wasn’t hesitating, no, he was watching her squirm—the sick bastard.  
She felt a crash of emotions—but at the forefront of her mind was the regret she’d be taking to her grave—she thought of Brynjolf one last time as the blade sliced against her throat and then—nothing.
Only darkness.
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Fiona sprang out from her bedsheets with a startling gasp, her throat tight and heart racing as if it would beat right out of her chest. The scar along the right side of her neck burned and she instinctively reached up to feel at it, almost expecting to feel the sticky touch of blood, but there was nothing. The skin was still incredibly sensitive, the jagged lines far from fading away—she would wear the mark Mercer left for the rest of her days. She inhaled deeply, desperately trying to steady her breathing but couldn’t shake the nightmare away.
She glanced to the empty void next to her and frowned, reminding herself she had no reason to be upset. Since her and Karliah’s return to Riften, Brynjolf had on more than one occasion stayed the night for protection—not that Fiona really needed it, but she had welcomed his company and comfort. Their relationship was different now—yet to have a definition, but it was obvious they were now far from being the just friends from before. If they ever really were “just friends” to begin with. In that moment, her mind still hazy with the memory of Snowveil Sanctum, she found her heart aching for Brynjolf, wishing he was there to sooth the pain away. He was one of the few people that truly understood.  
The only reason he wasn’t there that evening was because he was chasing a lead with Delvin, hoping to corner one of Mercer’s contacts in Shor’s Stone for information, wanting to confirm what they had found in Riftweald Manor. Karliah was also away, busy making some kind of preparations that would eventually involve both Fiona and Brynjolf—only time would tell.
Just as Fiona resigned to settle back against the pillows, she heard a rustling at her front door, the eastern entrance. She froze in her spot, listening intently as the scratching continued—was it an animal? The doorknob wiggled as she realized someone was attempting to wiggle the lock lose. Her chest tightened with a new wave of fright, even as she convinced herself that nobody was that stupid to break into the Dragonborn’s homestead. Even Mercer.
The thought of his name made her skin crawl and had her jumping from her bed and grabbing her dagger from her nightstand, silently but swiftly stepping towards the door. Just as she made it to the frame the sounds stopped and all fell silent, but only for a moment. The next sound Fiona heard was creaking, footsteps across her roof. Panic began to coarse through her and for a split second she thought about shouting through the ceiling, not caring about the destruction it would cause. She followed the sounds with her eyes, slowly crossing the floor towards the balcony doors, avoiding the shadows the fireplace cast against the windows on the western wall.  
Whoever it was had landed on the balcony with a muffled grunt—clearly not the most experienced sneak thief—but it didn’t give her any pause. She stood next to the doorway with her back flat to the wooden paneling as the intruder finessed the lock, this time having easier luck. Her hands shook as she clutched the hilt of her dagger tight, scolding herself for not changing the locks like she said she would. She closed her eyes, saying a silent prayer to the Divines as the door slowly creaked open, a shadowy crouched form creeping in through the night.
Fiona pounced immediately, yelling out in a mix of fear and anger, their bodies colliding against the door and slamming it shut. She swung her fist out first, knuckles colliding with the jaw of the trespasser before her other arm arced down, dagger ready to strike. Two hands caught her wrists, stopping her movements completely. The larger body moved to stand, jerking her closer.  
“Augh! Fiona!” A familiar voice. “It’s me!”
“Bryn?” she whispered, blinking in an effort to see his face in the darkness.
He pulled one hand away to yank back his hood, confirming that it really was him. An overwhelming abundance of emotions flooded over her at the sight of his face and her chest contracted tightly, breath hitching in her throat. Before she even realized what was happening tears were clouding her vision, quickly pouring over to slide down her cheeks. Her hands trembled as she dropped her weapon to the floor, her other hand gripping his shoulder tightly when her knees threatened to buckle from beneath her.
“I’ve got you,” Brynjolf murmured, his arms swiftly moving to scoop her up and hold her steady against him.
At first she clutched him in a desperate hug, thankful he was there—but she was so overwhelmed, self-conscious and unsure of where her more vulnerable emotions had come from. Yes, he had seen her cry before, but that didn’t mean that she felt completely comfortable shedding them in front of him. Still, she held onto him tightly, face buried in the curve of his shoulder as she openly sobbed.
“I—I had a nightmare,” she wept. Brynjolf’s arms tugged her closer, his nose nuzzling against the top of her head. “It was Mercer, at Snowveil Sanctum. When I heard the noises at the door I thought—I thought he had—”  
His arms tensed at her words and she could tell he was already feeling remorse. Still, she smacked her palm against his chest, gripping the leather of his armor to shake him slightly. “Don’t you ever do that again.”
“Aye lass,” he hushed against her temple, hands caressing down her back and through her hair. “If I have to spend the rest of my days begging for forgiveness, I will—”
“You better,” she agreed, failing miserably at a tease. They stood there for a long while, just holding each other close until her tears subsided, body relaxing against his. It was a forgone conclusion, but she really hoped that he was there to stay for the evening. She didn’t want to assume anything, even now.  
He pressed a soft kiss to the side of her face, humming as he spoke. “What do you say lass, could you ever forgive a fool like me?”
“You are so lucky that I love you,” she sighed.
Fiona froze in his embrace, realizing that she had said the words out loud.
Brynjolf’s arms tightened around her before relaxing, his soft laugh tickling the side of her face. “What was that?”
Fiona burrowed her face against his shoulder, feeling her whole body warm in embarrassment. “Nothing,” she said meekly, but it was of no use.
He carefully peeled her off of his chest and she reluctantly glanced up to meet his gaze. She had expected to find a teasing expression but instead she found him looking at her in a state of wonder, eyes sparkling, and lips slowly stretching into a wide grin. Even in the dimly lit room, she could see his own flushed cheeks—her sudden confession had surprised him as much as it had her.
“You love me?”
Fiona released a shaky breath, nodding once. “Yes.”
Brynjolf steadily brushed back the hair from her face before framing his hands against her cheeks, fingers curling against the back of her neck to tilt her head closer to his. His initial kiss was slow, tongue gently coaxing her lips apart, it gradually deepening. One of his hands threaded through her hair, cupping the back of her head as he shifted closer, Fiona eagerly meeting him as she slid her arms around his shoulders. Gods, she never wanted him to stop kissing her, even if it meant she would die of suffocation.
He eventually did pull away, albeit slowly, almost reluctantly. Fiona found herself exhaling in a short gasp, breathless. Brynjolf was still smiling, expression delirious as if he had been drinking mead from her lips. It was irresistible—she closed the gap once more for a swift series of kisses that trailed from his mouth along his jaw and to the collar of his armored coat. Finally she pulled away, copying his grin with one of her own. Even so, she could still feel the flush of heat on her face and the rapid thump of her heart beating against her ribs.
“Please say it again,” he breathed, green eyes shimmering with an emotion she hadn’t seen before—almost like a brand-new form of excitement.
Fiona nodded, nuzzling her cheek against his hand as his thumb brushed along her jawline in an affectionate sweep. “If you’ll stay.”
“If I’ll stay she asks—of course I’m staying,” he remarked with a chuckle. “That is, only if you give me a key. Can only stop breaking in someplace if I have a key, lass.”
She laughed, turning her head once more to kiss his palm and the inside of his wrist. With another nod of her head she reluctantly pulled herself away from his embrace if only to move to her desk where she kept a strongbox of valuables. Within she found the spare key for Honeyside, a small blue ribbon tied to the end—something she had been meaning to give to him for a while now. The timing seemed perfect with her confession of the heart. When Fiona turned to face him she found him tossing his discarded coat across the nearby chair, untucking his cotton undershirt from his pants.
“Don’t lose this,” she instructed, tucking the golden metal into his palm. “You won’t be getting another.”
Brynjolf nodded, covering her hand with his. “Consider this my most prized possession. Well, next to you…” His sly smirk faltered. “Not that I see you as something to be possessed—”
“Bryn,” she cut him off, leaning in to place a gentle kiss to his lips. “Its alright to say. I’m yours.” She caught his gaze and felt her heart flutter, a warmth radiate across her body and tingle run across her spine. “I love you.”
Two times. Progress.
“One more time?” he asked tentatively.
Fiona first ensured the key was safely slipped away in his coat before she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him sweetly and softly in the perfect way she adored. He kissed her back, two passionate kisses in quick succession. With another she broke away with the softest of whispers, “I love you.”
Without realizing she had been waiting her whole life to feel this way. She was in love and had no reason to be afraid anymore.
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leave a tumblr kudos 💙🦀
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rcris123 · 5 years
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Isaac was up before any of them. And maybe to his own surprise Arthur slept throughout the night with Sebastian’s hand into his own. More or less at least. The medallion was on the ground. A light squeeze of the palm he’s holding. Eyes dart up – Sebastian’s still asleep, leaned against the foot of his table. Poor bastard; came all this way and for so little as himself...
Thoughts were all over; his forehead burned up like a furnace – but he knew that. Everything else, one big goddamn mess in his head.
Colm wanted to sell ‘em to the Pinkertons, using him as bait. It’s the one thing he told Dutch when he came back...
And Isaac. All that time he couldn’t forgive himself for leaving Isaac alone like he did. And the boy clearly ran off to Sebastian wondering where the hell his Pa’s gone. And nothing tore his chest apart more than knowin’ they barely survived another one of these...
This one was worse... He hoped, prayed the shoulder ain’t gonna come down with gangrene, ‘cause at this point it’s already feelin’ numb, itching up and down like an ant’s nest. He still felt Sebastian’s hand in his own.
He should try getting-
“Augh- Shit!” Well that woke him up. “I’m sorry...”
He can’t move. Just getting his head off the pillow made it feel like it was made of lead and like the brains fell out of the back of his skull. A light tug of the arm from Sebastian; teeth grit, air’s sucked in with a wheeze.
“Shouldn’t of done that-” Sebastian’s voice is thickened by sleep.
“Ah, you couldn’t of known.” And he still hasn’t let go. A pang inside his guts. The gang met him, that much was obvious, he wondered what Isaac told them about him. But words don’t come help him.
“How are you feeling?”
“About as well as I look, I guess...” Arthur sighed. “What ‘bout you?”
“I ain’t feelin’ half my body.” Sebastian cracked a laugh, and he tried one for himself, but the groan bubbled inside his chest regardless.
A short silence, allowing the pain to settle: “So... They let you stay?”
“Don’t know.”
“What did Isaac say-”
“I escorted him back to camp the day he couldn’t find you. John and the Irishman brought me in thinking I’ve done something to the kid.” A deep breath in from Sebastian, as if drawing courage: “He said we was lovers. So they won’t shoot me then and there I guess.”
Lips purse, another pang inside his guts and a shiver flowing up: “Guess that’s that then...”
But they ain’t lovers. Far from it. They-... What the hell was they that they ended up like this.
Do he have to play enamored now? He ain’t no actor and he rather despised pretending.
“You don’t have to-”
“I ain’t intending to.” Arthur had to be blunt, and it might of come off as rude, but he just ain’t knowin’ what he’s feelin’. It ain’t uncomfortable, just rather odd, ‘cause he still held onto the man’s hand like his life somehow depended on it. Heart picked at a gallop; he just had to say this: “Well, to be perfectly honest with you, I can’t make heads or tails of it all.”
“I ain’t much smarter on the subject, Arthur...”
“Guess we gotta figure something out-”
He ain’t noticed how he used them words until it came outta his mouth.
“Guess there’s a we now... At least if you intend on stayin’.” Do you?
“Ain’t decided yet...”
Somehow the decision seemed to of been made the moment they put their hands together the night before ‘cause they ain’t let go yet.
Miss Grimshaw checked up on Arthur not much later, and by extension that meant Sebastian too – who got a scolding only Susan could pull off. She would of kicked him onto his feet. That’s when she notices, both of them did: Sebastian screamed in pain, trying to get up, grabbed his shoulder. Miss Grimshaw seized him and yanked the shirt off. Bandages, a fresh wound.
“Where’d you get this Mister-”
“We gotta find you a bed. Quick. Arthur how’d you let him sleep like that-”
Arthur didn’t know, just looked on with concern as he was dragged off; and Sebastian looked back at him. Isaac just returned then from where-ever he’d been gone before.
“Someone’s hurt him...” Again.
 They found him a spot somewhere by Kieran, not too far off his tent. That kid’s been nothing but kind, to them all and Sebastian too; both outsiders. It’s been fun for a while, makin’ fun of the ‘O’Driscoll’ but that clearly ain’t the case no more. Boy’s been delegated to goddamn nursemaid. Arthur insisted on apologizing. Then Sean came and chewed Sebastian’s entire ear off. Sat on a chair, accused him first, then started talking of his Da and other things of his homeland. Bedridden both o’em they got no place else where to be, so it was Irish history hours for the both of ‘em. Ain’t been so bad after a while: slept like a baby to that, or maybe it was just the fever that made him so goddamn drained. One thing’s for certain he’ll be hearing Irish slang in his dreams from now on.
All week Ms. Grimshaw and Mr. Pearson swung by often; both trying their best to keep Sebastian down. He knew the feelin’ all too well. But they got fed well, bandages cleaned.
Still Arthur’s fever ain’t subsided well. Bouts of sudden dizziness and heat. No matter how much he tried to get back to functioning like a human it ain’t seem to be possible.
It took two more days until he could sit up for more than half an hour.
At least Sebastian’s doin’ better than him. Dutch got rather sick o’ him one time thou, squawked about a wounded dog in his camp; so Kieran took him fishing for most that day. Pearson was ecstatic to have so much fish. He made a fish broth, and it’s been something he ain’t known he needed or longed for.
Both Isaac and Sebastian stood on his bed, slurping hot soup like they ain’t ever had it before. And that somehow stuck with him. He pushed himself to draw that, even if it wasn’t one of his brightest ideas, a monster of’a headache split his head by the end. He ain’t known what to write beneath it thou. Not yet.
Days pass still and the camp’s getting all the friendlier to Sebastian, what Isaac said about them felt almost like a memory and the man like he’s always been there. He was a father. He could tell, by the way he’s taken to the youngest in the camp, and especially the girls; he snuck in to help Tilly and Marry-Beth with the chores Grimshaw gave ‘em. Arthur was sure they ain’t ever got cleaner clothes. Sebastian even taught Isaac how to properly scrub a shirt.
He got pangs inside his stomach whenever he thought about that. About, well, Sebastian, and what a whole ‘nother breed of man he was. How’d they even end up in the same place. How’d Sebastian end up in a whore house! That man laying down for others... And he ain’t sure how all that’d be working; lay on one’s back, spread his legs and hang his mouth open. Did his cock get hard-
It ain’t like that...
 No. There ain’t no denying it.
One day, Sebastian came to him. His shoulder was doing only better; at last he could move it with at least somewhat more accuracy. He was thinking of going hunting again, but Sebastian came to him.
“I saw you writing a lot.” He did. Kept him busy all these long dreary days where he was in-between ill and well. “I thought you’d have more use for this than I do.” Sebastian hands Arthur a pen.
A real fancy one: polished copper, and it ain’t no fountain pen, it had all the ink inside, and on the side two arrows. Jaw clenches. It was the first time since they held hands all those weeks ago that Arthur got that physical or affectionate: he pulled Sebastian into a hug. Man huffed against him.
How thy hell was he supposed to thank for that. He ain’t got no words. Nothing, nothing at all than a heart that drummed. He ain’t deserved any of the kindnesses Sebastian did to him.
Arthur ain’t deserving nothing...
“Thank you.” It was low, a rumble, spoken right next to the man’s ear. “Thank you.”
 That day, Arthur tied that medallion ‘round his neck, the Saint Sebastian one. It had to be a lucky talisman. And he finally knew what to write in his journal next to that drawing of him and Isaac eating fish broth; with the new pen to boot. That day he went up to Dutch:
“How are you feeling?” man asked, smoking his afternoon cigarette like it was a ritual; the gramophone blaring its high pitched song.
“Much better.” Arthur replied; inhaled to gather courage:  "Guess I need some days away after beein' cooped up in 'ere for weeks. Just me and the kid."
Dutch looked at him before puffing out the smoke, voice was inquiring: "And Sebastian?"
"And Sebastian."
Dutch threw the cigarette away, stomped the butt with his heel and moved closer to him:
"You know it smells of rotten business to me"
"Dutch!” Arthur got insulted plenty times but being called a fool for trusting a man he knew he could trust really offended him. Arthur can fend for himself and Sebastian ain’t no danger to the camp, just like goddamn Kieran. But that ain’t what Dutch meant. Lips purse, Arthur draws away; the remark is cold: “You know that all that matters to me is loyalty. ..And Isaac. Isaac's been all uppity these past few weeks. He needs some time with his Pa."
“Ye’r coddling him Arthur.”
“That ain’t ye’r call to make.” Don’t talk to him about parenting, Dutch. They were both outlaws and that ain’t a gentle life and not one fit for a kid that ain’t asked for none of this, least of all his Momma getting murdered like she did. “The kid ain’t an outlaw and I ain’t makin’ one o’ him. I want him to have better than I had. We all do.”
Dutch fell silent for a moment, then next he spoke his accusatory tone was gone:
“I hope you know you’re like a son to me, Arthur.”
“I know...”
 They still left that day.
“Where we headed, Pa?” They barely left camp, but the boy was smart enough not be heard.
“Sebastian?” Arthur ain’t really got much ahead of him, while he reckoned the man had something to return to.
And in all these weeks he still ain’t learned what exactly happened that Sebastian got his shoulder stabbed; he only said the obvious: someone was displeased and took corrective action. Arthur could only wonder if he was from the Molly-house, or maybe a client, to say it delicately.
“Well... I should be heading back to Saint Denis.”
“Then we’re comin’ with you.”
“No-” A purse of lips, a deep inhale. “No matter what I say you’ll still come with me, won’t you?”
“Guess that much is obvious. Lead the way, pardner!”
“How the hell did I get stuck with you?”
“We have a bad habit of getting nosey.” Isaac said in Arthur’s stead. This kid...
“You’re a menace and a half, boy. Hope you’re well aware of that.” Arthur intervened; yeah there was still a smile on his lips.
“Yes, sir.”
Laughter from all three of them.
“You raised quite the son there, Arthur.” Sebastian spoke. “Knows how to talk back, but for Christ’s sake can’t wash a shirt.”
“It ain’t like that!” Arthur chucked and the offense in Isaac’s tone could be felt, not just heard. “Pa!”
“Settle down, Isaac. He means you no harm.” Father talked to son; Isaac scowled but the road went on regardless.
It took a while before more serious topics arose:
“Where are you intending to stay? In Saint Denis I mean.” Sebastian asked.
“Can’t we stay with you?” Isaac replied with another question.
“Don’t think it’s a great idea to be staying in a Molly-house of all places.” Arthur tried, but he knew where that sentiment came from. Kid got used to Sebastian.
“It’d be for the best...” Obviously Sebastian ain’t enthusiastic either. “But there’s plenty hotels around the city. The Grand Hotel has plenty rooms, you should check there.”
“And now that leads to the question of money. We ain’t the richest people...”
“One dollar per night.”
Shouldn’t be too bad, but-
“How long are we gonna stay?” Isaac took the thoughts from his head.
“Dunno. I...” He looked at the boy. “I gotta think of some things over.”
More exactly: how to honor Isaac’s wishes without leaving any of the gang behind. John’s got a family of his own, wife and child. The girls, they can’t keep living like this. There’s a few men he reckons would fit better someplace else; the young ones: Sean, Lenny, Charles, even that Kieran kid, get the boy to work at a stable or something. But it ain’t easy talking to stubborn idealistic men: Sean might sooner die than give up robbing rich folk. Well he ain’t wrong, but their goal’s always been getting the money then getting out.
Seems there ain’t enough money in the world for people like them. They almost had all they needed in Blackwater, but that’s done and over-
Or was it. They ain’t knowin’ Sebastian, if only he and maybe that Kieran kid went back to collect, they might just get their hands on those money. It could give Sebastian a life. Whatever he got hurt over ain’t worth it and he reckons the man should pack his things and go.
But he can’t without the money, and Arthur ain’t sure he wanna pop that question to him.
A sigh.
“Everything a’right?” Sebastian sounded caring, and truth be told Arthur’s been silent for a while now.
“Nothing worth ruining a good mood over.”
“We in a good mood?” Sebastian cracks a laugh.
“Would you wanna be?”
“If I wouldn’t know you any better, I’d be sayin’ you’re flirting with me, Arthur.” Was that a dare, Sebastian...
But the kid had to speak up: “Everyone in camp think that anyway...”
“In no small part thanks to you.” Sebastian says.
“My own son snitching on me...”
“But the two of you are getting along.” Isaac continued with his statement. “You held hands- ”
“Isaac... It ain’t like that-”
“I just wanna know, Pa.” Isaac bowed his head then picked it up again: “You ain’t got sweet on anyone since I can remember. And it ain’t like you gotta be Dutch, bringin’ in girls once every few years, but... Well, Sean and Lenny all got sweet on the girls in camp, and it made ‘em happy! Thought someone might make you happy too, ‘cause Momma’s-”
“Isaac... You sweet kid. I’m well enough happy just to’ave got you.” He’d smooch the boy’s forehead if he wouldn’t be galloping.
He saw that, Sebastian, he saw that smile. And he ain’t quite sure what to make of this feeling; the heart’s heavy thinking that somehow he led the kid to think that it’s his job or someone else’s to keep this poor fool happy, at the same time’s filled with warmth ‘cause Isaac was, despite Arthur’s worst, shaping up to be a real good man. The boy has a chance at a real family, if only Arthur could gift him the freedom of a steady life.
There ain’t nothing easy...
Silence falls again and Saint Denis opens at their feet. They left Sebastian at his place, while they went on towards the Grand Hotel. They lodged in.
He was thinking of ways to earnestly earn money and maybe get Isaac involved as well to try and give him the chance of a honest livin-
“Mary?...” His mouth hangs open and he holds Isaac back, pressing the boy against his body.
“Arthur...” She was just as surprised to see him as he was to see her. “I... I would have wrote you a letter...” She looks down at Isaac, whose head whipped back looking for an explanation from his father. “That’s your son.”
“Isaac. Yes. He was real young when we- uhm...” The explanation was for the boy.
“How old is he?”
“17 this upcoming October...”
“I didn’t know- I. Arthur, I didn’t think you- You raised the boy an outlaw too.”
“No!” Don’t go accusing him, Mary... “He ain’t ever robbed someone- He’s always helped people, Mary. He’s most considerate.”
“Oh, Arthur, but if you couldn’t get out of your ways how’d you ever expect him to do so? You’re so tied up in your, your ideology-”
Isaac snapped: “We will get out.” Arthur kept him down. “We just gotta take care of a few people.” His son’s sounding more and more adult by the moment.
Mary looked at Isaac most shocked, a hint offended, then back at Arthur: “I’m sorry, Arthur... I see it now, no matter how much I still think of you, it would never have worked between us.” Arthur pins Isaac down when the boy tried to speak up again, shooting a glance back at his father with irritation. “You’ve been lying to yourself and your brought up your son to think the same! You think this ends somewhere? If it does, then change something, Arthur-”
“Don’t you speak to my Pa’ like that.” Isaac growled.
“I’m sorry, Arthur... I... I have to go now.”
Mary passes by them and trots downstairs. Arthur inhales deeply.
“C’mon. To our room.” A gentle nudge, and of course the boy picks up on the shift in his voice, the way the tone lowered and got drained of it’s usual sarcasm.
“Pa’, you can’t let people, that know nothing of us, speak to you like she did. It’s unfair.”
“People ain’t always fair, Isaac.”
“But you cared for her. She should have been.”
“Ain’t you getting your lil’ head wrapped up in some drama it ain’t supposed to be in?”
“You loved her, Pa, didn’t you...”
“Long time ago. Yes. You were real young.” Arthur sighs, opens the door to their room and steps inside after Isaac. “She couldn’t compromise and I couldn’t neither; ‘cause I was an outlaw.”
“But you tried.” Isaac sat on the edge of the bed. “I know you did.”
Arthur sits beside him: “That ain’t meaning I did my best...”
“I ain’t no outlaw.”
Arthur drags the boy onto his lap and presses a kiss on his back: “No, you ain’t.” A hand goes to comb that always messy hair of his: “You got gentleman material about you. You’ll be a great man, a great husband. Don’t let me stop you.”
Isaac shifts in his father’s embrace to wrap his arms around him.
“We gonna get out. And it ain’t only gonna be me.”
That’s a big dream, son...
 Night fell. He couldn’t sleep, but Isaac found it soon enough, sprawled on the expensive bed. Instead Arthur found himself on the narrow balcony smoking a cigar; cause just a lil’ bit of tobacco won’t do right now.
Mary just had to come in and make it all the more complicated – well, more like heartbreaking. At one point he dreamed, he really dreamed that he could be a husband to her, and her a mother to his son. But there was no way that was ever goin’ to happen, just ‘cause he is who he is. And how can he blame her and say he ain’t at fault that he’s an outlaw that can’t leave the life.
He should of left now, with Isaac for his sake. And he really wanted to. But it ain’t that easy. Arthur ain’t alone out there; John, Abigail, Jack, they’re going through the same struggles as him. They need a way out too. And if Arthur just left the guilt’ll follow him to his grave. Him and John grew up almost like brothers, annoying and dumb as he was Arthur cared ‘bout him, but mostly about his family, ‘cause the moron became a father almost entirely by accident.
And it wasn’t like Arthur became a father by design.
He can barely remember Eliza’s face. He saw her few times...
The cigar was reaching its end...
He left the balcony after the butt was thrown away. A hand goes in the satchel to grab a bottle of whatever liquor he had in there. And it all went down his throat in one go. Then Arthur went out the door, downstairs and out into the street.
He thought back to Sebastian-
He found a few more bottles of alcohol on himself. He stumbled half drunk into the brothel:
“Hi there mister-” language is slurred. “Hav’you seen Sebas-”
“Arthur?” he climbed downstairs, barely in a shirt and suspenders.
“Sebastian!” a big smile, a stumbled forward.
They more or less landed in each other’s arms. The lil’ saloon was quite busy tonight-
“You drunk, friend?”
“Just a lil’ tipsy.” And kind of missing a friend, hey- did Sebastian just call him friend...
“How’s Isaac?”
“Asleep- Can I talk to you ‘bout something-”
A hand lands heavy on Sebastian’s chest and stays there, fingers finding their way underneath the suspenders; head bows:
“I met Mary today.” He doesn’t know who Mary is, Arthur. “Mary’s- You see, I loved her a long time ago. I missed her so long.” Sebastian’s body stiffens. “I met Mary today an’ I made a fool o’myself... Said I wouldn’t- couldn’t change. And Isaac’s... Isaac’s told her off-”
“Sebastian, take him upstairs!” the bartender shouted.
“It ain’t like that!” Arthur shouts back at the man, returns his head to Sebastian soon after- “I ain’t wanting sex-”
He guesses he just wants a companion.
“Come outside with me.” Sebastian drags him outside, more or less pulling him on the hand; Arthur follows.
“Sebastian- I ain’t got ‘nough words to, just, thank you- Oh, I’m afraid you caught a fool...”
“At least you ain’t a moron.”
Arthur laughs: “Guess I got that...”
“I was thinking you got more than that...”
He’s not sure what he was alluding to: “You?”
Voice gets low and raspy: “Do I got you?...”
It ain’t that cold out, but there’s goosebumps raised on Sebastian’s arms. The man looks down; a pause:
“You’re wearing it-”
“You saved me countless times, I-”
“I didn’t bring you back when Isaac needed it.”
“But that ain’t the point! You saved me.”
“You have any idea what place you pulled me from.” Sebastian grabs the collar of his shirt and brings him closer. “Those three weeks in the camp were the most pleasant since-”
“Don’t think ‘bout that-”
Sebastian’s head drops again, fists pull Arthur closer and he just leans in. “I ain’t no Saint.”
“Like that’s what we’re meant bein’. I’m an outlaw for Chrissakes...”
A bitter laugh bubbles out of Sebastian: “Maybe I should be one...”
“And I who though we were tryinna become more upstanding citizens.”
“We... We.” His fists clench in Arthur’s shirt. “You still ain’t told me what you’re wanting to talk about.”
“Do I gotta ask again, goddamnit-” He’s feeling light on his feet. “What’s it with you? Do I. Got you.” He leans into Sebastian.
Silence. Bent over each other on the side of the road, Sebastian’s fists into his shirt, Arthur’s arms at ease beside his body, breath stinking of all sorts of cheap alcohol they just sit like that, like some broken down statue that you can’t tell what’s was ever meant to represent.
It’s a strange feeling bubbling in his gut, sweet and sour, tastes and burns like bourbon on his tongue; the more he sits like this the warmer his insides become, his palm, his temples, and heart starts beating like a drum, heavy. He remembers Mary for some reason... An electric shiver runs through his body, from the chest down, into his guts.
Arms lift at last, place themselves on Sebastian’s waist. Head dips up and closer in. He only catches the sound of a breath cut short when his lips press onto the other’s neck, just above the collarbone.
Retreat came quick.
Sebastian tilts his head away from where Arthur kissed, as if ashamed, as if allowing him for more.
Silence once again until Arthur couldn’t handle him looking at him like that, hair swept to the side of his face, eyes half lidded and expecting.
“That’s what I am to you?” Arthur speaks up at last.
“If you want that...” Sebastian’s lips tremble.
“Dunno what I want.”
“You seemed pretty convincing to me-”
The second one is ravenous, mouth presses wide and wet onto Sebastian’s neck, lips draw skin beneath them, then teeth. He moaned.
Arthur pulls away, startled, until bodies are no longer together. Breath is quick and shallow. He looks away. So does Sebastian, but his gaze quickly returns:
“Anything you want to take upstairs?”
The word that bubbles in his mouth is different that what his mind’s thinking, but lips purse and he’s got the notion that he has to weigh the heaviest feeling: that part of him wants this. Sebastian cares...
His name dangles from his neck, and his pen in his pocket.
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bisexual-bookman · 5 years
A Vixen Named Allen Walker
Pairing: Allen/Tyki
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,696
Tags: light bondage, light dom/sub, dom!Allen, sub!Tyki, tyki has a daddy kink
Part of the Let Allen Walker Wear Pretty Things series on AO3.
[Read on AO3]
Tyki flipped through the TV channels, looking for something vaguely interesting. For the first time in a very long time, he and Allen had a day off together. With Tyki working nights at his bartending job, and Allen during the day at the cafe down the street, they hardly saw each other.
And right now, Tyki was very eager to see Allen.
He had gotten a text from Allen a few days prior, saying nothing more than 'I have a surprise waiting for you,' and Tyki had been waiting in anticipation ever since, racking his brain to try to figure out what it could be.
The muted sound of heels on carpet drew Tyki out of his thoughts as he turned his attention towards the noise.
“Ah, stop! Don't look.” Allen said. Tyki jerked his head to a stop, a sly grin spreading across his face.
“Does this have anything to do with my surprise?” Tyki asked. 
“Yes, it does. Now close your eyes. I don't want you to ruin this just because you're impatient.” Allen huffed. Tyki snorted, relenting and closed his eyes.
“I am not impatient, thank you very much,” Tyki said defensively. Now it was Allen's turn to snort, the sound coming from beside Tyki.
“Says the one who always burns himself because he doesn't want to wait for the cookies to cool.” Allen hummed. Tyki could feel Allen's presence in front of him, the slight body heat coming from Allen confirming it. Tyki made a pleased noise as he felt Allen's knee press up against his crotch, his hands on either side of Tyki's head.
“Okay, I'm going to let that one go in favour of opening my eyes.” Tyki stated. He heard Allen giggle, the sound going straight to Tyki's dick. He knew that noise. That noise meant for a teasing Allen, and a very, very nice night. 
Tyki felt Allen's breath on his neck as Allen leaned in, his lips just brushing Tyki's jaw.
 “Go ahead. Open them.” Allen whispered, his tone making Tyki's palms sweat and a heat start to coil in his stomach.
Grinning in anticipation Tyki opened his eyes, only to nearly choke when his eyes focused on Allen.
“What do you think?” Allen purred, sliding his fingers down Tyki's throat, playing with the undone buttons of his shirt. His fingers brushed against Tyki's adam's apple as he leaned forward, his knee pushing more firmly against Tyki's crotch.
Tyki inhaled deeply, his hand coming to rest on Allen's thigh, his eyes trailing up and down his body. He grinned at the sight of Allen clad in black lacy lingerie standing in front of him. A strapless bustier adorned his chest, his pale legs covered with dark stockings that attached to a leather garter belt, which sat delicately on Allen’s slim waist.
Tyki could feel his body start to heat up as he looked down, the outline of Allen’s cock visible through the thin material of the underwear he was wearing.
Allen's hand slid up to cup Tyki's cheek, his thumb gently running over Tyki’s bottom lip. Still grinning, Tyki let an appreciative hum rumble out of his throat. The sound caused Allen to smile, his teeth biting his bottom lip as he looked down at Tyki through his lashes.
Tyki trailed his hand up Allen's thigh, only stopping to play with the metal ring in the garter belt straps, his fingertips brushing against the bow attached there. 
Tyki licked his lips, his tongue catching on the tip on Allen's finger. 
“Well, Boy, I have to say this was well worth the wait.” Tyki mused, eyes never ceasing as they roamed over Allen's body. He slid his hand around to Allen's ass, squeezing the flesh. Allen inhaled sharply at the action. Tyki grinned, pulling Allen down so that he was straddling Tyki's lap. 
Allen leaned forward, brushing his lips against Tyki's in a feather-light kiss before standing up from Tyki's lap. At Tyki's disappointed groan, Allen just laughed, spinning around to give Tyki a full view of his bare ass. Tyki watched Allen as he walked away, pausing in the middle of their living room to look over his shoulder.
“I know how much you love watching me play, Love,” Allen said, a sultry tone entering his voice as he said the nickname, “but I was really hoping you'd join me this time.”
Tyki immediately shot up, crossing the small space in a few steps. When he was right in front of Allen, Tyki placed his hands on his waist, running his fingers over Allen’s smooth skin.
Allen bit his lip, looking up at Tyki through his eyelashes as he slid his hands up Tyki's chest, stopping at his shirt’s collar to play with the buttons there. Stepping closer to Tyki, Allen pressed his body flush against Tyki’s, trailing his lips softly along Tyki's jaw. At Tyki's heavy sigh, Allen smirked, unbuttoning the top button. Tyki's hands slid off Allen’s hips, each grabbing a handful of Allen's ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
Allen sighed; the sound heavy with disappointment as he reached around to push Tyki’s hands off. Lightly slapping Tyki’s cheek, Allen tapped his finger against Tyki’s lips in time with his next words.
"Ah, ah, ah, Love," Allen tutted, sliding his hands into Tyki's curly hair. He brought Tyki's head down lower, his lips just brushing Tyki's lips as he spoke.
"Who said that you could touch me?" He purred against Tyki's lips, giving a light pull to the hair in his grip. Tyki growled deep in his chest. Allen could feel Tyki’s heartbeat speed up against his chest at the whispered words. 
"C'mon Boy, don't tease me like that." 
Allen laughed, pulling back slightly.
"Tyki, please! You know you like it." He said smugly. He knew how right he was at the sight of the other man’s golden eyes. They were heavy with lust, gaze piercing as it stayed on Allen. Tyki watched him as though a spell had been cast on him, his entire being captivated by every little elegant move Allen made.
"Really now? Do I? ‘Cause I think I like it more when you're underneath me, writhing, moaning for me to thrust into you deeper and harder, your voice hoarse from all your screaming." Tyki said, grin almost cruel at the mention of the rough sex the both of them enjoyed.
Allen smiled, all sweetness and sunshine. The skin around his eyes crinkled from the force of the smile, and his white teeth gleamed. Tyki’s grin faltered slightly.
That was the same smile Allen made during poker; all feigned innocence as he laid down a winning hand that was conjured up by his quick, cheating hands.  
Allen slid his hands back down to Tyki's collar, grabbing fistfuls of the pristine white fabric.
"Oh, you do, Love," Allen said, walking backwards towards their bedroom, dragging Tyki by the collar with him, "and I can show you just how much you do."
Tyki stumbled along after Allen, trying to keep up with Allen's confident strides. Once they reached their bedroom, Allen turned them around, smirking at Tyki before shoving him slightly. The back of Tyki's knees hit the edge of the bed and he crumpled, falling backwards on to the bed. He bounced slightly from the impact, able to feel the bed dip on either side of him as he looked up to see Allen crawling over him before he settled himself on Tyki's lap.
Allen ran his hands down Tyki's chest, stopping at his beltline. His fingers slowly traced the metal buckle. Tyki placed his hands-on Allen's thighs, squeezing them. Allen reached down and pinched Tyki's hands, which twitched in response, but Tyki didn't pull them away. 
"What did I say?" Allen asked, staring down at Tyki.
"That you'd show me just how much I like it when you tease me?" Tyki said, his tone confidant as he stared up at Allen. Allen snorted.
“I don't think so. Now, tell me what I said. You know what happens when I have to repeat myself.” Allen threatened, giving Tyki's hands a particularly hard pinch. Tyki grunted, pulling his hands back and lying them beside him on the bed.
“You said not to touch you,” Tyki said, eyes hungrily roaming where his hands couldn't.
"Very good!” Allen said, leaning forward to give Tyki a kiss that was eagerly reciprocated.
“I'll tell you when you can touch me.” Allen said when he drew back. His breath fanned Tyki’s face as he continued to speak. “Then, and only then, will you be able to touch me."
Tyki raised an eyebrow, a defiant look in his eye. 
"Oh yeah?” Tyki said, sliding his hands up Allen's back. “What happens if I don't listen? After all, you should know how bad I am at listening to things I don't particularly care about.”
Allen laughed, all sweetness and honey, before he grabbed Tyki's hands and twisted them. 
"Augh!" Tyki shouted, more in surprise than pain.
Allen leaned forward, pinning Tyki's hands above his head. His face was inches from Tyki's, his breath ghosting over Tyki's face as he looked at him through half-lidded eyes. 
"You touch me without my permission, and you'll get punished." Allen whispered.
Tyki swallowed as Allen leaned back, letting go of Tyki’s hands in favour of slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Tyki left his arms laying above him as Allen spread the now unbuttoned shirt and begun running his hands over the tanned skin. Tyki breathed in sharply as Allen dragged his nails across Tyki's stomach, the slight scratches sending shivers down Tyki's spine. Leaning in, Allen placed hot, open-mouth kisses to Tyki's collar bone, his tongue snaking out to taste the flesh below him, his lips slowly dragging downward. 
Allen stopped at Tyki's nipples, a quick lick sending shots of pleasure straight to Tyki's groin. Allen worked them one at a time, gently sucking and nipping at them before continuing on. Tyki groaned at Allen’s ministrations, his groans turning into low moans as Allen got lower and lower, his tongue tracing random patterns on Tyki's abdomen.
Allen stopped when he reached Tyki's pant line, slowly dragging his finger across the length of it. Tyki groaned in disappointment at the lack of Allen's skilled tongue. Breathing in deeply, Tyki leaned back on his elbows, looking down at Allen. 
"Why'd you stop, Boy?" 
Allen giggled, trailing his finger down to lightly trace the bulge that was showing through Tyki's pants. Tyki shuttered at the feather-light touch. Allen leaned his head down, his lips just brushing Tyki's pants as he spoke.
"I've hardly even done anything and you're already this hard?" 
"Well it hasn't been easy with all your teasing," Tyki huffed, “speaking of which, why don't we just gloss over it and get started.” Tyki grinned, placing a hand on Allen's arm. Allen smiled, pressing down hard on Tyki's dick. Tyki's head fell back and a strangled cry left his throat. 
"You really don't listen do you, Daddy?" 
Tyki moaned, laying back down on the bed with a thump. 
“Don't Boy, I don't think I'll be able to handle that." 
Allen chuckled lightly, hands settling on Tyki's belt and finally beginning to undo it. He pulled off Tyki’s pants, hooking his underwear as he went. Tyki sighed as the constricting material was thrown over the side of the bed, landing in a heap on the floor. Allen trailed his hands up the inside of Tyki's thighs, fingers playing with the sensitive flesh around his groin before slowly trailing his finger up the length of Tyki's half-hard cock. 
Tyki groaned low in his throat as Allen started to slowly pump him, his thumb swiping at a bead of pre-cum that had gathered at the tip of Tyki's dick. Allen leaned down and placed a soft kiss underneath Tyki's navel, loving the way Tyki's body jolted from the contact.
Allen trailed kisses across Tyki's thighs, tongue coming out to sweep against his flesh, his teeth leaving little nips as he went. As Allen stopped at the base of Tyki's cock, his tongue replaced his hand and he slowly licked a line up Tyki's cock, swirling his tongue around the tip before taking Tyki's length into his mouth. 
Tyki moaned at the feeling of Allen's mouth encircling his cock, his hands bunching up in the bed sheets at his side when he felt himself hit the back of Allen's throat. Allen sat there for a couple seconds, massaging the sensitive flesh in his mouth with his tongue. Tyki groaned, thrusting his hips up slightly into Allen's mouth. He could feel Allen's lips pull up in a smirk, his hands coming up to caress the skin of Tyki's thigh, but still not moving his head.
“Boy,” Tyki said breathlessly, his chest heaving from his pants, “move, will you?” He punctuated his words with a wiggle of his hips.
Allen gripped Tyki's hips with a bruising hold, pinning him to the bed before he started bobbing his head, his lips and tongue moving against Tyki's dick. Tyki let out a moan at the feeling.
He could hear the sounds Allen was making, the little moans leaving the smaller man making it that much sweeter. He lifted a hand and threaded his fingers through Allen's hair, groaning in disappointment when Allen lifted off him at the contact. His groan was cut short, turning into a sharp cry as Allen's teeth dug into his thigh, deep enough to leave marks. Tyki looked down to see Allen crawling over him, coming up to meet Tyki's gaze. 
"You really don't listen, do you?" 
A shiver ran down Tyki's spine at the sugar sweet tone of Allen's voice. 
"Now, Daddy. What did I say I was going to do, if you touched me without my okay?" Allen said, pressing his knee into Tyki's hard cock. A shiver shook Tyki's entire body, but he clamped his jaw shut, not uttering a word. Allen tutted in disappointment. He dug his knee in harder, his hand coming up to grip Tyki's long hair. Turning Tyki’s face to the side, Allen could see Tyki’s neck muscles strain as he pressed his face into the bed. Tyki's back arched, his breath coming out in a rush.
“Punishment!” Tyki finally relented, “You said-”
Allen cut Tyki off, leaning forward and putting more weight on Tyki’s dick. A strangled groan left Tyki as he wiggled, trying to free himself of the pressure. Allen placed his hands on Tyki’s chest, pinning him to the bed. He watched in amusement as Tyki struggled to talk.
“If I touched you, punishment,” Tyki managed to say. 
“That's right, Daddy. And what did you do?” 
“I touched you.” Tyki ground out through clenched teeth.
“That's right.” Allen purred, getting off of Tyki.
Tyki took in a deep breath as he watched Allen crawl off the bed. Allen leaned down, the sound of rustling cloth meeting Tyki's ears. When Allen stood back up, he had Tyki's leather belt in his hands as he smiled down at Tyki.
"Now then, let's fix this nasty habit you have, shall we?" Allen said, snapping the belt in his hands. The sharp sound echoed in the room, Tyki's dick twitching at the noise. Allen crawled back on to the bed, taking up a kneeling position beside Tyki's head. Grabbing both of Tyki's arms Allen tied them to the headboard with the belt. 
"Don't do that, I promise I won't touch you again..." Tyki said, leaning his head back to watch Allen dutifully do his task.
Allen just giggled, giving the restraints a pull. Satisfied that they were tight, but not hurting, he crawled back on top of Tyki. Leaning down Allen gave him a kiss, Tyki eagerly accepting the passionate kiss, both of them moaning at the feel of their tongues sliding against each other. 
Allen soon pulled back, his hands resting on Tyki's chest for balance as he leaned back, grinding down on Tyki. Tyki gasped at the sudden contact, squirming a bit under Allen. 
"Stop teasing me, just get on with it." Tyki huffed.
"Tsk, tsk Daddy. You know that's not how things happen around here. What do you say?" Allen said slyly. 
"I'm not saying it, Boy." 
Allen started grinding down on Tyki, feeling the hotness of Tyki's hard cock against his ass. Tyki moaned, hips jutting up to meet Allen, wishing he could relieve some of the ache in his groin.
"You know that's not what I want to hear." Allen said, his voice taking on a breathy tone, knowing it would drive Tyki mad.
“I'm not saying it." Tyki said, struggling to think coherently. Allen placed his hands on Tyki's thighs, grinding down even harder, moving his hips in a way that he knew would make Tyki beg. Tyki let out a choked groan, his hands curled in their restraints.
"Say it, Daddy~” Allen said, his voice coming out in breathy moans. He rocked forward, pressing his covered erection into Tyki's stomach. 
"Fuck me!" Tyki shouted, finally giving in. "God! Please!" 
Allen smiled, Tyki's breath shuddering at the cat-like smirk on Allen's face. 
“There we go, was that so hard?" Allen said sweetly. Tyki just sat there, chest heaving.
Tyki felt Allen get off of him, walking around the side of the bed where Tyki could see him better.
"Look over here Daddy, I'm sure you'll want to see this." 
Tyki's breath stopped at the word choice, craning his neck to the side to look at Allen.
Allen stood there, face flushed a rosy red, a bulge showing through his underwear. His hands were resting on the back of his neck, but when he saw that Tyki was looking at him, he began to slowly drag them down his chest. He skimmed them down his sides, grinning at the way Tyki's lust-filled eyes followed their path.
Allen trailed his hands lower, brushing over his cock in a feather-light touch. A soft moan left him, his body shivering at the contact. He bit his lip, hiding a smirk when he watched Tyki's body jerk in response. Allen's hands continued their slow journey as they trailed down his thighs, caressing his inner thighs and playing with the straps of the garter belt as he went along. 
Finally stopping at the hooks that held his stockings in place, he unhooked them, the straps springing back into place from the lack of tension. Sliding his hands back up his thighs, Allen stopped when he reached his waistband, the tips of his fingers dipping inside.
He paused, watching Tyki's adam's apple bob as he swallowed in anticipation, his eyes glued to Allen's every movement. Allen grinned, drawing it out for a few more seconds before he slowly started to pull them down. Allen watched Tyki's body tremble in want, his breathing turning erratic as the underwear finally freed Allen's erection. 
Letting the underwear slide down his pale legs to the floor, Allen gracefully stepped out of them. He watched as Tyki's eyes followed the sway of his hips. He leaned over Tyki, trailing his fingers through the spots of pre-cum that had gathered on Tyki's stomach.
"Well Daddy, since you were so nice during my show, I'll be nice and finally get started."
Tyki's breath left him in a gust, swallowing heavily as he watched Allen reach for the bottle of lube on the bedside table. Getting back on to the bed, Allen straddled Tyki's thighs, popping open the bottle of lube and squirting some on to his hand. He wrapped his hand around Tyki's cock, giving it a couple quick pumps, watching Tyki's eyes flutter closed at the pleasure.
Once satisfied, Allen placed the bottle back onto the table and wiped his hand off on a small towel that was placed there.
"Wait, Boy,” Tyki gasped out, “aren't you going to prepare yourself?"  
Allen smiled, spreading his fingers through the trail of hair on Tyki's chest.
"Oh, I did that while I was getting changed." 
"Fuck, that's all I need to hear tonight." Tyki groaned. 
"Oh please, I know how much it turns you on when I say things like that. Plus, I know how much you like it when I prepare myself." Allen purred. 
"But I didn't get to see it." 
Allen gave Tyki's chest a soft scratch. "Next time, Daddy," he said with a wink, Tyki grinning at the promise. 
Allen positioned himself above Tyki's cock, lining himself up before slowly sinking down on top of him. Allen's groan at the intrusion was drowned out by Tyki's loud moan, finally getting the contact he wanted. Allen shivered from the full feeling of Tyki inside him as Tyki lay there gasping for air, trying to not thrust into Allen before he was ready.
Tyki looked up at Allen and nearly came at the sight of Allen above him.
Allen's eyes were tightly squeezed shut, his head tipped back slightly and his mouth was agape. His pink lips were swollen and glistening, his tongue darting out to wet them. His messed hair hung in front of his eyes and his cheeks were flushed a delicious pink, the blush trailing down his neck and chest.
Tyki's tongue swept over his lips, aching to taste the blush that crawled over Allen's usually pale skin.
When Allen was finally accustomed to the feeling of Tyki inside of him, he met Tyki's gaze, smiling as he smoothed his hands over Tyki's chest. He twitched his hips, but didn't move otherwise. 
"No, Boy, don't do this to me!" Tyki cried out, thumping his head on the bed. 
"You know what to say~," Allen said in a singsong voice. Tyki groaned in frustration, shallowly thrusting his hips. Allen gave a quiet grunt at the action, but still didn't move.
"Please, move, just - augh, please!" Tyki pleaded.
Allen hummed in satisfaction, before bringing his hips up then slamming them back down. Allen moaned, starting to thrust at a relatively slow pace. Tyki groaned at the movement and soon fell into a steady rhythm with Allen. 
"Move, faster, please." Tyki begged. Allen sighed in pleasure, picking up the pace, slamming down harder on to Tyki. 
Tyki moaned, thrusting hard up into Allen as he slammed down, revealing in the gasps and moans that the action dragged from Allen's full lips. The room was soon filled with the sounds of their ragged breaths and moans as their pace picked up. Tyki planted his feet on the bed to thrust into Allen harder, reaching deeper. Allen whined at the nearly painful thrusts, angling his hips so that Tyki would hit his sweet spot. 
Allen shouted as Tyki found it, his thighs quivering as he lifted himself up. He could feel himself nearing completion with the hard thrusts hitting his prostate head on. Bringing a hand down to his aching cock, Allen started to pump himself in time with Tyki's thrusts, moaning loudly at the attention on his previously ignored cock.
At the sight in front of him, Tyki pulled at his restrains, wanting so badly to throw Allen back onto the bed and fuck him until he couldn't walk. 
The thought quickly fled from his mind; his brain stuttering to a stop when Allen angled his hips just right.
"Oh, God, Allen," Tyki said, moaning Allen's name, his head falling back against the bed. Allen leaned down and placed a kiss to the centre of Tyki's chest, trailing his mouth over the expanse of bare skin. Allen took his hand off his cock, uncaring about the pre-cum slicking up his hand as he smoothed it over Tyki's chest, scratching and pinching at the skin. 
Allen trailed his lips up to Tyki's collarbone, Tyki's thrusts starting to lose their rhythm. That paired with his quivering body and Allen knew Tyki wouldn't last much longer. 
"Cum for me Daddy. Fill me up." Allen said, his voice husky, punctuating his words with a deep bite to Tyki's collarbone.
That was all it took for Tyki, and with a final thrust into Allen, Tyki's back arched up into those tantalizing lips and he finally came with Allen's name on his lips. 
As Tyki was coming down from his orgasm, he could feel Allen's legs tighten against his waist, his hands clawing against Tyki's chest. It wasn't long before Allen followed suit, throwing his head back and loudly moaning Tyki's name.
Allen laid down on top of Tyki, both of them gasping, trying to catch their breath. After a few moments Allen pulled himself off Tyki, groaning lightly at the loss. He leaned in to give Tyki a slow kiss before getting off and crawling up the bed to undo the restraints. With his hands free, Tyki flexed them slightly, trying to get rid of the stiffness. Once satisfied he folded them under his head, watching as Allen threw the belt on the ground with a loud noise, joining the other discarded clothes on the floor. 
"Hey, Boy?" Tyki questioned, watching Allen as he began to remove his bustier.
"Hmm?" Allen hummed as he finished with the bustier, throwing it over the edge of the bed to join the other clothes. 
"Can I touch you now?" 
Allen burst out laughing, reaching out for Tyki.
“Of course, Love! C'mere,” Allen said, pulling Tyki to him.
"Finally!” Tyki said, tackling Allen to the bed. Allen laughed, wrapping his arms around Tyki's shoulders as Tyki peppered kisses along his neck. Allen giggled at the ticklish feeling, running his hands over Tyki's broad back as Tyki kissed along Allen's jaw before placing short, sweet kisses on his lips. Tyki's hands roamed over Allen's body, simply wanting to touch the other man. Allen sighed at the attention, nuzzling his face into Tyki's mane of dark curls. 
"Here, Boy, let me help you remove those." Tyki said, leaning back so he was sitting on his knees. His hands were at Allen's waist, resting on the garter belt that Allen still wore. Allen giggled, lifting his hips and arching his back so Tyki could reach the clasp at the back. 
After undoing it and throwing it on the floor as well, Tyki's hands trailed down to Allen's thigh-highs, hooking his fingers under the hem and pulling them down as well. Allen lifted his leg, helping Tyki to remove them, watching as they were thrown to the side, joining the other clothes. Tyki laid back down on top of Allen, propping his elbows on either side of Allen's head.
Tyki ran his hands through Allen's hair, his hands playing with the soft strands as he gave Allen slow, sweet kisses. Allen's arms encircled Tyki, drawing aimless designs on the other’s back. They both sighed contently, basking in the presence of each other.
"You really do like to touch me, don't you?" Allen asked in between kisses, Tyki soon trailing them down Allen's neck and shoulder, as well as giving him the occasional nuzzle. 
"You know I do Boy, that's why I hate it when you say I can't." Tyki said into Allen's smooth skin. 
"No, you don't," Allen said, burying his nose in to Tyki's hair, breathing in the scent of sweat and sex.
"...Okay, maybe I don't." 
Allen laughed at that, Tyki soon joining in.
Allen brought his hands up and held Tyki's face in his hands, smoothing his thumbs across Tyki's cheeks. 
"Well how about this, next time, you can touch me as much as you like, no matter what I say." Allen said, pecking Tyki on the lips. Tyki smiled at that. 
"Oh, I am definitely going to take you up on your offer," Tyki said, leaning down to kiss Allen.
“Good. Now though, it's time to get off, Love. It's time for us to get cleaned up.” Allen said, pushing slightly on Tyki's shoulders.
“Tyki!” Allen said laughing.
“I'm not.” Tyki said, wrapping his arms around Allen, burying his face into Allen's neck. Allen just giggled, running his hands along Tyki's hair.
“Fine, five more minutes, then we're getting up.”
A noise of agreement came from Tyki, Allen just laughing to himself as he placed a kiss on Tyki's temple. 
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thefaithie · 5 years
WC, Chapter 6
Wrong Conclusions Chapter six: Echoed Farewells
For a long time, Raven and Robin went from roof to roof, looking for their friends. The entire time, Raven continued to tell Robin how silly he was acting and how the their friends were likely just shopping together, while Robin ignored all of her insults and unnecessary comments. Finally, after almost thirty minutes of searching, they saw two familiar figures stepping out of an amusement park. Robin stared blankly for a moment from his hiding place at the very top of a Ferris Wheel, looking around at the rest of the park.
"No wonder I couldn't reach them. All these electronics are jamming the signal," he muttered to himself before getting a closer look at Beast Boy and Starfire in particular. His eye twitch came back as he noticed that the two had even changed out of their uniforms, just like Cyborg had insisted. Beast Boy had put on a pair of normal black jeans, and a purple-and-black sweater, making him look considerably less silly than he usually did in his Doom Patrol uniform. Starfire, though she still wore her Tamaranian armor, was wearing somewhat of a light-purple sweater that reached up to her elbows instead, and a matching knee-high skirt, causing her to look considerably more innocent than usual. Even though it was actually less skin than she normally showed, Robin for some reason felt almost uncomfortable seeing her like so, like there was something private and intimate about it he wasn't supposed to see without her explicit permission.
"Okay. They went on a Roller Coaster or two. Whoop-dee-do," Raven said sarcastically from behind Robin, her hood covering her face. "Can we go now, oh paranoid leader?"
"Not yet!" Robin hissed, looking at Starfire laugh at something Beast Boy had said, and the green boy blushing a moment later. The Boy Wonder gritted his teeth, desperately wishing he could hear what the two superheroes were saying to one another...
"You did not expect for it to have been a true villain?" Starfire asked Beast Boy, hugging a tiger-plushie Beast Boy had won for her to her chest. They had been talking about the strange villain attack from the previous week, and Starfire found the story to be very amusing from Beast Boy's point of view. Beast Boy had been rather short in his official report to Robin; this version was much more interesting.
"Well, no," Beast Boy said honestly, blushing even darker than he had a moment before. The memory was an embarrassing one. "He came into the hospital and started to bother the doctors, right? So I tried t'calm the dude down! Next thing I knew, when my back was turned, I was sailing right through a wall!"
Starfire giggled once again, finding the mental image amusing, of course, knowing that Beast Boy was currently safe and unharmed. A second later, though, she paused in confusion. "Beast Boy, why is it you were in the hospital? Usually, people go to the hospital when they are wounded. Were you in pain after the attack of the Trigon?"
Beast Boy blinked in surprise, not having expected Starfire to ask such a question. Yeah, I was in pain, but not in the way you're thinking of, Star…he couldn't help thinking. For a moment, he scratched the back of his head, wondering whether or not he should tell her the truth. He looked her over for a second, trying to decide. Her green eyes stared back at him in worry and confusion, and her lips were pouting in mild distress. Without realizing it, Beast Boy's face began to grow red again, but for a different reason, now.
"...Beast Boy? Your face is turning the same tint as friend Raven's when she finds something she does not like within her room."
"Huh?" Beast Boy stared blankly for a moment, and then began to laugh, tearing his eyes away from the Tamaranian. "It's nothing, I just thought I saw something. About the hospital - I was there mostly because I wanted to go visit some sick people. I used to do that a lot before we were big superheroes and had to run around the way we do, now. But after Trigon's attack, I decided to do it again. It's made me appreciate life a lot more, y'know?" He smiled at himself, feeling proud for having done something he thought was in the past. He loved kids, and sick ones needed a good laugh a lot more than others. "It was a good thing, too, because that Vampire-dude wanted something from one of the kids. If I wasn't there, I don't think we would've made it in time."
"What is it that he had wanted to obtain?" Starfire asked. And a second later, she added. "And what is this 'Vampire' of which you all continue to call this villain?"
Now it was Beast Boy's turn to laugh. After all of the horror movies he had forced the Titans to sit through, Starfire still didn't know what a vampire was? She still ad the weirdest knowledge gaps sometimes.
Starfire tilted her head in confusion, feeling a very light blush beginning to appear on her cheeks. "I was not aware that what I had uttered was meant to be taken as something entertaining..."
"Huh?" Beast Boy stopped in his laughter for a moment to see that he had actually embarrassed the girl. He coughed for a second to try and cover his laugh and rubbed his arm a bit, feeling awkward. For some reason, embarrassing Starfire simply wasn't the same as embarrassing Robin, Cyborg, or Raven. He felt almost guilty for doing so. After all, she didn't know too much about their culture. Why should she have paid attention to any of his horror movies, anyway?
"Er, no, you didn't say anything. I just saw somethin' really funny," He lied, before beginning an explanation. "Well, I have no idea what the guy wanted, really, but whatever it was, he wanted it from a certain kid. The jerk hurt a bunch of ladies at the front, trying to get the kid's information. I gave the kid a Communicator, just in case something happens again. As for what a vampire is, they're these big myth things we have from Romany."
Starfire stared at Beast Boy in confusion for a moment. "Ro...many?"
"Yeah, Romany. It's a country in Europe or Antarctica or something, vhere dey all speek like diiis!" Beast Boy did his best to impersonate the Romanian accent. Starfire tilted her head at him.
"But Beast Boy, is that country not called 'Romania?'"
Beast Boy winced in realization. She was right.
"Well, yeah, but you can call it Romany, too!" He said, not sure himself if that was right or not, but it sounded like it must have been. He found that it was very easy to not seem like a total fool in front of Starfire. She not only believed everything he said, but she also knew what it felt like to be embarrassed for not knowing something. She was nothing like cold, cool, smart Raven, who never fumbled for a word. "Either way, Vampires have long fangs and are supposed to drink the blood of other people. Usually they have super strength and can disappear into the night and stuff. It's just these creatures based off of vampire bats, which are actually totally docile and only like to take blood from farm animals. So the real bats technically drink blood, too, but these Vampire things are totally fake. Oh, and Vampires, if they bite someone, that person's supposed to turn into their soulless zombie slave of theirs and...Star?"
Beast Boy cut himself off, looking back to notice that Starfire had stopped floating and had fallen out of step with him. She was now on her feet, shivering a bit with every word said. Her green eyes were brimming with tears of horror.
Shrieking laughter and words as cold as ice were echoing all across Starfire's mind. She remembered hands all over her body, in places she did not like being touched, and the scars they had left behind at her early age. She remembered every scar, as though they were back on her body, once again being inflicted by claws, fangs, and whips. She remembered all the horrible things she had seen within iron and stone walls, all of the horrible screams of agony and death she had heard. Tears quickly began to flow down her cheeks and her knees to felt weak. Her heart began to pound faster than it ever had before, and she began to emit whimpering sounds without even realizing it. She remembered everything, though she had spent so long trying to forget and push those memories away.
"Starfire!" Beast Boy ran back to her, feeling very confused and flustered. Great. He'd said something stupid! Augh, when was he going to learn to shut his mouth!? "Star, I'm-I'm really sorry! I have no idea what I said, but I didn't mean it, really! I'll make it up to you!"
Starfire swallowed for air, trying to find the strength to talk. It felt like she was drowning. But finally, she found her voice. It was barely more than a squeak as she spoke. "N-No, B-Beast Boy, i-it was nothing you had s-said. M-Memories of s-similar creatures plague my m-mind..."
"..Similar creatures? Star, you...you can't be serious," Beast Boy said, laughing a bit. But his laugh was more nervous than anything. After all, if huge insect-women who ate only Tamaraneans in their chrysalis form existed, why couldn't vampires? But still, it wasn't something Beast Boy wanted to accept yet if he didn't absolutely have to. "Vampire's aren't real."
"I-I know!" Starfire managed, feeling the heat from the tears on her cheeks. She felt very foolish for overreacting the way she was, but she couldn't simply shake it off. She'd managed to shake off the thought when she'd first seen the villain from far away a week ago, but now, with a description like that... "But you-your mention of the villain...H-He looks and s-sounds so m-much like one of them-!"
"Starfire, calm down...It's okay..." Beast Boy said, more quietly now, as he put his hands up in front of him to try and show her that everything was alright. "You're okay now..." As a friendly gesture, Beast Boy wrapped an arm around Starfire's shoulder. He hoped it would help snap her back into at least some form of reality. But his ears drooped a bit, as she did nothing more than shake her head to and fro, trying to force the voices from her mind.
"Star...Star, come on -- tell me what's wrong."
He whispered this closely into her ear, hugging her to him as he did so. In all of his years with the Titans, he had never seen Starfire in such a vulnerable state. She had always been powerful and giddy, or confused and curious. But never frightened to the point of crying, and in truth, it caused Beast Boy's heart to speed up in fear as well. After all, if there was something out there that could cause Starfire such horror, who knew what was in store for him or the other Titans.
"Please, Starfire, tell me..." He repeated, his green ears drooping even further.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Starfire's breath began to steady, though her face remained puffy and pink. Her shivering did not stop, but it lost some of its zeal. She took three steady breaths and gave a weak nod to Beast Boy's request.
"Y-yes, I sh-shall tell you."
The birds twittering above their heads in the orange and red leaves heard nothing. All they saw was the scene of two strange beings becoming closer, hugging, whispering to one another. And to the two Teen Titan birds atop the Ferris Wheel were no different.
"He-he's HUGGING her!" Robin shouted, surprising even himself. He saw only their backs, so he had not seen Starfire's tears. Only that Beast Boy had gotten close to her face, and then wrapped one of his arms around her. "He's hugging her! Right in the middle of the day, where anyone can see them! He probably told her something, lied to her about something! Augh, I'm going to kill Beast Boy when I see him, I swear-"
As Robin continued his threats and plans on what to do once Beast Boy returned home, Raven merely stared at the two as they slowly, ever so slowly, began to walk off, step-in-step. She felt their auras. She felt Starfire's face growing hot, her heart pounding, her gasps for breath. She felt Beast Boy's chest tightening, and him yearning for something from Starfire.
How...how could this have happened? How could those two -- of all the people in the universe -- have gotten together...?
And most importantly, why was she, Raven, so angry about it? She wasn't angry at anyone in particular. She didn't want to hurt Starfire or Beast Boy (though she felt like tearing Robin a new one if he didn't shut up soon). No, no...Raven felt angry with herself. She felt angry with herself for not having realized her feelings sooner. All of the times Beast Boy had made her laugh, all of the times he had caused her heart to freeze, all of the times he had made her worry ceaselessly, and Raven had never realized.
For a moment, Raven felt a sting in her eyes. Water...? No. No crying here. Not now. It was dangerous. She had to stay together. Together. Together.
Augh, Robin just wouldn't shut up!
"Give up!" Raven suddenly barked, causing Robin to pause his endless banter. "They're together, okay? We see that now. Starfire likes Beast Boy, Beast Boy likes Starfire. As long as they don't end up having kids running around the tower, who cares?"
Robin blinked in surprise, looking at Raven's shadowy figure in disbelief. Slowly, he turned his heel to look back down towards Starfire and Beast Boy. Starfire was so calm around Beast Boy. Beast Boy was just as calm around her. Beast Boy didn't feel ashamed putting his arm around Starfire. Beast Boy didn't feel like he was endangering the team. Beast Boy had gall that Robin had never been able to find, not even when Robin and Starfire had been alone together.
Beast Boy deserved Starfire more. Beast Boy had won.
"...You're right," Robin muttered weakly, forcing himself to look away from the two down below. The words tasted like acid. "We should let them get back to their date."
"Yeah, we should," Raven said in a moody tone.
But even though the two Titans had agreed, neither moved. They both looked down longingly at the pair below. Both of them shared feelings of heartache and self loathing in that moment, for not having realized their blatant feelings earlier. For not having said anything in time to have made any difference. For not doing anything to try and make themselves like their counterparts below.
It had been Beast Boy, after all, who had tried countless times to make Raven laugh. He had been shot down by her every time, without even a smile to keep his hopes up, no matter how Raven had felt like smiling on the inside. And there was Starfire. A free, innocent spirit who smiled at the slightest funny word, even if she didn't understand what the fuss was about. She appreciated Beast Boy rather than pushing him away like Raven did.
And Starfire had tried millions of times to get Robin to open up to her. She had made him feel awkward time and time again, and it had made Robin appreciate life all the more to know she was there. But Robin had not done as Starfire had wanted. He had refused to allow her to see any of his true emotions, his true feelings. But there was Beast Boy, who allowed everyone to know what he was feeling at all times. He was loose and didn't take life so seriously. He could enjoy a date without worrying about whether the bank was being robbed. He could make life fun for Starfire, rather than forcing her to always think of work.
As the two watched Starfire and Beast Boy walk off into the nearby, both Raven and Robin found themselves thinking the same words at the same time.
Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Robin, Cyborg, Silkie, and pretty much everything but the plot at hand belongs to © D. C. Comics/Cartoon Network/Kids WB
9/2019 Update:
Whoo! I'm keeping up! It's nice to see people still like reading this fic, even years later. I think it's a good sign of how good this cartoon had been when it came out.
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minijenn · 5 years
Out Too Far Preview 3
Another one of these cause I’m finally hitting my stride with this chapter and getting to the good stuff. I’m saving all the Big Drama moments for the chapter itself, but this is some good buildup to that, so enjoy!
“Thank you, Stan,” Garnet said, turning back to the conman as he boredly leaned against his boat. “You should head back to town. Things are going to get messy around here very soon. Trust me.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice, shades,” Stan sneered, preparing to climb back into his boat. That is, until he happened to catch a sudden odd glint on its otherwise empty wooden bottom. “Huh?” Confused, he reached down, realizing that this glint came from the metal of a blade he knew he hadn’t brought with him. A blade that was quickly withdrawn back under the seat it had been peeking out from under the moment he skimmed it. And of course, based on that, it didn’t take Stan very long at all to figure out what was going on here. “Alright, kid, the jig is up,” he said, reaching under the seat in full and grabbing a fistful of his nephew’s vest in the process. Dipper gasped in surprise as the conman hoisted him up, giving him a broad, disapproving look, one that the Gems all shared as they realized he had secretly followed them along.
“O-oh, uh… h-hey, you guys!” he laughed uncomfortably. “Crazy seeing you all here too, huh?”
“Dipper!” Pearl exclaimed, baffled by this reveal. “What on earth are you doing here?! I thought we told you to stay behind at the barn with Mabel and Steven!”
“Y-yeah, you did,” Dipper glanced away sheepishly as Stan finally set him down. “I just… didn’t really choose to listen to you guys on that? Though, I guess that’s kind of obvious since I’m here in the first place…”
“Kid, how’d you even get out here?” Stan asked, arms crossed. “Don’t tell me you stowed away in my trunk. Cause if you did… well, I gotta say I’m kinda impressed. Guess you have more of my genes in you than Ford’s. Heh, remind me to rub that in his face later.”
“Stan! Don’t encourage this kind of behavior!’ Pearl huffed, annoyed.
“Dipper,” Garnet spoke up, her tone stern yet steady. “You know we only told you to stay behind for your own safety.”
“I do know, but you guys don’t have to worry about me!” Dipper insisted, drawing his sword. “I can defend myself, and maybe I won’t even have to do that if I can just find a way to reach Lapis somehow. Who knows? Maybe I might even be able to convince her to unfuse!”
“Convince her?” Amethyst asked, incredulous. “Dude, have you even seen Malachite? She’s like, completely bonkers! I don’t think just talking to her is really gonna solve this one. Though I’ll give you points for coming up with a very Steveny way to deal with it.”
“But I-” Before Dipper could argue his stance any further, the entire island suddenly shook from its very foundation, nearly knocking the entire group to the ground. The entire surface of the lake seemed to ripple, until the shifting waters practically turned into waves. And from those waves, on the far side of the island but still in sight of the group on its shore, a massive shape began to emerge, thrashing against the chains that had once held her down violently and growling in her heated struggle all the while.
“It… it’s her…” Dipper whispered in shock the moment he saw her. All at once, it was as though he had been struck by the very same anguish he had felt when he had first watched her drag herself into the depths far too long ago. The pain he had felt in all of his failed and futile efforts in trying to get her back. But not again, not today. For today he resolved to push that pain aside in the hopes that he could finally be free from it, that they could both finally be free once and for all.
“Stan, get back on the boat and take Dipper back to town,” Garnet ordered firmly. “Now.”
“No!” Dipper protested, though before he could rush forward, Stan swiftly grabbed him by the arm.
“Listen, kid, just because you’ve got some kinda crazy death wish doesn’t mean I do,” the conman remarked as he began to drag his nephew back towards the boat. “Now c’mon, let’s skip outta here while we still can.”
No sooner had Stan said this, however, then a massive wave, caused by Malachite’s continued fearsome struggling against herself, suddenly burst out of the water and crashed onto the shore. Amethyst acted quickly, shifting herself into an umbrella large enough to shield the entire group, lest they be carried away by the water entirely. But what hadn’t been spared was Stan’s boat, which was easily dragged out of the shore’s reach when the wave quickly retreated. Given how tumultuous the lake’s surface already was thanks to the restless fusion, it didn’t take long for yet another high wave to overwhelm the small boat entirely, snapping it clean in half before dragging both halves down into the depths.
“Nooooo!” Stan cried, running out into the shallows to try and salvage his sinking ship. “My boat!”
“Well, that’s… convenient,” Dipper noted largely to himself before turning back to the Gems with a triumphant grin. “Oh well, looks like you guys have to let me stay here and help after all.”
“No, we don’t,” Pearl shook her head, adamant. “Both of you need to find somewhere to hide where Malachite won’t be able to see you. As destructive and out of control as she is, there’s no telling what she’d do if she spotted two humans in her range.”
“Oh, come on!” Dipper sighed petulantly, getting incredibly tired of being told no on this matter.
“No, you come on, kid,” Stan reiterated, grabbing Dipper’s arm once more and more or less dragging him towards the island’s dense forest. “It’s bad enough I lost my only boat, I’m not about to lose my only life too. Oh, and uh, you I guess.”
Dipper scowled, quite disgruntled as the conman forced him just past the tree line and into the woods. However, just past that tree line happened to be pair of Watermelon Stevens, completely oblivious to the danger that was only just beginning to beset their peaceful island home. Instead, they were simply content to enjoy playing their makeshift bongos together, or at least they were until one of them suddenly seized up and collapsed to the ground before snapping back to life just as quickly.
When Steven awakened, it didn’t take him very long to realize that his aim had been successful. For sure enough, with a single glance down, he found the short, green, stubby legs of one of his watermelon doubles rather than his own. The young Gem allowed himself a small celebratory cheer at this (or as much of a cheer as he could get out since his speech was quite limited in this form) before quickly getting up and rushing down to the shore, leaving a very confused other Watermelon Steven behind.
All the same, Steven broke out of the woods only to find the Gems, standing together against Malachite, who was still engrossed in a struggle all her own to the point that she hadn’t even noticed their presence yet. “Alright,” Garnet said, extending her hands out to her teammates. “Let’s put an end to this.”
Pearl and Amethyst agreed, simultaneously breaking into a synchronized, smooth dance towards Garnet, who did the same as she remained stationary. And as the trio met, with hardly any effort at all, their forms lit up, joining together and rising up to form a force that would finally be enough of a match for Malachite herself: Alexandrite.
At the same time, Malachite’s own internal fight only seemed to intensify as she tugged hard against her aquatic chains and manacles. For weeks now, the bonds had remained steady and constant, Lapis’ own intense fortitude and resolve proving enough to weigh them both down. However, Jasper wasn’t the type to let herself stay buried under the surface for too long, and sure enough, she had brutishly pushed her way past the blue Gem’s restraints, entirely bursting free from them entirely.
“Augh! Give UP!” the twisted fusion shouted, her disjointed voice echoing across the lake. With one final, fierce pull, the watery chains snapped, at last releasing Malachite, or rather, her more vicious half from her lengthy imprisonment. “Finally…” she grinned, rubbing her wrist where the manacles had once held her. “I’m impressed. You really held out.”
“MALACHITE!” Alexandrite’s fearsome shot rippled across the water as the powerful fusion splashed into the shallows of the lake herself, ready to square off. While initially surprised, Malachite sneered as she turned to her, recognizing well the group of Gems that this opposing fusion was composed of.
“Hmph, they’re here. Figures they’d come running to protect all those stupid humans,” the twisted fusion turned her nose up at the crowd of townsfolk still spectating on the distant main shore. Even so, as submerged in their shared mind as she now was, Malachite’s other half growled in protest at the thought of exactly who might possibly be within that group. “Ugh! Stop!” she hissed, forcing her other half back into the darkness of their fusion’s existence. “Pathetic! Don’t you see? We’ve been holding us back for too long! And for what? If we’re going to be this thing together, why don’t we have some fun?”
“We don’t have to fight!” Alexandrite appealed, all six of her hands clenched into tight fists. “You’re outnumbered.”
Malachite didn’t respond right away, bowing her head low as she tightened her own fists for battle. As she did, two similar arms rose up from the water, composed entirely of liquid and just as ready for the fray ahead as she was. “I may be outnumbered… but you’re out of your depth!” With two swift sings, the water fists both slammed into Alexandrite, catching her off guard and sending her stumbling back in the water, unsteady but hardly ready to fall to pieces so easily. “I can’t wait to tear you Gems apart!”
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