#just...just ignore kurono
angie-starz · 3 months
Dropping as much content as I can before vacation ends
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There will be more, I just found a new fic and I'm gonna make art of it, see you in a few hours
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bmpmp3 · 23 days
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gives your vocal synth a chronic illness. metatextually.
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narumi-gens · 4 months
Triptych | "You left me alone."
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Chisaki Kai x f!Reader
summary: Your life is nothing more than a triptych, a work of art in three parts with each panel depicting a distinct period — a beginning, a middle, an end. And in the triptych that is your life, the central figure has always been Chisaki Kai.
chapter warnings: 18+ minors/blank/ageless blogs dni, yandere, angst, imprisonment, emotional manipulation, emotional/psychological abuse, depression, reader stops eating, codependency, abandonment issues
notes: this is from a non-chronological series so the parts can be read in any order (or on their own). shoutout to the anon who asked me a very long time ago when their "husband" (triptych) was "coming home from war" (unofficial hiatus). he's back, bb!
words: 1.5k
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The End
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It’s hard to gauge time in the darkness. With no window to keep track of whether it’s day or night, the only way to track the passage of time is by the three daily meals that are left for you by a masked and silent guard. When you were first locked away, it was easy to count the meals and thus the days.
But as the days and the darkness and the isolation stretch on, your grasp on reality begins to slip. It’s difficult in the blackness to tell if your eyes are open or closed — if you’re sleeping or if you’re awake. Is this meal the first of the day or the second? Maybe it’s the third. 
The longer you spend in this room, in this cell, the more you can feel the life slowly draining from you. Eventually, you stop eating, your appetite fading altogether along with your will to keep fighting. 
Your faceless, nameless guard brings you a meal, only to take away an untouched one. You don’t know how long this goes on for. All you know is it doesn’t take long for your body to feel as fragile as your mind. 
Until one day, when the door to your prison opens and the figure holding a tray and standing in the doorway, backlit by the light from the hallway — the only light you ever see anymore — isn’t your usual guard. 
Despite the way your heart races at the sight of someone new, someone familiar, you remain still, too tired and weak to move even if you wanted to. All you can do is look at him with eyes squinting from the sudden brightness. 
“You’re not eating,” Kurono points out needlessly from the doorway. You can’t help but wonder if you’re dreaming. How long has it been since you’ve heard a voice other than the one in your head?
You watch in a daze as he walks toward you and sets the tray down on the table beside the twin-sized bed that you’ve been curled up in since you were first put here. The scent of your lunch, or maybe it’s dinner, reaches your nose and while your stomach reacts with a deep pang of hunger, you still feel no real appetite to actually eat what Kurono has brought you. 
You glance at the tray and see a shallow bowl on top. It must be a broth, something easy to digest after days — has it been days? — of eating nothing. When you look back at Kurono, you find that his head is tilted down in your direction. With his mask covering the entirety of his face, you can only assume that he’s turned his attention fully to you. 
There’s an unfamiliar sense of longing deep down inside of you. You wish he would take off the stupid mask. You’re desperate to see another person’s face.
“How-” you’re cut off by a small cough, your throat dry and scratchy, unused to speaking after so long spent alone in the dark. “How long have I been here?”
Kurono stays silent, refusing to answer your question. Against your will, tears begin to blur your vision from how much it hurts to be ignored by someone you know so well after having been locked away by yourself for so long. You must look pitiful because he softly sighs.
“You need to eat,” he says and even through your haze, you can hear his weariness. 
You wonder if he’s truly concerned or if he’s just tired of the irritable mood that Kai has surely been in since he put you here. But as you continue to stare up at him, you decide that it isn’t a fair assumption. For as long as you’ve known Kurono, whatever’s important to Kai is important to him. 
And apparently, there’s nothing of greater importance to him than you. Except for one thing…
“E-Eri,” you breathe out, a new type of desperation taking hold. “How’s Eri? Is she safe? Is she okay?”
They’re all stupid questions. Of course she isn’t safe. Of course she isn’t okay. She won’t be safe until you can take her far, far away from the Hassaikai and Kai. 
“If you don’t eat, Eri will be the one to pay.” The words are Kai’s even if they’re coming from Kurono, and they cut just the same.
Your next question escapes you before you’re even able to fully process it.
“Where’s Kai?” you rasp and you should feel embarrassed. You should feel ashamed for asking after the man who’s torturing a little girl, who incapacitated your father, who locked you away in the dark for what must have been weeks by this point. 
You should feel ashamed for asking after the man who’s been quietly controlling you and isolating you and manipulating you for your whole life. 
But you’re just so lonely. You would give anything to be free of the darkness.
Right now, you want nothing more than to see Kai, and the realization has a single tear finally escaping your eye and rolling across the bridge of your nose
“Kurono,” you weakly plead with a pathetic sniffle when he doesn’t answer you. “Hari…Where’s Kai?”
The use of his given name seems to soften his stony demeanor because he gives another quiet sigh.
“Eat,” he says, gentler this time, but you’re already beginning to spiral. The small hint of kindness he’s shown you, even when it’s dripping with pity, is too much for you to handle when you’ve been isolated and alone for so long.
“Please, tell him I don’t want to be here anymore,” you cry. You squeeze your eyes shut in a futile attempt to hold back your tears as the pillow beneath you quickly turns wet. “Tell him I’m sorry.”
The feeling of a warm hand on the side of your head has you opening your eyes back up to find Kurono now kneeling down at your bedside. His mask is held in his other hand, allowing you to see the slight frown on his lips as he watches you cry.
“You’ll feel better if you eat something,” he assures you and you want to protest, to continue to waste away into nothingness, but you remember Eri. 
Eri, who’s suffering, who’s being tortured, who will pay the price should you keep refusing to eat, who will truly have no one on her side if you disappear.
And so, after looking up at Kurono for a long moment, you weakly nod. It’s his steady hand that helps you sit up, holding you carefully but firmly when you feel lightheaded. Once he seems to think you’re no longer at risk of collapsing back onto the bed, he releases you to bring the tray to your side. 
Then, as if you’re nothing more than a child, he raises the bowl and brings a small spoonful of the broth to your chapped lips for you to sip. Anger bubbles in your stomach and you feel the urge to shove away the spoon, the bowl, and Kurono for the infantilizing behavior. 
The anger is almost a relief, letting you know that you’re capable of feeling something, anything, other than despair. But again, you think of Eri and swallow the broth without complaint. Just as you do when he gives you another spoonful and then another, eating what you’re given until you’re full, which admittedly doesn’t take too long. 
He gives you a soft smile before putting his mask back on, picking up the tray, and leaving you alone in the darkness once more. He doesn’t visit again, but the meals continue to show up on their usual schedule, three times a day, evolving from broths to more nutritious food once your stomach can handle something more. 
But one day — you’re not sure how many days later — instead of waking up to a meal, you open your eyes to find Kai sitting on the edge of your bed, patiently watching you. 
There’s a part of you that thinks you’re imagining his presence, or that maybe it’s a dream, until he places a glove-free hand on your cheek. His touch is achingly familiar and you’re overcome with self-loathing at how much comfort it provides you.
“Kai?” you breathe, tears of relief blurring your vision. His thumb gently brushes away the first one that escapes. Your own hand comes up to cover his where it cups your cheek, desperately and pathetically clinging onto him in a wordless plea for him not to let you go. 
“You said you’d never leave me alone, but you did,” you start to cry. “You left me alone.”
He lets you weep, his thumb continuing to swipe away the tears that he can catch with a touch that both burns and soothes. He offers no explanation or words of consolation, silently and calmly watching as you fall apart before him. 
It’s only when your sobs have started to die down that he encourages you to look back up at him with his touch.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” he finally asks.
All you can do is move closer to him so you can bury your face in his lap as a fresh wave of tears comes over you. 
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hey-hamlet · 9 months
i NEED to see what you come up with for prompt 3 for shirosaki and momose
Briefly, he wonders when this turned into a Cinderella story.
Kentaro had had worse days. He'd had so much worse than his boss berating him in public, near to screaming, spit flying. He couldn't help but cringe inwards at the looks passersby were shooting them, couldn't help by press himself further against the wall as Kurono advanced. He saw his hand coming a mile away. He didn't even try to dodge. What was the point? A slap was better than a punch was better than a kick was better than -
Kentaro opened his eyes (when had he closed them?) dumbfounded at what he saw. Kurono's wrist was caught in a punishingly tight grip. A man with cool golden eyes glared at him through ash blonde hair.
"Shirosaki, where did you -" Another man, with black hair and a warm face, peered at the three of them over his glasses. "Ah - always finding something interesting, aren't you?" He straightened himself, eyes turning flinty. "I'll take care of him, why don't you take that handsome young man to get a cool drink, hm?" The first man - Shirosaki, apparently - dropped Kurono's arm like so much trash. Ignoring his increasingly incoherent cursing, he turned to Kentaro as he was trying to meld into the wall in shame.
Gently, oh so gently, he took Kentaro's arm, walking him over to a nearby bench. Kentaro was so overwhelmed he didn't notice him leave and flinched violently when something moved in the corner of his eye. When nothing happened, he cast his eyes up. It was Shirosaki, looking lip bitten and heartbroken, holding out a bottle of jasmine tea. Flushing a deep red, he took it, clutching it in both hands. His stomach was a painful knot of anxiety.
"I'm - I'm really sorry. About everything, it must have been - I don't -" A hand on his shoulder interrupted him. Shirosaki was looking at him intently, cat-like eyes focused on his.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. You've done nothing wrong."
Kentaro really couldn't be blamed if he started to cry at that, silent tears dripping down his face. Shirosaki coloured abruptly, flustered and nervous, pressing a handkerchief into his hands.
Just as flustered, he pressed it against his face, trying to hide his blotchy cheeks. It smelt like fabric softener.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Hey queen can you do one where Angel and Kai switch bodies before his really important meeting
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"This is bad." Your voice echoed in the room, but you yourself hadn't said that since you were a bit busy freacking out on the other side of the room, almost tearing your boyfriend's hair out as you rambled on how fucked up this was.
It was just you guys luck. Right when you were both having a discussion, not a bad one at least, a guy stumbled over you two and had accidentally used his quirk.
It could only be that since you didn't knew others ways to just out of no where change bodies with your significant other.
"Bad? That's ALL you have to say?!" It was strange to hear Kai's voice speaking what you wanted bit it was definitely more weird to hear it shouting in such a panicky and unlike way of him while yours was just calm and... cold... like him.
"Well, naturally. I have a meeting in 5 minutes no less." He groaned, imitating how he would massage his temples when he got irritated only to cringe at not feeling your hands with gloves... well, now temporally those were his hands.
"Oh because that's what is really important to you." You grumbled while taking off this dammed beak mask he used "How can you even breath in these for so long?"
"Maybe the effect of this sickness will wear it off soon, I hope." He growled in irritation, totally ignoring in purpose your question.
What a brat of a man.
"Overhaul." You both flinched when Chrono suddenly opened the door of his office "Hate to interrupt, but the clients are already here."
"Chronostasis I-"
"T-Tell them I will be there." You interrupted your boyfriend, which made him death glares at you with a expression almost screaming what the fuvk were you doing.
As soon as Chrono left you breathed in and out as Kai flicked your forehead, having to stand on his tip toes to do it since now he was in your body.
"Have you lost your mind?!" He hissed as you rubbed the spit with na eye roll.
"You prefer to tell Kurono what happened? Considering your pride and all?" You arched an eyebrow at him which, in your expression, grew even more annoyed "Thought so."
"Do you even have any idea how to-"
"Yeah yeah try to not get this place bankrupt." You already left as he trailed behind you in panic
You slammed the door on his face.
"The fucking audacity of this woman-"
"I... I can't believe it."
You snorted. You guys had returned to your bodies a few minutes ago. And now, with crossed arms over your chest you just watched in satisfaction as your boyfriend got to see your actual progress to finish a deal and even get more money from his products than he usually could.
"Not so bad eh?"
He watched you for a moment before sighing.
If only you knew he wasn't desperate because he thought you would destroy his deal... he was actually terrified you would discover where the source of his bullets came from... he knew the moment you discover that Eri wasn't with a uncle from her father's side and that Pops coma was because of his dues.... you wouldn't not only forgive him, you wouldn't even look at his eyes anymore.
And even though he hated to admit it... but he grew dependent on you. He couldn't live without you near him anymore...
He couldn't lose you.
He was selfish. Yes.
But as he saw you beaming with pride and just mocking him a bit... he just sighed, faking annoyance as he allowed himself to relax a bit...
He could pretend that you wouldn't discover his doing for a little bit longer and just enjoy what seemed like a normal relationship with you for a while...
That's what he wanted.
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paralyze-fic · 11 months
Chapter 49
Everyone looked around after I voiced my question, but Lockrock spoke.
"He jumped to protect Eraser too, but he was absorbed into Fatgum's body," I nodded in understatement.
"Paralyze," Sir called me. "Go and look for Lemillion, I have... a bad feeling."
This is unusual, Sir never had a bad feeling, and if he did he ignored it or looked into the future, but... his voice was serious and kind of nervous. Without hesitating, I nodded and ran ahead as the walls were shifting again.
I ran through the halls, remembering the right way, and far ahead I encountered another freaking wall. I didn't stop running, and clenching my jaw, I enhanced my arms, placed them in front of me like a shield and broke through it.
My jacket ripped in some places and my hands had some rubble sticking into them, making me wince in pain. But when I looked up, I noticed two unconscious bodies and a weird wall.
Togata senpai's voice was coming through it.
I got closer quietly but quickly, noticing there was a tiny opening where I could squeeze through, but before I did that, I peeked through it.
And I did just in time.
"A hero's cape..." senpai punched Chisaki, who fell back, "It's to protect a little girl who's feeling a terrible pain!" Moving a bit to get a better look, I noticed another one of Chisaki's allies.
I recognized him as Kurono, I made him stop as he went to grab the gun, and then senpai kicked him away.
Then I made my entrance, squeezing in the gap and hiding behind one of the sharp rocks that Chisaki had made.
And that was when I made eye contact with Eri, who was covered by senpai's cape, she seemed happy for a second but then her eyes were filled with tears, a sad expression on her face.
It broke my heart.
But that aside for a second, I peeked a bit and Chisaki was about to touch the ground, so I stopped his arm.
"Ugh!" He groaned painfully and suddenly made eye contact with me, "You goddamn brats!" My quirk released him and his hands touched the ground, Togata senpai ran to hold Eri up, "Give me Eri back!"
His attack didn't do anything to me because I jumped and my fingers broke the ceiling, holding onto it, and for a few seconds, I stopped Chisaki again.
I would've made him pass out, but he was moving around too much! Even when my quirk was affecting him.
My fingers let go of the ceiling and my enhanced legs broke the ground and shook it.
While Togata was fighting Chisaki, I stopped his muscles, allowing senpai to get more hits on him, but I failed to notice the noise coming from my side.
"I am..." senpai punched Chisaki hard, making him fall to the ground, "Stronger!"
But his hand reached inside his jacket, pulling something out and staring towards his left, "Shoot, Nemuto!"
Chisaki yelled and threw something close to where I was.
My eyes drifted to my right side, where Nemuto was conscious and grabbing the gun, loading it with the two quirk-disable bullets that fell out of the casket. He was aiming at Eri.
It felt like forever, but the two seconds after I activated my quirk went past and he groaned in pain, but his finger on the trigger of the gun still pulled it. I moved towards it, willing to get hit by it, but it ripped a piece of my jacket and went straight at Togata senpai, who had run to protect Eri.
I turned back to Nemuto, who was still holding the gun up, but now pointing at me. Now I concentrated my quirk on making him pass out, but the mixed feelings I had inside made me lose focus and his arm stayed still.
He was going to shoot me now too...
Right as I was going to allow him to shoot at me, my mind flashed with the memory of Eijiro and I talking during the special attacks training.
"I'm curious, (M/n)." His voice made me turn to look at him, "If you made your muscles as strong as they can, could your body turn like mine?" And he showed me his hardened arm.
I've trained that secretly, and I could never do it.
But now it was worth the try.
I stored all of the energy in my left arm, tensing my muscles until the point of pain, but I kept going, right before the muscles ripped. As I did this, everything seemed to be going in slow motion, but it wasn't, and that bullet was just shot out of the gun's barrel.
Quickly... faster... come on.
The entirety of my left arm was glowing a light blue, getting darker the more I forced it to harden until it just disappeared.
Or it seemed like it did.
But it had become transparent and had the same patterns Eijiro has on him when he's hardening his body. It was like a reptile's skin almost, covering my left arm's skin.
And then the bullet hit it.
A stinging pain went through my whole body, making me slightly stumble back, but my quirk was still there, the energy shield disappearing.
"Wha-?!" Nemuto's surprised voice made me stare at him.
And I finally made him pass out.
Togata senpai got up, and we looked at each other, I felt bad for not being able to protect him, but I couldn't think about that now.
We have a fight to win and a little girl to save.
"It's funny. The girl you're trying to save... her power has just taken away everything!" Chisaki was about to kneel to touch the floor, but suddenly senpai kicked Kurono and his unconscious body flew towards Chisaki, allowing Togata to run and punch him.
During the next minutes that followed, I spent it stopping Chisaki's muscles and stomping down the ground or punching his pointy pillars as they were shot my way. I was feeling the muscles on my left arm tensing painfully, but I couldn't... I wasn't going to stop.
Not until I knew Eri was safe.
But at the moment... Togata senpai and I were too worn out and I was reaching my limit, a piercing headache making my eyes twitch and my jaw clench.
Our costumes were ripped everywhere and I had completely lost my jacket, half of my t-shirt was intact, and my body had quite a few scratches and a couple of deep wounds, but I managed to break his attacks right as they were about to pierce through my stomach. I also tried to take care of most attacks towards Chisaki because I noticed it.
Togata wasn't using his quirk. At all. And I could only assume those bullets had been completed.
I just got lucky with an improvised move on the spot. It should've been me, senpai had more chances and he was better than me-
A tiny hand gripping my jeans made me face away from Chisaki and look down. Eri was looking up at me, with those round red eyes of hers.
"Don't lose... please..." her eyes filled with tears and she pressed her face against my leg, "You promised it..."
"We probably can't help you now, Eri-chan, but we'll come back for you and rescue you, okay?" She stared at me with surprise.
"I promise, but keep it a secret, okay?" She nodded and smiled a bit.
That's right.
My jaw tightened and I placed my hand on top of her head, caressing her white flowy hair.
"We will win, Eri-chan." I stared into Chisaki's eyes with pure hatred, "And I'll make you smile again."
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number1villainstan · 1 year
Can we have some Nemoto headcannons? I’m very curious. ~🎑
Okay, so you got the general backstory in this post--Nemoto lived with his single mother until he was 10, got kidnapped, and then got shuffled from gang to gang and made a living and his freedom off of cons and blackmail. I've also mentioned that, you know, special interest in psychology. So let's have some different headcanons this time around! (I have a lot
I stole the headcanon that he was the first of the Eight from someone (who draws/drew funny little three-panel comics in black white and sepia who is it I can't remember the username) and the idea that he likes plants and takes care of some within the base from rumiknight here on Tumblr. I think plants might be another special interest of his? (I have no idea if you can have multiple special interests.)
He's got naturally light purple hair, a similar shade to Shinsou Hitoshi's but not the exact same, a couple shades off, but has dyed and bleached it so many times to so many different colors as he switched names and identities. He keeps it a bleached blonde mostly out of habit. He also helped Sakaki grow out and take care of his hair when he first came to the Hassaikai. After canon, if/when he finally gets found by the Shinsous, he might grow out and cut off the damaged hair and let it be its natural color again.
He's paired up with Sakaki because Sakaki's the only one he can stand for any long period of time...at least when Sakaki's sober. They're both asexual, and both like men romantically, so it ended up working out pretty well ehehehehehe
Nemoto actually did a lot of the work in pulling Sakaki out his addiction when he first came, including the aforementioned helping him take care of his hair, as well as holding him accountable and figuring out why relapses happened (and then fixing it). Sakaki relies more on him than he does on Chisaki or Kurono, as a result.
Nemoto's a major introvert and really loves his quiet time. He's in charge of the Eight because of seniority, but they tend to tire him out/overstimulate him really quickly, so he's often cross and snappy with them. (In canon he tends to have a little (actually a lottle) bit of a superiority complex over the others in the Eight but I want to ignore/change that, hence this.) Still, although they're exhausting to be around, if any of them got hurt--especially while under Nemoto's supervision/direct command--Nemoto would be on the warpath right next to Chisaki, and probably end up blaming himself for not protecting them well enough/getting them hurt, even when it's not his fault.
His duties don't stop at wrangling the Eight, though that qualifies as a full-time job. He's often stepped up to help with managing the general operations of Chisaki's side of the Hassaikai alongside Chisaki himself, Kurono, and/or Irinaka in cases where one of the three were indisposed or when there was just too much work for only three people. Usually in these cases, though, someone else steps up to keep the rest in line, although the Eight are usually a lot less rowdy when someone's incapacitated, especially enough to stop working. Chisaki especially has been known to step out of conducting meetings to vomit and then come back and continue like nothing happened, all the while denying that he's sick, and Kurono and Irinaka both have pretty similar work-till-you-drop show-no-weakness complexes because yakuza toxic masculinity. So Nemoto getting called in to help is generally a pretty big deal, and the rest of the Eight know this. (He's also usually the one handling interrogations, for obvious reasons.)
Overusing his Quirk can induce symptoms similar to narcolepsy, such as excessive daytime sleepiness and falling asleep at random intervals. For these reasons he tends to use it sparingly and on 'smaller'/less complicated questions, rather than on deep probing ones. Chisaki is aware of this and doesn't ask much of him Quirkwise; instead Nemoto trains with guns. He's actually a better sharpshooter than Kurono (who is in the position of sharpshooter because if he were allowed to fight melee he'd go full berserker mode). Although not as good as Lady Nagant, obviously. No one's as good as Nagant.
He's asexual, as mentioned above, and while I had him as alloace for a while, I think he might actually fall into grayromantic. Can't decide if I want him to be homo- or biromantic. He's also intersex. It's a hormonal condition, and he didn't find out or even suspect until Chisaki ran a hormone blood test and found that his normal levels were atypical. The hormone thing might tie into the narcolepsy-like symptoms, cause fatigue and stuff like that. Back to the ace headcanon--he's sex-repulsed as well (as opposed to Sakaki's who's indifferent and Hojo's who's aegosexual and likes sex as a Concept), and has definitely struggled with feeling like an Adult because of it.
I feel like he'd really like Tom Lehrer's music. Maybe not so much Masochism Tango (sex-repulsed), but definitely Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, The Hunting Song, and So Long, Mom (A Song for World War III), definitely his satirical songs. (This is also the guy who wrote and performed New Math, if you recognize that.) Nemoto might not recognize the specific cultural elements he uses, because Tom Lehrer's in the US in the 1950s and 60s and Nemoto's living in Japan several centuries after that, but he gets the general gist of it and loves the sort of sarcastic satire those songs employ.
I'm running dry right now, but I hope these work well!
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curiousquirks · 2 years
Kinktober (+18) | Day 17
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Pairing: Chronostasis | Hari Kurono x Fem!Reader Prompts: Sweat | Voyeurism | Dirty Dancing Content Warnings: Dirty Dancing (but like actually), Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Sweat, Random Strange Man Feeling Up Reader (but consensually), AFAB Dialogue Used For Reader Word Count: 876
Hari leaned himself against your back, sweat clinging to your body as you both made as little space between you as possible. Your nails drag along the arm he snaked around your waist, as he reminded you who you belonged to.
The club was dark, body heat filling up the room as various people pressed themselves together to grind along to the thumping music. You used your hand to fan yourself, sweat causing your dress to stick uncomfortably to your skin. You leaned against the bar as you waited for your drink to be made, which you quickly downed before waving the bartender off. 
You quickly moved yourself back onto the dancefloor, moving your body along with the music. A stranger's hands found your hips, slowly sliding their hands up your body from behind. You leaned into their body, a hardening cock pressed against your ass as you closed your eyes. The strobing lights flashing against your eyelids, as you felt the stranger’s hands cup your breasts as he grinded into you.
Your eyes fluttered open, feeling an intense gaze on you, scanning your eyes around in front of you. You spotted Hari in a cubby of the wall, a small light dangling above him as the only reason you could see him. He was lounged back against his seat, watching you shamelessly mold yourself with this stranger. His glass covered his mouth, concealing his smirk.
You decided since he chose to continue just watching, you might as well give him a show. You swayed your hips against the strangers, making sure to press your ass into them. You fingers gripped around their wrists before placing your hands on top of theirs, forcing them to squeeze your breasts. 
Hari downed the remainder of his drink before placing it on the table. He spread his legs slightly, his eyes never leaving you as he palmed his now hard cock. His eyes narrowed darkly as he watched you slowly lean forward, shaking your ass against this random man. You leaned back up, turning around in their arms as the strangers arms snuck around to grope at your ass. That’s when Hari finally got up, pushing through the crowd ignoring all the complaints as he went.
Hari’s hands wrapping around your waist, pulling you flush against him as he eyed the stranger. “I’m cutting in.” He said loudly, daring the stranger to argue. “Go find someone else.”
“I had her first, buddy.” The stranger retorted, trying to pull you towards themselves instead. “We were kind of in the middle of something.”
“Fuck off, dude.” You yelled at the stranger, shoving him off of you. “You’ve got nothing on him, I can feel that firsthand.”
Hari smirked at the stranger, his chin resting on your shoulder as his arms possessively gripped your waist. The stranger scoffed as he pushed his way through the crowd, a laugh bubbling in your chest. You leaned into Hari’s chest, the sweat on your back starting to soak into his shirt. He hummed against your shoulder as he kissed along your skin making his way up to your ear. 
“You’ve got a lot of nerve looking that good.” He whispered, sending shivers down your spine as you gasped. “It should’ve been me that close.”
“You were busy.” You explained, one of your hands running along one of the arms he had on your waist. “He wasn’t shit, don’t worry baby.”
His teeth bit down against your earlobe, tugging it as he grinded against your ass. “You’re making up excuses for being a...” He spoke darkly, one of his hands slipping under your dress. His fingers easily found your dripping slit, since you seem to have decided to forgo underwear tonight. “Slut.”
You pressed your lips together as you muffled your moan, your eyes screwing shut. His arm pressed you together more, moving your bodies together as he removed his hand from your cunt. You huffed, as you purposefully moved your ass against his throbbing cock. He licked along your neck, the salty taste of your sweat driving him insane. He spun you around, pressing your chest against his as he gripped his hands onto your ass. 
It was getting harder to keep dancing, if that’s what this could even be considered anymore. Your cunt ached, begging to be fucked right now and you knew that he wasn’t going to last much longer either. You grabbed his face, pulling him down to kiss him. It was hot and messy, liquor still heavy on your tongues. 
“I need you.” You panted against his mouth. “Please, Hari.”
He pressed another deep kiss to your lips, dipping you back. “I know, it’s kind of sad actually.” 
His smirk pissed you off just as much as it made your clit twitch. You glared up at him before he yanked you up to drag you out of the crowd, heading towards the bathrooms. He flung the door open, shoving you inside as he hastily closed the door not even bothering to lock it. He forced you to back up against the sink, his eyes hungrily taking you in. 
“My girl’s so fucking hot.” He praised, wiping away the hair sticking to your forehead from all the sweat. “You know that though, don’t you?” His fingers lifted up your legs to wrap around his waist, placing your ass on the sink. 
“My girl.” He warned, his hands pushing up your dress before starting to undo his pants “It seems you need a reminder.”
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
Also FF schtick of "we take lifes and death seriously!" kinda falls apaet when we have author avatars like Licht rant how stupid masses are and their lives dont matter in the despair because only important charachters influence the consiousnes or with people getting called literal background charachter and disapearing, because child abuse is forgivable and you get to be revived but being against fanservice is a nono deserving complete erasure I guess🤷‍♂️
God, I hated the Yoshida crap. But I’ll get to that. 
This is going to be a hell of a rant, with maybe a controversial take at the end (that take being, if Ohkubo just drew porn, I’d be more forgiving of that than whatever the fuck he was doing with Tamaki and Yoshida and Viktor in the last arc). 
I have said what I have to say about whether Ohkubo seems to act like child abuse is acceptable--I don’t think his works suggest that--but “forgivable”? Yeah, seeing as Kurono gets to be a teacher at the end of Fire Force and the person who abused Joker is alive again? “Forgiving” seems to be a message of this story--take that as you will, not everyone is going to forgive their abusers, that’s up to them to decide on their own whether to forgive, I can’t speak to whether someone else should forgive someone who abused them, just as my choice to forgive or not forgive someone who harmed me would be my choice. 
It didn’t even feel like Viktor was calling the masses stupid, so much as he is presented as this hyper-logical person who is so fixated on his experiments that he thinks he’s acting impartial, not even trying to insult the people. 
But yeah, his reaction, and Yoshida’s son’s reaction, to Yoshida disappearing is so weirdly nonchalant that it makes me kind of hate Viktor here. He admits he worked with Yoshida--but since that memory goes away, poof, so does she. 
And even after Tamaki’s fight is over, she just never comes back, so her son is an orphan--but hey, at least Ohkubo introduced him to sex, so that’s not at all fucking creepy. 
Goddamn it, we have teachers and librarians maligned in the United States with lies about sexualizing minors WHEN NO, THEY FUCKING AREN’T DOING THAT, and neither are LGBTQ+ people, you fucking sickos (how the fuck do you say that and not immediately point out how straight people then must also be “indoctrinating” children by going out in public and getting their straight stuff done all in public?!). 
But here’s Ohkubo with this shit: how the fuck do you not point at his writing and not ask whether he’s sexualizing minors to do some creepy way of introducing readers to sex? This isn’t like Turning Red, this is just crap. 
It’s not even like an author doesn’t, on purpose or not, potentially introduce younger readers to new ideas: that is the point of being an author, of course there are kids who first learn what sex is outside of what their parents say or what they learn in school. But Ohkubo? This is just crass and poorly done, part of a larger effort to dunk on his critics by saying, “LOL, you’re like older women who complain a lot.” 
Ohkubo’s big play was to have one character, Yoshida, be the soapbox character who regurgitates all the criticism Ohkubo received for how he portrayed Tamaki. And instead of ignoring the unjustified hate Tamaki got, he conflated that with the justified hate he got for writing Tamaki so badly. Then he presents the accumulation of those complaints as an older woman yelling about how jealous she is that Tamaki looks more attractive than her, and her son calls her out as ugly (I’ll get back to this in a moment, but, LOL, no, Yoshida is not ugly), and Ohkubo thinks he got one on his haters by saying, “LOL I think you’re all some dried up old Karen.” 
And, bonus, Ohkubo gets to do this to boys and men who also were calling him out on his crap--so he gets to misgender them and emasculate them: “LOL, you aren’t really men, you all sound like bitchy women.”
Stay classy, Ohkubo, you fucking sack of shit. 
And it’s like…not to shame anyone for their physical appearances, but Yoshida? Not to sound gross or horny on main or anything, but she is an attractive character, or at least not looking any better or worse than other characters in the story. Does Ohkubo think it’s somehow a dunk on readers that they don’t find an underage character like Tamaki attractive--because, thank God, you’re not lusting after an underage character--but maybe think Yoshida looks attractive? I’m not saying it would have been better for Ohkubo to “ugly” Yoshida up, so I guess I should be grateful that he didn’t take details commonly referred to as “ugly” and apply them to Yoshida to reinforce what he thinks of his critics--but it is still a sexist attack. 
I’m not saying the Karen discourse is good or bad: it’s a word that has filled a need especially in the United States, given the behavior of some white women against marginalized people. But, first, I am a cishet white man typing this, so that is sexist of me. And second, as presented in Fire Force, Yoshida is Japanese, or at least coded as Japanese, so this feels more like my application of the word “Karen” as shorthand rather than Ohkubo necessarily taking that word and using it here. 
And what is most fucked up? It all assumes that this is black-and-white binary, that people either completely hate all fanservice or like all fanservice. What about those of us who see something in a work--be it illustrated or not, live-action or not--and think, “Wow, that’s sexy and hot”? What about people who hate how Ohkubo handled fanservice--but can find a Soul Eater fanfic that does a great job with a sex scene between Stein and Marie, or Stein and Spirit, or any combination or characters, and think, “Huh, this isn’t crossing any lines where I think this is inappropriate--this is hot, good for this writer creating this”? Sex in literature can work: sex is part of life for a lot of people, of course there are people who represent it well, whether or not it is as realistic as you want, or if it’s just wish fulfillment because it doesn’t have to be realistic, it just has to be believable enough. 
It’s why I argue that Ohkubo is so weirdly puritanical even when he’s trying to cram the fanservice in your face. Maka has to be there to slug Soul when fanservice happens. Kid and Black Star have to be attacked when they grope or snoop on someone. Spirit has to be punished for finding Blair attractive. Blair literally loses a life after all her flirting, and walks away ashamed when she mis-spends that money on the underwear. 
And Viktor has to lecture the audience that Tamaki is here for fanservice so that readers will find sex appealing and then one day go on to have sex so they can reproduce for the human species to persist. 
Nothing about sex for pleasure, sex for fun, sex because it’s part of some people’s lives, or no sex because people don’t want sex or are asexual or don’t know what they want and just want to live their lives--sex has to be shoved in your face, with this intense pressure that the sex has to mean something more than what it is, whether to attract an audience, punish a character, or lecture the audience about slow birth rates. 
I almost think I’d be more forgiving of Ohkubo if he just drew sex scenes between Stein, Spirit, Marie, and Medusa (with all characters all giving consent, by the way)--because at least when fan creators do it, it is for the purpose of a good story that happens to have sex, or just porn for porn’s sake, not this pseudo-intellectual crap that is indefensible due to underage portrayals and violating characters’ consent.
What a gross, puritanical Handmaid’s Tale bunch of shit for a post-Roe American reader like me to sift through with Fire Force--and while Ohkubo is not responsible for shit in America, this crap writing is just as harmful in any other national context. What a fucking creep.
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ifvillainwhysexi · 2 years
Hii! I hope you’re doing well!
How do you think would kurono act if his partner attempted to flirt with him?
I think he would be somewhat timid. Let me explain; if his partner were to flirt with him during work I assume he would, not necessarily ignore it, but not acknowledge it. Perhaps even tease you.
If you physically flirt with him(ex: reaching hands closer to more private areas, caress him etc. Etc.) Hari will make it hell. For instance a good example would be, if you slowly start reaching your hand up his thigh, and start "massaging" him he'll make eye contact with you; through a side eye. Not even turning his head. He'll just keep on blabbering or talking to whoever he was originally.
If you do decide to have sex after, he will not listen to your pleads for more. He's going to take as long as he wants. Though due to your flirting, "as long as he wants" is not very long as he would be extremely aroused. He would probably just get you all the sensitive spots first for revenge. Or the completely opposite direction and give you exactly what you wanted, and listen to your mind break as he fucks your brains out.
Also good morning guys; I'm back ✌
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angie-starz · 10 months
Sketch dump, mostly
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I'll finish these someday I promise, No why are you laughing, WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING-
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chainslobber · 3 months
you say you do village bicycle for your favs but i was wondering if you have like a list of overhaul ships you especially like? maybe top 5 (or top 10 if you really have a ton lol)
He's honestly tough for me since I don't see him as someone who'd pursue a relationship, sexually or romantically.
More under the cut!
Obviously, I draw a lot of Dabihaul, I think that's pretty obvious by now. Outside of Love is a Monster (the comic) I do like exploring their dynamic. A lot of it IS projection since we know they went to the same orphanage, though their slight age difference means Kai was probably adopted out before Dabi showed up. (I elect to ignore that).
Secondly, I've been a Kaizawa since...god, season 4 started? Went 'huh, this guy doesn't like Quirks, and Aizawa can get rid of them'. I also think it's funny that kai probably couldn't account for Aizawa showing up to the raid and yet brought a blindfold--why did you do that, buddy? That's pretty sus. Almost like you've been looking into the guy. Ex lovers? lol But I also like to think of the future. Aizawa's a generally quiet guy who keeps to himself, the same can be said for Kai. Plus, we don't know if Pops will wake up without Overhaul activating/Eri rewinding him, so Aizawa and Kai basicall co-parenting Eri is a neat thought process.
I see a lot of Eraserhaul as well. Ignoring canon for a moment, both of them basically being groomed for their quirks/usefulness, and them being toys for AFO/Ojiko is something interesting I think they'd talk about. I don't see them 'dating' but I often see Shigadabi+Kai and I'm onboard with it.
Nagahaul...not much to say. Maybe it's because I don't see him as being someone who'd pursue a straight relationship or maybe I just don't see them working as a pair, but I don't mind seeing the art of them, either. It's one of those things where if I see art of them together, it never registers as romantic. Then again, she didn't need to save him, but she can't escape being a hero. He needed help, and she was there.
There's always Chronohaul as well. I see the appeal! But I'm not as crazy over Kurono as most people are so I haven't really thought about or dabbled in the ship for too long. I don't dislike it though!
A wildcard ship I've started enjoying is actual Kaishin/Shinkai. Kai already has someone who can tell the truth, but imagine the power of coercion. I don't know if I see them romantically quite yet, but I do see them as reluctant business partners if they need to be. This, of course, is assuming Shinsou is underground on a stint, or even if he decided to pursue crime.
To be honest, a good fic or fanart can awaken new ships in me, so if someone ever has some good suggestions, you could easily persuade me lol
Thank you for the question!
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mrskurono · 3 years
Hi Three! Thanks for replying to me. I hope your week is going well <3
I really just wanted to have a more clear mind and “detox” because my last job was so toxic. I didn’t even realize how much I needed this break until I realized how catty my former supervisor was. Anyway, I’m currently at home trying to plan ahead for getting into grad school but I’ll apply to jobs again. You’re right! Personal wellness is so important.
Ugh, I can imagine that once I’m married to Bokuto it gets worse because he has pictures of us on our wedding day, pictures of our kids, etc. His teammates have to deal with him showing off all the time XD Oh gosh, I forgot that Iwa was an only child but I totally agree with you! That warms my heart that he cherishes time and attention.
Kageyama is a cutie! I only selfship with 3 Haikyuu men but I can never forget the ones I liked First so I feel that 😂
I’m so close to finishing season 1 but I love the show! It’s really interesting plot wise and I have such soft spots for some of the characters. I haven’t read the manga yet! The main reason I started it was because you and Rae started talking about it. But when I saw the “mommy milkers” or muscles of characters in one of your posts/Rae’s(?) posts I knew I was done for. I was like “I must watch this” but it took me a few weeks to finally do it aha
Ugh, Obi is one of my types but I didn’t know he’s an Aries! Yeah, I love that he’s so important even in the first season. He’s so jacked! It’s crazy! I will say I would also like to be strong as hell like Obi! It’s okay Three, I’m only 5’0 so I’d look like a child next to him 😂
Aww, I totally agree! I can see him sobbing because he really didn’t expect it but he’d be so sweet about it. He’d be telling everyone about it aha. I’d fall for him because of his dad energy. The moment I see him talk and interact with kids, I’ve fallen for him. He definitely respects his significant other.
Wah! I’ve seen Kurono but not in the anime yet! I will say the other Fire Force man I’m interested in is Waka but Obi is my main one for now lol
I hope you have a great day and take care Three 💕
-😊 anon
Of course ♡ And honestly not to bad, the mom rage is only mildly simmering aside the pms rage. I hope your hump day has treated you well!
Toxic work environments are soul sucking. I mean jobs as a whole are soul sucking but it's worse day in and day out with coworkers who make it worse. I didn't hate my coworkers but I'm also not sorry to not go back to work either bc you can only deal with drama so much. So I'm glad you've put yourself first! ♡
Bokuto is borderline annoying with photos I think we can all agree on that 😂 But its a good thing he has a certain charm to him that keeps people from wanting to strangle him every time he rolls up with a photo album of the last six months of your family life 😂
Kags was far from the first one I liked (RIP sorry Hinata) but he's definitely stuck with me as my fav even over Atsumu shhh
That was me and the mommy milkers thing 😂😂😂 The irony? I hate the bara body type on dudes I can't see Obi or Vulcan sexually at all 😂 But to be fair...once you get more Vulcan, I'm pretty sure you and Rae will have a lot to talk about for that man 😂😏 But Fire Force is still one of those shows that you literally enjoy everyone. I've yet to encounter a character I don't enjoy to some capacity. And the writing is <333
I might be 5'8 but damn well I'm gonna take on Obi, it's in my Aires blood to do so
Obi oozes daddy energy but like in the purest way possible so he gets my seal of approval. I adore Obi as a character. Not sexually attracted to him but him and I can chill in a hot tub five feet apart bc we're not gay 😂
Shhh....just...just ignore Kurono he's....something....I still can't explain myself, that's just my husband and I love him more than any 2d man ever >.>
Waka has a soft spot. He reminds me of Rae so I do still kinda have a soft spot for a tiny lil angry pisces of a man <3
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
For the ask game - Smiley, Shiemi, Ogun ♡
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
I'm not gonna say no and I'm gonna say the right amount of alcohol or weed could sway me either way
Ao No Exorcist/Shiemei
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
I loved her as a teen and I still love her 🥺❤
Fire Force/Ogun
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
Ngl yeah probably would work out well in my favor 😂
Send me any character!
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pocketramblr · 3 years
1. Don't leave
Mm have something,, Dis/a inspired
Izuku's legs had gone numb with Eri sitting on his lap for so long, but he didn't mind too much.
Mom stood up, glancing at the door.
"Do we have to go now?" Eri asked with a little voice.
"Yes, dear." Mom said. "Say goodbye to grandpa, we'll visit next weekend."
Izuku nudged his sister to to the ground so she could move to the bedside. Pins and needles shot up from his feet, but he ignored them to follow her and squeeze his grandfather's hand.
"Bye, Pops, we'll see you later."
"Bye bye."
Before they could go though, the door opened.
Kurono almost knocked Mom over, coming in.
"Oh- apologies, Midoriya-san." The words didn't exactly sound sincere from behind his mask. "Are you going?"
"Yes, just now." Mom said, glancing back at them as Kurono scanned the room."
"Do you have to leave?"
It was a question, but it wasn't what he meant: don't leave.
"Yes. Come on, Izuku, Eri." Mom held out a hand, and Eri hurried to take it as she started out the door.
"I can ask Ch-"
"No need for any escort out, thank you, I'll see you later." Mom says as Izuku rushes out the room too, ignoring the twinge he felt at leaving his grandfather alone there.
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mortyvongola2-0 · 2 years
I'm very nervous about this, forgive me. I've never shared an OC before.
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@therantingfangirl @justmyownreality
Masaki is the daughter of an Uchiha, Asuka Uchiha, and a shinobi from Iwagakure named Oshinki Kamizuru.
She was born in Iwagakure but did live on the Uchiha compound for two years before her father took her back to Iwagakure. When she was four, her mother who had awakened the mangekyo and was being driven mad by power, tried to steal Masa's eyes. Oshinki caught Asuka and managed to hide Masa away between a rock formation just outside of Iwagakure before he went back to confront the Uchiha.
Masa's earlier memory is of her father placing her between the rocks and promising his return, but he never did. After being trapped for three days a wondering Orochimaru found her wedged in the stone and brought her to his hideout for experiment fodder. She went through years of experiments and when she survived Orochimaru decided to train her. She followed him around during his time in the Akatsuki but he mostly ignored her, so she began to train with Daiki (one of the twin's mentioned in @therantingfangirl 's OC profile) who was under Sasori's wing at the time.
Following Orochimaru's leave of the Akatsuki she continued to train without any special promise, until her mother found her and once again tried to steal her eyes. Masa watched her mother hurt Daiki and with Orochimaru refusing to help she awakened her sharingan and found her talent for genjutsu. She used genjutsu to get her mother to kill herself and after that the snake senin became far more interested in her.
Orochimaru was going to use her body as a vessel first, before Kimimaro, but her (genetic) heart condition began to manifested around the same time so she narrowly avoided being used in that way. She found a different vessel for Orochimaru to use and her training was severly reduced. She was given a summoning animal, rabbits, and The Sound Four and a few other members of Orochimaru's crew (mainly Riko and Kubo two other OC's of mine) take to calling her snake bait while Daiki lovingly calls her bunny.
During the Chunin exams she was entered alongside Kubo and Riko as her teammates to work alongside Suna for the invasion. Kankuro and Temari don't believe the ability her sharingan gives her to put Shukaku under genjutsu, but she's mainly there to keep Gaara in check and to summon large rabbits to destroy the village. Masa and Kuro meet during the exams.
After the failed invasion she's too weak to go on other missions so Orochimaru sends her to build a new base for them and she chooses a spot somewhat near Suna. Gaara finds her and asks for her help repressing Shukaku so he can try to be a better person and she agrees. They continue to train together and get closer together as they do so until Gaara becomes Kazekage. Sometime between the end of the invasion and the beginning of Shippuden Masa develops the rinnegan in one eye, because of Orochimaru's experiments on her and Kurono. Through the rinnegan Masa and Kurono share dreams and even what the other is seeing at times and it brings them closer.
Through the rinnegan, Masa watched Gaara die and she makes a break for Suna. She sees the way Deidara mistreats him and forever holds a grudge against him for it. She doesn't get back until after Konoha has already brought Gaara back and later that night she realizes she's in love with him but refuses to say or do anything about it.
Eventually Masa can feel her heart disease beginning to get the better of her so she decides to leave Orochimaru along with Daiki leaving the Akatsuki. They decide to make a deal with Suna and Konoha to share information so that they can live out the rest of their lives in peace, but the deal goes bad, Daiki dies and Masa's mangekyo awakens because of his death and she starts to begin controlling the rinnegan.
After Daiki's death, Tsunade saves Masa's life to try to get information but Masa swears revenge and joins the Akatsuki and becomes Kuro's partner.
Masa doesn't fully leave the Akatsuki until right before the war. She joins Suna against Obito and Madara. After the war Gaara, Kurono, and Naruto are really the only people who trust her so she stays in Suna and works in their intelligence division. She continues to have feelings for Gaara but doesn't feel like she deserves to be loved by him so she ran off after his initial confession two years after the war.
When she comes back, after receiving some perfect advice from the sixth Hokage, she accepts Gaara's love wholeheartedly.
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