#justin foley oneshot
cutielando · 8 months
Hey I noticed Monty DLC is one of the characters you write for that’s awesome!
I have a request Monty x fem reader
Y/n is the new girl in town when she meets Monty she’s intrigued by his mysterious but flirty bad boy nature their chemistry is unlike anything she’s ever experienced before not even with her boyfriend that she left behind when her family moved… However when they slept together y/n knew she sadly had to call off her long distance relationship with her boyfriend/childhood best friend she has to explore this thing with Monty.
my masterlist
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Moving to Liberty High School had never been a part of your plan. You were supposed to finish school in your hometown and then go far away for college with your friends.
But there you were, standing in front of your new high school, backpack on your shoulder and all, ready as ever to be “the new girl.”
That was a total lie.
You were terrified.
You had heard so many bad things about the students at Liberty, how they acted towards new people and how mean they could be. And you weren’t ready for that.
Still, you put on a brave face and walked into that school with your chin held high, ready for anything that might be thrown your way.
"Hi there" a voice and a buff body made you stop in your tracks in the middle of the hall.
You looked up and gazed into the most gorgeous pair of eyes you'd ever seen, the boy looking at you with a smile.
"Um, hi" you wanted to punch yourself because of how awkward that sounded.
"Are you new? I haven't seen you around" he said, looking you up and down.
"Yeah, I just transferred, this is my first day" you explained, still mesmerized by the looks of the boy standing in front of you.
You shouldn’t be thinking like this, staring at some random dude from your new school like that when you had a lovely boyfriend back home. But you couldn’t help it. There was something about the way he spoke and the way he carried himself that you were just intrigued by.
“I’m Montgomery, but everyone around here calls me Monty” he outstretched his hand, taking yours in his and placing a kiss on it.
“I’m Y/N” your voice was faint, your gaze fixated on the way his lips felt on your skin and how good and wrong it felt at the same time.
“I guess I’ll be seeing you around then, Y/N” he winked and left before you could say anything, making sure he brushed his hand against yours in the process.
You let out a big breath you didn’t know you were holding in when you were sure he was out of earshot. You knew how wrong it was for you to be feeling like this because of a total stranger, you had a boyfriend who loved you who didn’t deserve you acting like this.
But you couldn’t help the way your body reacted to Montgomery.
Weeks have passed and your infatuation with Monty only grew by the day. Your interactions with your boyfriend back at home becoming more and more rare.
You were spending more and more time with the handsome athlete, the chemistry and attraction between the two of you more and more evident as the days went by.
You were currently at a party with Monty and a few of your friends, letting off some steam from the busy week you'd had.
"How are you doing, my lovely companion?" Monty asked once he found you in the kitchen, refilling your drink.
"Feels so good to finally unwind. This week killed me" you groaned, smiling once your eyes met his.
"Did something happen back home?" he questioned, knowing you had been on rocky terms with your boyfriend for a while, just not knowing he was the cause of it.
"Nothing in particular, it just feels like I'm drifting further and further away from everything and everyone back at home" you explained, slightly leaning in to him.
He accepted your presence and wrapped an arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to his body.
"Can I help with anything?" his voice was soft, but still loud enough so you could hear him over the music.
"Distract me? Being here with you is already making me feel better" you said, not knowing the impact your words had on the athlete.
"Don't worry, I'm going to take care of you" he said before planting a kiss on your head.
By the end of the night, as you were tangled up under the sheets in your bedroom, your bodies pressed against each other and becoming one, you understood that this, right here, with Monty, is where you truly belonged, and every risk was worth exploring this new connection with him.
Breaking up with your boyfriend had been far easier than you previously thought.
After the night of the party where you and Monty slept together, you talked and Monty promised to wait until you officially broke it off before starting anything. He was respectful towards your relationship, which was something you were really grateful for.
After the phone call, you called Monty to meet up, excited to tell him the news.
"Hey" Monty said as he stopped in front of you.
You had waited for him on a bench in your favorite park.
"Hi" you smiled and stood up, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning up, capturing his lips with yours.
He froze in surprise for a second before he melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
"I gather you talked to him?" he asked, smirking once you finally pulled away to get some air.
"I did. I'm all yours, as long as you still want me" you whispered, caressing the small hairs at the back of his neck.
"I want you"
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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imaginefan · 4 years
Just Talk
Justin Foley X Reader
Word Count: 613
Requested: Anon
Request: Justin breaking the news to you that he will not make it till next year.
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You heard that Justin had been in the hospital but it became real when he asked to see you at first you thought nothing of it, you were his girlfriend, after all, it was only natural that he would want to see you but when you got there Clay was waiting for you, you smiled as you approached him "Hey." You waved, he smiled at you but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Are you okay?" 
"I'm okay." He nodded. "Come on his room is this way." "How's he doing?" You asked. "He okay for the moment but it's still strange seeing him in a hospital bed." Clay answered and you nodded as he gestured the door. "Are you not coming in?" You asked. "He wants to talk to you alone." He answered and you nodded frowning as everything seemed to be just a little more serious than before. You knocked on the door before opening it and walking into the room, you don't know what you expected to see, but seeing him attached to all kinds of machines and hearing the beeping of the heart monitor next to him was not what you had thought about, it wouldn't have struck you as such a bad thing if you hadn't looked at him and thought that he looked sick.
"(Y/N)." He said softly as he reached out for you, you moved towards the bed taking his hand and sitting next to him. "How are you doing?" You asked. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about." He said. "We spoke to the doctors and now that I know what's happening I thought that I should tell you, give you a chance to walk away." "What are you talking about?" You asked, tears welling up in your eyes as you waited for him to talk. "The doctors run some tests and I have AIDs." He answered. "You- Your- How long?" You asked. "They don't think that I'm going to make it to the end of the year." He answered and that was when you started crying. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying." You apologised as you wiped at your face but the moment that you did it seemed like they were replaced with new ones. "Why are you apologising for crying?" He asked. "I'm supposed to be the one that looks at you and tells you that everything is going to be okay and that I'm going to be here for however long you have left and that I'm not going to leave you." You explained, "but instead I'm crying like a baby and you, you're so calm." He squeezed your hand and a small smile crossed his face. "You don't have to stay and watch this." He answered, "I won't blame you and there's nothing that you should feel guilty for if that's what you chose to do." "Justin, you remember when you told me about your mother's boyfriend and I told you that no matter what I was always going to be there and there was nothing that was going to change that?" You asked and he nodded. "This isn't going to change that either." "(Y/N) I'm not going to get better, you understand that right, there's nothing that we can do." He said and you nodded. "I know that and I'm going to make sure that there is nothing that you regret before you-" You choked on the last word, for now, you still couldn't say it, instead you shook your head and leaned forward pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I'm not ever going to leave this room, I promise you, you're not going to be alone." "Well then maybe we can just talk?" He asked and you nodded. "We can just talk." You confirmed.
Requests and general question!
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cynicallystiles · 5 years
Always Here
Disclaimer: Gif originally posted by me.
Author: @cynicallystiles
Request:  Anon: Could you write one with Justin? Like maybe something like they’re together but it’s a secret. And one day they’re at his and Clays place cuddling and being cute and then Clay catches them? Cuddling with Justin just seems like the sweetest thing tbh
Warning: Verbally abusive parent, and maybe cursing? I can’t remember.
Notes: Thank you for requesting it, I hope it is somewhat like you imagined anon! Please COMMENT/REBLOG if you enjoy!
Pairing: Justin Foley x Reader
Words: 2,001
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You feel his lips move against yours slowly as his fingers press into your waist. A content hum escapes your throat and both hands grip his hair a little bit harder. Delicately, you drag your tongue across his bottom lip. His hands squeeze even harder as he groans involuntarily while pulling away from you.
"Wait, wait, wait," he pauses, letting his heavy pants calm down. "As much as I love when you do that..." He stops and looks from your eyes to your lips longingly, "and I really, really love when you do that...we should stop before we get caught," he sighs, looking around the abandoned hallway for any sign of your classmates.
Pushing your bottom lip out, you let your head fall backward dramatically. "Uggh," you groan playfully and slide your hands from his hair to his chest to grip his open button-up.
"Heyy," he chuckles, trying to lean his head into your line of sight. You let your head fall back forward to face him, though your eyes watch as your fingers trail the fabric of his shirt. "Y/n, don't pout."
You bobble your head a little, raising one eyebrow. "'M not pouting," you murmur. He lets out a huff, and you finally crack a smile. "I'm not. Really. Justin, I know we both decided to keep this...us...a secret..."
"But?" He prompts you to continue when you start to lose your confidence.
"I dunno," you say with a shrug. "That was back when everything crazy was happening." You finally look up into his eyes. "It's been almost a year...I just thought by now I could show you off."
He laughs and pulls you into a hug by your shoulders. You clasp your hands behind his back quickly before he pulls back again, cupping your face with one hand. "Now still isn't a good time...I wasn't supposed to start dating until I've been sober for a year. And even then, they say I'm supposed to take it slow-"
"Oh, you can take it slow when you want to," you tease, nibbling on your bottom lip. He rolls his eyes, fighting the laughter that bubbles up. Sighing, you place your hand over his. "I get it. We can just...stay secret until it's a better time."
He leans forward and places the softest of kisses on your lips for a few moments. "Thank you, baby. I appreciate you so much." You give a lackluster smile as he brushes your nose with his.
"Bell's about to ring...I should get to my locker," you say softly, unable to hide the tinge of disappointment that comes out. But, before Justin can reassure you again, you're already out the double doors into the next hallway.
Later, you sit at the lunch table with your group of friends and zone out into your food as you take a small bite every once in a while. You hear your friends laugh around you, but it's not until Clay bumps your shoulder with his that you look up to meet his eyes.
"Huh? What?" You ask, blinking in surprise.
He snickers a little. "I said you've been unusually quiet today," he says observantly. "Is everything okay?"
"Uh..." your eyes flick across the table to Justin who looks at you with brows furrowed in concern. Just as quickly, you look back to Clay. "I've just been feeling off today. I think I might be sick or something," you half-lie.
Clay promptly puts his wrist to your forehead. "There's no way...yep. As I thought, no fever," he says shaking his head as he looks you over. He pulls on your ear as he pretends to look in. "Nope, nothing in there..." Then, he leans his head to your chest for your heartbeat. "All good there..."
"Stop!" You giggle trying to push him away.
"What? I'm just trying to make sure my best friend is getting the proper attention she deserves," he laughs. "Give me an 'aaah'."
You stick your tongue out at him but keep your mouth closed. "Mmm," you hum before snickering with him. "I feel better now. Thanks, Clay."
"Another satisfied patient!" He jokes and you shake your head before getting up to throw your tray away.
Justin rests his forearms on the table as he watches as you go, slight jealousy burning in his cheeks that Clay is being so openly affectionate with you. He knows the two of you are best friends, and he loves that. But, sometimes he wishes he could be like that and more with you.
The rest of the day goes by and the final bell rings to let out for the day. You gather your things. Deciding not to get a ride home from Clay and Justin, you hop on the bus that goes by your house. As soon as the bus pulls out of the parking lot, you get a text.
JJ: Where you at?
Sighing, you respond quickly.
You: Took the bus today, didn't wanna make you late for your meeting
It wasn't a total lie. It just wasn't exactly the truth either. You'd been feeling bummed about your conversation earlier and you didn't want to make Justin feel bad about your mood.
JJ: Wish you would've told me. We would've at least walked you to the bus babe
You: I know. I'll stop by after your meeting while Clay's at work
You lean your head against the window as the bus rocks gently. You were really hoping that you'd be out of your weird mood by then. Too bad you can never seem to catch a break. As soon as you get home, the usual drama starts in.
"You're home early today," your brother pointed out, calling the attention of your dear mother.
Inhaling deeply, you retreat into the living room where she sits on the couch. "That deadbeat boyfriend of yours finally drop ya?"
"No, ma." You ground your teeth. Hating the way she talked about Justin. "I took the bus."
She rolls her eyes from the TV screen to you, sizing up your outfit. "Is that what you wore to school?" You stay silent and stare at the ground. "I've told you before...no nice boy is gonna want to date you when you dress like that-"
"Dressed like what, ma?" You deadpan.
"Some kind of hussie," she bites. "It's why you only attract junkies like your boy toy. You could date a nice football player if you wanted. They're going places. And they might as well take you with 'em."
You frown deeply as you turn and head out the front door without another word. It's a long walk to Justin's house but you don't really care right now. You hug your arms to your chest and feel the tears dripping from your eyelashes. It bugged you how easily she tore apart your confidence. You felt like you should have thicker skin after living with it for this long.
The sun was setting when you made it to Justin's house. You stopped down the street and wait until you see Clay's car leave the driveway. Quickly, you walked to the carriage house where the two boys stay now. You tapped on the door quietly before stepping back and waiting.
You were beginning to think he didn't hear you as the seconds ticked by so you raise your hand to tap again. Then, the door swings open and startled you. "Y/n? You're here early," he observes, pulling you in from the biting winter air. "You're freezing! Did you walk here?"
Nodding, you let him lead you to the bed. You kick off your shoes while he disappears into the closet for something. He re-emerges with his favorite sweatshirt and gives it to you. You shed your frozen through coat and put on the warm sweatshirt.
"How many times have I told you not to walk here in the winter?" He asks exasperatedly. You shrug silently, lacking any energy to quip back. He begins noticing your behavior. "What happened?"
You look at him with watery eyes, your lip quivering while you fight the emotions. "Oh, baby..." he whispers and pulls you into him. That's all it takes for you to release all your pain. Your shoulders shake and your face contorts as your body is wracked with silent cries.
He lays you down, cuddling you from behind. Justin knows the only thing that makes you like this. It's not the first time it's happened. You showing up at his door a wreck and no idea how to stop it.
You begin to calm down as the tears make your eyelids heavy. Justin gently runs his fingers through your hair, comforting you with soft kisses behind your ear. "Everything's gonna be okay, y/n. Only a few more months and we can go wherever we want. All we need is each other. Okay? I'll always be here for you," he lulls you into a calm state of sleep with his words.
Thirty minutes later when you're sound asleep, lights flash across the windows and Justin hears a car pull into the driveway. Normally, you'd both panic and you'd hide or quickly go out the window. But, you were so exhausted that he couldn't possibly be so cruel to wake you.
Instead, he buries his nose in your hair as the doorknob turns and it pushes open. Clay enters, not noticing you yet. "So turns out," he begins while shedding his coat, "they scheduled me tomorrow and not tod-" he stops in the middle of laying his coat on a chair.
Justin simply looks at him calmly. "Keep it down, would you?" He whispers only slightly sarcastically.
"What's going on here?" Clay questions in whispers.
"What's it look like?" Fully sarcastic. He loves Clay, but he will not hesitate to kick his ass if he wakes you up.
His eyebrows raise and he contemplates the scene. "Uhhh..." he walks over and sits down on his bed. "It looks like you're spooning y/n while she sleeps." Justin squints at him. "Wait, is this a thing?" A tiny tinge of excitement in his voice.
"Yeah," Justin smiles to himself. He's tired of sneaking around and he honestly doesn't even remember why he still wanted to at this moment. "Yeah, it is. Has been for a while," he admits.
Clay breaks out into the most ecstatic smile he's ever seen. "Really? Oh man!" He fights to keep his voice down when he laughs. "That's so great. You two are so good together. I was just waiting for you guys to realize it!"
"You what?" Justin asks quizzically. This was not the reaction he was expecting.
He rolls his eyes. "I've been dropping hints to y/n for months about you two should go out," he rambles. Justin looks down at your sleeping face. "I mean, you two are the most stubborn and strong people I know. No one else would ever keep up with you two."
"Huh," Justin chuckles before looking back to Clay. You must've been keeping those hints a secret. "You're right. Sometimes I can't even keep up with her. But, I sure love trying..."
A small smile comes to your lips. "Me too," you mumble. He rolls his head back and over to you.
"And...you've been awake the whole time," he surmises with a laugh.
You shrug, opening your eyes fully and look from him to Clay. "It's not exactly like either of you are quiet when you whisper." You smirk jokingly.
Justin glares daggers at Clay, who holds his hands up in innocence. "Hold up, it's not my fault," he pleads as Justin springs up and over to Clay. "I'm sorry! Ah! Okay, I'm sorry," he apologizes through laughs as the two begin to wrestle.
You just giggle as you watch them act like brothers. These two really felt like home. Without warning, you hop into their play fight and you all laugh hysterically.
Justin Taglist: @elfie6405​​ @fandomrulesall​ @crazyfangirrll​
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jjmaebank · 6 years
Justin Foley - Promise Ring
Request: ik you probably have a lot of requests rn so if you don’t get to this one i totally get it. could you possibly do a fluffy justin writing?? i feel like a lot of people write a lot of angst about him and i was wondering if you could do something a little happier?? thanks a bunch 😘😘  [requested by @escapeintape ]
A/N: i think this counts as fluffy? but i LOVED writing this so much and fluffy justin is just so important I had to write it ASAP !!
Words: 1.7k
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[GIF NOT MINE... but imagine Clay helping Justin get ready for your date]
Justin had told you earlier today at school that he planned on taking you out on a special date for your three month anniversary. You couldn’t believe it had been that long since you guys started dating and he’s been so much happier ever since the Jensens adopted him.
Justin wasn’t much of a romantic person, he found it hard making large displays of affection so most of your dates consisted of you hanging out and watching movies, stuffing your faces with food. Obviously, you very much loved doing that with Justin, you simply loved spending time with him no matter what you did, but you were incredibly excited to be doing something different. You couldn’t wait for him to take you out on a proper date where you could dress up nicely and where he would show up with flowers, well maybe the flowers was pushing it a little.
You texted Justin asking what you should wear, not knowing what he had in mind for tonight.
Justin: surprise me ;)
You sighed at how unhelpful he was. You decided on a floral dress with a light jacket seeing as the weather was nice out. You put on some light make up but not too much as Justin always made you feel like you didn’t need any at all. You looked at your reflection, satisfied with your finished appearance and the doorbell rang just as you went to grab your bag.
You hurried downstairs, eager to greet Justin. You slid on your shoes quickly and opened the door to your boyfriend who was dressed up in some smart trousers, a shirt and to top it off, one of Clay’s cardigans. His hair was done nicely although you loved it equally when he let it look scruffy. He looked like a proper gentleman and you adored it.
“You look amazing,” Justin said in awe as he admired you, he never failed to make you feel beautiful.
“You clean up nicely, babe, I haven’t seen you look this smart since the Winter Formal,” you smiled.
Justin, who previously had his arms behind his back, pulled out a bundle of roses that he’d been hiding.
“I thought you might like these...I know how you like romantic shit,” he smiled, his signature goofy smile playing on his lips.
“Oh my god, Justin!” You exclaimed, immediately embracing him in a large hug causing him to chuckle.
“I hope it isn’t too cliche,” he whispered into you ear.
“No, I love them, you’re amazing Justin, I hope you know that,” you said as you took the flowers and kissed him on the cheek.
“Anyways, where are we off to?” You asked.
“That’s a secret, (Y/N), you’ll find out soon enough,” he smiled, holding out his hand for you to take, which you happily did.
Justin led you to Clay’s car which he was borrowing for the night and opened the passengers side for you like a true gentleman. Once he’d hopped into the driver’s seat he pulled out a blindfold from his back pocket and handed it to you.
“You’re joking right?” You laughed, looking at the blindfold in his hand.
“No, I’m deadly serious, I want this to be a complete surprise, (Y/N),” he said, his puppy dog eyes making the decision for you.
“You really went full out,” you smiled, taking the blindfold and covering your eyes with it so you were now in the complete dark. 
You spent the car ride asking Justin continuous questions of what his plans were for tonight, where he was taking you and more but he refused to tell you anything. You’d never seen him put this much effort into a date before and it truly made your heart melt. You finally felt the car come to a halt and you heard Justin exit the car and then open the door to your side. He helped you out of the car gently and led you towards whatever he had planned for the two of you.
You felt tiny rocks and pebbles under your feet, causing you to stumble a little but Justin secured you by the waist. Eventually you reached a grassy area and Justin removed the blindfold from your eyes and you gasped as you saw what he’d prepared.
You were on top of a hill overlooking the whole of the town that was lit up in the evening. The view was absolutely beautiful and you stared at what Justin had set up in awe. A picnic blanket has been laid down in the midst of the lit candles that were scattered among the grass and he had prepared dinner for you.
“You did all of this? For me?” You gasped, looking over at Justin who looked nervous to see your reaction.
He nodded sweetly and led you towards the blanket and you saw a bottle of expensive looking champagne and two flutes were set up neatly next to it. It was perfect.
“Oh yeah, I stole that from the Jensens, I’m going to have to buy them another one,” Justin laughed as he saw you eye the expensive alcohol.
“You better be careful you don’t want to piss off your new parents so soon,” you joked.
Justin chuckled and then mumbled, “I hope this is all okay though.”
“Oh my god, Justin, this is more than okay, it’s amazing,” you smiled, falling deeper in love with the boy as he grinned proudly.
Justin had clearly learned how to cook from Mr Jensen and you spent the evening talking, laughing and eating. You both finished your food and you looked up at him, admiring his features for a moment and the way the light from the moon made him look even more handsome. His light blue eyes made contact with your own and his pale cheeks turned red as you stared at him with such intensity.
He leaned in slowly and his lips gently touched yours. You intensified the kiss immediately, parting your lips open with his and tugging the hair at the nape of his neck. You began to lay down on the blanket and Justin hovered over you, never breaking the kiss.
You lost one another as you moved your mouths against each other, your lips moving in sync as if they were made for each other. Your kiss spoke thousands of words to each other, words without saying anything, words that neither of you could explain aloud but would only be able to feel.
You didn’t stop until your lips burned and you were out of breath. His chest rose and fell at a rapid pace, your breaths also erratic. His eyelids fluttering closed as he rolled his body off of yours and lied next to you.
“I actually brought you here to tell you something, (Y/N), well...really to give you something,” he began, breaking the comfortable silence, sitting upright and motioning for you to follow suit. Confusion fogged your brain as he pulled something out from under the blanket.
“I know we’re still young, and that’s one of the reasons I’m giving you this, but also because I love you (Y/N), and I want to keep loving you forever, I want you to continue being mine and I, yours,” he said quietly, revealing what was in his hands. It was a small, velvet black box. Your eyes widened and your heart rate quickened.
“I-it’s a promise ring (Y/N),” Justin stuttered, excitement yet nervousness showing in his eyes as he opened the box and took your hand gently, sliding the stunning, diamond ring onto your finger. You began to tear up at his actions. You’d never had a boy go through such lengths for you.
“Don’t cry, shh, baby don’t cry, listen,” he whispered, looking deeply into your eyes, caressing your face with his hand.
“I know we’re still teenagers, but I need you to understand and trust that I’m here to stay. My feelings for you, (Y/N), they are too much to ever be put into words. It’s just, so weird you know...I still remember the very moment I fell in love with you. It was when I finally realised that I could be happy, after everything with my mom, and her boyfriend and not having anywhere to stay...you were always there for me and you made me smile, you made me smile so fucking much and it made me think that maybe I’m actually worth something to someone.  I love you so fucking much (Y/N), so I’m promising you forever,” Justin said, never breaking eye contact with you as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
You couldn’t fathom how one person could love you so much and how you could love him back with equal passion. Justin had swept you off your feet, stolen your heart but promised to keep it safe, but he’d also laid his heart out for you, with such endearing words. The tears streamed down your face, his speech rendering you more emotional than before and you flung your arms around his neck and his snaked around your waist, rocking the two of you gently side to side as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
You admired the beautiful ring upon your finger that signified the beauty of your love with Justin. You pulled back and placed your hands on either side of his face, gently caressing his cheek with your thumb.
“I promise you forever,” you whispered, his face lighting up at your response as the two of you stayed there, absolutely smitten for the other, in a state of elation and happiness at how lucky you were to have found one another.
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ffauthor · 2 years
Justin Foley x Reader Fanfic
Hi! If anyone has any ideas for a fanfiction, please let me know!~
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Plot: You were in a bad accident, a car crash to be specific. You just finished your job at Monet’s cafe, and since the only place left to the park was a parking lot nearby, left you with no other choice than to walk through that alleyway. it's late, so of course, they're drunk people, you thought you could make it past them, but they had other plans...
TW: Mentions of Abuse, Drinking, Car crash, Blood, Cursing.
You've managed to crawl behind a dumpster, You've just taken a full-on beating. While you try to find something, anything that could just help you escape. ''Playin' hide and seek now, are we?'' one of the guys says, hiccuping, laughing disgustingly. You tried to keep your breath steady, sitting still, not daring to move a single bit, afraid of being caught. That's when your eyes notice a can, only at your foot length. You bite the inside of your lip and leave out a couple of breaths before you rush to the can.  And grab it without hesitation to throw it at them, making it hit one of the man's eyes. You took this as an opportunity to run, and so you did. you Ran and ran and ran, till your legs stopped moving. you know you were being chased, but you at least made it to your car. Your hands were shaking, head was pounding and your body was covered in bruises and blood. you got ahold of your keys with shaking hands and unlocked the car. Tears were streaming down your face as you slammed the door behind you, started the car, and wiped them off.
''Come on, stop crying!'' you mumbled to yourself, as you made your way out the parking lot, driving past them fully. Once you were on the road you let the tears fall. you've put your phone in the holder and dialed Justin's number, still keeping your eyes on the road. It rang a couple of times, longer than usual. ''Come on.. pick up the phone!'' you whispered, frustrated. before you were met with a sleepy voice. ''Y/n?' you smiled a little, full of relief. 'J-Justin.. i-i' the smile dropped, you didn't know what to say. and didn't know why you called him. His voice was now full of worry, as he heard your struggle. 'Babe? What's wrong? Are you okay?' you grunt in pain, starting to sob louder. 'No... I-i guess not really, i-i don't know..' - 'What's going on baby? I can't hear you properly' you started to speed up, wanting to be home as soon as possible. 'B-Bryce.. h-he'' you didn't have to say anything else, before Justin made a strong fist, anger filling within him. 'What did he do?!' he tried to stay calm for you, but in reality, he was pissed. your sight was getting blurrier by the tears, as you noticed a bright light coming towards you, two bright lights. And before you know it, you were met with a loud crash, glass shivering all around while you fell unconscious immediately. ''H-Holy shit! Y/N?!' Justin yelled, hearing the crash through the phone speakers. 'Y/N, BABE?!' his voice was full of worry, as he started to shake.
He grabbed his car keys as fast as he could, made his way out of the door, and slammed the door close behind him. He made sure to keep you on the line, calling your name repeatedly, hoping for a response. 'Hang on babe.. don't quit on me, I'm going to find you..' his voice breaks, he gets in the car and drives around the neighborhood, hoping to find any sight of you.
After several minutes he did, as people were watching the scene. He pulled over next to the two cars. The female who hit you was already standing outside her car in complete shock, with some people comforting her. His car was barely standing still, while he opened his door and sprinted out of his car, making his way to you.
He got you out of the car, breaking down at the sight of seeing you like this, but also mad that no one checked up on you. He pulled you on his lap, holding you tightly, slapping your face softly to try to get you conscious. You snapped in and out of consciousness, him not letting you move. 'Babe... Can you hear me?'  he tried to say it as clearly as possible, but his cracks kept him from doing so.  'J-Jus..' You blurt out, happy to see his face, but also terrified. 'Yes it's me baby..' you tried to speak but ended up failing. 'N-No no, don't talk.. just.. stay there laying pretty, okay?' he gave you a quick fake smile, before hearing the sirens come closer.
He made space for them, still holding your hand like his life depends on it. a few people dragged you on a stretcher, Justin still not letting your hand go. you saw the change between the dark sky and the roof of the ambulance, as you started to panic. Justin took quick notice of that and kissed your forehead, before sitting down next to you, caressing your hand with his thumb. You moved your head to the side where Justin was sitting, his eyes red from crying, tear stains still on his cheeks, covering his bloody shirt likewise. You hated to see him like this, you wanted to hug him, tell him it's okay. but you couldn't, and it wasn't okay. you felt your heart drop in your stomach. not knowing if it was because of not being able to do anything, or because of the massive pain, you are in. ''Don't... L-Leave me, please..'' you whisper, not keeping your eyes off of him. He took your hand and brought it up to his lips, before pressing his against it. 'I'm not going anywhere, my love.'
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purestxblood · 3 years
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Hello wonderfuls, ♡ thank you so much for taking the time to check out my master list & read my works. Comments, likes, & reblogs are always appreciate as I love to hear your thoughts.
Like every talented writer, I do not give permission for any of my works to be translated, rewritten, copied and posted on platforms other than my own accounts here on Tumblr & Wattpad unless stated otherwise.
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▬▬▬ 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐌 ! ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳 ! ; 𝘥𝘤 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘶 ! ; 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 ! ; 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘭 ! ; 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘴 ! ;
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𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘮 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 ! ;
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joshrussosbff · 3 years
13 Reasons Why One Shots
check out my justlex oneshot!!
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queenlists · 5 years
Like You For You
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A/N: Happy November 🦃 This is a one shot involving Justin Foley. Thank you all for the support! I hope you all enjoy this one.✌
Post date: 11/01/2019
Justin Foley.
I heard whispers about him around town when I first moved here. People had a lot to say and I heard it all. I listened to every last bit of what everyone had to say about Justin.
Drug addict.
Terrible person.
Lost guy finding his way in life.
Charity kid.
Poor past, bright future.
As you can tell some people were fond of him and expected him to blossom from his demons, others not so much.
I wandered around aimlessly for a week until one day, I decided to become a part of the scenery instead of observing it. My first spot of interest was Monet's. I heard about Monet's a lot from the people around town. Everyone suggested Monet's, so who was I to skip out on the town's favorite hangout spot? Little did I know, I'd meet one of the most talked about guys around town.
"Hello and welcome to Monet's. How can I help you?" He was beautiful. A tough yet sweet guy. His eyes lingered on mine while he waited for me to say something. 'Say anything, (y/n)! Anything and fast' I remember thinking to myself. I remember fumbling my words out to the point where they were basically incoherent, but instead of standing there waiting for a real sentence to come out he smiled at me, turned around, and started to prepare something. I assumed whatever it was was mine since I was the only customer standing there empty handed. I took a look around until something caught my eye. Beautiful pictures in black and white of some people I'm assuming are regulars here. I tapped at the counter taking in the chill ambience until he slid the mug my way. "It's hot chocolate. I hope you don't mind" he smiled at me and sure enough, hot chocolate became my everyday order.
Today is a nice day for hot chocolate or tea. It's dark, gloomy, and there was a nip of cold. The streets are pretty much vacant - I mean this weather is perfect stay at home weather. Usually on days like today, you could find me home. Nowadays, not so much; I'm never home. My parents suspect it has something to do with a boy or girl; They always emphasized that either one was fine and they were right. I'm falling a guy that I don't know squat about other than the fact that he works at Monet's and makes some great hot chocolate. I don't even know his name. I let out a sigh, shaking off the sadness a bit. What if I'm setting myself up? For all I know, he has someone. It takes me a minute to shake it off before I start back on my way.
Once I make it up to the window, I glance inside and see him wiping off the counter. I smile, opening the door, quickly catching his attention. He smiles at me and turns to go back to the counter. I make my way over to the counter and before I even get there, he turns to me with a mug of hot chocolate. "I thought you'd be here anytime now. I made it like ten minutes ago. I can go make another if you want." I gladly take the mug from his hands and shake my head "No, that's fine! Thank you. You never make me pay anyway" I giggle, taking a sip. Sure enough, it's still delicious. Cold, but still delicious.
"See? Perfection like always" I smile at him, he's looking at me but he's not smiling. He's just kind of staring at me intently. I start to shift my weight from one foot to the other uncomfortably. There's never silence between us and I can tell he has something to say. He clears his throat and looks down for a minute before looking up at me again. This is the longest we've ever stood in front of one another and it's very nerve wracking. There's something he wants to say. My heart starts to pound out of my chest and I continue to shift. I feel like just putting the mug down and walking off. "I was just wondering why you're never here when I'm off of work, but you're always here when I'm working" he's looking at me and my words go out the window just like the first day we met. Is he looking for me on his days off?  "I-uhm..I just like the hot chocolate here?" It comes out as more of a question and not a statement. He laughs, hanging his head down then looks back up to me "You can get hot chocolate here anytime!" "Yeah, well, other people will make me pay and you make the best hot chocolate ever!" He shrugs and nods agreeing with me "Yeah. I've been told that once or twice by my brother, Clay. I mean he's not really my brother. I'm adopted. His family adopted me a few years ago." "Clay's far from wrong." I smile at him. We just stand there looking at each other. Our eyes locking. This time it doesn't feel uncomfortable and I don't want to run away. I want to be stuck in this moment with him.
"Hey, lovebirds! Can I order?" a guy laughs at us, catching his attention. "Oh shut up, Clay! I'll catch you later" He flashes me a smile before heading off to help his brother. I take a look at Clay. He's might familiar. I quickly take a look at the cluster of black and white photos before looking at Clay again. There's pictures of both Clay and the guy. They look so happy. I smile at them interacting together and then both of their eyes look towards me. I gulp and turn around quickly, finding a seat away from the counter.
"Hey. You know we're closed, right?" He said smiling at me with a rag over his shoulder. I felt my face heat up and my palms sweat, ripping off the one earbud I had in. I quickly started to gather up my stuff "Oh shoot! I'm so sorry." Time flies by here. I knew I should've put an alarm on my laptop; I was just too busy binge watching my shows. "We've been closed for ten minutes now. I was wondering if you'd like to stick around long enough for me to make us some food and some hot chocolate. I know you like hot chocolate. Plus, I get to take home any leftover pastries and stuff. That counts as a dessert right?" He was still smiling at me. I nodded at him smiling back. "Wanna stay and have dinner and dessert with me? Maybe get to know each other?" He started to wipe down some tables. "Like a date?" I laughed a little to play off my over excitement. He laughed and looked down shaking his head a little then looked at me "Yes. Yes just like a date." My heart did a backflip and fell to my gut. I wasn't expecting him to ever ask me out. "Y-yeah! Of course. I've been wondering how long it'd take you to ask me out" I try to act nonchalant about it waving it off. "Oh really? Well this will hopefully be the first of many." He walks closer to me as I hide my face, feeling the heat rise to my face. "What's your name? I feel like I should know before this date kicks off." "(Y/n). Yours?" "Justin. Justin Foley." I look at him and it's as if everything I heard about him is just being repeated back to me in my ear.
Drug addict.
Terrible person.
Lost guy finding his way in life.
Charity kid.
Poor past, bright future.
I must've made a face because his smile drops, clenching his jaw and turning his back to me. I stand up to go to him and he turns around, looking at me with tears in his eyes "I'm pretty sure you heard about me. Years after everything, my name is still being thrown around. I thought by now people would leave it alone. I have a bad past, but that Justin isn't me anymore, (y/n). I'm clean. I've been clean for a few months now. I've been getting help for awhile now. Give me a chance to prove them wrong. I've been trying to get better, but everyone still talks." His face is going pale and his tears are starting to prick out, wiping his tears away before they can fall. He sniffles a little bit, looking down. I gently put my arms around his neck "Hey! I don't care what anyone says. I liked you before I knew who you were, before I knew your backstory. I like you for you. Let's talk, get to know each other, and enjoy our date, okay?" He looks at me, nodding. 
Our date was beautiful. I admitted to him that I was actually very sick of hot chocolate, that I continued to come to Monet's not because I liked the environment (which I do a lot), because of him, and told him a little about my life and why I moved to town. He admitted that he knew that for awhile now and that he's been talking to Clay about me. Clay told Justin that if he didn't ask me out then he'd do it for him. He also told me about his rough childhood and even took me all the way back to the summer that kick started the "biggest mess of his life, but also the positive turning point in life he needed" as he puts it.
He didn't leave out a single thing. Whether I liked it or not, he was determined to let me know everything even if it made me look at him in a different light. He wanted to be the one to tell me versus someone else trying to get a one up on him somehow. He even told me that his friend Tyler was the one who did the photography for all of the photos up there and that the people on the pictures were some of the best people in his life. That whole group endured the same obstacles he did and they stuck together through it. He was completely vulnerable at that time. There were some tears and there were some laughs. I decided that I agreed with what some of the people said about him.
Lost guy finding his way in life.
Poor past, bright future.
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viinchester · 5 years
Messy Excuse of A Boyfriend
Fandom: 13 Reasons Why
Pairing: Justin Foley x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence, light swearing, Angst
Word Count: 2139
Requested by: @xxxmyrthexxx
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Summary: Justin Foley has been missing for a week, but you're finally able to find him and figure out what happened.
A/N: I hope I could give you what you wanted, this was different from what I normally write but I had fun nonetheless! <3
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"Hey Justin, this is like my third message today but please call me when you get this. I'm worried sick about you, baby. I love you so much, bye!", you ended yet another call on his mailbox and sighed while hanging up.
Justin hasn't been in the school for the whole week and normally he'd send you a text after 1-3 days telling you why he's missing, but this time he didn't. It was Thursday and nobody knew where he was. You'd asked every single person you knew who could know anything about his disappereance, but it seemed like he was completely lost.
When another day went by without any kind of notice of his where-abouts, you decided to take your last resort: Ask Bryce. After all, he was his best friend and you couldn't figure out who else could help you anymore.
So when said boy walked past you in the hallway in school, you quickly pulled him aside and ignored his surprised look.
"Y/N, what's up?", he asked curiously and smirked, as you simply sighed and shot him a small smile.
"Hey Bryce, I'm kind of at a loss. This past week Justin hasn't contacted or reacted to any of my calls once. Do you have any idea where he could be?" - Now Bryce had a smug look of knowing on his face and crooked a little apologetic smile.
"He asked me not to tell you, but I think it's best if you know. Justin's been staying at mine since sunday, his parents kicked him out. Poor boy's been living in my poolhouse and only come out like once this entire week. I promised him not to tell anyone, but you really gotta help him prep up again. I can't even go in the poolhouse anymore, he's starting to smell, man.", he told me and I took a deep breath, as I nodded.
"Can I come after school?" - Eagerly nodding, Bryce agreed: "Sure, I'll give you a ride. Just get him out of there and in shape again."
Said and done, two hours later you stood in front of the poolhouse with Bryce and thanked him for getting you there. He told you it was fine and then said he'd give you two some space to figure things out.
Once he turned to the main house, you quietly knocked on the door of the poolhouse and opened it a few seconds after.
Widening your eyes, you realized Bryce wasn't lying when he said the place stunk. There were Pizza-Boxes all over the floor, some beer-bottles leaned against the table in front of the couch, and some tissue-papers everywhere in hindsight.
This place was a mess.
Your eyes wandered across the room and onto the couch, where a body lay lazily with arms hanging low on the ground. Justins' legs were all over the place too and his body was covered by only a thin blanket.
Slowly making your way over, you called out: "Justin?"
His answer was only a low growl and he shifted a little, still deep in his sleep.
Preferably you would've liked to let him sleep it out, since he looked as though he had a bad hangover. Your eyes dwelled up quickly with tears, as you took a closer look at him and realized he probably didn't shower all week. His clothes had stains all over them, his hair was greasy, his skin had a dirty brown color across them. You literally could see how he cried, the tears had managed to leave a path on his cheeks across some mud.
Seeing him like this made you sad and angry. Sad, because he was in this state and angry, because he hadn't told you about it. Deep down you knew it wasn't right to be mad at him, but still your anger remained.
Now a little louder you called out again: "Justin, it's me."
Just like before Justin shifted and groaned in obvious annoyance. You were about to slap him awake, when his eyelids suddenly flung open at once.
"Good afternoon, sleepy head.", you greeted him with a small chuckle before turning serious again.
Justin had managed to sit up and was now staring at you in some kind of disbelief, as if he thought you weren't real. Annoyed, you raised your hand and waved it in front of his face two times.
"Hello? Earth to Justin, this is Y/N speaking.", you continue and frown. "Your girlfriend who was worried beyond believe about your disappereance this whole week and tried to reach you on multiple occasions. Did you forget you had a girlfriend who missed you madly or something?"
Finally, Justin snapped out of his shock and reached forwards, grabbing your shoulders and hugging you tightly.
As you hugged him back, he mumbled: "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry.. I'm such an idiot. I didn't think you'd be so worried, shit!"
Pulling away from the hug, you put your hand in front of your nose and turned to your right a little.
"God, you stink!", you exclaim laughing and smirk upon seeing his apologetic look and his awkward scratching on the neck. "Oh, quit the puppy dog look! Take a shower and throw on some fresh clothes, then we'll talk."
As soon as you told him that, Justin jumped up and grabbed his blue duffle-bag and sprinted into the bathroom.
"It's only gonna take a minute!" - "Na-ah! You're gonna shower deeply, Mr. Foley! I won't be near you when you have mud all over you.", you respond and hear him chuckle slightly before closing the bathroom door.
Sighing, you stand up and open the windows. As the water in the shower turns on, you also begin to clean the place a little. Grabbing a plastic bag, you fill it with the empty beer bottles and put it aside after. Then, you continue to do the same with the pizza-boxes. The tissue-papers follow suit shortly too and then you grab a laundry basket and put everything that has stains in it as well. The blanket and some pillows go in there, as well as some boxershorts(of which you weren't even sure if they were Justins') and other clothes went in the basket and by the time Justin got out of the bathroom you were just finished with rubbing the table in front of the TV clean with some water, soap and a towel.
"Woah!", Justin exclaimed upon seeing the almost entirely new room. "How'd you do that?"
"There's this thing called trash-bags and opening the windows, you should try it sometimes.", you jokingly answer and throw the towel into the sink, before wiping the sweat on your forehead. "Besides, I felt bad leaving Bryce his poolhouse the way it was before."
"Well, he has housemaids and all. I bet they would've cleaned up too." - You threw him a furious glanze.
"Or you could show him your thankfulness by not trashing his poolhouse."
Justin only shrugs, not replying anything to this as he lies back and reaches for one of the yet unopened beer bottles on the side of the couch.
Before he's able to grab it, you yank his arm away and simply shake your head.
"No way, I'm not letting you do that again.", you stay firm and get a concerned look. "Justin, you need to tell me what happened."
Justin probably knew you'd ask that, or at least you assume he knew it by how fast and stern his answer came.
"Nothing happened." - "Cut the bullshit, sweetheart. I know something happened, just tell me so I can help you.", you reply without beating around it.
Shifting closer to him, you feel his body tense and tears that threat to break through his eyes any moment.
"You can't help me, that's the problem.", he quietly whispers and stares down at his hands. "I'm a total fuck-up."
If your heart was able to physically break from words, then these would've been the ones to break it. Even without this, you felt your heart painfully ache against your chest in protest.
You wanted nothing more than to slap Justin for saying such a thing.
"Baby, you're not..", you get closer to him and grab his face by the side of his jaw, as he refuses to look up into your eyes. "Look at me please."
Finally his eyes meet yours and you can see the pain and torture of whatever's happened to Justin flood through him by his eyes. You pulled him into a deep hug and pressed your hands into his shoulders to get him closer. His own hands hesitate for a second, before finally clawing themselves into your back as well.
"Justin, I love you so much. You have no idea what I'd give to make you happy. Please tell me what happened, I can see it's killing you inside." - His silent sobs vibrate in your shoulder and through your body, making you put a hand in his hair and slowly caressing it.
"It's just-..", he breaks through and pulls away to sniffle and rub his nose, so you grab tissue-papers from the table and give them to him. "Thank you.."
Patiently waiting for your boyfriend to calm down and gather the courage to speak, you run your hand across his leg up and down again and again in an effort to comfort him.
Finally, Justin takes a deep breath in and speaks with trembeling lips: "I know I should've guessed by now, but-.. It still hurts, you know? Last saturday after Bryce' party, I got home late and woke up Seth. And he was pissed, 'cause.. you know, it's Seth, the dude's always pissed."
You could tell in which direction this was going, but kept quiet as you were happy Justin was finally able to open up about his experience.
"Well, long story short, he first beat the shit out of me.. and then threw me out.", Justin paused and squeezed his eyes shut as if the following memory hurt him physically. "and mom, I begged her.. I begged her so much.., to not let him do it, to tell him no.. but she just set on this tiny smile as if she wasn't even sorry.. and she let him throw me out. Of course she did, she always lets him do what he wants, but still-"
Pulling Justin into a hug again, you continue his sentence: "It hurts."
"Yeah.", he nodds and begins to cry again, this time full on without some sort of stop.
You reassured him quietly, letting him fully live out his pain a last time, as you knew this was what he'd need to move on.
"I know I should be used to this by now. God, I'm such a fucking coward.. Why are you even still with me?", he breaks out and goes to pull away, but you grab his shoulders and pull him closer to keep him there. "You don't deserve this.. You don't deserve this messy excuse of a boyfriend. I didn't call you all week, I don't have money to buy you anything.., hell, even your parents probably think I'm a total loser."
"Oh, shut up, will you?", you burst out and cling onto his shoulders. "You're none of these things, you're the best thing that could've happened to me. You've shown me how to love, for fucks sake. I don't care about whether you have money or not, I don't care whether my parents like you or not. Besides, I'm pretty sure they love you. Especially my dad, he totally thinks you're a keeper and is rooting for you."
Pulling his face away softly and placing a kiss on his forehead, you continue to tell Justin: "My life has changed to nothing but positive things since I met you, you make me so happy. Seth and your mom can go fuck themselves and watch you grow big from afar! You're better of without them, and soon they will realise you can go your way even with all the bricks they put in your way."
You take a deep breath to say more, but are interrupted when Justins lips come crashing down on yours. Kissing him back, your fingers grab his jaw by the sides.
When you two finally pull away from eachother again, you're breathless.
You smile a little and say: "Justin Foley, we're going to get through this together. I promise you we will find a way! But for now, how about going out watching a movie or drinking at Monet's, hm?"
Giving him a small kiss on the lips again and softly running your hand through the hair of the brunett, his eyes light up.
"That sounds good.", he chimes in and both of you smile.
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Why Oh Why (Scott Reed x Reader)
Summary: Scott Reed and Reader used to be the IT couple, but broke up. He moves on to a new girl fairly quickly.
I walked into school, greeting the few people I actually like. I saw Jessica, Clay, Alex, Justin, and Zach together., They’re the only people that are really there for me after my public breakup with Scott 3 weeks ago. I honestly don’t know how I could’ve coped without them here for me.
“Hey, guys,” I say walking up to them.
Justin was the first to speak up, “Hi Y/N, how are you feeling today? Are you okay?”
“Meh, I could be better. I’ll be alright though” I concluded.
They nodded understanding. I was with Scott for almost 2 years and he ended up breaking up with me out of nowhere.
“Hey Y/N, can we talk?” Scott stammered as he approached me.
I looked up at him worried, “Yeah, babe. What’s up?”
“You know I loved you. A lot. We can’t be together anymore, It’s not you. You’re amazing, but I don’t think we’re a good couple. We can still be friends though, however, us being together won’t work” he confessed sadly.
I felt my heart break in two as he told me this. I would’ve never thought that he would hurt me this way. Our relationship was nothing but happiness to me.
“You said you loved me. You said you would stay. Why are you doing this to me?” I started crying to him.
He looked at me sadly and scratched the back of his neck, “I’ll see you around, Y/N.”
Jessica snapped me out of my flashback by hugging me. I hugged her back feelings bummed all over again. I really love him more than anything and probably always will.
Alex looked at me, “I promise, you’ll be okay. He’s an asshole and really didn’t deserve anything you gave to him.”
I shrugged and looked over to my right. I felt my heart drop, Scott was with another girl. The worst part is that it’s Natalie, a girl I’ve been jealous of since 7th grade. This is embarrassing. Everyone already knew I was jealous of her, now my ex is dating her.
I threw my head back and groaned, “The bell’s about to ring. I gotta go.” I began walking away.
“Y/N! We have 7 minutes until the bell rings” someone called out to me.
I kept walking, wanting to get away from Scott and Natalie as soon as possible. I just walked into the bathroom to check and make sure my appearance was still in order and okay. I refuse to cry in school. I won’t give anyone the satisfaction to talk about Scott being over me, but me still reminiscing about him.
I hear the door open, “Y/N? Are you alright?”
It was Jessica. As much as I appreciate her being here for me, I really wanted to be alone at the moment.
“What?! I’m fine” I snapped looking back at her.
She looked really taken aback by my demeanor but still approached. I could feel her studying my face and my body language to figure out what she could say to make me feel better.
I felt tears welling up in my eyes, “Jess he’s gone. Please tell me, why would he leave? I was dumb to believe anything he ever said to me, he never loved me. I cried so much since he left me, I can’t even tell you how much… Why did he leave me?”
Jessica just brought me into a hug without saying anything. She just let me cry on her should.
“I loved him so much and tried so hard to let him know. Now he’s gone and with someone else. Please tell me what did I do wrong, Jess” I pulled back and looked at her with a tear-stained face.
She cupped my face in her hands, “He didn’t deserve you. You did nothing wrong, this was on him. You gave your virginity to him, went to all his games, took care of him when he was drunk and was there for him overall. This is not your fault in any shape or form. It’s his. He left you for someone else, not the other way around.”
I wish her words helped me. I really did. I felt nothing when she finished saying anything. I still feel like this is my fault in some way. He wouldn’t even tell me the reason why he decided he woke up one day and didn’t want me anymore.
“Thanks, Jess. I gotta go to class now.” I mumbled walking away from her.
I began my journey down the hall to my class. I avoid ever looking up in school just in case I see something I don’t want to. I checked my snapchat messages and collided with someone, sending me to the ground.
“Sorry,” I mumble looking down, “I guess I should pay attention more”
I look up, my heart skips a beat. It was him. The kid that broke my heart before anyone ever had the chance to.
“Scott” I whispered studying his face
He reached a hand out, “Hey, Y/N. Are you alright? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
Physically? No. You just ripped my heart out and stomped on it like it was nothing. That pain was worse than any other physical pain.
“No, I’m fine. I was just pretty distracted, that’s all” I reply, grabbing his hand to which he pulled me up with.
I get goosebumps just by touching him. I really love this guy, I do. I couldn’t have gotten through anything without him being by my side.
“Can we talk?” I plead nervously.
He hesitated, “Y/N, I don’t think-”
“Please?” I cut him off before he could finish.
He shook his head at me, “Y/N, you need to get over me. I moved on and you should too. Now get to class, the bell is about to ring”
He looked at me one more time, before walking away. Leaving me in an empty hall, once again. I just want some type of reason why he left me. I never got one and it wasn’t fair, I didn’t even get a warning or a heads up.
I sigh and walked the rest of the distance to my history class. I took my seat next to Justin, my best friend. He has tried to help me through this, but he’s bad at it. Now, he just allows me to rant to him whenever I feel like expressing my feelings.
“You okay?” he asked looking at me worriedly.
I groaned. I’m so tired of that question, “Yes, Justin. I’m fucking fine. I wish everyone would quit asking me that. I’m going through a breakup. You’ve really been irritating me lately. I’ll be okay soon, but asking me the shit every 8 seconds is not helping. At all.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m just trying to help” He apologized, looking at me with hurt across his face.
I rubbed my hand over my face, “I know, I know. I’m sorry. This is just all so hard and I feel so lost right now. I didn’t mean to take it out on you, I’m sorry”
He looked away from me and to the board. He was still hurt, I could tell. I feel really bad for blowing up on him. Everyone is just trying their best, but I feel like a porcelain doll when I’m around them.
I sigh and pay attention to the lesson my teacher is giving me. It’s really been hard for me to concentrate on anything lately, and I feel unmotivated to do anything. I won’t even sit up and act like it’s Scott’s fault. It’s not. Sure, he contributed some way to this, but I always get like this around Winter and Spring.
Lunch rolls around and I go sit with Justin and the others. Justin is still mad at me, so I don’t sit next to him. I sit between Clay and Alex and instantly feel more comfortable around my friends.
“Where’s your food?” Clay asks looking down confused at my lack of food.
I shrug, “I’m not really hungry right now”
“You should still eat though, here Y/N” Alex insists on trying to give me a cookie.
This is what I mean by them treating me like I’m glass. I can’t even make my own choices anymore. I already had a big breakfast, so I really wasn’t hungry. Nevertheless, they still want to force feed me.
I glared at Alex, “I said I wasn’t hungry”
“And I said you would still eat” Alex snaps at me.
I scoff, “Quit treating me like a child, Alex”
“Maybe quit trying to make everyone feel bad for trying to cheer you up. You’re always a bitch, yeah, but this is not fair for us. We’re trying to help you get out of your heartbroken state, while you snap at every single thing we do” Justin barked at me from across the table, glaring at me.
I feel offended, so I get up and walk to where he’s sitting. He stands up too and glares down at me.
I look up at him, “You’re being an asshole”
“Maybe, but come on. Scott’s over you, he’s with Natalie. You’ve always been jealous of her and now I see what you do. You act like a slut sometimes Y/N. You always flirted with Natalie’s boyfriends. Even more priceless, you dated Scott even when you knew she liked him. It sucks that you fell in love with him on the way. He probably realized what a bitch you truly are” Justin insulted me harshly.
I feel my nose burning and tears well up in my eyes. Yeah, Justin and I get into a lot of arguments, but this was our worst one. He has never insulted me, and vice versa. He just called me a bitch and a slut. I felt hurt all over again.
I slap him. Hard. The whole cafeteria went silent. Everyone looked at us shocked. Even Scott, Natalie, and the rest of the baseball players. I began hitting his chest, crying out. He just stood there taking it. Clay finally ripped me off of him. He held me tight against him so I wouldn’t escape.
“Fuck you, Justin” I sobbed as I pushed Clay off and ran out of the cafeteria.
He said he loved me. He said he would stay, but now he’s gone.
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cutielando · 6 months
hello lovelies, hope you’re having an amazing day !!
quick question for you.
what would you like to see me write more? or rather, who would you like to see me write about?
I will take into consideration several options of the poll, not to worry !!
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imaginefan · 4 years
Only Answer
Justin Foley X Reader
Word Count: 657
Requested: Anon
Request: You notice Justin is tempted to go back to his old ways when he finds out his mom died, you do what you can do be there for him to help him through it. He confindes in you and gives you a out but you don’t take it you stick with him and he is so happy. He gets better and Jessica wants him back and you worry he will go back to her but he loves you and wants to be with you. 13 reasons why one shot.
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You were sitting on your bed trying to finish an assignment when your phone rang, you looked over at it and frowned it was Justin "Hello?" You asked as you answered the phone there was silence for a second "Justin?"
"I'm sorry I didn't know who else to call." You finally heard him say. "What's wrong?" You asked. "I needed to talk to someone I tried calling Jessica but she wasn't answering the phone, I just-" "Justin, what happened?" You repeated the question. "My Mum she's dead." He finally said. "Where are you?" You asked. "I'm wandering around." He answered. "Come to my house, you'll need somewhere to stay and someone to talk to." You said, "I'll be waiting for you."
It was about an hour before he got there and you were starting to worry that he wasn't going to show up, you opened the door and when he just looked at you, you pulled him into a hug and lead him into the house closing the door "I thought you weren't coming." You mumbled as he looked for a way to busy his hands. "I thought about not coming, I know that you don't have to help me, we haven't spoken since we were little." He shrugged. "I knew you'd just worry." "I would have, you know I still check on you ask around, make sure that your okay, I'm glad that you came to me before you did something stupid." You answered you couldn't explain it you just knew that he would have ended up doing something he would have regretted if he was on his own. "How about you take a shower and I'll get something for you to change into and then we can decide what to do after." Justin did shower and when he came out you were sitting in the same place surrounded by papers as you continued with your assignment. You smiled as you gestured the space next to you "you don't have to talk, we can just sit here, I'll do my work and you can put something on." You handed him the remote "if you want to talk, then you can talk but if you don't that's fine too."
It turned out that night he didn't want to talk and the same went for the night after and the night after that but he did stay with you, you made sure that he ate. Some nights you guys didn't get any sleep because he couldn't fall asleep and you'd stay up with him and then there were nights where you both crashed and woke up the next morning with small smiles on your face as you got ready for the next day. Justin got better over time and you guys got closer than ever, he'd tried to leave a few times and every time you told him that you'd kill him if you came home and found him missing. One night you were sitting in your room watching something, you didn't even remember what it was called and it was hard to concentrate when Justin's phone was going off every few seconds. "Are you going to answer that?" You finally asked. "It's just Jess." He answered. "Oh, you don't want to answer it?" You asked. "No, we spoke today, she didn't like what I said." He answered and you nodded. "Well, I hope you guys work it out." You said softly "I'm sure it wasn't too bad." "We talked about getting back together." He said as he turned onto his side to look at you. "You want to?" You asked giving him your full attention. "I don't think I do." He answered leaning closer to you. "You showed me what I needed and I don't know what I'd do without you." "I don't plan on going anywhere." You said softly and he smiled. "And I'm not letting you." He smiled as he pressed his lips to yours.
Requests and general question!
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cynicallystiles · 5 years
Disclaimer: Gif originally posted by me.
Author: @cynicallystiles
Request:  Anon:  would you do a fic about being dimes little sister (Justin’s?) who was assaulted and standing up during the assembly/ sorry didn’t mean dimes meant someone’s x
Warning: Season 3 spoilers, mention of sexual assault, and cursing.
Notes: Thank you for requesting it, I hope it is somewhat like you imagined anon! Also, I went ahead and did my Justin tag even though it’s not Justin x Reader because it has Justin in it! Please COMMENT/REBLOG if you enjoy!
Pairing: Clay Jensen x Foley!Reader
Words: 1,555
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You sat there next to Tyler for moral support at the assembly. Jessica, your brother's girlfriend and the class president, was supposed to be apologizing to another school for the homecoming incident. By incident, that means she organized a protest at the homecoming halftime and inadvertently started a riot.
That night had shocked you. As much as you wanted to support your friends, you couldn't bring yourself to get involved in the violence. So, you watched from the sidelines as they all surged onto the field to fight with the opposing team. Your brother, your friends, and even your boyfriend.
You wish you could say that that's where the consequences ended. With some cuts and bruises, and of course, Zack's broken leg. But, matters got worse from there. Bryce Walker was found dead days later. Murdered. And you and everyone you knew were suspects.
But, Clay had it the worst. He's who they wanted to pin it on. It was absurd, though. Anyone who truly knew Clay, like you do, would know that he isn't capable of doing something so atrocious. That didn't matter. All the 'evidence' was piled against him, and he had little hope that the justice system wouldn't fail him.
That's why you knew that he was going to run. Justin had come to you in a panic at school, whispering urgently about how no one could find Clay. It made you sad; how could he leave for potentially ever without saying goodbye to you. But, you also couldn't blame him. Jail would not be kind to him and you never wished to see him in that sort of pain. So, you pushed down your sadness and hoped that he'd gotten far, far away.
Back to the assembly. Jessica was supposed to be apologizing for that night so many weeks ago. But, she and her survivors' club had other plans. Plans that made Tyler nervous; so in place of Clay, you were there to give him the support and encouragement he needed for this big moment.
"My name is Jessica Davis...and I'm a survivor." She smiles confidently as she looks to the stands for others to come forward and speak their truth. The first ones to do so are from her club, as planned.
She looks to Tyler with an encouraging nod, but he shakes his head. You can see him trembling slightly in fear. Resting a careful hand on his forearm, you whisper to him, "It's okay. Whenever you're ready...we'll be here."
He smiles appreciatively as more people stand up and announce that they're survivors. It spreads beyond her initial group. Girls from the other school and also, others from yours stand up.
Next to you, you can see the struggle on Tyler's face. He wants to be brave, but he can't. That is until he looks toward the opening and closing of the gym doors. You follow his lead and see Clay setting down your brother's gym bag.
They exchange pained and concerned looks. Without warning, Tyler stands next to you. "My name is Tyler Down," he begins shakily, "and I'm a survivor." You reach up and clasp his hand for comfort as murmurs ripple throughout the gym. He looks to Clay who gives him a proud nod.
The confessions continued on. Even another boy from your school spoke up. You were waiting for the right moment, but Clay wasn't supposed to be here. And you hadn't ever told him this small fact from your past because you knew he'd have so much guilt over it. Even though it was long before the two of you met.
There's a pause in the announcements. You look over and see Justin looking at you. Your eyebrows knit together as tears prick at your eyes. With a trembling lip, you watch him stand in uncertainty. He shoves his hands in his pockets as the school goes silent.
"My name is Justin Foley," he swallows nervously and goes on, "and I'm a survivor." A tiny sob escapes your lips and you put your free hand up to cover your mouth. It shocked everyone, even Jessica. You were all too aware of him being a survivor. It was the one thing you wished the two of you didn't share.
In an odd way, though, it made you closer as siblings. But, you couldn't bring yourself to stand anymore. Because while you shared that trauma with Justin, there was also trauma you didn't share with him, and never told him about it. Even though it looked so freeing, admitting that to everyone in spite of his fear.
Another girl behind Justin stands up as he looks back over to you. He nods subtly in encouragement but you slightly shake your head, little tears slipping down your cheeks. You wipe them with your sleeve as you turn to look at Clay.
His eyes were already watching you in concern and your exchange with Justin. Your face crumples a bit, but you know that you have to do this. You want to. It's your turn to take control of your life. So after the last girl finishes, you stand up.
You let go of Tyler's hand and rub your palms nervously on your jeans. Never breaking eye contact with your brother, you take a jagged breath and speak. "My name is y/n Foley...and I'm a survivor." The first part sounded shaky, but your brother gave you the confidence to finish strong.
Tyler pats your back comfortingly and you venture a glance at Clay. He looks heartbroken. And as the gymnasium slowly breaks out in applause, started by your principal, he doesn't hesitate to make his way over to you.  Jessica finishes out her speech and everyone converges on the court to chatter with each other.
You hurry down the stairs to meet Clay halfway. He throws his arms around your waist and you do the same around his neck. You cradle the back of his head with one hand, feeling the pressure from his hands press deeply into your back.
Normally, you would joke that he's suffocating you. But, you're so glad that you're seeing him again that you don't want him to loosen up. His muffled whispers against your shoulder almost get drowned out by the mingling.
"I'm so sorry, y/n." You could hear his voice crack and you squeezed him tightly. He turns his head to press a worried kiss into your hair and it eases all your nerves.
Your nose brushes his jacket collar and you reply in relief, "You have nothing to be sorry about. It was a long time ago..."
"No," he says surely as he pulls back, hands still on your waist. "I'm sorry I almost left without seeing you," he says lowly.
Tilting your head to one side, you give him a small smile. "So you're still leaving then?" He hesitates with his mouth parted and you sigh. "I'm coming with you then."
"Y/n, you can't-" he begins to argue as Justin comes up to the two of you.
"I'm so proud of you, little sister," he smiles and pulls you away from Clay. He wraps you up snugly in his arms and you do the same to him.
You breathe deeply. "I'm proud of you too, big brother...but I have some things I need to tell you," you start before pulling back and looking at Clay, "both of you."
Tyler appears, interrupting your train of thought. Clay tells him he's proud of him, causing Tyler to smile brightly. "Also, where the fuck have you been?" Justin starts, realizing that Clay has been there for a minute.
He begins to answer when Jessica comes up, asking if Justin's proclamation was real. "Babe, we gotta go," you say as things are getting chaotic and pull on his hand.
"You're not coming with me," he argues as he shakes his head.
You frown. "Like hell, I'm not," you state. "You jump, I jump. That's the deal, Jensen."
"Woah, woah, woah!" Justin chimes in, hearing your demanding tone. "Neither of you are running! Especially, not you y/n!" Everyone starts in on their arguing and in the distance, the doors fly open.
"Clay Jensen!" Everyone goes silent to see the sheriff and some deputies stepping into the gym. "Clay Jensen, I have a warrant for your arrest for the murder of Bryce Walker."
He struts forward and roughly turns Clay around, reading him his rights as he cuffs him. Tyler steps forward but a deputy places a hand on his chest to stop him. After cuffing him, the sheriff grabs his shoulder meanly and begins to lead him away.
"No! Hey, you can't do this!" You argue sadly and try to go after him.
You feel arms close around you, holding you in place. "Don't make it worse right now, y/n," Justin whispers in your ear. "We'll find a way to fix this."
Tears start flowing down your cheeks as all your nightmares from the past weeks are playing out in front of you. Clay sneaks one last look over his shoulder at you. He sees your tears and his worried features soften into a forced smile.
The last thing you see before the doors close behind them is Clay mouthing 'I love you.'
Justin Tag:  @fandomrulesall​ @crazyfangirrll @elfie6405​
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jjmaebank · 6 years
Justin Foley - Make Out (Oneshot)
Request: Hi <3 Love your writing..you‘re amazing! Could you write an Justin x Reader one shot where they are making out at Bryce‘s and the other boys are little bit jealous of them? Ik i‘m weird xD
A/N: Finally a justin one!!! sorry it’s taking me so long and that i’ve been posting so many scott ones its cuz of how many requests i have for him lol
“Alright (Y/N), Justin, I dare you to make out with each other for three minutes straight in front of everyone,” Bryce dared, taking a swig of his beer.
“Ew, Bryce you perv,” you laughed. 
You and Justin were just friends, or that’s what you told people. I guess you could say you liked to mess around with one another in secret but neither one of you would commit to a relationship just yet.
“Don’t be a pussy, (Y/N),” Bryce smirked.
You shrugged and grabbed Justin’s face, pulling it towards yours and smashing your lips onto his. You heard the room go crazy and people wolf whistling as Justin deepened the kiss and hoisted you up onto his lap so you were straddling him.
Obviously no one knew that the two of you did this quite frequently so naturally they all went wild, not expecting the two of you to actually do it.
“Damn, Justin, get some!” You heard Bryce yell.
You continued to make out with Justin, his hands roaming around your body whilst yours were entangled in his hair. You knew he liked it when you tugged on his hair.
“That’s three minutes guys,” Zach laughed.
Having heard that, the two of you reluctantly pulled away from one another and you sat back down next to Justin.
“That was...insane!” Jess said, eyes wide open.
“A dare is a dare,” you shrugged.
You looked over at Justin who had a smirk plastered on his face, who looked very satisfied.
“Look Justin has a semi,” Monty laughed, pointing at Justin’s crotch.
“Shut up Monty,” Justin laughed.
“Justin you have to teach us how you find girls who’ll make out with you and stay friends,” Bryce laughed.
“Yeah I want a friends with benefits,” Zach pouted.
“Don’t get too jealous,” you rolled your eyes.
However, you couldn’t help but want something more with Justin, not just be his toy to play with whenever he chose.
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starkeysharky · 6 years
Foley Twins Headcanon
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Request: Hey ☺️☺️ could you please do headcanons or a imagine for being justin foleys twin sister pls ?? Love your blog ❤️❤️
Being Justin Foley's twin sister was a roller coaster.
Being a cheerleader and introducing Jess to Justin and them being your OTP.
Sibling fights
Embarrassing stories about each other
I feel like he would be extremely protective over you.
Since your mom's boyfriend was violent, he would take your beatings and make sure you were free of bruises or scars. You didn't like it, and you would go off on your mom about how she is supposed to protect her kids.
Bryce would help you both out and you two became friends with him when you were little.
Justin doesn't know, but Bryce has tried countless times to get with you and he's even groped you a few times.
After Jessica's rape, which you didn't know about, Justin never left you alone with Bryce.
When the tapes come out, you didn't know about them because you never really talked to Hannah.
All your friends suddenly start acting different and you're in the middle and completely clueless.
You've never had a serious relationship because of how protective and overbearing Justin gets.
When Justin goes missing, you're lost. 1) because he has never left you alone and 2) because you don't know where to stay now that he's gone.
Clay takes you in and his parents make you sleep in the guest room.
You try looking for Justin, but after a few weeks, you start thinking that he's dead.
You get a job at Monet's so you're not laying around all day doing nothing. You really just wanted money to get a car and to help pay bills (which the Jensens never allowed).
2 months of Justin being gone, you get adopted and you smack Clay because you think he's playing a prank on you.
You become apart of their family and for the first time in your life, you feel completely safe.
Clay comforts you when you have nightmares so you end up telling him all the things Seth and Bryce have done to you.
You sometimes fall asleep on the couch in his room.
When Justin comes back, you yell at him for leaving you but you cry so much that he hugs you.
Mr. and Mrs. Jensen don't know about him so you help Clay hide him.
You find out that Justin got hooked on drugs and you start worrying that he'll end up like Seth.
Helping him prepare to testify
Comforting him
Getting dragged out of court after yelling about the judge putting Justin in jail
Graduating high school and getting a full-ride scholarship to a college in California while Clay's parents helped Justin get into a community college
Justin getting you a dog since you're not together 24/7 and he wants you safe.
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13reasonswhylove · 6 years
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Via devin’s Instagram
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