#k styles
rennybu · 3 months
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something unknown but very powerful came over me. retro spirk kyaa❣️❣️❣️
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kfashion · 5 months
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k fashion, fashionwithkorea.com, https://www.fashionwithkorea.com/
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bbq-potato-chip · 2 months
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really been enjoying rewatching as of late
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bl00dfroma-fairy · 4 months
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vmpyrgal · 3 months
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Pastel discs ✨
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alyssaweewee · 5 months
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Quick doodle during my history class 👀✨
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risqueraven · 10 months
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pomegranatears · 4 months
I don't want anything unreasonable. I just need to sit on my sweet boy's lap, drape one arm around your neck, move my other hand down your torso, and make you cum in your pants 🥺
I want to see the way your lips part and a low gasp escapes when you feel my fingers against the bulge in your pants. I know you want them out, puppy, but mommy doesn't want to move away, so I guess they're staying. I'm not telling you to cum, why are you worried about that, baby? I'm just touching you, have you got no self-control?
Squirming and panting under my touch would just lead to me grabbing your hair to pull your head back to expose your neck. Mommy would kiss the soft skin while rubbing your clothed cock and keeping your head in place ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
I can only wonder how long it would take for you to make a mess
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ladyofthecreeddraws · 7 months
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It's self care to submerge yourself in a tub full of blood you didn't even work for and absolutely do not need, all inside a room full of wall-length mirrors. Obviously.
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putadohs · 4 months
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⋆˚࿔ can you be my teddy bear? 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
harriet havia implorado por semanas para que louis fosse atrás de um urso de pelúcia grande para ela. só não contava com a intenção daquela brincadeira. louis sabia muito bem o que sua filhinha fazia com seus ursos, porém…
sexo baunilha • hcisgirl • praise kink • daddy kink • age play • voyeurismo • cnc • cock warming • inocência • teddy bear play • harriet18|louis38.
💌 ྀི
E lá estava Louis, após uma sexta feira cansativa do trabalho, em uma daquelas máquinas de pegar pelúcias, das quais você deve contar com a sorte para conseguir o que quer. Que era exatamente o que Louis não estava contando naquele momento.
— Porra… — Louis sussurrou em derrota, já na terceira nota de dez dólares para começar tudo de novo.
No final de tudo, ele conseguiu. Tinha em seus braços um urso enorme, bem fofinho e de cor marrom claro, do jeitinho que sua filha havia pedido.
Louis sempre fez todas as vontades de Harriet. Sempre também a considerou muito mimada. Não por menos. Acostumada a ter tudo, não esperaria menos vindo de seu papai.
Quando chegou em casa, Harriet estava no seu banho. Louis deixou sua pelúcia com o triplo de seu tamanho no quarto da garota, sentindo o cheiro doce de baunilha inebriar todo aquele ambiente. Ele até pensou em dar uma espiadinha, mas preferiu deixar sua pequena cantando uma música pra lá de animada.
E ele estava muito cansado. Foi para o seu quarto e se despiu aos bocejos. Fechou a porta e se deitou de barriga na cama. Sabia que Harriet estava feliz pelo presente. Isso aquecia seu coração, ainda mais por ouvir os gritinhos histéricos vindo de seu quarto. Louis só estava cansado demais para dar uma atenção devida a sua filha. Ela entendia.
💌 ྀི
03:45. Madrugada. Frio e chuva.
Louis estava com a boca seca. Acabou despertando no meio do sono, estava tão sonolento que mal calçou suas pantufas, foi praticamente se arrastando descer as escadas até chegar na cozinha.
Ele ouvia alguns sons. Ignorava totalmente por estar com muito sono. Louis só abriu os olhos devidamente quando abriu a porta do armário para pegar um copo.
Aos poucos, ia ficando mais atento ao seu redor.
Subiu as escadas novamente. A casa era iluminada pelas poucas luzes de fora, talvez as luzes de descanso do jardim, ou até mesmo da lua minguante. Era bom demais dormir nesses dias. Os favoritos de Louis.
E seus ouvidos se atentaram demais ao ouvir sons duvidosos vindo do quarto de sua filha. A porta estava encostada. As luzes apagadas, somente a do abajur.
Quando decidiu se inclinar para o lado, os olhos de Louis captaram uma cena que a espinha de suas costas se arrepiaram.
Harriet usava seu ursinho novo para esfregar na sua xotinha. Louis conseguia ver perfeitamente os lábios rosadinhos e gordinhos separados entre a pelúcia enorme. Harriet tentava chegar em algum ritmo, totalmente descompassada. Ela gemia um tanto alto, manhosa demais, choramingava a cada leve estocadinha, e Louis então, se deu conta de que eram esses os sons que estava ouvindo. E se deu conta de que estava de pau duro para sua filhinha.
Harriet era preciosa demais. Tão pequena que podia caber no bolso de Louis. Nunca o faltou com respeito. Era boa em tudo que fazia. Uma garota dos sonhos.
E também era um anjo diabólico. Com aquela juventude tão precoce e um jeito muito explícito de quem era curiosa demais para saber das coisas fora de seu alcance. Louis sempre a notou. Harriet sempre quis que ele a notasse.
Não ia ficar ali. Louis seguiu seu caminho para o quarto, mas como estava perto de mais daquela porta, sua presença fora notada.
— P-papai… — oh, o coração de Louis chorou um tanto. A voz meiga e manhosa de Harriet o fez suavizar sua expressão. — P-papai acordado?
Ele teve que suspirar e fechar os olhos com força antes de abrir aquela porta.
E toda vez que Louis pisava naquele quarto, ele se sentia num mundo fora de sua realidade, como uma distopia de fadas. Quase como se ele estivesse invadido o espaço doce e delicado de Harriet. Não era somente um quarto com paredes rosas. As paredes eram cor rosa bebê, um pouco mais de perto você podia ver pétalas em relevo. A penteadeira enorme, daquelas brancas com a arquitetura de época, cheia de formas imitando vagamente flores. Harriet tinha muitos acessórios.
Era o quarto dos sonhos de qualquer garota. E seu pai deu a ela esse sonho. Como sempre.
— Oi, pequena — com um sorriso ladino, Louis disse. Voz rouca e preguiçosa. — Te acordei?
— N-não… — Harriet parecia fora de si. Saiu de cima do ursinho e foi engatinhando até a beira de sua cama, os bracinhos abertos chamando por seu papai, num desespero choroso — Papai me coloca pra dormir? Por favor!
— Coloco sim, amor — e Louis fez as vontades de sua filha. A pegou cuidadosamente pelas pernas, deixando ela pequenininha em seus braços. A garota se acolheu nos braços de seu papai, afofando seu rostinho leitoso no peitoral daquele homem, só para sentir a fragrância masculina que vinha de sua pele, de todas suas roupas. — Tá pesada, meu bebê! Papai não te aguenta mais.
Harriet fez cara feia.
— Tô brincando, bobinha — Louis deu um beijinho de eskimo na sua pequena. — Vê se dorme agora, tá?
Harriet fez apenas que sim. Se encolheu no casulo nos braços de Louis, as perninhas bem juntinhas, se tornou quase um círculo perfeito. Ela ronronava enquanto tentava pegar no sono, Louis sempre achou isso uma graça.
Ele tentava ignorar seu pau duro de baixo do moletom. Piorava ainda mais quando tinha que ficar encarando o urso de pelúcia que sua filha estava se esfregando a poucos minutos atrás. Ele viu tão bem. Viu direitinho como sua filha estava desesperada, procurando por alguma alívio. Os peitinhos querendo pular para fora da regatinha fina.
Harriet parecia fazer de propósito. Estava sem calcinha. Seu bumbum virado para o quadril de Louis. Ela sentia sim algum volume grosso entre suas nádegas. Louis a apertava um pouco forte na cintura, afim de reprimir os movimentos.
— Eu não consigo dormir, papai! — Harriet, num movimento repentino, se vira de barriga para cima, aborrecida, com os braços cruzados. — Como vou para a escola? Não consigo pregar meus olhos!
— E o que você estava fazendo para tentar dormir, Harriet?
— Hum… Eu estava brincando.
— Brincando? — a cada pergunta, mais Louis sentia um fervor crescer no seu interior. Assim como Harriet, que mexia seus pezinhos, tentando se distrair da própria linguagem corporal. — Como?
— Com meu ursinho, papai… — Harriet, finalmente, olhou nos olhos de Louis. Sobrancelhas unidas, olhos marejados. — M-mas eu fico muito cansada. E-eu queria b-brincar ma-mais!
Louis notou certo aborrecimento nas palavras de filha. Não podia deixar ela sozinha e tristinha daquele jeito. Não era como Louis a deixava. Jamais.
— Por que cansada, meu bebê? O que você tanto faz com seus ursinho que te cansa? — Louis iniciou um cafuné gostoso nos cachos de Harriet, o toque que a garota se derretia inteira. Toque pesado, porém macio. — Conta pro papai. Quem sabe eu posso te ajudar.
Harriet conseguiu puxar seu ursinho com os pés. O colocou na sua barriguinha um tanto descoberta. Ela chegou mais perto de Louis, como se quisesse segredar algo. Seu rosto estava bem encaixado na dobra dos braços daquele homem, era de longe a vista mais delicada. Apenas uma fadinha, tão pequenina, sendo cuidada por um homem que carregava em seu olhar o cuidado genuíno e uma paixão proibida ardente.
Tudo ali era muito sensível.
— Eu amei o presente que o senhor me deu, papai, amei mesmo! — ela sorriu graciosamente, fazendo questão de mostrar as covinhas para o pai com aquele sorriso encantador. — É minha ursinha predileta. Lilica o nome dela.
— E como a Lilica te ajudou hoje, amor? — Louis fez um breve toque nas orelhas peludinhas da pelúcia, encarando fortemente aquele brinquedo. Era pecaminoso.
— Aqui… — Harriet desceu Lilica até sua bucetinha, abrindo as pernas para deixar aquela pelúcia entre seus lábios gordinhos e vergonhosamente molhados. — Mas eu me canso tão rápido, papai…
Louis engoliu em seco. Não sabia como reagir verbalmente.
— O senhor disse que podia me ajudar — Harriet praticamente sussurrou. Se virou um pouco mais, trazendo então Lilica até seus peitos, abraçando a pelúcia. — Você pode ser meu ursinho?
Puta merda.
Eles ficaram se encarando por uns 10 segundos. Harriet com aquele olhar de cadela sem dono. Louis com o olhar parcialmente apaixonado e luxuoso.
E sabia o que aconteceria se dissesse não. Harriet abriria um berreiro. Então…
— Tudo o que você precisar, pequena.
Harriet apenas sorriu, antes de se jogar de vez nos braços de seu papai, do jeito mais desesperador possível. Como ele nunca tinha visto. Como ela nunca tinha feito.
O corpo de Louis foi deitado no colchão, mal percebeu isso. Harriet encontrou no meio de sua xotinha algo grosso e quente. Louis não deixava a cintura daquela garota em paz, era sempre um aperto aqui e ali, e nesses apertos, eles começou a fazer movimentos de vai e vem. Harriet obedeceu. Não sabia o que fazer. Se deixou ser comandada.
— Papai… O que é isso?
— Seja mais clara com suas palavras.
— O que é isso na minha florzinha, papai? — Harriet questionou, falando mais rápido que o normal, como se estivesse contra o tempo. — Pensei que fosse igual como eu faço com a Lilica…
— É um pouco melhor.
Bastou Louis dizer isso, para então, afastar um pouco o corpo de Harriet para que pudesse colocar seu pau para fora da boxer. Patético foi a reação de sua pequena. Abriu a boquinha, os olhinhos arregalados.
— O que o senhor vai fazer?
— Você vai fazer — Louis afirmou, se masturbando rapidamente, vidrando os olhos de sua princesa no próprio pau. — Não queria que eu fosse seu ursinho por hoje, amor? Então, faça em mim como você faz neles.
Harriet se levantou nos joelhos. E porra. Tudo aquilo era errado demais. Mas, dada as circunstâncias, não tinha como voltar atrás. Sendo assim, Louis segurou Harriet com uma mão em sua cintura, com a outra, fez leves pinceladas na bucetinha vermelhinha dela. Gemeu vergonhosamente excitada, já tão molhada que as poucas pinceladas ali foram o suficiente para melar todo o pau de seu papai.
— Mmmhn! — Harriet não se aguentava. — A-assim, papi? — ela ia com o corpo para frente e para trás, um tanto desgonçada.
— Senta, meu amor — Louis, carinhosamente, disse. Suas mãos se prenderam na cintura fina de Harriet, e então, sentiu os lábios daquela bucetinha sufocar seu pau, podia sentir o quão quentinha era xotinha de sua princesa. — Uhum… Isso mesmo, amor.
Não bastou muito para que Harriet começasse uma sequência de gemidos abafados. Ela gemia para dentro, como se tivesse com vergonha de mostrar ao seu papai o quão bem ele fazia a ela. O quanto ele a ajudava e nunca negava.
Louis não iria interferir. Sabia o tempo dela.
— É m-melhor, papai… — Harriet disse aos choramingos querendo sair de sua garganta. Os olhinhos chorosos com a expressão toda manhosa. Ela se deliciava enquanto sentia sua xotinha deslizar facilmente pelo cacete grosso e molhado de seu papai, o seu clítoris era estimulado a cada movimento de vai e vem. Simplesmente a melhor sensação, de fato. — A-awn, eu n-não consigo p-parar…
— Tão gostosinho como você faz, bebê — Louis estava mais que apaixonado, estava perdido. Levou uma mão sua até o rosto de sua filhinha, fazendo com que ela deitasse as bochechas quentes e ultravermelhas na sua palma. Harriet agarrou a mão de Louis, tentando ir mais rápido em busca de alívio, tendo a capacidade de deixar um beijo demorado e babado na mão de Louis. — Calma, calma… Tá bom pra você?
Harriet fez que sim freneticamente.
— Boa garota — Louis sorriu com luxúria nos olhos, fazendo um carinho singelo naquela bochecha gordinha e macia de sua pequena. — Continua, amor, desse jeitinho.
E tudo aquilo virou numa troca de gemidos roucos de Louis e manhosos de Harriet.
A garota finalmente tinha encontrando seu pontinho especial. Finalmente havia encontrado seu ritmo. Sua cintura ia rapidinho o suficiente no pau de seu papai, tão rapidinho que na ida, ficava tremelicando para voltar. Ainda segurando a mão de Louis em seu rosto, o forçando a ficar ali, Harriet abriu seus lábios para encontrar com o dedo polegar do homem. Louis conseguiu rir baixinho, totalmente perdido na visão que estava tendo.
Harriet esfregando sua bucetinha toda melada em seu pau, que estava grosso e latejando de tão duro, seus peitinhos com os biquinhos rosinhas balançando pra cima e para baixo, e aquela boquinha chupando o polegar de Louis como se fosse a porra de uma chupeta. Harriet fechava os olhos e se deixava levar pela sensação gostosa e única de ter seu clítoris estimulado e seu orgasmo ameaçando a vir a qualquer momento.
— I-isso, amor, não para — Louis lutou contra a própria respiração para conseguir falar. Seu pau já havia jorrado pré-gozo contra sua barriga, a medida que Harriet tomava uma velocidade maior.
— Papai! Awn! — e estava vindo cada vez mais. Harriet se atrapalhava entre chupar o polegar da mão de Louis ou apenas fazer com que seu dedo esbarrasse em seus lábios. Estava inerte, dopada, pela primeira sensação de um orgasmo sendo estimulada daquela forma. — Uh-uh! Por… por que tão bom?! Aawn!
— Não para — Louis dizia num sussurro, intercalando seu olhar naquela buceta vermelha e gorda deslizando deliciosamente em seu pau. Ele não pararia por nada. — Minha garotinha… — disse mais para si do que para sua garotinha em questão.
Harriet estava gozando. Começou a fazer estocadinhas do seu jeito. Lento e forte. Não parava de gemer. Queria derramar as lágrimas em seus olhos. Não se aguentou que guiou as mãos de Louis até seus peitinhos, forçando seu papai a aperta-los com muita, muita força, como se ela fizesse isso enquanto se esfregava em seus ursinhos, realmente queria reproduzir tudo com seu papai. Era ela mesma quem se apertava, até que estivesse marcada.
— Pa… — Harriet descia seu corpo até que estivesse com sua barriguinha encostada na barriga de Louis, até que seus corpos estivessem grudados. — Papi… Mhn…
— Shhh… — Louis procurava acalmar Harriet. Com seus braços, abraçou todo o corpo daquela garota. Harriet estava com sua bucetinha friccionada contra o pau de seu papai, abraçada ao corpo do mesmo, sentindo-se vulnerável e pequena naqueles braços. — Você é tão especial, amor. Me dá orgulho, sabe disso, não sabe?
— S-sei… — Harriet enterrou seu rostinho quente e avermelhado no pescoço de Louis. Aquele seu perfume masculino, forte e gostoso, a deixava louca.
Mas, Louis não havia gozado ainda. E podia resolver isso rapidinho.
Louis desceu uma mão sua, sem que Harriet percebesse, e conseguiu pegar na base de seu pau, o enfiando dentro da bucetinha de sua filhinha. Oh, mas o gritinho que ela deu foi o que fez Louis perder a cabeça.
— L-louis! A-ah! Papai!
— Shhh… Respira, meu bebê, não vai doer se você ficar calma.
— Tá me machucando! — Harriet soltou antes de suspirar fundo. Se abraçou mais ainda no corpo de Louis.
Ele havia colocado só a cabecinha e Harriet já tinha se esperneado. Sentia aquela buceta pulsando na sua glande, a sentia da melhor forma o quão apertada era ela, provavelmente nunca tinha nem enfiado os dedos dentro de si. A própria xotinha de Harriet tentava expulsar o pau de Louis, mas ele não deixava que isso acontecesse.
— Senta, amor.
Harriet negou.
— Você consegue. Vamos.
Faltava nadica de nada para Louis gozar. Qualquer movimento a mais, ele podia chegar ao seu ápice.
Fez com que Harriet se sentasse, ouvindo as queixas da menina, tanto nas expressões quanto na sua voz. Ela aguentou todo o tamanho de seu papai, e tentava ao máximo não se mexer muito, por que estava doendo.
— Por favor… — ela não sabia como ficar calma, por isso doía tanto.
Louis conseguiu levantar somente o tronco de seu corpo. Abraçou Harriet por inteiro. Ela amava ser abraçada por ele. Aqueles braços fechavam todo seu corpo. Era uma diferença considerável de tamanho. Era sensível.
— Amor… — Louis tentou chamá-la, mas bem quando Harriet passou seus bracinhos por seus ombros, seu pau jorrou toda a porra dentro daquela bucetinha.
Louis apertou mais forte os lados das costas de Harriet. Pressionou seus lábios finos no pescoço da garota, sentindo o cheiro de baunilha e perfume feminino ali, gozando tanto que sentiu seu gozo vazar por ela.
Não que Harriet havia se acostumado com seu tamanho, mas com o carinho de seu papai, conseguiu relaxar.
— O-que papai tá f-fazendo?
A inocência de Harriet fascinava Louis. Até mesmo nesse primeiro momento deles.
— Te enchendo da forma que você merece — Louis disse, sem tirar seu pau daquela bucetinha, dando um beijo áspero por conta da barba nas bochechas de Harriet, uma por vez, lento. Beijinho por beijinho.
Harriet tentava se mexer, rebolar, mas doía demais. Louis a reprimiu, fez com que ficasse parada em seu colo, sem chances dela mover a cintura. Ela se abraçou naquele homem, como se precisasse dele como nunca. Louis não queria machucá-la, por isso não deixou que ela continuasse com os movimentos.
Louis fazia um carinho nas costas desnudas de Harriet, até que sentiu seu corpinho amolecer em seus braços, se dando conta de quê, finalmente, ela havia pegado no sono.
— Deita, deita… — ele sussurrou baixinho, descendo o corpo de Harriet no colchão gelado. A menina sentiu a cabeça encostar no travesseiro, gemeu manhosa e se fechou no próprio casulo.
Ele não ia sair daquele quarto. Passou o cobertor sobre seus corpos e se juntou a ela, ainda acordado mesmo que sonolento, fazendo um carinho gostoso nos cabelos macios e cheirosos, e quando menos percebeu, um último beijo nas bochechas dela foi o que fez Louis adormecer ao lado de Harriet.
E como Louis nunca negava ajuda a Harriet, negaria ele a se render pelo chamado sereno e manipulador de sua garotinha sempre que ela precisasse?
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basoogil · 7 months
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I love this image of kirk. it looks like hes writing in his little diary (or captain's log i guueeesss) so i drew him doing that 👍
i think hed write a lot about his silly adventures. and spock. a lot of spock. mostly spock.
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tsp-k · 7 months
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I love Garfield so much, you can't imagine how much....
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lachatalovematcha · 3 months
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x0xomady · 1 month
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gold rush
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅.𖥔 ݁ ˖
pt.2 - ☁️
(harry styles x female reader)
warnings: 18+, MINORS DNI, NONCON, housewife kink, corruption kink, spit kink, humiliation, misogynistic themes, cheating (not on y/n), manipulation, no aftercare, harry is an asshole, p in v, oral m recieving, degrading behavior, unprotected sex, it’s just nasty. (all characters are 18+)
summary: during the 1850’s, families moved out to california for the gold rush. it just so happens that harry’s family moved out to the same town as yours. or, an older man cheats on his wife and corrupts the innnocent girl living next door.
a/n: okay this is based on THIS request. read the warnings first, if this isn’t your thing, IGNORE IT.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅.𖥔 ݁ ˖
"y/n." my mother's voice echoed through our small wooden house. "come and get washed up for dinner!"
i was so deep in my book that i nearly missed her calling my name. “what?" i said, snapping out of my reverie.
my mother appeared in the doorway, her hands on her hips, looking at me with an exasperated expression. “stop reading and get cleaned up. we're having guests over tonight for dinner, and i need you to look presentable.”
i nod as i mark the page and set my book aside. i knew how important manners and appearances were to my mother, especially when we had guests over for dinner.
“who are the guests?”
my mother raised an eyebrow at my question, as if surprised i even had to ask. "the new couple that just moved into the old cabin down the road. they just had a newborn, and your father asked them to come over for dinner."
i nod as a feeling of dread creeps over me. it wasn't the first time we had hosted newcomers to the settlement, but the idea of having to be on my best behavior in front of strangers was always nerve-wracking.
“okay, i’ll go get ready." i say as i make my way to the washroom.
𖥔 2 hours later 𖥔
the dining room is filled with the tantalizing aroma of roasted meat, which we only eat on special occasions, and potatoes. the flickering flames of the oil lamps dimly illuminate the room, casting a warm glow over everything.
mother is bustling about, making sure everything is just so. the table is set to perfection, with a white lace tablecloth draped across it and sets of our best porcelain plates set atop it.
my father, a tall, broad-shouldered man with a perpetually serious expression, sits in his usual spot at the head of the table. he looks up as i walk into the room, and gives me a slight nod of approval. at that, i take my place at the table, my stomach churning with nerves. being an introvert is all fine until you have to meet new people.
a knock on the door signals the arrival of our guests, and my heart begins to race. i straighten my dress and take a deep breath, trying to compose myself as my mother goes to answer the door.
the sound of our guests' voices and footsteps echo through the house, making my chest feel tight. my mother leads them into the dining room, smiling widely with her best hospitality. as the guests enter the room, i lift my gaze and look at them for the first time.
.“y/n, this is mrs. styles, and her new baby elijah.” my mother motions towards mrs. styles. she is a very attractive looking woman, with long blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. i smile politely and stand up from the table to greet her.
“it's lovely to meet you, mrs. styles," i say softly with a smile. i notice baby elijah, who is sleeping soundly in his mother's arms for the first time, swaddled in a blanket. “you have a very cute baby.”
mrs. styles smiles warmly as she looks down at her sleeping baby. "thank you. he's only a few weeks old, but we already adore him so much."
my mother offers to take the baby, and mrs. styles hands him over to her, revealing the man standing behind her for the first time.
“oh yes, and this is mr. styles.” my mother introduces me to him quickly before carrying the baby over to the table and starting a light conversation with mrs. styles.
he is a tall, well-built man with a handsome face, green eyes, and thick brown hair. he is at least 10 years older than me, but at least 10 years younger than my father.
he looks over the room, his gaze finally landing upon me. i quickly drop my eyes and sit back down, feeling my cheeks flush. i can feel his eyes on me, and i'm not quite sure how to react.
suddenly, mother motions him over to the table, and he takes the seat next to my father.
as everyone sits down, my stomach begins to churn even more nervously. i glance at mr. styles every now and then, feeling his eyes on me.
conversation flows around the table, with my mother and mrs. styles talking about the baby. mr. styles and my father discuss work and the town.
the meal progresses, but I am not able to focus on my food. my mind keeps wandering to mr. styles, and i can't help but steal glances at him throughout the dinner.
he seems to notice my glances, and his piercing green eyes keep flicking towards me, making my heart race.
the meal is generally mild with small talk shared between my parents and the new couple.
“y/n honey, would you please take elijah out for a little while? mrs styles would probably like some time to eat.”
my mother gives me a “listen. now.” look and motions for me to take the baby. i nod and stand up from the table, taking elijah from his mothers arms.
“thank you darling, that’s so sweet of you.” mrs styles smiles and squeezes my hand as i take the baby from her and walk him out of the dining room.
once out of the dining room, I make my way to the back porch, walking slowly so as not to wake the baby. the night air is cool and refreshing as i sit down on the small wood bench my father had built for the porch.
I cradle the baby in my arms and look down at him, admiring his tiny, peaceful face. The only sound is the soft crackling of the fire from inside the house, and the occasional chirping of cicadas in the trees.
“you’re a very sweet baby.” i hum and look down at his soft little face.
as i sit there, slowly rocking and cooing at the baby, i hear footsteps behind me. i turn my head to see mr. styles walking out onto the porch, his green eyes meeting mine.
mr. styles leans against the porch and pulls out a cigarette, lighting it with a quick flick of his lighter. he takes a long drag, and lets out a plume of smoke into the night air.
he studies me for a moment, his eyes locking with mine before he speaks.
"you seem to have a way with children. he's sleeping soundly.” he motions to the baby in my arms, and I look back down at Elijah, who is indeed still asleep, his little chest rising and falling gently.
"i suppose i do," i replies softly, looking back up at mr. styles.
he takes another hit from his cigarette, the smoke swirling in the air around him as he gazes at me intently.
“hm. you’re a lot better with him then i. when the wife had him i couldn’t even hold him.” he hums and leans against the post, watching me soothe elijah.
i smile softly, watching the baby's eyelashes flutter as he sleeps. "it takes a lot of patience."
mr. styles nods as he takes another drag from his cigarette. "im not exactly the most patient person."
just then the door to the house opens again. my mother and mrs. styles step out the door.
“it was so lovely to have you two over, it’ll be great to have you in the town.” my mother smiles and hands mrs. styles a basket of baked goods she made to welcome them to the area.
mrs. styles takes the basket, smiling warmly at my mother. “thank you so much for hosting us. we really appreciate warm welcome.”
i hand the tightly swaddled baby back to mrs. styles and bid my goodbyes to elijah.
mr. styles snuffs out his cigarette and steps towards the two women, his gaze flickering to me once more before returning to my mother.
"thanks for dinner ma'am." he says to my mother with a charming smile.
my mother smiles warmly and pats him on the shoulder. "it was our pleasure."
mrs. styles thanks my mother again and turns to me.
“you know y/n, if you’re ever free i would love to have you over. you were so sweet with elijah i really appreciate it.”
i’m slightly taken aback by mrs. styles’ offer, pleasantly surprised. “of course, i would love to come by sometime.”
mrs. styles smiles and squeezes my hand once more before turning to my mother. “we best get going. it’s getting late.”
“of course, safe travels home.” my mother nods.
mrs. styles bids us goodbye and she and mr. styles walk down the path, disappearing into the night.
my mother turns to me with a satisfied smile on her face. “i think that went well.”
i nod, still feeling a little bit of butterflies from mr. styles' gaze. my mother smiles and pats my back.
“cmon dear, let’s get inside and wash up.”
𖥔 3 weeks later 𖥔
it's a warm bright day, as it usually is in early july. i walk down the dust path into the town center. there isn’t much in our small town, but we do have the necessities.
i continue past the main square, and make my way down the road towards the ranches on the south of the town. my white summer dress glides across the dirt road as i walk.
a few ranch houses are nestled among the trees, and there are pens full of livestock next to some. i come up to mrs. styles' house, and take a deep breath before walking up to the familiar front door.
since meeting the family weeks ago, i’ve had the opportunity to spend time with mrs. styles and occasionally watch elijah for her.
i knock on the door and wait for a response. after a moment, i hear shuffling from inside, and the door swings open to reveal mrs. styles, holding elijah in her arms.
“y/n! so nice to see you, come inside honey.” she smiles widely and opens the door further, motioning for me to come in.
i return mrs. styles' smile, and enter the house. it's a modest house, but cosy. the living room is filled with natural light as the windows on all sides are open, letting in a warm summer breeze.
“thank you so much again for agreeing to watch elijah. i would have harry watch him, but you know how men are.” she smiles and hands elijah to me.
i take the baby from her, immediately cradling him against my chest. he looks up at me with wide eyes, and i smile down at him.
"of course, i don't mind at all."
she nods and squeezes my shoulder lightly. “thank you again, honey. i’ll be back in a few hours, you’re welcome to the lemonade i made.”
i nod at mrs. styles as she grabs a small basket of laundry from a nearby chair, and heads out of the house. the sound of the door shutting echoes through the small house, and i walk over to the nearby couch and sit down.
elijah is quiet in my arms, and slowly begins to drift off to sleep.
i sit there for a few minutes, the baby’s soft breathing the only thing to break the comfortable silence. i gently rock him in my arms, watching as his eyelashes flutter against his soft cheeks, while he sleeps. the afternoon sunlight pours through the windows, warm and soft against my skin.
mr. styles shuts the door behind him and takes a step further into the house, not noticing me right away.
he is wearing a simple cotton shirt and tan brown pants with a hat perched atop his head. dust follows each step as his boots move across the wood floor. he turns to me, his green eyes quickly find my own in surprise.
“what are you doing here?” his deep voice rumbles through the air, filling the room. i shift uncomfortably on the couch, still holding the baby close to my chest.
i can feel my cheeks flush under his intense gaze. “mrs. styles asked me to watch elijah for her while she does some laundry and runs some errands.” i look down at the sleeping baby in my arms, my heart racing.
mr. styles walks closer to me, his footsteps loud against the wooden floor. he comes to a stop in front of me, his tall figure looming over me.
he doesn't say anything, and for a few moments he just stands there, studying me. i can feel his eyes on me, and my heart starts to pound against my chest.
“well alright then…” he nods and takes his hat off, placing it atop the coat rack.
he stands there momentarily before walking over to the kitchen and pouring himself a glass of water. he takes a few sips before turning back to me, leaning against the kitchen counter.
i assume by his rugged appearance that mr. styles had just finished his work for the day. my mother has told me that he is a cattle rancher, and works on their ranch for hours a day.
my eyes stay on the baby cradled in my arms, keenly aware of mr. styles' gaze on me. he sets his glass down and walks closer, stopping about a foot away from me. he glances at the baby, who is currently sleeping against my chest.
“he’s out like a light. you can go set him down in the crib.” he nods towards the wooden crib on the side of the room.
i nod, and slowly stand. i walk over to the crib and gently lay the sleeping baby down. he shifts slightly, but soon relaxes back into a deep sleep. i look down at him, watching his delicate little face as he breathes slowly.
i turn around to find mr. styles still watching me with a serious expression on his face. his arms are crossed, and his green eyes are intense.
"you're a shy thing, aren't you?" he asks, his voice low and gruff.
i feel my cheeks heat up, and i look down at the dusty hem of my dress. “yeah, i guess so," i nod.
mr. styles nods, and takes a step closer to me. “hm… this is a pretty small town, aint it? must not be a lot of others around your age.”
i nod, still looking down at my dress. “yeah, it is pretty small. i don’t know many people my age.”
he hums and looks down at me for a second. my body freezes up when i feel his rough hands grab my jaw lightly. he tilts my head up so i’m looking at him.
“well you’re definitely a pretty thing.” he says looking down at me.
i can feel my cheeks flush even more at his words. i look away, trying to avoid his intense gaze.
“thank you…” i mumble, feeling my heart race in my chest.
“you don’t have to be so nervous around me, i don’t bite.” he says roughly. i nod, my cheeks still flushed.
“i know, i just…” i trail off, looking away from him. he hums and nods, letting go of my chin.
"uh… is there anything else i can help you with?" i ask quickly, trying to change the topic.
mr. styles looks at me for a moment before nodding. he holds his hand up and motions for me to walk over to him.
“maybe there is… c'mere darling.”
i hesitate for a moment, unsure of what he wants me to do. i look down at my hands, which are still shaking slightly from the adrenaline. i take a deep breath and slowly walk over to him, stopping just in front of him.
mr. styles looks up at me, his green eyes intense. he leans back against the sofa and lets his legs open comfortably. he looks at me for a second, his eyes trailing over me. i can feel my heart pounding in my chest as he studies me.
"you know," he speaks, his voice low and rough. "ever since my wife had the baby, i've been feeling less and less satisfied."
i listen as he speaks. i'm not sure what he means, but his words make me feel uneasy. i look down at my hands, trying to avoid his gaze.
"i don't understand, sir," i say, my voice barely above a whisper.
he chuckles, a deep, throaty sound that makes me slightly uneasy. "i'm not surprised, darling. you're young and naive."
i feel my cheeks burn at his words. i'm not sure what he's getting at, but i know it's not appropriate. i take a step back, trying to put some distance between us.
"uh- maybe we should just wait until mrs. styles gets home-" i say nervously, trying to deflect the tension that's building in the room.
mr. styles raises an eyebrow, his gaze never leaving mine. "oh, i think we can handle things just fine without her," he says, his voice dripping with an unsettling confidence. he leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees, his eyes locked on mine.
i take another step back, trying to put even more distance between us. "i-i don't think that's appropriate, sir," i stammer, my voice barely above a whisper.
he hums again, his eyes never leaving mine. “oh, relax, darling," he says. he holds his hand out and motions for me to step closer to him. “i know what i’m doing, and i know how much you like to help, you’re a sweet girl.”
i hesitate, unsure of what to do.. mr. styles' gaze is fixed on me, and i can feel his intensity like a palpable force.
i nod and carefully step forward again so i’m standing just in front of him. he smiles a little and reaches up to take a hold of my hips, pulling me to stand between his legs.
l my heart pounds in my chest as he looks up at me, his gaze intense. he leans forward, his breath hot against my neck as he whispers, “hm, you’re a good girl, aren't you?"
i swallow hard, my throat dry, and i nod hesitantly.
he hums in approval and leans back against the sofa, his hands still on my hips. "good," he says, his voice low. "now, i want you to help me with something."
his fingers tighten around my hips, and i can feel his thumbs digging into my skin. i try to take a step back, but his grip is firm.
"w-what is it, sir?" i stammer, trying to hide the blush creeping up my face. mr. styles' gaze never wavers, his eyes fixed on mine with an unnerving intensity.
"i want you to help me…relax," he says, with an innocent look on his face.
“you know, i wouldn’t normally ask you, as this is my wife’s job,” he sighs and looks up at me. “but, she is just so exhausted with the baby…”
i try to nod sympathetically, but my mind is racing with alarm bells. this is not right. men aren’t supposed to touch me this way- especially since i’m not married.
mr. styles' hands tighten around my hips, and i feel a jolt of fear. i try to take a step back, but his grip is firm. he's not letting me go.
“…how can i help?" i mumble nervously, looking up to meet his eyes.
mr. styles smirks, his grip on my hips tightening. "can you kneel on the floor for me, darling?"
i hesitate for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest. i know this is wrong, but i can't seem to find the words to refuse him. i slowly lower myself to my knees, my eyes never leaving his.
mr. styles hums in approval, his hands moving from my hips to cup my jaw as he watches me.
i feel the nerves run through me as his thumb brushes against my bottom lip. "good girl," he murmurs and looks down at me.
my heart races in my chest as i look up at him, my eyes wide with fear and uncertainty.
mr. styles traces my lips with his thumb as he speaks, "i want you to take care of me, darling. can you do that for me?"
i swallow hard, my throat dry as i nod my head. “h-how?”
“it’s alright," he whispers. "i'll show you." his hands move from my jaw to his pants, his fingers quickly unbuttoning the top of them.
my eyes widen in shock and fear as he does this. i shake my head and try to get up from the floor. “no- mr. styles this is very inappropriate”
mr. styles shakes his head. “oh, darling, there’s nothing wrong in helping a friend. you don’t want my wife to tire out, do you?.”
“i don’t know if this is right.” i look at him nervously and try to pull away.
“oh but you’re so sweet,” he hums and traces my jaw with his thumb. “just try sweetheart, can you try?”
i hesitate, looking into his eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. i feel a mixture of fear and confusion, unsure of what to do. i take a deep breath, trying to steady myself, and nod my head.
mr. styles smiles, his eyes lighting up with satisfaction. “good girl,” he murmurs. he pulls me closer to him, his legs spreading wider to accommodate me.
his hands reach down into his trousers as he pulls out his length. my eyes widen in shock, and my face instantly flushes in shame. i try to look away, but he grabs my jaw and turns be back to him.
he spits into his hand and strokes himself slowly, his eyes fixed on mine. i try to speak, to tell him to stop, but my voice is caught in my throat. my mind is racing, trying to process what is happening, but i'm frozen in place, unable to move or speak.
"give me your hand, y/n" he says, holding out his hand expectantly. i hesitate, unsure of what to do, but his gaze is intense, as if daring me to refuse. my heart racing, i slowly reach out, my hand trembling as i place it in his.
mr. styles' fingers wrap around mine, his grip firm as he guides my hand towards him. i try to pull back, but he holds tight, his eyes never leaving mine. my face flushes even more as i realize what he wants me to do. i try to shake my head, to tell him no, but my voice is still caught in my throat.
"come on, darling," he says. "just a little help."
he moves my hand and puts it around his length, his own hand wrapping around mine to keep it in place.
mr. styles lets out a low groan, his eyes closing as he leans back against the wall. "that's it, darling," he murmurs. “move it up and down- just like that.”
i feel a surge of shame and embarrassment as i'm forced to comply, my hand moving slowly along his length. he tugs my hand along his cock, guiding me into a slow, rhythmic motion.
his pupils are dilated, and his breathing is heavy, his chest rising and falling with each stroke. i can feel my heart racing, pounding in my chest like a drum, as i struggle to process what's happening.
"oh fuck," he groans out. "such a good girl."
his grip tightens around my hand, his fingers digging into my skin as he guides me into a faster rhythm. i can feel him growing harder in my hand, his length pulsing with each stroke.
"you like helping, don't you?" he asks, his voice low and husky.
my face flushes with embarrassment. “i- i don’t know," i say, my voice barely above a whisper.
he hums, his grip tightening around my hand. “do you want to help me relax even more?”
i hesitate, unsure of what he means. i can feel my heart racing, my face flushed with embarrassment. “h-how?”
mr. styles sees my hesitation and smirks. “oh, darling, don't worry. i'll show you.” he leans back against the couch, watching me with a blissed expression on his face. “can you to take me in your mouth? oh, I know you can darling, you’re such a good listener.”
my heart is racing, pounding in my chest like a drum, as i struggle to process what's happening. i feel a surge of shame and embarrassment, my face flushing with heat. i try to shake my head, to tell him no, but my voice is still caught in my throat.
mr. styles' grip tightens around my hand, his fingers digging into my skin as he guides me into a faster rhythm. i can feel his length pulsing with each stroke.
“yes, be a good girl and wrap your lips around the tip for me, darling.” he moves his hand away from my own and puts his hand against the back of my head. he gently nudges me forward to take him in my mouth.
my nose crinkles up in slight disgust at the thought of doing it, but i don’t want to do anything wrong. what if he’s right? what if mrs. styles really does need me to help? she’s such a sweet lady, i wouldn’t want her to tire out… especially since she just had a child…
i hesitate for a moment, but mr. styles' grip on my head tightens, and he guides me closer to him. i can feel his length pulsing in my hand, and i know that i have no choice but to comply.
i take a deep breath and slowly lean forward, my lips parting as i take the tip of his cock into my mouth.
his thick length pulses against my tongue, and i try to focus on the task at hand, trying to ignore the shame and embarrassment that washes over me.
mr. styles lets out a low groan, his grip tightening around my head as he guides me further onto him. "oh, darling," he murmurs, his voice raspy. "you're doing so well, can you suck the tip for me?"
i hesitate for a moment, my mind racing with thoughts of what i'm doing and the sins i’m committing. i try to think of mrs. styles, of how she needs me to help, but my conscience is screaming at me to stop.
hesitantly i tighten my lips around the head of his cock and suck it into my mouth. mr. styles' eyes flutter closed, his chest rising and falling with each stroke. his fingers dig deeper into my scalp, holding me in place as he begins to rock his hips gently.
"oh, yes," he groans in pleasure, his hips buck up desperately. "just like that, darling. you're perfect."
mr. styles' grip tightens around my head, his fingers digging into my scalp as he guides me further onto him. i try to pull back, to take a breath, but he holds me in place, his grip firm.
"good girl," he murmurs, his voice low and husky. "open up that throat for me, just relax." my eyes fill up with tears, and i gag as his cock hits the back of my throat.
mr. styles' grip tightens around my head, his fingers digging deeper into my scalp as he holds me in place. i try to pull back, but he's too strong.
"relax, darling," he whispers. "you're doing so well. just a little more."
i try to nod, but my head is locked in place by his grip. suddenly, he pushes me down further, and i feel his cock hit the back of my throat again.
tears stream down my face as i gag, my body involuntarily trying to expel the intrusion. mr. styles' fingers dig deeper into my scalp, holding me firm as he begins to rock his hips in a slow rhythm.
before i can register what’s happening, mr. styles grabs the back of my head and pulls me off his cock unexpectadely.
“i’m sorry sweetheart, was that too much?” he hums and presses a kiss to my forehead. the sweet gesture was a complete change from the harsh movements he did just moments before.
i gasp for air, my chest heaving as i try to catch my breath.
“you did so well, darling,” he murmurs, his voice low and rough. “i’m so proud of you.”
i nod weakly, my throat still sore from the intrusion.
mr. styles smiles at me, his eyes soft and gentle. "come here,"
he picks me up and places me on his lap so i'm straddling his legs. I can feel his cock pressing against my stomach, and I try to ignore the complete embarrassment I feel. everything that just happened goes against everything my mother and father taught me.
mr. styles leans forward, his lips brushing against my ear. “are you alright?" he tilts his head and looks at me with a soft expression.
“i’m okay…” i nod weakly, unable to speak much after the sharp pain. mr. styles' eyes lock onto mine, his gaze piercing as he inspects me.
"you're doing great, darling," he whispers, his voice low and husky. "i know it's a lot to take in, but you're doing so well." his words are laced with a soothing tone, but they only make me feel more ashamed. “you’re being so helpful.”
“hm… is your poor throat all swollen? i’m sorry sweetheart.” he hums and presses a kiss to the side of my neck. “you know what? i think i have something that’ll make you feel better.”
i hesitate for a moment, looking up at him with glassy eyes. maybe he didn’t mean to hurt me…
“okay…” i whisper. he leans forward, his lips brushing against my ear once more.
“i knew you would be a good girl,” he murmurs.
he reaches down and picks me up, laying me down on the sofa. i feel a rush of fear as he moves to sit between my legs. my eyes widen at the vulnerable position, and i instantly shut my legs, trying to protect myself from his prying eyes. he’s not my husband, and i shouldn’t be in this position with him.
mr. styles' eyes sparkle with amusement as he gently pries my legs open, his hands warm against my skin. i try to resist, but he's too strong, and soon my legs are splayed open, exposing me to his gaze.
"shh be good f'me. i need your help, remember sweetheart?" he hums and pushes my thighs apart completely. his eyes darken when his gaze reaches my core.
i feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me as he takes in every detail of my body. his gaze lingers on the most intimate parts of me, and i can feel my face burning with shame. i try to close my legs again, but he holds them firm, his grip gentle yet unyielding.
"no, no, darling," he whispers, his breath hot against my skin. "we're not done yet. we need to take care of you."
his eyes linger on the most intimate parts of me, and i can feel my face burning with shame.
"so fucking pretty," he groans at the sight of my cunt that's now completely exposed to him. "nobody's touched you here before, have they?"
i try to shake my head, but it feels like it's stuck in place. mr. styles' eyes sparkle with excitement as he takes in every detail of my body.
his rough calloused hands run down my thighs and meet at my core. mr. styles smirks and traces his thumb along my cunt.
"hm... what about you sweetheart? have you ever played with yourself before?" he asks, his voice low and husky.
i shake my head, my face burning with embarrassment. i've never even touched myself there before, let alone let someone else do it. “n-no! of course not, that’s wrong.”
mr. styles smirks, his eyes glinting with amusement. “good. this is just f’me to touch, you understand?” he moves his eyes away from the spot between my legs to meet my eyes. i nod hesitantly, unsure of what i'm agreeing to, but too scared to say no.
his gaze holds mine for a moment, then drops back down to the spot between my legs. his fingers hover over my core, and i can feel my heart racing in my chest. i try to close my legs again, but he holds them firm, his grip gentle yet unyielding.
i take a deep breath and try to relax, but my body remains tense. mr. styles' eyes never leave my face as he gently pushes my jaw open with his hand. he then slides two of his fingers into my mouth, and i can taste the salty tang of his skin.
“get them nice and wet, darling,” he murmurs, his voice low and husky. i hesitate for a moment before i begin to suck on his fingers, coating them in saliva.
mr. styles' eyes sparkle with amusement as he watches me, his gaze never leaving my face. i try to focus on the task at hand, but my mind keeps wandering back to the uncomfortable position i'm in.
suddenly, he pushes his fingers back, hitting the back of my throat, and i gag. the feeling is overwhelming, and i try to pull away, but he holds his fingers firm. mr. styles smirks and pulls his fingers out.
“oh, i'm sorry sweetheart, that was mean of me,” he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "we’re going to have to work on that gagging of yours later, aren’t we?”
he moves his hand away from my mouth to my core. he runs his middle and ring finger teasingly along my slit, nudging my clit for a second. my eyes widen at the sensation, and i sit up. “what- what was that?”
mr. styles smirks, his eyes never leaving mine. “that, my dear, is what it feels like to be touched by a man.” he continues to tease my clit, his fingers moving in slow, deliberate circles.
i gasp, my body trembling beneath his touch. it feels weird but not bad. it doesn’t hurt like it did before. he presses tight circles against my clit. his gaze is focused on the scene before him.
his fingers dance across my skin, sending shivers down my spine. i try to process what's happening, but my mind is a jumbled mess. i feel exposed and vulnerable, yet somehow, i'm drawn to the sensation. my body begins to respond, my hips subtly rocking against his fingers.
"ah… there we go. you like that?" he chuckles and presses his thumb against my bundle of nerves. i gasp, my body tensing up as a wave of pleasure washes over me. my face flushes with embarrassment, and i look away from his eyes
i can feel my heart racing in my chest as he continues to touch me. his fingers move in slow, deliberate circles. i can feel myself growing wetter, and i'm both embarrassed and confused by my body's reaction.
mr. styles leans in closer, his breath hot against my skin. "you're so beautiful when you're like this," he murmurs, his voice low. "so innocent and pure.”
he holds out his hand to my mouth again and nods his head to it. “spit.”
i hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do. but mr. styles' gaze holds mine, his eyes glinting with amusement. i can feel my face burning with embarrassment as i slowly part my lips and let my saliva fall onto his palm.
he smirks, his eyes never leaving mine, as he brings his fingers back down to my core. mr. styles' fingers slide back into my slit, and he begins to tease my clit once more.
i gasp, my body trembling beneath his touch. his gaze holds mine, his eyes glinting with amusement as he watches me struggle to process the sensations coursing through my body.
"take a deep breath, darling," he says before i feel one of his thick fingers push past my tight entrance. i tense up, my body protesting the intrusion, but mr. styles' grip on my thighs remains firm. his finger slides in deeper, and i can feel my walls clenching around it.
"oh, you're so tight," he murmurs, his voice low and husky. "i can barely fit a finger." his eyes never leave mine as he begins to move his finger in slow strokes.
"relax, darling," he whispers, his breath hot against my skin. "let me show you how good it can feel." his finger push deeper, and i can feel my core tighten beneath his touch.
mr. styles' eyes stay glued to mine as he watches my body react. my body begins responding, my hips subtly rocking against his hand. the sensation is strange, yet somehow, i find myself craving more.
"that's it, darling,” he hums and uses his free hand to rub my hip softly. “stop resisting."
i gasp as he adds a second finger, my body stretching to accommodate him. my heart races in my chest as he moves his fingers up to his knuckles.
"oh, you're so tight," he groans, his eyes never leaving mine. “i should’ve fucked a virgin a long time ago.”
his words make my face flush with embarassment as he continues to move his fingers inside me. my body responds to his touch despite my mind's protests.
mr. styles' fingers push in and out of me, his movements slow and calculated. i can feel my walls clenching around him, trying to accommodate his thick fingers.
suddenly, he stops moving his fingers, leaving them deep inside me. i feel a pang of disappointment, my body craving more of the strange sensation.
he chuckles and pulls his fingers out to hold my thighs open again. “don’t you worry, darling. i have something that’ll be a lot better.”
his eyes glint with amusement as he moves one of his hands to hold the base of his cock, moving to press the tip of it against my clit teasingly. i gasp, my hips bucking up at the sudden contact. his cock is warm and smooth, compared to the rough cold skin of his fingers.
"oh, you're so sensitive," he murmurs. "i love it." his eyes never leave mine as he continues to tease me, his cock brushing against my clit with every movement.
i try to speak, but my voice catches in my throat. my body is screaming for more, but my mind is still reeling from how wrong this feels. i shouldn’t be doing this when i’m not married- let alone with a married man!
“mr. styles-” i'm cut off by him pressing the head of his length to my entrance.
"shh, no more mr. styles. when i touch you like this you be respectful and call me daddy, alright?" he says roughly and squeezes my hip.
my eyes widen in shock, and i feel my face flush with embarrassment when i hear that. i shake my head, my mind reeling from the demand.
"what?" i manage to stammer, my voice barely above a whisper.
mr. styles' grip on my hip tightens, his fingers digging into my skin. "you heard me, darling," he says, his eyes sharp as he watches me. "when we're like this, you call me daddy. it's only respectful."
i feel a surge of defiance rise up within me, but it's quickly quashed by the sensation of his cock still pressed teasingly against my entrance.
mr. styles' grip on my hip tightens, his fingers digging into my skin as he speaks. "say, yes daddy, or else i'm going to have to tell your mother and father what a disrespectful brat you are." he says roughly.
my eyes widen in shock, and i feel my face flush with embarrassment at the threat. i try to speak, but my voice catches in my throat. mr. styles' eyes narrow, his gaze piercing as he waits for my response.
"yes…daddy," i stammer, the words feeling foreign and inappropriate on my lips.
"see? good girl," he nods at my words and holds the base of his cock again, lining it up with my cunt. "deep breath for me…"
i feel my body tense up, my heart racing in my chest as i try to process what's happening. his cock is warm and smooth, but it's also thick and intimidating. i can feel my walls stretching to accommodate him, a burning sensation spreading through my core.
"relax, darling," he whispers, his breath hot against my skin.
his cock inches inside of me, and i can feel my walls stretching to accommodate him. "oh fuck-"
he groans out and closes his eyes for a second as he inches inside of me. his eyes snap back open, and he gazes at me, his pupils dilated with desire.
he pauses for a moment, his cock lodged halfway inside me. i can feel my body trembling beneath him, my heart racing in my chest.
"you're so tight," he moans and presses squeezes my hips tightly, his fingers digging into my skin as he holds me in place. "i can barely fit."
i try to speak, but my voice catches in my throat. "mr. styles-" he cuts me off by giving a light slap to my thigh.
"no. what do you call me?" he demands, his eyes flashing with a mixture of desire and authority. i feel a surge of embarrassment wash over me, but i swallow it back and meet his eyes.
"daddy," i mumble, my voice barely audible.
"good girl," he murmurs. mr. styles' grip on my hips loosens slightly, and he nods in approval. he inches his cock further inside me, and i feel my walls stretching to accommodate him. the burning sensation intensifies, and i let out a gasp of pain and growing pleasure.
mr. styles' eyes never leave mine as he slowly thrusts his cock to the hilt, his hips pressing against mine.
my body trembles beneath him, my heart racing in my chest. the burning sensation intensifies, and i let out a gasp of pain and growing pleasure.
"oh shit-" he groans, his voice low and husky, "i won't last long with how fucking tight you are." he slowly drags his cock out so just the tip is inside, and for a moment, i feel a sense of relief wash over me. but without giving me much time to recover, he starts pushing in again, his cock sliding deeper into me.
the burning sensation intensifying as he buries himself inside me. mr. styles' eyes never leave mine as he starts to thrust, his hips moving in calculated strokes. i can feel his cock pulsing inside me, and i try to push back against him, but he holds me in place, his grip on my hips like a vice.
"daddy," i stammer, the word feeling foreign and wrong on my lips, but he seems to like it, his eyes flashing with desire as he hears it. he starts to move faster, his thrusts becoming more urgent, and i can feel my body responding, my pleasure building despite the initial pain.
“see? it can feel so good if you stop resisting," he pants out in pleasure and continues moving his cock inside me. his words are laced with a mixture of desire and authority.
“so fucking young and pretty…” he mutters under his breath. his hips continue snapping up to meet mine, our arousal and the humidity of a hot summers day leave the skin between us sticky.
mr. styles groans and closes his eyes in pleasure as he thrusts his thick cock as deep as he can. my hips slowly move against his in a desperate search for any pleasure.
despite the rough and painful start, pleasure begins filling my body and i’m left reaching for the sensations he gave me previously.
he notices my frustrated expression and smirks for a second. “oh i’m sorry darlin, can’t leave ya hanging.”
mr. styles chuckles and uses his thumb to rub tight circles on my throbbing bundle of nerves. his gaze is piercing as he watches me struggle to accommodate his length. my walls clench desperately around him, trying to adjust to the unfamiliar intrusion.
“fuck darling, you’re gonna cum, aren’t ya? you’re practically suffocating me.” he mumbles and quickens his thrusts as he approaches his own release. his grip on my hips tightens, and he slams into me with a force that takes my breath away.
his cock pulses against my walls and my body responds to his, the pleasure building until it’s too much to bear.
“daddy please-“ i whimper out and grab his shoulders for support as the unfamiliar feelings flush through my body.
“that’s it, cum for me.” he smirks and rubs my clit quicker, his thumb pressing down harder on my sensitive nub. my body shudders and convulses as the orgasm crashes over me, my walls clenching around his cock as he continues to thrust.
mr. styles groans and his thrusts become erratic, his cock pulsing inside me as he reaches his own climax. his grip on my hips tightens and he buries himself inside me, his hips snapping up to meet mine as he empties himself inside me.
for a moment, we stay like that, our bodies still connected as we catch our breath.
mr. styles finally pulls out, leaving me feeling empty and exposed. i watch as he tucks himself back into his pants, his eyes never leaving mine. he walks over to the small wooden table and grabs a cigarette, lighting it up and taking a long drag.
"get fixed before the wife gets back," he says, his voice gruff and emotionless. he walks over to the door, putting his hat back on and going back out to the ranch. “i have work to do.”
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅.𖥔 ݁ ˖
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