#kai Parker angst
Somebody That I Used To Know
Summary-> The Salvatores call Y/N Mikaelson for aid, however they don’t expect for her to have a history with Kai Parker (4k)
Warnings-> 18+ minors dni, smut, unprotected sex, shower sex, porn with plot, mentions of death, blood drinking, swearing, fluff & angst, mentions of bad parenting and adultery, mentions of child abuse and imprisonment
kai parker works other tvd works main masterlist
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Kai had never been a romantic, that much was blatantly obvious, or so he told himself. To even think about being in love opened a wound inside of him, and it refused to heal. He had been raised in hell before his family sent him to an isolation that was impossible for him to escape, however they had never expected or anticipated intruders to enter his coven crafted prison world, but the improbable became possible when the other side fell. And now he was free, to an extent, with supervision of course.
Stefan rushed into the room with urgency in his steps, bearing news as he reached his brother - and Kai. They tolerated him, after all the evil-doings he had spewed in the form of massacres, realising that now he was a heretic he had some use other than drinking magic like a drug addict fiending for a hit. Things were always tense when his magic was required, but the group of supernatural heroes (and Matt unfortunately) understood that to protect the town indefinitely, his troublesome hand definitely helped. Though he wasn’t one of them, his singular use other than being a pest was to be a weapon. It was ironic really considering they had stopped, or at least tried, him from killing his family, and now he was doing their bidding murdering at their beck and call.
“Y/n’s on her way, she would have been here sooner but there was some trouble in New Orleans that she had to resolve.” The name of the woman that Stefan was referring to struck a fragile, hard to find nerve in Kai’s erratic brain, he had known a woman by the same name a long time ago… She had been unstoppable, as any original vampire would be. Y/n Mikaelson, a dead beauty whom was one of a kind, she had seen an endless variety of monsters in her achingly long life, and unlike everyone else that Kai had known, she didn’t see him as one.
He was just a man, and she was- walking in the Salvatore home apparently? It couldn’t be, be surely had to be hallucinating. The last time that he had seen her, she had bid him goodbye, promising to see him the following day, when in reality he didn’t. Klaus had staked her with a pale dagger, catching her beautiful and dormant corpse in an old fashioned casket, taking her comatosed body half way across the globe. He saw the scene of her struggle, but not her. Kai was speechless, he never thought he’d see her again, when they had met he had just been a siphon, and now he was more like her than he’d ever imagined.
Their eyes locked and time stood still for a moment, before she gave him a cold shoulder, turning her attention to the Salvatores, Stefan less than amused with her appearance. Kai hardly noticed but she was drenched from head to toe in blood, her skin flooded by the remnants of her victims. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m here, aren’t I?” Damon quirked a brow at the original which caused the old one to huff out an exaggerated sigh. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you what I had to do to get here to save your asses, so I’m not even going to bother. So what’s first on the agenda?”
“You can take a shower, you know where it is.” Damon nodded his head at her, and Kai was inclined to squint at the interaction but decided it best not to pry in case he discovered something he’d rather not have. Y/n turned on her heel and contently plodded up the stairs within the mansion, leaving red footsteps in her wake, luring Kai to follow her trail. He stood, beginning on his journey to know the reason for her ignorance of him, he wanted to understand the pain that he felt that was unlike any other that he had experienced.
Surely she couldn’t have forgotten him, it had been a long time for him, but in relation to those she had lived, it would have been as though they had met yesterday. The younger of the two Salvatore brothers stepped forward, wanting to severe Kai’s secret mission into a failure of efforts, however Damon held his arm out, silently ordering Stefan to remain where he was. “Let him be a peeping tom, worst that will happen is she’ll rip his loveless heart out.” To then Kai was an expendable weapon, there was only so much use that they had for him. They didn’t need to kill him, he’d be the cause for his own end, and there would be no one to mourn him, even if his family were alive.
“Hey. Y/n, stop! Please!” He was desperate for her attention, he’d gone so long without it that it was all he craved. In private, he had struggled and tried his darn hardest to cast an abundance of spells to awake her, even without the genetic gift of magic. There was no stone that he had left unturned, but all that needed to be done was to remove the dagger from her chest, but she was lost and hidden far away so that nobody could find her… not even him. Not even Jo, his own twin from birth had protected him from the parental neglect and isolation he had induced before his indefinite banishment, but Y/n had yearned to make him feel wanted and needed. When he had spent moments in private with her, away from the endless triggers, he felt like a normal person, almost human.
If not for Klaus and his incessant and overwhelming desire to collect his siblings and put them in their reserved coffins, Kai doubted that his disturbed parents would have succeeded with transferring his mind and lack of soul into the 1994 prison world. She would have murdered his coven pleasing, traditional parents in cold blood. He would have been free, and more importantly, with her. Joshua Parker and his broodmare of a wife had awaited for Y/n’s demise, acknowledging that whilst they were all powerful Geminis, an original vampire was not an obstacle that they wanted to risk fighting against. It was easier for them to wait until she was entirely out of the picture and consciousness to strike against their first born son.
Y/n looked at him, there was something in her eyes that had changed, and it wasn’t peculiar squint that she aimed at him. She was analysing his face, tilting her portrait worthy head at his appearance, repeating the sound of his voice in her brain. Her throat felt dry despite all the blood that she had drank as she began to speak, wary that she could have been imagining his presence as a trauma response, her long past encompassing her supernatural senses and making them into a realistic delusion. “You look like someone that I once knew, but you can’t be him, he would have aged by now, witches only have a mortal lifespan. Most of them anyways.” Her words spoke truth, however they had been long separated and their journeys had continued apart.
Kai dared to step towards her, reaching his silver adorned hands to her face, painting his own fingertips in the numerous layers of blood that was spread across her cheek. “The world hasn’t been kind to either of us, I’m a heretic now, and I did a lot of horrible things just so that I could survive and one day see you again. It’s really me, it’s, I’m… Malachai.” Y/n has always referred to him by his full name, and after he’d lost her for what felt like an eternity, he had vastly preferred it to be shortened to Kai. Each time he heard anybody formally naming him by Malachai, it caused him a terrible internal fever of pain, for she instantly was replayed in the only fond memories that he held close to his heart.
There was a glassy sheen reflecting from her compelling eyes, even if this was a sick and twisted trick that her body was playing on her vision, she wasn’t willing to waste another fleeting minute without pulling him into her embrace, hoping and praying to her ancestors above that Kai wouldn’t fade away. “I can’t believe it’s you.” Y/n whispered, still coming to grips with the shock that raced in her veins. She had heard commotion from the Salvatores and their younger allies in regards to the heretics that had brought dangerous issues into the borders of Mystic Falls. Never had the original expected for her Malachai to be one of the siphoner crossbreeds, they were stupidly subjective to be unexpectedly powerful after having lived lives of stealing magic and bearing the labels of being abominations to their cold hearted covens.
It was clear that they had both changed during their decades without one another. But it didn’t matter, Kai and Y/n were now individually stronger, thus meant together it would be close to impossible for any species to separate them again. “There’s something that you should know,” Y/n slightly pulled away from their coiled up proximity so that she could look into Kai’s grey irises, finding a rare comfort in their storm of pigment. “I’m a hybrid now, Klaus and I were never Mikael’s children, our father was a werewolf called Ansel, he and our mother had an affair. When Klaus took that stake out of my heart, he was planning on unlocking that hidden side of himself, and I joined him, thinking that a distraction was what I needed and that I’d never have the chance to see you again.”
Nothing changed in the way that Kai looked at Y/n, his orbs continued to be clouded with effortless and true adoration, he could care less what she was, all he wanted was her by his side until their fates rested in possible death, in an afterlife that they could fondly share. “You could never not be perfect to me, even in this moment. All that blood looks good on you. It really brings out your eyes.” Kai could remember the first time he had seen her features accentuated with a visible rush of human’s blood, she had come to him in the night, after defending herself from a group of witches that had tried to use her mulled blood to bring all of her siblings to one destination. Their scheme had been to kill all vampires in the planet, and what better way to do that than to cull the untwined sources of the various and spread bloodlines. They hadn’t even come near to reigning their intended terror of mass extinction, Y/n had mauled them with quick yet painful deaths that would haunt them on the other side.
“Well I’m afraid I can’t remain looking like this Malachai, I need to shower.” Y/n miserably insisted, her pupils never wishing to leave his form again, for she was afraid that the heretic would disappear altogether. For years since Klaus had removed the dagger out from where it had been impaled in her chest, she had wanted to search for Kai, however the right opportunity had never arose. There was always a family related instance that threw any solace of doing so out the window. She was far too selfless for her own good, she continuously allowed her fleet of brothers and sisters to pull her into their conflicts, and she couldn’t find it in herself to leave them to the horrors of their mother Esther had given them lives long enough to experience. Immortality really was a cruel curse, every day Y/n would look in the mirror and see no alteration to her timeless face, there would only be more regret and trauma hidden behind her y/e/c windows to her fading soul.
“Then allow me to join you, I can’t bear to see you walk away again, I need you to come back.” Their last goodbye hadn’t prepared him for the years that had passed him by without her presence. It was a miracle that Y/n was in the same vicinity as him, she’d told him that she would see him the following day, but her promise had been broken through no fault of her own. “Well,” his past lover began to speak, Kai’s eyes solely trained on her lips that he obsessively dreamt of every night, “I’m sure that I could use your help t wash all of this blood off me.” And so Kai safely followed her until the attached bathroom of one of the many guest rooms, excited to feel her close once again. She stripped her ruined articles of clothing from her perfect, unscarred flesh, crimson painting each curve and ridge that her apparel hadn’t covered. Her movements span Kai’s mind into a flurry of hypnosis, he was entranced with her flawless anatomy.
She stepped into the shower first, allowing Kai to mentally prepare for sharing an intimate proximity with her after so long. He had always hated anyone touching him, since his parents had constantly instructed all to never lay a finger against his skin; because he was dangerous. One touch and he could kill his siblings that had been brought into the world to replace the disappointment that he was. But Y/n, he couldn’t hurt her, and she made him feel important and loved like his coven should have. They shared a history where they had both been neglected; Mikael knew that Klaus and Y/n weren’t biologically his children and so he had intended to kill them as a message to his witch of a wife, also due to simply wanting to. And even being sent to the prison world dedicated to holding and punishing Kai, his father had neglected and beaten him for being born as the black sheep. Neither of them had deserved the malicious injustice that their parents had handed out to them, but now they had time to heal together, and fix the broken shards of their intermingled roads of earning a sliver of peace.
It took him a fair few minutes to succumb back to the reality that was cast before his very eyes, like an allusive spell that disturbed his vision to picture his greatest desires. Y/n was as alive as a vampire could practically be, scrubbing her crimes from her body with her naked hands. Her knuckles were white and clenched as she feared that Kai wouldn’t join her because there was always the possibility that he wasn’t real; he was another mortal that she had outlived and his passing souls was spouting nonsense of heretics and prison worlds to madden her into believing all wasn’t lost, as it usually was. But as Kai built up the courage to shed his clothes and leave them in an abandoned cluster on the floor and join her behind the water splattered glass, and his hands nervously danced in a grip on her waist, Y/n realised that she was mistaken. He was real, and so were the tears that fell from his eyes and landed upon her shoulders that had relaxed from the warm stream that was elicited from the shower head.
Y/n span around in his arms, their bodies pressing together as she did so. Returning to Mystic Falls had been the correct move on her part, now there lay a chance to finish Kai’s and her story, rather than leaving it to remain a forgotten tragedy of their pasts. “I’m so happy that you’re here.” She hadn’t felt that raw emotion in a time too long, her voice had left her lips in a relieved sob. His shaky hands found refuge in cradling her face, pulling her closer so that their noses touched. “If I had to do everything all over again so that I’d end up here, I would.” Kai remembered the awful actions he had done, they flashed in his memory as guilt biled in his chest, he’d been raised as an evil child, and after he had realised that Y/n had disappeared, his actions proved such. At first Kai had assumed that his love had thought of him as a monster like everyone else did, however he dug through her small apartment only to discover carnage. She hadn’t willingly left him, and that made him angrier.
And he had snapped, he was always taunted for being powerless by his family, he was a pest that they had brought into the world, and so as revenge he took them out of it. But he held no regret other than being a Gemini without magic for so long, because his and Y/n’s paths had crossed as though it were fate. “I’d do it all again too, or maybe I’d have staked Klaus first. It doesn’t matter though, I’ve got you back and now we have more time, eternity is on our side.” Her lips found his, their mouths melting together in a passionate and desperate kiss that they refused to break. Their lack of breathing continued as Kai pressed her into the wall, moving them out of shot from the falling water, his knuckles hungrily grabbing the back of her thighs. He muttered an almost silent ‘jump’ into her mouth, and Y/n instantly followed his words, wanting nothing more than to be held in his arms.
It was as though two long lost worlds were colliding in an orbital explosion, Y/n’s arms were amorously locked around the apex of Kai’s neck, her lips drifting from his and teasing his neck with the outline of her teeth. They grew into fangs as Y/n found a pulse point, sinking her pointed canines into Kai’s veins, swallowing the blood that flowed into her mouth. He was thirsty to be within the hybrid whom he had missed for so long, his cock impatiently stirred against the flesh of her inner thigh, adamantly needing to be inside her. Y/n released Kai’s throat from her deadly, vampiric grip, with her lips stained red, and she lovingly admired him with heavy lids. “Fuck me Malachai, it’s been too long.” He agreed without word or hesitation, steadying her weight in his arms as he pushed his aching cock into his lover’s walls. They both exchanged relieved moans, discovering newfound ecstasy together with their heightened emotions and feelings. Her cunt hugged his length tightly, it’s vice grip bonding them together as their lips found each other again. Their tongues fought for dominance as they remained still for a moment, Kai’s feet that were planted on the floor supporting them.
“You’re so tight baby.” He huffed through his teeth, gasping down air that he didn’t know that he needed. Y/n’s back was pressed into the tiled wall of the large shower, her elegant head was timelessly craned backwards as she adjusted to the girth of Kai’s length. In her life after being separated from him, Y/n had continued her sex life with other partners, but none of them every fulfilled or satisfied her the way Kai had. The emotions that she had for the siphon were unique, it was the kind of love that she had been searching for within her over a thousand years of existence. He was thrilling and exciting for her, and she felt that same rush as Kai decided that it was time for him to move. He jarred his hips so that he almost pulled out of her walls that hugged his length to the point where all the blood in his body distanced itself from his head, only to push back into her warmth that provided him comfort like no other. Y/n enveloped his prime concentration, and the dark hauntings in his thoughts sunk to a distant place, allowing the heretic to enjoy something that wasn’t outright murder for a change.
“Oh my- holy fuck Malachai.” Y/n moaned as Kai fastened his pace and hit a particular spot in her depth that she had forgotten existed. Her fingers clawed at his shoulders, leaving crescent indents in their wake whilst her legs tightened around his waist. She used her position as leverage to buck against him, neither of them were going to last long, that much was evident. To finally be together in such a comprisable scenario after twenty years was taking a toll on their bodies’ performances, neither Kai nor Y/n were far from reaching their peaks. Kai’s thrusts began to become scattered in their coordination, Y/n’s heat clamped down on him as he reached his fingers down and stimulated her bundle of nerves, spiralling her orgasmic bliss over the edge, and Kai’s orgasm followed shortly after. He filled her centre to the brim with his load of cum as he panted heavily, resting his forehead against Y/n’s as he carefully set her down so that she was standing by herself.
No one but Kai had ever treated Y/n as though she was fragile, including her own siblings. To most she was just the monster of her mother’s creation, a creature that craved destruction, Damon and Stefan had even been adamant to call her in as a reinforcement. The Gemini coven had been petrified of her presence, and so they had contacted Klaus and informed him of Y/n’s location before they banished the siphon of their family to a modified realm that held no trace of life, except for his own. Kai was the only being that took the time to see past the lives that she had agonised and taken, discovering that she was the true victim of her own actions. She was stuck with multiple curses increasing her affective thirst for blood, and there was no cure designed to fix her into a human. And even if there was somewhere out there, Y/n would be the first to admit that she didn’t deserve it. But Kai wanted her to live with little to no regrets, nothing that she had done mattered to him, he just hoped that she never regretted him.
“I love you Y/n Mikaelson, I should have said it a long time ago.” He cradled her face as the water around them turned cold, her hands choosing to lay atop of his. “And I will never let anything happen to you again, I don’t care who I have to kill to make sure of it.” Kai felt like he was finally capable of protecting her, he had his own magic now and so much more. Those in Mystic Falls had decided to allow him to live, and he had found his retribution; it was to be better for Y/n. They had a second chance and he wasn’t going to let it get away from him. “I love you too Malachai, I just never had a moment to tell you. By the time I realised what you meant to me, my brother was already in Portland.” She reached her fingertips up to brush against the scruff on his face that she was unfamiliar with, but it was definitely something that she could get used to. She wasn’t going to live another day without him by her side, they’d already lost too much time together.
“I know we’re not exactly fans of Kai, but he’s definitely got game if he can get Y/n out of all the Mikaelsons, and hold her down.” Damon nodded, as Stefan rolled his eyes at his brother. It was a good thing that they’d decided against ending Kai’s life, Stefan thought, otherwise Y/n wouldn’t be their ally if she uncovered the truth - she’d be their enemy. And that was the last thing that they would have wanted, because no one, mortal or not, ever survived her wrath. She had a soul, a tainted one at that, but she never took that into consideration if someone angered her. They were long dead before she reached them.
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flowerygrdn · 2 years
WHAT THE FU- || k. parker
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pairing: kai x vampire!reader
warnings: swearing, kissing, fluff, obsessive!kai (sort of)
summary: y/n is on her way to the sheriff's funeral when she gets an alarming call from alaric...
a/n: hello, so i used the deleted kai and jo scene for this because, let's face it, that scene deserved kai's redemption.
I could hear my heels clicking on the pavement as I walked towards my car. My head was currently tilted downward towards my purse as i was trying to dig out my keys. This is why I need to clean out my shit more often. Aha! I finally found them. After about five minutes of digging.
Suddenly, my phone starts ringing. Now I have to dig that out of my purse. Damn this bag. Once I retrieved my phone from my bag, I saw the screen lit up with Alraic's name across it.
"I know, I'm running late. Can you tell Caro-" I start, but was immediately cut off by Alaric.
"y/n, I need you to get over to Jo's place right now." His voice is urgent and I immediately stop right in my tracks.
"Why? Alaric, I need to be at the funeral right now."
"y/n, just get over here! You'll see why I called you when you do." I didn't know what to do with that. I didn't want to disappoint Caroline by not being there, but Alaric sounds like he's desperate.
"Okay, but I swear to God if it's something stupid, like you got your hand stuck in the sink, I'm gonna be so pissed." I say as I open my car door.
"Stop your whining, I'm on my way." I hang up and change the gear to drive. Alaric better have a good excuse.
I get to Jo's apartment and open the door. I have no clue why it was unlocked. Do they not care about serial killers? My heels click with every stride I take towards the living room and soon enough I'm at the doorway.
"Alright, what was so impor-" I stop in my tracks when I see a devilish smirk from across the room. Along with the stupid expression, I get a little wave. My eyes shoot over to Jo, who's now standing there, giving me a look of pity.
"What the fu-"
"y/n, save it for a better time." Alaric says, putting his hand up to hush me.
A better time? The best time to swear would be right about now. When Kai Parker is standing there, smirking at me.
"This is why you called me here?! Jo can I please kill your fiancé?!" My eyes begin to darken and veins flash under my eyes. My vamp side comes out when I get pissed. Jo immediately comes over to calm me down.
"Okay, calm down. y/n, no one is killing anybody. We just called you over because we knew that if you were here, my asshole of a twin wouldn't try anything." Jo turns her head over her shoulder and sends Kai a glare.
"She's right." Kai shrugs, still not whipping that stupid grin off his face.
"You! I do not want to hear another word out of your mouth!" I demand. His hands go up in defense.
"Yes, ma'am. " he mutters under his breath.
"Why me though?!" I shout some more.
"Because he's obsessed with you." Alaric responds, rubbing his temples. Kai winks at me. I roll my eyes and try to walk out, but Jo pulls me back.
"y/n, please. He claims he's sick, so can you please come with me to my office so we can check him?" Jo's voice makes me calm down a little bit. I've always kind of seen her and Alaric as close friends, family even. So, if me being here ensures their safety, then so fucking be it.
Me, Jo, and Kai walk into her office and Jo leads us to one of the rooms.
"Motus!" Jo says as soon as the door closes. I see Kai fly across the room and hit the wall. She then does that one spell that makes your head feel like it's going to explode. It nice to be on the opposite end of that for once.
"Talked to Dad. Guess who's not sick? Him, Liv, and I'm feeling pretty good right now. Which leads me to believe I'm not gonna die anytime soon. So, what's your game?! Tell me!" She shouts.
"I don't have a game!" Kai shouts back. "God!" He shouts again before doing the same spell to her. I fall down next to Jo, grabbing her arm and trying to think of a way to help her. He stops when I make eye contact with him. I'm pretty sure my vampire face flashed because, he looked a little scared.
"As much as my suffering might bring you two pleasure, this is not the way to handle the situation." He stands up and starts towards us. I help Jo to her feet and dust off my dress.
"Is this all just a ploy for you to get more magic?" Jo's tone is an accusing one, and Kai's face twists into a serious one. A face I've never seen before.
"It's a ploy for us all to stay alive, actually. I'm sorry if that seems selfish!"
"I don't believe you! Because you are a liar. And you are the worst kind of liar because your lies sound so much like the truth, it's impossible for me to tell the difference. " That's something me and Jo agree on. No matter what faces I've seen before, Kai has never shown an honest one.
"You're right, I am a liar, alright? I'm the black sheep. You know, the defective twin that nobody wanted." His voice cracks and this gains my attention. Something about me is that, even without compulsion, I can tell when someone is being sincere. And for once, Kai is.
"It must feel real nice for you to stand her, judging me. Surrounded by all the things you got out of life while I spent eighteen years in isolation as the family reject." His eyes flash over to me before returning to Jo. I never thought I'd be saying this right now, but I kind of feel remorse for Kai.
"Let me tell you, every inch of me wants to kill you for that. Every part!" I slowly start to step in front of Jo, but she pulls me behind her instead.
"But I can't. Because the only way that I can survive is if you help me. And I'd like to live, frankly. Because I didn't get to do a whole lot of that before everyone decided that I wasn't worth it."
There it is again. The feeling of remorse for the man in front of me. His words made me realize that he wasn't born a monster. His coven made him that way. All because he was different. Malachai Parker is evil, but maybe there's a part of him that isn't. A part that can consume the evil and make a whole new person.
"I'll give it to you." Jo replied.
"But under one condition. You take it and get out of my life. I never want you anywhere near me again." She spits out.
"I'm not finished. If you break our promise, I'll kill you." My head snaps towards her.
"I'll take myself and our entire coven down with you. Because I don't want to live another minute, afraid of my own brother." I'd never have thought Jo would do that, but given everything Kai did, she has every right. But something inside me hopes, prays even, she never has to do that.
"You got it?"
"Got it." Kai looks over at me again. My eyes have softened, and I'm now starting to see a whole different person when I look at him. He brushes past us and walks out of the door.
After Jo gave Kai her magic, He was out the door in a heartbeat. Not before whispering one last thing in her ear. I quickly say my goodbyes and run after him.
"Kai, wait!" He turns around while standing in the middle of the parking lot. His hands are in his pockets, and his lips part at the sight of me lightly jogging. When I stop a few feet away from him, my words suddenly exit my mind. I have no clue what to say.
"You know, I always thought that the only thing that would make me happy was being coven leader." Kai starts. My eyebrows scrunch. I don't know where he intends to go with this.
"The day I met you in the prison world, I started feeling things. After I merged with Luke, I started feeling even more things. And then it dawned on me." He started taking steps towards me. My feet stay planted in the pavement below me and my stomach twist into knots. I don't know what I'm feeling but, I don't want it to stop.
"Sure, being gemini coven leader is amazing. The power, the title, it's all I've ever wanted. But, then I met you. You are what I've always wanted. Well, maybe not always, but from the day that I met you, you were all I wanted, no, needed." He stops in front of me. My breath gets caught in my throat.
"It's always been you, y/n. And I know you hate me. I know I'm just another monster that you and the gang had to face, but to me, you are my world." What is happening right now? Why are his words having this effect on me? Why do I want him closer? What the actual hell?
"When you're happy, I'm happy. When something hurts you, I want to hunt it down and destroy it. So, hate me. Help your friends plot my death. But just know..." His hand comes up to cup my cheek. I flinch, but don't take his hand away. For some weird reason, I like the way his skin feels against mine.
"I'll love you even if I'm in hell." Holy shit.
Kai Parker loves me? How? Why? What the fuck?! Wait...no there's no way...do I love him too? All I've ever felt for him was disgust, but maybe that was just a cover-up. Because what I'm feeling right now didn't just happen within the span of a few hours. I guess it's always been there, I just didn't see it before.
He leans down and kisses my forehead then turns around. He begins to walk away, but I don't want him to. I can't let him.
"Kai!" He stops and turns around again.
I don't think. My body is moving before my mind can process it. My legs are taking long strides, and soon, my arms are thrown around his shoulders, and I'm pulling his head down to mine. Our lips meet in the middle, and his hands quickly find my waist.
Passion. Sparks flying everywhere. That's what I feel when I'm kissing Kai Parker. His hands are moving up and down my back and mine are racking through his hair. We only pull away when we're about to run out of oxygen. We keep our heads rested on each other's and try to steady our breaths.
"I love you, Kai." I feel his arms tighten around my waist. He let's out a breath that sounded like he had been holding in.
"I love you to hell and back, y/n." He says before capturing my lips in another passionate kiss.
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Consequences ~ Kai Parker One Shot
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*not my gif
Pairing: heretic!Kai x vampire!reader
Word Count: 2,688
Requested?: No
Warnings: SMUT (18+ only), BDSM themes, Daddy kink, Dom!Kai, sensory deprivation, fingering, thigh riding, orgasm denial, spanking, blood sharing, unprotected sex (be safe!), oral sex (fem. receiving), and aftercare
This IS a reader insert fic; I just don’t like writing with Y/N in the place of names. Use Rosalie/Rose as a placeholder for Y/N and Wilson for L/N.
Description: Someone tried to play with Kai's girl, and he didn't like that very much. Now, she had to surrender to his every whim until he was satisfied... until he convinced her she belonged to only him.
Ice clinked around in the glass as Kai swirled his gin and soda. He was leaning against the bar, steadily downing his drink. Rosalie was just a few feet away, hidden in the dancing crowd but still in his line of sight. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched her prance around with Caroline and Elena, carefree with her closest friends. Rose glanced over to him every now and then, waving enticingly with a little wiggle of her fingers.
Malachai was dressed well, attracting attention with his classic rings and a smooth black jacket. Rosalie, too, looked so very sexy in her skintight black miniskirt and golden top. Unfortunately, Kai wasn’t the only one who thought so. With his attention occupied by the lovely little minx, Kai failed to notice someone approaching his girl.
Rosalie was perfectly capable of fending off unwanted attention, but Malachai made his way over to her anyhow. Impolitely shoving through the masses of people, Kai made it to her side, wrapping his arm around Rose’s waist and pulling her into his side possessively.
“Yes, so, as you can see, I have a boyfriend.” Rosalie tried to speak kindly, but really, she had no patience for creepy assholes who forced themselves onto women. Kai only had to glare at him wordlessly to send him packing.
“We’re leaving.” With his tone on edge, Rosalie knew it was best not to argue with him. Saying goodbye to her friends, she left the club with Kai, saying nothing and hoping he wasn’t too upset.
Malachai was possessive; he knew it, too. When he’d had much of what he wanted or needed in his life taken from him, he’d begun latching on to things he couldn’t bear to lose. Rosalie was the only one who he cared about. She was his family and his lover… his everything.
Sensing his distress, Rosalie’s hand reached for his, their fingers twining together as they walked to the apartment they shared. He squeezed her hand with much more force than normal, and if she were human, some of her bones may have cracked under the pressure.
It was late into the night, and no one was around. Unable to be patient any longer, Malachai hoisted her up over his shoulder – proud of the little gasp he elicited from her – and ran all the way to their home. He unlocked the door with magic and didn’t waste even one second before throwing her down on their bed.
With a snap of his fingers, all her clothes were gone. He towered above her, one of his hands enclosing around her neck and holding her down: at his mercy. It didn’t cause her any pain; it just showed her who she belonged to.
Rosalie was a strong, independent woman. Malachai knew that, too, and he respected her for it. This, however, was a side of her that only Kai was able to see. Here, she was his little plaything, and she loved every single thing he subjected her to… even the consequences of his depraved, dirty thoughts.
“You see this right here, princess? This is the difference between me and you. You’re a tiny little kitten, naked and trembling below me.” His free hand began trailing down her bare torso, two fingers pinching her left nipple cruelly. “I can do whatever I want to you, and you’ll just take it. Why is that?”
It was a rhetorical question, one that they both knew the answer to. Nevertheless, she answered him anyhow. “Because I’m your good little girl, Daddy.” Kai hummed in approval, loving how powerful she made him feel. “Is that right? Are you a good little girl for Daddy?” He slapped her right breast harshly, her squeal of surprise exciting him beyond measure.
“Aah! Yes, Daddy…” Pleased with her response, Malachai leaned down and kissed her deeply. It consumed her severely. “Daddy wants to try something a little new tonight, darling. Do you trust me?”
Kai’s hands continued to explore her body. Before she had a chance to answer, the index finger of his right hand began teasing her clit, sending her mind into a frenzy. “Y-yes Daddy… I trust you.”
He pressed a tender kiss to her cheek. “Tell Daddy what your safe word system is before we start.” His finger picked up the pace, making it difficult for her to speak. “Yellow means ‘I need you to slow down’. Red means ‘I need a break’. Black means ‘Stop everything at once’.”
Kai looked into her eyes, already loving the burning pleasure in them. “Good girl.” Kai’s lips trailed from her collarbone to her neck, nipping at the soft flesh. As his teeth drew the tiniest bit of blood, two of his digits thrust inside her. He positively growled when he felt how ready she was tonight; this would make things a lot more fun for them both.
Licking up the offensive drop of blood, Kai hovered above her. His fingers unzipped the black leather jacket from his body while the two inside her didn’t stop their assault. He wanted to see her get right to the edge of her ecstasy, anticipating that wild drop into rapture; only he had the power to take her there.
He discarded his jacket, tossing it on the ground. Rosalie was mewling and whimpering beneath him, and he smirked. It was so, so easy to get her in the palm of his hand.
“Are you close, baby girl?” Kai knew the answer to that before she spoke, but he enjoyed playing with her. It told her again and again that she was his. She could only nod, overcome by the torturous machinations of his fingers.
Grinning in triumph, Kai took his fingers out of her and slipped them into her mouth, silencing her protests. “You get to cum when Daddy tells you, princess. Not before, and not after.” Slapping her face lightly, his eyes bore into hers. “Nod if you understand.”
Rosalie sucked on his fingers, tasting her own juices, and tried to calm her racing heart. At his command, she nodded. Kai removed his hand from her lips, trailing the wet fingers down and circling them around her right nipple. As he did, he nuzzled into her neck.
“Do you have any idea how much I love you?” Rose’s body was still trembling with aftershocks from her denied orgasm, but she stroked his hair, nonetheless. “I love you just as much.”
Kai held her for a while, hoping for her body to relax almost all the way before continuing. He peppered kisses all over her face occasionally, reveling in the soft giggles. They were just as enchanting as any other sound from her. Once he felt her body sink into the mattress, Malachai used his favorite little cheat in the bedroom: his magic.
Without any toys or ornaments, Kai stole her sight. His touch returned, now multiplied. With her vision gone, Rose failed to decipher which of the six hands roaming her were connected to Kai’s body and which were purely a mirage. They were everywhere: clutching her ass, pinning her down, teasing every little bit that drove her mad with excitement.
With her orgasm just cheated away, Rosalie was right back on the edge. She couldn’t identify Kai’s real hands, but she knew exactly where his mouth was. It snaked down her sternum, painting her with wet, hot kisses. She whined in complaint, and Malachai wanted to taunt his little fucktoy.
“Let me hear how badly you want it, darling. You know much I love making you scream for me.” Despite his order, Kai silenced her. Their mouths meshed together, their lips dancing with the other’s in pure heat. He tugged his jacket off, not bothering to halt his attack on her. 
This was taking too long. Another snap and his clothes vanished along with hers. He wanted her, and he wanted her now. Stopping his little spell, Kai grabbed her hips and flipped her over. She cried out, and with one arm hooked around her waist, Kai played with her dripping sex, receiving a rush of pride as a result. 
Malachai’s fingers tangled into her hair, pushing Rosalie’s face down into the pillow. “I am the only one that can do this to you. You’re my helpless little toy, and you’re going to take each last drop of attention you get from Daddy gratefully.”
Not giving her what she wants just yet, he brought her legs closer together, sliding his hard cock into a little gap between her thighs. Rosalie’s eager juices soaked Malachai’s shaft, getting him ready to fuck her senseless.
“Ohhh, Daddy, please…” Rose was a whimpering little mess, pleading for him to just ravish her. “You want it that badly, huh?” There was nothing more Kai wanted than to make her wish come true, but he wasn’t done yet. Within a second, Rosalie found Kai under her. Her legs straddled his left thigh, her aching sex flush against his hot skin. 
“Earn it, baby girl. Ride Daddy’s thigh and get yourself right to the edge again. Do it well, and earn Daddy’s cock.” Fire coursed through her every nerve, making her mind melt into a haze of lust and attraction. His hand grasped her face, the cold metal of his rings contrasting with the heat flowing between them. “Look at me when you grind against me.” 
With her eyes locked on his, Rose started rocking her hips against the apex of Malachai’s thigh. He smirked up at her, feeling her wet his skin with her excitement. She could feel her clit rub against the hard muscles of his leg.
Taking her by surprise, Kai smacked his hand against her ass. He was rewarded with her little gasp, gripped her chin, and pulled her lips to his. With harsh, desperate desire, he spanked her again and again, nibbling on her lower lip and not letting her stop. Her skin grew hotter, and her body started trembling.
“Keep going, princess. And don’t you dare cum until I let you. Do you understand me?” Rosalie moaned loudly, nodding and doing her best to obey for as long as she could. 
Malachai wouldn’t make it easy for her, of course. Sitting up, he grasped her hips. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips, and he rubbed her sex into his thigh. Her clit thumped against his pelvic bone with each rough grind. “Daddy! Please let me cum! Please, please, pleaseeeeeee! I can’t take it anymore.” 
Luckily for her, neither could he. 
Lifting her up, Malachai slammed her down on his throbbing cock. His moan mixed with her cute little scream, and his thumb assaulted her overstimulated clit. Rosalie’s eyes were screwed shut, and he did not like that even a little. “Look at your Daddy when he takes you. Open your eyes, and let me watch while I drive you insane.” 
Their eyes met once more, and a jolt of ecstasy ran up Rose’s spine. “Daddyyyy, please let me cum!” Kai thrust into Rosalie relentlessly, watching her unravel for him. “Cum.” With one word, she had all the permission she needed. Rosalie exploded with pleasure, her body thrashing atop his. “That’s it… just let go, that’s a good girl.”
She’d gotten her first orgasm, but Daddy was nowhere near done with her. Malachai turned and pinned her to the bed beneath him again, his hips not stopping. “Since you were such a good girl for me today, I have a little prize for you. You can cum as much as you want tonight, over and over and over, until you’re satisfied.” One hand closed around her neck, and his eyes bore into hers. 
“No, that’s not right, actually. You’ll keep cumming until I am satisfied.” Applying pressure to the sides of her throat, Kai stole some of her air. He was the only one who could have her like this. “You are mine. Say it.” 
“I’m yours, Daddy. I’m Daddy’s good little girl.” Rose’s voice choked out of her, and just as her first climax subsided, another began. She fell over that edge again, writhing uncontrollably.
Kai watched with triumph. “Just one good fucking, and you’re a toy for my amusement. No matter how hard you’d try to fight it, you will always end up Daddy’s well-behaved slut.” 
This went on for hours. Kai did everything he wanted with her, drawing mind-numbing orgasms out of her to his heart’s content. When the sunrise was just a few minutes away, Malachai begged her for just one more. “Please, baby. Just one more. You can do it. Just one more time for Daddy.” Rosalie was spent, never having known rapture like this before. 
She didn’t know if she had it in her, but as she felt Kai shoot his hot cum inside her, it hit her again. It nearly hurt with how it took over her body. Her teeth sank into Kai’s neck, drinking to fulfill her last desire. Malachai growled into her neck, finding the crook of her collarbone and returning the favor. As their last mutual climax quelled, both of them fed on the other. Elation, lust, and love flowed between them. 
Rosalie collapsed with exhaustion, and Malachai pulled out slowly. He looked down at the carnage he caused between her legs, going down to lick her clean. His tongue lapped against her sore sex, drinking down their essence and listening to her tired mewling. “Oh, I wore you out, didn’t I, baby girl? You did such a great job for Daddy.” 
Summoning a washcloth, Malachai wiped down her skin, ridding her of the sweat and the little bits of dried blood on her neck. Scooping her up, Kai rested her against his body. Rose’s head rested on his chest, and his comforting hand smoothed her hair.
“Thank you, Daddy… I love you.” He chuckled a little, finding it slightly amusing. “Princess, you’re thanking me? I should be thanking you. I’m so unbelievably lucky to have you. Thank you for trusting me, for giving me all of you… for letting me love you as much as I do.”
Kai held her as close as possible, pressing his lips to her forehead. “Are you okay, love? Hurt anywhere?” Given that she was a vampire, the fun sex injuries he got to inflict on her healed themselves. She may not have been physically hurt, but he knew she would be vulnerable and sensitive right now. Rose shook her head, not using her voice at first. “Daddy?” 
“Hmm?” His cheek pressed against her head, his arms squeezing his girl close. “Could we take a bath together?” Kai smiled at the simple request. He could give her anything she wanted, and she seemed to want nothing more than him. Their bathtub began filling in the other room, and Malachai didn’t let go of her just yet. “Of course, love.” 
Rose raised her head, listening to the running water behind the bathroom door. Looking up to meet his eyes, she rested her chin on his shoulder. “I love your magic.” Rosalie pressed her lips to Kai’s in a sweet, loving kiss. “I love my magic, too.” He really did. Not only because he could use it for his every whim, but also for his ability to use it to protect her. Keeping her safe and happy, making her feel cherished, what better use could there be?
Lifting her up in his arms, Malachai carried her to the bathroom. He set her into the warm water, sneaking in behind her. With her back resting against his front, Kai peppered kisses along her cheek, jaw, and neck. Nipping at her skin playfully, he laughed with her. Nothing was amusing; everything was just perfect. For someone who hadn’t known happiness for the majority of his life, this was everything he could have dreamed of and more.
Their mouths met again, their lips sliding between the other’s beautifully. This embrace was about nothing more than loving each other.
She knew him, and he knew her. He would never let go, and neither would she. They would have each other forever.
Thank you for reading! I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope reading it was just as fun for you!
I welcome your thoughts, comments, constructive criticisms, or anything under the sun.
If you enjoyed this piece, check out more of my Kai Parker stories from my Malachai Parker Masterlist. If you’d like to be added to my taglist, please send me a message or comment on this post.
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel
Master Taglist: @bluelicious, @socio-kai-path1972, @genevivetaylor, @kolsangel, @callsign-luckyshot, @felinegrate
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It's a Cruel Summer, With You
kai parker x reader | requested
summary: kai's never had anyone tell him they love him. he panics when he hears it for the first time.
tags: based on cruel summer by taylor swift, mild enemies to lovers, drinking / alcohol, secret relationship, summer love, love confessions, fear / panic, past trauma affecting relationships, emotional hurt, unrequited love (but not really), break-up, heartbreak, unhappy ending, one teensy edgar allen poe reference
word count: 5k
a/n: anon, i apologize once more for the amount of time this took! i hope you like it, and i hope i did taylor swift justice. 🩷 i also hope it makes sense bc sometimes i feel like my thoughts are just all over the place 😅
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You were staring daggers into the back of his head, three days after a drastic turning point in their lives. And he, feeling your eyes upon him, turned to face you and smiled. That enraged you like nothing else; no man had ever had such an audacity with you, to raise the hell that he had and still offer a smile. You looked back down at your drink, still fuming, and still aware of him watching you, and texted your friends about it. One replied with an equal disgust, another sent a funny-to-her joke, and there was no response from the third. 
“Maybe he’s got a sweet spot for you,” she had said.
A sweet spot that’d make him kill you last, maybe.
You rolled your eyes exhaustedly, but by the time you looked back down, someone had slunk into the booth across from you. You jumped, then rolled your eyes a second time at the realization of who it was.
“Hey cutie.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Kai shrugged, unbothered. He kept eye contact with you in a way that made it hard to look away; his blue eyes seemed to pierce right into your soul. They weren’t bright, like Damon’s, but instead had a touch of darkness in them. Like storm clouds rolling in on a bright, sunny day. They threaten rain, but you’re not sure if the downpour will come today or tomorrow.
Kinda like how he came into Mystic Falls. 
“What do you want?” You bit, after about thirty seconds of staring.
“Are you scared of me?”
“Excuse me?”
“Are you afraid of me?” He repeated, eerily softly. 
“Why would you think that?” Forced bravery is better than none, especially when faced with Kai Parker. 
“There’s a slight tremor in your voice. Only one finger touches the table, as if you’re unable to settle. You struggle to meet my eyes.”
“What are you, a psychologist?”
“I’m a sociopath.”
“I notice things.” He took a sip of your coffee. Reached out across the table, met your eyes, and sipped your drink. Again, the audacity. “I spent a lot of my childhood isolated. I had a lot of little brothers and sisters, and they were all taught to be afraid of me. I know how to read the signs.”
“I’m not afraid of you.”
“That’s what they’d say, too.”
“Well I’m not your siblings, and I’m not putting up an act. I don’t trust you, and I think you’re an ass, but I’m not afraid of you.” Your statement’s bold, but he had struck something fierce in you. A nerve, maybe on purpose, that wasn’t going to let him win this time. 
Kai smiled at that. His gaze dropped to the table, surveying your hands once more. His own pointer finger dragged along the wood. “I like you, Y/N. You’re plucky.”
The words took a moment to register - Kai saying he liked you. Kai didn’t like anyone. 
He got up to leave, causing you to turn towards him, prepared to jump out of the booth if you had to. “Well don’t.”
He cocked his head. “What?”
“I don’t want you to like me. I want nothing to do with you; you said it yourself, you’re a sociopath, and I don’t need that kind of bad energy in my life.”
That seemed to be funny to him, judging by the way he chuckled. “Okay, Y/N.” He put his hands up in surrender. “I won’t like you then.”
And with that, he was gone. 
Of course, he wasn’t gone - gone. Kai was never gone - gone from anything, even when people yelled at him to leave. He would disappear for a couple days, but he always came back. 
And somehow, after your interaction, you’d see him more frequently at the grill, too. He’d never talk to you, but you could feel his gaze. His stone cold blues would linger on you, almost like an animal stalking prey. 
It made you anxious, jittery. But somewhere, secretly, also a bit excited. 
He was dangerous in a way that drew you in. He had this aura about him that intrigued you as much as it scared you. You knew what he had done, and what he was capable of, and yet he still occupied the curious corners of your mind. 
And somehow, he seemed to know that. 
How it happened from there is something you still question. Death glares became stolen glances, became blushing smiles, and by the next time he joined you at your booth, you didn’t try to fight him off. Kai ordered an uncharacteristically pink cocktail to match your own tropical choice. Neither said much as you both drank the rum mixtures down to the ice. You communicated in eye contact, mostly, as if daring the other to speak. Your stubborn personalities that should’ve clashed seemed to meld together instead. An intense staring contest was born. You found yourself entertained in the game, and quickly, enjoying it, too.
The booze soaked your brain as you continued to drink; your thoughts were fuzzy, and whenever you tried to catch them, they’d dissipate like cotton candy dropped in water. When Liv closed the restaurant around midnight, she unknowingly crashed the floodgates that weakly stood between you two. Ten feet out onto the street, you fell into him and he held you up. You laughed in his arms, partly due to your own drunken state, but partly that it’s Kai keeping you on your toes. He held you tight until you found your footing, just for you to crash your lips onto his unsuspecting own. The witch, taken aback but not opposed to it, let you taste him for a moment before kissing back. He pushed you up to the nearest wall, feeling and exploring, before hailing a ride back to your place. 
It had been forever for both of you. The uber driver with a ‘no touching’ rule sobered you up a little, but not enough to make you think twice about it. By the time he laid you down on your sheets, any doubt in your mind had fizzled out. He was a gentle lover, much to your surprise, likely because it was such an unfamiliar feeling to be so intimate with another. The little control you tried to take was met with a laugh, and you understood the signal. You didn’t mind being underneath him, though, nor did you mind him staying the night.
Guilt struck you when you first woke up in his arms, but not enough to barr yourselves from meeting again. The first few times you had to be drinking to convince yourself it was okay, but the more morning-afters you spent together, the less ashamed you started to feel. With time, nights started to feel less like hookups and more like something else. He became something you adored when you had, and craved when you did not. The feelings were mutual, though harder to pull out from the siphon, until you asked him directly, putting both your hearts out for the other to grab.
“What are we?” You asked, head leaning on the vending machine as he fetched himself a post-high gatorade. A bag of cookies were held in your own hand from the exchange you made one minute prior. 
“Having fun,” Kai replied.
“Or so I think,” he followed his words, questioning the look on your face. 
“Are we anything more? Will we ever be?”
A loud voice down the hall that vaguely resembled his sister made a sharp remark to another person. His response sounded closer, as if they were heading in your direction. Kai grabbed your arm and muttered a simple cloaking spell until they both passed. Liv and Tyler both disappeared into her room, then Kai removed his hand. His touch lingered on your skin for a moment. You’ve grown to quite like the feeling. 
“I don’t know,” he confessed, “I’m not exactly the person for relationships, if you aren’t aware. I’m a sociopath that was locked in complete isolation for eighteen years.”
“I don’t care.” You grabbed his hand and laced your fingers together. “I like you. I don’t want this to stop. I want it to be more.”
“I’m not built for this.”
“But do you want it?”
His mouth went dry as he already knew the truth. He did. He wanted you so much, but fear held him back like a dog on a leash. He didn’t have much slack. “I want you,” he finally said. “I want this to work.”
“I’m not good at relationships, either. We’re figuring this out together.”
Kai seemed to accept that better, and two minutes later, he climbed back under the sheets with you, turning on a movie and sharing snacks until you fell asleep. 
As your relationship progressed, it was tested, like all relationships ever are. You grew closer, more comfortable, as summer went on. Much of your time spent together was at night; you hadn’t told your friends, not ready for their questions nor their judgment, nor did you want the word out to his coven yet, afraid of whatever wrath his father could bring if he were to disapprove. You were still figuring things out, still learning about each other, and testing yourselves through time, and that was okay. Life isn’t something to be learned in a day, it’s something in which to be present to see where it takes you.
So, you let yourselves live, to do just that. On top of rooftops and beside small creeks, you snuck out to enjoy each other’s company. Mystic Falls has a lot of places to hide if you know where to look. 
A couple times, you’ve almost ran into others. More than anyone being Liv and Tyler, also avoiding her father. Once, you’ve ducked under bushes to hide from Bonnie. Kai kissed your neck while his hand was clamped over your mouth, daring you to give away your position, while playfully inhibiting your chance to do so.
Sometimes, you were drunk when you found yourselves venturing the town together. The bar in which neither Matt nor Liv worked became a hotspot for you. But instead of ending the night short, you opted to explore the late hours in each other’s company. The alcohol wore off quickly, but the drunkenness brought on by your unconfessed love never did. 
Kai, as it turns out, was easy to fall in love with. He was charming when you first met, but you were tickled to learn that underneath his manipulation tactics, he could be just as endearing authentically. He was a jokester and a flirt, whether across a room when you’d spot each other in public, or when you were hanging out together alone. You were never afraid to be alone with him. If your friends knew you were out with him, alone, at night, they would’ve freaked, but he always made you feel safe. And, once he felt comfortable being vulnerable with you, he revealed a side that could be sweet, too. 
Even after arguments, you were able to patch things up as if they hadn’t happened. Sometimes, he’d be bristling and volatile, but you knew that a lot of his anger came from a place of fear. You learned what to say that would calm him down; you told him what he needed to hear to feel safe again. You’d provide him with the comfort he’d always desired, and when he settled, he’d melt into your touch and softly request forgiveness.
You complimented each other perfectly. And while it took you a moment to name the emotion, the feeling had been there all along. It was love. 
You were only slightly drunk the first time you realized the truth. Kai was painted in perfect, purple lighting, and his eyes seemed to sparkle when they met yours. You stumbled towards him and put your arms around his neck. He caught you, hands finding your waist. The music seemed to fade out as you swayed with him to the beat. It was as if a bubble captured you both, drowning out the rest of the world, making him your world, and in that moment, nothing else existed. You kissed him quickly, desperately, like an addict gone too long without a hit. He met you halfway, equally addicted. 
And then, because you were young, and stupid, and courageously in love, you blurted out the words swimming restlessly in your mind,
“I love you.”
You looked up at him, not expecting an answer just yet, but to offer an encouraging smile. Before your gaze even reached his, his body tensed. His hands felt like ice upon your nervously warmed skin, and his once-strong grip on your waist loosened. Kai wore an expression of confusion, different from the emotion that you tasted on his lips. You opened your mouth to retract the words, but nothing came out. The bubble that consumed you seemed to crack; the music previously blocked filled your eardrums once again. 
A fraction of a second later, you were guided to a hallway by your fingertips. The narrow path reduced some of the music, but most of the traffic. The man of your affection took to one wall, leaving you in the middle. You tried for his hand after he let it go, but dropped it at the discomfort he seemed to feel in having you hold it. 
You racked your brain for the right words, but nothing seemed perfect. You stared at the ground beneath your feet for a half second longer until he spoke, 
“You can’t do that.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I’m sorry? I don’t. What did I do wrong?” He only shook his head, prompting you further. “Was it what I said or when I said it? Because I don’t think it’s wrong of me to confess what I feel for you when I know that it’s true.”
“It can’t be true. You can’t feel that for me.”
“Why not?”
“Provide me with a reason,” you interrupted, “or let me do as I please. I want to love you. I do, and I won’t apologize for it.” 
“We’ve had some tough times together, I know we have, but we’ve gotten through them. We - us, together - have worked through so much to get here. Of course I love you, there’s so much effort and, and, love, that connects us.” You paused, letting your thoughts catch up to your mouth. “You don’t have to say it back. You don’t even have to acknowledge it, if you’re not ready. I know it’s a big step.”
“You can’t go there, Y/N.”
“I know, okay, maybe it was too much, too soon. I’m sor-”
“No, you can’t ever go there. You can’t love me and you shouldn’t. I’m not designed for relationships, they’re not meant for me. Do you not remember the things I’ve done?”
“We’ve talked about this, Kai. You confided in me about your fears, but we handled them, I thought. Do you not remember what I said?”
“I do, but-”
“‘Tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway’.”
“By Poe,” Kai finished.
“And it’s true. I don’t care about the things you’ve done. I want to love you, and I do.”
“But you shouldn’t. You shouldn’t excuse the things I’ve done just because you want to see me for someone who I am not. You shouldn’t be so desperate to see a difference in me that you convince yourself you love me.”
“What?! Kai, I’m not excusing nor am I desperate. I know you’re different from the you that wrought pain upon the town. That guy’s gone, buried, with this you in his place. And I quite like this you, and I’ve learned to love him, because his progress is worth loving. He is worth loving. You are.”
“The old Y/N would never say such things about her sworn enemy. You’d never dare hold his hand, nor kiss his lips, nor say such things, because you’d know better, and if you did, it’d be because of some horrible nightmare, or some instance where I spelled you to get what I needed, because Y/N, we’re living in a fantasy, and none of this is real.”
“I don’t understand! This is real! We’re here, together, and we were dancing, and we were happy, and now we’re in this hallway. Still together, but now questioning if the summer we’ve spent together has all been a hoax, or if that’s the booze talking.”
“I’m not drunk.”
“You have to be, to think what you’re saying is true.” You paused, heartbroken, and afraid to show it, but pretty sure the choke in your words already had. “So are you saying you’ve never meant it? All the times you’ve kissed me were just folly? Or the nights we stayed up until the sun rose again were only dreams I made up?”
“That’s not what I meant, Y/N. I know what we’ve done, and I know we’ve shared moments, but a fantasy is all this is for us. Something we want, but cannot have. We have to wake up some day.”
“I disagree, I think we can make it work.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. This was never supposed to be a long-term thing.”
“But we said it could be! We said it could make it work!”
“And that’s what makes it a fantasy! We both know that’s a lie.”
“Kai, I don’t understand. Ten minutes ago, we were fine. Yesterday, you gave me a kiss that swept me off my feet; that replaced all my organs with butterflies; that made me feel like full-bloomed roses on the nicest day of the year. You made me feel cherished, and happy, and beautiful, but now, I feel like I’m on the end of a well-thought out joke, and everyone’s finally allowed to laugh.”
“I’m not saying this to break your heart. I’m just trying to be realistic.” He reached out to wipe a tear from your cheek, but you smacked his thumb away. 
You couldn’t stop the tears from falling, but you still tried to talk through them. “I thought we were being realistic when we stayed up talking, all those nights, about how we knew each other’s flaws but were willing to work through them anyway. I would think, if we weren’t, we wouldn’t have spent a whole week together and considered getting an apartment to share, because we work just that well.”
“That only proves my point further. We haven’t been together long enough to make big decisions like that.”
“Then we’ll put it on pause and address it later.”
“Why are you doing this? Why does it seem like you’re giving up on us? Why are your words sounding like a preface to a break up?”
“Because they are,” he confessed, “because they have to be.”
“What do you mean, ‘they have to be?’”
“We can’t work. You can’t love me.”
“But I do, and I want to, and we do! We’ve managed to make it work, despite our-”
“But how long do you think we can keep this up? When will our differences outweigh our desires to stay together? When will we tell your friends about us? My family? We are too different for us to work, and I’m too damaged to be loved by you. We have to stop living in this fantasy.”
“I can’t believe you’re saying this. Do you even know what you’re saying?”
“I’m not drunk, Y/N.”
“So what, have you been planning this? Have you been waiting for the perfect time? Funny, that the perfect time seems to be when I tell you I l-”
“Don’t,” he interrupted, “don’t say it again.”
“The less you say it, the less you’ll believe it.”
“That’s bullshit. I believe it in the deepest corners of my heart. You’re etched into my bones. You’re the shimmer of light in the darkest parts of my mind. I love you, Kai Parker. I love you, and I don’t want to apologize for it, and I won’t believe that I’ve made this all up in my mind. It’s okay that you don’t love me, but don’t you dare try to say you feel nothing.”
“‘Tell me all the terrible things you’ve done, and let me love you anyway’.”
“You can’t. I won’t let you.”
“You don’t have a choice. I don’t. I can’t control my heart nor its desires. It wants you; you have it. Tell me you don’t crave it. I know you crave love, Kai. I know it in the way you kiss me, and in the way you hold me. I know it from the time you confessed, at two in the morning when you were too tired to hold back, and I know it from when you told me, clear as day, on that Wednesday afternoon. I love you, and I’m not afraid to love you. Why don’t you give in to what I know you want?!”
Because your love isn’t mine to take. 
Because I don’t deserve it.
Because you’re a gemstone, perfect and pure, and I’m the dirt from which it was pulled.
“Because I don’t feel the same for you,” he said instead, “I’m not capable of love. I’m a sociopath, and anything I’ve ever said was for my own fleeting pleasure. It’s over now. I’m done. I’m bored with us.”
“What? No. Something’s wrong. This is not the same Kai I spent the summer falling in love with. Are you Damon in disguise? Pulling some sick prank?”
“I’m not, Y/N. It’s me, being realistic, and telling you I don’t love you, and I never will. It’s time to go home, Y/N, and to your own bed, in your own sheets.”
The tears streaming down your face run your make-up, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. “But my sheets smell like you.”
“Then wash them.”
The harshness in his tone was unlike anything you’ve ever heard before. When you finally brought yourself to meet his eyes, there was no light inside them, no humanity. His jaw was tensely set, and for the first time in months, you saw the Kai that everyone feared when he had broken himself free of his eighteen-year punishment. Scared and sorrowful, you backed away from him. He didn’t follow. You backed further and further away until you were stumbling out of the bar. The wicked August heat kissed your neck like he used to -  passionately. You grabbed your hair, fumbling it up into a bun to get it off your skin, then searched for your phone to call a ride. 
As the white sedan approached your meeting spot, you trained your blurry vision on the door, but Kai never came out. He never shouted your name, hurried down the steps, nor caught you in an apologetic embrace, blaming his temporary ignorance on too much to drink. He never peered through a fingerprint-stained window, watching you from the glass, wondering if it's too late to take back what was said. It was just silent, as car engines roared and drunk couples chattered around you. 
When your ride finally came, you cried harder than you ever had in your life. Your driver glanced to the backseat, but didn't know a good time to interrupt, so he didn't. He offered a polite smile as you got out, thanked you for the five-star rating, and made sure you got in your apartment safely before pulling back onto the road. 
You barely made it through the door before crashing on the couch. Exhaustion settled in your bones halfway through the drive, and you couldn’t even think about climbing the stairs. The worst headache of your life pounded in your skull. Water was too far of a walk, so you let it throb. 
You tried your best not to think about Kai. His words rang in your head on repeat like an old antique bell - loud, heavy, constant. It almost felt like the whole night was a fluke. A nightmare. A spell, perhaps done by his father, or one of your disappointed friends. When you wake up, he’d be there, kissing your fingertips as the smell of coffee fills the air. You let this thought comfort you, and let it soften your heart. Although, deep down, you knew the truth. 
He wouldn’t be there. He didn’t want you. 
You’ve never known pain like this before.
You can only ignore your friends for so long. Blaming a long to-do list can only give you so many excuses, and when Caroline messages you mid-afternoon on a Friday if you’d meet them at the Scull Bar, you realize you don’t have any more excuses left. So, cautiously, you pull yourself from your bed and drag your feet to your closet. You still haven’t washed your sheets, despite wanting to be rid of his once-comforting smell. It’s more stubbornness than anything, refusing to do the chore. If he thinks throwing a piece of fabric in the wash will rid you of him, he’s a damn fool.
You hadn’t been lying. He owns a part of your heart, and that can’t be simply washed away with some eco-friendly detergent.
Truthfully, you think, ignoring the heaviness in your bones as you enter the Scull Bar, the only way to remove him would be to carve out your heart entirely; to separate it from its lifeline and from all that’s familiar. But, you can’t, so you choose to let it bleed instead, and hope it doesn’t seep through your clothes. 
A vague sadness hangs above your heads, but none of your friends know the cause. You told them you were tired before joining them. You must not have gotten a good night’s sleep.
After all, it’s the first time in Mystic Falls where something tragic isn’t happening. Damon and Elena are planning out their lives, Stefan and Caroline are newly together, and Bonnie and Enzo, a quite unexpected pair, seem to be happy. Jo is five months pregnant, and Kai has left her alone. The girls wonder if that’s of his own volition, or if someone or something is distracting him, but you don’t offer any suggestions. When they then ask you about your own dating life, you only shrug. They tease playfully, having no idea about the wreckage your heart is still trying to piece back together. The cause seems hopeless. You don’t even have the energy to confide in them. 
The topic finally changes, but only because the one who dropped your glass heart enters. You turn when you catch a bit of his familiar cologne, but remind yourself he’s no longer yours and turn again just as fast. The girls let their gazes linger on him as if daring him to bother them, and for a moment, Kai wonders if you told them. But then, as they shrug and go back to their conversation, he knows you didn’t. Otherwise, they’d be hurling bitter words and sharp tools at him for breaking their best friend’s heart. 
And honestly, he wishes they were. 
It’s what he deserves, after all. 
“I love you,” you had said, only a couple weeks ago. 
His heart stopped. His throat went dry. 
The words seemed to have been shouted at him, despite the booming bass around them. You weren’t yelling, though, you were simply telling the truth. 
A truth he wasn’t ready to hear. A confession he didn’t know how to process. 
How could you, a perfect person, love him, someone so tainted and dark? 
How could he ever love you the way you deserved? 
He did love you, of course. He knew it long before you ever confessed, but it was never something he felt okay to share. 
You always made him feel safe. Comfortable. Dare he say it, loved. 
But love was something he had never felt before, and to have something means that it can be lost. And to not lose it tragically, he must be the one to take it away. 
Hearing the words fall from your lips was both the best and the worst thing he could ever hear. He craves love, he knows he’s admitted it. He craves it more than anything else in the world. But wanting it and having it are two very different things, and now that he has it, he regrets asking for it. 
He had to hurt you then, before your soul could be completely shattered later. He had to stop it. Right then. Before he let you in too much and you got too attached.
So, he lied. 
He broke his own heart with every word, but it was nothing compared to the damage he knew it was doing to your own. He wanted nothing more than to sweep you into his arms, hold you tightly, and say it was all just a spell - an outside force trying to drive you apart - but he couldn’t. His fear of hurting you triumphed over his love for you. His mouth spoke before his mind could process the words he professed. He became unrecognizable to himself by the time he delivered his final blow. Your tears stained your perfect face and your posture was defeated, but he was no longer the one that could offer any solace. He was now the one that ruined you, and there was no coming back from what he had done. 
How terrifying it is, that three little words can make or break you. 
How terrifying it was, to wake up the next morning and realize the damage caused. To have to come to terms with the fact that he had broken the only good thing in his life. To imagine the love of his life sitting on the couch, stirring coffee, with a head full of questions neither will ever be able to answer. 
“I love you, Kai Parker. I love you, and I don’t want to apologize for it…”
“I love you,” ain’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?
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chronic-escapixt · 11 months
His Rose ~ Part 1
(Kai Parker x Bennett OC fanfiction)
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, CNC, dubcon, yandere, murder, abuse, trauma, smut, stalking, innocence kink, dacryphilia, manipulation. Minors DNI
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s).
Word count: 1.6k
K.P. Masterlist
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Bonnie's life was on the line.. again.
The Other Side was collapsing, time was running out and as the anchor to the crumbling realm, she knew she wouldn't be spared. She stopped at her home and let Rose know. The news absolutely crushed her sister. Rose felt like she just got her back from when she died last summer. Becoming the anchor was her second chance at life but now it was being ripped away. Rose didn't even have time to argue a solution before she squeezed her in a tight hug and said goodbye. She was out the door, dashing off to pull Elena, Damon, and the others back from the Other Side.
Rose watched as the door shut behind her, wiping the wetness from her eyes before charging into Sheila Bennett's in-home study. From her life as a practicing witch and occult studies professor, their late grandmother had shelves full of ancient grimoires, scrolls, texts and items so she ought to have something that could save Bonnie. As the minutes ticked by, the piles of useless books stacked around her grew with her desperation.
"There's nothing here!" she muttered, slamming the heavy grimoire closed. The force rattled the desk and the shelf above it, knocking a scroll down in front of her. Rose blinked away her frustrated tears and lifted the dusty scroll, blowing it with her breath to reveal the Latin handwriting and symbols.
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After pulling her friends back to the living world, Bonnie anticipated the approaching light. She glanced back, meeting Elena's solemn gaze. They all gathered behind her, no words left to say as they watched their beloved witch meet the very fate she had saved them from. She knew she couldn't save herself and she accepted that. She only hoped that within the next few moments she would find peace with her grams and father.
The moment she closed her eyes, she felt a jolt of energy lance through her. Something changed. When she opened them, she was amongst the others but Rose stood a few feet away, the wind of the collapsing dimension tossing her brown curls, the white light reflecting off her face.
Horror gripped her when she realized she was no longer linked to the Other Side, Rose was.
She offered Bonnie an apologetic smile as she watched tears bead down her shocked face.
"I love you, Bonnie," she uttered just before the light consumed her completely...
and she was gone.
The brightness subsided as the wind around her settled to a calm hush. Rose could finally open her eyes and found that she was standing in the same place, at the boarder of Mystic Falls but everyone had disappeared.
She dashed around town calling out Bonnie's name, looking for her, their friends or anyone but it was completely deserted. She stopped to catch her breath in the middle of the town square, the usually bustling epicenter was empty. That's when panic set in, worrying that she was actually dead, though this didn't seem like the “peace” described or even hell. For that matter, she didn't feel dead, in fact she felt very much alive something she realized when her stomach growled. “Dead people don't get hungry," she told herself as she walked into the Mystic Grill. Much like everywhere else, the Grill was desolate. She made her way into the kitchen and found it fully stocked with alcohol and food that seemed up to date, so the town couldn't have been abandoned too long ago, she thought. Rose made a quick sandwich and walked toward the bar when her eyes fell upon the bulletin board. She nearly dropped her plate when she read the date on the calendar.
May 9th, 1994.
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It didn't take long for him to notice that things were different. After 18 years of complete solitude, he grew accustomed to the consistency of the realm. His strong ability to detect the presence of magic, made it all the more obvious to him when the young Bennett witch touched down in his prison world. He tracked her down to a Virginian town called Mystic Falls where he first saw her in the living room nose deep in a grimoire. He slipped through an unlocked door and watched her silently out of her view. He figured she was looking for anything that would explain where she is or how to escape but she likely wouldn't find anything in those texts. Luckily for her, he planned on revealing everything...
In due time.
Just over a week passed and unbeknownst to her, Kai was watching the entire time. He’d stay up while she slept, curled up with her fuzzy plush lamb she called lamby. Most nights she’d clutch the stuffed toy to her chest and just cry herself to sleep. Like a sad shelter commercial, he enjoyed the pathetic display, though he hated the little white lamb with a passion, fantasizing about how much more she’d cry if she woke up and it’s head was cut off.
He observed everything, from her tendency to talk to herself to the she way she put tension in her lips when she was concentrating on the Latin of her texts. Clearly, she was a beginner and her general naivety would come to his advantage once he finally decided to make his move.
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Rose swayed her hips as she rounded the corner, pushing her grocery cart while singing along to ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody' by Whitney on her Walkman. He sat in a fold up lawn chair in the center aisle of the otherwise empty market, munching on a bag of pork rinds and watching with an amused grin, wondering when she would finally notice him. After deciding on a box of Count Chocula, she finally turned from the shelves and their eyes met. Her mouth fell open as she paused the tape and lowered the headphones from her ears. He smiled and gave a slight wave.
“Were you there the whole time?” She blurted breathlessly, taking him in. His face had a pleasant balance of soft and sharp features that made him both cute and intimidating and a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. The dark brunette wore a hooded jacket styled over a graphic tee, denim jeans and worn out converse.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to interrupt. You sounded amazing by the way.”
Her cheeks burned, “t-thank you… umm who are you?”
“Sorry, manners, I’m Kai. Nice to meet you.” He set aside the bag and stood up from the chair. Her eyes followed his ascent until he stood fully, towering over her. “And you are…?”
Her ears got hot. “Oh right! Rose- I’m Rose… excuse me, I haven’t spoken to another person in a while. I promise I’m not normally this awkward…” she sighed and averted her gaze downwards.
Kai shoved his hands in his pockets, “can’t be any worse than me I've been here since the very beginning.”
“You’ve been all alone for 18 years?" she uttered in disbelief.
Kai forced a laugh, “It's not so bad. There’s no traffic, everything’s free and privacy isn’t an issue… now, there is the crippling loneliness but that only creeps in once in a while.” He casually plopped back down on his chair and grabbed his chip bag.
“There’s no way out of here, is there?” She sighed.
"Nope, not unless you happen to be a Bennett witch…” he scoffed as though the thought were incredulous and popped a rind in his mouth.
Her eyes lit up. “Wait, I am! I am a Bennett witch.”
Kai grinned, “well then the odds just got a lot better.”
“So, is Kai short for something?” She asked as they walked back to her place. Kai offered to push the cart for her.
“Malachai,” he replied.
“Malachai,” she practiced softly.
“But I prefer Kai,” he tagged on.
“What about you, Rose is short for what? Rosemary or… Rosalie?”
She giggled. "You’re close, it’s Rosalina but I prefer Rose.”
“Rosalina... that's pretty, much more fitting if you ask me.” The way he said her name made her want to bite her lip but she opted to return his smile instead.
“This is me,” she announced when they came to her house. She led him inside where he was kind enough to help her put away the groceries.
“So, what is this place?” she asked.
“One of many prison worlds created by the Gemini coven. Anyone who opposes them is gifted their own personal hell dimension. I got mine on my 22nd birthday.”
“Why would they do that to you?”
He sighed, “most of it is coven politics- what you know and who you know, ya’ know? Long story short, my family betrayed me for more power. I don’t really like talking about it.”
Rose understood and decided not to pry. “So, you know how to get us out of here?”
Kai leaned forward on the counter while he explained the Gemini coven always left a back door to their prison worlds and it was called an ascendant. Under the direct light of a solar eclipse a Bennett witch is to use her magic and blood to activate the device and transport them back to the real world. “We’re going to need a locator spell to find the ascendant. Without my magic, I haven’t been able to find it.”
“When is the next eclipse?” Rose asked.
“Time works a little differently here… the month of May repeats itself over and over, starting with the 9th. Every third time May 9th comes around the eclipse happens.”
"The last eclipse just passed a few nights ago… that means we have about three months to wait.”
“On the bright side, we have plenty of time to find the ascendant,” He noted with an optimistic air. It amazed her how he managed to be so hopeful and positive even after being trapped for 18 years. “After all this time, 3 months is nothing,” he murmured.
She thanked him for helping her with her groceries. “Well, I’m going to make stuffed chicken for dinner. You can stay if you want.”
“You just met me and you’re asking me to stay for dinner… I mean, I could be a serial killer,” he finished with a charming smirk.
“You’re too nice to be a serial killer,” she put matter-of-factly while taking out the chicken breasts.
“Ted Bundy was nice,” he retorted.
She smiled at his wit. “Are you staying or not? Because I need to know if I’m making one chicken breast or two.”
Kai relented, “Oh, alright. How can I say no to stuffed chicken?”
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mrs-kmikaelson · 1 year
Started: July 7, 2023 Last updated: August 28, 2024
I write for:
The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Shadowhunters, the MCU, the Hunger Games series, and Criminal Minds. I may also write for Fate: The Winx Saga, Cobra Kai, Grey's Anatomy, 13rw, Gossip Girl, and Riverdale (even tho I have no idea what's happening in that show anymore). I typically write fem!reader-insert fics, but you might see a ship once in a while. Crossovers may happen. Btw, I add angst to like everything. Straight-up fluff is rare.
a/n: just wanted to let everyone know that requests are open rn, but that might change once summer's over. i update this list every time i post.
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Klaus Mikaelson
The Tribrid You're Klaus Mikaelson's long-lost daughter that he has no idea about, yet somehow you still find yourself getting entangled in the New Orleans wars, both with the city and then with your own family. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Should've Known Better After a thousand years of marriage, everything comes crumbling down, taking you with it. But you shouldn't have been so surprised; you knew that Klaus was fire, and you knew that fire burned. You should've known better. 1 2
Stefan Salvatore
Coming soon
Damon Salvatore
Coming soon
Elijah Mikaelson
Coming soon
Katherine Pierce
Coming soon
Kai Parker
Coming soon
Elena Gilbert
idk y'all but i had an idea so we'll see ab this one
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Steve Rogers
Coming soon
Bucky Barnes
Coming soon
Natasha Romanoff
Coming soon
Tony Stark
Coming soon
Peter Parker (T.H.)
Coming soon
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Alec Lightwood
Coming soon
Jace Herondale
Coming soon
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Finnick Odair
Our Song and Dance You'd grown used to dancing the same dance over and over again, the victor's dance, but then you start dancing with Finnick Odair and you feel things you never thought you'd feel. So you let yourself enjoy the dance, even though you knew that every song inevitably came to an end. 1 2 3 4 5 6
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Aaron Hotchner
What's in a Name? 5 times you and Agent Hotchner questionably cross paths over the years, just for him to watch you walk away (+1 time you don't). The Grey Area You meet Aaron Hotchner and he makes you see everything in colour; he makes you feel like you're the only girl in the room. But then, as you find out that you're not, you realize the colour he actually makes you see the most is grey. (a/n: very scandal based). Series Masterlist
Derek Morgan
Coming soon
Spencer Reid
Coming soon
Emily Prentiss
Coming soon
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eternallyungrateful · 5 months
Me to my favorite character: I love you, and you deserve the entire world 🥰😍
Also me: I'm gonna make you wish you were never born ✍️
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noobiestnoober · 3 months
Shadows of Destiny (Kai x Reader)
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The story is set during when Kai escapes from the Prison World with the Heretics. Y/N, being a close friend of Kai, who had developed feelings for Kai in Prison World - 1994, found out he escaped and was planning to commit mass murder at Alaric and Jo's wedding, decides to confront and stop him. But she gets restrained by Kai instead.
"You're going to regret this," Y/N snarled, jerking against the restraints with all her might. The friction of the ropes would scrape her chafed wrists, but she didn't even give a damn; the fury inside her was burning far more than any literal pain. Kai Parker stood before her, his smile infuriatingly calm, "Regret the time spent with you? Never!" His voice was smooth, almost tender, a stark contrast to the malice in his eyes.
Her heart was pounding in her chest. She had known Kai for months. She had seen his cruelty and moments of vulnerability. But this was different; she'd always been able to keep herself cool around him, but this time, the stakes were up. Too many lives depended on her getting out of there and stopping him.
Their history was a complicated one. Y/N first met Kai in the 1994 Prison World, where she was stuck with Bonnie and Damon. Then, he was the charming sociopath who thrived off chaos and destruction. But in those quiet moments, away from Bonnie and Damon, there had been something else. Kai had a way of making Y/N blush with his relentless flirting and teasing. He had a way of getting under her skin, making her feel things she didn't want to acknowledge.
"Y/N, come on," Kai would say, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "You know you like having me around. Admit it." He'd lean in close, his breath warm against her ear, and she would feel her cheeks flush, despite herself trying to stay stoic.
"You're insufferable," she would throw back, drawing herself up and shooting him a look, but inside, she was thrilled with every fiber of her being when he did that. Faced now with the reality of his actions, those memories felt like a distant dream. The boy who had made her blush was also the man who was capable of unimaginable cruelty.
"You think this is a joke, Kai? You think you can keep playing your twisted games and get away with it?" Her voice shook with her fury, but she made herself meet his eyes steadily.
Kai tilted his head, his smile widening, "Y/N, you don't understand. It's not a game; this is beyond my control. This is destiny. This is what I was put on this earth to do."
"Destiny?" Y/N spat out, eyes blazing, "To hurt people, to cause chaos? That is not destiny, Kai. That is madness."
He took a step closer, his expression darkening, "Madness? Perhaps. But it is madness with a purpose. You see, Y/N, I have spent my whole life being told I was worthless, an abomination. But now, finally, I have power. Finally, I am in control."
Her heart ached for the pain she saw flicker across his eyes. For a moment, she saw the boy who had been discarded, who had been made to feel like nothing. But she couldn't allow herself to pity him. Not now.
"Kai, listen to me," she said, her voice softer but no less urgent, "You don't have to do this. You can choose a different path. You can use your power for good."
He laughed, a harsh, bitter sound, "Good? There's no good left for me, Y/N. Just survival. And the only way I survive now is by winning this fucking game."
Y/N's mind raced for something to say to him, "Kai, if you do this, you'll be alone. Completely and utterly alone. Is that really what you want?"
His smile faltered for just a fraction of a second; then it was back, colder than ever, "Better alone and powerful than surrounded by people who will never understand me."
Y/N felt a surge of desperation. She had to break through to him, had to find a way to make him see reason, "Kai, please. I know you. I know there's still a part of you that cares, a part of you that doesn't want to be the villain."
Kai's eyes narrowed, "It's too late for that, Y/N. It's too late for anything but this." He turned away, and for the first time, Y/N saw a hint of uncertainty in his movements.
"Kai, wait!" she cried, struggling against her restraints, "You don't have to be alone. We can find another way. Together."
He paused, his back to her, and for a moment, Y/N thought she had reached him. Then he shook his head, shoulders stiffened. "I'm sorry, Y/N. But this's the only way I know how to be."
And with that, he walked out of the door, leaving Y/N bound and desperate in the cruel world. Her heart went heavy, knowing she had come so close yet so far from being able to save him. As the door closed behind him, she vowed she would not give up. She would find a way to stop him, to save him, even if it were the last thing she did.
__________________ __________________ _____________
Read Part 2 here >>> Part 2
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rebeklauss · 9 days
i wanna start posting fics for tvd & to but i fear if not a single person reads them i’ll cry 😭 should i just post on ao3 or is there still a good amount of readers on here?
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“I’ve changed. Give me another chance.”
Summary-> Kai returns from Hell, realising that he has a lot of making up to do with the woman that he loves, although she doesn’t want to give him her forgiveness, he isn’t deserving of it after the destruction that he released (1.6k)
Warnings-> angst, mentions of death, loss of magic
kai parker works other tvd works main masterlist
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He could feel the judgement through her eyes, it made him feel sick - guilty. There was nothing he could do take back his past actions, but he could be better for his future ones. She was always the one that claimed that he wasn’t an abomination, but now she was looking at him as though she had never thought that, as though she was like everybody else.
“Damon, how could you?” Her voice was hoarse as she squinted towards the vampire, exasperated by the situation before her very eyes. It showed that she was far past caring and had finally fallen down the hole of thinking Kai Parker was a monster. She’d been there at the wedding, she saw the destruction that he had caused, the carnage that had came from his endless chaos. There was bitterness on her tongue as she looked at him.
“Y/n, this isn’t about you and him,” it never had been, Kai thought, “we’re all trying to stop Cade. Mister lactose intolerant here included,” Damon cringed as he remembered Kai’s stomach problem in the diner, “so we might as well work together. It’s nothing personal and he’s the only one that can bring Elena back.” Of course, he had to be getting something out of it other than defeating the most dangerous enemy that they had faced.
Y/n was friends with Elena, but that had obviously never mattered to Kai, he only wanted to cause an outrage of pain, and she was the one still suffering from it. Her y/e/c eyes rolled as she crossed her arms, the only emotion boiling in her body being outrage. “And what, he’s going to be the one to turn me human again after I died along with his sister and countless others? You saved me Damon, and for that I am grateful, but this… this I’m sure as hell not.”
Kai’s eyes widened from her words, staring at her. Not only had he massacred the last of his coven and snapped the necks of vampires, but he had killed the only person he held any emotion for. It felt like he were being staked in the heart, he knew how it felt to be a witch without power, but now y/n wasn’t even that. She wasn’t a witch any longer because she had no time to heal, and she had succumbed to death with poison in her system. She’d turned, and he hadn’t even been there to hold her for her final moments.
“Y-y/n…” there was a lump within his throat, making it rather unbearable to even breathe. He had told her that she shouldn’t have gone to the wedding of Alaric and Jo, but she had never been one to listen. And then she had tried to stop him… It was all his fault, their powers collided as she grew weak, blood pouring out from the wound in her stomach from the splintered roof, and then she watched Damon kill him.
There wasn’t a single thing that he could do to make things right, he realised that. She should never have trusted him, otherwise dying from his fault wouldn’t have pained her so much. They’d been the Romeo and Juliet of the present, sneaking into the forbidden depths of romance despite the resent that her friends held towards him. And now that was over, and Kai knew that it would be a tough road to even get close to where they had once been.
“Save it heretic, there’s not a single thing that you could ever say to fix the damage that you caused. But we can all work together for the greater good.” A scoff escaped from y/n’s mouth at Damon’s words, followed by a roll of her y/e/c eyes. Damon was always so selfish, thinking of his closer circle of his brother and his lover rather than those that he called his friends. He should have understood y/n’s angry despair, he had experienced the same new bloodlust that chipped at his humanity.
But he had never experienced his entire beliefs ripped away from him; y/n’s magic was gone, and there was not a single route that she could go do to resurrect it. It had been the biggest part of who she was, and it was gone, much like how she wanted Kai to be. He’d betrayed her, broke her heart, and worst of all, caused the downfall of her existence. She had to hate him, otherwise she couldn’t stand herself for feeling anything else for him. “The greater good would be detaching his head from the rest of his body again.” She said ferociously, nostrils flaring as her breaths were laboured from her fuelled aggression.
“Ouch.” Kai muttered, feeling a pang in his heart from her words. He’d never wanted to harm her in the slightest, but for the majority of his life he had never gotten what he wanted. He wanted to beg her for forgiveness, and whilst he knew that he didn’t deserve it, he couldn’t help but allow the plea to fall from his lips. “I’ve changed. Give me another chance.” For a moment he wished he had said not a single thing as y/n sped towards him, boiling tears restrained within her eyes. She were vulnerable in his presence, Damon knew that as he stood in the background as a watcher. He wanted to intervene, to protect his friend who had become heartbroken because of this monster, but he understood that she had to do this - had to put him in his place.
“Damon, could you give us a moment?” What?! Y/n had to be delusional if she thought he would willingly leave her alone with Kai Parker, the man that had caused him to turn one of his best friends into a blood sucking creature. She’d supposed to have fulfilled the closest to a human life out of all of their friends, but all because of him she hadn’t gotten the luxury that they had all wished for. He was worried to leave her alone with Kai, she’d either fall down into the depths of her unreasonable emotions for him again, or kill him, and as much as Damon hated to admit it, they needed him at the moment.
“Are you sure?” He tried to read her eyes but she wouldn’t meet his eyes, instead her glare was directed at the heretic that had broken her heart all over again. Y/n was always and had always been one stubborn girl, she’d defended her relationship with Kai when it had first become knowledge to all of her friends, but she had always been loyal to those that cared most about her. Damon wouldn’t allow her growth after her death to be jeopardised all because of a sociopath that had feelings for her. Finally her eyes reached his, they were drenched with the pain and sorrow that her old lover had caused, and Damon finally understood that whatever she wanted to say to him or do to him was necessary. “Okay.”
Damon sent her a comforting smile, before finally and adamantly leaving the room. Kai felt a swell of hope rise in his chest when she looked at him, perhaps he could redeem himself in her eyes one final time. Kai took another dangerous step towards her, craving her personal space to be wrapped around him. “Can you ever forgive me?” His voice cracked, she had been the only person not to see him as a monster and he had messed that up to. It was the reason why a person dared not give a cat a mouse, it was life threatening, and she had died all because of him. She frowned, staring up at him with her stunning y/e/c eyes, shooting daggers into his form as though he were the enemy instead of Cade.
“Not in a million years.” She answered hun truthfully, gnawing on her lip as she held back the tears that had formed in her eyes. “It will take forever for me to ever want you back in my life, after what you did, I lost myself. You’re so damn selfish,” her hands pounded on his chest, in her attempts not to break down from the sheer anguish that his presence made her feel. “If you had just let bygones be bygones, there may have been a chance for us, but you couldn’t just let it go for once in your life, or for me. I know that I couldn’t have stopped you from killing Jo, when you set your mind to something it’s a fixation, and it doesn’t matter who gets in your way.”
“I’ll wait then.” Kai spoke seriously, daringly holding her elbows in his hands, staring honestly into her face. His eyes traced every crease that her confused frown burdened her face formed, taking in every detail even though she would never age again. “Forever will be here before I know it, and until then, I’ll do whatever you want, just to ease the pain that I have caused. I never had the intention to take anything from you, much less your reason to live, but I will try my best every day, just for you.” He should have known at the wedding that she would have entangled herself in the crossfire, and that she would have tried to stop him.
Y/n deserved so much better than the pain that he had given him, but as she had stated, he was selfish, and he needed her. He missed every fibre of her being that had tried to send him on the right track, but here they both were, monsters in their own flesh, mixed emotions moulded between them like a wall. If he’d had any sense, he would have understood that y/n’s stubbornness and loyalty had enhanced, and neither laid towards him, not after his murderous schemes. But he was adamant to change that, and fix himself into a better man for her along the way. He’d make her death have reason, so that after forever, they would have their fresh chance together.
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Real conversation I had with @roxannymcphee the other day about this fic lmao
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nevereverthem · 5 months
Imagine : ✨⛓️Bonnie Bennett x Kai Parker ⛓️✨
Part 3 ! (final part)
Length : 3K.7
[Part 1 here]
[Part 2 here]
After shortly debating with myself, I've decided 'F**K IT ALL' !!
This is the last part of that fic'. I've sacrificed my sleep because I wanted to finish it. Here we go !!
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[Previously.... on The Vampire Diaries Imagine....]
Bonnie tentatively extends a hand and slowly lifts his shirt, revealing a white-ish fluid dripping over his lower abdomen. Kai actually just came in his pants, untouched. She, made him come.
The witch's eyes go wide, the aftershocks of her orgasm fading, realisation hitting her. What has she just done ?
The witch stands up abruptly, stumbling, almost falling over. She catches herself and rises up, moving away from the scene, away from him. She's talking to herself, almost whispering.
_ No, no, no, no....
Her back's turned on him. Eyes closed. Arms up. Fists on her head. She opens her mouth but nothing comes out. She mouthes silent beginnings of words. It's like she's come down of a high and is now disoriented, trying to form sentences but she can't. The only things coming out of her mouth are distressed moans and shaky no's.
While Bonnie's trying to calm herself down, Kai is slowly getting back to earth. The weight on his lap has suddenly disappeared. The chains have finally stopped hurting. His vampiric healing ability does its work and all the wounds caused by the constriction vanish. His breathing's steady now, chest heaving at a normal rhythm. The remaining taste of her blood on his tongue is a sweet reminder of what's just happened. That was intense ! He licks his lips, a smile growing wide on his face. 'A worthy opponent, and a worthy partner' he tells himself.
The man raises his head to observe the chaos surrounding them. Windows, glasses, furniture.... Oh no, the karaoke ! As much as he felt an immense pleasure in the action, he hadn't realised it caused that much damage. The way their respective magic intertwined in a blissful storm.... He can't help but imagine what would have happened if they'd gone all the way. Would it make the prison world break if they actually....
At the thought, the chains instantly react.
_ No....
The man does his best to shrug the sensation away, wrinkling his nose out of pain. Not again. That's enough torture for a day.
Clearing his mind, Kai sweeps the room until his eyes fall on the witch. She seems agitated. From behind, she doesn't look as pleased as Kai is right now. And from what he can percieve with his vampy-earing, those sounds are not words of satisfaction. The man is close to disappointment.... worried, if he dared to admit.
_ Bonnie ?
_ Don't !
Eyes still closed, the witch waves a hand in his direction, urging him to shut his mouth. Unconsciously, the movement of her hand makes the chains magically fall off of Kai's body, landing on the floor. Bonnie, lost in her own head, doesn't seem to hear the sound. She's so confused that her mind itself picks out what she reacts to. Her name, his voice, that gets a reaction. But some random sound gets lost in translation.
Kai's finally free from the restraints. He lets out a contented sigh, exhaling in relief. He stretches his arms and cracks his neck. When he tries to stand up, he falls down on his knees, palms on the ground. The man is still affected by the extreme pleasure-pain he's just experienced. He chuckles at the absurdity of his state.
The cum tainting his underwear feels sticky on his skin, uncomfortable. Eyes closing, he siphons the power of his vampire side to boost his own magic. He then whispers a spell to clean himself up.
_ Better.
The short siphoning he's done got him some energy back. He mumbles something else to himself before raising his head back in the witch's direction. In a flash, he vampire-walk right in front of her, a large grin on his face.
_ Now, it's my turn.
Bonnie's taken by surprise, suddenly pulled out of her thoughts. How is he.... did she....? She doesn't have the time to object. Strong hands tightly grip her wrists, siphoning her magic. Her face constricts in pain, knees buckling, eyes pleading. Kai's sadistic smile slightly fades. Now that the witch's face is torn by suffering, and not by pleasure....
He attempts to blink the thought away. For a second, he doesn't realise he's paused siphoning her. Bonnie's panicked look is quickly replaced by an angry expression. She takes advantage of his short moment of hesitation.
_ Motus !
The witch gets him flying away, crashing on the broken tables. The man cries in pain. This time, it's not pleasurable.
Bonnie rapidly gets a hold of herself and starts running. She needs to get out of here, away from him. She's got the ascendant, her blood, and she knows where to go. It's gonna be easy to....
_ What !?
As she was trying to exit the room, she bumped into an invisible wall. It borders the whole place, preventing her from getting out. Her mouth opens a little, eyes wide, disbelieving.
_ Tut tut tut tut. Not escaping this time.
She hears Kai's irritating voice reaching her. She turns to face him, ready to fight. The man's laying on the ground, bits of broken furniture planted in his body. He grunts, pulling a piece of wood out of his stomach. Through the pain, he smiles guiltily at her enraged face. Right. The bastard had casted a room isolation spell when she accidentally freed him....
A second later, Kai is head in hands, crushed by an aneurysm.
When it stops, the man lets out a laugh, mocking her.
_ You're not in the mood anymore ? Came to the impression you wanted time to play with your toy, huh ?
The moment he finishes that sentence, another aneurysm wrecks his mind. Then it stops again. Bonnie's not playing anymore.
_ Let me out !
Kai stares at her face, escaping yet another giggle.
_ No.
The witch uses more of her power to smash his head yet again. It hurts so bad it makes his nose bleed. If he weren't half vampire he would already be unconscious. However, the man can't move from the floor. There's still shards of wood in his body that he needs to get rid of, but the constant aneurysm won't let him budge.
After a moment, it stops again. Kai quit laughing, but he doesn't spare her some smug comment.
_ You banished me here, remember ? I cannot be killed.
That's unfortunately true, Bonnie concedes. Regardless, pain is back in Kai's brain. It's not about excitement anymore. All she wants is to make him suffer. She continues until she's too exhausted to keep her magic going. She grudgingly lets her hands fall back, exasperated.
Finally released, Kai's feeling dizzy. It takes him a few seconds to realise he's able to move again. He takes the opportunity to pull the other pieces of wood out of his body, instantly healing. His time as a walking blood bag found itself useful after all.
He glances back at the witch. Bonnie's trying different spells to break the barrier. Nothing works. She's way too tired for anything to work anyway. She starts desperately punching the air before her face, her hands bouncing back to her with the force of the spell.
_ So determined.
No response.
_ You wanna get back to your friends ? See if they need another favour from you ?
_ That's none of your business !
At the tone of her voice, Kai smiles. He's definitely touched a raw nerve.
_ I thought you had enough of being used.
She turns to face him. Her eyes somehow shine from the chandeliers light, though Kai notices the rage filling them. The man's up to his feet now, watching her from a distance.
_ That's what you said before we....
He grins playfully, giving her a knowing look. No need to add another word. He eyes her with amusement, shamelessly checking her out.
Bonnie turns back to avoid his gaze, resting her head on the invisible wall.
_ Just let me out.
Her voice is now no higher than a whisper.
_ Please....
Kai surely wasn't expecting that. The witch that had no shame tying him up and using him as her boytoy was now pleading him for mercy ?
_ You're already begging me ? Is it exciting, or pathetic ? Hum.... debatable.
His dubious remark falls flat. Bonnie has no reaction. Not anymore. Not to him. Not to anything. None of this makes sense anyway. Pathetic, that's the word.
A shaky sob escapes her lips. That's the moment she breaks down. She's giving up, right in front of him. She switches position to place her back on the barrier, slowly falling to the floor. She clutches her legs to her chest, resting her chin on her knees, eyes closed.
She's wanted it to happen, all of it. She's released all of her frustration on him. But now that it's done..... It feels wrong. She's wanted to feel his touch even. Although the only times he did touch her were to siphon her magic. That feels so wrong....
He's right about her friends though. She's confessed it to him. Why ? As much as she loves them, she's always being called when she's of good use to fix one of their problems. At least when Kai's here, that's strictly about her. Even if he's more likely to harm her... Oh, wait ! Her friends have done it too. On some levels, Kai's not worse than the ones she dares to call her friends.
She doesn't even care that he's here, free to do as he pleases. He could hurt her. Whatever. She's just had an orgasm rubbing herself against that man. She could die right now. At least she wouldn't have to live much longer with that memory in mind. What would they have to say about that ? Her 'friends'. Stupid ? Dangerous ? Disgusting ? They would ask if she'd been under a spell. Is she...? No. She knows she's not. She's enjoyed the moment, but now.... what happens ?
Since her rambling was purely internal, Kai's been watching her silently for a moment now. He saw her crumble to the floor, inert. Then nothing.
He doesn't know what to say, what to do. He's used to people panicking about what he does to them. So, why was Bonnie panicking on her own ? He hadn't done anything.... yet.
He takes a look around. Is someone here ? Cloaking themselves to harm Bonnie before his very eyes ? That's his job by the way ! No, he doesn't feel anyone else. No witchy-woo. No other heartbeat than the witch's. There's just the two of them. After pondering a second, he cautiously approaches her.
_ Are you okay ?
No response. The only sound he catches is her sniffing.
_ Are you having allergies ?
Still nothing. He continues.
_ We're indoors, so that would be unlikely.... Is it possible to get allergies inside ? What's this thing called.... dust mite ?
The witch is not answering. No comment. No attack. She's scary silent, except from the shaky breaths escaping her mouth. In fact, the words cross Bonnie's mind. They do. But she's so out of it all that she can't react. She feels numb.
Kai would rather be fighting right now. At least, he would know what he's supposed to be doing. He's seen her break in the past, the day she tried to kill herself. He was glad to have played a part in preventing it, to be honest. A dead Bonnie wouldn't be half as much fun. Yes, he had tried to kill her himself, but you're missing the point. That's who they are, that's what they do. Fighting until one of them surrenders....
Plus, them being sort of alive led to that delectable moment of.... No pain ? Oh right, he'd forgotten he wasn't tied up anymore. It feels nice to be able to let one's mind wander.... Would it happen again ? He would definitely let it happen again, and much more. He'd be in charge this time. He'd finally feel that burning skin under his touch.... Does she have some hidden desires ? He would unravel them all if she let him. See that pretty face torn by pleasure.... Her cries.... And her blood ! There's no questioning the particularity of the Bennetts' blood. He's only had a few drops, and that's the best he's ever tasted. Was the feeling heightened by the other sensations ? Their connection ? Magic ? He has no idea. All he knows is that he'd definitely want to have another taste !
At the thought, his vampire instincts react. Eyes, veins, fangs, the whole package. It's solely the new sob escaping the witch's mouth that instantly gets the man out of his mind. He shakes his head, face back to normal.
Kai exhales, at a loss. He eventually walks up to her, contemplating her face.... what.... He seemingly points at her under-eyes, unsure.
_ There's.... water, pouring out of your eyes.... Crying ! Oh, you're crying. Knew it ! .... But, why are you crying ?
_ The last time I saw you cry you were about to die.... Are you dying ? Doesn't look like it.
Nothing ?
_ By the way, I'm sorry about that. I suppose...
The witch huffs at his words. Finally ! He got a reaction from her. A warm smile spreads across his face. That's not enough. He wants to get her out of that stoic state. He rubs his fingers on his chin, considering....
_ I've read about it on google. That was years ago but.... Crying, crying.... Oh !
Without a second thought, he crouches down next to her.
_ You want a hug ?
Bonnie's eyes snap open. She abruptly raises her head from her knees, and turns to look straight at his face. She's absolutely shocked. She would understand him asking her about sexual intercourse or wanting to suck her blood.... but a 'hug' ? Now she's too stunned to speak.
Through watery eyes, she can see Kai's arms extended in her direction. It's almost terrifying how welcoming and friendly he appears. At that moment, she doesn't even care that he's physically close. They've been way closer a few minutes ago. She would rather be crushed by one of his spells. It would feel more right than whatever this is.
Since the witch doesn't respond to his offer, Kai slouches down on the floor beside her. He lazily rests his head on the invisible wall behind.
_ Don't aneurysm me. I just got orgasm-tortured. I'd like to have clear thoughts for a couple of minutes, if you don't mind.
The memory hits her. Bonnie blinks a few times to get it out of her mind, tears running down her cheeks. She can't deal with that right now. She's too tired to torture him again. He won't undo the spell, and she's used practically all of her powers. She needs to rest.... It can't be worse than what she was doing to him minutes ago, right ?
She sniffles a bit and wipes the water off of her face.
_ Yes.
Kai shifts on the floor, trying to make himself as comfortable as possible.
_ Thanks.
After a moment of hesitation, Bonnie whispers.
_ I mean.... yes, I want a hug.
The man's eyes snap back to her, quite surprised.
_ Come again ?
He had obviously heard her every word. He's sitting close enough, and his vampire-earing can easily catch any sound leaving her lips. She glares at him, clearly annoyed, though feeling defeated.
_ Don't make me repeat myself.
The man wears a guilty smile on his face. He does appreciate her giving in.
Bonnie hesitates an instant. A brilliant idea of hers, once again. It's not that she always comes up with awful ones. She's a rather intelligent woman most of the time. It's just.... Today.... With him.... The last hour is not the best representation of her bright mind.
She stares at his face, suspicious. Kai's waiting for her, arms open. He still looks frighteningly sincere. She takes a deep breath, and before he can retract his arms again, she slides right next to him, sides touching. The sudden contact his unsurprisingly totally awkward. Why does this feel weirder than....
Kai is freaking out. He hadn't considered how it would make him feel. He's currently realising that he should have. Physical contact without any form of violence is a complete other story. If his heart could beat like a normal human being, it would reach cardiovascular issues.
He's the one who initiated the contact. He cannot step back now. He's got his pride ! So, gathering some courage, he apprehensively envelopes the witch with his arms. The moment his hands come into contact with her skin, a red light emanates from his palms. Bonnie jerks at the burning sensation. Kai straight up removes his hands from her.
_ Oh my god ! I'm sorry... I didn't mean to....
This exact moment gets Bonnie reminiscing of what he had told her in 1903.... She feels a pang in her heart.
_ Bon ?
From the sound of his voice, the witch understands that the situation is as terrifying for her as it is for him. Perfect. Without thinking twice, she bends to the side and puts her head on his chest, eyes closed.
Kai, who hadn't moved an inch since the accidental siphoning, slowly starts to relax. She hasn't moved away. She's actually moved closer ! He smiles at the thought. Trying once again, he experimentally places a hand on her shoulder.... nothing. Just skin against skin. He exhales loudly, relieved. With much more confidence now, he envelopes her in a tight embrace. Bonnie's head is resting on his chest. He feels the anxiety of her heartbeat fade with each second that passes.
The witch listens to the slow rhythm of the vampiric heart pounding next to her ear. As she's trying to relax herself, she feels her eyes start to water once more, a sob leaving her lips yet again. This time, she doesn't hold it back. She lets it all go. Soon enough, she's weeping against Kai's shoulder, arms crossed behind his neck. Tears run down her chin, staining his shirt.
What does he do now ? There's a woman crying on him, wetting his clothes. He's got his arms wrapped around her in a hug. That's it ? Nothing more ? Did it say something about getting rid of the tears ? He can't recall. That's all he remembers from the google article. He's read it too long ago. It's also been way longer since he's hugged anyone. He's forgotten how it's supposed to go. He was forbidden to touch for so many years. It feels oddly right. He's not the one crying, but it comforts him all the same. It's like an invisible hand is wiping his own childhood ghosty-tears. He discreetly inhales Bonnie's scent. Yes. Right. Right.... The tears ! Before he can try anything, the witch is rubbing her face on his shoulder. Kai's expression freezes. Guess she found a solution to wipe her tears on her own....
After a while, Bonnie has stopped crying. She tiredly rests her head in the crook of his neck, calmly breathing. Kai has been stroking her back for god knows how long. She would never admit it to his face, but it feels good. It soothes her never-resting brain. Speaking of it, she hasn't been doubting his sincerity for a moment now. Why ? His strong arms are around her. He could easily break her, vampy-strenght helping. Still, he feels calm against her skin. He's not gonna hurt her. Not now. Now like this. She's always felt when he was up to no good. And that's most of the time. She doesn't even know if she'd care if he was. It seems out of his plan, for now. And it's all that matters.
Feeling her shift on his lap, he tries not to move, letting her sit comfortably. Kai mentally shakes his head. Who would have thought his day would be ending like this ? He went on a failed gemini slaughter spree, was sex-tortured for a while, and had finally the Bennett witch in his arms, clinging to him. Not that he's complaining. He slightly shrugs at his mental rambling, tightening his hold on the witch. Out of pure impulse, he tentatively slides a hand on her head, gently caressing.
_ You've got really nice hair.
He can't shut up, can he ? Nevermind. Bonnie hums in agreement. She's shown so much sides of her personality today.... To him ? Why ? How could she let this happen ? Acting solely on instinct and impulsivity may not be the best of choice.... But after that, there's nothing she'll ever be ashamed of. She's not sure she's ashamed of this anyway. Why would she ? She's wanted it. Done it. She broke down. And now she's cuddling with the same guy she's been fighting against. Whatever. He smells good....
Kai's restless. There's another thing he wants to try. That might ends the intimate moment they're sharing.... But since it's the first, and most likely the last they will ever share.... He got to the conclusion that he might as well take a chance. Putting any second thought aside, he turns his head to plant a subtle kiss on the witch's forehead. He expects her to flinch, to reject his affectionate gesture.... To his suprise, she doesn't move an inch away. She nuzzles against his neck, humming appreciatively. He grins uncontrollably. That was totally worth the risk ! He feels like.... Is he supposed to say 'like a child on Christmas day' ? Because it's certainly not the right expression for him.
What is she doing ? Torture, kisses, sex, fight, cries, hug.... Now this ? And she's liking it ? Can she blame it on exhaustion ? She can't, huh ? She needed a shoulder to cry on. It happened to be his. So, what ? Does she feel relaxed and at peace in his arms ? Yes. Is it freaking weird knowing all that's happened today and all the days before ? Yes. Would she do it again all the same ? Yes. Does she regret it ? Hum.... No. If there's one thing she's got to be, it's honest with herself. She likes him holding her tight. He is likeable, to some extent. She would not go as far as to say she likes him. She doesn't even trust him.... She likes what he does to her. Right now. Just now.
Kai rests his chin on her head, slowly stroking her hair. For a second, he considers stealing the ascendant, breaking the spell and running out to his escape. That would take her by suprise. She would not have the time to react and stop him.... He doesn't move. He surely doesn't plan on staying imprisoned in that place. But for now, he's here. Bonnie is in his arms. Her heart is pounding right next to his barely beating one. Her warm body pressed against his own. This situation was rather unexpected, to say the least. However, he intends to make the most of it.
Neither of them know how long they stay like this. After all that had happened, they were sharing a moment of peace. Just silence. And them. It won't last. It can't. Is it wrong ? Is it right ? It just is. And that's enough for the both of them.
The End.
Voilà, voilà.... ⛓️🩸✨🙄
Hope you enjoyed the ride of that 3 parts story.
What was once an idea of a little smutty imagine based off of a gif.... Turned into THIS. How on earth ?
It wasn't OOC, was it ? That situation would never happen. But still, I try to get their personalities on point.... Success ?
Tell me what you thought about it in the comments. ~
When I was writing this, I had a little micro-idea of what would happen after. It's not another part. It can be summarized in a few words.
Kai finally knocks her out. He uses a spell similar to the one Liv used on Tyler in season 6. He cuts Bonnie's palm to get her blood and snatches the ascendant....
On his way out, he changes his mind. He goes back to get Bonnie. He carries her to the celestial event linked to this new prison world (yes, he's discovered which one it was and found where its effects are the most powerful, don't get into the details).
So, he does the spell with Bonnie's blood while holding her. When they're back to the present, he leaves her at home, still unconscious (yes, it's a long lasting spell 🙄).
When she wakes up, she finds a note.
"'till next time Bonster"
Kai has not left her behind this time. He did not stab her. She's only got a cut on her hand. She's alive, home, and safe.
He's gone. Where ? Good question....
Tadaaaaaaa !!
The Vampire Diaries Masterlist
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Nothing But The Truth ~ Kai Parker One Shot
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*not my gif
Pairing: siphon!Kai X witch!Saltzman!Reader
Word Count: 3,388
Requested?: Yes
This is a sequel to "I'd Rather You Lie." I've done my best to make sure this piece is readable as a one shot, but if you'd like to read the prequel, please read it here.
This IS a reader insert fic; I just don’t like writing with Y/N in the place of names. Use Rosalie/Rosie/Rose as a placeholder for Y/N :)
Description: Kai betrayed her trust, used her for his own selfish means. Now, he can't bear the pain and hurt he's caused her. Malachai understands now that he loves her, but is love enough to mend a broken heart?
Warnings: angst/heartbreak and minor mature language
The story begins after the break! I hope you enjoy reading it :)
“I’d rather you lie.” 
It was easier for Rosalie when he lied. It had been easier to believe it was real. Now, she’d heard the lies so often she couldn’t possibly know what was true anymore. Kai’s ramblings came to a halt. Rose’s smile was more akin to a grimace. There were no tears in her eyes; there was nothing in her eyes as if there was no soul behind them.
Malachai had hurt many people in his life. He’d murdered his siblings, and he’d spent years torturing himself. Somehow, this emptiness in her was worse than all the damage he’d done combined. “Rosalie…” She just shook her head, walking passed him. There was still no emotion on her face as she hugged her winter jacket around her body. Kai watched her walk away, feeling the snow settle in his hair. The cold did not compare to all the pain that consumed him. 
He tried to take a shaky breath. With a choked gasp and unbearable pain in his heart, Malachai watched her until she became a speck of dust in the distance. The worst part of it all? She didn’t turn to look back at him once.
Was it his fault for breaking her heart, or was it hers for allowing him to hold it in the first place? Her brain and heart grappled over this question every night, making it impossible to sleep. Thanks to Kai, she couldn’t return to the life she’d once loved. There was nothing left inside her that would allow her to love. 
It wasn’t as if Rose was a stranger to pain. She’d been abandoned by people before. The people who brought her into the world had died. The ones who adopted her into their home as a child saw her as only a paycheck. Even Alaric was dead for a few years before miraculously coming alive again. None of those heartaches had destroyed her in the same way Malachai had.
Perhaps it was because it was her first time truly being in love. She couldn’t feel anything anymore, not even anger. Though her mind and heart disagreed on whose fault it was, they both knew feeling the agony of that betrayal would consume her.
For now, all she could do was continue existing in an endless cycle – school, work, Dad, friends, eat, sleep, repeat. ~
A new semester was starting after winter break, and Rosalie considered it a fresh start. She would put herself out there again; she’d try to come back to life. Rose was sitting in a large lecture hall, waiting for the professor of her creative writing course to arrive. She twirled her stylus around her fingers, making random doodles on her iPad. Someone sat down a few seats away from her, but she paid them no mind. 
The hall continued to fill, and Professor Smith arrived ten minutes late. She was fun, and her quippy nature made up for the tardiness. Listening to a professor review a syllabus wasn’t boring for once. Rosalie was paying close attention, jotting down miscellaneous notes about due dates and assignment details. 
“Your final paper, worth 30% of your grade, will be a writing piece: eight to ten pages long with attention to all topics and techniques we’ll review throughout the semester. Students who do best on this assignment never fail to present their learnings in a unique, refreshing way. Nothing should limit your imagination. Isn’t that right, boy who can’t stop staring at the girl in his row?”  Rose was looking at the professor when she singled out the student not listening. As did the other students, she, too, looked around to see who the professor was scolding. Her grip slackened on her stylus as she heard his voice a few feet away. She would know that voice anywhere. “Y-yes, Professor. I’m sorry.” The professor nodded and continued. Malachai stole one more glance in her direction when the professor’s back was turned, and his eyes met Rosalie’s after weeks of not seeing each other.
Before he could talk to her, Rose rushed out of the lecture hall. Was he stalking her now? Swallowing away the bitter taste in her mouth, Rosalie instinctively made her way to her dad’s office. Glancing at the time, she knew Alaric was giving a lecture. Unlocking the door with magic and locking it behind her, Rose collapsed onto the couch. Her head fell into her hands, and her foot tapped against the ground anxiously. 
Rosalie hadn’t yet asked her dad for Kai’s true story. She didn’t want to know it anymore; she told herself she didn’t care about him and whatever was causing him pain. Whether she would admit it or not, Rosalie was lying to herself, just as Kai had lied to her for weeks. 
She stayed in the same spot for hours, finally looking up when she heard the door unlock. Alaric smiled at his daughter, unsurprised to find her here. This was a first-day-of-the-semester tradition for them – tea in his office and unpacking what happened in their new classes. Ric turned on the hot water kettle, pulling out mugs and tea for them. He only noted her troubles when she greeted him without energy, and his smile faded quickly. “Rosalie? What’s the matter?” 
Rose sighed deeply, not knowing where to start. “I need you to tell me everything about Kai, Dad. Please.” The turmoil had been suppressed long enough; she bit the bullet and watched Ric’s expression twitch. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Hot water and honey were poured into their mugs. Rose kicked her shoes off, curled her legs under her, and claimed the steaming cup of tea. The silence was broken only when Alaric sat beside her on the couch.
He was torn about how much he should involve her but hiding the truth from Rose allowed Kai to hurt her. Ric wouldn’t hide things from her anymore. “Malachai is Josette’s twin brother.” A confused expression came over Rose’s face immediately. “Jo is in her early 40s. How is that possible?” To his credit, Alaric told her everything without biased embellishments, telling her the story exactly as Jo told him. 
Of course, even he didn’t know the story from Malachai’s perspective. 
He told her about how Kai was meant to merge with Jo and become the leader of the Gemini coven, how he was never worthy of the position. When he found out the thing he lusted after for twenty-two years would never be his, Kai snapped, murdering four of his little siblings in cold blood. Kai stuck a hunting knife into Josette and took out her spleen. Ultimately, he was after Lucas and Olivia. The Coven locked him up in a prison world, and he escaped when Bonnie and Damon ended up there after the Other Side collapsed.
Rosalie listened to everything, finding it impossible to believe that the guy she knew – the guy she thought she knew – was capable of all of this. Even as she left her dad’s office, Rose repeated the story in her mind. There had to be more to this story. No one was born evil. Something must have happened to Kai - something so horrible and cruel that his only choice was to protect himself this way. 
Alaric had heard the story from Jo, but he hadn’t seen the tears Kai shed when no one was around to see them. Whatever caused him to snap tormented him even now, and no one should live that way. Despite this, Rosalie didn’t have it in her to forgive him. Maybe it was selfish, but he’d used someone who trusted him for reasons she could barely justify. 
The door to her apartment closed behind her. Trying to push the thoughts away, Rose walked over to her fridge. She pulled it open, and the wave of cool air sent her mind reeling back…
Even on the drive back to Mystic Falls, her thoughts were consumed with Kai. He’d kissed her, and then he disappeared. What kind of decent person does that? Rosalie had begun to think that maybe she didn’t know Malachai at all. Her thoughts would be proven right a few minutes later.  When Rose entered the Salvatore House, she heard the flames of the fireplace crackling and voices coming from the living room. “How do you know my daughter?” Her dad was threatening someone, holding them by their neck as he tilted the chair towards the fireplace. Damon forced him away, trying to calm Alaric down. “Easy, Papa Bear. Kai’s going to cooperate. Talk. Now.”  Kai? Her Kai? No… “Didn’t you know? I’ve been dating her for a while. Here I thought she told you everything, Alaric. Of course, she thinks it’s real, which is sweet, really. At least someone among us has a heart.”  Kai kept on talking, but she heard none of it. It was as if her senses had been disconnected from her brain. “She’s just so welcoming… it was so easy to step into her life. I could get into all of yours and take what I’ve always wanted. But you really didn’t need to torture me to get that out of me, did you? I think I’m an excellent communicator.”  Damon and her dad had already seen Rose standing there, and when Damon forced Kai’s chair around, she registered the briefest flicker of remorse in his eyes. She didn’t have it in her to care, not right now. All she did was turn around and leave. The air outside felt so much colder than she could bear. It bit her cheeks as tears filled her eyes. Rosalie refused to let them fall. She would not cry over someone who was using her.
The tears that had refused to spill all those months ago came bubbling to the surface. Her knees buckled below her, and her hands rushed to cover her mouth as a pained scream came out. All the agony at his betrayal created burning trails on her cheeks, and as she curled up on the ground, her shoulders shook with each sob. 
Rosalie finally let herself admit that she had loved Malachai: she probably still did. She’d put her heart into someone’s hands for the first time and this was what she earned in return. Nothing in her life felt fair. How many more people would hurt her before she could finally be free? 
The anguish she’d failed to acknowledge and process now took over. It subsided hours later when the chill from the open fridge had coated her spine and the door beeped in protest. Rose gave it a weak push and it creaked shut. 
She’d loved him, and now she didn’t think she could love anymore.
Caroline smacked a piece of paper down on the table in front of Rosalie. “The annual Whitmore Bitter Ball is on Saturday, and you’re coming.” Rose picked up the flyer, smiling without amusement at the clashing black and grey letters. “Come onnnn, you’re the one that’s most bitter in love out of any of us.” 
Elena and Bonnie gave Caroline a withering stare, while Rose just shook her head. “Sorry… insensitive.” She cleared her throat, trying to dispel the awkwardness. “You should come, Rosalie. We all deserve a night out.” Elena was gently encouraging in stark contrast to Caroline. Rose didn’t know how she felt about it. “Okay, dance or no dance, at least come dress shopping with us? We need your opinions.” Truthfully, it sounded dreadful. After a long blink, Rosalie smiled and agreed. “Fine. It’ll be just like high school.” It wouldn’t be for her; it would be for her friends.
A few hours later, Rosalie was walking between aisles upon aisles of dresses. Some were gaudy and drew way too much attention. Some were too plain for a ball. Then again, maybe plain was best – something that could help her hide in the shadows as she attended the dance for the sake of her worried friends. 
Rose ultimately chose a silken, black gown. It had an attractive sweetheart neckline and golden embellishments around the waist. The skirt didn’t puff out obnoxiously, and with a golden mask to abide by the masquerade policy, it was the perfect disguise.
On Saturday evening, Rosalie found herself standing in the corner of the grand ballroom. People were all over the place: some drunk, some dancing, some crying, and some doing all of the above. Rose watched people move about behind her mask, twirling the straw around in her gin and soda with extra limes. She’d promised Caroline she’d stay out for an hour, and thankfully, the hour was almost up. 
Downing her drink, Rosalie walked across the dance floor. She had managed to artfully avoid the masses until she reached the bar. The glass clinked down onto the granite counter, right beside someone also attending this ball alone. He turned around slowly, setting down his own glass. They looked at each other silently for a few heavy seconds, neither saying a word. 
Malachai’s eyes shined in the dim lighting of the ballroom, swimming with numerous feelings yet glistening with the joy of seeing her. Rosalie’s expression remained passive, unreadable. She’d cried her heart out already. What was the next step in the process of healing from heartbreak? 
“I don’t know how a ball for the brokenhearted could be such a hit,” Kai said. Rose smiled without amusement, looking around at the crowd once again. “You never know, maybe lots of people have broken hearts around here.” Malachai swallowed away the knot of emotion in his throat, his eyes darting to the dance floor. “Maybe you’re right.”
He refused to meet her eyes, and it sparked something inside her. It was some convoluted mixture of rage, pain, desperation, and, most unexpectedly, a tinge of hope. “Dance with me?” She held out her hand to him in challenge. Kai’s gaze flit between her hand, the dancing couples, and the gleam in her eyes. Whatever brought it back, he’d missed it dearly. He took her hand, leading her to join the crowds. 
Rose let out a soft laugh at the song change, wondering if Caroline had something to do with the music. War of Hearts played over the speakers as Kai’s hand came to rest on her waist. Their fingers linked together, and this time, everything else fell away. 
Come to me in the night hours. I will wait for you.
Both recalled the same memories as they stepped in unison. Their awkward first interaction in the coffee shop. The first date where Kai was trying to be charming but ended up spilling soda all over his shirt. His tears when the thoughts of his past tormented him. The devastation they both felt when Rosalie found out about Malachai’s betrayal. 
“Have you been stalking me, by the way?” Kai almost smiled, his brow rising. “Would you believe me if I said I had no idea you’d be in the same section?” He twirled her around, pulling her back to him. “Honestly, I don’t know what I’m supposed to believe, Malachai.” 
She’d been the only one who could use his full first name without making him flinch. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, and Kai sighed, resigned with himself. “I don’t know what I can say, Rose. You have every right to not trust me. Let me just ask you one thing, and then I will leave you alone.”
I can’t help but love you, even though I try not to. I can’t help but want you. I know that I’d die without you.
“Do you honestly think I didn’t break my own heart when I broke yours?” His arms wrapped around her as Kai selfishly pulled her close. If this was the last time, he needed to hold her close. The back of his hand brushed her cheek, and he memorized the feel of her soft skin. He was close enough to see the reflection of his dark, satin mask in Rosalie’s eyes. 
Rose didn’t know how to react. Her first instinct was to say no. He had sounded so convincing when he gloated to Ric and Damon about how he used her. How could that be the voice of someone with a broken heart? That same person stood in front of her now, looking at her with deeper affection and sincerity unlike anything she’d known before. 
Rosalie held the hand brushing her cheek, wrapping her own around it before stepping away from Kai. “Malachai, I can’t do this again.” Kai had let her walk away once. He wouldn’t give up without a fight this time. “Please… I promise I won’t ever hurt you. I won’t lie to you. From now on, nothing but the truth.” 
I can’t help but be wrong in the dark, ‘cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts. I can’t help but want oceans to part, ‘cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts.
With those words, Rose threw her arms around Malachai and kissed him. Maybe it was wishful thinking, or maybe it was just plain stupid. It didn’t matter. Not trusting him had been so unendurably painful; even if he played her again, it would be worth it.
Kai froze in surprise for a fraction of a second, not expecting her to give him the one thing he wanted most. He took her face in his hands, suppressing a sob of relief and joy. Malachai brought her closer, hugging her flush against his body. 
People still danced around them, oblivious to the two souls who’d found each other and would never part again.
The end of the semester approached, faster than anticipated. Malachai and Rosalie had spent the last months together, and true to his word, he hadn’t lied to her… until tonight.
In his lonesome years in the prison world, Kai had honed his cooking and baking skills. Tonight, after a long week of finals, they were making Kai’s chocolate chip cookies – a recipe he’d refined and mastered over twelve years. Rosalie was whipping together browned butter and sugar, and Kai was chopping chunks of dark chocolate into shards with a knife. The apartment smelled like toasted sugar, and their playful banter brought them much-needed laughter. 
“Where’d you put the vanilla extract I brought over?” Rosalie was looking in Kai’s kitchen drawers, and just as she reached one near the edge of the counter, he stepped in front of her. “Not in that one! There’s nothing in that one. Let’s move on.” Why was he in such a rush to get her away from that drawer? 
“Malachai… what are you hiding from me?” He sighed and stepped aside, remembering his promise to her. Rose didn’t take her eyes off him as she opened the drawer. Looking down, she halted in shock at the only object inside: a small black jewelry box.
Kai grabbed it before she could, putting it behind her back. She gave him a look, raising her eyebrows in question. “What are you hiding from me?” She repeated her question, her voice even more pointed, now with curiosity rather than suspicion. Adorably anxious, Kai nipped at his lower lip and tugged at his hair momentarily. 
Setting the box on the kitchen counter, Kai flipped its lid. Within it, tucked into cushioned velvet, lay matching silver rings. They were similar in style to the ones Malachai often wore, the metal bands thick and fairly plain. He removed them both, showing her the inscription inside the bands: nothing but the truth.
“This isn’t a proposal. Not yet, at least.” Kai’s nervousness didn’t help him get these words out, but when he looked up, looking into her eyes, suddenly it was much easier. “I wanted us to have something that reminds us of our journey and how far we’ve come. I want us to have these.” Before he said anything more, Kai slipped his ring onto his middle finger. Rosalie accepted his gift and put on her ring. She took his hand and laced their fingers together.  “Thank you, Kai,” Rose spoke with tenderness, holding Kai’s face. “I’ll never take it off.” Their lips met in a sweet kiss, and the smooth metal of their rings clinked together quietly. They squeezed each other’s hands lovingly, now certain neither would let go.
That's all for this piece! Thank you to the anon who requested I give them a happy ending; this story would not exist without you :)
Please feel free to send any thoughts/comments/constructive criticisms my way. I always welcome them.
If you’d like to be tagged in future Kai Parker works, feel free to message me/leave a comment here. If you liked this story, feel free to check out my other stories from my Malachai Parker Masterlist (pinned to the top of my profile).
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel
Master Taglist: @socio-kai-path1972, @bluelicious, @genevivetaylor, @kolsangel, @callsign-luckyshot
127 notes · View notes
Never Let Me Go (pt.1)
kai parker x reader | heretic!kai | part 1/3
summary: you're getting used to the coldness in your apartment. the chill that lingers in the air, the absence of his presence. for four months you wait for him, willing for the past and cursing those who've altered your future; wishing for the way things used to be, and hoping they wouldn't be lost beyond repair. but the next time you see him, out on your doorstep, you realize you can't just pick up the pieces, you have to restart the whole puzzle.
tags: post s06e22, heartache, emotional hurt / mild comfort, angst, arguing
word count: 2k
a/n: it's been one of the worst weeks of my life, so here's a little angst. i hope to have more out soon, and aside from the other two parts of this (well, one, bc the third part is smutty), some softer things!
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You sigh deeply as you climb into bed, alone, for the billionth time. Your bed used to be warm, full, and safe, and now it’s just cold. For a while, you couldn’t even stand the feeling and had to sleep on the couch, but then one month turned into four, and you had to go back to the bed at some point. 
For four months, your boyfriend was trapped in a prison world by one of your best friends. When he finally got out, he brought chaos along with him in the form of one curse and a hundred deaths. One of those, being his own. Luckily, he had drunk the blood of a vampire, which brought him back, but not quite as the same boy he used to be. 
The first night after his transformation, he returned to bed with you. By morning, he was gone. When asked what happened, he couldn’t really say. His emotions, already confusing, were even more out of place, and he couldn’t predict even his own usually sporadic actions. A taste for blood and a ringing in his ear kept him up all night, and the sight of you made him afraid. If he’d hurt you, he would never forgive himself. 
So, for the last three weeks, your bed has been empty just as it had when he was gone. Frankly, you have no idea where Kai sleeps, or if he even does. The rest of the heretics have taken to an old abandoned house on the town’s border, but you doubt he’s there. Worry keeps you awake most nights, and the only reason you fall asleep is out of pure exhaustion. You love him, but lately you feel like he loves you less. 
Tonight’s like any other in your new routine. Watch an episode and drink down a glass of wine. Or bourbon. Or even vodka, on worse days. Curl yourself into a ball when you finally do go up to bed. Cuddle into the stuffed bat that Caroline gifted you after she found out what happened after the 1903 visit. She knew it hurt you, what Bonnie did. Even if it was “for the better”, she knew it broke your heart. 
You kiss the head of the little animal, then heave a heavy sigh. Sleep could overtake you in five minutes or five hours, depending on what your body demands. After three minutes, you start counting sheep, calling on the help of more animals to guide you to REM. 
Forty-six sheep have jumped the fence when there’s suddenly a bold knock at your door. You scramble in anxiety, but then freeze in an attempt to hear better. 
Maybe you imagined it. Maybe you had finally fallen asleep. 
But then there’s another knock. 
It’s probably Damon, you think. He’s disturbed you several times in the middle of the night. He probably lost a hold of his mother and is wondering if you’ve seen her. Or it’s Caroline, seeking advice whilst forgetting the time on the clock. Or maybe it’s your upstairs neighbor, angry about you taking his usual parking spot, since he took yours the day before. 
Your head runs rampant with possibilities as you urge yourself to answer the door. Your blanket is still wrapped around your body, though you leave your bat in bed.
When you open the door, you’re stunned to see none other than Kai Parker standing there, smiling, despite pain clouding in his eyes. 
“Kai?” You ask, voice quieter than you intended.
“What are you doing here? It’s late.”
It’s weird to see him. Honestly, you had to run back your memory and try to think if your last conversation ended in a break-up. It hadn’t. 
“Can I come in?”
He’s been invited in; he was on the first night. Still, he asks now.
You shut the door as he enters. Then, pulling the blanket closer to you, you nod to the couch. He follows, but you sit on separate ends.
“You look warm,” he says. 
You bite back a reply to say you feel the opposite. In fact, your whole apartment feels cold without him. “What brings you here?” You repeat instead. 
“I miss you.” He shrugs off his boots, but leaves the jacket on. “And I’m sorry.”
You furrow your eyebrows and he immediately sighs.
“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. The only time we’ve talked in weeks is at the grill, and even then, I’ve been distant.”
“Mhm. So why now? What changed?”
“I promised you I’d be the best boyfriend I could be when we started dating, and I know for a fact that I haven’t been. And things have been difficult lately, y’know, since 1903, and the wedding, and the… everything. There’s been a lot of change. A lot of adjustments.” He’s stalling and you both know it. 
“Make your point, Parker,” you say coldly.
“I was sitting at the grill, just now, watching this couple. They were both drunk off their asses and being all handsy, and the bartender kicked them out for it, and everyone in that bar knows what they’re doing right now. But on their way out, they had to pass me, and heard them both tell the other they loved them, and it made me think of you. The first time you told me you loved me. The first time I said it back, and the first time I recognized I felt it, even if I didn’t understand it. Made me think of you, and our relationship, and what I’ve seemingly abandoned, but I promise, I never wanted this to become of us.” Tears well in his eyes as he rambles. You’ve never seen him cry. “Everything I said, that night after I left, was true. I’m so scared to hurt you that I don’t even want to put you in a position where I could. And on top of that… don’t you hate me?! I ruined your life, Y/N. I ruined your best friends’ lives, I killed my whole family. Why don’t you fucking hate me?!”
“Do you want me to hate you?”
“No! I love you, and you’re the only person who has ever loved me, but I’m a fucking horrible person.”
“Everyone in this town is fucking horrible, have you seen it? People, in general, are flawed and vicious, and yet most people have at least a few to whom they stick, and love, and are loved back.”
“You’re not like that.”
“But I still have flaws.”
“Your only flaw is loving me.”
“Don’t fucking interrupt me,” you snap, getting upset. “If I want to fucking love you, I will. I don’t see it as a flaw, no matter what you’ve done. I’m so pissed off at you right now, how you come here and act like loving you is a chore, when you’ve been the absent one. I haven’t slept well in five fucking months because I’ve been worried about you. I don’t care what fears you have about hurting me. If you feel that way, then let us work through it. I’d rather have at least been given the chance to help you than for you to just block me out. I do love you, and while I have to convince myself every day that you still love me, it doesn’t make me love you less. I fucking wish I could. If I could, I’d turn off my fucking humanity and not give a shit, but I can’t do that, so I sit in this apartment and rot.”
He opens his mouth, but then stops and bites his tongue. Smart. 
“I can’t take this anymore, emotionally.” You finally say. “I need you here or I need you out.”
To avoid his gaze any longer, you stand up and head to the kitchen. He watches you turn on the Keurig and retrieve a cup, but doesn’t say anything. You turn your back for two seconds to grab the creamer from the fridge, and when you turn around again, he’s there, pulling sugar from your cupboard. You jump, not used to seeing him move so fast, and for a moment, forgetting heretics could. He swallows hard, seemingly taking it as a sign you’re afraid of him. 
“Give me that,” he gestures to the carton in your hand. His tone is gentle, there’s nothing demanding about it. 
For some reason, you do. You stand there, watching, as he crafts your cup of coffee in the way he always would. He has a way in the kitchen that you’d never understand. 
He snaps his fingers, and immediately you bring him the cinnamon from your spice rack. It’s muscle memory, part of your routine. 
He then puts the cup under the stream of hot coffee as the Keurig works its own magic. Eye contact is avoided at all costs. He stares down at your marble cabinet. Your eyes are trained on his arm. 
When the coffee is done pouring, he sets it in front of you to cool. For a minute, you won’t touch it. For a minute, he can explain. 
“I still love you. And in an attempt to not hurt you, I hurt you worse than I could’ve imagined. It’s not an excuse, but 1903 did something to me. I shut down, emotionally, I think. It felt hopeless, any chance of escaping, or of seeing you again. My only company were the heretics that had been there for a century and had no idea, whatsoever, of how to escape.” He’s running out of time. You watch the steam cool off the top of your cup.
“I told them about you, and how much I loved you… because I was feeding them. I woke them all up and let them drink from me. Those scars all healed when I turned, but my arms and neck were littered with bites. God, I’m glad you didn’t see it. But I was so bored, and lonely, and wanted to know if they had any idea of how to get out. Again, they didn’t. But then, one day that we were plotting an escape, I remembered how we got Bonnie out, and realized it would be applicable to that time, considering Quetsi-what died in the days of the Greeks.”
You almost chuckle at that.
“But when I got out, I was so hellbent on revenge, that I did what I did, and I know I did everything wrong, and I should’ve just come to you, but my brain isn't… wired that way.” He hesitates to say that detail. At the end of the day, he’s still a sociopath. If revenge is on his mind, it’s the only thing on his mind. 
“And so I’m sorry about all of it. I swore I would protect you, and that included protecting you emotionally, and I’ve failed at that. I don’t want out, I want to be here, if you’ll have me back.”
You take a sip of the coffee, now cool. The flavors are perfect and warm your cold soul up just the way you’ve needed it for months. 
“I’d rather have you with me than anywhere else,” you admit.
“Every day without you has been a living hell.”
“Where have you been sleeping?”
“Sometimes with the heretics. Sometimes in the old Lockwood cellar, or just the woods. A couple times…” he stops himself.
“A couple times?”
“Outside your apartment. In the bushes. Where I could hear your heartbeat, but could keep a safe distance.”
“I really hope you watched a lot of sad movies, and that they were the reason for your tears.”
You bite your lip. You both know you didn’t. 
“I’m sorry.” In half a second, he’s in front of you, rubbing his thumb along your chin. 
You still don’t look at him. “Please don’t leave me again.”
“I won’t. I swear-” he stops. He swore to you last time. “I promise I won’t. I won’t leave you, ever.”
Tears flood your eyes once more as you wrap your arms around his body. You bury your face in his chest, and he pulls you close. Hands find their way to your hair, massaging your head comfortingly. With time, you find your way back to the couch, coffee in hand. But despite the strength of the coffee, you’re asleep in no time. You’re finally back in the warmth and safety of his arms. 
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chronic-escapixt · 11 months
His Rose ~ Details
(Kai Parker x Bennett OC fanfiction)
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, dom/sub dynamics, abuse, murder, childhood trauma (mentioned). Minors DNI
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s).
K.P. Masterlist
This fanfiction is born from my dissatisfaction with the way Kai was criminally underutilized in the TVDU. Honestly, I found him annoying at first, but he grew on me as season 6 went on. Thru Chris Wood's charming performance, Kai stole the show for me. I'll never forgive the showrunners for a lot of things, including underutilizing Chris Wood in this role & not allowing this broken king to have a real redemption arc.
On the topic of the showrunners, I'll never forgive them for how they did Bonnie Bennett or the Bennetts in general with how they were limited to magical plot devices for everyone else's use without any appreciative focus on their power & how it could really benefit them. Even though I love Bonnie & Kai, my otp endgame for her has always been Bonenzo, but I also adore Klonnie ❤️.
My AU changed and added plenty of lore around his coven & certain events. The plot follows the life of Bonnie's younger sister, Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz. I go on to describe her below, but I'd like to state that she acts as Kai's antithesis as an innocent, fledgling witch. She's also Bonnie's support system. I always hated how the show often ignored that Bonnie lacked family around her that were unconditionally there for her. Bonnie's mom left when she was small, she lost her grams in season 1, and her father was a non-factor in her life until he returned... just to get killed off in front of her.
I wrote Rose & Bonnie's dynamic keeping in mind everything I hate about older sibling/younger sibling dynamics, like the one between Buffy and Dawn in BTVS. Bonnie deserves family that consistently supports her, encourages her to prioritize her well-being, and actually tries to lessen the existing load on her shoulders.
Another thing I kept in mind when adding Rose to my TVD AU is not to have her replace or take away Bonnie’s space in the plot. Now, I do give her Bonnie's plotline of being sent to the prison world in season 6, but this is essential to the story, and the way Bonnie was treated that season made me so sad that I have no problem taking traumatic experiences from her (of which she has more than enough) and giving them to Rose.
Okay... if you made it through my rant, congrats. I also want to offer my inbox as a place where anyone can offer up requests, scenarios, ask questions, even if you want to roast my cruddy writing... my inbox is open.
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🌹Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz:🌹
Born: March 18th, 1994 (18yrs)
Gender: Female | Height: 5’1” | Hair color: Brown | Eye color: Hazel
Race/ethnicity: Black and Latino/Hispanic
Species: witch (Bennett)
Titles: Rosy (Kai), littlest witch (by Kol), kid (by Damon)
Rose is a gentle and kind-hearted person, always looking for the good in people and situations. She can be a people pleaser and overall naive when dealing with people, often seeing the best in everyone and believing in second chances
She highly values family, so bonding with Bonnie means a lot her. Due to her naivety and weakness, she can be easily manipulated and taken advantage of. Like Bonnie she’s compassionate and tends to selflessly help others. Struggles with powerful spells due to her insecurity in her magical abilities
She enjoys singing, gardening (honing her nature-based magic, making potions & studying herbology), sewing and cooking (she bakes when she’s anxious)
She has a strong aversion to blood & violence so spending time with vampires took a lot of getting used to
Trilingual: fluent in Spanish & Portuguese
Despite her demure demeanor and virginal innocence, with her stuffed animal collection, enduring love of cartoons and a lack of dating, she’s a hopeless romantic that harbors the hidden desire to submit herself to a powerful dominant
Family: Bonnie Bennett (half-sister), Jamie Ruiz (half-brother), Abby Bennett-Ruiz (mother), Matteo Ruiz (father 🕊️), Sheila Bennett (maternal gm🕊️)
Rose was raised in Summersville, North Carolina. She was a child model until 13 when her father tragically died. She was the captain of her high school majorette dance team. Her life drastically changed when Bonnie arrived on her doorstep.
Rose was 16 when she & Bonnie would finally meet. Bonnie and Elena came to Abby for help with a spell. Rose was shocked to find that she had an older sister as Abby never mentioned Bonnie or the life she left behind in Mystic Falls. She was even more surprised upon finding out about her magical bloodline and that supernatural creatures walked the earth. Unlike Grams, Abby never mentioned magic throughout Rose’s life and even went as far to suppress her magic with a binding spell
After Abby is turned by Damon, she decides to leave her family to learn control and find peace as a fledgling vampire. Rose moves to Mystic Falls with Bonnie where she learns magic from her.
Magic doesn’t come naturally to her. Admittedly having a 50% accuracy rate with her spells. She struggles with her confidence & focus when chanting and spells drain her much quicker even when she tries channeling the energy around her. Despite this, Rose is determined to improve, valuing her one-on-one time with Bonnie and spending late nights on her own practicing & memorizing spells. She is determined to use her magic for good, prove herself and lessen the load on Bonnie as the resident Bennett witch of the group.
Her role in the Mystic Falls gang is the “Bennett witch in training” or “the bringer of baked goods” (according to Damon), since she often supplies their gatherings with fresh pastries. Everyone underestimates her power, even Bonnie. She tries to keep Rose out of danger unless she can’t help it.
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🔪Malachai "Kai" Parker:🔪
Born: May 9, 1972 (22yrs)
Gender: Male | Height: 6'0" | Hair color: Dark Brown | Eye color: Blue-gray
Race/ethnicity: white/non-Hispanic
Species: siphoner (Gemini Witch coven)
Titles: abomination, black sheep, the defective twin (his coven)
Charismatic with a charming smile. Upon meeting him, his charisma operates as a façade to hide his lack of empathy and his sadistic tendencies
Can be hard to read but that’s because he struggles with expressing his emotions which stems from his abusive childhood. He’s cold and relatively unfeeling with people, but once he lets someone in, he’s fiercely loyal and protective.
He can be observant, calculating and manipulative to taking advantage of someone and get what he wants
He’s a sassy man, often comes back with quick quips and has a natural sense of humor (typically dark humor)
When he’s comfortable, he never shuts up, has no filter and sucks with certain social cues. After being alone for nearly his whole life, will talk anyone's ear off without realizing they are not willing to listen
Kai can siphon all of a witch’s magic without killing them. He controls how the process feels - at its worst, a fast searing burn to a slight tingle. Overtime, a witch will regenerate their magic
High libido!!- He’s starved for touch and affection (though he would never admit that he needs anyone). Sexual desires reflect his sadistic personality as he enjoys dominating another person through absolute control and pain infliction
He likes raunchy comedies and media with half-naked women such as Bay Watch and MTV videos. A major foodie with constant cravings for sweet and salty snacks. He prefers snacking throughout the day but when he does bother to cook, it’s really good
He is fluent in old Latin, often found in grimoires and other ancient texts. When he was young he’d get his hands on old grimoires and study them, all the time to himself allowing him to hone his knowledge of witchcraft and technique
The Parker family is the head of the Gemini coven. Its patriarch, Joshua Parker is the coven leader. Kai is the eldest child, being half an hour older than his fraternal twin, Josette. Unlike Jo, Kai was born without the ability to generate his own magic, instead siphoning magic from lingering spells, objects, or other witches. When he was young, he would naturally gravitate toward the magic of his sister, so Joshua quickly decided to physically isolate Kai from everyone for fear of his son's "defect" hurting others.
As fraternal twins born of the coven leader, Jo and Kai would be set to merge on their 22nd birthday, where the winner takes the other's magic and coven leadership and the loser dies and is absorbed into the other but with the risk of Kai's siphoning ability giving him an edge in the merge, Joshua and Viviane continued having kids until she birthed another set of twins that would merge instead.
Kai's upbringing was lonely, spending most of his time locked in his bedroom up in the attic. Following his father's lead, most of his family excluded and demonized him. As he grew, Kai learned to internalize the cruel labels they gave him. If they wanted a monster, they would get a monster and on his 22nd birthday, May 9th, 1994, he would finally act on his boiling rage and resentment toward his family, unleashing the hatred he accumulated through a lifetime of torment onto his siblings when Jo refused the merge. To protect the twins, she would relent to merge with him but the coven was waiting and with the help of Sheila Bennett they banished him to a prison world of complete isolation.
Each year that passed only added to his hunger for revenge, left with nothing to do but plan his escape and seizer of coven leadership. He grew to take pride in what he had done to his siblings and his status as a sociopath capable of killing anyone who gets in his way without remorse.
AU-Specific Lore:
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Prison world Lore:
Prison worlds are created by Bennett blood sacrifice, meaning a Bennett must be bled to death so the gemini coven can channel her blood magic.
A prison world resets with the eclipse every 3 months.
Time works differently, so no one ages throughout their time there.
A prison world cannot create life so the only living inhabitants are those sent there or arrive via ascendant.
Kai is linked to his prison world so he can’t die. If something kills him, he’ll be out for a while depending on the damage but the magic will heal him back to life. Without Kai, the prison world falls apart so while he’s there, it sustains his life to sustain itself. Once he leaves, it ceases to exist.
The Ascendant - an ancient device created by the Gemini coven and a Bennett ancestor that only responds to a living Bennett’s blood magic. The ascendant is sensitive to magic in general, so even when the spell is done right, it will activate then fall apart. You only have one chance at the time of the eclipse to correctly do the spell, which Kai knows from experience because early on he tried collecting a vial of Bennett blood that he hunted down in a hospital and using Josette's magic he siphoned from a hidden dagger. Disappointment boiled over into rage when he did the spell beneath the eclipse, the ascendant disassembled, but he was not transported out.
The Gemini Coven Lair:
Exists as a interdimensional where the coven keeps ancient texts, grimoires, enchanted items (talismans, gems, ascendants, etc.), and materials for spells & potions
Infinite space that can be utilized by the coven leader: often includes a space for magic instruction, a library, spell casting, a gathering area for the coven, etc.
Accessed only by portal, which is summoned by a spell entrusted to high-ranking Gemini members
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river13245 · 8 months
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Stefan Salvatore (none yet)
Damon Salvatore (none yet)
Caroline Forbes (none yet)
Katherine Pierce (none yet)
Bonnie Bennett (none yet)
Elena Gilbert (none yet)
Kai Parker (none yet)
Klaus Mikaelson (none yet)
Elijah Mikaelson (none yet)
Kol Mikaelson (none yet)
Rebekah Mikaelson (none yet)
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