#kaiju angry birds
kaiju-wolfdragon · 2 years
Now the angry birds experience.
Kaiju red:
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 1 year
my hyperfixations be like:
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jadeazora · 9 months
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....Er, is that all we get? We knew him and Amethio would have ran away from Galarian Moltres/battled it out a bit with the intent of fleeing, but that would have been more interesting to see how they escaped?
One of them definitely left the other to fend off the angry bird kaiju, huh? 😂
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hrodvitnon · 2 months
So I reread Shamhat on a whim and came up with some more questions:
So wouldn't Goji and San's coming brawl (or at least them beefing with each other) violate the sorta unspoken rule about being civil to each other on Infant Island? I ask because Vivienne previously stopped a potential problem between Goji and Rodan in an earlier chapter and just generally feel like Mothra wouldn't be very happy about either of them banging each other up.
So I'm assuming Mothra lets out the pheromones because she's a moth, and that's a thing that Moths do and not just a kaiju thing. Or... is it? Like if Tiamat went into heat would she also start shooting out pheromones? Or does each female kaiju have like a unique heat thing that works to attracts mates?
We've been told that the rut/heat relationship works on a Female - Male basis. Female goes into season, triggers male rut, the fuck happens. Is this constant across all sexual orientations? Like, if there was an exclusively gay male kaiju somewhere would a female's heat just have no effect on them? Would they need another male to trigger their rut?
Was the weird thing with Vivienne in the chapter where she bit Tiamat because of the baby developing and instincts bleeding over, or something else? (if the answer to this is a spoiler than by all means be vague about it)
Has Rodan and/or Vivi thought of a name for the kid yet? (refer to the previous question if you don't want to answer this yet)
Final spicy one: What's the projected spike in the Demi-Titan (Titan/Human Hybrid) population looking like when word that the Titans are biologically compatible gets out? Or just the spike in Titan/Human relations?
Mothra certainly won't be pleased that the boys are fighting on her island and plans to make them both sleep on separate couches once all is said and done (she doesn't care "who started it," only that it started at all, and also San knew what he was getting into when he agreed to come and that Goji was playing with fire for seducing his rival's mate). Her ire will be a bit lessened considering what the beef will quickly turn into, though...
I wanna say the sex pheromones specifically are a Mothra-species staple, while others have different ways of drawing in potential mates. In Tiamat's case, it's her bioluminescence and frills fanning out, like a male peacock. Some species will announce their "current state" through body language or straight-up screaming to get a male's attention ("FOR FUCK'S SAKE I NEED A DICK IN ME RIGHT THE FUCK NOW MY ESTRUS IS FUCKING KILLING ME!!").
I want to be careful about this for obvious reasons, but I want to say that a female's heat signals wouldn't necessarily work on a gay male Titan. Maybe the male is aware that a female is in heat, it just doesn't do anything for him because he's naturally not attracted to the opposite sex. It would work on a bisexual Titan, but I digress. Maybe thanks to how intelligent many Titans are, there's a social agreement among the various species that the "breeding zones" are to be separate from zones where gay Titans can go looking for a mate; in which case, a Titan would react to the "call" of a potential mate of the same sex. Sort of like the gay bars of the wild.
If memory serves correctly, it might be a mix between the baby developing, Rodan's instincts bleeding into Vivienne's more dormant "ancient human" instincts, and her being in close proximity to multiple males in rut, which caused her angry bitey cavewoman reaction. She wasn't just defending her mate, Vivienne in the moment was perceiving Tiamat as a potential threat to her expecting family. (It also makes sense to me that a mama bird would flip out if she spotted a snake anywhere near her nest.)
They haven't had an opportunity to brainstorm baby names yet, on account of the whole rut happening at the moment, but once things calm down and Vivienne begins showing, they'll have plenty of slow days where they can relax and test what names work... or rather, Vivienne will test names. Titans don't always refer to each other with specific names, so Rodan is getting used to that.
I wanna say that there won't be an immediate spike in Demi-Titan births; the chaos of 2014 and especially the Mass Awakening is still fresh in many people's memories, but the revelation that Titans can communicate on a human scale will make it easier for many humans to come to terms with all the Everything that's happened and continues to happen. Platonic Human/Titan relations will gradually improve over time... and once some brave souls get over the initial hurdle of "am I attracted to a big monster" and accept their newfound sexual awakening, intimate or even romantic Human/Titan relations will slowly follow.
Bonus, because The Elder Scrolls just turned 30 years old, a bit of Shamhat baby lore based on how "mixed" baby-making works in TES lore: Demi-Titans take after their mothers; in the case of Titan father/human mother, they naturally need to be human-sized babies in order for mom to give birth without, y'know, dying. In the case of of Titan mother/human father parents, the same applies but on a larger scale.
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abbinurmel · 1 year
GUYS GUYS GUYS, you guys, who wants to share and discuss old obscure kids cartoon shows with me, huh huh huh??
While this was just another obvious Rugrats/Muppet Babies rip-off, for what it's worth, this show was HUGE to me and my baby sister. We played pretend more so as these guys than their better well known far more original predecessors yet even other kids during the 90s didn't much care about this show. It's too bad they lacked merch at least in the US cos if they had any I would have bought it all. I dunno why this mediocre cartoon was so big a deal but I guess we can chalk it up to us simply being into all things dinosaur across the board.
Overall the writing was neither amazing nor terrible, just average for a wholesome kids show, but the entire thing's appeal hinged around one tiny aspect:
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This guy! ...LOOK at this guy! Such a cute lil bastard! He's PRECIOUS! ❤️He's gonna go cruelly concuss some little children with coconuts just for fun from high above, FOR NO REASON, yes he is, YETH HE IIIZ! 😘
This red eyed fiend was called Dak, who was the only antagonist ever on the show, and basically a male Angelica; constantly teasing and pulling tricks purely to get food he could already more easily reach and hoard, or just giggle over suffering. He played things like witches and vampires/ other villains in any retelling of fairy tales and I found him so cool cos pterosaurs were almost always among my favorite dinos, but they didn't quite as often show up. 99% of the time, at least in media up til this point, any evil/mischievous dino, even ones that were not feral just 'playground bullies' or 'rude neighbor' sort of guys, the species chosen for such was always a velociraptor or T-rex, usually portrayed as big, slovenly dumb and older brash teenagers or stupid adult stereotypes.
Sometimes you'd get fictional non-descript looking Bowsers or kaijus. Pterosaurs and pterodactyls meanwhile always got the shaft. You had that one segment of Fantasia, and Don Bluth's Petri, and that was it. Subconsciously even to this day it seems we still have relegated nearly ALL flying dinos to only cowardly sidekicks or filler roles, if not simply outright mindless mounts or 'birds' or five second 'sentient Flintstone-tool' gags. Which is crazy, because if we read up on them, these beasts were literal some of the top apex predators, *nightmare dragons* with private plane wingspan at their mightiest worst, the nastiest and shittiest of cassowary or Canada geese at the lowest end. Which is quite possibly lots worse for us humans to deal with if you dwell on it. Have you ever fucked around with angry swan or Canadian goose? Do NOT TRY.
Dak meanwhile, was not only a pterosaur, he wasn't even any bigger or older than the other babies on the show. He was cunning, mean and extremely agile and literally had the exact same personality and voice of a tamed Zorak from "Space Ghost Coast2Coast"...which is hilarious because nobody else in the show sounds like that. Can you imagine having a friend group like this, I mean in actual real life?...Everyone else has your typical 90's child voice, or at least voices attempting at sounding *kinda* like a child, and everyone else has fairly normal human names like Franklin and Marshall. ...All except this one weird guy who is only called DAK and is clearly AN ADULT and screeching like he was the unholy spawn between Mrs. Bighead and one of the Dark Crystal's Skeksis. You got for no reason this one crackhead or irl Invader Zim character hanging around and constantly harassing you and you can't make him go away so you begrudgingly accept him as your friend AND HE CAN FLY.
...Maybe it's just me? There's just something really kinda funny about having a bunch of normal kids standing around, and then there is THAT guy; the one guy who for no reason hangs out just to be a pest and has fucking bloodshot red eyes, and speaks like Gollum except he eats cigarette butts from the trash cans every day. I can't explain, I just... love it.
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swoobatte · 8 months
//the mental image of Vladimir fighting flying etc for his life and Leon just aggressively blogging on his phone is so funny
//YOURE RIGHT ITS SO FUCKING FUNNY. The idea of Leon just hanging onto Vladamir's chest scrolling rotumblr while theres a kaiju battle going on like 3 feet away. He installed angry birds cause he knew it would be a long night. He's taking selfies. The longer I think about it the funnier it gets
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transhawks · 2 years
I don't know why but I genuinely find the idea of hawks fighting a godzilla chicken to be hilarious. Or he could fight many tiny chickens. Ever seen that clip of some poor hawk who thought he had found an easy meal when he flew into a chicken coop only to be beaten up by a bunch of angry ladies? The face of that bird when he was rescued by the farmer is still sending me.
I've seen that video and I love it though that poor hawks was in trouble!!! Chickens are actually viscous...
As for Keigo, there are so many Hawks quits heroing and becomes a chicken farmer AUs that I'm sure fighting a Kaiju Chicken must happen in one of them....
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kaiju-gurlfriend · 3 months
(Pinned Post!!) Welcome to my Blog! Explanation
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Heyo! My name is Gatia and Im the admin of this account that is dedicated to Kaiju related stuff along with Transformers even (and some Undertale) as a big ole crossover thing. Yeah I have my other blogs such as crackicrossiships or floragators but I felt like making a different blog.
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I am a huge Godzilla/Kaijus fan and have been one for a very long time so I might as well make an account dedicated to that fixation. I love monsters, aliens, robots, shippings, and crossovers. The main things you will see in this account because of it. Im also a fan of Transformers (feel free to ask me about which media I might like) and Undertale (including its Aus). I have a lot of kaiju ocs, infact, my main one who is the mascot of this blog is Female Godzilla/Seishin. No she is not actually a genderbent version of Godzilla, that’s just her title lol.
Now I should specify that im not as knowledgeable in the topic of all Transformers continuities as I would like to be (in terms of which ones im fixated on) however I but would be overjoyed to interact with anyone who are huge fans!! I still would love to talk about it and get to know more. Again, feel free to ask me which form of Transformers Media I may know much about. The ones I like are Earthspark, Prime, and kinda Live Action Ones.
My other interests do include Undertale (and its aus feel free to ask which ones), some other kaiju media, Jurassic Park, Hungry Shark, Angry Birds, Subnautica (both OG and Below Zero), Zombie Fish Tank (if you even know about it), and Natural/Nature related horror movies!! Just ask me about any of them! My ask box is always open :3 So are my dms but only use that if you wanna talk with me about something directly.
I’ll update this post when I need to :33
Some of my artworks to showcase!!
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venomgodzilla117 · 7 months
Some information about me.
Real name: Sergio Gomez Cahuich.
Age: 19.
Mental condition: Asperger.
Height: 1.86 meters.
Franchises that I like: ARK Survival Evolved, Angry birds, Bakugan battle brawlers, Bloodborne, Dragon ball, Fortnite, Fire Emblem, Gears of War, Genshin Impact, Godzilla, God of War, Halo Combat evolved, Honkai Star Rail, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Jurassic Park, Metroid, Monsters vs Aliens, Nikke: Goddess of victory, Pacific Rim, Pokemon, Spider-Man, Super Mario Bros, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers, Etc.
Characters that I like: Susan Murphy, Godzilla, Master Chief, Eula Lawrence, Venom, Spider-Man, Bowser, Gipsy danger, Charizard, Gehrman the first hunter, Edelgard, Marcus Fenix, Kratos, Donatello, Joseph Joestar, Helm, Son Goku, Red, Aquos Preyas, Helena Walker, Optimus Prime, Samus Aran, T. Rex Buck, Kafka, Etc.
Most like Male Characters: Venom, Grimlock, Godzilla, Master Chief, Optimus Prime, Bowser, and Optimus Primal.
Most like Female Characters: Susan Murphy, Edelgard, Eula Lawrence, Tntina, Helm, Kafka, Mira Fermin, and Samus Aran.
Most like dinosaur: T. Rex, Spinosaurus, and Carnotaurus.
Most like Kaiju: Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Rodan, And Gamera.
Favorite movies: Venom, Monsters vs Aliens, Godzilla King of the Monsters, Transformers Revenge of the fallen, The lost world Jurassic Park, Shrek, and Iron Man.
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therisingsun777 · 1 year
So last night I had an interesting dream. I don't wanna submit it to the dream blog because two times feels like too much in my head.
Anyways, it started with a fairy, who had transformed into a human-like form to break into the house I was in (it was a Big house, with a wholeass concrete/gravel path leading to the door). Anyway, I trapped the fairy in a plastic bag, with the intention of taking it out and talking to it civilly (for some reason I couldn't just... talk to it normally). When I broke part of it open to grab it by the legs, I accidentally ended up touching one of the fairy's tits, they got angry, and then the dream just Cut.
I was in, I believe, an arcade. I was playing this game where you get chased by a Monkey, but the monkey was Huge (not like, Kaiju levels, but just below the size of a gorilla). Anyways, this disembodied voice starts talking, and it mentions a secret code that you can input onto the game. After it inputs the code, things get worst (during the playthrough where you're running from the Monkey-Thing, dream me was already a bit scared).
Suddenly, I had to do two things at once. One of my hands, which was invisible btw, has to basically rotate the Earth in the game, and the other is responsible for maneuvering around boxes and other obstacles (I had a bird's eye view). But what was chasing me this time? It was this big, red Thing. It had tentacles jutting out from the lower part of its body, and teeth jutting out from the top in every direction.
I couldn't handle it, and suddenly the dream cuts again. This time the disembodied voice is narrating an alternate history, where this thing was essentially a God that everybody worshipped. Everything about it felt Wrong, but in that subtle way, where you Know something is wrong, but it's everywhere.
It's also important to note that, throughout the entire dream I was Scared, it was that sort of fear that's so invasive that you hardly recognize it as fear anymore. But beyond that? It wasn't a nightmare; I didn't wake up afraid.
I think I need to write about this, I just don't really know how to make it a story yet. It was an amazing dream, and I needed to share it somewhere.
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dopepope · 5 years
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Gappa full final render. Zbrush / Keyshot. #dopepope #zbrush #keyshot #gappa #angry #kaiju #monster #triphibian #bird #sculpture #3D #art #work #artprint #movie #oldschool https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Gy7tchQ7W/?igshid=qg2bcgbejnq7
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cornsnoot · 5 years
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apparently it’s blog-irrelevant posting night so suffer another godzilla doodle
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johannestevans · 3 years
The #MonstrousMayChallenge 2021
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Love monsters?
The #MonstrousMayChallenge is going to be a series of monster-centric prompts for every day of the month of May!
Draw, write, talk about, analyse, shitpost, critique, rec, discuss, create, consume, and otherwise have fun with each prompt.
Tell your friends, pick and choose the prompts that you like best: make art, make fiction, make rec lists, make jokes, make monsters!
May 1. What is a Monster? May 2. How to Talk to Your Monster May 3. The Vampire May 4. Iconic Settings May 5. Feeding Time May 6. The Lycanthrope May 7. Adverse Weather Conditions May 8. The Monster in Love May 9. The Undead May 10. "... and add a monster." May 11. A Baby Monster May 12. The Alien May 13. The Domesticated Monster May 14. Clothing Your Monster May 15. The Mermaid
May 16. The Gentle Kaiju May 17. Monstrous Transformations May 18. Angels & Demons May 19. Monstrous Flora May 20. The Monster in History May 21. The Hybrid May 22. Kept Captive May 23. The Human is the Monster May 24. The Dragon May 25. The Monster Dies May 26. The Hive-Mind May 27. The Fae May 28. The Monster Extinct May 29. Cultural Differences May 30. The Minotaur May 31. Happily Ever After
The full write-up for the #MonstrousMayChallenge is below the cut — for every day of the month of May 2021, there’ll be a new prompt all to do with creating monsters and monster-centric stories!
You can either go directly off of the prompts themselves, or if you want a little more inspiration, you can come check this post for more in-depth exploration of the idea in question.
For each entry in response to the prompts, regardless of what platform you post to, make sure to tag the #MonstrousMayChallenge! In the meantime, just spread the word and tell your friends to get them ready for May!
Feel free to pick and mix the prompts you like best, to skip any prompts that don’t suit you, or to swap in prompts of your own if you like — every 3rd day is a specific category of “classic” monsters, and they’re not for everybody!
“Monsters are the patron saints of imperfection.” — Guillermo del Toro (x)
The emphasis on all of the prompts below are on monster-centric and monster-POV stories. Monstrous romances and monstrous erotica are both welcome and encouraged, just as much as platonic monstrosity is, and please feel free to join in regardless of your medium, whether you draw, write, animate, or create in another way entirely!
Just a note as to what expect — this challenge is intended for those who love monsters, who identify with monsters, who feel for the monsters, and all the prompts are written with that expectation in mind.
One small note: throughout these prompts there are references to folklore and ideas from different cultures and backgrounds. When exploring ideas from cultures that aren’t your own, remember that not every representation of spirits or monsters can be divorced from its original context, and take care to do your research to ensure you aren’t harming others by furthering harmful stereotypes or appropriating ideas of cultural importance.
We’re all here to have fun, which means that using a love of monsters as a vehicle for racism (whether that’s outright or by upholding colonial and imperial ideas, appropriating from other cultures, or fetishising other races and cultures) is not what we want to see in the course of this challenge, and isn’t welcome here.
Note the above especially in regards to the Alonquian W*nd*go.
Saturday 1st May 2021 — What is a monster?
Here’s a warm-up challenge to start the month off:
For you, what is a monster? What makes a monster monstrous? What delights you, excites you, scares you, horrifies you about a monster? What fills you with affection for monster?
When you first hear the word monster, what springs first to mind?
This is a free space — talk about, write about, draw, animate, sing about, the monster(s) you love best, and why you love them!
Sunday 2nd May 2021 — How To Talk To Your Monster
How does your monster communicate?
Do they have a mouth, lips, a tongue, like humans do? Do they communicate verbally at all? Do they communicate via telepathy, via their tentacles, or their limbs? Do they speak, but at a pitch or volume or speed inaudible or incomprehensible to human ears? How is this gap bridged?
Does your monster understand humans but struggle to make itself understood? Does your monster want to be understood?
Alternate: How does your monster communicate with other, different monsters?
Monday 3rd May 2021 — The Vampire
The vampire is a walking corpse that sustains itself by feeding off the the blood of the living.
There are a thousand variations on the myth — a corpse that rises from its grave at night only to mindlessly glut itself on the prey it can find becomes a reclusive gentleman who lives in isolation in a brooding, gothic castle overlooking a Transylvanian woodland (Dracula); a sparkly immortal Mormon who likes to climb into young women’s windows to watch them while they sleep (Twilight); a rich aristocrat so intent on preserving his properties and his privilege that he clings onto immortality at all costs (Interview with the Vampire); an extremely sexy vampire in sunglasses who’s devoted to killing other vampires (Blade), and so on and so forth.
Explore your own take on the vampire:
Is your vampire actually dead? Do they just appear dead, or sleep in coffins?
What makes a vampire? A curse? A ritual? Transmission of vampiric disease — via the exchange of blood or via sex? Are they born that way? Do dhampirs (half-vampires) exist? Do vampires become vampires by choice? Is there a contract or an agreement?
Does your vampire drink blood? Cerebral fluid? Consume human flesh? Do they sap energy from others in non-literal ways — for example, do they feed off of emotions or energy, or seek to devour a soul?
If they survive off of the above, do they also eat or drink other things? Are they capable of doing so without becoming ill?
Is your vampire sensitive to sunlight? Bright light in general? Do they physically react to it? Do they burn, or crumble to dust? How do they cope with this — do they only come out at night, do they wear leathers and carry a parasol, do they use a medicated suncream?
Can vampires become ill? Sick? What weakens a vampire? What kills them?
Does your vampire have any other powers? Can they fly, hypnotise people, transform into gas or another animal?
What happens if a non-human becomes a vampire?
Alternate: A non-vampire monster becomes absolutely obsessed with vampires. They love them to pieces! Why? How do they get their vampire fix?
Some inspiration, if you want it:
Article: An 18th-century guide to hunting vampires from National Geographic
Article: The Great New England Vampire Panic from the Smithsonian Magazine
Video Essay: The Sexy Vampire Trope, Explained, from The Take
Tuesday 4th May 2021 — Iconic Settings
Imagine an iconic setting within the horror genre or without — your Transylvanian castles, your unending deserts of shifting sands, your haunted houses and their infinitely winding corridors, your unholy spires atop distant peaks, your deep and dismal caves, your roiling seas…
What monsters lurk within these settings? How do they feel about their environs? What happens if you transplant a monster from one such setting into its opposite, or combine a few of them together?
What happens if these settings are invaded, lost, destroyed, expanded, changed?
Alternate: Imagine any iconic setting you like, but instead of the monster lurking within, the setting is the monster.
The seas themselves are sentient; the caves are toothy maws of impossible beasts; the mountains themselves have eyes; the castles and houses and ancient tombs and temples are, themselves, imbued with a spirit… Is it hungry? Angry? Lonely?
Wednesday 5th May 2021 — Feeding Time
What does your monster eat?
Is it predator or prey? To a human understanding, does it look like what it is? If it eats meat, does it prefer to eat it dead or alive? If it’s not from this planet or dimension, does it struggle to find new things to eat? What does it look like when your monster eats? Is it private about eating? Does it look scary when it feeds?
Does it eat at all? Does your monster get its energy from the sun, from electricity, from magic, from something else entirely?
Alternate: From a monstrous POV, a human’s dietary habits seem monstrous and strange. Why?
Thursday 6th May 2021 — The Lycanthrope
The werewolf is a person who turns into a wolf, typically at the time of the full moon. Lycanthropy is the name of the condition of being a werewolf, or someone who turns into some other animal.
The variations on the werewolf are infinite — the core is often people bitten by strange beasts and left forever cursed with their regular transformation (for example, in The Wolf Man); but a curse is also possible, such as when kings are turned into wolves as punishment for their hubris (as with King Lycaon in Metamorphoses); or of course, a curse inherited, such as when young men who come into their inherited lycanthropy and suddenly have a whole host of new puberty concerns (Teen Wolf).
And it needn’t be a wolf at all — there are all manner of shapeshifters between one myth and the next, and as much as there are werewolves there might be werelions, werebears, werebats, et cetera, et cetera.
For your lycanthrope, why not explore:
What animal or creature does your lycanthrope turn into? A wolf, a bear, a lion, a snake, a bird? Something magical — a phoenix, a unicorn, a griffin, a dragon?
Once transformed, can your lycanthrope be distinguished from the normal edition of the beast? What are the differences, for example, between a werewolf and a wolf?
Can your lycanthrope transform at will? Is it influenced by their emotion? Is it kept to a regular schedule? Can that schedule be interrupted? For example, if it’s a monthly cycle like someone’s menstruation, can they go for periods without transforming or with “spotty” transformations? If it’s with the phases of the moon, does hiding from the moon help? What happens if you send them to another planet?
Is the transformation painful? Physically or mentally taxing?Are there any health problems associated with lycanthropy?
When transformed, how conscious and aware of themselves is you lycanthrope? Do they know they’re transformed? Do they remember what they were?
Alternate: Sometimes, another monster turns into a human.
Friday 7th May 2021 — Adverse Weather Conditions
What weather is your monster happiest in? What weather is your monster least happy in?
Is your monster native to an area that’s extremely hot and humid? Very cold and dry? Is your monster used to heavy rains, droughts and little water, sandstorms, electrical storms, blizzards? If your monster lives in space or underwater, how are they affected by solar flares or tropical storms, shifts in tides and gravitational flows?
How has your monster evolved or developed to handle these weather conditions — or, is there anything your monster hasn’t evolved for, and struggles with?
Alternate: Your monster is a house-monster, and will not be going outside. They would like a blanket and a cup of hot cocoa and a nice comfortable bed, please and thank you.
Saturday 8th May 2021 — The Monster In Love
Your monster’s in love — what do they do about it?
Does your monster have any particular mating rituals or ways in which they show their affection? Does your monster mate for life, does your monster date, does your monster romance singular or multiple partners? Does your monster yearn, do they pine? Do they bring gifts, do they do special dances, do say particular words or have mating calls?
Is their love reciprocated — is it even understood?
When one monster loves another monster, what does it look like? What does it look like when a monster is in love with a human? When a human falls in love with a monster?
Alternate: Your monster has never been in love, and is baffled — perhaps even disgusted — by the prospect. Do they do research? Demand an explanation?
Sunday 9th May 2021 — The Undead
The undead covers a lot of things under a similar umbrella, and it’s up to you whether they count as monsters or not — ghosts, ghouls, poltergeists, spirits, revenants, draugr, reanimated corpses like zombies, arguably vampires… To infinity, and beyond.
We can be talking spirits without bodies or with new bodies, corpses with new spirits in them, corpses controlled by necromancers or the like, and so on.
So, for this prompt:
For your undead monster, are they conscious, sentient? Do they control their own body? Do they remember when they were alive, if they were dead and then reanimated?
If they have a physical form, can someone tell they’re undead? Are they rotting, corpse-like, desiccated, all bones, all flesh, all muscle? Are they missing parts? Do they have any extra ones? Do they look the same way they used to? If they don’t have a physical form, can you see them at all? Can you see them only sometimes?
What sustains this undead monster? Do they feed off of anything, or are they just sustained by the air itself, by magic, by some sort of magical object or curse?
Was your undead monster once a human? Once a werewolf? Once a faerie, once a dragon, once some other creature entirely?
Alternate: Your monster is a necromancer, and they are not undead, but control and raise, in some way or another, the undead.
Monday 10th May 2021 — “… and add a monster.”
Take absolutely any iconic work you like, whether it’s a classic piece of literature, a poem, a piece of mythology or folklore, a fairy tale, a fable, a shanty or a campfire song — anything that’s in the public domain and might be well-recognised — and add a monster.
Have Sherlock Holmes meeting a vampire, reimagine Jean Valjean as a minotaur, give Mr Darcy a deep and affectionate longing for his local werewolf.
You don’t have to keep to the same characters or plots — rewrite an existing plot with monsters (Rapunzel or Cinderella, for example), have two plots crossover (what happens when the monsters in two myths team up to defeat the hero out to kill them?), add monsters or change the monsters in the narrative, or if it already has a monster, add another.
Alternate: Take a public domain domain monster and give them a break. Send Dracula on holiday, give the poor result of Frankenstein’s experiments a spa day, etc.
Tuesday 11th May 2021 — A Baby Monster
How do the monsters breed?
Do they lay eggs? Give birth to live young? Do something else entirely? Are monsters active parents? What happens when monsters interbreed, or breed with humans?
Is the breeding… fun? 😉
I know not everyone likes writing babies or kids, and equally that some people have come into this challenge specifically for the monsterfucking, so there’ll be two streams of main prompts — one focusing on the breeding for you child-free monsterfuckers, and another focusing more on monstrous baby development once an egg is laid or a baby is born, etc.
Feel free to do both if you want to do both, as one does lead into the other!
Questions about breeding and monstrous pregnancy:
Does your monster fertilise eggs for the purposes of a live pregnancy, do they lay eggs, do they clone themselves, do they breed in some other way?
If your monster has genitalia, what do they look like? Are they analogous to human genitalia? Are they particularly big or particularly small compared to the analogous human parts, if so? How compatible is your monster’s genitalia with a human’s genitalia — or another monster’s?
If there is a size difference between monster and partner, what comes of this? Are there any chemical differences between monster and partner — for example, does the monster’s touch impart a high or some kind of contact aphrodisiac?
Are any attempts at breeding viable? If the monster’s partner is filled with eggs, what happens the longer they carry them? If the partner does carry the eggs or the babies to the point of birth and laying, what happens? Is it a painful process? Will they survive it? Does the partner know they’re pregnant at all?
And the pregnancy/egg-carrying questions: how does the partner’s biology change to accommodate the pregnancy? Do they have any strange or unexpected cravings? Does their biology change in any unexpected questions?
Questions about monstrous child development:
How is the monstrous baby first conceived? Is it an egg laid, is it an egg fertilised, an egg fertilised and then carried, as the result of a live pregnancy, something else entirely? If they’re laid eggs, do they go through a larval stage or other similar development?
Are monstrous babies born alone, or in groups? Do they have a high viability rate? Do the monstrous babies eat one another? Do they eat their egg casing or their placenta, if applicable? If not, what do they eat — do they drink milk or blood, do they need their food pre-chewed by their parents, can they look for food themselves?
Are monstrous parents very active in caring for their offspring? Are monstrous babies born able to take care of themselves, able to have a sort of independence, or do they need to be cared for for a period first?
How fast or slow is a monster’s development? How long does it take for them to become fully grown? How much do they grow, and how does their body develop and change as they run through their lifecycle? Do they shed their skin or any body parts, do they change a lot materially?
Alternate: What does monstrous contraception look like? Do they have a concept of it? If they don’t, how do they feel about it being explained to them?
Wednesday 12th May 2021 — The Alien
What makes an alien?
Are they from another planet, another dimension? How similar are they to anything found on Earth? How did they get here?
Are they intelligent, sentient? Do they know they’re on a foreign planet or in a foreign dimension? How fit are they to survive on Earth? How do they respond to the animals, the new sounds, the new world, around them? What technology do they have? Do they appear to be aliens as people imagine them? Do they pilot aircraft as people think they do?
Alternate: A human (or another species from Earth) is the alien on another planet or another dimension populated with “monsters”.
Thursday 13th May 2021 — The Domesticated Monster
Let’s look at the monster domesticated.
The likes of Pokémon, fantastical creatures as beasts of burden or as steeds — unicorns and pegasi and giant spiders and dragons, for example — or other tamed monsters that have learned to live with humans, and live side-by-side with them.
Are monsters actively bred for a result, or do they domesticate themselves as cats and dogs did? Do they perform tasks or assist humans? Do they give milk or eggs or honey or silk or meat? At what point in their domestication are they? Are they happy? Are they well-treated?
Alternate: A monster gets a pet of their own — is it a fantastical species, or is it a dog, cat, bird, etc? Is it even a human?
Friday 14th May 2021 — Clothing Your Monster
Does your monster wear clothes or armour?
What sort of clothes or armour do they wear? Is it grown, made, bought, traded for? Do they wear any other kind of jewelry or decoration? Do they always wear it, or only for some occasion? What do they think of human clothes? Do they want to try wearing any themselves, or taking human fabrics for monstrous clothes?
Alternate: If your monster does not wear clothes, what do they think of human clothes? How do they feel about the fact that humans wear them? Do they have a full understanding of the separation between clothes and flesh?
Saturday 15th May 2021 — The Mermaid
A mermaid is a half-human, half-fish.
You can take this very literally, as in The Little Mermaid, with someone who has a human upper half and fishy bottom half (or the other way around…😏), you can think more along the lines of the fish-person we see in Abe Sapien from Hellboy or (also) in Guillermo Del Toro’s The Shape of Water, or you can look at different variations on mermaids — the seal-like selkie who can remove their pelt to walk on land; the siren that calls to sailors so they dash themselves upon the rocks; naiads and other spirits of the water; the rusalke of the water, and so on.
Questions for your merfolk:
Do they belong in freshwater, saltwater, brackish water? Do they stay in the seas, in deep lakes, in ponds?
Do they regularly come to the surface, or do they live very deep below? What sort of temperatures are they used to, and how much sunlight? If they live in cold water or deep below the surface, are they very large and blubbery to ensure they can cope with the pressure and the cold?
Are your merfolk bioluminscent? Fish-like, cetacean-like, cephalapod-esque? If they do look similar to humans, with a human face or human body parts, do they look or feel like human flesh underneath the skin, or is it just for appearance?
What and how do your merfolk eat? Do they eat fish, meat, seaweed, plankton?
How do your merfolk feel about humans? About fish and other marine life? About animals on land? Other monsters?
Can your merfolk step onto land? Do they want to? Are they curious about what they find there? Do the humans nearby know about them, care about them?
Do merfolk live alone, in groups or as families? Are they migratory? How far do they travel, and for what reasons? Do they build towns and cities? How do they feel humans compare to them?
Alternate: A completely different non-merfolk-esque monster lives at the very bottom of the sea. What is it? How do humans come upon it? How big is it?
Sunday 16th May 2021 — The Gentle Kaiju
Kaiju is a Japanese genre of films— your Godzilla, your Mothra, your Rodan, all of these are kaiju: strange, gigantic beasts.
This prompt is centred around any monsters of superlative size that are trying their absolute best not to harm any of the little people scurrying them about them.
You can take this literally — think kaiju tip-toeing their ways through great cities and trying not to step on anything important, huge space beasts careful not to disturb planetary orbits in case they hurt anyone, or even the likes of the human trying not to step on any ants — or you can think of other monsters trying not to harm others despite some aspect of their biology making it difficult for them — Lovecraftian beasts doing their best not to do anyone any psionic damage, for example, or Medusa-like beings desperate to avoid people’s gazes in case they do any harm.
Alternate: An extremely tiny monster or another monster very easily harmed by human activities needs to kept safe.
Monday 17th May 2021 — Monstrous Transformations
How does a monster transform?
Does in transition between one form or another, like a werewolf, or between forms for land versus water? Does it regularly transform or transition through different physical presentations? Does it shed its skin, leave its old body behind? Does it grow new teeth or claws or body parts? Does it transform in response to disease or ailment?
Does a human transform slowly into a monster? Does a monster transform into another? Is this transformation willing, conscious — is it against all desperate attempts to prevent it? Is it painful? Is it agony?
Alternate: A monster expresses deep curiosity about human transformations — perhaps the differences between a child and an adult and their scale of growth, perhaps the apparent transformation when a human changes clothes, or puts on a mask, or even make-up.
Tuesday 18th May 2021 — Angels & Demons
A demon is typically an evil spirit or devil, and are sometimes thought to be fallen angels; angels are typically benevolent spirits, often thought of as celestial messengers.
Being as they’re often thought to be celestial or infernal, do you think of them as being from another dimension? How well do they mesh with Earth, from their own perspectives and human ones? How do they look or appear? Do they have to present themselves in a strange or unusual form? How do they communicate with humans — and why? Are they evil, benevolent, or simply neutral?
Are angels and demons separate things? How many kinds of angels and demons are there respectively? If they’re separate, do they communicate with one another, balance with one another?
Alternate: A monster that is not a demon or angel decides to present itself as one or the other. What is it? Why does it present itself this way?
Wednesday 19th May 2021 — Monstrous Flora
Your monster is plant- or mushroom-based!
(Or lichen-based, or algae-based, or moss-based, or coral-based, or…)
What does it look like? What makes it different from a mammalian or scaly monster? Where does it come from? How does it move, how does it breathe, how does it eat? Does it sleep? Does it 😏… you know? Is it good at it?
Alternate: Your monster lives codependently with, or lives inside, some sort of plant. What does that co-evolved relationship look like? How big is the plant? What does it look like?
Thursday 20th May 2021 — The Monster in History
Throughout history, the perception of your monster has changed over time.
Is your monster immortal? Over the progression of recorded history, has it been this same monster recorded in one sighting after another, in art or in story? Or, is your monster the latest generation of a species or line of inheritance that has gone on for a long while?
How much has your monster’s culture changed and developed in that time — has it changed in reaction to or alongside human cultures? How accurate has human perception of your monster been as the centuries have rolled by? How has art or stories about your monster changed in their telling?
How has the monster reacted to changes in human history, or different events as they have happened?
Does your monster even notice the passage of time? Are they in some way insensible to it, or do they experience it in a way humans don’t?
Alternate: The monster is a time-traveler! How do they do this? Why?
Friday 21st May 2021 — The Hybrid
A few things are bred together to create a monster, whether that monster be sublime or an abomination before the universe!
Think about griffins, pegasi, basilisks, cockatrices, and of course the manticore — any sort of beast made by combining one creature with another.
What creatures have been combined to create this monster? Has a human been one of them? How has this combination been achieved — via actual interbreeding, magically assisted or otherwise, via alchemy, a curse, or some other magical process? Has this creature literally been stitched together and then reanimated? How have the different creatures contributing to the creature changed its behaviour or its abilities?
Alternate: An attempt is made to create a hybrid… and unfortunately this is not the result. What is?
Saturday 22nd May 2021 — Kept Captive
The monster is captured.
How big or small is your monster? How was it captured — was bait used to draw it in, such as a food stuff, a copied call? Was it herded into an ambush? Was it trapped under a cage, in drop trap, in a magic trap? How easy was it to capture — did it take a long time, were several attempts made? For what reason was the monster captured?
Now kept captive, how big is your monster’s enclosure? Is it a cage, a glass box, physical chains or bondage, something else entirely? How long has it been there? Is it alone — would it rather be alone than the alternative? Is it struggling with its captivity? Is it marking out the amount of time it has been kept trapped, screaming at its captors, harming itself in its desperation for escape?
Is it likely ever to be freed?
Alternative: A human is kept captive by a monster.
Sunday 23rd May 2021 — The Human Is The Monster
From the perspective of the narrator, the human is the monster.
Who or what is made to fear them? What makes the human so monstrous in their eyes? Is it to do with the human’s size, their appearance, their behaviour, the nature of humans as a collective?
Alternative: The human thinks they’re thought of as the monster — the real monster is behind them (figuratively or literally).
Monday 24th May 2021 — The Dragon
A dragon is a mythical creature, often large and scaly, with variations found the world over.
Is your dragon extremely big, or very small? Is it indeed scaly, or does it appear so? Is it some form of sea serpent, or does it fly? Does it have wings, fins, a tail, teeth? Does it have very powerful senses, or different ones entirely to what one might expect? Does it have a mouth, eyes, a tongue, ears? Does it breathe fire or ice, have gills? Does it have some other supernatural power — telepathy, telekinesis, affect the weather or the tide?
What does your dragon eat? Does it eat meat, vegetables? Does it feed off of magic?
Does your dragon hoard anything — gold, jewels, young people out for a wander? Livestock? Something else entirely?
Alternate: An ancient dungeon, temple, or some other monument, is marked by a huge statue of a dragon. Something else inhabits it.
Tuesday 25th May 2021 — The Monster Dies
It’s the end of the story — or perhaps the beginning.
The monster dies.
Alternate: The monster dies… but only for a while.
Wednesday 26th May 2021 — The Hive-Mind
The monsters in this one are multiple.
They share a hive-mind, whether that hive-mind is created by pheromones, by fungus or infection or disease, by magic, by telepathy, by technology, or something else entirely. How many beings are part of this collective? Do they exist in conjunction with one another, and move as a swarm or a hive? Do they synchronise their movements, and work together toward a common goal? Can they work independently, or only as a group?
Can others be inducted into this hive-mind, willingly or otherwise? Is this painful or uncomfortable? Does it wipe away what experiences came before?
If a member of the hive-mind travels far away, do they remain connected to the whole? How is this hive-mind used, when beings work independently? Can it be sensed or its effects be noticed by outsiders? What is its everyday function?
Alternative: A being once a member of a hive-mind or a collective is severed from it, and now alone. Are they grieving? Do they feel free? Are tasks suddenly more difficult or easy for them? How do they feel?
Thursday 27th May 2021 — The Fae
The fae are supernatural beings or spirits found in a variety of folklore.
The fae are often associated with woodland, bodies of water, bogland, or other particular areas, but there are variations on variations of different fae legend: elves, brownies, merfolk, y tylwyth teg, the bean sidhe, selkies, gnomes, kobolds, leprechauns, nymphs, pixies…
In a lot of modern fantasy, the fae are associated with rigidity around law and rules, certain contracts, and many superstitions are associated with fae or fae-like beings, where one offends them at one’s peril.
What makes the fae monstrous? What makes them frightening and an object of horror for others? What rules do they follow and expect others to follow? What superstitions are associated with them?
Alternate: The fae are introduced to pop culture depictions of fairies. What is their response?
Friday 28th May 2021 — The Monster Extinct
The monster has been extinct for thousands of years, if not hundreds of thousands, and based off of the evidence of them — stories, fossils, remains, old art, people are trying to back-engineer what they were like, what they looked like, how they communicated.
How accurate are they? How off?
Alternate: The monster doesn’t exist yet, or is a long way off, but has been told about in prophecy, or glimpsed in visions of the future. Are these glimpses accurate to the truth? Do they tell the whole story?
Saturday 29th May 2021 — Cultural Differences
What does cultural exchange look like between monster and human, or between two monstrous cultures?
How do these distinct cultures affect one another or interact? Are there large cultural differences between the monstrous cultures and the human ones? Are there any moral, ethical, aesthetic, economic, political, legal, or other cultural aspects that are very much at odds between some cultures and the others?
For example, do the human and monstrous cultures both have money? Do they treat money as of the same importance? Do they rank things in the same orders of importance? Do they have similar customs around politeness, greeting, language? Does each culture respect the others, or do they consider themselves superior or inferior?
Alternate: A human has never had much experience of the culture they were born of — they only know the monstrous culture they were raised by and into. What does that look like?
Sunday 30th 2021 — The Minotaur
It’s my birthday and the minotaur is my absolute favourite, so! Minotaurs!
The classical minotaur was the son of Pasiphaë and the unwilling stepson of King Minos of Knossos: born with the body of a man and the head and tail of a bull, he was declared monstrous and trapped within the labyrinthine maze beneath the great palaces of Knossos, until the hero Theseus came to slay him dead.
Today, the minotaur is the name for any half-bull half-human delight, tragic or otherwise.
Alternate: You needn’t limit yourself to a half-bull half-human if you feel the need to abandon literal perfection — go for the drider, perhaps, a half-human half-spider, return to the merfolk of several prompts above, and go half-human, half-fish, the satyr, half-goat half-human.
Whatever it is, make it half-human, half-something else, and then decide:
Is your monster cursed? Were they made this way, were they born this way? Are they happy? Are they the same as their family members, or are they different? If they are the latter, are they loved and accepted, or made an exile?
What are the benefits and negatives to their physical appearance and to their biology? Are there any aspects that might be unexpected?
Are they viewed by people in general as frightening, intimidating, unusual, strange, incredibly sexy? Are they treated as a monster?
Monday 31st May 2021 — Happily Ever After
The monster lives happily ever after…
What does that look like?
Alternate: Or, your monster has a tragic ending — because you’re the monster, apparently! 😒😭
Thanks so much for considering taking part in the #MonstrousMayChallenge!
If you want to do any of the above prompts, or if you want to do them all, but you’re not a writer or an artist, or you are but you’re not always in the mood for art, here’s a list of alternate activities you can do to tick off the prompts!
Do some worldbuilding, analysis, meta, or discussion of common tropes within or related to the prompt
Shitpost or make jokes or memes about or related to the prompt
Do some aesthetic or graphic posts
Watch movies or TV episodes, read comics, or consume other media, related to the prompts
Make rec lists for other people of movies or TV episodes or books (or other media!) related to the prompts
Comment on and show some love for other prompt fills in the #MonsterMayChallenge tag! Share your favourite work and support fellow creators!
I’m on Twitter, and will be posting about the challenge throughout, but I also write other short stories and books!
Check out my Patreon, my stories on Medium, my books for sale, and my WorldAnvil — and if you would like to, feel free to leave a tip!
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sundove88 · 3 years
Polterpup (Frankenweenie Parody cast)
Young Luigi is a science nerd and outsider at school, but he does have one good friend: his dog, Polterpup. But then, tragedy strikes, and Polterpup shuffles off this mortal coil. Luigi is heartbroken, but his science teacher Dr. Eggman gives him an idea of how to jolt old Polterpup back to life. The experiment is successful, and all goes well, until Luigi’s fellow students steal his secret and use it to resurrect other dead animals -- with monstrous consequences.
Luigi as Victor Frankenstein (Mario)
Polterpup as Sparky Frankenstein (Luigi’s Mansion)
Terence as Edward Frankenstein (Angry Birds)
Matilda as Susan Frankenstein (Angry Birds)
Princess Daisy as Elsa Van Helsing (Mario)
Dracunyan as The Vampire Cat (Yo-Kai Watch)
Taranza as Nassor (Kirby)
Bowser Jr as Edgar E. Gore (Mario)
Bandana Dee as Bob (Kirby)
Hiro Himada as Toshiaki (Big Hero 6)
Lucy Wong as Bob’s Mom (Balan Wonderworld)
Rinko Shirokane as Weird Girl (BanG Dream!)
Dr. Eggman as Mr. Rzykruski (Sonic)
Antasma as Mr. Burgermeister (Mario and Luigi)
Poochy as Persephone (Mario)
Garfield as Mr. Whiskers (Garfield)
Norman as Colossus the Mummy Hamster (The Secret Life of Pets)
Bloopers as The Sea Monsters (Mario)
The Rat King as the Were-Rat (The Last of Us 2)
Yo-Kaiju as Shelly (Yo-Kai Watch)
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archangeldraws · 3 years
So uhh... if Ebirah is an angry cat, which other Kaiju are technically still animals? If undecided, Megaguirus could be Ghidorah's bird or smth.
Are you referring to what @hot-tortilla-fish drew with the kaiju pets?
Well, lesser kaiju can be counted as animals. Lesser kaiju are usually much smaller than the big titans and less intelligent.
Megaguirus... I don't know. It seems to be similar to Mothra, so this kaiju could be an anthro...
Ok, I'll make a list of kaiju I consider lesser kaiju and Pet material (or just as wild animals)
Ebirah Titanus Doug Scylla's frog kaiju Ookondoru Kamacura Kumonga Gezora Ganimes Kameba Warbats Hellhawks Leafwings The rockcritters from Hollow Earth Those insect kaiju from SKull Island Humans are also considered animals in my Anthro Au (they are like ants) and some children even own human farms. Ghiji has one
Skullcrawlers seem too inteligent for me to consider them just animals. Especially the big one
And so far, if you want, you can make your own kaiju pet. Like Scylla's frog. Hot-Tortilla-Fish and I were talking about that months ago and came to the conclusion that, since Scylla owns a pet shop in my anthro au, she would have a frog. Why a frog? Because she's a spider like Titan and there are some big spiders that keep frogs and toads as pets. The pet eats insects that could harm the spider's eggs and in exchange the spider protects the frog from predators
We share a lot of ideas ^^
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disneydude94 · 3 years
Okay, it’s been while since I last visit in Tumblr, but here are somethings that I am going to do something for drawings. Let me show you what I can or what cannot do.
Something what I do….
• Cartoon Characters
• Animals
• Dinosaurs
• Kaiju
• Crossover
• Original Characters (OC’s for short)
• Canon x Canon or Canon x OC’s
• Christmas
Something what I don’t do…..
• Violence (Abusive, Blood, and Gore)
• Adult Content (sexual)
• Drugs
• Horror
• Bad ending
• Adult Animation on Fox Channel
• Fetish
• Incest
• Hate Art
And there you have it! I’m open for my Original Characters or Fanarts like drawing pictures or photoshop. I mostly do for Disney including Mickey Mouse, The Lion King, Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, Amphibia, Star Wars, Marvel, and more. I also do for Jurassic World, SpongeBob, Sonic, Pokémon, Angry Birds, and Godzilla. I can also do both male and female OC’s fanarts.
If you want to do request, please ask me. I’m all open whenever I’m ready. See you soon.
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