#kathleen palmer
Every day I remember they hung fanart of the gay cannibals in the U.S. Capitol building without knowing they were gay cannibals and I go a little more insane
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starkilightz · 2 months
Forever thinking about the hannibal fan art in the US Capitol building...
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krisstatarchive · 2 years
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stromuprisahat · 4 months
As soon as I saw this, I knew you had to be informed immediately.
Old news, but thank you.
Here are some links about it:
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americangirlpolls · 3 months
Ok, first tournament is going to be a character tournament including the Historicals, GOTYs, Contemporary Characters, World By Us girls, and Girls of Many Lands. Here are the matchups!
1. Isabel Campion vs. Cécile Revel
2. Leyla vs. Saba
3. Chou Spring Pearl vs. Minuk
4. Kathleen Murphy vs. Neela Sen
5. Kaya’aton’my vs. Felicity Merriman
6. Elizabeth Cole vs. Caroline Abbott
7. Josefina Montoya vs. Marie-Grace Gardener
8. Cécile Rey vs. Kirsten Larson
9. Addy Walker vs. Samantha Parkington
10. Nellie O’Malley vs. Rebecca Rubin
11. Claudie Wells vs. Kit Kittredge
12. Ruthie Smithens vs. Nanea Mitchell
13. Molly McIntire vs. Emily Bennett
14. Maryellen Larkin vs. Melody Ellison
15. Julie Albright vs. Ivy Ling
16. Courtney Moore vs. Isabel Hoffman
17. Nicki Hoffman vs. Lindsey Bergman
18. Kailey Hopkins vs. Marisol Luna
19. Jess McConnell vs. Nicki Fleming
20. Mia St. Clair vs. Chrissa Maxwell
21. Gwen Thompson vs. Sonali Matthews
22. Lanie Holland vs. Kanani Akina
23. McKenna Brooks vs. Saige Copeland
24. Isabelle Palmer vs. Grace Thomas
25. Lea Clark vs. Gabriella McBride
26. Tenney Grant vs. Logan Everett
27. Z Yang vs. Luciana Vega
28. Blaire Wilson vs. Joss Kendrick
29. Kira Bailey vs. Makena Williams
30. Evette Peeters vs. Maritza Ochoa
31. Corinne Tan vs. Gwynn Tan
32. Kavi Sharma vs. Lila Monetti
Polls will start tomorrow and be linked here! Likes and reblogs are appreciated to spread the word!
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motifcollector · 10 months
Tag game: list 10 songs with names in the title that you like and tag 10 people! thank you @mileschristiregis for tagging me, this was fun to do! 😊 These aren't ranked or anything!
1. The Velvet Underground – Candy Says
2. Fiona Apple – Shameika
3. The Beach Boys – Caroline, No
4. Anna von Hausswolff – The Mysterious Vanishing of Electra
5. Xiu Xiu – Suha
6. Townes Van Zandt – Kathleen
7. Angelo Badalamenti – Laura Palmer's Theme
8. Scott Walker – Rosemary
9. Bladee – Romeo
10. M.I.A. – Jimmy
tagging @anthemsfora17yroldgirl @kneadingwater @neospinozists @oceanlovingcommunist @angefairy @sigmabateman @decayingdevotion @mothprincess @preachersdaughtermp3 @summatechnologiae no pressure of course! 💕
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quaranmine · 2 months
Ohh, how about 21 for the Song ask game?
21. A song with a person's name in the title
How about a bunch before I go to sleep?
Real person:
Presumably real but not famous:
Fictional, but in the LHU (Lord Huron Universe)
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cnvisualart · 8 months
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Upcoming Exhibition | Framing The Female Gaze at Lehman College Art Gallery
I am happy to share that I am exhibiting "A Guild of Light Shining Bright," (2020) in Framing the Female Gaze: Women Artists and the New Historicism at Lehman College Art Gallery. The Show opens October 10, 2023, and will run until January 20, 2024. Opening reception: October 18, 5 - 8 pm. The works of 45 contemporary women artists are reminiscent of paintings of women by French 19th-century male artists, then are framed by their own new views of women. Sixty works are on view in Framing the Female Gaze: Women Artists and the New Historicism at Lehman College Art Gallery, with a complementary focus exhibition at The Hall of Fame Art Gallery at Bronx Community College. The women who loom large on canvases, in photographs, prints, sculpture and collage in Framing the Female Gaze vitally connect us to political and social issues and to the cultural and social discriminations that women experience now. The works in this exhibition show how women artists today focus their gaze on both women and men. Artists are magicians: they seek subjects for their work from the past, then with new images change what we thought we knew. The artists in Framing the Female Gaze looked at the art of the 19th-century which marked the beginning of Modernism, of seeing and being seen as conscious subject matter.
The artists exhibiting work in Framing the Female Gaze include Lara Alcantara Lansberg, Lizzy Alejandro, Elise Ansel, Claudia Doring Baez, Cecily Brown, Elinor Carucci, Jordan Casteel, Bhasha Chakrabarti, Katie Commodore, Camille Eskell, Lalla Essaydi, Martha Edelheit, Rose FreymuthFrazier, Scherezade Garcia, Kathleen Gilje, Guerrilla Girls, Eunice Golden, Jenna Gribbon, Mimi Gross, Hilary Harkness, Lewinale Havette, Vera Iliatova, Ayana V. Jackson, Cheyenne Julien, Fay Ku, Yushi Li (in collaboration with Steph Wilson), Shona McAndrew, Marilyn Minter, Jesse Mockrin, Christie Neptune, Deborah Ory and Ken Browar, Phyllis Gay Palmer, Cecilia Paredes, Celeste Rapone, Arlene Rush, Julia Santos Solomon, Sylvia Sleigh, Jessica Spence, Devorah Sperber, Mickalene Thomas, Sharon Wybrants, Judith Wyer, Allison Zuckerman.
Exhibition Venues and Dates: Lehman College Art Gallery, 250 Bedford Park West, Bronx, NY lehmangallery.org October 10, 2023 – January 20, 2024 Reception October 18, 5 - 8 pm
Link: https://lehmangallery.org/framing-the-female-gaze/
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tokyonymph · 11 months
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i remember you: a playlist inspired by "the invisible life of addie larue" by v.e. schwab
"being forgotten, she thinks, is a bit like going mad. you begin to wonder what is real, if you are real. after all, how can a thing be real if it cannot be remembered?"
[listen on spotify]
i. les mémoires blessées – dark sanctuary ii. adeline – john-robert ft. kathleen iii. devil’s playground – the rigs iv. in the woods somewhere – hozier v. laura palmer – bastille vi. comptine d'un autre été, l'après-midi – yann tiersen vii. the night we met – lord huron viii. falling in love at a coffee shop – landon pigg ix. la petite mort – coeur de pirate x. ghost waltz – abel korzeniowski xi. i love you (acoustic) – woodkid xii. turning page – sleeping at last xiii. various storms & saints – florence + the machine xiv. we might be dead by tomorrow – soko xv. primavera – ludovico einauldi xvi. adieu mon homme – pomme xvii. writer in the dark – lorde xviii. i will follow you into the dark – miya folick xix. i remember you – björk xx. together we will live forever – clint mansell
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do you think kathleen hanna is like spitting mad every second of her life that sleater kinney is one of the best rock bands to ever exist and nobody gives a fuck about her as a musician or do you think she knows she can rely on amanda palmer to do that for her instead
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naran-blr · 18 days
Nora Frances Elizabeth Collyer (1898-1979) pintora canadiense.
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Nació en Montreal, Quebec. Su padre, Alfred Collyer, abandonó Inglaterra a la edad de dieciséis años y, después de graduarse en la Universidad McGill, se unió a la General Electric Company de Canadá. Alrededor de la época del nacimiento de Nora, la familia se mudó a Tupper Street en Westmount, un suburbio de Montreal, donde vivieron hasta 1916.
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En su juventud, asistió a la Escuela para niñas de Trafalgar desde 1910 hasta su graduación en 1917.
Fue hija única hasta los doce años y siendo muy tímida, se beneficiaba de las clases reducidas y del ambiente íntimo de una escuela privada. Dos chicas que conoció allí, Margaret Taylor y Jane Speir, se convirtieron en sus amigas de toda la vida.
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Junto con otras artistas Anne Savage, Sarah Robertson, Mabel Lockerby y Kathleen Morris, recibieron prácticamente toda su formación profesional en la Asociación de Arte de Montreal (AAM).
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Estudió durante nueve años en la AAM con Alberta Cleland, William Brymner y Maurice Cullen. Brymner, que fue director durante treinta y cinco años, se había formado previamente en París, en la Académie Julian , y había organizado la escuela de Montreal según el modelo parisino.
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El énfasis de Brymner en la importancia de la autoexpresión y el entusiasmo por los nuevos desarrollos se hizo muy evidente en el trabajo de Nora.
Se convirtió en miembro del Beaver Hall Hill Group en el momento de su establecimiento en Montreal en el otoño de 1920. Anne Savage y Collyer fueron las únicas mujeres de Beaver Hall que completaron su educación secundaria. El presidente y cofundador, AY Jackson , proporcionó un vínculo importante entre el Grupo de los Siete y el Grupo Beaver Hall.
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Animó a las mujeres a liberarse de su anticuada formación académica y a ignorar los estereotipos femeninos. Nora y sus colegas siguieron este consejo; rompieron con las convenciones victorianas a pesar de los estándares sociales de la época.
El Beaver Hall Group era una de las asociaciones artísticas no estructuradas más emblemáticas de Canadá. El grupo sólo sobrevivió durante un año y medio, pero las amistades y alianzas formadas continuaron durante las siguientes dos décadas.
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El grupo realizó cuatro exposiciones durante su corta existencia, y al menos otra exposición se llevó a cabo en las “salas del club” del grupo.
Nora dejó AAM en mayo de 1921 y luego compartió estudio con Anne Savage. En 1924 las artistas ya no podían costear sus estudios; sin embargo, las mujeres supervivientes Mabel May, Lilias Newton, Mabel Lockerby, Anne Savage, Sarah Robertson y Nora Collyer formaron una red que se expandió para incluir a Prudence Heward, Kathleen Morris y Ethel Seath.
Nora comenzó su carrera docente en septiembre de 1925. Aunque no tenía formación previa en enseñanza, fue nombrada profesora de arte en la Trafalgar School.
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Después de cinco años, su carrera docente se detuvo abruptamente debido al fallecimiento de su madre, Gertrude Palmer en 1930. Nora se sintió obligada a regresar a casa para administrar la casa de su padre y hermano. Inspirada por el trabajo voluntario de su madre en la Iglesia Anglicana, Nora comenzó a enseñar arte en el Children's Memorial Hospital y otras instituciones.
Algunos años más tarde, tras la muerte de su padre en 1946, se volvió aún más activa como profesora; organizando clases para niños y adultos en su propia casa.
Nora mantuvo relaciones con sus amigas de Trafalgar School, pero su amiga más cercana era Margaret Reid, quien le proporcionaba la tranquilidad social de la que ella carecía. Después de la muerte de su padre en 1946, Nora alquiló un apartamento en Ridgewood, donde más tarde se unió a ella Reid.
Cuatro años más tarde, las dos compraron un terreno con vista al lago Memphremagog donde construyeron una cabaña de verano a la que llamaron Strawberry Hill.
Nora pasaría el verano allí dibujando y haciendo jardinería y Margaret lo visitaría los fines de semana. Tuvieron esta cabaña hasta 1967.
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Más tarde se mudaron a un dúplex en Westmount en 1953, donde Nora usaba su sala de estar para enseñar. Reid tenía antecedentes familiares de enfermedad de Alzheimer y en años posteriores comenzó a mostrar síntomas de la enfermedad. Nora la cuidó todo el tiempo que pudo, pero finalmente tuvo que internarla en un asilo de ancianos. Nora vivió en el dúplex hasta que murió, apenas doce días después de su amiga.
Le ponemos cara.
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thatfriendlyrobot · 9 months
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This is Kathleen Palmer, but most people just call her Kit. Unlike Lucy, she finds fun in calm, calculated order as opposed to Lucy's headache-inducing chaos. These two opposites are always butting heads. Can you believe they used to date?!
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scribeme · 1 year
Obama played hardball in 1996 in first Chicago campaign - CNN.com
By Drew Griffin and Kathleen Johnston
CNN's AC 360°
(CNN) -- When the Democratic National Committee meets Saturday on the thorny issue of seating the Florida and Michigan delegations at its August convention, party officials will have to fashion a solution that satisfies supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton and presidential nominee front-runner Sen. Barack Obama.
Sen. Barack Obama showed he was willing to use bare-knuckle tactics during his first race in Chicago.
It may take a Solomon-like decision to appease both candidates.
Clinton has argued that the primary results of two of the nation's largest states should count because, otherwise, millions of voters are being disenfranchised. Obama has said he is willing to work out some compromise.
But he is insistent that the primary results are invalid because the two states failed to follow party rules and that the rules are the rules.
The DNC has not seated the Florida and Michigan delegates because the two states violated party edicts in holding their primaries early.
Although neither candidate campaigned in the two states, Clinton won about 50 percent of the Florida vote, compared with 33 percent for Obama. She won 55 percent of the vote in Michigan, where Obama's name was not on the ballot.
In his first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat on Chicago's gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.
As a community organizer, he had helped register thousands of voters. But when it came time to run for office, he employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers.
See how Barack Obama has used election rules to his advantage during his political career on AC 360.
The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district.
"That was Chicago politics," said John Kass, a veteran Chicago Tribune columnist. "Knock out your opposition, challenge their petitions, destroy your enemy, right? It is how Barack Obama destroyed his enemies back in 1996 that conflicts with his message today. He may have gotten his start registering thousands of voters. But in that first race, he made sure voters had just one choice." Watch how Obama shut out challengers in his first race
Obama's challenge was perfectly legal, said Jay Stewart of the Chicago's Better Government Association. Although records of the challenges are no longer on file for review with the election board, Stewart said Obama is not the only politician to resort to petition challenges to eliminate the competition.
"He came from Chicago politics," Stewart said. "Politics ain't beanbag, as they say in Chicago. You play with your elbows up, and you're pretty tough and ruthless when you have to be. Sen. Obama felt that's what was necessary at the time, that's what he did. Does it fit in with the rhetoric now? Perhaps not."
The Obama campaign called this report "a hit job." It insisted that CNN talk to a state representative who supports Obama, because, according to an Obama spokesman, she would be objective. But when we called her, she said she can't recall details of petition challenges, who engineered them for the Obama campaign or why all the candidates were challenged.
But Will Burns does. Now running himself for a seat in the Illinois legislature, Burns was a young Obama volunteer during the presidential candidate's first race.
Burns was one of the contingents of volunteers and lawyers who had the tedious task of going over each and every petition submitted by the other candidates, including those of Alice Palmer.
"The rules are there for a reason," Burns said.
He said that challenging petitions is a smart way to avoid having to run a full-blown expensive race.
"One of the first things you do whenever you're in the middle of a primary race, especially in primaries in Chicago, because if you don't have signatures to get on the ballot, you save yourself a lot of time and effort from having to raise money and have a full-blown campaign effort against an incumbent," Burns said.
(Priest apologizes for mocking Clinton)
Burns said he believed that Obama did not enjoy using the tactic to knock off Palmer.
"It was not something he particularly relished," Burns said. "It was not something that I thought he was happy about doing." Watch Burns describe how Obama used the rules to his advantage »
But Obama did it anyway, clearing the field of any real competition.
Obama's staff would not comment on what the senator thinks about that petition challenge now. Instead, they referred CNN to this 2007 comment made by Obama to the Chicago Tribune.
"To my mind, we were just abiding by the rules that had been set up," the senator is quoted as saying in the Tribune. "My conclusion was that if you couldn't run a successful petition drive, then that raised questions in terms of how effective a representative you were going to be."
But in that same newspaper story, Obama praised Palmer.
"I thought she was a good public servant," he said.
Palmer, who has campaigned for Clinton, told CNN that she did not want to be part of this story.
Obama supporters claim that Palmer has only herself to blame because she indicated she would not run for the 1996 state Senate and instead aimed for Congress. After losing in that bid, she returned to running for the state Senate seat, a move Obama supporters claim amounted to reneging on a promise not to run.
But Palmer supporters, who did not want to be identified, said that she never anointed Obama as her successor and that the retelling of the story by Obama supporters is designed to distract from the fact he muscled his way into office.
One other opponent who Obama eliminated by challenging his petitions, Gha-is Askia, said he has no hard feelings today about the challenge and supports Obama's presidential aspirations.
But back at the time he was running for state Senate, Askia said, he was dismayed Obama would use such tactics.
"It wasn't honorable," he said. "I wouldn't have done it."
He said the Obama team challenged every single one of his petitions on "technicalities."
If names were printed instead of signed in cursive writing, they were declared invalid. If signatures were good but the person gathering the signatures wasn't properly registered, those petitions also were thrown out.
Askia came up 69 signatures short of the required number to be on the ballot.
Kass, the Chicago Tribune columnist, said the national media are naive when it comes to Chicago politics, which is a serious business.
He said they have bought into a narrative that Obama is strictly a reformer. The truth, Kass says, is that he is a bare-knuckled politician. And using the rules to win his first office is part of who Obama is.
"It's not the tactics of 'let's all people come together and put your best ideas forward and the best ideas win,' " Kass said. "That's the spin; that's in the Kool-Aid. You can have some. Any flavor. But the real deal was, get rid of Alice Palmer.
"There are those who think that registering people to vote and getting them involved in politics and then using this tactic in terms of denying Alice Palmer the right to compete, that these things are inconsistent. And guess what? They are. They are inconsistent. But that's the politics he plays."
And this weekend, DNC delegates will have to decide what kind of rules it will invoke in helping choose its next candidate.E-mail to a friend " https://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/29/obamas.first.campaign/#:~:text=VIDEO,to%20a%20friend
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lifewithaview · 1 year
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Kathleen Wilhoite in 24 (2001–2010) 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Jack is taken into custody by the Secret Service after he stops the assassination. He quickly escapes in order to check on another name from the key card. Palmer tries to deal with the assassination attempt.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“PENAL REFORM RESOLUTION IS ENDORSED,” Regina Leader-Post. April 19, 1940. ---- W.C.T.U. Approves Recommendations Based on Report Of Archambault Commission ---- A resolution from the John Howard Society of Saskatoon asking the Government to begin immediately to carry out the recommendations of the Archambault Royal Commission, was endorsed by the WCTU at a meeting this week in the YWCA. The study on the subject, which resulted in approval of the resolution, was conducted by Mrs G. Toombs and Miss Tunnah.
It was announced that Mr. Lawrence Friesen of the Technical Collegiate and Miss Jean Dis of Albert School had won national prizes with their essays on "The Wisdom of Being Total Abstainers From Alcoholic Beverages.” Miss Kathleen Sutherland of Cory won honorable mention,
Final arrangements were made for the visit of Miss Rachel Palmer, national director of scientific temperance in the United States, who will be in Saskatoon this weekend. 
Among the 88 recommendations of the Archambault Commission which received the particular attention of the W.CT.U. were the following: That the penal system should be under the control of the Government of Canada: complete re-organization of the personnel of the penitentiary staff; all officers should be university trained and should have a knowledge of psychology: the system should be characterized by a firm dignity and work sentimentality or unusual severity has no place; special efforts should be made to enlist the persons discharged no that they may find employment and become re-established: prisoners should be classified and have a complete medical and psychiatric examination: all insane, drug addicts and mentally deficient should be classified and treated accordingly: recreational privileges should be revised and made suitable for all ages: only chaplains suitable for individual contacts should be allowed to conduct educational and religious services. The Borstal system, so successful in England, was also recommended for use in Canada by the commission.
“Stand on Prison Report Endorsed,” Regina Leader-Post. April 19, 1940. --- Implementation of the report of the Royal Commission which investigated the Canadian penal system three years ago will be urged on the minister of justice by the Young Men's Section of the Saskatoon Board of Trade. The executive council of the section, at its meeting Thursday, endorsed a solution passed by the board of The John Howard Society of Saskatoon. The Y.M.B.T. will draw its stand to the attention of the Saskatchewan and Canadian Junior Chambers of Commerce as well as to the minister of justice.
The resolution endorsed with little discussion after it was explained that there was ground for fearing the report of the penal commission might be shelved without action
The Community Council of Saskatoon also gave its support to the society's stand for penal reforms on Thursday evening, when it endorsed the resolution, which will be drawn to the attention of the minister of justice. 
“Ask Action On Prison Conditions,” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. April 20, 1940. --- John Howard Society in Saskatoon Initiates Concerted Appeal  --- REFERS TO REPORT --- ADOPTION OF CHANGES SEEN AS NEEDED BY COMMISSION IN 1938 REQUESTED ---- The John Howard Society of Saskatoon will make immediate representations to the Rt. Hon. Ernest Lapointe, minister of justice, for the implementation of the report of the Archambault Commission on the Canadian penal system, the Rev. D. J. Mulcahey, president of the recently formed society, announced today. The directors and officers of the society have adopted a resolution which is being sent to Ottawa. Furthermore, steps have been taken for a nation-wide ap peal to the minister for implementation of the commission's report.
WIDE SUPPORT SOUGHT As a first step, the resolution of the board is being went to 40 Saskatoon organisations for endorsation and similar action. These organizations are being asked to make their stand known to their provincial and national headquarters, and thence to local branches throughout Canada.
"We have grounds for believing that the Government plans to shelve the report, which, while finding certain merits, also disclosed serious abused and deplorable conditions in Canadian prisons," said Father Mulcahey. "We do not want this report to share the fate of reports previously made. If the re port is shelved, it will mean a set back of many years in Canadian penal reform."
The Archambault Commission was appointed in 1936, and in the following year it made an exhaustive investigation of the Canadian penal system, visiting also countries in Europe and the United States. The report was published in 1938. As a result of the report, the superintendent of penitentiaries resigned and one prison inspector was transferred to another Government department. The commission to administer the prisons, suggested by the Royal Commission, has not yet been appointed.
Text of the resolution adopted by the John Howard Society follows:
"Whereas the Royal Commission appointed in 1936 to investigate the penal system of Canada, although recognizing certain merits, still reported unsatisfactory, and in some instances deplorable conditions in the penal institutions, and
"Whereas the Royal Commission made recommendations for the alleviation of these conditions and for the improvement. of Canadian penal methods, in harmony with recognized penal standards elsewhere, and
"Whereas the Government of Canada has not yet appointed a commission such as recommended by the Royal Commission to administer the penitentiaries,
"Therefore be it resolved that we the John Howard Society of Saskatoon, urge upon the Government of Canada the implementation of the Royal Commission's recommendations, the first step toward which should be the appointment of the new administrative commission.”
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wonderfultoweird · 3 years
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