#little mean kathleen
jasvvy · 3 months
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voldiebuns · 3 months
ooh Little Mean Kathleen!
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krisstatarchive · 2 years
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wheredoisign · 10 months
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funeralfeline · 2 years
Went to my first Wrestling Open last night in Worcester!
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cordycepspog · 1 year
Things that absolutely fucked my shit up this episode, an incomprehensible list:
- Ellie liked the smell of Frank’s sleeping bag
- Joel still wearing Frank’s shirt
- Joel staying up all night to guard while Ellie slept
- “They’re not gonna hit you. Look at me, they’re not gonna hit you.”
- “Mom! Mom! Mom!”
- The way the doctor gave the lines “I delivered you. I held you in my hands.” and “I’m your doctor” so simply when asked for reasons why he shouldn’t be killed
- Ellie’s smile when Joel tried to tug the gun from her hand
- The way Joel bumbled his way through trying to make sure Ellie was okay, and ask if she wanted to talk about it after she shot Bryan
- All of the superhero drawings on the wall that Sam drew of him and Henry
- The mask that Sam had drawn on his face
Something about how everyone is undeniably human, and how unafraid they are of not shying away from that.
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lonleywarrior · 10 months
Wait also New England ppl who is going to Americanrana and do u wanna smoke weed together
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clanoffelidae · 1 year
my predictions for the ice ghost
arakie: -hits foot- OW FUCK-
lynx: this is so sad quancee play despacito
quiller: over two-thirds of the sealion people that you knew are now dead
lynx: NOT poggers :'(
arakie: time for your final exam. what is tik tok?
lynx: a song by ke$ha
arakie: you've done well. there is nothing left for me to teach you. my time has come. -disappears in a flurry of snow-
lynx: -playing a bad recorder version of 'my heart will go on'-
#the rewilding reports#the ice lion#kathleen o neal gear#look arakie literally said 'oh far out man our hare is done' he's a memer and he's going to corrupt lynx and you cant convince me otherwise#i love this swag old man so much#arakie my beloved#everyone else has a Vibe that fits the post-apocalyptic tribal setting and then there's arakie#who's just some old guy you'd run into on the streets#like you can INSTANTLY tell that he's from our time just IMMEDIATELY#i love him so much#also this book made me cry fuck you kathleen#the very last chapter when arakie sees the bodies and is so heartbroken broke MY heart :'(#like i'm happy he got some form of closure after all this time but also OW-#also the imagery of lynx following the pawprints up to arakie on the hill where he's waving to him is SO fucking good#that one seriously had me feeling lowkey emotional from how beautiful it was#i wanna post a proper ramble about this book later bc it's the first book i've finished in literally 8-ish years#which i'm a. so fucking proud of b. so fucking happy about it because it means the meds are WORKING#and c. means im now going feral over this world but ESPECIALLY my swag old scientist man#arakie is my new blorbo i rotate him in my mind like a rotisserie chicken#this book is just. so good. it's all about love. but so little of that is romantic.#the friendship between this 16-year old ice age boy and this thousand year old man from our time is so beautiful#like you can see that although arakie is technically unethically experimenting on him#that he's doing it as a matter of circumstance - and also acknowledges that at the end of the day lynx has free will#and is the one making these choices - and you can tell he loves this boy so fucking much and is SO fucking proud of him#and i just my heart help i love their friendship i sobbing screaming crying throwing up etc.
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Breaking Dishes. - OC
pairing: F!OC: Kathleen "Brass" Moore x John Price words: 2.7K~ cw: smut, arguments, violence, fighting/roughousing, breaking dishes, insults, toxic relationship.
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It’s 8:12 A.M. when Kathleen finds herself sliding off bed and wrapping herself in a flowery black and pink silk robe. John’s side of the bed is cold, a sign he’s gotten up long ago.
She pads over to their en-suite bathroom and quickly washes her face, brushes her teeth and her hair, before she leaves the bedroom in search of her husband.
As she enters the kitchen, she finds her temper already rising, her jaw clenching as she looks around, finding multiple reasons to get angry already, so early in the morning, so early in a weekend morning.
First, she finds that he’s made breakfast already. Not for them, just for himself. Nothing for her. Selfish bastard.
Second, he made himself a full English too. Having left the rest of the eggs and sausages out of the fridge. The milk too even though he KNOWS she hates when he does that.
Third, he’s left a mess of pans and utensils on the kitchen stove… Which means she can’t even cook herself breakfast if she wanted to.
Fourth, the water kettle is not full enough for her to make herself a cuppa. In fact, the water in it is already lukewarm, even if there was enough to make herself one, she still couldn’t.
And fifth, John is sitting outside in the balcony, getting some sun, while only wearing a pair of jeans, showing off his strong torso and bulging arms to the whole neighborhood. Like a bloody tart.
Oh… Kathleen. is. pissed.
“JONATHAN. WILLIAM. PRICE!” She calls out at the top of her lungs as she whips the sliding glass door open and coming face to face with the man of the hour.
“Morning, Kat.” John greets her, completely calm and collected as he looks up at her, leaning his elbow lazily on the table next to him, which holds his empty breakfast plate and cutlery. 
He’s lounging without a care in the world, a grey wool sweater across his lap, and a mug of tea in his hand.
“Morning my arse! Did’ya see the mess you left in the kitchen?!” She asks him pointedly, brown eyes wide as she glares pure daggers at him.
Unfortunately for her, her raising her voice and her stern glares do little to him now, four years into their relationship, one into their marriage. He’s gotten used to them.
“Calm your tits, woman, I’m going to clean it after I’m done here.” He replies nonchalantly as he gestures vaguely. “Can’t I have a moment’s peace?”
“Oh, you want a moment’s peace, do ya?” She asks him as she crosses her arms over her chest, dipping her head to the side. “When do I get a moment’s peace, hm? When do I get a bloody weekend when I wake up and there’s not a mess to clean or with my breakfast made for me?” She asks with a cocked brow.
John shifts around in “I let you sleep in. Didn’t make any noise. You chose to get up right now. Could've stayed asleep and you would've woken up to clean dishes.” He remaked with a shrug.
“Ex-cuse me?” Kathleen asked pointedly as she stared at him. 
“You heard me. You’re getting an attitude for no reason, da’ling.” John remarked as he finished gulping down his tea.
Kathleen wanted to yell at him some more. She really wanted to. The man drove her insane, especially when he was like this… Correct.
“Don’t you gaslight me, Jonathan. I have a right to want to wake up to a clean house and some food made for me!” She retorted, grasping at straws for something to justify her anger.
“And this is after you complained I never make breakfast the way you like it?” He retorted as he looked her up and down before standing up, gathering his plate, cutlery and empty cup of tea.
“You-!” She sputtered a bit as she looked up at her husband, who gently moved her aside so he could slip past her back inside the house. “I- You-!” She continued as she followed after him.
”Face it, Kat, you have no leg to stand on, da’lin’.” John remarked as he entered the kitchen.
“Don’t you bloody walk away from me!” She raised her voice and suddenly shoved him from behind. It caused his empty cup of tea to roll of its perch atop the dirty plate he was carrying and shatter into a million pieces on the hardwood floor. 
John stopped in his tracks as soon as the cup fell, so as to not step on the shards and turned to look at her over his shoulder. “Was that fuckin’ necessary, da’lin’?”
“Yes.” Kathleen replied with a bite to her tone as she stared up into his eyes, holding her ground even as he turned and stood over her.
“Really? What’d I do to deserve that push, hm?” He asked her as he dipped his head to the side, blue eyes trailing over the form of his wife beneath him, wrapped in a silken robe that wrapped beautifully around her full figure.
Meanwhile, Kathleen’s brown eyes were glued to her husband’s figure too, trailing over the strong neck, broad shoulders, muscular pecs, soft stomach, and the abundant hair that covered it. 
“You- You were sitting outside like a bloody tart, showin’ off for the bloody neighbors!” She suddenly said as her eyes shot up to look at him, having found something to grasp on to yell at him some more.
John’s eyebrows raised, his lips morphed into a smirk and he gave her a mocking look, his nose scrunching up a bit. “Is that what this is, da’lin’? You’re jealous?” He asked her condescendingly.
“Oh piss off, John, I’m not jealous!” She retorted pointedly as she glared at him.
“Right…” John asked as he took a step over her. “Then why are you complaining about me being shirtless, then?” He teased her as one of his hands moved to grasp her around the chin, squeezing her face lightly.
“I-” Kathleen tried to defend herself, having already realized that today just wasn’t one of her days when it came to having a sharp tongue. So she did what she could, ever competitive she was, wasn’t going to take the disrespect lying down.
Grabbing his forearm, she ripped his hand off her face, then, took the plate off his other hand, and threw it across the living room blindly, hearing it shatter somewhere, probably against the bookshelf by the TV.
“Fuck. You. John Price. I’m sick and tired of your bloody attitude.” She pointed a finger in his face and then poked him on the chest. “You think you can walk around here as you wish, as if you’re in bloody charge? I think the fuck not!” She scolded him.
John didn’t even flinch at her poking him, or the plate being hurled across the room. He was used to this. Used to her. Hell, it turned him on when Kathleen was being a cunt to him.
John reached forward and grabbed her by her right forearm, pulling her against him. “Yeah? Then who’s in charge, da’lin’?” He challenged as he looked down his nose at her.
“It sure as hell isn’t you!” She retorted, her voice, much like her hackles, raised, even if she didn’t try, at all, to pull away from him. She wasn’t afraid of John. Never had been, never would be.
“Let’s see about that then.” John told her as he pulled her over to the living couch, spun her away from him and bent her over the armchair.
Kathleen squeaked softly, knowing well what was coming, as John pinned her wrists behind her back with one hand, the other rolling up her robe to expose her thighs and her ass.
“Who’s in charge, hm?” John goaded her before he whipped his hand back and delivered a hard smack to one of her round ass cheeks, causing it to ripple, a moan falling from her parted lips.
“Not. You.” She replied, huffing a moan again when he delivered a second smack to her ass. “Fuck. You. John.” She grunted through her teeth.
“What’d you say, da’lin’?” John asked as he leaned close to her ear. “Did you just tell me to go fuck myself?” He teased, watching as she fruitlessly writhed over the armrest, her head buried down in the couch cushion, her hands and arms struggling in his grip.
She rolled her head to the side so she could catch him through the corner of her eye. “Yes, I fucking did. And I’ll say it again. Fuck you, John.” She spat at him.
“Tsk-tsk. Brat.” John mused with a smirk on his lips. She could hear it. Then he smacked her again, and again, always making sure to strike the same spot, her skin already redening and blushing as the skin warmed up and the blood vessels popped below it.
John only gave her a break once the dulcets of her voice had softened and her moans had become whimpers, her arms and hands having gone limp in his grasp. “Who’s in charge, Kat?” He checked as he looked at her with a satisfied smirk on his lips.
Kathleen’s brown eyes caught his, her face just as red as her ass, her eyes widened, pupils blown from lust. “Fuck. You.” She gritted through her teeth.
“Oh, that wasn’t enough was it, sweet’art?” He goaded again. “Very well.” He added. John’s hand grabbed hold of the waist band of her panties and pulled them down swiftly, noting the wet spot she had already left in them. 
“Someone’s enjoying being spanked huh, you brat? Someone likes having an attitude adjustment…” He goaded as he let go of her panties, letting them fall around her ankles.
Before Kathleen could even retort properly, John’s rough and calloused fingers delivered a slap to her puffy cunt, causing her to squirm and squeal, her legs straightening up and trembling. 
“John!” She cried out as he continued repeatedly slapping her pussy, causing her to squirm and writhe against the hard material of the armrest below her. 
“That’s it, call my name, da’lin’.” He goaded as he kept repeatedly and continuously smacking her warm, wet folds. “Who’s in charge, here, huh?”
“F-Fuck… You!” She spat at him, as she finally freed her arms from John’s weakened grip. Then, she threw an elbow back, hitting her husband squarely in the nose.
“Ah, you cunt!” John complained as he suddenly stumbled back back, one hand shooting up to cup his now bleeding nose, while Kathleen suddenly rolled off her perch on the couch.
“No, you’re the cunt!” She retorted before suddenly lunging herself at him, throwing her whole weight on top of John, who, not expecting it, landed on the floor with a hard thud.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell, Kat!” John replied as he tried to get a grab at his wife, instead, only getting her trying to grip him by the arms and pin him to the floor.
She struggled with it, of course, she might have some military training, but not nearly enough to fight him, and definitely not enough strength to fight him.
His forearms bulged under her hands, the rough skin prickling with goosebumps, the adrenaline flowing through his veins, as well as hers, the both of them desperate to fight the other.
John bucked his hips and rolled them over before she could even attempt a proper pin down, landing her on the floor with a thud and a huff from her lungs.
He grabbed her by the hair with one hand, the other gripping her wrists together and pining her to the floor instead. 
Kathleen wrapped her legs around his hip and attempted to roll them over again, unsuccessfully, so, instead, she did the only thing she could do. She leaned up and spat in John’s face.
John’s eyes closed for a moment and his jaw clenched before they opened again, looking even more angry and… horny than before. “Is that how it’s going to be, Kathleen?” He asked her as he let go of her hair and used his hand to collect the spit off his skin. 
“Yeah, it is-” She barely had time to continue before he was plugging her mouth with his fingers, causing her to swallow them and her own saliva back up, pressing down on his tongue, preventing her from continuing her tirade.
“Keep your smart-ass gob shut, sweetheart, or you won't have a fuckin' jaw to move when I'm done wit ya.” He told her, eyes locked on hers. Kathleen looked up at him, eyes widened, pupils blown, before she wrapped her lips around his fingers, beginning to give him a suck.
“That’s it…” He told her. “You look so much better with your mouth shut…” He goaded her with a smirk on his lips. Kathleen’s eyes sparkled with mischief at his comment, a clear sign that she felt challenged by his condescending tone… So, she bit down onto his fingers as hard as he could.
“Fuckin’ ‘ell, Kat…” John hissed as he pushed his fingers deeper in her mouth like one would a dog, causing her to sputter and choke, and forcing her to let go of them, allowing him to pull them back out.
“C’mere.” He demanded and grabbed her jaw with tight fingers, forcing her mouth to open, before he swished his tongue inside his own mouth to collect some saliva, before spitting it into her mouth. “Swallow.” He demanded and, for once, she obeyed. “Good fuckin’ girl.”
Kathleen then squeaked in surprise as he pulled open her robe, leaving it splayed open on the hardwood floor before he grabbed one of her legs, pushing it up against her chest while he sat over the other one.
“We need to adjust that fuckin’ attitude of yours. It’s way too bloody early for you to be fightin’ me, you hear?!” He taunted her as he undid the fly in his jeans and shimmied both his the trousers and boxer briefs down, allowing him to pull out his hardened cock.
“Fuck you, John.” She retorted as she squirmed a bit beneath him, trying to drag herself away with the help of her elbows.
“That’s what I’m about to do to you, sweetheart.” He taunted her before he quickly grabbed hold of her again, using one hand to push her down against the floor, one hand wrapped around her jaw and neck, while the other wrapped around his cock and used it to brush his leaky tip against her folds.
“John-” Kathleen grumbled as she wrapped her own hands around his hairy forearm, nails digging into his flexed muscle, dragging drown his skin.
“Sh-Shhh…”  He murmured before he drove his cock deep into her cunt, causing her to huff and moan, her head falling back as he plunged as far as he could.
“That’s my girl…” He teased her. He shifted around and lifted her other leg too, pushing it forward against her chest, allowing him to sink in deeper, before he started thrusting his hips down into her.
Her warm walls spread open to accommodate him, his cock making way inside fully with each snap of his hips. “That’s it… That’s what you needed, isn’t it?” He goaded her with a smirk. Unluckily for her, Kathleen could do little more than nod in agreement.
“Tell me you love me, da’lin’...” John cooed at his wife as he pounded deep into her, reaching that spot in her walls that only John had ever been able to reach.
“I love y-oooh…” Kathleen murmured, being cut off by a sudden shift in his demeanor, a more aggressive, ruthless rhythm coming into place, his hips snapping punishingly against hers, his cock bottoming out in her.
“That’s it, Kat, tell me you love me… Tell me you love me…” He repeated over and over. “Tell me you love me and my cock inside you, da’lin’... Tell me…”
“I love you, John…” Kathleen whined, her head rolling back on the hard floor, her arms wrapping around his neck and shoulders, fingers digging into the flesh spot between his shoulder blades, her nails just barely grazing the tattoo on his nape.
“You’re such a fuckin’ cunt, Kat… Such a fuckin’ cunt… But I love you so much…” John murmured before he pressed his lips into hers in a sloppy, wet kiss.
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yunarim · 11 months
hellou I would like to ask (for reasons that the movie will be released soon~) for the dorm leaders reacting to their mc explaining to them with everything and power-point everything about barbie, they even watch her movies (they need to have barbie culture °^°)9 ), songs (mc starts to sing the songs of the Princess and the Pauper bc it's inevitable not to do it xd), toys, etc, and in the end mc gets sentimental because barbie was part of her childhood :') so that all Thank you very much <3 and have a good day *hug*
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﹢ ﹒🩰 WRITTEN IN YOUR HEART and you're always free to believe ♡
♡ SYNOPSIS : reader introducing barbie culture to the dorm leaders !
♡ TAGS : implied female reader (but no pronouns used actually), fluff, implied reader has all the movies downloaded on the phone and got transmigrated with it, watch me being emo about barbie movies, games & songs because totally not me was obsessed with them in my childhood—
♡ NOTES : OMG ANON LET ME GIVE YOU A HUG TOO you're just in time bc i replayed barbie in the 12 dancing princesses literally a week ago sdhkjh THIS REQUEST IS SO SWEET i felt it with all my both mind and soul
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How could you not realize it before!! When you asked Riddle if there is something you can help with since you’ve noticed he’s been quite preoccupied with too many things to handle, he said you may assist flamingo caretakers but there’s one rule that you absolutely mustn’t violate. According to rule 249, ‘Flamingo caretakers are to don pink attire’ which happens to be extremely… pinkish. 
Riddle notices you following the rule by heart, but you seem to hum a song unknown to him. He asks why would even sing something like ‘We spin for you, Janessa, and chasse for you, Kathleen, we pirouette for Lacey, and we bow before the queens’ and among those lines… Riddle can understand the ‘bow before the queens’ line, but who are those people in the first place? You ask him if barbie culture even exists in their world and when you find out there’s none— 
Riddle takes your introduction to barbie lessons just as diligently as professors' magic lessons. He wonders if you perform this excellently on tests as well since the way you turned all the information into neatly assigned diagrams and schemes is astonishing. You came up with the idea of homework because he’s familiar with such, so the task you assigned him to finish by the end of the week was to remember the Birthday Song you were singing in the garden. 
He knows that all the barbie aesthetic is important to you by the way your eyes glow with joy whenever he brings you something barbie related. You got all Heartslabyul jamming to barbie songs, which is not against the rules. In fact, when Riddle spotted that even Trey started singing ‘If I want some eggs I ring the bell, and the maid comes running in’, he decided there is one more rule that needs to be added to the list, which is ‘One must sing ‘I am a girl like you’ when cooking’. 
One day during an unbirthday party Riddle gifted you a handmade barbie doll according to your descriptions. He did make it himself but with a little touch of magic so it came out quite nice. He thought you would scream and maybe jump out of your seat but you just drew the doll right to your heart and teared up a little, causing Riddle to get confused for a moment. But once you explained that it’s very touching and means a lot to you, he smiled reassuringly. You’re an honorable ambassador of barbie culture in Heartslabyul now.
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Even if Leona doesn’t say it, he’s grown quite fond of you enough to shamelessly tell you that you need to do the thing that always puts him to sleep, which is singing a lullaby. Usually you would just hum something incoherently and watch Leona snore on your lap but this time you decided to fall into the embrace of your childhood and sing ‘No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay, that would be the day’. Leona opened one eye and asked if you were actually trying to put him into sleep or emphasize on his upbringing for some reason. 
Next day you tell him if he falls asleep while you two watch ‘Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper’, you will never ever sing him to sleep again. He just yawns you away but agrees anyway since it’s the first time he sees you so agitated. Somehow ends up providing you with plot analysis as the movie goes on. This is the moment you know you got him.
Leona thinks he doesn’t care about your childish movies and things and then spends twenty minutes explaining to Ruggie why ‘Barbie in the Nutcracker’ is obviously superior. Leona: started as a joke and ended up genuinely investing into barbie culture. Ruggie: started as a way to fool around and ended up kinning Erika (Leona tells him to come back down to earth since Ruggie’s no queen like Erika was).
One day gifted you Princess Anneliese doll with ‘You’re just like me’ line — whatever he meant by that — and your reaction turned out to be so amusing so he started casually gifting you other barbie dolls just to (enjoy your beautiful smile but he won’t tell you this) entertain himself. Now whoever visits Ramshackle often asks how did you get an enormously large collection of pretty dolls but your dorm remains so ruin-like. Needless to say that you would be considered rich in your world for having such a huge collection in your property.
Now asks you to watch barbie movies together instead of singing him to sleep but ends up never falling asleep before he watches till the end. You throw quick glances to check if he’s asleep and he pretends he is, though his tail can not lie, revealing his honest reaction to plot twists. Cheka visited once, and now thanks to you everyone in Afterglow Savannah is cultured.
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All popular cafes in the city were holding some events with advertising new products as a main purpose. Azul couldn’t afford falling behind so he needed to come up with original and creative ideas as soon as possible. Since you were working part-time at Mostro Lounge, you suggested holding barbie inspired events. When you found out no one in Twisted Wonderland knew barbie, you were so shocked that you asked (or rather demanded) Azul to entrust all the preparations to you. 
At first no one really understood what’s the point of decorating Mostro Lounge with pink glittering and shining stuff but when you suddenly came up on the stage and started singing simple yet touching songs, everyone started getting the main idea. But the pièce de résistance became none other than Bibble plushies. You sewed the very first version, and Azul grew to love the new Mostro Lounge’s mascot so much he now has an enormously huge Bibble plush toy in his dorm room. You always say it needs to be resewed but he already got a soft spot for it.
Azul is absolutely in love with all the outfits you come up with for the performances, but most importantly he can’t throw out of his mind the songs you performed. Ended up recreating instrumental music from Mermaidia just according to your vague descriptions of how it should sound, and it turned out perfect. You once accustomed his outfit to resemble Nori’s one and well— It’s totally not you who wants to see his merform with Nori’s accessories and makeup, surely not, nuh-uh. 
Gifts you barbie mermaid doll, its outfit pieces made from pearls from Coral Sea. You don’t even know if you can accept such a precious gift, considering you didn’t expect Azul to think about how important it was for you. So you came up with the idea that he also should perform with you on stage, accompanying you by playing piano. 
Singing songs from ‘Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper’ became Octavinelle tradition thanks to you. But also please don’t sabotage Azul with a recording of him crying his eyes out while listening to you singing ‘Written in your heart’ alright?  Also would do anything to see you dressed up as Elina but you most certainly didn’t hear Floyd and Jade telling you this info. You most certainly didn’t see the Mermaidia art piece appearing in the Atlantica Memorial Museum either.
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The first ever time you’re taking a magic carpet ride with Kalim, you realize that maybe this is how Barbie felt riding a pegasus. When Kalim asks who is Barbie and what pegasus even is, you explain in vivid detail the whole plot of ‘Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus’ and start singing ‘Cause hope has wings to carry you’. Kalim doesn’t even know the song but somehow ends up guessing the lyrics and the vibe so you two are taking crazy carpet flips and giving Jamil a hard time watching you from the ground. (Spoiler: the next day Jamil is having a hard time listening to Kalim saying they should get a pegasus somewhere.)
Okay apparently you got Kalim planning to recreate the whole ‘Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses’ with his siblings because he’s totally invested. HELP he’s so down that he’s been asking you details about barbie outfits for a week, so now it looks like he’s more fan than you are. 
Every time you visit Scarabia, Kalim greets you with performances you’ve never thought can be recreated in real life. One day he decorated his magic carpet with light purple jewelry encrusted in the fabrics, the next day he was dressed up as Derek from ‘Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses’ and asked you for a dance. It was extremely silly because you suddenly remembered the PC game you played and how ridiculous princesses movements were but you got so immersed into dance you decided to let your inner child arise. 
Kalim gifts you 12 dancing princesses dolls collection made by him and his siblings and you straight up start crying out of joy and how thoughtful it is for you, which gets Kalim just as emotional as you, so now Jamil has to take care of two crying silly idiots.  Kalim is the one who helps you advertise barbie throughout Twisted Wonderland, because everyone needs to grow fond of it. He also suggests you ask the headmaster if you could assign pink and lilac as Ramshackle dorm's official color scheme so everyone would know you’re a barbie ambassador here in Twisted Wonderland. Also thought it would be a good idea to make hymns for every dorm based on barbie songs but couldn’t decide which one would fit Scarabia, so he just ended up randomly starting singing whatever pops up in his mind.
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Usually you just enjoy going shopping with Vil and you’re usually calm and collected, but when you suddenly screamed Vil thought something happened. You almost started crying out of nowhere and when Vil came closer to you and took a look at the glass case he saw a butterfly-shaped necklace. When you started spinning around and bursting in soft giggles, Vil could have sworn he saw pinkish sparkles blossoming around you. Turned out the necklace reminded you of the similar one that appeared in Barbie Fairytopia of which Vil had no idea. 
Next day you presented an insanely well-made research on all barbie outfits from every movie, video game and doll. Rook tagged along for beauty and aesthetic appreciation and Epel just heard you mentioning having barbie jeep cruiser convertible car playset so now you’ve got Pomefiore in full force listening to you explaining what barbie culture means in your world and somehow they ended up investing into it quite unironically.
When Epel shows you a magazine issue the next month, you have your jaw somewhere on the floor because the Vil Schoenheit just released a photoshoot inspired by ‘Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale’ you once showed to him. He understands the impact of barbie culture on your generation and realizes how trendy it can get in Twisted Wonderland. 
Not Vil passing the casting for a film adaptation of ‘Barbie and The Diamond Castle’ based on the movie you have saved on your phone— And not the Neige LeBlanch playing Alexa… In any case you can’t imagine what started as you getting excited over a necklace similar to Barbie’s one, ended up Vil and Neige starring in one of your favorite movies but here in Twisted Wonderland. 
He gives you the necklace, but not that similar one you saw in a shop. He proudly gifts you the necklace just like in the movie you watched with him after introducing barbie culture, and you tear up, saying you won’t ever take it off and it’ll be on your neck forever. Now you’ve got Vil (and actually a whole Pomefiore considering they should make adjustments in their dorm’s aesthetic choices) genuinely liking barbie culture thanks to you.
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You were playing video games with Idia when something suddenly slapped you — the game resembles ‘Barbie Diaries’ so much!! When Idia asks you what the hell is barbie, you jump from the chair and drop your px5 controller. No way… there is no way Idia doesn’t know this masterpiece, you thought he got influenced by barbie culture while growing up.
You can’t say no to this challenge, so the next day the powerpoint party you decided to hold got extremely serious and unironically informative. You’ve got everything prepared: how barbie was created, when the movies were released, which dolls were to die for, and of course… games!! 
Let’s be real, it’s Idia who’s investing, and he’s investing hard. He got all the songs from ‘Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper’ memorized in an hour after listening to your presentation. He doesn’t care if people think it’s a childish thing, NO WAY it’s childish when the ‘When you live your dream, you’ll find destiny is written in your heart’ line LITERALLY EXISTS. 
He makes barbie PC games based on your descriptions in a span of one day because he’s already a true barbie stan and he doesn’t care if he’s sleep deprived. He’s got all the barbie movies you sent him to watch. Idia also is being sad because how the hell Twisted Wonderland couldn’t came up with something so genuinely genius. He also sighs and complains to you that he kinda fell behind and would be late for the trend if he was in your world because he started stanning barbie after it became mainstream, but you reassure him that it’s alright and he can be barbie ambassador in Twisted Wonderland with you. 
When you help him arrange a barbie doll collection no one knows how Idia even recreated, he also gives to you a huge dollhouse with barbie playsets you’ve mentioned briefly. Right when you’re about to tear up, he gets panicked but also installs on your laptop all the PC barbie games he managed to create based on your words. Please don’t abandon him and play all the barbie games he created with him in his room. It's obviously better to (share the memories but he’s too shy to say it out loud okay—) play them on his computer anyway. 
You can wake him up at 3 in the morning and randomly say ‘Can’t go back, so we gotta go on, we’ll stick together, staying strong’ and he’ll perfectly accompany you with his eyes closed, humming ‘There’s a diamond castle in my mind and someday soon’ because he memorized all the songs. Ortho mentions how Idia starts singing barbie songs here and there in the dorm. Idia also wants to provide you with cosplay materials, so if you don’t mind…
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Once Malleus mentions he’s a fae during late night strolls around Ramshackle, you suddenly start singing softly ‘Fairytopia’s where I wanna be, Dandelion and Bibble next to me’ and Malleus gets so confused. Who… are Dandelion and Bibble? Also Fairytopia? Is it what your homeland calls? Are there faes in your world too? Tell him everything!
You show movies you downloaded on your phone (even if you never thought the very first thing you would show on your phone would be barbie movies, moreover it’s Malleus who’s bad with technologies) and he immediately starts asking you questions like ‘Why would Laverna want to destroy the rainbow and plunge Fairytopia into bitter winter?’, ‘Are there different types of fairies or only the ones that have wings behind their backs?”, and many other things. 
He also wants to know if you’re not opposed to the idea of dancing with him like 12 dancing princesses did. You also sing to him when you feel like it, and once he heard of ‘Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper’ he felt as if he was enchanted. Turns ‘Free’ into opera performance with Lilia filming him for something he referred to as ‘family archives’, Silver being happy Malleus-sama is happy, and Sebek tearing up because his master is absolutely majestic, brilliant, wonderful, outstanding and—
He doesn’t really understand the concept of collecting dolls but sees Lilia’s room getting filled with them (Diasomnia vice dorm leader doesn’t really know he ordered them from Idia but that’s another story—) and smiles. Malleus also rehearses the songs with Silver in the meadow so he could impress you later. 
You feel like crying when it's a warm sunset dissolving in pink and peach colors and Malleus sings ‘In my heart I’d be glad if you loved me for me’. It’s touching and reminds you of your home so much you can’t resist and tear up, Malleus gently stroking your head. Once you calm down, he grins and says there’s something he wants to present to you. He doesn’t know how to make or at least where to buy barbie dolls, people are also terrified of him so there’s no way he could play a role in a movie like Vil Schoenheit, but he’s a fae. He doesn't have fragile pinkish wings, but he’s a powerful magician who wants to thank you for introducing such an adorable culture to him.
So he magically creates a beautiful bright rainbow just for you, giving you an enchanted butterfly-shaped necklace, resembling one that Elina had in ‘Barbie Fairytopia’, so if you’ll have a hard time, just touch the necklace, and the small version of a magic rainbow will appear. ‘Hope will blossom by believing the heart that lies within’.
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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englishstrawbie · 9 days
Station 19 7x09
Now that was one hell of an episode! Forgive me, this might get long.
Carina DeLuca, I was a little mad that you tried to ruin another sexy moment with baby talk but then you did that little lick before you kissed Maya's abs, so all is forgiven. 🔥 Also Carina describing Maya as her "hot, hot, hot wife" when the episode gave us that ending felt intentional and mean.
The mutual "I love you", the nose rub, the kiss... I love these sweet moments between them. And then there was the "I'll see you at home", which said just as much, like they were willing it to be true because they both know that the wildfires are going to be a hard fight. Especially after Carina had just been treating a patient whose husband was lost in the woods.
"What if this is it? What if I never see him again?" ... we all know where Carina's mind went at that moment.
"I'm sure he's doing whatever he can to find his way back to you" ... oh, I hope she hangs on to these words when she finds out about Maya. (Assuming she does...? It seems to me like they need to get Maya out of that fire pretty damn quick, before Carina even has chance to find out.)
"Monogamy is for the weak" ... "Or the very very dedicated, that's what I said - and that's who I am now" ... THANK YOU for remembering the whole line. It drives me crazy when people only quote the first part, when the second part of it says a whole lot more about who Maya was then and who she is now. That said, I have mixed feelings about the idea of her offering to get pregnant if Carina can't - because the whole point of pushing the IVF at the same time as adopting Liam is because it's Carina's dream to carry a child and experience childbirth. Still, it says a lot about how much she's changed that she's even willing to think about doing it.
THE ENDING. I expect it's been said enough already but HOLY SH*T. What a way to end the episode, to set up Carina for joy and heartbreak at the same time. Stefania's acting was on point in that moment, the little "no" of disbelief when Helm told her she was pregnant and her "why, do you think it's Maya's?" joke. Contrasted against Maya's absolute panic as the flames surrounded her (even if the special effects of the fire were a little distracting). I don't actually believe it will end in heartbreak, I very much believe that Maya and Carina will get their happy ever after with lots of babies. If anything, I suspect we may see Maya question her job with the fire service again as it feels like it's been leading to that - and I'm still not keen on that idea, but (as someone else pointed out to me) if that's her decision, at least she makes it on her own terms.
Although, at this rate, Andy is going to be left with a team at 19 made up of her ex-husband and Beckett. 👀
I loved all the Maya and Andy scenes we got, I'm glad their friendship has been more prominent this season. I love hearing them both say how proud they are of each other.
Maya Kathleen? Didn't they mean Maya Katherine, after her mom?
All the throwbacks to previous episodes and scenes were great and I hope that continues into the next episode. Dibs on the puppy. Hughie. The five OGs on top of the fire truck was such a wonderful scene, watching them all get into the same position as the last time we saw them there. It made me sad that Dean and Jack weren't there.
"We're 19 - family forever" ... ❤️❤️
I hope Theo getting hurt doesn't interfere with Vic's plans to move to DC with Crisis One. It's where she belongs. I love the idea of Travis going with her, although he has good chemistry with the new guy whose name I don't remember.
This was an A+ episode for me and I really really hope next week's finale lives up to the same hype.
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jasvvy · 3 months
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Old Habits, New Faces
Epilogue for Sweet Treats AU: by character | chronological | epilogues
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Warnings: these drabbles will include dark elements such as noncon, control, intimidation, and other stuff that may not be specified. Take this as you chance to scroll by.
Note: Hope you don't mind...
Please let me know what you think <3
“Here you are, sir,” you approach the table, trading the contents of your tray, a plate of apple crisp and an American, for the slender metal centerpiece that holds the table number, “nice and warm from the oven.”
“Mm,” he grumbles without looking up from his phone, a stitch between his brows. You hold onto the metal card holder and try not to stare. You lean back on your heel, you should leave him alone.
He sighs and puts his phone down. He stares at the empty seat across from him. A line forms across his forehead as he scowls.
“Thanks.” He balls his gloved fist on the table top. His left hand. Not very subtle when you know who he is.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but are you the Bucky Barnes?”
“If you don’t want to, why–” He begins sharply. You flinch as he looks at you, a glare that softens at once. He cringes and corrects himself, forcing a smile that sets a handsome dimple in his cheek. “Sorry, long day. Yes, I am the Bucky Barnes.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I’ll get back to the counter.”
You turn on the ball of your foot and scurry away, embarrassed. You knew better and you did it anyway. You just can’t believe it’s really him. Here of all places. This deadbeat town in the middle of nowhere. Wait! Is he on a mission?
You stand behind the till, fighting not to look over at him. Another customer enters. Kathleen. You have a tray of cupcakes waiting for her. You slide the box across to her as she pays on the machine. You wish her a good day and you’re left once more to languish in the tension.
You can’t just stand there. You know it’s probably a bit creepy to just stare out the window. Or him. Don’t look!
You go to the shelves and start your inventory. You should wait until a bit later but it’ll keep you busy. You slide some loaves over and rearrange the display case. 
His chair scrapes and his treads scuff. You don’t dare peek up as you wait for him to leave. Then you can wallow in your embarrassment alone. He clears his throat loudly and you pop your head up.
“Oh, hi again,” you close the display and sidle over with your best customer service.
“You have any of that left?” He asks, his voice gristles like gravel. He looks tired. Bags under his eyes and a pallid hue to his skin.
“The crisp? It’s my favourite.”
“Oh, uh, yeah, lots actually.” You try not to show how nervous you are. If he knew you had him as your phone wallpaper, oh gawd. “I could get you another piece. On the house. As an apology.”
“Apology?” He shakes his head.
“I really shouldn’t have asked earlier. I didn’t mean to be nosy.”
“It’s fine,” he says gently, “Didn’t mean to scare ya. I’m sure you folks don’t get many newcomers around here… do you?”
“No, not really. There was a group that passed through a few weeks ago. They stayed at Margot’s. She runs the B&B around here– um, that doesn’t matter, I guess. But, yeah, no, pretty tame her. Bodunk, if you will.”
He scoffs and nods, his expression eases up and his blues eyes consider you.
“Not to stroke my own ego, but are you a fan?”
“Er, a little,” you confess. “I mean, you and Cap. That’s big time compared to anything around her. But Bill Foster, he’s a volunteer firefighter, he got a cat out of a tree the other day… I’m rambling again.”
His lips curl at the edges, almost indiscernible. He rests his hand on the counter and his fingertips tap as his gaze clings to you. You squirm and wipe your sweaty palms on your apron.
“So uh, how about that crisp?”
“Think it’d be better with company,” he intones.
He reaches in his pocket and takes out his wallet. He slides out a bill and lays it down. 
“On me. You been working hard. I’d love to treat ya.”
“I… can’t, Mr. Barnes, I have to…” you look around desperately. Still empty.
“You got a few minutes,” he insists, “don’t you, doll? Kinda dull ‘round here, ya know?”
“Ya, I know,” you look down at the twenty. “I guess I could sit down for a few minutes.”
“Oh, and it’s Bucky,” he corrects you as a full blown smile blooms across his face, “could I also ask for a name with my crisp?”
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bluetortoist · 3 months
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Time for another Batman OC! Again not too awful original, but this one is my own take on the Brave and the Bold character Scream Queen.
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She was Crane's star student, who became obsessively hopelessly in love with him enough to follow him down his path of a rogue while also both, harboring a complicated romantic relationship together. This one's a little dubious sooo
CW: Stalking, Student/Teacher descriptions down below
Name: Kathleen "Kathy" Holloway
Alias: Scream Queen
Age: 27
Gender: Cis Female
Identifies: Bisexual
Race: Human
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Birth town: Gotham Heights
Current Living: Grand Avenue
Allegiance: True Neutral- Neutral Evil
Cursed hooded dress - Her magically cursed dress hoodie gives her many different abilities, such as below:
Sonic Scream - one of, if not her only, means of attack. It let's out powerful screams enough to blast through concrete and even metal to an extent. Every scream she emits is different sounding than the last; She hypothesized that the different screams it omits are most likely the screams it's collected from all of its past victims.
Life Force Draining - This ability is what helps power her Sonic Scream. It emits a different colored beam that is used to literally take the breath away of any living thing until the victim is drained completely of their life force (their breath per se), leaving them as a completely immobile, breathless husk. This, remarkably, is also collected by the cloak and stored as another victims scream to add to the ever-growing collection. This can and WILL kill the victim if not treated right way.
Medical/ Pharmaceutical Knowledge - Her family background and her Major in college has made her very knowledgable in the ways of treating illnesses, injuries, and even some knowledge in drugs/medicine. Even though she never got licensed, they are skills that absolutely do in a pinch and help with Crane in the lab sometimes.
History: Kathy Holloway was born into a wealthy family who does business selling medical technology. Perhaps not as wealthy and as influential as names like Wayne, but were still known and respected fairly well by those around them since they help contribute to some of the hospitals in Gotham. In her childhood, Kathy was determined by teachers to be intellectually smart for her age. However, she was als considered "the creepy weird girl" that her peers hated to be around or bullied her. It also didn't help that she had little interest in what other people her age liked and would sometimes get into arguments and fights with other kids. She was bothering a lot of her peers to the point that word got around and even her family couldnt help but think she was a problem child. But in response to her high intellect, they made her spend a few years of her childhood studying, then counseling at school and then taking finishing lessons at home as a means of keeping her in line and shaping her to be "normal" enough. It put a lot of pressure and hurtful abuse on her self esteem. She still wouldn't break from her usual self, but she tried her best to play along just so it could stop. When Kathy became 13, it started to feel pointless to her parents, and she was then considered "not to be bothered with anymore" and focuses on furthering her younger brother's growth instead.
Later on in highschool, it was at least a little less restricting than it was at home. Kathy was still ostracized among peers who grew up with her, but still managed to become friends and eventually a relationship with a senior year boy. However, she quickly became infatuated with him to the point of stalking him. She was caught and had a restraining order put on her, she was suspended from school for a time, which isolated her even more. She managed to graduate highschool with relatively no troubles, but as soon as she did, her family kicked her out of home, and cut her off after feeling too much shame from their failed and disturbed child. She hasn't made any attempt to contact any of them since. Luckily, Kathy had some money to her name, enough to find a place to stay, found a job at a nearby metaphysical shop, which was then when she found the cursed hooded dress that she decided to keep. When she discovered its frightening abilities, she quickly begun figuring out how it works and, taking inspiration from her favorite horror movies, uses its powers to commit small, haunted robbery's that left police and detectives baffled at how this is even happening. Gotta pay the rent and food somehow.
After a while, after finally scraping and stealing enough, Kathy uses said money to finally get into Gotham University. It was there she met Proffessor Crane, taking one of his Psycology classes. She didn't think much of him at first, but as soon as he acknowledged her intelligence and in her assignments (considering her one of his star students), how she saw how he revelled in his obsession with fear, and his phobia experiments on other people, she felt a kinship to him and his dark eccentricities and fell instantly in love with him. She would stalk him for a few months after that, trying to get his attention in any way subtle way she could. There was reluctance, but Jonathan gave in and thus begun having a relationship with his star student, albeit brief. She still stalked him, even finding out that he has taken on the Scarecrow persona after hearing how he was fired and kicked out of the school for his horrible experiments.
She continued her schooling after his attack on the University until she eventually got her masters, but continued keeping tabs on his whereabouts and activities. Even taking on her Scream Queen persona to help him out of a jam or two (much to Scarecrows confusion and uneasiness at first). She was finally caught one night when she got a little too brave sneaking into one of his secret hideouts and they found out both their identities. Scarecrow honestly thought that he would never see her again, let alone all that she has been doing without him noticing OR she was the reason behind a few of his close calls. Nonetheless, he couldnt take that risk no matter how fondly he thinks of her. But in response, Kathy insisted that as a compromise, she stay by his side and work alongside him in whatever he needed; She was more than willing to take this chance to be near him as much as she could. Scarecrow was both reluctant and distrustful at first. She knew his hideout and, apparantly, more so about him than he thought and could use it however she pleased. But on the other hand, she would've done so anytime but didnt and already said she is loyal to him (definitely stroked his ego). He definitely thought her strange abilities could be useful and knew how capable she was already. They, at first, agree to work together in the sense that they could both ruin each other at anytime, but Scarecrow soon starts realizing that they work together a lot better than he thought. Thus begun a complicated, twisted, slow burn romance that he never thought he'd get into with his right hand in fear, "Scream Queen".
Its typical, but she likes horror movies from all range of subgenres, but has a personal love for the ghost/haunting genre; she knows a very good amount of horror trivia; Some of her favorite directors are Dario Argento, James Whale and Wes Craven.
While in school, Kathy minored in Film/Acting because of her love of horror media and the means of producing and acting in them. Taking much inspiration from the actresses and female characters is what made her borrow the term "Scream Queen" as her alias.
While working at the metaphysical shop. She learned a few things like tarot reading from a former friend/employee of hers. She didn't entirely believe it (at least not at first before she found a literal magic hoodie for crying out loud!), but she thinks it's all very interesting to learn about.
She prefers to be called by her shorter name "Kathy" because she doesn't like her full name or when other people use it. Jonathan is one of the handful of people whom she let's call her "Kathleen".
The only family members that Kathy can say she remembers fondly or indifferently towards to was her little brother, and her estranged Aunt on her mother's side. Her Aunt being the one person she felt connected to due her Aunt also being seen as an embarrassment by her family. She unfortunately passed away when Kathy was 11. Kathy and her little brother, sadly didn't spend much time together. Her brother would be constantly away in his own schedule their parents made and was 7 when Kathy was kicked out. He doesn't remember much about her.
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐎𝐀𝐃𝐊
Pairing: FEDRA!Javier Peña x firefly!reader
Genre: slice of life, smut, romance, angst, enemies to reluctant friends to lovers, TLOU AU, minors dni
Summary: Javier, a former member of the Federal Disaster Response Agency in Kansas City, is haunted by the guilt and violence he indirectly caused by not taking action when he should have. After fleeing Kansas City in the aftermath of Kathleen's violent overthrow of FEDRA, you and Javier seek refuge in an abandoned train in the middle of a forest.
As you and Javier turn the train into a living space and learn to navigate the dangers of a post-apocalyptic world, you gradually overcome your differences and form an unlikely bond. But when your pasts catch up with you, you must confront the demons that haunt you and make a choice that could mean the difference between life and death. Will you choose to protect each other and find a way to build a new life together, or will the ghosts of your pasts tear you apart?
word count: 5k
chapter summary: some days are harder than others. you and javier go hunting in preparation for the coming winter.
warnings: canon typical violence, no y/n, survivor's guilt (javi), anxiety & thoughts of not wanting to exist for a while (javi), minor character death, tension, oral sex (receiving), dirty talking, piv, rough sex, outdoor sex, primal kink, arguing with soft ending, hurt/comfort vibes, breeding kink, feelings
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Whiffletree - A component of a horse-drawn wagon used to help navigate rough roads by connecting the wagon tongue to the horse's harness.
It’s one of those days. 
Javier wakes up with you by his side. Your body pliant and soft with sleep. Your chest moves up and down steadily, you’re bare—you’re always bare for him. Telling him that you preferred it that way, that you feel safe feeling his skin pressing against yours while you were taken by dreams. Him, on the other hand, he still put on his boxer shorts and undershirt. Not for a lack of trust, but he wasn’t about to take your trust lightly by being unprepared in the late hours of the night. 
Sitting up, he reaches for his pack of cigarettes then stops, he’s down to his last pack, and he had an inkling he would want to smoke a lot today. You sleep with him often now. The constant arguing stopped. Both of you are content with just being. Feelings hadn’t been discussed. In this world, the talk of emotions isn’t needed. The two of you have found a semblance of happiness, that’s all that matters. 
This was what Javier hoped to achieve when the both of you sought refuge in this train. Some part of him knew that you would be special and that part of him was right. 
But still. . . it’s harder to remember that on days like this. 
The days where he wish he wasn’t here, with you, and instead he was with his family. Be it in this world or the next. A heavyweight settles over his chest. Breathing is always more difficult on days like this. He would be staggering, wanting to hold his chest, almost like he was having a heart attack. But he would have to hide it if that happened today. He doesn’t want you to know, to worry. These feelings will pass. The feelings of guilt, and grief, and the need to not exist, even for a little while. 
Javier lets out a deep exhale. The used-up oxygen moves within his body, traveling up his throat and forcibly parting his lips. He doesn’t want to feel. It’s all so confusing but also familiar, which only adds to his confusion. Does he miss the others? Carillo, Steve, even the insufferable Adam? He misses his father, his mother, despite her passing being unrelated to the outbreak. Javier never thought he would humor his life before as a peaceful one. 
With these thoughts, his heart clenches, his chest caving in on itself. In that life, he didn’t have you. And he can argue that you are the best part of both lives. Finding you, seeing you for the first time was like breathing again. He was angry with you, yes, but that didn’t stop the rush he felt whenever he was with you. Guilt follows him like a shadow. It’s mirrored in his reflection in the water, in the windows. It’s always there. He sees the deaths of his friends, family—sometimes he even sees you; your dead eyes unblinking as you stare at him through shards of glass. 
The weight on his chest, it’s heavier today. How can breathing be the easiest, yet the most difficult thing he can ever do? 
“Javi,” you mutter, palm finding the slope of his knee. “Are you okay?” 
“I am,” he says, quickly sliding back into the sheets and pulling you into his arms. He presses his nose into your hair, your earthy scent replacing the oxygen in his lungs. “Did I wake you up?” 
You shake your head and his grip around you tightens. You kiss the front of his shoulder. Your lips warm and wet. He remembers the prior night when your mouth was wrapped around him, the best feeling in the world. 
“No,” you look up at him between heavy lashes. “Did I wake you?” 
“No, mi amor. I just saw a bad dream.” 
You nod, your head falling back into his chest. His scar burns when you nuzzle him, a bit too close to comfort. He swallows, his jaw growing taut. You never ask him about his nightmares. Javier lacks the same restraint as you, so he always ends up asking you what you saw whenever you say you had a bad dream. Luckily, you seemed to enjoy the fact that he asks. 
Wind rattles the windows. Thanks to the insulation the two of you managed to put together, the inside is warm and cozy. Your beds now side by side, the curtain that separated the two gone. You pull him in for a kiss, one that he happily obliges. He slips his tongue into your mouth, licking himself deeper as you wrap your arms around him and pull him close. He could do this forever. No matter how many times the two of you are together, Javier longs to feel your heat around him, to feel your mouth, your curves, your trembling body—these are the things he had been apart from for way too long. 
“Javier,” you half whisper half moan, your breaths mingle together. “I’m going to say something. Promise you won’t get mad.” 
His shoulders slump. Physically, he’s only an inch away from your person, but emotionally he’s already withdrawing, the walls that leave his mind in a haze drawing up. Your eyes are closed, soft lashes kissing your skin. His mind might be surrounded by a thick victorian-like fog but, fuck, he can’t deny himself of pressing his lips to your eyelids, one by one. Javier is already highly aware that he’s not god’s strongest soldier. 
You sigh into him, your body instinctively curling towards his torso. 
“Is that supposed to be a promise?” 
He lets out a shaky breath, lips twitching with amusement. “I already know what you’re going to say, Perla. Today is the worst possible day for any questions.” 
“I know you don’t want to talk about the past,” you answer, your eyes snapping open. The same determination from the first day he met you heavy in your eyes. “And of course, we don’t have to talk about everything. But we should be able to talk about some things. Your nightmares are getting more frequent.” 
It’s because I’m happy now, when I don’t deserve to be. “Look at you, so worried,” he muses, leaving a trail of wet kisses as he makes his way down your body. “What would your firefly pals think of you now?” 
You’re not stupid. Javier is positive you know his ways of distraction by now, however, he is grateful you don’t press the matter. He adores the way you spread your legs for him, without question. His cock twitches at the sight of you. Your pretty pussy already soaked. He kisses the mound, avoids your clit, and presses his mouth into your folds. You sigh in bliss. 
“I think they would like you,” you answer, lifting your hips to meet the heat of his mouth. He pins you down with both hands and you let out a soft giggle. “I mean…if we ignore the whole FEDRA thing that is.” 
“Were you close to anyone in particular?” 
Your eyes drop to where his head crowns between your legs. Playfully, you tuck a couple of soft strands behind his ear.  “Not really. No.” 
“Their loss.” 
With a smile you cup his cheek, thumb smoothing over his growing beard, the pad of your fingers finds purchase over a patch of skin that is stubborn and bare. “You’re starting to grow a bit of fuzz,” you say. “I like it.” 
“I’m glad you do. You’re going to be seeing it for a while until we find a rusty razor.” 
Javier pushes his tongue between your folds, licking a stripe up until the curve of his nose bumps against your clit. His cock drips when you moan for him. Without much thought, he grinds down into the mattress and groans into you. Your breath hitches, your fingers fisting the sheets. Your whimpers grow louder and louder. He flattens his tongue, kissing your pussy, he closes his lips tightly around the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your thighs are tight around the frame of his face. He feels the shaking of your legs, the way your cunt pulses with each stroke of his tongue. 
After all this time, he still knows how to make a woman come. He’s prideful of the fact. He smiles as he sucks on your clit, his pulse skyrocketing at the way you pull at his hair. A pleasant pressure that starts from his scalp moves all the way down to his tailbone. You let out a sharp cry. Your hips stuttering while you flood his mouth. Javier softens his tongue, the muscles dancing between quivering lips as you slowly settle down. Your frantic breathing fades into long languid sighs, and soon enough you’re pulling him up, capturing his lips in an equally languid and lazy kiss. 
He loves distracting you. 
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You smell rain. An incoming storm. A ticking bomb. It’s all laid out so clearly in the wind that it’s hard to miss it. Javier had brought you along to hunt with him, even though you would much prefer to stay at the train and clean up the “kitchen area” for better use. You told him as such and he rolled his eyes, a tired yet humorful smile gracing his handsome features. 
He knows you don’t like to hunt, but asked you to come anyway. Saying that you needed to learn, just in case. 
“It’s not that I don’t know,” you chide, stepping over a dried-up log. “I just don’t like doing it.” 
“Well, I’m not going to be the only one hunting. Do you know how heavy a deer is? I’ll pop a shoulder.” 
You huff. Picking up the pace, you playfully shove your shoulder into his. “I guess that’s fair.” And you look good when you hunt so I don’t mind. 
Of course, you would never admit that. The man knows he looks good, he doesn’t need you to remind him. You’re also pretty sure your eyes are a dead giveaway anyway, eating him up as he propped a rifle under his arm and watched his prey. The thing you feel is akin to liquid heat rolling down your spine. 
Javier suddenly stops, his arm reaching in front of you to stop you as well. He doesn’t have to. You’re trained to feel the sudden distress of those around you. Either that or death. Still, feeling his arm gently bumping into your stomach made you smile. You’re quickly  getting addicted to being cared for. 
“There,” he whispers, grabbing your hand and leading you to crouch behind a thick bush. Your eyes follow to where he points, and lo behold, a handsome buck nosing the earth in search of food. Just like you two are. “Do you want to or should I?” he mutters. He’s already sliding the rifle off his shoulder. 
“You already know my answer,” you lick your lips, watching unblinkingly as he takes his stance, his eyes focused. “Go ahead.” 
Javier readies himself to take the shot. His finger hovers over the trigger. His breathing is slow and measured, each inhalation deep and deliberate. You can see the muscles in his arms tense, his chest rising and falling with each breath. The tendons in his hand twitch. It's as if he's completely in tune with the rhythm of the forest. The tip of his tongue slowly pokes out from between his lips and stays there. 
You feel a wave of heat wash over you as you watch him. The buck comes further into focus. A gust of wind blows, playing with the soft strands that fall over his forehead.  Javier's eyes narrow with concentration. You can almost feel the electricity in the air as he takes aim, his finger tightening on the trigger. You hear the soft click of it first, then a loud echo of a bullet firing out of the nuzzle of the gun. 
And despite all of that, he misses. 
The buck jumps with fear, running away and disappearing into the forest. 
“Fuck!” Javier shouts, his sudden rage coming as a surprise to you. He quickly picks himself up from the soil and attempts to make chase, that is until he realizes you’re not following. He turns, rifle swaying across his back. The crease between his brows is deep, the scowl he’s giving you reminding you of the time your relationship was a hostile one. “What are you waiting for? Come on.” 
Your lips part with the intent to tell him to give up, that the two of you should look for another target instead. But something in his eyes prevents you from saying that. With shaky legs, you stand and follow. His eyes drop to your feet, then raises again, meeting your gaze. 
“I’m sorry,” he blurts out. “I didn’t mean to shout.” 
“Wouldn’t be the first,” you answer, a nervous bubble of laughter escaping you. “You usually don’t miss, are you. . . um. . . are you okay?” 
He contemplates your question, the world around you buried in uncomfortable silence, even the leaves completely still. Javier throws his head back and looks to the sky, then he lets out a breath. His hand slides into his pocket, pulling out his cigarette pack. 
“I don’t want to lie,” he says, head falling back as he pulls the stick between his lips. “I’m not doing that well today.” 
“Does it have to do with. . . you know,” you trail off and he levels you with a look. You’re not sure what he’s saying though, but you decide to continue. “Your friends.” 
His eyebrows raise, cigarette loose between his lips. “Friends?” 
“Steve and the others.” 
“Stop it,” he lights the cigarette and drags his thumb down the curve of his nose. “Just stop talking. I said I don’t want to talk about it.” 
Your heart sinks upon hearing the tremble in his voice. You take a step forward, relieved when he doesn’t move away from you. Javier sucks the but of his cigarette, filling his lungs with sweet nicotine, then he exhales the smoke, burrowing it into your lungs instead. 
“I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore. I know you still are. Let me apologi—” 
“I’m not mad.” he shakes his head. “I just don’t want to talk about it. Not FEDRA or the life I lead before you showed up. The past should stay in the past.” 
“You know that’s not true.” a bead of sweat rolls down your spine and you shudder. You walk until there’s no distance left anymore and touch his wrist. His fingers twitch. “The past is still bothering you. Maybe if you talk about it—” 
“And say what?” he hisses. “That their dead because of me? That I was too weak, too much of a coward to save anyone? To explain those who were closest to me that all of what we were doing was causing the death of the people we swore to protect? Is that it?” 
“Or,” he says, cutting your sentence short the third time. He raised his voice abruptly, his words echoing “Do you want me to say that they died because of what you did? Is that what you want? Me blaming you? I don’t know what you’re digging for, but you’re not going to get it. I’m not going to rest my head on your lap and open my heart to you. That’s not how this works.” 
“Then how does this work?” you snap back, eyes burning with coming tears. “I just want to talk. I don’t expect you to forgive me, to cry or anything like that. You’re clearly upset just let me fucking be there for you!”
“It’s not your job to be there for me.” 
“So is this how it’s going to be then? Just us fucking like rabbits and saying sweet nothings only when it’s convenient? We’re not actually going to be there for each other where it counts?”
“I didn’t hear you complaining.” 
He pulls away from you. Slipping from between your fingertips. His rage is still heavy in the air, but the wind and the forest around you comes to life again. The dirt crunches under his boots, his cigarette held tightly between his lips. 
What’s the next step to take? You think bitterly. What’s the right thing to say?
You don’t know. 
So you follow. 
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Somewhere along the way, you find your body pressed against a large tree trunk, thick moss sticking to the fabric of your shirt. Unlike before, instead of him giving you the silent treatment, Javier was chatty. He kept angrily muttering things, either directed at you or the buck that had run off. He was still adamant about finding it. No matter how many times you tried to convince him the animal was gone. He said some things that hurt, and you returned the sentiment. Your words like the knives you carried on your hips; sharp and painful. Venom spewed from the both of you, and deep, deep down, you wondered who it was helping. Him, who was still blaming himself but trying to mask it by saying it was you to blame—which he wouldn’t be wrong, you blamed yourself too— or you, who was foolish enough to think some good could come out of this world? 
And with those thoughts swirling in your mind, he pushed you towards the nearest tree, the force of it knocking the air from your lungs. 
His hands skim down your sides, squeezing and pulling at every inch. Javier grinds his hips into the curve of your ass and you let out a sharp gasp. He’s quick to tug down your jeans and kick your legs apart. Thick fingers follow the elastic of your underwear. You feel his breath, hot and wet, fanning over the back of your neck. The urgency in his movements slows until it comes to a full stop. He’s hesitating, you realize. But you don’t want him to stop. You want to feel the rage that built in him in the past twenty years. You want to feel his teeth sinking into your skin and fingers tearing at your flesh. 
You want to take his anger from him as he buries himself deep inside you, animalistic, primal. 
“Don’t get shy on me now, Javi.” 
There’s a teasing lilt to your tone. Something that you hope he engages in. There’s a small tug at your lips when Javier buries his fist deep into your hair, pulling from the roots. A sharp breath leaves you as he yanks your head back, he drags his chapped lips down your neck, and much to your surprise, he leaves a kiss at your pulse. 
“You’re a fucking thorn in my side,” he groans, lips moving along your heated skin. 
That’s all he has to offer in the means of tenderness. 
With one strong thrust, Javier buries himself to the hilt. You gasp aloud. Your forehead falling against the grooved surface of the tree. He’s so close. His clothed chest pressed up against yours, he’s panting, every breath a violent heat against your neck. You flutter around him, a weak attempt to adjust to his width. But Javier doesn’t give you much time. You’re soaked, so he pulls out and snaps back in with ease. Dripping down his length and the inside of your thighs. You attempt to bite back moans. Which results in unattractive, choked out sounds leaving you instead. 
His fingers curl around your throat. The perfect necklace. Heat rolls down your spine when he tugs you back, an arch forming between bodies. 
“There’s no one else here,” he growls, teeth nipping at your cheek. “Let me hear you.” 
You’re shaking, trembling with the way he rolls his hips with each and every word. A whimper leaves you. And, frustrated, Javier shoves two fingers between your lips, parting your mouth wide to eliminate the filter. The pace he sets after that is brutal. It’s piercing, his cock splitting you into two, only his hips moving while he holds you in place. You moan loudly into the forest, the wind accompanying you in some weird mystic way that makes you feel free. Your knees buckle. 
“You like this don’t you?” he groans, pulling you away from the tree so he would be the only one preventing you from falling. Your eyes roll back. Your skin burns at the way your breasts begin to sway with each heavy stroke. “Being fucked like this, out in the open. Like animals. Is this why you try to piss me off all—” 
He changes the angle, fucking himself deeper. You cry out. “the—” he grabs your breast, squeezes it. “fucking—” he sinks his teeth into your neck, the last word coming out muffled. “time.” 
You claw at his forearm that’s wrapped around your torso, holding you up. You make the mistake of briefly looking around, witnessing the greenery as he thrusts up into you, his cock hot and searing. The pleasure accompanied by the peaceful terrain makes you clench, a groan slipping past your lips. This shouldn’t feel as good as it does, at least that’s what you’re thinking. 
You hear his cruel chuckle, hot and heavy in your ear. Your nipples tingle and harden further. “Filthy,” he spits out, voice dripping with amusement. “I can feel you squeezing around me. . .  it feels. . . good.” 
In those words, you hear a bit of clarity, a bit of softness. 
“You want me to come inside you? Fill you up so you feel me for days, perla?” 
Javier's voice fills the stillness of the forest, consuming you. His words lace with a raw, almost primal intensity that leaves you gasping for more. You feel the muscles in his arms and chest flexing as he continues to thrust into you, a rhythm building between you that is as old as time itself.
“Yes, yes—fuck—please, Javi. Need it so bad.” 
His breath is hot against your neck, his teeth sinking into the tender flesh just below your ear. The sensation sends a shiver down your spine, your body responding eagerly to his touch. You feel his fingers curling around your waist, pulling you even closer to him as he pounds into you with a ferocity that leaves you dizzy.
The way he fills you up, the way he takes control, the way he possessively claims you with each thrust—all of it makes you feel alive in a way you never have before. 
The moss beneath the soles of your boots appears soft and yielding, the leaves rustling gently in the breeze as you cling to Javier. The heat of his body presses against you, his chest heaving with each breath as he brings you ever closer to the edge. His fingers tighten around your throat. 
You feel his cock pulsing inside of you, his thrusts becoming more desperate. Your name on his tongue becomes a fevered chant. He buries himself deep inside of you, you feel his hot seed flooding your body, filling you up until you think you might burst. The pleasure is almost unbearable, the sensation so intense that you can barely breathe. Electricity burns you as it rushes up and down your body, every muscle feeling limp and worn out. He doesn’t pull out, keeps you still, groaning as come trickles down from where his cock stretches you.
The world around you slowly comes back into focus, you realize that you are still clinging to Javier, your body trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm. His arms are wrapped tightly around you, his lips brushing gently against your neck. 
You both struggle to catch your breath.
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Screaming. Shouting. Gunfire. Blood. 
He could smell it all in the air. Thick like fog. Javier’s own body felt unfamiliar to him. He moved but to where he had no idea. He pushed over god knows how many people, running, searching. Carillo, Steve…it was unlikely that they made it. The only reason Javier was still alive is due to the fact that he was on patrol. She would’ve struck the headquarters first. Which is where Carillo and Steve were stationed at. 
A woman with a knife suddenly jumped in front of him. He felt the restraint in his arms as he pointed his pistol. She looked like an infected. Blood running down her cheek, her hair mussed and tangled, her eyes deranged. 
“Fuck FEDRA!” she growled, jumping him. 
With a twist of his body, he ducked away and didn’t turn back to watch her fall to the concrete. His gun was empty. He didn’t have the luxury of wasting time for anyone to find out. He was about to duck into an alleyway when he saw it; a young man that he once knew. Adam. It wasn’t uncommon for FEDRA to receive young officers, most of them orphans, eighteen, sometimes nineteen. He remembered teaching him how to aim. His green eyes were left open, a handle of a knife coming out of his throat like a solid plastic tongue. 
Bile rose to Javier’s throat. His blood boiled, every muscle buzzing with fear and adrenaline. Adam didn’t choose this. His parents died, most likely killed, then was raised by FEDRA to be a soldier. 
“I’m sorry, kid.” Javier whispered, granting himself a brief moment to lean over and close Adam’s eyes. 
He was still warm to the touch. 
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While you didn't manage to find the exact buck you were looking for, you did manage to find a deer that was just as good. 
Now the two of you sit at the table, two cups of rosemary tea in front of you. The sky dark, the stars invisible due to gray clouds thickening. Silence consumes you both. Javier stares outside, his bottom lip sucked between his teeth as he nipped unconsciously. After the…heated moment in the forest, Javier hadn’t said much. He wasn’t silent but the atmosphere was less than cheerful. 
Soft drops begin to hit the glass, an echo of rain filling the train car. Anxiously, you wrap your hands around the mug and bring the porcelain rim to your lips. It was cracked. 
“I did try to stop it, you know,” he mutters, his whispered words loud in contrast to the silence of the night. “Micheal and I. I was feeding him information, trying to help him to overthrow my friends. He was a peaceful man.” 
You take a slow inhale. Your lungs expand and when it does you fear that even the smallest of movement might bring on back his silence. You watch. Your eyes glued to his face that was buried in darkness. He continues without looking back at you. 
“But that all changed when Henry and Sam got involved. Sam was Henry’s little brother, Henry gave up where Micheal was to Carillo in return for medicine, which brought on Micheal’s death. I tried to stop it but as always, I wasn’t efficient. Before I could say, or at least attempt to put my foot down and face a similar death—Micheal was gone.”
“And Kathleen took control.” 
You immediately regret speaking up but he doesn’t flinch away, only nods. “Yeah. She did.” 
“I’m sorry, Javier. The fireflies shouldn’t have meddled—I…I shouldn’t have—” 
“It’s not your fault, cariño. You were following orders. I would be a hypocrite if I just blamed you,” he lets out a stuttered breath. “I did awful things. I stayed silent many times when I shouldn’t. I’m not a good man, and I doubt I ever was.” 
“You were loyal.” you point out. “So was I.” 
He scoffs, eyes following the raindrops that slide down the windows. “It wasn’t out of loyalty. I owed them, owed Carillo and Murph my loyalty. They saved me.” 
Your eyes widen slightly, your nails tap against the mug. “Your scar…” 
“I was captured while we were transferring a bunch of people between QZ’s. Hunters. They were going to kill me, they slit me open.” he swallows. “I still remember it. And I was prepared to die—I embraced it— but they came back for me.” 
You don’t say a word. Just imagining him laid out like that, stripped of everything only to be killed. . . cold sweat coats your skin, uncomfortably sticky. 
“So yeah, I owed them my loyalty. I don’t know if I would’ve done anything differently if not. Maybe I would’ve simply run away when things got so complicated.” he shakes his head. “I never got to ask them.” 
“Ask them what?” 
“Ask them why. So I’ll just ask you instead,” He finally turns to face you, his eyes swallowed by complete darkness, yet clearer than the stars that are hidden. “Why did you save me?” 
You hear the crack in his voice. It’s subtle, but it’s there. He’s so unsure of his question, what answer it might bring. But lucky for him, your answer comes to you as naturally as breathing. 
“I saw goodness in you. Saw it the day we met.” 
You hear him swallow. Without touching his tea, or saying anything else, he takes you by the hand and leads you to the bed. You sit down next to him, feeling the cool metal of the train car's wall against your back. Javier leans against the wall too, his arm wrapped around your waist as you both watch the rain outside. The patter of drops against the windowpane is a soothing background noise, punctuated by the occasional rumble of thunder.
After a while, he pulls you so you sit between his legs. He sneaks his hands under your shirt, palms spread out over the tender skin of your stomach. You sigh, leaning into him. His lips touch your cheek. 
“I’m sorry for today,” he whispers. 
“Don’t be,” you answer far too quickly. “I enjoyed it.” 
“I didn’t mean that,” you hear the smile in his voice. “I meant the arguing, the things I said. I think the grip the past has on me is only worse now because I’m afraid of losing you. It’s easier to live with the worst of yourself when you have nothing.” 
You know what he means. And you agree with him. However, your need to comfort him is much greater compared to your need to be logical. 
“You won’t lose me,” you say with a certainty that surprises you. “We’re going to grow old together right here, in our little nook of normalcy.” 
Javier hums, lips moving down to your neck. Hold me, he says into your skin, and you do. Turning in a way where you can wrap your arms around him. You know all the words he wants to say. How his first instinct to answer you by saying this world is full of death and wretchedness, you know this because that has always been your first instinct too. But he doesn’t. And neither do you. 
You two are too stubborn not to make that dream a reality. 
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slutforsnow · 5 months
Lady With Lousy Luck
Part two of "A Pretty Girl Playin' With The Big Boy's" (<-link to pt 1)
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CW/TW// guns, Billy is his own warning (so is Jesse, but this aint abt him LMAO), shooting, talk about abusive/manipulative ex and old friend, scars, forced marriage (?), shooting, grooming
Summary: Violet hangs with Billy and Jesse as they go shooting and get to know each other
A/N: Oh. My. Satan. GUYS ILY FOR GIVING PART ONE A CHANCE TY😭😭🫶🏼🫶🏼 also I might proofread that cause I posted it at 2am LMFAO if you guys have any writing tips/notice any misspellings lmk (also this is after the scene where he helps Kathleen working before he goes shooting with Jesse)
"Vi, why did you bet so much?" Jesse inquired as they walked to the make-shift shooting area after leaving Billy to let him join and check up on his ma. She shrugged, not really knowin' why herself.
"Don't know, just felt like it." As she spoke, she was rubbing her arm red and raw from how hard that gambler had grabbed her. She scowled as they walked, biting the inside inside of her cheek. The gambler had looked too similar to her ex. Shaking her head, she shuddered, trying to rid the image of her ex's face from her mind. 'Outta sight, outta mind my ass.'
"What's Billy like?" She questioned back, avoiding the topic of why she shuddered or bet so much.
"How d'you mean? I've told you he's a pretty damn good gunslinger for his age." Jesse looked at his younger sister with a raised brow.
Violet looked at Jesse with a look that could pierce through anything."Not like that, dumbass, I mean, is he a good person or somethin'." She swore that Jesse was messin' with her with how he shrugged. She was goin' to slap this man. She didn't care how much older he was.
"He's pretty quiet, hardworking," Jesse began, stoppin' for a moment to relax. "Loves his ma, Kathleen, and little brother, Joseph, to death. He hates his step-father, and between you and me, I can't blame him for that—but other than that, he keeps to himself."
Violet nodded, leaning against a tree and looking up at the blue sky. She watched the clouds go by as the pair waited for Billy to arrive, and she remembered how defeated Billy looked back at the saloon.
She bit the inside of her cheek, thinking about it. She decided to be nice decided to give Billy her winnings from poker to him. She figured it would be a nice 'thanks for savin' my ass' sort of gesture.
When Billy arrived, Violet watched them shoot the targets from a spot on the grassy plains behind them.
She was mesmerized by his focus and draw. How the muscles in his hand flexed when he drew his pistol and fired. She had to admit, it was hot and so was he–but not just physically. Billy was respectful, a gentleman, funny, loyal, and powerful. She knew he'd be a good friend in the long run, so she planned to at least become his friend.
As Jesse and Billy conversed about guns and how to modify them, Violet started to rub her bruise again. It was a reminder. A painful reminder of the man she hated. The one who almost ruined her life and ended her life of innocence.
She laid down in the grass, laying like a starfish, and sighed. 'When I find you, Henry Antrim, I'll kill you.'
After a few minutes, Jesse came over kicking Violet in the side, which earned him a kick to the knee.
"I'm awake, what," She groaned out, sitting up. Jesse rolled his eyes before dropping his sister's hat on her face.
"Goin' piss, entertain Billy," He said, before deeper into the trees to relieve himself as the bathrooms were too far of a walk from their place.
"Hi again, ma'am," Billy greeted, tippin' his hat down to Violet and sitting down in the grass next to her.
She laughed softly and playfully pushed him in his side as she sat up.
"No need to call me ma'am, Billy, I'm perfectly okay with being called Violet."
"But wouldn't you find that disrespectful?" He questioned, taking his hat off.
"Nah. I ain't really fond of being called miss or ma'am. Not after my ex," Violet stated, grabbing her lucky make-shift knife and stabbing the dirt as she looked at Billy. He looked nervous to be talking to a woman around his age. Alone.
"Oh... we'll... what exactly did he do? If you don't mind me asking?"
"Well, the short story is... he popped my cherry before I was ready. He and an old friend of a mine also sort of... controlled and manipulated me to think it was fine despite being 16 he was, I think, maybe mid-to-late 40s. Said it was love, but...it wasn't," She explained, gripping her blade hard before throwing it at a tree down by the targets, and it stuck into the trunk.
Billy was taken aback by the sudden drop of what happened and why she hated her ex so badly. Finding no words to say, Billy hesitantly put a hand on her back and rubbed her back in a comforting manner. Violet had originally shuddered at the touch and had gone to shove him off, but instead... she relaxed. She half-leaned into his touch, finding comfort and warmth from the cold and distant man. Billy didn't speak, but Violet didn't want him to. Most people asked how she could be so stupid or yell at her for being dumb. But Billy offered comfort, and she found solace in it.
As a few minutes passed, Violet suddenly sat up remembering something. "Oh shit, I almost forgot!" Billy looked down at her puzzled as she fished out her winnings from poker. When she finally grabbed the large wad of cash, she pressed it firmly into his rough and calloused hands.
"Here," She said, smiling up at him as the wind blew her curls out of her face.
Billy stared, puzzled. She was giving him her winnings and didn't understand why.
"Why are you giving me your winnings...?" He asked, slowly closing his hand around the wad of cash and coins.
"Cause you saved my ass- besides, I planned to buy you a drink, but my brother gave me a look that said we needed to get out of there now. Figured money would be a better alternative after hearin' about the mining accident," She answered, playfully hitting him in the shoulder as he stared at her in awe.
Billy didn't really understand the whole concept of love at first sight, but he did know one thing; this woman was his soulmate.
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