#kaylee bryant fanfiction
voidmaisiesstuff · 2 years
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Romantic Pairings: in Puppy Love a Disney Descendants fan fiction
Carlos x Reagan
Jay x Gwen
Greta x Dakota
Ryker x Jane
Winnie x Dude
link to story below ⤵️
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josiebeale · 4 years
Being in Paris with Josie- Headcanon
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when Josie asked to go with her and Lizzie to Paris, you couldn’t say yes faster
she gripped your hands so tightly at takeoff and didn’t let it go until the plane landed
you shared a large room in her Mom’s apartment with a balcony, the view was amazing
you spent the days like teenagers in love
holding hands while walking on riverside, eating delicious pastries and trying to perfect the French accent
going out at night to local concerts with Lizzie 
trying on hundred and one berets before buying the best one
polaroid pictures
early morning breakfasts at coffee shops 
visiting tourist sights with Lizzie and Caroline
watching the sunset on the balcony
playing scrabble with the family 
romantic candlelit dinners just the two of you
buying little souvenirs for all of your friends
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theapollochronicles · 3 years
We can be free | H.M
hope x werewolf!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 🤧 [also jenson ackles plays as alaric for all my legacies imagines!]
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The importance to the children of The Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted was that they were able to learn how to control their abilities and newly found strengths and since that was true, there was a huge chunk missing from the previous sentence, because that was only partially true.
Ever since a random “not so human” Landon Kirby had showed up at your school, stole a creepy old knife, and then decided to fake his compulsion to escape from the consequences he’d endure from a very angry tribrid, things had been changing non-stop for the Salvatore Boarding School.
It had been almost a few years since joining the school, since befriending the Saltzman twins, and since falling in love with said tribrid. You were a descendant from a very ancient werewolf pack, the Fenrir Pack of Idaho, but your pack had been brutally slaughtered at the hands of werewolf hunters, which left you no choice but to flee from your home all the way to Virginia. It was a routine for you to not stay in one place for more than a month, but an auburn-haired beauty made it very difficult for you to keep up with that routine.
You had met Hope at the Mystic Grill where you were grabbing one last meal before hitting the road. Hope was seated outside at one of the tables, waiting for her regular milkshake, when she spotted you waiting patiently for your bag by the register. She could’ve sworn she’d seen you before, maybe with Alaric? All she knew there and then that she had to speak to you.
‘Go out and explore the world.’
The words of Josie Saltzman filled her head at the first sight of you, also along with the words ‘Have more friends- and don’t say you have enough because all of the super squad doesn’t count, Mikaelson!’ from a very pissed of Lizzie Saltzman, who was probably at the moment trying to get Hope to stop bothering her.
But she didn’t know how to talk to other people without coming off as rude. As you could tell, she wasn’t a sociable person- or as her friend Kaleb would put it, a “people person.”
All Hope knew at that given moment was she needed to converse with you before you were gone forever. Just as she was going to stand from her table, a voice had called out to her.
“Hope! I’m glad you’re still here-”
“Uhm- Dr. Saltzman, is it okay if we talk later?”
“It can’t wait. I’m sorry. I just got word that the Werewolf I’ve been tracking down is in this location.”
Hope furrowed her brows. “Really? In such a public place, I wouldn’t think they would ever show themselves-”
“They’re actually here, in the Mystic Grill. That’s where the Twins location spell led to. I was glad to catch you in time before you left.” Alaric sighed, pointing inside of the Grill. “It led to that girl.”
Hope’s eyes had widen in surprise. It was you. You were the one Alaric had spoken to her about finding and recruiting for the school. Although she didn’t get the chance to meet with you one-on-one, Alaric had told her how stubborn the Werewolf was and how she’d deny any other information about herself as she’s dodge Alaric’s questions.
Hope knew that you’d be trouble.
So, they had decided to come up to you when you finally left the Grill. You walked a few blocks away from the restaurant with to-go plates and a drink in your other hand. As you passed a small park and was finally away from enough people, Alaric and Hope had cornered you towards the back of a random building.
“Oh. If it isn’t my favorite Headmaster.” Hope raised a brow at your sarcastic comment, watching as you set your food down on a small bench and opened the plastic plates to eat it quietly.
“I know you hate me continuing to ask this, Y/n, but I’m not actually taking ‘no’ for an answer again.”
You rolled your eyes at the older man, glancing at him with a glare. “Then I guess you’re in for one hell of a ride, because I will continue to say no until you give up.” When your gaze landed on Hope for a split second, you watched her cautiously.
“So who’s the quiet beauty over here?”
Alaric sighed. “That’s not-”
“Hope. Hope Mikaelson.” Hope had introduced herself.
You hummed. “Well, I’d say it’s nice to meet you but.. you know.”
“Yeah, I get it. Alaric can be a bit annoying when he wants to be. He’s trying to recruit as many people as possible. It’s a filthy habit of his, really.”
“We all have filthy habits, don’t we?” You watched Hope with an intriguing eye as she stood tall a few feet away from you. She wore a red long sleeve with some black-fitted jeans and Doc Martins, her hair slicked back into a half ponytail as the rest flowed past her shoulders and down her back. You thought this girl couldn’t get anymore beautiful that she was now. “What’s your filthy habit, Mikaelson?”
“Meeting the right people at the wrong time.”
After that day, You had finally agreed to attend the Boarding School as the Headmaster’s second apprentice and not as a student, which you were grateful for. Hope and you had grown close and one thing led to another, you both confessed after you had woken up from a frightful nightmare and Hope was there to comfort you back to sleep. Hope was finally able to relax by someone she loved so dearly, not having to worry about the monsters the roamed their earth to kidnap a flying fire pigeon for their master’s wishes. Hope felt free when she was with you.
It was around 4 AM when Hope, Alaric, Y/n, and the Saltzman twins were awoken by another monster attack and worked together to get rid of it before it caused any more harm to the school or students. After 3 hours of finally ridding the monster and sending it back to whatever hell it came from of Malivore, you all went back inside your bedrooms to try and get what little rest you could preserve. Lizzie and Josie had fallen asleep as soon as they hit their beds; Alaric couldn’t really sleep since he had work to finish, and you weren’t any better with your bad insomnia. So, you decided against sleep to find yourself in the library next to your girlfriend, admiring her from where she sat next to you, gracefully reading a book about the current monster you just fought like everything was normal-
And how it wasn’t currently nearly 8 in the morning.
“If you keeping staring, you might burn a hole into the table.”
The thoughts previously flowing through your mind had stopped, and you snapped your attention over to your girlfriend whom now had her gaze set on you and not the hardcover book.
“So want to tell me what’s wrong?” She tilted her head.
“What? I can’t admire you now?”
“Hey,” She warned you, because you always did this. You would deflect any form of confusion or worry and mask away that you had a lot on your mind, you just didn’t like to speak it out loud. Hope had only found this out a few months after making it official with you.
The two of you were similar in more ways than one.
“Don’t do that. Talk about it. . . Talk to me.”
You smiled. A smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes but a smile nonetheless, and Hope loved those type of smiles. But right now, she noticed how much you were holding in since the morning and with how busy you’ve been since, it’s been hard to pull you away from the craziness and just talk to you for two seconds.
“I’ve just been thinking about maybe having a weekend to ourselves. Away from the school, the monsters, maybe even away from Mystic Falls.”
“What? Like a vacation?”
“Exactly. We haven’t had time to ourselves ever since that night we broke into Alaric’s office and had stolen his secret beverage stash. Wouldn’t that be fun again?”
“A weekend away does sound nice, but we can’t.”
You sighed softly, waiting for that answer to show itself eventually. Hope could never get herself away from the constant working and worrying, it just continued to pile on her shoulders and you knew with how much she was taking on, she would eventually break.
“When was the last time you’ve even had a decent sleep?”
Hope shrugged. “I don’t know. When was the last time you have?” She quipped with a playful smile.
“This is me being serious.” You scooted your chair a bit closer to her. “I’m giving you an offer of being alone, away from the work, away from the madness to come and enjoy a nice weekend somewhere that isn’t Mystic Falls.”
Hope shook her head. “I don’t abandon my family, Y/n, you know this-”
“Who said abandon? I’d never let you do that. It’s a weekend, Hope. I’m sure the others could survive without us here for an entire weekend-”
“I can’t. I’m sorry.”
You sighed in frustration and leaned back against your chair. Hope leaned towards you and grabbed your hands, placing them in her lap and rubbing her thumbs just over your knuckles to give them a bit of ease, since you had been clenching your fists even since after fighting the Malivore monster. Hope didn’t think you’d get like this; grumpy over something so small.
Of course she wanted to spend some time with you and just you, but she wasn’t the type to just pack everything up and leave the family she had left, behind. But you were also her family now, someone she could see making her happy forever and care for her like no other would in the world. The compassion and kindness that radiated off of you when you were only with her always made her heart swell, as you came off as gruff and rude to other people that would even attempt to speak to you. Hope was the only other person to see you so vulnerable at hard times, maybe because the both of you spent so much of your time together or because she was just always there at the right place and right time.
The rare times that she did get with you, she’d enjoy them to the fullest.
“You know better than anyone how much I love spending time with you, baby. With all the monsters that’ve been coming in-… I- I just can’t leave my friends.”
“And when are you going to once think of yourself?”
“You don’t understand, Y/n. I’m a loophole. I’m the only person that can help defeat these Malivore creatures. I do not abandon the people I love- I won’t.” Hope muttered in frustration. “I thought that’s what you understood about me. My family is always and forever.”
You pulled your hands back and let one hand flow through your h/c hair, clearly frustrated as well. “Have you ever thought of yourself as anything but a loophole, Hope? You’re not just this object that must be used, you’re an actual person. A person with a beating heart- my person! And when I say this, I mean it with love. This whole Malivore business has turned you into a damn martyr.”
“Martyr?” Hope raised her eyebrows in amusement. “I’m not trying to be a hero, Y/n. I’m trying to save this school and my friends from being killed by whatever next is out there!”
“You don’t think your life is more valuable then a few monsters, Hope. That’s- That’s where you and I disagree the most.” You huffed and moved to stand from your seat besides your girlfriend, who scooted her seat back as you began to walk out of the library. “You keep putting yourself in these situations and one day, I’m going to lose you.”
Hope shut her eyes with a sigh, getting up to pull you back gently by grabbing your wrist. “Hey, hey. You are not going to lose me to this. I’m not going anywhere, Y/nn.”
“Can you be 100% certain about that?”
Piercing blue eyes met your E/c ones with sympathy, because she never was certain of anything in her life before she met you. She was the loophole. The daughter of the Original Vampire and Alpha Werewolf, Nicklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. Nothing was to ever come of harm to her, or else they’d face the consequences of one very nasty Hybrid and a few a thousand year-old vampires on their tails.
Hope Mikaelson was loved by her family, and in return she always held them close to her heart no matter what.
So to answer the question, no. She couldn’t always be 100% certain that she’d come back after every mission without a scratch, without someone sacrificing something, or without risking her neck to save those whom she loved the most. Because that was just how Hope coped with things. If she ever found a way for everyone to live in the end, she’d do whatever possible to make that happen.
No matter the consequences.
“No, I can’t. I’m not going to lie and say ‘yes’ because I’ve never lied to you and I’m not going to start now.”
“Hope, you can’t do this forever because we both know how it’ll end.” You shook your head, your hands moving to instantly plant themselves on her hips as her arms wrapped around your neck. Being a bit taller than her made it a struggle since you had to crane your neck down just an inch in order for her to reach your lips, but it was always worth the small pain you’d feel before she’d capture you in a long-lasting kiss. “You know me. I’m not going to stand around and watch as this plays out horribly. I won’t fail again at protecting the ones I love, again.”
“Baby, that’s not what’s happening at all.” She shook her head, taking your face in her hands. “You are nowhere near a failure and you’ve always protected me even if I never asked for it.”
You looked everywhere but her eyes, taking her hands in yours that were still on your face.
“Hope… Leave with me.”
Her eyes widened. “W-What?”
“Leave Mystic Falls with me. Come with me. Let’s get away from this god forsaken town and leave it behind.”
“Y/n, I- I can’t. This is my home.”
“Over the past year that we have been together, I have seen the hurt and regret in your eyes every time you roam these halls. Every time we’re out somewhere together, you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. This hasn’t been your home in the years I’ve known you.”
“You’re wrong..”
“I thought you said you would never lie to me?” You tilted your head. Her hands loosened from yours and felt back down to her sides.
“I’m not- You can’t just spring this on me, Y/n, because I don’t want to say the wrong answer and for you to leave me like everyone else!”
“Then say yes!”
“I can’t!” She sobbed out. The tears raced down her cheeks to her chin.
With a small clench of your jaw to hold back your own, your once relaxed hands that rested in your girlfriends soft ones were now balled up into fists. Although it seemed like you were mad at her answer, you were far from it.
It was more like sadness than anger, you felt.
[𝘼 𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧. . .]
After the difficult conversation that Hope and you had only a few days earlier, Hope had focused on anything but you. She had found out about your plans to leave Mystic Falls, about convincing her to tag along with you. But she couldn’t bring herself to leave a town so foreign to her.
Her friends were here. Her family and their memories that they left behind were all here. In Mystic Falls.
You both hadn’t spoken to one another after the argument and it frustrated Hope. You were leaving Mystic Falls and she couldn’t do anything to stop you. It just so happened that Alaric had called in a favor from you to convince Hope to tag along with her on the journey to find someplace new for a fresh start, wanting the Tribrid to live her life as she pleased because he also wanted what was best for Hope, not what was best for everyone else depending on her powers.
Hope had tried to speak with you again, but when she caught the glimpse of your slightly empty bedroom you had taken space of, she found it difficult that you were actually leaving her… maybe even forever.
“Hope Andrea Mikalson!”
With a small whine that got caught in her throat, she dropped her book down on the table and turned over towards the doorway of her bedroom; staring at a pissed off Lizzie Saltzman and a cowering Josie Saltzman, who seemed to be trying to hold back her twin.
“Good morning to you too, ladies.” Hope mused herself.
“Are you mental- Wait! Don’t answer that question because it’s already been answered! How can you be this selfish with yourself, we talked about the whole Martyr bull-crap, didn’t we?” Lizzie shouted at the Tribrid in fury, obviously she had found out about your offer, the one Hope had regrettably turned down.
Josie hissed at her twin. “Lizzie, it’s not our business to begin with!”
“To hell with that,” Lizzie scoffed. “This for the good of the goodie two-shoes Tribrid that sacrifices her happiness for us every time an opportunity shows itself! When are you going to wake up and see yourself, the way we all see you, the way Y/n looks at you everyday, that you deserve freedom too, Hope?”
Hope’s eyes widened at the blonde twin’s ranting, but she couldn’t deny it herself of how true that statement was. She sacrificed a lot just to have you, and she was losing you by her painful decisions between choosing her family or her love. What was painful enough was that you were her family, and she loved you so deeply that her heart ached at the reaction you made when she told you no.
The brunette twin sighed, her gaze turning to the auburn haired girl. Josie stopped trying to tug away her sister and placed her full attention on the Tribrid as well. “She isn’t wrong, Hope. When was the last time you’ve ever decided on something for yourself that didn’t have to be a painful sacrifice? Haven’t you thought about your future with Y/n? A future for yourself?” The Gemini twin placed a soft hand on Hope’s bicep, squeezing it for comfort as the Tribrid’s gaze fell down to the floor, her eyes shut for a moment of process.
There wasn’t a moment that Hope didn’t stop planning about the both of your futures together, she never stopped thinking about the possibilities of het chance to have a family of her own. How she wanted to settle down back home in New Orleans where you could live out your dream jobs and own a beautiful house on the bayou. Hope wanted many children, as many as you’d allow her to continue the Mikaelson legacy. She wanted to one day ask the big question and ask you to marry her, or you asking her, maybe even splitting the Y/l/n-Mikaelson surnames so both of your legacies could pass on to your children and their children’s children. So many thoughts had came to mind at the lives you would live out together, the possibilities that you’d both endure, the risks you would take together to protect one another and your family. Even if neither of you could have children of your own, other possibilities like adoption or surrogate had always came to mind the second she thought a future for you both weren’t possible.
“Oh my god,” Hope whispered, the tremble in her voice not going unnoticed by the Gemini twins. “W-Where is she? I have to tell her-”
Lizzie walked out towards the hallway where a rambling Mg passed by talking about some newest comic book that just released with a not-so-interested Kaleb.
“Hey, dorks! Have you seen an old werewolf by any chance?”
Mg hummed. “Talkin’ about Y/n? Yeah. She left for the bus station with Dr. Saltzman about 20 minutes ago.”
Hope’s eyes widened. “What- I won’t make it in time before her bus leaves! I don’t even have my clothes packed or-” she was cut off by Josie holding a duffel in one hand and a backpack in the other, handing them to her as she gazed on with a questioning look.
Josie shrugged. “We wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“C’mon, we’ll take my car!” Lizzie ushered the auburn haired girl out towards the hallway, her twin not too far behind them as the two vampires watched from where they were left behind.
“Uh, bye! I guess.” Kaleb rolled his eyes before turning to round the corner and away from Mg.
You sat at a small bench with Alaric as the two of you waited for your bus to pull into the station, the nerves beginning to gather as you rung your hands together non-stop. Alaric could tell, since you made it pretty easy from the drive over. He had wanted to be there when you had left, since the two of you had grown close in the span of the first few months being recruited to the Salvatore Boarding School. The years that had passed and the things both of you grew from seemed to far ago, and the friendship that grew between you two had seemed so foreign that it made it look as if the two of you had been friends for a lifetime. But friends live and die, in this case, friends enter your lives and then go.
He was there to watch you enter his life, and he was here now to watch you leave.
“I wish I could convince you to stay.” Alaric turned his gaze towards you. “But I won’t.” He sighed.
You raised a brow curiously. “You won’t?”
“No. You deserve to live a life out for yourself, Y/n. I won’t let my life of monster hunting get in the way of that.”
You chuckled softly, placing your hand on his shoulder and giving it a gentle pat as you focused your gaze ahead. “That’s very thoughtful of you to weigh your options with me, Rick. I’m sure as hell going to miss you.”
Alaric huffed. “And my bad habits?”
“Oh. Especially those, old man.”
As the two of you laughed your way out of a cheerlessness situation, the misery had soon returned when your bus had finally pulled into the station and parked just right at the curb. Other people that were also catching the same bus began to pile on and you stood with Alaric to face each other to say your last goodbyes.
“Be good, kid.”
“Thanks, Alaric. Stay clean and keep those twins of yours away from harm, okay?”
Alaric huffed at your playful order, giving you a lazy salute in return from your small wave as you waited your turn to get on the bus. When he turned around to walk back to his vehicle, the auburn colored hair of Hope Mikaelson had quickly pass him by without a care in the world and towards the standing figure of Y/n L/n, who was just about to step onto the lightly filled bus.
You turned around when someone had grabbed your wrist, spinning you around to face the beautiful Tribrid that stole your heart. Hope was quick to wrap her arms around your neck and crash right into your arms, quickly catching her when you stumbled back by the brute force of your powerful girlfriend. She cried into your shoulder, mumbling off apology after apologies about how she almost lost you because of a painful decision between her selflessness and you. All you could do was pull away from the girl and tilt her head up so your eyes could meet her determined blue ones, the same ones that pierced into your soul every time you caught her gaze in yours.
“I’m coming with you. I want to come with you. I want to live a life with you. We can be free- I want everything with you.”
You cut her off mid-ramble with a blissful kiss, your arms snaking around her waist to hold her shaking figure as her hands cupped your cheeks and pulled you insanely closer to her, which was impossible enough. At that moment, the sounds around you both seemed to go quiet and it was just her heart beating against yours as you kissed away the shaking thought that you both almost lost each other. But she was here in your arms now, kissing you passionately in your embrace whilst standing only a few centimeters away from the your designated bus that was going to, now take both of you, to a new life and a fresh start.
Alaric and his daughters stood off to the side and watched the heart-wrenching interaction with smiles on their faces. Lizzie’s was more smug then a smile, since she knew you wouldn’t let Hope get away from you that easily.
The love you held for one another wasn’t just any type of love. It was an epic love. A love you only received once.
It might’ve ached to see her friends walk into that bus together, hand-in-hand, without taking another glance back at their old, boring lives. But all Lizzie could think about was how Hope Mikaelson was finally free from any bad rep against her family.
And as their bus passed the ‘Now leaving Mystic Falls’ sign and towards the unknown, Hope felt the uplifting of her shoulders rise with ease. She settled back into her bus seat and into your side as your intertwined hands rested on her lap carelessly. You smiled gently and kissed the crown of her head as you stared out the bus window where the valley passed you by and the small town lights leading into Mystic Falls began to become dimmer and dimmer the farther your bus drove away.
At last, the freedom was yours to live in.
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southern-sunflower · 3 years
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maudeeloise · 4 years
Birthday || Josie Saltzman
Pairing : Josie Saltzman x reader ( platonic )
Warning : None
In which : Josie finds out it’s Y/N’s birthday and Y/N hates birthdays, so they argued and it ended with Josie singing for her as an apology.
A/N : Since New Year is super close and I’m in the mood of writing, so I’m going to write a story with New Years theme. Sorry if there’s any misspelling or incorrect grammar. Hope you like it! Y/F/S = your favorite song. Credit to the GIF owner.
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“Today is your birthday?!” That was the first thing she said while bursting into Y/N’s dorm room.
Y/N jumped off the bed in surprise because her bestfriend caught her off-guard. Once Y/N calmed down, she took her headset off slowly and closed her laptop. “What the hell, Saltzman!”
“Happy Birthday?” Josie whispered nervously before pursing her lips. Instead of saying thank you, you gave her a confused look. You never told anybody about your birthday, except for Mr. Saltzman and that was because he was the principal. 
“Where does this come from?” You asked while walking up to your bestfriend. “How do you know about my birthday?”
“I was in my father’s office earlier and I looked up your file. I swear, I don’t have any intention to stalk you, but then I saw your birthday. It’s pretty unique that your birthday is on New Year’s Eve.” Josie rambled before laughing nervously at your expression. “Y/N, please say something. I’m really sorry. Don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad. I’m just confused and what were you even doing at your dad’s office?” You asked with a higher tone that made Josie flinched back a little which you didn’t notice. 
“I-I was searching for my dad a-and I-I got carried away. I-I’m really s-sorry.” Josie stuttered. The brunette looked down as she waited for your next move.
“Sure, just don’t tell anyone about it-”
“That might be too late, I told Lizzie and Hope and MG, but that’s all.” You scoffed at her reply.
“Unbelievable, Jo. My birthday isn’t something to celebrate. It’s a nightmare! So, will you excuse yourself? I need some space.” You snapped which got Josie flinched back again.
“Well, I’m sorry. Why is it such a big deal and why do you even have to act like this?” Josie argued. “It’s just a birthday.” she muttered the last part.
“Well, it’s not just a birthday to me, Jo! You don’t know anything about it, so just please leave me alone!” 
“Okay, okay, I’ll leave.” Josie pulled her hands up in defeat as she walked towards door. She stopped right before the door and muttered ,” I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset, just so you know there will be a party for New Year and I hope you join us.”
“I’ll think about it.” Josie nodded before she walked out the door and closed it slowly.
You spent the rest of the day in your room because you didn’t want anyone to remind you that it was your birthday. If Josie just knew, the pain that happened on your last birthday party made you hate birthdays. A vampire killed your entire family, including you. The monstrous creature turned you to be one of their kind. That was the reason why was it so hard for you to except yourself.
Fortunately, there was Alaric, the person who saved you and made you accepted yourself for who you were. Josie was always there with you through ups and downs. You were so thankful to be apart of the Salvatore School. Although, the pain, the memory were still there and you didn’t have any intention to spit it out sooner.
The sun went down a few hours ago, you had dinner. It took everything for you to step out of your room without getting caught by anyone just to get into the kitchen and grab a blood bag. Attention was the last thing you wanted that night. Well, at least, that was what you thought until an hour before New Year. 
You got bored and finally gave up, so you decided to join the party and talk to Josie. You walked out of your room and went straight to the party. The loud music and cheers could be heard from across the hall. As you got closer the sound got louder and louder until you reached the room. 
You stayed in the doorway for a few seconds as it gained a few stares towards you. You got awkward, but you decided to shrug it off by walking through the sea of people, trying to find your one and only bestfriend, Josie Saltzman. 
After a few walks around the room, you didn’t see any sign of her existence. You felt guilty and upset for what you did earlier. Luckily, before you thought leaving the party was an option, Josie walked up the stage and started a speech.
“Hi, I’m Josie and-.” she sighed nervously and within a second her eyes landed on you. She gave me an unsure smile as you  gave her an “I’m sorry for I did earlier” smile. With that her smile got wider and you knew she was ready for whatever she was going to do next. “and since today is my best friend’s birthday, I decided to sing for her tonight.” 
The crowds cheered for her as the music started. You got nervous for a while, but it lasted once Josie started singing the first lyric. Your jaw dropped. She was singing Y/F/S. The song Josie used to make fun of, but there she was singing the song fully with her heart and she even memorized the lyrics. You were speechless and just with that you forgot what happened earlier between the two of you.
Once the song stopped, the brunette thanked the crowd as the crowd cheered. Josie looked at you one more time before walking down the stage and came up to you right away.
“First of all, don’t be mad. Second of all, what I did earlier was crossing the line, I’m really sorry.” Josie pursed her lips as a sign that she was nervous.
“No, I’m sorry. I should’ve not acted like that. Things weren’t great on my last birthday party and I should’ve never vented out on you or anybody.” Josie smiled widely then pulled me into a long tight hug which I returned a few seconds after. “By the way, about the song, you changed the whole meaning of birthday. Thank you.”
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alegacyofmonsters · 3 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Legacies (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hope Mikaelson & Lizzie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Alaric Saltzman, Alaric Saltzman & Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman & Lizzie Saltzman, Alyssa Chang & Lizzie Saltman, Alyssa Chang & Josie Saltzman, Penelope Park & Lizzie Saltzman, Penelope Park & Josie Saltzman, Milton “MG” Greasley & Lizzie Saltzman, Penelope Park/Josie Saltzman Characters: Hope Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall, Klaus Mikaelson, Lizzie Saltzman, Alaric Saltzman, Josie Saltzman, Alyssa Chang, Penelope Park, Milton “MG” Greasley Additional Tags: Canon Compliant Summary:
The years between Hope’s arrival at the Salvatore Boarding School and the pilot episode of Legacies
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hessafeelsfordayss · 4 years
So I'm a die-hard Hosie, but I have to admit that Henelope would be a badass couple as well 😩 Does anyone have any fic recommendations of them? Or some Phosie fics that doesn't favor one couple over the other? ❤
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viafiction · 4 years
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Heretic Lizzie and Josie Parker (Aesthetic for my fanfic “Futures Past”)
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whormotional · 4 years
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read my new stiles stilinski fanfic! on wattpad!
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voidmaisiesstuff · 2 years
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Cast of Puppy Love a Disney Descendants fan fiction on Wattpad
Danielle Rose Russell as Reagan Hood
( Daughter of Red Riding Hood )
Dylan Sprayberry as Ryker Wolf
( Son of The Big Bad Wolf )
Kaylee Bryant as Dakota Gale
( Daughter of Dorothy Gale )
Jenny Boyd as Gwen Locks
( Daughter of Goldie Locks )
Odeya Rush as Greta Grimm
( Daughter of Hansel )
link to story below ⤵️
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southern-sunflower · 3 years
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only-kiwi · 5 years
kaylee bryant as fc? she's gorgeous af
hope you like this 💜
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Liked by harrystyles, arianagrande and 1,929,682 others
yourinstagram stop making impulsive decisions during a mental break down challenge
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ynfan1 ok but this is a look
harrystyles Purple is your colour
yourinstagram @/harrystyles love you
ynfan2 invented purple
arianagrande issa mood issa vibe issa look
yourinstagram @/arianagrande ISSA MATCH
harryfan1 i fuck with this
lottietomlinson Omg I’m obsessed !
yourinstagram @/lottietomlinson miss you!!
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Liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 2,892,862 others
harrystyles Stop sending me cute selfies. I miss you too much.
View all 86,792 comments
harryfan2 can’t get over her hair
harryfan3 she’s so cute omg
yourinstagram i miss you too bub
yourinstagram but i won’t stop sending you selfies
ynfan3 y’all are too cute i’m sobbing
gemmastyles This makes me want to dye my hair again
yourinstagram @/gemmastyles we love bleach damage
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strix04 · 6 years
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Update 03-16-19: I’ve made several copies with the original and the ones with the TRIAD logo in it as well as grunge overlay for effects.
Basically a draft as I’ve done this in a rush at 2am. But I’ll update this pic once I’ve got free time.
I hope Hosie fanfics will have an apocalypse story or post world war 2 where Germany took over the world like that amazon series The Man in the High Castle. I just can’t get out of my mind of this plot in that episode 10 (I think?) where Lizzie wished the third wish and Klaus took over as a TRIAD leader and terrorized everyone because Hope died. But what if Hope is alive and she’s the successor to the TRIAD and Klaus is like the Fuhrer, Hope’s the general while Josie is Hope’s vice commander. I’m thinking of a plot like they killed the purist Nazi vampires and they took control of everything. I can’t help thinking how Josie ang Hope looked so good in those uniforms so I decided to make a Hope/Josie photoshop of it with pictures from The Man in the High Castle and other pics from the internet. I wish there are writers who will be inspired by this photo and make a Hosie fanfic of it!
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doyelikehaggis · 5 years
Am I now going to write a Josie x MG fic called "Crush on You"? I absolutely might do just that
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