#keep looking after herself even when that means we don't get what we want as soon as we want it. we can be a loyal fandom
ramirezmindset Β· 1 day
❝ π›πž 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐒𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐀𝐞 ❞
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.γ€€ . β€’ β˜† . Β° .β€’ Β°:. *β‚Š Β° . tyler owens x fem!reader .γ€€ . β€’ β˜† . Β° .β€’ Β°:. *β‚Š Β° .
β†’ π’π˜ππŽππ’πˆπ’: yourself and tyler go way back, further than you'd like to admit, but after a brutal end, it's been years since you've spoken. until one night when your roommate brings him home.
β†’ π–π€π‘ππˆππ†π’: ANNNNGGSSSSTTTT, talks of fighting and yelling, reader and tyler having history, use of feminine pronouns and description, awkward asl atmosphere, sexual implication, longing, flashbacks will be in italics. ↳ wc: 4671 (not sorry)
β†’ π€π”π“π‡πŽπ‘π’ ππŽπ“π„: this came to me when i was sat on the couch with MY roommates hahahaahah - requests are open!
↳ ❝ [ i shouldn't have called, cause we shouldn't speak. you do make me hard, but she makes me weak - save all the jokes you're gonna make, while i see how much drink i can take. then be my mistake ] ❞
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"Y/N, Emmie just texted me, she's found a male at the bar and he's coming back here" Your roommate Caroline slaps a hand over her mouth, biting back a laugh as you shake your head and chuckle. "I knew we should've joined her, but for some reason you refuse to go into that bar!"
"Carol, you know why I don't go there!" You scoff back, a playful smile on your face. You put the teaspoon in the sink and take a sip of the tea you just made, pushing a mug over the kitchen island to where Caroline sits. "I know that he tends to go there a lot and I just- I don't really want to be bumping into him and getting all weird and sad when I'm supposed to be having fun with my best girls"
"Yeah, yeah, Tyler this, Tyler that" You give her a disapproving look. "Ok, I'm sorry, that was rude. But I'm serious, Y/N, it's been four years. We never even met the guy, or even saw a photo! Surely if you were that spent on keeping him locked up in that little brain of yours for your eyes only, it can't have been that serious?"
"Oh, it was serious!" You defend, laughing and holding up your arms in mock offence. Carol wraps the blanket tighter around herself and leads you towards the couch, settling with her cup of tea, urging you to sit in front of her. "It was on and off like a strobe light, but I was crazy about him. And as far as I know, he was crazy about me. We just didn't mesh well. I mean, we had been together since we were fifteen, we grew out of each other, I guess"
"But you still have a photo of him in your wallet?" Your eyes widen at this statement, your face growing pale. "Relax, girl, I went in there to put your Costco card back and I saw a photo of some guy from the back. I assume it was him anyway and not some secret guy you've been hiding from us"
You bury your face in your hands in embarrassment, chuckling lowly to yourself. "That's Tyler alright"
"Y/N/N, will you just get in the truck?" Tyler said, holding his hand out for you to take. "Please?" You could never resist those puppy dog eyes, the one's you fell in love with all those years ago.
You smile at him, taking his hand and letting him lead you down the stairs of the porch towards his beat up old truck. Opening the door for you, he helps you climb in, a smile plastered across both your faces.
"Ty, where are you taking me?" You laugh, shaking your head at him as he just winks and shuts the door behind him, walking round the truck to slide into the drivers side.
"Now what would I gain from ruining the surprise, hm?" He turned the keys in the ignition and sped off down the dirt track of your parent's ranch, but instead of turning off onto the freeway, he heads in a different direction.
Deciding not to question him, you sigh and lean back into the headrest, staring at his side profile as he concentrates on the road. The furrow of his eyebrows, the clench in his jaw when he hits a particularly rocky piece of track, the slight smirk that flicks at the corner of his mouth when a song he likes plays on the radio.
"What are you staring at, pretty lady?" He jokes, glancing over at you and placing a hand on your thigh. "Something got your attention, hm?"
"Just my gorgeous boyfriend" You smile once again, interlocking your fingers with his hand that rests on your leg. "Thinking about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful man that loves me and drives me around and surprises me and buys me flowers and doesn't let me spend a dime."
"Yeah, you are pretty lucky" You both erupt into a fit of laughter as the truck pulls to a stop. He takes his hand off your thigh to take the keys out of the ignition and hops out the truck to open your door. "Here we are"
You look around you, confusion etching your features. "Tyler, this is the woods" He tuts at you.
"I knew you would say that. Just come with me" He takes your hand, leading you into the trees down a makeshift trail that's been made through hikers over the years. "You maybe know about this place, you maybe don't. I'm hoping don't"
You're walking for about 15 minutes before he tells you to close your eyes, grabbing your other hand to help you balance and show you the way. "Tyler, I am going to die out here!" You joke as you stumble over what feels like a branch.
"Relax, oh my Christ!" He laughs back, he pulls you into a stop as you find your feet on somewhat smooth ground. "Ok, keep your eyes closed. No peeking!" He lets go of both your hands and you feel him walk away, the crunch of his feet getting slightly further away before coming to a stop.
You take a deep breath, you arms still held out to the side slightly to keep your balance on the unfamiliar terrain.
"Ok, open" You open your eyes to find yourself on a wide cliffside at the edge of the woods, a picnic blanket sprawled out a few feet away from you where Tyler stood, and a basket full of what looks like all your favourite foods. A bottle of wine and two glasses sit comfortably on the blanket, and the city lights from below you glittered as the sun set below the peaks of the mountains miles away.
"Tyler, this is-" You place a hand on your heart, and you move your eyes to meet his, slowly walking towards where he was standing. "Tyler, this is incredible" You put your arm around his waist, pulling him in closely as you admire the intricacy of the set up. He places a kiss to your temple.
"I thought considering I'm leaving tomorrow for that storm, we could have a nice final date" He smiles, letting you go to sit down on the blanket.
"Nice?!" You exclaim, feigning offence. "Tyler, this is more than nice. This is perfect"
"Only the best for my girl" He winks, reaching for the wine and the corkscrew. "Now are you gonna sit down and enjoy this picnic with me, or are you gonna stand there staring?" He jokes again, fiddling about with the wine.
Before he could pester you again, you reach into your bag for your polaroid camera, an old thing Tyler got you for your seventeenth birthday that travels in your bag with you everywhere. Snapping a photo of him from behind, sat on the picnic blanket, the sun creating a silhouette of his frame, and all you could think in the moment was how beautiful he was, and how beautiful this could be.
"Earth to Y/N!" Caroline snaps her fingers from the couch opposite you. You flick back to reality, shaking your head and sheepishly apologising. "You OK?"
"Yeah!" You reply a little too enthusiastically. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit tired"
"Do you mean tired or Tyler?" Caroline giggles as you half-heartedly fling a throw pillow in her direction. "Sorry, sorry! But seriously girl, it's been this long and he's still on your mind? He must've had you whipped, you haven't even been on a date since!"
"Yes I have!" You defend, placing your tea down on the coffee table and crossing your legs under your blanket.
"Fucking some guy on the gross sinks of the club handicap stall is not a date" She got you there. Suddenly, you hear the front door open, and Emmie's laughter echo around the hallway. "Christ, here she comes" Caroline sits up on the couch and fixes her hair, as if Emmie and her mystery man would come in the room anyway.
You were proven extremely wrong when the door is pushed open and your second roommate strolls in, three beers in hand. She throws one at you and one at Caroline, using her foot to keep the door open.
"I come bearing gifts!" Emmie exclaims, holding her own beer in her hands as you try biting the lid off the beer open. "We're gonna chill in here for a bit with you guys, Tyler's just taking his shoes off"
"Who?!" Caroline exclaims, as you choke on your own breath. "Who is gonna chill in here for a bit?" She looks between the two of you as you scramble on the couch to find the missing beer cap.
Confusion etches across Emmie's face, staring at you as you frantically sit back up, pushing your glasses back up your nose. "Oh shit!" She exclaims, her eyes widening in realisation. "Oh shit!"
"Oh shit what?" that all to familiar voice asks from behind her as he strolls into the living room, making eye contact with Caroline before turning towards you. His eyes grow wide, his hands immediately reaching to take his hat off and hold it to his chest. The hat that you bought him. That stupid, stupid hat that you spent a stupid, stupid amount of money on, but somehow all seemed worth it to see that stupid, stupid smile on his stupid, stupid face.
It seemed like forever that he was staring into you before Caroline broke the silence by clearing her throat. "Um, it's nice to meet you, Tyler. How are you, Tyler? What's going on, Tyler?" She raises her eyebrows at him, as you shoot her a glare.
"Uh- yeah, I'm good, you must be Caroline" He finally tears his eyes away from you to spare an awkward, tight-lipped smile. A familiar gut-wrenching embarrassment fills your body as you look down at your lap as it hits you that your ex-boyfriend is in your apartment, with the intention of fucking your best friend, and you're sat on the couch in your pyjama's drinking tea at 10pm on a Saturday night.
Emmie awkwardly sits on the couch next to Caroline, slipping her shoes off and mouthing a 'Sorry', reaching into her pocket to pull out her phone.
I'm so sorry, she texts you. I had no idea that was the Tyler, I'm gonna ask him to leave, tell him I don't feel well. I'm so sorry
You reply: you don't have to do that, i'm just gonna take myself off to bed
No this is my mess, Emmie's next text reads. I'll sort it all out.
Tyler's still standing awkwardly in the doorway as you launch yourself off of the couch and into the kitchen, pouring your beer down the sink out of pure humiliation. He still wore the same cologne, you could smell the sandalwood on his skin as you pushed past him, his warm flesh brushing against the bare skin of your arm. He still had that same look in his eyes all those years ago when he looked at you, that one of adoration.
You rub your eyes and look out the kitchen window of your apartment at the city lights, the rain pattering slowly against the glass panes as you sigh and lean your back against the counter. It was almost like mother nature was mocking you, laughing in your face as the memories of your last meeting with Tyler flooded your mind.
"Baby, just come back inside, we can talk!" He bellowed from his porch. "It's storming, Y/N, just come inside!"
You continue down his front path as the rain and hail slammed on the pavement. You didn't know what you were doing, your house was a forty-five minute walk from Tyler's place, but you knew you'd regret it if you gave in. Suddenly, his hand grabbed your bicep from behind, twisting you around. He saw your bloodshot eyes and puffy lips and immediately his features softened.
"Darlin', I'm sorry, please just come inside and we can talk it all out" His palm came up to cradle the side of your face, and you had to fight the urge to lean into his warm, tender touch.
"There's nothing to talk about, Tyler" You replied, shaking your head. Another tear rolled down your cheek, unrecognisable as the rain hammered down on your head. "You made your choice, let me make mine"
Tyler's eyebrows furrowed. "My choice? I choose you! I always chose you, I will always choose you!" His hand left your face, falling limp at his side.
"Tell that to Boone" You shook you head. "Tell that to everyone on that stupid fucking tornado chasing team! That's what you'd rather be doing!" He scoffs, wiping a hand down his face. "What? It's true! All I've done for the last decade is support you, I let you go off and do whatever it is you do in that stupid truck, I supported you in college when you didn't have a clue what you were gonna do with your life, I came with you on chases even though I fucking hate thunder, and I hate the danger, I do everything for you! And what do I get?"
"You get to be with me!" He cut you off, you were both yelling now, drawing attention from the neighbours as lights in the houses around you slowly turned on. "Isn't that enough? Am I not enough?"
"Don't you dare turn this on me!" You turn your back on him, wiping your face. You're too far in to let him see you cry. "Tyler, of course you're enough. I'm in love with you, I have been for ten years, but all I do in this relationship is hurt. I don't feel loved, I feel like you're not satisfied until you've got your adrenaline fix on some tornado hundreds of miles away from you. Am I supposed to sit on the porch knitting, waiting for you to show back up? God forbid my boyfriend cares about me and what I want!"
"If that's how you feel, maybe we shouldn't be together!" He exclaims, his hands flying into the air as the rain beats down harder and harder.
"Maybe we shouldn't!" Your shoulders slump as you stare at him, the hurt in his eyes clouding over as any ounce of hope he had in his body to remedy this is blown away by the wind and washed away by the rain. "We're not fifteen anymore, Tyler. I can't keep doing this, I can't keep hoping and praying that you'll come back to me alive. I just can't."
"Hey" Emmie's voice sounds behind you. You turn your head towards the kitchen door, where she's shutting it behind her. "I told Tyler I wasn't feeling well, and if I'm honest, he couldn't get out of here fast enough" She awkwardly chuckles and walks over to you, giving you a hug. "I'm so sorry, Y/N/N, I didn't know that was your Tyler. I would've never have spoken to him, let alone brought him home if I knew-"
"Emmie, relax" You reply, a dry laugh leaving your throat. "It's fine, there's no need to apologise. I was just shocked to see him, that's all. It's okay, I'm okay, I promise."
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You climb out of the cab, Caroline and Emmie hot on your tail as the three of you link arms and giggle as you stumble towards the bar. The three bottles of wine you had in the refrigerator went down a treat as Emmie and Caroline coaxed you into drinking with them, and you let them convince you going to the bar that Tyler frequented was a fabulous use of your time.
It had been two weeks since your encounter with him, and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't all you thought about. The look on his face, the smell of his skin and that goddamned hat that he still refused to part with all these years later.
You'd spent the majority of the past few weeks reminiscing on the relationship, thinking about what everything was and what it could've grown into. Where would you be today? On your own ranch, like your parents, but bigger, and would you finally have gotten that ring, maybe a couple of kids? Even today, when you pictured your future, it was always with him by your side.
The atmosphere in the bar was lively, music blasting out of the jukebox as you had to elbow your way to the bar for a drink. Your eyes take a scan of the room, but he wasn't in sight. A twang of disappointment struck you, as if you would've approached him anyway.
"What can I get you?" The bartender asks, but before you could open your mouth, someone responds for you.
"Black label, on the rocks" Tyler slides up beside you, the slight redness in his eyes indicating he was just as buzzed as you were. "Hey" He rests his elbow on the bar, passing the bartender his card and shooting you a smile.
He looked somewhat the same, his shoulders were broader and his smile no longer reached his eyes, but he was still your Tyler. The mischievous glint in his eye was gone, and he had grown some stubble, even with all the differences he was still just as charming as he was all those years ago.
"Hi" you reply, taking your drink from his hand and throwing it all down.
"Woah, slow down there, cowgirl" He laughed, his old nickname for you making shivers run up your spine. You glanced over your shoulder to find Emmie and Caroline, but they had scuttled off to a dark corner of the bar, no doubt to watch this interaction.
You had never felt more awkward in your life. All of a sudden the top you thought was cute three hours ago is too much for the atmosphere you're in, and your makeup is too perfect to be ruined by the tears that would inevitably fall within the next fifteen minutes.
Tyler nods his head towards the door, taking your hand delicately in his as he led you to the deck of the bar. Sparks shot up your arm and through your body at his gentle touch, his grasp far from firm, as if you were glass that would shatter. You follow him out and perch at an empty table overlooking the street.
"How are you?" He asked, looking at you, as if he could see inside your brain. You stare back, eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm fine" You reply, nervously licking your lips and twiddling your fingers on your lap. This is so fucking awkward.
He gives you a knowing look. "No, you're not" He looks away from you and wipes his face with his hand, something he always did to stop himself from crying. "I know you're not, because I haven't been fine since we broke up. And we're cut from the same cloth, you and me, we've been interlinked since we met"
You were sat on the back porch of your parents ranch. It was a sweltering summers day, sweat licking at your skin as you shifted uncomfortably in the deck chair. Your friend Hannah was over, bringing a bottle of some sort of dark liquor with her as she sat next to you, pouring you both another glass.
"Say, when is your brother gonna be home?" She smirked at you as you playfully swatted her arm. "What!? He's hot!"
"Hannah, behave!" You laughed. "But it should be any minute now" You winked at her, reaching for your glass. Usually you wouldn't condone any of your friends getting with your twin brother, but Hannah had liked him for years and you kind of just wanted her to shut up.
As if on cue, the french doors of the patio slid open and your brother walked onto the porch, grabbing Hannah's glass and downing whatever concoction she had made for herself. She playfully giggled, and the sight made you sick to your stomach, but you laughed along anyway.
"Hello, Hannah" Your brother gave her her glass back before turning to you and grimacing. "Hello....thing...."
"Hello, ugly" you responded, pulling your sunglasses on top of your head and sitting up properly to face him. "Why did you have to come out here and ruin my time with my friend?"
"Um, it's hot, you fucking idiot, and the AC is broken, so Tyler and I are gonna chill out here. I see you have liquor, so we're gonna be enjoying that just as much as you are" He pulled up a chair opposite Hannah, so close to her that their knees touched. You wished he'd swallow his pride and make the first move, because you knew damn well Hannah wouldn't.
"Tyler?" Hannah asked, her eyebrows furrowing. "Who's Tyler?"
"I am" he said from behind you, a shadow was cast over your face as he moved to stand next to you. You looked up, and there he was, the most beautiful man you'd ever seen, and probably would ever see. "And you must be Y/N?" You nodded. "I've heard a lot about you"
"Good things I hope" You joke, a laugh bubbling out your throat as your brother clears his throat. "But if they're coming from my brother, I can't imagine it's anything but slander"
You all erupt into laughter, and that was it. After that day, Tyler never left your side.
You lean back into your chair, avoiding eye contact with Tyler. He wasn't lying, you two were eerily similar, and he'd always been the one person, aside from your brother, who could read you like a book. There was no denying your souls were hand crafted for each other.
"How's your brother?" He asks, a lame attempt at conversation.
"I thought you would know" You turned to look at him. "He married Hannah a few months ago. I was half expecting to see you there"
Tyler shook his head. "Corey hasn't spoken to me since we broke up. I think he's angry I broke his sister's heart"
Your lips form a tight line. "What do you want from me Tyler? Have you dragged me out here away from my friends to make pointless small talk or did you have anything of value to say to me?"
"Is it so wrong to want to talk to you?" He asks again, hurt brushing over his features before he regained composure. You roll your eyes and stand up, making your way back into the bar. Before you could walk in, Caroline runs over and slams the door to the deck shut in front of you, Emmie furiously pointing at Tyler, mouthing "fucking talk to him!"
You sigh in defeat and turn around to see Tyler smiling, shading his eyes from the heat lamp burning down on his skin.
"Guess you have no choice" He joked. "But I can't talk to you knowing your roommates are staring at us"
"Well, what do you propose?" You asked, pulling your jacket tighter around yourself. You were not leaving the bar with him.
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You left the bar with him. You found yourself strolling down the street, buying a case of beer from the gas station and suddenly, twenty minutes later, you were sat on the cliffside Tyler took you to years ago, moderately buzzed from the mixture of beer and hard liquor.
"I still carry your photo in my wallet" You admit, looking at him on the other side of the bench. "The one I took of you here, in this exact spot, when you made us a picnic before you left on a chase"
"I'd be lying if I said I haven't done the same thing" He reached into his pocket and pulled a polaroid out of his own wallet. It was crumpled and faded, but you could still make out your own face in the moonlight, smiling up at the camera, eyes squeezed shut with Tyler's hat adorning your head. You laughed to yourself.
You settled into a comfortable silence, the subtle admission of lost love still hanging in the air, weighing down on you.
"Why?" He asked. You looked back at him. "Why did you keep it?"
"Why did you?" You retaliate, raising an eyebrow at him in suspicion.
"Why do you think?" He sighed and shuffled ever so slightly closer to you. "I remember when you broke up with me you told your brother I was the biggest mistake of your life. He came banging my front door down, probably ready to beat me to a pulp. I would've let him. But as soon as he told me that- as soon as he told me that you said I was a mistake, every bit of anger in me just dissipated. I was in love with you, hell, I am in love with you, and all I could do was question how I managed to fuck up so bad that our decade together felt like a mistake to you."
"You were never a mistake, Tyler" You whisper softly, choosing to ignore the fact he just admitted his love for you all these years later. "I was mad, mad that I let go so easily, and it was easier to blame you than admit that I broke up with you over something so- so mundane"
He had moved closer to you, his thigh pressing against yours on the bench as he leant down to put his empty beer bottle on the floor. He sat back up, putting one arm around you as you rested your head on his shoulder. You fit in the crook of his neck like a missing piece of a puzzle, and a satisfied sigh left your lips.
"Tyler?" You say, he hums in response. "You're in love with me?"
His shoulders tense as he sucks in a sharp breath. Maybe you should've continued to ignore it.
"Of course I am" he replies softly, lifting your head up and cupping your jaw. Finally, you lean into his touch, a smile tugging at your lips. "I have been for fourteen years. I could never love anyone like I love you, you're it for me"
You stare at him, allowing yourself to fall deeply into his gaze. His features had considerably softened since you first saw him in the bar. The glint of hope in his eyes had returned, and the crease in his brow has gone. The slow breeze pushed his hair slightly back, and you had to resist the urge to run your hands through his blonde locks.
He was slowly leaning in, and before you knew it, your eyes were fluttering shut as you felt his lips lightly graze yours. His other hand found the other side of your face, cradling you like you were the most precious jewel. Your hand instinctively goes up to hold his wrist, his skin rough against your palm.
"Can I- can I kiss you?" He whisper's against your mouth. You nod.
His lips finally pressed against yours, gentle and full of years of love. He tasted the same as he always did, the distinct flavour of vanilla from his chapstick he carried around in his back pocket. His lips slotted against yours perfectly as your arms made their way around his neck. For the first time in years, you felt at peace.
Tyler reluctantly pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. "What do you say?" He whispered. "Be my mistake."
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abyssal-ilk Β· 1 day
A thing that people always forget when chastising vivienne for being so apathetic to cole is the fact that she is a circle mage. People whom are forced to learn that you should not trust demons nor spirits or else they’ll put you down AS A RITE OF PASSAGE. Think back to what Mouse says in DAO. β€œKeep your wits about you, mage; true challenges never end.” She knows that for the rest of her life, demons will tempt her and try to possess her. She has seen mages turn into abominations, knows how they get them- of course she will support templars who have the skills to subdue them. And now to have a spirit scurrying around without supervision what is the last bastion against a Tevinter Sidereal… I too would be worried as hell if i were a circle mage.
not only is vivienne a circle mage, but there are also a few other factors that play into it that make cole so untrustworthy to her. vivienne underwent her harrowing when she was young– in fact, she was the youngest mage to have ever gone through a harrowing and survived it. we don't get to learn much about what she went through during her harrowing, but we DO have this banter between her and cole:
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harrowings on their own are already traumatic enough, and with the added insistence from the circles that all spirits and demons are dangerous (which we see vivienne repeat above, "all it can do is harm."), it makes complete sense on why vivienne would be so put-off by cole! especially given how kind he is! she thinks that kindness is a ploy, and why wouldn't she if her harrowing was anything like the warden's in DAO?
and then that's not even acknowledging the fact that cole isn't just ANY spirit. he's the ghost of the spire. he's killed mages before and admits to doing so. and even though he was wrong to do so and realizes that what he did was wrong, that does not mean that vivienne automatically has to suddenly be okay with what cole did. of course vivienne takes cole being the ghost of the spire harder than everyone else in the inner circle. she is the only circle mage there. it is entirely plausible that she sees cole as a threat and views herself as being the person most able to recognize that threat because of what she was taught. it's why she struggles so much to empathize with cole on any level.
ive already talked about this briefly on another post, but cole is also fairly antagonistic to vivienne as well. it's easy to look at their dynamic and think that, well, cole is just trying to help vivienne but he... isn't? his version of helping her is prying into her thoughts without permission and continuing to do so even after she has shown clear discomfort with it.
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cole drags her worst memories and thoughts out publicly in front of not just vivienne, but the rest of the party and anyone else who may happen to be standing near them. it's DANGEROUS, what he does, because vivienne is a player of the game. her position at court is a precarious one, and to have someone like cole who can just pick into her brain whenever he wants with no repercussions? it's scary! it's scary because vivienne has no defense against it, especially if the player supports cole and downplays the harm he does. and what can vivienne do about it? she's an ally of the inquisitor, and that makes her cole's ally by proxy. telling cole to stop doesn't work, insulting him doesn't work, trying to get the inquisitor to intervine doesn't work– nothing seems to deter cole.
which is why THIS piece of dialogue is so important to me:
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despite everything i've said above, vivienne still cannot help but care about cole. no matter how dangerous he is, no matter what she was raised to believe, she still cares about him and worries for him. their dynamic is SO interesting to me and i really wish people dug into it a bit more rather than just dismiss it as vivienne being needlessly cruel to cole. it's so much more than that.
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yolli-es Β· 2 days
Please, I'm really sorry
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Tags: NO spoilers for season 2, sadness, rude treatment, mentions of death
I doubt this is in character, so treat it as a silly sketch. Writing text is harder than headcanons..
You adore Jinx; you love and tolerate her. Your acquaintance was unexpected, and your subsequent friendship was spontaneous. You were choking with tears after losing your mother when she found you. This girl saved you so easily, as if it were so easy. Jinx never told you about the past, but when the voices in her head became too loud, you didn't need an explanation. You saw how bad she becomes and what consequences it can bring. Afterwards, you promise yourself to always be there so that you can prevent the irreparable. This was not always successful.
After Silko died, things got really bad. Jinx tried to continue his work, to be strong and collected. But this is Jinx. Your Jinx. And she never was and never will be like this. Maybe that's why she's been so rude to you, taking it out on you because she's under so much stress. Sooner or later it will all end, and she will be able to look at you again without irritation.
You forgive Jinx for everything: the harsh words, the insults, the hits. Because she always apologizes after. And you don't care that it's not sincere at all. You love her; she is the only thing you have.
The day started out quite normally. You and Jinx were sitting in Silko's office, which is still called that way to this day, on the initiative of Jinx herself. It was all quite nice: she decided to share with you many thoughts about the future, which happened quite rarely. But then Sevika came in. And with her came terrible news. Shimmer production had been disrupted again. The enforcers blew up the plant, dealing with the guards there without any particular problems. And she just walked out after saying that. Just one look from Jinx made it clear how bad she was feeling right now,
"It's not your fault, and..." β€” you're interrupted by a rude "shut up." Jinx, who had been sitting on the table quite relaxed, now clutched her head, her eyes closed, and her breathing quickened. Just a few moments ago she was vulnerable, and now she's rude to you again. "You don't understand me at all," Jinx said in a breaking voice, hiding her face in her knees. It was painful to hear. We have been through a lot together. But she's worse off, and you step over yourself again: "I love you, Jinx. What do you want me to do?". You tell her this so often, so sincerely and naively. Her reaction to your words is always different; you can never guess, and now she again hits you: "I want you to stop being so useless and just help me." Jinx whispered, still struggling with her emotions. She hadn't let herself get angry, panicked, or sad that easily since Silko died. No tears. She kept herself under control. And is that what she thought all along? It's your fault; you're just doing a shitty job. Obviously, sitting here with her is not what she wanted. It looks so painful for you. The girl you love is suffering so much; why don't you just make it easier? That day you stayed, having endured many insults and a couple of blows.
Usually you stayed by Jinx's side, always supporting her and helping her with many tasks. For example, maintaining her authority in the city, keeping an eye out for possible rats nearby, and always saving your love from nervous breakdowns. But now you're by Sevika's side, at a shimmer production plant. You didn't tell Jinx anything; you didn't even think she would ask and worry. You need to act more decisively, as she wanted it. The task was simple: wait until the enforcers come here and destroy them. You were never a good fighter, just a decent shot. Your skills were enough to protect yourself on the streets of Zaun, but they were nothing against well-trained law enforcement officers. That's why you stayed on the sidelines, watching from above and covering Sevika.
You realized how much you screwed up with this shit when you found yourself in the middle of a shootout. Things didn't go according to plan when Sevika was shot, and now you had to save her. Letting the woman lean on you, you ran upstairs. The sounds of gunshots, explosions, and screams confirmed your fears: this plant is finished. Neither the shimmer nor the people were saved. Adrenaline was pumping through you, and you didn't notice anything except the cherished goal.
You reached a safe place and fell. The rest was like a dream. Sevika sat next to you, trying to close the open wound. She tied it with a rag, shouting something about the presence of shimmer nearby. The wound seems to be on your legs, chest, and head. It was painful and cold. Severe weakness. How the hell did enforcers get you? You couldn't think, let alone remember. This woman was shaking you, trying to make you think, but you had already given up. You had lost, and you had screwed up so badly, Jinx would never forgive you. Sevika shouted something, and you didn't really listen; you just couldn't. And then your gaze focused on a blue spot... Jinx? You wanted to look at her one last time. She may be disappointed in you, angry, or simply empty towards you, but all this will not matter as long as she is here. Your eyes closed for just a moment.
" ...orr..."β€”You can't see, only distantly hear. Such a nice sound; you've heard it before. The noise makes you open your eyes again. A flash of light disorientated you. Straining your eyes, you managed to make out a silhouette in front of you. It was Jinx, and... she was crying. She was in complete disarray, desperately holding your face. She bit her lips every time she wanted to swallow the lump in her throat and continue talking. She was talking to you. What was she saying? Your damn body is so weak. "Hold on, just breathe. Please, I'm really sorry. I love you, I love you, I love you...",-She repeated it over and over while you felt the shimmer being injected into your body. You wanted to calm her down, to say "I love you" back. And all you did was watch silently. Your eyelids were so heavy, and your body suddenly seemed too weightless. You were being yelled at, shaken, and pricked with a shimmer stabbed over and over. And you were too weak to respond to it, closing your eyes one last time.
Jinx sincerely apologizes this time. It's a pity that your mind was too weak to realize this.
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it was short, unclear and stupid πŸ₯΄ Wrote this in a hurry while I'm taking a break from studying and writing other things.
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lena-in-a-red-dress Β· 2 days
Musician Age Gap AU Pt 13
With two back-to-back shows in Paris, with a new song added to the set list, Kara expects to largely watch Lena sleep. But somehow, the morning after the first show, Kara is woken early by movement beyond the shared door of their suites.
Upon knocking, she receives a bright "come in!" and opens the door to find Lena bustling around the room. She's dressed in leggings and spandex top, complete with brightly colored sneakers on her feet. Her face is bare of makeup, but retains the dewey vibrancy only youth can give.
"Good morning!" Lena greets, bouncing to Kara with more energy than she has any right to have. "Did you sleep well?"
"Sure," Kara returns drolly. "But not enough--- how are you even awake? We only got back at 3am!"
Lena laughs. "I've got to get a workout in before the meet and greet later." She lifts one of her earbuds in one hand, nestling its pair in her ear with the other. "Wanna join?"
"The meet and greet, or the workout?" Kara asks dubiously.
"Why not both?"
Why not both. She's here with the express purpose of supporting Lena, but now she's faced with the dilemma of deciding whether that included running. She hasn't seriously trained since she played volleyball in college... she'd probably trip over her own feet.
"Sure," she finds herself saying, before her brain can catch up. When it does, she hesitates. "Oh-- I didn't bring--"
"I've got some looser gear that should fit," Lena responds easily. She cocks a grin. "Or you can just spot me."
"Yeah... I should probably do that. I can run out and grab some gear later today. At least some sneakers."
She does take Lena up on the offer of her looser workout gear-- sweatpants that were more capris on Kara than not, and a tank top that would have sagged on Lena, but comfortably snugs against Kara's curves.
"Oooh," Lena says when she sees her. She trots over and gives Kara a peck on the lips. "I like this look."
"You speak of this to no one," Kara warns, more self conscious of her bare ankles than anything else.
"What happens in Paris, stays in Paris," Lena promises, then tilts her head towards the other room. "Come on."
Kara expects them to use whatever gym amenities the hotel offers its guests, but it turns out the suite of rooms includes its own exercise area, complete with treadmill, freeweights, and aerobic equipment.
"I prefer not to use the shared amenities downstairs," Lena explains lightly. "I don't want to hog the machines. Or disturb anyone else's workout."
Seeing Kara's curious look, Lena gives her a mysterious smile. "It'll make sense later."
Lena trains like a professional athlete. Kara is exhausted just watching, and almost an hour in, it seems like Lena is only getting started. At least, Kara reassures herself, the woman sweats like a normal human.
"What?" Lena pants as she pistol squats with a fifteen pound dumbell under her chin.
"You really like this stuff, don't you?" she asks. Watching from the weight bench, Kara can see that this isn't just a means to an end. She enjoys it.
Lena smiles. "Yeah, I do. I can't help it."
Her enthusiasm is infectious, as proven by the fact Kara is compelled to join Lena in her floor exercises. Core had always been her strong suit in college, but it's clear from her lackluster plank and crunch stamina that she's lost any and all conditioning she might have had.
Even so, instead of feeling discouraged, Lena's delighted giggle, Kara looks forward to her next attempt. The workout ends with cardio on the treadmill-- or so Kara thinks.
"I gotta put these in," she warns. "That okay?"
Kara nods. Lena's mystery smile returns for a brief moment, before the treadmill beeps on and Lena starts with a brisk walk. After five minutes Lena expertly keeps up with an increasing pace, until her sneakers are pounding out a heavy rhythm at a rate Kara can scarcely fathom. Only the most dedicated of players on Kara's volleyball team had been able to keep up that kind of pace for very long, yet there Lena is, strides long and even and surefooted.
Then the singing starts. Lena begins with a scale or two, then a few vocal warm ups. Kara recognizes the first song of Lena's setlist from the opening note, and from there can only listen in awe as Lena belts through her entire concert from start to finish.
It sounds as steady as any true performance, the notes strong and clear without any shortness of breath. It's... astounding.
When the treadmill finally slows to a walk once more, Kara comes around to rest her forearms on the rail. She looks at Lena expectantly, who is patently pleased with herself.
She shrugs with false modesty. "It's sort of my superpower."
In answer, Kara crooks a beckoning finger, prompting Lena to lean down and receive a kiss for her efforts. Lena doesn't even break stride, but she does fumble for the off button, slowing to a stop as the kiss persists, deepening.
When Lena hops off the machine, Kara has half a mind to press Lena up against it to kiss her senseless-- a temptation she fails to resist when Lena's hand slides up her shirt to run warm fingers over Kara's ribs.
"Jesus," Kara mutters, pausing for breath. "Lena, you... I don't know if I--"
"We go at your pace, darling," Lena murmurs back. "Just know that I really, really want--"
Kara swallows her next words with another, deeper kiss. Helpless to the attraction tugging under her ribs, Kara lets her fingers wander up Lena's side, until her palm cups Lena's breast. It earns her a heady moan into her mouth, and a tightening of Lena's arms around her neck, pulling her closer--
"Lena? We have two hours before the meet and greet!"
Jess' voice calls, innocent yet conspicuous behind a door that stays shut. Lena sags, the moment broken but not it's tension.
"Thank you, Jess!" she calls back, not bothering to unloop her arms from Kara's shoulders. "I'll be in the shower shortly."
Jess' footsteps pad away, but Lena doesn't resume their previous activities.
"We don't have a lot of time..." she starts conspiratorially, voice low. "Not enough to do *this* justice. But..." Her green eyes darken with desire. "Think we can make up some time by doubling up on the shower?"
Kara reaches up and grasps Lena's hand, bending to capture another kiss.
"There's only one way to find out."
They do not make up any time whatsoever.
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faithfromanewperspective Β· 6 months
gotta say it now bc i've been spending so much time in the 5sos fandom where we're all super protective of our creators: I know supporting an author isn't the same. I know cassie doesn't put herself out there in the same way as zillennial musicians. and I know there are things people in the fandom disagree with her on and I'm not here to minimise that.
but everywhere I interact with the fandom and it's been like this for years now, jokes and things about how old we'll be when the series is finished and yeah it's funny to some extent but as someone who knows what pressure to create does to me, who knows how much it dries my creativity, she's on tumblr. she's seeing some of this. and we gotta tow this line and be careful: careful as to how we're treating her and also careful for the sake of fans ourselves--we don't want to be acting in ways that incidentally result in content being delayed and lower quality because she's been burnt out for ages and we're just giving so much pressure to read twp, read tbvotd and read whatever else she'll doubtless come up with after because she loves the shadowhunters world, she always ends up writing more for it even when she says she won't. and aren't we lucky for that? we love the tsc universe. and if we're old by the time it's all finished, that's the result of her loving this universe she created so much that she just kept writing for it. it's a blessing.
and maybe i sound like an aussie who grew up under a rock in the middle of the bush (which I am) saying this but. when my only queer representation was a singular jacqueline wilson book until i was 14 and read malec's story in tmi, when i've never seen another author portray such a diverse range of realistic neurodivergent characters, when i'm a half white poc with grandparents from borneo which is partially in indonesia and magnus is indonesian, I do find in myself some appreciation for her: the author who created a world of characters I see myself in and I do hope she's okay and I want her to recover from burnout, I know how much it sucks, and it still kinda baffles me how she'll share bits and pieces of her mental health experiences (and she's my parents' age!! and a lot more emotionally aware than most gen x's I know which I so appreciate) and we don't, largely, as a fandom, seem to care. like i get we're in a fandom for the characters and stories she created not her, herself, but like ???
I love seeing the artist behind the art they create. I love it when they're human and imperfect and yet we can still see the good in them that they put out to impact the world with, a legacy, and when we see their imperfections and we can acknowledge this all together, acknowledge and come together for the fans who have been hurt by these mistakes, oversights, harmful views, that are mixed in with the good. and I love it when we can still come together after this and be like, I support this creator, I want them to be okay, I want them to keep discovering love and I want to see it in their writing. and this I don't think should only apply to conventionally attractive twentysomething men who sing! maybe i'm biased in the observation that it is usually where I see the most artist support. or maybe it's actually a trend and as feminists, as people who see our dignity in more than being fuckable and more than being Perfect Leaders, we can do better.
and so i don't care when the wicked powers come out. i'll have finished my masters' degree before I finish that book series and hear the rest of kit and ty's story i started reading in high school. but that's okay. if that's what it takes to get a good story. i don't care when we get the final tec book, even though i've got two copies of the other two on my bookcase and don't know if the cover art will even be the same when the third one comes out. because we love pretty timely things but we're not owed them. and I have to say, this isn't completely true. I do care. I do want to know. I do want to experience that joy. but much more than that I want cassie to write at her own pace and I want her to enjoy it and I want her to keep discovering her own creativity and the proof is honestly in the pudding that every artist I've seen decide to do things at their own rate has ended up way more productive than before they decided that. and artists are people after all. it's what makes their art so good and forms the basis for the fandoms we're in. so I hope she knows it's okay to take her time.
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jadeddangel Β· 6 months
Hello! How about arcane charaters reaction to the reader wearing a pretty dress/outfit?
Please and Thank you
Arcane reacting to the reader in a pretty outfit
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Whistles, like straight up
She'll stop whatever she's doing to give you all of her attention and I mean all of it
It's funny that you think that your walking away walking
If your a girl or a trans fem? She's got a strap in her workbench drawer ready for the occasion
You wanna top her? She's alright with that go straight ahead
Your male or trans masc? She will ride you until your shaking or give you head whatever you want
Your either passing out or crawling out of her workshop
"Oh! Hi bab- *whistles* well damn your a pretty thing!" Jinx giggled out excitedly,"cmere cmere! I wanna love on you!" Jinx insisted
"Ok ok ok what's up?" You said walking closer.
And then Jinx pulled you closer, whispering in your ear while letting out little laughs "yknow~ you look so pretty, but what if we just take it off?"
Your neck will be marked and hell she might even get you a collar with her name on it, just for a good precaution yknow?
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You're now not allowed to go anywhere without her
Your gonna go shopping and it's topside? She's got a hoodie on
You have to go to work? She's staying right where she can see you
Your working for silco? She knows how to follow and be undetected
She marks you, not even in a sexual way, she's just possessive
It's either your getting marked and she's going with you
Or your staying home and changing
"Little mouse? Oh, oh my..where do you think you're going?" Vi asked, leaning her side against the doorway
"Huh? Oh, I was gonna go shopping up topside and wanted to look nice. Why? Do I not look good?" You asked paranoid
"No, you just look a little too good, little mouse." Vi moved closer
Yea, on the other hand, if she decides you look too good, she'll just take it off herself
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He doesn't care
Like genuinely
He always has someone watching over you to make sure your safe
You insist you can take care of yourself? He'll agree with you(and send sevika after you)
He's borderline asexual and doesn't particularly feel the need to make sure your marked by him or anything
He knows he's feared in the underground, so there's nothing to worry about
You knocked on silco's door carefully hearing a muffled "come in" from behind it
Silco took a moment to glance up from his papers when he heard you walk through the door. "Ah good morning, my dear. I hope you slept well," silco said, setting his pen down
You nodded "yea I was gonna go out, so I was just letting you know "
Silco nodded. "ok dear, have a good time." Silco waited five minutes after you left to call sevika into his office. "Follow them," he ordered sevika
And this is the routine every time
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You think your leaving your shared room like that? Hahaha no.
He will lock you in your bedroom till you change or will change you himself
After the day is done he'll insist you put it back on so he can admire you properly
Intimate moments were rather rare due to him running the firelights
So he definitely took advange of this
Those clothes aren't lasting through the night and neither is the grease paint on his face
"Morning firefl- no. Get back in that room now. " Ekko cut himself off, setting his coffee cup down on the counter and pushing you into the room gently
"Ekko nooo! Cmon, I look adorable!" You insisted
"Yea I know and I don't wanna have to deal with certain problems of my own and keep people from looking at you in the way only I'm allowed to, so change" Ekko finished before locking you in the bedroom and standing there until you were done
He loves you so much if you can't tell
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primalsharkman Β· 9 months
Petty? Pretty.
Kim Chaewon x M Reader | πŸ”ž Smut
[Enemies to Lovers, Academic Rivals, Fake Dating]
Word Count: 5,385
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You sighed as you put the pen down at the table. It was your final exam for the year, meaning that all your hard work has officially paid off. The projects you made were certainly extraordinary, definitely leagues apart for the company you were in. However, the pressure of coming in second was like a pump shotgun being shot into the back of your head multiple times. You know, you cannot let Chaewon win again this year.
Of course, Kim Chaewon. The school's greatest academe mind since, ever. Always getting the top grades, the top approval, and all the top boys. The latter which, you really didn't care for. But she had the run of the mill, taking the best with her for her own pleasure. Stories and rumors of her taking the university's quarterback spread around like wildfire. She'd deny it, but everyone knew otherwise.
You roamed around the halls in deep thought, the heavy weight of your books in your hand was very aching, but you were close to dumping them into your locker.
"Finally..." You sighed after arriving at your locker and opening the combination, and only then dumping the books inside.
Vacation was on your mind, but you knew the year isn't over yet. A familiar scent was on your tail, and you knew exactly who wears that specific perfume in your school.
Turning around, you found the academic goddess herself, standing beside you with her bag slinging by her side and giving you a stare. "I hope you did better than you did last year, it was almost too easy for me to beat you." Chaewon said, confidently and with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes at her and crossed your arms, "I've had enough of your gloating, Kim. You're an egomaniac and you really need to get yourself checked before you break down once you see I did better than you."
"Big talk for someone who's only ever beaten me once, in a team debate, no less." Her voice pierced through your heart, and it did hurt. Sure, you did never beat her one on one, but you fought her so hard that you'd get recognized and put in the same conversations as her name did.
"What do you want, Kim? Are you just going to ogle your tits in front of me? Because let's be real, I wouldn't fuck you in a million years." She just chuckled at the statement and gave your crotch a light tap using her wrist.
"Trust me, I wouldn't fuck you in a million years too. But there is something I need." That was when you just smiled at her and closed your locker before walking away from her.
Chaewon panicked and followed your pace, keeping up by your side. "H-hey, I just said I need your help!" You waved her off before she grabbed your wrist and sped up to drag you away from the halls and into an empty area away from the students.
"Listen, I know we've had our differences but this is about prom." At this point was already looking at you like she made up her mind and she will do everything to convince you.
You sighed. "Let me guess, you want me to go with you to the prom?"
"I don't think we should, Chaewon."
"But we could win prom king and queen."
"Does that even matter?"
"If it means beating Yunjin and her very clingy boyfriend, yes."
You just stared into her eyes after that quick exchange, but you knew how insufferable the school couple was. They were everywhere, being flirty and just rubbing it in people's noses. It was a sight.
Pacing around the room and opening a window, it was easy to see that this was an opportunity to get your name trending again. But was it worth it when Chaewon's name is going to be beside yours?
"Okay, but I will dictate the ground rules. You will wear a black dress, you will do the talking, telling people that we got together recently and that you were the first to fall for me." Chaewon just looked at you angrily while the demands were being listed.
"Ugh, fine. I'll pay that price just to stick it to her. Just see how she likes it." She may hate you, but she really doesn't like being upstaged, and unfortunately for Yunjin, she got in the way.
A quick thought entered your mind. "Oh and one more thing," Chaewon turned around. "... You're not allowed to fall in love with me."
She just smiled, "Won't be a problem, I'll see you at my place then. Don't forget to bring flowers. Ciao~" She said as she left the vicinity. You were left standing there with nothing but your bag in hand, and shortly afterwards you went home.
The drive to Chaewon's was fast, thanks to the traffic not holding people up. Her apartment was still 3 floors up, so you had to climb up the flgiht of stairs to reach her door and give her a knock.
"God why did I listen to her..." You whisper to yourself while holding a bouquet of flowers in your hand as your cheeks fill with a red blush.
Chaewon opened the door and gave you a judging smirk. "For once, you finally listen to me huh?"
Embarrassed, you just looked away and handed her the flowers, which she gladly took and had a whiff of them. "They're pretty, okay? Don't be too shy, you're acting like this is real." She giggled as she went down the stairs waiting for you.
You opened the door for her, and she went inside without a word. You breathed out a sigh of relief and went back inside the driver's seat and started driving.
It was mostly a silent trip, neither even giving each other exchanging hi's and just humming to the song playing on the radio. It was nerve-wracking for you, as she can just say anything crazy in a second.
But then you heard a sweet and soft voice speak, it was soothing to the ear and yet you know Chaewon is never this soft and sweet. "So, this is it. Time to act flirty, you'll take care of me right?" You just nodded at her, "Just behave like a good girl and we'll win your petty prize." Getting out of the car and you open the door and take her hand before guiding her inside the venue.
The vibe around the prom was magnificent. It was themed as a romantic getaway, with beach designs and a drawing of a sunset as the backdrop for the stage. You can only look around as the people start filling in the place and you stare at Chaewon.
You weren't kidding yourself, she was looking spectacular. She left the flowers in the car but even with just one flower tucked on her ear, just looking at her makes your heart skip a beat.
You found some seats for you and Chaewon to sit in, it was in plain sight so everyone could see that the two of you are in this prom together. You put your arm around Chaewon and she gladly put her hands on your inner thigh, dangerously close to your crotch.
"Dangerous game you're playing here. Be careful not to touch anything." You gulp as you say those words.
You only heard a small chuckle as she whispered, "Try not to get hard okay? We don't want you going in the bathroom leaving me out here don't we?" She sure has her way of being very provocative.
Yunjin and her boyfriend finally showed up, dressed perfectly to compliment each other's styles. Everyone was astounded at their sight, looking like the royal couple, everyone was reminded of who they really are.
The grunt Chaewon releases between her lips was pretty cute, she was angry, but most of all she was very petty. "Okay, time to turn up the heat." Those were the last words you heard before you felt her lips crash into yours.
Her kiss felt like floating in space freely. It felt freeing and wonderful. Next thing you know, you were making out with your rival and the event hasn't even begun. You could get lost in this feeling forever, and you wanted to stay in this moment. Somehow, someway, Kim Chaewon is a perfect match for you. The way she holds you, the way she wraps her hands around you, it is truly something worthwhile.
These thoughts were interrupted by the sound of loud music entering your ears once you realize she let go. "...What the fuck was that for?" was all you can conjure up for your first, and possible the best kiss of your life.
"Gotta show them who's boss. And right now, we have the mental advantage. Everyone's looking at us right now." You did look around to see them whispering and muttering to each other about what they saw, even Yunjin was perplexed when she took her seat nearby.
"If this doesn't end in sex, i'm dropping you off the side of the highway." You claimed jokingly.
"Ha! As if you'd actually want to fuck me."
"With a kiss like that, now I know why all the boys want you."
"Is that a fact?"
"Oh shut up, i'm giving you a genuine compliment." Chaewon smiles after hearing that and gives you another kiss. This time, it's even more passionate. Your pants were starting to tighten and it got really, really heated. You knew you had to get some food to calm yourself down before your primal instincts take over and bend her down the table and fuck her brains out.
Once you broke the kiss, you asked her. "Do you want me to get you a plate or no?"
"Okay, boyfriend. Go get me a plate." She hit your balls again as you stood up and you lightly kicked at her feet before walking towards the catering.
Right now, you didn't give a shit about the deal you made. It doesn't matter whether you win prom king and queen, because pretending to be her partner was already a thin line to walk on, but now that she's being very playful and teasing you to great extent, you might not last the night.
You got her the plate, and you sat back down next to her. Before she could even mutter a word you just dug into the food. Thankfully she didn't say anything and just ate.
Thank god no one bothered you two, just having people pass by and smile or even give a simple wave is enough. Chaewon was a tiger in academics but socially, she is so much worse. There's a reason she doesn't have a clique, or even a best friend. She just preferred studying and going at it alone. Even with projects, you saw firsthand how she asked the professors if she could do it alone. She was granted her wishes, and she's done better than all of them. You were no slouch of course but, you're not insane enough to do group work solo.
"Let's go dance. We need to be as cute as we can." She said as she put down her fork and wiped her lips with a tissue.
"Don't fucking tap my balls again, you stand up first." Chaewon nodded and stood up, waiting for you to join her.
Taking her hand, you guided her to the dance floor and thankfully, the music was set low. There were a few people on the floor including the royal couple but the spotlight was on you. Nobody thought the two best minds in the entire university would be on good terms, let alone dating.
Chaewon did her best to act as subby as possible, knowing that it was her best chance to win those votes. She smiled, giggled at your jokes and even started talking to the other students on the dance floor while you roamed her around in the dance. If this was the Chaewon you saw in school everyday, you might've just fallen for her instantly.
"Hey, look at me for a while would you?" You said as you grabbed her chin and made her face you.
"What do you want? I'm trying to win us some favor here..." She said in a quiet but rage-filled voice.
"Is it so bad for a couple to actually look at each other and talk? Come on, you know better than that."
Chaewon just nodded and looked at you. Your heart melted through every wall you ever put up once she did. How in the hell are you falling for Chaewon? You know how she is. You know every dirty tactic and every move she's done to you. You hated how she tapped your balls everytime she found an opening. You hated the way she liked other boys. You hated it when you found out she was absent for a week due to a fever. You hated missing her. You hated falling for her at every step of the way.
Chaewon yelped when you firmly grabbed her waist, pulled her close and straightened her hair out behind her ear. "If you're gonna kiss me, I'd do it that way too."
You ignored her words and just kissed her. You didn't care if everyone was watching, you didn't care if anyone actually wanted to see it. All you wanted to do was kiss your rival. The rival you desperately tried to hate because you knew she'd never love you. The rival you never asked out because she was too busy studying her tits out. The rival you only ever loved.
As you let the kiss go, Chaewon stared at you for a moment. She immediately let that go and went back to being the same Chaewon you know. For that night, she belonged to you. And you took full advantage of that fact. You ate, you danced, you loved. It was all you could think about for the rest of the night.
It was over soon enough, and you remembered why you were there in the first place. You breathed in heavily and made Chaewon put her arm around your waist as you waited for the announcements. You didn't even listen to the announcement, all you did was feel her touches and let her hear the names she wanted to being called. Next thing you know, you were up there with her, taking a ribbon and a crown. It was pretty funny looking, but seeing Chaewon's face light up is a pretty good sight. You smiled at the crowd and thanked them for the vote.
This was when Chaewon broke free. She let you go and went to the car so she could celebrate her victory. You followed suit and went back in your car.
"Well, i've had my fill of achievements for the day. Take me home." You just nodded and drove. It was a pretty slow night drive. You didn't go over 40, mostly because you just wanted to enjoy her company more.
"That's all you wanted? Seems pretty shallow to go through all that trouble." You said.
"Then I'm shallow. All I care about is that I am on top again." Spoken as softly as she could.
"You do realize we're gonna have to break up during the summer right? I can't fake date you forever."
"Then let's break up."
"Fine." She just crossed her arms and sat on the passenger's seat and stayed quiet.
You parked your car in the back, you wanted to clear your head space once you drop her off back at her door but you just stayed in the car first, and so did she.
The crickets chirping made the deafening sound of night feel, not so deafening. You took time to process everything that happened in there, and you looked at Chaewon, who seems to be doing the same thing.
"Hey, can I see your cock?"
"What the fuck, Chaewon?"
"Don't be a fucking pussy about it."
"I'm not in the mood."
"Why not?"
"Because... because I'm not sure if I like you or not."
"What?" Her eyes grew wider as you dropped those words.
"Just... let me think, okay? You were out here all night flirting with me like... it felt real chaewon. It felt real, all of it."
"You don't have to think about it..."
"Oh so now you're trying to restrict my thoughts of you? Don't play games with me Chaewon."
"I'm not!"
"Then whyβ€”"
"Just listen to me! You boar-headed dipshit! I like you too! Okay?! Is that enough?!"
You two just looked at each other with your eyebrows furrowed and neither of you were able to land a word after she confessed her feelings to you.
"I like you too. I didn't want to, but I like you! Get that through your thick fucking skull." She said angrily.
It was a lot to process. You both broke the rule of not falling for the other. And now you are at each other's throats because you both were confused and angry that the person both of you were trying to beat at every turn, was someone you actually were into.
If academics didn't mean a thing, you two would probably have hit it off at some point. But unfortunately, that pressure got to you both. For the first time, the weight of that pressure was actually lifted and you could only breathe out a strong, relieving sigh.
"Damn your kisses, Chaewon." You joked.
"Oh boo-hoo." She went for you and kissed you again. This time climbing out of her chair and sitting on your lap. This time, the kiss was different. It was more carnal than romantic. There was more tongue involved as you swing yours with hers and intertwined then as the shared kiss continued.
You grabbed her waist, and slowly reached out those hands into her ass. She gave out a lot moan and adjusted her position so you have full access to her plump, round ass.
She leaned her kisses towards your cheek and towards your ear, where you can hear every small moan and whimper she lets out of her mouth.
The hands you had around her ass were fondling them and enjoying the soft cushions they gave you. Chaewon was already getting wet, but you have yet to know that. You didn't want to go over what she considers her boundaries so you didn't move a muscle.
She felt your cock under her getting bigger and she just looked into your eyes. "Hey... we should take this inside."
You nodded and opened the door so she can climb out. You followed her and locked your car before heading up those dreaded stairs to her door. Once the two of you get there, she immediately opened it with her keys and dragged you inside by your collar.
It only took a shut of the door for her to throw herself at you with another kiss, jumping into your arms so your hands can carry her thighs as she wrapped her legs around you.
"Fuck..." you could only mutter as she rained down heavy kisses on your lips, your ears, and even your neck. It seemed like she knew what she was doing, and for your virgin ass, you went along for the ride.
"Take me to my bed. And take that goddamn suit off already."
"Yes, baby." You dragged your feet through the room and plopped her down the bed. You untied your necktie and threw it across the room. She kneeled on the bed as you stood over her, and she grabbed your polo and unbuttoned each and every single one while giving you the hungriest look a horny woman can give.
It was obvious she was having fun playing this game, and it felt like hell for you. Your cock was twitching in your pants and it started to hurt. She noticed you wincing and took off the polo before unbuckling the belt in your pants.
Her head was dangerously close to your cock and your hand moved itself to brush her hair and hold it down to your crotch, which was her eye-level. She pulled it all down and your cock sprung to hit her nose.
"Ow..." she said as she grabbed the hard cock in her hands, smiling.
"Your hands are pretty nice..."
"It fits your cock really well." She giggled and hummed as she dragged her hand down the length of your cock as you moan out quietly. She knew not to put too much pressure and she knew the perfect way to touch your cock and give you the pleasure your body is used to.
All you could do was grab her hair and turn it into a makeshift ponytail, where she smirked. "You know what it means when a guy does that to a girl right?"
"I think so. Do I get a guess?"
"No. You just get to feel your consequences." Her lips enveloped itself around the head of your cock, and the heat from her mouth makes you hold on the ponytail tighter.
She looks up at you as she takes your cock in painfully slow, licking along the way. You were panicking as the pleasure was getting too much for you, and Chaewon was just getting started. You didn't want to be a 10-second wonder.
She kept working around your cock, drenching it in her spit and sucking it like it was her final project. She's making sure it felt perfect.
Your legs were shaking at this point, your cheeks turning red at the possibility of you not being able to control yourself and not cum in her mouth. These sensations got you to let her hair go and put your hand on the wall nearby so you won't fall down.
Chaewon dragged her mouth down to the last inch of your cock, and tightly pulled out giving your cock a light lick at the end before she sat up and looked at you. "You're gonna cum, aren't you?"
"I'm trying so hard not to." You decided to be honest with her.
She pulled your waist down so you're sitting beside her. She gave you a smile and said, "Cum inside my mouth. I really want to know how nerd tastes." She giggled as she went down on your cock again, not holding out anymore and giving you the most sloppy and disgustingly heavenly blowjob you've ever had.
Her tongue was circling around your length as she bobbed her head up and down. You couldn't even speak due to how good she was sucking your cock. All you could do was grip her sheets and moan out her name again and again.
Her lips kissed your underside, and her free hand gave your balls some love, fondling them. She took your cock inside again and deepthroated every inch you can give her.
She was blushing. She enjoyed sucking cock, especially if that cock belonged to someone she knew on a personal level from many years ago. Sure, it was all on hatred, but she knew you better than anyone, and that turned her on even more.
Your cock was twitching in her mouth, she knew you weren't gonna last longer, so she pumped and sucked and the same time, and that was all it took for you to explode.
"M-ngmhHgh! Chaewon...! mmgh! fuck!" That was the most coherent sentence you can come up with while your body was in ecstacy. Orgasming to the point not even you have reached before.
Her mouth stayed where it was, your cum filling her cheeks as she swallowed each strand of cum, one stroke after another.
When she was done, she sucked your cock to clean it, and wiped her lips off before laughing.
"Nerd doesn't really taste different from jock. But I gotta say, your cock was so much cleaner and doesn't smell as bad."
"That's supposed to make me feel better?"
"Yeah, no one sucks cock better than me."
You sat up and put a hand around her thigh. "So, what's next?"
She smiled as she pushed you down, "You're the first guy to ask for what I want."
You turned your head to look at her and she was taking off her dress, and you were watching her show off her body to you.
You were blushing but the next thing you see was her towering over you, and you get a VIP look of her beautiful pussy. It was shaven, it was perfect, and you wanted a piece.
Your mouth opened and she smiled before lowering herself down to you and sitting down on your face. She grinded slowly as you moved your tongue to eat her pussy out.
Her taste was a new sensation to you. The first time you've ever ate pussy, and you're already getting addicted to her taste. She was sweating and that only added to the tang of her flavor, you dug your tongue deep in her folds.
Your tongue found her hole opening up and you slid it in. "Oh..! Good boy... that's a good boy..." Chaewon muttered while hissing and holding on to your hair.
You closed your eyes and moved you head to tongue fuck her, as she moaned loudly like she had no neighbors. She gripped her bedside and bounced on your tongue as she kept moaning.
"Yes... baby... oh fuck! come on..." She kept hissing and moaning under the sensation of your upper lip kissing her clit and tongue fucking her. You picked up the pace and held on her thighs, taking your tongue out of her hole and focusing on licking the clit fast and good.
"Oh it has been a while! Yes! Don't you dare fucking stop, don't stop, don't stop!" She kept screaming while grinding her pussy on your tongue on her clit. You put more pressure by pushing your tongue into her sensitive clit more and more as she gets brought to the brink of her orgasm.
"I'm gonna cum! Please, don't stop! I'll get off if I want you to stop, okay? Please just... ah! Keep going!" Chaewon says as she reaches her orgasm and grinds on you harder as her moans become more hoarse and heavy.
You kept licking her to destroy her senses and feel an seemingly un-ending orgasm for Chaewon. She got off you and laid down the bed before catching her breath.
"Where... how did you learn... to eat pussy like that?"
"I never did. I only know the clit is the most sensitive part so, I guessed."
"You're a natural then, god damn. Despite being a nerd, that knowledge came in handy. Try using that knowledge to beat me next year okay?"
"What if I beg you to lose for once?"
"That's a price you don't wanna know." She smirked as she recovers.
"More pussy eating?"
"I have a list of demands. I'd rather show them to you before we start school next year."
"Good. But we're not done here Chae." You show her your hardened cock once again, showing her you have recovered from her blowjob.
Chaewon smirks and lifts her ass a little bit. "I want it deep, hard, and fast. None of that slow, methodical, romantic bullshit."
"You got it." You lined yourself up behind her and didn't even hesitate to stroke your cock and slide it deep in her.
"Mmph! Good! Just like that." All Chaewon could do was moan on her pillow as you started picking up the pace and fucking her pussy like your life depended on it.
You grabbed her ass and spanked it, earning a yelp from the girl. She kept asking for more, so you put a strong hold on her hips and crashed your cock deep inside her wet pussy again and again and again.
The sound of your sex was echoing across the room, it was erotic and accompanied with her moans after every thrust, it was truly music to your ears.
"Yes! Your cock is so big inside me! I love every single inCh of it! Mmm!"
Slapping her ass, you kept your mouth open and joined her moaning. "Good god Chaewon, your pussy is so good! So wet and so fucking delicious." You gave her ass another slap.
"Ah! So it is! Fuck I wanna fuck you again and again. Please, make me cum again, make me yours and I won't ever be a bitch around you again!"
"Good girl, I like that." You pulled her arms back into you and grabbed her head so your face is buried in her neck while you fuck her from behind.
"F-Fuck! Rub my clit!" You follow her command and rub her clit in the same pace you're fucking her pussy.
Her moans get even louder and you had to use your hand to cover it up so her neighbors wouldn't get the wrong idea.
Her bed was rocking and it was making a lot of noise. Between the creaking, the moaning, the sloshing sounds the sex was making, it was very hard to hide the fact you were fucking her like a machine.
She kept begging for you to cum inside her and you keep telling her to wait. You were looking for your orgasm but she was ready to unload hers.
"I'm gonna fucking squirt all over! Please I want your cum! I'm gonna fucking... ah!" You pulled out as you felt gushes of water from under her. You held on to her neck as she gripped your arm tightly while she was squirting. Your arm reached down and rubbed her clit so it felt extra pleasureable to her.
"God! I made a mess..." She yelped before you took her body and lied it down on the dry part of the bed and kissed her hard.
You slid your cock back in and fucked her in missionary. Her legs were up in the air as she was moaning in your kiss. The thrusts your cock was giving to her kept sloshing as the rest of her squirt and the never ending wetness of her pussy was lubricating your cock to the point where it looked like cum.
She already came multiple times and she wasn't going to stop, until you did. "What is taking so long?! Mm! My pussy is destroyed here... you need to fill me up, please daddy."
That was the last straw. The final push you needed. Once you heard her say daddy, your senses kicked into overdrive and you fucked her like a machine one more time before unloading your second round of cum in her pussy.
This orgasm hit you like a truck, it felt good, but once it was finished you feel like you have been ran over by a truck. It was tiring and you were drained.
"I guess... daddy is the magic word then." Chaewon giggled as she wrapped her arms around you and pecked your lips.
"I'm sorry I didn't warn you. You must've been so surprised."
"No, actually. I knew you were tightening up when your cock pulsated aggresively. So I expected the creampie sooner."
"God damn it, you're not gonna get pregnant now are you?"
"I'll be okay. I wouldn't have let you fuck if I was in danger of getting pregnant anyway." She giggled again.
"Really? Even after the kissing we've done earlier?" You sound a bit perplexed at this point.
"I'm not an idiot. I'm smarter than you, remember? Don't feel superior just because I called you daddy once."
"I'm just curious, no need to gloat."
She kissed your cheek and chuckled. "I'm okay, you don't need to worry."
You nodded and pulled out her before lying down beside. "So, what now?"
"What about it?" She looked upwards at the ceiling.
"What are we?"
"Right now? I can't say."
"We just told each other we liked each other. What else is there to think about?"
Chaewon playfully hits your arm. "You need to court me, genius."
"Wouldn't you just say yes immediately?"
"I probably would."
You held her hand and kissed it. "So, will you be my girlfriend?"
Chaewon smiles, and turns towards you. "Yes. I'll be your girlfriend."
A/N: That was rough for a first fic, I didn't proof read this so I'm open to suggestions and whatnot. Twitter is the same handle as this one, you know where to find me.
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pickingupmymercedes Β· 12 days
Happy you're home - Lewis Hamilton
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request : "their son is like 2/3 y/o and reader obviously pays more attention to him, even after coming back from work, so lewis is a bit 'jealous' and very clingy, needy with his wife." - fluff anon ✌🏽(gonna call you that because you were so lovely even with the confusion)
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Wife!Reader!
wordcount: +2k
a/n: There's a bit of angst , I know the request was for something fluff, but I just had to. It's worth it though, promiseπŸ˜‰.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
"So, special dates?" Lewis asked casually as he leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Y/n stir the sauce simmering on the stove.
Y/n glanced over her shoulder at him, catching the hint of something beneath his tone. "Yeah, just little outings after I pick him up from nursery" she replied lightly, sensing where this conversation was headed.
"Outings?" Lewis repeated, pushing off the counter to walk closer, his eyes following her every move. "You make it sound so... exclusive."
"Well" Y/n teased, turning to face him fully "It was our thing while you were away. Just me and him. You know he's a little creature of habit."
Lewis crossed his arms, feigning nonchalance. "And what, he's not happy I'm home now?"
Y/n laughed softly, moving to grab a couple of plates. "He's thrilled you're home, Lew. But he's also two, and he's gotten used to our routine."
Lewis hummed, but there was a slight edge to his expression. "I just thought he’d be excited to see me. I mean, I picked him up, and he barely smiled."
"He's not used to you picking him up, that's all. Give him time." She set the plates down on the table and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "He missed you. We both did."
Lewis softened at her touch, pulling her closer. "I missed you too. I just feel a bit... left out?"
Y/n tilted her head, studying him. "Left out?" She smiled, though she could see the seriousness in his eyes.
"I mean…" he admitted, a bit sheepishly. "It’s like every time I turn around, he's glued to you. And I get it, you're his mom, but..." He trailed off, his hand resting on her hip, thumb brushing absentmindedly against the skin he found just below the waistband of her jeans. "I guess I'm just a little jealous."
"Of him?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, trying to hide her amusement.
"Maybe," Lewis muttered, his voice low. "Or maybe of the fact that you two have all these moments when I'm not around."
Y/n's smile turned into a gentle laugh, and she leaned up to kiss him softly. "You know, you could join us on our little dates."
"Could I?" Lewis' eyes sparkled with the challenge. "Because it seemed like he wasn't too happy about me crashing those special times today."
Y/n chuckled. "We'll make it our thingβ€”all three of us."
Lewis seemed to consider this, his hands tightening around her. "I don't want to just be the guy who shows up between races, Y/n. I want to be part of all of it."
"You are" she reassured him, kissing the corner of his mouth. "And trust me, he adores you. He just doesn't know how to express it."
He sighed, nodding slowly. "I know. I just hate missing out."
Y/n cupped his face, making him meet her gaze. "You're here now. And that's what matters."
As the rest of the evening went by the tension from earlier slowly dissipated. But Y/n couldn't help but notice how clingy Lewis was, not just with their son but with her too.
Every chance he got, he was touching her, keeping her close. When it was time to put their son to bed, Lewis lingered, his hands on the small of her back as she tucked the little boy in.
As they got ready for bed themselves, Y/n couldn’t contain herself anymore. She slipped into her nightwear, watching as Lewis pulled back the covers.
"So" she began, trying to sound casual, "you’re a little... possessive tonight."
"Possessive?" Lewis looked up; one eyebrow raised. "Is that what you call it?"
"Handsy would be a better word" Y/n teased, slipping into bed beside him.
Lewis smirked, leaning closer. "Maybe I missed you more than I realized."
Y/n rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t suppress the smile forming on her lips. "Or maybe you're still a bit jealous of a toddler."
Lewis didn’t deny it, instead pulling her into his arms, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Maybe I am. But can you blame me?"
Y/n laughed softly, running her fingers tips on his arm. "You’re ridiculous, you know that?"
"Um…" Lewis murmured, his lips brushing against her neck.
Before she could respond, they were interrupted by the sound of their son's cries coming through the baby monitor. Y/n sighed, moving to get up, but Lewis held her back for a moment.
"Does he really need you every time?" he grumbled, clearly frustrated.
"He's two, Lewis," Y/n reminded him gently, though there was a hint of impatience in her tone. "And yes, he needs me because that's all he’s got."
The words were out before she could stop them, and she immediately regretted them. Lewis’s expression shifted, something like hurt and understanding mixed on his features. "Y/n..."
"I’m sorry," she quickly apologized, her voice softening. "That’s not what I meant."
Lewis nodded, though the sadness lingered in his eyes. "We'll talk later, okay?"
Y/n nodded, leaning down to kiss him briefly before slipping out of bed.
She hurried to their son's room, finding him sitting up in his crib, tears streaming down his chubby cheeks.
"Dada?" he asked through sniffles, looking around as if expecting to see Lewis behind her.
Y/n’s heart melted a little, and she leaned into the crib, brushing his curls back. "Dada's asleep, sweetie. Do you want me to tuck you in?"
But their son shook his head, determined. "Dada."
Before Y/n could respond, Lewis appeared in the doorway, his expression softening as he saw their son. "Hey, buddy" he said quietly, crossing the room to pick him up.
The little boy immediately settled against his father’s chest, his tiny arms wrapping around Lewis’s biceps.
Y/n watched as Lewis sat down in the recliner, cradling their son with a tenderness as she have them some space, slipping out of the room and back into bed.
When Lewis finally returned, his footsteps were soft as he approached the bed. He slipped in beside her, pulling her close and leaving a kiss to her exposed shoulder.
"Has he been waking up like that a lot?" Lewis asked, his voice tinged with concern as he settled into bed beside Y/n.
Y/n nodded, resting her head on his chest. "For the past couple of weeks mostly. The change in routine really got to him."
Lewis sighed deeply, his hand gently tracing circles on her back. "I should’ve been here for his first days at nursery."
Y/n lifted her head slightly, about to reassure him, but Lewis's hand on her back stilled her.
"Y/n, don’t" he began, his voice thoughtful. "It’s not just about missing his first days. It’s the time you’ve had with him, but also the time he’s had with you."
She looked up at him, her brow furrowed slightly in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Lewis let out a small, self-deprecating chuckle. "I missed you, too. Not just the way I always miss you when I’m away, but I missed being a part of this routine. The bedtime, the little 'dates,' the way he clings to you... I missed seeing you with him, and I missed having you to myself after all that."
Y/n's heart softened at his words, a tender smile tugging at her lips. "Lew, you’re always part of those moments, even when you’re not physically here."
Lewis’s eyes met hers, full of emotion. "I know I was stupid earlier, but it's because I love being with youβ€”both of you. And when I'm not, it feels like I'm missing out on so much. As his dad and as your partner."
Y/n’s smile widened as she shifted to lie more comfortably against him. "I missed you too. More than you know. And trust me, our little guy missed you like crazy, even if he didn’t show it."
Lewis chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest. "He’ll come around. I just have to remind him that I'm part of this whole 'special date' thing too."
"You will," Y/n assured him, brushing a soft kiss against his neck. "And as for us, we’ll make up for lost time."
He kissed the top of her head, his voice filled with affection. "You’re stuck with me, Mrs. Hamilton."
And as Y/n began to drift off to sleep, Lewis leaned into her hear, whispering almost to himself "I really did miss you. And I’m not going anywhere. Not for long anyway."
TAGLISTΒ -Β @saturnssunflowerΒ @xoscar03Β @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @itsmrshamilton @vicurious28
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fanfiction4sooya Β· 1 month
Helping Hand (Older S/W Jihyo x F!R)
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Don't ask me why I did it, just know the thought of older sw jihyo couldn't leave my mind for a month or so. Hope you like it! Love ya'll, have fun! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
cw: sex worker jihyo, pussy eating, inexperienced reader, fingering, grinding, dry humping, 69, oral sex, squirting, nipple play, overstimulation, swearing, a very long story; not proofread so if you find a mistake... no you didn't mind your business.
You felt nervous.
You looked at yourself for the ninth time in the big mirror, smoothing your dress, applying lip gloss, anything that could take your mind off of the fact that you were about to have sex with a woman for the first time.
Park Jihyo.
Your friend Ryujin had told you about a client that used to go to the bar she worked at, a sex worker, Ryujin said. She was beautiful and confident and everything you dreamed to be, in all honesty.
You got a call.
"She can come over" You told the receptionist, taking a deep breath after hanging up. Your heart thrummed in your ears, a knock on the door.
You opened it, gulping when you saw that astonishing woman leaning on the door frame. Her big eyes complimented her gorgeous face, just as her sharp nose and lips; same lips that displayed this kind of relaxed smile, confident and warm. She wore a white strapless blouse and tight mini skirt; her brown hair adorned her features all the way to her waist. She looked... angelic.
"Good evening, darling" She snapped you out of that trance with that warm voice of hers. "May I come in?" You finally were able to open your mouth.
"Oh yes, I am sorry" You bowed, furiously blushing. She smiled, pressing a firm hand to your shoulder and making you straighten your back.
"You are fine sweetie, no need for that" Her warm eyes met yours and your knees almost gave up on supporting you. She was literally perfect. "I'm Jihyo" You two shook hands and you dumbfoundedly told her yours.
She entered the space not even bothering to look around, but you saw how her eyes quickly roamed around your body and how she discretely licked her pretty lips.
"So..." She started, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Ryujin told me you wanted to try with a woman?" Her voice was smooth, stable. She gave this older and thrustworthy vibe.
"Yes" You cleared your throat.
"Don't get me wrong, but why hire me?" She scanned you, her head falling a bit to the left in a slow motion as if she was hypnotizing you. "You look very pretty and you are young, darling. I know finding a girl to satisfy you would be no problem" She said and you deeply blushed. "Ryujin herself could do it..." You shook your head.
"I don't like Ryu like that..." You were fidgeting with your dress and she reached a hand on yours, almost as if she knew it would pull you back to earth. You completelly stopped and she warmly smiled at you, grazing her thumb over your hand.
"You can sit down honey, it's okay" Her voice dripped like honey and your heart pounded like crazy. You knew she was supposed to be invinting but you were surprised on how alluring she was. You sat down beside her and she motioned for you to keep talking.
"I feel like I always felt something wasn't adding up when me and my ex, you know..." You shyly said. "And I feel like trying with a girl, I just don't know who or how" You gulped, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "I'm sorry, I didn't know how else..."
"Oh no baby, it's fine" She placed a hand over you bare shoulder again and you felt like you'd combust. "I am in no position to judge and actually, there's nothing to judge" She stated. "Tell me what do you want me to do" Her sultry voice lowered an octave and you bit your lip.
"I don't know, I mean..." You looked away, trying hard not to melt under her intense gaze. She placed two fingers under your chin, gently making you look back at her.
"Keep your eyes on me when we are talking, okay?" You looked back, nodding. "Good girl" Her brown eyes were shaped like crescent moons when she smiled like that, she petted your hair. "You don't know what you want me to do or you don't know how to feel pleasure?" You thought about it for a moment.
"Both. I think" She nodded, uncounsciously resting her hand on your thigh over the light pink dress. "I'm nervous" You closed your eyes and she cooed.
"It's okay, baby" She leaned closer, her arms embracing you in a hug. It felt warm, comfortable and ot felt hot having her chest pressing against yours like that. "You are okay" She said and you exhaled, your breath grazing the skin of her neck.
You felt yourself tingle between your legs, way more than your ex boyfriend ever made you feel. Jihyo smiled.
Of course she would know your body would react to her touch. She knew it from the moment you gawked at her when you opened the door. She leaned back, keeping herself still on your personal space. Blinking slowly, her eyes travelled to your lips and her breath hit your face ever so lightly. She dipped her head a bit, inviting you to her personal space, time moving slower than ever.
"I am here to teach you, hm?" She says, caressing your cheek. "But I need you to give yourself to me a bit" Her smile wasn't wide but it reached her eyes perfectly. How about we talk for a bit?" She asked, straightening her back and you nodded, biting your lip.
It was a chit chat about mundane things; college, work, friends, etc just to loosen you up a bit and it totally worked. You knew she was good but that was a pro move as she took of her boots and your shoes as well, you two getiing more comfortable in each others presence. After the conversation died down just a tiny bit you felt her stare at you, a certain glint in her eyes.
"You look beautiful" She said, eyeing you up and down as you blushed. "May I kiss you, sweetheart?" Oh that pet name made you melt and clamp your thighs.
Nodding, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, hands gripping the sides of your dress, heartbeat quickening.
Jihyo smiled at how adorable you looked, licking her lips when her eyes travelled to your breasts and your thighs under the cute dress. Sometimes work could be quite fun for her.
Seeing your nervousness, she reached for your hand and brought it to her lips, kissing your knuckles. The contact in itself made you clench as you opened your eyes to see her brown ones staring back at you.
"Let me take care of you" She whispered, leaning close enough to your face, her lips almost brushing against yours; 'that's it, no backing down now' You thought to yourself, taking the hint and closing the small gap between yourselves.
Initially it was a gentle, soft peck. She smiled against your lips, silently praising you for your courage, her right hand finding your hair to caress it as she parted her lips, her tongue grazing your bottom lip in a light movement. You slightly parted them so her tongue could brush against yours, giving you goosebumps. The whimper that left your throat was shy, barely registered by yourself but Jihyo was well aware of it and it made her ego go higher than the clouds.
Being someone's first anything was something commom for her, but for some reason she wanted to be the first woman to pleasure you way more than anything.
She sucked your tongue and made your head spin, your hand reaching for her muscly arm to support yourself. You gasped when her hand reached for your waist to pull you to her lap. It felt so smooth you barely registered the action.
"There you go" She firmly placed her hands on your hips, smiling up at you. "It's better to kiss like this" She explained and you nodded, letting her guide you. Who were you to say no to her? She was the expert, not you.
Her hand travelled from your hips over your torso and over your covered breasts to pull you down when it reached your nape and that action made you gasp again, whining against her lips. You fully sat down on her thighs, as she pulled your hips so you would hump them very lightly.
"Jesus-" You tried saying but it was cut short when she bit your lip, pushing her tongue inside your mouth one more time. She didn't rush you but you felt how firm and urgent the kiss was, how overwhelmingly dominant she felt even under you like that.
Without thinking you hugged her strong shoulders, pulling her to you even more, lost in that contact as your muffled whimpers made Jihyo wet just like you.
You were no virgin, not exactly innocent either. You just didn't have experience being pleasured. Apparently your ex boyfriend didn't really do it for you.
"Do you wanna keep going, sweetie?" Jihyo held your chin to the side to kiss your neck and collarbone. You whimpered loudly, gulping when her hot breath fanned over your neck.
"Yes" You breathed out, your heart beating fast as you felt yourself pulse. "Yes, please" You said, finally looking into her eyes again. Jihyo felt herself clench when your hooded eyes met hers, almost melting. Her lips found yours again, but this time she smoothly pulled one of the strings of your dress down, the move barely registered by your brain. Her lips travelled to your jaw as she kissed and lightly bit the skin, then to your neck, followed by your shoulders.
Her firm hands held your hips as she adored every bit of skin her lips could reach, nipping here and there (not hard enough to leave marks of course, Jihyo was a pro after all). She leaned back just a tad bit, looking for any sign of discomfort. Your cheeks were tinted in the most beautiful pink ever and your plump lips were a bit swollen due to your previous actions. She smiled and you swore you'd faint, getting shy out of nowhere.
"Shh, it's okay" She pecked your lips, nuzzling your neck. "Do you want me to take my blouse first?" She asked and you eagerly nodded yes. Not only because you were shy in taking your dress first, but also because you really wanted to see her gorgeous breasts. As stated before, you weren't exactly a saint.
She got up, sitting you on the bed as she slowly lift her blouse over her head, her eyes never leaving your face as yours never left her boobs. You tried hard not to, but you deeply blushed when they beautifully sprung free, your mouth watering at the sight. You closed your eyes, covering them.
"You don't like what you see, baby?" Her seductive voice got closer.
"Oh- I'm..." You tried saying but your heart was racing inside your ribcage. "It's not that, I just got shy..." You said and you could practically hear her groan. She was pulsing in need of feeling you.
She walked towards you, gently holding your wrists to take your hands off of your face. You didn't opposed to it, obediently doing what she wanted you to do. You gulped, now her tits were literally a few centimeters away.
"Do you wanna feel them?" She gently asked, her eyes scanning your body language.
"Y-yes" You stuttered after a while. "Yes, please" You said more firmly and she pecked your lips, guiding your hands to her breasts, hissing when your cold hands touched her warm skin. "Sorry" She smiled when you palmed her breasts.
"Don't apologize, sweetie" Oh that fucking pet name.
"It feels so warm..." You said, eyes on her gorgeous body. She guided your hand in an up and down motion as a sigh left her lips. Her handas left yours massaging her breasts and went to yours over your dress, making you slightly jolt and close your eyes. It felt so soft, so... right. "More, ms. Park" You gulped and Jihyo almost growled at your whiny tone. "Please, more"
She hungrily kissed you; Still at a steady pace, but now it was more than clear that she wanted to fuck you. Her tongue traced yours as your thighs clasped together, your dress slowly leaving your frame.
"I know I'd like what I see, baby" She held your chin up so you'd look into her eyes. "But jesus... You are perfect" Jihyo said and you blushed.
She leaned you down against the plush pillows, pushing your knees apart to keep herself between them. Your body was almost in full display for her, but her eyes never left your face. Not when you looked so cute all shy and with those red cheeks of yours. She kissed you again, now resting her body against your frame. The moan that ripped through your throat almost got you embarassed, but who could blame you when those gorgeous breasts grazed against yours in that delicious friction? How could not moan when her tongue slid so smoothly against yours and her heavy breath could be heard so close to you?
You were so lost in the kiss and the way her body felt against yours that you couldn't even realize your hips bucking against her abs, grinding onto them like you were in heat. She separated from you with a teasing smile, looking down.
"Looks like someone is a little excited" She said, squeezing your tits together and making you moan loudly. "God baby, keep making those noises for me" Her eyes darkened as her tongue swirled against one of your nipples, sucking it into her mouth. Your whole body twitched and you felt like you were on fire, biting your lower lip so your voice wouldn't be heard by anyone outside the bedroom.
Her hands roamed around your body as she caressed every bit of skin she could reach, swtching her lips from one nipple to the other, lowering her touches close to your pelvis. Her eyes were trained on your sweet yet lewd expression; Jihyo moaned loudly against your breasts when you bucked your hips on her abs and she noticed the coldish sensation of your wetness seeping through your underwear. She leaned back and kissed you, that steady pace feeling deliciosly consuming.
"You are so wet, baby" She sat on her heels, holding your knees apart.
"Oh my god..." You panted, covering your face so you wouldn't see her hungry gaze.
You panties were soaked, so soaked it showed perfectly the outline of your aching pussy and the transparency even showed her how your clit poked from it's hood.
"No need for shame, darling..." She kissed your knee, holding it against her chest as her other hand gently took your hands off of your face. "Pretty girl" She cooed, dragging her fingertips from your chest to your tummy, then to where you needed her the most, never looking away from your eyes.
She traced the outline of your pussy, hissing when she felt how hot your cunt felt against her digits; Her middle finger grazed your clit so good you cried out her name tossing against the mattress, but her other hand kept you in place. She soon found your drenched slit, biting her lip as she saw how you reacted.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" You knew she could tell you were okay, but that tone, that safety... it made you crumble even more under her dark gaze.
"Yes, Ms. Park" You told her in a breathy tone as one of your hands reached for her thigh to hold her in an assuring way.
"May I continue?" She asked and you blushed. Oh that woman was going to be the death of you. You nodded and she smiled. "Use your words, please"
"Fuck" You unconsciously said as you rolled your eyes. "I mean y-yes" You gulped when you saw her eating you with her eyes. She resembled a lioness and you were nothing but her pretty little prey.
"Then we are going to take these off..." She said, hooking her fingers on your panties and slowly pulling them off of you. "Fucking hell" She moaned out under her breath, her eyes dark as the night. "I'll make you feel so good, honey..." She traced your wet pussy lips and you cried out, closing your eyes. "If you need me to stop you tell me, ok?" She cupped your chin so you'd look at her.
"O-okay..." You faintly said, feeling your body on fire. "Please..." You whimpered when she kissed your lips, tracing your torso with open mouthed kisses, trailling down to your lower abdomen. Gripping the sheets you covered your mouth when her breath fanned over your clit, your legs involuntarilly shaking as her arms circled your thighs to hug them closer to her chest.
She kissed the inner part of your thighs, smiling when your muffled moan reached her ears and then kissing your mound, inhalling your scent; her own wetness seeping through her thin panties.
When she first licked a stripe on your aching cunt you held your breath. The overwhelming sensation almost being too good to be considered real. Her talented tongue penetrated your drenched core and your whole body shook, your scalp tingling like crazy.
"Don't hold your breath, love" Her sweet voice brought you back to earth. You blinked a few times, trying to keep yourself present. "Good girl" She praised before diving back in.
She held you even tighter, one of her hands pushed your lower abdomen down and you went insane, almost screaming in pleasure after such small gesture. You could feel her grinding her face on the whole extension of your cunt, basking on your wetness and your taste.
"Fuck, fuck-" You cried out, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes. "This feels s-so good, ms Park -oh god" You rolled your eyes, biting the back of your hand as she sucked your clit, swallowing every bit of your juices she could, moaning against your pussy with her mouth stuffed.
You felt shy until your pleasure overtook you, now you felt hot. You looked down, one of your hands grabbing her hair to keep her in place; her big brown eyes were already staring at your face, completely lost in your beauty. Provocative and safe.
You bit your lips as you lost yourself in the most beautiful scene you've ever seen as she thought the same: from your flushed cheeks, to your furrowed eyebrows and those beautiful lips that flowed such pretty sounds.
"I think I'm gonna cum" Your voice sounded high pitched and loud, but you didn't care, the knot in your belly was quickly dissolving, your climax bubbling inside you. If you could describe the feeling of falling apart on her mouth it would be as if you were made of butter, melting in the warmth of her lips. "Oh my...-" You said before tensing up, squeezing her hand above your lower belly, gushing your juices beautifully on her chin and lips.
She wanted to stop, her mind wanted to give you some time to process what just happened but she couldn't find the willpower to do so. She kept literally making out with your pussy, your sweet taste so addicting she wouldn't mind doing it for hours and hours.
Her fingers circled your slit, your weak moans filling her ears and her pride growing inside her chest; she made sure to stare into your soul as two of her fingers invaded you, your eyes rolling back as your silent scream made her smile to herself.
"You won't ever forget me, princess" She growled through gritted teeth. "i'm gonna be your favorite first time"
"Oh fuck, please, please" She climbed up, her lips meeting yours felt so desperate, so needy and raw. Your mind was running miles, you swore to yourself you could taste colors, see smells, talk to angels, whatever was best to describe how good it felt to have her hitting your gspot over and over like that.
"You are so pretty, sweetheart" Her pace slowed down a bit. She licked your lips in an upwards motion, her left hand cupping your jaw. "open your eyes for me, pretty girl" She asked and you forced them open, your heart beating so fast you swore you could die at that very moment. "Look" She pulled your face downwards, lowering her gaze and yours to where her knuckles met your stretched pussy.
You shivered, entranced by the sight. You kissed her, hungry for contact, for her skin and muscular back under your fingertips. Teeth, tongue, saliva, lips, all in one motion, clashing together as if you were trying to merge with the older woman above you.
"Ms Park" You mewled under her, your body tensing up again as your arousal hit you like waves each time she thrust her fingers up inside you, your hips unconsciously meeting them in the middle in a delicious way.
"Oh look at you clenching on my fingers" Jihyo moaned against your lips, straddling one of your thighs just above your knee so she could grind on it while still pumping her fingers inside you. "Fuck" She closed her eyes, her eyebrows furrowing in the most breathtaking expression you were yet to see.
"Please, look at me" You said, voice hoarse due to your moans and muffled screams. That caught the woman by surprise, her eyes shooting open to meet your gaze. "Oh god" Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as you eneveloped one of her nipples with your lips and you felt her grind even harder, chasing her orgasm in the same pace she did for yours.
You moaned against her skin, that vibration sending waves of pleasure to her drenched pussy as you sloppilly made out with her breasts.
"Fuck baby, I'm gonna cum" She pressed her lips to your forehead, holding your neck with one hand, curling her fingers inside your aching cunt.
Eyes wide open, you saw in real time as her body tensed above yours, slick coating your thigh as she shivered, also reaching your climax upon having such delicate and unique sight.
You hugged her against you as if she was a life saving jacket, tears rolling down your eyes. Jihyo kissed your cheeks and your neck, pecking your lips as she carefully took her fingers off of you after a while. Panting, she climbed on top of you and flipped you around for you to be on top of her body so she could hug you and caress your sweaty back.
"Are you alright, darling?" She said, grazing her fingers up and down on your back. You nodded. "Words, honey. Use them" She hushed when your hips met her over her skirt, getting a bit restless as you felt yourself growing in need for another round.
"Yes, Ms. Park" You stared into her eyes with a shy expression. You felt her tense under you, her eyes darkening ever so slightly.
"Was it a good first experience with a woman?" She asked in a cocky tone, kissing your jaw and you took a shaky deep breath.
"Uhm... no" You said and she stopped to look at your face.
"No?" She was truly offended. You shook your head no.
"It was just half experience..." You kissed her lips. "I need you to teach me how to eat you out now, Ms Park" You directed your kisses to her neck and you felt her hands squeezing your thighs.
"Oh honey, I won't even charge you for that class" She said and you tried to kiss her again, but she deflected your movement and you ended up kissing her cheek, frowning. "First you need some water" She pushed you to sit on top of her, pulling a towel to cover your body. "Rest a bit" Her authoritative tone made you shiver and that needy feeling between your legs grow.
"But I'm not tired..." You whined and her eyes glimmered.
"You will once I'm finished with you, sweetheart" She held your chin, a small little battle in her eyes and yours. Needless to say, you lost when you looked to the side.
"O-okay" You climbed off of her lap as she grabbed a bottle of water for you, opening the lid and handing it to you as you sat down on the edge of the bed.
"I'm going to take a quick shower, alright?" She said and you nodded, cheeks full of water. In a sparkle of bravery you stood up.
"Can I..." Yeah, it was gone. You looked down.
"Do you wanna come, sweetie?" She cooed, her index finger under your chin. You gulped, her bare torso making you clench.
"Yes, ma'am" Jihyo smiled, tracing her finger to your chin down your neck, arm and then she finally held your hand to pull you to the bathroom.
You sat on a stool as she turned the shower on, checking the temperature. She unzipped the side of her skirt and suddenly your feet were the most interesting thing in the whole world. You heard her lightly chuckle and her get in the shower.
"Are you coming, darling?" Her voice snapped you out of the feet trance and you got up, seemingly unable to gather all your thoughts.
"Yes, I am" You held the towel, a blush creeping up your neck and cheeks.
"It's ok" She extended her hand for you to hold and so you did. "Do you want me to close my eyes?" She smiled, but the question seemed genuine. You slowly nodded. She closed her eyes as the water splashed on her back; you slowly took it off of your body, standing there in front of her.
Your curious eyes travelled around her naked form, an awe expression as you took in all her beauty, your mouth watering at the sight. Her breasts looked full and heavy, her abs were well defined along with her arms and shoulders and her pussy looked like a fresh and very inviting forbidden fruit.
You had no idea how much time had passed, but she definitely opened her eyes right when you stared and her glistening sex.
"You like what you see?" She slowly asked and you gulped as you saw her hungry gaze. You nodded and you saw her eyes shift. "I'm gonna need you to use your words" She was stern, but she seemed patient.
"I really do like what I see, ms Park" You boldly stepped closer, under the water like she was. "Ma'am?" Oh you looked so delicious with all those Ms and ma'am's flowing out of your pretty lips Jihyo felt herselg go insane.
"What is it, sweetie?" She placed her hand on your lower back, pulling you closer to her and you softly moaned as your boobs pressed against hers, your eyes unfocused for a bit. "What is it? What do you wanna do?" She pushed a bit, wanting for you to voice what you wanted.
"Can you please teach me how to please you?" Your voice sounded like a plea, a whine. Jihyo bit her lip, her wet hand holding the back of your neck to pull you in for a kiss. You pulled back and her attentive eyes seemed surprised. "Your words, Ms Park" You smiled and she bit her lower lip, amused by you.
"I can teach you, sweet thing" She pecked your lips. "I'm gonna teach you so well..." Next thing you felt was her tongue on yours.
The kiss felt different this time, sloppier; She really wanted you to eat her out and the way the kiss felt showed you exactly that.
"Fuck" She breathed out, guiding your mouth to her boobs as she pulled your hair. You latched onto one of them, mindleslly moaning against her soft skin as you sucked them hungrily into your mouth. "That's right, baby... Suck it just like that" She rolled her eyes, as your hands held her waist to pull her closer.
Jihyo pulled you back up to sloppily kiss you, both of you pulsing for each other.
"Come here, baby" She pulled you out of the shower, lightly pushing you so you'd get on your knees in front of her. "Are you sure you wanna learn?" She said, holding your face between her fingers as your eyes locked on hers. She knew you wanted to. All the times she asked for confirmation was just so she'd hear you desperately whine for her.
"Yes, please" You nodded and she smiled against your lips, kissing you.
"You can start by kissing my stomach, my thighs" She guided you. "Don't be shy, baby..." She leaned back a bit. "Look at me, I'm dripping for you" She said and you finally gave a closer look to her pussy. It was red and glistening and it looked so mouth watering you wanted to immediatelly put it in your mouth.
You heard her chuckle a bit and that brought you back to earth. The world started to move slowly as your lips made contact with her thigh in a shy kiss. She smelled amazing, a mix of peach and some expensive perfume; you boldly held both of her thighs for support, squeezing them a bit when your lips were nearing her dripping center, the smell of her arousal closer and more intoxicating.
"You can put your tongue out for me, darling" She said and you obeyed, showing her your tongue as a shiver ripped through her spine. "Now come closer and make contact with my clit" Jihyo said as steadily as she could.
You did just as she told you, your nose touching her mound as your tongue touched her clit lightly. Her legs trembled ever so slightly and you heard her soflty moan above you, giving you the ego boost you never thought you'd have in the first place.
The second contact with her dripping center felt more steady, even more precise. You dragged your tongue a bit more forcefully and you heard her gasp, her eyes locked with yours.
"Fuck" She breathed out, her hand came to gently grab your head to pull you in closer. "Like that, baby" She bucked her hips and you finally felt her taste on your tongue.
It tasted different from anything you've ever tasted. It was delicious.
You closed your eyes, eager to make her feel good, lapping up and down on her wet pussy with a bit more force and she pulled you away with a 'pop' coming from your lips.
"G-gently, baby" She swallowed, her flushed cheeks gave her this turned on look that almost made you melt.
"Sorry" You blushed. "You just taste so good..." You said with a whine and you saw her expression change, her eyes going from your pretty face to your breasts on full display for her.
She sort of mounted your face this time, her dripping slit hovering over your mouth and her hand holding your hair.
"Again" She said and you eagerly nodded, ready to shove your face back where you wanted but she stopped you. "No need to suck too hard"
"Y-yes, Ms. Park" She smiled sweetly at you and that made your whole body shiver.
How could a smile hold such power over anyone like hers did to you just now?
"Now lick it from the slit to my clit..." You did as she said, collecting her juices on the tip of your tongue to soon swallow it and she closed her eyes, throwing her head back. "Yes, just like that" Her strong hand guided your head, the free one tugging at her nipple as she bit her lower lip. "Kiss it as if you were kissing my lips, darling" She gently said, her voice above a whisper and her big brown eyes glued to yours.
And that's when you realized how good it felt to make out with it, quickly learning how to pleasure Jihyo as your tongue swirlled between her folds and your nose bumped her clit every now and then; her moans becoming louder and her hips quivering ever so slightly made your own pussy throb, your own slick oozing out of you.
"Good girl, fuck" She praised when you suck on her clit more gently than before, chin pressing against her slit. "Don't stop baby, keep going" She closed her eyes, the wave of pleasure becoming too much for her as you kept your ministrations; Jihyo leaned on the wall for support, her knees giving up on holding her weight and her orgasm washing over her as her hand kept pressing your face against her pulsing cunt, sliding it up and down to smear her slick all over your face. "k-keep your face there" It was the first time you really heard her stutter.
It felt suffocanting and oh so good to have her in that position. You wanted to keep tasting her, keep doing whatever she wanted you to do. She pulled your hair back, taking your face from between her legs and lowering hers to kiss and lick her wetness from your face.
"Good job, baby" She praised and you almot melted, whimpering while squeezing your legs. "Are you needy already, princess?" She asked, amused by your stamina.
"Yes, ms. Park" You bit your lip as JIhyo gave you an obscene stare.
"Come here" She pulled you up, kissing you and guiding you two back to bed, careful not to toss you on it as she fell by your side. "Sit on my face" She said and you stopped. It was the first time you heard a really commanding tone out of her. "Let me show how good it is to fuck a woman" She smirked, already pushing you up to straddle her face. "No, let me show you how fucking good it feels to have sex with me"
She pulled you down her face, your pussy fitting so right in her mouth you felt your brain turning into mush inside your skull. You felt her tongue circling your clit as her chin bumped your slit. You couldn't tell what was your name but oh boy, you definitely knew hers.
"Fuck Ms Park, fuck - god" You babbled, completely at her mercy as you scratched the bedpost you were trying to hold on for support, both of her hands holding your asscheeks as she brought you in even more to meet her face each time her tongue fucked your dripping hole. "Jihyo, please" You cried out, eyes shut as your whole body trembled upon her, feeling this incesant need for release. Her first name burning on your lips as if it was something sacred.
"Keep calling my name, darling" She basically growled, soon latching her lips over your clit once again. You felt her circle your entrance with one of her fingers and you opened your eyes to look into hers, silently pleading for her to fuck you. "What baby? Use your words" Her voice dripped lust, desire.
"Please fuck my pussy, plea-" And before you finished the sentence, one of her fingers pushed past your entrance to make your eyes roll so far back you almost blacked out.
The squealching sounds were loud and she kept pistoning her finger inside you, soon adding one more to curl them inside your hungry cunt. Your walls squeezing them so good it was hard to move but she wouldn't stop until your orgasm washed over you, her lips attached to your swollen clit.
"Jesus christ" You babbled, feeling yourself loosening that knot inside you and suddenly Jihyo stopped almost making you cry. "Why-" You started but she was already pushing your body to the opposite direction of hers.
"I need your fingers inside me" She growled as she spread her legs a bit, her glistening cunt furiously red from all that action.
"A-are you sure?" You eagerly said.
"You wanted the full experience, darling" She kissed your thigh, hugging your ass closer to her face to pull you down to sit on it. "Now you are going to finger me nice and good, don't hold back" Jihyo went back to lapping up your juices and your shivered, a moan ripping out your throat.
You knew how to finger yourself but another woman? You concentrated yourself in doing it the right way.
You circled her slit and you heard the muffled moan Jihyo let out, her nails digging a bit on the skin her hands were placed over. She clenched and you pushed one finger inside, shallowing thrusting it. It felt wet and warm and you were sure yourself was about to cum because of that sensation and Jihyo's lips on your clit as her nose bumped your entrance.
She held your hand to position one more finger inside, pushing it in with ease.
"Fuck" You let out as she held your wrist to pump your fingers the way she wanted.
You were fucking her all by yourself after a while, knuckles deep inside her stretched hole, screaming for Jihyo as your hips moved against her lips; It was too much, you felt yourself almost blacking out as she squirted all over your hand, tensing under you as her face buried itself deeper and deeper in you.
"I can't- god please" You cried out as your orgasm washed over you violently, your arm giving out on supporting your body upwards, face falling onto the bed as your body literally shut down.
You had no idea how much time had passed but your eyelids were heavy and your body felt warm and light as jihyo comforted you, holding you close and cooing at you as you were lying on top of her.
"It's okay baby, you did such a good job" She pressed her forehead against yours smiling at you as you opened your eyes.
"My body feels so light..." You sleepily said.
"I know you are tired" She said, sighing. "Having sex with women demands a lot from your body" You nudged at her neck, your body slowly shutting down again. "I have a feeling you won't be a client for long..." Jihyo said to your sleepy form as she recalled how good you made her feel.
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lucy90712 Β· 3 months
kinda sad but reader distancing herself from jude bc she’s pregnant and don’t know how to tell him and he’s really scared bc he thinks she’s gonna leave him
A/n: I had to give this a happy ending as I have far too much angst to write that I needed a pick me up
Do it. Just do it.Β 
I have to keep telling myself those few words. In front of me sits a pregnancy test that I can't get myself to take as I don't want to know the answer. Jude and I have always been really careful as he doesn't want kids, I don't mind either way but because he doesn't want them we always try to be super safe. Despite that for the last few weeks I've just not felt right I've been feeling really nauseous and my period is now a week late which really only means one thing I just didn't want to believe it. As much as I know I'm almost definitely pregnant I don't want to take the test as that will confirm it and then I'll have to deal with the consequences.
How would I tell Jude? Would he leave me? Can I raise a baby on my own? All of those questions swirled round my brain as I still just stared at the test. Jude will definitely not be happy but if I am pregnant I don't want to get rid of the baby as I don't think I could handle all the emotions that come with that. If I don't get rid of the baby I can definitely see Jude breaking up with me which I understand he doesn't want kids and he's just starting out his career at Real Madrid he won't want a baby to look after so I'll probably be on my own in a city I don't know with no support.Β 
It got to the point that all of the questions were starting to eat away at me so to forget about them I decided just to take the test. What no one tells you about taking a pregnancy test is that the few minute wait for the result feels like a century I swear I was pacing back and forth forever before the screen displayed the result. I chose to take a digital test as it would tell me how many weeks I was as that's something I wanted to know too but then I realised that knowing how far along I am will make it feel a whole lot more real. There was no surprise when I finally looked at the test and it said pregnant 4-5 weeks.Β 
Finally seeing it confirmed made it impossible to hold back my tears any longer. Instinctively my hand went to my stomach as I thought about how in a few short months I will have a baby the baby that is currently growing inside me. The tears were a mix of happiness as somehow I was actually happy to know I was pregnant and anxiety as I have no idea what the future holds.Β 
It has been a month since I found out I was pregnant and I'm now 10 weeks along. A few weeks back I went for my first ultrasound and got to see the baby and make sure everything was ok which it was. Jude still doesn't know, I've tried to tell him so many times but I just can't do it I either chicken out or the moment just doesn't feel right. I know I need to tell him soon as I'm already starting to develop a small bump which will only get bigger and sometimes I think Jude gets a bit suspicious when I won't eat certain things I usually love as I know they will make me sick.Β 
Over the past month I have definitely been a lot more distant with Jude which has meant he hasn't noticed when I've had really bad sickness days and that I have a small bump growing. It's hard hiding such a big secret from him which is part of why I've been so distant because I just want to tell him and for us to be a happy family but I know it won't go that way and I can't bare the thought of that. I love Jude so much and I don't want to ruin our relationship but I know at some point I'll have to tell him and deal with whatever heartbreak comes along with that.Β 
No one apart from me knows about my pregnancy not even my parents or my friends I have kept it a complete secret. Today though I'm seeing my friends and I know they are getting a bit suspicious as when we go out I'm always tired and I don't drink anymore. We aren't doing much today just going for brunch so I got up after Jude left for training and went to where we were supposed to meet. Once everyone was there we went in and got a table and I lasted less than a minute before the smell of someone's food made me feel so nauseous that I had to run to the bathroom. My best friend joined me to make sure I was ok but I knew she wasn't convinced when I said I was fine.Β 
"Are you ok?" The rest of the group askedΒ 
"Yeah I'm fine" I saidΒ 
"What's going on girl you've been acting weird for a while now" my best friend saidΒ 
"Ok you guys can't say anything to anyone but I'm pregnant I found out a month ago and I've been hiding it because Jude doesn't want kids and I don't know how to tell him" I admittedΒ 
None of them really knew what to say they all knew that Jude didn't want kids and a baby was never supposed to be part of our lives so they were as shocked as I was. After the initial shock they all started giving me advice and telling me everything would be fine. They all tried to reassure me that Jude wouldn't leave me when he found out but they did say I need to tell him at some point soon and I agree but it's hard to find the right words to say.Β 
Once I got back home I just sat in silence thinking about life and how I got to this point. I was so consumed with my thoughts that I didn’t hear the front door opening or Jude calling my name as he entered the house with increased panic when I didn’t reply. I only came back to reality when he was stood in front of me catching his breath after I nearly gave him a heart attack. There was a lot of staring at each other as I tried to find something to say while he tried to read me and work out what I was thinking.Β 
β€œLove are you ok and before you tell me you’re fine I know you’re not you’ve been acting strange for a while and I just want to know what I can do to make things better” he saidΒ 
Hearing him say that was too much for me I just burst into tears right in front of him. His arms made their way around me and he tried to calm me down but that didn’t help. This last month I’ve held back all of my emotions about this whole situation and now they are coming out all at once and I can’t hold them back any longer. I tried to tell him but the words couldn’t escape my mouth so instead I grabbed his hand and took him upstairs with me. I kept my pregnancy test and ultrasound pictures hidden away in my wardrobe so I found them and just placed them in Jude’s hands. This isn’t how I wanted to tell him but I think it’s the only way I can do it without having another breakdown.Β 
β€œWhat is this?” He askedΒ 
β€œI’m pregnant” I saidΒ 
β€œI’m sorry I know you don’t want kids and we are always careful I don’t know how it happened and I just I’m just sorry” I rambledΒ 
β€œHey it’s ok calm down how long have you known?” He askedΒ 
β€œI’ve known for a month and I’m 10 weeks now” I saidΒ 
β€œWow we are going to be parents” he said hugging me tightlyΒ 
β€œWait you aren’t mad” I questionedΒ 
β€œNo of course I’m not mad I’m actually really happy I know I said I didn’t want kids but more recently I started to change my mind especially seeing you with all the guys kids it made me want that with you I couldn’t be happier right now” he saidΒ 
β€œSo you aren’t going to leave me?” I askedΒ 
β€œOf course not I can’t wait to go through this whole journey with you I’m just sad I haven’t been there for you until now” he saidΒ 
Hearing that was such a relief but not at all what I expected. I’ve always been told things happen for a reason and this is one of those things I guess. Naturally Jude had a lot of questions so I told him everything like everything I know about the baby and how I’ve been feeling as he wanted to know how I’ve been coping. It felt so good to finally tell him everything and he seemed so genuinely happy which allowed me to actually think about how excited I am too as that’s something I’ve pushed away until now.Β 
After a long conversation we both went silent and just took a minute to take in what has just happened. As we sat there Jude’s hand made its way to my shirt which he lifted up slightly and just rested his hand on my tiny bump. I watched as the smile on his face got even bigger than it was before I could see him look at my almost non existent bump with so much love that it almost made me cry. This whole thing doesn’t seem anywhere near as scary now that I know Jude is here to support me and I already know he’s going to be the best dad if he loves our baby this much already.Β 
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barcaatthemoon Β· 3 months
bad girlfriend || alessia russo x reader ||
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you and alessia get in a fight when you confront her about neglecting you.
you were utterly exhausted. it was your team's first practice of the season with your new coach who wanted to see your team reach the wsl. there had been offers to play in teams that had already made it, but it would have put distance in between you and alessia.
a part of you wanted to tell yourself that you didn't want the distance to put strain on your relationship, but you knew that alessia would break up with you before you could even finish telling her where you'd be. she couldn't be bothered to keep your relationship going if you moved away.
"are you fucking kidding me?" alessia grumbled at the sight of you splayed out on the couch. you let out a whine as alessia stomped past you. all you wanted was one day where she wasn't acting like an ass at home.
you had no idea what had gotten into her lately. alessia had been sweet at first, but once you got serious, she stopped caring. the longer that you stayed, the worse she treated you. there were often moments where you stopped and wondered if she just wanted you to break up with her. she'd look like an ass if she broke up with the social media sensation who was trying to get her team promoted.
"did you even get anything done today? the house looks like shit," alessia said. she dropped down onto couch. she pushed your legs away, careful not to sit on them. "it would be nice if i didn't come home to a mess like this all the time."
"it would be nice if you spent some time with me, but we can't all get what we want, now can we?" admittedly, it wasn't the most mature response, but you were sick and tired of being the adult with alessia. not only was she actually older than you, but she was always the perfect gentlewoman whenever other people were around.
"oh i'm so sorry. do you want me to quit playing at arsenal and join your little pipe dream pretend team?" alessia asked you. you clenched your fists at your sides and shot up from the couch. you stormed off towards the bedroom with alessia shouting after you about how immature you were being. all of her little comments died down as soon as she saw you walk out of the bedroom with a packed bag.
"i'll be back for my things tomorrow," you told her. alessia jumped up from the couch and sprinted to stand in front of the door. "alessia, move out of my way please. i need to go."
"no, i don't want you to. come on, this is a stupid fight. i'm sorry, i didn't mean what i said to you. i'll help you clean up and we can watch love island together. just please, don't leave," alessia fell onto her knees in front of you. you felt a bit bad, but you shoved right past her with your bag to leave. you didn't look back that night, you couldn't have without turning yourself right around.
"you said what to (y/n)! i should kick your fucking ass right here blondie!" alessia flinched at the sound of katie's voice. it was nothing compared to the glare she was receiving from leah. "are you mental? why would you ever say that it her?"
"i was mad, it just slipped out. i didn't mean it, not at all. i'm such an idiot," alessia cried. she had made it three days without you at home before she completely broke down. alessia didn't know whether or not to count herself lucky that katie and leah had been lingering in the locker room when alessia had her little tantrum.
"you're a dickhead, that's what you are. i don't know (y/n) very well at all, but i know that she's given up a lot to stay in london with you," leah told alessia. "i don't know what the hell is wrong with you, whether it's stress or your fucking ego, but you need to apologize."
"what can i do to get her back?" alessia asked. katie and leah shared a look, one that told alessia all she needed to know. you weren't hers anymore, not after what she had said to you. there was more than that, months of neglect and harsh words building up. alessia would consider herself lucky if you ever agreed to speak with her again.
"i'll be checking on the little chick, and if i heard that you've said anything other than that you're sorry and it was all your fault, i'll shatter your fucking knees," katie threatened. alessia jumped out of the way as katie moved past her, no doubt with her phone out to check on you.
"if she does take you back, don't make this mistake again," leah warned. alessia knew that already, but she still took leah's words to heart. she wanted a second chance, one that she wouldn't let waste for anything.
you hated being alone, but you hated living with your sister and her boyfriend even more. martha was great, but nick was an asshole. he got on your nerves like nobody else. you didn't think it was possible, but you almost missed being ignored by alessia over having to sit through nick's constant chatter for another night.
you pushed that thought out of your head as you pulled up to the training facility to see a familiar car in the parking lot. "alessia, what are you doing here?"
"i wanted to speak with you, but i don't know where you're staying," alessia said. she looked nervous, something that you weren't used to seeing on her. "can i start with apologizing because i am so sorry. i'm sorry for all of it. i shouldn't have ignored you for starters, and i shouldn't have said that. i'm sorry that i lied to you too."
"what did you lie about?" you asked her. suddenly, you were afraid that alessia had been hiding some big secret from you and that was why she had been so distant.
"i said that what you were doing with your team was nothing, and it's not. it's important, and i can't wait to play with you in the wsl," alessia said. she reached out to grab your hands, as if that would fix everything.
"alessia, you can't just come here, apologize, and expect us to be okay. do you have any idea how badly you've hurt me?" you asked her.
"i can't imagine what i've done to you. i can't explain why i ignored you, but i won't let it happen again. it's been a week, and i've never felt more miserable. i miss you so much, and i just want you to come back home with me," alessia said. you hated seeing her upset, even after what she had done to you. despite everything, you still loved alessia.
"a week. i'll come home for a week, and we'll see how things go from there. do anything like this again and my first call will be mccabe," you threatened. alessia nodded, already well aware of the things katie planned to do to her if she broke your heart again.
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vanishingcherry Β· 1 year
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader
warnings: alcohol consumption, mentions of jules bianchi and herve leclerc, google translated french, marriage and proposals (self explanatory)
summary: the 4 times charles has asked you to marry him and the one time you said yes
ΰΉ‘ β‹†Λšβ‚Šβ‹†β”€β”€β”€β”€ΚšΛšΙžβ”€β”€β”€β”€β‹†Λšβ‚Šβ‹† ΰΉ‘
── 6 years old
Your parents had brought you to a wedding.
Your mother was the bride's closest friend, meaning you had the honour of being the flower girl. The ceremony itself was short and sweet, you watched the bride in awe, in love with her dress.
Not too long later, you were joined by a young boy your age. He was the ring bearer, also watching as the ceremony came to a close.
As the newly married couple walks out together, the boy turns to you.
"We should get married too" He suggests.
"What?" you ask, eyebrows furrowing in surprise. "I don't even know your name"
"C'est Charles. Et toi?" it's charles, and you?
"Ok so now we can get married, yes? It will be fun."
"Je ne sais pas Charles, i dont know, I need to ask mummy first." You reply. On the outside you were trying to act as normal as possible, but on the inside, you kind of wanted it to happen.
To be fair, why wouldn't you want to wear a pretty dress and get some pretty flowers. You could picture it now, walking down the aisle with a bouquet in your hand and a sparkling dress with thousands of glittery sequins.
It was settled then. If she said yes, you would get married. It would be perfect. Grabbing Charles's hand, you scan the room for your mother, spotting her at the main table, awaiting the arrival of the bride and groom.
Running up to her, you tug at her dress with your hand, still holding Charles's in the other. She looks down.
"Mummy he asked me to marry him." You say in excitement, raising the hand that was entwined with Charles's.
Everyone at the table laughs at that, and you frown in response, not understanding what was wrong. Your mother, stifling a laugh herself, replies, "And what did you say?"
"That I had to ask you first. Is it okay if I marry him mummy?"
"Hmm are you sure you're not a little too young?"
"But i'm 6 years old. That is an entire hand plus 1". Adamant to get a pretty dress, you press on. Charles is still holding your hand, standing behind you patiently. He didn't want to say anything that would ruin his chances.
His mother had explained to him a few days ago why weddings happened. She had said that he would know when he met the person he wanted to marry, that she would be beautiful and kind and the best person in the world.
Pascale had explained to Charles that day that if he loved the girl, then everything would be alright, and they would be together forever. Upon meeting Y/N, he knew that she was his forever, it was just incredibly unfortunate that her mother seemed to think 6 was too young when it was obviously the perfect age.
You were still trying to convince your mother that it was perfect, everything was already set up and you were sure the bride wouldn't mind if you got married too.
"How about this", she suggests, "what if you and Charles get married when you are 25?"
"25!" You're shocked, 25 seemed so far away.
"I think 25 is the perfect age, yes? Both of you will be old enough then."
Knowing it was the best deal you would get, you agreed. Leading Charles away, you told him what your mother and you had compromised on. He seemed slightly disappointed at the news, but figured it would be okay, it was only 19 years after all.
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise."
Unbeknownst to you, your mothers were exchanging numbers at the table, knowing it would be impossible to keep you two apart after today.
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── 17 years old
Charles had gotten into Formula 1.
Not too long after winning the F2 Championship, Charles had started getting calls. He was almost always on the phone with his manager, before finally announcing that he signed with Sauber. Years of hard work and months of negotiation had paid off.
That was an interesting day. Both your families were sitting together in the Leclerc's living room. You were sitting between Charles and Arthur, playing games on the TV. After boasting about winning agains the two of them in Mario Cart, you slumped against the sofa, not wanting to play anymore.
Before the two brothers started the new game, Charles got up and stood in the middle of the room, calling for everyone's attention.
"As you all know, we've been trying to figure out a deal for Formula 1", he started, referring to himself and his manager. "And I'm going to be joining Sauber next year!"
Shouts of excitement were all that could be heard for the next few minutes, everyone overjoyed for the young boy who had spent his entire life working towards this very goal.
You were the first to get up and hug him, squealing in delight at the news. Your arms were tightly wrapped around his neck, everyone else in the family forming a big group hug around the two of you.
That was months ago. Now, the two of you stood in his room, 2 weeks before the start of the new season. Charles had to go to the airport early next morning, joining the team for a few days in the simulator. However, as normal, he had left packing till the very last minute.
He'd called you over a few hours ago, freaking out over what to pack and what to leave behind. You went over, entering his room to see clothes scattered everywhere. Rolling your eyes, you start directing him, telling him to clean up while you sort through the piles to figure out what he needs.
Over an hour later, the two of you fall on the bed, tired after having run all over the house to find everything Charles needed. Everything was done, packed up in the suitcase that would accompany him around the world.
Too late to sleep, the two of you opted to stay in his room and talk, whiling away the few hours before he had to head to the airport.
"My god Y/N, marry me will you?"
Blushing in response, you turn to face him. "What?"
Oblivious as he was, Charles had absolutely no idea of your growing crush on him. It had been going on for years, but you never said anything to him, too scared to ruin your friendship.
You were already the subject of teasing from both Lorenzo and Arthur, who had been blackmailed into not telling Charles. Pascale and your own parents hadn't yet commented on the relationship, choosing to let young love play out.
Charles had no idea, none at all. Never had he made any move that suggested he knew or felt the same way. Hence, a proposal was definitely not what you expected when you walking into his house earlier in the day.
"I don't know what I would do without you Y/N. Honestly Fred would've killed me if I showed up with only half the things I needed."
You let out a small chuckle. "We are a bit too young to get married, no?"
He turns back to face the ceiling. "I guess so."
2 hours later, you found yourself waving him off as he entered the terminal, heading to the Sauber headquarters for a week before pre-season testing, your heart still beating faster any time you thought of the conversation that had taken place.
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── 20 years old
Charles was drunk.
It was a night out in Monaco. Most of the drivers could be found in the club, packed together, dancing and drinking following the grand prix earlier in the day.
Charles hadn't finished in a good position, meaning he was more than eager to drink the night away. You, tired after a day at the paddock, decided to go home instead.
From the moment he got the first drink down, all he could talk about was you. He would go around to all the drivers, asking them if they had seen how pretty you looked earlier today, or telling them a story about something you did as a child.
"Have I told you about the time we were matching on halloween?"
"Y/N got in so much trouble in school that day."
"She was so excited when she got to meet her favourite singer today!"
He was smitten, all of them knew it, and so they sat there and listened with smirks on their faces. Finally, tired of all the whining, Pierre dropped off Charles at your apartment.
Waking up to a phone call and multiple knocks on your door, you walked into your living room, quickly opening the door to see a grinning Pierre at your door, Charles leaning against him.
"He was being annoying, you can keep him", the frenchman says, tilting his head in Charles direction. "He's drunk."
"I can see that", you mutter, still slightly annoyed at the fact that you were woken up in the middle of the night, but grateful that Charles hadn't ended up walking the streets of Monaco alone.
The drunk man stumbled into your arms, waiting patiently for you to finish thanking Pierre who swiftly headed back to the club.
So, at around 1 in the morning, you found yourself awake and half carrying Charles to the sofa. He fell against it, leaning back and closing his eyes as you went to get a glass of water.
You see his face light up when you enter the room. Leaving the glass on the table for him to drink, you go get some pillows from your room.
Coming back, you see that he had already finished his water, and was looking at you intently.
"Tu es si belle. Have I ever told you that?" you are so beautiful
"Oui, et tu est tout aussi beau" yes, and you are just as handsome
Your crush still existed, perhaps even more so than before. It was impossible to deny the fact that he had only grown more attractive in the last few years. However, knowing it was just his drunk self talking, you chose the ignore the butterflies in your stomach.
He doesn't reply, watching as you set everything up comfortably before lying back. Just as you're about to leave to switch off the light, he grabs your hand, forcing you to turn around.
"Marry me Y/N."
The surprise on your face was as clear as day, but Charles's drunk self seemed to see right past it. He kept his eyes on your own, waiting for a response.
"How about you take me out on a date first?" you laugh in response, fluffing up the pillow and placing a blanket on his body. He falls asleep within seconds, and you sport a small smile as you watched him, before making your way to the comfort of your own bed.
The next day, you woke up to breakfast in bed. A stack of pancakes accompanied by grinning Charles and a note that read "Will you go out with me?"
Regardless to say, the date went amazing. It was simple, just the two of you hanging out in your favourite places in Monaco, drinking coffee and making jokes.
It was only a month later when Charles officially asked you to be his girlfriend during a movie night at home, to which you promptly replied a yes. And just another month after that when you heard him whisper a small "je t'aime" as you drifted off to sleep in a hotel room.
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── 24 years old
Ferrari had finally made a good car.
It was the final race of the season and the battle raged on between Charles and Max. Both had an equal chance of winning the championship, Charles only 2 points behind Max in the leaderboard. Whoever won this race would win it all.
You were sitting in the garage, gaze not shifting from the screen in front of you. You watched the two drivers continuously switch positions, going from P1 to P2 and vice versa.
Max having lead for the last few laps, you stood up in joy when Charles overtook him at the end of the penultimate lap. Just 1 more lap. Charles was one lap away from being the World Champion.
You watched as Max's rear tire locked up in the second sector, increasing the gap to 2 seconds. The joy in your heart was bubbling up as Charles got closer and closer to the finish line. Joining the rest of the engineers, you leaned over the railings, watching as he crossed the finish line.
Immediately you ran to the pit wall, grabbing a pair of headphones.
"Amour you did it! World Champion!" You couldn't contain your delight, tears of joy falling as you go around hugging everyone in sight.
"Oh my god. We did it! We did it!" You heard his voice come through. "Thank you to everyone oh my god. I cannot believe it. I love you." Your grin becomes even wider at the last line directed towards you.
"Je t'aime Charles. Oh my god you did it."
Shouts of "yes" and "oh my god" were all that could be heard for the next few seconds. You stood there and listened, knowing just how much Charles deserved it. He had worked every day, either by himself in the gym or with the engineers, figuring out strategies for the next race. He deserved this more than anyone else.
Leaving the headphones near one of the many computers, you run to where the rest of the engineers were gathering. The red car parks at P1, and you look on in unfiltered glee as Charles jumps out, raising his hands in celebration.
He runs over to you, grabbing your face before pulling you in for a kiss. Knowing that there were people watching you, he keeps its short, but its passionate nonetheless.
When he pulls away, you see the shine in his eyes, helmet still on as everyone working at Ferrari rushes over to pat him on the back or give a hug.
Arthur, Lorenzo and his mother are there as well. The former having come P3 in his race earlier in the day, and the latter two having made the trip from Monaco to watch the climatic ending to the season.
You stand to the side with them when Charles heads to the cooldown room, talking to Pascale.
"Herve serait fiere, si fiere" herve would be proud, so proud.
"Et Jules aussi", you add. and jules too "He won it for them."
She smiled. Not too long after, an engineer walked over to you, directing you to the stage. He claimed that Charles wanted you to watch from closer.
5 minutes later, standing off to the side, you look on as he is handed the championship trophy. Cheering alongside everyone else, the delight is evident on your face as he raises it above his head.
The celebrations start. You watch as the engineers filter in, each holding their own bottle of champagne. Catching your eyes, Charles walks over, pulls you up on the podium with him, immediately drenching you in champagne. The celebrations continue as more and more people join.
He hugs you tight, blocking your line of sight. The noise is overwhelming, but in that moment, it's just the two of you. You hug him back, whispering in his ear, unaware of everyone else leaving the podium. I love you, I am so proud of you.
When it's just the two of you left, Charles pulls back. You look around in surprise, turning back to Charles to tell him to get off the podium, gasping when you realise what he was doing.
He was down on one knee, looking at you as though you had hung the stars in the sky. In his hand was a small box that held the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. The diamond in the center shone under the bright lights, but nothing could distract you from Charles.
"Veux-tu m'epouser, mon amour?" will you marry me, my love
You nod almost immediately, tears still falling as your hands cover your mouth in shock. Yes, yes, yes. You get down to Charles's level, hugging him tighter than ever before. You hear him chuckle in your ear, kissing your neck as he too feels a few tears fall out.
You aren't sure how long the two of you stay that way, finding comfort in each others embrace, but you are startled when you hear the roar of the crowd. Leaning back, you can't help but laugh when you see all the drivers and thousands of fans clapping and celebrating your engagement.
Arthur is standing next to Pierre, the both of them hooting and cheering, knowing just how much behind-the-scenes encouragement it took for Charles to agree to proposing.
Looking back at Charles, you find him already looking at you. Giving him a kiss, you let him put the ring on your finger, cheek's hurting from how much you had smiled in the last hour.
It slips on with ease, and the diamonds seem to sparkle even more under the bright lights.
"Only took 4 times for you to say yes, eh?"
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thatfandomslut Β· 8 months
Green-Eyed Monster
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Trigger Warnings: jealous Regina, friends who don't agree with reader relationship (we've all been there, right?)
can you regina and reader are dating but reader starts being friends with janis, cady, and damian and regina gets super jealous and it causes a fight with reader and then they make up and it's fluffy at the end
Mean Girls requests are open.
(Y/n) laughed loudly, quickly clasping a hand over her mouth as many people turned to look at her. Within those many was Regina George, her girlfriend. Though, no one knew that they were dating since Regina was still in the closet. The blonde quirked a brow from her section of the cafeteria as Janis placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder to help shush her. This was an action that Regina did not appreciate as she narrowed her eyes over at the two. Neither noticed this action as (Y/n) only laughed harder, her forehead gently hitting the table as Janis patted her back, laughing, too.
"Why were you laughing so hard?" Regina asked, sitting across from (Y/n) in her room. She kept her eyes narrowed as she examined (Y/n), trying to figure out what was so funny that she didn't even respond to Regina's texts during lunch.
Regina was still learning how to be in a relationship, and she was far from perfect, but she was perfect at being jealous. Even though there was absolutely no need to be since nothing was going on between (Y/n) and Janis. However, Regina didn't know this. After all, Janis was conventionally pretty, and she came without the baggage of a hidden relationship since she was already out. There was a small possibility that the school's 'it' girl was insecure. Not that she would admit that in any way.
A small laugh escaped (Y/n) as she thought back to what made her laugh so hard. This caused Regina to cross her arms before standing up. "Well, we were talking about this painting from mine and Janis's art class. We had to do portraits, but there's this one guy who like sucks at painting. And, I am perfectly aware it's not nice to laugh, but his portrait of Ms. Klein was not it." (Y/n) couldn't help but feel more giggles bubble in her chest, though she was finally able to keep them at bay.
Regina must have not understood art humor, because this wasn't that funny to her. "Did you have to let Janis put her hand on you though?" She questioned, watching as (Y/n)'s brows knitted together in confusion over what the problem was. "People are going to think you two are dating or something? Do you realize how stupid that makes me look?" Regina looked angry, and (Y/n) was getting to the same point that she was.
Sitting up on her bed and closing her book, (Y/n) considered her words carefully. "Okay, look, I didn't mean to make you jealous, but Janis and I are just friends. I'm not sure what the difference is when you, Gretchen, Karen, and Cady are touching each other's faces to apply each other's makeup. Perhaps you can explain it to me?" (Y/n) tried to stay calm and centered. She knew how heated Regina could get. Still, she must've said something that worsened the situation as Regina's cheeks brightened in color.
"The difference is, Janis is out, and you are out," Regina stated, grabbing for her bag as she started for the door. (Y/n) quickly untangled herself from her blanket, grabbing Regina's hand to stop her. "Don't touch me. You should go hang out with your girlfriend, Janis. She was all over you at lunch, anyways."
(Y/n) let go of Regina, not wanting to anger her more as she sucked in a breath. "Come on, Regina, let's just talk. I don't want to argue over this. I will ask Janis to stop touching me if it will make you happy." (Y/n) offered, hoping to create some peace between her and Regina. She hated arguing with anyone, but she despised arguing with Regina. It was another level of fighting that she couldn't handle. It made her head spin.
Regina walked out of the room and started down the stairs with (Y/n) hot on her trail. "I don't want to talk. I want you to understand how stupid I feel when you just let Janis put her hands all over you." Regina said as she made her way to her Jeep. "Just leave me alone." (Y/n) sighed as Regina shut her Jeep door and ran her hands down her face. She knew to give Regina space, that chasing after her right now wouldn't do anything for either of them.
(Y/n) went back to her room, falling back onto her bed. She was in love with Regina, but the worst part of this being a secret is she couldn't go to her friends for comfort. Instead, she felt unintentionally isolated as Regina's perfume still lingered in the air unhelpfully. She realized that Regina's insecurity more had to do with the fact that she and Janis were both out, but Regina didn't even give her time to help her work through that with her. So, instead, she had to force herself to not call or text the girl.
The next day, around lunchtime, (Y/n) was still somber over the events from the previous night. She had texted Regina a sweet 'good morning' as always but received nothing back. That's why it surprised her when Regina approached her table. "(Y/n), I have a quick history question, can I speak to you in private?" Regina glanced over at Janis, who rolled her eyes at Regina. (Y/n) nudged the girl beside her to stop before following Regina out of the cafeteria. "I realized that I took my anger out at you. To be honest, I was a little scared you might find Janis to be a better girlfriend because she was out, and you didn't have to hide." Regina admitted, causing shock to spread along (Y/n)'s face.
She wasn't expecting Regina to be insecure over Janis. "I understand your fear, and I understand your insecurity. You should know though, I'm not into Janis. She, Cady, and Damian are my best friends. I love them, but it's very different to the way I love you." (Y/n) put her hands over Regina's before their fingers intertwined.
Regina tried to hide the grin growing on her face as she looked down. "You love me?" She asked, her voice filling with emotion, a shift from the apologetic tone she held just before.
(Y/n) laughed softly before kissing Regina softly. Regina kissed back, cupping her cheeks. "Yeah, I love you, Regina George." (Y/n) said softly, glad to see that they had made up and that they were both getting over their previous argument.
"I love you too, (Y/n)," Regina said softly before taking her hand and leading her out the door. "Come on, I'm ready to go out there. I don't care what people think anymore. All that matters to me is that you're by my side when I go out there."
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obsessedwrhys Β· 5 months
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αΆ» 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ (modern au!!) Being in a toxic relationship with her. angst, some fluff in a fucked up way? common toxic relationship things, arguments, this song is her song idgaf what anyone says. reader is fem!! Didn't proof read cuz im sick and lazy ☹
It still shocks you how you and Ellie were in a 2 years long relationship. Maybe that was one of the main reasons why you felt reluctant to end things with her. And adding on the image of your relationship built around your friends, you felt the pressure to keep it going because everyone thought you two were happy together.
They envied you.
They wanted what you two had.
If only they knew what you two really had...
"What the fuck was that?" Ellie cursed at you after slamming the front door shut behind her.
"You're the one saying that? I fucking saw you cuddling with your ex!" You said as you went in your shared room to put away your bag, she follows after you.
You two had just come back from one your friend's party but it seemed like things took a turn when you walked in the living room to find Ellie cuddled on the sofa with her ex, cigarettes and drinks in hand while they chatted like old friends. Not to mention a flirty smile on her face as you'd catch her staring down at her lips. It was enough to make your stomach twist.
"So what!? I already told you we're just friends! You fucking embarrassed me when you stormed off like that!!"
"And that gives you the excuse of cuddling with her?! You were flirting!!" You raised your voice at her after turning to face her.
"Why are you being such a fucking bitch?! You do that shit with your friends and you don't see me complaining about it!!"
"That's because I never FUCKED ONE OF MY FRIENDS!!" Your words making her scoff out of disbelief. Almost like the situation was too much that she was now finding it ridiculous.
"You wanna talk about fucking? How about we continue this conversation when you're not a slut?" She walks off, going to the bathroom to open the shower.
You were speechless. Your lips were parted but you didn't know how to respond. It was like you were too overwhelmed with rage that your brain couldn't even think of what words to form. Soon your body collapses on the bed and you ran your hands tiredly across your face.
The sound of the shower running in the background indicating that Ellie was really bathing after what she said to you. You were upset. You had the right to. But it wasn't only her words you were upset at, it was the realisation that this was your life now, this wasn't the first fight and will never be the last.
You were too focused on your emotions to even notice your eyes burning with tears. You were trying to stop yourself from letting them pour out but your mind was encouraging it to with the amount of sad thoughts they were making up. You tried to be quiet but it didn't matter either way because the shower was soon turned off.
You tried to cover your face with your hands the second the bathroom door opened. You couldn't bring yourself to look at her. To show her the effect she had on you. It was quiet for a painfully long minute until you heard her approaching you.
Surprisingly she sat herself on the bed beside you and wrapped her arms around your body, she was making you rest your head on her chest. You were still angry but somehow some part inside of you liked the warmth. The feeling of her gently running her hands through your hair and brushing them off your face seeming to make your frown fade.
"I'm sorry baby... I didn't mean that... I don't know what came over me" She said, her tone completely different from her tone from before.
"It's just I get frustrated when you start accusing me of things like that. I would never leave you for someone else. You mean everything to me"
Her words made you feel guilty.
Maybe you were overthinking it.
Maybe you were the problem...
"... I'm sorry. I was just scared that she might try something on you" You apologised as you changed your position to get closer to her.
"It's okay baby... don't cry... nothing will happen... I'm yours" She comforted.
You didn't bother thinking if it was a lie or the truth because you were too delusional to even see things realistically. The next morning you'd find yourself awake, laying alone on the bed. You were confused and sort of heartbroken...
Where did she go?
Did she wake up early?
You got up and wandered the house and the second you went in the kitchen, you were greeted with the smell of food. Your heart melt when you realised she had made you breakfast. Once she finally notises you in the kitchen, she smiles almost pleased with your reaction alone.
"Morning baby... thought I'd cook your favourite" She said and you didn't say anything but just kiss her on the lips which she happily kisses you back.
"Woow now... I have work later. You don't wanna make me late now" She grins at you but you simply ignored her by wrapping your arms around her neck.
"I love you" You smiled radiantly.
"Love you more"
Almost like the argument never happened, the next few days went on as it usually does. You two spending time on dates and doing whatever stupid things you'd be up to. Apparently your birthday was soon and you couldn't help but think of some plans. Your first plan was to choose to hangout with some friends the day before so you could spend your birthday with your girlfriend. It was perfect.
Who knows, maybe she'll even have plans for you?
Possibly a surprise?
The thought made you excited that you felt you couldn't wait anymore. Soon the day came, you had told Ellie about your plans with your friends and she seemed fine with your idea. Before you left she gave you a kiss on the cheek and a hug, the feeling making you all warm inside.
"Stay safe baby, I'm gonna miss you" She uttered.
"It's only for a day Ellie you're overreacting" You joked which she just shrugs with a sheepish smile.
"Whatever, just have fun" She said.
Just like that, you waved her goodbye as you left to the mall where you've agreed to meet up with your friends. You did multiple activities together, from playing go karts to exploring a cat cafe. It was everything you had hoped for. Eventually the activities ran out and you didn't expect the day to end that fast, with your gifts in hand, you bid all your friends farewell before heading home.
It was still 3 in the afternoon since you had thought it would take until 7 in the evening to try out all the activities you've planned out. But oh well, that means you'll have more time to spare. As you opened the front door, you noticed there were clothes scattered across the floor. Some clothes you didn't recognise. You consciously put your gifts on the coffee table before making your way further into the room.
The clothes acting as a trail for you to follow... into the bedroom? You noticed the door was opened slightly so you carefully opened it. The sound of it creaking making it more suspenseful than it should be. Your heart drop once you see the sight before you. It was Ellie, naked, on the bed with another woman. Her face couldn't be seen since she had her face nuzzled into her neck.
They were too dead asleep to even notice you standing at the doorway. Your body felt like it was burning from the amount of emotions you were experiencing all at once. You couldn't believe it. Again and again, you chose to forgive her, hoping she had changed but the reality was that you were just too much of an idiot for thinking she'd actually change for you.
Your hands clenched into a fist and from the rage, you grabbed the glass of water on the nightstand to pour it on them. The second their face came in contact with the water, they were jerked awake. The girl got up and you could see now it was no other than her ex. You scoff at the sight.
"What the fuck?! Whoβ€”" Ellie stopped talking once she realises it was you who did that. Her ex just staring at the two of you with a worried expression... cause you caught them... you caught her cheating.
"You told me she wouldn't be back early" She whispered to Ellie who quickly shushed her to shut up.
"You're fucking kidding me" You managed to say from the rush of the adrenaline pumping through you.
"I can explain all of this" Ellie said as she quickly puts on her shirt. You take a step back when she tried to approach you.
"No! Don't! I won't let you sweet talk me out of this!" You said which she made her stop herself from walking towards you. She stares at you, vulnerabilities in her eyes.
"I-It's not that. Baby I do love you, you mean everything to me"
"Cheating on me the day before my birthday..." You said that had her look away with a defeated sigh.
"I mean that little to you huh?" You smile weakly, tears already covering your burning cheeks.
"I wasn't cheating on youβ€”"
"Shut up, get the fuck out of my house" You said and for a split second, the sadness in Ellie's eyes changed to pure anger.
"This is my fucking house too, I paid for this as well...!"
"It's under my name Ellie!"
"Go ahead!! Gaslight me 'cause that's all you've ever been good at!"
"Oh so I'm the bad guy?! Do you have any idea how hard it is to put up with your shit?! You should be thankful I actually love you because nobody else would!!" She raised her voice. Her words like knives gutting you open.
"I think you should leave (Y/N)" Her ex, who's still on the bed had the nerve to speak. You glare at her but she just rolls her eyes away like she's playing innocent.
"... I can't do this anymore... not with you... we're done..." You stomped off and guilty enough, you had hope she would try to stop you from leaving... but she never did.
The next few days you'd find yourself living at a hotel. It wasn't too expensive or anything but it was enough to live for a while. You tried to get her off your mind by taking care of yourself but no matter how happy you felt, you would always find yourself at your lowest again. You couldn't even enjoy your favourite show without thinking of her.
Your favourite game.
Your favourite song...
Fuck you can't even enjoy anything at this point.
What's worst was that Ellie was trying her hardest to contact you after a day of leaving her. From texting you through your number to your socials, she wouldn't give up. Although you've told yourself to block her and forget it, a tiny parasite inside you was dying to see what she had to say. Eventually one night where you were too lost in your thoughts, you decided to unblock her to see the messages she sent you.
Ellie: Hey baby, I'm sorry for what happened. If you're ready to talk I'm here
Ellie: I didn't mean what I said
Ellie: I'm also sorry for shouting at you
Ellie: I know how much you hate it when I do that
Ellie: Please reply, I can't eat or sleep knowing what I did wrong
Ellie: I still care about you
Ellie: -Deleted Message-
Ellie: -Deleted Message-
Ellie: Ignore that
Ellie: Are you okay? I hope you're still okay
Ellie: I miss your smile
Last online a few minutes ago, you stared at the messages but your mind was elsewhere. Should you respond? What should you say? You chewed on your bottom lip as you thought of what to say until suddenly a phone call came in. You felt your soul left your body when you realised it was Ellie. She must have seen you were online.
With not much to do, you weigh your choices and decided to just answer. It was quiet as you had the call on speaker. Maybe this was a bad idea... you wondered until the sound of shuffling could be heard over the line.
"Hello? (Y/N)?" Ellie said, her voice sounded like she's been crying but she was trying to pull it together at the moment.
"Hi" You simply responded.
"Are you safe? You've been ignoring my calls" She said. There she goes again... acting like the fight never happened....
"We need to talk" You said with your eyes shut from how overwhelmed you were becoming just by hearing her voice.
You took a deep breath then let it out slowly. Your mind repeating the words you've been rehearsing everytime you were in the shower. The words you've been dying to tell her ever since what happened.
"This isn't gonna work anymore. I think we should part ways, for both our sakes" You said. The line was dead silent for few seconds.
"I know I know baby... and I'm sorry for letting it happen but we can try againβ€”"
"No...! You... ugh... you don't get what I'm tryna say. We can't. We never will be happy together. It's never going to work" You said and you could hear her voice shivering a bit when she takes a breath to process your words.
"Oh... huh... you're saying we should never see each other again?" She asks.
Her lack of response was killing you. Even though this was happening over the phone and not in person, yet her presence was still strong. You gripped on the blanket to use it as a way to ease your nerves.
"Are you sure that's what you want? Have you even thought it through? What if you regret this" She started blurting out questions before you could even answer.
"I won'tβ€”"
"And what about your things? You're just gonna abandon everything here? Abandon me?"
"I've already asked my friend to help me get my things tomorrow..."
"What about me? Please baby I need you" She cries on the phone and you couldn't help but feel yourself almost pitying her.
"You don't... you don't need me... you just needed someone to make yourself feel less alone. I've realised that now..." You said with all the strength left in you as your voice quivers.
"Sometimes I wish we never met... then I wouldn't be put through half this shit... that's why I'm ending things between us now... goodbye Ellie... and please don't make this harder for anyone" Without waiting for her to respond, you ended the call. Now you were in your hotel room, crying to yourself as you tried to muffle your screams.
After the messy breakup and getting your things back with the help of your friend, you were able to get a fresh start. Though there were some bumps on your road to healing, you didn't let that throw you off. With the good things going on in your life, you decided to go out with your friends to a party. You haven't gone to one in forever but you thought you deserved it after being so kind to yourself.
"I told you it was a good idea to come out with us" Your friend nudges you with a smile and you smiled back.
You felt happier as you finally wore the dress you've always wanted to wear, your makeup done perfectly according to your features and some cute earrings to finish the look. If the old you saw the new you now, she'd think you had gone mad. During the party, you decided to walk around meeting new people and getting yourself a drink. It was then you locked eyes with someone familiar.
Your eyes widened as you saw her.
It was Ellie and she still looked the same.
Despite seeing her again after all these months of healing, you were surprised to find yourself handling the situation well. Your chest was definitely burning but it didn't burn as bad as it first did in the first month of your post break-up, where even the thought of her made you want to have a meltdown. Instead of running away, you simply smiled at her.
Ellie, who was standing on the other side of the room watches as you smile at her before you turn to talk someone else. You were smiling. Laughing. Happier than you ever did when you were with her. It actually made her heart ache knowing she wasn't able to be the one to make you that joyful. Instead she was the one who tore you down.
With her drink in hand, she leans against the bar as she watches you continue chatting with your friends. A bittersweet look on her face. Maybe you were too good for her. Maybe, all she's ever good for was ruining a good thing like you. And in the end, that chapter of your life is soon over. You'll forget about her... but you will always be in her dreams...
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woso-dreamzzz Β· 6 months
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Wolfsburg vs Bayern
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"If we keep our heads down," Magda mutters," We can pretend that she's not with us."
You're walking ahead of your parents, practically skipping as you wear an old Wolfsburg Harder jersey. It's much too big for you so Pernille had to tuck it into your shorts this morning when you refused to wear anything else.
This match was all you'd been talking about for weeks, ever since you'd seen the fixture schedule for this month.
Even if you loved the Bayern jersey because it had red, it did not supersede your deep love for Wolfsburg.
It was slightly embarrassing and Magda stubbornly kept her head down as she headed out to inspect the pitch.
"Do my eyes deceive me," A voice that you used to be very familiar with says," Or is that the future of Wolfsburg?"
You grin. "Alex!"
Magda watches as Popp picks you up, spinning you around as Pajor appears over Pernille's shoulder.
"She's grown."
"Kids do that," Pernille laughs.
"She still supporting the right German club?"
"Unfortunately," Magda mutters.
"What position are we talking? We need to start training her up young."
"Goalkeeper," Pernille answers," Zećira's been training her for a while now."
Pajor laughs. "Then I'm sure she'll be great when she grows up."
Your hysterical giggle echo around the pitch as Popp turns you upside down and shakes you.
You stick by the Wolfsburg girls all throughout the pitch inspection and Magda has to actually drag you away when it's time to go in to change.
"I'm going to play for Wolfsburg one day," You tell Momma when she walks you out for warmups," Like you did."
Momma gently strokes the hair out of your face. "And I'm sure you will. Now, remember, you may support Wolfsburg but we're still Bayern so you can't celebrate too hard if they score a few goals, alright?"
You huff but agree.
Scottish Sam and Georgia laugh uncontrollably when you join them on the bench, happy in your Wolfsburg green.
"Don't be too sad when Wolfsburg loses," Georgia teases, ruffling your hair.
You shrug. "It's okay if they lose now," You say," Because when I play for them, they won't."
"Wow," Georgia says," Someone's sure of herself."
"I'm going to be really good," You reply earnestly, brows drawn together as if to stress how much you want this," Because Zećira is taking a lot of time to teach me and I don't want to let her down."
Georgia's face softens a fraction. "I think you're going to make her and your mums very proud."
You smile.
Georgia's right. Wolfsburg lose to Bayern but you're still in a good mood because it means Morsa and Momma are happy.
You let them both give you celebratory kisses but escape pretty quickly to see Alex and Ewa.
Ewa picks you up instantly, holding you on her hip as she and Alex speak with one of the Wolfsburg girls that joined after you and Momma left for England.
"I hear," Alex says," That you've started to collect jerseys."
You nod. "I got a Keira Walsh one at the world cup and I've got a Leah Williamson one on my wall."
"Wow," Ewa says," Have you got any more?"
"I do! My Tia Tana sent me ones for everyone on her team! And Daan gave me a Lyon one when I last saw her! Daan used to play for Arsenal before she moved to France, which is how I know her. I like Arsenal almost as much as I like Wolfsburg!"
Ewa laughs. "Good. Keep it that way. Wolfsburg's got to stay on top, right?"
Alex grins at you. "You know," She says, lowering her voice like she's telling you a secret," Pernille's jersey is kind of old."
You look down at it, tugging on the collar. "It's from when Momma used to play with you."
"I know," Alex says," How about we get you a new one?"
She grins at you and pulls her own shirt up and over her head.
"Come on, take it. I'll see you in it next time we meet, agreed?"
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blind-seeing Β· 16 days
My little sister is doodling a picture on the couch and humming to herself, bouncing around. She's six. I'm overwhelmed with love and I want to tell her how cute she is but I realize something, so instead I say.
"You know, lily, you're so smart."
She looks up, all excited, then tries to act nonchalant, quickly going back to doodling and trying not to make a face .
" what makes you say that ?" She tries to keep her voice free from inflections.
(She had also been crying a few weeks ago about how she was dumb. I don't know if it was homework trouble or she just didn't sleep well.)
"because you are. And I remember when I was a little girl and all anybody ever told me was how pretty I was."
Here, the facade breaks, and she goes "ugh I know. People say that to me all the time. You're so pretty! You're so pretty! You're so pretty! "
I start cracking up.
Cute, funny? Yes. But also troubling. She's a very good reader, has a huge vocabulary, is smarter than most adults I know emotionally speaking, incredibly compassionate, etc.
Yet all that many little girls here is how pretty they are.
I've also made a point to tell her she's strong and good at climbing, and to give her space to be loud and energetic because I was also always told to quiet down in a way that maybe boys also deal with but not in the same way.
I went to a Bible camp where they put me in a dress and told me to cross my legs and only eat with this hand and elbows off the table. It was an etiquette class but nonetheless traumatizing. Because we don't want anybody seeing up your dress. I think that was the day I decided to stop wearing dresses.
Little girls often learn to self-monitor and be hypervigilant of their appearance at all times. It's legitimately damaging to yourself image and self-esteem over time.
In the '90s, thin eyebrows were in, so my mom plucked hers down to almost nothing and now the pendulum has swung in the other direction, supposedly, and bushy eyebrows are in. Now she draws her eyebrows on every day. No shade to my mother but to people who think that beauty culture is harmless or just fun, I asked you to consider if you ever really have a conscious choice to participate or not, if you ever got an opportunity to see women who did not conform.
If you ever did, were they ever praised for it, or was it a before and after scene in a movie, where the ugly nerd must be transformed into a regular girl?
I think these people know that women who don't conform get socially ostracized for it, and even participate in this bullying behavior while telling me that I'm the one who's bullying them for being critical of makeup. Lol.
I told people I don't want to be pretty, and I mean it. Especially after going blind, I don't care. I saw a blind woman doing a makeup tutorial and selling her own makeup brand and I'm like, why?! You have a free pass to leave all that crap behind.
I blame Phineas and Ferb for making me a feminist. That episode where Candice is stuck between the modeling industry and the circus is so poignant .
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