#kid feel as miserable as i feel. at least SOMEONE feels comfortable around her
internet-overdosed · 2 months
we all got that one homie whos life is just tragic yuri
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blingblong55 · 10 months
Until I found you-König
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GN!Reader, angst, fluff
Oh, let me hold you I'll never let you go again like I did
Your relationship with König was more than amazing, he always looked forward to coming home to you. But as the missions started to pile up for him, the more he saw himself losing hope to come home safe or alive. He couldn't and wouldn't be the reason why you were sad if he were to die, so he thought that maybe if he broke up with you before one of the toughest missions he's been on, surely you'd be able to move on without him in the world.
The day that he broke up with you was nothing but painful, you were sad but also mad at him. His reasoning was not clear and all you could think about was that maybe there was someone else for him and he just didn't want you to know that. Were you not enough? Was there something wrong with the way you loved him? He definitely knew you loved him with every fibre of your being but you didn't think he was fully aware of how much love you have for him. There was a deeper reason for this, not just because he thought I'd be mean of him to leave you alone and in despair.
Two months ago he was closer to death than ever before. A bullet passed through his shoulder, it was by pure luck he never got hit. That was when reality set in for him. He can't just leave you like that. Stupid excuse for such a valid reason. And now, as he walks into the flat you two called home, your stuff is gone and the home feels colder. The colours and comfort the place brought him once, are now gone with you.
Reality set in. He let the one good thing he had in this miserable world go. If only he was as smart in love as he is on the field. What a shame. König now sits on the sofa that you two once cuddled in after he came home. What a fool was he to think he'd have you for years to come. He used to think he was at risk of getting hurt only to be the one who brought such pain to a wonderful and kind person. Couldn't he be more kind to your heart and feelings? Memories flush through, the night he got news his Oma died, you were there. Holding him close he silently cried for her. You were there the day his mum was in the hospital, calming him down, making tea and visiting his mum every week after the incident. You made sure to clean her face after every meal, made him feel comfort when he felt it was wrong to be weak and you were the one who was there the night he had the worst panic attack due to his PTSD.
Why is he such a fool?
He saw you at the park, reading a book under your favourite tree. He smiles, knowing that at least that part of you has never changed. If he is such a tough and ruthless soldier then why hasn't he gone to you and started to talk? Because he is a coward at love, not war. You laid back, jumper on your back to make the tree bark more comfortable to rest on. He used to be the one you rested on as you read. It was the one thing he loved to do in public. He was Shakespeare and you his Anne. The muse to his love and sonnets.
"Liebe?" he softly says as he finally has the courage to talk and approach you. "König." you sounded surprised. Oh, how he longed to hear your voice and the sweet sound you made when you said his name. Sweet angel, his sweet sweet angel.
Now, four years since he and you rekindled your love, you two now chase your dog around the park because the dog can't let go of the dog bone a little kid threw by accident. You are now his spouse, the one and only for a man like him. Never did he know he could feel so much for one person, yet he is there, loving, protecting and caring for you.
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callmewrinkles3 · 8 months
Anti-hero - DR3 x Fem!OC
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Summary: 2021 hasn't exactly been the best season, and Dan's struggling with the car not driving how he wants it to. But he didn't realise that Emmy was struggling with her own work.
Warnings: Zak Brown, McLaren era in general, smut (piv, kink behaviour (marking, domination, praise kinks, light choking, consensual pain by pinching and spanking) that are in the context of a long term already defined relationship but are not explicitly discussed on the page, fingering, teasing. They're kinky kids who love it), explicit aftercare, mentions of race crashes (Monza 2021).
Words: 11k
A/N: We're baaaaaack! This is a bit of a departure for us, and we really hope you like it. As always let us know what you think, we love hearing from you!
September 2021
Dan couldn’t admit it to anyone, but the fact that Em was travelling with him everywhere was probably the best thing in his life right then. Most of the time he was miserable and he fully admitted it. McLaren meant his days were hard, the car felt weird, and it sucked. At least in Zandvoort he’d been able to have some fun in the orange cape, cheering Max on. As much as a clusterfuck that championship battle would be a part of.
The one he’d been assured he’d be a part of next year. He didn’t fully believe Zak anymore. He wanted to but something yelled at him not to.
They were sitting in the private terminal waiting to be told the McLaren jet was ready to go, Dan watching as Em worked for the few minutes before they were called. The VIP area had become normal to him, but for her it was new. It was bright and shiny and he still remembered the first time that she said she didn’t feel like she belonged there.
They’d been in bed in Italy in 2019, flying to Monza from Belgium with Max and Christian in one of the most awkward flights of his life while Em was her usual sweet self. She’d told him that private jets were for important people and she was just Em. It led to his joke that her middle name should be Humble, not Charlotte. But she deserved the world, and the world included that she deserved to be in the jet with him and everyone else.
He loved every piece of her, wanted to tell the world that he loved her but they’d agreed to keep things to themselves. He didn’t know how much longer he could do it. They were down to days until Italy and he was going to say everything, he just had to keep it in till then. He had a plan and he was sticking to it.
He pulled out the carefully wrapped package Max had slipped him after several requests with a “Vicky said these are the best.”, smiling at the still crisp treat.
“Em, here.” He held the stroopwafel out carefully, caramel nearly dripping from the edge as she shook her head and took a sip from her Pepsi bottle. “You don’t want one?”
“I’m not a caramel fan, Danny.”
“But this whole week?” Every time someone gave him one he’d take a bite and offer her one, grinning while she smiled and took a dainty bite in between checking things on her tablet. It became easy to pass it over to her.
“You looked so happy feeding me bites, I didn’t want to break your heart by telling you I don’t like caramel. Toffee yeah, but not caramel.” She smiled at him before turning her head back to work, Dan staring at the woman he loved and her pure ridiculousness.
He watched as she stared at her tablet and frowned at it not doing what she wanted. But he wanted to curl up with her on his lap the same way they were when they flew separately. But instead they’d be separated in the luxurious white leather seats, she’d have her head buried in a book with her earplugs in and trying to ignore everyone around her. It’d be fine. It had to be. Even if they were spending it with people she didn’t feel comfortable around.
Before Dan started with the team he knew she didn’t have anything against Lando. He was a kid who’d joined the grid and was fine. Dan didn’t want to know a whole lot about him after the awkward moment of Lando’s best friend asking Em for coffee in the middle of the paddock when he was a Renault junior and Em was there as Dan’s guest. It took time for Dan to let his jealousy go and Em giggled at it, but he’d finally chilled out. Then Em couldn’t totally chill out about Lando after Monaco.
The “I’ve no sympathy for him” was burned into her brain, she’d had more than one nightmare about it. That kid who didn’t know what he was talking about, who hadn’t ever had to experience anything, saying that? He was showing how privileged he was having walked straight into a team that was expected to be at the top of the midfield. Dan had told her stories about the four day warning he had before his HRT debut, she knew how it had been for him. But Em would take anything that anyone said about her - and God knew she had this year - but if you said something about the people she loved then you were essentially invisible to her. And Lando Norris had reached the invisible stage.
She was always unfailingly polite, saying good morning and good night and making small talk as they were in the same group, but other than that it was radio silence between them. Dan had tried to convince her that it was all fine, Lando was just a kid who needed to learn, but she couldn’t let it go. Months later it was still the same.
She got on the plane just ahead of Dan, smiling at the flight attendant before taking the window seat that Dan pointed her at. He took the seat beside her, Blake and Michael slipping into the seats on the other side of the table. He watched as Lando sat in on the other side, Jon and Lando’s parents there too. Someone pulled an Uno deck out and everyone except Lando’s parents and Em started playing it.
She was sat quietly in her seat, one of the cloth bound classics he’d gotten for her birthday in her hand as she read. He could see the tiny loop of her earplugs just visible, knowing she could hear everyone but was tuning it out to concentrate and it broke his heart a little bit. He wanted to pull her onto his lap, kiss the top of her head and tell her to take a nap because he knew she’d slept badly the last few nights but he couldn’t. She’d have killed him if he tried.
Nobody in McLaren knew anything about them. He wasn’t stupid, he knew there were debates on what he and Em were, but nobody knew the truth. He’d told a mechanic on Lando’s side of the garage to shut up when he made a comment about Em’s ass before. There were rumours all around the paddock and online, he wasn’t blind, but they wouldn’t confirm what they had. He wanted to keep Em safe, and nobody being able to prove that she was the love of his life was easier. Everyone in Renault knew about them - he was convinced Cyril had deliberately started a fight so the cameras were away so he could kiss her at the Nurburgring - and even in Red Bull Christian and Simon had made jokes about Dan’s heart eyes whenever Em was at a race. But it was never public, it was always between them. And in McLaren it just didn’t feel right to tell them.
Em was having issues clicking with them, the constant “if you need an assistant” comments from Zak and Andreas just pissing him off. Em was his assistant, she did a fucking great job and she was getting no respect for it. Zak had insisted that it was teething problems and it’d be fine but it had been going on for nearly nine months now. It was like his driving style and the car, it just couldn’t click right.
So they were avoiding sharing planes whenever possible. He’d organise his own charter, or go with a different driver, or anything. They’d even gone with Fernando at one point, Nando quizzing Dan on the clusterfuck that was the Renault upper echelons while they flew. Or they’d book commercial and deal with looks and selfie requests, because even being on a plane with 150 strangers was better for her anxiety than a tiny jet with people who she didn’t like. Which made no sense to Dan because people at every other team had liked her. There was a reason that she had a standing invitation into multiple hospitality suites if she wanted it.
But they couldn’t help it going to Monza. It was the final leg of the triple header, everyone exhausted and wanting more sleep. So it was easier to say yes and go so they got to the hotel earlier and actually got some sleep. But it meant that he couldn’t cuddle her, he couldn’t even hold her hand and snuggle with her to forget the world existed. Instead she sat there curled in on herself as she was halfway through Pride and Prejudice, a frown on her face and Dan unable to kiss it away.
After a torturous half hour of flying without touching her Dan was tired of it. Friends got to be affectionate with each other, he’d hugged her in public before. He could be touchy with his best friend. He laid his hand over hers, fingers lying in the gaps. She’d put one hand on the armrest as her other hand held her tablet, half looking out the window at the dark night and half paying attention to her screen. She barely even reacted to him, just her fingers loosening and then lacing with his to squeeze for a moment. It said more to him than a thousand words could have.
He knew her well enough to know she’d be silent during the flight, but he wanted to make her smile instead of the small frown on her face. If they were alone he’d have pressed kisses across her cheeks and nose to make her laugh, asking him to stop because his stubble was scratching her. But that wasn’t an option until they were in the hotel in a few hours. The next best option was texting, watching as the notification of his text appeared on her tablet.
The sky should be really jealous.
Because it’s pretty outside but it’s nowhere near as pretty as you.
Cocky. Should be jealous of you though, black looks good on you.
You look better on me than black does.
You’re gonna say we can test it out when we get to the hotel, aren’t you?
U know me so well.
Nobody else noticed the tiny smile that appeared on her face, but Dan did. It was there for barely a second but it was enough. At least until he could make sure she was smiling when they were fully alone.
It wasn’t until they were in the car on the way to the hotel and away from the airport that he could hold her hand and press a kiss to her fingers. There were no questions about where anyone was sitting or who was driving, he got straight into the back seat with Emmy, gripping her hand across the middle seat.
“Can we go for pizza after we check into the hotel? I’ve been waiting for one.”
“Already thinking about pizza?” Michael asked it and Dan frowned at his tone, taking it as exhausted.
“I’m never not thinking about pizza in Monza. This pizza keeps me going through the year. Plus, I didn’t throw anyone off the plane or start an argument so I deserve it.”
“You kind of do,” Dan affirmed, lifting their joined hands to his lips to kiss her knuckles.
Emmy’s wishes were his command so if his girl wanted pizza he wasn’t saying no. The fact that her favourite pizza place was also his favourite was an extra point in their relationship. After they checked in, left their things in rooms and Dan pulled her to his room for a quickie to prove his theory of the best way he looked, they left the room to have dinner.
He loved Italy. It was his family’s country, it was the first place that he’d lived on his own in Red Bull supplied housing, he had thousands of memories there. But his favourite ones were Em in Italy with him.
She always seemed happier there, more carefree. The first time he’d brought her to Italy was that first week in Monaco, eating pasta and showing her places he loved. Even when they were busy with work at races she carried herself differently there. When they had their post Monza vacation every year she was always completely relaxed. He grinned just watching her.
He could feel her relax against him as they got out of the car a few streets away from the pizza place. It always felt like he was a little bit of a spy in a foreign land when he was in Monza, the Tifosi out in force. But she was so chilled out that she didn’t say anything when he reached for her hand and held it tightly. Any time they were in public she always gave him her Dan, we’re in public face because they didn’t need any more rumours or people on the internet asking what they were. They didn’t need more people whispering about them.
He didn’t care about it. He couldn’t care less if people talked about him, that came with the territory of his job. But he couldn’t handle people talking about Em and gossiping about her. So he tried to keep his hands from her even when he kept reaching out to take her hand walking anywhere. That night he couldn’t stay away from her and she didn’t say anything about him holding her hand walking down semi familiar streets, or his hand on her lower back as they were brought to their table, or his arm around her shoulder pulling her in for a hug. She didn’t give him a little look or a gentle nudge in the stomach, no whisper to leave her alone while they were in public. It was completely the opposite, after a sip of his beer she was fully leaned against his side and half snuggling him.
“You know what we should do?” Dan whispered in her ear, only half listening to the debate that Michael and Blake were having about the Black Widow movie.
“I’m scared but curious. Tell me,” Em answered as she ignored her lemon drink in favour of another sip from his one allowed beer before a race week fully started.
“Buy a house in Italy.” He watched as her eyes lit up and her face started to move to a grin before she forced it down.
“You’re the most ridiculous man in the world. When would you have time to spend in Italy?”
“We totally could. A cute little house, a couple of bedrooms, a garden, by one of the lakes. It’d be perfect. We should do it.”
“You’re insane.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Of course it’s not!”
She was saying no but the smile she was fighting to keep off her face was enough to make Dan know it was an excellent idea. After they got engaged and found a place in London he was gonna start trying to find somewhere for them. And hopefully some kids. Showing their kids where their family was from, even if it wasn’t Sicily.
They spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing, eating pizza and joining in the conversation with their friends. Em pretended she was sticking to just soft drinks, stealing a sip from his beer every now and then as Dan winked at her and tried so hard not to kiss her wrinkled nose. The four of them walked back to their hotel as Dan forced himself not to take her hand and kiss her on the street. He had a plan and he was sticking to it. This time next week he'd be on a proper date with her, kissing her and then asking her the question that had been burning a hole in his bag since the previous Christmas. It was going to be perfect.
Em loved lazy Wednesdays in Italy. The fact that she'd had enough of them to know that was a magical feeling. It was the end of their triple header, just one more race to go and then they got to relax and spend a couple of days on the shores of Lake Como. Dan had taken control of booking their trip, a cute villa slightly outside the main tourist area. They spent the day relaxing for most of it. Dan had given her a list of restaurants to look at and they mapped out where they’d eat for the three days. They would have killed for longer but it just wasn’t possible in the middle of the season.
That evening was a sponsor dinner that she had to dress up for and look appropriate to be on Dan’s arm. She hated those nights with a passion. She had to be in a fancy dress and full makeup, talking to the rich men who wanted Dan at events. At least this one was for Google Italy, it was more fun than some of the other events she’d been at. A particularly boring DeWalt shoot came to mind on that.
It was Google shmoozing their own clients, using Dan and Lando to do it. Em stayed on Dan’s arm for the entire night as she smiled and shook hands. Halfway through Zak found them and stopped to talk, his own wife there with him. It was Em left with Tracy for a few moments while Zak took Dan around to speak. The two women had wine glasses in their hands and looked around the room.
“Having a good evening, Emma?” Tracy asked, Em nodding.
“It’s Em, but yeah. These events aren’t always fun but it’s nice to see Dan in his element. It’s part of the job.”
“I suppose. Not every assistant does what you do.” Em took a sip of her wine, careful not to knock the glass back like she really wanted to.
“Dan and I were friends before I started working for him. If it means that Dan can enjoy events a bit more then I don’t mind.” Tracy watched her closely for a few moments but nodded as their respective dates for the night returned.
“Sorry about that, I had to double check some things. Daniel, you’re in with Valtteri for the press conference tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, I am. Should be fun. We’re gonna head off, it’s a busy day tomorrow. See you at the track?”
He took Em’s arm and pulled her along out of the room, the two of them getting into the car and heading back to their hotel. She was tired from the busy room and having to be on around people but she kept it together as they drove on. Dan held her hand on the way back, fingers locked as he pushed a kiss to them. She smiled, looking forward to getting into bed and out of the dress she was in. Even if Dan looked excellent in his suit.
She started pulling pins out of her hair to take it out of the undo she’d managed, Dan standing beside her and pulling them out too. Once they were out he started kissing along her shoulder as he pushed her dress down. Em threw her head back to give him more access before they made it to bed.
Thursdays were weird now. Instead of press conferences it was all digital, the journalists in their hotel rooms asking questions. It meant more setup meetings, more talking, more everything. She used Dan’s meetings as a way to get the weekend planned. But it didn’t seem as busy as normal. Her calendar was half empty. Again.
At Zandvoort she thought it was a mistake but it wasn’t. It didn’t feel right. Em put her worries aside, taking a deep breath as she looked. There had to be an explanation and she needed a moment.
“I’m getting a coffee, anyone want anything?” It was just her, Dan, and Blake upstairs. Michael was out doing some checks and making sure the kitchen was stocked and ready.
“Green tea please Emmy? You make it best.” She laughed at Dan’s puppy eyes, nodding as Blake gave her his order and she went down to the main hospitality area. It didn’t take long to have everything and she went to go back upstairs when a security guard stopped her.
“Sorry Miss, drivers and support only.” His arm blocked the narrow staircase and Em stared at him.
“I am support. I’m Daniel Ricciardo’s assistant, I need to get this up to him.”
“No entry.”
Em sat watching until the guard was called outside and ran upstairs, smiling and pretending it was fine. It had to be fine. There was no other option. The drinks got handed and she watched as they were getting ready until Blake’s phone chimed.
“Shit, Dan, you’ve got a sit down we’ve got to go. Did you not see it Ems?” Blake asked, Em checking.
She stared at her tablet, the realisation hitting her. She wasn’t on any of Dan’s meetings. She looked at Blake’s calendar and his filled up with meetings, things he was in. But hers had a couple of things - the press conference, the race, practices. One of the engineering meetings. A fanzone appearance. But that was it. It was empty and she hated it. Her usually perfectly colour coded calendar was mostly blank and worried her. She was getting blocked out.
“Sorry I must have missed it. My calendar hasn’t synced, I’ll sort it.” Dan and Blake left, Em sitting staring.
She didn’t know why, she didn’t know what had caused this to happen but it was. How? Dan had promised that it was in his contract that his team had full access to all of his information and everything they needed to do their jobs. But she’d missed a meeting and he was nearly late and that was supposed to be why she was there. She had to keep that going. If she didn’t then why was she there?
The evening was half a blur as the realisation she was being pushed out hit her. Security stopping her going up to Dan and Blake. The way McLaren acted in general. All of it. They were pushing her out and forcing her away and she couldn’t keep going like this. It wasn’t fair to her or to Dan if she couldn’t do her job.
“You ok?” Dan asked at dinner, watching her barely touched food.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just been a long, long day. I’m tired.”
“We can go back soon.”
When they got back to the hotel room Em curled up beside him, feeling the warmth of his body around her and the way he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before whispering goodnight. If this was her last race she was going to enjoy it.
Em was always the last one to get up in the morning. She was a night owl, getting up at seven because he had a race was the last thing she ever wanted to do. It was usually him waking her up with kisses and promises that he would bring her for food after that helped. Or early sleepy sex to wake her up. Both were fun for him.
But the bed was never empty at five in the morning. He could count on one hand how many times he’d woken up alone when they’d gone to bed together. The room was dark and silent, Em’s spot cold. She had to have been gone for more than a few minutes.
It took a few seconds for his vision to adjust to the quiet darkness and he slipped out of bed and searched for her. Her clothes were laid out where she’d left them the night before. Her shoes were there by the chair. She had to be either in the bathroom or the adjoining room that was hers in name only.
The worry in his gut turned to cold fear as he opened the bathroom door to discover her missing. His girl was gone and she had to be next door but why was she? What had she done to head to her room? It felt wrong. She should have been beside him. He eased open the adjoining door and spotted a ray of light spilling out from the bathroom. The fear eased. She was there, they could fix everything. It’d be fine. But her quiet sobs got louder as he padded across the carpeted floor to her. It was gut wrenching and painful and he pushed the door open to see his girl curled up on the floor beside the shower, her arms wrapped around her knees as she cried.
Em was in one of his oversized shirts - his in name only because he was pretty sure it was the shirt he’d given her over two years ago to help her sleep when he was travelling and she was still in London - hugging herself. Now that he was in the room her sobs were all encompassing and he had no idea how he didn’t hear her the second he woke up. She looked like a scared child, not the woman who shared his bed and his life and heart every day. This wasn’t the Em he knew.
She looked broken. He sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms, feeling how she tensed until she realised who he was. He wanted to hold her and fight against the world, but he needed to know which of her ghosts he was going to fight that night. But it felt like this time it was a whole haunted mansion. He pushed kisses against her forehead and rocked her gently, telling her how it was gonna be ok no matter what.
“I’m right here, Emmy, I promise. Whatever’s going on we can fix it. I promise. I’ll fix it for us.”
Her tears began to ease and he could look at her face. Her eyes were swollen and red, her cheeks flushed but the rest of her face so pale. He’d never seen her this bad before. She was shaking and trying to pull herself together and he knew she wasn’t gonna have the words to discuss what caused this for a few minutes.
“When you’re ready talk to me, ok? Whatever you need. But tell me what’s wrong so we can fix this. I’m worried about you.” His thumb wiped the tears from her cheeks, but he wasn’t quick enough to get them before more came. Slowly they eased and she could take breaths without sobbing. He kept rocking her until she was ready to speak.
“You need to get ready, D.” She went to get out of his arms but he held on and waited till she looked at him with an angry pout on her lips.
“I’m not going anywhere until we talk. There is nothing more important than you, Emmy. Nothing. You’re crying in the bathroom at five in the morning and you came in here so I couldn’t hear you. What’s going on, Wrinkles? Talk to me.” He stood up still carrying her, bringing her into the main hotel room and sitting on the bed. She was playing with the hem of her shirt nervously but Dan gave her time until she was ready to speak.
“I… Dan they’re pushing me away and they’re stopping me from doing my job. And if I can’t do my job at the track then I shouldn’t be travelling so why am I even here? There’s nothing for me to be here for.” He kept his face calm as she spoke, anger filling his veins. What the fuck.
“What are you talking about, Baby?”
“They didn’t want to let me in your room today. I went down for your tea and when I went to go back upstairs they didn’t let me. I snuck past when he was distracted. It’s why it was cold.”
“Who did that?”
“Some random security guard? I’ve never seen him before, I don’t know his name. He said it was drivers and support only and I wasn’t support.”
“I’ll find out who.” Or at least Blake would. He wasn’t letting them get away with this. He couldn’t.
“Danny they’re not letting me do anything. The meeting you nearly missed wasn’t on my calendar. I’m blocked out from everything and I don’t know what to do anymore. There’s no reason for me to be here now, but I don’t want to be away from all of you. I can’t lose you, Danny. I don’t want to be stuck alone and I don’t want them to keep us apart.” He could see the worry hitting her, and he held on, kissing her forehead while rubbing her back.
“You’re not going anywhere, Emmy. You’re not gonna lose me. I’m not letting you go anywhere you don’t want to without me. You’re the one who keeps us all sane and you can’t do that if you’re at home. When did all this start, Baby?”
“Hungary? Slowly but surely. Spa it was worse and Zandvoort was bad. I didn’t know how to talk to you and Blake about it. I thought maybe I could fix it.” She looked even more nervous, jumping as his phone alarm went off in their room.
“Just my alarm, it’s alright. You did nothing wrong Baby, you hear me? Nothing at all. I’m gonna talk to Blake and we’ll fix it. I promise you, you are perfectly fine and didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Thank you.” She went to stand up but Dan squeezed her tighter before letting go, kissing her cheeks to remove the trace of tears.
“Don’t thank me. You know, right?” He squeezed her hand as she stood.
“I know.” A watery smile filled her face. “I need to get ready, I think I need a shower to fix my face before I’m in public.”
“Grab one. I’m gonna run into Blake for a couple of minutes. Are you ok if I do?”
“I’ll be in the shower, don’t worry.”
“I will anyway. I’m gonna take my phone, if you need me call me and I’ll be back in two.” He made sure she was ok before he shrugged into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. He picked up his phone and key before heading out, grabbing Em’s iPad as he did. Blake was a couple of rooms away and answered the door looking tired and annoyed, hair sticking up. When he saw Dan’s face he calmed.
“What happened?”
“Inside. Now.” Blake let him in and Dan handed Em’s iPad over, her calendar open to today. There was practice and qualifying in it and that was it. He saw how Blake raised an eyebrow.
“What the fuck?”
“I heard her crying through the wall. She’s getting left out of everything.”
“I know you share a room, I’m not a fucking idiot.”
“She went back into hers.” He laid out the little information that Em had given him, comparing her calendar to Blake’s. The missing meetings, how she was kept away. Zak asking when he wanted his new assistant to start. Dan had to stay calm but Blake could be angry then.
“I’m getting a meeting before practice. She’s gonna be fine, Dan. She’s not going anywhere. We know this. It’s Em, she keeps us alive half the time. Go back, have a shower, we’ve got breakfast downstairs for eight and then we’ll go from there.”
Too much time had passed since he got up to find her, but Dan pushed himself to get ready and get his head in the game. It was going to be a busy, chaotic morning but Em came first. The four of them ate breakfast together and he watched as she barely ate her yogurt. He stood and went over to the buffet, coming back with a Nutella croissant and a hot chocolate to put in front of her. She never really ate when she was anxious so hopefully something would be better than nothing.
On the drive to the circuit he held Em’s hand. Blake drove, Michael in the front seat beside him. Nerves thrummed through his body as he linked fingers but Em kissed his hand and he relaxed. She was there. She was right there and it was all ok.
When they finally made it into the circuit Michael went to do some checks while the other three went to his driver’s room. Em sat there staring into space while Dan stretched out. Finally it was time to go down to Zak, Blake tapping his shoulder.
“Emmy we’re heading, ok? I’ll be back in a few. If you need anything call me.”
“I will.” She still looked nervous so he leaned over to peck her lips, smiling as they separated.
“It’s gonna be fine. I promised you. Focus on holiday plans, which beach are we going to first?” She smiled at him and nodded, safe in his room. Nobody was going to remove her from it, nobody was going to kick her out. She belonged there.
He went down the stair with Blake, ignoring the look that his friend gave him.
“So you and Em?”
“It didn’t look like nothing.”
“We’re nearly there.”
“I’m trying to make it work.”
“Mate, I’m saying this as someone who loves both of you. She loves you. Just tell her.”
“We’re nearly there.” By the time Dan spoke they were outside Zak’s office and he shook his head to end the conversation. A knock on the door and they were inside, Zak standing ready to end it.
“Guys can we talk later? I’m heading to a meeting, but after qualifying we can-“
“We’re talking now.” He sat down, watching how Zak sat too. Blake followed suit.
“What’s going on?”
“Why is Em being kept from my calendar and everything she’s supposed to be on? She’s been removed from everything. She’s not supposed to be removed. It’s in my contract. What’s going on?”
“I don’t-“
“Emma isn’t able to do her job. She’s missing things because you’ve been keeping her away from everything she needs. She needs access.” Blake took over and Dan was fine to let him, he ended it. He couldn’t keep himself calm for this. He let the words wash over him until Zak got his laptop up.
“We need to keep our information safe. Having someone not employed by McLaren affects this. It’s why we’ve been asking about getting you a new assistant.”
“And Blake has access to my calendar. He’s not employed by McLaren. I trust Em with everything, you need to trust her too.”
It took another two minutes before Zak closed the laptop, looking at them. “She’s there. If we lose anything I will blame her for it.”
Dan stood and left, too angry to talk. He had to get into the car soon and he wasn’t going to let it affect him. He couldn’t. Em was most important.
Emmy was still sitting where he’d left her, staring into space. It was clear to him now how much this was affecting her, she hadn’t even opened her tablet and her makeup was heavier than he ever saw it. All he wanted to do was make it better for her and fix things. This he could fix. He could make this better for her. There wasn’t a whole lot he could always fix but this he could fix. She looked up at him when he arrived and Dan smiled.
“Check your calendar.”
It took all of ten seconds for her to see that everything was back in her calendar and he watched her relax into her seat. If Blake wasn’t there he’d have kissed her, but they both had jobs to do and practice was an hour away. It was squeezing her shoulder before he went downstairs to talk to Tom.
After practice it felt like things might go ok. He went over data and grabbed lunch before getting into a fresh race suit for qualifying. Like always Em was the last person he spoke to before he got into the car. She kissed the side of his helmet and smiled with a whispered “Go fast and be safe”.
For the first time in McLaren his qualifying felt like it went right. He got out of the car just six thousandths behind Lando. It was good. Em was grinning from the back of the garage with her headphones still on when he arrived in.
That evening as soon as he could get out he did, wanting nothing more than to get to bed. The early morning had done him in, and Em was dead on her feet. It was a quick dinner in hospitality and back to the hotel, Michael and Blake in the car with them again before going up to their rooms. He watched Emmy get changed and set out her clothes for the next day like she always did. Once they were curled up in bed he pulled her closer, desperate to hold onto her as tightly as he could.
“Apart from the obvious, how was today?” He couldn’t feel her tense up at least. That was a good sign.
“Weird. But ok. Blake was like my shadow today, I was beside him the whole day. There was a weird security guy who kept looking at us but other than that it was good.” Dan felt his stomach clench but he made himself stay calm. He’d noticed extra security but that couldn’t have been why. There was no way there was extra there for his Emmy. Not at all.
He watched her eyes close and her breathing even out, his thumb rubbing circles on her back. Three more nights after this. By this time Tuesday evening he’d have said everything, and Emmy would know all of it. The ring sitting in his bag would have a home on her finger. He had so many plans for them. He wanted to marry her over Christmas when they were in Perth, make it all official. She deserved every moment of happiness he could give her and this was the start of it.
Saturday arriving to the track was different. The security had definitely lessened, and coming in realising that it had was a kick in the teeth. But he had to concentrate and work, as much as he’d rather do anything else. Two days till they were on holiday. Two days. They could do it. He was gonna get a good result and decent points and then he and Emmy were going to Lake Como for a strictly clothing optional holiday and he couldn’t wait.
Practice was shit. There was no easy way around it, no way to make it sound better than it was. It fucking sucked and he hated that it did. He hated that every time he thought he was improving he wasn’t, that he was stuck in a tractor of a car that was worse than he was promised and maybe he’d made a mistake. Maybe he shouldn’t have left Renault, maybe he should have been in the blue and pink Alpine instead. Then the bullshit wouldn’t have happened.
The anger fuelled him as he made his way upstairs to his driver room. He was tired and pissed off and fed up. What he thought was a good decision for his career had fucked him and more importantly it had fucked Em over. He never wanted to see her like that again. Ever.
Emmy was sitting on the couch upstairs, her head jolting up as he arrived in wearing his race suit. Not even seeing her calmed him fully and he knew she could tell.
“What’s wrong?”
“Guess.” She stood up and he wrapped his arms around her, feeling himself ease up on everything. She was there and it was going to be ok.
“What do you need, Danny?”
“I don’t even know.”
“Ok, rephrase. What do you need from me? What do you need to get it out?” She leaned up and kissed him and Dan caught her lips, pushing her against the wall as they made out. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect. He could feel the way that she pushed against him, her hand gripping the back of his neck.
“I think I just need to fuck you against this wall, you know that? Make you scream and have the whole paddock know this is exactly where you belong. Right here with me. But I’ve to change and go to another fucking meeting. Much less fun than what I want.” He could see the way she shivered at his words and he completely knew if he moved his hands she’d be there with him. Instead he just watched her swallow and look up.
“I’m not saying no. I’m saying not here and now.”
“You deserve better than that.”
“Danny when we get back to the hotel I want you to push me against the wall and fuck me, understood?”
His brain short circuited. Emmy was asking him. Emmy. His Emmy who before was too afraid to tell him she hadn’t had an orgasm because when they started sleeping together she thought she’d be left high and dry without one. Asking him to fuck her exactly how she wanted with no thought for anything else? He was a lucky, lucky man.
“You are amazing.” He pecked her lips one last time before just holding her. He didn’t want to let go. He didn’t want to say goodbye and go to engineering and stretch out and everything. He wanted to spend time with his girl away from the world. But he changed his clothes and went downstairs, kissing Em goodbye before he left.
The meeting was boring, getting told to protect Lando off the starting line, as if there was no chance he could make it off himself. He’d won seven races, he could beat Lando off the start line. Even with this car. He knew he could. Finally it was time to start stretching and getting ready, Michael holding out tennis balls and helping him prep.
“You need to concentrate, you’ve got a good chance this weekend.” His trainers words were quiet but Dan could hear the full force of what he meant in them.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean you need to clear your head, mate. Worrying about Em isn’t gonna change anything.”
“Oh fuck you.” He stepped back, shaking his head while flapping his arms out to loosen them. “I’m focused on driving, that’s what matters. I have a life too.”
“I’m just saying.”
The pit lane was about to open and he stepped back, staying out of the camera view. Netflix were with them that weekend to make it worse and he had to keep a smile on his face when he didn’t want to. Em was at the stairs up to his driver room, smiling at him and quickly kissing his cheek.
“Drive fast, be safe, I’ll see you at the checkered flag. You’ve got this, Danny.” He squeezed her hand before letting go, desperate for the words to be right. It was going to happen. It had to.
Going back to the garage he zipped up his suit and ignored his name being called. Nobody spoke to him until he was in the car after Em did, it was his rule. As he stepped into the car the music changed to Stayin’ Alive, Dan looking around.
“This DJ should get fucking shot though!” He called out, staring at the team. Seriously? This bullshit again. But when he put his helmet on he forced it out of his head, determined not to hear it. He was gonna do this. He was gonna qualify well.
The start felt like a dream, and the fact that he kept going even with the touch with Pierre was important. Somehow he ended up behind Max and he wasn’t sure what had happened until Tom came over the radio.
“Good job Dan, P3. Lando’s just behind and will protect.”
Monza was fun to drive. Every moment of it was fun, the swooping curves and fast flowing corners leading to the straight where he let the throttle fly. He knew he wouldn’t beat Max, but that moment going around the parabolica knowing he was third was beautiful. The screaming of the fans, Tom congratulating him in his ear, he’d fucking done it. He’d come third in the sprint and yeah maybe it wasn’t an official podium but he’d done it and he could be proud of that. He had to be.
Seeing everyone cheering for him meant everything, Em standing with Blake’s arm around her grinning and he wanted to kiss her in front of the world. She was right there but he just grinned. It was everything.
After the interviews he was on his way back to the garage when Max stopped him with a wide smile. The paddock had cleared and it wasn’t unusual for them to walk together.
“I’m going to fight you, but if you get the start I’ll hold Lewis back.” Dan stopped and stared at the younger man, raising an eyebrow.
“Max, what?”
“If you beat me. Only if, and I’m going to fight for it. But if you do I’ll hold Lewis off for you to get the win. We both know you’re good enough for it.” Max smiled and Dan replied with one, looking at his former teammate. Sometimes he regretted leaving Red Bull more than he could ever admit. It was the right move to spread his wings, but he missed the support he used to have.
“Don’t tell Christian you said that.”
“Christian would be glad if you won and I came second. Better if I win and you come second, but he still likes you. Stop by some time, Daniel. You won’t be run away unless you try to look at our data.”
“Ah Maxy, you know me too well!” He grinned and turned into his garage, immediately welcomed by applause and cheering. It had really happened, and it was glorious.
After a stupid number of meetings and discussions they were finally ready to leave. Em was tired, her feet trudging alongside him until he bent down.
“C’mon, hop up.”
“What?” She asked, Dan indicating for her to get on his back.
“The paddock is empty, nobody’s around. Piggyback to the car, c’mon.” She held on and he walked down while talking to Michael and Blake, Em pushing a kiss to the back of his neck every few steps. He knew she knew what she was doing and he squeezed the back of her thighs, making his girl tense slightly as they walked. It wasn’t long back to the hotel and heading to bed to relax. Or in his case get all of the adrenaline out of his system.
They didn’t even do the mock of having Em go into the room that was supposed to be hers, instead he pulled her into their room, bags dropped just inside the door as it was kicked shut. Em was right there with him, her arm around him until he pinned her against the bathroom door. It was his hand in her hair to pull her head back as he trailed kisses along her jaw. It held her still as his knee split her legs and ran up to push the seam of her jeans against her. She gasped into their kiss as he held onto her.
“What did I promise you I was gonna do tonight?”
“F-fuck me against the wall.” Her words were gasps as his free hand was everywhere, teasing and pinching. It was easy to get her shirt off, exposing the pretty blue sheer lace bra. He couldn’t help himself, bending down to lick at her nipple through the barely there fabric.
“Danny…please…” she groaned and he loved every noise she made. Clothes went everywhere as he lifted her up, pulling the matching underwear down and settling her onto the barely used desk. Her legs were spread as he stood between them, sucking marks into her skin while he made his way to his ultimate destination.
Any man who wouldn’t eat his girl out was a coward as far as Dan was concerned. It was one of his favourite things to do. Em’s hair running through his curls and pulling on them, his fingers and lips and tongue working to bring her to the edge. If he was feeling particularly mean he’d leave her right there for a few moments and watch his girl beg him to move.
Tonight though he wanted to ruin her. He wanted to leave her boneless and well fucked and knowing that he was the one who did this with her. He’d leave it all behind if it meant that his Emmy was happy and he was going to slowly prove that to her.
It didn’t take long for him to feel her first orgasm come up, Em grabbing his hair and biting her lip as he took his mouth away to look up at her.
“I want to hear you. I’m the one who makes you feel like this, let me hear you. C’mon.” Her moans got louder as he dove back in, his fingers hitting the spot he knew was her everything. Once he was satisfied with the hickey he’d bitten into her inner thigh Dan moved back to her clit. He kept licking at her clit while she came, desperate to taste everything he could. It was just them in that hotel room and he was desperate for everything.
When Emmy finally stopped shaking he stood up, watching how she was flushed down her chest. She was absolutely fucking perfect.
“You ok, Baby?” He asked, leaning in to kiss her and hold onto her.
“I’m good. I promise. But you promised me a wall, Mr Ricciardo. Gonna make good on your promise?” She was grinning up at him and Dan stood, pulling her off the desk and her legs wrapping around his hips. His lips met with hers as he got them to the wall, pushing Em against it to give them more support. His fingers grabbed her hips as he finally slid into her, watching as Em looked up at him with wide eyes.
“All mine, Emmy. You’re all mine and I’m gonna make sure you know it.” His hips set a blistering pace against her and he watched as her fingers slid to where they were joined, feeling the way she tightened around him as between his pace and her fingers she came to another orgasm. She was harder to hold up after this one, tiredness taking over but he needed another.
“Third place today so I want to see three orgasms. Can you do it for me? Gonna give me that third so I can see my pretty girl? You can do it Baby, I’ve got you.”
Instead of keeping her there he took steps back towards the bed, still inside Em as he set them down carefully. His girl was right there in his lap riding him and she felt so perfect. He watched her move her hips carefully, suddenly realising how hard he’d been pushing her. There was the start of marks and bruises along her boobs and stomach and Dan moved his hand away, looking at her.
“I’m good. Danny, I’m good, I promise. If I wasn’t I’d have told you to stop. But you told me you were gonna fuck me hard against the wall and I wanted it. And right now I want you to tell me what you like.”
He looked into Em’s eyes and saw the absolute truth of what she was saying, even though part of his brain didn’t fully get it. They were rough, they’d go further kink wise than they intended sometimes, but not like this much. He knew Emmy could see the unsureness in his face and he watched as she picked up his hand and put it at her neck. It was their favourite thing in bed, and he used the feeling of comfort he knew it gave her to keep going. If she wasn’t sure she’d have called red and stopped him.
“Gonna be my good girl? Gonna let me watch you ride me and put on a show? Is that what my Emmy wants to do tonight?” He didn’t have to thrust, his hand keeping Em steady and feeling her move under him. She looked so perfect like that, chest bouncing as he watched her fuck herself on him. His perfect Emmy. He was so close to blurting everything out but not now, not till they were alone. He couldn’t do it during sex that was just cruel. He needed to do it when they had no distractions.
“Please Danny. Please. Make me feel good.”
“Such a greedy girl for me. Do you deserve another orgasm? Are you my good girl who gets another?” She nodded desperately as she bounced up and down, Dan pulling her lips closer to him.
“What are you, Emmy? Tell me and we’ll see.”
“I’m yours. All yours, Danny. You’re the only one who makes me feel this good. Please let me feel good.”
He could never deny her, pulling her in for a kiss as his fingers went straight to her clit. Between his thrusts, her bouncing, and his fingers she came in less than a minute, Dan following her straight over. He held her as aftershocks went through her body, Em’s head buried in his shoulder while he rubbed her back, unwilling to slip out of her. That meant the moment was gone and he wanted every second of it. He wanted Emmy in all the ways that he could have her. He was so fucking far gone it terrified him. But he was so blissfully happy.
Eventually they had to move, Dan pushing a soft kiss to her forehead as she lifted off him. He hurried to the bathroom to wet a cloth before coming back to clean Emmy up. She was pouting as he did and he couldn’t help but press a kiss to her to wipe it off her face before she went into the bathroom. While she was gone it was a quick call to room service for a strawberry pana cotta and a small cheesecake to be delivered. Dan slipped a robe on to answer the door, clearing their clothes away. He was delighted that he hadn’t actually ripped Em’s underwear getting them off her. One good thing.
When there was a knock on the door he answered with a smile and took the plates while giving a tip. Just as he had them settled on a table Em came out of the bathroom, showered with her hair tied up.
“You doing ok?” He asked, pulling her in for a kiss and running his hands over her.
“Yeah. I think I need some cuddles though.”
“And sugar. I got you dessert. Don’t tell anyone about my cheesecake.”
He shared his cheesecake with her and got bites in return before they curled up in bed together. He didn’t know how, but somehow she was fast asleep against him in about an hour. Emmy’s breathing evened out and he watched her sleep as the bruises he’d left on her chest were darkening. She always grinned every time she spotted a new mark he’d left on her and he hoped this time was the same. Whatever magic was there he didn’t want it to end. But sleep came calling and he had a race to drive the next day.
Em was the one who woke him up the next morning. Her kisses were nicer than his alarm clock, Dan’s hands immediately on her back and pulling her up. He heard her groan, opening his eyes to look at her.
“You ok?”
“Yeah, just sore. It’s good sore, Danny. I promise.” He raised an eyebrow and she laughed. “Honestly. I’m fine. You worked me good last night and every part of it was perfect.” She leaned down to kiss him and Dan smiled into the kiss, chasing Emmy’s lips as she got up.
“You need to shower and I need to get dressed. C’mon Mister Front Row, it’s going to be great. I have faith in you.”
That was all he needed to hear to get out of bed. It was one last kiss to Em before he went into the bathroom to shower. He nearly convinced her for five more minutes of cuddling before they had to get ready but he didn’t get away with it. Instead he showered while she got ready, putting on a McLaren shirt and jeans to be dressed. Once he was done he came out to find Emmy ready to go and he stopped in his tracks.
She was in skinny jeans and vans like usual, but every single part of her dripped his. Her three necklace hanging from her neck, the earrings with three stars he bought her. Her entire outfit was clothes he’d given her as presents and he was nearly sure if he checked her underwear was too. She was a dream and did he really have to leave for the track? It’d be fine to do the race without him. Who’d care?
Instead he pulled her in for a hug and a murmured “thank you” to Em, looking as she smiled up at him.
“For what?”
“For being you and amazing. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Walking into the circuit felt different that morning and he didn’t know why. Things were good and he was going to do his best. He was going to be on that podium no matter what. He could do it.
The time before getting in the car was a blur. He had no idea. He wanted to soak in the moments but he couldn’t, he was focusing on driving. He could drive this place blindfolded. He could do it.
Putting on his suit and boots he took a deep breath before heading downstairs. Em caught him just before he went into the garage. It was another kiss on the cheek and telling him to be fast and safe, but Dan kissed her properly for the briefest of seconds.
“You’ve got this. I’m gonna see you at that barrier.”
He walked in and picked up his balaclava to put it on before getting in the car. But before he could step in Zak caught him, an arm around his shoulder. Nobody ever did that. Emmy was the last person he talked to before he got in the car, always. She was his good luck charm. Even Michael knew not to talk to him when Em had talked to him. He’d get in and connect his earbuds for the radio and then he’d talk to Tom.
“Good luck. It’d be good to have a trophy to show around the MTC on Tuesday along with that medal, wouldn’t it?”
“Tuesday?” His blood ran cold.
“Yeah, we need to celebrate your sprint medal. Did Nicole from PR not tell you yet? Full day in the MTC then. Your calendar was empty so it looked good.”
His calendar was empty because they’d removed Em from access. Without his girl there to block the days out then its looked free. Which meant that their vacation was gone because he had to be in fucking Woking instead.
“See you at the flag!” He wanted to punch Zak’s fucking face. He was so angry he wanted to scream. But instead he got into the car, settling down and putting his helmet on and connecting it to his HANS. The radio connected in while the guys strapped him into place and he had the go ahead to bring the car to the grid. Bring it in, get out, let everything happen.
He had to blank his mind out. It’s was the visualisation crap that Michael beat into his head that he kept going with.
Finally it was the anthems and he bopped along to the Italian one, the texts of good luck from his parents floating in the back of his head.
Waiting for the lights to go out was terrifying. Seeing the five red lights made him nearly forget everything that he’d known for so long, but as soon as they blinked off he was gone. Never ask him how he made it around those first corners but pretty soon he was leading the fucking race.
It was the fastest race of his life. The only time he worried was when the safety car backed everyone up after Max and Lewis crashed, the realisation that he didn’t have Max backing things up worrying him. But he forced himself to stay calm and pushed through, Tom giving him advice on the radio. It was obvious Lando had been ordered not to attack but Dan didn’t care, too focused on making it to the flag.
“YEAH P1! You bloody did it!” Tom was celebrating over the radio, Dan screaming his lungs out. He did it. He fucking did it. Fastest lap and first place and fuck it he did it.
“Deep down I knew this was gonna come, so…thanks. Thanks for having my back. And for anyone who thought I left, I never left. Just moved aside for a while.”
Pulling into that beautiful number one podium spot felt so sweet. He won. He actually won. It took a moment to realise what was happening as he shut the car off, pulling the steering wheel out and standing atop the halo. He fucking did it.Em was there at the barrier, sandwiched between Blake and Michael and he could see tears streaming down his girl’s face in pride and he grinned behind the helmet before tapping his chest three times, watching as she realised.
The jog to the team was sweet, jumping into them in celebration. He hugged Michael and Blake before Em wrapped her arms around him. All he wanted to do was pull his helmet off and kiss her in front of everyone but that wasn’t fair. He couldn’t. So instead he let go and realised she’d been FaceTiming his parents for the race. He took off his helmet and grinned at the camera, a murmured “I love you” escaping before he got pulled back to be weighed and interviewed by DC, a grin on the Scot’s face and the promise of a drink at some point once the cameras were switched off.
He was on the podium. On the top step in Monza. He’d done that and it was a heady feeling to be back up there, the Tifosi cheering because while he might not be a Ferrari driver he was half Australian and for them that was a big moment.
The chaos of interviews and discussions and debriefs and eating were constant, he didn’t have a second to himself for hours. It wasn’t until nearly nine that they were finally done, Zak sending him away to get changed before the party that had been hastily organised for the team in celebration. He bounded up the stairs two at a time, spotting Em in the room before she’d even realised he was there. She stood, grinning and pulling him in for a kiss.
“I am so proud of you. So fucking proud of you. You did that and you proved it to everyone and you are amazing. Well done, Danny.” He pulled her for a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as he got the courage to say that they had to cancel everything.
“I need to get in touch with the villa to-“
“I called them earlier to cancel. Turns out the owner is a F1 fan and had put two and two together for when you rented it and your surname. He said congratulations and to call back whenever to rent it out again, there’s no problem. And I cancelled the flight back from Milan to London on Friday. Anything else you need?”
To tell her that he’s completely in love with her. But Emmy deserved better than that. She deserved better than when he was still sweaty after a race because he’d only had a rinse off shower to get the champagne off. She deserved a big gesture, but one somewhere private because if he did it in public she’d be too embarrassed. Just because this plan was ruined didn’t mean it was all bad.
Maybe Austin, the two of them in a city they loved. They were staying back an extra night or two to enjoy it. Or at the farm over Christmas when they got to go home together. After a day of seeing their family. That would be the right way to tell Emmy everything. He’d get down on one knee in their living room with her ring and she’d say yes, he knew her.
“You know, right?” His voice was thick. The tears he wanted to let out were close but he couldn’t start crying or he wouldn’t stop.
“I know. You know too?”
“I really know. C’mon. There’s a party in a couple of hours, let’s go change and shower and maybe nap for an hour.”
He pulled a clean shirt on before picking up his bag, holding his hand out for Emmy to take. At that time of night the paddock was deserted and he didn’t care who saw. If he didn’t get to tell his girl everything this week then he definitely got to hold her fucking hand leaving. He didn't care about the McLaren cameras in his face. He'd already had to give up enough with her this weekend, they didn't get this too.
@dr3lover @sabrinaselina55 @majx00 @tall-tanned-tattoo @lovingdennishauger @lauehr @msolbesg @f1medlife @idkwtfimdoing2 @leclercsbae @hiphopdancer101universe @mehrmonga @lewispool @saintandrea-droidsmuggler @coldheartedmar @sugarbabygirlofdaddy @nonsensical-nonce @a-distantdreamer @tita010 @leslizzle @javden @mloyer @magical-imagination-kgp @danarysstormborn @kakorrhaphiphobia @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @elizanav @neiich @luckyladycreator2 @scotlynaurora @belledawnidk
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writtenbysprout · 1 year
I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)
synopsis: The team sets you up during a Disney themed karaoke night, knowing you have a thing for your boss aaron hotchner.
pairing: reader x aaron hotchner
cw: pining, fluff
word count: 1113
a/n: my first ever fic posted here, hope you enjoy! 
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Garcia’s puppy eyes, JJ’s begging and Emily’s threats all combined made for a dangerous cocktail of excitement and worry. Yet here you were. Engulfed in their embrace at a makeshift stage in a remote town in the midst of Utah. 
Stage light blinding you from seeing anything other than outlines of shadow figures. Had it been during any other situation you might've felt uneasy. But here and now at the Disney themed karaoke night at the bar down the road from your motel the shadows brought you comfort. Not wanting to remember or recognize anyone's faces once you stepped off the stage later. 
Hours earlier you'd caught the unsub in a hit and run with quite ease which meant it was time to celebrate. Usually the team would go out back home in Virginia, but the jet was grounded for the time being due to the weather. 
Garcia handed you the handheld mic as Emily stepped up to the one sitting in the mic stand. Garcia and JJ standing on each side of Emily whispering and giggling amongst themselves. Before you could react to anything that was happening Emily spoke up. 
“This is a song that is very fitting for our current situation. Our friend here Y/n has the hugest crush on someone and she won’t admit it to anyone, not even herself..” With the most shit eating grin you'd ever witnessed Emily wink your way before turning back to the crowd who was cheering. “So if you're there Hotch, this is from Y/n.” 
“Emily..“ Was all you managed to hiss before the playback started. The all too familiar tone of I Won't Say (I'm In Love) from Hercules playing. 
Having been a theater kid in your younger days you couldn't help but lift the mic and start singing along to the song, taking the lead as Megara. 
If there's a price for rotten judgment, 
I guess I've already won that 
Everytime it was the muses' time to shine JJ, Garcia and Emily let everyone have it in the most 'trying to be serious', but failing miserably to hit the right notes, the timing or fumble with the words. 
You sang your heart out, putting on an act, strutting around on stage with a pout fitting the song's theme. Having already forgotten Emily's sly dedication to your boss. 
Hitting the right notes, belting your heart out without effort all while trying to hold back a laugh as Garcia did her very best to portray the sassy muse, the song came to an end. 
At least out loud… 
I won't say I'm in love 
As soon as the song finished applause, cheer and even some whistling erupted from the crowd. Garcia was the first to rush to your side, hugging you tightly. JJ and Emily quickly followed suit and praise you for the 'exceptional performance'. 
The light from the stage dimmed down, allowing the four of you to make a safe return to the floor below the stage where four familiar faces awaited your arrival. 
Had they heard it all? Even the dedication Emily had given? Derek answered the question as if you'd asked it out loud. 
"Hot stuff can sing!" He was the first and only to embrace you as you came to a halt at the sight of the one man you didn't wanna see at that moment. Your boss, Aaron Fucking Hotchner. 
He looked as handsome as ever. Wearing a black buttoned up short, sleeves rolled up just below his elbows, a pair on black denim jeans and a bottle of beer in his hand.
Both Spencer and Rossi complimented all of you for your performance, but you didn't pay attention. Your entire body felt hot and cold at the same time. Sounds seemed to enhance and your ears started ringing. A quick glance around and you found everyone already deep in conversation as you awaited for your drinks. 
Mumbling a loose excuse you pushed passed Derek and Spencer and hurried outside. Feeling the rush of the cool night air fill your lungs you allowed yourself to catch the breath you didn't realize you were holding. 
Arms wrapping themselves around your chest as if to guard yourself from some invisible treat. You felt sick, like you could throw up at any given moment. 
Deep within, you knew they meant no harm in doing what they did, but it didn't mean it made you any less anxious about the whole situation. 
It didn't take long before you heard someone approach. Readying yourself you turned on your heel ready to bite at anything, but was met by someone's chest. Looking up you came eye to eye with the one person you least expected to see, Hotch. 
The tall, dark and intimidating man you knew as your boss smiled down at you. 
“Didn’t know you could sing.” You barely noticed the jacket he'd brought before he draped over your shoulders. Now engulfed in the jacket that lingered with his cologne you felt the heat in your cheeks. 
“I don’t really sing in front of people.” You admitted, offering him a shy smile. Your mind wandered. Maybe he hadn't heard the dedication? Or maybe he was just being polite in striking up a conversation.
“For what it's worth I found it enjoyable. You have talent."
It means more than you'll ever understand.
“Thank you,"
It was all you managed to muster. Being so close to him was a rarity outside work. Standing here next to him, engulfed in his jacket and having him compliment you was something you never in your wildest dreams thought would happen.
“You keep surprising me," He broke the silence meeting your eyes. You remain silent, trying to think how you possibly could've surprised him. But falling short just as he spoke up continuing. "Not only are you kind and gentle, but you're independent, smart and solves issues that arise with ease. And you can sing? You're a gift that just keep on giving." 
"Hotch.. I"
"I think its time you start calling me Aaron."
He had barely finished the sentence as he leaned in, leaving no room for you to wrap your brain around what he meant. You could feel the warmth radiating from his breath as he stopped merely inches away from you. Eyes finding yours before looking down at you lips as if to ask for permission.
"May I?"
Unable to find your voice you nod. Which is all the consent he needs as he moments later places his lips on yours. Softly claiming them for himself. Finally allowing himself to do the one thing he'd been yearning to do for the longest time.
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arielstruggles · 10 months
Ever Since My Baby Went Away, It's Been the Blackest Day
Pairing: Javier P x Reader
Summary: She misses her ex, he misses her. It has been ten years since they last saw each other but they are still pretty much in love. And horny.
Word count: 3.3 k
Warnings: SMUT (+18), unprotected p in v sex, spanking (lightly), they are soo in love, praise, fingering, age gap, mutual cumming.
A/n: This is my first time of writing something, let alone writing smut so i know it is not that good, i appreciate any criticism or feedback! I used 3rd person pov because i feel more comfortable with it but it is kind of a self insert. Also, English is not my first language so beware of grammar mistakes or mistakes in general. I honestly don't know whether someone will read this or not but i'm sharing it anyways. So if you are reading, thank you and hope you enjoy! :)
(chapter 2)
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She was sitting by the beach with a cake in her hands. Her thoughts didn’t leave her alone for a single second. That’s why the chocolate coating of the cake was dripping on sand, the candle was nothing but a melted mess. What was she doing in here… After ten years, ten fucking years. What was she expecting? To see him? to get back together? No. She thought, if she could sit in that bench long enough, she could go back in time. When she felt the sticky texture of melted chocolate coating of the cake, her birthday cake, she snapped out of memories and took a bite from the cake. She was crying. But for what? that she didn’t know. It might be that how much she missed him, maybe she missed his touches, maybe shared memories, maybe the nights that they were too busy to sleep. Memories were rushing into her head one after the other.
               She got mad at him, for leaving her behind. But then a pang of guilt hit her, it was a mutual decision. He did nothing wrong. But he could have stopped her, could he? Where was he? Was he still here? Or could he be in Texas, helping his father or maybe he took over the ranch? He could be married by now; he could have kids. A happy family… All of a sudden, she couldn’t eat the cake.
Yes, it was a mutual decision and felt sensible at the time but things started go downhill after their break up. She was miserable. Yes, she achieved her career goals and as far as she knew he did as well, at least it was like that when she last heard from him, eight years ago. He wasn’t her first love or her first kiss and so was she. But he was her first real heartbreak which she didn’t even realize at the time.
               She didn’t know that he was there a month ago. She didn’t know he missed her as much as she does. She was all he could think about, her soft lips, her curves. Her smell was still lingering around his nose. The mole on her hipbone. Her complaints about the wind, how it messes up her hair all the time, how it is all tangled. He wanted to reach out to her, he wanted to call her, hear her laughter. He could have given up from everything to hear her call him Javi just for once. He couldn’t though. He didn’t want to break their promise. He could get information if he tried, but he respected her privacy. Or maybe he wanted her to reach out to him first.
               Maybe they both were too proud, or coward. But they didn’t hear from each other for ten years. And they missed each other like no other. She hoped to find him on each body that she has been, he also tried the same. They couldn’t. She was so scared that one day, she would find out that he’s dead, his job was dangerous. That was one of the reasons that she didn’t want a future with him.                She heard someone was calling her they asked her if she was okay, then she realized she was sitting on the same spot for four hours. She was hoping to find him. She was waiting for him. He didn’t come. He was not even in Colombia. Tears prickled her eyes. For ten years she cried for the first time. A sob escaped from her lips. She stood up; her hands were covered with melted chocolate. She took out a napkin from her purse and cleaned her hands then walked away. As if streets were screaming his name. All the sadness that she tried to look away for ten years resurfaced. She never knew feeling this much pain was possible.
She came back to her apartment, she felt like a fool for leaving her job, her life in another country and return to Colombia. And for what? To find him. She started laughing but it was not because of happiness, on the contrary she felt a gut-wrenching pain in her chest. She was not a teenager; she was 33 now. She left her home, her job to find Javi. This whole thing was a stupid idea. She started laughing frantically, tears followed her laugh. She was a sensible person; she should have known that it was impossible and selfish to find him now. But she was here regardless.
               She didn’t know that if he knew she was back, he’d be on his way to her. She didn’t know he was sharing the same pain. She didn’t know he wanted to be with her till the day he dies. Maybe they both deserved to suffer, if they weren’t that proud, or stubborn they would be in each other’s arms, instead of crying all by themselves. Some nights he’d be waking up crying out her name. On those nights he couldn’t go back to sleep, his thoughts wouldn’t let him.
               She cried maybe ten minutes maybe an hour. He was also crying. They were a little dramatic. She decided to take a shower, running water could soothe her pain. It didn’t. He was the antidot she knew that.
               Days have passed since she came back, there was not a single day she didn’t walk the streets that once they passed together, holding hands sharing kisses. She was making herself miserable, she knew that but she didn’t want to be happy without him. She wanted to reach out to a mutual friend of them but she was so scared that he might have been with someone else, she knew it was selfish to wish that he was as lonely as she was, she wished it anyway.
               He was in his couch, all by himself. Watching something on tv but wasn’t paying any attention to it. Thinking about her. He could still hear her voice, crying out his name. chanting it like a prayer. Javi, javi, javi… he could feel her hands around his cock. Her pink lips kissing his. He was not the man that she last saw. Yes, he was still handsome but a part of him was missing. She was missing. Her memory was dawdling. He remembered her hardened nipples, her dripping cunt. The image was pornographic he felt guilty for a second. But god, she was pretty. He realized, even though it was ten years ago when he last saw her, her memories were strong enough to get him hard. He came with the thought of her. With the dream of her lips swallowing him, he felt good.
They were both missing each other but they didn’t know how to communicate, how to get back together. Some say it was pride, some say it was their respect and love for each other. But it was ten years ago that they last fucked and they were still thinking about it.
She sips her coffee on her break. It has been six months since she returned Colombia. Six months that she waited for Javier to appear in her door magically. It didn’t happen obviously. She has four more hours, then she’d done with her shift. She can stroll around the streets that once they walked together the moment she’s free from her work. She says ‘hi’ to a couple of her colleagues then gets back to her work. Time passes rather slow today, she thinks. It’s barely noon but she’s bored to death already. But it passes anyway. Once it hits 5 pm she leaves her office. Instead of wandering around the streets she goes to the pub, the pub that they’ve first met. Maybe she is delusional, maybe it is a sign but the pub is the only place in the city that stays the same for ten years. She knows the staff, they know her, they know Javier it is sort of like a time travel. As if sitting there could get him back…
               When she steps in the pub, she knows something is different. She knows something has happened or about to happen. Doesn’t think about it that much and buys herself a glass of wine and sits. Bar maid comes closer to her and asks “Did you hear, Javier is back.” “no, I didn’t know” she responds. She feels something, she can’t describe the feeling. Is she happy, sad, anxious, excited? She doesn’t know yet. She quickly finishes her drink and leaves the pub. Walks directly to her house. She doesn’t know what to do. But she is not as excited as she dreamed of. She doesn’t want to see him, or does she? What is he doing in here? Did he come to see me; did he miss me? she thinks.
               She doesn’t even bother to change her clothes. She doesn’t do anything at all. Sits in the sofa like she is hypnotized. She gets mad at herself. She’s not a teenager. She is an adult with responsibilities. She can’t act like this. She chuckles because she came here six months ago to find him. Why she acts like she doesn’t give a fuck about him. Because she does, oh she does. She cries, she laughs, she touches herself thinking about him. She wants him to fuck her dumb at least for old times’ sake. She gets herself together and eats something, does her mundane tasks with the image of him. Then goes to bed, she dreams about him. She dreams that Javier bends her over to his desk and pounds on her like there is no tomorrow. She moans her name. she clenches around him; her wet cunt suffocates his cock in her dream. Then she jerks awake. She feels empty, wet. She didn’t even see him but hearing his return was enough.
When she wakes up in the morning and gets ready for the day, all she can think about is him. She leaves her apartment and again wanders around the streets that saw their kisses and more. Then she sees him, tall, dark haired. Ten years later he is right there with all his glory, Javier Peña. He doesn’t see her though. He talks to someone else. He’s just like ten years ago. She gets wet even the sight of his back. She leaves the street without him seeing her, she is not ready to talk to him. Not yet. Also, she didn’t see his face so maybe that man was someone else, yeah definitely.  She goes on with her day, with the ghost of him. Nothing happens, he doesn’t show up in her office, he doesn’t fuck her in the bathroom. But she waits for him. Days pass, she doesn’t see him again. Not until a Friday evening, she’s on her grocery shopping, sees the dark-haired tall figure again, but this time she can’t run away, because he sees her as well. That man was him, she thinks “hi” she mutters, “hello beautiful” he says “long time no see” she gives him a crooked smile, on the verge of tears. “yeah” she says. She feels pathetic. She didn’t think that she’d be so emotional over him
They don’t know what to say. He wants to kiss her, she wants to kiss him. But it has been ten years. “you’re still as pretty as the day I’ve lost you.” he says “you look old though.” She replies and chuckles. He laughs as well. They both know she didn’t mean that. “I heard you moved here” Javier says “what makes you come back?”. “I don’t know, I wanted some nostalgia, I guess. Why are you here anyway?” she asks “I came to find you.” He replies, doesn’t bother to hide the truth. She feels dizzy, she doesn’t expect an answer like that, I came to find you... so direct. Then they both realize they are still at the store and talking maybe for half an hour. She moves to cash register pays for the things that she bought; he follows her. They walk, she says “I’ve missed you.” he replies “me too.” They arrive her home, she invites him in. They know how this will end up; they don’t care. They want this, it is the least they can do. They need each other. Her hands slightly tremble while trying to find her keys because she can’t stop her dirty thoughts. He chuckles, “someone is a little excited, if I’m not mistaken.” She doesn’t bother to answer, because it is obvious. When she finally opens the door and throw the bags, he doesn’t even lose a second. He grabs her by her waist and pulls her towards himself. “I’ve missed you so much” he mumbles before he kisses him deeply, she slides her tongue into his mouth. She moans, he smiles into their kiss. She sucks his tongue while leading him to her bedroom, doesn’t want to lose a single second. She waited long enough. She drags him to her bed, he kisses her neck, he takes his time. His tongue explores her neck all over again. He slowly takes off her shirt, then his shirt. He kisses her collar bone, bites it slightly. “just like how I left” he mutters. “I’ve missed you.” she says “me too.” He says, again. He throws away her bra and cups her tit with his one hand. He moans, the sight of her body gets him hard. Their movements are rushed.
He feels his trousers are tightened around his fat cock. She feels drunk with his touch, she moans. “Javi…” she whines, “I need you”. He kisses her torso all over. He licks her hardened nipples. “javi… fuck…” she moans. His lips curl upwards, he smirks. It is the best song he has ever heard of in years. His fingers trail down on her soaked panties. “damn, baby… you’re dripping” he says. She laughs, but she feels embarrassed, her cheeks burn with excitement. He gets rid of her skirt and panties, slowly toys with her aching cunt. He knows what he’s doing. He still remembers what drives her crazy. He draws circles around her clit, she moans his name again. “javi, I need you.” she whines, “ask properly sweetheart.” He demands. “I need your cock javi, please.” She mumbles. “that’s better, but you have to wait.” He replies then kisses her inner thigs, she feels like falling apart but in a good way. His hot breath tickles her pussy, he places a kiss on her which make her shiver. Then he slides his tongue inside. This is the best she thinks. “You taste like heaven” “so sweet” he coos. Then stops kissing and licking, she whines but suddenly feels his finger inside her hole and while she’s drunk with one he adds another. She moans loudly. “you’re taking them so well baby.” His slightly curled fingers hit the spots that any other men’s cock couldn’t in years. “you are able to do that your fingers but most men can’t do it even with their cocks.” She pants while smiling. He laughs, “That’s only the beginning, baby.” His voice is deep.  He starts moving faster and faster, a scream leaves her lips. She moans with the sensation. “You make me feel so good Javi.” Her whole body burns with desire. She feels she’s building up. He saves his fingers from her dripping pussy and he licks his fingers. She moans with the sight, without even losing a second he reaches for her tit again, he licks her tit, plays with her nipple; she bites his shoulder blade which makes him moan loudly. Their noises fill the room. She reaches for his belt “get rid of this.” She points his jeans. He frees his fat cock instantly as if waiting for her command, it’s dripping with precum. It is as thick as she remembers, she wants to taste it, squeeze his balls. “So thirsty.” He remarks realizing her hungry gaze on his cock. She laughs, that’s more than enough for him. He starts kissing her ankles, then her calves, thighs and make his way up to her cunt. He softly kisses her clit, her body jerks awake with the feeling her hands grab his hair and pulls them, they look into each other’s eyes for a second the she buries his head into her pussy again. He rubs his nose to his clit, she loves it, he growls into her. “I’m still so wet.” She pants. “Yeah, I figured that much.” They both laugh, it feels as if they were never apart, like those ten years has never been lived. He kisses all over her pussy licks it clean, he devours her like he was starving till he finds her again which is true in a sense “I fucked my hand with the dream of you, for ten years.” He mumbles, his voice is barely audible. With each kiss and lick she gets wetter. “I-I need you...” she pants. “be patient, you’ll get what you deserve.” He replies, doesn’t plan to make her wait so much. He wonders how can he breathe. With a sudden movement he turns her around and she gets on all fours. She knows, she’s about to get her reward.
With a slap on her ass she moans, she is surprised. He slaps her ass again. “why didn’t you call me?” he asks firmly. “you know phones work both ways.” She answers cheekily. Neither of them replies. Question stays unanswered. He rests his crotch against her ass, she feels euphoric without even getting his cock in she feels how hard it is. He slowly pushes his tip into her wet cunt. “so tight sweetheart. “mmmhmmm Javi” he slowly pushes in, once she gets used to his size she wants more so he pushes more. His movements are slow, he feels like as if he moves faster she would disappear and he’d wake up in his bed all alone. “faster” she yells, then he remembers; he fucks her, she is really there. He picks up his pace. Her pussy suffocates his cock, the wet sounds that they make are enough to get someone worked up. He grips her waist tightly “when was the last time you get fucked like this?” he asks. She doesn’t answer, laughs. They both know the answer. He’s sure he’ll leave his mark on her waist, so he tightens his grip and moves faster and faster “close, ‘m close.” She whimpers. “hang on a little baby.” He pants. “We gonna do it together.” She nods frantically. His balls slap her ass with each thrust. He has an animalistic side in that moment, she knows If he stops supporting her by her waist she’ll fall to bed, her legs tremble. “such a good girl, this pussy is all mine.” he growls. “gonna fill you up so well baby.” “can- can’t hold it any longer” she says. “I know baby, I know… me too. Cum for me sweetheart.” He says she doesn’t even hesitate she lets all go while he also drains his balls inside her.
They collapse to her bed together, lays there in each other’s arms. “god, you have no idea how much I’ve missed this.” She whispers. He smiles, he thinks the same. “If I knew you were back earlier, I’d fuck you sooner.” He replies. They both laugh. They don’t think about those ten years in which they were too stubborn to reach out for each other. It doesn’t matter anymore, what matters is that they’re in each other’s arms. He takes him to her bathroom, both get in the bathtub, kisses her back and he fucks her again. Then of course he cleans them both. That night, they both sleep peacefully, without thinking about the future or the past. It doesn’t matter in that moment.
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cicimunson · 2 years
Sweet Child of Mine Part 5
Series Summary: You’re Eddie’s former best best friend. The two of you drifted apart freshman year of high school and now you’re more enemies than anything else. Despite the hostility between the two of you, you still come around to help out with his eleven-month-old sister, Emma, who he and Wayne keep most of the time due to his father being in jail and his mother being an addict.
Also, I know Sweet Child O’ Mine didn’t come out until 1988, but the song is just so perfect for the story.
Pairings/Characters: Eddie Munson x Female Reader, Wayne Munson, OC characters Emma Munson, Wendy Munson and Greg Thompson, cheerleaders Amy and Lucy
Chapter Summary: Eddie comes to visit while you're sick and you two get nostalgic remembering old times.. There's a bit of an altercation at school and Eddie is stunned when you take his side. Emma hits a milestone and the three of you go out to celebrate. Eddie is starting to feel something for you, but he can't quite figure out what it is.
Warnings: Reader is sick, mentions of Eddie's mom being an addict, I think that's it? Let me know if I missed something.
Word Count: 3k
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 6
Whatever Eddie was sick with doubles down on you, forty-eight hours in and you're sprawled on your couch, unable to combat the cough or fever.
You wish your parents were in town, but unfortunately they were both gone for work. Not that they'd be much comfort, but it would be nice to have someone's presence in the house.
There's a knock on the door and you drag yourself up, groaning.
Eddie is standing on your doorstep, smirking when he sees you. "Hi. You look like hell."
 You groan. "Come to relish in my pain, Munson? Low, even for you."
"Actually, I brought your homework. And Wayne insisted I bring you some of his homemade chili, said it’ll cure anything you have.” He thrusts the bag under your nose and the strong smell of spices makes you gag.
“Shit, you really are sick, huh?” He observes. “I didn’t get any stomach trouble with mine.”
“Must be my luck.” You mumble, heading back to the couch. "You can go, I’d like to be miserable in peace.”
"Oh, come on, ducky, don't be like that."
You whirl around, reaching out to grab the back of the sofa when the movement makes you light-headed.
Eddie is overwhelmed by the urge to reach out and steady you. It surprises him.
Instead he steps closer and asks: "You okay? Maybe you should sit down."
You nod and resume your spot on the couch, tucking your legs under you.
"You haven't called me ducky since we were kids."
He sits in the recliner across from you and cocks his head to the side, looking confused. "I haven't?"
"Oh, well, do you still want to be a duck?" He jokes.
You giggle. When the two of you were small,  your elementary school had taken a field trip to a farm and you had been fascinated by the baby ducks swimming around the pond behind the barn. You had told everyone that you were going to be a duck too, crying when your teacher had told you it was impossible, then sobbing harder when she scolded you for crying. Eddie had kicked her in the shin and hugged you.
If you wanna be a duck, you can be a duck.
And you'll still be my best friend?
Of course. You'll be my little ducky.
And the nickname had stuck. At least until freshman year.
Eddie studies your face. "What are you thinking about?"
You sigh softly and shake your head. "Nothing. And yes, sometimes I still wish I were a duck."
He grins. "I knew it."
For a moment, all feels right between you two again.
"Um, thanks for my schoolwork. And thank Wayne for the food."
He shifts his weight back and forth in his seat, looking uncomfortable. "Yeah, well, I owe you a thank you, too."
You raise an eyebrow. "Oh?"
He looks down at his feet. "The other night, when I was sick. You didn't have to take care of me. You could have left, or even camped out in the bedroom with Emma. But you stayed with me."
Your heart beats a little faster.
"So, I just wanted to say thanks." He finishes, still not looking from the floor.
"You're welcome, Eds. I'm glad you're feeling better."
He smiles softly when you use his nickname.
"So do I need to force-feed you Tylenol? Make you soup?"
"I'm fine, thanks. I'd hate for you to catch this again."
"Yeah, me too." He stands up, wiping his palms on his jeans. "But if you need anything-"
"I'll call. Thanks again."
He nods. "See ya, ducky."
Your heart does another little flip-flop as he leaves.
Don't. Don't start thinking the two of you can be friends again. Every time you get your hopes up, he crushes them.
But you can't help but hope just a little.
You're back in school two days later, stretching with the rest of the cheer squad before the pep rally. You see Eddie walk into the gym and you give him a small wave.
He flips you off, but with a warm smile on his face.
You pretend to be offended, then act like you're reaching in your pocket to look for something. He watches as you pull out your clenched hand, then open it to flip him off in response.
His smile turns into a grin.
Amy nudges you. "Maybe don't flirt with the freak in front of the entire school, huh?"
You give her a frosty glare.
After the pep rally Eddie approaches you. You're taken aback at first, normally he doesn't even show up to these things, ditching to hide out in the woods behind school.
"You got a minute?" He asks, sticking his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
Amy sticks her pom-pom out in front of you as you take a step forward. "Actually, we're busy. You can stalk Y/N some other time."
Eddie smirks at her. "Seems you're the one a bit obsessed, seeing as how you're trying to control who she talks to."
"Amy, it's fine. Eddie and I are fri-" You trail off, not because you're embarrassed, but because you don't know what your actual label is. "We're cool." You finally say.
She leans in close and whispers loudly. "Oh my God, Y/N, are you doing drugs?"
"What? No! Jesus, Amy, why would you ask me that?"
"Well that's the only explanation I could come up with." She replies snidely."Unless what Greg says is true, and you're really friends with the freak."
"You aren't, are you?" Lucy asks. "I heard he's into…" She looks at him and then whispers to the other girls. "Devil worship."
They all gasp dramatically while you fight the urge to giggle.
Eddie hisses and the girls shriek.
"Devil worship, indeed!" His voice booms, intimidating and loud. "I was looking for a virgin to sacrifice, do I have any volunteers?"
"Hey, is he bothering you, ladies?"
Fantastic, just what this conversation needed.
Greg comes to stand at your side, clenching his fists as he glares at Eddie.
Amy wraps a hand around Greg's bicep, batting her eyes dramatically. "He said he was going to sacrifice us to the devil!"
Oh please.
"He said virgin sacrifice, Amy. You're safe. Hell, thanks to you, half of the football team is safe." You retort.
Her mouth drops open. "How dare you!”
Greg scowls. “You aren't honestly defending that freak, are you?"
You shrug your shoulders. "Maybe I am."
Eddie's eyes widen. He'd have never expected in a million years for you to be sticking up for him.
Greg scowls. "I told you Y/N, you hang out with the freak long enough, he'd rub off on you."
"Then I guess I should go. Wouldn't want it to rub off on any of you." You roll your eyes and walk away, Eddie on your heels.
You stomp out into the parking lot. Eddie follows behind, pulling his keys from his pocket. "Need a ride?"
"Take me to see Emma, please. She always calms me down."
He nods understandingly. "Yeah, me too."
He opens the passenger door of his van and you get in, wrinkling your nose as the smell of cigarettes and weed hits your nostrils.
Eddie chuckles when he sees your face. "Just crack the window. Wouldn't want you to get a contact high." He teases. "Although you might be more fun with a little buzz."
"Haha." You roll the window down a bit. "So, did you need something?"
He's drumming on the steering wheel, looking lost in thought. "Hmm?"
"You walked up to me. Back at school?"
"Oh, yeah. Emma's appointment with the specialist is Monday. I was kinda hoping- I mean, if you wanna come, you know, you can.”
He wants me there?
Eddie looks embarrassed to have even asked you. He'd never admit the truth, but he needs you there. The thought of going without you terrifies him.
You nod, relieving him of his misery. He breathes a sigh of relief, masking it as a cough so you won't notice.
"Um, it's in the morning, 9 am, so we'd have to skip first period, possibly second."
"It's Emma. I'd skip a whole week if she needed me."
Eddie nods. "Yeah, me too."
He pulls into the driveway and you hurry into the trailer, eager to see her. Emma squeals when you walk in, holding her plump little arms up to you.
Wayne smiles. "She's missed you."
You scoop her up and hug her tightly. She grumbles slightly and pushes at your chest. You loosen your grip and plant kisses on her cheeks and forehead.
"I missed you so much while I was sick, Emmy, did you miss me?"
She pats your cheek affectionately.
"That's my sweet Emmy." You coo.
Eddie gasps from behind you. Wayne comes up off the couch, looking shocked.
You turn to Eddie, your mouth falling open.
"Holy shit, did she just say her name?"
You jostle her slightly to reclaim her attention.
"Say Emmy, baby girl, say Emmy one more time!"
She blows raspberries and squeals.
"Come on baby, one more time for your brother and uncle, say Emmy!" You prompt. "You can do it. Emmy!"
She looks up at you. "Em-me."
You shriek happily and Eddie does a little jump of excitement. 
Wayne claps his hands, letting out a cheer.
"Oh my God, she said it! She said her name!" He exclaims.
"Emmy!" She repeats, realizing it gets a big reaction.
"That's right sissy, you're our Emmy!" Eddie praises. "Our smart little Emmy."
Eddie is ecstatic. He can't remember the last time he felt this happy. He kisses Emma's cheek and then turns and kisses yours also before he even realizes he's done it.
Your mouth drops open. You realize Eddie is staring at you in shock, so you shut it quickly, busying yourself with smoothing Emma's curls and straightening her overalls.
Eddie turns away from you, touching his fingers to his lips. Other than Emma, he'd never kissed anyone. Girls had tried when he was younger, of course, and every now and then a drunk girl would throw herself at him at the Hideaway, but Eddie always shot them down. He didn't like anyone's hands on him, and certainly not their mouths.
Your cheek had been soft and warm. Another couple inches to the right and he'd have kissed your lips, he realizes. Would you have let him? Would you have kissed him back?
"Eddie?" Your voice jolts him out of his thoughts. He turns back to you and Emma, forcing a smile on his face.
"I asked if you had any ice cream? I think Emma deserves a treat for being such a smart girl." You tickle her, inciting squeals and giggles.
"I don't think so, but we could always go out." He offers.
"Sounds great. I'll go change Emma's diaper." You head to the bedroom with her.
Eddie can't help but touch his lips again. It was just a peck, it didn't last more than a second, but he felt…something.
He notices Wayne grinning at him and snatches his hand from his mouth.
"Don't say a word." He warns and Wayne chuckles.
"Hey, I'm over the moon right now. Emma talking, you smooching Y/N-"
"I did not smooch her."
"You two are making leaps and bounds today. Next thing you know Emma will be speaking French and you and Y/N will be getting married." He teases.
"That'll never happen. She'd never want someone like me. She's into jocks and popular guys."
Wayne cocks an eyebrow. He can't help but notice Eddie didn't say anything about not liking you.
"You're right." Wayne agrees. "Besides, Emma would prefer Spanish to French."
Eddie narrows his eyes. "Don't be cute, uncle."
Wayne holds up his hands defensively. "Me? Never."
You come back into the living room, carrying a freshly-changed Emma. You'd wiped her face clean, Eddie observes, and stuck a little pink bow in her hair.
"We ready to go?"
"You kids have fun."
You turn to Wayne. "You aren't coming?"
"No, I think I'm gonna take a nice long nap while the trailer is empty." He winks at Eddie over your head.
"Well, enjoy your nap. We'll try to be quiet when we come back."
You head outside and help Eddie fasten Emma in. She protests being sat down but when Eddie starts the radio she instantly perks up, clapping her hands as Eddie sings along.
Your mind drifts back Eddie's impromptu kiss. You reach up and touch your cheek, still feeling his lips on your skin.
Eddie glances over at you, smiling to himself when he sees your hand on your face.
Maybe she liked it. Maybe she would let me do it again. Do I want to do it again?
You realize Eddie is staring and move your hand from your cheek, feeling a blush creeping up your neck.
"Stop staring, weirdo. Watch the road."
"Pft. You wish I would stare at you."
You roll your eyes and suppress a smile.
Eddie parks the van in front of the ice cream parlor. He scoops Emma out of seat and the three of you go inside. You wave to your mom's friend who runs the place, then slide into a booth.
The waitress comes hurrying over, instantly cooing over Emma.
I don't recognize her. Must be new.
"Oh what a cute baby, how old is she?"
"She'll be a year old in two weeks." Eddie replies.
"She's so precious. Does she want some ice cream?"
"She'll have a scoop of chocolate and vanilla, I'll take a chocolate shake."
She turns to you.
"And for you, mama?"
You blink up at her. Huh? 
It dawns on you. She thinks Emma is yours. And most likely that Eddie is her daddy. 
Eddie grins mischievously at you. "Yeah, mama, do you know what you want?"
"Um, just a vanilla shake is fine."
When she's out of earshot Eddie doubles over, laughing hysterically.
"I'm gonna kill you, Munson."
"Oh come on, that was hilarious…mama."
"You're so gross." You roll your eyes, but Eddie can see the amusement on your face.
The waitress comes back with your order a few minutes later. Eddie helps her unload her tray, pushing your milkshake towards you.
"Here you go, mama."
You glare at him. "Gee, thanks, daddy."
Eddie's breath hitches. You don't notice, thank God, as you're trying to keep Emma from putting her hands in her ice cream.
He can't deny it. He felt something when you called him daddy. A twinge, a twitch. Call it what you want, but it excited him.
"Eddie, your shake is gonna melt."
"Maybe I like it melted."
"Okay then, weirdo, let it melt."
Emma succeeds in getting a hand in her ice cream. She squeals when she realizes it's cold and smears it down the front of your shirt.
"Oh, Emmy, careful!" You grab a napkin and wipe her hand, pushing her ice cream out of her reach. She shrieks indignantly.
You dab at the ice cream on your chest.
"Edward, a little help?" You snap.
He grabs a napkin too, blotting a stain on your left breast. You blush and stiffen.
"I meant with Emma." You say quietly.
Eddie could kick himself. Of course you meant with Emma.
You continue dabbing at the stain while Eddie feeds her. How have we gone from "don't fucking touch me" to him practically groping me in less than week?
Eddie can't even look at you. He has no idea what's come over him. For some reason he wants to touch you. He likes feeling how warm and soft you are. He's just so confused as to why.
You all finish eating and Eddie pays. You insist on leaving the tip since he covered the tab. The waitress waves goodbye, remarking to a customer what an adorable family you three are as you leave.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
"Yeah, if you don't mind. I need to do some studying before the game." You look up at him. "You should come tonight. Bring Emma."
"I've got Hellfire."
"Oh, I see. Do you wanna meet up after, get some dinner?"
"Won't you be going to your boyfriend's big party?"
"How did you know about that?"
"His friends have been buying off me all week. Can't keep their traps shut about it."
"I didn't plan on going, honestly. And for the millionth time, he's not my boyfriend."
"Does he know that? He jumped to your rescue pretty quickly today. And I saw the way you stared daggers at Amy when she grabbed his arm."
"I was staring daggers because they were being rude to you."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, it is."
Eddie starts the van. "They're assholes, Y/N. I don't understand why you associate with them."
"I have to, for cheer."
"I don't understand that, either."
"My mom was a cheerleader, Eddie."
So I was hoping it could be something she and I bonded over. I was hoping she'd want to come to games and stuff to see me cheer.
"Just forget it. Of course you don't understand."
Eddie falls silent. You're right, he doesn't understand. Your mom was hardly ever around, same as his. Sure she wasn't an addict like Wendy, but she was neglectful like her.
Eddie pulls into your drive. You say goodbye to Emma and get out, muttering a goodbye to him as you shut the door.
Eddie watches as you sprint up the walk and into your house.
"Well, Emma, I think I made her mad again. I just can't win with that girl."
@aedicn @sidthedollface2 @saramelaniemoon @zahra10999 @natasha84 @harrys-tittie @urallidjits @booksarekindaneat @mxcheese @nightless @adaydreamaway08 @cloverjean @starrywhitenight @eli-lilies04 @eddiemunson95 @livasauras @cluz1babe @aunicornmademedoit @neewtmas @harrystylesandthegoobs @cancankiki
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
AITA for refusing to give up on my friend?
Hi! I (13M) have this really cool friend group. Or at least… I did. The other members were F (13F) and K (13M), and we were super super close. We met at our middle school.
But… we’re not normal middle schoolers. I was the first one to find out. I’m actually the reincarnation of a super cool super-powered alien (who was not actually an alien, but it’s more fun to describe it that way) who died 15 years ago.
I know I’m him, btw. I’m not just making it up. Dude was a super big public figure, and I have tons of his memories. My teacher (who was one of his students at one point) (30m) even agrees with me. He thinks I’m the real deal.
F is the reincarnation of someone, too. Specifically, someone I knew in my past life. In our past lives she was a normal, albeit REALLY NICE person who inspired me a lot… someone who I accidentally got killed. I was heartbroken when I remembered how she died and super stoked when F told me she was her. That’s not why we became friends, of course— F has always been my ride or die, but I was so, so happy my dear friend had been alongside me all this time.
But while on the topic of how F… died in our past lives, I should probably mention what my job was before I was an alien.
I was a serial killer. I called myself an assassin, but that’s giving myself too much credit, really. Ultimately, I was just a murderer— and an INFAMOUS one, too. I had a kill count in the thousands. I was an honest-to-god no good, selfish, terrible guy. It makes me feel sick to even think about.
I even had an apprentice in killing, and one I treated like garbage. I stole him away from his bad family and instead of showing him love only showed him more hatred. I treated that boy like trash.
The only reason I stopped being a serial killer is that he handed me over to authorities. And authorities… well, for reasons I still don’t really understand, they handed me over to this… guy. I’ll call him Y. Y was a no-good, rotten, nasty piece of work. Every bit as bad as I was… and that’s saying a lot! He instantly began to perform extremely painful human experiments on me, doing so with the excuse that no one would miss me.
But it wasn’t all bad. In Y’s custody is where I met F in our past lives. She was working for him. And he treated her like garbage, too. He’d hit her and call her names and make her feel so unsafe. She was miserable when she was around him.
I… tried my best to help, but there’s not a lot I could do from behind a glass screen. Still, I came to empathize with F, and it was actually becoming her friend that made me want to give up killing.
Eventually, I escaped Y’s lab, but at a terrible cost. I turned into a alien monster and went on a horrific rampage— killing tons of people. And even worse, F got killed, too. Like I said: it was an accident, a result of a trap that Y set up, but at the same time it really, REALLY felt like my fault. I hated myself. Both in that life and now when I learned about it.
Still, I lived an okay life after that. I ended up taking in some students that F originally cared for and nurtured them. And I treated them right, unlike I treated my original apprentice. Because of them and F, I learned to love. Eventually, I died, but only after sending Y into hospice and getting to say goodbye to my beloved kids.
I was content with that.
But... here I am now.
Originally, I didn't remember all of this. I just remembered being a cool superpowered guy. Learning how messed up all of it was really, REALLY scared me. I was glad when I learned that F was... well, F, so I could apologize to her, but that didn't fix everything. After all, there were still so many people I hurt. I felt like an awful person who didn't deserve to be alive. My friends and family tried to comfort me, but it was... really hard, for a time.
And even worse than that, soon after, K started drifting away from me.
I know I haven't talked about K much, so let me describe him a little. He's a real stand-up guy. A little cowardly... but he has a big heart. He was always-- and I mean ALWAYS there for me and F, even as we learned all the weird stuff about our past lives. He's funny and sweet and supportive. The kind of person I'd do anything for. I really, really loved him, and so did F.
So... things were stressful when he started to pull away. He stopped hanging out with us. Kept giving us the cold shoulder. I didn't understand why. I thought maybe it was because he was scared of me now, but that wasn't fair to F. I confronted him and told him that if I was a bad person then F shouldn't have to suffer for it. That he was really important to her, and he should keep being her friend, at least!
But that's when K told me something, and it was something I NEVER expected to hear.
...K was Y.
He told me he just remembered recently. That he really didn't know. He broke down in tears, telling me that that's why he pulled away. He remembered abusing the two of us and felt like he no longer deserved to our friend. It was well and truly heartbreaking to hear.
Because... here's the thing. I hate Y. Like really, REALLY hate Y, but K is nothing like him. K is one of the best people I know. He's never treated me like anything less than a superhero. He wouldn't hurt a fly.
I told him it was alright. I told him I didn't care. I told him that the past was the past and that Y was dead now and he was someone new. He was shocked, but I really, really believed it. And for the first time, in saying so, I actually felt alright about myself. I realized that if K wasn't responsible for his actions in a past life-- if he never asked to be born, then neither did I. I realized that if I didn't hate him, then maybe... I didn't have to hate myself.
I gave him a BIG hug and told him we could go back to being friends. I told him it didn't matter. And I thought everything would be alright.
But K... also wanted to tell F the truth.
I get why he did. He kept saying she deserved to know. But at the same time, F is a pretty... standoffish person. She's not like she used to be-- all kind and forgiving. It took me a very long time to befriend her. She gets angry easily and she makes a lot of snap judgements. I was so certain she'd get upset with K.
And F... really needed me and K, I think. She had a bad life. Her parents weren't at all nice to her and she had a lot of self esteem issues. K and I were the only friends she had. I knew that if she ditched K, then she wouldn't have anyone. No-one would be there to support her.
And I'd be asked to take sides. How could I possibly do something like that?
So I convinced K to hide it. I told him that he was a new person now and F didn't need to know. All telling her would do is break her heart. I didn't want to hurt her like that.
And so for a while, the secret remained between us.
But then something really bad happened to K's family. I won't go into details, 'cause I'm not sure it's my place, but it was something truly awful. He nearly lost a parent, and even worse... he was convinced it was his fault. He CERTAIN that the universe was punishing him in some way for being Y, or at the very least, for not telling F about it, and that if he didn't spill the beans then even worse stuff would happen.
...So he did. He told her.
And F reacted just like I thought she would. Angry and crying, she said she couldn't believe she ever trusted him. She accused him of just pretending to not know... and manipulating her so he could hurt her. She was pissed. She punched K in the face and told him she never wanted to see him again.
I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't hear me out. And when she learned I knew about this before she did... that I suggested hiding it from her, she got even more upset. She told me that I was taking her abuser's side over her-- someone that I'd been friends with for two lifetimes now, and that she never wanted to see me again, either. She called me a selfish jerk and ran off sobbing.
And... that's where things are at. Our little friend group's torn apart. I really want to fix things, but I don't even know where to start. Did I do the wrong thing? By taking K's side? By telling him to hide the truth? I just wanted to protect he and F... I really love them both. But now I'm being expected to choose, and I hate that.
Even K thinks I made the wrong call. That I shouldn't have told him to hide it and that F had every right to react how she did. But at the same time... I just feel so sick. I know he's better now. He's my friend. He has to be better. If he's not, then I'm not. I'm just a no-good killer. Why can't F just see that? Remember all the nice stuff K's done for her?
What do I do? How do I repair things? I feel like if I were still the guy I was in my past life then I'd know how to. But instead, I'm clueless. I feel lost and useless. I'm really, really sorry and afraid.
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dopesotherstuff · 9 months
Things you shouldn't teach bullied kids...religion edition
Apologies to Christian friends, but this has to be said:
"Turn the other cheek" is a rancidly bad piece of advice to give young kids who are being bullied or abused. It's right down there in the toilet of bad ideas next to "just ignore them". Especially since kids take such advice literally and will end up defenseless, confused and even more damaged as a result.
Remaining passive in the face of bullying guarantees that the bully will continue, will escalate, and will probably invite others to join the fun. And they will. Because here's a target who doesn't fight back--who thinks GOD HIMSELF doesn't want her to fight back--and bullies never, ever stop once they find a good target.
At least, until they face real consequences. The consequences could be being roasted, humiliating pranks, getting in trouble (if you can find an adult willing to step in), or just straight up getting a punch in the teeth, but whatever they are, they need to happen. Otherwise, the bully will just keep taking pleasure in an innocent kid's suffering.
[Below is a screed about the consequences of expecting kids to act like holy martyrs instead of protecting themselves, and some advice for young folks trying to reconcile religious pacifism with the need to protect themselves. It's not an easy read and wasn't an easy write, but I'm hoping it will help someone.]
Meanwhile, the bullied kid, who just wants to do the right thing and please God, ends up traumatized, beaten down and wondering why God wants her to be so miserable. If she cries, prays, quotes the Bible, or explains her principles while being bullied, she will be bullied even harder. (Do you really believe that those little playground sociopaths care what God thinks?) And by the time they're done with her, she'll be going through religious trauma to go with the emotional and physical stuff, because the advice to endure and pray just made things worse.
After all, God's not going to step in and help or even comfort her. God is not going to grant her unshakeable confidence and strength to shrug off her suffering. God is not going to warn the bully or make them feel bad. God is not going to prick the consciences of lazy, uninvolved teachers, parents, and administrators to make them get off their asses and help.
God is not going to help. That's what other humans are supposed to do. But in a typical bullying situation, anyone with the power to help has already decided not to. Adults will even hobble her further with the warning that they will punish her for fighting back. She will be left on her own, told she's not supposed to defend herself, with no idea what to do or how to make the abuse stop.
That is exactly what "turn the other cheek" sets bullied and abused kids up for. Wrongheaded religious pacifists may even try to say that the child's suffering is somehow normal or even beneficial. Which is, and I really mean this, an incredibly shitty thing to do to a child.
Now I know some zealots think that suffering is Godly for everyone regardless of age, and we should all be prepared to make sacrifices to keep our covenants, et cetera. But the reality is that encouraging children to passively accept bullying and abuse, or respond to it with piety and kindness, is going to destroy their childhoods. And that is way too much of a sacrifice to expect from someone who is young, vulnerable and likely to be scarred for life by the experience.
Kids are not meant to be martyrs. They are not supposed to spend their childhoods going through constant, agonizing, permanently damaging tests of faith. They are too little to even begin to cope with that, and any adult who thinks that kind of ordeal is good for them or just what they should expect as a good Christian shouldn't be allowed around kids.
Discouraging kids from standing up for themselves aids and abets their bullies and pretty much guarantees you'll end up with an anxious, depressed child with low self-esteem and stunted social skills. If they're also very Christian, the experience won't just damage their minds, hearts, self-image, and trust in others. It will also damage their faith.
Do you really think that's right and good? Do you really think that's what God wants?
Don't ever, ever tell bullied kids to turn the other cheek. Get off your ass, put your love into action, and give them real help with the situation. Get involved, help them learn to stand up for themselves, and while you're at it, have a little chat with the "responsible" adults who just stand by with their thumbs up their butts and let this all go on.
If you hide behind "turn the other cheek" instead of actually helping a vulnerable child, in the end, you won't get a wise and resilient kid who is strong in her faith, forgives everyone who hurt or failed her, and believes that her suffering was somehow worth it.
You will get a traumatized kid who very likely has both her faith and her self-esteem in tatters. And all because you gave her a Bible quote and left her to fend for herself instead of actually helping.
Is putting a child through this what you want? No? Then...
...stop failing kids by using a misguided application of a Bible quote to convince them that God doesn't want them to defend themselves!
Whether they are facing childhood bullies, an abusive parent, a lascivious priest, a would-be child trafficker, or a violent "friend", kids need to know that it is okay to stand up for themselves, protect themselves, and defend their own boundaries. Telling them to "turn the other cheek" instead is child abuse, because it sets them up for years of completely unnecessary suffering.
Yeah, I know Jesus said it. But would Jesus say it to a little kid who is suffering with no help? Would Jesus tell that child that it's not okay to protect herself? Do you really believe that? Because I can't. I seriously doubt Jesus was out to recruit ten-year-old schoolyard martyrs.
No real, loving God could possibly want that done to a kid. And no loving, Godly person would give advice that makes things easier for people who victimize kids, by discouraging kids from resisting.
And if making kids more vulnerable to abuse is their actual plan...it ain't God they're working for.
Oh, and if you're young and can relate to this story:
Don't turn the other cheek when someone is victimizing you. Please. It will very likely make things worse.
Stand up for yourself. Do what you have to to keep yourself safe. Be clever, be tough, be sneaky, and be your own best friend, because you do not deserve to suffer.
You absolutely deserve to be happy and safe--yes, even if you're not a perfect person. And even if you have no friends, and none of the adults around care, and you have preachy idiots in your ear telling you to just endure it, you must remember that you deserve defending. Even if you have to do it yourself.
Don't just leave your protection in God's hands. Any adult who tells you to do this when people are hurting you is either deluding themself, or just making a stupid excuse not to give you real help.
Stand up for yourself, whether you're telling that creep on Facebook's mother about what he just sent you, laying a chili-pepper trap for that pig who always steals your lunch, or making your bully cry. Save "turn the other cheek" for conflicts with those who have a working moral compass, not abusers. You can forgive your bully and feel remorse for being a little mean after you have made sure that he never tries to pull his crap again.
It's far better to just be imperfect, and sort things out with God later, than to try to be perfect in horrible circumstances and end up broken, traumatized and struggling with your faith. Especially when you're just a kid.
Oh, and do yourself a favor. If someone is preaching extreme religious pacifism at you after hearing of your situation, they may mean well. But if all they do is preach and lay expectations on you and not help, you may well have to disappoint them. Unless they're actually stepping in to help you resolve the situation without having to retaliate and it works, your priority should be stopping the abuse as safely as possible by whatever means are at your disposal. Not satisfying a sanctimonious, uninvolved person's idea of what God wants.
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loominggaia · 2 months
Anonymous asked: Worst dad poll: At least Darshan meant well. Like yeah he's kind of an idiot but he was just trying to give his family a better life. Same could be said for Sebastian and Ojio. Ekwame was just old and lazy. Can't really blame him for marrying a teenager if that's normal in his culture. No excuses for Foster and Vingvar though their genuinely bad fathers. I voted for Vingvar because at least Foster put food on the table and didn't cheat on his wife AFAIK. /my two cents
randomhedgehog asked: In regards to the Worst Dad Poll, I feel like Foster or Ekwame is the only real option. Sebastion and Ojio both loved/love their families alot. Knowing Sebastions background, I'm willing to give him a pass on the Hoarding. Likewise, Ohio gets a pass on the Workaholicism since he was literally raised in Workaholic City where if he wasn't, he and his family would be in deep trouble. And! He's unlearning the Trans/Homophobia that's been shoved in his ear since his conception! He definitely scores points for that! Vingevar is literally just, there ig? His wrongdoings seem pretty average compared to Foster and Ekwame. Darshaan was trying to give Isaac the life he never got! Growing up a Child Soldier probably doesn't make you a cautious adult, either. Foster is a product of his environment, but that still doesn't excuse how he treated Evan, Abigail and Sofia! Not to mention he literally owned slaves. If someone thinks of a redeeming quality that he has, I'm waiting to hear it. Ekwame literally married a teenager. And impregnated said Teenager. I know we all hate Moswen, but I feel so bad for her thinking of what happened. Speaking of Moswen- Ekwame didn't even notice she was abusing Lukas and Jelani!!!! And If he did, then that's even worse!
Anonymous asked: I think Ojio is a good dad actually! At least he was in that one story (can't remember the title rn sorry)
These are all such great and thoughtful points to consider! I'm seeing good arguments on all sides!
In regards to Ekwame, @randomhedgehog raised an interesting question: did he even know about Moswen abusing his kids? The narrative says he barely acknowledged his sons' existence, and Moswen was very good at hiding her abuse. Still, he would have to be pretty damn dense (or perhaps senile) not to notice how scared they acted around their own mother, not to mention all the injuries they must have had. Moswen insults his intelligence a lot, so I think it's likely that he genuinely didn't realize what she was doing to them. However, even if he did know, something tells me he wouldn't care that much anyway. He would view it as good old fashioned corporal punishment and nothing more.
Anon also brought up a great point about the morality of marrying a teenager when he was raised in a culture that sees no harm in that. I think if Ekwame was a smarter, more empathetic man, he would be able to see how miserable Moswen was and refuse to marry her. But we get the impression that he doesn't think very hard about anything, and doesn't really view women and children as fully-realized people. This guy's misogynistic culture was really working against him, but I think half of the problem is just his own mental laziness.
He's not exactly malicious, he's just...kind of a dumb, privileged guy who bumbles through life and doesn't care about much beyond his own comfort. For this reason, I personally side with @randomhedgehog on this. I think he a bad father, a bad husband, and a pretty crummy person in general. Not because he's mean per se, but because he's so damn selfish and apathetic. Although not as overt as Moswen's abuse, his neglect still had a profound negative effect on his family.
Now, Foster...Anon brought up a good point about him staying faithful to his wife and consistently putting food on the table. That's true! He may have been a raging jerk, but to his credit, he worked hard and he never let his family go without. Evan actually brings this up in one story. He had enough sense not to physically harm his wife or kids, even at his drunkest, so the guy must have had some kind of love for them. He even has a few heartfelt moments with Evan in "Monster by Moonlight" after Evan's health improved. So, he's not totally incapable of warmth.
Foster strikes me as a guy who was totally sabotaged by his upbringing. If his own parents weren't so dysfunctional, I feel like he'd actually be a pretty good dad. Unfortunately his family tree was riddled with problems like alcoholism, incest, and poverty among other things, and this really worked against Foster. He was not strong enough to overcome his demons, and he didn't really have access to therapy or anything to help him out. All he had to turn to was a shitty, bigoted religion that just reinforced his bad behaviors. He never stood a chance.
I'm not saying I give Foster a pass for his abuse--because I don't. He clearly knew the difference between right and wrong, and he chose to do wrong by his family. I'm just saying that between him and Ekwame, I think I would choose Ekwame as the worse father. Ekwame wasn't mean to his kids like Foster was, but only because he didn't care enough to spend even a shred of emotional energy on them. Foster was mean because he cared, he just had no idea how to express things like fear or anger properly, so it came out as verbal abuse.
As for Vingevar, yes, it was awful of him to cheat on his pregnant wife and abandon his family for some side chick. Imagine how his kids must have felt when he disappeared! On the other hand, there are two sides of every story, and Vingevar hasn't appeared in person to tell his side yet. We know how aggressive Oggsa is, and there may be a whole other facet to this situation we don't yet know about. For this reason, I will hold my judgment on Vingevar until more is revealed.
I do agree that Darshaan, Ojio, and Sebastian all meant well and did the best they could with what they had. Maybe they weren't perfect, maybe they made some mistakes, but I don't believe for a second that these men meant their kids harm at any point. I think their worst crimes were just being misguided or not thinking things through very well.
I love to hear all these takes, it really gets me thinking!
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios Adventures
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“The house is a bit...much, don’t you think? It doesn’t fit in Arkhelios at all. There’s too much stuff.”
Wanda Bellamy stared at the house and tried to see her husband’s point. No matter what Hunter said, Wanda knew that this was the house for them. She’d spent a small fortune getting it built and no one was going to tell her that it had all been in vain. The house itself was a replica of a rich titan of industry’s lavish house and that was exactly what the ruler of Arkhelios deserved.
No, not the ruler of Arkhelios, the leader of Arkhelios. The leader who is trying to find someone to run against her. There hasn’t been an election because there is no demand for one, not because I’m trying to hold on to power.
“You can try to fix it up to meet your standards, dear,” she promised. “I want this to be a home we all feel comfortable in.”
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Wanda watched as her son Morcant studied the tall white building.
“It has a pool inside,” she said to her son. “You can go swimming whenever you want now. Maybe we could even get a dog since the backyard is much bigger than where we used to live.”
Morcant smiled shyly at his mother and she gave a quick peck on the head.
“Come on, let’s go exploring,” she encouraged. Hunter didn’t reply, but stomped sullenly towards the house all the same.
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“See? Isn’t this better than anything else in Arkhelios?” Wanda asked, daring her family to disagree with the glamour she saw around her. “Real, expensive wood. Tapestries that have to be at least eighty years old. There’s a history here and we get to start our own story here.”
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“It looks like something my father would buy,” Hunter complained. “We’re not royalty, Wanda. We’re not Pleasantview. Even that fancy crypt you bought our family sticks out in Arkhelios. What was wrong with the home we had?”
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“That’s what I said.”
Hunter looked for the origin of the frustrated statement. Behind him was Evren Thorne, looking absolutely miserable and a woman Hunter was truly starting to hate.
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“Winter! You made it on time! I couldn’t possibly have ordered the curtains for the kitchen without your help,” Wanda gushed, embracing the elder witch.
Winter Walsh was the worst thing to happen to Hunter’s marriage since their fight about Kamalani’s poor parenting. Winter was from nobility; her younger brother had been king of Twikkii Island centuries ago and her mother had once been queen of Crystal Cove. She’d lost those members of her family to time and age, but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make to pursue her magical skills. Wanda had heard hushed stories about the Strangetown coven’s former leader who had also lived for several centuries. You had to be a witch of extraordinary power to cheat death.
Since promising to help Wanda, Winter had taken their branch of the Bellamy family by storm. Wanda and Winter discussed magic and coven guidelines, membership requirements and official Arkhelios government policy day and night. If Wanda had a free moment, Winter was probably there to snatch it from Hunter. He had hoped to have several kids by now, but Wanda was simply too busy to make any more.  He and Morcant spent most of their time by themselves, watching Wanda dart in and out of their lives for various meetings.
There were days that Hunter wished that Winter would finally drop dead of old age and give him his wife back. Then there other days where he was honest with himself and he admitted that Winter wasn’t the problem. If she weren’t in Wanda’s life, it would just be something else taking up his wife’s time. Both she and Melvin worked themselves to the bone in defiance of their lazy mother.
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“This house is far too large and it doesn’t match the style of the neighbouring lots,” Evren stated, though he knew no one would listen to him. He’d raised concerns through the entire process of building both Wanda’s new home and the new Arkhelios coven’s meeting space, but no one seemed to be listening to him. He was only an architect after all, who went to school to learn his trade. No, it was the 200 year old former princess who was right since she was footing a large portion of the bill. Wanda’s tastes were similarly suspect and Evren had to wonder just how the woman had been raised to select some of the tackiest fabrics he’d ever seen. Roman had said that Wanda grew up poor and unsophisticated, but Evren had never seen a woman so bafflingly terrible at designing a home in all his career. Adrian had had to pour him several stiff drinks whenever he had come home from a Wanda/Winter planning session.
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“I’m so glad you made it,” Wanda gushed, hugging her friend. “Let me show you the home office. Our current coven agenda is set up there, I just need to get your signature on a few things. Evren, you can carry on the inspection on your own, right? We’ll be right back.”
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“Don’t hurry back,” Evren mumbled under his breath, making notes on some of his files before the witches returned.
12 notes · View notes
Best Friends Till the End - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Childhood Friend!Reader - Part 6
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Word Count + 6 K
Warnings: Pretty much the same warnings of the previous chapter. 
Summary: Too many findings for one day leave you confused and emotionally exhausted, but when the night approaches you come to Andy with an offer he can't reject.
Notes: Sorry for taking so long with the upload, I had a bit of a writer’s block derived on how much i wanted to write this part. I got too perfectionist during the writing process and that delayed me a lot. 
Tags: @losersclubisms​ 
“CHUCKY HAS A WIFE?” You wondered out loud, in horror. “ HOW?” 
Andy hated to drop that specific piece of information to you like that, especially after the very personal conversation you had. It happened only because you were resting back at your home and he wanted to make a flattering joke about your acting when circumstances forced you to pretend to be his wife, only that he forgot that for it to work you had to know about Tiffany. 
“ Shit… Sorry… I didn’t mean to… I mean, so many years have passed and there are certain things I normally don’t have to over explain. Mostly because I don’t talk about this with anybody. I… just… forgot you haven’t been around.” He apologized, some of the cute nervously returning because he was afraid of screwing things up. “ It’s complicated, but yes. Believe it or not, he is married.” 
“ So…, Strawberry Shortcake or Raggedy Ann? Which brand is she?” 
He had no idea of where to start, but at least your jokes managed to keep him motivated. 
“ That is the blurry part. As far as I know she was a woman, his old partner in crime back when he was the boogeyman on the news…” 
“ … The Lake Man. “ You cutted him off to correct.`` I created my own childish mythology around him and I beg you to respect it. In the field of initial education we have created a term, those are called children theories and are really important. He was not the boogeyman, but maybe he could have been friends with the boogeyman.`` 
“ Fine, whatever. The point is that the Lake Man had a Lake Lady that we were unaware of.” Andy recalled, returning to the original track of the conversation. “ She was human, then he killed her so she got inside a doll, then woman back again. Her name is Tiffany Valentine and she is the bitch that keeps bringing him back no matter how many times he gets killed.” 
The much needed explanation frustrated you. Not because of its content, but in the implications. 
“ Crazy, isn’t it? That asshole gets to have someone by his side at the end of the day. He is married to this woman that drags him out of the mud while we are too broken to keep a relationship.” You commented, trying not to sound exactly as bitter and disappointed as you were feeling. “ When I think about Chucky and I do it as an adult, not as the little girl I was, there is only one thing I found that somehow brings me comfort. I wonder how miserable life must be in that doll body. “
What you had to say wasn’t easy to admit, but it was your truth. 
“Before you came back to tell me about how he supposedly embraced that form, I would twirl my mind around the desperation he had when he was willing to take you in order to escape. Consider that plan seriously: the dysphoria regarding age would have driven him even more insane, he would have been a man trapped in the body of a kid. Think of Claudia from ‘Interview with the Vampire’, that would have been his fate for a good chunk of years… and he killed trying to get that. Why? He wanted to be human, I get it. But what truly means to be human?“ 
He was silent, attentive to your quasi philosophical spite ramble. 
“ Humanity is social and the doll is like being a ghost with extra steps, nobody really sees you. I convinced myself with this idea of a lonely Chucky who's already broken mind gets progressively damaged by the extreme isolation in his form of life. A Chucky that can’t really talk to anyone over the age of ten, a Chucky that cloned himself into multiple dolls so he could get some freaking adult company. I want to think he didn’t embrace the doll, but resigned to his curse. He is the only one in his species, a sort of Gollum or Bigfoot… A Frankenstein monster, and I was enjoying imagining that was his punishment for what he did to us… Turns out he isn’t alone and he isn’t paying shit.” 
The theory was fascinating, Andy felt sorry for ruining it for you because it was deeply disturbing at a psychological level. A creative punishment that he didn’t consider before due to the lack of introspection on his own acquired isolation. Chucky ending up alone just like him, made a loner through his own lifestyle after he ruined his chances for a normal social life. 
It was too good, he himself wished he could get convinced of it. For so, he focused on bringing in points to keep it standing despite some refutative facts. 
“ I told you he is married, never said he is happy. You already know the act is not an automatic recipe for domestic bliss.” 
“ Don’t sugarcoat it for me.” You complained right away. “ You can’t throw a ‘ he seems to be doing better than us but in fact he is miserable’ card now. I’m not buying it.” 
“ What if I tell you that his wife is trapped in your worst nightmare?” He pointed out, knowing that part would make you feel vindicated. “ I sincerely think Chucky doesn’t love her, they are together because he needs her. Tiffany is more a minion than a wife: he keeps her for convenience either for his evil plans or simply to have someone around. She may be aware of that or not, but that woman is giving a lot for a man who doesn’t give a shit about her. Every once in a while he gets tired of her and things get really ugly.“ 
Despite the affirmation getting a shy half smile from you, it didn’t end your skepticism. There was no possible situation you could imagine happening where Andy could have veridically got so much information about the marital life of Chucky. How many hours of talking would that require? No fight could have lasted so much, not with his characteristic quickness of movements. 
Chucky liked to talk with his hostages, you did remember that. He talked a lot with you, he even told you that story about the woman he hurted the same way he intended to hurt your mother. You couldn’t know for sure that was true, but he was damn serious about it and you believed him. He clearly had no issues about telling disturbingly intimate things to the poor fools he would capture. 
“ You sound like some trusting co-worker of many years used to hear him bitch about his wife all day.” 
He had no confessable explanation for that, so he seeked to conclude by bringing the chat back to the joke that started it all. 
“ My point stands: our fake marriage is better than theirs.” 
“ Your sister may say you are bad at acting, but there is at least one role that you have always played perfectly since we were kids. “ Was your sweet comeback. “ I got a bit jealous of my character, you know? What a lucky girl, she is married to a handsome guy who adores her. The bad part is that she was pregnant and that made me feel sick, but the rest was dreamy.” 
The praise felt a bit too deep, as intense as it was from your part. Even if you were just teasing him as a mock, Andy loved it. 
“ Pregnancy aside, i hope you where comfortable playing pretend with me.” 
You weren’t hiding anymore, at least not from intentionality. 
“ I enjoyed playing her, that man she got is the whole package. If he was single, I would date him in a heartbeat but I wouldn't get in between because I am not a homewrecker… What a wonderful guy, I wonder where can I get one like him.” 
“ Well, he has learned his lesson after ignoring her for his friend on his birthday.” 
The flirting began to be obvious enough for him to start thinking he could have a chance with you, but he was just too neurotic to enjoy of that without worrying for the many times in which he had fucked things up with other women. He didn’t want to ruin whatever he seemed to be doing good with you, his brain freezing while seeing you staring at him post reaction to the joke wondering if that was a good moment to confess.
Unfortunately, he waited too long and the arrival of his sister interrupted the moment.
“ Tell her about Jennifer Tilly. People tend to trust celebrities so she has to be aware.” 
That part was the weirdest and it surely got the less composed reaction from you. Contrary to your exhaustive elaboration on your wishes for Chucky’s suffering, you were unapologetically dumb to the bizzarre tale. Apparently, his wife was living the fabulous life of an actress she possessed, which ruined the point Andy had regarding her struggles that were supposed to make you feel some sense of justice. 
Your mother got married to a man who never loved her and their marriage was a source of suffering for you while growing up, but you didn’t have millions of dollars as comfort. However, you felt terrible about the poor woman who was being her victim,which also brought to your mind a perhaps weird question to make. 
“ Andy, look at me and swear it on your mother… No! Better you both swear on Andy’s mother that you will tell me the truth.” 
You sounded so serious that no one would have dared to do otherwise. Kyle put a hand on her chest and encouraged her brother to do the same. 
“ Fine,we do it. We swear on Andy’s mother that we will not lie or hide shit to you.”
You stared deathly into their eyes, as if you were evaluating the promise in seek of authenticity proving, then proceed to vent your doubt.
“ Has anyone, I repeat, ANYONE… played a Freaky Friday on Jamie Lee?”  
The siblings stared at each other, unable to believe that was the issue that they had to deal with from your part. You were just worried about the Halloween actress because you were a fan. 
“ Don’t worry, she is fine.” Andy answered first. “ As far as we know, Miss Tilly is the only famous person being unwillingly dragged into the mess.” 
“ Oww, sweetheart! Is Jamie that important to you? ” Kyle followed. “ I know you like Halloween, but that was pretty drastic. You freaked us out.” 
“ Daphne from Scooby Doo and Jaimie Lee’s Laurie Strode were my role models when growing up, so forgive me for caring a bit too much. “ You attempted to explain, making your audience fear for another ramble. “ Do you know how hard I cried the first time I watched Halloween as a little girl and I saw a grown up girl hiding in a closet that looked just like the one Andy made me hide in? And when the killer got to her and she had to fight? I grew up to that, processing my feelings through her, then she made her comeback a decade later and I saw her behead him. Kyle, I felt peace watching that! Ever since then I know that I want to chop off Chucky’s head. Only that way will I feel strong again.” 
It may be linked to some cathartic moment you got from a movie experience, but your expressed wish of decapitating Chucky was a bit familiar. Kyle directed a complicit but mockfull glance towards her brother and he knew he was going to get teased to no end about that. 
" You forgot you can't behead Chucky, not at least if you want him dead" Andy told you, patiently explaining back that random fact. " That hasn't changed, the body can still move headless and the head can survive bodiless." 
" Forget logic: It was a revenge fantasy. I had control and he would never see me as his weak scared pawn anymore." You defended yourself, then stopped for an instant as a powerful idea was crossing your mind. " What if we could save Miss Tilly? She may not be Jamie Lee, but she deserves better than to be a vessel for Chucky's wife. Besides, she was really funny as the ex wife in ' Liar, Liar'. Was that her acting or was Tiffany playing herself?" 
Andy threw a way too loud chuckle. 
" Save that somewhere, get it written if you need to. it's good enough to distract Chucky, it may save your life someday if you use it to make him lose time talking of her." 
" We don't know any way of saving a person in Jennifer's situation. '' Kyle added back into the core of the point. " Nothing that isn't a mercy kill. All we do is destroy dolls, if the possessed is a person we run out of options."  
"I have proved to you that researching occultism is useful. What if we try it? I have no idea of where to start, but I remember little pieces of exorcism anecdotes my psychic friend told me. Maybe we can start from that." 
" Ríght now I just want you to rest. " Andy replicated. " You had a hard day and I made it worse. " 
" I like when you tell me things, I want to know. You don't have to cover my eyes on the scary parts anymore." 
" Duty of playdate fake husband, I have to take care of you and I actually like to do it. We can deal with that later but you need at least one good night of sleep. I know resting when you know he is out there is hard, but you have to." 
" Trust the expert: Andy is the champion of never sleeping, then collapsing for twelve hours straight. " His sister added, acting properly like the eldest and watcher of his bad habits. " Cut those micro dates you are having while I go to sleep for one night and rest for real, both of you. Tomorrow you can go back to being all over each other." 
" Excuse me? You reacted to the callout even while you knew she was aware of your feelings for Andy. " We are recovering some of the lost time, Chucky ruined our last sleepover." 
" Sure you are. Do you think I haven't heard you sing the Scooby Doo song in the middle of the night? How many cartoons did you watch last night?" 
You stared at each other like mischievous children being nagged. 
" Thanks, Kyle. " Andy replicated. " We will sleep tonight, I promise." 
" And to prove we are being serious, I'm taking the little sleep demon with me so he will stop bothering Andy. " You concluded, then began to search for your cat across the room. " Freddy, it's sleep time!! Leave the friend be for tonight, honey." 
One simple thing Andy had learned about homes with cats through living with you was that inside doors were never closed. Those animals liked to wander around the house in the middle of the night while the owners were asleep and would complain over anything blocking them access to spaces. Whenever you would close the door of your room for privacy reasons, your cat would rush to sit in front of it and patiently wait for it to be opened. If it would take a while for you to do so and he would grow impatient he would even start meowing to try tricking someone else into opening it for him. For so, you acquired the habit of sleeping with your bedroom's door open, which made Andy feel nervous just thinking about that.
At first he couldn't understand how you were able to sleep with a tiny creature moving around your house. The silent steps of your cat following his nocturnal habits, movement only felt through the external noises of things he would stumble with or throw, reminded him of the movements of Chucky in activation mood. Only after a good while of observing your cat and engaging in his world Andy began to understand why that adorable little guy was a great pet for you. 
Freddy was aware of even the most imperceptible changes going on in the house. If anything was moved, he would investigate it to later make it be noticed by the nearest human around. Even the smallest thing out of place would get his attention, making him a living detector for Chucky's home invasion techniques. You didn't get a cat for that purpose, but Andy was glad for your little alarm and happy to be liked by it. However, he was a bit jealous when you told him the story of his arrival. 
That cat was an improvised gift of your last boyfriend, then ex boyfriend, from around the time you started dating.That blond guy in your phone pictures was a firefighter who rescued it , then you adopted the orphan kitty. Despite the many times in which you let him know he was a hero in your eyes, Andy knew he would never be one valued by the community and his duty would never make him bring you any cute things from it. 
It wasn't like he would be able to steal for you an orphan child rescued from Chucky. The foster system sucked, but humans were forced to go through that unlike kitties.
The night wasn't advancing as wished because the couch was starting to feel uncomfortable over the accumulation of sleeping rounds passed on it. Andy still wouldn't dare to complain, he preferred to get back pain as long as he wouldn't have to leave you. Knowing that you were close and he was able to reach you if something would go wrong was tranquilizing, but what he truly loved was simply to be with you. 
Just as he was about to knock himself out ignoring the uncomfortable position a subtle noise awakened him. He was inclined to guess it was once more your cat wandering around, but a soft whisper of your voice made him open his eyes immediately. 
" Andy, Andy? Are you up?" You called for him and smiled when his glance answered for him. " Sorry, I don't wanna .." 
"... It's alright. " He cutted off your excuse with a sleepy voice. " Is something wrong?" 
" ... You know, I was thinking... I am not having a good night and you must be tired of sleeping here...What if you stay in my bed? I have plenty of space for you." You tried to hopelessly make sense of a need that you felt shameful over." We used to do it all the time, so it will not be weird... Ríght?  And Chucky owes us one for the sleepover he ruined.``
You made a brief pause before the conclusion, afraid of what you were about to say. 
" Please, come with me. I don't wanna be alone.." 
The last time you were that close you were little children and you were the one climbing to his bed. He remembered it well, it was the night you experienced the firsts of Chucky's lies. Andy found no reason then to decline the sweet request. After all, it came from the spirit of your childhood friendship. 
Except that you weren't kids anymore and he had feelings for you. 
It had been so long since the last time he got that close with someone and you were old friends who haven't bed shared since childhood. Time passed, feelings had changed: he was so into you and that was eating him up.
Your cute face, that pastel purple nightgown you were wearing in such romantical style and your tendency to constantly seek for his touch were a bad combination if the objective was calming the infatuation. You were so affectionate to him and his love starvation made it hard to concentrate on anything else whenever you would give him a little extra of lovely attention. 
Every touch, for as simple as it was, felt too much,but he couldn't get himself to make you stop. Only once in the entire night he attempted it, when you climbed to the bed after him and gave him a sort of hug that qualified as torture for a lonely man. 
He was there just sitting at the edge of the bed and you came from behind. He felt knees straddling the sides of his body, arms sneaking around him and the soft pressure of your torso against his back. 
" Do you touch me all the time to make sure I am real?"
You chuckled very lightly and pressed a kiss on his cheek popping your head from behind. 
" Would you just let me love you? You always say you want to take care of me, but forget that goes both ways. You want to keep me safe, I want to keep you happy." 
To emphasize your point you took the reasoning one step further. 
"You still mean the world to me, is not just a thing from when we were kids. I know it sounds crazy, but that strong connection we had, how we used to understand each other... I have realized that I still feel it. " 
You delivered the conclusion while resting your head on his chin. 
" Do you feel it too?" 
What he truly wanted to do was confessing he was falling madly in love with you. 
" It feels different, but still the same." Was his hint of a clue. Speaking on riddles was easier than coming to terms with the truth. " I am a happy child when I am with you, but an even happier man."
He felt one of your hands moving up to his chest in what was one of the most intimate acts a woman has had with him. 
" I can feel your heart beating from here... Do you wanna feel mine?"
The beatings were rising like crazy and that time you didn't ignore it. Laying on the bed together, you offered him your body as a heat pillow to hold on for sleepy cuddling and couldn't resist. 
Andy was acting way shier than before and that was understandable. The kid who used to give you bedtime forehead kisses was a man shying away from feeling your heart because he wouldn't want you to think he was getting too touchy. Timid caresses traveling from your hips to your waist while curling around you were the maximum of self initiated touching he allowed himself.  
" ... Do you remember when we used to sleep like this? I can't believe it still feels so ríght. Your face will be the first thing I will see when I wake up, no more monsters. " 
It was a very similar position to one you used to adopt back in a time when sharing a bed meant nothing. Facing each other while sharing the same pillow, giving each other smiles and a mutual childishly cute ' i love you' before closing your eyes because you were the best friends in your little world. 
His kid self would kiss you goodnight so easily, just as he would have kissed his mom or babysitter. Kissing was one of his primary forms of physical affection, proven by how often he used to kiss Chucky's cheek as a naive little boy. 
The Andy from his present had no idea of what to do when having you so close, fearing that his goodnight kiss could only land on your lips and dying for so. He simply couldn't keep his mind straight with your body pressed into him like that, even tho he knew it was the same thing you used to do all the time. 
" It's sad to think I once got a woman killed just to have this..." He heard you comment and got out of the trance. “ All because of some shit on the news.” 
He would never let it go, but it was a good moment to make a bit of peace with his inner child. 
" Maggie's death is not our fault, Chucky manipulated us both. He used your fears against you and made us believe he wanted to be released to look after us for the night." 
" No, Andy. I didn't get him out of your bed because he told me. I did it because I was scared and I wanted you to protect me, not him." 
A truth kept for many years, you simply couldn't tell him that when you were children. 
" It has always been you the one I seeked for affection and protection; I never asked it from Chucky. He used to scare me, even since that night. I only dissimulated when I had to because if you would have known I didn't want to play with him you would have stopped being my friend."
The naive adoration implied fitted with his memories of the little girl you used to be. 
" You suspected there was something wrong but stayed ... just for me?" 
" And I would do it again if I had to. I follow you like a minion. "
He knew exactly from where you came up with that and regretted telling you. 
" God, please... Don't! Tiffany is a cold hearted bitch, don't even joke with being like her."
" I have better taste, the boy i played to marry many years ago still cares for me. " You joked in return before making a serious question " ... Andy, did you wonder what I was like over the years? Did you want to see me again someday?" 
" Sure I did, but I was scared of what, or better said who, I could be bringing with me. I guessed you were fine without me and it was better to keep things that way. " He admitted, the avoidance of your eyes whenever he would feel nervous fading in the act.  
 He was going very serious and wanted to highlight that to you.  
" Whenever in adult life I would remember you, I used to imagine you must have become the wife of someone else. In my mind you had the full happy normal life deal: big house, kids, a dog. I thought your imaginary children didn't deserve to get their dog killed by the evil doll following that dude who used to play with their mother when she was very little."
" Had you ever watch ' Supernatural'? It's básically like Scooby Doo for grown ups and all the monsters are real. I followed one season and had to drop it because it would make me think too much of you. " You playfully confessed. " That's how i used to imagine you and for most i thought it was really crazy on my part..  Kind of unrealistic, just because you fought Chucky as a kid that didn't have to be your entire life even if we know paranormal evil exists." 
The fight did become his entire life, always against the same enemy and continuing for decades. You had no way of knowing that, but perhaps there was a sparkle of that sad perseverance already on him when he was a kid and you figured out he was never going to get over it. 
“ I have never found myself, not in the way you mean. The truth is that Chucky has become the topic my life revolves around.” 
“ It’s alright, you don’t have to be ashamed of that with me. We are … a militar? I think that’s what you are… “ You comforted him, making him laugh a bit to the reminder of how you truly had no idea of what he was doing with his life. “ Let’s say a militar with a hunting hobby and a kindergarten teacher who spends her weekends doing craft work for the class. Besides my job and my sister, my life is still pretty empty. That’s all I have, not much but it is what keeps me going.” 
He made a nodding sound, feeling some of the burden a tiny bit less heavy for the moment thanks to your understandment. 
“ Since it’s confession time and if you don’t mind, there is something I need to get off my chest.” You continued, attempting to finally explain yourself further from your shameful behavior on the house walkthrough with the estate agent. “ When I was alone with him during the kidnap Chucky described to me how he butchered a mother and her unborn child. That’s what I never got over, what I kept to myself and I couldn’t tell you.” 
You weren’t sure of how, but you did your best to continue. 
“ It wasn’t just a threat, Andy. He didn’t say that only because it was an easy way to scare me … When he was telling me he was… he was enjoying himself, like if he was remembering something he loved to do. He did it before, I am convinced of that. Perhaps he would have attacked my family regardless of my abeyance to him.”  
The heaviest part of your explanation was about to come and you wanted to let it flow. It was your intuitive attempt to make some things about you make sense.
" After you left I waited Chucky for years and nothing happened, but i never forgot and my concern was manifested in different ways. The first signs of the phobia appeared when I got my first period. My mom told me that my body was getting ready for when i would be a mother and then it hitted me... I suddenly felt like I knew what Chucky was doing. " 
He didn't interrupt you, but you stopped an instant so you could put your thoughts in order. 
" The memories, the blood coming out of me and the first cramps and the motherhood talk... We didn't let him get to my mom and sister on time, so it occurred to me that he was waiting for me to grow up and become a mom. Then he could kill me with the child, just as he promised that time. I know it was insane, a normal thing to expect was guessing he could be dead for real, or he could have forgotten me. "  
" Chucky never forgets a victim, even less a survivor... And he certainly never dies for real. " Andy pointed out, supporting you from his experience. " You did ríght in imagining something like that, it totally sounds like him. Even if it damaged you and turned out to be a wrong idea, it showed you kept yourself alert. Figuring out the next step of the planning isn't easy when it comes to Chucky, You did your best and I am so proud of you." 
He gave you a forehead kiss, remembrance of your old nocturnal habits. Your answer was settled in the present: caressing his face from his chin up to his cheek tracing the path delicately with the back of your fingers
" At least now I understand why he didn't come back for me earlier." 
He watched you with a wondering expression, almost amused. 
" Really? Why?" 
" On the second time he knew where I lived, but you also did. If Chucky would have returned you would have found the way back and that wasn't convenient for him because he wanted you lonely." 
Some skeptical chuckling came from him to that articulated theory. 
" He has bothered other people, (y/n). The world doesn't revolve around me. " 
" We were the meddling kids and he made me be the Daphne to your Fred that first time. " You defended your point. " Chucky tried to trick you using me as bait and he paid the price. He forced me to take him to the mental hospital and together we escaped him... Don't you see it?" 
" Seeing what?" 
" Chucky wins with your Isolation. He still wants you to believe that people are your weakness, that you are meant to be forever alone and everyone is better without you... The truth is that not only our story was different. All the stories you told me prove the opposite of that bullshit he carved in your mind."
He certainly couldn't believe his ears. 
" Most people I have met are dead, I have killed more than what I have saved. I hate it, but it is not bullshit." 
" Can't you seriously not see the pattern? Chucky is about to win only when you seem lonely, but there is always someone. You were alone in your bedroom that night when he tied you to the bed, but then Kyle showed up from the window. You were alone at the military school, but Da Silva searched the carnival with you. Chucky also thought Tyler was alone, but he had you. " 
He couldn't help smiling, your viewpoint was heartwarmingly positive. 
" People are your strength and you are ours. Don't push us away from your life. Every time you do it, you let him win." 
The only story he hasn't told you about confirmed it. He fought alone in Harrogate and lost, Nica got possesed.
" Would it be a win for us if I kiss you now?" He whispered, inspired by you to be completely sincere about his feelings. " You drive me crazy, I can't stop thinking about you." 
Your reaction of ultimate relief was a bit funny to him. 
" Andy, please! Haven't I been obvious enough? Kyle says it is painful to see but that's because I don't understand what the hell is happening to me. " 
The conclusion you were about to drop was bigger than he would have ever expected.
" Never before have I been swept off my feet like this, I swear." 
The rush of confidence felt amazing, Andy was barely able to process what was happening but he wanted to enjoy the moment. 
" ... Not even by the father of your feline son? He seems pretty impressive. " 
The slightly cocky joke was making fun of some jealousy he got to feel for real despite you didn't get to know that. 
" No one compares to you, Andy. " You purred close to his lips. " I'm falling so fast, I just want to be with you."
He couldn't take it anymore, the situation was like a dream coming true. As soon as you stopped speaking his lips were on yours and he knew he would never want to let you go.
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algumaideia · 1 year
Just saw sb say Jasico shippers who are also Solangelo antis are losers who dont care for Nico’s healing journey
anyway an AU in which Nico did leave both Camps after the war, spent a few years afterward traveling the world to see and meet more people, learning about the LGBT+ community, working as an ambassador for his dad, talking to ghosts, ended up having his knowledge horizon widened, and returned to the Camps much later as a completely different human being - at peace and free.
I can damn well save him without putting him in a couple. Solangelo isn’t special. Selflove Nico for the win.
(I very much love Solangelo, but I decided to take this personally bc im also a Jasico die hard, so)
Hello anon!!
Sorry for taking so long to answer you!! My mind has been all over the place. But here it is. Also, I'm sorry bc this is sort of a mess.
I agree with you, there are jasico shippers who also ship solangelo and not liking one ship doesn't mean you want a character to be miserable. And sometimes you want a character to be miserable and that is okay!
I'm not sure if this was a writing request, but I read your ask as this and wrote something.
Also I saw across the spiderverse lately and the idea of punk!Nico got in my head and now it just can't go away.
(the idea is that now Nico only deals with monsters and ghosts who are harming humans or demigods, and not shit related to gods and their missions. Also he sees some gusy from time to time but it is not dating, although I didn't make his romantic situation explicit)
Strange. That was the best word to define what Nico felt going back to Camp Half-Blood after so much time. His shoulders tensed and he felt a familiar discomfort on his stomach. His body was preparing for the judgement. It was just bad memories. He didn't care what those people thought about him, they were strangers and children. But in the end it didn't matter how much healing he had done in the past years, his past would always scar him. At least now, it didn't hurt.
Before he changed his mind, Nico entered the camp. It didn't look much different. The cabins are basically the same, kids running with the old ugly camp shirts, a lot of noise and fighting. Some part of him felt like he went back on time.
"Nico di Angelo."
The demigod opened a big smile. He recognized that sweet voice. Turning around he bowed to one of the only gentle beings he met at this place.
"Lady Hestia."
"It's been a long time since we saw each other."
Nico felt guilty. He had always liked Lady Hestia, since the first day they'd met. It wasn't his intention to spend so many years without seeing her.
"I'm sorry. You were almost always in camp and I..."
"It wasn't an accusation, you don't have to worry."
She looked at him with kindness. She always had.
“You look better.”
“I am better.”
Hestia nodded. She seemed satisfied.
“I imagine you want to talk to Dianisius and Chiron. They are at the Big House. See you around, Nico di Angelo.”
Nico bowed.
“I’ll go after you so we can properly talk when I finish at the Big House.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Hestia walked away in the direction of her fire. Her appearance was the same as when Nico met her which comforted him for some reason.
While walking to the Big House, Nico asked himself where would he like to go on this visit? Would he want to meet some kids? Make a sort of tour? Avoid everyone besides Hestia? Would he want to see his old cabin? Enjoy the woods?
“Nico!! You… you changed!”
Nico smiled in amusement at Chiron's surprised face. He guessed his traumatic young self didn’t look like someone who would end up being a punk. He no longer wore only black, had tons of piercings, tattoos and some spikes in his clothes.
“I guess you could say that.”
“What brings you back here? Is there any problem?”
“No, I just wanted to see how things are.”
“Well, feel welcomed. I can give you a tour and show you the new things we got since the last time you came here.”
“I appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll just see my cabin.”
“Would you like to talk to the kids? I’m sure they can learn something useful with such an experienced demigod as you.”
Nico pondered the question. It was not like he was opposed to helping the kids, but he really didn’t want to have anything to do with what was happening at camp. Sure, there were some changes made by Apollo, however Nico still despised what was going on there. 
“If the kids have any problem with a mission you can call me, I wouldn’t mind helping them.”
It wasn’t what Chiron asked and Nico didn’t care. He shook his head as a way to say good-bye and walked away. 
Nico wasn't sure what he expected with his visit. Maybe have some closure? See how much of his past he had overcome? Throw salt in the almost healed wound? Maybe he just didn’t want to feel like he was running from his past.
Seeing Hestia was good, though. And coming back just made him feel sure he made the right choice to leave the camp. What would have he become in a place like this that also ostracized him? Would he have become comfortable with his sexuality? As much as he was now? Maybe he would still be doing missions for gods. 
Should he go to his cabin? He didn’t have much to do with the kid he once was, lonely, full of self-hatred, in love with some boy, sometimes consumed by trauma. He had a community now, had made friends, moved on, worked on his problems. Maybe he should just really leave all of this behind, talk to Hestia and give his proper goodbye to this haunted place. Yeah, Nico would do that. 
Visiting Camp Half-Blood ended up not being so bad in the end.
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mitsuributmexican · 2 years
Hello, honey. I read your h/c about Levi, as a father, and I really liked it. Great job, honey. Warning, honey, i will use bad words. I understand perfectly well, if you refuse, everything is fine.
If you don't mind, can I ask for papa Erwin? It doesn't matter, if biological father for Y/n or not. The main thing, is that, he loves her, finds out about her or finds her, but then takes her to himself, when she is already an adult (20+, if you don't mind). Probably, he will take Y/n to himself, when he finds out that she is not just a little sad and apathetic, but hurts herself and tried to commit suicide several times and tries again? Yeah-yeah, banal things, the absence of a father and a not very gentle mother, and, in general, not a very loving family, lol. And when he says he loves her, she'll say that, lol, sir, you're kidding, I'm not worthy of such an attitude, a cruel joke, sir.
It's fine, if you don't like it. Please, remember, that your life, is a miracle. And that you're very important. You deserve the best.
Yandere!Platonic!Dad Erwin Headcanons with Sad and Apathetic Reader
CW/TW: mentions of $uicide attempts and self harm, reader having a not so great childhood, yandere, kidnapping, mentions of chloroform, sad reader.
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Your life wasn’t pleasant nor horrible. “Things could be worse.” you told yourself. But with your parents sometimes you doubted if it could really be worse. A mother who made you feel as if she wished you were never born. An absent biological father that left with no explanation. Your mother had gotten married, giving you a stepfather that disappointed you.
Safe to say this life was not easy on you. You grew up not feeling wanted or loved and this took a toll on you. Soon you began wondering why you were even born. There was nothing to care about, right? No one loved you (or so you thought) so what point is there to life? 
Serotonin was barely produced in your brain, only being produced during moments where you felt a sense of comfort. It wasn’t quick for all of this and its effects to manifest in you in an unpleasant form. That form being self-harm and suicide attempts. You had made multiple attempts at ending your life, none ending you up in the hospital. None being noticed. 
The pain wouldn’t go away, despite how much you wanted it to. Little did you know, someone would be willing to take away the pain and ease it for you. Someone out there loves you and that was no other than your biological father, Erwin Smith. Pretty surprising for someone that’s been absent basically all your life. But not surprising to him as he had been trying to find you for the past years.
When you were born, things got more occupying for him. Missions and expeditions being more frequent, and the death toll being higher. Erwin was often not around and wasn’t able to be present in your life. Eventually when you were a few months old, your mother had broken up with him due to how absent he was. She moved away, taking you with her. Since then, Erwin has dedicated his life to finding you.
Finally after over 20 long years, his search has wielded results. He’s found you. But you’re no longer a baby or a little girl, you’re a grown woman. He missed out on your entire childhood. As much as he’d blame your mother, he blames himself. Were he not to be so dedicated to his work, he would’ve gotten to raise you properly and give you the love you need and deserve.
So he’ll make up for it now. Whether you like it or not. He makes a plan to take you to himself. After you fall asleep, he’ll take you away from this miserable life of yours and give you the care you deserve. He silently follows you home that night. Making sure to not startle you and scare you.
Once you fall asleep, he presses a rag against your mouth with chloroform on it in order to assure this goes smoothly. As soon as he feels you’re passed out he takes you to his house. He takes some of your belongings with him so you’ll have at least a few things that you’re familiar with. One of those things is a journal you’ve been writing in for a few years. He lays you down on your new bed in a room he saved just for you after he gets to his house. 
You wake up, somewhere completely different from where you fell asleep. Still feeling tired, you shut your eyes again and rest for more hours. When you wake up again, you just lie there. Not caring. If this is how you die, at least it’ll finally be over. If not, you finally get to rest for a bit.
Eventually Erwin gets worried. You haven’t come out of your room and he hasn’t heard anything. Did he put too much chloroform in that rag? He goes to your room to check on you. To his surprise, you’re conscious and just laying there. So why haven’t you moved? 
“Y/N?” he asks. You turn your head around and see him. “Who are you?” you ask him. “I’m your father sweetheart.” he says. You wonder if he’s lying or not, as your biological father was barely present in your life and you don’t even know what he looks like. “I’m not lying in case you’re wondering. I did not get to raise you and love you like you deserved to be due to my position as the commander of the survey corps. Your mother had broken up with me because of this and since then I never saw you. I missed out on your entire childhood and I apologize.” he says.
Come to think about it, whenever your mother would talk about your biological father she would say a thing or two about him being a workaholic. You’re honestly a bit taken back by the situation so you just go along. “I brought you a glass of water.” says Erwin, handing it to you.  You waste no time drinking the whole glass as your throat feels dried out. To be honest, if someone is willing to take care of you and be a good parent, you have no qualms with having to live with them.
After a few months of living with Erwin and coming to terms with the fact that he is indeed your father, he tells you that he loves you (platonically ofc). As cared about as he made you feel, you do not believe this. The first time he said it, you simply did not respond. The second, you just shook your head no. The third, you told him that he’s surely joking. Why can’t you accept that he loves you? 
One day when you’re out to run an errand Erwin tries to think of some explanation. Surely there must be a reason as to why you don’t think he loves you! So he looks in your room. Eventually he finds that journal you’ve been writing in. After flipping through a few pages he finds the pages detailing your attempts.
He immediately feels a sense of anger and guilt wash over him. Guilt, because he wasn’t there for you when you needed him. Anger, because the people he trusted with you didn’t notice your pain and struggles. No one noticed what you were going through, and no one seemed to care. This is why you didn’t believe that he loved you, isn’t it?
Erwin plans to make your favorite food that night and buys you your favorite foods. He does not care what he has to do to prove that you’re his daughter and that he loves you. You’re his world and he’ll do everything and anything in his power to let you know that. And he’ll get rid of anyone who makes you think otherwise or feel uncared about.
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byanyan · 8 months
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@chronal-anomaly sent:ㅤ[ Discover ]
extensive scar promptsㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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[ DISCOVER ]ㅤfor sender to see receiver’s scars for the first time 
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ㅤwhen she takes their arm into her hands, gently pulling it closer, they don't think much of it. assuming she's merely trying to get a better look at the tattoos scattered across their skin, they almost don't bother tearing their eyes from the tv, perfectly content to let her study them and even ask a few questions if she feels so inclined. in fact, if it wasn't for the featherlight touch which ghosts across their inner wrist in the next moment, they likely would have remained blissfully unaware of what her gaze is actually focused upon.
attention snaps quickly down to where a fingertip just barely traces across their skin, and byan's arm twitches with a poorly restrained flinch. the line she follows is pale; a distinct scar long healed over, present in a cluster of similar markings which all vary only slightly in length, width, and depth. they're neater than a lot of the more jagged, thicker wounds gained from past fights, too organized and uniform to have come from any outside violence.
it's obvious what they are to anyone with even the slightest familiarity with such a thing. damage done by an angry, miserable kid who was struggling to exist with no support, who had no better outlet for all the pent up emotions that were in desperate need of release. a kid who was just trying to survive without really knowing why.
lena's seen their scars before. —not these ones, at least not this close, but others. there's always been some feeling of vulnerability in allowing her to see them, but it's always been a feeling that's relatively easy to brush aside, or to act like it simply isn't there. this, though... this is different. these are the marks they're most protective of, the ones which reveal too much to allow them to be shared — more so even than those gained from the people who were supposed to protect them in the past.
these scars share a clear story. one which can't be believably reshaped into something else like the rest of those which mar their body. to allow someone to see them is to allow that person a glimpse of the darkest time in their life.
the urge to tear their arm free of her light grasp is sharp and intense, fuelled by equal parts panicked fear and defensive anger. it's quite an audacious move, to begin so openly inspecting such obviously sensitive scars, and were this anyone else, they'd have earned themselves a punch square to the side of the head. ...but this is lena. lena, who they know holds no malice in her actions, who has seen much worse of them and never judged. that doesn't make it easy, to let her in on something they hold so closely to their chest, particularly when they haven't offered that information, but... it makes them a little more okay with the result.
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after the passing of another moment or two in silence, byan quietly tugs their arm free, pulling it close to fold over their lap. anxiously, they lick their lips, nerves vibrating beneath their skin as they try to come to terms with being so seen. comfortable as they might be around lena, they've never been able to handle such emotionally charged silence particularly well. they need to say something, now, before the urge to run becomes overpowering.
ㅤㅤ" did i ever tell you 'bout this one? "ㅤspeaking abruptly, utterly ignoring everything that's just transpired, their opposite hand comes around to run along a much larger scar that cuts across their bicep. tapping it twice, a rather forced smirk is set very purposefully across their lips.ㅤ" guy thought i was tryin' to steal his girl, wanted to fight about it. i was more interested in her knife collection than i was her but, y'know. i'm always down for a good fight. plus i figured if i embarrassed him enough, she'd realize she could do better, so why not? life's no fun if you're not crushin' the dreams of a few men, right? 'n the worst part was that this was the only good shot he got in. pretty pathetic, honestly. "
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Rip to the Targaryen kids back at kingslanding they don’t know what to do without their emotional support milf 😔. I’m glad that Aemond is miserable without her around. There’s something so funny about Aegon laying on that balcony all day and don’t worry Helaena I don’t blame you for not telling anyone about your vision and setting reader up with Aemond.
When Rhaenrya was like surely you’ve heard of me from Aemond and the reader response is no he doesn’t mention you at all 💀. The whole dinner scene was funny 😭. Also is Jace forming a crush on reader 👀. Look all I’m saying is that if the reader did marry Jace she’d be in a happy marriage and not stuck with her current situation, but where’s the fun in that 🙏🏽.
Also go Daella for claiming Vermithor. I can’t blame the reader for being around Daella when she hangs around Daemon, I wouldn’t leave my kid unsupervised around him either 😭. I feel bad that Alaric doesn’t feel comfortable around dragonstone but can’t blame him that places creepy and he’s only a few months old an babies don’t take to new environments well.
I know the readers having fun knowing that she scares Luke 😭. Shit I would to if I was in her place💀.
Everyone on dragstone: “Luke she’s not scary and is as harmless as a kitten”
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Emotional support milf is exactly what she is that’s so funny 😭😭😭. Also poor hel bc she probably stirs so clear of any of that political stuff, and the one time she actually involves herself bc she wants something for herself… it ends up like this. Life is cruel
As for Jace, he’s a young guy so I think he just likes having a pretty girl around lol. Reader’s best attribute in terms of out smarting people is doing the whole batting the eyelashes, damsel in distress thing. It’s like catnip for someone like jace, who hasn’t been around a lot of girls that aren’t his family plus taking the whole chivalrous thing seriously
I personally read the Baela/jace/rhaena/luke sitation as all of them loving each other but maybe not in that way (at least in the show it will be slightly different in fmo). Baela and jace could maybeeeee get to the point of loving each other romantically but rhaena and Luke are sure platonic besties. The whole reader x jace thing is funny bc let’s say her parents put the bastardphobia aside to let that happen. I almost feel like she’d still be paranoid bc her husband is clearly a bastard and what would that trickle affect mean if they have kids. Though they probably have a better chance of having a loving relationship
But it also makes me sad bc it just reinforces that in another dimension, reader and Aemond honestly could’ve given platonic soulmates like laenor and Rhaenyra (minus the messy ending lol)
Alaric being born into the most chaotic point of his parents’ lives is 💀💀💀💀. He’s truly been going through it since birth
Luke letting a dragonless girl punk him is crazy. The whole overly nice thing makes him want to die tbh
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irresistiibles · 1 year
shi qingxuan self para
trigger warnings: this is basically a drowning self para wanna be one hundred percent real so read at your own risk. drowning tw, death tw
i don’t want to die.
it wasn’t the first thing to pass through qingxuan’s mind. the first thing they noticed was the temperature. at first frigid when they were first forcibly submerged, or maybe it was just the shock of the situation that made it seem that way, after all it was summer. it shouldn't have been that cold. qingxuan let out a yell as they hit the water, mouth filling up with water that they couldn't even properly cough up. had anyone heard? would anyone come to help? someone had always come to help qingxuan before. why wasn't there anyone around? things were quickly warming up as qingxuan thrashed, feeling the need for air starting to quickly push up. it was a searing uncomfortable heat, burning from in their chest as his lungs worked desperately to find oxygen that wasn’t available. it felt like she might burn to death before actually managing to drown, and only got worse as they hopelessly physically fought to try and get above water. 
i don’t want to die. 
it was almost a jarring thought as qingxuan’s body attempted to gasp for air, to push towards the surface, do anything to get a little oxygen in his lungs. as the physical fight continued the thought did come through. after everything that has happened at black water manor qingxuan had contemplated their death. he had wondered if it would make things better, or just, or at least give them a break. it hadn’t seemed like such a bad thing at the time, like maybe he should have gone with his brother and they both could have called that the end of their miserable story. qingxuan had been a fool, and now, on what felt like the bring of death they felt pathetic and ungrateful, wishing they could desperately grab just one more day of life. one more hour. five more minutes. 
i don’t want to die. 
maybe if qingxuan hadn’t been alone this wouldn’t have happened. she had tried to stay with company, really she had, but the small party had been drunk and wanted food, whereas qingxuan wanted air. it hadn't seemed like such a big deal to break off and go for a small walk alone before meeting back up with the group. would more caution have saved him? maybe if qingxuan had shown more caution as a child they wouldn’t have been found, he xuan could have ascended with qingxuan in the middle court and nothing would have happened. maybe she could have defended herself a little bit better today. 
i don’t want to die. 
i’m sorry ge. i wasn’t careful enough. i never learned my lesson as a little kid. there was no need with how well you looked after me. you fought my fate as long as you could. you did a really good job of keeping your stupid little sister along way longer than it should have been.
i’m sorry he-xiong. i didn’t get the chance to text you more. i wanted to fix things. i wanted to figure out how to be us again. i wanted to figure it out with you. i thought we had time. i would have rushed back if that wasn't the case. i wish if someone had to force me under like this it was you. you wouldn't like it, but i think you'd be gentle about it. 
i’m going to die. i can’t stop it. 
there was almost a comfort in accepting it, feeling the current start to pull him under and letting it, even as qingxuan had more apologies to give. to xie lian, he had died too and hadn’t deserved that. to the nice drunk qingxuan would go back and forth on drinks to. it was their time to buy next and he wouldn’t be able to do it. so many more. the world was starting to fade though, black spots dancing in qingxuan's vision, whether it was from the water or a steady loss of consciousness, and qingxuan’s dialogue was puttering out.  the tide pushed them down and who was qingxuan to fight against nature? they could hardly handle a simple fight on their own. such a weak fool, but as qingxuan gave up and let the water take her where it wanted there wasn’t any anger there. the fire that burned at qingxuan’s lungs became a more settled warmth, and the water almost felt like a comfort wrapped around them. this was her brother’s domain, her lover’s as well. oxygen deprived and perhaps a little delirious qingxuan could almost feel like there was some presence of the two of them here to help, to be with him in a final moment. they had lived a good life, warm and loved. one of them would find him. if they had the strength left qingxuan would worry about the way that they would mourn, if they’d be okay, but in the moment she was just content to know someone she loved and trusted would probably still find her in the end, that she'd wind up home in one way or another. if he woke up after this someone would help her. there were always enough good people in the world willing to help. if she didn't wake up there had already been so many more years than what qingxuan was supposed to have. the tide pushed and qingxuan let themselves sink.
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