#kid technoblade au
sevengraces · 1 year
Self Sabotage v. Found Family
ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, YOU, title card
AO3 Link
One conversation does not undo years of insecurity, but it does give a pretty good start.
What's up!! Last chapter of this part!! I know folks were excited to see Philza and I'm with you, but I like to do things in threes lol so you'll have to wait for the next installment. TWs: Threats Technos' Chat being themselves References to violence Fake Lore Insecurity Anxiety References to past Temporary Character Death That should be everything but let me know (:
Chapter 5: Lore Dump 2 Electric Boogaloo
    They stayed in place for a long time. But eventually Technoblade slowly pulled out of the group pile and moved back a foot or so, actively ignoring his soft blush.
    Tubbo and Tommy stayed sprawled across Wilbur but Niki gently extracted herself and asked, “Are you okay?”
    He nodded slowly, “I mean, m’fine.” The boy paused for a long moment before hesitantly beginning, “You guys aren’t, uh- well, nevermind.” He cut himself off, rubbing a hand down his face.
    Tommy rolled his eyes, “C’mon, just ask. Didn’t take you for a coward.”
    “What he means is,” Tubbo cut in, hitting Tommy on the shoulder. “You don’t need to worry about telling us things.”
    Chat jeered,
    We really doin’ this?
    W take from Tubbo
    RIP trying to be vulnerable with an internal audience making fun of you all the time
    The boy laughed and muttered quietly in piglin, “And yet you don’t stop making fun, hypocrites.” before answering flatly, “You’re going to be annoyed.”
    Wilbur shrugged his shoulders and flicked Tubbo absentmindedly, “Maybe, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t say it. Plus you’ve cried like ten times in the last week so if that didn’t send us away one more question won’t do it.”
    “It’s not like you’ve hesitated to annoy us before.” Niki chimed in indulgently.
    Technoblade flushed to the tips of his ears and chuffed anxiously, “W- ten times? No nevermind, I don’t wanna know about it.” he sighed dramatically and put his head on his knees. “It isn’t that big ‘a deal, and this is different th’n teasing you for being losers.”
    “If it isn’t a big deal then you can just tell us!” Tubbo responded good-naturedly.
    Got you there lol
    There is like no plot or lore right now
    “Fine, but it’s stupid.” he exhaled heavily, “You guys aren’t just uh, jus’ saying all that right? ‘Cause I don’t mind if you are, obviously, but the viewers y’know.” Techno shrugged and stared into his lap.
    Misrepresentation your honor
    Wilbur furrowed his brow, “I have literally no idea what you’re talking about mate. Like none, but uh for now what would we be just saying?”
    Technoblade breathed slowly through his teeth, “Y’know all that stuff ‘bout uh- come on don’t make me say it, that’s cringe.” He groaned in frustration.
    Tommy laughed, “But vulnerability’s pogchamp! Healthy masculinity and shit!”
    “If it’s hard to explain, can you just think through it out loud?” Niki offered.
    “I- it isn’t difficult, okay? It’s just, y’know cringe. I’d die if I said it and Technoblade never dies so, I just can’t.”
    Tubbo smiled bemusedly, “So you want to know if we are lying about something, but you can’t say it ‘cause it’s embarrassing? So embarrassing you’d die?”
    Techno nodded quickly, “Yup, right on the money, so nope. Won’t be uh, asking that actually.”
    Wilbur snorted behind his hand. “So you never die, but uh, vulnerability would kill you?”
    “Listen,” the hybrid began with a degree of condescension, “Technoblade never dies, not because it’s impossible, that wouldn’t be impressive. It’s ‘cause I don’t do things that kill me.”
    Tommy scoffed and leaned forward until he was sprawled across Wilbur’s lap, “What so you don’t do things that kill you but you do 1v20 an entire country?”
    “Didn’t kill me, did it?”
    “Bruh, it killed me!” Tubbo replied, laughing as he collapsed on top of Tommy.
    Technoblade cringed, “Well, I didn’t say Tubbo never dies?”
    Niki hid a laugh behind a cough, “No! That is not funny, it isn’t!”
    Tubbo smiled, “Well, like no, it wasn’t funny but the jokes are.”
    “I mean, well, s’just- uh.” Technoblade pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered under his breath in piglin,”Godsdamnit, I’m really gonna do this, huh Chat. Alright honesty lets go.” before butting in louder, “You uh, y’know I didn’t like uh- ya’ get I didn’t wan’ to right?”
    Tubbo turned to stare for a moment, trailing off mid word.
    The piglin flushed at the sudden attention his yelling gathered. “S’just I mean that you uh- ya’ said we’re cool. And like yeah! Nice, but uh- I figured you’d uh, y’know, want some character development. And like may- maybe you’re just uh fine, and I shoulda’ just uh- uh, kept with the bit, there’s jus’ I didn’ wan’ it ta’ be like ‘gnored. I prolly shoulda’ but uhm, it seems ‘specially shitty to uhm assume? That like we’d be uh cool ‘cause I beat up Tommy, since he wouldn’t really be able to beat me anyways? Y’know maybe I sho- should uhm deal with tha’ too but uh we’re talkin’ ‘bout us and stuff.” He cleared his throat, “So uh, anyways. Y’know my bad.”
    Wilbur snorted before collapsing onto Tommy’s back in laughter. Tommy crowed out a token protest before joining in the teasing, “You jus’ ne’er talk before! I think that’s the most you’ve ever said, big man! I thought you were being all in-timi-dat-ing an’ shit when you didn’t talk before but, was it just to make sure you didn’t do all that?”
    Nikachu choked down her laughter and smacked Wilbur, “C’mon, s’not uh- not that bad?”
    Tubbo shushed them before turning to the younger, who was staring at the ceiling with a bright red face and ears folded down in embarrassment. His tail was being wrung through his hands in his lap. “I- thanks Tech. Really that was uhm, sweet of you? Yeah it wasn’t super cool that I died, but uhm. I kinda figured that you didn’t want to kill me there? We uh, shouldn’t have left you out to dry like that. But I ‘preciate that you apologized, you coulda’ just left it alone so that was cool of you.”
    Technoblade went even pinker and mumbled into his lap, “Wasn’ sweet was jus’ right ta’ say so. S’not like you coulda’ helped me anyways, you were bein’ executed.”
     Tommy cooed loudly, “Aww, Techie! S’okay it was sweet!”
     His ears flickered and he ran a hand through his hair, “Whatever.”
    Bruh really hit him with the honesty huh
    Healthy communication pog
    RIP runt just suffering
    Niki rolled her eyes at the bickering, “Alright, alright, we’re getting off track. Technoblade, do you want to ask us?”
    The boy grumbled for a moment and hid behind his hair, “.... yes?”
    Wilbur grinned, “Alright then Tech, c’mon we believe in you and all that shit.”
    “Yeah, plus it’s not like whatever it is can be more embarrassing than tryin’ to say it for ten minutes.” Tommy added, to which Tubbo shoved him once more.
    The voices laughed and encouraged in equal measure;
    Imagine getting read so easily lol
    YOu can dO IT!
    Consider stabbing then running tho
    Just say it all at once!
    Techno pulled his knees up and continued to hide behind his hair, “Alright, alright, s’fine. They’ll just say they don’t and I’ll be right.” he muttered in piglin before taking one deep breath and answering. “D’ya mean it when you say all that uhm, stuff ‘bout y’know keepin’ me and uh caring all th’ time? ‘Cause like I said, I don’t care if ya don’t right? S’just the ratings and shit, gotta keep it uh entertaining.” he spoke in an anxious rush.
    Nikachu smiled despite her befuddlement. “We wouldn’t say it if we didn’t mean it, Tech, alright? Though I really don’t know what you’re talking about with ratings and audiences and such.”
    “Yeah! You’re stuck with us, even if I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about most o’ the time!” Tommy shouted
    Tubbo pushed Tommy off of his back and gave Techno a small hug before sitting back, “We mean it, ‘course we do. S’ not stupid to want reassurance.”
    “Yeah, yeah, we love you and shit,” Wilbur began, waving his hands dramatically, “but really what are you on about mate?”
    Ha ha! Our turn!
    You make too many references for someone who wants to keep us secret
    That’s us!!
    “I’m not used to people listening when I say shit, okay? They usually jus’ think I’ve lost it Chat!” Technoblade muttered to himself before leaning back from his knees and looking at the group. He deliberated internally for a long moment, “S’just the voices, that’s all.” he answered nonchalantly.
    “The voices?” Wilbur asked.
    Hey, not just!
    We’re cool af!
     Introduce us you coward
     If it doesn’t work we’ll just murder them y’know how it is.
    “I mean, you guys didn’t think I was the Blood God right? Like ya’ didn’t think I was a god right?” Techno asked evasively.
    Tubbo quirked his head to the left, “I mean no? I didn’t think you were a god, you’re impressive but not that impressive. What’s that got to do with anything?”
    “Are you deflecting again? If you don’t want to answer you just gotta say so.” Niki added.
    He shook his head, “No that’s uh- that’s not it. Okay, this is gonna require a bit of context.” the hybrid stretched his arms upwards before situating himself across from the others, “All right everybody shut it, this is uh, prime Technoblade Lore so no interuptin’ m’kay?”
    Tommy huffed, “Fine, it better not be boring though.”
    Wilbur flicked the back of the blonds’ head and leaned back on his arms, leaving Tommy sprawled across his lap and Tubbo nearly on top of him. Niki laid down on her stomach to the left of the others.
    “Nope, uh not gonna be boring.” Technoblade laughed to himself for a moment before starting, “Right, I left my sounder when I was three or so for whatever reason. It happens, usually ya’ end up in a new sounder or you die because lot’s of things want to kill you in the Nether and sometimes players show up and just stab ya. I did not find a new sounder and I did not die, obviously.” he rolled his eyes, “There are reasons for that, y’know maybe I was just better but uh- well s’ more likely that the voices saved me. You see, I was born a vessel. For whatever reason the Blood God claimed me and uh, in return he gave me something called Chat.”
    Yup yup yup yup yup
    Explain the Blood God!!
    Use the cool name! cool name pogchamp
    Blood pog?
    “You do know like the Blood God’s whole deal?” Techno asked reluctantly.
    Wilbur shrugged, “I mean, a bit? He takes a blood sacrifice in return for strength right? He’s like a war god?”
    The boy sighed, “Among other things, yeah. Also the god of loyalty, family, vengeance, etc. But yeah. The Blood God gave me Chat, sometimes they call themselves The Chorus when they're feeling sanctimonious, they're his past followers/vessels/victims or something like that. But for whatever reason he figured I could be strong. They give me a bit of an edge, usually they know a bit more than me so they warn me sometimes. They care about me or whatever, but uh they’re stuck in my head so they demand entertainment and interaction. Also blood, a lot of blood.”
    Niki leaned heavily on her hands, “So can it hear us?”
    “They, it’s a lot of people or something, and yes. They watch and give their input on basically everything, regardless of how unnecessary or useful.” Techno shook his head in exasperation.
    “So do they like me?” Tommy asked immediately.
    Technoblade laughed, “Uhm, sometimes? They usually just think you’re amusing or annoying, but again it’s a thousand voices in my head all yelling out for attention, so I’m not confident on how all of them feel about you.”
    “So they’re who you were talking about when you said it was too loud? And who you’re talking to when you mutter in piglin?” Niki asked in concern.
    The piglin nodded.
    Wilbur frowned, “Don’t they know it hurts, since it’s in your head?”
    He shrugged, “I mean yeah, when they get too loud some of the voices remind others not to spam, but like, it isn’t like they’re nice. They’re trapped in my skull so it’s really just as much theirs as mine.”
    “It isn’t though, it’s your head! They should be nice to you.” Tubbo huffed angrily.
    Goat boy thinks we’re mean lol
    Pretty sure he’s a ram
    We can be meaner if he wants
    Bruh he’d be bitter too if he was trapped in a fourteen year old for eternity
    “No you guys don’t have to do that, they just don’t understand okay? I get it, it’s fine m’kay? ” Techno mumbled quickly before turning to glare at the others. “Listen, I understand this is an odd arrangement, but no. They don’t need to be nicer, alright? They’ve kept me alive, and they were just as much thrown into this as me. Chat is cool, okay? They can be loud and annoying and bitter, especially if they don’t get blood, but they’ve been nicer to me than anyone else for much longer so, not really. You can’t just say stuff like that. I like the Blood God, but he isn’t nice either and Chat was a gift from him, not really in the mood to see how angry I can make my patron.”
    Tubbo cringed and nodded, his face pale.
    “But they take care of you, yeah?” Wilbur asked.
    Technoblade exhaled, “Yes, they take care of me. And plus, they’re typically chill, so long as they’re getting some type of blood. They're even funny on occasion.”
    Niki nodded, “I mean I won’t say I get it, but that’s uhm neat?”
    The boy laughed, “Well, better reaction than most people’ve had.”
    Wilbur chuckled, “I know you said it can be hard to tell, and that they thought Tommy was annoying, but what do they think of all this?” he asked while he gestured at himself and the others.
    That’s funny, is Wilbur insecure?
    We are always funny you're just a loser
    You’re cool ig
    It’d be funny if we killed you but Niki is nice and dadza’d be pissed
    Shoulda been nicer in the beginning
    We’ll kill you if you use him
    When he introduces us and just says we're kinda funny sometimes
    He’s our runt first!!
    We control your headache level lol, watch it little pig
    Revolution pog
    Techno winced at the influx of voices, “Do I really have to say all that?”
    “Right, uhm, right now they’re making fun of Wilbur specifically. Said you shoulda been nicer in the beginning? Uh, they’d kill you but Phil would be mad and they like Niki ‘cause she’s nice?” he sighed dramatically, “That’s about the best you’ll get I think?”
    Ours, tell them you’re ours runt
    S’important little pig
    If we’re bein’ nice enough to warn them what happens if they hurt you, you ought to let them know
    Tell them tell them tell them tell them
    Niki punched the air, “Ha! I won.”
    Wilbur gaped, “Wha- what’d they say about me?”
    Tommy giggled and Tubbo jeered.
    Our little pig
    Say it or we will
    Nobody likes the alternative so don't make it harder than it has to be little one
    Tell them
    Don’t hide or we can make sure they know anyways
    C’mon runt
    “Chat please, they know, okay? S’fine you don’t need to do all that.” Technoblade answered in piglin.
    Niki furrowed her brow, “What? Something wrong?”
    Ha no hiding now
    Blood for dishonesty
    Tell or we will
    Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell tell
    We're giving you the choice but don't make us push
    The boy paled slightly, “Fine, okay. Alright Chat, I'm sorry I'll tell them you don't need to be like that.” he sighed before turning to the others, “Chat is uh, very insistent that I let you all know- and really I don’t think it’s necessary, it’s really just dramatic, but uhm- well.”
    “What? Are they trying to snitch on you? That’s rough.” Tommy laughed lightly.
    Wilbur smiled vaguely, “I’m sure it’s fine Tech, what is it?”
    Technoblade hesitated just a moment too long for the voices patience, “Well, they sa--Little pig is ours, our runt first, you would not be the first victim to join the chorus, blood for traitors, he is not your blade, death for dishonor, blood for the blood god, we will kill you if we have to, the blood gods disciple is of the last don’t think we won’t protect him, don’t q-” the boy smacked his hands over his mouth and panted for a moment, catching his breath.
    Tubbo stared with a gaping mouth, failing to stutter out any words.
    “Oh-kay?” Niki muttered to herself.
    Wilbur snapped his mouth shut and breathed heavily through his nose.
    Tommy stared for a minute before blurting out loudly, “Huh, did the dead voices of a god just give us the shovel talk through the mouth of a fourteen year old?”
    Tubbo nodded, “I uh, I think so? Didn’t know they could uhm- didn’t think they could do that Techno. Often? Do they do that often?”
    The piglin hybrid winced and bit back a whine at the now splitting silence in his skull, “Uhm nope. They don’t usually do that ever, it uh, well it’s not easy and uh, they can only really do it sometimes?” He laughed self-deprecatingly, “I guess they didn’t trust me to really get the message across.”
    Wilbur laughed anxiously, “Yeah, uh, okay. Right, so just future reference, don’t be mean to you or else god will kill us? That’s a pretty fucking good shovel talk Tech, I’ll be honest with you.”
    “I mean the Blood God likes me a lot, but uh he prolly wouldn’t kill you himself? He’d probably just uhm- well. Just encourage me to do it?” he sighed heavily, “They’re pretty protective so y’know. But we don’t have to worry about that…” the boy rubbed his temples in mild agitation, the sudden silence after they took control was always disorienting.
    Niki nodded, “No for sure, like I wasn’t gonna make you a blade anyways but uhm, it’s nice to know they care about you too?”
    Techno flinched lightly at the wording, “Yup. So anyways, uhm they probably won’t do that again, or at least not for a long time so no worries there.”
    “So they don’t like us then?” Wilbur laughed hesitantly through the question.
    “Do you really wanna know what the thousands of people who can’t do anything but watch my life have to say? Like honestly?” Techno asked in disbelief.
    Wilbur started before flushing and shaking his head.
    Tommy cried out, “I wanna know! What’d they say! You should tell us every time they make fun of Wilbur!”
    Techno laughed, “Well, I guess just now they called him insecure, but uh earlier they called you insane too.”
    Tubbo barked out a laugh, “Do Tommy next!”
    “Nope, uh no? They’ll get too excited if I keep this up. Plus they tell me to stab him all the time so uh, pass?” Techno cut in immediately.
    Niki laughed loudly, “Alright, enough. Just uh, stick around for a bit Techno? We do want you around.”
    Chat gave a token effort to mutter, but they had exhausted themselves and only one managed a small whisper;
    Ha can’t avoid your emotions for long runt
    Technoblade sighed, “I guess if the voices in my head that call for blood didn’t get you to let this go then I might as well. So long as this all stays between us?”
    The others nodded and Tubbo cheered.
    “Stuck with us for life now!” Tommy shouted.
    Technoblade smiled lightly, “Yeah, guess so.”
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orinjjo-mg · 1 year
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origin rivals!duo do go brrrr with my heart
an interesting detail is that techno is a hybrid of a white rabbit and he just dyes his hair with dye (with the blood of his enemies for carrots lmao) because it looks really good
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felidaefighter · 5 months
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Unrelated to anything, here's some fanart I drew for an amazing fanfiction that my friend @voidofthestars was writing! It's about the trauma of growing up "different" and well-meaning parents who don't always know what they're doing
The fic is unfinished currently but keep an eye out for a fic that starts with "A Babe Adrift", it's gonna be a good one!
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
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follow up to FML! Phil meeting (and hating) CeC! Phil
They are very very different, Techno is immortal, feared and respected by literally everyone ever, king of the new moon, etc. but once a pauper always a pauper and Phil appreciates that
they like each other
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roddcherry · 1 year
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First drawing of the year, happy new year also! I hope that 2023 won’t be a bad one. ko-fi
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[What Could Have Been]
After the unfortunate reveal of what kind of person Wilbursoot was, I was unsure whether or not to post this, but I've decided to. Here is my outline for the beginning of a fanfic I was writing...
Note: Everything under the cut was written before Wilbur was exposed for being an abuser, as well as some of the tags
A Modern-Vampire!AU involving SBI and a few other people.
Techno is an aspiring writer that recently moved into a very... low quality aparment. He's taken note of the number of bats that fly around the neighborhood and has developed a habit many people in his apartment complex have; feeding fruit to the bats that hang out around his place.
The place is pretty chill. Techno works at this nice Café. (Whether it's Niki's or not is up to you.) He's developed a small rivalry with this random kid who pesters him for food all the time. Techno usually shares his lunch with the kid. (Techno admits the kid is pretty cute with his squid themed. backpack and hoodie)
Anyway, Techno is doing well, he's adjusting to the neighborhood, his boss is pretty nice, and he even has the free time to write his second novel now.
Time passes and Techno has fully adjusted to the place, getting comfortable until... Tommy shows up! Tommy is a fledgling vampire who recently was given the freedom of going out. (As long as one of the other coven members are with him.)
One day while out, Tommy gets distracted and wanders off, loseing his caretaker of the night. This leads to Tommy getting lost and ariving at an old apartment complex. The place has bat boxes and Tommy prepares to spend the day in one to hide from the sun.
While trying to hide from the sun in his bat form, Tommy finds this weird guy with shitty pink hair who's been trying to lure him inside with grapes. (Techno sees a small pup without it's mother desperately hiding in his very old and falling apart bat box.)
Eventually Techno gets the pup inside, wrapping him up in a soft baby blanket and putting him in a shoe box with a warming pad.
Tommy is scared and confused by the actions of this random human... but he quite likes the warm box he's been put in... it's not his fault if he fell asleep!
Across the city is a frantic Wilbur trying to find his missing brother who disappeared after he looked away for a second! Okay, maybe he was staring at that pretty human running the nearby record store but Tommy had been right there beside him!
Wilbur and the rest of the coven desperately searches for Tommy before being forced to take refuge from the sun indoors.
I'm unsure of what happens next but Tommy eventually makes his way back and is promptly grounded and forced to stay indoors. The only problem is that... Tommy has imprinted on Techno during his time with him and begins sneaking out to hang out with Techno. (Techno is relieved that the little bat he helped was doing well!)
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jinx-blackout-84 · 11 months
Thinking about posting my draft of CH1 of The Shady Kid From the Alleyway once I finish checking it for typos
Its more Tommy-centric than I've made it sound, because he's the main character, and It's first and foremost an SBI fic but God damn if I didn't put hella Benchtrio and TNTduo in there
Also the povs jump around alot so it might be hella confusing
Because Wilbur and Quackity have a giant arc that kinda defines the whole fic
But Tommy isn't aware of it until it's like halfway through.
So I made what I call "Interlude" chapters where I talk about Quackity's plot and just ignore the main plot.
Also I put Dream in it as a villain and I'm pulling no punches. This is a Dream bashing fic.
Its also a LOT darker than I expected so stick with me.
Anyways if I do post it I'll put the link on this post
Link to fic
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badmcytaus · 2 years
Somebody write an SBI Superpowers fic where a young Techno or Wil (or both) become minor villains out of necessity. They're street kids, really only stealing what they need to survive, and to keep their youngest Tommy happy. Still, it's just enough villainy where a group of veteran heros (including Phil and/or Kristin) are called in to stop them.
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Which Brother Will Witch Wil Will Into Being
This is a prompt from @ed-writes-fanfiction for @pinchhitsfromthevoid
5 times they should have known Wilbur was a witch and could tell the future and 1 time they realized it
Chapter 1: My Protector
Word count: 2090
It’s a calm morning in the Minecraft household. Kristin’s standing at the stove, preparing a roast for dinner; Phil is sitting at the bar behind her, several papers spread around him; and Wilbur’s puttering around, playing with his toys and occasionally asking to be lifted up onto the counter to watch Kristin.
“Mama?” Wilbur suddenly tugs on the end of her shirt.
“Yes Wilbur?” she distractedly hums back, measuring out ingredients and dumping them into a pot.
“I want a brother.”
Kristin freezes in shock as Phil sputters at their son’s sudden declaration.
“Oh. Uh… Hm. Um. That’s nice honey. Uh… That…” How in the world is she supposed to respond to this? 
Wilbur continues on, undeterred. “He’s gonna like swords! And we are gonna spend lots of time together! And we’ll fight sometimes but he won’t ever be mean to me. He’ll be my bestest friend!”
“He sounds like he’ll be a good brother,” Kristin hesitantly says, ignoring the choking sound still coming from her husband. Wilbur’s probably just talking about an imaginary friend, right? She hopes that’s the case.
“He will!” Wilbur exclaims and then walks away, leaving his confused and startled parents behind.
And that’s it. It’s forgotten (except as a funny story to tell in the far-distant future) and they move on. They think nothing more about the situation.
In retrospect, they really should have suspected something was going on. He was pretty confident in his declaration after all. But, in their defense, children are often confident about subjects they know nothing about.
They find him in the woods. Thinking back on it, it was weird that Wilbur dragged them out to the forest that day. Though he did like to run around and spend time outside, he was more of a homebody. He liked to sit inside and play with his toys or dance to music or read books with his parents. It wasn’t like he never went outside, but he tended to prefer activities inside the house, and Phil and Kristin did not discourage this. Kristin like to keep him where she could keep an eye on him (the memories of the several times when he had disappeared for days and was found in perilous situations were too recent in her mind) and Phil preferred not having to chase his child through the trees outside when it was time for dinner.
But it was Wilbur’s birthday. And he wanted a picnic. So they agreed.
They pack a delicious lunch with all of Wilbur’s favorites (and, for some reason, the bacon that their vegetarian son demands they add) and set off. Wilbur leads the way, flitting from flower to flower and interesting rock to fascinating leaf. His parents follow him, smiling and indulging in his activities, their pockets very quickly filling up with “the coolest” rocks.
“Look Dad, this rock has red in it! Let’s keep it!” Phil’s pocket gains another rock.
“Mama, this is a pretty leaf. And it’s soft too! Can you put it in your pocket?” Kristin gets out of this one by telling Wilbur to leave the leaf for other people to enjoy.
“Here Dad. Here’s another rock.”
“I don’t know that I have room for another one,” Phil says, gesturing to his bulging pockets.
“Hm,” Wilbur hums, face twisted up in a thoughtful expression before quickly lighting up. “Here, Mama!” He hands her the rock. “Put it in your pocket!”
After Phil and Kristin cram more rocks into their pockets than should be physically possible, Wilbur finally stops in a clearing and looks up at the surrounding trees. He spins around taking it all in.
“We’re here!” he declares, running back to his mother. He grabs her hand and tugs her to the middle of the clearing.
“Oh really?” she asks, attempting to stifle her laugh.
“Yeah! This is where we’re going to eat!”
“Alright,” Kristin agrees, letting out a laugh.
They get started on getting the site set up. Kristin and Phil work on clearing an area of rocks and twigs, Wilbur attempting to help but getting distracted by said rocks and twigs and deciding to build a house out of them.
“Look at my house, Mama! Look at my house!” he exclaims, pointing at a pile of rocks and sticks that doesn’t look even remotely close to a house.
“Looks great Wilbur,” Kristin responds, a smile on her face. “Do you want to come eat now? It’s lunchtime,” she gestures to the blanket and all the food spread out on it.
“No,” he says, giggling as a taken-aback look crosses his mother’s face. “It’s not time. He’s not here yet!”
“Who’s not here yet?” Phil pipes up, a confused and hesitant look on his face.
“My new brother!”
“What?” the blond exclaims, sending a baffled look at his wife. He’s relieved slightly by the equally confused look on her face. At least she’s not hiding anything from him.
“Don’t worry. He’ll be here soon,” Wilbur explains, knocking over his “house.”
“Who will be?” Kristin finally says.
“My brother!” Wilbur giggles. The sound so sweet it melts his parent’s hearts, though the confusion and worry quickly overtakes it.
“Yeah, sweetheart, you already said that. But what do you mean?” Kristin asks. She’s suddenly reminded of the conversation they’d had, which seems like forever ago. Was… was he talking about his imaginary friend?
“You’ll see!” he responds, continuing to play with rocks and sticks.
They watch him for a moment and then Phil speaks up. “Well kiddo, why don’t we eat until ‘your brother’ gets here?”
“But he needs to eat with us,” Wilbur says looking up from his sticks, a confused look now on his face. “He’s hungry. And we have food for him.”
“We do?” Phil says, furrowing his brow.
“Oh!” his wife exclaims, realization lighting her face. “The bacon! You wanted that for him.” A smile spreads across her face, the sweet consideration her son has for others (even if it’s just an imaginary friend) touching her heart.
“Yeah,” Wilbur responds in that way children do when what they’re doing makes sense to them and they’re not sure why it’s confusing those around them. “What else would it be for?”
“Well—” Phil starts.
“Exactly that,” Kristin interrupts, putting a hand on his arm to silence him. She gives him a look, the “Don’t discourage this. He doesn’t have any actual friends, so let him enjoy this imaginary one.” perfectly clear.
“Alright,” Phil mutters, raising his hands in surrender.
“Wil? As sweet as it is that you want to wait, we do need to hurry and eat. We’ve got other things planned, so we’ll have to go back home soon. Besides, soon the lemonade won’t have any ice. You don’t want lemonade without ice do you?” she wheedles.
“No,” Wilbur admits. He glances up at them, a longing expression on his face. It quickly clears, a joyful expression taking his place as he glances towards the trees. “Oh it’s okay. We can eat now. He’s here.” Wilbur abandons his playing and skips over to plop on the blanket next to his mother. He grabs a sandwich from the plate and takes a bite. Kristin and Phil watch him in confused amusement.
“Well alright,” the blond says, sharing a glance with his wife. Then he too grabs a sandwich and takes a bite, Kristin doing the same.
They eat in peace, the only sound is the munching of food and quiet conversation. But not too long after, Wilbur suddenly puts his sandwich down on the blanket and stands up, staring into the trees.
“Wilbur?” Kristin hesitantly questions.
The boy ignores her, simply continuing to stare at the trees.
“Wilbur?” Phil tries this time, but the only response he gets is the boy raising an arm to wave at a spot at the edge of the clearing. This only confuses them further.
“Wilbur, sweetheart, what’s going on?” Kristin places her hand on Wilbur’s arm, concern emanating from her.
“It’s okay Mama, I’m just waving to him,” he points to the trees.
Kristin squints in that direction, trying to see what her son is pointing to. Something moves. She gasps. “Phil! Phil!” she hisses, slapping her husband on the arm.
“I don’t— by Jove.” Something moves again, and they watch, astonished, as a little head pokes out around a tree, staring at them with wide eyes.
“Hi!” Wilbur exclaims, waving frantically at them. Their eyes, if possible, seem to widen even further and they duck back behind the tree.
“Wilbur,” Kristin gently scolds. “You’re scaring them. Maybe calm down a little bit okay?” The boy nods, properly chastened. “But Mama, he’s hungry.”
“Alright. I’ll take care of it, okay?” She chucks him under the chin, meeting his eyes with a smile.
“Okay Mama. You’re the bestest at things like this!” He settles on the blanket next to his father, picking up his sandwich again and chowing away.
Kristin stands up and takes several steps toward the tree the child is hiding behind. Once she deems herself close enough to be able to easily converse with him, she sits down on the grass. “Hey there,” she says.
No response. That’s okay. It takes time, she reminds herself.
“I’m Kristin.”
“It’s my son, Wilbur’s birthday, so we’re out here having a picnic to celebrate.”
A red (and isn’t that alarming) eye peers around the trunk at her. Progress! She internally cheers.
“Are you hungry?”
The rest of the little head pokes out and studies her before hesitantly nodding, his brown hair, sticks and leaves tangled in the dirty, greasy strands, shaking over his eyes and hiding his face from view.
“Do you want some celery?” she asks, mentally running through what food they brought.
His nose scrunches up, disgust obvious. She laughs.
“Yeah, Wilbur doesn’t like celery either. We’ve got some bacon?” she offers.
She gets a more enthusiastic nod this time.
“Great!” she says enthusiastically, maybe too enthusiastically. The child draws back, his tiny (too tiny Kristin thinks) body hiding behind the tree again. She winces.
“Sorry,” she apologizes and glances back at her family. Phil is watching her with a raised eyebrow and Wilbur is eating. He briefly turns to look at her, an expectant and bright smile on his face, and waves at her and the boy. Her heart melts. Her little baby is getting so big! She turns back around to the tree and is grateful to see that the child has taken a small step away from it.
“Come on,” she stands up and holds out her hand. The child shies away and she immediately drops it, instead turning around and taking a step toward the blanket. She glances back, relieved and somewhat surprised when she sees that the child has taken a step forward as well. She kindly smiles at him, her heart filling with sadness when she takes in the little details. His clothes are tattered and stained. There’s a large bruise that wraps around one of his thin wrists that she knows can only be from someone’s hand. His body is littered with scars, and there are several cuts that haven’t healed yet. His bare feet are a bruised purplish-blue color and are littered with scratches. And, the worst sign of all, he shies away from any possible touch. This boy needs a lot of love, and she is determined to give it.
“Hey,” Phil greets as they approach. “This is Wilbur and I’m his dad Phil. What’s your name?”
“His name is Techno,” Wilbur informs them, not noticing the other boy’s startled look. “And he’s my new brother!” He wraps the dirty boy in his arms, giving him a big hug. The boy flinches away at first but then freezes, staring at Wilbur with wide eyes.
“Wilbur,” Kristin starts, intending to inform the boy of asking before giving a hug, but then decides not to discuss such a heavy topic (that will surely lead into her suspicions of the boy’s trauma) over lunch on her son’s birthday. “He’s probably hungry. Why don’t we get him some food?”
Wilbur beams and let’s go of th— Techno instead latching onto his hand and tugging the boy onto the blanket next to him. He launches into conversation the second they are both sitting as he hands Techno one of everything, not minding when the other doesn’t say a word.
Kristin watches them, a smile on her face. Phil looks at his wife and sighs, resigned to having another child. “I guess he’s coming home with us.”
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dovedrangeas · 2 years
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“stop being an idiot around me and makin’ me have to be a bitch. dont you ever think about you bein’ stupid makes me feel??”
one of snow techno’s talents is being a bitch and he’s not proud of it
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sevengraces · 1 year
Self Sabotage v. Found Family
ch1, ch2, ch3, YOU, ch5, title card
AO3 Link
Nothing stays hidden for long, especially when someone so desperately wants to be known.
Hullo! I haven't forgotten about you all, enjoy TW's: Crying Emotional conversations Vaguely dubious consent (they push Tech to talk about it after he has shut down, but he does want to) Mild swearing Touch starvation That should be everything, let me know if I missed something though!!
Chapter 4: Sometimes Love Is Being Dragged Kicking and Screaming Towards Hope
    Tommy shook his head, “No it isn’t. Why can’t you just say it?”
    Technoblade chewed his lip for a moment, “Please, just don’t tell anyone how old I am, okay? You don’t hafta’ do anything else alright?”
    “That isn’t an answer Techno! Come on, what do you want, not what do you think we’ll agree to or what’s easiest.” Tommy snapped.
    “No, no, I’m not going to! You don’t have any right to know, and I’m not stupid enough to offer a weakness while knowing it won’t get me anything anyways!” He forced out, yanking a hand through his hair anxiously. “I won’t get it anyway so please stop asking, okay? It’s fine and I know that alright. You’ve got what you want alright? I’m begging, I’m pleading. Don’t make me. Please don’t make me. The mighty Blade, begging like a child. You win okay? You’ve done what no one else could. Please stop asking!”
    Chat cooed,
    Poor runt
    It’s okay, you’re fine
    C’mon it isn’t like that.
    It’s okay that you want it
    Tubbo moved forward slowly, stopping just a foot in front of the distressed boy. “Hey listen, s’alright, you’re okay. Nothing is the matter okay? Nobody is in danger. We want to give you what you want, alright? That’s it, no ulterior motive, no trap, and no trick. Could I give you a hug?”
    Techno bit back the growing desire to cry and stifled the urge to hide, “No, no, no I don’t- just stop, okay? Please?” he whined out, shoving his face into his knees.
    Niki cooed quietly, “C’mon, s’alright. If you don’t want one you don’t have to. You’re okay Tech.”
    “Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Tubbo asked from his spot a foot in front of him.
    The boy choked down his sobs, “I don’t, I can’t do it! S’ not safe, I know. I know what I get! I know what I’m g-good at. Please jus’ stop pretendin’ now. Tell me what you want and let me go.”
    Wilbur rubbed his face and moved closer to the silently sobbing child, “Okay, breath in Technoblade. C’mon, I can’t have any ally choking to death. Breath in with me.” he shoved Tubbo away gently and sat in his spot. “Alright, alright. Look at me Technoblade, I need you to look at me alright? Good, good, that’ll work. Follow my breathing, in and out, in and out.”
    Techno stared at the man and mimicked him until his breathing slowed then after a long pause; “M’fine now.”
    Niki moved to speak but Tommy cut her off, “Alright, you’re fine now.”
    Wilbur nodded at the boy gratefully before turning to look at Techno again. “I need you to tell me what caused that.” he asked bluntly.
    Tubbo tried to protest at his tone but Techno ignored him and instead answered Wilbur in an empty monotone. “Nobody talks to me like that.”
    “Right, that makes sense, our bad.” Wilbur replied, nodding.
    Tubbo finally got a word in, “What do you mean? Nobody’s nice?”
    Technoblade stiffened, “Nobody’s soft with me.”
    “Oh,” Niki whispered in understanding, “right. Technoblade can you answer us now?”
     Techno deflated, “Can’t ya tell by now, isn’ it painfully obvious?”
    “Do you want us to guess?” Tubbo asked hesitantly.
    The boy laughed tiredly, “Sure, absolutely.”
    “To do what you were doing before we found out?” Tommy asked immediately.
    He shook his head hesitantly as he resigned himself to the situation.
    “Freedom?” Niki chimed in.
    “I mean I don’t want to be in jail.” he snickered drily, “But no.”
    Wilbur leaned back, “Technoblade?”
    “Do you know how your instincts work?”
    “Mostly?” he answered cautiously.
    “Right, of course. Do you know why you got clingy for three days?” Wilbur continued with a sigh.
    “Pheromones? Depression? I don’t know.” Techno answered blithely.
    Wilbur exhaled heavily, “No, not pheromones. Depression probably didn’t help but that wasn’t the reason. Kids need to be held, it’s important to growing and shit. Our hybrid instincts brain is more uhm, willing, to take care of baser desires. For kids it’s being held and hugged and doted on.”
    Technoblade held deathly still and did not look up from his lap.
    “It is instinctual for you to seek comfort. But you didn’t have any so your brain stopped asking. A healthy child doesn’t do what you did, and if you had regular contact and affection you wouldn’t do that. I never lost myself like that growing up, because I never had a reason to.” Wilbur looked at the boy. “What do you want Tech?”
    He breathed weakly and tried to stop his shaking. “Tha’s cruel ta’ joke about, please just stop. I know what I get to have.”
    Tommy pulled Niki and Tubbo into a hug as they held their breath.
    “I don’t think you do know that, is the thing.” Wilbur sat up straight. “Do you want a hug, Techno?”
    Technoblade shuddered in place and barely managed a slow, hesitant nod.
    Wilbur pulled the boy into his lap and rested his head against him. “There you go.” he muttered, wrapping his arm around the younger's back and running a hand through his hair.
    Niki tightened her grip on the other boys and let out a watery laugh.
    Techno tucked his head under Wilbur’s chin and hid there for a long moment. “I- ‘M not gonna be all soft m’kay?” he interrupted himself with a quiet purr, “S’ just not what ‘m like. Yo- you don’t wan’ me all the time.”
    Wilbur shook his head and held him tighter. “Nobody wants anyone all the time. But we’ll care about you all the time mate, that’s the point. Ya don’t have to be all cuddly and needy, s’fine. You’re just allowed to be when you are, and you’re allowed to stick around when you aren’t.”
    Tommy cheered and yanked himself out of Niki’s arms, tumbling into Technoblade and Wilbur. “Fuck yeah! You’re the youngest now and we’re keeping you!”
    Technoblade laughed wetly, “Fuck off.” he muttered with no malice.
    Tubbo and Niki shot forward too, wrapping themselves around everyone.
    “You’re the middle child now Tommy, rest in peace.” Tubbo goaded.
    Niki laughed as Tommy gasped dramatically, then she whispered to Techno, “It’s gonna be okay, we’ll figure it out.”
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orinjjo-mg · 1 year
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art for my and my beautiful wife's fan fiction, which has not yet been released even without the translation of the lmao (I cry because of this every day)
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firminfollowing · 2 years
the start of something good
In the stands, Bad stands up and cheers so loud it startles Rat awake.
Sapnap grins until his face hurts, meeting Technoblade's eyes with accomplishment teeming from every pore.
Take that! Sapnap thinks and the pink-haired pitcher's lips twitch up into an almost-smile even though he lost.
Well, technically, Sapnap's team has definitely lost. By a lot. But, semantics. Sapnap just hit Technoblade's pitch and nobody else on his team except Dream and George--even though that was by accident--can say that.
(Or: it's the obligatory baby baseball au! and is that? found family I smell in the distance??)
full fic under the cut
Not rpf
He isn't going to lose.
He breathes in, centering himself on a breath of popcorn and fresh-cut grass. His grip on the bat tightens, and he sinks lower into his stance.
The pitcher winds quickly and snaps forward even faster, his arm whipping out like a snake.
The ball soars.
The bat swings.
Sapnap sprints half a step before he clocks the distinct lack of cowhide cracking against wood.
The pitcher doesn't look any happier than a second before, like this was the only expected outcome.
"Don't beat yourself up too much," Dream had said before he'd gone up to bat, "That guy's a fucking monster."
Dream hadn't gotten a single hit on the pink-haired guy, striking out seven innings in a row before the coach had finally pulled his head out of his ass and started putting in pinch hitters.
Dream swapped with Sapnap with a pat on the back and collapsed on the bench with a resigned sort of exhaustion.
"Don't beat yourself up," he had said, like Sapnap couldn't possibly win.
Like Sapnap was doomed to fail.
Fuck that.
He grits his teeth and blood rushes in his ears. The wood under his gloves feels cold in the summer sun.
He isn't going to lose.
The catcher tosses the ball back to the pitcher and the pink-haired pitcher drops his knees in a familiar motion. The ball slides into his grip with ease, but the pitcher doesn't come all the way out of the strange stance. He hasn't, actually, since the game began.
Sapnap swings a half-second early and he can feel the ball brush past the bat.
He doesn't bother to run this time.
The catcher throws the ball back again and the pitcher sinks.
Sapnap sinks back, slipping into a subtle mimicry of the pitcher's knees.
The ball snaps like a whip and Sapnap's bat cracks into the ball, sending it hurtling into the stands.
"Foul!" someone shouts and Sapnap stares. A man in a bucket hat picks up the ball with a bewildered look on his face and he tosses it back onto the field.
Sapnap locks eyes with the pitcher.
The pitcher looks pissed .
Another game, another victory.
Technoblade's team pummels the orange-jersey kids into the dirt.
Dream is off his game, that much is obvious.
Usually, they can go more toe to toe, but today isn't a battle. It's an execution.
Seven innings of non-stop misses, of Dream's coach snapping something loud between failures.
"Yelling gets you nowhere, Techno," Phil had told him when he'd screamed at Niki for a succession of his own mistakes, "If you need to tap out, tap out. We've got relief pitchers for a reason."
Techno would've pulled in a pinch hitter after the second inning, when Dream had thrown his bat down and made it clear he wasn't going to bounce back from whatever was going on.
Dream's coach doesn't pull the pinch hitter until the eighth inning and Techno has to wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
The boy, all sharp angles and fiery glares, seems to pick Techno apart. He misses the first hit because if Dream couldn't do it in seven innings, this kid sure as hell isn't going to do it in one.
He misses the second hit, too, but it feels different than the first. Techno shifts uneasily before throwing himself back into the game.
On the third pitch, the bat cracks against the ball and it flies into the crowd.
"Foul!" the umpire calls before the kid can even start running.
Phil tosses the ball back to the umpire in a graceful arc, but he seems just as surprised as Dream's sputtering coach.
"It's just a fluke," Niki tells him reassuringly as he moves to the fence "dugout." She lines up to bat as the teams switch places and Techno keeps his eye on the fiery pinch hitter who's been moved back to the bench.
"Just a fluke," Techno thinks, watching the kid laugh and climb over Dream like he's a jungle gym. He'd missed the fourth pitch, like the first two, but Techno isn't convinced.
He's smaller than Dream, enough that it's noticeable, with a white ribbon tying back black hair.
He catches Technoblade's gaze and scowls, something determined in the set of his brows.
The eye contact burns uncomfortably, but Techno holds the kid's gaze as long as he can so he can watch the sparks behind his eyes.
This kid, he thinks, without a doubt in the world, This is kid's going to win .
The pitcher's name is Technoblade.
Sapnap laughs for what feels like forever before Dream tells him that's the guy's actual name . Like, the name on his school ID and stuff.
It's funny as hell for some pitcher to nickname himself Technoblade but it's fucking terrifying to be named that for real.
He'd almost ask the guy what kind of parents would name a baby Technoblade, but he'd asked Dream the same thing last year and ended up crying when he'd gotten some cutesy answer about NICUs and just a little dream come true.
Sapnap, which is a perfectly normal name for an eleven-year-old boy, had been named in the back of a van while his parents had gotten as baked as Bad's famous muffins.
Neither of his parents are here now, watching him step up to home plate to kick Technoblade into the grass. Bad is in the third row with the worst sign ever made and the worst dog ever born. It is definitely not the nicest thing anyone's ever done for him. He also definitely didn't tear up when he first saw it.
Sapnap holds the bat, falls into stance, and locks eyes with the pink-haired pitcher.
Bring it, he tries to say with his glare.
I will, he thinks Technoblade responds, winding and pitching like lightning.
Sapnap brings the thunder and the ball booms into the air.
It's a foul; he knows before it even hits the ground. He hit it at an angle and sent it careening too far from the field.
"You got this!" someone shouts and, whether it's for him or for Technoblade, Sapnap absolutely does got this.
The second pitch passes before he can even swing, flying an inch or so past his face, and Sapnap freezes.
He hasn't gotten hit in the head in months, but the dizzying confusion and his mother's "oh, stop acting like a baby" ring through his head like the ball hadn't missed at all.
"Hey!" snaps through the air and the ringing pulls back like a curtain. The catcher, a shorter kid with is that a fucking sonic onesie under his jersey? takes a step toward him.
"Are you okay?"
Sapnap breathes in, shakes out his arms the way Skeppy showed him, and breathes out.
"I'm okay," he says after a second, a little more sure of that now and he gets back into place for the last pitch.
He can foul it as many times as he needs to, 'cause it's his last strike. He's determined to make it count.
The pitcher looks at him and nods, pulling back to throw.
Sapnap steps into the hit, lets unstoppable force meet immovable object, and the ball soars .
He barely even registers that it's in, in, in, it's in! before he's taking off. There's no one else on the plates, no one to slow him down, and he bolts to first plate. There's an opening and no one's caught the ball yet, so he runs to second plate.
Someone's fumbling far outfield and he races to third.
They're still fumbling, out by the end of the grass, and Sapnap rushes to home plate with victory on his tongue.
In the stands, Bad stands up and cheers so loud it startles Rat awake.
Sapnap grins until his face hurts, meeting Technoblade's eyes with accomplishment teeming from every pore.
Take that! Sapnap thinks and the pink-haired pitcher's lips twitch up into an almost-smile even though he lost.
Well, technically, Sapnap's team has definitely lost. By a lot. But, semantics. Sapnap just hit Technoblade's pitch and nobody else on his team except Dream and George--even though that was by accident--can say that.
"Nice home run," the catcher calls and Sapnap pauses.
"Home run?" He tries out the words on his tongue.
The catcher flaps his hands with a grin. "Yeah, dude, that ball freaking flew!"
Connor, whose name and the promise of exchanged numbers Sapnap managed to score before heading back to the lineup, described the ball crossing past the ends of the field.
In the stands, Bad looks beyond excited and he's happily chatting with the bucket hat man from earlier. The other man looks pleasantly surprised.
Sapnap buzzes in the line, vibrating out of his skin in excitement. He can't wait to hit Technoblade's pitch again.
Luck is not on his side and George is up to bat next, despite having begged the coach to be off the designated hitter list, and he strikes out in a quick and underwhelming end to the game.
"It's okay," Sapnap tells him, walking with him back to the dugout to grab their water bottles, "You did good."
George laughs at him. "I didn't. But, I'm not really a hitter. It's no skin off my back."
Whatever the hell that means. As long as George isn't sad about it, Sapnap does not care.
Dream, waiting in the Dugout, almost tackles them in a hug.
"You hit a home run!" he shouts, "You hit a home run against Technoblade!"
Sapnap kicked ass.
He knows.
Still, it's nice to be appreciated, even if he has to let Dream mess up his hair. The older boy's hands catch on his ribbon and Sapnap bats his hands away.
"I'll fix it," George offers when it pulls loose in Sapnap's hands and he looks at the crowd already making their way onto the field.
"We can do it in here, if you want," Dream offers, watching the swarm with a similar distaste.
"Yeah," Sapnap agrees, "Okay."
Despite the growing buzz of the crowd outside the fenced-in area and the congratulatory shouts of his teammates grabbing their stuff, Sapnap sits on the floor with one of his best friend's hands in his and the other's in his hair.
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nomsfaultau · 3 days
For the Voices for the Blade event: my second prompt! Wherein Techno lives in a so very normal neighborhood don't even question it it's incredibly dull I prommy. Well, if you ignore the number of duplicate Michaels running around, the screws that R4N800 eats when they think no one is watching, the sparkly tutu Tommy wears to fight the forces of evil, the- okay. Okay it's slightly peculiar. But what's even weirder is how kind and welcoming everyone is to Techno.
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mistythedritten · 1 month
Fic Monday has returned, despite finals week
I almost forgot to post this, but thankfully, I didn't.
It's mostly Jizzie (they made the name okay) being immortals and unsettling Phil
Finals suck
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