#kiki x tombo
emmakubert · 1 year
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Late night at the bakery!
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sketchysketchiness · 1 month
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Smooth move
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stcrsalign · 2 years
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“black cat, black clothes”
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garfieldlver67 · 2 years
another kiki and tombo edit i forgot to post ;-)
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kitkatoc9090 · 1 year
kiki x tombo jiji x loufy 😄👍🏻❤
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toweroftickles · 6 months
❤️ Valentine's Day Morsels ❤️
(A Whole Month Late 😅)
These were all supposed to be done for the holiday itself, but obviously that didn't happen. The problem is that I care way too much about my writing and try too hard to make it actually good. That's not why anybody reads this crap. Anywho, I've been in an anomalously sappy, romantic mood lately and whipped up some sugary, snack-sized tickle drabbles involving a few of my all-time-favorite (canon) fictional couples. :) Hope these are sweet enough! Disclaimer: this is all obviously just meant to be cute, silly fun.
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Link/Zelda (utilizing "Wilds" era)
Whenever Purah developed a revolutionary new piece of tech for the Hylian Royal Family, she of course needed a volunteer to test it out. At those times, Princess Zelda was always on-hand to make sure she had one. And it was usually Link.
The Sheikah techie was putting the finishing touches on a new observation platform propulsion system...she called it a "Skyview Tower." The Hero of Hyrule stood in the center of the device, bracing for the upcoming vertical rush. It was somewhat against his will that he was being held in place by six clinking, clanking Guardian arms. He felt like a prisoner in the teeth of a hungry beast as they hooked him to the machine, but Purah just clicked away happily on her control Pad.
“How ya doin, Link? You comfy?” she asked him. He nodded reluctantly. "Ok, I'm gonna launch you in 10...9..."
Suddenly, at the sight of Link ensnared in the repurposed robot arms, Zelda bounced up and down and excitedly tapped her compatriot on the shoulder. “Oh! Oh! Purah, wait!”
Everything paused. The princess knelt and whispered excitedly into the inventor’s ear.
What they were talking about, Link couldn’t decipher, but he saw that in the midst of Zelda’s sentence, Purah’s smile stretched bigger and bigger. After a breathy exchange, both ladies were giggling to themselves. Uh-oh. He recognized that energetic sparkle in Purah’s eye…that only happened when she knew her tests were going to have “funny” results.
Beep. Four of the Guardian arms remained holding Link's wrists and ankles still, but the other two raised up and took on new purpose. The octopoid metal tendrils zipped around his torso, snapping their claws like hungry snakes. Their laser sights booped to life and swam their little red eyes all over him...targeting certain areas...and once Purah pressed that button again, they dove right in for the attack.
The little pincer claws skittered and tap-danced under his arms, across his stomach, between his ribs. At first he panicked. Then he grinned. Squirming and struggling, Link began to laugh.
“HHHHeh…Heheh…Heh-Heh Ha-Ha Ha-Ha! Z-Zeld…Heh! Haha!”
"See, I told you he was ticklish," the princess chuckled.
"Oooo, and you were right! This is fun! Look at him dance!"
"Heh-Heh, Heh-Heh Ha...Haha-Heh! Nn-Heh!" Bolts of Gerudo lightning didn't make Link jump around this much. It wasn’t until Zelda sauntered over and tickled him herself that the machine finally wound down.
And just like that, being shot out of an untested military-grade cannon didn't seem so bad.
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Parzival/Art3mis (Ready Player One)
Spring Center Fortress was always a fun place in the OASIS for testosterone-soaked one-v-one games. Each arena in the cubist coliseum was a giant trampoline, regardless of size or layout, and combat was fast and frantic when no one could stand still. Only true acrobats thrived in the chaos there. Entering one of the battle boxes, Parzival and Art3mis removed their shoes and jackets and stepped barefoot onto the bouncy black floor.
"Choose your weapon, sir." Arty's declaration of war was cheekier than usual. She smirked, already sure of her victory, and make a flashy show of unveiling a fully-2D Airbender staff. Rare gear.
Parzival eagerly cycled through the digital blue pockets of his inventory...lots of options to choose from. Neither he nor Arty were pulling admin privileges and just dropping rare junk into their accounts; this loot had to be earned like everyone else’s. Oh, there was a good one...
"Toymaker Energy Bo," he finally announced. The glowing green stick popped from hammerspace and into his hands, extending four frog-like fingers from its tip that snapped and pinched at their target.
Art3mis nodded. She looked impressed. "Spy Kids 3D. Nice."
At the sound of the buzzer, a blade of cartoony wind sliced through the room and nearly split Parzival's staff in two. Their weapons clacked together as the couple danced and dodged on the springy terrain...the fight was a wild flurry of flips, leg sweeps, slides and parries. Dodging a strike at her knees, Art3mis bounced into a full backwards aerial somersault, a mere hair's breadth away from the Game Over bo's snapping claws. Just as she landed and stumbled back, the very tips of metal fingers pulled at her body, grazing against four particular spots along her torso that they couldn't quite snare.
One, on the right side of her neck. One deep in the hollow of her left armpit. One just above her hipbone. And one smack in the center of her right side, under the ribcage.
“BAH!!” Art3mis nearly slipped on the undulating floor, swiveling on her heel and pointing her finger at Wade, and had to catch her balance against the back wall. Her staff zipped off on an air current and glided away across the stadium. Disarmed. In her most stern, commanding voice, the Goddess of the Hunt blurted “Hey! No. ...Z. No tickling."
"Hey, come on, it was an accident," Parzival laughed.
For a moment everything was still, both anticipating the other's next move. But he'd seen the flash of panic on her face...blood was in the water now. Her eyes darted to her glider. Slowly, Parzival raised his staff again. Its four-pronged hand spun around and wiggled in Arty's direction, closer and closer, and the sight made her jaw clench.
“...God, sometimes I love these Boot Suits.”
“Wade, no. N...HHHA-Ha Ha-Ha! …Ng-Heh! Nuh...nonono, God n-HNN!!"
Art3mis' arms contracted, trying to block the ravenous mechanical fingers, but that only pinned them even more snugly to where they could feast on her ticklish ribs. Her trembling knees buckled. Soon she was wrestled flat onto her back and rolling around atop the rubbery floor, her leg weakly kicking at the air. The Spy Kids staff no longer attacked her...it was Parzival's own fingers that she felt clawing beneath her loose crop-top, squeezing her belly until the cackles burst out of her. The two were bouncing and wrestling and laughing until the floor squeaked. Streaks of charcoal soot blackened her soles…the trampoline's worn surface had almost-literally painted a target on her bare feet, a target which Parzival didn't ignore for long. Arty was surprised by how hard she was cracking up...and, despite the soreness in her cheeks, by how much fun she was having.
“What, what’s the matter? Ya n00b. Stop laughing.”
"Ha-Ha Ha-Ha! Uncle! Uncl-hle!"
The dull fingernails that had been scribbling beneath her toes retreated. Arty was free again. Up and down, the trampoline reverberated to the rhythm of her diaphragm's spasmodic wobbles. Even after all this time, it was still an out-of-body experience, to catch one's raspy breath as a digital avatar...when she was worn out inside the OASIS, her real-world meat puppet followed suit. Slowly she and the trampoline both calmed. She sat up, folding her arms across bent knees, and her middle finger dabbed at her eyelash.
"Ha......Ahhhhhhh Ha Ha....Huheh...Okay, okay, you got me," she chuckled. Her toes clenched up against the rubbery ground. She tried to affect a serious expression, but that wide-eyed grin of hers just wouldn't dissolve. “But don’t do that again!”
"Eh, can't make any promises," Z taunted, helping her stand. For that, he received a playful punch in the shoulder.
Like most of the OASIS, there were no real rules in Spring Center Fortress. The important thing was how you won.
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Aang/Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Waterbender training was going...as Sokka would put it...swimmingly. Aang and Katara stood ankle-deep in the waters of Chameleon Bay, practicing their stances. Liquid swirled around them, rising and falling like tides at their command.
"How's your octopus form?" Aang's teacher asked him.
Quickly, Aang struck the proper pose and focused. A stream of ocean foam snaked upward into the air and corkscrewed multiple arcs around his body. With a twist of his arm, the water coalesced into a near-solid tentacle, its rippling surface smoothed out, and he made it sway back and forth in a friendly wave. Katara giggled. She, meanwhile, was focused on maintaining six hovering spheres of water that orbited around a rock in front of her. Gesturing with her palm, she relaxed into a simple Single Whip posture, her right knee bent and arms outstretched, and the water balls merged into a lash. She was focused and precise...and totally oblivious to what her pupil was doing.
Guided by Aang's slow dance, a water tendril slithered across the bay and breached the surface. As soon as Katara wasn't looking, its tip rose up and wiggled against her tummy - right next to her belly button.
"Ah! Haha…Aang, stop it!" Laughing, she jumped in place and covered her ticklish spot with her hand. Instantly the Avatar’s octopus construct fizzled into droplets and splashed the flowing sea below. He stood there all sheepish and rubbed the back of his tattooed head, grinning like a buffoon.
"Heh...sorry. You were wide open." Aang couldn't escape his own mischievous nature. He was 12, after all.
There was a brief and fearful pang in his stomach...is Katara mad at me? But her smile was the brightest he'd seen on the waterbender's face all week. In fact, if he didn't know any better, he could've sworn she was starting to blush. Both benders just laughed shyly and turned to face the sandbank once more.
"Alright, let's keep going."
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Gwen/Miles (Spider-Verse)
The multiversal headquarters of the Spiders didn't just have a lockup, a science lab, and a cafeteria (no bagels allowed). There was also quite a museum of trophies and mementos gathered from past battles, defeated villains, and fallen heroes from all across the cosmic web. It was like Batman's basement on the scale of the MoMA. And Gwen couldn't wait to show Miles all she'd learned there.
Clasping one another's hands they dashed through the halls, often pulling eagerly in opposite directions. Miles was a kid in a candy store, and every time his eyes lit up, it reminded Gwen of a thousand reasons why she liked him. After passing the wrecked granite namesake of one "Big Wheel 5000 BC," the two skidded to a stop, lured by an exhibit that stood out from the rest: a single hand, perched atop a pedestal.
An Infinity Gauntlet, this was not. It was a cheap canary opera glove, with long, fluffy white feathers glued to its digits in lieu of fingernails. The plastic plaque beneath declared in full voice to the pair:
“‘The Tickler?!’" Frog-mouthed in shock, Gwen doubled over, laughing wildly. “No. Freaking. Way."***
"Are you serious right now? Ha…Wow, they just get lamer…”
"Heheh-Heh! Ok, ok; you’ve gotta hear this: 'Crude homemade weapon retrieved from Whedon Winslow, Earth-57780.' Some name... 'Failed stand-up comedian who turned to larceny. Distracted victims and pursuant Spider Society with...'"
But Miles wasn’t paying attention to Gwen's narration. He was busy cracking his knuckles and reaching toward his distracted girlfriend from behind, trying to project confidence from a playful smile that was actually quite shy. He was gonna get her so good, he encouraged himself.
In the midst of Gwen's sentence, kneading fingertips hooked right into her sensitive, squishy waistline.
Her gasp was loud and shrill. The girl almost popped like a chocolatey toaster pastry, but a right forearm encircled her collarbone and held her firmly in place. Before she knew it, Gwen was immobilized in a tickle hug and fell straight into Miles' lap as the two collapsed to the floor.
"AH!! *gasp* Huhuh-Huhuh Heheh! *gasp* Ah Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha! St-HOP ihit! We're supposed to be quiet!!"
She screamed and elbowed Miles in the stomach, but he maintained his hold. Then she tried pulling on his wrists. No good. Gwen was the most squirmy, wiggly human being Miles had ever seen; champion swimmers didn't kick their legs as hard as she did. He might as well have been trying to hold onto a hagfish in an oil spill…even with sticky fingers, it was a challenge! But watching her smile and laugh like this was so worth it.
“Wait, hold up a minute!” Miles laughed as if Gwen would actually obey him (not that she had much choice). One THWIP! of spider-silk from his wrist, and The Tickler’s glove was yanked right off its perch and into his hand. Miles didn't put it on...all he needed to do was hold one of the fingers and wield the feather like a wand.
The quills prickled like thousands of tiny needles against the nape of Gwen's goosebumpy neck...right at the signal source from whence her Spider-Sense was screeching. Any measure of defiance left in her crumbled to dust. Both of her palms slapped over her face...anything to hide it from Miles. She could have fried an egg on her cheeks for how they sizzled.
“VVVVVVVFF-EEEE!!! *Yeek!* OmigodNO - N-no feath-hers, oh my GAWWD, no feahehther-her-hers…*SNORT* AHHHMilesstoppit!” she whined and cried. The feather stroked down across her collarbone, her shoulder blade, under her armpit...
It wasn't long before one of the nigh-innumerable Spider Society horde noticed the sound of embarrassed squeals echoing throughout the gallery and swooped in to investigate. But when this particular Peter Parker entered the hall, it was found vacant. Nothing but various museum exhibits, all undisturbed in their places. And so he left.
Miles, as it turns out, had been practicing a new technique. He wasn't the only person that he could turn invisible.
"Shhh!" he whispered. Gwen was absolutely trembling in his lap, even though the tickling had stopped - it took two hands to stifle her uncontrollable belly laughs. There, with his arms around her and feeling her heartbeat against his, a warmth washed over Miles. There were a million worries flapping around inside his brain...his future with the Spiders, his parents, and he & Gwen...was it right, how they felt about each other, what they were doing? But for a few quiet moments, where nobody could see them, none of that mattered.
He almost kissed the top of her head, but got too antsy.
Maybe next time.
*Note: Actual Spider-Man villain. Seriously. I did not make this up.
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Victoria/Misto (Cats 2019)
The Egyptian Theater was warm and sleepy that evening. The old sun-shaped stage prop created the perfect napping spot for a young Jellicle, and the white cat lolled blissfully in its hollowed-out cradle. Her left leg dangled down off the side, pendulous and swaying like a metronome, right next to her boyfriend’s nearby head. Mr. Mistoffelees was kneeling there on the floorboards directly beneath, fumbling with a deck of cards.
Victoria peered over the side of her perch and smiled, unnoticed. Just laying beside her magician (well, a bit higher and to the right of him, anyway) carried her off in a cozy bubble of comfort. She just felt content around him. Her hands couldn’t reach to pet him…not from this angle…so instead, she held her slender leg out and, with her big toe, traced gentle crescents behind his ear.
His ear twitched. At first Misto instinctively ducked away from the impromptu scalp scratch, inquisitive chuckle aside ("Heh...what are you doing?"), but he soon came around to her affection and began to purr. His head rolled around across his shoulders, his back arched, and his ears flopped and wagged. Tori could tell the scritches were making him happy. Tufts of black fur shot up like grass between her marble toes, bristling the ball of her foot back and forth, until out of nowhere it made her shiver and pull away.
"Hmhm! Hmf..." she giggled sweetly through her nose. "Your fur tickles."
The tuxedo cat grinned and looked up at her. There was his opening. "Oh, it does?" he taunted. "It does?" With one quick yank, Victoria’s foot was down near his chest, and she was laughing and gripping the sunbeams with all her might. In her meek struggle for balance, that varnished wooden nest fought back with bumpy scrapes against her stomach and her thighs. Taking hold of his tail in his left hand, Misto started painting broad brushstrokes across Victoria’s foot with its fuzzy black tip, and she immediately began to fidget. “What about this?” Misto asked her.
"Heehee-Hih! *gasp* Hn-Hih! Th-hat's not fair, I'm stuck...Hee! It tihickles," the snow-white kitten’s jubilant squeaks bubbled up from inside her. Her ears flattened shyly. Why did this kind of thing happen to her so much? She didn’t hate being tickled, but lately it felt like she’d become something of a Jellicle magnet. If this kept up, she’d have to start wearing her ballet flats 24/7.
Almost as soon as it started, Misto let her go, and Victoria scurried her legs back up inside that little hovel, before turning around and facing him once more. She loved the chalky pink way his nose blushed, and that awkward, crooked smile of his, the one that popped up whenever he finally let himself be playful. He loved how her persimmon lips stood out against her face, and the way her head dropped timidly down to her shoulders when she giggled.
Soon the two were snuggling in each other's arms inside the heart of the sun, just waiting for the Jellicle Moon to rise again.
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Vi/Caitlyn (Arcane)
The papery bandages around her forearms chafed against Vi's chin. Her elaborate clockwork tattoos peeked out through the rips on her sleeveless blue-hooded top. Pink-and-orange sunset streaked through the nearby glass and bronzed her cheeks. She still wasn’t used to laying on a bed as big and comfy as Caitlyn’s.
"I haven't had a back rub in...probably forever," she mused, still a little apprehensive about this kind of intimate contact.
"It's really relaxing, I promise,” Caitlyn reassured her.
Warm palms kneaded into the Trencher girl's scapula. Spindly fingers performed slow, smooth taffy-machine pulls on the muscles between Vi’s shoulders and neck. At first she resisted, but slowly surrendered to the touching and let herself sink deep into the soft mattress.
“Wow, your…you’re rock solid,” Caitlyn murmured, impressed. Under that jacket, Vi’s physique felt even buffer than it looked. And that intricate body art…Caitlyn was so busy admiring that she neglected to notice how her hands were moving faster, stroking in tandem with her nervous pulse.
Vi froze. Her fingers skittishly drummed against the bedsheet. Everything about Caitlyn's technique was wrong in precisely the wrong ways: the thumbs were rubbing a little too gently down her lats, the fingernails squeezing a smidge too firm between her ribs. It was clumsy, inelegant... ticklish. All it took was one especially-wrong nerve hit, and when she could no longer keep her mouth shut, Vi’s whole body shuddered.
“DAH, Huhuh-Heheh! Hey…watch it,” she laughed. "Careful back there."
“Sorry,” Cait replied, smirking. Her hands plunged back down.
Oh come on…not again. Vi felt like a grape in a wine press when twisting thumbs pushed down hard on her obliques. Her lumbars. Her hipbones. Every knot in her lower back. Her eyes widened, and all the air in her chest squeezed out from between her lips like a squished football deflating.
“Mmff…PFFFFTHnhn!” More wriggles. The bed whined from the kicking lower legs that thumped against it. Caitlyn was at a befuddled junction halfway between offense and joy, between pouting and grinning. Vi always made things difficult for her.
“I am trying to do something nice for you; could you just hold still?”
“GRRRR, stop tickling me!” Vi snapped.
No apology this time. Only a playful tsk, and then the massage resumed.
The fluttery rubbing sensation drilled down through Vi’s back until it scorched the inner wall of her stomach. Her frustrated, reddening facial features scrunched themselves tightly together. She repeatedly slapped the nearby pillow with the ferocity of a grunge drummer. If her bared teeth ground any harder together, her gums would’ve bled.
“NGK! Nooo-hoho; Hng-Hn! Gkkkk…Sss-sss-st-hop i-hih-hit…! Kkkkk!!” The redhead choked on desperate glass-shard sniggers that scraped against the roof of her mouth. She couldn’t stop her angry giggling, and it drove her nuts.
"C-hut it ouuut, I'm gonna punch you!!!" That one wasn't a threat; it was a genuine, heartfelt warning.
Caitlyn couldn’t help but flash a buck-toothed grin...that was probably enough, for both their sakes. She drew back her wiry hands and watched Vi's quivering shoulders slow down, listened to her breath steady itself.
"Ugh...What the hell, Cait?"
“Sorry, it wasn't on purpose. You’re just…I think it’s very…*ahem* …" Now it was the cop's turn to be flustered and rosy-cheeked. "...adorable. How frustrated you get when you’re feeling ticklish.”
Caitlyn was expecting a tease, a playful slap, a snarky reprimand...some kind of retaliation...especially when she saw that smirk in the corner of Vi's mouth. But instead of payback, she received a pleasant surprise: Vi sat up, turned around, and shoved her lips into Caitlyn’s so hard and fast that the blue-haired Enforcer almost fell backward.
...Perhaps she'd have to try this again soon.
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Kiki/Tombo (Kiki's Delivery Service)
“Hey, Kiki, I was wondering…can witches call their broomsticks to them like a magnet?” Tombo asked studiously, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He and Kiki were relaxing on Ursula’s front porch with glasses of fizzy lemonade, the sticky kind that makes your spit hurt when you drink it. It was a foggy spring morning and the crows were flapping in the damp emerald lawn.
“Hm…I don’t know; I’ve never tried,” she observed. Spying her broom across the clearing, rested against a tree stump, the young courier witch reached out her right hand, poked her tongue out, and concentrated. Unfortunately, Star Wars hadn't been invented yet, so it didn't occur to her to make an Empire Strikes Back reference.
At first her flying stick merely turned. It rocked in the crook of the tree’s roots, but nothing more. Maybe she wasn’t concentrating hard enough? But no sooner had the idea entered her mind than the crude vehicle hoisted itself horizontally, hovered a few feet off the grass, and charged. An invisible hand threw the broom at Kiki like a chucked javelin, and it was soaring straight for her face.
"Whoa! Look out!" Tombo immediately sprung into action, and his quick dive shoved Kiki out of the way just in time for him to take the blow. The broom's handle shot into one sleeve and out the other, dragging the junior aviator off the porch and tossing him headlong to the ground before it finally twitched its last.
“Oh my gosh, Tombo! Are you ok?!” Panicking, Kiki rushed to pull her friend up out of the grass. The broom handle was caught against his neck, parallel to the red-and-white stripes on his chest. He wobbled a bit when he stood...a few green stains on his knees...but was otherwise unscraped.
"Um, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little crooked here," he reassured her, swinging his arms around like a weathervane.
“Oh, thank goodness...Heh...you know, you kind of look like a scarecrow that way."
She was right...he did...but the boy’s gangly T-pose did nothing to deter Ursula’s avian buddies. In fact, right on cue, several of them flocked to his outstretched forearms. One even pecked at his ear.
“Heh-Heh! Guess I’m not a very good one!” The two shared a chuckle, before Kiki helpfully flapped her arm and shooed the birds away. "Hey, thanks. Can you help me get this out? My arms are kinda stuck."
But Kiki wasn't interested in helping right away...his pose had given her other ideas. Before Tombo knew it, Kiki's fingers were strumming up and down his sides with gleeful abandon. She kept pinching his belly and in between his ribs and affectionately watched him wiggle.
"Heh! Heheh-Haha! Hey, cut it ou-howt! Heh! You know I'm ticklish!" Tombo's smile was wide and sunny and dorky as he jumped around in place. Kiki, meanwhile, was positively giddy. She only tickled for a few more seconds...any longer and she would've gotten much too embarrassed...before carefully extricating the misbehaving broom from Tombo's sleeves and throwing it out into the field. Crisis averted.
"Heehee-Hee! I'm sorry, I couldn't help it!"
The boy brushed his sandy hair back and grinned broadly as the two sat again. "Well, you know I can't just let you do that!"
Kiki glanced down. Slowly...making sure to stretch out each moment of tension to its unbearable limits...Tombo was reaching his hands towards her, performing a spidery midair dance with his fingers.
The teen witch was already in a fit of helpless giggles and starting to blush. “Hmhm! Oho no, please don’t do it…” But instead of fleeing or curling up like an armadillo, as Tombo expected, Kiki bent over and quickly slipped her shoes off…first left, then right…and then lifted her arms skyward. “Heehee! Oh my gohosh, no, please…please don't...”
Suddenly, an old door hinge groaned. Bare feet creaked on the cold grey porch step. When Kiki & Tombo turned to look at the source of the noise, there stood Ursula, grinning and tapping her fingers on a steaming blue coffee mug.
"Hey, what are you two doing out here?"
*******A Few Seconds Later*******
"AHHH, Ha-HAAAAA Haha! *gasp* Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha!" Kiki screamed.
"Heheh...Heh! Hng…Heheh-Haha Haha...Hng! Heh! Stop!" Tombo's turn.
Ursula was pinning both of her young friends down to the floorboards, aggressively wiggling her nimble fingers across their bellies and watching them squirm & kick in sync together. “Uh-ohhh; look out! I'm the world's most evil tummy tickler!” She laughed, they laughed; Ursula was clearly relishing her position.
That is, until Kiki and Tombo managed to grab the artist’s ankles amid their struggle, tripped her up, and tickled her feet with her own paintbrushes until she was completely out of breath from laughing.
Kiki often wound up in tickle fights with her friends back home. But she couldn't remember one that was this much fun.
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Robin/Maid Marian (Robin Hood)
Cops and robbers, such as they were, didn't exist in 12th-century Britannia. So "Robin Hood vs. Prince John" was the game of choice for the rabbit brood. Skippy was playing Robin Hood, of course, which meant Sis & Tagalong were his cohorts. Maid Marian volunteered to be Prince John, so Lady Kluck had to be the Sheriff. That left Robin himself to portray the benevolent King Richard, and Toby Turtle as Sir Hiss.
“A pox on the phony king of England!” Robin cheered. At his command, his noble servants were chasing the “Prince” all over the castle courtyard. They all ran in wild circles over and over, laughing merrily, until Skippy and Tagalong managed to hop up and grab Marian by the wrists. The bunny siblings dangled off of her like bracelets swaying in the breeze, and she bent at the waist as she tried to keep walking.
"We've gotchu now, Prince John!" crowed Skippy. "Give up?"
"Oh no, what-EVER shall I do?" Marian giggled in her most over-dramatic performance yet. "Sir Hiss, seize these scoundrels!"
Toby's head - SHLUNK - sucked back into his shell. He certainly wasn't going to help. Eager to catch their dastardly villain, Sis took matters into her own hands. Jumping in front of the pack, the bunny girl reached up and pawed at the struggling Maid Marian's belly, and Skippy joined the fun by grabbing her side. Immediately, the vixen broke into breathy peals of soft, melodious laughter.
"Ohoho no...Oh no-ho-ho-ho! *gasp* Noooo; anything but tickling, Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha!"
She knew full well that a plea like that would only goad the rambunctious tykes on, but if she were being honest, she was having far too much fun to care. This was as close as she'd get to playing with kids of her own, at least for a little while. Letting loose an enthusiastic yip, Marian fell into the dandelions, and the wrath of the rabbit swarm rained down upon her.
A sextet of bunny hands and paws were grabbing and squeezing and scratching at her tummy. Their little fingers pulled through creases in the silky dress she wore; their feet slid and stomped along her sides and made her wiggle. The kids' squeaky machine-gun giggles were very contagious, and the already-helpless fox couldn't stop laughing herself silly. She jostled and squirmed and had to push Tagalong off of her stomach.
“Ah-Ha Ha-Ha! *gasp* Help! K-Klucky-Hee…Ro...Robin, Heh-Heh-Help!”
"Bawk! Milady! Yer noicest drrrrress!" Klucky honked.
Robin himself was busy chuckling at Marian’s misfortune. Quite clever of them, he thought. They'd make Merry Men yet. His yellow bycocket cap shifted atop his vulpine ears - and suddenly, his thoughts turned to the feather that adorned it. He removed the hat, pulled the long scarlet plume from its sheathe, and twisted it between his fingers, amused. "Ah, there we are..." the outlaw remarked to no one in particular, as if he'd made some unexpected discovery.
Kneeling down, Robin grasped Marian's right ankle and gingerly lifted her leg up out of the weeds. With that roguish, wry smile and an absentminded hum, he stared right into her eyes and swooshed the feather back and forth across the bottom of her foot.
"Oh!! *gasp* Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha!! *gasp*hic* Haha-Ha! Oh dohon't, please, I...I d-hon't think I can stand any more, Ha-Ha Ha!” she cried. Pools of pink stained her cheeks. Her long eyelashes were dripping wet.
"Hmm, I think the prisoner has learned their lesson, don't you, kids?" Robin declared. Despite a few protests and "awwww"s, everyone backed off, leaving the exhausted Marian alone in the grass to catch her breath. "The Prince has been vanquished!!"
"Long live Robin Hood!" Skippy cried, holding his wooden sword triumphantly aloft, cheered on by his adulating sisters. While the kids danced in a circle singing "Prince John the Worst" off-key, Robin traipsed through the flowerbed over to his lady fair and tenderly offered her his palm.
"Oh, my hero; you've come to rescue me," Marian sighed, still all atwitter and breathless and fanning herself.
But instead of taking his hand, Marian pulled Robin down into the sunny spring field with her. Robin sent her his most disarmingly handsome smolder, and when she shied away, he slowly kissed her cheek. Their embrace was perfectly accompanied by the sounds of Sis and Tagalong giggling at them in the background...and of Skippy pretending to vomit.
"Blech!" he mumbled. "...Sissy stuff."
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Neytiri/Jake (Avatar)
Neytiri sat up and slowly pulled her feet from beneath the powdery white sand. Infinitesimal shards of salt and earth and coral and glass sifted through the gaps between her toes with a quiet hiss. Pandoran beaches were very soft.
Jake emerged from the water and strode over to her resting spot. The sand was so smooth that he didn't even leave footprints; the pale flecks of dust simply clung to his body. "You think we should get back?" he asked her. "Mo'at's probably gonna be pissed."
"Mmmm..." Neytiri sighed contentedly and closed her eyes. "Not yet. I am too relaxed to move."
“Well here…lemme help you.” Not waiting for a rebuttal, Jake immediately stepped over her reclining legs, turned his back, and plopped down right on her ankles, straddling them. Neytiri looked bemused by his antics.
"What? What are you...AHH!!!! HN...Huheh-HEEE Heehee-Hee! NO! No PLEASE; HA-HA HA-HA!!"
The Omatikaya princess’ loud shriek scattered the nearby flock of tetrapteron into the salty air. Her grin threatened to split her cheeks open. Jake's fingertips were mercilessly prodding and caressing underneath her toes, and every single touch made her want to scream.
"Not that! G-get AWAY from MEE-HEE!!!" But her mate said nothing. Grinning, Jake bent all ten of his fingers...those damn Sky People with their extra digits...and scratched them up and down on her massive sky-blue soles.
“J-Jake!! My JAHAY-HA-HA-HA!!!” Neytiri tried to beg, but couldn't get the words out. Her voice leapfrogged through the entire octave scale, from bird chirps all the way down to breathy hyucks erupting from deep in her belly. She thrashed around frantically, her butt bouncing against the sand, and left a flurry of stinging open-palm slaps across her husband's back; even he could barely wrestle her down. Braids and beads tangled themselves like seaweed across her screaming face...how undignified it was, to constantly spit out strands of dreadlocked hair in between her bouts of tearful hysteria.
Jake didn't quit torturing her until she managed to lurch herself forward...the crunch burned her elongated stomach...and threw both of her hands at his armpits. He laughed and jumped aside at the unexpected tickle, before spinning around and scooping Neytiri into his arms. In a moment she was flat on her back once again, with Jake hovering over her and blotting out the sun, a toruk in his own right. The tremors in her chest slowed down, but her anger only boiled hotter. The smug, dopey jarhead smile of his...why didn't she hate it?
"I...*huff*...will...make you suffer for this...*wheeze*...Jake Sully," she hissed at her mate, flashing jagged fangs.
Rather than fear her, or even apologize, Jake simply tweaked her nose and pecked her on the forehead. What an asshole.
Maybe she could let him off the hook. Just this once.
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slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. fluff. kiki's delivery service au-ish. a lil mutual pining. warnings. reader is basically kiki and sohee is basically tombo lol. some psychic magic mentioned. it's mostly just them being whipped for each other. osono cameo cause she's mvp fr. pairing. sohee x witch!reader. wc. 2.5k. a/n. the riize brainrot is SO REAL. idk why i felt sohee would fit the role of tombo so perfectly hes just sooo 💔💔 i love him guys 🥹
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Sohee was 97.62436% sure that he was going crazy when he first saw you flying on a broomstick through the city. Of course, the other 2.37564% that had gone completely insane was fascinated, excited, and probably (definitely) head over heels in love.
He lived in a small town. One where the word went around like a whirlwind as soon as anyone new moved in. It was the most exciting thing that could happen for the residents there, especially when the newcomer happened to be a very pretty girl from a rich city. 
Most people would move out of the town when they reached 20 or so to discover themselves. Yet they always seemed to find their way back when they were a bit more settled. It was a rite of passage— a route to adulthood that almost everyone assumed the youth of the town would take. Sohee liked his town, though, and didn’t feel any need to move away. He had already discovered himself enough to know what he wanted to do with his life. 
There were exciting things to do that he doubted he would be able to do anywhere else. Visiting the town’s grandpa that ran the old antique shop, getting free candy from the young lady who ran the candy store after the old owner had passed away, seeing every new addition to the art gallery from the aspiring painters and sculptors in town. And, his favourite activity: investigating the old junk yard for spare parts to make his newest models.
Sohee liked to call himself an inventor. It felt spiffy and official. He showed off every new creation he pieced together with rusted tools and even rustier bits of metal like it was the next world-changing invention. He could spend hours in his dad’s old workshop working with nuts and bolts, seeing what the pieces could make once they came together.
He had been determined to make a flying vehicle for years now. After finding a beautiful old wind turbine in the junkyard when he was 14, he had started planning mock-ups for a bicycle. He would attach the turbine in front of it so that when you pedalled, the turbine spinned. The hope was that with enough inertia, you could eventually lift off the ground with it. He was skeptical that it would actually work, though.
He hadn’t officially talked to you yet. You had been in town for a couple days now, staying with the couple that ran the local bakery. Sohee thought you were absolutely beautiful from the moment he first saw you. He had been riding his bicycle past the bakery on his way to the carpenters to pick up some tools. One glance at you through the window had him abruptly pushing on the brakes, eyes going wide.
Maybe it was a bit of an exaggeration, but you looked like an angel. Or a goddess. Or a fairy. Sohee couldn’t decide which one, but he knew that you were the most stunning person he had ever seen. Since that day, he kept running into you in town, but his own nervousness had stopped him from talking to you properly. He had held a few conversations; enough to know your name and age, but clearly not enough to know that you could fly through the air.
Now, he was staring wide-eyed at the clouds, watching you soar just beneath them so effortlessly. He craned his head to watch you as long as he could before you disappeared behind the clock tower.
“Woah…” He whispered, jaw dropped in an awestruck expression. 
“She’s quite the girl, isn’t she?” 
Sohee turned to the side, nodding in agreement with what Osono, the bakery lady, had said.
“She’s amazing. Do you know how she does it?” He asked with a grin.
“Haven’t you heard by now, Sohee? She’s a witch! She chose our town to do her witch training.” Osono explained.
“That’s incredible! I didn’t even know witches actually existed! Do you know what she’s training in?!” Sohee felt like his brain was spinning at a speed incomprehensible to mankind. He kept thinking of more and more questions about you. He’d never seen anyone quite like you before, and the more he learned, the more intrigued he became.
“She said she’s still figuring it out— but she’s interested in love readings. For now, she’s using her flying skills to help me and the town. She’s an excellent delivery girl!” Osono beamed.
“Love readings…?” Sohee pondered the idea on his way back home. The next day, he found himself at the town’s library, scanning through the small section on magic and witches with more focus than he had put to almost anything.
“Miss witch, I’d like to get a love reading!” He announced happily, swinging open the door to the bakery where you were seated at the counter, seconds away from falling asleep due to the lack of customers. You jerked up at the sound of Sohee, immediately knowing that it was him from his playful nickname for you— miss witch.
“Really!? You want one!?” You jumped up from your seat and rushed around the counter to be face to face with him. Sohee had become your first friend in town. After he had seen you fly that day, he discovered the key to talking to you without being awkward. You could fly and he wanted to fly. There was a perfect common interest.
You loved talking to Sohee. He was infinitely more interesting than the kids back at your old home, most of which were stuck up and rude. Sohee was bright and kind and full of imagination and dreams and inspiration. He never got bored of you talking about being a witch, and you never got bored of hearing about his new inventions. You had never clicked so well with someone before.
There was also the fact that he was the prettiest boy you’d ever seen. But that was… less important. You had a bad habit of crushing on boys without it ever going anywhere. You were determined not to repeat that disaster a sixth time.
“It would be my great honour to be your very first customer.” Sohee said dramatically, making you giggle with excitement. 
“Well, then, dear client, shall we go to my witch lair? I can’t perform the reading anywhere else.” You responded, matching his dramatics perfectly. He grinned and nodded and you grabbed his wrist to lead him upstairs.
“It’s a bit messy— give me a second!” You rushed around your small attic space that Osono had been so kind to let you stay in for free. You hurriedly put away the food that you had gotten for breakfast and shoved some odd trinkets under your bed so that they were hidden. Sohee just watched, his heart racing. He really needed to get that under control.
“Where’s my witching supplies- Aha! Here it is!” You held up a small purple box, bejewelled with gold ornaments. It looked ancient and rusty— exactly the type of artifact that Sohee loved.
You set down a thin blanket on the wooden floor before taking out the little baubles and setting them in the middle of the fabric. Sohee sat on one end, and you on the other. 
“Alright, mister… I have a series of questions, but for this to work, you must answer them completely honestly. If you lie even once, the whole thing will be messed up!” You had put on your mother’s joke witches had for fun. The sight made Sohee laugh, especially when you deepened your voice to sound old as you explained how things would work.
“I got it. I’ll tell only the truth.” Sohee promised.
“Once you answer all the questions, I’ll flip over this blank card. If everything works out, the name of the person you love the most will slowly appear before your eyes! Now… Are you ready?” You quirked an eyebrow, staring seriously at him even though on the inside you were about to burst with excitement. It was your dream to open your own love reading business. You just weren’t completely sure if you were good enough at it yet.
Sohee nodded eagerly, a mix of excitement and nervousness stewing inside of him. He wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, so he carefully followed along with what you did to make sure he didn’t mess anything up. You closed your eyes and he followed suit.
The questions you asked started out simple, without Sohee needing to deliberate before delivering the honest answer to you. But as they went on, they got more complex and more personal. Sohee had never doubted your abilities as a witch, but he hadn’t expected you to be able to see right through him.
“Last question…”
“Mhm?” Sohee could feel his stomach twist in nervousness, but he breathed steadily to try to calm his nerves.
“Do you believe yourself to be in love with someone at this current moment?” 
Sohee swallowed slowly, his mouth and throat feeling parched all of a sudden. He took his time to think through it, though the answer was almost painfully obvious. He had never been more in love in his entire life.
“Yes.” He finally answered with certainty, a slight burden lifting off his chest. It was almost as if he was confessing to you in a way— and though he didn’t say it directly, it still eased some of his anxiety. He opened his eyes hesitantly after answering to see your face scrunched in concentration.
“No way-” You opened your eyes as well, frowning in confusion and looking up to Sohee with a questioning gaze. “By any chance are you…?” 
“Huh?” Sohee blinked, confused at your actions. You shook your head quickly and stared down at the blank card.
“Are you ready?” 
The air felt a little tense as you slowly flipped over the black card. You held your hand over it for a few seconds, shielding it from Sohee’s curious view. You lifted your hand carefully once you were sure it had worked and watched as the name slowly appeared on the card.
You sat in frozen shock once you read the name on the card, struggling to process what you had seen. Your name was displayed on the card, clearer than ever. There was no way that anyone could possibly mistake it or misread it, but you just couldn’t believe it.
“It- we- we must’ve messed it up somehow! There’s no way that’s- It must’ve got me confused, right!?” Sohee spluttered helplessly, his entire face a bright shade of red. Somehow in his calculations, he didn’t expect for the card to expose him that horrendously, right in front of you as well.
“I don’t think we did it wrong, though… Everything felt… right.” You said quietly. “Do you… like me?” You could barely get the words to come out of your throat. 
There were some parts of your magic that you still needed time to trust completely. Flying had always been easy in that aspect; you either flew or you didn’t. But when it came to love readings, you wondered how likely it was that your magic had gotten messed up. You liked to be whimsical and believe that your love readings could be completely accurate, but your confidence had never been as low as in this moment. 
However nervous you were feeling, it was a thousand times worse for Sohee. You had a small inkling of hope— hope that he would say yes. But for Sohee, he could only think of the possible rejection. Or the even worse possibility that this would tear apart your friendship.
“Yes…?” Sohee whispered out to you. You had never heard him this nervous or quiet before.
“Really? Are you sure?” You asked again, this time with a little more voice and hope surging in you. Sohee must have picked up on the hopeful tone, as he answered yes again, this time with more certainty. 
“Then the reading wasn’t wrong?! You actually like me?” Your hand clasped over your mouth before you could ramble anymore in your state of disbelief. 
“What about you? I mean… you probably don’t, right? But maybe…?” Sohee couldn’t help but be hopeful for your response, but he held himself back from being too expectant on the response he was dreaming for. 
“Do I like you back?! Of course I do- It wasn’t obvious before now?” You stuttered in disbelief.
“I mean- I hoped you did, but I couldn’t be sure.” Sohee clarified. The tension in the room had completely dissipated by now, and your smiles were slowly coming back as the reality settled in. 
“I’ve liked you since I moved here, I think. Didn’t you ever question why we kept running into each other before we became friends?” 
“No? I just thought it was a lucky coincidence.” Sohee admitted with a laugh.
“It was because whenever I spotted you biking around town, I’d land in a street nearby and pretend like I was always walking that way just to cross paths with you!” You corrected stubbornly. Now that it was clear that the feelings were mutual, you wanted him to know the effort that you went through to get closer to him.
“I also started going past the bakery on my way home. It added an extra 5 minutes to my route, but it was worth it to see you working through the glass window.” He scratched the back of his neck shyly, mirroring your smile when your eyes brightened at hearing his confession. 
“So… what now?” You questioned suddenly after a prolonged silence of both of you trying to stare at the other while simultaneously trying your best not to look obvious.
“Would you go out with me?” Sohee asked excitedly. “Oh shoot- I should’ve gotten flowers first. Wait here- I’ll be quick!” He stammered, rushing out of the room before you could stop him. He was gone only long enough for you to giggle in delight while you cleaned up the supplies you had laid out. Your witching skills had come in handy in the best of ways.
He was out of breath by the time he burst open the door again, but his eyes had never glimmered any brighter. He held a bouquet of pink and white roses, a little squished on one side from the rush he had been in. 
“You know you didn’t have to go buy these…” You bit back a smile, taking the pretty flowers from his hands.
“My mom always said the best way to charm a lady was with flowers.” He panted and grinned at you cheekily when you shot him a look. You smiled as you sniffed the sweet scent of the roses. Sohee was about to say something else, but you pulled him into a tight hug before he could start, the unexpected gesture knocking all words he had into another dimension.
“I really like you, Sohee.” You whispered, your smile twinkling as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
He took a second to get over the shock of you hugging him before he was wrapping his arms around your frame as well, mumbling back, “Me too.”
↳ riize taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien
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konigsmissedbeltloop · 8 months
i love studio ghibli an insane amount so, for ghost x reader who fits them the best? :33 if this does well I’ll do the other boys 💐💐
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sailor-aviator · 1 year
Alright, I'm trying to get a couple of projects going (I know I already have three, but let's shoot for one more.) So below, please vote for which one you would like to see most!
So excited to see what's going to win!!
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spamkimbap · 1 year
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Bingo of some of my favorite F/M / het ships! I did a femslash one and am working on a M/M / slash one, but took a break to do this one. Please note that I headcanon most of these characters as some form of queer that makes their relationship not "het", but I'm just going off of what they canonically are considered. I had to exclude a few ships due to them being a bit too adjacent to genderqueer identities or for being polycules, RIP.
List of ships, left to right top to bottom
Fluttercord (MLP:FIM)
Arrietty and Sho (The Secret World of Arrietty)
Muge x Hinode (A Whisker Away)
Mareach (Super Mario Bros. Series)
Layclaire (Professor Layton)
Panty x Brief (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt)
Sophie x Howl (Howl's Moving Castle) (this also includes the book and I prefer the book to the movie)
Zaspiva (Bug Fables)
Seiji x Shizuku (Whisper of the Heart)
Fuyupeko/Kuzupeko (Danganronpa)
Sheeta x Pazu (Castle in the Sky)
Glimbow (SPOP)
Dualrivalshipping (Pokemon)
Zelink (LOZ: Spirit Tracks)
Connverse (Steven Universe)
Hikaharu (OHSHC)
Westley x Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Chihiro x Haku (Spirited Away)
Ashitaka x San (Princess Mononoke)
Tombo x Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)
Naoto x Nagotoro (Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro)
Kyoru (Furuba)
Mr Darcy x Elizabeth (Pride & Prejudice)
Klavery (Pokemon)
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Fandoms & Ships
I am a true nerd, and as such, continously seek out new media and their fandoms, and become involved with them, while also cyclically coming back to the ones I already love. I am a romantic, and I love seeing love in general (all types of love, not just romantic!), so I am also a very big shipper!
I don't always have a set ship(s) for every fandom I find myself in, nor do I think it necessary to try and "prove" that mine are better than other ships. I like what I like, and I like seeing what others like as well. So I might have OTPs, but I also like engaging with content for all kinds of ships, even true rarepairs.
I also don't think it necessary for a fandom to have ships, so just because I have a listed ship that I like/love, doesn't mean I can't have neutral/objective thoughts and opinions about that particular piece of media.
That being said, here's a list of fandoms I come back to, or keep up with, and a list of ships I have a preference for. OTPs are bolded! Oh, and media (as in the series, books, shows, etc.) are rated according to my opinion!
(This list is subject to change.)
Ongoing Media:
A Sign of Affection (/10)
Nagi Itsuomi/Itose Yuki
Nagi Kyōya/Fujishiro Rin
Iyanagi Shin/Nakazono Emma
Black Butler (/10)
Ciel Phantomhive/Elizabeth Midford
Bungo Stray Dogs (/10)
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chūya
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke/Nakajima Atsushi
Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe
Chainsaw Man (/10)
Hayakawa Aki/Angel Devil
Fairy Tail/100 Years Quest (/10)
Zeref Dragneel/Mavis Vermillion
Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia
Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser
Jellal Fernandes/Erza Scarlet
Gajeel Redfox/Levy McGarden
Romeo Conbolt/Wendy Marvell
Elfman Strauss/Evergreen
Alzack Connell/Bisca Mulan
Hunter x Hunter (/10)
Gon Freecss/Killua Zoldyck
Hisoka Morow/Illumi Zoldyck
Chrollo Lucilfer/Kurapika
Jujutsu Kaisen (/10)
Geto Suguru/Gojo Satoru
Itadori Yūji/Fushiguro Megumi
Okkotsu Yūta/Maki
Fushiguro Toji/His Wife (Mama Fushiguro)
My Hero Academia (/10)
Record of Ragnarok (/10)
SK8 The Infinity (/10)
Nanjō Kojirō/Sakurayashiki Kaoru
Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki
Shindo Ainosuke/Kikuchi Tadashi
(Disney) Twisted-Wonderland
Malleus Draconia/Yuu (Player Character)
Kalim al-Asim/Jamil Viper
Almost Everyone/Me
Completed Media:
Assassination Classroom (/10)
Akabane Karma/Nagisa Shiota
Karasuma Tadaomi/Irina Jelvavić
Attack on Titan (/10)
Eren Jaeger/Mikasa Ackermann
Armin Arlert/Annie Leonhart
Levi Ackermann/Hange Zoë
Falco Grice/Gabi Braun
Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra (/10 & /10)
Mai/Ty Lee
Bing An Ben (/10)
He Yu/Xie Qingcheng
Demon Slayer (/10)
Kamado Tanjirō/Tsuyuri Kanao
Hashibira Inosuke/Kanzaki Aoi
Agatsuma Zenitsu/Kamado Nezuko
Rengoku Senjurō/Kamado Nezuko
Iguro Obanai/Kanroji Mitsuri
Rengoku Kyōjurō/Tomioka Giyū
Tomioka Giyū/Kochō Shinobu
Shinazugawa Sanemi/Kochō Kanae
Uzui Tengen/Hinatsuru/Makio/Suma pls don't get mad at me
2HA (/10)
Mo Ran/Chu Wanning
Mei Hanxue/Xue Meng
Nangong Si/Ye Wangxi
Ghibli (/10)
Golden Terrace/Golden Stage (/10)
Fu Shen/Yan Xiaohan
Grisha-verse (/10)
Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck
Nina Zenik/Hanne Brum
Nina Zenik/Matthias Helvar
David Kostyk/Genya Safin
Nikolai Lantsov/Zoya Nazyalensky
Alina Starkov/Malyen Oretsev
Alina Starkov/Alexander Morozova (The Darkling)
Haikyū!! (/10)
Tanaka Ryūnosuke/Shimizu Kiyoko
Sakusa Kiyoomi/Miya Atsumu
Harry Potter (/10)
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Evan Rosier/Barty Crouch Jr.
Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
James Potter/Regulus Black
Lily Evans/Mary McDonald
James Potter/Lily Evans
let's just say once again that I'm a multishipper
Heroes of Olympus (/10)
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano/Me
Thalia Grace/Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Jason Grace/Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Jason Grace/Leo Valdez
Frank Zhang/Hazel Levesque
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
JWQS (/10)
Qi Yan | Qiyan Agula/Nangong Jingnu
Qiyan Nomin/Nangong Shunu
Magnus Chase & the Gods of Asgard (/10)
Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro
MDZS (/10)
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao
Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang
Jin Zixuan/Jiang Yanli
Lan Sizhui/Jin Ling
Wen Ruohan/Lan Qiren
Naruto (/10)
Too Many, of Several Different Flavors (I'm a multishipper)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians (/10)
Ethan Nakamura/Me
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase (.../Rachel Dare)
Charles Beckendorf/Silena Beauregard
Clarisse La Rue/Silena Beauregard
Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson
Qian Qiu (/10)
Yan Wushi/Shen Qiao
Sha Po Lang (/10)
Chang Geng/Gu Yun
She-Ra (/10)
Sea Hawk/Mermista
Spirit Animals
Conor/Worthy | Devin Trunswick
Jolt | Karmo/Worthy | Devin Trunswick
Star Wars (/10)
Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Han Solo/Leia Organa
Anakin Skywalker/Padmé Amidala
SVSSS (/10)
Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu (.../Liu Qingge...)
Mobei-jun/Shang Qinghua
Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu | Shen Qingqiu
Liu Mingyan/Sha Hualing
The Kane Chronicles (/10)
TGCF (/10)
Hua Cheng/Xie Lian
Feng Xin/Mu Qing
He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan
Quan Yizhen/Yin Yu
Jun Wu/Mei Nianqing
Pei Xiu/Ban Yue
Pei Ming/Yushi Huang
Twilight (/10)
Edward Cullen/Bella Swan
Jasper Hale/Alice Cullen
Emmett Cullen/Rosalie Hale
Carlisle Cullen/Esme Cullen
Sam Uley/Emily Young
Paul Lahote/Rachel Black
Jared Cameron/Kim
Leah Clearwater/Me
Jacob Black/Leah Clearwater
Charlie Swan/Eternal Happiness
Charlie Swan/Sue Clearwater
Xiao Mogu (/10)
Lu Feng/An Zhe
Yuri!!! On Ice (/10)
Victor Nikiforov/Katsuki Yuri
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
Yu Wu (/10)
Mo Xi/Gu Mang
Zhen Hun (/10)
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan
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emmakubert · 8 months
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Kiki and Tombo ❤️🥰
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👋 For the ship asks: • what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from? • favorite AU ideas for rinharu?
HI LEX!!! ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
🌸 I always remember shipping characters in movies and so on, but probably the first ship that made me go AAAAAAH even before I knew what shipping was, must have been the VegeBul (Vegeta x Bulma) from Dragon Ball, their dynamic always seemed fun and cute to me and I found myself thinking about them in scenarios outside of the series and well, yes, they did things to my brain jdjdjjx
🌸 OH BOY!! AU IDEAS FOR RINHARU ARE ALWAYS SPINNING IN MY HEAD CONSTANTLY BUT, here are two of those that are always present in the back of my mind :
Kiki's Delivery Service AU: I LITERALLY HAVE THE ENTIRE STORY VISUALIZED IN MY HEAD WITH A RINHARU TWIST, Explaining broadly, Haruka would be taking the role of Kiki and Rin Tombo's, but differently, Haruka is within the time limit in which he can complete his witch training (and they practically force him to go), he doesnt know what he wants, he likes swimming and flying but He doesn't have a dream or goal, and well, Rin... Rin has too many dreams. In the AU it would also include Nagisa, Reí and Makoto (Makoto is Haru's cat, aka the only reasonable being around him ). The truth is that I have so many details about this AU because I have a fic that has this concept with like two chapters published (I have more written in draft, but I haven't edited them)
Mexican AU: Where I let my deepest headcanons come to light and create a universe where Haruka's family has a seafood restaurant, Rin went to the United States in search of the damn American dream and the entire history of Free! It is developed with some third world changes in the Mexico Mágico style AAAHSHHDHHD (Rin knows how to dance cumbias like a pro) (this is actually more of an AU of Free! in general, but the story that has formed in my head focuses mostly on Rinharu lol)
And well, if I write more this will get longer, thanks for the ask!!!!
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I lead a very busy love life, as you can see.
All characters aged up accordingly, don’t make it weird
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He nearly did kill me. And then he took me to heaven with him.
My Husbands: Touya Todoroki, Zero Kiryu, Sasuke Uchiha, Tomoe, Howl Pendragon, Ren Honjo, Kakashi Hatake, Shinya Kogami, Kaneki Ken, Keigo Takami, Vash the Stampede, Zack Foster, Sebastian Michaelis, Tamaki Suoh, Kraft Lawrence, Takumi Usui, Soul Eater Evans, Rin Okumura, Kyo Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Ayato Sakamaki, Shikamaru Nara, Kiba Inuzuka, Kimimaro Kaguya, Sōshi Miketsukami, Ichigo Kurosaki, Uta, Tuxedo Mask, Abel Nightroad, Satoru Gojo, Haku (Spirited Away), Haku (Naruto), Yuuki Anzai, Tsume, Cloud Strife, Jamie Fraser, Zade Meadows
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But friends don’t look at each other the way we do.
My Wifeys: Nana Osaki, Tsunade Senju, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Holo, Ino Yamanaka, Touka Kirishima, Hinata Hyuga, Sakura Haruno, Temari, Tenten, Rukia Kuchiki, Saeko Busujima, Clare (47), Teresa Of The Faint Smile, Haruhi Fujioka, San (Princess Mononoke), Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Selina Kyle, Ivy Valentine, Tira, Talim, Sophitia & Cassandra Alexandra, Taki, Setsuka, Seong Mi-na, Anko Mitarashi, Astharoshe Asran, Tifa Lockhart, Nagi Kirishima
Ships & Pairings
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Touya x Keigo • Zero x Yuki • Tsunade x Jiraiya • Nana x Ren • Maka x Soul • Ashitaka x San • Howl x Sophie • Tsukasa x Anzai • Akane x Kagomi • Tenten x Neji • Hinata x Naruto • Sasuke x Sakura • Sebastian x Grell • Holo x Lawrence • Tamaki x Haruhi • Sailor Moon x Tuxedo Mask • Haruka x Michiru • Kaneki x Touka • Tohru x Kyo • Abel x Esther • Yato & Hiyori • Asuma x Kurenai • Inuyasha x Kagome • Sebastian x Grell • Kiki x Tombo • Minato x Kushina • Vanitas x Noe • Vanitas x Jeanne • Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy • Catwoman x Batman • Sly x Carmelita • and plenty more
Other Fav Characters
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Link to other post coming soon
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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thunder-jolt · 1 year
Bochi's Delivery Service (A Crossover Parody of Kiki's Delivery Service)
Bochi as Kiki (One of my Dragon Ball OCs)
Broly as Jiji (Dragon Ball Z)
Nate's Parents as Kiki's Parents, Okino and Kokiri (Yokai Watch!)
Diantha as Miss Dora (Pokemon X and Y)
Melobun, Ichigo, Baioret, Leffy, and Zauren as Themselves/Kiki's Friends (My Dragon Ball OCs)
Fortuneteller Baba as The Senior Witch (Dragon Ball Z)
Chi-Chi as Osono (Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Ball Super)
Goku as Fukuo (Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Ball Super)
Leo Craig as Tombo (Balan Wonderworld)
Leo's Friends as Themselves/Tombo's Friends (Balan Wonderworld)
Grand Priest as Madame (Dragon Ball Super)
Whis as Barsa (Dragon Ball Super)
Zeno as Madame's Granddaughter (Dragon Ball Super)
Kirby as Ket (Kirby)
Peach as Ket's Mother (Super Mario Bros.)
Mario as Ket's Father (Super Mario Bros.)
Yoyo Nijigaoka as Ket's Grandmother (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Mashiro Nijigaoka as Ket's Aunt, Maki (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Jiren as Lily (Dragon Ball Super)
Lucy Wong as Ursula (Balan Wonderworld)
Steward as the Hotel Receptionist (Luigi's Mansion 3)
Foreman Spike as the Truck Driver (Super Mario Bros.)
Kruller as Policeman (Luigi's Mansion 3)
Balan as the Radio Announcer (Balan Wonderworld)
Escargoon as the Man with a Push Broom (Kirby)
Captain Vul as the Dirigible Captain (Kirby)
Linebeck as the Clocktower Caretaker (Legend of Zelda)
Baby Bulla as Baby (Dragon Ball Super)
Bulma as Herself/Baby's Mother (Dragon Ball Super)
Grandma Paozu as Old Lady (Dragon Ball)
Kid Goten as Boy (Dragon Ball Super)
Any Other Dragon Ball Background Character as Hometown Adults and Denizens of Koriko (Dragon Ball)
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konigsmissedbeltloop · 8 months
what about soap x reader? which ghibli relationship represents them the best?? :3
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