#kili smut request
plussizefantasia · 5 months
More Body, More Money
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Anthony Bridgerton x wife!reader
Word Count: 1.1k
warnings: Allusion to smut towards the end, references to a female body and that body being bigger
an: holy shit sorry for disappearing for so long. I make no promises as to when I'll come back as I seem to have a habit of breaking those. I've been in a Bridgerton mood recently though and typed this on my phone in like an hour so no promises that it's all that good. I will say though that I've been working on a request recently and it's currently at 4k and counting which is by far the longest fic I've ever written and I'm not even to the good part yet. I've also finished outlining the rest of the parts for my Kili x reader fic. I think that's it though, thanks for reading this far if you did and for putting up with my bs.
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“Darling, could you come here a moment?” Your husband called from his desk. Recently you had taken to reading while lounging on the couch in his study. It was a great way to spend time with your busy husband while also letting him get his work done. 
You didn’t exactly know what he was working on at the moment but apparently, your presence was needed to solve whatever issue he had stumbled upon. It wasn’t until you got closer to his desk that you noticed the receipts and ledgers sprawled across his desk. He was updating the families' books and tracking the spending that you and the rest of his family had done that month. 
“Yes, my love?” You moved to rest your hand on his back and traced it across his shoulders and on his neck. It was as if you two were magnets, unable to keep apart for very long. If you were close enough then you would feel your hands gravitating towards him. And if the way his arm moved to rest on your back as well, he had the same urges when in proximity to you. 
“I’ve noticed something odd in the charges from the modiste.” Anthony handed you the papers. Both you and Eloise had gone to the modiste at the beginning of the month to be fitted for some new gowns to prepare for her second season in the marriage mart and your first season as the Viscountess. 
“I’ll admit to not being the most knowledgeable about gowns and other frivolities my love, but is it normal for the cost difference to be this large? I mean when Ben and I get new suits the price is almost always similar.” He pointed to the two prices listed on the bill from Madame Delacroix. 
You didn’t know how to respond to this, you knew the reason behind the price difference between yours and Elioises dresses, of course, it was something that you had thought of already. After all, it was the same reason that your younger sister always got more gowns than you every season that the two of you attended growing up. You were larger, and as the modiste you had gone to grow up with had said “More body means more fabric means more money.” more money that your father had deemed unnecessary so you had only ever gotten one or two new dresses while your sister would be fitted for five or six of the newest and most flattering styles.
But how could you explain this to Anthony? That your dresses cost more than his sisters because you were bigger, and that meant more money.
You knew Anthony loved your body, he worshiped it often in fact but there was a difference between getting lost in the softness of your embrace and seeing the real-life sometimes the financial consequences of living in a bigger body.
“Oh, Anthony, it is uh- just a matter of resources I suppose.” 
He raised a brow at you. “I’m not sure I understand. What do you mean by resources?”
“Well dear husband, you and your brother are very similar in height and build which means the two of you have very similar resource usage, whereas myself and your sister are quite different in the… resource usage department.”
“My love, I need you to speak to me as if I am an idiot.” 
You deeply sighed and prepared yourself to have the conversation that you had been trying and failing to get out of. “Eloise is small, therefore it does not take as much fabric to make her dresses, whereas I am quite well endowed and my dresses require more material. More body means more fabric means more money it is as simple as that.” 
“That is preposterous, are you both not getting dresses?” His tone was getting more defensive, and it warmed your heart to know that he was willing to get upset at the simple fact that Madame Delacroix had charged you more because your dress was bigger. You had expected him to be embarrassed, and deep down somewhat afraid that he would realize that he had signed himself up for these extra expenses for the rest of his life by marrying you. 
“Well darling, think about it, would you expect to pay the same amount for a child as you would for yourself? Do you not pay more for your suits than you do Greg’s?”
“No, I see your point darling.”
“That is all this is my love, different sizes of clothing cost different amounts. If it is a problem I can just see about getting some of my old gowns altered to make them somewhat nicer for the new season, that way you would not have to spend as much.”
“What? No. Darling, this is not about the money, I was merely worried that that woman had tried to take advantage of you, charging you far more than Eloise for the same thing. I couldn’t care less about the money. In fact, I think you should get ten more gowns made, show everyone in the Ton that I am married to the most voluptuous, sensual, and desirable woman in the world.” He pulled you closer to him so that you were standing in between his spread knees, you still standing over him as he leaned back in his chair.
Anthony began training kisses up and down the arm that he had grasped within his hand. Turning your wrist over so that he could place one at the center of your palm. 
“I do not need ten new gowns, Anthony, that is far too much.” You giggled and protested, feeling more enamored with the man you married with every word out of his mouth.
“Perhaps I shall buy you ten diamond necklaces then so that I can have an excuse to stare at your chest as often as I’d like.” You snorted and gently smacked the back of his head. “Anthony Bridgerton, that is scandalous talk and you know it.”
“Nothing is scandalous between husband and wife, especially when the two are alone.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and lifted the corners of his lips into a sultry grin, one that had your knees feeling weaker by the second. 
“All I really need, dear husband, is you.”
A smile that you could only consider adoring spread across your husband's face.
“And I you, my love.”
“No Anthony, I need you.”
His grin turned to a full-blown smirk spreading across his face, “Well, what the Viscountess needs she gets…” 
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Hi! I love your stuff I saw requests were open 😁
Could you Write a fem human reader x thorin who’s shorter than him, and she’s new to the quest meeting the company in Bilbos house, Gandalf already knows her and is like a farther figure.
Thorins a bit skeptical of her at first but those feelings die down as he realises she’s his one. Basically Thorin being a dick at first but warms up to the reader, some confessions are made and some fluffy/little-very tame nsfw stuff occurs when they reach Rivendell?
Thank you!! ☺️
(oh I love this so much! I hope this does your idea justice, there isn't smut in this one since it got quite long by itself, but I'd be happy to make a part 2 where they get to Rivendell if you'd like :) hope you enjoy :D)
(link for part 2!)
An Unexpected Guest (Thorin x female!human!reader)
Thorin watched you from across the campfire and tried to ignore the familiar tugging in his chest. You were too busy laughing alongside Fili and Kili to notice his probing stare, and seeing how easily you'd integrated into the group only made him more perplexed by your presence. He quickly averted his gaze though when he caught the look Balin sent him. The older dwarf simply chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, reminding Thorin of the evening he had met you.
The dwarves had been gathered at Bilbo's house for some time now, and evening had fallen by the time another, relatively quiet, knock sounded at the door. The hobbit almost seemed to be seething at the idea of more people showing up, but this time it was Gandalf who rose to answer.
"It seems our final guest has arrived." At this, Thorin shot him a glare that went unnoticed as Gandalf left the room.
"Gandalf! It's wonderful to see you again."
"Likewise, my dear. Come in, I shall introduce you to the company."
After you had hung your cloak up, you closed the door and followed Gandalf into the room where the dwarves sat. Thorin could only watch in disbelief as you politely thanked Mr Baggins for hosting the event and shook his hand (which appeared to at least partially dispel the hobbit's bad spirits). The wizard had really invited another without his consent - and a human woman at that.
With a gentle hand on your shoulder, Gandalf said, "It is my pleasure to introduce to you Y/n L/n, a student of mine. I have decided that she will accompany you along this journey."
Thorin rose from his chair abruptly, and all eyes turned to him.
"When were you going to tell me about this decision?" His voice was quiet, but his rage was betrayed by his clenched fists. "You do not have the right to-"
"Thorin, I have said she will go with you, and you should be wise to respect that." The wizard's face was dark, and Thorin paused before he reluctantly stepped forward to look at you. "I can assure you that she will be of use. She has studied under me for some time and is a rather excellent navigator, which I suspect will come in handy."
You bowed respectfully. "It is an honour to meet you, Thorin." You made brief eye contact with him as you rose and he felt something in his chest tighten, but he chose to ignore it.
"Don't get in the way," He muttered and returned to the table.
Later in the evening, he found himself stealing glances at you as you chatted merrily with some of the others. He couldn't quite figure you out - you seemed an intelligent young woman, but he couldn't risk compromising the quest, and he didn't trust humans in general, but just maybe there was a small part of him that wanted you to come, and there was this odd pulling feeling deep within him...
His train of thought was interrupted by Balin's hand on his shoulder, and he quickly realized he'd been staring for longer than he intended.
"Your feelings are written on your forehead, laddie."
Thorin cleared his throat and looked anywhere but where you sat. "I feel nothing for her. She's a liability."
Balin chuckled and patted his shoulder. "If you say so."
Balin had moved to sit next to Thorin in the time he was stuck in his own head, and spoke quietly with a smile on his face.
"You can't stare at her forever laddie." The glare he was sent did not deter him. "It's been the same with her since she first arrived, and I've never seen you like this before with any other lass." The two dwarves both looked at you, still teasing Kili over something or other.
Feeling the eyes on you, you looked across the fire and waved shyly with a smile when you saw Thorin watching you. And as much as he tried to resist, he couldn't help but give you a smile in return.
Now that he thought about it, maybe he had warmed up to you a little more than he'd like to admit. Something had drawn him to you and he couldn't quite place why.
"Lad, I haven't seen you smile like that since we started this journey. She makes you happy, and you'd be a fool to deny yourself that."
Thorin sighed. As if he was trying to pretend he wasn't saying it out loud, he murmured, "What if she doesn't feel the same?"
"She does, I'm sure of it. She has the same look in her eyes as you do." Balin put a comforting hand on his knee. "Y/n is your One, Thorin. You know it better than I do."
Oh. That... actually made a lot of sense.
Before he could respond, Kili ran over to them. "Uncle! Can you come and stand next to Y/n? She's making fun of me and you're the only one taller than her!"
Balin laughed and clapped him on the back. "Go on laddie."
Trying to settle his beating heart, Thorin stood and let Kili lead him over to his One (even if she didn't know it yet).
Fili pushed her lightly in Thorin's direction. "She thinks she's better than us because she's two inches taller than me."
"Is that so?" Seeing the slight blush on your cheeks, Thorin realized that Balin may not have been exaggerating, so with a subtle smirk on his face he looked down at you. He was only a few inches taller but it felt like he towered over you in that moment. "I don't appreciate the torment of my nephews, Miss Y/n."
You looked up at him and smiled with a teasing tone. "Well, they started it. I can't take all the blame, your majesty."
If his heart was beating too fast before, he was pretty sure it just stopped completely.
The two of you maintained eye contact for just longer than necessary, before he stepped away and cleared his throat. Fili seemed to have caught on to his uncle's unusual behavior, and with a wink in your direction he subtly directed Kili back over to Balin.
"May..." He paused, still uncertain. "May I speak with you, Y/n? Somewhere a little more private."
"Of course." Mahal, your smile was almost enough for him to forget he was nervous in the first place.
He led you a little further into the woods, just far enough from the group that they couldn't eavesdrop, and took a deep breath.
You smiled anxiously. "You're making me nervous, Thorin. What is it?"
In an uncharacteristically quiet voice, he said, "I think you're my One."
"Your One?"
"I..." He tried to calm the shake in his voice, to no avail. "I suppose you might call it a soulmate."
The blush on your face spread as you processed his words. "O-oh. I see."
"I must apologize for my behavior when we first met. I was skeptical of you, but you have shown yourself to be not only a valued member of the company, but also a caring and wonderful person." Thorin looked up from the ground to meet your eyes. "I have grown fond of you, Y/n, and I feel a connection with you that I have never experienced before. Something has been drawing me towards you every time I see you, and I can't pretend it isn't there anymore."
"Thorin, I-"
"If you do not feel the same then we need never discuss it again, but I-"
He was interrupted with your finger over his lips. You giggled at his confused expression and took his hands. "Thorin, of course I feel the same." You smiled sheepishly. "I was hoping to hide it for a little longer but Kili saw right through me."
"He is more perceptive than he looks," he chuckled, tracing his fingers over yours.
You lifted one hand to softly cup Thorin's cheek. "Either way, I'm glad the feeling is mutual."
Feeling your fingers in his hair when you tugged him down to kiss you, he had never been so glad for Balin's prying in his life.
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faeriichaii · 9 months
A/N: This is my Masterlist filled with the stories I have written so far 💕 I will add other fandoms to my list soon but feel welcome to request anyone from lotr or hobbit🤭 I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them!! Also REQUESTS ARE OPEN <33
Fluff: ♡ Angst: ☂ Smut: ☆
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The Fellowship:
How they realise their feelings: ♡
Worthy Enough: ♡ Summary: Aragorn slowly begins to understand you and tries to find out even more about you
Softest Touch: ♡ Summary: After looking at the etheral elven prince, you have the urge to weave your fingers through his silken hair, leading to more than just simple hair braiding.
Music to my ears: ♡ Summary: A trip to the tavern results in you not just winning new fans over with your music, but also winning the heart of a certain elven prince.
Immunity: ♡ Summary: Being sick is not fun, especially when you see Legolas' panicked gaze at your condition, which seems to get worse as the days pass by.
Words like Poison: ☂♡ Summary: Your beloved prince is stressed and busy with his duties. So, when you approach him to try and lighten the mood, he lets his frustration out on you.
Braiding Together: ♡ Summary: You have always received compliments for your cute braids, so you decided to offer the hobbits to braid their hair. However, Legolas really doesn't understand, why you would do that.
Lily: ☂♡ Summary: Being a princess with a gruesome father as a king makes you only wish to run away. So you do and run directly into the arms of an ethereal prince
Blessing: ♡ Summary: The journey of the fellowship ended a long time ago and suddenly you receive the invitation of the prince to join him in Mirkwood, meeting his father. But how will Thranduil react to seeing his sons best friend being a dwarf and his betrothed being an Avari?
Sensitive: ♡☆ Summary: You knew that Legolas could endure quite a lot, but what you did not expect is his reaction to touching his pointy ears
Little Quirks: ♡ Summary: The elven prince for some reason couldn't stop staring at you, which in return made you confused and very curious, as to why his eyes were constantly following you around.
Stormy Patrol: ♡ Summary: Tauriel and you were out on patrol without Legolas. But a storm takes you by surprise, resulting in you getting lost in the dark forest.
Sunkissed: ♡ Summary: You have been in love with the elven prince since quite a time, but never told him about it. Your sister Arwen however, is determined to change the course of your relationship with Legolas.
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A Part From Home: ♡ Summary: Tagging along for an adventure with Gandalf, you didn't expect to run into people that remind you of your lost home.
Part of Your World: ♡ Summary: Little mermaid you finds various little trinkets and things in the waters around Erebor and you can't wait to share them with your s/o.
There's just Inches in between us: ☆♡ Summary: You were the princess of another kingdom, meant to marry none other than the dwarven King Thorin from the lonely mountain. You rarely get the chance to talk to him and decide to visit him the night before the wedding, asking him to give you some attention.
Symphony of Your Life: ♡ Summary: Thorin went to visit his old friend Bilbo in the Shire once more, without expecting to be enchanted by a melodic voice that fills not just his ears but also his heart.
Hija de la Luna Series (warnings: none so far): Prologue; Chapter I
Part of Your World: ♡ Summary: Little mermaid you finds various little trinkets and things in the waters around Erebor and you can't wait to share them with your s/o.
My Treasure: ♡ Summary: You have been travelling the sea for years on your wonderful ship with your crew, so you are a bit curious, when you find a bunch of dwarves hiding away in fish barrels.
Feathers: ♡ Summary: Joining the company on their quest, you knew to expect possible danger on the way. What you did not expect are the feelings between you and the prince.
My Sweet Valentine: ♡ Summary: You spent your morning hours with the wonderful dwarf prince Kili
Braiding Lessons: ♡ Summary: You always knew dwarves had various beautiful braids, but how come Kili doesn't? So one night you decide to change that and help him out.
Part of Your World: ♡ Summary: Little mermaid you finds various little trinkets and things in the waters around Erebor and you can't wait to share them with your s/o.
Bookworm: ☆ Summary: Legolas let the secret of a restricted area in the library slip, which makes you of course very curious. So after deciding to enter the forbidden part, you get caught by none other than the elven king himself.
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cowboybeepboop · 1 year
The only one
“Kili, you can’t tell anyone about this.” “So it’s our dirty little secret then?”
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Paring: Kili Durin x afab reader
Genre: romantic smut
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: You’re Bilbo's adopted human daughter and he takes you along on the journey. Kili has his heart set on you and after getting involved in the fight he gets angry with you for putting yourself in a dangerous situation.
Warnings: public sex, arguing, jealous Kili, hickeys, p in v sex, hickeys??? Idk what else I always forget
a/n: I did not proofread and its lowkey a summary of the first movie? This is my first smut regarding anyone in the tolkien universe but I did write some sad fluff at some point lmao. Anyways, please like and send any requests if you want <3 tags go absolutely wild
You’ve been an adopted hobbit for the last 18 years of your life, Bilbo was always comforted in the known so when he brought you along with him and the dwarfs on their journey you were beyond surprised. Your presence was unexpected for everyone, except Gandalf of course, and most of the company was against your involvement. The dwarves saw you as frail and weak, the only one on your side was your dad, but of course he was.
Kili has kept an eye out for you since you joined the company, he makes sure you're safe and also just enjoys looking at you.
When Elrond and his fellow elves come back the dwarves pull you and your father behind them and create a circle around you. You stay behind your Bilbo as the elves talk with Gandalf.
Upon your entrance to their dining room you look around with wonder, you sit down between Kili and your dad. “They're so beautiful,” you whisper to Bilbo, he nods with a gentle but awkward smile. Kili’s ears twitch as he looks around, his eyes narrow on an elf who has his eyes on you, he moves closer to you wrapping his arm around you.
“You think so?” Kili questions, his jaw clenching slightly, “I think us dwarves are better looking, stronger too.” he says pridefully, you chuckle in response.
“Is it a competition now?” you cock your head, “You’re very good looking too, Kili.” he smiles wide.
“Is that so? I am the best looking of all of the company, aside from Thorin of course.” you laugh, putting your hand on his arm.
“A bit full of yourself huh?” he shoves your shoulder gently in response. Kilis arms finds its way around your waist as he continues to glare at the elf who dared to look at you, who did he even think he was.
Gandalf, Bilbo, and Thorin wander off with Lord Elrond, leaving you with the dwarfs. You watch quietly, laughing with them and listening to their conversations before you feel yourself drifting off to sleep. Kili quietly sits next to you letting your head fall to his shoulder he smiles, covering you up with a blanket.
After the company left the palace Thorin led everyone to the Misty Mountains, Kili keeps you in front of him. He insists that it’s better that way so if you fall he can catch you. As the rain picks up your feet slip under you, Kili and Fili grasp your arms quickly, pulling you back onto the ledge.
“Thank you,” you say softly as your eyes look over the ledge. Kili keeps a hold of your arm tightly as you all try to avoid the stone giant's blasts. The ground splits under your feet as the mountain takes shape as a giant, you grab onto the stone behind you before everyone begins to slide forward.
The stone giant slams into the mountain, throwing everyone off of it and onto the ground. Thorin yells for his nephews as the rest of the company runs over, Kili helps you up dusting your clothes off and checking to make sure you weren’t hurt anywhere.
After all the commotion everyone settles into the cave, Bilbo pulls you off to the side and quietly talks to you, he tells you about his plan to leave once everyone is asleep. “Why dad? What's wrong?” you whisper to him.
“Thorin is right, we never should've left home, I’ve put you in danger and I can’t let anything else happen to you.” he sighs as he runs his hand through your hair, “It’s okay, we’ll be fine.” he smiles reassuringly.
You both gather all of your stuff and sneak out, he leads you by the hand. He pulls you behind him as he talks with Bofur, you stay quiet looking around the cave. You didn’t really want to leave the company, I mean they were becoming your friends, you enjoyed the company.
“Y/N?” Kili mumbles as he looks up at you, he yawns. “Where are you going?” You crouch down putting your hand on his shoulder.
“Go back to sleep Kili, you need your rest,” you smile sweetly.
The floor splits and you slip down with everyone, Bilbo gets away but you are guided off with the dwarves. Your eyes fill with terror as you look around, you take a hold of Kilis hand squeezing tight as the goblins push you all around. You cower behind him, holding onto his shirt tightly.
Once you get out the dwarves all argue over where your dad went, your head drops as you think that your dad couldn't possibly have left you all alone. He reappears and you rush over to hug him, his hands drop to your waist as he smiles.
“Y/N!” Kili and Bilbo yell at you as you try to defend the dwarves with your small blade; it goes into the center of the wargs head, and Kili grabs you and pulls you up to the tree with him. His hand wrapping around your waist as he holds you close.
“Don’t move,” Kili’s voice is angry as he demands you to stay put. His hands dig into your slides as you look below your feet. Kili’s hands slip away as they start to throw the pinecones, the tree begins to fall, you grasp onto the trunk as tight as you can. His hands wrap around the tree, his eyes focused on you.
As Thorin and your father begin to fight the orcs, your eyes squeeze shut tightly, you try to focus on anything but the attack of Thorin. Kili pulls you up and onto the ground, insisting you stay put as they go to fight. You look forward, clutching the blade you retrieved from the corpse tight. As all of the commotion ensues you feel yourself being picked up by an eagle.
Once you all are in a safe place you watch as Gandalf helps heal Thorin. You stand next to your dad, holding onto his arm, as Thorin goes in for a hug you let go of him and move back. Your eyes wander to Kili who turns his head in order to avoid eye contact with you.
As the company moves forward you come across an area close to a river, Gandalf suggests that you all take a break and bathe. You and Kili were the last to go, you were paired up at the recommendation of Fili.
Kili guides you to the river, holding his weapon close to his chest, he’s been giving you the silent treatment after you got in between a fight. “You can bathe here, I’ll keep watch.” his voice stern.
“Kili..” your voice trails off as you look at his back, trying to pull his attention to you.
“Y/N, just take your bath. It’s getting dark.” Kili’s tone is extremely cold. You pout your lips as you begin pulling your clothing off slowly, once you finish you slip into the cold water.
“You can turn back now,” you say softly before you dip all the way under the water, holding your breath and squeezing your eyes shut. After a while you break the surface of the water sliding your hands over your face pulling the water back with your hair. Kili had turned around keeping his eyes on everything but you.
“Kili,” you wave him over, “come here, please.” you bite your lip as he gives you a bored expression.
“What is it?” he walks close to the bank of the river, his eyes scanning your face.
“Shouldn’t you join me? You're supposed to bathe as well,” he sighs, turning his back to you again.
“Fine, turn away.” he sets down his sword and strips quickly. You face the other way as he slips into the water with you.
“Kili, what is your problem?” you huff, spinning around with your arms crossed over your breasts.
“What do you mean?” his eyes are half closed as he looks at you with a slightly annoyed expression.
You move closer to him, “I mean, you’re acting so rude for no reason. You won’t look at me, you barely talk to me, you’re being so dumb” you glare at him, “So what is your problem?” he rolls his eyes at you.
“I don’t know maybe the fact that you threw yourself into harm's way? You could’ve gotten yourself killed,” he yells at you while running his hand through his hair.
“Calm down Kili,” you move close to him, putting your hand on his arm. “I didn’t expect you to get all worked up like this, I know I should have been more careful but I just wanted to help.” your eyebrows furrow as you look down.
His warm hands grasp your upper arms “You really worried me Y/N,” he presses his forehead against yours.
“You worried about me?” a sly smile paints itself on your lips, “does that mean you like me Kili?” your voice is soft and teasing. His ears turn a deep shade of crimson as he turns his head up.
“Y/N cut that out,” he puts his hand on the side of your neck, his eyes flick to your lips.
“Cut what out?” you wrap your arms around his neck pulling yourself close to him.
“You know what,” he clenches his jaw, your hands running down his back as you wrap your legs around his hips.
Kili pulls your face to his, hovering his lips over yours “Quit teasing me,” he whispers. Your hand snakes up to the back of his head, cradling it as you push your lips against his. His hands move to your waist, his fingers dig into your soft flesh as he hugs you tighter against him.
“Mahal,” he pulls away, pressing soft kisses down your face and onto your neck. You lean back letting his lips trail over your body, your nails scratch his scalp softly as you arch into him.
“Amrâlimê,” he whispers against your collarbone, “you’re driving me insane,” Kili groans. He grasps your face pulling you in for an intimate kiss, he’s getting more intense with his affections, his hands squeezing your hips roughly.
Your hand trails down his chest tracing every muscle on his stomach, he begins grinding against you while holding your hips against him. Pulling away from the kiss you gasp for air, leaning your head against his shoulder, you wrap your hands in his hair pulling it off to the side. Kissing his neck roughly you begin to leave soft marks on his flesh as he massages your ass.
“Y/N..” he mumbles into your ear, you moan softly as he picks you up, moving into shallow water. “Can we..?” his ears flush as he looks away, “I mean, would you mind?” you chuckle softly.
“Mhm,” you move your hips against his thigh, feeling him twitch underneath you. “But we’ll have to be quick..” you kiss his shoulder as his hands pull your hips up, he lines himself up with your hole, pushing the tip in.
“Let me know if it hurts,” he says gently, his hand finding its way to your neck grabbing ahold of it pulling your head back as you moan softly. He bucks his hips up into you, leaning forward you bury your face into his nape hugging him tight as you moan into his skin.
“My precious girl,” he groans as he slowly begins moving your hips up and down, his fingers digging into your soft skin, leaving red marks. You moan into his ear as you begin riding him, your arms wrap tight around his neck, eyebrows furrowing as you squeeze around his dick.
Kili cradles your head against him, holding you as close as he can, thrusting up into you pushing as deep as he can. Your head falls onto his shoulder, he moves a hand down to your sensitive clit, rubbing circles into it.
“I’m so close,” you moan, Kili nods in response.
“Me too,” he groans, his hands exploring every part of your body as he pulls you into a passionate kiss.
“Hey, Y/N, Kili, hurry it up.” Fili yells to you, causing the both of you to jolt up. Kili pushes himself into you as deep as he can. You bite your lip as you cum around him, your hole pulsing.
Your back arches, silent gasps leaving your open mouth as you ride out your high. Your whole body seems to tense up causing Kili to groan while he cums deep inside you. He pulls you off of him giving you a sweet kiss.
“Now we really need to clean up, and fast.” He says lowly, his hands creep up from behind you gasping your sides as he pulls you into deeper water to rinse off. You sigh contently as he holds your body close to his.
After quickly cleaning yourselves up; you both get out, drying off before putting your clothes back on.
“Kili, you can’t tell anyone about this.” you bite your lip as you turn to him, his eyebrows furrow. “Bilbo might actually get so mad he tries to kill you,” you giggle softly as his face relaxes.
“So it’s our dirty little secret then?” coming close to you he wraps his arms around your neck giving you a deep kiss. “But we will get to tell everyone later, right?” he pulls back, eyes scanning yours.
“Yes, Kili,” you kiss the tip of his nose, hands resting on his shoulders, “but let's wait it out for a bit, okay?” he smiles in response.
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cherryheairt · 1 month
Please send any character asks/requests I'm desperate to write 🙏
I do not write smut, or any romance with underage characters
Character list
Gwayne Hightower
Aemond Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen
Cregan Stark
Davos/Benjicot Blackwood
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Harwin Strong
Genshin Impact
The Witcher (Netflix)
Marvel (MCU)
Logan Howlette
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Jon Snow
Ned Stark
Sandor Clegane
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Din Djarin
Tom Glynn-Carney
Ewan Mitchell
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Who I write for/Rules;
This is a list of fandoms and characters I write for (some may be missing) and some rules, if you’re curious about a fandom or character please message and I’ll let you know if it’s someone I’ll write for or not! If you’re looking for prompts please search the tag Lokittys prompt list
Please if you’re requesting use some manners, say please and thank don’t demand I write something from you
This blog is for all ages, do not be hostile towards any member of this blog as you will be told to remove yourself immediately and if you don’t I will remove you, hate will not be tolerated this is a safe space regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender/pronouns, disability and such
If you’re wondering about a request you have but you’re worried or confused if I’ll write it or not or you’re just curious please reach out through inbox or asks and I’ll let you know! I write both romantic and plutonic requests for a wide range of characters!
Some things I will NOT write include; teenage pregnancy, smut(or related themes), underage!reader x older characters (these will ALWAYS be plutonic either a parental or sibling relationship). If you’re wondering about anything else just message! 💜
Fate the winx saga
- Saul silva
- Farah Dowling
- Jake
- Quaritch/ recom Quaritch
Criminal minds
- Hotch
- Rossi
- Derek
- Spencer
- Jj
- Emily
- Garcia
- Castle
- Beckett
Lucifer (Fox)
- Lucifer
- Maze
- Chloe
- Dan
Greys anatomy
- Alex
- Derek
- Mark
- Carlisle
- Esme
Harry Potter
- Sirius
- Remus
- Snape
- Tony
- Clint
- Bruce
- Natasha
- Thor
- Steve
- Loki
- Bucky
- Logan
- Wanda
- Pietro
- Maria
- Phil
- Carol Danvers
BBC Merlin
- Merlin
- Arthur
- Gwaine
- Leon
- Percival
- Lancelot
BBC Sherlock
- Sherlock
- John
- Moriarty
- Lestrade
- Mycroft
Black butler
- Sebastian
- William
- Undertaker
- Claude
- Sam
- Dean
- Castiel
- Gabriel
- Balthazar
- Chuck
- Crawley
- Lucifer
- Jack
The witcher
- Geralt
- Jaskier
Brooklyn nine nine
- Rosa
- Jake
- Amy
The good doctor
- Melendez
- Shaun
- Joey
- Rachel
- Ross
- chandler
- Monica
- Phoebe
Teen wolf
- Derek
- Peter
- Melissa (plutonic only)
- Chris
- Parrish
- Noah (plutonic only)
Doctor who
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- River
- Clara
- Rose
- Amy
- Rory
- Jack
Lord of the rings/the hobbit
- Bilbo
- Legolas
- Thranduil
- Elrond
- Lindir
- Thorin
- Fili
- Kili
- Aragorn
My hero academia
- Aizawa
- Mic
- Dabi
- Hawks
- Midnight
- All Might (Toshinori)
- Fat Gum
Demon slayer
- Rengoku
Tokyo ghoul
- Yomo
- Uta
- shizuo
- Vilkas
- Farkas
Ackley bridge
- Mr Evershed
- Mrs Carter (plutonic only)
- Mr Bell
The vampire diaries
- Damon
- Klaus
- Elijah
- Finn
the watcher
- Ryan
- Shane
- bobby
- Buck
- chim
- hen
- Athena
- Maddie
- Eddie
Downton Abbey
- Thomas Barrow
- Anna
- Tom Branson
- Mary
- Sybil
- Edith
- Mrs Hughes (plutonic only)
- Merlin
- Eggsy
- Harry
- Booth
- Brennan (bones)
- Hodgins
- Angela
- Sweets
Buffy the vampire slayer
- Angel
- Giles
The walking dead
- Rick
- Daryl
- Negan
- Glenn
- Rosita
- Carol (plutonic only)
- Gabriel
- Aaron
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lune-hime · 1 month
Lune's Observatory
Love is cosmic
I'm riding on your rhythm
through the solar system
come with me
Requests are currently closed but when they reopen my guidelines are here!
Fluff: 🌟
Angst: 🌩
NSFW: ❤️‍🔥
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Logan (X-Men)
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Blast From the Past (Logan x f!reader) 🌟🌩
On his journey through the past, Logan encounters an unexpected surprise.
Family Outing (Logan x f!reader) 🌟🌩
It isn’t often we see four generations out to eat here. It’s so darling. Better watch your cholesterol, Logan.
Raindrops on Adamantium (Logan x f!reader) 🌟
An eventful first meeting between you and Logan
Drabbles I (Logan x f!reader) 🌟
Little bites of your life with Logan
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Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
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Garden of Tulips (Levi x Reader) 🌟🌩❤️‍🔥
Levi recounts memories of the reader and their shared life together while she recovers from a serious injury. !!WARNINGS!! - Violence, gore, smut, wholesome content ;) Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Tea Time #1 Chapter 3 Tea Time #2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5  Tea Time #3  Once Upon an Attack on Titan  Chapter 6  Tea Time #4  Chapter 7  Tea Time #5  Chapter 8  Tea Time #6  Chapter 9  Tea Time #7  Chapter 10  Tea Time #8  Chapter 11  Tea Time #9
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Final Fantasy XV
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Sleeping Under the Stars (Chocobros x f!reader) 🌟
At the end of the day, you're all sharing the tent.
We All Fall Down (Chocobros x f!reader) 🌟
For those times when clumsiness gets the best of us.
Cravings (Chocobros x f!reader) 🌟
You are going to get that damn burger no matter what it takes.
Tatted Up (Chocobros x f!reader) 🌟
No Ragrets about my new tattoo.
Daddy (Chocobros x f!reader) 🌟
Choose your words wisely.
Mosquito Huntress (Chocobros x f!reader) 🌟
I hate mosquitos, you hate mosquitos, we all hate mosquitos.
You Had Me at...Oh Gods I'm in Love with You (Chocobros x f!reader) 🌟
Do you believe in love at first sight?
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Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
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Procrastination (Kili x f!reader) 🌟
Even princes need a break.
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Marauders Era
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Chocolate Kisses (Remus x f!reader) 🌟
A well-earned reward.
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ar3-y0u-l0st · 25 days
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Requests: Open / Closed
𝗔𝗻𝘆 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 (𝘃𝗶𝗮 𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘀) 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗲𝗱𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮, 𝗥𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗡𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮, 𝗖𝗼𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮, 𝗘𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮 𝗲𝘁𝗰: 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝘂𝗽
"𝙸𝚏 𝙸 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝, 𝙸 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔:"
Update/s: The Bowers Gang added
♡♤|~•○Who I write for○•~|♤♡
- Dead
- Euronymous
- Necrobutcher
- Hellhammer
- Bård Faust
- Occultus
- Metalion
- Ann-Marit
- Michael Myers
- Jason Voorhees
- Freddy Krueger
- Leatherface
- Pinhead
- Candyman
- Hannibal Lecter
- Carrie White
- Brahms Heelshire
- Bo Sinclair
- Vincent Sinclair
- Lester Sinclair
- Henry Bowers
- Patrick Hockstetter
- Victor Criss
- Belch Huggins
- Billy Loomis
- Stu Matcher
- Mickey Altieri
- Debbie Salt**
- Roman Bridger
- Charlie Walker
- Jill Roberts
- Richie Kirsch
- Amber Freeman
- Detective Bailey
- Quinn Bailey
- Ethan Landry
- Jeff The Killer
- Jane Everlasting
- Nina The Killer
- BEN_Drowned
- Eyeless Jack
- Bloody Painter
- Clockwork
- Ticci Toby
- The Operator/Slenderman (Creepypasta)
- Evan/Habit (EverymanHYBRID)
- Alex Kralie
- Jay Merrick
- Masky Timothy Wright
- Hoodie Brian Thomas
- Albert Shaw
- Finney Blake
- Robin Arellano
- Vance Hopper
- Bruce Yamada
- Billy Showalter
- Griffin Stagg*
- Gwendolyn Blake*
- Alexander Morozova
- Alina Starkov
- Malyen Oretsev
- Kaz Brekker
- Inej Ghafa
- Jesper Fahey
- Wylan Van Eck
- Nina Zenik
- Matthias Helvar
- Zoya Nazyalensky
- Nikolai Lantsov
- Tolya Yul-Bataar
- Tamar Kir-Bataar
- Bilbo Baggins
- Frodo Baggins
- Samwise Gamgee
- Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck
- Peregrine (Pippin) Took
- Aragorn (Son of Arathorn)
- Boromir (Son of Denethor II)
- Faramir (Son of Denethor II)
- Thorin Oakenshield
- Fili (Of Thorin's company)
- Kili (Of Thorin's company)
- Gimli (Son of Gloin)
- Thranduil (King of Mirkwood)
- Legolas Greenleaf (Son of Thranduil)
- Tauriel (Head of Mirkwood Elven-Guards)
- Lord Elrond (Lord of Rivendell)
- Luther Hargreeves
- Diego Hargreeves
- Allison Hargreeves
- Klaus Hargreeves
- Five Hargreeves
- Ben Hargreeves
- Vanya/Viktor Hargreeves
- Alma Peregrine
- Jacob Portman
- Emma Bloom
- Enoch O'Connor
- Millard Nullings
- Fiona Fraunfeld
- Hugh Apiston
- Horace Somnusson
- Victor Bruntley
- Bronwyn Bruntley
- Olive Elephanta*
- Claire Densmore*
- Cronos (Venom)
- Quorthon (Bathory)
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(*) Will not, under any circumstances, write smut
(**) If you're into them then I won't deprive you ig
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greenandsorrow · 1 month
Not a request, but can you make a list of the fandoms and characters you write for? Not to be rude! <333
Disclaimer-> There are fandoms I've already written stuff for or will in the future, but they're not in the following list bc I simply don't take requests for them (IT, the wizarding world, star wars, the matrix, Prometheus, DC, etc.)
x reader for the most part unless I say otherwise
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William Afton (either from the game or the book trilogy, not movie Willy still love him tho)
The Puppet
Comfortingly scary stuff with the animatronics of the first six games.
I'M NOT AGING ANYONE UP FOR SMUT/ I WON'T PUT ANYONE IN SEXUAL SITUATIONS (aging up for character development is acceptable ig)
Omori (can be shipped with Aubrey)
Sunny (can be shipped with Aubrey/Basil)
The group x reader
The reader just experiencing or being part of Headspace, Black Space, White Space and the characters there.
Officer K
Sierra Six/ Court Gentry
maybe Colt Seavers
Joel Miller
Din Djarin
Alastor, in all shapes and forms (human, giant demon, cursed cat, something from your imagination)
Angel Dust
Lucifer Morningstar
maybe Sir Pentious (can be shipped with Cherri)
The Hazbins x reader
Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
Fili Durin
Kili Durin
Gandalf x reader (platonic!!)
Thorin & company x reader
The fellowship x reader
Sauron in any form
The Witch King of Angmar (🤭)
Petyr Baelish
Varys (don't ask me why)
Jorah Mormont
Sandor Clegane
Arya Stark
Brienne of Tarth
maybe Eddard Stark
maybe Tormund Giantsbane
maybe Theon Greyjoy
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen
maybe Larys Strong (I'm sorry)
Scenarios that include multiple characters
?Dragon bonding¿
Sherlock Holmes (platonic mostly)
John Watson
maybe James Moriarty
maybe Molly Hooper
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Charlie Dalton
The poets x reader
Mr. Keating (platonic!!!)
Absolutely anything and anyone.
I mean it.
(no incest, no orgies)
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper (don't ask why)
Vecna/ Henry Creel
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masterlist of all work
requesting rules/ info
*my paypal link can be found on my masterlist & fics
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jjamjamm · 3 months
The Hobbit Masterlist
*I was formerly known as bluemountainsmajesty and plan to rewrite some of my orphaned fics on ao3. For now, I'm linking them below:
Domestic Oneshots Masterlist - A series of oneshots (with the occasional second or third part), focusing on domestic relationships and moments between you and members of the company. [33/33]
Comfort - Bilbo has a relaxing Valentine’s Day planned, starting with a nice bath.
More than Friends - A dear friend is visiting the Shire and Bilbo discovers he may want to be more than friends.
Alterations - Bofur means well, but is ill prepared when ordering a dress to surprise Y/N.
Cold Shoulder - Y/N feels ostracized and like she has intruded on dwarrow life, just by living in the mountain to be with Bofur. He finds a way to fix things.
Fixated - "If it’s not too much to ask you for a Bofur smut fic where he has a particular oral fixation so he goes down on the reader a lot? I’d like a gender neutral reader" nsfw
Mr. Sociable - “Are you jealous? Want me all to yourself, do you?"
Subtlety - Bofur wants to make a grand gesture for the woman he loves, and it gets a little Great Gatsby on him.
A Perfect Fit - “I’d like to ask for a Dori (hobbit) domestic fic please. I just don’t think he gets enough love. Maybe falling for a small dark-haired human running an orphanage? Cause that would channel all those great parenting instincts he has.” request
A Dream Come True - "Were you dreaming about me again?" w/ Dwalin - smut smut smut NSFW
Love Story - Dwalin is a bigger softie than he lets on.
Ode to my One - Dwalin's anniversary gift for his wife is both unexpected and endearing.
Suspenders - At the royal wedding, Dwalin has a wardrobe malfunction. Reader offers to lend a hand. Hints at some NSFW
They Gave Each Other a Pledge - Thorin's youngest sister is in a secret relationship with his best friend. All is well until he catches them together. NSFW
Confessions - “Fili feat. miscommunication, confessions, nearly missed chances (and more than a little bit of wine)” I want to say this was from a Fizzy writing event.
Dwarven Merchants - Fili x reader role switching au. The Durins are merchants from Erebor while Y/N is a distant relation to human royals. Fili doesn’t feel like he’s good enough for her. [incomplete series]
Enough is Enough - Thorin’s had enough of his nephew and his wife. Borderline NSFW
Lullabies - Learning to live under the mountain brings certain challenges, like getting used to falling asleep in complete and utter silence.
Not an Overreaction - Fili x reader where Dwalin’s daughter gets caught with her boyfriend. NSFW
Sugar Rush - Fili has a sweet surprise for his wife on Valentine’s Day.
Unveiled - Fili brings you to the Shire with him. Thorin thinks he’s being clever, spiting the wizard by asking you to join the company. He doesn’t know what’s coming.
Golden Years - The company finds out Y/N’s birth year and think she’s much older than she really is. Kili tries to fix the situation, not wanting her to hate him for his poor choice of words.
Meeting Again - Kili and Y/N reunite after their first meeting on the shore. She gets a bit of a surprise.
Nearly too Late - Y/N is about to return to Rohan, Kili panics.
Favorite Star - Nori is a bit of a dork on Valentine’s Day, but a dork in love.
Supply Run - Nori and Y/N get some supplies for the company, and Nori reaches a realization.
Anonymous - These letters just keep coming, it’s time to find out who the secret admirer is.
Into the Woods - “Reader from our world figures out how to survive for months in the wild. Encounters Ori and helps him, in turn asks Ori if you would come home with him. Maybe showing some of Dori’s and Nori’s influence in Ori’s actions towards you.” requested
For the Dancing and the Dreaming - Thorin proposing to the reader by singing the “For the Dancing and the Dreaming” from HTTYD. With the reader joining him as a duet - request
Light of Day - Winters in Erebor really take a toll on their human queen. Thorin has an idea on how to fix that.
Skyless Stars - I got inspired by a gifset of glowworms from Waitomo Caves in New Zealand -> I like to think there are caves deep in Erebor like this and lovers take strolls there. Maybe there’s a pool and they go for dips in this little hideaway- away from the others for a moment of peace and privacy, contemplation… or secret kisses with Thorin.
Take a Break - Thorin and his Queen were invited to Rivendell to speak with Lord Elrond. She sees it as a vacation and tries to get her husband to see it the same way.
Unwind - My first smutfic: Thorin’s wife has been getting stressed with her duties lately, he tries to help her relax. NSFW
Valentine’s Festival - Thorin organizes an entire festival for the person he loves.
Wounded Pride - Thorin’s one is hurt, his nephews are to blame, the wizard is gone, and apparently, he had been right about their campsite
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allexthakatt · 2 years
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Helloooo! My name is Allex, I'm 24, and I still love fan fiction. 𝕀𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕒 𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕖.
Wanna read what I got? Heres my MASTERLIST!
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED!! Even if you don't really request, I love talking to people! Please feel free to ask or even just send a message <3
Heres who I'll write for::
Eddie Munson 🦇
Steve Harrington 💅
Dr. Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Legolas Greenleaf 🏹
Aragorn 👑
. The things I write::
SMUT! oo la la ~ 🥵
ANGST! ouch... ❤️‍🔥
HURT/COMFORT! cuddles.. ❤️‍🩹
FLUFF! kisses? 💗
I do mostly f!reader BUT if you'd like I can do gender neutral! Reader too!
Have fun reading ✨
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dez78 · 6 months
Multi-Fanfiction Blog
My name is Dez, I write in a lot of fandoms. Including video games, movies, and tv shows. Healthily into vampires and elves. (Not really though, I'm obsessed.)
This blog is poly safe and LGBTQ safe.
I usually write for female characters, unless you guys want to request otherwise, I don't want to exclude anyone. See down below at the lists of dos and don’ts for me and my writing! 
Requests are open and welcome, ask away.
What I will write: 
Hurt to comfort
Light Bondage
I'm also open to writing for your ocs if you wish.
I will write about my ocs as well.
Dom and Sub
Character Redemption or Character Condemnation
Tame Kinks
What I won’t write: 
I won’t write about hard core slapping during intimate scenes (Only booty taps)
Being called slut or whore, or partners being disrespectful to each other (unless it’s during an argument and they don’t mean it later) 
Nothing with an excessive amount of spit, and hard-core bdsm. 
Won’t write about incest, unless it’s for the Game of Thrones franchise.
Nothing derogatory or abusive (Unless it's for a specific setting)
RULES FOR MY PAGE: No destructive criticism, no negative comments, if you don’t like my writing then don’t read it, please (Constructive Criticism is welcomed)
Fandoms and Characters I will write for: 
Baldur’s Gate 3: 
Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Plo Koon 
Jango Fett
Boba Fett
Fallout 4: 
Nick Valentine
Mara (R4)
Yekvad Company (My OCs)
Roggi Knot-Beard
True Blood: 
Eric Northman 
Sookie Stackhouse 
Jason Stackhouse 
Jessica Hamby
Witcher (Netflix and Witcher 3): 
The Hound (Sandor Clegane)
Jon Snow 
Jaime Lannister
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harrypoppinss · 1 year
𝕸𝖚𝖑𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
ℝ𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕟! 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕤𝕦𝕓𝕞𝕚𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖!
Fandoms that are included in this masterlist: Supernatural, Red Dead Redemption, The Hobbit, LOTR(𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷), The Walking Dead(𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷)
Smut - 💋
Angst - 💧
Fluff - ✨
Request - 🫶🏻
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✩`  🎀  𝒮𝓊𝓅𝑒𝓇𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓊𝓇𝒶𝓁  🎀  `✩
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🍌  🎀  𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝒲𝒾𝓃𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇  🎀  🍌
My Savior- Getting kidnapped is bad, that much is obvious. But getting kidnapped by a nest if vampires? Is undeniably worse. ✨
Insecure - How Dean would be with a insecure partner. 💧
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𝓡𝓮𝓭 𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓡𝓮𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
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𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓾𝓻 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓪𝓷
Ashes - You finally visit your lovers grave after the fall of the Van der Linde gang. 💧
A Fresh Start -  After successfully escaping the grasps of the Pinkerton’s, you and your boyfriend seek out the life you always dreamt of.  💋✨
A well needed reunion - After a job went sour you had to hold out and wait. 💧💋
Our darling girl - Your husband makes arrangements to take you and your daughter out for a day in valentine. ✨
Reunited -  After getting shot on the mission to kill Micha, you end up seeing some familiar faces that you haven’t seen in a while.  💧 ✨
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𝓓𝓾𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓥𝓪𝓷 𝓓𝓮𝓻 𝓛𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓮
Betrayal - After the surprising return of an injured John, you quickly find out the dark side of you long time lover. 💧
Collision - Dutch Van der Linde was one of the most notorious gang leaders in the west, that was until he caught wind of you.
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓢𝓶𝓲𝓽𝓱
Comfort - Charles comforts you after you start to doubt the security of the gang. 💧
Canada - You and Charles relish on your new life, and he gives you some reassurance as you doubt your appearance. ✨
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˜”*°•.˜”*°• Five Nights at Freddys •°*”˜.•°*”˜
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An unexpected visitor -  you convinced your mom to get you the last foxy plushie on the shelf, being a fan since you were a kid, but… there’s a reason it always ended up back on that shelf.
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓫𝓫𝓲𝓽
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How the Dwarfs show PDA - Headcanons on how some of the Dwarfs show their affection towards you. 
I’ll trade you a kiss for a hug - Fili Durin x gn!reader ✨🫶🏻
Empty Promises - Kili Durin x AFAB!reader 💧
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sinisterbug · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
I sent this to myself, but since I got it first on my dead dove account legitimately, it doesn't seem TOO tacky to send it to my other pseudonym.
One Piece fandom (these are OLD):
The Nature of Things - Kitchen Confidential/Restaurant AU - ZoSan - Just some smut and drama but no other warnings listed. I'm not listed as co-author and that was per my request during a very bad mental health phase. Comparing myself to my co-author was a good way to hurt myself at the time. I wrote this with Stark_Black, and they have gone on to become a great writer and voice actress. This was a joy to write. I miss Anthony Bourdain.
In Dreams - Versailles AU - ZoSan - No major warnings, some smut. My first big achievement as a fanfiction writer.
The Hobbit fandom (old and new):
Dimensions of the Heart (previously called Third Dimension of the Heart) - Bagginshield, Bilbo/Dain - Everyone Lived Nobody Died AU - Bilbo falls in love with Thorin and Dain. Hijinks ensue. There's a glow worm cave and WONDERFUL art by @tosquinha. Still Incomplete, currently going through re-write/edit.
The Magnificent Centuries - EXPLICIT AND DARK, READ THE TAGS ON AO3 - Harem AU (Erebor never fell)- Bagginshield, Durincest, tons of pairings, much incest - Featuring Thorin/Kili, Bilbo/Thorin, Bilbo Baggins must navigate his way to the top of King Thorin' harem. Along the way he faces rivals for Thorin's affections who will go to any lengths to prevent the Hobbit's rise. Meanwhile, Fili struggles with his unrealized love for his brother while doing everything in his power to protect him from the machinations of the harem. He must do this all while not endangering his heir status by challenging or questioning his uncle's authority, or getting too close to Kili.
The Witcher fandom (recent):
We've Already Met - Vesemir/Jaskier, Geralt/Jaskier - Smut - Jaskier already met Vesemir 6 months before meeting Geralt, and they begin a casual sexual relationship based on mutual attraction and desire. Jaskier keeps this affair quiet as he goes on to make the acquaintance of Geralt and begins to travel with him. It becomes clear to Jaskier, after a few years, just who exactly Vesemir is to Geralt. Based on this, Jaskier keeps the secret that much closer for fear of angering Geralt. The bard is fine to balance the occasional tryst with Vesemir when they cross paths and never, ever mention it to Geralt. So it all goes to crap the day that Geralt invites Jaskier to Kaer Morhen for the winter.
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dinofromspac3 · 1 year
Rules for Requests
Main Masterlist
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I do not write smut, but I will write spice
please request through asks
be patient and be kind. I might take a while to get the fic out
leave as much or as little detail as you like, but fair warning if you leave so much detail that you’ve practically written it for me, I will be less likely to write it.
ask nicely, kind of goes along with be kind. I’m not taking orders, and if you act like it, I will ignore your request.
Thank you<3
Who I write for:
Fem/GN readers
Doctor Who:
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Clara Oswald x Reader
Rose Tyler x Reader
Martha Jones x Reader
Donna Noble x Reader
Bill Potts x Reader (fem only)
The Doctor x Reader (platonic only because there’s not enough of these and there’s plenty of romantic fics out there)
The Master/Missy x Reader (platonic only)
If you think of any others just ask
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Peter Parker x Reader
Kate Bishop x Reader
Yelena Belova x Reader (platonic only, ace queen)
Natasha Romanoff x Reader (platonic only)
Steve Rogers x Teen!Reader
Bucky Barnes x Teen!Reader
Pretty much everyone x Teen!Reader
Again, if there’s any not listed, just ask.
Wizarding World:
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(I’m partial to Hufflepuff!Readers)
Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Neville Longbottom x Reader
Luna Lovegood x Reader
Newt Scamander x Reader
Again, just ask. I’ll add marauders when I’ve read all of All the Young Dudes fic on AO3
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Ethan Nestor x Reader
Markiplier x Reader (platonic only)
Jacksepticeye x Reader (platonic only)
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit:
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Frodo Baggins x Reader
Samwise Gamgee x Reader
Merry Brandybuck x Reader (platonic only)
Pippin Took x Reader (platonic only)
Aragorn x Reader
Eowyn x Reader
Arwen x Reader
Legolas x Reader
Kili x Reader
Fili x Reader
Bilbo Baggins x Reader (platonic only)
Star Wars:
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Padme Amidala x Reader
Anakin Skywalker x Reader (platonic only)
Obi Wan Kenobi x Reader
(Sorry I’ve only seen the prequels)
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faeriichaii · 8 months
Ok just like a small idk request update?? I am working rn on a thranduil smut and like afterwards I think three Legolas and one Kili story?? Just so you guys kinda know that I still have an eye on your request but it might take a liiiiittle bit more time than usual :)
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