#killer cc
and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Hey, how older is mike in the saffron pawn au? Im pretty sure it has been referenced but I can’t recall
Also, how old were the aftons when the bite happened in the au
And finally, is there any particular reason saffron William wants mike to be his successor? Im pretty intrigued by it specially with the new post talking about mike learning how to “make friends”, since it seems those expectations were placed very early on
ahh,, the thing about their ages is, in my head, saffron mike and evan are like 7-8 years apart. But I don't want the Bite to happen when Evan is any younger than 8 (but would prefer that it happened on his 9th birthday), or when Mike is any older than 14, which would put their max age difference at 5-6 years apart. So technically they're 5-6 years apart but i kinda think of them as being a bit further than that, if that makes sense. Idk, it's weird.
During the Bite, Will would be mid 40s, and Liz would be... well, I've never thought about it bc she's just not a part of the au. Maybe she'd be around 11 at the time of the Bite if she were still alive?
Saffron Will wants Mike to be his successor because, like all my Mike-Will dynamics, Mike is William's favorite child and William is obsessed with Michael. Partly just because Michael is the eldest son, and american/european tendency is to place a lot of importance on the oldest son in a family (ie eldest sons inherit family companies and royal thrones, they pass on their father's legacy etc etc). But William is also a very conceited and self-absorbed person; he LOVES that Michael looks just like him (and William also hates it, because Wiliam is self-absorbed yet also has self-loathing from his own abusive father figure). And then, when Mike starts acting out due to trauma from his mother's death, little sister's disappearance, Charlie's death, and William's abuse, part of William sees Mike lashing out and hurting others and is pleased because it reminds Will of himself. His eldest son being just like him and passing on his legacy not just in an "inheriting the family business way" but by ACTUALLY BEING a William 2.0 in appearance and personality is perfect in Will's eyes, and he's obsessed with making it happen.
Because William has his hopes set on Mike being just like him, William has higher standards for how Mike is meant to act, exist, and present himself than he does for Ev and Liz. These "high standards" are ofc impossible to live up to, so Mike ends up facing more abuse than his younger siblings.
This abuse, combined with the factors listed above, cause Mike to lash out and hurt others, as seen in fnaf 4 in his treatment of Evan. William is pleased that Mike is like him in his enjoyment of taking out his feelings on others, but it also bothers William that, unlike him, Michael has not learned how to control himself and only hurt others when there will be no chance of being caught. To William, being able to act Normal in public (being the loving, caring co-founder of Fazbear Ent who can DEFINITELY be trusted around children; William Afton is a family man!) so you can get away with acting on your worst desires is very important. It bothers William that Mike hasn't learned how to do this. Especially because Mike acting so uncivilized and problematic in public spoils William's family-man image and makes it seem like he can't control Mike. So William never really punishes Mike for lashing out and hurting others; he only does it when Mike acts out in public, or when Mike is distracting William from his work at home. Will doesn't want to deter Mike from lashing out at people, just make him control himself and look presentable in public like William does.
Then the Bite happens. Part of William is annoyed about what happened. He views Evan as his property more than his child, and he is annoyed at the idea of someone else taking/damaging his property without his consent. Will is also worried about his reputation: he looks like he can't control Mike, and god knows this is gonna have a bad impact on his company's reputation, too. But this annoyance is overshadowed by William's sudden desperate hope that maybe Mike is even MORE like him than he thought! And it's overshadowed by the realization that he doesn't just want Mike to be "like him" (child murderer), but that William doesn't want to be ALONE in this anymore. William has felt broken and alone and isolated for so long, and Mike almost killing Evan makes Will realize that he doesn't just want Mike to be like him for kicks or to continue on his legacy, but because William wants proof that he's not broken or alone, because Mike is just like him, too.
So Will starts watching Mike closely, and when Will realizes that Mike didn't ENJOY almost killing Evan like Will enjoys hurting kids... Will feels betrayed, like there was a life raft right there and Mike kicked it away and left William to drown. Will is angry and lost and he punishes Mike for not enjoying it, for not being more like William.
Then Evan wakes up from the Bite and gets put back into the Afton household. By this point, the combined brain damage and PTSD has really messed Evan up. Evan is terrified of Michael. When Mike gets near, Evan loses control of himself; he kicks, screams, bites, scratches, throwing anything nearby (and i mean anything-- pillows, books, remotes, scissors, lamps, glass cups, anything) at Mike because he's scared Mike is going to hurt or try to kill him again.
William is intrigued because he's naturally fascinated by fear, and he has NEVER seen Ev act like this before. It's completely unlike him. So Will starts experimenting, seeing how far he can push Evan. He tries taking Ev's involuntary PTSD response and turning it into a conscious hatred of Mike and the conscious desire to see Mike hurt.
Through it, part of him hopes that if he pushes Evan enough, then Ev will lash out so badly at Mike that Mike will snap and hurt/kill Evan, thus proving once and for all that Mike really is just like Will. But Mike doesn't. Sometimes Mike will get in places where he's so hopeless and sick of Ev hurting him that Mike will yell or try to hit Evan, like slapping Evan's hand when Ev tries to scratch or throw something, but for the most part, Mike is so haunted by guilt and self-hatred and the fear of hurting Ev again that he becomes passive. He lets Ev hurt him sometimes, but mostly Mike just tries staying away to stop from stressing Ev out so much.
Eventually, William decides to manipulate Evan into being a killer like his father. William doesn't actually care about or want Evan, but Will wants to use Evan to prove to himself that he CAN turn Mike like him, too, and to experiment on Ev to find the best way to force Mike into being like him. Mike just ends up running away before William can do so.
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cursed-collective · 2 months
Guys I think we have the partner EVER!!! We've been in a lil bit of a verbal shutdown for the last day and they're trying to learn some BSL (British Sign Language) so we can communicate whilst on call with them better. We love them sm how on EARTH did we land such a catch.
We had such low standards in dating after our exes but they've like? Blown them out of the water?
Our bestie too...he's an absolute blessing!!! Cannot wait to see him on Saturday. He is the bestie EVER.
I think we finally managed to surround ourselves with people that help us to maintain healthy relationships with them. Is this our healing era? I hope it is. I think everyone should be able to heal.
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IDK what William Afton expected to happen in FNAF..
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bazzleman · 28 days
same energy actually
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gotta love my bryce and curt duos
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dissvicious · 27 days
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just a normal breakfast in the Victoria Punk's galley
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ghostedrider · 1 year
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you said you kill ppl? haha wooow thats crazy wooooaawww
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Marcie drawing please??
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day 17 - Marcie
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tripled0531 · 11 months
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Okay sorry for taking so long—
Have a Halloween special (not that great ik)
I couldn’t get every kid a drawing, but maybe I’ll add the rest next year
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cursed-collective · 3 months
Chronic illness is wild man, wdym playing minecraft sent me into a flareup cuz I was sat upright too long? WDYMMMMMM
Anyways, blanky time now <3
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dissvicious · 1 month
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ChainsawMetalKiller, first day, dense as a wall.
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creatureoftheshade · 4 months
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Chelsea Smile
Download - Patreon
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For a while I've been trying to find some healed Glasgow smile CC, but so far I haven't had any luck. So I decided to just make my own! This is my first ever CC creation so it's far from perfect, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! My very good friend @veebyjeebiess made some lovely sims to model the scars, you can find lookbooks for them here!
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analogwriting · 7 months
Not So Childhood Crush
Smutilogue (afab edition) Killer x gn!reader word count: 3.8k a/n: lmfao here's the smut piece y'all asked for. hope it lived up to the hype. i made two of these. they both use gender neutral pronouns, but one is obviously with a vagina and the other with cock n' balls so pick your poison. they are slightly different despite starting off the same. not just body part switching but what happens in general but mostly the same. mo ghràdh and mo leannan are variations of 'my love' in old gaelic. amab version
A couple of months went by. Everyone was back in peak performance and you were finally able to relax. You were currently cleaning up from lunch, enjoying the silence. The lot of you heard about some festival on some island and Eustass decided it was the perfect place to celebrate. To celebrate everyone back in tip-top shape and you being back with the crew at long last. 
Though, when everyone left, you opted to stay behind a little longer, wanting a moment of peace. You’d been wrangling everyone on this tiny ship the past couple of months and you just wanted a moment where you didn’t have to babysit. Your brother teased you about it, calling you old, but you didn’t even have the energy to fight. You just wanted them to leave you alone.
And they did. Everyone was off on the island, enjoying the festival and you were able to enjoy some peace and quiet. You were putting away dishes, standing up on the utmost tips of your toes as you tried to put something away. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your hip and a body press into you. You watched as a hand reached out to take the bowl in your hand and put it on the shelf for you.
“I thought you were with everyone else,” you mused, not even needing to turn around to see who it was.
Killer chuckled softly behind you. “When I realized you stayed behind, I doubled back,” he mused. Once the last dish was put away, his hand came down to rest on your other hip. He buried his face in your neck and you chuckled softly. “No helmet?” He definitely had it on earlier. You had smacked it because he did something stupid, after all. 
He shook his head, wrapping his arms around your middle. “Mm, can’t kiss you if I have it on,” he crooned, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You let out a content sigh against him, turning around as you kissed him. You slid your arms around his neck and smiled. “That’s true.”
Despite having confessed, neither of you have been able to do much since then. With the ship being as small as it was and the crew being as large, there wasn’t exactly time to be alone. Someone was always bothering one of you. It’s what happened when you were the parents of the crew, you supposed. That, and Killer had been healing this whole time. You didn’t want to end up reopening a wound just because you were too horny for your own good.
His hands took to either sides of your face, cupping it softly as his thumbs ran over his cheeks and he just looked at you. You felt your face warm up as you felt his rough, calloused hands catching on your smooth skin. It sent shivers down your spine.
“I still can’t believe you’ve felt the same this whole time.” You let out a small chuckle at his words, nodding. “I can’t believe it either. We could’ve saved ourselves a whole lot of heart break if one of us just bit the bullet when we were kids.” 
He grinned, pulling you into another tender kiss. As much as you loved these soft moments with him, right now you were craving more. You reached up, letting your hand find its way into his hair as you deepened the kiss, pulling hard on his hair. A low growl came from Killer that made your heart race with excitement. “That how it is?” he mumbled against you. You nodded, pressing another kiss to him. “Mhm. I think we’ve waited long enough.”
“Say less.”
You gasped as he picked you up, but you wasted no time in wrapping your legs around him. He set you on the table gently, his lips immediately on your neck. You could feel your body already warming up just from this small bit of action you were getting. You couldn’t imagine how insane you were going to feel when you actually got down to business.
In this moment, you were regretting your punk aesthetic that had made you put tight jeans on this morning, but that ended up not even mattering as Killer had them off of you in one swift movement - well at least you had gone against the decision to wear underwear. A shiver ran down your spine again as you felt the cool air on your skin.
“Wasting no time,” you mused, looking up at him as he just stared at you with a hungry look in his eye. He licked his lips as he stared before looking into your eyes. “You’re so breathtaking.”
Your eyes widened at the sudden compliment, face immediately in flames. Now why the hell would he go and say something like that right now? You tried to push away the more flustered feeling and scoff. “Just kiss me,” you mumbled.
He chuckled, looking at you for a moment more. “I have a better idea.” 
You blinked, watching him as he grinned at you before dropping to his knees and your eyes widened. You made a noise of surprise as he pulled you to the very edge of the table and placed one of your legs over his shoulder. “Killer!” you squeaked, covering your face as he was suddenly right next to your core.
“What? I think you look more than excited to see me,” he teased gently as his fingers gently traced over your wet folds. Your eyes widened as your entire body started to tingle, hips twitching. Sure, you imagined him doing all of these things to you, but now officially being in the act, it was completely different.
“I-I mean I am, I just-” You gasped, letting out a small whine as you felt him gently circle your clit. Your hands left your face and moved to the table behind you as you leaned back on them. 
“The usual confident and dominant doctor suddenly being a stuttering mess is quite the sight to behold.” A smug smile stretched across his face and you did your best to muster up a glare; only for him to slowly slide one of his thick fingers into you. Your eyes rolled back and you bit the inside of your cheek to hold back the moan. You were being stubborn now since he decided to get all cocky all of a sudden.
“Aw, c’mon now. I want to hear that beautiful sound,” he said as he began to move his finger around inside of you. You looked at him, feeling your eye twitch. You wanted so much to say something but you knew the moment you opened your mouth, it would betray you.
“Don’t be stubborn.” He slid in another one, beginning to scissor them inside of you. The sensation was crazy. Sure, you’ve done it yourself, but it was different when it was someone else. It also wasn’t exactly like you had time to ever sleep around in your life, so this was all a first to you. Not that you were ever going to admit that.
Your entire body was buzzing and you could feel yourself coiling up in the pit of your stomach already. A small whimper escaped from your lips and your hips twitched slightly as he reached deeper inside of you, curling his fingers. You let out a shaky breath, trying to keep it together, but your trembling body was a dead giveaway.
“Y/n!” Your eyes snapped wide open as a voice rang through the air. You immediately sat up and Killer stopped moving. From where you were seated, if someone came in the doorway they’d just see you at the edge of the table, back to them. They wouldn’t be able to see Killer with the way he was positioned - nor the naughty things you were currently doing.
“You better stay quiet, then,” Killer whispered. You looked at him with a mixture of horror and excitement. You looked over your shoulder, keeping an eye out just in case when you suddenly felt a hot breath against you as he took your clit into his mouth. It caught you by surprise that you didn’t have time to stop the loud, strangled moan that came from you. 
You slapped your hands over your mouth, feeling your face heat up. Killer just looked up at you with a sly grin as his tongue swirled around the bud. Oh, that was evil. 
“There you are!” You tensed, fully sat up now. You look over your shoulder, seeing Heat there in the doorway. “Here I am,” you said, taking your hands from your mouth. Killer stopped his movements so you were able to breathe.
“We were wondering where you were. Everyone’s waiting.”
“I said I’d be down in a-” You nearly choked as you felt Killer start sucking on you slightly. “A bit,” you ground out. You knew you weren’t going to last much longer at this rate. You could only keep this up so much. You needed Heat gone now.
“Are you not feeling well?” He took a step in the kitchen.
“Don’t come any closer!” You felt Killer start moving his fingers in and out of you slowly as he worked his tongue around the most sensitive part of you. Your head was spinning and you were fighting for your life right now.
Heat stopped, blinking in confusion. 
“E-Experimenting. Don’t wanna get blown up now, do-” You took a deep breath, pulling on Killer’s hair slightly as you tried to hold it together while he somehow silently assaulted your nether regions. “Do you?”
Heat held his hands up. “Enough said. I’ll let everyone know you’ll be there eventually.” With that, he left.
You were still, trying not to lose it until you were sure he was out of earshot.
Though, you weren’t able to stay silent much longer as the coil deep within you finally snapped and a loud, guttural moan erupted from you. You heard Killer growl as you tugged on his hair roughly as you rode through your first climax of the night. 
You collapsed onto the table, feeling your entire body twitching as you tried to gather yourself. You were already exhausted, but you knew that this wasn’t over yet. You didn’t want it to be over yet. You let out small whimpers as Killer cleaned your mess up with his tongue. You draped your arm over your face as you panted heavily, trying to stop your world from spinning so fast.
You felt your leg be removed from his shoulder and him shifting to stand. He removed your arm from your face and you glared at him. You swatted at his chest. “Why did you do that?” you hissed, still trying to calm your breathing.
He laughed, shaking his head. “Well, you said it yourself. We’ve already waited long enough. I just couldn’t help myself.” 
Honestly, it was exhilarating. It brought a new level of pleasure that you never felt before. The anxiety of the possibility of getting caught gave you a different kind of high. If you were caught, it would’ve been the end of you. You would’ve simply passed away on the spot, but you didn’t.
“I know you would’ve stopped me if you really didn’t want me to,” he crooned, moving your hair out of your face, admiring you as you were. All sprawled out on the table below him, post climax high. A view he could definitely get used to.
“You’re right. It was kind of…” You trailed off, your face heating up and he chuckled before he kissed you again. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him down to you before you wrapped your legs around him. Once flush with your body, you could feel just how pent up he was.
“Now how about we take care of you now, hm?” you purred against him. 
“You sure about that? I’m a pretty big guy.” 
You snorted, rolling your eyes. “I think you’re underestimating me right now and I don’t appreciate it.” You stuck your tongue out slightly. He kissed you once more as you hummed in delight against him. 
“Maybe you’re underestimating me,” he mused as he pulled up from you. You narrowed your eyes as he tried to turn your own words against you. “Killer, I swear to fuck I will walk straight out of this kitchen.”
He just grinned at you. “Then I guess I better make sure you can’t walk then, huh?”
Your eyes widened at his word choice and you couldn’t help but let out a small giggle before you realized what you were doing. You gasped, folding your arms and pouting. Another laugh came from Killer as he watched you with amusement. “C’mon. ‘S cute.” He leaned down, kissing your cheek. Your face only turned more red, but you still weren’t saying anything.
He continued to kiss down your jaw and neck. When he reached the tender spots he had been sucking and nibbling on earlier, you felt yourself gasp softly. You didn’t realize the skin was still so sensitive. You turned to look at him and he just smiled up at you. “There you are.” He hummed as his hands lightly trailed down your sides. 
He stood up and you watched him as he took his shirt off. Without much thought, you reached your hands out and immediately grabbed his chest. “Always so nice,” you mumbled. “Unfair.” Your hands traced over his more recent scars, frowning slightly as you did so.
“Careful, they’re sensitive,” he mused, trying to keep you out of that spiral. He knew you were quick to go down that mental path if not taken care of quickly. 
You rolled your eyes, snorting. He pulled away from you for a moment as he finally began to remove his own pants. Now you got to see what you were working with.
And holy shit, he wasn’t lying when he said he was big. It was large, veiny, and looked desperate for attention. The amount of precum that was leaking from the head was a dead giveaway on that front.
You blinked, but you didn’t raise no quitter. You were already this far and you could feel yourself throbbing with excitement. “You sure about this? We can always circl-”
“Killer.” The firm tone of your voice along with the look you gave him was enough for him to shut his mouth. He nodded. He’d already stretched you out earlier, this would be fine. As long as he didn’t just slam into you - as much as you wanted him to. That was for another time. You kind of needed to make sure it was actually gonna fit first.
“I just don’t want to hurt you,” he mumbled and you sat up. You took his face in your hands and you kissed him hard. That was all it took to reignite the fire within him. He let out a low rumble, making you grin against him. “Stop thinking so much.”
He nodded, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you towards him. You gasped slightly as you felt all of him against you. A shiver went down your spine and honestly you just needed him inside of you now.
You reached down, taking him in your hand causing him to let out a sharp gasp. “Why don’t you use this thing on me already, yeah?”
He nodded, pushing you down onto the table gently. You leaned back, exposing yourself to him. Once more, he stood there just admiring you. You could see the love and affection in his eyes. It always made you feel so giddy but also flustered.
You opened your mouth to say something when you felt the fat head of his cock press against your folds. Anticipation filled your every being and you trembled with excitement. You licked your lips as you watched him take a small breath before he finally started pushing himself into you.
Your eyes widened as you felt yourself beginning to stretch for him. “Oh fuck,” you groaned loudly, head falling back as your eyes disappeared into your skull. Spreading your legs further apart so he could slide in easier, you started panting already. 
You felt him stop and you raised your head to look at him. “Are you-” He started but with the look you gave him, he stopped, nodding. You were fine. As much as you appreciated how much he cared for you, you also weren’t made of glass. But, this was also your first time together, so you figured you’d let it slide this time. You just hoped he wouldn’t keep being this gentle.
As you continued to stretch around him, you felt your own walls twitching and sucking him in further. Quite literally, pulling him into you. For the most part, he slid in rather easily but holy shit did you feel stuffed. It’s like you ate a three course meal.
You were laid down on the table at this point, panting heavily with your eyes closed as you tried to gather yourself. Killer was panting too. Probably from restraining himself. You knew he was fighting urges. You knew he wanted to slam into you just as much as you wanted him to, but both of you knew that would’ve been a dumb idea.
He was bottomed out now. He managed to fit the whole thing inside of you. It felt like it took eternity but it really was only a few moments. “Seems you really were made for me, hm?” That was better. You much rather have cocky Killer than overly cautious Killer. Fit his namesake too.
Before you even had a chance to say anything smart yourself, he started rolling his hips. Immediately, you felt waves of pleasure rolling over your body. This was unlike anything you’d felt before. He was hitting all the right spots and it made you wonder if he was right. Maybe the two of you were made for each other.
Or maybe that was just the horny talking.
It didn’t take him too long to really start hammering himself into you. Your mind was going wild then it was just blank. You couldn’t form a coherent thought. All you knew was the man before you and his giant cock currently pummeling you into oblivion. Skin slapping against skin echoed off the walls of the small kitchen. You had your arms wrapped around him, clawing at his back, making him hiss in pleasure. In turn, he was leaving more and more hickies anywhere he could. You both were marking each other up. Though, his would be easier to hide when it came down to it.
You could feel his movements growing more erratic and your legs slowly growing numb from the sheer amount of pleasure you were experiencing. It seemed he was right, you weren’t going to be able to walk out of here at this rate. He was going to have to carry you to the damn festival.
Once more, that coil snapped and euphoria washed over you as you came hard, shouting your lover’s name. He wasn’t long after, pulling right out of you before making a mess of the both of you. You whined as you suddenly felt empty, twitching at his sudden absence. You were mumbling incoherent sentences as you panted, trying to gather your thoughts.
He rested his head on your shoulder as he came down from his own high. The kitchen fell silent except for your panting. After a moment, you were finally able to come off cloud nine and you let out a breathless chuckle.
Killer looked at you, also finally coming down. “What are ya laughin’ at?” His accent thicker than usual from exhaustion. 
“Mm. Fact tha’ our firs’ time’s on the kitchen table,” you mumbled, your own accent just as thick. “Gonna have ta really clean it up.” Killer just looked at you for a moment before letting out a breathy laugh. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I really do love you, mo ghràdh.” You grinned up at him. You really loved it when he spoke in your native tongue. “And I love you, mo leannan.” And you knew he also loved it when you spoke to him in it as well. The both of you didn’t really use it when you were growing up, but found an appreciation for it as you grew older.
After another moment of gathering yourself, he finally picked you up. “I think it’s time we get cleaned up and head to the festival because the entire crew comes looking for us,” he mused. You settled into him with a hum. “Mm, sounds good to me.”
Later at the festival, the two of you found the rest of your crew downtown somewhere. You were currently riding on Killer’s back. When the two of you arrived, there were cheers all around. Eustass looked at you and rolled his eyes. “About time. I was starting to get worried something happened!”
Killer slowly set you down, keeping an arm around your waist as you were a tad bit wobbly. Eustass raised an eyebrow. “Are you alright? You look a little pale.”
If you didn’t already, you definitely did now. You just glared at your brother. Quincy, bless her soul, immediately knew what was happening and came to your aid. “Well, they’ve done nothing but babysit the crew the last couple of months! They’re probably exhausted!”
She looked at you, smiling. There was a look, however, that said that the two of you were going to be talking later. You nodded, silently thanking her as you slowly sat down. You were also currently glad that your brother had a stupid feather coat made for you that looked just like his. You were currently wearing it to hide the marks Killer went a little too overzealous in giving you.
Dive ran at you, jumping into the air. You knew she was going to jump right into your lap and it was going to hurt. Before she could land, Killer caught her midair and set her down. “Y/n isn’t feeling well, you probably should take it easy.” Dive’s eyes widened and she nodded. “Okay! Sorry!”
Then things carried on like normal. Everyone was loud and rambunctious, just like you were used to. Things were finally returning to normal, though a bit better than they used to be. 
“Oh, y/n!” Heat chimed. You looked at, yawning a bit. “What’s up?”
“So, what experiment were you working on?” 
You blanched and Killer just laughed, leaving everyone confused and Quincy’s eyes shining as she knew she was going to get some of the juiciest gossip she’s ever heard later.
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v4ampbabe · 3 days
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Guess who made another drawing (this fandom is eating me from within)
ignore the wanky weapons and the lack of legs thank u legs make me cry
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creepedverse · 3 months
how would crv react to meeting their closest creepypasta counterparts
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nico's got the hots for bitches like jane.
Tobin and Toby would probably get on well if they could keep their egos in check. After getting over the initial weirded out phase of being so similar, they'd have their fun. They'd work together to be the most annoying duo on the planet and would make it their lifes goal to piss everyone off. Cuz its funny. And they have nothing better to do... Then when they get in trouble they'd both go back to their girls and both be scolded with a "Well what did I tell you?"
Tali and Clockwork would bond over their art, and mutual interest in dumbasses. They're both relatively laidback so they'd be good casual acquaintances. But nothing more than that. Tali would feel a bit relieved she found another girl who understands her, she's always struggled with that. She'd think the clock eye is badass.
Tommie and Tim/Masky aren't exactly 1:1 characters, but they have a lot in common. They probably wouldn't talk to each other, though. They'd do a lot of staring. Tommie would probably think Tim is cool, though. They could get along well enough.
Im really uncertain about it, but Shannon via concept could be closest to Toy Maker? This ask made me think myself into a ditch of who in the Creepypasta roster would be her counterparts.
Bonnie... might align best with Lulu? That or a very subdued version of Nina. She'd get along with both just fine, cuz they're all generally sweet girls... She'd just feel really awkward with Lulu and skeptical of Nina, but I think she could become friends if Nina is persistent
Dia and Bloody Painter would be very confused by each other but afterwards they’d definitely hit it off. Sharing their works with each other and giving tips and tricks when it comes to working with blood as a medium
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ant1quarian · 6 months
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He's a pretty boy
And is also somewhere around 14ft tall. He specialises in agility and battle prowess.
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tripled0531 · 1 year
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Part 2 to Nightmare not getting his book
(There will be a part 3)
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