#kimchi nz
seofatweb9 · 11 months
Kimchi Delivered to Your Doorstep: Shop Fresh at Ken's Mart in NZ
Discover the ultimate convenience of enjoying fresh and authentic kimchi right in the heart of New Zealand. At Ken's Mart, we're proud to offer a wide selection of premium kimchi varieties that you can now order online and have delivered straight to your doorstep. Our handcrafted kimchi is made with the finest ingredients and time-honored recipes, ensuring an explosion of flavors in every bite. Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for quality kimchi - shop with us, and experience the true taste of Korea from the comfort of your home. With Ken's Mart, delicious kimchi is just a click away! https://kensmart.co.nz/collections/fresh-kimchi
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constantron · 1 year
@lfthinker thanks for tagging me!
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: polyam with a full dance card. I don't believe that flirting/kink/sex/flattery/cuddling are the Thing that should be exclusive to being in a relationship with someone, I believe it places kind of a weird value on intimacy and human contact. They're weird invisible lines to assume, I'd much rather discuss lines clearly with everyone? In this essay I will-
favourite colour: I didn't think I was going to waffle in this but the default answer is red, since this question gets asked a lot for objects/gifts. If someone is trying to allocate me a colour for something, I'll say red. In terms of colours to just stare at, I'm also partial to a deep blue/green blend.
song stuck in my head: there almost always is one tbh, but currently it is just the narrator's voice from The Stanley Parable bouncing around in there
three favourite foods: duck, kimchi, tzatziki. Not together, just things I will go weak for if they're listed in a dish. Plus only one of those makes my Ornamental Gut play up, and I would marry tzatziki if I could, the universe can pry it from my cold, dead, (very stinky if I'm on the tzatziki) hands.
last song I listened to: The Bones Of You (Elbow) link. Just an absolute nostalgia blast of a song about music that grabs you and take you back to your memories.
last thing I googled: "David farrier update". You asked! He's an NZ investigative journo who recently made a documentary called Mr Organ, the whole story of which is absolutely unhinged.
The list:
Relationship status, favourite colour, song stuck in my head, three favourite foods, last song I listened to, last thing I googled
The tagg:
If you see this please just assume I've tagged you and @ me in it, I'm going to try tagging some people but I hate trying to gauge interest or remembering people's Tumblr handles in the moment or who has done this already
@acapelladitty @vonspe @sexyinaratkindaway @tromroan @horrorobsessor @felonherb @camprocklobster @jackfruitjuvenile @voiceboss @sigma-time-lord @laxi0v0
If you are tagged here and don't want to be I apologise it was clearly a typo I would clearly have anticipated you would hate to be here and never do that to you hahaha my bad
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nebt-adventures · 2 years
Kimchi Fried Rice with an egg
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Leftover kimchi fried rice with microwaved egg. Not the best way but it works.
Cooking in NZ is a different process for me compared to cooking in SG. Make it fast and make more portions. Since I have to eat the same for the next 3 meals, I like to either add herbs, sauces, spices, add an egg or a sausage to make it a little different.
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mhphotoalbum · 7 years
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The Kimchi Project - 20 Lorne Street, Auckland, 1010
Wednesday 17th January 2018
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woodstockbtswriter · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff/Headcanon
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Female)
Summary: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join BTS on a Bon Voyage adventure leads to once-in-a-lifetime love.
Author’s Note: The GIF... I mean, can I just cuddle him, please?!
Part Five
Sunset Drive
Before you even left the highway cafe, Jin fell sound asleep behind you, so you, Yoongi, and Namjoon kept quiet and tried not to disturb him
Namjoon started looking at his phone in the backseat, leaving you and Yoongi to have your own hushed conversation
You remembered he had his wisdom teeth taken out just before the trip and asked how he was feeling
He admitted his mouth was still a little sore, but he felt mostly fine
He had been worried the trip would be difficult for him, but he was doing much better than he expected
You told him you were glad he was feeling better and that you hoped he was enjoying himself
With a faint smile, he assured you that he was
As the sun set, it painted the sky purple, and when you began your ascent up into the mountains, an impressive view opened up
You, Yoongi, and Namjoon marveled at the sight
Yoongi told Namjoon to wake Jin up to see, and Namjoon nudged him
Jin barely opened his eyes before turning his head and going back to sleep, mumbling in agreement, and the rest of you laughed at his response
A few minutes later, the producer radioed to tell you to turn off to the left
You examined the navigation app on your phone; you still had miles to go to your accommodation and there wasn’t anything on the map at this point
But as Yoongi pulled over and you saw the shimmering lake situated in the valley of the mountains, you realized the crew didn’t want you to miss this stunning scene
The crew asked everyone to exit the vehicles and explore, so you followed the boys down to the water’s edge, pulling on your parka as you walked across the pebbly shore
The view was breathtaking, and you and the boys pulled out your phones to try to capture it
While you were taking a picture, Yoongi walked into the frame, reaching down to touch the water
He immediately recoiled when he felt the temperature, declaring that it was freezing
You laughed at him, and he reached for you in retaliation, grasping your hand with his wet, icy fingers
You gasped, pulling your hand away and shaking off the water, and it was Yoongi’s turn to laugh at you
Next to you, Hoseok told Jimin he should wash his face in the lake, and he promptly complied, splashing his face while noisily reacting to the cold
Then Yoongi suggested the drivers should splash themselves to wake up, and he and Jungkook proceeded to wet their hands and faces (and in Jungkook’s case, his hair)
Curious, you hesitantly bent next to Yoongi, quickly skimming your hands through the frigid water before both of you retreated, your skin painfully red
As you headed back to the warmth of the vehicles, Yoongi wondered if the water was clean enough to drink
You replied that it was likely glacier water and so probably fairly clean, and one of the crew members confirmed your assumption
Yoongi shouted back to the others that they could drink the water if they wanted to, but they were too busy taking pictures
Once everyone was back inside the SUV and the camper, you continued on your way as darkness gradually descended
Settling In
Soon, you reached your accommodation for the night, and as you pulled up to the cabin nestled in at the base a mountain, Namjoon spotted two dogs running down the driveway to greet you
As you all piled out of the vehicles, you and the boys became acquainted with the friendly grey and white dogs
Everyone then headed inside the cabin, and you warmed yourselves around the wood-burning stove for a few minutes before checking out the bedrooms
As usual, the boys made a big production out of choosing rooms
They drew numbers, then took turns picking bunks between two rooms
Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jungkook ended up in one room, and Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung shared the other room
Your choice had already been made for you: a small, private room with only one set of bunks on the opposite end of the hallway
Once rooms were decided, everyone brought the luggage in, settled into their bunks, and began taking turns washing up
The boys let you shower first, giving the bathroom a wide berth while you were using it to ensure your privacy
When you were back in your room and just finishing getting dressed, you overheard Yoongi in the hallway asking around for a hairdryer
Thankful that you had ultimately chosen to pack yours, you grabbed your dryer from your suitcase and opened your door to offer it to Yoongi
He accepted it gratefully, not seeming to mind that it was hot pink, but then he hesitated in your doorway for a moment
“Something smells minty,” he said curiously
You touched your damp hair, chuckling, and explained that your shampoo had peppermint oil in it
“Mmm,” he nodded, inhaling, “It smells nice.”
You agreed with another chuckle, then he thanked you for the hairdryer and walked off to find an outlet
A little later, after the last of the boys emerged from the shower, you all gathered back in the main room for dinner
First Night in NZ
A sizable buffet of comfort food had been laid out by the cabin staff, and you didn’t hesitate to load up your plate
Yoongi and Hoseok were already sharing the love seat when you came to join the boys circling around the coffee table, but Hoseok quickly scooted over, patting the seat between him and Yoongi
A silent understanding passed between you and Hoseok; you gave him a secret, grateful smile, and he gave you the subtlest wink in return
Then you squeezed between them, and Yoongi felt so warm and cozy pressed up against you, you had to resist the urge to just snuggle up to him
As you ate, the white dog (whose name was Ziki, you found out) took up an adorable vigil at Yoongi’s feet, and it reminded him how his dog, Holly, would beg for food
He asked if you have any pets, and you answered that you haven’t had a pet since you moved out of your parents’ house, but recently you considered maybe adopting a cat
And when he asked why you wanted a cat, your reply that you relate to them on a spiritual level earned you a gummy smile
After stuffing yourselves with roast lamb and potatoes (and the ramyeon and kimchi the boys just had to have), the energy of the group was fading, but you still raised your glasses to toast to “a successful trip around New Zealand”
As you lounged around on the sofas enjoying your drinks, Jimin mentioned how he was most comfortable around the other boys
Namjoon agreed, and explained that their bond was so strong from living and working together for so long
Then Yoongi shared that he was more comfortable during this Bon Voyage than he’d been during any other season
“Even with me here?” You asked him, feeling a little like an outsider with such a tight-knit group
“You fit right in,” He reassured you
The rest of the boys agreed that they were comfortable around you and that they were glad you were with them, too
“You have a comforting presence,” Yoongi added, and the boys nodded their agreement
You could feel their sincerity, and it warmed your heart and put a smile on your face as you thanked them for being so welcoming
A little while and a few topics of conversation later, you finished your drinks with a final “cheers” and another “Bon Voyage” chant before everyone dispersed
Jungkook and Hoseok wandered outside to see the stars, and you, Yoongi, and Taehyung followed
The sky was the clearest you’d ever seen, sprinkled with more twinkling stars than you could ever count
After a few moments of admiration, you each attempted to photograph it, but you all found it difficult to get a clear picture with your phones
Giving up, you put your phone away and turned around to find Yoongi pointing his directly at you
You smiled for him, then asked why he was taking a picture of you instead of the stars
He didn’t look up from his screen as he shrugged, “You’re shining brighter.”
And you wondered if he knew how he made your tummy flutter
Then you and they boys decided it was too cold to stay outside and headed back in
The production crew finally stopped filming, and was packing up the camera equipment for the night
You didn’t want to say goodnight, but you were beyond tired and could tell everyone else was, too
You waved goodnight to the boys still idling in the lounge before heading down the hallway
Yoongi followed close behind you, seeing you to your room
At your door, he expressed his hope that you’d had a good first day
You replied that you’d had the best day, and that you were looking forward to tomorrow’s adventures
Though you weren’t sure how anything could top today
You also thanked him personally for ensuring you felt included, letting him know his little gestures did not go unnoticed by you
He got a little flustered at that, touching his ears, and you found it so cute that he had no idea how to take a compliment
Then with a small bow, he wished you a good night and a good sleep, and made his way to his own room
You watched him until he disappeared through the doorway, then closed your door and settled into your bed
And despite the adrenaline coursing through your body, your exhaustion quickly overcame you
You fell asleep easily as your mind replayed all the most memorable events of the day, recalling every conversation, every smile, and every touch you and Yoongi had shared
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accidentalajumma · 6 years
So I just signed up for the New York Times website a couple of days ago, because a Facebook friend of mine is always posting articles from there and they offered a decent subscription price.
But I am already thinking of cancelling for several reasons.
One, the subscription offer turned out to be a scam, because it was offered to me in US dollars and then when I went to sign up they suddenly changed the price to UK pounds. That's false advertising, and while the pound has sunk a long way thanks to Brexit idiocy, it hasn't quite sunk to the extent of parity with the dollar. So I contact the customer service team and what I get is fecking Kafkaesque. "The price depends on your billing address. If you want to be billed in dollars provide a US billing address." Yeah.... my point is that you shouldn't be pushing an offer on your site that says the price is 1 dollar and then suddenly tell me you are charging a pound when I sign up. False advertising, assholes. How is my billing location relevant? If it is relevant, put it in your advert.
Two, the tone of the articles is surprisingly annoying. I am a regular reader of the Atlantic (and used to be a regular reader of the LA Times before they put up a paywall), so I thought I was used to American style but there is something almost smug about the NYT writing style that is really getting my goat. Perhaps it is a combination of the fact that I am paying for it and the fact that the NYT has a big reputation internationally that I expect more and expect it to sound less parochial, but it is really coming across as both trite and really America centric. Perhaps it is just that I can accept triteness from the Guardian (my usual news source) because I am used to where it appears and I am used to its style. I have also felt that the Guardian has made efforts not to be quite so UK centric as it used to be. Yes, now it has regular Australia (and even NZ) focused content and the odd article about the Superbowl lololol. Really widened that pool hey?! Better than the NYT though.
And then, as a straw for my camel's back, there is this article with a recipe for "kimchi porridge (aka jook)". Bwahahaha. Yeah, that ain't juk. I looked at the picture and was like that's fried rice with a bit of extra liquid. It is offensively wrong. I showed it to my husband and asked if he thought it looked like juk. He puckered his eyebrows. I said that's some American's idea of juk. His response: "pfft"
And from such things I can begin to get the smallest inkling of how it might be to be a Korean American, with people dismissive or pig ignorant of your family's culture, or just getting it utterly wrong even when they don't mean to do so at all. And why Korean Americans are much more likely to get up in arms about cultural appropriation than Korean Koreans, who don't have a lifetime of these things and who are much more likely to welcome overseas interest in their culture, even if it manifests in something that no Korean would recognize as Korean and can be laughed off with a "pfft".
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wastelesswanderess · 5 years
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No food left behind! Lunch today was based around leftover pizza bread from dinner a few days ago. 3 slices of pizza bread do not a meal make, so I added #homemade #cashewcheese, #basilpesto, NZ grown #sundriedtomatoes, some #local eggs, wild #fermented #kimchi, #leftover cooked butternut, and some olives. 😁 So much flavour, so little effort. My favorite type of meal. #dairyfree #plantbased #vegetarian #whatvegetarianseat #loveyourleftovers #zerowaste #locallygrown #brunch #lunch #weekendfood #lovefoodhatewaste #leftovers #takeaway #sustainablefood #livingzerowaste #lesswaste #wasteless #wildfermentation (at Wellington, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxBlNXcnSKj/?igshid=1we784fcuh9oz
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seofatweb9 · 10 months
Order Fresh Kimchi Online for Authentic Flavors in NZ | Ken's Mart
Embark on a flavorful journey with Ken's Mart! Order fresh Kimchi online for an authentic taste experience in NZ. Our premium quality Kimchi is crafted to perfection, delivering bold and traditional flavors. Trust Ken's Mart to bring the essence of Korean cuisine to your doorstep. Savor the richness of our handcrafted Kimchi, made with passion and expertise. Elevate your culinary adventures with the convenience of online ordering. Explore the world of authentic flavors with Ken's Mart – where quality meets tradition. kimchi nz, buy kimchi, asian supermarket https://kensmart.co.nz/collections/fresh-kimchi
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growlink · 6 years
Trend Report for New Zealand.
By United Fresh NZ Whether you’re growing it, selling it or just eating it, fresh produce in New Zealand is a core staple in every household. With great growing conditions & an innovative, versatile industry, we’re lucky to have access to some of the tastiest fruit & vegetables on the planet. In 2019, global indications are that fresh produce is at the top of every trend list. Healthy, nutritious food, prepared with love is the key to happiness in homes across the nation, but the days of meat & two vegetables gracing our plates every night may be a distant memory. So what exactly will our kitchens be producing this year? What will our grocery lists look like? Flexitarian A shift toward more plant-based diets is being touted as a game-changer for the environment. A flexitarian diet simply means reducing some - but not all - of our meat consumption. Think Meat free-Monday or making a bolognese sauce with cannellini beans instead of mince. Vegetables become the star of the evening meal rather than a bit part on the side with cauliflower replacing rice or courgettes replacing noodles topped off with a no-meat mince made from beetroot, mushrooms, tomatoes & almonds. Food Delivery Struggling to put wholesome, nutritious food on the table every night? You’re not alone. The rise of food delivery companies for Millennial consumers are the key drivers in the delivery sector with new technology ensuring continued innovation to capture the attention of this smart, savvy but ultimately fickle market. Ready-To-Eat Consumers in 2019 are predicted to shop more frequently and for smaller amounts than we have in the past. Gone is the traditional ‘big shop’ as we focus on fresher ingredients & buy for just a couple of meals at a time. Feeling Good Wellness is a huge trend with everything from kombucha to adaptogenic (think superpowered) mushrooms & oat milk featuring on our shopping lists & CBD oils, collagen & Ayurvedic herbs added to your favourite snacks. Retailers are expected to play a more active role in supporting the health & wellness of their customers. Most of us might aspire to eat & live well, with 85% of consumers saying they are actively trying to improve their diet, but aspirations don’t always translate into action. Helping consumers to both look & feel good will be an increasing focus for retailers & suppliers. Shop Smarter Technology has a big role to play as e-commerce grows both online & in store. Consumers want more in-depth information about where their food comes from. They want to meet primary producers, hear their stories & make a personal (if virtual) connection with the origin of the contents of their pantry. Offline Appeal In the drive to keep customers coming into bricks & mortar stores as well as utilising the range of online options, the shopping ‘experience’ is increasingly important. Smaller stores catering for quick shops Growing & Sharing Homegrown is emerging as a strong trend for 2019. The backyard vegetable garden is undergoing a renaissance as Kiwis, especially our younger ones, embrace the benefits of healthy eating. Building on the interest in gardening in schools, around the country it’s now becoming common to see community gardens, a social hub within a neighbourhood offering an opportunity to learn about, grow & share fresh fruit & vegetables. Beauty Benefits Beauty products with natural ingredients have been increasing in popularity for several years now. In 2019 the quest for perfect skin will include a greater focus on diet & the benefits of ingesting products deemed super ‘skin food’. While coconut oil & avocado were top of the hit list last year, look for blueberries, pumpkin, chamomile & papaya to emerge as the heroes of 2019. While tasty little blueberries have become a popular snack, their health and beauty benefits are becoming increasingly important to consumers. Beverages The global beverage trade is experiencing some of the highest growth. A daily green smoothie, kombucha, matcha tea or turmeric latte have become as popular as the old standards of tea, coffee & juice. Smoothies are set to continue to top the list for those looking for a quick health fix. Whether it’s homemade before you rush out the door or picked up at a local vendor, a blended glass of fresh produce is still a quick solution for a treat-on-the-go. The Death of Boiled Vege Research has shown us that fresh is best when it comes to our daily vegetable & boiling them in water significantly reduces the nutritional value of many of our favourites. Air fryers are enjoying an upswing in popularity with their promise of diet-friendly fried food - what’s not to like? Preparing beetroot & kumara fries or even the dreaded kale chips is apparently a breeze in a modern air fryer, with many cooking a whole roast chicken & swearing they replace all of the functions of a standard oven at a fraction of the cost. Anything to do with gut health & pre or probiotics is still a major food trend over the coming year. Pickling & fermenting vegetables remains on the rise with the popularity of kimchi & sauerkraut continuing on from 2018. The addition of chillies & hot spices to pickle mixtures adds a new spin on these classics.
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Kimchi Beet Burger + Ayurvedic Sprouted Mung Bean Falafels | Wise Cicada, Auckland, NZ. . . . . . #vegan #vegetarian #rawfood #food #foodie #foodporn #instafood #instagood #healthy #health #veganhk #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyeating #bestofvegan #thefeedfeed #vegansofig #veganeats #veganinspo #plantpowered #veganfoodshare #aucklandvegan #foodblogfeed #food_features #topveganplaces #foodblogger #veganrecipes #travel #vegantravel #happycowguide (at Wise Cicada)
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delisonstarz · 7 years
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Girls lunch date 🍴 之 @chillining bb帶我食好西😁🤗 Chicken Katsu Udon 🍜 @ Harry's Kitchen 😋..Good catching up with my baby girl before she leaves town. See you when you are back, and see you ON YOUR GRADUATION 👩🏻‍🎓sweetie! 😘 • • • • • • • • • • #lunchdate #japanese #japanesecuisine #cuisine #asians #asianfood #udon #chickenkatsu #kimchi #rice #food #foodporn #instafood #blog #blogger #lifestyleblogger #lifestyle #photography #nzblogger #newzealand #nz #friendship #bff #foodie #igners #harryskitchen #asianfood #korean (at Dunedin, New Zealand)
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dianaaatan · 8 years
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Presenting the Best Rainbow Rice Bowl I have ever tried! ($16) - Vegetarian 🤤 Brown and wild rice bowl, poached NZ organic egg, spicy pineapple kimchi, purple potato crisp, mixed sprouts, salsa verde. You can choose to add on $4 for Salmon or $3 for Chicken! I prefer the Salmon!😉 (at Tiong Bahru Bakery, Raffles City)
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angsarapblog · 4 years
Third time is a charm! Why, if you may ask me? Well we had passed this place several time pre-Covid time but all of those instances we were drawn by the happy faces of people dining out in the cold without roof enjoying that boiling rectangular pot full of Korean spiced meat and vegetables. We tried to ask if there are some spare seats, but the waiting time was more than an hour hence, we let it pass. Right after Covid Level 3 in New Zealand where we can start to dine out again, we gave this a shot hoping that there will be less people because of the current situation, indeed it was but still there are many diners still consuming that tempting hot pot, luckily this time there was one table open but needed to be cleared out by 7:30PM as it was reserved, it was tight in terms of time hence the server told us that we can have it given that condition. It was 6:00PM, time for an early dinner and we don’t know if we can finish ordering and eating within the time period.
After looking at the menu, all portions are enormous as their servings are made for groups of four and above, how would we finish that food if there are three of us, plus the waiting time for our orders to arrive specially the place was packed but we still gambled. 6:05PM we were seated, we chose what to eat for 10 minutes as it was confusing what to get since they offer two main things, a hot pot of some sort or a big tray of Korean Fried Chicken and waffle fries, we chose the soup since it was cold so 6:15PM our orders was finalized and it was a waiting game. While waiting we were observing around and indeed the orders was big, they looked huge on the menu but in reality, it was much bigger, now can we really finish all of that up? The moment arrived, we grabbed the Pork Belly Kimchi Jjigae which they called Sizzle Kimchi and Pork Belly Soup (NZ$47.00), starting with the side salads, then the big rectangular pot, together with rice (NZ$3.00 /bowl) on the side. We checked the pot and the pork half grilled, it was meant to be finished with the tabletop stove in front of us, so adding at least 10 minutes to our time.
This bowl is quite hefty, I think there is at least 700g of thickly cut pork belly on it and a whole large block of tofu, sliced into portions, add to that the cabbage, mushrooms and other vegetables, this will definitely equate to a full tummy to say the least. It was an interactive and communal dining experience basically like a hot pot but done in a Korean way. The pork finally is cooked, it was around 7:10 and we started to eat. On our first bite, we all felt that nice comfort, warming, satisfying feeling and it was delicious and as the broth boils away the flavours continue to develop and intensify, giving it a much richer spicy, sweet and savoury taste. The grilled pork gave a nice dimension to the flavour adding a chargrilled taste not just to the meat but to the broth as well, it was really nice, really nice! Even the cabbages are full of flavour, I am not an avid fan of cabbage but this one hits the spot. I just want to drink all of that soup. Now I understood why those faces are smiling every time we pass by here, what they serve is an honest to goodness comfort dish, similar to the feeling when you mom cooks your favourite dish. I also have to mention that salad on the side specially that greens, the dressing was amazing, I am sure it is the Creamy Roasted Sesame Dressing, was a nice accompaniment to the soup, just wish the serving was much bigger as I can eat that the whole day. We did not eat the Kimchi and decided to take it home along with the leftovers (Yes, we did not finish it and managed to consume only 75% of it).
Now for the price, I know it’s quite steep for some as their offering’s averages NZ$45.00 a pop but thinking that it can feed 4 or 5 people per rectangular bowl, this is cheap. For NZ$9 to NZ$11.25, that is a steal! Really worth it, so if you happen to be near the place, give it a try specially if you love spicy food, you won’t be disappointed, and if you think there are too many Asians dining in and might not understand the menu, it is in English and everyone is much welcome.
Obar 오빠 Address: 7 Bacons Lane, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Phone: +649 217 3524 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/obarauckland/
OBar (Auckland CBD, New Zealand) Third time is a charm! Why, if you may ask me? Well we had passed this place several time pre-Covid time but all of those instances we were drawn by the happy faces of people dining out in the cold without roof enjoying that boiling rectangular pot full of Korean spiced meat and vegetables.
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angsarapblog · 4 years
It’s our third time here, second time to review them and every moment that I had been here was simply amazing. The food was spot on and had tried out something interesting, something new. This is also the same case to those of my friends I recommended this to, so if you haven’t tried this place then do so.
My usual visit here was on a lunch time, this is the first time I am having dinner here, so I don’t know what to expect. As we browse through the menu, prices for lunch and dinner are similar but not all of the lunch item are available for dinner. One of my favourite dishes here is the Kimchi Spag Pasta but during our last visit they don’t sell them anymore. Now I have to choose something different.
While choosing our dinner, I grabbed some Asahi 400ml (NZ$ 11.00), unlucky since we missed the Happy Hour spot which was 5:00PM to 6:00PM, so take note of that if you want to save a little moolah.
With my beer we started with Kimchi Waffle Fries (NZ$15.00), we always have this when we visit here, it’s like it’s a must. Basically they are Potato Waffles served with Kimchi, Sour Cream, Sriracha Yoghurt and Crispy Shallots. A perfect filler and a beer match.
We also started with some bao buns and we grabbed some Soft Shell Crab Bun (NZ$12.00) served with Pickled Vegetables, Chipotle and Salsa, for the second one it was the classic Slow-Cooked Pulled Pork Bun (NZ$10.00) served with Pickled Vegetables, Ssamjang Mayo and Crispy Shallots. While both were amazing, my favourite was the Soft-Shell Crab, so delicious and it reminded me of the Soft-Shell Crab Burgers of Andy’s Burger called Crabby Crab. It was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, it was a good-sized crab as well.
And since I was frustrated with the missing Kimchi Spag Pasta, I grabbed another pasta on the menu in the form of Chilli Oil Squid Ink Pasta (NZ$20.00), it’s a Squid ink Spaghetti served with Tiger Prawn, Calamari, Chilli Oil, Parsley Denkatsu, Garlic and Shredded Red Chilli. This did not disappoint, love the spicy kick and the very seafoody taste, good flavours.
Finally we had this Korean BBQ Pork Rice (NZ$21.00) served with Horseradish Cream, Bok Choy, Chickpeas and Sliced Almonds. Another great dish and I love that touch of Horseradish Cream which balances out everything in this meal. Sweet savoury deliciousness, similar to the ones you get in Korean Barbecue.
Well there you have it, The Kimchi Project you had done it again, keep up preparing those nice interesting dishes!
The Kimchi Project Address: 20 Lorne Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Phone: +649 302 4002 Website: http://thekimchiproject.nz/
Kimchi Project – 2020 Menu (Auckland CBD, New Zealand) It’s our third time here, second time to review them and every moment that I had been here was simply amazing.
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angsarapblog · 5 years
Korean Fusion is quite new to me, in fact if I am not mistaken this is restaurant that we are reviewing today is one of the first Korean Fusion ever tried, while I have tried dished infused with Kimchi this place offers more than that and it is quite surprising, for me at least. I had passed by this place numerous times and was ignoring them as the place looks small from the outside, what is noticeable though is that it was very bright, clean and green hence it will be very inviting to anyone passes by its store front. What put me off on those times is the size of the place, or from what I assumed, until I booked a table one lunch time after looking for something new.
The day came and I was surprised the place was not full from what I can see, until I was invited inside. It looks like there was a secret door to another dimension that opened a courtyard filled with greenery tucked in between high-rise building, this place was huge, at least compared to the restaurants in Lorne Street. It was honestly one of the cosiest restaurants I dined in Auckland.
Upon seating we were happily greeted and offered some drinks menu. I grabbed some Asahi Lager 400ml (NZ$11.00) to start with while we are choosing our entrees. Lunch menu was simple, the way I like it, 12 mains/entrees, 4 baos, 4 sides and a choice of 3 kimchis.
As a starter we grabbed some Chilli Hoisin Prawn & Pork Wontons (NZ$16.00), deep fried wontons filled with prawn and pork drenched in H&S Sauce served with Bok Choy, Ginger, Garlic and Mung Bean. This was quite tasty and very crunchy, perfect with the cold beer I am holding in one hand.
Next entree was Kimchi Waffle Fries (NZ$15.00), prepared with Potato Waffles, Kimchi, Sour Cream, Sriracha Yoghurt and Crispy Shallots. It was not love at first sight for me but as I eat them the more, I start to like them, it’s one of those dishes that you think you don’t like but as you nibble on it you can’t stop eating them. I love the textures and flavours, very unique.
These are not really entrees so the portions are same size as mains so keep a note on that so you keep some space on their goodies that we will be mentioning below.
Let’s start with Jung Sik or Korean Lunch Set (NZ$22.00) basically a bowl of Bulgogi Beef and Mushrooms served with side dishes like Mung Bean, Wild Aster, Kimchi, Green Salad and Rice. Its literally a complete set, a very filling set, all you need is in this order. Bulgogi Beef was tasty and tender, the sauce is perfect with that bowl of rice or you may want to add an extra one.
Then we have the Korean BBQ Pork and Rice (NZ$21.00) served with Horseradish Cream, Bok Choy, Chickpeas, Baby Onions and Sliced Almonds. Another tasty treat but what’s the highlight on this dish is its texture, the nuts and chickpeas add a nice texture depth on this dish. Again, another tasty treat.
Chili Chicken on Rice (NZ$16.00) was next which is served with Deep-Fried Free-Range Chicken drenched in H&S Sauce served Red Onion, SSamjang Mayo, Sweet Corn, Red Cabbage, Sriracha and Hoisin. If you love fried chickens then this is for your, perhaps it would be one of the best fried chicken you will ever try, its crunchy spicy sweet and moist, meat inside is very tasty like a cross between a Southern Style Fried Chicken, Honey Soy Chicken and Buffalo Wings.
Finally, my favourite was this Kimchi Spag Pasta (NZ$17.00), this out of this world fusion spaghetti is prepared with Kimchi, Cream, Seasonal Veggies, Garlic and Seasonal Mushroom, I added some Pan-Fried Prawn (NZ$5.00) and it was heavenly, unexplainable. Its spicy, sweet, creamy, savoury, al-dente goodness is a force to be reckoned with, this is a must try!
This place is full of surprises, the location, the food and its flavour. A highly recommended place specially for those who tried it all, trust me it won’t let you down.
The Kimchi Project Address: 20 Lorne St, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Phone: +649 302 4002 Website: http://thekimchiproject.nz/
The Kimchi Project (Auckland CBD, New Zealand) Korean Fusion is quite new to me, in fact if I am not mistaken this is restaurant that we are reviewing today is one of the first Korean Fusion ever tried, while I have tried dished infused with Kimchi this place offers more than that and it is quite surprising, for me at least.
0 notes
angsarapblog · 5 years
This place was once Momo Tea, it was a hangout for teenagers many years ago and it was filthy. Today it’s not Momo Tea anymore and that’s good because Momo Tea has a bad reputation now due to its E Classification on its Albany Branch, if that old branch was still here then it would have the same classification.
Like I said it is not Momo Tea anymore, it is now called Fat Boys, totally different menu and way much cleaner. Unlike what was here before where they serve usual Asian stir-fried food, Fat Boys offer something different, they specialize in Asian Skewered Barbecues that start at $1.00 each. Usual stir-fried rice, noodles and dumplings are on offer if barbecues are not your thing.
I really did not know that Momo Tea was long gone here as we barely dine in on Mokoia Rd restaurants, until a friend of ours introduced us to this place. Like I said its more inviting now compared to before and it was cleaner, as always, the view was amazing, it is in a good spot in Birkenhead where you have a full unobstructed view of the city. The menu is quite daunting (I hate book style menus) but if you are after some barbecue just stick to that section as there are many items to choose from, it can be quite confusing.
So, for us we did stick mostly with barbecues, we ordered around 30 sticks in different meats, BBQ Kebab Beef (NZ$1.00), Chicken (NZ$1.00) and Pork Belly (NZ$1.50), minimum order is 5 kebabs at a time. These barbecue meats are good, I guess you won’t go wrong on this one, as long as you use fresh meat and ample seasoning and good heat which this place did.
My daughter love dumplings so we grabbed 20 pieces of Pan-Fried Dumplings (NZ$14.00), filing is not indicated in the menu but I am sure the filling is pork. I was good but I am also sure it was not hand made in the shop, as they look like the ones I buy frozen, the edges are not pleated/folded and more like machine processed.
We also had some Stir-Fried Flat Rice Noodle with Beef (NZ$13.50), good flavours, not too salty, beef was tender, quite oily but that holds true on this kind of noodle dish so the rice noodles don’t stick to each other.
Then we had this Stir-Fried Rice (NZ$12.50), a simple fried rice cooked with corn, egg, peas, bean sprouts and onions. A really good pair with those kebabs we ordered.
And finally, one of our favourites on their menu, the Kimchi Fish Stone Pot (NZ$18.80), a soup dish cooked with kimchi, fish and tofu, this was really delicious, it was hot and spicy but done with a nice flavour balance, it has a good kick but not over powering you can still taste the flavours of the seafood.
Overall this place is OK, food was great but the place does look old, I guess it was their lighting. Staff was quite attentive even though there was only one when we were there. Good for a casual meal.
FAT BOYS 肥佬碳烤吧 Address: 72-74 Mokoia Rd, Birkenhead, Auckland 0626, New Zealand Phone: +649 480 0236
Fat Boys (North Shore City, Auckland, New Zealand) This place was once Momo Tea, it was a hangout for teenagers many years ago and it was filthy.
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