#kind of we're just walking around my apartment lol
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Baby boy got to spend some time outside today 💖
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hansoeii · 1 year
Several things: -LOVE your art, it’s amazing! Especially the one with Crowley and Aziraphale under the umbrella - which software do you use? Your art always look SO gorgeous (cheeky quote from GO right there lol) - how did you get so good at drawing?And thank you for encouraging other people to keep drawing and being so kind as I sometimes can’t help but compare my sketches to others and feel silly, but I guess it’s just a learning curve… Thank you so much for bringing your art to the world!😊
Thank you so much!!
I use Clip Studio Paint for drawing and Photoshop for small adjustments!
2. Haha thanks! Honestly...it's the hyperfixations. I managed to improve a lot in just a year because I've been drawing SO much cos there's so many shows and movies I became obsessed with that I wanted to create art for. So by drawing a lot I just naturally improved. For example these two Illustrations are just a year apart:
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I actually didn't actively try to improve, it's been a while since I did proper studies (I just don't really have the time for it between freelancing and art school), it just happened.
But I can absoluetly recommend going on YouTube and look for some art tutorials if you actively want to start improving! There's some channels that helped me so much back then:
Incredible shape language and super insightful tutorials on all kinds of topics! I learned so much from him.
Ahmed Aldoori
So many awesome tutorials on so many different areas of art. Love it.
Marco Bucci
Incredible tutorials on color theory and understanding how color works in general! Learned SO much from him!
Sinix Design
The OG tutorials I began learning from. I watched his videos religiously as a teen. I adore his painterly style and adopted it in some way, haha.
Ethan Becker
This dude sometimes drops these tiny art tips that just completely blow my mind and that I adopt immedietly. He's super entertaining but also such a great teacher.
And I can also recommend checking out this book by James Gurney if you want to get better at colors!
And for anatomy I highly recommend the Morpho books!
But improvement doesn't only come from drawing a lot. A lot of the time I don't draw for a while and just study the world and artists around me and suddenly I improved when I get back to drawing. Don't ever overwork yourself to the point that you don't enjoy what you do anymore. Take breaks and listen to your body!
I learned to try and not compare myself to other artists, which helped a lot. Through conventions and social media I made so many lovely artist friends and realized how we're all struggling in a very similar way. A lot of us don't even really know what we're doing most of the time, haha. But we help each other out, it's such a wonderful community. I think when you're not actively part of the community it tends to feel like other, more successful artists are some kind of art gods that have perfected the craft and never struggle. But believe me, all the artists you admire go through rough times all. the. time. Sometimes what they do feels easy and natural, other times (more often than not) it feels like you have to try and learn how to walk all over again and you start to doubt your abilities. I personally go through that so many times.
So what I'm trying to say is that instead of comparing yourself to the artists you admire, learn from them instead. Ask questions, befriend fellow artists, study the artists you enjoy and just have fun with it!
And finally I thought it would be fun to share some of my horrendous Johnlock fanart from a decade ago for some motivation:
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I hope my answer didn't overwhelm you, but I thoight it would be nice to give a more detailed answer!
Have a wonderful day and keep drawing! :)
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
Hey can I request a fluffy comfort gif where y/n has period cramps and stays to work from home and is kind of in a bad mood so when Hyunjin comes home early from (idk doing Versace ambassador stuff lol) and he tells her he isn’t feeling well and he’s got a stomachache too, she gets annoyed and thinks he’s just teasing. But later on she realizes he’s actually sick and being serious and she feels bad and takes care of him 🎀🤭
under the weather
hyunjin x reader
gif imagine
genre: fluff, teeny tiny angst
content warnings: none
summary: you think hyunjin is teasing you as normal when you're on your period, but turns out he's not feeling too great himself.
My first gif imagine! Hope you enjoy!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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You were used to his teasing, even when you were in a bad mood like this. Cramps, a raging headache and not enough food to satiate your cravings. Of course he always made sure you were okay too, which was why you were surprised by his quiet mood, especially since he has just come back from his recent Versace trip. You had seen plenty of posts on social media and it made you miss him even more. Why wasn't he his normal excited self?
"Hi love, I missed you," you clung onto him as he entered your apartment, looking more tired than usual.
"Mmm, yeha, missed you too," Hyunjin sighed as he walked in, automatically collapsing on the sofa.
"Wow, what a great welcome back," you roll your eyes, unable to help your bad mood from returning as you sat next to him.
"Sorry, I did miss you, I saw your texts as well, I know you've not been feeling great," he sat up slowly, stroking your hair.
"Cramps have been extra bad," you groan, leaning into him.
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"I know how you feel," he groaned, leaning against you, staring off at the wall after taking a glance at you.
"Don't tease this time, they've actually been so bad," you playfully whack his stomach, but he hunches over and groans.
"Stop messing around, Jinnie," you whine.
"I'm not, got such a bad stomachache, must have been bad plane food," he hunched over again.
That's when you realise he wasn't joking around this time, it should have been obvious from his mood, you thought.
"Oh, love, I'm sorry I thought you were messing," you sighed, sitting up and wrapping an arm around him and rubbing soothing circles into his back.
"No, not this time darling," he groaned again.
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"Let me get you what normally helps me," you pouted as you wiped away his small tears of pain.
You got up and grabbed two hot water bottles, slowly moving around and pouring boiling water into them, as well as two mugs of tea. First you brought over the bottles and gave him one, gently pressing it against his stomach. He immediately let out a sigh in response, seeming to relax a bit.
"Here, have some tea, take these too," you put down your mugs of tea on the table, just as you handed him some paracetamol.
"Thank you Y/Nnie, I know you're not feeling too good either," he took the tablets, curling up on the sofa.
"It's ok, you know what though, I think we'd both be comfier in bed right now, yeah?" you pushed back his hair as you planted a kiss on his forehead.
He nodded and slowly sat up, carrying the mugs as you held the hot water bottles and rested your hand on his back.
"What are we gonna do, hey? We're both gonna be like potatoes laying around in bed," you lightly laughed, the roles now reversed as you carded your hand through his hair as he cuddled up to you, head rested on your chest.
"I'll just be a potato forever then if I get to lay here forever with you," he murmured lightly, pressing a kiss to your knuckles of your other hand.
"Do you always get sentimental when you're under the weather?" you teased him now, your cramps easing ever so slightly.
"Sshhh, you, I'm unwell, you need to take care of me," he looked up at you with pouty lips.
"I will, love don't you worry," you pecked him on the lips, smiles prominent on both of your faces as you relaxed in the comfort of each other.
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tagged: @skz-streamer @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @kiraisastay @sakufilms
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nonnienonnon00 · 10 months
Maya and Carina Season 7 potential story line.
For some reason we've never had a scene where Maya has to save Carina. And I just feel that's not ok. We need our wives in a scene like that. Also Stefania needs more screen time. Anyway here's a scene I would love to see tied in with the baby storyline. Anyone know how we can get these potential storylines to the writers lol.
Opening scene
We're at Maya and Carina's apartment. There's shuffling going on in the kitchen. Carina moves around Maya as she tries to ready her wife's coffee for the day. Maya smiles at her wife. Maya has never felt so taken care of before Carina came into her life. She loves every second of it. This nurturing aspect of Carina's personality that will surely fall upon on their kids.
"You know you don't have to make my coffee every morning. I mean, thank you, but you don't have to do it."
Carina pours in the half and half for Maya, turns and cheekily says,
"Bambina, I cannot have you drinking that sad excuse of coffee that you make."
Maya snickers at Carina and grabs her around the waist,
"Ouch! You'd think after all these years you'd be nicer to me."
Carina rests her forearms over Mayas shoulders,
"Well where's the fun in that."
Maya laughs. Her hands slide from her wife's waist to her belly. It had been a few weeks since they did the implantation. Using Andrew's sperm was a worry for Maya but they managed to talk it out thoroughly and came to an understanding. The treatments for Mayas egg retrieval were harsh on her own body but even now knowing that baby DeLuca-Bishop could be potentially developing in Carina, gave Maya all kinds of warm feelings in her body.
"How are you feeling? We're almost at the point of taking a test."
Carina nodded, her eyes glazed over. From all the tests they'd done in the past, this one felt bigger in so many ways.
"I'm nervous. It's a good kind of nervous though if that makes any sense. I'm..."
Her mind felt too full so she just took a deep breath and looked at Maya.
Maya nodded. She knew the pressure must've felt too much but she was going to support her wife no matter what.
"Whatever happens we have each other. We'll have our family one way or another. Trust me."
Maya leaned in, pulling Carina to her body to kiss her with all her might. Her hands moved from Carina's back down further until they grabbed a handful of her wife's ass.
"Hmmm, getting handsy there Bishop."
Maya couldn't help herself,
"OH I'm sorry my hands must've slipped. No idea how they landed there."
Carina laughed and kissed Maya harder, her tongue grazing her lips wanting more. Sadly her phone rang and the moment was cut short. She reached behind Maya to answer, though Maya's hands didn't leave her ass.
"This is Dr DeLuca. Oh hi Stella, yes of course. We're definitely still on for today. I should be there within the hour. Caio."
Carina cut the call and looked at her wife with a sigh,
"I have to go. I'm doing an at home visit for a patient. She's due in a couple weeks."
Maya nodded and then reluctantly let go off her wife's beautiful behind. She rested her hands on her belly one more time,
"OK, maybe when I get back from my shift we can go out get a nice dinner maybe a movie?"
Carina looked down at her wife's hands,
"YES! I'd like that very much. We can make out in the back row of the cinema"
They both laughed then got their bags together to head out for their work day.
They parted with another kiss at the door, walking down to their cars and drove off in different directions.
Cut scene to Station 19 crew answering a call of a major fire at an apartment building.
Andy gathered the crew and sectioned them off.
Maya and Jack both tasked with civilian extraction. They entered the building clearing it out floor by floor.
Jack broke down the door to an apartment that didn't look to be evacuated as yet. Upon entering he saw a pregnant woman on the floor of her lounge passed out. The fire was spreading around her into the other rooms.
"Cap we have a pregnant woman passed out here. We need the aid car bringing her down now."
Jack picked her up whilst Maya tried her best to clear the rest of the floor.
They both got out in time with the pregnant woman. She got placed in the triage section with Montgomery and Warren tending to her, she came too, a moment later coughing.
Warren tried to place an O2 mask on her but she pushed it away,
"Did you get her as well? Please tell me you got her..."
Warren looked concerned,
"Mam we need you to calm down and put this mask on. We have to check on you and your baby."
Maya stood over the pregnant woman trying to help. She was concerned that maybe there could've been someone else in that apartment.
The pregnant woman cried out again,
"You have to go check on her. Please! She went into my bedroom to get blankets but the fire was moving so fast. Something fell on her. I think? I'm not sure. You have to go back for her."
Warren tried to placate the woman he could tell that the stress would not be good for the baby,
"Mam was there someone else in your apartment with you?"
The woman held onto Warren's hand,
"Yes, Dr DeLuca. She came over to give me an at home exam. Oh my God. Please you have to go back for her."
In that moment Maya's heart froze. Her whole body froze. The entire team looked at her. She registered the fear in their eyes.
Maya stuttered out,
"Yes that's my name. Please you have to go help Dr DeLuca."
Maya's body moved without any thought.
This can't be happening.
Not Carina.
Not her wife.
Not her possibly pregnant wife.
She ran towards the building. No thought on her mind but Carina. The windows on one of the floors blew out. Glass landing everywhere.
Jack grabbed her and tried to hold her back.
"Maya the building is collapsing."
She pushed against him, he pulled her back. With all her might she pushed harder until he fell off balance and landed on the ground.
"That's my wife! If you think I'm not going in you're out of your fucking mind."
She ran back into the building grabbing an axe on the floor as she went.
The entrance to the apartment building catching on fire behind her not allowing anyone else to go in after her.
Maya ran up the emergency stairs floor after floor. Nothing but Carina on her mind. Her beautiful kind loving Carina. Her wife. Her whole heart. She gave Carina her heart a long time ago. She ripped it out of her chest and handed it over without a second thought. The pain was unbearable but Maya knew she needed to concentrate to save her wife.
She entered the apartment. The fire was spreading fast. She looked to the only bedroom in the apartment it's doorway closed off by debris and fire. She grabbed the small fire extinguisher in the kitchen and aimed it at the doorway. Hacking through the debris with the axe she entered the room.
Carina lay on the floor passed out. Fire around her. Maya's heart broke in that moment. She looked so small so fragile.
"Carina. Carina."
She knelt down and turned her wife over. A deep gash across her forehead seeped blood onto her beautiful face.
Maya couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her heart broke. She immediately checked Carina's airways. She was breathing thank God. Maya spoke into her comm on her shoulder.
"Andy I have her. I need an aid car stat!"
Maya removed her jacket and placed it over Carina's body. She would do anything to keep her safe even sacrificing her own body in the flames. She placed her mask over Carina's face, then reached under Carina's legs and back, picking her up bridal style. The memory passed through Maya's mind of that moment when they got back together after months apart. She carried her wife over the threshold in all the chivalry she had in her.
"I've got you. I'm gona get you out of here. You're safe with me."
Maya held her wide tight and began making her way out of the building. All the years of exercise and training came in hand for Maya. It wasn't easy carrying Carina but she pushed through. Burning her forearms as she made her way down the stairs and back out of the lobby of the building.
Maya ran with Carina in her arms towards Warren. She knew only he could check Carina out and make sure she's OK.
"Bishop I got her, I got her. Let me take a look."
Maya didn't want to leave her wife's side. Carina was placed on a gurney and then taken into the aid car. She didn't even think twice before jumping in with Carina and Warren. She didn't care that she was about to leave a scene and would probably get a mouthful from Andy. That was the least of her worries.
Warren hooked Carina's almost lifeless body up to the monitors and passed an IV into her arm. Maya looked on in fear. She reached for Carina's hand and kissed it, tears streaming down her face.
"You're gona be ok. You hear me. I'm gona be make sure. I'll protect you, I promise. Just hold on we're almost there."
Maya looked up,
"Ben why isn't she waking up. She's breathing normally right?"
"She hit her head pretty bad. We need to get her to Grey Sloan. They'll take a look. Maya she's going to wake up and be ok."
Maya nodded but the tears continued down her face,
"She might be pregnant. I don't know. We were planning on taking a test soon. She can't leave me, Ben. I won't survive without her."
Ben looked at Maya with sad eyes and reached over to hold Maya's shoulder.
They pulled up at Grey Sloan. Bailey was standing at the ER entrance. Ben ran it down for her as they looked over Carina's body. Maya attempted to walk in with Bailey,
"You can't come with us Bishop. You have to trust us to take care of her."
Maya wanted to protest but she knew she couldn't.
Cut to Maya pacing the waiting room. Hoping and praying that she receives word about her wife.
Bailey walked in with a smile on her face. Maya instantly let out a breath.
"She's ok. She's awake and responsive. She getting a CT scan that bang on her head wasn't good at all. But from our exam we can see that She's going to be just fine. You'll be able to take your wife home by tomorrow Bishop. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have my number OB here."
Maya breathed out deeply,
"Thank you, Bailey. Thank you so much. Can I see her?"
Bailey nodded and walked with Maya to Carina's room.
Maya entered the room and immediately went to Carina's side.
"Hey, you're awake. Gosh, babe, you really scared me."
Carina leaned into Maya's hand that caressed her cheek.
"You got me out. You saved me. Bambina."
There was a cry in Carina's voice. Maya's throat felt tight,
"Of course I did. I told you, you're safe with me. I'll always protect you. You hear me. Always. I don't know what I would've done if..."
A slight cry left Maya's throat.
An intern walked in with charts and handed it to Bailey,
"OK so your results look good. CT came back. You have a concussion so you're going to stay the night for observation and there will no excuses thats an order. You also have slight smoke inhalation so you're keeping that O2 on you hear me. But other than that it's safe to say that you 3 can be out of here by tomorrow midday."
Maya smiled at Carina and kissed her fingers again, she registered what Bailey said but something didn't make sense,
"Wait. You 3?"
Carina turned to look at Bailey also confused.
"Yes, Bishop. You both and baby DeLuca-Bishop should be good to go tomorrow."
Bailey said it almost like it was something obvious. Maya turned to Carina and they both smiled so big at each other.
In that moment, that very second that the knowledge passed over them was the immediate moment their family had officially started.
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bomberqueen17 · 5 months
Big Easy
I am on vacation this week in New Orleans. There are many reasons for this but mostly they're not about me. I'm just here for the ride. Hilariously the one thing I found on on my own that I was like "oh i gotta do that while we're here" is also the thing that has been recommended to me by literally everyone i've spoken to including the Lyft driver from the airport, which is the WWII Museum, and conversely the more people recommend it the more I'm like :/ I might not enjoy this that much. WWII history was a childhood hyperfixation of mine but I've found the shit I was into about it is not the stuff other people like about it. This museum features a movie narrated by Tom Hanks so I feel like it's going to mm emphasize the bits I don't care about a lot. BUT I am going to go and I am probably going to devote a whole day. The upside of this is that probably Dude will not be deadly bored by it. He does tend to have the issue of not being into what I'm into sometimes... but this will probably be fine.
My hip is doing okay, the one I've been physically therapizing for ages? But what's popped up is that as the bad hip heals, the "good" hip starts giving me trouble-- I have prettty bad sciatic nerve problems on that side, and I didn't notice them so much because the cartilage tear on the bad side hurt enough to distract me. But lately it's like-- a little electric current of Badness inside the back of my right knee. No fun. But I've been doing physical therapy exercises for about fifteen weeks now (I just counted), three times a week, so I'd damn well better have seen some improvement LOL.
But mostly I can walk around, and I have a better idea earlier on whether walking is going to be good for me or not, so idk it's progress.
So far I have had a few bites of a shrimp po'boy (in the Atlanta airport, where we ordered something else and the waitress didn't hear us and just brought better food, no regrets on our part), some amazing gumbo, a bit of really good crawfish etouffe, and a really good Hurricane cocktail, and have seen the steamboat Natchez going up the MIssissippi with a brass band playing on it. Oh yeah there was a live band at the baggage claim? Apparently there were Many Doings in the French Quarter last night because of Cinco de Mayo, our Lyft driver was explaining they'd barricaded a bunch of the streets and she was delighted they'd moved one barricade because otherwise she could not have dropped us at our hotel. But by the later evening when we were out and about it wasn't quite so crowded but there were police cars and sirens and apparently some kind of disturbance a couple blocks away from our hotel. We kept walking because whatever it was was Not Our Business.
I'm mostly here for the food. I brought mostly me-made clothes. I was wearing a nice button-up shirt to fly in, and i sat at the gate during our layover and hand-bound two of the last three buttonholes on it (I'd cut and overcasted them at home but ran out of time). Relaxing and chill, honestly.
There are a couple of fabric stores I want to visit but apart from that I have zero agenda. Maybe Dude came up with something. I think he's mostly been researching restaurants.
I did not expect this, though: I know the names of so many of the places here from the news coverage of Katrina, and when I saw the Superdome in person i started crying, and had to explain to the driver that I'd been an airport bartender during that time and so had been stuck in front of huge TVs with 24h live coverage, and I'd had a bunch of online friends living there and I didn't realize until this moment how much it scarred me, so I could only imagine for the people here, and she talked about how she'd been a cleaner in an apartment complex at the time (I'd sussed that she was my age or older so I figured she'd remember it as well as I do, because to my shock that was 20 years ago now) and how many people had just left and never come back, had abandoned their possessions and just never came back for them because the power didn't come back on for two or three months.
She said "Now I know, when they tell you to evacuate, you get the hell out."
She also complained that nobody knows how to act, because it's all tourists. Which, fair.
... Anyway, anyone with recs for New Orleans feel free to tell them to me, I'm just here for the food and the vibes.
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a-azions · 10 months
Reason She Smiles - Shannon x Fem!Reader
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warnings: mentions of homophobia, touch starved!shannon, short!reader (only descriptive detail), this is written very sitcom-y bc it's a sitcom lol
requested?: yes
author's note: i'm so happy i've found a few people who want to read abt dessa and her characters so y'all better eat this and send me requests lmao.
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Clem and Nick held hands as they walked out of the elevator. Clem dropped Nick's hand to dig the key out of her purse as they approached the door.
"These heals are killing me." Clem groaned sticking the key into the knob. "Why do they have to be so pretty?" She looked down admiring them.
"They do make your legs look very-" Nick tried following Clem into the apartment, but was roughly pushed back into the hallway. "What?" He questioned noticing the shocked look on Clem's face as she closed the door again. "Did Shannon leave the living room a mess again? I swear I am gonna give that girl a stern talking to." Nick shook his head.
"No! She's in there cuddling with someone on the couch." She whisper-shouted.
"What? Who?" Nick asked intrigued.
"I don't know. I didn't get a good look." Clem shrugged.
"Well, what do we do?" Nick asked.
"We can't just walk in there." Clem said trying to think of a plan.
"Actually, we can because it's our apartment." Nick said trying to walk past Clem, but she grabbed his arm stopping him.
"Shannon has obviously been hiding whoever that is and if we just barge in there she might feel like we're attacking her and she'll stop actually talking to us."
"When has she ever actually talked us? If you think about it, we really don't know anything about that girl. She might not even be your sister." Nick said.
"I'm serious." Clem placed her hands on her hips.
"Fine, at least let me get a look at this before we go in." Nick said. He slowly turned the door knob and quietly opened the door, only a bit, peaking his head into the apartment. His eyes landed on Shannon with her arms wrapped around her guests shoulders and her head leaning on top of theirs.
"Aw, it's kind of cute." Clem whispered, her head appearing below Nick's as they both watched the two.
"Yeah, I've never seen Shannon so affectionate." Nick whispered back.
As if on cue, Shannon's guests sat up and turned to lean towards Shannon pressing a gently kiss to her lips. Nick and Clem's eyes widened and their jaws dropped as they stared at the two. They quietly shuffled back into the hall and closed the door.
"I know that girl!" Clem whispered shocked. "I saw her and Shannon hanging out the other day when I went shopping with your mom."
"Why didn't you say anything?" Nick asked offended Clem didn't tell him the biggest news about Shannon.
"I thought they were friends. They didn't look all couple-y when I saw them." Clem explained. "I can't believe Shannon didn't tell me about this. I mean I know we just reconnected, but still this is big."
"Come on, Clem. It's Shannon." Nick grabbed her hands to attempt to comfort her. "She's not exactly an open book."
"I just wish she felt like she could've told me. I don't want her to hide from us." Clem frowned.
The couple jumped upon hearing the door open. Clem whipped around putting on a smile while Nick did the same.
"Uh, hey guys." Shannon said staring at them curiously. "How was date night?"
"It was great, actually. We had this delicious-" Nick started explaining, but was interrupted by Shannon.
"I was just being polite. I don't care that much." Shannon said making him nodded sarcastically.
"Who's this?" Clem asked looking at the girl next to Shannon holding her hand.
"Um, this is my friend, y/n." Shannon introduced.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She smiled kindly.
"I'm Clem," She grinned. "This is my fiancé, Nick. It's so nice to finally meet one of Shannon's...friends."
"Why are you being weird?" Shannon asked.
"I'm not being weird." Clem quickly denied.
"Okay," Shannon trailed off. "I'm gonna walk her downstairs. I'll be right back."
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Clem stood in front of Shannon drinking her coffee. Shannon was glued to her phone, too busy texting away to notice Clem staring at her trying to think of the best way to bring up Shannon's "friend" from last night.
"So..." Clem trailed, placing her coffee mug on the counter. "Is y/n a new friend?"
"No." Shannon said simply not even looking up from her phone.
"How long have you known her?" Clem asked.
"Why are you being so nosy?" Shannon looked up from her phone suspiciously.
"I'm just wondering." Clem shrugged. "You've never brought anyone over here."
"She's been my best friend for like three years." Shannon answered. "I met her at school."
"You seem really close." Clem pointed out.
"Yeah, we are." Shannon nodded looking back at her phone in her hands.
"Okay." Clem snatched her phone out her hands making Shannon's eyes grow wide.
"Clem, what the hell?" Shannon reached across the counter trying to grab her phone back.
"I need to ask you something." Clem swatted her hand away. Shannon sat back in her seat with a huff of annoyance. "Please, don't get mad. I'm asking you this because I care about you and want you to feel comfortable here."
"What are you talking about, Clem?" Shannon looked at her utterly confused.
"Is y/n your girlfriend?" Clem asked.
Nick who had just stepped foot into the kitchen froze and turned back around to grab his briefcase. "I'll grab some coffee on the way to work." He said before scurrying out the door.
"Pfft, what?" Shannon laughed, attempting to hide her paled face. "Why are you asking that?"
"I saw you two at the mall together. I didn't think anything of it until last night." Clem admitted.
"You're spying on me?" Shannon raised her voice a little.
"No, of course not! I was shopping with Rose and I saw you two walking around." Clem explained. "Look, Shannon. I just want you to feel like you can be yourself here. You look really happy when you're with her and I hope you know you don't have to hide anything from us."
"y/n is my girlfriend." Shannon said looking at Clem with nervous eyes. "I was planning on telling you, but I got scared that maybe you wouldn't accept me, and we really needed a place to stay."
"We?" Clem questioned.
"Oh, yeah. y/n spends the night a lot. Her mom always has her boyfriends over, so she usually crashes with me." Shannon told her.
"Ok, we're gonna circle back to that later." Clem said shocked.
"y/n's really important to me, Clem." Shannon said. Clem sat up straighter upon hearing the seriousness of her tone. "Before she was my girlfriend she was my best friend. I don't wanna any of our mess of a family to ruin my relationship with her."
"Well, I saw the way you two looked together last night. I've never seen you so happy." Clem rubbed her shoulder giving her a soft smile.
"Thanks, Clem." Shannon smiled back.
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tags: @fairy-geek-ackerman
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captn-trex · 18 days
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technical devotion, part fifteen: promises made
a/n: I think I'm gonna start aiming to get a chapter of this out every thursday roughly. I have everything planned out apart from how it's gonna end lmao, but rest assured, it shall be happy. I'm looking forward to you guys seeing what's in store! also, I did not realise how slow burn this would be lol, we're still a way off from first kiss territory, buuuuut... this chapter is one I've been waiting to write since the beginning ! hope you enjoy it (sorry for the long a/n) warnings: injury & pain (not in any great detail) insecure echo :/
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In the weeks following Kan and Echo rekindling their friendship, Kan slowly began to get a grasp on her new role in the ranks, which was mainly because Echo was now there to support her. He was there to remind her not to let her worries overtake her, and a hand on her arm, or an encouraging smile, usually did the trick. Echo's presence calmed her in an instant, and the task of leading didn't seem as daunting with him around. Not that it was always so simple.
Kan stepped out of the command room, rubbing a hand over her face and sighing deeply. Echo was quick to notice as he exited behind her.
“Have you been sleeping?” He asked, stopping her in the corridor.
“I've been sleeping fine yeah, its just… My mind. My mind is tired” She admitted.
“What's wrong?” Echo frowned.
Kan exhaled a long breath, “I really don't know if I'm meant to lead people. It's really outside of my comfort zone even now, and it's just got my brain going into overdrive. I can't stop thinking about… What if something really bad happened under my watch? Or because of a decision I made? I don't think I could cope Echo”
Echo's expression softened the more Kan spoke, a silent admiration of her showing on his features. He placed his hands on her shoulders, something he noted that helped to ground her and gain her focus entirely.
“M'aira, you're doing a great job, and you'll continue to. Rex wouldn't choose you for this if he didn't think you could do it or handle it, and if it means anything to you, I believe in you too”
Kan let a shy smile lift the edges of her lips, “Thanks, it means a lot yeah”
Echo returned her smile, “Now, come with me, I have a small surprise for you”
“You do?” Kan looked up at him with slightly widened eyes.
“It's nothing special” He said as he took his hands away from her shoulders and began walking towards her office, “I just figured that since you seem to insist on sleeping in your office every night…”
Echo opened the door, showing his handiwork to Kan.
“…That having your bunk in here might be the way to go. That way I can stop worrying about you as well”
Kan grinned up at the clone, wrapping her arms around his waist and giving him a quick tight squeeze, “Thank you Echo, you're too kind to me”
Echo shook his head with a smile, resisting the urge to pull Kan back towards him, “Not really, if I was kind I would have tidied up in here too”
Kan looked around her office, still messy as ever. It seemed that Echo had just pushed the worst of the mess aside to make room for the bed.
“It's fine, I don't mind it like this anyway, the mess doesn't really bother me” She shrugged.
Echo huffed a small laugh, “I don't think I could cope if my office was this messy”
Kan hummed thoughtfully, her eyes darting across the mess.
“When do you leave for your mission?” Kan asked, looking back up into his honey eyes.
“We leave early tomorrow morning” Echo gave a sad smile.
“So I won't see you before you go?” Kan questioned, and Echo shook his head. Kan chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, “I wish I was going with you”
Echo could feel the words tugging at his heart, “I don't”
Kan gave him a stern look, her eyebrows drawn together.
He chuckled, “You can't get hurt if you don't go at all”
“You think I can't handle myself?” Kan asked, minorly offended but mostly confused.
“Oh I know you can, I‘m just happier knowing you're safe” Echo confessed, and he could feel his cheeks heating at the slightly vulnerable admission.
Kan just huffed, “Well it doesn't get much more safe than sitting around in the base all day”
“You'll get your chance to go into the field again, don't worry” He assured, a hand on her shoulder.
Kan smiled. Her eyes didn't meet his for a few seconds, but when they did he could tell there was a certain sadness laced within the gentle expression.
“Be safe, yeah?” She urged quietly.
Echo smiled softly, the edges of his eyes crinkling, “I will”
Without warning and much thought of her own, Kan wrapped her arms around Echo again, more tenderly this time. Echo could feel his heart beating out of his chest as he gently wrapped her in his own arms, resting his cheek on the top of her head.
In the past weeks, Kan had become more physically comfortable around Echo, and though he enjoyed it thoroughly, it was still always a little startling. Especially with a touch so gentle and tender as the hug she was currently giving him, it was hard to not be overwhelmed.
“Don't do anything stupid. Don't get yourself hurt” Kan spoke into his chest, and he was certain she could hear how furiously his heart was beating.
“I won't” He replied, hugging her tighter into his body to reassure her, “I promise”
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Kan nodded along, listening intently as Rex detailed the upcoming mission. She was a little disappointed to not seem to be going on this mission, as they were going to be infiltrating the base that she had discovered through listening in on the Empire's long range comms. It was a dangerous job, they knew nothing about what this prison would be like once they were in, but that was the reason they were set on going. There were clones being imprisoned there, and they wanted to know why.
“Now, while all that is going on, me and Kan will be on a separate directive, looking to garner any information about this prison” Rex continued, and Kan's ears perked up, her posture straightening at the mention of her.
Rex hadn't discussed this with her before, but she was more than happy to do it, particularly with him.
“That's the plan as of now, but we'll have to wait until more men are back here to enact it” Rex moved away from the central holotable and crossed his arms, “I suggest getting some good rest tonight, they could be back at any time and I want to get this done as soon as possible”
Rex dismissed the clones, and Kan was immediately at his side.
“Rex, about the-”
“Sorry to spring that on you, I was hoping to speak with you earlier but your door was locked” Rex explained.
“Ah right, yeah, I was… tidying”
“Tidying?” Rex raised an eyebrow, a small smirk quirking his lips.
“Yeah, anyway, I wanted to ask you-”
Kan didn't get the chance to finish her question as the door to the command centre zipped open and her focus was drawn towards it. She did a double take, the sight she took in not registering in her mind at first.
It was Echo. He was back from his mission, but something was wrong. His form was alarmingly straight and rigid, his forearm resting against the door frame and holding him up. Each small movement sent a twitch to his face, his teeth clenched and eyes squeezed shut, nostrils flared.
Kan's heart leapt to her throat, and she rushed over to him.
“What happened?” She spoke hurriedly, paying no mind to the other clones around them who watched on.
Echo exhaled shakily, “Got… shot, in the back”
Kan tried so desperately to remain calm despite the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. She turned to look at Rex over her shoulder, hoping for some kind of support.
“We haven’t got a proper medic” He said, clearly shaken by his brother's condition.
That snapped Kan into gear, “I've got medical training, I've got it”
Kan took Echo's arm and threw it over her shoulder, pulling a pained groan from him. She quickly led him to her office, which was only just down the hall, and smacked the door panel in a frantic hurry. She set him down on the bed gently and instantly went about rooting around in the draws of her desk looking for her medkit. When she had found it, she looked up at Echo, who was trying to take off his armour, and failing as his wound cried out in pain.
“Stop, let me do it” Kan spoke instantly, standing in front of him and shooing his hands away.
Her fingers got working on the clasps, starting with his arms and working her way up, exactly as Echo did it.
“How do you know how to do this?” He asked, fighting through his pain.
“I've watched you do it enough times” Kan replied, a small shrug in her shoulders as she focused. Echo would've smirked but his chest plate dug into his wound as she took it off. “Sorry” She whispered.
“S'fine” Echo managed to hiss out as Kan climbed over the bed to sit behind him cross-legged. She tried to survey the damage, to see how bad it really was, but to no avail.
“Could you take this off?” Kan asked, her fingers playing with the hem of his blacks.
If it was possible, Echo’s body seized up even more. He nervously fidgeted his own fingers along the hem, letting out an exasperated huff. His blaster wound was sending small shocks through his body with every movement, but he was single-mindedly focused on not letting Kan take off his top.
Kan noted his discomfort immediately, and let out a sigh.
“Echo” She spoke so gently from behind him, resting a hand on his shoulder, “It's okay, please let me help you”
Echo relented with a slump of his shoulders, “Okay”
Kan helped to peel off the tight base layer, several pained noises escaping the man she was helping. As she saw the wound, she couldn't help but suck a sharp breath between her teeth. Three blaster bolts scorched into his lower back, creating a cluster of open wounds.
Echo assumed her reaction was to seeing the cybernetic attachments he had in his back. His breath was shaky as he tried to calm himself, but it only became more unstable as Kan traced around the outside of his wound.
“I told you to be safe Echo” She whispered, “You promised not to get hurt”
She sounded so solemn, and Echo couldn't find it in himself to say anything. Thankfully, she then got to work on the wound, but it wasn't without discomfort. She first administered a pain relief injection, and his breath caught in his throat as she cupped the side of his neck to do so. She warned him every time she was going to touch him, the antiseptic wipe against his wound making him flinch and grunt more than he wished, stinging even with the pain relief. She placed a bacta patch over the area when she had cleaned it appropriately, and it stung for just a second before the bacta started working it's magic.
“Does that feel better?” She asked quietly, and Echo just nodded
Kan ran her fingers along the edge of the metal apparatus that climbed up his back, causing Echo to shudder under her touch. The feeling of it was so intimate, yet so tainted by sadness and clouded by self-concious thoughts that Echo couldn't focus on the warmth of Kan's fingers against his bare back.
“You're lucky, they almost hit your spine” She spoke, sounding resoundingly serious.
Echo could only hang his head. He felt so ashamed. He had worked hard to get past this mindset, but with the woman he desired like no other sitting behind him and inspecting the damage done to his body, he couldn't help it.
Kan could understand a little of what Echo was thinking, she just hoped she was wrong. She slid from behind him and knelt in front of him on the floor, but he wouldn't look at her.
“Echo” She said as gently as she could, placing a hand on his knee, “I'm glad you're okay”
Echo looked up to her, and the emotions she saw swimming in his eyes were almost enough to bring her to tears.
“What can I say to make you feel better?” She asked in a whisper, for fear that speaking louder would cause him to break.
“There's nothing to say” He said firmly, looking down to his lap.
Kan couldn't help but reach out. She placed a hand on his face, lightly rubbing her thumb along his cheekbone.
“Please talk to me” She pleaded.
After a moment of painful silence, Echo sighed, “I don't show people my cybernetics for a reason”
“Echo it's okay-”
“But it's not” He frowned, his eyes snapping to Kan’s once more. “It's not okay. The attachments, they- they're not exactly desirable, and no one wants someone with all… this. I-” He puffed out a sad breath, the next admission feeling daunting, “It makes me feel like I'm half a man”
Kan's heart broke.
“That's not true” She said sternly, both hands now on his cheeks, forcing him to pay attention to her words, “You're every bit of a man as any other, and even more than that, you're a good man Echo. Anyone would be lucky to have you”
“Anyone?” Echo asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
Kan wasn't really sure what he was asking. Was he asking because he just wanted confirmation that she was telling the truth? Or was it something more? She weighed her options of what to say, biting into her bottom lip with her eyebrows pinched. She couldn't just admit to her affections for him right now if that wasn't what he was after.
Instead, she took her hands away from his face, sitting back of her heels with a shy look on her face, “Yes, anyone”
Kan stood up and grabbed the medkit, taking it back over to the desk and placing it in the draw.
“You stay here tonight, I'll take your bunk” She said, turning around to meet Echo's intense gaze once more.
“No, I'm fine, I'll-” He was interrupted by his own sharp intake of breath as he tried to stand.
Kan smiled at him knowingly and walked over, placing her hands on his shoulder to keep him rooted to the bed.
“Please, stay here” She insisted.
She found herself lost in Echo's eyes. So many emotions were flitting through them and she couldn't keep track. She absent-mindedly began rubbing her thumb along his bare collarbone, before she realised what she was doing and pulled away.
“I'll see you tomorrow” She nodded to him, leaving quickly and shutting the door behind her.
Echo let out a breath that he didn't realise he was holding and laid back on the bed. His mind was full to the brim with every thought he’d had about Kan since meeting her.
Her distinct scent enveloped him as he crawled into her bunk. He inhaled deeply, letting it take him over and overpower him, washing away his troubled thoughts, and eventually letting it lull him into a peaceful sleep.
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rorywritesjunk · 4 months
Down in the dark where the waves won't go, I'm bound to find my way.
Sunny and Buggy disagree over the next steps of their life together leading to them spending time apart.
Rating: PG-13 to be safe for swearing and arguing. Warning: Each chapter will have a specific warning. This chapter focuses on Sunny and Buggy with bonus Shanks and Rayleigh. Sunny ends up gushing a bit about her husband, kid Buggy gets upset, and Shanks eats his weight in beignets. Word Count: 2,588 A/N: The direct sequel to "No locked upon land...", the fic that started it all. I do not use "You" in this as now that Sunny is an established OC I decided not to go that route. This will be several chapters. Originally (lol) it was just two parts but... but I had to expand but I don't expect it to go much longer than the original fic. It's a few chapters longer than the original fic.
Title comes from "Sailing Song" by S.J. Tucker
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Epilogue Taglist: @hey-august @lostfirefly @ane5e
Chapter 6
Rayleigh was amazed how Sunny managed to handle directing both Buggy and Shanks in the kitchen. She made him and Roger wait for breakfast as the boys wanted to cook up a feast for the two of them with Sunny's help and well, she was managing to do it while favoring one foot. 
She put Shanks in charge of the eggs and bacon while Buggy handled coffee and toast. Sunny stood between the two to prevent arguments as she already explained to them how important it was to be safe in the kitchen. If they even began to bicker then both of them would be dismissed and she would make breakfast herself without help.
Neither of them wanted that so they were on their Best Behavior for Sunny.
Rayleigh wondered if they could recruit her for the ship. He'd never seen the boys go so long without arguing before.
She checked the eggs and bacon that Shanks was watching before giving him the next instructions. Once Buggy had the coffee poured and toast ready, she put him to task with pancakes. It was kind of nice not having to do a single thing but watch the two. They seemed eager to spend time with her and she was okay with that. The two of them were sweet.
Once everything was ready, she helped the boys plate the foot before directing them to the table. She limped after them before taking a seat at the table.
“Enjoy! The boys worked very hard on this meal for us.” She said with a smile as the boys beamed at the praise. “Once we're done we'll clean up as well, and later today maybe make some beignets for fun.”
The boys had no idea what beignets were, but if Sunny thought it would be fun then they'd want to help. 
The jacket wasn't ready yet. An apprentice came to the ship to break the news. Sunny recognized the girl as someone who had been finishing up her apprenticeship when Sunny joined, but she didn't say anything. She shouldn't really go around saying she was from the future, but it was hard when Buggy made it clear who she was when they all first met the day before.
Instead she was made to sit back and rest while the boys did their chores. She was given a seat on the deck so she could be outside while she propped her foot up. There was a bruise and it was uncomfortable to walk, but she would be fine. Buggy kept coming to check on her to make sure she was okay, but after a member of the crew teased him about it he didn't come around for a bit.
If Rayleigh didn't show up when he did to bark orders at the man, Sunny was pretty sure her fists would have needed icing. 
“Do they all really tease the boys like that?” She asked him as he stood beside her. “I just… don't get it.”
“It's just the way it is on here.” Rayleigh shrugged. “They don't mean any harm, but Buggy just takes it far too personally sometimes which creates a bigger issue.”
“Maybe they need to stop and think before making their dumb jokes.” Sunny sighed. “I've known my husband for over 10 years and he still is sensitive to that sort of thing. It sticks with you, you know?”
“I have to say, when Buggy announced who you were, it was surprising.” Rayleigh told her. She looked up at him and frowned. “I know he's young now, but he isn't someone I thought would want to get married.”
“Well, it was all him.” She replied. “It happened so fast. He was a customer of mine at a shop I worked at, we became friends, but he's kind of that… love at first sight type. He was very… Buggy about everything, from dating me to proposing, it was very sweet.” She smiled softly as she leaned back in her seat. “He gets so passionate about things and has a blind stubbornness about him when he knows what he wants. I cared about him but I wasn't really in love with him until he was doing little things to show me he cared, and I saw someone who needed to be taken care of and he let me, so that's kind of why I fell for him.” She paused and looked up at Rayleigh, her cheeks pink as she realized she rambled on. “I shouldn't be saying all of this.”
“No, no, it's sweet.” Rayleigh chuckled. “Buggy deserves someone like you in his life.”
She went quiet, watching the two boys sweep and clean up the deck. They had yet to argue once this morning which Sunny was pleased by, though she knew it could still happen. Buggy kept glancing over in her direction and she smiled at him which seemed to help his mood a bit. He looked rather grumpy from being teased, but since Sunny wasn't doing anything other than look over at him, it seemed to help him relax.
The boys brought lunch out to her outside. It was kind of nice to be waited on. Usually she was the one bringing food to her husband but the boys insisted on bringing it to her. Buggy carried a plate of food while Shanks had a drink for her.
“I could get used to this.” She chuckled as she took the items from them. “Thank you, boys.”
“See? You should stay and then we can do this all the time.” Buggy told her with a smug look. “I'd take good care of you.”
“I know, honey.” She smiled. “But you still got pirating to do before anything else, okay, so we aren't changing your path. I'm only here for a little bit, remember?”
He huffed softly, looking a bit defeated. “I know.”
“Can we still make bennies today?” Shanks asked. Sunny took a moment to figure out what he was asking.
“Oh! Yes, if you two are done with your chores for now, we can make beignets.” Sunny told them. “Can both of you check with the cook to make sure we have all of the ingredients first?”
Sunny had to warn them again about not arguing while they were in the kitchen for everyone's safety and she was pleased they listened for a second time around. For a little bit.
Dealing with oil to fry up the beignets was the most dangerous part and even after explaining the best way to put the flat pieces of dough in the hot pan, the two argued about who was doing it wrong and Sunny immediately kicked them out of the kitchen.
Shanks wasn't too bothered but Buggy was upset. While the red haired boy waited outside the kitchen hoping to at least eat a beignet, Buggy went elsewhere on the ship to sulk. She opened the door to the kitchen when she was done, expecting to find the two boys, but she was surprised to just see Shanks.
“Where's Buggy?” She asked as she held a plate of the powdered treats. The boy shrugged and took two for himself.
“He went off somewhere.” He replied as he started to eat. “Don't know where.”
She sighed and wondered if she needed to go looking for him. She needed to get off her feet for a little bit but she was worried for him. She gave Shanks another treat before she went to go find Buggy.
It only took her fifteen minutes. He was down in the crew’s quarters on his cot, glaring up at the ceiling with tears in his eyes. 
“There you are! You need to eat these while they're fresh.” She told him as she went over to him. He turned over so his back was to her. She wasn't too bothered by that. “C’mon, Shanks already had three.”
“Aren’t you mad at me?” He mumbled as she sat on the edge of the cot and helped herself to a treat. “You said not to argue in the kitchen and I did.”
“Yea, well, you made a mistake knowing the consequences.” She told him. “I told you both what would happen if you started arguing in the kitchen around me, and since the two of you decided to do so, I had made you both leave. It’s all about safety, you know, the kitchen isn’t always safe.” She finished off the beignet, licking the powdered sugar off her fingers. “I’m not mad at you, Buggy. A little disappointed, yes, but I’m not mad.”
He rolled back over to look at her with tears in his eyes. “You’re disappointed?!”
“Wha- I mean, not now? Earlier, yes, for a few moments, but I was disappointed in the two of you, not just you.” She told him. She shouldn’t have been surprised by his reaction but it caught her off guard. “It’s okay, Buggy, because even as an adult it will happen. It’s a very normal thing to do, it doesn’t change anything.”
“But-But I tried to be good, but it’s-it’s hard because I want to be the best but then Shanks or someone says I’m doing it wrong when I’m not and I don’t want you disappointed in me!” He sobbed as Sunny helped herself to another beignet before holding one out to him. He took it from her, sniffling loudly as he held it in his hands, not ready to eat just yet. “I’m so-sorry, I don’t want you to be mad at me!”
“Buggy, honey, I’m not mad.” She assured him as she set the plate down and scooted closer to him, being mindful not to leave sugary fingerprints everywhere. “I promise I’m not mad. Like I said, I was a little disappointed but I was never mad at the two of you.”
“I don’t want you to hate me!” He cried. Oof, this was a little too close to home. There were times when Buggy would have too much to drink and get sad-drunk, sobbing in her arms about the littlest things and how he didn’t want her to hate him because he forgot to wash a plate properly or he didn’t make the bed like she asked that morning. He would beg her not to hate him for messing up and he didn’t want her leaving him for some other better looking pirate.
She rubbed his back as he clung to her, crying in her arms as she tried to think of what to say. Maybe she’d just let him cry it out to get it out of his system, maybe just use gentle reassurance that she did care for the boy and that she didn’t hate him, but for now she just let him cry. The plate of beignets was forgotten about.
Buggy calmed down after a while. He asked to hold Sunny’s hand as they returned to the deck and she allowed him. A few of the men started to tease Buggy but he chose to ignore them, scowling as he led Sunny back to the kitchen to help Shanks clean up. He had Sunny sit down and wait while he and Shanks finished off the beignets and cleaned up. She wondered if either of them would want dinner later after stuffing themselves with sugar.
Thankfully the boys got along while cleaning and she didn’t have to kick either of them out. Rayleigh came to check on the boys later, pleased to see them getting along once more. He looked over at Sunny as she sat back with her foot propped up once more while she sipped a cup of tea.
“What’s your secret?” He asked. “To keeping them quiet for longer than fifteen minutes?”
Sunny shrugged. “Buggy just doesn’t want me to be disappointed in him, that’s all. Shanks just goes along with whatever I ask but Buggy is the one who wants to be good.”
When bedtime rolled around, Sunny was back on the cot in the captain’s room. He wasn’t there yet, doing nightly rounds to check on the crew and the ship. This was one of the few times Sunny had been by herself all day. If Buggy and Shanks weren’t with her, then Rayleigh or Roger were checking in on their guest. Some of the crew came to check her out, literally, asking if she wanted a proper tour of the ship to see some of the more secretive places. She turned them down, thankful as well that Rayleigh was nearby to hear some of that. She never saw grown men scatter so fast. 
Spending time with the boys was… tiring for her, but in a good way. Sunny was finding herself starting to miss her husband at times whenever she’d have to comfort Buggy. It was no different than comforting him as an adult, just less alcohol was involved. One part of her was relieved to have distance from her husband. She… she felt it was needed. She was still thinking things over, such as still wanting kids but at what cost? Her husband was stubborn. If he didn’t want to do something then he wouldn’t do it, so if he really did not want kids…
She wiped the tears forming in the corner of her eyes and cleared her throat. No, no, she wasn’t going to start crying. It just was hard. She found herself wanting to be a mom finally and she really wanted Buggy to be a dad. In her mind she thought he’d be wonderful at it. He had always been good with her little cousins whenever they’d visit her family, and often he’d be the first to end up with a baby being shoved in his arms even without asking. He didn’t usually freak out too much, just accepted he’d be carrying around a baby while entertaining the younger kids with his Chop Chop abilities. 
She sniffed and rubbed her eyes. Was she being unfair dropping this request on him? It wasn’t anything they really talked about much lately, but the fact he did mention it a few weeks ago in passing sparked something in her. She couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy when she thought of her husband holding their child, one she hoped would look just like him, from the hair to his nose to matching scowls. 
Maybe they just needed to revisit it and talk it out. 
She hastily wiped her eyes and cleared her throat before sitting up. Buggy was in the doorway in his pajamas, looking at her with concern. She smiled at the boy, hoping he didn’t hear her.
“Hey, honey, are you okay?” She asked. He shrugged a bit and she opened her arms for him. He hurried over to her, crawling into her lap as she wrapped her arms around him. “Have you been asleep yet?”
Buggy shook his head as he leaned into her. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Honey, I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” She insisted. 
“You seem sad.” He told her. She forced herself to laugh and smile.
“I’m fine, really, don’t worry, okay?” She assured him as she hugged him. 
He frowned at her. He didn’t believe her but he didn’t want her to get mad if he kept pressing the issue. He just leaned into her and closed his eyes, wondering if she’d let him stay with her again for the night. He found he slept a little better when she was around.
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Do you have any works or links to other works that are related to mobility issues? Bc tbh it's one of my fave tropes out there, especially coupled with waddling and heavy, labored breathing 🥵🥵🥵
Also for your consideration: Bucky is gaining weight at a good steady pace, but Steve is always just ahead of the curve (multiple curves, and big ones, if you know what I mean), always ready with new clothes and more reinforced furniture. So he and Bucky don't really even notice much, how quickly Bucky is gaining, nor how much
Until one day he wakes up and gets ready for his day of doing nothing, only for him and Steve to have to go to the store. Which is fine, in fact it's kind of hot, seeing all the things they buy and knowing all of it will be gone within a week, two at best. But when he starts the long trek from their apartment to the car, Bucky notices how awkward moving is. It must be bc he just woke up tho and everything is still waking up and settling, right? Yeah, exactly
But then they get to the store (after struggling to squeeze Bucky's fatass into the car) and he finds walking even harder than it was earlier. He's never needed a scooter before, and he and Steve both drew that line when they started this, that he wouldn't get to the point where he needed one, but, well... He tries to tough it out but eventually he has to go back for a scooter, waddling heavily, moving his legs a conscious effort for the first time in his life
He and Steve aren't expecting how hard it is for him, nor are they expecting how hot it is. When they get home, Bucky gets settled on the couch as he usually does, and Steve tries to broach the topic gently about easing off, maybe focusing on weight training to help with mobility, but Bucky interrupts him and demands Steve stuff him full. That was the hottest thing that's ever happened to him, and he wants more. He wants to notice that struggle when he gets up every morning, wants to feel his body struggle more and more each day under the weight of his weak will and gluttonous nature
It doesn't take much for Steve to agree and start stuffing him. By this time the following month, Bucky has an even harder time getting around as he practices walking around the apartment for the first time in weeks. He's breathing so heavy and leaning against walls that for a moment Steve is actually concerned, but then Bucky moans and says between heaving breaths "this... Is so... hot... I want more... Stevie... Please..."
(half a year later and Bucky is close to being immobile, if not there already)
Sorry this has been sitting for so long, I promise I didn't forget about your ask 🫣
Okay, let's start with those recommendations for mobility issues and/or immobility...
First, @achubbydumpling has a wonderful list of their own recommendations on this very topic. Find it here.
Chunky secret service agent Steve has problems moving around when stuffed
Buddha shaped Bucky
Pre-serum Steve wider than he's tall
Pre-serum Steve is getting taken care of
Steve getting his belly fat fucked
A huge Bucky that's immobile
Werewolf Steve gets very bloated until he can't move
Puppy Steve gets too bloated to move
Stucky ft. Stuckage
Bucky's rapid weight gain curse
Bucky being humiliated for getting so big
Bucky gains weight on a cruise
I think those are all the drabbles that I've written that involve immobility or mobility issues! However, you can also look through my blog under the "immobility" tag to find other people's writing/maybe some of my own that I forgot accidentally.
Also, I don't write a lot about heavy breathing (mostly because I don't think about it too often lol), but you're so right 😮‍💨😵‍💫😵‍💫 it's so hot!
As for that idea you left me... 🥵
Okay, first off, I love the idea of them deciding, yes, this is what we want to do. This is the life we want to have, so we're going to prepare for it. All the furniture will be reinforced, all of Bucky's clothes will be sized up, etc. It's all ready to go. Literally building a life they can grow into (Bucky growing literally, Steve not-so-literally) 🥴
So, yeah, they just enjoy life as normal, without noticing too much. Bucky is gaining, but there's no rush. They're just having fun. Taking pleasure in the slow move toward total gluttony and the most hedonistic lifestyle possible. Other than the exception of immobility. They'll stop when they get there 👀 
So. They don't notice all those changes. That is, until they have to do something out of the ordinary. It sneaks up on them. All the weight Bucky has piled on. 
I imagine Bucky doesn't leave the house a lot, he never did before, and he definitely doesn't leave the house all that much once he's intentionally gaining. Why waste all those calories moving so much, y’know? 
Also… you're totally right. It is hot to see how much Bucky is going to plow through within the next week or two. The cashier at the checkout even cracks a joke about how they must be stocking up for this month (and maybe the next, too), huh? 
That sends a shiver down Steve's and Bucky's spines… Yeah, haha, the whole month 😅😮‍💨 they definitely won't be back next week for more food. No… no way. 
I love the idea of the struggle the whole way! The slow snowball of becoming more and more aware all the way from the apartment to the store and back. I really do. 
However, also CONSIDER:
Bucky doesn't notice how hard - and even awkward - it is to move his fattened body while in the store. How could he? He is too excited to go with Steve and get to pick out everything he wanted in whatever quantities he wanted. He likes what Steve buys, of course, but seeing all the options is fun, too. 
Plus, they say never to go shopping hungry, but, well, Bucky is always hungry. 
So, Bucky is distracted, not paying attention to his own body, because he's occupied in the store munching on a few snacks they're gonna buy anyway and tiding himself over until dinner which is really just an endless number of plates going down Bucky's throat until they run out of food or until Bucky finally calls "uncle" and admits to being too full to continue. Impossibly bloated under his thick layer of fat.
So, with the distractions, it's not until they're out of the store, carting their groceries to the car that Bucky realizes how he feels. 
His body. 
He's heavy. 
He's lumbering. 
His, uh, everything is jiggling. 
He's sweating. Has he been sweating the entire time? 
He's breathing hard. How was he eating and breathing at the same time in the store when he's having a hard time just walking?
And, God, has it felt like this the entire time, and he was just too consumed by the snacks he was stuffing down, by the food he was eagerly grabbing and piling in the cart? 
Oof, is the car really that far from the front of the store? 
Maybe he… maybe he needs to sit here, on the bench at the front of the store, to catch his breath while Steve gets the car and brings it around. 
Bucky plops his wide, plush ass down on the bench, panting, and looking up at Steve with begging eyes. (He doesn't know it, but there are crumbs on his sweet, round face from eating so passionately in public - he just can't help it.) 
Steve teases him, patting his massive tummy where it now rounds out hugely in his lap, "I didn't think you ate that many snacks! They're really weighing you down, though, huh?" 
Even just the gentle, semi-public appropriate tap tap makes Bucky's belly wobble. Not just his belly, though. Bucky can feel it jiggle his love handles around his fat waist and chubby back as well as he can feel it in his puffy tits and wide, blubbery thighs. 
Fuck, he's fat. 
"It's… not… just… the… snacks…" Bucky pants around his fat tummy. Because it isn't. He's so heavy. Not from eating. He's still starving. He could eat so much more and weigh himself down so much more. He's fat. He's accumulated so much weight that he's having a hard time moving. He never thought he would get here. It's. It's so hot, though.  
"Mmm," Steve hums, tilting his head to the side and evaluating the situation. Steve's biceps flex as he grips the handle of the piled-up shopping cart tighter. "No, it's not just those snacks," he licks his lips, eyes locked onto Bucky as he lowers his voice, "a couple of snacks wouldn't make you blow up like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon." 
Bucky feels himself turn redder. Not a result of excursion. It's just arousal. 
Steve peers around, making sure there's no one within earshot before he says, low and growling, "I'll go get the car then, fatass. You sit here and try to catch your breath." He winks, "I don't think you'll be able to, not with this in the way," Steve grabs his belly hard and heaves it up and down hard enough that Bucky can do nothing but grab the heavy rolls around his sides and groan. It feels good, but it also makes him burp. He might not be full, but his stomach is huge at this point. Not being full doesn't mean there isn't a lot of stuff inside him. 
(Now, back to your idea with some modifications because I love immobility so much I couldn't resist 👀)
The issues with just getting Bucky into the car… waddling out of the apartment and to the parking lot. It takes them three or four times longer to leave than Steve leaving when he's by himself. 
There are rest breaks.
There are slower, heavier, almost waddling steps. Then, they have to wedge Bucky into the car. (At that point they find out that it's a damn good thing Steve bought that seat belt extender months and months ago because there's no way in hell the belt would reach around Bucky's girth otherwise.) Bucky makes Steve shut the door for him, making a show out of sucking in and holding his belly out of the way - he's not so fat that he needs to do all that, not yet, but the action of squishing his blubber in just to fit leaves them both breathless. 
When they actually get to the shop… Bucky has to rock himself again and again to get enough momentum to make it up. Steve has to help. The car rocks under Bucky's heft. He's so heavy he might as well be multiple people getting out of the car at once - the car's poor suspension and chassis.
T h e n 
Bucky's steps are even more shuffling between the car and store than they were between the apartment and car. Bucky's lungs are having more trouble now. He's panting. He's holding hands with Steve, but quickly Steve has to hold him by the elbow, steadying his slow, rocking waddle that undoes Steve as much as a strip tease would - his boy is big. 
They've already decided by the time they get to the doors of the store that Bucky is gonna need a scooter. (I enjoy the denial element you added but I also really like the idea that there's no fucking way they can not. Bucky's just too damn big. 😮‍💨) Bucky wonders out loud about weight limits on them and Steve jams a finger into his plush side, telling him there's no way he's that fat… not yet. 
Maybe eventually. Because they can't stop.
Bucky doesn't want to stop.
Steve doesn't want to stop. 
Bucky enjoys the scooter an embarrassing amount. It's so easy compared to walking. He doesn't have to feel his thighs rubbing together constantly, legs pouring into one another heavily. He doesn't have to feel his arms rubbing against the stacked up rolls on his sides. He doesn't have to feel the bottom of his belly hit his thighs with every step, thick, jiggly, heavy. Well, he can feel all of his body still. But there's not as much friction. And it's easier on his joints. He can catch his breath. He really likes the scooter. 
Steve really likes seeing him in the scooter. He looks so big. His ass fills the seat. His belly dominates his lap - spilling over his thighs with his tits crowning that huge amount of flab.
They can hardly keep their hands to themselves through the store 🥴🥴🥴
The ride home is dangerous, more so than it needs to be, all because Steve doesn't want to tear his eyes away from his big, big boyfriend. He doesn't want to take his hand away from where he's placed it… squished between Bucky's soft, fat thigh and the overhang of his massive tummy. He's so soft. So heavy. And so hot. 
Literally. He's hot as a fire with all his insulatiom, and he's so hot because they're both perverts 😮‍💨😮‍💨.
Steve is hard the whole way home. Actually, he's throbbing. But. He can be responsible. He can talk to Bucky like an adult. He can ask if Bucky is alright - that was really intense, and they didn't plan to ever go so far, so is… is this what he wants? Does he want to slow down? Does he need to slow down? Does he want to lose any weight? 
Bucky shuts him the. fuck. up. 
Well, first, his gut does it for him.  
Bucky's gut growls. 
Steve has just let go of him, letting him drop back down onto the reinforced sofa (which he might break otherwise because, as is, the slats creeeeak under all that weight). It took twice as long to get back into the apartment. Steve "helped" a lot more this time. Groping Bucky and whispering in his ear, practically kissing and breathing down his neck, as he shuffled inside. So, now, Bucky is lying back on the sofa. Even reclined, head pointed toward the ceiling, Bucky's double chin is thick and puffy. Even reclined his belly bulges out in front of him. Round. And growling. Loud and angry. Over the sound of his heaving breaths. 
Bucky moans in complaint. His fat fingers stretch out in front of his ballooned body, wiggling his digits along with the rest of his arms (and his bingo wings 😳) as he whines, "foood." 
Steve twitches uncontrollably. Oh, God. He can't - he can't possibly be about to beg for more food, right? He can't be that greedy. Right?!
"I… I don't… want… want to stop. I don't… don't wanna stop. I want, ah, I want food. I want you to feed m-me," Bucky swallows, moaning the rest of his greedy, breathless words, "this… is so… hot… I want more… Stevie… please."
Steve can't scurry back to the kitchen fast enough. He's breathing hard now, too. 
And when he realizes that the groceries are all still in the car, he groans in fucking frustration. He is going to fucking rush through bringing everything in, sorting it, and making something for Bucky to eat. First, though, they'll plow through the snacks. Pre-packaged things Bucky can eat now before his belly starts howling in hunger. Then, Steve will have real food ready for Bucky. He's going to feed Bucky that food. He's going to keep going when Bucky's heavy, thick arms get tired of shoveling food into his mouth. He's going to keep going until it's all gone. Then he's going to get more food and keep going. He's going to give Bucky more. He's going to blow him up for real now. He's never going to let Bucky get off the couch again if he doesn't want to. He doesn't need to walk. He doesn't need to do anything but eat and feel packed full - more food and fullness than man, stretched around what he's gorged himself on. He's going to feed him until his hips brush up against each side of the sofa. As wide as it is long. Meant for three or four people. But. Just Bucky. Fat, fat Bucky. So large that he can't heave himself up over the huge, heavy boulder of his gut. Endlessly soft because his stuffed, hard belly is entirely hidden under impossibly thick blubber. A kept glutton.
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sunsetrubdowns · 10 months
Also. Hi. I remembered I can talk as much as I want to on here. Do you want to hear about this guy I kind of broke up with but kind of wasnt really dating to begin with and will probably have to break up with again for good measure. This actually turned into an insanely long post because it's an insane situation so I'm putting it under a cut because I love you and your scrolling experience and it's probably incoherent anyways
So. Well you may or may not be aware but I was couch surfing for like 3 weeks in September and a friend of mine who I met through work helped me out a lot with moving my stuff out of my apartment and into storage and helping me get my shit together. And in the weeks leading up to me moving out/while I was homeless we spent a lot of time together (like. Pretty much every day LOL) because I needed to be constantly distracted and he apparently had all the free time in the world. Cool!
Now it's important to give the context that he had asked me out back in like June and I said no because not only did I think we had very little chemistry and he was very needy but ALSO I was going through one of the worst depressive periods in my life. Really just was not the vibe at the time. Also my read on the situation was 100% correct like I was right about everything lol.
So you know obviously I'm aware that he has a little crush on me this whole time but I'm in a truly delusional headspace where I'm like well this is not so bad :) I'm having fun hanging out with him so whatever happens, happens :). And what happens is that WHILE I am still homeless we end up having a little feelings talk where I'm like well this is nice but I've kind of got a lot going on right now and I need to settle my life situation out before I'm comfortable getting into anything official or serious. And he's like yeah I totally understand that. But then maybe a week later after I secure and move into my place he IMMEDIATELY. And I mean like immediately. Starts calling me his girlfriend. Not to me but to other people. Like going around to my coworkers and people at work to be like btw we're together now :). Which made me kind of uncomfortable but I just brushed it off because I am a huuuuuge pushover and I was like, sure I guess we're together. Even though I'm very private about my personal life and it took me like a good month to refer to him as my boyfriend out loud and I didn't even MENTION him to my best friends (hi besties) for a couple weeks after that. Because I was like damn I don't even know what to say. Also he never even attempted to do anything more than hold my hand a few times so we were still just hanging out the way we had been to begin with.
And THEN he started coming to the bowling alley where I work every single night and just like.... hanging around for hours and hours until we closed to drive me home (6 blocks away) and to talk to me while I'm working and on my breaks. And when he drove me home after work every SINGLE night he would park and walk me to my door and unless I was very clearly like yeahhh I'm exhausted Goodnight Bye :) he would often invite himself into my apartment just to hang around until I was like. Okay I have to go to bed because it's after 1am please leave. And it got to the point where I felt like I never had any time to myself and my social battery was constantly at 0 and I was also spending way more money than was within my budget because he was dragging me out to eat and do things constantly and to go to Disneyland and shit and also at the place where I work every single day and not leaving no matter how clearly Im like hey sorry I'm just. soooo tired right now and work is so busy etc. There were only THREE days in October that I had totally to myself. I could barely even find time to spend with my roommate I had just moved in with and he also was not really seeming to spend time with any of his own friends when he'd had an incredibly active social life like, just a month ago.
It was starting to really freak me out that I felt like he was trying to replace not only his previous long term girlfriend who broke up with him earlier this year but also his entire social circle. With lil old me. And I felt like he was trying to force a level of familiarity with me that simply was not there like... man you don't even KNOW me like that don't talk to me like you know me. Don't talk to me like you know me when you're also trying so hard all the time to like, impress me and prove something to me.
It got to the point by mid October that I was like desperate for time to myself to decompress and process things and most of my mental energy was going to trying to find ways to avoid him and scripting a breakup speech in my head. And instead of trying to talk to ME he would go into my workplace and try to ask my work friends. While they were working. For advice on what to do when I seemed distant or unhappy. And even though they really only ever told him to just communicate with me he decided to wait until the day before Halloween to be like "I realized that I was maybe doing to much by going to hang around your workplace every day and also it's been a month and a half but I want to officially ask you to be my girlfriend now :)" and was somehow genuinely shocked when I said no. And basically outlined everything I've said here to be like I need to be left alone or I'm going to kill myself a little bit so please leave me alone.
But it seems like what he took out of the conversation was "I need to take some naps and then I'll feel better and then we can go back to normal :)" because he just kept being like "how do you feel how are you doing you look better are you feeling rested" and continuing to go to my coworkers and my roommate at work and asking about me and show up at the bowling alley frequently and text me continually as I just brushed him off over and over and eventually stopped replying to his messages. Until finally last week I was working on a day I normally don't work and he came in and I, again, kind of brushed him off when he came to just like do small talk with me. So he went to my roommate who was also working to be like "oh I think I'm going to talk to them today we need to talk but I don't know if they just want to be left alone or not..." while she (blessed angel that she is) just refused to give him any real information. But then he just kept like, trying to chitchat with me while I was working so I started brushing him off again and he ended up going to my roommate AGAIN to vent about me. And then left and texted her all this stuff about how he doesn't know if I like him anymore but he's just going to leave me alone and try to get over me etc and how he's been so stressed over stuff with his parents etc etc and framing it as if HE is breaking things off with ME. But since then has continued to go to her to ask about me and talk about how he's trying to get over me and heartbreak and whatever and etc. But has not expressed anything at all to me personally in any capacity since I told him I needed space.
Meanwhile I've gone on multiple dates with someone I genuinely really like and who has slept over at my apartment multiple times LOL. And there are so many little details of weird shit that I've had to cut for time here but like genuinely what the hell man
Anyways have I mentioned that this man is 34 years old. Because he's 34 years old. And if you've read all this you are so cordially invited to share your thoughts and/or guess his chart placements in the replies. Funny as fuck situation that I'm in
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fancyfeathers · 12 days
@istgtumlrifyoudothisonemoretime asked a question
if you havent watched silence of the lambs you should cuz it was how i imagined psych darling to be like lol. SPOILERS its abt a young fbi agent trying solve a series of murders, all while asking a caged hannibal for guidance. and honestly i saw SO MUCH of william in hannibal there. in one of my fav scenes, he gets her to confess a traumatic memory that ties to her ultimate desire to save a future victim which makes him rather fond of her. like THE WAY he stares at her in that scene is so creepy and yet the whole sequence of her venting is so comforting. thats exactly how i imagine will to be like : calm, polite,and kind but VERY INTENSE and creepy when he's observing you. also there is a scene that basically goes (hannibal) did jack crawford send you here again (clarice) no, i came here by myself (hannibal) people will say we're in love. and that just SCREAMS william and darling's dynamic. ugggh i love that movie
Okay so I have seen bits of this movie because I took a film class and how to write characters and when we were looking at forms of writing villains/insane characters my professor played these two clips along with a few more and just yes!
I have a wonderful visual now of his darling getting assigned by Paterson to another, a bit more, urgent case temporarily when she begins to piece everything together. She knows it is a diversion but she really does not have much of a choice if she does not want to get fired from her position in Scotland Yard, so she has to accept it.
While it is a very much legitimate case she of course was picked for it because it would send her back to Durham and back to her old school, a series of serial disappearances of students as well a few staff members. She has to go around to question the people who had connections to the missing people, which naturally includes William who was the mathematics professor of one of the victims. So William just has to wait for her to walk back into his classroom to interview him like she did when they first met. There is clear forced act of politenesses when she questions him as he sits at his desk and it does not take much for her to tell that he is not involved due to the sudden change of case right when she was getting close. She is eager to get out of there when she is done only for when she is reaching for the door handle she can hear William ask her if she needs his help and she leaves without giving him a response.
She hits dead end after dead end and time is running out so she really has no choice but to go back to him for help now that the situation is getting desperate. He is more than happy to give her his help but he never gives her the direct answer, exactly how a professor would let his student learn and figure out the answer themselves but giving them a nudge in the right direction. Then for a moment she almost forgot that he is the Lord of Crime.
She finishes her case soon enough with the help of William and she has to go back to London and her more important case which is revolving around William. She returns back to London and gives her report and files any paperwork necessary. It is late when she returns to apartment and she is absolutely ready to just fall asleep that she does not even bother to check her desk where she left her note on the Lord of Crime case that is absent from where she left it and does not even notices the man who sits down on the edge of her bed when she finally falls asleep, smiling down at her.
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nolita-fairytale · 2 years
make my heart surrender | carmy x reader | the playlist
here's a fun little collection of songs that make me think of this story. some of the songs feel like they could function as a soundtrack to the story, and some just make me think of carmy x reader. i created this playlist and listened to it while writing, in the car, doing dishes... seriously, the way this story took over my brain.
make my heart surrender: the playlist
sleeping with a friend - neon trees
carmy & reader's relationship in new york city -- while the title feels self-explanatory, this song has all the sexual tension of wondering our favorite kitchen lovebirds' will they won't they relationship. do we need a oneshot of the before times? maybe...
robbers - the 1975
angsty carmy & reader's relationship in nyc. this is also allegedly the prequel to 'about you' so it felt right to include it.
about you - the 1975
where the title of this fic comes from: 'now there's something about you that i can't remember / it's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender / and i miss you on the train, i miss you in the morning / i never what to think about / i think about you
it's the pining for me
chicago - sufjan stevens
the iconic song used in the show. i could see this song playing on reader's first day at the bear, or underscoring reader's travels to chicago
sleep tight - holly humberstone
oof, this song kills me. i'll add notable lyrics that make me think of carmy x reader, but it would be a beautiful underscore for their moment at the end of chapter two, when they say goodnight to each other.
"sleep tight i'm on my way back and feeling kind of sad because you were the best thing i never knew i had"
"you were the best thing i never knew was mine"
"god knows i've missed this feeling" makes me ache in the best ways why do we love being sad sm?!
closer - tegan and sara
i could see this song underscoring some of the kitchen flows when carmy & reader have smoothed things over around chapter three. i can just see reader working the garnish station and falling in love with carmy all over again as she watches him expedite.
can we also just talk about how this is a peak in the flow of the playlist? like they've finally smoothed things over and it's been nostalgic/acoustic/angsty and then this song happens and it's like an explosion of energy?? we're finally going to get some connection between these two
only human - the code, william singe
if this were a movie/tv show, i'd have this song play in the background of their conversation (date) at the aviary in chapter three.
untouched hearts - acoustic - the hunna
the lines "i know it's been hard but now it's time for you to get what you want, to know you're enough" feel like a fucking love letter from mikey to carmy. #LetItRip
it also feels like a feeling reader and carmy would share between the two of them about each other.
la vie en rose - emily watts
the song that plays at carmy's apartment after putting her dinner party playlist on shuffle. reader is flipping through the cookbook while he finishes the carbonara to the sweet sounds of this song. and they're making eyes at each other, and stealing glances when they think the other isn't looking GOODBYE
the girl - city & colour
this song is giving major waking-up-together-morning-after vibes. i mostly saw this song for the second to last chapter for the cute tattoo scene, but it could also be great for their first morning after season in chapter five.
flashed junk mind (acoustic version) - milky chance
just picture carmy & reader traipsing through chi-town's chinatown, arguing over who's gonna pay (because they both think it should be themselves), being cute, and fighting over carmy's cigarette during their walking dumpling date.
strawberries & cigarettes - troye sivan
this song accompanies their sweet goodbye at the start of chapter 7 and i'm quite convinced that troye sivan wrote it about carmen berzatto and you can't change my mind lol.
for the lines: "blue eyes, black jeans, lighters and candy, i've been a fool / strawberries & cigarettes always taste like you" and "remember when you taught me fate / said it'd all be worth the wait."
somebody - dagny
less on brand for the show, but the lyrics make me think so much about these two. it's giving: plot twist this is now a freeform show, i know. however, i envisioned this song being a part of reader packing up her things and catching up w friends back in ny. maaaaybe even as she's getting in her u-haul to drive to chicago.
solsbury hill - peter gabriel
peter gabriel said that this song was about losing something so that you can gain something else and i'm just not okay. this is the song that underscores the final scene in our lovely little epilogue, when reader surprises carmy at the bear ready to tell him that she's finally all in.
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dumbdomb · 1 year
I'm pretty sure I'd love it if we were both working out at the same gym, working up a real sweat and then ending up in the same locker room, a little nervous but then laughing as we realize we're the only two big titted dudes in there and I ask if it's okay to compare, and I grope your squishy sweaty tits while I talk about how cool it is to be slutty big tiddy transmascs together. maybe we even touch our little dicks together, a boy can dream.
lol this is so silly~ <3 post-workout in the locker room, realizing it's such a slow day and no one else is around. comparing our physiques and gains, sharing small talk, casually checking each other out. trying to make my way to the shower, hot and dripping sweat as you muster up the courage to ask if it's ok to compare dick size. without hesitation, i pull off my shorts and prop my leg up on the bech. showing off my cute, tiny, pre-t cock and wiping more sweat off my face. you scramble to pull off your clothes, leaving your shorts around one ankle as you similarly raise one leg up and look eagerly between our parts- not even thinking once about whether it was ok to touch my thighs like that. i lean back with my hips, getting a better angle for you to look with your excited eyes. it's as if all thoughts left your mind, all you wanted was to touch my musky cock and feel the size of it in your hands. i tried to maintain my calm composure, pretend like this wasn't going any further when it really was... hearing your astonished gasp as you could feel and watch my little cock growing in your hands, getting harder between your fingers. i stupidly let my head fall back against the locker and that's when you realize i actually like what you're doing. but as soon as i feel you stroking my cock like that, i walk over the bench- grabbing your throat and carefully walking you backwards against the other set of lockers. pressing your warm body against the cool metal, holding your neck in place (gentle but firm) and placing your hand on one of my tits as i push your legs apart. i pull your leg up over mine, bent next to you and pinning you in place, then tell you to open your mouth. i let you lick and suck on my hand, getting it all wet before reaching down and rubbing you off. eventually i let go of your neck, focused on my desire to feel you cum and your hands groping my chest. when you're ready, you ask me to turn around and lean back in your arms, my leg up on the bench again to give you easier access to my wet cock. feeling your fingers easily slide inside my hole and using my slick as lubrication to rub and overstimulate me with. holding one of my tits as i touch the other one, rubbing me faster as i buck and grind into your hand and against your body. moaning as i cum with the realization that we're fucking each other in a public locker room where anyone could see, yet not wanting you to stop. guiding your fingers inside my cunt again, as you move around me to suck on my nipples. i hold onto your shoulder, feeling you thrust inside me, looking down to watch you completely taking advantage of me... i thought i was just being kind to the cute guy i've seen around the gym more and more these days. how long had he thought about doing this to me, and how could i let something like this happen...? feeling his tongue swirling around my nipples and my cock getting harder again i get closer. oh, fuck... 🥵🤸
Read my pinned before you interact! 18+ only.
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cyronite · 5 months
hi cy!!!! 🎵 Tell me about 5 songs you actually listen to. Proceed and send this to 5 people 😌🎵
ZIP!! Hello my beloved friend. ❤️❤️ A lot of songs I listen to are in oc or fic playlists lol. Bc I listen to music a lot when writing or working on art. Also so sorry for rambling, I just really enjoy listening to music.
Glitter & Gold by Barns Courtney Love this song. I don't know how to describe it but it gives me such cowboy walking through life kinda vibes lol. It's in Ann's playlist because I think it suits her very well during the era of after order 66 and her being a bounty hunter while finding her Jedi path again. Always loved and listen to this song before Ann too, it just suits her well.
The Mystic by Adam Jensen I like this song a lot. The beat is awesome and very in your face. I love that about it. The song's about the singer's struggles while growing up and living in Boston. A very heart filled and powerful song with a catchy beat. It's also in Ann's playlist.
"i'm yours" by Isabel LaRosa This song is in my Ann & Boba playlist. So I listen to it a lot when writing and working on their fic. It gives such pinning vibes in general. But I like picturing Ann and Boba to it during their "we're a thing but also not" phase. Where they so obviously want each other and where their souls are already intertwined together beyond belief, but are still just crossing that boundary line of being something more. Wanting that deeper connection.
God Must Hate Me by Catie Turner As someone with religious trauma this song really hits it in the feels for me, and the singer just delivers it in such a beautiful and heart wrenching way. The song is about the singers insecurities and how they felt god hated them. I related to the song similarly but more in a queer and trans person with religious trauma way to be more specific, which is how I actually found it because it went around trans tiktok for a bit lol. I was actually Christian growing up. I'm not religious now. I'd consider myself atheist I think. I don't believe in an god or any spiritual being. I just kind of think we were a creation of the natural world and meant to be apart of its life cycle just like any other living creature. But of course even though I don't believe in god now, there's still that little girl in me who never understand why god couldn't make her normal like everyone else. And this song really hits those feelings in me deeply.
The Good Life by Three Days Grace I wasn't sure what song to pick by Three Days Grace because I listen to a lot of their music. I have pretty much all their CDS and have most of their stuff saved to my Spotify. They were one of my favourite bands growing up because there was never I song I disliked from them. Even when they switched singers. I still listen to a lot of their songs, both new and old.
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
Hello again, UK reader here
I'm sorry but A RED CARPET FOR PROM?????
When I had my Y11 prom (which i guess is kinda like junior prom) we had on some boat on a river and there was like no food/drink or anything and it was kind of crap but the boat was cool. But the senior prom is just on our school hall which is kinda old and falling apart and it just makes me realise how different American school is.
Like I know it was different already but on this scale it's just so insane everything you guys do is just so much bigger. The football (im still tripping balls on how big of a deal that is, if you were to wear something with your bf's name on it you'd get bullied immediately) and the prom is just so so mad to me.
Screaming because a new chapter of course i would scream but now i am living in nervous fear of chapter 12 after what was said. Incredible once again!! 🩵💙
YEAH. i know for a fact not every school does that and my high school was weird for it but it amused me at the time and it amuses me now so i figured oscar and logan's high school would do it too... i've talked to my friends about it and yeah none of their high schools did that. but it was very much like. you had to walk that red carpet to get into the venue (maybe if you were late you would've skipped it idk) and it was the most horrible system to get that fucking index card with your name on it bc it was literally three people standing around a parking lot with different sectionf of the alphabet but that's like. a fuck ton of cards. and you'd stand there and wait for them to pick through and find yours while they're also looking for 12 other people's IT WAS A LOT but it's part of the experience methinks
my prom was in like a. i actually don't know what it is. i think it is just an event venue. but somebody's dad owned it so the school would host prom there every year they still do it there... but a lot of my friends were like. oh we had prom at our school. like on the football field or in the gym. but mine was off and there was a dramatic red carpet and it was. well. dramatic
but yeah american high school sure is a thing. if i'm not mistaken? i think we make a bigger deal out of high school graduation too? like oh. that's actually why i'm scared of chapter 12 lol nothing bad really happens there's just a lot i want to put in it so i fear how long it's going to end up being... sure i could split it into two chapters but as seen with the length of chapter 9 i am stubborn and i refuse. so i will just continue to be afraid of it
in the meantime though. chapter 11. i alr have some scenes written for it so we're starting strong
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bimboothefool · 2 years
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Just your ℌ℮Ѧґ†
Content Warning!! WEE WOO WEE WOO!! This contains mentions of dismemberment, zombies dying and overall a campy story. What else am I gonna say lol
“First I'm late for college classes and on my twenty second birthday too. This is so lame!!” You pouted using your chainsaw to hack and slash through the hordes of zombies in your way. You lived in the more city-like part of Mobius. It took you by surprise that an outbreak of this caliber was happening.
“Need a helping hand?!” You looked above and saw a familiar blue blur knock the zombies away. Giving you an opportunity to chop the zombies apart. “Hey Sonic! Fashionably late aren't we?” You teased, he huffed out a sigh. “Look I'm just a one man show. Besides, we got bigger fish to fry.” You hummed, agreeing with him.
It's not everyday zombies just up and show up out of thin air. Someone summoned them, the how was definitely itching the back of your brain. “Yeah let's help out as many civilians and maybe through them we'll find a lead!”
“Now you're talking!” Sonic fires finger guns your way. “Also warn the others!” Sonic salutes to you and quickly types up a warning. Good thing he had access to our college's accounts.
As we're helping out, a couple of civilians noted that a certain albino platypus is the probable cause of this mayhem. “Starline..? Why would he pull this kind of stunt??” You asked about walking with Sonic, now joined by Knuckles and Silver. “He's always had a thing for you.” Sonic brought up, pretty much out of nowhere.
“Why bring that up?” You asked, beyond confusion. “He's been trying to get your attention for legit ever since we were seniors in highschool.” Knuckles said, Sonic butts in with. “Wait, you didn't know?!” All three of them stopped to look at you. “Dude, I had no idea. I thought he was giving me my favorite food because he wanted to thank me for saving him.”
“Utterly dense as always (Y/n).. But then again that's what I always liked about you.” A familiar voice purred. The four of you got into fighting positions as Starline stood atop of a statue. He held a pretty old looking book in his webbed hands. “Starline, you really could've just asked (Y/n) on a date. Like a normal Mobian!” Silver yelled, Starline merely rolled his eyes.
“And be ignored again?! No, I'm done leaving hints, especially when my crush is absolutely oblivious.” The three of them sighed. “Whatever, let's just get that old book he's holding.” Sonic said, but before either of you could get a hit in. A powerful gust of wind sweeps you four off your feet. Soon a bunch of orbs are circulating around the statue Starline’s standing on.
“So you're the pipsqueak who summoned us???” A gruff voice asked, Starline smirked. “Indeed I did! I'm your new master!” The different voices murmured master with a couple of them laughing.
“You our new master?” Starline huffs at the gruff sounding voice. “Yes, that's what I'd just said!” The voice starts to laugh. “Sorry Four Eyes, we don't need a master!” The green orb knocks Starline off the statue as Silver uses his powers to catch him and the book. “Gotcha!!”
Soon a bright light shines and once the light dimmed a green decaying hedgehog in a leather jacket with red shades takes Starline's place. “Because we'll be the new rulers of this pathetic living world!” The zombie hedgehog bellowed out as the other orbs cackled and they all went their separate ways.
His glassy blue eyes shoot towards you. “You… You're a Zombie Hunter aren'tcha?!” He hops off and lands on the concrete. Everyone turns to look towards you. “Oh… You didn't tell them, did ya?! I bet you weren't even gonna utter a peep about it.” He smirks displaying his sharp yellowed teeth. “Oh well lemme introduce myself. I'm Scourge, King of the Rotten World!”
“Zombie Hunter…?” Silver murmured, unsure of what's happening. “The Rotten World, the heck's going on?!” Knuckles interrogated Scourge, who merely laughed. “Why don't you ask that chainsaw wielding cutie, they'll fill you in. You wouldn't keep any more secrets now would ya?” Scourge waltzes closer and puts his face in front of yours as if to intimidate you.
You readied your weapon and before you could swing it, he yelled. “BUZZ OFF!!” His words materialize and push you back. “Catch me if ya can Chainsaw Cutie!” Scourge yelled and disappeared into the darkness.
“(Y/N)!!” You tried to get back up, but Sonic and Knuckles helped you up. “You've got a lot of explaining to do.” Sonic said, Knuckles nodded in agreement. “Until then, Silver, let's bring Starline with us. He's got some explaining to do too.” Silver hummed, using his psychic powers to carry him along and hands the book over to you.
“No problem, besides it's the least I can do.” You said accepting it.
“So let me get this straight.” You nodded at Sonic's attempt to repeat that info back to you. “There's three dimensions; The Land Beyond Words, Our dimension Earth and the Rotten World.” You hummed, confirming that. “You also come from a long lineage of Zombie Hunters that have protected the city for a couple decades?” Silver added. “Pretty much.” You replied.
“And the Zombie Lords’ ultimate goal is to decay the earth and everything on it?” Knuckles asked almost in shock by all of the information presented. “Yeah that's the gist. In order to stop them we can either bargain with them or kill them. However Zombies are notorious for being stubborn. Once they're set on something they'll keep going until they're dead for good. The Zombie Lords are definitely persistent with their goals.” You said, the others were utterly flabbergasted.
Especially considering you were the sweetheart who did cheerleading. It didn't change their perspective on you negatively, it was an unexpected surprise to them.
“Starline has a huge price to pay especially for releasing them for a very selfish reason. I know I'm dense, but next time if there even is. Just ask me out straight up or take me out to dinner and movie first, buddy.” You scorned Starline as he looked away. “Right now we need all hands on deck and that book is gonna be our ticket to victory.” You picked up the worn out book and started looking through it.
Scourge was the last of the Zombie Lords and Shadow along with many of your friends came to help. However Scourge was located in a junkyard, which was generally in the outskirts of the city.
Luckily Shadow was able to find a truck you and the others could use. As you were looking through the book, it was practically the Zombie Hunter's encyclopedia for various zombie types and such. Starline enhanced the team by using the book as a way to strategize and how you could go about getting in and out of fights.
Now you and the others were chatting up a storm on who's doing what. Especially since this is the final fight, you and everyone needed to be two steps ahead of Scourge.
“(Y/n) I have to ask you something.” Shadow said, glancing at one of the car mirrors. “Yeah what's up?” You replied, with bated breath. “I've gathered some intel from Rogue and apparently Scourge has something in store for you.” Shadow said looking at the road ahead as everyone in the truck went silent. “Guess he's not going down without a fight, he might be looking towards changing his form…”
Shadow sighs unsure of how to word his response. “Though I have to admit I'm concerned for you.” You raised a brow at Shadow. “Why? I've got the strength from everyone and myself, brains from Starline and Tails. I feel like I've got a good team!”
“I think he means the way Scourge is talking to and about you.” Silver said and starts listing the times Scourge went out of his way to learn about you and give you things like weapon upgrades and even write bloody messages.
“...that makes so much sense.” You mumbled, it was weird how extreme Scourge was when he did all that.
“Still be careful, from what I can gleam, Scourge is a powerful enemy. One who's definitely has his sights set on you. It's best we take him as a genuine threat.” Starline urged holding your shoulders gently.
“...Okay I'll be careful.” You said with a smile.
Once you all arrived, they've all paved the way to make sure you're able to reach Scourge. Who was now the last of Zombie Lords. They all wished you good luck as you entered the Junkyard Maze. The air was filled with the scent of motor oil, decay and punk music.
Though when you first entered here, you swore you heard him. Besides, he was a loudmouth, though even you knew better than to underestimate him.
Finally you made it to the end of the maze, this is what your little adventure has come to. You jumped into the seemingly vacant arena, trying to get a feel for your surroundings.
“HAHAHA! I'M GONNA CRUSH YOUR FACE!!” Scourge yelled out utterly delighted to finally face you. “So Chainsaw Cutie, you've managed to knock down my pawns. Good for you, now you get to fight me.” You and Scourge were ready for the final showdown.
“You know I gotta admit I'm not a brains type of guy, I've always preferred the heart. They're lively and are unique to each Mobian… You really have to go through so much work just to get to it.” You brows furrowed in disgust. “Ah, sick…” Scourge laughs at your reply. “Though if we're being honest here, I don't wanna eat you. Rather I want to make you mine.” You rolled your eyes, Scourge sees this and places a hand over his scarred chest.
“Oh you don't believe me..? Then let me show you how serious about you I TRULY AM!!” Scourge charges at you at full force and you narrowly dodged his attack. You look at him directly and ready your chainsaw.
Soon you weakened him, though he did a couple scratches on you which wasn't a big deal. You had to be bitten in order to be truly infected.
“I… I lost…?” Scourge said in disbelief, especially at the idea of losing. “Yeah, are you gonna go back to the Rotten World quietly or do I have to finish you off myself?” You asked placing the blade under his chin lifting it up so his eyes can meet yours. His eyes widened almost like his undead heart was beating again.
In this very moment he knew, you were his dream lover. The one he's willing to tie himself down to for the rest of his undead life. You wore a confused expression when you saw him look oddly lovesick. His tail wagged with excitement, and he blurted out. “As long as I'm with you I'll go wherever you go…” He replied dreamily as if his whole personality took a whole one-eighty turn.
“You're not mad??” He still smiles lovingly. “Of course not…” You were beyond confused, usually monsters with his personality would've cursed up a storm or reluctantly go back. But this was the last thing you'd expect. “Yeesh you're weird, but as long as you're not gonna hurt anyone… You can stay with me.”
You carefully slid your chainsaw away from his chin and stabbed it onto the ground. Sonic started calling you. You picked up your phone and almost lost your ear drum. “(Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY DO YOU NEED BACK–?” You cut him off with. “Yeah I'm okay and how's our world right now?”
“Seems like it's returning to normal. Though it's strange, the only undead life force I'm able to detect is right next to you.” Tails mentioned and I swiftly explained. “It's a bit complicated, but needless to say Scourge is staying. I think Cupid shot him. Just come pick us up…” You groaned feeling you need headache pills and some comfort food.
“Okay we're on our way!” Silver chimed in over Sonic's phone, you ended the call and soon silence settled in. You sat on the ground and looked up at the sky and saw it looked clearer, you're able to see the moon and stars.
“Pretty isn't it?” You almost felt your heart jump out of your chest. “Jeez Scourge, you scared me… Though yeah it's a pretty view to be honest..” Scourge gave you a toothy smile with a laugh. “Good it's payback for making me wait for so long!” He said, sitting down next to you. “I thought I was gonna die of boredom. Especially with how long it took ya to get here or just you not seeing my messages.”
You shook your head, letting out a small chuckle. “Where would a zombie go at that point??” Scourge shrugs. “Who knows I'm staying with you and I'm your problem now.” He says draping an arm around your shoulders.
‘Hopefully everything's back to normal, or as normal as it could be… My life isn't normal by any means, but eh whatever… Maybe going on a date with a powerful zombie won't be so bad.’ You thought as you looked at the stars that sprinkled the night sky.
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