#kinda crap picture but oh well
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embarrassingly long ramble and wintersberg drawing below the cut:
lmao, I finished the GG playthrough of re8 the other day and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
anyway yeah. Don't even know what to write about it cuz it sorta overtook me with no warning, and idk shit about resident evil but here we are.
I read mushrooms and magnets on ao3, i did the frowned upon thing and went straight to most kodo-ed (i KNOW it's wrong but i didn't feel like searching!! I just wanted to Read. If I stick around any longer I WILL read other things too), and I feel like that's probably a rite of passage in the ethan/heisenberg wing of this fandom. Blasted through it in like 3 days. Anyway, like, 3 quarters through it I realized I never took it upon myself to see what ethan looks like? I just assumed he had Typical White Guy Face, which yeah, he does, but after an image search.... I never realized he had such a baby face skjdgf sksjfh PRETTY BOY PRETTY BOY
So then I drew him. And I drew heisenberg too, although I need more practice with him. Plus I think I got gassed out for the night, after drawing ethan. it's really hot and it can be hard to remember how to draw for fun after doing so many commissions.
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One of my go to drawing visions is one character in profile, and the other character all up in their face in a pseudo profile, 3/4, tilted angle. And idk why I keep doing that, because I fuck it up at least half the time. Ethan looks good here, heisenberg does Not. I need better references of him. Seriously, if someone has a karl heisenberg folder on their phone with a crap ton of pictures of his face from different angles, PLEASE send me some. I need a clear one of him in profile. All the ones on google have his face obscured by his hat, glasses, both, and he's always in dark lighting. Ironic that the one who's face you never see has better reference pictures.
Kinda considering doing a GG animated for the moment where ethan's like "I just want to fix my daughter!" and arin (as heisenberg) says "uh, she's in four pieces," because it cracked me up so damn hard. His voice is so dumb. I love him.
This came outta nowhere but hahaha oh well, my interests change on the wings of the wind (wings of the wind = what the grumps are uploading)
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hanasnx · 6 months
baby daddy jason for when the one parent-teacher conference the sweet unassuming teachers like “mrs. Todd” and you’re “uhhh we’re not married”, but Jason, despite not being up to the commitment, likes the idea. He definitely would not correct the teacher like you immediately would.
Actually idk where I was going with this I had an idea but then it kinda stopped soz
You’re not even sure how it happened. In your opinion, it’s best that BABY DADDY!JASON TODD stay far away from you and your daughter. Maybe he sifted through your mail the last time he snuck in, maybe he intercepted your calls, maybe he followed her to school to add himself to her emergency contacts—all completely feasible when dealing with someone so meticulously thorough and annoyingly committed. You’re face to face with him outside your daughter’s teacher’s door.
“What are you doing here?” you seethe in a whisper, avoiding a scene.
Jason’s face twists in feigned confusion, pointing to the flyer on the wall. He reads out its words as his finger follows along, “‘Parent teacher conference.’” He points to himself finally. “Parent.” A smug curl forms on his lips, standing tall in outsmarting you even though it’s not what you asked.
Your nostrils flare as you suck in a breath. Unfortunately, Jason is exceptional at getting on your nerves. You wonder how he managed knocking you up. Advancing on him, he mirrors you, meeting you in the middle as you engage him, “Jason, I don’t want you here—“
The door swings open, and you jump in place, leaning away abruptly. Jason coolly inclines back, shoving his hands in his pockets, he’s got nothing to hide. Your daughter’s teacher greets you both with a cheerful grin, beckoning you in. “You made it! Come on in, come on in.” You exchange a warning glance with Jason, but you clutch your purse strap and duck in while he trails leisurely after.
The meeting goes well, the teacher rants and raves about your daughter, especially about her art skills, showcasing that talent with pictures of it. You open your mouth to speak, but Jason beats you to it, “Takes after her mother, huh? What do you know?” he says with pride, and you witness a genuine grin on his lips as he leans forward to take a closer look at the mess of glitter and stickers in the teacher’s hands.
Your heart skips a beat, and you fiddle with your hands in your lap. One reason you try to stay away from Jason is because of times like these. Makes you second guess your decision to end things with him, and that’s exactly what’s most dangerous.
“So, Mrs. Todd—“ the teacher’s voice breaks you from your stupor, gaze snapping up to her as you furrow your brows.
“Oh, we’re not married.” you object, interrupting her starkly, and she flushes, setting the artwork down with a nervous smile.
“Oh! My mistake. You two just seem so close…”
Jason sighs, raising an arm to wrap around the back of your chair. “Well, not yet.” he says with certainty, and you turn your attention to him, glancing at his arm placement and how the sleeve of his biker jacket brushes your hair. His hand cups your shoulder, which you stare at, and glare when he starts stroking your skin with his thumb. What makes you the most angry is not the entitlement to touch you—which he’s always had—but how he’s clearly messing with you on purpose. This is just like his brand of cruelty, embarrassing you further in a social situation. You tune out whatever crap he’s telling the teacher about the fake wedding and you peel his arm away from you, shoving it back into his lap.
“No, that’s not happening.” you object again, harsher this time and Jason merely scoffs through his nose as you deal with the poor confused teacher.
After the meeting, you’re practically corralled out of that room bickering. You somehow end up on the back of his bike instead of in the car you drove here. Somehow, further, letting him inside your place. Shouting over each other about how inconsiderate he is, and how serious you are, curtly removing your outerwear.
“Would it really be that bad?” he yells, that loud voice that gets you weak in the knees booming through your apartment. You’re lucky your babysitter still has your daughter. “Being married to me, would it really be that bad?”
“It’s not about that, Jason! You know that!”
Your objections are drowned out in how his big body herds you into your bedroom, how his hands push you down to rip off your jeans. How he palms your mouth to shut you up while he’s kissing on your neck, clumsily searching for the give in between your legs. His tip eases in as you lazily bat at his hefty shoulders and thick biceps. “Don’t wanna be Mrs. Todd, huh?” You relax under him the longer he’s inside you, rutting into you with patience as you jerk your head away from him. “What’s wrong with that? Don’t want my name? Don’t wanna be a happy little family?”
Your fist bangs against his rotator cuff and he laughs, husky and light in your ear. His teeth latch onto your lobe, playfully tugging on it while he bottoms out, and you emit a noise from your throat.
“Mrs. Todd,” he chides, “So wet for your husband. S’almost like you want it.”
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beady-eyed-munson · 5 months
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Inspired by this picture by @putting-eddie-munson-in-places
Sorry the hairs kinda crap, im still learning how to do curls and the colour is kinda off now ive uploaded it but oh well
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a-mint-bear · 3 months
Boss Lady Has a House Spouse
Female Yandere x Reader
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You've been a stay-at-home partner for about six months. Your long-time girlfriend is a CEO at a big corporation. A quick trip to her office, and you find out she acts A LOT differently in front of her employees.
• After your job suddenly fell through and a long, unfruitful job hunt later, your girlfriend suggested that (if you wanted to and it was okay with you, of course) you could stay home and look after things since she worked such long hours.
● She makes more than enough money for the two of you to live comfortably and you have a really nice place together. You've started cooking more and learning new recipes, and your place isn't so big that cleaning takes forever. You have lots of time to pursue your hobbies and be creative. It's a nice life and the two of you are really happy together.
• You and your girlfriend had been together for a long time, and had known each other even longer. She was super affectionate and she loved to spoil you. When she came home, the first thing she always did was bury her face in the crook of your neck, telling you through so many kisses how much she missed you. She was always loving on you and hanging all over you whenever she got the chance.
• She would lay her head on your lap when you watched movies together, and more than a few times you dozed off with your head on her chest as she ran her fingers through your hair. She loved sitting in your lap and pulling you into hers, and kissing you no matter the time or place. She was not shy about PDA either. Sometimes, it felt like a lot, but it was all so... genuine. She really loves you so much and you think of her as the love of your life, even if you can get a little shy about things from time to time.
• One day, you realized after she'd gone to work that she'd left the lunch you'd made her on the counter. You wondered if she would mind it if you just showed up as a surprise, and laughed to yourself at the sheer domesticity of the situation. You hoped you wouldn't embarrass her in front of her employees. You made sure you looked nice before leaving the house.
• There were some office workers going through the lobby when you came in. They must've been going out to lunch themselves. They approached you, curious about who you were there for or if they could help you find your way around. When you told them, they seemed... surprised? A few of them chatted amongst themselves while you shot her a text that you were there. They were talking pretty softly, but you still heard every word.
"Wait, I recognize them from the picture on Boss's desk. They're kinda cute. Poor thing. I can't imagine living with the Ice Queen."
"You're right! I mean, at least she's hot. Otherwise, it'd be a nightmare working for that sadist."
"Oh shit, man. If she heard you, you know you'd be working overtime. Again."
• They laughed to themselves, and it pissed you off a little. One of the other employees was trying to strike up a friendly conversation with you, but you just couldn't pay attention. You supposed it was normal to have a crap relationship with your boss, but to say that stuff in earshot of you, they had some serious balls. Before you could say anything, she was there.
• You heard her heels before you saw her. She popped out of the elevator, glancing around the lobby until she spotted you. She looked amazing in her work clothes, as usual. Well-fitting with a pencil skirt that hugged her curves just right. Every time you saw her you felt like the luckiest person in the whole damn world.
• "Hi sweetie." She smiled, so warm and dazzling it made your heart race just seeing her. She didn't pay any mind to her employees and made a beeline for you. "I'm so sorry you had to come all this way..."
• You told her it was fine, that you didn't mind at all. And that you both know she'd work through lunch if you didn't pack it for her. She laughed (a sweet and giddy giggle she often did when you teased her), and you could see all her employees' eyes go wide.
• She held your face, kissing you so soft and tenderly that you literally felt weak in the damn knees. "I'll see you tonight, love. I want to take you out as a nice thank you. Do you want my card? You can go get yourself a new date night outfit if you want. You know I'll love anything you wear..."
• You knew she'd pout if you said you'd just wear something of yours, so you said that was nice of her and you were looking forward to it. She kissed you again, and you could see her employees looking a bit flustered. She leaned and whispered (but not really) in your ear...
"Why don't you pick out something for me too?" Her low, sultry voice gave you goosebumps. "Something you'd love to see me in... for a little bit, at least."
• You laughed, your face on fire at that point. You were used to her PDA but she still found ways to fluster you every now and then. You might've been mistaken, but you swore she glared at her employees when she finally looked away, still holding you close. Maybe she was just annoyed the little "private" moment had such an audience. But nonetheless, they were whispering amongst themselves as they scattered, seeming unnerved. She looked satisfied and planted one more kiss (on the cheek this time) and told you to have a nice rest of your day.
• The employees you'd met in the lobby did end up working some mandatory overtime for the next few nights. The one she'd seen chatting you up got a week of it. Gossip traveled fast about how the Boss' partner made her a lovesick, flirty mess (with everyone who wasnt there VERY skeptical about that), and that they were strictly off-limits if you didn't want her coming down on you.
● There were a few brave idiots who tried to joke about it with the Boss to razz her a little, to try and make her seem more human and relatable. One poor soul even snickered when they saw her smile when you texted her. One of the lobby witnesses talked crap to a horrified group, saying that they found your number and wondered if they should text you, bragging that they could steal you away. He seemed spooked the next day but wouldn't talk about it.
more of just a straight-up posessive yandere than a "scary" one, but im not sure if she made you lose your job and/or sabotaged your job hunt, or if she's just secretly happy you're all hers now but would never tell you. maybe for another story 🤔
this header isn't quite what i had in my brain, i imagine her as chubbier but when you look up "anime curvy business woman" the only results you get are huge chests lol. not even hips to match
but it kind of looks like the other boss lady pic from the Yandere Girls post so i went with it (like the hair maybe?)
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there's two boss ladies in my brain: one that flirts with her employee and loves to fluster them because she's obsessed with them, and this one where they're domestic as hell and super soft. i don't think they can be one person, realistically
unless you used to work for her after her starting to obsess over you and now you're domestic as hell. could be *shrugs*
its really hard to find art of professional anime ladies in business clothes w/o their cleavage just being out there and making me feel like a weird perv editing it for the header. like SO damn difficult lol too ace for that shit
Boss Lady might get a name if people like her/if she gets a longer story
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doctorbitchcrxft · 4 months
Hell House | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, unwanted sexual advances toward reader (nothing crazy, just uncomfortable flirtation)
Word Count: 6125
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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After leaving John and the Daevas behind, you and the boys began heading to Texas to investigate a potential case.
Sam slept in the front seat of the car as Dean cruised down Interstate 35. He looked at you suspiciously, smirking in the rearview mirror.
“What?” you whispered.
“Watch this,” Dean told you, grabbing a plastic spoon from the backseat next to you and put it in Sam’s mouth. Snickering, he took a picture with his phone before turning the music up loud. You rolled your eyes and laughed as Sam jerked up waving his arms and trying to spit the spoon out.
“Ha ha, very funny,” the younger Winchester said un-amusedly.
Dean gave what you could only describe as a giggle. You thought it was adorable. “Sorry, not a lot of scenery here in East Texas; kinda gotta make your own.”
“Man, we're not kids anymore, Dean. We're not going to start that crap up again,” Sam stated.
“Start what up?” you asked.
“Prank stuff. It's stupid, and it always escalates,” Sam explained to you.
Dean mocked, “Aw, what's the matter Sammy, scared you're going to get a little Nair in your shampoo again, huh?” replied Dean.
“Alright, just remember you started it.”
“Ah ha, bring it on baldy.”
“Guys, I am not going to mediate or participate in a prank war,” you jumped in.
“Nobody asked you to, sweetheart,” Dean flippantly responded. “But don’t be surprised if you get caught in the crossfire.”
“Where are we anyway?” Sam cut you off.
“A few hours outside of Richardson. Gimme the lowdown again?” Dean asked.
“About a month or two ago, this group of kids goes poking around in this local haunted house.”
“Haunted by what?” you asked.
“Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit,” he answered.
“Oh, great,” you grumbled.
Sam laughed. “Legend goes, it takes girls and strings them up in the rafters. Anyway, this group of kids see this dead girl hanging in the cellar.”
You scoffed. “Oh, even better.”
“Anybody ID the corpse?” asked Dean.
“Well, that's the thing. By the time the cops got there the body was gone. So cops are saying the kids were just yanking chains.”
“Maybe the cops are right,” the older brother suggested.
“Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids' firsthand accounts. They seemed pretty sincere,” Sam shrugged.
“Where’d you find those?” you asked.
The brunet hesitated, seeming a little embarrassed. “Well, I knew we were going to be passing through Texas. So, um, last night, I surfed some local… paranormal websites. And I found one.”
“And what's it called?” Dean prompted.
“Lemme guess, streaming live out of Mom's basement.”
Sam grinned. “Yeah, probably."
“Yeah. Most of those websites wouldn't know a ghost if it bit 'em in the persqueeter,” Dean quipped.
“Look, we let Dad take off. Which was a mistake, by the way. And now we don't know where the hell he is, so in the meantime, we gotta find ourselves something to hunt. There's no harm checking this thing out.”
“Agreed. But not on the mistake part— I’m not getting involved in that argument,” you said.
“Good call,” Dean responded. “So where do we find these kids?”
“Same place you always find kids in a town like this,” Sam said. He directed his brother to a fast food outlet called “Rodeo Drive.”
You interviewed all of the kids who had been involved in the incident, and the only detail they could agree on in their story was that a teen named Craig had been the one to introduce them to the house.
The next day, you went to the record stop Craig worked at and posed as interviewers trying to get his side of the story on a paranormal feature you were writing. Sam had asked him about the house he’d taken his friends to. 
“You mean the Hell House?” the teen answered.
“That’s the one,” answered Dean.
“I didn't think there was anything to the story,” Craig shrugged.
“Why don't you tell us the story,” Sam told him.
Craig quieted his voice and looked around for eavesdroppers. “Well, supposedly back in the '30s this farmer, Mordechai Murdoch, used to live in this house with his six daughters. It was during the Depression, his crops were failing, he didn't have enough money to feed his own children. So I guess that's when he went off the deep end.”
“How?” you questioned.
“Well, he figured it was best if his girls died quick, rather than starve to death. So he attacked them. They screamed, begged for him to stop but he just strung 'em up, one after the other. And when he was all finished, he just turned around and hung himself. Now they say that his spirit is trapped in the house forever, stringing up any other girl that goes inside.”
‘Oh, that’s just great.’
“Where'd you hear all this?” Dean questioned.
“My cousin Dana told me. I don't know where she heard it from. Ya gotta realize, I— I didn't believe this for a second.”
“But now you do,” the younger brother finished for him.
“I don't know what the hell to think, man. You guys, I— I'll tell you exactly what I told the police, ok? That girl was real. And she was dead. This was not a prank. I swear to God, I don't wanna go anywhere near that house ever again, okay?”
You and the boys headed to the Hell House. It was more like a dilapidated shack at this point; it looked like it had been made with wooden boards that were probably rotting and hollowed out by termites. The path up to the house was muddy, and the house itself was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woods. Add “woods” on top of “misogynistic ghost,” and you were thoroughly worried about this hunt.
“Can't say I blame the kid,” Sam commented, taking in the appearance of the house.
“Yeah, so much for curb appeal,” quipped Dean. “You gonna be okay, sweetheart? You look like you’re gonna hurl.”
You looked up at Dean. “Well, misogynistic ghosts that kill any girl who goes inside don’t exactly tickle my fancy.”
Dean’s tone became a little more sincere, but still filled with his typical sarcastic charm. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m fine. I’m a big girl; I can handle myself. Just uneasy, that’s all.”
“Hey, (Y/N)?” Sam asked. “I realized something back in Chicago.”
“What’s that?” you asked while you ducked under the police tape blocking the door. 
“You never told us where you’re from. You know we’re from Lawrence, so, what’s your story?”
“Honestly, Sammy, I have no idea,” you responded. “My parents never told me. I don’t have a copy of my birth certificate either. If it weren’t for my mom using my middle name when she was mad at me, I wouldn’t even know what it was. Don’t know my social security number, either. I’m not even confident the government has record of my existence.”
“Huh,” replied Sam. “How’d your mom even have time for a kid if she’s been hunting since you were born?”
You took out your flashlight and continued looking around while you talked to Sam. “That’s the thing, she didn’t. My mom was never really a mom to me, and she certainly wasn’t to my little brother. Even though he was only two years younger than me, I kind of had to fill the role of ‘mom’,” you explained.
Sam looked at you sadly. “I’m sorry.”
“Meh, it’s whatever,” you shrugged. “You got something?”
Dean was looking around with his EMF meter. It was beeping, but not making sounds indicative of a usual reading. “Ye-ah,” he sounded unsure. “The EMF’s no good.”
“Why?” Sam questioned.
Dean looked at the power lines just outside the house. “I think that thing's still got a little juice in it. It's screwing with all the readings.”
“Yeah that'd do it,” Sam sighed.
“Looks like old man Murdock was a bit of a tagger here in his time, though,” Dean stated, looking at the symbols covering the walls.
“And after his time too. That reverse cross has been used by Satanists for centuries, but this sigil of sulfur didn't show up in San Francisco until the '60s,” Sam informed.
You and Dean stared at Sam for a moment before the older brother quipped, “That is exactly why you never get laid.”
You patted Sam’s shoulder. “I think it’s cool,” you assured him. 
He returned your smile. “Thanks, (Y/N).”
Dean moved to another wall with a cross with a dot in the middle. The bottom piece of the cross looked almost like a fishhook. “Hey, what about this one? You guys seen this one before?”
Sam shook his head, but you felt a sense of vague recognition, too. “Somewhere, I think.”
“Yeah, me too,” Dean said.
Sam rubbed the symbol. “It's paint. Seems pretty fresh too.”
Dean sighed. “I don't know, Sam. You know I hate to agree with authority figures of any kind, but... the cops may be right about this one.”
A sudden noise had you on high alert. You and Dean flanked one side of the door, guns drawn, and Sam took the other. Dean nodded, and the three of you burst through only to be met with blinding lights in your eyes.
“Oh, cut. It's just a coupla humans,” a nasally male voice said. 
The two men before you both donned backpacks and baggy cargo pants. They were around your height and seemed like complete involuntarily-celibate nerds to you.
“What are you guys doing here?” the same guy asked. He held an electrical device in one hand while the other man held a video camera.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Dean’s gruff reply came.
“Uh, we belong here; we're professionals?” the man said matter-of-factly.
You scoffed. “Professional what?”
The man eyed you up and down before answering, and you fought the cringe crawling up your spine. “Paranormal Investigators.” He handed you a business card. “There you go, take a look at that, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that,” you gritted through your teeth.
Dean took the card from you, saying, “Easy, tiger.” He read it and muttered, “Oh, you gotta be kidding me.”
“Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spengler? Hellhoundslair.com. You guys run that website,” Sam noted.
The man who had been looking you up and down who’d identified himself as Ed nodded proudly.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, we're huge fans,” Dean grinned.
“And ahh, we know who you guys are too,” Ed said confidently.
You shot a sideways glance to Dean. “Oh yeah?”
You and Dean immediately lost interest.
Ed continued, “Looking for ghosts and cheap thrills.”
“Yep. So if you guys don't mind, we're trying to conduct a serious scientific investigation here,” Harry finished.
“Really? What have you got so far?” you asked.
“Harry, why dontcha tell 'em about EMF?”
Sam played dumb, too. “EMF?” You could tell he was fighting a smile.
“Electromagnetic field? Spectral entities can cause energy fluctuations that can be read with an EMF detector. Like this bad boy right here.” Harry gestured to the machine Ed was holding, who turned it on.
“Whoa. Whoa. It's 2.8mg,” Harry noted.
“2.8. It's hot in here,” Ed grinned.
Dean whistled in mock admiration. “So you guys ever really seen a ghost before, or…?”
“Once. We were, uh— We were investigating this old house and we saw a vase fall right off the table—” 
“By itself,” Harry finished.
“Well, we, we we we didn't actually see it, we heard it. And something like that… it, uh… it changes you,” Ed said solemnly.
“Yeah. I think I get the picture. We should go, let them get back to work,” Dean broke their stupor. “C’mon, (Y/N).”
He led you and his brother out of the room with the two guys in it. Dean stood behind you protectively.
“What?” you asked him as he led you out of the house.
“Didn’t like how he was looking at you,” he grumbled before seeming to realize what he had just admitted. “And… uh, misogynistic ghosts, and all.”
A smile spread across your face. “Thanks.”
You and the boys headed to a diner for some cheap burgers and beer before you decided to hit the road. You couldn’t find any missing persons matching the description of the Jane Doe that had been in the house, nor could Sam find anything on a Mordechai Murdoch. The real man had existed under a different name. You ruled the case a bust, and just wanted to relax a little before leaving town. 
“How’s that thing on your leg healing?” Dean asked you, referencing the deep gashes you’d received in Chicago.
“Meh, it’s okay,” you shrugged, taking a sip of your beer. “It’s way better than it was a few days ago.”
“Good,” he nodded before clearing his throat. “So? Sammy, you got anything?” 
His brother was scrolling the internet in search of a new case when something caught his attention. “Dude.”
“What?” you and Dean asked in unison.
“The Hell House.”
Emergency vehicles and officials hurried about, interviewing witnesses and wheeling out a stretcher with a body bag on it. The sinking feeling you got from the Hell House returned to your stomach as you and the boys approached it.
“What happened?” Dean asked a bystander.
“A couple of cops say a girl hung herself in the house,” explained the bystander. “She was a straight A student with a full ride to UT, too. It just don't make sense.” He walked away from the two of you.
“I don’t understand,” you started. “How could we’ve missed something?”
“I don’t know,” Sam shook his head. 
“Back to the drawing board, I guess,” Dean sighed.
You waited for the emergency vehicles to clear out and allow you and the boys the ability to get another look at the house. Two cops remained guarding it, though, to which Sam commented, “I guess the cops don't want anyone else screwing around in there.”
You and the brothers were crouched in the bushes, trying to plan how to get in the house. You then heard whispers that caught your attention, and turned to see Ed and Harry clunkily approaching with cumbersome backpacks and gadgets covering them from head to toe.
“You gotta be kidding me,” Dean grumbled. “I got an idea.” 
You shot him a confused look while he stood a little taller and cupped a hand to his mouth. “Who ya gonna call!”
You almost burst out in giggles at his stupid reference. 
“Hey, you!” one of the cops called and took off running in the direction of Ed and Harry. The two guys turned and sprinted away. Well, sprinted as much as they could with their heavy packs.
You and the boys rushed into the abandoned house, passing each other weapons from the duffel bag. Dean was transfixed by the symbol on the wall. “Where have I seen that symbol before? It's killing me!”
“Yeah, me too, but we don’t have much time,” you urged him, slapping a shotgun in his hand and pulling him further into the home. You headed down to the basement and took in your dust-covered surroundings. You could feel your allergy beginning to get aggravated while you looked around.
“Hey, Sam. I dare you to take a swig of this,” Dean grinned, holding up a jar he found on one of the shelves.
“What the hell would I do that for?” scoffed the younger brother.
“...I double dare you.”
Sam just shook his head and continued walking.
You flinched and grabbed Dean’s arm at a sound coming from within a cabinet. Dean looked to you and back at the cabinet before the two of you took either side of the cabinet’s doors. At Dean’s nod, you threw the door open. Rats inside it squeaked and scurried away from the light of Sam’s flashlight. 
“Arghh!” Dean yelped. “I hate rats.”
Sam scoffed. “You'd rather it was a ghost?”
Dean considered, but nodded. “Yes!” Dean suddenly looked up at something above your head, and you shrieked at the sight of an ax nearly hitting you squarely on your forehead. Dean yanked you away just in time and shielded you with his body protectively. He shot at the ghost of the tall farmer wearing a colorless straw hat that wasn’t at all deterred by the rocksalt. He shot once more, but it was still there. And then the final time, Mordechai disappeared.
“What the hell kind of spirit is immune to rock salt?” Sam questioned frantically.
“I don’t know! Come on, come on!” Dean urged you and his brother. 
You ran toward the stairs, and Mordechai smashed his ax down through the shelves right next to your head. You raised your gun at him and shot multiple times, praying it would work. Nothing worked, and you narrowly missed another swing of the ghost’s ax before you fled.
“(Y/N), let’s go!” Sam called, running ahead of you. You and the boys sprinted out of the door of the house, only to be met with flashlights and a camera in your face.
“Get that damn thing outta my face,” Dean commanded before hurrying away again. You and the boys left the Hell House in the dust. 
“You okay?” Dean asked you when you returned to the car.
You tried to catch your breath, slumping into the backseat. “Holy shit,” you muttered. “I think so. You?”
He nodded. “Fine.”
“But Dean.”
“You’re sweet, but I don’t need you to protect me. I can hold my own,” you told him.
Dean scoffed. “It’s a misogynistic ghost, (Y/N). I’m obviously gonna be a little concerned.”
You smiled fondly, but held your position. “I know. Just… I can handle it. You don’t have to worry about me.”
He just grunted in response.
The next day, you and the boys were hanging out in their motel room. You and Sam were at your laptops researching while Dean sat on his bed scribbling in a notepad.
“What the hell is this symbol? It's buggin' the hell outta me. This whole damn job's buggin' me. What was with those slit wrists? I thought the legend says he hung himself.”
“That’s what you’ve been scribbling all this time?” You looked up from your laptop. “That symbol?”
“Yeah,” Dean answered. “But seriously, what the hell is going on here?”
Sam jumped in, saying, “And the ax too. I mean, ghosts are usually pretty strict, right? Following the same patterns over and over?”
“But this mook keeps changing,” Dean added.
“Exactly. I'm telling ya, the way the story goes... wait a minute.”
“Someone added a new post to the Hell Hound site. Listen to this. 'They say Mordechai Murdock was really a Satanist who chopped up his victims with an ax before slitting his own wrists. Now he's imprisoned in the house for eternity.”
“What the fuck?” you questioned, sliding Sam’s laptop over to yourself. “How the hell is he changing?”
“I don't know,” Dean broke in, “but I think I might have just figured out where it all started.”
Your next stop was the music store Craig worked at.
“Hey Craig? Remember us?” Dean asked the teen who was organizing records.
“Guys, look I'm really not in the mood to answer any of your questions ok?” Craig answered.
“Oh, don't worry. We're just here to buy an album, that's all.” Dean flipped through a stack of records, and you looked over his shoulder. You suddenly realized where he was going with this. He picked up a Blue Oyster Cult album, and you nodded in acknowledgment as you put together the symbol had been the logo for the band.
“You know, I couldn't figure out what that symbol was, and then, I realized that it doesn't mean anything. It's the logo for the Blue Oyster Cult,” Dean said, putting the album on the counter across from Craig. “Tell me Craig, you, uh, you into BOC? Or just scaring the hell outta people? Now why 'n't you tell us about that house. Without lying through your ass this time.”
Craig sighed. “Alright, um. My cousin Dana was on break from TCU. Ah, I guess we were just bored, looking for something to do. So I showed her this abandoned dump I found. We thought it would be funny if we made it look like it was haunted. So we painted symbols on the walls; some from some albums, some from some of Dana's theology textbooks. Then, we found out this guy Murdock used to live there so we— we made up some story to go along with that. So they told people, who told other people. And then these two guys put it on their stupid website. Everything just took on a life of its own. I mean I, I thought it was funny at first but... now that girl's dead! It was just a joke, you know. I mean, none of it was real, we made the whole thing up. I swear!”
You knew he hadn’t meant any harm. “Okay. Thank you.”
You and the boys left an emotional Craig standing at the counter. 
“If none of it was real how the hell do you explain Mordechai?” Dean asked.
“I have no idea,” you responded.
The next morning, you and the boys headed out to get some breakfast and coffee. Sam was shifting uncomfortably every few seconds in his seat. “What’s your deal, dude?” you asked.
His response was a grimace before he explained he thought Mordechai might be a Tulpa. “Okay, so there was this incident in Tibet in 1915. Group of monks visualized a golem in their head. They meditated on it so hard they brought the thing to life. Outta thin air.”
“So?” Dean said.
“That was twenty monks. Imagine what ten thousand web surfers could do. I mean, Craig starts the story about Mordechai, then it spreads, goes online. Now there are countless people all believing in the bastard,” Sam replied.
“Now wait a second. Are you trying to tell me that just because people believe in Mordechai, he's real?”
Sam shifted again. “I don’t know, maybe.”
“People believe in Santa Claus— how come I'm not getting hooked up every Christmas?” Dean remarked.
“ ‘Cause we’re bad people,” you remarked. Dean seemed convinced by your answer.
“And because of this.” Sam turned his phone to you and Dean to show you a photo of a symbol on one of the walls of the Hell House. “That's a Tibetan spirit sigil. On the wall of the house. Craig said they were painting symbols from a theology textbook. I bet they painted this; not even knowing what it was. Now, that sigil has been used for centuries, concentrating meditative thoughts like a magnifying glass. So people are on the HellHounds website, staring at the symbol, thinking about Mordechai… I mean I don't know, but it might be enough to bring a Tulpa to life.”
You shrugged. “That would explain why the bastard keeps changing.”
“Right, as the legend changes, people think different things, so Mordechai himself changes. Like a game of telephone. That would also explain why the rock salt didn't work.” Sam shifted at least five separate times in his chair as he spoke. 
“Yeah, because he's not a traditional spirit,” the older brother continued. “Okay. So why don't we just, uh, get this spirit sigil thingie off the wall and off the website?”
“Well, it's not that simple. You see, once Tulpas are created they take on a life of their own,” Sam explained.
“Great. So if he really is a thought form, how the hell are we supposed to kill an idea?”
“Well, it's not gonna be easy with these guys helping us. Check out their homepage.”
Sam showed you and Dean footage from two days ago. “Since they've posted the video, their number of hits have quadrupled in the last day alone.”
“Great,” you muttered. “But I have an idea. C’mon.” You got up from the table and began heading away.
“Where we going?” Dean questioned.
“To find a copy store.”
Sam got up and began to follow you. “Man, I think I'm allergic to our soap or something.”
Dean laughed and walked after you.
“You did this?!” Sam called.
The only response he got was a laugh from his brother. 
“You're a friggin jerk!”
“Oh yeah!” Dean pumped a fist in the air.
After you hit the copy store to carry out your idea, you and the boys found Ed and Harry’s trailer park residence and rapped against the door loudly.
“Who is it?” Harry’s voice called.
“Come on out here guys, we hear you in there,” Dean called back. When the door opened, Dean looked over the two men’s shoulders. “Ah, would you look at that! Action figures in their original packaging— what a shock.”
You snickered,but nudged him. “Be polite.”
“Guys, we need to talk,” Sam said. 
“Yeah, um, sorry guys. We're ahhh, a little bit busy right now,” Ed responded. “But pretty lady, if you’d like to stay—”
Dean cut him off, gruffly saying, “Okay, well, we'll make it quick. We need you to shut down your website.”
Ed laughed. “Man, you know, these guys got us busted the other night, spent the night in a holding cell—”
“I had to pee in that cell urinal. In front of people. And I get stage fright,” the other goon chimed in.
“Why should we trust you guys?”
“Look, guys. We all know what we saw that night; what's in the house. But now, thanks to your website, there are thousands of people hearing about Mordechai,” the brunet explained.
“That's right. Which means people are gonna keep showing up at the Hell House, running into him in person, somebody could get hurt,” Dean continued.
“Ed, maybe he's got a point, maybe—”
Ed cut his friend off. “Nope.”
“No,” Harry said despite his position moments earlier.
“We have an obligation to our fans, to the truth,” Ed stated.
“Well I have an obligation to kick both your little asses right now—” Dean’s face hardened, and you could see Ed and Harry nearly shit themselves.
You pulled his arm back. “Just forget about it,” you told him. “You could bitch slap ‘em both, I could tell them that thing about Mordechai, but they’re still not gonna listen. Let’s just go.” You turned away.
“Whoa! Whoa!” the guys called after you. “What’d you say about...?”
“Hang on a second here,” Harry said. “What thing about Mordechai, you guys?”
“Don’t tell ‘em, (Y/N),” Sam said.
“But if they agree to shut the website down, Sam—”
“They're not going to do it, you said so yourself,” Dean chimed in.
“No wait. Wait. Don't listen to him ok? We'll do it. We'll do it,” Ed said, stepping closer to you.
You sighed. “Look, it is a really big deal, alright. And it wasn't easy to dig up. So only if we have your word that you'll shut everything down.”
“Totally,” Ed nodded.
Dean handed over some paperwork you’d doctored at the copy shop reluctantly. “It's a death certificate. From the '30s. We got it at the library. Now according to the coroner, the actual cause of death was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”
“That's right, he didn't hang or cut himself,” added Dean.
Ed’s eyebrows shot up. “He shot himself?”
“Yep. With a .45 pistol. To this day, they say he's terrified of them,” you said.
Dean continued explaining. “Matter of fact, they say if you shoot him with a .45, loaded with these special wrought-iron rounds, it'll kill the son of a bitch.”
Ed and Harry snickered gleefully. Harry spun around and bolted back to the trailer. Ed followed more slowly. 
Once they were out of earshot, you held up crossed fingers to the boys. “Here’s hoping.”
You and the boys were waiting for Ed and Harry to put out the bogus story you’d given them at a diner later that evening. You sat in the booth between Sam and the wall, and looked over at his laptop while he reloaded the page repeatedly. Dean sat across from you and his brother, pulling the cord of a plaque on the wall of a fisherman holding a big fish. The fisherman’s mouth moved up and down when Dean pulled the cord. 
You pulled it again to stop it. “If you pull that damn cord one more time, I’ll kill you.”
Dean sent you a challenging look and pulled the cord again. You pulled it again in response.
“Come on, sweetheart, you need more laughter in your life. You know, you're way too tense.”
“What! I do laugh!” you pouted.
“Not as much as this guy.” He pulled the cord again.
You pulled it to stop it for a final time. “Don’t try me.”
Dean sighed. “They post it yet?”
Sam turned the laptop around to Dean. “We've learned from reputable sources that Mordechai Murdock has a fatal fear of firearms. Alright. How long do we wait?”
“Long enough for the new story to spread,” replied Sam, “and the legend to change. I figure by nightfall, iron rounds will work on the sucker.” Sam lifted his beer and you and Dean lifted yours as well. The three of you tapped them together.
“Sweet,” Dean said. He took a long swig of his beer and Sam grinned. The older of the two tried to put his beer down, but it was stuck to his beer.
Sam cracked up, as did you, and Dean stared at his brother incredulous. “You didn't.”
Sam continued to laugh and held up his tube of super glue. “Oh, I did!”
Dean shook his hand trying to get the beer off and turned his aggravation to you. “You knew about this?”
You felt guilty, but said, “Hey, I told you, I’m Switzerland in this prank war.”
“Oh, it’s on, sweetheart.”
“Dean! I didn’t even do anything! I’m Switzerland! Look, I’ll even help you get it off your hand, okay? Stop pouting.”
Dean grunted, “Fine.”
Dean bought the laughing fisherman from the diner and brought it to the woods beyond the Hell House later that night. You wrapped the cord around a rock to weigh the pulley mechanism down to lure the cops away from the house.
You entered the house on alert with your gun drawn, Dean trailing just behind you. “I barely have any skin left on my palm,” he said snarkily.
“So you think Mordechai's home?” you asked as you entered another room.
“I don't know,” Sam answered.
“Me either,” a voice said from behind you.
You wheeled around and pointed your gun at the source of the sound. 
“Whoa! Whoa!” Ed said.
“What are you trying to do, get yourself killed?” you yelled.
“We're just trying to get a book and movie deal, ok?” Harry said.
“Motherfucker—” You were cut off by the sound of knives being sharpened coming from the basement. Your guard immediately went back up. 
“Oh crap,” Ed said. “Don’t worry (Y/N), I’ll protect you.”
“Oh, get off me, dickhead.” You shrugged his hand off your shoulders. 
He crowded way too closely behind you and followed you and the brothers to the basement door. 
“Ah guys, you wanna— you wanna open that door for us?” Ed grinned uncomfortably.
“Why don't you?” Dean turned to him, shooting daggers at him.
Mordechai burst through the door at that moment, holding an ax and screaming. You and the boys began emptying your gun chambers into his stomach, but the guns had no effect on him. You then swept the other rooms in search of Ed and Harry.
“What the fuck, didn’t you guys post that bullshit story we gave you?” you asked them when you found them.
“Of course we did,” Ed scoffed.
Sam and Dean appeared behind you.
“But then our server crashed,” Harry explained.
“So it didn't take?” Dean asked rhetorically.
The two men exchanged looks and murmured to themselves.
“So these, these guns don't work.” Dean laughed coldly and raked a hand through his hair. “Great. Sam, any ideas?”
“We are getting outta here,” Harry said. “Come on, Ed.”
Harry and Ed ran past you and Dean to the other room. You noticed Mordechai’s apparition following them before you heard two girlish screeches coming from their direction.
“Hey! Come and get it, you ugly son of a bitch,” you told the ghost.
“Gladly,” Ed said, not realizing you were talking to Mordechai.
You grabbed the hilt of the ax as he tried to take a swing at you, pushing against him with all your might. You were then pinned against the wall, the ax across your throat and constricting your airway, 
“Get out of here, now!” you told Ed and Harry. They sprinted out of the door as you struggled against Mordechai, who lifted you up in the air by the ax.
“Guys! Help!” you screamed.
Moments later, Dean appeared. He held up a spray bottle and lit it, making a plume of fire appear.
“Get out of here, now!” Dean told you. You ran past him. You met Sam in another room, clutching your throat.
“You okay?” Sam asked you. He stooped to get eye-level with you.
“Yeah,” you choked out. “Peachy.”
Dean sped into the room next to you. “Mordechai can't leave the house, we can't kill him— We improvise,” he said. He held up his lighter, flicked it, and threw it back into the room behind you. It burst into flames, and you ran after the boys outside.
“That's your solution? Burn the whole damn place to the ground?” Sam asked incredulously.
“Well, nobody will go in anymore. I mean, look, Mordechai can't haunt a house if there's no house to haunt. It's fast and dirty, but it works,” Dean replied simply.
“Well, add arsonists to our rap sheet,” you said. 
“What if the legend changes again and Mordechai is allowed to leave the house?” questioned Sam.
“Then we'll just have to come back,” Dean shrugged. 
You turned back to the house and watched it burn.
“Kinda makes you wonder. Of all the things we hunted, how many existed just cuz people believed in them,” said Sam. You looked back to him, amazed at how he could be profound in the midst of your situation.
You and the boys made one last pit stop by Harry and Ed’s trailer park before you were planning to head out of town. The two guys in question came over to your picnic table carrying grocery bags.
“I was thinking that Mordechai has a really super high attack bonus,” Ed said. “Man, I got the munchies right now.” He turned to the boys. “Gentlemen. And m’lady.”
You cringed. 
“Should we tell 'em.” Harry could barely contain his gloating.
“Hey, might as well, you know, they're going to read about it in the trades,” Ed smirked.
“So this morning we got a phone call from a very important Hollywood producer.”
“Oh yeah, wrong number?” Dean snorted.
“No, smart-ass. He read all about the Hell House on our website and wants to option the motion picture rights. Maybe even have us write it.”
They put grocery bags into their completely overloaded car. 
“And create the RPG,” Harry added.
“The what?” Dean asked.
“Role playing game,” came Ed’s simple reply. “A little lingo for you. Anyhoo, ah, excuse us, we're off to la-la land.”
“Well, congratulations guys. That sounds really great,” Sam nodded.
“Yeah. That's awesome, best of luck to you,” you said.
“Oh yeah, luck. That has nothing to do with it. It's about talent. Sheer unabashed talent,” Ed grinned. “And you…” he sauntered up to you. “...Call me. You could have a bright future in film.”
You forced a smile at him.
“Later, baby,” he grinned. He got in the car next to his buddy and sped away.
“I have a confession to make,” Sam said as the three of you watched them drive off.
“What's that,” prompted Dean.
“I, uh… I was the one that called them and told them I was a producer.”
You and Dean laughed. “Yeah, well, I'm the one who put the dead fish in their back seat,” the latter snickered.
“And I may have been the one to put the cops on ‘em about the Murdoch house fire. And the fact that they don’t have a license plate on that car. Or on their camper.”
Dean and Sam burst out laughing at you. You joined in with them.
“Truce?” The brunet turned to his brother.
“Yeah, truce,” he answered. “At least for the next hundred miles.”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @stephshaww @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @here-for-the-extravaganza @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @rei0812 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @more-espresso-less-depresso-og @mysticmyth
a lot of my tags are broken which makes me very sad. if you see that i've misspelled your tag, please let me know! and make sure you have my post notifs on so a broken tag doesn't stop you from seeing the next chapter!!
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pokegalla · 8 months
Requested/Traded by @veiled-rebel
I’ve been dying to write for this guy✨
Lucifer pinning for a skittish and wary S/O
* Ok getting his attention in general is a surprise for ANYONE. Even HIM. Honestly for the first half of him liking you is him in heavy denial, thinking he’s finally lost his mind, and making rubber ducks through his five stages of grief. Until finally yes, he realizes the feelings are real the moment he leaves his office to see you again. Oh crap-
* I mean of course he’s gonna try talking to you! He wants to know more about you! Though his first greeting wasn’t too great. He tries to be suave by leaning against a table, winking and saying “Hey bitch✨” but that made you scatter away with a bow of your head to say hello. Shit. Was it something he said?
* He tries to gather a bit more information after that and realizes that you’re ALWAYS that skittish. Had him worried there, he thought he scared you off- oh. Oh never mind. He also heard you were wary of HIM too. But then he realized why. He’s the king of hell. Shit any sinner would be scared shitless if he personally sought them out! Dammit he didn’t even think of that!
* So at wits end….he actually goes to his daughter Charlie to help him out. Man she was EXCITED to help. She and Vaggie personally helped him in what to say then introduced him to you so it would be a little less scary for you. The king himself was still nervous and messed up a few times but he decided to be honest and admit that he’s genuinely interested in you with a soft smile and a rose in his hand. Thaaat had thorns and it cut your finger- you were wanting to leave but Lucifer stopped you and took your hand. That is when you personally saw a rare side of him: A gentle and caring side as he healed your hand.
* You were….speechless really. I mean you never expected such a soft look upon the king of hell’s face! So once he healed your hand, you shyly wrote on a piece and handed it to him before scattering off. Lucifer was disappointed….until he realized you gave him your number.
* You could hear his cheering from hallways away. Such a goofy lil guy. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea….
Mini story time!!!
“Ok. You fucking GOT this. You won them over. You can send them a text. Just be cool….,” He was pacing around his room before finally sitting down to message you.
Oh dammit….! What should he send…? Hi bitch obviously didn’t work to well. Maybe something different? He looked around and spotted something he made earlier. YES! That would be a fun conversation starter! So he took a picture and sent it to you!
You yawn as you go to lay down and notice a message. You gulp and nervously check your messages, “Ok. Calm down….it’s probably nothing bad- ……what the?” He sent you a picture of a…..rubber duck? And it was designed kinda like you! You took a moment to process it. “….that is so fucking adorable-“ So you sent him a heart emoji and said you loved it.
He practically JUMPED to check up on your message before combing through his hair nervously, “They….Like it? THEY LIKE IT! FUCK YEAH!!! OH SHIT-“ He fell back from his chair but happily chuckles as he was too happy to care. Charlie secretly checked in on you two and saw you both smiling.
Shes just glad you two are happy ❤️
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dianawinchester03 · 5 months
Season 1, Episode 17 - Hell House
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Dean is driving down Interstate 35, Y/N is fast asleep in the back seat after beating Sam in rock paper scissors for it, while Sam is fast asleep in the passenger seat with his mouth open. Dean smirks mischievously at the two, taking up an old spoon he found in the car and shoving it in Sams mouth gently.
Then taking a pen from his jacket pocket, and gently shoving it in Y/N's nose. He smiles proudly, flipping open his phone to take a picture of Sam and then one of Y/N. He then turns the radio up that's playing Fire of an Unknown Origin by Blue Oysters Cult. "A FIRE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN TOOK MY BABY AWAY!!" Dean sings along loudly, drumming along to the beat in the steering wheel.
Sam jumps awake along with Y/N, panicking when he feels something foreign in his mouth, spitting the spoon out. "What the fuck!?" Y/N yells, startled when she feels something foreign in her nose, pulling the pen that's stuck in her nose out. Sam wipes his mouth as Y/N rubs her nose.
"Ha-ha, very funny" Sam says dryly as Dean chuckles, laughing hysterically. "Sorry. Not a lot of scenery here in east Texas. Kinda gotta make your own" Dean chuckles. "And my nose has to suffer for your boredom" Y/N scoffs, rubbing her nose. Dean smiles at her through the rearview mirror as she rubs her nose like a puppy. His heart flutters at how cute she looks.
"Man, we're not kids anymore, Dean. We're not gonna start that crap up again" Sam says annoyed. "Start what up?" Dean feigns confusion. "That prank stuff. It's stupid and always escalates" Sam snaps. Y/N chuckles a bit at a memory, "Awww what's the matter, Sammy. You afraid you're gonna get a little Nair in your shampoo again, huh?" Y/N teases her best friend.
Dean laughs hysterically at the memory of a bald soapy hair 13 year old Sam, running out of the bathroom, butt ass naked, screaming in terror like he's in a horror movie after Y/N put Nair in his shampoo because he made cookies and replaced the sugar with salt, then offered it to a innocent Y/N. She's the way with cookies, the way Dean is with pie. You don't mess with her cookies. "Alright. Just remember, you two started it" Sam challenges.
"Oh no no noooo. I am not getting involved in your weird sibling rivalry. I always get caught in the middle of it. No thank you." Y/N protests, shaking her head and crossing her arms over her chest Dean smirks at her through the rearview mirror. "Wuss" He snickers and Y/N glares at him, flipping him off. "Bring it on baldy" Dean chuckles looking at Sam. "Where are we, anyway?" Sam asks him.
"Few hours outside of Richardson" Dean tells him. "Give us the lowdown again" Y/N asks Sam to explain the case they were working. Sam pulls out his file, "Alright, about a month or two ago, this group of kids go poking around this local haunted house-" Sam explains but Dean cuts him off to ask. "Haunted by what?" He asks.
"Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit" Sam responds and Y/N groans. "Just wonderful" She mutters sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Legend goes, it takes girls and strings them up in the rafters. Anyway, this ground of kids see this dead girl hanging in the cellar." Sam continues. "Anybody ID the corpse?" Y/N asks, leaning forward in the backseats between the boys.
"Well, that's the thing. By the time the cops got there, the body was gone. Some cops say the kids were just yanking chains" Sam tells them and their eyebrows shoot up at this. "Maybe the cops are right" Dean suggests. "Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids firsthand accounts. They seem pretty sincere" Sam says. "Where did you read these accounts?" Y/N asks him curiously.
He chuckles lightly, a bit ashamed to answer her question, "Well, I knew we were gonna be passing through Texas to go to Y/N's safehouse. So, uh, last night, I surfed some local...paranormal websites. And I found one" Sam says lowly. Dean smirks as Y/N shakes her head, knowing what this might mean. "And what's it called?" Dean asks his brother. Sam chuckles again before sheepishly answering,
"HellHoundsLair.com". Dean scoffs laughing as Y/N chuckles, "Let me guess, streaming live out of moms basement" She jokes, making both boys erupt loudly with laughter. "Yeah, probably" Sam agrees laughing. "Most of those websites wouldn't know what a ghost was if it hit 'em in the 'persqueeter'" Dean chuckles. "Look, we let our dads take off, which was a mistake, by the way. And now we don't know where the hell they are, so in the meantime, we gotta find ourselves something to hunt" Sam suggests.
"You're right I guess. There's no harm checking this thing out" Y/N shrugs agreeing. Dean sighs, "Alright, so where do we find these kids?" He gives in. "Same place you always find kids in a town like this" Sam says as if it was obvious.
Richardson, Texas
A couple hours later, the trio pulls into the parking lot of the local diner by the name of Rodeo Drive to question the teens from the police report.
Boy 1: "It was the scariest thing I ever saw in my life. I swear to God."
Boy 2: "From the moment we walked in. The walls were painted black"
Boy 1: "Red."
Girl: "I think it was blood"
Boy 1: "All these freaky symbols"
Boy 2: "Crosses and stars, and.."
Boy 1: "Pentagons"
Boy 2: "Pentecostals"
Girl: "Whatever. I had my eyes closed the whole time"
Boy 1: "But I can damn sure tell you this much: No matter what anybody else says-"
Girl: "That poor girl"
Boy 2: "With the black..."
Boy 1: "Blonde.."
Girl: "Red hair, just hanging there"
Boy 1: "Kicking"
Boy 2: "Without even moving"
Girl: "She was real"
Boy 1: "It's 100%"
Boy 2: "And kind of hot...well you know in a dead sort of way"
"Okay!" Y/N exclaims, chuckling a bit awkwardly. Disgusted by the last comment. She and the boys, sitting across from the three teenagers in the diner. "And how did you find out about this place, anyway?" Sam asks them, the trio confused by the inconsistencies in the stories.
"Craig took us" The three teenagers respond in unison as the three hunters share a look.
The three hunters enter the record store after asking where the Craig guy could be found. "Gentlemen and Lady. Can I help you with anything?" A young man working in the store asks them, carrying a box of records to the register. "Yeah, are you Craig Thurston?" Sam asks him.
"I am" The young man confirms. "Well, we're reporters with The Dallas Morning News. I'm Dean, this is Sam and Y/N" Dean lies on spot, covering as reporters. "No way. Yeah, I'm a writer too. I write for my schools lit magazine" Craig chuckles, boasting a bit. "Ahh, well good for your Morrissey" Y/N jokes, Dean snorts at the reference.
"Um, we're doing an article on local hauntings and rumor has it, you might know about one" Sam says casually and Craig's face drops. "You mean the Hell House?" He asks them. "That's the one" Dean says smiling. "I didn't think there was anything to the story" Craig says. "Why don't you tell us the story, hun" Y/N says sweetly. Craig puts the record in his hand down and sighs.
"Well, supposedly back in the 30s, this farmer, Mordechai Murdock, used to live in the house with his six daughters. It was during the Depression, his crops were failing, he didn't have enough money to even feed his own children" Craig explains, sighing. "So I guess that's when he went off the deep end. "How?" Sam asks curiously as Dean checks out the records.
"Well, he figured it was best if his girls died quick, rather than starve to death. So he attacked them." Craig further explains, the three hunters listening intently. "And they screamed, begged for him to stop but....he just strung em up, one after another. And then when it was all finished. He turned around and hung himself" Craig finishes.
"Now they said that his spirit is trapped in the house forever, stringing up any other girl that goes inside" He adds. "And where did you hear all this?" Y/N asks him, cocking her eyebrow. "My cousin Dana told me. I don't know where she heard it from...You gotta realize. I didn't believe this for a second." Craig defends.
"But now you do" Sam says. "I don't know what the hell to think man" Craig responds lowly. "You guys, I'll tell you exactly what I told the police, okay? That girl was real, alright? She was dead. This was not a prank. I swear to God, I don't wanna go anywhere near that house ever again, okay?" He assures them fearfully.
Y/N cocks her eyebrow at his claims. Not fully convinced but she decided to go with it. They share a look before turning back to him, "Thanks" Dean says gratefully and they all leave the store.
Later the boys and Y/N ask around and found the location of, Hell House. Now walking down the path to the abandoned house. "Can't say I blame the kid" Sam says. "Yeah, so much for curb appeal" Dean agrees. Sam and Y/N walk around the side investigating while Dean pulls out his EMF that begins to make some noise.
"You got something?" Y/N asks him. "Yeah, but the EMFs no good" Dean responds, tapping it. "Why?" Sam asks confused. "I think that things still got a little juice in it. It's screwing with all the readings" Dean says, pointing to the power lines. "Yeah, that would do it" Sam says, looking up at it. "Yeah" Y/N sighs and Dean turns to her.
"What about you?" He asks her. "Huh?" She says confused. "You know....your whole ESP thing" He says, pointing to his head and she rolls her eyes. "1, I'm not ESP." She says firmly making him chuckle. "And 2, I actually don't feel anything" She says, crunching her eyebrows.
Knowing normally she feels a heaviness around areas where people have died violently, etc. "Really? No, 'I see dead people'? What about you, Sammy?" He smirks, teasing the two, now turning to his brother who is glaring at him. Y/N shoved him lightly making him laugh loudly. "Come on. Let's go" Y/N ushers the boys towards the house, them following behind.
Dean whistles lowly as they close the door behind them at the state of the house. It was completely trashed, most likely by stupid teenagers. With a bunch of weird symbols all over the room. "Looks like old man Murdock was a bit of a tagger during his time" Dean says, his eyes on the reverse cross painted on the wall.
Y/N notices that some of the symbols are relatively new. "And after his time too" She says, nudging Sam. "The reverse cross has been used by Satanists for centuries" He says pointing to cross. "But this Sigil of Sulfer didn't show up in San Francisco until the 60s" Sam finishes pointing the Sigil.
Dean stares at his brothers blankly, "This is exactly why you never get laid" He deadpans while Sam rolls his eyes, taking a picture of the sigil. "Hey! I get laid" Y/N says defensively. "Yeah, because you're hot. Sam's not" Dean blurts out, shocking the Sam and Y/N, their mouths agape. Only realizing what he said, after it escaped his lips. "You think I'm hot?" Y/N smirks, her tone teasing.
Dean freezes in his tracks as he was walking to the other side of the room. He looks back at the two, Sam with a smug grin on his face, wiggling his eyebrows at his elder brother suggestively, making mock kissy faces in Deans direction. Y/N with her arms crossed over her chest, an amused grin on her face, her back turnt to Sam, so she's oblivious at what Sam's mocking.
Dean clears his throat and gulps. Heat rising to his face. His eyes shifting between his bratty brother and even the brattier women he's in love with. "I- Shut up and work the case!" Dean retorts lamely as the two best friends burst out laughing. Y/N's heart skips a beat at the fact that she's sure now that Dean finds her attractive. Dean then notices a weird looking symbol on the wall, "What about this one. You seen this one before?" Dean asks them, tilting his head a bit to look at the symbol.
The symbol looking somewhat familiar. It was practically an upside down question mark with three lines going out the side of the dot. One on top and two on each sides. Y/N walks next to him and tilts her head also to look at it. "Nope" Sam responds, taking a picture of it. "I have...Somewhere" Dean says in recognition. "Yeah...me too. I don't know where" She agrees.
Y/N then leans forward to touch the symbol, the color of the paint staining her fingers. "It's paint" She informs them, showing them her stained finger. "Seems pretty fresh too" Sam points out. "I don't know, guys" Dean sighs. "I mean, I hate to agree with authority figures of any kind...but the cops might be right on this one" Dean says.
"Yeah, maybe" Y/N agrees. The suddenly, they hear rustling in a nearby room. They share a look before going to the door and pressing up against it on either side, Y/N next to Dean and Sam on the other side. They all nod before bursting in, only to be startled by lights shining in their faces by two guys, Ed and Harry, screaming in fear.
One with a camera and one with a bright studio light. "What the.." Y/N mutters as they all share confused looks on their faces. "Cut. Just a couple of humans" Ed scoffs as Harry switches the camera off. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks the boys annoyed, his eyes settling on Y/N, looking like he's practically in love. "What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asks them, just as annoyed.
Ed clears his throat, his eyes shifting back over to Dean, "We belong here. We're professionals" says cockily, shrugging as if it's obvious. Y/N cocks her eyebrow at this, "Professional what?" She asks them. A smirk rises on Ed's face, "Paranormal investigators" He boasts, pulling out three business, handing it to her. "There you go. Take a look for yourself, gorgeous" He winks at her.
She rolls her eyes, taking the cards from him. Dean glares daggers at Ed, his nostrils flaring. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me" Dean groans as he looks at the business card Y/N handed him and Sam. "Jesus Christ" Y/N groans in annoyance. "Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler. HellHoundsLair.com" Sam looks up as them. "You guys run that website?" Y/N asks them.
"Sure do, gorgeous." He winks at her again and she cringes. "What? Was Venkman and Stantz taken?" She retorts snidely, making them glare at her, a cheeky smile taking over her face. "Oh, yeah, yeah. We're huge fans" Dean says sarcastically, going over to the cabinet, rummaging through it. "And uh, we know who you guys are too" Ed says. "Oh, yeah?" Sam responds as Ed clears his throat cockily.
"Amateurs. Looking for ghosts and cheap thrills. Yeah" He says. The three hunters hold back a laugh at his cocky nature, sharing a look that says 'get a load of this guy'. "So, if you guys don't mind, we're trying to conduct a serious scientific investigation here" Harry finally chimes in. Their amused faces don't falter.
"Yeah? What do you got so far?" Dean asks them snidely. "Harry, why don't you tell them about EMF?" Ed says. Y/N decides to have a little fun with this, "EMF? What's that?" She feigns confusion, scrunching her eyebrows. Dean chuckles lightly at this, shaking his head. "Electromagnetic field" Harry responds smugly.
Turning around to go into his bag to grab his EMF. Sam has a small grin on his face. He and Y/N share an amused look as they begin to explain, "Spectral entities can cause entertainment fluctuations that can be read with an EMF detector. Like this bad boy right here" Harry shows them the EMF that begins going crazy.
"Whoa. Whoa. That's 2.8 MG" Harry points out. Dean and Y/N glance at each other, holding back snickers. "2.8!" Ed exclaims as Dean whistles lowly. "Wow" Sam says in a fake impressed tone. "Huh. So have you guys ever really seen a ghost before or...?" Dean asks them, putting on a curious face as Ed takes the EMF off.
"Once" Ed responds, turning to him. "We were uh investigating this old house..." He begins to explain taking a deep breath. Dean crosses his arms over his chest nodding as if he's shocked. "...and we saw a case fall right off the table" He finishes. "By itself" Harry adds in a low tone, "But we didn't actually see it...but we heard it" Ed explains, Dean looks down shaking his head in disgust.
Sam and Y/N roll their eyes. "And something like that...it changes you" Ed whispers. "Yeah, I think I get the picture" Dean says nodding, walking back to Sam and Y/N. "We should go, let them get back to work" Y/N adds sarcastically. Ed flashes her a wink. "Yeah, you two should go." He says to Sam and Dean. "You could stay, gorgeous" He grins widely at Y/N.
Deans head snaps in his direction, his jaw clenching. A laugh bubbles in Y/N's throat, amused at the fact that Ed thinks he has a shot, "Never gonna happen" She laughs at his lame flirting walking out the door, the boys following behind her. Ed's eyes fall to her hips as we walks away, trailing down. As she walks out, she gets the sense that Ed was staring at her ass, which he was.
"Stop staring at my ass, Venkman!" She shouts, making Sam and Dean laugh. Deans genuinely relieved at the fact that she wasn't into Ed, not that she would be. But the sight of Ed flirting with her just amped up and fueled his jealously.
I need to get laid and get these thoughts out of my head. Dean thinks to himself.
Yeah, sure. Like that's gonna help.
Sam and Y/N walk out of the Colin County Public Library, "Hey" They hail Dean. "Hey, what do you guys got?" He asks them. "Well, we couldn't find a Mordechai, but we did find a Martin Murdock who lived in that house in the 30s" Y/N explains. "He did have children's but only two of them. Both boys. And there's not record he every killed anyone" Sam adds.
"What about you?" She asks Dean. "Well, those kids didn't really give a clear description of that dead girl. I did hit up the police station. No matching missing persons. It's like she never existed" Dean tells them what he found. "Guys, come on. We did our digging. This one's a busy" He says to them.
Y/N sighs, agreeing. "For all we know, those Hellhound dorks made up the whole thing" She says. Sam sighs, "Yeah, alright." Dean says. "I say we find ourselves a bar and some beers and leave the legend for the locals" Dean suggest, giving Y/N a wink before jumping into the Impala. "Amen to that" She laughs, jumping in shotgun.
As they jump in, Sam has a devious smirk on his face. Dean then starts the car, Sam leans down to see their reactions and instantly salsa music starts blurring from the radio and the wipers on the windshield start moving, scaring the crap out of him and Y/N. "WOAH!" Dean yells turning off the wipers. "DAMMIT!" Y/N screams, quickly turning the radio off.
They hear Sam laughing as he jumps in the backseat. He licks his finger, putting up a one and pointing to himself with a smug look on his face and they glare at him. "That's all you got? It's weak" Dean scoffs as Sam laughs, closing the door. "That is bush league dude" Y/N adds as rolls her eyes.
The next day, the boys and I find out that there was a dead girl found this time in the Murdock house. Police are currently taking pictures and reports of the incident as we're walking towards it. "What happened?" Dean asks a man who was at the scene. "Cops say that poor girl hung herself in the house" He tells us.
"Suicide?" I ask him shocked. "Yeah. And she was a straight A student with a full ride to UT too. It just don't make sense" He says sadly before walking away. "What do you guys think?" Sam asks us as they're wheeling the body out. Dean turns and looks at us, "I think maybe we missed something" He says.
Later that night, the three of us are crouched behind a bush, waiting for the police to leave so we can go investigate again. But they haven't left yet which is strange. "I guess the cops don't want anymore kids screwing around in there" Sam huffs. "Yeah, but we still gotta get in there" Dean says. I then hear some whisper not too far from us.
I turn my head to see Ed and Harry with their geek equipment, trudging through the woods. "I don't believe it" I groan, rolling my eyes. Sam and Dean turn their heads also. "Those idiots are gonna get themselves killed" Sam grumbles. "I got an idea" Dean says, getting up slowly, he cups his hand to his mouth and yells loudly.
"Who you gonna call?!" I bite back a laugh at his Ghostbusters reference. "Hey, you!" A police officer spots Ed and Harry. They panic when they see the officers, "Freeze!" The officer yell, running after them. They begin running away, their equipment partially slowing them down. "Get back here!" They yell at them.
"Come on, don't leave me here!" I hear Ed plead with Harry who's running quicker than him. They boys and I take the clearing to run into the house quickly through the backdoor without them noticing, we shut the door behind us. Sam drops the bag, taking out three rocksalt shotguns, handing one each to me and Dean.
We cock our guns as I shine my flashlight around the house. The light lands on the symbol and I try to remember where I've seen it. "Where have I seen that symbol before." I grumble as I point my flashlight to it. "I know right, it's killing me!" He exclaims. "Come on, we don't have much time" Sam says to us.
We nod and move towards the next room. Walking down into the basement, Dean goes up to a shelf that has a bunch of jars with a weird looking red liquid inside as Sam and I check out the other side. Picking it up, he smirks, "Hey guys, I dare each of you to take a swig of this" Dean says to us, we look at him like he's crazy. "What the hell would we do that for?" Sam cocks his eyebrow.
"I double dare you" He smiles, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I give him a blank stare and shake my head. We then hear creaking by a nearby cabinet, giving each other a look. Me and Dean cock our guns at the door as Sam moves next to it, on the count of three. He quickly opens it and some rats run out squealing.
I grimace as Sam laughs and Dean shudders in disgust, "Ugh. I hate rats" He groans. "You'd rather it was a ghost?" I ask him chuckling. "Yes" He says and I shake my head smiling. Then suddenly I feel the familiar chill run up the back of my neck and I turn my head quickly to see the shadow of a man in a cowboy hat, his wrists slit, holding an axe, ready to chop me.
"Fellas!" I scream, ducking before he can chop me and the boys spin around in an instant, shooting him but he doesn't budge. Disapparating into a black smoke "What the hell kind of spirit is immune to rocksalt?!" Sam yells. "I don't know" Me and Dean respond. "Come on, come on, come on" I grab them to run out of the room.
But the spirit destroyed the shelf of jars and it topples onto me and Dean, throwing us to the ground. The spirit tries to hit Sam but he breaks with his shot gun, "Go! Get out of here!" He yells at me and Dean. Then kicking Murdock in his stomach, we all run up the stairs and bolt for the front door that was board up.
We all crash our bodies through it, breaking it on impact, we fall off the porch and through the police tape. When we get up, we see Ed and Harry with their cameras, "Get that damn thing out of my face!" I yell at them angrily, shoving Ed roughly. "Go, go, go!" Sam shouts. "Get out of here!" Dean shouts at them warningly as we make a break for the Impala.
After fleeing for our lives, we are back at the motel. The next morning after getting some rest, Dean is on his bed with his sketch pad, doodling, while Sam and I are at the table doing research. "What the hell is this symbol. It's bugging the hell out of me" Dean says frustrated. "This whole damn jobs bugging me" I agree with him, shaking my head, already fed up.
"Tell me about it, I thought the legend said that Mordechai only goes after chicks." He says. "It does" Sam says. Dean nods, twirling his pen in his finger. "Alright, I mean that explains why he went after you and Y/N. But why me?" Dean mutters, scratching his head. I snort a bit at his burn and Sam's eyes snap over to Dean, glaring at him.
"Hilarious" Sam deadpans. "The legend also says he hung himself. But did you guys see those slit wrists?" I ask them. "Yeah" Dean responds. "What's up with that? And the axe too" Sam points out. "Ghosts are usually pretty strict. Following the patterns over and over" I add as I scroll on the HellHounds website.
"But this mook keeps changing" Dean says. "Exactly" Sam sighs, handing me the book he was reading. I take it from him and hand him the laptop. He then begins scrolling on the website as he rubs his eyes from exhaustion. "Im telling you. The way the story goes...wait a minute" Sam goes to say but pauses, turning the laptop to me as he's found something.
"What?" Dean asks him from his bed. My eyes cork up as I quickly read the new post. "Someone added a new posting to the hellhound website" I tell Dean. "Listen to this: 'They say Mordechai Murdock was really a satanist who chopped up his victims with an axe before spitting his own wrists. Now he's imprisoned in a house for eternity" Sam reads the article out loud.
"Where the hell is this going?" I mutter. "I have no idea" Sam mutters back. "I don't know. But I think I might have just figured out where it all started" Dean says, pointing to his doodle of the symbol. He gives us a smug smile before getting up and grabbing his jacket.
We all enter the record shop we were at earlier after Dean explained to us what he figured out. I gotta give it to him, he's smarter than he makes himself out to be. "Hey Craig, you remember us?" Dean calls out to Craig as we enter. From his body language alone I could tell he was annoyed. "Guys, look. I'm really not in the mood to answer any more of your questions, okay?" He says exasperated.
"Oh don't worry, hun. We're just here to buy an album, that's all" I tell him and he sighs relieved turning back. I give Dean a look and he smiles at me as I shuffle through the records and hand him the Blue Oyster Cult album. "You know, I couldn't figure out what that symbol was. And then I realized it doesn't mean anything" Dean says with a smug tone as we walk towards Craig.
"It's the logo for Blue Oyster Cult" Dean calls him out on his bullshit. Craig freezes, instantly giving himself away. "So tell me Craig, you into BOC or just scaring the hell out of people" I narrow my eyes at him and Dean hands him the album which he takes. "Now why don't you tell us about that house. Without lying through your ass this time" I say in a snarky tone.
I could see a smirk rise on Deans face at the corner of my eyes as Craig sighs heavily. Panicking. "Alright. I- My cousin Dana was on break from TCU. I guess we were just bored, looking for something to do. So I showed her this abandoned dump I found. We thought it would be funny if we made it look like it was haunted. So we painted symbols on the walls. Some from some albums. Some from some of Dana's theology textbooks." He begins to explains.
"Then we found out this guy, Murdock, used to live there. So we-" He pauses, taking a deep breath. "So we, made up some story to go along with that. So they told people who told other people. And then these two guys put it on their stupid website" He adds rolling his eyes as we listen intently. "Everything just...took on a life of its own. I mean. I thought it was funny at first, but...now that girls dead" He says, absolutely horrified.
I sympathize with him because he's a stupid kid that didn't know any better and was just looking for a kick. They don't know about what's out there but at the same time. It created a mess. "It was just a jokes. You know, I mean, none of it was real. We made the whole thing up. I swear" He stresses, tears forming in his eyes.
The boys and I nod understandably as he sniffles back his tears, "Alright. Thanks" I say to him calmly, offering him a small smile which he returns lightly. The boys and I turn to walk off, "If none of it was real, how the hell do you explain Mordechai?" Dean questions as he walk out. Me and Sam sigh, shrugging. Absolutely stumped.
Later, me and Sam are at the motel room while he's taking a shower, I'm by the window smoking a cigarette, waiting for him to finish so I can shower. Dean walks in and throws his keys on the table, a mischievous look on his face. "Hey Princess" He smiles at me, closing the door behind him. "Hey charming..." I cock my eyebrow suspiciously as he pulls out a little familiar looking baggy.
His head pans over to me slowly, before bringing a finger to his lips, "Shhh" He shushes me with a smirk on his face. I shake my head as I take I drag from my cigarette, chuckling lightly. "Hey I'm back!" Dean announces his arrival to Sam as he rips the bag open. "Hey! Where were you?" Sam asks him from the shower.
"Oh I went out!" Dean responds as he throws the itching powder all over Sam's pants and boxers. "Seriously dude. Itching powder?" I grumble at him, dusting my ash into the ashtray. He just winks at me. "Game on, sweetheart" He whispers back, a smirk on his face, blowing me a kiss. I roll my eyes chuckling. "So me and Y/N may have a theory about what's going on!" Sam says from the shower.
"Oh yeah?" Dean questions, still throwing the powder on Sams clothes. ""Yeah, what if Mordechai is a Tulpa?" I suggest. "Tulpa?" Dean questions. Sam then opens the door, walking out from the shower as Dean quickly hides the powder in his powder. "Yeah, a Tibetan thought form" Sam says as he walks out of the shower, naked from the waist up, a towel around his waist.
Dean scratches his head, trying to mask his mischievous actions. I shake my head, holding back a snicker as I crush my cigarette in the tray. "Yeah, no, I know what a tulpa is...Hey, why don't you get dressed. Me and Y/N can go grab something to eat" Dean says quickly, pulling me by my hand before I can protest.
He grabs my leather jacket before giving Sam a cheeky smile, closing the door behind us. "He's gonna kill you" I snicker as he helps me put my jacket on, pulling my hair out from behind it. He smiles at me, flashing me a wink. "Wait till you see what I got in store for later" He brags, I just roll my eyes chuckling. "Boys" I scoff.
Third Person POV
They're all now at a diner in town, "There you go, love" The kind man at the counter hands Y/N and Dean their trays of food. "Thank you" She says sweetly, taking her tray as Dean takes his. Y/N turns around as they're walking to a table to see Sam itching away at his pants. Y/N and Dean share a look of amusement as she bites back a snicker at this. "Dude, what's your problem?" Dean asks Sam feigning confusion.
"Nothing, I'm fine" Sam tries to brush it off, still itching. "Yeah?" Y/N asks him innocently. "Yeah" He assures them. "Alright? So uh, keep going. What about these tulpas?" Dean asks me as they take a seat at the table. Sam rests his bag down as he takes a seat. "Okay, so there was this incident in Tibet in 1915. A group of monks visualize a golem in their heads. They meditate on it so hard, they bring the thing to life" Y/N explains while she pops the lid off of her coffee and stirs it up, taking a sip.
"Out of thin air" Sam adds. "So?" Dean questions, taking a sip of his coffee. "That was 20 monks. Imagine what 10,000 web surfers could do" Sam says, pulling his laptop out of the bag. "I mean, Craig starts the story about Mordechai, then it spreads, goes online. Now there are countless people, all believing in the bastard." He says, typing on his laptop.
Sam cringes in discomfort, still scratching his legs. "Okay, wait wait wait. So you're trying to tell me that just because people believe in Mordechai, he's real?" Dean cocks his eyebrow. Y/N and Sam shrug. "I don't know, maybe?" Sam says, typing on his laptop, grimacing from the itching. She bites back a smirk as she eat her fries at his discomfort.
'I feel a bit bad for the kid but I'm not saying anything because I'm not trying to be pulled into this.' Y/N thinks to herself.
"People believe in Santa Claus. How come I'm not getting hooked up every Christmas?" Dean says sarcastically. "Because I'm pretty sure you're the first name on Santas naughty list" She shoots back with a cheeky smile. Dean glares at her a bit but a slight smirk rises on his lips.
"I'll show you who's on the naughty list" He whispers to her lowly in a husky tone so Sam wouldn't hear. But he damn well heard, rolling his eyes at their stomach churning flirting, he's too irritated by the itching in his pants to care. A blush rises on Y/N's face but she covers it up with a stunned look. She then raises her foot, kicking his shin below the table with her boot.
Dean huffs a "Ow" as she shoots him a warning look. Dean snickers at her reaction, pleased. "Don't test me, Winchester" She flirts back, matching his tone. Deans smirk grows wider. He seems pleased with her response, she takes notice of the way his chest heaves.
'The things I would do to this breathtaking women. Son of a bitch.'
Dean thinks to himself as he pulls his lower lip in between his teeth, causing her stomach to flutter, a familiar heat rising in her southern region.
'Fuck, what I would do just to get a taste of his lips. Oh god, not now. Seriously y/n? The dudes biting his lip and you're turnt on? Get a grip girl! Thirsty ass bitch.'
Y/N practically mentally reprimands herself for feeling so flustered by Dean.
'Hey God? It's Sam again. Please, I'm begging you. Just make these too lovesick puppies fuck already for Christ's sake.'
Sam internally groans.
"Here, look at this" Sams voice breaks us out of our heated gaze. "Hmm?" We both say innocently as Dean clears his throat, Sam then turns the laptop to us, showing us a picture of the symbol we found. "That's a Tibetan spirit sigil. On the wall of the house" Sam says. "Craig said they were painting symbols from a Theology textbook. We're thinking they painted this, not even knowing what it was" Sam explains to Dean, cringing from the itching again.
So I decide to take over. Dean bites back a smirk when he realizes the itching is getting worse. "What Sam's saying, That sigil has been used for centuries. Concentrating meditative thoughts like a magnifying glass. So people are on the Helldweebs website, staring at the symbol, thinking about Mordechai" I add as Dean nods. "I mean, we don't know, but it might be enough to bring a tulpa to life" I say, taking a bite of my sandwich.
"It would explain why it keeps changing" Dean agrees, taking a sip of his coffee as Sam continues to scratch his legs. "Right. As the legend changes, people think different things, so Mordechai himself changes. Like a game of Telephone. That would also explain why the rock salt didn't work" Sam says, pointing to the laptop with one hand, grimacing as he itches.
"Yeah, because he's not a traditional spirit, per se" Dean says. "Yeah" Sam huffs, cringing still itching. "Okay, so why didn't we just uhh... get this spirit signal thingy off the wall and the website?" Dean suggests and I shake my head as I wipe my mouth. "It's not that simple. You see, once tulpas are created, they take on a life of their own" I say. Dean sighs, wiping his nose.
"Great. Alright, so if he really is a Thought-form. How the hell are we supposed to kill an idea?" Dean asks a bit frustrated. "Well it's not gonna be easy with these guys helping us" Sam says, me and Dean roll our eyes at the thought. "Check out their home page" Sam turns the laptop and pulls up the helldorks page to the video they posted of Mordechai. "Holy shit" I gasp in shock as I look at the views.
"Yep. Since they posted the video, the number of hits have quadrupled in the last day alone" Sam stresses, nodding at my reaction. "Huh. I got an idea. Come on. You done?" Dean asks me quickly. "Yeah, I'm finished. Where are we going?" I tell him, gesturing to my empty tray as we pick up our coffees and Sam closes his laptop.
"We need to find a copy store" Dean tells us. Sam gets up, still itching his legs. Shakily putting his laptop into his bag. "Man, I think I'm allergic to our soap or something" He groans. I can't hold in my amusement anymore so me and Dean begin laughing hysterically at this. "You two did this?" Sam asks us shocked. I shake my head and point at Dean with my thumb.
"It was all him" I snort as Dean continues walking away laughing. "You're a frigging jerk!" Sam shouts at Dean who's still laughing. "Oh yeah!" Dean retorts back chuckling.
The boys and I pull up in the trailer park, near Ed and Harrys trailer. "Gosh, can they get anymore geeky" I cringe as I step out of the Impala. "You guys ready?" Dean asks us. "Like Freddy" Sam nods with a smirk. "Let's punk some dorks" I snort. I knock harshly on the door, I'm pretty sure I heard someone squeak. "Who is it?" Harry asks fearfully. The boys snicker at his reaction, "Come on out here guys. We hear you in there!" Dean bellows.
The two open the door and I snort when I see the shelf behind them. "Oh look at that. Action figures in their original packaging. What a shock" I say sarcastically as Dean snickers. I notice Ed biting his lips as he looks at me and I cringe. "Guys, we need to talk" Sam says. "Yeah, um, sorry guys. We're a bit busy right now" Ed says smoothly as they step out of their trailer.
Busy my ass. I roll my eyes, "Yeah, well, we'll make it quick. We need you to shut down your website" Dean says plainly with a fake smile which Ed finds funny for some reason. "Man, you know, these guys get us busted last night. We spend the night in a holding cell" Ed laughs while Harry looks annoyed. "I had to pee in that cell, in-front of people. And I get stage fright" Harry complains. "Why should we trust you?" Ed narrows his eyes at us.
"Look guys, we all know what we saw last night. What in that house. But now that's to your website, there are thousands of people hearing about Mordechai" Sam says. "That's right, which means people are gonna keep showing up at the Hell House, running into him in person. Somebody could get hurt" Dean warns them. "Yeah?" Ed smirks. "Ed, maybe they've got a point" Harry interjects.
"No" Ed shakes his head. "Nope" Harry suddenly says. Jesus, Harry's practically this dudes Yes Man. "Okay, we have an obligation to our fans, to the truth" Ed says cockily. I chuckle annoyed at this, "Well I have an obligation to kick both your asses right now-" I snap angrily, fearful looks taking over both their faces but Sam and Dean cut me off.
"Y/N/N, hey. Just forget it, alright?" Sam says calmly. "These guys. You could probably bitch slap them both" Dean adds, making the two idiots chuckle arrogantly. I narrow my eyes at them. "I could probably even tell them that thing about Mordechai..." Sam adds suggestively, Ed and Harry becomes a bit intrigued by this. "But....they're still not gonna help us" Sam sighs.
"Let's just go Princess" Dean says, giving me a knowing look. I get where they're getting at and nod. Putting the plan into action. "Yeah you two are right" I sigh and we begin walking off. The two following behind us like lost puppies. "Woah woah woah. Wait wait" "Hold on a second here" Harry and Ed stutter in unison.
"Yeah, what thing about Mordechai, you guys?" Harry asks us as we walk away, a slight smirk on my face. "Don't tell them, Sam" I say lowly, staying in character. "But if they agree to shut the website down, guys" Sam fake protests. "They're not gonna do it! You said so yourself" Dean denies as we continue walking, the two following behind us. "No, wait wait! Don't listen to them, okay? We'll do it" Ed finally agrees.
We all share a amused look before turning around to them. "It's a secret, Sam" Dean adds, fueling the act. Sam sighs, "Look, it's a pretty big deal, alright? And it wasn't easy to dig up" Sam says. "So only if we have your word you'll shut everything down" I add, pointing at them firmly. "Totally" Ed smirks at me, his eyes scanning me up and down. I cringe at this.
"And wipe that look off your face, not even an ocean could quench your thirst dude" I snap at him and he looks down guilty. "Yes ma'am" He salutes, causing me to roll my eyes. "Alright" Sam says, pulling a paper out of his pocket. "It's a death certificate from the 30s. We got it at the library" Sam begins to feed them the fake story as Dean hands them the paper we printed at the copy shop.
"Now according to the coroner, the actual cause of death was a self inflicted gunshot wound" Sam tells them as they look at the paper, then up at us. "That's right, he didn't hang or cut himself" Dean says. "He shit himself?" Ed asks us, shocked. "Yep. With a .45 pistol. To this day, they say he's terrified of them" I respond nodding.
"As a matter of face, they say if you shoot him with a .45, loaded with these special wrought iron rounds. You'd kill the son of a bitch" Dean adds. The two look at each other in glee. Harry then runs to the trailer. Presumably to post the story. "Thanks gorgeous" Ed winks at me. I scoff as he runs behind Harry. "Harry. Slow your roll, buddy. They're gonna know we're excited" He calls out to Harry lowly.
I notice Deans jaw clench whenever Ed flirts with me. "Dorks" I snort as we walk back to the Impala. "I think one of those dorks has a thing for you, sweetheart" Dean snickers, his jaw still clenching. I roll my eyes as Sam laughs at this. "Please, y/n/n's standards aren't THAT low" He snorts. I shove him lightly as Dean laughs. "I hate you two" I grumble chuckling, causing Sam to laugh more.
Due to Deans never ending hunger, we're now again at a diner. Sam on my laptop searching the website, while I'm reading a book about tulpas. I'm next to Dean while Sam is on the opposite side of the booth. Dean, being the man child he is, is currently playing with a string machine that's next to up on the wall.
Where when you pull the string, a man plastic man with a fish in his hand, starts laughing. This has been going on for about five minutes and it's getting annoying. Sam pulls the string, stopping it while we both glare at Dean. "If you pull that string one more time, I'm gonna kill you" He deadpans. Dean stares at him blankly. I look back down at my book and pulls the string again, making it laugh.
My head snaps up so instantly raise my foot and kick him in the shin under the table with my boot. "Ow!" He exclaims, a smile on his face. Sam pulls the string to stop it, glaring at Dean who chuckles at the both of us. A cheeky smile on his face. "Come on, guys. You need more laughter in your lives. You know? You're way to tense" Dean chuckles as Sam sips his beer, annoyed.
"I'm fine, thank you" I grumble. "Yeah, sure you are" Dean snorts, making me glare at him.
"Did they post it yet?" I ask Sam, who then turns the laptop with the article to me and Dean, picking up his fork and stabbing his pancake. "We learned from reputable sources that Mordechai Murdock has a fatal fear of firearms." Dean reads off of the site as Sam nods.
"Alright. So how long do we wait?" I ask them as Sam chews his pancake. He shrugs, shutting the laptop. "Long enough for the new story to spread and the legend to change" Sam suggests, picking up his beer in a toasting manner, "I figure by nightfall, iron rounds would work on the sucker" He smirks, me and Dean pick up our beers and cheers with him. "Sweet" "Hallelujah" Me and Dean say in unison, picking up our beers and gulping them down.
When I go to rest it down I realize it's stuck to my hand, my face contorts to confusion until I see Sam with a smirk on his face, bursting into a fit of laughter, clapping because Dean couldn't put his down either. I clench my jaw in annoyance, "You didn't" Dean says. "Ohhh, I did" Sam laughs, holding up the super glue. I groan, "Dammit man, I didn't do you anything. Why did I get superglued!?" I exclaim. Sam laughs shaking his head
"You saw him throw that itching powder in my clothes and kept your trap shut, you're in this whether you like it or not crackhead" He smirks, sipping his beer. I narrow my eyes at him, "Oh, you're on dipshit" I challenge him, glaring at him. He laughs, pulling the string on the machine, as it blurs out it's annoying ass sound, laughing along with it as Dean and I try to get the bottles off our hands.
After practically having to pry our hands off of the beer bottles Sam glued ours to. We stole that weird ass noise making machine that Dean loved playing with at the diner and turned it on outside in the woods for the cops to go looking for the noise, stalling a bit so we can run in, kill Mordechai and shag ass out of town.
The boys and I creep into the Hell House, shining our lights and aiming our guns around after bursting open the door. "I barely have an skin left on my palm" Dean complains. "Quit whining, you started this stupid prank war" I grumble back at him. "I ain't touching that line with a 10-foot pole" Sam retorts as we move into the other room. Scanning it, Dean then kicks the door to the basement down, we all file in carefully.
"Well, you think old Mordechai's home?" Dean asks us. I shrug. "I don't know" Sam responds. "Me either" A voice behind us says, scaring the tartar sauce out of me. We all quickly turn around, aiming our guns in the direction just for it to be those Hell Dorks with their stupid equipment on. "WOAH WOAH!" They both scream, putting their hands up in surrender.
We draw back our guns, "What the hell are you two dumbasses trying to do!? Are you trying to get yourselves killed!?" I yell at them angrily like a disappointed mother. "We're just trying to get a book and movie deal, okay?" Ed says shakily. Then suddenly the sounds of an axe sharpening comes from the door behind us and we all aim our guns at it
"Oh, crap" Harry mutters. "Uh, guys, you wanna...You wanna go open that door for us?" Ed asks us fearfully from behind us, gulping. "Why don't you?" Dean retorts, absolutely fed up. The door unlocking alone scares them and then, Mordechai comes bursting through the door yelling. The boys and I empty our clips into the bastard who screams in pain and disapparates into a black smoke.
Dean nods at us, giving us a look. We return the nod, "Sam, upstairs, I'll take the rooms, Y/N, stay with dumbledorks" Dean orders as they begin the check the rest of the room. "Oh, god. He's gone, he's gone" Ed gasps in shock. "Did you get him?" Harry asks him. "Yeah, they got him" Ed responds, still frightened. "No, on camera. Did you get him on camera?" Harry asks him shakily. Ed begins to fidget with the camera.
"Well, I...uh..." He tries to look but Harry grabs the camera. "Let me see it, let me see it" That's when Mordechai appears and knocks the camera out of Harry's hand. "Fuck!" I yell startled, ducking when he tries to chop me, disappearing into a black smoke again. They boys enter back the room, "Mordechais still kicking fellas" I inform them.. "Didnt you guys post that bullshit story we gave you?!" He bellows at Ed and Harry.
"Of course we did" Ed says. "Yeah but then our serves crashed" Harry adds and I roll my eyes annoyed. "So it didn't take?!" I ask him. "Uhhhh-" They stutter. "So these- These guns don't work?" Dean asks. "Yeah" Ed answers guiltily, I angrily toss my gun aside. "Great, just great" Dean mutters sarcastically.
"Fellas? Any ideas?" I ask them a bit panicked, they both give an 'I don't know' expression. "We are getting out of here" Harry says, rushing off but Ed is stuck in place. He runs back and grabs Ed. "Come on, Ed" He drags him out in a hurry. Then we hear Ed and Harry screaming. "Jesus, he's gonna kill them" I mutter, Sam goes to play hero.
Running in to save them. "Let's torch this sucker" Dean suggesst, "Yeah, fire always works" I agree nodding, we rush into the kitchen to get lighter fluid, dousing the ground it in. "Dean! Y/N!" We hear Sam yell. I grab an old can of bug spray and a lighter. "Hey!" I yell at Mordechai who has Sam up on the wall with his axe, choking him.
Igniting the lighter with the bug spray. "Go! Go!" I yell at Sam who breaks out of Mordechais hold. "Come on" I help him up, grabbing him to run over to Dean. "Look, if Mordechai can't leave the house and we can't kill him" I say quickly. "We improvise" Dean adds. He then lights the lighter and throws it where we doused the place in lighter fluid.
The whole room sets aflame. Sam looks baffled but we all run out of the house and into the bushes as the whole house sets on fire. "That's your solution? Burn the whole damn place to the ground?" Sam asks us. "Well no one will go in anymore" Dean defends "I mean, look. Mordechai can't haunt a house if there's no house to haunt" I say. "It's fast and dirty but it works" Dean adds. "What if the legend changes again and Mordechai is allowed to leave the house?" Sam says baffled.
I pause. Why the fuck did I not think of that? "Well, then we'll just have to come back" Dean shrugs. Sam looks at us in disbelief, breathing heavily, "Kind of makes you wonder, out of all the things we've hunted. How many of those things existed just because people believed in them" Sam wonders out loud and I can't help but agree with him as we watch the house burn.
The next evening, the boys and I are hanging out on a picnic table at the trailer park as Ed and Harry walk out towards their car that's attached to their trailer, holding grocery bags. "I was thinking that Mordechai had a really super high attack bonus" Ed says to Harry. "Dude, I got the munchies right now" Harry snickers.
"Gentleman and gorgeous" Ed greets us, a wide smile on his face. "Hey guys" Sam responds back. "Should we tell them?" Harry asks Ed. "Eh, might as well. They're gonna read about it in the trades" Ed says boastfully. Me and Sam share an amused look as they begin to brag. "So, this morning we got a phone call from some important Hollywood producers" Harry brags as we follow behind them.
"Oh yeah, wrong number?" Dean retorts with a snort. "No smartass" Ed glares at him. "He read all about the Hell House on our website and what a to option the motion picture rights. Maybe even have us write it" He says boastfully as he puts the bags in their car. "And create the RPG" Harry adds.
"The what?" Dean cocks his eyebrow in confusion as me and Sam bite back laughs. "Role playing game" Ed says as if it's obvious. "Right" Dean says, still confused. "Just a little lingo for you. Anywho, excuse us, we're off to La-La Land" Ed smirks, his eyes panning over to me.
"Well, congratulations guys. That sounds really great" Sam says sarcastically. "Yeah, that's awesome. Best of luck" Dean adds, snickering. A smug look takes over Eds face. "Oh yeah, luck. It's got nothing to do with it. It's about talent. You know, sheer, unabashed talent" He says as Harry nods proudly.
Ed then bites his lip and I roll my eyes, bracing myself. "You're welcome to jo-" He goes to flirt again. "I'd rather eat my own filth, Venkman" I snap back, narrowing my eyes at him. He shrugs nonchalantly, "Your loss, gorgeous. Later" He winks at me before giving us a peace sign, jumping into their car. Cocky bastard.
I scoff at this, not feeling bad whatsoever for setting them up. We watch as they drive off. The boys and I share an amused look as Dean mutters "Wow", while we walk back to the car. "We have a confession to make" Sam breaks, holding back his laugh. "What's that?" dean asks us, looking down smiling.
"We uh- we're the ones that called them and told them we were producers" I admit. Me and Sam chuckle as Dean looks at us shocked. Turning back to look at their car, bursting into hysterics. "Well, I'm the one who out the dead fish in their back seat" Dean confesses. I laugh loudly along with the boys. "I knew I smelt something!" I laugh as Dean grins proudly.
"Truce?" Sam ask Dean. "Yeah, truce. At least for the next hundred miles." Dean says, getting into the Impala along with Sam. "Don't worry, Princess. We won't drag you into it this time" Dean assured me, starting the car as I'm still outside. Too late for that, darling. I take a step back from the car and then BOOM!
The second the ignition starts, flour explodes inside of the Impala. Coating them all over, inside of Baby. They both cough, glaring at each other angrily. "You said truce!" Dean growls at Sam. "I didn't do this!" Sam exclaims. Their gazes snap over to me as I laugh hysterically, bending over, clutching my stomach. I pull out the flour bag from my jacket and wave it in the air victoriously.
"You didn't!" Sam exclaims. "Ohhh, I did" I mock his words from earlier when he stuck our hands to the beer bottles. Jumping in the back seat, “Victory is mine!” I claim proudly, grinning at them. "This is gonna take me forever to clean dude!" Dean groans in annoyance. "Maybe next time don't drag me into it" I shrug innocently, smirking as the boys glare at me.
This makes me laugh even more. “Awwww, turn those frowns upside down fellas. At least for the next 100 miles at least" I tease them, leaning over to fix Deans frown with my fingers. I notice he holds back a laugh, Sam shakes his head in amusement.
Authors Note: Hiiiii, sorry this one took be a bit longer. I went on a trip recently so I’ve been pretty busy but I hope you guys enjoyed this one. This chapter is unedited but I do plan on coming back and editing it so just ignore any mistakes. Just a little insider, Y/N’s flour prank was symbolic to Sam’s cookie prank when they were 13. Let’s just say, she’s still salty about that one LOL. Make sure to leave your honest comments and thoughts, I look forward to them, love y’all😘
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lvlyhao · 11 months
『when he's on tour / MARK LEE』
A/N: thoughts on how mark would be as bf when he's away on tour :(
gifs used in this are not mine and they will be removed if requested!!
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼: fluff (♡), comedy (☼)
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: i swear a bit maybe???
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © lvlyhao 2023.
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mark is usually pretty clingy with you already, but he turns it up to the max before a tour
being away from you like that is one of the parts about his job he hates the most, and yeah, he knew what he was signing up for since the beginning
but he can’t help but be heartbroken about it every. single. time
the other members know him well enough to give like a 2 weeks notice for him to get his shit together and spend as much time with you as humanly possible??
cus otherwise, he’ll get caught up in rehearsals, schedules and whatever else and then the day before they leave be like
“oh shit”
and if that’s the case we all know mark is gonna be miserable during the whole thing right lmao
yeah mom taeyong isn’t letting that happen
mark normally sees the time before a tour as an opportunity to check off a LOT of things from your couples bucket list
like, do you have any tv shows you’ve been meaning to watch together? you’re binging it today
you wanted to visit that coffee shop right? get your coat, you’re going rn
you wanted to buy matching bracelets yeah? he’s already got them
and it’s just a very fun, loving time for the both of you
it keeps you busy enough not to spiral about what it’s gonna be like not seeing each other for months
of course, it doesn’t work 100% of the time
especially at night, when mark’s about to fall asleep, the loneliness of not having you around starts to seep in
and it’s like he says goodbye to you in his head before it happens irl
which is 1. sad as heck??? and 2. kinda suffering through it twice, cus he always thinks he’s gonna be more “well prepared” for it this time, and that’s never true
by now it’s probably pretty obvious touring is a very dramatic experience for him right lmao
johnny’s always like “bro it’s just a couple months you’re gonna be f i n e” but for mark it’s,,, not that simple
he’d rather say bye when it’s just the two of you, maybe at your place or somewhere nice
it feels a lot calmer when it’s like that, cus then it’s tight hugs, some kisses and mark saying he promises he’ll text you every day and call you as much as he can
and yeah maybe one of you lets a tear or two fall down but it’s fine
if you go with them to the airport
it’s gonna be so much more chaotic like holy crap, trust me, not going is the better option
if for some unknown reason you’re like “no i’ll go with you to catch the plane and we’ll say bye there”
there’s gonna be a lot more crying involved
cus it’s one thing hugging you bye when his flight’s in 6 hours or so, but it’s a whole other thing when everyone’s already boarding and some other member is trying very hard to be gentle but he has to go NOW
it’s all so rushed he can barely even tell you he loves you :(
mainly bc he wanted to keep hugging you until he absolutely had to let you go
oh well
mark is 10000% the type to ask you to put together a playlist for him to listen to during the trip
he can be a bit of an airhead at times but he does his best to keep you updated on how he’s doing, where he is right now, things of the sort
so he tries to text you the moment the plane lands, when they get to the hotel, when he’s eaten
and it’s not even just texts
it’s a cute candid selfie AND a text
mark is definitely not the best photographer in nct
but he will try so hard to take good pictures for you
cus all he wants is for you to feel like you’re there with him, seeing all those cool places
having said that, most pictures do turn out to be crappy
but he’s willing to ask for help from another member so it’s all good lmao
(i’m looking at johnny, jaemin or tyong tbh)
sends you a picture of every single dog or cat he sees
absolutely every single one
keeps a clock in your timezone in his phone so he knows the best times to text/call
speaking of calling
i’m sorry to tell you you’re not getting a one on one facetime session with him
it’s just not happening
like it may last 5 minutes tops, but that’s the time it takes for someone to hear your voice/barge into his room and immediately ask to talk to you
haechan, johnny, yukhei and baek do that a lot
but normally the other members follow lmao
it’s 50% to annoy him but 50% bc they genuinely wanna see you
it doesn’t bother you too much cus you know
they’re cute or whatever
he’s not really the type to get small trinkets from every place he goes to bc that’s just ??so much??
instead, he’ll probably get you one really nice gift
like this huge plushie he had to carry around himself on their way back home bc no one had enough space in their bags for it
or a new perfume he thinks you’ll like
i love him your honour
one last thing bc this is already way too long
mark is the KING of backstage pictures and TMI's about the other members
like at this point you have enough blackmail material to torture them for 6 months minimum
and tbh it’s mainly haechan when he’s with dream/127 and jongin with superm lol
but he keeps it varied
you end up with even some derpy jaehyun pics, best case scenario
he’s already making plans on how you are gonna celebrate him being back home
…and it most likely includes building a pillow fort and watching marvel movies but i didn’t tell you that
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pyssball · 18 days
spoiled pink pt.1 .ᐟ jenson button
a/n: holy crap chat it's been a sec, school started back up and i've been STRESSING tryna get these chapters done and keep up with school 😭 yes i did decide to include david, however he is just a father figure/friend to chloe, kinda like seb and michael vibes. pt. 2 will be up as soon as possilble ! 👍🏻
word count: 1.1k
no warnings for this chapter 💌
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February 25, 2023 (2:26 p.m.)
The early morning mist hovered over Loch Ness, adding an ethereal quality to the landscape as Jenson, David, and Chloe arrived to set off on their hike. They had planned this hike for months.
“Okay so, plan is: Loch Centre to Loch View” Chloe stood on a tree stump, pointing at the map they had collected from the Centre.
Jenson nodded, looking at the map on his phone for the estimated time.
“Hun, that’s like 3 hours.” DC spoke, shaking his head as he looked at the time with Jenson.
“Hey, you can back out, old man.” she teased.
DC threw his hands up in surrender, “No, no. I promised a hike, we’ll hike… but you do realise we have to come back right?”
“Well duh.” she jumped down off the stump, grabbing her bag from the car and throwing it on her back.
Jenson and David exchanged glances before grabbing their own bags. Jenson chuckled as she walked off, “Chlo, wait up!”
She groaned and turned around, “Why?”
“Cause we know you, you’ll get lost.”
“Nuh-uh, I have a map.” she held up the map, pointing to the two checkpoints she had highlighted.
As they began their hike, the path was serene and inviting. The early morning sun began to burn off the mist, revealing a landscape of rolling hills and dense forests. The trail wandered along the edge of the Loch, offering breathtaking views at every turn. Chloe took the lead, setting a brisk pace, while David and Jenson followed, each finding their own rhythm.
The two men chatted and laughed as they walked. Chloe, meanwhile, was engrossed in her surroundings, stopping frequently to snap photos of the Loch's glassy surface and the mist-clad hills.
“Having fun, love?” Jenson, smiled as he watched her snap a few more pictures.
“Mhm.. I might paint this later.”
“Of course you will.” David chuckled.
(5:54 p.m.)
As the day wore on, the weather began to change. Dark clouds gathered over the Loch, and a light drizzle started to fall.
Chloe, though initially disappointed, saw the opportunity for some unique and dramatic shots, her camera clicking away as the rain left ripples on the Loch's surface. Although, Jenson and David were much less enthused about getting wet.
“You’ve got to be joking.” Jenson grumbled.
DC groaned adjusting his jacket around himself, “Come on.”
“Oh my gods, you two act like a little bit of water is gonna kill you.”
“This wasn’t exactly in the plans, Chlo.” Jenson protested.
Chloe giggled, “We aren’t that far from the View, Jense, I think there’s a little castle we can stay in until it passes.”
“Castle?” DC asked, visibly puzzled.
“Yeah, I think it’s called the Urquhart Castle or something like that.���
“Leave it to the Queen of the Nerds to know the name of a castle in the middle of no where.” Jenson teased.
Within 10 minutes, they reached a scenic overlook that offered a panoramic view of Loch Ness and the surrounding landscape. The rain had stopped, leaving behind a fresh, earthy scent. They paused to take in the view, each lost in their own thoughts. Jenson marveled at the majesty of the Loch, David took a moment to appreciate the tranquility, and Chloe was busy composing the perfect shot of the sun breaking through the clouds.
(8:09 p.m.)
As they walked the hike back, the weather cleared, and a rainbow arched over the Loch, casting a magical glow over the scene. They reached the end of the trail just as the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the water. Exhausted but exhilarated, they sat together, sharing a simple meal of sandwiches and fruit.
“Well that was tiring.. but fun!” Chloe squeaked.
”Very tiring.” Jenson chimed.
“Remind me to never go on a hike with Chloe again.” DC groaned as he stuffed his face with a ham sandwich.
“It’s not my fault you’re old.” Chloe sighed, beginning to eat some strawberries.
“But it IS your fault that we walked 3 hours there and back.”
“You’re still alive, yeah?”
“Barely.” DC and Jenson replied at the same time, in the same tone, causing Chloe to giggle.
As they watched the sun dip below the horizon, Chloe snapped one last photo, capturing the three friends silhouetted against the fading light. They shared a quiet moment of contentment, each reflecting on the day's adventures and the memories they had created together.
(9:38 p.m.)
After the long day, Jenson and Chloe finally arrived home. Chloe taking a shower and settling into some comfy pjs, which in reality was just on our Jenson’s t-shirts and a pair of boxers.
The two set about preparing a simple dinner— vodka pasta with some garlic bread Chloe had made earlier that week. They exchanged smiles and quiet laughter as they worked together, the comfort of their routine mingling with the satisfaction of a day well spent.
They ate slowly, savouring the flavours and each other’s company. The conversation flowed easily, punctuated by the occasional sip of red wine and the occasional sound of the wind rustling through the trees outside.
Afterward, they moved to the porch, where they sat in wooden rocking chairs. The stars were brilliant against the dark sky, and they talked softly about constellations and Chloe explaining their origin stories, their voices blending with the sounds of the night—crickets chirping, the distant call of an owl.
Chloe pointed up to the Orion constellation, “That one is one of my favourites.”
Jenson would follow her finger in the night sky, ”Which one is it?”
“There a backstory?”
Chloe would shift giving him a dumbfounded look, “Everything has a backstory, Jense.”
“Well.. I suppose so. Can I hear it?”
“Orion was a really good hunter, son of a Gorgon and Poseidon, who angered mother Earth, Gaia, by boasting he could kill all animals. Gaia sent a scorpion to attack Orion, leading to the placement of Scorpius and Orion never being visible together. Ophiuchus intervened, saving Orion with an antidote which cause Ophiuchus to be positioned between Scorpius and Orion in the sky.. in Greek mythology anyways, there are tons of stories.”
Jenson looked at her, slightly impressed that she could just spat all of that without a second thought, “Woah.”
“The Finns refer to Orion's belt and the stars below it as "Väinämöinen's scythe" and the asterism of Alnilam, Alnitak, and Mintaka as "Väinämöinen's Belt. The stars hanging from the belt are known as ‘Kaleva's sword.’”
Jenson gave her a look of genuine confusion, “Since when do the Finns have mythology..?!”
“Since.. forever?”
Jenson chuckled pulling her closer to him, “Sometimes I forget you’re such a dork.”
Chloe gasped, “I am not a dork! …I’m a nerd.”
Jenson laughed softly, “Is there a difference?”
As the evening wore on, they fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts but content in the shared quiet. The world outside felt distant and unimportant, replaced by the simple joy of being together. They leaned into each other, finding warmth and solace in the gentle closeness of the night.
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thank you for reading, darlings ! remember to like and reblog ! i’ll give u a smooch if u do, luv u all !
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pentacentric · 7 months
I probably think way too much about how very little Sam knew about Mary. How John and Dean gave him almost nothing, to the point that she wasn't even really like a ghost shadowing his life, more like the story of one overheard in bits and pieces over the years. And yet, his whole life from when he can first remember—every bit of motivation or guilt, every point of pride or shame—is built around his mother, this person he isn't allowed to know.
I've written a lot of bits and pieces about it before, but never a standalone. This is actually an excerpt from a longer story, but I modified it some and I think it works on its own, hopefully (he knows about hunting already but that's really the only canon difference).
When Sam's in fourth grade, and has to write a page about his favorite memory, he asks for Dean's help. All he can seem to dredge up at the moment is just too weird or too farfetched. Things that say far too much about the way they live for a teacher to read.
So he asks Dean what he would write about.
After some teasing about his best memories being of all the times Sam's embarrassed himself (and a well-aimed pink rubber eraser hitting him between the eyes) Dean quiets down and turns thoughtful.
"Well, I dunno what my most favorite memory would be, really. I guess…" He bites his lip, chews on it for a second, gaze directed absently into the distance. "I think it would prob'ly be my first memories? It musta been, like, when I was three and four maybe. They're…of Mom."
"Oh." Sam's chest gets a little tight. He speaks quietly, cautiously. Dean—Dean and Dad both—they don't talk about her much. Sam's seen her picture, the one that Dad keeps in his journal, a few times, but he knows so little about her. Just that she was pretty (beautiful), with a smile that reminds of him of Dean's and wavy blonde hair. "What was she—what are they like?"
Dean smiles, maybe a little sad, but it's more than that. Warm, wistful; gaze still unfocused and distant. "Mostly…happy. Like…bright. She'd sing to me a lot, and, like, I didn't know the songs back then, but, when I hear 'em now, I can hear her voice singing them. Beatles, Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel, um…Peter, Paul, and Mary, maybe…" Dean chuffs out a laugh. "I remember Puff the Magic Dragon, at least…I think I even remember Dad teasin' her about how she better sing me some real music, too, not just sissy crap, but, I dunno, maybe I made that up."
Dean pauses, that bittersweet expression on his face, still, and Sam doesn't want him to get lost in it. He also doesn't want to miss this opportunity, if he can help it.
"I dunno. He'd say somethin' like that." Dean spares him half a smile, still somewhere else in his head. "What…what else do you remember? What'd you guys do together?"
"Well, not a whole lot. I guess mostly just the normal stuff you do with a little kid. Like legos, I remember we'd build castles an' fortresses and stuff. I wanted her to build me a car but we didn't have enough black bricks, so she made me a little boat instead. Dad said it looked like a bathtub." He smiles. "Um, she'd dance with me, sometimes. To the radio. Make lunch—I mostly remember sandwiches and Mac n' Cheese. I'd sit in that little seat in the cart when she went to the grocery store, and she'd ask me what was on the list and I'd pretend I could read it and make up dumb stuff."
The silence is longer this time. Sam breathes out, carefully. "What kinda stuff?"
"I dunno. Just silly things, like 'elephant steaks!' Or 'a unicorn!' Or 'poop n' rhubarb pie!'"
"Gross." Sam wrinkles his nose.
Dean grins at that. "I think you're, like, the only kid ever who never found poop and fart jokes funny."
"'Cause they're not."
When Dean laughs, muttering little weirdo, Sam looks around for something harmless to throw at him, pouts.
"Don't worry, Sammy, if anyone wonders why you're so weird I'll just tell them it's 'cause you still poop your pants, and you're kinda sensitive about it an' all."
Sam decides that his pencil is perfectly fine to throw after all and, as a concession, doesn't aim it at his head. Dean grins, not seeming too annoyed by the assault, so Sam decides to push his luck.
"Did Mom think it was funny? Your lists?"
Dean's melancholy little smile is back. "Yeah…yeah, I think she did. She'd always laugh, anyways. An' she had the best laugh. I'd make up stuff that just got more and more ridiculous just so I could keep watchin' her laugh." He sighs, shrugs. "Anyways, yeah…that's Mom. That's what I remember."
It gets quiet after that, and Sam can see Dean's face starting to shutter over as he withdraws. It's rare for Sam to get to see his brother so open and unguarded any more. Over the last few years, Dean's started to change; Sam can tell. Still fun, still charming, still affectionate, at least with Sam (mostly when there's no one else around to catch him being so uncool). But, even though they're not always alike—Dean doesn't usually brood, rarely explodes, and he never gets that kind of burning cold John does when he's focused on something—sometimes now he kinda reminds Sam of Dad. He's been more closed off, the way Dad can be, his deeper emotions pushed farther away, out of Sam's reach. Doesn't show when things get to him, like he used to.
It's actually kind of lonely, sometimes.
"So, what are you gonna write about, Sammy?"
When Sam shrugs, Dean suggests the time they ran out of gas on a back road in central Florida. They'd only walked two miles before an Oscar Myer Wienermobile came barreling down the road, seemingly out of nowhere, and gave them a lift to and from the closest gas station (still a good eight miles away). Sam counters with the night in Montana that Dad got so drunk he started fighting with the motel owner about yetis (Dad coming down hard on the side of 'hoax'). They ended up getting kicked out at two am after Dad had cut down the guy’s “Bigfoot Crossing” sign with an axe. They toss back and forth increasingly ridiculous ideas until they're both laughing so hard they're in literal tears. When John comes back, they can't even stop long enough to answer what's so funny. Dad just smiles, bemused and fond, and shakes his head before heading off to shower.
Sam thinks maybe he can add this afternoon to his Good Memories pile.
In the end, he waits until that evening, before bed, and easily fills up a page-and-a-half about the time, last summer, when Dad was on a hunt out west and he and Dean had spent all afternoon exploring tidal pools in Yaquina Head, Oregon, marveling at the tiny little aquatic worlds they found. He invents an older teenage cousin that tagged along so the teacher won't question why two young kids spent the day alone in a national park.
He gets an A.
From then on, Sam keeps his eyes out in thrift stores for cassettes from the bands Dean mentioned; pockets them when he can to listen to later on the beat-up Walkman knock-off Dean stole for him for his sixth birthday. He likes a lot of it, but he's careful about what he keeps; only his favorites. He stashes them in the bottom of his school bag, in the hollowed-out book that Bobby showed him how to make last year, on a rainy day when Sam got bored with watching old Westerns.
For some reason, he doesn't want Dean to know about them. Doesn't want him to feel like Sam's trying to take something away from him. So he slips them in when he's sitting in the back of the Impala alone, on long trips, and closes his eyes. Lets the albums pour into his ears over the headphones; shuts the rest of the world out. Sgt Pepper's. Pet Sounds. Bookends. He tries to imagine his mom, Mary, singing the songs to him, in a sunny kitchen.
But he can never really pull together a complete image of her; just bits and pieces, blurred-together impressions: yellow hair, the smiling face from the picture (looking kind of flat, like a mask), a flowered dress he'd seen in a shop window. And he doesn't know what her voice sounded like, so it kind of just ends up being a composite of the voices of some of his favorite teachers (along with the mother of a classmate back in Indiana who drove him home once when she spotted him waiting for the rain to stop under the playground slide).
So he gives up on trying to picture her, and, instead, just tries to sink into the music, sees if he can feel what she was feeling when she listened to it. Imagines the conversations they might have: which songs would be her favorites, why she would have liked them, where she was the first time she heard them playing.
When he hears those songs on the radio now, or over the speakers in a restaurant, it makes him feel kind of happy and sad at the same time.
They remind him of her.
(Except for America—for some reason, that one makes him think of Dean.)
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littlemessyjessi · 6 months
“Couple of Chaos” : A Kim Namjoon/RM Commissioned Request: Plus Size Reader, Messy Reader
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Kim Namjoon x Reader, Plus Size Reader, Messy Reader, Established Relationship
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Prompt: Namjoonie and his partner who is just as much of a mess as him. A darling. A lovely person. Love of his life. But just as much of a chaotic mess as he is, lol.
“Life is the messy bits.” - Lisa Friedman
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Headcanons:  How Namjoon and Reader deal with the both of them being messy as hell. 
First and freaking foremost, you’re both disasters
just full on
You’re both equally chaotic
one as bad as the other
and yet ya’ll will get on each other’s nerves so bad with messes
like…. ya’ll both do it and yet when it’s the other person it’s somehow terrible
hypocrites, the both of yuns
that being said, in a way, ya’ll kinda complete each other
Namjoon is a perpetual passport loser right? 
And I’ve lost count of how many times he’s lost his air pods
Well, cue…. you
His personal storage locker… or purse.  Whichever you want to refer to it
If you carry a purse, just snatch his shit from him and keep up with it so this man can actually board a plane
If you don’t carry a purse but wear a bra, stick it in the boulder holder
If you don’t do either, put it in your pocket for him
If you don’t have pockets then you have bigger problems to worry about that Namjoon-ah and his lack of ability to keep up with his shit
Now, assuming that you do have these things, you do this so often that Namjoon just knows you have them. 
Needs chapstick? If you’re in a relatively private company, he just goes into your pocketeses for it
Passport? Ok, so Namjoon is smart as fuck. We get it.  However, he do be having some primo himbo energy at times.  
Picture this: Airport.  Namjoonie lost passport.  “Oh, wait a second.  I know where it is!”  Just turns and sticks his hand in your bra and deep sea dives in the titties until he has found what he’s looking for. Assuming that you have titties. If you don't, well again- homeboy is just deep sea diving in whatever area you're currently keeping his belongings.
meanwhile, the eyes of everyone around him have been scarred and you’ve just been violated in front of the entire airport 
he realizes this in about 3 seconds and all he can do is give you that cute dimpled smile
of course he’s forgiven.  It’s Joonie.  If you don’t forgive him then I’ll be along directly to deliver an ass whoopin'. Let's not play with sweet Namu's precious feelings. He's an angel and a perfectly wonderful person. Fuck with him and you fuck with me. And I have raged stored from the age of three. I am now in my 30s. I have it and I will use it.
so yeah
and going back to ya’ll getting on each other’s nerves
doom piles
There.  I said it.   
Ya’ll both got doom piles and junk drawers and whole ass closets just full of random crap
and you nearly kill each other over it on a regular basis
“Jagiyaaaaaaaaaaa! Come on! There is a full on mountain of stuff here and you can’t even close this drawer.”  
“Namjoon, would you like to discuss the entire guest bedroom full of figurines? Or perhaps, the closet full of books?  Or maybe, just maybe, you would like to explain to me why there is an drawer in our bedroom full of baby things when neither one of us has any plans of having children anytime soon?” 
“....” *Joon bites lip and narrows eyes
“....” *you lift a brow*
“Alright, jagi. My mistake. You hungry?” 
“Yes, I’m starving.” 
“Wonderful.” he smirks.  “Where would you like to eat?” 
Your head slowly turns around. 
You narrow your eyes at his smug ass face. 
“How fucking dare you, Kim Namjoon?” 
And he has the audacity to smirk at you because he knows he bested you cause you can’t decided where to eat to save your life.
Jokes on him though because you just needed a project.  It was sorting through your doom piles but now that he’s pissed you off it quickly changed to annoying the ever living hell out of him. 
Lowkey though, jokes actually on you because Joon loves it when your fiesty and sometimes purposefully does this shit just to rile you up. 
You also know this about him though.  Which is why you left the junk drawer open and also why you got sassy.   
He likes that you’re a mess and you love that about him too.
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"This is the stuff that drives me crazy This is the stuff that's getting to me lately In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed"
- This is the Stuff, Francesca Battistelli
Members Reaction to the Deities of Destruction and Disaster: 
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Seokjin:  (A/N: omfg Seokjin you did not have to be so aggressively attractive. And that goes for you too, Namjoon)
Long suffering sigh.  The hyung energy is strong here.   It’s part frustration and part pure bewilderment as to why, how and what even is he going to do with the both of you.  That being said, Seokjinnie thinks the two of you are super cute together.  You definitely get scolded but also, he cracks easily because come on.  Look at ya’ll.  Thanks God every day that Namjoon uses you as his purse though.  He is so tired of standing around in an airport, lol. 
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Yoongi:  (A/N: Cue the dreamy sigh. Just look at them. Look at the smiles. Look at the damn ARMS!)
I’m gonna be so for real with you right now.  He does not give a shit about the mess. I mean, don’t get his things in a mess but if you roll up in a 2003 lifted Tacoma, open the door and a bunch of shit falls out… I mean, maybe he might give you a little bit of a lecture but honestly?  That’s ya’ll’s problem, lol.   But also stop losing ya’ll fucking airpods, the both of you.   If a bra works then do that because he will not be loaning you another pair ever again.  And he refuses to talk about why. 
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Hoseok: (A/N: Mother of God. I have the fattest crush on Hoseok. Also peep that cute little Kookie. And how DARE you attack me like this, Namjoon?!)
Never in the history of ever was anyone annoyed more by this than Hoseok, lol.  However, he doesn’t bitch.  Oddly enough, he never complains about it.  He never bitches.  He never lectures.  He does, however, come over to hang out and help the both of you clean your mess.  Hoseok is great for body doubling if you have ADHD.  However, if you have an issue with him doing the cleaning it might be an issue.  It makes him itch and he needs to scratch it.   
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Jimin:  (A/N: It's unspeakable how much handsomeness is in this gif.)
An actual ANGEL for body doubling if you have ADHD and you’re trying to handle the depression hoarder situation in your bedroom.  Super respectful and understanding.  He just enjoys spending time with his loved ones so he would gladly come help if you want it or just keep the both of you company.  Because clearly body doubling does not with you and Joon together. You just make it a bigger mess.  Acknowledging this: Jimin finds this chaos hilarious and doesn’t do anything to stop.  Ya’ll are wild and unkempt and honestly? Jiminie is here for it. 
Side note: I am particularly attached to Jimin in this gif. Look how beautiful. Look how handsome. I swear, that man is dangerous. We are all very, very, very lucky that he's such a sweetheart because don't act like if he asked you for a kidney that you wouldn't immediately start looking for something to carve with . And if that happened to be a spoon, we'd all just accept our fate. Don't lie.
Extra Sidenote: Namjoon be looking extra delectable. *chef's kiss*
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Taehyung:  (A/N: First of all, damn Namjoon. Those arms. Sweet lord. I'm looking, Joonie. Respectfully, of course..... but I do be lookin. Second, does Taehyung not look like the most precious creature in all the land?)
A precious darling. He does not give a shit about the mess.  He just loves his hyung.  He loves his hyung’s love.  Ya’ll are special to him and that’s how you are.  He thinks it is part of ya’ll’s charm and your charm as a couple.  Ya’ll are a messy couple but not in the having your dirty laundry out for everyone to see way. In a “aw, Jiminie, look at them.  They are such tragic disasters but they’re disasters together.” kind of way.  He will find a way to make it romantic no matter what. 
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Jungkook:  (A/N: Just Jungkook out here living his best y/n life, honestly, lol. )
Ok, so here’s the thing, lol.  Jungkookie has had his own issues with messes here and there. Also, let's be honest.... he's got the fattest crush on Namjoon, lol. His crush on Namjoon may even rival the crush I have on Hoseok. Like, I kinda doubt it because there ain't much I wouldn't do for that man but still. Jungkook loves him's Namjoonie. He loves all that Namjoon-ah is associated with. He's his biggest fan, lol. With you, it is honestly the same. Like... his hyung is in love? Who is this person that has captured the heart of the most magnificent Namjoonie? If you managed to do that and Namjoon is happy.... honestly Jungkook adores you. Regardless of the hopeless fucking messes that the both of you clearly are. He and Taehyung share this but in addition to this, Jungkookie will literally help you with anything you need. He just wants to hang out with you both so he'll do like his Jimin hyung and either just chill while you sort or he'll help you. Or just hang out in the chaos and not solve anything, lol. He just loves his hyung and he loves his hyung's love as well. It's as simple as that.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading my content and thank you so much to @alisoncdariel for commissioning this piece! I hope you enjoy it!
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ronearoundblindly · 6 months
Zones and Photography for Fools Rush In! Steve. Preferably pre-nomad 😆
I read every update of yours as soon as I get the notification. Keep up the good work. You are amazing <333333
From this dirty ask game but okay, wait, I hope I'm understanding this correctly.
Fools Rush In!Steve is post-canon--he's a version of Steve that came back after replacing the Stones from Endgame,--so technically, he already went through his actual Nomad years. I'm gonna have to assume you me pre-Dignity of His Choice (since that's when he kinda looks like Nomad or Ari Levinson whoops again) which is fine because after all of Dignity's angst, I'm sure people are afraid of where that leaves us--terrible of me to leave y'all hanging so long, sorry. OH CRAP! Welp. This is gonna have some spoilers sorta kinda for the honeymoon fic in the works...Yes, Ro, but when will we ever get that f***ing thing???
So. Right. Here we go! Sorry, but MINORS DNI for these still.
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woahhhhh omg he glows so pretty 🫠🤤
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Z - Zones
Oh boy, oh boy!
Is it hot in here??? Just me? Sure. That checks out.
Steve has diminished sensitivity after the serum. It makes him stronger to feel less pain, but it's slightly more difficult in nearly ever other aspect of life. He feeds his tactile experience with the acuity of his enhanced senses. Ever heard the expression 'eating with your eyes?' Like that.
The sight of you, the smell of you, what you sound like, how you taste, these are all things he can absorb to fill in the gaps of his touch.
Now, the caveat? He's not a fucking idiot. He can tell if you are kissing, biting, scratching, or gripping him. He knows these are things you do for your enjoyment as well, so that fuels his entertainment during sex. After a whole lot of wallowing over how disconnected he felt without sensitivity, he understands this actually brings you two closer together because pleasure and intimacy is truly a shared experience.
Uh. Also. His neck. No judgment but he can hear and smell you very well if you pay attention to his neck. That's pretty great. He likes that.
P - Photography
Honestly, I just want to burst out laughing even imagining Steve taking a dick pic much less sending it 🤣 If he did do something like that, it would be an accident, and that boi would rush into some lab and insist there was a super secret mission to completely delete the contents of your phone before you opened it. I feel like he'd be lucky if he didn't just smash the phone itself out of panic. Seriously, I'M IN TEARS. Just no, hard no on the sending nudes.
I also think he'd be super worried about privacy if you sent them. The idea is sound, and it's not like he wouldn't enjoy them. Steve doesn't trust technology that much though, so not digital. Analog. Old school is the way to go. Which bring us to this cheeky bastard on his honeymoon with Keeps.
Enjoy this excerpt I've sat on for a year!
“What’s that?” “Your wedding present,” Steve beams. He fakes a frown at your following ‘we weren’t doing presents’ look. “Not big ones. They’re just for fun.” He picks up another Canon film camera, a hefty black and silver thing from his hard-sided suitcase, and hands it to you. “Thought they’d be nice for the trip.” You weigh it in your hands and eye the Polaroid then switch with Steve. “That’s more of an artsy-fartsy Sketch thing,” you say, stepping around him with your new toy, rushing to grab toasty sweatpants from your own bag. As you bend over to pull out the garment though, you hear a mechanical click and whip around. Steve still faces away from you, but his head is slightly turned and he softly whistles, so of course, you lift your camera and snap a picture of his ass, too. He wrinkles his nose, looking over his shoulder with an unhidden smile. You shake out the photo card provocatively while he suits up for the fireside in a sweater and jeans. He glances at the developed shot and, seeming satisfied, plants one more kiss on your forehead. He hums as he holds up his picture of you entering the tent, thumb tracing the line of your hip exposed like it was on the glossy magazine pages after your bear debacle. “Yes, out there distracting all the wild animals,” you joke. “It’s working,” he mutters. “Hungry, Misses Rogers?”
Also, lest we forget, Steve has an incredible memory. He does not need footage to remember exactly what it looks like when his cock is slowly dragging in and out of you, or how your ass jiggles as he ::cough:: enthusiastically fucks makes love to you ::cough::
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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bro-atz · 7 months
how do xikers like to cuddle????
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xikers favorite cuddling position
pair: xikers/gn!reader
word count: 888 (seriously)
rated: PG/PG-13 | sfw!
content: fluff, these are proper paragraph descriptions this time, established relationships, only really talks about cuddling styles
author's note: okay this one i did extensive research for because each member shows affection in different ways depending on which member they're interacting with. also, all the pictures are unfortunately hetero couples (bc the bl pictures i keep finding are way too suggestive), but my descriptions apply for gn!road𝓨
taglist: @yuniniverse @eyeryis @sinnarols @dutchessskarma @kookieswithjung apply for the permanent taglist here!
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minjae is possessive (but i think we all knew that since hongjoong taught him well), so he wants to hold onto you and never let go. if he's hugging you from behind, he's the big spoon, and if you're facing him, he's still the big spoon, but he's burying his face in the nook in your neck but i also envision him falling asleep on your shoulder and lap a lot. mans has 9 kids + you to take care of, so the second he holds your hand, he's ready to just sleep
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oh my god junmin is the comfort king fr like in all of his pictures he just looks so cozy and comfy ESPECIALLY WHEN HE WEARS HIS SWEATERS god he's just a grown teddy bear like one of those 6 ft tall ones don't come for his height or i will yell at you that you seem to hug but actually hug you comfy junmin is so comfy and he's big spoon most of the time (unless he's having a bad day, then you're comforting him and patting his back fs)
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do you SEE the WAY this man hugs people??? (specifically jinsik, hyunwoo, and seeun) like he just has the most secure and happy hugs!!! he wants to face you and cuddle you all the time!!! i feel like any and every cuddle position would suit this guy, but i feel like he would like to cuddle his s/o the same way i cuddle my cat: rubbing his cheek against yours and burying his nose in your hair as he practically cradles you in his arms ugh i'm fna CRY
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for our resident huge romantic, jinsik is a fan of literally anything where you're just pressed super close to him and he has the best hold on you. he wants to press his face into your skin and just take you in bc you're so comfy to him holy crap he's so in love w you he's both a little and big spoon imo it depends on the day, but no matter what, he wants lock eyes and profess his love to you, so anything where he can look at your face properly is his favorite
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hyunwoo strikes me as a very looks-like-a-little-spoon-but-is-actually-a-big-spoon kinda guy. so from afar, it looks like he's burying his face in your chest but in reality, you're koala hugging him but laying down. he's just very boyfriend coded idk what to tell you he wants to be there for you and do as you request because he wants to make you comfy and happy bc you happy = him happy
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junghoon doesn't really show affection in the conventional way— he likes to make jokes and make you laugh rather than properly cuddle, yanno? so him falling asleep on top of you but not so much that he's squishing you is totally his style. like, he still wants to be near you, but he wants to be considerate of your personal space he definitely also cuddles in other positions, but he mainly wants to see your face and see your reactions to whatever he says or does
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(first of all, this picture is just so seeun coded pls) but yes, he's a long boi and his chest is broad kq you better close the gyms before seeun can get shredded bc i will actually cry so it's just super nice to sit in between his legs and lean against him and he rests his head against yours and is just smiling and giggling also like based off the way he hugs jinsik vs how he hugs hunter, he will literally engulf anyone no matter the size, so this is literally the most perfect position if he wants to cuddle and talk at the same time
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our resident cutie patootie is the little spoon no matter what okay he's so smol and cute and you wanna put him in your pocket just UGH so CUTE like yechan is the slightest bit younger than him but even yechan babies him come on fr tho like yujun being an esfp is so accurate like he wants to present himself as the dominant one in the relationship (in the best way possible like chivalrous) but at the end of the day, he wants to snuggle into you
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there are one of two ways cuddling with hunter could go. one is the above pic where his arms are loosely around you but still keeping you secure against his chest— you know, very typical-boyfriend-esque the other is where he's laying down and you're laying on top of him bc that way he gets to whisper sweet nothings into your ear and keep you locked in place since his arms are not numb and tight around you
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yechan is the bf who wants to be bf but also loves being coddled himself, so if you're grabbing him to cuddle, he'll just go along w whatever your flow is he is the best of both worlds i mostly see him as a sofa cuddler tbh bc thinking about sharing a bed w him........ his limbs are everywhere like it starts as a cute cuddle that ends up with him laying on you like a starfish (which is still cute tho)
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Hi can I request helion x reader mating ceremony
Hope you're doing well
I'm trying to be gentle with myself. Thank you for asking. 🤍
Mating ceremony
Oh, it would be so pretty. Like absolutely happening in one of the biggest gardens in the day court. The main arc will be placed in a position where you can kind of see the sky when it gets painted in orange and pinks and red and these fluffy clouds are floating around. I mean we don't have to talk about Cassian flying on a Pegasus throwing petals , but like we kinda have to talk about that. Tell me you haven't thought about it because I have.
But on a serious note, I think the real mating ceremony would be very small and very private. As much as a Helion is an open book, and as much as he loves to put himself out there and be very expressive. I think after losing his initial lover this would be such an emotional and special moment for him. Something that he never thought he would get to experience again. In my humble belief, his character is laced with a lot of sadness regarding how everything went with lady Autumn so in the initial ceremony it's just you him, Cassian, and the closest friends.
I feel like he would even want to make this super-private and for it to be just you and him. But if you were able to build a relationship with Lucien, I kind of see you wanting to have Lucien there and so alongside him would come Eris and then Rhys because it's Rhys and we all love Rhys and Helion loves Rhys, so like we have to have him there. But I don't think there will be any other high lords, or ladies because the celebration or the event that would follow up eventually would involve everyone, but this is just for the people closest to you both.
Do picture girls like Feyre, and Mor helping you get ready. Braiding your hair and helping you get into a dress. I feel like there would be quite a lot of happy crying even in the private rooms because everyone wants to see you both happy and this is just kind of one step closer to that.
I also think that Helion would write you a letter that he won't let you read right before the ceremony because you might cry too much and ruin your make-up and that's his own words. But I feel like he would do these little things like a little gift for each other of some sort. I do also think that besides the twin tattoo that would cover your body in some way, he would world do something like rings, or a piece of jewelry that would be significant in that manner, would show that you two are mated.
I kind of picture him making little sketches of the ring he wants to give to you and depending on what kind of court you're from or what's kind of background you have, I see him going for something like half circle of the sun and then if you're from a night court maybe on the bottom there would be a moon or there's something to represent you so like twin bands that kind of show your union.
The whole ceremony would just be surreal. Imagine walking through the lush greenery to get to your mate, and there's a light chirping of the birds that create the symphony of nature around you. I also think that Lucien would be walking you down the aisle. And now we all are going to take a moment to cry because I'm literally about to sob. After all, I think that Lucien would be so excited, especially if you two have a close bond. And he's there to reassure you, telling you "oh you better believe that Helion is out there crapping his pants just from how nervous he is", and you just giggle right before you walk down the aisle.
And of course, Helion would be crying. Let's all be very honest here I feel like he's not the one to show these kinds of emotions, so this even more explains why he wanted a private celebration because this is such a personal side of him. he hides a lot of his real emotions behind this almost clown-like exterior this very cocky, daring male, while the reality is completely different. He's a very soft soul, and all he ever wanted was to be loved and find someone with whom he could share his whole life, and now that he has found you it feels like an absolute dream.
You would leave him speechless. The way you just shine while walking down the aisle, smiling at him. Hands shaking as he reaches to take your hand into his. And he's shaking his head slightly in disbelief as he watches you, admiring the way you look because you are the best thing that ever happened to him. And he would have written the longest vow ever, declaring his love in all the ways possible. It would be a very beautiful moment that everyone would remember forever. Just watching two people in love, smiling fondly at each other. Both ready to enter the next chapter of your story.
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narrators-journal · 6 months
20$ make a fella holla
I don’t know if it’s obvious, but I can never describe Senku’s fucking hair. It’s just...how do you describe that shit??
Regardless, I hope this is a fun read, I just kinda had fun with it, tried to make it amusing to read, just a lil fake dating romp <3 Hope the romantic tone is there though at the end! I thought it was a pretty cute lil moment, at least.
Some people loved weddings, with the belief that they were the perfect time to bask in the love of your partner and joy of your family. Some, believed the events to be garish, stressful, exhausting nightmares for everyone involved. Which, was more or less the group you fell into.
Though, of course, you had no real issue with weddings, and someday may also wish to be married to your own future partner. But, that didn’t keep the sudden invitation to a family friend’s surprise nuptuals from coming out of left field.
So, befitting someone in your panicked position, you scrambled to find a date to accompany you to the event. Someone, anyone who could make sure you couldn’t be paired off with a complete and total stranger for pictures, and that no well-intentioned aunties, or eager, nosey grannies could offer potential dates and suitors.
Alas, your boyfriend had dumped you a month before, and none of your friends were free to attend with you. “When does this crap end? I’ve got a project to get to.”
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Senku, will you please quit complaining already? Do you have zerofucking social skills?” You hissed back in a similarly quiet tone your date at the reception table. Aka your roommate, Senku Ishigami. A slightly eccentric, odd-haired 19 year old science prodigy on his third year of college, and your last fucking nerve at the moment.
But, your annoyance seemed to simply bounce off of your ‘boyfriend’ as his crimson eyes glared back at you as he muttered quietly, “I do, but this is damned boring. Plus, this tuxedo is itchy as hell. I did my bit, why don’t we just leave already? The ceremony’s over.” “Because that’s passive aggressive and rude, Senku. Have you never been to a wedding?” You asked back, but before your ‘boyfriend’ could shoot back with some explanation about the useless nature of such events, one of your tablemates asked, “So, how long have you two been together?” in an attempt to start some less hissed and angry conversation. “Oh! Uh, about…” While you scrambled for a good answer, Senku jumped in to save you, “Going on two years soon. A little under a month before that marker, actually.” He answered, his boredom well hidden under his usual cool, unbothered demeanor as he spoke, but it still irked you.
Almost as much as his claim did, honestly. God, why am I not surprised that he doesn’t give a singular fuck about the plot holes I’ve gotta patch up if someone asks for details?You mentally fumed as your expression remained politely chipper and joyful as the woman across from you continued to ask questions. “How ever did you two meet then? I hope I’m not rude, but you two don’t seem like eachothers ‘types’.” She hummed, but before you could toss out some bland, cutesy meet-cute plot, Senku spoke once again, “Oh, kinda creepily, actually. She needed a room mate, I was just the person to take her offer.” Why not just admit I’m paying you to be here too?!“We didn’t like eachother at first, I usually don’t like super extroverted girls surrounded by dramatic friends and shit. Which, at first, that’s what she seemed like. I mean, jeez, let loose a machete-wielding maniac on campus and she’d have been prime ‘hot bimbo victim’ material.” Oh my fucking god, Ishigami, what next? Calling me ‘the old ball and chain’? How is this supposed to be believably romantic?!But, of course, the man continued regardless of your attempts to psychicly blow him up. “But, a month or so in, I realized my assumptions were wrong. She’s actually quite a funny, charming girl, with a good head on her shoulders, and some intellegence to her. And...well, y’know, I asked her out from there. Though, I have no clue why she agreed to date my ass, but she did! And I’ve held onto my title since then.”
As he spoke so easily, you were stuck with a nerves-laced smile the entire time. Only able to muster the occassional giggle to try and sell the romance in his take on your actual situation. Because, what else were you to do? Correct your boyfriend on your meeting story? That’d just out how fake the two of you were in an instant, so you mostly focused on your bland wedding reception food and tried not to give your room mate dirty looks as he spoke.
Thankfully, though, the woman across from you two seemed at least a bit charmed, or at least amused by the romantic twist on how your initial meeting with the odd-haired scientist. So, you could let out an internal sigh and redirect the conversation away from your ‘love story’ before Senku could cook up any other questionable tales. But, as you sat there in polite conversation as you ate your fillet mignon and mashed potatoes, Senku’s story was able to settle into your mind. Allowed to stew and marinate as the reception continued.
Why the hell would he got down such a weirdly honest route? He seems more the type to claim we met on tinder, not that weirdly sweet tale of growing to like me from an awkward set up. You asked yourself. Because, in the two years you’d had the man as a room mate, he had always favored blunt honesty over sugar-coating anything, so, it was odd that he had such a long-winded lie at the ready. And it you couldn’t explain it away as him having ‘prepped for the role’, you had to fight him just to put on a tux and pull his gravity-defying hair into a ponytail so he didn’t look weird in any wedding photos. He wouldn’t bother with that type of preparation. So...what? Was he being...honest?
It wasn’t an entirely comfortable realization to come across. Even if Senku had his moments of being attractive, and he was a pretty good room mate, he had the tact of a brick, and a blatant love for science over any living person, least of all you, right?
God, get a hold of yourself, girl.You chided yourself with a small sigh, only a glance thrown to your date to briefly study how he sat and ate his food, that glint of boredom back in his cherry-colored eyes. This isn’t some rom-com fanfiction. Your roomie hasn’t been harboring some deep love for you for two years unless your a beaker of nitroglycerin. You reminded yourself firmly, the flustered butterflies in your belly squashed coldly as you returned to the food in front of you.
Though, after a moment, you did dare another glance to your pretend boyfriend beside you, and this time, those crimson orbs looked back at you. And, as if the scientist had suddenly learned to read your mind, he leaned over until you could feel his warm breath tickle your ear when he whispered, “What’s with the weird looks? Surprised the unfeeling scientist has a heart?” in a playful,flirtatioustone that was almost alien to hear mixed into his voice. A tone you had heard plenty of time in your life, but still managed to cause you to gasp, and choke on your own spit. Like a true charmer.
“Oh! Oh shit, are you choking on something, hon?” Senku asked, instantly on his feet as you coughed on your surprise, “Jesus, maybe this is a good time to go. With your luck, dear, you’ve got a cold brewing.” He said, at least decent enough to fabricate some form of a lie before he took his opportunity and almost drug you from the reception hall just as you got your breath back. I’m going to kill this bastard.
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anonymousromanticpoet · 3 months
Candelight Confessions (Miguel x Robby)
This is Kiaz. It's gay, it's funny, I wrote this instead of watching TV. They also are technically stepbrothers-ish, so if that weirds you out, leave. They're not blood relatives so I feel like it's ok, but that's just one man's opinion. Warning: Sexual Humor.
The rain fell in sheets outside the dirt encrusted window, the plastic panes rattling with the wind. It was a summer, it was a Saturday, and Miguel and Robby were sitting alone in the apartment watching The Office. Carmen and Johnny had left for a long weekend at the beach (just out of reach of the storm), and the two boys were climbing the walls with nobody but each other for company. Sam was doing a European tour with Daniel (her last trip with him before college), Tory was working, and Hawk and Demetri were away at Comic Con. About two hours into the torrential downpour, a bolt of lightning struck outside. 
“Wow, that felt close,” Robby shivered, the temperature in the apartment having dropped significantly. 
“Yeah, it…ah, man, come on,” Miguel groaned when the lights flickered before going out completely. 
“I’ll get the candles,” Robby sighed. 
“Ok, sounds good. Wait, why do you have candles?” Miguel asked, raising an eyebrow.
“This happened all the time at my mom’s place. They’re cheaper than battery powered lanterns and they were all I could afford while still paying the rent,” The older boy murmured, avoiding the dark haired boy’s gaze as he lit the wicks. 
Miguel watched as the small flames cast a warm glow over the beige walls, illuminating Johnny’s new lighthouse painting and the newer pictures of their blended family. There was also a new smell in the air, something soothing and sweet.
“What is that smell?” He asked, moving closer to the candles.
Robby blushed. “It’s…vanilla. I got scented candles because, well, I thought they were kinda nice. Plus they covered the smell of the weed. Back when I smoked it.” 
Miguel chuckled. Typical Robby. Can’t be sweet without an edge. This is nice. Almost…romantic. Wait, what?
“Miguel? Did you hear me?” The other teen waved his hand in front of his friend’s face. 
“I said, do you want to play a game? “ Robby repeated. 
“Sure, what kind of game?” Miguel asked, standing to move the candles to the table.
Robby smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “How about, ‘Truth or Dare?’”
Miguel swallowed. He knows…crap, he knows…what am I gonna do? What am I gonna tell Sensei? 
Robby bent over to relight a candle. “This one just doesn’t want to stay lit.” 
Oh no…no, no, he’s bending over. Don’t look at his butt…don’t look…oh crap I’m looking. 
“Um, yeah..yeah, sure. Can I ask you first?” Miguel managed. “Truth or dare?”
Robby paused, considering. “Dare.” 
“I dare you to…eat that banana in under a minute,” Miguel blurted out.
Robby stared.  Crap. Why did he pick a banana? Of all fruits, that has to be the most suggestive thing you could possibly…
Miguel realized what he had asked the moment the words were out of his mouth. Oh, dang. Why DID I pick a banana? 
“Oh, right? Yeah, I can do that. Totally, no problem…” Robby picked up the banana. “Time me.” 
Miguel started the stopwatch, staring as the shorter boy deep-throated half the fruit in under a minute, finishing the entire banana in a mere 5 bites. That is anatomically impossible…I think he just unhinged his jaw. The boy is a literal cobra…
Robby tossed the peel in the trash. Great. Now I’m hard. Come on, Robby, think of something not sexy. Miguel’s YaYa in a bikini. Yikes, that did it. 
“Alright, my turn. Truth or Dare, Mr. Fruit of the Loom?” Robby narrowed his eyes at his friend. 
Miguel gulped. “Truth?” 
“Who was your first crush?” 
The taller boy nearly spat his soda. “Um…Uh, I changed my mind. Dare, dare! Make me do something crazy, just don’t ask me…”
“Too late. You already picked. You have to answer, rules are rules,” Robby smiled, a wicked gleam in his eye. 
“Okay, okay…just promise you won’t tell anyone?”
“That’s in the rules too. Nobody else gets to know what we tell each other here. Strict secrecy, I promise," Robby extended his hand in solidarity.
"It was in kindergarten. This other b– I mean, this other kid. He–I mean, er, she was blonde with green eyes and sat in front of me. We played soccer together a lot at recess?" Miguel spluttered.
Robby stared. His first crush was a boy?! Okay, okay, that doesn’t mean anything, but that means there’s a chance? 
"Your first crush was a boy?" The older teen asked.
"What? No, I just misspoke," Miguel lied.
Robby folded his arms.
"Okay, fine, yeah you got me. I'm bi," Miguel whispered. "Go ahead and make fun of me, that's what everyone does."
"No, of course I'm not gonna make fun of you," Robby placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'd be a hypocrite if I did."
"Truth or dare?" Miguel asked, eager to change the subject.
"What did you mean by 'I'd be a hypocrite' if you made fun of me?" Miguel asked, whispering.
"I'm actually...Miguel I'm gay," Robby murmured.
"Yeah, wow..."
There was silence. The two boys staring at each other.
Robby's brain continued to ramble, and Miguel's was much the same. Oh no, prolonged eye contact…is that a longing stare? Maybe it’s a longing stare, nope. Nope. That’s an awkward stare. It’s been too long, nobody’s talking. Yep, now it’s awkward. 
"Right, ok. Truth or dare?" Robby coughed, extinguishing the candle. Crap. 
"Dare," Miguel chose.
"I dare you to put on Sam's Barbie shirt, and run around outside screaming, 'I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.' for two minutes. No umbrella," Robby rubbed his hands together conspiratorially. "Oh, and, I'm gonna film it."
"Okay. Wait, what? Come on, I thought we just had a moment there," Miguel whined.
"Nope, moment over," Robby laughed.
The video was shaky, but the sound quality was perfect. Miguel played up the melodrama, shaking his fists at the sky. When it was over, Miguel walked back inside, the T shirt now soaked with rainwater.
Robby groaned inwardly. Oh no. The shirt is transparent now? And…he’s taking it off.
"No, no, don't take it off!" Robby blurted.
"What? I'm cold," Miguel pouted.
"That's what I'm saying, you'll get pneumonia. Go in our room and dry off first, then change," the older boy managed weakly.
A couple minutes later, and the two of them were back on the couch.
"Truth or dare?" Miguel asked.
"Truth," Robby replied.
"Are you in love with anyone right now?" Miguel asked.
"Yes. Yes I am," Robby nodded. "But, I don't think he'll ever like me back, so. I guess I'll have to forget about it."
Miguel sighed. His heart is already taken. 
"Truth or dare, Miguel?"
"Okay...I dare you to kiss me," Robby whispered. "For ten whole seconds."
Miguel leaned in, slowly planting his lips on Robby's. The kiss was lingering, but chaste. The taste was cherry cola, and salt from the pretzels, and something else that was so distinctly, him.
"Truth or dare, Robby?"
"Truth. Before you ask, yes, I'm in love with you," Robby whispered. "And I dare you to be my boyfriend."
Miguel's eyes widened. "I...I would love that. And I dare you to kiss me again..."
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