#king cerberus
gamingcreatures · 1 year
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King Cerberus | Devil May Cry 5
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prototypelq · 1 year
What are you favorite DMC character dynamics? (outside of Dante and Patty) Which ones would you want to see more of?
Hi, dear anon, thank you for sending the asks! It`s pretty fun to write them and I hope it is entertaining for you to read the replies
Sooo, the answer should be fairly obvious here hehe. DMC is a series that is literally built around the Loser Sparda Twins, much more than any other game series that comes to my mind. Dante is the heart and soul of the games - he is the living impersonation of the family theme, which is the underlying main theme of the games, underneath all the fun demon slaying; Dante is the core of the games, so that makes Vergil the living impersonation of all the struggles that come with family bonds, and at the same time he is the main advocate and victim of the 'fun violence' the series is known for. I don`t think you can like the series without falling heels over for these two blockheaded idiots and their family drama.
Actually, the family drama is how I ended up in the DMC. I saw the trailer for definitive 5 (the one that goes 'Hes your brother?; Hes your father; Nero is my son?'), the one that shamelessly spoils the plot, and hell yeah I`m down for that. So I checked some videos, bought 5 and Vergil, and here I am, in this very deep and sticky swamp known as DMC.
As you can probably tell, I adore Dante&Vergil trying, failing, and trying again to restore their brotherly bond. I have all the angst/hurt/comfort gen fics bookmarked in their respective tag on ao3, and I mean ALL of them.
Their duality and the way twins embody the principle of complementarity towards each other is fascinating to me. It is also why I adore the ending of 5, and have no idea where to take the series in a possible next game, since the conflict that the series was built upon since the beginning has been solved.
You`ve asked about the relationships other than Dante&Patty, but its like my second favorite in the franchise, I have to write some words about it. I adore them because I believe Patty came into Dante`s life at a very low place, and he really needed someone to be there for him, even if he himself out loud said he wanted to be left alone. Patty was persistent and sweet in a way a small girl can be, and her constant pestering was a good distraction and a helpful nudge for Dante. Also, her backstory is way too close to home for him (an orphan on the run from demons) and I think that protecting her (like covering her eyes to hide the bloodshed) did give him some closure with his own childhood trauma.
Other relationships... and mostly fanon-made. DMC is extremely character-centric, yet not character-centric at all because most of the emotional stuff about anyone fans have to guess or make up. Sooo this is just headcanons below mostly.
Dante&Nero! I think Dante is the Uncle material, if post-twins-return he will start actually trying to be an uncle he would win the Worlds Best Uncle Award for sure. However, first he would have to explain a lot to Nero and that would be...interesting to see. Weve seen that Nero can hold his grudges for a long time (just like his dad), so fixing their relationship is gonna be a big task for Dante, but I also think Nero can come to understand why Dante acted the way he did and forgive him. Nero also very slightly partially to blame because, kid have you looked in a mirror? Ever? But its probably just...a writing loophole. Anyway, back to the uncle and nephew - I`d love to see them share interests! These two obviously have a lot in common, so it`d be fun if they tried to rock jam sometime, have an arms practice, talked guns, etc. It feels like Dante would be up for pretty much any activity together. Also, the noogies. Nero gets ALL the noogies for the 20+ years they should have known each other. There is no escape.
Vergil&Nero are great, of course! I`m sure they can work out their relationship together. Vergil is good father material, he`ll do just fine.
I`d love to see the sparda trio do something together! My personal headcanon is that they would all enjoy a symphonic rock orchestra show (because orchestra makes the classic rock songs sound almost better than the original, and I`m projecting very much here)
I really want to see more Nero/Kyrie! They had very little time to show their relationship and they are very sweet) And Kyrie herself really needs more screentime, her only character trait is pretty much 'neros girlfriend' and she needs more than that. Her concept art in armor is GREAT actually, and it should`ve been the one in-game. There is a fic on fanfiction The Emptiness is so Real by Night Companion where I think the author capture the Kyrie we should have gotten. The Kyrie that has grown around church, but also very close to military men and she should know the consequences of their lifestyle, as well as be able to help them. Her kindness should not be unassuming and naive, but firm and deliberate.
The undercharacterisation issue goes the same for Lady, Trish and Lucia. All of them need actual arcs and development and badly. Lady had a very tiny little bitty hint at having her own emotional struggle with family drama in 5, but that`s just not enough. All of them are almost identical to their first appearance in the series, and while, understandable as they are side-characters, this becomes a huge problem when they are returning side-characters, in every game entry. The ladies need their own stories.
(sidenote: I don`t ship Dante with anyone, mostly because I feel like he has had quite enough problems on his own and a relationship on top of that would only drag him, and the person down. But if I were to ship Dante with someone I`d go with Lucia)
Other characters that I wish had more character are the Devil Arms! They were very sentient and talktative in 3 and we had Balrog in 5 ('Ignite the flame NOW' gives me freakin chills every time), so I hope we get a little bit more of that. There is a headcanon that Yamato is 'she', and I fully support it and want other Devil Arms to have some character traits of their own! (King Cerberus, my beloved, gimme more of the elemental doggo)
Thank you for the ask! Have a great May day)
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oilliewaffle · 10 months
After not posting.. almost 2 years I bring Purple Angel stuff… along with an artfight attack I did of Auran (who belongs to @inkabelledesigns )
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Fluffy and Zek are now frienemies. I made that canon only like a week ago I think.
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naidleen · 2 years
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Devil May Cry 5 (2019)
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cheatsykoopa98 · 1 year
edited maki with playful cloud to be dante with king cerberus
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poz-patrol · 1 year
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition
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varmsj · 7 months
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volatilemask · 1 year
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athenepromachos · 11 months
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Hen IS Hades 🏛🏺😳😳
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dent-de-leon · 1 month
Help it’s still so funny to me that Lucien got away with killing Vess and Kingsley experienced no repercussions from that whatsoever—
I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure Trent mentioned he’d had scourgers tracking the Nein all through Eiselcross, and I feel like it’d be pretty hard to miss an archmage of the Cerberus Assembly going missing right when a purple tiefling with nine red eyes and powerful Aeoran magic appeared—
If anyone else had murdered a member of the Cerberus Assembly in the middle of the night while barely lifting a finger, I feel like they’d be hunted down by the Empire. The fact that Lucien effectively got off scot-free with taking out one of the most powerful people in the Dwendalian Empire, despite being possibly the most easily recognizable person who always stands out in a crowd, is just…it’s such a lucky break for King and I love that for him.
Yes, he’s still wanted for being the Plank King and all, but—at least he doesn’t have to worry about anyone else from the Cerberus Assembly manipulating him anymore.
Although, if King ever got the chance to confront Ludinus with the Mighty Nein…I wonder if he’d still recognize the little tiefling bloodhunter who used to bring back relics from Aeor and Molaesmyr for Vess—
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comparativetarot · 1 month
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King of Coins. Art by Ivy K, from the Mythos Tarot.
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gamingcreatures · 1 year
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Cerberus | King Cerberus
Devil May Cry 3 | Devil May Cry 5
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
The day Nico dies, a gloomy air engulfs the two Camps. The demigods mourn. Hazel cries until her voice brakes. Percy hugs her close, drawing circles on her back. Reyna stares unblinking at the burning pyre.
Whereas down in the Underworld Hades throws a freaking welcome party-slash-promotion-celebration because heyyyy his son is home and safe by his side and ready to share his workload! They’re gonna have so much bonding time!!! He gets to see his son everyday!!
The Underworld is practically vibrating with life. The souls cheer bc apparently this boss is more lenient! Cerberus is wagging his tail very happily because more people to play with him! Persephone is clapping squishing Nico because she’s got someone with sass to match!! The down life wouldn’t be so boring anymore!!!
Just the Underworld being elated to welcome its faithful and precious child.
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
At any given time, there are no less then a dozen rumours and two dozen tales surrounding Professor Widogast of the Soltryce Academy.  He’s secretly an archmage who not so secretly tells the Cerberus Assembly to fuck off every other week or so.  He once dated Archmage Becke when they were schoolmates together and lived to tell the tale.  Every cat wandering the school halls (of which there are a sudden and inexplicable number) is actually a polymorphed Professor Widogast.  He used to work as a mercenary, and fought cults.  The cat napping in his office is also a polymorphed Professor Widogast.  He learned dunamancy by seducing a high-level Dynasty spy.  He writes Zemnian fairy tales in his spare time.  He used to be a Volstrucker and may or may not have assassinated Archmage DeRogna.  He spends his weekends fighting gods.  He invented golf.  He’s got a perfect memory and can recite your assignment back to you word for word if you question his grading.  He and Volstrucker Grieve were sharing spell books in the library’s Restricted Section last week.  He’s met King Dwendal.  He once stopped a war.  He moonlights as a pirate.  He’s actually a werewolf.
If you actually ask Professor Widogast about any of the stories, he’ll look at you with an uncomprehending expression and deny everything before throwing in an off-hand comment about the current phase of the moon.
(The silver beer stein sitting prominently on a shelf in his office was Beau and Fjord’s idea, although Caduceus was the one who suggested the wolf design.  Certain people’s complaints that he could at least be a were-cat were unanimously shot down)
((It’s possible that 90% of the rumours and stories surrounding Professor Widogast at any given time were started or shamelessly encouraged by various members of the Mighty Nein.  Veth was exceedingly proud to discover that the collective student body and faculty had already voted her boy Hottest Professor eight years running))
(((Astrid and Eadwulf take turns submitting his name every year.  He’s always looked so pretty when he blushes, and it’s not like it isn’t true)))
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classicsonic · 1 year
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featuring the skull
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luxthestrange · 2 years
Headcanon #16 Mini headcanons
-Lucifer, Barbatos, and Simeon go to a comedy club to perform dad jokes...the brothers and diavolo+luke are all embarrassed by the horrible dad jokes...What is the more significant twist...those three ACTUALLY think their dad jokes are funny and "Hip"
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-The real reason Cerberus hates mammon is...because Cerberus sees him as a rival to be the favorite in his dad-master heart!,He knows mammon in lucifer's eyes is the cutest little brother...and with you in the picture, he hates him more when he smells him on you...which results in you being slubbered in drool to be "cleansed"
-Asmodeus, Thirteen, Maddi and You are in a roller derby team,No one expected Asmodeus to be such a good athlete...Given Asmo and Beel are actually gym brothers but they don't make a big deal out of it
-Barbatos hated kids, well more like he couldn't stand crying babies...he hates them just as much as rats, But after The Queen's death and the obvious blinded anger from the demon king blaming his newborn son for her death he took it upon himself to raise him, he read everything he could about being a "Single parent", He knows he could never take the place of his mother but tries...and now he is pretty happy around kids, tho he never tells Diavolo how many hearts attacks he gave him...Luke really is the golden child for him
-Satan and Luke sometimes get confused as Father & Son a lot, And both don't know how to react when everyone(Brothers/Royals/Newbies and even mc)agree on that, not just appearance-wise but slight short temper and similarities
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