#kingdom hearts wallet
mothsimonpendragon · 22 days
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Me who already owns all the games on Epic Games store: *slams down wallet* GIMMIE!!!
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rararibbon · 2 years
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Xion’s seashells in Roxas’ pattern, namine’s final world star in riku’s pattern, saix’ scar and upside down tears in axel’s pattern.
Thank you supergrioupies for the crumbs…
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
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I want to know who is buying this.💸👀
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betwixtyiff · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary Vinyl Box Set up for preorder from Square Enix's North American store! Notable to contain an upcoming track from Kingdom Hearts IV, "Reality in the Dark"!
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database-o-hearts · 2 years
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20th Anniversary Kingdom Hearts Tsum Tsum sets
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rupeewallet · 1 year
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yeah my favorite character is that one violent blond kid with attitude problems who has an intense past that they can’t remember but has a profound impact on why they are the way they are
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nooneassked · 2 years
Seeing Sora in Tripp pants was something I didn’t know I needed. Its beautiful.
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Request-ish for great 7 au if you dont mind, but what kinds of pictures do you think the g7 keep of yuu? Whether in like a photo book or their wallet or whatever? (Also if you dont mind maybe what their favorite photo of yuu is as well?) Love your writing have a good day!
A Picture of Yuu
Trying to ease myself back into writing and decided to try this out as a semi request! Gn yuu per usual, minot spoilers for ch 2— This is based of my Great 7 fic Unit:Yuu!
Notes: I do not know what kind of Arab Jafar is Aba/Baba for him, please let me know if this incorrect—
Queen of Hearts + Jabberwock
The Queen of Hearts has always been a zany one to say what photo she has of you that she adores on any given day would be difficult. In short, she loves them all!
It is such a shame that instant photography wasn't a thing back in her era, she would have taken so many photos of herself and Wonderland and she would have loved to show you all of them, it would certainly save the Jabberwock from having to explain so much.
The Queen watches you from afar as she drifts into her own thoughts. How she would have loved to take you into Wonderland with her and have your portraits done together.
Perhaps you could take your camera with you and you both can record all the memories you make together? How fitting would it have been to have photos of you in your wackiest poses and outfits up on the walls without having to get each one painstakingly painted?
She watches you rest the Jabberwocks head on her lap, and a smile graces her face at the sight of her little Rose with her greatest warrior. Should she still have her kingdom, she would have barked orders for the royal painter immediately.
Perhaps she doesn't have a favorite photo or picture of you because it hasn't made it yet, and as you take a photo of you and her with the Jabberwock all together (a photo you will undoubtedly hide from Crowley), she realizes she would never be able to find a favorite, as all she wants to now is to keep taking more.
Scar + The Hyenas
Scar has seen Rafiki's artwork before, and he was never impressed by the crude cave paintings he made, especially the ones that represented him.
If Rafiki were to have made one of you, however... he wouldn't know how to feel.
Even then, he much prefers these cameras and their strange instant paintings, after all he has never looked better in them! They really catch his good side!
Scar would huff in faux uninterest when he sees you pointing the camera around and taking photos of those three idiot hyenas around Ramshackle. And when you take photos of him he certainly doesn't strike a pose on purpose! (He snarls at Ed who even thinks about mentioning the idea.)
Still even as you show all of the photos you took, even of the ones of you, the hyenas, and him, it can never compare to the old "photo" of you and him together that he keeps hidden.
Cub is what he called you. To him, you were one. He was teaching you how to hunt with those Hyenas, how to sneak up on your prey and attack, and your victorious smile as you helped them take down a gazelle.
He remembered his muddy paws dragging across stony ground as Banzai carried the gazelle carcass with him, the group of hunters having to take it to the fire so you can eat.
Scar noticed how you suddenly stopped in your tracks and stared down at the ground. Annoyed, Scar huffed telling you to hurry up, and when you went on your knees and poked at the ground below you he snarled and circled back to you
That was when he noticed you were staring at his paw print in part of the ground. Your child self seemed to glow when you saw it, and you took your own muddy and bloodied hand and put it right over his print as if comparing sizes. When you took it away, he saw your small handprint right on his.
He may have actually have had a soft moment with you then and there if it wasn't for the hyena's prodding. Upon seeing the hand and paw print, Ed immediately remarked on how he wanted to do that too, and put his own next to yours, then Shenzi and Banzai, ever competitive, started arguing about doing the same, shoving each other out of the way to put their paw down as well.
In the end, all of your prints were together in a way that oddly resembled Rafiki's dribble. "Are you all satisfied now?" He huffed, snarling, "Now go! All of you!" He barked making the hyenas walk off and you follow. As you all walked off he tore up that part of the stone from the ground and carried it in his mouth, following the cackle closely behind with it.
He despised the way some child managed to worm his way into his heart and yet here is years later with you all grown up, and he still has the stone tablet hidden away for his eyes only. He refuses to let you see how soft he has gotten for you.
Shenzi definitely knows of it and tells you about his secret, prompting Scar to try and kill her.
Ursula + The Eels
Oh dear, now that's a question all right.
If it was up to her and she was able to have had you down in Atlantica, she would have hung so many paintings of you and her poopsies on her grotto walls, your chubby baby self was adorable, you know?
She often has fleeting thoughts of being the one to have brought you up under the sea. Just her a single mom and her three kids as her accomplice in villainy. How she would teach you how to brew the most powerful potions and run a good business...
Even now, she watches the curious glint in your eyes as you explore NRC and takes photos of everything, she's happy you have started to discover who you are.
You naturally take a lot of photos of her new makeup looks, along with your eel brothers wearing matching drag with you. She loves to pick up the Polaroids and commits them to memory, swiping her thumb over herself along with her children's faces lovingly.
It was during one of your weekly drag/makeup nights together. You had on some dramatic trashy show in the background as you all talked and did makeup. You kept one of your eyes closed ad Flotsam hangs on your neck like a scarf, using his tail to hold a brush and dab on eyeshadow while you work on Jetsam's eyebrows. Ursula smiled at the sight of her children bonding.
The peace didn't last long, as you made a particularly shady remark about that crow bastard causing Flotsam to cackle and squeeze you slightly, and Jetsam to slap you fave lightly with his tail.
As the Sibling Codex states, you all now must duel in a free for all and allow no survivors. There are no rules to uphold any honor.
Standing up, you pried Flotsam's body making him loosen the grip around your neck, and flung up the arm that Jetsam was anchored on.
Comically, the dangling eel slapped the camera sitting on the coffee table up from where it was and snap a photo.
"Jetsam! I swear if the camera is broken—" "Hey you're the one that flung me!"
Picking up the camera and looking it over you let out a breath of relief before checking out the film that came out
"Come here dear let me see..." Urusla spoke as you walked over.
Though slightly blurry, the photo featured all of you. You had a bright smile on your features as did your siblings who were smushed into you as fashionable accessories. In the background, Ursula sat elegantly admiring her children. And though she wasn't the center of the photo, she loved to see her children happy.
Were she were back in her grotto, this photo would have been displayed as one of her most prized possessions.
Jafar + Iago
It wasn't often he dreamt, but when he did, he dreamed big. He was Sultan of the Sands and the most powerful sorcerer of all with you as his heir by his side. Sure, Iago would be there too he supposes...
He would rule with an iron fist and bring about a Golden Age for his kingdom while tutoring you on the side, teaching you laws and ideals and the most powerful spells he knows. There would be all sorts of depictions of the two of you, mosaics, tapestries, poems, paintings, and perhaps even a few statues as well.
You would both be depicted as you should: powerful and intelligent... and Iagos there too he guesses...
So imagine his surprise when his favorite photo isn't a pretentious one at all.
When you first got your camera, he took pride in being photographed and always posed his very best, he wouldn't stand for any unsightly photos you may try to take. He would stand tall with Iago on his shoulder and staff in hand, evil and powerful. He would hate to be depicted as anything less.
As you set up the ghost camera on the stand, you start to take a few experimental photos as well as test out the timer function on it. Honesty it was thanks to Jafar it worked, his intuition and knowledge of technology were always remarkable.
"Any more trouble from that device, Yuu?" Jafar's voice snaps you out of focus as you turn to him standing in the common room, Iago perched where he usually was. "Nope not anymore, thank you Baba" you smile as you check out the camera again.
"Want to try and take a photo with me to test it out?" "If you mean one of those 'selfies' I will have to refuse!" "No, no, not like that I promise!"
Arching a brow and heaving a sigh Jafar relents. You get to work setting up the camera before running over to pose with them. You watched as the timer counted down... 4...3...2...
Suddenly, you throw yourself into Jafar in a deep hug as Iago squawks indignantly. The flash goes off. Sputtering for a moment as he takes a moment to adjust himself, he huffs. "What was the meaning of that Diamond?" Jafar snaps as he shoots you a glare. "Yeah that's the big deal?!" Iago cawed.
You smirked as you snagged the Polaroid out of the camera and aired it out with a few shakes before showing the pair.
The photo showed you pulling Jafar closer to you, holding onto and nuzzling into him dearly like a toddler would do their mother. He actually wore the slightest smile in the photo. Iago's wings were spread and for once he looked like the lively bird he was and not some villainous lackey.
"I have a lot of photos of Jafar and Iago, but none of my baba and my friend" You muttered holding the photo close to you. "But now I do, and don't worry it's for my eyes only... I would hate to ruin your image.
Jafar shuts his eyes for a moment, perhaps he was unintentionally and unknowingly strict. "No no, retake the photo, little one." He says as he holds your shoulder. "Let's take another photo as a family this time."
Jafar and Iago both sat on the rickety couch of Ramshackle as you set up the camera again before running back and sitting next to them. Iago hopped into your lap as you hugged the vizier. Jafar looked down at you both lovingly before wrapping his arms around you gently, allowing the camera to snap, and like that, his favorite photo of you was made.
Queen Grimhilde + The Raven
Ever since staying in Ramshackle, the Evil Queen would dream about being back home in her palace. She would walk down the halls of rooms and for a moment pretend the floors were stone and echoed with her steps and not creak under her weight. The walls were to be lined with intricate decor and tapestries along with art, and as she walks into your room to look at the mirror, she imagines it's her vanity where she would admire herself.
Raven stood on her shoulder preening her and she shut her eyes imagining the glory days when she ruled but this time she imagines herself with you at her side.
How you would sit on the stool in front of her vanity and look at yourself in the mirror as she clasps a necklace onto you after she finished dressing you up. How you would walk beside her amongst the guards and servants as she enters the throne room which used to have a lone throne but now has two.
How you would both sit regally as she deals with nobles and teach you how to rule with an iron fist and to be your worst possible self. How she would take you to her garden and poisons and teach you how to grow and use each one, later taking you into her study to practice your potionology.
You deserved much better than this place in her eyes, and once she gets her body back she will ensure you both rise to power once again. Even if you are currently living in a... less than ideal situation she will have you carry yourself with the same level of respect and pride she feels like you should have.
She shows you which plants can be used for hair and skin and makeup. She shows you how to embroider your clothes and sew. She shows you proper manners for everything as well— no child of hers will be taken for a slob. Your elegance hides your wild side and villainous upbringing well, only showing it to those who are worthy.
Her ghost sits across from you in the guest room, a glass of tea poured out for her in her honor though she can't drink from it. You finish up your latest piece as you push the needle through a few more times. Letting out a breath of relief, you tuck away the needle and hold out the new dress shirt you made in your preferred style. "Good work," she says approvingly as the Raven lets out a squawk, and you both continue to chat about your day.
The next day, you put on the shirt you worked so hard on, slipping on the right pants, shoes, and homemade accessories to match. Today, your mother decides to help you put on some light makeup, her ghost guiding your hands to apply foundation.
She then helps you put on your accessories and she is reminded of the fantasy she had the other day. "Thank you, Mama." You say smiling. "I guess this is my first official... complete outfit..." You didn't any decent clothes to start with since coming here, and even when you wore nicer things, you could never truly make it your own, you couldn't have your own style. Yet in the mirror you see all of your hard work put into sewing and saving, creating an outfit from your mother's love.
You look at yourself in the hand mirror you own as the Queen holds your face lovingly. "Shall we take a photo to commemorate the occasion?" You ask, smiling. "Ah yes, that ghost camera of yours can see me, can't it?"
You nod and begin to set the camera up. The Queen never cared for the photos it took, preferring the status symbol of oil paintings in her castle. As you stood next, she helped to pose you at the perfect angle, adjusting your posture and such as she stood beside you, hand on your head.
The photo came out, and it was as perfect as she would imagine it to be. Admiring it, she thinks back to getting her power again and her castle back, and for some reason, the first thing she imagines doing is to recreate this portrait with you, this time in paint, and the highest quality clothes you want.
Hades + Pain & Panic
His favorite photo of you? One where you look your best, one where you look powerful and strong and— oh wait his favorite photo of you?
When Hades found out the ghost camera can register him, he and his imps were over the moon. You best believe you had to make him look cool. (You gave in because Hades was never given the same respectable portraits compared to his family).
Every photo of him portraying him positively... touched my heart. He wasn't the unwanted brother or the laughing stock, outcasted and forgotten. He was Hades, God of the Underworld.
The imps also loved any photos of them taken positively, but they also didn't mind the funny ones too. Honestly, these two were absolute menaces with the camera, often stealing it and taking the worst photos of you.
Though you have some photos of yourself, or with your friends, none of them ever truly called out to Hades. He would simply see some as neat or use photos to lovingly bully you. Yet when he thought about it, all of his siblings seemed to always have some sort of art piece representing their children, he remembers Zeus and his insane amount of photos of his brat when he was born after all. He can't help but sort of desire one... but what?
For a good, while he can't help but look at all the photos you take and pay special attention to the ones that you were in— you best believe that if you have a photo with one of your friends he's gonna tease you for your "boyfriend".
As he goes through them he tries to find one that feels like it shows off his kid well, yet he can't. You look good in all of your photos, but you didn't feel like you. That's the one thing he's noticed since coming here. You couldn’t be your true self, you weren't allowed to bare your teeth and be truly free the way you should be.
Hades actually stews on this for a while silently, Pain and Panic bother him about it much to his chagrin. As the days went by Hades seemed to get more and more and more annoyed by your environment sucking the life out of you. Homework was annoying, Ramshackle sucked, and that damned crow bastard keeps dumping responsibility onto you! How is his kiddo supposed to shine like this?!
Recently, Crowley dumped another annoying task onto you— something stupid about looking into clumsy kids. You hated it but got Pain and Panic ready to help you as you went about interviewing victims and such. It was rotten work.
Maleficent + Diaval
Eventually, with your idiot squad, things picked up, and you came up with the idea of catching the perpetrator with your camera, as Crowley states he needs evidence. One thing led to another. Here we are in the Savanahclaw Dorm, facing the lion down face to face. Pain and Panic stood on either side of you as you stood your ground, stance widening to prepare for a fight.
And fight you did. Hades watched in absolute awe as you fought against the blot, rolling and sliding past attacks while seizing any opportunity to get a hit or to create an opening for your friends. Pain and Panic both helped, occasionally lashing at Leona to throw off his aim or providing your some healing and shielding with their shapeshifting abilities.
As the dust settled, and the sun rose higher in the sky, your silhouette stood amongst the rubble as you panted, fists still clenched. You had a powerful aura around you along with a steely gaze as you stared down at the lion beneath you. Panic suddenly pops up, ghost camera in hand as he snaps a photo. "How's that for proof?" he snickers alongside Pain as you finally relax.
The photo standing over your opponent had exactly what the other photos of you lacked. There was a fire in your eyes, a confident stance, and though dirt-covered and sweaty, you were unapologetically you in the moment. Not to mention badass.
Yet that wasn't the only reason Hades adored it. The image reminded of him Zeus' brat he despised. How that damned Hercules would be painted and shown off everywhere as a legend with his powerful stance, often standing over the slain monsters that Hades meticulously put together to defeat him.
And yet... here you were: A mirror image of him, a perfect foil. And unlike Hercules, you were still here and so was he. That brat failed to kill him. Through his child, he has won... Ha! Take that, Zeus! Just wait for round 2! This time, he won't fail.
Maleficent is also one who doesn't understand newer technology. She simply can't wrap her head around a device that makes portraits instantly without magic. After a bit of explanation from Diaval (who still doesn't know much), she simply accepts it.
Like Grimhilde, the Fae much prefers painted portraits, and often finds herself imagining how you would look in one every time she sees one of your "selfies".
The Fae Queen finds it endearing that you want to take photos of her and your dear uncle Diaval, trying your best to make some good memories in this miserable place. Even on your nightly walks together, you bring your camera with you to photograph the wildlife around you.
Seeing your features light up just by seeing the smallest bug makes her feel a strange sense of pride as if this proves you belong to her and the forest of the fae. She's glad to know that enjoys nature just as much as her.
Passing by a small pond, the three of you pause for a moment. Diaval, in his crow form, is happily perched onto your shoulder, nuzzling and preening you as you give him a few scratches and look up to the night sky above you. As your eyes reflect the stars, Maleficent is reminded of a fond memory.
You were a child at the time, to be honest, she couldn't tell you how old you were, at her age, all children start looking the same.
The fae was coming to terms with being a ghost— a ghost stuck inside a child no less— and she certainly did not appreciate it. How could such a pudgy and idiotic vessel possibly be worthy of the Mistress of All Evil?
She would sneer at the idea of growing attached to you. Even as your child self waved and smiles at her, she snarled in response, baring her fangs at you. To her surprise, you merely giggled. She wasn't amused.
No matter how many times she snapped and told you to go away, or order Diaval to distract you, you would always come back to her eventually. She just didn't get it, why do you like her so much?! Under the guise of not wasting her breath or energy, she stopped trying to distance herself from you, allowing your small baby hands to play with her cloak or touch her horns. You were a curious little beastie, weren't you?
She remembers watching you grow up little by little, watching your kid self play with Diaval as a crow and give each other affection, how she cast protection spells on you as you ran through the forest barefoot, cursing any sharp stones you may step on.
She remembers guiding you as you picked berries and copied the animals you saw. She remembers singing you lullabies and telling you stories of her home, hoping she could take you to it. Her warnings about trusting men.
She remembers how unequivocally she fell for the child that melted her heart, and how she assigned Diaval to you, making him promise to always watch out for you and to serve you as he did her.
And she especially remembers how you approached her with a scribbled-on, crumpled sheet of paper. You babbled as you held up the piece to her. Kneeling down with her usual stern expression, she examined the scribbles closer.
Crude lines depicted an all-black horned figure holding a staff in one hand, hand awkwardly stretched out to touch hands with the tiny figure in the middle. An attempt at a blackbird was drawn in the other outstretched hand of the child, its best open in a caw. All of the figures had clumsy smiles. Arrows pointed to all of the figures labeled 'Me' 'Malycent' and 'Diovl'
Diaval perched on Maleficent's shoulder, getting the best look he could before swooping in and nuzzling your kid self. As you laughed and giggled Maleficent allowed a small smile to grace her features as she watches you play.
To this day, she still has the piece of paper in her cloak, enchanted with the strongest protection spell she could do in her current state. In her mind, no other portrait than the one you drew could ever compare.
Perhaps one day when she rules from her thorny castle, she will have this art piece framed in her study, for her eyes only.
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mirakurutaimu · 4 months
Opinion on Ral Zarek now being an Otter in both meanings of the word?
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rant time i talked about this on Twitter a bit yesterday but it's so fucking stupid. like it's kinda cute that Bloomburrow has the kingdom hearts lion king world "if you go here you're an animal while you're here" thing, but also the only thing we were really told about Bloomburrow leading up to it was "there will be no humans on the plane". so we're all like oh shit, cool, sounds like it's gonna be its own unique thing without a bunch of Dudes You Know in it since there's no humans in it, right? we can finally escape the cycle of banal, tropey sets that are mostly just "Characters From Magic's History Dress Up In Costumes" (MKM, Cowpokez, NEO, Capenna) but nope. of course not. if you planeswalk/omenpath to bloomburrow, you turn into a furry! now watch them sell secret lair packs of fur-tfed planeswalkers, because of course every set needs to be a vehicle for a bunch of stupid gimmicky Products™️ they can sell to gamers with extremely loose wallets
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oh, yeah, and alongside this announcement was that they're cutting off printing of portuguese cards. it's not the Biggest deal since I've heard firsthand in non-English speaking countries that they usually just end up using the English cards anyways (gee I wonder if this has anything to do with the globalization of American culture lol no problems there). but they only decided to cut off the printing of portuguese (and simplified chinese) cards because they're facing a 2% drop in profits this year... because of all the stupid royalty fees they're paying on their dumbass Universes Beyond crossover bullshit lol
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i've loved Magic since i started playing in high school, but as of late that love has been waning a good bit. the game is so bogged down by corporate product shilling bullshit. every card needs 900 alternate arts. 900 alternate borders. every set needs a hideous alternate card treatment. every set needs 56 different kinds of booster packs. no more Block-format releases, no more core sets, just products, products, products, products.
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i used to be a big fan of Commander/EDH, but ever since it really caught on and Wizards/Hasbro decided "well, this is the most popular gamemode, we now need to design the entire game around it" and it kinda completely ruined commander imo. what was once a gamemode about running weird, niche interactions and building something with a unique flavor or playstyle now boils down to "well, just pick one of the 92849634796782435678 legendary creatures they've been printing for the past few years and run all these extremely pushed commander staples they keep printing" and it just ain't fun anymore. gotta sit down at the table and look at entire Doctor Who decks and Transformers cards and Tomb Raider cards and etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. Commander tables are just fucking billboards now lmao
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it's very clear WOTC/Hasbro has no idea what to do now that they did the Giant Multiverse-Ending Threat of the Phyrexians in All Will Be One. much like the marvel movie franchise which MTG has been so emulating for years now (AND HAS EVEN SIGNED A FUCKING CROSSOVER DEAL WITH AS OF LAST YEAR, SEE YOU IN 2025 THANOS COMMANDER DECK), we're at the period where they're just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, twiddling their thumbs with these boring, tropey sets, all the while drowning players in a deluge of alternate arts, secret lairs, crossovers, etc. a common complaint among magic's playerbase is that nowadays they're literally selling too much shit. preview/teasers season for one set will immediately be followed by previews and teasers for another set. there's no time for anything to breathe it's just buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy.
anyways stop giving hasbro money, print proxies and play magic for free :)
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
I want to hear about being Rimuru's wifey 🥺
(How long would it take for you to be killed by his many jealous wannabe wifeys though LOL)
OK, FINE. I can give a little juice.
Rimuru Tempest is confident in a number of different things. Lords are not without their pride; Rimuru undergoes significant evolution-literally and figuratively-as a monster and as an individual playing his role as King of Monsters.
But marriage sure ain't one of them!
Can't tell the first thing about it, not diddly squat.
Not all hope is lost, however. You're a team in this, together till the end. Sworn by hearts, promised in bonds. Tethered by fated rings, by your fingers. Even with his face in the ground, glued in the sand, you're dedicated as ever, stubborn in the face of conflict. By his side forevermore, inspiring. He just has to get back on track, stand again, puff his chest to swallow some big boy pills; boost his esteem, maintain faith and confidence. Lovers help each other, so prop up! Words cannot describe his appreciation, his respect. And it's not just you, he isn't as alone as he thinks he is, never. A whole kingdom of monsters is watching your backs, a little too eager to lend a hand in serenading you both.
Rimuru isn't that stupid! There's a groom and bride with a bunch of lovely dovely flowers and shit, literally all he knows. His previous lifetime was kind of pathetic and unromantic. Pretty depressing in entirety, sad in truth. He never married or attended weddings in his lost world, let alone the current one. Is marriage even the same here as it is in Japan? For all Rimuru knows, marriage kisses ass and costs butt loads of unnecessary money.
So fucking clueless, tree stumped.
Rimuru is a slime, but a Demon Lord slime, not to be looked down upon. Power, wealth and a whole kingdom by his side! He can learn to husband, no sweat! He can do this! And do you.
Something he always does is dot on you like you're the next Tom Cruise. Bubbly and bashful, all to delight you. No strings attached, anything you might like; can only hope it hits a not too big dent in his wallet. He doesn't want to overdo, come across as too zealous. But doing so makes him do exactly that (Overthinks sometimes, stresses, running Tempest requires a great deal of weight and planning). Appropriate gifts left and right, showering you in attention. Things you favor, as if he needs to prove himself over every little thing. Things Shuna told him you favor. His wife is the best thing that ever happened to him since his rebirth. The closest thing to his heart, a part of his family, the family he would die protecting. Being King isn't paradise. Its plenty stressful and he worries, a lot.
To Rimuru, you work wonders just by sitting down with him. His wife's presence eases everything his horrible day threw at him, accepting a place shaped with your legs, fitting perfectly. A seat perfect for a king, your leggy pot full of bubbly blue jelly. Your hands drag across him in smooth feathery strokes, his slimy form flowing along the slow movements as thick ocean currents. Carefully gliding, washing away the negativity and pressure off his shoulders. Replaced with care and comfort, a love only a wife can give. In this embrace, a tangling of different bodies, your gentle pets are heaven. Warm water, slipping through your fingers like glass. Holding him so tenderly in your lap, afraid he will slide off at any moment. Don't worry, he stays right where he is. Careless of how "jealous" the others might get. Will get. Take a hint Shion. He just snuggles deeper, instantly relaxed. Chill in your own makeshift hug.
Rimuru especially loves travel. Sightseeing, a passion Satoru Mikami dreamed of before reincarnation. Exploring, experiencing and visiting every corner of the world, seeing places in the glorious landscapes of his thriving nation. A piece of Eden Heaven can't hope to compare. Beauty exists to be seen.
It won't take a mile to enjoy himself, Rimuru is a regular guy who likes regular things. Married anime couple things. Simple things. Like counting clouds and trees, wishing on shooting stars, telling fairy tales. Minty to your taste. Breathing fresh air and enjoying food together, basking in beloved company. Even with that in mind, still gives it the best he can provide, turn it more meaningful and loving, memorable. The best views, best stops, best everything. He can't go out to genuinely enjoy life with his wife as much as he wants to, until retirement. Every moment must be worth treasuring, so when he does have time aplenty, its twice as entertaining.
Nothing wins Rimuru over faster than a tasty meal. Consider food dates his favorite type of date; since Rimuru lost his sense of taste as a slime, he incredibly values taste. One of the few things left of his humanity. From breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts. Bonus points if you cook for him; Rimuru quite literally melts, enjoying these get togethers is the prime of his day.
May even muster up the courage to do that cliche anime trope. You know the one.
That single trope all anime protagonists do; a classic, desperate loser move to flirt with their lover. Rimuru cringes at the mere thought of it, drowning in sweat. Shuddering. Makes him sink into himself and never peek back out. Embarrassed. Rimuru will blame it on cold weather. Wants to do it so damn badly but...
Fucking cliche, like his life isn't already an anime. He wants to run in the opposite direction and quickly slip into a lonely hole in the ground because he was not made for this:
Feeding you directly from his spoon.
Kill him please.
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I'm hyped for Kingdom Hearts IV right now, since we kind of just got news about it. Maybe.
So, let's talk about Kingdom Hearts IV outfits.
Everyone agrees that Sora's new clothes in Kingdom Hearts IV are a lot like his first SuperGroupies outfit.
Sora's first SuperGroupies look (though I'm going to show Nomura's drawing of Sora in it, rather than the clothes):
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Sora in Kingdom Hearts IV:
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Now, for fun, if this trend of putting the KH characters in clothes related to their SuperGroupies looks continues (and you think it would), do you think Riku and Kairi will be in the ones from the first line or second?
You'd think they'd match Sora with the first line stuff, right?
Here are Riku and Kairi's looks in the first SuperGroupies Kingdom Hearts line:
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Or might we get a wrench thrown in here, and have Riku and Kairi dressed from the second line? Here are some Riku things from the second line:
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And I'm throwing this one (below) in here, too (also from Riku's line), because man, do I hope we get something like this in whatever Riku wears, so he actually has some color in his outfit:
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SuperGroupies Kingdom Hearts line 2: Kairi:
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SuperGroupies line 2 also has wallets for everyone... but to be honest, I doubt we'd see characters pulling out wallets in KH. I'm also really doubting the backpacks and umbrellas. Maybe we could see umbrellas in cutscenes for five seconds, but I think that would be about it. Still felt like showing them, though, especially since Nomura drew the characters with backpacks (that you'll see in a moment)
And here's Sora's second SuperGroupies look, even though we're not seeing it in KHIV. Perhaps something like KHV? Or the Verum Rex game?;)
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Anyway, if you had the choice, which outfit for Riku and/or Kairi would you like to see in Kingdom Hearts IV?
I didn't include any of the other characters here, because Nomura himself has said he's not sure anyone from the Sea Salt or Wayfinder Trio will be in KHIV.
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a-halo-for-you · 7 months
Grishaverse Tribute
I'm pissed. I'm vengeful. I'm going to march on Netflix.
The cancellation is uncalled for, now all we will see in return for the snubbing of one of the best series on Netflix, with one of the best fandoms, cast and creators another stupid documentary glorifying a serial killer, another shitty teen show with no plot but plenty of sex (because sexualizing children will be something they always get away with), and another over-marketed pointless action film with some former boxer or wrestler leading it who can't really act more than one type of nice-buff guy.
In my mournful and restless vengeful spirit, I have come up with another playlist dedicated to the Grishaverse, the fans, the cast and Leigh Bardugo. This breaks their hearts so much because we know how excited and passionate they were about telling this story, and to think now so many won't be able to go on and live their beloved characters through to the end. I can't stand it.
"None of this had been fated; none of it foretold. There had been no prophecies of a demon king or a dragon queen, a one-eyed Tailor, Heartrender twins. They were just the people who had shown up and managed to survive. But maybe that was the trick of it: to survive, to dare to stay alive, to forge your own hope when all hope had run out. For the survivors then, Zoya whispered to herself as the people before her knelt and chanted her name. And for the lost." - Leigh Bardugo, Rule of Wolves
I got to dream through them, Shadow and Bone saved my Covid years, when I was alone in a dorm learning online, unable to be with anyone else, with no friends and no family. I had little to no confidence and was stuck in a place that scared me. But then I had Shadow and Bone, I had these amazing characters and when I dove into the books, I found so much more. (A found family is my favourite literary trope for a reason.)
“Kaz leaned back. "What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?" "Knife to the throat?" asked Inej. "Gun to the back?" said Jesper. "Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina. "You're all horrible," said Matthias." - Leigh Barugo, Six of Crows
This is a playlist for all of us who are mourning and for all of us willing to fight on. I've seen petitions already posted on change.org, lets sign them all, share them all and try our best to change this while we can. Warrior Nun got their season 3. Who says we can't? Who says we shouldn't? Brick by Brick we will build our season 3, or we'll go down trying.
“Have any of you wondered what I did with all the cash Pekka Rollins gave us?" "Guns?" asked Jesper. "Ships?" queried Inej. "Bombs?" suggested Wylan. "Political bribes?" offered Nina. They all looked at Matthias. "This is where you tell us how awful we are," she whispered.” - Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom
Pardon the ecclectic taste of this long playlist, but there are so many types of song that I feel fit the plot, the charcaters and themes as well as their relationships to each other. This has sparked inspiration in me to create more playlists catering to the Grishaverse and I'll do that alongside my usual playlist posts.
I would also like to say that this playlist isn't just mine, it's for everyone and I would love for any fans of the show or books to let me know if they have any songs that they love to be added to the playlist and I will do so.
There are over 60 songs on this playlist, so I'm not going to write them all here for obvious reasons, I hope none of you mind that.
For our founding mother Leigh Bardugo. For the Six of Crows; Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar. For our S+B crew; Alina Starkov, Malyen Oretsev, The Darkling, Baghra Morotzova, Nikolai Lantsov, Zoya Nazyalensky, Genya Safin, David Kostyk, Tolya Yul-Bataar, Tamar Kir- Bataar, Nadia and Adrik Zhabin.
Let the revival of Season 3 be our final grand mission.
Lets stream the show, post more art, more fanfics, more posts, more petitions. Let's fight for what we can.
No Mourners, No Funerals.
'Yuyey sesh'
'Ni weh sesh'
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kh13 · 9 months
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Kingdom Hearts Jacquard Handbags, Wallets, and Backpacks available for pre-order from the Square Enix e-Store, coming January 2024!
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relationship hcs ; rockstar cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (02/07/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; rockstar cookie
outline ; “Rockstar Cookie smut and relationship hcs?
Looks like he's coming to kingdom!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
extremely sentimental when it comes to you and his fans love it
like he dedicates whole rock ballads to you and his love for you, he carries a picture of you (several pictures, in fact) in his wallet when he’s on tour, talks about you in interviews
you’re his muse and he’s not shy about saying it — and his fans eat it up every time (hell you even have fan pages dedicated to you because of his devotion)
big on casual pda: arm around the waist, kissing your interlocked hands, pecking your cheek, nudging your shoulder with his… things like that
if you gift or make him a piece of jewellery then you can guarantee he’ll be wearing it everywhere — gigs, interviews, date nights, shopping, etc.
loves to spoil you with your favourite things and never comes back from a gig empty handed — whether it’s clothes, food, fan letters, books, or trinkets that he thought you’d like
if you surprise him by coming to one of his shows then he’ll get the biggest grin on his face and point you out to the crowd (e.g. ‘that’s my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner!!’)
if he’s even the slightest bit unwell then he’ll exaggerate his symptoms to get your attention and affection — so a mild headache becomes a debilitating ache only soothed by true loves kiss, etc.
quietly encourages you to steal his clothes because he thinks it’s cute — and if you wear a bigger size then he’ll deliberately buy bigger clothes for you to ‘steal’
calls you ‘cutie’, ‘babe’ and ‘sweets’ interchangeably
your contact name on his phone is just the heart eyes emoji… twenty three times (it used to be ‘future spouse’)
you’re the first person who gets to hear his song ideas and you’re also his biggest cheerleader — like he swears he’d never have gotten this far without you
he’s a sleep cuddler — like borderline koala in how clingy he gets with you when he’s asleep
he has a whole album’s worth of acoustic love songs that he’s written just for you and they’ll never be released to the public — they were made to be performed on slow evenings under the setting sun with an audience of one and that’s how they’ll stay
calls you every morning and every night when he’s away just to make sure that you both start and end your days with an ‘i love you’ like you do when you’re both at home
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blarefordaglare · 5 months
Sky realizes he has a lot of grandchildren (mini fanfic)
I have decided every day, I’ll write a mini fanfic (like >10 paragraphs wrong) to get myself prepared for febuwhump >:) (I’m gonna be writing every day something, stay tooned!)
this is the first one.
(P.S. this is probably not lore accurate to the Zelda games itself, but I have to make it clear how the timeline was established for myself 😂)
“Wait, what did you say about the royal bloodline?” Sky perked up from his embroidery. He remembers Zelda gave it to him when they revisited Hyrule. She showed him this amazing thing called cotton, which was much softer than any other material on skyloft itself. He wonders how she is doing sometimes, building an entire kingdom is a lot of work.
“The royal bloodline?” Warriors looked over, “I once heard someone tell me it has carried goddess blood for thousands of years.”
“Oh yeah! That reminds me, I once heard that the kingdom was started by a guy who used the triforce to destroy a great evil.” Hyrule chimed in, “Imagine holding the entire triforce at all times- must be hard!” (A/N, sounds rich coming from you Hyrule)
“…What about the blood of the goddess then?” Sky quipped. He was the one that used the triforce. He killed Demise. Could this have meant…? He and Zelda, could they have-
“Must have been in love, I guess.”
“Me and Zelda… love?” Sky’s heart couldn’t take the emotions that were sent to him, “The entire timeline, our childre-“
“Uh… Sky?”
“Guys, I think we killed him.” Wind looked over to the passed out hero sleeping on the ground. “Twi can I borrow your wallet? I wanna see how many rupees I can stack on his head.”
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salemruinseverything · 9 months
i haven't made a headcanon post in yeeeeaaaars but i'm too lazy to try and draw these so....... alternative styles i think the sides would be into
- emo. thats fucking obvious. and canon.
- wants 2000s hot topic back so fucking bad
- his entire wardrobe (outside of his like. one canon outfit) is nightmare before christmas & set it off merch
- wants to put his emo quartet phase in the past so badly but he still jumps every time he hears a g note
- EVERYTHING jfashion. to some extent at least
- especially loves yumekawa & lolita; dabbles in hime gyaru quite a bit
- i know that man wears platform boots. im not letting go of that. giant baby blue sparkly demonias with enough buckles for the entire cast of a kingdom hearts game
- so much cinnamoroll in the yumekawa fits. he is a pubpy he is blue he is silly what do you want
- i don't know ???? he gives off such heavy prep energy that i cannot imagine him in anything other than like a red & white vineyard vines shirt
- maybe like. something vaguely approaching eboy. (he put on one (1) chain and some eyeliner and called it an eboy outfit)
-maybe patton manages to get him in a tsuyome gyaru outfit once in a blue moon he'd look good as hell in that
- assigned terminal prep at sanders sides headcanon post
- suuuuper like. 2000s numetal punk. i need that man in a black untucked button-up and baggy jeans with wallet chains on the belt loops immediately.
- he heard "math rock" and took it as an instruction
- i don't know why but i can see him being super obsessive over system of a down and green day. he bonds with virgil over them
- he owns jncos and wears them regularly
- very very heavy trad goth. almost leaning into victorian/cabaret goth
- i know in my heart of hearts that man is blasting depeche mode 24/7
- i want you to just picture with me for a moment. black poet shirt with yellow ruffles, home-dyed black flared jeans, yellow platform mary janes, big overdramatic black parasol. yellow satin gloves
- can you tell these were drawing ideas before they were a headcanon post
- SCENE KID. no other option.
- the kind of scene kid who called people slurs in casual conversation on myspace in the 2000's. i'm sorry. he would
- ungodly amount of gir clothes. he just raided the entire gir section at hot topic. i'm imaging this takes place in a world where those are still a thing. i want them back. he's head to toe in that fucking furry robot
- listens to msi (sorry. jimothy piss is also the kind of scene kid who called people slurs on myspace) (i don't support msi. i also do not support remus)
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