#kingsman tgc fic
Well Oiled (Kinktober #6)
Pairing: Jack Daniels x female reader (Agent Cider) - ‘Buried’ Pairing
Word count: 11,076
Kinktober prompt: Temperature play
Rating: EXPLICIT. But also sort of tame for a kinktober story? 
Warnings: Mentions of previous injury, needles, immobilization (brief)
Summary: When you and Jack come home from New York, Ginger’s got a little something waiting for you. Yes, it’s a “welcome home” present ... no, it’s not anything typical.
Author’s Note:
I haven’t written a lengthy piece for Jack and Cider in a LONG TIME... and once I started writing this one, I couldn’t stop. 
It takes place about 7 months after Buried’s ending (even though we aren’t there yet) ... so this is yet another sneak peek into their future. 
Thank you all for being patient with me on these two; I definitely feel more inspired to get back to them now.
Want to read Buried? Check out the masterlist here!
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“Stop playing with that.” You leaned over, speaking quietly into his ear. “This night is for you, Jack. You should be paying attention.” 
It took him a few seconds but the man finally acknowledged you with a sigh, pushing the candle back toward the center of the table and then lifting his hand to stare at his fingers. You watched the wax on the tips harden and then crumble as Jack rubbed his fingers together, littering the tabletop with small, irregularly shaped remnants. “I know.” He didn’t say anything else, though, the man’s eyes forward and focused on where a small group of the other Statesman New York employees were gathered, talking amongst themselves. 
“Why do I get the feeling you’d rather be anywhere but here?” You tried again, sighing as you settled back into your seat, fingertips drumming against the tabletop. He looks unsettled. He looks … like he did in Seattle.
“Because I’d rather be anywhere but here.” Jack said your name, turning his head to look at you. “I was barely here for a full year, and they’re treatin’ me like -” 
“They’re celebrating that you’re good at your job, Jack.” Meeting his eyes, you shrugged. “This job, the real job, all of it.” His lips twitched and you continued, reaching for his hand. “They’re going to miss you when you go back to Kentucky, and that shouldn’t surprise you.” Time to pull out the big guns. Head shaking back and forth, you squeezed his hand. “Look, I know you don’t like the idea of this all being for you, but… it is. And you can either sit here and ignore everyone while I get up and socialize by myself, or you and I can go and play nice with these people for another hour and a half before we can leave without it being weird.”
“Really?” His eyes widened with hope, Jack’s lips parting so that the tip of his tongue was visible. “I thought you’d want to stay until -”
“Jack, I’d love to stay until they close the bar and kick us out, but if you’re not happy, you’re not happy, and I’d much rather be home with you.” The words rolled off of your tongue with ease, unlike they had in the first weeks after you’d arrived in New York with him. “But we can’t leave this early since you are the guest of honor. So, option one is for you to stay sitting at this table. I’ll get up and go make excuses about how you’re just worrying about what happens with all the work you’ve done here when we get back to Kentucky. Option two is that we both get up and you smile and pretend -”  
“Hour and a half?” You nodded, watching as a small smile tugged on his lips, betraying his non-committal tone. “And then we can go?” Another nod, and Jack leaned in even closer, taking a breath. “Alright.” Jack closed the distance between the two of you, lips finding the corner of your mouth and lingering there. He raised one hand to cradle the back of your head before pulling away, his touch immediately comforting you like it had so many times before. “Alright, Agent. Let’s go be friendly.” 
As promised, the two of you stepped through the doorway of his apartment under two hours later. You used the toe of one boot to push a packed box to the side, giving you more open space as you entered the room. 
He was in a better mood, mostly thanks to the few drinks that the two of you had enjoyed from the bar - but you knew that it was also because after that night, Jack wouldn’t ever have to see most of the people that had been at the party again. And it’s not that he doesn’t like them, it’s just … they’re not our people.
You were leaving for Kentucky two days later, Champ calling the two of you back to headquarters after nearly six months of you being on location with Jack - and both of you were excited. 
For him, it meant a chance to step completely away from the distillery side of the company. For you, it meant getting back to the routine you’d desperately missed after being sidelined because of your memory loss. And it means proving that I can still do what they hired me to do. It also meant that when you were sent out on paired missions, you’d be with Jack every single time. Thanks to Champ … and to Jack. 
But before then, you and Jack had two full days off to spend together. And we’re going to make the most of this. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” You undid the zipper on your boot, sliding it off before doing the same to the second one, leaving them by the door and next to his. “I told you that everyone was just trying to tell you how much they appreciate what you’ve been able to do since you got here.” 
“I know.” He was in the kitchen, the man leaning into the open refrigerator door and grabbing two bottles of beer. “I just… being here has been a constant reminder of me runnin’ from Kentucky. I’m just glad that it’s…” He sighed, setting the bottles down on the counter and eyeing you. “Glad it’s over. It’s not the job here I didn’t like, it’s everything that … being here makes me think about.
You knew that he meant more than just leaving Kentucky for an undetermined period of time. It’s Stephanie and the other women he was with while he was here. You also knew that he was referring to keeping St. Paul from you for months and not being able to do a damn thing about it. But he has to stop beating himself up over all of it.
“None of that matters anymore.” You crossed the living room and reached for one of the beers, twisting the cap off and taking a drink, fingers wrapped around the icy-cold bottle neck. “I have to admit though, seeing you do actual business for the last few months has been… nice.” 
“I don’t think anyone’s ever accused me of bein’ nice before.” Jack arched a brow and sipped from his beer, nose wrinkling as he swallowed. “But I guess I’m not surprised it’s you that did it first.” 
“Love you too, Jack.” Reaching out, you clinked the neck of your bottle with his and tilted your head back, taking another drink. “So. We’re just about packed up. What do you want to do for the next two days? We’re going to be really busy as soon as we get back to Kentucky.” 
There were a lot of options - and plenty of things that you hadn’t had  the opportunity to do while in the city, but the truth was that you didn’t want to do any of them. “We are.” Jack stepped around you and into the living room, his hand trailing over your lower back and sending a surge of warmth through you as he urged you to follow him. “Champ already sent over the itinerary.” 
“Yeah, I got that too.” You dropped down onto the couch next to him, settling in against the arm of it. In the same motion, you lifted your legs to drape them over his, sighing as you got comfortable. “They waited on starting with the recruits until we got back. And it’s probably because he wanted you there for it, which I understand.” You drank again and then frowned. “Those training days are long, though. I remember being exhausted by the end of them.” Exhausted and overwhelmed.
“Even the ones you spent with me?” He raised a brow, smirking. “Learnin’ to shoot isn’t supposed to be tiring.”
“No, I was exhausted by being around you for ten hours a day for two weeks straight, Whiskey.” He snorted at that, gently slapping your calf before he wrapped his hand around it, squeezing. His hands are so big. “And we did a lot more in those sessions than teach me to shoot.” He hummed in agreement, the heat of his fingers reassuring against your leg. “It’s going to be interesting going back.” 
“Yeah?” He sipped his drink again, head turning toward you. “Why’s that?” You know why. But it took you a few seconds to reply, your eyes locked with Jack’s.
“With the exception of the few solo missions you’ve been on, you and I have been together almost constantly for the last seven months.” Picking at the label on the beer bottle with one finger, to give yourself more time, you shrugged. “Ever since we got back from that retreat. We had normal schedules here, Jack. We worked in the same office every day. I… got used to not having to share you.” 
That was something that you hadn’t ever wanted to admit to the man before. Not because you were ashamed at how much he meant to you, but because you didn’t like seeming needy. But that’s only if he realizes exactly what I mean by sharing him. 
He stayed silent for long moments and then said your name, tone laced with concern that also filled his eyes, his hand tightening on your leg when he spoke. “You know you’re only the second woman in my life that’s never had to worry about sharin’ me, right?” 
His words hit you hard, and for a few seconds, your chest was so tight that you couldn’t reply. I do, but it’s not that simple. “I know. And I know what we do as Statesman Agents, Jack. What it requires sometimes, but … it’s been nice not having to think about that.” 
It had hurt enough before the two of you had been together to know when he was tasked with a “hands on” mission with a female target. But even those assignments hadn’t hurt as much as knowing he was with other women in his free time. Because he was single and he had every right to be. “Yeah.” He sighed, his eyes darkening briefly, the man’s expression shifting from contemplation into a deep frown. “Yeah, it has.” 
“I didn’t mean to ruin the night.” You drank again, savoring the taste of the beer on your tongue before you went on. “I’m excited to go back home. Now that it’s so close, though,  it’s real.” He stayed quiet, his fingers flexing around the bottle he held, and then Jack leaned forward, setting it down on the table before holding his hands out to you. 
You reacted right away, setting your drink down, too before repositioning yourself so that you were seated on his lap, your back against the left side of his chest. Jack’s arm wound around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his body, and when he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your forehead, you felt the understanding in the gesture. 
“You didn’t ruin anything.” Jack mumbled the reassurance, his fingers dropping from your shoulder to your bicep, the chilled pads making contact with your skin and sending a small shiver through you. “I can’t wait to be back home in Kentucky with you, Agent.” 
You couldn’t wait either, and as nervous as you were about what came next, it was hard to worry much when you were in Jack’s arms, the scent of him thick in the air. It’s going to be different. Nothing changes just because we’re going back. It won’t … won’t be how it was before. “If you say so.” It was almost too quiet for either of you to hear, but you knew he had, Jack’s hold on you tightening as he kissed you again, that time on your temple. 
His mustache tickled your skin and then, only moments later you felt him smiling, his mouth straying even lower and hovering just in front of your ear. “How ‘bout we go into the bedroom and I show you so? 
You’d rarely been able to tell the man no - and you certainly weren’t about to start that night. “Alright Jack.” Pulling away and raising one hand to comb your fingers through his hair, you winked. “But only if you think you can.” 
He grinned, the light coming back into his eyes, and only seconds later you were both on your feet, Jack leading you down the hallway and toward the bedroom, fingers linked with yours. 
Being back in Kentucky was exhausting, but Jack wouldn’t ever admit it to anyone but himself. You’re gettin’ old, Daniels.
Flying back in one of the Statesman jets, Jack passed on the opportunity to sit in the cockpit in favor of a few more hours alone with you, and things had seemed almost normal. But you’d been right - as soon as you were back on distillery property, the relatively easy day to day routine you’d had in New York had all but disappeared. 
Neither of you were scheduled for an actual assignment until recruit training was completed, but that didn’t mean either of you had down time. Though you’d helped in previous years, the current class was the first one that you were actually responsible for leading training sessions with. The result? Both of you getting pulled to opposite wings of the facility on a daily basis. 
And after the lax schedules you’d both adopted in New York, by the time the two of you made it back to one of the apartments for the night you were drained. Often, you managed to do nothing more than shower, eat, and fall asleep together on the couch before one of you woke and urged the other to bed. 
It had become your new routine over the previous week, and Jack hated it. Every fuckin’ minute of it. But it won’t be like this forever. Jack scrubbed a hand over his face, checking the time on the clock hanging on the far wall. As soon as we get through these new kids, we’ll… we’ll be fine. 
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone saying his name, and Jack turned to face the recruit that he’d spent the week with - a young woman whose codename was Midori - one hand on his hip. “Yeah?” 
She was smart and talented, with stunningly pretty dark red hair, and in the earlier days, Jack would have flirted shamelessly. He still had flirted with Midori, much in the same way he had with you while working with you - showing her different distraction techniques that potential enemies might use and trying to knock her off kilter. But there was nothing behind it - the flirtation was merely for training purposes, and he felt no sadness about that fact. 
“What’s next?” She tightened her ponytail and then flexed her fingers, wetting her lips as she stared up at Jack. “We’ve only got about a half hour left today. Can we go back to the hand to hand? I almost disarmed you the other day, and I’d like to try again, Agent Whiskey.” He watched the way she looked at him - enthusiasm veiled thinly with confidence, and Jack couldn’t stop the smile from appearing on his face, his dark eyes crinkling at the corners in appreciation of her boldness. 
“Sure. We -” He was cut off by the sound of the far door opening, Jack’s eyes moving toward it at the same time Midori turned on one heel to look for the source of the sound. You walked in and gave both of them a broad smile, straightening your shirt as you crossed the room. Hello, gorgeous. Jack’s breath caught, the man swallowing with an audible click before he said anything. “What’re you doin’ here, Agent? Shouldn’t you be with Mezcal?” 
“I should.” You rolled your eyes, finally reaching where the two of them were standing, and Jack felt his heart rate quicken as you reached out, fingertips brushing over his bare forearm before you pulled it back, crossing both arms over your chest. “But he ate something that didn’t agree with him at breakfast, and even Ginger can’t immediately cure the symptoms of food poisoning. I’ve been catching up on paperwork since a little after lunch.” 
“Wait, he got sick? From the cafeteria here?” Midori’s eyes widened. “I feel fine, though. What did -” You waved her off, rolling your eyes. 
“Mezcal didn’t eat in the caf this morning. From what he told me and Ginger, he ate leftovers before he came to train… and those leftovers were sitting out all night.” Yuck. Jack winced in sympathy, remembering the days when he’d been Mezcal’s age and he’d assumed his stomach was made of cast iron. “So we’re gonna see how he feels tomorrow. Ginger gave him a shot to stop the symptoms, but she said he needs to sleep it off.” Yuck. 
“So you’re here to watch me train with Whiskey?” Midori grinned at you, excitement in her voice. “I was just telling him that I want to try to disarm him again. I almost had him on Wednesday, and I think I can do it if I try today” His eyes flicked to yours and Jack watched as you tried - and failed - to fight back a smile. 
“I’m positive you can, Midori.” You gestured to the open space behind them, stepping back so that you could take a seat on one of the tables that lined the wall. “Don’t let me interrupt.” 
Jack watched as the younger woman turned away and headed for the center of the room, stretching. He took that opportunity to step to where you were and then reached out to touch your chin, taking it between two fingers. “This is a nice surprise.” You parted your lips slightly and Jack heard your breath catch at the way he was touching you in front of someone else. Still getting used to this too, Agent. 
“Yeah. Sucks that he got sick, but I’m happy to be here and get to see you while it’s still light out.” But you didn’t dwell on that statement, gesturing to his recruit and cocking your head to one side, eyes flashing. “Go. Let me watch you get taken down a peg or two, and then we can get dinner before you go and do your reports.” 
He grinned at you, nodding once. Without speaking, Jack followed Midori to the open floor, getting into position. She was a good six inches shorter and fifty pounds lighter than him, but she was smart. Jack knew firsthand  that like you, there was more to her than met the eye, and she’d actually come dangerously close to besting him multiple times before. And this is just the first week. He gave her a lopsided smile, urging her closer with one raised brow. She’s going to be great for us by the time she’s in the field. 
“Alright, Midori.” His hand moved toward his hip, fingers hovering over the hilt of his training knife. “Show me what you’ve got.” 
Twenty five minutes later, the three of you were in the medical bay, one of Jack’s large hands clutching his opposite shoulder as the two of you talked excitedly with each other. 
“You saw that, right? I actually flipped him over my shoulder, and -” 
“You did!” You laughed, sneaking a look at Jack and then returning your gaze to the girl’s face. “You caught him off guard, and that definitely helped, but I think the only person that I’ve ever seen do that to him before was Tequila, and …” You pressed your lips together. “And J… Whiskey doesn’t like to talk about that, so…” 
“I’m right here.” He winced, stopping mid shrug. “I can hear every damn word you’re both saying. You two sure like to talk about this shit, don’t you.” Blowing a raspberry at him and waving him off with one hand, you sighed.
“You’re going to be fine, Jack. Ginger’s going to give you a shot and your arm’s going to feel better in about 45 seconds.” You rolled your eyes. “Let the girl have a win. Getting one over on you after less than a week of training is a big deal.” He knew you were right, but Jack still grumbled about it, easing himself down and onto his back and keeping his eyes on the ceiling.
 The door opened and Ginger stepped inside, the woman immediately moving to a drawer and beginning to pull things out of it. “I haven’t done my medical rotation yet.” Midori actually sounded nervous, clearing her throat twice. “I don’t know what all of this stuff we have does.” 
“You’ll learn soon enough. You didn’t really hurt him, at least not long term. Nothing’s even dislocated, it’s probably just a deep tissue bruise, so I’ll give him a muscle repair shot, and that’s that.” Ginger straightened up, the syringe in one gloved hand. “He’ll be better in a couple minutes. So you’ll see what these things can do before you even know everything that we have at our disposal.”
“It’s my bad shoulder, Ginger.” Jack spoke up, still staring at the ceiling because he didn’t want to look at any of you. “The one I hurt in St. Paul.” Trying to keep Cider from falling. 
He heard you gasp and at that, Jack did sit up, his eyes immediately finding yours. Aw, shit. There was pain there, etched deep in your expression as you absorbed his words, and the man wished desperately that he could eliminate it for good. “I didn’t know it was …” You swallowed hard. “I didn’t know it still bothered you.”
“It’s like your leg.” He paused. “Only bothers me sometimes.” You didn’t say anything else, and when Ginger stepped between the two of you, a soft smile on her face and holding the needle up, Jack was somewhat relieved for the distraction. “Gonna fix me up now, Doc?”
“It’d take more than a shot to fix you, Jack.” She spoke quietly, pushing his sleeve up with one hand and then inserting the tip of the needle before she depressed the plunger. “But it’s a start.�� Even he had to laugh at that, Jack’s chin dropping toward his chest as he flexed his fingers, palm pressed flat against the top of one thigh. “You may want to take it easy tomorrow, but as long as it feels alright, there’s no reason to skip a full day of training.” 
Ginger turned away, setting the needle down and then snapping her gloves off, attention going back to the two of you. “Thank you, Ginger.” You sighed and Jack watched as you repositioned your shoulders, standing up straight. “And even though you got his bad arm, Midori, it’ll take a lot more than getting knocked onto his ass to keep Whiskey down.” 
“Well…” She took a deep breath and then looked at Jack, the concern in her eyes still there but joined by a real smile on her lips. “I look forward to trying again soon.” I do too. 
A few minutes later, Midori was gone and it was just you, Jack and Ginger in the room, the second woman busy typing notes into her datapad. “How’s it feel, Jack?” She glanced up, waiting. “Better?”
“Yeah.” He stretched the arm out, lifting and then lowering it a few times. “Much. Still got that dull ache, but that’s been there for a while now. Doesn’t bother me much.” 
“That, Jack, is because you played hero for hours before even thinking about treating yourself.” She smiled, setting the pad down and crossing her arms. “And it’s a constant reminder that you were successful.” 
It was - and the three of you knew it - but none of you spoke again, even though your eyes widened as you looked between the two of them. Aw, c’mon Ginger. Don’t make her feel more guilty. The room stayed quiet until Ginger cleared her throat, your name leaving her lips before Jack’s, the woman gesturing for the two of you to follow her into the hallway. “Where we goin’?” 
“I have something for you. It was supposed to be a welcome back present, but now …” She laughed again, pausing in front of her office door. “Now it’s going to serve more than one purpose.” What? She disappeared into the office and left the two of you in the hallway, Jack’s good arm around your shoulders. He wasn’t surprised when you leaned in closer, briefly turning your head and pressing your cheek to his chest. He tightened his hold on you when you let out a shuddering breath, Jack’s mouth opening to tell you not to worry, but Ginger’s return interrupted him. “We’ve been developing some new tech while you two were gone, and it’s ready to be tested out.”
“Tested?” You questioned her, the woman reappearing with two bottles and a sheet of paper in her hands. “What do you mean?”
“We have to stay ahead of our missions. And sometimes…” She held out the bottles, waiting until you took them from her to keep speaking. “Sometimes we have to go a step beyond just tricking them to get what we need.”
“And we’re supposed to use this… whatever it is?” Jack looked down at what you held, not understanding. “Ginger, you -” 
“Think of it as my way of letting you know that I hope your return to Kentucky is enjoyable.” She winked, lips twitching. “Something there for both of you right now, so you should take the rest of the night off and enjoy it. Make sure you read the instructions though.” 
He still didn’t understand but you agreed, taking a deep breath. “If you say so, Ginger.” You stepped out from under his arm, turning toward the elevators. “Come on, Jack. Looks like we’ve got some homework.”
He wasn’t about to disagree, but before you’d gotten too far, Ginger called out to him. “Jack?” He stopped, glancing back over his shoulder and meeting the woman’s eyes. “That other tech you asked me about?” He froze, mouth and eyes going wide. Yeah? “It’s just about done. We’re testing out the second version, and -” She grinned, reaching up to push some of her hair away from her forehead, followed by adjusting the way her glasses perched on her nose. “ - and it’s going to work exactly like we talked about.” 
“That’s amazing, Ginger.” He laughed, the weariness leaving his body, even though the ache in his arm remained. “Let me know when it’s ready to go?” She assured him that she would, and when the woman had disappeared back into her office, Jack urged you forward again, his steps lighter as you walked side by side. “C’mon Agent. Let’s go and see what this stuff does.” 
You could feel the confusion rolling off of Jack’s body, his eyes flicking back and forth between the bottles on the table and the paper in your hand, mouth set into a thin line. But why is that his reaction? He should be excited about this. 
“So it’s just … massage oil?” He blinked, tilting his head. “Two different kinds? How is -” 
“It would have come in handy in Mexico.” You grinned, holding up the bottle with the label marked cold. “Remember when Dom twisted his knee? I could have used this to bring the swelling down instead of going to the actual hospital.” 
Jack remembered it vividly - watching from thirty feet and two oversized umbrellas away as you’d tended to the man’s swollen kneecap, your hands moving over his tanned skin with practiced ease before he’d had to sit still and let you disappear from his sight, the two of you on your way to the nearest hospital. We weren’t anything yet, and that still… that one still hurt. “But how does this help us now? Ginger said it was a welcome home present, but … they aren’t just oil, they have to be for somethin’ else.” He frowned, taking the bottle out of your hand and twisting it to look. 
“Instructions just say that whoever’s applying what’s in here needs to be sure they take the corresponding tablet when they start using it.” Turning the bottle over in your hand, you pointed at a small indentation in the bottom of the bottle. “And that there’s enough to treat a couple people at once, just in case.” You reached for the bottle he held, fingers brushing his as you took it back. “She wouldn’t give us something dangerous and call it a present, Jack.” 
“No, she wouldn’t.” He sighed, bringing one hand up to the back of his neck. “Who’s gonna go first, then?” He was intrigued - he had to admit it. And I’m excited to have a whole afternoon off, too. “And which one are we going to use?” You stood, setting down the second bottle and advancing toward Jack, using one finger to beckon him to his feet.
“Since you got injured today, I think you should let me work on your shoulders first… and I’ll use the one that says warm.” You bit your lip, eyes dropping from his face to his chest and then moving back up, the man blinking slowly at you. “Are you going to turn down a massage, Jack?” For a few seconds, you thought that that was exactly what he was going to do, but then his expression changed, an easy smile replacing the tight one he’d worn only seconds earlier. “Take your shirt off.” 
He was already dressed for training - athletic shorts and a Statesman t-shirt similar to the one that he’d worn when you’d trained with him, and in no time at all, Jack used one hand to pull the shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. “No way in hell I’m gonna miss out on havin’ your hands on me.” Good.
His eyes darkened, tongue darting out to wet his lips, and in an instant, you knew exactly where the day was going. There was only one possible outcome, and in Jack’s expression, you saw that he’d come to the same conclusion. “Bedroom?” He nodded twice, bending over to scoop up both bottles, and less than a minute later, Jack was sitting cross-legged on your bed, you kneeling behind him. 
You’d had him there far too few times for your liking, and still weren’t used to the sight of him sitting atop your sheets, but he was a welcome addition to the landscape of your bedroom. Any room, actually. You smiled to yourself as you used the edge of your thumbnail to pop open the bottom of the bottle, shaking out one of the tablets onto your palm before popping it into your mouth. 
It tasted like candy - sweet and faintly lemony, and within seconds, it was dissolving on your tongue as you trailed your fingertips up Jack’s back. “I can smell that.” He turned his head, half a smile visible. “Smells good.” 
“How’s it taste?” You leaned in, pressing your lips to his, and when Jack reached for you, his arm curved backwards to settle one hand against the back of your head, you sighed against his mouth, giving him an opening. He took it, and even at the strange angle, his tongue worked past your lips and met yours, the man searching for a taste of the tablet you’d taken. 
It was a short kiss - by your standards - and when Jack broke it, he winked at you, lips pushed out into the pout you loved so much. “Tastes real sweet. Like you.” Though you couldn’t hold back a roll of your eyes at the cheesiness of the line, the fact that he meant it made your face warm, Jack’s return wink the last thing you saw before he faced forward again. 
Reaching for the bottle of self-warming oil, you uncapped it, squeezing a quarter-sized amount onto your palms and  then rubbing them together. “Oh, that…” You hummed, the heat immediately spreading over your skin. “That works fast.” Shifting on your knees so that you could relax and rest your weight against your thighs, you began to rub his shoulders, thumbs digging in on either side of his spine. “Sorry I’m not that woman from the resort in Washington, Jack. This isn’t my day job.” 
He laughed quietly, tilting his head forward and stretching the skin taut over the back of his neck. You moved your hands to adjust to that position, and as you followed the line of his spine up to his hairline and then back down before widening the spread of your hands to cover his shoulders, you listened to the sounds he made. Every grunt of pleasure sent a jolt of satisfaction through you, his approval stoking the heat in your belly that you felt every time you got a reminder that Jack was yours - and that you knew exactly what to do to pull those sounds from him.  
“Not lookin’ for a professional here.” He paused, sighing in contentment. “Just you.” And that was enough of a verbal reminder, Jack going quiet as you continued to work, paying special attention to his right shoulder. He only flinched once, the reaction to your probing fingers making you inhale sharply. Shit. You closed your eyes, gritting your teeth. Ah, fuck. 
“Jack, I wish you would have told me about your shoulder sooner.”
“Not now, Agent.” He cleared his throat, letting out a measured breath, “We can talk about it later.” You felt the warmth from the oil as you touched his skin, a faint, pleasant tingle spreading over your palms and fingers, and only a few seconds later, Jack cleared his throat again, sighing. “That feels so damn good. I could just about fall asleep. You’ve got a great …” He trailed off, lifting his head and taking another breath. “Your touch is …” His voice is different. Is he really that relaxed?
“Do you want to lay down?” Pausing with your hands near the center of his back, you said his name. “I don’t want you to fall over.” He agreed and you moved to kneel next to him, waiting until Jack was in position on his stomach to climb back into place. Settling one knee on each side of his body, you replaced your hands on his shoulders. Jack’s arms were folded beneath one of your pillows, his head turned to the side - and you could see that his eyes were closed. He looks like he’s about to pass out. “I’m going to use more of the oil, alright? Is it too tingly for -”
“Nope.” He sighed, breaths lengthening. “Could feel it a lot on my shoulders an’ neck, but now…” He shifted his hips, Jack’s thighs brushing against yours. “Use more. Feels real good. It’s warm.” Alright … Instead of pouring it onto your hands, you dripped the oil slowly onto Jack’s back. It beaded on his skin, magnifying the freckles beneath it in the light of your bedroom as it rolled downward. “You can go harder…” He sighed, the sound turning into a hum of approval. “I like …” 
There’s no reason he should be this tired. He was wide awake a few minutes ago. Returning your hands to his skin, you continued to manipulate the muscles there, your hands sliding to his sides and brushing over his ribs. When he didn’t react the way he usually did - a sharp intake of beath coupled with the jerking of his stomach muscles as he fought off a laugh - you removed your hands and stared down at him, chewing on your lower lip. “Jack?” Leaning in, you frowned. “Are you alright?”
And then it hit you - the oil was the only thing that could have put him into such a state so quickly. Oh, shit. Scrambling for the bottle, you wiped your hand on your knee and then shook one of the tablets out onto the blanket, using the corner of it to lift it and hold it to Jack’s lips.
“Hey.” Leaning down, you murmured into his ear. “Open your mouth, Jack.” He grunted but didn’t move, so you repeated yourself, wetting your lips. Gotta use the name he’s trained to react to. “Open wide for me, Agent Whiskey.” He responded to that almost immediately, parting his lips enough for you to slip the tablet inside. This has to be it. There’s no way I’m that good with my hands. Taking a deep breath, you began to rub at his back again, waiting. 
“Lemonade.” His voice was still quiet when you heard it a few minutes later. “Tastes like my Grammy’s lemonade.” Jack’s eyes blinked open, his tongue poking through his lips as he wet them. “Did I fall asleep?” 
“You did.” You were focused on the space just above the waistband of his shorts, thumbs pressing into the divots in his lower back, fingers spread wide above them. “That’s what this bottle does, Jack. It puts you to sleep.”
“Smart.” He took a deep breath and held it, shoulders tightening briefly as he shrugged. “Hit me like a ton of goddamn bricks, too. Didn’t take any time.” 
“It didn’t.” Sliding your hands back up, you squeezed his shoulders as you leaned forward. “Just feels warm and a little tingly on my hands, but there must be something in it that knocks you out.” You looked around the room, thinking. “Would be perfect for recon in someone’s house or bedroom. They’d just think you were really good at giving a massage. And taking that tablet before means that you wouldn’t have to say no to the target using it on you, either.” He agreed, turning his head further and cracking an eye open. “What?”
“Do I get to find out what the other one does?” He raised an eyebrow, sliding his hand out from under the pillow and running his fingers through his hair, one side of his mouth lifting in your favorite smirk. “Maybe it keeps you wide awake all night.” 
“Maybe.” You’re a fiend, Jack. You pulled your hands away from him and wiped them on your pants again, still settled comfortably on top of the man. “Or maybe it’s like a truth serum, or -”
“We’ve already got onea those.” Jack pushed on the mattress with both hands, lifting his upper body. “Let me up.” You did, and when he was seated and staring at you, he sucked his lower lip back and between his teeth, eyes focused on your face. “No, I’m sure what Ginger gave us does somethin’ else entirely.” 
He rolled his head back and forth a few times, eyes closed. He’s still waking up. “Well then, to be fair, I won’t take the antidote until we know for sure.” The surprise in Jack’s eyes was evident, and you didn’t even try to stop yourself when you reached for him, cradling his cheek in one hand. “We know how fast it works now, so as soon as we figure out what the second one does, you can make sure I take it.” 
“‘Mmhmm.” Jack leaned closer, maintaining eye contact until he couldn’t anymore because there was no space left between you. “Sounds like a good plan to me.” He kissed you softly, the man’s lips still tinged with the faint, bright taste of lemon, and before you knew what was happening, Jack pulled you onto his lap, both arms going around you. 
You were familiar with him in a way that you hadn’t ever been with anyone else, craving each of the ways that he touched you - and so you didn’t hold back. You got comfortable as you leaned against the man’s solid body, both hands firmly pressed against his bare back. “Jack…” Inhaling through your nose as you eased away from him, you squeezed your eyes shut, allowing yourself a contented smile. “If you keep kissing me, we’re just going to end up -”
“Oh, we’re gonna end up doin’ that too.” He ran the tip of his nose along the side of yours before kissing your cheek briefly. “Just not ‘til a little later.” You shivered and knew that he felt it, Jack’s cheeks lifting in a genuine smile as he pulled back all the way. “Now, you got me shirtless before you started, so why don’t we do the same for you?” 
Instead of you pulling your own shirt off, Jack did the honors after you nodded in agreement, lifting both arms over your head to make it easier for him. “I can take off my bra, too. That way there’s nothing in your way.” But with a single shake of his head, Jack turned you down, his hands sliding over the length of your arms and then falling away. He climbed out of the bed and reached for the second bottle, standing net to the bed as he opened it, twisting the cap off. Ok, it can wait then. 
“Lay down.” Jack raised the container to his nose. “This one smells like something else. Coconut, maybe? Like suntan lotion.” Suntan lotion? That’s… odd. He tipped the open bottle over and only stopped when you cried out his name, reaching for his wrist and wrapping your fingers around it. “What?” Wait!
“The tablet, Jack. You have to take it otherwise we’re both going to… well, we don’t know what because we don’t know what this one does.” His brows shot up, the man swearing under his breath as he snapped the cap shut again, turning the bottle over. 
“Shit. You distracted me so damn much that I …” He trailed off as he pulled a tablet free and popped it into his mouth, tongue visible for a few seconds. “That’s real goddamn weird.” What is? He sucked on it thoughtfully, cheeks going hollow and his brow knit in contemplation. “Smells like coconuts but it tastes like peppermint, too. Fuckin’ wild. Ginger and the team really did somethin’ with this one.” Peppermint? 
“So like … Icy Hot?” Blinking rapidly, you leaned back, holding yourself up and letting your weight rest on both hands. You watched as he reopened the bottle, squeezing some out into his palm. That substance was white and viscous, not quite as dense as lotion, but definitely more solid than the first oil had been. “Oh, that’s strange, Jack. It’s thick.” 
“It is.” Jack’s eyes were on his hands, the frown still on his face. “And it’s… cold?” But before he could say anything else, he shook himself back into focus, gesturing with his chin. “Lay down on your stomach. Gonna start with your back.” 
You did as he asked, and moments later, you found out exactly what he meant. 
It was a shock to your skin as his hands made contact, but it only lasted a few seconds - replaced with a pleasant chill, the sensation spreading out slowly from where his fingers touched you. He started near your waist and with gentle pressure before curving his hands down and over your ribs, fingertips sliding briefly between your body and the bed. “Feels so good, Jack.” 
You closed your eyes, focusing on the way he was touching you. “You gettin’ tired? You’re still breathin’ normally.” You thought for a few seconds and then sighed as he spoke your name. 
“No, it feels great, and I’m relaxed, but it isn’t putting me to sleep.” Instead, you felt wide awake and oddly calm, the cooling effect of the oil sinking into your skin the same way aloe did when you applied it after a day outside in the sun. ‘I just feel… you, Jack.” And you feel incredible. 
He hummed out a reply, finally moving up your back and sliding his fingers beneath the band of your bra. “Gonna unhook this now, alright?” You gave him permission and only seconds later, felt the material snap open, Jack’s fingers digging into the newly exposed skin. “I didn’t tell you about my arm because it’s not bad all the time. It really is like your leg, only bothers me when I’m usin’ it too much.” Oh, so he’s going right for it. 
“Still.” You turned your head toward the pillow, groaning into the pillowcase when he pressed on a tender spot. “Right there, Jack. Harder. That…” The touch of his hands and the cool addition of what was on them drew your focus, but you felt the tension pop, Jack pushing against the lower edge of your shoulder blade before he continued his journey over your back and toward your neck and shoulders. “You should have told me. I know I didn’t realize it when it happened, but … it’s been months since I remembered everything.” 
“Don’t take this the wrong way,” he continued after humming in acknowledgement of what you’d just said. “But there was nothin’ you could have done about it.” He was right - you weren’t Ginger, and didn’t work in a laboratory. You weren’t a doctor, and couldn’t prescribe treatment or exercise. But I could have … offered support. 
Jack’s hands were on your shoulders, kneading the flesh there, and you couldn’t stop the sigh that escaped your lips as that skin and muscle began to tingle, too - a cool, liquid feeling settling just beneath the surface. “Maybe this one just … relaxes you, Jack. I still feel perfectly fine.” 
You did - the entirety of your back pleasantly coated in what felt a cool sheet, your shoulders and the top portion of your arms beginning to feel the same. “It’s gotta do somethin’.” Jack paused long enough to pull his hands away, squirting more out of the bottle before reaching down to run his palms over your forearms and down, the man finally threading his fingers between yours and squeezing. “Even if it’s…” He went quiet and you opened your eyes, waiting. Why’d he stop? “Can you feel this?” 
He squeezed your hand again, palm pressed to yours. “Yes.” You blinked, not understanding. “You’ve got your palm flat against mine, and -”
“Straighten your fingers.” Confused, you did as he asked. Why? What’s the point? “Well?”
“I did, Jack.” Wiggling your fingers for good measure, you turned to look at him again, lifting your head from the pillow. “See?”
“Agent, you’re not movin’ a damn thing.” He laughed then, the sound full of understanding. “I think this is a paralytic. You can still feel what’s happenin’ but you can’t move.” Oh. 
In an instant, you turned your head in the opposite direction and lifted that arm, wiggling your fingers in front of your face. You could both see and feel that happening, and when you lowered your hand back onto the pillow, you returned your attention to your other side, concentrating. “Well that’s interesting.” 
It should have scared you - the fact that parts of your body were unable to move and you had no idea how long it would last, but instead of being afraid, you realized that you were somewhat turned on - and it was because you knew that Jack would take care of you. “Do you want the antidote? Shouldn’t take more than a couple minutes for feelin’ to come back.” He was still touching you - the man’s fingertips running up and down your arm, though the contact was light, barely there. 
“Give me a second.” Concentrating, you focused on the different parts of your body, beginning with your toes. They moved, you could feel the softness of the blanket rustling against them. The same was true for your legs – you heard the sound of your pants sliding over the bedspread and felt the pull of your knee muscles as you flexed them. But when you attempted to lift your thighs one by one, you realized that you weren’t moving. “Oh this is …” Strange. Weird. Exciting. “Jack get off of me, I want to roll over.” 
He did as you asked, sitting next to you on the bed. “Lemme know if you need me, alright?” You saw that he was fighting back a smile, his chest rapidly moving up and down as he watched you. “I’m here to help.” Oh, I’m sure you are. You pushed yourself up with your good arm and then attempted to use the other one to do the same.
It didn’t move. 
Your hand was resting on the bed, palm up, fingers curled inward - exactly where Jack had dropped it as he climbed off of you. “Shit.” Letting out a scoff, your eyes darted up, locking with his. “I can feel the blankets, Jack. I can feel - “
“But you can’t move.” His tone was lower than it had been, eyes dark as they focused on your face. “Well, you can’t move what I touched with that shit.” 
“I can’t. And it must spread, because my thighs are … stuck.” Rolling your eyes, you sighed. “Help me onto my back?” He did as you asked, shifting onto his knees and winding an arm around you, his other hand supporting the opposite side of your body. His frame covered you as you repositioned yourself, head on the pillows. “This will be very useful, Jack. I’m wide awake and aware of what’s going on, but all it would take is you putting that onto someone’s hands or feet, and -”
“And they’d be completely incapacitated even though they could still talk.” He grinned, looking down at the bottle. “Ginger wasn’t lyin’ when she said that these were gonna come in handy.” No, she wasn’t. His eyes swept over your partially clothed body - the look in them hungry. “I want to keep touchin’ you. But it would feel… wrong. Because you can’t move your arm, or sit up, and … and that feels like takin’ advantage.” 
“Jack.” Swallowing hard, your next words stuck in your throat. “You’re not taking advantage.” You paused. “Pretend I’m reaching for your hand right now, alright?” He laughed, nodding his head. “Keep touching me. Anywhere. I want -” You could see it in his expression - Jack wanted to do what you were telling him to, the man’s fingers curling and uncurling in his lap as he kept himself from lifting either of his arms. “I can feel it. I just can’t… do anything about it.” 
“Why does it sound like that turns you on?” He frowned but you could still see the spark of intrigue behind his expression, kept to barely glowing embers in the depths of his eyes. Because if he let it free, that’d be it. “It would feel like I’m using you. Like I’m doin’ something wrong.” 
“Not something wrong.” You reached up with the hand you could still move, pressing one finger to your lips. Oh, but I can’t move my shoulder. It’s spreading there, too. “Because I’m telling you it’s alright. And…” Taking the tip of your thumb between your lips, you thought for a few seconds. It’s alright. “Maybe it’d be alright if you used me for a little while. I… wouldn’t complain.” 
The silence in the room was thick, both of you digesting the words that had come out of your mouth. Did I overstep? Is that too much? Is it not what he wanted to hear? “How ‘bout we compromise.” Jack leaned in, one hand moving to your belly and settling there as he ducked down. “We do this for a couple more minutes.” He moved his fingertips in a slow circle over your skin, the difference in temperature making you gasp. “And then when I really want to touch you, you take the tablet. By the time it starts workin’, we should both be ready to go.” 
“Yes.” You nodded, resting your hand over top of his, fingers curled over the man’s knuckles and halting his movement. “That’s fair.”
That was all the encouragement Jack needed, pulling his hand free from beneath yours and then pouring more of the oil onto his palm. “Give me your hand.” He was grinning again, his eyes locked with yours. “You wanna play? We’ll play, Agent.” 
It was still strange to you - the way that hearing him call you Agent sent a rush of heat  through your entire body, but even as he took your hand in his and repeated the same thing that he’d done with the other one, you understood exactly why it affected you as much as it did.
He’d used the term as a secret one of endearment for years, foregoing calling you Cider on missions and instead referring to you by the title, which was different than with all of the others you worked with - and all of the other times you’d observed him on missions. It’s like a secret, you sighed as he let go of your hand, leaving it on top of the blankets, his fingers running up the inside of your forearm. Our secret. 
“Will you kiss me, Jack?” It came out needy and breathless, your eyes closed as he squeezed your bicep. “I -” You didn’t get anything else out, Jack’s kiss bruising as he covered your mouth with his. You didn’t realize it until you felt his tongue slip between your lips and into your mouth, but he’d also lifted his hands from your torso, settling one of them against your jaw and turning your head toward him, the other one supporting his weight as he leaned forward. 
Jack kissed you like he was trying to consume you - and you committed every movement of his lips and each sound he made to memory, almost like you’d never get to experience it again. 
You desperately wanted to touch him, too - to run your fingers through the silken strands of his hair, to let your fingertips drift over the line of his jaw, Jack’s 5 o’clock shadow providing a touch of friction. But I can’t. You groaned in frustration, the man immediately backing off, concern on his face. “You alright?” 
“Yeah, I just realize how much it sucks to not be able to touch you.” You bit your lip - swollen and tingling from his kiss even without the aid of the oil - and then closed your eyes again. “Be glad that you didn’t offer to use the warm one on me.” You’d hate not being able to move.
“Next time?” He surprised you when he spoke, Jack clearing his throat. “Next time we use these, I want to see what this one feels like.” He climbed out of the bed and stood next to it, the tenting in his shorts much more visible than it had been when he was sitting. He adjusted himself through the material, head cocked to one side. “Wonder if you can make me come even if I can’t move.” 
You gasped again, mouth dropping open at his words, and you were rewarded with another smirk, the man bending at the waist and hooking his fingers beneath the elastic waistband of your pants. “I’d lift my hips… but I can’t.” The smirk turned into a genuine grin, Jack’s lips curving upward, and to your surprise, he made quick work of the last items that you wore - the stretchy material of your training leggings and your underwear joining the rest of your clothing on the floor. “Well this is interesting.” Licking your lips, you took a deep breath. “Jack, I -”
“Well aren’t you gorgeous.” He used two fingers to stroke his mustache, the tip of his tongue poking out of one corner of his mouth. “Gimmie a second, alright?” You barely had time to agree before Jack was striding from the room, arms swinging by his sides. “Just gotta read somethin’ real quick.” 
What the fuck are you reading? As intrigued as you were, you were just as frustrated, craning your neck to see down the hallway. Why did he leave? Before you could worry for too long, Jack reappeared, holding the instruction sheet in one hand. “Jack?”
“This paper says,” he began, before breaking eye contact and looking back at what he held. “That both oils are designed to be used anywhere on the human body.” He paused, glancing back up at you over the top edge as he read from the sheet. “They are food-grade and safe for consumption.” Oh. You froze at that, immediately understanding Jack’s intentions. “Now.” He set the sheet on your dresser and then sat back down on the bed. “As much as I want to find out how this tastes, it still feels a little wrong to do that when you can’t move your arms or sit up.” 
“That’s… fair.” Wetting your lips, you blew out a long, shaky breath. “Guess there’s always next time, right?” He agreed, reaching for the bottle and opening the bottom, taking one of the tablets between his fingers. “I thought I said not y-”
“Just want to be ready.” He wet his lips, setting the tablet down on the pillow next to your head. “You say the word, and I’ll put that thing in your mouth so fast it’ll make your head spin.” I don’t doubt that.
“I want to see what you’re going to do.” Defiant, you narrowed your eyes. “You went to read those instructions, so you must have a plan.” 
“Oh, I do.” He winked at you, your breath catching in your throat at the sight, and then Jack turned the opened bottle over, squeezing and letting some of the liquid drip down against your abdomen, the cold making you whine. Fuck this is… that’s… oh my God, he…  “I’ve got a plan alright.” 
He flattened one hand to the left of your body before using his right hand to pull your legs apart, his eyes never leaving your face. “Jack, you…” You had no idea what you were even trying to say, but Jack’s next motion stopped your words, his fingers gliding up and over the top of your thigh until they reached the liquid on your skin, dragging through it. 
You could feel it - the way the chill spread over your skin as he drew patterns with it, Jack’s touch light enough that there was no pressure but still something that you were able to feel. He circled your belly button with one finger, an action that would have caused your abdominal muscles to contract under normal circumstances - but at the widening smile on his face as he did it, you knew that nothing had moved. “Remember, as soon as you’re done with this, tell me.” 
“Mmmhmmm.” Breathlessly, you agreed, Jack’s hand traveling lower. One finger turned to two, the edges of his nails scraping along your skin… and then Jack leaned closer, saying your name. “What? What do you -” You barely got the words out through your panting breaths, your focus destroyed with every new inch of you that he touched. “Jack… It feels like you’re dragging ice over my …” Without warning he lifted his hand and reached up, fingers finding and tweaking one nipple gently, a  wail escaping from between your lips before you clamped them shut. Fuck. 
“I think you like that.” He palmed your breast before ducking his head down and sealing his mouth over your nipple, the scent of his hair filling your nostrils. Tilting your head down - since it was the only part of you that you could move - you took as deep a breath as you could manage, wondering if he could hear the thundering beat of your heart. Maybe he can feel it. You whimpered when his tongue flicked out, laving over your nipple before it was replaced with his teeth, another brief, sharp burst of pain forcing your eyes shut. “I think you like that a lot.” 
He murmured the words when he broke away from you, a lazy smile on his face as the straightened up. “I…I do.” He followed a straight line down the center of your chest with his fingers, the chill fainter in their wake than it had been against your abdomen, but when he passed your belly button, he didn’t stop, his eyes finally leaving your face when he reached for the bottle again. “More? What do you need more for, Jack? This is … you…” 
“You’ll know in a minute.” Holding his hand up so that you could see what he was doing, Jack drizzled more of the oil over his middle and pointer fingers, the liquid dripping down the length of them, though the flow was slower than it had been down his back. He whispered your name and waited until you met his eyes to speak, the man’s tone leaving no room for hesitation. “Gonna be cold. Tell me if it’s too much.” Nodding in agreement, you held you breath as he tossed the bottle to the side and then lowered his hand, never breaking eye contact. 
He sunk two frigid fingers into you with a groan, his jaw twitching as he fought to keep his eyes open. After only seconds, you broke, your mouth falling open as your eyes slammed shut, the length of his fingers gliding through you as he urged them forward. “Fuck, Jack.” You tried to focus on the sound of his voice but couldn’t, the only thing you were truly aware of how good it felt to have him touching you the way he was, the heat that typically consumed you when the two of you were in bed replaced with a concentrated, icy sensation. 
The contrast between the soft heat of your body and the chill of his thick fingers was too much - and would have been even if you’d been able to move. But when Jack continued speaking, you knew you were close to putting an end to things and begging for the antidote. 
“I can feel you movin’.” He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours without stopping the motion of his hand, the flex of his wrist sending small shivers down the inside of your thighs, even though he hadn’t touched you there otherwise. “You’re shaking. You’re so warm, Agent. So goddamn …” He groaned, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before exhaling against them, his breath little more than a short puff of air. “How’s it feel for you?” Cold. It feels cold and warm at the same time but it’s good, it’s so fucking… 
Even if you weren’t so overwhelmed, you wouldn’t have been able to describe it. The way he was touching you almost made your body sing, Jack’s touch confident, even as he withdrew his fingers completely and laid the heel of his hand against you briefly, giving you a respite. “Jack, I need…” Your eyes were open and you stared straight up at the ceiling, mouth hanging open when he reentered you, the stretch subtle. He’s got three… he added… “Give me the antidote, Jack. Need to touch you.” 
Straightening up, the man reached for the tablet and lifted it to your lips, raising one brow even as he continued to thrust his fingers into you, movement slow and controlled. “Stick your tongue out.” 
You did - opening your mouth and extending it, Jack’s eyes flashing with a desire that he didn’t even try to hide, his pupils so large that the dark brown was almost completely obscured. 
It began to dissolve almost as soon as he pressed it against the muscle, and when you retracted your tongue and closed your mouth, you closed your eyes, savoring the taste. It was overwhelmingly minty, but by the time you swallowed, it had mellowed out, the taste of coconut coating your tongue and soothing the chill slightly. It’s good. “You let me know when you’re good to go.” Jack whispered the words, scooting closer and rubbing his thumb over your cheek. “Let me know as soon as -” 
“Yeah.” Swallowing again, you reassured him. “Yeah, I …” He curled the fingers inside of you, pausing their movement otherwise, and when he kissed you again, Jack didn’t hold back, plunging his tongue back between your lips. I will. 
The chill was still there, the man’s fingers still cold, the areas of your body that he’d touched earlier just as impacted as they had been, but as the kiss deepened, Jack’s teeth tugging on your lip before he ran his tongue along it, you felt the blanket beneath your fingertips, a wrinkle smoothing out as you straightened the digits. 
Testing yourself, you slid your hand forward, finding Jack’s knee and then raising it, curling your fingers over the top of his leg briefly before you slid them beneath the bottom hem of his shorts. “Welcome back.” He mumbled the words against your lips, groaning as your hand moved higher, palm reaching his thigh. “What’re you -”
“I can move again.” He was firm against your fingertips and then you felt the heat when you wrapped him in your whole hand. “See”?” There wasn’t much room for you to move your hand but you still managed, short strokes that left the thin material of his shorts stretched tightly over your knuckles.
“Lemme take those off.” He broke away from you entirely, the man’s chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. “Let me get ready to …” He trailed off as you pushed yourself into a sitting position, the man’s fingers stilled inside of you, yours paused with him heavy against them. 
“You should hurry up.” He was confused but didn’t speak, waiting to see what else you’d say… and you didn’t make him wait long. “You said you wanted to see how it tastes…right?”
He laughed then, the sound quiet but somehow dangerous, too, the man curling his fingers once more before removing them slowly. Jack stood, ridding himself of his shorts in one smooth movement and springing to attention in front of you. There was no hiding the way you wet your lips at the sight, both hands fidgeting in your lap while you waited. 
He looked down at you for a few seconds and then reached for down with his left hand, the man’s long fingers wrapping around himself and beginning to stroke his length leisurely, though the set of his shoulders gave him away entirely. I just got some of that tension out, and now he’s… Come on, Jack. 
He said your name then, the sound little more than a growl before he beckoned you forward with his other hand, urging you to rise onto your knees in front of him. 
“I do want to know what it tastes like, Agent.” He paused, eyes moving away from your face and down, over the rest of your body. “And I think it’s time I find out.”  
Tag list coming separately!
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itzaltwins · 8 months
I recently got back from Argylle and AHHHHHH I had a huge smile on my face for like 70% of the movie.
It was dumb (affectionate) at some points, but that's what made it fun. I feel like Matthew Vaughn understands that movies shouldn't always be realistic or have to make sense. Just enjoy what's in front of you.
More thoughts under the cut (includes spoilers, duh):
Maybe I'm oblivious, but I didn't foresee many of the twists. Though to be fair, like most things I just watch and see what happens...
The humour was perfect for me. It was the kinda shit that makes you chuckle as you shake your head, but not burst out laughing (although I'm not averse to that type of humour).
Elly is literally me and every fan fic writer. Except we're not secret agents, unfortunately.
Whenever I see Bryan Cranston, I only see the dad from MItM. I never watched Breaking Bad.
No Henry Cavill and John Cena kiss? Missed opportunity. SMH
Ahem I'm super interested in how Vaughn will tie together the three franchises, because we have actors that have played various characters (except some of their characters are dead).
As for the production of the movie, Brad Allen (RIP) being on there was really nice to see.
Now, I've never met the man, but fucking Carlos Peres (AKA Bedivere) in the first part of the credits as executive producer, made me so proud??? If you didn't know (please note I just like to look at the credits), in Kingsman TSS, he was simply a Kingsman Knight. Then Kingsman TGC, a Kingsman Knight and production consultant. The King's Man, a co-producer. Vaughn's friends/colleagues are lucky fuckers.
I didn't stay til the end of the credits (the employees were eyeing me to leave so they could clean), but I think it's really nice they include the number of jobs supported and mention the hard work put into making such a production, at least for Kingsman 2 and The King's Man.
I know critics take things way too seriously and I will never ever listen to them but this quote makes me laugh: "Argylle [...] ultimately wears out its welcome with a convoluted plot and overlong runtime." (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argylle) Man, if they think that was convoluted, they haven't seen the DrakeNier universe, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, etc.
Okay, I've rambled enough for now. If you read everything, thank you. (Why would you?)
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brinleyparke · 5 months
Kingsman Fic Ideas/Prompts
Merwin, Perciwin, Hartwin, or Gen: Charlie gets kicked out or at least punished for the water prank.
Parachute test fix-it (Merwin or Gen): Perhaps Merlin takes a minute to understand why Eggsy has said chip on his shoulder
What if Eggsy and Charlie were the last two in the parachute test?
"Manners maketh man. You'd do well to remember that Mr. Hesketh." Or Harry is none too pleased when he finds out how Charlie has been treating Eggsy. (Can be Hartwin or Harry can be more of a father figure in this)
What if Charlie had passed the loyalty test?
Harry lets Eggsy teach Dean a lesson after Eggsy fails the final test and comes home and finds out that Dean hit his mom.
Post-TGC: (Merwin or Gen) Merlin lives, but Eggsy still feels guilty. He's also angry because Merlin sacrificed himself to repay Eggsy's father, not because of Eggsy himself, which parallels Harry saying, "Can't you see that everything I've done has been about trying to repay him?" in the first Kingsman film.
AU - Canon Divergence, Enemy of My Enemy: Eggsy doesn't kill Charlie. Eggsy and Charlie have to team up against a villain, not necessarily Poppy.
Merwin or Gen: Daisy asks Merlin to dress up as Gru for Halloween so that her and Eggsy can be minions.
H/C after train track test
Maybe Eggsy is upset that he was drugged.
Maybe Eggsy has been drugged before, so he has a panic attack or a nightmare after the train test.
Maybe Eggsy is still freaked out a little because he thought he was gonna die.
Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Harry takes care of him until they can turn him back. (GEN FIC) Based on this fanart:
Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Merlin takes care of him until they can turn him back. (GEN FIC) Based on this fanart:
Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Harry and Merlin take care of him until they can turn him back. (GEN or Merlahad FIC)
Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). The agents of Kingsman take turns taking care of him until they can turn him back. (GEN or Merlahad or Harry/Percival FIC)
Harry apologizes to Eggsy for what he said and the assumptions he made in the Black Prince.
Tilde tells her parents about Eggsy.
Merwin or Gen: After the toast to Merlin, Eggsy leaves the room (maybe he goes to the bathroom or something) and breaks down. Harry or Tequila or Ginger Ale comforts him.
Tilde meeting Daisy and Eggsy's mother for the first time.
Post-TGC: Eggsy has nightmares about Merlin and almost losing Tilde, and Tilde comforts him.
During training, Eggsy has nightmares about Dean.
After Merlin's "most dangerous job interview" speech, Harry explains the bruises on Eggsy's cheek and neck.
After the water test, all of the recruits receive physicals. Eggsy doesn't have much medical history because Jamal treated most of his injuries. The doctor and/or Merlin are concerned about the scars and/or broken bones or bone fractures that didn't heal properly.
"When was the last time you ate?" Or Eggsy's first meal at Kingsman. He's not particularly gross or rude about eating; he just eats very fast. Roxy or Merlin is concerned. In other words, Eggsy has food insecurity issues.
"What's his story?" Or during or after TGC: Ginger Ale or Champ is curious about Eggsy, and ask Harry what Eggsy's story is. Or maybe they ask Eggsy himself
Songfic based on "Waiting For Superman" by Daughtry about Michelle waiting for Lee to come back home even after Harry told her he was dead.
Songfic based on "Save Me" by Jelly Roll
Songfic based on "How to Save a Life" by The Fray
Eggsy meets Merlin's nephew, who is fancast as Richard Madden. They hit it off pretty well. (You can make up the name of Merlin's nephew.)
Merwin: Eggsy and Daisy convince Merlin to watch Brave with them.
Eggsy dresses up as Robin Hood for Halloween. 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵
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Arrow x-over: Kingsman needs the Green Arrow's help.
Reacher (TV) x-over: Tequila tries to recruit Reacher.
Reacher (TV) x-over: Dixon or Neagley is recruited to Statesman to be the new Ginger-Ale
Supernatural x-over: While doing recon on what Kingsman believed to be a Satanistic cult, but is actually a coven, Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Harry (or Merlin or Harry and Merlin or all of Kingsman) takes care of him until they can turn him back. Harry or Merlin knows someone in the British Men of Letters and makes some calls to get help reversing the spell. (GEN or Merlahad FIC)
Constantine (Arrowverse) x-over: While doing recon on what Kingsman believed to be a Satanistic cult, but is actually a coven, Eggsy gets de-aged to 4 years old (mind and body). Harry (or Merlin or Harry and Merlin or all of Kingsman) takes care of him until they can turn him back. Someone at Kingsman knows John Constantine and gets in contact with him to ask for his help. (GEN or Merlahad FIC)
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years
Beautiful Creature
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summary: On the night of your prom, Jack agrees to take you for a night you’ll never forget—and that’s a word he sticks by.
dedication: doing a little something new for this one because of course i had to dedicate this one to my angel elisha, ceo of statesmen! thank you for opening up the world of whiskey fic to me and just being such a good friend. love you forever and ever, and i hope this story can bring a smile to that pretty face of yours!xo
pairing: jack “whiskey” daniels x f!reader
warnings: soft!whiskey, fluff, driving a bit under the influence (don’t drink and drive, kids!)
rating: PG
word count: 4.024k
“How do I look, Mom?” You turn around from where you’ve been facing the mirror, looking worriedly to be sure that your dress still makes you feel as beautiful as it did the day you picked it out.
“Oh, sweetheart, you look—,” your mother chokes on her words, stepping closer to hold your face in her hands, “—so beautiful.” She pauses to smile and run a soothing thumb over your cheek, easily sensing your nervousness. “I’m sure that—Jack, right?—is gonna think the same thing.”
You bite back a smile as you look up at her. This is just one of the many things you’re fearing. It’s your senior year of high school, and luckily for you, you’ve gotten to spend it in an entirely new state. Your father’s new job had forced your family to move from your previous residence in the heart of New York City to the vast countryside of Kentucky, and that alone made it harder to fit in. You weren’t keen on making any close friends, anyway, since college was so close. But you couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered the first time you saw Jack.
Being named after a brand of whiskey was, according to him, his best quality. The first time you’d met him, he’d shown you that smile so bright it practically lit up the entire room. He was always so kind and eager to make you feel comfortable, and he never let you be alone if he could help it. You were casual friends at best, although you wanted to be more. So, it truly took you by surprise the day he’d asked you about the prom.
“I’m sure you’ve already got yourself a date, right?” Jack had asked as he walked with you to the cafeteria.
“Well, uh—no, actually,” you’d confessed, unsure if you should’ve been honest. You actually weren’t even planning on going to prom, since you didn’t have any close friends you wanted to go with.
“No?” Jack had practically gasped when he echoed your answer. “Now, darlin’, that surprises me.” He’d let out a sigh, looking over at you with a hopeful twinkle in his dark eyes. “But I can’t lie—it also makes me real excited.”
You’d furrowed your brow at him. “Why?”
Jack never broke your gaze as he answered you. “‘Cause now I can ask you to go with me.”
You’d frozen for a moment, having to stop walking as you processed his words. After swallowing hard, you’d started smiling just a bit, trying to convince yourself he’d actually said such words. “Really?”
Jack had raised an eyebrow as he nodded. “Of course, sugar! What, you think I’d be jokin’ ‘bout somethin’ like that?”
You’d shrugged. “I just—I didn’t think anyone would want to take me.”
Jack frowned at that. “I don’t think that’s true. But anyone who’d pass up the chance to have you on their arm is a fool.” He’d paused when he saw your smile coming back, starting to show one of his own. “So, that’s a yes?”
You’d smiled widely up at him. “I’d love to, Jack.”
You wish you could’ve taken a mental snapshot of his smile then, the corners of his lips practically reaching his ears as he looked down at you. “That’s great, darlin’! I’m real excited, now. It’ll be the best night of our lives. Promise.”
And you’re sure Jack will follow through with his end of that—though you fear you’ll disappoint him with yours.
“Don’t worry, princess,” your mother breaks you out of your worrisome thoughts. “I bet you’re gonna have him right under your spell.”
“Please, Mom,” you laugh, shaking your head as you start to walk out of your bedroom. Your mother follows, shutting off the lights for you and giving you a hand as you walk down the stairs in your heels. You look up to see your father waiting for you in the foyer, his jaw dropped slightly as he sees you.
“Wow, honey, you look… so grown up,” your father remarks, smiling as he holds you by the shoulders and observes you. “You look amazing.”
“Thanks, Dad,” you say, patting his arm to make him release your shoulders. You’re about to say more when you hear the sound of a car door outside, causing you to freeze. A nervous yet excited flutter makes itself known in your stomach, and you take a deep breath to collect yourself.
“That must be him!” your mother exclaims excitedly, and no later does the doorbell ring. Your mother nudges you forward to open the door, and you numbly close the distance as your hand rests on the door handle. You pull it open, seeing Jack standing there in all his Southern glory fashioned with a black tux that fits his lean body just right. His hands hold onto a corsage and boutonniere set that matches the same colors as your dress, but his dark eyes are set on you—and your cheeks warm up when you see that his mouth’s fallen open just a bit upon observing you.
“Well gosh, darlin’, I didn’t know you’d be exceedin’ my expectations,” Jack states, a smile now growing on his lips. “They were already high enough.”
You let out a soft chuckle. “I could say the same thing about you, Jack.” He beams, and you step aside to let him inside the foyer. You introduce him to your parents, and he shakes their hands warmly while greeting them with their formal Mr. and Mrs. titles. You can tell your parents are charmed right away, and he answers each question they throw at him with grace.
“What time will you be back?” your father asks.
“Whenever you want us to be, sir,” Jack assures him with a nod.
“Are you gonna sneak away to any parties?” your mother teases—though you still want to facepalm at her embarrassing question.
“No, ma’am,” Jack says with a soft chuckle. “I think the prom’s a party enough for the both of us.”
“I trust that my daughter’s in safe hands,” your father reflects, smiling a bit as he gestures to you.
“Absolutely, sir,” Jack confirms. “I’m gonna take real good care of her for you. Promise.”
“I’m not worried about it,” your father insists, patting a friendly hand against Jack’s shoulder. You bite back a smile, relieved to see your rather protective father feeling so peaceful about Jack.
Before you leave, your mother helps you and Jack take care of the corsage and boutonniere, him slipping yours gently onto your wrist as you pin his to his left lapel. After suffering through a picture session your mother begs for, you’re finally alone with Jack, heading towards the truck he’s pulled up in your driveway. He walks around your side to open the door for you, causing your cheeks to heat up yet again as he helps you step up into the truck. Once he gets in his side, you let out a breath, watching as your parents give you one last wave.
“I’m so sorry about them,” you apologize, looking over to see the ghost of a smile stuck on his lips.
“Why?” Jack asks. “They’re real sweet.”
“And very nosy,” you giggle. “I felt like I was watching an episode of Jeopardy!.”
Jack laughs, the sound making your heart flutter as he gives you a quick look of nothing but sheer admiration. “I can promise you, darlin’, that I don’t mind one bit. It just proves to me that you’re a real treasure.”
You smile at that. “What about your parents?”
You see Jack’s face fall a bit at that, and you almost regret asking the question. However, just like with your parents, he answers it with grace. “I meant to tell your parents that Mama wanted to come—but she ain’t feelin’ so good today.”
You frown. “I’m sorry, Jack.”
Jack waves his hand. “It’s alright, sugar. It’s just a lil’ cold.” He then hesitates, as if he’s unsure if he should say the next part. “I ain’t seen Pa in a long time, so… I don’t know.”
Your heart nearly plummets into your stomach as you curse yourself for bringing up something likely so traumatic for him before the night’s even begun. “Jack, I had no idea. I’m—.”
“No apologizin’, beautiful. You didn’t know.” Jack looks over to give you an encouraging smile. “I appreciate your concern, though. But it’s been a while, so don’t worry ‘bout me. Just think about tonight.”
You find the darkness starting to ebb away at his words, and your smile slowly returns. “Alright.”
The school isn’t too far from your house, and soon you’re pulling into the parking lot. Jack hops out of the truck to open the door for you again, setting one hand in yours and the other on your waist to keep you steady as you get down. He then offers his arm for you to take, and you give him yet another smile as you hook yours around his and walk inside with him. He presents the tickets, and soon you’re both in the darkened gymnasium, listening to the soothing rhythms of country music they’re playing through the speakers.
“You want somethin’ to drink, darlin’?” Jack asks, making his voice just a bit louder to be heard over the music as he looks over at you.
You shake your head at him. “No, I think I’m good for now.”
Jack nods, looking towards the dance floor and then back to you. “Can I make a miracle happen and get you on the dance floor already?”
You laugh, nodding as you let him lead the way. For the first few songs, it seems as if Jack’s main goal is to get you to laugh as he embraces his goofiest self, even pulling some ridiculous moves just to hear you rumble with amusement. He admits this to you, but assures you of your good moves as you do a bit of dancing on your own. You’ve never been the type to love dancing—but with Jack, it feels so much more fun and natural than it ever has before.
The only time you feel that twinge of nervousness come back is when the music slows down. You clear your throat as you look towards the table of refreshments, gesturing to it with your head. “I could use that drink, now,” you tell Jack, trying to avoid the sting of rejection at the idea of slow dancing with him.
“Sure thing, beautiful,” Jack assures you, starting to walk with you towards the table. “But I do get to have you back on that dance floor soon, right? It’s my favorite part.”
You look at him in shock as he pours your drinks, numbly accepting the one he hands to you. “It is?”
Jack nods earnestly, taking a sip of his punch before speaking again. “I’ve been waitin’ to dance with you like that.” He gestures to the couples who have each other pulled close, swaying together to the music. Your cheeks heat up as you try to hide it behind your cup. You see Jack’s gaze flash with concern. “Are you alright with that, darlin’?”
“Yeah!” You rush to reassure him, nearly choking on your drink as you barely manage to swallow it down in time. “Of course. I—I just wasn’t sure if, you know, you’d want to.”
Jack sets his drink down onto the edge of the table and pulls you aside, holding both of your hands in his as he looks down at you. “When I told you I was gonna make this the best night of our lives, I meant it, sweetheart. Don’t you doubt your worth for a second, alright?”
You give him a nod, feeling your heart practically fly through your chest as he gives your hands a squeeze and lets them go. Thankfully, Jack hadn’t filled your cup too much, and soon you’re both finished with the drinks. You toss the empty cups away and let him lead you back to the dance floor, your body tingling with anticipation as he finally stops and starts to pull you close. One of his hands entwines with yours as the other rests on the small of your back.
“Is this okay?” Jack checks with you, and unable to get anything out of your throat, you nod at him to respond. Jack smiles a bit and nods back, starting to sway along to the music with you. You’re completely lost in the wonder of his dark gaze, watching as it lights up like the stars of the Kentucky night sky. You’re unable to believe that he can hold so much in his eyes, and you feel as if you’re seeing into his very soul as he never peels his gaze away from yours. The rest of the world feels drowned out as you take in the unspoken affection you both share, and your mind begins to wonder what life would be like if you had this view all the time.
At one point, you begin yearning to have him even closer to you. Your gaze looks away from Jack for the first time to see what the people around you are doing. You see a few in the same position as you, while others have their arms completely around their partners. Deciding to change it up, you suck in a breath of faith as you release his hand. It takes Jack by surprise at first, especially as your arms wrap around his neck and your cheek falls onto his shoulder. But his smile is nearly audible as his hands delicately wrap around your waist, accepting you into his warm grasp as you continue to move together. You never want the moment to end—and you’re certain it’s one of the best things you’ve ever experienced.
Eventually, though, just like all dreams, the moment fades away. The night starts to end, and before you know it, Jack’s leading you back out to the truck. He runs the usual routine of helping you into the truck and then getting in himself, but he hesitates before turning to you.
“Look, I know I told your mama no partyin’, and I’m gonna stay loyal to that,” Jack starts to ramble, his dark gaze looking at you seriously. “But I managed to get a drink for each of us from my Mama, if you wanted to go somewhere and just talk for a lil’ while.”
You smile at him, feeling your heart soften as an urge arises to pinch yourself—because there’s no way you’re not dreaming a guy this perfect. “That sounds amazing, Jack.”
He smiles widely, nodding as he brings the truck to life and starts to drive away from the school. He takes you both down a side road you’ve never seen before, and after a few minutes spent on the dirt road, he pulls off onto an open field of grass, driving through it until he’s out of reach of the road. Jack stops the truck in its place, looking over to see your eyebrow raised at him. “This is an abandoned farm,” he explains. “It’s got a real good view of the stars.”
You nod, watching as he leaves the truck to help you down once again. He then reaches into the backseat to grab the drinks he’d been talking about before as well as a few blankets, tossing them both into the bed of the truck. He helps you up and follows you soon after, spreading out the blankets to make them comfortable and inviting you to sit on them. You sit with your back against the rear window, accepting the bottle of beer Jack’s cracked open for you. You’re both silent for a few moments as you sip your drinks, looking at the view of the night sky provided by such a clearing of trees.
“You’re right,” you finally agree, seeing Jack look over at you when you speak. “This is a really good view.”
Jack says nothing for a moment, and you finally look over at him once it worries you enough. You see his gaze studying you as if you’re a piece of art, and you feel your cheeks warm up before he even says his next few words. “It ain’t as good as the view I’ve got right now.”
You shake your head, taking a swig of your drink to try to hide your shyness. “That’s sweet, Jack, but I beg to differ.”
Jack frowns a bit, and you feel your heart start beating faster as he wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer to his side. “Hey now, darlin’, I’m serious. You gotta listen to me.” His brow is furrowed, and you can tell he’s being completely honest as he continues. “You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve just ‘bout ever seen—inside and out. I’m a bad liar, so you’d know if I wasn’t bein’ honest.” You bite back a smile at that, seeing Jack’s gaze flash with relief at the sight. “I don’t wanna hear any more of this self-deprecatin’. Alright, sweetheart?”
You give him a nod, seeing him smile with satisfaction as you dare to rest your head against his shoulder. For many more minutes, you both sit there and share some more about yourselves. You tell Jack about your life in New York and what it was like to come to Kentucky, and he tells you about his experiences growing up and the mystery surrounding his father. He’s just wrapped up his story when you involuntarily shiver, being grazed by the cool breeze of the spring evening. Jack unwraps his arm from around you, setting down his nearly empty bottle as he turns to you.
“Are you cold, sugar?” Jack asks with concern.
“A little,” you confess, not wanting to lie to him.
Jack immediately shrugs off his jacket, leaving him in just his vest and button-up as he lays his jacket over your shoulders. You take the lapels in your hands to secure it around you, breathing in the smell of his cologne that now envelopes you. “Better?” You nod, seeing Jack smile again as he wraps his arm back around you.
The rest of the time, you talk a bit about your anticipated futures post-graduation. You find out that Jack’s looking to do some kind of work in intelligence, and you tell him about your aspirations for college. He never fails to show his excitement for you and encouragement to do whatever makes you happy, no matter what. It makes you feel more valued than you have in a long time—and you find yourself yearning for more of this feeling, for more of him.
But the night starts to end before you have the faith to tell him that. You keep his jacket around your shoulders as he cleans up the blankets and bottles, helping you off the bed of the truck and back inside it before he takes off for your house. Feeling bold enough to make at least one affectionate move, you reach for the free hand he’s had resting on the stick shift and entwine your fingers with his. Jack looks over at you in slight awe for a moment, quickly turning it into a smile as he gives your hand a squeeze. You haven’t felt this happy in so long, and you’re reluctant to let it go.
When you pull up in your driveway, you feel your heart starting to ache at the thought of leaving Jack—but also flutter at the idea of what Jack could do before leaving you. You’ve seen it in his eyes the entire night: you know he’s wanted to kiss you, but he hasn’t, and you wonder what’s making him hesitate. You can guess that he’s probably been scared of overwhelming you or overstepping his boundaries, but you wonder if he’ll throw that out the window once he leaves you. Your cheeks warm up when he helps you out of the truck for the last time and walks you up to your doorstep, stopping on the front stoop to face you with a large smile.
“So?” Jack begins, his dark gaze glittering down at you. “Was my mission accomplished? Was this the best night of your life?”
You give him a reassuring smile, squeezing both of his hands as you hold them in yours. “Easily, Jack.”
His eyes sparkle even more, and you bite back your smile at the sight of it. “That makes me so happy, sweetheart. I’m feelin’ the same way.”
You look at him seriously then, never tearing your gaze from his. “Thank you, Jack. For everything.”
Jack nods with a creased brow, as if he can’t believe you’re thanking him. “I should be sayin’ thanks to you, beautiful, for sayin’ yes to me in the first place. I was honored to be the one with you tonight.”
Your smile starts to take over again, and after the silence persists for a few moments, Jack takes his cue to head back to his truck. He drops your hands and starts to walk away, but—unable to resist the urge that’s pumping throughout your entire body, now—you call out to him. “Wait, Jack!”
Jack turns around quickly, as if he’s been waiting for you to stop him. “Yeah, darlin’?” he asks, walking back over to you.
All you can do is look in his eyes for a few moments before your hands reach for the sides of his face, pulling his lips to yours. You feel the sparks ignite throughout your entire body at the contact, your heart practically melting into a puddle inside your chest as his hands fall gently on your waist. He pulls you closer, kissing you back at your own pace like no one else has before. It’s soft, gentle, and passionate—just like Jack is himself. Your thumbs brush over his cheeks as you pull away, seeing Jack’s eyes shine brighter than they ever have as you both smile stupidly at each other. You can’t think of anything else to say, so you just tell him what you know you should. “Goodnight, Jack,” you say in a hushed voice, letting your hands start to fall from his face.
“Goodnight, baby,” Jack remarks, his newest term of endearment causing your heart to flutter even more as he starts to walk away once again.
Yet, as you watch him go, your eyes absentmindedly hold onto the jacket of his you’re still wearing around your shoulders, and your eyes widen as you call out to him once again. “Jack!” He turns his head, raising an eyebrow with an amused smile as you gesture to the jacket. “Your jacket!”
Jack gives you a mischievous look in return. “Keep it,” he tells you with a smile. “It gives me an excuse to come see you tomorrow.”
You bite back another smile, giving him a nod before he gets back in his truck. You let out an airy sigh of pure joy as you face the door again, wanting to scream out about the happiness built up in your chest as you push the door open—unable to believe this is the life you’re living in now.
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foli-vora · 4 years
stay with me
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A/N: LMAO where did this even come from? No idea. Dave decided to back the fuck up for a small while and let me finish a Whiskey WIP. I’m still new with the whole smut thing so please forgive me if it’s not decent! Let me know what you think! ☺️❤️
❗️It’s been bought to my attention that the creator of the GIF I’ve used isn’t correct—it was made by, and all credit goes to, @interstellarflare! Thank you for the heads up @rebelforthebadtimes ❗️
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x f!reader
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: STRICTLY 18+, minors please exit the vehicle! Swearing, mentions/descriptions of oral sex and p in v sex, hand job, cum eating (if there’s anything else, please let me know!)
The hammock sways softly in the cool spring breeze, the sun shining through the canopy of apple trees towering above you, holding you steadily suspended from the ground. The clucks of distant hens echo in your ears, tangling with the occasional buzz of an insect flying past, but all overwhelmed by the steady thump of a strong heartbeat in your ear as your head rests on a sturdy chest.
“You awake, darlin’?” The husky baritone vibrates beneath your cheek, your heart fluttering as it melts into your ear.
You hum lowly, tiredly. “Barely.”
“I really need to get goin’ now.”
“Five more minutes.”
Jack chuckles deep in his chest, your head jolting slightly as he does so. His hand is warm, fingertips calloused, as he rubs along your brow bone with a gentle rhythm, almost lulling your body to sleep. You make no effort to move from your position half on top of him, keeping your leg hitched comfortably around his thighs.
“Now sugar, you said five more minutes a good twenty minutes ago.” He tries to sound stern, like you’re causing him a great inconvenience, but he doesn’t move; doesn’t pat your leg as a sign to let him up. He stays perfectly comfortable, enjoying the sunshine and warmth of your body pressing into him.
“Mmm,” you nuzzle into his chest, fingers drawing random patterns into the soft fabric covering it. “Don’t go.”
He groans softly, arm briefly tightening around your body. “Darlin’, don’t do this to me.”
“Stay with me,” you purr quietly. He watches through fond eyes as your own flutter open and gaze up at him, his heart skipping a few beats as the rays of spring sun paint your skin. “Please?”
You watch the struggle play across his face, knowing he would love nothing more than to stay here at home with you rather than go on this mission. You knew it was wrong to feel like this—he had told you about his job early in the relationship and how he’d be away a lot... it was fine and you supported him, but today you were just feeling needy. He eventually shakes his head with a tired sigh.
“You know I can’t.”
“Not even if I... I don’t know... gave you an incentive to stay?”
His breath hitches as your finger traces lower, weaving between the buttons of his shirt before dancing along the waistband of his pants. You loved him in his work suits, all clean and fancy. Usually he would change and leave, but this particular day he let you lure him into your embrace, grumbling about creases but still climbing into the hammock nonetheless.
“We could move to the bedroom—you could spread me out on the bed... or bend me over in front of the mirror like the other day... you liked that, didn’t you Jack? You liked making me watch myself while you fucked me.”
His frame, previously relaxed, is rigid beneath you, muscles coiled and winding tighter with each word you breathe so prettily into his ear. He remembered... your eyes locked onto your face, a beautiful mess of tears and sweat, mouth open and singing his praises as he drilled into you from behind, a firm hand weaving into your hair to keep your head up when it started dropping.
“Or do you want your cock in my mouth? You know how much I love it, Jack. You’re so big, baby. I always make such a mess...”
He sees you on your knees, pretty eyes blinking up at him while you gag around his length, saliva smearing along your cheek when he pulls back and smooths his swollen tip along your jaw. He watches you watch him, wide watery eyes locked onto his hand jerking his cock in open admiration. You hear the catch in his breath, the tell tale sign of his impending release, and open your mouth, watching his face crumble in ecstasy as thick ropes of cum paint your tongue and cheek.
“Prettiest fuckin’ thing I ever seen.”
“Yeah? You like it when I’m messy? Like it when you cum all over my face?”
Shit. He was throbbing and you hadn’t even touched him yet. His hips twitch, the movement causing his pants to rub along his cock and he fights to keep his resolve. What was he meant to be doing again? Right, leaving...
“Fuck sweetheart, I really have to go—”
He doesn’t look at his watch. He doesn’t need to. He knows he’s already a good hour late. Champ is going to string him up alive—
His nostrils flare as your fingers move to his belt, releasing the clasp and unzipping his fly slowly. Your lashes flutter as you blink innocently up at him, tongue momentarily peaking from between your lips to moisten them. He watches the movement hungrily, eyes darkening as your teeth bite down onto your bottom one.
“Or we could stay right here. We’re so comfortable, after all.” You breathe, fingers lightly running the velvety skin you could feel between the open zipper. “You love my hand, don’t you, Jack?”
His teeth mash together as you delicately free him for the confines of his pants, fingers wrapping around him and giving an experimental jerk. He curses quietly, eyes squeezing shut as your thumb rubs at the drops of precum gathered on the swollen head and you watch it smear, glistening in the rays of soft sunlight. Jack’s incoherently mumbling as your hand starts to pump slowly, and it brings a small smile to your face.
“If you want me to stop, just say so and I will.”
His head is violently shaking from side to side before he can even think it through. He needs to leave—this is his job, people are depending on him but oh... oh fuck... how could he go anywhere with your hand doing that? Just five more minutes... five more... Christ—
“Don’t you love me, Jack?”
His brows pinch together, hips bucking into your hand as you move too slow for his liking. “Of—fuck—o-of course I do, baby—”
“But you’re leaving me...” Your grip tightens and his mouth pops open.
“Sweet Jesus—I’ll never... fuck baby—I’ll never leave you.”
Your thumb rubs over the tip again and he jolts, the hammock swinging under the sudden action. “No?”
“N-never—I wan’... I wanna give you e-everything.”
He nods, groaning when you finally speed up. You reach up to kiss along his throat, nipping sharply at the skin before soothing it with a hot swipe of your tongue. He curses again, head turning and seeking your lips out. You indulge him, mouth opening when his tongue hungrily swipes along your lip and then he’s in your mouth, tongue raking along your teeth and then sliding passionately along yours.
You speak against his lips, “You gonna stay with me, Jack? Or should I stop? You’re so late, I should just let you go—” You halt your movements and pull away.
Lightning fast, his hand is covering yours and wrapping it back around his cock, leading your pumps as he growls lowly, “Don’t you fuckin’ dare—”
“You staying with me?”
He nods, face slack and mouth hanging open as you work him closer and closer to the edge, stomach tightening.
“Holy sh—I—fuck—I promise, sugar—”
And then he’s cumming, groaning loudly into your hair, hips spasming wildly as he spills hotly over your hand and onto his pants. He sucks in a breath, twitching in your grip as you slow your movements and milk him for everything he has. He feels you shift and peaks an eye open to watch you bring your hand to your mouth, groaning deeply when your tongue peaks out and collects the cum from your skin.
“You’re gonna be the god damn end of me, woman.”
“I really appreciate you helpin’ me out.”
He shoots you a half hearted glare from where he stands in the corner of the room, phone to ear, and you laugh quietly, legs kicking in the air as they dangle off the bed. Your eyes rake over his frame, taking in his creased shirt and cum stained pants, still undone and giving you a little peak of the neat patch of curls.
Tequila hums down the line, voice deep with mirth, “That little lady sure has got your head in a spin.”
“What are you talkin’ about, kid? I got a migraine.”
Tequila chuckles, “Yeah, okay. Have fun, gramps.”
Jack finishes the call and throws his phone onto the dresser before striding to the edge of the bed. He frowns down at you, but it does nothing to stop the heat curdling deliciously in your belly, the slick between your legs growing under his intense gaze. You bite your lip, grinning up at him innocently.
“You’ve gotten what you wanted, pretty girl, now it’s my turn. Spread those legs—show me that pretty little pussy that’s keepin’ me from earnin’ an honest livin’.”
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed
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stronglyobsessed · 4 years
Merlin wakes from a week long coma, after Poppy Land, with Eggsy beside him. He's not sure what to think of the man he loves, who is with a Princess, beside him until Eggsy makes a confession of his own.
For @fandomrulesmylife
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the BMC x Kingsman: The Golden Circle crossover that nobody asked for
There’s a madwoman on the television.
Stage one, a blue rash, she says.
Drugs worldwide, laced with poison. Hundreds of thousands of people with blue veins painting their skin.
Jeremy watches a madwoman smile on the television screen and feels his blood run cold. This can’t be happening, he thinks.
Beside him, Michael curses viciously with shaking hands that are tattooed blue, blue, blue.
Stage two, she says. Mania.
Michael laughs, giddy and manic, dancing to a rhythm that nobody else can hear. The only beat Jeremy hears is his own heart, pounding against his ribcage, his bones rattling with no, no, no.
“Michael,” he rasps, his voice breaking, “it’s gonna be okay. The president is gonna fix this. Everybody’ll get an antidote. You’re going to be okay.”
Michael doesn’t seem to hear him, grabbing Jeremy’s hands and leading him into a wild spin around the basement. Upstairs, Jeremy can hear the faint sound of Michael’s parents sobbing.
“You’re going to be okay,” Jeremy repeats, desperate.
Deep inside his head, a voice that’s been dead for two years whispers, no he won’t.
Jeremy knows better than to listen to the voice in his head.
He knows, but Michael is already motionless, frozen mid-laugh, and the clock is ticking down. They’re running out of time and Jeremy can’t stop the onslaught of what if they’re too late, what if the voice is right, what if they break their promise. What if. What if. What if.
Stage three, paralysis.
Stage three is only a step away from stage four, and Jeremy can’t let that happen. Can’t stand to do nothing. He’d do anything to save Michael.
But he can’t do it alone.
Jeremy, the voice in his head purrs as he closes his eyes and drinks the bottle of green soda. Welcome back.
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hotsaucess · 7 years
I've read so much fan fic that I honestly thought Harry actually said "Eggsy. My dear boy. How could I forget you?" when he gets his memory back in TGC
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minjeongwinters · 3 years
kingsman: the golden circle was so bad but i have fond memories of the press tour.
0 notes
Favorite Fanworks Recs
Here’s the final list of all the fic, art, gifs, and more that were recommended for my Show Me the Fanworks! Celebration.  In the end you lovely folks recced a truly spectacular 154 of your favorite fanworks from 75 talented creators!  
💕 Thank you so much to everyone who participated!! 💕
Here’s a breakdown of fanworks by character:
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) - 34
Frankie Morales (Triple Frontier) - 25
Javier Peña (Narcos) - 18
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble) - 10
Pero Tovar (The Great Wall) - 10 
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley (Moon Knight) - 10
Ezra (Prospect) - 8
Santiago Garcia (Triple Frontier) - 7
Pedro Pascal - 5
Marcus Pike (The Mentalist) - 4 
Javi Gutierrez (TUWoMT) - 4
Miller Brothers: Benny & Will (Triple Frontier) - 4
Dave York (The Equalizer 2) - 3+
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman: TGC) - 3
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes) - 2
Max Phillips (Bloodsucking Bastards) - 2
Black Krrsantan (The Book of Boba Fett), Pedro Across the Street (Calls), The Thief (Casillero Del Diablo), Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones), Joel Miller (The Last of Us), Maxwell Lord (Wonder Woman 1984) - 1 each
Read on for the Favorite Fanwork Recs! →
List Navigation Notes:
Fanworks are listed alphabetically by Movie/Series Title then Character then Title of the Work; characters with only 1-2 stories are grouped together under Pedro Pascal near the end.  Visual works (art, gifs, vids) are generally first, then fic. (Hopefully it’s not too confusing ^^’)
There’s a masterlist of all the Creators whose works are included at the end.
Ratings used for are standard from AO3: General audiences - Teen & up - Mature - Explicit
Individual Fanwork Rec Submissions can be found under the ‘fav fanworks rec ask’ tag. (You guys sent me so many fantastic recs that I couldn’t link to them all without exceeding the post link limit <3 )
Links have been misbehaving on desktop sometimes.  If none of the links are showing up, try opening in dashboard mode (click the eye-shaped button in the far top right) 
Enjoy!! <3
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The Bubble ~ Dieter Bravo
Below the Line by @prolix-yuy​
[FIC: Dieter x F reader, 23k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  It’s the job you’ve been waiting for, with a director you admire, and a script you love. Everything is perfect, except for one of the lead actors: Dieter Bravo. Just seeing his name on the call sheet spikes anxiety in your chest.  But it turns out you have nothing to worry about. Because Dieter Bravo has no idea who you are, or the history you share.
Recced by @songsformonkeys: a Dieter fic that I'm really eager to dig into.
Consent by @fuckyeahdindjarin​ [FIC: Dieter x F intimacy coordinator reader, 34k, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  You are the intimacy coordinator for Dieter Bravo’s risqué new film. When he fails to show up for rehearsal, you go in search for him. Did you really expect to find him in anything but a compromising position?
Recced by @nicolethered:  helped cement Dieter Bravo as one of my faves
Funny Girl [ao3] by @radiowallet​ [FIC: Dieter x F reader, 41k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  You've been busting your butt day in and day out to get your comedy career off the ground. Crappy writing jobs, late night stand-up gigs, and tending bar on the side to make ends meet. Landing the job as a staff writer at Saturday Night Live was the best next step for your career. So what happens two years in, when you come face to face with the show's next host, Dieter Bravo, a man you've mocked relentlessly for almost the entire length of your career?
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  Please feast your eyeballs upon this fic. It’s a Dieter Bravo/Saturday Night Live/Funny Girl-inspired AU and it is both full of TENDER feelings and also insanely HOT! 💖💖💖
Recced by @nicolethered:  amazing
Going the Distance by @softpedropascal​ [FIC: Javi Guitierrez x  film assistant F reader x Dieter, crossover, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  You’re a film assistant on the set of a new movie featuring Dieter Bravo, a somewhat immature actor who happens to be extremely attracted to you, but you never date any actors you work with.  The film takes you to Spain where a millionaire, Javi Gutiérrez, lets you all stay in his mansion while you are there filming. You immediately catch his eye and soon find yourself the object of his affection.  Both men vie for your attention leaving you to decide between one or the other.  Or can you have both?
Recced by @nicolethered:  such a good job writing for our husband Javi G. helped cement Dieter Bravo as one of my faves
Morning | Afternoon | Evening by @write-and-buried [FIC: Porn Star AU: Dieter x F reader, ~16k, E, complete trilogy]
Author’s Summary:  He’s a porn star and so are you.
Recced by @astroboots:  [This fic] will have your panties so wet that they disintegrate from the sheer constant vaginal secretions. [It’s] a gorgeous, fun and sexy af three parter starring our favourite mess of a man Dieter Bravo reimagined in this brilliant AU as a porn actress.
Recced by @nicolethered:  helped cement Dieter Bravo as one of my faves
Stay on Screenplay by @jazzelsaur​ [FIC: Dieter x F reader, 31k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  Co-stars on their first film together, they fell hard into a summer love affair. And then they fell apart. 20+ years later, with both of their careers on the verge of being washed up, they’re cast together again, hoping to save their careers—and maybe, find their way back to each other.
Recced by @astroboots:  I could spend hours breaking down why SotS breaks down the glitz and glamour that is Hollywood and subverts it but at its core it's a beautiful love story about two people who find their way back to each other.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  She took a character that was barely a character in the movie and fleshed him out into such a complex, real, and believable character. She made me fall in love with him and with the reader (that's written so vividly that she feels like an OFC). Jess had me hooked with each chapter of this story. The whole thing reads almost like a poem and she manages to convey more emotion with a single sentence than I've read entire books manage to do.
Wardrobe [series mlist] [ao3] by @boliv-jenta​ [FIC: Dieter x F reader, 14k+, E, finished fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary: Dieter wants your help with his wardrobe.
Recced by @nicolethered
Wrap Party by @write-and-buried​ [FIC: Dieter x F reader, ~4k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  After a paid appearance at an Indie film wrap party, you’re stunned to find yourself in the bed of Hollywood’s most famous douchebag.
Recced by @astroboots:  I want to humbly recommend this author for being the insane powerhouse of a talent that she is. Her writing has me keeling over, with a heart arrest and a stroke all at once.
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Equalizer 2 ~ Dave York
Kill me Softly [ao3] by @astroboots​ [FIC: Dave x F wife!reader, 8.5k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Your husband is not the same man you married and sometimes that scares you.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  I still remember her first Dave York story and how it completely took my breath away and I refused to believe it was her first posted story because she writes like a published author!
Nightingale verse (on ao3) by @yespolkadotkitty​ [FIC: Dave x F reader, 5.2k, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Men like Robert McCall and Dave York can't use normal hospitals. Dave York x “Florence” (underground doctor for McCall’s team)
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Dave York/reader that I absolutely adore! We all know how I feel about Dave and yet I'm very picky about which Dave stories I read. Kitty is one of the people I 100% trust with writing a Dave that I will always fall in love with over and over and over again. This verse is an excellent example of the beauty of her Dave.
A Sturdy Home ‘verse by @songsformonkeys​ [FIC: Dave x F wife!reader, 9.3k, E, open-ended series of oneshots] Pancakes - A Sturdy Home - Last Goodbyes - Ghost of You - Christmas With(out) You - Valentine’s Day
Author’s Summary:  Dave survives the fight with McCall but loses all his memories.
Recced by @astroboots:  Hanna is one of those writers that uses a fucking scalpel as her pen to draw real flesh blood and humans with all the complicated emotions that comes with. I will always shout about her A sturdy home universe with one complicated Dave York to all those who will listen to my mad man's preaching. READ IIIIIIT
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The Great Wall ~ Pero Tovar
All’s Faire by @thewayofthemandalorian​ [FIC: modern AU: modern Tovar x F reader, 27k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  When your niece asks if you’ll join her in the annual summer medieval faire, you say yes. You do not expect it to be run by grumpy, surly Pero Tovar or that your faire characters will be in love with each other.
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  Please, for the love of tiny kittens, please send some eyeballs over to All's Faire, a modern-day high school teacher Pero Tovar AU where Reader volunteers to work at Pero's summer Renaissance Faire alongside her teenage niece who is in Pero's class. He's gruff, he's grumpy, he's everything!! 😍😍😍
The Cross [part 1] [PT mlist] [ao3] by @blueeyesatnight​   [FIC: Pero x time-traveling F reader, 112k, M, complete]
Author’s Summary:  You were just trying to get your research project on European infiltration into medieval China off the ground and while investigating an item you assume will be a breakthrough you do, in fact, break through and find yourself in medieval China, about to enter the tumultuous events of The Great Wall, and that grumpy Spaniard just keeps catching your eye...
Recced by @nicolethered
Fighting Blind [ao3] by @yespolkadotkitty​ [FIC: Pero x time-traveling ofc, 32k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  Chinese-British curator Jade is swept back centuries in time by a mysterious axe and finds herself on a journey with two mercenaries bound for the Great Wall of China.
Recced by @astroboots:  I could wholeheartedly recommend every single fucking piece on kitty’s masterlist. She infuses emotions and love and a soft escape of romance in the best of ways and was one of the first writers in this fandom whose work I read in a time when I truly needed comfort and she supplied it in abundance and I can never thank her enough for that. Her Tovar is unparalleled, and I would urge you all to read one of the most brilliant adventures this little hellsite has to offer
Recced by @songsformonkeys:   I'm sure so many people have already read this story because it really is incredible!!! Kitty writes an incredible Tovar! One of a kind! And I love him so much! And her heroine in this (and her other) story is badass and kind and wonderful and I can't help but seeing so much of Kitty in her.
The Innkeeper’s Daughter (& p2) by @just-here-for-the-moment​ [FIC: Pero x F reader, 6.2k, E, twoshot]
Author’s Summary:  Pero Tovar falls in love with an innkeeper’s daughter.
Recced by @yespolkadotkitty
Monstruo by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Pero, William, gen fic (no pairing), 3.7k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  After the events at the wall, Pero and William make an unexpected discovery.
Recced by anonymous:  Adorable and I would give my left nut to read ten thousand more words about Pero and his ugly dog.
Pan Dulce [ao3] by @clydesducktape​ [FIC: Pero x baker F reader, 15k, M, complete] - ART: Pero & His Little Baker by @miranhas-art
Author’s Summary:  On your adventure to catalogue the worlds baked sweets, you find yourself trapped at the Great Wall. Your generous hosts prepare to defend their wall and the world against ancient monsters as an unexpected traveler arrives to reluctantly lend a helping hand.
Recced by anonymous: sweet fic // on point pencil drawings with so much character!
Unbridled [ao3] by @beskarberry​ aka @lellowberry [FIC: centaur AU: centaur!Pero x F reader, 9.5k, E, oneshot] - ART: Centaur!Pero by @lellowberrys-art​
Author’s Summary:  he woods have always been full of myths, but you never expected one to just show up at your doorstep. You promise them a night in your barn, but one of them takes your generosity as an invitation for more.
Recced by anonymous:   Get a load of these fics
Where He is Compelled to Stay by @oonajaeadira​ [FIC: Pero x F reader, 2.9k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  A soft thought experiment: A man of war finds his peace when the world forces him to slow down and you give him something softer to focus on.
Recced by anonymous
Wolfe in sheep’s clothing [ao3] by @yespolkadotkitty​ [FIC: Pero x ofc, medieval au, 15.9k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Taken from her rural country life to town by her father for marriage, Beatrix Wolfe nonetheless has her own ideas and will not be “brought to heel,” so her father hires a couple of ruffian mercenaries to keep a close eye on her.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  A Pero/OFC that is just perfection! I love the interactions and relationship between Bea and Tovar. As stated above, Kitty's Tovar really is something special!
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Kingsman: tGC ~ Agent Whiskey
Buried by @something-tofightfor​ [FIC: Whiskey x F reader, 108k+, E, ongoing]
Author’s Summary:   You’re a Statesman agent, but haven’t seen active duty in months. You don’t mind making yourself useful around the distillery, but it’s getting old - and so is the fact that your favorite partner Jack hasn’t been back to Kentucky in months without an explanation for his absence. But there’s a lot more to it than Champ just waiting til the time is right … even if you don’t know it.
Recced by @nicolethered  
Stars Hit the Ceiling by @jazzelsaur​ [FIC: Frankie Morales x F reader x Whiskey crossover, 7.3k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Frankie wakes from a nightmare. Sometimes he needs you and Jack to help ground him in reality. Basically, it’s porn with the tiniest crumb of plot, mostly to establish the sense of a lived in relationship where everyone is comfortable.
Recced by @astroboots:   I am going to put the spotlight on SHtC for the simple nostalgic reason that that is the first work I have read of yours. It is the story that I read, DIED, resurrected then died again, and as a ghost I decided to float into your DMs and haunt you with my friendship and rumours have it you can still hear me haunting the hallways of your tumblr and DMs.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Not a pairing I had expected or thought about before but after reading this story, I was completely sold. It was such an intimate and gentle and beautiful and hot story and I loved it so much!
Visions of Sugarplums [ao3] by @fromthedeskoftheraven​ [FIC: Whiskey x agent F reader, 4.7k, M, first oneshot in a triology]
Author’s Summary:  Jack and his partner face their feelings when they're snowed in after a mission. Part one in the Manhattan universe. .
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Another absolute gem and favorite of mine is her Whiskey/f!reader series. Visions of Sugarplums is the first part with Whiskey and reader getting snowed in. Raven writes such a perfect Whiskey! He feels in character but at least 100 times better than canon Whiskey! Respectful, flirty, and perfect! Can't recommend this series enough!
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The Book of Boba Fett | King Kong by @trashcora​ [GIFEST: crossover scene comparison]
Recced by anonymous:  i can't find the gif set i was looking for but any of them - she has so many good ones!
Chapter 1 Comic vs Show by @mandoworryan​ [GIFSET: The Mandalorian Comic vs. The Mandalorian Show]
Recced by anonymous:  The editing is on fucking point 😘👈
Din & Grogu Gifset  by @skyshipper​ [GIFSET: Din & Grogu, Pedro quote]
Recced by @keeper0fthestars:  this gif set stole my whole heart
The Mandalorian Fanart by @poenariuniverse​: [ART: The Mandalorian, mostly Din & Grogu] Frog Lady & Babies -  Grogu & the Yautja [Predator crossover] -  Grogu & Rancor plushy - Grogu Comic - MerDin & MerGrogu 
Recced by anonymous:  Her style is so sweet and endearing that I can’t get enough!!! 😍😍😍
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite artists
The Mandalorian + Pink & Purple by @trashcora​ [GIFSET: Din & Grogu]
Recced by anonymous:  i can't find the gif set i was looking for but any of them - she has so many good ones!
BoBF ~ Black Krrsantan
Adrenaline [ao3] by @honestly-shite​ (aka @mjpens) [FIC: Din x f!reader x Black Krrsantan, 2.1k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  After defeating The Pykes, where does all this adrenaline go?
Recced by @astroboots:  I feel an unstoppable urge to scream about maia for your recommendation celebration and their wonderful work in everything from fanfics to art. They are one of the loveliest people on here and not only do they create some absolutely mindblowing stuff that is pure sheer talent, but they are also so supportive of everyone else here and they deserve all of the love to be showered their way.
The Mandalorian ~ Din Djarin
Born Ready by @littlemisspascal​ [VIDEO: Din Fanvid]
Author’s Summary:   ...I won't quit, not backing down...
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite artists
Dad-bod Din by @frying-panties  [ART: Din in the bath, semi-explicit]
Recced by @astroboots:  Big shout out to frying-panties who creates some of the most gorgeous and saliva inducing artwork that has me on my knees!!! Their dad-bod Din series was the bane of my existence and I adore everything they do.
Din Djarin + Emojis by @katronautt​ prev @doin-stuff [GIFS: Din Djarin]
Creator’s Summary:  din djarin + emojis except it’s just him getting injured
Recced by anonymous:  Kat makes lots of great gifs! Her stuff is 😘👌and she has does tags too! This one made me laugh my ass off
Fresh Lemon by @lellowberry​   [ART: Din x mesh’la, semi-explicit]
Recced by anonymous:   Feast your eyes on this art
Hey Mando! by @sunsyfish​  [ART: Din]
Recced by anonymous:  Their art is so good with lots of yummy DinCobb and other stufff. This recent Din piece really caught my eye!
Keeping Din’s Ears Warm by @moodsworks​ [ART: The Mandalorian: Din x f “reader”, M]
Recced by anonymous:  Her art is so good 😍😍😍
Adrenaline by @honestly-shite​ aka @mjpens [FIC: Din x F reader x Black Krrsantan – listed under Black Krrsantan above]
Comms by @mandelirious [FIC: Din x F reader, 1.6k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  a late night comm call
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
Cottagecore Din series by @flora-screeches​ (aka @floraandfrost) [FIC: Din x F reader, open-ended(?) series]
Author’s Summary:  A series of drabbles, headcanons and one shots exploring Din Djarin’s sweet new life.
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
The Distance [ao3] by @outercrasis​ (prev @mandocrasis) [FIC: Din x pilot F reader, 15.4k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  A love that can go the distance
Recced by @radiowallet:  A great fic with a loveable droid, all kinds of tension, and the action scenes are literally a chef’s kiss! Everything [they write] is so amazing and their talent continues to knock me on tushy day in and day out and this fic is no exception! I am truly obsessed and I need to shout out loud forever about it!
Flowers of Ishtar [ao3] by @beskarberry​ aka @lellowberry [FIC: AU: non-human!Din x F reader, 33k, E, completed fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  You discover your hunting partner isn't human, which in a galaxy far, far away isn't that strange until his alien needs become too much for him to hide.
Recced by anonymous:   Get a load of these fics
Grenade [ao3] by @thirstworldproblemss​ [FIC: Din x gender neutral reader, 3k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Din seems to think it doesn’t matter if he gets injured. You disagree.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:   My favorite thing I've read from her masterlist is a story that I still think about sometimes. It's a Din/reader story that is so beautifully written! SO BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN!!! I could read it a 1000 times and never get tired of it!
I Think of You [ao3] by @prolix-yuy​ [FIC: Din x f reader, 77k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  A Mandalorian and a woman spend a night together, neither expecting the other to return. But the galaxy works in mysterious ways and many years later, despite a mission and a Creed and the cruelty of their lives, they find each other again and begin a journey of their own.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  a Din series that seems to be quite an epic.
Jate’kara [ao3] by @krissology​ [FIC: young Din x mandalorian F reader, 21k, E, complete] - ART: Keldabe Kiss by @literallydontlook [Din x F reader, mature]
Author’s Summary:  Growing up together on Concordia and training in the way of the Mandalore, yourself and Din Djarin find your destiny in each other.
Recced by anonymous:  heartbreaking young Din fic // [art] hot enough to knock me tf out!
Lush [ao3] by @letterfromvienna​ [FIC: AU: mand’alor Din x queen F reader, 5k, M, oneshot in an ongoing ‘verse]
Author’s Summary:  Your time in the palace brings changes to your life and your body. You aren’t a fan of those changes. Din, on the other hand, likes them very much.
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
Revelation by @the-scandalorian​ [FIC: Din x F reader, 2.6k, E, oneshot] - ANIMATION: Don’t Stop by @literallydontlook [Din x F reader, explicit]
Author’s Summary:  Din admits something while he’s fucking you.
Recced by anonymous:   fic had me laughing my ass off but also feeling some type of way about daddy Din // mad impressive animation hot enough to knock me tf out!
Seed Pearls [ao3] by @zinzinina​ [FIC: Din x inexperienced F reader, 8.8k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  The whispers have been circling for days: there's a Mandalorian in the city. You decide to seek him out.
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
Silk by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: 70′s Mob AU: mob boss Din x sex worker F reader, 33k+, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Set in the 70’s, Din is the most powerful man in Vegas, everyone knows how dangerous he is but to you, he’s pure honey and sex. The richest client you’ve ever had, and he doesn’t want to let you go.
Recced by @wheresarizona:   Mob Boss Din Djarin, like my god. This man. I LOVE HIM. The way he protects his family?? How intense he is?? It’s so good, and also another story where there’s an evolving relationship that’s just so fucking good.
Stitches Series [ao3] by @djarinsbeskar​ [FIC: Din x medic F reader, 247k, E, ongoing] - ART: Hyperspace Oral by @literallydontlook [Din x F reader, explicit]
Author’s Summary:  What is a former combat medic to do when an injured Mandalorian stumbles across her clinic one night on Klatooine?
Recced by @astroboots:   I still remember reading the first chapter and just putting it down and going HOLY SHIT, because the worldbuilding reads like something the showrunners themselves wrote.
Recced by anonymous:  epic space opera // [art] hot enough to knock me tf out!
Take Me to Church p1 [masterlist] [ao3] @frannyzooey​ [FIC: Western AU: Din x F reader (x ofc), epic, complete fic, open-ended series]
Author’s Summary:  Set in a brothel in the late 1800’s in the Wild West; you’ve only been working there for a month when Din Djarin shows up. A bounty hunter who makes stops into town between jobs, he is known at the inn for his generous appetite and demanding preferences. Asking for you one night, he is pleased to learn you are well suited for him: your sweet nature soothing to his gruff temperament and surprising him with your ability to handle his rougher tastes. Demanding that you be made available to him every time he is in town, neither one of you is ready for where this request leads
Recced by @astroboots:  This was one of the first stories on here that inducted me not just for the fandom but truly cemented my obsession with smut fiction and also self-reader insert. Before reading this, I genuinely did not realize that self-reader fiction could be an artform and to say I was obsessed, mesmerised and consumed is a fucking understatement. Kelli's work is my tutorial guide whenever I feel like I have lost my way and forgotten how to write, and oftentimes if I feel that way about online spaces in general, she's also my guide that steers me right, my flashlight in a dark cave and I love her.
Recced by @juletheghoul:  one of the first people I met on here- so encouraging and sweet and disgustingly talented, her TMTC series is humbling it’s so good. ♥️ 
Voyeur [ao3] by @rosethornxs​ [FIC: Din x F reader, 2.3k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Din fulfils one of your fantasies
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
you were my new dream (and you were mine) [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars​ [FIC: Din x F reader, 10k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Din Djarin trusts no one. Well, except for you. But you don't know that. You have no idea how he really feels about you.
Recced by @astroboots:  A Din Djarin fic that made me look at writing a kiss in an entirely new light, the emotions infused in this steals the breath in my lungs and the whole of my inner organs away. It is so beautiful, vivid and ethereal, I have never been the same and still think of the kisses in this fic on a daily basis.
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The Mentalist ~ Marcus Pike
How to Kill and Immortal [ao3] by @whataperfectwasteoftime​ [FIC: AU: immortal Marcus P x F reader, 30k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  There is a strange magic that surrounds the life of Marcus Pike. Born in Medieval York in the 1300s, he realizes that he is not aging like other people. For seven hundred years, he wanders the earth, falling love over and over again due to his caring nature. When a new art theft case takes him back to York, Marcus searches for a way to bring an end to his unnaturally long life, so he can finally be at peace.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  A Marcus/OFC series in which Marcus is an immortal that's been around since the 1300s. Through flashbacks, we get to follow him through history and through the different relationships (male and female) he's had. And in there here and now, we meet a Marcus who's pained by all the losses he's suffered over the years, and he's ready for his life to finally come to an end.  This story is so detailed and beautifully written! Penny writes a Marcus that is so believable as an immortal being, jaded and tired, but unable to help himself fall in love over and over again, despite knowing all too well the pain that will inevitably be there when he eventually loses them.  Highly recommend this story!
Movies with Marcus Series by @katareyoudrilling​ [FIC: Marcus P x F reader, 5.8k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  You are assigned a case with Marcus Pike and discover a mutual attraction and love of classic movies.
Recced by @yespolkadotkitty:   the gorgeous kat has a movies with marcus series that's LOVELY
Paradisum by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: AU: priest Marcus P x F reader, 10k+, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  There’s always been something about being in church that made you want to act out.
Recced by @wheresarizona:  This story is what introduced me to Jules. It’s Priest!Marcus Pike and it starts out just straight up smut but then evolves and it’s so satisfying. I love these two and how their relationship grows. I’ve also read this series an embarrassing amount of times, Father Marcus can get it.
A Warm Welcome Home [ao3] by @thirstworldproblemss​ [FIC: Marcus P x F wife!reader, 11k, E, twoshot]
Author’s Summary:  Marcus’s wife (& toddler) welcome him back home after a long case
Recced by @yespolkadotkitty:  I adore it.
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MK ~ Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley
but are you truly free? by @cozyhuii​   [ART: Jake, Marc, Steven]
Recced by anonymous:  legitimately might be in love with their jake!
forget me not & lovely cabdriver by @cozyhuii​ [ART: Jake Lockley]
Recced by anonymous:  legitimately might be in love with their jake!
Missing Scene Comic by @luckyraeve​ [ART: Marc Spector, Khonshu (Steven Grant)]
Recced by anonymous:  hilarious and really freakin’ well drawn!!
Staring Into You by @mjpens​ [ART: Marc Spector, Khonshu]
Recced by @astroboots:  I feel an unstoppable urge to scream about maia for your recommendation celebration and their wonderful work in everything from fanfics to art. They are one of the loveliest people on here and not only do they create some absolutely mindblowing stuff that is pure sheer talent, but they are also so supportive of everyone else here and they deserve all of the love to be showered their way.
Steven - Marc - Jake  by @kenobiwanx​ [ART: Trilogy of the boys]
Recced by anonymous  sick art!  their new moon knight trilogy is on point
Forever Endeavor [on ao3] by @crispychrissy​ [FIC: Steven/Marc x F reader, 31k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Marc Spector and Steven Grant have finally learned to coexist with each other now that Ammit has been taken care of, even though they annoy the absolute shit out of one another with their differing interests and lives. When Khonshu returns 6 months later to announce another threat looming on the horizon, they quickly realize this is something way bigger than Moon Knight or Mr. Knight can handle on their own. Khonshu thinks he may know someone who can help them, but of course, like the dick he is, neglects to mention the Avatar he has in mind absolutely despises him and what he did to her God. Will the witchy court clerk agree to help them out of her own desire to do good or will the price for her assistance be one that is too steep to pay?
Recced by anonymous:  I need to send a shout-out for crispychrissy, she’s got a Moon Knight series in progress called Forever Endeavor that’s SO detailed and amazing. All of the ancient Egyptian facts are accurate and the language in the story is actually real, she can speak ancient Egyptian!!! I am so blown away by the story so far, she’s so talented I want to keep her forever 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Red Flags [ao3] by @astroboots​ & @thirstworldproblemss​ [FIC: Steven x F reader, 18.4k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Sweet as he is, dating Steven means you have to be willing to ignore a few red flags along the way.
Recced by anonymous:  there's this little fic i've been completely obsessed with recently, maybe you know it? i think it needs to go on your list 😘
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Beyond words incredible! The smut had me blushing and when I finished reading I just stared at the screen for a good minute because holy crap!!! Highly recommend that everyone reads these stories!
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Narcos ~ Javier Peña
Incorrect Narcos Quotes by @ithinkwehitametaphor​ [GIFS: Javi P, Steve, occasional Javi x Steve] You Are What You Eat - In Denial [JxS] - Done for Today - Not a Miracle - Kiss My Ass - Confident Driver
Recced by @i-love-movies:   Incorrect Narcos Quotes always make me laugh and brighten my day. There are way too many great ones but these are some of my favs.
The Crush [ao3] by @the-ginger-hedge-witch​ [FIC: Javi P x ofc!reader, ~90k, E, ongoing epic series]
Author’s Summary:  After eight years in Colombia, Javier Peña is finally back home and hoping to keep his head down. Although you were fourteen and harboring a schoolgirl infatuation when he went away, you and your crush are now all grown up and it’s proving hard for Javier to ignore.
Recced by @astroboots:  It is without even an ounce of exaggeration that I tell you this might be one of my absolute favourite reads of the year, fanfiction or original, the writing is superb and breathtaking and cinematic, and I regularly reread it muttering swears about the brilliance of it and how fucking dare she all of the time.
Recced by @nicolethered:  great Javi Peña story
Don’t Look and It Won’t Hurt [ao3] by @mourningbirds1​ [FIC: Javi P x ofc, 25k, T, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Javi is a regular at an all-night diner in Texas where he makes a connection with a lonely waitress.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Possibly my all-time favorite story that I've read. I remember binge-reading it in the bath and bawling my eyes out with how perfectly it captured everything from the characters to the setting to the emotions.  I'm sure someone has already recced it but I have to mention it again, because no list of mine would be complete without it. C is such an INCREDIBLE writer!!! Her way with words captures my attention and manages to hold it in the gentlest firm grip. And coming from someone who is so easily distracted it's not even funny, that really is saying something.  I love the way C writes Javier Peña with so much heart and depth that the show version almost seems one-dimensional by comparison. However, it's the OFC of the story that I completely fell in love with while reading this. She is so relatable and vulnerable and strong and REAL. I completely understand why Javier falls for her.
Heat [ao3] by @furious-rogue-stuff​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 602k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary: You don't expect to be pulled into a heated gravitation with Agent Javier Peña, and the more you both try to navigate your lives around each other, the clearer it becomes that your feelings go beyond the torrid desires you both are able to ignite in each other. Will the heat of your passions win out against the tribulations that threaten to pull you apart?
Recced by @nicolethered 
Insecurities by @ezrasbirdie​ [FIC: Javi P x plus-size ofc, 39k, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Charlie Ellis is the lead intelligence analyst under Javier Peña’s direction, but he doesn’t even know she exists. All she knows about Javier is what everyone else says—and rumors don’t tell the entire story. A chance meeting in the embassy courtyard brings them together, and Charlie finds herself thrust into a world she never imagined being a part of when she’s called in to help with an undercover operation.
Recced by @starlightmornings:  Insecurities is fantastic. Beautiful character development, engaging dialogue, vivid descriptions — her plus-sized OFC Charlie Ellis feels every bit as real as the gruff DEA agent who’s falling for her. 🥰💕
Learning to Live [ao3] by @wheresarizona​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 64k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  While grocery shopping, you happen across a handsome man confused by some produce. Coming to his aid leads to an invitation for drinks, and next thing you know, you're falling head over heels for Javier Peña—a good man who has trouble believing he is.  Sparks fly when you meet and ignite an insatiable need that you both try to fight for the sake of taking things slow; Javi determined to do things right by you. The problem is, the two of you only have so much self-control.  Post-Colombia and Narcos S3.
Recced by @iamskyereads:  It’s a comforting masterpiece! The amazingly tender and sophisticated relationship of Javi and Cielito grows so beautifully is the very core and heart of this story. It's got the softest Javier I have ever read, with plenty of domestic goodness, delicious smut (like tons of it!! 😵‍💫) and all around fun and adventure (hilarity included) that comes with two people finding each other in the midst of change and chaos and uncertainty of starting out.  Arizona puts her whole heart into this story and as a reader it's very joyous. Everyone GO READ!
Recced by @nicolethered:  great Javi Peña story
Recced by @juletheghoul:  a soft Javi series that is so sweet and hawt as hell. ♥️
Lie to Me [ao3] by @iamskyereads​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 57k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  A recent transfer to the DEA from the FBI makes you a target of hazing from your co-workers. Choosing to forget your bad first day at a bar puts you on a path towards meeting a new acquaintance. An expert on deception and psychological profiling, you are adept at navigating the lies that people tell to get by and how to catch them. What happens when an increasingly stressful work environment begins to test the limits of your personal life and the one man at the center of it all, Javier Peña? Afterall, everybody lies about something. But how many are you keeping from yourself? An AU of Season 3 of Narcos.
Recced by @wheresarizona:  A Narcos Season 3 AU with reader being a DEA agent, and it’s just so GOOD. It honestly feels like you’re watching the show as you read, and just all of the little details like Javier’s facial expressions or things he does when he’s nervous and stuff is just amazing. She’s crafted such an incredible story that I literally cannot wait for the next chapter. Javi’s also a little soft, and that is my absolute fav. Anyways, this is one of my favorite fics I have read this year, and I highly recommend!
New House Guest by @castleamc​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 4.1k, E, oneshot] - ART: Javi Loves His Gatita by @miranhas-art [Javi + cat]
Author’s Summary:  After getting caught in the rain to rescue a cat and getting sick, Javier has to take care of you.
Recced by anonymous:  hot and sweet fic // on point pencil drawings with so much character!
Reckless [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars​  [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 3.3k,E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  two idiots who can’t keep their hands off each other.
Recced by @yespolkadotkitty
show me give me [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 2.6k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  He knows something’s different the moment you walk by his desk, stopping to hand him the report he needs for his meeting. He can’t tear his eyes away from the languid cant of your hips, the lilt of your voice and glossy red lips when you say his name —sinful like you have nothing else to do this morning but tempt him— like there’s a secret tucked down the front of your dress.  You feel the weight of his gaze burn into your backside, tingling all the way down your legs as you walk up the stairs, away from him.  The upper hand is a wonderful thing.
Recced by @astroboots:   A Javier fic that is just hng ölaskdjöalksjd and gaaaah and ooof and awoga. But also as always the heat is all the more powerful for the love and emotions that is infused in every single sentence.
You Make It Feel Like Christmas [ao3] by @fromthedeskoftheraven​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 2.7k, M, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  A soft, sweet, spicy Christmas visit to Javier's family home in Texas.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  A beautiful Javier Peña/f!reader story that captures the feel of a family gathering so well and gives Javier the happiness he so desperately needs and deserves. I've reread this story several times over and it's such a comfort fic for me.
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Prospect ~ Ezra
Bookshop Owner Ezra by @miranhas-art​ [ART: Ezra x F reader]
Recced by anonymous:  on point pencil drawings with so much character!
Blind Trust [ao3] by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Ezra x f!reader, E, 4k,  complete]
Author’s Summary:  Could he help her find her pleasure - one armed and unable to speak? Ezra was willing to bet his reputation he could.
Recced by anonymous:  Her Ezra is either so hot it makes me pass out or so sweet my heart bursts. No in between.
Controlled Burns and Pitch Pines by @paisley-print​ [FIC: Ezra, 0.9k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  A rambling by our favorite blonde streaked spaceman. He talks about his childhood and family - recounting his time spent with his Father in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Ezra x (literally anybody)….its mostly just him talking but there is another person there.
Recced by @i-love-movies:  very beautiful read
Hold fast to dreams [ao3] by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Ezra x F reader, T, 4.3k,  oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Returned from the Green, Ezra has unfinished business.
Recced by anonymous:  Her Ezra is either so hot it makes me pass out or so sweet my heart bursts. No in between.
Make dreams truths [ao3] by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Ezra x F reader, E, 4.3k,  oneshots]
Author’s Summary:  Ezra had been a killer. Was known to be a rogue. Occasionally even a degenerate...
Recced by anonymous:  Her Ezra is either so hot it makes me pass out or so sweet my heart bursts. No in between.
The Mirror by @littleferal​ [FIC: Ezra x F reader, 2.5k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  To say this isn’t what you imagined when you first found the mirror would only be half a lie. Oh you’d known Ezra would want to take you apart slowly, but you hadn’t thought it’d be like this.
Recced by anonymous
Solisequious [ao3] by @beskarberry​ aka @lellowberry [FIC: cyborg!Ezra x F reader, Treasure Island AU, 44k, completed fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Delinquency seems to run in the Hawkins family, but so does a nose for treasure. When long lost family returns bearing ill-tidings and ill-begotten artifacts, will you follow in the footsteps of your grandfather's noble legacy, or will a charming cyborg lead you down a more unsavory path?
Recced by anonymous:   Get a load of these fics
When they disentwine [ao3] by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Ezra x F reader, E, 4.4k,  oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Ezra returns to his tent to find you going though his things.
Recced by anonymous:  Her Ezra is either so hot it makes me pass out or so sweet my heart bursts. No in between.
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Watch Your Step by @charnelhouse​  [FIC: TF boys x ofc!reader reverse harem, mob!au, E, a freakin’ epic, ongoing]
Author’s Summary:  A grief-ridden girl is kidnapped by the inner circle of the most dangerous mob in the city - The Cardinals. She soon learns that nothing is as it seems.
Recced by @astroboots:   [A] fucking masterpiece, which if you have not heard or read it by now you must have been in a coma the past year
Triple Frontier ~ Frankie Morales 
Frankie by @poenariuniverse​  [ART: cute Frankie] 
Recced by anonymous:  Her style is so sweet and endearing that I can’t get enough!!! 😍😍😍
Recced by @i-love-movies: all of @poenariuniverse 's art. But especially this Frankie cause it was made for me. 😊
The Antichrist Wears Spiderman Bandaids by @pettyprocrastination​ [FIC IDEA: Frankie x mom ofc/F reader, headcanon/story idea] - ART: Frankie, Mom, & toddler antichrist by @miranhas-art​
Author’s Summary:  A retelling of the “child antichrist” theme but hes just a sweet little kid.
Recced by anonymous:  baby antichrist done right // on point pencil drawings with so much character!
Basic Training by @just-here-for-the-moment​ [FIC: young!Frankie x older F reader, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  It’s 1997 and Frankie Morales has just graduated with his Bachelors degree in aviation. He’s been accepted for US Army helicopter pilot training, and he’s got three weeks to kill before he ships out for basic training. One Saturday night Frankie runs into his former high school math teacher at the grocery store - and his old schoolboy crush on her reignites with a fury. She’s happy to see a former student doing well. While she never would have thought of Frankie “that way” four years ago, now she can’t deny that he’s very attractive - and available. Will they be able to navigate their mutual attraction? Will they fight their feelings or give in? And what can she possibly teach him in three weeks anyway?
Recced by @radiowallet:  It’s a young Frankie starting up a summer romance with his former math teacher and it is very much a comfort fic for me now. It’s sweet and soft and so so hot! I cannot get enough.
Between the Raindrops by @jazzelsaur​ [FIC: Frankie x ofc!reader, 136k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  Two lives fall apart, then together.  A journey told in parts and pieces.  Frankie’s life is coming apart at the seams, when Ellie, a widow facing her own share of struggles, moves in next door. Together they find friendship, healing, and something more.
Recced by @astroboots:   The utterly emotionally devastating yet cathartic and profoundly life changing BtR had me truly feel and process grief in a way that few pieces of media has managed.
Recced by @songsformonkeys: I've had BtR saved in my drafts for the longest time, waiting for the right day to read it because I know it will completely wreck me and that I'll never be the same after I've read it.
Double or Nothing by @supernaturalgirl20​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 0.8k T, one of an ongoing(?) series of oneshots]
Author’s Summary:  You’ve just moved in with Frankie and Rosa, and one evening you and Rosa decide to surprise him.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Home by @charnelhouse​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 1.1k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  What would it be like to be married to Frankie?
Recced by @astroboots:   [A] work that I read ages ago (one of the first pieces that made me stop and my jaw drop at this woman's immeasurable talent) that still haunt me with its brilliance to this day. I will never be over the paragraph with the confetti. It is one of my favourite lines ever written and I often go back to this one, just to reread that line and marvel at the sheer fucking brilliance of it and whisper to myself "Hemingway could fucking never".  It also has one of the hottest kitchen sex scenes that I've ever read that I think about on the daily.
Homecoming verse [ao3] by @astroboots​ [FIC: Frankie x F wife!reader x Santiago, 23k, E, open-ended series]
Author’s Summary:  Santi comes home to Frankie and his wife, this time to stay. (a.k.a. The polyamorous adventures of Santiago Garcia with Frankie Morales and their wife)
Recced by @songsformonkeys:   Frankie used to be one of my least fave Pedro boys. That was before Cici brought him to life and showed me just what the appeal of him was. She then proceeded to do the same with Santiago Garcia - whom I cared nothing about before. And when she combined the two in her Homecoming verse my bisexual little poly heart pretty much exploded. It is one of my absolute favorite series and I think everyone should read it!
The Huntsman by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: huntsman Frankie x witch f!reader, fairytale AU, 5k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  He was faster than you thought, faster than he should have been, and he caught you unawares.
Recced by @wheresarizona:  Epic fairytale vibes but reader is a badass witch. I’m already hooked.
Jackpot by @katareyoudrilling​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 1.2k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  You hit the online dating lottery when you meet divorced Frankie Morales.
Recced by @radiowallet:  One of my favorite new Frankie one-shots and well, I didn’t know I had a vasectomy kink but, well, I guess actually I do. Jackpot is hot and amazing and sent me to my bunk for quite some time! I had to share it with you and the world!!!
Like a River Series [ao3] by @radiowallet​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader x Marcus Moreno, crossover, 22k, E, open-ended]
Author’s Summary:  Marcus Moreno needs help getting to an island, and he needs it done quietly. He hires an outside company, two former delta force pilots, to help get him there. Little does he know some bad intel and sudden rainstorm will change the trajectory of his life in a way he never saw coming.
Recced by @astroboots:  I am going to be self indulgent and choose LaR. Not only because it's scorching hot, with Marcus, Frankie polyamorous relationship, and emotionally gorgeous and lush. But also because this is the story that brought the two of us closer and I will always be so grateful and astounded that a piece of gorgeously written emotional smut can have such magical power!!!
midnight cravings & other starry-eyed confessions [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 3k, M, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Frankie trusts you enough to let his guard down, to be vulnerable with you. Love languages and the messy emotions that go along with that, fluff, cheesy self-indulgence. A series of soft vignettes featuring one Francisco Morales.
Recced by @astroboots:   A Frankie fic that in retrospect turned me into the Frankie freak girl I am today. Keeper must be sick to death of me pimping this one out and constantly screaming about this one, but there is not an ounce of exaggeration when I say that to this day, this is one of my favourite Frankie fics that I consider formative to my experience in this fandom. It shaped so much of my love for Frankie and my own depiction and version of Frankie and the way I write him, and I have often said that my Frankie works are essential fanfics of Keeper's Frankie.
My Brother’s Keeper by @dieterbravospr​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader (Santi’s sister), 24k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  After a bad breakup, you’re forced to bunk up with your older brother, Santi, and his friend, Frankie. Tension between you and Frankie grows heavier by the day, but Pope would never approve of Fish laying a hand on his baby sister. So he better not find out…
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Near the Water’s Edge by @paisley-print​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, long, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  After  fleeing your abusive husband, you find yourself in the small coastal town of July, North Carolina. Soon you meet Frankie Morales, Air Force Veteran and single dad. As the two of you grow closer, you begin to let go of your past and learn to love again. That is until a strange man shows up in town, and you ’re forced to choose between your safety or the safety of the people that you love. Inspired by the novel “Safe Haven” written by Nicolas Sparks.
Recced by @i-love-movies:  very beautiful read
Oblivius Series [ao3] by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: Frankie x childhood friend F reader, 44k, E, completed fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Bestfriends since you were kids but to him it was always more. In your early 20’s you make a pact that if you’re both single at 30, you’ll marry each other.
Recced by @wheresarizona:  This fic lives rent free in my brain. I think about Francis and Spills on a regular basis. It’s just so good. Best friends since high school who are too scared to give into their feelings and then Frankie gets engaged to someone else and it’s top tier. Highly recommend.
Only Angel by @j-buchanan​ [FIC: Frankie x soldier ofc (3rd person reader) x Santi, 10k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Her call sign was “Angel”. Given to her because she saved them over and over again, time after time. She was their guardian Angel. And they were her twisted, broken boys. Bound together by blood and love, will they survive one last mission? Or will the Angel finally fall from grace.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
The Party by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 2k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  No thoughts, only thots about meeting Frankie at a party you were reluctant to go to in the first place. There’s infidelity here - so if that’s not your jam no worries! Enjoy!
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
The Rusty Nail [ao3] by @need-a-fugue​ [FIC: Triple Frontier: Frankie x F reader, 10k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Frankie plans the perfect proposal, but, well, things don't quite go according to plan...
Recced by @i-love-movies:  The Rusty Nail made me cry laughing. It's so hilarious. I re-read it regularly.
Sex Worker Frankie ‘verse [ao3] by @prolix-yuy​ [FIC: sex worker Frankie x F reader, 34k, E, finished fic, open-ended series]
Author’s Summary:  Francisco "Catfish" Morales, a former sex worker at Pope's escort service, takes on a final client and is met with something unexpected.  
Recced by @astroboots:  Me back here again to recommend an absolute gem of a story.  Is this story hot as fucking lava and fire? ABSOLUTELY  But what is perhaps even more spellbinding is the very real and genuine love between reader and Frankie and the deep emotional connection that is there and we get to read about how it grows and thrives as the two decides to make a real go of the relationship.  This is such a beautiful work and it's a joy for me to recommend it to you all.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  An absolutely incredible sexworker!Frankie series with a female reader that will have my heart forever! She writes Frankie like an absolute dream and I'm not sure that any real man will live up to the expectations that her Frankie has set for me. And the smut in this story... holy crap *fans self* 
Recced by @nicolethered
Slumber by @write-and-buried​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 3.5, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  He’s so comfortable, so warm and soft to sleep on, it would be easy just to nap on him.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Stars Hit the Ceiling by @jazzelsaur [FIC: Frankie x F reader x Agent Whiskey – Listed under Whiskey above]
Still of the Night [ao3] by @foli-vora​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, Signs!AU, 24k, M, complete]
Author’s Summary:  It started off in the most bizarre of ways. Crop circles. You mean the bother of cleaning up someone’s stupid prank? But then the lights come—hundreds, thousands—floating menacingly above the cities. The panic starts to settle in. You don’t let the dog outside at night anymore. Abnormal clicking filters through the aged radio perched in Frankie’s shed, and you see his frown deepen every day, dark eyes locked onto the skies more often than usual. His gun stays out of the safe. And then they call it—some poor woman on the news sits in front of the camera, eyes watery and hands shaking. She says they’re coming. She says it’s the end, that we should brace for their arrival and pray. You’ve never seen Frankie move so fast.
Recced by @astroboots:  Dear God, I still remember the first time I read part one and proceeded to stare into space, because... HOW IS ANYONE THAT GOOD?! In the span of a few thousand words, she had sucked me in and made me care so much about these characters to the point where I could not breathe because I was so scared and worried for everyone's safety... and then the horror elements kicks in and DEAR LORD I WAS NOT READY!!!It is brilliant and I just--- wow just go read it everyone.
Recced by @juletheghoul:  gorgeous Signs au with Frankie that had me in literal tears
You Leave a Mark [ao3] by @alwaysbethewest​ [FIC: Frankie x Benny, 0.4k, M, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  The quiet of conversation and soft rock from the sound system are abruptly cut through by a raucous cat call, and Frankie feels his eyes widen, caught, as he looks over and finds the other guys staring at him in amusement.   “Jeeeeee-sus,” Pope crows. “You get a new girlfriend you forgot to tell us about, Francisco?”.
Recced by anonymous
Weeknights [ao3] by @frannyzooey​ Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Drabbles  [FIC: dad!Frankie x babysitter f!reader, 26k+, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  In search of a weekly babysitter for his daughter, Frankie Morales asks the daycare if they would recommend someone. Directing him to a college nanny website, he searches through the bios one night, coming across yours: the credentials and qualifications just what he is looking for, he decides to hire you. The photo on the website grainy and outdated, he isn’t quite prepared when you show up at his door the first night - beginning a professional relationship that slowly slides into a personal one.
Recced by @nicolethered:  a great Frankie series
Triple Frontier ~ Santiago Garcia
Bunny Girl by @laters-gators​ [FIC: Santi x soldier F reader, 9.5k, E, long oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  When convinced to retrieve the money left by Frankie and his team left at the bottom of a canyon in Peru, you have to deal with the most annoying person you’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Burn by @arsonhotchner​ [FIC: Santiago x GN reader, 3.5k, M, twoshot]
Author’s Summary:  reader compromises themself for pope. for nothing.
Recced by anonymous:   A Pope x Reader fic and has some canon typical violence. I really enjoy the conflict in this one.
Don’t You Dare by @foxilayde​ [FIC: Santi x F reader, 3k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Have your cake and eat it too?? Not on Santiago Garcia's watch.
Recced by @astroboots:  The most recent one I read, that I read. and read. and re-read. Then fucking read again while I was on hiatus like Goldie Hawn in Death becomes her rewinding the VHS tape again and again and again and again until the authorities come to take me away. I don't like even have words, because my brain melted into my panties and I couldn't scoop it back up and now I can barely words. It is a brilliant fucking piece. And I am dead. That is all.
Homecoming verse by @astroboots [FIC: Frankie x F reader x Santiago – Listed under Frankie above]
Only Angel by @j-buchanan [FIC: Frankie x ofc (reader) x Santiago – Listed under Frankie above]
Ride or Die by @writefightandflightclub​ [FIC: Triple Frontier: Santiago x teammate F reader, 9.3k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  You are a member of Santi’s squad alongside: William “Ironhead” Miller; Francisco “Catfish” Morales; and, Tom “Redfly” Davis. You and Santi are old friends, but you recently blurred the lines between friends and lovers. Angsty + smutty + you might not like me after this. I APOLOGISE.
Recced by @astroboots:nbsp; The fanfic that I attribute my undying obsession with Santiago Pope Garcia to, because she wrote his character with such pathos, and humanity, flaws and warts and all and made him into real flesh and blood to me and all the complications that comes with. She lifted what was at best a flimsy cardboard character in the original script into a complicated man that I cannot help but fall in love with despite myself and I will forever thank her for her brilliance and for deciding to share it with us.
Triple Frontier ~ Miller Brothers
Sunshine State by @brewsterispunkk​ [FIC: Benny x F reader, 22k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Reader has recently moved to Florida; the sunshine state. After packing up her whole life and moving across the country away from everyone she’s ever known and loved, she’s lonely. Unbearably so. Until her coworker Will Miller enters her life and changes it for the better. Now, after his friends become hers and his brother becomes her best friend, she’s faced with the inevitable: catching feelings for her best friend and the human embodiment of sunshine, Benny Miller.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Time Changes by @tripleissue​ [FIC: Will x F reader, 2.7k, T, oneshot, sequel in progress]
Author’s Summary:  William Miller had pretty much lost faith that he was meant for love after his fiance left him, so even the slightest interest he had in Ben’s new friend was pushed down the moment he realized it, but time may be able to change things.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
You Leave a Mark by @alwaysbethewest [FIC: Frankie x Benny – Listed under Frankie above]
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TUWoMT - Javi Guitierrez
B-roll Javi Studies by @mjpens​ (aka @honestly-shite) [ART: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent: Javi G]
Recced by @astroboots:  One of the loveliest people on here and not only do they create some absolutely mindblowing stuff that is pure sheer talent, but they are also so supportive of everyone else here and they deserve all of the love to be showered their way.
The Grand Tour Series by @softpedropascal​ [FIC: Javi G x F reader, 19.3k, E, complete fic in an ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  You are on vacation with your best friend in Spain when you end up at a party thrown by the great Javi Gutierrez. Your friend sets her sights on him, but his sights are on you.
Recced by @nicolethered:  such a good job writing for our husband Javi G
Going the Distance by @softpedropascal [FIC: Javi G x  F reader x Dieter Bravo crossover – Listed under Dieter above ]
Sweets Series by @oonajaeadira​ [FIC: Javi G x f!reader, mostly T, ongoing series of oneshots]
Author’s Summary:  You’re the personal assistant and close friend of the head of the Gutierrez family business. He calls you his Girl Sunday and values your opinion on everything from business to fashion. You share an insatiable fondness for sweets.
Recced by @i-love-movies:   It's tooth rottingly fluffy. I'm in LOVE with her Javi.
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Pedro Pascal ~ the actor himself
The Otter King by @poenariuniverse​ [ART: Pedro Pascal]
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite artists
South Park Pedros by @i-love-movies​ [ART: misc Pedros & Pedro characters in the South Park style]
Recced by anonymous: South Park Pedro is super cute
Pedro & Oscar Friendship by @trashcora​ [GIFSET: Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac]
Recced by anonymous:  any of them - she has so many good ones!
Celebration of World Theater Day with Pedro Pascal part 1, part 2, part 3 by @thesweetestdeclineline [INFOGRAPHIC: Pedro Pascal Live Theater Roles & Info]
Recced by anonymous:  rocks! editing on point and legitimately informative
Happy Birthday Pedro Pascal 2022 by @littlemisspascal​ [VIDEO: Pedro & misc Pedro characters]
Creator’s Summary:   Pedro Pascal Appreciation Week 5 Birthday Post. Hope he has a wonderful birthday 💗
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite artists
Boodsucking Bastards ~ Max Phillips
Domum [ao3] by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: Bloodsucking Bastards: Max Phillips x witch f!reader, 17k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  What happens when a bored vampire, meets a clever witch?
Recced by @wheresarizona:   Max Phillips and a witch!reader. This story is just so wonderful and really pulls you in, and my goodness, the smutty one shots are 🔥🔥🔥 Like 1000/10 do recommend.
The Retreat* by @starlightmornings​ [FIC: Max P x F eader, 20k, E, complete fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Working as Max Phillips’ executive assistant sounded like a great job until you found out how much he sucks. Literally.
Recced by @nicolethered
Calls ~ Pedro Across the Street
Good. Things. Take. Time. by @oonajaeadira​  [FIC: massage therapist P.A.T.S. x f reader, epic, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Pedro ATS is a massage therapist with special services. Or so he claims. He gives you a three-hour session you’re both going to enjoy.
Recced by anonymous
Recced by @juletheghoul:  her series GTTT had a chokehold on me, Pedro (across the street) as a masseuse? Sign me the fuck up.
Recced by @nicolethered:  an amazing series
Casillero del Diablo ~ the Thief
Thirsty? by @lellowberry [ART: the thief, explicit]
Recced by anonymous:   Feast your eyes on this art
Game of Thrones ~ Oberyn Martell
Aphelion by @the-blind-assassin-12​ & @something-tofightfor​ [FIC: Oberyn x f reader, AU, 93k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Oberyn Martell has one goal and one goal only: making the Lannisters and their inner circle pay for the murders of his sister Elia and her two children. But what happens when instead of taking the opportunity to do so immediately … he waits a few thousand years - until the time is right?  The Lannisters aren’t in King’s Landing anymore - but neither is Oberyn, and he’s got something else in his favor: a gift from Ellaria Sand, a woman that was much more than she appeared to be at first glance.  Securing his future becomes even more important after Oberyn meets you and discovers that there’s much more to life than a thirst for vengeance … and that even though times have changed, there are people out there that approach life the same way that he’s always tried to.
Recced by anonymous:  I don’t want to spoil the surprise of what the AU is even though you find out pretty early on in the first chapter, but it’s very well written, has a ton of detail and you can tell that both writers really love the character of Oberyn. [...] I really like the other works by both writers too but this story is an especially great read. 💛💛💛
The Last of Us ~ Joel Miller
Promises at Sundown by @stealyourblorbos​ (prev @thepoisonofgod) [ART: Joel Miller]
Recced by anonymous:  May I please ask you to include this in your celebrations? [...] I must share because it is my favorite art.
We Can Be Heroes ~ Marcus Moreno
Early April Morning by @mjpens​ [ART: Marcus M x F reader for @radiowallet’s Poorly Wired Circuit]
Recced by @astroboots:  One of the loveliest people on here and not only do they create some absolutely mindblowing stuff that is pure sheer talent, but they are also so supportive of everyone else here and they deserve all of the love to be showered their way.
Like a River Series by @radiowallet​ [FIC: Frankie Morales x f reader x Marcus M – Listed under Frankie above] 
Wonder Woman 1984 ~ Maxwell Lord
When the cards all fold by @yespolkadotkitty​ [FIC: Maxwell x f!reader, 1.7k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:   This is a gift for my wife songsformonkeys with her beloved Max Lo…renzano <3
Recced by @songsformonkeys: A story that she wrote for me, which I absolutely adore and keep coming back to for a reread when I need a comfort fic.
Forget Me Not by Karissa Kinword aka @krissology​ [Original Adult Romance/SciFi Novel]
Author’s Summary:  After years of forming an intimate bond with a mysterious man every time she closes her eyes to dream, a young woman, Eliza, forces herself to find a fulfilling life outside the confines of her own mind. [...]Then the two come face to face as both of their connection pods land on a transport vessel heading in the same direction  Forced into the same proximity for the duration of travel, they struggle to understand what it means for them to finally meet when the universe seems to be pulling them both in different directions. [...] Eliza is torn between the life she’s always known on the Otera with her partner, and the infinite possibility of a future with the man she knows is her soulmate.
Recced by @astroboots:  This mastermind has just released their debut novel and it is absolutely fucking delectable! A big old smooch of a recommendation for [this] brilliant masterpiece.
Thank you so much to everyone out there in this fandom (or any other) that’s writing fic, creating art, making gifs or producing any sort of fanworks and sharing them with the rest of us!  Every. Single. One. Of. You. is a Rockstar, whether you’re on this list or not!!!  Your contributions are seen and appreciated, and there quite literally would not be a fandom without you—without all of us here doing what we love together <3
@alwaysbethewest (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@arsonhotchner (writer) [mlist]
@astroboots (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@blueeyesatnight (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@boliv-jenta (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@brandyllyn (writer, author) [mlist] [ao3] [amazon]
@brewsterispunkk (writer) [mlist]
@castelamc (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@charnelhouse (writer) [mlist] [drabbles]
@clydesducktape (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@cozyhuii aka @howie-ner-cyare (artist) [art tag]
@crispychrissy (writer, gifmaker) [mlist] [ao3] [gif tag]
@dieterbravospr (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@djarinsbeskar (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@ezrasbirdie (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@flora-screeches aka @floraandfrost (writer) [mlist]
@foli-vora (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@foxilayde (writer) [mlist]
@frannyzooey (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@fromthedeskoftheraven (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@frying-panties (artist) [art tag] [commissions]
@fuckyeahdindjarin (writer) [mlist]
@furious-rogue-stuff (writer) [mlist] [ao3] [ff.net]
@iamskyereads (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@ithinkwehitametaphor (writer, gifmaker) [mlist] [ao3] [gif tag]
@j-buchanan (writer) [series mlist]
@jazzelsaur (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@juletheghoul (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@just-here-for-the-moment (writer) [mlist]
@katareyoudrilling (writer) [mlist]
@katronautt (gifmaker, prev @doin-stuff) [mlist] [gif tag]
@keeper0fthestars (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@krissology (writer, author) [mlist] [ao3] [amazon] [insta]
@laters-gators (writer) [mlist]
@lellowberry aka @beskarberry, @lellowberrys-art (artist, writer) [fic mlist] [ao3] [art mlist] [shop]
@letterfromvienna (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@literallydontlook (artist) [fanfic fanart tag]
@littleferal (writer) [mlist]
@luckyraeve (artist) [art tag]
@mandelirious (writer) [mlist]
@mandoworryan (gifmaker) [gif tag]
@miranhas-art (artist) [shop]
@mourningbirds1 (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@mjpens aka @honestly-shite (artist, writer) [mlist] [ao3] [art tag] [shop]
@need-a-fugue (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@oonajaeadira (writer) [mlist]
@outercrasis (writer, prev @mandocrasis) [mlist] [ao3]
@paisley-print (writer) [mlist]
@pettyprocrastination (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@poenariuniverse (artist) [art tag] [shop]
@prolix-yuy (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@radiowallet (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@rosethornxs (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@skyshipper (gifmaker) [gif tag]
@softpedropascal (writer) [mlist] [writing tag]
@something-tofightfor (writer) [mlist]
@songsformonkeys (writer, artist) [mlist] [art tag]
@starlightmornings (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@stealyourblorbos (artist, prev @thepoisonofgod) [art tag]
@sunsyfish (artist) [art tag] [comissions]
@supernaturalgirl20 (writer) [mlist]
@the-blind-assassin-12 (writer) [mlist]
@the-ginger-hedge-witch (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@the-scandalorian (writer) [mlist]
@thesweetestdeclineline (gifmaker)
@thewayofthemandalorian (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@thirstworldproblemss (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@trashcora (gifmaker) [edits tag]
@tripleissue (writer) [mlist]
@whataperfectwasteoftime (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@wheresarizona (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@write-and-buried (writer) [mlist]
@writefightandflightclub (writer) [mlist]
@yespolkadotkitty (writer, author) [mlist] [ao3] [amazon]
@zinzinina (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
408 notes · View notes
missbeckywrites · 7 years
Rating: Mature
Words: 16,358
Tags: Fix-It, Angst, First Time, Everybody Lives, Mild Background Roxlin, Past Eggsy/Tilde, Spoilers for The Golden Circle
Summary:  Since their return to England, Harry has been absent at the new Kingsman distillery, while back in London, Eggsy is alone and miserable. Then he receives an invitation to visit the distillery, and at last he has a chance to see Harry again and talk with him. He tells himself he's ready for their reunion, and he is. Except for the one thing he didn't count on: he isn't alone in his feelings.
103 notes · View notes
violentwhistles · 7 years
The real question is what is Harry gonna name Mr. Pickles 2.0
27 notes · View notes
dindjarindiaries · 4 years
okay i’m back before my lecture and i was reading your things of [how the boys react] and i am SOBBING maAM WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION but also. if you’re not too busy. how they react to someone (me) who doesn’t get nearly enough sleep and has too much caffeine (i’m calling myself out it’s fine)
We’ve all been there, my friend how else do you survive through college/uní?
Din won’t be able to say much—at first. He rarely sleeps himself, but he’s gotten used to the routine, so he doesn’t need any assistance. You, on the other hand, are practically bouncing off the walls from your doses of caffeine, and while he loves your sense of energy, he can see right through the façade. He feels a tug in his heart at the way the bags under your eyes sit there silently, practically screaming at him to get you to rest like you need to. Din won’t gain the faith to say this for quite a long time—and when he does, you know you truly must take it to heart. “Rest,” he’ll urge you before you can reach for your next dose. “Please. I’ll tend to the kid if necessary.” That statement alone releases the tension from your shoulders, and Din will be pleased to finally see you walk off to your cot. He’ll check in on you a few minutes later to see you passed out already—and he’ll lay his cape over you just to make sure you’re comfortable enough to sleep for as long as you need to.
Javier knows the pain of getting little sleep, but damn, how are you so upbeat throughout the day? He knows the answer clearly—he notices the fact you drink at least 5 mugs of coffee during a typical work day—so he won’t stop himself from muttering a “Take it fuckin’ easy” when you’re feeling particularly buzzed from the caffeine. Of course, you’ll kindly tell him to fuck off and gesture to the pack of cigarettes on his desk, reminding him that you’re not the only one with a damaging habit. Over time, Javi will start to appreciate the energy you bring regardless of the fact you lose so much sleep from your dedication to the work. The day he brings you your needed dose of coffee before you have the chance to get up yourself—made just the way you like it—you won’t be able to help smiling as Javi tries to keep himself from doing the same. This starts to become a habit, and it’s Javi’s silent way of thanking you for all you do—with a hint of something extra you’re sure he won’t be able to confess just yet.
Ezra is intrigued by your odd routine. His dark gaze watches as you practically skip around the moon you’re both harvesting on, stopping every once in a while to sip from your pouch full of coffee rather than water. “You know, birdie, I find it extremely riveting that you seem to exchange your slumber for the indulgence of such a powerful substance,” Ezra will confess, offering a small chuckle as he watches you sip more coffee. You’ll shrug and tell him that’s the only way you can get everything that you want done in a single day. Ezra will be so interested that he’ll ask to try it with you. As soon as you get back to the tent you’ve pitched near your pod, you’ll brew some coffee for him and yourself, and in less than an hour you’re listening to him list off random facts at a mile a minute. His mouth can’t stop moving as you laugh at him, trying to get him to calm down after a while. You both end up with no sleep that night, and the next day, Ezra will beg you to never let that happen again—because his eyes can barely stay open for harvesting, now.
Jack (Whiskey) is at first very entertained by your caffeinated manner. “Well, you sure are just one ball of energy, huh, darlin’?” he’ll drawl when you zoom by him at the headquarters. He won’t understand that it’s the caffeine that’s always got you going at a mile a minute, but he’ll realize something’s up when he catches you at work very late one night. Jack’s only headed in because he left something he’ll need for a mission the next morning, and when he sees you still there—chugging away at a mug of coffee as you stare blankly at the screens in front of you—he’ll look at you with a concerned expression. “You still here, sugar?” His voice will take you by surprise as you practically jump in your chair. He’ll hold his hands out to keep you calm. “Now, I ain’t mean to scare you.” You’ll assure him it’s fine, and you’re usually here at this time and never see anyone, and that’s when Jack will truly feel concerned—and he’ll ask you to go home and get some rest while he finishes up whatever you have to do. This becomes a habit of his, and you find him coming in often to make sure you’re not working as late anymore.
Frankie (Catfish) hates the idea right away of you exchanging sleep for caffeine. “That shit will fuck up your body, babe,” he’ll say, sighing as he watches you brew another pot. “And I’d really like to have you in bed earlier.” You’ll assure him it’s fine, remember when you trained yourself to do this during college? And Frankie will remind you that he never liked it or encouraged it then, either. You’ll only be convinced by his words when you head to bed one night and see Frankie already asleep—but rustling in a restless manner. You’ll realize he’s having some kind of a nightmare, and nervously you’ll wake him up to save him from the torment of his mind. He’ll tell you he dreamt that he lost you somehow, and you’ll get him to slip that this has happened nearly every night since he’s had to fall asleep without you by his side. Instantly, you begin to change your routine, slowly waning off the caffeine so you can be there for him every night to ease him to sleep.
108 notes · View notes
foli-vora · 4 years
all i need
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A/N: lmao a brief depressive episode gave way to a relentless hunger to fuck a cowboy so... enjoy. ❤️
Pairing: Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey x f!reader
Word count: almost 2.2k
Warnings: THIS IS 18+ ONLY! swearing, oral (f receiving), fingering, praise kink, body worship, unprotected p in v (wrap before you tap), clit slaps, choking, a good ol’ creampie and a tiny miniscule slice of cum eating (if I’ve forgotten anything, please let me know!)
“No, no, no! Shit! Fucking shit, fuck –”
The casserole dish clatters to the counter and you try to wave the sting of a burn from your hands, frowning at the now blackened potatoes, smoke curling towards the ceiling and hanging heavy in your nose. No saving those. The potatoes join the rest of the burnt food crowding the counter and you feel the burn of tears build behind your lids.
It was your and Jack’s anniversary – your third to be exact, your first as an engaged couple. You had spent hours going through Pinterest, browsing some fancy recipes and saving anything you think Jack would like, deciding to make him a big fancy home cooked meal for him to come home to as an anniversary surprise. Suffice to say, it was not going well.
Well, there was still time – maybe you could order something in before he got home. You both were at your apartment in Manhattan as Jack had been working at the New York Statesmen offices, so you had plenty of options to pick from. You sigh when you hear the front door open, a set of keys being thrown in the bowl by the door and heavy footsteps leading through the apartment.
“Sweetheart? Where are y–” Jack stops dead when he enters the kitchen, a magnificent bouquet of red roses in one hand, dark eyes quickly taking in the cluttered counters of horrifically burnt food and then landing on you, hands braced on your hips and tears building in your eyes as you glared at the burnt dishes. “What’s all this?”
“It was meant to be a surprise,” you mutter, shoulders falling in defeat, “for our anniversary… but I ruined it.”
“Hey now,” he moves forward instantly, arms looping around your waist and free hand falling to the back of your head as he cradles you to him. “It looks… uh… it looks like you’ve put a lot of work into everything.”
You scoff, pulling back and smiling softly as he presents you with the flowers. The sweet perfume hits your senses, ridding your nose of the smoke smell and you sigh, kissing his cheek softly. “They’re stunning, Jack. Thank you.”
“Happy anniversary, sweetheart.” He murmurs against your forehead, nose scrunching slightly as smoke permeates his nose. “Let’s just –” he momentarily leaves you to open the kitchen windows before taking the roses from you and sitting them on the counter in the one small bit of space not taken up by burnt food, and then leads you into the less-smoky dining area.
“I’m sorry I screwed dinner up.” You’re sullen as you speak, disappointed in yourself and what you thought were decent cooking skills.
“Don’t be silly. My future wife,” he coos, large hands cradling your face softly as he presses his lips from one cheek to the other, curved nose brushing against yours softly, “always thinking of me – spoiling me. You’re incredible, baby.”
“But I –”
“No. You are incredible. You spent your day working away in here, all for me. Now, did it end up how you wanted? No – but does that take away from the time and effort you spent doing so? No. You’re always looking after me, sweetheart… and now, it’s my turn.”
Your hands fly to his shoulders with a cry of surprise as he bends slightly, grabbing you just below your ass and sitting you on the edge of the dining table. He hands pull at his jacket as he drops to his knees, throwing it aside and not caring when it drops to a crumpled heap a few steps away.
You blink down at him, “What are you doing?”
“Having myself a top-quality anniversary meal, courtesy of my lovely fiancé.” He answers with a grin curling at his lips, warm hands rubbing along the smooth skin above your ankles. “Lay back for me, baby, let me see you.”
Your eyes don’t leave his as you slowly recline, resting on your elbows on the cool timber surface, his hands brushing up your legs and along your thighs and slowly pushing up the cute floral sundress you had bought for the occasion. Red lace greets him once the dress moves under his persistence, and his fingers trace the edges of the delicate fabric in admiration.
“You dress up all pretty for me, sweetheart?”
Lips repetitively press against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, slowly working their way up to your clothed core, and you squirm on the table, hips bucking slightly in anticipation. Searing heat engulfs your clit through the fabric, and the breath leaves your lungs as Jack moves his lips, biting gently at your clit and dragging the lace back with his teeth before letting it snap back into place. Dark eyes flick up to meet yours and then he’s smirking, fingers hooking into the waistband and jerking his head up to signal you to raise your hips and removing your underwear.
You watch him through hooded eyes, his large warm hands running back up your legs, and then he pushing at your thighs, spreading your legs and groaning lowly when his eyes land on your pussy.
“Prettiest fuckin’ thing.”
And then he moves, mouth greedily engulfing your clit and running his tongue over the sensitive nerve, fingers digging into your thighs as you moan quietly, hand flying to wind in his hair. He groans into your flesh, eyes closing and brows furrowing in concentration as he focuses all of his attention doing that fucking magical thing with his tongue that makes your eyes roll back into your head. You whine when he moves away from your clit, tongue diving into your pussy to taste the arousal gathering there, nose and moustache bumping against your clit as he eagerly buries his face against your folds.
“Fuck Jack,” your hands tug at his curls, hips shifting slightly against his mouth and head dropping back as he hums appreciatively against you, the sweet tang of you like honey on his tongue.
He breaks away with a quiet pant, diving right back to latch onto your clit, lips wrapping around it while his tongue rapidly rubs back and forth. Your thighs jump in his palms, and he winds his arms under your legs, sitting them softly on his shoulders and palms flattening against your hips, keeping you steady and anchored to his relentless mouth. Fire ignites in your stomach, toes curling in the high heels digging into his back. He doesn’t seem to notice, and if he does, he doesn’t seem to mind as he moves his head from side to side. You whine up to the ceiling, fist tightening around the tufts of soft hair wound between your fingers, pulling him impossibly closer to you, a low drawn out moan falling from your lips when he lets you buck against his mouth.
“Take what you want, baby.” He murmurs, dark hungry eyes finding yours.
The death grip on your legs eases up, and you start to move against his tongue with little grinds of your hips, keeping his head where you want it with the hand buried in his hair, heart fluttering wildly in your chest as he watches you closely from between your legs, watching the slight crease between your brows deepen, your mouth falling open in a silent cry. You bask in the heat quickly spreading over your body, muscles winding tighter and tighter with every delicious roll against his mouth. Your pussy clenches around nothing, desperate for something, anything, to fill it and help you over the edge.
“J-Jack – fuck… fingers –”
Two fingers immediately swirl around the entrance to your pussy, sliding in with zero resistance and curling deeply within you, moving in time with your hips and hitting that heavenly spot within you that has you seeing stars. Fucking Jesus, so good… so, so good –
He feels you on the edge, hears your breathing start to hitch and groans, eyes slipping closed as you work yourself faster and harder against his mouth, free hand unconsciously falling to rub at his clothed cock, rock hard and throbbing from the second he buried his tongue in your pussy.
“Yes, oh my g– Jack… fuck –” your chest heaves, the heat in your belly coming to an all time high and then you’re suspended in space for a brief second in time, floating and weightless, until you come crashing down, electric flooding your body and back arching against the table, coming with a loud cry. He feels your pussy clench down around his fingers, a flood of wetness catching his chin, and he can’t help the low groan he lets out against you. Your body jolts, spasming wildly as he greedily locks his lips around your clit and sucks until you’re pulling at his hair and begging for relief.
He pulls away, mouth and chin shining with your slick, and you watch through hazy eyes as he brings his soaked fingers to his mouth and sucks, eyes closing in bliss at the taste of your cum before opening and locking heatedly with yours. He stands, fingers tugging at the tie around his neck and ripping open the top buttons of his shirt, before he’s stepping closer, dragging the weeping head of his cock along through your folds and slapping it sharply against your clit. You cry out at the sting of overstimulation, cry turning into a moan when he does it again, and again, before he lines up with your entrance and buries himself in your pussy with one solid thrust.
“Fuck baby, you always take me so well.” He groans, head rolling on his shoulders as your walls flutter around him.
“Please –”
He stays still, eyes opening and gazing down at you, breathless and spaced out below him. “Please what? What do you want?”
“Move. Please, Jack – please… please fuck me –”
Fingers grip your chin, your pussy clenching in response, and he turns your head towards him.
“Look at my pretty girl,” he coos deeply, “asking so nicely. You want me to fuck you, baby?”
You nod pathetically, hands grabbing at whatever they could find, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and tugging him down towards you. He melts over you, wet lips meeting yours in a slow kiss, your mouth falling open the second his tongue probes softly at your lips. You moan at the taste of him, mixed with the tangy taste of your cum still hanging on his tongue. The fingers gripping your chin move, wrapping around the delicate skin of your throat and squeezing softly, his raspy chuckle filling your ears when he feels your pussy flutter around him again.
“You want it?”
“Please –” you choke out as he pulls halfway out before pushing back in languidly, eyes fixed to your face and the small twitch of your muscles as he lazily thrusts, slowly dragging his cock against your walls. “Jack,” you whine, frowning at the slow pace.
“I hear you, baby.”
And then he’s moving. Really moving.
His thrusts become faster, harder, hitting somewhere deep inside you that has your clawing at the table. You’re talking, incoherent words falling from your lips in a relentless wave as he pounds into you, the grip around your throat tightening as he curses quietly.
“God, you were made for me, darlin’. Your pussy’s so fuckin’ perfect, Christ –” his hips stutter and he mashes his teeth together, fighting the itch of release and quickening his thrusts, free hand moving to press down on your lower stomach to pin you in place. “Come on, baby. Give me one more, I know you can do it –” His thumb moves slightly lower, brushing over your clit in soft circles and setting fire to your nerves all over again. “Can you do that for me, baby? Can you give me one more?”
Whining softly, you nod hurriedly, brows furrowing as the coil winds tighter and tighter in your stomach. In a blinding flash, another wave of heat rushes over you and his hips stutter as you cum hard around him, hand moving from your throat to the tabletop next to your head to brace himself.
“Good girl, baby, you’re so good for me, so fuckin’ good, Jesus fuck –”
You feel the flood of heat as he comes, his cock shoved so deep you arch off the table with a whimper as he brushes your tender cervix. He collapses on top of you, the weight of his body comforting as you lift your heavy arms to wrap around him. You both lay boneless, panting and sweat running along your bodies. Jack lifts his head once he catches his breath, pressing a tender kiss to your lips which you try to return as sweetly as possible while being completely fucked out of your senses, and then he stands and gently drags his soft cock from your wrecked pussy. He watches his cum leak out of you, fingers swiping through the mess before bringing them to his mouth and sucking the cum from his skin with a low hum.
He grins, “Dinner was amazing – thank you, sweetheart.”
Tags: @anu-simps​ @seasonschange-butpeopledont​ @withasideofmeg​ @you-got-me-starry-eyed​
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malvoi · 7 years
“Eggsy couldn’t sleep. The bed that Statesman had provided him is very uncomfortable and thoughts of Harry is rushing to his head like wildfire. He can't seem to make Harry remember, and that's when he found himself standing in front of Harry's door that leads him to the padded room in 2AM.”
leave a kudos and comment please! thank you x
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daddygraves · 7 years
Inktober Day 3. Warmth
Day 3, let's go! So the insp behind this ficlet was an 'uncomfortable cuddling' trope I saw on tumblr aaaages back, but decided to utilise anyway. Because true warmth is cuddling with the person you love, regardless if it's a bit awkward and uncomfortable.
"Ya elbows in me ribs, love." The slow muffled mumble of his lover's voice makes Harry blink sleepily. He shifts the offending limb, though it feels made of concrete, beneath the cotton cloud of sheets. Smooth, cosy arms cuddle around him closer. "Ta." It's an endless morning. Drifting in and out of the lace embrace of sleep, the strings of unconsciousness still tugging on foggy heads and lazy unopened eyes. The faint calls of morning birds that filter through the curtains with the streaky mid-morning sunshine. No alarms, no engagements- just languid, luxurious hours of dozing in bed, punctuated by caressing limbs and absent sleepy kisses. Harry rolls over, flopping an arm out of the covers to draw his boy close, blindly carding a gentle hand through soft locks of hair. The musky, natural aroma of Eggsy, raw, glowing skin, both wakes him and sends him back under. An angel dozes before him, with a picture perfect bedhead, a dust pink blush of life tinting smooth, sculpted cheeks. A masterpiece, that was all Harry's to admire. Even if the young man's knee was uncomfortably digging into Harry's ribs. "Shift your knee, darling". "Mmm." The knee is moved, and both men draw closer together, luxuriating in the simple pleasure of contact. Claws tap on the wood floor of the hallway slowly, and the noise of the bedroom door being pushed open by a snuffling, wet nose is heard. "C'mere, JB," Eggsy murmurs, sluggishly tapping the bedcovers and he buries his face in Harry's clavicle. A soft jingle and a muffled thump, and a furry little body curls up atop the duvet-draped pair contentedly. These were the moments to be cherished. They might not even be moments, rather elongated seconds, minutes, hours, where one loses track of time. Where naught matters but the press of a lover's frame, curled loosely around each other, limbs tangled in a symphony of hazy comfortability. "Ya got major morning breath, sorry babe." Eggsy snuggles away from Harry's parted mouth, the elder man spooning him softly. "Mmph. Your hair is in my mouth."
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