#kiri sully fic
kiris-wife · 2 years
illicit affairs | kiri sully
summary: reader struggles with her asshole of a boyfriend, ao'nung. kiri wants you to know that she could treat you better than he ever did — but she's too scared to do so, until she gets the little push she needed by an event in particular. but things don't go exactly as planned. pt two here!
genre(s): angst. a little bit of fluff if you squint
warnings: toxic relationship (i tried to make it not too heavy), kiri is a jealous gal, a little bit of angst and comfort, cheating from both parties, reader and kiri have an homoaffective friendship from the start, they're all 18-19 in this since it's a little mature, lmk if i missed something, i don't think ao'nung would act like this in a relationship so it's a little ooc
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you wonder how things ended up like this. ao'nung used to treat you like a princess: gifts, sweet words, loving dates and kisses, the whole package. 9 months later you found yourself screaming at each other after he got caught with another girl. again.
"this is your fault, you know. if you gave me more attention instead of being with that sully girl, i wouldn't be doing this. YOU ruined this relationship, y/n. this is on you."
"i'm the one to blame for? really? because as far as i can remember, everytime i try to aproach you now, you're too busy for me. it's like i don't even exist anymore! you just talk to me to make my life a living hell! you're losing me, ao'nung."
"what the fuck is wrong with you? you should really take a look at yourself, you know. stop thinking you're all that. im not losing shit, y/n. you're the one losing me. do you really think that someone besides me would want you?"
his voice was lowered down, almost sounding like a growl. the boy was so close now you could feel his unsteady breath, angry eyes piercing at your skull; feeling small and fragile next to your boyfriend, you had no comeback for this. because deep down, you knew he was right. you couldn't do better than him. trying to hold your tears, you quickly pushed ao'nung away and left the marui, not letting him say another word to you.
honestly, you had no idea where you were going. you just needed to feel safe. loved. understood. only one na'vi in pandora would get you like this. but as it was the middle of the night, she probably was fast asleep now. so you went to your usual meeting place instead, hoping that maybe the great mother would send her a signal that you were needing help.
an isolated place at the beach, far from the all the gathering of na'vi. you lay your back in the sand and close your eyes, letting the tears roam free on your face. eywa, what have you done to deserve this? you gave everything you could to ao'nung, you really did. but nothing seemed to be enough to fix your broken relationship, the shattered pieces too small to be collected. lost in your own thoughts, the young girl didn't notice the approach of her best friend.
"y/n?" the familiar voice warmed your whole body, making you feel like all the problems in the world disappeared. now, it was just the two of you. maybe the goddess heard your prayers, after all.
you quickly wipe away your tears as you get up, an action that didn't go unnoticed by the other girl. she sat beside you and put an arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to her. your arms are wrapped around her waist, and your head resting on her chest. kiri was always like this with you: so caring and understanding. it's almost like you were made for each other, two completing puzzle pieces.
"what are you doing here? it's the middle of the night. you should be asleep." you said, choking a sob.
"i couldn't sleep. being here brings me a peaceful sensation, so i came." she said circling her thumb on you, letting a sigh escape. "he did it again. didn't he? y/n, come on. you're better than this. stop letting him ruin your sanity like that." kiri's voice sounded hurt, like she was feeling your pain too. "i can't stand seeing this asshole treating you like this. you deserve so much better than him, sweetheart."
you lifted you head to look at your friend in the eyes. oh, those eyes. sometimes you felt like you just got lost in eachothers looks, you had no idea how she got you feeling like this. it was wrong. you knew it was, but you couldn't keep yourself from saying the words that left your lips:
"someone like you would be perfect. actually, you, kiri sully, would be perfect for me." your hands left her waist and where now resting on her face. "if only i could date my best friend!" you jokingly said, the forest na'vi letting a smirk form on her lips that quickly faded and got replaced with her classic eyeroll.
"stop joking. i'm being serious, y/n! you can't let him keep treating you like this, it's getting ridiculous." she removed your hands from her face and looked away. "you need to have more self respect. you're young, pretty, and independent too. you don't need him."
"i won't find someone better than him. and it's not that bad too... i'm sure we can work things out, kiri. he's just in a bad place right now."
"do you even love him?" the jealousy was visible in her voice, but you didn't notice, like every sign that could led you to think that she was into you.
the silence was loud. the truth is: you didn't. the ao'nung you loved was long gone, but for some reason, you got attached; you couldn't let him go, even though he was deeply scarring you. at this point, you found a little bit of comfort in the sadness he made you feel.
kiri laid her back in the sand, letting out a deep breath. "don't lie to me now. i know you don't. why do you keep fighting? what do you see in him?"
your mouth opened, and then closed. and then it opened again: "i don't know. i don't love him. but i... i can't leave him, kiri. nobody besides him would want me." it sounded like a whisper, but it was enough for your friend to hear.
your words kept repeating in kiri's head like a mantra "you would be perfect for me". and the way you looked at her too, like she was the most precious thing in the world made her wonder if she could shoot her shot.
fuck it. she thought.
"y/n. look at me." she said as she sat down again, looking at your face. her tone was demanding, and you couldn't help but feel nervous. kiri had her hands on your shoulders, a serious expression on her face.
"i know that you're in a complicated situation right now. i know that it's hard to leave the place you're in. but i can't keep seeing you suffering so much–" she paused for a moment, thinking if this was really worth it. it was a shot in the dark, she could lose your friendship forever if things went wrong. but it was too late to turn back now. "–and i think... i mean. uhm. we form a good pair. and i really like you. i know right now is not the best time but if i don't do this now i'll never will and–"
"kiri." you interrupted; she could feel her heart drop to her knees. oh no, you didn't feel the same, and now she had screwed up everything. "i see you."
that was the confirmation she needed: your hands made their way to her waist as she cupped your face, locking your lips with a sweet, loving kiss. tears streamed down your face, but now they were happy tears — because you felt loved, cared for, cherished, desired. something you haven't felt in so long.
but it didn't last. kiri separated the kiss and looked at you in disbelief, regretting her previous actions. she just realized what she did. she confessed to you. and kissed you. right after you said you couldn't leave your toxic boyfriend. now, her vision was the one blurred with tears. she felt like the other woman. the na'vi quickly got up, not knowing what to do: "i have to go. good night, y/n."
"kiri, don't do this. don't leave me here after doing this, please wait."
but she didn't listen to you.
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authors note: so... this is gonna have a pt two! i wasn't planning on making it a series but i thought that it was best to leave you guys on a bit of a cliffhanger (also i didn't want it to be too long). this is my first self insert fic ever so i apologize for the amount of repetitive words!! im brazilian so my english vocabulary is not the best too
likes + reblogs are appreciated ♡
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letstalkaboutshtufff · 6 months
Never a Burden
Neteyam x Reader Mate
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Summary: You don’t want to bother Neteyam with your issues but things keep getting worse with another clan member won’t leave you alone…
Warning: Mentions of injury, cursing.
“Don’t cause trouble” was a line Neteyam constantly said to his younger brother over the years, and now that mantle of troublemaker had been passed over to you, his mate.
Neteyam loved you more than life but by god you were a handful and then some. You were like a magnet for sticky situations and more often than not Neteyam had to come to your rescue.
Like the time some visiting Navi from a neighboring clan were bullying a harmless forest creature so you “intervened”. He yelled at you for being careless and putting yourself in danger.
Or the time your necklace flew off during a flying session so you promptly dived and searched the waters for hours until you found it. You came back soaked and shivering late into the night with the beads in your hand.
“What were you thinking!?” He scolded quickly wrapping you up in a warm blanket.
“B-b-but it’s the necklace you gifted me…” you chattered and he let out an exasperated sigh.
These situations were a frequent occurrence since he met you however he realized soon on that that was a package deal with being your mate. He’d take that deal any day.
Your husband had been endlessly busy on raids the past few months, only coming home to regroup and head back out. He was beyond exhausted most of the time, coming into your tent and falling asleep in your arms almost instantly
Usually Neteyam had patience and a level head but these past months proved to be a heavy challenge. Which made sense since so much was riding on his shoulders.
You felt bad for him which Is why you didn’t want to bother him with your troubles. Even if this situation wasn’t exactly your fault…
Recently a nearby clan had teamed up with yours to battle the sky people. This clan was different than yours, hard headed, brutal, our clans didn’t usually get along but they had a common enemy which made them a strong ally.
However some of the clans males had been targeting you. It started off small at first, taunts here and there. You weren’t a warrior which is why they criticized you as the oleyektens mate. But lately they’ve been getting more bold, one male in particular, Tu’Mey, their ring leader had been degrading you, commenting on your body and how neteyam must hate rutting with such a skinny female.
Today was when he finally crossed the line, you were gathering herbs in the forest with Kiri when she left early because of a headache.
You didn’t think anything of being alone until a familiar voice had you cursing.
“What are you doing out here all alone huh?” Tu’Mey emerged from behind a tree with a grin. He was alone which you didn’t know was better or worse.
“None of your business.” You snatched your basket up and threw him a glare as you went to move past him back to camp, you let out a little gasp when he grabbed your arm instead. That was the first time he had touched you.
“Let go of me!” You hissed and pulled but he didn’t relent.
“Heh so weak, what does a great warrior like your husband see in you huh?”
His grip was strong and you felt a moment of panic.
“Enough, let go asshole!” You punched at him with your other hand but it was like hitting a boulder. He easily grabbed your other hand and pulled you closer. Your eyes widened as he brought his face closer to yours.
“Hmm you may be no warrior, but you do have a pleasant enough face I suppose.”
“Let go before I-“
“Before you what? Hurt me?” He laughed and pulled your arms up high pulling you up right to his body.
You panicked a lot more now feeling his skin touching yours.
You start kicking at him and he clicks his tongue in annoyance, and backs you up into a tree roughly. The bark digging into your skin painfully.
“Oh I’m sorry did that hurt?” He asked mockingly.
“Go on cry for me little forest girl”
You refused to shed tears but you were definitely afraid.
Suddenly you heard a rustling up ahead followed by several Navi voices.
Tu’Mey pulled you deeper in the forest away from prying eyes, his mistake was leaving one hand open.
As he pulled you away you caught a glint of a knife at his waist, it was probably a bad idea but you didn’t really have a choice.
In moments you grabbed at the knife and swiped at the arm holding you.
You were successful but the moment Tu’Mey realized what you done his eyes were full of fury.
You turned to run but were abruptly yanked back by your braid.
“Oh now you wanna fight little girl? Cmon then let’s fight.” He used your hair to propel you forward roughly. You rolled several times before hitting a tree. You gasped in pain.
Suddenly he was above you again and you saw his leg go out and in straight to your stomach. You cried out in pain. Great mother help me.
He kicked the same place again and then roughly pulled you up by your arms.
You slumped in his hold but still managed a hiss. Not that it really did anything.
He opened his mouth to say something but the voices were nearing again. He cursed and threw you back down.
“This isn’t over”. And just as fast as he came he disappeared in the trees.
You coughed a couple times on the ground clutching your stomach. With much pain you stood up and limped into the trees away from the scene, you didn’t want anyone to see you and say anything to Neteyam.
The truth was most Navi could hold their own but you were different. You healed, not hurt, you didn’t even like to hunt because of your sweet nature. Neteyam was drawn to your heart he said, but your weakness was becoming an issue now that war had come. You didn’t realize just how useless you really were.
After much struggle you managed to sneak back into your tent unsuspected.
You collapsed on the ground next to your sleeping mat. The tears flowed freely now that you were alone. You missed Neteyam now more than ever, wanting nothing more than for him to hold you in his arms.
With tears still running down your face you moved your netted top out of the way to see the damage. A large nasty bruise had formed along with a couple cuts. Your back ached too so you could only imagine the scratches there as well.
Sniffling you applied some salve.
Good thing Neteyam wouldn’t be back for a few days, you didn’t know what you would do if he saw your state. He would probably kill him and start another war.
Little did you know the war party had returned while you were gone..
“Yawne? There you are, I didn’t see you when I landed.”
Your eyes widened hearing Neteyams voice and the familiar flapping of the tent beads.
Quickly you wiped at your eyes and slid the salve under the blanket.
“N-Neteyam, welcome back my love.” You thank Ewya that the tent is darkened by the night.
He rushes to you and you embrace him.
“I missed you so much, couldn’t wait to get back..” he held you tightly and you did your best not to wince.
“Me too..” you released from each other and he gave you a loving kiss.
“Come, change and I’ll prepare you something to eat.” He nodded and went to remove his armor. Luckily he hadn’t seemed to notice anything was off.
He ate and talked about the successful raid, you nodded along but your mind was on the blossoming pain all over your body but especially your stomach.
“Are you alright? You’ve hardly said a word..”
“Yes, just tired is all, I was collecting herbs and other things for most of the day.”
He nodded and smiled, “then come let us sleep, I am exhausted as well.”
You nodded and followed him to the mat. You grabbed a longer top and threw it on. Come morning, you would not be able to hide it in the light so you needed to cover up, at least until he left again for the next raid.
Sleep came easy for the both of you, despite your pain, being in Neteyams arms always lulled you quickly. You hoped the morning would go smoothly. Although you rarely ever got what you wanted these days..
“-at is this?” Mm your dreams were beginning to fade away at the familiar voice calling out to you and bringing you back to reality.
“Y/n!” Your eyes abruptly flicked open hearing Neteyams urgent voice.
Oh great mother help me..
Your gaze focused on Neteyam who was sitting up beside you with a hand on your waist and another pulling aside your netted top.
You were an idiot to think that flimsy material could hide anything.
“What is this, what happened??” He asked again voice full of concern and seriousness.
Your eyes followed down to wear a nasty bruise had doubled In its darkening since last night.
“I-I It’s nothing teyam, I fell from a tree in a bad way is all.. I didn’t realize it had caused such a bruise..” you sat up and tried to cover up again but he wouldn’t let you.
“This looks bad, what did you fall on?” He grimaced tracing the cuts with his fingers.
“Some large rocks..” you hoped he would buy that. You never really lied to him before, you hated the feeling..
He looked you over now from head to toe and caught sight of your back.
“Your back is scratched up too… come let’s see Grandmother-“
He moves to gently pull you but you refuse, “It’s fine my love, I can apply medicine here, your grandmother is no doubt busy with warriors from yesterday…”
He looked reluctant, “but..”
“Really I’m alright” you pulled him back down and hugged him. You were actually in a lot of pain but Moat was smart and would see through your lie easily so you couldn’t go.
Neteyam pulled away and moved to grab your basket that held all your medicinal supplies.
He pulled the cover off and frowned, “I thought you picked herbs yesterday, there’s barely anything here..”
You idiot- you left your basket in the forest!
“Ah I can’t believe it, I forgot my basket in the forest..”
He raised a brow then furrrowed it, “you didn’t hit your head did you?” Suddenly he was near you again inspecting your face.
“N-no I didn’t I must’ve been just a little flustered is all”
Neteyam pulled back and looked you in the eye, “Yawne…is everything ok? You seem…strange”
“I-I” what should you say?
Luckily a familiar voice outside the tent called interrupting you.
“Bro you in there? We need to talk about the next mission, everyone’s waiting” Neteyam reluctantly pulled away giving you a wary look. You smiled hoping to ease his worries.
“I’ll be back later , go to Kiri for help at least ok?”
You nodded not meaning it and watched him leave the tent.
You let out a sigh once you were alone. Perhaps you could sneak into your mother in laws tent since everyone would be at the meeting. She would have herbs. At least that way Neteyam would assume you went to Kiri.
Slowly you stood up and readjusted your clothing, not that it really covered anything..
Luckily when you exited the tent, everyone was either at the meeting or busy preparing for the next raid.
You went behind the tents as swiftly as you could and finally arrived at your destination.
You called out but just as you suspected they were gone.
You felt guilty basically stealing but you didn’t really have many options.
You gathered what you needed and left, you nearly let out a scream when you bumped into the large body of your father in law.
“Woah easy- y/n?” You quickly schooled your shock with an uneasy smile. “I came to ask to borrow some herbs but no one was here.. I hope you don’t mind?”
Jake shook his head, “of course not, go crazy” he reached beside the door grabbing a map before moving to leave again when he happened to catch sight of the bruise.
“What happened?” He asked concerned.
“O-oh nothing really, I just had a bad fall..”
He eyed your face for a moment before nodding
“That looks bad, make sure you get that looked at ok?”
“I will” you smiled and sighed as he left the tent.
Luckily on your way back you didn’t run into anyone.
“Alright dismissed” warriors turned to prepare for the next raid and Neteyam was about to follow them when his father held him back.
“Wait there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“What is it?”
Jake looked a bit uneasy but continued on, “it’s about y/n.”
Neteyam perked up at this, “Why? did something happen?”
“I saw her just now in our tent getting herbs, she was…skittish and I saw really nasty looking bruise.”
Neteyam nodded, “She fell in the forest…on some rocks she said...”
“She’s one of the best climbers in the clan Neteyam”
“I know this…do…do you think she was lying?” He furrowed his brows. His mate never lied to him before. Even saying it out loud sounded weird.
Jake tilted his head, “I’m not saying that but…” Neteyam nodded as if coming to a decision.
“Yeah ok… I’ll talk to her”. He thanked his father and went about his duties. He was definitely going to have a talk when he got home.
You had been resting in your tent for most of the day when you realized you had nothing prepared for dinner. Neteyam mentioned he would stay a couple nights so it was only right he had a nice hot meal while he was here.
Sighing you stood up and exited the tent. You could at least catch a couple fish for the both of you.
You grabbed your fishing net and made your way towards the river.
It was evening time but there were a few Navi around.
Good, you didn’t want to be alone..
Throughout the next hour you kept glancing around but luckily you hadn’t seen him so far.
It was dark now everyone had mostly gone so you decided to call it quits as well. you managed to catch a couple small fish but just needed to check your last net tied to the tree.
Slowly so not to aggravate your wounds you climbed ontop of a giant rock. This net was along the river edge but from higher up.
Due to the weather getting colder it was better not to get into the water.
You kneeled on the rock and bent down to pull up your net.
The sudden screech of an Ikran roared behind you. It happened within seconds, you turned only to have a wing smack into you propelling you forward.
You gasped then were suddenly choking and spluttering on freezing water.
You whipped your head around to face the Ikran. You mentally screamed realizing it was HIS Ikran. And the devil in question laughter heartily from the tree line. He whistled and his Ikran flew towards him.
You didn’t wait to see what he would do next, you scrambled out of the river shivering and ran back as fast as you could.
Cold so cold, the night wind only made it that much worse.
Your teeth chattered violently. Hot tears pouring down your cheeks.
You slammed the tent flap open and clambered inside.
“Y/n?” Neteyam sprung up from his sitting position and practically sprinted to you.
Oh great mother not now! You thought he would be out still with the warriors!
“Y/n?! What happened?? why are you soaking wet?!” Neteyam grabbed your shoulders looking you up and down.
“I-I” your voice came out in a cold stutter. The temperature settling in deep into your body.
Neteyam pulled you closer to the fire and helped you remove your wet things before handing you a woven blanket.
“Yawne please, tell me what happened” Neteyam pulled you closer to him, hoping his body heat would help.
He wiped away your tears but they flowed like an endless river.
“I-I....I fell in the river.” Neteyam tensed, he could see your hesitation and how you wouldn’t meet your eyes.
“And how did that happen hm? What aren’t you telling me?” His voice was more firm now.
Should you tell him? But you didn’t want to cause trouble and disturb the alliance. It was your fault you were weak…
“Y/n!” You gasped, Neteyam hardly if ever raised his voice at you.
You couldn’t even answer as your sobs and distress grew louder. Now the love of your life was angry with you. Why could you never do anything right?!
Neteyam softened completely seeing your distress, “Alright alright, mawye my love, it’s alright, mawye…I’m sorry, please don’t cry” he hugged you tightly, bringing your head to his chest. He held you like that soothingly stroking your back until your sobs quieted down.
You slowly pulled away still not meeting his eyes.
Neteyam brought a finger to your chin and slowly pushed it up.
His heart broke seeing the puffiness. He followed the finger to your cheek and splayed them out. You leaned into his warmth.
“Whatever it is, you know I am with you my love.”
You let out a shakey breathe. “I know…” you whispered brokingly.
“And I will always be there for you… no matter what it is but I can’t help if I don’t know what is wrong.”
You reached up to hold the hand caressing your face. “I am always causing you trouble Neteyam.”
He blinked at this, “what?”
“I��m always causing you trouble…I don’t want to burden you…”
Neteyams brows furrowed, “Yes you are trouble but you are never a burden to me- where is this coming from?” He asked still confused.
“I’m weak Neteyam..”
“Y/n you’re not-“
You gulped and said it again, “I am weak. You shouldn’t have to protect me, I should be able to defend myself like everyone else but I just…I’m not a fighter Neteyam.. it’s never been an issue but now…” you sniffled trying not to break down again. “I-I didn’t want to bother you with this… you have way more important matters- I just- it’s getting worse and he isn’t stopping I-“ you were babbling out what you could, your mate trying to piece everything together but once he heard the word “he” he froze.
The wheels started turning in Neteyams mind, he didn’t know what he thought actually happened to you but the second he realized it was another person who hurt you a hot surge of anger coursed through him.
The grip on your face tightened but not painfully. “Someone did this to you? His eyes motioned to your bruises, voice dangerously calm but brimming with unleashed rage. He kept calm for your sake.
You nodded looking away in shame. Well you tried but he brought your face back to his glowing eyes.
“Tell me”
You bit your lip nervously.
“Tell me who dared to lay a hand on my mate…”
You hesitated, “I… I’m afraid it will damage war relations…”
Neteyam held back a snarl. So it was one of the other clans men then..
“Tell me”
You were about to protest again but Neteyams eyes made you pause. They held so much emotion. Love, anger, but most importantly in this moment they promised you safety.
With a deep breathe you closed your eyes then opened them again, “…Tu’Mey…”
Neteyam clenched his fist to keep himself from bursting just quite yet.
“Listen carefully y/n” you nodded.
“You will tell me everything and leave nothing out do you understand?” His tone left no room for arguing.
So you listened and told him everything.
And when you finally finished, you were taken aback at the speed Neteyam removed his hand from you. In all of 3 seconds he had grabbed his knife and ax and stormed to the door.
“Stay here Mate” before you could protest he was gone.
You slumped down in a heap. Oh great mother what would happen now?!
Part 2
Thanks for reading! Part 2 is up now🥰
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lvrcpid · 2 years
modern!neteyam as your boyfriend!
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ghoul-bonez · 1 year
~I Love You, I Trust You, I See You~
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(Ao’nung x Fem! Deaf! Sully! Reader)
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Summary: When the Sullys moved to Awa’atlu Ao’nung thought they were weird, knew they were weird. He took a particular hatred towards the older Sully kids, Neteyam was the perfect little follower, Lo’ak was constantly in trouble, Kiri was always off in her own world, and you. Just you. You seemed to always ignore him and never talk, but what he didn’t know was it’s because you couldn’t hear him.
Word count: 4.4k
Author’s note: This is the longest oneshot I’ve written at 4.4k words and 9 1/2 google docs pages… Sign language will be normal font, and bold & italics will be spoken, although I try my best to show which is going on.
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I Love You, I Trust You, I See You
When people thought of the Sully family many thought of your siblings. They thought of Lo’ak who was always a troublemaker, causing chaos everywhere he went. They thought of Kiri who seemed so in tune with her surroundings that she might as well be Eywa herself. They thought of Tuk who was the youngest, still enamored by everyday life. They thought of Neteyam, a strong leader who would someday take on the role of Olo’eyktan after your father.
They never thought of you.
You who always seemed to be in your own little world. You who never had any friends. You who never talked. You who always seemed so attentive to the world around you, yet had no desire to join it.
When you were born after your twin Neteyam, a spike of fear had run through everyone in the room when you began to cry, but no sound came out. They feared you may not be breathing right, you may need your airways cleared. They feared something was wrong, and that was true.
When your parents or siblings thought about your family, they thought about you. They thought about how funny you were, always cracking jokes when there was a chance. They thought about how kind you were, taking a moment to check on everyone daily. They thought about how different you were than most.
They thought about you. You who couldn’t hear.
You always seemed to be in your own world, and that drew many away from you, they didn’t want to be friends with someone who they didn’t think was paying attention to them, and to be fair you weren’t paying attention to people most of the time. You preferred to direct your attention to the world around you, always keeping an eye out as you couldn’t hear danger coming.
When you had been caught by Quaritch and his men you had panicked, more than everyone else at least. You didn’t know what was going on, you didn’t know what they were saying, your lip reading was not dependable, and definitely not in english.
When your siblings arms were bound you couldn’t keep yourself calm, now you had no way of communicating, they couldn’t translate for you. Tears streamed down your face, eyes closed as tight as possible to try to calm yourself by blocking out the outside world.
When you felt your captor’s grip on your release your eyes shot open, looking around at the damage around you, multiple avatars dead on the ground. Then you ran, you ran faster than ever before in the first direction you saw.
You ran and ran, eyes trained on everything around you, and when you ran into someone and they grabbed you again it was like a shock. You let out a scream, the first noise anyone had ever heard you make. A noise nobody was aware you could make.
You turned to dead weight in an attempt to get out of their grasp, panic coursing through you again as your eyes couldn’t come into focus. However, the person dropped to the ground with you, pulling your face towards them and holding it still as you tried to thrash. Then they blew air into your face, and you realized you were safe.
When you were younger you would throw temper tantrums, as children do, where you would close your eyes to refuse to listen to your parents. Not being able to see them meant no sign language, which meant no having to listen to them. However your father found one thing always worked, blowing air on your face. Your eyes would shoot open, highly offended with your mouth dropped open, before you would sign at him, “Your breath is gross.” in retaliation.
You had never been more relieved for your dad’s stupid way of getting you to listen. Your eyes finally came into focus and you calmed down seeing his face, but that calm quickly turned into crying, sobbing. You couldn’t help but let out all of the pent up emotion inside of you, but eventually you calmed down and were able to stand back up, staggering your way home with the rest of your family.
Some time later when your parents had been arguing in your family kelku you hadn’t been paying attention as your siblings were, all huddled against the wall. You had been lost in your own world once again, not wanting to know what was being said as you were still processing what had happened earlier. You didn’t need anything on top of that as you feared it would make your careful stack of emotions you had constructed come tumbling down.
They had come tumbling down though as your parents announced you were moving, leaving. Leaving everything you had ever known, your home, your grandmother, the forest you loved so much. You couldn’t help it as you cried again, being held by your mother this time.
However as you thought about it you weren’t that sad. You had always liked the water, everyone not having to hear underwater made you feel more included, more like you belonged, and you had heard the Metkayina used sign language. Maybe this would be a chance to make friends for the first time in your life. Maybe you would be able to talk to people for once, nobody at home taking the time to learn American Sign Language, as your father had called it, like your family had.
One thing you hadn't taken into account was that they used a different version of sign language, but that had become very apparent when you first jumped into the water with Tsireya, Ao’nung, and Rotxo. They used signs you had never seen before, ones you didn’t recognize. You couldn’t help but feel a little beaten down at dinner, staying quieter than usual, not signing as much.
Afterwards your dad had asked you to step outside, waving a hand towards you as he exited the marui.
He sat down on the pathway, and you knew he expected you to join him, so you did. You sat next to him with your feet dangling in the water, looking out towards the horizon, refusing to look at him so you didn't have to have a conversation.
That didn’t last long though as he poked you in the arm, causing you to look at him offended, mouth open and eyebrows raised. He took this as his chance to speak, “You okay, kid?” He signed.
You sighed deeply, fidgeting with your hands before signing, “I’m okay, dad.”
You could tell he didn’t believe you, lips pressed together in a thin line and eyebrows furrowed, “You’re less talkative. What’s wrong?” He signed, proving he didn’t think you were telling the truth.
A frown came to your face, feeling like it was permanently there after the past few days or so, but you continued, “I’m disappointed.”
He raised his eyebrows, surprise and confusion on his face, “About what?”
You looked away from his face, instead choosing to watch his hands, you didn’t want to see the pity on his face, “We don’t speak the same language. I can’t communicate. Everyone else can at least talk to each other.”
His face softened, but you didn’t see it, “It’ll be okay. You’re a fast learner, so you will learn their language quickly, then you can make friends. If anyone actually wants to be your friend.” He meant it playfully, and you saw him laugh, so jammed your elbow in his ribs.
Then the conversation was over, your mom poking her head out of the doorway and saying something to your dad. He just stood up and gave you a look like he was asking, “You good?” and you nodded, “Yes.” back in return.
After your father’s words of encouragement you decided to work harder, learn faster, determined to be able to communicate with the people around you, and a few weeks later you were excelling whereas your siblings were still struggling. They were caught up on the differences of Metkayina sign language versus ASL but you had grasped that there weren’t differences, or similarities, and you would just be learning from scratch.
Even though you were doing well at it, working your way towards being fluent, you were worried about talking to the people, mostly because of one person in particular, Ao’nung. It was as if Ao'nung was determined to ruin your siblings' lives, and yours, but you didn’t know that.
You had seen Ao’nung’s attempts to cause hell for your siblings, nagging at them, laughing at them, and even trying to start fights, with Lo’ak in particular. Him messing with your siblings made you frustrated, but you weren’t aware of the taunts meant to make you upset, and laughing that was meant to make you feel like a target coming towards you from a distance.
The bullying towards your siblings had become more and more frustrating and you had begun showing your anger at home, being rougher with things than usual, and not wanting to go outside of the shared family marui.
It had been peaceful while you and your mom had been working on dinner, but she noticed you seemed to be far off, handling the food with rougher hands, “Are you okay, (Y/n).” Neytiri signed as you placed another fish over the fire.
You rolled your eyes at her, upset she was even insinuating something was wrong. In reality there was, but you didn’t want to admit that, “Yes mama, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” She had asked back, concern on her face as she looked at you closely.
You signed, “Yes.” Trying to end the conversation, but you knew she would just keep pushing.
You saw your mom think for a moment, her face scrunching up in concentration, “Well I am not.”
You frowned more, once again feeling like it had always been there since you left the forest, “Not what?”
She was frowning too now, “I’m not sure you’re fine. I see you isolating yourself. Even from me and your father.” She grabbed your hands, squeezing them gently to show her love in a little way.
Tears welled in your eyes, frustrated tears, tears that came because with all the stress recently they were the only way your brain knew how to process, to cope.
You pulled your hands from hers to wipe at them, “I’m sorry.” was all you could say.
She wiped the tears falling down your face before saying, “Why?”
You sniffled, running your hands down your face before signing, “I see Lo’ak, Kiri, and Neteyam being picked on, and there is nothing I can do. I can’t stand up to the bullies. I can’t say anything.”
“Okay, well soon you will be able to say something. You are learning their sign language, yes? I’ve heard from your siblings you are out working them.” She smiled at you and you could really see how proud of you she was.
You couldn’t help but crack a little smile although tears still threatened to fall, “Yes, mama. I’m getting better, but I’m worried it will be too late though.”
“I’m sure you will do your best, my ‘ite.” She thought for a second, “Why don’t you go try to talk to these kids tomorrow?”
You sighed, you didn’t want to, but you knew your mom would nag you until you agreed, “Okay. Love you.”
She smiled lovingly at you, “Love you too.” before pulling you into a hug.
When tomorrow came you didn’t even want to leave your marui, but you found the strength to do so. You did some of the breathing exercises Tsireya had taught you to try to calm your nerves, and they worked for the most part, steadying you and clearing your head.
However as soon as you stepped outside your marui you regretted it, not wanting to do what you had promised to your mother, but you knew you had to eventually. Eventually, which meant you could fool around as long as you wanted beforehand, and so you decided to settle down for a quick nap on the beach.
When you laid down and closed your eyes you quickly and easily fell asleep. You were still tired from last night when you struggled to sleep from your anxious thoughts.
When the Sullys moved to Awa’atlu Ao’nung thought they were weird, knew they were weird. He took a particular hatred towards the older Sully kids, Neteyam was the perfect little follower, Lo’ak was constantly in trouble, Kiri was always off in her own world, and you. Just you. You seemed to always ignore him and never talk, but what he didn’t know was that it's because you couldn’t hear him.
Ao’nung tried to not let anything get to him, especially when it came to people he didn’t like, like the Sullys, but for some reason you, (Y/n) Sully, had peeved him more than anyone or anything else. He had grown tired of you ignoring him when he shouted or laughed at you, like you didn’t even notice he was there, tired of you flat out avoiding him sometimes as you scurried away when he tried to approach you.
Of course he knew why, he had the same intentions to bully you and make you feel unwanted in Awa’atlu as your siblings. Of course you didn’t want this so you spent most of your time avoiding him, but for some reason instead of him not caring about it, it made him want to get under your skin even more.
When the sun rose today he decided today was the day to act. Today he would confront you head on, face to face. He would make you notice him, and he would make you feel awful in the process. So he gathered his friends, his goons, and they set off to find you.
They first checked with Tsireya who was with the rest of your siblings, but you were nowhere to be found, they all insisted they hadn’t seen you. Then they combed the beach, going from one end to the other, and on the far end they found you peacefully asleep on the soft sand.
He couldn’t help but notice how cute you looked asleep and peaceful, but he quickly shook it off, shouting at you, “Wake up, freak!”
He was targeting your extra finger and the hair above your eyebrows, like he had your siblings because he knew that got to them, and hoped it would do the same to you.
When you didn’t stir he tried shouting again, assuming you were awake, but trying to act asleep to avoid him, “What is wrong with you? Do you not care or are you stupid avoiding me?”
His friends laughed at you when you still didn’t move, eyes not cracking open and your breathing staying the same, so he took the next step, trying something physical. He kicked sand up and over you and finally you stirred, sitting straight up and looking around for the source of the sand, and when you saw him your heart dropped, a lump forming in your throat.
“There we go, now you are paying attention.” He snickered.
You tried to read his lips, but he spoke too fast, and you just stayed silent. You cocked your head to the side, eyebrows drawn together in a look of confusion.
You hesitated for a second, but were about to sign something when he spoke again. “Do you not speak? A silent freak, interesting.” You still didn’t understand exactly what he was saying, but his friends all laughed at you, and although you couldn’t hear it it made you feel small.
“I’m sorry. I can not hear you.” You signed, using Metkayina sign language this time.
He scoffed, “I do not believe that. I think you just don’t want us to bother you, but here we are.” He laughed in your face.
“Please use your hands.” You tried to communicate, but they just wouldn’t listen to you.
“No.” He sneered, this you understood, one single word.
Your mouth dropped open, offense written all over it. You knew he was disrespectful, didn’t care about others feelings, but you would make him care, “I can not hear. I am deaf.”
He was about to retort against you again, but when he had been searching for you earlier that day Neteyam knew he meant trouble, so when he found you he stayed in the shadows, watching, but now Ao’nung had taken it too far.
He surged forwards, anger consuming him, “Step off bro. She can’t hear you.”
“Yeah that is what she just said.” He rolled his eyes, “I do not care though, it is better if she can not hear me. Means I can make fun of her without her knowing.” He signed the last part so you could understand.
You shrunk back, standing to hide behind Neteyam. You tugged on his arm, “It’s okay.” You signed.
“It’s not okay, (Y/n).” He rubbed a hand down his face, turning to Ao’nung, “You need to leave her alone.”
“Whatever.” Ao’nung scoffed before turning and walking away.
Now he knew why you seemed to ignore him, you just didn’t know he was talking to you. You were probably avoiding him because you didn’t know their sign language yet. He felt bad for some reason. He usually wouldn’t feel bad about his bullying but with you it felt different now knowing this.
He couldn’t show his feelings though, worried about his little group making fun of him, but he slowly started to back off of you, and your siblings some as well. Whenever one of his “friends” would ask why, he would reply something like “We can not make fun of a cripple.” and roll his eyes, still a jab at you, but less so.
At some point you became all that consumed his thoughts, on his mind at all times, and whenever he would see you with his sister, or your siblings, he would feel the need to insert himself into the conversation, but he always refrained. He wanted to talk to you, to apologize, but he feared judgment from his “friends” who are just as nasty as he was.
Eventually he couldn’t hold it in anymore, heading to your marui to ask to talk with you, in the way you would understand. When he knocked on the doorway of the family home Lo’ak was the first to notice him, glaring at him and nudging Neteyam in the side, directing his attention towards Ao’nung.
Neteyam stood before either of his parents even noticed the boy in the doorway, stalking over to him and dragging him down the pathway so they could talk, “What do you want?” He hissed out.
Ao’nung cleared his throat, but the words still came out small, nervous, “I came to apologize to (Y/n)...”
“No.” Was all Neteyam said before turning away and starting to walk back into the Sully family’s home.
Ao’nung grabbed his arm before he got too far away, “Please. Please let me talk to her.” He begged, something he didn’t like to do, but it was necessary.
Neteyam sighed, “Fine, but if you do anything I will chop your head off myself.” He threatened the boy, “I’ll go get her.”
It wasn’t long before you stepped out of the marui, a frown on your face and hands he could see shaking, “What do you want?” You signed, hands shaking with nerves.
“I came to say sorry.” He started off, “I’m sorry for bullying you, and your siblings. I promise I won’t do it any more.”
“And?” You asked, knowing there was more.
He looked nervous now, hands shaking as he signed, “I wanted to extend the offer of friendship.”
You looked shocked now, “You want to be friends with me?”
He nodded his head, smiling shyly, “Yes. Absolutely.”
You smiled this time, relieved he would be leaving your siblings alone, and excited to learn more about him, about what he was really like under the bad boy shell, “Okay, friend.”
He just nodded at you, “I have to go now. See you at lessons with Tsireya tomorrow?”
“Of course.” You responded.
When you entered the marui again everyone's eyes were on you, a light blush on your face, “I made a friend.” You smiled.
You could see your parents cheering and clapping for you, but your siblings' faces were unsure, you would have to reassure them later but for now you were all having a family night, playing games and handing out things you had made for each other with the new resources you were getting used to using. They were clunky and awkward, but you would get better, it reminded you of something, of someone.
As days passed into weeks you and Ao’nung had grown closer, him pretty much taking over your lessons, stealing you away from Tsireya who was sad to see you go, but happy for her brother for making a friend, a real friend, not one of his goons that tended to hover around him at all times. You had seemingly broken down his bad boy aesthetic and his goons had since left him, moving onto another leader to follow, still as nasty as ever.
You were grateful for him letting his walls down around you, allowing you to see him, and soon you did. You saw him as more than you ever had before. You couldn’t help but think about courting him, of trading little handmade gifts, and sharing little intimate moments of happiness throughout the day.
It seemed as if he wanted the same as he began bringing you gifts, starting as a little armband he made from you out of hard to find shells he had spent many hours trying to find, then it moved onto necklaces and bracelets. Each was more intricate than the last.
When this started you began to bring him things too, poorly made things because using dried seaweed and palm leaves were different from the materials of the jungle, but you managed. Even though they weren’t the best quality he proudly wore them, gladly accepting every gift you would give.
Everyone had noticed by now, the traded jewelry, the touches that lingered a little too long, and the longing looks when you weren’t together. What baffled people most however was not Ao’nung’s seemingly peaceful side coming out, but the fact that neither of you had officially come out and asked if you were courting.
You were courting, you both knew that, but Ao’nung wanted to put it into words, he wanted to make it official, but he felt the need to fix a couple things first, to get a couple blessings.
So he went to the person he thought would be easiest first, your mom. She had seen you two from afar and already had talked to you about it, encouraging you to pursue him and get what you wanted. She had said she was not Tsahík, but Eywa had shown her signs. So when Ao’nung asked she immediately gave him her blessing, knowing this was something not just he wanted, but something you wanted too.
Then he went to your dad. He was a fierce warrior who commanded respect, and Ao’nung tried his best to be respectful, carefully wording his proposal of courting his daughter. Of course Jake had been hesitant at first, but eventually he caved after Ao’nung had mentioned he already had Neytiri’s blessing.
Finally he went to Neteyam, your twin brother, your best friend since birth. Neteyam was adamantly against it, wanting nothing to do with Ao’nung, and wanting his sister to have nothing to do with him either. He was still on the edge of forgiving Ao’nung, swaying over a cliff where falling meant forgiving Ao’nung for his wrong doings, and when Ao’nung explained his love for you, his intentions to never hurt you and treat you with the respect you deserve Neteyam fell over the cliff, giving the Metkayina boy his blessing.
Once he had gotten their blessings he had invited you to the beach where he had first intentionally seeked you out. You were hesitant to go back there with him, but you gave in, trusting him wholeheartedly.
You love him. You trust him. You see him.
When you got there he pulled you to sit down with him, you both facing each other, and he signed, letting his heart out, letting his feelings show, “I am sorry for any times I have hurt you. I was an ass and a fool, and I wish I had never caused you upset or harm. I am sorry for bullying your siblings too, they did not deserve it, but I was scared by the new people and what they would bring. I now see I should have helped like my sister. I should have been making you feel at home here, not doing the opposite.”
“It’s okay. We’re past that.” You reassured him.
He nodded, continuing, “Now I see how special you are. I see how much you’ve changed me and my views on life. I am grateful for the person you have shaped me into. I am grateful I got the chance to make it up to you. I want to court you. Officially.”
You felt your heart swell, butterflies in your stomach, and you were sure it was showing on your face, “I would love that.”
You moved your hands carefully to cup his face, holding it there as you looked into his eyes, hoping he understood how grateful you were for him too, then you pulled him in, lips brushing against each other before they fully made contact. It was magical, unlike anything you had felt before, and you were happy it was him making you feel this way. So happy, so loved.
When you pulled apart he smiled widely at you, grabbing your hands and giving them a gentle but tight squeeze before using them to say, “I see you. I see you.”
You sign your thoughts from earlier, “I love you, I trust you, I see you.”
He doesn’t say anything else, just smiles, and pulls you back in for another kiss, and you feel at peace. You know he is yours, and you are his. You know he will never leave you, and you will never leave him. You know he loves you, and you love him. You know he sees you, and you see him.
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Word Bank:
Olo’eyktan (Clan leader)
Kelku (Omatikaya homes)
Metkayina (Ocean Na’vi)
Marui (Metkayina homes)
‘Ite (Daughter)
Awa’atlu (Metkayina village)
Tsahík (Spiritual leader)
Eywa (Na’vi Goddess)
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3K notes · View notes
dandelionxbby · 8 months
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Only 658 Days Until We're Back Home
775 notes · View notes
lixiesbrowniess · 1 year
Helloooo, I would firstly like to say that I absolutely adore your writing 🥰🥰 and secondly, I have a request. Could you do a one shot (smut) with Ao’nung x human reader. The human reader came with the Sully’s and, of course, Ao’nung doesn’t like her. One day he finds the reader trying on different Metkayina clothing that his sister made for her and he’s interested in her human anatomy. I think he would be gentle with her as he’s much bigger and doesn’t want to hurt her. The rest is up to you. 💘
Oh my lorddd thank youuu!!! You shall receive it little one
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Oneshot: You're so beautiful I hate you
Ao'nung x fem!human!reader
Words count: 3.8k
Warnings: nsfw, size kink, p in v, bulge kink, aged up characters 18+, gentle sex, Dom/Sub dynamic, penetration, horny stuff, cursing, enemies to lovers, sexual attraction, sexual tension
Aged up to 22 [after the summary]
Na'vi vocabulary: Skxawng: moron, Mawey: calm down, Tawtute: sky person, tsahey: oh crap/oh hell, Awa'atlu: name of the Metkayina village, Pongu Pongu: Na'vi drink (with and without alcohol), Tsaheylu: the act of connecting na'vi's braids
Synopsis: You're Norm Spellman's daughter and after spider has been captured you had to go with the Sully's leaving your still in progress Avatar body there in your father's lab. [Neteyam won't be dead here]
A/N: i had so much fun writing this i swearrr. I was blushing and kicking my legs.
Follow the don't like don't read rule please - minors DNI
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Summary: "Are we there yet?" Tuk whined hugging Neytiri's arm. "No not yet Tuk" her mother said brushing her hair with her hand, "we'll be there soon sweetie now rest". Neytiri planted a kiss onto her daughter's head. You were flying on the Ikrans from the past morning. It was exausting. Since you didn't have a Ikran you had to fly with Lo'ak. Of course you two kept teasing each other and you risked falling at least two times. "Lo'ak would you stop? C'mon bro I don't wanns fall." you hissed him as he tickeld you for the fourth time "You're a skxawng Lo'ak" you heard Neteyam yell from above you. "Ok ok fine" he said taking his hands off your waist. You sighed in relief thanking Neteyam from afar. "Boys stay concentrated." you heard Jake yell from the front "we're almost there" he muttered as you passed by three huge rocks. After that you were too stunned to say anything. Enchanted by the beauty of the teal ocean beneath you. As long as you landed you were surronded by others na'vi, oh how you wished you had your avatar body right now. You felt so tiny, a lot of them hissed and growled at you making you regret for a moment the choice to follow the Sullys. Neteyam, Kiri and Lo'ak kept you between them, avoiding any consequences. "Are those supposed to be tails?" you heard some boys joking about the Sullys looks. "How are they supposed to swim?" one chuckled frendly elbowing his taller friend. A girl Who apparently popped out of nowhere slapped his arm. "Do not. Rotxo, Ao'nung" she stopped the two boys. You smiled at her kindness but those two still laughed at something pointing at Kiri, you couldn't help but say something "In fact we do not swim skxawng" you hissed at them. For a moment it looked like they were surprised to see a sky person talking na'vi, but that soon faded. "And what's a tawtute doing here?" The taller on teased, an evil smirk spreading on his face. You were about to say something when everyone went quiet, a man came riding a really strange mount. As soon as he landed you all greeted him following Jake's move. "We seek Uturu. A sanctuary for our family" you heard Jake conversing with the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahìk of the Metkayina. You noticed the Tsahìk walking towards you, Lo'ak and Kiri. You tried to ignore the pressure and hide from her gaze while she exposed them just for having an extra finger. You obviusly failed when you felt a big ass hand dragging you at the center of attention and almost lifting you from the floor. "You even brought a demon in here!" she exclaimed assuring that everyone could see your little figure. That caused Kiri and Lo'ak to hiss at her, Kiri grabbed your other arm, careful not to hurt you, trying to pull you away from her grasp. Jake stepped in as you struggled to get your poor arm out of the steel grip that woman had on you. "Mawey, Mawey! Ronal, I assure you she's not a treat. Her father helped me fighting the sky people when I was Toruk Makto" That word had a great effect on every one for the second time. She finally released you and walked back to stand behind her mate. He was a lot more serene than her, his voice calm as he spoke "You are forest people your skills will mean nothing here." "We'll learn your ways, we will make ourselves useful. right?" Jake said looking at us we nodded in agreement still not very convinced. After exchanging a few glances the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahìk agreed to let us join their clan. "From now on Jake Sully and his family will be our brothers and sisters. Treat them like ones, teach them our ways so they won't suffer the guilt of being useless." He announced "My son Ao'nung and my daughter Tsireya will educate your children". Oh. oh. That was the chief's son you hissed back to... Tsahey. "Father why-" Ao'nung started to complain "It is decided." his father interrupted him. "Come! I will show you the village." Tsireya looked a lot happier than his brother, at the idea of tutoring us.
Time skip - your lab arrives
The helicopter had landed carrying the lab your father sent you. Max came out of it greeting you. “Hi Y/n I brought you the lab!" He yelled trying to drown out the noise of the helicopter blades.
"Thank you Max!" You yelled back hugging him. He was like a uncle to you. As soon as the helicopter was turned off he rummaged in his briefcase. You were going to sleep there while you waited for your avatar body.
"I brought even a new prototype of the oxygen mask, you can drink and eat even outside the lab." Your jaw dropped "Really??" You jumped happily. It was the first time a prototype could afford such a thing.
"let's go inside I'll show you how to use it" You went inside the box to try the new mask.
"We'll be good here" Jake said looking around the marui. "I think it's pretty" you sang happily entering the marui.
A lot of time has passed from the day you arrived at Awa'atlu. You had fitted quite well in the village. Sure, not everyone liked you but many had started to treat you like their sister. Especially Tsireya, she loved you. She often asked about human life, how your body worked and a lot of science things about you and your avatar body. Yes you told her about the body you'll be having anytime soon. You wished.
Ao'nung liked teasing you a lot and it's not like you could do something about it. Jake wanted no trouble. That was your mantra. "If you think you're one of us you're wrong little one" he would say occasionally "just go back to your planet" this was less usual but still used.
You tried to act like you didn't care, but it was so hard to ignore it. You decided to avoid him and that worked cause you managed to keep him away for two straight weeks, you were really close to organize a party about it.
Today you were invited to Tsireya's marui. It was you, her and Kiri. Just three besties having fun for one entire night. It sounded really great so you agreed very happily.
When you arrived to her marui Kiri was already there "Y/n! You're late!" they both exclaimed as they saw your tiny figure entering the hut. "Yeeah sorry about that, had to finish some things" you said rolling your eyes.
"But no more work now, let's have funn" Kiri chuckled at your feisty attitude "the boys should be at their secret spot so we have my brothers marui all for us!" Tsireya screamed in excitiment. Yes she always talked to you about how big and beautiful Ao'nungs marui was since he moved in it. You weren't completly sure it was safe but still you wanted your revenge so why not.
"And he has Pongu pongu! With alcohol!" Kiri turned to you after announcing it. "And you are gonna try it for sure!" they said in unison before grabbing your arm and dragging you with them.
You looked around carefully all the way up to the famous hut. "C'mon!" Tsireya opened the flap signaling to come in. You and Kiri ran to her and went inside. Tsireya locked the flap to the wooden frame. "Is this really a good-" you muttered looking around "-idea..." turns out Re'ya was right. Ao'nungs marui was breath taking.
"Wow" Kiri whispered looking around. Re'ya just stood there, hands on her hips looking satisfied by yours and Kiris reaction. "Told ya." She said heading were she knew her brother kept the Pongu pongu.
Who would have thought that Ao'nung was so tidy? The decor was so aesthetic, with woven shells hanging from the fabric ceiling, rattling whenever the wind had the chance to enter.
"Found it! C'mon let's drink." You heard Tsireya calling as she found a big jar between all the spears. Kiri pulled out three shallow cups that she had taken from her father and gave one to each of us. "All right, cheersss!!" and with that the drinking night begun.
"Oh Y/n I- *hiccups* I have something for you!" Tsireya staggered forward towards you, she got up and went near the entrance. "Here it is!" *hiccups* she exclaimed raising her arm in the air showing the little clothing she was holding in her hand. "I've made a woven loincloth and a macramè top for you!" She happily jumped handing you the clothing.
"You- *hiccups* shouldn't have Re'ya!" You chuckled admiring her work. "C'mon try it on!" Tsireya cheered "oh yeah go Y/n! Put it on!!" Kiri shouted. "I-I don't know... Should I?" You asked looking at the pretty iridescent shells all over it.
"Fuck yeah you should!" They both exclaimed. You gave in and took off your previous clothing putting on the ones Tsireya gave you. As soon as you finished you did a pirouette, giggling at the light clink of shells.
"Oh Eywa. You look stunning Y/n!" Kiri said as Re'ya agreed nodding her head. "You think?" you asked slightly embarassed. "Of course! I bet you could even fascinate some of the boys" It was Kiris turn to agree in silence as Tsireya elbowed you lightly making you chuckle.
"C'mon Y/n dance!" Tsireya started to tap a rhythm with her hands and tail, "yeah dance!" Kiri chuckled doing the same rhythm. You daced and risked to fall four times as the alcohol had already kicked into your blood making your heart pump faster, adrenaline raising.
All seemed fine until you all heard a confused exclamation coming from the entrance.
"What the fuck!?" Ao'nung's voice roared in the whole hut causing averything to go silent. You, on the other side, had stopped, trying to balance on one leg but falling down miserably.
His eyes wandered around his house and especially on your body, your little body barely covered and showing almost everything, then his eyes darted to his sister and Kiri. He stormed to them lifting them up by their arms "I remember I told you NOT to enter my marui.!" he yelled dragging them outside.
You had to admit you've never saw him so serious, neither so angry. You didn't know if you were scared or attracted to him. "I know, I'm sorry brother" Tsireya said chuckling while he dragged her and Kiri out.
She climbed on him screaming and laughing and as he tried to get her off she removed the string that was holding up his hair letting them fall all over his back. "Tsireya! You drinked Pongu pongu! Oh Eywa you can't drink it yet, it's alcohol!" he said exasperated "Dad is gonna kill us." he face palmed himseflf before turning to you.
"And you-" he walked up to you, his long black curls swinging left and right; lifted you by your waist and hold you up to his face. Yeah, you just discovered, that his hand was big enough to hold your whole waist. He stopped for a moment eying you up and down, then he spoke "Cover yourself. I can see everything" he said walking out and placing you down.
He the entered his marui and closed the flap. You were left spechless. Still processing his HAIR, still processing his HAND and still processing he just admitted he saw your whole body.
As for him, he thought about your body all night long and didn't get some sleep. He really didn't expected to found you out of his door right the next morning.
Time skip - that morning
Your ears rung, you heard a lot noise and youl felt a pair of hands shaking you trying to wake you up. Your head was spinning, you slowly opened your eyes and rubbed them.
"Thanks to Eywa! Tought you were dead." The blurred figure spoke standing and towering over your curled up body. You hummed supporting your head with your hand. "Oww, did a Tsurak ran over me?" you muttered sitting up and blinking till the blurr faded.
"No it's the Pongu pongu you drank yesterday" Your eyes shot open as you finally reconized the voice. You looked at him still having the worst headache ever. He must've noticed cause he grinned at you "I don't think a human can handle na'vi alcohol as good as us." he spat mockingly.
You rolled your eyes "Listen Ao'nung, I'm sorry for what happened in your hut yesterday, we..." you stopped remembering what you actually did "uhm..." you looked to your clothes and discovering you had the macrame and woven clothing Tsireya weaved for you.
"You ate your tongue?" he tilted his head at your silence. You remembered what he said about your clothing and jumped covering your upper parts with your arms.
"Well i can't leave you here" he mumbled "Not like that" he lifted you with his arm and took you inside his marui. You were embarrassed to be wearing that.
You liked it of course, it was gorgeous, but you felt so naked right now, in front of the Olo'eyktan son. He sat you on the woven mat. He never treated you like that. It was the first time he was with you and still didn't throw any insult to you.
"I know it's sudden but I want to ask you a few things." He spat feisty. You blinked looking at him "W-what" you asked waiting for him to just spit it out, while admiring his face.
Yeah that alcohol must've been really strong because you were starting to find him attractive. His lips while he spoke, his adam apple bobbing every time he swallowed, his aquamarine eyes locking to yours.
"Are you even listening?" He asked awaking you from your trance, you looked at him biting your lower lip and raising your eyebrows questioning him.
He smirked slyly getting closer to your face and gently tapping on your mask "you can't breath without this right?" He asked tilting his head, still with that damn smile adorning his face.
"That'sー correct." You quickly answered trying to increase the distance between you two. "Then why aren't you breathing?" He whispered stopping you from getting away from him and pulling you closer.
You were inches from each other's, you could see your mask fogging up every time he exhaled. "Do you know your stretching limits?" His smile never faltered as he spoke. You blushed furiously at his question as you opened and closed your mouth like a goldfish.
You gulped as you felt his hands sneaking around you waist "how are you so small?" he mumbled looking up and down your body. What's going on? why was he so intrested in your human anatomy. "You're the big one!" you blurted out.
He put pressure on your lower belly causing you to gasp lightly, you were being pushed down until your back was in full contact with the woven mat, he hovered over you making you look even smaller.
"Your reproductive system works like ours right?" he took a handful of your hair inhaling your scent. "Just without tsaheylu" he finished his sentence before licking your neck, you yelped at the sudden move pushing him from the chest trying to push him away.
"W-what are you doing!? are you crazy?!!" you screamed feeling the blood rushing to your cheeks. He smirked again grabbing your wrists with one hand, while the other one clutched around your neck softly "just stop fighting and answer my questions" He pierced holes in your eyes as he stared into them.
You squirmed trying to get free from his grasp, your heart started racing as he leaned toward you. You clasped your hands around the wrist of the hand that was around your neck "Iー do not know my stretching limits." you muttered squinting your eyes whishing that would make him stop.
He did stop for a mere second before whispering into your little ear "Guess we're about to find out." You felt heat pooling in your abdomen causing you to feel wrongly horny.
You could feel your body wanted it, but you knew it was just so wrong. You still squirmed as he took the woven loincloth off of you, his breath fanned on your mask as he freed your neck from his grasp placing his hand onto your thigh.
He lightly squeezed it observing your reaction. Your lips were slightly parted and your hot breath fanned onto the mask. You reflexively tried to close your legs just to be stopped by him.
His hand went lower finding your heated core. His touch ghosted onto your clit making you bite your lower lip. "I think it's better if I use my fingers first." he whispered lining his fingers to your leaking entrance.
You jolted as he started to push two digits inside of you, a filthy moan left your lips as he plunged his fingers deep inside you. You felt them brushing on your cervix. "So warmー" he started to breathe heavily, you felt his dick slowly getting hard against your thigh.
He began to pump his fingers inside you causing a pleasure you never felt, you closed your eyes abandoning yourself to his touch, you felt a knot forming in your core. His fingers sped up scissoring you, causing a loud moan to leave your throat.
You arched your back as you felt him add another finger, fucking his three digits into your pussy, you squirmed as the stretch felt painful. His thumb glued to your clit as he noticed.
The pain slowly changed to pleasure again, you called out his name as you felt his fingers deliciously hitting your sweet spot "I-I'mー" you whimpered, your walls clenched around his digits as the knot started tightening.
He pulled his fingers out right when you were at the edge of your orgasm, you cried in frustration as your walls clenched around nothing. "Don't worry little one." he muttered removing his loincloth, letting his rock hard cock slapping against his stomach "I'm right here" he scanned your face as his smirk widened.
He spread your legs and pulled them, lowering your knees till they touched your sides. Your breath hitched when he adjusted himself between your legs.
He lined his tip to your hole causing you to tremble softly. "No worries baby, I'll make it work" he tried to assure you as he rubbed your thighs with his thumb.
You were scared. Your father actually told you not to have a sexual act with a Na'vi unless you had your avatar body. It could've been dangerous, not fatal of course but still not a good idea.
"Wanna establish a safe word?" You looked at him with your already watering eyes. He released your wrists letting your little hand grip his shoulders. You nodded slowly and whispered it to him. "Alright, scream it if it's too much okay?" You nodded again.
He started pushing his hips forward watching as your cunt slowly swallowed his tip, you groaned at the stretch. "It hurtsー" you yelped softly, feeling your cunt spreading in attempt to adapt to his size. "It's gonna be fineー" he murmured leaning his forehead onto your shoulder.
He kept pushing until he felt himself bottoming you out. Your cries were melodic to his ears. Little less than half of his shaft could still see the light. "A little more" he growled breathless as he rolled his hips gently, managing to make your cunt engulf another bit of his dick.
He moved his hand onto the big bulge that formed on your lower belly gently pressing on it. You moaned loudly, holding yourself to his shoulders as you felt him shift deep inside you.
He started moving slowly, waiting for your pussy to get used to him inside you. His hands reached your breasts and started to knead them causing you to whimper. He felt your walls slowly relaxing around his girth "alrightー here we go."
He slowly pulled out, till only his tip was left inside, then thrusted back in hitting your sweet-spot making your legs tremble in his grip. He threw his head back, feeling you clench around his hardness like your life depended on it.
His thrusts increased in speed as he fucked himself inside you, making you scream his name in pleasure. Tears soaked your whole face, you couldn't stop the moans coming out of your throat. He pulled you to meet his pelvis, gripping your tiny waist.
His thrusts were steady and strong, his hips rolled deliciously into yours, rhythmically hitting your cervix and g-spot, making you wince every time your cunt swallowed him.
"who would've guessedー" he grunted "your human body could take me so well" he looked down at the bulge on your belly.
"Ao'nung I'm closeー" you cried as he increased his pace even more holding your waist, fucking the most beautiful sounds out of you. He admired the bulge his dick formed on your abdomen everytime he buried inside your cunt.
"Let go little oneー don't hold back" he said twisting and teasing your clit with his fingers. Your legs shook at the intense pleasure, "let me feel your juices." He groaned pulling your legs up on his shoulders hitting a deeper with the new angle.
Your jaw fell open as his cock threatened to pierce your cervix. Your body arched against his as you came undone, squirting all over his pelvis as his hips kept snapping against yours with hunger.
"Holdー on a little longer." He grunted throwing his head back and gripping your waist tightly as he felt his orgasm approaching "almost there" he growled breathing heavily.
He pushed himself deep inside you for the last time, releasing his load directly into your womb, filling you to the brim "ahh yess-" he growled fucking you both out of your orgasm.
He slowly pulled out of your quivering walls, letting your legs fall down gently. some of his seed leaked down on your thighs. He suddenly took you in his arms and placed you into his hammock as he cleaned up the woven mat.
"We'll certainly have a lot of chances to increase your stretch." He chuckled sitting on the floor, next to you. "That's not funny" you mumbled, your heart still racing.
"I have a great idea. Maybe next time we can your your marui" you imagined he was referring to your lab "so you can take off that mask" he cooed leaning towards your shoulder and kissing it.
You rolled you eyes "now would you mind asking me real questions about human anatomy?" He chuckled lightly "maybe i will."
A/N: this might become a series?? (anon if you see this plsss claim an emoji this idea was soooo good)
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neptunes-curse · 2 years
Can you pls do a headcanon of Neteyam being the reader's boyfriend and Jake and neytiri rooting for them both?? I'd highly appreciate it.
Neteyam’s Parents Rooting For You Headcannons
pairing: Neteyam x Omaticaya!reader
authors note: thank you so much for this request! it’s really cute :) I got so many requests for Avatar and i’m working through them all. Thank you guys for sending them in! this also slowly turned into childhood friends to lovers but also jake and neytiri rooting for them too is in there some <3
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You and Neteyam were childhood friends, you were never without each other
before you two were dating, you would often run around th forest exploring things for fun
you would be with eachother for hours at a time
but you never fought or argued
it felt like you could never get tired of eachother
you agreed on almost everything
when you were younger, you would play a lot of make belive games
you would be the princess and Neteyam would be the warrior who saved you
and when he defeated the “bad guys” or “monsters” you’d give him a kiss on the cheek and he’d blush like crazy
your mother was good friends with Neytiri, and they would joke together about the two of you getting married
they’d teased the two of you, aswell
“You know, the two of you could mate someday”
“Mama! Ew!”
“Just saying….”
The teasing never stopped, really
when the two of you got a little older, around 10, the other kids in the village starting noticing how close you were
they would tease Neteyam about the the most
most of the girls would jealous
Neteyam is a cute boy 🤷‍♀️
But when anoyone would make fun of you, Neteyam was the first to defend you.
If anyone said anything, he would basically jump to your side
but if anyone said anything about you two crushing on eachother, he would just sit back and blush
because, frankly, he did have a crush on you
he thought you were really pretty and sweet
but you were also best friend’s, so there that
since lo’ak is only one year younger than Neteyam and you, he knows about the teasing and the crush
one day, when the Sully family was all together, he decided to bring it up
Jake already had an idea, i mean you and Neteyam are together 24/7
but when Lo’ak brings it up one day while they are eating, Jake is intrigued.
“Neteyam likes Y/n anyway.” Lo’ak said.
“Y/n? Hm, she’s nice.” Jake added.
“NO! Friends. We’re only friends.” Neteyam responded. that was the end of the discussion.
Jake knew not to mention you in any romantic way after that.
Now, you were both 14.
It was sunset and you and Neteyam had decided to run off to the outskirts of the village to watch the eclipse.
you and Neteyam had started dating secretly about two months ago
It was easy to get time alone, but it was hard to keep the relationship secret.
atleast you guys thought it was a secret.
(everyone knows)
well anyway, you and Neteyam found a place to sit on a branch or something a little ways away from the village.
the two of you were sitting together, and your head was laying on his chest.
it was pretty late and you had had a tiring day, so you fell asleep on him.
Neteyam felt bad if he moved you so he just let you stay there
he eventually fell asleep too
meanwhile, back in the village Neytiri and your mother were freaking out
i mean they didn’t know where you two were an it was after eclipse
they recruited jake too and they all went looking for you two.
after a couple minutes, Jake stumbled upon the branch you two were sitting on
all he could do was laugh.
i mean Neteyam had been denying it for 13 years- and now you two were together.
Jake started to walk back trying to find Neytiri and your mother to explain the situation to them
Your mother wasn’t having that though, her baby was going to get home.
Your mom went to go wake you up, also waking up Neteyam in the process
The two of you quickly jumped off eachother and chuckled akwardly
When Neteyam got home, he could not hear the end of it.
Of course the word had already gotten around to his siblings.
He decided to just go to sleep, but Jake had one final word to say before that.
“You know, she would make a great Tsahik.”
This time, though, Neteyam didn’t have to deny it.
“Yeah. She would.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
hey! if you liked his fic, you should read this one right here. thank you so much for all the likes :)
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
okay, love I've got something in my mind for a fic.
reader is mate to ao'nung, but they're in love with each other and reader is the future tsahik for metkayina clan (ronal choose her because she's really adore her) and she's learning to became a tsahik but also travel to another clan to learning from their tsahik. when she came back from her trip, she didn't know there's jake sully fams live in her clan. then she's getting close to the sully's and tell them about the trip. then little suprise is one of sully's boys have feeling for her and confess to her but they don't know that she's already mate with ao'nung.
i leave the rest to you, ma'dear. i hope it's not make you confused 😭😭
thank you, love your works🤍🤍🤍
Are You Jealous
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summary: neteyam takes notice of the metkayina’s future tsa’hik who also happens to be ao’nung’s future mate. jealously seeps through ao’nung and y/n is there to clean it off him.
1.1k words
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You and Ao’nung promised yourself to each other years ago. It had always just been you and him, never leaving each other’s side. Growing so close to Ao’nung and his family you became close with Ronal to learn the ways of a future Tsa’hik. She adored you. She thought you were perfect for Ao’nung and knowing that you were one of the best healers this clan had ever seen it was out of the question for anyone but you to be future Tsa’hik.
It had become tradition between the Metkayina and the neighbouring clans to teach their future Tsa’hiks. To expand their knowledge outside of what just the clan knew to perfectly interpret Eywa’s will. You had been at a neighbouring clan for around seven eclipses and were set to head home the next morning. You missed your bed, your family but most of all you missed Ao’nung, you wanted to recount every experience you’ve had with him while you laid in his embrace.
Arriving back on the shoreline of your island you didn’t expect such a fuss to be made when you arrived.
“Y/N is back everyone!” Tsireya shouted to the large group she was with and ran up to where you were getting off your ilu to get back to your home.  
Tsireya, Ao’nung and Roxto all came to greet you. Tsireya knocked you into a hug almost toppling you over. “Be careful!” Ao’nung sneered at his sister as he snaked a hand behind your back to give you a tight embrace. You could feel just how much he missed you by how his fingers dug into the flesh of your back.
Turning to the side you spotted four people standing behind Tsireya all waiting for her to explain who you were and why everyone was excited to see you.
But you were confused, they weren’t from any sea clans, they’re bodies were smaller, and their skin was a darker blue than the rest of yours. Tsireya noticed both groups confusion and chuckled slightly.
“Y/N these are the Sullys, they came from the forest for refuge and they’re adjusting amazingly well.” Ao’nung scoffed at this crossing his arms.
“Sullys this is Y/N, she just came back from our sister clan to learn more about being a Tsa’hik.” You waved to them as they all waved back to you. This was an odd addition you were not expecting to be there when you came back but you were not opposed.
You soon learnt all the names of the Sully kids. Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk. They were all unique in different ways, but you seemed to spend more time with Neteyam and Kiri. Kiri was always with you as you developed a close bond with her but Neteyam? He followed you around like a lost child. He was just always there, and you accepted the fact.
“It wasn’t too different to the way we did things.” You were explaining your experience with your sister clan to Kiri and Neteyam. “I did learn quite a few more medicines and stuff of that sort. Better ways to heal the sick and keep my people healthy.”
“It must’ve been fascinating!” Kiri exclaimed, you noticed her enthusiasm for everything about nature, you could see her being so connected to Eywa it brough you both together.
It was hard to converse with such a piercing gaze dig into your side. You could feel Neteyam’s eyes burn into you. Still, you didn’t want to acknowledge the fact.
He was sure to understand that you were promised to someone else. Or maybe he didn’t care, either way you were sure to not feed into his infatuation of you.
“I could definitely teach you guys more about it!” Neteyams eyes widened in joy. The suggestion of spending time with you sparked his interest.
“Please do Y/N, it would be good to…learn…” Neteyam said brushing your shoulder with the tips of his fingers lightly. His skin against yours made you shudder, it wasn’t the same as when Ao’nung touched you.
 You looked at him seeing an odd spark in his eyes, deciding against the better odds you decided it was just your fatigue and you were making things up.
But no, it wasn’t the fatigue that was making you see Neteyam’s action and from a far Ao’nung watched as his chest rose in jealously. He swore if that freak was to put another finger on you he’d cut each of his fingers off.
“Well meet me here tomorrow, I’ll teach you more about the plants and what they do.” You smiled at them both before heading back to your pod. Neteyam’s touch and Neteyam’s eyes lingered in your mind, something about them made your stomach turn, in the worse way possible.
 Walking towards Ao’nung who resided in his family’s marui you saw his angry nature. The way his lips pursed, and his eyes furrowed. The way his breathing was fast and the way that as soon as you stood in front of him he ingulfed you into a desperate kiss.
His mouth was moving desperately, his hands roaming across your body. His eyes shut tight focusing on the sensation of his lips on yours. You weren’t against it, but you knew something was wrong.
Breaking from a kiss you caressed his cheek watching his angry stature dissipate. “What is wrong my love?”
“That forest boy.” He scowled getting angrier even thinking about the way his fingers glossed over your skin.
“Be calm and tell me what the problem is.”
Ao’nung groaned as he looked away from your gaze. He was so jealous, and he was embarrassed to say it. “He likes you. That freak is all up on you!”
Realization hitting you with Neteyam’s odd behaviour towards you. The lingering, the following, the touches. It was so obvious. Yet, you wanted to ignore it, so it didn’t end up with Neteyam being hurt and Ao’nung beating the ever-loving shit out of him.
“Oh is my Ao’nung jealous-”
“Shut up”
You pushed him lightly as you travelled your hand down his arms to grab his hands that were balled into fists. His grip released with you touch. He was totally undone by you, you were his biggest strength and weakness.
Sighing he sat down still holding onto your hand looking up to you. He was perfect, the way the setting sun reflected through his eyes made him look ethereal. How could he ever be jealous? You wanted nothing but him since you were born.
“Y/N can you please tell that stupid forest boy to leave you alone, go swim away and never return.” He was joking but the way he said it was so desperate it made you let out a giggle.
“How about you join me tomorrow when I teach them about some stuff I learnt, you can show him that we’re promised and promise me not to get jealous again. How about that?”
“I’d rather punch him.”
“Sorry….yes I’ll come.” Giggling at his manner you sat beside him resting a head on his shoulder.
He smiled at the way you found comfort on him. He was yours and you were his. No silly forest freak would get in the way of that.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too.”
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authors note: thankyou so much for requesting! i hope you enjoyed. please request some other characters guys! i have many ao'nung fics in line!
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nattikay · 1 year
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[...] He presses a quick peck to her lips before crouching down until he’s level with her stomach. He leans forward and peppers kisses around her belly button, rubbing soothing circles against the extended skin with his hands. “And I missed you too, littlest one,” he whispers. “I wanna give the baby a kiss too!” Neteyam says, crowding against Jake to leave his own kiss on the curve of Neytiri’s belly. Jake laughs and scoots over, making room for the baby's big brother to show his love. Kiri shifts and leans into Neytiri’s side, causing Neytiri to wrap an arm around their daughter. Kiri places a hand on her mother’s belly and pats it gently as if reassuring the baby that she’s there and ready to be the best big sister possible. Lo’ak pushes himself under Jake’s arm and curls into his side – his little arms tight around Jake’s neck. He doesn’t offer to kiss or touch Neytiri’s belly. Out of all the kids, he’s the one struggling with the idea of a new sibling the most. Jake thinks it’s just because Lo’ak has been the baby for as long as he can remember and is afraid of his place in the family being usurped. Jake hopes that once the baby is born, Lo’ak will realize that he isn’t being replaced and grow to love his new sibling. [...]
-Chaos Theory by WriterInWhite
this scene was just sooooooooo cute, I had to draw it!! 😭 this is the kind of fic we need more of plz fandom im begging
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bombuni · 1 year
modern au atwow tweets ! p.2
- little neteyam x reader but mostly just goofy tweets
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kiris-wife · 2 years
illicit affairs pt two | kiri sully
summary: feeling like a second option, kiri has been avoiding you since the night she confessed at the beach; reader has to try to make things right with her soon, but you just got yourselves into a bigger mess. read pt one!
genre(s): angst. like. lots of it.
warnings: ao'nung being an asshole but it's really subtle, aged up characters, cheating, emotional and a lil heavy makeout sesh ig, kiri is not being treated right sorry lmaooo, neteyam is alive here because i'm delusional, the girls have a looot of mixed feelings, this is not as good as the first part
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it's been a week since kiri last saw you. in fact, it's been a week since she left her family's marui, isolating herself from everyone, even her siblings. she was heartbroken, truly. especially because you didn't even try to visit her. regretting leaving home on that damn night, the girl couldn't keep tears from falling down from her eyes. if you hadn't kissed, everything would be normal right now. if only she wasn't so idiotic, you would still be with her.
and she felt angry, too. angry because you didn't had the guts to sort things out. angry because you wouldn't leave ao'nung. she knew you were scared of this situation, as much as she was. she was angry because you were a coward. and mostly, she was angry because she couldn't stop loving you. but who was she to call you a coward anyways? it's not like she was trying to make things right too. her head was a mess, bottled up feelings from all the past years coming to haunt the poor girl.
her feelings for you were old news; you have been kiri's whole word since you were fourteen. but she knew the two of you was never going to happen. so she settled with being your best friend, comforting you whenever your stupid ass boyfriend hurt you or when you got into those awful fights with your parents just to protect him. but since that night at the beach, something lit up inside of her — for a brief moment, she felt like you could be happy together.
nonsense. soon, you and ao'nung were going to be mated before eywa; you would be forever stuck with him mistreating and cheating on you. and kiri would be alone forever, because let's be honest, she couldn't love someone as much as she loved you.
she heard footsteps getting closer. more than anything, her heart wished it was you, saying that you were leaving ao'nung. that she was the choosen one. but of course this was just a stupid dream of hers.
"kiri?" her brother called, entering the marui. she let out an annoyed sigh in response, hiding her face on the pillows. "come on. when are you going to leave?"
"i do not want to be bothered right now, neteyam."
"just tell me what's going on. everyone is worried — y/n has been asking about you."
oh no. kiri felt her chest tighten, unsuccessfully trying to fight the loud cry that was threatening to leave her mouth due to the mention of your name, her grip on the pillows getting harder each time she sobbed. she hated worrying everyone like this. the older boy sat down beside his sister, gently resting a hand on her back.
soon, neteyam added two plus two. the reason kiri was so down lately was because of you. that's why you hadn't come to visit yet. "did you guys... get into a fight?"
"a bad one." she cried. "a really, really bad one."
"things like this happen all the time kiri, you've been best friends for so long. i'm sure you guys will be attached to the hip again in no time."
"no... you don't get it!" the girl abruptly sat up, puffy eyes from crying hours before. "i love her, neteyam. i don't want to be y/n's friend anymore! i'm sick of this. she treats me like i'm special, says that she feels something for me and then pretends that i don't exist... this is not fair at all." kiri couldn't believe the words that just escaped her lips. she never confessed her feelings for you to anyone, what was it with her and saying compromising things without thinking these days? "i- forget about it. pretend you didn't hear this."
neteyam looked at his sister, wide eyed. this was a lot to digest — you and your boyfriend always seemed so happy, giggling and holding hands whenever the two of you were together outside. "isn't she dating ao'nung?"
"seriously... you never heard the rumors? that asshole keeps cheating on her every week; and she forgives him. and then whose shoulder she cries on? mine. im the one who's always there for her, not him." she paused for a moment. why was she talking so much? kiri couldn't recognise herself — she was always so rational. "she didn't cheat on him or something. we just talked, before you lecture me." she was lying, of course. but he didn't have to know all the details.
"i wasn't going to." he needed to chose his next words carefully; neteyam felt a little bit of resentment towards you now for treating his sister like that. but he knew you were a good person — just a confused one. "the both of you need to talk about this. go after her. she's probably scared of what is going to happen next."
"no. i won't go after her. i chased y/n my whole life. if she wants me, she'll have to look for me."
he sighed. such a stubborn girl. "can you at least go outside for a bit? play with tuk or something, help mother out with her tasks; just try to do something to distract yourself. drowning yourself in your own misery will do no good for you."
"...fine. but i won't look for her."
half asleep on ao'nungs chest, you found yourself replaying last weeks event in your head — kiri has been avoiding everyone, and you were the one responsible for it. "our relationship is ruined and it's my fault. i have to make things right again."
no. you didn't want to be her friend. you wanted to be with her. kiri sully was the one consuming your thoughts everyday, making your heart skip a beat whenever you were around her; kiri sully was the one that made your skin felt like it was burning whenever she touched you. and being away from her was killing you.
but at the same time you felt like you couldn't leave ao'nung. he has been by your side since you were children: he was one of the very friends friends you made. he was your first kiss, your first time. your first boyfriend. you were supposed to be mating soon, ronal's preparations for you to become the next tsa'hik had already started — his parents really loved you like a daughter. how could you disappoint everyone like this?
guilt was eating you alive. how could you be thinking of another person like this while laying on your boyfriend's chest? this was one of the very few moments you were getting along, and you couldn't care less about it anymore.
then you remembered. he always did the same thing you were doing right now. and you always forgave him. if he could do that, why couldn't you do the same? he never thought about your feelings before screaming at you, cheating and saying all kind of awful things. he never thought about what the others would think, the disappointment and shame that he was putting you and his family through with all the rumors going around. so fuck him.
you slowly get up, avoiding to look him in the eyes. "we have to go. don't you have some training to do?"
"no, not right now. father will call me when he's ready. why are you acting like this?"
"what do you mean? i'm acting normal."
"you're not even looking at me, y/n. don't tell me you're still upset about last week."
"i don't know. maybe i am."
"oh my god, you're so dramatic. i already said i'm sorry, baby, come on. don't be so hard on me." he was now hugging you from behind, caressing your body.
a few months ago, if he had done this, you would've melted like butter. but right now all that you wanted to do was get away from your boyfriend's grip and find the one you wanted the most; no. that you needed the most.
"ao'nung... not right now, okay? i have to leave. but i promise i'll see you later. go after for your father, he's probably looking for you." you tried your best to not sound anxious or bothered, giving him a quick peck on the lips before opening the marui and making your way to the sully's house.
bingo. she was about the leave, her older brother behind her. it was the perfect opportunity — you were going to be alone and sort this once and for all. approaching the omaticaya, you softly call her name.
"kiri?" now that she was right there after all this time, you wanted to run away. turn your back and pretend that this never happened. but you couldn't.
the girl looked at you with an angry expression; kiri felt a wave of rage consume her. seriously? only after a week you were trying to talk to her? she wanted to give you a slap across the face. "what?"
"i believe we need to have a talk" you signed to the empty house, an awkward smile on your face. "neteyam, could you give us some privacy please? i'll be quick with her." he frowned. neteyam had the feeling that leaving you two alone in this situation wasn't a good idea. but he gave you a nod and left anyways.
closing the marui, you looked at your friend. you knew this reprimanding look she was giving you too well; but this time it was different. she was actually mad at you, and it broke your heart knowing that you had hurt her. "so?"
"so." you looked down, fidgeting with your fingers. "i guess i owe you an apology."
"no shit. what else?" she sat down, trying to keep the composure. but you knew her too well. you could tell she was hurting — kiri had lost a little bit of weight, dark circles around her eyes. even her voice was different, like she was trying hard to not cry in front of you.
"i meant what i said. i love you, kiri. i'm sorry i didn't look for you sooner. i'm too scared of this shit. everyone is expecting something of me and i just- i'm a mess right now. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. i don't want to lose you." now you were crying, the feelings you've been holding for so long coming out. you wished that things weren't so hard. that you could just be with her already. kneeling down to look at her, you held the girl's face with you hands. "i don't want to hurt you. i don't want to hurt us. please, help me clean this mess up."
kiri couldn't hold the tears back anymore, touching your foreheads together, her hand holding yours. "i love you y/n. but you're not mine."
"no. you're wrong. i belong to you, ma'kiri. you're the one that has my heart."
she kissed you. a stupid decision, but kiri couldn't keep herself away from you. she needed to feel the sensation of your soft lips on hers again, to feel your taste. it was needier than the last time, hungrier; your tongues fighting for dominance, the salty taste of the tears you both were letting out getting in the middle. her hands made their way to your hips while your arms were wrapped around her neck.
soon you were on top of the omaticaya, sitting on her lap. separating the kiss to breathe, kiri couldn't help the guilt that was overflowing her body. "i need to stop this." she thought. and yet, she pulled you closer into another passionate kiss. her hands were pressed on your back — she just had to feel you close to her, your heartbeats in sync with each other. she wanted to mark you as hers now. resisting the urge to pull her braid out, the girl broke the kiss again. her heart kept saying to continue this. but her brain kept screaming at her to stop; she couldn't let you do this to her.
leaving open mouthed kisses to her neck, your mind was foggy — you needed to make up for the lost time. how could you not realize how much you loved this woman before? "i love you so much. i love you so much it hurts. please don't ever leave me again, this week without you was terrible, kiri. i never want to be away from you again." it sounded like a desperate cry, and it made kiri's heart flutter; she have seen you being vulnerable before, but now this was so different. and even though she loved this — and you — she needed to put an end to it. it wasn't right.
"fuck- y/n. stop. let's stop it. this is wrong."
you lifted your head up to look at her, feeling disappointed. gosh, she looked so beatiful; teary eyes and swollen lips, her chest rising up and down. "are you sure?"
"i won't let you make me a side chick." she needed you. but she couldn't lower down her level so much.
"love, no. you're not a side chick. you're kiri, my kiri. you're my-"
"your what? your girlfriend? stop this." she wanted to cry again. this wasn't going get you anywhere. "y/n. if you really love me like you say, if you don't feel anything for him. leave him. so we can be together." getting off her, you sit down beside your friend. was it even right to call her your friend now?
"it's not that simple, kiri..."
"it is. it is that simple. if you really loved me, you wouldn't be hesitant in breaking up with that jerk!" she was crying again; it broke your heart seeing her like this. you felt so lost, scared of what others might think — the future olo'eyktans girlfriend suddenly breaks up with him and gets with a girl the next day. but deep down you knew you couldn't sacrifice your happiness because of all the gossip.
"i'll do it. i'll end things with him. i just need some time."
"time for what? i don't get you."
"ma'kiri, just trust me. we will be together. i see you."
you kissed her again, and to your surprise she didn't pull away. kiri knew how wrong it was, and it hurt, it really did — having to share you with someone else. but she couldn't say no to her heart anymore.
because for you, kiri sully would ruin herself a million times.
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taglist; @sseleniaa @tejas-kris
authors note: not me dividing this into parts again oops! i'll make a last part if you guys want (i actually will do it even if you don't want me to bc i can't finish the story with kiri being done like that), i'm really scared to disappoint yall since a lot of ppl seemed to like the first chapter but i swear im trying my best lmao
likes + reblogs are appreciated ♡
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loose-angel · 2 years
My Princess | Neteyam
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pairing: Neteyam x na'vi! reader summary: What happens when you suddenly realize your feelings for your childhood best friend, Neteyam Sully? tags: fluff, miscommunication (a tiny bit), just cute stuff :3, childhood friends to lovers w/c: 1.8k notes: aaaaaa i hope u guys like this T T took me sooooo long to write,, i still have crazyyyyy writers block but im doing my best to make the best shit for this community <333 anw enjoy the read!!
You had grown up incredibly close to Neteyam. Watching as his youthful features had turned sharp, watching as he filled out his body, shoulders broadening, voice deepening, and muscles forming. Truth be told, you had not entirely noticed the change. You saw him everyday, it was almost a routine to be around one another, whether you’re dining with the Sullys, or Neteyam (and his siblings) dining at yours, you two were attached by the hip. Inseparable. So it came as a surprise to you when one day, you suddenly noticed just how much your best friend had changed. 
He greeted you in the morning, just like every morning, both him and Lo’ak offering you flowers they picked out on the way to your house. It was more of a brotherly-love action than anything else. Though you noticed something different.
“Good morning princess,” Neteyam smirked as Lo’ak bowed, offering his flower obnoxiously.
Was Neteyam’s voice always this low? Did his smile always make you feel fluttering in your stomach? Since when did his arms get so big?
“Morning losers,” You cleared your throat, bashful, you looked away, letting your braids cover your eyes. “Thanks for the flowers.” you grab the flowers out of their hands and place them in a vase along with the rest of the flowers they had gifted you this week.
“So what’s the plan today?” You ask.
Lo’ak throws an arm around you, pulling your body into his, “No idea, why don’t you play dolls with Kiri or something.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, you know what? I’d rather spend time with Kiri than your sorry asses.” With that, you began sprinting towards the Sully home. As you ran, you hear similar steps behind you. You turn around and are met with the sight of the two Sully brothers chasing after you. You squeal. You picked up the pace, light on your toes.
Your fear dissipates as you approach the entrance to the Sully household, you were a few feet away when you felt a heavy impact on your body. You fall to the ground with a grunt. 
You look up at your attacker, hissing. 
“So sorry princess,” Neteyam fusses, pushing himself up to make it so that he is hovering over you, instead of putting his entire body mass on your small frame. This was usual between the two of you. You guys always wrestled and more often than not, Neteyam wins those sessions. So why is it now that you flush under his gaze? Before you approach your conclusion, Neteyam waves a hand in front of your face.
“Get up lazy skxawng!” Lo’ak snickers as he passes the both of you. You push yourself up and dust your loin cloth, clearing your throat. 
You hated how you were so affected over his little nickname for you. Neteyam (and Lo’ak) have been calling you princess ever since you three learned how to talk. Again, it was more of a brotherly-love kind of thing, especially because you grew up with no other siblings after you. So they decided to become your brothers, yet now, you can’t seem to feel anything less than a crush on your mock ‘older brother’.
Kiri steals you away from her brothers the moment you step foot in their home, dragging you into a rather isolated corner. 
“Y/N! I feel there’s something you’re not telling me,” She grinned, peering up at you cheekily. There was nothing to hide from Kiri, you told her every single thing that has ever happened to you, and she does the same. 
“I’m not hiding anything.” You muttered. You hid nothing except your raging crush on her older brother, but she didn’t need to know that.
“Are you sure?” Kiri leans in, “Are you sure you’re not gonna tell me about your crush on my older brother?” You gasped, hands flying to cover her mouth. How did she find out? You could’ve sworn that you didn’t tell anyone, at all!
Kiri licks your palm, forcing you to let go. “So my suspicions were right,”
“Kiri rutxe, don’t tell anyone, especially him,” You nod in Neteyam’s direction, the both of you look over. The eldest Sully has Tuk on his hip, bouncing around and whispering jokes into their youngest’s ear, it’s an endearing sight. One that has your heart clenching and mind racing. One that lets your mind wander into the life of a family with Neteyam. 
“I won't, but your ogling heart eyes won’t help hide it.” Kiri interrupted your thoughts, rolling her eyes, falling onto her side. Your eyes shift from the siblings to the na’vi girl. You bit your lip. 
“Yeah, yeah, okay, I’ll try to hide it better.”
A few days had passed, and in this time span, you decided to completely hide yourself from Neteyam, which was a pretty difficult job. He had gone to your house for the first two days, and you had kindly asked your parents to turn him away with the lame excuse that you were sick. 
On the third day, Lo’ak comes knocking at your door.
“Lo’ak, why are you here, I told mama to not let Neteyam in.” You sighed, eyeing down the na’vi boy who now leans against the entrance to your ‘room’.
“Yeah tsmukan, not me, skxawng.” Lo’ak plops himself into your hammock, pushing against your limbs rather roughly. You scooch over and he lays next to you, throwing an arm over your waist. 
“So why are you avoiding us?” He hummed, leaning to look over at you. You turn your head to avoid his gaze. 
Over the course of your isolation, you pondered over your feelings. Coming to accept that you simply couldn’t live a life without Neteyam. You tried imagining a life with the other clan members but nothing felt the same. Hell, you even tried imagining Neteyam with another mate, and your mind simply couldn’t conjure up an image. You didn’t want to tell anyone. If news spread that you, a simple Omaticaya girl, had great feelings for Neteyam, the future olo’eyktan, the whole clan would laugh at you. Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to lie to Lo’ak.
“I needed time to think,” You mumbled, hoping your answer would stave off his curiosity for the time being. Lo’ak only hummed, waiting for you to continue. “I needed to figure out my feelings.”
“For tsmukan right?” You audibly gasped, did Kiri tell him? 
“Don’t go crazy, I figured it out on my own, it’s not like it wasn’t blaringly obvious anyway.” You groan and tuck your face away from the world. How many more people have noticed?
“You better tell him soon, or some other girl might snatch him.” Lo’ak sing-songed, placing a foot on the ground to rock the hammock from side to side. 
“Fine, fine, you convinced me,” You rolled your eyes, “I just want to get it over with anyway.” Just as you said, you hoped that you can get these feelings behind you as fast as possible and return back to normal. Truthfully, the past few days were absolutely miserable without Neteyam’s presence, but you simply couldn’t bring yourself to hang out with him. It was difficult to just look over your new found feelings for your best friend and you actually felt like it was unfair to him for you to do such a thing, taking advantage of him not knowing about your feelings for him for some kind of gratitude.
Though, today was different. Today you were going to meet up with Neteyam, tell him how you feel, you’ll laugh at it for a minute or two, and resume your normal lives, nothing could go wrong. 
After a few hefty minutes of searching, you finally find Neteyam in a calmer, less dense area of the forest. You make no effort to conceal your presence as you approach him. He’s turned away from you, yet his ears tell you that he’s well aware that it’s you who is nearing him. 
“Ma’Neteyam,” You greet softly, reaching out your hand, you run the tips of your fingers on the side of his arm, the muscle tensing underneath your touch. 
“Ma’Y/N,” He turns to you, gaze hardened, “My princess, where have you been?”
Your ears flatten against your head underneath the boy’s gaze. You knew it was wrong to basically cut contact for a few days but you had to! There was nothing else you wanted to do at that time but to get to the bottom of your feelings, and now, you know. You know that you’re so deeply in love with your best friend that it pains you to imagine him with someone else, though there is not much you could do about it.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to –” Before you could continue, Neteyam wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest, nuzzling his nose onto the top of your head. The both of you sink into the hug, muscles gradually relaxing. Although you would love to stay like this, in his arms, until the end of eternity, you still needed to come clean to Neteyam.
After a while, you pull your head away from his chest.
“Neteyam,” You called out, peering up at him through your eyelashes. “I must tell you something.” 
He hums and says nothing more, opening his eyes, his soft gaze meeting yours.
“I promise you’re gonna laugh your ass off after hearing this, but here I go,” You take a breath, “I like you, Neteyam. Hell, I love you even! I spent the last few days away from you because I needed to figure it all out, I just suddenly felt. . . everything for you.” You shift your eyes away from his own towards the end of your confession. You wait a beat or two, waiting for a chuckle, a laugh, anything.
“I don’t want anything from you ma’Neteyam, I just wanted to get this off my chest and we can go back to normal.” You look back up at the boy, now nervous over his lack of reaction. He’s just looking at you. You try to decipher what he’s thinking, yet his eyes tell you nothing. His ears are flat against his head, and his tail is swinging wildly behind him, but he has yet to say a word.
“Are you serious?” He muttered. You gulped nervously. 
You had prepared yourself for a scenario that Neteyam wouldn’t find any of this funny and your relationship with him would fade away as you know it, yet all the preparation in the world won’t save you from the intense heartache that you feel rising. 
Before you could say anything else, Neteyam picks you up into his arms. 
“Princess this is great!” He grins, spinning you around, you squeal in shock, hands tight on his wrists as he continues to spin you. 
“I thought you had begun to hate me, I’m so glad you like me too Y/N, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to feel the same about me!” Neteyam is rambling at this point, his hands still holding onto your waist even after he sets you back on the ground. 
“You like me too?” You trailed off, you could barely process what was reality at this point. Though the warmth that bubbled in your chest suggested otherwise.
“I always did Yawne.”
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letstalkaboutshtufff · 5 months
I’m Sorry I Wasn’t Enough
Neteyam x reader
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Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader Mate
Warnings: Mentions of Arranged Marriage, violence, blood.
Summary: A year after your marriage you are looking back on things, more specifically your non existent relationship with your mate. When something happens and you’re in danger how will Neteyam react? Oh and you’re injured?
Today marked the one year anniversary of your bonding ceremony to the future oleykten of the omatikaya. One year and one month since your life had changed forever
Neteyam te Sully, son of Toruk Makto… your husband. You remember it like it was yesterday..
The war with the sky people had gotten increasingly difficult, Toruk makto had been meeting with your Grandfather to discuss a potential alliance between the clans to aid in the fight against the sky people.
It was a shock to all when your Grandfather said they would only help if there was a blood alliance. Meaning you, the sole heir were to be married to Neteyam, there clans heir.
It was a smart move for all parties involved on paper. A decision that would strengthen everyone, combining resources, combining armies, combining… well everything. But happiness for everyone else unfortunately meant the sacrifice for you and Neteyam.
Toruk Makto had asked you many times if you were alright with it, to which you politely said you were ready to do anything to aid the cause against the sky people.
It’s not like you could have said anything else.
Your parents were not alive to defend you, your grandfather was a good leader but couldn’t care less about your happiness. “Good leaders need to make sacrifices for the people.”
Neteyam understood the same thing. He also wanted nothing more than to prove himself.
So you both agreed without so much as having more than one conversation together.
Within a few days you had packed all your belongings and were mounting an Ikran. Your new life awaited you.
A month later you were mated before Eywa to Neteyam. Bonded in every way except the heart.
Neteyam wasn’t cruel no but he was… serious. The heavy burden of war on his responsible shoulders. He was civil with you. Spoke when nessesary to you but other than that… you barely ever saw him.
His days were either filled with preparing for raids or the raids himself and he would enter your home pod late when you were asleep and leave at first light.
The only time you ever felt any sort of emotion from him was during your first and only mating bond. Connecting your queues forced emotion to flow through the both of you, and he had been gentle and caring. But you realized soon after that that was a one time occurrence and that warmth was not a thing your mate was capable of.
Well at least not with you. He was caring with his family, you’d watched him interact with them from afar. He was careful not to show this side of him to many but you did manage to see it several times before he noticed you were there, then he’d swiftly mask his face.
You really didn’t understand his coldness. You were mated for life shouldn’t you both make an effort to at least be friends?
You tried to be someone he would proud to call his mate. You helped around the village, especially with the wounded, you made sure not to fight with anyone and keep a cool head. You did everything you could but he never saw you.. never saw your efforts.. even though you saw his.
Over the year you watched your mate. You grew to admire his strength and character. Perhaps that is why it hurt so much. You had feelings for a man who barely acknowledged your existence.
You let out a deep sigh. The trees of the forest were the only ever witnesses to your sorrow. You adjusted your net covering around you. It was getting colder, your old home never reached cool temperatures so you were not prepared for it.
You really didn’t have friends save for Neteyams siblings. And even there you didn’t spend that much time with them seeing how much trouble they liked to get into. You didn’t want to risk upsetting your mate.
You would admit that you were lonely however. When you weren’t needed in the village you spent your time exploring the never ending forest that was your home. You weren’t raised in one so you were always venturing out and exploring.
Today however due to your more than usual sadness, what with it being your anniversary and all you had walked further than you intended.
You paused your steps hearing several voices up ahead, what were Navi doing all the way out here?
You slowly crept closer to the sounds but made sure to stay hidden behind the trees.
Your eyes widened when you caught sight of the Navi- no Avatars that were clad in military gear and holding AR’s.
You carefully moved backwards until you were out of earshot.
You knew you had to tell your mate. They were clearly dangerous.
You felt for the weird contraption around your neck, you never had to use it before. You pressed down on it,
“N-neteyam?” You spoke shakily.
A few seconds passed before you heard a click. “Y/n…? Is that you?”
You could hear the slight confusion in his voice. At least he recognized you.
“Y-yes um, I’m out in the forest and there’s these Avatars… but they don’t look normal, they are dressed in camo and are holding AR’s…”
“What’s you pos?”
“W-what?” You furrowed your brows.
“Your position, where are you right now?” He spoke a bit more sternly.
Wait where were you?
“I’m not sure but they were standing in front of an old worn down building..like a shack… something from the sky people I think..”
You could hear an intake of breath, “Y/n listen to me carefully, you’re going to get out of there without making a sound ok? Get back here immediately.”
You nodded before realizing he couldn’t see you, “ok I’m coming” you released the button and started to run as quietly as you could back the way you came.
Adrenaline coursed through you, you looked back several times to ensure you weren’t being followed.
You stopped to catch your breath, hopefully this was far enough-
“Ah!” You cried out falling backwards seeing a fresh bullet lodged in the now smoking tree beside you.
You quickly regained your footing and started barreling forward.
A round of explosive pops rang from behind you, debris grazing your back.
Oh Great Mother help me!
You cried out as another bullet whizzed right by your ear causing you to lose balance.
You heard shouts but they spoke in a language unknown to you.
You moved to get up when suddenly your queue was yanked back forcefully.
You hissed at your abuser, but he only smiled. Again he spoke in a language you didn’t understand.
“L-Let me go!” You tried clawing at his hand but he only yanked harder causing your vision to go white in seering pain.
Was he going to kill you? You wish you could at least understand what he was shouting at you.
He used your queue to turn you harshly around. You hissed again now able to fully see your attacker.
He only rolled his eyes said something that again failed your understanding and swiftly backhanded you into the dirt.
While you lay on the ground in pain he held a hand to his ear saying something into his comm.
You had to do something, he was going to kill you or take you back to the others…
Your eyes perked up seeing something glinting strapped to his boot.
You figured it was best to attack while he was distracted…
I guess it’s now or never,
You swiftly grabbed the knife and plunged it into his stomach.
“Gah! You bitch!”
You didn’t stick around to see his reaction, you were already darting away. You heard the cocking of his gun and immediately started weaving through trees.
It was a miracle you avoided all the bullets.
You made the mistake of looking back for a split second and found yourself tumbling over a root.
You gasped and tried to right yourself but he was already there pointing his gun.
Your eyes met his murderous ones and you knew this was it.
You let out one more frightened hiss and watched his finger start to pull.
You couldn’t help the cry that left your mouth but- why weren’t you in pain?
“Y/N move!” Suddenly an arm was yanking you up onto your feet.
“N-neteyam!?” You couldn’t believe your eyes. He was about to speak when moments later more gunshots rang out. You gasped seeing more avatars emerging from the trees.
“Neteyam get her out of here! Move!” Jake jumped in front of you both and motioned for you to run. A few Navi warriors aiding him shooting their own weapons.
Neteyam pulled you through the trees at record speed, he quickly pulled you onto his Ikran before mounting it himself behind you and flying away. His eyes scanning the trees to make sure no one was aiming anything at them.
“Are you injured?” He asked in that raw tone he used in the middle of battle. Serious and to the point.
You shook your head, not trusting your voice not to crack. That was the last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of him.
He sighed before adjusting his reins. His silence was like poison. Slowly seeping into you making you feel ten times worse then when you were just under that guys gun.
You were breathing heavily when he landed the ikran on the mountain ledge.
He dismounted first then held out his hand, you let him help you down thanking Eywa that your legs didn’t give out on you in front of the entire village who were currently staring.
“Neteyam!” Tuk ran up and hugged your mate tightly.
The silly siblings all ran up to you guys asking what happened.
“Are you hurt sister?” Kiri eyed you up and down wearily.
“I’m alright, don’t worry…”
“Y/n!” Tuk was quick to switch to you and you embraced her warmly wanting to ease the fear on her face.
“Everyone is alright Tuk, please don’t cry…” you stroked her back calming her down, or maybe you were using her as a buffer.
You hesitantly glanced up to where Neteyam was speaking to his mother. He looked pissed. Neytiris eyes met your worried ones for a split second, softening slightly before turning back to her son. Her eyes widened in some sort of threat before sighing and coming to you.
“Are you alright daughter?” She placed a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m alright…I’m sorry for all of this I-“ she shushed you quickly.
“Don’t, it’s alright, everyone is alright…” you sighed and nodded to her thankful that she wasn’t upset with you for putting her family in danger.
“Y/n” you sucked in a breath and met your mates eyes. You wanted to let out a whimper at the anger they held.
He motioned for you to follow him. Every step felt like someone had placed a stone in your heart.
He pulled aside the flap of your tent and looked forward waiting for you to enter.
With shakey breaths you ducked under and stepped into your home.
Your fingers pulling at your netted covering as a nervous distraction.
You had seen Neteyam angry countless times before, at warriors who disobeyed orders. At his brother for causing trouble, at anyone who seriously stepped out of line.
You shivered in place now that for the first time that anger was directed at you.
He yanked the flap back down and rounded on you.
“What the hell were you thinking!?” His eyes shooting daggers through you.
“I-I I’m sorry I didn’t mean-“
“Do you know how much danger you’ve put everyone in?! They could’ve followed you back to our village and done who knows what!”
“I never would have-“
“What were you thinking wandering around there!? That areas off limits for a reason!”
“I didn’t know- Neteyam I-!”
“Enough! I don’t want to hear your excuses.” You felt the tears running down your cheeks and it seemed to trigger Neteyam to at least bring his anger down a notch.
He turned around letting out a sigh,
He hated you, that was evident now. He may have hidden his distaste before but now that you had finally angered him his true colors showed.
It only made your tears come faster. The adrenaline finally wearing off, you realized just how scared you had been. Your body ached, craving nothing more than to curl up and rest.
Not to mention an annoying pinching feeling on your abdomen that was getting increasingly more painful. Like a sting from a beertus beetle.
You ignored it focusing on the man before you.
He held a hand up to his neck, you could hear his father speaking on the other side.
They talked for a minute, you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding when you heard that everyone was alright.
Neteyam ended the line and his head turned towards you. He seemed a bit calmer now that he knew everyone was ok.
Your eyes couldn’t handle his glare at the moment so instead they landed on the mat beneath you.
It was quiet for several moments, the air thick with tension.
“You are never to go there or anywhere near that area again understood?” He spoke to you like you were one of his soldiers.
“Understood…” your voice was hoarse but at least it didn’t break.
He nodded before turning to leave and meet with his father to discuss this new threat.
Your heard his footsteps start to fade which meant he was going to leave. Of course he would. Why would he want to stay with someone like you?
Your eyes were still glued to the mat. A beautifully woven mat that was a gift from your Mother in law. It was dyed in beautiful colors.
Huh? Did something spill on it? Your eyebrows furrowed seeing red droplets. Hopefully that wouldn’t stain.. was it juice? You hoped it-
Another drop, forming right before your eyes. You looked up at the ceiling, frowning when you didn’t see anything. Then something clicked and you moved your netted cover to the side, you expected to see a cut or deep scrape from your falls. But you felt like a bucket of ice had been dumped on you when you saw it.
Why Great mother? Why were you testing me like this?
You let out a distressed whimper. Your eyes shot to the entrance where your mate had just stepped out of seconds before. You could still hear his footsteps.
You could call to him. He would hear you. But you didn’t. You couldn’t.. your mate already hated you. You would not tell him this and make him even angrier.
You would not tell him you had been shot…
You cursed realizing quickly that that was probably the dumbest mistake you had made. Because moments later you were too dizzy to stand and were sprawled out onto the floor clutching your side.
How could you get help now? Was this how you were going to die? It certainly looked like it..
You thought of your mate. He hated you, maybe it was…. You whimpered at your next thought.
Maybe this was for the better. He would find a new mate and be happy.
Yeah, you could do this for him… why should such a good person be miserable..?
But wait… would this damage his reputation? That he let sky people kill his mate?
Was this actually going to hurt him?
A Navi males reputation was everything. If he couldn’t protect his family who would trust him to protect the people.
No, you couldn’t be selfish. If you died, he would suffer in his position.
For the second time ever you reached up to your neck, fingers slippery from the blood.
“N-neteyam…” was that your voice? It sounded so different…
Would he even answer? He probably thought you were trying to make excuses for what happened. You tried calling out a few more times.
You felt your heart sink at the silence, it looked like he had shut the line off.
As your vision began to blur at the edges you realized that it looked like his reputation was going to suffer after all.
Even though you knew he wasn’t listening you held the button down once more, one final time…
“I’m s-sorry Neteyam.. I really tried to be a w-worthy m-mate.. I’m sorry I couldn’t do b-better mmh, p-pl.. please tell the p-people it was m-my fault not yours…I… I really did love you N-Neteyam, I-i h-hope your next mate will make you happy-“
Your fingers slipped from exhaustion and your vision failed you completely.
Goodbye my Neteyam…
Neteyam had never moved so fast in all his life.…
Ooooh a cliffhanger hehehe, also is anyone actually reading this? Should I do a part 2👀❤️
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starofthesea7 · 2 years
Neteyam ~ Dreaming About Me?
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You find out that Neteyam doesn’t see you like a little sister.
Use of the “it’s cold so we have to share a bed” trope, and step bro Neteyam. Enjoy! 💋
It was dark, and the snores of your host family were quiet against the cool air. You could just barely make out their shapes around the room: Jake, with Neytiri’s head nestled against his chest. Arms wrapped around eachother for warmth. Kiri, Lo’ak and Tuk were snuggled up in a pile, snoring softly.
You shivered from your corner of the room. It was a cool night, which was rare for pandora, and to combat the chill the whole family had fallen asleep around the fire. It was now a pile of glowing red coals, and you were freezing with cold. Your teeth chattered, and you stared into the dying fire, willing it to warm your bones. Your eyes wandered to Neteyam, sleeping peacefully on the opposite side of the room. He was still, snoring softly and his usually hard expression was softened by sleep.
You were frozen, but there was no way you’d go snuggle up to him. Of course, if you did work up the courage to do so, he’d welcome you into his haven, warm you up no questions asked, but your face heated at the thought of feeling him. Being so close. His bare chest flush against your back. He would be able to feel your heart racing, threatening to beat out of your chest.
Another breeze wafted through the room. You decided to join Kiri, Tuk and Lo’ak. You rose, muscles stiff with inadequate sleep, and padded your way across the cold, packed mud floor.
“Kiri.” You shook her shoulder gently. “Kiri, can I sleep with you guys?”
She grimaced in her sleep. “There’s not enough blanket. Just go sleep with Neteyam.”
Your cheeks heated at her words. Of course she hadn’t meant it like that. But nonetheless the sentence got your imagination running wild. You ignored the blush creeping across your face. “Please?”
She shook her head and rolled over.
“Fine.” Maybe this was a good thing. Maybe It would be like exposure therapy, you could finally leave your childish crush on your step brother in the past, move on.
Who were you kidding, it in your blood. You hugged yourself tightly and padded over to him. His expression had changed now, his lips where pursed and he looked focused. Your heart was beating rapidly as you softly called out to him. “Neteyam?” You hated bothering him, you always despised feeling like a nuisance, especially to him. He was always so composed and mature. It intimidated you; it made you feel like too much. To loud, to feisty. “”Teyam?”
He turned his head towards you. “Oh, hey.” His voice was raspy with sleep his lids heavy. He sat up, propped on his elbow, and you fought the urge to glance down at his bare chest.
Your voice was quiet “Sorry for waking you, but I’m freezing over there in my corner, and Kiri said there’s no room with her, so-“ He stretched his arm out and lifted the thin blanket for you in one languid movement. You smiled sheepishly at him. “Thanks.”
You crouched, getting under the blanket, and as soon as your leg grazed his, he breathed out, “You’re freezing. Come here.” You melted at his words. His arm gently wrapped around your waist, fingers leaving a hot, tingling trail behind them, and he drew you into his chest. He was hot and hard, and made no move to remove his hand, draped across your soft waist. Your breath was shallow, as if anything more would make the precious moment dissipate. You laid in silence.
His fingers moved, spreading out across your belly, his hand was huge against you. Your heart raced are you imagined it everywhere. Against your hip, cupping your breasts, in your- His soft voice startled you out of your wild thoughts, “I was dreaming about you.”
“Yeah?” Your eyes widened in the darkness. “What happened?”
He hummed. “Nothing important.” He never was a man of many words.
You turned around to face him, and adjusted your position, head resting on your bent arm. His arm now wrapped around your back. Your faces were close. Your legs tangled. “You can’t just say that and then brush off the question. Dreams are important.”
“You’re right.” His eyes glistened with jest. “Ok, I’ll tell you when you’re older.” He joked. It was something he used to say when you were a child, and he wanted to avoid an interrogation. Your 7 year old self had looked up at him, “Can you teach me how shoot an arrow?” Or “how are babies made?” And that had been his go to line. Now, it was no longer a valid one.
The time has come for him to finally be open, present you with all the answers he’d ever kept from you, yet he’d done the opposite. Bottled them up and thrown them away. “I am older. I’m not a little girl anymore.”
He looked at you intently, an eyebrow quirked. “I see that.”
“Really?” You frowned slightly, “I feel like you treat me exactly the same.”
He cleared his throat, “Well I don’t see you the same, trust me.”
You looked up at him, his lips were slightly parted and his lids were heavy. His eyes searched your face. You felt lightheaded, mouth dry. His eyes darted to your mouth as you licked your lips. Your breasts rose and fell with heavy breaths.
“You still see me like a little sister though…” You pried. You needed this, an answer. Either way, whether it cut your heart out painfully or filled it up to the brim, it was something you needed to know.
He hummed and you felt the vibration. “Tuk’s my little sister, not you.”
You smiled at him, and his eyes glowed with the reflection of the dying embers. His guard was down, you decided to test the waters, your fingers traced up his arm. Goosebumps appeared, to your delight. “So, big bro, you dream about me a lot?”
His eyes widened, ever so slightly before he regained his ever present composure, he joked, “They’re more like nightmares, actually.”
You rolled your eyes at his tease. Your brain searched hastily for a quick jab back, a witty response. “You mean wet dreams.” It tumbled out fortuitously. You hadn’t t meant to say it really. Had you? Your eyes widened and you bit your tongue. You felt your skin prickle with embarrassment, and, something else. Excitement.
He raised his eyebrows. “Oh, that’s where your mind went? Dirty girl.” It sounded filthy, dirtier than he’d meant it. Now it was his turn to redden. But it was out there now. Both of you continued, cautiously entering a place of no return. You felt on fire. Senses heightened with arousal at the exchange of banter. And his nickname. Oh, his nickname. Dirty girl. You were slick.
“Hey. I just said what we were both thinking.” You tilted your head at him. His breath was hot across your face. A silence fell upon the two of you. His arms held you tight, anchoring you to the ground.
He quirked an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You echoed, thoughtlessly. Nothing but him, occupied your mind.
You traced your finders up his arm, and he flexed slightly beneath your touch. You felt them up. Hands dwarfed by his large arms. You slowed, running your hands up his shoulder and to his neck. You could feel his pulse there, and you continued, finally resting at the nape of his neck. Your blunt nails gently scratching his hot skin. He leaned down. Your pulse was pounding. Limbs tingling with anticipation. His lips brushed your cheek and your felt his hard cheekbones rise with a smile. He breathed in deeply, chest brushing your breasts.
“Y’ smell good.” His voice was soft.
You tingled at his compliment. Again, you blurted out, “I taste good too.” He chuckled gently at your witty invite, and you melted at the raspy sound. He leaned down and his lips brushed yours. He was needy. So were you. His lips moved with yours, soft and warm. They parted and he opened his mouth, inviting your tongue to meet his. It was hot and wet. You pressed your body against his, hips flush. He breathed in sharply as your lower stomach brushed the prominent bulge at his pelvis.
You grinned and pulled away, a thin, lewd string of saliva connecting your mouths, a tangible reminder of what had just occurred. You brushed his hip with teasing fingers and gestured to his hard on with your chin. “Yeah, sure it wasn’t a wet dream.”
He blushed and you softly exclaimed as he pulled your back toward him, fisting your hair. He shook his head and grinned wide, repudiating his next words, “You’re insuffereable.”
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spicymiilk · 2 years
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I’ve seen this concept been floated around, but it’s been thoroughly stuck in my head. Imagine that, during Spiders time at the RDA, there where several attempts to “humanize” him, like cutting off his hair, making him wear clothes, forcefully connecting him to a side of himself he doesn’t like. When he comes back to the sully kids, they’re overjoyed, yeah, but there’s something…off about him. A little too human and a little less Navi.
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ngayawneluoer · 2 years
the thrill of the chase
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ sully siblings x metkayinan reader
You visit the home of your Omatikayan friends, and Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk encourage you to get into a bit of trouble and do something you’ve never done before: bond with an ikran.
word count: 2045
a/n: as always nobody fact check this bc i really should have done more research BUT ALAS enjoy
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When your parents finally agreed to let you visit the Omatikayan lands, you figured your stay would include some introductions, sightseeing, and maybe some casual shenanigans. The Omatikayan village was rich with culture, and you revelled in the people's hospitality, but it wasn't long until your friends pulled you away from the adults and dragged you into trouble. Silly of you to think it would include something other than scaling mountains.
"This is… harder than it seems," You groaned, slightly trembling as you scaled the jagged rocks of the Hallelujah mountains. It was somewhat embarrassing for you, as even Tuk was racing ahead of you, but you kept telling yourself that you were just in a new environment and that it was expected of you to make mistakes.
"Not so easy when you're the fish out of water, is it?" Lo'ak teased, golden eyes peering down at you from the ledge where he, Tuk and Kiri had stopped to wait for you. Neteyam was right beside you, ready to assist if you struggled too much.
"Steady. Don't force yourself," Neteyam encouraged, an amused smile on his face.
You huffed, trying to hide how you strained with every step, "I'm not a baby, you know. I can climb a cliff without- shit!" Your right hand slipped from the jagged cliffside, and you cut your sentence off with a shriek. Thank Eywa for Neteyam, who had caught your waist to keep you stable and lifted you to hold the branch above you.
"Easy…" Neteyam reassured, hand still on your back as you regained your grip.
"What was that about climbing a cliff?" Lo'ak taunted playfully, which earned him a slap on the back of the head from Kiri.
Just what you deserve for getting cocky, you supposed.
Tuk peeked down, her sweet eyes filled with concern for you, "(Y/N), are you okay?"
Your first instinct was to say no; no, you were not okay because you were dangling from a floating boulder and if you fell, there was virtually zero chance of survival. And yet somehow, you couldn't say this was the most threatening situation you've been in. You survived a war. You could climb a rock.
"I'm fine, Tuk. Almost there."
Lo'ak turned to Kiri, "Should one of us tell them that we are definitely not almost there?"
"I heard that!" You retorted, scowling at the man above you.
"Less talking, more climbing!" Kiri laughed, "Even Tuk did it."
Neteyam rolled his eyes, "Ignore those skxawngs. You're doing great for your first time climbing this high."
"You can do it, (Y/N)!" Tuk cheered, her little hands clapping to cheer you on. You groaned in effort but continued pushing on.
When you finally reached the ledge, you threw yourself onto your back between Lo'ak and Kiri, "I regret ever teasing you for being useless in Metkayina," you whined, sincerity to your words, "I feel like a child here. Except even a child is more capable than me."
"Come on, you big baby. You haven't even gotten to the good part." Neteyam beamed with burgeoning excitement, clutching your arm to pull you back to your feet.
"I swear, swimming is so much more painless than all this. We have it easy back home." You spoke.
"I wouldn't say that. It took Lo'ak forever to get used to riding an ilu." Kiri reminisced as she strolled forward down the path, disappearing into the flora.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes, "Sure. Use me as the object of ridicule once again."
"Well it is true!" Tuk giggled with a mischievous grin on her face.
Lo'ak huffed, his hands coming to rest on his hips as he attempted to lecture Tuk, "Easy for you; you're a kid," he blurted, "Everyone carries you around; you never even had to learn to ride one!"
Neteyam scoffed, a look of disbelief on his face, "Lo'ak, she is seven."
Kiri stalked back with an exasperated look on her face, "Are you guys coming or not?"
"It is Lo'ak's fault, all he does is talk!" you quipped playfully with a smile, knowingly trying to get under his skin.
"I will push you off this mountain."
After a bit more bickering and a lot more climbing, you found yourselves close to the mountain peak, a large waterfall framing the path you assumed you were to take.
The five of you connected hands, with Tuk between Neteyam and Lo'ak, followed by you and Kiri. Cautiously, you all crept along the ledge behind the waterfall to reach a clearing with a myriad of ikrans. Finally, you all climbed onto some nearby rocks overlooking the creatures.
"They are beautiful," You whispered with a peaceful smile.
"They are," Lo'ak agreed, turning to you with a suspicious smirk, "Now you will tame one."
You spun to him in surprise, your brow furrowed in annoyance, "What?"
The four siblings tried to hold their laughs in but miserably failed.
"Do it, (Y/N)! We learned to ride ilus. Now you need to learn to ride an ikran." Kiri egged on, Tuk accompanying her with "Yes"s.
You looked to Neteyam for a semblance of help, but he merely shrugged as if to say you were on your own.
"No! What if I fall?" you sneered.
"I'll call my ikran, and we'll catch you," Neteyam quipped confidently.
"Where is your ikran exactly?" You challenged.
"Close by," Neteyam replied, "...probably."
"Neteyam!" you whined, slapping his arm.
Said boy snickered softly, a cheeky grin on his face, "I am only joking! I promise you will not die; I will catch you."
"Well what if they attack me?"
"They won't attack you," Lo'ak replied, "All at once."
You scowled at him suspiciously, "Your wording was awfully specific."
"I was just answering your question!" Lo'ak exclaimed, trying to mask a giggle as he threw his hands up defensively.
"(Y/N). You're not alone. We will help if we see you are about to die." Kiri chuckled.
You gave in with a sigh of irritation, "Okay. Fine," After a moment's reflection, you looked out at the sea of ikrans feeling somewhat determined, "So I just pick one?"
"Wellll… not really," Neteyam trailed off, a slightly guilty grimace on his face.
"Okay," you deadpanned, "How do I know which one to choose?"
"It will attack you," Lo'ak stated bluntly.
If looks could kill, Lo'ak would be dead.
"You forest people must have a death wish."
You knew you most definitely should not be doing this; your mother would probably lecture you until the end of time if she knew what you were doing. And yet there you were, making your way through the ikrans, about to tame one. You could faintly hear the four siblings cheering you on in the background, but you were primarily focused on not getting mauled to death by the enormous creatures. You were so out of your comfort zone when it came to ikrans. They were big, fast, vicious; how those morons managed to convince you to do this, you will never know.
You walked across the clearing, eyes darting cautiously at every sudden movement. To your dismay, every ikran you approached flew away, and as you counted up to 10 creatures flying away, you started to get discouraged.
Your shoulders slumped in bitter disappointment, and you turned back to the group watching you, "I don't think this is working."
"Keep going!" Kiri exclaimed amongst the acclamations of her siblings.
This was humiliating. 
"Please, they are all leaving!" You pouted slightly, pleading with Eywa that they'll let you off the hook and allow you to return.
Suddenly, Neteyam's eyes widened, his body lurching forward and his hands anxiously clasping the mossy branch in front of him, "Watch out!"
A hiss sounded behind you, and you released a shriek as you dove away from the sound and rolled to face the creature that had chosen you as its target. The admittedly gorgeous banshee stepped towards you, a menacing look in its eye as it screeched in your face, sharp teeth bared.
"Took your time, didn't you?" You taunted, standing to face the creature before hissing at it. The two of you circled each other before it dove forward, and you skillfully manoeuvred out of the way to avoid its razor-sharp fangs. Finally, you grabbed its head, wrapping both arms and legs around its neck to attempt to control it.
"Fight it!" Lo'ak screamed.
"Make the bond!" Kiri joined.
You grappled with the mighty reptile as it fought back viciously, but you somehow found the strength to overpower it and connect your queues. Immediately the ikran calmed, and you felt the bond you formed with the creature deep in your bones. A gleeful laugh escaped your throat as your ikran stood slowly with you on its back.
Neteyam breathed a sigh of relief, releasing the iron grip he had on the flora around him. Lo'ak only laughed, playfully punching his brother's shoulder, "I told you they could do it, Neteyam."
Kiri wasted no time and leapt over the rocks to meet you, her siblings in tow.
"You must fly now to seal the bond," she proclaimed.
"You've got this. It's like an ilu. Just no water," Lo'ak said cheekily.
You turned to Neteyam, who was now carrying Tuk on his back, "Trust yourself. We'll be right behind you."
You nodded, breathing deep and turning to face the cliff, staring at the sky ahead. And when you felt that both you and your banshee were ready, you commanded it to fly.
It jerked suddenly, and you released a loud shriek as it nosedived off the mountain. Your body lifted off its back until the only thing keeping you connected was your iron grip on its antennae (and your prayers). Just as you managed to pull back and get the ikran to glide straight, it flew directly into a waterfall, stunning you and making you lose focus. The poor animal tried its best to fly but panicked once again, fluttered directly into a cliffside, then up and down... and up and down again. It would have been an understatement to say you were doing terribly, and the harder you tried to gain control, the harder it was.
"(Y/N)!" You turned to the sound of your name being called to see Lo'ak to your left on his own ikran, "Steady! Stay calm, and your ikran will listen!"
Taking deep breaths, you tried your best to focus on the sound of Lo'ak speaking and calm yourself down. To your delight, eventually your ikran levelled out, soaring straight.
"Yes, (Y/N)! You're flying!" An adorable, excited voice cheered. You turned to your right to see Tuk hanging on Neteyam's back as he flew his ikran. Neteyam wore a huge, proud smile, and he whooped along with his little sister.
Behind you was Kiri on her ikran, one arm in the air as she bellowed excitedly. A proud smile took over your face, and you let out an enthusiastic trill, your friends joining you.
When it was apparent that you had your flying under control, Neteyam spoke up, "Follow me! I'll take us somewhere you will not believe."
"You did what?!" Neytiri hissed. The five of you stood in a row in front of her, gazes lowered and ears pointing back in shame.
"Their parents trust us to look after them for three days, and you take them to do one of the most dangerous things they could have done here?" Jake joined, primarily lecturing his two sons, who he knew were most likely the instigators.
Lo'ak huffed, "They're fine, though."
"Yes, I am fine-"
"They could have died!" Neytiri yelled, "And you took Tuk with you? What were you thinking?!"
You were silly to even try to get a word in. There would clearly not be any winning this argument, so you all hung your heads in shame and accepted the lecture.
"-and no more causing trouble. For the one day (Y/N) has left here. Can you do that?" Jake concluded.
You all answered with obedient "Yes sir"s before moping away in silence.
When you were far enough away from the two adults, you finally let out the giggle you had been holding back, and the others joined in.
"So worth it."
a/n: currently working on some requests :) thank you to everyone who has been giving attention to my posts and sending in requests, it makes me so happy! i’m seeing avatar 2 again tomorrow so hopefully it will strike some inspiration again <3
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