gregorygerwitz · 3 years
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Happy pride month! We all deserve something a little soft, don’t we? So, here is just a cute little fic about coming out with baked goods!
Summary:  Fitz knows who he is, and he doesn’t exactly hide it, but there are a few people he hasn’t told, and don’t they deserve to know, too?
Warnings: brief depiction of anxiety
Words: 2,534
Leo centric, coming out
Sneak Peek:
It was Agnes who came in from the backyard, sliding the door closed again behind her before stepping over to the island to inspect his set up. The no baking rule didn't really apply to him, but he still stood up straighter, bracing himself for whatever questions and concerns she had.
"Someone's been busy. It smells... good, actually. I assume the Radcliffe lack of baking skills is not something you inherited?"
With a small shake of his head and a smile, Fitz moved to grab two mugs for tea from the cabinet behind him. "No, it's not. I actually know what I'm doing, for the most part, and I promise I won't set anything on fire."
[ read on ao3 ]
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Can we take a moment to appreciate how beautiful our ships´ names are? I mean: Fitzsimmons, Philinda, Mackelena, Huntingbird, Sousy/TimeQuake, StaticQuake... even less important or temporary pairings like Maydrew and Kitscliffe, or non-canons like Skimmons/BioQuake, QuakeRider, FitzMack, Scis & Spies, Simmorse, FitzSkimmons, Pipsy, Mayo, FitzHunter, Tripsimmons, QuakeShot, MorseCode... I could go on and on honestly, but you get the point. I love our ships´ names.
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kitweewoos · 4 years
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Rad Baby Meets Rad Adult - a sequel to That’s a Rad Baby, a Kitscliffe social media where Leo meets his baby sister requested by joy in the world @holdendadcliffe
(send me a social media au prompt)
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cassnottiel · 3 years
Holden watched as Agnes tried to hide the tears welling up in her eyes, hide her unease at his assistant, AIDA, looking just like her.
"Just one last step."  AIDAs chirpy but monotone voice said as she typed into a computer, her robotic smile plastered on her face.  "You're doing well."  Agnes sucked in a shaking breath and nodded before looked to Holden.
Holden rubbed her arm, drinking in every part of her that he could see.  "See?  Painless."  His smile was pained, his tears barely restrained.  "Just as I promised."  Wrong.  He promised he would save her; this something different.  "The worst is over."  No, it was still to come.  "No one should have to go through what you have.  Soon, you'll never suffer again."  He finally told her the truth, but it felt empty, disappointing.
Agnes nodded and laughed wetly, gripping his hand in a vice.
As AIDA fastened the head gear, Holden took another moment to study his love.
Her cardigan was somewhere between red and orange, her white blouse sprinkled with tiny blue, green, and red flowers.  The silver and white ring hanging from her neck sparkles in the light of the submarine, as did her blue earrings.
Holden stepped in front of her.  "Are you ready for a better world?"  A world where we will never be plagued by this grief?  A world where the mistakes I made would never have happened?  A world where I didn't leave you--a world where I never had a reason to leave you?  The secondary questions went unspoken, but she could hear them.  Are you ready for a world where our love will never be on a timer?
Agnes nodded, her chest heaving.  Holden stared into her eyes, her beautiful eyes, a sparkling brown that should never be shining with tears the way they were in that moment.  Her eyes were so magnificent--they were the first things he had ever truly seen, the only thing he ever wanted to look at.  Her eyes were the beginning and end of the universe, the very definition of beauty, the gateway to heaven.
Her head fell back, and here eyes closed.  And with them, it seemed all the stars in the universe vanished.  Holden let himself look away, let his lip quiver.
My beloved Agnes, he thought, I will be with you again soon.  I will never leave you again.
And he didn't.  Holden stayed by Agnes' side for hours, holding the delicate hands he never wanted to let go of.  His world already felt so dull, so bland, even though she was right next to him.  Agnes was dying, and the universe knew it.
Holden didn't know what Agnes was doing in her new life, but he hoped she was happy.  Maybe she was decorating their house, or reading her favorite, or wandering through a museum filled with all her favorite pieces.  Whatever she was doing, wherever she was, Holden hoped she was waiting for him.
"There is nothing we can do to sustain her in this life."  AIDA spoke above the beeping of the heart monitor, too few and too far between.
Holden swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly, gently, brought Agnes' hand up to his lips.  He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, eyes shut against the cruel world that would take his beloved away from him.
The deafening flatline was a death sentence, Holdens personal damnation to Hell.
He choked in a breath.  "It doesn't matter."  He held her hand tighter, squeezed his eyes tighter.  He couldn't bear to see the world without color, a dull world that would prove she would never truly feel anything ever again.  "In the Framework, her consciousness will live forever."
Holden forced his eyes open.
A sob tore through his throat.
Her cardigan was grey, her blouse was white, speckled with different shades of grey in the shapes of flowers.  Her skin had lost all warmth, her hair was the color of a storm cloud.  He was glad he couldn't see the eyes he adored, for he didn't know what he would do if he had to see the things that gave him a purpose extinguished.
He had fulfilled his purpose, hadn't he?
Success never felt so heart wrenching.
He wanted to see her--needed, beyond food, drink, sleep, sanity, to see Agnes.  More than anything, Holden wanted to cram his head into the sensors and enter the only place in the universe he could find happiness anymore.  But he couldn't.
He feared what he would see.  Would he see Agnes, the love of his life, in all her glorious beauty?  Would he see her soft brown hair?  Would he be able to count the specks of gold in her eyes?
Just hearing her voice would be enough, but Holden was a terrible, greedy man.  He wanted everything to be perfect.  He wanted to see her.  He wanted to feel the giddy happiness he had felt the moment he had laid his eyes on her, he wanted to feel the stars align, he wanted to feel lighter than air, a high that no drug could supply.  He wanted to see color.
Agnes would see color.  He made sure of it.  He would not make a world where she couldn't indulge in the simple joy of looking at art.
After hours of treacherous stalling, Holden bit the bullet.
He didn't look AIDA in the eyes as she hooked him up to the Framework.  She wasn't his Agnes, but they had the same eyes.  Holden couldn't look into her eyes without feeling like he failed.
The grey world around him faded to black, and Holden had never felt such a mix of fear and excitement in his life.
- - -
His eyes opened in lazy blinks, his hand twitched from sleep, and he felt a deep, peaceful calm that he hadn't in years.
It took him a second to register the pale green walls, or the yellow sunlight filtering through an open window.  Holden sat up with a soft gasp.  It worked.
"Agnes?"  His voice sounded desperate, yet hopeful.
"Yes, Holden?"  Her accented voice held a smile, content at happy.  She was just beyond a wall.
Holden rushed through an open door and stopped.
Agnes Kitsworth smiled at him from her breakfast nook overlooking whatever city they were in.  He felt his insides burning with the pure, transcendent joy at seeing her, really seeing her, like the first time in his life.
Holden slowly approached and sat in the nook to face her.  He reached out and cupped her face in his hand.
Agnes leaned into his touch with a soft smile.  "Everything alright, Holden?"
He smiled.  It had been so long since he had smiled like this.  "Everything is perfect."
The flowers on her dress were purple, red, and yellow, the sky outside was bluer than any ocean or lake could ever hope to be.  And her eyes--oh, her eyes!  They shimmered in the afternoon sun, brighter than any light, warmer than any sun, the universe dimmed in comparison.
Holdens hand drifted from her face to her back.  He pulled her in and hugged her, felt her hair against his face, softer than silk.  "Everything is perfect."  He repeated when her arms wrapped around him in return.
He felt Agnes smile, and he pressed his face into her neck.
"Everything is perfect."
Everything is perfect, in a world where we will never run out of time.
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Once someone posted and idea about Agnes being pregnant when she died in the Framework and I will never be able to stop thinking about that. So here’s a crappy AU. Because tears. 
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“Lavender? Plum? Violet? They’re all purple!” + kitscliffe
Radcliffe considers himself to be a very smart person. Genius, in fact. He figures that there’s no place for modesty when it’s only false. He’s smart enough to understand and begin to map the inner workings of the brain; to understand genetics, the human body and how to replicate both.
And yet.
“Agnes.” Saying her name is unnecessary, they’re the only ones in the aisle but he likes the moment when she looks at him, likes the feel of the letters on his tongue. “Don’t you think this is a little overkill? All these different tubes of purple when-”
Agnes is beside him, coming to his side the way he knew she would. The way he hoped she would.
“They aren’t all purple,” Agnes corrects, reaching out to brush her fingers against the tubes of acrylic paint with a fondness that makes Holden smile. “There’s a royal purple and then violet and also lavender-”
Radcliffe picks up one of the paint colors. “Plum?” He raises an eyebrow. “Lavender? Plum? Violet? They’re all purple!”
When Agnes starts explaining the differences, the varying richness in the hues, the soft ways that the colors can suggest different times of day or convey different elements, Radcliffe has to hide a smile. He pretends to study the paints but it’s difficult to look anywhere other than her face, to do anything but listen to her voice, melodious and impassioned as she tells him all these things that she’s deemed so important.
Radcliffe considers himself to be a smart person. Smart enough to figure out exactly how to spend the next fifteen minutes listening to the beautiful voice of a beautiful woman.
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plinys · 7 years
a steady beat [a kitscliffe fic for @pizza-is-my-buziness and @ophvelias]
There’s something wrong.
A sinking feeling that lingers in her chest as days goes by. Sitting there, nestled between her rib cage, as though it belongs there. As if it has always belonged there. Right where her heart should be.
Her heart that beats in a steady - one, two, three - rhythm no matter what she feels.
As if to say that everything is alright.
Everything is alright.
A mantra she tries to repeat.
A reassurance that pushes past his lips daily.
But it’s not.
dedicated to my two fave aos fans, my squid squad, the only two people i know anymore that are into this ship. these two wonderful people who suffered through rambling rants and lots of self doubt this past weekend. only to come out of it and reminded me not to let terrible people who don’t deserve me ruin good characters for us. you both rock my world and making sticking around this messy fandom worth it.
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apictureofspace · 7 years
Fandom: Agents of SHIELD.
5 favorite characters: Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter & Agnes Kitsworth
3 OTPs: Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird & Kitscliffe
Funniest character: Leopold “science, biatch” Fitz
Prettiest character: Jemma Simmons
Most badass character: Bobbi Morse. the queen can SLAY ME.
Character I’d like as my BFF: Jemma, because we’re basically the same person.
Character that’s ruined my life: Holden Radcliffe. I wasn’t expecting John Hannah to show up straight out of my childhood and be presented with a tragic love story arc. WHY, MARVEL, WHY?
send me a fandom!
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artistformerlyknown · 2 years
holden radcliffe 003
<3 <3 <3 how i feel about this character: dad! he is delightful any/all the people i ship romantically with this character: i am kitscliffe until i DIE and this isn't a shock to anybody. but also fitz's mum i like the rare fic i've seen where they stay together it's really nice my favourite non-romantic relationship for this character: dadcliffe until i die also so anywhere when he gets to be dad honestly my unpopular opinion about this character: that i like him at all i suppose?? i did not used to be a diehard holden appreciator and then i met lovely @gregorygerwitz and the rest is history i was pulled into the depths of rarepair shipping and it's been great since then! one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i know it was very very unlikely but... happy ending? in my mind he's living happily with his family favourite friendship for this character: him and aida! i think they should've been buddies for longer your honour my crossover ship: any of the other misguided scientist dads that i like of which i have quite a lot
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kylosrehn · 7 years
OKAY BUT getting real close to the due date, and ophelia is in pain again and fitz is worried and she's just like "promise me if you have to chose between me and they baby you'll chose to save our daughter"
Decided to throw a curveball here and set it in the step siblings au. 
It’s a Saturday evening, nothing out of the ordinary.
They’re both settled on the couch in the living room, the television humming faintly in the background, all but forgotten, their fathers’ voices filtering in from the kitchen. It’s nice. A moment of peace in their otherwise chaotic lives.
Fitz’s got his head stuck in a book, Ophelia pressed against him, head resting against his shoulder. She’s been quiet all evening, absent-mindedly running her hands over her stomach.
“I’ve been thinking.” She says, and something about her tone makes Fitz set his book aside.
“Yeah?” He prompts, carding a hand through her hair. His fingers brush against the nape of her neck and she shivers.
“Just—something my dad told me recently. About my mother.” She explains and he feels a sharp stab of pain in his chest at the sadness in her voice.
“Leo, I—” Ophelia shifts in his arms, lifting herself up, twisting around to face him. There’s something solemn about her expression.
“I need you to promise me something.” She says and her eyes shine with determination.
“Anything.” He says, a little too quickly, trying to ignore the sickening churning in his stomach.
Ophelia licks her lips, composing the words in her head. She moves one of her hands to rest a palm against his cheek.
“Promise me that if—if something goes wrong, you’ll choose her over me. That you’ll take care of her. She’s going to need you.”
It takes Fitz a moment to comprehend her words — for the implication to sink in.
He pales.
“No.” He chokes out, a horrified, strangled sound. Fitz grabs her hand, trapping it and holding it in both of his.
“Don’t say that. Everything’s going to be fine.” He assures her but it rings hollow, lacks conviction.
“But if—”
“No.” Fitz cuts her off. “Things are different now.”
Ophelia nods at that, slow, unconvinced. She presses herself closer, rests her cheek against the radiating warmth of his chest. He wraps his arms around her, tries to keep them from shaking.
“Please.” She mumbles, hand twisting the material of his shirt.
“Please?” She repeats. “I just need to hear you say it.”
Fitz relents, heart heavy.
“I promise.” He says, throat clicking.
He tries to picture it for a moment — a life without her. Realizes he can’t.
They stay like that for a while, not saying anything, just holding each other.
“Are we interrupting something?” Ophelia lifts her head at the sound of Holden’s voice.
There’s a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips but when their eyes meet she knows the fear she finds in them mirrors her own.
“No, no.” Ophelia lies smoothly, pushing loose strands of hair out of her face.
She sits up, still feeling the comforting weight of Leo’s arm around her shoulder, and pats the empty space beside her on the sofa, a silent invitation for Holden and Alistair to join them.
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quietandpasty-blog · 8 years
[I know i’m a trash can you don’t need to call me out]
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gregorygerwitz · 3 years
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The Radcliffe Family + Magic Users AU
The thing about the world is that there’s so much that people don’t know, especially when those things are being purposefully hidden from them. One of those things, happens to be magic.
Of course, magic can’t be hidden from everyone, and there are two factions who know about it - the Users and the Hunters. The Users are the ones who wield magic, who can control the wild energies inside themselves and make beautiful things. The Hunters want that to stop. They want to end the line of magic completely and make the world safe again. There’s significantly less danger if certain people can’t use magic for dark purposes.
The Radcliffes are a family of Users. The magic within them has been past down through generations, growing stronger with time. So, when magical prodigy Holden met Agnes, another User with magic even more wild than his own, they got on like fire and gasoline. As the years passed, and their love and power grew, Hunters started to take notice.
Outrunning Hunters isn’t hard, not when they’d both been doing it since they were teenagers, and it’s made even easier when they have someone to run with. It’s when they had a baby, and then a growing child into the mix that it really gets difficult. Because then it’s not only their lives on the line, but Leo’s, too.
Years continued to pass, and the Radcliffe family was able to settle down again. For a while, their lives were as normal as they could be with the magic running through their veins, with normal jobs and normal school and people around them didn’t suspect a thing. But their normal life couldn’t last forever, and all at once, that perfect fantasy they’d let themselves fall into shattered - Leo’s magic was growing too fast, bringing Hunters to the area and disturbing the quiet town around them.
And, really, between the magical prodigy living right under the noses of the innocent and the armies that were gathering to find him to prevent an ancient prophesy from coming true, magic couldn’t stay a secret forever.
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kitweewoos · 4 years
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That’s a Rad Baby! - a Kitscliffe baby social media au (with bonus Leo as Holden’s son) requested by the darling @holdendadcliffe
(send me a social media au prompt)
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plinys · 7 years
Kitscliffe and “Stay there. I’m coming to get you.” (I was really trying to find one you couldn't make sad but I definitely failed)
They’re taking a break, a temporary thing, because Agnes is dying and having a man that looks at her with pity rather than love is something that she can’t handle. 
Ever since the hospital, ever since the doctors said a year if she’s lucky, he’s been looking at her like that. Like he’s been counting the minutes.
Each one ticking by and -
So when a friend from college mentioned being in the city and wanting to grab drinks she had took the opportunity. It was supposed to make her feel better, to make her feel young and free again, and to forget about everything.
But somehow, the opposite effect had happened.
Two drinks into the night she’d blurted out that she had a brain tumor to some random guy at the bar and it wasn’t - she couldn’t do this.
She couldn’t be here, pretending everything was okay when her heart hurt. 
She steps out of the bar into the cool night air and means to call a taxi, one to take her back to the hotel her friends were staying at but, instead she finds herself moving on auto pilot punching in the one number she had been avoiding the past few days.
He answers after the first ring, sounding tired and a bit sad but still there - “Agnes?”
“I miss you,” she says, because that’s the first thing she thinks of -  
“I don’t want to die,” she says, because she doesn’t and she scare and - 
“I thought this would be easier,” she says, because he’s not here and - 
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
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apictureofspace · 8 years
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otp aesthetics (3/?) | | KITSCLIFFE {Agnes Kitsworth / Holden Radcliffe}
“Are you ready for a better world?”
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artistformerlyknown · 3 years
★ my writing (06/06/23) ★
★ wow wow! i used to have a wip list but honestly, i’m pretty inconsistent with fics i start! so i figured having a general... list of couples i like and maybe the big universes i write for would be a better idea. very much always down to talk about these things as well as other things not listed here, particularly if we’ve talked about them before! ★ ★ i post on ao3 at: mybelovedagnes ★ ★ i mainly write fic for: the marvel universe (particularly aos), the magnus archives, wolf 359, blaseball, spies are forever ★ my main universes for these fandoms include: ✩ blaseball crossover (aos/blaseball | blidleo, fitzsimmons, tillsendec, others) ✩ unholy matrimony (aos | idleo) ✩ throssover (aos/blaseball/tma | blideo, fs, tilsendec, lonelyeyes, blidleolonelyeyes) ✩ national anthem (aos | bioleophelia) ✩ [UNNAMED WTNV/AOS CROSSOVER] (aos/wtnv | id/leo/kevin/2xOCs, bioquake) ✩ stalker (wolf 359 | kepcobi, platonic jacobi+maxwell) ✩ college au (wolf 359 | hereiffel, kepcobi, kepcobeiffel, herawell, minlace, pryce/cutter) ✩ femme fatale (spies are forever | curtwen) ✩ misc others that are less developed i don’t want this to get too long! ★ the main muses for these fandoms are: id + jemma simmons, leopold fitz (both of them), daisy johnson, agnes kitsworth, holden radcliffe, aida, ophelia (aos) | the maximoff family (wanda, vision, tommy, billy, viv, pietro, lorna, nina, erik, charles, magda. i do what i fucking want), ava starr, stephen strange, the parkers, victor von doom, loki, steve rogers, bucky + becca barnes (marvel) | kevin, charles the theologist, donovan, cecil, carlos the scientist, various ocs (wtnv) | warren kepler, daniel jacobi, alana maxwell, hera, doug eiffel (wolf 359) 
★ i have also been known to write fic for: the umbrella academy, overlord (2018), arcane (2021), time:bombs, house  ★ my main universes for these fandoms include: ✩ freelancing (tua/aos, slight overlord | doctorconductor, biophelia, vague tibbetchase)  ✩ highschool au (overlord, tibbetchase) ✩ love in the big city (tua/aos | leo/leonard, idviktor) ✩ don’t worry, baby (tua/aos | kitscliffe, leo/leonard) ✩ happy family (modern au!arcane | silco/marcus, prev. silco/vander, caitvi, jinx/happiness, jayvik) ★ the main muses for this fandom are: viktor hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, leonard peabody (au, all au, please do not kill me) (the umbrella academy) | lyle tibbet, morton chase, chloe laurent (overlord 2018) | jinx, vi, cait, ekko, jayce, viktor, silco, vander, marcus (arcane) | house, wilson, cuddy (house)
★ tags under the cut! ★
swing batter batter: blaseball crossover  stargirl: blaseball id simmons (blid because i am lazy) stargirl and the astronaut: blaseball id simmons/leopold fitz (blidleo because i am lazy) unholy matrimony: canon idleo, my fic of the same name 190 days: tma teachers  face your fears: the magnus archives magic hands: wanda maximoff  wonder twins: wanda + pietro biochem: jemma simmons  unstoppable forever: fitzsimmons scientific beauty: kitscliffe unlucky seven: the umbrella academy  sweet melody: viktor hargreeves and now the weather: welcome to night vale oh the misery: arcane hate crimes md: house hello dear listeners: wolf 359 hand grenade heart: kepcobi forever whatever: spies are forever endless card game: inscryption
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