#Klaus is a simp for Caroline
rosedforbes · 4 months
head's empty just Klaus Mikaelson spending 1000+ years trying to turn into a hybrid in order to create more of them so he could have his own family, just to trade one of them for a date with Caroline Forbes
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Klaus: You look great
Caroline: *okay
Klaus: *MINE
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cheshireegray · 2 years
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When she asked for a new prom dress 🥰
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athenamikaelson · 3 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 5
Word Count- 3.3k
Warnings- Swearing, violence, slight SA, Elijah being a simp.
A/N- This chapter wasn’t much but I wanted to get something out to you guys. NEXT CHAPTER though, there will be a lot of Elijah and reader. I am very excited to write that. And most likely the chapter after that will be the intro of our favorite Hybrid, which I know many of you have been itching for. 
ALSO, I want to thank you all for your support. It means so much to me that so many of you love this series as much as I do.
“Wait, so Rose is dead, werewolves are roaming the streets of Mystic Falls, and some bitch kidnapped you? All in a span of a week. ”
I look up to Caroline who is sitting behind me braiding my hair. She solemnly nods and frowns. 
“Ya, thankfully though Elijah’s witches came in clutch and helped save the day,” Caroline says as she moves my head forward to go back to braiding my hair. 
“Elijah helped,” I question Elena, who sits before me with Bonnie as they paint each other’s nails. Elena had called me an hour ago saying we were having a sleepover at Careoline’s but she never explained why. 
She nods, “Ya, I guess he is keeping his side of the deal.
Bonnie chimes into the conversation but I tone them out. Ever since that night in Elena’s room, my mind has been plagued by thoughts of the suited original vampire. His dark eyes haunt my dreams and when I’m awake I feel as if he’s not far away. I know I’m being delusional but I have these moments where I think I’m going to turn around and he’s going to be standing right behind me. 
“He’s kind of cute,” Caroline’s words bring me back to the conversation at hand. 
“Have you not been listening,” She asks me, to which I just shrug my shoulders embarrassedly. Caroline and I have started to have an interesting friendship. Unlike my friendship with Elena in which we both have somewhat trauma bonded, my friendship with Caroline is more her talking my ear off and me enjoying not having to talk. I had originally thought that Caroline and I wouldn’t mesh well since I kind of hate people who don’t know when to shut up. But oddly enough we work well together. I don’t pressure her to stop talking and she doesn’t pressure me to talk. 
Bonnie and I on the other hand both talk much so when we’re together it’s mostly in peaceful silence. I think we both appreciate that though with all the hectic things we’ve had to deal with. 
“Elijah. I was talking about Elijah. He’s got that suave gentleman look to him, but he also looks like he’d be a freak in the sheets if you know what I mean,” She jokingly shoves me but for some reason hearing her talk about him that way makes an odd feeling rise in my gut, “He seems like your type Y/N.”
My eyebrows furrow, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Caroline shrugs her shoulder, “I don’t know, just an inference.”
“How about we order food,” Elena pipes up, I’m guessing she noticed the embarrassed look I had on my face and decided to rescue me from that awkward conversation. I send her a small smile as Caroline instantly agrees and Bonnie nods. 
Thirty minutes later, Bonnie, Elena, Caroline, and I are sitting on the floor of Caroline’s bedroom eating Chinese food. I watch silently as Bonnie and Caroline argue if we should watch The Notebook or Pride and Prejudice. Elena sits next to me watching and giggling at them. As I sit there silently watching all my new friends, I find myself smiling to myself. For the first time in years, I actually feel as if I belong. As if I’m a part of something. And I like it. I really like it. 
I jolt awake at the ringing of a cell phone and groan as the morning light pierces my eyes. I’m not the only one annoyed from being awoken because I hear Caroline and Bonnie growling at Elena for answering her phone so early in the morning. I can hear some of what she and Stefan are talking about from her position outside the door but decide listening to them flirt isn’t how I want to spend my morning so I throw my pillow over my head and try to suffocate myself. I’m about to doze off when my pillow is ripped off my face. 
“First of all, suffocation really,” Elena glances down at me from her standing position, “Second of all you’re getting a call.” She hands me my phone. I glance down at the unknown number on the screen and groan as I answer it, already annoyed with the caller.
“What do you want Damon?” I asked annoyed as I waited for the vampire to respond. 
“I’m picking you up from your house in an hour you better be dressed to impress Mystic Falls’ elite.”
“What the hell are you talking about Demon?”
“Listen Pukey, I got word that our favorite original is going to be at the Mayor’s tea party and you’re going as my plus one.”
I frown at Damon’s mention of Elijah, “Why me?” 
I hear Damon groan from his end as if all my questions are annoying him, “For some reason, the suited one has a soft spot for you so I’m guessing he would be less inclined to kill me with you at my side. So get your ass ready and be ready or I’ll drag you to the party in your PJs,” Damon pauses for a moment, “You know what, feel free to wear what you’re wearing now. I'm interested to know what you wear to sleep. If anything at all.”
I loudly gag and Damon laughs and then ends our call. I groan and sit up. I turn over my shoulder to see Caroline and Bonnie cuddling together and sleeping. I slightly smile at the sight but freeze up. Elijah. I’m seeing Elijah today. 
“Well, don’t you look darling,” Damon smirks at me as I get into the passenger seat of his Mustang, “Elijah’s going to eat you right up.” 
I visibly shake at his words and shoot him a glare.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Elijah doesn’t have a soft spot for me.”
Damon just hums to himself, “Sure. Whatever you say Pukerella.”
As we climb the stairs of the Mayor’s house I nervously fiddle with the hem of my dress. I tried my best to find something suitable for the Mayor’s tea party but unfortunately, I didn’t have the funds for expensive beautiful dresses like my peers so I had to settle for a simple white sundress that stops at my mid-thigh. There is dark red lacing that lines the hem. I matched the red thread to a hair ribbon I had and used that to put my hair up. What is making me the most uncomfortable though is that I got this dress a long time ago, so I’ve filled it out in places that are quite visible. 
“Stop fiddling,” Damon says as he grabs my arm in his and holds it to his chest like we’re some cute couple and he’s a gentleman. Both are very much false. I try to shake away from him but his grip only tightens. He leads us up the steps and through the door where classical music fills the room. Many old women converse together as we pass.
“Damon and Y/N, what are you guys doing here?” Jenna questions him as she walks over to us, she notices me and a look of confusion contorts her face as she notices our interlocked hands.
“Hi, you came,” Some blonde woman comes up to Damon and kisses him deeply on the lips resulting in a gag from me. Thankfully the distraction made Damon unlatch his arm from mine so I squeezed past them and go to stand behind Jenna. This doesn’t last long as Damon thanks Jenna for introducing him and his “friend,” as he walks back over to me grabbing my arm and leading me away from them. I almost trip when I see where Damon is leading us. Right towards Ms. Lockwood and Elijah who is unsurprisingly wearing a suit that looks like it was made just for him, which I’m guessing it was. I lock eyes with him and his lips turn upwards into a small smile but it slightly drops as his gaze drops down to my dress. 
Damon and Ms. Lockwood achieve pleasantries and she introduces Damon to Elijah, who still has his eyes locked on me. Damon pulls me closer to him which catches Elijah’s attention. His once soft eyes darken as he stares at the arm Damon has wrapped around my waist.
“Such a pleasure to meet you,” Damon extends a hand to Elijah and I feel as if I’ve lost all the air in my lungs as Elijah reaches his hand up to Damon’s.
“No. Pleasure’s mine,” Elijah claims but as I notice the grimace on Damon’s face as he contracts his now-redden hand from Elijah’s I’m guessing he’s not being entirely truthful. 
“And oh! Y/N, I didn’t know you were going to be joining us today,” Carol finally notices me as she gives me a once over, “This doesn’t really seem like your crowd.”
I bite back the urge to tell her I’d rather be sticking pin-needles in my eye sockets than have to listen to any of the pompous bitches, but just politely smile at her. 
“Oh, Miss. Y/L/N here is my plus one,” Damon chimes up. Carol looks at me suspiciously as if I shouldn’t be here. 
“I didn’t know you and Y/N were friends.”
Damon throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him, “Oh, yes. We’re great friends. Practically best friends if you will.” Carol just nods her head as if she doesn’t completely believe it but relents as she turns to Elijah who hasn’t moved his eyes from Damon’s hand. With all the attention my skin starts to crawl and I raise my left foot slightly and kick it down onto Damon’s right one resulting in a painful hiss to escape his lips. His hand instantly drops from my shoulder and within a moment I feel another hand lightly grab my wrist and pull me away from Damon. I’m almost happy until I see the hand that has grabbed me belongs to no other than Elijah. For some reason though as soon as he has pulled me away from Damon he drops my wrist and lets me stand on my own. I know I shouldn’t but I send him an appreciative smile. For a moment Elijah just stares at me blankly before nodding his head, he quickly turns his attention back to Ms. Lockwood but before he’s fully turned away from me I could’ve sworn I saw a light pink hue on his cheeks. Was he blushing? Wait. can vampires even blush?
“This is a bad idea, why are you trying to provoke an old ass vampire who could quite literally kill everyone in this building within a blink of an eye,” I frantically ask Damon as he leads me into an empty office in the Mayor’s house. 
“He’s not going to kill us, he made a deal,” Damon responds nonchalantly but from the look in his eyes, I don’t think he truly believes himself either. 
“You’re quite right Damon, I did make a deal,” I whip around to see Elijah coming into the office and shutting the door behind him, “But, I made a deal with Elena, not you. So tell me, what can I help you with?”
“I was hoping we could have a word,” Damon smirks at him.
“Where is Elena?”
“Safe with Stefan. Laying low, you know bit of a werewolf problem,” Damon answers his question. Elijah nods his head. And my eyes watch as his fingers draw circles on the chair he’s leaning on. 
“Oh, yeah. I heard about that,” Elijah responds and I glance up from his hands to see him staring at me with a small smirk on his face. Fuck, please god tell me he didn’t see me ogling his fucking fingers. He taps his index and pointer finger twice on the leather seat in front of him once more as if he knows that’ll answer the question I just asked myself. I whip my view from him to the wall beside me as Damon and Elijah keep talking. Although I can't see him I can still feel Elijah’s eyes burning holes onto the side of my head. 
“I’m sure you did since it was your witch who saved the day.”
“You are welcome.”
“Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you’re here,” Damon stop fucking questioning him before he rips your throat out!
“Why don’t you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to me,” Elijah turns like he’s about to leave and I release a breath but Damon speeds in front of him stopping him.
“Not good enough.”
I sit there holding my breath, as Elijah stands there still looking at Damon.
“Elskan,” Elijah turns his head to glance at me, “Please turn back to the wall.” 
I don’t fight him on this as I whip back around and continue staring at the wall I had previously stared at. I flinch when I hear Damon hit the wall by the desk. I almost gag when I hear the sound of bones cracking and Damon grunting in pain. 
“You young vampires, so arrogant. How dare you come in here and challenge me?”
“You can’t kill me, man. It’s not part of the deal.”
“Silence,” Within another second a squelching sound hits my ears and Damon starts grunting in pain. I’m glad Elijah gave me the heads up or I’d be throwing up right now. 
“I’m an original. Show a little respect. The moment you cease to be of use to me, you’re dead. So, you should do what I say. Keep Elena safe.”
I hear Elijah’s footsteps retreat towards to door but I hold my breath as they stop.
“Elskan,” I slowly turn and quickly avert my gaze from the bloody Damon and look up at Elijah who is standing at the door, “I will be seeing you shortly.” He stares at me momentarily before speeding away. What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
“Why am I here again,” I question Damon as he leads me and Alaric into his mansion of a house. 
“Because I needed a drink asap,” He turns over his shoulder to look at me, “Unless you’re offering?” 
I cringe in disgust as Alaric comes to stand in front of me. 
“Leave her alone Damon,” Damon just rolls his eyes and makes his way to the couch, and pours himself a drink.
“Let me talk to him for a few minutes then I’ll take you home myself,” Alaric sends me a small smile, and even though I know there are no bad intentions in his proposition being alone with an older man I barely know unsettles me. But since it’s getting dark outside and I live on the outskirts of town, I need a ride. Better a history teacher than an alcoholic vampire. 
“Ok, thanks,” I send him a small smile and then turn to Damon, “Where’s your bathroom?” I glance down the neverending hallway.
Damon throws his hand up and waves it around nonchalantly, “There’s like 30 of them, go hunting.” Alaric sends me a sad smile and gestures towards the hallway to our right. I nod and walk away from the men 
After five minutes of walking down hallways and opening up random doors, I find myself in a bathroom bigger than my entire living room. Fucking rich people. After using the bathroom and wiping my face with water to try to wake myself up I start walking back towards where I think the living room was. I freeze though when I notice I don’t hear Damon’s annoying voice, matter of fact I don’t hear anything at all. I get a bad feeling in my gut so I go to turn back around but something smashes into my skull and the world goes black. 
“Ah, there she is. Morning sweetheart,” I frown as an unfamiliar voice grates my eardrums. Mixed with the pounding headache I have I think I’m going to be sick. God, I have got to start taking Tums. I try to move but something cold and heavy is holding me back. I slowly open my eyes to see chains wrapped around me holding me in place in a chair. No matter how hard I try they won’t budge. 
“Aren’t you a pretty little thing,” A man’s voice registers as I look up to see an ugly-looking man staring down at me. The look in his eyes makes my heart drop to my ass. I flinch back as he drags his finger down my face and fight the urge to cry as the finger makes its descent down toward to center of my chest. 
“Leave her alone,” Damon, who I’ve now realized is sitting next to me chained up and bloody, yells at the man. The man only laughs sickly but thankfully lifts his hands away from me.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt her,” He claims but the look in his eyes has me thinking otherwise. Damon must think this as well because he lets out a low growl. 
“He might not hurt her but I will,” I woman’s voice chimes in but before I can find where it’s coming from a sharp pain slashes into my leg and I scream out as waves of agony wash over me. Damon’s yells are all I hear as I look down to my thigh which now has a small dagger in it. Tears involuntarily spill out of my eyes as my blurry vision looks up to see my assailant. A blonde woman stares down at me with a smile, but nothing about it is friendly and warm. Her smile deepens as she reaches her hand back down and within another moment I’m screaming again as she pulls the knife from my leg. 
“You fucking bitch,” I cry out, resulting in a deep laugh from her. 
“Hey, fleabag! Leave her alone alright, I’m the one who pissed all over your kibble, come stab me.” Damon tries to coax the woman. 
She just smiles again, “We want the moonstone. Where is it?”
“Get over it, honey. You’re never going to get it.”
I verbally groan at Damon’s response and try to fight back against the waves of tiredness of feeling. I know with the amount of blood I’m losing that if I go to sleep now I’m most likely not waking up. And there’s no way I’m letting this bitch with dead ends be the reason I meet my demise. 
“Looking for this,” I almost let out a cry of relief as I looked up to see Elijah leaning against a wooden pillar. His nonchalant attitude instantly changes as I catch his eye. His dark eyes furiously move over my face, his nose crinkles (almost cutely), and his eyes look down to my bleeding thigh. My once-white dress is now as red as the ribbon in my hair. 
I try to stay awake as Elijah makes his way down the staircase with the stone in his hands. My eyes keep opening and shutting though as my vision keeps blurring. I hear bits and pieces of screams and bones cracking before I feel the weight of the chains around me disappear and a warm hand raises to my lips. 
“That’s my girl, come now Elskan. Drink.”
I wake up in my bed with a loud groan. My hands stretch out beside me as I feel the white fabric of the comforter. Wait. White? I quickly sit up and instantly regret it as a wash-up pain flows through my body. But the fear that I had just awoken in a bed that is not my trumps that pain. What the fuck happened last night? “You’re awake, wonderful,” A deep voice comes from the edge of the room, “We have much to discuss, Elskan.”
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Headcanons for Klaus Being A Simp For You
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First thing under no circumstances will Klaus ever admit to being a simp
You know he's a simp for you, and so does his siblings, but none of you are able to get him to actually say it
But it does show just how bad he's got for you all the time
You're the only person in his life that he will allow to stand up to him, or outright defy him without consquences
When Klaus wouldn't lift the death threat he placed on Tyler's life, Caroline begged you to talk to him about it.
Which you did pointing out all the ways Klaus wronged Tyler, but also feeding into his ego
"If you're really the almighty true hybrid who can't be killed. Why are you acting like Tyler is still a threat to you? Do you perhaps fear him Klaus?"
Klaus immediately went into a rant about Tyler being no match for him, but nevertheless once he was done. He told Caroline the death threat was lifted.
Whenever Rebekah would piss him off to much she came to you looking for protection. When Klaus locked eyes with you in search of his little sister to dagger her. He simply let a out sigh of annoyance and gave you the dagger. You were holding your hand out for.
Everyone in his life knew that you were the one person Klaus would give into every single time without a fight.
But your influence did have its limitations in certain situations
Because you meant so much to him that brought a lot of his enemies to your doorstep
One time Klaus found you bloodied and bruised after one of Marcel's vampires attacked you to send a message
You tried to reel his anger in but he took one look at your state, and vamped sped away. The whole city of New Orleans felt his rage that night as he went on a rampage.
No human or vampire was safe as Klaus was hell bent on not just taking revenge, but also breaking every single one of Marcel's rules
He gave the vampire a werewolf bite and locked him up in the Mikaelson's mansion to watch him die a slow and painful death.
He ordered his siblings to keep a watchful eye over you after that. You weren't aware of it at first but wherever you went a Mikaelson wasn't far behind protecting you from anymore attacks.
Klaus also moved you into the mansion afterwards. You came home to find your apartment empty except for him standing there with a key.
Oh yeah and when it comes to sibling squabbles all of them know better than to involve you. Kol threatened your life one time when he first came back, and was terrified to even look in your direction for a month after Klaus was done with him.
You're one of the few people who can bring out his goofy and fun side.
He seemed like he was more irritated than anything when Rebekah brought the camera to take family pictures
Later on that night you presented him with the small camera, and the two of you had your own personal photoshoot
It took years for him to confess his feelings for you, because he had never felt this kind of love for someone, and every time he did try to love someone. It always ended in tragedy and heartbreak
Klaus didn't want things to be that way with you
But at the same time he was scared you wouldn't wait around forever for him, even though you definitely would've.
Klaus treated you like a literal queen, and only gave you his best. He was careful to never slip up and take his anger out on you
You began helping Klaus learn a better way to respond to his loved ones whenever they hurt him
Klaus would end up turning you at some point because he couldn't bear the thought of losing you
But he waits for you to come to him and ask.
Klaus wouldn't dare pressure you
If you asked for the world Klaus would find a way to give to you. There isn't nothing he wouldn't do for you.
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tulipisnadaxx · 2 years
people denying klaus's affection for caroline have no idea what they're missing out on.
that man simping over her was the HIGHLIGHT of tvd s3 & 4! the flirting, the teasing, the longing looks, the puppy eyes, the cheeky smilies, the gifts and acts of service, the promise of "Rome. Paris. Tokyo?" and " ..I intent to be your last-love-, however long it takes.", and their talks about life and humanity and immortality?? + lets not forget that they own two of the best dance scenes in the series🫴🏻.
he was so whipped and she was living in denial it was pathetic and embarrassing to watch. how can anyone not at least enjoy them??
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stars-and-darkness · 11 months
week #19
we hold it down when summer starts by brophigenia (@brophigenia)
When the daylight rings crack, Klaus' first thought is Caroline.
oh my god. oh my gooood. this one is just—it’s just—it’s so gorgeous, okay, sweet and desperate and so, so gentle. it’s a bit of an excursion into klaus’s simp-brain, and can I just say, buddy, me too.
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jillvalentineismother · 3 months
Mann I better not EVER catch y’all on this app saying that Caroline made Klaus weak and turned him into a simp when by TO stupid ass retconned canon(or whatever you wanna call it), Klaus became so heartless and cruel because he got rejected by Aurora. Say what you want about klaroline, but Klaus was still a murderous asswipe. They tried so hard to make Aurora out to be his true love, and tried to undermine his feelings for Caroline but ended failing and making Klaus look like a goofy lame.
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
you can do headcanons about klaus mikaelson being a simp to you
oohh, I like that.
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I can imagine Klaus being a total simp for Y/N.
Like, have you seen how he treats Caroline? Total simp.
But Y/N is different.
Y/N was special to him since day one.
You two met at a gallery.
You were staring at a painting and he sneaked from behind you and said: " I see you are mesmerized, love."
You flinched a little cuz you were so deep in though that you haven't heard any footsteps.
He then started to explain to you why the artist painted this painting and you were listening intently.
He totally adored that about you. You were so interested in what he says about paintings, and even seem to remember it afterwards.
After you two got to introduce each other, he mentioned that he is an artist himself.
You were immediately amazed and started asking him to show you his paintings, and from that point, he realized that he fell in love with you.
You two walked to the mansion that day to see his paintings and for him to get to know you more.
After you two got to his mansion and you saw the painting, you couldn't stop talking about how his skills were amazing and he couldn't help but blush.
He then offered to paint you.
Which you said yes to.
After he painted you, he couldn't stop looking at your beauty.
When he realized he was staring, he blushed.
He was never into someone as much as he did with you.
So, it was his sign to go out with you.
And he did.
During those dates that you two go to, you noticed how he always was overprotective of you and how he always tends to buy you hair accessories and puts them in your hair and walks back a few steps to admire your beauty.
Even when you felt insecure over yourself, he was there to comfort you and tell you otherwise.
After all, you are his, and he is yours, and you two want the best to each other.
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klaeusd · 1 year
🍓 🍓 or else
@ mutuals send me a 🍓 and i’ll compliment u!
ㅤㅤno need for threats 🙄 rissaaaa my bestie ( i'd call u my wife, but i know caroline already has that spot. i'd call u my simp, but u might get offended by that. mistress mayb? ), you were one of the first people to give my elena a chance back when i first reentered the indie world. and though that feels like forever ago now, that still means something to me. we clicked and bonded really fast, and you became the main person i talked to everyday. i really started looking forward to that, as you always have a way of brightening my day or just saying the right thing when i'm feeling not so great ( which, to be fair, is pretty damn often lmao ). having someone i could hop into the messages of at any time about anything is a great comfort, and i appreciate that far more than you probably know. you're so sweet and supportive, and i always love to see your presence, whether that's on the dash or on discord. i legit can't imagine going like, 24 hours without having any sort of contact with you. as for ic, i'm enamored with your portrayal of stefan and all the ways you've made him your own. plotting out k.lefan ( and s.telena, though we still need to do much more with them 😤 ) with you has geninuely been one of my favorite rp experiences ever, and i get so excited every time i see you tag me in something for them or reread your carrd to see our stuff mentioned or giggle about some new plot or little factoid for them over disco. i'm honored that you gave me a coveted spot in your pinned post ( and your clique 😉 ), and that you let me wiggle my klaus so far into stefan's story. my klaus wouldn't be the same without your stefan, and my amazing time here wouldn't be the same with you. i'd say thank you for everything, but that would sound too much like a farewell to me. so i'll just say love ya bitch instead 🤍
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rosedforbes · 1 year
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hello my fellas do you ever stop and think about how Miss Caroline "welcome to our victory party! klaus is finally dead!" Forbes decided to change her name to Miss Caroline "I just can't watch klaus die" Forbes when she thought the simp-hybrid was going to see the light? no because I do. (also when this happened Klaus was asking about her and he literally gasped when he heard THAT)
-sorry for bad english-
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mrsmalfoyqueen · 2 years
I've read many stories where Caroline turns up at Klaus's door — she's worried, unsure whether he still wants her, whether he's still waiting.
I want to read one where she goes to him, not a century later (maybe a decade?). And she doesn't knock on his door, wait with baited breath fearful and apprehensive - but walks in like she owns the place (which she does) and reorganizes his closet because her clothes need more space.
And everyone is scared and worried that she's another one of his crazy exes but Klaus simply shrugs and asks her if he should knock the next room down to turn it into a walk-in closet because this one doesn't have enough space for her shoes. I would LOVE some bashing in there (Cami, Hayley, Aurora - any, all - I'm not picky).
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kattarra · 3 years
I think it's criminal that we Klaroline fans were ROBBED of a scene where Klaus's enemies use his love of Caroline against him. It wasn't as if he kept it a secret, in fact, he was notoriously a huge simp. The Mystic Falls gang doesn't count because Caroline was a willing distraction.
I'm talking she gets kidnapped, she's tied up, her life is literally on the line and Klaus has to kill every single one of them in order to save her. The people he just killed? very important to another aspect of the plot. Killing them fucks up every aspect of his life. Maybe they had a different plan to thwart the enemy where everybody wins, and now Klaus has ruined that opportunity because Caroline was in danger!!! IMAGINE IT AND SCREAM!!
There is absolutely no reason that we should've been denied that kind of scene when all the emotions and tensions were RIGHT THERE.
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cheshireegray · 11 months
☆。I know I haven’t been on here in the longest time, but I’m sorta back so here’s a Klaroline one shot as an apology. Please don’t hate me 🫣
"Okay favorite color?" Her voice was light and airy as she called the next question. Klaus leans behind her combing his slender fingers through her bouncy water curls. Humming softly to an older classical singer he favored.
His young blonde turns her head a little to retrieve his attention again—-not that she ever lost it, but he hadn't answered quickly like her last few turns.
The original chuckles lightly and kisses her hair, "that one's easy, it's yellow."
Caroline shakes her head but hums when he massages her scalp with his firm hands. She lets her body sink deeper into his spread legs, feeling her hands wave and sway with the bathtub water. Klaus's finger graze the tip of her temple before he pulls them back lightly.
"What was my youngest brother's name?"
The question itself didn't float around so hotly or discomforted as it once did in the first year of their relationship. At first he wouldn't answer any questions that she'd asked—-involving his past sibling. Always reminding how she didn't need to dig into something he'd never cared to talk about, which caused arguments and very emotional tears. 
That was then though. 
He hears her heart pump slightly more, a known excitement coursing through her delicate skin. He knew how much she enjoyed talking about 'the Viking days' with him. Always finding deep enjoyment in his stories of how he once lived his very old and tedious life. 
"I personally love calling him Henry, but his name was Henrik." Her head tilts with a speckle of sass in her tone, knowing he'd be smirking behind her. It was true Caroline loved calling Henrik—-Henry or little hen, saying if he was still alive they'd be best friends. Making bracelets, playing with their magic, still remaining their fragile human selves,  and playing innocent jokes on the rest of his dysfunctional family. 
Klaus smirks--as she'd known. Thinking about how much a simple human girl could shift his dark and immortal life. So much of him he'd thought had died along with the his last human heart beat, she'd pulled out of his cold blocked off heart. 
He continued to wonder where she'd been when he was human and begging to find a love such as the kind they'd experienced currently. Well of course he knew that she wasn't even a seedling when he was flesh and fragile skinned, but it never hurt to question. 
The still hot bathtub water waves against her shifting to lean her head back toward his bare chest. Humming when his hands wrap to cover her bare---soft skin, pulling her closer in between his legs. 
Klaus leans down to plant sweet lipped touches across her next, slowly tasting the salty taste of the lavender bubble bath. Nobody would or could ever understand his affection for the short blonde that leaned up against his chest in a fathomable way. 
None could understand how badly he breathed her oxygen, ingesting the sweet tangling smell of her everything. Klaus had always lived to be the eternal bachelor, until the day she'd run into him while he was walking through the wood in mystic falls. Trying to plot ways to get the doppelganger to break his curse. 
He remembered how she criticized him on being a weirdo for walking in the woods at nearly  eleven at night. Her hair had been  wet from the lake that she'd been taking a late night swim in, speckles falling down her neck, just above the beating line that pumped the invigorating liquid he'd feasted upon only hours before from a bystander. 
It was like his heart skipped the centuries worth of beats it had over the thousand years. Watching her chest rise and fall ever so gently as she breathed in the thing he'd no longer needed. Caroline had been the first breath he'd breathed since before the sword went right into his heart. 
That was the night he'd felt a crack run down the barrier of his heart when she'd smiled at him after he walked her up the white boarded porch of her mother's old home. Klaus had fallen quicker than he'd ever felt one could fall. 
He trails his lips up her soft baby like skin, towards the under bone of her neck that connected to her ear. Nibbling at the skin there, then planting a tender kiss against the never there mark. 
"Your turn, sweetheart," his voice whispers, listening to her barley sounded hum in return. 
Caroline sighs gently, "What's my middle name?" 
He doesn't ponder on the thought, she'd known that he knew every simple detail about her. Including the cloud shaped birthmark that was underneath her left breast, or the star tattoo that resided on her right ankle.  
Truth was she loved hearing him say it, regardless if it was when they would disagree on something and he'd bluntly burst out the name to grab her attention in a less physical manner. Or when he'd say if she was testing his patients in the most loving---but childish ways. 
Her body tingled in the most deliciously delicate ways. Hearing each syllable fall from his fine wined lips, having the feeling of being held by the most dangerous man to walk among the world. The power that came with his detailed and vibrant accent every each of words he'd spoken to her, but the name---oh the name, it made her want to bury herself underneath the tongue in which he'd used it. 
Nothing ever made a name so simple as Elizabeth could ever sound so special, so tender, so earnest, as Klaus saying it in the presence of her finely pierced ears. Caroline had imagined living her life until age's of normal humans came to take her away, a astounding journalism career, a husband she'd met by an accidental bump in a supermarket, marriage, two beautiful children--maybe even a dog, and the love that followed with the wish. 
But being with an immortal hybrid who'd burn down the world for a scratch against her peach colored skin, for a wrong head turn to curse profanities against her clear mind, or even the simplest of coffee mistakes. A man who breathed in her skin, her eyes, her soul, it was all so delicate. 
So alluring and fictional, she'd be with him until the universe said 'no mas'. Till her old timed out coral blue eyes seen nothing but bur without a pair of reading glasses, and he still looked like the gorgeous man he timelessly was. 
simply perfection, in both senses of mind.
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klaroline-overdose · 2 years
New trashy Klaroline and Darklina AU crossover fanfiction drop
So here's the thing, since Shadow and Bone premiered on Netflix I got a little obsessed with all the Klaroline and Darklina parallels.
It got into the point that I even started a crossover crack fanfic Klaroline X Darklina.
I wrote this for my personal scenarios and fun, so I won't be posting on fanfiction.net or AO3. I've never read the grisha books and I completely ignore the originals show existence and its characters, except for Davina and Marcel ofc.
It's not beta proofed, but it's 21k long and i don't know if I ever will be able to finish it due to work.
THAT BEING SAID, I think it's a hilarious old tvd Klaus x Caroline fic and the interactions with Alina x Darkling are just pure gold so that's why I'm sharing with you. Here's the link for reading it. Don't take it serious, it's purely for entertainment.
Tldr: Bonnie uses a crazy spell to stop Mikael and it causes Klaus and Caroline to be taken to the grishaverse.
@howeverlongs Paula my love I tried really hard to finish it and because of your support as usual I'm putting it here. Hope you have fun 💗
If you guys have any problems with the link let me know!
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highbreed · 3 years
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@lightcarries​ asked: 💭
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[while Caroline was having a neurotic meltdown over decorations] “ God she’s perfect. ”
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