#knowing him he also says goodbye to them everyday before he leaves his house
nilesmoon · 8 months
seeing the eng rgg twitter post the opening movie for infinite wealth and I want to scream because does ichiban say goodnight to his father and brother every night before he goes to sleep? does he tell them about his day? does his apartment smell like incense?
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kaliforniahigh · 2 months
casual - n.s.
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Inspired by the song Casual by Chappell Roan. Noah is your friend but not your best friend if you know what I mean.
Warnings: angst, Noah is kind of an ass, sad thoughts, neither one of them know how to express themselves and deal with ~feelings~, curse words.
WC: 1.677
Part 2.
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My friends call me a loser 'Cause I'm still hanging around I've heard so many rumors That I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch
You were used to the title of "friend". You were friends with the band. You met Nick first, some years ago and he introduced you to everyone else, and after that, where everyone was, you weren't far behind.
You graduated with a degree in photography a couple of years ago, and when the chance of touring with the band and learn from Bryan was presented to you, you couldn't refuse. Who would?
You don't exactly remember when things changed so drastically. Granted, you couldn't call Noah your best friend, but you talked to him everyday, you joked around together and even had a secret sign whenever you were at a party, to tell the other one of you was feeling a little overwhelmed, and was going to step out for a bit.
Looking back at it now, you realized these moments only held significance to you. You thought back to the night everything changed. How he was talking to you so smoothly, how he looked you in the eye and payed attention to every word you were saying, how his hands touched your thighs and finally, how he asked you if you wanted to get out of there and maybe go up to his room.
You also remembered how he asked you to leave not even 15 minutes after you were done, how he laid there scrolling on his phone as you gathered your clothes and put them back on, saying goodbye but not sticking around to hear his response. Pain clawed at your chest, but you pushed it down.
So when it happened again at a house party they were throwing, you left before he had to tell you. You told yourself you could do this, you liked him as a friend and not as something more. Besides, you were having fun and he was good, and by the way he was the one seeking you out everytime, you figured he felt the same.
You just didn't consider the fact that you were totally not the only one he was having sex with. Because right now, you were sat at a table at a bar the boys saw not too far away from the venue they were playing at, deciding that a night of drinking was in the cards to commemorate the sucess of the tour so far. And he was at the bar chatting up a pretty blonde. You wanted to know if he was telling her the same things he told you that first time.
"Looks like someone is getting lucky tonight, huh?" Nick sat down next to you, nodding towards Noah and the pretty blonde.
"Looks like it", you acted nonchalant, if any of the boys knew about this thing going on between the two of you, none of them mentioned anything. "He does this often?", you asked him, fishing for information. You had the priviledge of this being the first tour you were embarking on from beggining to end, so no one really thought anything more of your questions.
"Only when we have a hotel room. Can't really do much on a tour bus, you know?", you hummed in agreement, Nick said he was getting more drinks and excused himself.
Later that night, Noah left early (with the pretty blonde) and you went to bed alone.
I thought you thought of me better Someone you couldn't lose
So you decided to do what you did best: distance yourself from him. Every night, you always showed the boys the pictures you'd taken on your camera. Now you told them you wanted to wait until you edited them. You just didn't want anyone to notice you started taking less and less photos of Noah.
Nights out also became less frequent, but everyone just thought the exhaustion of being on tour was finally catching up to you. You didn't bother giving them any other explanation. You had to remind yourself that you were here working, this was your job and you were not gonna let him distract you from that.
You were currently working on some photographs you took on the previous nights, the chatter on the tour bus filling the space. You saw a can of White Claw appear in your field of vision. You didn't have to look up to see that Noah was handing it to you.
You took it from his hand and thanked him, popping it open.
"Is everything good?", he questioned you. He was used to you asking him to sit down, sometimes he would even observe you working because he found it just so relaxing. This time, you barely aknowledged him, just taking the beverage from his hand and going back to work.
"Yeah, just concentrated, you know?", you said, not diverting your eyes from your screen. He thought it was weird, but if you didn't want to talk about it, he wasn't gonna push you. He observed you for the rest of the night.
You honestly didn't know what you expected. For him to take your hands in his and tell you how concerned he was about your sudden distance? For him to notice you were hurting from the decision you made yourself? How much you didn't want to accept that you were like the other girls he banged on a weekly basis? Deep down you knew there was no way for him to know those things if you didn't communicate with him. But he acted like he already forgot what happened, you didn't want to be the one hung up on something that is never going to evolve.
You said, "We're not together" So now when we kiss, I have anger issues
The guys played a festival today. The atmosphere was so different and exciting that it actually took your mind off of things. You met so many other professionals and exchanged so many experiences.
You were talking to Liam backstage as the boys were getting ready to go on stage. You noticed he used a camera different from yours and was excitedly asking him all kinds of information. You were interested in modifying your set up and try other things.
He showed you some pictures he took from earlier in the day and explained to you all the different settings and how he liked to adjust them. You were so distracted that you didn't notice Noah coming up behind you.
"We'll be up in 5 minutes", he told you, startling you quite a bit.
"Ok, I'll take my spot shortly", he nodded, but said nothing else, walking back to the band, the boys going over some last-minute details.
You found it weird, no one ever had to tell you what time you had to do your job, because you know. You decided to exhange numbers with Liam so you could continue this conversation later. You grabbed his phone and started to type your number.
"C'mon, Y/N", you heard Noah again, his behavior starting to piss you off. You signaled for him to wait.
"You're gonna be late, we're going on stage now", he wouldn't leave you alone. You handed Liam's phone back to him and bid him goodbye.
"What the hell are you on my ass about? I know what time I have to do my job, you don't have to remind me", you didn't wait for a response, grabbing your equipment and making your way to side stage.
The interaction put you in a sour mood for the rest of the day and everyone noticed. Your smiley and excited self was now gone, your face serious as you kept your conversation with other people short.
With the festival ending, you made your way to the tour bus, as you waited for the equipment to be loaded so everyone can hit the road again.
Noah was the first one to be back, as he took a seat in front of you. Both of you stayed silent until he decided to speak up.
"Seems like you and Liam were having a pretty good conversation", he noted, not looking at you, picking on a loose strand from his sweatpants.
"Yeah, he was pretty attentive", you responded, not knowing where he wanted to go with this conversation and why Liam was relevant.
"Oh, I bet he was", he let out a low chuckle.
"Yes, he was. Is there anything wrong about a professional conversation?", you crossed your arms in front of you, getting a little bit defensive.
"Professional conversation? Please, tell me you're not this dense", you were in disbelief, catching on to where this conversation was headed. "You honestly didn't notice that this guy is just trying to get in your pants?"
"Please, Noah. Don't compare every man to your shitty self", you scoffed, getting up to leave.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?", he got up after you and you could feel his presence on your back. You turned around to face him.
"Didn't you do just that to get in my pants not too long ago?", your eyes were fierce and held a fire to them.
"Oh, so that is what this is about?"
"I don't know, is it? You're the one who all of a sudden came here telling me who wants to get in my pants", you needed him to enlighten you, because you had sex twice and not even once he came looking for you to talk about it.
"I just thought you wouldn't be so easy", your opened your mouth in shock at his words. Surely this can't be the same person you knew.
"So now you're calling me a whore as well? You weren't complaining about how easy I was when I was sucking you dick"
"That is not what I said", he tried to defend himself.
"Well you might as well have", there was a pause in conversation, but you weren't planning on letting him say anything else. "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. Just because we fucked twice doesn't mean you have a say in who I can involve myself with. Besides, you're the one who takes girls to your room every week. So please, spare me hypocrisy"
You turned around and left for good now.
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Part 2 maybe???
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itsstrange · 5 months
The Promise
Relationship: Rip Wheeler x Reader
Fandom: Yellowstone
A/N: A small idea I had while daydreaming at work, hope y’all like it. 🥹
Summary: Saying Goodbye Is Always The Hardest. So Is Keeping A Promise.
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: (No) Angst, Mention of Military, Farewells, A Little Sad Moment, Angry Rip, Sad Rip, Arguments, Small Confessions.
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“So… you’re really goin’ back?”
You look up, meeting his eyes before averting them back down to your duffel bag where you toss the stack of clothes inside. The clothes that have been folded, locked away underneath the bed for the past five years. The clothes you swore you wouldn’t wear again, wouldn’t dare to see until you had kids in the future to explain to them why you had a pile of clothes and photos locked away in some old worn trunk that dusted away underneath your bed.
Unfortunately it didn’t last to reach that day because here you are, packing away the clothes into your tactical duffel bag that was also locked away.
“How long?”
You inhale deeply through your nose before slowly exhaling, still not meeting their gaze you continue packing away, placing the frame photo of you and the boys in the center before zipping the duffel shut.
“Not sure.. too early to say,” You answer as you move the bag to the foot of the bed before sitting down,
“When do you leave?”
You swallow, feeling the way your chest tightens at the thought, “Tomorrow, before sunrise,”
Thick silence hovers the room. Everyone thinking and feeling the same thoughts, emotions.
“And why are you going back again?”
“Will you morons knock it off with the questions,” Lloyd’s husky voice bouncing off the wooden walls brings a small smile and a chuckle from you,
“A buddy of mine needs help,” You still answer Jimmy’s question, which he doesn’t respond with another mostly because he can see the way Lloyd gives him the look,
No other questions were sent your way, neither of them wanting a look from Lloyd as well, nor did they want you to dwell on the heavy mood that hovered. So instead, Ryan and Colby were the first to bring up a farewell party, change of topic. You kindly decline their idea, but of course neither men listens to you.
As Ryan and Colby begin listing items on what to bring for the farewell bonfire, and yelling at one another on who gets to keep your bunk (because it’s the closest one to the bathroom) you couldn’t help the small chuckle that falls from your lips. You were really going to miss every single person in this room. Despite them making you lose a few strands of hair from their idiotic actions, and constant bar brawls, you were surely going to miss them.
They made every other day interesting, every night annoying and fun at the same time with their childlike games that they come up with that sometimes leaves them with bruises or a chipped tooth. Everyday, every night, they made it special and you were definitely gonna miss it.
“Hey I’m not leaving just yet, I still got the whole day and the night before y’all start fighting over my bunk,” You say as you stand from the bed, punching both men on their shoulders,
They both share a laugh with you as they continue listing whatever alcohol they should buy, asking if you preferred hotdogs or burgers as you all walked out the house.
Saying goodbye to them was hard, but not as hard as it’s gonna be when you say it to him. Now that.. that will definitely break your heart. The look in his eyes when you tell him, you can already picture them and from the way your chest tightens, you know it’ll be difficult.
You were currently feeding the rest of the horses inside the stables. Marking down the ones who needed a wash and a trim, which stables needed cleaning. Same old routine before having to check up on the rest of the animals, considering your main job at the ranch was analyzing and tracking the animals health. You weren’t exactly a veterinarian, but you learned a few things throughout the years which John persuaded you to take up on his offer of being in charge of the animals when it came to their monthly health checkups. So of course you took classes to advance your knowledge, to help around the ranch, make it easier for the old timer.
Yes he did have actual trained, experienced, veterinarians working on his animals before, but knowing how you easily picked up the job, how much love and care you gave to the livestock, he knew it was a good investment on both parts. Besides, he trusted you dearly in that department.
Hours had flown by, nearing six o’clock in the afternoon as you were finishing up in the stables before heading out to help Lloyd and the boys to check out some of the cows that were further up in the land. As well as putting up a new fence since the one hanging on was already rusting away due to the weather these past few days, as well as some idiotic trespassers cutting through the fence simply to test the Dutton family.
Just as you throw some fresh hay into one of the stables and patted the horse in its neck as he eats his dinner, the sound of loud rough boots marching against the ground ring in your ears.
“Were you ever gonna tell me?” His loud, rough voice settles behind you, words firm as you dumped hay into the last stable,
You sigh, taking off your gloves and placing them in your back pocket before looking up at him. Eyes wide, angry, betrayal, and fear were written in them. Just like you pictured.
“Yes.. I was,”
“When? Tomorrow? When you leave apparently?” Betrayal can be heard in his voice, blue eyes confirming his tone,
“There hasn’t been a good time to let you know,” You tell him, voice calm, tired, heartbroken,
It wasn’t a lie. When he had gotten back from running an errand with Kayce you were determined to lay it on him, but things got hectic that you weren’t even able to spare him a word. It remained that way for the rest of the day, work after work, problem after problem, when lunch came around he wasn’t at the table eating his supper with everyone else, he was out with Dutton, doing the man a favor, so wanting to talk to him during lunch didn’t happen like you were hoping for.
You told yourself you’d let him know when he came back, but apparently he was out and about with Dutton for the rest of the day. So by the time he had came back was at this very moment, catching you feeding the horses inside the stables. Dutton must’ve told him at some point during their errand runs, who else could have? You weren’t annoyed it was your boss who gave him the news, but you were hoping it’d be you who told him because it came from you, no one else.
“Do you not remember what that place did to you?!” He harshly whispers, taking a step closer to you, “Cause I sure as hell can!”
You lower your gaze to the floor with a faint sigh at his words. Of course you remember. How can one forget something like that? The constant nightmares, the flashbacks, mood swings, not knowing what was real or not, the cold sweats, all of it you remember. The first few weeks of being home after being honorably discharged were rather difficult, your body knew it was home, safe, but your mind was still at war. Constant nightmares played in your in head, bullets flying everywhere, blood stains surrounding you, staining your hands and vest. Screams echoing in your mind on a daily from those who were gunned down, who were injured and were slowly bleeding out in your hands.
It was an everyday thing. The boys, Rip, would beg you to get help, to talk to someone, but you’d just shrug them off telling them you were fine, that it’ll pass.
But you were in fact not okay and the nightmares never ceased.
It was after one particular night that everything had changed. The one night that had you finally reaching out for help, the night that had you admitting that you were not okay.
You had been home for two weeks when it had happened. All it took was a hectic, drunken brawl to trigger the episode. One minute you’re enjoying your beer, slightly laughing at a joke that one of the boys shared, letting lose to ease the noise in your head, then the next you’re being pulled off a blonde head who’s face was nearly disfigured beneath you. Blood covering her once fresh face and clean hair, along with your hands that shook from adrenaline, anger, fear, shell shock.
Once Rip got word of what happened he stormed his way to the bunkhouse which is where he had found you staring at your own reflection in the bathroom. The way a cold and lost look was written in your eyes will forever be embedded in his mind. It wasn’t you who stood standing in front of the mirror with tensed shoulders, hair a mess from sweat and dried blood, the real you was trapped in your mind.
It nearly took all night to bring you back, but not once did he give up.
“Rip,” You softly call his name with an exhausted sigh as you close the door to the stable,
“No. You’re not going!” Blue eyes widening more with fear and rage,
“Yes I am,” You respond in a whisper, “They need me,”
“And we need you here!” I need you here.
It was what he should’ve said, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Wasn’t exactly how he wanted to let you know the truth, wanted to do it the right way, a more intimate, genuine way. But now, he’s out of time. And most likely lost his chance.
He lost you.
“Rip-,” You begin to say but was interrupted by Kacey walking in the stables,
“We’re loaded to fix the fence,” You turn to him before giving him a small nod,
The youngest Dutton switches his gaze from you to the brute man staring intensely at you, knowing then he had walked into something and immediately sensing the tension surrounding the air. He’s felt this mood before, felt tension between you two every so often, but for some reason this time it was stronger, as if one wrong word said would ignite the awaiting flame. So without another word and only a simple nod, he turns to walk away, giving you two privacy. However, you didn’t stick around. Both to just get the day over with and also to postpone the argument.
If you even get a chance to talk about it with him again.
You hear Rip call out to you as you walk out the stables, halting your steps. You glance over your shoulder, meeting his eyes, but no words were said, so instead you let out a sad sigh through your nose as you continue walking out the building. Leaving the brute man alone in the stables with angered thoughts.
Hours had flown by. After fixing the fence, which took nearly the whole day since it was worse than anyone thought, doing daily health checks on the animals, running a quick errand with Beth, everyone was finally able to wash up and spend the remaining hours with you. Everyone sat around the bonfire sharing stories about anything and everything, chatter, laughter and music can be heard in the darkened night.
Empty beer and whiskey bottles, sticks with dried marshmallows and chocolate littered the ground around everyone’s feet. It was a night you’d deeply remember, a night you’d miss, a night you wished would happen every Friday, but you knew it wouldn’t be possible. At least not with you. Not anymore. You tried keeping a strong face, positive thoughts, positive energy, for the sake of everyone around you. They all had high hopes of you coming back home, claiming you’d be home in less than two months because you were tough as a bull, but you knew the truth. The reality of it all.
Obviously you didn’t remind them of the truth, didn’t want to take away the little happiness they held onto for you, the strong faith they had. So all you did was smile at them, raise your glass and down the last bit of your drink. Every so often you’d get lost in your thoughts, thinking of the mission, the serious consequences, the challenges that will come with it, the horror you’ll soon face, but before you can trap yourself in such thoughts they were there to bring you back. Invite you to their conversations, their stories they were sharing, their jokes, which you were thankful for.
What you didn’t notice was the way a pair of blue eyes have been secretly staring at you from across the fire pit. A dark corner where the fire barely illuminated his features. Light or not he didn’t care if he was caught staring at you, everyone was able to read his opinion of the whole situation but no one dared to ask him about it. He was already a fumed bull waiting to be provoked.
There were times where you’d glance up and catch him staring, but not once did you confront him. Making a scene in front of everyone was the last thing you wanted, so you ignored him and his glaring daggers.
Although, at one point during the night, Colby was the one to mention they had ran out of marshmallows, which you volunteered to grab the extra pack from the bunk house. Slightly buzzed you make your way through the Dutton ranch with sluggish steps till you push open the door to the bunks. Walking to the kitchen you grab the new pack of marshmallows sitting on the counter along with another couple chocolate bars. Just as you turn to head back out, your steps come to a stop when you see Rip standing by the couch.
Face emotionless, but eyes dark, red. Was he crying?
“Havin’ fun?” Rip questions, tone cold and firm, yet his blue eyes have another written emotion in them,
You shrug a shoulder, “Tryin’,”
He scoffs, “Yeah I see that.. but it ain’t workin’,”
You knew exactly what he was referring to. The constant lost in thought when the conversation was directed somewhere else. What you didn’t know until now was those same eyes that have been staring at you from the dark were analyzing you throughout the entire night. Watching the way your smile quickly faded as you once again lost yourself in your thoughts, watching the way your fingers peeled off the label from your beer bottle, the way your leg bounced uncontrollably from nerves, fear, and anxiousness. He knew you were afraid, he read you perfectly, but he knew nothing he’d say would change your mind. Not now, not ever.
You were stubborn like a goddamn mule.
“Yeah well, it’s a little hard to have fun when I got two sets of eyes throwing daggers at me all night,” You say, matching his tone as you stare into his eyes,
Heavy tension once again surrounds you two, the muffled music coming from outside was the only thing that can be heard in the room. Neither of you said anything for a good minute or so, just staring at one another with pain written in both your eyes with tears threatening to build. This wasn’t how you wanted to give your farewells to him. Having an argument with him before you left was something you did not want, but yet here you are.
“Can we just..,” You pause, letting out an exhausted sigh before continuing, “Enjoy the rest of the night before I have to catch a flight in a few hours?”
Rip stares deep in your eyes. Hurt, sadness, anger, and fear were written in his blue ones, they were easy to read, especially when he stared at you the way he was staring. He didn’t bother to hide it, yet he didn’t express it to you verbally. Not like he had to or wanted to, it was obvious on how he felt of the whole situation.
“They’re out there celebrating your death..,” He says pointing a long finger at the door then continues with, “.. and I ain’t being apart of it,”
His voice slightly breaks with each word. His blue eyes standing out more when tears begin building, but not one dares to slide down his cheeks, at least not in front of you. Not saying another word, he turns around and heads out the door with a harsh shove that has it banging against the wall.
Whatever string was left holding your heart in place had finally snapped as you watched the door shut behind him. The last memory you’d have of him. This wasn’t how you wanted to leave things with him, he was the only one who could have helped you through it, fought through the dark times, the constant noises in your head. He was the only one who you stayed alive for while you were out in the field, but now that he’s walked away, not wanting any part of it, you didn’t know if it was even worth staying alive once you landed on base. He was your anchor to it all.
And now you’d be stranded in the dark, drowning with nothing to hold you upright. Keep you up float when you felt like sinking, when you felt like the water was too strong for your fighting body. The one person who could’ve saved you from it all was now walking away, leaving you alone.
‘Maybe it was for the best.’
You tell to yourself. You convince yourself. Maybe him not being apart of it, apart of your life would one day guide him to a better life with the love of his life, guide him to someone who can make him happier, stronger, happier.
It was for the best that he left.
4:30 am
Throwing your duffle and backpack in the backseat you shut the door before facing the small crowd. You give everyone a big hug, including the man himself, John Dutton who hugged you for a good long minute before being slightly shoved by Beth who took you in a stronghold as she secretly let the tears fall down her cheeks. You don’t know how, but you kept your own tears from spilling down. Once departing from the woman you go ahead and start hugging the cowboys, sharing a few laughs with them as they joke with you one last time. Which you appreciated their effort in trying to lighten things up, but you knew they knew nothing they can say now will help. But still, you appreciate it.
“So.. who won?” You say when Ryan and Colby stand in front of you,
They both share a look, small smile forming on their lips, “Neither,” Colby says,
You give them a confused look, but Ryan continues with, “We decided to leave it ready for you when you come back,”
Come back. Something you knew was a big word at the moment.
“Can’t have it ready forever,” You say with a sad chuckle,
“We can and we will,” Ryan firmly states, letting you know no one will come near the empty bed unless it’s you,
It was a faint demand from them. They wanted you to come back, no matter how hard it will be, they demanded that you come back to reclaim your bed at the bunkhouse, and that alone brought the ball back in your throat.
“Gonna miss you dorks,” You manage to say before quickly bringing them both for a group hug,
Both men wrap their arms around you, burying their faces in your hair as they cherish the moment. As you go to pull away both their hands on either side of your hip tighten, not wanting the hug to end, but eventually step away from you.
You give them a small smile and then a small wave to everyone huddle in front of you before turning around to climb into the truck where Roscoe patiently waited for you.
“Ready?” The soldier asks as you take one last glance out the window, watching everyone wave at you with saddened smiles, the ranch standing tall and beautifully behind them.
Letting out a small sigh you give him a nod.
In a matter of seconds the truck roars to life before beginning to move down the driveway and out of the Duttons ranch. Silence engulfs the car, only the sound of the radio softly playing in the speakers is heard. Leaning your head against the headrest behind you, you let your mind drift away, thinking about everyone at the ranch, playing their faces in your mind to not forget them, your fingers softly playing with a small deer origami that Tate had made for you last night for good luck. Then thinking about him once again.
Remembering how things were left between you two. Wishing you could’ve fixed things before you left, wished you could’ve said the truth, wished he could’ve have given you the chance to let you show him just how much he meant to you. But he didn’t. None of it happened.
So now, all you’ll think about is What If.
While driving halfway out the ranch and you still being lost in thought, you didn’t capture the moment a large black figure blending in the dark speeding in your direction until the truck comes to an abrupt stop. Causing your seatbelt to lock just in time to catch your body from going forward.
“The fuck?” Roscoe reacts, putting the gear in park as he eyes the figure that is currently blocking his way,
You clench your jaw as you make eye contact with him, even in the dark and with the only source of light from the headlights you both immediately lock eyes.
Of course it’s Rip on top of his horse. Black hat on his head with his black jacket wrapped on his frame.
“I’ll take care of this,” You say, never breaking eye contact with him as you unbuckle yourself and open the door,
“(Y/n) we don’t have time for this,” Roscoe tries arguing back, but you repeat yourself as you hop off the truck,
Shutting the door and standing by it you face him, where he still remained on top of his horse.
“Rip seriously what is your problem? I don’t have time to deal with you right now!” You yell as the brute man climbs off his horse,
A grim look was written on his face as he makes his way towards you. A look he only has when he’s angry about something, and right about now he’s angry at you, you knew that.
“I swear to god Rip if you don’t get out the way I’m gonna-,” Your words were cut off by a pair of rough lips latching onto yours,
Your eyes grow wide in anger, shock, and confusion. But once you feel the way his hand gently cups the side of your face you realize what exactly is happening and only react back. Your own hands finding their way to his face, fingers slowly tangling themselves in his soft, dark curly hair at the base of his neck. A deep, saddened relieved sigh escapes from you two as you both pour the hidden truth into the kiss. Deepening it and cherishing the moment at the same time, neither one wanting or planning to break it off, but you both knew it had to happen, you had to leave.
Which is why Rip got a little selfish for a second, he deepened the kiss, licking his way into your mouth as he held a tight grip on your hip to not let you out of his hold. Just a few more seconds of this, he had to. If this was the only time he would get this opportunity until you came back home, then he was sure as hell he would take every second that was available to have you in his arms, have your lips molding with his, have your fingers tugging on his hair, have your breath fanning his lips, have both your hot tears smear against his own cheeks. He was taking advantage of the moment because he knew it would be more than a month that he would be able to feel it again. Feel this moment again.
Eventually, you both do break the kiss, but not once did he let an inch form between you two. Leaning his forehead against yours, he lets you both catch a breather from the intense, beautiful moment.
“You come back to me you hear?” He whispers, beautiful blue eyes now searching for your own,
When he finally does find your (E/c) eyes that he has grown to love, he whispers once again, “You come home,”
New tears fall down your cheeks at his words, you knew you couldn’t make such a big promise, especially in your line of work. It was a rule, a rule everyone in the military who serves knew they should never make, because they knew reality was always behind that promise.
You stare into those blue eyes of his that have tears of their own, some finding their way down his rough skin, while the rest build at the brim of his eyes. You knew he knew you couldn’t make that promise, but he knew you’d fight for it no matter what, no matter how impossible it might seem, because he knew you always kept your promise. That’s who you were. Loyal, loving, protective, unafraid, and a true fighter.
You stare into his eyes a little longer, feeling the way another tear slides down your cheeks then feeling the rough pad of his thumb gently wiping it away. The words get caught in your throat, the words where you wanted to tell him to be realistic, to not make you promise anything because disappointment and pain is the only thing he’ll receive, but before you can even force them out you hear your name being called from inside the truck.
“We gotta go,” Roscoe softly says, hating to interrupt the moment, hating to part you from the man you clearly love,
You sniff, looking down at the ground then back up to Rip where he only gives you a small smile.
“C’mon,” Rip whispers as he leads you back into the truck,
Once sitting inside, shutting the door, Rip points at the man behind the wheel before saying, “You look after her you hear?”
Roscoe nods at him, “You’ve got my word man,”
Rip nods back before averting his eye to you. You sat there, tears still slowly sliding down your cheeks, you weren’t ready to say goodbye to him, not after you both finally confessed to each other. Which reminds you, you had to say it, in fear of not being able to ever again.
“Rip I-,” You try but he cuts you off with a shake of his head,
“No. Don’t say it. You say it when you come back,” He demands, small smile tugging on the corner of his lips, “Just know I do too,”
I do too.
You sniff once again, tears falling down as you glance behind him, seeing the ranch and the bunkhouse glow in the background. Memories flash in your mind. All those laughs, tears, injuries that you’ve accumulated over the years with everyone who lives and works at the ranch played in your head, reminding you that you had a family to come back to once again, you had friends who were also waiting for you to come back with open arms. You had a life to get back to.
Come back.
Averting your eyes back to his that had tears of their own falling down his cheeks, you stare at him as you remembered, you had him to come back to. He was your main reason to come back home, he was the reason why you weren’t going to die in the field, he was the reason why you weren’t going to give up when shot down, he was the reason why you weren’t going bleed out. He was your reason why you were coming home.
And if anyone tried stopping you from doing so, then it would be the last thing they ever did.
Because you are coming home.
Reaching a hand out the window, you let your small held cup his bearded cheek before letting your own thumb wipe away the tears that fall down. Looking into his eyes with a firm stare, a promise, you let him hear the words.
“I’m coming home,”
-Ahhh It’s Finally Here!!! I’m Not Kidding I Have Been Going Back & Forth With This One. Mostly Because I Had Writers Block, But Also Because I Would Change A Lot Things & Finding New Ideas To Replace The Old Ones.
-But Again! Thank You To Those Who Have Been Patient & Have Been Waiting For This Wheeler Fic! More To Come!!
-Lastly, Make Sure To Turn On Post Notifications!! 🔔 🔔 For More Updates!
Part 2 << SOON
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 years
Ooo hello! Can I please request a Tangerine x fem!civilian!reader where Tan and Lemon taught her how to defend herself just Incase, because Tan & Lemon have made a lot of enemies that could go after Y/n since she’s Tangerine’s gf. Then one day, one of their enemies did target Y/n, but she was able to free herself and defend herself before Tangerine and Lemon even arrived at the location she was being held
Self defense
Warnings- Guns, blood, angst and comfort
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Tangerine hoped it wouldn’t have come to this, he really hoped. But with how busy he was and how much enemies he made everyday it was nearly impossible.
“Mate, honestly, I think if it’s bothering you so much just reach her how to fight.” Lemon suggested when Tangerine expressed his concerns.
Tangerine did a lot of thinking, and as soon as he got back he told you. He always kept a gun in the house just in case, but what if you couldn’t reach it in time? What if you didn’t know how to use it? What if- he had to teach you. There was no other way.
You hesitantly agreed.
So after days and days of you training, Tangerine had to leave again. He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead, and said goodbye quickly. Lemon also said hi to you, as he waited at the door.
But they didn’t notice the man who was watching them from around the corner of your guys house.
“I see him. He’s with his partner. And there’s a girl inside too, I think it’s his wife.” He said, judging it based off the ring that tangerine had when he opened the car door.
“Oh, that’s even better. Check their call messages and texts every day and wait until he says he’s coming back, then before he gets there hold her hostage and wait for him. She probably doesn’t know where the money is.” His boss explained. This plan has worked way too many times.
“You got it, boss.” He said, walking away from the house and going back to his base.
After a few days, the man had been checking the messages every day, hacking into your phone while you slept.
“Be back soon, love. 30 minutes away.” He texted, but you didn’t see it.
Perfect timing, the man thought. Unlocking your window with a knife and wedging it open. He quietly crawled inside, and landed in a bed.
This seemed to your guys bedroom, he thought. He looked around for a moment, but didn’t see anything. He opened up some drawers, to find clothes. There was also loads of books on the shelves.
He opened the door and quietly walked over to you, he stood over to where you were sleeping and had his hand on his gun.
But when he looked on the couch, you weren’t there. Instead, you were behind him. You held your own gun to his head instead.
“Fuck me.” He muttered, as you pushed it against his head.
“Put it down.” You said.
He slowly put the gun down on the floor, and put his hands up, he faced you now.
“What do you want?” You asked him.
“Ah, well you see, sweetheart, your husband owes my boss a shit ton of money. Half a million, to be exact. So, love, do you by any chance know where it is? Just tell me, because if you do kill me, my men are gonna be here in 20 minutes and they’ll blow your brains out and then your husbands.”
“I- I don’t.” You said.
“Well, that’s a shame. Hopefully your husband says so, otherwise I have to kill such a pretty face-“
You pulled the trigger, your hands shaking as you dropped the gun. He fell to the ground and his blood looked next to him, some of it getting on your shoes.
You started to shake, and cry. And then practically wailing as you held your face in your hands.
The door unlocked, and tangerine and Lemon entered.
“Hey, lo-“ he stopped as soon as he saw you and the man across from you.
He immediately dropped the key and went down next to you.
He hugged you as you cried, your tears hitting his back.
“T-T-Tan, I- he tried to kill me.I had to. I had to.” You sobbed. Lemon went over to the man and hit his head with his shoe, making sure he was dead. He picked him up, groaning and grabbing a garbage bag. He stuffed him into the garbage bag (not before spitting on his face) and opened the back door and threw him outside.
“It’s okay. You had to do it. It’s okay. It’s okay. He didn’t hurt you, right?” He muttered, he took the gun away from your shaking hands and set it aside.
“No. But that doesn’t matter.” You sobbed.
“Hey- Hey, look at me. Look at me.” He said firmly.
You looked at him.
“You had to do it. And I’m sorry. This is all my fault, alright? You saved me. You saved yourself. You did it because you had to. He was going to kill you.”
“H- He said t-that- that he was going to kill me and then kill you if you didn’t tell him where- where the money is!” You cried.
“He’s gone now. You’re safe. I’m safe. We’re safe, okay?” He said, hugging you again and rubbing patterns on your back. He picked you up and placed you into your bed. He noticed some drawers open, and the window open, he closed them both.
His eyes watered to at the possibility that you could’ve been hurt, all because of him. He cuddled with you and tried to calm you down until you eventually fell asleep.
He felt guilty. He got up, slowly, and made sure to not wake you up. He sighed as he left the room and saw lemon cleaning up some blood.
“Story of our life’s, right?” Lemon joked, trying to cheer up the mood.
Tangerine just sent him a look. And he saw that he’d been genuinely upset and nervous about this whole thing
“Mate, it isn’t your fault, alright? She’s safe now, that’s all that matters.”
“Who was he?”
“You remember that one guy from the Wales job? The boss? I think he worked for him. I remember seeing him.”
“We stole half a million, I think, right?” He said.
“Yeah, sounds about right.”
“Fuck. This is my goddamn fault.” He muttered, and kicked a chair.
Lemon sighed “No it’s not. Stop beatin’ yourself up. She’s safe, okay? She doesn’t care that he came for you, she only cares that you’re safe. That’s the best you can do for her. Just.. be there for her.” He said.
“You’re right.. thanks Lemon.” He said.
“Always, man.” He patted his shoulder, and Tangerine went back into the room.
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lightlycareless · 7 months
how does naoya act during foreplay 🥺🥺🥺
Heya anon!
Ok so first, this is the first time I thought of foreplay, gee, that makes me sound terrible doesn't it? Lol.
Also, I get this idea you wanted something sweet... but I have to apologize because I ended up going the complete opposite route, in other words, Naoya is 200% nasty. (I have more to say at the end) I hope it's still to your liking though!!
As always, here are the warnings: minors dni. SMUTTTTT also, someone is obsessed with your boobs. slight mentions of pregnancy. also, you're called a whore too.
Without further ado, happy reading!!
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Naoya’s version of foreplay doesn’t necessarily limit itself to the bedroom, or to “immediately before the act kind of thing”.
It’s a day long affair that starts the moment he opens his eyes and simply knows he wants to, you know, rearrange your guts.
Your husband is essentially obsessed with every inch of your body, but he likes to begin his morning by kneading your boobs—there’s a relaxing notion to be found in the soft and warm sensation of your skin underneath his fingertips, which eventually guides him to the pinching and teasing of your nipples that in turn, make you whine, soon attempting to push him away.
And it’s not because you didn’t like it, truth to be told, you also found relief in his touch, even with his cruel and mischievous nature—specially that which involved certain… areas, often seeking his hands and placing them over your chest just so he could fondle you to both your and his pleasure.
But rather, his schedule didn’t permit him to follow through—he has a meeting with the hei, followed by another one involving the elders and the future of the clan—and if you were to remember your duties as his wife, the future Lady of the house, you had to keep him on track.
Thus, much to your chagrin, you play the role.
“Naoya… you have to get ready for your meeting…” you whine, even as determined as you were to help him, you were still distraught by this unwanted predicament.
“I know, my love. I just want to check everything is fine with your mochi’s before I go.”
“Naoya!” You gasp, face burning out of embarrassment; because of all things he could’ve said, he just had to go with the most embarrassing one!
“Are they getting heavier?” he murmurs, attempting to weigh them.
“…No.” you say with a pout, knowing well what he was referring to. “Not yet.”
You can only imagine how consumed he’ll become once you’re finally pregnant.
But until then, Naoya would leave you hanging, needy as he eventually peels himself from your body, dressing up in his everyday attire, kissing you goodbye, before dejectedly heading out the door to start his boring day, with you doing so soon after.
If there’s one thing Naoya knows how to do, however, is convert a boring day into a thrilling one, and there’s no convincing him otherwise once setting his mind into it.
As if it wasn’t obvious enough, Naoya cannot be a single moment away from you, not even for one second, or he feels like he’s going to lose his mind.
So, when he finally comes around for a break, get small treat before jumping back to his duties, you find yourself very permissive—even when you wished to not be so.
The first thing he does after his dreary meeting with the hei is over, is search for you, instinctively going to the kitchen and finding you there, already preparing some snacks and drinks for the following reunion…
A duty that inevitably fades into the background when wrapping his hands around your waist, resting his head on the crook of your neck and letting you know just how much he needs you by pressing his hardening cock against the cleft of your ass.
“Na—Naoya…” you whine, doing your best to quiet your voice less you wished to be caught red handed and flustered, as well as figure out why he’s in such a needy mood. “I can’t work like this…”
“You know you shouldn’t be doing anything as my wife, right?” he whispers, nibbling your ear while his hands travel up your waist and to your chest, taking their rightful place just beneath your breasts. “All you need to do is stay home, in my room, preparing for the moment I’ll come back and finally make you a mommy.”
A jolt of pleasure travels down to your core at his words, evident by the way you press your hips against him and whine against his touch.
But even when prepared for the ensuing, it’s still not convincing enough for him to seek your release.
Not now, and certainly not when he calls for you once his second meeting is over, coincidentally the time his lunch was to be served, to which you happily answered to, as usual, taking a seat on his lap and feeding him—
Or attempting to, at least, because his lips would only take your kisses as substance, ignoring your efforts to serve him—food, that is.
“My princess is so eager to please me, isn’t that right?” he says, a smirk growing on his lips when feeling you instinctively rub yourself against his cock, hands on your waist to keep you still, just where he wanted.
“It’s only—my duty.” You whisper, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Now it’s your words sending a jolt straight to his member, which you immediately feel by the twitches against your ass. Oh, how he must be suffering underneath the tight layers of his clothes… “I want to… make you happy.”
Naoya smirks before placing one of his hands behind your head and pulling you closer to him, taking your lips in a heated kiss for the nth time that occasion, yet again leaving you breathy, whiny, but above all wanting—just as he always did whenever reminding you of his ownership.
From the confines of your mind to the acknowledgement of the staff members, the truth prevailed:
You were his.
And all that he wanted; you’d gladly oblige.
“Nao—Naoya—!” you’d moan, hand scrambling to whether hold onto the wall before you or cover your mouth, only for him to make the decision when pushing you further into the wall, pulling aside the underwear you’ve surprisingly decided to wear today, before taking your wrists with your hands and fervidly continue rubbing his cock against your slit, coating it with your slick, yet denying you of the stretching sensation that always sent you over the edge.
Your husband was a cruel man—a cold, merciless person who took great pleasure in making you suffer like this, denying you of one of the most principal necessities of a marriage.
And yet, you still loved him for it.
“Naoya—please.” You whined, moving your hips against him in a way you’d hope he’d accidentally slip his head into you and properly fuck you—however, his talent not only exceeded in jujutsu, but also in figuring out your intentions and stopping them before sprouting any further. “Pleaseeee—I want it, Naoya, I want to cum!”
“Not yet, whore.” He groans against your ear, briefly releasing his hold on you to swiftly turn you around, eyes dazed in pleasure as he looks down to your chest yet again, a newfound goal flashing across his mind once returning his cock back to your dampened cunt. “Show them—show them to me, quickly.”
You don’t need him to elaborate to immediately get to work, nimbly undoing the covers of your chest and releasing your breasts for him to tease and suck on, like his life depending on it—Naoya is delighted by your unconditional obedience, which he could never get enough of…
Or perhaps take it to the next level.
“You’d do good in staying like this, you know? Not bothering to wear anything anymore, just so you’d always be ready for me.”
As if you hadn’t long discarded the semblance of wearing underwear for that same reason—only doing so today in hopes of keeping him focused on his duties, or at least hindrance him into reconsidering.
But who are you kidding—Naoya was a greedy man, and an insatiable husband who became unstoppable when it came to his lust. With you doing little next to nothing to be his sense of responsibility, opting to instead please, because you were equally, if not more, perverted when it comes to indulging one’s desires.
Thus, the thought of you being completely naked, eagerly welcoming him after a long day of work, ready for him to use you as he pleases is one that enthralls you very, very much. Enough to reconsider pushing him to get that department the two saw a while ago, just so you could let go of any inhibitions (you still had some, surprisingly) and forget about the world around you.
Undoubtedly, you’re spoiling him, enabling him, and more. You really are.
Yet, these things held little space in your mind when the night finally arrives, finding yourself in the confines of your shared bedroom, freed of the silky restrictions against your body, clean of the cum he encased between your cunt and underwear —which he had tasked you to keep there until the end of the day, unnecessarily so since you’d be in a similar worse state by then—but wholeheartedly prepared to serve him as the compliant wife you swore to be.
Because foreplay with Naoya isn’t like a warm-up, or a preparation.
It’s the continuous threat of the inevitable—a reminder that you are nothing but a willing vessel for Naoya’s desire, prepared to receive all that he will give you, even if you knew it would put you in such a state of fuzziness, making remembering who you were or what you were supposed to be doing the next day would an impossible feat, if not worse…
And yet, you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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Ok so, either I'm in a very specific mood or Naoya is always nasty. I think it's mainly the last one, but either way, Naoya never struck me as someone to be overtly sweet—like, he can be, but there's always something... perverted behind his actions, if you know what I mean 😏
Also, I want to add that I never really thought of Naoya and foreplay, I just thought this horndog would literally tease you so goddamn much, you'd be ready to go whenever (just one touch and you're wet and ready to go lol. Literal soulmates!!!) but I guess him buying you gifts and bringing you flowers can get you in the mood too... (for a baby, I mean. It's like: *sees flowers* I want him to be the father of my children.)
Anyways, I hope you liked this small piece :> I'm still getting used to writing smut, so I apologize if there are some... things that show my amateur ways, either way, I stil enjoyed writing this very much ❤️
Now, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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Eddie Disappears
Okay so after venca and all that is over. Like TOTALLY over. Everyone is settling back down. Max is healing. She can see a bit but not great. Can't really walk very far without needing help. Basically everyone is traumatized as fuck. But Eddie keeps having night terrors. So bad that Max can hear him sometimes at night from her trailer.
And then one day, Steve and Dustin stop by Eddie's to get some dnd things dustin left there, and the trailer is cleaned out, all of Wayne and Eddie's stuff is gone. But there's a box in the living room with Dustin's dnd stuff, and a few extra things. But Eddie and Wayne are gone. Without a word. Dustin and the gang try to figure out what happened, for awhile, but they eventually give up. Just decide that Wayne took Eddie away from the town that broke him.
Two years later, Dustin is flipping through one of the books Eddie had left for him and a peice of paper falls out of it, he'd somehow never seen it before, picks it up, and it's covered in Eddie’s hand writing. It's a goodbye note. And it tells Dustin they were right, that Wayne took him away. But it also tells him goodbye. And that he'll miss him. And, at the very bottom, there's a phone number.
Dustin’s stomach drops. He runs for the phone. Calls the number. It rings out. So he calls again. And again. And eventually, someone answers. It's not Eddie. But Dustin asks if they know him? They say no. So he asks if they know Wayne. And they say,
"wayne munson? Oh yeah. Eddie must be his boys name. What can i do for you?" And so Dustin leaves his name and number. Tells them to tell Eddie he can call ANY TIME.
They say they'll pass on the message. That it might take awhile cuz they don't see Wayne everyday. Dustin says it's fine. But he's on edge for almost a week. Doesn't go hang with anyone. Max and Steve come to his house and wait with him. The others all coming and going as well. And then one day, El's on the couch, laying with her head in Max's lap, but she sits up suddenly, Max and Lucas are both like,
"what is it babe?" And she just looks at the phone, whispers,
"Eddie." and then the phone rings.
Dustin launches himself at it. Steve catches him when he stumbles at one point says,
"be careful. Jesus" but he sounds on edge. Dustin grabs the phone almost screams into it,
"Eddie!?!" There's a beat before he hears.
"Hey Henderson. How're things?" And his voice is quiet, not like the Eddie Dustin remembers but he almost immediately starts crying into the phone, lets out a sobbing ramble about how he hadn't found the letter til just now. He would have called sooner. He doesn't know how he missed it. He'd looked through that book so many times over the years. And he can't catch his breath at one point so Lucas takes the phone, and he's crying too when he says hi to Eddie. And he's like,
"hey kid. How's the sports career? You make it big yet?" And Lucas laughs, his head on d
Dustins shoulder as Steve does his best to calm him down. And Eddie hears Steve's voice, plays it cool when he says,
"Steve there too? Is the whole fucking party there? Jesus." But Lucas is like,
"not all of us today. But El and Max are here too. Oh hang on, Max wants to talk to you!" And he sounds so happy before he hands the phone over and she's like,
"hey asshole. Where the fuck have you been?" And that's what breaks Eddie. He starts crying, but he laughs too. Because he misses them all, so fucking much. And he ends up back on the phone with Dustin, telling him it's okay. He misses him too. And d
Dustin sniffles out,
"Even Steve?" Trying to make a joke, not knowing how it pulls at Eddie's chest. But he just laughs into the phone and says,
"yeah. Even steve." And they talk for a bit. Eddie being kind of evasive about where he is. But he tells Dustin he still plays music, not with a band. But that he works on cars too. Fixes things. Tells Dustin how it makes him feel useful. Dustin of course tells him he's always been useful. And then Dustin hears Wayne's voice in the background, asking who he's talking too. Tells him to tell the kids hi when he hears who it is, but that they have to go. So he says goodbye. Tells him he'll call when he can.
But a few months later Eddie tells him he wont be able to call anymore. That some... stuff. Is happening. He sounds tired. Exhausted. And Dustin just wants to see him. But he doesn't even know where Eddie IS. and Eddie just kind of, sighs defeatedly, and is like,
"I wish I could tell you more man. I just- I need you to know I'm okay. And I'll contact you when I can. I'll send a post card or something." He huffs a laugh, Dustin laughs too but he's crying again. Steve puts his hand on his shoulder. Because he's there everytime eddie calls. Says its for Dustin.
But he can hear Eddie on the phone sometimes, and he's never talked to him, not once, but he wants too. He's just not brave enough, not sure what he'd even say. So he's just there for Dustin and that's enough. He tells himself it is at least. And Dustin hangs up and he's crying and Steve just holds him through it. And wishes he'd been brave enough to talk to Eddie. To ask him where the hell he is? And if he could bring the kids to see him. Or just come see him himself. But he hadn't been.
It takes three more years for Dustin to hear from Eddie again. He gets a post card. From Indianapolis. It's just a picture of the city, Eddie's drawn a little stick figure of himself on it. There's no return address. But he says he misses them all, so much, (yes. Even s
Steve). And that he's sorry its been so long. Dustin cries again of course. His mom had mailed the post card to him at college. Just forwarded it on.
He calls Steve. Tells him about it. And Steve drives up to his campus to see it. Dustin watches the way he moves his thumb over his name on the card. His brow crinkles as he watches Steve and it finally clicks. Steve moves to hand it back and dustin just holds his hand up, says,
"you keep it." And Steve tries to argue but d
Dustin gives him this LOOK. so Steve keeps it. Tucks it into his pocket gently. And pins it to the bulletin board in his room when he gets home to his and Robin's apartment.
They move into the city about 4 months later. He and Robin. The kids are finishing up college. Steve had somehow found out that he could blow glass. Like... really well. It's hot, and it's hard work, and it takes so much focus, and Steve fucking loves it. He can make all kind of things. But he's gotten very good at making dragons. Dustin bought his first one from him, was obsessed with it. And had earnestly told him that Eddie would have fucking loved it.
So Steve bends glass into magical weird little creatures. Takes commissions from all the kids, but mostly Will. Will draws designs for him and Steve just pushes and pulls at hot glass until they come to life.
Robin does... so many things. She's a for hire translator, which keeps her moving around the city and keeps her brain moving. She's learned 4 more languages since Scoops and is learning another one. She has like, 3 other jobs too, one working with Nancy, Nancy is a journalist, Robin helps her hunt down stories and get to the truth. Steve's pretty sure they're falling in love, is so happy for them.
He's not really dating anymore. He'd gone out with a few guys after Eddie left. All of them looking a bit too much like Eddie for comfort. Robin had the good grace to only comment on the 3rd one. And she's right. But none of them make Steve feel right. and the girls he's dated here and then don't either. So he just keeps to himself. Lives his life with his friends and he's happier than he's been in ages. 
But he still misses eddie. He touches the post card everytime he leaves his room in the morning and hopes Eddie is doing okay. That he's happy.
And then one day, maybe a year later, Steve goes to get coffee at this weird place he and Robin had found one day wandering the city. It's a cafeteria type place, huge, it's the whole lower level of a building around the corner from their place. It has cheap food, but it's good. and they have the best coffee Steve's ever had in his life. He's waiting in line, there's maybe five people in front of him.
It's a Saturday, so he doesn't have work, he's in no rush. And then his eyes land on a guy waiting for his coffee on the other side of the room, he's facing the door. So Steve can't see his face. But he's got longer hair, it's pulled back into two small buns near his ears, he turns a bit and Steve can see he's got bangs. His heart flutters a bit, so he looks away.
Cuz it can't be him. Its never him. No matter how much Steve wants it to be. Two people left in front of him, Steve's staring at the menu, pretending to read through it for the sixth time when he hears it.
"Eddie! Black coffee two sugars! For Eddie!" Steve freezes. Turns. Watches the guy he'd seen move foward, watches him reach out for his coffee, and almost fucking screams. His throat tightens, and he holds in a goddamn whine when he sees the rings on the guys fingers. The hair could be a coincidence, but not the rings. The guy nods at the girl who hands him his coffee and turns to the door.
And that's when Steve sees what he's wearing. A jean vest, over a red and black stripped hoodie, the vest has a large Dio patch on the back. It's a little more worn since Steve had last seen it, and there are new patches. He watches Eddie pull his hood up and duck out the far exit. Steve chokes, pushes his glasses up his nose, and starts running.
He dodges a few people carring food, calls out several sorry's over his shoulder before hurtling into the door, and then through it. The early morning sun is blinding as Steve looks from side to side, his eyes searching for the red and black stipes. He spots them to the left just as they disappear around the corner.
"Eddie." He'd meant to yell. But it comes out a breathy whisper so he starts running again.
"Eddie!" He tries again, gets it out. He rounds the corner, hears a little "huh?" Before he collides with the man. His coffee goes flying, Steve and the guy both reach for it but it's gone, over their heads. It hits the pavement and the cup explodes, sending coffee all over the street. Steve stares at it. And then hears,
"Steve?" Breathed out next to him. His name, and Eddie's voice, pull him back to what was happening. Steve turns, and finds Eddie, staring at him. His big brown eyes blinking at him owlishly. Steve is panting, from chasing him. He sees Eddie's hands shaking at his side and decides,
"fuck it" he whispers it and grabs Eddie. Pulling him into a tight hug. Eddie immediately hugs him back. His hands fisting in the back of Steve's fucking yellow sweater. Because of course he'd be wearing that one today. He thinks he hears Eddie sob into his shoulder, moves his hand to Eddie's neck, trying to sooth him.
"It's okay. Shh... I've got you." And Eddie laughs then, snorts into his shoulder and pulls back, but his hands on Steve, his fucking hands burning Steve where they sit on his hips.
"What?" Steve asks, his thumb rubbing at Eddie's neck, probably more intimate than it should have been, especially after all this time. Eddie just smiles. Shakes his head. And says.
"You uh ... you kind of always have." Steve frowns. So Eddie elaborates.
"Had me. I mean. You've had me." He seems breathless. And his eyes widen and then drop to the ground, he pulls his hands away from Steve's waist.
"Sorry. That was- sorry." He frowns, rubs at the back of his neck. Steve just smiles, moves into the space Eddie had put between them. He moves his hands to Eddie's waist. Pulls him closer again. Eddie's eyes snap to him, glued to Steve's face.
"You've had me too." Steve says, giving Eddie’s sides a squeeze, making him squirm away and laugh, it bursts out of him as he shoves Steve's hands away. Steve grabs him and pulls him closer again.
"Can I buy you a new coffee?" Steve asks, his cheeks heating up. Eddie smiles, bites his lip, and nods.
Eddie holds his arm out, Steve snorts and curls his arm around Eddie's as they walk back to the cafeteria. They sit and talk for hours, Eddie tells him where he's been. In and out of hospitals. His mental health growing and slipping for years. They'd had to shave his head, for all the scans and procedures and all that bullshit. Steve tells him it looks like its growing back nicely. Eddie smooths his hands over his bangs nervously. Tells Steve thanks, that he's doing better now. A lot better. Steve asks if he lives close. And eddie says,
"oh yeah, just right around the corner. On Park." And steve nearly chokes on his coffee.
"Park? Like Park and 5th?" Steve asks. And Eddie narrows his eyes at him and is like,
"Yeeeeess? Why?" And Steve says,
"Me and Rob live on park and 5th." And eddie sits back in his chair, scoffs a,
"fuck off. What building?" And Steve's like,
"702." And Eddie cackles and says,
"We're in 703!" And Steve laughs before it registers. He sobers, tries to play it cool like,
"oh! Uh..we?" And Eddie misses Steve's reaction, still laughing, just gives him an easy,
"Me and Wayne yeah!" And Steve's heart flutters again, and he lets it this time, because it's Eddie. Eddie fucking Munson is sitting in front of him. Eddie asks about the kids and Steve is like,
"oh fuck! I have to call Dustin!" And Eddie laughs but says,
"I have a better idea."
Eddie kisses him three hours laters. Breathes sorry's into his mouth as Steve gently takes his hair down and moves his fingers through it. Steve tells him he has nothing to apologize for.
They sit on Steve's couch, gentle kisses and touches passing betwern them until Robin gets home and loses her shit. They call the kids and arrange a dinner for Sunday night. Robin tells them they all have to act nice when they meet Steve's new guy. She tells them he's pretty serious about the guy, winking at the boys as they sit on the couch, cuddled close together.
The dinner is nuts. Everyone cries. Dustin doesn't let go of Eddie almost the whole night. Max fucking bites Eddie. And all he does is laugh. Lucas is a quiet crier, but Steve had seen Eddie follow him outside at one point and they'd been smiling when they came back in, Eddie's arm around his shoulder awkwardly, because Lucas was... quite a bit taller than him now.
Eddie brings Steve by his apartment to see Wayne. When Eddie tells him Steve and Robin live right across the fucking street Wayne just laughs, shakes his head. He sees the way Steve and Eddie look at each other, the way their hands are locked together. He puts his hand on Eddie's cheek and says,
"Funny how things work out isnt it?" And winks at him before leaving for work. Always working the night shift. Eddie smiles after him and then leans into Steve. They spend the night together, holding hands and kissing as they cuddle in Eddie's bed.
And in the morning, the sun falls in through the window and lands on something shiny, it draws Steve's attention from Eddie's face to his dresser. The sun illuminating a bright yellow glass dragon. A dragon that Steve had made three months ago while thinking about Eddie, and the stories Dustin had told him about their dnd sessions. He'd made it for Eddie. Thinking about him the whole time. It was a goddamn masterpiece. It had been sold by the time Steve came into the shop the next day.
Steve's heart pounds in his chest, his skin heating up like it does when he was at work, around the furnaces, knowing the dragon ended up where it was meant to be. He feels Eddie's fingers curl into his shirt. Looks back to him and receives a sleepy smile and a finger to his forehead.
"Why ya frownin?" He slurs, moving his hand down Steve's cheek, his thumb moving softly over Steve's cheekbone. Steve just smiles, cuddles further into Eddie and shakes his head before curling into Eddie's side, shoving his face into his neck and saying,
"it's just funny how things work out sometimes." Eddie chuckles, holds him close, soothes his hands over Steve's back and kisses his temple.
"Fucking hilarious" he whispers, digging his fingers into Steve's ribs, making him squawk as he flails backwards, Eddie chasing him, rolling over on top of him, grabbing his wrists deftly before Steve can retaliate with tickles of his own.
Eddie smiles down at him, his hair falling into his face, and Steve thinks he's finally found it. The place he'd been looking for. The one thing he'd  been missing. It had been Eddie the entire time. He was pretty sure he knew that. But it felt really good to be right for once.
Partial Eddie POV
So basically, Wayne took him away from h
Hawkins cuz he was having horrific night terrors. To the point that he was afraid to sleep. So he took him away. Took him to some specialists. He stayed in multiple mental health facilities, good ones, Wayne made sure of it. Didnt want Eddie any more traumatized than need be.
But it was the 80s. So the treatments were still rough. They did light electo therapy. Like, the smallest possible levels. Hence the hair shaving. For safety. They did brain scans and brain probes, more reasons for the shaving. And they poked and proded at his brain until he could finally finally sleep. And then he was released. Talked to Dustin on the phone.
But he started having relapses. He'd wake up in the middle of the night in random places. From sleep walking. And one night Wayne finds Eddie on the roof. And Eddie himself isn't sure if he was awake or not when he climbed up there, but he hadn't immediately gotten down. And that was obviously not good. So wayne takes him back to the hospital. And they start the tests again.
Eddie cries every night. He just wants to go home. To Wayne. To his friends. But he can't. It's too much for him to handle mentally. So there's lots of testing. More scans. And then they get him on a steady dose of meds, they monitor him on site for awhile, just to be sure the side effects don't hurt him more than they help. And for once, they don't.
Eddie feels good. But he can't play in front of people. Can't stand that many people looking at him now. His anxiety spikes and all his brain shows him are people accusing him of murder, yelling horrible things at him. He can play for small groups. And kids. And he's testing a guitar one day in the shop he's a regular in now, when a bunch of kids are there. And one of them, without a parent, tugs on his arm and sits next to him, big brown eyes looking up at him and he says,
"you're good at that. Can you teach me how?" His little hands reaching for the guitar. And Eddie's stomach swoops a little, nerves tingling. But he hands the guitar to the little boy, the little boy with eyes that remind of him of Steve's, and finds that he can. He can teach him. And either the kid is natural, or Eddie's a great teacher. Eddie thinks its probably a mix of both. But the older lady who owns the shop watches him, and watches a few more kids run up and ask too.
And Eddie just, shows them things, answers their questions. And when they all leave, the lady comes over, drops her hand gently on his shoulder and says,
"You're good with them." And Eddie blushes, mumbles a thanks as he packs up his guitar. And then she hands him something. A business card. She smiles as he takes it and flips it in his fingers, says,
"it's a small music school. They may not be able to pay as much as one of them fancy places. But they could use you. And maybe you could use them?" She gives him this look.
It's a look Eddie is used too, one Wayne has all the time. He thinks maybe everyone gets that look when they reach a certain age. Like the years in their life mount up and give them some kind of wisdom, and maybe a second sight, that they see things younger people don't. They see happiness, and sadness, pain and ways to relieve it.
Eddie thanks her, tucks the card in his pocket, and gives them a call two days later.
They hire him after his first interview. The kids love him. And the teachers are all in awe of the way he gets the kids to focus. He plays metal for the kids, and they all giggle when he head bangs for them. Tuesdays and Friday's are free request days. So the kids pick the music and Eddie teaches them what he hears.
The night terrors don't come back. He dreams about music now. Again. And his kids. The new and the old. And he dreams about Steve. Dreams about teaching him to play guitar.
And then one Saturday he hears his name, yelled out desperately behind him, so he turns and finds himself with a chest full of Steve fucking Harrington. A Steve wearing glasses and a bright yellow sweater. And his coffee is all over the street, but Steve had grabbed him, and Eddie had grabbed him back, and Eddie never wants to let him go.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 1 month
Sweet Tyranny
Pt. 2
"I can't stop now that I have started playing his game, Y/n." He stands up from the ground too. "That's why, I'll be his dog and kill him."
You stared at him in shock, complete disbelief. Kill? He's going to commit murder? This was too much to process. "...Minami, murder isn't solution." You reminded him, hoping that he would understand. But his blank face was telling you otherwise. "You shouldn't kill. That's wrong!"
"Then what am I supposed to do?" He blankly asked, no emotion visible on his expression whatsoever.
"Tell the police! That man is wanted criminal, Minami!" You almost pleaded him but he shook his head in refusal.
Looking at your reaction, he regretted telling you this but there was no turning back now. "You can't understand the situation I'm in,Y/n. I can't tell police about it. Because if they arrest him then I won't be able to buy medications for my mother!" He raised his voice, his eyes begging you to understand.
"Do you think your mother would like the medications that you got by murder?!"
His eyebrows furrowed. "You don't understand..." Minami gritted his teeth in frustration. "You're not the one with a sick mother and so poor that barely can afford food to eat everyday! You don't understand, Y/n. You can't understand." The boy spoke in slightly higher voice. If you would look at Minami, anyone would think that he's angry. But, in truth, he's desperate. The boy is hoping that his one and only friend will understand his situation, no matter how fucked up it is, that she won't leave him. It's true that Minami respects Dino, that he might even be closest to the father figure the young boy could ever have, but he also understood the wrong of murder. However, did people like him ever had a choice in life?
Rich could do whatever they pleased. They could buy a house only to burn it down for fun without worrying. They never had to eat crumbs of old bread and be happy with it. They probably would be able to cure someone with the same illness as him mother in no time but Minami wasn't rich. He was only a child living in poverty.
"Lack of money is the root of all evil." said George Bernard Shaw and he couldn't have been more right. Money controls people, money controls society, money controls everything. Money controls every single one of us. People who are in desperate need for money, whether for selfish or selfless reasons, will abandon their morals in order to have it.
Money can't buy happiness they said. But lack of it surely causes misery.
But how were you, a child, going to understand that? Anyone would be terrified if their best friend just confessed to have the connections with the most wanted criminal in Brazil. "Minami...I-I'm sorry but that's just messed up. Police will help you, you know." You tried to explain but the boy just refused to understand. Or maybe it's you who refused to accept his point of view.
Minami stared at you silently for a moment before glueing his eyes on the ground instead. "Forget what I said. I-I just joked, sorry." He quietly mumbled but loud enough for you to hear him.
You knew. You knew he wasn't joking but the way he immediately changed the topic, you weren't able to question him further.
After that, you left as soon as you could. Were you scared? Of Minami? No. You wanted to help him, stay by his side and you would have gladly, if your mother wouldn't have called.
The uneasy feeling spreaded in your heart, consuming it and filling your brain up with immense fear. "Say goodbye to Minami and come back to home, we've to talk." that's what your mom said and maybe you were just overthinking but the way she said goodbye instead of see you later won't leave your mind, not even for a second.
You hurriedly opened the door of your house. Your mother was in the living room, talking someone on the phone but when she heard that you were back, she hang up on them.
"What's wrong, mom?"
She hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth. "We're going back to Japan."
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@kikaicore this one is incredibly short, I know, but I promise next part will be longer. Plus I have such angst in my mind lol.
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lilydaisylily · 2 months
I Love You (Finale✨️)
Hey lovely readers!
This is the final part of the series and I really hope that you'll like it🥹
It took me some time to finish this series because of work and life, but yeay me as I manage to write this until the end (with blood sweat and tears added🥹🥹)
All right reserved.
✨️Like. Comment✨️
The day of your departure has come and there's a teeny-tiny hesitation pooling in your heart when you're walking towards the departure gate. Your parents already give you the green light you've expected and getting on a plane is the next right step to do, well, according to your plan, that is.
"We'll miss you, babe. Have fun. I'll deliver that punch I've mentioned right after you leave, so don't worry. *smirking*"
"Heal your heart, y/n-yah. Don't worry too much, okay?"
Mingyu and Wonwoo both give you a bear hug, squishing the life out of you. Beth, on the other hand, just quietly sticking herself right next to you since in the car until now, never letting you go.
"Do you have to go that long? 1 year is a very long time, y/n! What will happen to our weekly sleep over if you gone this longg? Who am I supposed to hug when I sleeppp?!" Whining cutely is what Beth do best for as long as you can remember, and it will always get to you every single time. You hug her, saying you won't go for long and she can hug Wonwoo every night if she want, not that that shy boy will refuse anyway.
You hug your best friends one last time before stepping into the departure gate, waving them a goodbye. You take your seat and make yourself comfortable for your upcoming long flight journey.
The cold air greeted your skin once you step out of the airport along side with your luggage. This is it. This is what you've been wanting to feel for awhile now.
Your busy schedule always dragging your ass back to the office whenever you wanted a break but none of it will happen this time as Rebecca confisticated your laptop and assure you that 'work can come bite you later', following with her wish for you to have a wonderful holiday.
The weather is so nice today that you can't help but to grin excitedly. You glance at your watch to find out it is still early in the morning. Maybe you can grab something to eat before your chauffeur arrive.
Not long after you contemplating on what your breakfast will be, clad in a well fitted uniform, a man in his forty come close to you and introduce himself as Phillip, your designated driver during your stay here. Phillip is also one of your parents' people as you've seen him at some of many balls you've attended when you're young.
You greeted him politely and Phillip help you to load your luggage in the trunk and drive you to your place while exchanging small talk with each other.
The place that you'll be staying in is medium in size where it is a cozy place to live for one person as yourself. The house that you chose are surrounded with lots of flowers and trees and the most important feature of this house is its wide backyard where you can see a vast blue lake as your permenant view everyday.
You settle yourself in in no time and while doing that, you just can't help but to wonder what Seungcheol is doing right now. Does he know that you're gone? Will he come to bring you back? Does your relationship with him really has come to an end? Are you really ready to let him go fully?
"I'm telling you for the last time, LET ME OUT OF HERE! Seungcheol will come to get me and you guys will be dead meat, just you wait!" Jessica shouted for the nth times to be let out from this foreign room that she just woke up into.
She just leisurely strolling at the mall when a sudden blackout happened and the next thing she knew, she's in this room, with her hands tied up to the bed post.
"LET ME OUT, YOU SON OF A BI-" Her shouting is left hanging when the door are unlocked from outside.
"Cheol? Cheollie baby? Is that you?" Jessica called Seungcheol's name anxiously, hoping that it really is him to save her dear life from this place. From outside of the door, it took a hell lot of self-control to not directly kill the very woman who started all this mess.
After calming himself down, Choi Seungcheol finally step into the room, staring at his prey with a lethal expression.
"Baby! You've come to save me! Please, this rope is killi-"
"Who is the baby's father?" Seungcheol question her while eyeing her already visible baby bump. "Of course this baby is yours, Cheollie! Whose baby am I willing to carry if it is not yours?" Jessica answered him confidently, well atleast that is what she thought she's doing.
"Baby, please believe me! I will never lie to you! This baby really is yours! Soon, we will be a wonderful parents together! Isn't it wonderful?"
Her dazzling smile soon turned upside down when a sudden interruption of a man coming into the room as per Seungcheol's signal to enter, bringing along a bag of medical equipment, a similar sight of when one have to draw blood at the hospital.
This scene is making Jessica squirming in her seat and a panic cold sweat slowly claiming their place all over her body.
"Cheollie, what is he doing? Why does he wanna take my blood? Don't you trust me?" A very obvious crocodile tears starting to come out from Jessica's eyes, in hope that it can touch Seungcheol's supposedly soft spot for her since they are together few months back.
"We'll have that trust talk after the DNA test come out. You better start praying for your life because once I found out the truth, you'll know what it means to fool me." Seungcheol's words is like a verdict upon her and she's starting to struggle helplessly as the man with the needle come close and ready to pierce the sharp tools into her skin.
"No, no, NO, NO! Don't come near me! Get away! GET AWAY, YOU SON OF A BITCH! Cheollie, stop them pleasee!! No, don't!" Her scream doesn't affect the man as two more burly men come to make her stay in her place so the blood can be drawn out quickly.
You are enjoying your breakfast in a small cute cafe Philip suggested when a person calls out your name.
You turn around and found a familiar figure within your eye sight.
"Hong Joshua? What are you doing here?" You eye him with amusement as he takes a seat infront of you, making himself comfortable while ordering a cup of coffee for himself.
"Well, a little birdie told me that you came here for a holiday so I thought maybe I should go too, considering how heavy of a dark circle I have here." His smug smirk is making you laugh and seeing it makes him crack a warm smile too.
"Well, what a well informed little birdie you got there." His little humor cheer your morning up alongside with your caramel latte.
"You've cut your hair."
"Yes I did."
"Its beautiful, it suit you very well"
"Why, thank you for the compliment, Mr. Gentlemen. You're not bad yourself."
"Why, thank you for the compliment, Ms. Looks good in everything."
A serene silence engulfed both of your being, leaving just a quiet clamour coming from the cafe staff and other patrons in the cafe as your background melody.
Joshua just stares at you for quite some time. Something is definitely brewing in his mind, you suppose.
"Are you okay now?" Joshua ask while stirring his warm coffee.
You can just offer him a smile for an answer. Its only been three months since you are here and its quite difficult to say that you're fine in this kind of situation.
"How long are you planning to stay here, y/n?" Question two.
"As long as needed, Josh. As long as needed." You stare at him, wondering why exactly is he here.
As if he can read your mind, Joshua answered your question without having you to ask, "If you wonder why I'm here, then the answer is simple." He cuts his pepperoni bagel, stab it and lift his fork to your mouth, which you happily take a bite and savour the taste.
"I just wanted to see how you're doing. Plus, I'm doing my little birdie a favour to look after you on his behalf."
You just continue chewing as you've got a hunch on who's the little birdie Joshua is talking about.
"Why did he send you here, Josh?" You ask.
"Because he's worried, I think?"
"You think?" You snorted at his respose. Joshua is a very amusing person you've known so far, well, beside your besties of course. His way of thinking is very, well, peculiar. Plus, it's unique too, in different circumstances.
"At least I think so. Jeonghan doesn't even bother to bat an eye on his request so it's kinda become my job to carry it on." Joshua innocently spitting out the clue on who's this little birdie is and you've got your precise answer for it.
"Why should he be worried about me? He already got himself a baby and a grown ass crazy women to take care of yet he still wants to play Mr. Goody two-shoes? How benevolent of him." Talking about this in the morning makes your mood sour for various reason and you try your hardest to not roll your eyes because of it.
You're trying to finish your breakfast as soon as possible when Joshua started to talk you out about the situation that you and Seungcheol are currently in.
"Well, about that, I actually wanted to tell you something important and I really need your full attention this time. Can you hear me out first? We can stop if you don't wanna hear it, so no worries." Joshua wait for your respond eagerly, and a simple nod is all he needed to carry on.
"Okay, I'll make it as simple as possible for you."
Joshua start off with the dr*g issue that Jessica gave to Seungcheol which lead him to be a s*x maniac and slept with her. The problem where it only applies whenever Jessica is around still remains as a mystery as none of the experts knew why and how did it work that way.
Moving on, he told you that a blood DNA test has been tested and it turns out that the baby is really not Seungcheol's. While making this statement, Joshua paid his full attention on your reaction and much to his expectation, a sign of relief and solace gradually taking its rightful place in your entire being and Joshua glad that he can convince you in hearing him out.
"What happen to Jessica then?" You asked.
"Well, this is the part where my little birdie have done a really good job, you see. He finally put that menace of a women in an asylum where she should be in the first place. That women is crazy mad. I really don't know how you put up with all of her antiques all this while."
You just smile and finally breathe out a breath of contentment after finally knowing the truth behind what had happend between you and Seungcheol.
Speaking of the man, shouldn't he be the one to be present here and explain all of this mess to you?
Why did he sent someone else to do so in his place?
While you're in your own thought, Joshua fish out his phone and send a text to someone.
Joshua: Hey man. Just explained the whole thing to her like you asked. She seems to took it positively, thank heaven. Should I move on to the next agenda or you'll just come here directly instead?
Seungcheol: Thanks man, I owe you one. Nah, just stick to the plan. I'll meet her there.
"Are you done eating? Any plan after this?" Joshua asked, ready to plant his next move.
"I usually take a walk around the park nearby after breakfast. Wanna join me?" Your plan is perfectly match with his and he swiftly paid for both of your meal before leading you out of the cafe.
*at the park*
There's a lot of people around the park albeit the cold morning weather. The faint sound of people talking and laughing has been your serenade for the past months you're in this place. It soothes your mood and calm you down, a slight dose of serotonin for your well being.
"You okay?" Joshua asked as he looked at you for the nth time already. It seems off to you as Joshua looks kinda nervous for some reason.
"Why wouldn't I be? Besides, the question should be mine to ask, though. Are YOU okay? You seems, off." Your eyes started to wander around to see if there's anything that triggered Joshua's anxious behaviour. And right on cue, you've found your answer at the end of the pavement.
Stood tall is the mighty Choi Seungcheol, looking sharp and handsome as ever, warmly clad in his navy overcoat which you love it on him everytime he wears them, a clean wolf cut hair that again, is your favourite look on him, and what more do you have to describe this man? He's basically the most perfect man you've seen all your life.
"*ahem*. Like what you see?" Cheeky Joshua mode, on.
"Shut up. Care to explain why is he here?" Your eyes unwillingly move from Seungcheol to a smirking Joshua who suddenly pull you in his arm and give you a light squeeze hug that seems to be his encouragement for you to face your battle in a short while.
"Before you punch his perfect face like your dear giant friend does, do hear what he's going to say first. You'll be unwilling, I'm sure. But as your friend, I really think that you are perfect for each other. So go and talk to him, end whatever sad drama you are both in because me and Jeonghan really cannot stand a sad puppy Seungcheol anymore, seriously."
He release you and look you in the eye and continue, "whatever the outcome is, we will still be there for both of you so I hope you'll make the right choice. Okay, love?"
"Thank you, Shua. We will." You smile at him, thankful for his words. Joshua pinch your cheeks lightly before turning to Seungcheol, nodding his head as a que for him leaving you both alone after he's done with his part.
Seungcheol took a wide step in his way to you and he stand right infront of you in no time, thanks to his blessed long legs.
You just stand there, staring at his beautiful black orbs. There's a very obvious dark circle under his eyes, proof that he didn't sleep well these past months.
As Seungcheol finally have the courage to look up at you, he can't help but to gape at you for your hairstyle change. You look ethereal in styling your short hair, pairing with his beloved cream colour on you. In the next second, he find himself magnetically pull you into his arm, holding you tight as ever as he missed you so so much that his chest hurts everytime he thinks about you.
"I missed you so so much, love." His tears starting to fall when he finally felt you in his arms for the first time in months.
"I'm so sorry for whatever I've done to you, to us." He starting to sob as he hugs you tighter, closing to merge both of you into one.
"I messed everything up, love. I don't want to lose you, y/n. I can't lose you or I'll lose my mind. Will you give me a chance to explain?" It took you a while to give him your answer and Seungcheol began to panic.
"No, Seungcheol. There's nothing to be explained anymore. Shua already told me everything, I- "
Seungcheol felt like his heart stopped beating when you denied his plea to explain. His hugs around you becoming tighter as he whisper his pleading desperately to your ear. "Please, love, please. Please don't do this, y/n, I beg you please." Seungcheol suddenly on his knees while tears falling from his eyes like a broken dam, kneeling in despair.
You are shocked with his action and quickly mirror his move to be on your knees infront of him. You cupped both of his tear-stained cheeks and look him into the eyes before leaning in for a kiss.
Your delicate warm lips softly meet his plump one to stop him from crying.
"Love, listen." You whisper without distancing your lips from his.
"Shua already told me everything on what's going on and I've made my decision." Without waiting for you to continue, he shook his head vigorously, not liking what he thought he's about to hear from you.
You smiled at him, kind of expecting this behaviour from the love of your life.
"Cheollie baby, let me finish my word first, please?" Seungcheol stopped his action once he heard the endearment nickname from your mouth, light slowly taking their place back into his eyes as he saw a slight ray of hope from you.
You pull Seungcheol off the ground to stand while holding his hands before you continue.
"I know we are both a victim in this drama. I've done my part in investigating what's going on as well. Jessica has been on my back for years, trying to drag me down in the muds. She will try to make a mess in whatever things that I do and try to take anything that I hold dear, knowing it will hurt me."
You stopped for a moment and caressing Seungcheol's cheek before continue.
"You are the one that I love with all my heart, and I knew that she will do something to take you away from me. The situation becomes a mess and it shooked my entire being when she said that she's pregnant with your child. My heart shattered on that spot I'm standing that day and I feel my soul was on her last straw to remain in one piece." Your tears starting to flow down your reddened cheeks when the images of Jessica caressing her stomach popped up in your mind.
"My heart stays that way since and I took a flight here, treating it as a way to piece it back together eventhough it might take some times to be healed again. Turns out, after what Joshua told me, I felt like air starting to fill my lungs, letting me breathe normally again without me gasping for one."
"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry for what I've done to you." Seungcheol pulls you in his arms again and caressing your back affectionately. He kiss your temple while saying 'i love you' in between and you tighten your hold around his waist as you breathe in his familiar masculine scent that you missed so much.
"I love you, Choi Seungcheol. I love you so much." Your confession is making him broke down in tears again as he feels his heart becoming full with you filling the empty gap.
There is one more thing for him to do and he's determined to do it now. Seungcheol suddenly on his one knee for the second time today with a completely different reason from the previous one while slipping his hand in his pocket to search for something.
You are flabbergasted with his action and eyeing him with curiosity on what he's going to do next although you might already know what is his upcoming move will be.
A small black velvet box coming into your sight once Seungcheol pulled it out from his pocket to be presented infront of you. He open the box slowly to reveal it's content and you can't help it but to gasped emotionally, covering your mouth with shaky hands.
"Y/n, I know this is so sudden but I think I'll die if we ever be seperated again. I love you and will continue to love you for every beat of my heart, until death do us part. I can't stand without you by my side ever again. I'm sorry for what I've done to you and I'll spend the rest of my life making up to it if you ever let me. I can't promise you the stars but I'll try my hardest to pick one for you if ever you desire for one. Will you marry me, y/f/n? The guy who is completely and madly in love you?"
He waited for you to answer his multimillion question and you can't help but to nod your head in agreement, happy tears streaming down your already damp cheeks. Your answer made Seungcheol to taste the air in his lungs again as he somehow forgotten on how breathing actually works.
He beams and smile radiantly after you say yes and swiftly put the big fat diamond ring on your finger before you change your mind. He get up from the ground to hug you tightly with claps and cheers from your surrounding spectators as a background melody, cheering for another happy ending for your love story.
"I love you, y/n. Thank you giving me your forgiveness. I'll never let you go ever again."
"I love you too, Cheollie. I'll love you until the end of our time."
✨️the end✨️
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Finale
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A New Type of Beautiful
pairing: kaz brekker x reader
genre: fluff/nostalgic angst
el's thoughts: i said this was gonna be self-induglent and it is. i've been struggling to come to terms with growing up and this is my way of coping and i hope you find entertainment out of it haha also this was very poorly edited 'cause i dont want to put myself through that right now edit: everyone is aged up so let's just pretend that the ice court and all of the happened when they were a bit older
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The sinking feeling finally settled in Y/N’s stomach as they unpacked the last box. Jesper and Wylan finally moved out, and sure she used to joke about needing Jesper out much sooner but now it actually happened. Next Inej takes off to sail the world and Nina leaves for a big mission. They all have to say goodbye and she wasn’t ready for it.  After years and years of being with each other everyday and being strange teenage kids, they were growing up. Kaz always said they grew up already, all of them did. And of course that was true to a certain degree, but they also adjusted and they found a new way to still be kids. 
“Thank you all for helping us move!” Jesper spoke loudly, addressing the group of friends. “Now get out of our house!” Wylan slapped him across the arm. “Please and thank you.” Chuckled were heard amongs them as they all walked out, wishing the two farewells and statements of luck. 
“What’s wrong?” Kaz asked as they took their coats off and settled back into their shared room. Y/N froze for a split second before continuing her way to the bathroom, “Nothing. Why’d you ask?” She could feel his eye roll directed to the back of her head as she splashed her face with some water. Sighing, she dried her face and walked to their bed, throwing herself down dramatically. “You ever wish we could just freeze time?” 
Kaz looked at her with a small fond smile, “Yes.” 
“I wish I can freeze time and we can all just stay together. No Jes and Wy moving out. No Inej and Nina leaving. No…” She shook her head to get rid of her last thought. She still couldn’t talk about they’re lost friend. “‘Cause soon we’re all gonna be gone and only see each other during summer if even that.”
“We’ve been grown up, and we all have to go our own ways eventually. You knew this.”
“I know! Is it so wrong just to whish I can have a few more moments with everyone?” She didn’t mean to raise her voice so she took a deep breath, “Just go back and not worry about what’s ahead of us all? Who knows what could happen to Inej and Nina.” 
Kaz thought through his next words, not wanting to upset her any more and understanding where she’s coming from. Ever since they first met Y/N’s had a sense of youthfulness about her than never seemed to leave. Through out the years the part of her that never wanted to grow up stayed with her. 
It would annoy Kaz to no end but eventually he grew fond of it, no matter how hard he tried to fight against it, it helped him stay present in certain moments. Moments he would’ve missed and later on regretted if he would’ve stayed locked up in his office but came down to join the crew with Y/N. She was the best of him and he tried everything in his power to protect her, but this was something he couldn’t and it killed him. 
He looked back to her and sighed when he noticed the tears forming in her eyes. He walked to her side and sat beside her. She looked at him and sat up, leaning her head on his shoulder and cried. They sat there in silence, Kaz just holding her as she cried. 
Y/N eventually came to terms that there's nothing she can do to stop time and she just needed to accept growing older. And she would, but she just needed a good cry first. She needed to feel heard, understood, validated. She wasn’t fearful or childish, she was just content with the stage of life they were in. She didn’t want anything to change. She wanted the beautiful childhood they had created for themselves, but she’ll learn that growing up brings a new type of beauty. 
A new type of beautiful that she’ll experience with her loved ones in a new way. A type of beautiful that she’ll grow to be content with as well.
tagging: @juneberrie @jahayla-parker @maliciousbrekker @brekkers-desigirl @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @mad-elia
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miumura · 2 years
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39 - lets date? (written)
warnings : kissing (more like a peck), sunghoon and yn being lovey dovey 🤷‍♀️
since hari left, you and sunghoon have become closer. you didn’t know why you were so distant from him before—maybe you were just afraid of hari ruining something again. now with her out of the way, everything went back to normal. you guys were still competitive with each other but this time you were “friends”.
i guess you can say you guys are in the “talking stage”. whenever he sees you, he always compliments you and gives you paper hearts with little messages in them.
“me + u = love”
in the heart, there’s picture of two stick figures holding hands
“this could be us”
“you’re the only one i need”
pretty romantic, yet cheesy. but hey, who wouldn’t get so giddy over notes such as this? you’ve collected over 50 of those notes by now. that’s what crushes do to you.
you weren’t gonna lie—you waited for sunghoon to confess. it’s been a while, all these notes weren’t going to be enough. you wanted to be in a relationship despite your ups and downs with him. but you totally understand if he would want to take it slow, after hari entering your lives out of nowhere.
you didn’t mind waiting for him.
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as usual, sunghoon meets you in front of your locker. he’s been sticking around with you lately, it makes your other friends scowl at him sometimes.
not to mention, your friends and his friends are pretty much sick of you guys already. it’s like you’re basically doing a couple things but you aren’t even dating yet.
but that didn’t matter. as long as they were supportive, that was more than enough. it just means that they approve so you wouldn’t pay that much mind to their comments.
“morning yn” sunghoons voice made you smile.
“morning hoon”
he watched you put books into your bag. it was kind of heavy—sunghoon noticed it as well.
“i can carry your bag for you” sunghoon reaches out to get your bag. now your stomach flipped upside down. him? willing to carry your bag? just for you? unbelievable.
its all because of these small actions that make you fall for him even more.
“oh um yeah sure go ahead” you awkwardly said. you swore you mentally slapped yourself in the face for being so nervous like that.
“let’s go to class then?”
“alright! but also geez what books are you carrying everyday to make this bag so heavy?”
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it was the end of the day—the bell rang. you planned on walking home with sunghoon but unfortunately you had a club meeting today.
you tapped sunghoons shoulder, “i can’t walk with you today. yknow, club meeting. sorry!” you wore an apologetic expression.
he pats your head, “it’s fine no worries. have fun in that club meeting, yeah?”
he waves goodbye to you as he grabs his bag to leave. he seemed like he was in a rush but you let him be.
as you were bored out of your mind during your club meeting, you suddenly remembered about your penpal, sunghoon.
you wondered if he knew. he hasn’t told you anything about his penpal, which was understandable. you thought of ways of possibly trying to tell him. maybe you’ll write him a letter and say you’re his penpal? or you’ll send that love playlist again?
you continued to think until a voice brought you back from your thoughts.
“and that concludes our meeting! you may leave now, have a great day!”
you rushed out to check your mailbox. he still wrote you letters everyday, which makes you kind of blush a bit. a matter fact, you almost blush at everything he does. it’s a problem, you knew that.
as usual, you saw the blue envelope. you smiled to yourself, putting it into your bag. you planned on reading it once you got home. you immediately rushed back to your house.
wasting no time, you quickly got out of your school clothes into your pajamas. you opened the envelope carefully—you didn’t rip the heart sticker.
as you saw the letter, your eyes widened.
“to luvvie. . or should i say yn?
you must be surprised, i know. how did i find out? well, i found out a while ago. i remember seeing you with a blue envelope in your hand while you went to your locker to read it. you had such a huge smile when you read it—it made feel happy too. i think that was the first time i realized i liked you.
i know we both like each other but we are too scared to take the first step. so, i’ve decided to do so! if you still want to take it slow, i understand :)
here are some reasons of why/how i fell for you <3
1. your smile
- whenever you laugh at my silly jokes or anything really, i start getting butterflies. i would do anything to see you smile like that.
2. our arcade “date”
- i remember how i got you so many plushies there. you laughed and smiled so much, i was really proud of myself. i would definitely clear out the whole arcade if it means i get to see that beautiful smile again <3
3. random pics you would send
- you would send me sm pics, whether it be your ootd, where you’re at, or just selfies at a funny angle. those always bring my mood up so continue what you’re doing <3 ps: i save every single selfie you send, i even have an album ^^
4. our bond
- despite us hating each others guts in the past (or did we?), we got along with each other really well. we had the same interests and you were just an easy person to talk to. i just feel very comfortable around you !
i can go on and on but the letter would eventually get too long </3
if you’re reading this, you’ve reached very far! now that you’re here…
lets date?”
lets say, you were shocked. i mean, you were waiting for this for a while yet you still can’t believe it. he knew all along, no wonder why he didn’t bring it up.
you smiled. you automatically went to get some letter paper and wrote something back.
“to: SH..or sunghoon <3
your letter made me smile very much—i think thats a crime! you didn’t even have to include the reasons of why you fell for me—i would have been okay with the “lets date” part only ^^
since you’ve included 4 reasons, i should do the same!
what made me fall for you <3
1. your presence
- theres something about it. its very comforting, you make me feel like im at home. i can’t believe we argued so much last year. but, i guess that rivalry helped us become even more closer!
2. you at our arcade date
- i still have all the plushies you got me from that day. i did get butterflies when you said you would clear the whole claw machines for me. i’ll be looking forward to that day again, yeah?
3. your gifts
- to get me on your “good” side again (ps: i forgave you already), you kept getting me gifts. sometimes they were not much, but i still appreciated them. the paper hearts, i still have them! they are kept in this small box of mines. i hope you don’t stop giving me those <3
4. how caring you are
- you always looked out for me. when i got sick, needed notes, forgot my lunch, etc, you always got my back. i loved that <3
just like you; i can go on and on. but that would make my letter too long, right?
anyways ^^
of course, let’s date :)”
you finished up your letter and this time, you included the playlist you were supposed to give him.
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you gave him this letter in person, and let me tell you, he smiled so hard.
he gave you a big hug and even a peck on your forehead. in return, you gave him a peck on his cheek. maybe it was a little too fast—but hey, you guys took too long to get together.
“took us long enough” you giggled at him.
“it took way too long. let’s go on our first date, shall we?”
“i’d love that.”
besides the obstacles that came along both of your ways, he was finally yours, you were finally his.
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A/N : why am i so lonely
@son4taa @luvhooniez @yenavrse @shinsou-rii @luveuly @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie
@ahnneyong @hanienie
- ask / dm to be tagged in my penpal — wait what?!
bolded = can’t tag </3
@/son4taa, @lilactangerine , @/hanienie, @/yenqa , @cloudcutter , @4soobinonly , @/luvhooniez, @wonioml , @adajoemaya , @vampsvngie , @wanna-live-yn-life , @sukunasrealgf , @/ilovewonyo, @invusblog , @/ahnneyong, @viagumi , @/dimplewonie , @nobodyshallenter, @luvvtxinityy , @captivq , @jeongintwt , @mutlishipperfangirl , @/shinsou-rii, @sd211 , @ineedaherosavemeenow , @oyihcc, @hell1cy , @iloveoceaneyesss , @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs , @sansluvr , @s0ye0nswife , @jiawji , @xiaoderrrr , @dxlicateee , @zomyy, @drema-little-dreamof-me, @harmxlovee, @jaeh-yun , @luvdokja , @smg-valeria , @chaewon-slays , @yjjungwon , @kyrkitten
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idontknowhowtoski · 3 months
When I was 10 my family adopted two 1 year old labradors. They were brothers who'd been raised together and suffered littermate syndrome so they couldn't be seperated. Their names were Buddy and Nugget and they had never been inside a house before. When we brought them home they couldn't be in the same room for more then 10 minutes before breaking out into a fight.
Slowly but surely we got them used to not only each other but also the fact that they wouldn't be kicked outside for any reason. Nugget used to hide under my mum's bed for hours and would growl at anyone who tried to get him out because he was worried he would be put in the yard. We called him troll nuggie.
Buddy ate through shoes like no one's business and we had to put childproof locks on the fridge to keep the two out of it. They knew how to open doors and jumped higher then the furniture whenever we would get home. They were big fat boys when we got them but because we lived on acreage and they had three hyper children to run around with they lost the extra weight quickly.
Eventually we moved. And then moved again. And time went on. And they got fat again. I graduated primary school. And then high school. I cut my hair and grew it again, I made friends and lost them. Started university and then immediately spent months in lockdown. They watched me grow up and I watched them grow old.
Nugget died February 18th 2022 and it wrecked me. These were my boys. My closest companions of a decade and then he was gone. That morning I had gotten up early to go meet with a friend. I was always the boys favourite and they slept in my bed every night for as long as I could remember which was an issue when I had a single bed but was much more manageable once I got a queen. I had barely said goodbye that morning, a quick kiss on the head before I left. Not even two hours later my sister was calling, terrified, because he suddenly couldn't stand and his tongue had gone grey. I raced home and spent nugget's last 3 hours telling him it was okay.
After he died I couldn't leave the house for months without having a panic attack over the thought of buddy going the same way while I was gone. Since then I have spent the last two years begging buddy not to die every time I leave the house. When nugget died I almost killed myself. The only reason I didn't was because I still had buddy and he still needed me.
Buddy is now 15. His birthday was in April and since nugget died he's gotten so old. He has gone completely blind and completely deaf. For the last year all he has done is sleep on my bed all day everyday except for dinner time. As of last week he can't stand by himself and his appetite has dropped off nearly completely. I know it's time to say goodbye. He's been my best friend for 13 years and I don't know what to do without him. I haven't gone without a labrador in my bed for over a decade. He is the most important part of my life and I'm going to miss him more then words could ever hope to express.
His name was already buddy when I got him. His first owners have no idea just how aptly they named him. I have to say goodbye forever tomorrow. Some people can't be in the room when it happens but I will stay with him till the end. I'll tell him it's okay. I'm going to miss him till the day I die.
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shegatsby · 1 year
The Last of Us
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Warnings; Post apocalyptic world. SMUT! P in v, unprotected sex, don't be silly wrap your willy. Angst. MINORS GET THE F OUT!
Words; 2.493K
A/N; Hello babes! Another day another slay, if you have any request about Joel don't hesitate to send them to me. See you on another fic. bye xxx
Summary; Ever since childhood you had to survive, you were born before the disease so you kinda remembered what was it like, to have a hot shower, clean food etc. You didn’t know what happened to your parents because they were on a vacation and left you with your grandma who passed away during the chaos. You were 10 when it happened, a child who had to be a woman over night. What happens when you are a brink from killing yourself and find purpose again?
Chapter Eight- The Finale
She couldn’t sleep, neither could Joel. They just laid on the bed, Joel’s arms around her, when the first lights of morning came she noticed that he was gone. A sudden panic took her body and soul, she ran to Ellie’s room, she was gone too. How dare they leaving without a goodbye?! Was she disposable to them? Y/N immediately got dressed, the cold air hit her face when she left the house. They should be at the stables, she thought and she ran.
It wasn’t too late, Ellie was there with Joel and Tommy, ‘’Y/N?’’ Tommy asked, confused. Before she could say anything Joel cut in, ‘’Change of plans. I’m taking Ellie, not Tommy.’’ She was so relieved that the thought of them leaving without saying goodbye didn’t matter at all. Joel came up to her, ‘’I’m sorry but you were sleeping like an angle so I didn’t want to wake you up.’’ He shortly explained, when he saw the purple hicky he left on her neck he had a grin on his face, ‘’When I come back,’’ he kissed her forehead, ‘’I’ll have you all to myself.’’
‘’Eww!’’ Ellie made her presence known, ‘’Can we just get the fuck out of here?!’’
Before they got on to the horse she kissed him passionately, his hands went to her waist, ‘Come back to me.’’ She said when they parted, ‘’We will.’’ These last few months Joel realized that he let these two girls in, they became a family and he wasn’t going to let that go. Y/N also didn’t forget to kiss Ellie’s cheeks and making sure that she didn’t feel left out. ‘’Gross but you two are meant for each other.’’ She said with a cheeky smile, ‘’Thank you for the input.’’
The tall wooden doors were opened for them to leave, the last look Joel gave her broke her heart but he had to take Ellie and the Fireflies had to make a cure, the entire world depended on them..
And that was 4 months ago…
She settled quickly, Maria said she could stay at that house which was a relief for her, her job was to work on the fields and teach kids gardening. She took pride and joy in teaching, these children were so different than Ellie and all she hoped for was to see Ellie, not scared and always on the run but relaxed and joyful. She had a ritual, everyday she would wake up early to clean and organize the house so that it would be comfortable for Ellie and Joel when they come back, and every damn day her tired yet hopeful eyes wander the wooden walls, waiting for her family to come in and surprise everyone.
The first 2 months no one dared to even talk to her, she felt as if she was invisible, they seemed scared of her or rather Joel. It didn’t matter to her because she liked the silence, the 3rd month some women at the bar made a small conversation with her about how useful her teaching was and she could feel her heart get warmer, she loved teaching and making a difference.
On the 3rd month she joined Tommy and others to go into the city to find useful things. Others brought soap, clothes and she brought books for kids. She didn’t forget to hide the comic books for Ellie, she put them in her room. During the 3rd month she could hear people whisper about the possibility of Joel and Ellie dying, she tried to dismiss the thought but lately she couldn’t. Every day she grew restless, they kept hearing rumors about raiders chasing and killing people, what if they were hunted by these raiders? What if they were captured and tortured?
Y/N heard the ring which meant the school was finished for today and she watched her students leave the classroom. It was a small space with paintings on the walls, books on the shelves and a big white board, it worked for them and she couldn’t wait to have Ellie in school too. As she gathered her things and put them in her bag she heard some people running and speaking louder than usual. When she popped her head out of the door to see, another teacher approached to her, he was older than her and he was teaching mostly math, chemistry, etc. ‘’What’s going on?’’ she asked, she tried to keep her voice normal but the idea of raiders or clickers climbing those walls made hair shiver in fear. ‘’I think we have new people.’’ He shortly said and it relieved her.
She left the school, the smell of fresh spring air gave her comfort. The flowers and trees were blossoming and filling the air with a nice scent, it reminded her something… her grandma’s backyard.
The school building was further away from the gates but she could still see people gathering towards the gate so she followed them with curiosity. Her heart was beating in her throat, if it was them what was she going to do? What if they already had forgotten about her? Her legs had their own minds, she was practically sprinting to see, and she saw the wooden doors being opened, two people walked in.
She had to suppress her gasp, it was them, Joel and Ellie. Tommy was the first one to greet them, she watched him hug his brother, and Ellie, and then she could see his eyes searching the crowd and they locked eyes, neither of them dared to move a muscle. As soon as Ellie saw Y/N she ran to her and gave her a big hug. It seemed like she needed it, Y/N hugged her back, brushed her hair gently, and whispered ‘’I’m here sweet girl.’’ Y/N cupped Ellie’s cheeks, ‘’Let’s go home, I’m sure you have a long story for me. Let’s get you cleaned up and fed.’’ Together they walked among people, she could feel Joel’s eyes watching them leave.
As Ellie was getting a shower Y/N was getting the dinner ready for them, soup, meat and bread she freshly made this morning. The table was ready, she was about to go and check on her when the door of their home smashed open by none other than Joel Miller. She halted in her steps he closed the door and saw her standing few inches away from him, her intoxicating scent filled his nostrils, she had a long sleeveless dress, it was red and her hair was longer than before, ‘’Hi.’’ She managed to say, ‘’Welcome home.’’ She regretted as soon as she said it, ‘’Home?’’ in these months the place became her home but what about him? In order to change the subject she spoke again, ‘’Dinner is ready, Ellie is in the shower.’’ Before she let him speak she quickly climbed the stairs, her heart was about to jump out of her rib cage, Y/N had to brush the odd feeling and knocked on Ellie’s door. No answer, so she silently opened the door to see Ellie, in her pink robe and sitting on the bed. Her weary brown eyes locked on the window in front of her, shoulders shrunken,  ‘’Ellie, dinner is ready.’’ Y/N said but no answer came, something was off. Y/N approached to her gently, when Ellie startled for a second it broke Y/N’s heart, they spent almost a year together and built a daughter-mother bond and to see it vanish in few months shook her, obviously something bad went down when they were outside, ‘’Dinner is ready.’’ She only nodded which made Y/N sat next to her, ‘’You don’t have to tell me anything but know this,’’ Y/N held Ellie’s hands, ‘’it’s not your fault.’’ And with that Ellie started crying, this was the first time she saw her cry and all she could do was to be there for her, Ellie’s head on her chest, Y/N kept hugging and rubbing her back just like taking care of a baby, it was official, Ellie was hers.
Joel, as soon as he walked through those walls all he wanted to do was to just put Y/N to his shoulder, hold Ellie by the hand and take them home but he didn’t want to scare her so he watched them leave.
When he came home and saw how tidy and clean the inside was and how welcoming she was… Joel was never going to leave her or Ellie. He was struggling though, should he tell Y/N what happened with the Fire flies? How he killed those people to save their girl… it could wait for a while. After all these years he was in pain and torture but after having them in his life, a found family, killing bunch of people to protect them seemed worth it. He wasn’t going to let this go, not in a million years.
However, something in Y/N was changed, the way she looked at him seemed distant, of course, it had been 4 months since they last saw each other and in those months anything can happen, his worst fear was Y/N finding someone younger and more handsome than him. Did his worst fear become true? He was in his dark thoughts when he climbed the stairs and saw Ellie’s door open, Y/N and Ellie were sitting on the bed and talking, he couldn’t help but listen,
‘’it wasn’t your fault.’’
He could see Ellie cry, he was still angry with himself for getting stabbed and that weird man kidnapping Ellie. They never talked about it and he wished he was the one who killed that pervert. He would make it slow, torturing him for days and then he would finish it, not with a gun but with a knife. Gun would be too easy but knife is a lot more intimate and hurts like a bitch. His hands clenched into fists but he was happy to see Ellie letting all out and finding comfort in Y/N, he was never good at these thing anyway, he watched them, hugging each other and Y/N taking the role of the mother, he wished Sarah also had Y/N in her life, she would make his job so easy and coming home to Y/N after a hectic work day would be a bliss, there he was again, in his fantasy world. He quietly closed the door and walked to the parents’ bedroom, everything was the same but cleaner, he hit the shower immediately, when he left he found clean clothes for him on the bed, obviously Y/N put those for him, his heart did a jump. She was so caring and thoughtful, after getting dressed he went downstairs and saw Ellie sitting at the table, food was ready and Joel took his place at the head of the table, ‘’Smells delicious.’’ He made a comment, ‘’Enjoy. Oh Ellie, I found some of your favorite books, they’re in your room on the shelf. Seeing her brown eyes lit worth millions of ‘’thank you’’
Throughout the dinner they avoided the most obvious question; ‘’What happened with the Fireflies?’’
Joel’s yearning looks didn’t go unnoticed by her, after the dinner Ellie said she was tired and would like to go to bed and left them at the table. Y/N, in order to avoid his burning gaze she immediately bolted to her feet and started to do the dishes, Joel joined her, in silence she washed the dishes and he dried them. It was so strange to him to see himself adapting to domestic life just like that. He was meant to be a father and a husband, a provider, he couldn’t escape it anymore.
‘’Thank you.’’ She said with her soft voice, tasted like honey to him and they found themselves standing few inches away from each other, not moving a muscle. Joel wasn’t sure to take the first step and he was still thinking of the possibility that she could be with someone else. To prove him wrong Y/N took a step towards him and kissed him. He melted into her, pushing her to the counter without breaking the kiss, Y/N jumped to the counter, her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer and closer.  They parted when they were out of breath, his warm brown eyes were like tiny stars, her hands were clung to his shirt, ‘’You came back to me.’’ She said more to herself, eyes never leaving him as if he could disappear, ‘’I’m persistent.’’ he said that before at the car when they were in Kansas City and he was a man of his word. This time he took the lead and kissed her, she could feel her lips getting sore and she didn’t care.
Her hands travelled down and down, found his waist, belt and zipper and her hands thankfully were fast.
He helped her and Joel pulled his cock out, Y/N spit into her mouth and started to stroke it slowly, ‘’Fuuuuck-‘’ he moaned, ‘’Every goddamn night I dreamt of you darlin’ your soft hands,’’ she kept stroking him, ‘’your juicy cunt, uhhh- stop-‘’ he had to stop her because if she kept doing that..
‘’Joel, please, I want you.’’ They had to whisper, Joel’s eyes got darker, she laid on the cold counter, her hand went to pick her dress up, and then she got rid of her panties to show him how wet she was.
Joel watched Y/N finger herself, ‘’Look at you, needy slut,’’ his words were getting her wetter, ‘’Please Joel, I want to feel your cock, I kept touching myself thinking of you.’’ Her confession made his cock twitch, with that he pushed her hand away and positioned himself, he wanted to feel her fully so he just went in, he was thick which was something Y/N forgot so the sensation made her shiver. ‘’Fuck yes-‘’ Y/N was a mess and Joel was the reason, and he knew, deep down he knew that he belonged there, between her legs, in these 4 months he even planned to propose to her and finding her like this… it was done. She had to be his wife.
He leaned into her, kissing her, biting her jaw like an animal, giving her small bites on her neck, she guided his hand to her neck and he gave her what she wanted. He was choking her and fucking her raw, it had to be raw because it had been months away from each other. Y/N liked his harshness, it made her cunt squeeze his cock, his movements got sloppy, ‘’Come in me.’’ She said, sure of herself, ‘’Baby girl-‘’ he was surprised by her request but he had been imagining this, coming in her and giving her a baby. He came after few thrusts, he was balls deep in her, his head in her neck, smelling her scent.
He lifted his head, eyes droopy, ‘’Be mine.’’ He said, ‘’Already yours.’’
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Thank you so much guys! Love you xxx
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darkfictionjude · 4 months
I was thinking about my MC (who is male) and Imre living together.
I imagine my MC everyday giving massages to Imre before sleeping. Massaging his feet, his back. Maybe kissing him too in between massages. Making sure he is relaxed. And always making sure Imre has a glass of water on his nightstand. My MC also makes sure the bed is warm on Imre's side when the weather is cold.
And if Imre needs to go out during the day, my MC always prepares him a lunchbox. And, as he always will do when Imre leaves the house, he kisses his cheek goodbye.
The lunchbox always includes a little letter with a little love message. Maybe also a drawn heart.
Quite often they would go on dates. Maybe the cinema. Maybe the theater. Perhaps they make a tradition to go see the Nutcracker each December? Maybe, once the movie released, they take inspiration from the fashion of The Mummy. I see both dressing a bit like Rick O'Connell. But everyone is hot in that movie, so I know they would talk about the whole cast.
They for sure go to restaurants once in a while. And Imre always has his parties, and my MC will try to go to all of them, even if he doesn't like to be around people. Being close to Imre is worth it, to him.
Maybe the also they travel together, be in North America or the rest of the world. I imagine my MC sending postals to Sally and Percy where he and Imre pose to the camera with a landscape behind them. And my MC also would also bring some gifts to them.
All this rambling, after the last paragraph, made me wonder one thing. How would MC's relationship with Imre's parents be like? We know Imre's father is rather distant, but we know very little else. And for Imre's mother, we know even less.
Mmm... Now I wonder if MC and Imre visit Imre's family often, or at all. With my MC being male maybe they relationship is a bit icy at first (since it's not the best look for a the mayor's campaign, I imagine, at the time, and also because it means Imre could not have a biological kid). And given what we know of MC, it probably would be more thanks to Imre than to MC that that relationship improves. After all, my MC may be polite and as kind as the game allows, but charismatic he is not.
I may think way too much about this IF, and Imre specifically.
That final sentence though ☺️
With Imre he’s torn with liking it and feeling like he’s dating a servant? He’s very self sufficient he likes to do things himself and he doesn’t want a regular groupie? Like everyone else. He wants mc to have a life outside of him to be a person outside of him so it’s like this dilemma between his selfishness and god like complex and his gentleman morality
I can’t say much about Imre’s parents and how that relationship will go. Anything I say might be spoilers. From the little I’ve given you you can guess it would not be good
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Timeless | C. Beomgyu 02. Love letters
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Synopsis: There's antique shop down the block, and somehow yn felt the need to visit it. While looking at the artefacts and old treasures the shop had, a cardboard box with a ´photos 25c each´ sign caught her attention. As she took a look at it, she saw that it contained some old pictures, but what happens when she sees herself and her boyfriend Beomgyu in them?
Warnings: mentions of war and death, slight angst, separation, missing someone. mentions of food, might contain grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
Lua’s note: Hello :):) welcome to chapter two! I’m sorry if the updates take a while 😰 I usually write when I feel inspired and lately it’s been hard to receive inspiration, but I’m trying my best!! I hope you are enjoying the story so far :)
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The November sun peered through the window of the newly married couple’s house. It was a quiet morning where you could hear the soft air breeze moving the branches of the trees.
Yn and Beomgyu were having breakfast under a comfortable silence. Beomgyu was scribbling on his notebook and yn was reading the newspaper that arrived earlier that morning.
“Things are getting worse in Japan.” You sighed putting the newspaper down.
“Yeah, I’ve heard there’s a war starting.” Beomgyu placed down his pen next to his notebook and sipped his cup of tea.
“I’m just worried that all this disaster involves our country.” You were worried that things wouldn’t go exactly as you wanted it. You wanted to start a family, have kids and raise them in a free country. You didn’t want to have your kids in the middle of a war. You knew Beomgyu and you were both young and still had time to start a family, but this was absolutely out of anyone’s hands.
Beomgyu reached your hand over the table, giving it a light squeeze. “Don’t worry, darling. Everything will be fine, okay?” You nodded and he gave you a reassuring smile. “That’s my girl. Alright, I have to go now, I have a meeting today.” He said while getting up and gathering his things. He walked to your side and pecked your cheek. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you.” You waved goodbye and he left.
The day went on normally, as the weather started to get colder everyday since the winter season started, you set up the chimney to warm up the house a little.
That’s how days went on normally. Beomgyu would come back home at night and tell you all about his job, and how the book he was writing was going.
Until one day, he wasn’t going to come back for a very long time.
He had to enlist to the Japanese Army to fight in the war.
The day of his departure, you swore it would be the most painful day of your life. Saying goodbye to your soulmate, your partner, the love of your life. Give him away to uncertainty.
That’s what it was. Everything was uncertain. You didn’t know if he would comeback, you didn’t know what could happen there, because nothing assured you he would be okay.
Communication was difficult at long distance, and more if it meant talking to someone in the army.
“I will be back, okay?” He gave you a sad smile.
“Please be careful, I don’t want to lose you, Gyu.” You hugged him tightly, as if it was your last hug, and you thought that it could be.
“I… promise I’ll come back to you, okay? I’ll be back and we’ll be together again, and I’ll never leave your side again, I promise.” He wrapped his arms around you. You could feel that he started sobbing by the way his chest started moving. “I’ll come back…”
You two cried for very long, holding each other and whispering reassuring things to the other.
Then he left.
Your heart ached like it has never before. You felt helpless.
Your mother moved in with you, since your father also enlisted. This made you only feel worse.
Days went by emptily. You kept doing your normal things every day, but you didn’t have a purpose. You felt empty.
One Monday morning you went outside to pick up the mail that arrived earlier that day. You sat down in the kitchen table and started checking it. One of the letters caught your eye. It was from Japan.
You quickly opened the envelope and you felt your heart stop when you saw your husband’s handwriting in the price of paper.
To my dearest, Yn
Being away from home is difficult, and I'm constantly thinking about how much I miss you. I can't wait to go back home with you, and see you everyday again. My heart aches when I wake up and I don’t see you.
I know that I cannot express in words the depth and complexity of my love for you. But I hope you know that I love you more than anything else in this world. The memory of your hugs keeps me going, it keeps me sane. I’ve seen a lot of terrible things the last few days, I’m surprised I haven’t lost my mind. But it’s you that helps me. I have to be okay for the day that I go back to you.
My love, my yn, please be safe. Take care of your mom. Please continue with your life and all the things you wanted. I don’t want you to be worried about me. Please do that for me. Remember I love you.
P.S. I have a great idea for a book! Can’t wait to tell you about it when I go back…
Always yours,
Choi Beomgyu.
Tears rolled down your cheeks. You folded the letter and picked up the envelope, but when you did, a small heart shaped locket fell from it. You picked it up and examined it, you opened it and saw a picture of Beomgyu wearing his uniform.
You closed it and you stayed there for a while, processing the letter, the locket, and everything.
Every other week you would receive a letter from Beomgyu, they weren’t always long but they were perfect. You felt your heart warm everyone you read them. You could hear his voice through his words.
You waited patiently.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 2 years
Before the Lies
Chapter 4 is up, people...
Before the Lies is a prequel to our previously published collaboration written with @duskwoodgirl4life, @x3kristax3 @raemae17, @babeczka415 and @julesthoughts. If you don't know these writers, you should check out more of their stuff as they are tremendously skilled and have a lot of lovely things to read.
Trap of Lies can be found on my master list or any of the other authors' master lists.
Before the Lies previous chapters: 1 2 3
Chapter 4 - Written by pahinanoel
“Darling,” Charles said looking deeply at his wife, “It has been a long day, shall we proceed to bed and end this night properly in each other’s arms? I believe the world and all of its business can wait until tomorrow.”  He kissed his wife and she returned his affection, deepening the kiss.  Her laughter filled the halls as he swooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.
Charles had to leave very early the next morning, though he made sure to leave a kiss on the cheek of his beloved wife still asleep, and on the foreheads of his son and daughter still happily tucked in their beds. They were everything to him. While he had maintained control of his business thus far, he knew he played with fire and they could all be in danger at any moment.  He never wanted to forget to say goodbye properly.  He left a note for Mary telling her about his early meeting and hoping that she would understand why his side of the bed would be cold when she awoke.  He hated leaving them like this, but the letter that he received the previous night meant he had some things to do that would ensure their protection.
It was mornings like this when the cold nipped at his nose and chilled him to the core, in the darkness before the fog lifted and still clung to the damp air, that he was all too aware of the danger that lurked in the shadows.  He knew he risked their health and happiness continuing this line of work, but he had set up several fail safes and secret protections to ensure their safety.  His business offered them a lifestyle that he and the family had gotten used to, and he wasn’t sure he could find another occupation that would allow them to keep their house or carriages.  
He owed Mary the best things that life could offer.  She was above him in all ways, intelligent, beautiful, and strong.  There was no man worthy of her.  It was his fortune to have her by his side and he would never be one to forget that fact.  They had secrets initially, but she eventually explained her involvement with the White Nights.  Her intention to do good things within this organization made him enamored with her.  She was brave and strong in a time when other women were happy to sit idly surrounded by their lovely things and watch the world move.  He adored her in every way.  Her passion and bravery were inspiring to him and forced him to be a better man.  He only wished his intentions were as noble as hers were.
Mary awoke, finding the note on her nightstand.  She missed him, but she had her own meeting this morning.  It was one held in secret and while Charles had an idea of her current  membership in the group, she never divulged any of the details.  If she told him, it would put his life in great danger.  While it was the same from his end, they never felt isolated or alone in their secrets.  They both knew the ones they had to keep and allowed the other the same courtesy.
Mary put on her uniform for the monthly training meeting of the White Nights. The White Nights was a secret organization that functioned in the shadows of everyday society.  They could move between the shadows, gathering information, and creating havoc when need be.  They trained well and were physically able to defend themselves.  They also underwent regular training sessions that kept their mental acumen in check.
Today was the physical challenge, and for that, a special uniform was worn, it consisted of a fitted corset that allowed free movement of the arms and the boning offered some protection. The pants, scandalous to wear out for a lady of her stature, were required in this field of work as the layers of dress would not be accommodating to fight off any attacker.  The belt, a wide band of cloth that resembled a man’s cummerbund, allowed a slim knife to be concealed within. Sewn into the waistband were pockets and loops of varying sizes that would accommodate the needs of any assignment or specialty. These garments were dyed the color of the fog, a lightly swirled, muted gray, which reminded Mary of marble. This color was prevalent throughout the city and reflected not only in the city's walls but also in the mist, which poured into the port in most of the evening hours. The beauty of these “costumes” is that they fit easily under their usual clothing allowing them to change very quickly if the occasion were to arise.  They were all issued a cape as well, the color of midnight on one side and white on the other, matching the color of the uniform.  This gave them the ability to move freely in the shadows if that was required. Sometimes it became necessary to disappear to the corners of the city streets.
Maebelle snuck into the room and watched her mother get dressed.  The look of admiration with which she watched her mother showed how deep the child’s affection was for her.  As Mary brushed her long blonde hair and pulled it tightly into a bun, Maebelle wished she would someday be as beautiful and elegant as her mother. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be so beautiful and confident.
As Mary finished her young daughter’s hair, she moved on to her own blonde hair mimicking the hairstyle of the smaller version of herself.  Looking back into the mirror, she paused at the reflection of her daughter.  Maebelle’s legs swung happily off the side of the bed as she watched her mother continue to prepare for the day.  She chatted constantly and Mary took great delight in the things that they discussed.  Every day, Maebelle was becoming more insightful and creative.  Mary smiled when she looked back at the child and imagined the woman that she would become.  It was a joy to be her mother.  She couldn’t imagine a better life and was very grateful for the one that had been granted her.
“Mae,” Eric said, as he peeked into his mother’s room from the hallway, “Breakfast is ready, I was told to come and get you.”  He snickered, knowing she hated that name.
Mary looked at her daughter, “Yes, Love,“ she said, signaling to Maebelle, and giving her a sweet hug as she ushered her off of the bed, “Your brother is right to call you.  You must go 
“Your Father had his own meetings to run off to, but we shall see him for dinner.” She kissed Maebelle on the head and released her. “Go and eat with your brother.  I will be down shortly.”
eat.  We have important places to be this morning.” 
“Is that why Papa isn’t here?” the girl asked, not wanting Mary to let her go just yet.
Mary could hear Mae running down the stairs humming a tune on her way. She took this chance to place her blade in its holster before joining her children.
Eric ruffled Mae’s hair as they heard a knock on the door.  “I will get it,” Eric said and ran to the door.  He loved visitors.  The daily monotony of their life sometimes made him act out in an effort to fight boredom, usually this acting out was at Mae’s expense.
Jake came running through the door and headed straight for Maebelle. “Good Morning, Mae,” he said with a smile growing on his face.  She pulled out a chair next to her and patted the seat inviting him to join them for the meal. Placing a plate of hot rolls and jam in front of him, she watched him as he began to eagerly partake.  A typical boy, he was never complete.  Maebelle didn’t understand that Jake’s life was very different from hers and the kind of food that she enjoyed was not the common fare. Jake was always hungry because he was a boy, but it was also because money was sometimes hard to come by for his mother.  While she always provided, food at home wasn’t usually as good as this was.  Maebelle giggled as she watched him eat. He was acting like a starved wolf at this moment, otherwise, his manners were impeccable.
Janice leaned over and spoke softly in her son’s ear, a blush alighted on his cheeks as his manners returned to him.  
“Hurry with your meals, children,” Mary addressed them, “Janice and I have a very important place to be. We thought you all might enjoy some time at the library this morning if Eric will oblige and make sure that you two stay out of trouble, that is.”
“Yes, Mum,“ Eric nodded.  He wasn’t much older but was used to watching out for both of them. They tended to get a little adventurous and absent-minded when they were together.  Well, Maebelle was adventurous and Jake, well, he would do whatever Maebelle wanted. Eric didn’t mind watching over the two, it made him feel important and he was eager to get out of the house for a bit, “We will be good. I promise.”
Mary reached over and placed her hand on the boy’s cheek, “I know that I can trust you, Son.  You have never disappointed me,” she offered him a gentle look as she spoke. Eric could both see and feel his mother’s love as it shone brightly in her eyes. It made him stand taller.
The children finished breakfast and the five placed on their coats as they headed out the door.  The wind whipped around the corner almost toppling Mae to the ground.  
“Shall we walk or take the carriage, dear friend?”  Mary asked Janice. 
“Let’s send the children on the carriage and then let’s walk, you know how the fresh air heals my soul,” Janice suggested.
Jake wanted to walk with his mother, he loved seeing her free, with the wind in her face.  She seemed younger and lighter. “Mother, can’t I just go with you?  I would like to go to the library, but I would love to walk with you.  I can wait outside of your meeting and usher you both home. We can count the crows flying by or watch the horses run,” Jake practically begged. 
“No, Son.  This is not an appointment you can go to,” Janice replied, kissing his cheek. “I love spending time with you too, but we will have plenty of days for walks and many more times spent counting the crows and picking the lavender.” She kissed his cheeks.  “Pick out a book that we can read tonight and we can share it before bed. Be a good lad and have fun.  You are with your favorite people.” She smiled and her eyes were full of love.
“You are my favorite person,” Jake replied but knew his mother wasn’t going to budge.  He accepted her answer and the mission to find the perfect book and climbed into the carriage.  Mae instantly began chattering about everything on her mind. Jake watched as his mother faded out of view and eagerly set his attention on his other favorite person and her brother who he admired a great deal. It was a grand adventure to be going alone in a carriage and one that they weren’t allowed very often.  As they rode quickly down the road, Maebelle’s chattering and the boy's laughter filled the air..  
Mary smiled as the two women walked arm in arm down the road.  This was the part of town that Janice wouldn’t normally feel comfortable in due to her status, but Mary always made her feel welcome and accepted.  Their sisterhood was evident in all of her actions.  
“I fear that I will have a difficult assignment today even though I just returned,’ Janice began.  “I have avoided these dangers long enough.”
“Don’t let those thoughts control you. Arthur has chosen to protect you this long.  He knows that Jacob has no one else and he knows your devotion to the Nights.” Mary tried to console Janice.  “Isn’t it a lovely day, despite the wind?  Can’t you smell the salt of the sea and the lavender in the air, and that delicious scent of mint that occasionally tickles the nose? Let’s enjoy our walk, shall we?”
Janice took her friend's advice and took in a refreshing breath of air, instantly feeling at peace. She also quite enjoyed her walk.  
They arrived at the building just outside of the town. From the outside, it was a simple warehouse hidden between the estates of the wealthy and the streets of the commoners.  No one paid it any attention as it looked just like the other buildings in this part of the city. The inside, however, was lavish. The walls were gilded with gold accents and banners bearing the symbol of the White Nights hung from the momentous ceiling. Lush fabric and ornate wood detailed every inch of the building.  Jane, the secretary behind the front counter maintained the propriety of a professional building should an uninvited guest stumble upon the premises.  She was the pulse of the company.  She knew all of the assignments and all of the members, and most importantly she held all of the gossip.  If you needed to know anything, she was the person to find.
The lobby opened up to a long hallway split into two equal sides. To the right were classrooms and offices, no different than any other. Students walked the hallway in hushed whispers.  During their time in these classes, students were assessed for their specialties and put into groups based on their particular set of skills. Mary and Janice were classmates.  Mary was charming and had social ties which meant people would divulge information to her that they wouldn’t normally divulge and as a socialite, she was allowed to enter places that most were not.  Janice had an uncanny ability to read lips and, in this way, gather information where others could not. She also had special skills in retaining and repeating that intel almost verbatim. The two were placed in a specialty class together and became fast friends. The special skills these women had kept them from being put in the most dangerous situations, but they were trained as well as any other Night and could take care of themselves if things got out of control. 
The other side, to the left, led to the gymnasium.  It was a huge open room set up with various tools and torture equipment, as well as a training room inspired by the classic Greeks, designed to prepare the ladies for both defense and attack.  Using inspiration from both the Greek warriors and the Japanese martial art form of kalarippayattu, these women became fully competent warriors able to fend off every foe.  
The women were headed straight to the locker room to change for their training when Arthur stopped Janice. 
Arthur was a tall man, and incredibly muscular.  He was attractive, his blonde hair lit up the dark places. He could charm anyone he wanted, yet his appearance was such that few would attempt to cross him.  His hazel eyes bore such an intensity that it would be impossible to avoid being intimidated by him. The women of the White Nights were not, however, intimidated.  They were his army, but he was their protector and he took that responsibility very seriously. These monthly training helped Arthur, the leader of the group, keep the health and skill of his army in check. They knew that he would take care of them at all costs.
He had a special spot for Janice.  He was raised by a single mother and appreciated her performance in the White Nights and the love that she showed for her son. She was a beautiful woman, but her intellect is what drew him in.  Others might overlook her beauty because of her social standing, but he knew that she was of the highest caliber as a human. He knew that she would not be here if it wasn’t for her boy.  The White Nights offered a certain amount of protection and security in an increasingly dangerous city.
Arthur had managed to give her easier missions over the years, keeping the safety of both her and her son in mind. The mission that he had to send her on today was a little riskier than he would like, but she had a certain skill set, one that no one came close to matching. He had faith in her ability to complete the mission and return home, but he still didn’t like it. He wouldn’t relax until she was finished with this mess.
“Follow me, “Arthur spoke to Janice, his voice firm but soft. He turned to Mary, “Mrs. Carter, your friend will join you in a moment.”  Mary nodded and headed toward the locker room while Janice went after Arthur, her hands clasped tightly in front of her.  Mary watched her friend with sympathetic eyes, she didn’t like the look on his face.  Her gut, which was never wrong, told her that Janice wasn’t going to like what she was about to hear.
His office was simple, with a plain desk and two chairs.  The walls held his certificates from an unknown university overseas and a series of drawings of famous commanders and kings.  Arthur motioned for her to have a seat, which she did gladly.  
“Janice, I need your help.  You are the only one that can complete this mission.  I would send someone else, but you are the best eavesdropper we have. You are the only one that can accurately tell what information is being passed from a distance and bring that information back to me.  We need this information.  You won’t be in direct contact, but you do have to sneak into their main office and lie in wait to gather the information we seek. Watching every word they say and remembering it is imperative for the next mission, which of course, I can not discuss with you.  You are the only one that I can trust to complete such a vital task.”
“Arthur, I do not have a choice and I will accept your mission, but could I have a couple of days to prepare things at home first.  I need to see my son and find a safe place for him to be.  I need to make sure he knows that I love…”
Arthur interrupted, refusing to let her give into thoughts of disaster. “That is the worst part, I fear.  You must leave within the hour.  Give Mrs.Carter word and see if she can watch your boy.  You should be back to him in a couple of days.  When you return, I will see to it that you have plenty of time with your son.  I was thinking a promotion would be in order.  An office job, perhaps?  One that would guarantee your safety and many happy days for you and your boy?”
She nods acceptance of the task and hangs her head low. Arthur grabbed her hand in his and looked over his shoulder.  In a whisper, he said, “Janice, if there was any other way to accomplish this task, I would have found it.  This directive comes from Archon, the only one above me.  Trust me when I say the two of us have had words about this topic.  I am not pleased, but there is nothing that I can do to protect you from this.  Be safe and come back home quickly.  We will be waiting for you.” His eyes looked deeply into hers, much too deeply for a superior to keep eye contact. He released her hand quickly as someone walked by.  He cleared his throat and straightened his tie, “Off with you now.  See Mrs. Carter, she is a faithful friend and sister.”  
Janice walked out of the office and asked for paper and a quill.  She scrawled two notes and headed toward the training area. She signaled for Mary as she fought the tears that were forming in her eyes.  “Mary, I have to go on my last mission.  I have been promised that if I complete this, I will be given an official position.  I can’t say no even though that is my desire.” Mary’s jaw dropped.  It was just as she feared.  Janice wrung her hands together and quickly put them behind her back, “Could you please watch Jacob while I am gone, and if something happens… could you…”  The tears rolled down her cheeks.  Mary interrupted. “Don’t expect the worst, dear friend,”  Her eyes softened, and then deepened in the sincerest of emotion, “I assure you that Jacob will be taken care of in any and all situations.  I love him as I do you.”  
She pulled Janice into a tight hug, “Remember, emotions hold no place while on a mission.  You must stay strong and focused.  The world will be brighter when you return.”
Janice nodded her head and tried to maintain perspective. She handed the two notes to Mary, one addressed to her and the other to “Jacob Owen, my heart”.  
Janice looked Mary in the eyes and took her hand, squeezing it tight, “Just in case...”
Mary nodded at her friend in an effort to communicate all of the things that she couldn’t say aloud. Her heart prayed that her friend would return soon. 
It is said that the Nights always know when it is their time to leave this Earth and the ominous feeling Janice had earlier made her nervous.  Mary hoped the superstition was nothing more than that or that somehow Janice could overcome this scenario.
Janice turned and left without looking back or speaking another word.  Grabbing her equipment, she scurried out the back door and enjoyed one more breath of fresh air filled with lavender and mint, sea salt, and rosemary.  She freed her mind of all of the things that could go wrong and focused on the task at hand. The thick fog sent a ripple of chills down her back forcing her to pull her cape closed as she disappeared into the cold evening mist.
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justhellacesome · 5 months
the things is I realized my childhood was the peak of my childhood romance.
Cuz when I was six years old and a first grader (finally. after they asked me to repeat kindergarten twice)
I had a crush on a boy named Brian. I liked him a lot. But never really acted upon it other than not talking to him until my best friend, CK, (whos on the cusp of gay(trans) awakening at six years old that she ask us to call her KC) tried to tease me about it with the others.
They told him as snitches does and I didnt deny it, I didnt let them tease me and actually said that I did to his face. (It was the best decision I did then)
They asked me why I liked him when no one else did, because his bottom lip the right side looked like it was healing from a bee sting,
It wasnt, it was just a little lumpy but that didnt matter to me when he looked the kindest than the rest of them, more than Richard or Eugene and everyone else I cant quite remember the name.
And I was right. Because after that I learned Ck (Her name is Clark Kent! I never really understood it before but i think its hilarious now) was family with our next door neighbors when one day I was outside and heard him knocking on an empty house. And he lived just a minute outside of school.
I lived behind the school a block around.
And Brian lived at my streets end but I never did find out where. Ck knows but I never went because when CK and Brian and I would go home together after class.
I was always the first they would drop at home. So we all could change clothes and drop our bags. Before they would walk by and pick me up in our bikes.
At this time Ive learned how to ride a bike (After borrowing my neighbors and almost crashing into a canal and hitting my neigbors leg when they waked by and I did the know how to turn or break)
Ck rather likes to stay at home, but brian and I would ride our bikes in the neighborhood, back to our school and visiting a classmate who invited us to visit her house. Going to the park and circling the basketball court and the playground. We would ride our bikes everyday or whenever we could.
Brian would always be outside to pick me up at home.
One day, we made our first move away. Just a couples blocks away.
But when I went to school Brian told me he came to my house but I wasnt there. (My heart fell when I heard it. At the same time it made me happy)
Cuz I went home, and nobody else was home other than our babysitter and my baby brother. (
(And at this time Kids were left unsupervised as long as we get home by dark, or atleast playing right where out front the house where our parents could see us and call us home for dinner.)
(I think, looking back, I was really the youngest of the neighborhood kids, not counting our baby brothers)
So I would take the bike lock key from the hiding place my grandma put it (at the highest shelf where they thought i couldn't monkey climb my way up on)
and I would just run out and bike away.
I biked to school. (realizing how dangerous it was to leave a six year old to bike the neighborhood blocks away. I saw the bike years later and it was the small bmw and it used to be like a mountain bike for me then. I was tiny
And met brian. I lead him to my new house and friends and after that. He would also pick me up from there. Blocks away and Id see him outside.
Not everyday but often enough it stuck with me.
and it was a happy day whenever we did. I was happy whenever we could. I loved riding the bike and going exploring and playing with friends outside.
I was happy.
But One night, my mom and dad told us that we were going to visit my grandma downtown. Because we had just opened a business there and they rented a house.
I remember we left after we ate, the dishes unwashed in the sink, we expected to come back.
We never did.
And just like that, I remember when Brian went to my first house and couldn't find me, and I thought Brian would come back to my house again. And We never came back again.
I didnt get to say my goodbye as we just disappeared in the middle of the night.
I realize it years later that yeah. Baby kiddy me had more friends and fun going on when she hasnt known the feeling of having to leave wvery few years and never making friends to play with outside again.
Having a crush was also an empty need to just choose someone because everyone else had one.
But Brian, I still havent seen you again. I wanna say sorry and say hi, i hope wherever you are your doing alright and that im so glad you knew because you are one of the sweetest memories I have.
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