#knowing that that's part of what drove stephen away
f1girliefics · 2 days
Hearts in Conflict
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Lance Stroll x Mob!Reader
Warnings: Arranged marriage, Mob stuff (violence, murder, blood and guns) angst with a happy end
Summary: Your arranged marriage was something you never wanted, but much like with anything in life, you will deal with it one way or another.
A/N: People like to say how Lance's father is like a Mobster/Gangster, well I turned the tables.
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You were supposed to take over your father's empire, not marry a rich boy.
You were supposed to become the next boss, not the wife of a spoiled brat.
And yet, your father decided to marry you to a Stroll.
Lance Stroll, is a Canadian and Belgian racing driver competing under the Canadian flag in Formula One. He has driven for Aston Martin since 2021.
According to Wikipedia at least.
But in your eyes, your father's latest attempt to have you marry someone.
You made 3 boys run already, you don't know why he insisted on this stupid idea.
"You will marry Stroll and it is final."
But you also didn't want to play the part of the spoiled princess who refused to get married.
You let out a long sigh as you entered the restaurant.
You tried your best to put a smile on as you sat down at the table, Lance wasn't here just yet.
But he arrived only two minutes later.
"Hi," he said and you smiled.
"Hello, I'm Y/N Y/L/N."
"Lance Stroll, please call me Lance."
He was respectful, a gentleman. But even so, you didn't want a husband, you didn't need one.
"How do you feel about what our fathers arranged?" you asked him after long conversations. You wanted to get to the point.
"I'm not going to lie, I didn't like it. I thought you would be a brat who just wanted my family's money. But now that we spoke, I realize that is not the case, and I assume from your question that you didn't want to marry me either."
"I wanted my father's company, not yours. But he is relentless about me needing a husband."
"I heard you drove away 3 potential candidates."
"Christopher Crooke, a playboy wannabe with a cocaine addiction. Stephen Fringo, a Spanish asshole who thinks women belong in the kitchen and just last month, Alfred Smith, an American asshole with three baby mamas and millions in credit card debt. I wouldn't really say they had potential."
"And what about me? What do you think about me? Be honest and I shall do the same."
"You go first," you said hoping he would do it so you would know how hard to go in on him.
"Alright, if the Lady wishes. I think you are stunning, that is the first thing I noticed, you are beautiful and smart. Very smart. I'm trying to figure out what the problem is with you, you are strong, independent and clever. There has to be a but. I'm looking for that. So, you go then, what do you think of me?"
"My first impression was almost the same as yours. Handsome, but the moustache does nothing for you. I thought you would be a spoiled brat and to a certain degree, I was correct. But I'm the same, I'm riding on my father's name just as much. I know you don't do drugs, you wouldn't be able to be an F1 driver. No baby mamas or recent girlfriends. Your lisp is annoying and cute and the same time. For me, your but is that you are way too normal. Rich, yes, but way too normal. For you, my but will be when you realize what my family business is because it is not cars and corporations." you smiled as you stood up. "I'm looking forward to our next meeting. I have to leave now as I have another meeting to attend. Good day." and with that, you left.
Leaving Lance sitting at the table, stunned.
He liked you.
And he had to call his father.
"Mobsters?! Are you kidding me, Dad? You want me to marry someone that kills people?"
"They don't kill people. They just blackmail them."
"That's even worse!"
"Her family is rich and influential. Just the mention of their name brings fear and respect in people. Word about your marriage with her will spread like fire and then our name will become one with theirs. This is a chance you won't turn down, Lance." Lance looked at his father in disbelief.
"So, how was your meeting with Lance?" your father asked as your order arrived. You waited until the waiters were gone.
"He is my type, Dad, you know that. He has a certain boyish charm."
"So? Will you marry him? I mean you did check his background already. He is clean. No baby mamas, drug addictions or prior arrests.”
“He is a brat. Rich. And handsome.”
“You must like him. You called him handsome twice already.” Unfortunately, your father did have a point.
You hated it when he had a point.
Your next meeting with Lance was set for Saturday. You told your assistant to set a date, but you were informed that Lance will have a qualifying race. So, you decided to fly to Australia and meet him, well truly, it would be a surprise for him.
His father knew about and encouraged you to meet with Lance, so he gave you an all-access VIP badge.
You even got yourself a guide who showed you around.
It was all very interesting, you got to see the Ferrari paddock closer and even caught a glimpse of Max Verstappen himself.
And you got to ask many many many questions.
But soon, you found yourself in an air-conditioned room with a cold drink in your hand as the qualifying began.
You were lucky enough to be in a good spot where you could see the start line.
You wouldn’t say you were a fan, but you did enjoy it.
Even if Lance didn’t qualify high on the board.
You enjoyed the vibes. It was all so fast, everyone in there.
But you also noticed the smug behaviour of many people.
Influencers were invited to advertise the event and F1 as a whole.
You did not like that part.
Pretending to be interested only to receive free tickets? You paid for your own even if you got it as a present.
You smiled when you saw Lance enter the room you were in.
"Why are you here?"
"Harsh. Your father invited me." technically you weren't lying per say.
But it was also not the truth. "And I did want to see you."
"I know about your family business."
"Why did you say it like that?"
"Because you are a murderer."
"Harsh, again but also false. I have never killed anyone."
"Then you ordered someone to kill them, don't play with me. I can't believe my father set me up for this!"
"Well, believe it or not, we will be married by the end of the summer break."
"Over my dead body." his voice was cold, it excited you. You liked it possibly way too much.
There was a fire in him.
"You can either continue to deny the facts or accept them. Believe me Lance, I will not leave just because you wish it. The decision is out of our hands."
"My father will hear about this."
"Alright Malfoy, do as you please." You put your sunglasses back on and continued to sip your drink.
You went wherever Lance went, following him almost like a shadow, all part of his father's plan.
He told you to just keep trying and be stubborn because his son is a very stubborn man as well.
No matter what Lance threw at you, you simply smiled and continued.
You didn't give up but you did start to notice changes in your future husband.
Lance slowly but surely warmed up to you.
You even had dinner one time. And it was very nice.
It started to feel like Lance was slowly accepting the fact that you two were to marry. And so every effort you made didn't meet with a brick wall.
You asked him on dates and he did the same. He showed you his hobbies.
One time, he asked you to go biking with him.
It wasn't really your thing, but you did end up going.
He fell. And he fell hard.
And it was all your fault.
You were being playful and it caused him to lose balance. You didn't push him or run into him.
But it was your fault still.
You sat in the corridor of the hospital waiting for his doctor to get you when your phone rang.
It was his father.
"Sir?" you tried to hide it, but it was obvious from your voice that you have been crying.
"Y/N, what happened how is he?"
"It was my fault. He fell during a bike ride, he hurt his hands... The doctor is in there with him, I don't know what's going on." you took a deep breath. "I'm so scared."
"Darling, it will be fine, I'm going there right now, please call me as soon as you hear something."
"I will." you ended the call just as the doctor came to get you.
"How is he?" you asked, desperate for any answers.
"The scans showed I had a fracture and displacement in my right wrist, a fracture in my left wrist, a partial fracture in my left hand and another fracture in the big toe on my right foot. He will have to undergo surgery."
"Fuck." you said and took a deep breath. "Can I see him?" the doctor only nodded and left you alone.
"Lance?" it was terrible seeing him in hospital. Your heart broke into a million tiny pieces.
"Why are you crying?"
"This is all my fault. I was so stupid." you admitted as more tears fell. "I ruined your life, your career. I will speak with my father, arranged marriage or not."
"Slow down. This wasn't your fault. I ran into that curb and fell. I should have been looking where I was going. You didn't ruin anything, Y/N. And secondly, why would you talk to your father?"
"I feel so bad. I made you fall." he rolled his eyes as you continued to cry.
"Please, don't cry. You were laughing so beautifully only a couple of hours ago."
"How can I laugh at this, Lance?"
"Come on now, I will be fine! The doctor said it will all be good, I will have the surgery tomorrow. Please calm down, everything will be fine."
"Your father is on his way, he will be soon. I'll... I'll get myself something to drink." you said and he nodded.
Hoping you would be back soon, but your pain and guilt took you over. Instead, you wrote a small letter and asked a nurse to give it to him in about three hours.
And you left.
You walked out of that hospital with the guilt of ruining a life.
What's better than a pity party?
Being alone, with an ice cream and Bridgett Jones playing on the TV.
Running away was not your style. But what more could you do?
You left for Greece, got on one of your father's many yacht and cried yourself to sleep every night.
They tried to call you, look for you but couldn't find you.
You only picked up the phone for your father.
"Lance was here today. His surgery went well but he is looking for you. He says he won't give up."
"How he used to hate me. He should be happy the wedding is off."
"I really don't think the boy will give up, Darling."
"Okay, can you set up a date for me?"
"What's your plan?"
"Show him the real me."
"Poor boy." your father said before he hung up the phone.
Throughout your entire life, you looked up to your father.
You never knew your mother but it was okay. Your father was enough.
Even as a young girl, he taught you stuff no one should know let alone a 5 year old. He always had a plan and he loved you.
But no 5 year old should have a panic room attached to their bedroom in case her father's enemies found him.
But it was your life.
When the idea of marriage came to play your father had a lot of options for you.
He allowed you to choose.
Lance Stroll caught your eye. He was so different, yet similar to you.
Many people didn't like him, thinking he was only an F1 driver because of his father. Something you could relate to. People often said how you are leaning on your father too much.
Not exactly the words they choose.
He was handsome and the world of professional drivers excited you.
And so, you went on a date with him.
That stupid date now turned your life upside down.
Falling in love was the goal. But after you ruined his life, you knew better than to keep going.
So, you set him free. No arranged marriage.
And yet, he kept looking for you.
Much like now, as he entered the restaurant, looking everywhere for you and he finally found you.
He wanted to run to you but one of your bodyguards stopped him and made him sit before they left you alone.
"Why are we here? I was hoping you would come home." he said as a waiter placed your drinks in front of you.
"Lance, I know you didn't want this marriage. So, I made it... dissapear."I know this is all because you feel guilty about my injury but it wasn't your fault and I'm fully healed now. You didn't ruin my career."
"But I could have. I could have and it was just such a simple moment, Lance. Such a tiny mistake on my part and-"
"I'm not a child! I'm sick of you, my father and the entire world pretending that I am one! I fell because of my own stupidity. I was watching you when I should have been watching where I was going. All because I fell in love with you and your smile just... It just made me so happy. Because in that moment, on that small country road, I wasn't a rich kid who drives in F1 and you weren't the daughter of a powerful Mobster. We were simply a man and a woman in love." you felt a tear run down your cheek as he let out a long sigh. "How dare you spend all those months smiling at me and then during the first problem you run away?"
His words hurt, but only because you knew he was right.
"One night when I was only fourteen, I thought it would be fun to sneak out with my friends. There was a boy I liked, Jake, he was older as well. He was nothing like you, Lance. He was... aggressive. I didn't see it then, but during that night, he tried to drug me and kill me. Apparently, my father was the reason his father died, so he decided to kill me to hurt my father. Everyone I ever knew only cared about me for my money. I know you understand that. I never knew love and it fucking scares me. Of course, I ran Lance. The first time I have ever felt love and I ruin it? Scares me so much. I rather lose you than have you hate me like others do."
"We are in the same boat, you just didn't notice me yet. We do have a lot to talk about but please, do not push me away. I'm only here to beg you to not leave me, we don't need marriage in the mix. Just please... give us a chance. I love you."
"I love you too. Fuck I do..."
You looked into his eyes and all of the plans you had for the night went out the window.
Your pity party was long over.
You wanted this man.
And you always got what you wanted.
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frankiebirds · 5 months
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this scene makes me need to lay down. goddddd.
sometimes i get the sense that reid is more attached to gideon than gideon is to reid. obviously they both serve as surrogates for the family member each is estranged from (gideon is estranged from his son and reid is estranged from his dad) but.
you know. reid clings to gideon, not physically but emotionally, and i think a lot of his wellbeing at the start of the series relies on gideon's presence. gideon almost certainly knows the most about reid out of anyone on the team—i don't think canon ever says that reid has told gideon about diana, but i would imagine he has—and i think reid feels understood by him in a way he doesn't by other people, even compared to the rest of the team who (mostly) try their best. i think he also tends to try to be as good and deserving as possible of gideon's presence, since he definitely at least partially feels like his father left because he wasn't good enough.
on the flipside, while gideon definitely sees reid as a son, he's...not the best dad. i think we see him repeating a lot of the mistakes that drove a wedge between him and stephen with reid, and i think that had mandy patinkin stayed on, we would have gotten a larger parallel there. he holds him at arms length, trying not to get too close, although he definitely cares about him more than he lets on and the mask slips sometimes, like this moment and on the plane after ldsk.
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enm-enthusiast · 1 year
The Exhibitionists Club Ch. 1 - Jeremy Part 1
Before we get started, some things I’d like to say. First off, thank you everyone for all your support, it means a lot you’ve stuck with me this far!
Also, a shout out to my fellow ENM writers Suitedwestend and Gaystoryfull, check out their pages for more awesome content!
Now, this series will be revolving around a diverse cast of characters, all of whom I’ve already introduced but again we’ll be starting off in Jeremy’s POV and next chapter we’ll introduce Stephen. While this may disappoint some, I don’t intend for this first chapter to be as full and action-packed like most of my works. I want to slowly build up this series, and have the payoff to cause you all to have the effect of you all dropping your pants ;) Now, without further ado, let’s get into the first chapter of my new series, Blue River’s University: The Exhibitionists Club.
Character Description: Jeremy is a 6’2 ginger man, a little on the chubby side, with green eyes and facial hair on the sides of his face which is square-jawed. An english major at the university, Jeremy works as a part time gym cleaner on campus, where he gets to spot the half-naked, sweaty bodies of other adult males on campus. Jeremy is bisexual but has yet to be intimate with another man, and fantasizes constantly of finding himself a young stud he can turn into his submissive bitch…
I hated going to the gym, but not for reasons people might have expected. I didn’t stare at the regular gym goers' bodies with envy, nor did I hate the idea of exercise, no, my reasons were far more…lustful.
I hated getting to see their glistening, sweaty-bodies as they worked out, their sexy torsos exposed for all to see. It drove me mad to know that I could never get my hands on any of them, I knew they’d reject me in a heartbeat.
What a shame it was too, because almost every time that I had to visit the gym I spotted a cute guy or two I thought needed a good spanking. In fact,I had my eye on one in particular, starting one day when I spotted a young blonde who I just knew was a perv underneath his shy exterior. He had obviously been new, asking the people who worked at the gym all sorts of questions, but no matter what he refused to show any skin or take off his shirt.
Every time I went to the gym these days since then, I saw him there, working out. The last time he had managed to build himself up a little, but still, he refused to show off anything! My cock ached in my pants just imagining his tight little ass cheeks clenching as I slapped them till they were red and raw. I never got to stay long enough to see if he used the showers here, and it was never my job to clean them so our paths never crossed if he did…
Sure enough, even now as I walked into the doors of the gym building I could see him lifting weights off in the corner. My eyes were drawn to how his ass clung to his short blue shorts as he bent over with the weights. I was positively drooling at the sight, his butt was round and perfectly curved, making it look like two small, but thick bubbles were stuck to him at all times. 
“Uhhh, Jeremy? You alright?” I heard a voice say which snapped me out of my trance, tried to ignore the blood rushing to my cock, and turned back towards the head of the gym. Technically my boss, George was an older man in his early 40’s, but was in really good shape, in fact I wouldn’t mind if he didn’t want to get down and-
Stop it, you're working, I had to say to myself to keep my cock from getting even harder in my pants. “Yeah George, I just got distracted by some new equipment I hadn’t noticed before, seems it’s being put to good use” I said, hoping that would satisfy him.
“Ah, you noticed? We just got those new weights last week, some members have taken a liking to them” he said, pointing to the blonde stud with his chin. 
“Yeah, he sure seems enthusiastic…” I said, trying to keep my gaze away from his ass. 
“Stephen’s pretty shy, but he’s put in some commendable work here, and has come out of his shell a lot, but I keep having to stay open late because he insists on using the showers only until everyone else leaves” George said.
Fuck…he does use the showers here?! I thought to myself, my heart racing at the implications. I found out his name too…Stephen…such a cute name for a cute twink that I knew for almost certain was hiding something pervy underneath his shy exterior. I got so caught up in my own thoughts again I almost missed George’s next words which would change my life forever…
“In fact…that reminds me, I have a special job for you tonight, my usual cleaner for the showers called off tonight so I need you to stay a little later and finish cleaning up after Stephen’s done showering, that okay?” he said.
My cock throbbed in my pants as he finished speaking, and I had little time to gather my thoughts as I grinned widely and said “Oh don’t worry sir…I think that’ll suit me just fine” I said.
“Great! Just don’t spook poor Stephen while you're in there, he scares easily, gets so caught up he doesn’t notice anything going on around him” he said, smiling while shaking his head before walking away.
I turned back towards where Stephen had now put down the weights, sweat drenching his white tank top and briefly glanced in his direction, I gave him a knowing smile and a wink. I didn’t catch his full reaction but before he turned away I saw red in his cheeks. 
Damn, he’s cute!….I’d bend you over here and now if I could, but soon enough I’ll get to see everything you're hiding, I thought to myself as I walked away and started forming a plan inside my head.
(Four Hours Later)
“If this works…I might lose my job, but…I never really liked this job anyways” I said to myself out loud, my voice barely a whisper.
The gym was officially “closed” now, but the cleaning staff stayed behind and I was the last of them now, with everyone else finished. All that was left was for me to clean up the showers…
Less than an hour ago, I saw Stephen gathering up his things in his gym bag and once everyone else but me had left, I spotted him heading for the showers. I made sure he didn’t see me as I gathered up my cleaning supplies in a handheld basket and made my way towards the gym showers.
The lights had been mostly turned off, with only dim light in the hallways obscuring my vision slightly as I reached the door to the showers which was situated at the far east side of the gym. I held my ear to the door and sure enough I heard running water, grinning to myself and freely grabbing my cock through the fabric of my pants.
Luckily for me, not only was Stephen rather short-sighted but the gym shower door had a soft lock on it which meant that whenever it opened the lock always clicked softly, barely making any noise. I heard that the gym had it designed that way to ensure people could move in and out without making any loud noises that would disrupt people from showering.
Whatever the case, it was certainly helping me put the first steps of my plan into place as I opened the door with a soft click and slowly pushed it open and as quietly as I could, closed it behind me. I made sure the door was firmly closed before turning back around to see where Stephen was and what I saw made my jaw drop.
He was naked. Fully naked, out in the open with water running down his smooth, tan but completely hairless skin. Believing himself alone, he had taken the middle shower, which was closest to the door and lockers, yes, but it also meant anyone walking in would get an eyeful of your bare ass. I spotted more than a few bare asses that way when cleaning the showers during the day shift, some were quite nice, and all I wanted was to get my hands on them.
If I play things right, I’ll get my hands on those, I thought to myself, gazing right as Stephen’s bare ass cheeks. They seemed to shine under the water, and they jiggled in such a way as he moved around washing his body, that my cock was fully hard in my pants.
“Not yet” I said to myself. I gripped my basket tightly and managed to tear my gaze away from the amazing sight of Stephen’s naked body. As I walked further in, I noticed his gym bag on the benches right across from the open showers. Out of curiosity, I moved closer and looked briefly inside.
Holy fuck! I thought to myself as I spotted not just gym clothes…I saw very explicit gay porn magazines, and not just any porn…BDSM, leather porn. My cock throbbed as if in approval of Stephen’s rather kinky, and as I suspected, perverted tastes. 
I even saw what looked like a vibrator inside, which made me wonder to myself: why the fuck would he bring that in his gym bag…unless…he has it inside him while he works out?!
Regardless, it proved I was right in my assessment of Stephen, that beneath his shy boy exterior was a submissive kink-boy that was about to expand his horizons just a bit.
Just one look improved my chances for success dramatically, but first…I looked away from his gym bag and walked further in, five feet away from Stephen. I cleared my throat, loudly enough for him to pause and turn around slowly. Upon seeing me, he blushed a deep red, covering himself with his hands and yelled “What the fuck?! What are you doing here?” he said.
His blond hair was cut short, but it was wavy, and his dramatic motions just now made it flow across his head as if fluid despite that it was wet. The sight of it, along with his crimson-red blush, made my cock throb even harder though thankfully he didn’t notice…yet.
“Uhhh, my job? The usual cleaner is off tonight so I got asked to do it instead, I didn’t think anybody else was left” I said, nonchalantly. I hated having to lie like this, but I knew it was the only option I had to calm him down.
In fact, he seemed to calm down quite a lot once I finished speaking, and, while still covering himself he even seemed apologetic. “Oh…I see, well I’m sorry I yelled at you, I thought George had told everyone but..I guess I should have asked, is it alright if you can wait to clean? I’m almost done here” he said, his voice nervous and clearly very embarrassed.
“It’s all right, no need to worry about it, but…it’s late and I need to get going as soon as possible…so how about this, I’m going to go clean the rest of the showers so that once you finish up I can clean up your area and we can both leave, how’s that sound?” I said.
He seemed to consider it, he darted his eyes away from me and after a moment he looked back up and said “A-alright, that seems fair, just please…don’t look” he said and his blush turned even redder. This boy doesn’t know how cute he is, it almost made me lose control and pin him to the ground while I sucked on his neck.
I didn’t let it show, thankfully as I gave him a smile and said “no problem” before turning around and walking to the far side of the showers. He seemed to still be wary, however, and waited a long while before he finally got back to showering, keeping an eye on me the whole time. 
I was true to my word, I didn’t look at him once and even finished up cleaning the showers which thankfully wasn’t too dirty today. It was nearly time to put the rest of my plan into action, but it hinged on Stephen at last diverting his gaze away from me.
I seemed to have calmed him down enough, because he at last had to look away as he lathered his hair up with soap. Now’s my chance I thought to myself as I stuck close to the lockers, stepping carefully towards his gym bag. Stephen didn’t hear as I made it to where his gym bag was, and carefully gathered up his clothes. 
I removed his wallet and his phone, and placed them back inside the bag, then I inspected his clothes. It seems Stephen had chosen to wear a jockstrap to the gym today, a purple and green one too! and had regular black boxer briefs to change into.
I gathered all of his clothes, including his shower towel, in a bundle, and hurried my way to the door, opening it with another soft click and had it open halfway before I stopped…
I turned back towards him, gazing as he rinsed the soap out of his hair which ran down his back and then his cheeks…I bit my lip as my cock started to harden once more. My original plan was to take off with all his clothes and make him run out of here naked but…those magazines changed things. 
Instead, I tossed his clothes out in the hallway which landed in a corner that I made sure to remember in my head as I closed the door behind me.
Keeping my eyes trained on him, I slowly walked back towards his gym bag. Stephen had finished rinsing off and was now making sure all of the soap was off of his body, which meant his shower was nearly over. That was when I made my move by grabbing one of his magazines, a picture of a nude, bound twink on the cover, a collar on his neck with a leash held by a muscle dom in leather.
Well…I may not be covered in leather, but I think I’ll do just fine, I thought to myself. I started flipping through the pages. Loudly. My attention was now solely on the magazine and I had to admit, some of the content was turning me on. My cock was almost fully hard again, and I purposefully used my free hand to rub my erection through my pants. 
I unbuttoned the top of my pants, and slightly unzipped them to allow my hand to slide its way inside and grab ahold of my aching boner. I moaned out loud now, and the sound of that, combined with me flipping the pages of the magazine, had finally caught his attention.
I withdrew my hand from my pants and made sure both hands were now holding the magazine and twisted my face to be one of surprise and shock as he turned around once more.
Stephen’s eyes widened in shock themselves, so much so he forgot to cover up and I got a look at what he was packing at long last. His cock was thin, but long even while soft it looked like he was four and a half inches. Once he noticed where my gaze was he blushed and quickly moved to cover himself, but before he did so I saw a hint of his cock enlarging. 
His blush stretched all across his face, including his ears when he recognized the magazine in my hands. “Dude, what the fuck are you looking in my gym bag for?!” he said, trying to sound angry and confident. The truth was that he was embarrassed that someone had not only seen, but was actively looking at his perverted jerk off materials.
“You left it out where practically anyone could see it, I was walking back and sure enough I saw-this” I said, pointing to the cover, and he turned his head away in shame.
“I gotta say though…you have nice taste” I said, pointing this time to the leather-bound muscle hunk that held the leash to the twink on the cover. Stephen froze, and he looked back up to see where I was pointing and his eyes both widened and something else too.
I saw a spark pass between them, and when I did I knew I had his attention. “Although leather has never really been my thing…I could make an exception…under the right circumstances” I said, giving him a knowing wink and a smile. 
I closed and set the magazine down on the bench and looked right at Stephen, and him at me, his mouth slightly open. Looking at his wet, naked body and his embarrassed state just turned me on so much, that when Stephen bit his lip my cock throbbed in my pants. This time, he noticed.
He looked back up at me, and he licked his lips, and I smiled in triumph as I knew I had him now. I made my move by slowly walking towards him, and he instinctively backed away, towards the wall. Never breaking eye contact, I continued my slow but steady pace towards him and he kept backing up until he hit the wall.
He looked at me nervously, and I reached up and turned the shower head away from us as I halted right in front of him, our bodies pressed close together. I put my hands on the wall on both sides of his head, and leaned in close to his ear.
“Has Stephen been a bad little boy?” I whispered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him bite his lip and I felt something press against my crotch. I smiled as I knew exactly what it was.
I slowly lowered my hands, inching my way until they met his bare shoulders. He didn’t stop me, and he didn’t protest at the contact, in fact he seemed to encourage it. I rubbed his shoulders for a few moments as I repeated my question, but again I got no response.
I lost my patience as I growled in my throat and grabbed his arms, pinning them above his head. He gasped in surprise, but didn’t shout for me to stop as I at last looked down to see his fully hard cock dangling between his legs.
Fuck…I thought to myself as I stared at his six-inch cock, I wanted to desperately grab ahold of it, then milk him until he shot his load all over himself, but I had other plans first.
I looked back up to see Stephen’s cute, blushing face gazing back at me. I leaned into his ear once again and whispered “Stephen…you’ve been a naughty little boy, haven’t you?” I said.
“y-y ... .yes” he said.
I took that as my cue as I leaned down to his neck and started kissing it, slowly, before I started sucking on his bare, wet skin. “Mmmph!” he said out loud. As I did so, I started to grind my crotch against his, pressing his cock against my pants which only made him moan louder.
In between me sucking and kissing his neck, I said “I want to hear you say it, boy”.
He didn’t ask what I meant, he knew exactly the words I wanted to hear.
“I-I’ve been…a naughty little boy” he said.
With another primal growl in my throat, I suddenly let his arms go and this time I hooked my own underneath his thighs and pulled him up and pressed him against the wall. I positioned myself so that my crotch was pressed directly against his ass which I took the opportunity to squeeze and slap a few times.
“Mmmm, fuck yeah boy, this sweet ass of yours has been the highlight of my work day each time I walk in here, each day I imagined what I’d do to it if I ever got my hands on you” I said, the words spilling out of me as I grinded my crotch against his ass.
His face was contorted between complete and utter embarrassment and the pleasure of me dominating his little twink body with ease, and in response he said “I….I’ve noticed you around here too…and I’ve…thought of you doing exactly this” he said, his face turning crimson at the confession.
I smiled, and thrust my crotch against his ass which only made him whimper as his body language clearly communicated how much he was enjoying this. I noticed his cock was still hard, and with my right hand I reached out and firmly grasped it.
“Oh, fuck!” he said out loud. 
“Yes…that’s right little Stephen, moan for me” I said as I slowly jerked off his cock. With my left hand, I reached out and started playing with his balls which were low-hanging and, like most of his body, hairless.
His moans certainly became louder, as I slowly increased my pace of me jerking off his cock and balls, all the while my own boner throbbed in my pants, begging to be released and thrust inside his waiting asshole.
But that was going to have to wait for another day.
Instead, I continued my pace, and surely enough the stimulation was beginning to bring Stephen near the breaking point. I leaned in near his ear once more and said “Mmm, looks like you're having fun there little Stephen, you want me to make you cum?” I said.
“Fuck!....yes, please sir make me cum!” he said, his voice pleading and pathetic.
“Good boy” I said and started to jerk him off faster, determined to milk him of his cum. I moved my face towards his, and looked directly into his eyes, waiting to see if he would-
He kissed me. Before I knew it, he had his lips pressed against mine, and it awakened something in both of us, as his mouth opened, hungry for more as his arms tried to reach towards my shirt.
I momentarily stopped jerking his cock to slap his arms away before resuming. He looked at me confusingly, and I smiled back reassuringly but shook my head, and the look in my eyes said ‘not today’.
He looked disappointed, but didn’t complain as I knew he was nearing orgasm. I thrust my crotch faster and deeper, grinding my imprisoned cock against him as Stephen’s moans reached a crescendo and his body tightened.
“I-I’m gonna…” He didn’t finish but I broke away from his face as I pointed his cock upwards, toward him. His cock burst as he shot his load all over himself, I could practically feel his balls draining within my hand. His body relaxed as he came down from the high of finally shooting his load and I gently let him down back to the ground.
“Fuck…that was so intense…who are you anyways?” Stephen asked me when he could finally stand up without his knees wobbling.
“The name’s Jeremy, and I have a feeling this won’t be the last we see of each other” I said, winking at him while my cock, still hard in my pants, pressed against the fabric as if in response. I zipped and buttoned up my pants before turning around to walk away. 
As I reached the door of the showers, I turned back to see Stephen staring at me dumbfounded, like I was crazy to leave without getting off myself. As if in explanation, I smiled at him deviously and said “Trust me, I wanted to pound your ass like there was no tomorrow, but I thought we’d both enjoy you making your first nude walk home” I said, giving him one last wink and a smile before quickly exiting.
I saw his eyes widen and a blush reappear on his face, but I didn’t waste time as I quickly closed the door behind me, gathered up his bundled clothes in the corner and dashed away. I made my way to a hidden corner, where you wouldn’t be able to see me unless you passed right by but it was right by the janitor’s closet. So, I pulled out my phone while hearing a loud but muffled “FUCK!” coming from the showers.
I smiled to myself as I set my phone to record, then I simply waited to watch the magic happen.
End of Chapter 1.
Author’s Note: I hope you all enjoyed this first introductory chapter of my new series! Next up: Will Stephen manage to find some clothes as he escapes from the gym? Or will he really have to make a fully nude journey back to his dorm room? 
Find out next chapter, but until then, hope you enjoyed ;)
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mrs-johansson · 1 year
Strangers in the night - Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
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Part 18:
“I said you look amazing! I don’t know what else I could say,” Scarlett spread her arms in the apartment doorway. “Okay okay… fine. I’m gonna get my bag and we can leave,” I said, looking for the small bag around the living room. When I spotted the black leather purse I reached for it. Two hands smoothly snuck around my waist turning me around.
I stood there, leaning against the back of the couch, but still in her arms. Her hold was secure but I still felt relaxed. Scarlett had this incredible suit on. A cream-colored suit, a three-piece with matching high heels. Her hair was perfectly styled. The smell of her perfume was keeping me in a dazed state. And her eyes, oh gosh! I wanted to stare at them all day.
“I’d like to tear off your clothes right at this moment,” I said with a sigh as I ran my fingers over the material on her biceps. “But it would be a shame to ruin this nice suit,” I stroked up to her neck, settling my right hand around her neck softly.
Scarlett leaned in, but she didn’t kiss me. She looked down at my lips before lifting her look at my eyes. “What a shame we will be late if we don’t leave now,” she whispered, then our lips met for a sudden moment before she pulled back just a little, with my bottom lip between her teeth. My hand slid to the back of her neck and pulled her back in.
Her hands slipped to my butt, and she didn’t care to hop back and squeezed. “Fuck…” I moaned, and then my eyes met the clock on the wall. I put my hands on her chest and slightly pushed her away. “We gotta leave, baby,” I said and the smirk that pulled on her lips drove me crazy. “I love you,” she hid her face in the crook of my neck, pulled my body close to her, and chuckled. “I love you more.”
“I thought you guys were never gonna get here,” Taika stood up from the table. “Sorry for being late, I took too long to get ready,” I sat down and Scarlett sat next to me. “At least you’re honest,” shrugged Taika. “So, how’s the first off day have been?” He asked. I glanced at Scarlett and I could see the mischief in her eyes and I just tried to hide my smile. “It’s been great, I could’ve slept all day if I’m being honest,” I smiled. “Y/n and I are dating.”
My eyes flew away from the menu. I looked at Scarlett and her eyes closed just as I turned my head. Instant regret on her face. I looked around the table and everyone looked shocked by the sudden news. But I was worried about Scar. Her hand was shaking under the table and I swear she was about to cry.
I took her hand and intertwined our fingers, resting them on my thigh. “Yes, that’s right! We didn’t want to make filming difficult and you know… look unprofessional but since we finished shooting, I guess it’s okay for y’all to know,” I smiled at them. Scarlett took a deep breath and stood up. “I’ll be back in a minute,” she said before walking to the bathroom, keeping her head low. “Can you order these two for me, if the waiter comes?” I pointed at two items on the menu. “I’ll check on her.”
“Scar, you in here?” I opened the bathroom door. “Yeah,” she cleared her throat and as I walked in I saw her standing by the sink. Arms crossed in front of her chest and looking at her feet.
Closed the door behind me and walked up to her. She felt guilty. Couldn’t even hide the feeling. I put my hands on her arms and unfolded her arms so I could hold her hands. “It’s okay, you know,” I tried to angle my head so I could look into her eyes. “But we didn’t discuss it,” she said with a voice that I could clearly tell that she was angry at herself. “Okay and? I’m not mad and clearly, you’re ready too,” I chuckled softly and she looked up with a small smile. “It’s okay,” I brushed my thumb over the back of her hand. “You sure?” She asked gently. I nodded and gave her a soft kiss.
“Y/n thank you for being here,” sat down in his chair Stephen Colbert. “Thank you for having me, I love your show,” I said as I crossed my legs. “You do?” “Yes, I watch it every time I can.” “I’m glad to hear that. How are you? You must be exhausted, right? Just got back from Prague,” he started. “Yes, I did. Last morning actually, I got a little sleep in. I’m good though, I had the best three months there,” I smiled remembering all the amazing memories. “I’m so happy to hear that. Can you tell me anything about the movie?” “It’s called Jojo Rabbit! That’s all I can say so far and that it’s set in Nazi Germany. More coming to you soon,” I spread my arms and looked at the audience. “Heavy stuff?” He asked and I shook my head. “Not really, I mean of course there’s mention of the war but it’s mostly about love and family you know…” I smiled. He reached behind his desk and pulled out a picture from my Instagram. “Here’s your first look at Jojo Rabbit. Starring Scarlett Johansson, Taika Waititi, Roman Griffin Davies, and Thomasin McKenzie. Directed by yours truly Y/n Cole and Taika Waititi.”
I have two weeks left until I leave for Montgomery. I had a lot to do though with the editing of Jojo Rabbit but Scarlett and I agreed that she would stay till I leave.
Sitting at the counter I was going through clips and clips for the movie and Scarlett just opened a bottle of wine. “You should meet my parents,” I said as I previewed the scenes on the screen. “I mean all our friends know at this point and we should tell them before they find out about us in the media.” I heard the wine filling the two glasses but nothing from her so I looked up. “It’s a great idea. My parents are here so maybe you could meet them first and then invite your parents some other time.” “Yeah, that’s fine. Should we invite them over or what?” I asked as she handed me a glass. “We can invite them.” “Your siblings too, 'cause I haven’t met them either,” I said. “Yeah, definitely. Everyone is curious about you,” she said with a small smile. Now I feel pressured. “Yeah?” I asked softly and she nodded. “They are going to love you. There’s nothing to be worried about.”
We discussed when we would have Scarlett’s family for dinner and then I called mine asking when they could come and we managed to have them two days in a row next week.
“I need to make some really great food. Like really great. Is there anything they don’t eat?” I asked and immediately opened a new tab on my laptop to look for recipes. “Not that I know of,” shrugged Scarlett. “Baby, I need to know… what if your sister is vegan and you don’t know?” I looked at her and she chuckled before rounding the counter.
She stood next to me and wrapped her arms around me, resting her chin on my shoulder. “You can cook whatever you want, they’ll love it anyway.” “It’s not that simple,” I sighed. “Uhm… it kinda is.”
Days passed and the Johansson family dinner was just around the corner. I had the meal planned out perfectly and I already did the shopping for it.
I have been writing the book too and editing was going great, but I could still prepare for Just Mercy and even spend quality time with Scarlett. Rose was supposed to arrive today, so Scarlett went home for a couple of things for her since they are going to stay here for the rest of the week. I’ve been thinking about us moving in together but since I’ll be leaving pretty soon, I don’t know if we could manage to do it now.
Scarlett and I agreed to go official after we met each other’s families and the best we could come up with is that I would make a post on Instagram so it’s us who make it public not others. I’m very surprised that nobody said anything so far, even though we kept it very quiet but still. It’s a miracle.
Once I heard the doorbell I got up from the couch and went to open the door. Immediately saw Rose looking around as she was standing in front of me, next to Scarlett. “Well hello,” I spoke and the little girl turned her head quickly. A big smile just erupted on her face and took steps towards me swiftly. “Y/n!” She raised her hands and I picked her up, giving kisses all over her face. “I missed you, big girl.” “I missed you,” she said it back and I smiled.
We got her settled in and then soon we had dinner. Scarlett gave Rose a bath and then I put her to bed, telling her stories so she would fall asleep. Once she was out, I left a gap between the door and doorway and walked back downstairs.
“She was asking me to sing to her but I wouldn’t want her to pass out so I just told her stories,” I sat next to Scarlett on the couch, laying my head on her shoulder. “Thank you,” she gave a small kiss on my forehead. “Of course, I love spending time with her.”
I prepared everything for dinner after we had lunch and I started cooking. “Y/n?” Spoke Scarlett from somewhere in the house. “Yup?” In a second she appeared in front of me fully dressed and she had panic on her face. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “I have to leave for a meeting, is it okay if I leave Rose with you? I know that you’re cooking and everything but I-“ “Sure, go ahead,” I gave her a smile and went back to cutting the meat. “Are you sure?” “Of course, we’ll be fine.”
She ran to my side and turned my head before pulling me in for a kiss. I let the knife slip onto the counter as I held onto her waist with my clean hand. I squeezed the skin gently but she pulled away with a whine. “I have to go. Thank you though,” she said. “I love you,” I called out as she walked to the door. “I love you more!”
Rose was drawing by the counter while we had some quiet Disney music playing on the speakers. “How’s the drawing going?” I asked while glancing at mini Scarlett. “Good,” she said softly, not taking her eyes off the paper. “Do you want something to drink? I have some orange juice,” I suggested. “Yes.” I poured some juice into her cup and placed it in front of her. “Thank you,” she said adorably and started drinking it. She managed to not spill anything and with a big smile, she went back to her drawing.
I finished the main course and started to do the little appetizer, which was just bruschetta. I made some without mozzarella since Scarlett doesn’t eat any cheese. It’s been a while since lunch so I thought I would give Rose a piece, seeing if she even likes it. “Wanna taste this? Your mama loves these,” I put the cut-up pieces in front of her and looked at them curiously. “What is this?” She asked. “It’s crispy bread with tomatoes and cheese.” She took a little piece and ate it. After she didn’t say anything, I thought she didn’t like it but then went in for another. “You like it?” And she nodded her head. “That’s great,” I smiled, happy that she likes what I made.
I continued cooking and after a while, I only had dessert left, but then Rose put her hands up. “I’m done,” she said. I dried my hands and walked over to her. “It’s yours,” she picked up the paper and handed it over. There were three people. One with short brown hair and one with long brown hair, those were taller, and the third one with a flowery dress and yellow hair. “It’s so pretty. Good job, Rosie. Can you tell me who they are?” I put my arm around the back of her chair and she leaned into me. My heart literally melted. “This is me, you, and Mama,” she pointed at each of them. “It’s beautiful.” I gave a kiss to her head and proudly I put the drawing on the fridge so I could see it very clearly. “Y/n?” Asked Rose. “Yes, baby?” I walked back to the counter and started making the dessert. “Are we going to sleep here forever?” She asked and I looked up. I didn’t know what to say. “Just for a couple of sleeps, not forever.” “Okay,” I swear she looked sad. “Would you like to sleep here more?” I asked carefully. “Hm… yeah.”
After I finished everything I made the table. Scarlett was on the way home and it was almost time. I took Rose with me upstairs while I changed so she wouldn’t be downstairs alone. My dress options went down to two. I didn’t want to be too casual but not too formal either. “Rosie, which dress is prettier?” I held the two up and waited for her to answer from the middle of the bed. One was a deep green dress and the other was a cream one.
She cutely pointed at the green and I smiled. “Good choice.” I got dressed quickly and did my hair. “Can I change too?” Asked Rose. “Of course, let’s see what clothes Mama brought for you.”
We found her a very cute matching dress, and she was very excited about it. “Can you do my hair?” She looked up at me and how could you say no to this angel. “With pleasure baby.”
I sat her on the bathroom counter, facing forward to the mirror. “How do you want your hair?” I got a brush out of the drawer and gently brushed her hair. “Hmm… like yours!” I did some simple waves for myself so it should be fine. “Mama’s going to be jealous, huh?” I tickled her side and she laughed.
We were chatting while I was doing her hair. I even pretended to put makeup on her. It was fun, she was the cutest and she was all smiley and happy. And so was I. “Hey you two,” heard Scarlett’s voice and I turned to see her standing in the doorway of the bathroom. “Hi, Mama. Look at my hair! Y/n did it,” she told me on the counter and I softly held onto her hands so she wouldn’t fall. “You look beautiful. Both of you” looked Scarlett at me. Her eyes ran over my whole body and then met my eyes. The cheeky smile made me blush even. “Thanks.”
Scarlett got dressed too and we moved downstairs. Rose was watching some cartoons and we got some more glasses. “What’s that?” Asked Scarlett with a widened smile on her face while pointing behind me. I turned around to see what she was talking about and it was Rose’s drawing. “Rose made it,” I smiled shyly. “Look at it,” I said and she walked to the fridge to see it. Scarlett took her phone out and took a picture. “I’m gonna tell her soon. I don’t know how but I will,” she said and took my hands before smoothly locking them behind my back with hers. Her eyes were looking between my lips and eyes, making me look all hot and flushed. “You are the best, have I told you that before?” She murmured with one of her eyebrows raised. “Hmm… probably not enough,” I answered and leaned in to connect our lips. It was slow and soft but so hot at the same time. The skin was buzzing and I could feel my heart beating crazy. She was making me so dizzy. She let my hands go and grabbed onto my waist, quietly pushing me against the counter. I put my hands on her shoulders and brought her so close. Her lips moved down to my neck and when I was about to make a sound I quickly covered my mouth. “Scar…” I moaned into her ear and she moved back to my lips and kissed me passionately. Then the doorbell rang.
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 3 months
Magic and Madness - Chapter Six
To Understand Everything is to Forgive Everything.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> Tony Stark x Stephen Strange
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> Stephen has a job to do, and it almost destroys him. Where else can he go for comfort?
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (E) Avoidance, GSW, ED mentions, alcoholism, internalised homophobia, self-doubt, self-blame, smuuuuut.
𝐀/𝐍 -> A Companion Piece to Multitudes, exploring the relationship of Tony Stark and Stephen Strange. This chapter best corresponds to Multitudes chapters seventeen and eighteen - I recommend starting there if you're reading both <3. Masterlist can be found here!
Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Dividers come from yours truly.
<- Previous Chapter (5/46)
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I avoided the compound like the plague.
The announcement of Natasha's plurality came of very little surprise to me – delivered, as it was, by a video call with Bruce. He didn’t ask why I refused to attend the meeting, and I didn’t volunteer the information.
I couldn’t face the man who had so unceremoniously dismissed me after almost two days of careful touches and hesitant kisses.
My hands shook whenever I thought about the look on his face when he glanced at me – the pure revulsion and desperation I found in his hollow gaze.
Despite my remorse, though, I couldn’t bring myself to regret it. It had been a glorious, if short-lived, experience. My only sorrow was that it had, by all accounts, left him drowning himself and finding solace at the bottom of a bottle.
I tried to be surreptitious in my probing – simply asking after the team when someone reached out to me, clarifying individual members – Tony included – when they weren’t detailed. Nat, in her rare correspondence via video, always made sure to talk about him first, and was by far the most candid.
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I got the call in the evening a few weeks after I absconded, phone ringing out , shrill in the darkness. Steven's panicked explanation was accompanied by a backing track of Nat’s staccato, desperate whimpers as I dressed hurriedly, throwing on the first thing my hands reached for – a painfully familiar hooded sweatshirt that still smelled faintly of sex and aftershave.
Wreathed in an agonising comfort, I stepped through to the hospital.
You know I’ve done this too many times when they don’t even look up anymore. A little wonder would be nice.
“What is it this time, Dr. Strange?” My head nurse sighed as she spoke, eyebrow raised in surprise as she glanced at me. “... You look like hell, Stephen.”
“Thanks, Clarissa,” I snapped, rolling my eyes as I smoothed my hair. “GSW to the lower left quadrant. No known spinal implication, and there’s an exit wound. Patient is showing transient consciousness. ETA four minutes. Is there a team free?”
She nodded quickly, pushing herself to her feet. “Yes, Doctor. You got lucky; it’s been a hectic day. OR two is available.”
I nodded sharply, pacing impatiently as I waited. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I wondered if he would be there.
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My question was answered as they barrelled through the door, Tony’s hands pressed to the wound in the archer’s side. “BP is 83 over 54 and falling fast. GCS eight, oxygen steady – mostly. Pulse 73 and dropping. Looks like the bullet fragmented after penetration.”
I motioned Nat away quickly, her eyes wide as she trembled, and offered her a quick smile. “I’ve got to get him into surgery. I’ll do what I can, Natash- Nat. I’ll do my best.”
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Five hours and six minutes.
His insides were shredded by the shrapnel, and while I lived up to my promise, I hated that I couldn’t do more. My forehead found the wall as I sobbed softly, mourning the parts of the archer I couldn’t save.
But I had a job to do.
So I simply scrubbed a hand over my face and peeled off my bloodied gown, unable to stop the spark of anger that drove me to throw it violently into the contaminant trashcan, jaw set.
I should have done more. I should have been better.
I should have been there. Maybe I could have made a difference.
Natasha was curled on the floor, pressed against the wall, blood trickling through the fingers pressed to her ribs as she stared blankly into the distance. I sighed as I approached, steeling myself. “Let me take a look at you.”
“… Wh… What?” she murmured, blinking owlishly up at us, and I inclined my head toward the blood under her hand, jaw twitching. “I said, ‘Let me take a look at you’.”
She blinked again, blank and disinterested. “We’re fine. How’s Clint?” I offered her a wry smile and an extended hand, pity tugging at my heart. “Let’s make a deal.”
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“Clint had a lot of internal damage. A lot. I’ve patched him up as best I could, but…” I sighed guiltily as I slid the needle through the edge of her wound, but she showed no reaction. “You’re lucky he was in front of you. You would likely have lost your lung, but instead it just broke the rib.”
“Lucky,” she scoffed, eliciting a flinch.
“He’s not come around yet. He… We had to perform an ileostomy. There wasn’t enough intestinal tissue left to salvage. He’s been fitted with a bag – if he… That will be permanent,” I added softly, jaw tight with remorse.
I should have been there.
She winced, glancing up. “Will he wake up?”
I hesitated only briefly, the loss of concentration bringing a faint tremor back to my hands. “We don’t know. He lost a lot of blood and sustained significant injuries. He underwent massive transfusions. The fact that he survived surgery is reassuring, but…” I sighed again, head shaking. “I’ve had this conversation too many times lately.”
When she glanced at me curiously, I offered her a weak, shaky smile. “I said almost the exact same thing to Clint, when it was you that may not wake up.”
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I spent two weeks in my own alcohol-driven despair, wracked with remorse and selfish thoughts of comfort found in his embrace.
He’d tell me I tried my best. He’d tell me there was nothing more I could do. He...
He’d tell me I repulse him, and that I am wrong.
Two weeks of long and suffering silence was all it took for Clint to start to come around, and I got the call to return. I’d checked on him daily, but they thought I’d like to be the one to break the news to him.
I can’t imagine anything worse.
But the archer, to my wonder, was impassive, seemingly unphased by this permanent alteration to his life, despite my immense shame and guilt.
The only person who seemed to struggle as much as I was Natasha herself. Chained to his bedside, I’d watched her grow steadily more gaunt, refusing all but water – and even that had to be administered intravenously. Not a single morsel or drop passed her lips during her silent vigil, and the weight began to drop from her frame once more.
A quiet word with Bruce when they eventually returned to the compound confirmed my worst suspicions – that she was, once again, skirting danger.
Bruce desperately argued that her weight was holding steady, but I could only snort. “You don’t believe that any more than I do, Banner. We need to find out how this is happening – before it’s too late. And ‘too late’ is approaching far too rapidly.”
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The day she ended up being taken, unconscious and severely underweight, I broke.
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When I appeared in his bedroom, he was lay with his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling.
“… Hi. I know I shouldn’t… I shouldn’t be here. I just…”
He nodded slowly, extending an arm to me with a quiet sigh. “Come here, baby boy.”
The name broke me, and I sobbed, falling down beside him and weeping desperately against his chest. “I should have done better. I should have done more. I…”
Shushing me gently, his fingers caressed my back as he held me close. “You did amazingly, honey. You did better than anyone else could have done. None of this is your fault, do you hear me?”
“I knew she was struggling. I knew that something wasn’t right. But I left it to Bruce, and I… I should have spoken to her. Helped her. This is all my fault. I’m not… Fuck, I’m such a… Fuck.”
He brushed his lips against my forehead, pulling me nearer. “Sweetheart, you did everything you could. You were incredible.”
“You never called,” I whispered into his chest, voice cracking. “I thought you hated me.”
He snorted weakly, shaking his head. “You? Never. Myself? Well… That’s a different matter entirely."
“I hate that I made you feel like that.”
“Not you, baby boy. Never you. I… I’ve missed you, Stephen. So much,” he muttered into my hair, fingers tightening against my spine.
“I’ve never hated myself quite so much as I do for what I said to you. I’m so, so sorry.”
I pushed my face through my tears to claim his mouth with mine, hands curling in his hair desperately. “Show me how sorry you are.”
“Aren’t you going to ask-”
“I already know you’re sober, Tony. I’m surprised and impressed.”
“I’ve been sober since Clint’s accident. I… I wanted to prove I can do it. Before I reached out.”
I purred happily, pulling him closer. “Fuck me like it’s you last night on this earth, Stark.”
He raised an eyebrow with a snort, dragging my shirt over my head. “You got it, baby boy.”
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I lay in his arms as he smoked, and I scowled. “You shouldn’t substitute one vice for another, love.”
“One makes me significantly less of an asshole than the other, sweetheart.”
“Don’t you also have a ‘no smoking in the building’ rule?”
“It’s my building, who’s going to tell me off? You?” he added with a smirk, and my fingertips trailed his hip lightly, humming with delight at the hard lines I’d missed touching.
“Sounds fun. I might be into that.”
He barked out a surprised laugh, shaking his head. “Doctor Strange, you never cease to amaze.”
I arched an eyebrow, fixing him in my gaze. “Mr. Stark, I am a surgeon who tried to micromanage his own surgery, despite the fact that I would be profoundly unconscious for the procedure. I am nothing if not authoritarian.”
He purred and tugged me nearer, fingers curling around my back to drag me atop him. “Oh, yeah? I seem to remember you being pretty submissive every time I’ve made you beg...”
Smirking, I took his hands from my hips and pinned them over his head, delighting in the soft gulp the motion elicited, pressing my body against his. “You assume I couldn’t make you do the same?”
“Y-You gonna boss me around?” he stammered, back curving minutely against me as he blushed.
I hummed playfully, tongue trailing the length of his jaw. “... Not yet. Maybe when it’s my turn to fuck you.”
He stiffened, and I winced.
Fuck. Why would I say that?
“I-I didn’t mean to-”
“I’m scared,” he ground out quietly, gaze flicking away as he reddened.
I released his wrists and lay over him, watching him with my chin beside the glowing light of his reactor. “... What are you scared of?” I pressed softly, and he grimaced minutely.
“I... I’m not sure. I’m scared it’ll hurt. I’m scared I won’t be... Clean. I... I’m... I know this isn’t exactly straight, but I’m scared that if it’s me that gets... I’m scared that it’s just, y’know, more... g-gay.”
The last word was a pained, shameful whisper, but my heart throbbed proudly.
He’s never said it before. No matter how drunk, or sober, or angry.
He’s never said it.
“Do... Should I talk you through your fears? Or do you just want acknowledgement?” I asked quietly, fingers dancing across his collarbone, and he nodded shyly.
“I-I guess you can... Try and help.”
Smiling fondly, I kept my gaze on him as I thought. “Well... You saw – pretty intimately – my first time. Did I look like I was in any pain?” He shook his head reluctantly, and I pressed a kiss to his chest. “It was... Unusual. A little uncomfortable, at points, but that very quickly gave way to...” I swallowed dryly, cheeks heating. “You’ve seen what you do to me, Tony. It’s... The best I’ve ever felt. By far. By far.” My light shiver made his smirk, hands shifting to caress my back gently. “I don’t think I’ve ever had- No, let me try again. I have never, by far, had so much sex in such a short period of time. And I still want more.”
He grinned at last, palms finding my ass pointedly. “I’m happy to stop this conversation and give you more, baby boy.”
Heart fluttering, I did, admittedly, hesitate thoughtfully before I shook my head. “I’d rather make you feel better... At least first.” He rolled his eyes, but nodded, and I purred. “As for... I mean, it’s not a big deal either way. But there’s ways you can... prepare. Which I could talk you through, but I’m concerned for your blood pressure if I say any more about that,” I teased as his face turned crimson. “But... I’ve never bothered, and we’ve never had a problem, right?” He shook his head slowly, and I grinned, kissing his cheek. “Exactly.”
His jaw tightened in anticipation, eyes drifting further from mine. “As for the last... Tony. My dear, sweet, darling Tony. If you’re straight, all your sex is straight sex, regardless of how you do it. And the same is true for gay people, and bisexuals, and all the other myriad of sexualities out there. It's not more or less of what it is depending on how it’s done. If you’re gay, then you’re gay, and that’s fine. You’re not extra gay if you decide you want to... Be fucked,” I finished, blushing lightly. He was trembling at my words, still unable to meet my gaze, but he licked his lips dryly.
“I’m gay.”
I couldn’t help the blink of surprise, but buried it in a gentle kiss, nipping his lip lightly. “As am I, sweetheart.”
“It... That’s why I never settled down.”
“I tried. I loved her, I truly did, but... She was the only one.”
“I’m... I’m ready to settle down, Stephen,” he added softly, gaze flicking to mine at last. “With you.”
“I... You... Wh... Huh?”
He swallowed again, leaning forward to kiss me lightly. “I want to be yours, Stephen. And I... I want you to fuck me.”
God forgive me, but I am going to commit every sin. Send me to hell if you must; I’ll go with a smile.
The whine that eked from my lips was indecipherable, and he grinned softly. “Stephen Strange... Please fuck me.”
... ... ...
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dino-fart · 2 years
Hurt | Namor
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I fucking love this gif, his face is like ‘gurl please’ or ‘you better tell me who did this’
Pairing: Namor x Female!Reader,  Joel Miller x Female!Reader,  Stephen Strange x Female!Reader
Genre: Romance, Comfort
Summary: You come home from a horrible day of work and came to the realization of certain things. After having your suspicions confirmed, you break down in tears and close yourself off from everyone. It’s a good thing, the man you love dearly knows what to do to comfort you.
Summary | Namor | Stephen Strange | Joel Miller
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You always had rough days at work but today...Today was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It started with your boss throwing you under the bus to corporate for not finishing a report you were not informed of. Then another manager reported you to your boss for leaving work without permission when in actuality you went on your lunch break. Then your work friend showed you a group text she was part of where the managers were making fun of your weight and how you dressed. 
Part of you wanted to yell at her for showing it to you and the other part of you wanted to take her phone and show the texts to your boss. But you being the pacifist you are, did nothing. The icing on the cake though, was when your boss brought you into his office to talk about your performance yet he allowed another manager to practically get away with murder. You began to job search, fed up with being mistreated for simply doing your job. When the work day finished you rushed home. 
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You ran into your home and slammed the door shut. You felt your legs weaken and slumped against the door and onto the cold floor. 
You knew you shouldn’t cry, everyone deals with this stuff at work, right? 
So why should you be weak and cry? 
You should be ashamed of yourself! 
But these negative thoughts didn’t stop you, the tears began to spill and you hugged your knees, sobbing softly. After an hour of crying, you finally got up to go change. You entered your bedroom and stopped when you saw the conch shell on your dresser. You didn’t want to bother your beloved Ku'ku'lkán but you needed to be distracted. You took a deep breath and grabbed the conch shell and your purse. Forget changing, you need to be with Namor. 
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You drove to the beach, which thankfully, was a 15-minute drive. Your phone was buzzing and vibrating with missed calls and unanswered text messages. You checked it real quick to see if it was your family, and when you found out it wasn’t, you shoved your phone back in your purse. You parked your car at the pier parking lot and stepped out of your car. You hoped your attire would be alright for walking on the sand. 
You were wearing a blue off-shoulder long-sleeve shirt, black pants, and brown wedged shoes. You tied your hair in a ponytail and tucked your purse under the passenger seat and took the conch shell. You finally made it to the shore and held the shell in your hands. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, trying to compose yourself before your king would arrive. You blew into the shell and held it in your hands as you waited. 
You moved to sit down on the sand, your heart skipped a beat when the waters parted. But to your surprise, it wasn’t Namor that approached you. It was Namora. You stood up and gave her a weak smile. Namora noticed your red eyes and your shaky hands. 
“Namor táan ocupado... Táak wáaj a t'u'uchpachtik in ka pa'atik ti' le áak che'o'? (Namor is busy...Do you wish to follow me and wait for him in the cavern)” She said. 
You had become familiar with the Talokan language thanks to Namor, so you were able to understand her but it was difficult for you to speak it. “Y-Yes...Please.” You said softly. Namora gestured for you to follow her into the water. 
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You were now sitting by the small pool of water in the cavern. Your hair and clothes had dried off by the small fire Namora helped you start. You moved to the edge of the pool and stared down at your reflection. Despite being dried off, the tears formed again. Your mind is filled with today’s events and the horrible words in the text messages. 
You closed your eyes, trying to think about something else, trying to stop the tears before you would see Namor. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t hear Namor approaching you. 
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The King of Talokan had heard of your arrival from Namora and it concerned him when she told him about your physical state. Anger boiled inside of him. Who dares hurt you? He needed to know who or what it was so that he could deal with it and make you happy again. When he saw you by the pool and saw the shine of your tears, his heart ached. 
He walked over slowly and sat next to you. He looked down at your reflection and how focused you were. It seemed like you were trying to stop your tears. He would be patient and wait for you to speak to him. He turned his head to look at you and study your beautiful and sad face. 
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You finally opened your eyes and gasped when you saw Namor’s reflection. You turned to meet his gaze. Namor gave you a gentle smile and moved his hand to gently cup your cheek. “In yakunaj... Ba'axten ka wok'ol? (My love...Why do you cry)” He whispered softly. At this, you broke down again and you shook your head. 
“What happened? Who did this?” Namor was angry but he had to remain calm for your sake. His thumb caught your tears and he leaned over to kiss your forehead. You tried to speak but it was too much, so you continued to cry. Namor gasped softly at how loud your cries were. He moved to pull you in for a tight hug. 
You buried your face in his muscular chest and sobbed. Namor rubbed your back gently and kissed your head. Namor gently stood up and helped you up by your hands. 
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He laced his fingers with yours and guided you to his small hut where his murals were. He sat you and grabbed his paints. “Whenever you are ready to speak, let me know. Take all the time you need.” Namor kissed your head and you nodded. You turned to look at the wall as he began to paint. You focused your thoughts on the lines he painted. 
You then looked down at your lap and took a deep breath. “I feel ashamed...To talk about it...Because I feel stupid that I...I cried so much.” You began. 
Namor moved to set the paints down and sat next to you. He moved his hand to hold yours, “Never be ashamed.” 
You gave him a small smile and nodded. You began to tell him about your day and how it’s been building up. You talked about the hurtful words about your physical appearance. You finished your story and looked down at his hand on yours. Namor moved his other hand to tilt your chin up and gazed at you lovingly. He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. 
You kissed him back softly and Namor pulled you onto his lap. He ran his hands over your back and kissed you deeper. You let out a soft moan and ran your fingers through his black hair. Namor pulled back from the kiss and gazed at you. “Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not beautiful, that you are not worthy, and that you are not intelligent. People that say these things...Their lives are miserable. There are always consequences to actions like this and they will face it. Whether it’s from karma or...From me.” Namor said darkly. 
You kissed his forehead, “No Namor...They’re not worth it.” 
Namor hesitantly nodded and kissed your cheek. “My beloved queen, what would you have me do? What can I do to make you smile again?” Namor rested his head on your shoulder. 
You gently traced his beard and leaned down to kiss his lips gently. “A distraction would be nice.” You smiled a little. 
Namor smiled widely, “I know just the thing. Let’s get the suit, it’s close to sunset and there’s a specific spot that shows the most beautiful reflection of the sunset.” Namor guided you off of your lap and scooped you up in his arms bridal style. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him as he made his way to take you on an adventure...
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Author’s Note: This is a comfort fic. Remember to know your worth and know when to leave when a job because too toxic.
Tagging: @deepbatched​, @vikingqueen28, @leonkennedyslefthand, @stewardofningishzida, @icytrickster17, @onlinecemetery, @marki-moo0, @absolute-not-original, @creamecafe, @scrubb, @nightingal3-tales, @alliethedaydreamer, @strangesthirdeye, @alexa-33, @zombiedixon89, @sunnsettee, @deliciousfestsalad, @kiaradaniell, @freyafriggafrey, @criticalroleobssedperson, @avengersfan25, @lunamoonbby, @androgynouspersonapricotfan, @foxcantswim, @namorkawaiiwife, @starkiller-queen, @kyuupidwrites, @luciamajer, @renatas10, @ayamenimthiriel, @gaiagurl05, @dipsylou, @pinkthick, @hansai, @andywinter16, @iambored24601, @3-cheese-tortellini, @cumbrbatchbenedict, @ironstrange1991, @aribas-stuff, @rianumochi, @vibaracal, @lostpirateinwonderland​, @thealleydog​, @greensabereyesforcevictim​, @persephonehemingway​, @mimikkyu778​, @the-bad-batch​, @jasearney​, @screamsin-gay​, @introvertedmegalomaniac​, @eliaparadiso​, @katzuhkat, @belliedellie​, @jaguarthecat​, @plainwhitegirlll​, @cherrylovescherries​, @riaraccoon​, @98bluecalisky​, @spiritedawayagain​, @struggling-author​, @fuckoffpls00, @snow30285, @ameliadraws​, @v4mpyr3-1791​, @mandosmuse, @littlefatmjolnir12​, @simpsforbuffwomen​, @screaminverito​, @xoxotorii​, @sisgotdemons​, @rhiannon-russo​, @x-bakudeku-x​  
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Two Side
a/n : i was doing my homework and i thought about it so, voilà
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*not my GIF*
Natasha Romanoff x Female!Readere
Summary: Natasha and you were a happy couple, you have a pretty girl daughter and a beautiful life. But you're an agent from an another orgnaisation and the worst enemy of the SHIELD and the Avengers, so what could go wrong when one of your mission goes wrong ?
Types: Angst
Warning: No happy ending
word count: 3212
Part 2 HERE
You met Natasha when she was a SHIELD agent. You didn't know she was a spy, and honestly, you didn't mind even now; you met her in a bar after a mission. You worked for an organization that's called the HEAD. It's like the SHIELD, but for the 'bad guys', you joined them when you were 18 and since you became a very good agent. You had a special ability that helped you with that; you could control the shadows and move through them, which is pretty cool.
One year before the incident in New York, Nat and you got married, which was the best day of your life, and one year later you learned that she was a hero. Nat didn't really ask you about your past; it was a sensible topic for both of you. You had a lot of common points with your wife; you were the best agent of your organization, and you knew how to keep secrets and how to hide things. Even after the first assembly of the Avengers, you were a secret for them; at least Y/N Y/L/N-Romanoff was a secret for them.
Like your wife, you had an alias, Queen Shadow, and you didn't really mind, but you quickly became one of the biggest threats to your second wife's family. They tracked you every day, but you were too smart to be caught, and even Fury, Maria, and Clint, who were here for your wedding, didn't suspect you. You were the perfect wife, with a common job, and after Ultron, with Nat, you decided to have a child together. Rose was your little sunshine; you were the one who was pregnant, and of course you were dismissed for your function as an agent during your pregnancy. Fury and Stephen, your boss, were the godfathers, and even if they secretly hated each other, they don't know who they were. which was quite funny.
Your life was peaceful until this day. You drove Rose back from the school, and she said, "Mommy, the school set up a school trip to the Avengers Tower tomorrow." She was very excited. "Do you think mama will be there?"
You looked at her and smiled. "Of course, she'd never miss a chance to spend time with you."
And it was true; since Rose's birth, Natasha had been more at home; she only went to missions if they needed all the team; she was so happy to have both of you.
She didn't tell the avenger about her personal life yet, but that's okay for you because that meant you didn't have to be the perfect wife in front of them; you already fought them, and each time you succeeded in running away, but you were always a little injured, so you would rush to your house and heal your injuries alone and obviously clean after to not alarm the old redhead, and after that, she would come one or two hours after you and you cleaned her bruises and injuries like nothing happened.
Back home, you received a text from Stephen.
Stephen : the avengers have a weapon who can be useful i'll sent the details later. to make short this weapon can erase mind temporally, so you'll have to bring this weapon asap and you'll go tomorow, you'll be support by 3 super soldiers. good luck agent Y/L/N Me: but tomorow Rose have a school trip and i have to prepare her lunch and everything else Stephen: *link of a pdf file* Stephen: sorry but it's a one of the most important mission and ther is no other agent good as you for that and your wife is a avenger so it will be easy
You rode the file and found more information on the weapon and even a plan of the tower. You didn't like to fight the Avengers; they were not the mighiest heroes of the hearth for nothing, but you hated most to fight against your wife and even Clint; he was always good with Rose and you, and he was like a big brother for Natasha. But the orders are the orders.
Later that afternoon, Natasha came back earlier than usual. "I'm home, detka," she said while she hugged you from the back. You were lost in your thoughts about the mission, Rose, and your wife. Noticing your lack of comment, the redhead started to be concerned. "Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" 
You snapped out of your mind and looked at your wife. "Hey honey, I didn't hear you come. Are you okay?
"Yes, and you?"
"Oh, you know, with the work, it's tiring, but yeah. Oh, and I think our little princess had something to ask you about tomorrow; you should go see her; she's in her room; she had some homework to do." Natasha gave you a peck on your lips before going to your daughter's bedroom.
You looked at your phone and the details for the mission again. The rest of the day was good as usual, even better because Rose was excited about tomorrow.
Later that night, on your bed, you were about to fall asleep when the Russian whispered something "Y/N?" You hummed, and she continued, "I think it's time for you to meet the team."
Your eyes were now wide open, and you looked at her "Sorry, what?"
"Yeah, it's been a long time since we've been married, and Rose is 5 now. I think it's time for her to meet her other uncle and auntie except Clint, Maria, and Tarah." Tarah was your best friend; you knew her since you were five, and she joined the HEAD one month before you, and you were really close. She's like a sister to you, and she was truly happy to know you dated Natasha. She was the cool auntie for Rose, and she liked her like she was her own daughter.
"Yeah, why not? That would be cool, but you'll have to give me a date because next week will be busy at  work."It was not really a lie; if you succeed in your mission, you know they'll spend the next week doing experiments, and of course they would want you to be here at least to see what they do.
"I'll tell you," she kissed your neck. "I'm impatient to introduce you two to them; you'll love them" if they don't try to kill you after they discover you're one of the biggest threats they have to fight, maybe.
The next day came pretty quickly. You didn't sleep the night; you were thinking about what the ex-assassin said. You made the breakfast for Rose and Nat, and when they ate and left for school and work, it was your time to leave.
Three hours later, here you were, in front of the Avengers' tower, your biggest enemy HQ. What could go wrong?
Everything went wrong. Your mission was not so easy. A few seconds after you caught what you had come for, an agent activated the alarm, and you killed him. Now you had to escape before-
"It's been a long time since the last time we saw you." You turned around and saw Wanda and Tony. Oh no, it couldn't have been worse. The young redhead has hated you since the last time you fought because you knocked her out before she could use her magic, and you left a little scar on her forehead. And Tony, he hated you since the first time you saw him like the OG Avengers.
"Hey, you two." You smile awkwardly. Thanks to your mask, they didn't know what you looked like. "I really want to stay, but I'm a little hurried right now, so see you soon," before you could use the shadow to disapear, you heard Friday say.
"Mr. Stark, the children are stuck in the lab; there was an explosion, and three super soldiers entered the tower. I sent the iron legion." Oh, man, when will it be better?
It's been 25 minutes now since you started to fight Iron Man and the Scarlet Witch alone. You were good at hand-to-hand fighting, but it was pretty hard to contain Wanda when Tony was here to shoot you. You managed to find a way near the lab; you need backup, and the super soldiers were here for that. In the lab, they were just your teammate asleep on the roof. No backup in the the enemy's HQ, you had known best moment. You wanted to run to the door when you heard a sob. You looked around and found a redhead girl in a corner of the lab; you knew her. You rushed to her and caught her in your arms. "Hey baby, it's mommy; do you hear me?"
Rose looked at you and said, "Mommy?" Before she could say anything else, you did something you were sure you'd regret later.
"FRIDAY that's it?" You asked loudly.
"YES?" the AI said.
"Tell Natasha to join me in front of the tower asap, please." You didn't hear her say anything more; you put back your mask and rushed to the exit.
Here you were outside of the tower, and you smiled at yourself. Rose fell asleep when you tried to escape, and you were about to let her go with her teacher when you heard a familiar voice yell after you.
"LET MY DAUGHTER GO NOW!!!" You saw your wife, and the anger in her eyes was totally unfamiliar. She had never been angry after you two met, and now she held a gun to your head. You were a little happy to know she could do anything to protect your daughter, but you reminded yourself why you were here, and before you could do anything, you passed out.
You woke up later in a dark room; your hands were tied up in the back of the chair where you were forced to sit, and the handcuffs didn't let you use your power. You groaned; it was the first time you were caught, and honestly, it was pretty degrading. You were the best agent of the HEAD; you always cleaned up your mission without any problem, but now you were in the Avengers Tower, and you didn't know if your little princess was alright. Two minutes later, the door in front of you opened, and you saw Wanda, Steve, and Tony enter. You knew what they were doing: Stark would be the good cop, Roger the bad cop, and Maximoff a lie detector. Captain America pulled your mask off, and Iron Man started to speak.
"I didn't know the infamous Queen Shadow would be a pretty girl like you," you glared at him, and even after a half hour of interrogation, you didn't speak. Wanda was upset, and you knew that, but you will not reveal anything that they could use to hurt your second family, so you have to distract them until the rescue comes.
"I don't know about you, but I'm thirsty," you said, and without saying a word, they left you. You looked around and saw a camera in a corner of the room. You smiled at the camera and started to try to distract yourself.
In the meeting room, everybody was tense; you easily broke the security system and nobody knew how, and when they were arguing, the door opened and they saw the Black Widow with a girl in her arm, which made them confused.
"Nat, who's that girl?" Sam asked.
"My daughter," she replied. "I tried to contact my wife, but she didn't reply; it's unusual." She took a seat and watched the screen, which showed your figure sitting on the chair with your head toward the floor. "Did she say anything?"
"So nobody will question the fact that Romanoff has a daughter and a wife?" Tony asked, but the Russian glared at him to let him know that was not the moment. But when Steve tried to continue the meeting, Rose looked at the screen and spoke loudly.
"Mama why mommy is here ? And why's she tied to a chair?" Everyone looked at the girl, then at Nat, and finally at the screen. Even in the dark, you sensed something was wrong. You looked at the camera and tried to figure out if there was a mic. And now your wife saw you—your eyes, your lips, your face—it was you. She wanted to scream and cry, but she couldn't, not in front of her teammate or her daughter.
She stood up, and all the eyes were on her now. She held Rose to Clint, and without a word, she walked to where you were. When you heard the door, you were about to make some jokes to anybody who would come, but when you raised your head, you froze. There was a silence; both of you were too shocked to say something, but Natasha did. "Hi detka," her voice was more broken than after any fight you had. You saw tears in her eyes before your vision became blurry. She sat in the chair in front of you.
"Hey, honey," you replied.
"I thought you were at work," she said.
You looked at your suit, then at her. "I was." She wanted to say something, but you cut her off. "Do you remember when Rose was in the kitchen and the second you turned away, she was on the couch near me?" you asked.
"Yeah, of course I was afraid. I looked everywhere to find her." You both started to laugh at the memory.
"This time when I was on the couch, I felt something, like a warning, and before I could find what it was, she was lying on top of me. She was really cute, and I realized something: Our baby girl has power." She smiled and let you continue. "I wanted to tell you, but then I remembered why she was like that." Nat looked at your suit an then at your face again. "It was a gift from her mommy, and when I thought about telling you, I knew that I'd have to explain all the bad sides of your perfect wife. The fact that after I lost my parents when I was five, some scientists did some experiments on my body and my DNA. I was afraid because if I told you about my power, I knew you'd put the pieces together and find out who I really am."
"After the attack on New York, you said, 'no more secret between us' do you remember?" She asked, and you nodded. "And now I find that my daughter has powers, and my wife, at least the woman who I called my wife, was one of the worst villains that I had to fight." The last part hurted you.
"I didn't have the choice, honey i-"
"We always have a choice, Y/N!" She cut you off. "I trusted you. I told you everything about me, my past, my fears, and you…you betrailed me; you betrailed your daughter; you betrailed us!" You din't say anything, and she continued, "I loved you more than anyone before Rose's birth and even after you were one of my priorities. You met Fury and Maria; Clint let you play with his children. You were the best thing in my life," you wanted to answer, but you didn't want to upset her more.
"How is she?" you asked shyly.
"Good." The answer was dry and cold.
You looked at the camera and asked, "Can she hear us?" Natasha nodded. "Okay. Baby girl, listen to me. I'm really sorry for that. I wish I could have told you, but I had to keep this secret just to make sure no one would harm you." You chuckled, and the spy glared at you. You spoke again, but this time directly to the camera: "Both moms have a lot of enemies, but you know what? It doesn't matter because your mama will always protect you; she's a super hero." You looked at your wife(?) "She is my super hero, and that, even before she fought some aliens or a robot who wanted to conquer the world, Natalia Aliana Romanova, I love you, and I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you how sorry I am, but I will need a lot of time, and I don't really have time." Natasha frowned, and you whispered, "Can you cut the mic, please?" She looked at you.
"Friday, cut the mic, please," and after the confirmation of the AI, you spoke again.
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I lost my parents when I was five, and after that, the orphanage where I was sold me, Tarah, and two other girls to Hydra, and they did some experiments on us for 13 years; me and Tarah were the only survivors, and after that, I joined the HEAD, an organization that formed assassins and  hitmen."Natasha clinched her fist. "I had only Tarah in my life, and one day Stephen found us and treated us like his daughters. I'm the best agent of the HEAD, like you and the SHIELD. When we met, I came back from a long mission and wanted to stop everything, and I thought the world would be better without me, but you proved me otherwise, and you made me the happiest woman in the world when you said 'yes'." You paused and braithed, "After our wedding, I wanted to tell you everything, but you were always out, and then I found you working for the other side. Stephen wanted to force me to break up with you, but I said 'no' and it was the best decision of my life. You gave me all your love and your support when I was pregnant and after. I really love you, and I would want to tell everyone that I'm the wife of the black widow and the mother of her daughter."
Your eyes were wet. "Despite the fact that I killed a lot of people, when I came back home, all that didn't matter anymore; you were my little part of peace in this world. When Ultron attacked, I tried to convince Stephen to help you; maybe after that we could be happy together, but he said, 'your love makes you weak and a fool'." You chuckled at the memory, and she took your hand. "He was wrong; you are the best thing in my life, even after Rose's birth. Any other woman could be a mama for my little girl, but you, Natasha Romanoff, are the mama she could have. I loved you, I love you, and I'll always love you."
She wanted to say something, but Fury and Maria entered the room and took you "Where do you bring her?" Nat asked, but neither of them responded.
Rose ran to the Russian and started to cry. "Where do they take my mommy?" Rose said with a sob, but nobody knew, not even Steve.
You spent the next two weeks in a cell where nobody was allowed to see you. And then it was time for your trial. You were in the car, and the ride was quiet. The car stopped at a traffic light, and a second later it exploded.
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queenofthekings · 1 year
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𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗, 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖎𝖎 (𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊)
Summary: Hawkins, Indiana, 1986. A dead end town where nothing happens. One night, Eddie Munson goes missing without a trace. He turns up two weeks later on your doorstep, covered in blood and no memory of the last two weeks. When you notice him acting strangely, you follow Eddie into the woods and discover his terrifying secret. But the most terrifying part to you? You can't bring yourself to stay away from Eddie. Whether you've realised you're in love with him or you're under his spell, you don't want to be away from Eddie for a single second and a deadly love affair begins.
Author's note: I have no words to describe how thankful I am to everyone who read the first part and loved it! I was so worried that the hype around vampire!Eddie was long dead but thank you all so much for reading! Also bonus cookies to anyone who can name the song Reader listens to while walking into school; the only hint I can give you guys is that it's a British band's debut song 😉
CW: 18+, swearing, character death, sex references, potential smut in later chapters, vampire!Eddie, blood, scenes that people may find disturbing.
Word count: 4.6k
Any hate will not be tolerated, constructive criticism is welcomed.
6:15AM came along again, reminding you that yes, indeed, you did have to go to school. Tumbling out of bed, you yawned as you looked at your wardrobe, your still mostly asleep brain trying to work out what to wear. You ended up picking out an old Star Wars t-shirt of your brother’s and a pair of blue jeans, almost falling over as you got into them.
Note to self, don't drink on a school night.
You weren’t entirely sure if you were still drunk, overly tired, or just massively hungover, the world didn’t quite feel real and tangible as if you were drunk but you didn’t remember drinking that much last night with Eddie. Come to think of it, you didn’t entirely remember how you got home.
Almost stumbling into the bathroom, you opened the cabinet and grabbed some Tylenol before making your way downstairs, picking up some sunglasses on the way. You tried your best to get to the sink undetected to swallow the pills but was caught by Jamie.
“My god, she awakens. We thought you were a goner last night.” He smirked into his coffee mug.
You glared at him through your sunglasses. “I’m fine.”
He nodded, finishing his mug, and placing it into the sink. “Mhm. Is that why you’re wearing sunglasses when it’s March?”
“Just take me to school, you ass.”
Jamie chuckled as both of you walked out to the car and drove to school. During the drive, you leaned over and turned up the stereo as loud as it could go, joining your brother in shouting the lyrics to West End Girls. While the music and the shouting making your head spin, getting to spend quality time with your brother was worth getting a migraine over.
Once the song was over, Jamie turned down the stereo. “I suppose we should talk about what happened last night.”
Sinking back in your chair, you shrugged. “I suppose so. I guess that’s why Stephen was a no show this morning.”
He nodded, swallowing hard. “We talked a little this morning before he left, you’re not grounded, and he’ll properly talk to you when you get home. There’s no excuse for what he said to you, but he does want to apologize.”
Nodding silently, you pursed your lips together, unsure of how to respond. “So, I guess this isn’t the time to tell him I have a date on tonight.”
“Munson finally stepped up?”
“How’d you know it was with Eddie?”
Jamie smiled as he turned into the parking lot. “I’m your older brother, I notice everything.”
You smiled too, blushing a little. “So, do you approve?”
He turned the car off and turned to you. “More important question; are you happy?”
With the smile still on your face, you nodded. “I’m very happy.”
“Then that’s all that matters, as long as you’re happy and he treats you right, I don't care.”
You fist bumped your brother before you hopped out of the car, the sudden jolt instantly beginning your headache. Shoving on your headphones and pressing play on your Walkman, you tried to ignore the pounding inside your head, mentally making a note to talk to the nurse during periods.
As you walked into school, you felt your headphones being taken off your head. Turning around, you almost slapped whoever had done it but stopped yourself when you saw it was Eddie, grinning from ear to ear as he lowered the headphones. “You’re really hellbent on dropping that good girl persona, listening to a song about sex on school grounds. I should tell the principal.”
Taking back your headphones, you paused the song. “You tell the principal and I’m cancelling our date.”
“You’re still grounded?”
You smirked, biting your bottom lip. “Nope.”
“So, we’re still on for tonight?”
“Of course, I would’ve gone even if I was still grounded.” You were about to turn towards your locker when Eddie held your hand and kissed it, causing you to frown. “Why not give me a proper kiss?”
“Because, Juliet, I want to be a gentleman and wait until the first date.”
“Romeo wasn’t a gentleman.”
“Oh? You don’t want me to be a gentleman? You’d rather have me take you somewhere quiet and make you cum just by using my fingers?”
You blushed darkly, instantly feeling your desire for him rise within you as you imagined the scene. “Yeah, of course.”
“Not gonna happen yet, Juliet. You can get excited thinking about it until Friday,” he gave your ass a playful smack before walking away, the shit eating grin still present on his face.
“I’m going to kill you, Munson!”
While you weren’t a virgin by any means, you didn’t sleep around or have any friends with benefits. You had lost your virginity during a drunken one-night stand with one of Stephen’s co-workers at a New Year’s Eve party that year. It wasn't until after you two hooked up that he might’ve been… married. Your intention wasn’t to become his mistress or even see him again, you just wanted to lose your virginity and get it over with.
Even though your friends were all deemed “losers” and “freaks”, you couldn’t help but have the terrifying feeling of being left behind wash over you. You saw your classmates having relationships and going to parties, and while you crashed said parties; you wanted the life they had. And you certainly didn’t want to be the shy virgin when you went to college, you wanted to get out all the teenage hormones out of your system before you could call yourself an adult.
By the time lunch rolled around, you wished you were back in bed and sleeping, the pain killers you’d gotten around an hour beforehand hadn’t kicked in just yet and you felt worse than you did when you woke up. If you hadn’t felt better after lunch, you planned on going back to the nurse to get more pain killers.
You were quiet at the table, completely zoning out as the boys chatted happily. Eddie subtly gave your thigh a squeeze, causing you to look over at him. He gave you a slight nod, silently asking if you were okay. You gave him a small smile and nodded in return before getting up from the table, announcing you were going to get a soda.
After paying for your soda and opening the bottle, you made your way back to the table, humming a tune to yourself as you tapped the bottle. Just as you were inches from the table, Jason Carver and his cult of goons stepped in front of you, halting you instantly.
“Hey Y/N, I heard you and the Munson freak have a date tonight-” he started, a sly smirk spreading across his face.
Shaking your head, you interrupted him. “Jason, I have a splitting headache and I’m really not in the mood for your profession of love, so if you’d kindly let me get back to my table, I’d appreciate it.”
Jason laughed loudly, snatching the soda from you. “Oh, I’m not here for that. The boys and I just wanted to make sure you looked the part for your little date.”
You frowned, confused at what he meant but just as you were about to ask for clarification, the entire group emptied soda bottles, milk and juice cartons and water bottles onto your head, soaking you instantly.
Your bottom lip trembled as you heard the whole cafeteria erupt into laughter, everyone except Eddie who angrily got up from the table. “Hey Jason!” Eddie announced, waiting for Jason to turn around before punching him square in the face, causing Jason to fall to the cafeteria floor and the room to fall silent. “Stay the fuck away from her.”
Jason glared at Eddie, a bruise, and a large amount of swelling already starting to form on his face. “What the fuck did you just say to me, freak?”
Eddie’s fist clenched, getting himself ready for another punch. “I said, stay the fuck away from her, maybe you need your hearing tested.”
Jason didn't appreciate his attempt at sarcasm and began beating Eddie repeatedly and hard, everyone beginning to gather around the pair, chanting “fight fight fight fight”. Realising how dangerous the situation had become, you desperately tried to break up the fight but got elbowed hard in the face, either by Eddie or Jason, it happened too fast to figure out which.
Taken aback by shock, you walked backwards to try to get into the crowd, not noticing the blood dripping from your nose and down your face, onto your shirt. Instead of being let into the crowd, someone shoved you forwards, back into the fight. Wiping away the blood, you tried one more time to rip the boys apart, screaming at them to stop. You felt yourself being pulled down to the floor, the back of your head hitting the floor and then it all went black.
The fight was broken up soon after, with Jason and Eddie being forced into the principal’s office and you being carried into the nurse’s office. The crowd dispersed and the only thing on everyone’s mind was the fight that had just happened. Already, rumours were beginning to spread.
In the nurse’s office, you had finally regained consciousness, albeit you struggled to remember what exactly happened and insisted you were fine, and you just tripped. It wasn’t until Gareth gently broke to you that you’d been repeatedly hit in the face and your head struck the cafeteria floor, causing you to blackout.
He pressed an icepack to the back of your head, causing you to wince a little. “I need you to keep this on your head and get some rest.” You started to move your head to nod, but Gareth stopped you, moving your left hand to hold the icepack. “Don't move your head too much.”
Sighing, you pressed on the icepack, slowly raising your head to look at him. “Where’s Eddie?”
“Still with Principal Coleman.”
“Am I in trouble?”
Gareth shook his head, smiling slightly. “Nah, basically everyone can vouch for you that you tried to stop the fight, Jason initiated it, and Eddie threw the first punch.”
The thought of Eddie punching Jason because he was protecting and defending you made you feel a warm glow in the pit of your stomach and the ghost of a smile came across your face, but it slowly faded once you felt the pain set in from your swollen face.
“I’m gonna have to go back to class.” He announced, walking towards the door before turning to the nurse. “Is she gonna be okay?”
The nurse nodded, giving Gareth a gentle smile. “She’ll be fine, thank you for staying with her. She’s lucky to have you as a friend.”
Gareth gave you one last smile before leaving the office just as the bell rang, the annoying noise ringing in your head and bringing back your headache. The nurse noticed your discomfort, handing you a glass of water with some pain killers before leaving the room. Closing the door behind her, she was faced with Eddie.
“How is she?” He asked, nervously tapping his fingers against his leg.
“She has a mild concussion, a black eye, and a bloody nose. She’s lucky she didn't break something or crack her skull open. You boys need to stop playing roughly, someone’s gonna get hurt.”
“Is she going to hospital?”
The nurse shook her head. “No, we’ll keep an eye on her for the next few hours to see if she gets worse, but it doesn’t look like she'll need to go. You can go in and see her if you want.”
Eddie gave the nurse a nod before slowly walking into the office and closing the door behind him. He pulled back the curtain to see you sat on the bed, one hand for biting your nails and the other holding an icepack to the back of your head and staring at the floor. It wasn’t until you looked up that he saw how badly your face had taken the beating.
Honestly, you looked like shit.
Your right eye was so swollen, the eye itself could barely open, you had blood covered tissues shoved up your nose to stop the blood from dripping down your face and onto your t-shirt, although there already was a trail of blood covering the once pristine white shirt.
He kneeled in front of you, reaching out to touch your cheek but hesitantly stopped once he realised it would hurt you. “How’re you feeling, Juliet?”
A ghost of a smile came across your lips. “Like a peach. A very bruised peach.”
“I brought you something,” Eddie handed you a Hellfire Club shirt. He saw your eyes sparkling but cut you off to answer the question you were going to ask. “I was going to give it to you tonight, but I figured you wouldn’t wanna stay in a blood-stained shirt for the rest of school.”
“You still wanna go on that date when I look like shit?”
He frowned as he got up to sit next to you. “Of course I still wanna go, and I think you look like a badass with your black eye.”
Holding the shirt close, you subconsciously stroked the soft fabric. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
While Eddie didn't look as bad as you did, he still had bruises all over his face and his clothes were dishevelled. If you weren’t in so much pain, you would've kissed him. Instead, you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Sweetheart, you should've seen Jason.”
“Did you kick his ass?”
“Of course, bastard deserved it. Only got a week’s internal suspension for it, too.”
You raised your eyebrow. “A week’s internal suspension? Honestly, I was expecting worse. Like expulsion.”
He almost laughed at that, shaking his head. “Nah, you’re gonna be stuck with me for a long time, Juliet.”
Smiling, you nudged him with your elbow. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. Now piss off while I get changed.”
Pushing himself off the bed, he chuckled a little before turning back towards you, kissing the back of your hand. “I’ll come pick you up at about 7, Juliet. Don't keep me waiting.”
Blushing darkly, you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “No promises, Romeo.” You both smiled at each other shyly before he left the room, allowing you to get changed in privacy.
After changing, you sat back down on the bed, pressing the mostly melted icepack to your head and waited for the nurse to return. After almost half an hour, she returned to perform a check-up on you. It was decided that you would be picked up by Jamie and taken home, allowing you to rest for the weekend. When you were given your backpack back, you were also handed a note to give to teachers if you had any homework, allowing you not to do it.
When Jamie came to pick you up, you didn’t say a word and sat in the back of the car, putting your headphones on, and stared out the window. You didn’t want to talk to anyone about what had happened, you knew you would get blamed for trying to stop the fight and for getting hurt.
While you knew Jamie would never blame you for trying to do the right thing, you were just tired of the day and all you wanted was to get back into bed for a few hours and then have your date with Eddie.
Arriving home, Jamie helped you up the stairs and to bed, taking off your shoes and pulling the curtains to allow you to sleep without being interrupted. While you didn’t exactly sleep, you did enjoy being in bed during a school day and listening to the birds singing, and of course, knowing you had a whole weekend of no homework to look forward to.
At 6 on the dot, you slowly rose out of bed and bit your bottom lip as you thought of Eddie showing up at your front door, giving you that smile that made your knees weak and finally kissing you. Call Me by Blondie on your boombox, you carefully selected your outfit for the date. A simple white dress, light grey knee-high socks and your tried and tested denim jacket.
You looked at the outfit on your bed before going for a shower, being careful to go gentle on your scalp when you washed your hair. Once coming out of the shower, you checked the time. 6:23. Plenty of time.
Brushing your hair as gently as you could, you tied it up into braids to dry before getting dressed and sitting down at your dressing table. You gently began patting foundation and blush on your face to try to hide most of the bruising without looking like a bad circus clown, eventually giving up and accepting that you were going to look like the poster child for abuse for the evening, no matter what you did.
You took your hair out of the braids and looked at yourself in the mirror; your hair had curled a little but no matter how good your hair looked; you knew the only thing people would see was how badly your face was beaten up.
Sighing, you forced your feet into a pair of heeled boots, also grabbing your purse and jacket before leaving the room. Walking to the stairs and sitting down on the middle step, you stared at the front door and began waiting for Eddie to pick you up. You checked your watch; 6:59PM, he should be there any minute.
Only he never came.
Friday evening came and went. So did Saturday. And Sunday. Then it was Monday.
Still no sign of Eddie.
Walking into school on Monday, you looked everywhere for him but still nothing. It was almost as if he’d disappeared into a puff of smoke overnight, leaving nothing but a lot of unanswered questions. Eddie would sometimes spend the odd weekend in the city and not come back until Monday morning and spend the day hungover.
But he’d always say beforehand, and he never broke a promise he made to you.
Somewhere deep inside your stomach, you knew something was very wrong.
Once lunch rolled around, you made your way to the Hellfire table, instantly noticing Eddie’s empty seat. “Have you guys heard from Eddie?”
Gareth shook his head and replied through a mouthful of a BLT sandwich. “Nope, not since the last session on Friday. He said he was gonna go meet up with you before leaving and then he just never turned up for practice on Saturday.”
Frowning, you sat beside him. “Have you tried calling?”
Jeff nodded. “First thing we did when he didn’t show up to practice. His uncle picked up, but he didn't know where Eddie was either, assumed he was around yours.”
“Nobody’s thought to call the cops?”
Gareth's eyebrows raised so high, they almost looked look like they were going to go all the way into his hairline. “Dude are you crazy? Cops are gonna look through his stuff and instantly see his stash, then they won’t want to find a missing person, they'll be looking for someone to arrest.”
You leaned back in your chair, cursing loudly. Why the hell didn’t you think of that? Sighing, you pursed your lips together. “So do we just wait until he turns up?”
Everyone shrugged their shoulders, Jeff speaking up after a pregnant pause. “There isn’t much we can do, he’s a legal adult, he can come and go as he pleases.”
Bouncing your leg under the table, you shook your head before getting up from the table and disappearing into the school crowds. Using your doctor’s note, you stayed in the library for the rest of the day, knowing you were far too anxious to go to class and learn anything. You stayed in the library all day Tuesday, too, trying to distract yourself with whatever garbage novel you could find although nothing seemed to work.
Arriving to school on Wednesday morning, you jogged towards Dustin and Mike. “Dustin!”
Dustin turned to you, giving you a wide smile. "Hey Y/N, what's up?"
“You haven’t heard anything from Eddie, have you? Nobody else has heard from him since Friday.”
“He’s not with you?” Mike asked slowly, the cogs slowly turning in his head that perhaps Eddie wasn’t just crashing with you the whole time as he’d suspected.
You slowly shook your head. “I haven’t seen him all week.”
In unison, the three of you turned to look into the parking lot, noticing a cop car pull in as you all felt a sinking feeling in your stomachs. Eddie going missing wasn’t just him playing hooky anymore and everyone guessing and asking where he was, he was now deemed a missing person and the cops were going to be looking for him.
The cops interviewed every single member of Hellfire and eventually asked for you. You were pulled out of English class and taken into the cafeteria for questioning, already knowing how the cops were going to play it; Eddie was a runaway, and you knew where he was, you just wasn’t going to tell anyone.
“We’ve heard from friends of both yourself and Mr. Munson’s that he was on his way to see you on Friday.”
You nodded, trying to stop the constant anxiety. “Yes, we were going to go on a date.”
“What happened on that date?”
“Nothing… he never turned up.”
“Do you have people who can back you up on that statement?”
“Yes, my older brothers were home.”
One of the cops was asking all the questions, while the other was writing everything down in a notebook, not holding any interaction with you other than nodding. The one who asked the questions noticed the slight bruising around your face. “Did Eddie do that?”
“No, it was Jason Carver. Him and his group of friends poured soda cans over my head and Eddie beat him up for me. I tried to stop the fight and got hurt in the process.”
“You think Eddie ran away to get out of trouble for the fight?”
You frowned, shaking your head. “No, Eddie and Jason got internal suspensions for a week. Eddie wouldn’t have runaway over that.”
“When was the last time you saw Eddie?”
“At school. He came into the nurse’s office to make sure I was okay, and he said he’d pick me up at 7 from my place for our date. I know he had a D&D session after school and I’m assuming he went to that, but I didn’t see him after we met in the nurse’s office as I went home early.”
The cop who was writing finally spoke up after writing for a few seconds, nodding his head while you answered the question. “Do you have any idea where Eddie might be?”
Biting your bottom lip, you tried to keep your breath steady and not get upset. “I don’t know where he is. All I want is for him to come home.”
You were asked a couple more questions before you were dismissed, going back to classes, and trying your best to not make it obvious that you were crying. When the end of the school day came, Stephen was there to pick you up. Once he saw how upset you were, he hugged you tightly, pressing a kiss to the side of your head and took you home, never once questioning you.
Once you were home, you instantly went to your room and locked the door, the only sounds coming from your room was Always on My Mind by Elvis on a loop.
For the rest of the week, you barely talked to anyone and when you weren’t at school or helping with the nightly search parties, you were locked away in your room. You hated herself for completely falling apart without Eddie, and you felt pathetic for being unable to function when he was probably just off somewhere having an adventure.
But something deep inside of you was screaming at you that something bad had happened to Eddie, but you couldn’t put into words what had happened or to not sound completely unhinged.
In your room, you kept one of Eddie’s missing posters under your pillow after remembering what your mother used to say to you; if you want your wish to come true, write it down on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow then you can dream about making it a reality.
It was massively childish but in that time, you needed something comforting.
Pulling out the poster, you stroked Eddie’s picture with your finger, your bottom lip trembling as if you were about to cry. “Eddie where are you?” you whispered. “I forgive you for standing me up, just please come home.”
Jamie softly knocked on your door, you slowly unlocked the door and letting him in. “I thought you might want some dinner,” he smiled gently, holding up a Burger King bag. You smiled sadly back, sitting back on your bed with a heavy sigh. He sat the bag down on your dressing table before kneeling in front of you. “We’ll find him, I promise.”
You shook your head slightly, sniffling as you brushed away a tear. “He was there and then he wasn’t, like I blinked, and he was gone. I feel like I’m moving in slow motion and everything around me is moving so fast and I just wanna go back to when all of this shit hadn’t happened. And there’s all this pressure like everyone is hovering around me waiting for me to do something and I can’t do a fucking thing.”
There was a pause before you continued.
“Something awful happened to him, Jamie. I just know it; I feel it in my soul. But I can't make anyone listen to me.”
He took your hands, gently squeezing them. “Whatever’s happened, we’ll find him. Now will you please eat something? Your burger’s getting cold.”
You sighed, nodding, and grabbing the bag. You didn’t entirely want to eat, but you knew you had to eat something, even if it was just a couple of fries and a few bites of your burger.
By the time the two-week mark of Eddie’s disappearance had rolled around, your anxiety had reached breaking point. You couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, all you could think about was where Eddie could be.
Late Sunday night, you were awake and staring up at the ceiling, going over your last conversation for the ten thousandth time, debating in your head if there was some hidden message you’d missed but found nothing. Sighing, you sat up to take a drink, only to see your glass was empty. Rolling your eyes, you slid out of bed and dragged yourself downstairs.
Filling up your glass, you took a long drink before filling it up once again. Then you felt a strange feeling, something inside of you was telling you to go to the front door. You tried to brush off the thought by going towards the stairs, but the feeling only seemed to get more intense the closer you got to the front door.
Rolling your eyes to yourself, you carefully placed your glass on the stairs and walked towards the door. All you were going to do was open the door and prove to your silly sleep deprived brain that there was nothing there. Opening the door, your heart almost dropped out of your chest. Standing there, covered in blood and torn clothes; was Eddie.
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lookoutjoe · 2 months
like i said before i think the biggest conflict in CSNY in the late 80s is that Stephen and David are two very different kinds of people they're both addicts but David is a lot more like. vocal about his emotions and expressive and i guess as a result of that openness he's a lot easier to read and thus to reach out to and help and even though he has a reputation as being stubborn i feel like he's much more malleable than Stephen in terms of being able to better himself as a person and learn from his mistakes i think Stephen is much more caught in self-destructive behaviour loops than David is and i also get the sense that Stephen is like basically always using drugs and alcohol as a means to escape from himself and i mean basically every addict has some sort of motivation like that but i think the biggest difference is that David is not fundamentally afraid of who he is as a person so the part of giving up hard drugs that means self accepting and learning to like exist as a person without any sort of anaesthetizing of your soul or whatever is something he can do because he knows who he is without hard drugs he knows who he is without crack and heroin and i don't know if stephen is ready to face who he is yet especially when he's around people who don't get him on the level neil does
i dont even remember which CSNY book i read it in or who said it in particular but i think about all the time how grass is described as a social drug while cocaine is a very solitary drug and i kind of think that david spent so long with grass as his main vice where it was kind of tied up with his reputation kind of like. he's somebody who is much more able to actually meaningfully connect with people around him. Stephen is much more closed off. you almost get the sense that at least in CSNY Neil Young was the only person to ever truly understand him and that Nash and Crosby were both holding him back and pushing him further into his addictions because he just needed to like get away from himself if he couldn't be understood. like i understand that. why would i want to give up the one thing that makes it bearable to be around other people who i care about and respect and who respect me but who i don't think truly /get/ me in the way that neil young does. like fuck even just as an autistic person who lives with my neurotypical family i totally understand what drove stephen to drink so much -- not even mentioning the perceived rejection from the one person who truly "understood" him as a person (this is getting into RPF territory and i don't even mean romantic rejection more just generally like. being abandoned. i mean neil quite literally did abandon him) -- why would you want to learn to face yourself if you feel like "yourself" is somebody who can't ever be loved.
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Stephen’s Birthday
My Masterlist
Okay, so part of this wound up me being able to rant about random space knowledge that I have due to a class that I’m taking right now called Earth & Space Science. So, therefore, y’all get some space talk.
Pairing(s): Stephen Strange x Reader
Warnings: Space talk, Reader being nerds with Bruce and Peter, Stephen not knowing how to fix the space issues, mentions of Stephen’s car accident but not in detail, Stephen gets drunk because he’s not driving, clingy!stephen when he’s drunk, reader takes care of him, Stephen has nightmares due to the accident.
Word Count: 1911
Summary: You invite some of Stephen’s friends out for his birthday, after the dinner you take care of your very drunk fiancé.
Being engaged to Stephen Strange hasn’t always been easy. 8 months ago, he got in the car accident that almost took his life, and when he realized he would have a very hard time ever using his hands again, he went on a complete mental break. You wouldn’t let him push you away though, you had honestly seen Stephen in much worse states than this, as the two of you met in university while he was starting his pre med program and you were starting your program in astrophysics. (Stars are cool as fuck, sue me.) You shaved for Stephen, drove him everywhere he needed to go, and even went to the Kamar-Taj with him. You could do the basics of magic, but nothing like Stephen could do now. 
In doing so, you had taken a sabbatical from your research job at the university that you and Stephen both went to, claiming that you were studying the stars in other parts of the world. Which you actually were, as Stephen would portal the both of you around the world to study eclipses and other astronomical events like meteor showers and the other planets lining up perfectly.
When Stephen became the Sorcerer Supreme, he moved back to the New York Sanctum, and you moved with him, returning from your sabbatical and writing multiple papers on everything you saw, sending it to other professors you had consulted with along the way for proof-reading and credits. 
Finally back to what had become your new normal, you spent your days studying the universe and your new project was attempting to figure out what dark energy really was. Generally, physicists, astrophysicists, and other people interested in space knew that dark energy was an invisible force opposing gravity, pulling galaxies within the universe apart, making up about 75% of the universe. Dark matter, which many physicists study represents about 21% of the universe, appears to be subatomic particles that we can’t see due to the fact that it rarely interacts with other matter. And then there’s the matter that we can see, making up 4% of the observable universe, as it’s unknown what we can actually see because at a certain point, when we’re seeing light years away, we can’t see that far back in time.
“Darling, not to disregard your work, but you’ve told me this a million times.”
“I know, Stephen! But I can’t figure it out!” You exclaimed, flopping down on the bed.
Stephen kissed your forehead softly, “Well, why don’t we not think about it tonight? We have reservations.”
“I know we do. Happy birthday, honey.” You pulled him in for a kiss.
“You’ve wished me a happy birthday about a million times already today, darling. And we don’t exactly have time to start something here.”
“I wouldn’t dream of having you miss reservations at your favourite restaurant with your favourite people.” You told him, standing up and pulling your favourite dress out of the closet.
Stephen raised an eyebrow at you through the mirror. “Is it not just dinner with you and me?” You shook your head, chuckling at the incredulous look on his face. “Who else have you invited? Because you are my favourite person in the world, darling.”
“Christine and her husband, since I know they’re the only two coworkers at the hospital that you could stand. And also Tony Stark and Bruce Banner because I know you tolerate them now that you’re an Avenger.” At that moment, you got a text from Tony. “And Tony is bringing this kid that he’s essentially adopted, that's actually SpiderMan, apparently his name is Peter.”
“A kid? Really?” Stephen asked, uninterested.
You read the next message from Tony as it came in. “Apparently he’s 16 and goes to that highschool for super smart kids in Queens. Peter Parker.”
Stephen mused, quickly lost in thought now that you’d recaught his attention. “I wonder if there’s any relation to a nurse I used to work with at the hospital, May Parker.” He tied his tie shakily, throwing his hands in the air when he couldn’t do it like he used to.
“Oh, come here, honey. We have to get going anyway.” You said, swiping on some makeup, tying Stephen’s tie, and dragging him out the door.
The car ride was silent on the way to the restaurant, as it usually was when Stephen was in a slight mood regarding his hands, so you knew not to turn on the radio. 
Getting out of the car, you were greeted by Christine, her husband, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and Peter Parker. Obviously Tony or Pepper had dragged Peter out to get a new suit as his tie was crooked, which you quickly fixed after reassurance that it was okay that you did so.
You all sat down at a table in the back, Tony using his money to make sure that it was as private as possible and quickly started up a conversation. Which, conveniently, was Peter asking you about what you did for work. When you explained the predicament that you were in with dark energy, and that you were letting other scientists focus on dark matter, both Peter and Bruce immediately had ideas on how to establish its existence, which had you promising to bring them to the research room at the university one day next weekend and adding both their names to your next paper if they ended up helping with a discovery.
After all the space talk had died down (not without Tony chipping in more ideas, all of which you noted in your phone quickly so as to not forget them), Stephen’s least favourite topic came up, his car crash. “So, Stephen, how are your hands doing? You look good.” Christine asked.
“I- um, I still shake a lot, Y/N helps me with a lot of things, but I’m still very shaky, even with the magic.”
“Couldn’t you do what that one guy did that used his knowledge of magic to walk again, just with your hands?” Tony asked carefully.
Stephen shrugged, grasping your thigh under the table with his left hand. “I’ve never tried, but hands are so sensitive anyway that I don’t think it would be beneficial to.” You used your non-dominant hand to squeeze Stephen’s hand in reassurance. 
Pepper was able to see what a sensitive topic this was for Stephen and immediately started up a new conversation. “So, Peter, what have you been learning in school?”
After dinner, the 9 of you stayed in the back of the restaurant talking, after you had paid, none of you really wanting to go home yet. Eventually Peter remembered that he had school in the morning and so Tony and Pepper left to drive him home. Natasha gave you her number with a promise to keep in touch, knowing what it’s like to be in a male-dominated profession and telling you that she would always be a listening ear if you needed one. She and Bruce left not long after with a promise of Bruce coming to the university next weekend to help you with your issue.
Christine and her husband left shortly after, with Christine apologizing to Stephen before she left for bringing up his hands after the accident. You and Stephen were the last to leave, slowly making your way to the car as Stephen was feeling you up.
“Oh, honey. Did you have a bit too much to drink?” You asked, wrapping one of your arms behind his back.
“No.” He mumbled, nuzzling into your neck. “I just love you. You take such good care of me, darling.” 
You chuckled, helping him to the car a little faster. “Aw, honey, you really are drunk.” You unceremoniously dumped Stephen in the passenger seat, buckling him in and closing the car door behind him before going around to the other side of the car.
In the time it took you to walk around to the other side of the car, Stephen had turned on the radio, changed the station, and turned on the heated seat and steering wheel for you, knowing how cold you can get in the middle of November. “Love you so much darling, thank you so much for everything that you do for me.” Stephen said, looking at you with lovestruck eyes.
“I love you too.” You said, kissing his forehead softly before buckling yourself into the car and pulling out of the parking lot. “Now, let’s take you home, my drunk fiancé.”
“‘M not drunk.” He mumbled, starting to hum along to the song on the radio. “Can we fuck at home?”
“You are drunk, my love. That’s the only time you swear.” You parked the car in the special underground part of the Sanctum that nobody knows about, and practically carried Stephen upstairs to your bedroom. “Okay, let’s get you out of your nice fancy suit, okay honey?”
“Whatever you say my sweet, darling wife.” Stephen said, stripping out of his suit as quickly as possible and laying on top of the sheets naked.
You looked over at him fondly, watching as he waited for your next instruction. “You wanna sleep naked tonight, hun?” He nodded frantically, almost like an overtired toddler. “Alright sweetheart. Let me just get into some pajamas.”
“No!” Stephen exclaimed. “Want you to sleep naked too!”
You chuckled softly. “Okay, honey. Let me just take my makeup and jewelry off and get out of my dress, okay?”
“Okay.” He mumbled, rolling onto his side to watch you. Before getting undressed, you filled Stephen a glass of water and made him drink it down. You refilled it and put it on the nightstand, placing a bottle of Advil next to it so Stephen could take them in the morning. 
Getting undressed, you looked at Stephen through the mirror again. “You know how much I love you, right, Stephen?”
“Of course I do, darling. Now c’mere.” He said, making grabby hands at you. You crawled in bed with him, dragging Stephen under the covers with you. You curled up against Stephen, resting your head on his chest and throwing one arm across his torso while he had one arm behind your back, keeping you close to him. “I know I don’t say it enough, my love, but I love you with every fiber of my being, and I’m so happy we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together.”
His voice rattled your head softly as he spoke, and you felt as though it was his soul speaking directly to yours. “I love you too, Stephen, so much so that I don’t even know how to put it into words.” You said, pulling him in for a kiss where you tried to tell him everything you couldn’t say. “Can we go to sleep now?” You asked softly after the two of you broke apart for air.
“I’m scared.” He whispered. “What if I have a nightmare again?”
“I’ll be right here to protect you and hum you back to sleep, okay?”
“Okay.” Stephen said softly. “But would you sing me to sleep first? It might help.” You started humming whichever song Stephen had played on the radio earlier, and whatever song came to mind afterwards, not stopping until a few minutes after you felt Stephen’s breathing even out.
You softly drew shapes on Stephen’s chest until you fell asleep. “I’ll always protect you, sweetheart. I love you.”
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breedaboyd · 1 year
Daddy's Boy ~ Stephen Tynan
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(Gif by me.)
Pairing: Stephen Tynan ✕ Damien Brooks (M!OC).
Word Count: 4.8k+
CW: Anal sex, chastity devices, creampie, daddy kink, dirty talk, dom/sub, office sex, oral sex.
A/N: Sorry I've not been posting as much but I've been working on a project that I think you guys'll really like. 😏 Hope this makes up for it. (I know @bludpudding was looking forward to this one.)
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Damien can't remember when Stephen put him in the cage. Probably after that time he wore that suit to work for the fifth day in a row. Y'know, that suit, with the tightest pants, with that shirt that's like two sizes too small and with the blazer that shows off the breadth of Damien's shoulders to sinful effect. The best part? The American had already fucked him in it twice. It smelt of him, of stale cologne, sweaty sex and cum and it drove Stephen up the wall.
After the fifth day, he'd had enough of wanting to fuck Damien into the wall every time he dropped by, the way his ass looked in those pants, the smell of him when he walked past.
So the next time they fucked, Stephen locked his dick in a cage, took the key and said; 'this is my cock now. You don't get to touch it 'til I say you can.'
It's been a week and the Brit is losing his mind.
Damien picks up the phone from his desk, dialling Stephen and begging he'll be allowed to cum. Every time, Stephen's denied him and denied him and every time, his dick hurts.
See, there are nights where Stephen fucks him, wraps his hand around Damien's hard, caged dick and pumps him 'til he cries, then goes down and eats him out like he'll die without his tongue in the taller man's sweet hole, then they both sleep like the dead. Then there are other nights where they kiss and kiss and kiss, Stephen moaning 'God, I want your dick in my mouth' in Damien's ear and the brunette lets him grind against his thigh until he's shivering. Then he doesn't even let D cum, only touch himself through the cage, brief flickers of skin on skin. Worst is that it's so fucking good.
The phone rings and Damien's heart thumps in his chest because, fuck, he needs to hear Stephen's voice right now. It goes through several rings before Stephen answers the phone, voice cheery but tight, like he's playing the part for the people in the office.
Stephen: Stephen Tynan.
And Damien's chest flutters as he pants heavily, cock throbbing, because the man attached to that voice is handsome and perfect and gorgeous and--
"Cage...too tight... Can you talk?" He asks breathily and Stephen feels a tug in his gut at how needy he sounds. "F-Fuck... My balls ache... D-Daddy, I need—"
Stephen: Calm down, baby... Daddy wants to let you out and ride your cock, baby, but you were such a bad boy last week so Daddy had to put you away, didn't he?
Damien makes the most miserable noise Stephen's ever heard; so breathy, so fucking depraved and the American's tempted to get his dick out and stroke it, nice and slow. He could moan down the line, tell Damien what he's missing. Damien squirms in his seat, dick trapped and aching in the steel cage. Over the line, he can hear a zipper pulled down and the rustling of fabric.
Stephen: I'll cut you a deal, if you come over after work and you suck my dick just right, I might let you out.
Stephen hears Damien whimpering into the phone.
Stephen: I miss touching your dick...
The Brit shivers at those words.
Stephen: Bet you miss my ass, spreading me open, fucking me deep.
"D-Daddyyyyyy..." Damien whimpers, covering his mouth and looking around his lonely office as if anyone could read his face or understand the humiliation spilling out over the phone. Stephen smirks to himself as he curls his fingers around his dick, rocking his hips into the grip. That's his boy.
Stephen: Come to my office after hours and I'll let you suck me off. If you do good enough, I'll take the cage off and you can fuck me, nice and deep and slow. Let you empty your load into me... You wanna be in Daddy's ass so bad, don't you, baby?
"F-Fuck, Daddy... Y-Y-Yeah, I wanna fuck Daddy's ass so fucking good b-but right now I need to— Want to— Can I grind against something, Daddy? Just to...take the edge off..." The man pants softly. Stephen hums at the idea, licks his lips, breathes in deep as his grip tightens around his cock.
Stephen: Sure thing, baby, but you know the rules; no cumming. Otherwise, when you come over later, I'll be able to tell and that cage'll stay on for another week, got it?
"Mhm..." The blonde man moans back. "Gotta save it all to fill Daddy's ass."
Stephen: That's my boy. Alright, I'm hangin' up. Have fun, baby. Remember the rule.
"Uhh... Daddy?" The Brit's voice is so soft, so uncharacteristically shy.
Stephen: Mhm?
"... Love you." The soft voice at the other end tells him and Stephen's eyes slip closed, mouth pressed to the phone. He would never say it first and, God knows, Dames has issues telling people he actually likes them and...fuck, Stephen's at his desk, dick in hand--
Stephen: ... I love you, too, baby. I'll see you tonight.
The receiver clicks and Damien's alone again, rock hard in his pants. At least he has permission to grind against something, at least he has that to tide him over. Minutes crawl by like years as Damien watches the clock. In a few hours, he'll be able to speed over to the US embassy building and earn his release but, until then, he has to at least pretend to be productive.
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A few hours later and finally Damien's packing his stuff to go. Closing the door on his dark, lonely office feels like sweet relief. Down the hall, he leaves the building as fast as his legs can carry him. It isn't far to the car park and then it's about ten minutes to the US embassy and then Stephen— Fuck, Stephen... God, Damien can't wait to drop to his knees in front of the man, give him the best Goddamn blowie of his life and earn his freedom.
Finally, he's in the car park, making his way to the car and speeding across town.
Thankfully, it's not far to the US embassy and he parks his car — abandons, more like — and makes his way to the lobby. All he can think of is getting this fucking cage off, being able to cum again.
The people at the security checkpoint know Damien, he's in and out of this place a lot. They exchange pleasantries and Stephen's almost in-reach. Damien's twitching in the cage again at the mere thought of being able to cum as he practically pushes through the checkpoint to get to the elevator.
The elevator ride up is excruciating, long and quiet and lonely, but Stephen's so close so he just has to wait it out, foot tapping, fingers twitching. God, will Stephen actually take the cage off and let him cum for once or would he be cruel? Would he get to Damien to kneel and beg? He bites his bottom lip at the thought and walks out the elevator when it dings and opens.
When the door finally comes into view, he can see Stephen through the glass, behind his desk. God, he's gorgeous; all soft, honey-coloured hair, tortoiseshell glasses and blushing, kissable lips. Damien stops in his tracks for a minute just to stare at him. Handsome fucker. Finally, after a few moments of standing, slack-jawed and wide-eyed, he's knocking on the door to Stephen's office.
"Come in."
Damien drags himself inside, chest heaving, eyes wide, dick hard. He drops his satchel on the floor before pushing the door shut behind himself. Stephen's not wearing his jacket; instead, he has it draped on the back of the chair. Damien locks the door. He doesn't have to but he does it out of habit and closes the blinds while he's at it.
"Imagine seeing you here, Mister Brooks." Stephen grins, sipping at a glass of whiskey.
"Daddy... Today's been...so fucking long... W-Want to suck your cock, Daddy. Want you to take the cage off...h-haven't cum in a week." Damien almost shakes as he whimpers.
"You didn't cum before, did you, baby? After you called me?" The American asks, eyebrows cocked over the rim of his glasses. The taller man shakes his head.
"No... Been saving it for you, Daddy. L-Like I said." He swears. Stephen rolls the empty glass around his fingers for a second before nodding.
"Good boy. Come sit in Daddy's lap." Stephen's voice is soft and sweet and Damien is just so in love with him. After a moments pause, Stephen leans to put the glass down then scoots back in his chair, patting his lap and swallowing hard because, fuck, Damien's so Goddamn attractive when he's needy; rosy cheeks, blown pupils and bottom lip trapped between his teeth. This one fucks like a demon and gives better head than any hooker Stephen's ever hired and he loves him, more than anything.
Shivering, the Brit crawls into Stephen's lap, leans down to press their lips together in a feverish, wet, very needy kiss. Stephen hooks his finger into Damien's shirt collar, pulling him deeper into the kiss. "Tell me what you want, baby..." The brunette coos. Damien's eyes are heavy-lidded, his brain scattered.
"W-Wanna suck your dick, Daddy. Wanna make you feel good." His tone is so fucking reverent and pathetic and Stephen feels his dick twitch. "Wanna be a good boy for you so you let me out and let me cum. Want your— Want your ass. Want your... Fuck, I'm losing my mind... Don't remember the last time I came. Didn't touch myself after I called you, either, just left the office and— Fuck. I need to suck your dick, Daddy. Please." Stephen's eyes widen before he smiles softly. He snakes a hand down to cup Damien through his pants, slowly massaging his balls through the pants.
"Is that right, baby? Did you keep your promise?" He asks and the taller man nods, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "What are you, hm?" The man asks before he presses his face into Damien's neck, takes in the sweet scent of him before sucking on his jawline. Damien's hands come to Stephen's shoulders, grip a little tighter as he lets out a shaky, relieved sigh. Touch... God, how he's needed touch...
"Y-Your boy, Daddy. I'm all yours." He manages, head tipping back. Stephen pushes the Brit off a little so he can look him in the eyes. Hazel meets sapphire, both heavy-lidded and wanting.
"That's my boy..." The brunette breathes. "Daddy's perfect, perfect boy." He says, hands on Damien's hips, squeezing, encouraging him to grind and rut.
"Fuuuuck... Daddyyy..." Damien whines. Stephen guides him along, humping him, kissing him, cooing sweet nothings.
When the blonde is positively squirming, hips bucking, cock leaking in its cage, ready and eager, Stephen guides the man out of his lap, pushing him down to his knees between the American's thighs. The Brit's mind is slipping further away by the second but, God help him, he's smiling at the promise of a dick down his throat.
Damien gets comfy on his knees, nuzzling his face against the zipper of Stephen's pants, taking in the musky-sweet scent of him, making these adorable, pleased noises. Stephen flushes pink, his cock thickening as his boy moans below him. The Brit kisses along his inseam, laying little kitten licks along the zipper. God, he can see the outline of Stephen's dick, half-hard, thick and filling and Damien wants it.
"Come on, baby, get Daddy's cock out..." Stephen encourages, hands going to Damien's head, pushing into his soft, blonde hair. "I know you want it, sweetheart. Want Daddy to fuck that pretty mouth of yours." The American encourages and the man on his knees purrs, cheeks bright red as he palms at Stephen's erection. Pupils so huge that there's only a ring of ice blue around them, Damien kisses up and down the outline before gently tugging the zipper down and popping the button. He drags the brunette's briefs down, the waistband resting just under his balls. Stephen has such a pretty cock; seven inches, thick but not huge, curved and standing to attention. And his balls are fucking gorgeous, too, ripe and heavy. Damien can feel his own cock weeping in the cage, his dick painfully trapped. The taller man leans down to take it into his mouth but Stephen gives his hair a tug, making him gasp. "Ask nicely." He orders. "Beg."
"Can I...suck your dick, Daddy?" Damien asks and Stephen chuckles. "Forgot how nice you... How nice you smell and how good you taste... Please." Those baby blues plead up at Stephen, the Brit's fingers itching at his own thighs. He goes on, rocking his hips for some friction. "Can I suck your dick, please? Daddy, I wanna be a good boy for you so you'll let me out, please..." Stephen's eyebrows lift, an affectionate smile slowly spreading over his lips. He winds his fingers in those golden locks, gives him a pet on the head. He's such a good boy.
"That's what you want?" He asks and the man on his knees groans in desperation, hips rocking on nothing, nuzzling his cheek against the heat of Stephen's cock. "Alright, then, baby. Open up, Daddy's gonna fuck that pretty face of yours."
"T-Thank you, thank you, th-thank you..." Damien keens, mouth dropping open and tongue lolling out like a good slut. The brunette gives a little sigh at the view. He slaps his dick on the flat of the blonde's tongue before sliding inside, grabbing onto his hair and pushing him down. Damien doesn't choke or squirm, he just lets him fuck his face, drool spilling down his chin, throat bulging as Stephen's fat cock slides inside again and again.
"Fuck, Dames, you're so pretty like this..." Stephen coos. When he bottoms out, Damien swallows around him and the American grins because, holy shit, the Brit's mouth was made to take cock. His cheeks hollow and, fuck, Stephen's gonna cum before they even get to the main event. He pulls back and slaps his dick on Damien's lips again. The blonde sucks on Stephen's cockhead, looking up at him adoringly and, dammit, Stephen falls a little more in love. He rocks his hips forward, pushing into his throat and repeating.
He stands up, one hand on the desk, the other buried in Damien's soft, golden locks. It's easier to fuck his mouth this way, holding his head still and driving his hips against the taller man's face. Once in a while, his boy looks up at him from beneath long, blonde lashes, gorgeous mouth stretched around Stephen's cock and dripping with spit. "Keep going, baby... Fuck, make me cum and...if you can do a good job, I'll let you out of the cage, alright?" And Damien doubles his efforts, drunk with pleasure, hips weakly rocking on nothing. Daddy's right here, Daddy's got him. "You gonna fuck me after, sweetheart? Open me up, spread me open, fill Daddy's ass up with cum? H-Hahh... You'll wanna cum first, huh, baby?" Damien moans out, the vibrations going straight to the base of Stephen's cock.
And then Stephen's cumming, bottoming out in Damien's throat and keeping him there, arms shaking as his boy swallows his load, gulping down everything his Daddy gives him. The American tips his head back, breathing heavy, eyes closed, thighs tense. There's no noise from Damien, not a one, as he drinks down every shot of thick, creamy cum that Stephen gives him. Finally, Stephen pulls out and gives the Brit a moment to breathe before petting his sweat-slick hair and praising him. "You did such a good job, baby. Now ask me for the key and I'll let you out of that nasty cage." Stephen says as he drops back into his seat.
Damien rests his head against the inside of Stephen's thigh for a moment, catching his breath, swallowing down the last of the cum the older man had filled him with.
"Can... Can I have the key, Daddy?" Damien asks. If the older man weren't totally boneless from such a great orgasm, he'd grab the Brit and kiss him again, taste himself on those sweet, pink lips.
"You gotta ask real nicely, baby. Mean it." The brunette says and Damien rubs his face against Stephen's thigh, like a big cat in want of attention. His cock's so hard in the cage, so desperately sensitive and leaking and aching. His balls hurt from being so full.
"Can I have the key, Daddy? Please, please, please. It hurts... Please! I'll make you cum again, let you fill my ass. Anything, Daddy, just let me out..." Damien's voice breaks as he rattles off, almost sobbing. His fingers are curled into Stephen's belt loops, more clingy than ever. The American frowns for a second. "Please, Mister Tynan." He blabbers, voice desperate.
"Sssh... Baby, calm down..." Stephen soothes, lifting Damien's head by his chin, then takes his cheek into one hand, stroking with his thumb. He's the most beautiful wreck Stephen's ever seen and he's almost certain he's going to fuck the blonde later, hold his wrists to the bed and tell him how much he loves him. The Brit's too needy for it right now. It'll be a waste. "Sit on my desk and I'll get the key for you, okay?" And Damien nods, cheeks ruddy, eyes brimming with desperate tears.
"Oh, God... Thank you, Daddy... Love you, love you, love you, you're the best..." He moans as he gets to his feet, knees sore from kneeling on the carpet so long. Stephen just grins and steadies the taller man as he sits back on the brunette's desk. A few hurried, shaky movements and Damien's unbuttoned his slacks and shoved down his boxers. The American takes the key out of his pocket and there's this long, wonderful moment where both men pause, just feeling how damn tense things have gotten. Damien huffs a sigh of relief as the caged-up dick is pulled free of his underwear. His cock is bound, stainless steel rings squeezing the blood out of it, strapping back to his balls. "Sh-Shit, D-Daddy..."
"Look at my pretty boy... Dames, you've— Fuck, how're you this pretty? You've been such a good boy and I'm so proud. Hold still while I get your dick out, okay, baby?" Stephen's heart is in his throat as his eyes roam over his boy's face, like a kid at Christmas. Damien smiles, blushing and eager and so damn excited to finally have his dick out.
Stephen slides the key into the padlock and twists, the shank popping free. He unhooks the lock and starts slowly working to remove it. It's a gentle process because Damien's so hard and he has to try and be careful. The Brit's whining and panting but he is so damn relieved when the cage comes off.
"Fuuuuuuckkk..." The blonde drawls out as his cock's freed, throbbing, thick and red. He's almost cumming, God, he's so close, and he only feels Stephen's deft fingers brushing his dick as he takes the rings off, setting them to one side on the desk along with the lock and key. His balls look about ready to burst, round and heavy, and there's so much pre-cum as Damien winces when the last ring is taken off and set down.
"There, there, baby, Daddy's got you." The American coos, resting his hands on Damien's thighs and his forehead on the Brit's chest. "So good, so pretty, such a good boy for Daddy, aren't you?" And Damien nods, whimpering. God, Stephen can't wait to see him cum. "Hey, baby, how about I make you cum before you fuck me, hm? Is that okay?" And the taller man wraps his arms around the older man, gently bucking into the air, desperate.
"Would like that a lot..." Damien whimpers as Stephen leans down, licking the oversensitive flesh from root to tip. Fuck, it feels so good. Even better when Stephen teases his slit with the tip of his tongue, lapping up the bitter pre that drips from the tip. His foreskin is pulled back and, fuck, Damien's right on the edge already, thighs trembling, chest heaving. The brunette takes a while tonguing and mouthing at his dickhead before he properly wraps his lips around it, suckling gently.
And it's all over so quickly. Damien grabs onto Stephen's hair, not pulling or tugging, but just holding, his own head thrown back, a garbled mess of pleasure pouring from his mouth. He couldn't breathe if he wanted to. His orgasm rocks him, wringing his body dry. Then he falls still, vision blurry, tears streaming. He doesn't usually cum so quickly but the sheer amount of pressure in his balls had him creaming at the slightest bit of attention. The brunette pulls off, pumping him with his hand, milking the last few thick, ropes of cum onto his tongue. Stephen always was thorough.
And then it's the real deal and Stephen's blindly searching for the lube in his desk drawer before tugging Damien over to the couch by the front of his shirt. He strips off his pants and plants his knees on the sofa, leaning over the back to put himself on display before chucking the half-empty bottle of lube over his shoulder for Damien to use.
"Get me open, baby. Daddy wants your cock now. F-Fuck, want you inside me..." The brunette demands softly. The Brit's hands are trembling, clumsy as he pops open the cap and squeezes some out on his fingers, spreading Stephen's cheeks to slide one into that delicious, still-tight heat. He moves his digits against that wonderful pressure, the clench of Stephen's insides around him. The older man's breathing hitches when Damien adds a second finger, a choked little groan escaping his lips. "Fuck...! Okay, okay, hurry up, Dames. D-Don't wanna wait anymore." Stephen huffs out. The brunette makes a desperate noise of want when those fingers slip out of him. He can hear the slick sound of Damien rubbing lube onto his dick behind him.
Finally, the blonde's cockhead is pressed into his hole and Damien whines. It's tight, just a little too tight, because Stephen never really stops being a cock-hungry slut and it hasn't been that long since he took a dick but now that it's happening, Stephen could sob because, fuck, it's bliss. He can feel the taller man's hips shaking, can hear the tremble in his breath, like he's fighting to go slow, to save Stephen the burn of too-fast, too-sudden. "Deeper, baby, just a little. Daddy's not taken your cock in a while, has he? When was it? A week ago? You want Daddy to remember how that fat dick of yours feels in him? How good you can fuck him?" Stephen drawls, turning his head to look at his boy as he bottoms out. "I'll tell you what, baby, if you're good tonight and you fuck Daddy like you mean it, I'll let you fuck me every day for the rest of the month, how's that sound?" Stephen says breathlessly and the taller man purrs, grabbing onto his slim hips and kneading the springy, spongy flesh of his ass.
"Fuck, yes, please, Daddy. G-Gimme a few seconds though. Don't... Don't wanna h-hurt you..." He stammers, breaths so heavy. Stephen gives a long, low moan. "God, missed you, Stevie. Missed this. Let me know when you want me to move." He says and Stephen appreciates just how caring he is, how cautious he is despite his natural instinct to be rough and just use the warm body in front of him. At last, Stephen nods.
"Okay, baby, you can move. Fuck, I wanna be walking funny by the time you're done with me, Dames." He lets out a whimper-moan as Damien pulls back and slides back in deep. "You treat Daddy so well! F-Fuck! C'mon, a little faster, baby." And Damien rocks his hips again. And then again. And again. Fuck, God, yes, there's the burn, the stretch. The blonde's hips are going faster and they've quickly found a rhythm. "H-Haah... Shit, sweetheart, you're always so good for Daddy... Always f-fuck him so good..." And Damien kisses down his back through the thin material of his dress shirt, hot and sweaty.
"N-Not always... If I was, Daddy wouldn't — fuck... — h-have punished me with...with the — hahh... — the cage, would he?" The Brit half moans. Stephen can't help it, he's grinning so wide, eyes closed. God, he loves him so much, head to toe. After a moment, the Brit's voice tapers off and he's only panting.
"Get your hands on me, Dames." Stephen demands breathlessly, curling his hips up and grabbing onto the couch. And, shit, he shouldn't have said anything because Damien grabs a handful of his hair and yanks him back, the taller man's chest pressing against his back and, at this angle, it's hitting his prostate just right. The new pace is a lot faster, a lot harder. Their skin claps together on every deep, sharp snap forward, hard and perfectly angled. He's wrapped, hot and tight, around Damien's dick, insides shifting and clenching as they get closer and closer to their second orgasm of the night. The taller man's panting into his ear, cheek nuzzling against his. He wants to beg to be kissed, to beg for Damien to lick inside his mouth but he doesn't, just focuses on the heat pooling in his belly.
After a moment, Damien's hand snakes around to grab onto Stephen's throat, to hold him close, and the American almost fucking loses it right there. He's tight around the taller man's dick and his breathing is shallow and it's all so fucking perfect. And, Lord knows, neither of them can stand it any longer.
"You want me to fill you up, Daddy? Fill you 'til you leak..." Damien whispers and Stephen can only nod.
"Fuck yeah, baby. Wanna know I'm yours. Tell me..." Stephen half-sobs, brows drawn together, eyes screwed shut. "Fuck, Dames, tell me I'm yours."
"You're mine, Daddy. Only mine. Everybody knows I tamed this fucking bastard of an American diplomat. Bend him over and just fuck him into his Goddamn desk every other day..." The Brit pants out, their rhythm shaky, messy, frantic and, God, they're losing it. Damien's holding onto Stephen's throat as tight as he can and Stephen's whining, bucking back.
"Yeah... Fuckin'... Ssshitt, D-Damien, I'm c-cumming...! Oh, fuck!" Stephen manages to get out through heaving breaths and gasping moans, head thrown back, jaw slack. He cums in thick, white ribbons across the couch cushions, dizzy and aching. Damien follows close after, slamming forward and shooting his load inside the older man, leaving his knees weak and shivery.
And then... It's quiet, just the men's laboured breathing filling the office. At least until Stephen gets sick of it and sits himself down on the couch, pulling Stephen into his lap, cock still pressed deep into him.
"Christ, Stevie..." Damien's voice is soft and gentle as he rolls his hips to grind his cum inside of the older man. They're both groaning at the pressure, the sensation of each other. "So good to me..." The Brit coos, arms wrapping around the American's shoulders, his forehead resting on Stephen's. All the brunette can think as Damien presses soft kisses to his face, over and over, is; Goddamn it, the fucker really did tame him. Stephen leans against Damien's chest, face pressed against his throat. He can feel him here, he's safe. He tugs the Brit even closer, wraps his arms tight around his shoulders and kisses his collarbone where the shirt's unbuttoned.
"Love you, Dames... Y'know that, don't you, baby? Y'know Daddy loves you?" He murmurs and the taller man practically melts, holding his lover so close.
"I know, Stevie. Love you, too." ...
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The morning after, Stephen's walking a little funny, thighs pressed together, as he makes his way up to his office. Some of his co-workers give him funny looks but he gives them a stiff 'good morning' and they scurry away, heads down.
When he gets to his office, Stephen stops in his tracks. There's a Pink Drink and a slice of lemon loaf perched in front of his keyboard. There's no note but he damn-well knows who it came from. Kicking the door closed behind himself, Stephen doesn't hide the grin as he grabs his phone from his pocket and sends a simple message; 'Just got to work. You'll never guess what someone left on my desk.' It doesn't take long for Damien to reply.
'Oh? I hope they got your favourite. ;)' He replies and Stephen finally gives in, dropping into his desk chair and cradling his phone to his chest. Jesus, Dames is so damn cute sometimes...
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themculibrary · 4 months
Canon LGBTQ+ Characters
A New Reality (ao3) - kickcows loki/mobius E, 39k
Summary: Loki finds himself stuck in a new branch of reality, and seeks guidance from the one person he knows will help him - Mobius.
Destroy You As I Am (ao3) - Pandorica loki/sylvie E, 71k
Summary: Sylvie is on a mission to destroy the man who killed her family - notorious sex club owner Nathaniel Richards. When a mysterious stranger, Loki, helps her get access to Richards' inner circle, their lives become intimately entangled in a confusion of dominance, submission, sex, exhibitionism,  and espionage. But can she trust him to help her take everything she's ever wanted? Or is he out for his own game entirely?
first love/late spring (ao3) - leonsknees loki/mobius T, 5k
Summary: “I don’t care about Mobius,” Loki growls bitterly, and staggers to his feet. “Would you knock it off? I knew it was going to make everything worse having you here.”
Sylvie just smiles knowingly, and shakes her head. “He cares about you.”
Loki curls his hands into fists, and raises his chin in defiance. “Perhaps, but I don’t care about him. Some predicament, huh?”
Fumblings (ao3) - Griselda_Gimpel phastos/ben M, 689
Summary: Phastos and Ben's first time, complicated by the Phastos' alien god biology.
funny you’re the broken one (ao3) - thorbiased T, 4k
Summary: “Judging by the numbers on the lime-green digital clock on the stove, it’s three am when Thor wakes up on Brunnhilde’s kitchen floor.”
Thor patches things up with Valkyrie.
Heart of Iron & Steel (ao3) - risingoftime shuri/riri E, 1k
Summary: Shuri wanted to learn Riri’s anatomy, studying and caressing her most delicate features. Listening to her moans and cries like a melody almost drove them to sweet insanity.
Jealously in the Making (ao3) - tummytrouble loki/mobius/sylvie N/R, 6k
Summary: Mobius loves Loki, and so does Sylvie. But Loki has more than enough love to go around. After tender love making, it sparks a rivalry between the pair, but Loki is determined to show that he doesn't pick favorites.
Missing you is like missing a part of myself (ao3) - Mimisempai phastos/ben G, 1k
Summary: As Ben receives a message from Phastos announcing his return, he thinks about how much he had missed Phastos.
our way, no takebacks (ao3) - dinosuns loki/mobius T, 20k
Summary: Destiny is a deception and fate is a fiction. They're doing this their way.
The Nature of Phastos (ao3) - Griselda_Gimpel phastos/ben T, 544
Summary: Even before Ben learned the truth, he knew his husband Phastos wasn't ordinary.
The Scientist (ao3) - vampirefreakism pepper/tony, loki/ofc T, 359k
Summary: In the events following Asgard's destruction, Loki finds himself on Earth seeking refuge to await the inevitable. Much to his surprise, it comes from a source he would never have expected.
Torn Down, Full of Aching (ao3) - Webtrinsic T, 1k
Summary: America is under the impression Stephen cares about her because he has to, not because he wants to. She couldn't be anymore wrong.
To Touch Her Again (ao3) - incogniteau valkyrie/natasha T, 756
Summary: After getting caught up in Ultron’s invasion and unsure what is happening elsewhere in the US and the world, Natasha is reunited with her love, Brunnhilde, her Valkyrie.
we will make a home someday, one full of love and light (ao3) - delphiniumblooms sersi/ikaris, phastos/ben T, 1k
Summary: Sersi and Ikaris pay Phastos’ family a visit.
you’re not broken (ao3) - helloilovefanfiction yelena/kate G, 1k
Summary: Yelena and Kate are kissing, when Kate wants to go farther. Yelena panics and pushes her away, leading to a conversation about asexuality.
Young Gods (ao3) - CloudAtlas kate/america, clint/jessica T, 13k
The start date is next Monday.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Many Pictou County residents losing patience after being without power for 10 days
Ten days after Fiona knocked out trees, roofs and power, much of what came down still needs to be picked up. 
In Nova Scotia's Pictou County, crews are running in repair lines but many people are running out of patience.
“We’ve just been abandoned it feels like,” said Sylvie Rosewood, a resident of Toney River who drove in to Pictou Monday to use power and internet at a comfort centre organized by the New Horizons Club.
The house Rosewood lives in was hit by a tree but she can’t find anyone to move it because it’s tangled in a power line. According to her, private companies have said they can’t tackle it because of the wire but Nova Scotia Power has said it’s up to homeowners to take care of it.
Until Monday, Rosewood said she hasn’t seen any power crews in her area.
“Where are they? It’s been nine days. Like crazy,” she said.
Down the road in Toney River, Margaret Murray is using her wood stove to stay warm.
Outside, the wind blew down her barn and took with it 3,000 bales of hay. 
She said insurance won’t cover it and now fears she and her husband will have to sell their cattle.
“We’re only covered by fire,” Murray said. “What was the sense of paying insurance if you’re not going to be covered.”
She’s optimistic power could be back on by mid-week and said someone from Nova Scotia Power called her to say it should be on again then. Even with a positive attitude, the whole experience has been incredibly overwhelming.
“My youngest daughter passed away two years ago and that was desperate hard. And now this has brought everything all back,” she said.
Along the highway between Pictou and Toney River, arborists are here from as far away as Ontario.
"We’ve been regaining access for companies to get machinery in,” said Jacob St. Pierre with Tim Allen’s Tree Service.
From Pictou to Antigonish, N.S., the military is making rounds to check in on people.
"We see you. We’re here for you. We’re working hard to support the government institutions,” said Major Stephen Misner, the task force commander for Task Force North Nova Scotia.
Pictou Mayor Jim Ryan notes power in parts of the town is starting to come back on. He said it’s been a trying time for residents.
“I expect it’ll probably be a little while until people are comfortable that the remnants of Fiona have passed,” Ryan said.
Jacqueline Klaus, a spokesperson for Nova Scotia Power, said the company knows how difficult it is to be without power for this long.
“Due to some of the more extreme damage in the hardest hit areas of the province, repairs and restorations in many cases can take several crews and several hours – even up to a day – to complete,” she said.
In Pictou County, the utility has seen the most amount of damage in the coastal areas, including Toney River.
“Damage is due primarily to hundreds of broken poles and downed lines due to falling trees and trees on power lines, as well as a significant number of damaged metre masts in region,” she said.
“These restorations are complex, however crews are working as quickly as possible to safely restore power to our customers.”
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/mtDkzd1
0 notes
randomshyperson · 2 years
Sweet Us - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: An accident with interdimensional portals takes you to a world where you are married to your best friend. For a certain black widow, it's a great opportunity to torment you. Or, the one where you have feelings for Wanda and sometimes you just need to visit the version of you who had the guts to tell her. | Requested
Warnings: (+18), a little bit of everything from angst, bad jokes and happy ending, some milf!wanda was well, friends to lovers, kissing, nudity, avengers being a family, some drinking, several references to comics and series inside jokes, emo wanda, mild angst, everyone is homosexual 'cause i said so, car sex in the end, strap on use, bottom!wanda, reader being a simp in every world | Words: 12.555k
A/N-> A friend from A03 asked me for this one and she had asked for a comedy and I put in several angst scenes for free. Anyway, I think it worked. Now I still have a fic from a very old request for Spider!Reader that I should post next week. Hope you like this one!
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
Sweet Us - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
The Multiverse was at war.
It didn't start in your world, however. In fact, according to Stephen Strange, the supreme of your reality, the war wasn't actually even in its infancy. He just knew that things had gotten out of hand and that the Avengers would be a good help in keeping the dangers at bay.
Therefore, Tony and Vision created special teams to help the sorcerers - In Tony's words, a glitter cleaning team (No one was offended, everyone was sure it was jealousy since Iron Man couldn't do magic) and you were one of the names on the Black Widow team. 
Obviously, Natasha was the leader. You, like her, were part of the Red Room in your childhood. The third was Yelena, and she didn't want to join the mission because Kate Bishop was coming back to the compound this weekend and she wanted to be a good friend.
You understood and said fine. Natasha was annoyed.
"It's her job, Y/N!" Complained the redhead for the hundredth time on the way to the Sanctum Sanctorum beside you. "If she doesn't help us to protect the universe, she can wave goodbye to movie nights with her girlfriend."
You sighed lightly. "But she hasn't seen Kate in months, Nat! It's normal to miss each other..."
"I don't even know why I'm trying to explain this to you." Natasha interrupted irritably, her hands busy reviewing ammunition (a Yelena task) while you drove the truck. "Of course, you understand well what Yelena is going through."
You frowned slightly. "What did you mean by that?"
But Nat only laughed dryly, ignoring your quibble and going back to check to see if the guns were loaded.
Usually, Stephen's missions were simple. Making sure the interdimensional cracks were closed in time and dealing with any kind of threat that might have escaped through them.
But as soon as you made the curve in the avenue, and you had to brake the car to avoid hitting the number of running pedestrians, you and Natasha knew it would be different than last time.
Natasha quickly slung a gun in your lap and opened the doors, and you wasted no time in running with her toward the confusion. Soon you could see the cosmic monstrosity that was happening there.
Right on top of the Sanctum Sanctorum, an extradimensional cathedral had opened. Stephen and some other magicians were floating around, trying to keep the creatures under control, and they seemed to be doing a good job. But extra weapons were always useful.
Exchanging a look with Natasha, you moved into the fray, and you had to put all your widow training into practice to stay away from the tentacled creatures advancing out of the colored cracks.
On a roll behind a car, your cell phone rang. You answered the call using the helmet of the uniform you and Natasha were wearing.
A small window became visible in your field of vision, and the image of a sleepy Wanda Maximoff with slightly tousled hair and scratching her eyes appeared and sped up your heart more than the surrounding monsters.
"Good morning Witchy, what can I do for you?" You asked in the gentlest tone you could manage, as your fingers worked to reload your gun. Explosions boomed behind you.
"dobroye utro, milaya ('morning sweetheart)..." She started with a yawn. "Y/N, have you seen my Imagine Dragons t-shirt? I can't find it anywhere and I was going to wear it to the show later."
"Yeah, it's in my closet-ouch!" A small exclamation of pain cut off your speech because some of the creatures threw an acid that corroded half the car and dripped onto your sleeve. Wanda was immediately alarmed.
"What was that, Y/N? Where are you...?"
"ARE YOU REALLY ON THE PHONE WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT?" Natasha shouted from across the street in indignation and thank god it was too far away for Wanda to hear. You grunted a little.
"We ended up in a conflict before we got to the sanctum, darling. No big deal, just a few more little magic monsters." You said, and Wanda's face grew even more worried.
"I'll dress up in a minute, I can help-"
"No, no, you're off duty." You interrupt her immediately, shaking your head and having to throw yourself to the side to keep a tentacle from holding you. "Wanda, go get some breakfast, and the blouse-Shit!" You hush to defend a blow, ducking and Wanda tries to look past the camera but to no avail. You return to the video breathless and with a helmet full of blood on the outside (Not that she can see). "Your blouse is at the top of my closet, wear it with that black skirt it will look great! I-I'll meet you and Pietro at the door of the show, okay? Seven-thirty. As we agreed."
Wanda hesitates, clearly worried about the muffled confusion around you. You soften your expression though you can feel a cut burning in your stomach. 
"I'm fine, Wands. I'll come home, I promise."
You never lie to her, especially if it is a promise. So she smiles, swallows dryly the anticipation, and trusts you.
"I'll be waiting, dorogoya. Seven-thirty, don't be late." She says before hanging up.
But the fight seems to get worse after that. Or maybe it's the cut on your stomach, which slows you down.
Natasha steps back to give you cover, and for a moment, it looks like you are winning. You see Stephen controlling the largest of the Monsters, and the mages closing most of the cracks.
You turn to tell Natasha that you have landed more hits than she has, but the redhead is already running toward you to get you out of range of the car that one of the monsters has thrown in your direction.
You both roll a little on impact, but you're fine. 
"You could have knocked me down a little more gently, Romanoff." You mutter to irritate her as you massage her shoulder. But Natasha is looking forward with wide eyes.
When you look and see the crack that you have passed through - and which was now closing in at high speed - you also widen your eyes. 
You stand up to try to stop it, but it is already too late. The portal had already closed.
"Okay. Okay. Don't panic." You gasp with your hand on your stomach, looking to where the crack was, but where now there are only streets. And what was once a chaotic fight with a crowd fleeing monsters, has turned into a quiet boulevard with pedestrians looking strangely at the blood-covered uniforms you and Natasha were wearing. 
"Let's try to be positive. Maybe we've gone to a nice world." You try but Natasha is drawing her pistol again, turning toward something behind you.
Black pickup trucks arrive at high speed and park, surrounding the area. Pedestrians run away and you swallow dryly, feeling a little dizzy. You can feel the cut dripping down your stomach as well.
"Let me do the talking." Natasha murmurs to you, as you watch masked agents step out of cars with rifles that are clearly far more advanced than anything you have in your world.
They all carried the Iron Legion symbol in a brooch on their chests, perhaps that's why Natasha lowered her gun to the ground and stepped forward with her hands in the air.
"We're not here for trouble." She tried, but one of the soldiers stepped forward.
"Identify yourselves outsiders." Demanded the male voice. You swallowed dryly as you noticed the iron hand that held a smaller type of iPad. 
"I am Natasha-"
"Reason for the Journey, not names." Cut the serious man - Or you imagined the expression by the tone of his voice. Like everyone else, he wore an iron mask that covered much of his face. But the long hair and green eyes were familiar enough for you and Nat not to despair. She swallowed dryly.
"Bucky, we are travelers from another universe, we are not here to cause trouble." Natasha tried as she stepped forward, but the mention of the name only made everyone tense up. The soldier put down his iPad and drew his gun. Nat stopped walking. 
"Reason for travel, I won't ask again!" He shouted demanding, and Natasha sighed slightly. She opened her mouth to reply, trying to decide how she was going to explain all of Strange's confusion when she heard a motorcycle noise. Bucky's variant let out an impatient grunt, but the vehicle was already parking next to the truckers, and someone got off.
"You're losing your touch, Barnes." Mocked the agent who got down, and before you could mutter to Natasha that it was a hell of an entrance, the woman was pulling a knife from her ankle and advancing on you two. Natasha wasted no time in reacting, of course, masterfully matching the blows.
"You're trespassing, illusionist." Said the soldier between one hit and another. You tried to help Natasha, but Bucky's variant attacked you and the metal arm kept you busy enough.
"It's not an illusion!" Natasha defended herself without stopping the fighting. 
"It's not, heh? If you really are Natalia, tell me something only I would know." Demanded the woman, making the redhead laugh confusedly.
"I don't even know who you are." Justified the widow, and ended up getting hit in the legs that knocked her down.
"Wrong answer, evil clone." Retorted the other. Fortunately, you had trained enough with Bucky to know exactly how to defeat him and had just hit him when Natasha fell. You only had time to run and throw yourself against the agent to prevent your friend from getting hit in the face.
The wound on your stomach throbbed with the impact, and you squirmed on the ground, trying to get up beyond the pain because you heard the other soldier doing the same next to you. Natasha ran into a range to you, helping you up and taking a few steps back. You both raised your fists at the Soldier getting up, but Natasha hesitated when they took off her glasses that were scratched in the fall.
"You take the right and I'll take the left, okay?" You directed but Natasha was lowering her hands. You frowned in confusion. "Nat, by god, she's coming, what the hell are you doing?"
The soldier started walking, and you swallowed dryly. Nat didn't hesitate. "Take off your helmet, Y/N."
"Do you want her to hit me in the head? Or worse one of the soldiers?" You asked in desperation. 
Natasha grunted impatiently, and when the soldier moved forward, she spun her body skillfully and used the same blow you never knew how to defend, effectively knocking the other woman to the ground. 
"No matter the world, you never watch the knees, do you баламут (troublemaker)? Mocks the widow, pinning the soldier beneath her, a victorious smile on her face. You frown in indignation.
"I thought you only called me that..." You mutter in annoyance, and Natasha sighs impatiently.
"By God, Y/N! Hasn't it become obvious yet? Take off your helmet, and help me before they shoot us." She shouted, and despite your grimace, you capably obeyed.
As soon as your helmet came off, the soldiers hesitated and lowered their weapons. Bucky - who was getting up - widened his eyes and made no attempt to attack.
The woman trapped underneath Natasha stopped struggling.
"I'm going to take yours off now, okay?" Natasha asked the soldier, who stood still waiting. 
As soon as the iron mask came off, and you saw your own face, you were completely speechless.
But only for half a second.
"Oh my God! It's me! I'm so cool! Did you see the way I arrive on the bike? Where did I learn to ride a motorcycle! And this leather jacket looks amazing on me! And see the way everybody put down their guns and let me fight alone? I'm like a super powerful leader, aren't I? My God this is so cool! 
Natasha laughed incredulously, and got off your variant, helping you to stand while you looked around excitedly.
"Like I said, it's not an illusion." Said the widow. "We are from another world. It was an accident to end up here."
Your variant swallows dryly, exchanging a glance with Bucky - who is standing and sort of at a loss for words with you praising the improvements his mechanical arm has received in this world - before sighing lightly.
"I'll take them to the compound, Barnes. Take the team to take care of the breaches they've opened up in the north." Your variant directs, and Bucky seems quite content to evade your comments, gesturing for the team to follow him.
In record time, the pickup trucks and soldiers are gone, and you and Natasha stand facing the motorcycle.
"You can't fit three on a motorcycle..." You mutter softly, making your variant chuckle. She moves to take something off the dashboard of the vehicle, and you realize that it is one of the rings that Strange owns. And that might explain how cars get to places so quickly in this universe.
She opens a portal into the street, and you walk through to end up in the front yard of the Avengers Complex.
"Are you writing this stuff down, Romanoff? Strange could lend us those rings." You whisper to the widow beside you, who shakes her head, hiding a smile.
"Why did you bring us here?" Natasha asks your variant, who is dragging the shut-down motorcycle to the entrance. 
"You need to give some statements, paperwork for multiversal travelers." She replies, parking the motorcycle before turning to you two again. "And well, the Legion of Ultron takes care of those matters."
You and Nat swallow dry, exchanging shocked looks. It is by following your variant that you realize that the Avengers' symbol is not on the door of the compound but the same as the Iron Legion's - or Ultron's - like the one on the brooch on their uniforms.
"Ultron worked out in this world then?" Natasha asks casually, and your variant lets out an impressed laugh.
"You guys know him?" She asked. You scratch the back of your head.
"Yeah, something like that." You mumble because you don't think it would be a good idea to say that he was a supervillain in your world and that you and Wanda destroyed his last body together.
It seemed like a good enough answer for your variant.
"The guy's a pain in the ass if you ask me." Retorted the variant. "But if you're fans, he stays in the Tower basically always, because he can work inside his own head. You can ask for an autograph before you leave."
Natasha giggles, muttering that it wasn't okay in the sense that she had no interest in asking the robot for autographs, but you barely heard it because you were impressed with the inside of this world's compound.
Everything was so clean and luxurious, and the painting of that legion of Ultron on the wall of the living room attracted your immediate attention. All the Avengers were there, and they were a few years older. The image of yourself smiling and with an arm around a redheaded Wanda made you interrupt the conversation.
"This girl. That you hug in the picture. Are you friends here?" You ask, and your variant raises a surprised eyebrow.
Natasha rolls her eyes. " Of course, you and Wanda are besties everywhere, Y/N, can we get back to adult business now?" Retorts the impatient widow having been interrupted in her questioning about going back to her own world, but your variant lets out a small laugh.
"It's all right, Natalia, in a new world I too would be curious to know where my wife is."
Your smile fades immediately, and Natasha's shock only lasts half a second.
"I beg your pardon?" She questions with a dry laugh. "Did you say wife? Are you married? You?"
Your variant laughs awkwardly, approaching the frame next to you. "Yes, for a few years actually." She starts by nodding to the picture. "That was taken in the first year of the legion, we called ourselves the Avengers back there. It was cool, but while I'm not much of a fan of the microwave, I have to admit that Ultron has improved everything. It's nice not to have any tragedies to avenge, you know?" You counter with a slightly nostalgic smile, lowering your hands and putting them in your pockets. "We had quieter years, I was able to start a family. Wanda and I got married just before we were promoted."
You had your mouth hanging open in shock. Natasha was biting back a smile, trying not to start laughing at your face.
"Wow, what a beautiful story." She commented with a slight tease that your variant didn't catch. "And were you guys friends or was it already a more direct thing with dating and sex in the compound?"
The variant gave a shy, confused laugh, evidently surprised at the straightforward curiosity. You grunted in shame, unable not to imagine the situation, and closed your eyes for a moment to control your own thoughts.
"Sorry, you and Wanda are not a couple in your universe?" Your variant asks tenderly, and Natasha giggles from your side as you try to control the red in your cheeks.
"N-no, we... um, no." You stammer.
"They're living a friends to lovers, I'd say." Natasha murmurs, and your variant gives a chuckle at the way you cross your arms in a sulk, your face burning like your ears. 
Natasha seemed intent on continuing to torment you, but someone crosses the hallway and you roll your eyes at the sight of Peggy Carter in front of you. You only know her from Steve's pictures and the Shield paintings, and it is impactful to say the least to see her standing in front of you.
"Y/N, I just got the notification from Bucky." She says seriously, her gaze on you and Nat. "We don't bring travelers into the compound, but seeing them, I already understand the exception." Says Peggy, to which your variant just nods.
"Is Wanda back yet? Someone has to take care of the trial and T'Challa is in Wakanda until next week." Your variant said, but before Peggy could respond, Nat steps forward.
"Trial?" She asks indignantly, but her variant softens her expression.
"It's just what we call it, Natalia." She replies. "We have rules for interdimensional travel, all are administered by the Council. It's dangerous to mess with the multiverse, everything has to be well taken care of to avoid catastrophes. When two variants appear in the middle of New York, we need to know what they were doing here."
Natasha sighs slightly, deciding to trust. It was you, after all. 
You, on the other hand, are trying to look at the shield Peggy carries on her back. She gives a little giggle when she notices, taking the item out to show you.
"So cool!" You comment excitedly, running your hand over the flag. "We have a Captain America on our world, his name is Sam Wilson, maybe you know him?"
"Oh, sure, he's our Captain America too." Peggy retorts with a smile. "He took over the shield after Steve Rogers. And I'm Captain Carter."
"Oh, that makes sense." You murmur nodding. "It's nice that you and Steve were able to stay together in this world."
Peggy frowns slightly, chuckling lightly. "Um, actually, Steve isn't...well, we were partners. In the war, before the ice. But now, well, he and Barnes got married in the fall." She tells you and you widen your eyes in surprise. "And I'm... um, I'm Margaret Carter Romanova now."
Natasha chokes in surprise, turning redder than her own hair. You can't hold back your giggle.
"You married Steve's ex-girlfriend? Sweet Jesus, Natalia, congratulations, really. I'll never let that one go." You teased and Nat grunted loudly, but the variants only chuckled lightly.
"There's time until the trial, and you guys could use a bath." Your variant spoke, clearly trying to dim the awkwardness of the conversation. "Come, I'll take you to, well, your rooms." Joked last.
You would have scoffed at the way Natasha tripped over her own feet as she passed Peggy - who muttered to her that she was very pretty in all universes - but you were too excited to see the rest of the compound.
Despite the different decorations - from pictures or coats of arms - in general it was quite similar to the one in your world. You found it funny that your room in that reality was on the other side of the tower, however.
"I imagine you know the showers trick." Asked your variant as she led you inside, and you laughed, nodding in agreement. "You can wear anything from the dresser, we're the same size after all. I'll see if I can get you guys something to eat. And I'll check if the operations with Bucky go smoothly. Make yourselves at home." Said your variant, before leaving the room.
Natasha turned her face and her gaze was full of mischief.
"So you actually want to marry Maximoff..."
"Choose your words well, Romanoff. You hooked up with your best friend's ex." You retort quickly and Nat chokes in shock. She closes her mouth with an irritated grumble and you giggle. "Let's get this over with soon, and you can torment me later."
"Oh, believe me, I'll torment you later." She retorts mockingly but is moving away toward the door. "And what can we do but wait? Strange is probably looking for us right now, which means we should take advantage of the time we have here."
"Nat, please stay out of trouble..."
"Or please, the баламут here is you." She retorts with a chuckle as she opens the door. "And I'm just curious what my life is like here. Come on, it's not every day we get to go to a different universe. If I were you, I'd go snoop around, maybe find out how you and Wanda ended up under a tree..."
You grunt in embarrassment, grabbing one of the pillows from the bed to throw at Natasha, but by the time you do, she is laughing her way out the door.
Sighing heavily, you decide that if Natasha is going to be looking around for trouble, someone of you should behave. For now, you need a bath.
Your room is evidently the largest in the world, especially the closet that your variant humbly calls a dresser.
You let your fingers run through the suits and uniforms until you reach a kind of dressing table, where you let out a soft sigh when you find a picture in the mirror.
Red hair suits Wanda. In the photo, she is sitting on your lap, while you kiss her cheek. You are both smiling, and what is most different from your world are the golden rings on your fingers.
You swallow dryly, returning the photo to its place and letting your attention fall to the fighting equipment your variant keeps there. The iron mask has its replacements in the top drawer, and you are curious to know how it feels.
Putting it on, you face your reflection. It's nice. You're considering telling Tony when you come back for a new design on your uniform when you hear footsteps approaching and a voice that makes you stumble with fright.
"lyubovʹ moya, ty tak dolgo (my love, you took so long)" Wanda comments as soon as she enters the closet and you swallow dry, ready to explain the whole story, but she walks over to you and hugs you tight and you can only sigh deeply. Once she looks at you again, she gives a little giggle at the mask, "I always forget how hot you look in this."
Your cheeks blush, heavily, and you are grateful for the mask. Wanda kisses you on the neck and you almost become a complete mess. She doesn't seem to notice, pulling away and going back to saying something about the mission being over earlier than expected, and her looking for you, but you're trying to decide how you're going to explain everything and stop shaking.
All thoughts fade away when Wanda simply takes off her shirt.
Your breath catches, and you know that your face must be the same color as her hair. With trembling legs, you sit down in the closet chair, and Wanda - oblivious to all this - simply works to remove her bra and turns around with her torso exposed to you.
"[...] Anyway, that Bishop girl has been hanging around the house a lot, don't you think? I've asked America dozens of times, but she keeps evading the subject. Billy and Tommy refuse to tell on their sister, but I'm going to find out if they're dating." Wanda comments, but you're in shock, staring at her bare breasts without reaction. At your realization, she raises an eyebrow. "Malysha, are you listening to me?" She asks with some amusement, placing a hand on her waist and you gasp slightly.
"Jesus christ." You mumble affectedly, finally looking away and not risking looking up again. Wanda watches your reaction with amusement. 
"All these years and you're still speechless at the sight of me without clothes..." She murmurs approaching and you are opening your mouth to start explaining, but Wanda is straddling your lap and you find that you have lost the ability to breathe. "If we were quick, we can have some fun before the appointment this afternoon. Do that thing I like with your tongue..." She teased softly, hips grinding against yours and taking away your ability to think properly.
"Wanda, god, I'm not-"
"Wow, that's something." Interrupted someone from the doorway and Wanda screamed. She stumbled away from you, covering her torso with one arm, a mixture of horror and confusion on her face. But your variant, arms crossed from the doorway, was laughing. "I can only remember when I said I dreamed I kissed another version of you and you made me sleep on the couch. Now, look how the tables have turned."
Wanda grunted indignantly, "Explain yourself, Y/N! Now!" She demanded, still in shock that she was seeing two versions of yourself. Your variant didn't stop smiling but uncrossed her arms.
You heard something about multiverse but the wound in your stomach throbbed painfully and everything started to go dark. 
When you blinked again, you were lying in an infirmary. And Natasha beside you.
"Hey." You greet in a hoarse voice, and soon let out an exclamation of pain from the slap you got from Romanoff on the arm.
"Why the hell didn't you say you were hurt?" She questioned as you massaged the twinge and sat up in bed.
"I didn't think it was serious." You justified yourself feeling your whole body aching. "And the super serum has to be good for something."
"The serum doesn't make you immortal, Y/N! God, if I let you die in another world Wanda turns me into a frog." Grumbled the redhead making you chuckle lightly.
"She's not that kind of witch." You say, but Nat shakes her head.
"Oh, that's not what I heard." Says the redhead, nodding her head at the couple talking outside the room. Wanda and your variant are talking very close, and when they exchange intense smiles, and the variant takes Wanda's hand and kisses it before saying goodbye, you turn your blushing face away.
"What do you mean?" You ask Nat, who sighs a little.
"You blacked out for a few hours, Y/N. The trial is over."
"Relax, it all worked out." Nat soothes you by forcing you back into a sitting position when you make mention of getting up. "They've had some bad experiences with travelers in this world, and now they keep things under control. They were waiting for you to wake up to send us back."
You absorb the information in shock, and before you can question further, Wanda is back. She opens the door and offers you such a tender smile that you suddenly feel very aware that you are only in a top because of the bandage they made on your belly.
"You're awake, dorogoya." She greeted, and you were too busy hiding your flushed face to notice Natasha's little smile beside you. "How are you feeling?"
"G-good." You murmured watching her approach the bed until she was close enough to touch your face. "Natalia already told you about the trial, I imagine."
"Mm-hmm." You merely replied, knowing that you would have no ability to formulate any answer with Wanda caressing your cheek like that.
She smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear before commenting, "God, you're so young. This is so odd."
You laugh shyly. "You don't look old." 
That wasn't entirely true. Wanda was older than the one you knew, but that may be because you have all the traits of her face memorized, and your Wanda has no age wrinkles yet. Regardless, the version in front of you is absurdly gorgeous.
She chuckles a little. "You are sweet, but I am old enough to be a mother in this world." She murmurs as she pulls her hand away, you were going to complain about the lack, but she sits down beside you. "And indeed, I am."
You widen your eyes softly, but Natasha doesn't seem the least bit surprised, a little smile lingers on her face.
"Do you have children?" You ask curiously, and Wanda smiles, nodding in agreement. "Cool. They... are they ours?"
She bites her lip thoughtfully, and you imagine that there must be rules about what and how much to say about the multiverse. Wanda may have decided to ignore them all.
"Yes, they are ours." She replies, her hands moving to check the bandage on your belly. "America, not by blood, is our older. We adopted her when she was 6, she's the naughtiest girl I know. And then the twins came. William and Thomas. They are our biological children."
You give a lopsided laugh. "Is that, like, possible in this world?"
It's Wanda's turn to laugh, her cheeks turning slightly pink.
"Oh, dorogoya, believe me, we figured that out." That's what she replies, and you'll accept it as enough because you've suddenly allowed yourself to think about the attempts and the heat that has surged in your body makes you embarrassed. Wanda realizes that everything is okay with the bandage, and sighs slightly. "If you are really feeling well, everything is ready for you two to go."
You swallow dryly, nodding and forcing a smile at Wanda.
"Hey, Wands." You call out to her before she can get up. "Sorry." That's what you say, surprising her. "F-for not saying I wasn't your wife. And for seeing your boobs."
"Wow, excuse me?" Natasha cuts in with a laugh that Wanda accompanies. You blush heavily, but Maximoff gestures slightly.
"It's okay, sweetie." Wanda assures you. "My wife also gets tongue-tied around me. It's a good reaction, I suppose." 
"Well, you're super gorgeous, so it's not our fault." You mutter getting a shy chuckle from the other, but Natasha grunts softly.
"And you guys are super gay. I'm going to get something to eat before we go, Y/N." Annunciates the redhead before leaving the room, and you and Wanda exchange giggles as you were left alone.
Once the giggles cease, she reaches for your hand on the bed.
"Promise me you're okay?" She asks low, and you swallow dryly at the strong deja vu. Wanda is Wanda in all worlds.
"I'm fine, it was just a scratch. I promise." You assured her making her smile slightly. Next, you let your curiosity prevail. "Where did I go?"
Her smile didn't go off. "Home, of course." She says. "We work at the Tower, but our home is in Massachusetts." She tells surprising you.
"We live with the witches, huh?" you joke and it's Wanda's turn to be surprised.
She hesitates a bit, curiosity shining in her eyes as she draws patterns on her hand.
"Your Wanda...she's not a witch?"
You bite the inside of your cheek, half thoughtfully. "Well, technically, no? Her powers are super cool, and when she was with Hydra, she did some stuff with people's fears and everyone started calling her a witch. But she only does energy stuff and stopped with the mind control thing. The nickname little witch caught on, but she doesn't really do spells."
"But the powers, where did they come from?" She insists, and you shrug softly.
"From the mind stone, I guess." You reply. "That's what I know."
Wanda forces a smile, nodding and stopping her caresses on your hand. "I am a witch, Y/N. And I think your Wanda is too."
"Well, that's cool, I love magic and so does Wanda." You casually retort, getting a small giggle from the other.
"Malysha, listen to me carefully, okay?" She asks looking into your eyes. "I have met a few versions of myself in this extensive multiverse. None that have had their magic amplified by an Infinity Stone before. Your Wanda may be a special kind of us."
"Oh, like royalty?" You ask receiving a frown in return. A small smile forms on your lips. "I usually call her princess too. It would be nice to know I got another nickname right."
Wanda laughs softly, her eyes full of affection. "You really like her, don't you?"
You swallow dryly, evading the hidden meaning in her words. "S-She's my best friend."
The redhead doesn't seem to be impacted much by the correction. She smiles. 
"If I'm right, Wanda will be the Scarlet Witch one day."
You blink in confusion. "I don't know what that means."
"And you don't need to know." She says, placing a hand on your face. "Not now. You're young, she is too, isn't she?" She asks and you nod quickly. Wanda smiles, "You have time. Enjoy that innocence now, that freedom. If she really is the Scarlet Witch, the power and responsibility don't come for free."
You frowned in concern, raising your hand to her forearm. "Wands, what are you talking about?"
But she smiles, shaking her head. "It's not my place to tell your story, dear." She says as she strokes her skin. "Please, just be there for her. She's going to need you. I always do."
You swallow dryly but force a smile. "I promise."
Wanda smiles, and you hold your breath as she approaches. She kisses your cheek, and you know you are blushing hard. 
"Go get dressed, I'll make sure your Natasha didn't destroy something else." Declares Wanda as she walks away, and you frown in confusion.
"What did she destroy before?" you ask getting only a chuckle in return.
Many minutes later, you are wearing a completely clean uniform with a pouting Natasha Romanoff at your side. - She didn't like that the Legion of Ultron people wouldn't let her destroy another of the small statues of Vision (which in this world was Ultron) scattered around the compound. In her words 'microwave third wheel deserves no tribute'.
You were very pleased that some members of the Legion came to say goodbye to you.
Peggy even let you hold the shield before you left. And you were too busy talking to Wanda to notice the flirtations the captain threw at Nat only to see her blush.
"I think you would like to have this." Wanda said as she handed one of the masks to you, and got you to widen your eyes. 
"She-I mean, I won't mind?" You ask, and Wanda giggles.
"It was my wife who asked me to deliver it." She explains, and you take the item from her hands. "I think she'd like to give it to you, but someone has to make sure Billy and Tommy do their homework. And part of her got the impression that you'd like to see me by your bedside when you wake up."
You blushed again, babbling embarrassedly, which only increased Wanda's smile.
"Thanks for the mask, witchy. Really." You murmur and she moves closer to hug you almost tight enough that your bruise hurts. No chance for you to complain, Wanda could keep her arms around you as long as she wanted.
"Sorry to break the moment, love birds, but I think we'd better go soon." Natasha said as she approached with her arms crossed, and her face half flushed. "Our friends must be worried."
Wanda waved goodbye as she let you go, and you smiled at her before joining Nat. 
After the conversation, you weren't surprised that the return spell was done by Wanda, and you just arranged to wave goodbye to the Legion before entering the portal with Natasha.
The scenery of the compound was replaced by the interiors of the Sanctum Sanctorum, where Stephen Strange stumbled away from spell books toward you two.
"Romanoff! L/N! You are here!" He announced in amazement, but Natasha rolled her eyes.
"And we did it on our own, mister Supreme!" She scoffed.
"But it was Wanda who did the spell..." You muttered low, receiving an elbow from the widow who forgot you were injured and scrambled to help you stand when you howled in pain.
Stephen used his cape to float to you quickly.
"How long have we been gone?" Nat asked holding you as you squeezed the bruise gently.
"Long enough." Stephen replied. "I alerted your team, and was trying to find the spell to take to me and -"
But Stephen didn't even have to complete, because a female figure was crossing the hallway and as soon as she laid eyes on you, she let the teacup fall to the floor.
Pietro caught the item with a grimace, keeping the drink from spilling out, and Natasha released you just in time for Wanda to throw herself onto you.
"Hey, hey, I'm fine." You assured with a shy chuckle, feeling Wanda squeeze tighter. "I'm glad you found the t-shirt."
But she didn't laugh at your joke, sniffling against your chest and making you swallow dryly. 
"I thought I lost you." She confesses with her face hidden against you. "I couldn't...I couldn't feel you anymore. Nowhere. Don't ever do that again. You scared me."
You stroke her back, swallowing dryly before saying, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to. I'm here now. I'm safe."
Wanda only releases you because you grunt softly from the pain of the bruise. "W-what happened?"
"We have a lot to discuss, Maximoff, you have no idea." It is Natasha who answers, and you force a tender smile at Wanda.
In the end, Natasha did most of the talking. She took care of the story, and because you were injured, you insisted on taking care of the mission reports for Stephen.
She politely ignored your request and delivered them while you were busy at dinner with Wanda.
Unfortunately, you missed the show. Your interdimensional trip lasted almost two days on this world. The avengers were racing against time to find you, and Stephen had spent many hours enduring light threats from an angry Wanda demanding that he find out where you were. Pietro, besides being a mandatory presence on the rescue team, thought it best to stay around so that Wanda didn't end up destroying the Sanctum.
Your injury was healing fast, and although you had told the team members a few hundred times about the universe you visited, you were doing a great job of hiding the fact that you were married in your other life to your best friend.
When Kate Bishop showed up in your room with tickets to the next Imagine Dragons concert, they came with an ultimatum.
"You have to tell her." She said, completely confusing you.
"What are you talking about, Hawkeye?" You questioned, but Kate crossed her arms.
You widened your eyes. "Who told you?"
Kate laughed. "Really, Y/N? Nat tells Clint and Yelena everything. And Clint is my mentor, and Lena is my girlfriend. And well, I tell everyone everything, so I guess the only person who doesn't know is Wanda, but if Pietro already knows..."
"God I need to sit down." You state with a nervous nausea in your stomach, sitting down on your bed as Kate sighs impatiently, and closes the door with her foot as she follows you inside.
"Man, what's the big deal, you know? You married her in another world, and you're obviously super into her in this one too."
"Kate!" You interrupt her with a red face. "It's not like that, okay!"
Kate rolls her eyes, with an incredulous laugh. "As if." She mutters, but you grunt.
"Look, I can't, okay? Wanda is...perfect. She's everything. Everything I have." You state looking at the floor, and Kate frowns in surprise. You swallow dryly. "I can't ruin us. She's the most important person I have, and I don't know what I would do if I ruined this..."
Kate sighs, coming closer and kneeling in front of you, one hand on your knee. "Y/N, it's normal to be afraid. I felt the same way with Yelena. But look on the bright side, you can already see that you guys work in another life, you can have a chance to be happy in this one too."
You smile sadly. "That world was different, Kate." You mutter. "There, a lot of things that went wrong here, worked in that life. What if in this world, Wanda and I are supposed to go wrong? That variant was incredible. Fearless and so cool. I am not that way. I panic about basically everything, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. Those two knew who they were and that they wanted a family together. And I have no idea how to do that."
Kate swallows dryly, forcing a smile. "But you don't need to know that now, Y/N." She says gently. "We are so young. Maybe your variants were as lost as you are now, but they had the courage to stand by each other until they were ready. The question is whether you will too."
You swallow dryly, silently absorbing her words. Kate offers you a soft smile and moves her hands away to take two items from her blouse pocket.
"I heard you missed the last one, and I hate the band, but I kept getting tickets because of the last name, so I figured you'd make better use of this than me..." She says as she places the tickets in her lap. "A confession is a good way to end a concert."
You laugh with flushed cheeks, picking up the tickets so they don't fall off as you hug Kate.
"I would never have the courage for something so public, but thank you little Hawkeye." You murmur and she laughs softly, hugging you back.
Neither of you notices the teary-eyed girl behind the bedroom door.
When your wound had completely healed, you went to Wanda's room.
It was Tuesday and it had been two weeks since the trip to the multiverse. The subject, in theory, was no longer anything new for any Avenger to be interested in asking about.
That's why you were surprised Wanda brought up the topic again.
"I'm just curious." She justified herself as soon as she saw your expression. "It's weird, to think there are other versions of us living around."
You chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of your neck as you settled into Wanda's bed. It was a common image - Since you joined the team, your intimacy was very strong. And her room was practically yours. So she was at this very moment trying to decide what outfit she was going to wear to the Imagine Dragons concert, and both pieces in her hands were yours.
"You're right, witchy, but I already told the whole story." You lay with your head resting on your arm, as Wanda put the shirt over her body in front of the mirror. She hums, clearly not believing you and you frown. 
Wanda never acts like that with you. But to be fair, you didn't usually lie to her either. 
"What does ‘hum’ supposed to mean?" You question, but Wanda sighs wearily, scarlet magic keeping the garments in the air as she pulls her shirt up.
Your face burns and you look up at the ceiling immediately. Wanda notices you through the mirror, and has trouble hiding her little smile.
"It doesn't mean anything, just that I was listening." She mutters in clarification, and it's your turn to mutter back, not trusting your words when the image of Wanda in a bra is still so fresh in your mind. "Hey, Y/N?" She calls out after a moment, and you hum to say you're listening. "How come, if we're such good friends, we never change in front of each other?"
Your brain short-circuits. You open your mouth and close it dozens of times, but can't think of anything. 
"Is it a cultural thing? I thought Americans were more casual about such things..." Wanda continues, and you are sure it is meant to torment you.
"I don't know, Wands. Jesus." You mumble in embarrassment, stumbling out of bed and thanking the heavens that Wanda is already in her t-shirt. "It just never happened. You, um, want to change in front of me?"
She gives a naughty little laugh, raising an eyebrow.
"Humm, Malysha, take me to dinner first." She mocks, turning back to look in the mirror, and you snort indignantly. 
You walk dragging your foot out of the room, muttering that Wanda is playing games with you and misses the way she is blushing too.
Wanda won't find you again until dinner, and you are grateful for the hot food with which you can justify the redness of your face at having her approach you and kiss your cheek.
"What are we having today?" she asks, too close, a hand on your arm as she leans over to look at the pans on the stove. 
It has to be on purpose. Wanda has always been affectionate, but this here has to be a test to see if you'd have a heart attack before dinner or something.
"S-since it's Lena's birthday and we're going to be at the show, and she doesn't want a party, I thought I'd do something traditionally Ukrainian..." You start to explain trying not to sound so affected by the closeness and begging to the heavens that Wanda doesn't notice how much you are trembling. "There are some Nalesniki, which are cheese crepes, in the oven and the cured pork, Salo, is going to be the main course-"
"Is that Banush? Oh, dorogaya, kak zabotlivo s tvoyey storony (darling, how thoughtful of you)" Wanda cuts in excitedly as she looks at the food, and you smile immediately at her happiness. 
"Yeah, I've been trying to get the point of this one right." You count as Wanda stretches out her hand to taste the food. "And Nat and Steve went to the market to get the missing peanut butter for the Kiev Cake."
Wanda smiles, having gotten her entire finger dirty from the meringue that was going on the cake. She brings it to her lips, sucking it clean while staring at you before releasing it with a soft pop.
"Delicious." She praises but you're not even listening properly, the blood pulsing in your face at the sinful image. You feel an intense attraction, and lean in at the same time as Wanda and her dark eyes, but just as your noses brush against each other, loud avengers enter the kitchen.
You immediately pull away, Wanda biting her lips and you clearing your throat.
"Here's what you ordered, баламут." Natasha announces as she places the market bags on the counter. But as soon as she notices the tension between you and Wanda, she raises an eyebrow. "Are we interrupting? I can retrace my steps..."
"Shut up, Nat." You interrupt in an embarrassed grunt, wasting no time in grabbing the missing ingredient from the bag while Natasha giggles a few times.
Wanda follows the cue of Kate and Yelena walking in chatting loudly and leaves the kitchen behind them, barely listening to Steve's apology - busy with bags - who bumps into her as he closes the door.
Even if Yelena doesn't want a party, this feels like one. And you even baked a cake.
As soon as the food is served, the Avengers spread out around in various conversation wheels. Pietro kept changing the music every five minutes, but Wanda was too busy stealing glances at you talking to Clint across the room to bother.
"So Maximoff, how's it going?" It was Yelena, with a plate of cake in hand. Wanda sighed loudly.
"Not well."
Yelena grimaced. "What? Are you sure you are doing as I said?"
Wanda sighed again. "Yes, Lena, I'm sure. But maybe that's my mistake, you know?" Retorted the upset brunette, returning the soda glass to the table and crossing her arms. "Your tips worked for you and Kate. I'm not like you, and Y/N is not Kate. I did what you told me to, I even tried the t-shirt trick but she just ran out of the room!"
Yelena made a thoughtful face, chewing the cake. "Are you sure you did it right? When I did the T-shirt trick, Kate melted down and ended up confessing that she liked my tits."
"First, gross. Second, too much information. Third, I'm exhausted." Wanda confesses with a grunt, pushing her hair back. "I don't know what to do anymore. Ever since I heard her confession, I've just been waiting for her to make a move, but she just... I guess I should just accept that she's decided I'm not worth it."
Yelena shakes her head indignantly, pushing her plate on the table and placing her hands on Wanda's shoulders.
"First of all, I don't allow that kind of blue humor on my birthday." Yelena informs with a mixture of serious and playful tone, offering the brunette a tender smile. "Second, you are so close, Maximoff. You can't give up now. You have to play dirty."
"Play dirty?" Wanda asked in confusion, to which Yelena merely nodded, leaning in to whisper something in the brunette's ear that made her eyes widen. "Belova!"
The blonde laughed softly as she turned away. "It'll work, I guarantee it. It worked for Kate."
Wanda grimaced. "Too much information!" She complained walking away, but Yelena laughed, shaking her head and deciding to go look for her girlfriend.
Wanda had two seconds of peace as she poured herself some non-alcoholic punch before Natasha appeared in the kitchen.
"Lovely party, eh Maximilf?" She began, and Wanda gave a confused giggle at the nickname. "Oh, I forgot. Not a Milf yet."
"Hey, can I talk to you?" You came in suddenly, cutting off Natasha's question. Wanda didn't understand why you looked so uneasy - You had been talking to the redhead two minutes ago. She knew because she watched you all night.
"I'm busy, Y/N, talking to your wif-"
"Natasha." You cut her off almost pleadingly and the redhead sighs impatiently, and unlike Wanda, ignores your question and bends down on the counter only to grab a bottle of whiskey.
"You know what we should play? Have I ever never." Declares the redhead and turns to the kitchen with a huge smile. "Avengers! Everyone is going to play!"
You are visibly annoyed by the whole thing, but when Wanda approaches and goes to ask if everything is okay while the rest of the team starts getting organized to play, you force a smile.
"Nat had a bit to drink, and I didn't want her to talk more than she should. Maybe it would be better if I didn't join-"
"баламут! Don't even try to run away from the game! You're going to be the first!" Shouted the redhead from the room and you sighed loudly. Wanda giggled, moving even closer and holding your hand.
"I could charm them into forgetting about the game. If it's making you uncomfortable." 
You blinked impressed. "Would you mess with their minds for me?" You ask in a low voice, and Wanda nods, looking at your mouth. "What a naughty witch."
Heat spreads quickly through her chest, and Wanda bites her lip to hold back the sound that wants to escape her throat. She is about to kiss you in front of everyone when the team whistles and the moment is broken immediately.
You approach the circle, and because everyone has already sat down, Wanda has only one vacant seat on the other side of the room. She doesn't complain because at least she can breathe properly without you next to her.
"Now that we are all seated, you start Y/N." Natasha declares with a mischievous smile on her lips, her hands busy pouring whiskey into the glass that Pietro uses speed to place in each person's hand.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. 
"Never have I ever gotten drunk playing these games." You mutter getting a few laughs. Natasha and Tony exchange impatient buffos at being the only ones drinking.
"Very funny, kindergarten. Now allow the adults to play. Romanoff, would you like to do the honors?" Tony asks, but Natasha shakes her head, settling further into the couch.
"I'll give mine some thought." She retorts mysteriously, and since Tony doesn't insist, no one else does. Only Wanda notices the way you swallow dryly and squeeze your glass hard.
"Never have I ever been turned down." Tony declares arrogantly but the whole team booes in disbelief. Natasha laughs out loud.
"As far as I can remember, Stark, I did that about four times in my first week of the industries alone..." Affirms Romanoff and this is the first time you see Tony effectively blush with embarrassment. He takes it in stride, rolling his eyes and taking a long swig from his glass.
You don't drink, and somehow, everyone notices.
"Really, L/N?" Kate asks genuinely curious. You laugh sheepishly.
"You can't be rejected if you've never confessed." You retort and the team laughs in understanding, but Wanda realizes your smile is forced.
"Okay, okay, now it's my turn." Pietro cuts in raising his glass in the air. "Never have I ever made out with someone of the same sex. And yes, everyone here but me is going to drink." He sneers, at the rest of the team who laugh and exchange curious glances.
Steve clears his throat and settles into his seat to ask for his turn.
"Never Have I Ever... Googled sex positions."
The room burst into laughter. Tony was so red from laughing that he almost fell over backward. It was the whiskey's fault, probably.
"Jesus, Steve, this isn't a confectionary! You must say things you didn't do." Pietro clarified and Steve became a complete tomato, muttering that he had got the game wrong. Thank god everyone was starting to get drunk enough not to care.
Sam, as soon as he stopped laughing, raised his glass. "How about we make things more awkward for the originals? Never have I ever slept with a co-worker."
The original Avengers let out embarrassing grunts, and all of them drink.
"Wow, now I need to know who with who." Yelena declared but Natasha laughed.
"That's not the game." Retorted the redhead and didn't flinch even when Lena used the birthday card.
But the light and fun mood were about to end, because as soon as Thor said "Never have I ever been unfaithful." and was taunted that it was hard to believe that the god of fertility was faithful, Natasha stood up.
"Never have I ever... been in love with my best friend." 
The question hung in the air lightly for a few minutes. Most of the team thought it was funny, Kate, Yelena, Steve, and Bucky drank. But you remained static in your seat, feeling Natasha's gaze burn into you.
"Honest answers only, people." Insisted the widow, and soon everyone noticed that she was looking at you.
Clint noticed the way Wanda squirmed in her seat, lowering her gaze to her own lap, so he cleared his throat.
"Come on, Nat, maybe you should change the question, that's a pretty personal one."
Nat forced a laugh. "I have a better one then; Never have I ever married my best friend in another world."
You cringed, closing your eyes but Wanda raised her head.
Your reaction was answer enough, but she questioned anyway.
"What are you talking about, Nat?" 
The widow put a hand to her chest with false innocence in her expression. "What? You haven't heard? What a strange thing! Y/N must have been busy telling Steve about Peggy to remember, I imagine."
Steve sighed loudly from the couch. "Natasha, I said it was okay..."
"For you!" She interrupted indignantly. "I told her not to tell! It was my secret!"
He sighs again, the room silent and shocked listening to them argue. "What difference does it make, Peggy is gone."
"Exactly." Natasha retorts with tears in her eyes. "I have this perfect wife who makes me happy and loves this complete mess that I am in that world, but here, I have nothing. Peggy is gone, she never even met me. And she was my best friend's ex-girlfriend, so excuse me if I wanted that to be my secret. But now it doesn't matter anymore, because everyone knows!" Natasha exclaimed with open arms, and when she went to get down from the table, she stumbled softly, and Wanda understood that the bottle of whiskey was not to be the first of the evening. "And you know what the funniest part is? It's that Y/N only did that because she's scared! She has something incredible, the chance to be with the one she loves the most, and she's afraid!"
You feel your eyes fill with tears, and you are standing like half the team, who stood up when Nat stumbled. The widow, who now looks on the verge of tears as well, moves closer to place her hands on your cheeks.
"I just want you to be happy, you stubborn, idiotic girl!" she says indignantly and drunkenly. "And I need your first daughter to be named Natalia, too."
The group giggled emotionally, and you nodded in agreement, putting a hand around Nat.
"Come, Romanoff, what you need is some water and a night's sleep."
As you lead Nat away, the game ends and the Avengers scatter back with a few murmurs about the scene but no one is too upset about anything, and Yelena says she will check on her sister.
Wanda approaches Steve and Clint once they are alone.
"You two are the closest to Nat, so I want to know what this whole otherworldly marriage thing is all about." Demands the witch and the two exchange sighs. 
"Natasha has spent the last few weeks stressing about it." Clint began. "Apparently, she met a version of Y/N who was married to you."
"What?" Wanda exclaimed in shock, a warm thread of hope sprouting in her chest.
"Yeah, happy family with kids and everything." Steve completed the story. "She made several jokes, heckled Y/N with that story for days trying to get her to confess the whole thing to you. But in the end... well, you saw. Y/N told me that Nat's variant was Peggy's wife, so that was the end of the matter, and well, they got so tense that no one else had the nerve to ask about it anyway."
Wanda twists her fingers nervously. "B-but, do you guys think she didn't want to talk about it because she hated the idea?"
Steve and Clint frown. "What? No, Wanda, that's not it." The captain says, with Barton nodding immediately.
"I think maybe she loved the idea, actually." Clint says with a laugh. "But you know, you're all what, twenty, twenty-two years old. You're young as hell. If at that age, a version of me showed up saying I'm going to get married and have kids, I'd freak out too. Even today I have my doubts about paternity. It couldn't have been easy for Y/N, you know? I'd be scared to mess it up too."
Steve nods in agreement. "Especially with someone who is already important." He says. "If you didn't know each other, she might get anxious about a date or something. But, you two are so close. And I can tell you from experience that the fear of messing up and losing someone important like that is pretty strong." Steve said, his gaze going to Bucky across the room to exemplify. 
Wanda swallows dryly. "B-but I like her." She confesses low, and it's no surprise to the Avengers next to her, who smiles. "I really like her."
"You should say that to her, not to us." Clint says gently, and Wanda sniffles low, but smiles, nodding.
She takes a heavy breath and decides that this thing has gone on too long already.
Natasha fell asleep just as you and Yelena threw the blanket over her, exchanging giggles at seeing her sleeping expression.
"Hey, Belova, the birthday girl has to stick around at the party." You try as you watch her sit down, but she holds up a finger in warning.
"I told you I didn't want a party." She accuses in a fake serious tone, making you laugh guiltily. "I'm tired, Y/N. I'll text Kate to come to sleep with me, and the rest of the team can keep having fun."
"As you wish, birthday girl." You mumble but when you go to walk away, she holds your forearm.
"Thank you." She says. "For taking care of my sister."
You smile. "Usually, it's always the other way around. It doesn't hurt to return the favor once in a while." You say, getting a smile from her. "Hey, Lena, that Peggy story, I really didn't mean-"
"Don't worry." She interrupts gently. "I'm not mad, it was just a disagreement between you and Nat. Friends fight sometimes. You can apologize to her when she wakes up. Now you should talk to another Avenger."
You swallow dryly, looking away. Yelena expects you to make up an excuse, but you sigh. "Yeah, you're right. Wish me luck?"
"Oh, I'm sure you'll be lucky tonight." She retorts to which you only laugh without understanding the malice in her tone of voice.
You leave the room and decide to go look for Wanda at the party, but when you return to the living room she is no longer there. Sighing in defeat, you make your way back to the elevator and toward your bedroom.
You are quite surprised to find Wanda inside.
"Hey, Wands, I didn't know you were up here." You greet as you take off your jacket, and the brunette meets your gaze just for a moment, her attention on the mask on your shelf. 
"This is new. Did Yelena make it for you?" she asks about the item, running her fingers over the details. You swallow dryly, throwing the jacket on the floor and sitting down on the bed to remove your shoes.
"No, it's not from around here." You reply, clearing your throat softly. "You gave it to me."
She frowns in confusion, turning her face to you only to understand immediately when she meets your gaze. "Oh. The other me."
"Yeah." You gasp softly. "The Wife one."
Wanda looks away to the side, leaning gently on the shelf because she thinks her knees are weak.
"So that's actually true." She mumbles trying to sound casual, and you think your tie is too tight. To blame Kate and her small suits, you are sure.
"Yes, I was surprised, but it's not like it's completely out of the question, right?" you retort so naturally that Wanda's eyes widen slightly. Panic settles in your chest. "I-I meant that friends get married all the time! A-and of all the people on the team, if I were to marry someone it would make sense that it would be you, I mean, not that I'm thinking of marrying you, but if given the choice and based on our intimacy..." 
Wanda cuts off your anxious babbling with a giggle. "Detka, you're hanging yourself." She comments nodding to the tie that you took off in an all-crooked manner, and was in an even tighter knot around your neck.
She moved closer, her hands working leisurely on the item even though you both knew she could use magic to pull it off. 
"You really... don't think it's so impossible for us to be together?" Wanda questions the next moment, her voice husky and affected, and you raise your eyes to her immediately. 
She looks absurdly beautiful. And you sigh, biting your tongue to keep from letting that slip out instead of the answer.
She uses your silence to finish the knot, and when the tie falls loosely around her neck, she makes mention of pulling away, only for you to hold her by the waist.
"I don't think it's impossible at all." You answer finally, rising to stand at the same height as her face, and place a hand on her warm cheek. "I think we are made for each other. In any world, especially this one."
A short, shy, contented laugh escapes Wanda's lips and is mirrored on yours. She steps forward, breaks the distance between your faces and the world stops.
It's not your first kiss, but if it were your last you would die happy.
Her lips are soft and taste of cherry gloss. It's sweet and so warm, and it's over too quickly.
Wanda pulls back with sparkling eyes but slight insecurity. "Was that... nice?" she asks in a husky voice, and you almost choke because how can she have any doubt?
Instead of answering with words, you kiss her again. And again. And again. Until Wanda entwines her hands behind your head and slides her tongue into yours. You gasp because this is even better.
She explores your mouth until you need to break for breath, and when you do, your lips trace a trail down her jaw to her neck, and Wanda shudders, an aroused groan escaping.
You suddenly lose your balance when she pushes you sitting up on the bed, but you don't complain because she is straddling your lap next, kissing you with passion.
It's a war of hands and pulling, but it feels so good. Wanda kisses you with the same longing that you do as if she can hardly believe that you have wasted so much time without doing it.
It's late when you stop. Far beyond the end of Yelena's party.
You have half the buttons open, and her dress is dangerously lifted at the edges of her thigh. You are lying on your back on the mattress, Wanda beside you, hugging your body.
"I don't want to close my eyes." She confesses in a whisper with her head on your pillow, and you straighten up to be even closer. "I want to look at you."
You smile, your cheeks flushed. "I'll be here when you wake up. And you'll be able to look at me all you want."
She smiles but straightens up so that her face hovers over yours. "Just look?" She asks in a tone that makes you chuckle softly.
"I hope not. Please do more." You joke in the same tone and she chuckles lightly before kissing you again.
It doesn't take long for you both to fall asleep after that. Both of you with easy smiles on your faces.
One Month Later
Your relationship with Wanda was only getting better every day, unlike the war in the multiverse.
The variant was right - Wanda needed you. Luckily, you also needed her.
Even though the Avengers' missions were increasing, you and her were falling into an incredible rhythm in your relationship, getting closer to each other every day.
And speaking of proximity.
"We're missing the whole concert." You recalled in a breathless voice, Wanda's lips marking your neck making the task of conversation nearly impossible.
You were in the back of your truck. The original plan was to watch Imagine Dragons, finally, and Wanda was even wearing your T-shirt. But well, she wanted a kiss, and somehow you ended up in the full auditorium parking lot in a heavy make-out session.
The sound of the music muffled out the sighs, and hopefully, the night made it impossible for anyone curious to try to look inside the car.
Wanda was on your lap, grinding against your thigh, and you were gripping the seat for support, trying to resist the urge to rip her clothes off.
Wanda seemed to want quite the opposite.
"Detka..." The brunette practically whimpered, teeth dragging under your skin. "Touch me."
You groaned aroused, tightening your hand around her waist and earning a sigh in return. "By god, Wanda, we're in a parking lot."
She complains with a bite on your skin that makes you gasp. "Why won't you touch me?" She insists almost annoyed, and you sigh before bringing your hands to her face.
"I thought you wanted our first time to be special." You explain with a warm face, surprising her a little, "We won't even be able to make any real noise here. And it's going to have to be quick."
Wanda bites her lip, her hands going down to the buttons of your blouse. "It's going to be special anywhere, detka, because it's with you." She retorts before stealing another firm kiss. "Now someone is confident about the quick and loud." She teases getting a small laugh before you return to kissing her with more passion now, determined to win the implied challenge.
Wanda tried to match the intensity of the kiss, but her hands wandered and you adjusted just enough for her to feel something else.
She broke the kiss with a soft choke, her center pressed against the firmness between your legs. Her darkened irises flashed in surprise at you.
"What's this, dorogoya? Were you planning this?" She asked with a mixed tone of teasing and mockery. "But what about all that stuff about our first time to be special..."
You grunted impatiently, thrusting your hips upward as you firmed your hands around Wanda's waist, and the precise friction of the strap against her made her whimper and grip your shoulders tightly.
"This was meant to be for after the show, smart-ass." You explain half breathlessly, watching her gasp as you guide her movements in your lap. "I did something nice in your room, with roses and everything. But someone couldn't keep their pants on..."
Wanda gave a guilty little laugh that turned into a groan when you pressed her right. 
"I need you inside, detka, please." She whimpered but you shook your head, stopping your movements to push her skirt up with one hand.
"I need to stretch you out first, pretty girl." You explained, sliding your hands inside her skirt and choking on your own breath as you found no panties. "Wanda, by all that's most sacred..." You grunted affectedly, leaning your forehead against hers and she gave a breathless giggle.
"Yelena's idea, you can thank her later." She clarifies, throwing her hips forward to encourage you to move your hand. You follow the cue immediately, and when your fingers sink inside her, she arches her back and throws her head back. "o chert, detka! (oh fuck, babe!)" She exclaims affectedly, making you smile proudly.
"Feels good, doesn't it, babe?" You ask meekly, curling your fingers inside her tight intimacy and stimulating her at slow speed until Wanda is panting and whimpering. "You look so sexy riding my fingers, pretty girl."
Wanda moaned deeply as she came and you muffled the sound with an intense kiss, feeling a strong wave of arousal at the sensation of her pussy twitching and dripping onto your fingers.
"I'd say that was pretty quick, but let's try the loud now, what do you think?" You sneer at the dizzy with pleasure girl in front of you, who has a few seconds to recover from her climax before you unzip your pants and adjust the strap with her entrance, making her jerk a little for her sensitivity. You kiss her cheek, hands on her thighs. "Changed your mind?" You ask warmly, showing in your gaze that there would be no problem at all if Wanda wanted to stop, but she shakes her head quickly and kisses you hard. You feel her straddling you, and only know that she has done the work to adjust and sink into the toy when she gasps against your lips in a loud whimper.
"Fuck, it's too big."  She whimpers, and you hold her waist, keeping her still. Your lips kiss her face and neck, and one of your hands moves up to her breast, stimulating the tip and making Wanda roll over against the strap-on instinctively.
"You can take it, I know you can." You coax meekly, the hand on her waist moving down to her intimacy, your fingers beginning to draw circles on her swollen clit that make Wanda drop her forehead against your shoulder, an affected moan leaving her lips. "Can I start moving, sweetheart?"
Wanda nodded breathlessly, practically bouncing on her own and making you smile. You held her by the waist, looking down to see the strap-on soaked when you pulled it out and then watching the toy unstrap inside her as you lowered her back down, the image tearing a moan from you. 
You kissed Wanda again, but as soon as she found her rhythm on top of the fake cock, it became impossible for her to reciprocate. She bounced on your lap, the sounds of your hard thrusts echoing mixed with her whimpers of pleasure until she began to spasm and you had to take over.
"Bozhe moy, detka, ya tak blizko! Ne ostanavlivaytesʹ, pozhaluysta, ne ostanavlivaytesʹ! (Oh my god, baby I'm so close! Don't stop, please don't stop!)" Wanda came with a loud cry of pleasure, making a complete mess in your lap and destroying half the seat with her magic.
You kissed her hard, exchanging breathless giggles as you caressed her hips.
"This definitely beats watching Imagine Dragons." You joke and she laughs with flushed cheeks, kissing you again. 
You notice that the noise of the music has diminished, indicating the first break, and you sigh together. Wanda speaks before you.
"Take me home, dorogoya. " She asks against your lips, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "I don't want to stop."
You choke softly, and nod dumbly, which makes Wanda smile. 
You have no idea how you managed to drive home after that, but part of you thinks Wanda must have used magic.
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mischiefmanaged71 · 2 years
The Love Hypothesis (19/22) - Stephen Strange x Reader
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Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.
A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.
Pairing: Stephen Strange X FEM! Reader
Word Count: 1K
Series Masterlist
Her stomach twisted as the Uber drove up to the restaurant, thoughts rushing Y/N’s mind at the prospect of what she was about to do. it was quite possibly the most crazy thing she had considered since the beginning of all of this drama. Mustering the courage was the most part, taking the plunge as her eyes flashed open upon arrival.
After paying the driver, she pushed the door open and pulled up to the entrance of the restaurant. She swallowed her worries and walked through the doors, the crisp night air gripping her body. She gingerly walked past the front table and searched the crowd for him, sorting through people until she located him. The head of dark hair, the navy shirt and dress pants with the accompanying blazer.
Her blood thundered in her ears as she made her way next to him, drawing his attention away from the table. she could describe his reaction as that of shock and surprise, slight worry.
"Y/N?" He asked, his eyes reading more than she expected. She looked at him and it took everything for her not to collapse. His eyes graced her face gingerly, everything around halting. 
"What are you doing here?" he saw the slight red tint and puffiness to her eyes, “Are you okay?”
She mustered a smile, “I’m okay, I...”
Y/N gulped, the tension in her throat very much there, 
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but there was a possibility you might still be in Boston and I didn’t know when I would get the chance to say this. I kind of had to muster the courage to come here.” she breathed, clenching her hands to stop the trembling.
"I need to speak with you. Preferably in private." Spotting all of the people around the table now watching them.
"Hey, Y/N." She looked over at Tom who smiled at her smugly, "What are you doing here?"
“I need to speak with Stephen.”
“Oh, Y/N, I know you’re young so you probably don’t know how these things work, but Stephen is at a very important meeting-”
"Leave." Stephen said, standing from his seat.
Her face dropped, hands dropping to her side until Stephen turned to Tom.
"Not you. Tom. Leave."
"What-" he scoffed, "You're seriously going to leave this meeting? You realise how important this is, don't you? Or are you too absorbed in this-"
“Don’t lie to me and say you didn’t pick out a dress that short for my benefit. Nice legs, by the way. I can see why Stephen’s wasting his time with you.”
Both Stephen and Tom turned to the phone held in Y/N's hand as she focused on holding her resolve instead of running from the attention she now held in the room as the recording continued. There was no going back from here onward. Stephen stared at the phone with an aggressive tone to his eyes.
“You don’t think I accepted you into my lab because you’re good, do you? A girl like you. Who figured out early in her academia that sleeping with well-known, successful scholars is how you get ahead.”
“That sob story about your mother dying will only get you so far. Mediocre at best.”
“It was him.” Stephen whispered lowly.
Tom leaped toward her, "What is that-"
Stephen held him back with a hand to his chest, not bothering to look at him just yet as the recording continued to play.
"This is ridiculous. You're seriously going to entertain what this bitch says-"
Then Stephen suddenly turned, placing himself between Y/N and Tom before he  practically slammed the man against the nearest wall.
"I'm gonna kill you." He swore and Y/N's eyes widened as the people around moved to separate the men.
"You say another word. You ever talk or even look at the woman I love, I'll kill you. Actually, I just might kill you anyway." He swore, his arm strained against Tom's windpipe.
"Stephen." Her voice reached him among the other voices and people trying to get through to the pair and stop the altercation before it grew worse.
"Stephen, stop. He isn’t worth all this."
He isn’t worth staining your reputation in front of all these people. 
Her eyes met his and she shook her head. He unclenched his jaw and hesitantly dropped his hands, glaring at the man with a venomous stare. He stepped back and Tom dropped with a shaky breath. 
Stephen turned to her, crossing the room to assure she was okay. His hands gingerly cupped her face, "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't see it-I didn't know-"
"Stephen, none of this is your fault.” she whispered.
He shook his head, another apology on his lips.
"You kept this in this whole time. I'm so sorry-if I knew, I would've fixed it within a moment's notice."
"I know that now." She muttered, "I was just-I was so scared-afraid."
"Of me?"
She silently shook her head, "I couldn't ruin what you worked so hard for. I could never do that to you."
"You couldn't-" he paused, his hand brushing her's and sending a warm flush along her skin. "Nothing you could say could change how I think of you."
"Dr. Strange, this is unacceptable! I demand an explanation!" The professor exclaimed.
"Dr. Strange.”
She glanced up at him, “Stephen, you should answer him.”
Stephen looked down at her, finally returned to his normal demeanour. Calm and exuding composure. He sighed, squeezing her hand before his gaze flickered to the distraught professor.
"I have to go now. Send me the recording immediately, okay?”
She nodded her head, "Okay, thank you."
They would talk about everything later.
“We need to speak privately. Your office?” the other man looked shocked, but nodded nonetheless. Stephen glanced at Tom, “Keep him far away.”
“I'll fix this, I promise.” He assured her, “Then I’ll come find you.”
@goldencherriess @severuined @thewinterpoet2 @pasta-warlord @typical-bistander @judig92 @captainbarness @gaitwae​ @sleutherclaw @angstsfordays @mavsketch @mando-is-the-way @samisubi @liar-liar13 @evelynrosestuff @stanny-uwu @colorfuly-blog04 @frostandflamesfanfic @katsuphobic @fiadh-bell @awmysherl @sourgrapes-aa @orighami @apple-and-berry @blue-aconite @kaykay0315 @hunterofshadows04 @ohchoices @empty-canvas @99queenrory99 @savage-rhi @shutupwylow @singhfae @loki-is-loved @jotaros-bara-tiddies @cottagecore-cat @simpforreadheads @levitationcloak @hospitaldaydream​ @elicheel @supervengerslock @clockblobber @multi-obsessed-fanfic-writer @classicrebound @sherlockstrangewolf @veryladyqueen
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It's Okay To Not Be Okay // 3
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Stark!Reader
Summary: Stark pays the sorcerer a visit.
Warnings: none
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVES <3 Wishing you all nothing but the best for 2022! More laughs, smiles and a whole lot of good times. Take care of yourselves wherever you are for me! Covid is still out there guys so please, be extra mindful and take precautions. I love every single one of you. <3
Staring up at the sacred sanctum I inhaled deeply and blew out the puff off air. It's almost been a week since Stephen and I kissed in my kitchen and ever since her drove off into the dark Saturday night I haven't seen or heard from him and if I'm being honest, that hurt.
Pushing the door open I entered the dimly lit building, a few of the other sorceres acknowledged my presence, none of them stopping to ask me what I'm doing here.
"Excuse me, do you know if Dr. Strange is around?"
"Y/N?" Stephen appeared on the the top of the staircase, his cloak slowly lowering him to his feet as I made my way up to meet him on the landing.
"We need to talk." inhaling sharply he motioned for me to follow him to his study, shutting the door behind us once we were inside. Just like the last time he brought me here, I sat down and patted the space next to me for him to join me.
"Stephen, about the other night..."
"You don't have to explain anything, I was in the wrong for kissing you like that, I wasn't thinking."
"I have too, I pushed you away."
"Because I was out of line."
"I pushed you away because I was scared not because I didn't like you or the kiss. You're an excellent kisser by the way." nudging his shoulder with mine I gained his attention; a cocky smile plastered onto his face at the compliment. Resting my head on his shoulder I took his hand in mine, locking our fingers together.
"We haven't known each other that long but I do know that I like you Stephen. It's just that Steve really did a number on me with the way he went back and returned as a dried up prune."
"You Starks are really something."
"The point is, I'd really like to see where this thing between us goes but all I'm asking is that you be patient with me. I'm still healing from wounds that cut deep." with his free hand he cupped my cheek and I removed my head from his shoulder. His baby blues stared into my soul as he gently brushed his thumb against my skin.
"Okay, whatever you need because I really, really like you too." for a moment Stephen and I sat there just staring each other, enjoying the other's touch. His eyes dropped to my lips a couple times before he started leaning in, his warm breath fanned against my face, mingling with mine.
"I'm going to kiss you again."
"I'm not stopping you."
His lips molded with mine perfectly in this slow kiss, like we were made for each other. I needed this fresh start, I needed Stephen. I know Tony is looking down right now probably punching the air again at the fact that I fell for someone he partially disliked.
I said partially because he still liked him more than he ever liked Steve.
Sorry, not sorry, Tony.
MARVEL Taglist:
@dorks2022 @sophiaedits @peakascum @anonymoustip217 @mel119g @iiddaaa @panaitbeatrice @mintphoenix @hardcoppizzasludge @tanyaherondale @creatingjana @calimoi @rootcrop @louisianalady @chrisfucksblog @thummbelina @n3ssm0nique @vicmc624 @leyannrae @janaev4ns @queenofkings1212 @believinghurts @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @stumbleonmywords @inas-thing @blackcat420
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