#knowledgeable about but really not the point of the discussion. the patience that i have
enochianspells · 1 year
being a history graduate is insane because why are you, a man who barely graduated high school fifty years ago, fighting me over something i have read a seven hundred pages book about
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noyoucantpinmedown · 4 months
The Bowers Gang When Their Partner Has Their Period
Basically headcanons on the boys' attitude towards periods and how they handle their afab partner having one.
Belch Huggings
While Belch was raised by his loving mom, I picture Mrs. Huggings being quite old-fashioned and therefore very sheepish when it comes to talking biology with her son. Poor woman barely made it through giving him the sex talk, and as a result all Reggie knows is that whatever happens during the elusive ''time of the month'', it's not fun. Despite his lack of knowledge, Belch will be very doting of his partner if he's told they're having theirs, or even if he thinks they might be (he will never ask, or say the P word.) His SO can expect even more cuddles, random store bought or home-cooked treats (Mama Huggins is proud of how considerate her boy is), supplies kept on hand in the glove compartment of his car, patience, and compassion. Will assume sex is out of the question for the time being, but if his partner asks, he's more than happy to oblige. Generally will check on his SO constantly to the point of being annoying, and is willing to do anything they want, being nothing but understanding and obliging the whole time, even if his partner is cranky and takes out their frustration on him. Clueless as he is, he's ready to do anything he can think of to help, and is eager to be directed on what his SO needs. Will it kill him inside to be seen out buying pads for his partner? Yes. Will he do it anyway without complaint? Also yes. 10/10 in terms of support.
Victor Criss
I headcanon Victor as having two younger sisters and one of them is around the Losers' age, so aside from actually having been educated by his parents, he has actually witnessed what it can be like. He's the best prepared for this scenario and the most mature about it. As most teenage boys, Vic is a bit grossed out by the whole thing, but he's determined to handle it maturely and discuss it openly with his partner. Once he knows Aunt Flo is in town, he'll steal some pads from his sister and mom's stash to keep in his backpack, along with some Advil for cramps. He will show empathy for his SO's aches and mood swings, but unlike Belch, he will not take his SO directing their frustration at him- they may be bleeding, but that does not get them a free pass to treat him badly. In terms of intimacy, he's squicked out by blood in a sexual context, so his partner is on their own for that one. Other that that, he's happy to provide whatever his SO needs- he'll cuddle and read with his partner when they're bedridden with cramps, supply them with warm drinks, listen to them rant, and provide plenty of affection.
We're done with the sweet boyfriends part- onto the shitty ones.
Patrick Hockstetter
Patrick's knowledge on menstruation amounts to sexist stereotypes, and shameless as he is, he's not afraid to talk about it. The type to bring it up whenever his partner is grumpier than usual (''Oh, I see. Shark week, is it?''), and enjoys coming up with names for it- they're about as gross as you can expect. He's curious about how it really works, though, which might make it even worse, because now his taunts are even more based in reality. The stereotypical ones don't really stop either, though. The only one who will not tell their partner if their clothes are stained in public, because it's funnier if they're walking around with a red spot on the back of their pants. Patrick has an uncanny ability to just know when his partner's having their monthly visitor without them having to mention it (because he's a stalker with great observational skills). Doesn't give a shit about what their partner is going through, no emotional support to be found here. He's just as likely to take mood swings and crankiness in good fun (but there will be some form of punishment if his SO crosses the line of what he considers entertaining sass) as he is to get bored with it and avoid his partner until they're in a more agreeable mood. But hey, he is not completely useless- will give his partner all the physical affection they want, because he enjoys his partner being clingy and it's easy to transition to sex from there. Every now and then he'll swipe treats and supplies from the store even if he is not asked for them. The more attached Patrick feels to his SO, the more likely he is to do it and the more likely he is to not ask for anything in return... the latter still isn't a lot, he'll still expect his partner to fall over themselves thanking him for his sacrifice and generosity (that being the one chocolate bar he stole while going to steal cigarettes for himself). Generally speaking though, for Patrick it's business as usual. Ditto for intimacy. The negative is that he will expect his partner to put out in some form of another; the positive is that his partner will not be without if they habe those kind of cravings, and absolutely nothing is off the table because we know Patrick is nasty as hell and really enjoys blood. If his partner really wants nothing to do with him in that department, no big deal! He'll just find someone who does while he waits out the crimson tide :) He's such a catch, guys!
Henry Bowers
Oh boy. So, here's the thing: unlike Patrick, Henry actually wants to help. Unlike Vic and Belch, Henry is too stoic and hard-headed to even touch the topic. All he knows about menstruation is wrapped up in sexism, so he probably thinks that ''it's not that big of a deal'', or that ''women play it up for attention''. But he's squeamish when it comes to the reality of All Things Afab, so if he pulls the ''are you on you period'' card when his partner is in a bad mood and his partner answers Yes, I am, expect blushing and stammering. Wants to help, but does not want to talk about it, and a lot of the things that would help he considers demeaning (he will not be caught dead in the feminine care aisle). Not much to offer in the way of emotional support, except awkward pats and clumsy attempts at validation. He will show his partner more grace than usual, but if they're the type to complain a lot, get snappy or emotional, he'll get very tired very quickly. As far as sex is concerned, Henry expects his needs to still be met but refuses to touch his partner below the hips- he won't push his SO more than once or twice, though, and will wait it out without bringing it up again. Generally better at the quiet moments: sitting with his SO while they nap or watch a movie, wordlessly giving them food or a hot water bottle and trying to blissfully ignore the whole situation as much as he can.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
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Adam had never known someone to have unwavering patience like you had.
No question or inquiry Adam had was deemed too absurd nor too dumb for you to answer whilst also giving him the room for him to come up with his own verdicts based on his personal experiences.
However there was something that still eludes the seemingly perfect being and that happened to be the emotions he felt within your presence that only seemed to linger long after you were out of his sight; Which in due to his need to look out and protect you from practically everything he deemed a threat, was almost nigh impossible.
Adam wasn’t exactly certain what they meant in the grander scheme of things but in those moment where it’s just you and him, he couldn’t help but put all his focus on how you made him feel and it was confusing in the most beautiful way. You took up a majority of his thoughts that throughout the day Adam would wonder what you were doing, where you were and if you were okay, if you were with anyone and finally Adam would wonder if there was a slight possibility that you were thinking about him also.
Sure, it may sound childish of him to wish that you were, but to Adam it would only further prove that you may be fated to one another. The thought of that being the case brought a weird warm sensation that of which spread throughout his body as he rested his hand against his chest, while he looked down at it with the expression of a confused child; Adam was in dire need of your wisdom but unfortunately by the time he came to you for it, you were more then just about ready to hit the hay.
‘Y/n, I apologise for the intrusion but I have an serious matter I wish to discuss with you that can not wait, if you’ll be so kind as to hear me out.’ You sighed, really wanting nothing more then to go to sleep but but considering the look upon his handsome face, you made an exception. You sat on the edge of your bed, gesturing him to take a seat beside you, which Adam did post haste, remembering to leave some room between you both. ‘What’s up Adam, what did you want to discuss?’ You asked.
‘How do you know when you feel something so strongly for someone that they just take over your every thought and what is is called because I’ve been feeling this way for a while now and I’m at a loss as to what to make of it all.’ Adam says, looking at you expectedly like he always did; He was always one to value knowledge above all things, seeing as he was already quite powerful. Yet you couldn’t help but wonder whether or not you had something to do with these feelings he’s been feeling so strongly lately; Considering you were practically the only person he’s been within the company of, to the point where it has became a running gag amongst your friends that where’d you went, Adam wasn’t too far behind like a lost duckling.
‘What is it that you feel Adam, is it a good feeling or a bad feeling that you have about this person?’ You asked.
‘They’re on my mind as though my mind was built with the sole purpose of thinking of them and only them,’ Adam begins but as he does so, a smile stretched across his lips as a soft expression permeates his face. ‘From the light of the morning to nightfall, I’m wondering where they are, worried if they were in need of me but I just can’t hear them, can’t be there with them when they need me most, and mostly…I wonder if they think about me as much as I think about them because they are very special to me…so much so that I couldn’t fathom existing without them.’ Adam finishes before placing his hand over your own. ‘You are very special to me y/n. You’re the one I think about.’
Having already expected this being the case, you still were somehow taken aback but that was short lived compared to the overwhelming relief that your feelings weren’t as one sided as you assumed. You smiled softly at Adam before intertwining your fingers with his, grasping into him tightly, as though afraid of letting him go now that you got him. ‘You’re feeling love Adam.’ You explained. ‘And love is the most powerful, most important feeling you could ever feel because it comes in all forms, all of which are just as equally powerful as the last. It’s an all consuming feeling that can make one act upon irrational but sometimes acting upon that irrationality does one good but at the end of the day, love is a power that has yet to meet it’s match.’ You finalised, hoping to have gotten the point across clear enough for him to understand.
Adam made a face and sat in silence for a few minutes and once those minutes were up, the smile and soft expression came back as he once again looked at you as though he could see all of you. ‘Does this feeling mean that I am in love with you?’ He asks. ‘And do you feel the same way?’ He adds on almost hopefully that you couldn’t help but chuckle before leaning in to press an innocent kiss to his golden cheek. ‘Was that enough confirmation?’ You inquired as you watched Adam blink twice as he raised a hand to touch the cheek you just kissed.
‘It’s more then enough.’ He tells you. ‘Thank you.’
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firegirl888101 · 2 months
I was wondering if you can do a head cannon if Y/N introduced Among Us to the harbingers. What would their reactions be like to the game and how chaotic would the emergency meetings get.
(also this is my very first ask ever, you don't need to responded if you don't want to)
(I've never played Among Us before, I'm basing my knowledge off of one livestream I watched during the height of the pandemic... and memes.)
The way I see it, Pierro and Pulcinella would likely sit out to stop any arguments from getting violent. They don't want to play the game because they can already feel the amount of arguments that will follow and don't have the patience to engage in them. Pulcinella's argument is that he's a mayor so it would be cheating if he joined, meanwhile Pierro just walks away when asked.
Scaramouche and Childe would 100% settle a debate with a fight to the death. Oh? We can't decide who's actually telling the truth and who's lying? Let's settle this in another way. Even Pierro and Pulcinella won't be able to break this fight up, it's better to let Childe tire himself out until the other Harbingers make their decision.
Y/N would regret introducing them to the game because now they can't have any peace in the house. Whenever someone suggests playing the game, they're either forced to join in or forced to sit out and watch from afar by Pulcinella and Pierro's side.
I can definitely see Arlecchino and Childe fighting over colours. (They both want the red character but only one person can be a colour at a time)
Capitano is always the first to be voted out because he doesn't take part in the discussions, he finds them pointless considering everyone is going to vote him out first anyway. It got to the point where he forced Y/N to play for him if they were just watching since he was tired of wasting time.
Columbina is strangely good at the game. Somehow, she can trick every single Harbinger into thinking she's the imposter when in actuality, she's not. She just wants to start drama. That, or she's bored and wants to do something else - she gets voted out then leaves the room to go back to what she was doing before. What was she doing before? Don't ask her, she won't tell you.
Rounds with the harbingers will probably last 20-30 minutes. All the Harbingers are technically diplomats for Snezhnaya so they know their way around debate and deciding who to vote off for 'the sake of the ship'. Yeah, none of them really buy into the bullshit story, they just enjoy taking the piss of eachother without being scolded by Pierro since that's technically what the game is.
^ Also, the Harbingers definitely whisper to eachother and form alliances in each round no matter whether they're a crewmate or imposter. Don't be surprised to find a few crewmates knowingly defending an imposter, they have an alliance after all! You can usually find Arlecchino and Columbina in a pair, and Dottore and Pantalone in a pair.
Pantalone is also good at this game, not as good as Columbina but he's a good manipulator when it comes to making his opponents believing what he wants them to believe. If Columbina and Pantalone form an alliance, all the Harbingers know they'll be on the winning side at the end of the round.
Sandrone and Signora aren't too bothered about the game. They have fun laughing at the others when they're ejected from the ship and painfully screaming that they're not the imposter, but other than that, they're quite neutral. Everyone who plays the game is insistent they join and play because each round needs neutral players who will listen to both sides and determine the best solution to the argument. Although, Signora sometimes likes to pick Childe over Scaramouche if he annoyed her in particular during the session.
Also Columbina is always the pink character. Don't argue with her about this, Sandrone once picked pink before Columbina sat down and almost got her eyes ripped out her skull. After that, it was quickly made a rule that everyone sticks to their own colours and doesn't swap. Apart from Columbina panting in anger, it did solve the whole Arlecchino and Childe fighting problem. Childe took dark blue and Arlecchino kept the red.
This was really fun to imagine! <3
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dontexpectmuch · 1 year
sometimes jude gives himbo vibes (lets never forget he thinking mexican was a language lol) so what about headcanons of himbo jude and smart reader? I think this could be fun 😂😅
jude bellingham testing his partners patience could be like…:
you try your very best to help jude and his friend, gio, as much as you can when it comes to freshen up their general knowledge. you try. however, as soon as you talk about the first topic, a huge discussion erupts with both of them talking as loud as possible, trying to get their points through. and somehow you always end up in the middle, both of them trying to get to tell the other that their opinion is wrong.
“bro, a piranha could kill you.” gio laughs, looking at jude who only shakes his head scoffing with his hand squeezing your thigh. “not me, though.” he denies, now looking at you, in hopes that you would back him up. “don’t look at me like that, love, of course they can.” - “you should support me instead of that geezer!” he exclaims, offended that you would betray him like that. “bro, why wouldn’t it? have you seen them?” gio continued, not believing that his friend could be this naïve. “i’ll just swim away.” jude shrugged. both gio and you looked at him flabbergasted, no words found to describe how disappointed you felt.
explaining him different theories throughout the day, whether it was biology related or historical, became the new norm for you. it almost felt like playing teacher/pupil. jude somehow always comes up with the most interesting (?) questions ever. and instead of googling it or whatever, his first reaction is to go to you, the smartest person he knew. “babe, what did they say about the giraffe necks again?” - “babe, how can genes skip a generation? do they just, i don’t know, wait?” - “bro, what do you mean the proteins dissolve in heat?” you have to be patient, but also couldn’t help but coo at your boyfriends confused expression.
he uses your wide spectrum of vocabulary to roast his teammates or jobe in the group chat, never in real life, since he wouldn’t be able to pronounce everything correctly for the first time. it is usually in the evening, the two of you laying on the couch, a tv show softly playing in the background. “yo,” jude speaks up, his face focused on his phone, eyebrows drawn together and lips agape, “how do i say that he can go fuck himself and that i don’t care that he doesn’t want to do it, but, like, make it sound smart.” - “jude, what are you doing?”
sometimes, when his cluelessness gets too much for you to handle, you usually walk away, to a different room or something. just, something so you wouldn’t hit judes pretty little head with the next slipper you found. though, he is really mature and is able to keep a conversation flowing, he’d sometimes say something so out of pocket that one would have to be left alone for a while, just so you could comprehend what had happened. and jude would follow you, not giving you a chance to escape his weirdness, “bruh, c’mon it wasn’t that bad.” he’d laugh, his hands closed around your arm to pull you against his chest. “no, please.” you shake your head, trying to break free, “i can’t do this today.” -“babe! don’t be so mean.” - “love, what do you mean you thought mexican was a language? please, don’t do this to me.” hearing you say that caused him to laugh even more, eyes closed and head thrown back.
himbo bee effs for the win
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months
Saying someone has "zero brain cells present" because you didn't understand their addition to a post doesn't seem like a very good way to "facilitate collected, open-minded discussions between opposing or conflicting views". The addition was clearly about how some fandom spaces are so separated from reality that they end up treating fandom drama like shipping as some huge priority to sink effort into and how arguing over a ship will somehow make the world a better place. It won't and some fan areas would do well to keep it all in perspective and have a reality check over what's an actual problem in life. What a mean spirited blog you run if this is how you treat anyone trying to interact with the topics you bring up.
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Its the tag I use so people can block my more nonsensical or argumentative reblogs if that's not something they want to see. Its also pretty accurate, frankly. If you get that tag, you've earned it.
I understood it perfectly. I also understood it was a completely irrelevant and pointless addition to the post because it directly contradicts the very nature of the post.
If you look back through the reblogs you'll see well over a hundred other people have done the exact same thing and been given the exact same response. If you say something stupid on my posts, beyond a certain point I will simply react as I see fit.
I do not care that I've hurt your feelings or theirs. Life is unfortunate that way sometimes. Its not mean spirited. Its called reaching the threshold of my patience.
Responding to someone saying people need respite by essentially regurgitating that they're allowed respite as long as they never ever forget that people are being murdered and as long as people are forced to moderate how much respite they need is... Really not the kind of moral victory the reblogger thought it was.
People are entitled to respite. Period. As much of it as they need. Respite doesn't magically erase the knowledge that the world is burning. We don't need people like that reblogger permitting us respite as long as we only take just enough of it to reach that shitty perfect balance they have in mind.
Once activism becomes forced it is no longer activism and it is no longer as effective. Also, waving around one of those very same world issues as some kind of brownie point to your argument is disgusting.
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transmascutena · 3 months
Hey I found your blog kind of at random coincidentally right when I started RGU after putting it off for a long time. I grew up on toonami and I like going back to the "classics" for any form of media, so it's an obvious choice.
The reason I delayed watching it for so long is kind of odd; when I perused the Wikipedia summary way back when the blurb for (i think) ep 30 had the line something like, "Utena realizes she has fallen in love with Akio against her will." My knowledge of the series was 1) Akio is bad guy and 2) Utena is heroine, and something about that plot point just soured me on the entire thing. It was mostly a personal issue, my own phobias around corruption and loss of control, so I wasn't in the mood for a story of falling victim to that, especially a protagonist I'm supposed to empathize with, and I also just hate that trope. "Oh no, I love Bad Person so I will now do Things I know are Bad because Love." That can certainly be well done but I think it's more often the sign of bad writing from writers without the skill or patience to adequately portrayed a character arc. I found a few fan blogs and essays about the seduction of Utena, and how it's allegedly done in universe as very calculated, meticulous and believable.
I can't say exactly why but the entire concept just repulsed me. I think difficult subjects definitely should be discussed in media, so the reluctance was out of character for me. Eventually I found myself thinking about it so much I decided I had to just sit down and watch it just to be able to make up my own mind. I guess I just figure that Big Bad Seduces Hero and She Dies but also Wins Somehow?? is such a dumb plot that it can't actually be the content of a show that is so highly regarded.
I suppose I don't actually have a question for you, I just wanted to write out my reservations to somebody, but maybe you have some insights on it. Because I'm also learning from your blog that there's a scene that some people can't decide is rape or not? The hell? I guess I just don't want to sink hours of my life into this and then find a gratuitous rape scene that's trying to be Deep and Artistic.
Maybe that's my question, is the hype worth it, and does the show justify it's use of sexual violence in your opinion? Thanks for reading this, I mostly just needed to type it out.
to be quite honest i think "Utena realizes she has fallen in love with Akio against her will" is a bad summary of that episode, that i don't think really gets across what the episode, or the show as a whole, is about, so i don't blame you for feeling hesitant because of it. utena, at least in my interpretation of the show, is not and never was "in love" with akio. she is being groomed by him, and is being convinced that she is, but even then it's more complicated than that. it's just as much about the structure of The Family as it is about romance for example. it's about how the lines between the two often get blurry under patriarchy, and how that vagueness can be used to take advantage of kids who don't know better (utena especially because she does not have a family, and does not know what a family is supposed to be). there is so so much to this that i can't get to it all here, but if you're worried about it being a cliché plot executed badly, don't be. there are so many layers to it that say so much about how these systems work in real life, and it absolutely lives up to the praise people give it. but, you know, it is a heavy subject and it is portrayed that way, so be aware of that going in.
as for the rape scene, it is pretty unanimously agreed upon to be rape by the fandom, and the only reason there are a few people who disagree is that they don't know what the concept of consent means. that being said though, the scene itself is not gratuitous at all, nor is it at all explicit, really. it's clear what is happening for sure, and it is absolutely upsetting and uncomfortable, but the only thing that is actually shown is the character's face. the show as a whole does not really have any nudity either, if that tells you anything. the sexual abuse is there and it is not subtle, but it is always depicted with respect for the victim, and nothing is ever show that isn't strictly necessary. it's really impressive to me, to be honest. the scene is there for a reason, and it is important to the plot/character arcs, because the show is about (among other things) commentary on systems of sexual violence/abuse. the show absolutely does "justify" it's use of sexual violence, because it's about not only why it's bad, but also how and why it happens.
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depravitycentral · 2 years
Yandere! Rintarou Suna General Profile
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Yandere! Rintarou Suna x fem! reader
Cw: kidnapping, mentions of physical abuse, mentions of hypothermia/death, rin locks you in a freezer but don't worry it hurts him too </3, stalking, voyeurism, non-consensual recording/photography, harassment, possessiveness, mentions of non-con, Stockholm Syndrome, fem reader, MDNI
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy!
WC: 10.0 K
Despite Rintarou’s usually quiet, apathetic personality, he finds himself drawn to people who are more talkative and outgoing.
It’s not that he necessarily wants to converse himself, but it’s a relief for him to know that his darling is able to express themself, and is able to carry on a conversation with little to no unease.
He likes listening to their words, letting himself be entertained and guided along in a conversation. He’s not normally the instigator in conversations; he prefers to chime in when he feels like it, and while his darling doesn’t need to be constantly talking, he’d like a darling that can take the lead in a conversation.
Honestly, it’s almost impressive to Rintarou, and the fact that his darling doesn’t mind being the talkative and social one in the relationship only feeds his more obsessive tendencies - the more they talk and ramble about what they love, the more information he learns and is able to store away for future reference.
He loves learning about his darling, and he honestly could sit for hours and just listen to them talk and talk.
It’s therapeutic in a way to the middle blocker, and he absolutely adores this aspect of his darling.
Rintarou himself is quite analytical and intelligent, and as a result he has little patience with those who might not be as blessed. He was somewhat lazy throughout his schooling; always slacking off and falling asleep in class, but only because his natural smarts saved his ass and allowed him to be lenient on studying and listening to the teachers.
And even throughout his professional career, Rintarou’s had to rely on this intelligence to help him perform and successfully read his opponents in the midst of points.
And while he doesn’t need a partner that’s a genius (though, he doesn’t mind), having a partner who is at least knowledgeable is a requirement for him. He doesn’t have the time and patience to deal with people that he has to explain his jokes to, or that aren’t able to keep up with conversations happening around them.
He finds it to be a major attraction when his darling is able to contribute meaningful things to a discussion, and in particular if they were to showcase their knowledge in their given field to Rintarou.
He'd stare with such intensity as they explain the foundations of their job and field, him hanging onto their every word as he notes the way they look so happy and excited, how their face brightens up and fuck he wants to kiss them so badly.
He just really likes the idea of a smart, capable darling, and while he likes the idea of taking care of them, he wants to know that he’s not wasting his time on a complete idiot.  
He can be quite teasing and witty, and having a darling that can go along with his jokes and deadpan comments would be an immense turn on for the brunette.
He likes the idea of someone that can keep up with all of the shit that comes out of his mouth; he’s selective about his words, but often they’re said in a teasing way, and having a darling that’s too sensitive to this would likely not pan out well.
He needs someone who is able to take it and dish it out back - they don’t have to be the funniest or the quickest thinker, but a darling who will laugh at his words and throw in a remark here or there to counter him would be wonderful.
People who are more meek and nervous when talking to others aren’t his ideal type, and while it’s possible for his darling to have aspects of this in their personality, Rintarou mainly falls for those who are more assertive with their words. And while his darling doesn’t need to be the most confident in themselves, they need to be able to put up with his rather snarky attitude.
Knowing that his darling has his back is something that Rintarou thrives on, and it only further proves to him how perfect they are for one another.
While Rintarou isn’t inherently mean, there’s just something about the honesty of compliments when they leave his darling’s lips that makes him smile.
His own personality is snarky, full of teasing remarks and a rather objective view of the events around him, and so to have someone who is naturally more adept at being honest and welcoming towards others is stubbornly adorable to him.
Of course, he’s internally a flustered, dazed mess when they tell him how talented he is at volleyball, how smart he is, how his hair is so uniquely him. His heart is racing in his chest and his palms are growing sweaty, the sound of his darling’s voice complimenting him permanently etched into his memory, but on the exterior he stays the same blank faced man he always is.
There’s just something so disarming about what his darling says, and just when he thinks his beloved can’t get any better, any more perfect, they let something slip out that makes his heart melt, and he’s once again struck with the question of how he got lucky enough to have a soulmate so wonderful.
His darling inspires him to try and compliment them more too – he certainly notices all kinds of beautiful, attractive things they say and do, but as soon as he goes to say the words they get stuck on the tip of his tongue.
He wants to tell his darling that they’re gorgeous when they wear that shade of blue, but despite the number of times he practiced mentally and in the bathroom mirror that morning, he never seems to be able to.
And so, Rintarou would love a kind darling because they inspire him to be kind as well - Rintarou doesn’t know why it makes him happy, but he’ll be damned if he lets them slip away.
While Rintarou isn’t particularly insecure, he’s more than aware that he isn’t the ‘ideal’ man.
He’s quiet, snarky, lanky, someone who prefers to simply watch and be more in the background. He knows he’s different from someone like his teammates, like his long time friends the Miyas, even as irritating as it may be to admit. He may be a professional athlete now, raking in money with every ball he hits, but he knows there’s more flashy, cooler players even on his own team.
He’s fully aware that he isn’t every girl’s dream guy, and this knowledge along with the sheer amount of desperation he feels for your love is a bit of an ugly mix.
He’s hyper aware of the fact that you likely aren’t aware of the depth of his feelings for you. He's sure that you’re blissfully ignorant to the way his heart nearly beats out of his chest the moment your name is mentioned, how his cheeks flush pink when he’s laying in bed imagining your soft body is in his arms, when he’s gulping harshly and trying to discreetly fix his pants before he walks into the café and sees you.
You likely aren’t aware of the way he’s taken to following you and thinking of you every moment of the day, but it doesn’t change the fact that Rintarou is thoroughly and completely hooked on you, utterly enraptured by every little thing you do, every little part of you that adds up to the woman he thinks he loves.
You may not know, but Rintarou wants you to be completely and utterly his, solely and only his girl, just as his heart is so desperately yearning for, just as he thinks of you in his mind. He’s sure you aren’t aware of his feelings because he purposefully tries to keep them concealed, but it doesn’t change the way an ugly feeling of rage simmers in his chest when another man approaches you, how his fists grow clammy and his eyes narrow when another guy is looking at you, when you get brought up in conversations that he happens to overhear.
He knows he doesn’t really have any grounds to feel jealous, that his hold and claim on you is purely in his mind, but Rintarou doesn’t fucking care. It’s still painful to imagine you with another man, to think of you smiling and laughing and getting flustered at the hands of someone else.
It makes him ill to think of you with someone who won’t love you like he does, who doesn’t know the real you as well as he does, who can’t provide for you and protect you like he can. It’s irritating as hell, and so Rintarou tries his best to keep other guys from being interested in you, to keep all other potential competition at bay so that when he’s finally ready to make a substantial move, you’ll feel that he’s your only choice.
He’s managed to weasel his way into your personal life, becoming a friend and accompanying you to nearly everything you do in public.
He’s subtly dropping hints that you’re not interested when he overhears others’ conversations, mentioning off-handedly that you’re already talking to someone (she’s always looking at her phone and smiling, you know what that means), that you’re not interested in a relationship (there’s this guy from her work who’s a volunteer firefighter that keeps trying to get with her – really hot, and if she’s saying no to him, then why would you ever be a yes?).
He’s even going so far as to lie about your sexuality just to get guys off of your trail, to keep you reserved for him and only him once the time is right.
Jealousy hits him in waves, difficult to ignore and counter once they’ve taken root in his gut, and while it’s a preventative measure more than anything to tip off those other guys who express interest in you, it’s still not enough.
Its never enough, if he’s being honest, because each time he sees someone like Atsumu or even Osamu approach you and look like such a better option, he’s seeing red and panicking, his mind running a mile a minute as he desperately tries to conjure up a plan to stop the impending doom, to keep you single and his.
Sabotaging any possible relationships is better than nothing, after all, but Rintarou still isn’t satisfied – he won’t be, really, until he’s finally stolen you away, made you his for the rest of your days, but in the meantime, he does what he can to keep the horribly overwhelming possessive thoughts at bay, to keep the urge to wrap you in his arms and hide you away from the world as dormant as possible.
And in doing this, a few new habits form – namely, he notices that the possessive and invasive thoughts tend to be stronger at night, when he’s lying alone in bed missing you and your body, wishing you were there to warm the sheets and press soft kisses against his jawline.
He’s missing you, finding himself using his pillow as a substitute for your body, even as pathetic and weird as it makes him feel. He notices it’s strongest then, which is why his whirling brain suddenly appraises an image that has his face turning pink, his body warming up, a small patch of sweat forming at his temples as he imagines the way you’d look with a network of small, dark hickeys against your neck and collarbones.
They’d be deep, sprinkled from behind your ears to the tops of your breasts, impossible to hide and marking you as fully, utterly his, his lover and partner to kiss and worship, his to mark up and claim, just as he so urgently wants to.
It’s a nice thought, really, and as his hand slides down his abdomen and he shakily exhales, Rintarou is content with the thought that one day he will paint you with his hickeys, that you’ll be wearing his marks like a necklace, the dark bruises decorating your skin like a fucking painting so that the world knows for absolute certainty that you’re the property of Rintarou Suna, that he owns you now and always.
So really, when you catch him staring at your collarbones the next day with his lips parted and his pupils blown wide, don’t be surprised – just as you shouldn’t be when you wake up in his basement, those fox-like eyes staring at you while his fingers itch with the urge to touch you.
He finds himself drifting into delusions about you much more than normal as his obsession carries on; ideas of keeping you locked away in his apartment, your pretty face smiling at him and hugging him when he comes home from practice, dinner on the stove and the TV already cued up to his favorite movie.
He’s imagining the way you’d tell him about your day and how much you missed him, how you’d smile at him and let the ring on your finger sparkle in the light as you ask him how his day went.
You’ll notice the way his eyes start lingering on your ring finger when you’re together, how his fingers seem to just be there, always nearby.
Don’t be surprised about how he starts referring to you more with ‘my’ in front of your name, calling you his friend, his coffee mate, his his his.
Don’t be surprised, because this isn’t anything new – Rintarou has always wanted to claim you as his, but now that he can?
Well, how can he not let all his possessive tendencies flourish once you’re all his?
While he isn’t explicitly scared to talk to you or approach you, Rintarou is self aware enough to know that he isn’t exactly an extravert, that talking and making conversation isn’t his specialty.
He enjoys conversing with you, truly, but it’s hard to know where to take the conversation, how to make you laugh and smile (because fuck do you look pretty when you chuckle, when your chiming giggle hits his ears, and while Rintarou isn’t one to normally be easily flustered, there’s something about the pride that swirls in his chest when he makes you smile that has his cheeks flushing ever so slightly pink), how to flirt with you and make you flustered and sad to see him go.
He isn’t too confident in his abilities to woo you (despite Atsumu’s frequent and unsolicited advice and offers to teach him how), so he falls back on a different method of being in your presence, of spending time with you.
That is, it might not be as consensual or interactive as speaking with you, but stalking you gets the job done too, and that’s all he can really ask for.
Besides, there’s something to be said about getting to enjoy you in silence, of getting an unobstructed view into who you really are, when you think you’re alone and safe and having privacy in your own home.
You’re vulnerable like this, your true self as you slip into bed or cram for an upcoming project at work, and in a lot of ways Rintarou believes that this is a more valuable and real way of getting to know you, of getting to feed the insatiable desire in his heart to see you.
It’s more effective, in a lot of ways, if only because this way he spends prolonged periods of time observing, those narrow eyes fixated on your form as you hum and stretch after sitting a while at your desk, allowing the middle blocker to analyze the way your face scrunches up momentarily, how your shirt jumps up to expose a line of midriff above the hemline of your sweatpants, how you sigh and make a noise much too provocative for him to handle innocently.
(He’s gulping harshly, his fingers twitching and his knees feeling oddly weak as he relives memories of you way you gasp and cry out when you’re touching yourself, how your lips part into that pretty ‘o’ and your thighs twitch).
It’s more effective as he gets to watch the way you put together meals for yourself, leftovers from the night before and freezer-bake food items, quick and easy things that part of him wants to split with you (maybe, as you slice up the freshly oven-cooked frozen pizza, he could even feed a piece to you and tease you for having melted cheese on your cheek), while the other part wants to scold you for eating food that doesn’t benefit you much nutritionally.
He feels connected to you like this, like you’re really getting to spend time with one another, like you’re in your own little world and inviting him into your life, into you. It’s sweet, in a way, which is why Rintarou feels the need to document each little moment that has his heart clamoring in his chest, his throat feeling dry and his stomach fluttery.
His phone is always on standby, a huge portion of his camera roll devoted to videos and pictures of you living your life, doing domestic things that have him softly sighing and imagining the way you’d welcome him home after a long practice, how you’d get on your tip toes to press a peck against his lips, how you’d scrub the loofah along his chest when you shower together.
It’s sweet and whimsical, in a way, and while he’s careful to never have the flash on or make a noise, his collection of memories of you span to capture everything – you brushing your teeth, folding laundry, scribbling math equations, scrolling through your phone, using the restroom, sleeping and rolling over with a soft huff.
You’re just adorable, beautiful and wonderful and everything that Rintarou could hope for, and so while he doesn’t particularly like the fact that he doesn’t interact with you as much as he could, he’s satisfied – after all, watching you through your bedroom window is more intimate than talking about your day, right?
Listening to the way you talk to yourself as you work through the complicated work problems (thanks to the bugs he places in your room) is more personal than asking you if you’d like to come to his next volleyball game, right?
Rintarou thinks so, and with each new expression and reaction you make to the things around you (sometimes he’ll even fabricate a situation to examine your response to – nothing big, maybe leaving a small sign that he’d been in your room earlier, or leaving the door unlocked, or leaving the TV running), he learns more and more about you.
He’s good at reading people, and you’re his biggest challenge yet – and truly, he wants to know everything about you, to learn what makes you tick, what scares you, what makes you so happy you’re in tears.
You’re a mystery to him, but one he oh so desperately wants to solve – so try to ignore the feeling of those sharp eyes on you, yeah?
It’s just done out of love, so what is there to fear?
Where your happiness is concerned, a lot of Rintarou’s more emotional tendencies come out. He lives to see you smile, as seeing you beam or giggle or stubbornly snort makes his heart practically beat out of his chest, the sound and sight addicting in a way he knows he’ll never be able to quit.
He’s normally not the most motivated, someone who puts in minimal effort unless he’s inspired, but his determination to get you smiling and happy is really quite something, really quite overwhelming –
Frankly, he’s desperate to be the cause of your happiness, to know that he’s the one who’s responsible for making your face light up, that he’s the one that turned your shit day into a decent, enjoyable one. It’s a boost to his ego, and it makes him feel a bit better about the whole stalking thing, the obsession thing, the way he’s latched onto you without any hope of ever letting go.
The knowledge makes him proud, has him feeling like a partner, like someone who can truly love you and care for you, but the thing that sets Rintarou apart is that he doesn’t particularly want you to know that he’s the one responsible, that the reason why you're doing so well in university or your job is all him.
It’s not that he doesn’t want the credit (because god, just the thought of you smiling up at him and hugging him, telling him you’re so thankful and happy for him and maybe even rewarding him with a kiss is enough to get his Adam’s apple sharply bobbing, his eyes darting around the room and his fist clenching), but the reason that he keeps his acts of service regarding you more on the down-low has to do with the way he doesn’t like to bring attention to himself.
Obviously, your attention and time and care are things he craves like a drug, but there’s still a certain amount of slight insecurity that washes through him as his thoughts overwhelm him, the possibility of you being creeped out by just how often and thoroughly he helps you out hitting him square in the chest.
The last thing he wants to do is alienate himself, to get you feeling uncomfortable around him, to make you scared of him, hence why he decides it’s better to stay in the dark than have your lovely warmth and radiance no longer be partially directed towards him.
And while the acts of service start small towards the beginnings of his obsession with you, with time they grow more elaborate and more invasive.
In the beginning, Rintarou is doing things out of the kindness of his heart; you’re looking a bit down, more stressed than normal? He’s quick to run to the store and buy your favorite snacks, making up some excuse to leave them on your desk before your classes or shift starts, so that once you walk in you’re met with a pleasant surprise and a short but sweet note from an anonymous sender.
(Writing the notes always feels so cliché, but Rintarou finds that once he sits down with the pen and paper, the words just keep coming – obviously he can only write so much without giving away the depth and extent of his infatuation, so the letters get stored in his desk while the more simple you look tired, try to sleep more and take some time for yourself get attached to the goodies).
In the beginning, it’s Rintarou still having a strange internal battle about whether or not he should be going out of his way to help you, but always finding himself unconsciously moving to make sure that your bag doesn’t touch the area of the school carpet with the mysterious stain, that your food doesn’t get accidentally contaminated by anyone else’s germs. He's moving to make sure that you’re still smiling and happy, because while you’re still beyond gorgeous with a frown etched into your features, it’s nothing compared to that flustered little smile, the bashful crinkle of your nose, the way your eyes flutter.
It’s simple in the beginning, and he swears it’s innocent – until suddenly, he’s finding himself slipping further and further into the odd, self-induced responsibility of making sure your life is as easy as possible. Instead of simply double checking that your laundry is done before you get home, he's doing basketfuls, bringing his very own laundry detergent - it smells like him, and while you don't seem to notice the change in scent yet, he's hoping some part of your subconscious will enjoy the smell and associate it with him. Maybe you'll even have little, embarrassing fantasies about him as a househusband - something that isn't entirely off the table, if he's being completely honest.
What starts as him leaving you little snacks (mostly comprised of chuupets of his favorite flavor, if only because it seems weirdly intimate to be sharing something like that with you) to keep you pleasantly surprised turns into him reluctantly and nonchalantly begging Osamu to teach him to cook, leaving you anonymous bentos with your favorite foods and cute little drawings that always make you smile and get embarrassed, your friends hovering and bombarding you with questions about your secret admirer.
(And of course, you always leave the box pristine, with the chopsticks neatly stacked on top at the corner of your desk for the owner to reclaim, and while Rintarou isn’t proud of the way he spends hours sucking on the used chopsticks, tongue sucking and sliding over the metal to taste every possible piece of you he can, he’s not disgusted enough with himself to stop.)
What starts as him simply trying to make you less stressed and your life easier slowly turns into him breaking into your home to complete your chores, to tidy up your room, to sift through your closet and replace your old, used panties with brand new pairs in colors and shades he thinks you’ll love and that he fantasizes about them so much that he has his own matching, identical pair who’s sole purpose is to absorb every drop of cum he wrings out just for you you you –
He becomes your lapdog, in a way, though you won’t know it – frankly, you’ll know something is going on, but why would you ever suspect snarky, introverted Rintarou?
Why would he ever go out of his way for you, do anything so time consuming for you?
You’ll push aside the nagging feeling, trying to play it off as you being overly aware, but once Rintarou has you locked into his basement, your favorite foods and items surrounding you like a strange sort of offering, his narrow yellow eyes lighting up at the mere opportunity to make you smile and thank him?
Well, it gets more difficult once you’re able to see just how pathetically desperate Rintarou is – but really, can he be blamed?
Can he be blamed for wanting to make you happy?
Despite having adopted the ‘cool boy’ guise for as long as anyone can remember, Rintarou is very much not ‘cool’ when he’s placed into situations where you’re being chased by another man.
He absolutely detests the prospect of another man trying anything at all with you – he’s not horribly delusional, but he still thinks of you as solely his, just as he is solely yours.
And so, the moment that this notion is challenged, Rintarou is suddenly shutting down a bit, his heart racing in his chest and his veins feeling like they’re on fire because who the hell is trying to steal you away from him?
He’s got a bit of a possessive streak, and so he’s actually quite used to being jealous because of you.
He knows he’s not the most social or outgoing guy, and as a result you’ll often end up in conversations with people that aren’t him, no matter how badly he wishes it weren’t true.
It’s too scary sometimes to simply walk up to you and begin chatting, but for other men this doesn’t seem to be an issue – and so, often when Rintarou is jealous, it’s a combination of being both jealous of how you’re responding to this man’s flirtations, along with frustration at himself for not being man enough to just fucking talk to you.
He’s terrified you’ll find someone you like more – maybe he’ll be funnier, nicer, better at compliments, able to get you laughing in the blink of an eye. Maybe he’ll be bulkier, have a better fashion sense, have soft, curly hair instead of the somewhat wiry brown locks he’s always been stuck with.
Insecurities get the best of Rintarou when he’s faced someone challenging his spot in your life, and while you may never know, he’s absolutely enraged when he sees others interacting with you.
He isn’t the most bold yandere, and so while he rarely ever directly interferes, those golden eyes will be watching you constantly when you’ve captured another man’s attention.
He’s watching like a hawk, trying to read your every movement, expression and word, hoping and praying he’ll find some sign that you aren’t reciprocating the man’s attraction.
He’s still too nervous to actually confess the horribly strong feelings in his heart about you, and so he’ll try to work himself into finding flaws in the way you’re interacting with whoever is trying to steal your attention – you never laugh that hard at puns, so obviously you must be faking it.
You’re never this kind and pleasant towards people you actually like, so you must be sugar coating your words in an effort to remain strangers.
You wouldn’t be smiling apologetically and telling him you’ve got to get running if you actually wanted to stay and talk to him. He can see it all on your face, plain as day – and that’s part of why Rintarou loves you. You’re just so easy to read and analyze, and yet every day he finds new layers to you that he just falls more and more in love with.
You’re perfect, which is why it’s so much harder than he can handle to watch you interact with other men. It physically hurts, his chest aching and his muscles tensing to the point of cramping as he stares holes into the both of your bodies, watching and waiting with baited breath for you to get the fuck away, preferably into Rintarou’s arms.
And so, while he’s familiar with the jealousy that seeing you with other guys brings, he’s never, ever been good at dealing with it – something you’ll learn fairly quickly.
Rintarou’s eye twitches as he watches the way the stranger’s form slowly comes closer to the both of yours. It’s a train platform – he knows that, rationally, you’ll be standing next to strangers, men, people with intentions that could be nefarious towards a cute thing like you.
He’s not being paranoid by thinking that those standing around you aren’t good people – he’s just being realistic. He knows from experience with his own sister and female friends that men are horrible, invasive, creepy, violent, dangerous, and he doesn’t think it’s so bold of him to say that his concern for you is well-placed.
At least, his concern about your danger – his brows furrow a bit as the man beside you reaches into his pocket for something, and every muscle in Rintarou’s body tenses as he stiffens up against the wall of the platform he’s leaning against, some ten feet away.
His whole body is prepared, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice on the off chance the man pulls a knife or camera or something bad –
Your pretty voice cuts off any panicked thoughts racing through the brunette’s head, your words startling him. Is that a charm on your phone case? I love that character! Is he your favorite from the show?
Rintarou’s defenses relax slightly, but at the pleasantly shocked expression on the man’s face, he’s immediately tensing up again.
However, as the man responds with a modest affirmation, Rintarou finds himself tense for an entirely different reason – you’re smiling at this man, chatting with him of your own volition.
There’s a gold watch sitting on the man’s wrist, and with a downturning of the blocker’s lips, he notices that the man’s white dress shirt is perfectly pressed, his sleek navy dress pants following suit. His hair is neatly combed back, perfectly messy, and his features are attractive as he smiles down at you. Rintarou’s stomach turns, nausea settling in his gut.
His own boring brown sweatshirt and cream cargo pants look stupid in comparison to this man’s professional, clean appearance – and maybe you’d like that more?
Maybe you’re interested in men with real jobs, not just a sport.
Maybe you’re interested in men that attend business meetings, have clients, have framed degrees sitting on the walls of their offices. Rintarou bites his lip, his teeth threatening to break the skin as his fingernails dig into his palms.
It’s torture, watching as you converse with the man, the train taking forever to arrive – the conversation turns to other shows the both of you watch, and while Rintarou is pleased to learn you don’t have many others in common, it doesn’t stop the way his throat is drying up, his tongue feeling heavy.
He’s sweating underneath his clothes despite the cold air of the train platform, and with growing worry he watches the way the man takes a step closer to you, showing you some photo of a stupid animated character on his phone and god, Rintarou’s gonna be sick, how do you look like such a good physical match fuck fuck fuck –
He stands up stick straight as the man’s arm comes around to wrap lightly around your shoulder, the side smile he sends you as you look at his phone making Rintarou’s veins alight with fire because how fucking dare he?
He’s just touched you, without your invitation or permission, and it seems you’ve noticed this too – you immediately stiffen up and shuffle back, shaking off his arm and sending him a very obviously uncomfortable look.
The man falters slightly, the smile threatening to slip off his face, but at your curt I just realized I’m on the wrong train, it disappears entirely.
Internally, Rintarou debates his next course of action – you’re hurriedly speed-walking away, making a point to keep your head down and shuffling through the crowds of people that have gathered (distantly, he hears the chimes of the train arriving). Should he follow you, or should he sock that creep in the face?
The man touched you without your permission, made you obviously feel scared and uncomfortable, and that’s utterly unacceptable. Rintarou may be somewhat physically pacifistic, but he will not stand for anything attempting to infringe on your personal space.
You’re his girl, and he’ll let no one make you scared or make you cry – speaking of which, as you quickly pass by him, the brunette spots your eyes reddening, your sniffling alerting him that fuck, you’re about to cry.
His decision is immediately made, and as he follows you up the heavily packed flight of stairs, it’s all too easy to get around and ahead of you, making sure you don’t notice him as he uses his athletic abilities to wait at the top of the stairs.
It’s easy to pretend to bump into you, his hands steadying your shoulders as you squeak out an apology, your eyes widening as you recognize him. And as you utter the small R-rin, he feels his heart break.
You’re his, dammit, and he won’t let some well-dressed, sleazy business man treat you like some common whore – the coffee shop he takes you to has your favorite drink and he knows it, and as you sip on the warm beverage he bought for you, Rintarou feels his heart finally calm.
You don’t want that stranger – you want him, otherwise why would you let him be so familiar and caring towards you? Maybe you’re finally starting to love him, too.
For Rintarou, he genuinely wants your relationship to be as close to normal as possible.
He wants the two of you to fall in love, date, get married, have a family and grow old with each other, and he knows that kidnapping isn’t exactly the most conventional method of doing this.
He’s more than aware that if he were to steal you away and forcefully relocate you by his side, you’d probably be less than pleased. You’d probably be afraid of him, hate him, want either him or yourself to be dead, and just the thought of that honestly breaks Rintarou’s heart.
He hates the prospect of you being displeased with him; he lives to please you, his every thought revolving around seeing you smile and hearing your pretty voice whisper that you love him, and if you were trapped under his roof, would you ever smile again?
Would you ever make (adorably) stupid jokes that get Rintarou’s eyes rolling and his heart pumping out of his chest?
Would you let him brush his hand against yours, fingers reaching out just slightly in the barest hint of attempting to interlock your fingers?
He knows the answer, of course: no, you wouldn’t, and he wouldn’t expect you to. He wants you to love him, not placate him by pretending to be in love.
Of course, he can’t deny that the idea of keeping you with him at all times, dependent and paying attention only to him is really quite appealing.
There’s something beautiful about the idea of you always being there when he needs you to be; your pretty face always available for him to reach out and cup, your cheeks in his hands as you stare up at him with wide eyes, your lips parted slightly as you whisper his name.
There’s something incredibly enticing about the prospect of bringing home takeout for the both of you (maybe he can even commission Osamu to give him a discount at Onigiri Miya – he’s not holding his breath), your eyes lighting up as you see the door open, quickly throwing your arms around his shoulders and peppering his face with kisses as you tell him thank you, this was exactly what I wanted!
There’s aspects about kidnapping you that are so, so wonderful, but it would take quite a bit for him to actually steal you away. As a result, he’ll push off the intense urge to just wrap you in his arms and keep you there forever for as long as he possibly can - that is, until something happens that pushes him to the limit.
Say, for example, you develop a liking for another man - given how Rintarou’s eyes are on you at almost every moment of the day, he’ll notice the way you start staring, leaving lingering glances at a certain someone, how your voice gets higher and you clean up your appearance when they walk by.
It hurts, and he can only take so much of you fawning over another man before he snaps - and so, he’ll be climbing into your room in the wee hours of the morning, pausing for a moment to stare down lovingly at your sleeping form, a heavy blush and gentle smile playing on his features while he caresses your hair.
He’ll cover your nose and mouth gently with the chloroform soaked rag, before he’s lifting you into his arms and leaving, marveling at how your body fits perfectly against his own. In that moment, he’s absolutely sure that it’s the right decision to steal you away - after all, the two of you are just so fucking perfect for one another.
Plus, if he acts correctly, you’re bound to fall for him – Stockholm Syndrome, even if it takes a while.
As a captor, Rintarou isn’t terrible - he’s still very quiet, but he’s attentive to your needs, almost so much so that it’ll scare you.
He always seems to know what you need or want before you do – almost like he can read your mind, which you’re almost convinced he can. Those narrow eyes will watch you as you bite your lip and contemplate, practically seeing the gears turning in your head as he simply stares from across the room.
He’ll be by your side with a glass of water before you even realize you’re thirsty, telling you to drink it all, you’ll get dehydrated if you don’t.
He’s giving you an extra hoodie before you even register that you’re cold, nimble fingers trembling slightly as they brush against the soft skin of your shoulders, brushing aside your hair so that the hood rests comfortably against your neck.
He knows you like the back of his hand, and it really shows once you’re under his control. And while it may be disorienting and creepy that he seems to know everything about you, even things you’re absolutely sure you’ve never told another soul, somewhere in the back of your mind you’ll slowly begin getting more fond of the middle blocker.
Slowly, you’ll start warming up to him, his monotone voice and blank looks growing on you the longer you’re trapped with him. Because really, while he kidnapped you, he’s not that bad – you could be dead and tied up in a ditch somewhere if it had been someone else to break into your home that night.
You could be gagged and tied to a post, your body violated and abused to the point of nearly dying if it wasn’t Rintarou that developed an obsession with you.
He could be much, much worse - he doesn’t lay a hand against you, and while he may force you to cuddle with him, eventually your hatred for him will lose against the overwhelming need for human contact and affection - something that he is more than willing to give you.
Honestly, you’ll be scared of the middle blocker and his vast knowledge on you, but the more you find yourself wrapped up in his arms and resting against his warm chest while he whispers sweet compliments and words of love in your ears, you’ll grow less and less scared and more and more happy to be with him.
Because when he’s promising you the world, telling you he’ll give you anything and everything you could ever want (besides your freedom, of course), you’ll never feel more desired, valued or cared for. You’ll discover a few weeks into your captivity that he desperately, desperately craves physical contact with you.
There’s a reason all his touches are light and gentle, his fingers almost afraid to touch you, and the first time you let him hold your hand or hug you you’ll understand why immediately – and how can you not?
How can you not realize the depth with which he's wanted to hold you when you feel the tear drip onto your shoulder from his cheek the first time he caresses you against his chest?
How can you not be aware that he’s wanted to horribly to kiss you when he lets out the most wanton, pathetic moan you’ve ever heard the first time you place a kiss against his cheek?
And although it’s fucked up, you’ll come to enjoy the way Rintarou is so dependent on you, the way he’s so clearly gone out of his way to make sure that you stay with him, and you’ll grow to be just as in love as he is - Stockholm Syndrome will set in, and really Rintarou couldn’t be happier.
Because when you’re telling him you love him back, cuddling him with your own free will, kissing him and running your hands over his body, he thinks that there’s nothing in the world better than this. Even if he did have to unfortunately kidnap you, it was all worth it; because now, the two of you can live out the future he’d always hoped you’d have.
Similarly to his reluctance to kidnap you, Rintarou absolutely does not want to punish you in any way, shape, or form.
The possibility of hurting you makes him physically ill, whether it be emotionally, mentally, or physically. He can’t rationalize the idea of hurting you simply to prove a point to you – he’d be a monster to do that, right?
He’s already gone too far by kidnapping you, so he’s extremely reluctant to undergo any sort of discipline towards you. Frankly, the punishment would hurt him more than it would hurt you – he wouldn’t be able to look himself in the mirror for days, instead only seeing flashes behind his eyelids of the way you’d cry and beg him to stop, your broken sobs and pleas haunting his nightmares.
He doesn’t think he’d be able to physically do it, anyways – he’d have to quit halfway through, his nose tingling as tears threaten to slip down his cheeks while he sprints out of the room. He’d have to compose himself, to put on a mask and pretend to be someone he’s not; he’d have to pretend to be someone who enjoys seeing you in pain, who likes to see you upset and sad, as if he doesn’t live for you laughter, smiles and loving touches.
The whole concept is just too much for him – however, that isn’t to say that Rintarou is entirely lenient. He’s forgiving as far as captors go; it takes quite a bit to upset him, and while he’s always silently disappointed when you refuse to hug him or acknowledge his presence and words, he’s not driven to the point of abusing you.
He’ll just stare at you with that same impassive gaze he always seems to have, though if you look closely you’ll see the way his brows are tilted upwards in the middle, his lips parted slightly, devastation plain as day in those calculating eyes.
He doesn’t get mad at you when you lash out at him – he doesn’t enjoy when you hit him, swinging your arms wildly as you cry and plea with him to let you go, but he’ll just let you smack him, maybe dodging a few swings before ultimately deciding he deserves this, you should be punishing him for his wrongdoings.
He doesn’t even get mad when you try to escape – he understands why, even if it hurts him. He’s always plagued by doubts when you attempt these escapes, though; wondering what he can do to make you happier, if he can make you happier. He’s wondering how to get your old personality back, because this new somewhat shell of yourself isn’t the woman he fell in love with and he’s scared that if he doesn’t get you back now, you may be gone forever because of him.
He doesn’t even get mad when you lash out and tell him that you hate him, that he’s despicable and a terrible person! I wish I’d never met you, I wish I’d met a normal man who wasn’t a pervert psychopath!
Your insults hurt, of course, but Rintarou has tough (ish) skin when it comes to you – he’ll maintain his composure, trying to not let his voice waver as he insists you eat the food, please, you need to.
It hurts so fucking bad, but he can take it – however, the one thing he can’t take is when you say you don’t need him.
It’s his selfless tendencies, really, that make this very specific attack so hurtful and dangerous for him. It’s the months and months of trying to make your life easier by doing your daily tasks for you that make him snap, his jaw clenching so tightly you can see it, his hands shaking as rage rolls through him. It’s the only situation in which he’ll genuinely feel enraged at you – how dare you?
He’s spent countless thousands of hours trying to help make you happy and save you work, and this is how you repay him? Ungrateful, even if you didn’t ask for his help.
Even if you didn’t want it. It strikes a chord within him, and as you whisper the words while you shrink away from him at the dinner table, Rintarou drops his utensils against the ceramic, making a noise much too loud in his silent condo.
He’ll stare at you, a thousands emotions flitting through his eyes, and for a moment you feel genuine, unbridled fear – he’s never looked at you so shocked, with so much visible emotion on his face.
He’s never uttered out the words he speaks in that moment – get up. You’re coming with me.
You’ll be scared, shaking your head and trying to backtrack from what you said because there’s something about this new side of Rintarou that’s making your heart race, that’s making goosebumps appear on the back of your neck and down your spine.
Rintarou feels a flash of guilt at the way you’re cowering away from him, your pretty face all twisted up and fear and confusion, but your words keep ringing through his head.
I don’t need you. I don’t need you. I don’t need you.
It drives his legs to move, his arms reaching out and lifting you up, despite your pleas and attempts to wiggle out of his grasp. He’s always been strong, and no matter your weight he's carrying you down the stairs, listening with a heavy heart as you start to cry, shaking in his hold as you slowly give up on fighting.
He carefully sets you down on the sofa in the basement, the small space only furnished with said sofa, a chair, a TV (that has been locked with a password only Rintarou knows), and a bathroom with a sink that only ever spouts cold water.
With a heavy sigh, Rintarou looks at your quivering form and reaches above you to grab the stringy blanket he keeps draped over the couch, noticing your confusion as you watch.
This hurts to do, really – he’s already feeling the guilt as he moves towards the door separating the basement from the stairway up to the rest of the condo, a frown on his face and his eyes softening. You do need me, he says softly, almost hesitantly, before closing the door, seeing your panicked face staring at him from the couch.
The thermostat is right outside the doorway, and with a heavy heart he’s turning the settings down, applying the air conditioning at such an extreme level that he’s worried for a moment you’ll freeze to death.
He hadn’t wanted to do this, truly – keeping the basement freezing cold while stripping you away from any source of warmth hadn’t been his most pleasant idea, but it was the most useful.
You need to understand that you need him – he’s taking care of you, and he's been taking care of you for much longer than you know.
You need to understand that you must rely on him – he’s your protector, and while he’d never enjoy hurting you, as he continues to turn the settings down until the sliver of cold air from underneath the doorframe touches his toes, his resolve slowly weakens.
He can hear you crying now – it’s been a good fifteen minutes, surely long enough for you to notice the dropping temperature, and he can hear your pleas of his name to let you out.
You must be cold – you’d been wearing only his t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts, hardly the clothing for nearing freezing temperatures.
He stands outside the doorway for the whole thirty minutes he leaves you in there, a silent tear trail running down his cheeks, his heart aching as he forces himself to wait just one more minute, so that you can understand that he’s serious.
He needs you to realize he’s not joking; you do need him, and as he exhales sharply and raises the heat up, swinging open the door, he nearly gasps at the cold temperature of the room.
He’s quick to dart in and find you, who’d moved to try and wrap yourself with the couch cushions, only to find their flimsy, cheap quality did next to nothing to insulate you.
You’re shaking, your jaw clattering as your eyes slowly move to his, and for a horrible, horrible moment Rintarou wonders if you’re going to die – you look frozen, as if hypothermia had already claimed your life. But then you shakily, hoarsely whisper out his name.
He lets out a near-sob of relief and scoops you into his arms, the guilt weighing even more heavily on his heart because he did this to you. He’s sprinting up the stairs with you, wrapping you up in the mountain of blankets and pillows he’d prepared, wiping away the nearly frozen tears on your cheeks as he coos your name.
You snuggle further into him, desperately seeking his warmth, and as the both of you lay on his bed, Rintarou can only pull you closer to his chest, letting his tears flow freely now, his lips moving as well.
Please, please don’t ever say that again, please understand that you need me and I need you. Please. Tell me you understand me.
And when you shakily whisper out that you do, you’ll find that you actually mean it – because if he’d left you in there longer, maybe you would’ve died.
He’d never let you actually pass, but still – maybe it’s best to just listen to what he says, yeah?
And as you slip into a dreamless slumber, you find yourself settling into his embrace, deciding that yes, you’re nothing without him.
In general, Rintarou is much more of a hovering love struck fool rather than a genuinely dangerous man.
Of course, he’s constantly watching you, following you home and observing your every move, but he honestly has no ill intent.
He doesn’t want to hurt you, to play with you or cause you any kind of negative emotion; you mean the absolute world to the middle blocker, and he’s waited all these years for the one to show up. And now that you have, he’ll do everything in his power to keep you with him, to keep you loving and happy and dependent on him.
He wants the two of you to have a flawless relationship, and although it’s obviously not the case considering the fact that he knows the location of each and every mole on your body before he’s even held your hand, he wants to get it as close to the real deal as possible.
He wants you to love him and want him, and while his methods aren’t ideal, Rintarou is determined.
He’s your silent shadow, doing you favors without expecting anything in return and keeping track of your whereabouts. He’s making sure you get home safe everyday without a hair touched on your pretty head, those narrow eyes watching you and everyone around you’s every move.
And at some point, his soft touches and thoughtful gestures will get to you - after all, wouldn’t it just be so much easier to give in? To give him the love and life that he wants?
You’ll convince yourself that he isn’t that bad, that he’s just blinded by love and his desire for you. And although it’s wrong, you’ll grow flattered by his devotion, and you’ll come to love him as well - and really, Rintarou couldn’t be happier.
You’re his dream, and he’ll never give up on you.
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not-goldy · 11 months
I'm open to discussing Jimin or Tae or any other member not getting as much push as Jungkook- in a way that does not negate JKs achievement.
But rather than look at things in a one dimensional way where Hybe is the big bad wolf and everyone else is being treated unfairly i like to look at it as a multilayered complex situation bearing in mind I have limited access to the inner workings of the company and the fact I, none of us, are Privy to the contract between the boys and the company.
Because at some point we have to recognize that Jimin is not quitting hybe or firing hybe and keeps renewing his contract with them choosing on his own volition to have them serve him as his agent, management, record label.
At some point he would have to pack his bags and walk away.
He has agency and autonomy and any analysis of his situation should factor that in.
Then there is the external factors such as whether Like Crazy is the song Jimin wants to break through the western market with.
Whether face is the album he wants to put on out there.
For a company that picks and chooses which songs to push and which to let simmer- if you've been in the Fandom for more than a year- you'd know it's not all songs of BTS the company pumps money into or pushes hard into the west.
We can talk of Dynamite or most of their recent English songs that were intentionally produced to get them into Grammy. I recall Koreans complaining heavily how disconnected they'd felt as they couldn't connect with those songs.
I also seem to recall people out in these streets mocking them and calling them Anglo pop Koreans and sell outs and how they missed their Korean songs and blah blah blah.
None of those English songs were marketed heavily in korea.
Compared to Be, which most of us felt was not pushed much in the west because the lyrics and theme spoke better to the Korean Japan markets.
At some point, we need to THINK about these METRICS and how they influence the decisions of the company and the direction of the member's promo.
I really be losing my patience explaining some of these things over and over I swear.
Like crazy came in two versions which seems to imply Jimin was well aware of the fact there are different markets and the two versions, an all English version and Anglo kpop versions suggest he had intended LIKE CRAZY NOT PRIMARILY FOR A WESTERN AUDIENCE BUT THE GENERAL AUDIENCE.
He is credited as the 1st Solo kpop artist to hit a BB1 with a Korean song....
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The only other artist to achieve this to the best my knowledge is BTS with their life goes on which wasn't even marketed to the west per se.
do yall see how fucked up yalls rants are or do I have to spell it out further
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Bts, hybe they cater to different markets at different times. They have specific markets and general launches or markets. There are times they target a specific market other times- like in JMs case with like crazy original, they target a general market.
Being pushed in the western markets does not make one a global superstar. If it were the case them BTS WOULDN'T BE THE BIGGEST BOY BAND IN THE WORLD because where is their push into the western market show me. SHOW ME.
RM has talked about this too.
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When they make songs in Korean they don't intend it as pop songs or hype songs as he puts it.
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English songs are meant to help them break into the US or western markets.
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They could make Spanish songs or Japanese songs in order to break into specific markets but that comes at a cost of their brand and their identities as explained above by RM.
Safe to say they know and understand the market implications of the songs they make and the target audience of those songs.
Jimin gave us an English version of LIKE CRAZY not as his MAIN ORIGINAL SONG
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Like I said, yall jx seem to have zero understanding of the inner workings of the entertainment industry, basic marketing and common sense is lacking 🙄
Talking bout Jimin can be the next big thing too- if you don't shut up
Tired of yall
Yall cannot in one breath praise him for remaining true to himself and his roots while in the same breath complain he's not being westernized enough by his company to push him into the west.
You are the same people who will come crying about Jimin selling out and selling his soul and not singing Korean songs and how you miss his Korean songs if he goes full on west mode just as you doing to Jungkook.
Also just because an artist is heavily marketed in the west don't MAKE HIM A GLOBAL SUPERSTAR.
Your over emphasis on the west as measure of success is nauseating.
To me it's a win win situation fuck off
Leave me alone
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silyabeeodess · 28 days
DB Analysis: Thoughts on the "Sympathetic" Zamasu
I'm going to be honest: I'm not quite sure how to start this analysis. I'm doing it solely to get my thoughts down on the character somewhere, because something always comes up in discussions about Zamasu that has always bothered me since I first learned about him, getting back into Dragon Ball about two years ago: A lot of people have a habit of labeling Zamasu as not only being a sympathetic villain, but go so far as to say he was never truly evil in the first place.
Personally, however, I have never once seen Zamasu as being traditionally sympathetic. If anything, when it comes to this character, I feel nothing but absolute disgust--even when compared to the uncontested evil of characters like Frieza. At least watching Frieza is entertaining, because we know the good-hearted Goku will always win in the end. When people both in and out of the story make excuses for Zamasu's behavior, however... It's sick, and I'm going to do a full breakdown why.
Let's start this analysis by recapping on Zamasu's feelings toward mortals and all of the crimes he's committed. Zamasu views mortals as impure beings forever marred by sin, completely irredeemable, and that it is more of a mercy to kill them rather than to allow them to continue on in that sin. He stole Goku's body; murdered his own teacher, Gowasu; and committed mass genocide, declaring himself supreme over all as "the wisdom, the law, and the power of the universe" and "the sun that lights this world" to quote Fighterz. His actions are egregious, and they aren't really any different than any of the other villains we see in Dragon Ball. Why do people excuse them?
"He meant well." "His teacher didn't do enough." "He's sympathetic."
Unlike other sympathetic villains, it's not like any evil was done to him personally. He doesn't have some typical, tragic backstory. So, why is he considered sympathetic? Well, it comes from a single thought we've all shared at some point: The world is a terrible place.
Zamasu is someone who only focuses on the negative in the world and in people (specifically mortals). Yes, we can point to Gowasu's failed attempt at showing their good side; however, it's clear that Zamasu doesn't want to really see any differently than what he already believes either. When he met Goku, arguably one of the purist mortals in the entire multiverse, he was too offended by the so-called lack of respect Goku showed to even register that he was, while careless, ultimately a good person.
Moreover, what makes Zamasu any better than the mortals he bashes? Yes, he is a god, but what are the distinguishing factors between a god and a mortal in the Dragon Ball universe? They're not omnipotent, as we've seen countless times throughout the series. They're not all-powerful, as the likes of Goku, Vegeta, and Jiren have shown overpowering different deities. (Even before acquiring god-ki, Goku was stronger than Shin.) Many of them used to be mortals, as we see shown through the hakaishin's passing-of-the-torch. We can even argue that they're still technically mortals, because many of them have been killed or erased and Zamasu literally had to wish for immortality.
Making a real-world comparison, this isn't an Abrahamic godhood: A case of a pure, all-knowing being who can see into the hearts of every person and leads the world with patience and unlimited wisdom. Instead, Dragon Ball shows us gods who have limited knowledge, constantly make mistakes, are insanely impulsive, and tend not to ever bother questioning themselves. And out of all of them, Zamasu is basically a rookie, a supreme kai in-training. Why do we still give him a pass?
Again, because he believes what we believe: People suck. It's such a broad, undirected hatred that we rarely stop of think of what we actually mean by that. Do we hate the evil actions that humanity commits, or do we hate humanity itself? If you hate evil, you look to uproot it, including when it appears in yourself. If you hate humanity, then you never see the good in others and never self-reflect.
All that being said, let's give Zamasu a comparison to another villain: Frollo from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. Frollo "saw corruption everywhere except within," viewing himself as a man of the Church and a righteous judge. He was always coming up with excuses for his own sins, even going so far as to blame the very God he claimed to serve. Zamasu acts much the same way, except he doesn't even entertain the idea of a figure of morality being over him: The only god Zamasu "worships" is himself. He's an absolute megalomaniac, a fact we see visualized through his interactions with his partner in-crime, Goku Black, who is literally just himself in another timeline.
Gowasu serves as the prime example to this mindset. Despite being another kai, the person that mentored him, someone who always strove to see the good in others... Zamasu murdered him without a second thought. Why? Because he dared to disagree with him. This is-turn would've also killed Rumshhi, the GoD of their universe. Even Zeno is not an exception even though he fears him, as shown in his team-up with Hearts in Super Heroes. Despite Zamasu's view of "gods good, mortals bad," he will slaughter anyone that doesn't march in lock-step with his ideals.
Not only does he kill other gods and commit all of the same sins he accuses mortals of--even going so far as to revel in the deaths of others--but he had to rely on Goku's mortal body for his Zero Mortal Plan to work in the first place. Shown in the Xenoverse games, if the player joins Zamazu, he's shown to have no issue accepting their help either even though he promises he'll still kill them later. Zamasu is a hypocrite, another trait he shares with Frollo.
Still for some reason, we never call Frollo sympathetic. Well, not all of us have burned down a city, tried to purge an entire race, and lusted after someone not even half our age.
But we all desire justice. We all want to make the world a better place, don't we?
We feel sympathy for Zamasu because he represents the evil we stare in the face every single day. He represents the demon whispering in our ears that any atrocity we can commit is excusable so long as we have a "good reason." Because we're better people. We're smarter people. We're good people... right?
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Mind where you walk.
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nothorses · 1 year
About your post about Educating People, it also means you have to give clear examples of how privilege, bigotry, and stereotypes actually work, because you can't be morally uppity that ignorant people can't fully grasp it.
So much online discourse makes me exhausted, because I see a post on my dashboard, and then immediately several posts talking about why that post is problematic, often without clear explanations.
Ironically, it was Writing With Color, a blog listing a bunch of stereotypes and actually engaging in discussion about the historical roots of why they exist, that helped me dismantle my racism, antiblackness, and sexism. I'm not white by the way! Far from it. But Writing with Color helped so much more in me understanding fandom racism than something like End OTW racism that seeks to moderate the fics of a goddamn archive, lmao.
I feel so many people assign a Moral Factor or Threshold you have to meet before you get to call yourself anti-ableist, anti-racist, a feminist, etcetera. And these same people often say, "Unlearning systemic oppression is a lifelong journey so just shut up and learn and stop your white fragility." (A valid point! But when someone makes a mistake that's likely stemming from extremely subconscious belief, they say, "Are you really an anti-racist, etcetera." )
I'm just tired of the guilt tripping, the gatekeeping. Leftism is being learned through scrambled social media condemning certain behaviors without connecting to the larger movement, and people are angry when others make the resulting mistakes. There is barely any kindness, lmao, or real education.
Yes, exactly!
Education is necessarily about community. In order to effectively educate people, you have to understand what and how they need to learn; where they're starting from, what the next steps might be, and how to engage them in that process.
You need to help them avoid shutting down, either because they feel overwhelmed or don't know where to start, or because they feel guilty and ashamed, or like they can't trust their teachers and mentors enough that they're able to open themselves up, ask for the help and clarity they need, and put their time and energy into the learning process for and with them.
Learning involves a lot of vulnerability! You're admitting things you don't know, you're asking for help, and you're trusting someone else to guide you in something you can't navigate alone.
Educating is difficult and taxing, and educators take on a lot of risk and harm in the process, too. But if we can't honor the vulnerability we're being trusted with, and we can't value the learning process, we're not going to be able to educate at all.
And if we want to see our values, knowledge, skills, and wisdom reflected in our communities, we need to engage in this process. We need to educate, and we need to learn.
And that's gonna take a lot of work, vulnerability, and trust that a lot of us, being very often traumatized people, are going to struggle with- which means it's that much more crucial that we share our progress by supporting others in making it as well. We need to trust people, forgive their mistakes, and initiate positive learning interactions ourselves. We need to show our communities patience and compassion, and we need to do it even (and especially) when it's not given to us first.
Change doesn't happen passively, and you can't destroy your way into creating something better.
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starry-miki · 9 months
⭐️ Get to know the artist! ⭐️
(+Obey Me! Questionnaire)
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Here we are again… back again with another year down. Wow time really does fly by doesn’t it? My Anniversary for my tumblr was back in August but I was not really active until near the end of the year, (sorta) So I’ve decided to welcome the new year, with a ‘get to know artist’ post. I should’ve done this a while ago but I didn’t think of it till now. 😘
I will warn that this is much longer then intended, so maybe a 10 or 15 minute read, also warn of some profanity but mostly for phrases.
I will be answering basic art related questions and Obey Me! Questions near the bottom. (Which is the part that is much longer than I intended it to be)
Basic questions
Hello everyone, you may call me Miki, I’m a Obey Me! (Mostly a side characters) and OC artist. I don’t have a preferred pronounce so you may refer to be however you like!
Age: old enough to commit tax evasion. (Adult) 😘
Favorite color: good question I don’t actually have one I think lots of colors are pretty. 🥰
Birthday: April 5th (Aries?)
How long have I been drawing?
I’ve been drawing for about 3ish years, however the first year and half was on and off.
Would I be a good art moot?
If I’m being honest I’m more shy and people scary me, so if you would like to be friends you might need to approach first…. But I do have small surges of courage to message first sometimes! How my friends would describe my personality…
“The one with no care in the world that just tags along for the ride and accepts their fate” -Questionable TikTok post sent by my by friend.
To be honest I’m all over the place with my art….
I have been thinking about open commissions and I think I will some time this year, but I’m a bit of a noob with rendering so I will practice before then!
A Fun fact: I’m a cat in a human’s body and need at least 10 to 12 hours of sleep to feel full rested, this also causes my sleeping schedule to get messed up. :P
What type of crime would I get arrested for?
Arson, honestly fire is so pretty when it burns things…. Has a weird magical feeling when you watch it….
An art advice?
I’m honestly still an artist noob so take what I say with a grain of salt. But for those starting out drawing, don’t worry about finding your art style it will develop in time while you learn and improve as well when you discover your likes and dislikes. I know one of the common advices usually given to find an art style is to reference off your favorite artists, it can work for some but for many others this advice doesn’t work, sometimes it can create a perfection of wanting to copy someone else art style or getting frustrated that it doesn’t look similar to your favorite artist style. But I promise patience and practice will pay off, don’t be afraid to indulge a bit out of your comfort zone and explore different styles, besides you may find yourself surprised with what you discovered.
Obey Me! related questions!
What and when did you play obey me?
I start back in early April, I kept getting ads for it on my Instagram and at some point I got tired of seeing it (and thought somebody in the universe really want me to play the game) and decided to play it, I didn’t think much about it and it was mostly something to kill time and I could have deleted it later when I got bored.
Did I mention that would be almost 4 years ago? (April 3, 2020)
Which of the brothers and side characters would I get along the best?
If I’m being honest I feel like I would get along with the majority of the cast, there always seems to be something I have in common or could do with the characters, I’ll start with the brothers first and also keep it short.
Lucifer: listening to classical music together or attending classical music concerts.
Mammon: ??? (actually the least brother I have common with)
Levi: video games, discussion of franchises and theories, etc.
Satan: appreciate cats and learning new things and intake of knowledge.
Asmo: I’m a rat so I love me some gossip while also doing self care. 😘
Beel: late night food runs or sneaking in the kitchen late a night to eat something (I do that in RL anyway)
Belphie: honestly sleeping buddies and anti lucifer club but I luv luci but still would like to occasionally join in the pranks. 😘
Diavolo: I honestly wouldn’t hang around with Diavolo if I’m being honest… just not much in common and other factors but I’m not going to elaborate.
Barbatos: I love me some good tea, some delicious food, pastries and barbatos company. 🥰
Simeon: honestly reminds me of some type of nice coworker and would just see him occasionally. (Still a pretty boy tho)
Luke: I’m the second or first sweets tester, I’m eat up those pastries and protect the bby. 🥹
Solomon: It works and I won’t elaborate. But I will say I will be with Solomon and Barbatos on a hot summer day with the AC on full blast cause we can’t stand the heat. (I heat up so quickly and are much more prone to a heat exhaustion, so you probably guessed that summer isn’t my favorite season.) 😘
First character crush?
If I’m being honest I didn’t really had one? But I had a very light crush on mammon. If that counts for anything.
Current crushes?
This should be a no brainer but old man and surprisingly barbs. Which i feel like many wouldn’t know since I rarely draw him (exact a few times) or ever mention me having a little crush about him. 😗
Favorite obey me outfits or event?
I would say the chief/apron from the brothers and for event I think the vampire event is my favorite. 🤔
(I’ve already started running out of questions so I went to the B LOV questions to rizz you up lmao.)
B’s log question. From (2022) Devildom Homework
(I also skip some of the questions cause they have already been answered or I got no answer)
Link for the OM! Cast B’s Log (I recommend reading it, but not necessarily):
Things I like:
making sure I try to end conversations or interactions with people feeling happy or feeling positive. (Which definitely has drawn bad people but I have been more careful and selective) 😘
Favorite item: (like food???)
Homemade banana milkshake, fruits and pastries. 🥰
What you secretly think about the person you love:
how did that happen??? 😀
Your motto?
1. Sleep it off.
2. fuck around and find out until you find the solution (or create a new problem or make it worse). 😘
3. Everything is going to be okay, eat some sweets and try again. ☺️
Love Questionnaire.
Be the first one to confess love is what you will… do.
Be possessive is what you will?
“Won’t do, and don’t want to be possessive over either” -Solomon
Tbh same. 💀
Be jealous is what you will?
Do not. I find jealousy to be such an ugly emotion to feel and would like to avoid or completely eliminate the feeling when it rarely occurs.
A love with obstacles is….
honestly a pain in the ass but it honestly depends on the type of obstacle and if I love that person enough.
Days that you think about the person you love so much that you can’t fall asleep… do not exist.
Times when you can’t be honestly convey your feelings. Does not exist
Devildom borderline:
Devildom charm distribution chart (self assessment ver.)
Dead set in the middle just a little bit to the reliable.
Please explain your choice on the chart!
If I’m being honest I don’t really find myself cool, cute, spoiled nor reliable. I’m more neutral? I mean if group projects count I guess I would be a little reliable? I’ll do my part of the project but I don’t really ask others if they need help with their work load but I do with friends though.
Tell me! Your borderline!
Border line of “Horror”- which on is more scary?
(1) 24hr long lecture from lucifer
(2) bungee jump form the highest mountain in the Devildom without a cord.
(3) other. “When you are thinking about eating a certain food in the fridge and when you get to it, it’s already been eaten. My day is ruined” 😔
Borderline of "Don't wanna do" - Which one would you avoid?
1. Asmo's 1-day photograph assistant
2. Beel's 1-day cook
3. Others. “Hurting people’s feelings and stomping their happy mood, I prefer someone to discuss about rocket science if that’s what they are passionate about and not understanding what they are talking about. It’s rare to see people have pure passion in something and talk about it excitedly, I never wish for that passion or excitedness to die out.
Borderline of "Wanna try" - Which one would you prefer experiencing?
1. 1-day Demon King
2. 1-day Devildom Spy
3. Others. “I honestly want to walk around nature solo and in different landscapes, maybe walk in a flowery meadow in the evening with pretty pink and purple evening sky or walk through a dark cloudy evening forest with light snow gently falling.”
Borderline of "Blessed" - Which one makes you happier?
1. People surrounding are smiling.
2. Enjoying yourself from the bottom of your heart.
3. Others. “I would say all of above and possibly more, happiness is a fleeting feeling and can sometimes be difficult to feel in everyday life, any way to achieve even the smallest of happiness even if it’s from the most simplest things is good in my book.”
Borderline of "Cheating" - Absolutely, not allowed!
1. Holding hands
2. Meeting eyes
3. Others. “Depends on the circumstances” :P
What would you do once Obey Me! Reaches to the end?
Cry, that would be my thirteen reason why, I wouldn’t be able to handle it, AND ILL KEEP THE ANSWER SHORT TO NOT THINK ABOUT IT. 😔😭
Well I think that’s enough questions to answer! I hope the questionnaires give you a little insight about me. This year I do hope to be more active and post just a bit more the i have from last year. And for those who made this far let me know what your responses are for the B’s Log questionnaire! Happy New Year to everyone, and may you be blessed to a wonderful year! ☺️💕
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
Hello dear Faye! Thanks so much for all the hard work you put in this blog! Idon't know if it's still free but I wanna try make a request for the event (also congratulations on reaching 300!), so what about Mixtape for Yoosung (maybe about how was for him meeting all the members, especially seven and zen, but I don't know if it's okay, if not, of course, feel free to skip!)
Love ya and thank you!
Thank you! I really love writing for these guys and it still surprises me that so many people enjoy reading what I have to say.
As for the request, I'm so happy I got to write for Yoosung for this event! His relationships with the different RFA members have always been interesting to me, so getting to write about them is a treat.
Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the fic!
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✧ Mixtape ~ Relationship towards their friends
It has always been a point of pride for Yoosung that he was there for the creation of the RFA. That, save for V and Rika herself, he was the first member. It was with him while handing out lunches that she worked out the idea, it was him who suggested the name. He had finally found his joy in volunteering, and the idea of hosting parties to raise funds on a large scale was exciting to him (and, let's face it, more glamorous than the work he had been doing before).
He has vivid memories of his first meetings with each of the members, and how the addition of each new person changed the dynamic of the group.
He still remembers being sceptical when Rika brought up her first idea for a new RFA member: a longtime childhood friend of V’s, apparently someone with money and influence.
She conveniently forgot to mention that this friend was none other than the Jumin Han. The same man whose face had stared up at him from one of his mother's finance magazines this morning. He only wished he had been warned beforehand. He felt very inadequate being introduced to Jumin in his hoodie and sneakers.
On the other hand, Jumin looked as if he had stepped straight off of that magazine cover, with his impeccable suit and not a hair out of place. V was already there, and they stood together in the back of the room, talking between themselves quietly, with a familiarity that Yoosung found baffling.
Despite Yoosung's halting introduction and obvious anxiety, Jumin was polite and kind. His language was strangely old-fashioned for someone his age. He asked Yoosung about his plans for the future and expressed his desire to do good through the RFA.
As time went on, Yoosung found himself becoming more comfortable around Jumin and their conversations carried on more smoothly. To his delight, Yoosung noticed that there were strange gaps in Jumin’s knowledge base. Things like fast food and public transport were mysteries to Jumin, and he would ask Yoosung to explain them to him, as if he had appeared from another world (and, as Rika reminded him, he might as well have).
At around the same time, Rika recruited a young, quiet redhead who introduced himself as Seven. If that name was strange to anyone else, they didn't let on. His eyes were wide behind chunky glasses and unlike Jumin, he didn’t offer much about himself save for his name. He was also strangely comfortable around V and Rika, though, as if they had known each other for a long time. This only confused Yoosung furhter, because neither V or Rika had ever mentioned him before.
He wasn't sure what to make of Seven. It was obvious that he was incredibly skilled (proven by the experimental RFA app they had started using to communicate). But he never flaunted this intelligence, as Jumin was sometimes prone to doing. Instead, he leaned heavily into his sense of humour, spamming the chat with memes and playing pranks on the other members. When he spoke to Yoosung, he kept his tone light, and he rarely discussed serious topics with anyone other than V and Rika.
They became fast friends. Since they were the closest in age, they bonded over pop culture and found out that they were fans of the same franchises. They shared jokes between themselves and eventually started meeting up to spend time together. Seven even offered to help Yoosung with schoolwork if he ever needed it.
Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he was missing about Seven.
He had known of Zen for a while before Rika tried to recruit him. She had been a fan of his for some time and whenever they spent time together, he would hear about the latest show, the tickets she and V were trying to get. Finally, she convinced him to join them.
He didn’t want to like Zen, just on principle. Nobody should be, could be that perfect, right? There had to be something wrong with him somewhere, and he was determined to spot it. What he did not expect was to come out of the show speechless. Zen was an incredible singer and actor, and far too handsome for his own good. When Rika brought him backstage to greet him, he was humble and thankful for her praise. It simply wasn’t fair.
It was a surprise to have him become an official member of the RFA a little while later. Yoosung couldn’t imagine him being anywhere other than on a stage, and being in the same room as him was disorienting.
He did not expect to get along so well with Zen. They didn't have much in common, yet they enjoyed talking to each other about their lives. Zen encouraged him to keep working hard and to not go down the path he himself had gone on. He was also always one of the first people to protect Yoosung whenever he had a disagreement with somebody. He had a strong sense of justice and was quick to stand up for the people he cared about.
It was something Yoosung found admirable, even though he sometimes felt like he gained another older sibling to nag him.
After his arrival is when the chatrooms really started to become lively. Jumin would send pictures of his cat, Zen would complain and send pictures of his own. They would butt heads (which Yoosung and Seven found very entertaining), and V would try to step in to mediate. Seven would tease them and spin fantastical tales to explain his long absences from the chat.
They were really starting to feel like friends, and his life before them felt empty in comparison.
Jaehee was a late addition to the group. She remained quiet for a long time, talking in the chat only when she had to (or when Jumin summoned her to). The latest in a long line of Jumin’s personal assistants, Yoosung almost didn’t expect her to last.
However, she did. She even grew a bit more comfortable talking to Zen and Rika, though she still kept to herself. He enjoyed watching her become flustered whenever Zen talked to her, and the first time the three of them met up in person, it was all he could do to not laugh at how excited she was. Perhaps Seven was wrong about her being a robot after all.
That being said, her dedication to her work impressed Yoosung. Jumin could sometimes be borderline unreasonable in his requests, and he had not yet seen anyone as able to handle him as well as Jaehee (save for V, perhaps). He never said it out loud, but he admired her.
He didn’t really get to know her until they did their first party together. They shared the responsibility of decorating the party hall, and he was worried about spending a few hours working together. He didn't want to be a disappointment.
They got along better than he expected to, though. They discussed their favourite music while picking a playlist to put on, and talked about their school experiences while hanging garlands. He asked her the questions he had about working at C&R and she gave him advice about his future. The results of their work made him proud, and he was thankful to have had that time with Jaehee.
With her, the group felt complete. In hindsight, it filled him with awe that a student like him was part of this organization that was clearly destined for good things.
He was proud that he got to call these people his friends, and he was so thankful for their influence on his life.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Day twoooooo: one random thing they'd get into a heated discussion for (for me its bad musical adaptations, I will rip some of them to fucking shreds) either for K project (Homra+Saru) or KHR (Vongola+Varia), i'll let you decide
This one was really fun to consider so thank you so much for sending it in! I went with KHR for this one, and hope you’ll enjoy!
Tsuna doesn’t honestly have many things that he gets really, really worked up about, other than the very obvious one that we see brought up a lot throughout the manga and anime. He’s really not okay with anyone hurting innocent people, no matter the reasons. It’s not something he can forgive and while he’ll try to understand the other person’s reasoning, he’s going to try to get through to them that it’s not okay and will try to convince them to stop. And if he can’t…let’s not forget, guys, that Tsuna did canonically kill Byakuran in the Future Arc. It might have been an alternate future, so arguments can be made that it doesn’t count, but I do believe that it does.
Gokudera loves good horror movies…or really, really terrible ones. He watches a lot of them and is really well versed in the different horror movie genres and tropes and he can get really fired up when discussing any horror franchises and whether they’re good or bad or whether a new release was worth the hype or not. He does a lot of research into the movies he hated and the ones he loved, so he can pull out all these really interesting but obscure facts in an attempt to get his point across and ‘win’ the discussion/debate.
Yamamoto is a baseball nut through and through. He can easily get into heated discussions and debates over which teams will make the playoffs, on which players should have been traded to which teams, on which players are having good seasons and what they should improve on, and so on and so forth. He’s really knowledgeable on the subject too, so he’s coming in with facts and figures and proof of his opinions.
Ryohei’s topic? C’mon, everyone knows this one! It’s boxing, bar none, with proper training and exercise techniques coming in a close second.
Lambo has very strong opinions on video games. He really likes playing video games, especially if they’re two-player ones, but he’s also really particular about what makes a good video game. Of course, his heated discussion is usually just him calling the other person stupid, wrong, and a doo-doo head, but hey…he’s five, what do you expect?
Hibari has a very strong sense of rules and order. He won’t get into heated debates or discussions on them though. He’s just going to beat them into the head of whoever defies or disagrees with him.
Mukuro likes fashion. He really does. He might have a very unique fashion sense, but clothing and accessories appeal to him and he can get into very heated debates on the subject of fashion, whether it be whether something is simply a trend or a classic style, or what type or brand of boots is better or whether gold is gaudy or timeless.
Chrome actually really likes birds and does know quite a bit about them. She doesn’t really often speak up, but she can get really adamant about what type of bird it is that someone saw or that’s nearby and it can test her patience a little bit if people who don’t know what they’re talking about want to argue with her about it. She normally won’t argue, just because that’s not what Chrome does, but it will really perturb her.
Okay, but nobody is getting into heated arguments with Xanxus. Seriously, anyone who would attempt to do so is taking their lives in their hands and most of them really just succeed in pissing him off and ending up dead or seriously injured. He really does take people trying to start even friendly debates with him as them trying to provoke him or fight with him.
Have you met Squalo? He has strong opinions on everything, and he can make everything into an argument. There is no one thing that makes him get into a heated discussion. There is everything and the heated discussions usually become out and out fights.
Belphegor does think the knives he uses, specially made for him, are, of course, superior to all others, but he does know his other knives. He knows the makes and models, the better points of each brand and type, and does have very strong opinions on which knives are worth it and which ones are made just to look pretty. He can get very, very testy about that topic.
Lussuria has surprisingly strong opinions on boy bands. He knows boy bands from many different cultures, he has his favourites, and he will have no problem telling you why your favourite is trash if it does not mesh with his favourites. For example, in Lussuria’s opinion, BTS is the best K-pop boy band out there currently, and EXO is the worst, and he will have long lectures of why this is true.
Levi really, really does not take kindly to anyone doubting or bad-mouthing his boss. Xanxus is the subject he will most fiercely defend. It doesn’t matter if it’s someone from the Varia or someone from another family or such, but the person who dares to say something anything less than glowing about Xanxus is catching a verbal beat-down and long lectures on Xanxus’ glory from Levi, if he doesn’t just resort to violence.
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celestie0 · 4 months
Hello there <3
I've been following you for quite some time now, but been more on the silent reader brigade, but I just wanna say I love your work so much and I'm totally not checking your Tumblr and Ao3 like every few hours to see if there's an update of Kickoff, but anyways-
I saw this one post you made answering another persons claim of gangbang and orgy being a different thing (which is true), but gangbang referring to just rape also which is not.
I'm Sorry, but I feel like I have to educate people here ^^' just ignore this if you're bothered by my 'uhm actually' attitude here :')
A gangbang refers to a group of dominating people (mostly men) having sex with a single (or at least fewer) submissive person (mostly women). It doesn't have to be rape necessarily, but is often interlinked with it given the circumstances.
An orgy on the other hand is just a bunch of people having sex with each other, regardless of their stance and amount of subs and doms.
So, taking this in consideration with the original post you made about like the haunted house thingy with the JJK men as ghosts (feel free to correct me ^^') it would indeed count as a gangbang, consensual or not, unless they would fuck each other as well, which would be so hot not gonna lie :')
I hope I could shine some light on this topic and you're not mad at me for being so overly correct about it... I just feel like it's something a lot of people get mixed up quite easily and I want to clarify the right terms and meanings.
Sooo... Now, after revealing my questionable knowledge about things I maybe shouldn't share on the internet, I'll go back in my silent corner and relentlessly stalk your account for updates :3
Btw no stress about it, we all know how occupied you are and we've all been there, so take your time <3
hi my dear!! thanks so much for taking the time to explain this. tw rape/noncon below the cut
yeah, my own original conception was similar. i thought gangbang was just multiple people on one person (usually multiple men on one woman) and any examples i had seen online in porn at least were not even remotely related noncon so i guess that was my perception was to never question that it wasn’t inherently consensual. n then yea orgy was just multiple people w multiple other people like a fuck party LMFAOOO the way this convo is so technical is kinda funny to me but it’s educational too so it’s fine. i can see how these two definitions are very different in nature, so they’re not entirely interchangeable regardless of the discussion of consensual vs nonconsensual
but when that anon pointed it out, i looked it up and i did see quite a few urban definitions of gangbang as something that is indeed non consensual?
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this is the definition that google has formally placed at the top (not saying google knows all lol) but i did see a few other definitions that were similar in other websites
i’m not entirely sure what’s credible, since my definition was purely based on porn i’ve seen 💀 i’m no sex ed specialist. but i acknowledge your definition as well!! bottom line, i really don’t want to endorse any sort of behavior or acts on this blog that are nonconsensual or having to do w rape, so i think maybe i will find other ways around describing multi partner scenarios without using the word “gangbang” going forward!! i think i’d rather use a diff word(s) if it can explain it the same way rather than using a word my followers may find triggering or upsetting. i hope this isn’t coming off as me not accepting your definition or your input!! i really appreciate you for taking the time to educate n share <33
and aaa thank uuu so very much for the sweet words ab my writing!! :”) it means sm to me SLSKDJDH lol i’m so flattered to know u check my blog that often but also so sorry for the delays w chapters 😭😭😭 you’re too sweet n kind n thank you so much for your patience!! have a wonderful day/night my love :)
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licncourt · 2 years
Hello, Im not sure if you've discussed this already but I was wondering if you could give me a breakdown of what happened with Claudia in the books? From all the mentions of her I assume she dies at some point in the series, but I was wondering if you could go into the specifics a bit? What led to that, what happened, how did Lestat and Louis react, how did that affect their relationship? And then I suppose, your opinion on if that same thing will happen in this show, or if things have changed so much we can't tell yet?
I really appreciate your commentary on the books. I've found a lot of interesting opinions and information on your blog since watching the first episode. Tysm for your expertise and willingness to chat about it <3
Yeah, for sure! And thank you so much!! I'm so glad you like my rambling meta posts and unsolicited opinions on these little guys. Hopefully this will be useful to you and anyone else who's curious about Claudia. She's an amazing character and so richly written.
Obviously reading the book itself will give a better picture of her, but I can definitely summarize her story. Under the cut for spoilers obviously, since it involves several major book events that will likely come up in the show as well.
I don't know how much you know about book Claudia, but just to summarize her backstory: Claudia is adopted by Louis and Lestat in 1795 when she's ~5 years old and newly orphaned after her mother has died of plague. Rather than a fire, she's brought to the brink of death when Louis feeds on her after losing control in a state of starvation. In a final bid to keep Louis from leaving him, Lestat turns the dying Claudia and basically babytraps Louis in their "marriage".
I don't know it will be portrayed in the show, but in the book, Lestat is extremely controlling of Louis and Claudia, pretty verbally/mentally abusive to them, and withholds as much knowledge of vampire nature from them as he can to keep them dependent.
After sixty years of living as a family in Rue Royale with things disintegrating over time, Claudia finally snaps, driven pretty insane by the lack of autonomy and the fact that she's trapped in a child's body, especially after learning the truth about how Lestat was the one who turned her. In 1860, she manages to convince Lestat that she wants to make amends with him and gets him to drink the blood of two young boys who she poisoned with laudanum (opium). While Lestat is incapacitated from the drugs and the betrayal, she slits his throat and stabs him to "death".
Louis is there while this is happening and even though it destroys him, he lets Claudia finish the job so they can be free of his tyranny and have their own lives, essentially choosing his daughter's happiness over Lestat. Together, they throw his body in the swamp and begin making preparations for travel to Europe. Before they can leave, Lestat does come back after them even though he's all gross and corpesy (affectionately dubbed Swampstat by the fandom), but Louis sets him on fire and runs off with Claudia for Europe.
Basically they fuck around in Eastern Europe for a while killing zombie vampire revenants and searching for other vampires like themselves, but are unsuccessful. They eventually end up in Paris in 1862 where Louis finally meets two vampires, Santiago and, more importantly, Armand, the leader of a coven of vampires who live in and operate a theater.
Armand is 400ish years old and develops an immediate obsession with Louis and Louis is taken in by the knowledge Armand is giving him. Unfortunately for Claudia, Armand knows that Louis will never abandon her to be his companion. Claudia is terrified that Louis WILL leave her because she sees what's happening, so she convinces Louis to make her a new caretaker by turning a bereaved mother, Madeleine, into a vampire.
Still, Louis can't bring himself to leave Claudia and Armand loses patience, realizing he has to get Claudia out of the picture before he can have Louis. He sends a mob of his vampire underlings to kidnap Louis, Claudia, and Madeleine and bring them to the theater, where Claudia is put on trial for the murder of Lestat (Armand knows what happened from looking in their minds).
In the midst of this, it's revealed that Lestat has healed enough to follow his family to Paris and beg for them back, but weak and disoriented from Armand's influence and in his desperation to save at least Louis, he confirms that it was Claudia who attacked him. (In The Vampire Lestat, we find out more of what happened between Lestat and Armand right before this, but it's not relevant here).
Armand is absent for all of this so it looks like it's happening without his consent, but Claudia is sentenced to death and Louis is locked in a coffin and buried alive. Obviously, Armand "comes to the rescue" and frees Louis, but he finds out that while he was imprisoned, Claudia and Madeleine were killed by being locked in a cell with an open top and exposed to the sun.
This is a huge turning point for Louis and he's completely destroyed by this, consumed by grief until he's a shell of himself. He sees Lestat again after finding out, and he's also devastated, sobbing and holding what's left of her dress. He rejects Lestat's final pleas to stay with him and runs off, but returns the next night just before sunrise and burns the theater down, killing all the vampires there except Armand (and Lestat we find out later).
After that, Lestat disappears and Louis, with nothing and no one else, travels with Armand for several decades, but he's basically an empty husk at this point. Armand finally leaves him after accepting that all Louis' passion and humanity died with Claudia.
Sometime in the 1920s or early 30s, Louis returns to New Orleans and finds that Lestat is there and has been living in an abandoned house for decades, half a corpse and too weak and mentally scarred to function. They have a bit of a heart to heart where Lestat begs Louis to stay and be his companion again, but Louis says no and leaves again to wander alone.
We know from The Vampire Lestat that soon after this, Lestat buries himself in the Earth to heal and hide from the world, but this last meeting is the last thing Louis knows of him at the time of the interview. Except for the final exchange between Louis and Daniel, that's where the first book ends.
Claudia is mentioned by Lestat in his brief version of the events of IWTV at the end of the second book, and he says he isn't angry and that she was right to do what she did (and that he would've done the same in her situation).
In the third book, another character has visions of Claudia at Rue Royale, and Louis and Lestat reunite there after the main events of the novel, checking to see if Claudia's ghost is really there (it's not). In the very cursed books that are book four on, Claudia is mentioned shockingly little, but we know that Lestat never tolerates any slander of her and Louis is still actively grieving by the early 2000s.
In the book Merrick, Louis speaks with a spirit who claims to be Claudia and it says horrible things to him, that she never loved him, her death was his fault etc, but it's pretty implied that it's an evil spirit pretending to be Claudia. Still, Louis believes it because it confirms his worst fears and it's the primary factor in his suicide attempt in that book (another event that brings him and Lestat together after a period of separation).
She isn't mentioned much after that, but I suppose it's to be expected. The character of Claudia is a representation of Anne Rice's daughter, Michelle, who died of leukemia at five. The first book was written while she was grieving. I think the treatment and presence of Claudia in the narrative reflects what kind of mindset AR was in when writing more then any kind of consistent arc.
As for the show, I honestly have no idea what will happen with Claudia. There's a scene from one of the trailers that some people think shows Claudia in modern clothes, meaning she doesn't die, but I don't find it to be definitive proof. I don't think her survival is out of the question with all the changes that have already been made to her story though, and I do think it's possible that they'll follow the original draft of the book where Claudia runs off and leaves Louis instead of dying.
With the aged up Claudia, I feel that's more feasible. I don't think there's any happy ending for a Claudia permanently stuck in the body of a five year old, but maybe fourteen can be dealt with? I'm not sure, but I do have more hope for this Claudia. It's too early to say though.
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