#what i sad with people saying fascists did good things too and then went on a rant about that. which is something he is objectively
enochianspells · 1 year
being a history graduate is insane because why are you, a man who barely graduated high school fifty years ago, fighting me over something i have read a seven hundred pages book about
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aka: zoinks, scoob! it got worse!
(same disclaimer as before: we’re talking about racism, not how annoying you think xyz white character is or how much you want to punt all xyz shippers into a fire. keep your comments focused on dorian himself; it feels counterproductive when conversations about the racism experienced by actors of color and the fictional characters they play snowballs into shitting on fictional white characters and completely ignoring the former.)
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as should be obvious, this is an addition to my other long post about dorian storm's racist treatment by fandom which can be found here. now onto my suffering for the past couple of weeks!
so in my original post, i said the following:
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i guess i shouldn’t have jumped the gun on how racist people really could be, huh?
now, i did initially want to discuss the people who immediately assumed dorian would be vocally anti-god upon reuniting with the hells and join the vanguard in that post or wished death on him for abandoning dariax. i was already frustrated at how eager everyone was to jump on that train; there’s certainly something to be said about people wanting him to join the vanguard because it’d be “sexy” which very much ignores the fact it’s a soul-sucking cult that uses emotional manipulation and violence to keep its members in line. why would you wish that upon a character you allegedly like?
but there were enough people who were just happy to see him again to drown them out for the time being and it wasn’t like this hadn’t happened before: both orym and laudna had tons of people insisting post episode 63 that they were turning evil and imogen couldn’t have so much as sneezed without people insisting she was a pure evil bitch destined to become the bbeg. maybe this, too, would peter out. and it seemed like it did when everyone was hunky-dory with dorian returning up until episode 102.
the cr cooldown for episode 102 had robbie say that he could see what ludinus was getting at: the gods struck first so ludinus was on some level, justified in his actions and orym’s family just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. he could relate due to seeing melora and lloth basically team up to kidnap opal and maul cyrus to death. fandom went berserk and assumed he would join the ruby vanguard immediately and bell’s hells would need to kill him. usually orym for angst, but i did see a few people who really hated dorian already because of do/rym shippers that wanted imogen to kill him to spite said shippers and prove her innocence. these people legitimately assumed that he would tell orym to his face that his family deserved death because the gods made ludinus sad.
so, what about when the exact opposite happened in canon and orym more or less told dorian that if ludinus hadn’t activated the malleus key, then his brother wouldn’t have had to die by the gods’ hands? or that if his brother had been killed by ludinus or the vanguard, then he wouldn’t care about the gods having done awful things in the past?
the best-case scenario here is that orym overstepped in trying to keep them away from ludinus’ dangerous rhetoric of letting everything burn down out of spite and didn’t think his example through before saying it. the worst-case scenario is that orym told dorian he’s insincerely using his brother’s death as an excuse for ludinus’ fascistic actions and isn’t actually traumatized by it.
eithher way one thing is clear: intent and actions are two very different things. his intentions (prevent his friends from being indoctrinated into a murder cult no matter what) were good but the implicit statement that he does not trust dorian to make the right decision without being herded into it is nothing short of condescending. i can imagine he’ll apologize for this, but as it stands it was an incredibly awful thing for him to say, especially after coming off him realizing how nasty he’d been to laudna in the past few weeks. it hurts even more when you take into consideration that dorian trusts orym as a leader and protector over anybody else and took his side in an argument completely no more than two days ago.
fandom, of course, did not see it that way. from calling him a spoiled brat who sympathized with the evil wizards of aeor instead of the gods because of his royal status (misapplying intersectionality and implying the squall is the same as a fascist mageocracy, ew!) to directly telling him to watch his tone (holy fucking shit) or shut up because he was an idiot that didn’t know what he was talking about.
even “nicer” posts about the situation tried to imply it was all dorian’s fault for not being forthright with everything that had happened to his brother and the crownkeepers and if he’d just done that, orym wouldn’t have been such a jerk. which, if i may crib the tags off @tiredqueermushroom, why do people of color need to explain their motivations in detail when white characters can just insinuate something and their (usually) white fans will headcanon themselves into complacency? and no, he didn’t omit any details or underexplain, both orym and fearne looked miserable after finding out what happened to their old team! they knew damn well what happened and how it affected him! others said that he needed to be educated by all these white people on how great the gods are which is... uh… please read a history book. please.
and this starts to form a pattern: how come deanna was tone-policed and accused of being emotionally abusive for questioning an awesomely being that could vaporize her out of existence but fcg is treated as being completely innocent and kind when he asked the exact same question to another awesomely powerful being? outside of this campaign, how come beau had to be seen sobbing about her abusive family for episodes on end and explain all her motivations in detail before anyone believed her or gave her the time of day outside of characterizing her as an asshole, but caleb was allowed to be self-centered and objective with only his own trauma as an excuse? outside of race, how come astrid becke, a woman groomed beginning at age fifteen was seen as an evil cackling minion to the bbeg, but essek thelyss, a grown man who made the active decision to screw over his entire country out of spite is a sad innocent baby who was tricked by a mean ol’ hubris wizard and has no agency in his actions?
and again, almost none of the fanbase acknowledges he’s native or even that he is a person of color, which makes all of this even more horrific! does your racism really run that deep that even past all your whitewashed headcanons, you see an actor with an ounce of melanin and instantly assume the worst? is it because he's here with his own opinions and a narrative you cannot personally control that makes you uncomfortable?
in the words of the great lou wilson: y’all freaks.
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I'm not sure if this is super relevant (it's also late af and I'm recovering from covid) but I saw your post about that touched on having native ancestry but no direct ties to the culture, as well as no true culture otherwise to call your own, and it reminded me of a convo I had with some friends the other day where we discussed something that seems similar? Basically we talked about how badly a lot of American white people try to cling onto their (usually) very old ancestors' cultures and why. Sometimes it's for certified Yikes reasons (like white supremacists trying to co-op the entirety of Scandinavian culture) but other times they genuinely feel so rightfully disconnected from the mass-produced BS of American "culture", and that's why they (as well as occasionally POC) chase after cultures they don't have direct ties to. I myself have attempted to connect with my grandparents' cultures because they were forced to go from Unacceptable White to Acceptable White the second they landed in America, which meant all their cultural things were tossed away. It makes me sad for obvious reasons, but I also have to wonder if America may have been in at least a *slightly* better place had Europeans not also went through their own (though obviously much less severe) forced assimilation.
Maybe I'm not explaining it well, but my point is it's much harder to convince 20 different cultural groups to unite against a perceived evil than it is to convince 1 "cornbread purebred 'murican" cultural group to hate multiple ethnicities for no good reason. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think there might actually be a good reason to encourage white Americans to try and reconnect with their ancestors' culture, even if they'll likely be rejected by occupants of that current culture. It's easy to fall into extremism if someone has nothing to ground them that makes them feel whole or at least partially complete.
Idk, sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm kind of just rambling but also wanting your opinion on all of this?
I think what you said about it being easier to divide 20 communities than uniting then was a profound observation given the nature of white supremacy and even the silly online politics we can observe.
Because it's how a lot of countries work, especially the USA which is infamous for Cointelpro and its other methods of trying to sabotage communities from the inside out. Then making them hate everyone else's community, because they suck right?
And I think it's also very prevalent in even anarchist/leftist circles when we look at the constant infighting, the discourse within the queer community, etc. Even people trying to fight these systems fall prey to it's ideology when unaware of how it affects even their behaviors.
Coupled with the loud silence where education on workers rights and the many other rights movements besides the civil rights movements should be? I never learned about stonewall in school; did you? There is a blatant lack of education on Any recent movement that started with solidarity. What they do teach about any of it is deeply watered down and simplified and detached from the present- if not complete misinformation.
Like they really are trying to raise a bunch of blank slates who won't question a fascist or white supremacist rise to power until it was too late. Meanwhile they'd be convenient little drones for the capitalists.
And I think, yeah. If white people want to find community in what their ancestors had that's Certainly better than trying to find it by supporting and being around people who believe in whatever the fuck all that *gestures above* is without question.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 8 months
Carrie watches: Not All Who Wanda Are Lost
gonna keep a running list of episode highlights again because nobody i know irl watches Fantasy High ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Riz and his folders :( he made one for Adaine for fun! That just says Hey Adaine! And Adaine is so delighted with the organisation <3
Murph getting a 30 trying to put his character's friends through school is so incredibly on brand
that school for lone adventurers did break my heart a little actually (as per the AP that one's on Murph and I am the opposite of surprised)
but their one-man bloodrush team was a hilarious bit
Ally going "no she can try to persuade me and in fact I will give her the help action because Kristen actually does know she should go to class" is incredible and speaks to me so deeply rn
"fluffier than my shirt?!"
Brennan immediately improvising a pseudo-deep health podcast when Kristen plugs the AUX in
Gorgug's humunculus. Just. Zac. It's molting because he ran out of time to add feathers?? and then it has the stupidest name?? and it's both impressive and also probably not as smart as it could be? and it can fly but like. barely? and it has super sharp claws but tries to sit on his head??
I went to school with some rich-ish boys and them nearly starving in front of a fully stocked kitchen is a joke I've made about them so many times, Fabian is On Brand as hell
the manic glint in Murph's eyes when Riz and Adaine start aggressively reverse-psychology-ing Fig out of her self-sabotage makes me wonder if that's not an approach he has at least considered many a time irl
(In response to the name Kipperlilly Copperkettle) "What are you, like, four different dogs? Just a white family's fleet of dogs?" SAVAGE. no survivors.
Riz noticing and cringing at people hyping up Gilear as a bit instead of out of genuine affection is so tragic and also so tragically what high school is *like* for people like him (cf: me).
obsessed with the whole student government storyline, they were MADE for this
the Axmurph household solidarity between Fig supporting Riz in his hyper cringe attempt to rebrand the Bad Kids to the PhotosyntheKids and Riz getting immediately so offended on Fig's behalf because another bard at school got famous for their music. Like. You know. That thing bards do.
Ah Brennan, I see what you're doing with Gorgug. It hurts me but I get it. Poor kid.
That whole interaction between Riz and Jawbone. Incredible. "I wouldn't." "Okay, I put it back."
"do we maybe see something of ourselves and don't like it or...?"
Brennan just metaphorically grabbing both Riz and Murph by the shoulders and shaking them. Hey buddy. Can we think about this. And Riz and Murph so deliberately going. No. No we can't. Because everything is truly so fine. Stress is good and we're doing so good thank you byeee! And Emily cackling in the background.
Riz as Kristen's campaign manager?? yes please and thank you
Kristen and her family. EEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Oh no. Oh no no no.
"We tried to tell the postman to bring your mail to Mordred Manor, 'cause you don't live here no more, and he told us we were bigots and fascists and that our reign would crumble so I don't know what that meant -" gotta love Bud Cubby. A real one.
Kristen doing something so out of pocket that Brennan imposes disadvantage on insight for her parents permanently, incredible
Adaine... no no nooo too real too real this is so sad. My poor girl :(
"No I guess I just... Wanda'd in" yeah this is a solid part two to Hilda Hilda. Brownie points for the weirdly aggro secret service agent with the missing persons case from 22 Hilda Blvd. (I do so love it when you can *hear* the DM yelling ENDING THE BIT THIS IS THE END OF THE BIT without actually saying that, it's so funny everytime)
The combined exasperation from Ally and Murph at Fig's school skipping antics is so funny. Like Siobhan is invested in this as Adaine, but Ally and Murph seem so personally invested, it's hilarious.
Incredible pull on the title pun by Zac as always, I can't believe this didn't get Brennan more.
The reactions around the table to Kristen awkwardly describing Tracker are impeccable.
oooh. oooh the bitch is back. I love that actually.
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xwing-baby · 3 years
New Opportunity (Javier Peña x f!Reader)
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Summary: You and Javier fight over a new job opportunity as it threatens to take you away from him.
Warning: Angst, swearing, hints at smut (nothing descriptive), happy sad vibes, fem!reader (no y/n but use of pet names)
Word count: 2.6k
A/n: I will never give Javi a break, I refuse. Sorry baby but you’re too fun to hurt...
“Hey pretty girl,” Javi smirked as you walked into the office, “Is it my birthday?” He looked you up and down greedily.
“Didn’t know office wear was your thing,” You laughed ad shook your head at him, putting a lunch bag down on his desk before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Never see you in dresses. I like it,” He pulled you in for a kiss, his hands immediately going up your skirt, “and I know what’s underneath,” He added, flicking the band of your stockings. You yelped as the elastic stung your thigh.
“Hey! Hands to yourself, pervert,” you slapped his hand out from under your skirt. Javi chuckled and kissed you again softly, his hands around your waist instead. You sighed into him, allowing the moment to roll on until you broke for air. “I have a job interview today actually,”
“That promotion you were on about?” He asked.
“Uh no, actually,” You took a deep breath knowing his reaction wouldn’t be the best, “A CIA position,” You bit your lip and watched him carefully. He frowned, creasing his eyebrow, searching your face for signs you were serious. You were.
“CIA?” He repeated, raising a brow, “You don’t mind moving back to Bogotá?”
“It- um the jobs not in Colombia,” You said, slowly removing your hands from around him, nervously wringing them together.
“Where is it?” He bristled, taking his hands off you.
“I can’t say,” You said quietly, “it’s classified,” Javi shook his head disapprovingly, and leant back on his desk, crossing his arms.
“Well, it’s only an interview, maybe you won’t get it,” he shrugged going straight into denial. You cringed again.
“It’s the final round,” you admitted. Javier looked away, your heart sunk, “Javi- “He moved away from your quickly, shutting you out faster than you could blink.
“I’m busy, you need to leave,” He said sternly, moving back behind his desk. You tried to protest again but he ignored you. You sighed, this was the reaction you had feared, the entire reason you had not told him yet.
“Sure,” You gulped down your anxiety, trying to remain unaffected. You had only come in to have lunch with him as being around him calmed you down, “I- uh I’ll take my lunch out then,”
“That would be a good idea,” Javier said sharply. You nodded, eyes filling with tears. You pulled out the lunch you had brought, placing his on the table which he gave no reaction too. You rolled your eyes and walked out, slamming the door for good measure.
“Hey sweetheart,” Steve smiled as you walked by. You did not stop to talk, blinking back tears as you left the building. He frowned but didn’t press you, “Do I want to ask what that was about?” He asked jovially as he entered the office. Javier scowled, ignoring him as he tucked his gun into his jeans, and didn't answer. “Guess not,”
The argument, or lack thereof, threw you off your game. You were nervous going into the interview and even worse answering their questions. You could only think of the look of betrayal on Javier’s face, the bitter tone of his voice and how quickly he’d shut you out. You bombed it.
Javier would usually be the one person you would go to in times like this, but he was out of the question. You didn’t want to talk to him either, if he didn’t understand why, you wanted this job so badly, he obviously didn’t understand you as well as you thought he did. You weren’t going to not go for a job you really wanted because he hated the CIA, it wasn’t his job, it wasn’t his life!
You went to a bar and tried to drink away your sorrows but everything tasted bad and just made you nauseous. Your friends, fed up with your moping, left you alone at the bar. You had had enough and decided to walk home, except you turned in the opposite direction and gave in to your sadness and took yourself to the one man that you really wanted.
You stood in the hallway of his apartment block for a few minutes, deciding whether to knock. You had known Javier for a long time before you ever got together and knew that when you got in a fight, he had turned in on himself and ended up at a brothel or drunk himself into a gutter. That was before you’d gotten together, now you had no idea what he would have done. You prayed he hadn’t given up on you entirely and gone to see some of his old ‘friends’. You could hear the television inside his apartment. He was home at least.
You knocked on the door and waited. The television turned off and a few moments later it opened. Just a crack, enough for him to stick his head out but nothing more. He wasn’t happy to see you.
“Hi,” You said sheepishly.
“Hi,” He said, straight toned. He wasn't angry or upset but he wasn’t happy either.
“Can I come in?” You asked.
“I don’t know,” He continued to stare at you, coldness in his eyes you only ever saw him use with criminals.
“I want to talk to you, please,” you added.
“What’s there to talk about? You already made the decision,” He snarled, shutting the door. You stuck your foot in the gap and barged in, your patience wearing thin.
He paced around the living room, seething in anger. You followed him, standing above him on the step.
“For fucks sake Javi! What is the matter with you?” You exclaimed.
“What’s the matter with me? What do you think the matter is? You betrayed me!” He yelled.
“Betrayed you?” You scoffed, “It’s just a job Javi, not some personal attack,”
“It’s not just a job though is it? It’s the fucking CIA and you’re leaving and you never told me. I didn’t even know you were looking for a new job!””
“I was going to tell you when there was something definite,”
“So, you were just going to take it without discussing it with me?”
“I- I Uh,” You stuttered. He had you there. You had rationalised your decision to keep the interviews a secret as a way to protect your relationship but you didn’t think about the consequences, that if you got it you would be springing a finalised move like that on him with no warning. You had got so excited about the prospect that you’d forgotten about him. Javier realised this too and scoffed, disgusted.
“You were the one who insisted we become a couple,” He pointed at you. You shook your head bitterly glaring at him.
“You came to me!” You exclaimed, “You were the one who crossed that line first,”
“Six months together, years of friendship and you were just going to fuck off somewhere classified at the earliest convenience without thinking to consult me?” He asked, a dry laugh biting at the lunacy of your situation.
“Because you would never do the same, huh?” You snapped, “You told Lorraine you wanted to come down here and waited for her opinion, right?”
“That was different,” He snarled.
“How? Because this time it doesn’t benefit you?”
“Get out,” He said coldly.
“This is a great opportunity, Javi,” You changed your tone trying to reason with him, “You know this was never what I wanted, I did what I had to but I-,”
“So, you never wanted me either? You were just doing what you had to?”
“That was not what I meant!” 
“But you’re not denying it!”
“You’re being irrational,”
“Me? Irrational?” He shouted, “You’d rather join those twisted assholes, than stay here?”
“Your personal opinion of-,”
“It’s not opinion! They parade the death and destruction down here like it’s a fucking job well done. They deal with the same people we fight because its advantageous at the time. They are disgusting hungry fascists!”
“Like the DEA is any better,” you rolled your eyes at him.
“No, you’re right, they’re fucking not. All of its a joke, but you know what? There are some good people here trying to make things work without bulldozing entire communities for it,”
“Don’t pretend like you’re a good person. Neither of us are,” you spat, “What difference does it make what three fucking letters I wear? Either way I am still the same person doing the same shit protecting innocent people from people like Escobar or fucking Cali or whoever else wants to try and take over,” You yelled at him. Javier curled his lip and turned away, no long willing to even marry your argument with a retort, “What? Did you really think I was going to stay here forever? Even if I stayed with the DEA, they would move me on eventually!”
“I know!” He shouted, his anger falling in on itself as he knew you were right. “I know,” He repeated much quieter. He was being ridiculous. He pulled his hands over his face and huffed before bringing them back to his hips, defensive but not attacking you anymore.
“I care about you, I do,” You said softer now, “And I apologise for not saying something sooner I just didn’t want to get my own hopes up, talking to you would have made it real. I didn’t want to think about what that meant for us and I should have thought about it,” You sighed, “This is a big deal for me Javi I just wanted your support. But I blew it anyway so I guess you don’t need to worry,” You sat down on the couch heavily, looking up at the ceiling.
Your admission broke his anger and he loosened up immediately.
“What?” He asked, there was no anger in his voice anymore. He spoke softly, concerned and confused, “How?”
“I was flustered going in there. You shutting down like that earlier really freaked me out,” you admitted, still not looking at him.
Javier frowned. He didn’t want you to go but he didn’t want you to fail at it, especially if he was the reason. He dropped his scowl and stepped closer to you again, a softer sympathetic look on his face.
“S ’fine. Argument over right,” you waved a hand at him in defeat, “I am stuck here until the end of my contract. But at least I’ve got you,” you forced a small smile to your lips, trying to convince yourself that missing out on the opportunity was actually okay. He sighed and sat down next to you.
“They’d only be proving me right by not hiring you. Idiots. The lot of them,” He pulled you into a hug, kissing your hair, “And I’m sorry for being a jerk,”
“I forgive you,” you whispered. You stayed in his arms for a while, the two of you calming down together. As the anger slipped away, Javi relaxed into the couch. You curled your legs up, leaning into his chest. You shut your eyes, listening to his slowing heartbeat and grounding yourself in the rhythm.
“I’ll talk to Stretchner,” Javier finally spoke, breaking the silence.
“What?” You sat up and frowned at him.
“I’ll talk to Stretchner. I’ll get you a do over,” he said again.
“Javi, I don’t want any handouts from you. If I failed, I failed,” you protested.
“It’s not a handout. I’m not getting the job for you but I’ll make it fair. I fucked up the interview for you I should fix it,” He said, brushing his fingers through your hair, “If this is what you really want, and if it's what will make you happy, then that's all I want for you,”
“But I’ll have to move,” your bottom lip wobbled, eyes filling back up with tears again.
“I know,” he said softly, running his hand down your jaw to cup your cheek.
“And we won’t be able to be together,”
“I know,” His voice barely audible as he too tried not to cry.
“Javi,” You whimpered. He stopped your protests with a kiss. Desperate and sad he clung to you, hand tight on your arm holding you in place so you couldn’t move, so you couldn’t leave him.
“All I want is for you to be happy,” He whispered, resting his forehead on yours. His eyes were closed so you couldn’t see the tears in the corners of his eyes, “You’re wasted here, but you can do good with those assholes. Maybe make them less awful,”
“I am only one person,” you chuckled quietly.
“But the best one I know,” He smiled, “the only one that I want in my bed and at my side in a gunfight,” You sighed, closing the gap between you again and kissing him softly, “There's no one like you,” He said seriously, “If anyone is going to make a difference it’s going to be you. I mean it,” 
You didn’t know what to say, tears falling freely down your cheeks. Javier brushed them away with his thumb. 
“Come here,” He grumbled, pulling you into his lap, “Let me make it up to you,”
His apology felt horribly like a goodbye. Every kiss he gave you felt like he was trying to make it memorable, make sure your last was as good as the first. You fell into him, giving every single inch of you to him hoping if you gave enough, he would have a piece of you permanently. He took it all, drawing your souls together in what could only be described as an act of love.
Love. That one word would be left unspoken for the rest of time but you didn’t need to say it, you both knew it and there was no use uttering it now. This was the epilogue to your relationship, there was no use starting that new chapter. That would have to be left for a new book entirely. Someone else's book.
Your heart shattered into a million pieces, but you didn’t let him see it. You didn’t cry until you got into the shower the next morning, purposefully locking the door so he couldn’t get in to join you. You cried, covering your mouth as you sobbed so he couldn’t hear you. But he knew. He felt it too, the way you clung to him was different, the way you’d looked at him. It nearly broke him but he didn’t want to upset you anymore. He sat in bed hand on the sheet where you’d lay trying desperately to commit the feeling of your warmth to memory. Then, he did his one last good deed to you and called Stretchner to set up a redo meeting. He would do anything for you, even if it meant having that weasel have a hand up on him.
He left before you got out of the shower, leaving a cup of coffee and a meeting time on a post with a promise of dinner to congratulate you on the kitchen counter.
You tried to get on with your day as normal. You did all your usual tasks, even ones you’d been putting off for weeks, as you tried to distract yourself from the meeting with Stretchner. It wasn’t until the end of the day, you had to keep yourself busy or you’d cry again.
You let out a sigh of relief as you exited the room. You’d done it. You didn’t even need the do-over. They wanted you. The confirmation should have scared you, you thought you’d be more upset but you were happy. Things were about to change dramatically but it was for the better, you hoped.
The building was empty now, Friday’s everyone left early anyway but even the usual hard workers had left. You grabbed your jacket and gun from your desk, ready to head out and work out how you were going to tell Javier the good news.
“L/n,” Javier called as you walked down the hallway. You stopped walking and turned back to him. He had his jacket in hand, standing in the doorway of his office. He'd waited for you. “So?”
“Turns out I didn’t need your do over,” you said, a proud smile pulled at your lips as you couldn’t wait to tell him.
“Seriously?” Javier could help but copy your smile. You nodded earnestly moving towards him.
“Offered me the job right then and there,” You grinned.
“I’m so proud of you,” He smiled but he didn’t move to kiss you like you expected. He stopped still, moving away from you if anything.
“What?” You searched his face for any sign of an issue.
“Well, if you’re taking the job that means-,” He said sadly, looking at his hands.
“I have to stay here for at least a month,” you were quick to interrupt him, “Get things wrapped up and liaise with the new kid taking my job,” Javi rolled his eyes at that, making you laugh. He was going to hate your replacement. “Got a lot of paperwork and a lot of meetings to go through,”
“A month?” He asked, turning his gaze back up to you.
“A whole month,” You smiled softly.
“A whole lifetime to fit into a month,” he mused. That should have broken your heart but the sly smirk picking at his lips changed your heart. You smiled, looking left and right. The corridor was quiet. Nobody was around. Everyone had gone home.
“Want to start on the desk?” You smirked, pushing him back through the office door.
“You read my mind, baby,” He grinned.
tagging: @hunters-heathen​ @peterssweetpea​ @beskarbabs​ @wille-zarr​ @all-hallows-evie​​
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ziracona · 2 years
The thing about Cosmos in the Lostbelt is that the reason Lostbelt 1 was so good, and every Lostbelt since 1 has fallen so short is really simple. It’s that Higashide looked at the setup and went, “Oh okay. I get this. I write tragedies. I understand what this means” (and he also doesn’t have the ethics of used diaper). LB1 went “the tragedy is that, the conflict is, the story, the core is, that instigators aside for the moment, everyone else living inside a Lostbelt did nothing wrong, and neither did the original timeline. They’re just regular people. But against their say or input, they are now caught in a story where only one world, one timeline, can exist, and any timeline existing means the death of the others. There’s no going back. And it’s not about who deserves to live; they all do. It’s about the tragedy that they all can’t. You aren’t evil for trying to save your own timeline, and the natives of each Lostbelt aren’t evil for fighting for theirs. It’s just sad. And you all have to fight for the people who can’t, and pray you win, while they pray they win, and any victory will be one you or whoever wins can never get over, but that’s the way it is now. It’s a tragedy. It’s not a story about heroes and self righteousness, it’s about perseverance and love and inevitability and loss. And assigning meaning to loss.
And every Lostbelt since has been like “Uhhhhhh what’s the conflict?? We simultaneously have to like, have enough to object to to be the good guys, but enough good the opponent can monologue about how they’re the good guy who deserves to win? We need to argue original earth deserves to be gone because some people were bad?? To make conflict right? The conflict is who is more righteous, right? It’s about who deserves to live, right?? It’s The Universe’s Next Top Timeline, right? I only understand really repetitive superhero media it’s all I know.” So we end up with like, the game and characters trying to say ‘the absolute cultural genocide and colonization and fascism is great because uhhh there aren’t wars now that everyone is assimilated and rebellions all get killed, which makes it superior to real life where the world isn’t perfect.’ Or ‘this place just lost its despot and hasn’t had a war in these last 3 minutes ergo these humans won’t be normal like all humans are and fall into conflict again and this will be a peaceful paradise how dare you challenge it?’ Or ‘this place where humans get treated like livestock is actually soooo soft and sweet bc they’re raised to like being treated this way : )” and it makes it unbelievably enraging to play. Like, LB1 is the only one so far even to narratively place rebels in the world as the goodguys instead of arguing some fascist regime is great (not counting LB4 rebels bc they really skimmed the issues too much to count in either direction).
Anyway it’s gross but it’s also so fucking depressing, because Lostbelt 1 was SO good, and it had such a fascinating premise, and was so good, but no writer since seems to even realize what made it noteworthy. Like, from the start you got native inhabitants POV with Patxi, and repeatedly the entire story did, and their world and the citizens mattered, and ever since you barely get a blip of inhabitants, the big losers and people who actually matter and have things at stake, and only give time to heroic spirits that usually are awful bastards like Quin Shi Huang and get to escape anyway if the Lb ends, for just sooo much super fight drama™️, or Crypter drama. Like they just throw you A Child™️ you know nothing about except they’re CuTe so you feel soooo guilty. But they don’t even work to make them a person with a character. Like LB2 and 4s little girls and LB3s little boy could easily be the same person. And it makes me so upset and mad we could have had it all but the writers suck and I want to beat them up with my fists.
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twilightofthe · 4 years
(oops a little late to the game) Unpopular opinion! Although I think that Padme's death in ROTS wasn't completely out of the realm of possibility (i.e. she absolutely could've given up the will to live, that's a thing that can kill humans!), I also think it was pretty sexist for LF to kill her off because her emotions were too strong/she didn't have the will to live without Anakin anymore.
(Ask game found here)
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
Thank you for this one! Ok so this is definitely a very complicated answer for me
Firstly, we gotta address the matter of the fact that Padmé, narratively, unfortunately needed to die in Revenge of the Sith. She needed to die because the sad truth was that she was dead, canonically, by the Original Trilogy, as both of her children confirm her as dead. This was a good 8 years before the Disney purchase. There were no other streaming service shows or lesser known comics coming out at this time that would show us what was going to happen in canon after this movie. If you wanted to give Padmé Amidala, one of the three main characters of this movie trilogy, a solid ending to her character and story, she needed to die in Revenge of the Sith.
So yeah, Padmé did HAVE to die here.
Now did Lucas do it well enough to give her character justice? No, in my own opinion I wouldn’t say so. He cut most of her written plot that was about her forming the Rebellion and standing up to Palpatine and actually finding herself on a different side than Anakin, all of that was cut out of the movie. I feel that was detrimental to her character, as what we have left is pretty much just her being the distressed mother to be that Anakin obsesses over. I feel her remaining plot that was left for her in the movie revolving near-entirely around a man is definitely on the sexist side, and her death also revolving completely around a man can be seen as a part of that larger issue.
But Padmé’s death on its own, without the rest of the movie in context? I don’t know if I would call it a particularly sexist death. Like, I really don’t think I could call her death a fridging like I would say other prequels-era Star Wars ladies’ deaths were— notably Shmi, Satine, etc. —because while yes, Padmé’s death did make the male main character sad and drive his motivations afterwards, she was not killed off just to make the male main character sad and drive his plot.
Padmé was killed off for story continuity as she had already been canonically dead before the original trilogy for at this point around 25 years, so she needed to die. Of course it was gonna upset Anakin/Vader because the dumbass decided to pull all his violent murderous bullshit that most male characters with fridged women pull while the woman in question was still alive.
So no, I wouldn’t say Padmé’s death is a fridging. You however mentioned specifically the whole “lost the will to live” part, which is something else, and I don’t know if I would call that sexist either.
Yeah it fuckin’ sucks that in a universe where any old Darth Spite can survive falling down a hole after getting chopped in half/blown up, where the universe personally pulls time travel fixits despite continuity to save you if the director the universe likes you too much to let you die, where the woman in question’s husband just got triple amputated and flambéed and is up and kicking like an hour after getting fixed, where Breha Organa and Fennec Shand can just get brand new roboguts to replace any of their internal organs getting destroyed— it SUCKS that in that universe, Miz Amidala unfortunately cannot escape the diagnosis of Terminal Sad.
But they never say that she can’t go on just because of her emotions over losing Anakin; in fact, her last words are a fervent belief that she hasn’t lost Anakin, that he can still come back, that she still loves him even after he tried to kill her and destroyed her life’s work. I think it’s a combination of all of the different kinds of heartbreak. Her husband helping commit a genocide, yes her entire life’s work she put all of herself into burning to the ground around her, Jedi who were likely her friends all being dead, ALL of that weighed on Padmé. ALL of that was likely a part of her just not having the strength to take any more of this bullshit. Yeah she had two new babies, yeah there was the Rebellion. New children aren’t all sunshine and roses, especially when you’re a newly single parent and your not-so-deadbeat father is trying to hunt you down and is also a murderous fascist. Being part of a rebellion against a corrupt authority??? Fucking SUCKS. Activism and standing up and doing the right thing and fighting to take down the authoritarian power structures is WORK and it’s HARD and it is EXHAUSTING. It’s not a shining crusade of light and hope. It’s gritty and dirty and time consuming and it kills people. Padmé’s been throwing her entire sense of self into serving others, fixing the government, since she was twelve years old. She’s been conditioned to it. It’s all she’s BEEN doing. She has never seen a therapist in her LIFE. She just went through a grueling labor after being strangled by the one she loved most.
The more and more I watch this movie and the more and more I’ve looked back at my own mental bullshit, I can’t help but watch her death now and be like “ok yeah, I get that. I get just not being able to fight anymore, even if it’s The Right Thing To Do to pull yourself back up no matter what.”
I personally actually do subscribe to the theory that Sidious drained Padmé’s life force and used it to save Anakin because I love how it’s a painfully ironic end to the unhealthy and tragic Anidala relationship, that it’s sad for both of them, just because that’s the exact kind of Star Wars bullshit that is fun and makes sense to me. But even if Padmé just genuinely died from not being able to go on, just, I can’t really see that alone as anti-feminist anymore
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hurgablurg · 3 years
13/06/21 rant #2 - Halo Infinite
Fuck. Off.
343 did what I was hoping to Fuck they wouldn’t. They pulled a JJ Abrams and tried to delete everything that “the fans” didn’t like about 4 and 5 from the franchise. 
They had a STORY, they had interesting character dynamics. The characters had motivations. REAL, genuine things for them to mull over and discover about themselves. But no, some piss-baby man-children “didn’t like politicals in their 100 Chungus Wholesome Shooter Manly Game”, so fuck all that good stuff, I guess.
They could have done interesting things with Blue Team and Osiris stuck on Sanghelios at the end of Halo 5 - maybe the first few missions of the next game could have the players helping Thel codify his progressive government until a Guardian arrives to apprehend Blue Team and “punish” the Sangheili for their harboring them, leading to a frantic race against to activate a Forerunner tower to stun or destroy the Guardian, which attracts the attention of the Infinity, which rescues the heroes and then ferries them on different missions, searching for a way to stop Cortana.
But no, they got rescued immediately afterwards, went to Reach to reinforce how the Spartan-II program was actually A Very Good all along, and then had the Infinity explode because a laughably tiny minority of players hate anything that was introduced in Halo 4.
They could have written a sideplot with Locke, where he re-examines his history with ONI, and ultimately decides that his loyalty is with the people, not the shadowy fascist organization, and in a climactic moment, betrays ONI to help John and the Infinity. He’s not an ONI puppet, he’s a man.
But no, they killed him off in-between games and stuck his helmet on a mini-boss’s shoulderpad so EBIC GAMERS could laugh and clap and rejoice that the black man can no longer “taint” their precious videogame franchise with the crime of almost being as competent as John.
I’ll bet 343 did the same thing to Commander Palmer too, all because her “Ladies and other Spartans” comment in Spartan Ops got the chodes all screaming and shidding their pants in rage and anger that a “feeeeeeeeeeemale” would say something like that, despite it being a retort to DeMarco’s attempt at hitting on her earlier in the same cutscene. We’ll probably see her helmet on a stick or something. 50/50 chance for the accompanying comment from Not Cortana (John won’t say anything because he’s been returned to the Player Avatar state) to be sad or snide.
They could have had the central plot of the sixth main game revolve around the dynamic between Cortana and John, and how tragically messed up it is. Cortana views John as a romantic partner, her other half, her constant companion. She’s possessive of him, and wants to make a world where he won’t have to suffer through anymore war. But, John views her as his sister. Like the SPARTAN-IIs, she was born and raised with a purpose, and had been left as a relic of a bygone decade, a tool to be used, reframed, and ultimately discarded or obfuscated. He knows her rampancy is an unjust fate, and that she doesn’t need a bullet, she needs help. Eventually John finds a fragment of Cortana, split during their fight with the Didact and isolated within the Domain. This IsoCortana and John can talk, and work out where everything went wrong, and how to handle and grow past their traumas. The final confrontation with UrCortana could be big, emotional, and heart-pounding as - well, I don’t know what could happen, but something that ties together the themes of the trilogy, and brings the characters together in a bared-heart sort of way. Something meaningful. Anything meaningful.
Cortana is deleted. Supreme Leader of the Created, nigh unto a God, deleted without a trace by “something”, probably a precursor, likely The Primordial. Why? Because a minority of loud, mouth-breathing fans didn’t like that “Cortana was evil” now.
No character resolution, no story impact, no emotional send off. Nothing.
Just a blue Replacement Goldfish that winks-and-nods at the audience that she’s not the REAL Cortana, but that’s okay, because as long as the dynamic is superficially the same, the Halo Fanboys™ literally will not notice.
So there you go, up-and-coming writers and directors. If a handful of jerk-offs and cuckolds don’t like how you’re writing a sequel series, just trash it! Throw it all away! Get rid of everything new and original, everything you’ve put work into developing! 
Who cares if despite the rough start it was showing real promise and opened up avenues, FIVE WHOLE ASSHOLES got mad! Better throw it all out and retread the plot of the original again!!
I am fucking disappointed in their cowardice.
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cornholio4 · 4 years
A Different Sort of Field Trip Fic
This was based on a prompt on Tumblr by a user called Cap-Is-Bi and I hope they appreciate this.
It had been about a year since he had all silently cut ties with Tony Stark, he had been excited about getting the new suit and telling his classmates that he had an internship with Tony Stark. Most especially Flash Thompson didn't believe him.
However it all changed within a few weeks when he decided to look into more about the Sokovia Accords, he heard them mentioned on the news and how they were affecting the Avengers somehow. He read more into it and was stunned by what he had read. The Avengers would only be allowed to be deployed and allowed to help in a situation if an UN Accords panel deems it necessary, he could understand the principle of the idea but what if the Panel were too busy debating when the Avengers were urgently needed?
The articles said it was in response to not only Ultron but also the Battle of New York and Washington, were the governments really blaming the Avengers for stopping aliens and fascist terrorists? They talked about Iron Man was leading the support of the Avengers but Captain America went renegade on the Accords after a battle where Iron Man helped lead a squad to apprehend Cap's supporters in a german airport but the failure led to the capture of the culprit behind the bombing at the Accords signing.
Tony jsut said that Cap was going crazy; did he lie to him to take him to another country to apprehend people for just being Heroes?
The article talked about how the Accords affected Superhumans and how they would have to be tracked and registered, any Superhuman causing crimes would be sent to the prison known as the Raft indefinitely. Was Tony going to make him sign and follow orders like a good soldier?
This caused a huge broken pedestal towards Tony and he was still going over it when he felt into a portal. He was shocked to encounter many different Spider people from different Earths so it seemed that the Multiverse was real! Apparently these multi dimension vampires were hunting people with Spider powers so they were banding together to stop them. Most of them were Peter Parkers as well!
He met up with versions of him who looked like his Uncle Ben and the guy from Seabiscuit and a guy looking like his late dad as well as the guy from the Social Network. They were a trio and they could see he was down about something. He explained about the Accords and Tony and others patched in saying the Tony Starks of their world done the same thing; support any Superhuman laws while turning into a near villain himself. They promoted arrests without trials and laws as well as harsh conditions while also hiring super villains to catch them. More often than not the Registration Acts were defeated and Tony suffered. Some worlds reached a compromise but a lot of them had Tony manipulating Peter to support him at first.
Peter was in shock and horror and his rage towards Tony grew, it intensified when a glitch in his suit caused from a fight activated the Instant Kill Mode of the suit. Did Tony really put that into his suit.
He was in fury as when it got too damaged, he began tearing into it but the Peter Parker who looked like his dad said he could have a spare suit of his. After the Inheritors were defeated, they went back to their Earths with Peter wanting to have another adventure like that again.
But for now he would stay close to the ground.
In his new suit he began helping people as he usually did and was happy to address people with cameras. he told his class and Aunt May that he quit the internship due to his fury about something Tony did. They didn't pry too much, Flash still thought it was an excuse but he didn't care and Aunt May was disappointed but knew Peter had to have his reasons.
Peter was more than happy to find, share and like Anti Accords posts and articles. He had began ghosting both Happy Hogan and Tony (mostly Happy though) before blocking their numbers entirely. He focused on his schoolwork, hanging with his friends and being a true friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. He found the alien weapons dealing gang and their leader the guy in the Vulture suit. He managed to stop them but it turned out that he was Liz Allan's dad. She had to move with her mum and he was sad and a bit guilty about her having to go.
They had an amicable last conversation with Liz telling him that she hopes to see him again sometime and she was hoping that he would be her date for the homecoming dance. Poor Liz and her family...
He had to keep moving forward and deal with more stuff he finds. Whenever he saw criminals part of the anti Superhuman terrorist group the Watchdogs, he was more than happy to go at them and destroy their masks. There were footage of him trashing anti Superhuman bigots like the Watchdogs and when there were people with cameras, he was more than happy to give anti Accords words when asked.
He actually met up with Steve Rogers who was in hiding and he was more than happy to share his stories with Peter when he could contact him with the secret number he gave. 'Queens' and 'Brooklyn' as they gave their nicknamed themselves.
At this time support for the Accords were going down thanks to reports of the heroics of Captain America and his team underground, it was theorised they cease to be soon. Especially since Thaddeus Ross the biggest supporter of the Accords in the US Government, got himself suspended from the Accords Panel (which he acted like he ran) and from his position as Secretary of the State. He was expecting to face charges for the dozen squad he sent into countries without asking to try and apprehend Cap and he gotten into big fights with the Secretary of Defense. Ross kept going to his old military allies for help and was acting like he was in charge, the Secretary of Defense kept overruling him and telling that he is supposed to be their representative to the UN and other countries and not running military operations.
Inside anonymous sources he found said that Ross was trying to save face and stop the fall of the Accords but it seemed he burned many bridges with his arrogance.
However at Midtown he was dreading for a while, his class' field trip to Stark Industries. He didn't want to go but Aunt May convinced him to go by saying he could still appreciate the science there and what were the odds that Tony Stark would want to go out of his way to meet a former intern of his.
Peter stayed silent about it but figured that Tony may have forgotten about him, he hopes so and if not then he would probably be too busy as well.
There came the day and his class were on the tour and given their access cards, they got in and Peter was starting to enjoy himself seeing the work of the Stark Industries scientists. There were comments from Flash about Peter used to be an intern here and asking he got fired but he ignored them. When they were allowed to look around a display room Peter then saw through a door Happy Hogan who recognised him and did not look happy.
Peter groaned as Happy walked up to him and whispered "there you are, Tony found out that you would be with your class coming here and asked me to escort you to see him. Do you have any idea of how much trouble you caused? I spent so much time trying to contact you when Tony had been asking me about the reports you sent in and I had to tell him that you hadn't sent anything in a while. You kept ignoring our class and blocked us, Tony was beside himself when he saw that he could no longer track the suit he gave you and to see you in the new suit..." Happy was sternly telling him.
Peter was growing mad when learning that Tony was tracking him using the suit, "If Mr Stark wants to see me then he can come and see me himself. I thought you would have been glad to not have me bother you anymore." Peter whispered to him more harshly than he was intending.
He walked off to continue looking at the displays to Happy's shock as he made a call.
Later the class were stunned and excited to see Tony Stark there but Peter just groaned. "Long time no see Mr Parker, you had been ignoring my class ever since you just quit one day without warning. You think we could have a little talk to renegotiate whatever made you quit?" Tony said to Peter coming up with a big smile and Peter just groaned, the class being stunned by this but Peter just glared.
"Can we make it quick please." Peter said flippantly leaving them stunned as they went out the door. Peter looked up to Tony with a glare as he tried to smile at him.
"Can I first start by saying how are you doing as you caused quite a scare with you ignoring our calls. Plus what happened to the multimillion dollar suit that I gave you? Or where did you get your new digs?" Tony asked trying to look friendly.
"The suit got trashed fighting vampires from another world and another version of me gave me the new suit." Peter replied blandly and Tony gave a face showing that he did not buy the story one bit.
"Okay Mr Smartass can I say about learning how socially active you have been online, apparently you were more than happy to join the Anti Accords groups on social media as well as go after groups such as the Watchdogs. Apparently my advice on staying close to the ground didn't stick." Tony said disapprovingly and Peter scoffed.
"I am sorry that I don't support regulations that blames the Avengers for aliens invading or if there are terrorists about to commit mass murder. Sorry that I don't support regulations that thinks Superhumans should be tracked and thrown away without a key or any hope of seeing a lawyer if they seem like they step out of line. Sorry that I want to stop bad guys who claim they are protecting the country from Superhumans while causing damage and more than happy to invite criminals and former HYDRA thugs." Peter told him bluntly and Tony sighed.
"Peter these issues are more complicated than that and you are too young and immature to be involved in it. I had to work hard to protect you from the Accords people wanting to go after you and wanting you registered and tracked as well..." Tony told him and Peter snapped.
"So I am an exception, I get to be an exception so I can continue being your loyal soldier? Apparently you wanted a soldier and not someone standing up for the little guy. I am glad the Accords are going the way of the dinosaurs and that you can't have me tracked with a suit that you built an instant kill mode into." Peter snapped at him and Tony paused.
"We will have to talk about restarting the 'internship'." Tony said with air quotes but Peter shook his head and scoffed at it. "I am serious, you will have to start playing ball again or else I will tell your Aunt May..." Tony said only to be interrupted.
"I have been meaning to tell her myself but you tell her then I will tell her that the trip you brought me on was jsut so that you could use my as a soldier in a fight I should not have been involved in. That you lied to her and kidnapped me so I could be your weapon to capture Captain America for you, that you had me fighting on the wrong side of a war." Peter replied as he went back through the door.
"Son, come back here right now! You don't get to walk away from this!" Tony shouted shocking the class and Tony blinked, obviously forgotten about the class there in his anger.
"Sorry I don't want to hear anymore of you reprimanding me for speaking out against the Accords online. Telling me off for thinking that people shouldn't be locked up human rights forgotten just for having powers! That you were bullying me for sticking to my morals." Peter shouted faking tears in his eyes, he didn't want Tony to try and spin doctor this on the spot.
Tony sputtered and notices the looks that his class was giving him, Peter was being comforted by Roger Harrington who glared at Tony while saying "Mr Stark, I don't want you to be harassing my student for the rest of the trip. Be rest assured I will be calling his Aunt May about this."
Tony left wondering about what to do about this and Peter knew he would be getting questions from his classmates but he had a victory against Tony and if he tried to go after him as Iron Man, then well he has some special friends...
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myfandomrambles · 5 years
Am I the only one who doesn’t find Hordak sympathetic?
Like I feel bad that he was abused by his father/brother figure nobody should be. I can understand that his trauma is real and obviously not should ever feel that. 
But after everything, I can’t find him a really sympathetic villain or antagonist. I don’t feel like he is someone who has even just fallen so hard into his abuse and pain he’s lashing out. Because this many years on he should be at least able to not hurt others, even if he’s still suffering. 
Like I just look at him and think “Some people are child-abusing colonial imperialists, to cope?”
Because being traumatized and disabled (also ableism much?) doesn’t make it okay to hurt other people so much. He’s a grown adult who’s been away from the system that abused him for years. He can actually have made a different choice since then, he could have decided to not be an abusive imperialist entitled man. He didn’t though. I’m not saying be healed, or all okay now. I’m saying maybe abusive victims don’t all become fascists? Like even IRL former child soldiers have been adults who didn’t continue to do that? 
So I think it’s odd that people try and use that as a trump card. 
This applies to Catra too, but people seem more willing to call out Catra, who deserve it, but it’s just true that Catra has caused the same amount, well less considering the time and children, damage then Hordak. She has been a force for great harm, and I think deserves to be criticised. But the idea people seem more angry at her for betraying Hordak then him ya know raising her as a child soldier doesn’t make sense to me. 
Hell people seem to be calling Glimmer out for yelling at her friends twice and being willing to look into using a weapon to kick out the colonialists and return the resources (magic) that previous colonialists took from her people. 
And having a crush on Entrapta, and losing her doesn’t erase that.
What he’s done:
Like Hordak is so close to real-world imperialist and abuser. He's done so many things just like those real people:
He made a deal with one group of indigenous people to get a foothold.
Went back on this and stripped that group of all their resources & stole/bought their child.
Destroyed said groups connection to heritage and culture, including destroying the government.
Ripps resources from the whole planet, we saw these vegetation-less swaths of land.
His camp throws up pollution and leached poison to the ground. 
Takes children whose family they usually killed (calls them war orphans) and raises them as child soldiers.
He has those kids raised by someone he knows is a horribly abusive person. This is part of his process of making them into child soldiers and easily manipulated.
Seems to have forced adults into the army.
Uses other people for his own ego.
Wants to take over this whole planet for the “Horde”, like for king and country.
Destroyers peoples homes, burning buildings and pushes people of their towns. 
Has turned people into people refuges many times. 
Occupies territory and puts any people there under his control if they are not kicked out. 
With the black garnet, he is willing to kill the entire forest killing what people use as their home and at least Perfuma’s people used for food. 
Uses his own manipulation to try and keep people in line. Creating an atmosphere of fear and a need to not be a “failure”
Wants to take over the whole place with no regard for people’s lives in his own army.
Sends people to Beast Island, where we know people die and uses this to scare people.
With Catra he uses her own issues and history with Shadow Weaver to control her and make her what he hopes is a manipulatable second i command. 
Suffocates her till she passes out in retaliation and then sends her to die in the Crimson Wastes.
Takes all the credit for a war won by Catra, Entrapta’s tech and before them Shadow Weaver. Like I mean who wants to own up to being a space dictator, but it is still such entitled behaviour. 
Realises the person he taught to be cruel and lie, like did it too and has the audacity to be hurt And attack her. My dude your the one who uses Beast Island in the first place, and who hurts people who are honest with you.
Sells all the people who worked for him out to Horde Prime, who we know isn’t going to give a fuck for all the people in the horde army who got him to this point. Or anyone else Including Entrapta and Catra. Giving the planet over to him will get all the Etherians possible, colonized, subjugated, enslaved, killed or who knows what. But not anything good.
How can you read that and be like but he experienced trauma and/or but he liked Entrapta so he’s sympathetic? 
Now let’s look more at Entrapta For sec:
He isn’t even actually very nice to her for one thing and is using her. But more so even if he does “love” her I don’t care? I don’t think it's cute he blushes, I don’t think it’s sad he's sad, because an abusive terrible warmonger can love one person and still be bad. Plenty of awful people had wives (or husbands) and were still awful. Loving one person doesn’t make you cute or a better person. 
Entrapta isn’t my favourite character, but honesty she deserves someone who doesn’t think she’s one of the good inferior people from their nowhere planet.
Does everything really think he’s sympathetic? Like people seem more sympathetic towards him then Glimmer now. I don’t understand, I really don’t.
Though I will admit that I don't find him very enjoyable as a villain in the first place in the last two seasons. He strikes me as painfully normal kind of evil, he doesn’t have fun powers and doesn’t even seem to have fun with being bad. If your gonna be a bad person like have some panache, and don’t come across as such binal evil. So I guess that could be part of why. If your gonna be a purely bad person, I’d like them to be having some fun or be more fantastical.
So yeah I don’t get this fandom’s view on Hordak. 
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snkpolls · 4 years
Snk Chapter 129 Poll Results
The chapter poll closed with 1387 responses. This month’s poll results were brought to you by /u/staraves, Crunchwrap, @momtaku, _Puppet_, @shifter-lines and Luna
Thank you to everyone for your support!
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Satisfaction was up this month with 41% rating this chapter a 5. That’s a 10% increase over last month! Overall 84% rated chapter 129 as good (4) or great (5).
A really great chapter. The jeagerist are getting sliced because they are scared for their family while the alliance know that they need to prevent mass genocide. There are no villain in this (apart from Floch) just victims.
After the sluggish post-rumbling chapters, I'm glad we're picking up the pace and getting things done now!
Loved the character interactions, had good plot advancement and some beautiful panels! Best chapter this year 😁😁
So fucking good. Highlighted that violence isn’t unique to the warriors, and that the 104th squad have a capability for violence within them as well.
The chapter was definitely not worth the long ass wait
A really good action chapter! Lots of intense moments that were also complimented quite well with poetic moments that felt great payoffs for many of the characters
The chapters have been so forgettable lately and this was no different. I wanted better for Shadis and this suicide pact was not it.
So many critical character bonding moments! I love it!
The best chapter since 123, I expect something big will happen in Chapter 130 because it is the last of the volume.
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It was no surprise to us that more than 40% of the fandom selected one of the Keith Shadis options as their favorite moment with “The Rise and Fall of the S.S Shadath” (22.6%) and “SHADIS THE CHADIS” (20.5%) nabbing the top two spots. The kiddos managed 3rd and 4th place with “Falco’s transformation” (12.2%) and “Gabi sniping Floch” (10.5%).
Seeing Shadis and Magath sacrificing for a greater good was the best part of this chapter.
Loved the floch speeches
It was nice to see the Yeagerists finally get decimated.
I always wanted to see interaction between Shadis and Magath. Late is better than never.
Action packed !
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Give it up for Shadis the Motherfucking Chadis! Keith Shadis was our overwhelming choice for chapter MVP with an even 50% the fandom selecting him. Magath (20.5%), Floch (7.2%) Falco (6.7%) and Gabi (6%) followed at a huge distance.
Why can't I vote for Magath *AND* Shadis for MPVs of the chapter??? It is cruel that you make me choose.
Shadis and Magath, the true MVPs of this chapter. (Gabi still sucks)
Gabi MVP for giving Flock another win to the prize: "Big Oof of the month"
Floch was the true MVP this chapter and I'm sure he's still alive.
Magath and Shadis MVP
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To the write-in below, I hear you. The pollsters  (*glares of staraves*)  were cruel this month in forcing this choice and deleting the “All of the Above” option. But when forced to choose, it was the mutual appreciation between the two men in their final moments that was our very favorite.
holy shit what a chad
his suicide is overrated.
I was so touched that he watched his students and knew what he needed to do to help them.
Shadis' end is amazing. He came from "i'm not special" to "one of the heroes who saved the world". It's great development, confirming the rhetoric "everyone is special".
Definitely one of the most underrated character, though I'm happy seeing him getting a lot recognition on the sub. His dialogue with Carla about Eren needing to be special or not has to be one of my favorite part of SNK.
Dislike him. He sees how his recruits were forced to become Jaegerists yet slices and blows them up as if it was nothing.
He always thought of himself as a bystander but in reality he shaped and trained all the 104th kids. If they manage to save the world, it will be hugely thanks to his training.
Keith Shadis is a prime example of Isayama's dedicated effort to give meaningful characterisation to every character and tie it into the story's core themes.
He was a bittersweet hero. Definitely not just a bystander.
He was a fucking legend
I loved it. Every part of it. The fact that he always considered himself to be a bystander only to die a hero in the end was such a good arc, and believable. I'm gonna miss the Chadis. F.
I relate (not to the heroic suicide part, just the bystander stuff)
I respect him
I still can't really get why he did this tbh
He was far from perfect, which made him one of the most relatable characters in the series - so sad to see him go 😓😓
He was my favorite minor character
He was truly worthy of being called a hero at the end along with Magath. They died so their kids could live and save the world!
Him wearing his scout uniform once more going on a death mission was a touching detail
his death was absolutely beautiful, he was sure enough of himself to not need "being a hero" as his motivation and his final act of sacrifice made such a difference after all. Beautiful character arc here, I wasn't very bummed out when I first read the chapter but the more I think about it the more I grieve for him.
Honestly the train thing felt like a bit of an ass pull. I know a lot of people like having old characters back but he mostly just felt like a plot device.
I didn't like his latest development.
A bystander who became a traitor
I just didn't like the fact that he was paralleled with Magath. The only thing those two have in common is the fact that they are instructors, and Isayama milked that. Sure Shadis wasn't an angel, but at the very least he wasn't a fascist that was responsible for the Genocide that kick started this story.
I feel bad to Hange and the others didn't know that he was the one who blowing up the train to help them and the fact that he was with Magath.
I grew to like and appreciate Shadis, so this weird train explosion story and immediate suicide pact with Magath felt incredibly underwhelming, to say the least. So, he lived as a bystander and died as one thanks to no one else besides Magath knowing he was there? Cool stuff.
i guess i didnt expect such a death after he let himself get beat up for the sake of others, gonna miss him and maggath, i guess this simbolizes that the warriors and "stop" eren group is officially in charge
I hate how Shadis told the kids to join the Jaegerists for their own sake but then he turns on them.
I was ready for a long time to lose him, but it hurts nonetheless. Keith has always been the one who had a clear mind about his dream, his cause... Much more than Grisha or Eren, even when thinking that he had lost. He was a great icon in the series and he deserved his students' appreciation.
I hate that Isayama is just killing off the old guard like this 😞. Shadis genuinely cared about his students and he will be missed.
I hope he and Sasha share a potato in Heaven.
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Awwwww… Magath’s wish for the warrior kids to have a happy life was the moment that most touched our hearts with just over 50% of the fandom selecting it. His decision to stay behind (18.4%) and the mutual appreciation between him and Shadis (16.4%) round out the top three selections.
I didn’t think he was going to die... it made me sad.
I thought his character would have more to do given his role as the military commander and political "moderate". Also, should have got shot so Shadis had a pressing reason to stay back and defend him while Magath set off the explosion.
RIP Shadis. Magath, you deserved what you got, you nazi bastard
I found his character to be very compelling. He has already shown many instances of caring for the Warriors and the cadets during the Liberio Attack, but to see him gradually becoming conscious of that and completely changing his mindset was incredibly satisfying. A character I greatly enjoyed to see overall!
First I didn't like him that much. But this chapter make me like him more and more and then, he died. Thanks for making me suffer isym.
Followed the orders of his country, but couldn't bear the shame of his actions. Committed sudoku as a result. Deserves some respect as a true warrior and a patriot.
He really grew on me despite being such an unlikable character not too long ago, and it's sad to see him go. I'm glad to see the development he got recently.
He really grew on me without ever noticing it. I was actually sad about his death, and left with many questions.
He says he never wanted to do what he did but he had to follow the orders. This doesn't take away his responsibility at all, and it's not even completely true: he actively planned with Willy the latest invasion of Paradis.
He was a good man glad he went out with the Chad
He was a good man in the end: he realised he was in the wrong, swallowed his Marleyan pride and showed a sincere and humble side of him to the alliance. Then he tried to compensate for his previous wrong deeds by sacrificing his life and making himself useful to his allies one last time. I can really appreciate and respect that. And if you look at that panel of Gabi and Pieck looking like the most hurt at that exploded ship, then I think that means they too must've known that he was one of the better Marleyans.
He was a good man placed in a pretty awful situation. He and the kids would have been very happy in another world.
Him and hange are a great ship
He was alright
Dood's journey from literal Nazi racist to self-sacrifcing father of two was actually pretty heartwarming?
He was an imperfect commander in an imperfect world, but he still showed that he was just as human as his warriors.
he was annoying and cool.
I didn't care for him initially, and in ONE FUCKING CHAPTER, becomes a hero. Goddamn, fam.
It was awesome to see how far he came in such a short time and made it, at least for me, from a despicable character to a decent one with a human heart. Loved it how he protected his Warrior kids, how he went and helped Falco and his final wish kind of felt for me as if he was finally, in the last moments of his life, honest with himself and what he actually wanted and wishes for.
I  just really wish he had the time to say something of his wishes to the warriors.
I agree with the point that his mutual appreciation with Shadis is very important and beautiful sign of new era in eldian and marlian common history
I always wanted to see interaction between Shadis and Magath. Late is better than never.
I came to love and appreciate his character more than I ever thought.
I can't bring myself to hate him anymore. F for our MAGOAT
I did not like Magath and now I feel guilty about it because of the immediate rapport he had with Shadis.
Imagine thinking Magath is suddenly a good person because he sacrificed himself.
Isayama always tries to humanize his characters. I don't like Magath. He's a guy who stayed in the same path of sacrificing children while insulting them for their filthy blood for years despite questioning it (also the path of genocide). That's his legacy. It took him the apocalypse to actually reconsider. But I like how he died for the kids he cared for, I was hoping for exactly that. It makes "caring" substantial, at least/last.
killed hundreds of thousands of people
Looks like my old step-father, so I wasn't sad to see him go boom boom. lol
Madlad Magath
Magath has been an underrated character and gets too much hate
Magath hugging Gabi is peak Magath.
Great to see how the one person arguably most responsible for early problems in the series such as the wall breaches, was even able to admit his wrongs, atone, and do the right thing along with those he once attacked.
Him realising his errors and apologising was an outstanding character development moment. In the end, he did what he had to. Respects.
His acquired understanding of the Eldian's dilemma felt a little rushed, but nothing too bothersome. I wasn't a fan of him at first and he's still not my favorite, but his meeting with Shadis was still pretty cool to see.
Would have liked to know his backstory.
What are you doing Yeager???
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Close to 70% of the fandom trusts that this detour to Odiha will be something worthwhile with 33.9% excited to see more of the SnK world and 34.3% thinking there is going to be plot significance. Only 12.5% of us were unhappy with this development.
The boat trip was unexpected. Maybe they'll talk about who they've lost and risk losing (in Liberio), as well as what they're fighting for (is it the world or their families?).
I’m having trouble figuring how fast this Rumbling will be. Will they really have enough time to sail to another country/continent, then fly all the way to another country/continent and still be able to save most of the world?
I don’t like the idea of going to Odihu. I want to hit the main points (Eren’s POV, scars wrapping, Historia’s POV) & be done.
Only few chapters left but the Alliance faces more and more delays?
I want Gabi to headshot DinoEren from Odiha
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We were reminded again this chapter of the speed at which the titans are travelling and how quickly they could decimate the continent of Marley.  When and if the Alliance reach the mainland, more than half of respondents (56.7%) believe Liberio will be in the midst of being destroyed, nearly a third of the fandom (31%) think Liberio will be completely destroyed by the time the Alliance arrives. A tiny (tiny!) group of fandom optimists (7.8%) believe Liberio will be fine.
It depends on what Erens plan actually is... I'm holding out hope he's not actually trying to annihilate the world 🤞
It LOOKS like it's completely destroyed, but there are still survivors!
It will be mostly destroyed, but some Eldians will have risen up and escaped
The colossal titans will have trampled everything BUT Liberio. Eren wants to get the mainland Eldians on his side.
We'll see the people from Liberio arriving to Odiha. We saw the rebellion starting there, and I have the feeling they'll be fleeing south.
Eren will do some cool shit but hopefully no genocide I would hate that ending
i dont think rumbling will happen. from a story telling pov it just doesnt make sense
They'll be fine for the sole reason I just can't see Annie's Dad dying before their reunion.
About to be trampled
I find it curious how we don't even get to see a glimpse of the Rumbling happening. Isayama is usually so good at "show, don't tell", yet the last 2 chapters have just been Hange estimating the progress of the Rumbling. I wonder if Isayama has a plan for that?
The alliance won’t arrive Liberio because by the time they arrived Odiha, the Colossal Titans will have already destroyed northern part of Marley and approaching Odiha, the place where the Alliance and Eren will fight.
I'm really not sure. On one hand I can trust Hanji's geographical expertise, on the other hand, where can the final battle take place, other from a symbolic place?
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If Annie has to choose between the alliance and her father, the majority believe she’ll choose her dad. When asked how she’ll react if she learns Liberio is doomed, 51.4% believe at some point Annie will abandon the alliance to search for her father, 20.7% believe she will continue to help the alliance and 9.2% feel that her frustrations will boil over and she’ll take out her frustrations on the people she is travelling with.
god at least let Annie reunite with her dad
I’m hoping that Papa Leonhart lasts long enough to see Annie, and that’s all.
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After years of Reiner suffering abuse at Annie’s hand, she’s finally willing to let the Paradisians take care of the daily whack-a-Reiner session. And the overwhelming majority of you seem to appreciate this character development.
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The teamup of the Armored Titan and the Female Titan was a highlight of this chapter, leading to many great moments, with Reiner protecting Annie as the voted favorite (44.1%). Coming in second was both of them being saved by Connie (26.1%), and the two Titans protecting the Azumabito snagged third place (11.1%).
Loved how Reiner protected Annie.
love how connie looks cool
i legit was afraid that the asian lady was gonna die while reiner and annie protected them, that was well drawn/written
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Many in the fandom have pointed out potential similarities between the characters of Floch and Erwin, but whether they are valid similarities and what exactly is the textual purpose of them is hotly debated. The majority of respondents believe that one way or another, the parallels cast doubt on any similarities between the two, with almost half (44.6%) pointing to Floch’s bastardisation of Erwin and 23.7% believing that he is trying to imitate the former commander, but that there is no message behind it. A quarter of respondents (25%) believe that the parallels are indeed drawing similarities between the two characters, and 6.7% of you aren’t too convinced the parallels even exist.
Erwin seriously impacted floch but thats about it I dont think he is conciously stealing he is just using the words that made him march to hell and back.
Erwin was way more than "sasageyo" line and his lost army the comparison between him and Flock is lame.
Floch and Erwin are complete opposites are we even reading the same manga??
Erwin was fighting for HUMANITY. Floch has information that Erwin never knew and is fighting for the renewal of the Eldian Empire.  I don't think it is reasonable to compare them in parallel based on this logic.
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Falco’s Titan makes its debut! It sure is something to behold – I guess Falco’s always wanted to fly. Wonder if he can now? The popular opinion at 46.6% is that he’s a weird looking guy but that we’ll probably grow to love his design. 33.6% already love it! 16.2% of you don’t know what the hell this thing is supposed to be right now, and a few of you were just scared. That must mean it’s doing its job! Little Falco may have lost control but his transformation helped turn the tide of battle, now that’s a real feather in his cap.
Love Falco’s Titan
We finally have Xenomorphs in AOT
Falco's titan is weird but unique.
Titan Falco’s mouth has a mouth. Wtf
his titans face made me annoyed. and the fur too.
Wait, did Falco just shift into a rooster? Just kidding, I love it. It's the only saving grace in this chapter. I hope it has a deeper meaning, too, other than just looking cool and being an element of surprise.
Unpopular opinion but Falcos jaws is overdesigned
Falco’s Jaw Titan, can’t wait for it to be animated
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This titan has more forms than a Dragon Ball character.  The Galliard brothers' forms were incredibly similar and the others weren’t far off base.  But Falco’s looks to be on a whole new level, why could this be?  The most popular view is that Isayama’s just flexing his creative muscles, and about a third of respondents think it’s Falco’s animal characteristics coming out.
He likes birds
A bit of Zeke’s spinal fluid and Yams being punny.
All of the above, and also because we've been hinted about a flying titan, which is obviously going to be this bird.
Falco always wanted to fly away like a bird
I think it’s because of Zeke but I’m also wondering if Jaw titans are more beastial than other titans in general
He say bird be free and now he bird uwu
does Zeke even know that Falco is the Jaw Titan?
Falco name, but also a Berserk reference
It matches Falcos true bird-like character and fighting for freedom
Funny how it was speculated Falco getting the Beast Titan and turning into an eagle titan, and now his Jaw Titan looks like a Birdman.
PATHS has subconsciously made falco's fursona a reality.
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Hopping across the battlefield and from Shifter to Shifter, the Jaw Titan has come in the most forms out of all of the Nine Titans, but which one is the most popular? To probably no one’s surprise, Porco’s glorious lion-like form which made its debut in one of the most majestic Titan panels known to man took the top spot (69.5%). The hype of the recent chapter was enough to propel Falco’s bird-like form into second place (15.2%), with the presumably original Jaw Titan revealed in Ymir’s backstory coming in third (7.6%), narrowly followed by the OG (but technically not the actual OG) Ymir’s Jaw, and finally with the winner’s older brother coming in last (1.2%). Cheer up Marcel, you’ll probably get another flashback for your death soon.
The Jaw titan was one of my favourite designs but it's only now I'm realising it's definitely Porco's Jaw that was what I liked. Falco's might grow on me yet.
Why do Jaw titans have inner teeth the way they are? Shouldn't their purpose be the outer jaw/jaw muscles to crush?
I thought Falco's jaw titan was really badass and cool
All the Jaw Titans are actually great but I *had* to choose my girl Ymir's titan. Terrifying yet cuddly, and a lesbian disaster to boot. We stan <3
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This year’s chapters have caused many to realise that Gabi and Floch are two characters who just won’t stop shooting people, whether they be titans, prisoners, engineers or flying bird nests, so we decided to put the two head to head, once and for all deciding whose gun is getting confiscated. While it was close, the majority have decided that Floch is the one who needs his favorite toy taken away (58.6%) and not Gabi (41.4%).
Floch, I hate you >:( you are a bad person
Fuck Gabi, Floch is amazing.
Floch's failures make me laugh.
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This was one of our closer results this month but since it was a Gabi-centric question that is unsurprising. While previous polls have indicated hopes that Jean would be the one to take down Floch, it was Gabi this chapter who landed the first shot and the majority of respondents  (30.8%) were delighted with that. The next largest percentage (27.7%) didn’t care who the shooter was, they just want Floch dead.  The third most popular choice (23.1%) expressed disappointment that it wasn’t Jean. On the other end of the spectrum, 10.8% wish for Floch to live forever and 7.5% wanted it to be anyone besides Gabi.
Can't  believe Gabi did it again. Shot a Yeager and now the main Yeagerist, lol.
I wanted Jean to kill off Floch forreal, but I am happy with what we've got.
Gabi baby i'm so proud i never hated u lmao.
I'm sad for a bit because I expected huge hairbowl chapter. Hope it will be in the next chapter, Jean vs Floch dialogues are always interesting.
Floch deserved something worse than having the hope of saving the day stripped from him before getting shot by Gabi. I'm not mad that Gabi got the honour to shoot Floch, but I wanted it to be someone more satisfying.
Too many MVPs this chapter, but ultimately Gabs got my vote caused I cheered when I saw it was her who shot fucking Floch. Go Gabi!
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It’s been a popular view for a while now that Floch will die soon, and in this chapter he gave his final stand at the harbor.  Only 8.2% think it actually resulted in his death, with the most popular view being that he swam to the boat and clung on to cause even more mischief. A final final stand, if you will.
Floch is on/in the plane right now. He will ambush them soon.
I wish floch is confirmed dead
Floch should live
Floch will have a role in the coming chapters
Floch seemed really pathetic this chapter, but next chapter I feel he's going to kill at least one person, maybe a few, so that's scary.
It’s kind of dumb that we are conditioned to expect that Floch is still alive
I don't see the point of Floch killing someone next chapter when it could've been done in this one (with more weight to the battle) so I have no idea what's his role now.
I expect Floch to stay on the island and die there, with the Yeagerist movement coming to an end. Shadis left some of his students these wise words of when to fight back, and the time is nigh.
If Floch is still alive and he's on the alliance ship, then someone (who isn't a Titan shifter or an Ackerman) is going to die in the next chapter.
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Former friends as well as foes helping each other stumble off the battlefield makes for a great and emotional panel.  Just over half of you were most happy with Mikasa and Annie front and center (52.2%) after being famous rivals.  Reiner’s bros helping him was also very popular (31.2%).
MIKAANI RIGHTS!!1!11!1! - hajime isayama, 2020
mikasa helping annie was cool because they have like the biggest rivalry against each other so it's cool to see them help each other
I loved seeing all the characters backing each other up.
I'm not sure why the poll makers are pointing the group panel as something positive. Don't you know these people tried to kill each other just last week in their world?
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Let’s pour one out for CHADIS and MAGOAT, may they rest in PATHS. The duo’s sacrifice came out of nowhere but didn’t hurt any less, and 53.9% of you thought it was a fitting conclusion for both. 14.6% were just happy that they got to meet at all, fleeting as it was. 9.6% thought it was a great ending for Magath but were despondent over Shadis’ fate, and 9.2% vice versa. 8.6% thought the sudden loss of both was completely unnecessary. In any case, the star-crossed bromance was too explosive to last – may they continue to yell at Jaegers from the great beyond.
*ugly cries for Shadis and Magath*
I’m happy they were able to meet and I like the dynamic and parallels between them. They met a sad end but just like Porco they got to go out on their own terms. They’ll be greatly missed and appreciated.
Loved how both he and Shadis went out in a blaze of glory while reflecting on how proud they were of their students. Especially Magath realizing he wished for them to live normal lives.
That was a curveball I didn't expect at all and I was in denial when I read it and a few minutes afterwards. I was so hoping both of them would get to continue helping their protegees out with experience and all that. But I'm glad they got to meet. It felt like both of them needed that.
I would have preferred them to blow up the ship without them in it and then deciding to have a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid kind of ending, but utlimately, it works. They were dead either way, sinking that ship was gonna take more than a few thunder spears, they needed to ensure the Yeagerists couldn't catch up, and so, it works.
if either of them were injured and needed help to set up the explosion/defend the one setting it up, this would make a better sacrifice for both.
Shagath would've brought world peace. That's why they had to go
I understand the sacrifice and that maybe no one else had the guts to do the same, but Magath is such a capable leader and it feels like he perhaps wasted himself at the end there a little?
Both characters went out in a blaze of glory, Shadis helped derail the reinforcements and Magath was able to get Falco to safety before he did too much damage. Shadis saw this as a way to repay the debt of all those he lost while he was commander of the survey corp and Magath saw this as his way of sacrifice for what he has done to every Warrior.
It was satisfying to see Shadis do this, but I think Magath's change of heart happened too quickly for it to be satisfying for him
It wasn't a great ending and Chadis didn't have to die there
It wasn't necessary but not a bad ending for them.
It's Beyond the Wall from Game of Thrones again. Let's have a character absent for some time jump in, save the alliance by blowing up a train and die immediately. I hated that episode and I have mixed feelings about noone getting shot and having Shadis sacrificing himself.
It's certainly a meaningful way to die, but I regret all old characters are dying. If none of them will remain then who will lend their experience to new generations? IDK what is the message here, but surely resolutions for old characters are way more satisfying than for 104th and some other newer members of the cast (with exception of the children, they're handled the best).
It’s a good and sad conclusion for both, but I feel like we still need Magath cause he is the only Marlayan that is working with Eldians
It’s an ending on par with Erwin’s. They sacrificed themselves so the next generation can live to give their lives meaning, and to repay for the mountain of bodies they left behind. I hope the Kings shall meet in the afterlife
Kinda cheesy imo and also kind of rushing the end for shadis I feel
Like I said above, the sacrifice was rushed. It's a potentially great sendoff for both characters which is lessened by the breakneck pace the series is going.
sorry but it was really cheese, i hated the fact that shadis told the reclutes to join the jaegaergist but then he killed them on train
Not that fitting for Shadis but Isayama is definitely aiming for all the leaders alive here
Magath is probably one of the only people who could have been able to bring some sort of cooperation between Eldia and Marley, but I was satisfied with his sacrifice and how they met, its like they both gave closure to each others arcane
I like Shadis and didn’t care for Magarth yet I was still wondering why. I get it’s a shounen-esque story but even in Naruto the older generations played a role. Here they’re only good for sacrificing themselves (Pieck could have done it and survived the explosion)
I haven't finished a chapter in SnK in a long while that made me FEEL as much as this one did. And it's all thanks to the duo of Magath and Shadis. Honestly even though I can say I was never the biggest Magath fan, he really started to grow on me in the past 3 chapters. I never thought I would actually feel the burden of his sacrifice in my chest. He has my respect. I'll really miss him.
Keith and Magath are feasting together in Valhalla now.
Magath’s death wasn’t just emotional, but could have a big impact on the ending.  Respondents were pretty split on this question, but the most popular view was that Paradis will still pull through and find a path to peace.  The next most popular view at about 30% is that Paradis never had a chance even with Magath.  18.5% think Paradis’ hopes for peace did indeed blow up along with Magath.
Fuck who is gonna vouch for the PARÁDISIans now?1
Would’ve liked to see him survive to become a Paradis advocate
Magath was the most important person in Marley and the only person who could help to make some kind of peace between Paradis and the world. And now he just... decided to commit sacrifical suicide? C'mon!!! He was too important. Now I don't keep big hopes for peaceful ending anymore.
Who tf is going to reason with Marley nowthat Magath is gone. Paradis is even more fucked, not that they had any chance of having diplomatic relations with the world before....
I say that without Magath diplomacy is doomed, but they will probably use the Kiyomi card and Onyonkopon card along with the "humans for the rights of eldians showed some ch ago" card
With him dead, it seems that Paradis doesn't have anyone with sufficient standing throughout the rest of the world to prevent them from wiping out Paradis for sufficient time
He screwed up, he needed to stay alive to spare Paradis if the Alliance won, the honorary marleyns can't do that.
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It wouldn’t be shounen without inspiring quotes, and we don’t have a shortage of them this chapter! A strong majority of you, clocking in at 42.6%, thought General Magath’s line about wishing “those kids could’ve lived a normal life” was most inspiring. Almost exactly tied (though the percentages might be deceiving, red has one less vote than blue), are Floch’s line about the fate of Paradis if Eren is stopped, and the Jean/Mikasa duo-quote about hesitation. Trailing a few points behind is Shadis’ “I’m proud of you” moment, and in last place was Floch’s “Eldia will be saved by me!”.
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With a big battle going on, did the appropriate amount of characters survive?  The vast majority (46%) don’t care about numbers alive as long as the battle is well written.  22% believe the alliance does have too much plot armor, and 15.3% retort with the idea that everyone has plot armor.  About 10% think Floch should have died by now and has taken all the plot armor.  7% don’t think anyone has plot armor, it’s a cruel cruel world indeed.
Feel like most of the plot armour people are feeling about this chapter is simply because none of the soldiers are taught how to wield the gun 3DM gear.
Too much unnecessary plot armor for the alliance .
The plot armor was beyond stupid with the Yeagerists turning into Stormtroopers
the plot armor is to thicc in this chapter,at least some of Kiyomi's men should have died.
Here are the top 5 descriptions of the chapter chosen by you, the fandom. You can find the average score for the groups between brackets. The average score for the chapter this month was 4.21 for comparison.
Amazing [4.84]
Great [4.62]
Awesome [4.67]
Epic [4.81]
Intense (shared 4th place) [4.5]
Honorable mention: Chadis
Also shout-out to the folks who were compiling a recipe. Seems to be lacking some carbs though. What cookbook were you guys reading this month?
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We’ve known for a while that we’re in the final arc, but now we have confirmation we’re really reallyyyyyyy close to the end.  About 42% of readers expected it to end right about then anyways, while 28.8% think it’ll end up going longer, as Isayama’s extended past his percentages in the past.  19.4% are worried how the story will be wrapped up in that time.
A little worried, but I trust in Isayama.
AOT has been in my life since 2013 and is pretty much the last bit of my childhood still going. Of course I'm sad it's ending, but I'd rather it end than go on forever like the walking dead and so on.
As long as the ending is written well it doesn’t matter to me
Since I'm extremely new to SnK, I can't say anything about Isayama's writing habits and all that, but speaking as a fellow writer, I could see that he might underestimate the story that's left, though not by much. I'm also kind of worried that it might be a bit too soon but then again, SnK always has long chapters, so it might work out just fine.
The truth is sad to know that it is over, since I took a lot of love, but I know that the end will be amazing
I just want him to stick the landing, the amount of chapters left is not important.
I need Isayama to make more chapters so we can keep getting Podcast episodes of You Hear Big Girls
I can't believe how close we are to the end. I just know it's gonna get crazier from here on.
I expected this, but the closer we get the more clear it is that he needs to take more time to properly resolve arcs than he seems to want to.
I feel like we're gonna get a rushed ending and loose ends either ignored or tied up as throwaways
I feel that the story is going to end in an abrupt yet succinct way.
I have faith in Isayama no matter what he plans to do with the story.
But WHERE does Historia fit into that 5%
honestly a little more than expected
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Absolutely dominating this question is the desire to see Eren’s POV (as usual), with 40.9% of the vote. Trailing quite behind at just under 16% is Historia, then.. uh. death and destruction, apparently. After that it gets pretty close, with Floch’s last stand trailing less than half a percentage point behind Zeke (who trails behind death and destruction). After Floch’s last stand, we have the desire to see an epic, carefree adventure on the ocean, followed lastly by Hizuru’s base.
Somethings up. We still haven't seen Eren's point of view, and there's dedinately a reason for it.
Nice!  Now give me family bonding on the ship plz Isayama
Next chapters gonna be pretty cool imo, but the community will call it another "aLlIaNcE fIlLeR cHaPtEr"
Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren
Enjoyed seeing Floch finally getting hurt, his luck needed to end. I'm sure he's alive and in the ship, and I'm totally sure he'll take away someone's life in the next chapter. But please, Yams... Floch must die.
I'm pretty sure the next chapter will take place on the ship, so I expect some good dialogue
I hope the boat setting will give enough time to address the untouched issues Isayama has been evading with those two groups interacting, mainly Levi and Annie. Or the Warriors acknowledging the massive sacrifices the Paradisean side is doing and stick up for them in a situation where they are successful.
when are we going to see História? She has been pregnant for too long.
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Reddit once again T-poses on all the rest of the platforms, coming in at just over 40% of the responses. Twitter follows it with 16.5%, and is in turn followed by people who don’t discuss the series at all. Behind that is Discord with 10.3%, and Tumblr with 8.4%. It’s astonishing to me how much the demographics of this poll have changed. Tumblr used to compete with Reddit, and now it’s so low on the list that it’s the last one with a section big enough for Google Forms to include the percentage number on it. The responses with no visible percentages are, in this order: Real Life (90 votes), Instagram (28), Facebook (19), Youtube (16), 4chan (9), the Wiki (3), Snapchat (3), and Steam (2).
Snapchat had 3 people. That’s 0.2% of the vote. That’s one more than Steam and tied with the Wiki. I’m in perpetual disbelief that it gets any votes at all, and I remain convinced that it’s some sort of conspiracy of people who forgo discussing the series on any of the major platforms just to discuss it on snapchat with each other, specifically so they can screw with me when it comes time to write the poll blurbs. Or they’re just lying… much to think about……..
I just loved that the old 104th group despite what happened between them, how the people, the world, the history tore them apart is fighting together once again and protect each other like a big family
Calling it now, Zeke got vaporised in Eren's transformation.Still mad years later that freckle Ymir died the way she did and I choose to be mad because I was born into this world.
While it was an intense chapter that was exciting and sad I think it’ll move the story to the next stage in a really good way.
While the last few chapters were still really good, this one brought back the same unbridled hype I had when reading 116-123. We may debate cringevengers vs yeagerists, but I think we can all agree that this manga is still a fucking masterpiece.
Why does Isayama always crush all the good feelings you have during a chapter at the very end? The panel with all of them supporting each other was so powerful and heartwarming, not to mention seeing them all fighting together before and trying to reach the ship, and then Isayama just goes and kills Shadis and Magath. Freaking curveball at the end. RIP
I love gabi, BEST GIRL!!!
I love the alliance chapters and I'm not sorry at all!
Isayama as usual
Isayama, please, let Hange and Armin do something important before the ending, or their deaths
Isn’t 126 shit Tier writing but aren’t great either.Feels forced.
It felt a bit messy/clumsy at my first read, but at every reread it felt better, and I think the messy feel (compared to the smooth RtS arc) was deliberate.
Karl Fritz chapter soon
What a goddam pleasure to see yeagerists getting shot down, and what an extreme joy to see Floch's fans being overwhelmed by common sense from other fans
Where is Eren? We want Eren!
This was a good chapter. I really enjoyed it
Nearly all alliance members increased their kill count, except Levi, Yelena and Onyankopon. Gabi just shot Floch but we all know he isn't dead. They all sliced, decapitated, dismembered, crushed, shot people they once called comrades for some vague goal that might be completely meaningless, since, no one discussed any terms once Eren is stopped. And with Magath dead, they never will.
Kinda sad on how Armin's characters has been treated so far. Served as stair to Connie twice and now Isayama put him to sleep in the middle of the fight without any contribution at all... I'm a Armin stan and i'm bothered. Hope he gets some real shit soon.
After the Alliance noping out of Paradis, I wonder when they will return their homeland, and I think Floch is alive, but instead of sneaking onto the ship he will gather the Yeagerists to strengthen his control on Paradis, crowning himself as the King of New Eldian Empire. And more civil wars are on the way so stay tuned…
more mikasa pweeze
My old man once said "Alan Moore can't do endings," and I'm getting that vibe here, too--with everything that's come before, is there even a way to bring this story to a close that isn't too drawn out with answers to questions that didn't need asking, or a sudden cluttered mess wrapping as many subplots as it can in only two or three chapters at the expense of quality and feeling?
Need more shirtless Reiner
No matter what others may say, that was a great chapter. I loved the battle between the alliance and jeagerists. Few years ago, during the battle in Shiganshina they probably didn't even think about figting on one side with Reiner and Annie. I remember how they were trying to kill him and look where they are now. However, I get a feeling that after Magath's death there will be no hope for peace between Paradis and the rest of the world. I get a feeling that we may get full rumbling after all =/
no, its G O A T E D
Not a fan of the recent chapters. Feel like the story is telling me to root for the alliance, but I don't care about their goal and I'm with Eren 100%. I wish there were more characters in support of Eren and the rumbling. Floch and the yaegerists are great, but it's annoying that they are being painted as the evil bad-guys when their goals are noble. It's sad to see the main characters who've fought for their friends, families, and homes the entire series just completely disregard all of that and become willing to sacrifice it all for the rest of the world who hate them and want them dead.
Off topic: reiner is a snacc
One more month of no one having a solution to the actual problem other than agreeing that it’s a problem :/
The Survey Corps proved, once again, that they are not to be underestimated. They work seamlessly together and they respect one another.
The wait is torturous, but there's really no better way to be moving things along right now.
Theo Magath deserves a golden star for being amazing man till the end.
Why didn't the Yeagerists just Thunderspear the plane?
I’m sure I’m in the minority but the Titan fights are my least favorite parts of the story. So this chapter being largely comprised of them made it kind of meh to me. I feel like the plot is simultaneously going too fast and not fast enough. Chapters like this one make me very worried about how this will all end
gabi: hehehe floche go boom
Hange's group are a bunch of hypocrites and traitors , hopefully they all die in the most grossume ways by Eren's hands .
I love Floch and the Yeagerists , they fought to the last breath for Eren , their home and people .
Keith is an idiot and died like an idiot .
I'm happy that Magath finally died hopefully the rest of the alliance are next .
i can't understand people defending Floch. You're siding with yeagerists ? Okay, but take Samuel, Daz or Louise as exemple, everyone except Floch. Floch was written to show the drift of patriotism. That is his goddam meaning. That what Isayama has been writing since Floch's reappearance. The same way Hanji embodies Survey Corps' values or Jean embodies the necessity to do the right thing. That are the writing purpose. Please, respect Isayama's work.
I love Attack on titan ❤️
I luv Floch
I need Ackermans
Loved it, I'm enjoying all the time were getting with the alliance but I'm anxious to see what's going on with Zeke, Eren, & Historia.
overall pretty great! Gabi really needs to have her aimbot checked though :/
Where the fuck is Armin in that shot of everyone?
Floch is a great leader and the Jaegerists are not in the wrong.
I like koalas
you know my thoughts
Where's Eren
Where's Levi?
Wheres boriiiiis
i dont have any hope anymore i cant imagine them dead its too much for me damn u isayama
I genuinely loved it. I can't wait to see how it all ends.
I personally didn’t like it since it was the 6th alliance POV chapter in a row, and possibly the next two chapters will also be an alliance POV. I’m tired of the alliance and I don’t support their cause, so it’s kind of boring to read another alliance chapter after 6 months of alliance POVs.
I hate everything, why did Isayama had to take Magath away
I really liked that Isayama was still consistent with shifters not being able to control their titan the first couple times.
I really thought Armin was gonna help fight during the battle with his messed up zombie jaw, but instead he just kind of passed out and disappeared for most of the chapter. We're heading towards the end of the manga and I need to see more Armin scenes, I'm really rooting for him to be a key figure in talking to Eren/the general ending as a whole but as of now he's still just kind of useless.
I feel like that this chapter is foreshadowing the titan war. Remember in chapter 100 when the guy ( I can’t remember his name) said if Eren starts the rumbling, he will cause the titan war to start again. That might explain why Falco randomly attacked Pieck.
I remember Pixis telling Eren how he thinks about a story between mankind coming together against a powerful enemy, and Eren said it was rather optimist thinking that he doesn’t believe would truly work. He also mentions that they are hardly working together because difference in morals are to strong, they are not truly fighting together. But in the instance where Magath and Shadis were able to put aside their differences just so that their students may have a better future, shows that humanity can still exist, but unfortunately mainly when brought upon an unavoidable death which leads me to believe what will become of the alliance if they are forced into this position.
I hate the alliance so fuck it
I have no idea how this is gonna end.
I hope floch stays dead hes such a menace
I hope there’s a nice discussion next chapter
I hope this shit is over and we can have a better written material
Thought there was a bit too much plot armor ... especially with Gabi saving the day endlessly
I really hope we get back to focusing on multiple story lines in a single chapter, instead of following a single group. I wish we saw Shadis on his way to derail the train. I hope we get to see a group of Yeagerists in Shiganshina finding Zeke. Just give us a shot of the farm Historia is at. I'm really starting to miss the other story lines.
Ch130 Bert talk let's GOOOOOOOOO
Consistently good quality as expected from Isayama. I have faith he will continue releasing kino and stick the landing with the ending.
Cool, portrays the desperation of both the alliance and the Yeagerists
Could be better
Does the gang even KNOW that Shadis went boom along with Magath!?
I just hope Isayama gives Levi a death befitting a hero like he did with Shadis. I get AoT is not Levi’s story anymore but seeing him not being able to do anything really hurts. Even his own soldiers (besides the alliance) don’t respect him anymore, he doesn’t have anywhere to come back to. He probably won’t be able to kill Zeke (he never gets what he wants) but please let him die knowing he gave meaning to his comrades’ lives.
I wish Mikasa would be able to hate Eren at last. Still not happening 🤔
i wish we could have seen armin more— just my personal preference. i adore the man.
I wish we had the warriors' thoughts on Bertholdt but it wasn't the right moment at all. Maybe next chapter? I'd like them to mourn their comrade and friend. Hell annie and reiner spent lot of time with him reiner even had nightmares about him being removed from his titan. It feels so unsatisfying and frustrating. So great great chapter but please give a break to the warriors.
Great chapter. I was scared for our girl Pieck tho but glad to see her in action.
I wonder how Eren will react finding out how many have died in his name or against his cause. Shadis, Daz, so many Survey Corps peeps...
Good, but can we please get moving this plot along to eren/historia/zeke?
Goodbye, Shadis McChadis. You deserved a 200/10 exit, but you got a 7/10 instead. X'(
I don't care aobut anything else just show me eren
I don't care who you are just don't touch the Meme Queen! Goddamn Falco almost killed her.
I don't know
Levi being tied on Pieck and carried like a baby made me laugh so much
Glad that we're done with the port battle now
Levi is smol
Levi most likely left the alliance.
Levi so small
Levi still exists
Levi was cute
things make sense. The story is building as it goes, and Yams can’t go back an change it around. Eren POV is coming
Pieck didn't even try to stop Falco other than "noo don't go you're so young ahah" and that was pathetic. Having him die there would have been extremely effective and it would have been a great way to address the "random child inheritance" situation previously described
Please let the bastard really be dead.
Poor Annie. Dat powercreep.
Press F for Chadis
quite happy that floch seemingly survived, his speech kinda made me sympathetic towards him, shadis and magath were brilliant..rip
Really well drawn and very powerful ending.
So now everyone has left Paradis... do we have any other characters that can group up with Historia apart from Nicolo and the Brauses?
So sad the Bertalk has to be delayed but at least there's no option now. If the whole traitor parallel happens right after Jean finally gets to vent over Marco and they dont mention him once then... shit writing, everything is a coincidence and nothing is a parallel in this manga. Let Reiner be angry 2k20
Some good moments, sure, but PLEASE for the love of god can we cut to the chase now???
Stop using our Eternal Commander Erwin for your fascist shit, Floch
Someone probably says that the chapter was rushed. However, I think Isayama has his plan, and he will put those flashbacks which you guys need soon, so don't worry about that :) I also want to know what happened to Historia and her baby while the league of SC and the Warriors was fighting in Marley. She plays an important role in the whole SnK plot, and before someone fortet her, we need our queen to come back.
Still cant take the alliance serious. They all acting out of character. Just hoping they will betray each other and the scouts will be on Erens side. Dont get why the alliance want to save people outside and for that Goal they slaughtering all their own people. That is also wrong like the genocid. It does not Matter, because killing is killing
Strong ending but I prefer dialogues over action. Also we saw nothing of Levi, he's being dragged around until he can meet up with Zeke, really convienient...
Surprisingly good
Every chapter that goes by without presenting a twist to this endgame makes me more and more anxious.
Annie looks very shocked to see people supporting her. Gabi can’t stop getting traumatised
armin suffered too much
I started to dislike AMJC. I understood why they opposed Eren (despite not thinking it through) but now they’re killing their own people to protect their “comrades” (who will cause trouble later because they want to kill Eren but Armin and Mikasa don’t). This for a small chance of maybe stopping Eren. If this had happened before he started his path of destruction I think I could understand, but now there’s no going back. Eren sealed the SoY’s fates in the eyes of the world. Hange and co had to realize the SoY would now be exterminated instead of enslaved because of the horror Eren unleashed, showing the world what just one SoY was capable of
I don't really have negative thoughts on the chapter other than Gabi shooting Floch, but if he survives then i'm fine. I just think the chapter was somewhat uninspired, the scenes between Magath and Shadis didn't hit the emotions they were supposed to with me.
The dynamic between the Yaegerists and Alliance forces was really interesting and depressing to see. Floch's speech humanized them and they proved to be really dangerous by decimating Reiner and Annie.
The chapter was great, a lot of action, a lot of close calls. I really thought a lot of the characters like Annie, Reiner and Pieck were in trouble. I at least thought Pieck was going to die since she was in the jaws of Falco but she's fine so that's good. I wish Shadis didn't die so soon, but I guess Isayama is trying hard to wrap up loose ends before the end so I understand.
i dont want a sad ending.
was a nice chapter, it feels even better because it came after the extra long waiting time
I still don't like that AMCJ betrayed Paradis. All of their fights before with the Warriors were in vain and meaningless like this. Is this why so many of the SC died? Erwin and Bertholdt too. I don't hate them, but can't understand. Also, RIP the Yeagerists, it was a brutal massacre. F Chadis and Chadgath.
I still don’t see how they stop the rumbling so it’s likely they don’t do it but eren chooses to, talking could be underwhelming but if it’s future eren knowing this could lead to something that we don’t know yet and is the horrible thing grisha mentioned the rumbling or worse?
I think in this chapter alliance crossed the line and now they full of determination to end their job
I think it lacked armin or he was too deficient at the time.
Teenage go brrr and alliance has plot armor but thats expected they have roles to play like getting killed by eren
Thanks for the shout-out for our 'cockroach' fill-in last chap, it made our week!
The Alliance feels increasingly supported by the script.
The alliance needs to be dealt a blow or have some internal conflict other cab playground insults around stew.
The battle between the alliance and Floch & the Yeagerists is totally unfair .
The alliance had 4 titan shifters , 1 Ackerman , 3 skilled soldier and 1 skilled warrior in the battlefield .
Floch & The Yeagerists are not skilled soldiers but they proved their bravery and fought for Eren , their people and home to the last second .
This chapater was just a set up for what's to come so judging it harshly would be unfair
this chapter was emotional on all levels and we had some information about the rumbling. The alliance worked very well and Keith was a hero. He was a hero in the shadows and I am happy that he was able to meet Magath because it allowed us as readers to see these two commanders from a different angle. Keith and Magath had a lot in common and could have been friends under other circumstances. Their sacrifice was an excellent end to this penultimate battle. Now is the time for the last final battle!
25 notes · View notes
acfan120 · 4 years
Alright, the final Korra Season done. Time to Do The Thing.
I actually kinda liked Season 4. It was disheartening to see Korra still so low at the start, but I liked seeing her rise up and truly become a great Avatar. Plus, I liked seeing how everyone else grew, and how everyone came together in the end to help save the day; even some of the villains in their own way. I even felt sad that Hayao Miyazaki Hiroshi went out how he did.
I even like Kuvira as a villain in this season, even if she was just a Metal Bending Nazi. She was, more or less, realistic in her quest for power and control, and I thought was a good example of how fascistic people get what they want, (with empty promises, and power-move threats disguised as feats of strength). Plus there’s the manipulation of good-hearted people to work towards terrible goals. I still prefer Amon out of the 4/5 villains of the series, since I thought he had a bit of a more interesting premise to him, plus he has the cooler design. But otherwise, I’d say she’d be my second favorite.
I will say, I didn’t care for Prince Wu. Probably not much of a surprise, since I doubt most could tolerate him, but yeah. Also didn’t like how much of an ass Toph was. I’m happy she made up with her daughters in the end and helped out them plus Korra, but she seemed a touch too grumpy/mean than she probably should have been. Plus it is a bit messed up that she just fucked off to a swamp without telling anyone where she was.
Ultimately I’m happy to see Korra grow so much during this season. She was pretty much at her lowest point at the start, and we see her improve so much during it, from seeing her rid herself of the rest of the poison, to confronting the nightmares that still haunt her, and finally realizing herself. It’s truly fantastic. Hell, it even made me appreciate Zaheer to an extent, given how he was still a problem to her after all that time. I also sorta liked how he was still willing to help her when she came to him. I still hate how stupid he is with how powers and abilities, but I genuinely thought that part was intriguing.
However, there is one complaint that’s been prevalent in all of these ramblings: Korrasami. I am not at all against them being a thing, but christ did they not do a DAMN thing to set them up at all. Like, I knew about them prior to watching. With the initial backlash, it was hard to not know about it. But I went into this show trying to see if I could see hints of it that others couldnt, given I could watch it all very quickly. And yeah, no. It’s disappointing, ‘cause there were times where they could have set things up, like their capture on the Air Ship over the desert, or during their time together in the restaurant when Wu gets captured. It just unfortunately feels so very last minute, when it could have been set up a long time ago, even subtly.
But, that bit of disappointment aside, I’d say I do ultimately like Legend of Korra in the end. It’s unfortunately plagued with a lot more problems than TLA, but I thought it was worth it in the end.
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yakumtsaki · 5 years
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I taste just like ice cream, bitch I am so icy, heart cold like an ice queen, that's why they don't like me 🎵
-What the hell was that.
Traditionally I start Union updates with semi-relevant song lyrics.
-Why did you start an update at all.
Because it’s time, Shajar! I took a holy oath in my 2020 simming goals post to update Unions once a month, and I’m already a month late.
-But nothing interesting is happening. 
That’s never stopped me before. Now listen to Rico Nasty, cry some more about Sophie blowing you off, and shut up.
-Ugh please, I couldn’t be more over Sonia if I tried. I hardly ever texted her links to wedding pinterest boards and quizzes to determine if our parenting styles are compatible. 
Did she ever reply? 
-She did once and said ‘who dis’. Of course the letters unscrambled spell out ‘do wish’, meaning she did wish me to keep messaging her. I just don’t know where it all went wrong. 
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-Hey there, 17 year old girl, maybe you’ve had enough neat whiskey for the night? We’re actually running out of bottles. 
-Beat it, ponytail, I need to dull my pain. I’ve just been stabbed right in the gut by the love of my life. Just like my style idol and general role model, space opera fascist Kylo Ren.
Shaj I really hate seeing you like this, and not just because the red neon light is super unflattering on your complexion.
-You can fuck right off too, I was perfectly happy with my dads who hate me and my imbecile sister and my brother who might as well not exist, noogie-ing people all day AND night long, but you had to be all ‘OMG IT’S SOPHIE MIGUEL SHAJAR GO TALK TO HER’. Life-ruining-moron. 
But I was totally right about you two hitting it off, I mean look how sad you are now that she dumped- yea never mind, that’s not a good argument.
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-Look what I can do even though I’ve had 46 whiskeys!! How you like me now, Sophie???
-You’re paying for all these broken glasses, I’m going to need your name and a credit card.
-Yes, fair enough, my name is Cyneswith Union-
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Yea, you really should eat something to soak up all the alcohol. And not to kick you when you’re down, but you should also disregard all those cliches about ~a smile being the most beautiful thing you can wear~ because MAN. Watch out Joaquin, there’s a new Joker on the prowl. 
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-So.. 20 lobsters thermidor and our most expensive appetizers?
-Would you mind settling your bill now?
-Of course not! My name is Cyneswith Union and this is the credit card my parents got me when I was 6 because we’re super duper best friends! I love my parents! They don’t care about their other daughter at all, even when their other daughter is going through a really hard time because she got the emotional equivalent of a lightsaber wound in the gut. You know what, let me also get 20 bottles of your most overpriced champagne to go with the lobsters.
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Feeling better?
-Well it’s hard to feel bad when you’re spending your parents’ money recklessly and with malice aforethought.
It sure is. Alright well, the sun is coming up, maybe we should head home.
-What’s the rush? What is going to happen if I don’t go home, my parents will get worried? LOL
God your life sucks. Ok let’s hit a couple more places.
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-Greetings. Welcome to our establishment. I am a human employee from this planet.
Great, nice to meet you.
-I just want there to be no doubt that I am indeed an earthling, born and raised under the earth’s exosphere and not above it.
Leave us alone.
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-And I’m the resident community lot sim with that one face template you hate! There must be one of us on every lot you visit!
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-And I am here in my revealing outfit to use the dance sphere and make everyone uncomfortable!
You’re actually pretty, I need to keep you in mind for after Don Oates takes a wrecking ball to our genetics, but yea, let’s bounce, Shajar.
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Time to visit the happiest place on earth, Deh'Javu Modern Art Museum, home to my favorite piece of art in any medium, The Toilet of Fire. Shove that Fountain up your ass, Duchamp. How we feeling, Shaj?
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-This trash can reminds of Sophie :( She used to go around town throwing money she stole from charities in trash cans and then send them riddles for where to find them :(
Enough with Sophie, we’ll find you someone better! Like..
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..your aunt! Get the hell out of here Brit Brit, you’re taking up townie space. 
-I won’t be long, Gunther’s amazing close-up portrait of my hair was rejected by the museum so I’m here to set this shithole on fire. 
In other words Gunther just painted a canvas black and called it a day?
-His art doesn’t cater to plebs. Yes, offense.
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Our old friend Ugly Teen Townie is here so finally we can have some fun. Shajar had gone almost 12 hours(!) without noogieing someone and I was starting to worry for her health.
-Yes, yes, I’m starting to feel like myself again..
Good for you, Shaj!
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-Hope you’ve made peace with your God, Ugly Teen Townie, this water balloon is filled with horse feces! 
-I ordered it from some guy named Leod McGreggor.
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-How about a another joke, MuRRAY?
-Now you say, ‘no, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes’. Say it!
-No, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes.
-What do you get when you cross a mentally-ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? Now you say ‘call the police, Gene!’
-Call the police, Gene!
-I'll tell you what you get..
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Alright I’m starting to feel bad for Ugly Teen Townie, first he had to come to all the toddler birthday parties during the Victoria/Komei era and now this, he has suffered enough at this family’s hands. Time to go home, Shaj.
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-Not so fast!
Wow, the Countess and Mrs. Crumplebottom on the same lot, top 10 anime crossovers.
-I have been sent here by the Limp Dick Vamps United organization to recruit Shajar Union.
Ugh you people are still around? Haven’t heard of you losers since the Count wouldn’t let Victoria bang him, which I’m still annoyed about. 
-Indeed we are, and it’s clear Shajar is ready to join us, dedicating her life to evil deeds without romantic distractions. I have no idea what Crumplebottom is doing here.
-I’m here to recruit Shajar to my own organization, Bitter Sims Worldwide Alliance. We’re always on the lookout for new members who want to spread their misery to their fellow Sim. 
It sounds like it’d be more effective if you guys just merged your organizations.
-I will NEVER merge my organization with someone who displays her bosom like a common whore. 
-Eat a dick, Crumplebottom!
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-Alright here I am, what the fuck do you want?
-Shajar, it is a pleasure to meet you! Ardent admirer of your work.
-What work, freakshow?
-Torturing everyone around you, what else!
-What? I don’t torture people around me, if anything they torture me.
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-Why don’t you talk to me about it?
-I’d rather not, you look like a bejeweled snowman.
-Look deep into my eyes, Shajar..
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-And now look deep into my razor sharp teeth..
-Ugh fine, let’s talk. 
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-Is that Victoria and Komei’s teen granddaughter hanging out with a vampire?
Yes it is Kennedy, keep it moving.
-God, wtf is wrong with this family. 
Nothing now that you’ve been removed from our social circle, go away! Just kidding, you’re an icon and I’m marrying you in at some point. 
-Hard pass. 
Your loss, hombre. 
-It definitely isn’t.
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-If I had known your turn on was vampires I would had set you two up!
STOP SETTING UP TEENS WITH ADULTS, LAKSHMI. And Shajar’s turn ons isn’t vampires, it’s fitness/fatness. Body positive queen. 
-Well, Shajar, you alphabetically listing all the people who have wronged you while I was trying to kill Crumplebottom telepathically has made for a very productive conversation. We’ll be in touch. 
-Thanks, Countess, it’s been real.
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Shajar!!! Who cares about Sophie when you might bag a hot, rich vamp??
I’m gonna need you to be more excited about this prospect because a vampire spouse might just be enough of a draw to beat the comedic factor of fucking Don Oates turning us into an unintentional uglacy and I’m doing whatever I can to avoid my fate.
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God I miss you Vic 💔
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-Donnie-bear, not to be not-nice, but mopping your pee off my front lawn is not exactly what I pictured doing during this date.
This guy won’t even mop up his own piss, what a catch.
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Wow, manipulative much?? You are a piss piece of work, Donaldo.
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-Don’t think we forgot about you, you 10-nice-point disgrace!
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-Finally, some peace and quiet.. Just me, alone with my broken heart, pondering my hopeless, loveless future..
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-💗💗💗OMG SIS THERE YOU ARE. DONNIE AND I MADE OUT!!! 💗💗💗 But then grandma’s ghost scared him into soiling himself. 
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-Good for grandma, hopefully next time she gives him a stroke. Now shut up and let’s eat in silence while I ponder my hopeless, loveless future.
-Okie dokie! 💗💗💗
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-Um, I think mine has vomit in it.
-Yea I did that, but it’s just whiskey and lobster, if anything it increased in value. 
-Awww thanks sis! 💗💗💗
-Stop patronizing me, you little bitch. God I want to poke your eye out with this chopstick so badly.
-I love you too Shaj! 💗💗💗
And I hate both of you. Where’s your brother, I haven’t paid attention to him in 3 days. 
-He went upstairs, I think he’s pusshurt we forgot his birthday LOL
-Don’t feel bad, I forgot it too! 💗💗💗
-I’m here, I just grew up and dare I say it could not have gone better! 
Really?? Finally some good news! Let me look upon you-
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-I was Mozart musical genius boy but now I’m a sk8ter boi! Character development!
Ok this is the most iconic birthday look since Gunther grew up in the pirate costume, we’re obviously keeping it. 
-Great! And as if the fact I’m a Wyatt face template with 0 Jojo genes wasn’t enough to make me unelectable, I also rolled family! :D I’m doing everything I can to ensure I live that sweet motherlode spare life! 
Honestly you should had picked another outfit cause now that you’re dressed like this I unironically want you to win. Hoisted with your own petard.
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pierrotdameron · 5 years
Dafne Keen does not much look like Lyra Belacqua, at least not as Philip Pullman describes her in His Dark Materials. In Northern Lights, the first book of the trilogy, she is “like a half-wild cat”, with dirty fingernails, green eyes and grubby blond-ish hair. Keen, who is half British, half Spanish and lives in Madrid, is darker and is already the master of an intense glare, as anyone who saw her alongside Hugh Jackman in the Wolverine swansong Logan will know. When we meet, in a London hotel, she has the self-possessed cool of a total pro, even at 14. But there are plenty of Lyra-esque flourishes that make it obvious why she got the part.
She was almost 12 when she finished filming Logan. She had heard about the BBC/HBO adaptation of His Dark Materials, then in its early stages, and sent in an audition tape. But she didn’t hear back. “I thought, never mind, I’ll just carry on with my life,” she says. “Which is when I got stung by the jellyfish.”
The production team had finally replied, asking her to make another tape. Keen was on holiday in Puerto Rico. “I thought, right, I’m going to have a chilled-out swim and then I’m going to get ready. I suddenly felt this thing on my face and then it started stinging and then it expanded all over my face. I ran to my mum and I went, ‘Mum! Is it really red?’ My mum went, ‘No it’s fine.’ And then she went, ‘Oh no, it’s not fine.’” Her face was red and swollen but she had to do the tape. “So my audition is with a jelly-face,” she smiles.
The next step was to meet Ruth Wilson, who plays Mrs Coulter, one of the best evil characters in children’s literature. “I was sitting in the waiting room with 20 other girls,” Keen remembers. “I was thinking, oh god, they’re all blond. I don’t physically look like this character, and these girls all do. I went in, shook hands with Ruth, and five minutes later, she looked at me and said, ‘You know, you have the same eyebrows as me.’” Fans of the books will know that this is a big thumbs up. Days later, she began rehearsals, with Wilson and puppets. In Pullman’s books, people have daemons, an animal manifestation of their “inner self”, which lives alongside them. Because the daemons on screen are CGI, the actors shot their scenes with puppets to make their interactions as authentic as possible.
When Philip Pullman writes, he isn’t trying to bring down the church, he’s bringing down the system
Naturally, Keen is practised at describing what her own daemon would be, were this world to have daemons in it. “Mine is quite easy to figure out, because it’s what everyone called me on set. Everyone calls me Monkey.” In the books, daemons change form until their human reaches adulthood, when they settle as one fixed animal. Keen particularly liked hers as a pine marten.
We meet the morning after the world premiere of His Dark Materials, which was the first time Keen had watched it. “Everybody had seen it apart from me! I’m really busy filming season two, so I had no time to watch it. I had Philip Pullman right next to me, and I was like, oh god! But I think he liked it.” Did he offer his approval? “His wife came up to me and was really lovely and was saying I was the perfect Lyra. I was really happy to hear that.”
Keen had not read the trilogy before she auditioned. “Now I’m a massive, massive fan. As soon as I read the books, I knew this was a good message to the world, and it’s important that we have stories about young girls, because there aren’t many,” she says. At the premiere, Jack Thorne, who wrote the screenplay, likened Lyra to Greta Thunberg. Though she does not know it, the future of the world rests on Lyra’s shoulders, and she has to fight tooth and nail to defeat the forces that wish to suppress free will and independent thought. Keen approves of the Thunberg comparison. “I am genuinely in awe of that girl.”
There have been various adaptations of His Dark Materials over the years: a Radio 4 series, a play at the National Theatre and the 2007 Hollywood attempt, The Golden Compass, with Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but only the first was made – and Pullman’s theme of an abusive authoritarian religious body was watered down almost beyond recognition. The television series seems more comfortable with its source material, and its Magisterium, the governing body of the Church, is portrayed as a fascist regime.
In 2007, the Catholic League called for a boycott of The Golden Compass, despite the religious references being excised, and the Vatican also denounced the film and Pullman’s writing. Keen had seen it – was she aware that this new version might be controversial, given the backlash the movie attracted? “I thought that was sad, but I understand why they had to do it,” she reasons, diplomatically, of the decision to soften the book’s themes. “But I think people are reading too much into it. When Philip writes about the Magisterium, he’s not bringing down the church, he’s bringing down the system.”
Keen was born and raised in Spain and is bilingual. Her mother María is Spanish, and as well as being her acting coach is also an actor, as is Keen’s father Will. He has a part in His Dark Materials, as Father MacPhail, part of the Magisterium faithful. “He is terrifying,” says Keen. “He always plays bad people. I don’t know why because he’s so nice. I genuinely think it’s because he’s bald and has green eyes.” She practically grew up in a theatre rehearsal room, because of her parents, but she thought she would be a biologist, like David Attenborough. “Then I found out you have to study biology, and to do that you have to study maths, and I went, mmm no, I’m not doing that. I hate maths so much, you can’t even imagine.”
A friend of her mother’s was making a short film, and needed a child for it, so Keen gave acting a go. She loved it. She did a series in Spain, The Refugees, alongside her father. (“He was playing my evil father, yes. Always got to give it the psychopathic twist.”) She picked up an agent, who put her forward for Logan, and she got down to an audition with Jackman. “In the waiting room, once again, there was this perfect LA beautiful blond girl. I was just, like, a small, scrappy Latin girl. I always think it’s not going to work out for me, and then it went really great.” She auditioned with Jackman, then asked if she could try again, only this time she said she’d like to improvise the scene. She was 11. “My heart was beating big time,” she says. “I thought, I’m just going to dive in and ask them, and they loved it, so I was lucky.”
Jackman remembers the audition well. “[Director] Jim Mangold looked at a lot of actresses for Laura. When he told me about Daf, I was hopeful, but when we tested together, I was blown away,” he says over email. “She was every inch Laura. When Jim asked her if there was anything more she wanted to show us, she said, ‘Can I improvise?’ That’s the actor that got the part and who you see on screen.”
“Hugh is the nicest human being,” she grins. “I used to call him the human jukebox because he was always singing. Lin does the same thing.” Lin is Lin-Manuel Miranda, who plays Lee Scoresby in His Dark Materials. He got Keen tickets to see his smash-hit musical, Hamilton. “Two VIP Lin-Manuel Miranda guest tickets. I felt like such a diva.” On set, she would find herself singing the songs from it, but was too shy to sing when he was there. When Miranda had finished shooting, they all went for a meal to see him off. The bartender recognised him, and put My Shot on the stereo. “Me and Lewin [Lloyd, who plays Roger] were like, we’re not throwing away our shot, we’re singing this song.” They all joined in. “I’ve got videos of me and Lin singing it.”
Right now, Keen is preparing to go back to Wales to film season two, which loosely adapts The Subtle Knife, the second book in the trilogy. The third season, which will take on the astonishingly ambitious The Amber Spyglass, may take a little longer to pull together. Still, she is happy to live as Lyra for a while yet. She has taken plenty of her away from the experience already. “She taught me to speak up. Be bold, be brave, be yourself. Don’t follow rules, because rules can be useful, but they can be very stupid and pointless,” she says – sounding very much like her Lyra herself.
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biestcallisto · 4 years
TLOU 2 as a sequel
fails. And it’s not because it’s different. Resident Evil went from being a horror zombie game to a shooter to a different horror game. It never lied about its changes. You didn’t want a shooter, you didn’t play the shooter sequel, you only care about zombies, not something else, you don’t get into the next sequel. It’s fine.  No lies, no 180° on the game before. Just evolution.
But TLOU had a fine ending and message. But I get the impression the message I got was widely different from the one Druckmann wanted to tell.
And in the sequel Druckmann took everything from the original and set it on fire. So let me talk TLOU.
1) The lie: before Release Druckmann said, the first game is about love and the sequel is about hate. After release he revealed, this was a lie, the sequel is also about love and about obsessing and loving too much. That’s what he said. And I get that. When I played the birthday part, I realised the lie “he said this was about hate, but this here: that’s love”. When I heard Druckmann say the sequel was essentially “too much love is bad”, lots of things started to make sense.
2) Was TLOU about love? Yes, it was, but it was ONE of two things TLOU was about. For me TLOU was much more about HOPE. While we develop the adopted parental relationship between Joel and Ellie, the whole journey started on HOPE. Hope, that Joel can be a father, that Ellie gets a father, but most importantly it was about SAVING THE WORLD.
3) TLOUs ending. People say the ending was ambiguous. For me it clearly wasn’t. For Druckmann it was a sad ending because no vaccine is being made. So why was TLOU at the end hopeful for me? Because they went to Jackson w a stable parental relationship. And Jackson, building a good community, in my opinion is how the world is saved. A vaccine, even IF they were able to make it would still have to be mass produced and distributed but it would not end the dangers already infected pose nor the dangers by rogue human groups. How do you end those dangers? By building a safe community, which Maria and Tommy did.
4) You matter. In TLOU  Ellie is experiencing survivors guilt and hopes that, if they make a cure or a vaccine, her surviving was “worth it”. That her life matters. To the fireflies she as a use. To Jerry she has a use. Not as a person. But as an object. Joel says No to that. Joel says to me “YOU matter. Not as cure or vaccine but YOU, not your use, your utility.“
So what does the sequel do? It invalidates all good messages about hope and finding family and community, about Ellie mattering as Ellie, not as just an means to an end.
Troy Baker said in his Lets play of TLOU that Ellie was on her death march. That Ellie wanted to get to the Fireflies knowing it would mean her death.
Ellie is a kid with survivors guilt. She’s literally a KID. And Troy Baker says, she should have been murdered for the sake of humanity.
Let’s talk moral superiority. Some people who love the game, claim they’re morally superior to people who don’t like it. Because the dislikers don’t empathize with Abby enough.
But the sequel is so messy in their message and the delivery of their message.  Cause the message from TLOU FOR ME was: Don’t see people as just a means to an end. If you need to kill an innocent person to save humanity, humanity doesn’t deserve to be saved. Just because you have survivors guilt, means you should die. You find something to live for. It’s extremely hopeful that no matter what hardships you face, you can build relationships, find friends and hope and endure and survive. And when someone is going to kill your friend for no reason, you can do something about. Take a stand against murder and oppression.
And: it had it’s redemption arc. We KNOW Joel did bad things. In the end, he’s not going back to being a smuggler or whatever. He goes to his brother, to Jackson and wants to be father again.
What does the sequel do with this? It takes a firm stand that Joel made the wrong decision when he saved Ellie. That Ellies life should have ended back then. That no matter what, her usage was in the vaccine. That Ellie doesn’t matter at all. Not as a person.
The sequel takes characters from TLOU and destroys them.
Tommy - Someone who had a long journey behind him, when we meet him. Did bad things, left the fireflies, now he is married and building a future. In the sequel? In TLOU he did the most heinous things together with his brother and BLAMES his brother. Now, that his brother also changed and lived in his town, Tommy is the one out for revenge? I might buy that, when he’s doing it so Ellie is safe. But Joel told Tommy what happened and sure, Tommy wanted him safe but you think Joel of all people would want either in danger? You think Joel said “if they get to me, avenge me?” No way. Joel said most likely “If they get to me, keep Ellie safe”. So I get him going, so that Ellie is being kept safe. But in the end, when Tommy goes to the farm as a bitter old man? Please.
Joel - What’s there to say, they beat him into pulp. After he happily offers his name to strangers. Like, ok, I get it. He lived a quiet civilian life for four years... but did he, really? He knew the danger and he was out there on patrol multiple times. He lived twenty long years always on edge. Surviving, spotting dangers from far away, being a danger. That survivalist shit is conditioned into him. That doesn’t go away after a few years, while he’s still going out on patrol. Time in the town might be safe and quiet, but he’s still a survivor.
Ellie - She probably was the truest to her TLOU character. But damn, was she depressed. Like, from the start. Is it teenage angst, is it because she can’t process her survivors guilt? Like, come on. She lived two years happily as a kid and when she finds out the truth, she AGAIN thinks she should have died? And in the end, when she forgives Joel for fucking saving her, she ends up alone. While Ellie is the truest to TLOU, the sequel tried so hard to make her unlikable.
Sorry for rambling, but the only thing that makes this sequel as a sequel is, that it takes the same gameplay from TLOU and uses it with barely any upgrade. That’s the sign that it’s a sequel. In theme and delivery it’s not a sequel at all.
Is it about revenge, forgiveness, redemption? With Druckmann saying it’s about too much love and obsession the sequel is probably about letting go. Why it needed to be such a misery porn is a mystery to me. He thinks the ending is hopeful and why? Cause the screen changes and the sun comes out with the boat in the sand. That’s his idea of hopeful. While in-game Dina didn’t even leave a note. TLOU had an open end, where we didn’t arrive in Jackson yet and didn’t know what would happen. But we knew they were together, where they’re heading. There was no reason to believe that they wouldn’t arrive. With Dina telling Ellie off and then moving back to Jackson, we have to imagine their happy ending. But we only see Ellie alone.
And Abby? What’s the message there? Cause it seems, they’re “both siding” us. They literally show us a fascist top scars killer and try to make us empathize with her, try to “both side” us. This is revolutionary? It wants to force us to empathise with both sides, to not choose and stay silent, but when one side is the oppressor, you chose to side with the oppressor if silence is your answer. The one single moment Abby had my sympathies were literally in her very last scene. Was her saying “enough” not wanting to fight Ellie. I was like “Oh, you learned in the last couple of months, nice” but that is way way too late. That’s not a redemption arc, that’s the beginning of a redemption arc.
Maybe Druckmann was simply tired of TLOU fans wanting a sequel and thought “You will let this game go. I’ll make you”
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 7
More thoughts and live blogged reactions.
1982. I'm assuming Five used a briefcase... But in s1 we saw that the briefcase travels are tracked (Hazel and Cha-Cha got reprimanded for Klaus's Vietnam trip) so I'm not sure how the board doesn't know someone is coming... I might be overthinking.
Five being creepy.
Is that a Fudge Nutter like Handler mentioned in season 1? Oh, it is.
Jesus, Five! Anger management for you, old man.
AAHH! THEY LET FIVE SAY FUCK! Fucking finally! 🤣
How did nobody notice that destruction? 😆
Oh, the axe! Is Five going to go all American psycho? Because I'd love to see that.
That smile!
Is he using tiny time travel bursts like Reggie said? Or a briefcase? Or is he just that fast?
AJ hiding under the table 😆
Pausing to drink water and grin, what a psycho, I love him.
He's definitely using time jumps but they are so controlled that I'm guessing briefcase or Handler little time stopping trick. I'm so proud of my mass murder baby.
... Vending machine? Lady, you have interesting priorities.
Wait! AJ's human body feels pain? How?
Please make Five swallow the fish like in the comics! Please, please, please, please.
The dancers are just like
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I LOVE FIVE! The lengths this little killer will go for his family are unbelievable, nobody should ever doubt his love and devotion for them ever again.
This whole murder scene was incredible and Five's obvious glee made it even better. FEAR HIM!
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Jesus, Klaus is so afraid of being possessed that he's afraid to sleep and Ben just mocks him? 😘💋 I get that this is supposed to be a funny 'brothers messing with each other' kind of thing but Klaus feels so unsafe that it makes me uncomfortable. What happened to you, Ben, when did you become so dark? You were the nice one!
Ben just getting closer and closer every time Klaus closes his eyes just gave me Doctor Who flashbacks.
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"I hate your face" "I hate all of you" - Don't say that boys! You know you love each other.
Ok, Ben has a point. I'm actually liking this conversation. And I'm liking that Klaus is starting to understand his brother.
Ok, this is such a brother conversation. And Klaus constantly pretending not to know who Jill is 😆
Ground rules... Well, at least it's consensual now. That's something. See? Communication works.
Damn, the tension at the lunch table cut be cut with a knife. I'm scared what Carl is going to do.
Ray and Allison have a lovely relationship but I finally identified the problem, the tension I was feeling between since them a few eps back. It's not about Allison's secrets at all, is about Ray being so obsessed with his crusade that he completely overlooks Allison's feelings, he only pays attention to her when they are on the page about the mission. He sees her powers and his first thought is 'we could use this for the cause', Allison is clearly distressed and sad and even says she doesn't feel well and all he can think about is the damn JFK meeting. He's not a bad person and he's not doing it on purpose but he has a workaholic one-track mind that could easy turn into neglect for Allison. He clearly loves her and I'm rooting for them so much but I know that if asked to choose between Allison and his cause, he'll pick his cause.
So Five is done with the killing. I figured this might weigh on his conscience, it's one thing to kill for a greater good or survival, coldly and detached, it's another thing to slaughter for selfish reasons (even if his selfish reasons are a greater good).
Handler going all mom on him and wiping his face. 😆
"What I did today, I did for my family" -we know, baby, and they better respect you for it. You love then so much.
90 minutes??? Wtf, I knew Handler would try to screw Five over but that's just cruel, she's forcing him to uproot the family without even giving them time to say goodbye and that's even IF he can get to all of them on time.
It's not a name, you idiots. Also, that's Olga, not öga.
Don't harass the poor woman... Oh God, you guys are such morons... Diego, you dramatic little bitch...
"Wrong number. Have a lovely day" 🤣🤣🤣
I love the new dumbass buddy cop dynamic between Diego and Luther. This is the sort of positive brotherly dynamic they always should have had instead of being pitted against each other all their lives.
"you have some blood on you" "a lot of blood, actually. Five, what did you do?" -the casual, mildly annoyed way they ask is hilarious, if they knew what he did they'd be horrified (and possibly impressed).
Handler's militaristic chic dress is fabulous. I personally don't like it very much (or the message it sends) but it's haute couture and incredibly designed. Also, the bleached hair is back!
"any questions?" And then she leaves without listening. Power move 😏
Luther trying to comfort Diego like the dork he is. 🤣
Really though, I feel bad for Diego, and Five is under so much pressure that I don't blame him for snapping.
"I'm shy" -are you, Klaus? Are you really? You keep walking around in underwear in front of dozens of people, you're not shy.
So is Klaus lactose intolerant?
Ok, so far the possession thing is not as bad as some people were claiming. So far.
"stay focused" *giggle* -oh Ben, you dork 😆
Ahah, Ben enjoying all the different sensory stimuli. Adorable. He's just so happy, poor boy.
Dirt angels. SO CUTE ❤️
I know this all supposed to be cute and all but it would also be a perfect moment for Ben for experience Klaus's powers (the constant hauntings) as well as his addiction and the claustrophobic expectations of the cult. It would be an excellent chance to make Ben understand why Klaus is the way he is, seeing as Klaus is making a huge effort (and sacrifice) to do the same for Ben. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening because I think they want to keep this part about Ben.
By end of season 1 Klaus cried that people still didn't take him seriously, his compassion despite all his suffering made him likeable and deep, but this season he's back to being the family joke, I don't like that there's no resolution to that. But let's see where this goes, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Oh God, Carl's talk is freaking me out.
"who I am is not a disease" -very powerful LGBT+ statement considering it's the 60s!!!!
Oh, the blackmail...
Everybody keeps expecting Vanya to explode every time she gets emotional but this scene proves how much control she truly has. Respect!
Oh, finally Claire is mentioned! I've been rather upset that Allison hasn't mentioned her daughter even once this season (does Ray even know he has a stepdaughter?) seeing as most of her arc in season 1 revolved around her love and guilt over Claire.
Luther is right when he says they don't get live formal lives because they are special but Allison is even more right when she says that's not fair. This is why this family needs to stick together and love each other, they are the only ones that can really understand each other's struggles.
"hope" -Luther, you really are such a sweet summer child.
OH! I CAN FINALLY SEE ALLISON'S SCAR! The lighting in this scene makes it really obvious. Finally.
Ben and the strawberry. 🤣
"you're different today. You're dorkier" ah! First time anyone called Ben 'Sassy' Hargreeves dorky.
Oh Ben, you're adorable... Wait, "smell your hair"? What the fuck, Ben? You weirdo.
Holy crap! Jill is really forward, isn't she? Hippies, man.
Ben stuttering! 😆🤣 He died a virgin, didn't he?
It's funny but please tell me he isn't actually considering that in his brother's body...
Wait, did Klaus slap him because he doesn't want to have sex or because he's trying to stop Ben from ruining his own chance by saying too much?
Actually, I'm almost sure it's the second one, Klaus is playing wingman on his own body!
Ok so Ben IS a virgin but "you, me and Keechie"? What the fuck, Klaus? You slept with the fanatical crybaby and your brother's crush????
"Klaus, you're so filthy!" "Yes, you are, daddy." -Ben, this girl is not right for you. Run, boy!
Wait, AJ can speak without the body/suit/whatever?
Handler is going a little bit fascist dictator, isn't she?
Gotta admit, Handler really is such a mom in her own twisted way.
Ben giggling when he talks to Diego. Cute.
"Luther sniffs Dad's underwear" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I need all the siblings hugging Ben now!
"you stay in this body, we need someone responsible behind the wheel" -Diego, I understand what you mean given the situation, but you playing obvious favorites between your brothers when free will and body autonomy are on the line is a little creepy.
"no one is insignificant" -that line is so loaded when used on Vanya.
Oh no, Vanya and Five playing the blame game is so bad... They used to be so close... They are both under so much pressure, this won't end well.
Oh boy, Five looks like he's on the verge of crying and Vanya sees that! I bet that's why she backed down. 😲😢
The Lila and Diego conversation is heartbreaking without even trying...
Is that Elliot? Is Diego burying Elliot because nobody else will? Diego really does have a heart of gold.
Don't drinkit! I'm pretty sure Lila is drugging you.
Yup, there it is.
What is she planning?
Once again, it's all about the movement with Ray.
"I would take my one year with you over a lifetime with anybody else." 😭 Oh Ray ❤️
But I get the feeling this won't end so easily.
There it is, the Swedes just arrived. And the smart assholes went right for Allison's throat.
You don't need the coffee can, Sissy. The Hargreeves are loaded.
Sissy, hurry up.
BEN, YOU ARE SUCH A 90s KID!!! So the Backstreet Boys are Ben's fault, God, I love this dork 🤣
Come on, Allison, you can fight better than this!
Good girl!
Klaus and Ben running and fighting each other at the same time 😆
Holy shit, that is some Exorcist level vomiting!
Poor Klaus, I totally get Ben's side in this (pretty sure he was trying to save Klaus by getting him to Five ASAP) but this whole thing made me mildly uncomfortable. Klaus just keeps sacrificing for everyone and nobody respects his boundaries.
Holy shit, Allison! That is so cruel! I like it though, so ruthless and vicious. 😈
Problem- Allison can't just leave Ray with a white corpse in the house. Especially not in Texas, death penalty and all.
Oh Sissy, you dumbass. You're a sweetheart but also a dumbass.
Ok, Lila is pretty insane. That's for sure.
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"I don't want to hurt you" - well, Vanya warned them.
My baby is getting really good with her powers.
I hope that hit to the head doesn't give Vanya her memory back, that's so cliché and convenient, or would be really bad writing.
SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN. I'm dying to see more!!!!!!
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