kinoyoga · 2 years
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Sometimes things feel all turned around, upside down, like there is no firm ground to stand on and everything you once knew for sure is now suddenly in doubt. Don’t fight when uncertainty sets in. Lean into it, move towards the challenge with an open heart. Sooner or later new ground starts to form and when what once was has been swept away there will be something new born in its place. The process, no matter tumultuous it seems, is always one of growth and evolution, even when we seem to be moving backwards. Let grace flow like rain down on us all. Keep practicing 🙏 Keep practicing 🙏 Practice with me for Yoga Drills this Wednesday on @omstarsofficial Last one before I leave for Asia. Next workshops are in Singapore, Bali, Miami and California. Photo @ifilmyoga #ashtanga #yoga #yogapractice #yogi #kinoyoga #omstars #ashtangayoga #ashtangi #konasana #upavistakonasana #miamiyoga #miamibeach #yogalifehappylife #beflexible #stretchyourmind 💕 (at Miami Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6KYJru4I9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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Yoga by Randall Cox https://flic.kr/p/68VJ1a
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artofliving1 · 2 years
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Konasana or the Sideways Bending Pose helps relieve back pain, increases the flexibility of the spine, and helps those suffering from constipation. Know the steps of doing the posture, all its benefits, and contraindications here.
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yogadaily · 1 month
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(via Pin page  || Curated with love by yogadaily)
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sleepcompany · 20 days
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maisha-online · 6 months
Prenatal Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide for Expectant Mothers
Pregnancy is a transformative and beautiful journey, but it can also come with physical and emotional challenges. Staying active and taking care of your body is crucial during this time, and one activity that can provide numerous benefits is prenatal yoga. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of prenatal yoga, including its benefits, safety considerations, and recommended poses…
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pmohan · 10 months
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physicaltherapyuss · 1 year
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divinationtools · 6 days
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Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
18th September 2024
A Lunar Eclipse in Pisces signals a powerful emotional and spiritual turning point. It brings to light deep emotional patterns that need to be released for personal growth.
Advice: Let go of old emotional wounds and patterns, trusting in the healing process.
Activities: Engage in rituals of release, deep meditation, or energy healing to embrace the transformative energy of the eclipse.
For the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) aids in emotional release and surrender. Lie back with your feet together and knees apart, opening yourself to the healing energy.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
I need some advice. I feel like I'm dying. Going through the worst period cramps ever (never had this in the past 11 years), it literally feels like someone is stabbing my cervix, uterine walls and the pathway walls (I feel a bit shy calling it what it is...like a normal woman). Its so bad, I've never had it like this before. Has to do with the fact I was having isues, doc put me on meds, as soon as the dosage was done: red sea spilleth over.
Know any home remedies to help? Or just any other advice to deal with this? Can't go to the doc rn, she'll suggest to hold off pain meds, I am taking over the counter anti-inflammatory stuff..yk the one for fevers and other pains. Its not working. Its been so debilitating...I can't sleep, sit, breathe, do anything...yk the type of pain that makes you bend and make your mouth water...idk if that happens to anyone else but yeah....
OMGGG 😩😨😨😓that sounds soooo rough, I hope you're feeling better now???
I have taken meftal spas for cramps since I was maybe 16-17 years old. Idk if that's available in other parts of the world??? but its widely available in India and its specifically for period cramp induced pain<333 I'm not a doctor so pls don't take any medication without exercising caution first!!! you may not react well to it or it may have adverse effects bc of the medication you're already taking ://// 😩😩
on that note, practicing yin yoga (which focuses on releasing stress from the hip area/psoas muscles) has greatly changed my reproductive system as a whole tbh, my sex drive changed, my relationship with my body changed (like even the way i walk changed bc my hips loosened up, which meant i walked more "freely" dont tell me its woowoo,, yk can just tell when someone's body is very "frozen" or "stiff" looking) and yesss my menstrual cycle was immensely affected by it.
i used to have HORRIBLE cramps, irregular cycles, HEAVY bleeding etc in my mid-late teens (this was because of trauma + eating disorder, in case u wanted to know) and now? my period is 3 days long, light bleeding, little to no pain and i attribute alllll of that to yoga<3
now i specifically like to do certain mudras and asanas (poses) which are supposed to help the female body specifically
and while this can help u when u are on your period, i suggest making it part of your lifestyle and living according to your monthly cycle's phases so that you can experience smoother periods. i dont think its realistic to do them if you're experiencing immense pain 😭
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Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
This pose is known for increasing blood flow to the pelvic region which helps enhance the health of your reproductive organs.
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2. Baddha konasana aka butterfly pose
helps the uterus<333
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3. balasana or child's pose
tbh this might actually help even if ur ON your period, lying down like this is soooo soothing and comforting. ppl overcomplicate yoga, when the reality is that holding your body in certain poses can emotionally feel very comforting/freeing/nourishing etc but then again im only familiar with yin yoga/restorative yoga (there are manyyyy different types of yoga)
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4. happy baby pose
as the name suggests this is how babies lay down and they seem happy for no reason,, i remember the first time i consciously did this pose and i was like???? this is yoga??? bc i would randomly do poses like these for no reason in bed (im sure we all do when we're bored) and if i intentionally do it?? its actually good for me??
again this pose helps with the hip muscles!!! the female body is always preparing for childbirth. regardless of whether or not you want to be a mom, taking care of your womb health and reproductive well being is CRUCIAL bc whether we like it or not we were designed this way and dont think of it as "preparing my body to bear children" just think of it as "preparing my body to be at its best" (the bearing kids is just a bonus) .. the state of your womb affects your whole being!!! its not a joke!!!
now here's some mudras:
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yoni mudra
yoni means womb and as u can see, this pose imitates the 🫣🫣 its a highly beneficial mudra for women and helps with overall pelvic health. you can do it sitting cross legged. i like to chant mantras and do this pose,, it kicks in quicker or smthng idk 😳but it feels ✨
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2. prana mudra
do this mudra on both hands btw!!
prana means life force
this mudra helps with overall immunity and pain management!!!
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3. prithvi mudra
prithvi means earth and this mudra helps balance the earth element in your energetic system which means its gives you strength, resilience and physical energy (in case u feel tired, fatigued etc for no reason) as those are the qualities of the earth
now for some pranayamas
Bhramari/ honeybee buzzing
this is my fav bc its so simple and easy to do!! and who doesn't want to buzz like a bee??? 🥰😍
2. anulom vilom
this is also a very simple pranayam for beginners
the whole idea is to get your body into a state of relaxation so that you dont operate from a place of stress or anxiety. you can just feel peaceful all the time. imagine being that unbothered!!
sorry for going off on a tangent (me with every post lmao) these are some beginner friendly yoga asanas/mudras/pranayamas (all of which are diff components of yoga) that u can try when u feel comfortable!!
NOW about alleviating pain ASAP:
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hot water bag
put that thing on ur stomach and lie down (after taking medicine) my mom used to do this all the time and it helped her a lot
2. roobois tea
i drink roobois tea almost everyday hehe but its said to help alleviate menstrual cramps 🤔and lower blood pressure,,
3. chamomile tea
is also said to help with period pain :o
4. look into your diet, sleep, overall lifestyle
you may not have had pain of this sort before but babe NOW UR A WOMAN ✨and u have to look at your lifestyle and ensure that its something that helps a woman's body feel rested and calm
being stressed all the time can take a physical toll on you and lead to all kinds of diseases later in life!! its in your best interest to RELAX
idk how much this helped 😭😭the most convenient thing to do would be to take medicine but u said u can't so :((( hot water bag + roobois tea???
ALSOOOO always wear socks during your period and keep your feet covered. i have sensitive feet so i wear socks at home often (this is uncommon in india, where we have a tropical climate lmao) BUT KEEP THOSE FEET COVERED,, there's some kind of science behind it but i dont remember it lmao,, all i know is that it makes me bleed less<333 and have more cozy periods and sleep better<33
ALSOOOO,, this could be an old wives tale but it worked for me (but im also delusional😍) eating dark chocolate and/or having a spoon of oil on day 1 of your period makes your period go smoothly?? 😭😭😭there's no harm in trying hehe
ALSOOO and ive never tried this but heating up like a tablespoon of oil and applying it to the bellybutton area 😳😳can help alleviate period pain 😳😳
lastly and most importantly, im just a girlblogger and NOT A MEDICAL EXPERT so pls dont put urself in an adverse position bc of something i said 😭😭😭
love always,
heaven ✨
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globalhoocart · 8 months
Discover Your Inner Yogi: 31 Essential Poses for Beginners to Practice at Home
Embarking on the path of yoga is a fantastic decision for numerous reasons.
Beyond the physical benefits of increased strength, flexibility, and balance, yoga serves as a powerful tool for stress reduction through specialized breathing techniques known as pranayama.
Yoga is diverse, offering various poses to cater to different needs.
Now, let's delve into the joy of yoga with a focus on 31 essential poses for beginners to practice at home. These foundational poses not only serve as a physical workout but also contribute to mental well-being.
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1. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): A classic yoga pose that can be tricky for beginners, emphasizing weight distribution and heel stretching.
2. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Equally important as Downward Facing Dog, it focuses on alignment, grounding, and spine lengthening.
3. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I): A standing pose emphasizing forward-facing hips, crucial for building strength.
4. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): Similar to Warrior I but with hips facing the side, promoting openness and strength.
5. Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parvakonasana): Involving a modification for beginners, it offers a gentle stretch with forearm support.
6. Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana): Another essential pose, engaging leg strength and enhancing flexibility in multiple areas.
7. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana): An easy pose for beginners, promoting spine flexibility and relaxation.
8. Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana): Combining a stance similar to Warrior I with a gentle side bend or backbend.
9. Garland Pose (Malasana): A squatting pose that stretches muscles around the pelvis, beneficial for hip flexibility.
10. Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana): Also known as Flat-Back Forward Bend, it contributes to improving overall body awareness.
11. Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana): A standing forward bend made more accessible for beginners with the use of yoga blocks.
12. Raised Hands Pose (Urdhva Hastasana): Starting from Mountain pose, it offers a full-body stretch, ideal for beginning your practice.
13. Low Lunge: A standing pose emphasizing proper alignment for a beneficial stretch, with modification options for support.
14. Tree Pose (Vrksasana): An excellent introduction to balancing postures, encouraging stability and mindfulness.
15. Downward Facing Dog Split: A basic yoga pose for beginners focusing on core strength and balance.
16. Plank Pose: Not just a balancing pose but a fundamental exercise for building core strength and stability.
17. Cat-Cow Stretch (Chakravakasana): A gentle backbend sequence enhancing body awareness, especially beneficial for beginners or those with back pain.
18. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): A gentle backbend for beginners, enhancing spine extension and countering the effects of prolonged sitting.
19. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): A fundamental backbend that strengthens back muscles and promotes flexibility.
20. Knees, Chest, and Chin (Ashtanga Namaskara): An essential part of the sun salutation series, serving as an alternative to Chaturanga Dandasana.
21. Staff Pose (Dandasana): A seated version of Mountain pose, offering alignment guidance for various seated poses.
22. Cobbler's Pose (Baddha Konasana): A comfortable stretch for inner thighs, often using props for support.
23. Easy Pose (Sukhasana): A cross-legged sit made more comfortable with props, promoting flexibility and undoing the effects of prolonged chair sitting.
24. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana): A seated twist benefiting spinal mobility and aiding digestion.
25. Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana): Easier than traditional forward bends, offering a gentle stretch one leg at a time.
26. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana): A fantastic hamstring stretch targeting the entire back of the body.
27. Seated Wide Angle Straddle (Upavistha Konasana): A wide-legged forward bend providing a unique stretch and focusing on proper form.
28. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana): Balancing effort and ease, this delightful pose offers a gentle stretch for the back, hips, thighs, and ankles.
29. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana): A passive twist promoting flexibility, relaxation, and a sense of completion to your practice.
30. Child's Pose (Balasana): A resting pose that allows you to take a break whenever needed, promoting a gentle stretch and relaxation.
31. Corpse Pose (Savasana): A serene conclusion to your session, allowing a smooth transition from the yoga mat to the rest of your day.
In conclusion, these 31 basic yoga poses for beginners at home offer a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the joy of yoga. Remember, yoga is for everyone, and the journey is as important as the destination. Enjoy the practice, embrace self-awareness, and savor the harmonious blend of effort and relaxation that yoga brings to your life.
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fromthemoonseyes · 11 months
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self portrait in baddha konasana.
ig: @fromthemoonseyes
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artofliving1 · 2 years
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Konasana - Angle Pose  Stand straight with one feet distance apart and arms alongside the body. Breathe in and raise the left arm so that the fingers point towards the sky. Breathe out and bend to the right, first from the spine, and then move your pelvis to the left. Bend a little more. Keep your left arm pointing up. Turn your head to look up at the left palm. Straighten the elbows
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yogadaily · 8 months
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(via A Gentle Yoga Sequence That Anyone Can Do - YOGA PRACTICE  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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csefra · 1 year
Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend | Upavistha Konasana
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
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Femural Differences & Variations in Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose / Seated Hip Opener): From "The Science of Yoga: The Anatomy and Physiology to Perfect Your Practice"
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